
diff options
authorMaxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>2022-03-21 23:39:43 -0400
committerMaxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>2022-03-21 23:39:43 -0400
commita9429c8f2207841c649438187d6e19046d323a16 (patch)
parentf0136b36ae8c1e9c174043bd50e0e24413c0f345 (diff)
parent49b350fafc2c3ea1db66461b73d4e304cd13ec92 (diff)
Merge branch 'staging' into core-updates.
-rw-r--r--gnu/packages/patches/openssl-3.0-c-rehash-in.patch (renamed from gnu/packages/patches/openssl-c-rehash-in.patch)13
527 files changed, 319750 insertions, 209043 deletions
diff --git a/.dir-locals.el b/.dir-locals.el
index 12a6f08739..09e19223d5 100644
--- a/.dir-locals.el
+++ b/.dir-locals.el
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
(eval . (put 'test-equal 'scheme-indent-function 1))
(eval . (put 'test-eq 'scheme-indent-function 1))
(eval . (put 'call-with-input-string 'scheme-indent-function 1))
+ (eval . (put 'call-with-port 'scheme-indent-function 1))
(eval . (put 'guard 'scheme-indent-function 1))
(eval . (put 'lambda* 'scheme-indent-function 1))
(eval . (put 'substitute* 'scheme-indent-function 1))
@@ -60,8 +61,6 @@
;; 'modify-inputs' and its keywords.
(eval . (put 'modify-inputs 'scheme-indent-function 1))
(eval . (put 'replace 'scheme-indent-function 1))
- (eval . (put 'prepend 'scheme-indent-function 2))
- (eval . (put 'append 'scheme-indent-function 2))
;; 'modify-phases' and its keywords.
(eval . (put 'modify-phases 'scheme-indent-function 1))
@@ -150,6 +149,8 @@
(eval . (put 'with-shepherd-action 'scheme-indent-function 3))
+ (eval . (put 'with-http-server 'scheme-indent-function 1))
;; This notably allows '(' in Paredit to not insert a space when the
;; preceding symbol is one of these.
(eval . (modify-syntax-entry ?~ "'"))
index ef90330cda..0b1f03624a 100644
@@ -1,78 +1,103 @@
-Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+Important: to avoid polarizing/hurtful discussions in our public spaces, any
+matter pertaining to our use of this Code of Conduct should be brought
+privately to the Guix maintainers at guix-maintainers@gnu.org. Failure to do
+so will be considered as a violation of this Code of Conduct.
- Note: In the sequel, "project" refers to GNU Guix, and "project
- maintainer(s)" refers to maintainer(s) of GNU Guix.
+Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
Our Pledge
-In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
-contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
-our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
-size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
-education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race,
-religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
+community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
+identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual
+identity and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
+diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Our Standards
-Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
-* Using welcoming and inclusive language
-* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
-* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
-* Focusing on what is best for the community
-* Showing empathy towards other community members
-Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
-* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
-* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
+community include:
+* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
+and learning from the experience
+* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall
+Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of
+any kind
+* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
-* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic
-address, without explicit permission
+* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address,
+without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
-Our Responsibilities
-Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
-behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
-response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
-Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
-reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
-that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
-permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
-threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+Enforcement Responsibilities
+Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
+acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
+or harmful.
+Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
+decisions when appropriate.
-This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
-when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
-representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
-address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
-representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
-further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
+an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
+Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
+posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
-reported by contacting the project team at guix-maintainers@gnu.org. All
-complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
-is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
-obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
-Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
-Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
-faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
-members of the project’s leadership.
+reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
+All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
+reporter of any incident.
+Enforcement Guidelines
+Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
+the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
+1. Correction
+Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
+unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
+Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
+clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
+behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
+2. Warning
+Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of
+Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
+interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
+those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
+includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
+like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent
+3. Temporary Ban
+Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including
+sustained inappropriate behavior.
+Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
+communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
+private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
+with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
+Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
+4. Permanent Ban
+Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
+standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
+individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
+Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant,
+version 2.1, available at
+Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
+Mozilla’s code of conduct enforcement ladder.
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
+https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at
-This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4,
-available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 0c4ee3f01e..6d59e53081 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-# Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+# Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
# Copyright © 2013 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
# Copyright © 2015, 2017 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
# Copyright © 2016, 2018 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
@@ -380,6 +380,10 @@ AUX_FILES = \
gnu/packages/aux-files/chromium/master-preferences.json \
gnu/packages/aux-files/emacs/guix-emacs.el \
gnu/packages/aux-files/guix.vim \
+ gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm.conf \
+ gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm64.conf \
+ gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-i686.conf \
+ gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-x86_64.conf \
gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm.conf \
gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm64.conf \
gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-i686.conf \
@@ -483,6 +487,7 @@ SCM_TESTS = \
tests/gremlin.scm \
tests/hackage.scm \
tests/home-import.scm \
+ tests/http-client.scm \
tests/import-git.scm \
tests/import-github.scm \
tests/import-utils.scm \
@@ -1023,10 +1028,12 @@ assert-no-store-file-names:
exit 1 ; \
-# Make sure important substitutes are available.
+# Make sure important substitutes are available. Check only the primary
+# server so that '--display-missing' doesn't print two lists.
assert-binaries-available: $(GOBJECTS)
$(AM_V_at)$(top_builddir)/pre-inst-env \
guix weather -m "$(top_srcdir)/etc/release-manifest.scm" \
+ --substitute-urls="https://ci.guix.gnu.org" \
# Make sure the final inputs don't refer to bootstrap tools.
diff --git a/doc/build.scm b/doc/build.scm
index 47cff15985..9d79215b98 100644
--- a/doc/build.scm
+++ b/doc/build.scm
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
(define %languages
;; The cookbook is not translated in the same languages as the manual
(if (string=? %manual "guix-cookbook")
- '("de" "en" "fr")
+ '("de" "en" "fr" "sk")
'("de" "en" "es" "fr" "ru" "zh_CN")))
(define (texinfo-manual-images source)
diff --git a/doc/contributing.texi b/doc/contributing.texi
index 9f97788c0b..207efc4ee6 100644
--- a/doc/contributing.texi
+++ b/doc/contributing.texi
@@ -98,8 +98,14 @@ shell}:
guix shell -D guix help2man git strace --pure
@end example
-Run @command{./bootstrap} to generate the build system infrastructure
-using Autoconf and Automake. If you get an error like this one:
+From there you can generate the build system infrastructure
+using Autoconf and Automake:
+@end example
+If you get an error like this one:
configure.ac:46: error: possibly undefined macro: PKG_CHECK_MODULES
@@ -120,17 +126,30 @@ export ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal
@xref{Macro Search Path,,, automake, The GNU Automake Manual}, for
more information.
-Then, run @command{./configure --localstatedir=@var{directory}}, where
-@var{directory} is the @code{localstatedir} value used by your current
-installation (@pxref{The Store}, for information about this), usually
-@file{/var}. Note that you will probably not run @command{make install}
-at the end (you don't have to) but it's still important to pass the
-right @code{localstatedir}.
+Then, run:
+./configure --localstatedir=/var
+@end example
+... where @file{/var} is the normal @code{localstatedir} value
+(@pxref{The Store}, for information about this). Note that you will
+probably not run @command{make install} at the end (you don't have to)
+but it's still important to pass the right @code{localstatedir}.
+Finally, you can build Guix and, if you feel so inclined, run the tests
+(@pxref{Running the Test Suite}):
-Finally, you have to invoke @code{make && make check} to build Guix and
-run the tests (@pxref{Running the Test Suite}). If anything fails, take
-a look at installation instructions (@pxref{Installation}) or send a
-message to the @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, mailing list}.
+make check
+@end example
+If anything fails, take a look at installation instructions
+(@pxref{Installation}) or send a message to the
+@email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, mailing list}.
From there on, you can authenticate all the commits included in your
checkout by running:
@@ -157,6 +176,18 @@ You are advised to run @command{make authenticate} after every
changes to the repository.
@end quotation
+After updating the repository, @command{make} might fail with an error
+similar to the following example:
+error: failed to load 'gnu/packages/dunst.scm':
+ice-9/eval.scm:293:34: In procedure abi-check: #<record-type <origin>>: record ABI mismatch; recompilation needed
+@end example
+This means that one of the record types that Guix defines (in this
+example, the @code{origin} record) has changed, and all of guix needs
+to be recompiled to take that change into account. To do so, run
+@command{make clean-go} followed by @command{make}.
@node Running Guix Before It Is Installed
@section Running Guix Before It Is Installed
@@ -231,6 +262,24 @@ local source tree; it simply updates the @file{~/.config/guix/current}
symlink (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). Run @command{git pull} instead if
you want to upgrade your local source tree.
+Sometimes, especially if you have recently updated your repository,
+running @command{./pre-inst-env} will print a message similar to the
+following example:
+;;; note: source file /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.scm
+;;; newer than compiled /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.go
+@end example
+This is only a note and you can safely ignore it. You can get rid of
+the message by running @command{make -j4}. Until you do, Guile will run
+slightly slower because it will interpret the code instead of using
+prepared Guile object (@file{.go}) files.
+You can run @command{make} automatically as you work using
+@command{watchexec} from the @code{watchexec} package. For example,
+to build again each time you update a package file, you can run
+@samp{watchexec -w gnu/packages make -j4}.
@node The Perfect Setup
@section The Perfect Setup
@@ -1386,9 +1435,14 @@ what your usertag means.
@cindex commit access, for developers
Everyone can contribute to Guix without having commit access
(@pxref{Submitting Patches}). However, for frequent contributors,
-having write access to the repository can be convenient. Commit access
-should not be thought of as a ``badge of honor'' but rather as a
-responsibility a contributor is willing to take to help the project.
+having write access to the repository can be convenient. As a rule of
+thumb, a contributor should have accumulated fifty (50) reviewed commits
+to be considered as a committer and have sustained their activity in the
+project for at least 6 months. This ensures enough interactions with
+the contributor, which is essential for mentoring and assessing whether
+they are ready to become a committer. Commit access should not be
+thought of as a ``badge of honor'' but rather as a responsibility a
+contributor is willing to take to help the project.
The following sections explain how to get commit access, how to be ready
to push commits, and the policies and community expectations for commits
diff --git a/doc/guix-cookbook.texi b/doc/guix-cookbook.texi
index d2ce525998..d89ce66017 100644
--- a/doc/guix-cookbook.texi
+++ b/doc/guix-cookbook.texi
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
@settitle GNU Guix Cookbook
@c %**end of header
+@c Onion service for ci.guix.gnu.org.
+@set SUBSTITUTE-TOR-URL https://4zwzi66wwdaalbhgnix55ea3ab4pvvw66ll2ow53kjub6se4q2bclcyd.onion
Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ricardo Wurmus@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Efraim Flashner@*
@@ -2354,7 +2357,8 @@ follow:
config => (guix-configuration
(inherit config)
;; ci.guix.gnu.org's Onion service
- (substitute-urls "https://bp7o7ckwlewr4slm.onion")
+ (substitute-urls
(http-proxy "http://localhost:9250")))))))
@end lisp
@@ -2372,7 +2376,8 @@ want to get a substitute from the Tor tunnel run:
sudo herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon http://localhost:9250
-guix build --substitute-urls=https://bp7o7ckwlewr4slm.onion …
+guix build \
+ --substitute-urls=@value{SUBSTITUTE-TOR-URL} @dots{}
@end example
@node Setting up NGINX with Lua
diff --git a/doc/guix.texi b/doc/guix.texi
index 8ab86b1181..7bd80a1592 100644
--- a/doc/guix.texi
+++ b/doc/guix.texi
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2021 Christine Lemmer-Webber@*
-Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke@*
+Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Marius Bakke@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020 Hartmut Goebel@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer@*
Copyright @copyright{} 2017–2022 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@*
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ Weblate} (@pxref{Translating Guix}).
* Home Configuration:: Configuring the home environment.
* Documentation:: Browsing software user manuals.
* Installing Debugging Files:: Feeding the debugger.
+* Using TeX and LaTeX:: Typesetting.
* Security Updates:: Deploying security fixes quickly.
* Bootstrapping:: GNU/Linux built from scratch.
* Porting:: Targeting another platform or kernel.
@@ -1867,8 +1868,24 @@ $ export GUIX_LOCPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale
Note that the @code{glibc-locales} package contains data for all the
locales supported by the GNU@tie{}libc and weighs in at around
-917@tie{}MiB@. Alternatively, the @code{glibc-utf8-locales} is smaller but
-limited to a few UTF-8 locales.
+930@tie{}MiB@footnote{The size of the @code{glibc-locales} package is
+reduced down to about 213@tie{}MiB with store deduplication and further
+down to about 67@tie{}MiB when using a zstd-compressed Btrfs file
+system.}. If you only need a few locales, you can define your custom
+locales package via the @code{make-glibc-utf8-locales} procedure from
+the @code{(gnu packages base)} module. The following example defines a
+package containing the various Canadian UTF-8 locales known to the
+GNU@tie{}libc, that weighs around 14@tie{}MiB:
+(use-modules (gnu packages base))
+(define my-glibc-locales
+ (make-glibc-utf8-locales
+ glibc
+ #:locales (list "en_CA" "fr_CA" "ik_CA" "iu_CA" "shs_CA")
+ #:name "glibc-canadian-utf8-locales"))
+@end lisp
The @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} variable plays a role similar to @env{LOCPATH}
(@pxref{Locale Names, @env{LOCPATH},, libc, The GNU C Library Reference
@@ -4426,18 +4443,12 @@ Generation 2 Jun 11 2018 11:02:49
repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
branch: origin/master
commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d
- 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink
- 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,
- guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,
- heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4
Generation 3 Jun 13 2018 23:31:07 (current)
guix 844cc1c
repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
branch: origin/master
commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c
- 28 new packages: emacs-helm-ls-git, emacs-helm-mu, @dots{}
- 69 packages upgraded: borg@@1.1.6, cheese@@3.28.0, @dots{}
@end example
@xref{Invoking guix describe, @command{guix describe}}, for other ways to
@@ -4492,13 +4503,13 @@ information.
@cindex channel news
@item --news
@itemx -N
-Display the list of packages added or upgraded since the previous
-generation, as well as, occasionally, news written by channel authors
-for their users (@pxref{Channels, Writing Channel News}).
+Display news written by channel authors for their users for changes made
+since the previous generation (@pxref{Channels, Writing Channel News}).
+When @option{--details} is passed, additionally display new and upgraded
-The package information is the same as displayed upon @command{guix
-pull} completion, but without ellipses; it is also similar to the output
-of @command{guix pull -l} for the last generation (see below).
+You can view that information for previous generations with
+@command{guix pull -l}.
@item --list-generations[=@var{pattern}]
@itemx -l [@var{pattern}]
@@ -4507,6 +4518,16 @@ is provided, the subset of generations that match @var{pattern}.
The syntax of @var{pattern} is the same as with @code{guix package
--list-generations} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}).
+By default, this prints information about the channels used in each
+revision as well as the corresponding news entries. If you pass
+@option{--details}, it will also print the list of packages added and
+upgraded in each generation compared to the previous one.
+@item --details
+Instruct @option{--list-generations} or @option{--news} to display more
+information about the differences between subsequent generations---see
@item --roll-back
@cindex rolling back
@cindex undoing transactions
@@ -5448,7 +5469,9 @@ commit of a channel that should be authenticated. The first time a
channel is fetched with @command{guix pull} or @command{guix
time-machine}, the command looks up the introductory commit and verifies
that it is signed by the specified OpenPGP key. From then on, it
-authenticates commits according to the rule above.
+authenticates commits according to the rule above. Authentication fails
+if the target commit is neither a descendant nor an ancestor of the
+introductory commit.
Additionally, your channel must provide all the OpenPGP keys that were
ever mentioned in @file{.guix-authorizations}, stored as @file{.key}
@@ -5824,6 +5847,12 @@ This is similar to the same-named option in @command{guix package}
(@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) and uses the same
manifest files.
+@item --profile=@var{profile}
+@itemx -p @var{profile}
+Create an environment containing the packages installed in @var{profile}.
+Use @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}) to create
+and manage profiles.
@item --pure
Unset existing environment variables when building the new environment, except
those specified with @option{--preserve} (see below). This has the effect of
@@ -6231,6 +6260,12 @@ interpreted as packages whose dependencies will be added to the
environment, the default behavior. Packages appearing after are
interpreted as packages that will be added to the environment directly.
+@item --profile=@var{profile}
+@itemx -p @var{profile}
+Create an environment containing the packages installed in @var{profile}.
+Use @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}) to create
+and manage profiles.
@item --pure
Unset existing environment variables when building the new environment, except
those specified with @option{--preserve} (see below). This has the effect of
@@ -9472,8 +9507,7 @@ scripts so that they refer to @code{grep} by its absolute file name:
(substitute* (list (string-append bin "/egrep")
(string-append bin "/fgrep"))
(("^exec grep")
- (string-append "exec " bin "/grep")))
- #t))))
+ (string-append "exec " bin "/grep")))))))
@end lisp
In the example below, phases are modified in two ways: the standard
@@ -9492,12 +9526,95 @@ executable files to be installed:
(let ((bin (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
(install-file "footswitch" bin)
- (install-file "scythe" bin)
- #t))))
+ (install-file "scythe" bin)))))
@end lisp
@c TODO: Add more examples.
+@subsection Wrappers
+@cindex program wrappers
+@cindex wrapping programs
+It is not unusual for a command to require certain environment variables
+to be set for proper functioning, typically search paths (@pxref{Search
+Paths}). Failing to do that, the command might fail to find files or
+other commands it relies on, or it might pick the ``wrong''
+ones---depending on the environment in which it runs. Examples include:
+a shell script that assumes all the commands it uses are in @env{PATH};
+a Guile program that assumes all its modules are in @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}
+a Qt application that expects to find certain plugins in
+@end itemize
+For a package writer, the goal is to make sure commands always work the
+same rather than depend on some external settings. One way to achieve
+that is to @dfn{wrap} commands in a thin script that sets those
+environment variables, thereby ensuring that those run-time dependencies
+are always found. The wrapper would be used to set @env{PATH},
+@env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}, or @env{QT_PLUGIN_PATH} in the examples above.
+To ease that task, the @code{(guix build utils)} module provides a
+couple of helpers to wrap commands.
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} wrap-program @var{program} @
+ [#:sh @var{sh}] [#:rest @var{variables}]
+Make a wrapper for @var{program}. @var{variables} should look like this:
+'(@var{variable} @var{delimiter} @var{position} @var{list-of-directories})
+@end lisp
+where @var{delimiter} is optional. @code{:} will be used if
+@var{delimiter} is not given.
+For example, this call:
+(wrap-program "foo"
+ '("PATH" ":" = ("/gnu/.../bar/bin"))
+ '("CERT_PATH" suffix ("/gnu/.../baz/certs"
+ "/qux/certs")))
+@end lisp
+will copy @file{foo} to @file{.foo-real} and create the file @file{foo}
+with the following contents:
+export PATH="/gnu/.../bar/bin"
+export CERT_PATH="$CERT_PATH$@{CERT_PATH:+:@}/gnu/.../baz/certs:/qux/certs"
+exec -a $0 location/of/.foo-real "$@@"
+@end example
+If @var{program} has previously been wrapped by @code{wrap-program}, the
+wrapper is extended with definitions for @var{variables}. If it is not,
+@var{sh} will be used as the interpreter.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} wrap-script @var{program} @
+ [#:guile @var{guile}] [#:rest @var{variables}]
+Wrap the script @var{program} such that @var{variables} are set first.
+The format of @var{variables} is the same as in the @code{wrap-program}
+procedure. This procedure differs from @code{wrap-program} in that it
+does not create a separate shell script. Instead, @var{program} is
+modified directly by prepending a Guile script, which is interpreted as
+a comment in the script's language.
+Special encoding comments as supported by Python are recreated on the
+second line.
+Note that this procedure can only be used once per file as Guile scripts are
+not supported.
+@end deffn
@node Search Paths
@section Search Paths
@@ -15734,22 +15851,39 @@ Linux swap partition by running @command{swaplabel @var{device}}, where
(target (file-system-label "swap"))
- (dependencies (list lvm-device)))
+ (dependencies mapped-devices))
@end lisp
-Use the partition with label @code{swap}, which can be found after the
-@var{lvm-device} mapped device has been opened. Again, the
+Use the partition with label @code{swap}, which can be found after all
+the @var{mapped-devices} mapped devices have been opened. Again, the
@command{swaplabel} command allows you to view and change the label of a
Linux swap partition.
+Here's a more involved example with the corresponding @code{file-systems} part
+of an @code{operating-system} declaration.
- (target "/btrfs/swapfile")
- (dependencies (list btrfs-fs)))
+ (list (file-system
+ (device (file-system-label "root"))
+ (mount-point "/")
+ (type "ext4"))
+ (file-system
+ (device (file-system-label "btrfs"))
+ (mount-point "/btrfs")
+ (type "btrfs"))))
+ (list
+ (swap-space
+ (target "/btrfs/swapfile")
+ (dependencies (filter (file-system-mount-point-predicate "/btrfs")
+ file-systems)))))
@end lisp
-Use the file @file{/btrfs/swapfile} as swap space, which is present on the
-@var{btrfs-fs} filesystem.
+Use the file @file{/btrfs/swapfile} as swap space, which depends on the
+file system mounted at @file{/btrfs}. Note how we use Guile's filter to
+select the file system in an elegant fashion!
@node User Accounts
@section User Accounts
@@ -16631,6 +16765,10 @@ This option accepts, as an integer, the nice value with which to run the
This option provides an ``escape hatch'' for the user to provide arbitrary
command-line arguments to @command{agetty} as a list of strings.
+@item @code{shepherd-requirement} (default: @code{'()})
+The option can be used to provides extra shepherd requirements (for example
+@code{'syslogd}) to the respective @code{'term-}* shepherd service.
@end table
@end deftp
@@ -16901,6 +17039,18 @@ This example assumes that the file @file{./guix.example.org-key.pub}
contains the public key that @code{guix.example.org} uses to sign
+@item @code{generate-substitute-key?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to generate a @dfn{substitute key pair} under
+@file{/etc/guix/signing-key.pub} and @file{/etc/guix/signing-key.sec} if
+there is not already one.
+This key pair is used when exporting store items, for instance with
+@command{guix publish} (@pxref{Invoking guix publish}) or @command{guix
+archive} (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}). Generating a key pair takes a
+few seconds when enough entropy is available and is only done once; you
+might want to turn it off for instance in a virtual machine that does
+not need it and where the extra boot time is a problem.
@item @code{max-silent-time} (default: @code{0})
@itemx @code{timeout} (default: @code{0})
The number of seconds of silence and the number of seconds of activity,
@@ -18716,7 +18866,7 @@ This is the configuration record for OpenSSH's @command{sshd}.
@table @asis
@item @code{openssh} (default @var{openssh})
-The Openssh package to use.
+The OpenSSH package to use.
@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/sshd.pid"})
Name of the file where @command{sshd} writes its PID.
@@ -18837,6 +18987,16 @@ Additional authorized keys can be specified @i{via}
Note that this does @emph{not} interfere with the use of
+@item @code{generate-host-keys?} (default: @code{#t})
+Whether to generate host key pairs with @command{ssh-keygen -A} under
+@file{/etc/ssh} if there are none.
+Generating key pairs takes a few seconds when enough entropy is
+available and is only done once. You might want to turn it off for
+instance in a virtual machine that does not need it because host keys
+are provided in some other way, and where the extra boot time is a
@item @code{log-level} (default: @code{'info})
This is a symbol specifying the logging level: @code{quiet}, @code{fatal},
@code{error}, @code{info}, @code{verbose}, @code{debug}, etc. See the man
@@ -21249,6 +21409,448 @@ bluetooth keyboard or mouse.
Users need to be in the @code{lp} group to access the D-Bus service.
@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Variable} bluetooth-service-type
+This is the type for the @uref{https://bluez.org/, Linux Bluetooth Protocol
+Stack} (BlueZ) system, which generates the @file{/etc/bluetooth/main.conf}
+configuration file. The value for this type is a @command{bluetooth-configuration}
+record as in this example:
+(service bluetooth-service-type)
+@end lisp
+See below for details about @code{bluetooth-configuration}.
+@end deffn
+@deftp {Data Type} bluetooth-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration for @code{bluetooth-service}.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{bluez} (default: @code{bluez})
+@code{bluez} package to use.
+@item @code{name} (default: @code{"BlueZ"})
+Default adapter name.
+@item @code{class} (default: @code{#x000000})
+Default device class. Only the major and minor device class bits are considered.
+@item @code{discoverable-timeout} (default: @code{180})
+How long to stay in discoverable mode before going back to non-discoverable. The
+value is in seconds.
+@item @code{always-pairable?} (default: @code{#f})
+Always allow pairing even if there are no agents registered.
+@item @code{pairable-timeout} (default: @code{0})
+How long to stay in pairable mode before going back to non-discoverable. The
+value is in seconds.
+@item @code{device-id} (default: @code{#f})
+Use vendor id source (assigner), vendor, product and version information for
+DID profile support. The values are separated by ":" and @var{assigner}, @var{VID},
+@var{PID} and @var{version}.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{#f} to disable it,
+@code{"assigner:1234:5678:abcd"}, where @var{assigner} is either @code{usb} (default)
+or @code{bluetooth}.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{reverse-service-discovery?} (default: @code{#t})
+Do reverse service discovery for previously unknown devices that connect to
+us. For BR/EDR this option is really only needed for qualification since the
+BITE tester doesn't like us doing reverse SDP for some test cases, for LE
+this disables the GATT client functionally so it can be used in system which
+can only operate as peripheral.
+@item @code{name-resolving?} (default: @code{#t})
+Enable name resolving after inquiry. Set it to @code{#f} if you don't need
+remote devices name and want shorter discovery cycle.
+@item @code{debug-keys?} (default: @code{#f})
+Enable runtime persistency of debug link keys. Default is false which makes
+debug link keys valid only for the duration of the connection that they were
+created for.
+@item @code{controller-mode} (default: @code{'dual})
+Restricts all controllers to the specified transport. @code{'dual} means both
+BR/EDR and LE are enabled (if supported by the hardware).
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@end itemize
+@item @code{multi-profile} (default: @code{'off})
+Enables Multi Profile Specification support. This allows to specify if system
+supports only Multiple Profiles Single Device (MPSD) configuration or both
+Multiple Profiles Single Device (MPSD) and Multiple Profiles Multiple Devices
+(MPMD) configurations.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@end itemize
+@item @code{fast-connectable?} (default: @code{#f})
+Permanently enables the Fast Connectable setting for adapters that support
+it. When enabled other devices can connect faster to us, however the
+tradeoff is increased power consumptions. This feature will fully work only
+on kernel version 4.1 and newer.
+@item @code{privacy} (default: @code{'off})
+Default privacy settings.
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{'off}: Disable local privacy
+@code{'network/on}: A device will only accept advertising packets from peer
+devices that contain private addresses. It may not be compatible with some
+legacy devices since it requires the use of RPA(s) all the time
+@code{'device}: A device in device privacy mode is only concerned about the
+privacy of the device and will accept advertising packets from peer devices
+that contain their Identity Address as well as ones that contain a private
+address, even if the peer device has distributed its IRK in the past
+@end itemize
+and additionally, if @var{controller-mode} is set to @code{'dual}:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{'limited-network}: Apply Limited Discoverable Mode to advertising, which
+follows the same policy as to BR/EDR that publishes the identity address when
+discoverable, and Network Privacy Mode for scanning
+@code{'limited-device}: Apply Limited Discoverable Mode to advertising, which
+follows the same policy as to BR/EDR that publishes the identity address when
+discoverable, and Device Privacy Mode for scanning.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{just-works-repairing} (default: @code{'never})
+Specify the policy to the JUST-WORKS repairing initiated by peer.
+Possible values:
+@itemize @bullet
+@end itemize
+@item @code{temporary-timeout} (default: @code{30})
+How long to keep temporary devices around. The value is in seconds. @code{0}
+disables the timer completely.
+@item @code{refresh-discovery?} (default: @code{#t})
+Enables the device to issue an SDP request to update known services when
+profile is connected.
+@item @code{experimental} (default: @code{#f})
+Enables experimental features and interfaces, alternatively a list of UUIDs
+can be given.
+Possible values:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{(list (uuid <uuid-1>) (uuid <uuid-2>) ...)}.
+@end itemize
+List of possible UUIDs:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{d4992530-b9ec-469f-ab01-6c481c47da1c}: BlueZ Experimental Debug,
+@code{671b10b5-42c0-4696-9227-eb28d1b049d6}: BlueZ Experimental Simultaneous Central and Peripheral,
+@code{"15c0a148-c273-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004}: BlueZ Experimental LL privacy,
+@code{330859bc-7506-492d-9370-9a6f0614037f}: BlueZ Experimental Bluetooth Quality Report,
+@code{a6695ace-ee7f-4fb9-881a-5fac66c629af}: BlueZ Experimental Offload Codecs.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{remote-name-request-retry-delay} (default: @code{300})
+The duration to avoid retrying to resolve a peer's name, if the previous
+try failed.
+@item @code{page-scan-type} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Page scan activity type.
+@item @code{page-scan-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Page scan activity interval.
+@item @code{page-scan-window} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Page scan activity window.
+@item @code{inquiry-scan-type} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Inquiry scan activity type.
+@item @code{inquiry-scan-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Inquiry scan activity interval.
+@item @code{inquiry-scan-window} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Inquiry scan activity window.
+@item @code{link-supervision-timeout} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Link supervision timeout.
+@item @code{page-timeout} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR Page timeout.
+@item @code{min-sniff-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR minimum sniff interval.
+@item @code{max-sniff-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+BR/EDR maximum sniff interval.
+@item @code{min-advertisement-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+LE minimum advertisement interval (used for legacy advertisement only).
+@item @code{max-advertisement-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+LE maximum advertisement interval (used for legacy advertisement only).
+@item @code{multi-advertisement-rotation-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+LE multiple advertisement rotation interval.
+@item @code{scan-interval-auto-connect} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning interval used for passive scanning supporting auto connect.
+@item @code{scan-window-auto-connect} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning window used for passive scanning supporting auto connect.
+@item @code{scan-interval-suspend} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning interval used for active scanning supporting wake from suspend.
+@item @code{scan-window-suspend} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning window used for active scanning supporting wake from suspend.
+@item @code{scan-interval-discovery} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning interval used for active scanning supporting discovery.
+@item @code{scan-window-discovery} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning window used for active scanning supporting discovery.
+@item @code{scan-interval-adv-monitor} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning interval used for passive scanning supporting the advertisement monitor APIs.
+@item @code{scan-window-adv-monitor} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning window used for passive scanning supporting the advertisement monitor APIs.
+@item @code{scan-interval-connect} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning interval used for connection establishment.
+@item @code{scan-window-connect} (default: @code{#f})
+LE scanning window used for connection establishment.
+@item @code{min-connection-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+LE default minimum connection interval. This value is superceeded by any specific
+value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.
+@item @code{max-connection-interval} (default: @code{#f})
+LE default maximum connection interval. This value is superceeded by any specific
+value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.
+@item @code{connection-latency} (default: @code{#f})
+LE default connection latency. This value is superceeded by any specific
+value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.
+@item @code{connection-supervision-timeout} (default: @code{#f})
+LE default connection supervision timeout. This value is superceeded by any specific
+value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.
+@item @code{autoconnect-timeout} (default: @code{#f})
+LE default autoconnect timeout. This value is superceeded by any specific
+value provided via the Load Connection Parameters interface.
+@item @code{adv-mon-allowlist-scan-duration} (default: @code{300})
+Allowlist scan duration during interleaving scan. Only used when scanning for ADV
+monitors. The units are msec.
+@item @code{adv-mon-no-filter-scan-duration} (default: @code{500})
+No filter scan duration during interleaving scan. Only used when scanning for ADV
+monitors. The units are msec.
+@item @code{enable-adv-mon-interleave-scan?} (default: @code{#t})
+Enable/Disable Advertisement Monitor interleave scan for power saving.
+@item @code{cache} (default: @code{'always})
+GATT attribute cache.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{'always}: Always cache attributes even for devices not paired, this is
+recommended as it is best for interoperability, with more consistent
+reconnection times and enables proper tracking of notifications for all
+@code{'yes}: Only cache attributes of paired devices
+@code{'no}: Never cache attributes.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{key-size} (default: @code{0})
+Minimum required Encryption Key Size for accessing secured characteristics.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{0}: Don't care
+@code{7 <= N <= 16}
+@end itemize
+@item @code{exchange-mtu} (default: @code{517})
+Exchange MTU size. Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{23 <= N <= 517}
+@end itemize
+@item @code{att-channels} (default: @code{3})
+Number of ATT channels. Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{1}: Disables EATT
+@code{2 <= N <= 5}
+@end itemize
+@item @code{session-mode} (default: @code{'basic})
+AVDTP L2CAP signalling channel mode.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{'basic}: Use L2CAP basic mode
+@code{'ertm}: Use L2CAP enhanced retransmission mode.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{stream-mode} (default: @code{'basic})
+AVDTP L2CAP transport channel mode.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{'basic}: Use L2CAP basic mode
+@code{'streaming}: Use L2CAP streaming mode.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{reconnect-uuids} (default: @code{'()})
+The ReconnectUUIDs defines the set of remote services that should try
+to be reconnected to in case of a link loss (link supervision
+timeout). The policy plugin should contain a sane set of values by
+default, but this list can be overridden here. By setting the list to
+empty the reconnection feature gets disabled.
+Possible values:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{(list (uuid <uuid-1>) (uuid <uuid-2>) ...)}.
+@end itemize
+@item @code{reconnect-attempts} (default: @code{7})
+Defines the number of attempts to reconnect after a link lost. Setting
+the value to 0 disables reconnecting feature.
+@item @code{reconnect-intervals} (default: @code{'(1 2 4 8 16 32 64)})
+Defines a list of intervals in seconds to use in between attempts. If
+the number of attempts defined in @var{reconnect-attempts} is bigger than
+the list of intervals the last interval is repeated until the last attempt.
+@item @code{auto-enable?} (default: @code{#f})
+Defines option to enable all controllers when they are found. This includes
+adapters present on start as well as adapters that are plugged in later on.
+@item @code{resume-delay} (default: @code{2})
+Audio devices that were disconnected due to suspend will be reconnected on
+resume. @var{resume-delay} determines the delay between when the controller
+resumes from suspend and a connection attempt is made. A longer delay is
+better for better co-existence with Wi-Fi. The value is in seconds.
+@item @code{rssi-sampling-period} (default: @code{#xFF})
+Default RSSI Sampling Period. This is used when a client registers an
+advertisement monitor and leaves the RSSISamplingPeriod unset.
+Possible values are:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{#x0}: Report all advertisements
+@code{N = #xXX}: Report advertisements every N x 100 msec (range: #x01 to #xFE)
+@code{#xFF}: Report only one advertisement per device during monitoring period.
+@end itemize
+@end table
+@end deftp
@defvr {Scheme Variable} gnome-keyring-service-type
This is the type of the service that adds the
@uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring, GNOME Keyring}. Its
@@ -21283,7 +21885,6 @@ and ``passwd'' is with the value @code{passwd}.
@end table
@end deftp
@node Sound Services
@subsection Sound Services
@@ -21391,7 +21992,7 @@ Data type representing the configuration for @code{pulseaudio-service}.
@table @asis
@item @code{client-conf} (default: @code{'()})
List of settings to set in @file{client.conf}.
-Accepts a list of strings or a symbol-value pairs. A string will be
+Accepts a list of strings or symbol-value pairs. A string will be
inserted as-is with a newline added. A pair will be formatted as
``key = value'', again with a newline added.
@@ -21400,11 +22001,44 @@ List of settings to set in @file{daemon.conf}, formatted just like
@item @code{script-file} (default: @code{(file-append pulseaudio "/etc/pulse/default.pa")})
-Script file to use as @file{default.pa}.
+Script file to use as @file{default.pa}. In case the
+@code{extra-script-files} field below is used, an @code{.include}
+directive pointing to @file{/etc/pulse/default.pa.d} is appended to the
+provided script.
+@item @code{extra-script-files} (default: @code{'())})
+A list of file-like objects defining extra PulseAudio scripts to run at
+the initialization of the @command{pulseaudio} daemon, after the main
+@code{script-file}. The scripts are deployed to the
+@file{/etc/pulse/default.pa.d} directory; they should have the
+@samp{.pa} file name extension. For a reference of the available
+commands, refer to @command{man pulse-cli-syntax}.
@item @code{system-script-file} (default: @code{(file-append pulseaudio "/etc/pulse/system.pa")})
Script file to use as @file{system.pa}.
@end table
+The example below sets the default PulseAudio card profile, the default
+sink and the default source to use for a old SoundBlaster Audigy sound
+ (extra-script-files
+ (list (plain-file "audigy.pa"
+ (string-append "\
+set-card-profile alsa_card.pci-0000_01_01.0 \
+ output:analog-surround-40+input:analog-mono
+set-default-source alsa_input.pci-0000_01_01.0.analog-mono
+set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_01_01.0.analog-surround-40\n")))))
+@end lisp
+Note that @code{pulseaudio-service-type} is part of
+@code{%desktop-services}; if your operating system declaration was
+derived from one of the desktop templates, you'll want to adjust the
+above example to modify the existing @code{pulseaudio-service-type} via
+@code{modify-services} (@pxref{Service Reference,
+@code{modify-services}}), instead of defining a new one.
@end deftp
@deffn {Scheme Variable} ladspa-service-type
@@ -23197,7 +23831,7 @@ Data type representing the configuration of opensmtpd.
@item @code{package} (default: @var{opensmtpd})
Package object of the OpenSMTPD SMTP server.
-@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-opensmtpd-file})
+@item @code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-opensmtpd-config-file})
File-like object of the OpenSMTPD configuration file to use. By default
it listens on the loopback network interface, and allows for mail from
users and daemons on the local machine, as well as permitting email to
@@ -25504,9 +26138,10 @@ Specify the path of the base URL@. This can be useful if
@end table
@end deftp
@subsubheading Prometheus Node Exporter Service
@cindex prometheus-node-exporter
The Prometheus ``node exporter'' makes hardware and operating system statistics
provided by the Linux kernel available for the Prometheus monitoring system.
This service should be deployed on all physical nodes and virtual machines,
@@ -25545,320 +26180,229 @@ Extra options to pass to the Prometheus node exporter.
@subsubheading Zabbix server
@cindex zabbix zabbix-server
-Zabbix provides monitoring metrics, among others network utilization, CPU load
-and disk space consumption:
-@item High performance, high capacity (able to monitor hundreds of thousands of devices).
-@item Auto-discovery of servers and network devices and interfaces.
-@item Low-level discovery, allows to automatically start monitoring new items, file systems or network interfaces among others.
-@item Distributed monitoring with centralized web administration.
-@item Native high performance agents.
-@item SLA, and ITIL KPI metrics on reporting.
-@item High-level (business) view of monitored resources through user-defined visual console screens and dashboards.
-@item Remote command execution through Zabbix proxies.
-@end itemize
+Zabbix is a high performance monitoring system that can collect data from a
+variety of sources and provide the results in a web-based interface. Alerting
+and reporting is built-in, as well as @dfn{templates} for common operating
+system metrics such as network utilization, CPU load, and disk space consumption.
+This service provides the central Zabbix monitoring service; you also need
+@ref{zabbix-front-end,@code{zabbix-front-end-service-type}} to configure Zabbix
+and display results, and optionally @ref{zabbix-agent,
+@code{zabbix-agent-service-type}} on machines that should be monitored (other
+data sources are supported, such as @ref{prometheus-node-exporter,
+Prometheus Node Exporter}).
+@defvar {Scheme variable} zabbix-server-service-type
+This is the service type for the Zabbix server service. Its value must be a
+@code{zabbix-server-configuration} record, shown below.
+@end defvar
@c %start of fragment
+@deftp {Data Type} zabbix-server-configuration
Available @code{zabbix-server-configuration} fields are:
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} package zabbix-server
+@table @asis
+@item @code{zabbix-server} (default: @code{zabbix-server}) (type: file-like)
The zabbix-server package.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string user
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: string)
User who will run the Zabbix server.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} group group
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: group)
Group who will run the Zabbix server.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-host
+@item @code{db-host} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
Database host name.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-name
+@item @code{db-name} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: string)
Database name.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-user
+@item @code{db-user} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: string)
Database user.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-password
+@item @code{db-password} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
Database password. Please, use @code{include-files} with
@code{DBPassword=SECRET} inside a specified file instead.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} number db-port
+@item @code{db-port} (default: @code{5432}) (type: number)
Database port.
-Defaults to @samp{5432}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string log-type
+@item @code{log-type} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
Specifies where log messages are written to:
@itemize @bullet
-@code{system} - syslog.
-@code{file} - file specified with @code{log-file} parameter.
+@item @code{system} - syslog.
-@code{console} - standard output.
+@item @code{file} - file specified with @code{log-file} parameter.
-@end itemize
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
+@item @code{console} - standard output.
-@end deftypevr
+@end itemize
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string log-file
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/zabbix/server.log"}) (type: string)
Log file name for @code{log-type} @code{file} parameter.
-Defaults to @samp{"/var/log/zabbix/server.log"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string pid-file
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid"}) (type: string)
Name of PID file.
-Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string ssl-ca-location
+@item @code{ssl-ca-location} (default: @code{"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"}) (type: string)
The location of certificate authority (CA) files for SSL server
certificate verification.
-Defaults to @samp{"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert-location
+@item @code{ssl-cert-location} (default: @code{"/etc/ssl/certs"}) (type: string)
Location of SSL client certificates.
-Defaults to @samp{"/etc/ssl/certs"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string extra-options
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @code{""}) (type: extra-options)
Extra options will be appended to Zabbix server configuration file.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} include-files include-files
+@item @code{include-files} (default: @code{()}) (type: include-files)
You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the
configuration file.
-Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
-@end deftypevr
@c %end of fragment
@subsubheading Zabbix agent
@cindex zabbix zabbix-agent
-Zabbix agent gathers information for Zabbix server.
+The Zabbix agent gathers information about the running system for the Zabbix
+monitoring server. It has a variety of built-in checks, and can be extended
+with custom
+@dfn{user parameters}}.
+@defvar {Scheme variable} zabbix-agent-service-type
+This is the service type for the Zabbix agent service. Its value must be a
+@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} record, shown below.
+@end defvar
@c %start of fragment
+@deftp {Data Type} zabbix-agent-configuration
Available @code{zabbix-agent-configuration} fields are:
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} package zabbix-agent
+@table @asis
+@item @code{zabbix-agent} (default: @code{zabbix-agentd}) (type: file-like)
The zabbix-agent package.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string user
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: string)
User who will run the Zabbix agent.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} group group
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: group)
Group who will run the Zabbix agent.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string hostname
+@item @code{hostname} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
Unique, case sensitive hostname which is required for active checks and
must match hostname as configured on the server.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string log-type
+@item @code{log-type} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
Specifies where log messages are written to:
@itemize @bullet
@code{system} - syslog.
-@code{file} - file specified with @code{log-file} parameter.
+@item @code{file} - file specified with
+@code{log-file} parameter.
-@code{console} - standard output.
+@item @code{console} - standard output.
@end itemize
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string log-file
+@item @code{log-file} (default: @code{"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log"}) (type: string)
Log file name for @code{log-type} @code{file} parameter.
-Defaults to @samp{"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string pid-file
+@item @code{pid-file} (default: @code{"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid"}) (type: string)
Name of PID file.
-Defaults to @samp{"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} list server
+@item @code{server} (default: @code{("")}) (type: list)
List of IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or hostnames of
Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies. Incoming connections will be
accepted only from the hosts listed here.
-Defaults to @samp{("")}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} list server-active
+@item @code{server-active} (default: @code{("")}) (type: list)
List of IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers and Zabbix
proxies for active checks. If port is not specified, default port is
used. If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.
-Defaults to @samp{("")}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string extra-options
+@item @code{extra-options} (default: @code{""}) (type: extra-options)
Extra options will be appended to Zabbix server configuration file.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} include-files include-files
+@item @code{include-files} (default: @code{()}) (type: include-files)
You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the
configuration file.
-Defaults to @samp{()}.
+@end table
+@end deftp
-@end deftypevr
@c %end of fragment
@subsubheading Zabbix front-end
@cindex zabbix zabbix-front-end
-This service provides a WEB interface to Zabbix server.
+The Zabbix front-end provides a web interface to Zabbix. It does not need
+to run on the same machine as the Zabbix server. This service works by
+extending the @ref{PHP-FPM} and @ref{NGINX} services with the configuration
+necessary for loading the Zabbix user interface.
+@defvar {Scheme variable} zabbix-front-end-service-type
+This is the service type for the Zabbix web frontend. Its value must be a
+@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} record, shown below.
+@end defvar
@c %start of fragment
+@deftp {Data Type} zabbix-front-end-configuration
Available @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} fields are:
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} nginx-server-configuration-list nginx
-NGINX configuration.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{zabbix-server} (default: @code{zabbix-server}) (type: file-like)
+The Zabbix server package to use.
-@end deftypevr
+@item @code{nginx} (default: @code{()}) (type: list)
+List of @ref{nginx-server-configuration,@code{nginx-server-configuration}}
+blocks for the Zabbix front-end. When empty, a default that listens on
+port 80 is used.
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-host
+@item @code{db-host} (default: @code{"localhost"}) (type: string)
Database host name.
-Defaults to @samp{"localhost"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} number db-port
+@item @code{db-port} (default: @code{5432}) (type: number)
Database port.
-Defaults to @samp{5432}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-name
+@item @code{db-name} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: string)
Database name.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-user
+@item @code{db-user} (default: @code{"zabbix"}) (type: string)
Database user.
-Defaults to @samp{"zabbix"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-password
+@item @code{db-password} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
Database password. Please, use @code{db-secret-file} instead.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-secret-file
-Secret file containing the credentials for the Zabbix front-end. The value
-must be a local file name, not a G-expression. You are expected to create
-this file manually. Its contents will be copied into @file{zabbix.conf.php}
-as the value of @code{$DB['PASSWORD']}.
-Defaults to @samp{""}.
-@end deftypevr
+@item @code{db-secret-file} (default: @code{""}) (type: string)
+Secret file which will be appended to @file{zabbix.conf.php} file. This
+file contains credentials for use by Zabbix front-end. You are expected
+to create it manually.
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string zabbix-host
+@item @code{zabbix-host} (default: @code{"localhost"}) (type: string)
Zabbix server hostname.
-Defaults to @samp{"localhost"}.
-@end deftypevr
-@deftypevr {@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} number zabbix-port
+@item @code{zabbix-port} (default: @code{10051}) (type: number)
Zabbix server port.
-Defaults to @samp{10051}.
+@end table
-@end deftypevr
+@end deftp
@c %end of fragment
@@ -26832,6 +27376,7 @@ valued G-expression.
@end table
@end deffn
@deftp {Data Type} nginx-server-configuration
Data type representing the configuration of an nginx server block.
This type has the following parameters:
@@ -27282,6 +27827,8 @@ capability also has to be configured on the front-end as well.
@end table
@end deftp
+@subsubheading PHP-FPM
@cindex php-fpm
PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation
with some additional features useful for sites of any size.
@@ -29920,6 +30467,34 @@ Defaults to @samp{"powersave"}.
@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer start-charge-thresh-bat0
+Percentage when battery 0 should begin charging. Only supported on some laptops.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer stop-charge-thresh-bat0
+Percentage when battery 0 should stop charging. Only supported on some laptops.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer start-charge-thresh-bat1
+Percentage when battery 1 should begin charging. Only supported on some laptops.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
+@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer stop-charge-thresh-bat1
+Percentage when battery 1 should stop charging. Only supported on some laptops.
+Defaults to @samp{disabled}.
+@end deftypevr
@deftypevr {@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-power-profile-on-ac
Radeon graphics clock speed level. Alternatives are low, mid, high,
auto, default.
@@ -30121,6 +30696,10 @@ of processors and preventing overheating.
Data type representing the configuration of @code{thermald-service-type}.
@table @asis
+@item @code{adaptive?} (default: @code{#f})
+Use @acronym{DPTF, Dynamic Power and Thermal Framework} adaptive tables
+when present.
@item @code{ignore-cpuid-check?} (default: @code{#f})
Ignore cpuid check for supported CPU models.
@@ -30840,6 +31419,10 @@ Its value must be a @code{virtlog-configuration}.
@end lisp
@end deffn
+@deftypevar {@code{libvirt} parameter} package libvirt
+Libvirt package.
+@end deftypevar
@deftypevr {@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer log-level
Logging level. 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug.
@@ -33646,6 +34229,92 @@ Extra command line options for @code{guix-data-service-process-jobs}.
@end table
@end deftp
+@subsubheading Nar Herder
+The @uref{https://git.cbaines.net/guix/nar-herder/about/,Nar Herder} is
+a utility for managing a collection of nars.
+@defvar {Scheme Variable} nar-herder-type
+Service type for the Guix Data Service. Its value must be a
+@code{nar-herder-configuration} object. The service optionally
+extends the getmail service, as the guix-commits mailing list is used to
+find out about changes in the Guix git repository.
+@end defvar
+@deftp {Data Type} nar-herder-configuration
+Data type representing the configuration of the Guix Data Service.
+@table @asis
+@item @code{package} (default: @code{nar-herder})
+The Nar Herder package to use.
+@item @code{user} (default: @code{"nar-herder"})
+The system user to run the service as.
+@item @code{group} (default: @code{"nar-herder"})
+The system group to run the service as.
+@item @code{port} (default: @code{8734})
+The port to bind the server to.
+@item @code{host} (default: @code{""})
+The host to bind the server to.
+@item @code{mirror} (default: @code{#f})
+Optional URL of the other Nar Herder instance which should be mirrored.
+This means that this Nar Herder instance will download it's database,
+and keep it up to date.
+@item @code{database} (default: @code{"/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder.db"})
+Location for the database. If this Nar Herder instance is mirroring
+another, the database will be downloaded if it doesn't exist. If this
+Nar Herder instance isn't mirroring another, an empty database will be
+@item @code{database-dump} (default: @code{"/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder_dump.db"})
+Location of the database dump. This is created and regularly updated by
+taking a copy of the database. This is the version of the database that
+is available to download.
+@item @code{storage} (default: @code{#f})
+Optional location in which to store nars.
+@item @code{storage-limit} (default: @code{"none"})
+Limit in bytes for the nars stored in the storage location. This can
+also be set to ``none'' so that there is no limit.
+When the storage location exceeds this size, nars are removed according
+to the nar removal criteria.
+@item @code{storage-nar-removal-criteria} (default: @code{'()})
+Criteria used to remove nars from the storage location. These are used
+in conjunction with the storage limit.
+When the storage location exceeds the storage limit size, nars will be
+checked against the nar removal criteria and if any of the criteria
+match, they will be removed. This will continue until the storage
+location is below the storage limit size.
+Each criteria is specified by a string, then an equals sign, then
+another string. Currently, only one criteria is supported, checking if a
+nar is stored on another Nar Herder instance.
+@item @code{ttl} (default: @code{#f})
+Produce @code{Cache-Control} HTTP headers that advertise a time-to-live
+(TTL) of @var{ttl}. @var{ttl} must denote a duration: @code{5d} means 5
+days, @code{1m} means 1 month, and so on.
+This allows the user's Guix to keep substitute information in cache for
+@item @code{negative-ttl} (default: @code{#f})
+Similarly produce @code{Cache-Control} HTTP headers to advertise the
+time-to-live (TTL) of @emph{negative} lookups---missing store items, for
+which the HTTP 404 code is returned. By default, no negative TTL is
+@end table
+@end deftp
@node Linux Services
@subsection Linux Services
@@ -34454,8 +35123,8 @@ previous example to your operating system declaration by appending it to
;; Some fields omitted...
(append (list (setuid-program
- (program (file-append nfs-utils "/sbin/mount.nfs")))
- %setuid-programs))))
+ (program (file-append nfs-utils "/sbin/mount.nfs"))))
+ %setuid-programs)))
@end lisp
@deftp {Data Type} setuid-program
@@ -34767,7 +35436,7 @@ honors several options passed on the Linux kernel command line
@code{-append} option of QEMU), notably:
@table @code
-@item --load=@var{boot}
+@item gnu.load=@var{boot}
Tell the initial RAM disk to load @var{boot}, a file containing a Scheme
program, once it has mounted the root file system.
@@ -34775,12 +35444,22 @@ Guix uses this option to yield control to a boot program that runs the
service activation programs and then spawns the GNU@tie{}Shepherd, the
initialization system.
-@item --root=@var{root}
+@item root=@var{root}
Mount @var{root} as the root file system. @var{root} can be a device
name like @code{/dev/sda1}, a file system label, or a file system UUID.
When unspecified, the device name from the root file system of the
operating system declaration is used.
+@item rootfstype=@var{type}
+Set the type of the root file system. It overrides the @code{type}
+field of the root file system specified via the @code{operating-system}
+declaration, if any.
+@item rootflags=@var{options}
+Set the mount @emph{options} of the root file system. It overrides the
+@code{options} field of the root file system specified via the
+@code{operating-system} declaration, if any.
@item fsck.mode=@var{mode}
Whether to check the @var{root} file system for errors before mounting
it. @var{mode} is one of @code{skip} (never check), @code{force} (always
@@ -34800,7 +35479,7 @@ or @code{preen} to repair problems considered safe to repair automatically.
@code{preen} is the default if this option is not present or if @var{level}
is not one of the above.
-@item --system=@var{system}
+@item gnu.system=@var{system}
Have @file{/run/booted-system} and @file{/run/current-system} point to
@@ -34812,7 +35491,7 @@ Instruct the initial RAM disk as well as the @command{modprobe} command
must be a comma-separated list of module names---e.g.,
-@item --repl
+@item gnu.repl
Start a read-eval-print loop (REPL) from the initial RAM disk before it
tries to load kernel modules and to mount the root file system. Our
marketing team calls it @dfn{boot-to-Guile}. The Schemer in you will
@@ -34833,7 +35512,7 @@ here is how to use it and customize it further.
[#:helper-packages '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f]
Return a derivation that builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is
a list of file systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to
-the root file system specified on the kernel command line via @option{--root}.
+the root file system specified on the kernel command line via @option{root}.
@var{linux-modules} is a list of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time.
@var{mapped-devices} is a list of device mappings to realize before
@var{file-systems} are mounted (@pxref{Mapped Devices}).
@@ -34863,7 +35542,7 @@ to it are lost.
Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with kernel
modules taken from @var{linux}. @var{file-systems} is a list of file-systems to be
mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified
-on the kernel command line via @option{--root}. @var{mapped-devices} is a list of device
+on the kernel command line via @option{root}. @var{mapped-devices} is a list of device
mappings to realize before @var{file-systems} are mounted.
When true, @var{keyboard-layout} is a @code{<keyboard-layout>} record denoting
@@ -35733,9 +36412,21 @@ bootloader boot menu:
@table @code
@item describe
-Describe the current system generation: its file name, the kernel and
+Describe the running system generation: its file name, the kernel and
bootloader used, etc., as well as provenance information when available.
+@quotation Note
+The @emph{running} system generation---referred to by
+@file{/run/current-system}---is not necessarily the @emph{current}
+system generation---referred to by @file{/var/guix/profiles/system}: it
+differs when, for instance, you chose from the bootloader menu to boot
+an older generation.
+It can also differ from the @emph{booted} system generation---referred
+to by @file{/run/booted-system}---for instance because you reconfigured
+the system in the meantime.
+@end quotation
@item list-generations
List a summary of each generation of the operating system available on
disk, in a human-readable way. This is similar to the
@@ -35911,6 +36602,30 @@ be accomplished with the following operating system configuration snippet:
For more information regarding the format of the @file{sudoers} file,
consult @command{man sudoers}.
+Once you've deployed a system on a set of machines, you may find it
+useful to run a command on all of them. The @option{--execute} or
+@option{-x} option lets you do that; the example below runs
+@command{uname -a} on all the machines listed in the deployment file:
+guix deploy @var{file} -x -- uname -a
+@end example
+One thing you may often need to do after deployment is restart specific
+services on all the machines, which you can do like so:
+guix deploy @var{file} -x -- herd restart @var{service}
+@end example
+The @command{guix deploy -x} command returns zero if and only if the
+command succeeded on all the machines.
+@c FIXME/TODO: Separate the API doc from the CLI doc.
+Below are the data types you need to know about when writing a
+deployment file.
@deftp {Data Type} machine
This is the data type representing a single machine in a heterogeneous Guix
@@ -37369,6 +38084,21 @@ be confused with Shepherd services (@pxref{Shepherd Services}). Using this exte
mechanism and some Scheme code that glues things together gives the user
the freedom to declare their own, very custom, home environments.
+@cindex container, for @command{guix home}
+Once the configuration looks good, you can first test it in a throw-away
+guix home container config.scm
+@end example
+The command above spawns a shell where your home environment is running.
+The shell runs in a container, meaning it's isolated from the rest of
+the system, so it's a good way to try out your configuration---you can
+see if configuration bits are missing or misbehaving, if daemons get
+started, and so on. Once you exit that shell, you're back to the prompt
+of your original shell ``in the real world''.
Once you have a configuration file that suits your needs, you can
reconfigure your home by running:
@@ -37470,6 +38200,7 @@ services)}.
* Shells: Shells Home Services. POSIX shells, Bash, Zsh.
* Mcron: Mcron Home Service. Scheduled User's Job Execution.
* Shepherd: Shepherd Home Service. Managing User's Daemons.
+* Desktop: Desktop Home Services. Services for graphical environments.
@end menu
@c In addition to that Home Services can provide
@@ -37646,7 +38377,7 @@ The Bash package to use.
@item @code{guix-defaults?} (default: @code{#t}) (type: boolean)
Add sane defaults like reading @file{/etc/bashrc} and coloring the output of
-@command{ls} to the end of the @file{.bashrc} file.
+@command{ls} to the top of the @file{.bashrc} file.
@item @code{environment-variables} (default: @code{()}) (type: alist)
Association list of environment variables to set for the Bash session. The
@@ -37661,13 +38392,13 @@ put in the @file{.bashrc} file. The alias will automatically be quoted,
so something line this:
-'((\"ls\" . \"ls -alF\"))
+'(("ls" . "ls -alF"))
@end lisp
turns into
-alias ls=\"ls -alF\"
+alias ls="ls -alF"
@end example
@item @code{bash-profile} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)
@@ -37857,6 +38588,85 @@ mechanism instead (@pxref{Shepherd Services}).
@end table
@end deftp
+@node Desktop Home Services
+@subsection Desktop Home Services
+The @code{(gnu home services desktop)} module provides services that you
+may find useful on ``desktop'' systems running a graphical user
+environment such as Xorg.
+@defvr {Scheme Variable} home-redshift-service-type
+This is the service type for @uref{https://github.com/jonls/redshift,
+Redshift}, a program that adjusts the display color temperature
+according to the time of day. Its associated value must be a
+@code{home-redshift-configuration} record, as shown below.
+A typical configuration, where we manually specify the latitude and
+longitude, might look like this:
+(service home-redshift-service-type
+ (home-redshift-configuration
+ (location-provider 'manual)
+ (latitude 35.81) ;northern hemisphere
+ (longitude -0.80))) ;west of Greenwich
+@end lisp
+@end defvr
+@deftp {Data Type} home-redshift-configuration
+Available @code{home-redshift-configuration} fields are:
+@table @asis
+@item @code{redshift} (default: @code{redshift}) (type: file-like)
+Redshift package to use.
+@item @code{location-provider} (default: @code{geoclue2}) (type: symbol)
+Geolocation provider---@code{'manual} or @code{'geoclue2}. In the
+former case, you must also specify the @code{latitude} and
+@code{longitude} fields so Redshift can determine daytime at your place.
+In the latter case, the Geoclue system service must be running; it will
+be queried for location information.
+@item @code{adjustment-method} (default: @code{randr}) (type: symbol)
+Color adjustment method.
+@item @code{daytime-temperature} (default: @code{6500}) (type: integer)
+Daytime color temperature (kelvins).
+@item @code{nighttime-temperature} (default: @code{4500}) (type: integer)
+Nighttime color temperature (kelvins).
+@item @code{daytime-brightness} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)
+Daytime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0.
+@item @code{nighttime-brightness} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)
+Nighttime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0.
+@item @code{latitude} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)
+Latitude, when @code{location-provider} is @code{'manual}.
+@item @code{longitude} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)
+Longitude, when @code{location-provider} is @code{'manual}.
+@item @code{dawn-time} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)
+Custom time for the transition from night to day in the
+morning---@code{"HH:MM"} format. When specified, solar elevation is not
+used to determine the daytime/nighttime period.
+@item @code{dusk-time} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)
+Likewise, custom time for the transition from day to night in the
+@item @code{extra-content} (default: @code{""}) (type: raw-configuration-string)
+Extra content appended as-is to the Redshift configuration file. Run
+@command{man redshift} for more information about the configuration file
+@end table
+@end deftp
@node Invoking guix home
@section Invoking @code{guix home}
@@ -37917,6 +38727,49 @@ As for @command{guix search}, the result is written in
@code{recutils} format, which makes it easy to filter the output
(@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}).
+@cindex container, for @command{guix home}
+@item container
+Spawn a shell in an isolated environment---a
+@dfn{container}---containing your home as specified by @var{file}.
+For example, this is how you would start an interactive shell in a
+container with your home:
+guix home container config.scm
+@end example
+This is a throw-away container where you can lightheartedly fiddle with
+files; any changes made within the container, any process started---all
+this disappears as soon as you exit that shell.
+As with @command{guix shell}, several options control that container:
+@table @option
+@item --network
+@itemx -N
+Enable networking within the container (it is disabled by default).
+@item --expose=@var{source}[=@var{target}]
+@itemx --share=@var{source}[=@var{target}]
+As with @command{guix shell}, make directory @var{source} of the host
+system available as @var{target} inside the container---read-only if you
+pass @option{--expose}, and writable if you pass @option{--share}
+(@pxref{Invoking guix shell, @option{--expose} and @option{--share}}).
+@end table
+Additionally, you can run a command in that container, instead of
+spawning an interactive shell. For instance, here is how you would
+check which Shepherd services are started in a throw-away home
+guix home container config.scm -- herd status
+@end example
+The command to run in the container must come after @code{--} (double
@item reconfigure
Build the home environment described in @var{file}, and switch to it.
Switching means that the activation script will be evaluated and (in
@@ -38066,7 +38919,38 @@ environment. Note that not every home service that exists is supported
$ guix home import ~/guix-config
guix home: '/home/alice/guix-config' populated with all the Home configuration files
@end example
+@end table
+And there's more! @command{guix home} also provides the following
+sub-commands to visualize how the services of your home environment
+relate to one another:
+@table @code
+@cindex service extension graph, of a home environment
+@item extension-graph
+Emit to standard output the @dfn{service extension graph} of the home
+environment defined in @var{file} (@pxref{Service Composition}, for more
+information on service extensions). By default the output is in
+Dot/Graphviz format, but you can choose a different format with
+@option{--graph-backend}, as with @command{guix graph} (@pxref{Invoking
+guix graph, @option{--backend}}):
+The command:
+guix home extension-graph @var{file} | xdot -
+@end example
+shows the extension relations among services.
+@cindex Shepherd dependency graph, for a home environment
+@item shepherd-graph
+Emit to standard output the @dfn{dependency graph} of shepherd services
+of the home environment defined in @var{file}. @xref{Shepherd
+Services}, for more information and for an example graph.
+Again, the default output format is Dot/Graphviz, but you can pass
+@option{--graph-backend} to select a different one.
@end table
@var{options} can contain any of the common build options (@pxref{Common
@@ -38081,6 +38965,16 @@ Consider the home-environment @var{expr} evaluates to.
This is an alternative to specifying a file which evaluates to a home
+@item --allow-downgrades
+Instruct @command{guix home reconfigure} to allow system downgrades.
+Just like @command{guix system}, @command{guix home reconfigure}, by
+default, prevents you from downgrading your home to older or unrelated
+revisions compared to the channel revisions that were used to deploy
+it---those shown by @command{guix home describe}. Using
+@option{--allow-downgrades} allows you to bypass that check, at the risk
+of downgrading your home---be careful!
@end table
@node Documentation
@@ -38304,6 +39198,147 @@ Note that there can be packages for which @option{--with-debug-info}
will not have the desired effect. @xref{Package Transformation Options,
@option{--with-debug-info}}, for more information.
+@node Using TeX and LaTeX
+@chapter Using @TeX{} and @LaTeX{}
+@cindex @TeX{} packages
+@cindex @LaTeX{} packages
+Guix provides packages for the @TeX{}, @LaTeX{}, ConTeXt, LuaTeX, and
+related typesetting systems, taken from the
+@uref{https://www.tug.org/texlive/, @TeX{} Live distribution}. However,
+because @TeX{} Live is so huge and because finding your way in this maze
+is tricky, we thought that you, dear user, would welcome guidance on how
+to deploy the relevant packages so you can compile your @TeX{} and
+@LaTeX{} documents.
+@TeX{} Live currently comes in two flavors in Guix:
+The ``monolithic'' @code{texlive} package: it comes with @emph{every
+single @TeX{} Live package} (more than 7,000 of them), but it is huge
+(more than 4@tie{}GiB for a single package!).
+The ``modular'' @code{texlive-} packages: you install
+@code{texlive-base}, which provides core functionality and the main
+commands---@command{pdflatex}, @command{dvips}, @command{luatex},
+@command{mf}, etc.---together with individual packages that provide just
+the features you need---@code{texlive-listings} for the
+@code{listings} package, @code{texlive-hyperref} for @code{hyperref},
+@code{texlive-beamer} for Beamer, @code{texlive-pgf} for PGF/TikZ,
+and so on.
+@end itemize
+We recommend using the modular package set because it is much less
+resource-hungry. To build your documents, you would use commands such
+guix shell texlive-base texlive-wrapfig \
+ texlive-hyperref texlive-cm-super -- pdflatex doc.tex
+@end example
+You can quickly end up with unreasonably long command lines though. The
+solution is to instead write a manifest, for example like this one:
+ '("rubber"
+ "texlive-base"
+ "texlive-wrapfig"
+ "texlive-microtype"
+ "texlive-listings" "texlive-hyperref"
+ ;; PGF/TikZ
+ "texlive-pgf"
+ ;; Additional fonts.
+ "texlive-cm-super" "texlive-amsfonts"
+ "texlive-times" "texlive-helvetic" "texlive-courier"))
+@end lisp
+You can then pass it to any command with the @option{-m} option:
+guix shell -m manifest.scm -- pdflatex doc.tex
+@end example
+@xref{Invoking guix package, @option{--manifest}}, for more on
+manifests. In the future, we plan to provide packages for @TeX{} Live
+@dfn{collections}---``meta-packages'' such as @code{fontsrecommended},
+@code{humanities}, or @code{langarabic} that provide the set of packages
+needed in this particular domain. That will allow you to list fewer
+The main difficulty here is that using the modular package set forces
+you to select precisely the packages that you need. You can use
+@command{guix search}, but finding the right package can prove to be
+tedious. When a package is missing, @command{pdflatex} and similar
+commands fail with an obscure message along the lines of:
+doc.tex: File `tikz.sty' not found.
+doc.tex:7: Emergency stop.
+@end example
+or, for a missing font:
+kpathsea: Running mktexmf phvr7t
+! I can't find file `phvr7t'.
+@end example
+How do you determine what the missing package is? In the first case,
+you'll find the answer by running:
+$ guix search texlive tikz
+name: texlive-pgf
+version: 59745
+@end example
+In the second case, @command{guix search} turns up nothing. Instead,
+you can search the @TeX{} Live package database using the @command{tlmgr}
+$ guix shell texlive-base -- tlmgr info phvr7t
+tlmgr: cannot find package phvr7t, searching for other matches:
+Packages containing `phvr7t' in their title/description:
+Packages containing files matching `phvr7t':
+ texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.tfm
+ texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/adobe/helvetic/phvr7tn.tfm
+ texmf-dist/fonts/vf/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.vf
+ texmf-dist/fonts/vf/adobe/helvetic/phvr7tn.vf
+ texmf-dist/tex4ht/ht-fonts/alias/adobe/helvetic/phvr7t.htf
+@end example
+The file is available in the @TeX{} Live @code{helvetic} package, which is
+known in Guix as @code{texlive-helvetic}. Quite a ride, but we found
+There is one important limitation though: Guix currently provides a
+subset of the @TeX{} Live packages. If you stumble upon a missing
+package, you can try and import it (@pxref{Invoking guix import}):
+guix import texlive @var{package}
+@end example
+@quotation Note
+@TeX{} Live packaging is still very much work in progress, but you can
+help! @xref{Contributing}, for more information.
+@end quotation
@node Security Updates
@chapter Security Updates
diff --git a/doc/local.mk b/doc/local.mk
index 9619971296..c9a8391993 100644
--- a/doc/local.mk
+++ b/doc/local.mk
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# If adding a language, update the following variables, and info_TEXINFOS.
MANUAL_LANGUAGES = de es fa fi fr it ko pt_BR ru sk zh_CN
-COOKBOOK_LANGUAGES = de es fa fi fr ko ru sk zh_Hans
+COOKBOOK_LANGUAGES = de es fa fi fr ko pt_BR ru sk uk zh_Hans
# Arg1: A list of languages codes.
# Arg2: The file name stem.
@@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ info_TEXINFOS = %D%/guix.texi \
%D%/guix-cookbook.fi.texi \
%D%/guix-cookbook.fr.texi \
%D%/guix-cookbook.ko.texi \
+ %D%/guix-cookbook.pt_BR.texi \
%D%/guix-cookbook.ru.texi \
%D%/guix-cookbook.sk.texi \
+ %D%/guix-cookbook.uk.texi \
%C%_guix_TEXINFOS = \
diff --git a/etc/guix-daemon.cil.in b/etc/guix-daemon.cil.in
index 2ba02d1655..f4767ff666 100644
--- a/etc/guix-daemon.cil.in
+++ b/etc/guix-daemon.cil.in
@@ -302,9 +302,6 @@
(allow guix_daemon_t
(lnk_file (create getattr rename unlink read)))
- (allow guix_daemon_t
- guix_daemon_conf_t
- (sock_file (write)))
(allow guix_daemon_t net_conf_t
(file (getattr open read)))
(allow guix_daemon_t net_conf_t
@@ -358,7 +355,7 @@
(unix_stream_socket (listen)))
(allow guix_daemon_t
- (sock_file (create unlink)))
+ (sock_file (create unlink write)))
(allow guix_daemon_t
(unix_stream_socket (create
diff --git a/etc/news.scm b/etc/news.scm
index 7e6da61c71..56b90501ae 100644
--- a/etc/news.scm
+++ b/etc/news.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;; Copyright © 2021 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;; Copyright © 2021 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
;; Copyright © 2021 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
@@ -25,6 +25,139 @@
(version 0)
+ (entry (commit "094a2cfbe45c104d0da30ff9d975d052ca0c118c")
+ (title
+ (en "New @command{guix home container} command")
+ (de "Neuer Befehl @command{guix home container}")
+ (fr "Nouvelle commande @command{guix home container}"))
+ (body
+ (en "The new @command{guix home} tool, which lets you to manage
+entire \"home environments\" in a declarative fashion, has gained a
+@command{container} sub-command. The new @command{guix home container}
+command allows you to test your configuration in an isolated @dfn{container},
+without touching your home directory:
+guix home container config.scm
+@end example
+This provides a simple and safe way to test your configuration before
+deploying it with @command{guix home reconfigure}. Run @code{info \"(guix)
+Invoking guix home\"} for more information.")
+ (de "Das neue Werkzeug @command{guix home}, womit Sie vollständige
+„Persönliche Umgebungen“ deklarativ verwalten können, hat einen neuen
+Unterbefehl @command{container} hinzubekommen. Mit dem neuen Befehl
+@command{guix home container} können Sie Ihre Konfiguration in einem isolierten
+@dfn{Container} ausprobieren, ohne Ihr Persönliches Verzeichnis anzutasten.
+guix home container config.scm
+@end example
+So ist es ein Leichtes, Ihre Konfiguration in einer sicheren Umgebung zu testen,
+bevor Sie mit @command{guix home reconfigure} auf sie umsteigen. Führen Sie
+@code{info \"(guix.de) Aufruf von guix home\"} aus, um mehr zu erfahren.")
+ (fr "La nouvelle commande @command{guix home}, qui sert à gérer son
+« environnement d'accueil » de manière déclarative, dispose maintenant d'une
+sous-commande @command{container}. La nouvelle commande @command{guix home
+container} permet de tester sa configuration dans un @dfn{conteneur} isolé,
+sans toucher à son répertoire d'accueil :
+guix home container config.scm
+@end example
+C'est un moyen simple et sûr de tester sa configuration avant de la déployer
+avec @command{guix home reconfigure}. Lancer @code{info \"(guix.fr) Invoquer
+guix home\"} pour plus d'informations.")))
+ (entry (commit "f1d18adbed39a3bacae93be29346fd4c86b480ef")
+ (title
+ (en "More compact @samp{guix pull --news}")
+ (de "@samp{guix pull --news} wird knapper")
+ (nl "Meer beknopte @samp{guix pull --news}"))
+ (body
+ (en "The output of @samp{guix pull --news} has been shortened to
+display only fresh news items such as this one. It no longer includes the
+partial selection of new and updated packages, which was often long enough to
+be distracting whilst being too short to be useful.
+The complete list of new and updated packages can now be obtained separately
+using @samp{guix pull --news --details}.")
+ (de "Die Ausgabe von @samp{guix pull --news} wurde gekürzt
+und informiert nur mehr über ungezeigte Neuigkeiten wie diese. Es
+fehlt der unvollständige Bericht über neue und aktualisierte Pakete,
+der oft so lang war, dass er gestört hat, doch zu kurz war, um
+nützlich zu sein.
+Die vollständige Liste neuer und aktualisierter Pakete bekommen Sie
+jetzt mit @samp{guix pull --news --details}.")
+ (nl "De uitvoer van @samp{guix pull --news} is vanaf nu beperkt tot
+verse nieuwsberichten zoals dit, zonder de onvolledige bloemlezing van nieuwe
+en bijgewerkte pakketten. Die was vaak lang genoeg om de lezer af te leiden
+maar te kort om nuttig te zijn.
+De volledige list van nieuwe en bijgewerkte pakketten is nu afzonderlijk
+beschikbaar met @samp{guix pull --news --details}.")))
+ (entry (commit "96d7535b030c65b2d8cb0bea52c4bd96cbdefaf0")
+ (title
+ (en "ci.guix.gnu.org to stop offering Gzip substitutes")
+ (de "ci.guix.gnu.org wird keine Substitute mit Gzip mehr anbieten"))
+ (body
+ (en "This is a notice to let you know that starting next
+month (2022/03/01), Gzip-compressed substitutes will no longer be available,
+which means that Guix daemons from a revision older than commit
+@samp{3092f1b835d79655eecb2f8a79dda20ad9ba6bd6} (2019/06/02) will loose the
+ability to download binary substitutes. Starting next month, only lzip and
+zstd substitutes will be offered. Dropping Gzip substitutes will free about
+6.5 TiB of storage space from the build farm.")
+ (de "Hiermit weisen wir Sie darauf hin, dass ab nächstem
+Monat (2022/03/01) keine Gzip-komprimierten Substitute mehr zur Verfügung
+stehen. Dadurch können Guix-Daemons, deren Version älter ist als Commit
+@samp{3092f1b835d79655eecb2f8a79dda20ad9ba6bd6} (2019/06/02), keine binären
+Substitute mehr beziehen. Ab kommendem Monat werden nur Substitute mit lzip
+und zstd angeboten. Indem wir auf Gzip-Substitute verzichten, sparen wir 6.5
+TiB Speicherplatz auf der Erstellungsfarm.")))
+ (entry (commit "5c13484646069064c834bbd3cd02c3bc80d94cb6")
+ (title
+ (en "New @option{--execute} option to @command{guix deploy}")
+ (de "Neue Option @option{--execute} für @command{guix deploy}")
+ (fr "Nouvelle option @option{--execute} pour @command{guix deploy}"))
+ (body
+ (en "The @command{guix deploy} command has a new @option{--execute}
+or @option{-x} option, which allows you to execute a command on all the
+machines that your configuration file specifies, as in this example:
+guix deploy deploy.scm -x -- herd restart guix-daemon
+@end example
+This is no substitute for full-featured tools such as pdsh but it is a useful
+ (de "Der Befehl @command{guix deploy} verfügt über eine neue Option
+@option{--execute} oder @option{-x}, mit der Sie einen Befehl auf allen in der
+Konfigurationsdatei angegebenen Maschinen ausführen können. Zum Beispiel:
+guix deploy deploy.scm -x -- herd restart guix-daemon
+@end example
+Dies ist kein Ersatz für vollumfängliche Werkzeuge wie pdsh, aber es kann doch
+von Nutzen sein.")
+ (fr "La commande @command{guix deploy} a une nouvelle option
+@option{--execute} ou @option{-x} qui permet d'exécuter une commande sur
+toutes les machines spécifiées dans son fichier de configuration, comme dans
+cet exemple :
+guix deploy deploy.scm -x -- herd restart guix-daemon
+@end example
+Ça ne remplace pas les outils sophistiqués comme pdsh mais c'est bien
(entry (commit "c4fe13c294cc1e31dd8a49ce3981f603fb169e0a")
(en "@command{guix style} can format package definitions")
@@ -229,14 +362,14 @@ d'informations.")))
(entry (commit "52cb5cf5b852117b5151a67af187d80764849ad3")
- (en "Icedove 91: profile folder moved to @file{~/.thunderbird}")
- (de "Icedove 91: Profilordner jetzt unter @file{~/.thunderbird}"))
+ (en "Icedove 91: profile folder moved to @file{~/.thunderbird}")
+ (de "Icedove 91: Profilordner jetzt unter @file{~/.thunderbird}"))
- (en "Icedove 91 expects your profile folder under @file{~/.thunderbird}.
+ (en "Icedove 91 expects your profile folder under @file{~/.thunderbird}.
You need to manually copy your Icedove profiles from @file{~/.icedove} to
@file{~./thunderbird}. It may be required to start Icedove with
@option{--ProfileManager} for the first time after the migration.")
- (de "Icedove 91 erwartet Ihren Profilordner unter @file{~/.thunderbird}.
+ (de "Icedove 91 erwartet Ihren Profilordner unter @file{~/.thunderbird}.
Dafür müssen sie Ihre Icedove-Profile von @file{~/.icedove} nach
@file{~/.thunderbird} kopieren. Eventuell muss Icedove das erste Mal nach der
Migration mit @option{--ProfileManager} gestartet werden.")))
@@ -831,7 +964,7 @@ Nous conseillons de mettre à jour @command{guix-daemon}. Lancer @command{info
\"(guix.fr) Mettre à niveau Guix\"} pour voir comment faire. Voir
@uref{https://issues.guix.gnu.org/47229} pour plus d'informations sur cette
- (nl "In @command{guix-daemon} werd een beveiligingsprobleem
+ (nl "In @command{guix-daemon} werd een beveiligingsprobleem
gevonden dat kan leiden tot de escalatie van lokale bevoegdheden. Het
probleem doet zich voor bij installaties met meerdere gebruikers waarop een
lokale @command{guix-daemon} draait.
@@ -921,7 +1054,7 @@ guix import go golang.org/x/sys
@end example
Lancez @command{info \"(guix.fr) Invoquer guix import\"} pour en savoir plus.")
- (nl "Met de nieuwe @command{guix import go}-opdracht kunnen
+ (nl "Met de nieuwe @command{guix import go}-opdracht kunnen
pakketschrijvers een pakketdefinitie of -sjabloon aanmaken, op basis van de
naam van een Go-pakket te vinden op @url{https://proxy.golang.org}:
@@ -934,28 +1067,28 @@ informatie.")))
(entry (commit "1b5b882120daf7d111aa351a919a90e818324347")
- (en "The @code{linux-libre} kernel is updated to 5.11.2")
- (de "Der Kernel @code{linux-libre} wird auf 5.11.2 aktualisiert")
- (fr "Le noyau @code{linux-libre} est mis à jour vers la 5.11.2")
- (nl "De @code{linux-libre}-kernel werd bijgewertk naar 5.11.2"))
+ (en "The @code{linux-libre} kernel is updated to 5.11.2")
+ (de "Der Kernel @code{linux-libre} wird auf 5.11.2 aktualisiert")
+ (fr "Le noyau @code{linux-libre} est mis à jour vers la 5.11.2")
+ (nl "De @code{linux-libre}-kernel werd bijgewertk naar 5.11.2"))
- (en "The default @code{linux-libre} kernel is now based on the 5.11
+ (en "The default @code{linux-libre} kernel is now based on the 5.11
stable kernel series, beginning with version 5.11.2. Promiment features include
improved Wine performance, unprivileged Overlayfs mounts, support for Intel SGX,
support for new graphics hardware, and improved performance of the Btrfs
file system.")
- (de "Der standardmäßig verwendete @code{linux-libre}-Kernel basiert
+ (de "Der standardmäßig verwendete @code{linux-libre}-Kernel basiert
jetzt auf der 5.11-„stable“-Versionsreihe, angefangen mit Version 5.11.2. Zu
den markanten Neuerungen gehören bessere Wine-Unterstützung, Einbinden per
Overlayfs für Nutzer ohne erweiterte Rechte, Unterstützung für Intel SGX, für
neue Grafikhardware und bessere Leistung beim Btrfs-Dateisystem.")
- (fr "Le noyau @code{linux-libre} par défaut est maintenant basé sur la
+ (fr "Le noyau @code{linux-libre} par défaut est maintenant basé sur la
lignée stable 5.11 du noyau, à commencer par la version 5.11.2. Parmi les
fonctionnalités notables on trouve des performances améliorées pour Wine, le
montage Overlayfs non privilégié, la prise en charge d'Intel SGX, celle des
nouveaux périphériques graphiques et de meilleures performances du système de
fichiers Btrfs.")
- (nl "De standaard @code{linux-libre}-kernel is nu geëent op de
+ (nl "De standaard @code{linux-libre}-kernel is nu geëent op de
stabiele 5.11-reeks, te beginnen met versie 5.11.2. Deze update biedt onder
andere verbeterde prestaties voor Wine en het Btfrs-bestandssysteem, laat
gewone gebruikers toe om met Overlayfs bestandssystemen te combineren, en
diff --git a/gnu/build/activation.scm b/gnu/build/activation.scm
index 9f6126023c..10c9045740 100644
--- a/gnu/build/activation.scm
+++ b/gnu/build/activation.scm
@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ improvement."
(define (boot-time-system)
- "Return the '--system' argument passed on the kernel command line."
- (find-long-option "--system" (if (string-contains %host-type "linux-gnu")
+ "Return the 'gnu.system' argument passed on the kernel command line."
+ (find-long-option "gnu.system" (if (string-contains %host-type "linux-gnu")
diff --git a/gnu/build/hurd-boot.scm b/gnu/build/hurd-boot.scm
index ac36bd17d4..ad3c50d61e 100644
--- a/gnu/build/hurd-boot.scm
+++ b/gnu/build/hurd-boot.scm
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ set."
"This procedure is meant to be called from an early RC script.
Install the relevant passive translators on the first boot. Then, run system
-activation by using the kernel command-line options '--system' and '--load';
+activation by using the kernel command-line options 'gnu.system' and 'gnu.load';
starting the Shepherd.
XXX TODO: see linux-boot.scm:boot-system.
@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@ XXX TODO: use Linux xattr/setxattr to remove (settrans in) /libexec/RUNSYSTEM
(display "Welcome, this is GNU's early boot Guile.\n")
- (display "Use '--repl' for an initrd REPL.\n\n")
+ (display "Use 'gnu.repl' for an initrd REPL.\n\n")
(lambda ()
(let* ((args (command-line))
- (system (find-long-option "--system" args))
- (to-load (find-long-option "--load" args)))
+ (system (find-long-option "gnu.system" args))
+ (to-load (find-long-option "gnu.load" args)))
(format #t "Setting-up essential translators...\n")
(setenv "PATH" (string-append system "/profile/bin"))
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ XXX TODO: use Linux xattr/setxattr to remove (settrans in) /libexec/RUNSYSTEM
(unless (zero? (system* "/hurd/mach-defpager"))
(format #t "FAILED...Good luck!\n"))
- (cond ((member "--repl" args)
+ (cond ((member "gnu.repl" args)
(format #t "Starting repl...\n")
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ XXX TODO: use Linux xattr/setxattr to remove (settrans in) /libexec/RUNSYSTEM
(sleep 2)
- (display "no boot file passed via '--load'\n")
+ (display "no boot file passed via 'gnu.load'\n")
(display "entering a warm and cozy REPL\n")
#:on-error on-error))
diff --git a/gnu/build/image.scm b/gnu/build/image.scm
index bdd5ec25a9..81caa424f8 100644
--- a/gnu/build/image.scm
+++ b/gnu/build/image.scm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016 Christine Lemmer-Webber <cwebber@dustycloud.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -62,8 +62,10 @@
(define (estimate-partition-size root)
"Given the ROOT directory, evaluate and return its size. As this doesn't
-take the partition metadata size into account, take a 25% margin."
- (* 1.25 (file-size root)))
+take the partition metadata size into account, take a 25% margin. As this in
+turn doesn't take any constant overhead into account, force a 1-MiB minimum."
+ (max (ash 1 20)
+ (* 1.25 (file-size root))))
(define* (make-ext-image partition target root
diff --git a/gnu/build/linux-boot.scm b/gnu/build/linux-boot.scm
index 8efe6e5f9c..7d41537652 100644
--- a/gnu/build/linux-boot.scm
+++ b/gnu/build/linux-boot.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
(define (find-long-option option arguments)
- "Find OPTION among ARGUMENTS, where OPTION is something like \"--load\".
+ "Find OPTION among ARGUMENTS, where OPTION is something like \"gnu.load\".
Return the value associated with OPTION, or #f on failure."
(let ((opt (string-append option "=")))
(and=> (find (cut string-prefix? opt <>)
@@ -499,10 +500,12 @@ LINUX-MODULE-DIRECTORY, then installing KEYMAP-FILE with 'loadkeys' (if
KEYMAP-FILE is true), then setting up QEMU guest networking if
QEMU-GUEST-NETWORKING? is true, calling PRE-MOUNT, mounting the file systems
specified in MOUNTS, and finally booting into the new root if any. The initrd
-supports kernel command-line options '--load', '--root', and '--repl'.
+supports the kernel command-line options 'gnu.load' and 'gnu.repl'. It also
+honors a subset of the Linux kernel command-line parameters such as
+'fsck.mode', 'resume', 'rootdelay', rootflags and rootfstype.
-Mount the root file system, specified by the '--root' command-line argument,
-if any.
+Mount the root file system, specified by the 'root' command-line argument, if
MOUNTS must be a list of <file-system> objects.
@@ -515,33 +518,50 @@ upon error."
(string=? (file-system-mount-point fs) "/"))
(define (device-string->file-system-device device-string)
- ;; The "--root=SPEC" kernel command-line option always provides a
- ;; string, but the string can represent a device, an nfs-root, a UUID, or a
- ;; label. So check for all four.
+ ;; The "root=SPEC" kernel command-line option always provides a string,
+ ;; but the string can represent a device, an nfs-root, a UUID, or a label.
+ ;; So check for all four.
(cond ((string-prefix? "/" device-string) device-string)
((string-contains device-string ":/") device-string) ; nfs-root
((uuid device-string) => identity)
(else (file-system-label device-string))))
(display "Welcome, this is GNU's early boot Guile.\n")
- (display "Use '--repl' for an initrd REPL.\n\n")
+ (display "Use 'gnu.repl' for an initrd REPL.\n\n")
(lambda ()
(let* ((args (linux-command-line))
- (to-load (find-long-option "--load" args))
- ;; If present, ‘--root’ on the kernel command line takes precedence
+ (to-load (find-long-option "gnu.load" args))
+ ;; If present, ‘root’ on the kernel command line takes precedence
;; over the ‘device’ field of the root <file-system> record.
- (root-device (and=> (find-long-option "--root" args)
+ (root-device (and=> (find-long-option "root" args)
- (root-fs (or (find root-mount-point? mounts)
- ;; Fall back to fictitious defaults.
- (file-system (device (or root-device "/dev/root"))
- (mount-point "/")
- (type "ext4"))))
+ (rootfstype (find-long-option "rootfstype" args))
+ (rootflags (find-long-option "rootflags" args))
+ (root-fs* (find root-mount-point? mounts))
(fsck.mode (find-long-option "fsck.mode" args)))
+ (unless (or root-fs* (and root-device rootfstype))
+ (error "no root file system or 'root' and 'rootfstype' parameters"))
+ ;; If present, ‘root’ on the kernel command line takes precedence over
+ ;; the ‘device’ field of the root <file-system> record; likewise for
+ ;; the 'rootfstype' and 'rootflags' arguments.
+ (define root-fs
+ (if root-fs*
+ (file-system
+ (inherit root-fs*)
+ (device (or root-device (file-system-device root-fs*)))
+ (type (or rootfstype (file-system-type root-fs*)))
+ (options (or rootflags (file-system-options root-fs*))))
+ (file-system
+ (device root-device)
+ (mount-point "/")
+ (type rootfstype)
+ (options rootflags))))
(define (check? fs)
(match fsck.mode
("skip" #f)
@@ -562,7 +582,7 @@ upon error."
(_ 'preen))
(file-system-repair fs))))
- (when (member "--repl" args)
+ (when (member "gnu.repl" args)
(display "loading kernel modules...\n")
@@ -596,9 +616,8 @@ upon error."
(let ((root-delay (and=> (find-long-option "rootdelay" args)
(when root-delay
- (format #t
- "Pausing for rootdelay=~a seconds before mounting the root file system...\n"
- root-delay)
+ (format #t "Pausing for rootdelay=~a seconds before mounting \
+the root file system...\n" root-delay)
(sleep root-delay)))
;; Prepare the real root file system under /root.
@@ -614,18 +633,18 @@ upon error."
(setenv "EXT2FS_NO_MTAB_OK" "1")
- (if root-device
- (mount-root-file-system (canonicalize-device-spec root-device)
- (file-system-type root-fs)
- #:volatile-root? volatile-root?
- #:flags (mount-flags->bit-mask
- (file-system-flags root-fs))
- #:options (file-system-options root-fs)
- #:check? (check? root-fs)
- #:skip-check-if-clean?
- (skip-check-if-clean? root-fs)
- #:repair (repair root-fs))
- (mount "none" "/root" "tmpfs"))
+ ;; Mount the root file system.
+ (mount-root-file-system (canonicalize-device-spec
+ (file-system-device root-fs))
+ (file-system-type root-fs)
+ #:volatile-root? volatile-root?
+ #:flags (mount-flags->bit-mask
+ (file-system-flags root-fs))
+ #:options (file-system-options root-fs)
+ #:check? (check? root-fs)
+ #:skip-check-if-clean?
+ (skip-check-if-clean? root-fs)
+ #:repair (repair root-fs))
;; Mount the specified non-root file systems.
(for-each (lambda (fs)
@@ -651,7 +670,7 @@ upon error."
(sleep 2)
- (display "no boot file passed via '--load'\n")
+ (display "no boot file passed via 'gnu.load'\n")
(display "entering a warm and cozy REPL\n")
#:on-error on-error))
diff --git a/gnu/home/services.scm b/gnu/home/services.scm
index 2a3cb44952..254663c6bb 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services.scm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#:use-module (guix discovery)
#:use-module (guix diagnostics)
#:use-module (guix i18n)
+ #:use-module (guix modules)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
@@ -37,12 +38,17 @@
+ home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+ home-files-directory
+ xdg-configuration-files-directory
+ home-provenance
@@ -72,12 +78,11 @@
;;; file (details described in the manual).
;;; home-files-service-type is similar to etc-service-type, but doesn't extend
-;;; home-activation, because deploy mechanism for config files is pluggable and
-;;; can be different for different home environments: The default one is called
-;;; symlink-manager (will be introudced in a separate patch series), which creates
-;;; links for various dotfiles (like $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/$APP/...) to store, but is
-;;; possible to implement alternative approaches like read-only home from Julien's
-;;; guix-home-manager.
+;;; home-activation, because deploy mechanism for config files is pluggable
+;;; and can be different for different home environments: The default one is
+;;; called symlink-manager, which creates links for various dotfiles and xdg
+;;; configuration files to store, but is possible to implement alternative
+;;; approaches like read-only home from Julien's guix-home-manager.
;;; home-run-on-first-login-service-type provides an @file{on-first-login} guile
;;; script, which runs provided gexps once, when user makes first login. It can
@@ -260,11 +265,14 @@ esac
(file-union "files" files))
+;; Used by symlink-manager
+(define home-files-directory "files")
(define (files-entry files)
"Return an entry for the @file{~/.guix-home/files}
directory containing FILES."
(with-monad %store-monad
- (return `(("files" ,(files->files-directory files))))))
+ (return `((,home-files-directory ,(files->files-directory files))))))
(define home-files-service-type
(service-type (name 'home-files)
@@ -274,20 +282,41 @@ directory containing FILES."
(compose concatenate)
(extend append)
(default-value '())
- (description "Configuration files for programs that
-will be put in @file{~/.guix-home/files}.")))
+ (description "Files that will be put in
+@file{~~/.guix-home/files}, and further processed during activation.")))
+(define xdg-configuration-files-directory "config")
+(define (xdg-configuration-files files)
+ "Add config/ prefix to each file-path in FILES."
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((file-path . rest)
+ (cons (string-append xdg-configuration-files-directory "/" file-path)
+ rest)))
+ files))
+(define home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+ (service-type (name 'home-files)
+ (extensions
+ (list (service-extension home-files-service-type
+ xdg-configuration-files)))
+ (compose concatenate)
+ (extend append)
+ (default-value '())
+ (description "Files that will be put in
+@file{~~/.guix-home/files/config}, and further processed during activation.")))
(define %initialize-gettext
(bindtextdomain %gettext-domain
(string-append #$guix "/share/locale"))
- (textdomain %gettext-domain)
- (setlocale LC_ALL "")))
+ (textdomain %gettext-domain)))
(define (compute-on-first-login-script _ gexps)
- #~(begin
+ (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure '((guix i18n)))
+ #~(begin
(use-modules (guix i18n))
@@ -308,7 +337,7 @@ will be put in @file{~/.guix-home/files}.")))
(display (G_ "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR doesn't exists, on-first-login script
won't execute anything. You can check if xdg runtime directory exists,
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR variable is set to appropriate value and manually execute the
-script by running '$HOME/.guix-home/on-first-login'")))))))
+script by running '$HOME/.guix-home/on-first-login'"))))))))
(define (on-first-login-script-entry on-first-login)
"Return, as a monadic value, an entry for the on-first-login script
@@ -400,7 +429,8 @@ with one gexp, but many times, and all gexps must be idempotent.")))
(define (compute-on-change-gexp eval-gexps? pattern-gexp-tuples)
- #~(begin
+ (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure '((guix i18n)))
+ #~(begin
(use-modules (guix i18n))
@@ -485,7 +515,7 @@ with one gexp, but many times, and all gexps must be idempotent.")))
(display (G_ "On-change gexps evaluation finished.\n\n")))
(display "\
On-change gexps won't be evaluated; evaluation has been disabled in the
-service configuration"))))
+service configuration")))))
(define home-run-on-change-service-type
(service-type (name 'home-run-on-change)
diff --git a/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm b/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbb9cf76da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/home/services/desktop.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (gnu home services desktop)
+ #:use-module (gnu home services)
+ #:use-module (gnu home services shepherd)
+ #:use-module (gnu services configuration)
+ #:autoload (gnu packages xdisorg) (redshift)
+ #:use-module (guix records)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:export (home-redshift-configuration
+ home-redshift-configuration?
+ home-redshift-service-type))
+;;; Redshift.
+(define (serialize-integer field value)
+ (string-append (match field
+ ('daytime-temperature "temp-day")
+ ('nighttime-temperature "temp-night")
+ ('daytime-brightness "brightness-day")
+ ('nighttime-brightness "brightness-night")
+ ('latitude "lat")
+ ('longitude "lon")
+ (_ (symbol->string field)))
+ "=" (number->string value) "\n"))
+(define (serialize-symbol field value)
+ (string-append (symbol->string field)
+ "=" (symbol->string value) "\n"))
+(define (serialize-string field value)
+ (string-append (symbol->string field)
+ "=" value "\n"))
+(define serialize-inexact-number serialize-integer)
+(define (inexact-number? n)
+ (and (number? n) (inexact? n)))
+(define-maybe inexact-number)
+(define-maybe string)
+(define (serialize-raw-configuration-string field value)
+ value)
+(define raw-configuration-string? string?)
+(define-configuration home-redshift-configuration
+ (redshift
+ (file-like redshift)
+ "Redshift package to use.")
+ (location-provider
+ (symbol 'geoclue2)
+ "Geolocation provider---@code{'manual} or @code{'geoclue2}.
+In the former case, you must also specify the @code{latitude} and
+@code{longitude} fields so Redshift can determine daytime at your place. In
+the latter case, the Geoclue system service must be running; it will be
+queried for location information.")
