# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Handling JSON objects. # # This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo. # # Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this # file's license. Although I request that you do not make use of this # code in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in # court. """ This module contains utilities for reading and validation of JSON instances. """ # Enable using with Python 3.7. from __future__ import annotations import re import json import os import io import typing as t from pathlib import Path, PurePath from jsonschema import RefResolver, Draft7Validator # type: ignore from .translations import smart_gettext as _ from .exceptions import HaketiloException from . import versions here = Path(__file__).resolve().parent _strip_comment_re = re.compile(r''' ^ # match from the beginning of each line ( # catch the part before '//' comment (?: # this group matches either a string or a single out-of-string character [^"/] | " (?: # this group matches any in-a-string character [^"\\] | # match any normal character \\[^u] | # match any escaped character like '\f' or '\n' \\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4} # match an escape )* " )* ) # expect either end-of-line or a comment: # * unterminated strings will cause matching to fail # * bad comment (with '/' instead of '//') will be indicated by second group # having length 1 instead of 2 or 0 (//?|$) ''', re.VERBOSE) def strip_json_comments(text: str) -> str: """ Accept JSON text with optional C++-style ('//') comments and return the text with comments removed. Consecutive slashes inside strings are handled properly. A spurious single slash ('/') shall generate an error. Errors in JSON itself shall be ignored. """ stripped_text = [] for line_num, line in enumerate(text.split('\n'), start=1): match = _strip_comment_re.match(line) if match is None: # unterminated string # ignore this error, let the json module report it stripped = line elif len(match[2]) == 1: msg_fmt = _('bad_json_comment_line_{line_num}_char_{char_num}') raise HaketiloException(msg_fmt.format( line_num = line_num, char_num = len(match[1]) + 1 )) else: stripped = match[1] stripped_text.append(stripped) return '\n'.join(stripped_text) _schema_name_re = re.compile(r''' (?P[^/]*) - (?P (?P[1-9][0-9]*) (?: # this repeated group matches the remaining version numbers \. (?:[1-9][0-9]*|0) )* ) \.schema\.json $ ''', re.VERBOSE) schema_paths: t.Dict[str, Path] = {} for path in (here / 'schemas').rglob('*.schema.json'): match = _schema_name_re.match(path.name) assert match is not None schema_name_base = match.group('name_base') schema_ver_list = match.group('ver').split('.') for i in range(len(schema_ver_list)): schema_ver = '.'.join(schema_ver_list[:i+1]) schema_paths[f'{schema_name_base}-{schema_ver}.schema.json'] = path schema_paths.update([(f'https://hydrilla.koszko.org/schemas/{name}', path) for name, path in schema_paths.items()]) schemas: t.Dict[Path, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = {} class UnknownSchemaError(HaketiloException): pass def _get_schema(schema_name: str) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: """Return loaded JSON of the requested schema. Cache results.""" path = schema_paths.get(schema_name) if path is None: raise UnknownSchemaError(_('unknown_schema_{}').format(schema_name)) if path not in schemas: schemas[path] = json.loads(path.read_text()) return schemas[path] def validator_for(schema: t.Union[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]]) -> Draft7Validator: """ Prepare a validator for the provided schema. Other schemas under '../schemas' can be referenced. """ if isinstance(schema, str): schema = _get_schema(schema) resolver = RefResolver( base_uri=schema['$id'], referrer=schema, handlers={'https': _get_schema} ) return Draft7Validator(schema, resolver=resolver) def parse_instance(text: str) -> object: """Parse 'text' as JSON with additional '//' comments support.""" return json.loads(strip_json_comments(text)) InstanceSource = t.Union[Path, str, io.TextIOBase, t.Dict[str, t.Any], bytes] def read_instance(instance_or_path: InstanceSource) -> object: """....""" if isinstance(instance_or_path, dict): return instance_or_path if isinstance(instance_or_path, bytes): encoding = json.detect_encoding(instance_or_path) text = instance_or_path.decode(encoding) elif isinstance(instance_or_path, io.TextIOBase): try: text = instance_or_path.read() finally: instance_or_path.close() else: text = Path(instance_or_path).read_text() try: return parse_instance(text) except: if isinstance(instance_or_path, str) or \ isinstance(instance_or_path, Path): fmt = _('err.util.text_in_{}_not_valid_json') raise HaketiloException(fmt.format(instance_or_path)) else: raise HaketiloException(_('err.util.text_not_valid_json')) def get_schema_version(instance: object) -> versions.VerTuple: """ Parse passed object's "$schema" property and return the schema version tuple. """ ver_str: t.Optional[str] = None if isinstance(instance, dict) and type(instance.get('$schema')) is str: match = _schema_name_re.search(instance['$schema']) ver_str = match.group('ver') if match else None if ver_str is not None: return versions.parse_normalize(ver_str) else: raise HaketiloException(_('no_schema_number_in_instance')) def get_schema_major_number(instance: object) -> int: """ Parse passed object's "$schema" property and return the major number of schema version. """ return get_schema_version(instance)[0] def validate_instance(instance: object, schema_name_fmt: str) -> int: """....""" major = get_schema_major_number(instance) schema_name = schema_name_fmt.format(major) validator = validator_for(schema_name) validator.validate(instance) return major