Fix build with Python 3.8, this is a patch based on upstream commit [1].

1: c000c88eb5239b87f299c85e83b349b0ef387ae7

diff --git a/behave.ini b/behave.ini
index 45c0f0d7..952240d6 100644
--- a/behave.ini
+++ b/behave.ini
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ show_skipped = false
 format   = rerun
 outfiles = rerun.txt
-    reports/report_progress3.txt
+    build/behave.reports/report_progress3.txt
 junit = true
+junit_directory = build/behave.reports
 logging_level = INFO
 # logging_format = LOG.%(levelname)-8s  %(name)-10s: %(message)s
 # logging_format = LOG.%(levelname)-8s  %(asctime)s  %(name)-10s: %(message)s
diff --git a/features/ b/features/
index 4744e89a..3769ee40 100644
--- a/features/
+++ b/features/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# FILE: features/
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
 from behave.tag_matcher import ActiveTagMatcher, setup_active_tag_values
 from behave4cmd0.setup_command_shell import setup_command_shell_processors4behave
 import platform
@@ -20,6 +22,15 @@
 active_tag_matcher = ActiveTagMatcher(active_tag_value_provider)
+def print_active_tags_summary():
+    active_tag_data = active_tag_value_provider
+    print("ACTIVE-TAG SUMMARY:")
+    print("use.with_python.version=%s" % active_tag_data.get("python.version"))
+    # print("use.with_os=%s" % active_tag_data.get("os"))
+    print()
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -30,11 +41,14 @@ def before_all(context):
+    print_active_tags_summary()
 def before_feature(context, feature):
     if active_tag_matcher.should_exclude_with(feature.tags):
 def before_scenario(context, scenario):
     if active_tag_matcher.should_exclude_with(scenario.effective_tags):
diff --git a/features/step.duplicated_step.feature b/features/step.duplicated_step.feature
index 59888b0f..396cca27 100644
--- a/features/step.duplicated_step.feature
+++ b/features/step.duplicated_step.feature
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ Feature: Duplicated Step Definitions
         AmbiguousStep: @given('I call Alice') has already been defined in
         existing step @given('I call Alice') at features/steps/
-    And the command output should contain:
-        """
-        File "features/steps/", line 7, in <module>
-        @given(u'I call Alice')
-        """
+    # -- DISABLED: Python 3.8 traceback line numbers differ w/ decorators (+1).
+    # And the command output should contain:
+    #    """
+    #    File "features/steps/", line 7, in <module>
+    #    """
   Scenario: Duplicated Step Definition in another File
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ Feature: Duplicated Step Definitions
         AmbiguousStep: @given('I call Bob') has already been defined in
         existing step @given('I call Bob') at features/steps/
-    And the command output should contain:
-        """
-        File "features/steps/", line 3, in <module>
-        @given('I call Bob')
-        """
+    # -- DISABLED: Python 3.8 traceback line numbers differ w/ decorators (+1).
+    # And the command output should contain:
+    #    """
+    #    File "features/steps/", line 3, in <module>
+    #    """
   Scenario: Duplicated Same Step Definition via import from another File
diff --git a/issue.features/ b/issue.features/
index 2dfec751..7e48ee03 100644
--- a/issue.features/
+++ b/issue.features/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# FILE: features/
+# FILE: issue.features/
 # pylint: disable=unused-argument
@@ -7,17 +7,20 @@
   * active tags
-from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
 import sys
 import platform
 import os.path
 import six
 from behave.tag_matcher import ActiveTagMatcher
 from behave4cmd0.setup_command_shell import setup_command_shell_processors4behave
-# from behave.tag_matcher import setup_active_tag_values
+# PREPARED: from behave.tag_matcher import setup_active_tag_values
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# TEST SUPPORT: For Active Tags
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 def require_tool(tool_name):
     """Check if a tool (an executable program) is provided on this platform.
