# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Policies for applying payload injections to HTTP requests. # # This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo. # # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use of this # code in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in # court. """ ..... """ import dataclasses as dc import typing as t from urllib.parse import urlencode from itsdangerous.url_safe import URLSafeSerializer import bs4 # type: ignore from ...exceptions import HaketiloException from ...url_patterns import ParsedUrl from .. import csp from .. import state from .. import http_messages from . import base @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) # type: ignore[misc] class PayloadAwarePolicy(base.Policy): """....""" payload_data: state.PayloadData def assets_base_url(self, request_url: ParsedUrl): """....""" token = self.payload_data.unique_token base_path_segments = (*self.payload_data.pattern_path_segments, token) return f'{request_url.url_without_path}/{"/".join(base_path_segments)}/' def _payload_details_to_signed_query_string( self, _salt: str, **extra_keys: str ) -> str: params: t.Mapping[str, str] = { 'payload_id': self.payload_data.ref.id, **extra_keys } serializer = URLSafeSerializer(self.payload_data.global_secret, _salt) return urlencode({'details': serializer.dumps(params)}) @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) # type: ignore[misc] class PayloadAwarePolicyFactory(base.PolicyFactory): """....""" payload_key: state.PayloadKey @property def payload_ref(self) -> state.PayloadRef: """....""" return self.payload_key.ref def __lt__(self, other: base.PolicyFactory) -> bool: """....""" if isinstance(other, type(self)): return self.payload_key < other.payload_key return super().__lt__(other) UTF8_BOM = b'\xEF\xBB\xBF' BOMs = ( (UTF8_BOM, 'utf-8'), (b'\xFE\xFF', 'utf-16be'), (b'\xFF\xFE', 'utf-16le') ) def block_attr(element: bs4.PageElement, attr_name: str) -> None: """ Disable HTML node attributes by prepending `blocked-'. This allows them to still be relatively easily accessed in case they contain some useful data. """ blocked_value = element.attrs.pop(attr_name, None) while blocked_value is not None: attr_name = f'blocked-{attr_name}' next_blocked_value = element.attrs.pop(attr_name, None) element.attrs[attr_name] = blocked_value blocked_value = next_blocked_value @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class PayloadInjectPolicy(PayloadAwarePolicy): """....""" _process_response: t.ClassVar[bool] = True priority: t.ClassVar[base.PolicyPriority] = base.PolicyPriority._TWO def _new_csp(self, request_url: ParsedUrl) -> str: """....""" assets_base = self.assets_base_url(request_url) script_src = f"script-src {assets_base}" if self.payload_data.eval_allowed: script_src = f"{script_src} 'unsafe-eval'" return '; '.join(( script_src, "script-src-elem 'none'", "script-src-attr 'none'" )) def _modify_headers(self, response_info: http_messages.ResponseInfo) \ -> http_messages.IHeaders: new_headers = [] for key, val in response_info.headers.items(): if key.lower() not in csp.header_names_and_dispositions: new_headers.append((key, val)) new_csp = self._new_csp(response_info.url) new_headers.append(('Content-Security-Policy', new_csp)) return http_messages.make_headers(new_headers) def _script_urls(self, url: ParsedUrl) -> t.Iterable[str]: """....""" base_url = self.assets_base_url(url) payload_ref = self.payload_data.ref yield base_url + 'api/page_init_script.js' for path in payload_ref.get_script_paths(): yield base_url + '/'.join(('static', *path)) def _modify_body( self, url: ParsedUrl, body: bytes, encoding: t.Optional[str] ) -> bytes: """....""" soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup( markup = body, from_encoding = encoding, features = 'html5lib' ) # Inject scripts. script_parent = soup.find('body') or soup.find('html') if script_parent is None: return body for script_url in self._script_urls(url): tag = bs4.Tag(name='script', attrs={'src': script_url}) script_parent.append(tag) # Remove Content Security Policy that could possibly block injected # scripts. for meta in soup.select('head