# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Proxy web UI root. # # This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo. # # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use of this # code in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in # court. """ This module instantiated Flask apps responsible for the web UI and facilitates conversion of Flask response objects to the ResponseInfo type used by other Haketilo code. In addition, the Haketilo root/settings page and landing page also have their handlers defined here. """ import re import dataclasses as dc import typing as t from threading import Lock from urllib.parse import urlparse import jinja2 import flask import werkzeug from ... import translations from ... import versions from ... import item_infos from ... import common_jinja_templates from .. import state as st from .. import http_messages from .. import self_doc from . import rules from . import repos from . import items from . import items_import from . import prompts from . import _app def choose_locale() -> None: app = t.cast(WebUIAppImpl, flask.current_app) user_chosen_locale = get_settings().locale if user_chosen_locale not in translations.supported_locales: user_chosen_locale = None if user_chosen_locale is None: best_locale_match = flask.request.accept_languages.best_match( translations.supported_locales, default = translations.default_locale ) if best_locale_match is None: app._haketilo_request_locale = translations.default_locale else: app._haketilo_request_locale = best_locale_match else: app._haketilo_request_locale = user_chosen_locale trans = translations.translation(app._haketilo_request_locale) app.jinja_env.install_gettext_translations(trans) def authenticate_by_referrer() -> t.Optional[werkzeug.Response]: if flask.request.method == 'GET': return None parsed_url = urlparse(flask.request.referrer) if parsed_url.netloc == 'hkt.mitm.it': return None flask.abort(403) def get_current_endpoint() -> str: endpoint = flask.request.endpoint assert endpoint is not None return endpoint def get_settings() -> st.HaketiloGlobalSettings: return _app.get_haketilo_state().get_settings() @dc.dataclass(init=False) class WebUIAppImpl(_app.WebUIApp): # Flask app is not thread-safe and has to be accompanied by an ugly lock. # This can cause slow requests to block other requests, so we might need a # better workaround at some later point. _haketilo_app_lock: Lock _haketilo_blueprints: t.ClassVar[t.Sequence[flask.Blueprint]] _haketilo_ui_domain: t.ClassVar[_app.UIDomain] _haketilo_request_locale: str def __init__(self): super().__init__(__name__) self._haketilo_app_lock = Lock() loaders = [jinja2.PackageLoader(__package__), self_doc.loader] combined_loader = common_jinja_templates.combine_with_loaders(loaders) self.jinja_options = { **self.jinja_options, 'loader': combined_loader, 'autoescape': jinja2.select_autoescape(['.jinja']), 'lstrip_blocks': True, 'extensions': [ *self.jinja_options.get('extensions', []), 'jinja2.ext.i18n', 'jinja2.ext.do' ] } self.jinja_env.globals['get_current_endpoint'] = get_current_endpoint self.jinja_env.globals['get_settings'] = get_settings self.jinja_env.globals['EnabledStatus'] = st.EnabledStatus self.jinja_env.globals['FrozenStatus'] = st.FrozenStatus self.jinja_env.globals['InstalledStatus'] = st.InstalledStatus self.jinja_env.globals['ActiveStatus'] = st.ActiveStatus self.jinja_env.globals['ItemType'] = item_infos.ItemType self.jinja_env.globals['MappingUseMode'] = st.MappingUseMode self.jinja_env.globals['versions'] = versions self.jinja_env.globals['doc_base_filename'] = 'doc_base.html.jinja' self.before_request(authenticate_by_referrer) self.before_request(choose_locale) for bp in self._haketilo_blueprints: self.register_blueprint(bp) home_bp = flask.Blueprint('home', __package__) @home_bp.route('/', methods=['GET']) def home(errors: t.Mapping[str, bool] = {}) -> werkzeug.Response: state = _app.get_haketilo_state() html = flask.render_template( 'index.html.jinja', orphan_item_stats = state.count_orphan_items(), **errors ) return flask.make_response(html, 200) popup_toggle_action_re = re.compile( r'^popup_(yes|no)_when_(jsallowed|jsblocked|payloadon)$' ) @home_bp.route('/', methods=['POST']) def home_post() -> werkzeug.Response: action = flask.request.form['action'] state = _app.get_haketilo_state() if action == 'set_lang': new_locale = flask.request.form['locale'] assert new_locale in translations.supported_locales state.update_settings(locale=new_locale) elif action == 'use_enabled': state.update_settings(mapping_use_mode=st.MappingUseMode.WHEN_ENABLED) elif action == 'use_auto': state.update_settings(mapping_use_mode=st.MappingUseMode.AUTO) elif action == 'use_question': state.update_settings(mapping_use_mode=st.MappingUseMode.QUESTION) elif action == 'allow_scripts': state.update_settings(default_allow_scripts=True) elif action == 'block_scripts': state.update_settings(default_allow_scripts=False) elif action == 'user_make_advanced': state.update_settings(advanced_user=True) elif action == 'user_make_simple': state.update_settings(advanced_user=False) elif action == 'upate_all_items': try: state.upate_all_items() except st.FileInstallationError: return home({'file_installation_error': True}) except st.ImpossibleSituation: return home({'impossible_situation_error': True}) elif action == 'prune_orphans': state.prune_orphan_items() else: match = popup_toggle_action_re.match(action) if match is None: raise ValueError() popup_enable = match.group(1) == 'yes' page_type = match.group(2) settings_prop = f'default_popup_{page_type}' old_settings = getattr(state.get_settings(), settings_prop) new_settings = dc.replace(old_settings, keyboard_trigger=popup_enable) state.update_settings(default_popup_settings={page_type: new_settings}) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('.home'), 303) @home_bp.route('/doc/', methods=['GET']) def home_doc(page: str) -> str: if page not in self_doc.page_names: flask.abort(404) locale = t.cast(WebUIAppImpl, flask.current_app)._haketilo_request_locale if locale not in self_doc.available_locales: locale = translations.default_locale return flask.render_template( f'{locale}/{page}.html.jinja', doc_output = 'html_hkt_mitm_it' ) blueprints_main = \ (rules.bp, repos.bp, items.bp, items_import.bp, prompts.bp, home_bp) @dc.dataclass(init=False) class AppMain(WebUIAppImpl): _haketilo_blueprints = blueprints_main _haketilo_ui_domain = _app.UIDomain.MAIN landing_bp = flask.Blueprint('landing_page', __package__) @landing_bp.route('/', methods=['GET']) def landing(errors: t.Mapping[str, bool] = {}) -> werkzeug.Response: state = _app.get_haketilo_state() html = flask.render_template( 'landing.html.jinja', listen_host = state.listen_host, listen_port = state.listen_port ) return flask.make_response(html, 200) @dc.dataclass(init=False) class AppLandingPage(WebUIAppImpl): _haketilo_blueprints = (landing_bp,) _haketilo_ui_domain = _app.UIDomain.LANDING_PAGE apps_seq = [AppMain(), AppLandingPage()] apps = dict((app._haketilo_ui_domain, app) for app in apps_seq) def process_request( request_info: http_messages.RequestInfo, state: st.HaketiloState, ui_domain: _app.UIDomain = _app.UIDomain.MAIN ) -> http_messages.ResponseInfo: path = '/'.join(('', *request_info.url.path_segments)) if (request_info.url.has_trailing_slash): path += '/' app = apps[ui_domain] with app._haketilo_app_lock: app._haketilo_state = state flask_response = app.test_client().open( path = path, base_url = request_info.url.url_without_path, method = request_info.method, query_string = request_info.url.query, headers = [*request_info.headers.items()], data = request_info.body ) headers_bytes = [ (key.encode(), val.encode()) for key, val in flask_response.headers ] return http_messages.ResponseInfo.make( status_code = flask_response.status_code, headers = headers_bytes, body = flask_response.data )