By default 'mutt' embeds configure flags and the output of 'gcc -v', which contains the store file name of Bash and GCC. This patch makes sure we don't embed a reference to these in 'mutt'. --- mutt-1.5.23/ 2015-06-26 22:56:56.500731643 +0200 +++ mutt-1.5.23/ 2015-06-26 22:57:26.664583900 +0200 @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ txt2c_fallback () { echo ";" } +echo "unsigned char $1[] = \"value of '$1' not kept\";" +exit 0 ./txt2c test /dev/null 2>&1 && ./txt2c "$1" || txt2c_fallback "$1" n'>index : guix
Wojtek's customized Guix
path: root/nix/libstore/
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