[diff "scheme"] xfuncname = "^(\\(define.*)$" [diff "texinfo"] xfuncname = "^@node[[:space:]]+([^,]+).*$" [format] forceinbodyfrom = true # help preserve commit authorship thread = shallow useAutoBase = true [pull] rebase = true [sendemail] to = guix-patches@gnu.org headerCmd = etc/teams.scm cc-members-header-cmd thread = no [b4] attestation-check-dkim = off attestation-policy = off linkmask = https://yhetil.org/guix/%s linktrailermask = https://yhetil.org/guix/%s midmask = https://yhetil.org/guix/%s git logo'/> index : tracifyjs
Reverse engineer's tool for tracing the flow of data in JS program, based on UglifyJS