+ (adjustment-method
+ (symbol 'randr)
+ "Color adjustment method.")
+ ;; Default values from redshift(1).
+ (daytime-temperature
+ (integer 6500)
+ "Daytime color temperature (kelvins).")
+ (nighttime-temperature
+ (integer 4500)
+ "Nighttime color temperature (kelvins).")
+ (daytime-brightness
+ (maybe-inexact-number 'disabled)
+ "Daytime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0.")
+ (nighttime-brightness
+ (maybe-inexact-number 'disabled)
+ "Nighttime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0.")
+ (latitude
+ (maybe-inexact-number 'disabled)
+ "Latitude, when @code{location-provider} is @code{'manual}.")
+ (longitude
+ (maybe-inexact-number 'disabled)
+ "Longitude, when @code{location-provider} is @code{'manual}.")
+ (dawn-time
+ (maybe-string 'disabled)
+ "Custom time for the transition from night to day in the
+morning---@code{\"HH:MM\"} format. When specified, solar elevation is not
+used to determine the daytime/nighttime period.")
+ (dusk-time
+ (maybe-string 'disabled)
+ "Likewise, custom time for the transition from day to night in the
+ (extra-content
+ (raw-configuration-string "")
+ "Extra content appended as-is to the Redshift configuration file. Run
+@command{man redshift} for more information about the configuration file
+(define (serialize-redshift-configuration config)
+ (define location-fields
+ '(latitude longitude))
+ (define (location-field? field)
+ (memq (configuration-field-name field) location-fields))
+ (define (secondary-field? field)
+ (or (location-field? field)
+ (memq (configuration-field-name field)
+ '(redshift extra-content))))
+ #~(string-append
+ "[redshift]\n"
+ #$(serialize-configuration config
+ (remove secondary-field?
+ home-redshift-configuration-fields))
+ #$(home-redshift-configuration-extra-content config)
+ "\n[manual]\n"
+ #$(serialize-configuration config
+ (filter location-field?
+ home-redshift-configuration-fields))))
+(define (redshift-shepherd-service config)
+ (define config-file
+ (computed-file "redshift.conf"
+ #~(call-with-output-file #$output
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display #$(serialize-redshift-configuration config)
+ port)))))
+ (list (shepherd-service
+ (documentation "Redshift program.")
+ (provision '(redshift))
+ ;; FIXME: This fails to start if Home is first activated from a
+ ;; non-X11 session.
+ (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+ (list #$(file-append redshift "/bin/redshift")
+ "-c" #$config-file)))
+ (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))
+(define home-redshift-service-type
+ (service-type
+ (name 'home-redshift)
+ (extensions (list (service-extension home-shepherd-service-type
+ redshift-shepherd-service)))
+ (default-value (home-redshift-configuration))
+ (description
+ "Run Redshift, a program that adjusts the color temperature of display
+according to time of day.")))
diff --git a/gnu/home/services/fontutils.scm b/gnu/home/services/fontutils.scm
index 772904367d..6062eaed6a 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services/fontutils.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services/fontutils.scm
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
;;; Code:
(define (add-fontconfig-config-file he-symlink-path)
- `(("config/fontconfig/fonts.conf"
+ `(("fontconfig/fonts.conf"
"<?xml version='1.0'?>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
(service-type (name 'home-fontconfig)
(list (service-extension
- home-files-service-type
+ home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
diff --git a/gnu/home/services/shells.scm b/gnu/home/services/shells.scm
index ca7f4ac0ad..7b9769bcf3 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services/shells.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services/shells.scm
@@ -171,56 +171,27 @@ Used for executing user's commands at the exit of login shell. It
won't be read in some cases (if the shell terminates by exec'ing
another process for example)."))
-(define (add-zsh-configuration config)
- (let* ((xdg-flavor? (home-zsh-configuration-xdg-flavor? config)))
- (define prefix-file
- (cut string-append
- (if xdg-flavor?
- "config/zsh/."
- "") <>))
- (define (filter-fields field)
- (filter-configuration-fields home-zsh-configuration-fields
- (list field)))
- (define (serialize-field field)
- (serialize-configuration
- config
- (filter-fields field)))
- (define (file-if-not-empty field)
- (let ((file-name (symbol->string field))
- (field-obj (car (filter-fields field))))
- (if (not (null? ((configuration-field-getter field-obj) config)))
- `(,(prefix-file file-name)
- ,(mixed-text-file
- file-name
- (serialize-field field)))
- '())))
- (filter
- (compose not null?)
- `(,(if xdg-flavor?
- `("zshenv"
- ,(mixed-text-file
- "auxiliary-zshenv"
- (if xdg-flavor?
- "source ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/zsh/.zshenv\n"
- "")))
- '())
- (,(prefix-file "zshenv")
- ,(mixed-text-file
- "zshenv"
- (if xdg-flavor?
- "export ZDOTDIR=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/zsh\n"
- "")
- (serialize-field 'zshenv)
- (serialize-field 'environment-variables)))
- (,(prefix-file "zprofile")
- ,(mixed-text-file
- "zprofile"
- "\
+(define (zsh-filter-fields field)
+ (filter-configuration-fields home-zsh-configuration-fields (list field)))
+(define (zsh-serialize-field config field)
+ (serialize-configuration config (zsh-filter-fields field)))
+(define* (zsh-field-not-empty? config field)
+ (let ((file-name (symbol->string field))
+ (field-obj (car (zsh-filter-fields field))))
+ (not (null? ((configuration-field-getter field-obj) config)))))
+(define (zsh-file-zshenv config)
+ (mixed-text-file
+ "zshenv"
+ (zsh-serialize-field config 'zshenv)
+ (zsh-serialize-field config 'environment-variables)))
+(define (zsh-file-zprofile config)
+ (mixed-text-file
+ "zprofile"
+ "\
# Setups system and user profiles and related variables
source /etc/profile
# Setups home environment profile
@@ -229,11 +200,47 @@ source ~/.profile
# It's only necessary if zsh is a login shell, otherwise profiles will
# be already sourced by bash
- (serialize-field 'zprofile)))
- ,@(list (file-if-not-empty 'zshrc)
- (file-if-not-empty 'zlogin)
- (file-if-not-empty 'zlogout))))))
+ (zsh-serialize-field config 'zprofile)))
+(define (zsh-file-by-field config field)
+ (match field
+ ('zshenv (zsh-file-zshenv config))
+ ('zprofile (zsh-file-zprofile config))
+ (e (mixed-text-file
+ (symbol->string field)
+ (zsh-serialize-field config field)))))
+(define (zsh-get-configuration-files config)
+ `(("zprofile" ,(zsh-file-by-field config 'zprofile)) ;; Always non-empty
+ ,@(if (and (zsh-field-not-empty? config 'zshenv)
+ (zsh-field-not-empty? config 'environment-variables))
+ `(("zshenv" ,(zsh-file-by-field config 'zshenv))) '())
+ ,@(if (zsh-field-not-empty? config 'zshrc)
+ `(("zshrc" ,(zsh-file-by-field config 'zshrc))) '())
+ ,@(if (zsh-field-not-empty? config 'zlogin)
+ `(("zlogin" ,(zsh-file-by-field config 'zlogin))) '())
+ ,@(if (zsh-field-not-empty? config 'zlogout)
+ `(("zlogout" ,(zsh-file-by-field config 'zlogout))) '())))
+(define (zsh-home-files config)
+ (define zshenv-auxiliary-file
+ (mixed-text-file
+ "zshenv-auxiliary"
+ "export ZDOTDIR=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/zsh\n"
+ "[[ -f $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv ]] && source $ZDOTDIR/.zshenv\n"))
+ (if (home-zsh-configuration-xdg-flavor? config)
+ `(("zshenv" ,zshenv-auxiliary-file))
+ (zsh-get-configuration-files config)))
+(define (zsh-xdg-configuration-files config)
+ (if (home-zsh-configuration-xdg-flavor? config)
+ (map
+ (lambda (lst)
+ (cons (string-append "zsh/." (car lst))
+ (cdr lst)))
+ (zsh-get-configuration-files config))
+ '()))
(define (add-zsh-packages config)
(list (home-zsh-configuration-package config)))
@@ -291,7 +298,10 @@ source ~/.profile
(list (service-extension
- add-zsh-configuration)
+ zsh-home-files)
+ (service-extension
+ home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+ zsh-xdg-configuration-files)
@@ -324,7 +334,7 @@ source ~/.profile
(boolean #t)
"Add sane defaults like reading @file{/etc/bashrc} and coloring the output of
-@command{ls} to the end of the @file{.bashrc} file.")
+@command{ls} to the top of the @file{.bashrc} file.")
(alist '())
"Association list of environment variables to set for the Bash session. The
@@ -448,7 +458,7 @@ if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc; fi
(if (home-bash-configuration-guix-defaults? config)
(list (serialize-field 'aliases) guix-bashrc)
- (list (serialize-field 'alises))))
+ (list (serialize-field 'aliases))))
(file-if-not-empty 'bash-logout)))))
(define (add-bash-packages config)
diff --git a/gnu/home/services/shepherd.scm b/gnu/home/services/shepherd.scm
index 7a9cc064bb..feff130259 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services/shepherd.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services/shepherd.scm
@@ -24,12 +24,27 @@
#:use-module (guix sets)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix records)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:export (home-shepherd-service-type
- home-shepherd-configuration)
+ home-shepherd-configuration
+ home-shepherd-configuration?
+ home-shepherd-configuration-shepherd
+ home-shepherd-configuration-auto-start?
+ home-shepherd-configuration-services)
#:re-export (shepherd-service
+ shepherd-service?
+ shepherd-service-documentation
+ shepherd-service-provision
+ shepherd-service-canonical-name
+ shepherd-service-requirement
+ shepherd-service-one-shot?
+ shepherd-service-respawn?
+ shepherd-service-start
+ shepherd-service-stop
+ shepherd-service-auto-start?
+ shepherd-service-modules
(define-record-type* <home-shepherd-configuration>
diff --git a/gnu/home/services/symlink-manager.scm b/gnu/home/services/symlink-manager.scm
index 314da3ba3e..3b851229f3 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services/symlink-manager.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services/symlink-manager.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2021 Andrew Tropin <andrew@trop.in>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -20,219 +21,199 @@
(define-module (gnu home services symlink-manager)
#:use-module (gnu home services)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (guix modules)
#:export (home-symlink-manager-service-type))
;;; Comment:
-;;; symlink-manager cares about configuration files: it backs up files
-;;; created by user, removes symlinks and directories created by a
-;;; previous generation, and creates new directories and symlinks to
-;;; configuration files according to the content of files/ directory
-;;; (created by home-files-service) of the current home environment
-;;; generation.
+;;; symlink-manager cares about xdg configurations and other files: it backs
+;;; up files created by user, removes symlinks and directories created by a
+;;; previous generation, and creates new directories and symlinks to files
+;;; according to the content of directories (created by home-files-service) of
+;;; the current home environment generation.
;;; Code:
(define (update-symlinks-script)
- #~(begin
- (use-modules (ice-9 ftw)
- (ice-9 curried-definitions)
- (ice-9 match)
- (srfi srfi-1)
- (guix i18n))
- #$%initialize-gettext
- (define ((simplify-file-tree parent) file)
- "Convert the result produced by `file-system-tree' to less
-verbose and more suitable for further processing format.
-Extract dir/file info from stat and compose a relative path to the
-root of the file tree.
-Sample output:
-((dir . \".\")
- ((dir . \"config\")
- ((dir . \"config/fontconfig\")
- (file . \"config/fontconfig/fonts.conf\"))
- ((dir . \"config/isync\")
- (file . \"config/isync/mbsyncrc\"))))
- (match file
- ((name stat) `(file . ,(string-append parent name)))
- ((name stat children ...)
- (cons `(dir . ,(string-append parent name))
- (map (simplify-file-tree
- (if (equal? name ".")
- ""
- (string-append parent name "/")))
- children)))))
- (define ((file-tree-traverse preordering) node)
- "Traverses the file tree in different orders, depending on PREORDERING.
-if PREORDERING is @code{#t} resulting list will contain directories
-before files located in those directories, otherwise directory will
-appear only after all nested items already listed."
- (let ((prepend (lambda (a b) (append b a))))
- (match node
- (('file . path) (list node))
- ((('dir . path) . rest)
- ((if preordering append prepend)
- (list (cons 'dir path))
- (append-map (file-tree-traverse preordering) rest))))))
- (use-modules (guix build utils))
- (let* ((config-home (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
- (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.config")))
- (he-path (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.guix-home"))
- (new-he-path (string-append he-path ".new"))
- (new-home (getenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME"))
- (old-home (getenv "GUIX_OLD_HOME"))
- (new-files-path (string-append new-home "/files"))
- ;; Trailing dot is required, because files itself is symlink and
- ;; to make file-system-tree works it should be a directory.
- (new-files-dir-path (string-append new-files-path "/."))
- (home-path (getenv "HOME"))
- (backup-dir (string-append home-path "/"
- (number->string (current-time))
- "-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup"))
- (old-tree (if old-home
- ((simplify-file-tree "")
- (file-system-tree
- (string-append old-home "/files/.")))
- #f))
- (new-tree ((simplify-file-tree "")
- (file-system-tree new-files-dir-path)))
- (get-source-path
- (lambda (path)
- (readlink (string-append new-files-path "/" path))))
- (get-target-path
- (lambda (path)
- (string-append home-path "/." path)))
- (get-backup-path
- (lambda (path)
- (string-append backup-dir "/." path)))
- (directory?
- (lambda (path)
- (equal? (stat:type (stat path)) 'directory)))
- (empty-directory?
- (lambda (dir)
- (equal? (scandir dir) '("." ".."))))
- (symlink-to-store?
- (lambda (path)
- (and
- (equal? (stat:type (lstat path)) 'symlink)
- (store-file-name? (readlink path)))))
- (backup-file
- (lambda (path)
- (mkdir-p backup-dir)
- (format #t (G_ "Backing up ~a...") (get-target-path path))
- (mkdir-p (dirname (get-backup-path path)))
- (rename-file (get-target-path path) (get-backup-path path))
- (display (G_ " done\n"))))
- (cleanup-symlinks
- (lambda ()
- (let ((to-delete ((file-tree-traverse #f) old-tree)))
- (display
- (G_
- "Cleaning up symlinks from previous home-environment.\n\n"))
- (map
- (match-lambda
- (('dir . ".")
- (display (G_ "Cleanup finished.\n\n")))
- (('dir . path)
- (if (and
- (file-exists? (get-target-path path))
- (directory? (get-target-path path))
- (empty-directory? (get-target-path path)))
- (begin
- (format #t (G_ "Removing ~a...")
- (get-target-path path))
- (rmdir (get-target-path path))
- (display (G_ " done\n")))
- (format
- #t
- (G_ "Skipping ~a (not an empty directory)... done\n")
- (get-target-path path))))
- (('file . path)
- (when (file-exists? (get-target-path path))
- ;; DO NOT remove the file if it is no longer
- ;; a symlink to the store, it will be backed
- ;; up later during create-symlinks phase.
- (if (symlink-to-store? (get-target-path path))
- (begin
- (format #t (G_ "Removing ~a...") (get-target-path path))
- (delete-file (get-target-path path))
- (display (G_ " done\n")))
- (format
- #t
- (G_ "Skipping ~a (not a symlink to store)... done\n")
- (get-target-path path))))))
- to-delete))))
- (create-symlinks
- (lambda ()
- (let ((to-create ((file-tree-traverse #t) new-tree)))
- (map
- (match-lambda
- (('dir . ".")
- (display
- (G_ "New symlinks to home-environment will be created soon.\n"))
- (format
- #t (G_ "All conflicting files will go to ~a.\n\n") backup-dir))
- (('dir . path)
- (let ((target-path (get-target-path path)))
- (when (and (file-exists? target-path)
- (not (directory? target-path)))
- (backup-file path))
- (if (file-exists? target-path)
- (format
- #t (G_ "Skipping ~a (directory already exists)... done\n")
- target-path)
- (begin
- (format #t (G_ "Creating ~a...") target-path)
- (mkdir target-path)
- (display (G_ " done\n"))))))
- (('file . path)
- (when (file-exists? (get-target-path path))
- (backup-file path))
- (format #t (G_ "Symlinking ~a -> ~a...")
- (get-target-path path) (get-source-path path))
- (symlink (get-source-path path) (get-target-path path))
- (display (G_ " done\n"))))
- to-create)))))
- (when old-tree
- (cleanup-symlinks))
- (create-symlinks)
- (symlink new-home new-he-path)
- (rename-file new-he-path he-path)
- (display (G_" done\nFinished updating symlinks.\n\n"))))))
+ (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
+ '((guix build utils)
+ (guix i18n)))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (ice-9 ftw)
+ (ice-9 match)
+ (srfi srfi-1)
+ (guix i18n)
+ (guix build utils))
+ (define home-directory
+ (getenv "HOME"))
+ (define xdg-config-home
+ (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
+ (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.config")))
+ (define backup-directory
+ (string-append home-directory "/" (number->string (current-time))
+ "-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup"))
+ (define (preprocess-file file)
+subdirectory from XDG_CONFIG_HOME to generate a target path."
+ (if (string-prefix? #$xdg-configuration-files-directory file)
+ (string-append
+ (substring xdg-config-home
+ (1+ (string-length home-directory)))
+ (substring file
+ (string-length #$xdg-configuration-files-directory)))
+ (string-append "." file)))
+ (define (target-file file)
+ ;; Return the target of FILE, a config file name sans leading dot
+ ;; such as "config/fontconfig/fonts.conf" or "bashrc".
+ (string-append home-directory "/" (preprocess-file file)))
+ (define (symlink-to-store? file)
+ (catch 'system-error
+ (lambda ()
+ (store-file-name? (readlink file)))
+ (lambda args
+ (if (= EINVAL (system-error-errno args))
+ #f
+ (apply throw args)))))
+ (define (backup-file file)
+ (define backup
+ (string-append backup-directory "/" (preprocess-file file)))
+ (mkdir-p backup-directory)
+ (format #t (G_ "Backing up ~a...") (target-file file))
+ (mkdir-p (dirname backup))
+ (rename-file (target-file file) backup)
+ (display (G_ " done\n")))
+ (define (cleanup-symlinks home-generation)
+ ;; Delete from $HOME files that originate in HOME-GENERATION, the
+ ;; store item containing a home generation.
+ (define config-file-directory
+ ;; Note: Trailing slash is needed because "files" is a symlink.
+ (string-append home-generation "/" #$home-files-directory "/"))
+ (define (strip file)
+ (string-drop file
+ (+ 1 (string-length config-file-directory))))
+ (format #t (G_ "Cleaning up symlinks from previous home at ~a.~%")
+ home-generation)
+ (newline)
+ (file-system-fold
+ (const #t)
+ (lambda (file stat _) ;leaf
+ (let ((file (target-file (strip file))))
+ (when (file-exists? file)
+ ;; DO NOT remove the file if it is no longer a symlink to
+ ;; the store, it will be backed up later during
+ ;; create-symlinks phase.
+ (if (symlink-to-store? file)
+ (begin
+ (format #t (G_ "Removing ~a...") file)
+ (delete-file file)
+ (display (G_ " done\n")))
+ (format
+ #t
+ (G_ "Skipping ~a (not a symlink to store)... done\n")
+ file)))))
+ (const #t) ;down
+ (lambda (directory stat _) ;up
+ (unless (string=? directory config-file-directory)
+ (let ((directory (target-file (strip directory))))
+ (catch 'system-error
+ (lambda ()
+ (rmdir directory)
+ (format #t (G_ "Removed ~a.\n") directory))
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((errno (system-error-errno args)))
+ (cond
+ ((= ENOTEMPTY errno)
+ (format
+ #t
+ (G_ "Skipping ~a (not an empty directory)... done\n")
+ directory))
+ ((= ENOTDIR errno) #t)
+ (else
+ (apply throw args)))))))))
+ (const #t) ;skip
+ (const #t) ;error
+ #t ;init
+ config-file-directory
+ lstat)
+ (display (G_ "Cleanup finished.\n\n")))
+ (define (create-symlinks home-generation)
+ ;; Create in $HOME symlinks for the files in HOME-GENERATION.
+ (define config-file-directory
+ ;; Note: Trailing slash is needed because "files" is a symlink.
+ (string-append home-generation "/" #$home-files-directory "/"))
+ (define (strip file)
+ (string-drop file
+ (+ 1 (string-length config-file-directory))))
+ (define (source-file file)
+ (readlink (string-append config-file-directory file)))
+ (file-system-fold
+ (const #t) ;enter?
+ (lambda (file stat result) ;leaf
+ (let ((source (source-file (strip file)))
+ (target (target-file (strip file))))
+ (when (file-exists? target)
+ (backup-file (strip file)))
+ (format #t (G_ "Symlinking ~a -> ~a...")
+ target source)
+ (symlink source target)
+ (display (G_ " done\n"))))
+ (lambda (directory stat result) ;down
+ (unless (string=? directory config-file-directory)
+ (let ((target (target-file (strip directory))))
+ (when (and (file-exists? target)
+ (not (file-is-directory? target)))
+ (backup-file (strip directory)))
+ (catch 'system-error
+ (lambda ()
+ (mkdir target))
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((errno (system-error-errno args)))
+ (unless (= EEXIST errno)
+ (format #t (G_ "failed to create directory ~a: ~s~%")
+ target (strerror errno))
+ (apply throw args))))))))
+ (const #t) ;up
+ (const #t) ;skip
+ (const #t) ;error
+ #t ;init
+ config-file-directory))
+ #$%initialize-gettext
+ (let* ((home (string-append home-directory "/.guix-home"))
+ (pivot (string-append home ".new"))
+ (new-home (getenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME"))
+ (old-home (getenv "GUIX_OLD_HOME")))
+ (when old-home
+ (cleanup-symlinks old-home))
+ (create-symlinks new-home)
+ (symlink new-home pivot)
+ (rename-file pivot home)
+ (display (G_" done\nFinished updating symlinks.\n\n")))))))
(define (update-symlinks-gexp _)
#~(primitive-load #$(update-symlinks-script)))
diff --git a/gnu/home/services/xdg.scm b/gnu/home/services/xdg.scm
index d230dd7665..361a2a6148 100644
--- a/gnu/home/services/xdg.scm
+++ b/gnu/home/services/xdg.scm
@@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ pre-populated content.")
"Default directory for videos."))
(define (home-xdg-user-directories-files-service config)
- `(("config/user-dirs.conf"
+ `(("user-dirs.conf"
- ("config/user-dirs.dirs"
+ ("user-dirs.dirs"
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ pre-populated content.")
(service-type (name 'home-xdg-user-directories)
(list (service-extension
- home-files-service-type
+ home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ configuration."
"=" val "\n")))
(define (serialize-alist config)
- (generic-serialize-alist identity format-config config))
+ (generic-serialize-alist append format-config config))
(define (serialize-xdg-desktop-action action)
(match action
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ that the application cannot open the specified MIME type.")
"A list of XDG desktop entries to create. See
-(define (home-xdg-mime-applications-files-service config)
+(define (home-xdg-mime-applications-files config)
(define (add-xdg-desktop-entry-file entry)
(let ((file (first entry))
(config (second entry)))
@@ -425,16 +425,16 @@ that the application cannot open the specified MIME type.")
(apply mixed-text-file
(format #f "xdg-desktop-~a-entry" file)
+ (map (compose add-xdg-desktop-entry-file serialize-xdg-desktop-entry)
+ (home-xdg-mime-applications-configuration-desktop-entries config)))
- (append
- `(("config/mimeapps.list"
- ,(mixed-text-file
- "xdg-mime-appplications"
- (serialize-configuration
- config
- home-xdg-mime-applications-configuration-fields))))
- (map (compose add-xdg-desktop-entry-file serialize-xdg-desktop-entry)
- (home-xdg-mime-applications-configuration-desktop-entries config))))
+(define (home-xdg-mime-applications-xdg-files config)
+ `(("mimeapps.list"
+ ,(mixed-text-file
+ "xdg-mime-appplications"
+ (serialize-configuration
+ config
+ home-xdg-mime-applications-configuration-fields)))))
(define (home-xdg-mime-applications-extension old-config extension-configs)
(define (extract-fields config)
@@ -469,7 +469,10 @@ that the application cannot open the specified MIME type.")
(list (service-extension
- home-xdg-mime-applications-files-service)))
+ home-xdg-mime-applications-files)
+ (service-extension
+ home-xdg-configuration-files-service-type
+ home-xdg-mime-applications-xdg-files)))
(compose identity)
(extend home-xdg-mime-applications-extension)
(default-value (home-xdg-mime-applications-configuration))
diff --git a/gnu/installer.scm b/gnu/installer.scm
index c8b7a66cfc..415f5a7af7 100644
--- a/gnu/installer.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer.scm
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages admin)
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages connman)
#:use-module (gnu packages cryptsetup)
#:use-module (gnu packages disk)
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
#:autoload (gnu packages gnupg) (guile-gcrypt)
#:use-module (gnu packages iso-codes)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages nano)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages package-management)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
@@ -333,9 +335,11 @@ selected keymap."
ntfs-3g ;mkfs.ntfs
xfsprogs ;mkfs.xfs
kbd ;chvt
- guix ;guix system init call
util-linux ;mkwap
+ nano
+ tar ;dump
+ gzip ;dump
(with-output-to-port (%make-void-port "w")
(lambda ()
@@ -352,7 +356,8 @@ selected keymap."
;; packages …), etc. modules.
(with-extensions (list guile-gcrypt guile-newt
guile-parted guile-bytestructures
- guile-json-3 guile-git guix gnutls)
+ guile-json-3 guile-git guile-webutils
+ guix gnutls)
(with-imported-modules `(,@(source-module-closure
(gnu services herd)
@@ -363,6 +368,7 @@ selected keymap."
(use-modules (gnu installer record)
(gnu installer keymap)
(gnu installer steps)
+ (gnu installer dump)
(gnu installer final)
(gnu installer hostname)
(gnu installer locale)
@@ -379,7 +385,8 @@ selected keymap."
(guix build utils)
((system repl debug)
#:select (terminal-width))
- (ice-9 match))
+ (ice-9 match)
+ (ice-9 textual-ports))
;; Initialize gettext support so that installers can use
;; (guix i18n) module.
@@ -407,43 +414,56 @@ selected keymap."
;; verbose.
(terminal-width 200)
- (let* ((current-installer newt-installer)
- (steps (#$steps current-installer)))
- ((installer-init current-installer))
- (catch #t
- (lambda ()
- (define results
- (run-installer-steps
- #:rewind-strategy 'menu
- #:menu-proc (installer-menu-page current-installer)
- #:steps steps))
- (match (result-step results 'final)
- ('success
- ;; We did it! Let's reboot!
- (sync)
- (stop-service 'root))
- (_
- ;; The installation failed, exit so that it is restarted
- ;; by login.
- #f)))
- (const #f)
- (lambda (key . args)
- (syslog "crashing due to uncaught exception: ~s ~s~%"
- key args)
- (let ((error-file "/tmp/last-installer-error"))
- (call-with-output-file error-file
- (lambda (port)
- (display-backtrace (make-stack #t) port)
- (print-exception port
- (stack-ref (make-stack #t) 1)
- key args)))
- ((installer-exit-error current-installer)
- error-file key args))
- (primitive-exit 1)))
- ((installer-exit current-installer)))))))
+ (define current-installer newt-installer)
+ (define steps (#$steps current-installer))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (installer-init current-installer)
+ (lambda ()
+ (parameterize
+ ((run-command-in-installer
+ (installer-run-command current-installer)))
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (define results
+ (run-installer-steps
+ #:rewind-strategy 'menu
+ #:menu-proc (installer-menu-page current-installer)
+ #:steps steps))
+ (match (result-step results 'final)
+ ('success
+ ;; We did it! Let's reboot!
+ (sync)
+ (stop-service 'root))
+ (_
+ ;; The installation failed, exit so that it is
+ ;; restarted by login.
+ #f)))
+ (const #f)
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (installer-log-line "crashing due to uncaught exception: ~s ~s"
+ key args)
+ (define dump-dir
+ (prepare-dump key args #:result %current-result))
+ (define action
+ ((installer-exit-error current-installer)
+ (get-string-all
+ (open-input-file
+ (string-append dump-dir "/installer-backtrace")))))
+ (match action
+ ('dump
+ (let* ((dump-files
+ ((installer-dump-page current-installer)
+ dump-dir))
+ (dump-archive
+ (make-dump dump-dir dump-files)))
+ ((installer-report-page current-installer)
+ dump-archive)))
+ (_ #f))
+ (exit 1)))))
+ (installer-exit current-installer))))))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/connman.scm b/gnu/installer/connman.scm
index 2f33b58453..d21272036f 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/connman.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/connman.scm
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ list so that each keys of a given technology are gathered in a separate list."
(define (connman-online?)
(let ((state (connman-state)))
- (eq? state 'online)))
+ (memq state '(ready online))))
(define (connman-connect-with-auth service password-proc)
"Connect to the given SERVICE with the password returned by calling
diff --git a/gnu/installer/dump.scm b/gnu/installer/dump.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..daa02f205a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/installer/dump.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (gnu installer dump)
+ #:use-module (gnu installer utils)
+ #:use-module (guix build utils)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 iconv)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports)
+ #:use-module (web client)
+ #:use-module (web http)
+ #:use-module (web response)
+ #:use-module (webutils multipart)
+ #:export (prepare-dump
+ make-dump
+ send-dump-report))
+;; The installer crash dump type.
+(define %dump-type "installer-dump")
+(define (result->list result)
+ "Return the alist for the given RESULT."
+ (hash-map->list (lambda (k v)
+ (cons k v))
+ result))
+(define* (prepare-dump key args #:key result)
+ "Create a crash dump directory. KEY and ARGS represent the thrown error.
+RESULT is the installer result hash table. Returns the created directory path."
+ (define now (localtime (current-time)))
+ (define dump-dir
+ (format #f "/tmp/dump.~a"
+ (strftime "%F.%H.%M.%S" now)))
+ (mkdir-p dump-dir)
+ (with-directory-excursion dump-dir
+ ;; backtrace
+ (call-with-output-file "installer-backtrace"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display-backtrace (make-stack #t) port)
+ (print-exception port
+ (stack-ref (make-stack #t) 1)
+ key args)))
+ ;; installer result
+ (call-with-output-file "installer-result"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (write (result->list result) port)))
+ ;; syslog
+ (copy-file "/var/log/messages" "syslog")
+ ;; dmesg
+ (let ((pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "dmesg")))
+ (call-with-output-file "dmesg"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (dump-port pipe port)
+ (close-pipe pipe)))))
+ dump-dir)
+(define* (make-dump dump-dir file-choices)
+ "Create a crash dump archive from DUMP-DIR containing FILE-CHOICES.
+Returns the archive path."
+ (define output (string-append (basename dump-dir) ".tar.gz"))
+ (with-directory-excursion (dirname dump-dir)
+ (apply system* "tar" "-zcf" output
+ (map (lambda (f)
+ (string-append (basename dump-dir) "/" f))
+ file-choices)))
+ (canonicalize-path (string-append (dirname dump-dir) "/" output)))
+(define* (send-dump-report dump
+ #:key
+ (url "https://dump.guix.gnu.org"))
+ "Turn the DUMP archive into a multipart body and send it to the Guix crash
+dump server at URL."
+ (define (match-boundary kont)
+ (match-lambda
+ (('boundary . (? string? b))
+ (kont b))
+ (x #f)))
+ (define (response->string response)
+ (bytevector->string
+ (read-response-body response)
+ "UTF-8"))
+ (let-values (((body boundary)
+ (call-with-input-file dump
+ (lambda (port)
+ (format-multipart-body
+ `((,%dump-type . ,port)))))))
+ (false-if-exception
+ (response->string
+ (http-post
+ (string-append url "/upload")
+ #:keep-alive? #t
+ #:streaming? #t
+ #:headers `((content-type
+ . (multipart/form-data
+ (boundary . ,boundary))))
+ #:body body)))))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/final.scm b/gnu/installer/final.scm
index 276af908f7..3f6dacc490 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/final.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/final.scm
@@ -85,8 +85,9 @@ USERS."
(uid (if root? 0 #f))
(user-home-directory user))
- (password (crypt (user-password user)
- (salt)))
+ (password (crypt
+ (secret-content (user-password user))
+ (salt)))
;; We need a string here, not a file-like, hence
;; this choice.
@@ -125,15 +126,15 @@ it can interact with the rest of the system."
(setlocale LC_ALL locale))))
(if supported?
- (syslog "install supported locale ~a~%." locale)
+ (installer-log-line "install supported locale ~a." locale)
(setenv "LC_ALL" locale))
;; If the selected locale is not supported, install a default UTF-8
;; locale. This is required to copy some files with UTF-8
;; characters, in the nss-certs package notably. Set LANGUAGE
;; anyways, to have translated messages if possible.
- (syslog "~a locale is not supported, installating en_US.utf8 \
-locale instead.~%" locale)
+ (installer-log-line "~a locale is not supported, installing \
+en_US.utf8 locale instead." locale)
(setlocale LC_ALL "en_US.utf8")
(setenv "LC_ALL" "en_US.utf8")
(setenv "LANGUAGE"
@@ -208,17 +209,9 @@ or #f. Return #t on success and #f on failure."
(setvbuf (current-output-port) 'none)
(setvbuf (current-error-port) 'none)
- ;; If there are any connected clients, assume that we are running
- ;; installation tests. In that case, dump the standard and error
- ;; outputs to syslog.
- (set! ret
- (if (not (null? (current-clients)))
- (with-output-to-file "/dev/console"
- (lambda ()
- (with-error-to-file "/dev/console"
- (lambda ()
- (run-command install-command)))))
- (run-command install-command))))
+ (setenv "PATH" "/run/current-system/profile/bin/")
+ (set! ret (run-command install-command)))
(lambda ()
;; Restart guix-daemon so that it does no keep the MNT namespace
;; alive.
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt.scm b/gnu/installer/newt.scm
index 4f7fc6f4dc..1db78e6f0d 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt.scm
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
(define-module (gnu installer newt)
#:use-module (gnu installer record)
#:use-module (gnu installer utils)
+ #:use-module (gnu installer dump)
#:use-module (gnu installer newt ethernet)
#:use-module (gnu installer newt final)
#:use-module (gnu installer newt parameters)
@@ -39,7 +40,12 @@
#:use-module (guix config)
#:use-module (guix discovery)
#:use-module (guix i18n)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (newt)
#:export (newt-installer))
@@ -47,7 +53,7 @@
- (syslog "Display is ~ax~a.~%" (screen-columns) (screen-rows))
+ (installer-log-line "Display is ~ax~a." (screen-columns) (screen-rows))
(format #f (G_ "Press <F1> for installation parameters."))))
@@ -55,25 +61,102 @@
-(define (exit-error file key args)
+(define (exit-error error)
(newt-set-color COLORSET-ROOT "white" "red")
- (let ((width (nearest-exact-integer
- (* (screen-columns) 0.8)))
- (height (nearest-exact-integer
- (* (screen-rows) 0.7))))
- (run-file-textbox-page
- #:info-text (format #f (G_ "The installer has encountered an unexpected \
-problem. The backtrace is displayed below. Please report it by email to \
-<~a>.") %guix-bug-report-address)
+ (define action
+ (run-textbox-page
+ #:info-text (G_ "The installer has encountered an unexpected problem. \
+The backtrace is displayed below. You may choose to exit or create a dump \
#:title (G_ "Unexpected problem")
- #:file file
- #:exit-button? #f
- #:info-textbox-width width
- #:file-textbox-width width
- #:file-textbox-height height))
+ #:content error
+ #:buttons-spec
+ (list
+ (cons (G_ "Dump") (const 'dump))
+ (cons (G_ "Exit") (const 'exit)))))
(newt-set-color COLORSET-ROOT "white" "blue")
- (newt-finish)
- (clear-screen))
+ action)
+(define (report-page dump-archive)
+ (define text
+ (format #f (G_ "The dump archive was created as ~a. Would you like to \
+send this archive to the Guix servers?") dump-archive))
+ (define title (G_ "Dump archive created"))
+ (when (run-confirmation-page text title)
+ (let* ((uploaded-name (send-dump-report dump-archive))
+ (text (if uploaded-name
+ (format #f (G_ "The dump was uploaded as ~a. Please \
+report it by email to ~a.") uploaded-name %guix-bug-report-address)
+ (G_ "The dump could not be uploaded."))))
+ (run-error-page
+ text
+ (G_ "Dump upload result")))))
+(define (dump-page dump-dir)
+ (define files
+ (scandir dump-dir (lambda (x)
+ (not (or (string=? x ".")
+ (string=? x ".."))))))
+ (fold (match-lambda*
+ (((file . enable?) acc)
+ (if enable?
+ (cons file acc)
+ acc)))
+ '()
+ (run-dump-page
+ dump-dir
+ (map (lambda (x)
+ (cons x #f))
+ files))))
+(define (newt-run-command . args)
+ (define command-output "")
+ (define (line-accumulator line)
+ (set! command-output
+ (string-append/shared command-output line "\n")))
+ (define displayed-command
+ (string-join
+ (map (lambda (s) (string-append "\"" s "\"")) args)
+ " "))
+ (define result (run-external-command-with-line-hooks (list line-accumulator)
+ args))
+ (define exit-val (status:exit-val result))
+ (define term-sig (status:term-sig result))
+ (define stop-sig (status:stop-sig result))
+ (if (and exit-val (zero? exit-val))
+ #t
+ (let ((info-text
+ (cond
+ (exit-val
+ (format #f (G_ "External command ~s exited with code ~a")
+ args exit-val))
+ (term-sig
+ (format #f (G_ "External command ~s terminated by signal ~a")
+ args term-sig))
+ (stop-sig
+ (format #f (G_ "External command ~s stopped by signal ~a")
+ args stop-sig)))))
+ (run-textbox-page #:title (G_ "External command error")
+ #:info-text info-text
+ #:content command-output
+ #:buttons-spec
+ (list
+ (cons "Ignore" (const #t))
+ (cons "Abort"
+ (lambda ()
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))
+ (cons "Report"
+ (lambda ()
+ (raise
+ (condition
+ ((@@ (guix build utils)
+ &invoke-error)
+ (program (car args))
+ (arguments (cdr args))
+ (exit-status exit-val)
+ (term-signal term-sig)
+ (stop-signal stop-sig)))))))))))
(define (final-page result prev-steps)
(run-final-page result prev-steps))
@@ -142,4 +225,7 @@ problem. The backtrace is displayed below. Please report it by email to \
(services-page services-page)
(welcome-page welcome-page)
(parameters-menu parameters-menu)
- (parameters-page parameters-page)))
+ (parameters-page parameters-page)
+ (dump-page dump-page)
+ (run-command newt-run-command)
+ (report-page report-page)))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/ethernet.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/ethernet.scm
index ecd22efbb2..d75a640519 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/ethernet.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/ethernet.scm
@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ connection is pending."
(G_ "No ethernet service available, please try again.")
(G_ "No service"))
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))
;; Only one service is available so return it directly.
@@ -81,7 +79,5 @@ connection is pending."
#:button-text (G_ "Exit")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))
#:listbox-callback-procedure connect-ethernet-service))))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/final.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/final.scm
index 7f6dd9f075..7c3f73ee82 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/final.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/final.scm
@@ -59,9 +59,7 @@ This will take a few minutes.")
#:file-textbox-height height
(lambda ()
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-install-success-page)
(match (current-clients)
@@ -88,9 +86,7 @@ press the button to reboot.")))
(G_ "Restart the installer")
(G_ "The final system installation step failed. You can resume from \
a specific step, or restart the installer."))
- (1 (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))
+ (1 (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))
;; Keep going, the installer will be restarted later on.
@@ -109,7 +105,7 @@ a specific step, or restart the installer."))
(define (run-final-page result prev-steps)
(define (wait-for-clients)
(unless (null? (current-clients))
- (syslog "waiting with clients before starting final step~%")
+ (installer-log-line "waiting with clients before starting final step")
(send-to-clients '(starting-final-step))
(match (select (current-clients) '() '())
(((port _ ...) _ _)
@@ -119,7 +115,7 @@ a specific step, or restart the installer."))
;; things such as changing the swap partition label.
- (syslog "proceeding with final step~%")
+ (installer-log-line "proceeding with final step")
(let* ((configuration (format-configuration prev-steps result))
(user-partitions (result-step result 'partition))
(locale (result-step result 'locale))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/keymap.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/keymap.scm
index 92f7f46f34..c5d4be6792 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/keymap.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/keymap.scm
@@ -59,9 +59,7 @@ different layout at any time from the parameters menu.")))
((param) (const #f))
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))))
(define (run-variant-page variants variant->text)
(let ((title (G_ "Variant")))
@@ -74,9 +72,7 @@ different layout at any time from the parameters menu.")))
#:button-text (G_ "Back")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (sort-layouts layouts)
"Sort LAYOUTS list by putting the US layout ahead and return it."
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/locale.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/locale.scm
index bfd89aca2c..01171e253f 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/locale.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/locale.scm
@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ installation process and for the installed system.")
#:button-text (G_ "Exit")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
;; Immediately install the chosen language so that the territory page that
;; comes after (optionally) is displayed in the chosen language.
@@ -63,9 +61,7 @@ installation process and for the installed system.")
#:button-text (G_ "Back")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-codeset-page codesets)
(let ((title (G_ "Locale codeset")))
@@ -78,9 +74,7 @@ installation process and for the installed system.")
#:button-text (G_ "Back")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-modifier-page modifiers modifier->text)
(let ((title (G_ "Locale modifier")))
@@ -94,9 +88,7 @@ symbol.")
#:button-text (G_ "Back")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define* (run-locale-page #:key
@@ -110,11 +102,10 @@ associating a territory code with a territory name. The formatted locale, under
glibc format is returned."
(define (break-on-locale-found locales)
- "Raise the &installer-step-break condition if LOCALES contains exactly one
+ "Break to the installer step if LOCALES contains exactly one
(and (= (length locales) 1)
- (raise
- (condition (&installer-step-break)))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'break)))
(define (filter-locales locales result)
"Filter the list of locale records LOCALES using the RESULT returned by
@@ -218,8 +209,8 @@ glibc locale string and return it."
;; If run-installer-steps returns locally, it means that the user had to go
;; through all steps (language, territory, codeset and modifier) to select a
- ;; locale. In that case, like if we exited by raising &installer-step-break
- ;; condition, turn the result into a glibc locale string and return it.
+ ;; locale. In that case, like if we exited by breaking to the installer
+ ;; step, turn the result into a glibc locale string and return it.
(run-installer-steps #:steps locale-steps)))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/network.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/network.scm
index fb221483c3..0477a489be 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/network.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/network.scm
@@ -65,12 +65,8 @@ Internet and return the selected technology. For now, only technologies with
(G_ "Exit")
(G_ "The install process requires Internet access but no \
network devices were found. Do you want to continue anyway?"))
- ((1) (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-break))))
- ((2) (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ ((1) (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'break))
+ ((2) (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
;; Since there's only one technology available, skip the selection
;; screen.
@@ -86,9 +82,7 @@ network devices were found. Do you want to continue anyway?"))
#:button-text (G_ "Exit")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))))
(define (find-technology-by-type technologies type)
"Find and return a technology with the given TYPE in TECHNOLOGIES list."
@@ -156,9 +150,7 @@ FULL-VALUE tentatives, spaced by 1 second."
(G_ "The selected network does not provide access to the \
Internet and the Guix substitute server, please try again.")
(G_ "Connection error"))
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
(define (run-network-page)
"Run a page to allow the user to configure connman so that it can access the
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm
index 4209674c28..0f508a31c0 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/page.scm
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu installer steps)
#:use-module (gnu installer utils)
#:use-module (gnu installer newt utils)
+ #:use-module (guix build utils)
#:use-module (guix i18n)
#:use-module (ice-9 i18n)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
@@ -43,6 +44,10 @@
+ %ok-button
+ %exit-button
+ run-textbox-page
+ run-dump-page
@@ -93,9 +98,9 @@ disconnect.
Like 'run-form', return two values: the exit reason, and an \"argument\"."
(define* (discard-client! port #:optional errno)
(if errno
- (syslog "removing client ~d due to ~s~%"
+ (installer-log-line "removing client ~d due to ~s"
(fileno port) (strerror errno))
- (syslog "removing client ~d due to EOF~%"
+ (installer-log-line "removing client ~d due to EOF"
(fileno port)))
;; XXX: Watch out! There's no 'form-unwatch-fd' procedure in Newt so we
@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ Like 'run-form', return two values: the exit reason, and an \"argument\"."
(send-to-clients exp)
(let loop ()
- (syslog "running form ~s (~s) with ~d clients~%"
+ (installer-log-line "running form ~s (~s) with ~d clients"
form title (length (current-clients)))
;; Call 'watch-clients!' within the loop because there might be new
@@ -146,7 +151,7 @@ Like 'run-form', return two values: the exit reason, and an \"argument\"."
(discard-client! port)
- (syslog "form ~s (~s): client ~d replied ~s~%"
+ (installer-log-line "form ~s (~s): client ~d replied ~s"
form title (fileno port) obj)
(values 'exit-fd-ready obj))))
(lambda args
@@ -156,8 +161,9 @@ Like 'run-form', return two values: the exit reason, and an \"argument\"."
;; Accept a new client and send it EXP.
(match (accept port)
((client . _)
- (syslog "accepting new client ~d while on form ~s~%"
- (fileno client) form)
+ (installer-log-line
+ "accepting new client ~d while on form ~s"
+ (fileno client) form)
(catch 'system-error
(lambda ()
(write exp client)
@@ -486,7 +492,7 @@ the current listbox item has to be selected by key."
(string=? str (listbox-item->text item))))
((key . item) item)
- (#f (raise (condition (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ (#f (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
;; On every listbox element change, check if we need to skip it. If yes,
;; depending on the 'last-listbox-key', jump forward or backward. If no,
@@ -688,7 +694,7 @@ ITEMS when 'Ok' is pressed."
(string=? str (item->text item))))
((key . item) item)
- (#f (raise (condition (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ (#f (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
(add-form-to-grid grid form #t)
(make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
@@ -726,8 +732,7 @@ ITEMS when 'Ok' is pressed."
;; Use Nano because it syntax-highlights Scheme by default.
;; TODO: Add a menu to choose an editor?
- (run-command (list "/run/current-system/profile/bin/nano" file)
- #:locale locale)
+ (invoke "nano" file)
(define* (run-file-textbox-page #:key
@@ -811,6 +816,151 @@ ITEMS when 'Ok' is pressed."
(destroy-form-and-pop form))))
(if (and (eq? exit-reason 'exit-component)
+ edit-button
(components=? argument edit-button))
(loop) ;recurse in tail position
+(define %ok-button
+ (cons (G_ "Ok") (lambda () #t)))
+(define %exit-button
+ (cons (G_ "Exit") (lambda () (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
+(define %default-buttons
+ (list %ok-button %exit-button))
+(define (make-newt-buttons buttons-spec)
+ (map
+ (match-lambda ((title . proc)
+ (cons (make-button -1 -1 title) proc)))
+ buttons-spec))
+(define* (run-textbox-page #:key
+ title
+ info-text
+ content
+ (buttons-spec %default-buttons))
+ "Run a page to display INFO-TEXT followed by CONTENT to the user, who has to
+choose an action among the buttons specified by BUTTONS-SPEC.
+BUTTONS-SPEC is an association list with button labels as keys, and callback
+procedures as values.
+This procedure returns the result of the callback procedure of the button
+chosen by the user."
+ (define info-textbox
+ (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 info-text
+ 50
+ #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+ (define content-textbox
+ (make-textbox -1 -1
+ 50
+ 30
+ (define buttons
+ (make-newt-buttons buttons-spec))
+ (define grid
+ (vertically-stacked-grid
+ GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT content-textbox
+ (apply
+ horizontal-stacked-grid
+ (append-map (match-lambda ((button . proc)
+ (list GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT button)))
+ buttons))))
+ (define form (make-form #:flags FLAG-NOF12))
+ (add-form-to-grid grid form #t)
+ (make-wrapped-grid-window grid title)
+ (set-textbox-text content-textbox
+ (receive (_w _h text)
+ (reflow-text content
+ 50
+ 0 0)
+ text))
+ (receive (exit-reason argument)
+ (run-form-with-clients form
+ `(contents-dialog (title ,title)
+ (text ,info-text)
+ (content ,content)))
+ (destroy-form-and-pop form)
+ (match exit-reason
+ ('exit-component
+ (let ((proc (assq-ref buttons argument)))
+ (if proc
+ (proc)
+ (raise
+ (condition
+ (&serious)
+ (&message
+ (message (format #f "Unable to find corresponding PROC for \
+component ~a." argument))))))))
+ ;; TODO
+ ('exit-fd-ready
+ (raise (condition (&serious)))))))
+(define* (run-dump-page base-dir file-choices)
+ (define info-textbox
+ (make-reflowed-textbox -1 -1 "Please select files you wish to include in \
+the dump."
+ 50
+ #:flags FLAG-BORDER))
+ (define components
+ (map (match-lambda ((file . enabled)
+ (list
+ (make-compact-button -1 -1 "Edit")
+ (make-checkbox -1 -1 file (if enabled #\x #\ ) " x")
+ file)))
+ file-choices))
+ (define sub-grid (make-grid 2 (length components)))
+ (for-each
+ (match-lambda* (((button checkbox _) index)
+ (set-grid-field sub-grid 0 index
+ #:anchor ANCHOR-LEFT)
+ (set-grid-field sub-grid 1 index
+ #:anchor ANCHOR-LEFT)))
+ components (iota (length components)))
+ (define grid
+ (vertically-stacked-grid
+ GRID-ELEMENT-COMPONENT (make-button -1 -1 "Create")))
+ (define form (make-form #:flags FLAG-NOF12))
+ (add-form-to-grid grid form #t)
+ (make-wrapped-grid-window grid "Installer dump")
+ (define prompt-tag (make-prompt-tag))
+ (let loop ()
+ (call-with-prompt prompt-tag
+ (lambda ()
+ (receive (exit-reason argument)
+ (run-form-with-clients form
+ `(dump-page))
+ (match exit-reason
+ ('exit-component
+ (let ((result
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((edit checkbox filename)
+ (if (components=? edit argument)
+ (abort-to-prompt prompt-tag filename)
+ (cons filename (eq? #\x
+ (checkbox-value checkbox))))))
+ components)))
+ (destroy-form-and-pop form)
+ result))
+ ;; TODO
+ ('exit-fd-ready
+ (raise (condition (&serious)))))))
+ (lambda (k file)
+ (edit-file (string-append base-dir "/" file))
+ (loop)))))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm
index ccc7686906..e7a97810ac 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/partition.scm
@@ -36,10 +36,8 @@
#:export (run-partitioning-page))
(define (button-exit-action)
- "Raise the &installer-step-abort condition."
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))
+ "Abort the installer step."
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))
(define (run-scheme-page)
"Run a page asking the user for a partitioning scheme."
@@ -801,9 +799,9 @@ by pressing the Exit button.~%~%")))
;; Make sure the disks are not in use before proceeding to formatting.
(free-parted eligible-devices)
(format-user-partitions user-partitions-with-pass)
- (syslog "formatted ~a user partitions~%"
+ (installer-log-line "formatted ~a user partitions"
(length user-partitions-with-pass))
- (syslog "user-partitions: ~a~%" user-partitions)
+ (installer-log-line "user-partitions: ~a" user-partitions)
(destroy-form-and-pop form)
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/services.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/services.scm
index c218825813..9951ad2212 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/services.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/services.scm
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ to choose from them later when you log in.")
#:checkbox-tree-height 9
(lambda ()
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-networking-cbt-page)
"Run a page allowing the user to select networking services."
@@ -65,9 +63,7 @@ system.")
#:checkbox-tree-height 5
(lambda ()
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-printing-services-cbt-page)
"Run a page allowing the user to select document services such as CUPS."
@@ -85,9 +81,7 @@ system.")
#:checkbox-tree-height 9
(lambda ()
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-console-services-cbt-page)
"Run a page to select various system adminstration services for non-graphical
@@ -130,9 +124,7 @@ client may be enough for a server.")
#:button-text (G_ "Exit")
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort)))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort)))))
(define (run-services-page)
(let ((desktop (run-desktop-environments-cbt-page)))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/timezone.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/timezone.scm
index 67bf41ff84..bed9f9d5cb 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/timezone.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/timezone.scm
@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ returned."
(if (null? path)
(lambda _
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))
(lambda _
(loop (all-but-last path))))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/user.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/user.scm
index 58bb86bf96..7c1cc2249d 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/user.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/user.scm
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
(define-module (gnu installer newt user)
#:use-module (gnu installer user)
- #:use-module ((gnu installer steps) #:select (&installer-step-abort))
#:use-module (gnu installer newt page)
#:use-module (gnu installer newt utils)
#:use-module (gnu installer utils)
@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ REAL-NAME, and HOME-DIRECTORY as the initial values in the form."
(name name)
(real-name real-name)
(home-directory home-directory)
- (password password))
+ (password (make-secret password)))
(run-user-add-page #:name name
#:real-name real-name
@@ -257,9 +256,7 @@ administrator (\"root\").")
(run users))
(reverse users))
((components=? argument exit-button)
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
;; Read the complete user list at once.
(match argument
@@ -269,7 +266,7 @@ administrator (\"root\").")
(map (lambda (name real-name home password)
(user (name name) (real-name real-name)
(home-directory home)
- (password password)))
+ (password (make-secret password))))
names real-names homes passwords))))))
(lambda ()
(destroy-form-and-pop form))))))
@@ -277,5 +274,5 @@ administrator (\"root\").")
;; Add a "root" user simply to convey the root password.
(cons (user (name "root")
(home-directory "/root")
- (password (run-root-password-page)))
+ (password (make-secret (run-root-password-page))))
(run '())))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/welcome.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/welcome.scm
index 5f461279e2..7a7ddfb7bd 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/welcome.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/welcome.scm
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ we want this page to occupy all the screen space available."
(string=? str (listbox-item->text item))))
((key . item) item)
- (#f (raise (condition (&installer-step-abort))))))
+ (#f (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))))
(set-textbox-text logo-textbox (read-all logo))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/newt/wifi.scm b/gnu/installer/newt/wifi.scm
index f5d8f1fdbf..8a87cbdf4b 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/newt/wifi.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/newt/wifi.scm
@@ -237,9 +237,7 @@ force a wifi scan."
((components=? argument exit-button)
- (raise
- (condition
- (&installer-step-abort))))
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step 'abort))
((components=? argument listbox)
(let ((result (connect-wifi-service listbox service-items)))
(unless result
diff --git a/gnu/installer/parted.scm b/gnu/installer/parted.scm
index 66e07574c9..94ef9b42bc 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/parted.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/parted.scm
@@ -343,13 +343,12 @@ fail. See rereadpt function in wipefs.c of util-linux for an explanation."
(define (remove-logical-devices)
"Remove all active logical devices."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "dmsetup" "remove_all")))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "dmsetup" "remove_all"))
(define (installer-root-partition-path)
"Return the root partition path, or #f if it could not be detected."
(let* ((cmdline (linux-command-line))
- (root (find-long-option "--root" cmdline)))
+ (root (find-long-option "root" cmdline)))
(and root
(or (and (access? root F_OK) root)
(find-partition-by-label root)
@@ -371,7 +370,8 @@ which are smaller than %MIN-DEVICE-SIZE."
(let ((length (device-length device))
(sector-size (device-sector-size device)))
(and (< (* length sector-size) %min-device-size)
- (syslog "~a is not eligible because it is smaller than ~a.~%"
+ (installer-log-line "~a is not eligible because it is smaller than \
(device-path device)
(unit-format-custom-byte device
@@ -391,7 +391,8 @@ which are smaller than %MIN-DEVICE-SIZE."
(string=? the-installer-root-partition-path
(partition-get-path partition)))
(disk-partitions disk)))))
- (syslog "~a is not eligible because it is the installation device.~%"
+ (installer-log-line "~a is not eligible because it is the \
+installation device."
(device-path device))))
@@ -634,8 +635,14 @@ determined by MAX-LENGTH-COLUMN procedure."
(define (mklabel device type-name)
"Create a partition table on DEVICE. TYPE-NAME is the type of the partition
table, \"msdos\" or \"gpt\"."
- (let ((type (disk-type-get type-name)))
- (disk-new-fresh device type)))
+ (let* ((type (disk-type-get type-name))
+ (disk (disk-new-fresh device type)))
+ (or disk
+ (raise
+ (condition
+ (&error)
+ (&message (message (format #f "Cannot create partition table of type
+~a on device ~a." type-name (device-path device)))))))))
@@ -817,24 +824,22 @@ cause them to cross."
(disk-add-partition disk partition no-constraint)))
(or partition-constraint-ok? partition-no-contraint-ok?)))
- (syslog "Creating partition:
-~/type: ~a
-~/filesystem-type: ~a
-~/start: ~a
-~/end: ~a
-~/start-range: [~a, ~a]
-~/end-range: [~a, ~a]
-~/constraint: ~a
-~/no-constraint: ~a
- partition-type
- (filesystem-type-name filesystem-type)
- start-sector*
- end-sector
- (geometry-start start-range) (geometry-end start-range)
- (geometry-start end-range) (geometry-end end-range)
- partition-constraint-ok?
- partition-no-contraint-ok?)
+ (installer-log-line "Creating partition:")
+ (installer-log-line "~/type: ~a" partition-type)
+ (installer-log-line "~/filesystem-type: ~a"
+ (filesystem-type-name filesystem-type))
+ (installer-log-line "~/start: ~a" start-sector*)
+ (installer-log-line "~/end: ~a" end-sector)
+ (installer-log-line "~/start-range: [~a, ~a]"
+ (geometry-start start-range)
+ (geometry-end start-range))
+ (installer-log-line "~/end-range: [~a, ~a]"
+ (geometry-start end-range)
+ (geometry-end end-range))
+ (installer-log-line "~/constraint: ~a"
+ partition-constraint-ok?)
+ (installer-log-line "~/no-constraint: ~a"
+ partition-no-contraint-ok?)
;; Set the partition name if supported.
(when (and partition-ok? has-name? name)
(partition-set-name partition name))
@@ -1115,53 +1120,37 @@ list and return the updated list."
(file-name file-name))))
-(define-syntax-rule (with-null-output-ports exp ...)
- "Evaluate EXP with both the output port and the error port pointing to the
-bit bucket."
- (with-output-to-port (%make-void-port "w")
- (lambda ()
- (with-error-to-port (%make-void-port "w")
- (lambda () exp ...)))))
(define (create-btrfs-file-system partition)
"Create a btrfs file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkfs.btrfs" "-f" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkfs.btrfs" "-f" partition))
(define (create-ext4-file-system partition)
"Create an ext4 file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkfs.ext4" "-F" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkfs.ext4" "-F" partition))
(define (create-fat16-file-system partition)
"Create a fat16 file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkfs.fat" "-F16" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkfs.fat" "-F16" partition))
(define (create-fat32-file-system partition)
"Create a fat32 file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkfs.fat" "-F32" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkfs.fat" "-F32" partition))
(define (create-jfs-file-system partition)
"Create a JFS file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "jfs_mkfs" "-f" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "jfs_mkfs" "-f" partition))
(define (create-ntfs-file-system partition)
"Create a JFS file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkfs.ntfs" "-F" "-f" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkfs.ntfs" "-F" "-f" partition))
(define (create-xfs-file-system partition)
"Create an XFS file-system for PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkfs.xfs" "-f" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkfs.xfs" "-f" partition))
(define (create-swap-partition partition)
"Set up swap area on PARTITION file-name."
- (with-null-output-ports
- (invoke "mkswap" "-f" partition)))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "mkswap" "-f" partition))
(define (call-with-luks-key-file password proc)
"Write PASSWORD in a temporary file and pass it to PROC as argument."
@@ -1188,17 +1177,18 @@ USER-PARTITION if it is encrypted, or the plain file-name otherwise."
(lambda (key-file)
- (syslog "formatting and opening LUKS entry ~s at ~s~%"
+ (installer-log-line "formatting and opening LUKS entry ~s at ~s"
label file-name)
- (system* "cryptsetup" "-q" "luksFormat" file-name key-file)
- (system* "cryptsetup" "open" "--type" "luks"
- "--key-file" key-file file-name label)))))
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "cryptsetup" "-q" "luksFormat"
+ file-name key-file)
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "cryptsetup" "open" "--type" "luks"
+ "--key-file" key-file file-name label)))))
(define (luks-close user-partition)
"Close the encrypted partition pointed by USER-PARTITION."
(let ((label (user-partition-crypt-label user-partition)))
- (syslog "closing LUKS entry ~s~%" label)
- (system* "cryptsetup" "close" label)))
+ (installer-log-line "closing LUKS entry ~s" label)
+ ((run-command-in-installer) "cryptsetup" "close" label)))
(define (format-user-partitions user-partitions)
"Format the <user-partition> records in USER-PARTITIONS list with
@@ -1279,7 +1269,7 @@ respective mount-points."
(user-partition-upper-file-name user-partition)))
(mkdir-p target)
- (syslog "mounting ~s on ~s~%" file-name target)
+ (installer-log-line "mounting ~s on ~s" file-name target)
(mount file-name target mount-type)))
@@ -1295,7 +1285,7 @@ respective mount-points."
(string-append (%installer-target-dir)
- (syslog "unmounting ~s~%" target)
+ (installer-log-line "unmounting ~s" target)
(umount target)
(when crypt-label
(luks-close user-partition))))
@@ -1486,6 +1476,6 @@ the devices not to be used before returning."
(format #f (G_ "Device ~a is still in use.")
- (syslog "Syncing ~a took ~a seconds.~%"
+ (installer-log-line "Syncing ~a took ~a seconds."
file-name (time-second time)))))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/record.scm b/gnu/installer/record.scm
index 0b34318c45..20519a26c3 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/record.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/record.scm
@@ -41,7 +41,10 @@
- installer-parameters-page))
+ installer-parameters-page
+ installer-dump-page
+ installer-run-command
+ installer-report-page))
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@
(init installer-init)
;; procedure: void -> void
(exit installer-exit)
- ;; procedure (key arguments) -> void
+ ;; procedure (key arguments) -> (action)
(exit-error installer-exit-error)
;; procedure void -> void
(final-page installer-final-page)
@@ -91,4 +94,10 @@
;; procedure (menu-proc) -> void
(parameters-menu installer-parameters-menu)
;; procedure (keyboard-layout-selection) -> void
- (parameters-page installer-parameters-page))
+ (parameters-page installer-parameters-page)
+ ;; procedure (dump) -> void
+ (dump-page installer-dump-page)
+ ;; procedure command -> bool
+ (run-command installer-run-command)
+ ;; procedure (report) -> void
+ (report-page installer-report-page))
diff --git a/gnu/installer/steps.scm b/gnu/installer/steps.scm
index c05dfa567a..8bc38181a7 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/steps.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/steps.scm
@@ -28,13 +28,7 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:use-module (rnrs io ports)
- #:export (&installer-step-abort
- installer-step-abort?
- &installer-step-break
- installer-step-break?
- <installer-step>
+ #:export (<installer-step>
@@ -52,15 +46,13 @@
- configuration->file))
+ configuration->file
-;; This condition may be raised to abort the current step.
-(define-condition-type &installer-step-abort &condition
- installer-step-abort?)
+ %current-result))
-;; This condition may be raised to break out from the steps execution.
-(define-condition-type &installer-step-break &condition
- installer-step-break?)
+;; Hash table storing the step results. Use it only for logging and debug
+;; purposes.
+(define %current-result (make-hash-table))
;; An installer-step record is basically an id associated to a compute
;; procedure. The COMPUTE procedure takes exactly one argument, an association
@@ -88,8 +80,10 @@
(rewind-strategy 'previous)
(menu-proc (const #f)))
"Run the COMPUTE procedure of all <installer-step> records in STEPS
-sequentially. If the &installer-step-abort condition is raised, fallback to a
-previous install-step, accordingly to the specified REWIND-STRATEGY.
+sequentially, inside a the 'installer-step prompt. When aborted to with a
+parameter of 'abort, fallback to a previous install-step, accordingly to the
+specified REWIND-STRATEGY. When aborted to with a parameter of 'break, stop
+the computation and return the accumalated result so far.
REWIND-STRATEGY possible values are 'previous, 'menu and 'start. If 'previous
is selected, the execution will resume at the previous installer-step. If
@@ -106,10 +100,7 @@ the form:
where STEP-ID is the ID field of the installer-step and COMPUTE-RESULT the
result of the associated COMPUTE procedure. This result association list is
passed as argument of every COMPUTE procedure. It is finally returned when the
-computation is over.
-If the &installer-step-break condition is raised, stop the computation and
-return the accumalated result so far."
+computation is over."
(define (pop-result list)
(cdr list))
@@ -143,62 +134,61 @@ return the accumalated result so far."
(match todo-steps
(() (reverse result))
((step . rest-steps)
- (guard (c ((installer-step-abort? c)
- (case rewind-strategy
- ((previous)
- (match done-steps
- (()
- ;; We cannot go previous the first step. So re-raise
- ;; the exception. It might be useful in the case of
- ;; nested run-installer-steps. Abort to 'raise-above
- ;; prompt to prevent the condition from being catched
- ;; by one of the previously installed guard.
- (abort-to-prompt 'raise-above c))
- ((prev-done ... last-done)
- (run (pop-result result)
- #:todo-steps (cons last-done todo-steps)
- #:done-steps prev-done))))
- ((menu)
- (let ((goto-step (menu-proc
- (append done-steps (list step)))))
- (if (eq? goto-step step)
- (run result
- #:todo-steps todo-steps
- #:done-steps done-steps)
- (skip-to-step goto-step result
- #:todo-steps todo-steps
- #:done-steps done-steps))))
- ((start)
- (if (null? done-steps)
- ;; Same as above, it makes no sense to jump to start
- ;; when we are at the first installer-step. Abort to
- ;; 'raise-above prompt to re-raise the condition.
- (abort-to-prompt 'raise-above c)
- (run '()
- #:todo-steps steps
- #:done-steps '())))))
- ((installer-step-break? c)
- (reverse result)))
- (syslog "running step '~a'~%" (installer-step-id step))
- (let* ((id (installer-step-id step))
- (compute (installer-step-compute step))
- (res (compute result done-steps)))
- (run (alist-cons id res result)
- #:todo-steps rest-steps
- #:done-steps (append done-steps (list step))))))))
+ (call-with-prompt 'installer-step
+ (lambda ()
+ (installer-log-line "running step '~a'" (installer-step-id step))
+ (let* ((id (installer-step-id step))
+ (compute (installer-step-compute step))
+ (res (compute result done-steps)))
+ (hash-set! %current-result id res)
+ (run (alist-cons id res result)
+ #:todo-steps rest-steps
+ #:done-steps (append done-steps (list step)))))
+ (lambda (k action)
+ (match action
+ ('abort
+ (case rewind-strategy
+ ((previous)
+ (match done-steps
+ (()
+ ;; We cannot go previous the first step. Abort again to
+ ;; 'installer-step prompt. It might be useful in the case
+ ;; of nested run-installer-steps.
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step action))
+ ((prev-done ... last-done)
+ (run (pop-result result)
+ #:todo-steps (cons last-done todo-steps)
+ #:done-steps prev-done))))
+ ((menu)
+ (let ((goto-step (menu-proc
+ (append done-steps (list step)))))
+ (if (eq? goto-step step)
+ (run result
+ #:todo-steps todo-steps
+ #:done-steps done-steps)
+ (skip-to-step goto-step result
+ #:todo-steps todo-steps
+ #:done-steps done-steps))))
+ ((start)
+ (if (null? done-steps)
+ ;; Same as above, it makes no sense to jump to start
+ ;; when we are at the first installer-step. Abort to
+ ;; 'installer-step prompt again.
+ (abort-to-prompt 'installer-step action)
+ (run '()
+ #:todo-steps steps
+ #:done-steps '())))))
+ ('break
+ (reverse result))))))))
;; Ignore SIGPIPE so that we don't die if a client closes the connection
;; prematurely.
(sigaction SIGPIPE SIG_IGN)
- (call-with-prompt 'raise-above
- (lambda ()
- (run '()
- #:todo-steps steps
- #:done-steps '()))
- (lambda (k condition)
- (raise condition)))))
+ (run '()
+ #:todo-steps steps
+ #:done-steps '())))
(define (find-step-by-id steps id)
"Find and return the step in STEPS whose id is equal to ID."
diff --git a/gnu/installer/user.scm b/gnu/installer/user.scm
index 4e701e64ce..c894a91dc8 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/user.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/user.scm
@@ -19,7 +19,14 @@
(define-module (gnu installer user)
#:use-module (guix records)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
- #:export (<user>
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
+ #:export (<secret>
+ secret?
+ make-secret
+ secret-content
+ <user>
@@ -30,6 +37,16 @@
+(define-record-type <secret>
+ (make-secret content)
+ secret?
+ (content secret-content))
+ <secret>
+ (lambda (secret port)
+ (format port "<secret>")))
(define-record-type* <user>
user make-user
diff --git a/gnu/installer/utils.scm b/gnu/installer/utils.scm
index 9bd41e2ca0..fb62fb8896 100644
--- a/gnu/installer/utils.scm
+++ b/gnu/installer/utils.scm
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 control)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
#:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex)
#:use-module (ice-9 format)
@@ -34,10 +37,17 @@
+ run-external-command-with-handler
+ run-external-command-with-line-hooks
+ run-command-in-installer
- syslog
+ %syslog-line-hook
+ installer-log-port
+ %installer-log-line-hook
+ %default-installer-line-hooks
+ installer-log-line
@@ -74,37 +84,99 @@ number. If no percentage is found, return #f"
(and result
(string->number (match:substring result 1)))))
+(define* (run-external-command-with-handler handler command)
+ "Run command specified by the list COMMAND in a child with output handler
+HANDLER. HANDLER is a procedure taking an input port, to which the command
+will write its standard output and error. Returns the integer status value of
+the child process as returned by waitpid."
+ (match-let (((input . output) (pipe)))
+ ;; Hack to work around Guile bug 52835
+ (define dup-output (duplicate-port output "w"))
+ ;; Void pipe, but holds the pid for close-pipe.
+ (define dummy-pipe
+ (with-input-from-file "/dev/null"
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-output-to-port output
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-error-to-port dup-output
+ (lambda ()
+ (apply open-pipe* (cons "" command)))))))))
+ (close-port output)
+ (close-port dup-output)
+ (handler input)
+ (close-port input)
+ (close-pipe dummy-pipe)))
+(define (run-external-command-with-line-hooks line-hooks command)
+ "Run command specified by the list COMMAND in a child, processing each
+output line with the procedures in LINE-HOOKS. Returns the integer status
+value of the child process as returned by waitpid."
+ (define (handler input)
+ (and
+ (and=> (get-line input)
+ (lambda (line)
+ (if (eof-object? line)
+ #f
+ (begin (for-each (lambda (f) (f line))
+ (append line-hooks
+ %default-installer-line-hooks))
+ #t))))
+ (handler input)))
+ (run-external-command-with-handler handler command))
(define* (run-command command)
"Run COMMAND, a list of strings. Return true if COMMAND exited
successfully, #f otherwise."
- (define env (environ))
(define (pause)
(format #t (G_ "Press Enter to continue.~%"))
(send-to-clients '(pause))
- (environ env) ;restore environment variables
(match (select (cons (current-input-port) (current-clients))
'() '())
(((port _ ...) _ _)
(read-line port))))
- (setenv "PATH" "/run/current-system/profile/bin")
- (guard (c ((invoke-error? c)
- (newline)
- (format (current-error-port)
- (G_ "Command failed with exit code ~a.~%")
- (invoke-error-exit-status c))
- (syslog "command ~s failed with exit code ~a"
- command (invoke-error-exit-status c))
- (pause)
- #f))
- (syslog "running command ~s~%" command)
- (apply invoke command)
- (syslog "command ~s succeeded~%" command)
- (newline)
- (pause)
- #t))
+ (installer-log-line "running command ~s" command)
+ (define result (run-external-command-with-line-hooks
+ (list %display-line-hook)
+ command))
+ (define exit-val (status:exit-val result))
+ (define term-sig (status:term-sig result))
+ (define stop-sig (status:stop-sig result))
+ (define succeeded?
+ (cond
+ ((and exit-val (not (zero? exit-val)))
+ (installer-log-line "command ~s exited with value ~a"
+ command exit-val)
+ (format #t (G_ "Command ~s exited with value ~a")
+ command exit-val)
+ #f)
+ (term-sig
+ (installer-log-line "command ~s killed by signal ~a"
+ command term-sig)
+ (format #t (G_ "Command ~s killed by signal ~a")
+ command term-sig)
+ #f)
+ (stop-sig
+ (installer-log-line "command ~s stopped by signal ~a"
+ command stop-sig)
+ (format #t (G_ "Command ~s stopped by signal ~a")
+ command stop-sig)
+ #f)
+ (else
+ (installer-log-line "command ~s succeeded" command)
+ (format #t (G_ "Command ~s succeeded") command)
+ #t)))
+ (newline)
+ (pause)
+ succeeded?)
+(define run-command-in-installer
+ (make-parameter
+ (lambda (. args)
+ (raise
+ (condition
+ (&serious)
+ (&message (message "run-command-in-installer not set")))))))
@@ -142,6 +214,9 @@ values."
(set! port (open-syslog-port)))
(or port (%make-void-port "w")))))
+(define (%syslog-line-hook line)
+ (format (syslog-port) "installer[~d]: ~a~%" (getpid) line))
(define-syntax syslog
(lambda (s)
"Like 'format', but write to syslog."
@@ -152,6 +227,43 @@ values."
(syntax->datum #'fmt))))
#'(format (syslog-port) fmt (getpid) args ...))))))
+(define (open-new-log-port)
+ (define now (localtime (time-second (current-time))))
+ (define filename
+ (format #f "/tmp/installer.~a.log"
+ (strftime "%F.%T" now)))
+ (open filename (logior O_RDWR
+ O_CREAT)))
+(define installer-log-port
+ (let ((port #f))
+ (lambda ()
+ "Return an input and output port to the installer log."
+ (unless port
+ (set! port (open-new-log-port)))
+ port)))
+(define (%installer-log-line-hook line)
+ (format (installer-log-port) "~a~%" line))
+(define (%display-line-hook line)
+ (display line)
+ (newline))
+(define %default-installer-line-hooks
+ (list %syslog-line-hook
+ %installer-log-line-hook))
+(define-syntax installer-log-line
+ (lambda (s)
+ "Like 'format', but uses the default line hooks, and only formats one line."
+ (syntax-case s ()
+ ((_ fmt args ...)
+ (string? (syntax->datum #'fmt))
+ #'(let ((formatted (format #f fmt args ...)))
+ (for-each (lambda (f) (f formatted))
+ %default-installer-line-hooks))))))
;;; Client protocol.
@@ -214,8 +326,9 @@ accepting socket."
(let ((errno (system-error-errno args)))
- (syslog "removing client ~s due to ~s while replying~%"
- (fileno client) (strerror errno))
+ (installer-log-line
+ "removing client ~s due to ~s while replying"
+ (fileno client) (strerror errno))
(false-if-exception (close-port client))
(cons client remainder))))))
diff --git a/gnu/local.mk b/gnu/local.mk
index 7f6a26b943..0297a9a380 100644
--- a/gnu/local.mk
+++ b/gnu/local.mk
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Kei Kebreau <kkebreau@posteo.net>
# Copyright © 2016, 2017 Rene Saavedra <rennes@openmailbox.org>
# Copyright © 2016 Adonay "adfeno" Felipe Nogueira <https://libreplanet.org/wiki/User:Adfeno> <adfeno@openmailbox.org>
-# Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+# Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
# Copyright © 2016 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
# Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Alex Vong <alexvong1995@gmail.com>
# Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
# Copyright © 2020 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
# Copyright © 2021 Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de>
# Copyright © 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
-# Copyright © 2021 Philip McGrath <philip@philipmcgrath.com>
+# Copyright © 2021, 2022 Philip McGrath <philip@philipmcgrath.com>
# Copyright © 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
# Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
# Copyright © 2021 Dmitry Polyakov <polyakov@liltechdude.xyz>
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ GNU_SYSTEM_MODULES = \
%D%/ci.scm \
%D%/home.scm \
%D%/home/services.scm \
+ %D%/home/services/desktop.scm \
%D%/home/services/symlink-manager.scm \
%D%/home/services/fontutils.scm \
%D%/home/services/shells.scm \
@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ GNU_SYSTEM_MODULES = \
%D%/packages/axoloti.scm \
%D%/packages/backup.scm \
%D%/packages/base.scm \
+ %D%/packages/barrier.scm \
%D%/packages/bash.scm \
%D%/packages/batik.scm \
%D%/packages/bdw-gc.scm \
@@ -581,6 +583,7 @@ GNU_SYSTEM_MODULES = \
%D%/packages/time.scm \
%D%/packages/tls.scm \
%D%/packages/tmux.scm \
+ %D%/packages/toolkits.scm \
%D%/packages/tor.scm \
%D%/packages/tv.scm \
%D%/packages/uglifyjs.scm \
@@ -601,6 +604,7 @@ GNU_SYSTEM_MODULES = \
%D%/packages/vulkan.scm \
%D%/packages/w3m.scm \
%D%/packages/wdiff.scm \
+ %D%/packages/weather.scm \
%D%/packages/web.scm \
%D%/packages/web-browsers.scm \
%D%/packages/webkit.scm \
@@ -758,6 +762,7 @@ GNU_SYSTEM_MODULES = \
%D%/installer.scm \
%D%/installer/connman.scm \
+ %D%/installer/dump.scm \
%D%/installer/final.scm \
%D%/installer/hostname.scm \
%D%/installer/keymap.scm \
@@ -859,6 +864,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/ath9k-htc-firmware-gcc-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ath9k-htc-firmware-objcopy.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/atlas-gfortran-compat.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/audacity-ffmpeg-fallback.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/audiofile-fix-datatypes-in-tests.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/audiofile-fix-sign-conversion.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/audiofile-CVE-2015-7747.patch \
@@ -880,7 +886,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/awesome-4.3-fno-common.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/aws-c-auth-install-private-headers.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/azr3.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/bash-reproducible-linux-pgrp-pipe.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/bash-completion-directories.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/bash-linux-pgrp-pipe.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/bastet-change-source-of-unordered_set.patch \
@@ -909,6 +914,8 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/binutils-mingw-w64-timestamp.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/binutils-mingw-w64-deterministic.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/binutils-CVE-2021-45078.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-cmake-module-path.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-tools-fix-install-path.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/bpftrace-disable-bfd-disasm.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/byobu-writable-status.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/bubblewrap-fix-locale-in-tests.patch \
@@ -916,7 +923,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/cabal-install-ghc8.10.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/cairo-CVE-2018-19876.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/cairo-CVE-2020-35492.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/calibre-fix-zeroconf.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/calibre-no-updates-dialog.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/calibre-remove-test-sqlite.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/calibre-remove-test-unrar.patch \
@@ -965,6 +971,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/coq-fix-envvars.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/coreutils-ls.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/cpuinfo-system-libraries.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/cpulimit-with-glib-2.32.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/crawl-upgrade-saves.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/crda-optional-gcrypt.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/clucene-contribs-lib.patch \
@@ -1008,7 +1015,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/ecl-16-ignore-stderr-write-error.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ecl-16-libffi.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/efibootmgr-remove-extra-decl.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/efivar-gcc-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/eigen-remove-openmp-error-counting.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/eigen-stabilise-sparseqr-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/einstein-build.patch \
@@ -1035,7 +1041,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/erlang-man-path.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/esmtp-add-lesmtp.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/eudev-rules-directory.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/evilwm-lost-focus-bug.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/exercism-disable-self-update.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/extempore-unbundle-external-dependencies.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/extundelete-e2fsprogs-1.44.patch \
@@ -1049,6 +1054,10 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/fasthenry-spSolve.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fasthenry-spFactor.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fbreader-curl-7.62.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-algorithm.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-demo-init.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-boost.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-config-slepc.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fifengine-boost-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fifengine-swig-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fifo-map-fix-flags-for-gcc.patch \
@@ -1063,8 +1072,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/fp16-system-libraries.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fpc-reproducibility.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/fplll-std-fenv.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/freecad-boost-serialization.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/freecad-vtk9.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/freedink-engine-fix-sdl-hints.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/freeglut-gcc-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/freeimage-unbundle.patch \
@@ -1130,10 +1137,10 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/geeqie-clutter.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/genimage-mke2fs-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/geoclue-config.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/ghc-4.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ghc-8.0-fall-back-to-madv_dontneed.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ghc-testsuite-dlopen-pie.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ghc-language-haskell-extract-ghc-8.10.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/ghc-monad-par-fix-tests.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ghostscript-no-header-id.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ghostscript-no-header-uuid.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ghostscript-no-header-creationdate.patch \
@@ -1144,8 +1151,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/glib-networking-gnutls-binding.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glib-networking-32-bit-time.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glib-skip-failing-test.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11236.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11237.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2019-7309.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2019-9169.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2019-19126.patch \
@@ -1164,7 +1169,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-clock_t_centiseconds.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-gettyent.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-mach-print.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-magic-pid.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-signal-sa-siginfo.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-ldd-powerpc.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/glibc-ldd-x86_64.patch \
@@ -1209,7 +1213,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/grantlee-merge-theme-dirs.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/grep-timing-sensitive-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/grfcodec-gcc-compat.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/grocsvs-dont-use-admiral.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/gromacs-tinyxml2.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/groovy-add-exceptionutilsgenerator.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/grub-efi-fat-serial-number.patch \
@@ -1225,15 +1228,15 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-3.0-relocatable.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-linux-syscalls.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-3.0-linux-syscalls.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/guile-cross-compilation.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-fibers-destroy-peer-schedulers.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/guile-fibers-wait-for-io-readiness.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-gdbm-ffi-support-gdbm-1.14.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-git-adjust-for-libgit2-1.2.0.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-present-coding.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-rsvg-pkgconfig.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-emacs-fix-configure.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/guile-email-fix-tests.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/guile-ssh-read-error.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/gtk2-fix-builder-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/gtk2-respect-GUIX_GTK2_PATH.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/gtk2-respect-GUIX_GTK2_IM_MODULE_FILE.patch \
@@ -1267,7 +1270,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/hueplusplus-mbedtls.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/hurd-cross.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/hurd-xattr.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/hydra-disable-darcs-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/i7z-gcc-10.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/icecat-makeicecat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/icecat-avoid-bundled-libraries.patch \
@@ -1285,7 +1287,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/imagemagick-ReadDCMImage-fix.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/imagemagick-ReadDCMPixels-fix.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/imagemagick-WriteTHUMBNAILImage-fix.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/inkscape-poppler-0.76.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/instead-use-games-path.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/intel-xed-fix-nondeterminism.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/intltool-perl-compatibility.patch \
@@ -1298,6 +1299,9 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/json-c-0.12-CVE-2020-12762.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/jsoncpp-pkg-config-version.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/jami-fix-crash-on-quit.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/jami-images-loading.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/jami-memory-usage.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/jami-libclient-audio-managers.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/jamvm-1.5.1-aarch64-support.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/jamvm-1.5.1-armv7-support.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/jamvm-2.0.0-aarch64-support.patch \
@@ -1327,7 +1331,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/libffi-float128-powerpc64le.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/librime-fix-build-with-gcc10.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libvirt-add-install-prefix.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/libvirt-create-machine-cgroup.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libziparchive-add-includes.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/localed-xorg-keyboard.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/kdiagram-Fix-missing-link-libraries.patch \
@@ -1401,6 +1404,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/libmygpo-qt-missing-qt5-modules.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libqalculate-3.8.0-libcurl-ssl-fix.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libquicktime-ffmpeg.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/librecad-support-for-boost-1.76.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libssh2-CVE-2019-17498.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libtar-CVE-2013-4420.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/libtgvoip-disable-sse2.patch \
@@ -1430,7 +1434,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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%D%/packages/patches/linphone-desktop-without-sdk.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/linux-libre-support-for-Pinebook-Pro.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/linux-libre-arm64-generic-pinebook-lcd.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/linux-pam-no-setfsuid.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/linux-pam-unix_chkpwd.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/linuxdcpp-openssl-1.1.patch \
@@ -1461,13 +1464,12 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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%D%/packages/patches/mailutils-variable-lookup.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/make-impure-dirs.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/marble-qt-add-qt-headers.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/mariadb-link-libatomic.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/mars-install.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/mathjax-disable-webpack.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/mathjax-no-a11y.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/maxima-defsystem-mkdir.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/maven-generate-component-xml.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/maven-generate-javax-inject-named.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/mcrypt-CVE-2012-4409.patch \
@@ -1479,7 +1481,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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%D%/packages/patches/mesa-opencl-all-targets.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/mhash-keygen-test-segfault.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/minetest-add-MINETEST_MOD_PATH.patch \
@@ -1504,6 +1505,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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+ %D%/packages/patches/mozjs60-riscv64-support.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/mumps-build-parallelism.patch \
@@ -1524,9 +1526,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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- %D%/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-check-_pkcs1_sec_decrypt-msg-len.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt1.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt2.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/nhc98-c-update.patch \
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@@ -1545,37 +1545,30 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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%D%/packages/patches/ocaml-dose3-Install-mli-cmx-etc.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ocaml-multiple-definitions.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ocaml-4.09-multiple-definitions.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/ocaml-qcheck-fix-test-whitespace.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/omake-fix-non-determinism.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/openssh-hurd.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/openrgb-unbundle-hueplusplus.patch \
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- %D%/packages/patches/openssl-c-rehash-in.patch \
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@@ -1586,7 +1579,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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- %D%/packages/patches/passwordsafe-meson-remove-extra-argument.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/password-store-tree-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/pciutils-hurd-configure.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/pciutils-hurd-fix.patch \
@@ -1612,8 +1604,10 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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%D%/packages/patches/sunxi-tools-remove-sys-io.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/p11-kit-hurd.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/patchutils-test-perms.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/patch-hurd-path-max.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/perl-5.14-autosplit-default-time.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/perl-5.14-module-pluggable-search.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/perl-autosplit-default-time.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/perl-finance-quote-unuse-mozilla-ca.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/perl-image-exiftool-CVE-2021-22204.patch \
@@ -1645,11 +1639,13 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/plib-CVE-2011-4620.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/plib-CVE-2012-4552.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/plotutils-spline-test.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/portmidi-modular-build.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/procmail-ambiguous-getline-debian.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/procmail-CVE-2014-3618.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/procmail-CVE-2017-16844.patch \
@@ -1678,14 +1674,9 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/python-3-fix-tests.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-3-hurd-configure.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-3-no-static-lib.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/python-CVE-2018-14647.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/python-CVE-2020-26116.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-aionotify-0.2.0-py3.8.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-argcomplete-1.11.1-fish31.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/python-axolotl-AES-fix.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/python-execnet-read-only-fix.patch \
@@ -1698,10 +1689,10 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/python-piexif-fix-tests-with-pillow-7.2.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-pyfakefs-remove-bad-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-pyflakes-test-location.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/python-flint-includes.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-libxml2-utf8.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-magic-python-bytecode.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/python-memcached-syntax-warnings.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-mox3-python3.6-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-typing-inspect-fix.patch \
@@ -1714,24 +1705,27 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
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%D%/packages/patches/python-pygpgme-fix-pinentry-tests.patch \
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%D%/packages/patches/python-pytorch-runpath.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-pytorch-system-libraries.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/python-pytorch-1.9.0-system-libraries.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/python-robotframework-sshlibrary-rf5-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-seaborn-kde-test.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/python-seaborn-2690.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python2-subprocess32-disable-input-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-unittest2-python3-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-unittest2-remove-argparse.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-versioneer-guix-support.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-waitress-fix-tests.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/python-werkzeug-tests.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/python-mypy-12332.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qemu-build-info-manual.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qemu-glibc-2.27.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qemu-glibc-2.30.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qemu-fix-agent-paths.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qpdfview-qt515-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qrcodegen-cpp-make-install.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/qt4-ldflags.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qtbase-absolute-runpath.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qtbase-moc-ignore-gcc-macro.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/qtbase-use-TZDIR.patch \
@@ -1751,7 +1745,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/raptor2-heap-overflow.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ratpoints-sturm_and_rp_private.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ratpoison-shell.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/rcs-5.10.0-no-stdin.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rct-add-missing-headers.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/readline-link-ncurses.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/readline-6.2-CVE-2014-2524.patch \
@@ -1762,6 +1755,8 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/ripperx-missing-file.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rpcbind-CVE-2017-8779.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rtags-separate-rct.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/racket-enable-scheme-backport.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/racket-gui-tethered-launcher-backport.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/racket-minimal-sh-via-rktio.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/remake-impure-dirs.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/restic-0.9.6-fix-tests-for-go1.15.patch \
@@ -1774,10 +1769,10 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/rocm-opencl-runtime-4.3-noclinfo.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rocm-opencl-runtime-4.3-nocltrace.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rocm-opencl-runtime-4.3-noopencl.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/ruby-mustache-1.1.1-fix-race-condition-tests.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ruby-sanitize-system-libxml.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rustc-1.39.0-src.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rust-adblock-ignore-live-tests.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/rust-coresimd-doctest.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/i3status-rust-enable-unstable-features.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rust-ndarray-remove-blas-src-dep.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/rust-ndarray-0.13-remove-blas-src.patch \
@@ -1796,7 +1791,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/scheme48-tests.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/scotch-build-parallelism.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/scotch-integer-declarations.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/screen-CVE-2021-26937.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/screen-hurd-path-max.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/sdl-libx11-1.6.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/seed-webkit.patch \
@@ -1823,7 +1817,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/spice-vdagent-glib-2.68.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/sssd-fix-samba.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/sssd-system-directories.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/streamlink-update-test.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/steghide-fixes.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/suitesparse-mongoose-cmake.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/superlu-dist-awpm-grid.patch \
@@ -1843,7 +1836,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/tao-fix-parser-types.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/tar-remove-wholesparse-check.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/tar-skip-unreliable-tests.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/tcc-boot-0.9.27.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/tbb-fix-test-on-aarch64.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/tclxml-3.2-install.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/tcsh-fix-autotest.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/teensy-loader-cli-help.patch \
@@ -1866,6 +1859,7 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
gnu/packages/patches/tootle-reason-phrase.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/tor-sandbox-i686.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/transcode-ffmpeg.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/transfig-gcc10-fno-common.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/transmission-honor-localedir.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/tremc-fix-decodestring.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/trytond-add-egg-modules-to-path.patch \
@@ -1881,7 +1875,6 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/u-boot-riscv64-fix-extlinux.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/u-boot-rk3399-enable-emmc-phy.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ucx-tcp-iface-ioctl.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-accelerated-video-decode.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-extension-search-path.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-ffmpeg-compat.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-RUNPATH.patch \
@@ -1925,7 +1918,8 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/upx-CVE-2021-20285.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/ustr-fix-build-with-gcc-5.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/util-linux-tests.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/upower-builddir.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3995.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3996.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/valgrind-enable-arm.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/vboot-utils-fix-format-load-address.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/vboot-utils-fix-tests-show-contents.patch \
@@ -1937,10 +1931,11 @@ dist_patch_DATA = \
%D%/packages/patches/vte-CVE-2012-2738-pt1.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/vte-CVE-2012-2738-pt2.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/vtk-fix-freetypetools-build-failure.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/vtk-8-fix-freetypetools-build-failure.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/warsow-qfusion-fix-bool-return-type.patch \
- %D%/packages/patches/webkitgtk-share-store.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/webkitgtk-adjust-bubblewrap-paths.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/webkitgtk-canonicalize-paths.patch \
+ %D%/packages/patches/webrtc-audio-processing-big-endian.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/websocketpp-fix-for-cmake-3.15.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/wicd-bitrate-none-fix.patch \
%D%/packages/patches/wicd-get-selected-profile-fix.patch \
diff --git a/gnu/machine.scm b/gnu/machine.scm
index 667a988f99..60be674972 100644
--- a/gnu/machine.scm
+++ b/gnu/machine.scm
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
;;; Commentary:
;;; This module provides the types used to declare individual machines in a
-;;; heterogeneous Guix deployment. The interface allows users of specify system
+;;; heterogeneous Guix deployment. The interface allows users to specify system
;;; configurations and the means by which resources should be provisioned on a
;;; per-host basis.
diff --git a/gnu/machine/ssh.scm b/gnu/machine/ssh.scm
index 0dc8933c82..550c989c34 100644
--- a/gnu/machine/ssh.scm
+++ b/gnu/machine/ssh.scm
@@ -422,7 +422,8 @@ of MACHINE's system profile, ordered from most recent to oldest."
(let* ((params (call-with-input-string serialized-params
(root (boot-parameters-root-device params))
- (label (boot-parameters-label params)))
+ (label (boot-parameters-label params))
+ (version (boot-parameters-version params)))
(inherit params)
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ of MACHINE's system profile, ordered from most recent to oldest."
"~Y-~m-~d ~H:~M"))
- (append (bootable-kernel-arguments system-path root)
+ (append (bootable-kernel-arguments system-path root version)
(boot-parameters-kernel-arguments params))))))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/accessibility.scm b/gnu/packages/accessibility.scm
index b692ec575f..36210d3e52 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/accessibility.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/accessibility.scm
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system glib-or-gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages lisp)
- #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages ocaml)
#:use-module (gnu packages pcre)
#:use-module (gnu packages polkit)
@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ terminals.")
- libiconv
diff --git a/gnu/packages/admin.scm b/gnu/packages/admin.scm
index f247cdf41a..e64ea0725a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/admin.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/admin.scm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013 Cyril Roelandt <tipecaml@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer <taylanbayirli@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Alex Sassmannshausen <alex.sassmannshausen@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Dvorsak <eric@dvorsak.fr>
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze <zerodaysfordays@sdf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Alex Griffin <a@ajgrf.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vincent Legoll <vincent.legoll@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Morgan Smith <Morgan.J.Smith@outlook.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
@@ -876,10 +876,27 @@ hostname.")
"Shadow provides a number of authentication-related tools, including:
login, passwd, su, groupadd, and useradd.")
+ (properties '((hidden? . #t))) ;see below
;; The `vipw' program is GPLv2+.
;; libmisc/salt.c is public domain.
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public shadow-with-man-pages
+ ;; TODO: Merge with 'shadow' on the next core-updates cycle.
+ (package/inherit shadow
+ (properties '()) ;not hidden
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments shadow)
+ ((#:phases phases '%standard-phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-man-pages
+ (lambda _
+ ;; The top-level Makefile.am wrongfully has "SUBDIRS += man"
+ ;; under "if ENABLE_REGENERATE_MAN", even though prebuilt man
+ ;; pages are available. Thus, install them manually.
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "man" "install")))))))))
(define-public mingetty
(name "mingetty")
@@ -1166,7 +1183,7 @@ connection alive.")
(define-public isc-dhcp
(let* ((bind-major-version "9")
(bind-minor-version "11")
- (bind-patch-version "36")
+ (bind-patch-version "37")
(bind-release-type "") ; for patch release, use "-P"
(bind-release-version "") ; for patch release, e.g. "6"
(bind-version (string-append bind-major-version
@@ -1220,6 +1237,21 @@ connection alive.")
;; build system uses the built 'gen' executable.
(setenv "BUILD_CC" "gcc"))))
+ (add-before 'build 'update-config-scripts
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (install-file
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ (string-append "/bin/" file)) "."))
+ '("config.guess" "config.sub"))
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (install-file
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ (string-append "/bin/" file))
+ (string-append "bind/bind-" ,bind-version)))
+ '("config.guess" "config.sub"))))
(add-after 'configure 'post-configure
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
;; Point to the right client script, which will be
@@ -1282,7 +1314,7 @@ connection alive.")
(list inetutils net-tools coreutils sed))))))))))
- (list perl file))
+ (list config perl file))
(inputs `(("inetutils" ,inetutils)
("bash" ,bash-minimal)
@@ -1300,7 +1332,7 @@ connection alive.")
"/bind-" bind-version ".tar.gz"))
- "108nh7hha4r0lb5hf1fn7lqaascvhsrghpz6afm5lf9vf2vgqly9"))))
+ "1zsszgxs9043dfpxb6xs1iwk9jg7nxkl5pbawj8dlshnxkkzp3hd"))))
("coreutils*" ,coreutils)
("sed*" ,sed)))
@@ -1692,7 +1724,7 @@ system administrator.")
(define-public sudo
(name "sudo")
- (version "1.9.8p2")
+ (version "1.9.10")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1702,7 +1734,7 @@ system administrator.")
version ".tar.gz")))
- "0b8gd15l2g22w4fhhz0gzmq5c8370klanmy2c1p3px6yly6qnfwy"))
+ "1x34k8sd2msfjjsahff1q143gr5j9z19jx2rmkkbiiz7k084d8a4"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -1786,7 +1818,7 @@ commands and their arguments.")
(define-public opendoas
(name "opendoas")
- (version "6.8.1")
+ (version "6.8.2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1795,7 +1827,7 @@ commands and their arguments.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0gfcssm21vdfg6kcrcc7hz1h4jmhy2zv29rfqyrrj3a6r9b5ah8p"))))
+ "1qrin7x9vcprk5pwjbr3w8z2qj8hk6xbvxicdhlk27xr6vcr1qzn"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -1804,7 +1836,7 @@ commands and their arguments.")