@@ -45,12 +48,14 @@ def require_tool(tool_name):
     # print("TOOL-NOT-FOUND: %s" % tool_name)
     return False
 def as_bool_string(value):
     if bool(value):
         return "yes"
         return "no"
 def discover_ci_server():
     # pylint: disable=invalid-name
     ci_server = "none"
@@ -67,11 +72,17 @@ def discover_ci_server():
     return ci_server
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# BEHAVE SUPPORT: Active Tags
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # -- MATCHES ANY TAGS: @use.with_{category}={value}
 # NOTE: active_tag_value_provider provides category values for active tags.
+python_version = "%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:2]
 active_tag_value_provider = {
+    "platform": sys.platform,
     "python2": str(six.PY2).lower(),
     "python3": str(six.PY3).lower(),
+    "python.version": python_version,
     # -- python.implementation: cpython, pypy, jython, ironpython
     "python.implementation": platform.python_implementation().lower(),
     "pypy":    str("__pypy__" in sys.modules).lower(),
@@ -82,17 +92,33 @@ def discover_ci_server():
 active_tag_matcher = ActiveTagMatcher(active_tag_value_provider)
+def print_active_tags_summary():
+    active_tag_data = active_tag_value_provider
+    print("ACTIVE-TAG SUMMARY:")
+    print("use.with_python.version=%s" % active_tag_data.get("python.version"))
+    # print("use.with_platform=%s" % active_tag_data.get("platform"))
+    # print("use.with_os=%s" % active_tag_data.get("os"))
+    print()
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 def before_all(context):
     # -- SETUP ACTIVE-TAG MATCHER (with userdata):
     # USE: behave -D browser=safari ...
-    # NOT-NEEDED: setup_active_tag_values(active_tag_value_provider,
-    #                                     context.config.userdata)
+    # NOT-NEEDED:
+    # setup_active_tag_values(active_tag_value_provider, context.config.userdata)
+    print_active_tags_summary()
 def before_feature(context, feature):
     if active_tag_matcher.should_exclude_with(feature.tags):
 def before_scenario(context, scenario):
     if active_tag_matcher.should_exclude_with(scenario.effective_tags):
diff --git a/issue.features/issue0330.feature b/issue.features/issue0330.feature
index dc1ebe75..81cb6e29 100644
--- a/issue.features/issue0330.feature
+++ b/issue.features/issue0330.feature
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ Feature: Issue #330: Skipped scenarios are included in junit reports when --no-s
     And note that "bob.feature is skipped"
+  @not.with_python.version=3.8
   Scenario: Junit report for skipped feature is created with --show-skipped
     When I run "behave --junit -t @tag1 --show-skipped @alice_and_bob.featureset"
     Then it should pass with:
@@ -83,6 +84,23 @@ Feature: Issue #330: Skipped scenarios are included in junit reports when --no-s
       <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="bob.Bob" skipped="1" tests="1" time="0.0">
+  @use.with_python.version=3.8
+  Scenario: Junit report for skipped feature is created with --show-skipped
+    When I run "behave --junit -t @tag1 --show-skipped @alice_and_bob.featureset"
+    Then it should pass with:
+      """
+      1 feature passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped
+      """
+    And a file named "test_results/TESTS-alice.xml" exists
+    And a file named "test_results/TESTS-bob.xml" exists
+    And the file "test_results/TESTS-bob.xml" should contain:
+      """
+      <testsuite name="bob.Bob" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="1" time="0.0">
+      """
+      # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+      # <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="bob.Bob" skipped="1" tests="1" time="0.0">
+  @not.with_python.version=3.8
   Scenario: Junit report for skipped scenario is neither shown nor counted with --no-skipped
     When I run "behave --junit -t @tag1 --no-skipped"
     Then it should pass with:
@@ -102,7 +120,30 @@ Feature: Issue #330: Skipped scenarios are included in junit reports when --no-s
     And note that "Charly2 is the skipped scenarion in charly.feature"
+  @use.with_python.version=3.8
+  Scenario: Junit report for skipped scenario is neither shown nor counted with --no-skipped
+    When I run "behave --junit -t @tag1 --no-skipped"
+    Then it should pass with:
+      """
+      2 features passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped
+      2 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 2 skipped
+      """
+    And a file named "test_results/TESTS-alice.xml" exists
