/** * Copyright 2022 Jacob K * Copyright 2022 Wojtek Kosior * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you * may distribute forms of that code without the copy of the GNU * GPL normally required by section 4, provided you include this * license notice and, in case of non-source distribution, a URL * through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source. * If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this * exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * As a special exception to the GPL, any HTML file which merely * makes function calls to this code, and for that purpose * includes it by reference shall be deemed a separate work for * copyright law purposes. If you modify this code, you may extend * this exception to your version of the code, but you are not * obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this * exception statement from your version. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this file's * license. Although I request that you do not make use of this code in a * proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court. */ // meta: match should be https://***.app.box.com/s/* (*** instead of * for the first section because otherwise plain app.box.com URLs won't work) // meta: some test cases (mostly found at https://old.reddit.com/search?q="box.com"&include_over_18=on&sort=new) // https://uwmadison.app.box.com/s/ydht2incbdmw1lhpjg5t40adguc0fm14 // umadison's enrollment report // pdf // https://app.box.com/s/gc4ygloi4qtimeh98dq9mmydyuydawcn // password-protected 7z file (nsfw) // https://app.box.com/shared/static/su6xx6zx50cd68zdtbm3wfxhh9kwke8x.zip // a soundtrack in a zip file // This is a static download, so it works without this script. // https://app.box.com/s/vysdh2u78yih3c8leetgq82il954a3g3 // some gambling add // pptx // https://app.box.com/s/nnlplkmjhimau404qohh9my10pwmo8es // a list of books(?) // txt // https://ucla.app.box.com/s/mv32q624ojihohzh8d0mhhj0b3xluzbz // "COVID-19 Pivot Plan Decision Matrix" // cannot be downloaded (403 Forbidden): "This user is not allowed to use direct links. Please email "[support address, changes depending on where you are logged in]" for support" // If you load the proprietary scripts on this page, you'll see that there is no download button // TODO: find a public folder link (the private links I have seem to work) // TODO: find a (preferably public) link with a folder inside a folder, as these may need to be handled differently /* Extract data from a script that sets multiple variables. */ // from here: https://api-demo.hachette-hydrilla.org/content/sgoogle_sheets_download/google_sheets_download.js let prefetchedData = null; // This variable isn't actually used. for (const script of document.scripts) { const match = /Box.prefetchedData = ({([^;]|[^}];)+})/.exec(script.textContent); // looks for "Box.prefetchedData = " in the script files and then grabs the json text after that. if (!match) continue; prefetchedData = JSON.parse(match[1]); } let config = null; for (const script of document.scripts) { const match = /Box.config = ({([^;]|[^}];)+})/.exec(script.textContent); // looks for "Box.config = " in the script files and then grabs the json text after that. if (!match) continue; config = JSON.parse(match[1]); } let postStreamData = null; for (const script of document.scripts) { const match = /Box.postStreamData = ({([^;]|[^}];)+})/.exec(script.textContent); // looks for "Box.postStreamData = " in the script files and then grabs the json text after that. if (!match) continue; postStreamData = JSON.parse(match[1]); } // empty the initial document body [...document.body.childNodes].forEach(n => n.remove()); // create div container const divContainer = document.createElement("div"); document.body.append(divContainer); const loadingIcon = document.createElement("h1"); loadingIcon.innerText = "loading..."; loadingIcon.style.display = "none"; const error_msg = document.createElement("h1"); error_msg.innerText = "error occured :("; error_msg.style.display = "none"; divContainer.append(loadingIcon, error_msg); // get domain from URL const domain = document.location.href.split("/")[2]; async function hack_file() { loadingIcon.style.display = "initial"; const tokens_url = "/app-api/enduserapp/elements/tokens"; const file_nr = postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-item"].itemID; const file_id = `file_${file_nr}`; const shared_name = postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-item"].sharedName; /* * We need to perform a POST to obtain a token that will be used later to * authenticate against Box's API endpoint. */ const tokens_response = await fetch(tokens_url, { method: "POST", headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "Request-Token": config.requestToken, "X-Box-Client-Name": "enduserapp", "X-Box-Client-Version": "20.712.2", "X-Box-EndUser-API": `sharedName=${shared_name}`, "X-Request-Token": config.requestToken }, body: JSON.stringify({"fileIDs": [file_id]}) }); console.log("tokens_response", tokens_response); const