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(substitute* "GNUmakefile"
(("^\tchown.*$") ""))
- ;; OpenDoas look for binaries in safepath when a rule specify a
+ ;; OpenDoas looks for binaries in safepath when a rule specifies a
;; relative command, such as “permit keepenv :wheel cmd guix”.
(substitute* "doas.c"
(("safepath =" match)
@@ -1812,8 +1844,7 @@ commands and their arguments.")
- "\" ")))
- #t))
+ "\" ")))))
(replace 'configure
;; The configure script doesn't accept most of the default flags.
(lambda* (#:key configure-flags #:allow-other-keys)
@@ -2327,45 +2358,17 @@ characters (such as \"$\") get replaced with \"_\". ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)
characters can be replaced as well, as can UTF-8 characters.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public testdisk
- (package
- (name "testdisk")
- (version "7.1")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk-"
- version ".tar.bz2"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1zlh44w67py416hkvw6nrfmjickc2d43v51vcli5p374d5sw84ql"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (inputs
- (list ntfs-3g
- `(,util-linux "lib")
- openssl
- ;; FIXME: add reiserfs.
- zlib
- e2fsprogs
- libjpeg-turbo
- ncurses))
- (home-page "https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk")
- (synopsis "Data recovery tool")
- (description
- "TestDisk is a program for data recovery, primarily designed to help
-recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again.")
- (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public tree
(name "tree")
- (version "2.0.1")
+ (version "2.0.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
version ".tgz"))
- (base32 "0f92vx6gpz7v29wi9clklzah57v7lgx5kv0m1w4b9xjc35d9qcz3"))))
+ (base32 "1bzfkr3kmn2v5x7ljir691fr9hhjvjxqsfz0fc5fgi6ki0fklsbx"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -2858,7 +2861,8 @@ lookup to YAML Mode. You could enable the mode with @code{(add-hook
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1dz045yhcsw1rdamzpz4bk8mw888in7fyqk1q1b3m1yk4pd1ahkh"))))
+ (base32 "1dz045yhcsw1rdamzpz4bk8mw888in7fyqk1q1b3m1yk4pd1ahkh"))
+ (patches (search-patches "cpulimit-with-glib-2.32.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -3052,13 +3056,13 @@ platform-specific methods.")
(name "audit")
(home-page "https://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/audit/")
- (version "3.0.6")
+ (version "3.0.7")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append home-page "audit-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "0pnc9wzslks9p6kxw0llp1n8h8yg0frcxl3x84fl0hisa5vlvr63"))))
+ "15r5lrrkv2zj3dvpqssd46w61hmrq27y7c2rz33s20ck59iphk4b"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags (list "--with-python=no"
@@ -3881,7 +3885,8 @@ hard-coded.")
(let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
(list (string-append "--with-dbus-sys-dir="
out "/etc/dbus-1/system.d")
- "--localstatedir=/var"))
+ "--localstatedir=/var"
+ "--disable-werror"))
(list "V=1") ; log build commands
@@ -4753,7 +4758,7 @@ disk utilization, priority, username, state, and exit code.")
(install-file "novena-eeprom" out-bin)
(install-file "novena-eeprom.8" out-share-man)))))))
- (list i2c-tools))
+ (list i2c-tools-3))
(synopsis "Novena EEPROM editor")
(description "This package provides an editor for the Novena EEPROM.
Novena boards contain a device-dependent descriptive EEPROM that defines
@@ -4895,23 +4900,20 @@ exit code reports successful or failed execution to
(define-public udpcast
(name "udpcast")
- (version "20200328")
+ (version "20211207")
(method url-fetch)
;; XXX: Original server is at https://www.udpcast.linux.lu is not
;; reliable.
(uri (list (string-append
- "http://sources.buildroot.net/udpcast/udpcast-"
- version ".tar.gz")
- (string-append
version ".tar.gz")
version ".tar.gz")))
- (base32 "06pj86nbi9hx7abbb0z2c5ynhfq0rv89b7nmy0kq3xz2lsxfw6cw"))))
+ (base32 "0l6hck694szrrvz85nm48rwb7mzvg2z2bwa50v51pkvym3kvxkm3"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake m4 perl))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/algebra.scm b/gnu/packages/algebra.scm
index ff6e5189fd..439b3b2946 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/algebra.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/algebra.scm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016–2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2016-2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2018 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2017–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019, 2021 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jakub Kądziołka <kuba@kadziolka.net>
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module (guix build-system r)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix hg-download)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ precision.")
(define-public giac
(name "giac")
- (version "1.7.0-45")
+ (version "1.7.0-51")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -340,42 +341,42 @@ precision.")
"giac_" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "19hxbx27n5zby96d4pzhxxqn7mzk29g8sxn08fi638l17lr9x2q2"))))
+ (base32 "0wgqa2nxpv652348fxpchx5zvaj6ssc403jxwsdp5ky9pdpap2zs"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:modules ((ice-9 ftw)
+ (list
+ #:modules '((ice-9 ftw)
(guix build utils)
(guix build gnu-build-system))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-bin-cp
- ;; Some Makefiles contain hard-coded "/bin/cp".
- (lambda _
- (substitute* (cons "micropython-1.12/xcas/Makefile"
- (find-files "doc" "^Makefile"))
- (("/bin/cp") (which "cp")))))
- (add-after 'unpack 'disable-failing-test
- ;; FIXME: Test failing. Not sure why.
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "check/Makefile.in"
- (("chk_fhan11") ""))))
- (add-after 'install 'fix-doc
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- ;; Most French documentation has a non-commercial
- ;; license, so we need to remove it.
- (with-directory-excursion (string-append out "/share/giac/doc/fr")
- (for-each delete-file-recursively
- '("cascas" "casexo" "casgeo" "casrouge" "cassim"
- "castor")))
- ;; Remove duplicate documentation in
- ;; "%out/share/doc/giac/", where Xcas does not expect
- ;; to find it.
- (delete-file-recursively (string-append out "/share/doc/giac")))))
- (add-after 'install 'remove-unnecessary-executable
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (delete-file (string-append out "/bin/xcasnew"))))))))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-bin-cp
+ ;; Some Makefiles contain hard-coded "/bin/cp".
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (cons "micropython-1.12/xcas/Makefile"
+ (find-files "doc" "^Makefile"))
+ (("/bin/cp") (which "cp")))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'disable-failing-test
+ ;; FIXME: Test failing. Not sure why.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "check/Makefile.in"
+ (("chk_fhan11") ""))))
+ (add-after 'install 'fix-doc
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Most French documentation has a non-commercial license, so we
+ ;; need to remove it.
+ (with-directory-excursion
+ (string-append #$output "/share/giac/doc/fr")
+ (for-each delete-file-recursively
+ '("cascas" "casexo" "casgeo" "casrouge" "cassim"
+ "castor")))
+ ;; Remove duplicate documentation in "%out/share/doc/giac/",
+ ;; where Xcas does not expect to find it.
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ (string-append #$output "/share/doc/giac"))))
+ (add-after 'install 'remove-unnecessary-executable
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file (string-append #$output "/bin/xcasnew")))))))
;; TODO: Add libnauty, unbundle "libmicropython.a".
(list ao
@@ -1139,7 +1140,7 @@ features, and more.")
(define-public xtensor
(name "xtensor")
- (version "0.20.10")
+ (version "0.24.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1147,11 +1148,11 @@ features, and more.")
(commit version)))
- "1fmv2hpx610xwhxrndfsfvlbqfyk4l3gi5q5d7pa9m82kblxjj9l"))
+ "14fpzwdq26p2fqdrmc78hny9pp09k9c53jnwlh7f8x54ikzm23c2"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- (list googletest xtl))
+ (list doctest googletest xtl))
@@ -1181,7 +1182,7 @@ xtensor provides:
(add-after 'unpack 'remove-march=native
(lambda _
(substitute* "benchmark/CMakeLists.txt"
- (("-march=native") ""))))
+ (("-march=native\"") "\""))))
(add-after 'unpack 'link-with-googlebenchmark
(lambda _
(substitute* "benchmark/CMakeLists.txt"
@@ -1348,14 +1349,14 @@ objects.")
(define-public gappa
(name "gappa")
- (version "1.3.5")
+ (version "1.4.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/latestfile/"
- "2699/gappa-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (uri (string-append "https://gappa.gitlabpages.inria.fr/releases/"
+ "gappa-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "0q1wdiwqj6fsbifaayb1zkp20bz8a1my81sqjsail577jmzwi07w"))))
+ "12x42z901pr05ldmparqdi8sq9s7fxbavhzk2dbq3l6hy247dwbb"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list boost gmp mpfr))
@@ -1382,7 +1383,7 @@ filters for CGAL and it is used to certify elementary functions in CRlibm.
While Gappa is intended to be used directly, it can also act as a backend
prover for the Why3 software verification platform or as an automatic tactic
for the Coq proof assistant.")
- (license (list license:gpl3+ license:cecill-c)))) ; either/or
+ (license (list license:gpl3+ license:cecill)))) ; either/or
(define-public givaro
diff --git a/gnu/packages/astronomy.scm b/gnu/packages/astronomy.scm
index e968fd2480..c209b1538f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/astronomy.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/astronomy.scm
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2016 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2019 by Amar Singh <nly@disroot.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 R Veera Kumar <vkor@vkten.in>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ astronomical image-processing packages like Drizzle, Swarp or SExtractor.")
(define-public gnuastro
(name "gnuastro")
- (version "0.16")
+ (version "0.17")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -305,19 +305,19 @@ astronomical image-processing packages like Drizzle, Swarp or SExtractor.")
version ".tar.lz"))
- "07xr0r5dmjpnrz7ylf7k3vmjjna2jafi16lfvkqwxj9fyssmz207"))))
+ "1gq37axs9l556pxxmnh47h088gbmp7sk3xjg59qzk2bsycg3dkgh"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
'(#:configure-flags '("--disable-static")))
- `(("cfitsio" ,cfitsio)
- ("curl" ,curl-minimal)
- ("gsl" ,gsl)
- ("libgit2" ,libgit2)
- ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
- ("libtiff" ,libtiff)
- ("wcslib" ,wcslib)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list cfitsio
+ curl-minimal
+ gsl
+ libgit2
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libtiff
+ wcslib
+ zlib))
(list libtool lzip))
(home-page "https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuastro/")
@@ -614,13 +614,13 @@ accurately in real time at any rate desired.")
(define-public python-astropy
(name "python-astropy")
- (version "5.0")
+ (version "5.0.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "astropy" version))
- (base32 "09rr9z2kn5qw34fqpwxgcwsn9m5aw6f0dd0pm232aa8k3qakw83h"))
+ (base32 "09wh589ywjsgjvi76v2d2zqd9sri0461rrnml0b0pah5lbkcv0k3"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -826,21 +826,20 @@ of astronomical sources.")
(define-public python-pyvo
(name "python-pyvo")
- (version "1.2")
+ (version "1.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "pyvo" version))
- (base32 "1lap703wxbyxqlbk85myirp4pkdnc6cg10xhfajfsvz5k0hm5ffw"))))
+ (base32 "1ri5yp6903386lkn79mdcmlax7zsfrrrjbcvb91wxydcc9yasc1n"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- `(#:phases
+ '(#:phases
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
(when tests?
- (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
(invoke "python" "-m" "pytest" "--pyargs" "pyvo" "-k"
(string-append ; these tests use the network
"not test_access_with_string"
@@ -1460,34 +1459,221 @@ of stand-alone functions and classes.")
(define-public python-asdf
(name "python-asdf")
- (version "2.7.4")
+ (version "2.8.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "asdf" version))
- (base32 "1mj52l2m8pbhiqacgjakjpvqi8kyx470yw151lcsswbq5wp0rsc6"))))
+ (base32 "0i4vq1hsympjgb1yvn4ql0gm8j1mki9ggmj03533kmg0nbzp03yy"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- ;; TODO: (Sharlatan-20210207T165820+0000): Tests depend on astropy, astropy
- ;; depends on asdf. Disable circular dependence.
+ ;; NOTE: (Sharlatan-20211229T201059+0000): Tests depend on astropy and
+ ;; gwcs, astropy gwcs depend on asdf. Disable circular dependence.
`(#:tests? #f))
- `(("packaging" ,python-packaging)
- ("semantic-version" ,python-semantic-version)
- ("setuptools-scm" ,python-setuptools-scm)))
- (inputs
- `(("importlib-resources" ,python-importlib-resources)
- ("jsonschema" ,python-jsonschema)
- ("numpy" ,python-numpy)
- ("pyyaml" ,python-pyyaml)))
- (home-page "https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf")
- (synopsis "Python tools to handle ASDF files")
- (description
- "The Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF) is a next-generation
+ (list python-setuptools-scm
+ python-semantic-version
+ python-packaging))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-importlib-resources
+ python-jsonschema
+ python-jmespath
+ python-numpy
+ python-pyyaml))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf")
+ (synopsis "Python tools to handle ASDF files")
+ (description
+ "The Advanced Scientific Data Format (ASDF) is a next-generation
interchange format for scientific data. This package contains the Python
implementation of the ASDF Standard.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define python-asdf-transform-schemas
+ (package
+ (name "python-asdf-transform-schemas")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "asdf_transform_schemas" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gmzd81hw4ppsvzrc91wcbjpcw9hhv9gavllv7nyi7qjb54c837g"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "pytest")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-pytest
+ python-semantic-version
+ python-setuptools-scm))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-asdf))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf-transform-schemas")
+ (synopsis "ASDF schemas for transforms")
+ (description
+ "This package provides ASDF schemas for validating transform tags. Users
+should not need to install this directly; instead, install an implementation
+package such as asdf-astropy.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define python-asdf-coordinates-schemas
+ (package
+ (name "python-asdf-coordinates-schemas")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "asdf_coordinates_schemas" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ahwhsz5jzljnpkfd2kvspirg823lnj5ip9sfkd9cx09z1nlz8jg"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "pytest")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-pytest
+ python-semantic-version
+ python-setuptools-scm))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-asdf))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf-coordinates-schemas")
+ (synopsis "ASDF coordinates schemas")
+ (description "This package provides ASDF schemas for validating
+coordinates tags. Users should not need to install this directly; instead,
+install an implementation package such as asdf-astropy.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public python-asdf-astropy
+ (package
+ (name "python-asdf-astropy")
+ (version "0.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "asdf_astropy" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bzgah7gskvnz6jcrzipvzixv8k2jzjkskqwxngzwp4nxgjbcvi4"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "pytest")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-coverage
+ python-h5py
+ python-matplotlib
+ python-pandas
+ python-pytest-astropy
+ python-scipy
+ python-semantic-version
+ python-setuptools-scm))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-asdf
+ python-asdf-coordinates-schemas
+ python-asdf-transform-schemas
+ python-astropy
+ python-numpy
+ python-packaging))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/astropy/asdf-astropy")
+ (synopsis "ASDF serialization support for astropy")
+ (description
+ "This package includes plugins that provide ASDF serialization support for
+Astropy objects.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define python-asdf-wcs-schemas
+ (package
+ (name "python-asdf-wcs-schemas")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "asdf_wcs_schemas" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0khyab9mnf2lv755as8kwhk3lqqpd3f4291ny3b9yp3ik86fzhz1"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "pytest")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-pytest
+ python-setuptools-scm
+ python-semantic-version))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-asdf))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/asdf-format/asdf-wcs-schemas")
+ (synopsis "ASDF WCS Schemas")
+ (description
+ "This package provides ASDF schemas for validating World Coordinate
+System (WCS) tags. Users should not need to install this directly; instead,
+install an implementation package such as gwcs.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public python-gwcs
+ (package
+ (name "python-gwcs")
+ (version "0.18.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "gwcs" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "194j49m8xjjzv9pp8cnj06igz8sdxb0nphyybcc7mhigw0f0kr30"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "pytest")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-jsonschema
+ python-jmespath
+ python-pytest
+ python-pytest-doctestplus
+ python-pyyaml
+ python-semantic-version
+ python-setuptools-scm))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-asdf
+ python-asdf-astropy
+ python-asdf-wcs-schemas
+ python-astropy
+ python-numpy
+ python-scipy))
+ (home-page "https://gwcs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/")
+ (synopsis "Generalized World Coordinate System")
+ (description "Generalized World Coordinate System (GWCS) is an Astropy
+affiliated package providing tools for managing the World Coordinate System of
+astronomical data.
+GWCS takes a general approach to the problem of expressing transformations
+between pixel and world coordinates. It supports a data model which includes
+the entire transformation pipeline from input coordinates (detector by
+default) to world coordinates.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public python-astroalign
diff --git a/gnu/packages/audio.scm b/gnu/packages/audio.scm
index b186c79451..13e0f02837 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/audio.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/audio.scm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer <taylanbayirli@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Alex Griffin <a@ajgrf.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Lukas Gradl <lgradl@openmailbox.org>
@@ -254,6 +254,45 @@ softsynth library that can be use with other applications.")
(base32 "1gsx7k77blfy171b6g3m0k0s0072v6jcawhmx1kjs9w5zlwdkzd0"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; TODO: Move this to a snippet/patch or remove with the upgrade to 1.0.
+ (if (or (target-riscv64?)
+ (target-powerpc?))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-source
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((patch-file
+ #$(local-file
+ (search-patch
+ "webrtc-audio-processing-big-endian.patch"))))
+ (invoke "patch" "--force" "-p1" "-i" patch-file)
+ (substitute* "webrtc/typedefs.h"
+ (("defined\\(__aarch64__\\)" all)
+ (string-append
+ ;; powerpc-linux
+ "(defined(__PPC__) && __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__ == 4)\n"
+ "#define WEBRTC_ARCH_32_BITS\n"
+ ;; powerpc64-linux
+ "#elif (defined(__PPC64__) && defined(_BIG_ENDIAN))\n"
+ "#define WEBRTC_ARCH_64_BITS\n"
+ ;; aarch64-linux
+ "#elif " all
+ ;; riscv64-linux
+ " || (defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 64)"
+ ;; powerpc64le-linux
+ " || (defined(__PPC64__) && defined(_LITTLE_ENDIAN))"))))))))
+ '()))
+ (native-inputs
+ (if (or (target-riscv64?)
+ (target-powerpc?))
+ (list
+ (local-file (search-patch "webrtc-audio-processing-big-endian.patch"))
+ patch)
+ '()))
(synopsis "WebRTC's Audio Processing Library")
(description "WebRTC-Audio-Processing library based on Google's
implementation of WebRTC.")
@@ -383,13 +422,13 @@ Sega Master System/Mark III, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, BBC Micro
`(("alsa" ,alsa-lib)
("flac" ,flac)
- ("mpg123" ,mpg123)
("portaudio" ,portaudio)
("pulseaudio" ,pulseaudio)
("sdl2" ,sdl2)
- ("sndfile" ,libsndfile)
- ("vorbis" ,libvorbis)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ ("sndfile" ,libsndfile)))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ ;; In Requires.private
+ (list libogg libvorbis mpg123 zlib))
(synopsis "Audio tracking library")
(description "LibOpenMPT is a cross-platform C++ and C module playback
library. It is based on the player code of the Open ModPlug Tracker project.")
@@ -728,14 +767,17 @@ engineers, musicians, soundtrack editors and composers.")
(version "3.1.3")
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/audacity/audacity")
- (commit (string-append "Audacity-" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ ;; If built from the release tag, Audacity will describe itself
+ ;; as an "Alpha test version" and suggest to users that they use
+ ;; the "latest stable released version".
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://github.com/audacity/audacity/releases/download/"
+ "Audacity-" version "/audacity-" version
+ "-source.tar.gz"))
- "1689q9apbjf9nnda62shb8j7hm4hxd47mhk4l5h3c728mjjkilmi"))
+ "189agx11361k9j958s6q5bngnnfx0rwaf0dwbjxy6fwvsb1wv3px"))
+ (patches (search-patches "audacity-ffmpeg-fallback.patch"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
;; Remove bundled libraries.
@@ -763,10 +805,10 @@ engineers, musicians, soundtrack editors and composers.")
- ffmpeg
+ ffmpeg
@@ -4080,6 +4122,40 @@ with support for HD extensions.")
(home-page "https://github.com/foo86/dcadec")
(license license:lgpl2.1+)))
+(define-public drc
+ (package
+ (name "drc")
+ (version "3.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/drc-fir/drc-fir/"
+ version "/drc-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "08ljj4776pjx119zjmfqa8w56bf7x0m7spmi27yk1m455bmiglrj"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #false ;there are none
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "INSTALL_PREFIX=" #$output)
+ "-C" "source")
+ #:phases
+ '(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure))))
+ (inputs (list fftw))
+ (home-page "http://drc-fir.sourceforge.net/")
+ (synopsis "Digital room correction")
+ (description
+ "DRC is a program used to generate correction filters for acoustic
+compensation of HiFi and audio systems in general, including listening room
+compensation. DRC generates just the FIR correction filters, which can be
+used with a real time or offline convolver to provide real time or offline
+correction. DRC doesn't provide convolution features, and provides only some
+simplified, although really accurate, measuring tools.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public bs1770gain
(name "bs1770gain")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/autogen.scm b/gnu/packages/autogen.scm
index 1fe742bbae..7213776f07 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/autogen.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/autogen.scm
@@ -40,7 +40,13 @@
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/autogen/rel" version
"/autogen-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "16mlbdys8q4ckxlvxyhwkdnh1ay9f6g0cyp1kylkpalgnik398gq"))))
+ (base32 "16mlbdys8q4ckxlvxyhwkdnh1ay9f6g0cyp1kylkpalgnik398gq"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Address '-Werror=format-overflow' error.
+ '(substitute* "getdefs/getdefs.c"
+ (("def_bf\\[[[:space:]]*MAXNAMELEN[[:space:]]*\\]")
+ "def_bf[MAXNAMELEN + 10]")))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(native-inputs (list pkg-config which))
(inputs (list guile-2.2 perl)) ; for doc generator mdoc
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/guix.vim b/gnu/packages/aux-files/guix.vim
index 7dc359e52b..9397c53701 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/guix.vim
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/guix.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
" This appends all of the vim plugins to the end of Vim's runtimepath.
-for directory in ["/run/current-system/profile", $HOME . "/.guix-profile", $GUIX_PROFILE, $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT]
+for directory in ["/run/current-system/profile", $HOME . "/.guix-profile", $HOME ."/.guix-home/profile", $GUIX_PROFILE, $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT]
let vimplugins = directory . "/share/vim/vimfiles"
if isdirectory(vimplugins)
let &rtp = join([&rtp,vimplugins], ',')
+" Unconditionally add */after directories last, as intended by upstream
+" TODO: Remove duplicate */after directories
+for directory in [$VIM . "/vimfiles", $HOME ."/.vim"]
+ let vimplugins = directory . "/after"
+ let &rtp = join([&rtp,vimplugins], ',')
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-arm.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-arm.conf
index 03d11b4f53..6da3c1fdf1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-arm.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-arm.conf
@@ -5437,6 +5437,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
# CONFIG_SND_EMU10K1_SEQ is not set
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-i686.conf
index b7a07b5fe3..16a7817115 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-i686.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-i686.conf
@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ CONFIG_RAPIDIO_CPS_XX=m
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# Executable file formats / Emulations
@@ -8495,13 +8495,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-x86_64.conf
index db11c2f6e8..3953ee9104 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.14-x86_64.conf
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ CONFIG_FREEZER=y
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ CONFIG_RAPIDIO_CPS_XX=m
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# Executable file formats / Emulations
@@ -5958,6 +5958,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
# CONFIG_SND_EMU10K1_SEQ is not set
@@ -8332,13 +8334,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm.conf
index 9fd2a41a63..edc981eb57 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm.conf
@@ -5598,6 +5598,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_FM801 is not set
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm64.conf
index 69c7c439fe..aedb54382f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-arm64.conf
@@ -5331,6 +5331,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_FM801 is not set
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-i686.conf
index 5deee8206d..0e6637325d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-i686.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-i686.conf
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ CONFIG_RAPIDIO_CPS_XX=m
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# Binary Emulations
@@ -737,13 +737,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-x86_64.conf
index b76fdc9148..24148dcf6f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.19-x86_64.conf
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ CONFIG_RAPIDIO_CPS_XX=m
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# Binary Emulations
@@ -714,13 +714,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -6173,6 +6167,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-i686.conf
index 03aef7abfc..32442eb55a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-i686.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-i686.conf
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ CONFIG_RAPIDIO_TSI57X=m
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# Executable file formats / Emulations
@@ -7679,13 +7679,7 @@ CONFIG_DMI_SYSFS=m
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-x86_64.conf
index 0c7852ba48..2bcad360a5 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.4-x86_64.conf
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ CONFIG_FREEZER=y
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ CONFIG_RAPIDIO_TSI57X=m
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# Executable file formats / Emulations
@@ -5494,6 +5494,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
@@ -7461,13 +7463,7 @@ CONFIG_DMI_SYSFS=m
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.9-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.9-x86_64.conf
index 6256b9f356..8d47127ece 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.9-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/4.9-x86_64.conf
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ CONFIG_FREEZER=y
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -5733,6 +5733,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm.conf
index 30c5d541f0..c4f714f5e1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm.conf
@@ -9101,7 +9101,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm64.conf
index 0f3b9dc844..a612819ee9 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-arm64.conf
@@ -9221,7 +9221,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-i686.conf
index d24bbbcaa2..23b159057d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-i686.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-i686.conf
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ CONFIG_ALIX=y
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# end of Bus options (PCI etc.)
@@ -674,13 +674,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -6782,6 +6776,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
@@ -9899,7 +9895,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-x86_64.conf
index 3a905e6286..4dfb742813 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.10-x86_64.conf
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ CONFIG_MMCONF_FAM10H=y
# CONFIG_ISA_BUS is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# end of Bus options (PCI etc.)
@@ -670,13 +670,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -6671,6 +6665,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
@@ -9868,7 +9864,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm.conf
index 08f4863548..a45530711e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm.conf
@@ -9364,7 +9364,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm64.conf
index 743e6cccc9..d67461d051 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-arm64.conf
@@ -9728,7 +9728,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-i686.conf
index 85bd4d0ee1..ab2008f3e5 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-i686.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-i686.conf
@@ -992,7 +992,7 @@ CONFIG_PAGE_IDLE_FLAG=y
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -2249,14 +2249,8 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT=m
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -6731,7 +6725,7 @@ CONFIG_FB_MB862XX=m
# end of Frame buffer Devices
@@ -6942,6 +6936,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
@@ -10163,7 +10159,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-x86_64.conf
index ad42192937..abb1c98fcb 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.15-x86_64.conf
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ CONFIG_IDLE_PAGE_TRACKING=y
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -2282,14 +2282,8 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT=m
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -6688,7 +6682,7 @@ CONFIG_FB_MB862XX=m
# end of Frame buffer Devices
@@ -6856,6 +6850,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
@@ -10202,7 +10198,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b31848e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10216 @@
+# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
+# Linux/arm 5.16.0 Kernel Configuration
+# General setup
+# CONFIG_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_GZIP is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_USELIB is not set
+# IRQ subsystem
+# end of IRQ subsystem
+# Timers subsystem
+# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set
+# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set
+# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set
+# end of Timers subsystem
+# BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_BPF_PRELOAD is not set
+# end of BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
+# CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# end of CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_RCU_EXPERT is not set
+# end of RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set
+# CONFIG_IKHEADERS is not set
+# Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK is not set
+# end of Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_CGROUP_RDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_CGROUP_BPF is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RSEQ is not set
+# CONFIG_EMBEDDED is not set
+# CONFIG_PC104 is not set
+# Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# end of Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB is not set
+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set
+# end of General setup
+# System Type
+# CONFIG_ARCH_EP93XX is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP32X is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP4XX is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_DOVE is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_PXA is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C24XX is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 is not set
+# Multiple platform selection
+# CPU Core family selection
+# CONFIG_ARCH_MULTI_V6 is not set
+# end of Multiple platform selection
+# CONFIG_ARCH_ALPINE is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_ARTPEC is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_ASPEED is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_AT91 is not set
+# IPROC architected SoCs
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_HR2 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_NSP is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_5301X is not set
+# KONA architected SoCs
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_281XX is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_21664 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_23550 is not set
+# Other Architectures
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_53573 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BCM_63XX is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BERLIN is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_EXYNOS3 is not set
+# Exynos SoCs
+# CONFIG_ARCH_HISI is not set
+# Cortex-A platforms
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX50 is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX6SL is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX6SLL is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX6SX is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX6UL is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_LS1021A is not set
+# Cortex-A/Cortex-M asymmetric multiprocessing platforms
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX7D is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_IMX7ULP is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_VF610 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_MESON is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_MMP is not set
+# CONFIG_MACH_DOVE is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_NPCM is not set
+# TI OMAP Common Features
+# OMAP Feature Selections
+# end of TI OMAP Common Features
+# CONFIG_SOC_AM43XX is not set
+# TI OMAP2/3/4 Specific Features
+# OMAP Legacy Platform Data Board Type
+# end of TI OMAP2/3/4 Specific Features
+# CONFIG_OMAP5_ERRATA_801819 is not set
+# end of TI OMAP/AM/DM/DRA Family
+# CONFIG_ARCH_QCOM is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_RDA is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_S5PV210 is not set
+# CONFIG_PLAT_SPEAR is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_STI is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_STM32 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_U8500 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_ZYNQ is not set
+# Processor Type
+# Processor Features
+# CONFIG_ARM_LPAE is not set
+# CONFIG_CACHE_L2X0_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_818325_852422 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_821420 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_825619 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_852421 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_ERRATA_852423 is not set
+# end of System Type
+# Bus support
+# end of Bus support
+# Kernel Features
+# CONFIG_SCHED_MC is not set
+# CONFIG_SCHED_SMT is not set
+# CONFIG_BIG_LITTLE is not set
+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G_OPT is not set
+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G is not set
+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_1G is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_200 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_500 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
+# CONFIG_THUMB2_KERNEL is not set
+# CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT is not set
+# end of Kernel Features
+# Boot options
+# CONFIG_CRASH_DUMP is not set
+# end of Boot options
+# CPU Power Management
+# CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU frequency scaling drivers
+# end of CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU Idle
+# CONFIG_CPU_IDLE is not set
+# end of CPU Idle
+# end of CPU Power Management
+# Floating point emulation
+# At least one emulation must be selected
+# end of Floating point emulation
+# Power management options
+# end of Power management options
+# General architecture-dependent options
+# GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# CONFIG_GCOV_KERNEL is not set
+# end of GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# end of General architecture-dependent options
+# CONFIG_MODULE_SIG is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ZONED is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_SED_OPAL is not set
+# Partition Types
+# end of Partition Types
+# IO Schedulers
+# end of IO Schedulers
+# Executable file formats
+# CONFIG_BINFMT_FLAT is not set
+# end of Executable file formats
+# Memory Management options
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_Z3FOLD is not set
+# CONFIG_GUP_TEST is not set
+# Data Access Monitoring
+# CONFIG_DAMON_DBGFS is not set
+# end of Data Access Monitoring
+# end of Memory Management options
+# Networking options
+# CONFIG_TLS is not set
+# CONFIG_SMC is not set
+# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
+# CONFIG_INET_RAW_DIAG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPV6_SEG6_HMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_NETLABEL is not set
+# Core Netfilter Configuration
+# Xtables combined modules
+# Xtables targets
+# Xtables matches
+# end of Core Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_IP_VS_DEBUG is not set
+# IPVS transport protocol load balancing support
+# IPVS scheduler
+# IPVS SH scheduler
+# IPVS MH scheduler
+# IPVS application helper
+# IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_BPFILTER is not set
+# DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# end of DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP_DEBUG is not set
+# end of DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_RDS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_BR2684_IPFILTER is not set
+# CONFIG_DECNET is not set
+# CONFIG_X25 is not set
+# CONFIG_LAPB is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_NL802154_EXPERIMENTAL is not set
+# Queueing/Scheduling
+# Classification
+# CONFIG_NET_TC_SKB_EXT is not set
+# CONFIG_HSR is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_NCSI is not set
+# Network testing
+# end of Network testing
+# end of Networking options
+# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set
+# CAN Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_CAN_VXCAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_FLEXCAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_GRCAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_TI_HECC is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_C_CAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_CC770 is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_IFI_CANFD is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_M_CAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000_PLATFORM is not set
+# CAN SPI interfaces
+# CONFIG_CAN_HI311X is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
+# end of CAN SPI interfaces
+# CAN USB interfaces
+# CONFIG_CAN_MCBA_USB is not set
+# end of CAN USB interfaces
+# end of CAN Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_BT_LEDS is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_SELFTEST is not set
+# Bluetooth device drivers
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIUART is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBCM203X is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBPA10X is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBFUSB is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI is not set
+# end of Bluetooth device drivers
+# CONFIG_AF_KCM is not set
+# CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE is not set
+# CONFIG_CFG80211_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_LIB80211_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUG_MENU is not set
+# CONFIG_RFKILL_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_9P_XEN is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_9P_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CAIF is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_NCI is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_HCI is not set
+# Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# CONFIG_NFC_TRF7970A is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_PN533_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_ST95HF is not set
+# end of Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# CONFIG_PSAMPLE is not set
+# Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ECRC is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_IOV is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PRI is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PASID is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_BUS_SAFE is not set
+# CONFIG_HOTPLUG_PCI is not set
+# PCI controller drivers
+# CONFIG_PCI_FTPCI100 is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_XILINX is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_V3_SEMI is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ALTERA is not set
+# DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ARMADA_8K is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_MESON is not set
+# end of DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# end of Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# CONFIG_PCI_J721E_HOST is not set
+# end of Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# end of PCI controller drivers
+# PCI Endpoint
+# end of PCI Endpoint
+# PCI switch controller drivers
+# end of PCI switch controller drivers
+# CONFIG_PCCARD is not set
+# CONFIG_RAPIDIO is not set
+# Generic Driver Options
+# Firmware loader
+# end of Firmware loader
+# end of Generic Driver Options
+# Bus devices
+# CONFIG_MOXTET is not set
+# CONFIG_IMX_WEIM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEGRA_GMI is not set
+# CONFIG_MHI_BUS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Bus devices
+# Firmware Drivers
+# ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# end of ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# CONFIG_EFI_TEST is not set
+# end of EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# CONFIG_IMX_DSP is not set
+# CONFIG_IMX_SCU is not set
+# Tegra firmware driver
+# CONFIG_TEGRA_IVC is not set
+# end of Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Firmware Drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set
+# Partition parsers
+# CONFIG_MTD_AFS_PARTS is not set
+# end of Partition parsers
+# User Modules And Translation Layers
+# Note that in some cases UBI block is preferred. See MTD_UBI_BLOCK.
+# CONFIG_FTL is not set
+# CONFIG_NFTL is not set
+# CONFIG_INFTL is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_FTL is not set
+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_ABSENT is not set
+# end of RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# Mapping drivers for chip access
+# end of Mapping drivers for chip access
+# Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551 is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_MCHP23K256 is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_MCHP48L640 is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_SLRAM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_PHRAM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK2MTD is not set
+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_DOCG3 is not set
+# end of Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# Raw/parallel NAND flash controllers
+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_GPIO is not set
+# Misc
+# ECC engine support
+# end of ECC engine support
+# end of NAND
+# LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_LPDDR2_NVM is not set
+# end of LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# CONFIG_OF_UNITTEST is not set
+# CONFIG_PARPORT_PC is not set
+# CONFIG_PARPORT_AX88796 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SX8 is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RSXX is not set
+# NVME Support
+# CONFIG_NVME_FC is not set
+# CONFIG_NVME_TCP is not set
+# end of NVME Support
+# Misc devices
+# CONFIG_DUMMY_IRQ is not set
+# CONFIG_PHANTOM is not set
+# CONFIG_HP_ILO is not set
+# EEPROM support
+# CONFIG_EEPROM_93XX46 is not set
+# CONFIG_EEPROM_EE1004 is not set
+# end of EEPROM support
+# CONFIG_CB710_DEBUG is not set
+# Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# end of Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# CONFIG_ECHO is not set
+# CONFIG_HABANA_AI is not set
+# CONFIG_PVPANIC is not set
+# end of Misc devices
+# SCSI device support
+# CONFIG_SCSI_PROC_FS is not set
+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
+# SCSI Transports
+# end of SCSI Transports
+# CONFIG_SCSI_3W_9XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_AIC7XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_AIC79XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_AIC94XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_ARCMSR is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_BSG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_HPTIOP is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_MYRB is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_MYRS is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_IPS is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_INITIO is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_INIA100 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_SYM53C8XX_2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_IPR is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_QLA_FC is not set
+# CONFIG_QEDI is not set
+# CONFIG_QEDF is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_EFCT is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_DC395x is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_NSP32 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_DEBUG is not set
+# end of SCSI device support
+# Controllers with non-SFF native interface
+# CONFIG_AHCI_DM816 is not set
+# CONFIG_AHCI_CEVA is not set
+# CONFIG_AHCI_QORIQ is not set
+# CONFIG_SATA_INIC162X is not set
+# SFF controllers with custom DMA interface
+# SATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# CONFIG_SATA_DWC is not set
+# PATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# CONFIG_PATA_ALI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_AMD is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_ATIIXP is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_EFAR is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT366 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT37X is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X2N is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X3 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_NS87415 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_PDC2027X is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_PDC_OLD is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_SIL680 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_VIA is not set
+# PIO-only SFF controllers
+# CONFIG_PATA_CMD640_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_MPIIX is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_NS87410 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_OPTI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_RZ1000 is not set
+# Generic fallback / legacy drivers
+# CONFIG_PATA_LEGACY is not set
+# CONFIG_MD_CLUSTER is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_VERITY_FEC is not set
+# IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# end of IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# CONFIG_NET_FC is not set
+# CONFIG_IPVTAP is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCNET is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_TCP is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_LANAI is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_ENI is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IDT77252 is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_HE is not set
+# Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_B53_SPI_DRIVER is not set
+# CONFIG_B53_MMAP_DRIVER is not set
+# CONFIG_B53_SRAB_DRIVER is not set
+# CONFIG_B53_SERDES is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_LOOP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_MT7530 is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_MV88E6XXX_PTP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SJA1105_TAS is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_QCA8K is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SMSC_LAN9303_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SMSC_LAN9303_MDIO is not set
+# end of Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_SLICOSS is not set
+# CONFIG_ALTERA_TSE is not set
+# CONFIG_AMD8111_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_B44 is not set
+# CONFIG_BCMGENET is not set
+# CONFIG_BNXT_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_MACB is not set
+# CONFIG_DM9000 is not set
+# CONFIG_DNET is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MWI is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_FTMAC100 is not set
+# CONFIG_FTGMAC100 is not set
+# CONFIG_FSL_PQ_MDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GIANFAR is not set
+# CONFIG_HIX5HD2_GMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_HISI_FEMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_HIP04_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_HNS_DSAF is not set
+# CONFIG_HNS_ENET is not set
+# CONFIG_HNS3 is not set
+# CONFIG_ICE is not set
+# CONFIG_FM10K is not set
+# CONFIG_IGC is not set
+# CONFIG_MV643XX_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_MVPP2_PTP is not set
+# CONFIG_SKGE_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SKY2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_CORE_IPOIB is not set
+# CONFIG_MLXSW_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MLXFW is not set
+# CONFIG_KS8842 is not set
+# CONFIG_KS8851 is not set
+# CONFIG_KS8851_MLL is not set
+# CONFIG_ENCX24J600 is not set
+# CONFIG_LAN743X is not set
+# CONFIG_NFP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_AX88796 is not set
+# CONFIG_FORCEDETH is not set
+# CONFIG_ETHOC is not set
+# CONFIG_QCA7000_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_EMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_8139TOO_PIO is not set
+# CONFIG_8139_OLD_RX_RESET is not set
+# CONFIG_ROCKER is not set
+# CONFIG_SXGBE_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_SIS900 is not set
+# CONFIG_STMMAC_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_HAPPYMEAL is not set
+# CONFIG_SUNGEM is not set
+# CONFIG_DWC_XLGMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_CPTS is not set
+# CONFIG_VIA_RHINE is not set
+# CONFIG_WIZNET_W5100 is not set
+# CONFIG_WIZNET_W5300 is not set
+# CONFIG_HIPPI is not set
+# MII PHY device drivers
+# CONFIG_CORTINA_PHY is not set
+# CONFIG_MARVELL_10G_PHY is not set
+# CONFIG_MICREL_KS8995MA is not set
+# MCTP Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_MDIO_IPQ4019 is not set
+# MDIO Multiplexers
+# PCS device drivers
+# end of PCS device drivers
+# CONFIG_PLIP is not set
+# Host-side USB support is needed for USB Network Adapter support
+# CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_TRACER is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_AHB is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_DYNACK is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_WOW is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_HWRNG is not set
+# CONFIG_CARL9170_HWRNG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_AHB is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_TRACING is not set
+# CONFIG_WCN36XX is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_TRACING is not set
+# CONFIG_ATMEL is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_BCMA is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_SSB is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_BRCMDBG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2100 is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2200_DEBUG is not set
+# iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# end of iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# Debugging Options
+# end of Debugging Options
+# CONFIG_HERMES is not set
+# CONFIG_P54_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MWIFIEX is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x0U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x0E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7603E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7615E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663S is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7915E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921S is not set
+# CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_WILC1000_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2800USB_UNKNOWN is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW88 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RSI_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_CW1200 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ZD1201 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZD1211RW_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_WAN is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_AT86RF230_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_CA8210 is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_MCR20A is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_HWSIM is not set
+# Wireless WAN
+# CONFIG_WWAN_HWSIM is not set
+# end of Wireless WAN
+# CONFIG_VMXNET3 is not set
+# CONFIG_ISDN is not set
+# Input device support
+# Userland interfaces
+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set
+# Input Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ADP5589 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_QT1070 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_TCA6416 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_TCA8418 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_LM8333 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_MPR121 is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_BCM5974 is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_CYAPA is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_AR1021_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_BU21013 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_BU21029 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_DA9052 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_MAX11801 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_MSG2638 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TS4800 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TSC2004 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ST1232 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_SX8654 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ZET6223 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_BMA150 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_E3X0_BUTTON is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_MC13783_PWRBUTTON is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_KXTJ9 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_PCF8574 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_DA7280_HAPTICS is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_DA9052_ONKEY is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_IMS_PCU is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_IQS269A is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_IQS626A is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_CMA3000 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_DRV2665_HAPTICS is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_DRV2667_HAPTICS is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_SMB is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F34 is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F54 is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F55 is not set
+# Hardware I/O ports
+# CONFIG_SERIO_PCIPS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_RAW is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_PS2MULT is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_ARC_PS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_APBPS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_USERIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GAMEPORT is not set
+# end of Hardware I/O ports
+# end of Input device support
+# Character devices
+# CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS is not set
+# Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_FINTEK is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RT288X is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_OMAP is not set
+# Non-8250 serial port support
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_MAX3100 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_MAX310X is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_JSM is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_SC16IS7XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_BCM63XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_ST_ASC is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_SPRD is not set
+# end of Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_HVC_DCC is not set
+# CONFIG_PRINTER is not set
+# CONFIG_PPDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_APPLICOM is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_I2C_ATMEL is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_XEN is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_ST33ZP24_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_ST33ZP24_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_XILLYBUS is not set
+# end of Character devices
+# I2C support
+# Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_GPMUX is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_LTC4306 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PCA9541 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PINCTRL is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_REG is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_MLXCPLD is not set
+# end of Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# I2C Hardware Bus support
+# PC SMBus host controller drivers
+# CONFIG_I2C_ALI1535 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_ALI1563 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_ALI15X3 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_AMD756 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_AMD8111 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_I801 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_PIIX4 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_NFORCE2 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_NVIDIA_GPU is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_SIS5595 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_SIS630 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_SIS96X is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_VIA is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_VIAPRO is not set
+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip)
+# CONFIG_I2C_CBUS_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_EMEV2 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_IMX_LPI2C is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_NOMADIK is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_PXA is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_WMT is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_XILINX is not set
+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers
+# CONFIG_I2C_PARPORT is not set
+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers
+# end of I2C Hardware Bus support
+# CONFIG_I2C_STUB is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set
+# end of I2C support
+# CONFIG_I3C is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set
+# SPI Master Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_SPI_ALTERA is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_ARMADA_3700 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_BCM_QSPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_CADENCE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_FSL_LPSPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_FSL_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_OC_TINY is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_PXA2XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_S3C64XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SC18IS602 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SIFIVE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_TEGRA210_QUAD is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_TEGRA20_SLINK is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_XCOMM is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_XILINX is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_AMD is not set
+# SPI Multiplexer support
+# SPI Protocol Masters
+# CONFIG_SPI_TLE62X0 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SLAVE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPMI is not set
+# HSI controllers
+# HSI clients
+# CONFIG_HSI_CHAR is not set
+# CONFIG_PPS_DEBUG is not set
+# PPS clients support
+# PPS generators support
+# PTP clock support
+# Enable PHYLIB and NETWORK_PHY_TIMESTAMPING to see the additional clocks.
+# end of PTP clock support
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SX150X is not set
+# Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# end of Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_A64 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_A64_R is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_A100 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_A100_R is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_H5 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_H6 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_H6_R is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_H616 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN50I_H616_R is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO is not set
+# Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# CONFIG_GPIO_74XX_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ALTERA is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_DWAPB is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_EXAR is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_FTGPIO010 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_GRGPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_HLWD is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MPC8XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_SYSCON is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_TS4800 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ZEVIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_AMD_FCH is not set
+# end of Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# I2C GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ADP5588 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ADNP is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_GW_PLD is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX7300 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_TPIC2810 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_TS4900 is not set
+# end of I2C GPIO expanders
+# MFD GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_HTC_EGPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_STMPE is not set
+# end of MFD GPIO expanders
+# PCI GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCI_IDIO_16 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCIE_IDIO_24 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_RDC321X is not set
+# end of PCI GPIO expanders
+# SPI GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_GPIO_74X164 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX7301 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MC33880 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PISOSR is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_XRA1403 is not set
+# end of SPI GPIO expanders
+# USB GPIO expanders
+# end of USB GPIO expanders
+# Virtual GPIO drivers
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MOCKUP is not set
+# end of Virtual GPIO drivers
+# 1-wire Bus Masters
+# CONFIG_W1_MASTER_MXC is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_MASTER_DS1WM is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_MASTER_SGI is not set
+# end of 1-wire Bus Masters
+# 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2405 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2408 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2413 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2406 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2423 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2433_CRC is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2438 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS250X is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2780 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2781 is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS28E04 is not set
+# end of 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_POWER_RESET_LTC2952 is not set
+# CONFIG_PDA_POWER is not set
+# CONFIG_APM_POWER is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_POWER is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2760 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2780 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2781 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2782 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_SBS is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DA9052 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_MAX17040 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_MAX17042 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_MAX8903 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_LP8727 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_LT3651 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_LTC4162L is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ24190 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ24257 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ24735 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ2515X is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ25890 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ25980 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ256XX is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_SMB347 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_GAUGE_LTC2941 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_RT9455 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_UCS1002 is not set
+# Native drivers
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_AD7314 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1021 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1025 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1026 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1031 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7310 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7410 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_AS370 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_DS1621 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_DA9052_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_F71805F is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_GL518SM is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_GL520SM is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_HIH6130 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_IT87 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_POWR1220 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC2945 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC2990 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC2992 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC4222 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC4260 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX1619 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX197 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX31722 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6620 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6697 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX31790 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MCP3021 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TC654 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TPS23861 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MR75203 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM63 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM75 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM77 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM78 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM80 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM83 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM85 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM87 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM90 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM92 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM95234 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PC87360 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_NCT7802 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_NCT7904 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_OCC_P8_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8591 is not set
+# CONFIG_PMBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHT15 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHT3x is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHT4x is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHTC1 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SIS5595 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47M1 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47B397 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SCH5636 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_STTS751 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADC128D818 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_INA209 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_INA3221 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TC74 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP103 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP108 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_VIA686A is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83781D is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83795_FANCTRL is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83L785TS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83627HF is not set
+# CONFIG_IMX_THERMAL is not set
+# Broadcom thermal drivers
+# end of Broadcom thermal drivers
+# Texas Instruments thermal drivers
+# CONFIG_OMAP3_THERMAL is not set
+# end of Texas Instruments thermal drivers
+# Samsung thermal drivers
+# end of Samsung thermal drivers
+# NVIDIA Tegra thermal drivers
+# end of NVIDIA Tegra thermal drivers
+# Watchdog Pretimeout Governors
+# Watchdog Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_TS4800_WATCHDOG is not set
+# CONFIG_ALIM7101_WDT is not set
+# CONFIG_I6300ESB_WDT is not set
+# CONFIG_MEN_A21_WDT is not set
+# PCI-based Watchdog Cards
+# CONFIG_WDTPCI is not set
+# USB-based Watchdog Cards
+# CONFIG_BCMA_HOST_SOC is not set
+# CONFIG_BCMA_DEBUG is not set
+# Multifunction device drivers
+# CONFIG_MFD_ALTERA_A10SR is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_ACT8945A is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SUN4I_GPADC is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AS3711 is not set
+# CONFIG_PMIC_ADP5520 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AAT2870_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_BCM590XX is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AC100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AXP20X_RSB is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L15 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L35 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L85 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L90 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L92 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_ASIC3 is not set
+# CONFIG_PMIC_DA903X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9055 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9062 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9063 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9150 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DLN2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_HI6421_PMIC is not set
+# CONFIG_HTC_PASIC3 is not set
+# CONFIG_HTC_I2CPLD is not set
+# CONFIG_LPC_ICH is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_KEMPLD is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_88PM800 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_88PM805 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_88PM860X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX14577 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77620 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77650 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77693 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77843 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8907 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8925 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8997 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8998 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MT6397 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MENF21BMC is not set
+# CONFIG_EZX_PCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CPCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_NTXEC is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RETU is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_PCF50633 is not set
+# CONFIG_UCB1400_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_PM8XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RDC321X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RT5033 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RC5T583 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RN5T618 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SI476X_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SM501 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SKY81452 is not set
+# STMicroelectronics STMPE Interface Drivers
+# CONFIG_STMPE_SPI is not set
+# end of STMicroelectronics STMPE Interface Drivers
+# CONFIG_MFD_LP3943 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_LP8788 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_LMU is not set
+# CONFIG_TPS6105X is not set
+# CONFIG_TPS65010 is not set
+# CONFIG_TPS6507X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65086 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65090 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65217 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_LP873X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_LP87565 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65218 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS6586X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65910 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65912_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65912_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WL1273_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_LM3533 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TC3589X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_T7L66XB is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6387XB is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6393XB is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TQMX86 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_VX855 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_ARIZONA_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8400 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM831X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM831X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8350_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8994 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_STPMIC1 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_STMFX is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_ATC260X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_M10_BMC is not set
+# end of Multifunction device drivers
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_88PG86X is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_AD5398 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DA9210 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DA9211 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_ISL9305 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_ISL6271A is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP3971 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP3972 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP872X is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP8755 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3589 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX1586 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8649 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8660 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8952 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8973 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX77802 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX77826 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MCP16502 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MT6311 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_PV88060 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_PV88080 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_PV88090 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS51632 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS62360 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS65023 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS6507X is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS65132 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS6524X is not set
+# CONFIG_BPF_LIRC_MODE2 is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_HIX5HD2 is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_RX51 is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_SERIAL is not set
+# CEC support
+# end of CEC support
+# Media device types
+# end of Media device types
+# Media core support
+# end of Media core support
+# Video4Linux options
+# end of Video4Linux options
+# Media controller options
+# end of Media controller options
+# Digital TV options
+# CONFIG_DVB_MMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_DVB_ULE_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Digital TV options
+# Media drivers
+# Webcam devices
+# CONFIG_USB_PWC_DEBUG is not set
+# Analog TV USB devices
+# Analog/digital TV USB devices
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_TM6000 is not set
+# Digital TV USB devices
+# CONFIG_DVB_USB_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DVB_USB_ZD1301 is not set
+# Webcam, TV (analog/digital) USB devices
+# Software defined radio USB devices
+# Media capture support
+# Media capture/analog TV support
+# Media capture/analog/hybrid TV support
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_CX25821 is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134_GO7007 is not set
+# Media digital TV PCI Adapters
+# CONFIG_I2C_SI470X is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SI4713 is not set
+# CONFIG_PLATFORM_SI4713 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DSBR is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_TEA5764 is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_SAA7706H is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_TEF6862 is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_WL1273 is not set
+# common driver options
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_MUX is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_TI_CAL is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_CODA is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_IMX8_JPEG is not set
+# MMC/SDIO DVB adapters
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIMC is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIM2M is not set
+# FireWire (IEEE 1394) Adapters
+# end of Media drivers
+# Media ancillary drivers
+# IR I2C driver auto-selected by 'Autoselect ancillary drivers'
+# Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# end of Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# RDS decoders
+# end of RDS decoders
+# Video decoders
+# Video and audio decoders
+# end of Video decoders
+# Video encoders
+# end of Video encoders
+# Video improvement chips
+# end of Video improvement chips
+# Audio/Video compression chips
+# end of Audio/Video compression chips
+# SDR tuner chips
+# end of SDR tuner chips
+# Miscellaneous helper chips
+# end of Miscellaneous helper chips
+# Camera sensor devices
+# end of Camera sensor devices
+# Lens drivers
+# end of Lens drivers
+# Flash devices
+# end of Flash devices
+# SPI helper chips
+# end of SPI helper chips
+# Media SPI Adapters
+# CONFIG_CXD2880_SPI_DRV is not set
+# end of Media SPI Adapters
+# Customize TV tuners
+# end of Customize TV tuners
+# Customise DVB Frontends
+# Multistandard (satellite) frontends
+# Multistandard (cable + terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-S (satellite) frontends
+# DVB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-C (cable) frontends
+# ATSC (North American/Korean Terrestrial/Cable DTV) frontends
+# ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# ISDB-S (satellite) & ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# Digital terrestrial only tuners/PLL
+# SEC control devices for DVB-S
+# Common Interface (EN50221) controller drivers
+# end of Customise DVB Frontends
+# Tools to develop new frontends
+# end of Media ancillary drivers
+# Graphics support
+# CONFIG_TEGRA_HOST1X is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_DP_CEC is not set
+# I2C encoder or helper chips
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_CH7006 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_SIL164 is not set
+# end of I2C encoder or helper chips
+# ARM devices
+# CONFIG_DRM_HDLCD is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_KOMEDA is not set
+# end of ARM devices
+# CONFIG_DRM_RADEON is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_NOUVEAU is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_VKMS is not set
+# CRTCs
+# CONFIG_DRM_EXYNOS5433_DECON is not set
+# Encoders and Bridges
+# Sub-drivers
+# CONFIG_DRM_EXYNOS_G2D is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_AST is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MGAG200 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_ARMADA is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_RCAR_LVDS is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SUN4I is not set
+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_FSL_DCU is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TEGRA is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_STM is not set
+# Display Panels
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_ABT_Y030XX067A is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_FEIYANG_FY07024DI26A30D is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_JDI_LT070ME05000 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_LG_LB035Q02 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_LG_LG4573 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_NEC_NL8048HL11 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_NOVATEK_NT39016 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_RAYDIUM_RM67191 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_RAYDIUM_RM68200 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_RONBO_RB070D30 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LQ101R1SX01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LS043T1LE01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LS060T1SX01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_TDO_TL070WSH30 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_TPO_TPG110 is not set
+# end of Display Panels
+# Display Interface Bridges
+# CONFIG_DRM_NXP_PTN3460 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PARADE_PS8622 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SIL_SII8620 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SII902X is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SII9234 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_THINE_THC63LVD1024 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TOSHIBA_TC358764 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TOSHIBA_TC358767 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TI_TFP410 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TI_SN65DSI86 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_ANALOGIX_ANX7625 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_ADV7511 is not set
+# end of Display Interface Bridges
+# CONFIG_DRM_STI is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_IMX_TVE is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_VC4_HDMI_CEC is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MXSFB is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_ARCPGU is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_HX8357D is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ILI9225 is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ILI9341 is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_MI0283QT is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ST7586 is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ST7735R is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PL111 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TVE200 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TDFX is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_R128 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MGA is not set
+# Frame buffer Devices
+# Frame buffer hardware drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_CIRRUS is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_PM2 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_IMX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_CYBER2000 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_IMSTT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_UVESA is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_S1D13XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_NVIDIA_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RIVA_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RIVA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_I740 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_MATROX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RADEON is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_ATY128 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_ATY is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SAVAGE is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SIS is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_NEOMAGIC is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_KYRO is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_3DFX_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VOODOO1 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_TRIDENT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_CARMINE is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_WMT_GE_ROPS is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_IBM_GXT4500 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_DA8XX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SSD1307 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SM712 is not set
+# end of Frame buffer Devices
+# Backlight & LCD device support
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_DA9052 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_ADP8860 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_ADP8870 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LM3630A is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LM3639 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LV5207LP is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_BD6107 is not set
+# end of Backlight & LCD device support
+# Console display driver support
+# end of Console display driver support
+# CONFIG_LOGO is not set
+# end of Graphics support
+# CONFIG_SND_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_DUMMY is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VIRMIDI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_MTPAV is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SERIAL_U16550 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_MPU401 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ATIIXP is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AU8810 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AU8820 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AU8830 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AW2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_BT87X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CA0106 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CMIPCI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CS4281 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CS46XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_FM801 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_HDSP is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ICE1724 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_INTEL8X0 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_INTEL8X0M is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_KORG1212 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_MIXART is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_NM256 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_RME32 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_RME96 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_RME9652 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VIA82XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VIA82XX_MODEM is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VX222 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI is not set
+# HD-Audio
+# CONFIG_SND_HDA_INTEL is not set
+# end of HD-Audio
+# CONFIG_SND_ARMAACI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ATMEL_SOC is not set
+# SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# Common SoC Audio options for Freescale CPUs:
+# SoC Audio support for Freescale i.MX boards:
+# end of SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# CONFIG_SND_I2S_HI6210_I2S is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_IMG is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RK3399_GRU_SOUND is not set
+# STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# end of STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# Allwinner SoC Audio support
+# CONFIG_SND_SUN8I_CODEC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SUN4I_I2S is not set
+# end of Allwinner SoC Audio support
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_AHUB is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_DMIC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_I2S is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA186_DSPK is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_MVC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_SFC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_AMX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_ADX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA_SGTL5000 is not set
+# Audio support for Texas Instruments SoCs
+# Texas Instruments DAI support for:
+# Audio support for boards with Texas Instruments SoCs
+# end of Audio support for Texas Instruments SoCs
+# CODEC drivers
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AC97_CODEC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1372_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1372_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1701 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1761_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1761_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU7002 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4104 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4118 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4554 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4613 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4642 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK5386 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ALC5623 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_BD28623 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_BT_SCO is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L32 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L33 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L34 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L35 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L36 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L41_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L41_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L42 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L51_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L52 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L56 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L73 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4234 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4265 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4270 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4271_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4271_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42XX8_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS43130 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4341 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4349 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS53L30 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CX2072X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ES7134 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ES7241 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ES8316 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_GTM601 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_INNO_RK3036 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98088 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98357A is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98504 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9867 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98927 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98520 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98390 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9860 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM1681 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM1789_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM179X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM179X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM186X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM186X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3060_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3060_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3168A_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3168A_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM5102A is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM512x_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM512x_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT5616 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT5631 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT5659 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT9120 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SPDIF is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2305 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2518 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2602_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2602_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM4567 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STA32X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STA350 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STI_SAS is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2552 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2562 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2764 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2770 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS5086 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS571X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS5720 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS6424 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TDA7419 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TFA9879 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TFA989X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC23_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC31XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC32X4_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC32X4_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC3X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC3X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320ADCX140 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TSCS42XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TSCS454 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_UDA1334 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8510 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8523 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8524 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8580 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8711 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8728 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8731 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8737 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8741 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8750 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8770 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8776 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8782 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8804_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8804_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8960 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8962 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8974 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8978 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8985 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ZL38060 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9759 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT6351 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT6358 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT6660 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8315 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8540 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8810 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8821 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8822 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8824 is not set
+# end of CODEC drivers
+# CONFIG_SND_VIRTIO is not set
+# HID support
+# Special HID drivers
+# CONFIG_HID_APPLEIR is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_BIGBEN_FF is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_ELAN is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_GFRM is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_VIVALDI is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_GT683R is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_XIAOMI is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_ITE is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_MALTRON is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_NTI is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_RETRODE is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_STEAM is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_UDRAW_PS3 is not set
+# end of Special HID drivers
+# USB HID support
+# USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_KBD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MOUSE is not set
+# end of USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# end of USB HID support
+# I2C HID support
+# CONFIG_I2C_HID_OF is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_HID_OF_GOODIX is not set
+# end of I2C HID support
+# end of HID support
+# Miscellaneous USB options
+# CONFIG_USB_OTG is not set
+# USB Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_C67X00_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_OXU210HP_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP116X_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_FOTG210_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MAX3421_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_UHCI_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SL811_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_HCD_BCMA is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_HCD_SSB is not set
+# USB Device Class drivers
+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may
+# also be needed; see USB_STORAGE Help for more info
+# USB Imaging devices
+# CONFIG_USBIP_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_CDNS3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set
+# Platform Glue Layer
+# MUSB DMA mode
+# CONFIG_MUSB_PIO_ONLY is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_ULPI is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_GADGET is not set
+# Platform Glue Driver Support
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_HOST is not set
+# Gadget/Dual-role mode requires USB Gadget support to be enabled
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760 is not set
+# USB port drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_USS720 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_F8153X is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_UPD78F0730 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_XR is not set
+# USB Miscellaneous drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_HUB_USB251XB is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_HSIC_USB4604 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ATM is not set
+# USB Physical Layer drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_GPIO_VBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1301 is not set
+# end of USB Physical Layer drivers
+# USB Peripheral Controller
+# CONFIG_USB_FUSB300 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_FOTG210_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_GR_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_R8A66597 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_PXA27X is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MV_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MV_U3D is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_M66592 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_BDC_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_AMD5536UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_NET2272 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_GOKU is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_EG20T is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DUMMY_HCD is not set
+# end of USB Peripheral Controller
+# USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# CONFIG_USB_ZERO is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_AUDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ETH_EEM is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_NCM is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_PRINTER is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_ACM_MS is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_MULTI is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_HID is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_DBGP is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_WEBCAM is not set
+# end of USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# CONFIG_TYPEC is not set
+# CONFIG_PWRSEQ_SD8787 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set
+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_OF_AT91 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_S3C_DMA is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_F_SDH30 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_MXC is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_DW_HI3798CV200 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_DW_K3 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_DW_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_USDHI6ROL0 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_MTK is not set
+# MemoryStick drivers
+# CONFIG_MS_BLOCK is not set
+# MemoryStick Host Controller Drivers
+# LED drivers
+# CONFIG_LEDS_AN30259A is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_AW2013 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_BCM6328 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_BCM6358 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_CR0014114 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_EL15203000 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3530 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3532 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3642 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3692X is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA9532 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP3952 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP5521 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP5562 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP8501 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP8860 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA955X_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA963X is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_TLC591XX is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM355x is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_IS31FL319X is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_IS31FL32XX is not set
+# LED driver for blink(1) USB RGB LED is under Special HID drivers (HID_THINGM)
+# CONFIG_LEDS_BLINKM is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_SYSCON is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_MLXREG is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_USER is not set
+# Flash and Torch LED drivers
+# LED Triggers
+# iptables trigger is under Netfilter config (LED target)
+# Speakup console speech
+# end of Speakup console speech
+# CONFIG_EDAC is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set
+# RTC interfaces
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set
+# I2C RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ABB5ZES3 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ABEOZ9 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ABX80X is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307_CENTURY is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1374 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1672 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_HYM8563 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6900 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C372 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL1208 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL12022 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL12026 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_X1205 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF85063 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF85363 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T80 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ32K is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_S35390A is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FM3130 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8010 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8581 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8025 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_EM3027 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV3028 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV3032 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV8803 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_SD3078 is not set
+# SPI RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T93 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T94 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1302 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1305 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1343 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1347 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1390 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6916 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R9701 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX4581 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C348 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6902 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF2123 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MCP795 is not set
+# SPI and I2C RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS3232 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF2127 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV3029C2 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX6110 is not set
+# Platform RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1286 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1511 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1553 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1685_FAMILY is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1742 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS2404 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_STK17TA8 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T86 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T35 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T59 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MSM6242 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ4802 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RP5C01 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_V3020 is not set
+# on-CPU RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_S3C is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FTRTC010 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R7301 is not set
+# HID Sensor RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MSC313 is not set
+# DMA Devices
+# CONFIG_AXI_DMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_DW_AXI_DMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_FSL_EDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_FSL_QDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_IDMA64 is not set
+# CONFIG_NBPFAXI_DMA is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_HIDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_DW_DMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_DW_DMAC_PCI is not set
+# DMA Clients
+# CONFIG_DMATEST is not set
+# DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_SW_SYNC is not set
+# CONFIG_UDMABUF is not set
+# end of DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_PANEL is not set
+# CONFIG_UIO_PRUSS is not set
+# CONFIG_VFIO is not set
+# CONFIG_VDPA_SIM is not set
+# CONFIG_VP_VDPA is not set
+# Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# end of Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# Xen driver support
+# end of Xen driver support
+# CONFIG_GREYBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_COMEDI is not set
+# CONFIG_PRISM2_USB is not set
+# CONFIG_RTL8192U is not set
+# CONFIG_RTLLIB is not set
+# CONFIG_RTL8723BS is not set
+# CONFIG_RTS5208 is not set
+# CONFIG_VT6655 is not set
+# CONFIG_VT6656 is not set
+# IIO staging drivers
+# Accelerometers
+# CONFIG_ADIS16203 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16240 is not set
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7816 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7280 is not set
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# CONFIG_ADT7316 is not set
+# end of Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7746 is not set
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Direct Digital Synthesis
+# CONFIG_AD9832 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD9834 is not set
+# end of Direct Digital Synthesis
+# Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# CONFIG_AD5933 is not set
+# end of Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# Active energy metering IC
+# CONFIG_ADE7854 is not set
+# end of Active energy metering IC
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD2S1210 is not set
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# end of IIO staging drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_SM750 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_NVEC is not set
+# Android
+# end of Android
+# CONFIG_LTE_GDM724X is not set
+# CONFIG_GS_FPGABOOT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_TFT is not set
+# CONFIG_KS7010 is not set
+# CONFIG_BCM2835_VCHIQ is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_BCM2835 is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_BCM2835 is not set
+# CONFIG_XIL_AXIS_FIFO is not set
+# CONFIG_GOLDFISH is not set
+# Clock driver for ARM Reference designs
+# end of Clock driver for ARM Reference designs
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI5351 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI514 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI544 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI570 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_CDCE706 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_CDCE925 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_CS2000_CP is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_VC5 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_BD718XX is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_BCM2835 is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_IMX8MM is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_IMX8MN is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_IMX8MP is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_IMX8MQ is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_IMX8ULP is not set
+# CONFIG_SUN8I_DE2_CCU is not set
+# CONFIG_XILINX_VCU is not set
+# Clock Source drivers
+# end of Clock Source drivers
+# CONFIG_ARM_MHU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_MHU_V2 is not set
+# CONFIG_ALTERA_MBOX is not set
+# Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# end of Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# CONFIG_SUN50I_IOMMU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_SMMU is not set
+# Remoteproc drivers
+# end of Remoteproc drivers
+# Rpmsg drivers
+# end of Rpmsg drivers
+# CONFIG_SOUNDWIRE is not set
+# SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# Amlogic SoC drivers
+# end of Amlogic SoC drivers
+# Broadcom SoC drivers
+# CONFIG_SOC_BRCMSTB is not set
+# end of Broadcom SoC drivers
+# NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# end of NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# i.MX SoC drivers
+# end of i.MX SoC drivers
+# Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# end of Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# end of Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_2x_SOC is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_3x_SOC is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_114_SOC is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_TI is not set
+# Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# DEVFREQ Governors
+# DEVFREQ Drivers
+# CONFIG_ARM_RK3399_DMC_DEVFREQ is not set
+# Extcon Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_MAX3355 is not set
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_RT8973A is not set
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_SM5502 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_PL172_MPMC is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_SW_DEVICE is not set
+# Accelerometers
+# CONFIG_ADIS16201 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16209 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL313_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL313_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL345_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL345_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL355_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL355_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL372_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL372_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BMA180 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMA220 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMC150_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_BMI088_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_DA280 is not set
+# CONFIG_DA311 is not set
+# CONFIG_DMARD06 is not set
+# CONFIG_DMARD09 is not set
+# CONFIG_DMARD10 is not set
+# CONFIG_FXLS8962AF_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FXLS8962AF_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_KXSD9 is not set
+# CONFIG_KXCJK1013 is not set
+# CONFIG_MC3230 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA7455_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA7455_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA7660 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA9551 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA9553 is not set
+# CONFIG_MXC4005 is not set
+# CONFIG_MXC6255 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCA3000 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCA3300 is not set
+# CONFIG_STK8312 is not set
+# CONFIG_STK8BA50 is not set
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7124 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7192 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7266 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7291 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7292 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7298 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7476 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7766 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7768_1 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7780 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7791 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7793 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7887 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7923 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7949 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD799X is not set
+# CONFIG_ADI_AXI_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_CC10001_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_HI8435 is not set
+# CONFIG_HX711 is not set
+# CONFIG_INA2XX_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_IMX7D_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_IMX8QXP_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2485 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2496 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2497 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1027 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX11100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1118 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1241 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1363 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX9611 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP320X is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP3422 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP3911 is not set
+# CONFIG_MEDIATEK_MT6360_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_MP2629_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_NAU7802 is not set
+# CONFIG_STMPE_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_SUN4I_GPADC is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC081C is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC0832 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC084S021 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC12138 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC108S102 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC128S052 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC161S626 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS1015 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS7950 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS8344 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS8688 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS124S08 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS131E08 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_TLC4541 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_TSC2046 is not set
+# CONFIG_TWL6030_GPADC is not set
+# CONFIG_VF610_ADC is not set
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog Front Ends
+# CONFIG_IIO_RESCALE is not set
+# end of Analog Front Ends
+# Amplifiers
+# CONFIG_AD8366 is not set
+# CONFIG_HMC425 is not set
+# end of Amplifiers
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7150 is not set
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Chemical Sensors
+# CONFIG_BME680 is not set
+# CONFIG_IAQCORE is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSIRION_SGP30 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPS30_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_VZ89X is not set
+# end of Chemical Sensors
+# Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# end of Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# IIO SCMI Sensors
+# end of IIO SCMI Sensors
+# SSP Sensor Common
+# end of SSP Sensor Common
+# Digital to analog converters
+# CONFIG_AD5064 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5360 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5380 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5421 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5446 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5449 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5592R is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5593R is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5504 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5624R_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5686_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5696_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5755 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5758 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5761 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5764 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5766 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5770R is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5791 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7303 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD8801 is not set
+# CONFIG_DPOT_DAC is not set
+# CONFIG_DS4424 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC1660 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2632 is not set
+# CONFIG_M62332 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX517 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5821 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4725 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4922 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC082S085 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC5571 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC7311 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC7612 is not set
+# CONFIG_VF610_DAC is not set
+# end of Digital to analog converters
+# IIO dummy driver
+# end of IIO dummy driver
+# Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Clock Generator/Distribution
+# CONFIG_AD9523 is not set
+# end of Clock Generator/Distribution
+# Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# CONFIG_ADF4350 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADRF6780 is not set
+# end of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# end of Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Digital gyroscope sensors
+# CONFIG_ADIS16080 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16130 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16136 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16260 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXRS290 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXRS450 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMG160 is not set
+# CONFIG_FXAS21002C is not set
+# CONFIG_MPU3050_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_GYRO_3AXIS is not set
+# CONFIG_ITG3200 is not set
+# end of Digital gyroscope sensors
+# Health Sensors
+# Heart Rate Monitors
+# CONFIG_AFE4403 is not set
+# CONFIG_AFE4404 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX30100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX30102 is not set
+# end of Heart Rate Monitors
+# end of Health Sensors
+# Humidity sensors
+# CONFIG_AM2315 is not set
+# CONFIG_DHT11 is not set
+# CONFIG_HDC100X is not set
+# CONFIG_HDC2010 is not set
+# CONFIG_HTS221 is not set
+# CONFIG_HTU21 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI7005 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI7020 is not set
+# end of Humidity sensors
+# Inertial measurement units
+# CONFIG_ADIS16400 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16460 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16475 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16480 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMI160_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BMI160_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_FXOS8700_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FXOS8700_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_KMX61 is not set
+# CONFIG_INV_MPU6050_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_INV_MPU6050_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_LSM6DSX is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_LSM9DS0 is not set
+# end of Inertial measurement units
+# Light sensors
+# CONFIG_ADJD_S311 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADUX1020 is not set
+# CONFIG_AL3010 is not set
+# CONFIG_AL3320A is not set
+# CONFIG_APDS9300 is not set
+# CONFIG_APDS9960 is not set
+# CONFIG_AS73211 is not set
+# CONFIG_BH1750 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM32181 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM3232 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM3323 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM3605 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM36651 is not set
+# CONFIG_GP2AP002 is not set
+# CONFIG_GP2AP020A00F is not set
+# CONFIG_IQS621_ALS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ISL29018 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ISL29028 is not set
+# CONFIG_ISL29125 is not set
+# CONFIG_JSA1212 is not set
+# CONFIG_RPR0521 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTR501 is not set
+# CONFIG_LV0104CS is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX44000 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX44009 is not set
+# CONFIG_NOA1305 is not set
+# CONFIG_OPT3001 is not set
+# CONFIG_PA12203001 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI1133 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI1145 is not set
+# CONFIG_STK3310 is not set
+# CONFIG_ST_UVIS25 is not set
+# CONFIG_TCS3414 is not set
+# CONFIG_TCS3472 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL2583 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL2591 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL2772 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL4531 is not set
+# CONFIG_US5182D is not set
+# CONFIG_VCNL4000 is not set
+# CONFIG_VCNL4035 is not set
+# CONFIG_VEML6030 is not set
+# CONFIG_VEML6070 is not set
+# CONFIG_VL6180 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZOPT2201 is not set
+# end of Light sensors
+# Magnetometer sensors
+# CONFIG_AK8974 is not set
+# CONFIG_AK8975 is not set
+# CONFIG_AK09911 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMC150_MAGN_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BMC150_MAGN_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MAG3110 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC35240 is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_MAGN_3AXIS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_HMC5843_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_HMC5843_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_RM3100_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_RM3100_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_YAMAHA_YAS530 is not set
+# end of Magnetometer sensors
+# Multiplexers
+# CONFIG_IIO_MUX is not set
+# end of Multiplexers
+# Inclinometer sensors
+# end of Inclinometer sensors
+# Triggers - standalone
+# end of Triggers - standalone
+# Linear and angular position sensors
+# CONFIG_IQS624_POS is not set
+# end of Linear and angular position sensors
+# Digital potentiometers
+# CONFIG_AD5272 is not set
+# CONFIG_DS1803 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5432 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5481 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5487 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4018 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4131 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4531 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP41010 is not set
+# CONFIG_TPL0102 is not set
+# end of Digital potentiometers
+# Digital potentiostats
+# CONFIG_LMP91000 is not set
+# end of Digital potentiostats
+# Pressure sensors
+# CONFIG_ABP060MG is not set
+# CONFIG_BMP280 is not set
+# CONFIG_DLHL60D is not set
+# CONFIG_HP03 is not set
+# CONFIG_ICP10100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MPL115_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MPL115_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MPL3115 is not set
+# CONFIG_MS5611 is not set
+# CONFIG_MS5637 is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_PRESS is not set
+# CONFIG_T5403 is not set
+# CONFIG_HP206C is not set
+# CONFIG_ZPA2326 is not set
+# end of Pressure sensors
+# Lightning sensors
+# CONFIG_AS3935 is not set
+# end of Lightning sensors
+# Proximity and distance sensors
+# CONFIG_ISL29501 is not set
+# CONFIG_LIDAR_LITE_V2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MB1232 is not set
+# CONFIG_PING is not set
+# CONFIG_RFD77402 is not set
+# CONFIG_SRF04 is not set
+# CONFIG_SX9310 is not set
+# CONFIG_SX9500 is not set
+# CONFIG_SRF08 is not set
+# CONFIG_VCNL3020 is not set
+# CONFIG_VL53L0X_I2C is not set
+# end of Proximity and distance sensors
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD2S90 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD2S1200 is not set
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# Temperature sensors
+# CONFIG_IQS620AT_TEMP is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2983 is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX90614 is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX90632 is not set
+# CONFIG_TMP006 is not set
+# CONFIG_TMP007 is not set
+# CONFIG_TMP117 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSYS01 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSYS02D is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX31856 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX31865 is not set
+# end of Temperature sensors
+# CONFIG_NTB is not set
+# CONFIG_VME_BUS is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_CROS_EC is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_FSL_FTM is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IMX1 is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IMX27 is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IQS620A is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_PCA9685 is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_STMPE is not set
+# IRQ chip support
+# CONFIG_AL_FIC is not set
+# CONFIG_TS4800_IRQ is not set
+# end of IRQ chip support
+# CONFIG_IPACK_BUS is not set
+# PHY Subsystem
+# PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# CONFIG_BCM_KONA_USB2_PHY is not set
+# end of PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# CONFIG_PHY_PXA_28NM_HSIC is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_PXA_28NM_USB2 is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_CPCAP_USB is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_MAPPHONE_MDM6600 is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_DM816X_USB is not set
+# end of PHY Subsystem
+# CONFIG_POWERCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_MCB is not set
+# Performance monitor support
+# CONFIG_ARM_CCI_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_CCN is not set
+# end of Performance monitor support
+# CONFIG_USB4_DMA_TEST is not set
+# Android
+# CONFIG_ANDROID is not set
+# end of Android
+# CONFIG_NVMEM_IMX_IIM is not set
+# HW tracing support
+# CONFIG_STM is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_TH is not set
+# end of HW tracing support
+# CONFIG_FPGA is not set
+# CONFIG_FSI is not set
+# CONFIG_TEE is not set
+# Multiplexer drivers
+# CONFIG_MUX_ADG792A is not set
+# CONFIG_MUX_ADGS1408 is not set
+# CONFIG_MUX_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_MUX_MMIO is not set
+# end of Multiplexer drivers
+# CONFIG_SIOX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLIMBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_QEP is not set
+# CONFIG_MOST is not set
+# end of Device Drivers
+# File systems
+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JBD2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_WARN is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_OCFS2_DEBUG_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_BTRFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_CHECK_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_IOSTAT is not set
+# CONFIG_QUOTA_DEBUG is not set
+# Caches
+# end of Caches
+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# end of CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# CONFIG_NTFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set
+# end of DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# Pseudo filesystems
+# end of Pseudo filesystems
+# CONFIG_ORANGEFS_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS_RW is not set
+# CONFIG_BEFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN is not set
+# CONFIG_CRAMFS is not set
+# CONFIG_SQUASHFS_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_QNX6FS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_EROFS_FS_ZIP is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_V4_1_MIGRATION is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_V4_2_READ_PLUS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFSD_V4_2_INTER_SSC is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_STATS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SMB_SERVER is not set
+# CONFIG_AFS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of File systems
+# Security options
+# CONFIG_IMA_LOAD_X509 is not set
+# CONFIG_EVM is not set
+# Kernel hardening options
+# Memory initialization
+# end of Memory initialization
+# end of Kernel hardening options
+# end of Security options
+# Crypto core or helper
+# Public-key cryptography
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_DH is not set
+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
+# Block modes
+# Hash modes
+# Digest
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA3 is not set
+# Ciphers
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_TI is not set
+# Compression
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_842 is not set
+# Random Number Generation
+# Crypto library routines
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_S5P is not set
+# CONFIG_PKCS7_TEST_KEY is not set
+# Certificates for signature checking
+# end of Certificates for signature checking
+# Library routines
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SELFTEST is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SLICEBY4 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SARWATE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_BIT is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC4 is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_X86 is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_IA64 is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_SPARC is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_TEST is not set
+# Default contiguous memory area size:
+# CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_6x11 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_7x14 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_PEARL_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_ACORN_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_MINI_4x6 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_10x18 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN8x16 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN12x22 is not set
+# end of Library routines
+# Kernel hacking
+# printk and dmesg options
+# end of printk and dmesg options
+# Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# CONFIG_GDB_SCRIPTS is not set
+# CONFIG_VMLINUX_MAP is not set
+# end of Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# CONFIG_KGDB is not set
+# CONFIG_UBSAN is not set
+# end of Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_PAGE_OWNER is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set
+# CONFIG_KASAN is not set
+# end of Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set
+# Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# CONFIG_PANIC_ON_OOPS is not set
+# CONFIG_WQ_WATCHDOG is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_LOCKUP is not set
+# end of Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# Scheduler Debugging
+# end of Scheduler Debugging
+# Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set
+# end of Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# Debug kernel data structures
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_PLIST is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set
+# end of Debug kernel data structures
+# RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_RCU_TRACE is not set
+# CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
+# arm Debugging
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_USER is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LL is not set
+# CONFIG_CORESIGHT is not set
+# end of arm Debugging
+# Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# CONFIG_KUNIT is not set
+# CONFIG_KCOV is not set
+# CONFIG_LKDTM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MIN_HEAP is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_DIV64 is not set
+# CONFIG_RBTREE_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_PERCPU_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_PRINTF is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_BITMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_UUID is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_HASH is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_IDA is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_LKM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_SYSCTL is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_UDELAY is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_KMOD is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MEMCAT_P is not set
+# CONFIG_MEMTEST is not set
+# end of Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# end of Kernel hacking
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm64.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eca75bd9fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-arm64.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10661 @@
+# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
+# Linux/arm64 5.16.0 Kernel Configuration
+# General setup
+# CONFIG_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_USELIB is not set
+# IRQ subsystem
+# end of IRQ subsystem
+# Timers subsystem
+# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set
+# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set
+# CONFIG_NO_HZ is not set
+# end of Timers subsystem
+# BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_BPF_PRELOAD is not set
+# end of BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
+# CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# end of CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_RCU_EXPERT is not set
+# end of RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set
+# CONFIG_IKHEADERS is not set
+# Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK is not set
+# end of Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_CGROUP_RDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RSEQ is not set
+# CONFIG_EMBEDDED is not set
+# CONFIG_PC104 is not set
+# Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# end of Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK is not set
+# CONFIG_SLAB is not set
+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set
+# end of General setup
+# Platform selection
+# CONFIG_ARCH_ALPINE is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_BERLIN is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_EXYNOS is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_SPARX5 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_K3 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_LG1K is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_S32 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_SPRD is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCH_ZYNQMP is not set
+# end of Platform selection
+# Kernel Features
+# ARM errata workarounds via the alternatives framework
+# end of ARM errata workarounds via the alternatives framework
+# CONFIG_ARM64_16K_PAGES is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM64_64K_PAGES is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM64_VA_BITS_39 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCHED_SMT is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM64_SW_TTBR0_PAN is not set
+# ARMv8.1 architectural features
+# end of ARMv8.1 architectural features
+# ARMv8.2 architectural features
+# end of ARMv8.2 architectural features
+# ARMv8.3 architectural features
+# end of ARMv8.3 architectural features
+# ARMv8.4 architectural features
+# end of ARMv8.4 architectural features
+# ARMv8.5 architectural features
+# end of ARMv8.5 architectural features
+# ARMv8.7 architectural features
+# end of ARMv8.7 architectural features
+# CONFIG_ARM64_PSEUDO_NMI is not set
+# end of Kernel Features
+# Boot options
+# end of Boot options
+# Power management options
+# end of Power management options
+# CPU Power Management
+# CPU Idle
+# ARM CPU Idle Drivers
+# end of ARM CPU Idle Drivers
+# end of CPU Idle
+# CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU frequency scaling drivers
+# end of CPU Frequency scaling
+# end of CPU Power Management
+# CONFIG_ACPI_DOCK is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPI_IPMI is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPI_PCI_SLOT is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPI_HED is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPI_BGRT is not set
+# CONFIG_ACPI_APEI is not set
+# CONFIG_NVHE_EL2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512_ARM64 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512_ARM64_CE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA3_ARM64 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM3_ARM64_CE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_ARM64_CE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_ARM64_BS is not set
+# General architecture-dependent options
+# GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# CONFIG_GCOV_KERNEL is not set
+# end of GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# end of General architecture-dependent options
+# CONFIG_MODULE_SIG is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ZONED is not set
+# Partition Types
+# end of Partition Types
+# IO Schedulers
+# end of IO Schedulers
+# Executable file formats
+# end of Executable file formats
+# Memory Management options
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_Z3FOLD is not set
+# CONFIG_GUP_TEST is not set
+# Data Access Monitoring
+# CONFIG_DAMON_DBGFS is not set
+# end of Data Access Monitoring
+# end of Memory Management options
+# Networking options
+# CONFIG_TLS is not set
+# CONFIG_SMC is not set
+# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
+# CONFIG_INET_RAW_DIAG is not set
+# CONFIG_NETLABEL is not set
+# Core Netfilter Configuration
+# Xtables combined modules
+# Xtables targets
+# Xtables matches
+# end of Core Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_IP_VS_DEBUG is not set
+# IPVS transport protocol load balancing support
+# IPVS scheduler
+# IPVS SH scheduler
+# IPVS MH scheduler
+# IPVS application helper
+# IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_BPFILTER is not set
+# DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# end of DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP_DEBUG is not set
+# end of DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_RDS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_BR2684_IPFILTER is not set
+# CONFIG_DECNET is not set
+# CONFIG_X25 is not set
+# CONFIG_LAPB is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_NL802154_EXPERIMENTAL is not set
+# Queueing/Scheduling
+# CONFIG_NET_SCH_CBS is not set
+# Classification
+# CONFIG_NET_TC_SKB_EXT is not set
+# CONFIG_HSR is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_NCSI is not set
+# Network testing
+# end of Network testing
+# end of Networking options
+# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set
+# CAN Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_CAN_VXCAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_GRCAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_C_CAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_CC770 is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_IFI_CANFD is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_M_CAN is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000_PLATFORM is not set
+# CAN SPI interfaces
+# CONFIG_CAN_HI311X is not set
+# CONFIG_CAN_MCP251X is not set
+# end of CAN SPI interfaces
+# CAN USB interfaces
+# CONFIG_CAN_MCBA_USB is not set
+# end of CAN USB interfaces
+# end of CAN Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_BT_SELFTEST is not set
+# Bluetooth device drivers
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBCM203X is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBPA10X is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBFUSB is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI is not set
+# end of Bluetooth device drivers
+# CONFIG_AF_KCM is not set
+# CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE is not set
+# CONFIG_CFG80211_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_LIB80211_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUG_MENU is not set
+# CONFIG_RFKILL_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_9P_XEN is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_9P_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CAIF is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_NCI is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_HCI is not set
+# Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# CONFIG_NFC_TRF7970A is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_PN533_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_PN532_UART is not set
+# CONFIG_NFC_ST95HF is not set
+# end of Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ECRC is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_EDR is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PF_STUB is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PRI is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PASID is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_BUS_SAFE is not set
+# PCI controller drivers
+# CONFIG_PCI_FTPCI100 is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_XILINX is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ALTERA is not set
+# DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# CONFIG_PCIE_HISI_STB is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_MESON is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_AL is not set
+# end of DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# end of Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# CONFIG_PCI_J721E_HOST is not set
+# end of Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# end of PCI controller drivers
+# PCI Endpoint
+# end of PCI Endpoint
+# PCI switch controller drivers
+# end of PCI switch controller drivers
+# CONFIG_PCCARD is not set
+# CONFIG_RAPIDIO is not set
+# Generic Driver Options
+# Firmware loader
+# end of Firmware loader
+# end of Generic Driver Options
+# Bus devices
+# CONFIG_IMX_WEIM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEGRA_GMI is not set
+# CONFIG_FSL_MC_BUS is not set
+# CONFIG_MHI_BUS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Bus devices
+# Firmware Drivers
+# ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# end of ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# CONFIG_FW_CFG_SYSFS is not set
+# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# CONFIG_EFI_TEST is not set
+# end of EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# CONFIG_IMX_DSP is not set
+# Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Firmware Drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set
+# Partition parsers
+# CONFIG_MTD_AFS_PARTS is not set
+# end of Partition parsers
+# User Modules And Translation Layers
+# Note that in some cases UBI block is preferred. See MTD_UBI_BLOCK.
+# CONFIG_FTL is not set
+# CONFIG_NFTL is not set
+# CONFIG_INFTL is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_FTL is not set
+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_ABSENT is not set
+# end of RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# Mapping drivers for chip access
+# CONFIG_MTD_PHYSMAP is not set
+# end of Mapping drivers for chip access
+# Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551 is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_MCHP23K256 is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_SLRAM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_PHRAM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK2MTD is not set
+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_DOCG3 is not set
+# end of Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# Raw/parallel NAND flash controllers
+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_CAFE is not set
+# Misc
+# ECC engine support
+# end of ECC engine support
+# end of NAND
+# LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# end of LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# CONFIG_OF_UNITTEST is not set
+# CONFIG_OF_OVERLAY is not set
+# CONFIG_PARPORT_AX88796 is not set
+# Protocols
+# CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SX8 is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RSXX is not set
+# NVME Support
+# end of NVME Support
+# Misc devices
+# CONFIG_DUMMY_IRQ is not set
+# CONFIG_PHANTOM is not set
+# CONFIG_HP_ILO is not set
+# EEPROM support
+# CONFIG_EEPROM_93XX46 is not set
+# CONFIG_EEPROM_EE1004 is not set
+# end of EEPROM support
+# CONFIG_CB710_DEBUG is not set
+# Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# end of Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# CONFIG_GENWQE is not set
+# CONFIG_ECHO is not set
+# end of Misc devices
+# SCSI device support
+# CONFIG_SCSI_PROC_FS is not set
+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
+# SCSI Transports
+# end of SCSI Transports
+# CONFIG_AIC94XX_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_ARCMSR is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_BSG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_MYRB is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_MYRS is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_IPS is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_INITIO is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_INIA100 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_IPR is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_QLOGIC_1280 is not set
+# CONFIG_QEDI is not set
+# CONFIG_QEDF is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_DC395x is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_AM53C974 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_DEBUG is not set
+# end of SCSI device support
+# Controllers with non-SFF native interface
+# CONFIG_AHCI_CEVA is not set
+# CONFIG_AHCI_SUNXI is not set
+# CONFIG_AHCI_QORIQ is not set
+# CONFIG_SATA_INIC162X is not set
+# SFF controllers with custom DMA interface
+# SATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# CONFIG_SATA_DWC is not set
+# PATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# CONFIG_PATA_ALI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_AMD is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_ATIIXP is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_EFAR is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT366 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT37X is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X2N is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X3 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_IMX is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_NS87415 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_PDC2027X is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_PDC_OLD is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_SIL680 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_VIA is not set
+# PIO-only SFF controllers
+# CONFIG_PATA_CMD640_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_MPIIX is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_NS87410 is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_OPTI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_RZ1000 is not set
+# Generic fallback / legacy drivers
+# CONFIG_PATA_ACPI is not set
+# CONFIG_PATA_LEGACY is not set
+# CONFIG_MD_CLUSTER is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_EBS is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_VERITY_FEC is not set
+# IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# end of IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# CONFIG_NET_FC is not set
+# CONFIG_VSOCKMON is not set
+# CONFIG_ARCNET is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_TCP is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_LANAI is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_ENI is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IDT77252 is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_HE is not set
+# Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_B53 is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_BCM_SF2 is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_LOOP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_MT7530 is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_MV88E6XXX_PTP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SJA1105_TAS is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_QCA8K is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SMSC_LAN9303_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SMSC_LAN9303_MDIO is not set
+# end of Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_SLICOSS is not set
+# CONFIG_SUN4I_EMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_ALTERA_TSE is not set
+# CONFIG_AMD8111_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_AMD_XGBE_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_B44 is not set
+# CONFIG_BCM4908_ENET is not set
+# CONFIG_BCMGENET is not set
+# CONFIG_BNXT_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_MACB is not set
+# CONFIG_LIQUIDIO_VF is not set
+# CONFIG_DNET is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MWI is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_HNS3 is not set
+# CONFIG_I40EVF is not set
+# CONFIG_ICE is not set
+# CONFIG_FM10K is not set
+# CONFIG_IGC is not set
+# CONFIG_SKGE_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SKY2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_OCTEONTX2_AF is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_CORE_IPOIB is not set
+# CONFIG_MLXSW_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MLXFW is not set
+# CONFIG_KS8842 is not set
+# CONFIG_KS8851 is not set
+# CONFIG_KS8851_MLL is not set
+# CONFIG_ENC28J60 is not set
+# CONFIG_ENCX24J600 is not set
+# CONFIG_LAN743X is not set
+# CONFIG_NFP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FORCEDETH is not set
+# CONFIG_ETHOC is not set
+# CONFIG_QCA7000_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_QCA7000_UART is not set
+# CONFIG_RMNET is not set
+# CONFIG_8139TOO_PIO is not set
+# CONFIG_8139_OLD_RX_RESET is not set
+# CONFIG_ROCKER is not set
+# CONFIG_SXGBE_ETH is not set
+# CONFIG_SIS900 is not set
+# CONFIG_STMMAC_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_HAPPYMEAL is not set
+# CONFIG_SUNGEM is not set
+# CONFIG_DWC_XLGMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_CPSW_PHY_SEL is not set
+# CONFIG_VIA_RHINE is not set
+# CONFIG_WIZNET_W5100 is not set
+# CONFIG_WIZNET_W5300 is not set
+# CONFIG_HIPPI is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_SB1000 is not set
+# CONFIG_SFP is not set
+# MII PHY device drivers
+# CONFIG_BCM7XXX_PHY is not set
+# CONFIG_CORTINA_PHY is not set
+# CONFIG_RENESAS_PHY is not set
+# CONFIG_DP83822_PHY is not set
+# CONFIG_MICREL_KS8995MA is not set
+# MCTP Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_MDIO_SUN4I is not set
+# CONFIG_MDIO_OCTEON is not set
+# CONFIG_MDIO_IPQ4019 is not set
+# MDIO Multiplexers
+# PCS device drivers
+# end of PCS device drivers
+# CONFIG_PLIP is not set
+# Host-side USB support is needed for USB Network Adapter support
+# CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_TRACER is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_AHB is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_DYNACK is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_WOW is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_HWRNG is not set
+# CONFIG_CARL9170_HWRNG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_AHB is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_USB is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_SNOC is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_TRACING is not set
+# CONFIG_WCN36XX_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_TRACING is not set
+# CONFIG_ATMEL is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_BCMA is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_SSB is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_BRCMDBG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2100 is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2200_DEBUG is not set
+# iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# end of iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# Debugging Options
+# end of Debugging Options
+# CONFIG_HERMES is not set
+# CONFIG_P54_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MWIFIEX is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x0U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x0E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7603E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7615E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663S is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7915E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921S is not set
+# CONFIG_WILC1000_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_WILC1000_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2800USB_UNKNOWN is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RSI_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_CW1200 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ZD1201 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZD1211RW_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_WAN is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_AT86RF230_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_CA8210 is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_HWSIM is not set
+# Wireless WAN
+# CONFIG_WWAN_HWSIM is not set
+# end of Wireless WAN
+# CONFIG_VMXNET3 is not set
+# CONFIG_FUJITSU_ES is not set
+# CONFIG_NETDEVSIM is not set
+# CONFIG_ISDN is not set
+# Input device support
+# Userland interfaces
+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set
+# Input Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ADP5589 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_QT1070 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_TCA6416 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_TCA8418 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_LM8333 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_MPR121 is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_BCM5974 is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_CYAPA is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_ELAN_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MOUSE_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_AD714X is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_BMA150 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_E3X0_BUTTON is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_MMA8450 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_KXTJ9 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_PCF8574 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_RK805_PWRKEY is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_ADXL34X is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_IMS_PCU is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_CMA3000 is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_DRV2665_HAPTICS is not set
+# CONFIG_INPUT_DRV2667_HAPTICS is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_SMB is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F34 is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F54 is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F55 is not set
+# Hardware I/O ports
+# CONFIG_SERIO_PCIPS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_RAW is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_PS2MULT is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_ARC_PS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_APBPS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_SUN4I_PS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIO_GPIO_PS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_USERIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GAMEPORT is not set
+# end of Hardware I/O ports
+# end of Input device support
+# Character devices
+# CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS is not set
+# Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_FINTEK is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_MANY_PORTS is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RSA is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RT288X is not set
+# Non-8250 serial port support
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_MAX3100 is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_MAX310X is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_JSM is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_SC16IS7XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_BCM63XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_ARC is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_SPRD is not set
+# end of Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_HVC_DCC is not set
+# CONFIG_PRINTER is not set
+# CONFIG_PPDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_APPLICOM is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TPM is not set
+# CONFIG_XILLYBUS is not set
+# end of Character devices
+# I2C support
+# Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_GPMUX is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_LTC4306 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PCA9541 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PCA954x is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_PINCTRL is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_REG is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_MUX_MLXCPLD is not set
+# end of Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# I2C Hardware Bus support
+# PC SMBus host controller drivers
+# CONFIG_I2C_ALI1535 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_ALI1563 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_ALI15X3 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_AMD756 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_AMD8111 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_AMD_MP2 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_HIX5HD2 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_I801 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_PIIX4 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_NFORCE2 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_NVIDIA_GPU is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_SIS5595 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_SIS630 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_SIS96X is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_VIA is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_VIAPRO is not set
+# ACPI drivers
+# CONFIG_I2C_SCMI is not set
+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip)
+# CONFIG_I2C_CADENCE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_CBUS_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_EMEV2 is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_NOMADIK is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_PXA_SLAVE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_QCOM_CCI is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_VERSATILE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_XILINX is not set
+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers
+# CONFIG_I2C_PARPORT is not set
+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers
+# end of I2C Hardware Bus support
+# CONFIG_I2C_STUB is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set
+# end of I2C support
+# CONFIG_MIPI_I3C_HCI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set
+# SPI Master Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_SPI_ALTERA is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_CADENCE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_FSL_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_OC_TINY is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_ORION is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_PL022 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_PXA2XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_QCOM_QSPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_QCOM_GENI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SC18IS602 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SIFIVE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SUN4I is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SUN6I is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_MXIC is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_XCOMM is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_XILINX is not set
+# SPI Multiplexer support
+# SPI Protocol Masters
+# CONFIG_SPI_SPIDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_TLE62X0 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_SLAVE is not set
+# CONFIG_HSI is not set
+# CONFIG_PPS_DEBUG is not set
+# PPS clients support
+# PPS generators support
+# PTP clock support
+# Enable PHYLIB and NETWORK_PHY_TIMESTAMPING to see the additional clocks.
+# end of PTP clock support
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MCP23S08 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SX150X is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_RK805 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_APQ8064 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_APQ8084 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_IPQ4019 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_IPQ8064 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_IPQ8074 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_IPQ6018 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8660 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8960 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MDM9607 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MDM9615 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8X74 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8953 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8976 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8994 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_MSM8998 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_QCM2290 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_QCS404 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SC7180 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SC7280 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SC8180X is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SDM660 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SDM845 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SDX55 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SM6115 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SM6125 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SM6350 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SM8350 is not set
+# Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# end of Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN4I_A10 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN5I is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN6I_A31 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN6I_A31_R is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_A23 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_A33 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_A83T is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_A83T_R is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_A23_R is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_H3 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN8I_V3S is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN9I_A80 is not set
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_SUN9I_A80_R is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO is not set
+# Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# CONFIG_GPIO_74XX_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ALTERA is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_AMDPT is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_DWAPB is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_EXAR is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_FTGPIO010 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_GRGPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_HLWD is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_SYSCON is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_AMD_FCH is not set
+# end of Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# I2C GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ADP5588 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_ADNP is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_GW_PLD is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX7300 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCF857X is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_TPIC2810 is not set
+# end of I2C GPIO expanders
+# MFD GPIO expanders
+# end of MFD GPIO expanders
+# PCI GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCI_IDIO_16 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCIE_IDIO_24 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_RDC321X is not set
+# end of PCI GPIO expanders
+# SPI GPIO expanders
+# CONFIG_GPIO_74X164 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX3191X is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX7301 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MC33880 is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_PISOSR is not set
+# CONFIG_GPIO_XRA1403 is not set
+# end of SPI GPIO expanders
+# USB GPIO expanders
+# end of USB GPIO expanders
+# Virtual GPIO drivers
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MOCKUP is not set
+# end of Virtual GPIO drivers
+# 1-wire Bus Masters
+# CONFIG_W1_MASTER_DS1WM is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_MASTER_SGI is not set
+# end of 1-wire Bus Masters
+# 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2433_CRC is not set
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS250X is not set
+# end of 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_POWER_RESET_LTC2952 is not set
+# CONFIG_PDA_POWER is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_POWER is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2760 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2780 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2781 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2782 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_SBS is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_SBS is not set
+# CONFIG_MANAGER_SBS is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_BQ27XXX_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_MAX17040 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_MAX17042 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_MAX1721X is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_ISP1704 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_MAX8903 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_LP8727 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_LT3651 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_LTC4162L is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_MT6360 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ2415X is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ24190 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ24257 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ24735 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ2515X is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ25890 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ25980 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_BQ256XX is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_SMB347 is not set
+# CONFIG_BATTERY_GAUGE_LTC2941 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_RT9455 is not set
+# CONFIG_CHARGER_UCS1002 is not set
+# Native drivers
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_AD7314 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1021 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1025 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1026 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1031 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7310 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7410 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_AS370 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_DS1621 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_F71805F is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_GL518SM is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_GL520SM is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_G762 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_HIH6130 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_IT87 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_POWR1220 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC2945 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC2990 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC2992 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC4222 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC4260 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX1619 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX197 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX31722 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6621 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6697 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX31790 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MCP3021 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TC654 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MR75203 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM63 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM75 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM77 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM78 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM80 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM83 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM85 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM87 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM90 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM92 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM95234 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PC87360 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_NCT7802 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_NCT7904 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_OCC_P8_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8591 is not set
+# CONFIG_PMBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHT15 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHT3x is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SHTC1 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SIS5595 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47M1 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47B397 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SCH5636 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_STTS751 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADC128D818 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_INA209 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_INA3221 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TC74 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP103 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TMP108 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_VIA686A is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83773G is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83781D is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83795_FANCTRL is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83L785TS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83627HF is not set
+# ACPI drivers
+# CONFIG_MAX77620_THERMAL is not set
+# Broadcom thermal drivers
+# end of Broadcom thermal drivers
+# NVIDIA Tegra thermal drivers
+# end of NVIDIA Tegra thermal drivers
+# Qualcomm thermal drivers
+# end of Qualcomm thermal drivers
+# Watchdog Pretimeout Governors
+# Watchdog Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_WDAT_WDT is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX77620_WATCHDOG is not set
+# CONFIG_ALIM7101_WDT is not set
+# CONFIG_I6300ESB_WDT is not set
+# CONFIG_MEN_A21_WDT is not set
+# PCI-based Watchdog Cards
+# CONFIG_WDTPCI is not set
+# USB-based Watchdog Cards
+# CONFIG_BCMA_HOST_SOC is not set
+# CONFIG_BCMA_DEBUG is not set
+# Multifunction device drivers
+# CONFIG_MFD_ALTERA_A10SR is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_ACT8945A is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SUN4I_GPADC is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AS3711 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AS3722 is not set
+# CONFIG_PMIC_ADP5520 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AAT2870_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_BCM590XX is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_BD9571MWV is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AC100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_AXP20X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L15 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L35 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L85 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L90 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L92 is not set
+# CONFIG_PMIC_DA903X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9052_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9052_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9055 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9062 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9063 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DA9150 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_DLN2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MC13XXX_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MC13XXX_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_HI6421_PMIC is not set
+# CONFIG_HTC_PASIC3 is not set
+# CONFIG_HTC_I2CPLD is not set
+# CONFIG_LPC_ICH is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_KEMPLD is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_88PM800 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_88PM805 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_88PM860X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX14577 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77650 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77686 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77693 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX77843 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8907 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8925 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8997 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MAX8998 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MT6397 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_MENF21BMC is not set
+# CONFIG_EZX_PCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CPCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RETU is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_PCF50633 is not set
+# CONFIG_UCB1400_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RDC321X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RT5033 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RC5T583 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_RN5T618 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SEC_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SI476X_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SM501 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_SKY81452 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_STMPE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_AM335X_TSCADC is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_LP3943 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_LP8788 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_LMU is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_PALMAS is not set
+# CONFIG_TPS6105X is not set
+# CONFIG_TPS65010 is not set
+# CONFIG_TPS6507X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65086 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65090 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65217 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_LP873X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TI_LP87565 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65218 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS6586X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65910 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65912_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TPS65912_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_TWL4030_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_TWL6040_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WL1273_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_LM3533 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TC3589X is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_TQMX86 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_VX855 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_ARIZONA_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8400 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM831X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM831X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8350_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_STPMIC1 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_STMFX is not set
+# CONFIG_RAVE_SP_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_M10_BMC is not set
+# end of Multifunction device drivers
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_88PG86X is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_ACT8865 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_AD5398 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DA9210 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DA9211 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_ISL9305 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_ISL6271A is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP3971 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP3972 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP872X is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LP8755 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3589 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_LTC3676 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX1586 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8649 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8660 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8893 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8952 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX8973 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX77826 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MCP16502 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MT6311 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_MT6315 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_PV88060 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_PV88080 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_PV88090 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS51632 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS62360 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS65023 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS6507X is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS65132 is not set
+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_TPS6524X is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_HIX5HD2 is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_ITE_CIR is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_FINTEK is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_MESON is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_MESON_TX is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_NUVOTON is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_GPIO_CIR is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_GPIO_TX is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_PWM_TX is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_SUNXI is not set
+# CONFIG_IR_SERIAL is not set
+# CEC support
+# end of CEC support
+# Media device types
+# end of Media device types
+# Media core support
+# end of Media core support
+# Video4Linux options
+# end of Video4Linux options
+# Media controller options
+# end of Media controller options
+# Digital TV options
+# CONFIG_DVB_MMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_DVB_ULE_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Digital TV options
+# Media drivers
+# Webcam devices
+# CONFIG_USB_PWC_DEBUG is not set
+# Analog TV USB devices
+# Analog/digital TV USB devices
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_TM6000 is not set
+# Digital TV USB devices
+# CONFIG_DVB_USB_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DVB_USB_ZD1301 is not set
+# Webcam, TV (analog/digital) USB devices
+# Software defined radio USB devices
+# Media capture support
+# Media capture/analog TV support
+# Media capture/analog/hybrid TV support
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_CX25821 is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA7134_GO7007 is not set
+# Media digital TV PCI Adapters
+# CONFIG_I2C_SI470X is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_SI4713 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DSBR is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_TEA5764 is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_SAA7706H is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_TEF6862 is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_WL1273 is not set
+# CONFIG_RADIO_WL128X is not set
+# common driver options
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_SUN4I_CSI is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_SUN6I_CSI is not set
+# MMC/SDIO DVB adapters
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIMC is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIM2M is not set
+# FireWire (IEEE 1394) Adapters
+# end of Media drivers
+# Media ancillary drivers
+# IR I2C driver auto-selected by 'Autoselect ancillary drivers'
+# Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# end of Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# RDS decoders
+# end of RDS decoders
+# Video decoders
+# Video and audio decoders
+# end of Video decoders
+# Video encoders
+# end of Video encoders
+# Video improvement chips
+# end of Video improvement chips
+# Audio/Video compression chips
+# end of Audio/Video compression chips
+# SDR tuner chips
+# end of SDR tuner chips
+# Miscellaneous helper chips
+# end of Miscellaneous helper chips
+# Camera sensor devices
+# end of Camera sensor devices
+# Lens drivers
+# end of Lens drivers
+# Flash devices
+# end of Flash devices
+# SPI helper chips
+# end of SPI helper chips
+# Media SPI Adapters
+# end of Media SPI Adapters
+# Customize TV tuners
+# end of Customize TV tuners
+# Customise DVB Frontends
+# Multistandard (satellite) frontends
+# Multistandard (cable + terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-S (satellite) frontends
+# DVB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-C (cable) frontends
+# ATSC (North American/Korean Terrestrial/Cable DTV) frontends
+# ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# ISDB-S (satellite) & ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# Digital terrestrial only tuners/PLL
+# SEC control devices for DVB-S
+# Common Interface (EN50221) controller drivers
+# end of Customise DVB Frontends
+# Tools to develop new frontends
+# end of Media ancillary drivers
+# Graphics support
+# CONFIG_DRM_DP_CEC is not set
+# I2C encoder or helper chips
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_CH7006 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_SIL164 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_NXP_TDA998X is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I2C_NXP_TDA9950 is not set
+# end of I2C encoder or helper chips
+# ARM devices
+# end of ARM devices
+# ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMD_ACP is not set
+# end of ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration
+# Display Engine Configuration
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMD_DC_HDCP is not set
+# end of Display Engine Configuration
+# CONFIG_HSA_AMD is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_VKMS is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MGAG200 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_RCAR_LVDS is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SUN4I is not set
+# Display Panels
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_ABT_Y030XX067A is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_FEIYANG_FY07024DI26A30D is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_ILITEK_IL9322 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_JDI_LT070ME05000 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_LG_LB035Q02 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_LG_LG4573 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_NEC_NL8048HL11 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_NOVATEK_NT39016 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_RAYDIUM_RM67191 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_RAYDIUM_RM68200 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_RONBO_RB070D30 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LQ101R1SX01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LS043T1LE01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_SHARP_LS060T1SX01 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_TDO_TL070WSH30 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_TPO_TPG110 is not set
+# end of Display Panels
+# Display Interface Bridges
+# CONFIG_DRM_NXP_PTN3460 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PARADE_PS8622 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SIL_SII8620 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SII902X is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_SII9234 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_THINE_THC63LVD1024 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TOSHIBA_TC358764 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TOSHIBA_TC358767 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TOSHIBA_TC358768 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TI_TFP410 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TI_SN65DSI86 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_DW_HDMI_CEC is not set
+# end of Display Interface Bridges
+# CONFIG_DRM_VC4_HDMI_CEC is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MXSFB is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_ARCPGU is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_HX8357D is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ILI9225 is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ILI9341 is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_MI0283QT is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ST7586 is not set
+# CONFIG_TINYDRM_ST7735R is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_PL111 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_TDFX is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_R128 is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MGA is not set
+# Frame buffer Devices
+# Frame buffer hardware drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_CIRRUS is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_PM2 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_CYBER2000 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_ASILIANT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_IMSTT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_UVESA is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_S1D13XXX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_NVIDIA is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RIVA is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_I740 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_MATROX is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RADEON is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_ATY128 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_ATY is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SAVAGE is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SIS is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_NEOMAGIC is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_KYRO is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_3DFX_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VOODOO1 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_TRIDENT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_CARMINE is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_IBM_GXT4500 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_MX3 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SSD1307 is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_SM712 is not set
+# end of Frame buffer Devices
+# Backlight & LCD device support
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_ADP8860 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_ADP8870 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LM3630A is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LM3639 is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LV5207LP is not set
+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_BD6107 is not set
+# end of Backlight & LCD device support
+# Console display driver support
+# end of Console display driver support
+# CONFIG_LOGO is not set
+# end of Graphics support
+# CONFIG_SND_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_DUMMY is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VIRMIDI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_MTPAV is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SERIAL_U16550 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_MPU401 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ATIIXP is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AU8810 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AU8820 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AU8830 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_AW2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_BT87X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CA0106 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CMIPCI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CS4281 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_CS46XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_FM801 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_HDSP is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ICE1724 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_INTEL8X0 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_INTEL8X0M is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_KORG1212 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_MIXART is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_NM256 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_RME32 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_RME96 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_RME9652 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VIA82XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VIA82XX_MODEM is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_VX222 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_YMFPCI is not set
+# HD-Audio
+# end of HD-Audio
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_ATMEL_SOC is not set
+# SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# Common SoC Audio options for Freescale CPUs:
+# SoC Audio support for Freescale i.MX boards:
+# end of SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_IMG is not set
+# ASoC support for Amlogic platforms
+# end of ASoC support for Amlogic platforms
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STORM is not set
+# STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# end of STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# Allwinner SoC Audio support
+# CONFIG_SND_SUN4I_CODEC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SUN8I_CODEC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SUN4I_I2S is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SUN4I_SPDIF is not set
+# end of Allwinner SoC Audio support
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA20_AC97 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA20_DAS is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA20_I2S is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA30_I2S is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_AHUB is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_DMIC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_I2S is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA186_DSPK is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_MVC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_SFC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_AMX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA210_ADX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA_WM9712 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TEGRA_SGTL5000 is not set
+# CODEC drivers
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AC97_CODEC is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1701 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1761_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ADAU1761_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4104 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4118 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4554 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4613 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK4642 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_AK5386 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ALC5623 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_BD28623 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_BT_SCO is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L32 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L33 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L34 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L35 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L36 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L41_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS35L41_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L42 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L51_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L52 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L56 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L73 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4234 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4265 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4270 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4271_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4271_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42XX8_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS43130 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4341 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS4349 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS53L30 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_CX2072X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_DA7213 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ES7134 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ES7241 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ES8316 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_GTM601 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_INNO_RK3036 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98088 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98504 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9867 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98390 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9860 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM1681 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM1789_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM179X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM179X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM186X_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM186X_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3060_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3060_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3168A_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM3168A_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM5102A is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM512x_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_PCM512x_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT5616 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT5631 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT5659 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RT9120 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SPDIF is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2305 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2602_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM2602_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_SSM4567 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STA32X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STA350 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_STI_SAS is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2552 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2562 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2764 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS2770 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS5086 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS571X is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS5720 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TAS6424 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TDA7419 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TFA9879 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC23_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC31XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC32X4_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC32X4_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320ADCX140 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TSCS42XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TSCS454 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_UDA1334 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8510 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8523 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8524 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8580 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8711 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8728 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8731 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8737 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8741 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8750 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8770 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8776 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8782 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8804_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8804_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8960 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8962 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8974 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8978 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_WM8985 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ZL38060 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX9759 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT6351 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT6358 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_MT6660 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8315 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8540 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8810 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8821 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8822 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_NAU8824 is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_TPA6130A2 is not set
+# end of CODEC drivers
+# HID support
+# Special HID drivers
+# CONFIG_HID_APPLEIR is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_BIGBEN_FF is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_ELAN is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_GFRM is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_GT683R is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_ITE is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_JABRA is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_NTI is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_RETRODE is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_STEAM is not set
+# CONFIG_HID_UDRAW_PS3 is not set
+# end of Special HID drivers
+# USB HID support
+# USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_KBD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MOUSE is not set
+# end of USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# end of USB HID support
+# I2C HID support
+# end of I2C HID support
+# Surface System Aggregator Module HID support
+# end of Surface System Aggregator Module HID support
+# end of HID support
+# Miscellaneous USB options
+# CONFIG_USB_OTG is not set
+# USB Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_C67X00_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_OXU210HP_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP116X_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_FOTG210_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MAX3421_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_UHCI_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SL811_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_HCD_BCMA is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_HCD_SSB is not set
+# USB Device Class drivers
+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may
+# also be needed; see USB_STORAGE Help for more info
+# USB Imaging devices
+# CONFIG_USBIP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_CDNS3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set
+# Platform Glue Layer
+# MUSB DMA mode
+# CONFIG_MUSB_PIO_ONLY is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_ULPI is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_GADGET is not set
+# Platform Glue Driver Support
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_HOST is not set
+# Gadget/Dual-role mode requires USB Gadget support to be enabled
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HOST_ROLE is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_GADGET_ROLE is not set
+# USB port drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_USS720 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_F8153X is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_UPD78F0730 is not set
+# USB Miscellaneous drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_HUB_USB251XB is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_HSIC_USB4604 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ATM is not set
+# USB Physical Layer drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_GPIO_VBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1301 is not set
+# end of USB Physical Layer drivers
+# USB Peripheral Controller
+# CONFIG_USB_FOTG210_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_GR_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_R8A66597 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_PXA27X is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MV_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MV_U3D is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_M66592 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_BDC_UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_AMD5536UDC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_NET2272 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_GOKU is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_EG20T is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DUMMY_HCD is not set
+# end of USB Peripheral Controller
+# USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# CONFIG_USB_ZERO is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_AUDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ETH_EEM is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_NCM is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_PRINTER is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_NOKIA is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_ACM_MS is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_MULTI is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_HID is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_DBGP is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_G_WEBCAM is not set
+# end of USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
+# end of USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
+# USB Type-C Alternate Mode drivers
+# end of USB Type-C Alternate Mode drivers
+# CONFIG_PWRSEQ_SD8787 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set
+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_OF_AT91 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PXAV3 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_DW_EXYNOS is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_DW_HI3798CV200 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_DW_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_USDHI6ROL0 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC_MTK is not set
+# MemoryStick drivers
+# CONFIG_MS_BLOCK is not set
+# MemoryStick Host Controller Drivers
+# LED drivers
+# CONFIG_LEDS_AN30259A is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_AW2013 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_BCM6328 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_BCM6358 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_CR0014114 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_EL15203000 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3530 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3532 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3642 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM3692X is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA9532 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP3952 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP50XX is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP5521 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP5523 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP5562 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP8501 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP8860 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA955X_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA963X is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_TCA6507 is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_TLC591XX is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_LM355x is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_IS31FL319X is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_IS31FL32XX is not set
+# LED driver for blink(1) USB RGB LED is under Special HID drivers (HID_THINGM)
+# CONFIG_LEDS_BLINKM is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_SYSCON is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_MLXREG is not set
+# CONFIG_LEDS_USER is not set
+# Flash and Torch LED drivers
+# LED Triggers
+# iptables trigger is under Netfilter config (LED target)
+# Speakup console speech
+# end of Speakup console speech
+# CONFIG_EDAC_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_EDAC_QCOM is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set
+# RTC interfaces
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set
+# I2C RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ABB5ZES3 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ABEOZ9 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ABX80X is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307_CENTURY is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1374 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1672 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_HYM8563 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6900 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C372 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL1208 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL12022 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL12026 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_X1205 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8523 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF85063 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF85363 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8563 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T80 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ32K is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_S35390A is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FM3130 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8010 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8581 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8025 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_EM3027 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV3028 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV3032 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV8803 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_SD3078 is not set
+# SPI RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T93 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T94 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1302 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1305 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1343 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1347 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1390 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6916 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R9701 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX4581 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C348 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6902 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF2123 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MCP795 is not set
+# SPI and I2C RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS3232 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF2127 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RV3029C2 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX6110 is not set
+# Platform RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1286 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1511 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1553 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1685_FAMILY is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1742 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS2404 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_STK17TA8 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T86 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T35 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T59 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MSM6242 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ4802 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RP5C01 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_V3020 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CROS_EC is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_NTXEC is not set
+# on-CPU RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PL030 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FTRTC010 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_SNVS is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R7301 is not set
+# HID Sensor RTC drivers
+# DMA Devices
+# CONFIG_AMBA_PL08X is not set
+# CONFIG_AXI_DMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_BCM_SBA_RAID is not set
+# CONFIG_DW_AXI_DMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_FSL_EDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_IDMA64 is not set
+# CONFIG_MXS_DMA is not set
+# CONFIG_XILINX_DMA is not set
+# CONFIG_DW_DMAC is not set
+# CONFIG_DW_DMAC_PCI is not set
+# DMA Clients
+# CONFIG_DMATEST is not set
+# DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_SW_SYNC is not set
+# CONFIG_UDMABUF is not set
+# end of DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_PANEL is not set
+# CONFIG_UIO_PRUSS is not set
+# CONFIG_VFIO_MDEV is not set
+# CONFIG_VDPA_SIM is not set
+# Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# end of Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# Xen driver support
+# end of Xen driver support
+# CONFIG_GREYBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_COMEDI is not set
+# CONFIG_PRISM2_USB is not set
+# CONFIG_RTL8192U is not set
+# CONFIG_RTLLIB is not set
+# CONFIG_RTS5208 is not set
+# CONFIG_VT6655 is not set
+# CONFIG_VT6656 is not set
+# IIO staging drivers
+# Accelerometers
+# CONFIG_ADIS16203 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16240 is not set
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7816 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7280 is not set
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# CONFIG_ADT7316 is not set
+# end of Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7746 is not set
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Direct Digital Synthesis
+# CONFIG_AD9832 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD9834 is not set
+# end of Direct Digital Synthesis
+# Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# CONFIG_AD5933 is not set
+# end of Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# Active energy metering IC
+# CONFIG_ADE7854 is not set
+# end of Active energy metering IC
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD2S1210 is not set
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# end of IIO staging drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_SM750 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_NVEC is not set
+# Android
+# end of Android
+# CONFIG_LTE_GDM724X is not set
+# CONFIG_GS_FPGABOOT is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_TFT is not set
+# CONFIG_KS7010 is not set
+# CONFIG_BCM2835_VCHIQ is not set
+# CONFIG_SND_BCM2835 is not set
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_BCM2835 is not set
+# CONFIG_PI433 is not set
+# CONFIG_XIL_AXIS_FIFO is not set
+# CONFIG_GOLDFISH is not set
+# Clock driver for ARM Reference designs
+# end of Clock driver for ARM Reference designs
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_MAX77686 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI5351 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI514 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI544 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_SI570 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_CDCE706 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_CDCE925 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_CS2000_CP is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_VC5 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMMON_CLK_BD718XX is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_BCM2835 is not set
+# CONFIG_STUB_CLK_HI3660 is not set
+# Clock support for Amlogic platforms
+# end of Clock support for Amlogic platforms
+# CONFIG_APQ_GCC_8084 is not set
+# CONFIG_APQ_MMCC_8084 is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_APSS_PLL is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_APSS_6018 is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_GCC_4019 is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_GCC_6018 is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_GCC_806X is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_LCC_806X is not set
+# CONFIG_IPQ_GCC_8074 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8660 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8939 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8960 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_LCC_8960 is not set
+# CONFIG_MDM_GCC_9615 is not set
+# CONFIG_MDM_LCC_9615 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_MMCC_8960 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8953 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8974 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_MMCC_8974 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_MMCC_8994 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8994 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GCC_8998 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_GPUCC_8998 is not set
+# CONFIG_MSM_MMCC_8998 is not set
+# CONFIG_QCM_GCC_2290 is not set
+# CONFIG_QCS_GCC_404 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_CAMCC_7180 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_CAMCC_7280 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_DISPCC_7180 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_DISPCC_7280 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_GPUCC_7180 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_GPUCC_7280 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_LPASSCC_7280 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_MSS_7180 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_VIDEOCC_7180 is not set
+# CONFIG_SC_VIDEOCC_7280 is not set
+# CONFIG_SDM_CAMCC_845 is not set
+# CONFIG_QCS_TURING_404 is not set
+# CONFIG_QCS_Q6SSTOP_404 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_GCC_6115 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_GCC_6350 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_GCC_8150 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_GPUCC_8150 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_GPUCC_8250 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_VIDEOCC_8150 is not set
+# CONFIG_SM_VIDEOCC_8250 is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_HFPLL is not set
+# CONFIG_KPSS_XCC is not set
+# CONFIG_CLK_GFM_LPASS_SM8250 is not set
+# CONFIG_XILINX_VCU is not set
+# Clock Source drivers
+# end of Clock Source drivers
+# CONFIG_ARM_MHU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_MHU_V2 is not set
+# CONFIG_PL320_MBOX is not set
+# CONFIG_ALTERA_MBOX is not set
+# CONFIG_HI3660_MBOX is not set
+# Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# end of Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# Remoteproc drivers
+# end of Remoteproc drivers
+# Rpmsg drivers
+# CONFIG_RPMSG_CHAR is not set
+# end of Rpmsg drivers
+# CONFIG_SOUNDWIRE is not set
+# SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# Amlogic SoC drivers
+# end of Amlogic SoC drivers
+# Broadcom SoC drivers
+# end of Broadcom SoC drivers
+# NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# end of NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# i.MX SoC drivers
+# end of i.MX SoC drivers
+# Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# end of Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# CONFIG_QCOM_OCMEM is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_RPMH is not set
+# end of Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# CONFIG_ARCH_TEGRA_186_SOC is not set
+# CONFIG_SOC_TI is not set
+# Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# DEVFREQ Governors
+# DEVFREQ Drivers
+# CONFIG_ARM_RK3399_DMC_DEVFREQ is not set
+# Extcon Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_GPIO is not set
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_MAX3355 is not set
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_RT8973A is not set
+# CONFIG_EXTCON_SM5502 is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_PL172_MPMC is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_BUFFER_CB is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_SW_DEVICE is not set
+# Accelerometers
+# CONFIG_ADIS16201 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16209 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL313_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL313_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL345_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL345_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL355_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL355_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL372_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXL372_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BMA180 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMA220 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMC150_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_BMI088_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_DA280 is not set
+# CONFIG_DA311 is not set
+# CONFIG_DMARD06 is not set
+# CONFIG_DMARD09 is not set
+# CONFIG_DMARD10 is not set
+# CONFIG_KXSD9 is not set
+# CONFIG_KXCJK1013 is not set
+# CONFIG_MC3230 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA7455_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA7455_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA7660 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA8452 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA9551 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMA9553 is not set
+# CONFIG_MXC4005 is not set
+# CONFIG_MXC6255 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCA3000 is not set
+# CONFIG_SCA3300 is not set
+# CONFIG_STK8312 is not set
+# CONFIG_STK8BA50 is not set
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7192 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7266 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7291 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7292 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7298 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7476 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_PARALLEL is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7606_IFACE_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7766 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7768_1 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7780 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7791 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7793 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7887 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7923 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7949 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD799X is not set
+# CONFIG_ADI_AXI_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_CC10001_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_HI8435 is not set
+# CONFIG_HX711 is not set
+# CONFIG_INA2XX_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2471 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2485 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2496 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2497 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1027 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX11100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1118 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1241 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX1363 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX9611 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP320X is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP3422 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP3911 is not set
+# CONFIG_MEDIATEK_MT6360_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_MP2629_ADC is not set
+# CONFIG_NAU7802 is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_SPMI_ADC5 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC081C is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC0832 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC084S021 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC12138 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC108S102 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC128S052 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADC161S626 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS1015 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS7950 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS8344 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS8688 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS124S08 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_ADS131E08 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_TLC4541 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_TSC2046 is not set
+# CONFIG_VF610_ADC is not set
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog Front Ends
+# CONFIG_IIO_RESCALE is not set
+# end of Analog Front Ends
+# Amplifiers
+# CONFIG_AD8366 is not set
+# CONFIG_HMC425 is not set
+# end of Amplifiers
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD7150 is not set
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Chemical Sensors
+# CONFIG_BME680 is not set
+# CONFIG_CCS811 is not set
+# CONFIG_IAQCORE is not set
+# CONFIG_PMS7003 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSIRION_SGP30 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSIRION_SGP40 is not set
+# CONFIG_SPS30_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SPS30_SERIAL is not set
+# CONFIG_VZ89X is not set
+# end of Chemical Sensors
+# Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# end of Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# IIO SCMI Sensors
+# end of IIO SCMI Sensors
+# SSP Sensor Common
+# end of SSP Sensor Common
+# Digital to analog converters
+# CONFIG_AD5064 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5360 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5380 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5421 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5449 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5592R is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5593R is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5504 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5624R_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5686_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5696_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5755 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5758 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5761 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5764 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5766 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5770R is not set
+# CONFIG_AD5791 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD7303 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD8801 is not set
+# CONFIG_DPOT_DAC is not set
+# CONFIG_DS4424 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC1660 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2632 is not set
+# CONFIG_M62332 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX517 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5821 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4725 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4922 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC082S085 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC5571 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC7311 is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_DAC7612 is not set
+# CONFIG_VF610_DAC is not set
+# end of Digital to analog converters
+# IIO dummy driver
+# end of IIO dummy driver
+# Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Clock Generator/Distribution
+# CONFIG_AD9523 is not set
+# end of Clock Generator/Distribution
+# Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# CONFIG_ADF4350 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADRF6780 is not set
+# end of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# end of Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Digital gyroscope sensors
+# CONFIG_ADIS16080 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16130 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16136 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16260 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADXRS450 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMG160 is not set
+# CONFIG_FXAS21002C is not set
+# CONFIG_MPU3050_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_GYRO_3AXIS is not set
+# CONFIG_ITG3200 is not set
+# end of Digital gyroscope sensors
+# Health Sensors
+# Heart Rate Monitors
+# CONFIG_AFE4403 is not set
+# CONFIG_AFE4404 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX30100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX30102 is not set
+# end of Heart Rate Monitors
+# end of Health Sensors
+# Humidity sensors
+# CONFIG_AM2315 is not set
+# CONFIG_HDC100X is not set
+# CONFIG_HTS221 is not set
+# CONFIG_HTU21 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI7005 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI7020 is not set
+# end of Humidity sensors
+# Inertial measurement units
+# CONFIG_ADIS16400 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16460 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16475 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADIS16480 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMI160_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BMI160_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_FXOS8700_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FXOS8700_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_KMX61 is not set
+# CONFIG_INV_MPU6050_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_INV_MPU6050_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_LSM6DSX is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_LSM9DS0 is not set
+# end of Inertial measurement units
+# Light sensors
+# CONFIG_ADJD_S311 is not set
+# CONFIG_ADUX1020 is not set
+# CONFIG_AL3010 is not set
+# CONFIG_AL3320A is not set
+# CONFIG_APDS9300 is not set
+# CONFIG_APDS9960 is not set
+# CONFIG_BH1750 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM32181 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM3232 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM3323 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM3605 is not set
+# CONFIG_CM36651 is not set
+# CONFIG_GP2AP002 is not set
+# CONFIG_GP2AP020A00F is not set
+# CONFIG_IQS621_ALS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ISL29018 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ISL29028 is not set
+# CONFIG_ISL29125 is not set
+# CONFIG_JSA1212 is not set
+# CONFIG_RPR0521 is not set
+# CONFIG_LTR501 is not set
+# CONFIG_LV0104CS is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX44000 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX44009 is not set
+# CONFIG_NOA1305 is not set
+# CONFIG_OPT3001 is not set
+# CONFIG_PA12203001 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI1133 is not set
+# CONFIG_SI1145 is not set
+# CONFIG_STK3310 is not set
+# CONFIG_ST_UVIS25 is not set
+# CONFIG_TCS3414 is not set
+# CONFIG_TCS3472 is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TSL2563 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL2583 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL2772 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSL4531 is not set
+# CONFIG_US5182D is not set
+# CONFIG_VCNL4000 is not set
+# CONFIG_VCNL4035 is not set
+# CONFIG_VEML6030 is not set
+# CONFIG_VEML6070 is not set
+# CONFIG_VL6180 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZOPT2201 is not set
+# end of Light sensors
+# Magnetometer sensors
+# CONFIG_AK8974 is not set
+# CONFIG_AK8975 is not set
+# CONFIG_AK09911 is not set
+# CONFIG_BMC150_MAGN_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_BMC150_MAGN_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MAG3110 is not set
+# CONFIG_MMC35240 is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_MAGN_3AXIS is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_HMC5843_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_HMC5843_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_RM3100_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_RM3100_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_YAMAHA_YAS530 is not set
+# end of Magnetometer sensors
+# Multiplexers
+# CONFIG_IIO_MUX is not set
+# end of Multiplexers
+# Inclinometer sensors
+# end of Inclinometer sensors
+# Triggers - standalone
+# end of Triggers - standalone
+# Linear and angular position sensors
+# CONFIG_IQS624_POS is not set
+# end of Linear and angular position sensors
+# Digital potentiometers
+# CONFIG_AD5272 is not set
+# CONFIG_DS1803 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5432 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5481 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX5487 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4018 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4131 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP4531 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCP41010 is not set
+# CONFIG_TPL0102 is not set
+# end of Digital potentiometers
+# Digital potentiostats
+# CONFIG_LMP91000 is not set
+# end of Digital potentiostats
+# Pressure sensors
+# CONFIG_ABP060MG is not set
+# CONFIG_BMP280 is not set
+# CONFIG_DLHL60D is not set
+# CONFIG_HP03 is not set
+# CONFIG_ICP10100 is not set
+# CONFIG_MPL115_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_MPL115_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_MPL3115 is not set
+# CONFIG_MS5611 is not set
+# CONFIG_MS5637 is not set
+# CONFIG_IIO_ST_PRESS is not set
+# CONFIG_T5403 is not set
+# CONFIG_HP206C is not set
+# CONFIG_ZPA2326 is not set
+# end of Pressure sensors
+# Lightning sensors
+# CONFIG_AS3935 is not set
+# end of Lightning sensors
+# Proximity and distance sensors
+# CONFIG_ISL29501 is not set
+# CONFIG_LIDAR_LITE_V2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MB1232 is not set
+# CONFIG_PING is not set
+# CONFIG_RFD77402 is not set
+# CONFIG_SRF04 is not set
+# CONFIG_SX9310 is not set
+# CONFIG_SX9500 is not set
+# CONFIG_SRF08 is not set
+# CONFIG_VCNL3020 is not set
+# CONFIG_VL53L0X_I2C is not set
+# end of Proximity and distance sensors
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# CONFIG_AD2S90 is not set
+# CONFIG_AD2S1200 is not set
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# Temperature sensors
+# CONFIG_IQS620AT_TEMP is not set
+# CONFIG_LTC2983 is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX90614 is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX90632 is not set
+# CONFIG_TMP006 is not set
+# CONFIG_TMP007 is not set
+# CONFIG_TMP117 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSYS01 is not set
+# CONFIG_TSYS02D is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX31856 is not set
+# CONFIG_MAX31865 is not set
+# end of Temperature sensors
+# CONFIG_NTB is not set
+# CONFIG_VME_BUS is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_CROS_EC is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_FSL_FTM is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_HIBVT is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IMX1 is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IMX27 is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IMX_TPM is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_IQS620A is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_KEEMBAY is not set
+# CONFIG_PWM_PCA9685 is not set
+# IRQ chip support
+# CONFIG_AL_FIC is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_PDC is not set
+# end of IRQ chip support
+# CONFIG_IPACK_BUS is not set
+# PHY Subsystem
+# CONFIG_PHY_SUN9I_USB is not set
+# PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# CONFIG_BCM_KONA_USB2_PHY is not set
+# end of PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# CONFIG_PHY_PXA_28NM_HSIC is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_PXA_28NM_USB2 is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_CPCAP_USB is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_MAPPHONE_MDM6600 is not set
+# CONFIG_PHY_QCOM_IPQ806X_USB is not set
+# end of PHY Subsystem
+# CONFIG_POWERCAP is not set
+# CONFIG_MCB is not set
+# Performance monitor support
+# CONFIG_ARM_CCI_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_CCN is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_CMN is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_DSU_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_L2_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_QCOM_L3_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_XGENE_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM_SPE_PMU is not set
+# CONFIG_HISI_PMU is not set
+# end of Performance monitor support
+# CONFIG_USB4_DMA_TEST is not set
+# Android
+# CONFIG_ANDROID is not set
+# end of Android
+# CONFIG_MESON_EFUSE is not set
+# HW tracing support
+# CONFIG_STM is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_TH is not set
+# end of HW tracing support
+# CONFIG_FPGA is not set
+# CONFIG_FSI is not set
+# TEE drivers
+# end of TEE drivers
+# Multiplexer drivers
+# end of Multiplexer drivers
+# CONFIG_SIOX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLIMBUS is not set
+# CONFIG_COUNTER is not set
+# CONFIG_MOST is not set
+# end of Device Drivers
+# File systems
+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JBD2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_WARN is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_OCFS2_DEBUG_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_BTRFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_CHECK_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_IOSTAT is not set
+# CONFIG_QUOTA_DEBUG is not set
+# Caches
+# end of Caches
+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# end of CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# CONFIG_NTFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set
+# CONFIG_NTFS3_64BIT_CLUSTER is not set
+# end of DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# Pseudo filesystems
+# CONFIG_TMPFS_INODE64 is not set
+# end of Pseudo filesystems
+# CONFIG_ORANGEFS_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS_RW is not set
+# CONFIG_BEFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN is not set
+# CONFIG_CRAMFS is not set
+# CONFIG_QNX6FS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_842_COMPRESS is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_PMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_BLK is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_EROFS_FS_ZIP is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_V4_1_MIGRATION is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_V4_2_READ_PLUS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFSD_V4_2_INTER_SSC is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_STATS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SMB_SERVER is not set
+# CONFIG_AFS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of File systems
+# Security options
+# CONFIG_IMA is not set
+# CONFIG_EVM is not set
+# Kernel hardening options
+# Memory initialization
+# end of Memory initialization
+# end of Kernel hardening options
+# end of Security options
+# Crypto core or helper
+# Public-key cryptography
+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
+# Block modes
+# Hash modes
+# Digest
+# Ciphers
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES_TI is not set
+# Compression
+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_842 is not set
+# Random Number Generation
+# Crypto library routines
+# CONFIG_PKCS7_TEST_KEY is not set
+# Certificates for signature checking
+# end of Certificates for signature checking
+# Library routines
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SELFTEST is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SLICEBY4 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SARWATE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_BIT is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC4 is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_X86 is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_IA64 is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_ARM is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_SPARC is not set
+# CONFIG_XZ_DEC_TEST is not set
+# Default contiguous memory area size:
+# CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_6x11 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_7x14 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_PEARL_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_ACORN_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_MINI_4x6 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_10x18 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN8x16 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN12x22 is not set
+# end of Library routines
+# Kernel hacking
+# printk and dmesg options
+# end of printk and dmesg options
+# Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# CONFIG_GDB_SCRIPTS is not set
+# CONFIG_VMLINUX_MAP is not set
+# end of Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# CONFIG_KGDB is not set
+# CONFIG_UBSAN is not set
+# end of Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_PAGE_OWNER is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_WX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB_STATS is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set
+# CONFIG_KASAN is not set
+# end of Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set
+# Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# CONFIG_PANIC_ON_OOPS is not set
+# CONFIG_WQ_WATCHDOG is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_LOCKUP is not set
+# end of Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# Scheduler Debugging
+# end of Scheduler Debugging
+# Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set
+# end of Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# Debug kernel data structures
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_PLIST is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set
+# end of Debug kernel data structures
+# RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_RCU_TRACE is not set
+# CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
+# arm64 Debugging
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_EFI is not set
+# CONFIG_ARM64_RELOC_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_CORESIGHT is not set
+# end of arm64 Debugging
+# Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# CONFIG_KUNIT is not set
+# CONFIG_KCOV is not set
+# CONFIG_LKDTM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MIN_HEAP is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_DIV64 is not set
+# CONFIG_RBTREE_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_PERCPU_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_PRINTF is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_BITMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_UUID is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_HASH is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_IDA is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_LKM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_SYSCTL is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_UDELAY is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_KMOD is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MEMCAT_P is not set
+# CONFIG_MEMTEST is not set
+# end of Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# end of Kernel hacking
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-i686.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74306fd525
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-i686.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,11100 @@
+# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
+# Linux/i386 5.16.0 Kernel Configuration
+# General setup
+# CONFIG_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_BZIP2 is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_XZ is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_ZSTD is not set
+# IRQ subsystem
+# end of IRQ subsystem
+# Timers subsystem
+# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set
+# end of Timers subsystem
+# BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_BPF_JIT is not set
+# CONFIG_BPF_PRELOAD is not set
+# end of BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
+# CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# end of CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_RCU_EXPERT is not set
+# end of RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set
+# CONFIG_IKHEADERS is not set
+# Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK is not set
+# end of Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_CGROUP_RDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RSEQ is not set
+# CONFIG_EMBEDDED is not set
+# CONFIG_PC104 is not set
+# Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# end of Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK is not set
+# CONFIG_SLAB is not set
+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set
+# end of General setup
+# Processor type and features
+# CONFIG_GOLDFISH is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_CPU_RESCTRL is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_BIGSMP is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_GOLDFISH is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_INTEL_MID is not set
+# CONFIG_XEN_DEBUG_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_M486SX is not set
+# CONFIG_M486 is not set
+# CONFIG_M586 is not set
+# CONFIG_M586TSC is not set
+# CONFIG_M586MMX is not set
+# CONFIG_MPENTIUMM is not set
+# CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 is not set
+# CONFIG_MK6 is not set
+# CONFIG_MK7 is not set
+# CONFIG_MK8 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCRUSOE is not set
+# CONFIG_MEFFICEON is not set
+# CONFIG_MWINCHIPC6 is not set
+# CONFIG_MWINCHIP3D is not set
+# CONFIG_MELAN is not set
+# CONFIG_MGEODEGX1 is not set
+# CONFIG_MGEODE_LX is not set
+# CONFIG_MCYRIXIII is not set
+# CONFIG_MVIAC3_2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MVIAC7 is not set
+# CONFIG_MCORE2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MATOM is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_MCELOG_LEGACY is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_ANCIENT_MCE is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_MCE_INJECT is not set
+# Performance monitoring
+# end of Performance monitoring
+# CONFIG_X86_LEGACY_VM86 is not set
+# CONFIG_TOSHIBA is not set
+# CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM is not set
+# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set
+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G is not set
+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_1G is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_INTEL_TSX_MODE_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
+# CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO is not set
+# end of Processor type and features
+# Power management and ACPI options
+# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_APM_DO_ENABLE is not set
+# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set
+# CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU frequency scaling drivers
+# CONFIG_X86_E_POWERSAVER is not set
+# shared options
+# end of CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU Idle
+# end of CPU Idle
+# end of Power management and ACPI options
+# Bus options (PCI etc.)
+# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_CNB20LE_QUIRK is not set
+# CONFIG_ISA_BUS is not set
+# end of Bus options (PCI etc.)
+# Binary Emulations
+# end of Binary Emulations
+# CONFIG_KVM_MMU_AUDIT is not set
+# General architecture-dependent options
+# GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# CONFIG_GCOV_KERNEL is not set
+# end of GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# end of General architecture-dependent options
+# CONFIG_MODULE_SIG is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_SED_OPAL is not set
+# Partition Types
+# CONFIG_LDM_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Partition Types
+# IO Schedulers
+# end of IO Schedulers
+# Executable file formats
+# end of Executable file formats
+# Memory Management options
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_GUP_TEST is not set
+# Data Access Monitoring
+# CONFIG_DAMON_DBGFS is not set
+# end of Data Access Monitoring
+# end of Memory Management options
+# Networking options
+# CONFIG_TLS_DEVICE is not set
+# CONFIG_TLS_TOE is not set
+# CONFIG_SMC is not set
+# CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP is not set
+# CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP is not set
+# CONFIG_IPV6_SEG6_HMAC is not set
+# Core Netfilter Configuration
+# Xtables combined modules
+# Xtables targets
+# Xtables matches
+# end of Core Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_IP_VS_DEBUG is not set
+# IPVS transport protocol load balancing support
+# IPVS scheduler
+# IPVS SH scheduler
+# IPVS MH scheduler
+# IPVS application helper
+# IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# DECnet: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of DECnet: Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_BPFILTER is not set
+# DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP_CCID3 is not set
+# end of DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP_DEBUG is not set
+# end of DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_RDS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_BR2684_IPFILTER is not set
+# Queueing/Scheduling
+# Classification
+# CONFIG_CLS_U32_PERF is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_TC_SKB_EXT is not set
+# Network testing
+# end of Network testing
+# end of Networking options
+# Packet Radio protocols
+# AX.25 network device drivers
+# CONFIG_SCC_DELAY is not set
+# CONFIG_SCC_TRXECHO is not set
+# end of AX.25 network device drivers
+# CAN Device Drivers
+# CAN SPI interfaces
+# end of CAN SPI interfaces
+# CAN USB interfaces
+# end of CAN USB interfaces
+# end of CAN Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_BT_LEDS is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_SELFTEST is not set
+# Bluetooth device drivers
+# end of Bluetooth device drivers
+# CONFIG_RXKAD is not set
+# CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE is not set
+# CONFIG_LIB80211_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUG_MENU is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_9P_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CAIF_DEBUG is not set
+# Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# end of Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_EISA is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ECRC is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_EDR is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PF_STUB is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_BUS_SAFE is not set
+# PCI controller drivers
+# DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# CONFIG_PCI_MESON is not set
+# end of DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# end of Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# end of Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# end of PCI controller drivers
+# PCI Endpoint
+# end of PCI Endpoint
+# PCI switch controller drivers
+# end of PCI switch controller drivers
+# PC-card bridges
+# RapidIO Switch drivers
+# end of RapidIO Switch drivers
+# Generic Driver Options
+# Firmware loader
+# end of Firmware loader
+# end of Generic Driver Options
+# Bus devices
+# CONFIG_MHI_BUS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Bus devices
+# Firmware Drivers
+# ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# end of ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
+# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
+# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# CONFIG_EFI_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_EFI_RCI2_TABLE is not set
+# end of EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Firmware Drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set
+# Partition parsers
+# end of Partition parsers
+# User Modules And Translation Layers
+# Note that in some cases UBI block is preferred. See MTD_UBI_BLOCK.
+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# end of RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# Mapping drivers for chip access
+# end of Mapping drivers for chip access
+# Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551_BUGFIX is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551_DEBUG is not set
+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers
+# end of Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# Raw/parallel NAND flash controllers
+# Misc
+# ECC engine support
+# end of ECC engine support
+# end of NAND
+# LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# end of LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# CONFIG_OF is not set
+# Protocols
+# Parallel IDE high-level drivers
+# Parallel IDE protocol modules
+# CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP_842 is not set
+# NVME Support
+# end of NVME Support
+# Misc devices
+# CONFIG_CS5535_MFGPT is not set
+# EEPROM support
+# end of EEPROM support
+# CONFIG_CB710_DEBUG is not set
+# Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# end of Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_ME is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_TXE is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_PXP is not set
+# end of Misc devices
+# SCSI device support
+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
+# SCSI Transports
+# end of SCSI Transports
+# CONFIG_AIC94XX_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_BSG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_IZIP_EPP16 is not set
+# end of SCSI device support
+# Controllers with non-SFF native interface
+# SFF controllers with custom DMA interface
+# SATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# PATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X3_DMA is not set
+# PIO-only SFF controllers
+# Generic fallback / legacy drivers
+# CONFIG_DM_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_INIT is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_VERITY_FEC is not set
+# IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# end of IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# CONFIG_ATM_ENI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_NICSTAR_USE_IDT77105 is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IDT77252_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IDT77252_RCV_ALL is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IA_DEBUG is not set
+# Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_LOOP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_MV88E6XXX_PTP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SJA1105_TAS is not set
+# end of Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_AMD_XGBE_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_BNXT_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MWI is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_NAPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SKGE_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SKY2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_CORE_IPOIB is not set
+# CONFIG_NFP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_8139TOO_TUNE_TWISTER is not set
+# CONFIG_8139_OLD_RX_RESET is not set
+# CONFIG_STMMAC_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_CPSW_PHY_SEL is not set
+# CONFIG_WIZNET_W5100_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_HIPPI is not set
+# MII PHY device drivers
+# MCTP Device Drivers
+# MDIO Multiplexers
+# PCS device drivers
+# end of PCS device drivers
+# CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_TRACER is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_DYNACK is not set
+# CONFIG_CARL9170_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_SPECTRAL is not set
+# CONFIG_WCN36XX_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_TRACING is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_BCMA is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_SSB is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_B43LEGACY_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_BRCMDBG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2100_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2200_DEBUG is not set
+# iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# end of iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# Debugging Options
+# end of Debugging Options
+# CONFIG_MT76x0U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x0E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7603E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7615E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663S is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7915E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921S is not set
+# CONFIG_WILC1000_HW_OOB_INTR is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW88 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RSI_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ZD1211RW_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_CA8210_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_HWSIM is not set
+# Wireless WAN
+# CONFIG_WWAN_HWSIM is not set
+# end of Wireless WAN
+# mISDN hardware drivers
+# Input device support
+# Userland interfaces
+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set
+# Input Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F34 is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F54 is not set
+# Hardware I/O ports
+# end of Hardware I/O ports
+# end of Input device support
+# Character devices
+# Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_16550A_VARIANTS is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_FINTEK is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ is not set
+# Non-8250 serial port support
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_BCM63XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_SPRD is not set
+# end of Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_LP_CONSOLE is not set
+# PCMCIA character devices
+# end of PCMCIA character devices
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_SPI_CR50 is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_I2C_CR50 is not set
+# end of Character devices
+# I2C support
+# Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# end of Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# I2C Hardware Bus support
+# PC SMBus host controller drivers
+# ACPI drivers
+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip)
+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers
+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers
+# end of I2C Hardware Bus support
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set
+# end of I2C support
+# CONFIG_MIPI_I3C_HCI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set
+# SPI Master Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_SPI_DW_DMA is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_XILINX is not set
+# SPI Multiplexer support
+# SPI Protocol Masters
+# CONFIG_SPI_SLAVE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPMI_HISI3670 is not set
+# HSI controllers
+# HSI clients
+# CONFIG_PPS_DEBUG is not set
+# PPS clients support
+# PPS generators support
+# PTP clock support
+# Enable PHYLIB and NETWORK_PHY_TIMESTAMPING to see the additional clocks.
+# CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW is not set
+# end of PTP clock support
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_DA9062 is not set
+# Intel pinctrl drivers
+# end of Intel pinctrl drivers
+# Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# end of Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO is not set
+# Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# end of Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# Port-mapped I/O GPIO drivers
+# end of Port-mapped I/O GPIO drivers
+# I2C GPIO expanders
+# end of I2C GPIO expanders
+# MFD GPIO expanders
+# end of MFD GPIO expanders
+# PCI GPIO expanders
+# end of PCI GPIO expanders
+# SPI GPIO expanders
+# end of SPI GPIO expanders
+# USB GPIO expanders
+# end of USB GPIO expanders
+# Virtual GPIO drivers
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MOCKUP is not set
+# end of Virtual GPIO drivers
+# 1-wire Bus Masters
+# end of 1-wire Bus Masters
+# 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2433_CRC is not set
+# end of 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_POWER_RESET_MT6323 is not set
+# Native drivers
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83795_FANCTRL is not set
+# ACPI drivers
+# Intel thermal drivers
+# ACPI INT340X thermal drivers
+# end of ACPI INT340X thermal drivers
+# end of Intel thermal drivers
+# Watchdog Pretimeout Governors
+# Watchdog Device Drivers
+# ISA-based Watchdog Cards
+# PCI-based Watchdog Cards
+# USB-based Watchdog Cards
+# CONFIG_BCMA_DEBUG is not set
+# Multifunction device drivers
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L15 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L35 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L85 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L90 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L92 is not set
+# end of Multifunction device drivers
+# CEC support
+# end of CEC support
+# Media device types
+# end of Media device types
+# Media core support
+# end of Media core support
+# Video4Linux options
+# end of Video4Linux options
+# Media controller options
+# end of Media controller options
+# Digital TV options
+# CONFIG_DVB_MMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_DVB_ULE_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Digital TV options
+# Media drivers
+# Webcam devices
+# CONFIG_USB_PWC_DEBUG is not set
+# Analog TV USB devices
+# Analog/digital TV USB devices
+# Digital TV USB devices
+# CONFIG_DVB_USB_DEBUG is not set
+# Webcam, TV (analog/digital) USB devices
+# Software defined radio USB devices
+# Media capture support
+# Media capture/analog TV support
+# Media capture/analog/hybrid TV support
+# Media digital TV PCI Adapters
+# common driver options
+# MMC/SDIO DVB adapters
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIMC is not set
+# FireWire (IEEE 1394) Adapters
+# end of Media drivers
+# Media ancillary drivers
+# IR I2C driver auto-selected by 'Autoselect ancillary drivers'
+# Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# end of Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# RDS decoders
+# end of RDS decoders
+# Video decoders
+# Video and audio decoders
+# end of Video decoders
+# Video encoders
+# end of Video encoders
+# Video improvement chips
+# end of Video improvement chips
+# Audio/Video compression chips
+# end of Audio/Video compression chips
+# SDR tuner chips
+# end of SDR tuner chips
+# Miscellaneous helper chips
+# end of Miscellaneous helper chips
+# Camera sensor devices
+# end of Camera sensor devices
+# Lens drivers
+# end of Lens drivers
+# Flash devices
+# end of Flash devices
+# SPI helper chips
+# end of SPI helper chips
+# Media SPI Adapters
+# end of Media SPI Adapters
+# Customize TV tuners
+# end of Customize TV tuners
+# Customise DVB Frontends
+# Multistandard (satellite) frontends
+# Multistandard (cable + terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-S (satellite) frontends
+# DVB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-C (cable) frontends
+# ATSC (North American/Korean Terrestrial/Cable DTV) frontends
+# ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# ISDB-S (satellite) & ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# Digital terrestrial only tuners/PLL
+# SEC control devices for DVB-S
+# Common Interface (EN50221) controller drivers
+# end of Customise DVB Frontends
+# Tools to develop new frontends
+# end of Media ancillary drivers
+# Graphics support
+# CONFIG_DRM_DP_CEC is not set
+# I2C encoder or helper chips
+# end of I2C encoder or helper chips
+# ARM devices
+# end of ARM devices
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_SI is not set
+# ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMD_ACP is not set
+# end of ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration
+# Display Engine Configuration
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMD_DC_HDCP is not set
+# end of Display Engine Configuration
+# drm/i915 Debugging
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG_GUC is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_SELFTEST is not set
+# end of drm/i915 Debugging
+# drm/i915 Profile Guided Optimisation
+# end of drm/i915 Profile Guided Optimisation
+# CONFIG_DRM_VKMS is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MGAG200 is not set
+# Display Panels
+# end of Display Panels
+# Display Interface Bridges
+# end of Display Interface Bridges
+# CONFIG_DRM_ETNAVIV is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_LEGACY is not set
+# Frame buffer Devices
+# Frame buffer hardware drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_NVIDIA is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RIVA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_I810_GTF is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_3DFX_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_3DFX_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
+# end of Frame buffer Devices
+# Backlight & LCD device support
+# end of Backlight & LCD device support
+# Console display driver support
+# end of Console display driver support
+# CONFIG_LOGO_LINUX_VGA16 is not set
+# CONFIG_LOGO_LINUX_CLUT224 is not set
+# end of Graphics support
+# CONFIG_SND_DEBUG is not set
+# HD-Audio
+# end of HD-Audio
+# SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# Common SoC Audio options for Freescale CPUs:
+# end of SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_IMG is not set
+# STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# end of STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# CODEC drivers
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RK3328 is not set
+# end of CODEC drivers
+# HID support
+# Special HID drivers
+# end of Special HID drivers
+# USB HID support
+# USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# end of USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# end of USB HID support
+# I2C HID support
+# end of I2C HID support
+# end of HID support
+# Miscellaneous USB options
+# CONFIG_USB_OTG is not set
+# USB Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_EHCI_FSL is not set
+# USB Device Class drivers
+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may
+# also be needed; see USB_STORAGE Help for more info
+# USB Imaging devices
+# CONFIG_USBIP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_CDNS3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set
+# Platform Glue Layer
+# MUSB DMA mode
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_GADGET is not set
+# Platform Glue Driver Support
+# Gadget/Dual-role mode requires USB Gadget support to be enabled
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HOST_ROLE is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_GADGET_ROLE is not set
+# USB port drivers
+# USB Miscellaneous drivers
+# USB Physical Layer drivers
+# end of USB Physical Layer drivers
+# USB Peripheral Controller
+# CONFIG_USB_M66592 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DUMMY_HCD is not set
+# end of USB Peripheral Controller
+# USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# CONFIG_USB_G_MULTI is not set
+# end of USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
+# end of USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
+# USB Type-C Alternate Mode drivers
+# end of USB Type-C Alternate Mode drivers
+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set
+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set
+# MemoryStick drivers
+# MemoryStick Host Controller Drivers
+# LED drivers
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA955X_GPIO is not set
+# LED driver for blink(1) USB RGB LED is under Special HID drivers (HID_THINGM)
+# Flash and Torch LED drivers
+# CONFIG_LEDS_RT8515 is not set
+# LED Triggers
+# iptables trigger is under Netfilter config (LED target)
+# CONFIG_EDAC_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set
+# RTC interfaces
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set
+# I2C RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307_CENTURY is not set
+# SPI RTC drivers
+# SPI and I2C RTC drivers
+# Platform RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1689 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS17285 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS17485 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS17885 is not set
+# on-CPU RTC drivers
+# HID Sensor RTC drivers
+# DMA Devices
+# DMA Clients
+# CONFIG_DMATEST is not set
+# DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_SW_SYNC is not set
+# CONFIG_UDMABUF is not set
+# end of DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_CHARLCD_BL_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_VDPA_SIM is not set
+# Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# end of Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# Xen driver support
+# end of Xen driver support
+# CONFIG_GREYBUS is not set
+# IIO staging drivers
+# Accelerometers
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# end of Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Direct Digital Synthesis
+# end of Direct Digital Synthesis
+# Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# end of Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# Active energy metering IC
+# end of Active energy metering IC
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# end of IIO staging drivers
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_ZORAN is not set
+# Android
+# end of Android
+# CONFIG_PI433 is not set
+# Clock Source drivers
+# end of Clock Source drivers
+# Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# end of Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# Remoteproc drivers
+# end of Remoteproc drivers
+# Rpmsg drivers
+# CONFIG_RPMSG_CHAR is not set
+# end of Rpmsg drivers
+# CONFIG_SOUNDWIRE is not set
+# SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# Amlogic SoC drivers
+# end of Amlogic SoC drivers
+# Broadcom SoC drivers
+# end of Broadcom SoC drivers
+# NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# end of NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# i.MX SoC drivers
+# end of i.MX SoC drivers
+# Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# end of Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# end of Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# DEVFREQ Governors
+# DEVFREQ Drivers
+# Extcon Device Drivers
+# Accelerometers
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# CONFIG_MEDIATEK_MT6360_ADC is not set
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog Front Ends
+# end of Analog Front Ends
+# Amplifiers
+# end of Amplifiers
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Chemical Sensors
+# end of Chemical Sensors
+# Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# end of Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# IIO SCMI Sensors
+# end of IIO SCMI Sensors
+# SSP Sensor Common
+# end of SSP Sensor Common
+# Digital to analog converters
+# end of Digital to analog converters
+# IIO dummy driver
+# end of IIO dummy driver
+# Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Clock Generator/Distribution
+# end of Clock Generator/Distribution
+# Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# end of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# end of Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Digital gyroscope sensors
+# end of Digital gyroscope sensors
+# Health Sensors
+# Heart Rate Monitors
+# end of Heart Rate Monitors
+# end of Health Sensors
+# Humidity sensors
+# end of Humidity sensors
+# Inertial measurement units
+# end of Inertial measurement units
+# Light sensors
+# end of Light sensors
+# Magnetometer sensors
+# end of Magnetometer sensors
+# Multiplexers
+# end of Multiplexers
+# Inclinometer sensors
+# end of Inclinometer sensors
+# Triggers - standalone
+# end of Triggers - standalone
+# Linear and angular position sensors
+# end of Linear and angular position sensors
+# Digital potentiometers
+# end of Digital potentiometers
+# Digital potentiostats
+# end of Digital potentiostats
+# Pressure sensors
+# end of Pressure sensors
+# Lightning sensors
+# end of Lightning sensors
+# Proximity and distance sensors
+# end of Proximity and distance sensors
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# Temperature sensors
+# end of Temperature sensors
+# VME Bridge Drivers
+# CONFIG_VME_FAKE is not set
+# VME Board Drivers
+# VME Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_PWM_DEBUG is not set
+# IRQ chip support
+# end of IRQ chip support
+# PHY Subsystem
+# PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# end of PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# end of PHY Subsystem
+# CONFIG_IDLE_INJECT is not set
+# CONFIG_DTPM is not set
+# Performance monitor support
+# end of Performance monitor support
+# CONFIG_USB4_DMA_TEST is not set
+# Android
+# CONFIG_ANDROID is not set
+# end of Android
+# HW tracing support
+# end of HW tracing support
+# TEE drivers
+# end of TEE drivers
+# Multiplexer drivers
+# end of Multiplexer drivers
+# CONFIG_SIOX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLIMBUS is not set
+# end of Device Drivers
+# File systems
+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JBD2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_WARN is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_OCFS2_DEBUG_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_BTRFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_CHECK_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_IOSTAT is not set
+# CONFIG_QUOTA_DEBUG is not set
+# Caches
+# end of Caches
+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# end of CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# CONFIG_NTFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set
+# end of DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# Pseudo filesystems
+# end of Pseudo filesystems
+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS_RW is not set
+# CONFIG_BEFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFFS2_SUMMARY is not set
+# CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN is not set
+# CONFIG_CRAMFS_MTD is not set
+# CONFIG_QNX6FS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_842_COMPRESS is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_PMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_BLK is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_EROFS_FS_ZIP is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_V4_2_READ_PLUS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFSD_V4_2_INTER_SSC is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_STATS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SMB_SERVER is not set
+# CONFIG_AFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
+# end of File systems
+# Security options
+# CONFIG_IMA_LOAD_X509 is not set
+# CONFIG_EVM_LOAD_X509 is not set
+# Kernel hardening options
+# Memory initialization
+# end of Memory initialization
+# end of Kernel hardening options
+# end of Security options
+# Crypto core or helper
+# Public-key cryptography
+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
+# Block modes
+# Hash modes
+# Digest
+# Ciphers
+# Compression
+# Random Number Generation
+# Crypto library routines
+# CONFIG_PKCS7_TEST_KEY is not set
+# Certificates for signature checking
+# end of Certificates for signature checking
+# Library routines
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SELFTEST is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SLICEBY4 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SARWATE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_BIT is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC4 is not set
+# Default contiguous memory area size:
+# CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_6x11 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_7x14 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_PEARL_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_ACORN_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_MINI_4x6 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_10x18 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN8x16 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN12x22 is not set
+# end of Library routines
+# Kernel hacking
+# printk and dmesg options
+# end of printk and dmesg options
+# Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO is not set
+# CONFIG_VMLINUX_MAP is not set
+# end of Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# CONFIG_KGDB_TESTS is not set
+# CONFIG_UBSAN is not set
+# end of Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_PAGE_OWNER is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_WX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB_STATS is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set
+# end of Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set
+# Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# CONFIG_PANIC_ON_OOPS is not set
+# CONFIG_WQ_WATCHDOG is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_LOCKUP is not set
+# end of Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# Scheduler Debugging
+# end of Scheduler Debugging
+# Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set
+# end of Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# Debug kernel data structures
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LIST is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_PLIST is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set
+# end of Debug kernel data structures
+# RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_RCU_TRACE is not set
+# CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
+# x86 Debugging
+# CONFIG_EFI_PGT_DUMP is not set
+# CONFIG_IO_DELAY_0X80 is not set
+# CONFIG_IO_DELAY_NONE is not set
+# CONFIG_CPA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_ENTRY is not set
+# end of x86 Debugging
+# Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# CONFIG_KUNIT is not set
+# CONFIG_LKDTM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MIN_HEAP is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_DIV64 is not set
+# CONFIG_RBTREE_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_SYSCTL is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_KMOD is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MEMCAT_P is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_FPU is not set
+# end of Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# end of Kernel hacking
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-x86_64.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4746b40e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.16-x86_64.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,11186 @@
+# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.
+# Linux/x86 5.16.0 Kernel Configuration
+# General setup
+# CONFIG_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_BZIP2 is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_XZ is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_KERNEL_ZSTD is not set
+# IRQ subsystem
+# end of IRQ subsystem
+# Timers subsystem
+# CONFIG_HZ_PERIODIC is not set
+# CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL is not set
+# end of Timers subsystem
+# BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_BPF_JIT is not set
+# CONFIG_BPF_PRELOAD is not set
+# end of BPF subsystem
+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set
+# CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# end of CPU/Task time and stats accounting
+# RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_RCU_EXPERT is not set
+# end of RCU Subsystem
+# CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set
+# CONFIG_IKHEADERS is not set
+# Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_UCLAMP_TASK is not set
+# end of Scheduler features
+# CONFIG_CGROUP_RDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RSEQ is not set
+# CONFIG_EMBEDDED is not set
+# CONFIG_PC104 is not set
+# Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# end of Kernel Performance Events And Counters
+# CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK is not set
+# CONFIG_SLAB is not set
+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set
+# end of General setup
+# Processor type and features
+# CONFIG_GOLDFISH is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_CPU_RESCTRL is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_VSMP is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_UV is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_GOLDFISH is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_INTEL_MID is not set
+# CONFIG_XEN_DEBUG_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_ACRN_GUEST is not set
+# CONFIG_MK8 is not set
+# CONFIG_MPSC is not set
+# CONFIG_MCORE2 is not set
+# CONFIG_MATOM is not set
+# CONFIG_MAXSMP is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_MCELOG_LEGACY is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_MCE_INJECT is not set
+# Performance monitoring
+# end of Performance monitoring
+# CONFIG_X86_5LEVEL is not set
+# CONFIG_NUMA_EMU is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_INTEL_TSX_MODE_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
+# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
+# CONFIG_KEXEC_SIG is not set
+# CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO is not set
+# end of Processor type and features
+# Power management and ACPI options
+# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
+# CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU frequency scaling drivers
+# shared options
+# end of CPU Frequency scaling
+# CPU Idle
+# end of CPU Idle
+# end of Power management and ACPI options
+# Bus options (PCI etc.)
+# CONFIG_PCI_CNB20LE_QUIRK is not set
+# CONFIG_ISA_BUS is not set
+# end of Bus options (PCI etc.)
+# Binary Emulations
+# end of Binary Emulations
+# CONFIG_KVM_MMU_AUDIT is not set
+# General architecture-dependent options
+# GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# CONFIG_GCOV_KERNEL is not set
+# end of GCOV-based kernel profiling
+# end of General architecture-dependent options
+# CONFIG_MODULE_SIG is not set
+# CONFIG_BLK_SED_OPAL is not set
+# Partition Types
+# CONFIG_LDM_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Partition Types
+# IO Schedulers
+# end of IO Schedulers
+# Executable file formats
+# end of Executable file formats
+# Memory Management options
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CMA_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_GUP_TEST is not set
+# Data Access Monitoring
+# CONFIG_DAMON_DBGFS is not set
+# end of Data Access Monitoring
+# end of Memory Management options
+# Networking options
+# CONFIG_TLS_DEVICE is not set
+# CONFIG_TLS_TOE is not set
+# CONFIG_SMC is not set
+# CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP is not set
+# CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP is not set
+# CONFIG_IPV6_SEG6_HMAC is not set
+# Core Netfilter Configuration
+# Xtables combined modules
+# Xtables targets
+# Xtables matches
+# end of Core Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_IP_VS_DEBUG is not set
+# IPVS transport protocol load balancing support
+# IPVS scheduler
+# IPVS SH scheduler
+# IPVS MH scheduler
+# IPVS application helper
+# IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IP: Netfilter Configuration
+# IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of IPv6: Netfilter Configuration
+# DECnet: Netfilter Configuration
+# end of DECnet: Netfilter Configuration
+# CONFIG_BPFILTER is not set
+# DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP_CCID3 is not set
+# end of DCCP CCIDs Configuration
+# DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP_DEBUG is not set
+# end of DCCP Kernel Hacking
+# CONFIG_RDS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_BR2684_IPFILTER is not set
+# Queueing/Scheduling
+# Classification
+# CONFIG_CLS_U32_PERF is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_TC_SKB_EXT is not set
+# Network testing
+# end of Network testing
+# end of Networking options
+# Packet Radio protocols
+# AX.25 network device drivers
+# end of AX.25 network device drivers
+# CAN Device Drivers
+# CAN SPI interfaces
+# end of CAN SPI interfaces
+# CAN USB interfaces
+# end of CAN USB interfaces
+# end of CAN Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_BT_LEDS is not set
+# CONFIG_BT_SELFTEST is not set
+# Bluetooth device drivers
+# end of Bluetooth device drivers
+# CONFIG_RXKAD is not set
+# CONFIG_NL80211_TESTMODE is not set
+# CONFIG_LIB80211_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUG_MENU is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_9P_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_CAIF_DEBUG is not set
+# Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# end of Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
+# Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_EISA is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_ECRC is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_EDR is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_PF_STUB is not set
+# CONFIG_PCI_P2PDMA is not set
+# CONFIG_PCIE_BUS_SAFE is not set
+# PCI controller drivers
+# DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# CONFIG_PCI_MESON is not set
+# end of DesignWare PCI Core Support
+# Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# end of Mobiveil PCIe Core Support
+# Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# end of Cadence PCIe controllers support
+# end of PCI controller drivers
+# PCI Endpoint
+# end of PCI Endpoint
+# PCI switch controller drivers
+# end of PCI switch controller drivers
+# PC-card bridges
+# RapidIO Switch drivers
+# end of RapidIO Switch drivers
+# Generic Driver Options
+# Firmware loader
+# end of Firmware loader
+# end of Generic Driver Options
+# Bus devices
+# CONFIG_MHI_BUS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Bus devices
+# Firmware Drivers
+# ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# end of ARM System Control and Management Interface Protocol
+# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# CONFIG_EFI_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_EFI_RCI2_TABLE is not set
+# end of EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
+# Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Tegra firmware driver
+# end of Firmware Drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set
+# Partition parsers
+# end of Partition parsers
+# User Modules And Translation Layers
+# Note that in some cases UBI block is preferred. See MTD_UBI_BLOCK.
+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# end of RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers
+# Mapping drivers for chip access
+# end of Mapping drivers for chip access
+# Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551_BUGFIX is not set
+# CONFIG_MTD_PMC551_DEBUG is not set
+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers
+# end of Self-contained MTD device drivers
+# Raw/parallel NAND flash controllers
+# Misc
+# ECC engine support
+# end of ECC engine support
+# end of NAND
+# LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# end of LPDDR & LPDDR2 PCM memory drivers
+# CONFIG_OF is not set
+# Protocols
+# Parallel IDE high-level drivers
+# Parallel IDE protocol modules
+# CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP_LZ4 is not set
+# CONFIG_ZRAM_DEF_COMP_842 is not set
+# NVME Support
+# end of NVME Support
+# Misc devices
+# EEPROM support
+# end of EEPROM support
+# CONFIG_CB710_DEBUG is not set
+# Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# end of Texas Instruments shared transport line discipline
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_ME is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_TXE is not set
+# CONFIG_INTEL_MEI_PXP is not set
+# end of Misc devices
+# SCSI device support
+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
+# SCSI Transports
+# end of SCSI Transports
+# CONFIG_AIC94XX_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_UFS_BSG is not set
+# CONFIG_SCSI_IZIP_EPP16 is not set
+# end of SCSI device support
+# Controllers with non-SFF native interface
+# SFF controllers with custom DMA interface
+# SATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# PATA SFF controllers with BMDMA
+# CONFIG_PATA_HPT3X3_DMA is not set
+# PIO-only SFF controllers
+# Generic fallback / legacy drivers
+# CONFIG_DM_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_EBS is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_INIT is not set
+# CONFIG_DM_VERITY_FEC is not set
+# IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# end of IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support
+# CONFIG_ATM_ENI_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_NICSTAR_USE_IDT77105 is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IDT77252_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IDT77252_RCV_ALL is not set
+# CONFIG_ATM_IA_DEBUG is not set
+# Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_LOOP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_MV88E6XXX_PTP is not set
+# CONFIG_NET_DSA_SJA1105_TAS is not set
+# end of Distributed Switch Architecture drivers
+# CONFIG_AMD_XGBE_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_BNXT_DCB is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MWI is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_TULIP_NAPI is not set
+# CONFIG_SKGE_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_SKY2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_FPGA is not set
+# CONFIG_MLX5_CORE_IPOIB is not set
+# CONFIG_NFP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_8139TOO_TUNE_TWISTER is not set
+# CONFIG_8139_OLD_RX_RESET is not set
+# CONFIG_STMMAC_PCI is not set
+# CONFIG_TI_CPSW_PHY_SEL is not set
+# CONFIG_WIZNET_W5100_SPI is not set
+# CONFIG_HIPPI is not set
+# MII PHY device drivers
+# MCTP Device Drivers
+# MDIO Multiplexers
+# PCS device drivers
+# end of PCS device drivers
+# CONFIG_ATH_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH5K_TRACER is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH9K_DYNACK is not set
+# CONFIG_CARL9170_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH6KL_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH10K_SPECTRAL is not set
+# CONFIG_WCN36XX_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ATH11K_TRACING is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_BCMA is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_BUSES_SSB is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_SDIO is not set
+# CONFIG_B43_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_B43LEGACY_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_BRCMDBG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2100_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_IPW2200_DEBUG is not set
+# iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# end of iwl3945 / iwl4965 Debugging Options
+# Debugging Options
+# end of Debugging Options
+# CONFIG_MT76x0U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x0E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT76x2U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7603E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7615E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663U is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7663S is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7915E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921E is not set
+# CONFIG_MT7921S is not set
+# CONFIG_WILC1000_HW_OOB_INTR is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2X00_LIB_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RT2X00_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW88_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTW89_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_RSI_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_ZD1211RW_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_CA8210_DEBUGFS is not set
+# CONFIG_IEEE802154_HWSIM is not set
+# Wireless WAN
+# CONFIG_WWAN_HWSIM is not set
+# end of Wireless WAN
+# mISDN hardware drivers
+# Input device support
+# Userland interfaces
+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set
+# Input Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F34 is not set
+# CONFIG_RMI4_F54 is not set
+# Hardware I/O ports
+# end of Hardware I/O ports
+# end of Input device support
+# Character devices
+# Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_16550A_VARIANTS is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_FINTEK is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ is not set
+# Non-8250 serial port support
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_BCM63XX is not set
+# CONFIG_SERIAL_SPRD is not set
+# end of Serial drivers
+# CONFIG_LP_CONSOLE is not set
+# PCMCIA character devices
+# end of PCMCIA character devices
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_SPI_CR50 is not set
+# CONFIG_TCG_TIS_I2C_CR50 is not set
+# end of Character devices
+# I2C support
+# Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# end of Multiplexer I2C Chip support
+# I2C Hardware Bus support
+# PC SMBus host controller drivers
+# ACPI drivers
+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip)
+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers
+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers
+# end of I2C Hardware Bus support
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set
+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set
+# end of I2C support
+# CONFIG_MIPI_I3C_HCI is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set
+# SPI Master Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_SPI_DW_DMA is not set
+# CONFIG_SPI_XILINX is not set
+# SPI Multiplexer support
+# SPI Protocol Masters
+# CONFIG_SPI_SLAVE is not set
+# CONFIG_SPMI_HISI3670 is not set
+# HSI controllers
+# HSI clients
+# CONFIG_PPS_DEBUG is not set
+# PPS clients support
+# PPS generators support
+# PTP clock support
+# Enable PHYLIB and NETWORK_PHY_TIMESTAMPING to see the additional clocks.
+# CONFIG_PTP_1588_CLOCK_VMW is not set
+# end of PTP clock support
+# CONFIG_PINCTRL_DA9062 is not set
+# Intel pinctrl drivers
+# end of Intel pinctrl drivers
+# Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# end of Renesas pinctrl drivers
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO is not set
+# Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# end of Memory mapped GPIO drivers
+# Port-mapped I/O GPIO drivers
+# end of Port-mapped I/O GPIO drivers
+# I2C GPIO expanders
+# end of I2C GPIO expanders
+# MFD GPIO expanders
+# end of MFD GPIO expanders
+# PCI GPIO expanders
+# end of PCI GPIO expanders
+# SPI GPIO expanders
+# end of SPI GPIO expanders
+# USB GPIO expanders
+# end of USB GPIO expanders
+# Virtual GPIO drivers
+# CONFIG_GPIO_MOCKUP is not set
+# end of Virtual GPIO drivers
+# 1-wire Bus Masters
+# end of 1-wire Bus Masters
+# 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_W1_SLAVE_DS2433_CRC is not set
+# end of 1-wire Slaves
+# CONFIG_POWER_RESET_MT6323 is not set
+# Native drivers
+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83795_FANCTRL is not set
+# ACPI drivers
+# Intel thermal drivers
+# ACPI INT340X thermal drivers
+# end of ACPI INT340X thermal drivers
+# end of Intel thermal drivers
+# Watchdog Pretimeout Governors
+# Watchdog Device Drivers
+# PCI-based Watchdog Cards
+# USB-based Watchdog Cards
+# CONFIG_BCMA_DEBUG is not set
+# Multifunction device drivers
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L15 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L35 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L85 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L90 is not set
+# CONFIG_MFD_CS47L92 is not set
+# end of Multifunction device drivers
+# CEC support
+# end of CEC support
+# Media device types
+# end of Media device types
+# Media core support
+# end of Media core support
+# Video4Linux options
+# end of Video4Linux options
+# Media controller options
+# end of Media controller options
+# Digital TV options
+# CONFIG_DVB_MMAP is not set
+# CONFIG_DVB_ULE_DEBUG is not set
+# end of Digital TV options
+# Media drivers
+# Webcam devices
+# CONFIG_USB_PWC_DEBUG is not set
+# Analog TV USB devices
+# Analog/digital TV USB devices
+# Digital TV USB devices
+# CONFIG_DVB_USB_DEBUG is not set
+# Webcam, TV (analog/digital) USB devices
+# Software defined radio USB devices
+# Media capture support
+# Media capture/analog TV support
+# Media capture/analog/hybrid TV support
+# Media digital TV PCI Adapters
+# common driver options
+# MMC/SDIO DVB adapters
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIMC is not set
+# FireWire (IEEE 1394) Adapters
+# end of Media drivers
+# Media ancillary drivers
+# IR I2C driver auto-selected by 'Autoselect ancillary drivers'
+# Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# end of Audio decoders, processors and mixers
+# RDS decoders
+# end of RDS decoders
+# Video decoders
+# Video and audio decoders
+# end of Video decoders
+# Video encoders
+# end of Video encoders
+# Video improvement chips
+# end of Video improvement chips
+# Audio/Video compression chips
+# end of Audio/Video compression chips
+# SDR tuner chips
+# end of SDR tuner chips
+# Miscellaneous helper chips
+# end of Miscellaneous helper chips
+# Camera sensor devices
+# end of Camera sensor devices
+# Lens drivers
+# end of Lens drivers
+# Flash devices
+# end of Flash devices
+# SPI helper chips
+# end of SPI helper chips
+# Media SPI Adapters
+# end of Media SPI Adapters
+# Customize TV tuners
+# end of Customize TV tuners
+# Customise DVB Frontends
+# Multistandard (satellite) frontends
+# Multistandard (cable + terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-S (satellite) frontends
+# DVB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# DVB-C (cable) frontends
+# ATSC (North American/Korean Terrestrial/Cable DTV) frontends
+# ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# ISDB-S (satellite) & ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends
+# Digital terrestrial only tuners/PLL
+# SEC control devices for DVB-S
+# Common Interface (EN50221) controller drivers
+# end of Customise DVB Frontends
+# Tools to develop new frontends
+# end of Media ancillary drivers
+# Graphics support
+# CONFIG_DRM_DP_CEC is not set
+# I2C encoder or helper chips
+# end of I2C encoder or helper chips
+# ARM devices
+# end of ARM devices
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_SI is not set
+# ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMD_ACP is not set
+# end of ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration
+# Display Engine Configuration
+# CONFIG_DRM_AMD_DC_HDCP is not set
+# end of Display Engine Configuration
+# CONFIG_HSA_AMD is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_GVT is not set
+# drm/i915 Debugging
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_WERROR is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG_MMIO is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_DEBUG_GUC is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_I915_SELFTEST is not set
+# end of drm/i915 Debugging
+# drm/i915 Profile Guided Optimisation
+# end of drm/i915 Profile Guided Optimisation
+# CONFIG_DRM_VKMS is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_MGAG200 is not set
+# Display Panels
+# end of Display Panels
+# Display Interface Bridges
+# end of Display Interface Bridges
+# CONFIG_DRM_ETNAVIV is not set
+# CONFIG_DRM_LEGACY is not set
+# Frame buffer Devices
+# Frame buffer hardware drivers
+# CONFIG_FB_NVIDIA is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_RIVA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_3DFX_ACCEL is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_3DFX_I2C is not set
+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set
+# end of Frame buffer Devices
+# Backlight & LCD device support
+# end of Backlight & LCD device support
+# Console display driver support
+# end of Console display driver support
+# CONFIG_LOGO_LINUX_VGA16 is not set
+# CONFIG_LOGO_LINUX_CLUT224 is not set
+# end of Graphics support
+# CONFIG_SND_DEBUG is not set
+# HD-Audio
+# end of HD-Audio
+# SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# Common SoC Audio options for Freescale CPUs:
+# end of SoC Audio for Freescale CPUs
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_IMG is not set
+# STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# end of STMicroelectronics STM32 SOC audio support
+# CODEC drivers
+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_RK3328 is not set
+# end of CODEC drivers
+# HID support
+# Special HID drivers
+# end of Special HID drivers
+# USB HID support
+# USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# end of USB HID Boot Protocol drivers
+# end of USB HID support
+# I2C HID support
+# end of I2C HID support
+# Intel ISH HID support
+# end of Intel ISH HID support
+# AMD SFH HID Support
+# end of AMD SFH HID Support
+# Surface System Aggregator Module HID support
+# end of Surface System Aggregator Module HID support
+# end of HID support
+# Miscellaneous USB options
+# CONFIG_USB_OTG is not set
+# USB Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_USB_EHCI_FSL is not set
+# USB Device Class drivers
+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may
+# also be needed; see USB_STORAGE Help for more info
+# USB Imaging devices
+# CONFIG_USBIP_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_CDNS3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set
+# Platform Glue Layer
+# MUSB DMA mode
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_HOST is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC3_GADGET is not set
+# Platform Glue Driver Support
+# Gadget/Dual-role mode requires USB Gadget support to be enabled
+# CONFIG_USB_DWC2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_HOST_ROLE is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_ISP1760_GADGET_ROLE is not set
+# USB port drivers
+# USB Miscellaneous drivers
+# USB Physical Layer drivers
+# end of USB Physical Layer drivers
+# USB Peripheral Controller
+# CONFIG_USB_M66592 is not set
+# CONFIG_USB_DUMMY_HCD is not set
+# end of USB Peripheral Controller
+# USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# CONFIG_USB_G_MULTI is not set
+# end of USB Gadget precomposed configurations
+# USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
+# end of USB Type-C Multiplexer/DeMultiplexer Switch support
+# USB Type-C Alternate Mode drivers
+# end of USB Type-C Alternate Mode drivers
+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set
+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers
+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set
+# MemoryStick drivers
+# MemoryStick Host Controller Drivers
+# LED drivers
+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA955X_GPIO is not set
+# LED driver for blink(1) USB RGB LED is under Special HID drivers (HID_THINGM)
+# Flash and Torch LED drivers
+# CONFIG_LEDS_RT8515 is not set
+# LED Triggers
+# iptables trigger is under Netfilter config (LED target)
+# CONFIG_EDAC_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set
+# RTC interfaces
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set
+# I2C RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307_CENTURY is not set
+# SPI RTC drivers
+# SPI and I2C RTC drivers
+# Platform RTC drivers
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1689 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS17285 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS17485 is not set
+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS17885 is not set
+# on-CPU RTC drivers
+# HID Sensor RTC drivers
+# DMA Devices
+# DMA Clients
+# CONFIG_DMATEST is not set
+# DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_SW_SYNC is not set
+# CONFIG_UDMABUF is not set
+# end of DMABUF options
+# CONFIG_CHARLCD_BL_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_VDPA_SIM is not set
+# Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# end of Microsoft Hyper-V guest support
+# Xen driver support
+# end of Xen driver support
+# CONFIG_GREYBUS is not set
+# IIO staging drivers
+# Accelerometers
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# end of Analog digital bi-direction converters
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Direct Digital Synthesis
+# end of Direct Digital Synthesis
+# Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# end of Network Analyzer, Impedance Converters
+# Active energy metering IC
+# end of Active energy metering IC
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# end of IIO staging drivers
+# CONFIG_VIDEO_ZORAN is not set
+# Android
+# end of Android
+# CONFIG_PI433 is not set
+# Intel Speed Select Technology interface support
+# end of Intel Speed Select Technology interface support
+# CONFIG_INTEL_TURBO_MAX_3 is not set
+# Clock Source drivers
+# end of Clock Source drivers
+# Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# end of Generic IOMMU Pagetable Support
+# Remoteproc drivers
+# end of Remoteproc drivers
+# Rpmsg drivers
+# CONFIG_RPMSG_CHAR is not set
+# end of Rpmsg drivers
+# SoundWire Devices
+# SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# Amlogic SoC drivers
+# end of Amlogic SoC drivers
+# Broadcom SoC drivers
+# end of Broadcom SoC drivers
+# NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# end of NXP/Freescale QorIQ SoC drivers
+# i.MX SoC drivers
+# end of i.MX SoC drivers
+# Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# end of Enable LiteX SoC Builder specific drivers
+# Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# end of Qualcomm SoC drivers
+# Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of Xilinx SoC drivers
+# end of SOC (System On Chip) specific Drivers
+# DEVFREQ Governors
+# DEVFREQ Drivers
+# Extcon Device Drivers
+# Accelerometers
+# end of Accelerometers
+# Analog to digital converters
+# CONFIG_MEDIATEK_MT6360_ADC is not set
+# end of Analog to digital converters
+# Analog Front Ends
+# end of Analog Front Ends
+# Amplifiers
+# end of Amplifiers
+# Capacitance to digital converters
+# end of Capacitance to digital converters
+# Chemical Sensors
+# end of Chemical Sensors
+# Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# end of Hid Sensor IIO Common
+# IIO SCMI Sensors
+# end of IIO SCMI Sensors
+# SSP Sensor Common
+# end of SSP Sensor Common
+# Digital to analog converters
+# end of Digital to analog converters
+# IIO dummy driver
+# end of IIO dummy driver
+# Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Clock Generator/Distribution
+# end of Clock Generator/Distribution
+# Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# end of Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers
+# end of Frequency Synthesizers DDS/PLL
+# Digital gyroscope sensors
+# end of Digital gyroscope sensors
+# Health Sensors
+# Heart Rate Monitors
+# end of Heart Rate Monitors
+# end of Health Sensors
+# Humidity sensors
+# end of Humidity sensors
+# Inertial measurement units
+# end of Inertial measurement units
+# Light sensors
+# end of Light sensors
+# Magnetometer sensors
+# end of Magnetometer sensors
+# Multiplexers
+# end of Multiplexers
+# Inclinometer sensors
+# end of Inclinometer sensors
+# Triggers - standalone
+# end of Triggers - standalone
+# Linear and angular position sensors
+# end of Linear and angular position sensors
+# Digital potentiometers
+# end of Digital potentiometers
+# Digital potentiostats
+# end of Digital potentiostats
+# Pressure sensors
+# end of Pressure sensors
+# Lightning sensors
+# end of Lightning sensors
+# Proximity and distance sensors
+# end of Proximity and distance sensors
+# Resolver to digital converters
+# end of Resolver to digital converters
+# Temperature sensors
+# end of Temperature sensors
+# VME Bridge Drivers
+# CONFIG_VME_FAKE is not set
+# VME Board Drivers
+# VME Device Drivers
+# CONFIG_PWM_DEBUG is not set
+# IRQ chip support
+# end of IRQ chip support
+# PHY Subsystem
+# PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# end of PHY drivers for Broadcom platforms
+# end of PHY Subsystem
+# CONFIG_IDLE_INJECT is not set
+# CONFIG_DTPM is not set
+# Performance monitor support
+# end of Performance monitor support
+# CONFIG_RAS_CEC is not set
+# CONFIG_USB4_DMA_TEST is not set
+# Android
+# CONFIG_ANDROID is not set
+# end of Android
+# HW tracing support
+# end of HW tracing support
+# TEE drivers
+# end of TEE drivers
+# Multiplexer drivers
+# end of Multiplexer drivers
+# CONFIG_SIOX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLIMBUS is not set
+# end of Device Drivers
+# File systems
+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JBD2_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_WARN is not set
+# CONFIG_XFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_OCFS2_DEBUG_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_BTRFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_CHECK_FS is not set
+# CONFIG_F2FS_IOSTAT is not set
+# CONFIG_QUOTA_DEBUG is not set
+# Caches
+# end of Caches
+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# end of CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems
+# DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# CONFIG_NTFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set
+# CONFIG_NTFS3_64BIT_CLUSTER is not set
+# end of DOS/FAT/EXFAT/NT Filesystems
+# Pseudo filesystems
+# CONFIG_TMPFS_INODE64 is not set
+# end of Pseudo filesystems
+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS_RW is not set
+# CONFIG_BEFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_JFFS2_SUMMARY is not set
+# CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN is not set
+# CONFIG_CRAMFS_MTD is not set
+# CONFIG_QNX6FS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_842_COMPRESS is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_PMSG is not set
+# CONFIG_PSTORE_BLK is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_FS_WRITE is not set
+# CONFIG_UFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_EROFS_FS_ZIP is not set
+# CONFIG_NFS_V4_2_READ_PLUS is not set
+# CONFIG_NFSD_V4_2_INTER_SSC is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_STATS2 is not set
+# CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG2 is not set
+# CONFIG_SMB_SERVER is not set
+# CONFIG_AFS_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
+# end of File systems
+# Security options
+# CONFIG_IMA_LOAD_X509 is not set
+# CONFIG_EVM_LOAD_X509 is not set
+# Kernel hardening options
+# Memory initialization
+# end of Memory initialization
+# end of Kernel hardening options
+# end of Security options
+# Crypto core or helper
+# Public-key cryptography
+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data
+# Block modes
+# Hash modes
+# Digest
+# Ciphers
+# Compression
+# Random Number Generation
+# Crypto library routines
+# CONFIG_PKCS7_TEST_KEY is not set
+# Certificates for signature checking
+# end of Certificates for signature checking
+# Library routines
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SELFTEST is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SLICEBY4 is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_SARWATE is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC32_BIT is not set
+# CONFIG_CRC4 is not set
+# Default contiguous memory area size:
+# CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_6x11 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_7x14 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_PEARL_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_ACORN_8x8 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_MINI_4x6 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_10x18 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN8x16 is not set
+# CONFIG_FONT_SUN12x22 is not set
+# end of Library routines
+# Kernel hacking
+# printk and dmesg options
+# end of printk and dmesg options
+# Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO is not set
+# CONFIG_VMLINUX_MAP is not set
+# end of Compile-time checks and compiler options
+# Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# CONFIG_KGDB_TESTS is not set
+# CONFIG_UBSAN is not set
+# CONFIG_KCSAN is not set
+# end of Generic Kernel Debugging Instruments
+# Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_PAGE_OWNER is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_WX is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG_ON is not set
+# CONFIG_SLUB_STATS is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set
+# CONFIG_KASAN is not set
+# end of Memory Debugging
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set
+# Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# CONFIG_PANIC_ON_OOPS is not set
+# CONFIG_WQ_WATCHDOG is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_LOCKUP is not set
+# end of Debug Oops, Lockups and Hangs
+# Scheduler Debugging
+# end of Scheduler Debugging
+# Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set
+# end of Lock Debugging (spinlocks, mutexes, etc...)
+# Debug kernel data structures
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LIST is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_PLIST is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set
+# end of Debug kernel data structures
+# RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_RCU_TRACE is not set
+# CONFIG_RCU_EQS_DEBUG is not set
+# end of RCU Debugging
+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set
+# x86 Debugging
+# CONFIG_EFI_PGT_DUMP is not set
+# CONFIG_IOMMU_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_IO_DELAY_0X80 is not set
+# CONFIG_IO_DELAY_NONE is not set
+# CONFIG_CPA_DEBUG is not set
+# CONFIG_DEBUG_ENTRY is not set
+# end of x86 Debugging
+# Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# CONFIG_KUNIT is not set
+# CONFIG_KCOV is not set
+# CONFIG_LKDTM is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MIN_HEAP is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_DIV64 is not set
+# CONFIG_RBTREE_TEST is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_SYSCTL is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_KMOD is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_MEMCAT_P is not set
+# CONFIG_TEST_FPU is not set
+# end of Kernel Testing and Coverage
+# end of Kernel hacking
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm.conf
index 8d592b9c0a..e985f1ded8 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm.conf
@@ -6045,6 +6045,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_FM801 is not set
@@ -8695,7 +8697,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm64.conf
index 17fc87e869..d2ba5871e0 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-arm64.conf
@@ -5870,6 +5870,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1370 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_ENS1371 is not set
# CONFIG_SND_FM801 is not set
@@ -8642,7 +8644,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-i686.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-i686.conf
index 4c4f258dcd..83019bc0c7 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-i686.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-i686.conf
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ CONFIG_ALIX=y
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# end of Bus options (PCI etc.)
@@ -672,13 +672,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -9581,7 +9575,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-x86_64.conf b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-x86_64.conf
index ec8609171e..7cf92478c1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-x86_64.conf
+++ b/gnu/packages/aux-files/linux-libre/5.4-x86_64.conf
# Processor type and features
-# CONFIG_ZONE_DMA is not set
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ CONFIG_MMCONF_FAM10H=y
# CONFIG_ISA_BUS is not set
+# CONFIG_X86_SYSFB is not set
# end of Bus options (PCI etc.)
@@ -659,13 +659,7 @@ CONFIG_ISCSI_IBFT_FIND=y
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_SMI is not set
-# CONFIG_GOOGLE_VPD is not set
# EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) Support
@@ -6469,6 +6463,8 @@ CONFIG_SND_INDIGOIO=m
@@ -9500,7 +9496,8 @@ CONFIG_NLS_MAC_TURKISH=m
# CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set
-# CONFIG_UNICODE is not set
# end of File systems
diff --git a/gnu/packages/backup.scm b/gnu/packages/backup.scm
index 5c92d401bd..afa2573363 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/backup.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/backup.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2020 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Ian Denhardt <ian@zenhack.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2017–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Thomas Danckaert <post@thomasdanckaert.be>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix utils)
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system go)
#:use-module (guix build-system perl)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system qt)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages acl)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
@@ -81,13 +83,16 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages protobuf)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-check)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-crypto)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages qt)
#:use-module (gnu packages rsync)
#:use-module (gnu packages ruby)
#:use-module (gnu packages serialization)
#:use-module (gnu packages ssh)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages time)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
#:use-module (gnu packages valgrind)
#:use-module (gnu packages xml))
@@ -746,8 +751,8 @@ detection, and lossless compression.")
supports compression and authenticated encryption. The main goal of Borg is to
provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication
technique used makes Borg suitable for daily backups since only changes are
-stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for backups
-to not fully trusted targets. Borg is a fork of Attic.")
