# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

# Haketilo proxy data and configuration (interface definition through abstract
# class).
# This file is part of Hydrilla&Haketilo.
# Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this
# file's license. Although I request that you do not make use of this
# code in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in
# court.

This module defines API for keeping track of all settings, rules, mappings and

import dataclasses as dc
import typing as t

from pathlib import Path
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from datetime import datetime

from immutables import Map

from ..exceptions import HaketiloException
from ..versions import VerTuple
from ..url_patterns import ParsedPattern
from .. import item_infos
from .simple_dependency_satisfying import ImpossibleSituation

class EnabledStatus(Enum):
    ENABLED - User wished to always apply given mapping when it matches site's

    DISABLED - User wished to never apply given mapping.

    NO_MARK - User has not configured given mapping.
    ENABLED  = 'E'
    DISABLED = 'D'
    NO_MARK  = 'N'

class FrozenStatus(Enum):
    EXACT_VERSION - User wished to always use the same version of a mapping.

    REPOSITORY - User wished to always use a version of the mapping from the
        same repository.

    NOT_FROZEN - User did not restrict updates of the mapping.
    REPOSITORY    = 'R'
    NOT_FROZEN    = 'N'

    def make(letter: t.Optional[str]) -> t.Optional['FrozenStatus']:
        if letter is None:
            return None

        return FrozenStatus(letter)

class InstalledStatus(Enum):
    INSTALLED - Mapping's all files are present and mapping data is not going to
        be automatically removed.

    NOT_INSTALLED - Some of the mapping's files might be absent. Mapping can be
        automatically removed if it is orphaned.

    FAILED_TO_INSTALL - Same as "NOT_INSTALLED" but we additionally know that
        the last automatic attempt to install mapping's files from repository
        was unsuccessful.
    INSTALLED         = 'I'
    NOT_INSTALLED     = 'N'

class ActiveStatus(Enum):
    REQUIRED - Mapping version got active to fulfill a requirement of some (this
        or another) explicitly enabled mapping.

    AUTO - Mapping version was activated automatically.

    NOT_ACTIVE - Mapping version is not currently being used.
    REQUIRED   = 'R'
    AUTO       = 'A'
    NOT_ACTIVE = 'N'

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
class Ref:
    id: str

    def __post_init__(self):
        assert isinstance(self.id, str)

RefType = t.TypeVar('RefType', bound=Ref)

class Store(ABC, t.Generic[RefType]):
    def get(self, id) -> RefType:

class RulePatternInvalid(HaketiloException):

class RuleDisplayInfo:
    ref:           'RuleRef'
    pattern:       str
    allow_scripts: bool

# mypy needs to be corrected:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70999513/conflict-between-mix-ins-for-abstract-dataclasses/70999704#70999704
@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class RuleRef(Ref):
    def remove(self) -> None:

    def update(
            pattern: t.Optional[str] = None,
            allow: t.Optional[bool] = None
    ) -> None:

    def get_display_info(self) -> RuleDisplayInfo:

class RuleStore(Store[RuleRef]):
    def get_display_infos(self, allow: t.Optional[bool] = None) \
        -> t.Sequence[RuleDisplayInfo]:

    def add(self, pattern: str, allow: bool) -> RuleRef:

    def get_by_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> RuleRef:

class RepoNameInvalid(HaketiloException):

class RepoNameTaken(HaketiloException):

class RepoUrlInvalid(HaketiloException):

class RepoCommunicationError(HaketiloException):

class FileInstallationError(HaketiloException):
    repo_id: str
    sha256:  str

class FileIntegrityError(FileInstallationError):
    invalid_sha256: str

class FileMissingError(FileInstallationError):

class RepoApiVersionUnsupported(HaketiloException):