access_token = (await tokens_response.json())[file_id].read; console.log("access_token", access_token); const fields = [ "permissions", "shared_link", "sha1", "file_version", "name", "size", "extension", "representations", "watermark_info", "authenticated_download_url", "is_download_available" ]; const file_info_url = `https://api.box.com/2.0/files/${file_nr}?fields=${fields.join()}`; /* * We need to perform a GET to obtain file metadata. The fields we curently * make use of are "authenticated_download_url" and "file_version", but in * the request we also include names of other fields that the original Box * client would include. The metadata is then dumped as JSON on the page, so * the user, if curious, can look at it. */ const file_info_response = await fetch(file_info_url, { headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}`, "BoxApi": `shared_link=${document.URL}`, "X-Box-Client-Name": "ContentPreview", "X-Rep-Hints": "[3d][pdf][text][mp3][json][jpg?dimensions=1024x1024&paged=false][jpg?dimensions=2048x2048,png?dimensions=2048x2048][dash,mp4][filmstrip]" }, }); console.log("file_info_response", file_info_response); const file_info = await file_info_response.json(); console.log("file_info", file_info); const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.set("preview", true); params.set("version", file_info.file_version.id); params.set("access_token", access_token); params.set("shared_link", document.URL); params.set("box_client_name", "box-content-preview"); params.set("box_client_version", "2.82.0"); params.set("encoding", "gzip"); /* We use file metadata from earlier requests to construct the link. */ const download_url = `${file_info.authenticated_download_url}?${params.toString()}`; console.log("download_url", download_url); const downloadButton = document.createElement("a"); downloadButton.innerText = "download"; downloadButton.href = download_url; downloadButton.setAttribute("style", "border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px; color: #333; background-color: lightgreen; text-decoration: none; box-shadow: -4px 8px 8px #888; display: inline-block;"); const file_info_header = document.createElement("h2"); file_info_header.innerText = "File info"; divContainer.append(downloadButton, file_info_header, JSON.stringify(file_info)); loadingIcon.style.display = "none"; } function show_error() { loadingIcon.style.display = "none"; error_msg.style.display = "initial"; } if (postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-item"].itemType == "file") { /* * We call hack_file and in case it asynchronously throws an exception, we * make an error message appear. */ hack_file().then(() => {}, show_error); } else if (postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-item"].itemType == "folder") { const folderHeader = document.createElement("h1"); folderHeader.innerText = postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-folder"].currentFolderName; divContainer.appendChild(folderHeader); //console.log(postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-folder"]); postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-folder"].items.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element); const folderButton = document.createElement("a"); folderButton.setAttribute("style", "border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px; color: #333; background-color: lightgreen; text-decoration: none; box-shadow: -4px 8px 8px #888; display: inline-block;"); // from https://api-demo.hachette-hydrilla.org/content/sgoogle_sheets_download/google_sheets_download.js if (element.type == "file") { folderButton.innerText = "loading..."; // craft request var downloadLinkGet = new XMLHttpRequest(); downloadLinkGet.open("POST", "https://"+domain+"/index.php?rm=box_download_shared_file&shared_name="+postStreamData["/app-api/enduserapp/shared-item"].sharedName+"&file_id="+element.typedID); downloadLinkGet.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:96.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/96.0"); // Would this be set automatically otherwise? downloadLinkGet.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"); downloadLinkGet.setRequestHeader("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"); // TODO: find a test case in another language downloadLinkGet.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); downloadLinkGet.setRequestHeader("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "1"); downloadLinkGet.onreadystatechange = function() { if (downloadLinkGet.readyState === 4) { //console.log(downloadLinkGet.status); // configure download button and add it folderButton.setAttribute("href", downloadLinkGet.responseURL); folderButton.innerText = element.name; // show the name of the file } }; downloadLinkGet.send("request_token="+config.requestToken); } else { folderButton.innerText = "[folders inside folders not yet supported]"; } divContainer.appendChild(folderButton); }) } else { console.log("Error: not implemented"); // TODO: also display an error on the page }