meta[http-equiv]'): header_name = meta.attrs.get('http-equiv', '').lower().strip() if header_name in csp.enforce_header_names_set: block_attr(meta, 'http-equiv') block_attr(meta, 'content') # Appending a three-byte Byte Order Mark (BOM) will force the browser to # decode this as UTF-8 regardless of the 'Content-Type' header. See: # https://www.w3.org/International/tests/repository/html5/the-input-byte-stream/results-basics#precedence return UTF8_BOM + soup.encode() def _consume_response_unsafe( self, request_info: http_messages.RequestInfo, response_info: http_messages.ResponseInfo ) -> http_messages.ResponseInfo: new_headers = self._modify_headers(response_info) new_response = dc.replace(response_info, headers=new_headers) if not http_messages.is_likely_a_page(request_info, response_info): return new_response data = response_info.body _, encoding = response_info.deduce_content_type() # A UTF BOM overrides encoding specified by the header. for bom, encoding_name in BOMs: if data.startswith(bom): encoding = encoding_name new_data = self._modify_body(response_info.url, data, encoding) return dc.replace(new_response, body=new_data) def consume_response( self, request_info: http_messages.RequestInfo, response_info: http_messages.ResponseInfo ) -> http_messages.ResponseInfo: try: return self._consume_response_unsafe(request_info, response_info) except Exception as e: # TODO: actually describe the errors import traceback error_info_list = traceback.format_exception( type(e), e, e.__traceback__ ) return http_messages.ResponseInfo.make( status_code = 500, headers = (('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'),), body = '\n'.join(error_info_list).encode() ) class _PayloadHasProblemsError(HaketiloException): pass class AutoPayloadInjectPolicy(PayloadInjectPolicy): """....""" priority: t.ClassVar[base.PolicyPriority] = base.PolicyPriority._ONE def consume_response( self, request_info: http_messages.RequestInfo, response_info: http_messages.ResponseInfo ) -> http_messages.ResponseInfo: try: if self.payload_data.ref.has_problems(): raise _PayloadHasProblemsError() self.payload_data.ref.ensure_items_installed() return super().consume_response(request_info, response_info) except (state.RepoCommunicationError, state.FileInstallationError, _PayloadHasProblemsError) as ex: extra_params: dict[str, str] = { 'next_url': response_info.url.orig_url } if isinstance(ex, state.FileInstallationError): extra_params['repo_id'] = ex.repo_id extra_params['file_sha256'] = ex.sha256 query = self._payload_details_to_signed_query_string( _salt = 'auto_install_error', **extra_params ) redirect_url = 'https://hkt.mitm.it/auto_install_error?' + query msg = 'Error occured when installing payload. Redirecting.' return http_messages.ResponseInfo.make( status_code = 303, headers = [('Location', redirect_url)], body = msg.encode() ) @dc.dataclass(frozen=True) class PayloadSuggestPolicy(PayloadAwarePolicy): """....""" _process_request: t.ClassVar[bool] = True priority: t.ClassVar[base.PolicyPriority] = base.PolicyPriority._ONE def consume_request(self, request_info: http_messages.RequestInfo) \ -> http_messages.ResponseInfo: query = self._payload_details_to_signed_query_string( _salt = 'package_suggestion', next_url = request_info.url.orig_url ) redirect_url = 'https://hkt.mitm.it/package_suggestion?' + query msg = 'A package was found that could be used on this site. Redirecting.' return http_messages.ResponseInfo.make( status_code = 303, headers = [('Location', redirect_url)], body = msg.encode() ) @dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) class PayloadPolicyFactory(PayloadAwarePolicyFactory): """....""" def make_policy(self, haketilo_state: state.HaketiloState) \ -> t.Optional[base.Policy]: """....""" try: payload_data = self.payload_ref.get_data() except: return None if payload_data.explicitly_enabled: return PayloadInjectPolicy(payload_data) mode = haketilo_state.get_settings().mapping_use_mode if mode == state.MappingUseMode.QUESTION: return PayloadSuggestPolicy(payload_data) if mode == state.MappingUseMode.WHEN_ENABLED: return None # mode == state.MappingUseMode.AUTO return AutoPayloadInjectPolicy(payload_data)