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class RepoRef(Ref):
    def remove(self) -> None:

    def update(
            name: t.Optional[str] = None,
            url:  t.Optional[str] = None
    ) -> None:

    def refresh(self) -> None:

    def get_display_info(self) -> 'RepoDisplayInfo':

class RepoDisplayInfo:
    ref:               RepoRef
    is_local_semirepo: bool
    name:              str
    url:               str
    deleted:           bool
    last_refreshed:    t.Optional[datetime]
    resource_count:    int
    mapping_count:     int

class RepoStore(Store[RepoRef]):
    def get_display_infos(self, include_deleted: bool = False) -> \

    def add(self, name: str, url: str) -> RepoRef:

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class RepoIterationRef(Ref):

class FileData:
    mime_type: str
    name:      str
    contents:  bytes

class MappingDisplayInfo(item_infos.CorrespondsToMappingDCMixin):
    ref:            'MappingRef'
    identifier:     str
    enabled:        EnabledStatus
    frozen:         t.Optional[FrozenStatus]
    active_version: t.Optional['MappingVersionDisplayInfo']

class RichMappingDisplayInfo(MappingDisplayInfo):
    all_versions: t.Sequence['MappingVersionDisplayInfo']

class MappingVersionDisplayInfo(item_infos.CorrespondsToMappingDCMixin):
    ref:             'MappingVersionRef'
    info:            item_infos.MappingInfo
    installed:       InstalledStatus
    active:          ActiveStatus
    is_orphan:       bool
    is_local:        bool

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class MappingRef(Ref, item_infos.CorrespondsToMappingDCMixin):
    def update_status(
            enabled: EnabledStatus,
            frozen:  t.Optional[FrozenStatus] = None
    ) -> None:

    def get_display_info(self) -> RichMappingDisplayInfo:

class MappingStore(Store[MappingRef]):
    def get_display_infos(self) -> t.Sequence[MappingDisplayInfo]:

    def get_by_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> MappingRef:

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class MappingVersionRef(Ref, item_infos.CorrespondsToMappingDCMixin):
    def install(self) -> None:

    def uninstall(self) -> t.Optional['MappingVersionRef']:

    def ensure_depended_items_installed(self) -> None:

    def update_mapping_status(
            enabled: EnabledStatus,
            frozen:  t.Optional[FrozenStatus] = None
    ) -> None:

    def get_license_file(self, name: str) -> FileData:

    def get_upstream_license_file_url(self, name: str) -> str:

    def get_required_mapping(self, identifier: str) -> 'MappingVersionRef':

    def get_payload_resource(self, pattern: str, identifier: str) \
        -> 'ResourceVersionRef':

    def get_item_display_info(self) -> RichMappingDisplayInfo:

class MappingVersionStore(Store[MappingVersionRef]):

class ResourceDisplayInfo(item_infos.CorrespondsToResourceDCMixin):
    ref:            'ResourceRef'
    identifier:     str

class RichResourceDisplayInfo(ResourceDisplayInfo):
    all_versions: t.Sequence['ResourceVersionDisplayInfo']

class ResourceVersionDisplayInfo(item_infos.CorrespondsToResourceDCMixin):
    ref:             'ResourceVersionRef'
    info:            item_infos.ResourceInfo
    installed:       InstalledStatus
    active:          ActiveStatus
    is_orphan:       bool
    is_local:        bool

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class ResourceRef(Ref, item_infos.CorrespondsToResourceDCMixin):
    def get_display_info(self) -> RichResourceDisplayInfo:

class ResourceStore(Store[ResourceRef]):
    def get_display_infos(self) -> t.Sequence[ResourceDisplayInfo]:

    def get_by_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> ResourceRef:

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class ResourceVersionRef(Ref, item_infos.CorrespondsToResourceDCMixin):
    def install(self) -> None:

    def uninstall(self) -> t.Optional['ResourceVersionRef']:

    def get_license_file(self, name: str) -> FileData:

    def get_resource_file(self, name: str) -> FileData:

    def get_upstream_license_file_url(self, name: str) -> str:

    def get_upstream_resource_file_url(self, name: str) -> str:

    def get_dependency(self, identifier: str) -> 'ResourceVersionRef':

    def get_item_display_info(self) -> RichResourceDisplayInfo:

class ResourceVersionStore(Store[ResourceVersionRef]):

class PayloadKey:
    ref: 'PayloadRef'

    mapping_identifier: str

    def __lt__(self, other: 'PayloadKey') -> bool:
        return self.mapping_identifier < other.mapping_identifier

class PayloadData:
    ref: 'PayloadRef'

    explicitly_enabled:    bool
    unique_token:          str
    mapping_identifier:    str
    pattern:               str
    pattern_path_segments: tuple[str, ...]
    eval_allowed:          bool
    cors_bypass_allowed:   bool
    global_secret:         bytes

class PayloadDisplayInfo:
    ref: 'PayloadRef'

    mapping_info: MappingVersionDisplayInfo
    pattern:      str
    has_problems: bool

@dc.dataclass(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True) # type: ignore[misc]
class PayloadRef(Ref):
    def get_data(self) -> PayloadData:

    def has_problems(self) -> bool:

    def get_display_info(self) -> PayloadDisplayInfo:

    def ensure_items_installed(self) -> None:

    def get_script_paths(self) \
        -> t.Iterable[t.Sequence[str]]:

    def get_file_data(self, path: t.Sequence[str]) \
        -> t.Optional[FileData]:

class PayloadStore(Store[PayloadRef]):

class MappingUseMode(Enum):
    AUTO - Apply mappings except for those explicitly disabled.

    WHEN_ENABLED - Only apply mappings explicitly marked as enabled. Don't apply
        unmarked nor explicitly disabled mappings.

    QUESTION - Automatically apply mappings that are explicitly enabled. Ask
        whether to enable unmarked mappings. Don't apply explicitly disabled
    AUTO         = 'A'
    QUESTION     = 'Q'

class PopupStyle(Enum):
    DIALOG - Make popup open inside an iframe on the current page.

    TAB - Make popup open in a new tab.
    DIALOG = 'D'
    TAB    = 'T'

class PopupSettings:
    # We'll implement button later.
    #button_trigger:   bool
    keyboard_trigger: bool
    style:            PopupStyle

    def popup_enabled(self) -> bool:
        return self.keyboard_trigger #or self.button_trigger

class HaketiloGlobalSettings:
    mapping_use_mode:      MappingUseMode
    default_allow_scripts: bool
    advanced_user:         bool
    repo_refresh_seconds:  int
    locale:                t.Optional[str]

    default_popup_jsallowed: PopupSettings
    default_popup_jsblocked: PopupSettings
    default_popup_payloadon: PopupSettings

class Logger(ABC):
    def warn(self, msg: str) -> None:

class MissingItemError(ValueError):

class OrphanItemsStats:
    mappings:  int
    resources: int

class HaketiloState(ABC):
    def import_items(self, malcontent_path: Path) -> None:

    def count_orphan_items(self) -> OrphanItemsStats:

    def prune_orphan_items(self) -> None:

    def rule_store(self) -> RuleStore:

    def repo_store(self) -> RepoStore:

    def mapping_store(self) -> MappingStore:

    def mapping_version_store(self) -> MappingVersionStore:

    def resource_store(self) -> ResourceStore:

    def resource_version_store(self) -> ResourceVersionStore:

    def payload_store(self) -> PayloadStore:

    def get_secret(self) -> bytes:

    def get_settings(self) -> HaketiloGlobalSettings:

    def update_settings(
            mapping_use_mode:       t.Optional[MappingUseMode]    = None,
            default_allow_scripts:  t.Optional[bool]              = None,
            advanced_user:          t.Optional[bool]              = None,
            repo_refresh_seconds:   t.Optional[int]               = None,
            locale:                 t.Optional[str]               = None,
            default_popup_settings: t.Mapping[str, PopupSettings] = {}
    ) -> None:

    def listen_host(self) -> str:

    def listen_port(self) -> int:

    def launch_browser(self) -> bool:

    def logger(self) -> Logger: