#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # Available under the terms of Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal. import setuptools from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist from setuptools import Command from pathlib import Path here = Path(__file__).resolve().parent class CustomBuildCommand(build_py): """The build command but runs babel before build.""" def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper around build_py's original run() method.""" self.run_command('compile_catalog') super().run(*args, **kwargs) class CustomSdistCommand(sdist): """ The sdist command but prevents compiled message catalogs from being included in the archive. """ def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wrapper around sdist's original run() method.""" locales_dir = here / 'src/hydrilla/server/locales' locale_files = {} for path in locales_dir.rglob('*.mo'): locale_files[path] = path.read_bytes() for path in locale_files: path.unlink() super().run(*args, **kwargs) for path, contents in locale_files.items(): path.write_bytes(contents) class BuildDocCommand(Command): """ Command to create an `htmldoc/` catalog with Haketilo documentation inside as standalone .html files. """ user_options = [] def run (self, *args, **kwargs): """Generate the .html files""" import jinja2 import shutil import sys htmldoc_dir = here / 'htmldoc' if htmldoc_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(htmldoc_dir) proxy_doc_dir = htmldoc_dir / 'haketilo' sys.path.insert(0, str(here / 'src')) from hydrilla.proxy import self_doc from hydrilla import common_jinja_templates loader = common_jinja_templates.combine_with_loaders([self_doc.loader]) jinja_env = jinja2.Environment( loader = loader, autoescape = jinja2.select_autoescape(['html.jinja']), lstrip_blocks = True, extensions = ['jinja2.ext.do'] ) for locale in self_doc.available_locales: doc_dir = proxy_doc_dir / locale doc_dir.mkdir(parents=True) for page_name in self_doc.page_names: file_name = f'{locale}/{page_name}.html.jinja' template = jinja_env.get_template(file_name) html_text = template.render(doc_output='html') out_name = 'index' if page_name == 'doc_index' else page_name (doc_dir / f'{out_name}.html').write_text(html_text) def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass setuptools.setup(cmdclass = { 'build_py': CustomBuildCommand, 'sdist': CustomSdistCommand, 'build_htmldoc': BuildDocCommand })