+    And a file named "test_results/TESTS-charly.xml" exists
+    And the file "test_results/TESTS-charly.xml" should contain:
+      """
+      <testsuite name="charly.Charly" tests="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0"
+      """
+      # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+      # <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="charly.Charly" skipped="0" tests="1"
+    And the file "test_results/TESTS-charly.xml" should not contain:
+      """
+      <testcase classname="charly.Charly" name="Charly2"
+      """
+    And note that "Charly2 is the skipped scenarion in charly.feature"
+  @not.with_python.version=3.8
   Scenario: Junit report for skipped scenario is shown and counted with --show-skipped
     When I run "behave --junit -t @tag1 --show-skipped"
     Then it should pass with:
@@ -122,3 +163,26 @@ Feature: Issue #330: Skipped scenarios are included in junit reports when --no-s
     And note that "Charly2 is the skipped scenarion in charly.feature"
+  @use.with_python.version=3.8
+  Scenario: Junit report for skipped scenario is shown and counted with --show-skipped
+    When I run "behave --junit -t @tag1 --show-skipped"
+    Then it should pass with:
+      """
+      2 features passed, 0 failed, 1 skipped
+      2 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 2 skipped
+      """
+    And a file named "test_results/TESTS-alice.xml" exists
+    And a file named "test_results/TESTS-charly.xml" exists
+    And the file "test_results/TESTS-charly.xml" should contain:
+      """
+      <testsuite name="charly.Charly" tests="2" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="1"
+      """
+      # HINT: Python < 3.8
+      # <testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="charly.Charly" skipped="1" tests="2"
+    And the file "test_results/TESTS-charly.xml" should contain:
+      """
+      <testcase classname="charly.Charly" name="Charly2" status="skipped"
+      """
+    And note that "Charly2 is the skipped scenarion in charly.feature"
diff --git a/issue.features/issue0446.feature b/issue.features/issue0446.feature
index a2ed892d..901bdec5 100644
--- a/issue.features/issue0446.feature
+++ b/issue.features/issue0446.feature
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Feature: Issue #446 -- Support scenario hook-errors with JUnitReporter
         behave.reporter.junit.show_hostname = False
+    @not.with_python.version=3.8
     Scenario: Hook error in before_scenario()
       When I run "behave -f plain --junit features/before_scenario_failure.feature"
       Then it should fail with:
@@ -86,6 +87,40 @@ Feature: Issue #446 -- Support scenario hook-errors with JUnitReporter
       And note that "the traceback is contained in the XML element <error/>"
+    @use.with_python.version=3.8
+    Scenario: Hook error in before_scenario()
+      When I run "behave -f plain --junit features/before_scenario_failure.feature"
+      Then it should fail with:
+        """
+        0 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
+        """
+      And the command output should contain:
+        """
+        HOOK-ERROR in before_scenario: RuntimeError: OOPS
+        """
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-before_scenario_failure.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        <testsuite name="before_scenario_failure.Alice" tests="1" errors="1" failures="0" skipped="0"
+        """
+        # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+        # <testsuite errors="1" failures="0" name="before_scenario_failure.Alice" skipped="0" tests="1"
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-before_scenario_failure.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        <error type="RuntimeError" message="HOOK-ERROR in before_scenario: RuntimeError: OOPS">
+        """
+        # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+        # <error message="HOOK-ERROR in before_scenario: RuntimeError: OOPS" type="RuntimeError">
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-before_scenario_failure.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        File "features/", line 6, in before_scenario
+          cause_hook_failure()
+        File "features/", line 2, in cause_hook_failure
+          raise RuntimeError("OOPS")
+        """
+      And note that "the traceback is contained in the XML element <error/>"
+    @not.with_python.version=3.8
     Scenario: Hook error in after_scenario()
       When I run "behave -f plain --junit features/after_scenario_failure.feature"
