/* Copyright © 2021 jahoti (jahoti@tilde.team) Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ var div1 = document.querySelector('.column1'), div2 = document.querySelector('.column2'), div3 = document.querySelector('.column3'), rest = document.querySelector('.rest'), head = document.body; head.removeChild(div1); head.removeChild(div2); head.removeChild(div3); head.removeChild(rest); var wrapper, chaseHeader = div1.querySelector('#urgent'); var urgent = chaseHeader.parentNode.nextElementSibling; chaseHeader.parentNode.removeChild(chaseHeader); urgent.parentNode.removeChild(urgent); var chaseHeader = div1.querySelector('#oughttobe'); var oughttobe = chaseHeader.parentNode.nextElementSibling; var oughttobe_more = oughttobe.nextElementSibling; chaseHeader.parentNode.removeChild(chaseHeader); oughttobe.parentNode.removeChild(oughttobe) oughttobe_more.parentNode.removeChild(oughttobe_more) div1.style.width = '100%'; var polnotes = div2.querySelector('iframe'); polnotes.parentNode.removeChild(polnotes); var trailing = ['More']; var current, text, node; for (var child of rest.children) if (child.tagName === 'HR') chaseHeader = child; while (node = rest.firstChild) { rest.removeChild(node); if (node === chaseHeader) text = 'Footer'; else if (node.tagName === 'HR') continue; else if (/H\d/.test(node.tagName)) text = '* ' + node.textContent.trim(); if (text) { if (current && !current.children.length) trailing[trailing.length - 1].splice(1, 1); if (text === '* Media/Press/Bios') { text = current = undefined; continue; } current = document.createElement('div'); if (node.children.length && node.firstElementChild.tagName === 'A' && !node.firstElementChild.href.startsWith('#')) { trailing.push([text, current, node.firstElementChild.href]); } else trailing.push([text, current]); text = undefined; } else current && current.append(node); } // Build the nav index, and then render the page Sparse([ 'stallman.org', ['Home', urgent, polnotes], ['* Urgent action items', urgent], ['* Political Notes', polnotes, div2.firstElementChild.querySelector('a').href], ['There Ought to Be a Law', oughttobe, oughttobe_more.href], ['Media/Press/Bios', 'https://stallman.org/media.html'] ].concat( trailing ).concat([ ['Miscellaneous', div1, div2], 'Miscellaneous', ['* Misc. 1', div3], ['* Misc. 2', head] ]));