# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Policies for resolving HTTP requests with local resources. # # This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo. # # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use this code # in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court. """ ..... We make file resources available to HTTP clients by mapping them at: http(s):///// where is a per-session secret unique for every mapping. For example, a payload with pattern like the following: http*://***.example.com/a/b/** Could cause resources to be mapped (among others) at each of: https://example.com/a/b/**/Da2uiF2UGfg/ https://www.example.com/a/b/**/Da2uiF2UGfg/ http://gnome.vs.kde.example.com/a/b/**/Da2uiF2UGfg/ Unauthorized web pages running in the user's browser are exected to be unable to guess the secret. This way we stop them from spying on the user and from interfering with Haketilo's normal operation. This is only a soft prevention method. With some mechanisms (e.g. service workers), under certain scenarios, it might be possible to bypass it. Thus, to make the risk slightly smaller, we also block the unauthorized accesses that we can detect. Since a web page authorized to access the resources may only be served when the corresponding mapping is enabled (or AUTO mode is on), we consider accesses to non-enabled mappings' resources a security breach and block them by responding with 403 Not Found. """ # Enable using with Python 3.7. from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses as dc import typing as t from ...translations import smart_gettext as _ from .. import state from . import base from .payload import PayloadAwarePolicy, PayloadAwarePolicyFactory @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class PayloadResourcePolicy(PayloadAwarePolicy): """....""" process_request: t.ClassVar[bool] = True priority: t.ClassVar[base.PolicyPriority] = base.PolicyPriority._THREE def _make_file_resource_response(self, path: tuple[str, ...]) \ -> base.ProducedResponse: """....""" try: file_data = self.payload_data.payload_ref.get_file_data( self.haketilo_state, path ) except state.MissingItemError: return resource_blocked_response if file_data is None: return base.ProducedResponse( 404, [(b'Content-Type', b'text/plain; charset=utf-8')], _('api.file_not_found').encode() ) return base.ProducedResponse( 200, ((b'Content-Type', file_data.type.encode()),), file_data.contents ) def consume_request(self, request_info: base.RequestInfo) \ -> base.ProducedResponse: """....""" # Payload resource pattern has path of the form: # "/some/arbitrary/segments//***" # # Corresponding requests shall have path of the form: # "/some/arbitrary/segments//actual/resource/path" # # Here we need to extract the "/actual/resource/path" part. segments_to_drop = len(self.payload_data.pattern.path_segments) + 1 resource_path = request_info.url.path_segments[segments_to_drop:] if resource_path == (): return resource_blocked_response elif resource_path[0] == 'static': return self._make_file_resource_response(resource_path[1:]) elif resource_path[0] == 'api': # TODO: implement Haketilo APIs return resource_blocked_response else: return resource_blocked_response resource_blocked_response = base.ProducedResponse( 403, [(b'Content-Type', b'text/plain; charset=utf-8')], _('api.resource_not_enabled_for_access').encode() ) @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class BlockedResponsePolicy(base.Policy): """....""" process_request: t.ClassVar[bool] = True priority: t.ClassVar[base.PolicyPriority] = base.PolicyPriority._THREE def consume_request(self, request_info: base.RequestInfo) \ -> base.ProducedResponse: """....""" return resource_blocked_response @dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc] class PayloadResourcePolicyFactory(PayloadAwarePolicyFactory): """....""" def make_policy(self, haketilo_state: state.HaketiloState) \ -> t.Union[PayloadResourcePolicy, BlockedResponsePolicy]: """....""" try: payload_data = self.payload_ref.get_data(haketilo_state) except state.MissingItemError: return BlockedResponsePolicy() if not payload_data.explicitly_enabled and \ haketilo_state.get_settings().mapping_use_mode != \ state.MappingUseMode.AUTO: return BlockedResponsePolicy() return PayloadResourcePolicy(haketilo_state, payload_data)