Fix build failure with GCC 10 due to duplicate definitions. It can be reproduced on older compilers with -fno-common. Fix taken from Gentoo: --- a/src/parseopt.c +++ b/src/parseopt.c @@ -255,8 +255,6 @@ print_option_descr (const char *descr, size_t lmargin, size_t rmargin) } char *parseopt_program_name; -char *parseopt_program_doc; -char *parseopt_program_args; const char *program_bug_address = "<" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">"; void (*parseopt_help_hook) (FILE *stream); : guix
Wojtek's customized Guix
path: root/bootstrap
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-13bootstrap: Simplify search for translation languages....Extend the sed script to also behave like "basename", saving the addtional call of "xargs basename". * bootstrap (langs): Extend sed scripts, remove running xargs. Hartmut Goebel