# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Haketilo proxy data and configuration (update of dependency tree in the db). # # This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo. # # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use this code # in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court. """ .... """ # Enable using with Python 3.7. from __future__ import annotations import sqlite3 import typing as t from .... import item_infos from ... import simple_dependency_satisfying as sds from .. import base from .pull_missing_files import pull_missing_files, FileResolver, \ DummyFileResolver AnyInfoVar = t.TypeVar( 'AnyInfoVar', item_infos.ResourceInfo, item_infos.MappingInfo ) def _get_infos_of_type(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, info_type: t.Type[AnyInfoVar],) \ -> t.Mapping[int, AnyInfoVar]: join_mapping_statuses = 'JOIN mapping_statuses AS ms USING (item_id)' condition = "i.type = 'M' AND ms.enabled != 'D'" if info_type is item_infos.ResourceInfo: join_mapping_statuses = '' condition = "i.type = 'R'" cursor.execute( f''' SELECT ive.item_version_id, ive.definition, ive.repo, ive.repo_iteration FROM item_versions_extra AS ive JOIN items AS i USING (item_id) {join_mapping_statuses} WHERE {condition}; ''' ) result: dict[int, AnyInfoVar] = {} for item_version_id, definition, repo_name, repo_iteration \ in cursor.fetchall(): info = info_type.load(definition, repo_name, repo_iteration) result[item_version_id] = info return result def _get_current_required_state( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, unlocked_required_mappings: t.Sequence[int] ) -> tuple[list[sds.MappingRequirement], list[sds.ResourceVersionRequirement]]: # For mappings explicitly enabled by the user (+ all mappings they # recursively depend on) let's make sure that their exact same versions will # be enabled after the change. Make exception for mappings specified by the # caller. # The mappings to make exception for are passed by their item_id's. First, # we compute a set of their corresponding item_version_id's. with base.temporary_ids_tables( cursor = cursor, tables = [ ('__work_ids_0', unlocked_required_mappings), ('__work_ids_1', []), ('__unlocked_ids', []) ] ): cursor.execute( ''' INSERT INTO __work_ids_1 SELECT item_version_id FROM item_versions WHERE item_id IN __work_ids_0; ''' ) # Recursively update the our unlocked ids collection with all mapping # version ids that are required by mapping versions already referenced # there. work_tab = '__work_ids_1' next_tab = '__work_ids_0' while True: cursor.execute(f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {work_tab};') (count,), = cursor.fetchall() if count == 0: break cursor.execute(f'DELETE FROM {next_tab};') cursor.execute( f''' INSERT INTO {next_tab} SELECT item_version_id FROM item_versions AS iv JOIN items AS i USING (item_id) JOIN mapping_statuses AS ms USING (item_id) JOIN resolved_required_mappings AS rrm ON iv.item_version_id = rrm.required_mapping_id WHERE ms.enabled != 'E' AND rrm.requiring_mapping_id IN {work_tab} AND rrm.requiring_mapping_id NOT IN __unlocked_ids; ''' ) cursor.execute( f''' INSERT OR IGNORE INTO __unlocked_ids SELECT id FROM {work_tab}; ''' ) work_tab, next_tab = next_tab, work_tab # Describe all required mappings using requirement objects. cursor.execute( ''' SELECT ive.definition, ive.repo, ive.repo_iteration FROM item_versions_extra AS ive JOIN items AS i USING (item_id) WHERE i.type = 'M' AND ive.item_version_id NOT IN __unlocked_ids AND ive.active = 'R'; ''', ) rows = cursor.fetchall() mapping_requirements: list[sds.MappingRequirement] = [] for definition, repo, iteration in rows: mapping_info = \ item_infos.MappingInfo.load(definition, repo, iteration) mapping_req = sds.MappingVersionRequirement( identifier = mapping_info.identifier, version_info = mapping_info ) mapping_requirements.append(mapping_req) # Describe all required resources using requirement objects. cursor.execute( ''' SELECT i_m.identifier, ive_r.definition, ive_r.repo, ive_r.repo_iteration FROM resolved_depended_resources AS rdd JOIN item_versions_extra AS ive_r ON rdd.resource_item_id = ive_r.item_version_id JOIN payloads AS p USING (payload_id) JOIN item_versions AS iv_m ON p.mapping_item_id = iv_m.item_version_id JOIN items AS i_m ON iv_m.item_id = i_m.item_id WHERE iv_m.item_version_id NOT IN __unlocked_ids AND iv_m.active = 'R'; ''', ) rows = cursor.fetchall() resource_requirements: list[sds.ResourceVersionRequirement] = [] for mapping_identifier, definition, repo, iteration in rows: resource_info = \ item_infos.ResourceInfo.load(definition, repo, iteration) resource_req = sds.ResourceVersionRequirement( mapping_identifier = mapping_identifier, version_info = resource_info ) resource_requirements.append(resource_req) return (mapping_requirements, resource_requirements) def _mark_version_installed(cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, version_id: int) -> None: cursor.execute( ''' UPDATE item_versions SET installed = 'I' WHERE item_version_id = ?; ''', (version_id,) ) def _recompute_dependencies_no_state_update_no_pull_files( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, unlocked_required_mappings: base.NoLockArg = [], ) -> None: cursor.execute('DELETE FROM payloads;') ids_to_resources = _get_infos_of_type(cursor, item_infos.ResourceInfo) ids_to_mappings = _get_infos_of_type(cursor, item_infos.MappingInfo) resources_to_ids = dict((info, id) for id, info in ids_to_resources.items()) mappings_to_ids = dict((info, id) for id, info in ids_to_mappings.items()) if unlocked_required_mappings != 'all_mappings_unlocked': mapping_reqs, resource_reqs = _get_current_required_state( cursor = cursor, unlocked_required_mappings = unlocked_required_mappings ) else: mapping_reqs, resource_reqs = [], [] cursor.execute( ''' SELECT i.identifier FROM mapping_statuses AS ms JOIN items AS i USING(item_id) WHERE ms.enabled = 'E' AND ms.frozen = 'N'; ''' ) for mapping_identifier, in cursor.fetchall(): mapping_reqs.append(sds.MappingRequirement(mapping_identifier)) cursor.execute( ''' SELECT active_version_id, frozen FROM mapping_statuses WHERE enabled = 'E' AND frozen IN ('R', 'E'); ''' ) for active_version_id, frozen in cursor.fetchall(): info = ids_to_mappings[active_version_id] requirement: sds.MappingRequirement if frozen == 'R': requirement = sds.MappingRepoRequirement(info.identifier, info.repo) else: requirement = sds.MappingVersionRequirement(info.identifier, info) mapping_reqs.append(requirement) mapping_choices = sds.compute_payloads( resources = ids_to_resources.values(), mappings = ids_to_mappings.values(), mapping_requirements = mapping_reqs, resource_requirements = resource_reqs ) cursor.execute( ''' UPDATE mapping_statuses SET active_version_id = NULL WHERE enabled != 'E'; ''' ) cursor.execute("UPDATE item_versions SET active = 'N';") cursor.execute('DELETE FROM payloads;') cursor.execute('DELETE FROM resolved_required_mappings;') for choice in mapping_choices.values(): mapping_ver_id = mappings_to_ids[choice.info] if choice.required: _mark_version_installed(cursor, mapping_ver_id) cursor.execute( ''' SELECT item_id FROM item_versions WHERE item_version_id = ?; ''', (mapping_ver_id,) ) (mapping_item_id,), = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute( ''' UPDATE mapping_statuses SET active_version_id = ? WHERE item_id = ?; ''', (mapping_ver_id, mapping_item_id) ) cursor.execute( ''' UPDATE item_versions SET active = ? WHERE item_version_id = ?; ''', ('R' if choice.required else 'A', mapping_ver_id) ) for depended_mapping_info in choice.mapping_dependencies: cursor.execute( ''' INSERT INTO resolved_required_mappings( requiring_mapping_id, required_mapping_id ) VALUES (?, ?); ''', (mapping_ver_id, mappings_to_ids[depended_mapping_info]) ) for num, (pattern, payload) in enumerate(choice.payloads.items()): cursor.execute( ''' INSERT INTO payloads( mapping_item_id, pattern, eval_allowed, cors_bypass_allowed ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?); ''', ( mapping_ver_id, pattern.orig_url, payload.allows_eval, payload.allows_cors_bypass ) ) cursor.execute( ''' SELECT payload_id FROM payloads WHERE mapping_item_id = ? AND pattern = ?; ''', (mapping_ver_id, pattern.orig_url) ) (payload_id,), = cursor.fetchall() for res_num, resource_info in enumerate(payload.resources): resource_ver_id = resources_to_ids[resource_info] if choice.required: _mark_version_installed(cursor, resource_ver_id) cursor.execute( ''' INSERT INTO resolved_depended_resources( payload_id, resource_item_id, idx ) VALUES(?, ?, ?); ''', (payload_id, resource_ver_id, res_num) ) new_status = 'R' if choice.required else 'A' cursor.execute( ''' UPDATE item_versions SET active = ( CASE WHEN active = 'R' OR ? = 'R' THEN 'R' WHEN active = 'A' OR ? = 'A' THEN 'A' ELSE 'N' END ) WHERE item_version_id = ?; ''', (new_status, new_status, resource_ver_id) ) def _recompute_dependencies_no_state_update( cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, unlocked_required_mappings: base.NoLockArg = [], semirepo_file_resolver: FileResolver = DummyFileResolver() ) -> None: _recompute_dependencies_no_state_update_no_pull_files( cursor = cursor, unlocked_required_mappings = unlocked_required_mappings ) pull_missing_files(cursor, semirepo_file_resolver)