# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # Main repository logic. # # This file is part of Hydrilla # # Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use of this # code in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in # court. # Enable using with Python 3.7. from __future__ import annotations import re import os import json import typing as t from pathlib import Path import click import flask import werkzeug from ..exceptions import HaketiloException from .. import _version from ..translations import smart_gettext as _, translation as make_translation from .. import versions from .. import item_infos from . import config from . import malcontent generated_by = { 'name': 'hydrilla.server', 'version': _version.version } bp = flask.Blueprint('bp', __package__) class HydrillaApp(flask.Flask): """Flask app that implements a Hydrilla server.""" def __init__(self, hydrilla_config: dict, flask_config: dict={}): """Create the Flask instance according to the configuration""" super().__init__(__package__, static_url_path='/', static_folder=hydrilla_config['malcontent_dir']) self.config.update(flask_config) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9449101/how-to-stop-flask-from-initialising-twice-in-debug-mode if self.debug and os.environ.get('WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN') != 'true': return self.jinja_options = { **self.jinja_options, 'extensions': [ *self.jinja_options.get('extensions', []), 'jinja2.ext.i18n' ] } self._hydrilla_port = hydrilla_config['port'] self._hydrilla_werror = hydrilla_config.get('werror', False) verify_files = hydrilla_config.get('verify_files', True) if 'hydrilla_parent' in hydrilla_config: raise HaketiloException(_('err.server.opt_hydrilla_parent_not_implemented')) malcontent_dir_path = Path(hydrilla_config['malcontent_dir']).resolve() self._hydrilla_malcontent = malcontent.Malcontent( malcontent_dir_path = malcontent_dir_path, werror = self._hydrilla_werror, verify_files = verify_files ) self.jinja_env.install_gettext_translations(make_translation()) self.jinja_env.globals['hydrilla_project_url'] = \ hydrilla_config['hydrilla_project_url'] self.register_blueprint(bp) def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Flask's run() but tweaked to use the port from hydrilla configuration by default. """ return super().run(*args, port=self._hydrilla_port, **kwargs) def get_malcontent() -> malcontent.Malcontent: return t.cast(HydrillaApp, flask.current_app)._hydrilla_malcontent @bp.route('/') def index(): return flask.render_template('index.html') identifier_json_re = re.compile(r'^([-0-9a-z.]+)\.json$') def get_resource_or_mapping(item_type: str, identifier: str) \ -> werkzeug.Response: """ Strip '.json' from 'identifier', look the item up and send its JSON description. """ match = identifier_json_re.match(identifier) if not match: flask.abort(404) identifier = match.group(1) infos: t.Mapping[str, item_infos.VersionedItemInfo] if item_type == 'resource': infos = get_malcontent().resource_infos else: infos = get_malcontent().mapping_infos versioned_info = infos.get(identifier) if versioned_info is None: flask.abort(404) info = versioned_info.newest_info # no need for send_from_directory(); path is safe, constructed by us info_path = f'{info.identifier}/{versions.version_string(info.version)}' file_path = get_malcontent().malcontent_dir_path / item_type / info_path if flask.__version__[0:2] in ('0.', '1.'): caching_args = {'add_etags': False, 'cache_timeout': 0} else: caching_args = {'etag': False} return flask.send_file( str(file_path), mimetype = 'application/json', conditional = False, **caching_args # type: ignore ) @bp.route('/mapping/') def get_newest_mapping(identifier_dot_json: str) -> werkzeug.Response: return get_resource_or_mapping('mapping', identifier_dot_json) @bp.route('/resource/') def get_newest_resource(identifier_dot_json: str) -> werkzeug.Response: return get_resource_or_mapping('resource', identifier_dot_json) def make_ref(info: item_infos.AnyInfo) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: ref: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = { 'version': info.version, 'identifier': info.identifier, 'long_name': info.long_name } if isinstance(info, item_infos.ResourceInfo): ref['revision'] = info.revision return ref @bp.route('/query') def query(): url = flask.request.args['url'] mapping_refs = [make_ref(info) for info in get_malcontent().query(url)] result = { '$schema': 'https://hydrilla.koszko.org/schemas/api_query_result-1.schema.json', 'mappings': mapping_refs, 'generated_by': generated_by } return werkzeug.Response(json.dumps(result), mimetype='application/json') @bp.route('/list_all') def list_all_packages(): malcontent = get_malcontent() resource_refs = [make_ref(info) for info in malcontent.get_all_resources()] mapping_refs = [make_ref(info) for info in malcontent.get_all_mappings()] result = { '$schema': 'https://hydrilla.koszko.org/schemas/api_package_list-2.schema.json', 'resources': resource_refs, 'mappings': mapping_refs, 'generated_by': generated_by } return werkzeug.Response(json.dumps(result), mimetype='application/json') @bp.route('/--help') def mm_help(): return start.get_help(click.Context(start_wsgi)) + '\n' @bp.route('/--version') def mm_version(): prog_info = {'prog': 'Hydrilla', 'version': _version.version} return _('%(prog)s_%(version)s_license') % prog_info + '\n' default_config_path = Path('/etc/hydrilla/config.json') default_malcontent_dir = '/var/lib/hydrilla/malcontent' default_project_url = 'https://hydrillabugs.koszko.org/projects/hydrilla/wiki' @click.command(help=_('serve_hydrilla_packages_explain_wsgi_considerations')) @click.option('-m', '--malcontent-dir', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False), help=_('directory_to_serve_from_overrides_config')) @click.option('-h', '--hydrilla-project-url', type=click.STRING, help=_('project_url_to_display_overrides_config')) @click.option('-p', '--port', type=click.INT, help=_('tcp_port_to_listen_on_overrides_config')) @click.option('-c', '--config', 'config_path', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, resolve_path=True), help=_('path_to_config_file_explain_default')) @click.version_option(version=_version.version, prog_name='Hydrilla', message=_('%(prog)s_%(version)s_license'), help=_('version_printing')) def start( malcontent_dir: t.Optional[str], hydrilla_project_url: t.Optional[str], port: t.Optional[int], config_path: t.Optional[str] ) -> None: """ Run a development Hydrilla server. This command is meant to be the entry point of hydrilla command exported by this package. """ if config_path is None: hydrilla_config = config.load() else: hydrilla_config = config.load(config_paths=[Path(config_path)]) if malcontent_dir is not None: hydrilla_config['malcontent_dir'] = str(Path(malcontent_dir).resolve()) if hydrilla_project_url is not None: hydrilla_config['hydrilla_project_url'] = hydrilla_project_url if port is not None: hydrilla_config['port'] = port for opt in ('malcontent_dir', 'hydrilla_project_url', 'port'): if opt not in hydrilla_config: raise ValueError(_('config_option_{}_not_supplied').format(opt)) HydrillaApp(hydrilla_config).run() @click.command(help=_('serve_hydrilla_packages_wsgi_help'), context_settings={ 'ignore_unknown_options': True, 'allow_extra_args': True }) @click.version_option(version=_version.version, prog_name='Hydrilla', message=_('%(prog)s_%(version)s_license'), help=_('version_printing')) def start_wsgi() -> flask.Flask: """ Create application object for use in WSGI deployment. This command Also handles --help and --version options in case it gets called outside WSGI environment. """ return HydrillaApp(click.get_current_context().obj or config.load())