+stored. The authenticated encryption technique makes it suitable for
+storing backups on untrusted computers.")
(home-page "https://www.borgbackup.org/")
(license license:bsd-3)))
@@ -1267,3 +1272,63 @@ and workstations. Protect your files with client-side encryption. Backup
your databases too. Monitor it all with integrated third-party services.
borgmatic is powered by borg.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public vorta
+ (package
+ (name "vorta")
+ (version "0.8.3")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "vorta" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0674crxsmf1gwiacpi9ixypgz685fyzr5y3f9sd768b0bmh7ilsn"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build qt-utils)
+ (guix build cmake-build-system)
+ (guix build qt-build-system)
+ ,@%python-build-system-modules)
+ #:modules '((guix build utils)
+ (guix build python-build-system)
+ ((guix build qt-build-system) #:prefix qt:))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-borg-path
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/vorta/borg/borg_job.py"
+ (("which\\('borg'\\)")
+ (string-append "which('" #$(this-package-input "borg")
+ "/bin/borg')")))))
+ ;; XXX This phase tries to write to $HOME
+ (add-before 'sanity-check 'set-HOME
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")))
+ ;; Otherwise, the user interface's icons will be missing.
+ (add-after 'wrap 'qt-wrap
+ (assoc-ref qt:%standard-phases 'qt-wrap)))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-pytest-mock
+ python-pytest-qt
+ python-pytest-runner
+ python-setuptools-git))
+ (inputs
+ (list borg
+ python-appdirs
+ python-dateutil
+ python-keyring
+ python-paramiko
+ python-peewee
+ python-psutil
+ python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit
+ python-secretstorage
+ ;; This is included so that the qt-wrap phase picks it up.
+ qtsvg))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/borgbase/vorta")
+ (synopsis "Graphical backup client based on BorgBackup")
+ (description "Vorta is a graphical backup client based on the Borg backup
+tool. It supports the use of remote backup repositories. It can perform
+scheduled backups, and has a graphical tool for browsing and extracting the Borg
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/barrier.scm b/gnu/packages/barrier.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1382a0fd71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/barrier.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (gnu packages barrier)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages avahi)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages check)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages curl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages qt)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages tls)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages xorg))
+(define-public barrier
+ (package
+ (name "barrier")
+ (version "2.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/debauchee/barrier")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))
+ (recursive? #t)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10xk9szxxnqgfym53mcd9hqj1cw2ipncmiixw3i3ajlj1vn88qh1"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:configure-flags
+ #:tests? #f)) ;tests require a running x server
+ (native-inputs
+ (list googletest pkg-config))
+ (inputs
+ (list avahi curl gulrak-filesystem libx11 libxtst openssl qtbase-5))
+ (synopsis "Keyboard Video Mouse switch software")
+ (description "@code{Barrier} is software that mimics the functionality of
+a KVM switch, which historically would allow you to use a single keyboard and
+mouse to control multiple computers by physically turning a dial on the box to
+switch the machine you're controlling at any given moment. Barrier does this
+in software, allowing you to tell it which machine to control by moving your
+mouse to the edge of the screen, or by using a keypress to switch focus to a
+different system.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/debauchee/barrier")
+ (license license:gpl2)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/base.scm b/gnu/packages/base.scm
index 580b198311..f4f6fce6e0 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/base.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/base.scm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vitaliy Shatrov <D0dyBo0D0dyBo0@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Leo Le Bouter <lle-bout@zaclys.net>
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages bison)
#:use-module (gnu packages ed)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gawk)
#:use-module (gnu packages gcc)
#:use-module (gnu packages guile)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
@@ -84,14 +85,14 @@
(define-public hello
(name "hello")
- (version "2.11")
+ (version "2.12")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/hello/hello-" version
- "1g84a3hqs4pgx3yzs99cysv3iq440ncdw77bf03fsi1w5mby174c"))))
+ "1ayhp9v4m4rdhjmnl2bq3cibrbqqkgjbl3s7yk2nhlh8vj3ay16g"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(synopsis "Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package")
@@ -1170,7 +1171,8 @@ test environments.")
(define-public glibc-locales
(make-glibc-locales glibc))
(define-public glibc-utf8-locales
- (make-glibc-utf8-locales glibc))
+ (hidden-package
+ (make-glibc-utf8-locales glibc)))
;; Packages provided to ease use of binaries linked against the previous libc.
(define-public glibc-locales-2.29
diff --git a/gnu/packages/benchmark.scm b/gnu/packages/benchmark.scm
index 537f6262c4..ce137d845e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/benchmark.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/benchmark.scm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vincent Legoll <vincent.legoll@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 malte Frank Gerdes <malte.f.gerdes@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
@@ -31,22 +31,33 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages base)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages c)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages kde-frameworks)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages databases)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages docbook)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages lua)
#:use-module (gnu packages maths)
#:use-module (gnu packages mpi)
#:use-module (gnu packages opencl)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-science)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages qt)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages xml)
#:use-module (ice-9 match))
(define-public fio
@@ -383,3 +394,178 @@ and options. With careful benchmarking, different hardware can be compared.")
devices. It only measures the peak metrics that can be achieved using
vector operations and does not represent a real-world use case.")
(license license:unlicense))))
+(define-public kdiskmark
+ (package
+ (name "kdiskmark")
+ (version "2.3.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JonMagon/KDiskMark")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1l4sw05yx70pcnaa64arjc414mgvyz05pn3gz9nc9hga8v2d3rzn"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ ;; Drop runtime dependency on KDE's KFAuth.
+ #:tests? #f ;no test suite
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/benchmark.cpp"
+ (("\"fio\"")
+ (format #f "~s" (search-input-file inputs "bin/fio")))))))))
+ (native-inputs (list extra-cmake-modules qttools))
+ (inputs (list fio qtbase-5))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JonMagon/KDiskMark")
+ (synopsis "Simple disk benchmark tool")
+ (description "KDiskMark is an HDD and SSD benchmark tool. KDiskMark
+abstracts away the complexity of the Flexible I/O Tester (@command{fio})
+command via a convenient graphical user interface (GUI) and handles its output
+to provide an easy to view and interpret benchmark result. The application is
+written in C++ with Qt and doesn't have any runtime KDE dependencies. Among
+its features are:
+@item Configurable block size, queues, and threads count for each test
+@item Many languages support
+@item Report generation.
+@end itemize")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public sysbench
+ (package
+ (name "sysbench")
+ (version "1.0.20")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet '(begin
+ ;; Ensure no bundled libraries get used.
+ (delete-file-recursively "third_party")
+ (substitute* "configure.ac"
+ (("^third_party/.*")
+ ""))
+ (substitute* "Makefile.am"
+ ((".*(LUAJIT|CK)_DIR =.*")
+ ""))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1sanvl2a52ff4shj62nw395zzgdgywplqvwip74ky8q7s6qjf5qy"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "--with-pgsql"
+ ;; Explicitly specify the library directory of
+ ;; MySQL, otherwise `mysql_config` gets
+ ;; consulted and adds unnecessary link
+ ;; directives.
+ (string-append "--with-mysql-libs="
+ #$(this-package-input "mysql")
+ "/lib")
+ "--with-system-luajit"
+ "--with-system-ck"
+ ;; If we let the build tool select the most
+ ;; optimal compiler architecture flag, the
+ ;; build is not reproducible.
+ "--without-gcc-arch")
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-test-runner
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/test_run.sh"
+ (("/bin/bash")
+ (which "bash"))
+ ;; Do not attempt to invoke the cram command via
+ ;; Python, as on Guix it is a shell script (wrapper).
+ (("\\$\\(command -v cram\\)")
+ "-m cram"))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'disable-test-installation
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/Makefile.am"
+ (("install-data-local")
+ "do-not-install-data-local")
+ (("^test_SCRIPTS.*")
+ ""))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-docbook
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "m4/ax_check_docbook.m4"
+ (("DOCBOOK_ROOT=.*" all)
+ (string-append
+ all "XML_CATALOG="
+ (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "xml/dtd/docbook/catalog.xml")
+ "\n")))
+ (substitute* "doc/xsl/xhtml.xsl"
+ (("http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl\
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ (string-append "xml/xsl/docbook-xsl-"
+ #$(package-version docbook-xsl)
+ "/xhtml/docbook.xsl"))))
+ (substitute* "doc/xsl/xhtml-chunk.xsl"
+ (("http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl\
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ (string-append "xml/xsl/docbook-xsl-"
+ #$(package-version docbook-xsl)
+ "/xhtml/chunk.xsl")))))))))
+ (native-inputs (list autoconf
+ automake
+ libtool
+ pkg-config
+ python-cram
+ python-wrapper
+ which
+ ;; For documentation
+ libxml2 ;for XML_CATALOG_FILES
+ libxslt
+ docbook-xml
+ docbook-xsl))
+ (inputs (list ck libaio luajit mysql postgresql))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench/")
+ (synopsis "Scriptable database and system performance benchmark")
+ (description "@command{sysbench} is a scriptable multi-threaded benchmark
+tool based on LuaJIT. It is most frequently used for database benchmarks, but
+can also be used to create arbitrarily complex workloads that do not involve a
+database server. @command{sysbench} comes with the following bundled
+@table @file
+@item oltp_*.lua
+A collection of OLTP-like database benchmarks.
+@item fileio
+A filesystem-level benchmark.
+@item cpu
+A simple CPU benchmark.
+@item memory
+A memory access benchmark.
+@item threads
+A thread-based scheduler benchmark.
+@item mutex
+A POSIX mutex benchmark.
+@end table
+It includes features such as:
+Extensive statistics about rate and latency is available, including latency
+percentiles and histograms.
+Low overhead even with thousands of concurrent threads. @command{sysbench} is
+capable of generating and tracking hundreds of millions of events per second.
+New benchmarks can be easily created by implementing pre-defined hooks in
+user-provided Lua scripts.
+@end itemize")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/bioconductor.scm b/gnu/packages/bioconductor.scm
index 534204a16a..55d397e5cf 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/bioconductor.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/bioconductor.scm
@@ -737,6 +737,44 @@ as provided by UCSC (hg38, Dec. 2013) and stored in Biostrings objects.")
"This package exposes an annotation database generated from Ensembl.")
(license license:artistic2.0)))
+(define-public r-ensdb-hsapiens-v86
+ (package
+ (name "r-ensdb-hsapiens-v86")
+ (version "2.99.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (bioconductor-uri "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86" version 'annotation))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gp7xrzddpvmh2vrcp571wyy00skxgxfl39ksj4h0hm1qay0fb2m"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-ensembldb))
+ (home-page "https://bioconductor.org/packages/EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86")
+ (synopsis "Ensembl based annotation package")
+ (description "This package exposes an annotation database generated from
+ (license license:artistic2.0)))
+(define-public r-ensdb-mmusculus-v79
+ (package
+ (name "r-ensdb-mmusculus-v79")
+ (version "2.99.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (bioconductor-uri "EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79" version 'annotation))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zpmq7v55if6q9r0h883q9k8l70ym20b01m9hxf121wb256rl9f7"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-ensembldb))
+ (home-page "https://bioconductor.org/packages/EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79")
+ (synopsis "Ensembl based annotation package")
+ (description "This package exposes an annotation database generated from
+ (license license:artistic2.0)))
(define-public r-txdb-dmelanogaster-ucsc-dm6-ensgene
(name "r-txdb-dmelanogaster-ucsc-dm6-ensgene")
@@ -2966,6 +3004,44 @@ testing. The package also provides functions for the visualization and
exploration of the results.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public r-diffcyt
+ (package
+ (name "r-diffcyt")
+ (version "1.14.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (bioconductor-uri "diffcyt" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yc9mlc0ifb7h6rzskq97bsdq1kwdp5qq9l9mciwyxf6yjkmv5ni"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "diffcyt")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-circlize
+ r-complexheatmap
+ r-dplyr
+ r-edger
+ r-flowcore
+ r-flowsom
+ r-limma
+ r-lme4
+ r-magrittr
+ r-multcomp
+ r-reshape2
+ r-s4vectors
+ r-summarizedexperiment
+ r-tidyr))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/lmweber/diffcyt")
+ (synopsis "Differential discovery in high-dimensional cytometry")
+ (description
+ "This package provides statistical methods for differential discovery
+analyses in high-dimensional cytometry data (including flow cytometry, mass
+cytometry or CyTOF, and oligonucleotide-tagged cytometry), based on a
+combination of high-resolution clustering and empirical Bayes moderated tests
+adapted from transcriptomics.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-dirichletmultinomial
(name "r-dirichletmultinomial")
@@ -4349,6 +4425,43 @@ differential expression analysis, RNAseq data and related problems.")
;; Any version of the LGPL
(license license:lgpl3+)))
+(define-public r-scannotatr
+ (package
+ (name "r-scannotatr")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (bioconductor-uri "scAnnotatR" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "08jq04ckjw8a5y753almc5bl8vnn4j6qp2zb7bb9w3ql3ddy7b21"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "scAnnotatR")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-annotationhub
+ r-ape
+ r-caret
+ r-data-tree
+ r-dplyr
+ r-e1071
+ r-ggplot2
+ r-kernlab
+ r-proc
+ r-rocr
+ r-seurat
+ r-singlecellexperiment
+ r-summarizedexperiment))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/grisslab/scAnnotatR")
+ (synopsis "Pretrained models for prediction on single cell RNA-sequencing data")
+ (description
+ "This package comprises a set of pretrained machine learning models to
+predict basic immune cell types. This enables to quickly get a first
+annotation of the cell types present in the dataset without requiring prior
+knowledge. The package also lets you train using own models to predict new
+cell types based on specific research needs.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-scdblfinder
(name "r-scdblfinder")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm b/gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm
index 5f4a6ab7ac..8a00420946 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 Pjotr Prins <pjotr.guix@thebird.nl>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020, 2021 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018 Raoul Bonnal <ilpuccio.febo@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
@@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@ well as many of the command line options.")
(define-public bwa-meth
(name "bwa-meth")
- (version "0.2.2")
+ (version "0.2.3")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -2227,7 +2227,7 @@ well as many of the command line options.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "17j31i7zws5j7mhsq9x3qgkxly6mlmrgwhfq0qbflgxrmx04yaiz"))))
+ "0c695lkrr0996zwkibl7324wg2vxmn6522sz30xv4a9gaf0lnbh3"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -2238,8 +2238,7 @@ well as many of the command line options.")
(("bwa (mem|index)" _ command)
(string-append (which "bwa") " " command))
;; There's an ill-advised check for "samtools" on PATH.
- (("^checkX.*") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (("^checkX.*") "")))))))
(list bwa))
@@ -3340,8 +3339,8 @@ data and settings.")
- texlive-bibtex ; style files used by natbib
- texlive-pgf ; tikz
+ texlive-bibtex ;style files used by natbib
+ texlive-pgf ;tikz
("imagemagick" ,imagemagick)))
(home-page "https://dorina.mdc-berlin.de/public/rajewsky/discrover/")
@@ -10895,6 +10894,9 @@ once. This package provides tools to perform Drop-seq analyses.")
(add-before 'bootstrap 'autoreconf
(lambda _
(invoke "autoreconf" "-vif")))
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "PYTHONPATH" (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))))
(add-before 'check 'set-timezone
;; The readr package is picky about timezones.
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
@@ -10969,7 +10971,10 @@ expression report comparing samples in an easily configurable manner.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'bootstrap 'autoreconf
(lambda _
- (invoke "autoreconf" "-vif"))))))
+ (invoke "autoreconf" "-vif")))
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "PYTHONPATH" (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")))))))
(list grep
@@ -11055,6 +11060,9 @@ in an easily configurable manner.")
(add-before 'bootstrap 'autoreconf
(lambda _
(invoke "autoreconf" "-vif")))
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "PYTHONPATH" (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))))
(add-before 'check 'set-timezone
;; The readr package is picky about timezones.
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
@@ -11123,7 +11131,10 @@ methylation and segmentation.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'bootstrap 'autoreconf
(lambda _
- (invoke "autoreconf" "-vif"))))))
+ (invoke "autoreconf" "-vif")))
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "PYTHONPATH" (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")))))))
(list automake autoconf))
@@ -11197,7 +11208,10 @@ based methods.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'bootstrap 'autoreconf
(lambda _
- (invoke "autoreconf" "-vif"))))))
+ (invoke "autoreconf" "-vif")))
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "PYTHONPATH" (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")))))))
(list automake autoconf))
@@ -11395,7 +11409,7 @@ version does count multisplits.")
(define-public minimap2
(name "minimap2")
- (version "2.23")
+ (version "2.24")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -11404,7 +11418,7 @@ version does count multisplits.")
"minimap2-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "00ngbz1swcgxk5apx9dz5xkh1z8abdpysx5lc7w8fbrfxp41w0j0"))))
+ "05d6h2c1h95s5vblf1fijn9g0r4g69nsvkabji42j642y0gw7m4x"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; there are none
@@ -11681,6 +11695,49 @@ including:
;; the GPL, but the license headers include the "or later" clause.
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public r-dyngen
+ (let ((commit "37fd1798fcbd41093fb3d7775bb2d268e2fc82b6")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "r-dyngen")
+ (version (git-version "1.0.3" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/dynverse/dyngen")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "05pr6v1b8yji1jnj3fwx0crmg8ay6yy6lp9qjmcyvhkwbmf3kvc7"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "dyngen")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-assertthat
+ r-dplyr
+ r-dynutils
+ r-ggplot2
+ r-ggraph
+ r-ggrepel
+ r-gillespiessa2
+ r-igraph
+ r-lmds
+ r-matrix
+ r-patchwork
+ r-pbapply
+ r-purrr
+ r-rlang
+ r-tibble
+ r-tidygraph
+ r-tidyr
+ r-viridis))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dynverse/dyngen")
+ (synopsis "Multi-Modal simulator for single-cell omics analyses")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a multi-modal simulation engine for studying
+dynamic cellular processes at single-cell resolution.")
+ (license license:expat))))
(define-public r-circus
(name "r-circus")
@@ -12013,7 +12070,7 @@ implementation differs in these ways:
- python-louvain-0.6
+ python-louvain-0.7
@@ -13826,6 +13883,35 @@ vast-tools, an RNA-Seq pipeline for alternative splicing analysis. The plots
are generated using @code{ggplot2}.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public r-scopeloomr
+ (let ((commit "99726f5f7da794042036b73924b6a10d6e7b4d5d")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "r-scopeloomr")
+ (version (git-version "0.13.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/aertslab/SCopeLoomR")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ci17ms0c0hf7yfp9ckcg7a2y1s0nm19jj3cifsd55hwc0gdglmz"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "SCopeLoomR")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-base64enc r-hdf5r r-igraph r-matrix r-plyr r-rjson r-rlist))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/aertslab/SCopeLoomR")
+ (synopsis "Build .loom files and extract data from them")
+ (description
+ "This is an R package to build generic @code{.loom} files aligning with
+the default naming convention of the @code{.loom} format and to integrate
+other data types e.g.: regulons (SCENIC), clusters from Seurat, trajectory
+information... The package can also be used to extract data from @code{.loom}
+ (license license:expat))))
(define-public vbz-compression
(name "vbz-compression")
@@ -14606,55 +14692,48 @@ alignments, trees and genomic annotations.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public python-gffutils
- ;; The latest release is older more than a year than the latest commit
- (let ((commit "4034c54600813b1402945e12faa91b3a53162cf1")
- (revision "1"))
- (package
- (name "python-gffutils")
- (version (git-version "0.9" revision commit))
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/daler/gffutils")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1rwafjdnbir5wnk0ap06ww4lra3p5frhy7mfs03rlldgfnwxymsn"))))
- (build-system python-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'check
- (lambda _
+ (package
+ (name "python-gffutils")
+ (version "0.10.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/daler/gffutils")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1gkzk7ps6w3ai2r81js9s9bzpba0jmxychnd2da6n9ggdnf2xzqz"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
;; Tests need to access the HOME directory
(setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
- (invoke "nosetests" "-a" "!slow")))
- (add-after 'unpack 'make-gz-files-writable
- (lambda _
- (for-each make-file-writable
- (find-files "." "\\.gz"))
- #t)))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list python-argcomplete
- python-argh
- python-biopython
- python-pybedtools
- python-pyfaidx
- python-simplejson
- python-six))
- (native-inputs
- (list python-nose))
- (home-page "https://github.com/daler/gffutils")
- (synopsis "Tool for manipulation of GFF and GTF files")
- (description
- "python-gffutils is a Python package for working with and manipulating
+ (invoke "nosetests" "-a" "!slow")))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-argcomplete
+ python-argh
+ python-biopython
+ python-pybedtools
+ python-pyfaidx
+ python-simplejson
+ python-six))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-nose))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/daler/gffutils")
+ (synopsis "Tool for manipulation of GFF and GTF files")
+ (description
+ "python-gffutils is a Python package for working with and manipulating
the GFF and GTF format files typically used for genomic annotations. The
files are loaded into a SQLite database, allowing much more complex
manipulation of hierarchical features (e.g., genes, transcripts, and exons)
than is possible with plain-text methods alone.")
- (license license:expat))))
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public indelfixer
@@ -15568,6 +15647,69 @@ aligner.")
;; bwa itself is licenced under GNU General Public License v3.0.
(license license:mpl2.0)))
+(define-public scvelo
+ (package
+ (name "scvelo")
+ (version "0.2.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "scvelo" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h5ha1459ljs0qgpnlfsw592i8dxqn6p9bl08l1ikpwk36baxb7z"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Numba needs a writable dir to cache functions.
+ (add-before 'check 'set-numba-cache-dir
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "NUMBA_CACHE_DIR" "/tmp")))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ ;; The discovered test file names must match the names of the
+ ;; compiled files, so we cannot run the tests from
+ ;; /tmp/guix-build-*.
+ (with-directory-excursion
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scvelo/core/tests/")
+ (invoke "pytest" "-v"))))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-anndata
+ python-hnswlib
+ python-isort
+ python-igraph
+ python-loompy
+ python-louvain
+ python-matplotlib
+ python-numba
+ python-numpy
+ python-pandas
+ python-scanpy
+ python-scikit-learn
+ python-scipy
+ python-umap-learn
+ pybind11))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-black
+ python-flake8
+ python-hypothesis
+ python-pre-commit
+ python-pytest
+ python-setuptools-scm
+ python-wheel))
+ (home-page "https://scvelo.org")
+ (synopsis "RNA velocity generalized through dynamical modeling")
+ (description "ScVelo is a scalable toolkit for RNA velocity analysis in
+single cells. RNA velocity enables the recovery of directed dynamic
+information by leveraging splicing kinetics. scVelo generalizes the concept of
+RNA velocity by relaxing previously made assumptions with a stochastic and a
+dynamical model that solves the full transcriptional dynamics. It thereby
+adapts RNA velocity to widely varying specifications such as non-stationary
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public scregseg
(name "scregseg")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm b/gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm
index 0dc0bbffd8..0e939d93ac 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Josselin Poiret <josselin.poiret@protonmail.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jacob Hart <hartja1@yahoo.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -477,7 +478,7 @@ desktops.")
(define-public qbittorrent
(name "qbittorrent")
- (version "4.4.0")
+ (version "4.4.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -486,7 +487,7 @@ desktops.")
(commit (string-append "release-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0aqrcwxi3s2alila3fa7fjs4hifkq7055wa4xvz17hajchs3l567"))))
+ (base32 "00whc4p209g2krsggxyq4sna01djbk1rbzkyjbq4qczvya01xn0w"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/bootloaders.scm b/gnu/packages/bootloaders.scm
index 54e47059ee..7987641031 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/bootloaders.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/bootloaders.scm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 nee <nee@cock.li>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
@@ -448,18 +448,21 @@ menu to select one of the installed operating systems.")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
- "dtc-" version ".tar.xz"))
+ "dtc-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "0wrl43rvd8nnm1v1wyfdr17vk8q7ymib62vli6da8n9ni4lwbkk5"))))
+ "0xm38h31jb29xfh2sfyk48d8wdfq4b8lmb412zx9vjr35izjb9iq"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list bison
- flex
- libyaml
- pkg-config
- swig
- valgrind))
+ (append
+ (list bison
+ flex
+ libyaml
+ pkg-config
+ swig)
+ (if (member (%current-system) (package-supported-systems valgrind))
+ (list valgrind)
+ '())))
(list python))
@@ -480,10 +483,7 @@ menu to select one of the installed operating systems.")
(substitute* '("Makefile"
- (or (which "pkg-config")
- (string-append ,(%current-target-system)
- "-pkg-config"))))
- #t))
+ ,(pkg-config-for-target)))))
(delete 'configure)))) ; no configure script
(home-page "https://www.devicetree.org")
(synopsis "Compiles device tree source files")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/browser-extensions.scm b/gnu/packages/browser-extensions.scm
index eaf67a8ea0..1ec19c003c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/browser-extensions.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/browser-extensions.scm
@@ -51,16 +51,18 @@ supported content to the Kodi media center.")
(define ublock-origin
(name "ublock-origin")
- (version "1.40.8")
+ (version "1.41.6")
(home-page "https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference (url home-page) (commit version)
+ ;; Also fetch the tightly coupled
+ ;; "uAssets" submodule.
(recursive? #t)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "17pywblp87npj5z3zyvy9rmllnxhm916fnfyyfbvfbczswkbp78s"))))
+ "05flr4jksa3l4cwi0fgkzmzn46rg5znaqd73615lwnxmnpr4va9d"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(outputs '("xpi" "firefox" "chromium"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/c.scm b/gnu/packages/c.scm
index 459d996fa2..d545d98938 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/c.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/c.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Katherine Cox-Buday <cox.katherine.e@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 David Dashyan <mail@davie.li>
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
+ #:use-module (guix store)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages bootstrap)
@@ -895,3 +896,119 @@ Service (S3) protocol for object storage.")
Telemetry Transport (MQTT) publish-subscribe messaging protocol.")
(home-page "https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-mqtt")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+;;; Factored out of the ck package so that it can be adjusted and called on
+;;; the host side easily, without impacting the package definition.
+(define (gnu-triplet->ck-machine target)
+ (letrec-syntax
+ ((matches (syntax-rules (=>)
+ ((_ (target-prefix => machine) rest ...)
+ (if (string-prefix? target-prefix target)
+ machine
+ (matches rest ...)))
+ ((_)
+ (error "unsupported target" target)))))
+ ;; This basically reproduces the logic handling the
+ ;; PLATFORM variable in the configure script of ck.
+ (matches ("x86_64" => "x86_64")
+ ("i586" => "x86")
+ ("i686" => "x86")
+ ("aarch64" => "aarch64")
+ ("arm" => "arm")
+ ("ppc64" => "ppc64")
+ ("ppc" => "ppc")
+ ("s390x" => "s390x")
+ ("sparc64" => "sparcv9"))))
+(define-public ck
+ (package
+ (name "ck")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/concurrencykit/ck")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "020yzfpvymdc8lc44znlnxmxb8mvp42g4nb4p8k814klazqvwh0x"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ ;; ck uses a custom configure script that stumbles on
+ ;; '--enable-fast-install', among other things.
+ (lambda* (#:key parallel-build? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (define target-machine #$(and=> (%current-target-system)
+ gnu-triplet->ck-machine))
+ (when target-machine
+ ;; The configure script doesn't currently work for
+ ;; cross-compiling (see:
+ ;; https://github.com/concurrencykit/ck/issues/191).
+ (error "ck cannot currently be cross-compiled"))
+ ;; The custom configure script doesn't make cross-compilation
+ ;; adjustments itself, so manually set the archiver, compiler
+ ;; and linker.
+ (setenv "AR" #$(ar-for-target))
+ (setenv "CC" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (setenv "LD" #$(ld-for-target))
+ (apply invoke "./configure"
+ `(,@(if target-machine
+ (list (string-append "--profile=" target-machine))
+ '())
+ ,(string-append "--prefix=" #$output)
+ ,(string-append "--mandir=" #$output "/share/man")
+ ,(string-append "--cores="
+ (if parallel-build?
+ (number->string (parallel-job-count))
+ "1")))))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/concurrencykit/ck")
+ (synopsis "C library for concurrent systems")
+ (description "Concurrency Kit (@code{ck}) provides concurrency primitives,
+safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking (including lock-free) data
+structures designed to aid in the research, design and implementation of high
+performance concurrent systems developed in C99+.")
+ (license (list license:bsd-2 ;everything except...
+ license:asl2.0)))) ;src/ck_hp.c
+(define-public utf8-h
+ ;; The latest tag is used as there is no release.
+ (let ((commit "500d4ea9f4c3449e5243c088d8af8700f7189734")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "utf8-h")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/sheredom/utf8.h")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "utf8.h" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0x9f7ivww8c7cigf4ck0hfx2bm79qgx6q4ccwzqbzkrmcrl9shfb"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'build)
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (with-directory-excursion "test"
+ (invoke "cmake" ".")
+ (invoke "make")))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (install-file "utf8.h" (string-append out "/include"))))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sheredom/utf8.h")
+ (synopsis "Single header UTF-8 string functions for C and C++")
+ (description "A simple one header solution to supporting UTF-8 strings in
+C and C++. The functions it provides are like those from the C header
+string.h, but with a utf8* prefix instead of the str* prefix.")
+ (license license:unlicense))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/cdrom.scm b/gnu/packages/cdrom.scm
index 3f2429aeeb..56a4ab8a10 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/cdrom.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/cdrom.scm
@@ -313,37 +313,37 @@ format, commonly used for VCDs or disks with subchannel data.")
"actual_os := $(shell uname -o)\n"
"actual_arch := $(shell uname -m)\n"
- "VERSION_OS = _$(actual_os)_$(actual_arch)\n")))
- #t))
+ "VERSION_OS = _$(actual_os)_$(actual_arch)\n")))))
(patches (search-patches "cdrtools-3.01-mkisofs-isoinfo.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
;; XXX cdrtools bundles a modified, relicensed early version of cdparanoia.
- `(#:make-flags
- (list "RM=rm" "LN=ln" "SYMLINK=ln -s"
- "CONFIG_SHELL=sh" "CCOM=gcc"
- (string-append "INS_BASE=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
- (string-append "INS_RBASE=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- ;; Parallel builds appear to be unsafe, see
- ;; https://hydra.gnu.org/build/3346840/log/raw
- #:parallel-build? #f
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure)
- (add-before 'build 'set-linux-headers
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "autoconf/configure"
- (("/usr/src/linux")
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "kernel-headers")))
- #t))
- (add-before 'build 'substitute-dirs
- (lambda _
- (substitute* (append (find-files "DEFAULTS" "^Defaults\\.")
- (find-files "DEFAULTS_ENG" "^Defaults\\.")
- (find-files "TEMPLATES" "^Defaults\\."))
- (("/opt/schily") (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- #t)))
- #:tests? #f)) ; no tests
+ (list #:make-flags
+ #~(list "RM=rm" "LN=ln" "SYMLINK=ln -s"
+ (string-append "CCOM=" #$(cc-for-target))
+ "LINKMODE=dynamic"
+ (string-append "INS_BASE=" #$output)
+ (string-append "INS_RBASE=" #$output))
+ ;; Parallel builds appear to be unsafe, see
+ ;; https://hydra.gnu.org/build/3346840/log/raw
+ #:parallel-build? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (add-before 'build 'set-linux-headers
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "autoconf/configure"
+ (("/usr/src/linux")
+ (assoc-ref %build-inputs "kernel-headers")))))
+ (add-before 'build 'avoid-bogus-RPATH-entry
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (append (find-files "DEFAULTS" "^Defaults\\.")
+ (find-files "DEFAULTS_ENG" "^Defaults\\.")
+ (find-files "TEMPLATES" "^Defaults\\."))
+ (("/opt/schily")
+ #$output)))))
+ #:tests? #f)) ; no tests
(synopsis "Command line utilities to manipulate and burn CD/DVD/BD images")
(description "cdrtools is a collection of command line utilities to create
CD's, DVD's or Blue Ray discs. The most important components are
diff --git a/gnu/packages/check.scm b/gnu/packages/check.scm
index fb5bcadf83..32aedf5b6b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/check.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/check.scm
@@ -35,8 +35,9 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Josh Marshall <joshua.r.marshall.1991@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Hugo Lecomte <hugo.lecomte@inria.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -90,6 +91,45 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1))
+(define-public pict
+ (package
+ (name "pict")
+ (version "3.7.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Microsoft/pict")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0bpyl0zklw2fyxgynrc7shg0xamw8rr68zmh528niscrpavsmfpi"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda _
+ (install-file "pict" (string-append #$output "/bin"))
+ (install-file "doc/pict.md"
+ (string-append #$output
+ "/share/doc/pict-" #$version)))))))
+ (native-inputs (list perl))
+ (home-page "https://www.pairwise.org/")
+ (synopsis "Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Tool")
+ (description "PICT is a pairwise testing tool that generates test cases
+and test configurations. With PICT, you can generate tests that are more
+effective than manually generated tests and in a fraction of the time required
+by hands-on test case design. PICT runs as a command line tool. It takes a
+model file detailing the parameters of the interface as an input and generates
+a compact set of parameter value choices that represent the test cases you
+should use to get comprehensive combinatorial coverage of your parameters.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public pedansee
(name "pedansee")
@@ -209,45 +249,46 @@ source code editors and IDEs.")
(define-public clitest
(name "clitest")
- (version "0.3.0")
+ (version "0.4.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/aureliojargas/clitest")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url home-page)
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page) (commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0zw5wra9hc717srmcar1wm4i34kyj8c49ny4bb7y3nrvkjp2pdb5"))))
+ "1p745mxiq3hgi3ywfljs5sa1psi06awwjxzw0j9c2xx1b09yqv4a"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; This package is distributed as a single shell script and comes
- ;; without a proper build system.
- (delete 'configure)
- (delete 'build)
- (replace 'check
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test.md"
- ;; One test looks for an error from grep in the form "grep: foo",
- ;; but our grep returns the absolute file name on errors. Adjust
- ;; the test to cope with that.
- (("sed 's/\\^e\\*grep: \\.\\*/")
- "sed 's/.*e*grep: .*/"))
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
- (invoke "./clitest" "test.md")))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (install-file "clitest" (string-append out "/bin"))
- (install-file "README.md"
- (string-append out "/share/doc/clitest-" ,version))
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; This package is distributed as a single shell script and comes
+ ;; without a proper build system.
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (delete 'build)
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (substitute* "test.md"
+ ;; One test looks for an error from grep in the form "grep: foo",
+ ;; but our grep returns the absolute file name on errors. Adjust
+ ;; the test to cope with that.
+ (("sed 's/\\^e\\*grep: \\.\\*/")
+ "sed 's/.*e*grep: .*/"))
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
+ (invoke "./clitest" "test.md"))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda _
+ (install-file "clitest" (string-append #$output "/bin"))
+ (install-file "README.md"
+ (string-append #$output "/share/doc/clitest-"
+ #$(package-version this-package))))))))
(list perl)) ;for tests
+ (inputs
+ (list bash-minimal))
(synopsis "Command line test tool")
"@command{clitest} is a portable shell script that performs automatic
@@ -421,7 +462,7 @@ a multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C.")
(define-public catch-framework2
(name "catch2")
- (version "2.13.2")
+ (version "2.13.8")
(home-page "https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -431,7 +472,7 @@ a multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++ and Objective-C.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "100r0kmra8jmra2hv92lzvwcmphpaiccwvq3lpdsa5b7hailhach"))))
+ "18a6d7rcb6ilhxd5dff32jkfdf2ik58pbywrv04ras70217kdq4c"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list python-wrapper))
@@ -565,15 +606,16 @@ and it supports a very flexible form of test discovery.")
(define-public doctest
(name "doctest")
- (version "2.4.6")
+ (version "2.4.8")
(home-page "https://github.com/onqtam/doctest")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference (url home-page) (commit version)))
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page)
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "14m3q6d96zg6d99x1152jkly50gdjrn5ylrbhax53pfgfzzc5yqx"))))
+ "057wdkv3gcz42mh1j284sgvm16i5fk1f9b1plgvavca70q4p52gz"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(synopsis "C++ test framework")
@@ -2695,13 +2737,13 @@ mocks, stubs and fakes.")
(define-public python-flaky
(name "python-flaky")
- (version "3.5.3")
+ (version "3.7.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "flaky" version))
- "1nm1kjf857z5aw7v642ffsy1vwf255c6wjvmil71kckjyd0mxg8j"))))
+ "03daz352021211kvdb056f3afrd2gsdq0rd1awgr38910xw01l9s"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
;; TODO: Tests require 'coveralls' and 'genty' which are not in Guix yet.
@@ -2807,7 +2849,8 @@ portable to just about any platform.")
;; indefinitely. See README.packagers for more information.
;; There are specific instructions to not enable more flags
;; than absolutely needed.
- ,(if (target-ppc64le?)
+ ,(if (or (target-ppc64le?)
+ (target-riscv64?))
@@ -2843,13 +2886,27 @@ provides a simple way to achieve this.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-test
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "tests/test-umockdev.c"
- (("/run") "/tmp"))
- #t)))))
+ (list #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-test
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/test-umockdev.c"
+ (("/run") "/tmp"))))
+ ;; Avoid having to set 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to use umockdev
+ ;; via introspection.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'absolute-introspection-library
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "Makefile.in"
+ (("g-ir-compiler -l libumockdev")
+ (string-append "g-ir-compiler -l " #$output
+ "/lib/libumockdev")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'absolute-filenames
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; 'patch-shebangs' will take care of the shebang.
+ (substitute* (string-append #$output "/bin/umockdev-wrapper")
+ (("env") (search-input-file inputs "bin/env"))
+ (("libumockdev")
+ (string-append #$output "/lib/libumockdev"))))))))
(list vala
@@ -2859,7 +2916,9 @@ provides a simple way to achieve this.")
- (list glib eudev libgudev))
+ (list bash-minimal ;for umockdev-wrapper
+ coreutils-minimal ;for bin/env
+ glib eudev libgudev))
(home-page "https://github.com/martinpitt/umockdev/")
(synopsis "Mock hardware devices for creating unit tests")
(description "umockdev mocks hardware devices for creating integration
@@ -3023,6 +3082,41 @@ to mark some tests as dependent from other tests. These tests will then be
skipped if any of the dependencies did fail or has been skipped.")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public python-pytest-pudb
+ ;; PyPi does not include tests
+ (let ((commit "a6b3d2f4d35e558d72bccff472ecde9c9d9c69e5"))
+ (package
+ (name "python-pytest-pudb")
+ ;; Version mentioned in setup.py version field.
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/wronglink/pytest-pudb")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name commit))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1c0pypxx3y8w7s5bz9iy3w3aablnhn81rnhmb0is8hf2qpm6k3w0"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list pudb))
+ (native-inputs (list python-pytest))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
+ (invoke "pytest" "-v")))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/wronglink/pytest-pudb")
+ (synopsis "Pytest PuDB debugger integration")
+ (description
+ "@code{python-pytest-pudb} provides PuDB debugger integration based
+on pytest PDB integration. For example, the software developer can
+call pudb by running @code{py.test --pudb} from the command line or by
+including @code{pudb.set_trace} in their test file(s).")
+ (license license:expat))))
(define-public python-pytest-datadir
(name "python-pytest-datadir")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/chez.scm b/gnu/packages/chez.scm
index 47904e7b4e..d47225dbe5 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/chez.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/chez.scm
@@ -31,226 +31,323 @@
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system copy)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system copy)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages ghostscript)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages netpbm)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages racket)
#:use-module (gnu packages tex)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages xorg)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-1))
-(define nanopass
- (let ((version "1.9.2"))
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/nanopass/nanopass-framework-scheme")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (sha256 (base32 "16vjsik9rrzbabbhbxbaha51ppi3f9n8rk59pc6zdyffs0vziy4i"))
- (file-name (git-file-name "nanopass" version)))))
-(define stex
- ;; This commit includes a fix, which we would otherwise want to use as
- ;; patch. Let's revert to tagged releases as soon as one becomes available.
- (let* ((commit "54051494434a197772bf6ca5b4e6cf6be55f39a5")
- (version "1.2.2")
- (version (git-version version "1" commit)))
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/dybvig/stex")
- (commit commit)))
- (sha256 (base32 "01jnvw8qw33gnpzwrakwhsr05h6b609lm180jnspcrb7lds2p23d"))
- (file-name (git-file-name "stex" version)))))
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:export (chez-scheme-for-system
+ nix-system->chez-machine
+ chez-machine->nonthreaded
+ chez-machine->threaded
+ unpack-nanopass+stex))
+;; Commentary:
+;; The bootstrapping paths for Chez Scheme and Racket are closely
+;; entwined. Racket CS (the default Racket implementation) is based on (a fork
+;; of) Chez Scheme. Racket's variant of Chez Scheme shares sources for
+;; nanopass and stex with upstream Chez Scheme.
+;; Racket's variant of Chez Scheme can be bootstrapped by an older Racket
+;; implementation, Racket BC, which can be bootstrapped from C. Porting that
+;; code to work with upstream Chez Scheme (or finding an old version that
+;; does) is our best hope for some day bootstrapping upstream Chez Scheme from
+;; source.
+;; Code:
+(define* (chez-scheme-for-system #:optional
+ (system (or (%current-target-system)
+ (%current-system))))
+ "Return 'chez-scheme' unless only 'chez-scheme-for-racket' supports SYSTEM,
+including support for native threads."
+ (if (or
+ ;; full support upstream
+ (and=> (chez-upstream-features-for-system system)
+ (cut memq 'threads <>))
+ ;; no support anywhere
+ (not (nix-system->chez-machine system)))
+ chez-scheme
+ chez-scheme-for-racket))
+(define (chez-machine->nonthreaded machine)
+ "Given a string MACHINE naming a Chez Scheme machine type, returns a string
+naming the nonthreaded machine type for the same architecture and OS as
+MACHINE. The returned string may share storage with MACHINE."
+ ;; Chez Scheme documentation consistently uses "nonthreaded" rather than
+ ;; e.g. "unthreaded"
+ (if (eqv? #\t (string-ref machine 0))
+ (substring machine 1)
+ machine))
+(define (chez-machine->threaded machine)
+ "Like @code{chez-machine->nonthreaded}, but returns the threaded machine
+ (if (eqv? #\t (string-ref machine 0))
+ machine
+ (string-append "t" machine)))
+;; Based on the implementation from raco-cross-lib/private/cross/platform.rkt
+;; in https://github.com/racket/raco-cross.
+;; For supported platforms, refer to release_notes/release_notes.stex in the
+;; upstream Chez Scheme repository or to racket/src/ChezScheme/README.md
+;; in https://github.com/racket/racket.
+(define %nix-arch-to-chez-alist
+ `(("x86_64" . "a6")
+ ("i386" . "i3")
+ ("aarch64" . "arm64")
+ ("armhf" . "arm32") ;; Chez supports ARM v6+
+ ("ppc" . "ppc32")))
+(define %nix-os-to-chez-alist
+ `(("w64-mingw32" . "nt")
+ ("darwin" . "osx")
+ ("linux" . "le")
+ ("freebsd" . "fb")
+ ("openbsd" . "ob")
+ ("netbsd" . "nb")
+ ("solaris" . "s2")))
+(define (chez-machine->nix-system machine)
+ "Return the Nix system type corresponding to the Chez Scheme machine type
+MACHINE. If MACHINE is not a string representing a known machine type, an
+exception is raised. This function does not distinguish between threaded and
+nonthreaded variants of MACHINE.
+Note that this function only handles Chez Scheme machine types in the
+strictest sense, not other kinds of descriptors sometimes used in place of a
+Chez Scheme machine type by Racket, such as @code{\"pb\"}, @code{#f}, or
+@code{\"racket\"}. (When using such extensions, the Chez Scheme machine type
+for the host system is often still relevant.)"
+ (let ((machine (chez-machine->nonthreaded machine)))
+ (let find-arch ((alist %nix-arch-to-chez-alist))
+ (match alist
+ (((nix . chez) . alist)
+ (if (string-prefix? chez machine)
+ (string-append
+ nix "-" (let ((machine-os
+ (substring machine (string-length chez))))
+ (let find-os ((alist %nix-os-to-chez-alist))
+ (match alist
+ (((nix . chez) . alist)
+ (if (equal? chez machine-os)
+ nix
+ (find-os alist)))))))
+ (find-arch alist)))))))
+(define* (nix-system->chez-machine #:optional
+ (system (or (%current-target-system)
+ (%current-system))))
+ "Return the Chez Scheme machine type corresponding to the Nix system
+identifier SYSTEM, or @code{#f} if the translation of SYSTEM to a Chez Scheme
+machine type is undefined.
+It is unspecified whether the resulting string will name a threaded or a
+nonthreaded machine type: when the distinction is relevant, use
+@code{chez-machine->nonthreaded} or @code{chez-machine->threaded} to adjust
+the result."
+ (let* ((hyphen (string-index system #\-))
+ (nix-arch (substring system 0 hyphen))
+ (nix-os (substring system (+ 1 hyphen)))
+ (chez-arch (assoc-ref %nix-arch-to-chez-alist nix-arch))
+ (chez-os (assoc-ref %nix-os-to-chez-alist nix-os)))
+ (and chez-arch chez-os (string-append chez-arch chez-os))))
+(define* (chez-upstream-features-for-system #:optional
+ (system
+ (or (%current-target-system)
+ (%current-system))))
+ "Return a list of symbols naming features supported by upstream Chez Scheme
+for the Nix system identifier SYSTEM, or @code{#f} if upstream Chez Scheme
+does not support SYSTEM at all.
+If native threads are supported, the returned list will include
+@code{'threads}. Other feature symbols may be added in the future."
+ (cond
+ ((not (nix-system->chez-machine system))
+ #f)
+ ((target-aarch64? system)
+ #f)
+ ((target-arm32? system)
+ (and (target-linux? system)
+ '()))
+ ((target-ppc32? system)
+ (and (target-linux? system)
+ '(threads)))
+ (else
+ '(threads))))
+;; Chez Scheme:
+(define unpack-nanopass+stex
+ #~(begin
+ (copy-recursively
+ (dirname (search-input-file %build-inputs
+ "lib/chez-scheme/nanopass.ss"))
+ "nanopass"
+ #:keep-mtime? #t)
+ (mkdir-p "stex")
+ (with-output-to-file "stex/Mf-stex"
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; otherwise, it will try to download submodules
+ (display "# to placate ../configure")))))
(define-public chez-scheme
(name "chez-scheme")
+ ;; The version should match `(scheme-version-number)`.
+ ;; See s/cmacros.ss c. line 360.
(version "9.5.6")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (sha256
- (base32 "07s433hn1z2slfc026sidrpzxv3a8narcd40qqr1xrpb9012xdky"))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (snippet
- ;; Remove bundled libraries.
- (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
- #~(begin
- (use-modules (guix build utils))
- (for-each (lambda (dir)
- (when (directory-exists? dir)
- (delete-file-recursively dir)))
- '("stex"
- "nanopass"
- "lz4"
- "zlib")))))))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "07s433hn1z2slfc026sidrpzxv3a8narcd40qqr1xrpb9012xdky"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (snippet #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ ;; TODO: consider putting this in a (guix ...) or
+ ;; (guix build ...) module so it can be shared
+ ;; with the Racket origin without cyclic issues.
+ (for-each (lambda (dir)
+ (when (directory-exists? dir)
+ (delete-file-recursively dir)))
+ '("stex"
+ "nanopass"
+ "lz4"
+ "zlib"))))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("libuuid" ,util-linux "lib")
- ("zlib" ,zlib)
- ("zlib:static" ,zlib "static")
- ("lz4" ,lz4)
- ("lz4:static" ,lz4 "static")
- ;; for expeditor:
- ("ncurses" ,ncurses)
- ;; for X11 clipboard support in expeditor:
- ;; https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme/issues/9#issuecomment-222057232
- ("libx11" ,libx11)))
- (native-inputs
- `(("nanopass" ,nanopass) ; source only
- ;; for docs
- ("stex" ,stex)
- ("xorg-rgb" ,xorg-rgb)
- ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-dvips-l3backend
- texlive-epsf
- texlive-fonts-ec
- texlive-oberdiek)))
- ("ghostscript" ,ghostscript)
- ("netpbm" ,netpbm)))
+ (list
+ `(,util-linux "lib") ;<-- libuuid
+ zlib
+ lz4
+ ncurses ;<-- for expeditor
+ ;; for X11 clipboard support in expeditor:
+ ;; https://github.com/cisco/ChezScheme/issues/9#issuecomment-222057232
+ libx11))
+ (native-inputs (list chez-scheme-bootstrap-bootfiles
+ chez-nanopass-bootstrap
+ stex-bootstrap))
(list (search-path-specification
- (files (list (string-append "lib/csv" version "-site"))))))
+ (files '("lib/chez-scheme")))))
(outputs '("out" "doc"))
- `(#:modules
- ((guix build gnu-build-system)
+ (list
+ #:modules
+ '((guix build gnu-build-system)
(guix build utils)
(ice-9 ftw)
(ice-9 match))
- #:test-target "test"
- #:configure-flags
- '("--threads") ;; TODO when we fix armhf, it doesn't support --threads
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; put these where configure expects them to be
- (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-nanopass+stex
- (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (for-each (lambda (dep)
- (define src
- (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) dep))
- (copy-recursively src dep
- #:keep-mtime? #t))
- '("nanopass" "stex"))))
- ;; NOTE: the custom Chez 'configure' script doesn't allow
- ;; unrecognized flags, such as those automatically added
- ;; by `gnu-build-system`.
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs
- (configure-flags '())
- #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((zlib-static (assoc-ref inputs "zlib:static"))
- (lz4-static (assoc-ref inputs "lz4:static"))
- (out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- ;; add flags which are always required:
- (flags (cons*
- (string-append "--installprefix=" out)
- (string-append "ZLIB=" zlib-static "/lib/libz.a")
- (string-append "LZ4=" lz4-static "/lib/liblz4.a")
- ;; Guix will do compress man pages,
- ;; and letting Chez try causes an error
- "--nogzip-man-pages"
- configure-flags)))
- (format #t "configure flags: ~s~%" flags)
- ;; Some makefiles (for tests) don't seem to propagate CC
- ;; properly, so we take it out of their hands:
- (setenv "CC" ,(cc-for-target))
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
- (apply invoke
- "./configure"
- flags))))
- ;; The binary file name is called "scheme" as is the one from MIT/GNU
- ;; Scheme. We add a symlink to use in case both are installed.
- (add-after 'install 'install-symlink
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
- (lib (string-append out "/lib"))
- (name "chez-scheme"))
- (symlink (string-append bin "/scheme")
- (string-append bin "/" name))
- (map (lambda (file)
- (symlink file (string-append (dirname file)
- "/" name ".boot")))
- (find-files lib "scheme.boot")))))
- ;; Building explicitly lets us avoid using substitute*
- ;; to re-write makefiles.
- (add-after 'install-symlink 'prepare-stex
- (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((stex+version
- (strip-store-file-name
- (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "stex")))
- ;; Eventually we want to install stex as a real
- ;; package so it's reusable. For now:
- (stex-output "/tmp")
- (doc-dir (string-append stex-output
- "/share/doc/"
- stex+version)))
- (with-directory-excursion "stex"
- (invoke "make"
- "install"
- (string-append "LIB="
- stex-output
- "/lib/"
- stex+version)
- (string-append "Scheme="
- (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/bin/scheme"))
- (for-each (lambda (pth)
- (install-file pth doc-dir))
- '("ReadMe" ; includes the license
- "doc/stex.html"
- "doc/stex.css"
- "doc/stex.pdf"))))))
- ;; Building the documentation requires stex and a running scheme.
- ;; FIXME: this is probably wrong for cross-compilation
- (add-after 'prepare-stex 'install-doc
- (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((chez+version (strip-store-file-name
- (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (stex+version
- (strip-store-file-name
- (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "stex")))
- (scheme (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/bin/scheme"))
- ;; see note on stex-output in phase build-stex, above:
- (stexlib (string-append "/tmp"
- "/lib/"
- stex+version))
- (doc-dir (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
- "/share/doc/"
- chez+version)))
- (define* (stex-make #:optional (suffix ""))
- (invoke "make"
- "install"
- (string-append "Scheme=" scheme)
- (string-append "STEXLIB=" stexlib)
- (string-append "installdir=" doc-dir suffix)))
- (with-directory-excursion "csug"
- (stex-make "/csug"))
- (with-directory-excursion "release_notes"
- (stex-make "/release_notes"))
- (with-directory-excursion doc-dir
- (symlink "release_notes/release_notes.pdf"
- "release_notes.pdf")
- (symlink "csug/csug9_5.pdf"
- "csug.pdf"))))))))
+ #:test-target "test"
+ ;; TODO when we fix armhf, it may not support --threads
+ #:configure-flags #~'("--threads")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-nanopass+stex
+ (lambda args
+ #$unpack-nanopass+stex))
+ (add-after 'unpack-nanopass+stex 'unpack-bootfiles
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when (directory-exists? "boot")
+ (delete-file-recursively "boot"))
+ (copy-recursively
+ (search-input-directory (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "lib/chez-scheme-bootfiles")
+ "boot")))
+ ;; NOTE: the custom Chez 'configure' script doesn't allow
+ ;; unrecognized flags, such as those automatically added
+ ;; by `gnu-build-system`.
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs (configure-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; add flags which are always required:
+ (let ((flags (cons* (string-append "--installprefix=" #$output)
+ "ZLIB=-lz"
+ "LZ4=-llz4"
+ "--libkernel"
+ ;; Guix will do compress-man-pages,
+ ;; and letting Chez try causes an error
+ "--nogzip-man-pages"
+ configure-flags)))
+ (format #t "configure flags: ~s~%" flags)
+ ;; Some makefiles (for tests) don't seem to propagate CC
+ ;; properly, so we take it out of their hands:
+ (setenv "CC" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
+ (apply invoke "./configure" flags))))
+ ;; The binary file name is called "scheme" as is the one from
+ ;; MIT/GNU Scheme. We add a symlink to use in case both are
+ ;; installed.
+ (add-after 'install 'install-symlink
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((scheme (search-input-file outputs "/bin/scheme"))
+ (bin-dir (dirname scheme)))
+ (symlink scheme
+ (string-append bin-dir "/chez-scheme"))
+ (match (find-files (string-append bin-dir "/../lib")
+ "scheme.boot")
+ ((scheme.boot)
+ (symlink scheme.boot
+ (string-append (dirname scheme.boot)
+ "/chez-scheme.boot")))))))
+ ;; Building the documentation requires stex and a running scheme.
+ ;; FIXME: this is probably wrong for cross-compilation
+ (add-after 'install-symlink 'install-doc
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (match (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ (#f
+ (format #t "not installing docs~%"))
+ (doc-prefix
+ (let* ((chez+version (strip-store-file-name #$output))
+ (scheme (search-input-file outputs "/bin/scheme"))
+ (stexlib (search-input-directory (or native-inputs
+ inputs)
+ "/lib/stex"))
+ (doc-dir (string-append doc-prefix
+ "/share/doc/"
+ chez+version)))
+ (define* (stex-make #:optional (suffix ""))
+ (invoke "make" "install"
+ (string-append "Scheme=" scheme)
+ (string-append "STEXLIB=" stexlib)
+ (string-append "installdir=" doc-dir suffix)))
+ (with-directory-excursion "csug"
+ (stex-make "/csug"))
+ (with-directory-excursion "release_notes"
+ (stex-make "/release_notes"))
+ (with-directory-excursion doc-dir
+ (symlink "release_notes/release_notes.pdf"
+ "release_notes.pdf")
+ (symlink "csug/csug9_5.pdf"
+ "csug.pdf"))))))))))
;; Chez Scheme does not have a MIPS backend.
;; FIXME: Debian backports patches to get armhf working.
;; We should too. It is the Chez machine type arm32le
;; (no threaded version upstream yet, though there is in
;; Racket's fork), more specifically (per the release notes) ARMv6.
- (supported-systems (fold delete %supported-systems
- '("mips64el-linux" "armhf-linux")))
+ (supported-systems
+ (delete
+ "armhf-linux" ;; <-- should work, but reportedly broken
+ (filter chez-upstream-features-for-system
+ %supported-systems)))
(home-page "https://cisco.github.io/ChezScheme/")
(synopsis "R6RS Scheme compiler and run-time")
@@ -260,6 +357,400 @@ generates native code for each target processor, with support for x86, x86_64,
and 32-bit PowerPC architectures.")
(license asl2.0)))
+(define-public chez-scheme-for-racket
+ (package
+ (inherit chez-scheme)
+ (name "chez-scheme-for-racket")
+ (version "")
+ ;; The version should match `(scheme-fork-version-number)`.
+ ;; See racket/src/ChezScheme/s/cmacros.ss c. line 360.
+ ;; It will always be different than the upstream version!
+ ;; When updating, remember to also update %racket-version in racket.scm.
+ (source #f) ; avoid problematic cycle with racket.scm
+ (inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs chez-scheme)
+ (delete "libx11" "util-linux:lib")))
+ (native-inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs chez-scheme)
+ (replace "chez-scheme-bootstrap-bootfiles"
+ chez-scheme-for-racket-bootstrap-bootfiles)))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments chez-scheme)
+ ((#:configure-flags cfg-flags #~'())
+ #~(cons "--disable-x11" #$cfg-flags))
+ ((#:phases those-phases #~%standard-phases)
+ #~(let* ((those-phases #$those-phases)
+ (unpack (assoc-ref those-phases 'unpack)))
+ (modify-phases those-phases
+ (replace 'unpack
+ (lambda args
+ (unpack #:source #$(or (package-source this-package)
+ (package-source racket-vm-bc)))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda args
+ (chdir "racket/src/ChezScheme"))))))))
+ (supported-systems (filter nix-system->chez-machine
+ %supported-systems))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/racket/ChezScheme")
+ ;; ^ This is downstream of https://github.com/racket/racket,
+ ;; but it's designed to be a friendly landing place for people
+ ;; who want a ChezScheme-shaped repositroy.
+ (synopsis "Variant of Chez Scheme extended for Racket")
+ (description "This variant of Chez Scheme is extended to support the
+implementation of Racket. It may be useful on platforms that are not yet
+supported by upstream Chez Scheme.
+Main additions to Chez Scheme in the Racket variant:
+@itemize @bullet
+AArch64 support
+Portable bytes (@code{pb}) support, which is mainly useful for bootstrapping
+a build on any supported platform
+Unboxed floating-point arithmetic and flvectors
+Type reconstruction during optimization (especially for safe code)
+Continuation attachments
+Parallel garbage collection, in-place garbage collection for old-generation
+objects (instead of always copying), and reachability-based memory
+Ordered finalization, immobile (but collectable) objects, weak/ephemeron
+generic hash tables, and reference bytevectors
+Faster multiplication and division for large exact numbers
+@end itemize")
+ (license asl2.0)))
+;; Bootfiles:
+(define-public chez-scheme-bootstrap-bootfiles
+ (package
+ (inherit chez-scheme)
+ (name "chez-scheme-bootstrap-bootfiles")
+ (inputs '())
+ (native-inputs '())
+ (outputs '("out"))
+ (build-system copy-build-system)
+ ;; TODO: cross compilation
+ (arguments
+ (list #:install-plan
+ #~`(("boot/" "lib/chez-scheme-bootfiles"))))
+ (supported-systems
+ ;; Upstream only distributes pre-built bootfiles for
+ ;; arm32le and t?(i3|a6)(le|nt|osx)
+ (filter (lambda (system)
+ (let ((machine (and=> (nix-system->chez-machine system)
+ chez-machine->nonthreaded)))
+ (or (equal? "arm32le" machine)
+ (and machine
+ (member (substring machine 0 2) '("i3" "a6"))
+ (or-map (cut string-suffix? <> machine)
+ '("le" "nt" "osx"))))))
+ %supported-systems))
+ (synopsis "Chez Scheme bootfiles (binary seed)")
+ (description
+ "Chez Scheme is a self-hosting compiler: building it requires
+``bootfiles'' containing the Scheme-implemented portions compiled for the
+current platform. (Chez can then cross-compile bootfiles for all other
+supported platforms.)
+This package provides bootstrap bootfiles for upstream Chez Scheme.
+Currently, it simply packages the binaries checked in to the upsream
+repository. Hopefully we can eventually adapt Racket's @code{cs-bootstrap} to
+work with upstream Chez Scheme so that we can bootstrap these files from
+(define-public chez-scheme-for-racket-bootstrap-bootfiles
+ (package
+ (inherit chez-scheme-bootstrap-bootfiles)
+ (name "chez-scheme-for-racket-bootstrap-bootfiles")
+ (version (package-version chez-scheme-for-racket))
+ (source #f) ; avoid problematic cycle with racket.scm
+ (native-inputs (list chez-nanopass-bootstrap racket-vm-bc))
+ ;; TODO: cross compilation
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments
+ (package-arguments chez-scheme-bootstrap-bootfiles)
+ ((#:phases those-phases #~%standard-phases)
+ #~(let* ((those-phases #$those-phases)
+ (unpack (assoc-ref those-phases 'unpack)))
+ (modify-phases those-phases
+ (replace 'unpack
+ (lambda args
+ (unpack #:source #$(or (package-source this-package)
+ (package-source racket-vm-bc)))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda args
+ (chdir "racket/src/ChezScheme")))
+ (add-after 'chdir 'unpack-nanopass+stex
+ (lambda args
+ #$unpack-nanopass+stex))
+ (add-before 'install 'build
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (invoke (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "/opt/racket-vm/bin/racket")
+ "rktboot/main.rkt"))))))))
+ (supported-systems
+ (package-supported-systems chez-scheme-for-racket))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/racket/ChezScheme")
+ ;; ^ This is downstream of https://github.com/racket/racket,
+ ;; but it's designed to be a friendly landing place for people
+ ;; who want a ChezScheme-shaped repositroy.
+ (synopsis "Chez Scheme bootfiles bootstrapped by Racket")
+ (description "Chez Scheme is a self-hosting compiler: building it
+requires ``bootfiles'' containing the Scheme-implemented portions compiled for
+the current platform. (Chez can then cross-compile bootfiles for all other
+supported platforms.)
+The Racket package @code{cs-bootstrap} (part of the main Racket Git
+repository) implements enough of a Chez Scheme simulation to load the Chez
+Scheme compiler purely from source into Racket and apply the compiler to
+itself, thus bootstrapping Chez Scheme. Bootstrapping takes about 10 times as
+long as using an existing Chez Scheme, but @code{cs-bootstrap} supports Racket
+7.1 and later, including the Racket BC variant.
+Note that the generated bootfiles are specific to Racket's fork of Chez
+Scheme, and @code{cs-bootstrap} does not currently support building upstream
+Chez Scheme.")))
+;; Chez's bootstrap dependencies:
+(define-public stex-bootstrap
+ ;; This commit includes a fix which we would otherwise want to use as
+ ;; patch. Let's revert to tagged releases as soon as one becomes available.
+ (let ((commit "54051494434a197772bf6ca5b4e6cf6be55f39a5")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (hidden-package
+ (package
+ (name "stex")
+ ;; ^ Debian calls this "stex", not "chez-stex". It is a set of
+ ;; command-line tools, and there isn't a Scheme API, let alone a
+ ;; Chez-specific one, except perhaps that the Scheme examples are
+ ;; assumed to be Chez-compatible.
+ (version (git-version "1.2.2" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/dybvig/stex")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01jnvw8qw33gnpzwrakwhsr05h6b609lm180jnspcrb7lds2p23d"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (snippet
+ #~(for-each delete-file
+ '("sbin/install" "doc/stex.pdf" "doc/stex.html")))))
+ (outputs '("out"))
+ (build-system copy-build-system)
+ ;; N.B. Upstream does not seem to support cross-compilation,
+ ;; though it would probably be easy to add.
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list xorg-rgb
+ (texlive-updmap.cfg
+ (list texlive-dvips-l3backend
+ texlive-hyperref
+ texlive-bibtex
+ texlive-epsf
+ texlive-fonts-ec
+ texlive-oberdiek))
+ ghostscript
+ netpbm))
+ ;; Debian uses a versionless path for STEXLIB,
+ ;; which is much more convienient.
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:install-plan #~`(("inputs" "lib/stex/")
+ ("gifs" "lib/stex/")
+ ("math" "lib/stex/")
+ ("src" "lib/stex/")
+ ("Mf-stex" "lib/stex/")
+ ("Makefile.template" "lib/stex/"))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'patch-sources
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (define scheme
+ (false-if-exception
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/scheme")))
+ (when scheme
+ (setenv "Scheme" scheme))
+ (substitute* '("Makefile.template"
+ "doc/Makefile")
+ (("STEXLIB=[^\n]*")
+ (string-append "STEXLIB=" #$output "/lib/stex"))
+ (("Scheme=[^\n]*")
+ (string-append "Scheme=" (or scheme "scheme"))))
+ (substitute* '("Mf-stex"
+ "math/Makefile")
+ (("/bin/rm")
+ "rm"))
+ (substitute* "Mf-stex"
+ (("SHELL=bash")
+ ;; avoid Solaris workaround
+ "#SHELL=bash"))))
+ (add-after 'install 'maybe-compile
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (cond
+ ((getenv "Scheme")
+ => (lambda (scheme)
+ (define makefile
+ (string-append (getcwd) "/Makefile"))
+ (define machine
+ #$(and=> (nix-system->chez-machine)
+ chez-machine->threaded))
+ (with-directory-excursion
+ (search-input-directory outputs "/lib/stex")
+ (invoke "make"
+ "-f" makefile
+ (string-append "Scheme=" scheme))
+ (for-each delete-file
+ (find-files machine "\\.")))))
+ (else
+ ;; for bootstrapping, can run without ahead-of-time
+ ;; compilation
+ (format #t "not compiling~%")))))
+ (add-after 'maybe-compile 'maybe-make-docs
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (cond
+ ((assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ => (lambda (doc-prefix)
+ (define doc-dir
+ (string-append doc-prefix "/share/doc/stex"))
+ ;; the Makefile is referenced in the documentation
+ (copy-recursively "doc" doc-dir)
+ (install-file "ReadMe" doc-dir)
+ (with-directory-excursion "doc"
+ (invoke "make")
+ (install-file "stex.html" doc-dir)
+ (install-file "stex.pdf" doc-dir))))
+ (else
+ (format #t "not making docs~%"))))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dybvig/stex")
+ (synopsis "LaTeX with embeded Scheme code and HTML generation")
+ (description "The @code{stex} package extends LaTeX with a handful of
+commands for including Scheme code (or pretty much any other kind of code, as
+long as you don't plan to use the Scheme-specific transcript support) in a
+document. It provides the programs @code{scheme-prep} and @code{html-prep} to
+convert @code{stex} documents to LaTeX and HTML, respectively, plus makefile
+templates, style files, and other resources. The @code{stex} system is used
+to typeset @cite{The Scheme Programming Language} and the @cite{Chez Scheme
+User's Guix}, among other documents.")
+ (license expat)))))
+(define-public stex
+ (package/inherit stex-bootstrap
+ (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs stex-bootstrap)
+ (prepend chez-scheme)))
+ (outputs '("out" "doc"))
+ (properties '())))
+(define-public chez-nanopass-bootstrap
+ (hidden-package
+ (package
+ (name "chez-nanopass")
+ (version "1.9.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/nanopass/nanopass-framework-scheme")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16vjsik9rrzbabbhbxbaha51ppi3f9n8rk59pc6zdyffs0vziy4i"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "nanopass-framework-scheme" version))
+ (snippet
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (when (file-exists? "doc/user-guide.pdf")
+ (delete-file "doc/user-guide.pdf"))
+ (substitute* "doc/Makefile"
+ (("include ~/stex/Mf-stex")
+ "include $(STEXLIB)/Mf-stex"))))))
+ (build-system copy-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:install-plan
+ #~`(("nanopass.ss" "lib/chez-scheme/")
+ ("nanopass" "lib/chez-scheme/"))))
+ (home-page "https://nanopass.org")
+ (synopsis "DSL for compiler development")
+ (description "The Nanopass framework is an embedded domain-specific
+language for writing compilers composed of several simple passes that
+operate over well-defined intermediate languages. The goal of this
+organization is both to simplify the understanding of each pass, because it
+is responsible for a single task, and to simplify the addition of new passes
+anywhere in the compiler. Nanopass reduces the boilerplate required to
+create compilers, making them easier to understand and maintain.")
+ (license expat))))
+(define-public chez-nanopass
+ (package/inherit chez-nanopass-bootstrap
+ (properties '())
+ ;; TODO: cross-compilation
+ (native-inputs (list chez-scheme stex))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments chez-nanopass-bootstrap)
+ ((#:install-plan base-plan)
+ #~`(("nanopass.so" "lib/chez-scheme/")
+ ("doc/user-guide.pdf" #$(string-append
+ "share/doc/"
+ (package-name this-package)
+ "-"
+ (package-version this-package)
+ "/"))
+ ,@#$base-plan))
+ ((#:phases base-phases #~%standard-phases)
+ #~(modify-phases #$base-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'compile-and-test
+ (lambda args
+ (invoke "scheme"
+ "--compile-imported-libraries"
+ "--program" "test-all.ss")))
+ (add-after 'compile-and-test 'build-doc
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion "doc"
+ (invoke "make"
+ (string-append "Scheme="
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "/bin/scheme"))
+ (string-append "STEXLIB="
+ (search-input-directory
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "/lib/stex"))))))))))))
+;; Other Chez packages:
+;; Help function for Chez Scheme to add the current path to
+(define chez-configure
+ #~(lambda _
+ (let ((chez-env (getenv "CHEZSCHEMELIBDIRS")))
+ (if chez-env
+ (string-append ".:" chez-env)
+ ".")))))
+;; Help function to define make flags for some Chez Scheme custom make
+;; files.
+(define (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #~(let ((out #$output))
+ (list
+ ;; Set 'schemedir' so that libraries are installed in
+ ;; 'lib/chez-scheme' like Chez's 'native-search-paths' expects.
+ (string-append "schemedir=" out "/lib/chez-scheme")
+ (string-append "PREFIX=" out)
+ (string-append "DOCDIR=" out "/share/doc/" #$name "-" #$version))))
(define-public chez-srfi
(name "chez-srfi")
@@ -275,15 +766,13 @@ and 32-bit PowerPC architectures.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
- `(#:make-flags (let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- (list (string-append "PREFIX=" out)
- "CHEZ=chez-scheme --libdirs ./"
- (string-append "chezversion=" ,(package-version chez-scheme))))
- #:test-target "test"
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure))))
+ (list #:make-flags (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ #$chez-configure))))
(home-page "https://github.com/fedeinthemix/chez-srfi")
(synopsis "SRFI libraries for Chez Scheme")
@@ -308,42 +797,48 @@ and 32-bit PowerPC architectures.")
(base32 "1dq25qygyncbfq4kwwqqgyyakfqjwhp5q23vrf3bff1p66nyfl3b"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("chez-scheme" ,chez-scheme)
- ("ghostscript" ,ghostscript)
- ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-oberdiek
- texlive-epsf
- texlive-metapost
- texlive-charter
- texlive-pdftex
- texlive-context
- texlive-cm
- texlive-tex-plain)))))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)
+ ghostscript
+ ;; FIXME: This package fails to build with the error:
+ ;; mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for bchr8r
+ ;; Replacing the following with `texlive` fixes it.
+ ;; What is missing?
+ (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-oberdiek
+ texlive-epsf
+ texlive-metapost
+ texlive-charter
+ texlive-pdftex
+ texlive-context
+ texlive-cm
+ texlive-tex-plain))))
- `(#:make-flags (list (string-append "PREFIX=" %output)
- (string-append "DOCDIR=" %output "/share/doc/"
- ,name "-" ,version)
- (string-append "LIBDIR=" %output "/lib/chezweb")
- (string-append "TEXDIR=" %output "/share/texmf-local"))
- #:tests? #f ; no tests
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; This package has a custom "bootstrap" script that
- ;; is meant to be run from the Makefile.
- (delete 'bootstrap)
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* _
- (copy-file "config.mk.template" "config.mk")
- (substitute* "tangleit"
- (("\\./cheztangle\\.ss" all)
- (string-append "chez-scheme --program " all)))
- (substitute* "weaveit"
- (("mpost chezweb\\.mp")
- "mpost --tex=tex chezweb.mp")
- (("\\./chezweave" all)
- (string-append "chez-scheme --program " all)))
- (substitute* "installit"
- (("-g \\$GROUP -o \\$OWNER") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output)
+ (string-append "DOCDIR=" #$output "/share/doc/"
+ #$name "-" #$version)
+ ;; lib/chez-scheme/chezweb ???
+ (string-append "LIBDIR=" #$output "/lib/chezweb")
+ (string-append "TEXDIR=" #$output "/share/texmf-local"))
+ #:tests? #f ; no tests
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; This package has a custom "bootstrap" script that
+ ;; is meant to be run from the Makefile.
+ (delete 'bootstrap)
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* _
+ (copy-file "config.mk.template" "config.mk")
+ (substitute* "tangleit"
+ (("\\./cheztangle\\.ss" all)
+ (string-append "scheme --program " all)))
+ (substitute* "weaveit"
+ (("mpost chezweb\\.mp")
+ "mpost --tex=tex chezweb.mp")
+ (("\\./chezweave" all)
+ (string-append "scheme --program " all)))
+ (substitute* "installit"
+ (("-g \\$GROUP -o \\$OWNER") "")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/arcfide/ChezWEB")
(synopsis "Hygienic Literate Programming for Chez Scheme")
(description "ChezWEB is a system for doing Knuthian style WEB
@@ -367,95 +862,74 @@ programming in Scheme.")
(base32 "1n5fbwwz51fdzvjackgmnsgh363g9inyxv7kmzi0469cwavwcx5m"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("chez-scheme" ,chez-scheme)
- ("chez-web" ,chez-web)
- ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-pdftex)))))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)
+ chez-web
+ (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-pdftex))))
- `(#:tests? #f ; no tests
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key outputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (chez-web (assoc-ref inputs "chez-web"))
- (chez (assoc-ref inputs "chez-scheme"))
- (chez-h (dirname (car (find-files chez "scheme\\.h")))))
- (substitute* "Makefile"
- (("(SCHEMEH=).*$" all var)
- (string-append var chez-h)))
- #t)))
- (add-before 'build 'tangle
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (setenv "TEXINPUTS"
- (string-append
- (getcwd) ":"
- (assoc-ref inputs "chez-web") "/share/texmf-local/tex/generic:"
- ":"))
- ;; just using "make" tries to build the .c files before
- ;; they are created.
- (and (invoke "make" "sockets")
- (invoke "make"))))
- (replace 'build
- (lambda* (#:key outputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (chez-site (string-append out "/lib/csv"
- ,(package-version chez-scheme)
- "-site/arcfide")))
- ;; make sure Chez Scheme can find the shared libraries.
- (substitute* "sockets.ss"
- (("(load-shared-object) \"(socket-ffi-values\\.[sd][oy].*)\""
- all cmd so)
- (string-append cmd " \"" chez-site "/" so "\""))
- (("sockets-stub\\.[sd][oy].*" all)
- (string-append chez-site "/" all)))
- ;; to compile chez-sockets, the .so files must be
- ;; installed (because of the absolute path we
- ;; inserted above).
- (for-each (lambda (f d) (install-file f d))
- '("socket-ffi-values.so" "sockets-stub.so")
- (list chez-site chez-site))
- (zero? (system "echo '(compile-file \"sockets.sls\")' | scheme -q")))))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key outputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (lib (string-append out "/lib/chez-sockets"))
- (doc (string-append out "/share/doc/" ,name "-" ,version))
- (chez-site (string-append out "/lib/csv"
- ,(package-version chez-scheme)
- "-site/arcfide")))
- (for-each (lambda (f d) (install-file f d))
- '("sockets.pdf" "sockets.so")
- (list doc chez-site))
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ; no tests
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((scheme (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "/bin/scheme"))
+ (lib (string-append (dirname scheme) "/../lib"))
+ (header-file (car (find-files lib "scheme\\.h")))
+ (include-dir (dirname header-file)))
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ (("(SCHEMEH=).*$" _ var)
+ (string-append var include-dir))))))
+ (add-before 'build 'tangle
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "TEXINPUTS"
+ (string-append
+ (getcwd) ":"
+ (assoc-ref inputs "chez-web")
+ "/share/texmf-local/tex/generic:"
+ ":"))
+ ;; just using "make" tries to build the .c files before
+ ;; they are created.
+ (and (invoke "make" "sockets")
+ (invoke "make"))))
+ (replace 'build
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((chez-site (string-append #$output
+ "/lib/chez-scheme/arcfide")))
+ ;; make sure Chez Scheme can find the shared libraries.
+ (substitute* "sockets.ss"
+ (("(object \")(socket-ffi-values\\.[sd][oy][^\"]*)(\")"
+ _ pre file post)
+ (string-append pre chez-site "/" file post))
+ (("(\")(sockets-stub\\.[sd][oy][^\"]*)(\")"
+ _ pre file post)
+ (string-append pre chez-site "/" file post)))
+ ;; to compile chez-sockets, the .so files must be
+ ;; installed (because of the absolute path we
+ ;; inserted above).
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (install-file f chez-site))
+ '("socket-ffi-values.so"
+ "sockets-stub.so"))
+ (invoke "bash"
+ "-c"
+ (format #f "echo '~s' | scheme -q"
+ '(compile-file "sockets.sls"))))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda args
+ (install-file "sockets.so"
+ (string-append #$output
+ "/lib/chez-scheme/arcfide"))
+ (install-file "sockets.pdf"
+ (string-append #$output
+ "/share/doc/"
+ #$name "-" #$version)))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/arcfide/chez-sockets")
(synopsis "Extensible sockets library for Chez Scheme")
(description "Chez-sockets is an extensible sockets library for
Chez Scheme.")
(license expat))))
-;; Help function for Chez Scheme to add the current path to
-(define chez-configure
- '(lambda _
- (let ((chez-env (getenv "CHEZSCHEMELIBDIRS")))
- (if chez-env
- (string-append ".:" chez-env)
- "."))
- #t)))
-;; Help function to define make flags for some Chez Scheme custom make
-;; files.
-(define (chez-make-flags name version)
- `(let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- (list
- ;; Set 'chezversion' so that libraries are installed in
- ;; 'lib/csvX.Y.Z-site' like Chez's 'native-search-paths' expects.
- (string-append "chezversion=" ,(package-version chez-scheme))
- (string-append "PREFIX=" out)
- (string-append "DOCDIR=" out "/share/doc/"
- ,name "-" ,version))))
(define-public chez-matchable
(name "chez-matchable")
@@ -474,12 +948,13 @@ Chez Scheme.")
(list chez-srfi)) ; for tests
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
- `(#:make-flags ,(chez-make-flags name version)
- #:test-target "test"
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure ,chez-configure))))
+ (list #:make-flags (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ #$chez-configure))))
(synopsis "Portable hygienic pattern matcher for Scheme")
(description "This package provides a superset of the popular Scheme
@code{match} package by Andrew Wright, written in fully portable
@@ -505,12 +980,13 @@ Chez Scheme.")
(list chez-srfi)) ; for irregex-utils
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
- `(#:make-flags ,(chez-make-flags name version)
- #:test-target "test"
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure ,chez-configure))))
+ (list #:make-flags (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ #$chez-configure))))
(home-page "https://github.com/fedeinthemix/chez-irregex")
(synopsis "Portable regular expression library for Scheme")
(description "This package provides a portable and efficient
@@ -535,19 +1011,20 @@ syntax, with various aliases for commonly used patterns.")
(list chez-srfi)) ; for irregex-utils
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
- `(#:make-flags ,(chez-make-flags name version)
- #:test-target "chez-check"
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure ,chez-configure)
- (replace 'build
- (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
- (apply invoke "make" "chez-build" make-flags)))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
- (apply invoke "make" "chez-install" make-flags))))))
+ (list #:make-flags (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #:test-target "chez-check"
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ #$chez-configure)
+ (replace 'build
+ (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
+ (apply invoke "make" "chez-build" make-flags)))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
+ (apply invoke "make" "chez-install" make-flags))))))
(home-page "http://synthcode.com/scheme/fmt")
(synopsis "Combinator formatting library for Chez Scheme")
(description "This package provides a library of procedures for
@@ -570,17 +1047,40 @@ strings.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(base32 "0c7i3b6i90xk96nmxn1pc9272a4yal4v40dm1a4ybdi87x53zkk0"))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Workaround for chez-scheme-for-racket.
+ ;; See: https://github.com/racket/racket/issues/4151
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (substitute* "mit/core.sls"
+ (("[(]import ")
+ "(import (only (chezscheme) import)\n")
+ (("[(]define string->uninterned-symbol gensym[)]")
+ (format #f "~s"
+ '(begin
+ (import (only (chezscheme)
+ meta-cond
+ library-exports))
+ (meta-cond
+ ((memq 'string->uninterned-symbol
+ (library-exports '(chezscheme)))
+ (import (only (chezscheme)
+ string->uninterned-symbol)))
+ (else
+ (define string->uninterned-symbol
+ gensym)))))))))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list chez-srfi)) ; for tests
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
- `(#:make-flags ,(chez-make-flags name version)
- #:test-target "test"
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure ,chez-configure))))
+ (list #:make-flags (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ #$chez-configure))))
(synopsis "MIT/GNU Scheme compatibility library for Chez Scheme")
(description "This package provides a set of MIT/GNU Scheme compatibility
libraries for Chez Scheme. The main goal was to provide the functionality
@@ -605,50 +1105,48 @@ required to port the program @code{Scmutils} to Chez Scheme.")
(list chez-srfi)) ; for tests
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
(list chez-mit chez-srfi))
- `(#:make-flags ,(chez-make-flags name version)
- #:tests? #f ; no test suite
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure ,chez-configure)
- ;; Since the documentation is lacking, we install the source
- ;; code. For things to work correctly we have to replace
- ;; relative paths by absolute ones in 'include' forms. This
- ;; in turn requires us to compile the files in the final
- ;; destination.
- (delete 'build)
- (add-after 'install 'install-src
- (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
- (apply invoke "make" "install-src" make-flags)))
- (add-after 'install-src 'absolute-path-in-scm-files
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (for-each (lambda (file)
- (substitute* file
- (("include +\"\\./scmutils")
- (string-append "include \"" (dirname file)))))
- (find-files out "\\.sls"))
- (for-each (lambda (file)
- (substitute* file
- (("include +\"\\./scmutils/simplify")
- (string-append "include \"" (dirname file)))))
- (find-files out "fbe-syntax\\.scm"))
- #t)))
- (add-after 'absolute-path-in-scm-files 'build
- (lambda* (#:key outputs (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (mk-file (car (find-files out "Makefile"))))
- (with-directory-excursion (dirname mk-file)
- (apply invoke "make" "build" make-flags)))))
- (add-after 'build 'clean-up
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (for-each delete-file
- (find-files out "Makefile|compile-all\\.ss"))
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:make-flags (chez-make-flags name version)
+ #:tests? #f ; no test suite
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ #$chez-configure)
+ ;; Since the documentation is lacking, we install the source
+ ;; code. For things to work correctly we have to replace
+ ;; relative paths by absolute ones in 'include' forms. This
+ ;; in turn requires us to compile the files in the final
+ ;; destination.
+ (delete 'build)
+ (add-after 'install 'install-src
+ (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
+ (apply invoke "make" "install-src" make-flags)))
+ (add-after 'install-src 'absolute-path-in-scm-files
+ (lambda* (#:key #:allow-other-keys)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (substitute* file
+ (("include +\"\\./scmutils")
+ (string-append "include \"" (dirname file)))))
+ (find-files #$output "\\.sls"))
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (substitute* file
+ (("include +\"\\./scmutils/simplify")
+ (string-append "include \"" (dirname file)))))
+ (find-files #$output "fbe-syntax\\.scm"))))
+ (add-after 'absolute-path-in-scm-files 'build
+ (lambda* (#:key (make-flags '()) #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((mk-file (car (find-files #$output "Makefile"))))
+ (with-directory-excursion (dirname mk-file)
+ (apply invoke "make" "build" make-flags)))))
+ (add-after 'build 'clean-up
+ (lambda args
+ (for-each delete-file
+ (find-files #$output
+ "Makefile|compile-all\\.ss")))))))
(synopsis "Port of MIT/GNU Scheme Scmutils to Chez Scheme")
(description "This package provides a port of the MIT/GNU Scheme
Scmutils program to Chez Scheme. The port consists of a set of
diff --git a/gnu/packages/chromium.scm b/gnu/packages/chromium.scm
index ba352c533e..7ef1e5ac1b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/chromium.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/chromium.scm
@@ -82,9 +82,6 @@
"base/third_party/symbolize" ;BSD-3
"base/third_party/xdg_mime" ;LGPL2.0+ or Academic 2.0
"base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs" ;Expat
- ;; XXX: Chromium requires a newer C++ standard library. Remove this when
- ;; the default GCC is 9 or later.
- "buildtools/third_party/libc++" ;ASL2.0, with LLVM exceptions
"chrome/third_party/mozilla_security_manager" ;MPL-1.1/GPL2+/LGPL2.1+
"courgette/third_party/bsdiff" ;BSD-2, BSD protection license
"courgette/third_party/divsufsort" ;Expat
@@ -170,8 +167,6 @@
"third_party/iccjpeg" ;IJG
"third_party/inspector_protocol" ;BSD-3
"third_party/jinja2" ;BSD-3
- ;; XXX: Unbundle this when switching back to libstdc++.
- "third_party/jsoncpp" ;Public Domain or Expat
"third_party/jstemplate" ;ASL2.0
"third_party/khronos" ;Expat, SGI
"third_party/leveldatabase" ;BSD-3
@@ -237,9 +232,6 @@
"third_party/protobuf/third_party/six" ;Expat
"third_party/pyjson5" ;ASL2.0
"third_party/qcms" ;Expat
- ;; XXX: System re2 cannot be used when Chromium uses libc++ because the re2
- ;; ABI relies on libstdc++ internals. See build/linux/unbundle/re2.gn.
- "third_party/re2" ;BSD-3
"third_party/rnnoise" ;BSD-3
"third_party/ruy" ;ASL2.0
"third_party/s2cellid" ;ASL2.0
@@ -318,13 +310,19 @@
;; run the Blink performance tests, just remove everything to save ~70MiB.
-(define* (arch-patch name hash #:optional (revision %arch-revision))
+(define %chromium-version "98.0.4758.102")
+(define %ungoogled-revision (string-append %chromium-version "-1"))
+(define %debian-revision "debian/90.0.4430.85-1")
+(define %ungoogled-origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/archlinux"
- "/svntogit-packages/" revision "/trunk/" name))
- (file-name (string-append "ungoogled-chromium-" name))
- (sha256 (base32 hash))))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference (url "https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium")
+ (commit %ungoogled-revision)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "ungoogled-chromium" %ungoogled-revision))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0baz90fnzpldw0wwibhmh4pmki7vlpci9b9vvifa0rj5cwckl8a0"))))
(define* (debian-patch name hash #:optional (revision %debian-revision))
@@ -336,33 +334,16 @@
(string-append "ungoogled-chromium-" category "-" name))))
(sha256 (base32 hash))))
-(define %chromium-version "97.0.4692.99")
-(define %ungoogled-revision (string-append %chromium-version "-1"))
-(define %arch-revision "db2157b84924ce84201a8245e68a02f7d55f6491")
-(define %debian-revision "debian/90.0.4430.85-1")
-(define %arch-patches
- (list (arch-patch "chromium-94-ffmpeg-roll.patch"
- "1kiskdjr9v3d491sq0wdjxliflh2vq5700gbygcixayj8gkvdb2n")))
(define %debian-patches
(list (debian-patch "fixes/nomerge.patch"
+ (debian-patch "system/jsoncpp.patch"
+ "16lvhci10hz0q9axc6p921b95a76kbzcla5cl81czxzfwnynr1w5")
(debian-patch "system/zlib.patch"
(debian-patch "system/openjpeg.patch"
-(define %ungoogled-origin
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference (url "https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium")
- (commit %ungoogled-revision)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "ungoogled-chromium" %ungoogled-revision))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1jgxpp3wl24hq39291mgmdwcxbarxg4rpa6il53k8z3rf6gd2s4i"))))
(define %guix-patches
(list (local-file
@@ -372,9 +353,6 @@
(search-patch "ungoogled-chromium-RUNPATH.patch")))
- (search-patch "ungoogled-chromium-accelerated-video-decode.patch")))
- (local-file
- (assume-valid-file-name
(search-patch "ungoogled-chromium-ffmpeg-compat.patch")))
@@ -406,13 +384,6 @@
patch "--no-backup-if-mismatch"))
(append '#+%debian-patches '#+%guix-patches))
- ;; These patches are "reversed"; i.e. they represent changes
- ;; already present in the source, but which should be reverted.
- (for-each (lambda (patch)
- (invoke "patch" "-Rp1" "--force" "--input"
- patch "--no-backup-if-mismatch"))
- '#$%arch-patches)
(with-directory-excursion #+%ungoogled-origin
(format #t "Ungooglifying...~%")
@@ -449,7 +420,7 @@
"--system-libraries" "ffmpeg" "flac" "fontconfig"
"freetype" "harfbuzz-ng" "icu" "libdrm" "libevent"
"libjpeg" "libpng" "libwebp" "libxml" "libxslt"
- "openh264" "opus" "zlib")))))
+ "openh264" "opus" "re2" "zlib")))))
(define opus+custom
(package/inherit opus
@@ -480,7 +451,7 @@
%chromium-version ".tar.xz"))
- "1fpc07zvashaqqalwn7wxnswxclrxvhjrxy1rzr6gcq5awhaw6y9"))
+ "0gpk13k8pfk65vinlmkg3p7mm0qb8z35psajkxzx0v3n2bllfns1"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
(snippet (force ungoogled-chromium-snippet))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -501,13 +472,11 @@
;; a developer build.
- "is_cfi=false" ;requires ThinLTO
- "use_thin_lto=false" ;XXX lld segfaults
+ "use_custom_libcxx=false"
- "enable_nacl_nonsfi=false"
@@ -577,7 +546,11 @@
;; Don't use bundled sources.
- "rtc_build_json=true" ;FIXME: libc++ std::string ABI difference
+ "rtc_build_json=false"
+ (string-append "rtc_jsoncpp_root=\""
+ (search-input-directory %build-inputs
+ "include/json")
+ "\"")
;; XXX: Use the bundled libvpx for WebRTC because unbundling
;; currently fails (see above), and the versions must match.
@@ -623,6 +596,15 @@
(find-files (string-append "third_party/webrtc/modules"
+ (substitute* "third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/strings/json.h"
+ (("#include \"third_party/jsoncpp/")
+ "#include \"json/"))
+ ;; This can be removed for M99.
+ (substitute* "media/gpu/chromeos/video_decoder_pipeline.cc"
+ (("third_party/libdrm/src/include/drm/drm_fourcc\\.h")
+ "libdrm/drm_fourcc.h"))
;; Many files try to include ICU headers from "third_party/icu/...".
;; Remove the "third_party/" prefix to use system headers instead.
(substitute* (find-files "chrome" "\\.cc$")
@@ -668,7 +650,6 @@
- "ui/gl/init/gl_initializer_linux_x11.cc"
@@ -683,18 +664,6 @@
(node (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
- ;; Remove the default compiler from CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH to
- ;; prevent header conflict with the bundled libcxx.
- (string-join
- (delete c++
- (string-split (getenv "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH")
- #\:))
- ":"))
- (format #t
- "environment variable `CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH' changed to ~a~%"
- (getenv "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH"))
;; Define the GN toolchain.
(setenv "AR" "llvm-ar") (setenv "NM" "llvm-nm")
(setenv "CC" "clang") (setenv "CXX" "clang++")
@@ -766,7 +735,9 @@
(resources (string-append lib "/resources"))
;; This file contains defaults for new user profiles.
- #$(local-file "aux-files/chromium/master-preferences.json"))
+ #$(local-file
+ (search-auxiliary-file
+ "chromium/master-preferences.json")))
(gtk+ (assoc-ref inputs "gtk+"))
(xdg-utils (assoc-ref inputs "xdg-utils")))
@@ -846,6 +817,7 @@
+ jsoncpp
@@ -879,6 +851,7 @@
+ re2
diff --git a/gnu/packages/clojure.scm b/gnu/packages/clojure.scm
index 40a3d7708a..e6eb749501 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/clojure.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/clojure.scm
@@ -332,8 +332,14 @@ is on par with Java implementations, e.g., Apache commons-codec.")
(build-system clojure-build-system)
'(#:source-dirs '("src/main/clojure")
- #:test-dirs '("src/test/clojure")
- #:doc-dirs '()))
+ #:test-dirs '("src/test/clojure" "src/test/resources")
+ #:doc-dirs '()
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'build 'delete-cljs-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file "src/test/resources/clojure/data/xml/cljs_testsuite.clj")
+ (delete-file "src/test/clojure/clojure/data/xml/test_cljs.clj"))))))
(propagated-inputs (list clojure-data-codec))
(synopsis "Clojure library for reading and writing XML data")
(description "@code{data.xml} is a Clojure library for reading and writing
diff --git a/gnu/packages/commencement.scm b/gnu/packages/commencement.scm
index 7147e5860f..9d6ed5fd08 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/commencement.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/commencement.scm
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -3033,9 +3034,6 @@ exec ~a/bin/~a-~a -B~a/lib -Wl,-dynamic-linker -Wl,~a/~a \"$@\"~%"
(define (%boot3-inputs)
;; 4th stage inputs.
`(("gcc" ,gcc-final)
- ,@(if (target-riscv64?)
- `(("gcc:lib" ,gcc-final "lib"))
- '())
("ld-wrapper" ,ld-wrapper-boot3)
,@(alist-delete "gcc" (%boot2-inputs))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/compression.scm b/gnu/packages/compression.scm
index 6b91b51504..ecb1e69328 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/compression.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/compression.scm
@@ -811,8 +811,11 @@ decompression of some loosely related file formats used by Microsoft.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(outputs (list "out" "static"))
- (list ;; For tests.
- python valgrind))
+ (append
+ (list python) ;; For tests.
+ (if (member (%current-system) (package-supported-systems valgrind))
+ (list valgrind)
+ '())))
`(;; Not designed for parallel testing.
;; See https://github.com/lz4/lz4/issues/957#issuecomment-737419821
@@ -871,7 +874,7 @@ time for compression ratio.")
- (string-append "INSTALL_DIR=" %output "/bin"))
+ (string-append "INSTALL_DIR=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out") "/bin"))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'configure
@@ -2091,7 +2094,7 @@ single-member files which can't be decompressed in parallel.")
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f))
- (inputs (list boost libiconv xz))
+ (inputs (list boost xz))
(native-inputs (list pkg-config))
(home-page "https://constexpr.org/innoextract/")
(synopsis "Tool for extracting Inno Setup installers")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/compton.scm b/gnu/packages/compton.scm
index 290e06478b..16feae4f2f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/compton.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/compton.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton <brown121407@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ performance).
(define-public picom
(name "picom")
- (version "8.2")
+ (version "9.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ performance).
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
- "0gjksayz2xpmgglvw17ppsan2imrd1fijs579kbf27xwp503xgfl"))
+ "0q7j6kh9k7i201cwhnfc3bmp0hqrx7ngk3v4qsp8k0qfy1n3ma8n"))
(file-name (string-append "picom-" version))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/connman.scm b/gnu/packages/connman.scm
index f2ebfc95eb..6221b56d77 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/connman.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/connman.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
@@ -45,19 +45,20 @@
(define-public connman
(name "connman")
- (version "1.40")
+ (version "1.41")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://kernel.org/linux/network/connman/"
"connman-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "04nbxpaxykncp65fyh4lk778vn9145fbxhxa8hbkmailw9yawmqs"))))
+ (base32 "12g5ilcnymx6i45z3359yds3cgd2dfqjyncfm92hqlymzps41yvr"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list "--enable-nmcompat"
"--enable-polkit" ; Polkit doesn't need to be present at build time.
+ "--enable-iwd"
@@ -68,8 +69,8 @@
"--with-dbusdatadir=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out") "/share"))))
- `(("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)))
+ (list pkg-config
+ python-wrapper))
(list dbus
diff --git a/gnu/packages/coq.scm b/gnu/packages/coq.scm
index b523ccb065..0cfe9fd4e7 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/coq.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/coq.scm
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
(define-public coq-core
(name "coq-core")
- (version "8.14.1")
+ (version "8.15.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0q634fmrh5ivpxy7ammdiqdh9xp72ji2726vcz1bd55ln0d08z40"))
+ "0473mmc4wv8zbbcbvqqn0z9gz9y8gf4w2q6j6h50lx0jphpg2n8z"))
(patches (search-patches "coq-fix-envvars.patch"))))
(list (search-path-specification
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ provers.")
(define-public coq-flocq
(name "coq-flocq")
- (version "3.4.2")
+ (version "4.0.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ provers.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0j7vq7ifqcdaj2x881aha2rl51l2p72y1cn7r2xya0fjgsssfigy"))))
+ "159ykkhxz7zms28r4v8jjccapl5vv00csdz29mfy83lwrv5b6rwk"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake ocaml which coq))
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ inside Coq.")
