# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Proxy web UI pages that may be shown to the user without manual navigation to # Haketilo meta-site. # # This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo. # # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use this code # in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court. # Enable using with Python 3.7. from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from urllib.parse import urlencode from itsdangerous.url_safe import URLSafeSerializer import flask import werkzeug from .. import state as st from . import _app bp = flask.Blueprint('prompts', __package__) def deserialized_request_details(salt: str) -> t.Mapping[str, str]: serializer = URLSafeSerializer( _app.get_haketilo_state().get_secret(), salt = salt ) return serializer.loads(flask.request.args['details']) @bp.route('/auto_install_error', methods=['GET']) def auto_install_error_prompt(errors: t.Mapping[str, bool] = {}) \ -> werkzeug.Response: try: details = deserialized_request_details('auto_install_error') except: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('home')) try: payload_store = _app.get_haketilo_state().payload_store() payload_ref = payload_store.get(details['payload_id']) display_info = payload_ref.get_display_info() if not display_info.has_problems: return flask.redirect(details['next_url']) html = flask.render_template( 'prompts/auto_install_error.html.jinja', display_info = display_info, **errors ) return flask.make_response(html, 200) except st.MissingItemError: flask.abort(404) @bp.route('/auto_install_error', methods=['POST']) def auto_install_error_prompt_post() -> werkzeug.Response: try: details = deserialized_request_details('auto_install_error') except: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('home'), code=303) form_data = flask.request.form action = form_data['action'] mapping_ver_id = str(int(form_data['mapping_ver_id'])) payload_id = str(int(details['payload_id'])) state = _app.get_haketilo_state() try: mapping_ver_store = state.mapping_version_store() mapping_ver_ref = mapping_ver_store.get(mapping_ver_id) payload_store = _app.get_haketilo_state().payload_store() payload_ref = payload_store.get(payload_id) if action == 'disable_mapping': mapping_ver_ref.update_mapping_status(st.EnabledStatus.DISABLED) elif action == 'retry_install': payload_ref.ensure_items_installed() else: raise ValueError() except st.RepoCommunicationError: assert action == 'retry_install' return auto_install_error_prompt({'repo_communication_error': True}) except st.FileInstallationError: assert action == 'retry_install' return auto_install_error_prompt({'file_installation_error': True}) except st.MissingItemError: flask.abort(404) return flask.redirect(details['next_url']) @bp.route('/package_suggestion', methods=['GET']) def package_suggestion_prompt(errors: t.Mapping[str, bool] = {}) \ -> werkzeug.Response: try: details = deserialized_request_details('package_suggestion') except: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('home')) try: payload_store = _app.get_haketilo_state().payload_store() payload_ref = payload_store.get(details['payload_id']) display_info = payload_ref.get_display_info() if display_info.mapping_info.active != st.ActiveStatus.AUTO: return flask.redirect(details['next_url']) html = flask.render_template( 'prompts/package_suggestion.html.jinja', display_info = display_info, **errors ) return flask.make_response(html, 200) except st.MissingItemError: flask.abort(404) @bp.route('/package_suggestion', methods=['POST']) def package_suggestion_prompt_post() -> werkzeug.Response: try: details = deserialized_request_details('package_suggestion') except: return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('home')) form_data = flask.request.form action = form_data['action'] mapping_ver_id = str(int(form_data['mapping_ver_id'])) state = _app.get_haketilo_state() try: mapping_ver_store = state.mapping_version_store() mapping_ver_ref = mapping_ver_store.get(mapping_ver_id) if action == 'disable_mapping': mapping_ver_ref.update_mapping_status(st.EnabledStatus.DISABLED) elif action == 'enable_mapping': mapping_ver_ref.update_mapping_status( enabled = st.EnabledStatus.ENABLED, frozen = st.FrozenStatus.EXACT_VERSION ) else: raise ValueError() except st.RepoCommunicationError: assert action == 'enable_mapping' return package_suggestion_prompt({'repo_communication_error': True}) except st.FileInstallationError: assert action == 'enable_mapping' return package_suggestion_prompt({'file_installation_error': True}) except st.MissingItemError: flask.abort(404) return flask.redirect(details['next_url'])