       Then it should fail with:
@@ -114,3 +149,38 @@ Feature: Issue #446 -- Support scenario hook-errors with JUnitReporter
           raise RuntimeError("OOPS")
       And note that "the traceback is contained in the XML element <error/>"
+    @use.with_python.version=3.8
+    Scenario: Hook error in after_scenario()
+      When I run "behave -f plain --junit features/after_scenario_failure.feature"
+      Then it should fail with:
+        """
+        0 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
+        """
+      And the command output should contain:
+        """
+          Scenario: B1
+            Given another step passes ... passed
+        HOOK-ERROR in after_scenario: RuntimeError: OOPS
+        """
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-after_scenario_failure.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        <testsuite name="after_scenario_failure.Bob" tests="1" errors="1" failures="0" skipped="0"
+        """
+        # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+        # <testsuite errors="1" failures="0" name="after_scenario_failure.Bob" skipped="0" tests="1"
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-after_scenario_failure.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        <error type="RuntimeError" message="HOOK-ERROR in after_scenario: RuntimeError: OOPS">
+        """
+        # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+        # <error message="HOOK-ERROR in after_scenario: RuntimeError: OOPS" type="RuntimeError">
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-after_scenario_failure.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        File "features/", line 10, in after_scenario
+          cause_hook_failure()
+        File "features/", line 2, in cause_hook_failure
+          raise RuntimeError("OOPS")
+        """
+      And note that "the traceback is contained in the XML element <error/>"
diff --git a/issue.features/issue0457.feature b/issue.features/issue0457.feature
index f80640e9..46f96e9c 100644
--- a/issue.features/issue0457.feature
+++ b/issue.features/issue0457.feature
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ Feature: Issue #457 -- Double-quotes in error messages of JUnit XML reports
+    @not.with_python.version=3.8
     Scenario: Use failing assertation in a JUnit XML report
       Given a file named "features/fails1.feature" with:
@@ -44,6 +45,31 @@ Feature: Issue #457 -- Double-quotes in error messages of JUnit XML reports
         <failure message="FAILED: My name is &quot;Alice&quot;"
+    @use.with_python.version=3.8
+    Scenario: Use failing assertation in a JUnit XML report
+      Given a file named "features/fails1.feature" with:
+        """
+        Feature:
+          Scenario: Alice
+            Given a step fails with message:
+              '''
+              My name is "Alice"
+              '''
+        """
+      When I run "behave --junit features/fails1.feature"
+      Then it should fail with:
+        """
+        0 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
+        """
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-fails1.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        <failure type="AssertionError" message="FAILED: My name is &quot;Alice&quot;">
+        """
+        # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+        # <failure message="FAILED: My name is &quot;Alice&quot;"
+    @not.with_python.version=3.8
     Scenario: Use exception in a JUnit XML report
       Given a file named "features/fails2.feature" with:
@@ -63,3 +89,26 @@ Feature: Issue #457 -- Double-quotes in error messages of JUnit XML reports
         <error message="My name is &quot;Bob&quot; and &lt;here&gt; I am"
+    @use.with_python.version=3.8
+    Scenario: Use exception in a JUnit XML report
+      Given a file named "features/fails2.feature" with:
+        """
+        Feature:
+          Scenario: Bob
+            Given a step fails with error and message:
+              '''
+              My name is "Bob" and <here> I am
+              '''
+        """
+      When I run "behave --junit features/fails2.feature"
+      Then it should fail with:
+        """
+        0 scenarios passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
+        """
+      And the file "reports/TESTS-fails2.xml" should contain:
+        """
+        <error type="RuntimeError" message="My name is &quot;Bob&quot; and &lt;here&gt; I am">
+        """
+        # -- HINT FOR: Python < 3.8
+        # <error message="My name is &quot;Bob&quot; and &lt;here&gt; I am"