(define-public coq-gappa
(name "coq-gappa")
- (version "1.5.0")
+ (version "1.5.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ inside Coq.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1ivh8xm1c8191rm4riamjzya2x6ls96qax5byir1fywf9hbxr1vg"))))
+ "18y4mv44mcgyam77rf4xs7l06mg7pxx1qli3yvs0kklmnnvwa463"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ assistant.")
(define-public coq-mathcomp
(name "coq-mathcomp")
- (version "1.13.0")
+ (version "1.14.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ assistant.")
(commit (string-append "mathcomp-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0aj8hsdzzds5w0p1858s2b6k9zssjcxa6kgpi0q1nvaml4zfpkcc"))))
+ (base32 "1rqg47dg84wr6d9v2pzna54dm62awcm8xdwx4dqwdwhf58fjxa9i"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list ocaml which coq))
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ theorems between the two libraries.")
(define-public coq-bignums
(name "coq-bignums")
- (version "8.14.0")
+ (version "8.15.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ theorems between the two libraries.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0jsgdvj0ddhkls32krprp34r64y1rb5mwxl34fgaxk2k4664yq06"))))
+ "093klwlhclgyrba1iv18dyz1qp5f0lwiaa7y0qwvgmai8rll5fns"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list ocaml coq))
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ provides BigN, BigZ, BigQ that used to be part of Coq standard library.")
(define-public coq-interval
(name "coq-interval")
- (version "4.3.1")
+ (version "4.4.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ provides BigN, BigZ, BigQ that used to be part of Coq standard library.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0sr9psildc0sda07r2r47rfgyry49yklk38bg04yyvry5j5pryb6"))))
+ "1rlcbv1nqm7zv60n63lca6nnxcq3c18akgzl72s1n3h89gvhs87z"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake ocaml which coq))
@@ -546,11 +546,11 @@ uses Ltac to synthesize the substitution operation.")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/mattam82/Coq-Equations")
- (commit (string-append "v" version "-8.14"))))
+ (commit (string-append "v" version "-8.15"))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "19bj9nncd1r9g4273h5qx35gs3i4bw5z9bhjni24b413hyj55hkv"))))
+ "1vfcfpsp9zyj0sw0cwibk76nj6n0r6gwh8m1aa3lbvc0b1kbm32k"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list ocaml coq camlp5))
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ also provided in Coq, without associated proofs.")
(define-public coq-stdpp
(name "coq-stdpp")
- (version "1.6.0")
+ (version "1.7.0")
(synopsis "Alternative Coq standard library std++")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ also provided in Coq, without associated proofs.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1l1w6srzydjg0h3f4krrfgvz455h56shyy2lbcnwdbzjkahibl7v"))))
+ "0447wbzm23f9rl8byqf6vglasfn6c1wy6cxrrwagqjwsh3i5lx8y"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list coq))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/cpp.scm b/gnu/packages/cpp.scm
index 1bae2966b9..bb7f5ab95a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/cpp.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/cpp.scm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Fis Trivial <ybbs.daans@hotmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2022 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jan Wielkiewicz <tona_kosmicznego_smiecia@interia.pl>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Alexandros Theodotou <alex@zrythm.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Milkey Mouse <milkeymouse@meme.institute>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Raghav Gururajan <rg@raghavgururajan.name>
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Disseminate Dissent <disseminatedissent@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 muradm <mail@muradm.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Attila Lendvai <attila@lendvai.name>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -48,7 +52,9 @@
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system copy)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system meson)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module (guix modules)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
@@ -73,13 +79,15 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages onc-rpc)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-check)
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages popt)
#:use-module (gnu packages pretty-print)
#:use-module (gnu packages pulseaudio)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
#:use-module (gnu packages web)
- #:use-module (gnu packages xml))
+ #:use-module (gnu packages xml)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match))
(define-public argagg
(let ((commit "79e4adfa2c6e2bfbe63da05cc668eb9ad5596748") (revision "0"))
@@ -168,6 +176,10 @@ development effort.")
(base32 "18230bg4rq9pmm5f8f65j444jpq56rld4fhmpham8q3vr1c1bdjh"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "-DRANGES_NATIVE=OFF")))
(list doxygen gcc-9 perl))
@@ -219,6 +231,53 @@ use by the C++ Core Guidelines maintained by the Standard C++ Foundation.")
(home-page "https://github.com/microsoft/GSL/")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public c2ffi
+ (package
+ (name "c2ffi")
+ ;; As per the c2ffi README: the first three elements are encoding the
+ ;; required Clang/LLVM version, and the last one is the c2ffi revision.
+ (version "")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/rpav/c2ffi")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qq8dfismd20d9kfxpfvwz07v9mfvd0y7p5r3c92mk2pm4xnmzfy"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
+ ;; Guix seems to be packaging LLVM libs separately thus -lLLVM
+ ;; won't work, every used library must be specified explicitly.
+ (("c2ffi PUBLIC clang-cpp LLVM")
+ "c2ffi PUBLIC clang-cpp LLVMCore LLVMSupport LLVMMCParser \
+LLVMOption LLVMBitReader LLVMProfileData")))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(;; If LLVM was built without RTTI, we need to also be built without
+ ;; it. See: https://stackoverflow.com/q/11904519
+ #:configure-flags '("-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fno-rtti")
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "./bin/c2ffi" "--help")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list clang-12)) ; CMakeLists.txt invokes `clang -print-resource-dir`
+ (inputs
+ (list clang-12)) ; Compiled with gcc, but links against libclang-cpp.so
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rpav/c2ffi")
+ (synopsis "Clang-based FFI wrapper generator")
+ (description
+ "@code{c2ffi} is a tool for extracting definitions from C, C++, and
+Objective C headers for use with foreign function call interfaces. It uses
+the @code{Clang/LLVM} infrastructure to extract the data, and emits it in
+various formats, including @code{json}.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public libzen
(name "libzen")
@@ -347,7 +406,7 @@ combination of these streams.")
(define-public xsimd
(name "xsimd")
- (version "7.5.0")
+ (version "8.0.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -355,7 +414,7 @@ combination of these streams.")
(url "https://github.com/QuantStack/xsimd")
(commit version)))
- (base32 "0c9pq5vz43j99z83w3b9qylfi66mn749k1afpv5cwfxggbxvy63f"))
+ (base32 "0fph1gzrj13knfkl3fvg098ccvqkbzs0jb8n323m7pnxajpzhzij"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
@@ -452,51 +511,48 @@ functions, class methods, and stl containers.
(license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public fifo-map
- (let* ((commit "0dfbf5dacbb15a32c43f912a7e66a54aae39d0f9")
- (revision "0")
- (version (git-version "1.1.1" revision commit)))
- (package
- (name "fifo-map")
- (version version)
- (home-page "https://github.com/nlohmann/fifo_map")
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url home-page)
- (commit commit)))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0pi77b75kp0l7z454ihcd14nzpi3nc5m4nyjbsgy5f9bw3676196"))
- (patches (search-patches "fifo-map-remove-catch.hpp.patch"
- "fifo-map-fix-flags-for-gcc.patch"))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet '(delete-file-recursively "./test/thirdparty"))))
- (native-inputs
- (list catch-framework2-1))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'check
- (lambda _
- (invoke "./unit")))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (inc (string-append out "/include/fifo_map")))
- (with-directory-excursion "../source"
- (install-file "src/fifo_map.hpp" inc))))))))
- (synopsis "FIFO-ordered associative container for C++")
- (description "Fifo_map is a C++ header only library for associative
+ (package
+ (name "fifo-map")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/nlohmann/fifo_map")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url home-page)
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0y59fk6ycrgjln9liwcja3l5j1vxpa5i671bynpbsjlyq5f2560q"))
+ (patches (search-patches "fifo-map-remove-catch.hpp.patch"
+ "fifo-map-fix-flags-for-gcc.patch"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet '(delete-file-recursively "./test/thirdparty"))))
+ (inputs
+ (list catch-framework2-1))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests? (invoke "./unit"))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (inc (string-append out "/include/fifo_map")))
+ (with-directory-excursion "../source"
+ (install-file "src/fifo_map.hpp" inc))))))))
+ (synopsis "FIFO-ordered associative container for C++")
+ (description "Fifo_map is a C++ header only library for associative
container which uses the order in which keys were inserted to the container
as ordering relation.")
- (license license:expat))))
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public json-modern-cxx
(name "json-modern-cxx")
- (version "3.9.1")
+ (version "3.10.5")
(home-page "https://github.com/nlohmann/json")
@@ -504,7 +560,7 @@ as ordering relation.")
(uri (git-reference (url home-page)
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (base32 "0ar4mzp53lskxw3vdzw07f47njcshl3lwid9jfq6l7yx6ds2nyjc"))
+ (base32 "1f9mi45ilwjc2w92grjc53sw038840bjpn8yjf6wc6bxs2nijfqd"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -513,7 +569,7 @@ as ordering relation.")
;; is a wrapper library added by this package.
(install-file "./test/thirdparty/doctest/doctest_compatibility.h" "/tmp")
(for-each delete-file-recursively
- '("./third_party" "./test/thirdparty" "./benchmarks/thirdparty"))
+ '("./third_party" "./test/thirdparty"))
(install-file "/tmp/doctest_compatibility.h" "./test/thirdparty/doctest")
;; Adjust for the unbundled fifo_map and doctest.
@@ -525,43 +581,39 @@ as ordering relation.")
(substitute* files
(("#include ?\"(fifo_map.hpp)\"" all fifo-map-hpp)
- "#include <fifo_map/" fifo-map-hpp ">")))))
- #t))))
+ "#include <fifo_map/" fifo-map-hpp ">")))))))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list "-DJSON_MultipleHeaders=ON" ; For json_fwd.hpp.
(string-append "-DJSON_TestDataDirectory="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "json_test_data")))
+ (dirname
+ (search-input-directory %build-inputs
+ "json_nlohmann_tests"))))
#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; XXX: When tests are enabled, the install phase will cause
- ;; a needless rebuild without the given configure flags,
- ;; ultimately creating both $out/lib and $out/lib64. Move
- ;; the check phase after install to work around it.
- (delete 'check)
- (add-after 'install 'check
- (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? parallel-tests? #:allow-other-keys)
(if tests?
;; Some tests need git and a full checkout, skip those.
- (invoke "ctest" "-LE" "git_required")
- (format #t "test suite not run~%"))
- #t)))))
+ (invoke "ctest" "-LE" "git_required"
+ "-j" (if parallel-tests?
+ (number->string (parallel-job-count))
+ "1"))
+ (format #t "test suite not run~%")))))))
- `(("amalgamate" ,amalgamate)
- ("doctest" ,doctest)
- ("json_test_data"
- ,(let ((version "3.0.0"))
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/nlohmann/json_test_data")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name "json_test_data" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0nzsjzlvk14dazwh7k2jb1dinb0pv9jbx5jsyn264wvva0y7daiv")))))))
+ (list amalgamate
+ (let ((version "3.0.0"))
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/nlohmann/json_test_data")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "json_test_data" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0nzsjzlvk14dazwh7k2jb1dinb0pv9jbx5jsyn264wvva0y7daiv"))))))
- (list fifo-map))
+ (list doctest fifo-map))
(synopsis "JSON parser and printer library for C++")
(description "JSON for Modern C++ is a C++ JSON library that provides
intuitive syntax and trivial integration.")
@@ -570,7 +622,7 @@ intuitive syntax and trivial integration.")
(define-public xtl
(name "xtl")
- (version "0.6.23")
+ (version "0.7.4")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -579,20 +631,19 @@ intuitive syntax and trivial integration.")
(commit version)))
- "1kd9zl4h6nrsg29hq13vwp4zhfj8sa90vj40726lpw6vxz48k4di"))
+ "134pgvmf9cx5dxs0m0m3qhp3m3r1gl86ic3xax21zc4sdj8sdq46"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
- (list googletest json-modern-cxx))
+ (list doctest googletest json-modern-cxx))
- `(#:configure-flags
+ '(#:configure-flags
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'check
(lambda* _
(with-directory-excursion "test"
- (invoke "./test_xtl")
- #t))))))
+ (invoke "./test_xtl")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/QuantStack/xtl")
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(synopsis "C++ template library providing some basic tools")
@@ -771,7 +822,7 @@ library.")
(define-public cpplint
(name "cpplint")
- (version "1.4.5")
+ (version "1.5.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -781,19 +832,49 @@ library.")
(url "https://github.com/cpplint/cpplint")
(commit version)))
- (base32 "1yzcxqx0186sh80p0ydl9z0ld51fn2cdpz9hmhrp15j53g9ira7c"))
+ (base32 "13l86aq0h1jga949k79k9x3hw2xqchjc162sclg2f99vz98zcz15"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'use-later-pytest
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test-requirements"
- (("pytest.*") "pytest\n"))
- #t)))))
+ (list #:modules `((srfi srfi-1)
+ (srfi srfi-26)
+ ,@%python-build-system-modules)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases (@ (guix build python-build-system) %standard-phases)
+ (add-before 'wrap 'reduce-GUIX_PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Hide the transitive native inputs from GUIX_PYTHONPATH
+ ;; to prevent them from ending up in the run-time closure.
+ ;; See also <https://bugs.gnu.org/25235>.
+ (let ((transitive-native-inputs
+ '#$(match (package-transitive-native-inputs
+ this-package)
+ (((labels packages) ...) packages))))
+ ;; Save the original PYTHONPATH because we need it for
+ ;; tests later.
+ (setenv "TMP_PYTHONPATH" (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))
+ (string-join
+ (filter (lambda (path)
+ (not (any (cut string-prefix? <> path)
+ transitive-native-inputs)))
+ (search-path-as-string->list
+ (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")))
+ ":")))))
+ (add-after 'wrap 'reset-GUIX_PYTHONPATH
+ (lambda _
+ (getenv "TMP_PYTHONPATH"))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv")))))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (list python-pytest python-pytest-cov python-pytest-runner))
+ (list python-coverage
+ python-pytest
+ python-pytest-cov
+ python-pytest-runner
+ python-testfixtures))
(home-page "https://github.com/cpplint/cpplint")
(synopsis "Static code checker for C++")
(description "@code{cpplint} is a command-line tool to check C/C++ files
@@ -962,7 +1043,7 @@ Google's C++ code base.")
(define-public pegtl
(name "pegtl")
- (version "2.8.3")
+ (version "3.2.2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -971,7 +1052,7 @@ Google's C++ code base.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "17crgjfdx55imi2dqnz6xpvsxq07390yfgkz5nd2g77ydkvq9db3"))))
+ "1viwrlsw5nwvbv8d88mf5r77syapgxx3xm1kv5kmn6drw8jgsmzf"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL")
(synopsis "Parsing Expression Grammar template library")
@@ -1047,6 +1128,39 @@ of C++14 components that complements @code{std} and Boost.")
(supported-systems '("aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux"))
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public poco
+ (package
+ (name "poco")
+ (version "1.11.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/pocoproject/poco")
+ (commit (string-append "poco-" version "-release"))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0qkf8vb4qwds6idk9fkw6wjvcdk5k8h77x3gv47l0i4jfl5hwn8b"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DENABLE_TESTS=ON")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'disable-problematic-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (list "Foundation/CMakeLists.txt" ; XXX: fails.
+ ;; Require network access
+ "Net/CMakeLists.txt"
+ "MongoDB/CMakeLists.txt"
+ "Redis/CMakeLists.txt")
+ (("ENABLE_TESTS") "FALSE")))))))
+ (home-page "https://pocoproject.org/")
+ (synopsis "Portable C++ components")
+ (description "A collection of libraries intended to be useful for building
+network-based applications.")
+ (license license:boost1.0)))
(define-public aws-crt-cpp
(let* ((commit "b6d311d76b504bf8ace5134d3fca0e672c36c9c3")
(revision "1"))
@@ -1162,6 +1276,44 @@ provides a number of utilities to make coding with expected cleaner.")
(home-page "https://tl.tartanllama.xyz/")
(license license:cc0)))
+(define-public atomic-queue
+ (package
+ (name "atomic-queue")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/max0x7ba/atomic_queue")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ssff73wlvrsk2nma99dmvm0ijyzfr54jk37kxgpb694r7ajc90l"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:configure-flags '("-Dbenchmarks=false")
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "make" "run_tests")))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (copy-recursively "../source/include/atomic_queue"
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/include/atomic_queue")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list boost
+ pkg-config))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/max0x7ba/atomic_queue")
+ (synopsis "C++ lockless queue")
+ (description
+ "This package contains a C++11 multiple-producer-multiple-consumer lockless
+queues header library based on circular buffer with @code{std::atomic}.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public magic-enum
(name "magic-enum")
@@ -1592,3 +1744,123 @@ microparallel algorithms to implement a strict JSON parser with UTF-8
(home-page "https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public bloomberg-bde-tools
+ (let ((commit "094885bd177e0159232d4e6a060a04edb1edd786"))
+ (package
+ (name "bloomberg-bde-tools")
+ ;; Recent releases are not tagged so commit must be used for checkout.
+ (version "")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/bloomberg/bde-tools")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0mbbai73z8amh23ah3wy35kmy612380yr5wg89mic60qwqmpqb02"))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches
+ "bloomberg-bde-tools-fix-install-path.patch"))))
+ (build-system copy-build-system)
+ ;; Unable to be an inline dependency of bloomberg-bde due to patch.
+ (properties '((hidden? . #t)))
+ (synopsis "Tools for developing and building libraries modeled on BDE")
+ (description
+ "This package provides the cmake imports needed to build bloomberg-bde.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bloomberg/bde-tools")
+ (license license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public bloomberg-bde
+ (let ((commit "b6bcc0e24a5862bf77aea7edd831dedf50e21d64"))
+ (package
+ (name "bloomberg-bde")
+ ;; Recent releases are not tagged so commit must be used for checkout.
+ (version "")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/bloomberg/bde")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0y3lipi1lj9qazgc935851r2qsx5aq3vvc4y52jq57riyz8wg3ma"))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches
+ "bloomberg-bde-cmake-module-path.patch"))
+ ;;(modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ `(begin
+ ;; FIXME: Delete bundled software. The third-party packages
+ ;; may be patched or modified from upstream sources.
+ ;;(for-each delete-file-recursively
+ ;; (list "thirdparty"))
+ ;; Delete failing tests.
+ (for-each
+ delete-file
+ (list "groups/bal/ball/ball_asyncfileobserver.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bal/ball/ball_fileobserver2.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bal/ball/ball_recordstringformatter.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bal/balst/balst_stacktraceutil.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bdl/bdlmt/bdlmt_eventscheduler.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bdl/bdlmt/bdlmt_timereventscheduler.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bdl/bdls/bdls_filesystemutil.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bsl/bslh/bslh_hashpair.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bsl/bsls/bsls_platform.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bsl/bsls/bsls_stackaddressutil.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bsl/bsls/bsls_stopwatch.t.cpp"
+ "groups/bsl/bslstl/bslstl_function_invokerutil.t.cpp"))
+ #t))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:parallel-tests? #f ; Test parallelism may fail inconsistently.
+ ;; Set UFID to build shared libraries. Flag descriptions can be found at
+ ;; https://bloomberg.github.io/bde-tools/reference/bde_repo.html#ufid
+ #:configure-flags ,(match %current-system
+ ((or "i686-linux" "armhf-linux")
+ ''("-DUFID=opt_dbg_exc_mt_32_shr_cpp17"))
+ (_
+ ''("-DUFID=opt_dbg_exc_mt_64_shr_cpp17")))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Explicitly build tests separate from the main build.
+ (add-after 'build 'build-tests
+ (lambda* (#:key make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
+ (apply invoke "make" "all.t"
+ `(,@(if #:parallel-build?
+ `("-j" ,(number->string (parallel-job-count)))
+ '())
+ ,@make-flags)))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list bloomberg-bde-tools pkg-config python))
+ (synopsis "Foundational C++ libraries used at Bloomberg")
+ (description
+ "The BDE Development Environment libraries provide an enhanced
+implementation of STL containers, vocabulary types for representing common
+concepts (like dates and times), and building blocks for developing
+multi-threaded applications and network applications.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bloomberg/bde")
+ (license license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public gulrak-filesystem
+ (package
+ (name "gulrak-filesystem")
+ (version "1.5.10")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0dx1yvbz5rnisymkqap7z0b06ag9fcs6q6l82vgi8caylhkwsqs7"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (synopsis "Header only C++ std::filesystem compatible library")
+ (description "This package provides a header-only single-file
+std::filesystem compatible helper library, based on the C++17 and C++20 specs,
+but implemented for C++11, C++14, C++17 or C++20.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/gulrak/filesystem")
+ (license license:expat)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/cran.scm b/gnu/packages/cran.scm
index 80e2ca9021..23645faa8a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/cran.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/cran.scm
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Sandeep Subramanian <sandeepsubramanian94@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Charlie Ritter <chewzeirta@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hinsen@fastmail.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020, 2021 Mădălin Ionel Patrașcu <madalinionel.patrascu@mdc-berlin.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Mădălin Ionel Patrașcu <madalinionel.patrascu@mdc-berlin.de>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Laura Lazzati <laura.lazzati.15@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
@@ -155,6 +156,25 @@ can limit either their total size or the age of the oldest object (or both),
automatically pruning objects to maintain the constraints.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public r-collections
+ (package
+ (name "r-collections")
+ (version "0.3.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "collections" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "053ig88pva78wxxwya3v7cz853k563dkpgxrf2xvd0l0d9fanxmz"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "collections")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/randy3k/collections")
+ (synopsis "High performance container data types")
+ (description
+ "This package provides high performance container data types such as
+queues, stacks, deques, dicts and ordered dicts.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-curry
(name "r-curry")
@@ -187,14 +207,14 @@ etc.")
(define-public r-datawizard
(name "r-datawizard")
- (version "0.2.2")
+ (version "0.3.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "datawizard" version))
- "0sd0blrczf9qz5kd0jg112fag2w401kkbw1gp9wi5pgffgwp6va3"))))
+ "1jmrkfymh66d0n4256hamvrbqipfl3bl05q618z4flmq2byifibs"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "datawizard")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -231,17 +251,36 @@ wrangling backend for the packages in the @code{easystats} ecosystem.")
visualization of their differences.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-dirichletreg
+ (package
+ (name "r-dirichletreg")
+ (version "0.7-1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "DirichletReg" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ql5mwb7zb06y9j6inrlngq7c15as4j17wd8kc71fxs0a2jdj7xi"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "DirichletReg")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-formula r-maxlik))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=DirichletReg")
+ (synopsis "Dirichlet regression")
+ (description "This package implements Dirichlet regression models.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public r-emdist
(name "r-emdist")
- (version "0.3-1")
+ (version "0.3-2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "emdist" version))
- "1z14pb9z9nkd0f2c8pln4hzkfqa9dk9n3vg8czc8jiv0ndnqi7rq"))))
+ "05mv6xhm15b0mq9kzyiblkb14bdqmjrwl64ghdk66il0w8i7p6nh"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "emdist")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "http://www.rforge.net/emd")
@@ -378,14 +417,14 @@ easier.")
(define-public r-rticles
(name "r-rticles")
- (version "0.22")
+ (version "0.23")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rticles" version))
- "0jgsmqwwqzvsxcbsm9fx0rp724mn3ipi70883bhvm7n9i8mq877m"))))
+ "1ipblw3rmkma22jl2hf1pyfm6l8k31zcmm3swmwii6k0x7khiav1"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "rticles")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -397,6 +436,28 @@ easier.")
for authoring journal articles and conference submissions.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-babelwhale
+ (package
+ (name "r-babelwhale")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "babelwhale" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ph825dwvr48fhamy1l5564linz7cj7b9sj511as77f1yqycv4a2"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "babelwhale")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-crayon r-dplyr r-dynutils r-processx r-purrr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dynverse/babelwhale")
+ (synopsis "Talking to Docker and Singularity containers")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a unified interface to interact with Docker and
+Singularity containers. You can execute a command inside a container, mount a
+volume or copy a file.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-benchmarkmedata
(name "r-benchmarkmedata")
@@ -489,14 +550,14 @@ similar rank-based tests for equal probability distributions due to Neuhauser
(define-public r-v8
(name "r-v8")
- (version "4.0.0")
+ (version "4.1.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "V8" version))
- "1j5vknhq12kfzda46y7nwiqdzqipzgympqzjq9d8ckr6f6v4qshl"))))
+ "15ylzcxlhkba99cccw5rvhwhg9i4zcax2fhmr03w8g4fdhbd3n89"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "V8")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -553,17 +614,41 @@ SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) formats. In addition, it supports literate
programming packages such as @code{knitr} and @code{rmarkdown}.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public r-carrier
+ (package
+ (name "r-carrier")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "carrier" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bqnwnnjqjk9q0lxq6kkz9s75ss10lfyyywyyi24m8wppxpw1vqc"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "carrier")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-pryr r-rlang))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/r-lib/carrier")
+ (synopsis "Isolate functions for remote execution")
+ (description
+ "Sending functions to remote processes can be wasteful of resources
+because they carry their environments with them. With this package, it is
+easy to create functions that are isolated from their environment. These
+isolated functions, also called crates, print to the console with their total
+size and can be easily tested locally before being sent to a remote.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public r-clipr
(name "r-clipr")
- (version "0.7.1")
+ (version "0.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "clipr" version))
- "1ywa4kipwc2d7na6iiz3wzdah99h6aynnh74yxl3nzl40xxlgbgz"))))
+ "1s9vvv3cxnz8w11gsi8z9ddv9jzib5qf5qqxnwqrrv7vj8cr7hij"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-knitr))
@@ -742,6 +827,30 @@ variables.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-lmds
+ (package
+ (name "r-lmds")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "lmds" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "130azb0nc2wwxv0qi8v5s4rd02p9lc92zwn634pv7b8awbw81i65"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "lmds")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-assertthat r-dynutils r-irlba r-matrix))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dynverse/lmds")
+ (synopsis "Landmark multi-dimensional scaling")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a fast dimensionality reduction method scaleable
+to large numbers of samples. @dfn{Landmark Multi-Dimensional Scaling} (LMDS)
+is an extension of classical Torgerson MDS, but rather than calculating a
+complete distance matrix between all pairs of samples, only the distances
+between a set of landmarks and the samples are calculated.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public r-lmodel2
(name "r-lmodel2")
@@ -796,6 +905,32 @@ axis} (SMA), and @dfn{ranged major axis} (RMA).")
respecting the grammar of its graphics paradigm.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-ggside
+ (package
+ (name "r-ggside")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "ggside" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1x505zizv7hf65pxp9j5v92c3bchhxh9dsrkk1m55kwqqnsl5nza"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "ggside")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-ggplot2 r-glue r-gtable r-rlang r-scales))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=ggside")
+ (synopsis "Side grammar graphics that extends @code{ggplot2}")
+ (description
+ "The grammar of graphics as shown in @code{ggplot2} has provided an
+expressive API for users to build plots. This package @{ggside} extends
+@code{ggplot2} by allowing users to add graphical information about one of the
+main panel's axis using a familiar @code{ggplot2} style API with tidy data.
+This package is particularly useful for visualizing metadata on a discrete
+axis, or summary graphics on a continuous axis such as a boxplot or a density
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-gprofiler
(name "r-gprofiler")
@@ -981,6 +1116,57 @@ accessibility from hue, saturation, and lightness value scaling using the
Chroma.js Color Palette Helper. See @url{https://gka.github.io/palettes}.")
(license license:cc0)))
+(define-public r-plotfunctions
+ (package
+ (name "r-plotfunctions")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "plotfunctions" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0asmxw8283fpvl83h478j5nyg59xqifqaa8f2f6l199gvvswhhg2"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "plotfunctions")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://jacolienvanrij.com/tutorials.html")
+ (synopsis "Various functions to facilitate visualization of data and analysis")
+ (description
+ "When analyzing data, plots are a helpful tool for visualizing data and
+interpreting statistical models. This package provides a set of simple tools
+for building plots incrementally, starting with an empty plot region, and
+adding bars, data points, regression lines, error bars, gradient legends,
+density distributions in the margins, and even pictures. The package builds
+further on R graphics by simply combining functions and settings in order to
+reduce the amount of code to produce for the user. As a result, the package
+does not use formula input or special syntax, but can be used in combination
+with default R plot functions.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-polychrome
+ (package
+ (name "r-polychrome")
+ (version "1.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "Polychrome" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "044vbylgbqf0ccv4r15nmbw1vz0j95g67i6blw73hvbvbm6w5x4d"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "Polychrome")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-colorspace r-scatterplot3d))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "http://oompa.r-forge.r-project.org/")
+ (synopsis "Qualitative palettes with many colors")
+ (description
+ "This package provides tools for creating, viewing, and assessing
+qualitative palettes with many (20-30 or more) colors. See Coombes and
+colleagues (2019) @url{https://doi:10.18637/jss.v090.c01}.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public r-ecp
(name "r-ecp")
@@ -1029,6 +1215,42 @@ experiment that allows a generic to warn if any arguments passed in @code{...}
are not used.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-ga
+ (package
+ (name "r-ga")
+ (version "3.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "GA" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "135z03lnbj44jihnk6dii5a684jmc666ncpdwyyi910vl4sccib2"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "GA")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-cli
+ r-crayon
+ r-foreach
+ r-iterators
+ r-rcpp
+ r-rcpparmadillo))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://luca-scr.github.io/GA/")
+ (synopsis "Genetic algorithms for stochastic optimisation")
+ (description
+ "Flexible general-purpose toolbox implementing genetic algorithms (GAs)
+for stochastic optimisation. Binary, real-valued, and permutation
+representations are available to optimize a fitness function, i.e., a function
+provided by users depending on their objective function. Several genetic
+operators are available and can be combined to explore the best settings for
+the current task. Furthermore, users can define new genetic operators and
+easily evaluate their performances. Local search using general-purpose
+optimisation algorithms can be applied stochastically to exploit interesting
+regions. GAs can be run sequentially or in parallel, using an explicit
+master-slave parallelisation or a coarse-grain islands approach.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public r-grr
(name "r-grr")
@@ -1153,13 +1375,13 @@ mechanism.")
(define-public r-ashr
(name "r-ashr")
- (version "2.2-47")
+ (version "2.2-54")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ashr" version))
- "1rqb5j30ylaf1h4l66x4jxyn5inrvhc42d90qd5mgkxsq0ghdlr4"))))
+ "177xs3apnc6yy6737qqv4z8snf0hkpbghab63hrplbyb9wfssfga"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "ashr")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -1624,13 +1846,13 @@ particularly easy to create complete web applications using httpuv alone.")
(define-public r-jsonlite
(name "r-jsonlite")
- (version "1.7.3")
+ (version "1.8.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "jsonlite" version))
- "0n65x9ifxjssb000g7psgh9pgl374ax2ni1if9kp3sx56rg0n2kj"))))
+ "0k6dal7gmm19jl5sjsry5gwbnhsbrnn00q3iixig8k6bxgpr463v"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-knitr))
@@ -2568,6 +2790,70 @@ from Wes Anderson movies.")
in a ggplot2 plot.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-mbess
+ (package
+ (name "r-mbess")
+ (version "4.9.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "MBESS" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qmyvjx2zn5hlzdbz8c94g8l4707swhn7sq9mxkdqiydmflzv0b5"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "MBESS")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-boot r-lavaan r-mass r-mnormt r-nlme r-openmx r-sem r-semtools))
+ (home-page "https://www3.nd.edu/~kkelley/site/MBESS.html")
+ (synopsis "Methods for designing research studies")
+ (description
+ "This package implements methods that are useful in designing research
+studies and analyzing data, with particular emphasis on methods that are
+developed for or used within the behavioral, educational, and social
+sciences (broadly defined). That being said, many of the methods implemented
+within MBESS are applicable to a wide variety of disciplines. MBESS has a
+suite of functions for a variety of related topics, such as effect sizes,
+confidence intervals for effect sizes (including standardized effect sizes and
+noncentral effect sizes), sample size planning (from the @dfn{accuracy in
+parameter estimation} (AIPE), power analytic, equivalence, and minimum-risk
+point estimation perspectives), mediation analysis, various properties of
+distributions, and a variety of utility functions.")
+ ;; Either version of the GPL.
+ (license (list license:gpl2 license:gpl3))))
+(define-public r-ggtern
+ (package
+ (name "r-ggtern")
+ (version "3.3.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "ggtern" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15hhn8msy0l8zbq8ms0zvg1iajn1c28gd77v3hp6dvwwsla8zzbd"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "ggtern")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-compositions
+ r-ggplot2
+ r-gridextra
+ r-gtable
+ r-hexbin
+ r-latex2exp
+ r-lattice
+ r-mass
+ r-plyr
+ r-proto
+ r-scales))
+ (home-page "http://www.ggtern.com")
+ (synopsis "Extension to ggplot2 for ternary diagrams")
+ (description
+ "This package extends the functionality of ggplot2, providing the
+capability to plot ternary diagrams for (a subset of) the ggplot2 geometries.
+Additionally, ggtern has implemented several new geometries which are
+unavailable to the standard ggplot2 release.")
+ (license license:gpl2)))
(define-public r-tablerdash
(name "r-tablerdash")
@@ -2967,14 +3253,14 @@ component analysis (with robust methods, and parallelized functions).")
(define-public r-ape
(name "r-ape")
- (version "5.6-1")
+ (version "5.6-2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ape" version))
- "1xzpq3a4q5hmksc8nl530c9n31fdkj3nigqm1qhd3vkncl1iwh15"))))
+ "0mqjsh7maczd02iwa4fb896q3kgd9jnlilq7y1yz18ch0c54aqlv"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-lattice r-nlme r-rcpp))
@@ -3021,13 +3307,13 @@ XML. To learn more about the Abbyy OCR API, see @url{http://ocrsdk.com/}.")
(define-public r-colorspace
(name "r-colorspace")
- (version "2.0-2")
+ (version "2.0-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "colorspace" version))
- (base32 "0fhq2aykdkxh3r90i8aqjyb37p5api3mjd19ch8mzv99q4pcv4dq"))))
+ (base32 "0zw52s8g2gxp8i1ax96azxmxqrbhb7aad5px0c1vgr6n9p682mp7"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-knitr))
@@ -3043,14 +3329,14 @@ colors are provided.")
(define-public r-glue
(name "r-glue")
- (version "1.6.0")
+ (version "1.6.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "glue" version))
- "0f23dgnc7rv81vhmdhmiwk666mqwb602hxzai1hssyn4y9zg7gkp"))))
+ "1gzxk5jgdh2xq9r7z09xs306ygzf27vhg3pyfl7ck1755gqii9cx"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
;; knitr depends on glue, so we can't add knitr here to build the
;; vignettes.
@@ -3287,13 +3573,13 @@ value for each cluster in a dendrogram.")
(define-public r-rcpp
(name "r-rcpp")
- (version "1.0.8")
+ (version "")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "Rcpp" version))
- (base32 "1vkqyqly6lzr1h3szaihmayvpjkzscxp4y258vnw8nh4pjb957w7"))))
+ (base32 "01bvqlbg8qkc9z3gasz1ga5dwlpilknb05ikj79a055718djxgif"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "http://www.rcpp.org")
(synopsis "Seamless R and C++ integration")
@@ -3311,14 +3597,14 @@ and Francois (2011, JSS), and the book by Eddelbuettel (2013, Springer); see
(define-public r-rcppthread
(name "r-rcppthread")
- (version "1.0.0")
+ (version "2.1.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "RcppThread" version))
- "1xfcxrny779kgknlvnc4j02ifprnakndnkhx8bhy50d39vp4hjjl"))))
+ "0a8767q4p76rfamss1w2vnx4h1229nmwymp1q63li2q5b87wipqp"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "RcppThread")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -3349,6 +3635,27 @@ computing (numerical integration, optimization, etc.) and their integration
with @code{Rcpp}.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-rcppxptrutils
+ (package
+ (name "r-rcppxptrutils")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "RcppXPtrUtils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jh64c46gp99d2nsih14vx34pamc8i7gkmiy2nj94rx3sxq62yh5"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "RcppXPtrUtils")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-rcpp))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Enchufa2/RcppXPtrUtils")
+ (synopsis "XPtr add-ons for Rcpp")
+ (description
+ "This package provides the means to compile user-supplied C++ functions
+with Rcpp and retrieve an @code{XPtr} that can be passed to other C++
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-bindr
(name "r-bindr")
@@ -3476,14 +3783,14 @@ validation and filtering on the values, making options invisible or private.")
(define-public r-circlize
(name "r-circlize")
- (version "0.4.13")
+ (version "0.4.14")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "circlize" version))
- "16rnqlkgzhnm69y70k9fiz8vvwlm5dyng04hlxqvvaxix3wdpfkc"))))
+ "0b0yqjmbj1s1jg7y6cgyawadlfv0i6xrls8a4qy9qs7hz8zrpvb1"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-colorspace r-globaloptions r-shape))
@@ -3997,6 +4304,54 @@ T distribution. There is only one exported function, @code{e_trunct},
which should be seen for details.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public r-excelr
+ (package
+ (name "r-excelr")
+ (version "0.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "excelR" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pb4sy54zjv5vrh7gjjv7qlpab74km6mfsmfyl0yhmr0jx01hrw0"))
+ (snippet
+ '(delete-file "inst/htmlwidgets/lib/jexcel/js/jexcel.min.js"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "excelR")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'process-javascript
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion "inst/htmlwidgets/lib/jexcel/js/"
+ (let ((source (assoc-ref inputs "js-jexcel"))
+ (target "jexcel.min.js"))
+ (format #true "Processing ~a --> ~a~%"
+ source target)
+ (invoke "esbuild" source "--minify"
+ (string-append "--outfile=" target)))))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ `(("esbuild" ,esbuild)
+ ;; There is no tag for this particular commit, but comparison of the
+ ;; contents of the JavaScript files point to this commit as the most
+ ;; likely source.
+ ("js-jexcel"
+ ,(origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jspreadsheet/ce/"
+ "8af1960f76e6803bebc5750013d2ebe95354e88a/dist/jexcel.js"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0y88hsr9d8cpnvdmbm17m328pc4kc5wbcv02kzmhm0bryzhviw7h"))))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-htmlwidgets r-jsonlite))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Swechhya/excelR")
+ (synopsis "Wrapper of the JavaScript library jExcel")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an R interface to the jExcel library to
+create web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with
+spreadsheet software.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-extremes
(name "r-extremes")
@@ -4254,14 +4609,14 @@ functions from LINPACK.")
(define-public r-fitdistrplus
(name "r-fitdistrplus")
- (version "1.1-6")
+ (version "1.1-8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "fitdistrplus" version))
- "1glnbcm1gghzgvzpxcfsmn7dp2f9jqyx39n3ydwp9fx38409khhp"))))
+ "0nhgjvwya95v6b9khbsgp44lw10xg35w61lmka1v6wq7yh827izk"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-mass r-survival))
@@ -4283,14 +4638,14 @@ data). Weighted versions of MLE, MME and QME are available.")
(define-public r-energy
(name "r-energy")
- (version "1.7-8")
+ (version "1.7-9")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "energy" version))
- "12a7gy681aq3l55iys044cs6sn1s2l5qihghpdl01cvv0ggfh26y"))))
+ "1ndssfi0hbnsm5jwrns7m63ppxm221hd6gk0b0wa1a7mk7ny1l38"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-boot r-gsl r-rcpp))
@@ -4363,14 +4718,14 @@ samples.")
(define-public r-cvst
(name "r-cvst")
- (version "0.2-2")
+ (version "0.2-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "CVST" version))
- "05l3yzkfrbds09ah9cdwn2sn4ryhq78lz33ryzrgkv176jc8qjw5"))))
+ "0bgk0d6w3dyhb5s30idnp6jpb3m8wf3b79wqlg127wwm0cird8pg"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "CVST")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -4508,14 +4863,14 @@ the Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen methods.")
(define-public r-dimred
(name "r-dimred")
- (version "0.2.4")
+ (version "0.2.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "dimRed" version))
- "1534axd5gcwma3nbglrn0l2an53n3yyya30fqkgb4d8l124ygb7j"))))
+ "1z8fqdc8mslvfix8ngxs1y2yrvlanp5581hwp2nzldj6mk5kn15b"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "dimRed")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -4554,14 +4909,14 @@ calendar objects.")
(define-public r-magic
(name "r-magic")
- (version "1.5-9")
+ (version "1.6-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "magic" version))
- "0snmdh6vk0p6ar1swsihisinxrx7l8371dri5lk0z24ysgr5w7gs"))))
+ "1gybia2aq80ldk1d845y5srncfzbbmpqhgl7vfaz7qqqjs6d85j5"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-abind))
@@ -4629,14 +4984,14 @@ to access PostgreSQL database systems.")
(define-public r-linprog
(name "r-linprog")
- (version "0.9-2")
+ (version "0.9-4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "linprog" version))
- "1ki14an0pmhs2mnmfjjvdzd76pshiyvi659zf7hqvqwj0viv4dw9"))))
+ "1d34m2nyk7m6j2dci69bhy5mlw479xax1517j7f14pq7vhpsm9l1"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list r-lpsolve))
(home-page "http://linprog.r-forge.r-project.org/")
@@ -4680,14 +5035,14 @@ Delaunay triangulation and convex hull computation.")
(define-public r-ddalpha
(name "r-ddalpha")
- (version "1.3.11")
+ (version "1.3.12")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ddalpha" version))
- "1sdnb47r534nh138zk3a6b2mgi74nvshc7p5m304vjs9jlx4l2y3"))))
+ "07q6yrs1cqplbwv4wyvq26w4aj04jyajk4qh7vixm6i515cipsil"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-bh
@@ -4714,14 +5069,14 @@ multivariate and 5 functional classification problems are included.")
(define-public r-gower
(name "r-gower")
- (version "0.2.2")
+ (version "1.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gower" version))
- "0c9n921wn4hhlvjq96r4nkk96s5788376cbldr7y7bwz348200iz"))))
+ "0p9qx9aafkdm7wibfwk59jzw6vspsff6zwp84bc40lg0myxbf737"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/markvanderloo/gower")
(synopsis "Gower's distance")
@@ -4818,14 +5173,14 @@ created using basic graphics.")
(define-public r-generics
(name "r-generics")
- (version "0.1.1")
+ (version "0.1.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "generics" version))
- "04hrn6g5m5vi3znrcha3jw2q16lnmm3ygx2jl5aqiahg3azqwix2"))))
+ "162q9hdsnfcwjj255ahbi6v9vnyynvda7gb75p721y28j5xb7sk3"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/r-lib/generics")
(synopsis "Common S3 generics not provided by base R methods")
@@ -4838,14 +5193,14 @@ by base R methods related to model fitting.")
(define-public r-broom
(name "r-broom")
- (version "0.7.11")
+ (version "0.7.12")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "broom" version))
- "069fp8lscw59nmsm658w0164cpgfa36xx09s9j7jxisscg99jfcy"))))
+ "1nbv4a4s8548h2q226xmhyp42higayh95yvllh1rcs264lmw3yh4"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-backports
@@ -4877,14 +5232,14 @@ provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.")
(define-public r-recipes
(name "r-recipes")
- (version "0.1.17")
+ (version "0.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "recipes" version))
- "0gbdc5kvbn14s5zrf4vrdjvkfajs00p7vvb433ii0lqnl07bl87d"))))
+ "1950rvva19ms6xy9d3jx94gzy589qprk115zjjd0ib4qxgip601x"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-dplyr
@@ -4892,6 +5247,7 @@ provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.")
+ r-hardhat
@@ -4966,6 +5322,31 @@ avoid overlapping text labels. Labels repel away from each other and away
from the data points.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-coro
+ (package
+ (name "r-coro")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "coro" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "14irld29dipgfd34y0k351daqg9vqpnpdx8m3pxmqr1aiyj5f5cv"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "coro")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-rlang))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/r-lib/coro")
+ (synopsis "Coroutines for R")
+ (description
+ "This package provides coroutines for R, a family of functions that can
+be suspended and resumed later on. This includes async functions (which
+await) and generators (which yield). Async functions are based on the
+concurrency framework of the @code{promises} package. Generators are based on
+a dependency free iteration protocol defined in @code{coro} and are compatible
+with iterators from the @code{reticulate} package.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-corrplot
(name "r-corrplot")
@@ -5037,6 +5418,25 @@ algorithm. The interface of @code{ucminf} is designed for easy interchange
with the package @code{optim}.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-usedist
+ (package
+ (name "r-usedist")
+ (version "0.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "usedist" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ddf1zcalbrn293qmr9kdzz3x16fzc4k1bwb1pjmwnspisqfi8kj"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "usedist")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=usedist")
+ (synopsis "Distance matrix utilities")
+ (description
+ "This package provides functions to re-arrange, extract, and work with
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public r-useful
(name "r-useful")
@@ -5094,17 +5494,17 @@ Laplace approximation and adaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature.")
(define-public r-jomo
(name "r-jomo")
- (version "2.7-2")
+ (version "2.7-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "jomo" version))
- "1sbcpacxnxbzwa8rr9x2bq7hh0s3sw6yznr90dkp43n6xk5xaqir"))))
+ "0qq03zspmh8x2c8w882ynsw7wshr9b0fyrpwnqx5yc1xlzrqffcx"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-lme4 r-mass r-ordinal r-survival))
+ (list r-lme4 r-mass r-ordinal r-survival r-tibble))
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/jomo/")
(synopsis "Multilevel Joint Modelling Multiple Imputation")
@@ -5632,14 +6032,14 @@ plots in @code{ggplot2}.")
(define-public r-cli
(name "r-cli")
- (version "3.1.1")
+ (version "3.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "cli" version))
- "1kslrx22djrs3wnf5xyligwy7h4hzsn5awl946x961fn980ydcy8"))))
+ "0qp8k1afrn6ppwi6d9n05fjgj02196qcsppji3q37ph99msinnnd"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-glue))
@@ -5719,14 +6119,14 @@ timeout. It can also poll several processes at once.")
(define-public r-tsp
(name "r-tsp")
- (version "1.1-11")
+ (version "1.2-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "TSP" version))
- "0gdwxbj2gria7jhsswmfvc32r43sdd63z3lyy21gbvmfcakvb8j9"))))
+ "022k0972kcxb0w6qhx09l9cif8fmpkpvwddvgxiy60bx343ywzia"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "TSP")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list r-foreach))
@@ -5804,14 +6204,14 @@ Markdown documents.")
(define-public r-seriation
(name "r-seriation")
- (version "1.3.1")
+ (version "1.3.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "seriation" version))
- "08c37n3xxc4n4vbkw38k3l3hdlmck8drqpl6z274vkgi2sqv8qyf"))))
+ "1f6hxbrixqaj4vh4svff5pz9ny9h10snrrigk2r9c59amhkgih80"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-cluster
@@ -5836,13 +6236,13 @@ iVAT).")
(define-public r-xfun
(name "r-xfun")
- (version "0.29")
+ (version "0.30")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "xfun" version))
- (base32 "1x2f49n3ak85nab937wq6q5sqi1mdlfzwbv8603kxl2k8rxvp1dz"))))
+ (base32 "1vn0cbskyrk8ww9yx75jni9s684yv4cvbj643lvg0lg00briry7b"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
;; knitr itself depends on xfun
@@ -5937,20 +6337,21 @@ to variables on the left-hand side of the assignment.")
(define-public r-pillar
(name "r-pillar")
- (version "1.6.4")
+ (version "1.7.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "pillar" version))
- "17m13rzgwdddwa0n3gpmax6wmfaphbg71l13ffhw5vnxf6i94fh3"))))
+ "1fqk18vc9ashf12gdqkdi6n1nj5lh324vwhgiib3b2fcb2bghhbq"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-cli
+ r-glue
@@ -6006,14 +6407,14 @@ packages that work with genomic data.")
(define-public r-tinytex
(name "r-tinytex")
- (version "0.36")
+ (version "0.37")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "tinytex" version))
- "0y1vfq89yi302cwdcnassm02dk14j9ivk5vf83fp6rb8h6ww3rk5"))))
+ "1na8g4z1crq0ia9ba17d0qxaif47jij2z3y14xlxjv7x243k6krg"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-xfun))
@@ -6275,13 +6676,13 @@ information between package updates.")
(define-public r-leaflet
(name "r-leaflet")
- (version "")
+ (version "2.1.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "leaflet" version))
- (base32 "07whi3zkz1lmbqx5ydpiya802ck22ny0s7gskwnx7r8xbwlkiw5h"))
+ (base32 "0i2ziy3zmya3i0v4ma0b1ymw4mds7di0xjirs452n20z8l31lhhs"))
@@ -7066,14 +7467,14 @@ environment within Shiny.")
(define-public r-randomizr
(name "r-randomizr")
- (version "0.20.0")
+ (version "0.22.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "randomizr" version))
- "0dljyfldnardaps3fq6vi5wcs9x6qfaq5apapa78c51lnaa6fn9h"))))
+ "1grm0h3xkb0pdbbv0gd531g1kn6njp0gcy5fh153rrmajxgd8hhw"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "randomizr")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -7478,6 +7879,41 @@ contain lags, diffs and missing values.")
;; Any GPL version.
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-dynutils
+ (package
+ (name "r-dynutils")
+ (version "1.0.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "dynutils" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pcj4igaw1g898xb42kcpzfmqy80xai5ki5bpnkf8hg738wm00qz"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "dynutils")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-assertthat
+ r-crayon
+ r-desc
+ r-dplyr
+ r-magrittr
+ r-matrix
+ r-proxyc
+ r-purrr
+ r-rcpp
+ r-remotes
+ r-stringr
+ r-tibble))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dynverse/dynutils")
+ (synopsis "Common functionality for the dynverse packages")
+ (description
+ "This package provides common functionality for the
+@url{https://dynverse.org,dynverse} packages. dynverse is created to support
+the development, execution, and benchmarking of trajectory inference
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-catdap
(name "r-catdap")
@@ -7527,17 +7963,15 @@ and Eclat.")
(define-public r-parsedate
(name "r-parsedate")
- (version "1.2.1")
+ (version "1.3.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "parsedate" version))
- "05l6f1n3dsm383w7jfg3j38klvmzzfvc7qi9zr5ij13rljj8s1vb"))))
+ "1c2cpsvma3fkx6zp191bpfvf5rmpsr13g8rzqk6ycyb0n7b9k4qy"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (propagated-inputs
- (list r-rematch2))
(home-page "https://github.com/gaborcsardi/parsedate")
"Recognize and parse dates in various formats")
@@ -7679,14 +8113,14 @@ simple method for converting between file types.")
(define-public r-maptools
(name "r-maptools")
- (version "1.1-2")
+ (version "1.1-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "maptools" version))
- "0fa4a43zax8gn3jdp4ngqav61x4g6l33bg9wzqbngkbjhipck59r"))))
+ "0ixvh4qbdjjl19ghgbb2r26yksya977q1yzs4yn5wshwm0763xph"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-foreign r-lattice r-sp))
@@ -7754,14 +8188,14 @@ promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic R.")
(define-public r-dosnow
(name "r-dosnow")
- (version "1.0.19")
+ (version "1.0.20")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "doSNOW" version))
- "0f07b38cl7s61vwzkyqkzzsic9g4sw9k6ndbxk3g90l4ca0d1ljc"))))
+ "1f5v0k2w0b2478p6iqa3hn2lwd1x3rzc348n57nd38ka2vnsnz4i"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "doSNOW")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -7773,20 +8207,41 @@ promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic R.")
using the @code{snow} package.")
(license license:gpl2)))
+(define-public r-fstcore
+ (package
+ (name "r-fstcore")
+ (version "0.9.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "fstcore" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qicjwsm87wgjm5mxrsgi697fmcfz6wyqcxfgngwxrf8kq4awjsf"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "fstcore")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-rcpp))
+ (home-page "https://www.fstpackage.org/fstcore/")
+ (synopsis "R bindings to the fstlib library")
+ (description
+ "The fstlib library provides multithreaded serialization of compressed
+data frames using the fst format. The fst format allows for random access of
+stored data and compression with the LZ4 and ZSTD compressors.")
+ (license license:mpl2.0)))
(define-public r-fst
(name "r-fst")
- (version "0.9.4")
+ (version "0.9.8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "fst" version))
- "0vwclzxww8mw9nnpyj29bn71mrr8jjg7ka03979h9rbzw6d9bjrr"))))
+ "0r96inwrr960m7wmc80603bw2vvvwab225bh9dq3lalwhy4yiis4"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "fst")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (propagated-inputs (list r-rcpp))
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-fstcore r-rcpp))
(home-page "http://www.fstpackage.org")
(synopsis "Fast serialization of data frames")
@@ -8041,14 +8496,14 @@ Python's @url{https://github.com/ActiveState/appdirs,Appdirs} to R.")
(define-public r-rastervis
(name "r-rastervis")
- (version "0.51.1")
+ (version "0.51.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rasterVis" version))
- "1mg11njzajx9az6xjghjl2sna6wzs85ga8fhy9w43l2n8icsfbr2"))))
+ "0kgg6cm7xjqya2d46w0i1i1wjpkb8f99lyqy7rgwa7l9xmwzj5n1"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "rasterVis")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -8098,14 +8553,14 @@ those searches and pull data into their R sessions.")
(define-public r-renv
(name "r-renv")
- (version "0.15.1")
+ (version "0.15.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "renv" version))
- "0nwvdzwyjvqlvkwp1yhhvqm8b9pwimwng99s0m0j63zm9bgwis1n"))))
+ "0byfs4cydhyqzdrxjv7sa6i30xc7qhnx0qw9d8wwwlzdkv235flf"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "renv")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -8215,14 +8670,14 @@ always locate the files relative to your project root.")
(define-public r-reticulate
(name "r-reticulate")
- (version "1.23")
+ (version "1.24")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "reticulate" version))
- "1mindiw7k7pa33hpwrgq0g5808c8qs9hl0351n8z2w9wyczlm87y"))))
+ "1k0nv43fa9lx44pamxpprnvvmsp15adn5z6hg9siyq0n94hca65r"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(inputs (list python))
@@ -8264,6 +8719,66 @@ Python to R they are converted back to R types.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-billboarder
+ (package
+ (name "r-billboarder")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "billboarder" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "189ngvg84rcwhrivxskmjv3srhadvzr4p1v8pf11axyv2qn01b0x"))
+ (snippet
+ '(delete-file "inst/htmlwidgets/lib/billboard/billboard.pkgd.min.js"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "billboarder")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'process-javascript
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion "inst/htmlwidgets/lib/billboard/"
+ (let ((source (assoc-ref inputs "js-billboard"))
+ (target "billboard.pkgd.min.js"))
+ (format #true "Processing ~a --> ~a~%"
+ source target)
+ (invoke "esbuild" source "--minify"
+ (string-append "--outfile=" target)))))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-ggplot2
+ r-htmltools
+ r-htmlwidgets
+ r-jsonlite
+ r-magrittr
+ r-rlang
+ r-scales
+ r-shiny))
+ (native-inputs
+ `(("r-knitr" ,r-knitr)
+ ("esbuild" ,esbuild)
+ ;; It is not ideal to use this concatenated (but not minified)
+ ;; JavaScript file, as the original source is written in TypeScript.
+ ;; However, this can still be considered source code as it is readable
+ ;; and can be modified.
+ ("js-billboard"
+ ,(origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri "https://unpkg.com/billboard.js@3.2.0/dist/billboard.js")
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1kx5rqmn87pgal2cwmcij2rrnwa0fgcsw6y99m4i0l2sdm0qffv2"))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dreamRs/billboarder")
+ (synopsis "Create interactive charts with the JavaScript Billboard library")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an @code{htmlwidgets} interface to billboard.js,
+a re-usable easy interface JavaScript chart library, based on D3 v4+. Chart
+types include line charts, scatterplots, bar/lollipop charts,
+histogram/density plots, pie/donut charts and gauge charts. All charts are
+interactive, and a proxy method is implemented to smoothly update a chart
+without rendering it again in shiny apps.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-ggseqlogo
(name "r-ggseqlogo")
@@ -8623,6 +9138,36 @@ patterned after functions in the Python @code{itertools} module, and others
patterned after functions in the snow package.")
(license license:gpl2)))
+(define-public r-itsadug
+ (package
+ (name "r-itsadug")
+ (version "2.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "itsadug" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0759l7hhvj05dp92pz59xwrxjm9s1iwkwrdhs68l0fq57550j70l"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "itsadug")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-mgcv r-plotfunctions))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=itsadug")
+ (synopsis "Interpreting time series and autocorrelated data using GAMMs")
+ (description
+ "@dfn{Generalized Additive Mixed Modeling} (GAMM; Lin & Zhang, 1999) as
+implemented in the R package @code{mgcv} is a nonlinear regression analysis
+which is particularly useful for time course data such as EEG, pupil dilation,
+gaze data (eye tracking), and articulography recordings, but also for
+behavioral data such as reaction times and response data. As time course
+measures are sensitive to autocorrelation problems, GAMMs implements methods
+to reduce the autocorrelation problems. This package includes functions for
+the evaluation of GAMM models (e.g., model comparisons, determining regions of
+significance, inspection of autocorrelational structure in residuals) and
+interpreting of GAMMs (e.g., visualization of complex interactions, and
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public r-polynom
(name "r-polynom")
@@ -8642,6 +9187,38 @@ patterned after functions in the snow package.")
univariate polynomial manipulations.")
(license license:gpl2)))
+(define-public r-pupillometryr
+ (package
+ (name "r-pupillometryr")
+ (version "0.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "PupillometryR" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0yk30sgl2qqa6pva649swq523vh446ifmydildycfvfmlm1h4qza"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "PupillometryR")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-data-table
+ r-dplyr
+ r-fda
+ r-ggplot2
+ r-itsadug
+ r-lazyeval
+ r-mgcv
+ r-rlang
+ r-signal
+ r-tidyr
+ r-zoo))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=PupillometryR")
+ (synopsis "Unified pipeline for pupillometry data")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a unified pipeline to clean, prepare, plot, and
+run basic analyses on pupillometry experiments.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-gbrd
(name "r-gbrd")
@@ -8714,14 +9291,14 @@ implemented in bibutils.")
(define-public r-rdpack
(name "r-rdpack")
- (version "2.1.3")
+ (version "2.1.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "Rdpack" version))
- "1f2m9pxm4s4gkrqh58jznkqj2fcw6f29c1l05k5mmkwsdf3ai0c3"))))
+ "0r242a352wa7kha0n62ng6ri0qi14hwjknnyjvfcd7mx4qvfwhgv"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "Rdpack")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -8958,14 +9535,14 @@ other add-on packages.")
(define-public r-insight
(name "r-insight")
- (version "0.15.0")
+ (version "0.16.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "insight" version))
- "1vizx515a24v5x4f5mzbigl0wl4gz75hp5gqw8lkijygw71li8fn"))))
+ "0gcyps0889rys04bj70br5zfvzcqxd55yawykmns17n9hsixfi3r"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-knitr))
@@ -9094,14 +9671,14 @@ functions.")
(define-public r-flextable
(name "r-flextable")
- (version "0.6.10")
+ (version "0.7.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "flextable" version))
- "01nm0357b0z4dgrplbq9ms63j51n0rgvvxyy068zdsc5p7j3lql2"))))
+ "15vr5lb87712mymsvv01kz9s1fb54sx5kybsa2x547k5g10dbrbm"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-base64enc
@@ -9337,19 +9914,18 @@ the work.")
(define-public r-doby
(name "r-doby")
- (version "4.6.11")
+ (version "4.6.12")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "doBy" version))
- "1xhjh2d7zfgw8wbcj5yfscvmwbjar1w544ika13da69dydm44j81"))))
+ "1m60ya4cdickqsj0dc90bv4n47df6qg6n82fikxrkl4yhg7yyn1i"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "doBy")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-broom
- r-curry
@@ -9674,14 +10250,14 @@ visualization and candidate genes around SNPs.")
(define-public r-precrec
(name "r-precrec")
- (version "0.12.7")
+ (version "0.12.9")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "precrec" version))
- "0vwzaqnh9ymrm52dd79bihwqprnygz0d71ay8fv51hdw0zg6saya"))))
+ "1dfz2rqx2ww2l5r40ahg0qdj3rjrwiwh427mw7j5ynhpcj21j2qm"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "precrec")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -9929,14 +10505,14 @@ repeated measures data, respectively.")
(define-public r-gam
(name "r-gam")
- (version "1.20")
+ (version "1.20.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gam" version))
- "1zhy2fp7pxac8xp3z3hndhprj4s5gx3305b627vc78bal1ml3swi"))))
+ "1bbxiqfgi7jc9vw1hspw5q41d69nlw2v6k91zqlvmam5pvxcd1sp"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "gam")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -10199,14 +10775,14 @@ used to teach mathematics, statistics, computation and modeling.")
(define-public r-raster
(name "r-raster")
- (version "3.5-11")
+ (version "3.5-15")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "raster" version))
- "18v1vflq15915dwa3caf5sp1d1kp8w6plpaqk3z6a3164lwq5i76"))))
+ "11fnznymwavpph733dayklhcx4phpjgrijfxlaszi122sg2x7ir9"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-rcpp r-sp r-terra))
@@ -10431,13 +11007,13 @@ distributed on a compute cluster.")
(define-public r-abjutils
(name "r-abjutils")
- (version "0.3.1")
+ (version "0.3.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "abjutils" version))
- (base32 "18mmlkqsrjfclk8islfjdsp8sbw6dpjj5x45kqilxdiss69gg5zd"))))
+ (base32 "0lmf4va8qnzwg698i2h4fcwvd6dhsgdkqsfh41aa3wg1flimhsr7"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-dplyr
@@ -10855,14 +11431,14 @@ analysis.")
(define-public r-gee
(name "r-gee")
- (version "4.13-20")
+ (version "4.13-22")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gee" version))
- "167pzgnmj4cjc41ykps1mfwi6s7y32zxyycn5z17vn4v0pp4q0ak"))))
+ "1wbwn7bjqz09l6clh43dy3x5qgv9b9wwn7xnfw9fkkrhn6rvc3rw"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "gee")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -11334,14 +11910,14 @@ correlation, censored, ordered and multivariate problems.")
(define-public r-bayesplot
(name "r-bayesplot")
- (version "1.8.1")
+ (version "1.9.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "bayesplot" version))
- "0aman4273i8hy3z0qay1nrsr7v27m4icm1j6f4w59ylix80l5myq"))))
+ "0hqy597ang53phxnl084hak35ffqz9lw9hygax7370gpkjws908a"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list pandoc))
@@ -11352,6 +11928,7 @@ correlation, censored, ordered and multivariate problems.")
+ r-posterior
@@ -11369,14 +11946,14 @@ Bayesian modeling.")
(define-public r-tmb
(name "r-tmb")
- (version "1.7.22")
+ (version "1.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "TMB" version))
- "116k7ffgadhkqq4lckfd4403qvybcls1hcs1ap1b7lkylghjahf2"))))
+ "158spsz8inxhs3dw6cq2wwkkhvgkfjyyz577s89x08yly7layq2l"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "TMB")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -11439,14 +12016,14 @@ models.")
(define-public r-glmmtmb
(name "r-glmmtmb")
- (version "")
+ (version "1.1.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "glmmTMB" version))
- "1yfwwz2dhd34vgagg8hi7irkqw8padavbc7337jdiwgk3w01wqsm"))))
+ "0xdjc3gx0cj098rrjzlsy9cccxzfvn029xh4ycpya4xjhxsykldr"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "glmmTMB")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -11457,7 +12034,7 @@ models.")
- (list r-knitr)) ; for vignettes
+ (list r-knitr r-rmarkdown)) ; for vignettes
(home-page "https://github.com/glmmTMB")
(synopsis "Generalized linear mixed models")
@@ -11553,14 +12130,14 @@ results using @code{ggplot2}.")
(define-public r-effectsize
(name "r-effectsize")
- (version "0.6.0")
+ (version "")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "effectsize" version))
- "0xhibc868sngkc8v9g385vlhqdqxzy6b4mj1jihjy6wvk9jw266s"))))
+ "1rhpbhyrv0avinm6dz6v2qw4xxdl9m1wknq1dv2flfxgcz0k9qiz"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "effectsize")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -11643,6 +12220,42 @@ files to an structured list. Users can manipulate this resulting list with
back to file after modifications.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-gillespiessa2
+ (package
+ (name "r-gillespiessa2")
+ (version "0.2.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "GillespieSSA2" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "03ym8qx5yc1a6j9l973lc0rjzs8hiax8fq13j7m1fcb1pvnbvar5"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "GillespieSSA2")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-assertthat
+ r-dplyr
+ r-dynutils
+ r-matrix
+ r-purrr
+ r-rcpp
+ r-rcppxptrutils
+ r-readr
+ r-rlang
+ r-stringr
+ r-tidyr))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rcannood/GillespieSSA2")
+ (synopsis "Gillespie's stochastic simulation algorithm")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a fast, scalable, and versatile framework for
+simulating large systems with Gillespie's @dfn{Stochastic Simulation
+Algorithm} (SSA). This package is the spiritual successor to the GillespieSSA
+package. Benefits of this package include major speed improvements (>100x),
+easier to understand documentation, and many unit tests that try to ensure the
+package works as intended.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public r-gitcreds
(name "r-gitcreds")
@@ -12118,13 +12731,13 @@ and related methods.")
(define-public r-rcppgsl
(name "r-rcppgsl")
- (version "0.3.10")
+ (version "0.3.11")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "RcppGSL" version))
- (base32 "0lalz51q31qqy0cr227vc3msi0h47p111lzy4zs93drgl1yhh4l6"))))
+ (base32 "1a5dms0axlzgpv1z2bhfrb77497h0ch1yslq0gidj14vr4kfm57h"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "RcppGSL")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -12144,14 +12757,14 @@ the interfaces between R and C++.")
(define-public r-mvabund
(name "r-mvabund")
- (version "4.1.12")
+ (version "4.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "mvabund" version))
- "107pwv2bwird1a98chcnbld2wqj9prkf4pkncyrrp304zpdkkby1"))))
+ "01kss9dx4an1ir5zs46jypvhj8sdc8wcs00i1223ai09av4lcsgd"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-mass r-rcpp r-rcppgsl r-statmod r-tweedie))
@@ -12174,10 +12787,17 @@ analysing multivariate abundance data in community ecology.")
(build-system r-build-system)
+ ;; This is needed for the vignette builder
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'set-HOME
+ (lambda _ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))
(list r-car r-lme4 r-lmertest r-pbkrtest r-reshape2))
- (list r-knitr))
+ (list r-knitr
+ r-r-rsp)) ;vignette builder
(home-page "https://afex.singmann.science/")
(synopsis "Analysis of factorial experiments")
@@ -12304,14 +12924,14 @@ parallel calculations across cluster nodes.")
(define-public r-chk
(name "r-chk")
- (version "0.7.0")
+ (version "0.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "chk" version))
- "1fxsxgvd08lkb6amjgs4x48dhqr046mmjngjfgy2ya9cl2shd7ls"))))
+ "10gcv00mgi88vgxr9jrs0ar67crmdcdi4m9g86cm6pg3ly0v097y"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "chk")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -12551,13 +13171,13 @@ isosurfaces.")
(define-public r-ks
(name "r-ks")
- (version "1.13.3")
+ (version "1.13.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ks" version))
- (base32 "0wyfdmhr753vpizns9kl7h7pfnnb16c7m7w9a4bpz62xcvgq1yyy"))))
+ (base32 "15sm1ys7sk0gn7hr1vik4xrn4jdf837knwk7j8h32lr29w9mh917"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-fnn
@@ -12636,14 +13256,14 @@ University Press, 2007.")
(define-public r-circular
(name "r-circular")
- (version "0.4-93")
+ (version "0.4-94")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "circular" version))
- "0hki85rs8wc5950pjaw28q54rly2napfbcrx3pchlfap6wwy5kkn"))))
+ "0wanbd6n7g1avvyc7pm0lnkwg868dix2byiz4wm6vmxzm0y47fmr"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-boot r-mvtnorm))
@@ -12704,14 +13324,14 @@ for evolution along a phylogenetic tree.")
(define-public r-fmsb
(name "r-fmsb")
- (version "0.7.2")
+ (version "0.7.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "fmsb" version))
- "1ylwj4385wg7rymx0m3kayyvrbil89wxb7phdl0fvi0xq2krkzhb"))))
+ "1gi94xr0b1yk9xzwfprfafxi25yic1lcivd66p73n6iqfzdaimbk"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "http://minato.sip21c.org/msb/")
(synopsis "Functions for medical statistics book with demographic data")
@@ -12788,13 +13408,13 @@ Anderson-Darling Distribution\".")
(define-public r-admisc
(name "r-admisc")
- (version "0.22")
+ (version "0.25")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "admisc" version))
- (base32 "1jwz9z3brq4lbnqrkxx40vrn47rknkkj4xfv2gi8kmf1mzc5aqcd"))))
+ (base32 "0cf8dy0mi3ynm2ic8jp0qi1samyzashwlzz0l64izqqv2s4hpyzp"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "admisc")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/dusadrian/admisc")
@@ -12893,14 +13513,14 @@ redundant complex conjugate when the input is real data.")
(define-public r-tiff
(name "r-tiff")
- (version "0.1-10")
+ (version "0.1-11")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "tiff" version))
- "1zha6bzb1rmfl6n2xjkygs9wfi3ah9cjr7a6jzk4zqc5kvl58lak"))))
+ "0xgc7vyndxxahfhc2qqzmwi56bnfyl0pn72l820jz5sd24aymhxq"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list libtiff libjpeg-turbo zlib))
@@ -13029,19 +13649,20 @@ maps.")
(define-public r-tidytree
(name "r-tidytree")
- (version "0.3.7")
+ (version "0.3.9")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "tidytree" version))
- (base32 "1wp411lf3syf0g1czhx3ksb4mx5d6vaw6ppipv0s0k69ivag45kq"))))
+ (base32 "1prfv2jy6z4zp4gyi9krzbysipsbnjrkxcccflm4nwsd9i7mshqj"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-ape
+ r-pillar
@@ -13123,14 +13744,14 @@ only sparse real matrices in Matrix package format are supported.")
(define-public r-speedglm
(name "r-speedglm")
- (version "0.3-3")
+ (version "0.3-4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "speedglm" version))
- "0f37w4lj8dpcg1sfkd7cv6qpdkanmb97mnd8zih2fxzv8bpd0rfh"))))
+ "1kj662nfkfhvx37jrbvxd4dyjclz5cm3xh50z7s5rbzapiyxn4hs"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-mass r-matrix))
@@ -13145,14 +13766,14 @@ linear models to large data sets by updating algorithms.")
(define-public r-densityclust
(name "r-densityclust")
- (version "0.3")
+ (version "0.3.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "densityClust" version))
- "1zry0vafajzmr37aylglxfvwplhdygbkb9cvzvh8cy0xgnjrnx13"))))
+ "05x2fi1zdnkrg2nimf8k904j3lpyw0f7nmk6ax5p7x7a98wb2iqs"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "densityClust")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -13454,13 +14075,13 @@ methods, incorporating one or more trees and trait data.")
(define-public r-rnexml
(name "r-rnexml")
- (version "2.4.5")
+ (version "2.4.6")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "RNeXML" version))
- "1wsl4xq9w5bp3wk69dw57bg0qcw1vs6ajwya4p0w1r00ck5pwrib"))))
+ "0k56brcg80mvx35hgc5gj8arwba4k7q0075g38qp0qgq9d1b87cs"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-ape
@@ -13469,6 +14090,7 @@ methods, incorporating one or more trees and trait data.")
+ r-rlang
@@ -13488,16 +14110,17 @@ and compatibility with @code{ape} objects.")
(define-public r-rnifti
(name "r-rnifti")
- (version "1.3.1")
+ (version "1.4.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "RNifti" version))
- "0bz10ar6hrgkvlzh9j2im24kwi3s2nnax668z40a2wj6s5xghqlr"))))
+ "0kkj9dby85iwnlqb7zwrh1xidlvqip7i1mbgckb5qg4b0a3zgibc"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "RNifti")))
(build-system r-build-system)
+ (inputs (list zlib))
(propagated-inputs (list r-rcpp))
(home-page "https://github.com/jonclayden/RNifti")
(synopsis "Fast R and C++ access to NIfTI images")
@@ -13925,14 +14548,14 @@ preparing, executing, and processing HTTP requests.")
(define-public r-gmp
(name "r-gmp")
- (version "0.6-2.1")
+ (version "0.6-4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gmp" version))
- "1mj7hy6riaxl9n4q2cnyyjazwad90xbjszk25si968618rih4n64"))))
+ "0vfhz5cpffcrmq011h7jvy1r6d5pbbpkxj8431bhj5x5h25x7sjn"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -14948,14 +15571,14 @@ port-forwarding to your local computer.")
(define-public r-future
(name "r-future")
- (version "1.23.0")
+ (version "1.24.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "future" version))
- "1y5qzpsg0r2dccynyybbb2ngxbl1y3phs1dq2jj3f2bwhc7chsfq"))))
+ "0xmj17fq9paww796490bmakv6pcvrzk15i8mzhxk1mp9l0mj32vv"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -15190,17 +15813,18 @@ several common set, element and attribute related tasks.")
(define-public r-shinyjqui
(name "r-shinyjqui")
- (version "0.4.0")
+ (version "0.4.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "shinyjqui" version))
- "0ins0pmfis34jr0rimsp1k1aw856r3xjdnsvv8lkwqhvp58nzqah"))
+ "135gwz7syyb6pbn0lkvmq0v1c6r1zivavnqhi1rnzbbzlysi27v1"))
- '(begin
- (delete-file "inst/www/shinyjqui.min.js")))))
+ '(for-each delete-file
+ (list "inst/www/shinyjqui.min.js"
+ "inst/www/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js")))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "shinyjqui")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -15208,17 +15832,34 @@ several common set, element and attribute related tasks.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'process-javascript
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (with-directory-excursion "inst/www/"
- (let ((source "shinyjqui.js")
- (target "shinyjqui.min.js"))
- (format #true "Processing ~a --> ~a~%"
- source target)
- (invoke "esbuild" source "--minify"
- (string-append "--outfile=" target)))))))))
+ (with-directory-excursion "inst/www"
+ (let ((mapping
+ `((,(string-append (assoc-ref inputs "js-jquery.ui.touch-punch")
+ "/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js")
+ . "jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js")
+ ("shinyjqui.js"
+ . "shinyjqui.min.js"))))
+ (for-each (lambda (source target)
+ (format #true "Processing ~a --> ~a~%"
+ source target)
+ (invoke "esbuild" source "--minify"
+ (string-append "--outfile=" target)))
+ (map car mapping)
+ (map cdr mapping)))))))))
- (list r-htmltools r-htmlwidgets r-jsonlite r-shiny))
+ (list r-htmltools r-htmlwidgets r-jsonlite r-rlang r-shiny))
- (list r-knitr esbuild))
+ `(("r-knitr" ,r-knitr)
+ ("esbuild" ,esbuild)
+ ("js-jquery.ui.touch-punch"
+ ,(origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch")
+ (commit "8f7559b6e65cdc3ee3648d5fe76d38c653f87ff5")))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1lzywp2q9hwx6d5fqjla95vp7ra2lahr5dam7lsqjmch9d98r48q"))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/yang-tang/shinyjqui")
(synopsis "jQuery UI interactions and effects for Shiny")
@@ -15226,6 +15867,38 @@ several common set, element and attribute related tasks.")
effects from the jQuery UI library.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public r-shinymanager
+ (package
+ (name "r-shinymanager")
+ (version "1.0.400")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "shinymanager" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1np2yp5pn8g9i4jhysfgprmdn13cpw4vaaagrd72rnk2r4hpmyx4"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "shinymanager")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-billboarder
+ r-dbi
+ r-dt
+ r-htmltools
+ r-openssl
+ r-r-utils
+ r-r6
+ r-rsqlite
+ r-scrypt
+ r-shiny))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/datastorm-open/shinymanager")
+ (synopsis "Authentication management for Shiny applications")
+ (description
+ "This package provides simple and secure authentification mechanism for
+single Shiny applications. Credentials are stored in an encrypted SQLite
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public r-outliers
(name "r-outliers")
@@ -15397,13 +16070,13 @@ such software by imputing dropout events.")
(define-public r-gamlss-dist
(name "r-gamlss-dist")
- (version "6.0-1")
+ (version "6.0-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gamlss.dist" version))
- (base32 "0m41n7zf7m0mh1w9ql70wqnzsf2f013ql699im7zmp6fdggb8qxm"))))
+ (base32 "1gqjr419v8z2ygh0h1xz7bipnsbp820njzwq7z3r9f41rn1ym47c"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "gamlss.dist")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list r-mass))
@@ -15641,14 +16314,14 @@ probabilities from a standard bivariate normal CDF.")
(define-public r-lavaan
(name "r-lavaan")
- (version "0.6-9")
+ (version "0.6-10")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "lavaan" version))
- "12hhbwxaiprs9bmclwhhdpv42h4mrl4gj92zq3wk8rb883mw816l"))))
+ "0dwc8rgrzyrrb0ivx297ln2qbrsxbpn6mdf7laiffhspdpml8sad"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-mass r-mnormt r-numderiv r-pbivnorm))
@@ -15784,14 +16457,14 @@ graphs.")
(define-public r-pbdzmq
(name "r-pbdzmq")
- (version "0.3-6")
+ (version "0.3-7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "pbdZMQ" version))
- "0yy3x3l04vx13jbjbvkvsc8jdbf0abndjfknszdx3bi18b2chi4r"))))
+ "020qy6fq8w8wq0j3bii14ahrlg8wzl0lrnndfr6scmrg9ghjnbfz"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "pbdZMQ")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -16107,14 +16780,14 @@ additional utilities for genomic regions processing.")
(define-public r-sets
(name "r-sets")
- (version "1.0-20")
+ (version "1.0-21")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "sets" version))
- "1mkmqi3n1lh01k47yvkr0dlf4imqdi6d6bglx9bvrjmg816p4jr3"))))
+ "1h1a03b1850kh5hd3gxbspx2nxqxvk2gb0wm0s60b70qb6zg0csp"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "sets")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sets")
@@ -16151,14 +16824,14 @@ partition functions are also given.")
(define-public r-brobdingnag
(name "r-brobdingnag")
- (version "1.2-6")
+ (version "1.2-7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "Brobdingnag" version))
- "1m3ajvcksqfck5l5hj5xiflj4ry6d896ybv4f0xxks8chgnwmv0r"))))
+ "0hnp5nrpnscykvgrrbgp7987660hcbv92zc2q8lmpnin4ws399vk"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "Brobdingnag")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/RobinHankin/Brobdingnag.git")
@@ -16286,14 +16959,14 @@ utilities for sequence data management under the ACNUC system.")
(define-public r-units
(name "r-units")
- (version "0.7-2")
+ (version "0.8-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "units" version))
- "1ss0f15h4yqzk488ilsa5d2ibrj3wzwplx4160mn600i8ciy02xr"))))
+ "06mjprqi06xprj6185k5cmrrdl025x0pd1r6a4x3s74ciq9zwilw"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list udunits))
@@ -16314,14 +16987,14 @@ classes.")
(define-public r-udunits2
(name "r-udunits2")
- (version "0.13.2")
+ (version "")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "udunits2" version))
- "0sarkw5ciafiaq1haam8d8w0cmai63wrw2m4rcbjfa5k0648j07f"))))
+ "00prsy8m41v1camcsz94d7gm8qab2mdnwl3x0dyhz4r49b02jm4z"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "udunits2")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -16489,14 +17162,14 @@ information about geometries.")
(define-public r-sf
(name "r-sf")
- (version "1.0-5")
+ (version "1.0-7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "sf" version))
- "1i0s9839m9zffad2aq6zgcpz0d61g68caqh9wxaxaxx7bvx2h319"))))
+ "0lsl4rh4lbv386hxlsnnwsjb5x1n9d3z0ckjmxakmmrqjjmiywyh"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list gdal geos proj sqlite zlib))
@@ -16522,13 +17195,13 @@ datum transformations.")
(define-public r-spdep
(name "r-spdep")
- (version "1.2-1")
+ (version "1.2-2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "spdep" version))
- "1ya39bgmzagrk4k51zd96l4xvnbc2vzmvd0z9qprdfvg9s6pik78"))
+ "08sya6vy7s87h337g2fanncw6xx9y9z8nxpqalbdxv9vpsc6zx4l"))
'(for-each delete-file '("inst/doc/CO69.html"
@@ -17232,14 +17905,14 @@ interaction search in high-dimensional data.")
(define-public r-rttf2pt1
(name "r-rttf2pt1")
- (version "1.3.9")
+ (version "1.3.10")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "Rttf2pt1" version))
- "0w9ybqvr4bvpa2dyfkrscg4in0x2dkzmxdn1n6003j1rss7f8rw6"))))
+ "1fp1y0kxa5xg8w0dplm12wfm8h78az4k6ql1758wwhb3d17np241"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "Rttf2pt1")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/wch/Rttf2pt1")
@@ -18318,14 +18991,14 @@ matched.")
(define-public r-ggnewscale
(name "r-ggnewscale")
- (version "0.4.5")
+ (version "0.4.6")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ggnewscale" version))
- "1hjysfagd2lqy8yivqq9q7l6hbvyq8kasw3zqh5fk9xn18ikc702"))))
+ "08xqhv6y9m9f2p8q3h0dh7mbpqg3r2i590x2983k69plfa5jxzv3"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "ggnewscale")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -18364,14 +19037,14 @@ colored by the number of neighboring points. This is useful to visualize the
(define-public r-arrow
(name "r-arrow")
- (version "6.0.1")
+ (version "7.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "arrow" version))
- "14fghz9xijcrck0c65crvfidgyhgzy9b2apwmg7qrgn2sy09xm0p"))))
+ "1s9h2aw6iig45nz2rfk13qbp0qydx6cc4r6qs58f9cm9vgwsg76l"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "arrow")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -18379,6 +19052,7 @@ colored by the number of neighboring points. This is useful to visualize the
(list r-assertthat
+ r-cpp11
@@ -18450,14 +19124,14 @@ industry for machine learning tasks.")
(define-public r-float
(name "r-float")
- (version "0.2-6")
+ (version "0.2-6.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "float" version))
- "1bx5yxkb123001v31jjk7h7f0qissmjydvbil5cj3jvmqkayq1a1"))))
+ "07b3zaccrybd1vail8hs4kmcn3djqmr72j63h01rkmij2ry8pv8d"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "float")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -18546,14 +19220,14 @@ multicore machines.")
(define-public r-mcmcpack
(name "r-mcmcpack")
- (version "1.6-0")
+ (version "1.6-1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "MCMCpack" version))
- "16zjx8yz29ii75wfxj3p562l657bng8jnwzp2b54s7fiaws4kfdm"))))
+ "1skanp6czfk83s13dnjrb699m9z6a0r59q0f79fv0k560jc8vbrj"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "MCMCpack")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -18688,24 +19362,23 @@ batch correction, and data correction.")
(define-public r-styler
(name "r-styler")
- (version "1.6.2")
+ (version "1.7.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "styler" version))
- "0p7p2mh4f469drfn5z4wc4xrg06mpnm9wkw76fghclf8m9vcqbx6"))))
+ "1ki260ga0jrmayhdlx2sl788yp5kkmi4wyl32nmvvyb55sng6j9y"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
+ ;; This is needed by R.cache.
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'set-HOME
(lambda _ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))
- (list r-backports
- r-cli
- r-glue
+ (list r-cli
@@ -18713,8 +19386,7 @@ batch correction, and data correction.")
- r-withr
- r-xfun))
+ r-withr))
(list r-knitr))
(home-page "https://github.com/r-lib/styler")
@@ -19008,14 +19680,14 @@ been used in the call to @code{aov}.")
(define-public r-dalex
(name "r-dalex")
- (version "2.3.0")
+ (version "2.4.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "DALEX" version))
- "0x8rcl3p1h1dpzgsfnalfjhvv345gg5v0z8dxqwrk6i32xk5wmzb"))))
+ "1s7r7k5ihdbj69r27vbcs3ghra9s4yqw7cyh2rkm2ry901zq3114"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "DALEX")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -19179,14 +19851,14 @@ the current document.")
(define-public r-xgboost
(name "r-xgboost")
- (version "")
+ (version "")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "xgboost" version))
- "04xbgrrb3aq067hrivslq5f2rd1v95yfv7lkj596ijyqi6ibjl27"))))
+ "13mi3rmpxhgm4qbm4xcqml9n5d1xyai2k1mi52i8x60jd5m8s319"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-data-table r-jsonlite r-matrix))
@@ -19594,20 +20266,20 @@ both R code and compiled C/C++/FORTRAN code.")
(define-public r-systemfonts
(name "r-systemfonts")
- (version "1.0.3")
+ (version "1.0.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "systemfonts" version))
- "1fmv1ni77ncz6rrm4iv8a7l6pbqnk2ri0yzad2bs943gxbarjz34"))))
+ "1h44bal845jp7ya8i7ff1kz1n3wklkb00jk6hb9lgwa2p5snqxpg"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "systemfonts")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-cpp11))
- (list fontconfig zlib))
+ (list fontconfig freetype zlib))
(list pkg-config r-knitr))
(home-page "https://github.com/r-lib/systemfonts")
@@ -19648,14 +20320,14 @@ emphasize hidden group structures in networks or focus on specific nodes.")
(define-public r-terra
(name "r-terra")
- (version "1.5-12")
+ (version "1.5-21")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "terra" version))
- "06fcjyzllw6dnzq0a7dc73v7rlpf250dyw41q0vr08y3x17c2p46"))))
+ "0gzl0ka19jjw0dmaghjk2sgwi78kkz4w3rlfkym62rdarhlfj7h9"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "terra")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -19768,14 +20440,14 @@ in pipelines.")
(define-public r-parameters
(name "r-parameters")
- (version "0.16.0")
+ (version "0.17.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "parameters" version))
- "1i295d5nqjr3pvp9vz59wiasrxy9n78q518phcd15sxcjzcj0l27"))))
+ "0wrhs3rhr62441cghg4nsrlp6r41nf7x5nclzz71v5c0rfn8jh79"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "parameters")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -19985,12 +20657,12 @@ to ODEs by numerical differencing.")
(define-public r-pracma
(name "r-pracma")
- (version "2.3.6")
+ (version "2.3.8")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "pracma" version))
- (base32 "1pmqk7b6c600v6pn0s047p3msl13azwk611zvh05w5f993yq7b0p"))))
+ (base32 "0r17siivm37k4gp253v9mlg5m7cwqp85h9kk2hbp2wkf81ad80i3"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/pracma/")
(synopsis "Practical numerical math functions")
@@ -20046,14 +20718,14 @@ as a boxplot function.")
(define-public r-bio3d
(name "r-bio3d")
- (version "2.4-2")
+ (version "2.4-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "bio3d" version))
- "1jvcmpzi9knhxq5jsbhg8slm8hnlx2y8smmwwrbnbyd0rmk5fhci"))))
+ "0x3apqxbk4lvvcnvvdsyjd9f6qh9f9qgml3ih69hl9ikj06iy0y6"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "bio3d")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(inputs (list zlib))
@@ -20422,14 +21094,14 @@ server-side.")
(define-public r-sysfonts
(name "r-sysfonts")
- (version "0.8.5")
+ (version "0.8.8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "sysfonts" version))
- "1fhf0x5sqx3mv72j9d0clkq1qzqiqxbxn1h808f7ccf0mb04v43y"))))
+ "1fq5dn4l09sgrbznfz9cakf4vgc3761zwicvqaazh0s8mzbaicpn"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "sysfonts")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -20468,14 +21140,14 @@ package.")
(define-public r-showtext
(name "r-showtext")
- (version "0.9-4")
+ (version "0.9-5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "showtext" version))
- "1gvj32wrs5q31bmg5dy6n85d0igm3jhkldhdv8kscw0pfrk89y36"))))
+ "1larnqxn9nanbqiadm35ah5hh89xrzm4fdj9pfc93zzzhlfrvhb3"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "showtext")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -20991,14 +21663,14 @@ See e.g. Gentle (2003) @url{doi:10.1007/b97336}.")
(define-public r-lhs
(name "r-lhs")
- (version "1.1.3")
+ (version "1.1.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "lhs" version))
- "1l861h76q5w0nbnbybhgg7hiw7fks677jakyd49n1whwvd48sfz4"))))
+ "1dim6pw2vjvsk269dff5bzpnyh9rp4qa9gj8y61bd31384q5c92c"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "lhs")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list r-rcpp))
@@ -21114,14 +21786,14 @@ models.")
(define-public r-gamlss
(name "r-gamlss")
- (version "5.3-4")
+ (version "5.4-1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gamlss" version))
- "06mh00jjxnqwknbv777hawjk0zm81ixrp35fg59mrlqz8y3p2w3j"))))
+ "0fp9bmgykpqd950bk58dk423iy5r1fm3dy2gw0cwwmgivpq2lx0q"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "gamlss")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -21447,14 +22119,14 @@ transcription, ...")
(define-public r-seewave
(name "r-seewave")
- (version "2.1.8")
+ (version "2.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "seewave" version))
- "1szcvryvl4kb3av2pcvl14bz6whl7xrq4wb1ck6w7lfc4mrlirhh"))))
+ "0bi1l47l3846c18k6h2vrv0xp9xh00n544a578jrndahzrj1hfwl"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "seewave")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -22294,14 +22966,14 @@ API; see the package vignette for details.")
(define-public r-actuar
(name "r-actuar")
- (version "3.2-0")
+ (version "3.2-1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "actuar" version))
- "015brjjgmkwmjajdjdw8gs02jrd96if425pk9a97d499hzsq3xds"))))
+ "1avqgkls4xvwgfr6j7g2f7p474rlpi82q5aksw8nzf8wcyp7592f"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "actuar")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list r-expint))
@@ -22367,14 +23039,14 @@ number embedded in the file rather than the file extension.")
(define-public r-imager
(name "r-imager")
- (version "0.42.11")
+ (version "0.42.13")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "imager" version))
- "1a1jhmgrpv1d0fk14axj88qvxgb25bqnj65d60g1k985ipzvgy27"))))
+ "0zygnmxwbbmj5i2l2affzdz90xvsa7b5pbkzkhjbm40is69rh2nr"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "imager")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -22427,14 +23099,14 @@ it may be seen by an animal with less acute vision.")
(define-public r-caret
(name "r-caret")
- (version "6.0-90")
+ (version "6.0-91")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "caret" version))
- "1g36m06hp2fxxwv155bwbqlf97xhcia1lmg3axg6d74kgpns8lg8"))))
+ "1kbx51cf71z2x19a0jflwnhx5jd9wk9q9203kzdxlqw5izdjvmdz"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-e1071
@@ -22561,6 +23233,58 @@ and multivariate regression), and analysis of variance tolerance intervals.
Visualizations are also available for most of these settings.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+;; Keep this in sync with the liblantern package.
+(define-public r-torch
+ (package
+ (name "r-torch")
+ (version "0.7.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "torch" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "163pvl3gyz7l2fmqhgg4k6pw4dmvfir71yp9l5ra2k4zc32lz166"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "torch")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'link-libraries
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((deps (string-append #$output "/site-library/torch/deps")))
+ (mkdir-p deps)
+ (symlink
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs "/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib/libtorch.so")
+ (string-append deps "/libtorch.so"))
+ (symlink
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs "/lib/liblantern.so")
+ (string-append deps "/liblantern.so"))))))))
+ (inputs
+ (list python-pytorch-for-r-torch
+ liblantern))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-bit64
+ r-callr
+ r-cli
+ r-coro
+ r-ellipsis
+ r-magrittr
+ r-r6
+ r-rcpp
+ r-rlang
+ r-withr))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://torch.mlverse.org/docs")
+ (synopsis "Tensors and neural networks with GPU acceleration")
+ (description
+ "This package provides functionality to define and train neural networks
+similar to PyTorch but written entirely in R using the libtorch library. It
+also supports low-level tensor operations and GPU acceleration.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-additivitytests
(name "r-additivitytests")
@@ -22880,6 +23604,30 @@ finding peaks in spectra, converting humidity measures.")
from PLINK results.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-gghighlight
+ (package
+ (name "r-gghighlight")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "gghighlight" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bxgn4srxz1qhawqa8ck57p8hg5ikwfa9ll03zmnn8fb19akwm2v"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "gghighlight")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-dplyr r-ggplot2 r-ggrepel r-lifecycle r-purrr r-rlang r-tibble))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/yutannihilation/gghighlight/")
+ (synopsis "Highlight lines and points in ggplot2")
+ (description "Suppose we have data that has so many series that it is hard
+to identify them by their colors as the differences are so subtle. With
+gghighlight we can highlight those lines that match certain criteria. The
+result is a usual @code{ggplot} object, so it is fully customizable and can be
+used with custom themes and facets.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public r-ggplot-multistats
(name "r-ggplot-multistats")
@@ -23029,14 +23777,14 @@ automatically show a loader when the output is (re)calculating.")
(define-public r-rsvg
(name "r-rsvg")
- (version "2.1.2")
+ (version "2.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rsvg" version))
- "10p6aps2rsvhf4xgngl9x20cf2wqbzhlpjds8biyihvj58c1q8nn"))))
+ "05mvi1ijnxayyj1f4p8nb56pncmm7x0sbq0d87asv7c7kw765n1a"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "rsvg")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -23540,14 +24288,14 @@ Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.")
(define-public r-quanteda
(name "r-quanteda")
- (version "3.2.0")
+ (version "3.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "quanteda" version))
- "0q72jsc6zalnl35qq02z9niissnyax4zxzqzpfpjsmgmxpd797mw"))))
+ "102wlx6481fskgdr5wv467n29f666q0qg9kjm0ivqfg9xsbvza12"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "quanteda")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -23688,14 +24436,14 @@ be constant or piecewise-constant in time.")
(define-public r-ltm
(name "r-ltm")
- (version "1.1-1")
+ (version "1.2-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ltm" version))
- "1qrgzwx5l58qf5rfp1knxc84r0g943q5sdr3ky74zzwpnmrf2vf7"))))
+ "0vhgbk6j0z3limsrbjkjkpfn2whiaij5j4jf1gg66mjs9dlylap1"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "ltm")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -23804,14 +24552,14 @@ package by providing:
(define-public r-sem
(name "r-sem")
- (version "3.1-13")
+ (version "3.1-14")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "sem" version))
- "0r9g4j0w6q4qy9jl9gkjkihml4109ymg3y6zmhyg806q19qryx07"))))
+ "18m54hjl3w57n4ygnkcy80w0dc9dz1zvavjqh9sl6nqs52f9m246"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "sem")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -23942,14 +24690,14 @@ Complete access to optimized C functions is made available with
(define-public r-openmx
(name "r-openmx")
- (version "2.20.0")
+ (version "2.20.6")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "OpenMx" version))
- "1flkm5nsvdnqhjayzajv80lsvjbh21v4zbm7ak09051x0giv3shj"))))
+ "1v969100hllh0lwlxd2gv0k7krrsp9gc07iinx0nn04wkzh0rib5"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "OpenMx")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -24002,14 +24750,14 @@ importation and recoding.")
(define-public r-rockchalk
(name "r-rockchalk")
- (version "1.8.144")
+ (version "1.8.151")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rockchalk" version))
- "07dp1n155b9gfvk8l30h6bhjbhbylsjxfzns08mryn4mxj3nqpnb"))))
+ "17mfaxn3gj0vac5wdmsjj2z2668cszbpvan7hnxp7ic9bvsm1w2y"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "rockchalk")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -24095,14 +24843,14 @@ network, tree, dendrogram, and Sankey graphs from R using data frames.")
(define-public r-qgraph
(name "r-qgraph")
- (version "1.9")
+ (version "1.9.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "qgraph" version))
- "1ahhzp64jdgki5p2wga5mn8a2n1x2zldgpilrpf7hy5l9nf4imz1"))))
+ "0r225b7rnsv6wz41ij0msmqr1xy0iqxh9dbsvjixbi1hvgv91wds"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "qgraph")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -24137,14 +24885,14 @@ model estimation. See Epskamp et al. (2012)
(define-public r-semplot
(name "r-semplot")
- (version "1.1.2")
+ (version "1.1.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "semPlot" version))
- "0l1v9yi1pv59iwfknw4dh9qskk5y8r347jq1vq13gnfd3bmd71xr"))))
+ "0d7v9yqc9nhx3hdrp444w1ah66zai3lg5y778m85r7ngh1prxlvc"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "semPlot")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -24156,7 +24904,6 @@ model estimation. See Epskamp et al. (2012)
- r-regsem
@@ -24456,14 +25203,14 @@ series/point highlighting.")
(define-public r-shinystan
(name "r-shinystan")
- (version "2.5.0")
+ (version "2.6.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "shinystan" version))
- "18alf5kiqw7y2l6m5nxxizwc2znsf9frxfsqhvgcad8hld9cbya5"))))
+ "0afm703zriyqprz1zvypir80lq2ylfff3qvj5i7p9n365mm8b150"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "shinystan")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -24476,7 +25223,6 @@ series/point highlighting.")
- r-rsconnect
@@ -24990,13 +25736,13 @@ appropriate dog and cat images for many status codes.")
(define-public r-latex2exp
(name "r-latex2exp")
- (version "0.5.0")
+ (version "0.9.4")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "latex2exp" version))
- "0qknpw7zwwbzsbry94j8fn48mq7kq5rc5448g9hybbisain3wfvg"))))
+ "0zbbrbgg524lpm733j8qsqk5ssg75c51s6dgzb18c6fk8byrx945"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-stringr r-magrittr))
@@ -25594,14 +26340,14 @@ including means, variances, intervals, and highest density regions.")
(define-public r-posterior
(name "r-posterior")
- (version "1.2.0")
+ (version "1.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "posterior" version))
- "11j3jgk8mykicqi77a6frn0gck7fx0i6sl6g774sqj44m48ig81b"))))
+ "1qdg22l868daqg2axr36szl1m9z0rfpgx8zmv1x1xwm1hmlf0mxp"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "posterior")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -25891,14 +26637,14 @@ counting and recursive k-means partitioning.")
(define-public r-hardhat
(name "r-hardhat")
- (version "0.1.6")
+ (version "0.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "hardhat" version))
- "07mx8c24gy0xfmip9hb5w29gp10sfnpnilzc1pi0hjadnrqz8mks"))))
+ "0a4nq93cmps5xy8h0qsv6xyzrbsz9ka4iwkrvb8m8v10wq7wm5wl"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "hardhat")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -26134,18 +26880,18 @@ you can automate browsers locally or remotely.")
(define-public r-conquer
(name "r-conquer")
- (version "1.2.1")
+ (version "1.2.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "conquer" version))
- "0i9g27f52zl2kb2392g0y614drf6s87dqz12aphj889ajq7zjm0k"))))
+ "1z07p4xcrxvnicwgga7hqvqzcxavwirw828285i0xlnz54rqhsc8"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "conquer")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-caret r-matrix r-matrixstats r-rcpp r-rcpparmadillo))
+ (list r-matrix r-matrixstats r-rcpp r-rcpparmadillo))
(home-page "https://github.com/XiaoouPan/conquer")
(synopsis "Convolution-type smoothed quantile regression")
@@ -26388,14 +27134,14 @@ package.")
(define-public r-spatstat-geom
(name "r-spatstat-geom")
- (version "2.3-1")
+ (version "2.3-2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "spatstat.geom" version))
- "1h3ja45in7hnar2gwqp18jkz4rcqi99gllar6jqzlsvdbb85hgpj"))))
+ "0aihimb4r6hmk3g7764d3b43a0znf9bzmc96i1lkqq9hwabj7151"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "spatstat.geom")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -26411,14 +27157,14 @@ for the geometry of linear networks.")
(define-public r-spatstat-core
(name "r-spatstat-core")
- (version "2.3-2")
+ (version "2.4-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "spatstat.core" version))
- "0g7nj8nf9ywhdbc5irxlry6kzq6bwwbkk9cp22kyv1wigycnskbz"))))
+ "1dx6fh6l3bqxqfaczm9gxx1sirmdpx8biag462pj9wjqmw9m4j35"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "spatstat.core")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -26430,6 +27176,7 @@ for the geometry of linear networks.")
+ r-spatstat-random
@@ -26443,14 +27190,14 @@ user-level code from spatstat, except for the code for linear networks.")
(define-public r-spatstat-linnet
(name "r-spatstat-linnet")
- (version "2.3-1")
+ (version "2.3-2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "spatstat.linnet" version))
- "1hrqa2i6mp7d79jw4h56b8hk9590959s79vh9xcsj6k5vbisd6qi"))))
+ "0y1py6x0xbw4ad3pjwcspi4ysgfh61f5fd79787zzgyyh2va8y4w"))))
`((upstream-name . "spatstat.linnet")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -26459,6 +27206,7 @@ user-level code from spatstat, except for the code for linear networks.")
+ r-spatstat-random
(home-page "http://spatstat.org/")
@@ -26468,22 +27216,50 @@ user-level code from spatstat, except for the code for linear networks.")
for spatial data on a linear network.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-spatstat-random
+ (package
+ (name "r-spatstat-random")
+ (version "2.1-0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "spatstat.random" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ggzl64iqf7b6n81ga66wb01sm4rmzrbimv2pmgy047mjnqsnpq4"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "spatstat.random")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-spatstat-data r-spatstat-geom r-spatstat-utils))
+ (home-page "http://spatstat.org/")
+ (synopsis "Random Generation Functionality for the 'spatstat' Family")
+ (description
+ "This package provides functionality for random generation of spatial
+data in the spatstat family of packages. It generates random spatial patterns
+of points according to many simple rules (complete spatial randomness,
+Poisson, binomial, random grid, systematic, cell), randomised alteration of
+patterns (thinning, random shift, jittering), simulated realisations of random
+point processes (simple sequential inhibition, Matern inhibition models,
+Matern cluster process, Neyman-Scott cluster processes, log-Gaussian Cox
+processes, product shot noise cluster processes) and simulation of Gibbs point
+processes (Metropolis-Hastings birth-death-shift algorithm, alternating Gibbs
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public r-spatstat
(name "r-spatstat")
- (version "2.3-0")
+ (version "2.3-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "spatstat" version))
- "01jckks3j39854mhsarzyzn4rj82h1xrnyd2b6fyzizj48vl80ns"))))
+ "0skk377fw448gvdk6jkcviqbqdjn2vdz19vfk8aiilxax4xba1hr"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "spatstat")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-spatstat-core r-spatstat-data r-spatstat-geom
- r-spatstat-linnet r-spatstat-utils))
+ r-spatstat-linnet r-spatstat-random r-spatstat-utils))
(home-page "http://www.spatstat.org")
(synopsis "Spatial Point Pattern analysis, model-fitting, simulation, tests")
@@ -26599,14 +27375,14 @@ aggregation for comparing different implementations in order to provide a
(define-public r-rfast
(name "r-rfast")
- (version "2.0.4")
+ (version "2.0.6")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "Rfast" version))
- "1n9imwkkq14ickp0g34jyha4jkr180xj0ar8xh3hqqi4dvihg6cm"))))
+ "0zxykq021h57mq0n6giqbx8ncjsdly0arhmaj3fcp3yfcxf4ns9l"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "Rfast")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -26647,14 +27423,14 @@ model.")
(define-public r-clusterr
(name "r-clusterr")
- (version "1.2.5")
+ (version "1.2.6")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ClusterR" version))
- "1fsb9pzs1paw1cbyr5a56lfh8h2d50232p6isk0xg5sl110ql7kx"))))
+ "00mha8madcba83ix4fc04rb7sagfm0lxlh1wvs7dvjdrngps41jr"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "ClusterR")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -27479,20 +28255,22 @@ Design} (SFD) and to test their quality.")
(define-public r-dials
(name "r-dials")
- (version "0.0.10")
+ (version "0.1.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "dials" version))
- "1vhqcfwgic01pkw0i3000fvqq9yxfzsv26c0psfjhxkkdcz8h2px"))))
+ "02i9ddzi7gk5bwg87x8bpazk89mn102awgxzp9yw85dgbafqsydh"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "dials")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-dicedesign
+ r-hardhat
+ r-lifecycle
@@ -27791,19 +28569,21 @@ analysis using @code{dplyr}, @code{ggplot2}, and other Tidy tools.")
(define-public r-parsnip
(name "r-parsnip")
- (version "0.1.7")
+ (version "0.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "parsnip" version))
- "12chngdzplwkk1c9k8y7cwaqlyy72yamlknp7ksg7g9p3b58f1fb"))))
+ "0g213c91lzwq9hd22yxkj3igqw04czncnbc4jddnpghp4gpfn1kn"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "parsnip")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-dplyr
+ (list r-cli
+ r-dplyr
+ r-ggplot2
@@ -27814,7 +28594,8 @@ analysis using @code{dplyr}, @code{ggplot2}, and other Tidy tools.")
- r-vctrs))
+ r-vctrs
+ r-withr))
(list r-knitr))
(home-page "https://parsnip.tidymodels.org")
@@ -28149,14 +28930,14 @@ designs. Broman et al. (2018) <doi:10.1534/genetics.118.301595>.")
(define-public r-seqminer
(name "r-seqminer")
- (version "8.2")
+ (version "8.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "seqminer" version))
- "097313x72jr2q6dp8ma33w8kyp3gfw71snf1qx2maxbwwnysk085"))))
+ "1mbx1hw9dhgry7hhan43g6aiz2lyd5api7wxq3fwajyzjrc6p1g8"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list zlib))
@@ -28199,14 +28980,14 @@ as allowing spectra with different resolutions.")
(define-public r-scattermore
(name "r-scattermore")
- (version "0.7")
+ (version "0.8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "scattermore" version))
- "18nzlprmphkvjg946h10h2qq0wbkmv2526p8di6k2xl4gccq0qpk"))))
+ "1rgqm7r1k7j3h2y4i6d1a2y8fzivfcbmr7dj9d367c0w4vc77pfv"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "scattermore")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -28449,14 +29230,14 @@ rate speciation and extinction.")
(define-public r-calculus
(name "r-calculus")
- (version "0.3.2")
+ (version "0.3.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "calculus" version))
- "1x3bcdd422wqv9gk9r2m8g19qcga220sm5rxdp4bgfc6vlqzzz7y"))))
+ "1fhvr0l2mqik3d95v0vanafxmiab147g5a87q956g2i945wc5f22"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "calculus")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -28798,13 +29579,13 @@ performing ordinal regression.")
(define-public r-paradox
(name "r-paradox")
- (version "0.7.1")
+ (version "0.8.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "paradox" version))
- "1difp0bzsfxcmbm1snahh3i6417k1a2w4mnjx65p20n2yiclmrgs"))))
+ "1jfzbpqi1rp3r8hnk37dqwggp48ha5bnilmdz7dwzfdaskssycxa"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-backports r-checkmate r-data-table r-mlr3misc r-r6))
@@ -28819,19 +29600,20 @@ implemented as @code{R6} classes.")
(define-public r-mlr3
(name "r-mlr3")
- (version "0.13.1")
+ (version "0.13.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "mlr3" version))
- "052685d08cfsrh3r31yn05ngwi6z3fmz26gwiy32z7cpcigz8jjs"))))
+ "010kl51zsgpc0qv63g1fg9kiw9m0wzqskcr14f1j8b9zi1lwi0bf"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-r6
+ r-evaluate
@@ -28855,13 +29637,13 @@ computational operations, add-on packages provide additional functionality.")
(define-public r-mlr3learners
(name "r-mlr3learners")
- (version "0.5.1")
+ (version "0.5.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "mlr3learners" version))
- "1yc3mrk1b9h1k342wnw7sm4zmcw7w31l5ybh558g88f5hmibdl98"))))
+ "1d9hcrnj622ynrzg0ii0fkhz2n66ip46yln21jq1pwpwkqwqzv35"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-checkmate
@@ -28882,14 +29664,14 @@ vector machines, and gradient boosting.")
(define-public r-bbotk
(name "r-bbotk")
- (version "0.5.0")
+ (version "0.5.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "bbotk" version))
- "15y1w3mi1g91p73786ql1mmqld011757vax17i1vq7zw1s51yzxz"))))
+ "1171vcs96j8f4n0rjsbbiscs4nxgd4209lr9biy99lvhjvjdsfsm"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "bbotk")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -28912,13 +29694,13 @@ annealing.")
(define-public r-mlr3tuning
(name "r-mlr3tuning")
- (version "0.10.0")
+ (version "0.12.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "mlr3tuning" version))
- "0cqbqp53053v7lvi9ynpr860n8fm9w9842hai5z6xvmgzqdmjiyp"))))
+ "0qly6bsfazqcf0a7c2a6k3wghczm8v1fxw9pxa76gpw51x2j2ld0"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-bbotk
@@ -29204,14 +29986,14 @@ the font tool-set provided by the @code{systemfonts} package.")
(define-public r-ragg
(name "r-ragg")
- (version "1.2.1")
+ (version "1.2.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ragg" version))
- "08dknkibmmwllycga2cp2732idsi3jfkkl5ghh6r2g2wdli1n2y1"))))
+ "1q43pwmljsqgrikkh2g1n7bpz9c8py5dnj44cfg3y2br7b4m2q9v"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "ragg")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -29720,30 +30502,26 @@ data you need the @code{pdftools} package.")
(define-public r-pdftools
(name "r-pdftools")
- (version "3.0.1")
+ (version "3.1.1")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (cran-uri "pdftools" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1dcbs5n5y8zi7bbyx491m9ik8kkmjr301x8ms85fmwdfb5a97m8k"))))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "pdftools" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1lflqf2ypdm4w033vyjykmsy8cl34sp42fzkfgfdhvl2d0xjhl96"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "pdftools")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (inputs
- (list zlib poppler))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list r-qpdf r-rcpp))
+ (inputs (list zlib poppler))
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-qpdf r-rcpp))
(native-inputs (list pkg-config))
- (home-page
- "https://docs.ropensci.org/pdftools/")
- (synopsis
- "Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents")
+ (home-page "https://docs.ropensci.org/pdftools/")
+ (synopsis "Text Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents")
- "Utilities based on @code{libpoppler} for extracting text, fonts,
-attachments and metadata from a PDF file. Also supports high quality rendering
-of PDF documents into PNG, JPEG, TIFF format, or into raw bitmap vectors for
-further processing in R.")
+ "This package provides utilities based on @code{libpoppler} for
+extracting text, fonts, attachments and metadata from a PDF file. It also
+supports high quality rendering of PDF documents into PNG, JPEG, TIFF format,
+or into raw bitmap vectors for further processing in R.")
(license license:expat)))
(define-public r-antiword
@@ -30498,13 +31276,13 @@ reading and writing arbitrary protocol-buffer data in R.")
(define-public r-opencpu
(name "r-opencpu")
- (version "2.2.6")
+ (version "2.2.7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "opencpu" version))
- (base32 "0cmjfhkbk4im3x8aas0q5pivlsxgqixf4f3jiindchki7g9nsw91"))))
+ (base32 "06jpmk95hm39ib5c75xw0mdrdv9x9zz1qil3m8ysb6pp1xx47jz0"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "opencpu")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -30615,14 +31393,14 @@ package.")
(define-public r-qs
(name "r-qs")
- (version "0.25.2")
+ (version "0.25.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "qs" version))
- "1gswppmw8rhd7h50hffhss4c4niz0x54r9sc8pgqzy26vkjqlhpy"))))
+ "0sxy497v5arjv6lwxng7chkbzrn703waqmgsxv77i7y12ahzdbai"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "qs")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(inputs (list zlib))
@@ -30721,14 +31499,14 @@ Tensorflow graphs.")
(define-public r-tensorflow
(name "r-tensorflow")
- (version "2.7.0")
+ (version "2.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "tensorflow" version))
- "0xgm8jb1hl8564vviqys3aqwzvfbh0d43m154cj07j9spdz306ng"))))
+ "19ayjvlxmgjais0kx6fj9an1h1i8mh4c9dhah7dj6390p53pgz93"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "tensorflow")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(inputs (list tensorflow))
@@ -30752,14 +31530,14 @@ between them.")
(define-public r-keras
(name "r-keras")
- (version "2.7.0")
+ (version "2.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "keras" version))
- "004z9aajc0b7lw7g68ri7ndabdwbylmnlyvmziljmm29z6fzk8y5"))))
+ "10zvy4lmhb2sbn0gsm12pf95pxj9bmi8241ap1n6170xsld9phcf"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "keras")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -31024,14 +31802,14 @@ fully reproducible.")
(define-public r-paws-common
(name "r-paws-common")
- (version "0.3.15")
+ (version "0.3.16")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "paws.common" version))
- "0kj5b4253j4rljkj0ibh21kh9r1yq9idz9vf1f4ag775ivsc2dk5"))))
+ "0mdbnbjprghiwz4i9abh62l5q6mncz3iq76wxvj7ncinf89kd83w"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "paws.common")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -31474,14 +32252,14 @@ internally managed by a zoolog thesaurus.")
(define-public r-filehash
(name "r-filehash")
- (version "2.4-2")
+ (version "2.4-3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "filehash" version))
- "14zv7h5195dmfksgk8qvjgc2qq8253vga6267aa1bqs5bpvmdl5n"))))
+ "1ga17smgjd4qsnf5a7qk0giwhpc5969ylqj520favs1k6b4y557k"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "filehash")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "http://github.com/rdpeng/filehash")
@@ -31659,6 +32437,26 @@ least four days in the calendar year. This package provides functionality to
convert dates to MMWR day, week, and year and the reverse.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-cccd
+ (package
+ (name "r-cccd")
+ (version "1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "cccd" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0m364zsrgr7mh1yhl2lqxpaf71gzq3y3pp9qgnj4spiy4iadyy7i"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "cccd")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-deldir r-fnn r-igraph r-proxy))
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=cccd")
+ (synopsis "Class cover catch digraphs")
+ (description
+ "This package provides tools to create Class Cover Catch Digraphs,
+neighborhood graphs, and relatives.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public r-crul
(name "r-crul")
@@ -31852,17 +32650,112 @@ query parameters, request body, headers and more. It can be used for unit
tests or outside of a testing context.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public r-iotools
+ (package
+ (name "r-iotools")
+ (version "0.3-2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "iotools" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07q0z0kszm1xx5hfhisfliyrcsxd8dc5mx0a2bwwnv5l1xzmix17"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "iotools")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://www.rforge.net/iotools")
+ (synopsis "I/O tools for streaming")
+ (description "This package provides basic I/O tools for streaming and data
+ ;; GPL 2 or GPL 3.
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-wordspace
+ (package
+ (name "r-wordspace")
+ (version "0.2-7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "wordspace" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hrjv5mag7gwl4wj7np248sdyns5i623wl37b11hlgalhbmlypyf"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "wordspace")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-cluster r-iotools r-mass r-matrix r-rcpp r-sparsesvd))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://wordspace.r-forge.r-project.org/")
+ (synopsis "Distributional semantic models in R")
+ (description
+ "The wordspace package turns R into an interactive laboratory for
+empirical research on @dfn{distributional semantic models} (DSM). It consists
+of a small set of carefully designed functions, most of which
+@item encapsulate non-trivial R operations in a user-friendly manner or
+@item provide efficient and memory-lean C implementations of key operations.
+@end itemize
+ (license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public r-maxlik
+ (package
+ (name "r-maxlik")
+ (version "1.5-2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "maxLik" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pdigfpyiqacj2ydhpn5w1h89dz1ydk0syzs25lsgdi40sz0bvkw"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "maxLik")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-generics r-misctools r-sandwich))
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=maxLik")
+ (synopsis "Maximum Likelihood Estimation and related tools")
+ (description
+ "This package provides functions for @dfn{Maximum Likelihood} (ML) estimation,
+non-linear optimization, and related tools. It includes a unified way to call
+different optimizers, and classes and methods to handle the results from the
+Maximum Likelihood viewpoint. It also includes a number of convenience tools
+for testing and developing your own models.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-misctools
+ (package
+ (name "r-misctools")
+ (version "0.6-26")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "miscTools" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16pwfxpyl0zv3hjxx2kjchkg7p6kbj0s2rrpskj7rkhjr9imlg5y"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "miscTools")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-digest))
+ (home-page "http://www.micEcon.org")
+ (synopsis "Miscellaneous tools and utilities")
+ (description
+ "This package provides miscellaneous small tools and utilities. Many of
+them facilitate the work with matrices, e.g. inserting rows or columns,
+creating symmetric matrices, or checking for semidefiniteness. Other tools
+facilitate the work with regression models, e.g. extracting the standard
+errors, obtaining the number of (estimated) parameters, or calculating
+R-squared values.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public r-mockery
(name "r-mockery")
- (version "0.4.2")
+ (version "0.4.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "mockery" version))
- "16zayzi2qdmiy513hvlci9f4p8jwry24006yfzrgmrvf6sf293lq"))))
+ "0sj77m9vgn4bzb8c8nq93xb9lm8ih8rcb7sfccripraibibg3jcz"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "mockery")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -31989,17 +32882,17 @@ options for aggregating multi-layer rasters.")
(define-public r-bien
(name "r-bien")
- (version "1.2.4")
+ (version "1.2.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "BIEN" version))
- (base32 "1dagrs54ciagm2mgqrvxl6k2akahr0qk63ifxqnks7iljm0x1gw6"))))
+ (base32 "0s98n6zbf48vssd3h63k6kashcxv1kawcb026n0ngsfpc5dv6i48"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "BIEN")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-knitr r-testthat))
+ (list r-knitr))
(list r-ape
diff --git a/gnu/packages/crates-graphics.scm b/gnu/packages/crates-graphics.scm
index dbd3607dc4..d1a9c4dd6d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/crates-graphics.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/crates-graphics.scm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Antoine Côté <antoine.cote@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Zheng Junjie <873216071@qq.com>
@@ -102,23 +102,25 @@ shapes, lines and text to buffers.")
(define-public rust-ansi-colours-1
(name "rust-ansi-colours")
- (version "1.0.1")
+ (version "1.1.1")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (crate-uri "ansi_colours" version))
- (file-name
- (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1dnqmpk68mzvncj37jlv0362kdgsgjxg010c6psagimgh4m303qx"))))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ansi_colours" version))
+ (file-name
+ (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "03b2365y0ffkvqw61bc4imz6661jvi39vcs4q6q5d43znqrq4rrj"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (("rust-cc" ,rust-cc-1))
+ (("rust-rgb" ,rust-rgb-0.8))
- (("rust-delta-e" ,rust-delta-e-0.2)
- ("rust-lab" ,rust-lab-0.4))))
+ (("rust-crc64" ,rust-crc64-1)
+ ("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-empfindung" ,rust-empfindung-0.2)
+ ("rust-lab" ,rust-lab-0.11))))
(home-page "https://github.com/mina86/ansi_colours")
(synopsis "Palette converter between true-colour and ANSI terminal")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/crates-io.scm b/gnu/packages/crates-io.scm
index 878319faa2..90c95b6368 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/crates-io.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/crates-io.scm
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2019 Ivan Petkov <ivanppetkov@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -20,7 +19,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Antero Mejr <antero@kodmin.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Jacob Hrbek <kreyren@rixotstudio.cz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Nicolas Graves <ngraves@ngraves.fr>
@@ -52,6 +51,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages admin)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages cmake)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages jemalloc)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages llvm)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages m4)
#:use-module (gnu packages mail)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
#:use-module (gnu packages nettle)
@@ -140,6 +141,79 @@ cubic beziers.")
library in Rust.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-abscissa-core-0.5
+ (package
+ (name "rust-abscissa-core")
+ (version "0.5.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "abscissa_core" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0fmvaqzdz6qg7z42dlhvs3lf338xz0gdvdhp6xc042hjjdq6f1va"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-abscissa-derive" ,rust-abscissa-derive-0.5)
+ ("rust-backtrace" ,rust-backtrace-0.3)
+ ("rust-canonical-path" ,rust-canonical-path-2)
+ ("rust-chrono" ,rust-chrono-0.4)
+ ("rust-color-backtrace" ,rust-color-backtrace-0.3)
+ ("rust-generational-arena" ,rust-generational-arena-0.2)
+ ("rust-gumdrop" ,rust-gumdrop-0.7)
+ ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-once-cell" ,rust-once-cell-1)
+ ("rust-regex" ,rust-regex-1)
+ ("rust-secrecy" ,rust-secrecy-0.6)
+ ("rust-semver" ,rust-semver-0.9)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-signal-hook" ,rust-signal-hook-0.1)
+ ("rust-termcolor" ,rust-termcolor-1)
+ ("rust-toml" ,rust-toml-0.5)
+ ("rust-tracing" ,rust-tracing-0.1)
+ ("rust-tracing-log" ,rust-tracing-log-0.1)
+ ("rust-tracing-subscriber" ,rust-tracing-subscriber-0.1)
+ ("rust-wait-timeout" ,rust-wait-timeout-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/iqlusioninc/abscissa/")
+ (synopsis "Application microframework")
+ (description
+ "This package provides application microframework with support
+for command-line option parsing, configuration, error handling, logging,
+and terminal interactions. This crate contains the framework's core
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public rust-abscissa-derive-0.5
+ (package
+ (name "rust-abscissa-derive")
+ (version "0.5.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "abscissa_derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1k7cxjxgkvi91968xkrjcqpq98kabfh7qhnqh6fwnqw7qhmp5xbl"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-darling" ,rust-darling-0.10)
+ ("rust-ident-case" ,rust-ident-case-1)
+ ("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1)
+ ("rust-synstructure" ,rust-synstructure-0.12))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/iqlusioninc/abscissa")
+ (synopsis
+ "Custom derive support for the abscissa application microframework")
+ (description
+ "This package provides custom derive support for the abscissa application
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public rust-actix-0.10
(name "rust-actix")
@@ -3912,20 +3986,20 @@ approximately equal.")
(define-public rust-assert-cmd-2
(name "rust-assert-cmd")
- (version "2.0.2")
+ (version "2.0.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "assert_cmd" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1qhzr8p3iv8rpa6xqg247ad198rhxhljx23b17qpx2w381wxr5p9"))))
+ (base32 "0gpqwasl690zimy13rn614mpzgykpa09v5xivs4pdmpg77fivblk"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bstr" ,rust-bstr-0.2)
- ("rust-concolor-control" ,rust-concolor-control-0.0.7)
+ ("rust-concolor" ,rust-concolor-0.0.8)
("rust-doc-comment" ,rust-doc-comment-0.3)
("rust-predicates" ,rust-predicates-2)
("rust-predicates-core" ,rust-predicates-core-1)
@@ -3990,14 +4064,14 @@ assertions on the result of your program's run.")
(define-public rust-assert-fs-1
(name "rust-assert-fs")
- (version "1.0.3")
+ (version "1.0.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "assert-fs" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0rcllf1d1l121fnsxy84bbqkg1sym5gs4mp0aw1nyv3f0sinmjmh"))))
+ (base32 "01qhcr9faq13p10kmi6j6k520dk20c8vxly8cqwkisdxx6fk8yvx"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -5461,7 +5535,7 @@ built on the Actix ecosystem.")
(define-public rust-az-1
(name "rust-az")
- (version "1.0.0")
+ (version "1.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -5470,7 +5544,7 @@ built on the Actix ecosystem.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "0sb51w9pjcqb315dg6zv9wwqj1q2fldcc3xmfv0bhkmajiyx9g79"))))
+ "1i2s9bqar8hfxjmfr2cbhi4s26s2sd1kc3x3g517ygshyp8sawgp"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
(home-page "https://gitlab.com/tspiteri/az")
(synopsis "Casts and checked casts")
@@ -5788,26 +5862,42 @@ c6e7d37. However, this package works only up to 128 bytes.")
(define-public rust-base64ct-1
(name "rust-base64ct")
- (version "1.1.1")
+ (version "1.3.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "base64ct" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32
- "0p4was874qc90q2chm2i14m9mn8zmxjis8vaxihd6a2x4aqxkd76"))))
+ (base32 "1818i0gpg7q35s6yglmhgciwi3jwx65mqc2ipjl54jfbmm288kw7"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
+ ("rust-proptest" ,rust-proptest-1))))
(home-page "https://github.com/RustCrypto/formats/tree/master/base64ct")
(synopsis "Implementation of Base64 (RFC 4648)")
"This package is a pure Rust implementation of Base64 (RFC 4648) which
avoids any usages of data-dependent branches/LUTs and thereby provides
-portable \"best effort\" constant-time operation and embedded-friendly no_std
+portable \"best effort\" constant-time operation and embedded-friendly
+@code{no_std} support.")
(license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
+(define-public rust-base64ct-1.0.1
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-base64ct-1)
+ (name "rust-base64ct")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "base64ct" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0sx4a44c2n450lsmi0q1mgfbjhkw1sx57462cv77p0mmy9mgscla"))))
+ (arguments '())))
(define-public rust-base-x-0.2
(name "rust-base-x")
@@ -6948,6 +7038,46 @@ types.")
(("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.3))))))
+(define-public rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.10
+ (package
+ (name "rust-bitcoin-hashes")
+ (version "0.10.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "bitcoin-hashes" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1c25nzrd2kn5znhjgxb9n48hc7swapiln8dqqndq368x38gcjv00"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-core2" ,rust-core2-0.3)
+ ("rust-schemars" ,rust-schemars-0.8)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-serde-test" ,rust-serde-test-1)
+ ("rust-wasm-bindgen-test" ,rust-wasm-bindgen-test-0.3))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/bitcoin_hashes/")
+ (synopsis "Hash functions used by @code{rust-bitcoin}")
+ (description "This Rust library provides hash functions that are used by
+ (license license:cc0)))
+(define-public rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.9
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.10)
+ (name "rust-bitcoin-hashes")
+ (version "0.9.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "bitcoin-hashes" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1cblp0clvds0i33ms1b0lvq42kzdpr7q3ma5ac3ss913xijq5qbw"))))))
(define-public rust-bitfield-0.13
(name "rust-bitfield")
@@ -7211,7 +7341,7 @@ streams in big-endian and little-endian formats.")
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (("rust-funty" ,rust-funty-1.2)
+ (("rust-funty" ,rust-funty-1)
("rust-radium" ,rust-radium-0.6)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
("rust-tap" ,rust-tap-1)
@@ -7229,6 +7359,34 @@ streams in big-endian and little-endian formats.")
"This package provides a crate for manipulating memory, bit by bit.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-bitvec-0.20
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-bitvec-0.22)
+ (name "rust-bitvec")
+ (version "0.20.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "bitvec" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0j3qn0z31j06c965hs3kh41l78hxbzzsf1h46xvs3ym48i1i8x3p"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-funty" ,rust-funty-1.1)
+ ("rust-radium" ,rust-radium-0.6)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-tap" ,rust-tap-1)
+ ("rust-wyz" ,rust-wyz-0.2))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bincode" ,rust-bincode-1)
+ ("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-serde-test" ,rust-serde-test-1)
+ ("rust-static-assertions" ,rust-static-assertions-1))))))
(define-public rust-bitvec-0.19
(inherit rust-bitvec-0.22)
@@ -7245,7 +7403,7 @@ streams in big-endian and little-endian formats.")
- (("rust-funty" ,rust-funty-1)
+ (("rust-funty" ,rust-funty-1.1)
("rust-radium" ,rust-radium-0.5)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
("rust-tap" ,rust-tap-1)
@@ -8540,6 +8698,25 @@ reasonable.")
memory usage.")
(license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
+(define-public rust-byte-slice-cast-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-byte-slice-cast")
+ (version "1.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "byte-slice-cast" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "162618ai9pnsim49lkjpq2yi2b3wssclvqxwwycw8xrbb58wfc0x"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sdroege/bytes-num-slice-cast")
+ (synopsis
+ "Safely cast bytes slices from/to slices of built-in fundamental numeric types")
+ (description "This Rust library enables safely cast bytes slices from/to slices
+of built-in fundamental numeric types.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-byte-tools-0.3
(name "rust-byte-tools")
@@ -8994,7 +9171,7 @@ exposed as Reader/Writer streams.")
(define-public rust-bytesize-1
(name "rust-bytesize")
- (version "1.0.1")
+ (version "1.1.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -9003,7 +9180,7 @@ exposed as Reader/Writer streams.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1nl2j2bi9nk3q564jhyb77947wdv5ch54r14gjv4c59s563qd8c1"))))
+ "0w7wmmbcirxp5isza0i1lxq5d7r7f0z1pxbxl5f6s1n5m8vfqn3c"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -9342,6 +9519,27 @@ spreadsheet file.")
(description "This package provides a UTF-8 paths.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-canonical-path-2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-canonical-path")
+ (version "2.0.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "canonical-path" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0vvsjda6ka5nz8zvx6r08zqi0j59sjccgcbjxj96xj764w9y1sg6"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/iqlusioninc/crates/")
+ (synopsis "Path and PathBuf-like types for canonical filesystem paths")
+ (description
+ "This package provides Path and PathBuf-like types for representing
+canonical filesystem paths.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public rust-capnp-0.13
(name "rust-capnp")
@@ -9651,6 +9849,93 @@ capabilities.")
the library crate of Cargo.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-cargo-audit-0.16
+ (package
+ (name "rust-cargo-audit")
+ (version "0.16.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "cargo-audit" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ixlfc8h7qgyr1ng37kx1f222g3pc97sm72pgj1mkl6q3daf5a7m"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; disable due to network connection
+ ;; https://github.com/rustsec/rustsec/issues/507
+ `(#:tests? #f
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-abscissa-core" ,rust-abscissa-core-0.5)
+ ("rust-gumdrop" ,rust-gumdrop-0.7)
+ ("rust-home" ,rust-home-0.5)
+ ("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
+ ("rust-rustsec" ,rust-rustsec-0.25)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-abscissa-core" ,rust-abscissa-core-0.5)
+ ("rust-once-cell" ,rust-once-cell-1)
+ ("rust-tempfile" ,rust-tempfile-3)
+ ("rust-toml" ,rust-toml-0.5))))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list libssh2 openssl zlib))
+ (home-page "https://rustsec.org")
+ (synopsis "Audit @file{Cargo.lock} for crates with security vulnerabilities")
+ (description "This package audits @file{Cargo.lock} for crates with
+security vulnerabilities.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
+(define-public rust-cargo-edit-0.8
+ (package
+ (name "rust-cargo-edit")
+ (version "0.8.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "cargo-edit" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0yk5f4qjzflfqzgfws9zifij2fqchc9q551m7ljznmjrhlif2yh4"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
+ ("rust-error-chain" ,rust-error-chain-0.12)
+ ("rust-git2" ,rust-git2-0.13)
+ ("rust-hex" ,rust-hex-0.4)
+ ("rust-regex" ,rust-regex-1)
+ ("rust-semver" ,rust-semver-1)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-termcolor" ,rust-termcolor-1)
+ ("rust-toml-edit" ,rust-toml-edit-0.3)
+ ("rust-url" ,rust-url-2)
+ ("rust-crates-index" ,rust-crates-index-0.17)
+ ("rust-cargo-metadata" ,rust-cargo-metadata-0.14)
+ ("rust-dirs-next" ,rust-dirs-next-2)
+ ("rust-dunce" ,rust-dunce-1)
+ ("rust-env-proxy" ,rust-env-proxy-0.4)
+ ("rust-pathdiff" ,rust-pathdiff-0.2)
+ ("rust-structopt" ,rust-structopt-0.3)
+ ("rust-subprocess" ,rust-subprocess-0.2)
+ ("rust-toml-edit" ,rust-toml-edit-0.3)
+ ("rust-ureq" ,rust-ureq-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-assert-cmd" ,rust-assert-cmd-2)
+ ("rust-assert-fs" ,rust-assert-fs-1)
+ ("rust-predicates" ,rust-predicates-2)
+ ("rust-pretty-assertions" ,rust-pretty-assertions-0.6))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/killercup/cargo-edit")
+ (synopsis "Add and remove dependencies from the command line")
+ (description
+ "This package extends Cargo to allow you to add and remove dependencies
+by modifying your @file{Cargo.toml} file from the command line.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-cargo-metadata-0.14
(name "rust-cargo-metadata")
@@ -9778,6 +10063,34 @@ metadata}.")
("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1))))))
+(define-public rust-cargo-lock-7
+ (package
+ (name "rust-cargo-lock")
+ (version "7.0.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "cargo-lock" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "122wirj0d44xi2i7sc6anjimqfvgw5p5ry840zikc82vpn44pc3z"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-gumdrop" ,rust-gumdrop-0.8)
+ ("rust-petgraph" ,rust-petgraph-0.6)
+ ("rust-semver" ,rust-semver-1)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-toml" ,rust-toml-0.5)
+ ("rust-url" ,rust-url-2))))
+ (home-page "https://rustsec.org")
+ (synopsis "@file{Cargo.lock} parser with optional dependency graph analysis")
+ (description
+ "This package provides self-contained @file{Cargo.lock} parser with
+optional dependency graph analysis.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-cargo-platform-0.1
(name "rust-cargo-platform")
@@ -10145,7 +10458,12 @@ chain, the first matching branch is the item that gets emitted.")
(uri (crate-uri "chacha20" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "14cgpnnpqsn5hmqkgrj4yaqdsvy56hkgcw5s2gqsxwhc7m1jmdq1"))))
+ (base32 "14cgpnnpqsn5hmqkgrj4yaqdsvy56hkgcw5s2gqsxwhc7m1jmdq1"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ (substitute* "Cargo.toml"
+ (("version = \">=1, <1.5\"") "version = \"^1\""))))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -10177,7 +10495,12 @@ XChaCha20, XChaCha12 and XChaCha8 stream ciphers, and also optional
(uri (crate-uri "chacha20poly1305" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0alawaaakczsll1b98qf4m6r6kfaw28506ljvsysjyjz3mnyv11v"))))
+ (base32 "0alawaaakczsll1b98qf4m6r6kfaw28506ljvsysjyjz3mnyv11v"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ (substitute* "Cargo.toml"
+ (("version = \">=1, <1.5\"") "version = \"^1\""))))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -11601,53 +11924,23 @@ diagnostics easy and relatively painless for everyone!")
(description "This package provides colorful panic backtraces.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
-(define-public rust-concolor-query
- (package
- (name "rust-concolor-query")
- (version "0.0.4")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (crate-uri "concolor-query" version))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1isbqpyiwblp0rglnaqzai5hav23095s82mwgi09v3xcck4rq5dd"))))
- (build-system cargo-build-system)
- (home-page "https://github.com/rust-cli/concolor")
- (synopsis "Rust library to query low level terminal capabilities")
- (description "@code{concolor-query} can be used to query a terminal
-capabilities, for example to find out about its colored console abilities.")
- (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
-(define-public rust-concolor-control
+(define-public rust-color-backtrace-0.3
- (name "rust-concolor-control")
- (version "0.0.7")
+ (inherit rust-color-backtrace-0.5)
+ (name "rust-color-backtrace")
+ (version "0.3.0")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (crate-uri "concolor-control" version))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1nplakbdb9sbd3h62d9zkan0xm1w0c7cbl3rk0iqgn405yf1213i"))))
- (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "color-backtrace" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mx9ycb70mqbs6z107ri5g09wz5k7pa0vfnys28wfqycg083zlb5"))))
- `(#:tests? #f ;see https://github.com/rust-cli/concolor/issues/4
- #:cargo-inputs
- (("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
- ("rust-bitflags" ,rust-bitflags-1)
- ("rust-concolor-query" ,rust-concolor-query))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/rust-cli/concolor")
- (synopsis "Rust library for managing terminal styling")
- (description "@code{concolor-control} is a terminal styling library that
-can be used to:
-@item Detect interactive @samp{stdout} or @samp{stderr}
-@item Detect terminal capabilities via @samp{TERM}
-@item Support @url{https://bixense.com/clicolors/, CLICOLOR} and
-@url{https://no-color.org/, NO_COLOR}.
-@end itemize")
- (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
+ ("rust-backtrace" ,rust-backtrace-0.3)
+ ("rust-termcolor" ,rust-termcolor-1))))))
(define-public rust-color-quant-1
@@ -12065,8 +12358,38 @@ harness.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-concolor-0.0.8
+ (package
+ (name "rust-concolor")
+ (version "0.0.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "concolor" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1bs03868bywgz2f8x4h41akvxpxiax9b036hrpf0mwhx7db6flh1"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
+ ("rust-bitflags" ,rust-bitflags-1)
+ ("rust-concolor-query" ,rust-concolor-query-0.0.5))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rust-cli/concolor")
+ (synopsis "Control console coloring across all dependencies")
+ (description "Concolor is a terminal styling library that can be used to:
+@item Detect interactive @samp{stdout} or @samp{stderr}
+@item Detect terminal capabilities via @samp{TERM}
+@item Support @url{https://bixense.com/clicolors/, CLICOLOR} and
+@url{https://no-color.org/, NO_COLOR}.
+@end itemize")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-concolor-control-0.0.7
+ (inherit rust-concolor-0.0.8)
(name "rust-concolor-control")
(version "0.0.7")
@@ -12076,37 +12399,45 @@ everywhere.")
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
(base32 "1nplakbdb9sbd3h62d9zkan0xm1w0c7cbl3rk0iqgn405yf1213i"))))
- (build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
("rust-bitflags" ,rust-bitflags-1)
- ("rust-concolor-query" ,rust-concolor-query-0.0.4))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/rust-cli/concolor")
- (synopsis "Control console coloring across all dependencies")
- (description "This crate provides control console coloring across all
- (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+ ("rust-concolor-query" ,rust-concolor-query-0.0.4))))))
-(define-public rust-concolor-query-0.0.4
+(define-public rust-concolor-query-0.0.5
(name "rust-concolor-query")
- (version "0.0.4")
+ (version "0.0.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "concolor-query" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1isbqpyiwblp0rglnaqzai5hav23095s82mwgi09v3xcck4rq5dd"))))
+ (base32 "0jcll1lnnkbdr6xcgppf6dr0ra9rxcp78xr1zlrvba03zkk7yhfn"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
(arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))
(home-page "https://github.com/rust-cli/concolor")
(synopsis "Look up colored console capabilities")
- (description "This crate provides low level terminal capability lookups.")
+ (description "@code{concolor-query} can be used to query a terminal
+capabilities, for example to find out about its colored console abilities.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-concolor-query-0.0.4
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-concolor-query-0.0.5)
+ (name "rust-concolor-query")
+ (version "0.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "concolor-query" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1isbqpyiwblp0rglnaqzai5hav23095s82mwgi09v3xcck4rq5dd"))))))
(define-public rust-concurrent-queue-1
(name "rust-concurrent-queue")
@@ -12830,6 +13161,26 @@ numbers using the CORDIC method.")
management. It supports signed and private (encrypted, authenticated) jars.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-core2-0.3
+ (package
+ (name "rust-core2")
+ (version "0.3.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "core2" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1wzzy5iazdk5caadxvjfwrd312rbg7a55a1zpmsdrhk3kfpa77r3"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments `(#:cargo-inputs (("rust-memchr" ,rust-memchr-2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bbqsrc/core2")
+ (synopsis "Bare essentials of @code{std::io} for use in @code{no_std}")
+ (description
+ "This package provides the bare essentials of @code{std::io} for use
+in @code{no_std}. Alloc support is optional.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-cookie-0.14
(inherit rust-cookie-0.15)
@@ -13368,8 +13719,40 @@ to @code{is_x86_feature_detected}.")
(description "This package provides bindings to Google's cpu profiler.")
(license license:bsd-2)))
+(define-public rust-crates-index-0.17
+ (package
+ (name "rust-crates-index")
+ (version "0.17.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "crates-index" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0izrm8m4wic5kp5y4p3f3d50lrlbamp3wizlgr4hm56rimfazm4a"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-git2" ,rust-git2-0.13)
+ ("rust-glob" ,rust-glob-0.3)
+ ("rust-hex" ,rust-hex-0.4)
+ ("rust-home" ,rust-home-0.5)
+ ("rust-memchr" ,rust-memchr-2)
+ ("rust-semver" ,rust-semver-1)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-smartstring" ,rust-smartstring-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/frewsxcv/rust-crates-index")
+ (synopsis "Retrieving and interacting with the crates.io index")
+ (description
+ "Library for retrieving and interacting with the crates.io index.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public rust-crates-index-0.13
+ (inherit rust-crates-index-0.17)
(name "rust-crates-index")
(version "0.13.1")
@@ -13381,7 +13764,6 @@ to @code{is_x86_feature_detected}.")
- (build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -13392,14 +13774,7 @@ to @code{is_x86_feature_detected}.")
("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1))
- (("rust-tempdir" ,rust-tempdir-0.3))))
- (home-page
- "https://github.com/frewsxcv/rust-crates-index")
- (synopsis
- "Retrieving and interacting with the crates.io index")
- (description
- "Library for retrieving and interacting with the crates.io index.")
- (license license:asl2.0)))
+ (("rust-tempdir" ,rust-tempdir-0.3))))))
(define-public rust-crates-index-0.5
@@ -13530,6 +13905,25 @@ final xor value. It has many built-in CRC functions.")
"Fast, SIMD-accelerated CRC32 (IEEE) checksum computation.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-crc64-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-crc64")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "crc64" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0469vp0q9431pqx1236g60if5q3xyxpv4h14smkd45dfzsa6aqjm"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/badboy/crc64-rs")
+ (synopsis "Rust CRC64 checksum implementation")
+ (description "This package provides a CRC64 checksum implementation in
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public rust-criterion-0.3
(name "rust-criterion")
@@ -14377,6 +14771,19 @@ abstractions around common WinAPI calls.")
number ``crunching``.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-crunchy-0.1
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-crunchy-0.2)
+ (name "rust-crunchy")
+ (version "0.1.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "crunchy" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nnbh2k3pv1diyd0i0p3a08kd4afqc17yz0b43hn5xn9qlqs9x52"))))))
(define-public rust-roxmltree-0.14
(name "rust-roxmltree")
@@ -15614,10 +16021,10 @@ crate (implementation detail).")
(description "Daemonize is a Rust library for writing system deaemons.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
-(define-public rust-darling-0.12
+(define-public rust-darling-0.13
(name "rust-darling")
- (version "0.12.4")
+ (version "0.13.1")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -15625,13 +16032,17 @@ crate (implementation detail).")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0g4bkxpwl6i5jav5qqzny39yd5a1fdlh5l0mj020njza6ksl6b2z"))))
+ (base32 "1x7pgzjswg28798zd5gk5g6nifhcaqq0apqmclydi39zd2w21myh"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
- (("rust-darling-core" ,rust-darling-core-0.12)
- ("rust-darling-macro" ,rust-darling-macro-0.12))))
+ (("rust-darling-core" ,rust-darling-core-0.13)
+ ("rust-darling-macro" ,rust-darling-macro-0.13))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
(home-page "https://github.com/TedDriggs/darling")
(synopsis "Proc-macro library for reading attributes in custom derives")
@@ -15639,6 +16050,30 @@ crate (implementation detail).")
into structs when implementing custom derives.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-darling-0.12
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-darling-0.13)
+ (name "rust-darling")
+ (version "0.12.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "darling" version))
+ (file-name
+ (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0g4bkxpwl6i5jav5qqzny39yd5a1fdlh5l0mj020njza6ksl6b2z"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-darling-core" ,rust-darling-core-0.12)
+ ("rust-darling-macro" ,rust-darling-macro-0.12))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))))
(define-public rust-darling-0.10
(inherit rust-darling-0.12)
@@ -15686,17 +16121,17 @@ into structs when implementing custom derives.")
("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-0.6)
("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-0.15))))))
-(define-public rust-darling-core-0.12
+(define-public rust-darling-core-0.13
(name "rust-darling-core")
- (version "0.12.4")
+ (version "0.13.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "darling_core" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0dpscl87s75h6yhrmzdsapx86lc4y16m554xg4hiq2l3hrdlb4cf"))))
+ (base32 "0933k2avb6xk9j4ryr0bvp3pww5j8i0nrqvsnkgd3vic3lj0yd3s"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -15714,6 +16149,19 @@ into structs when implementing custom derives.")
reading attributes into structs when implementing custom derives.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-darling-core-0.12
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-darling-core-0.13)
+ (name "rust-darling-core")
+ (version "0.12.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "darling_core" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dpscl87s75h6yhrmzdsapx86lc4y16m554xg4hiq2l3hrdlb4cf"))))))
(define-public rust-darling-core-0.10
(inherit rust-darling-core-0.12)
@@ -15761,8 +16209,35 @@ reading attributes into structs when implementing custom derives.")
("rust-strsim" ,rust-strsim-0.7)
("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-0.15))))))
+(define-public rust-darling-macro-0.13
+ (package
+ (name "rust-darling-macro")
+ (version "0.13.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "darling_macro" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jzljnd0y7idi5lb7lhvymh3nkhaf32ksx0d38hv7zjjfcxipi3j"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-darling-core" ,rust-darling-core-0.13)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/TedDriggs/darling")
+ (synopsis "Helper crate for @code{rust-darling}")
+ (description
+ "This package provides internal support for @code{rust-darling},
+a proc-macro library for reading attributes into structs when implementing
+custom derives.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-darling-macro-0.12
+ (inherit rust-darling-macro-0.13)
(name "rust-darling-macro")
(version "0.12.4")
@@ -15772,19 +16247,12 @@ reading attributes into structs when implementing custom derives.")
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
(base32 "0nn9mxl7gs827rx5s6lbjvvghipxjdg2qpdjyxk7yym3vvqard99"))))
- (build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-darling-core" ,rust-darling-core-0.12)
("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
- ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/TedDriggs/darling")
- (synopsis "Helper crate for @code{rust-darling}")
- (description
- "Internal support for @code{rust-darling}, a proc-macro library for
-reading attributes into structs when implementing custom derives.")
- (license license:expat)))
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))))
(define-public rust-darling-macro-0.10
@@ -18837,10 +19305,10 @@ signing, and verification in pure Rust.")
"This package provides a pure-Rust library for parsing ELF files.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
-(define-public rust-emacs-0.11
+(define-public rust-emacs-0.18
(name "rust-emacs")
- (version "0.11.0")
+ (version "0.18.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -18849,16 +19317,18 @@ signing, and verification in pure Rust.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1xn6nr8m3p24irlmv3i7c9n95yb10qc6aikwqv99qlmhbky5x0z7"))))
+ "0r860i73b2680i2fhdl2l1wwvvmf2zksncpckgkksdcx310ak5v7"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (("rust-ctor" ,rust-ctor-0.1)
- ("rust-emacs-macros" ,rust-emacs-macros-0.11)
- ("rust-emacs-module" ,rust-emacs-module-0.10)
+ (("rust-anyhow" ,rust-anyhow-1)
+ ("rust-ctor" ,rust-ctor-0.1)
+ ("rust-emacs-macros" ,rust-emacs-macros-0.17)
+ ("rust-emacs-module" ,rust-emacs-module-0.18)
("rust-failure" ,rust-failure-0.1)
("rust-failure-derive" ,rust-failure-derive-0.1)
- ("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1))))
+ ("rust-once-cell" ,rust-once-cell-1)
+ ("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1))))
(list clang))
(home-page "https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-module-rs")
@@ -18868,9 +19338,54 @@ signing, and verification in pure Rust.")
Emacs' support for dynamic modules.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public rust-emacs-macros-0.11
+(define-public rust-emacs-0.11
+ (package (inherit rust-emacs-0.18)
+ (name "rust-emacs")
+ (version "0.11.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "emacs" version))
+ (file-name
+ (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1xn6nr8m3p24irlmv3i7c9n95yb10qc6aikwqv99qlmhbky5x0z7"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-ctor" ,rust-ctor-0.1)
+ ("rust-emacs-macros" ,rust-emacs-macros-0.11)
+ ("rust-emacs-module" ,rust-emacs-module-0.10)
+ ("rust-failure" ,rust-failure-0.1)
+ ("rust-failure-derive" ,rust-failure-derive-0.1)
+ ("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1))))))
+(define-public rust-emacs-macros-0.17
(name "rust-emacs-macros")
+ (version "0.17.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "emacs-macros" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0qg1dcn5acbirq617qq2fgg9adswif2dnr292s3qnq62wzgnyrb9"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-darling" ,rust-darling-0.10)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-module-rs")
+ (synopsis "Proc macros for Emacs modules")
+ (description "This package provides proc macros for Emacs modules.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public rust-emacs-macros-0.11
+ (package (inherit rust-emacs-macros-0.17)
+ (name "rust-emacs-macros")
(version "0.11.0")
@@ -18881,21 +19396,16 @@ Emacs' support for dynamic modules.")
- (build-system cargo-build-system)
(("rust-darling" ,rust-darling-0.9)
("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-0.6)
- ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-0.15))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-module-rs")
- (synopsis "Proc macros for Emacs modules")
- (description "This package provides proc macros for Emacs modules.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-0.15))))))
-(define-public rust-emacs-module-0.10
+(define-public rust-emacs-module-0.18
(name "rust-emacs-module")
- (version "0.10.0")
+ (version "0.18.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -18904,11 +19414,11 @@ Emacs' support for dynamic modules.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1gf9lz735xbkyir53dyv362drfx3nin5an5cx39kd8q8kjjwix5g"))))
+ "1ypjyyv2ca3vza4sia91ckxamgfk63yd8frkvg3d4ph4fk4pn1mk"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (("rust-bindgen" ,rust-bindgen-0.48))))
+ (("rust-bindgen" ,rust-bindgen-0.59))))
(list clang))
(home-page "https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-module-rs")
@@ -18917,6 +19427,23 @@ Emacs' support for dynamic modules.")
Emacs' support for dynamic modules.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public rust-emacs-module-0.10
+ (package (inherit rust-emacs-module-0.18)
+ (name "rust-emacs-module")
+ (version "0.10.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "emacs_module" version))
+ (file-name
+ (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1gf9lz735xbkyir53dyv362drfx3nin5an5cx39kd8q8kjjwix5g"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-bindgen" ,rust-bindgen-0.48))))))
(define-public rust-email-0.0.20
(name "rust-email")
@@ -19021,6 +19548,30 @@ inclusion of Windows resources in the most resilient fashion imaginable.")
embedded systems.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-empfindung-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-empfindung")
+ (version "0.2.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "empfindung" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1h68h3sxsa79a47jag3yim5jm63ffz72ifj46xkn12j2s5nss85l"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-lab" ,rust-lab-0.11)
+ ("rust-rgb" ,rust-rgb-0.8))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/mina86/empfindung")
+ (synopsis "Rust implementation of the CIEDE2000 colour difference")
+ (description
+ "Empfindung is a pure-Rust implementation of the CIEDE2000 colour
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-ena-0.14
(name "rust-ena")
@@ -19573,6 +20124,58 @@ convert enum to u8 slice ref.")
(description "Enumflags2 implements the classic bitflags datastructure.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-enumset-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-enumset")
+ (version "1.0.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "enumset" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0b2vdggbsnvvw09czxaazbqcpa378fycf7fs3afz5dbgkb0x45k2"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-enumset-derive" ,rust-enumset-derive-0.5)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bincode" ,rust-bincode-1)
+ ("rust-rustversion" ,rust-rustversion-1)
+ ("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-trybuild" ,rust-trybuild-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Lymia/enumset")
+ (synopsis "Library for creating compact sets of enums")
+ (description "This package provides a Rust library for creating
+compact sets of enums.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-enumset-derive-0.5
+ (package
+ (name "rust-enumset-derive")
+ (version "0.5.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "enumset-derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1m7ccz9fcxsx3s1drj77psk62xfgjia0hp9lal3qhpb5ls514lb4"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-darling" ,rust-darling-0.13)
+ ("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Lymia/enumset")
+ (synopsis "Internal helper crate for enumset")
+ (description "This package is an internal helper crate for
+@code{rust-enumset}. It is not public API.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-env-logger-0.9
(name "rust-env-logger")
@@ -19727,6 +20330,29 @@ is configured via an environment variable.")
(("rust-regex" ,rust-regex-0.1)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.3))))))
+(define-public rust-env-proxy-0.4
+ (package
+ (name "rust-env-proxy")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "env_proxy" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1qabqhgybx1jzh6dmpx7kssciw312i8aa6al7fj0d12k32z1jl1s"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4) ("rust-url" ,rust-url-2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/inejge/env_proxy")
+ (synopsis "Proxy URL from the environment variables")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a way to determinate proxy parameters for a URL
+from the environment.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-environment-0.1
(name "rust-environment")
@@ -19908,7 +20534,7 @@ deserialized from environment variables.")
(define-public rust-error-chain-0.12
(name "rust-error-chain")
- (version "0.12.2")
+ (version "0.12.4")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -19917,7 +20543,7 @@ deserialized from environment variables.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1ka5y0fmymxzx3gz2yrd7rpz2i555m1iw4fpmcggpzcgr1n10wfk"))))
+ "1z6y5isg0il93jp287sv7pn10i4wrkik2cpyk376wl61rawhcbrd"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -20081,6 +20707,139 @@ decoding.")
(("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1))))))
+(define-public rust-ethbloom-0.11
+ (package
+ (name "rust-ethbloom")
+ (version "0.11.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ethbloom" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1y73c4v60jy6wc4gssrg775y6vzc4axn523qkxswbxm8iyn89dmz"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-crunchy" ,rust-crunchy-0.2)
+ ("rust-fixed-hash" ,rust-fixed-hash-0.7)
+ ("rust-impl-codec" ,rust-impl-codec-0.5)
+ ("rust-impl-rlp" ,rust-impl-rlp-0.3)
+ ("rust-impl-serde" ,rust-impl-serde-0.3)
+ ("rust-scale-info" ,rust-scale-info-1)
+ ("rust-tiny-keccak" ,rust-tiny-keccak-2))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.3)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "Ethereum bloom filter")
+ (description "This Rust library implements the Ethereum bloom filter.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-ethbloom-0.5
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-ethbloom-0.11)
+ (name "rust-ethbloom")
+ (version "0.5.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ethbloom" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0q2kix0p067rrfffhbfra453dw51s4cfgs0lhirslsv4callsad6"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f ; The tests fail.
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-crunchy" ,rust-crunchy-0.1)
+ ("rust-ethereum-types-serialize" ,rust-ethereum-types-serialize-0.2)
+ ("rust-fixed-hash" ,rust-fixed-hash-0.2)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-tiny-keccak" ,rust-tiny-keccak-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.1)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.4)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-1))))))
+(define-public rust-ethereum-types-0.12
+ (package
+ (name "rust-ethereum-types")
+ (version "0.12.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ethereum-types" version))
+ (file-name
+ (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1bxxacsmb9majw7vd4sndv4dhw3g9srhf7flwq39yy7yaxq6y4q5"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "Rust crate exporting some Ethereum types")
+ (description "This crate exports Rust types for values in the Ethereum
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-ethereum-types-0.9
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-ethereum-types-0.12)
+ (name "rust-ethereum-types")
+ (version "0.9.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ethereum-types" version))
+ (file-name
+ (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1c1l2sg6li301izl4nzkkfrpc8snafxwnr81vfwygn3bd3zyqfj7"))))))
+(define-public rust-ethereum-types-0.4
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-ethereum-types-0.9)
+ (name "rust-ethereum-types")
+ (version "0.4.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ethereum-types" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15icipk0ap7r6yi0i6cl6zsl0z52zbw6jwv3l271r833vj222x3f"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-crunchy" ,rust-crunchy-0.1)
+ ("rust-ethbloom" ,rust-ethbloom-0.5)
+ ("rust-ethereum-types-serialize" ,rust-ethereum-types-serialize-0.2)
+ ("rust-fixed-hash" ,rust-fixed-hash-0.2)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-uint" ,rust-uint-0.4))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1))))))
+(define-public rust-ethereum-types-serialize-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-ethereum-types-serialize")
+ (version "0.2.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ethereum-types-serialize" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0l53rvzvwpxwkl7i3f9q5fafw663rcm5z4mdknkr265w69xxfwqq"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments `(#:cargo-inputs (("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/primitives")
+ (synopsis "Rust library of Ethereum types")
+ (description "This package is a Rust library of Ethereum types.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-event-listener-2
(name "rust-event-listener")
@@ -21149,6 +21908,60 @@ cross platform API.")
(description "This package provides fixed-point numbers in Rust.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-fixed-hash-0.7
+ (package
+ (name "rust-fixed-hash")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "fixed-hash" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0g29r0zwf09kg70nprn0s444bn6nfsglmiafhl1pm8ajzvbhxkyg"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-arbitrary" ,rust-arbitrary-0.4)
+ ("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
+ ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-0.9)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-2)
+ ("rust-static-assertions" ,rust-static-assertions-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8)
+ ("rust-rand-xorshift" ,rust-rand-xorshift-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "Macros to define custom fixed-size hash types")
+ (description "This package provides Rust macros to define
+custom fixed-size hash types.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-fixed-hash-0.2
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-fixed-hash-0.7)
+ (name "rust-fixed-hash")
+ (version "0.2.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "fixed-hash" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0wvj52bf37nhg6mv5h235zgdg7nsdarag58mf4i49cdgc3l6rzks"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-heapsize" ,rust-heapsize-0.4)
+ ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-0.6)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.4)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-2)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
+ ("rust-uint" ,rust-uint-0.4))))))
(define-public rust-fixedbitset-0.4
(name "rust-fixedbitset")
@@ -21606,15 +22419,14 @@ crate.")
(define-public rust-fnv-1
(name "rust-fnv")
- (version "1.0.6")
+ (version "1.0.7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "fnv" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32
- "1ww56bi1r5b8id3ns9j3qxbi7w5h005rzhiryy0zi9h97raqbb9g"))))
+ (base32 "1hc2mcqha06aibcaza94vbi81j6pr9a1bbxrxjfhc91zin8yr7iz"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/servo/rust-fnv")
(synopsis "Implementation of the Fowler-Noll-Vo hash function")
@@ -22008,6 +22820,27 @@ values to other threads.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-fs-err-2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-fs-err")
+ (version "2.6.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "fs-err" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1q5z8d6q8310fgzg78bpmhyfigz7fkgp1bbmhcxq85k1ml23bgay"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/andrewhickman/fs-err")
+ (synopsis "Better error messages for @code{std::fs} crate")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a drop-in replacement for @code{std::fs} with more
+helpful error messages.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-fs-extra-1
(name "rust-fs-extra")
@@ -22259,7 +23092,7 @@ pseudorandom number generator")
(description "Low-level Rust bindings for the Zircon kernel.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public rust-funty-1.2
+(define-public rust-funty-1
(name "rust-funty")
(version "1.2.0")
@@ -22284,9 +23117,9 @@ code to generalize over which specific type it accepted. This was never
stabilized, and eventually removed. This library reïnstates these traits.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-funty-1
+(define-public rust-funty-1.1
- (inherit rust-funty-1.2)
+ (inherit rust-funty-1)
(name "rust-funty")
(version "1.1.0")
@@ -23243,6 +24076,30 @@ archive to be linked into Rustcode.")
API library @code{gdi32}.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-generational-arena-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-generational-arena")
+ (version "0.2.8")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "generational-arena" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "00gn1g6nlky883qkacvsbp19yzl5ay8avq6f902jvxkl2mvkn7cf"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-cfg-if" ,rust-cfg-if-0.1)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/fitzgen/generational-arena")
+ (synopsis "Safe arena allocator that supports deletion")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a safe arena allocator that supports deletion without
+suffering from the ABA problem by using generational indices.")
+ (license license:mpl2.0)))
(define-public rust-generator-0.6
(name "rust-generator")
@@ -24670,6 +25527,35 @@ open file descriptors.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-gmp-mpfr-sys-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-gmp-mpfr-sys")
+ (version "1.4.7")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "gmp-mpfr-sys" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ysvdf352vcnb5ygmbwf5pkndqb0p6clmz0nqkf3nmz9ghssfim1"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'set-shell-for-configure-script
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (which "sh")))))
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-winapi" ,rust-winapi-0.3))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list bash-minimal m4))
+ (home-page "https://gitlab.com/tspiteri/gmp-mpfr-sys")
+ (synopsis "Rust FFI bindings for GMP, MPFR, and MPC")
+ (description "This package provides Rust FFI bindings for the numeric
+libraries GMP, MPFR, and MPC.")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
(define-public rust-goblin-0.2
(name "rust-goblin")
@@ -24973,6 +25859,92 @@ provides standard printing of search results, similar to grep itself.")
"This package aggregates groups of values from key-value iterators.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-gumdrop-0.8
+ (package
+ (name "rust-gumdrop")
+ (version "0.8.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "gumdrop" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "02waas37nr8y669lnm1ifp6bkx79v3bd0bd4s9qcyy04aifiyms6"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-gumdrop-derive" ,rust-gumdrop-derive-0.8))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-assert-matches" ,rust-assert-matches-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/murarth/gumdrop")
+ (synopsis "Option parser with custom derive support")
+ (description "This package provides option parser with custom derive
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-gumdrop-0.7
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-gumdrop-0.8)
+ (name "rust-gumdrop")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "gumdrop" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pmw21ggwqqizh66zp7bylbffi6qs064w2rfj3rc3smyq65r0l7f"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build?
+ #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-gumdrop-derive" ,rust-gumdrop-derive-0.7))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-assert-matches" ,rust-assert-matches-1))))))
+(define-public rust-gumdrop-derive-0.8
+ (package
+ (name "rust-gumdrop-derive")
+ (version "0.8.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "gumdrop_derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "01cdc7w5wf1g9i04ykcssczjmmnl6jky47a648sp710df5yg0pli"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/murarth/gumdrop")
+ (synopsis "Custom derive support for gumdrop")
+ (description "This package provides custom derive support for gumdrop.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-gumdrop-derive-0.7
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-gumdrop-derive-0.8)
+ (name "rust-gumdrop-derive")
+ (version "0.7.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "gumdrop_derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1mrm1h4n13b3n79d1215jq9q9d6sgcvfzdb8i5mcmds0vvj4qich"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))))
(define-public rust-gzip-header-0.3
(name "rust-gzip-header")
@@ -26468,6 +27440,30 @@ Hash-based Message Authentication Code algorithm} for SHA1.")
"This package provides a library for HTML entity encoding and decoding.")
(license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat license:mpl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-html-escape-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-html-escape")
+ (version "0.2.9")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "html-escape" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1dxw9lpckrqzzqgbkw64ckbajr4b7xxnjdn8adgzqf2mm40shvl1"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-utf8-width" ,rust-utf8-width-0.1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bencher" ,rust-bencher-0.1))))
+ (home-page "https://magiclen.org/html-escape")
+ (synopsis "Library for encoding and escaping special characters in HTML")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a library for encoding and escaping special
+characters in HTML, decoding and unescaping HTML entities as well.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-http-0.2
(name "rust-http")
@@ -26744,6 +27740,29 @@ HTTP request or response body.")
(base32 "0izbd3sf0625wm4rrfv85xa4xa8j4n1ldxhwlkgff4cm6rh4sjs9"))))
(arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))))
+(define-public rust-humantime-serde-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-humantime-serde")
+ (version "1.0.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "humantime-serde" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0n208zzy69f7pgwcm1d0id4nzhssxn3z3zy7ki3dpkaazmnaad5c"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-humantime" ,rust-humantime-2)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/jean-airoldie/humantime-serde")
+ (synopsis "Humantime serialization timestamp format")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a Humantime serialization timestamp format.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-humansize-1
(name "rust-humansize")
@@ -28121,6 +29140,28 @@ bytestring representations.")
("rust-futures-util" ,rust-futures-util-0.3)
("rust-tokio" ,rust-tokio-0.2))))))
+(define-public rust-integer-sqrt-0.1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-integer-sqrt")
+ (version "0.1.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "integer-sqrt" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0w6pzmgvs1mldkhafbwg9x7wzr0af3ngkimyb1gy97jarcdw6vi7"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/derekdreery/integer-sqrt-rs")
+ (synopsis "Integer square root algorithm for primitive rust types")
+ (description
+ "This is a Rust implementation of integer square root algorithm for
+primitive Rust types.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-interpolate-name-0.2
(name "rust-interpolate-name")
@@ -39052,6 +40093,137 @@ sequence alignment tools.")
want in the terminal.")
(license license:mpl2.0)))
+(define-public rust-parity-bytes-0.1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-parity-bytes")
+ (version "0.1.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "parity-bytes" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0rww406dih6yxr4iadz7l07sibklqywxz10gjzdqn4r04hx6xd8n"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "General bytes-related utilities")
+ (description "This package provides general bytes-related utilities,
+including a pretty-printer.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-parity-crypto-0.9
+ (package
+ (name "rust-parity-crypto")
+ (version "0.9.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "parity-crypto" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dafz7pfi21plp6r6k2bh7ysjd3x75yix6a9gkdy3mn0vafym4jb"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-aes" ,rust-aes-0.6)
+ ("rust-block-modes" ,rust-block-modes-0.7)
+ ("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.9)
+ ("rust-ethereum-types" ,rust-ethereum-types-0.12)
+ ("rust-hex" ,rust-hex-0.2)
+ ("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.10)
+ ("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
+ ("rust-pbkdf2" ,rust-pbkdf2-0.7)
+ ("rust-ripemd" ,rust-ripemd-0.1)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-2)
+ ("rust-scrypt" ,rust-scrypt-0.5)
+ ("rust-secp256k1" ,rust-secp256k1-0.20)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
+ ("rust-subtle" ,rust-subtle-2)
+ ("rust-tiny-keccak" ,rust-tiny-keccak-2)
+ ("rust-zeroize" ,rust-zeroize-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.3))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-version-requirements
+ (lambda _
+ ;; SUBSTITUTE* can't do multiline regex, so let's just do this:
+ (delete-file "Cargo.toml")
+ (rename-file "Cargo.toml.orig" "Cargo.toml")
+ (substitute* "Cargo.toml"
+ (("aes-ctr = \"0.6.0\"") "")
+ (("ethereum-types = \\{ version = \"0.12.0\".*")
+ "ethereum-types = { version = \"0.12.0\", optional = true }\n")
+ (("ripemd160 = \"0.9.1\"") "ripemd = \"0.1.0\"")))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "General cryptographic utilities for Ethereum")
+ (description "This Rust library provides general cryptographic utilities
+for Ethereum.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-parity-scale-codec-2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-parity-scale-codec")
+ (version "2.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "parity-scale-codec" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02g95fp56sfpxixpy3x2h2yvcnmbpl8klfx53wywvn9q2d61lfrp"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; The tests fail with: error[E0432]: unresolved import
+ ;; `parity_scale_codec_derive`. They also take a relatively long time.
+ `(#:tests? #f
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-arbitrary" ,rust-arbitrary-1)
+ ("rust-arrayvec" ,rust-arrayvec-0.7)
+ ("rust-bitvec" ,rust-bitvec-0.20)
+ ("rust-byte-slice-cast" ,rust-byte-slice-cast-1)
+ ("rust-generic-array" ,rust-generic-array-0.14)
+ ("rust-impl-trait-for-tuples" ,rust-impl-trait-for-tuples-0.2)
+ ("rust-parity-scale-codec-derive" ,rust-parity-scale-codec-derive-2)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-1)
+ ("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
+ ("rust-trybuild" ,rust-trybuild-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-scale-codec")
+ (synopsis "SCALE - Simple Concatenating Aggregated Little Endians")
+ (description "This package is a Rust library for SCALE - Simple
+Concatenating Aggregated Little Endians.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public rust-parity-scale-codec-derive-2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-parity-scale-codec-derive")
+ (version "2.3.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "parity-scale-codec-derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09zdgdqalc8d2zsjc9v1ayqxwg5rh7xxq5ldasdmqng0fq202mqm"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro-crate" ,rust-proc-macro-crate-1)
+ ("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "")
+ (synopsis
+ "Serialization and deserialization derive macro for Parity SCALE Codec")
+ (description "This is a Rust library for serialization and deserialization
+derive macro for Parity SCALE Codec.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public rust-parity-tokio-ipc-0.4
(name "rust-parity-tokio-ipc")
@@ -39712,6 +40884,24 @@ the PHC string format (a well-defined subset of the Modular Crypt
Format (MCF).")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-password-hash-0.1
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-password-hash-0.3)
+ (name "rust-password-hash")
+ (version "0.1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "password-hash" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ymh3np2bamjy8rszimksxcp264dclil4620bxm8rff9pyj6m62l"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-base64ct" ,rust-base64ct-1)
+ ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.6))))))
(define-public rust-paste-1
(name "rust-paste")
@@ -39877,7 +41067,8 @@ directory path to the provided path.")
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.10)
+ (("rust-base64ct" ,rust-base64ct-1.0.1)
+ ("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.10)
("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.12)
("rust-password-hash" ,rust-password-hash-0.3)
("rust-rayon" ,rust-rayon-1)
@@ -39911,13 +41102,73 @@ in pure Rust.")
- `(#:skip-build? #t
- #:cargo-inputs
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
(("rust-crypto-mac" ,rust-crypto-mac-0.11)
("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.11)
("rust-password-hash" ,rust-password-hash-0.3)
("rust-rayon" ,rust-rayon-1)
("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.9)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.3)
+ ("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.11)
+ ("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.9)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
+ ("rust-streebog" ,rust-streebog-0.9))))))
+(define-public rust-pbkdf2-0.7
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-pbkdf2-0.9)
+ (name "rust-pbkdf2")
+ (version "0.7.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "pbkdf2" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "022m5yb6fagzrks5m5kkj2yzccqffk19vnchg289fqnj5p9nv4dz"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-base64ct" ,rust-base64ct-1)
+ ("rust-crypto-mac" ,rust-crypto-mac-0.10)
+ ("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.10)
+ ("rust-password-hash" ,rust-password-hash-0.1)
+ ("rust-rayon" ,rust-rayon-1)
+ ("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.9)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.3)
+ ("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.8)
+ ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.6)
+ ("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.9)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9))))))
+(define-public rust-pbkdf2-0.6
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-pbkdf2-0.10)
+ (name "rust-pbkdf2")
+ (version "0.6.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "pbkdf2" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jjaapyawm5iqn97mmfj40dvipsy78cm80qcva28009l2zbw1f5k"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
+ ("rust-crypto-mac" ,rust-crypto-mac-0.10)
+ ("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.10)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.7)
+ ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.5)
+ ("rust-rayon" ,rust-rayon-1)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
+ ("rust-subtle" ,rust-subtle-2))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.10)
+ ("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.9)
("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9))))))
(define-public rust-pbkdf2-0.4
@@ -41181,6 +42432,28 @@ written with declarative macros.")
(description "This crate provides utilities for pinning values on the stack.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-pinot-0.1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-pinot")
+ (version "0.1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "pinot" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13zh0g7d47a3szi2z4q2p3q8yph2ipw7q5gnsxvk34l44h6yjfpy"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dfrg/pinot")
+ (synopsis "High-fidelity OpenType parser in Rust")
+ (description "This crate aims to parse OpenType fonts with a level
+of detail that is amenable to modeling, analysis and transformation.
+The current focus is specifically on OpenType layout and the crate
+provides comprehensive coverage of that portion of the specification
+along with strong support for variations and the core header tables.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-pkcs1-0.2
(name "rust-pkcs1")
@@ -41349,6 +42622,29 @@ network packet formats.")
(license (list license:asl2.0
+(define-public rust-platforms-2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-platforms")
+ (version "2.0.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "platforms" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "152cnf65zzr6vj5xyap1aqp6ajmfqdhlij2x1lx02hhjazryxl78"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))))
+ (home-page "https://rustsec.org")
+ (synopsis "Query information about valid Rust platforms")
+ (description
+ "This package provides information about valid Rust platforms (target
+triple, target_arch, target_os) sourced from Rust Forge.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-plist-1
(name "rust-plist")
@@ -44276,6 +45572,27 @@ creating native Python extension modules. Running and interacting with
Python code from a Rust binary is also supported.")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public rust-qstring-0.7
+ (package
+ (name "rust-qstring")
+ (version "0.7.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "qstring" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0khhcpwifis87r5chr4jiv3w1bkswcf226c0yjx809pzbzkglr6l"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-percent-encoding" ,rust-percent-encoding-2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/algesten/qstring")
+ (synopsis "Query string parser")
+ (description "This package provides query string parser.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-quantiles-0.7
(name "rust-quantiles")
@@ -46361,14 +47678,14 @@ owned memory.")
(define-public rust-redox-syscall-0.2
(name "rust-redox-syscall")
- (version "0.2.5")
+ (version "0.2.10")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "redox_syscall" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1n878lpw577avdr5dzbkil02xwbx0a57mr2r3dcnnkz28i71wd4l"))))
+ (base32 "1zq36bhw4c6xig340ja1jmr36iy0d3djp8smsabxx71676bg70w3"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -47336,6 +48653,30 @@ functionality as retain but gives mutable borrow to the predicate.")
(description "This crate provides low level access to RISC-V processors.")
(license license:isc)))
+(define-public rust-ripemd-0.1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-ripemd")
+ (version "0.1.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ripemd" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16ap7vvnqf4l6vy7kjpb5p8brqfppanssm61jn1w8444395bcm7a"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.10))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.10)
+ ("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/RustCrypto/hashes")
+ (synopsis "Pure Rust implementation of the RIPEMD hash functions")
+ (description "This library provides a pure Rust implementation of the
+RIPEMD hash functions.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-riscv-target-0.1
(name "rust-riscv-target")
@@ -47408,6 +48749,27 @@ your own implementation.")
decoding, and compression.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-rlp-0.3
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-rlp-0.5)
+ (name "rust-rlp")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "rlp" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "082pfkdzsnzvqr5yx5qb2hildjg597p2115ywy84zma5k3zfzl8n"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f ; The tests fail.
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
+ ("rust-ethereum-types" ,rust-ethereum-types-0.4)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-2))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.1))))))
(define-public rust-rls-span-0.5
(name "rust-rls-span")
@@ -47866,8 +49228,7 @@ wildcard segments")
(base32 "039676a4mj0875phdi7vc0bd37hv84dh0dql6fmk8dl2w81jcp70"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- `(#:skip-build? #t
- #:cargo-inputs
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
(("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
("rust-digest" ,rust-digest-0.9)
("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
@@ -47880,7 +49241,23 @@ wildcard segments")
("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
("rust-subtle" ,rust-subtle-2)
- ("rust-zeroize" ,rust-zeroize-1))))
+ ("rust-zeroize" ,rust-zeroize-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
+ ("rust-hex" ,rust-hex-0.4)
+ ("rust-hex-literal" ,rust-hex-literal-0.3)
+ ("rust-rand-xorshift" ,rust-rand-xorshift-0.3)
+ ("rust-serde-test" ,rust-serde-test-1)
+ ("rust-sha-1" ,rust-sha-1-0.9)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
+ ("rust-sha3" ,rust-sha3-0.9))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'configure 'relax-requirements
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute*
+ "Cargo.toml"
+ (("version = \">=1, <1.5\"") "version = \"^1\"")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/RustCrypto/RSA")
(synopsis "Pure Rust RSA implementation")
(description "This package provides a pure Rust RSA implementation.")
@@ -48014,6 +49391,44 @@ table-based tests.")
table-based tests.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-rug-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-rug")
+ (version "1.14.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "rug" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1iw52gyw0hshymqa04g76m7qnrds5vkgc5s8svqx5nv1jz1wrdgm"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'set-shell-for-configure-script
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (which "sh")))))
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-az" ,rust-az-1)
+ ("rust-gmp-mpfr-sys" ,rust-gmp-mpfr-sys-1)
+ ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bincode" ,rust-bincode-1)
+ ("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-serde-test" ,rust-serde-test-1))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list bash-minimal m4))
+ (home-page "https://gitlab.com/tspiteri/rug")
+ (synopsis
+ "Arbitrary-precision integers, rational, floating-point and complex numbers based
+on GMP, MPFR and MPC")
+ (description "This is a Rust library of arbitrary-precision integers, rational,
+floating-point, and complex numbers based on GMP, MPFR and MPC.")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
(define-public rust-rpassword-5
(name "rust-rpassword")
@@ -48410,6 +49825,43 @@ please consider using @code{async-std} or @code{tokio}.")
(list sqlite))))
+(define-public rust-rustsec-0.25
+ (package
+ (name "rust-rustsec")
+ (version "0.25.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "rustsec" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "11q89r3a8snqmfywml8n96lxgs086k68xbhjgaikrkdbzdv6j4yn"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-cargo-edit" ,rust-cargo-edit-0.8)
+ ("rust-cargo-lock" ,rust-cargo-lock-7)
+ ("rust-crates-index" ,rust-crates-index-0.17)
+ ("rust-cvss" ,rust-cvss-1)
+ ("rust-fs-err" ,rust-fs-err-2)
+ ("rust-git2" ,rust-git2-0.13)
+ ("rust-home" ,rust-home-0.5)
+ ("rust-humantime" ,rust-humantime-2)
+ ("rust-humantime-serde" ,rust-humantime-serde-1)
+ ("rust-platforms" ,rust-platforms-2)
+ ("rust-semver" ,rust-semver-1)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1)
+ ("rust-toml" ,rust-toml-0.5)
+ ("rust-url" ,rust-url-2))))
+ (home-page "https://rustsec.org")
+ (synopsis "Client library for the RustSec security advisory database")
+ (description
+ "This package provides client library for the RustSec security
+advisory database.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-rust-argon2-0.8
(name "rust-rust-argon2")
@@ -49276,11 +50728,24 @@ It is automatically published using the compiler repository at
(build-system cargo-build-system)
(arguments `(#:skip-build? #t))
(home-page "https://github.com/debris/rustc-hex")
- (synopsis "Rustc-serialize compatible hex conversion traits")
- (description "This package provides rustc-serialize compatible hex
-conversion traits.")
+ (synopsis "@code{rustc-serialize} compatible hex conversion traits")
+ (description "This Rust library provides @code{rustc-serialize} compatible
+hex conversion traits.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-rustc-hex-1
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-rustc-hex-2)
+ (name "rust-rustc-hex")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "rustc-hex" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07pff94vqc1mhrqp9i06xzayiad4xfx7588zkqsdw875lpkqrsqc"))))))
(define-public rust-rustc-rayon-0.3
(name "rust-rustc-rayon")
@@ -50659,6 +52124,30 @@ in pure Rust.")
computation (experimental)")
(license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
+(define-public rust-salsa20-0.7
+ (package
+ (name "rust-salsa20")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "salsa20" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09c16m566g45f41xx3673zyzwca3mykz630fmv2mbjbvmwcc4fw0"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-cipher" ,rust-cipher-0.2)
+ ("rust-zeroize" ,rust-zeroize-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-cipher" ,rust-cipher-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/RustCrypto/stream-ciphers")
+ (synopsis "Salsa20 stream cipher")
+ (description "This is a Rust library implementing the Salsa20 stream
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-safe-arch-0.5
(name "rust-safe-arch")
@@ -50804,6 +52293,55 @@ motivation for writing this library.
@end itemize")
(license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
+(define-public rust-scale-info-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-scale-info")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "scale-info" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bvq3a9im6c20xmx8lipr5px9y4x22dpilm0ccnm69cw752bfmaw"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-bitvec" ,rust-bitvec-0.20)
+ ("rust-cfg-if" ,rust-cfg-if-1)
+ ("rust-derive-more" ,rust-derive-more-0.99)
+ ("rust-parity-scale-codec" ,rust-parity-scale-codec-2)
+ ("rust-scale-info-derive" ,rust-scale-info-derive-1)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))))
+ (home-page "https://www.parity.io/")
+ (synopsis "Info about SCALE encodable Rust types")
+ (description "This package provides info about SCALE encodable Rust types.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public rust-scale-info-derive-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-scale-info-derive")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "scale-info-derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1k8z7y6181yjdnggbhnqr8mfnpw197pa8ni0hqpmk003d602gsxs"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro-crate" ,rust-proc-macro-crate-1)
+ ("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "https://www.parity.io/")
+ (synopsis "Derive type info for SCALE encodable types")
+ (description "This package provides derive type info for SCALE
+encodable types.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public rust-scan-fmt-0.2
(name "rust-scan-fmt")
@@ -50874,6 +52412,70 @@ server functionality.")
(description "This package provides a scheduled thread pool.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-schemars-0.8
+ (package
+ (name "rust-schemars")
+ (version "0.8.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "schemars" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qvhq1yixygd8ihc0qxmnhw4x08fa44q88v088gvc6pa1k4a7df6"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-arrayvec" ,rust-arrayvec-0.5)
+ ("rust-bigdecimal" ,rust-bigdecimal-0.3)
+ ("rust-bytes" ,rust-bytes-1)
+ ("rust-chrono" ,rust-chrono-0.4)
+ ("rust-dyn-clone" ,rust-dyn-clone-1)
+ ("rust-either" ,rust-either-1)
+ ("rust-enumset" ,rust-enumset-1)
+ ("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
+ ("rust-rust-decimal" ,rust-rust-decimal-1)
+ ("rust-schemars-derive" ,rust-schemars-derive-0.8)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-smallvec" ,rust-smallvec-1)
+ ("rust-url" ,rust-url-2)
+ ("rust-uuid" ,rust-uuid-0.8))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-pretty-assertions" ,rust-pretty-assertions-0.6)
+ ("rust-trybuild" ,rust-trybuild-1))))
+ (home-page "https://graham.cool/schemars/")
+ (synopsis "Generate JSON Schemas from Rust code")
+ (description "This Rust library can help generating JSON Schemas from
+Rust code.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-schemars-derive-0.8
+ (package
+ (name "rust-schemars-derive")
+ (version "0.8.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "schemars-derive" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16xfvm16d8nsxdx82fdcyqfi12v61lffyf1wmi34qqg82g74vbj1"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-serde-derive-internals" ,rust-serde-derive-internals-0.25)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-pretty-assertions" ,rust-pretty-assertions-0.6))))
+ (home-page "https://graham.cool/schemars/")
+ (synopsis "Macros for @code{#[derive(JsonSchema)]}, for use with schemars")
+ (description "This package provides macros for @code{#[derive(JsonSchema)]},
+for use with schemars.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public rust-scoped-threadpool-0.1
(name "rust-scoped-threadpool")
@@ -51058,10 +52660,34 @@ clean}.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
-(define-public rust-scrypt-0.3
+(define-public rust-scrypt-0.5
(inherit rust-scrypt-0.8)
(name "rust-scrypt")
+ (version "0.5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "scrypt" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fgdmjdjx3lj92nswkxrq9nlv4vv7livg83nfybmv4izn3d9594d"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
+ ("rust-hmac" ,rust-hmac-0.10)
+ ("rust-pbkdf2" ,rust-pbkdf2-0.6)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.7)
+ ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.5)
+ ("rust-salsa20" ,rust-salsa20-0.7)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
+ ("rust-subtle" ,rust-subtle-2))))))
+(define-public rust-scrypt-0.3
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-scrypt-0.5)
+ (name "rust-scrypt")
(version "0.3.0")
@@ -51379,6 +53005,33 @@ statistical guarantees.")
(description "This package provides low-level bindings to libseccomp.")
(license license:lgpl2.1)))
+(define-public rust-secrecy-0.6
+ (package
+ (name "rust-secrecy")
+ (version "0.6.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "secrecy" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "03q7h4yswpbrgxgn6wk9dyhilqhwcbhgwyy2m5vk9ps5ss72g0li"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-bytes" ,rust-bytes-0.5)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-zeroize" ,rust-zeroize-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/iqlusioninc/crates/")
+ (synopsis "Wrapper types and traits for secret management")
+ (description
+ "This package provides wrapper types and traits for secret management
+which help ensure they aren't
+accidentally copied, logged, or otherwise exposed, and also ensure secrets
+are securely wiped from memory when dropped.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-section-testing-0.0
(name "rust-section-testing")
@@ -51399,6 +53052,87 @@ statistical guarantees.")
"This package provides a library for section-style testing.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-secp256k1-0.21
+ (package
+ (name "rust-secp256k1")
+ (version "0.21.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "secp256k1" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "09gia5hjf1hb9jgac9nzq0s0ijbsdjfflh40xw8z08avgl0q6y5b"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-bitcoin-hashes" ,rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.10)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.6)
+ ("rust-secp256k1-sys" ,rust-secp256k1-sys-0.4)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bitcoin-hashes" ,rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.10)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.6)
+ ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.4)
+ ("rust-serde-test" ,rust-serde-test-1)
+ ("rust-wasm-bindgen-test" ,rust-wasm-bindgen-test-0.3))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-secp256k1/")
+ (synopsis
+ "Rust wrapper library for Pieter Wuille's @code{libsecp256k1}")
+ (description
+ "This package is a Rust wrapper library for Pieter Wuille's
+@code{libsecp256k1}. It implements ECDSA and BIP 340 signatures for the
+SECG elliptic curve group secp256k1 and related utilities.")
+ (license license:cc0)))
+(define-public rust-secp256k1-0.20
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-secp256k1-0.21)
+ (name "rust-secp256k1")
+ (version "0.20.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "secp256k1" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02kxhfgy85zg7w2yyvnzrr7myk1mckvg99z6pbazxl1nwvm3rl4p"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-bitcoin-hashes" ,rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.9)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.6)
+ ("rust-secp256k1-sys" ,rust-secp256k1-sys-0.4)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bitcoin-hashes" ,rust-bitcoin-hashes-0.10)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.6)
+ ("rust-rand-core" ,rust-rand-core-0.4)
+ ("rust-serde-test" ,rust-serde-test-1)
+ ("rust-wasm-bindgen-test" ,rust-wasm-bindgen-test-0.3))))))
+(define-public rust-secp256k1-sys-0.4
+ (package
+ (name "rust-secp256k1-sys")
+ (version "0.4.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "secp256k1-sys" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0dk0as7qdlvg5vkcsihndzg1jgqb9amhwmz3xiip94fy7ibs4zcm"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-cc" ,rust-cc-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rust-bitcoin/rust-secp256k1/")
+ (synopsis "FFI for Pieter Wuille's @code{libsecp256k1} library")
+ (description "This package is a Rust FFI for Pieter Wuille's
+@code{libsecp256k1} library.")
+ (license license:cc0)))
(define-public rust-security-framework-2
(name "rust-security-framework")
@@ -52431,6 +54165,30 @@ TOML/JSON/MessagePack strings and serializable values.")
("rust-serde-codegen-internals" ,rust-serde-codegen-internals-0.14)
("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-0.11))))))
+(define-public rust-serde-derive-internals-0.25
+ (package
+ (name "rust-serde-derive-internals")
+ (version "0.25.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "serde_derive_internals" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ihqfkpplqqiwmh87s8p9jsv27ibkz1z7gc0abqs2mrhlr6b7fhx"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))
+ (home-page "https://serde.rs")
+ (synopsis "AST representation used by Serde derive macros")
+ (description "This package provides AST representation used by Serde
+derive macros.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-serde-ignored-0.1
(name "rust-serde-ignored")
@@ -55025,6 +56783,28 @@ I/O programming.")
("rust-futures-core-preview" ,rust-futures-core-preview-0.3)
("rust-futures-io-preview" ,rust-futures-io-preview-0.3))))))
+(define-public rust-smallbitvec-2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-smallbitvec")
+ (version "2.5.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "smallbitvec" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0plrbldsjpwip3afbzd8fgrnvdhizcg5z4ncfqs4q6x4qjflzkkm"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-bit-vec" ,rust-bit-vec-0.4)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.4))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/servo/smallbitvec")
+ (synopsis "Bit vector optimized for size and inline storage")
+ (description "This package provides a bit vector optimized for size and
+inline storage.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-smallvec-1
(name "rust-smallvec")
@@ -55112,6 +56892,30 @@ stack.")
control on the fields.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-smartstring-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-smartstring")
+ (version "0.2.9")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "smartstring" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "16rc6n0p4r4aw6k6jxf2s37wyaijaa4pwpw7rqki7cn2q0qnmaii"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-arbitrary" ,rust-arbitrary-0.4)
+ ("rust-proptest" ,rust-proptest-0.10)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-static-assertions" ,rust-static-assertions-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bodil/smartstring")
+ (synopsis "Compact inlined strings")
+ (description "This package provides compact inlined strings.")
+ (license license:mpl2.0)))
(define-public rust-smol-1
(name "rust-smol")
@@ -55586,8 +57390,7 @@ track of where each new file and line starts.")
(base32 "1rch0my17z66fam7hbynvrcs6jk63b08jv4s04mhdksv1jz584ji"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- `(#:skip-build? #t
- #:cargo-inputs
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
(("rust-lock-api" ,rust-lock-api-0.4))))
(home-page "https://github.com/mvdnes/spin-rs")
(synopsis "Synchronization primitives based on spinning")
@@ -55596,6 +57399,19 @@ spinning. They may contain data, are usable without @code{std},and static
initializers are available.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-spin-0.7
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-spin-0.9)
+ (name "rust-spin")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "spin" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0qjips9f6fsvkyd7wj3a4gzaqknn2q4kkb19957pl86im56pna0k"))))))
(define-public rust-spin-0.5
(inherit rust-spin-0.9)
@@ -57329,6 +59145,33 @@ easier in Rust.")
("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))))))
+(define-public rust-subprocess-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-subprocess")
+ (version "0.2.8")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "subprocess" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "01x41adcnyy55axdrzbr3y1qfbb55xjzczm1lpqdh6lqqbmz6p05"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-winapi" ,rust-winapi-0.3))
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
+ ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-tempdir" ,rust-tempdir-0.3))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/hniksic/rust-subprocess")
+ (synopsis "Execution of child processes and pipelines")
+ (description
+ "This package provides execution of child processes and pipelines,
+inspired by Python's subprocess module, with Rust-specific extensions.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-subtle-2
(name "rust-subtle")
@@ -59082,14 +60925,14 @@ process.")
(define-public rust-tectonic-docmodel-0.1
(name "rust-tectonic-docmodel")
- (version "0.1.0")
+ (version "0.1.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tectonic_docmodel" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "041hbp5rjrnnf6pbi7b9039jx5vn5f0d9fwhk0vshwjn69jmknkm"))))
+ (base32 "1b5vdqcnjbbda6am0mb7qyxyc6pn8v0pqz0w10xia87ycyyfflxw"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -59131,25 +60974,55 @@ document model, including the @file{Tectonic.toml} file.")
@code{bibtex} program as a reusable crate.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-tectonic-engine-xetex-0.1
+(define-public rust-tectonic-engine-spx2html-0.1
- (name "rust-tectonic-engine-xetex")
+ (name "rust-tectonic-engine-spx2html")
(version "0.1.1")
(method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "tectonic_engine_spx2html" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15nxgx20x3ii9ksdj2w9jis1qm1rd451kw3jh87ydvwqnzg88f3m"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
+ ("rust-percent-encoding" ,rust-percent-encoding-2)
+ ("rust-pinot" ,rust-pinot-0.1)
+ ("rust-tectonic-bridge-core" ,rust-tectonic-bridge-core-0.3)
+ ("rust-tectonic-errors" ,rust-tectonic-errors-0.2)
+ ("rust-tectonic-io-base" ,rust-tectonic-io-base-0.4)
+ ("rust-tectonic-status-base" ,rust-tectonic-status-base-0.2)
+ ("rust-tectonic-xdv" ,rust-tectonic-xdv-0.2)
+ ("rust-tempfile" ,rust-tempfile-3)
+ ("rust-tera" ,rust-tera-1))))
+ (home-page "https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/")
+ (synopsis "Tectonic engine that converts SPX output to HTML")
+ (description "This crate implements the Tectonic engine that converts SPX
+output to HTML.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-tectonic-engine-xetex-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-tectonic-engine-xetex")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tectonic_engine_xetex" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0ki06fsqx7rb683gz4d5xz248gwvpzf137zqrg8whsrazaqgzmfq"))))
+ (base32 "1kn9gxkgf3jbwif14n1kmp869s4b69khhc7iwm78qqpmy79lrhkw"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
- (("rust-cbindgen" ,rust-cbindgen-0.16)
- ("rust-cc" ,rust-cc-1)
+ (("rust-cc" ,rust-cc-1)
("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
- ("rust-tectonic-bridge-core" ,rust-tectonic-bridge-core-0.1)
+ ("rust-tectonic-bridge-core" ,rust-tectonic-bridge-core-0.3)
("rust-tectonic-bridge-flate" ,rust-tectonic-bridge-flate-0.1)
("rust-tectonic-bridge-graphite2" ,rust-tectonic-bridge-graphite2-0.2)
("rust-tectonic-bridge-harfbuzz" ,rust-tectonic-bridge-harfbuzz-0.2)
@@ -59261,17 +61134,17 @@ error type and utilities.")
interface for fetching URLs using one of several HTTP backends.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-tectonic-io-base-0.3
+(define-public rust-tectonic-io-base-0.4
(name "rust-tectonic-io-base")
- (version "0.3.0")
+ (version "0.4.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tectonic_io_base" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0xpcavx3chld8d5qa24ikf5v4l5slzkakqr4ylibx0f91ssy3bsm"))))
+ (base32 "0x1r4m5bkqqvz24sql9q8ycnjczlqjlhzfyaylzhxi2xx4flqdfn"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -59281,7 +61154,7 @@ interface for fetching URLs using one of several HTTP backends.")
("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
("rust-tectonic-errors" ,rust-tectonic-errors-0.2)
- ("rust-tectonic-status-base" ,rust-tectonic-status-base-0.1)
+ ("rust-tectonic-status-base" ,rust-tectonic-status-base-0.2)
("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1))))
(home-page "https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/")
(synopsis "Basic types for Tectonic's pluggable I/O backend system")
@@ -59292,6 +61165,29 @@ implementations for @code{std} I/O types as well as @code{flate2} gzip
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-tectonic-io-base-0.3
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-tectonic-io-base-0.4)
+ (name "rust-tectonic-io-base")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "tectonic_io_base" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0xpcavx3chld8d5qa24ikf5v4l5slzkakqr4ylibx0f91ssy3bsm"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-app-dirs2" ,rust-app-dirs2-2)
+ ("rust-flate2" ,rust-flate2-1)
+ ("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-sha2" ,rust-sha2-0.9)
+ ("rust-tectonic-errors" ,rust-tectonic-errors-0.2)
+ ("rust-tectonic-status-base" ,rust-tectonic-status-base-0.1)
+ ("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1))))))
(define-public rust-tectonic-io-base-0.2
(inherit rust-tectonic-io-base-0.3)
@@ -59386,17 +61282,17 @@ types for reporting status messages to a user.")
(("rust-tectonic-errors" ,rust-tectonic-errors-0.1))))))
-(define-public rust-tectonic-xdv-0.1
+(define-public rust-tectonic-xdv-0.2
(name "rust-tectonic-xdv")
- (version "0.1.11")
+ (version "0.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tectonic_xdv" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1ibxv32i7dla3iw6s01cagzgdgzhm1mmxwqjv841m6m4r7g57gxj"))))
+ (base32 "1fcys9v5zcdavfkq72h5ajkz2pxjpc6km6wqajk29qc65870xd5k"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -59468,21 +61364,21 @@ deleting all contents when it's dropped.")
