SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0
Documentation page describing the concept of packages in Haketilo.
This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo.
Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior
Dual licensed under
* GNU General Public License v3.0 or later and
* Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International.
You can choose to use either of these licenses or both.
I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this
file's licenses. Although I request that you do not make use of this
code in a proprietary work, I am not going to enforce this in court.
{% extends "doc_base.html.jinja" %}
{% block title %} Packages {% endblock %}
{% block main %}
{{ big_heading('Packages in Haketilo') }}
{% call section() %}
{% call paragraph() %}
Users can modify web pages by creating, installing and enabling
A package associates {{ doc_page_link('URL patterns', 'url_patterns') }}
with payloads (i.e. sets of scripts) that can be injected to pages.
For instance, if an enabled package associates pattern
with a script that adds a big
"Hello world!" text to the page, this package shall cause "Hello world!"
to appear on pages under example.com
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call section() %}
{{ medium_heading('Packages and libraries') }}
{% call paragraph() %}
To make mapping custom JavaScript applications and their dependencies to
web pages more manageable, Haketilo defines its own concept of "packages"
and "libraries".
{% endcall %}
{% call unordered_list() %}
{% call list_entry() %}
package - Also called mapping.
It associates URL patterns with libraries.
{% endcall %}
{% call list_entry() %}
library - Sometimes also referred to as
Defines a set of scripts that can be injected together into a page.
It can also name other libraries as its dependencies.
When injecting scripts of a given library into some page, Haketilo will
first inject scripts of all libraries depended on.
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
It's ultimately a package that provides concrete functionality to the end
user and that can be enabled or disabled.
For this reason, a casual user does not even need to be aware of the
existence of libraries.
Haketilo UI advanced interface features need to be enabled on the
{{ hkt_link('settings page', 'home.home') }} for installed libraries to be
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call section() %}
{{ medium_heading('Installing') }}
{% call paragraph() %}
Useful packages prepared by others can be installed from Hydrilla
repositories. The repositories can be configured
{{ hkt_link('through Haketilo user interface', 'repos.repos') }} as
described on
{{ doc_page_link('the relevant documentation page', 'repositories') }}.
As of Haketilo 3.0-beta1 they need to be manually "refreshed" for new
packages from them to be shown in Haketilo.
Available packages viewable on the
{{ hkt_link('packages listing page', 'items.packages') }} are not
immediately installed.
This only happens after they are explicitly enabled or automatically
enabled (if the user configured Haketilo to do this).
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
For convenience, users can also create simple packages
{{ hkt_link('directly in Haketilo UI', 'import.items_import') }}.
A simple form can be used to quickly define a standalone script payload
for a set of URL patterns. As of Haketilo 3.0 only simple (i.e.
single-library) payloads can be created this way.
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
It is also possible to import packages from files.
For this, a directory of serveable mappings and reasources - as produced
by Hydrilla builder and used by Hydrilla server - has to be put into a ZIP
It can then be uploaded to Haketilo via its
{{ hkt_link('import page', 'import.items_import') }}.
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call section() %}
{{ medium_heading('Uninstalling') }}
{% call paragraph() %}
Haketilo tracks dependencies between packages and libraries and
automatically determines which of them are no longer needed.
These are called orphans and if present, can be
removed from the {{ hkt_link('settings page', 'home.home') }}.
A version of package or library that is not being used but is still
available from an active repository is not considered an orphan. It
automatically becomes one when the repository either stops advertising it
as available or gets removed by the user from
{{ hkt_link('the repositories list', 'repos.repos') }}.
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
When advanced UI features are enabled, it is additionally possible to
manually uninstall any single package that is not in use at a given
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call section() %}
{{ medium_heading('Package contents') }}
{% call paragraph() %}
Each package has an identifier (built from a
restricted set of characters), a long name, a
description, a version
and almost always a list of license files and a
set of URL patterns mapped to libraries.
In addition there might also be other pieces of information such as
required permissions.
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call section() %}
{{ medium_heading('Enabling/disabling') }}
{% call paragraph() %}
The user can put package in any of 3 possible states.
It can be either enabled,
disabled or
not configured.
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
An enabled package always has its payloads injected on pages matched by
their patterns (unless some more specific pattern takes precedence on the
given page as described on the
{{ doc_page_link('policy selection page', 'policy_selection') }}).
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
A disabled package is always ignored.
It has to be manually re-enabled for Haketilo to take it into account
{% endcall %}
{% call paragraph() %}
Finally, a package that is neither explicitly enabled nor disabled can be
treated differently depending on user's choice on the
{{ hkt_link('settings page', 'home.home') }}.
It is possible to have Haketilo
{% endcall %}
{% call unordered_list() %}
{% call list_entry() %}
automatically inject such packages' payloads on mathing pages,
{% endcall %}
{% call list_entry() %}
prompt the user on matching pages asking whether the package should be
enabled or
{% endcall %}
{% call list_entry() %}
completely ignore non-configured packages.
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% call section() %}
{{ medium_heading('Handling multiple versions') }}
{% call paragraph() %}
It is possible to have many versions of the same package or library
When this is the case, Haketilo by default uses the newest versions it
Additionally, if certain package is enabled, its page also allows the user
to configure its pinning.
A package can be
{% endcall %}
{% call unordered_list() %}
{% call list_entry() %}
pinned to use a particular version,
{% endcall %}
{% call list_entry() %}
pinned to use the best version from a particular
{{ doc_page_link('repository', 'repositories') }} or
{% endcall %}
{% call list_entry() %}
not pinned at all (best version overall is used).
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% endcall %}
{% endblock main %}