(define-public rust-tempfile-3
(name "rust-tempfile")
- (version "3.2.0")
+ (version "3.3.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tempfile" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "08pbf3c1i42382dc44dil5bgiawcsi0qk6zdibw10f69rxiwdhfs"))))
+ (base32 "1r3rdp66f7w075mz6blh244syr3h0lbm07ippn7xrbgfxbs1xnsw"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-cfg-if" ,rust-cfg-if-1)
+ ("rust-fastrand" ,rust-fastrand-1)
("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
- ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8)
("rust-redox-syscall" ,rust-redox-syscall-0.2)
("rust-remove-dir-all" ,rust-remove-dir-all-0.5)
("rust-winapi" ,rust-winapi-0.3))))
@@ -59571,20 +61467,20 @@ directories.")
(define-public rust-tera-1
(name "rust-tera")
- (version "1.6.1")
+ (version "1.15.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tera" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1p7qzd8akd4xk4b23dmdrqw9q8061xkl1mar34j3f2glmizapipa"))))
+ (base32 "13dmx1qfn66v55l54gddp89mi82ghszwml9jyv75phhmnqqwijnk"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-chrono" ,rust-chrono-0.4)
- ("rust-chrono-tz" ,rust-chrono-tz-0.5)
+ ("rust-chrono-tz" ,rust-chrono-tz-0.6)
("rust-globwalk" ,rust-globwalk-0.8)
("rust-humansize" ,rust-humansize-1)
("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
@@ -60904,6 +62800,22 @@ manipulation in Rust.")
specified in FIPS-202, SP800-185 and KangarooTwelve.")
(license license:cc0)))
+(define-public rust-tiny-keccak-1
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-tiny-keccak-2)
+ (name "rust-tiny-keccak")
+ (version "1.5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "tiny-keccak" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1chiisrsql4pfwh5r7nz055ciqj7ch24m0nvrr6a8x5vd4f052hx"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-crunchy" ,rust-crunchy-0.2))))))
(define-public rust-tinyfiledialogs-3
(name "rust-tinyfiledialogs")
@@ -62911,6 +64823,32 @@ serializing Rust structures.")
(license (list license:asl2.0
+(define-public rust-toml-edit-0.3
+ (package
+ (name "rust-toml-edit")
+ (version "0.3.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "toml_edit" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0fbpkhla57k9qbpbxh72wxc7hhj7yscq4r0hnmyyygp92r3q6c0x"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-combine" ,rust-combine-4)
+ ("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
+ ("rust-itertools" ,rust-itertools-0.10)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-vec1" ,rust-vec1-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ordian/toml_edit")
+ (synopsis "Yet another format-preserving TOML parser")
+ (description "This package provides yet another format-preserving TOML
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-tonic-0.6
(name "rust-tonic")
@@ -63278,7 +65216,7 @@ data. Moved to the tracing-subscriber crate.")
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- (("rust-env-logger" ,rust-env-logger-0.6)
+ (("rust-env-logger" ,rust-env-logger-0.7)
("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
("rust-tracing-core" ,rust-tracing-core-0.1))
@@ -65164,6 +67102,61 @@ panic-free alternative to @code{core::fmt}.")
(description "This package provides @code{μfmt}'s @code{uWrite} trait.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-uint-0.9
+ (package
+ (name "rust-uint")
+ (version "0.9.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "uint" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pys10znj928lijvsq2rvnzns90a91j7199pl2afigc2yi8anw34"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-arbitrary" ,rust-arbitrary-1)
+ ("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
+ ("rust-crunchy" ,rust-crunchy-0.2)
+ ("rust-hex" ,rust-hex-0.4)
+ ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-0.9)
+ ("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.7)
+ ("rust-static-assertions" ,rust-static-assertions-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
+ ("rust-rug" ,rust-rug-1))))
+ (home-page "http://parity.io")
+ (synopsis "Large, fixed-size integer arithmetic in Rust")
+ (description "This package is a Rust library for large, fixed-size integer
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-uint-0.4
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-uint-0.9)
+ (name "rust-uint")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "uint" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0il6x59h605mmm10qxig066khxaygqcyb60pqja1n5mr68bs2jvm"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f ; The tests fail. Due to rustc version?
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-byteorder" ,rust-byteorder-1)
+ ("rust-crunchy" ,rust-crunchy-0.1)
+ ("rust-heapsize" ,rust-heapsize-0.4)
+ ("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-0.6)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-2))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-quickcheck" ,rust-quickcheck-0.6)
+ ("rust-rustc-hex" ,rust-rustc-hex-2))))))
(define-public rust-umask-1
(name "rust-umask")
@@ -65865,18 +67858,16 @@ type-safe zero-cost dimensional analysis.")
(name "rust-ureq")
(version "2.4.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (crate-uri "ureq" version))
- (file-name
- (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1m8nzx683iph4zfpfg2xmkkbwmgf1i403lnbhxqk4gbsj8pzm6ck"))))
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ureq" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1m8nzx683iph4zfpfg2xmkkbwmgf1i403lnbhxqk4gbsj8pzm6ck"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;tests fail
+ `(#:tests? #f ;tests fail
(("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
("rust-brotli-decompressor" ,rust-brotli-decompressor-2)
@@ -65906,6 +67897,39 @@ type-safe zero-cost dimensional analysis.")
(description "This package provides minimal request library in Rust.")
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-ureq-1
+ (package
+ (inherit rust-ureq-2)
+ (name "rust-ureq")
+ (version "1.5.5")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "ureq" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0wdakplwjjya6m95z42pci8m63ddx913rd92kzh8l8ar5ly0d2rb"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-base64" ,rust-base64-0.13)
+ ("rust-chunked-transfer" ,rust-chunked-transfer-1)
+ ("rust-cookie" ,rust-cookie-0.14)
+ ("rust-cookie-store" ,rust-cookie-store-0.12)
+ ("rust-encoding" ,rust-encoding-0.2)
+ ("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
+ ("rust-native-tls" ,rust-native-tls-0.2)
+ ("rust-once-cell" ,rust-once-cell-1)
+ ("rust-qstring" ,rust-qstring-0.7)
+ ("rust-rustls" ,rust-rustls-0.19)
+ ("rust-rustls-native-certs" ,rust-rustls-native-certs-0.5)
+ ("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-socks" ,rust-socks-0.3)
+ ("rust-url" ,rust-url-2)
+ ("rust-webpki" ,rust-webpki-0.21)
+ ("rust-webpki-roots" ,rust-webpki-roots-0.21))))))
(define-public rust-url-2
(name "rust-url")
@@ -66445,6 +68469,30 @@ write operations.")
(license (list license:asl2.0
+(define-public rust-vec1-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-vec1")
+ (version "1.8.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "vec1" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0cv1b88k9fac0wlg3yzbkrwdxvyb8w9f14big5q9a3sgfwf67haz"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
+ ("rust-smallvec" ,rust-smallvec-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rustonaut/vec1/")
+ (synopsis "Vec wrapper assuring that it has at least 1 element")
+ (description
+ "This package provides wrapper for a std::Vec assuring that it
+has at least 1 element.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
(define-public rust-vecmath-1
(name "rust-vecmath")
@@ -68754,7 +70802,12 @@ non-cryptographic hashing algorithm and random number generator.")
(uri (crate-uri "x25519-dalek" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0xz0m1pczss9r25d1r52420dl2picdypbcn5ycmlwssp9awvd4i3"))))
+ (base32 "0xz0m1pczss9r25d1r52420dl2picdypbcn5ycmlwssp9awvd4i3"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ (substitute* "Cargo.toml"
+ (("version = \"=1.3\"") "version = \"^1.3\""))))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -69329,7 +71382,7 @@ crate.")
(define-public rust-zeroize-1
(name "rust-zeroize")
- (version "1.4.3")
+ (version "1.5.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -69337,7 +71390,7 @@ crate.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "068nvl3n5hk6lfn5y24grf2c7anzzqfzjjccscq3md7rqp79v3fn"))))
+ (base32 "1nq8zq5h7ad6kahdk0fxw4fdm0ibycj061jngxqkqchw67n2l8nc"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -69354,7 +71407,7 @@ implementation that works everywhere, even WASM!")
(define-public rust-zeroize-derive-1
(name "rust-zeroize-derive")
- (version "1.0.0")
+ (version "1.3.1")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -69362,7 +71415,7 @@ implementation that works everywhere, even WASM!")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "18lc9xq9dwvmv81y3bqnw20974nbrs7d20rljb1inz7wd7n1w9fy"))))
+ (base32 "1nzdqyryjnqcrqz0vhddpkd8sybhn0bd8rbd6l33rdhhxwzz3s41"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -70169,6 +72222,123 @@ Rust that are very fast but not thread-safe. A thread-safe (and slower)
variant of this library is available separately as @code{im}.")
(license license:mpl2.0)))
+(define-public rust-impl-codec-0.5
+ (package
+ (name "rust-impl-codec")
+ (version "0.5.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "impl-codec" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hy4svffnw9idy9ipp0hkmbzk97fl583akqwyqmvbqy8qgzbs7hn"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-parity-scale-codec" ,rust-parity-scale-codec-2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "Parity Codec serialization support for uint and fixed hash")
+ (description "This package provides Parity Codec serialization support
+for uint and fixed hash.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-impl-rlp-0.3
+ (package
+ (name "rust-impl-rlp")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "impl-rlp" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "021869d5s47ili9kmhm9y80qpsbf0wwdap14qzfpb84pjbw210pj"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-rlp" ,rust-rlp-0.5))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "RLP serialization support for uint and fixed hash")
+ (description "This package provides RLP serialization support for uint
+and fixed hash.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-impl-num-traits-0.1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-impl-num-traits")
+ (version "0.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "impl-num-traits" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0rjlic3z684l37qm7zywmxhhllnf982y3ilyslyxb6jiddyhbdiq"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-integer-sqrt" ,rust-integer-sqrt-0.1)
+ ("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2)
+ ("rust-uint" ,rust-uint-0.9))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "num-traits implementation for uint")
+ (description "This package provides @code{num-traits} implementation
+for @code{uint}.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-impl-serde-0.3
+ (package
+ (name "rust-impl-serde")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "impl-serde" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0p2zy8ikdxd28s3vb22nwqgnwjn8gx920sr2svdn93j3yd1g0la5"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-criterion" ,rust-criterion-0.3)
+ ("rust-serde-derive" ,rust-serde-derive-1)
+ ("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1)
+ ("rust-uint" ,rust-uint-0.9))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paritytech/parity-common")
+ (synopsis "Serde serialization support for uint and fixed hash")
+ (description "This package provides @code{serde} serialization support
+for @code{uint} and @code{fixed_hash}.")
+ (license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public rust-impl-trait-for-tuples-0.2
+ (package
+ (name "rust-impl-trait-for-tuples")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "impl-trait-for-tuples" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vii634v1zvb680h28md42xpdrj1j1d50ix3dga95fxkql8cpnnm"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #false ; Some tests fail. Unstable compiler messages?
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-proc-macro2" ,rust-proc-macro2-1)
+ ("rust-quote" ,rust-quote-1)
+ ("rust-syn" ,rust-syn-1))
+ #:cargo-development-inputs
+ (("rust-trybuild" ,rust-trybuild-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bkchr/impl-trait-for-tuples")
+ (synopsis "Attribute macro to implement a trait for tuples")
+ (description "This package provides attribute macro to implement
+a trait for tuples.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public rust-inflections-1
(name "rust-inflections")
@@ -70361,6 +72531,28 @@ variant of this library is available separately as @code{im}.")
"This package provides a library to unify commandline arguments with config files and environment variables. And make it easier for users to tell your program how to behave across the three main input sources")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rust-cvss-1
+ (package
+ (name "rust-cvss")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "cvss" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0gxxzimyxwf6ka011n6cd296ax6qiwnx8n6mxzh2l55bpvd65642"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:skip-build? #t
+ #:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/RustSec/rustsec/tree/main/cvss")
+ (synopsis "Common Vulnerability Scoring System parser/serializer")
+ (description "This package provides Common Vulnerability
+Scoring System parser/serializer.")
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public svd2rust
(name "svd2rust")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/cross-base.scm b/gnu/packages/cross-base.scm
index 78cbf871ac..66412b9e92 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/cross-base.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/cross-base.scm
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
#:export (cross-binutils
- cross-newlib?
(define-syntax %xgcc
@@ -101,7 +100,16 @@
((target-mingw? target)
- binutils
+ (package-with-extra-configure-variable
+ ;; mingw binutils does not work correctly when configured
+ ;; with `--enable-compressed-debug-sections`. An error
+ ;; like the following will occur whenever you try to link:
+ ;;
+ ;; x86_64-w64-mingw32-ld: final link failed: bad value
+ ;;
+ ;; TODO: This seems like a deeper problem that warrants
+ ;; deeper investigation.
+ binutils "--enable-compressed-debug-sections" "no")
(search-patches "binutils-mingw-w64-timestamp.patch"
(else binutils))
@@ -168,10 +176,6 @@ base compiler and using LIBC (which may be either a libc package or #f.)"
`((string-append "--with-toolexeclibdir="
(assoc-ref %outputs "lib")
"/" ,target "/lib"))
- '())
- ;; For a newlib (non-glibc) target
- ,@(if (cross-newlib? target)
- '("--with-newlib")
,(if libc
@@ -480,10 +484,11 @@ target that libc."
(xheaders (cross-kernel-headers target)))
"Return LIBC cross-built for TARGET, a GNU triplet. Use XGCC and XBINUTILS
and the cross tool chain."
- (if (cross-newlib? target libc)
- (native-libc target libc
- #:xgcc xgcc
- #:xbinutils xbinutils)
+ (if (target-mingw? target)
+ (let ((machine (substring target 0 (string-index target #\-))))
+ (make-mingw-w64 machine
+ #:xgcc xgcc
+ #:xbinutils xbinutils))
(inherit libc)
(name (string-append "glibc-cross-" target))
@@ -544,24 +549,6 @@ and the cross tool chain."
,@(package-inputs libc) ;FIXME: static-bash
,@(package-native-inputs libc))))))
-(define* (native-libc target
- #:optional
- (libc glibc)
- #:key
- xgcc
- xbinutils)
- (if (target-mingw? target)
- (let ((machine (substring target 0 (string-index target #\-))))
- (make-mingw-w64 machine
- #:xgcc xgcc
- #:xbinutils xbinutils))
- libc))
-(define* (cross-newlib? target
- #:optional
- (libc glibc))
- (not (eq? (native-libc target libc) libc)))
;;; Concrete cross tool chains are instantiated like this:
diff --git a/gnu/packages/crypto.scm b/gnu/packages/crypto.scm
index f07be01c97..63be51f86a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/crypto.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/crypto.scm
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 pukkamustard <pukkamustard@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ellis Kenyő <me@elken.dev>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Allan Adair <allan@adair.no>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-check)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-crypto)
#:use-module (gnu packages readline)
#:use-module (gnu packages search)
#:use-module (gnu packages serialization)
@@ -731,7 +733,7 @@ data on your platform, so the seed itself will be as random as possible.
(define-public crypto++
(name "crypto++")
- (version "8.5.0")
+ (version "8.6.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -743,7 +745,7 @@ data on your platform, so the seed itself will be as random as possible.
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0in7rlazq91vfi519g9wr7bh87hii47cimxv7fmj0f88vhjaidq3"))))
+ "1vm821wpx59ccz6gr4xplqpxj3f1qq3jijyybj2g4npqmmldhx3b"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -871,6 +873,11 @@ BLAKE.")
(add-before 'build 'change-directory
(lambda _
(chdir "b2sum")))
+ ;; Produce generic binaries
+ (add-after 'change-directory 'de-tune
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "makefile"
+ ((" -march=native") ""))))
(delete 'configure)))) ; No ./configure script
(home-page "https://www.blake2.net/")
(synopsis "BLAKE2 checksum tool")
@@ -878,7 +885,11 @@ BLAKE.")
SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3, yet is at least as secure as SHA-3.")
;; You may also choose to redistribute this program as Apache 2.0 or the
;; OpenSSL license. See 'b2sum/b2sum.c' in the source distribution.
- (license license:cc0))))
+ (license license:cc0)
+ ;; There is a significant speedup when the compiler generates
+ ;; instructions tuned to the CPU of the running machine:
+ ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=51198#22
+ (properties '((tunable? . #true))))))
(define-public rhash
@@ -1459,7 +1470,7 @@ non-encrypted files.")
(define-public cryfs
(name "cryfs")
- (version "0.11.0")
+ (version "0.11.2")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1467,7 +1478,7 @@ non-encrypted files.")
version "/cryfs-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0dxphbj5sssm82rkkdb71algrcki16qlpzlvrjyvvm6b7x7zi0sm"))))
+ (base32 "1ggizlacm4fccsw9syy2763ihxnby6cdh3mhhraxy8bmsdjza7lm"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
'(#:modules ((guix build cmake-build-system)
@@ -1483,7 +1494,7 @@ non-encrypted files.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'fix-configure
+ (add-before 'configure 'fix-up
(lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
;; Remove junk directory that breaks the build
(chdir "..") (delete-file-recursively ".circleci")
@@ -1494,7 +1505,14 @@ non-encrypted files.")
(when tests?
(substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
(("option.BUILD_TESTING .build test cases. OFF.")
- "option(BUILD_TESTING \"build test cases\" ON)")))))
+ "option(BUILD_TESTING \"build test cases\" ON)")))
+ ;; work around a missing import fixed upstream in boost 1.78
+ ;; See https://github.com/boostorg/process/issues/213
+ (substitute* (find-files "." "subprocess.cpp$")
+ (("#include <boost/process.hpp>.*" line)
+ (string-append
+ "#include <algorithm>\n"
+ line)))))
(replace 'check
(lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
(when tests?
@@ -1607,3 +1625,37 @@ checksum tool based on the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function.")
;; Users may choose between these two licenses when redistributing the
;; program provided by this package.
(license (list license:cc0 license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public libxcrypt
+ (package
+ (name "libxcrypt")
+ (version "4.4.28")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/besser82/libxcrypt")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0pacj0s1hlv22iz0k2bkysjslc6rbrgmvmsr02qq17lp4d2gw5rs"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ libtool
+ perl
+ pkg-config
+ python-3
+ python-passlib))
+ (synopsis
+ "Extended crypt library for descrypt, md5crypt, bcrypt, and others")
+ (description
+ "libxcrypt is a modern library for one-way hashing of
+passwords. It supports a wide variety of both modern and historical
+hashing methods: yescrypt, gost-yescrypt, scrypt, bcrypt, sha512crypt,
+sha256crypt, md5crypt, SunMD5, sha1crypt, NT, bsdicrypt, bigcrypt, and
+ (home-page "https://github.com/besser82/libxcrypt")
+ (license license:lgpl2.1)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/curl.scm b/gnu/packages/curl.scm
index 27a98185e0..d36519260e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/curl.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/curl.scm
@@ -341,16 +341,17 @@ curl to obtain exactly that HTTP request.")
(define-public coeurl
(name "coeurl")
- (version "0.1.1")
+ (version "0.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://nheko.im/nheko-reborn/coeurl")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0sqciagagyc0qv90g0qw8fkyvy4l8h7nbaz04chiz9gnv89hg28p"))))
+ "0kbazvrb4hzc9jr7yywd36ack1yy7bh8sh1kc4jzv6jfzvxjb0i0"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(list doctest pkg-config))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/databases.scm b/gnu/packages/databases.scm
index 128b349cae..56d838dd58 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/databases.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/databases.scm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Dvorsak <eric@dvorsak.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Christine Lemmer-Webber <cwebber@dustycloud.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Rutger Helling <rhelling@mykolab.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Kristofer Buffington <kristoferbuffington@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Amirouche Boubekki <amirouche@hypermove.net>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Joshua Sierles, Nextjournal <joshua@nextjournal.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jack Hill <jackhill@jackhill.us>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Alex Griffin <a@ajgrf.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Gábor Boskovits <boskovits@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -89,6 +91,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages curl)
#:use-module (gnu packages cyrus-sasl)
#:use-module (gnu packages dbm)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages docbook)
#:use-module (gnu packages emacs)
#:use-module (gnu packages flex)
#:use-module (gnu packages freedesktop)
@@ -132,6 +135,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages python-science)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages qt)
#:use-module (gnu packages rdf)
#:use-module (gnu packages readline)
#:use-module (gnu packages regex)
@@ -164,6 +168,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system meson)
#:use-module (guix build-system perl)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system qt)
#:use-module (guix build-system ruby)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system scons)
@@ -629,6 +634,59 @@ around TangentOrg’s libmemcached library, and can be used as a drop-in
replacement for the code@{python-memcached} library.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public go-github-com-bradfitz-gomemcache
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-bradfitz-gomemcache")
+ (version "0.0.0-20190913173617-a41fca850d0b")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache")
+ (commit (go-version->git-ref version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "18qpds6xr73jy80pj7l3pc1l1ndcy3va2dl8fzk17bgwg49sxwfz"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; Fixes the 'untyped-int -> string of one rune' issue.
+ ;; https://github.com/golang/go/issues/32479
+ (substitute* "memcache/memcache_test.go"
+ (("string\\(0x7f") "string(rune(0x7f)"))))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:unpack-path "github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache"
+ #:import-path "github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache/memcache"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache")
+ (synopsis "Memcache client library in Go")
+ (description
+ "This is a memcache client library for the Go programming language.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-couchbase-gomemcached
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-couchbase-gomemcached")
+ (version "0.1.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/couchbase/gomemcached")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "10w74gc05x5naspls39sv2r92krrg31mk266w3lyqqwc0s3fxysl"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/couchbase/gomemcached"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-github-com-stretchr-testify))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/couchbase/gomemcached")
+ (synopsis "Memcached binary protocol toolkit for go")
+ (description
+ "This package provides memcache client and server functionality.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public litecli
(name "litecli")
@@ -935,6 +993,14 @@ Language.")
#:parallel-tests? ,(target-x86-64?)
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ,@(if (target-ppc32?)
+ `((add-after 'unpack 'apply-libatomics-patch
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((patch-file
+ (assoc-ref inputs
+ "mariadb-link-libatomic.patch")))
+ (invoke "patch" "-p1" "-i" patch-file)))))
+ '())
(add-after 'unpack 'adjust-output-references
(lambda _
;; The build system invariably prepends $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
@@ -1085,7 +1151,13 @@ Language.")
(("-lssl -lcrypto" all)
(string-append "-L" openssl "/lib " all)))))))))
- (list bison perl))
+ (if (target-ppc32?)
+ `(("mariadb-link-libatomic.patch"
+ ,(search-patch "mariadb-link-libatomic.patch"))
+ ("patch" ,patch)
+ ("bison" ,bison)
+ ("perl" ,perl))
+ (list bison perl)))
`(("jemalloc" ,jemalloc)
("libaio" ,libaio)
@@ -1158,49 +1230,54 @@ and high-availability (HA).")
(define-public postgresql-14
(name "postgresql")
- (version "14.1")
+ (version "14.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v"
version "/postgresql-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "07x45iycqpps0qh3ingc09jgn9rpnmc3gixx0qprhf5flwg10g2d"))
+ "0ylpka64wli72jvjyqcayvlw44zk1hsbapb93l8gh4l98qp8pxrc"))
(patches (search-patches "postgresql-disable-resolve_symlinks.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags '("--with-uuid=e2fs" "--with-openssl"
- ;; PostgreSQL installs its own Makefile (should it?).
- ;; Prevent it from retaining needless references to
- ;; the build tools in order to save size.
- "MKDIR_P=mkdir -p" "INSTALL_BIN=install -c"
- "LD=ld" "TAR=tar")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'patch-/bin/sh
- (lambda _
- ;; Refer to the actual shell.
- (substitute* '("src/bin/pg_ctl/pg_ctl.c"
- "src/bin/psql/command.c")
- (("/bin/sh") (which "sh")))
- #t))
- (add-before 'configure 'set-socket-dir
- (lambda _
- (substitute* '("src/include/pg_config_manual.h")
- "DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR \"/var/run/postgresql\""))
- #t))
- (add-after 'build 'build-contrib
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" "-C" "contrib")))
- (add-after 'install 'install-contrib
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" "-C" "contrib" "install"))))))
- (inputs
- `(("readline" ,readline)
- ("libuuid" ,util-linux "lib")
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "--with-uuid=e2fs" "--with-openssl"
+ (string-append "--mandir=" #$output "/share/man")
+ ;; PostgreSQL installs its own Makefile (should it?).
+ ;; Prevent it from retaining needless references to
+ ;; the build tools in order to save size.
+ "MKDIR_P=mkdir -p" "INSTALL_BIN=install -c"
+ "LD=ld" "TAR=tar")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'patch-/bin/sh
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Refer to the actual shell.
+ (substitute* '("src/bin/pg_ctl/pg_ctl.c"
+ "src/bin/psql/command.c")
+ (("/bin/sh") (which "sh")))))
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-socket-dir
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("src/include/pg_config_manual.h")
+ "DEFAULT_PGSOCKET_DIR \"/var/run/postgresql\""))))
+ (add-after 'build 'build-contrib
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "contrib")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-contrib
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "contrib" "install")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-manuals
+ (lambda _
+ (with-directory-excursion "doc/src/sgml"
+ (invoke "make" "install-man")
+ (invoke "make" "postgres.info")
+ (install-file "postgres.info"
+ (string-append #$output "/share/info"))))))))
+ (native-inputs (list docbook-xml docbook2x libxml2 perl texinfo))
+ (inputs (list readline `(,util-linux "lib") openssl zlib))
(home-page "https://www.postgresql.org/")
(synopsis "Powerful object-relational database system")
@@ -1215,53 +1292,121 @@ pictures, sounds, or video.")
(define-public postgresql-13
(inherit postgresql-14)
- (version "13.4")
+ (version "13.6")
(source (origin
(inherit (package-source postgresql-14))
(uri (string-append "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v"
version "/postgresql-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "1kf0gcsrl5n25rjlvkh87aywmn28kbwvakm5c7j1qpr4j01y34za"))))))
+ "1z37ix80hb2bqa2smh1hbj9r507ypnl3pil43gkqznnlv6ipzz5s"))
+ (patches (search-patches "postgresql-riscv-spinlocks.patch"))))))
(define-public postgresql-11
(inherit postgresql-13)
(name "postgresql")
- (version "11.13")
+ (version "11.15")
(source (origin
(inherit (package-source postgresql-13))
(uri (string-append "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v"
version "/postgresql-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "0j5wnscnxa3sx8d39s55654df8aikmvkihfb0a02hrgmyygnihx0"))))))
+ "1qvrm0vhwnc5nijfbqybhwfjbq4r7vmk445sz7s6fiagpn78xxf8"))))))
(define-public postgresql-10
(inherit postgresql-11)
- (version "10.18")
+ (version "10.20")
(source (origin
(inherit (package-source postgresql-11))
(uri (string-append "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v"
version "/postgresql-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "009qpb02bq0rx0aaw5ck70gk07xwparhfxvlfimgihw2vhp7qisp"))))))
+ "17v51a9vnz6lgbfmbdmcwsiyi572wndwa4n30nk2zr6gkgaidpl7"))))))
-(define-public postgresql-9.6
+(define-public postgresql postgresql-13)
+(define-public timescaledb
- (inherit postgresql-10)
- (version "9.6.23")
+ (name "timescaledb")
+ (version "2.5.1")
(source (origin
- (inherit (package-source postgresql-10))
- (uri (string-append "https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v"
- version "/postgresql-" version ".tar.bz2"))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1fa735lrmv2vrfiixg73nh024gxlagcbrssklvgwdf0s82cgfjd8"))))))
-(define-public postgresql postgresql-13)
+ "174dm3higa0i7al9r2hdv5hk36pd0d5fnqj57w5a350kxshxyvyw"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Remove files carrying the proprietary TIMESCALE license.
+ '(begin
+ (delete-file-recursively "tsl")
+ (for-each delete-file
+ '("test/perl/AccessNode.pm"
+ "test/perl/DataNode.pm"
+ "test/perl/TimescaleNode.pm"))))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:imported-modules `((guix build union)
+ ,@%cmake-build-system-modules)
+ #:modules `(,@%cmake-build-system-modules
+ (guix build union)
+ (ice-9 match))
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DAPACHE_ONLY=ON"
+ #:test-target "regresschecklocal"
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases (@ (guix build cmake-build-system) %standard-phases)
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-install-location
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Install extension to the output instead of the
+ ;; PostgreSQL store directory.
+ (substitute* '("CMakeLists.txt"
+ "cmake/GenerateScripts.cmake"
+ "sql/CMakeLists.txt")
+ (("\\$\\{PG_SHAREDIR\\}/extension")
+ (string-append #$output "/share/extension")))
+ ;; Likewise for the library.
+ (substitute* '("src/CMakeLists.txt"
+ "src/loader/CMakeLists.txt")
+ (("\\$\\{PG_PKGLIBDIR\\}")
+ (string-append #$output "/lib")))))
+ ;; Run the tests after install to make it easier to create the
+ ;; required PostgreSQL+TimescaleDB filesystem union.
+ (delete 'check)
+ (add-after 'install 'prepare-tests
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((pg-data (string-append (getcwd) "/../pg-data"))
+ (pg-union (string-append (getcwd) "/../pg-union")))
+ (match inputs
+ (((names . directories) ...)
+ (union-build pg-union (cons #$output directories))))
+ (setenv "PATH" (string-append pg-union "/bin:"
+ (getenv "PATH")))
+ (invoke "initdb" "-D" pg-data)
+ (copy-file "test/postgresql.conf"
+ (string-append pg-data "/postgresql.conf"))
+ (invoke "pg_ctl" "-D" pg-data
+ "-o" (string-append "-k " pg-data)
+ "-l" (string-append pg-data "/db.log")
+ "start"))))
+ (add-after 'prepare-tests 'check
+ (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check)))))
+ (inputs (list openssl postgresql))
+ (home-page "https://www.timescale.com/")
+ (synopsis "Time-series extension for PostgreSQL")
+ (description
+ "TimescaleDB is an database designed to make SQL scalable for
+time-series data. It is engineered up from PostgreSQL and packaged as a
+PostgreSQL extension, providing automatic partitioning across time and space
+(partitioning key), as well as full SQL support.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public pgloader
@@ -2321,6 +2466,55 @@ one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface.")
(home-page "https://github.com/redis/redis-rb")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-cupcake-rdb
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-cupcake-rdb")
+ (version "0.0.0-20161107195141-43ba34106c76")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/tent/rdb")
+ (commit (go-version->git-ref version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1l4bsn5yj8r875crz1rsk6dlvhv0bd8mgazsch5vl4c19v0fs2ib"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/cupcake/rdb"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-gopkg-in-check-v1))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/tent/rdb")
+ (synopsis "Redis RDB parser for Go")
+ (description
+ "Package rdb implements parsing and encoding of the Redis RDB file format.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-gomodule-redigo
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-gomodule-redigo")
+ (version "1.8.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/gomodule/redigo")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0wplaaxg7f6c6c08gdp33l48hygn8gq1rhlnjzr1c9qcggsm07k1"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:unpack-path "github.com/gomodule/redigo"
+ #:import-path "github.com/gomodule/redigo/redis"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-github-com-stretchr-testify
+ redis))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/gomodule/redigo")
+ (synopsis "Go client for Redis")
+ (description
+ "Redigo is a Go client for the Redis database.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public kyotocabinet
(name "kyotocabinet")
@@ -2455,7 +2649,7 @@ trees (LSM), for sustained throughput under random insert workloads.")
(list wiredtiger-3 guile-2.2))
- (list guile-bytestructures))
+ (list guile2.2-bytestructures))
(synopsis "WiredTiger bindings for GNU Guile")
"This package provides Guile bindings to the WiredTiger ``NoSQL''
@@ -2610,6 +2804,34 @@ on another machine, accessed via TCP/IP.")
(home-page "http://pqxx.org/")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public go-go-etcd-io-bbolt
+ (package
+ (name "go-go-etcd-io-bbolt")
+ (version "1.3.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/etcd-io/bbolt")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pj5245d417za41j6p09fmkbv05797vykr1bi9a6rnwddh1dbs8d"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:import-path "go.etcd.io/bbolt"
+ ;; Extending the test timeout to 30 minutes still times out on aarch64.
+ #:tests? ,(not target-arm?)))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-golang-org-x-sys))
+ (home-page "https://go.etcd.io/bbolt")
+ (synopsis "Embedded key/value database for Go")
+ (description "Bolt is a pure Go key/value store inspired by Howard Chu's
+LMDB project. The goal of the project is to provide a simple, fast, and
+reliable database for projects that don't require a full database server such as
+Postgres or MySQL.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public python-peewee
(name "python-peewee")
@@ -2917,6 +3139,30 @@ etc., and an SQL engine for performing simple SQL queries.")
(license (list license:lgpl2.0
+(define-public go-gopkg-in-mgo-v2
+ (package
+ (name "go-gopkg-in-mgo-v2")
+ (version "2.0.0-20190816093944-a6b53ec6cb22")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://gopkg.in/mgo.v2")
+ (commit (go-version->git-ref version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1lgvwxsbmdrf4938qkxl56wbwgbphk2qqnmpf73qdmlv4qsg14na"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:tests? #f ; Tests try to use a running mongodb server.
+ #:import-path "gopkg.in/mgo.v2"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-gopkg-in-check-v1))
+ (home-page "https://gopkg.in/mgo.v2")
+ (synopsis "MongoDB driver for Go")
+ (description "This package provides a MongoDB driver for Go.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
(define-public python-lmdb
(name "python-lmdb")
@@ -3318,7 +3564,8 @@ PickleShare.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'build
(lambda _
- (invoke "python" "setup.py" "build" "--enable-all-extensions")
+ (invoke "python" "setup.py" "build" "--enable-all-extensions"
+ "--enable=load_extension")
(add-after 'build 'build-test-helper
(lambda _
@@ -3894,7 +4141,7 @@ the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query.")
(define-public apache-arrow
(name "apache-arrow")
- (version "6.0.1")
+ (version "7.0.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -3904,7 +4151,7 @@ the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0mcw361akqw4sxnnpnr9c9v1zk4hphk6gcq763pcb19yzljh88ig"))))
+ "19xx6mlddca79q6d3wga574m4y32ixmxx2rmk6j3f22i5c37mjzw"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f
@@ -4319,3 +4566,48 @@ a handy text editor with language recognition, and visualize SELECT results in
a Gtk.Grid Widget.")
(home-page "https://github.com/Alecaddd/sequeler")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public sqlitebrowser
+ (package
+ (name "sqlitebrowser")
+ (version "3.12.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/sqlitebrowser/sqlitebrowser")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ljqzcx388mmni8lv9jz5r58alhsjrrqi4nzjnbfki94rn4ray6z"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ (delete-file-recursively "libs/qcustomplot-source/")
+ (delete-file-recursively "libs/qhexedit/")
+ (delete-file-recursively "libs/qscintilla")))))
+ (build-system qt-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:configure-flags
+ ;; TODO: Unbundle json (json-modern-cxx).
+ #~(list (string-append "-DQSCINTILLA_INCLUDE_DIR="
+ #$(this-package-input "qscintilla")
+ "/include/Qsci")
+ (inputs
+ (list qcustomplot
+ qhexedit
+ qscintilla
+ qtbase-5
+ sqlite))
+ (native-inputs (list qttools))
+ (home-page "https://sqlitebrowser.org/")
+ (synopsis "Database browser for SQLite")
+ (description "Sqlitebrowser is a high quaility, visual, open source tool to
+create design, and edit database file compatible with SQLite.")
+ (license
+ ;; dual license
+ (list license:gpl3+
+ license:mpl2.0))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/debian.scm b/gnu/packages/debian.scm
index 9a303003d3..aec65e3386 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/debian.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/debian.scm
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ contains the archive keys used for that.")
(define-public debian-ports-archive-keyring
(name "debian-ports-archive-keyring")
- (version "2021.12.30")
+ (version "2022.02.15")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ contains the archive keys used for that.")
"/debian-ports-archive-keyring_" version ".tar.xz"))
- "14f9hklr8gdlp782j5ijmm0nh061zcfw9vwpr8smb7rdfzk4wk70"))))
+ "096m45l7g8vbk67gwc6bmkzpx8mhn6xfglgrzlg9xkgcs5gxqyc0"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
'(#:tests? #f ; No test suite.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/debug.scm b/gnu/packages/debug.scm
index 3bf7f6a8e0..80685900eb 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/debug.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/debug.scm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Felix Gruber <felgru@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -132,8 +133,8 @@ program to exhibit a bug.")
(native-inputs (list flex))
`(("astyle" ,astyle)
- ("llvm" ,llvm)
- ("clang" ,clang)
+ ("llvm" ,llvm-9)
+ ("clang" ,clang-9)
("indent" ,indent)
("perl" ,perl)
("exporter-lite" ,perl-exporter-lite)
@@ -198,6 +199,11 @@ tools that process C/C++ code.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-linkage
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "clang_delta/CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("\\$\\{LLVM_LINK_LLVM_DYLIB\\}") "True")
+ ((" LLVM") " LLVMSupport"))))
(add-before 'build 'hardcode-paths
(lambda _
(substitute* "cvise.py"
@@ -615,7 +621,7 @@ error reporting, better tracing, profiling, and a debugger.")
(define-public rr
(name "rr")
- (version "5.4.0")
+ (version "5.5.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -623,7 +629,7 @@ error reporting, better tracing, profiling, and a debugger.")
(commit version)))
- "1sfldgkkmsdyaqa28i5agcykc63gwm3zjihd64g86i852w8al2w6"))
+ "079x891axkiy8qbvjar9vbaldlx7pm9p0i3nq6infdc66nc69635"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
@@ -745,18 +751,34 @@ use than similar tools like @command{mtrace}.")
(define-public cgdb
(name "cgdb")
- (version "0.7.1")
+ (version "0.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://cgdb.me/files/cgdb-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1671gpz5gx5j0zga8xy2x7h33vqh3nij93lbb6dbb366ivjknwmv"))))
+ (base32 "1w8ib2vg3pg68d9hh97fw5042c73i9nqavdddc87n9bpscjbaf0d"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list ncurses readline))
+ (list bash-minimal ncurses readline gdb))
(list flex texinfo))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:configure-flags
+ (list
+ (string-append "ac_cv_rl_version=" ,(package-version readline))
+ "ac_cv_file__dev_ptmx=no"
+ "ac_cv_file__proc_self_status=no"
+ "ac_cv_func_setpgrp_void=no")
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((gdb (search-input-file inputs "bin/gdb"))
+ (sh (search-input-file inputs "bin/sh")))
+ (substitute* "lib/util/fork_util.cpp"
+ (("GDB = \"gdb\"") (string-append "GDB = \"" gdb "\"")))
+ (substitute* "cgdb/cgdb.cpp" (("/bin/sh") sh))))))))
(home-page "https://cgdb.github.io")
(synopsis "Console front-end to the GNU debugger")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/diffoscope.scm b/gnu/packages/diffoscope.scm
index ad106857bd..ede0452765 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/diffoscope.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/diffoscope.scm
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
(define-public diffoscope
(name "diffoscope")
- (version "199")
+ (version "207")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0wy1nd52a4rzqhhdcdi3pfgrixz3w3q7qfc9mpc9zraq5cj94l7n"))
+ (base32 "0djpkq9fpw8dpiqaghbbg5dshl27xgkqrifalx9nq87dix5c1y6d"))
(search-patches "diffoscope-fix-llvm-test.patch"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
- llvm
+ llvm-9
diff --git a/gnu/packages/disk.scm b/gnu/packages/disk.scm
index 1a196f4b40..15d0401090 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/disk.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/disk.scm
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Justin Veilleux <terramorpha@cock.li>
+;;; Copyright © 2014 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages graphics)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages guile)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages nss)
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages swig)
#:use-module (gnu packages terminals)
#:use-module (gnu packages textutils)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages tls)
#:use-module (gnu packages vim)
#:use-module (gnu packages w3m)
#:use-module (gnu packages web)
@@ -586,6 +590,62 @@ permit managing file systems not included in libparted.")
;; The home page says GPLv2, but the source code says GPLv2+.
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public testdisk
+ (package
+ (name "testdisk")
+ (version "7.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://www.cgsecurity.org/testdisk-"
+ version ".tar.bz2"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1zlh44w67py416hkvw6nrfmjickc2d43v51vcli5p374d5sw84ql"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list ntfs-3g
+ `(,util-linux "lib")
+ openssl
+ ;; FIXME: add reiserfs.
+ zlib
+ e2fsprogs
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ ncurses))
+ (home-page "https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk")
+ (synopsis "Data recovery tool")
+ (description "TestDisk is primarily designed to help recover lost
+partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms
+were caused by faulty software or human error (such as accidentally deleting a
+partition table). TestDisk can:
+@item Fix partition table, recover deleted partition
+@item Recover FAT32 boot sector from its backup
+@item Rebuild FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 boot sector
+@item Fix FAT tables
+@item Rebuild NTFS boot sector
+@item Recover NTFS boot sector from its backup
+@item Fix MFT using MFT mirror
+@item Locate ext2/ext3/ext4 Backup SuperBlock
+@item Un-delete files from FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2 file systems
+@item Copy files from deleted FAT, exFAT, NTFS and ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions.
+@end enumerate
+This package also includes the @command{photorec} command, described below.
+PhotoRec is file data recovery software designed to recover lost files
+including video, documents and archives from hard disks, CD-ROMs, and lost
+pictures (thus the Photo Recovery name) from digital camera memory. PhotoRec
+ignores the file system and goes after the underlying data, so it will still
+work even if your media's file system has been severely damaged or
+reformatted. It can recover lost files from at least:
+@item FAT
+@item NTFS
+@item exFAT
+@item ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
+@item HFS+
+@end enumerate")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public pydf
(name "pydf")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/django.scm b/gnu/packages/django.scm
index abec9e454f..1161d3bc18 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/django.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/django.scm
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
(define-public python-django-4.0
(name "python-django")
- (version "4.0.1")
+ (version "4.0.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "Django" version))
- "11pg33ib43pvkflgvs5gs6c9zflhpxp8dvhd109swfscrjiyx194"))))
+ "0jlmxylag7dah9jl3wm2swnn9kbisx1gqnddfbh5kjifn67va3qi"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ to the @dfn{don't repeat yourself} (DRY) principle.")
(define-public python-django-3.2
(inherit python-django-4.0)
- (version "3.2.11")
+ (version "3.2.12")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "Django" version))
- "0xbyl9fh9lk5hiwpw46s6hz98gs0fixrpq3myj5hh6vbbnz4mjb9"))))
+ "1qj1kvb6mk2f4b33n4n5l4rh5kqllrk2v0v076crxr83ay9ycwlp"))))
(native-search-paths '()) ;no need for TZDIR
(modify-inputs (package-propagated-inputs python-django-4.0)
@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ to the @dfn{don't repeat yourself} (DRY) principle.")
(define-public python-django-2.2
(inherit python-django-3.2)
- (version "2.2.26")
+ (version "2.2.27")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "Django" version))
- "13siv3bcb2yrpzzsq2k0f1yc70ya8jkmaa5kc8x29ijjglk3g9fz"))))
+ "04y9knxd8v9jn54ws5rbdwxyq5im69kx009s7gl62axzn1371qqy"))))
(modify-inputs (package-native-inputs python-django-3.2)
(prepend ;; 2.2 requires Selenium for the test suite.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/dns.scm b/gnu/packages/dns.scm
index c061c9a22d..afea1aaf86 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/dns.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/dns.scm
@@ -332,14 +332,14 @@ and BOOTP/TFTP for network booting of diskless machines.")
;; When updating, check whether isc-dhcp's bundled copy should be as well.
;; The BIND release notes are available here:
;; https://www.isc.org/bind/
- (version "9.16.25")
+ (version "9.16.27")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://ftp.isc.org/isc/bind9/" version
"/bind-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "1wqzbq7jfd8zlidkfgx3fc1132xn5hrga7xznzw3x1421y2ji8wz"))
+ (base32 "0rpmighbbim9wi24p2bg814x5z20xkvv5y6nfnfh30ac22pjm44h"))
(search-patches "bind-re-add-attr-constructor-priority.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ Extensions} (DNSSEC).")
(define-public knot
(name "knot")
- (version "3.1.5")
+ (version "3.1.6")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ Extensions} (DNSSEC).")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "145fnz740y1g0h2m07kpcimf2rx37saq2l905bl6vwa5ifybrgcq"))
+ (base32 "0rwcp55fvmm0vhad1368knfn0ri642sigh8nykvvikdlx06d21cj"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/docbook.scm b/gnu/packages/docbook.scm
index 47426bec0f..5ee6fcccde 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/docbook.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/docbook.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014, 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
diff --git a/gnu/packages/dunst.scm b/gnu/packages/dunst.scm
index 998470e411..35df682d46 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/dunst.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/dunst.scm
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton <brown121407@posteo.ro>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages freedesktop)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@
(define-public dunst
(name "dunst")
- (version "1.7.3")
+ (version "1.8.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1ra0ii805w3rrs0qqbjxzl6i79ksz42lnvbglw18h4igkza21kzj"))))
+ "19bh5789whlc0n5wbyx3yx8px93hccn42f1p6i1dz96hdkk5mjb8"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no check target
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ebook.scm b/gnu/packages/ebook.scm
index 207bbfcdaf..339a72ef91 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ebook.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ebook.scm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Zheng Junjie <873216071@qq.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 la snesne <lasnesne@lagunposprasihopre.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system qt)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages curl)
#:use-module (gnu packages databases)
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages icu4c)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages javascript)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages language)
#:use-module (gnu packages libusb)
#:use-module (gnu packages libreoffice)
#:use-module (gnu packages music)
@@ -120,218 +123,218 @@ with Microsoft Compiled HTML (CHM) files")
(define-public calibre
(name "calibre")
- (version "5.21.0")
+ (version "5.36.0")
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "http://download.calibre-ebook.com/"
- version "/calibre-"
- version ".tar.xz"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0mq2w8blq6ykaml812axakwkqcw85qcpfwijdikn7kvbrhnnp2s5"))
- (modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet
- '(begin
- ;; Unbundle python2-odfpy.
- (delete-file-recursively "src/odf")
- ;; Disable test that attempts to load it.
- (substitute* "setup/test.py"
- ((".*SRC, 'odf'.*")
- ""))
- ;; Remove unneeded resources.
- (delete-file "resources/mozilla-ca-certs.pem")
- (delete-file "resources/calibre-portable.bat")
- (delete-file "resources/calibre-portable.sh")
- #t))
- (patches (search-patches "calibre-fix-zeroconf.patch"
- "calibre-no-updates-dialog.patch"
- "calibre-remove-test-sqlite.patch" ; TODO: fix test.
- "calibre-remove-test-unrar.patch"))))
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "http://download.calibre-ebook.com/"
+ version "/calibre-"
+ version ".tar.xz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1c036qmn7lxq0899c2xzzs6whz7z0557frnfqisbvfxa13b2sadk"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; Unbundle python2-odfpy.
+ (delete-file-recursively "src/odf")
+ ;; Disable test that attempts to load it.
+ (substitute* "setup/test.py"
+ ((".*SRC, 'odf'.*") ""))
+ ;; Remove unneeded resources.
+ (delete-file "resources/mozilla-ca-certs.pem")
+ (delete-file "resources/calibre-portable.bat")
+ (delete-file "resources/calibre-portable.sh")))
+ (patches (search-patches "calibre-no-updates-dialog.patch"
+ "calibre-remove-test-sqlite.patch" ; TODO: fix test.
+ "calibre-remove-test-unrar.patch"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (list pkg-config
- qtbase-5 ; for qmake
+ (list bash-minimal
+ pkg-config
+ qtbase-5 ; for qmake
- `(("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("font-liberation" ,font-liberation)
- ("glib" ,glib)
- ("hunspell" ,hunspell)
- ("hyphen" ,hyphen)
- ("icu4c" ,icu4c)
- ("libmtp" ,libmtp)
- ("libpng" ,libpng)
- ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
- ("libjxr" ,libjxr)
- ("libusb" ,libusb)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("optipng" ,optipng)
- ("podofo" ,podofo)
- ("poppler" ,poppler)
- ("python-apsw" ,python-apsw)
- ("python-beautifulsoup4" ,python-beautifulsoup4)
- ("python-cchardet" ,python-cchardet)
- ("python-css-parser" ,python-css-parser)
- ("python-cssselect" ,python-cssselect)
- ("python-dateutil" ,python-dateutil)
- ("python-dbus" ,python-dbus)
- ("python-dnspython" ,python-dnspython-1.16)
- ("python-dukpy" ,python-dukpy)
- ("python-feedparser" ,python-feedparser)
- ("python-html2text" ,python-html2text)
- ("python-html5-parser" ,python-html5-parser)
- ("python-html5lib" ,python-html5lib)
- ("python-lxml" ,python-lxml)
- ("python-markdown" ,python-markdown)
- ("python-mechanize" ,python-mechanize)
- ;; python-msgpack is needed for the network content server to work.
- ("python-msgpack" ,python-msgpack)
- ("python-netifaces" ,python-netifaces)
- ("python-odfpy" ,python-odfpy)
- ("python-pillow" ,python-pillow)
- ("python-psutil" ,python-psutil)
- ("python-py7zr" ,python-py7zr)
- ("python-pychm" ,python-pychm)
- ("python-pycryptodome" ,python-pycryptodome)
- ("python-pygments" ,python-pygments)
- ("python-pyqt" ,python-pyqt)
- ("python-pyqtwebengine" ,python-pyqtwebengine)
- ("python-regex" ,python-regex)
- ("python-speechd" ,speech-dispatcher)
- ("python-zeroconf" ,python-zeroconf)
- ("qtwebengine" ,qtwebengine)
- ("sqlite" ,sqlite)))
+ (list fontconfig
+ font-liberation
+ glib
+ hunspell
+ hyphen
+ icu4c
+ libmtp
+ libpng
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libjxr
+ libstemmer
+ libusb
+ openssl
+ optipng
+ podofo
+ poppler
+ python-apsw
+ python-beautifulsoup4
+ python-cchardet
+ python-css-parser
+ python-cssselect
+ python-dateutil
+ python-dnspython-1.16
+ python-feedparser
+ python-html2text
+ python-html5-parser
+ python-html5lib
+ python-jeepney
+ python-lxml
+ python-markdown
+ python-mechanize
+ ;; python-msgpack is needed for the network content server to work.
+ python-msgpack
+ python-netifaces
+ python-odfpy
+ python-pillow
+ python-psutil
+ python-py7zr
+ python-pychm
+ python-pygments
+ python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit
+ python-pyqtwebengine
+ python-regex
+ speech-dispatcher
+ python-zeroconf
+ qtwebengine
+ sqlite))
- `(;; Calibre is using setuptools by itself, but the setup.py is not
- ;; compatible with the shim wrapper (taken from pip) we are using.
- #:use-setuptools? #f
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-source
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/calibre/linux.py"
- ;; We can't use the uninstaller in Guix. Don't build it.
- (("self\\.create_uninstaller()") ""))
- #t))
- (add-after 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-more-shebangs
- (lambda _
- ;; Patch various inline shebangs.
- (substitute* '("src/calibre/gui2/preferences/tweaks.py"
- "src/calibre/gui2/dialogs/custom_recipes.py"
- "setup/install.py"
- "setup/linux-installer.sh")
- (("#!/usr/bin/env python")
- (string-append "#!" (which "python")))
- (("#!/bin/sh")
- (string-append "#!" (which "sh"))))
- #t))
- (add-after 'unpack 'dont-load-remote-icons
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "setup/plugins_mirror.py"
- (("href=\"//calibre-ebook.com/favicon.ico\"")
- "href=\"favicon.ico\""))
- #t))
- (add-before 'build 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((podofo (assoc-ref inputs "podofo"))
- (pyqt (assoc-ref inputs "python-pyqt"))
- (python-sip (assoc-ref inputs "python-sip"))
- (out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (list
+ ;; Calibre is using setuptools by itself, but the setup.py is not
+ ;; compatible with the shim wrapper (taken from pip) we are using.
+ #:use-setuptools? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-source
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/calibre/linux.py"
+ ;; We can't use the uninstaller in Guix. Don't build it.
+ (("self\\.create_uninstaller()") ""))))
+ (add-after 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-more-shebangs
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Patch various inline shebangs.
+ (substitute* '("src/calibre/gui2/preferences/tweaks.py"
+ "src/calibre/gui2/dialogs/custom_recipes.py"
+ "setup/install.py"
+ "setup/linux-installer.sh")
+ (("#!/usr/bin/env python")
+ (string-append "#!" (search-input-file inputs "/bin/python")))
+ (("#!/bin/sh")
+ (string-append "#!"
+ (search-input-file native-inputs "/bin/sh"))))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'dont-load-remote-icons
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "setup/plugins_mirror.py"
+ (("href=\"//calibre-ebook.com/favicon.ico\"")
+ "href=\"favicon.ico\""))))
+ (add-before 'build 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(substitute* "setup/build.py"
tags = [\"WS_X11\"]")
(string-append "[tool.sip.project]
-sip-include-dirs = [\"" pyqt "/share/sip" "\"]")))
+sip-include-dirs = [\""
+ #$(this-package-input
+ "python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit")
+ "/share/sip\"]")))
(substitute* "src/calibre/ebooks/pdf/pdftohtml.py"
(("PDFTOHTML = 'pdftohtml'")
- (string-append "PDFTOHTML = \"" (assoc-ref inputs "poppler")
- "/bin/pdftohtml\"")))
- ;; get_exe_path looks in poppler's output for these binaries. Make
- ;; it not do that.
+ (string-append "PDFTOHTML = \""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/pdftohtml")
+ "\"")))
+ ;; get_exe_path looks in poppler's output for these
+ ;; binaries. Make it not do that.
(substitute* "src/calibre/utils/img.py"
- (("get_exe_path..jpegtran..") (string-append "'" (which "jpegtran") "'"))
- (("get_exe_path..cjpeg..") (string-append "'" (which "cjpeg") "'"))
- (("get_exe_path..optipng..") (string-append "'" (which "optipng") "'"))
- (("get_exe_path..JxrDecApp..") (string-append "'" (which "JxrDecApp") "'")))
+ (("get_exe_path..jpegtran..")
+ (string-append "'"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/jpegtran")
+ "'"))
+ (("get_exe_path..cjpeg..")
+ (string-append "'"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/cjpeg")
+ "'"))
+ (("get_exe_path..optipng..")
+ (string-append "'"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/optipng")
+ "'"))
+ (("get_exe_path..JxrDecApp..")
+ (string-append "'"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/JxrDecApp")
+ "'")))
;; Calibre thinks we are installing desktop files into a home
;; directory, but here we butcher the script in to installing
;; to calibres /share directory.
- (setenv "XDG_DATA_HOME" (string-append out "/share"))
+ (setenv "XDG_DATA_HOME" (string-append #$output "/share"))
(substitute* "src/calibre/linux.py"
(("'~/.local/share'") "''"))
;; 'python setup.py rapydscript' uses QtWebEngine, which
;; needs to create temporary files in $HOME.
(setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
;; XXX: QtWebEngine will fail if no fonts are available. This
;; can likely be removed when fontconfig has been patched to
;; include TrueType fonts by default.
- (symlink (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "font-liberation")
+ (symlink (string-append #$(this-package-input "font-liberation")
- (setenv "PODOFO_INC_DIR" (string-append podofo "/include/podofo"))
- (setenv "PODOFO_LIB_DIR" (string-append podofo "/lib"))
+ (let ((podofo #$(this-package-input "podofo")))
+ (setenv "PODOFO_INC_DIR"
+ (string-append podofo "/include/podofo"))
+ (setenv "PODOFO_LIB_DIR" (string-append podofo "/lib")))
;; This informs the tests we are a continuous integration
;; environment and thus have no networking.
(setenv "CI" "true")
- ;; The Qt test complains about being unable to load all image plugins, and I
- ;; notice the available plugins list it shows lacks 'svg'. Adding qtsvg doesn't
- ;; fix it, so I'm not sure how to fix it. TODO: Fix test and remove this.
- (setenv "SKIP_QT_BUILD_TEST" "true")
- #t)))
- (add-after 'install 'install-rapydscript
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; The Qt test complains about being unable to load all image
+ ;; plugins, and I notice the available plugins list it shows
+ ;; lacks 'svg'. Adding qtsvg doesn't fix it, so I'm not sure how
+ ;; to fix it. TODO: Fix test and remove this.
+ (setenv "SKIP_QT_BUILD_TEST" "true")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-rapydscript
+ (lambda _
;; Unset so QtWebengine doesn't dump temporary files here.
- (unsetenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
- (invoke "python" "setup.py" "rapydscript")
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'install-man-pages
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (copy-recursively
- "man-pages"
- (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/share/man"))
- #t))
- ;; The font TTF files are used in some miscellaneous tests, so we
- ;; unbundle them here to avoid patching the tests.
- (add-after 'install 'unbundle-font-liberation
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((font-dest (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/share/calibre/fonts/liberation"))
- (font-src (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "font-liberation")
- "/share/fonts/truetype")))
- (delete-file-recursively font-dest)
- (symlink font-src font-dest))
- #t))
- ;; Make run-time dependencies available to the binaries.
- (add-after 'wrap 'wrap-program
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (qtwebengine (assoc-ref inputs "qtwebengine")))
- (with-directory-excursion (string-append out "/bin")
- (for-each
- (lambda (binary)
- (wrap-program binary
- ;; Make QtWebEngineProcess available.
- ,(list (string-append
- qtwebengine
- "/lib/qt5/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess")))))
- ;; Wrap all the binaries shipping with the package, except
- ;; for the wrappings created during the 'wrap standard
- ;; phase. This extends existing .calibre-real wrappers
- ;; rather than create ..calibre-real-real-s. For more
- ;; information see: https://issues.guix.gnu.org/43249.
- (find-files "." (lambda (file stat)
- (not (wrapped-program? file)))))))
- #t)))))
+ (unsetenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
+ (invoke "python" "setup.py" "rapydscript")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-man-pages
+ (lambda _
+ (copy-recursively "man-pages"
+ (string-append #$output "/share/man"))))
+ ;; The font TTF files are used in some miscellaneous tests, so we
+ ;; unbundle them here to avoid patching the tests.
+ (add-after 'install 'unbundle-font-liberation
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((font-dest
+ (string-append #$output "/share/calibre/fonts/liberation"))
+ (font-src
+ (string-append #$(this-package-input "font-liberation")
+ "/share/fonts/truetype")))
+ (delete-file-recursively font-dest)
+ (symlink font-src font-dest))))
+ ;; Make run-time dependencies available to the binaries.
+ (add-after 'wrap 'wrap-program
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion (string-append #$output "/bin")
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (binary)
+ (wrap-program binary
+ ;; Make QtWebEngineProcess available.
+ ,(list
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs "/lib/qt5/libexec/QtWebEngineProcess")))))
+ ;; Wrap all the binaries shipping with the package, except
+ ;; for the wrappings created during the 'wrap standard
+ ;; phase. This extends existing .calibre-real wrappers
+ ;; rather than create ..calibre-real-real-s. For more
+ ;; information see: https://issues.guix.gnu.org/43249.
+ (find-files "." (lambda (file stat)
+ (not (wrapped-program? file)))))))))))
(home-page "https://calibre-ebook.com/")
(synopsis "E-book library management software")
(description "Calibre is an e-book library manager. It can view, convert
@@ -515,7 +518,7 @@ following formats:
(define-public cozy
(name "cozy")
- (version "1.1.2")
+ (version "1.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -524,7 +527,7 @@ following formats:
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0hifzzhhf0ww6iar9gswjfndy3i54s6jc41zaazlx4scc7r6fhs0"))))
+ (base32 "0igqf9b77i13sxlk4ziw549h379hmz1slrb3vvf8irk94gxabsaw"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
`(#:glib-or-gtk? #t
@@ -559,15 +562,16 @@ following formats:
`("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH" ":" prefix (,gst-plugin-path))
`("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" prefix (,python-path ,pylib)))))))))
- `(("desktop-file-utils" ,desktop-file-utils)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("glib:bin" ,glib "bin")
- ("gobject-introspection" ,gobject-introspection)
- ("gtk+:bin" ,gtk+ "bin")
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)))
+ (list desktop-file-utils
+ gettext-minimal
+ `(,glib "bin")
+ gobject-introspection
+ `(,gtk+ "bin")
+ pkg-config
+ python-wrapper))
- (list file
+ (list bash-minimal
+ file
@@ -608,7 +612,7 @@ Some of the current features:
@item Mpris integration (Media keys & playback info for desktop environment)
@end itemize")
;; TODO: Unbundle python-inject.
- (license (list license:gpl3+ ;cozy
+ (license (list license:gpl3+ ;cozy
license:asl2.0)))) ;python-inject (bundled dependency)
(define-public xchm
diff --git a/gnu/packages/education.scm b/gnu/packages/education.scm
index 1e19d83fc1..7c3e59117a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/education.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/education.scm
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ of categories with some of the activities available in that category.
(define-public gcompris-qt
(name "gcompris-qt")
- (version "2.1")
+ (version "2.3")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ of categories with some of the activities available in that category.
version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "02j3xv8sa3s5g50zs15wy2giabmhg1q0b8ar73q3fpwvxkz9hcwn"))))
+ (base32 "0qncknaaf168anh4cjp7dqz6qzgx948kvgr32j2vga8mjakqn1aj"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ stored and user can review his performance in any time.")
("python-pyaudio" ,python-pyaudio)
;; `python-pyqtwebengine' must precede `python-pyqt' in PYTHONPATH.
("python-pyqtwebengine" ,python-pyqtwebengine)
- ("python-pyqt" ,python-pyqt)
+ ("python-pyqt" ,python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit)
("python-requests" ,python-requests)
("python-send2trash" ,python-send2trash)
("python-sip" ,python-sip)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/electronics.scm b/gnu/packages/electronics.scm
index 54f246faa6..ab72c36563 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/electronics.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/electronics.scm
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -21,11 +22,12 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gnu packages electronics)
- #:use-module (guix utils)
- #:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
@@ -34,11 +36,14 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages c)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages documentation)
#:use-module (gnu packages embedded)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages fontutils)
#:use-module (gnu packages gawk)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gl)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
#:use-module (gnu packages graphviz)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
@@ -48,7 +53,11 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages m4)
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
- #:use-module (gnu packages qt))
+ #:use-module (gnu packages qt)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages sdl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages sqlite)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages stb)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages toolkits))
(define-public libserialport
@@ -240,6 +249,104 @@ supported devices, as well as input/output file format support.")
(description "Sigrok-cli is a command-line frontend for sigrok.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public openboardview
+ (package
+ (name "openboardview")
+ (version "8.95.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/OpenBoardView/OpenBoardView")
+ (commit version)
+ (recursive? #t))) ;for the "src/imgui" submodule
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (modules '((ice-9 ftw)
+ (srfi srfi-26)
+ (guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(with-directory-excursion "src"
+ (define keep (list "." ".." "openboardview"))
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (when (eq? 'directory (stat:type (lstat f)))
+ (delete-file-recursively f)))
+ (scandir "." (negate (cut member <> keep))))))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches "openboardview-use-system-imgui.patch"
+ "openboardview-use-system-utf8.patch"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1n2yfi8wpky0y231kq2zdgwn7f7kff8m53m904hxi5ppmwhx1d6q"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test suite
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system)
+ ,@%cmake-build-system-modules)
+ #:modules '((guix build cmake-build-system)
+ (guix build utils)
+ ((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system) #:prefix gtk:))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'configure-glad
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("add_subdirectory\\(glad\\)")
+ (string-append
+ ;; Configure Glad to use static Khronos XML specifications
+ ;; instead of attempting to fetch them from the Internet.
+ "option(GLAD_REPRODUCIBLE \"Reproducible build\" ON)\n"
+ ;; Use the CMake files from our glad package.
+ "add_subdirectory("
+ (search-input-directory inputs "share/glad") ;source_dir
+ " src/glad)\n"))))) ;binary dir
+ (add-before 'configure 'fix-utf8-include-directive
+ ;; Our utf8-h package makes the header available as "utf8.h"
+ ;; directly rather than "utf8/utf8.h".
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("src/openboardview/FileFormats/BRDFile.cpp"
+ "src/openboardview/BoardView.cpp")
+ (("utf8/utf8.h") "utf8.h"))))
+ (add-before 'configure 'dynamically-load-gtk-via-absolute-path
+ ;; The GTK library is not linked thus not present in the RUNPATH of
+ ;; the produced binary; the absolute path of the libraries must to
+ ;; the dynamic loader otherwise they aren't found.
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/openboardview/unix.cpp"
+ (("libgtk-3.so")
+ (search-input-file inputs "lib/libgtk-3.so")))))
+ ;; Add the two extra phases from `glib-or-gtk-build-system'.
+ (add-after 'install 'glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas
+ (assoc-ref gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas))
+ (add-after 'install 'glib-or-gtk-wrap
+ (assoc-ref gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-wrap)))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list pkg-config
+ python
+ glad
+ stb-image
+ utf8-h))
+ (inputs
+ (list fontconfig
+ gtk+
+ imgui
+ sdl2
+ sqlite
+ zlib))
+ (home-page "https://openboardview.org/")
+ (synopsis "Viewer for BoardView files")
+ (description "OpenBoardView is a viewer for BoardView files, which present
+the details of a printed circuit board (PCB). It comes with features
+such as:
+@item Dynamic part outline rendering, including complex connectors
+@item Annotations, for leaving notes about parts, nets, pins or location
+@item Configurable colour themes
+@item Configurable DPI to facilitate usage on 4K monitors
+@item Configurable for running on slower systems
+@item Reads FZ (with key), BRD, BRD2, BDV and BV* formats.
+@end itemize")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public pulseview
(name "pulseview")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/elf.scm b/gnu/packages/elf.scm
index d4f75c9726..414d6a2856 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/elf.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/elf.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
@@ -98,7 +98,14 @@
(lambda _
(substitute* "tests/Makefile.in"
(("run-backtrace-native.sh") ""))
- #t)))))
+ #t))
+ ,@(if (target-riscv64?)
+ `((add-after 'unpack 'disable-failing-riscv64-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; dwfl_thread_getframes: No DWARF information found
+ (substitute* "tests/Makefile.in"
+ (("run-backtrace-dwarf.sh") "")))))
+ '()))))
(native-inputs (list m4))
(inputs (list zlib))
@@ -274,4 +281,7 @@ static analysis of the ELF binaries at hand.")
"PatchELF allows the ELF \"interpreter\" and RPATH of an ELF binary to be
+ ;; This can probably be removed with the next release.
+ (properties
+ '((release-monitoring-url . "https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/releases")))
(license gpl3+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/elixir.scm b/gnu/packages/elixir.scm
index 87177acce0..1336a99a0b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/elixir.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/elixir.scm
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
(define-module (gnu packages elixir)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
(define-public elixir
(name "elixir")
- (version "1.12.3")
+ (version "1.13.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -44,59 +45,58 @@
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "07fisdx755cgyghwy95gvdds38sh138z56biariml18jjw5mk3r6"))
+ (base32 "1d3mk7abn3rk536vmsfbm4smj52rljff6s40sndg0i7p6dl3kzxa"))
(patches (search-patches "elixir-path-length.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:test-target "test"
- #:parallel-tests? #f ;see <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=32171#23>
- #:make-flags (list (string-append "PREFIX="
- (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'make-git-checkout-writable
- (lambda _
- (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "."))))
- (add-after 'make-git-checkout-writable 'replace-paths
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (substitute* '("lib/elixir/lib/system.ex"
- "lib/mix/lib/mix/scm/git.ex")
- (("(cmd\\(['\"])git" _ prefix)
- (string-append prefix (which "git"))))
- (substitute* '("lib/mix/lib/mix/release.ex"
- "lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/release.init.ex")
- (("#!/bin/sh")
- (string-append "#!" (which "sh"))))
- (substitute* "bin/elixir"
- (("ERTS_BIN=")
- (string-append
- ;; Elixir Releases will prepend to ERTS_BIN the path of a copy of erl.
- ;; We detect if a release is being generated by checking the initial ERTS_BIN
- ;; value: if it's empty, we are not in release mode and can point to the actual
- ;; erl binary in Guix store.
- "\nif [ -z \"$ERTS_BIN\" ]; then ERTS_BIN="
- (string-drop-right (which "erl") 3)
- "; fi")))
- (substitute* "bin/mix"
- (("#!/usr/bin/env elixir")
- (string-append "#!" out "/bin/elixir"))))))
- (add-before 'build 'make-current
- ;; The Elixir compiler checks whether or not to compile files by
- ;; inspecting their timestamps. When the timestamp is equal to the
- ;; epoch no compilation will be performed. Some tests fail when
- ;; files are older than Jan 1, 2000.
- (lambda _
- (for-each (lambda (file)
- (let ((recent 1400000000))
- (utime file recent recent 0 0)))
- (find-files "." ".*"))))
- (add-before 'check 'set-home
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Some tests require access to a home directory.
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")))
- (delete 'configure))))
+ (list
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:parallel-tests? #f ;see <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=32171#23>
+ #:make-flags #~(list (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'make-git-checkout-writable
+ (lambda _
+ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "."))))
+ (add-after 'make-git-checkout-writable 'replace-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Note: references end up obfuscated in binary BEAM files where
+ ;; they may be invisible to the GC and graft code:
+ ;; <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/54304#11>.
+ (substitute* '("lib/mix/lib/mix/release.ex"
+ "lib/mix/lib/mix/tasks/release.init.ex")
+ (("#!/bin/sh")
+ (string-append "#!" (search-input-file inputs "/bin/sh"))))
+ (substitute* "bin/elixir"
+ (("ERTS_BIN=\n")
+ (string-append
+ ;; Elixir Releases will prepend to ERTS_BIN the path of
+ ;; a copy of erl. We detect if a release is being generated
+ ;; by checking the initial ERTS_BIN value: if it's empty, we
+ ;; are not in release mode and can point to the actual erl
+ ;; binary in Guix store.
+ "\nif [ -z \"$ERTS_BIN\" ]; then ERTS_BIN="
+ (string-drop-right (search-input-file inputs "/bin/erl") 3)
+ "; fi\n")))
+ (substitute* "bin/mix"
+ (("#!/usr/bin/env elixir")
+ (string-append "#!" #$output "/bin/elixir")))))
+ (add-before 'build 'make-current
+ ;; The Elixir compiler checks whether or not to compile files by
+ ;; inspecting their timestamps. When the timestamp is equal to the
+ ;; epoch no compilation will be performed. Some tests fail when
+ ;; files are older than Jan 1, 2000.
+ (lambda _
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (let ((recent 1400000000))
+ (utime file recent recent 0 0)))
+ (find-files "." ".*"))))
+ (add-before 'check 'set-home
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Some tests require access to a home directory.
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")))
+ (delete 'configure))))
(list erlang git))
(home-page "https://elixir-lang.org/")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm
index 9d9adbb1e5..42fc13f4c2 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Evan Straw <evan.straw99@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Masaya Tojo <masaya@tojo.tokyo>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Martin Becze <mjbecze@riseup.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020 6033fe7de85d <6033fe7de85d@airmail.cc>
;;; Copyright © 2020 John Soo <jsoo1@asu.edu>
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brian Kubisiak <brian@kubisiak.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Taiju HIGASHI <higashi@taiju.info>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Brandon Lucas <br@ndon.dk>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages djvu)
#:use-module (gnu packages ebook)
#:use-module (gnu packages emacs)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages fonts)
#:use-module (gnu packages freedesktop)
#:use-module (gnu packages golang)
#:use-module (gnu packages guile)
@@ -239,7 +241,7 @@
(define-public emacs-geiser
(name "emacs-geiser")
- (version "0.22.1")
+ (version "0.23.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -248,7 +250,7 @@
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0q46lp73l0c975qzyn1hkvwcw5xf2sz5dpjgvb66msndyg71y495"))))
+ (base32 "1lvnk71fb4qkh8a7h7spsdhmc9nnj1lwgp9wr3c2fgzjqsl62kgr"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -288,7 +290,7 @@ e.g. emacs-geiser-guile for Guile.")
(define-public emacs-geiser-guile
(name "emacs-geiser-guile")
- (version "0.21.1")
+ (version "0.23")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -297,7 +299,7 @@ e.g. emacs-geiser-guile for Guile.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0fk5rr7mjmb4waiagi80dhddas5mrsgqr0flag5v5b0piblixxq6"))))
+ (base32 "1v9f90smnk41nz1pjy5mwz199y8p4qar3llgaryzxr7s4wg2v9wi"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -389,23 +391,22 @@ a generic Scheme interaction mode for the GNU Emacs editor.")
(base32 "1aqsvmk1hi7kc3j4h8xlza7c6rwm71v98fv5wpw8kmyj9vsp49wx"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- '(#:include (cons "^src/" %default-include)
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'make-autoloads 'patch-autoloads
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* (string-append
- (elpa-directory (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- "/geiser-racket-autoloads.el")
- ;; Activating implementations fails when Geiser is not yet
- ;; loaded, so let's defer that until it is.
- (("\\(geiser-activate-implementation .*\\)" all)
- (string-append
- "(eval-after-load 'geiser-impl '" all ")"))
- (("\\(geiser-implementation-extension .*\\)" all)
- (string-append
- "(eval-after-load 'geiser-impl '" all ")")))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:include #~(cons "^src/" %default-include)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'make-autoloads 'patch-autoloads
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (string-append (elpa-directory #$output)
+ "/geiser-racket-autoloads.el")
+ ;; Activating implementations fails when Geiser is not yet
+ ;; loaded, so let's defer that until it is.
+ (("\\(geiser-activate-implementation .*\\)" all)
+ (string-append
+ "(eval-after-load 'geiser-impl '" all ")"))
+ (("\\(geiser-implementation-extension .*\\)" all)
+ (string-append
+ "(eval-after-load 'geiser-impl '" all ")"))))))))
(list racket))
@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ a generic Scheme interaction mode for the GNU Emacs editor.")
"(eval-after-load 'geiser-impl '" all ")"))))))))
- (list chez-scheme))
+ (list (chez-scheme-for-system)))
(list emacs-geiser))
(home-page "https://nongnu.org/geiser/")
@@ -659,6 +660,34 @@ expression navigating and manipulating. It supports many major modes
out of the box.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-spaceline-all-the-icons
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-spaceline-all-the-icons")
+ (version "1.4.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/domtronn/spaceline-all-the-icons.el")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "186v71d8n1iy73drayyf57pyzlz973q74mazkyvb8w3fj8bb3llm"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-all-the-icons
+ emacs-memoize
+ emacs-spaceline))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/domtronn/spaceline-all-the-icons.el")
+ (synopsis
+ "Theme for @code{emacs-spaceline} using @code{emacs-all-the-icons}")
+ (description
+ "This package is a theme for @code{emacs-spaceline} that recreates most
+of the segments available in that package using icons from
+@code{emacs-all-the-icons}. Icon fonts allow for more tailored and detailed
+information in the mode line.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public emacs-project
(name "emacs-project")
@@ -703,7 +732,7 @@ configuration files, such as @file{.gitattributes}, @file{.gitignore}, and
(define-public emacs-with-editor
(name "emacs-with-editor")
- (version "3.1.1")
+ (version "3.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -712,20 +741,21 @@ configuration files, such as @file{.gitattributes}, @file{.gitignore}, and
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "06a66119rp5vfqdzqk10df3qyh9jvjl6j3pqm03jy0b110v2bfa8"))))
+ (base32 "1d98hagpm6h5vgx80qlh3zrfcb6z000rfc707w9zzmh634dkg3xx"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'enter-lisp-directory
- (lambda _
- (chdir "lisp")))
- (add-before 'install 'make-info
- (lambda _
- (with-directory-excursion "../docs"
- (invoke "makeinfo" "--no-split"
- "-o" "with-editor.info" "with-editor.texi")
- (install-file "with-editor.info" "../lisp")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'enter-lisp-directory
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "lisp")))
+ (add-before 'install 'make-info
+ (lambda _
+ (with-directory-excursion "../docs"
+ (invoke "makeinfo" "--no-split"
+ "-o" "with-editor.info" "with-editor.texi")
+ (install-file "with-editor.info" "../lisp")))))))
(list texinfo))
@@ -965,6 +995,29 @@ process, passing on the arguments as command line arguments.")
"Magit-annex adds a few git-annex operations to the Magit interface.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-mct
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-mct")
+ (version "0.5.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://gitlab.com/protesilaos/mct")
+ (commit version)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0714n5nim0hyd5jywvvddka2gi2bhi1vkrbhx75mdn8h50r688kq"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://protesilaos.com/emacs/mct")
+ (synopsis "Enhancement of the default Emacs minibuffer completion UI")
+ (description "Minibuffer and Completions in Tandem, also known as MCT, or
+mct.el, is an Emacs package that enhances the default minibuffer and
+@samp{*Completions*} buffer so that they work together as part of a unified
+framework. The idea is to make the presentation and overall functionality be
+consistent with other popular, vertically aligned completion UIs while
+leveraging built-in functionality.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-minions
(name "emacs-minions")
@@ -997,10 +1050,35 @@ Alternatively the menu can be bound globally, for example:
@code{(global-set-key [S-down-mouse-3] 'minions-minor-modes-menu)}.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-nano-modeline
+ ;; No tagged release upstream, this commit is a couple of commits newer than
+ ;; 0.5 because of an error related to make-obsolete-variable
+ (let ((commit "c5bf2a977f1a06936ceb7a1805d1e2cf1f92f616")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-nano-modeline")
+ (version (git-version "0.5" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/rougier/nano-modeline")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "02c38v9a71wc9p10pjnqymyaqk4sf3nc5i7df1j9qr5qrqwniq89"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rougier/nano-modeline")
+ (synopsis "Emacs minor mode controlling mode line")
+ (description "Nano modeline is a minor mode for Emacs that modifies the
+mode line as @samp{[ status | name (primary) secondary ]}. It can be
+displayed at the bottom or at the top.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-moody
(name "emacs-moody")
- (version "0.7.0")
+ (version "0.7.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1009,7 +1087,7 @@ Alternatively the menu can be bound globally, for example:
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1xzi93hp4jrxqi3x31cpx4ff1yh2gq9y7qvv65gj19cfk9a0da88"))))
+ (base32 "09yyihx6cpa724z6cj2rqspajwj325ipgpmckklpgq6l4h5xnwy4"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/tarsius/moody")
(synopsis "Tabs and ribbons for Emacs mode-line")
@@ -1040,20 +1118,22 @@ then only the color of the mode line changes when a window becomes in-/active.")
(base32 "10gkg7jh1s1484gm66a87zr7x8vmv00s7gfd0w2pj47nqf98g8hz"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(
- ;; Include Pywal interaction scripts.
- #:include (cons "^python/" %default-include)
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-exec-paths
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((files '("theme-magic.el" "python/wal_change_colors.py"))
- (python (assoc-ref inputs "python"))
- (python-pywal (assoc-ref inputs "python-pywal")))
- (substitute* files
- (("\"python\"") (string-append "\"" python "/bin/python3\""))
- (("\"wal\"") (string-append "\"" python-pywal "/bin/wal\""))))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ ;; Include Pywal interaction scripts.
+ #:include #~(cons "^python/" %default-include)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-exec-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* '("theme-magic.el" "python/wal_change_colors.py")
+ (("\"python\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/python3")
+ "\""))
+ (("\"wal\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/wal")
+ "\""))))))))
(list python python-pywal))
(home-page "https://github.com/jcaw/theme-magic")
@@ -1164,8 +1244,7 @@ you will die. The game builds the list of words from the active buffer.")
;; Remove examples file with references to external packages as
;; they do not exist at compilation time.
- '(begin (delete-file "examples.el")
- #t))
+ '(begin (delete-file "examples.el")))
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/vermiculus/graphql.el")
@@ -1239,7 +1318,7 @@ organizing remote Go repository clones.")
(define-public emacs-ghub
(name "emacs-ghub")
- (version "3.5.4")
+ (version "3.5.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1248,14 +1327,28 @@ organizing remote Go repository clones.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1bc5z63ylb0ir5v9qngyl50svmlfd6hx9lv1ladwywncdpsslls8"))))
+ (base32 "1px27nh4cr3r16qmvig72jdirjzllvm2m4dzm59kfznhg3rf7vj0"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'make-info
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" "info"))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'make-info
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "make" "info")))
+ (add-after 'make-info 'enter-lisp-directory
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "lisp")))
+ (add-after 'expand-load-path 'add-el-dir-to-emacs-load-path
+ (lambda _
+ (string-append (getcwd)
+ "/lisp:"
+ (getenv "EMACSLOADPATH")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-info
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((info (string-append #$output "/share/info")))
+ (install-file "../docs/ghub.info" info)))))))
(list texinfo))
@@ -1407,13 +1500,13 @@ a constant work in progress as the language itself also progresses.")
(list emacs-dash emacs-org emacs-s emacs-hydra emacs-use-package))
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'require-hydra
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "unpackaged.el"
- ((";;; Code:") ";;; Code:\n(require 'hydra)"))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'require-hydra
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "unpackaged.el"
+ ((";;; Code:") ";;; Code:\n(require 'hydra)")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/alphapapa/unpackaged.el")
(synopsis "Useful snippets of Emacs Lisp code")
(description "This package provides Emacs Lisp utilities for a variety
@@ -1562,20 +1655,22 @@ supports type hints, definition-jumping, completion, and more.")
(list emacs-shut-up))
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'change-flycheck-version
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "flycheck.el"
- (("\\(pkg-info-version-info 'flycheck\\)")
- (string-append "\"" ,version "\"")))
- #t)))
- ;; TODO: many failing tests
- #:tests? #f
- #:test-command '("emacs" "-Q" "--batch" "-L" "."
- "--load" "test/flycheck-test"
- "--load" "test/run.el"
- "-f" "flycheck-run-tests-main")))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'change-flycheck-version
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "flycheck.el"
+ (("\\(pkg-info-version-info 'flycheck\\)")
+ (string-append "\"" #$version "\""))))))
+ ;; TODO: many failing tests
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:test-command
+ #~(list "emacs" "-Q" "--batch"
+ "-L" "."
+ "--load" "test/flycheck-test"
+ "--load" "test/run.el"
+ "-f" "flycheck-run-tests-main")))
(home-page "https://www.flycheck.org")
(synopsis "On-the-fly syntax checking")
@@ -1930,12 +2025,12 @@ optional minor mode which can apply this command automatically on save.")
;; Delete the Cask test runners.
- (for-each delete-file '("Cask" "test/test-helper.el"))
- #t))))
+ (for-each delete-file '("Cask" "test/test-helper.el"))))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:test-command '("ert-runner")))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "ert-runner")))
(list emacs-ert-runner))
@@ -2138,14 +2233,14 @@ incrementally confined in Isearch manner.")
(define emacs-emms-print-metadata
(name "emacs-emms-print-metadata")
- (version "8")
+ (version "10")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"emms-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "1iffh6n8q9xag25m9bgnpywa27bkdvvz2gr500hdgwwddgdm4pq8"))))
+ (base32 "1lgjw9p799sl7nqnl2sk4g67ra10z2ldygx9kb8pmxjrx64mi3qm"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:make-flags '("emms-print-metadata")
@@ -2343,14 +2438,14 @@ directories or regex patterns.")
(define-public emacs-bbdb
(name "emacs-bbdb")
- (version "3.2")
+ (version "3.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"bbdb-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "1p56dg0mja2b2figy7yhdx714zd5j6njzn0k07zjka3jc06izvjx"))))
+ (base32 "01vsnifs47krq1srgdkk9agbv3p2fykl9nydr4nrfjxbqpnyh3ij"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
;; XXX: The following file cannot be byte-compiled, because et requires
@@ -2366,6 +2461,28 @@ like. It can be linked with various Emacs mail clients (Message and Mail
mode, Rmail, Gnus, MH-E, and VM). BBDB is fully customizable.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-beacon
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-beacon")
+ (version "1.3.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Malabarba/beacon")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0mypzfasclq7bmw0i8hfyp8c1ycd3kdgd5h1faygzh9r0phh7ciy"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Malabarba/beacon")
+ (synopsis "Emacs minor mode creating a light that follows your cursor around")
+ (description
+ "Beacon is an Emacs minor-mode. Whenever the window scrolls a light will
+shine on top of your cursor so you know where it is.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-counsel-bbdb
(name "emacs-counsel-bbdb")
@@ -2592,6 +2709,35 @@ expressions, editing the search results directly and searching file names
rather than the contents of files.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-aio
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-aio")
+ (version "1.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/skeeto/emacs-aio")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1y7j10j74r3fy0rcb8g3cm9nlls34qb0pz9xkia7psp77syrlz54"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #t
+ #:test-command '("emacs" "--batch"
+ "-l" "aio-test.el"
+ "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-elfeed emacs-skewer-mode))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/skeeto/emacs-aio")
+ (synopsis "Async/Await for Emacs Lisp")
+ (description "@code{aio} is to Emacs Lisp as @code{asyncio} is to
+Python. This package builds upon Emacs generators to provide functions that
+pause while they wait on asynchronous events. They do not block any thread
+while paused.")
+ (license license:unlicense)))
(define-public emacs-async
(name "emacs-async")
@@ -2618,14 +2764,14 @@ as a library for other Emacs packages.")
(define-public emacs-auctex
(name "emacs-auctex")
- (version "13.0.16")
+ (version "13.1.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"auctex-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "1r9piq4js45knw8sf73kk8jjinmx4m2mdinc98xrklnwcffw7hjf"))))
+ (base32 "193sqq2wiq3lg99m8hifl9rjxdazpy638r99sqvmxmkfm98cr34r"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
;; We use 'emacs' because AUCTeX requires dbus at compile time
;; ('emacs-minimal' does not provide dbus).
@@ -2701,14 +2847,14 @@ a set of simplified face specifications and a user-supplied color palette")
(define-public emacs-howm
(name "emacs-howm")
- (version "1.4.7")
+ (version "1.4.8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://howm.sourceforge.jp/a/"
"howm-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "11k0dzwyn7ly34g0zcd6i0i8qwyv9di8m6fx805axrxykxb0qan2"))))
+ (base32 "0i5pfnvy130fzk8w62301vgsqf1y22chwhjgnm5hjxr9y0kw5ii4"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list emacs-minimal))
@@ -2826,7 +2972,7 @@ Lock key.")
(define-public emacs-chronometrist
(name "emacs-chronometrist")
- (version "0.9.0")
+ (version "0.10.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2835,29 +2981,29 @@ Lock key.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "156hj3sxjcfpwimnrykh4n3krkbzas9jg8m6xzy42rnzhx28ja6k"))))
+ (base32 "0qpkpkipmac24m3ng4ahsml3vi15qcvmid3g02pbpgbpc113zfpl"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'chdir-elisp
- ;; Elisp directory is not in root of the source.
- (lambda _
- (chdir "elisp")))
- (add-after 'install 'install-doc
- ;; Documentation consists of several Markdown files.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (doc (string-append out
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir-elisp
+ ;; Elisp directory is not in root of the source.
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "elisp")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-doc
+ ;; Documentation consists of several Markdown files.
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((doc (string-append #$output
- ,version)))
- (with-directory-excursion "../doc"
- (for-each (lambda (f) (install-file f doc))
- (cons* "../UNLICENSE"
- "../WTFPL"
- (find-files "." "\\.md$"))))))))))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list emacs-dash emacs-s emacs-spark emacs-ts))
+ #$version)))
+ (with-directory-excursion "../doc"
+ (for-each (lambda (f) (install-file f doc))
+ (cons* "../UNLICENSE"
+ "../WTFPL"
+ (find-files "." "\\.md$"))))))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-alert emacs-dash emacs-s emacs-spark emacs-ts))
(home-page "https://github.com/contrapunctus-1/chronometrist")
(synopsis "Time tracker for Emacs")
(description "Chronometrist is a time tracker in Emacs, largely modelled
@@ -2909,7 +3055,7 @@ of bibliographic references.")
(define-public emacs-corfu
(name "emacs-corfu")
- (version "0.17")
+ (version "0.20")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2918,7 +3064,7 @@ of bibliographic references.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1jj38ik0mr33kqpc1i6hw5hqw43lz9f4nn8zsmw03crlcjf767lh"))))
+ (base32 "14hz2frz55smzhamynkahys2m4qbm9pha9w9v2rwaffw89jg6ia9"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/minad/corfu")
(synopsis "Completion overlay region function")
@@ -2931,7 +3077,7 @@ overlay below or above the point. Corfu can be considered the minimalistic
(define-public emacs-cape
(name "emacs-cape")
- (version "0.5")
+ (version "0.7")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2940,7 +3086,7 @@ overlay below or above the point. Corfu can be considered the minimalistic
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0780qymlrg3glyxypizqzwicp5ly5xavxgpmayhx8cxlgp2zlkjh"))))
+ (base32 "0731c55bb1vxdh8k7312z1bvf7g8jwr2n04q3ffpqp0fan6ra025"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/minad/cape")
(synopsis "Completion at point extensions for Emacs")
@@ -3092,32 +3238,44 @@ current match, total matches and exit status.
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-go-mode
- (package
- (name "emacs-go-mode")
- (version "1.5.0")
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1nd2h50yb0493wvf1h7fzplq45rmqn2w7kxpgnlxzhkvq99v8vzf"))))
- (build-system emacs-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'make-writable
- (lambda _
- (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "." "\\.el$"))
- #t)))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el")
- (synopsis "Go mode for Emacs")
- (description
- "This package provides go-mode, an Emacs mode for working with software
+ ;; XXX: Upstream did not tag last release. The commit below matches version
+ ;; bump.
+ (let ((commit "3273fcece5d9ab7edd4f15b2d6bce61f4e5a0666"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-go-mode")
+ (version "1.6.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "00qzn136d8cl3szbi44xf3iiv75r6n1m7wwgldmzn4i5mpz8dbq7"))))
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "ert-runner")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'fix-tests
+ ;; Two tests fail because they (wrongly) assume we run them from
+ ;; the "test" sub-directory. Fix their expectations.
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((test-file "test/go-indentation-test.el"))
+ (make-file-writable test-file)
+ (substitute* test-file
+ (("testdata/indentation_tests/" all)
+ (string-append "test/" all)))))))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list emacs-ert-runner))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el")
+ (synopsis "Go mode for Emacs")
+ (description
+ "This package provides go-mode, an Emacs mode for working with software
written in the Go programming language.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
+ (license license:bsd-3))))
(define-public emacs-google-maps
;; There has been no new release tag since 2013.
@@ -3157,26 +3315,25 @@ directly inside Emacs. It requires a Google Map Static API key to function.")
(base32 "1v1p85wk73nfsvv66qf90flgf9dqhmv15z1r7q4zmc4ifklqn08m"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'make-info
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (with-directory-excursion "texinfo"
- (substitute* "Makefile"
- (("\\/usr\\/bin\\/gzip")
- (search-input-file inputs "/bin/gzip")))
- (invoke "make"
- "clean"
- "info"
- (string-append "TEXINFODIR="
- (assoc-ref inputs "texinfo")
- "/bin")))))
- (add-after 'install 'install-info
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (info (string-append out "/share/info")))
- (install-file "texinfo/graphviz-dot-mode.info.gz" info)
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'make-info
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion "texinfo"
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ (("\\/usr\\/bin\\/gzip")
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/gzip")))
+ (invoke "make"
+ "clean"
+ "info"
+ (string-append "TEXINFODIR="
+ #$(this-package-native-input "texinfo")
+ "/bin")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-info
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((info (string-append #$output "/share/info")))
+ (install-file "texinfo/graphviz-dot-mode.info.gz" info)))))))
(list gzip texinfo))
@@ -3291,22 +3448,30 @@ filters, new key bindings and faces. It can be enabled by
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(inputs (list djview djvulibre))
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((file "djvu.el")
- (djview (assoc-ref inputs "djview"))
- (djvulibre (assoc-ref inputs "djvulibre")))
- ;; Specify the absolute executable locations.
- (chmod file #o644)
- (substitute* file
- (("\"djvused\"") (string-append "\"" djvulibre "/bin/djvused\""))
- (("\"djvm\"") (string-append "\"" djvulibre "/bin/djvm\""))
- (("\"ddjvu\"") (string-append "\"" djvulibre "/bin/ddjvu\"")))
- (emacs-substitute-variables file
- ("djvu-djview-command" (string-append djview "/bin/djview"))))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((file "djvu.el"))
+ ;; Specify the absolute executable locations.
+ (make-file-writable file)
+ (substitute* file
+ (("\"djvused\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/djvused")
+ "\""))
+ (("\"djvm\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/djvm")
+ "\""))
+ (("\"ddjvu\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/ddjvu")
+ "\"")))
+ (emacs-substitute-variables file
+ ("djvu-djview-command"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/djview")))))))))
(home-page "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/djvu.html")
(synopsis "Edit and view Djvu files via djvused")
@@ -3743,10 +3908,11 @@ and limited version of the images provided by the KanjiVG project.")
(base32 "0jv9yfsncgf96308c041hvps3jlc151xb0aipm0vasbma3x83ygm"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'enter-lisp-directory
- (lambda _ (chdir "lisp") #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'enter-lisp-directory
+ (lambda _ (chdir "lisp"))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/slotThe/kbd-mode")
(synopsis "Minor mode for syntax highlighting kmonad's @file{.kbd} files")
@@ -3757,7 +3923,7 @@ kmonad's configuration files (@file{.kbd}).")
(define-public emacs-keycast
(name "emacs-keycast")
- (version "1.1.3")
+ (version "1.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -3766,7 +3932,7 @@ kmonad's configuration files (@file{.kbd}).")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0s31b3kal4j08waa2fwz5d6269wsdywb60a7h4r5vzsrr238lks3"))))
+ (base32 "01z20lsnjk8pwdsl4vx5dqdc4603bmb7fxan7n8j1fgvkvi63yzl"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/tarsius/keycast")
(synopsis "Show current command and its key in the mode line")
@@ -3884,15 +4050,15 @@ allowing you to visit all previous states of the document if you need.")
(base32 "04wq1alrzzlidcb4mjb5j7pg68pks1vgv7kvvmi6dzb3l602mb2a"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:test-command '("emacs" "--batch" "-l" "undo-fu-session.el"
- "-l" "undo-fu-session-test.el")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'set-home
- (lambda _
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "emacs" "--batch" "-l" "undo-fu-session.el"
+ "-l" "undo-fu-session-test.el")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'set-home
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))
(home-page "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-undo-fu-session")
(synopsis "Save & recover undo steps between Emacs sessions")
(description "This package writes undo/redo information upon file save
@@ -4187,7 +4353,7 @@ window.")
(define-public emacs-git-link
(name "emacs-git-link")
- (version "0.8.3")
+ (version "0.8.6")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4196,11 +4362,12 @@ window.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0l7xmvmj5s93hc39wjjv75f22zbhahnmcxpmvx3dfvsbig9pmk75"))))
+ (base32 "1ifq9z4p0rbz2bpm6qz89xg5ycn5fflsyradzzxzsgyys0zc6szx"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:test-command '("make" "test")))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "make" "test")))
(home-page "https://github.com/sshaw/git-link")
(synopsis "Create links for files and commits in GitHub/GitLab/etc. repos")
@@ -4209,6 +4376,29 @@ at the current line number or active region. @code{git-link-commit} returns
the URL for a commit. URLs are added to the kill ring.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-apache-mode
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-apache-mode")
+ (version "2.2.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/emacs-php/apache-mode")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1grs2x51k8pa6sgfa82s5pwwdfv7zw46ccw0zvd2rvzbhpq21p2z"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/emacs-php/apache-mode")
+ (synopsis
+ "Syntax highlighting and indentation support for Apache config files")
+ (description
+ "This package provides @code{apache-mode}, an Emacs major mode for Apache
+configuration files which provides syntax highlighting and indentation rules.
+This mode supports Apache HTTP Server 2.4 and major modules.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public emacs-apheleia
(name "emacs-apheleia")
@@ -4406,6 +4596,29 @@ Emacs Lisp. It generates a sparkline string given a list of numbers. It is a
port of @code{cl-spark} to Emacs Lisp.")
(license license:expat))))
+(define-public emacs-spray
+ (let ((version "0.0.2") (revision "0")
+ (commit "74d9dcfa2e8b38f96a43de9ab0eb13364300cb46"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-spray")
+ (version (git-version version revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://git.sr.ht/~iank/spray")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1avbfr32dvff26kgvd5vgan99nb5c6al9kv5xbmy2rcls17py7r2"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://git.sr.ht/~iank/spray")
+ (synopsis "Speed reading mode for Emacs")
+ (description
+ "For speed reading, or just more enjoyable reading. Narrows
+the buffer to show one word at a time. Adjust speed / pause as needed.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-es-mode
(name "emacs-es-mode")
@@ -4618,7 +4831,7 @@ result.")
(define-public emacs-rg
(name "emacs-rg")
- (version "2.1.0")
+ (version "2.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4627,7 +4840,7 @@ result.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "17f11znjyfnxs5y0zafcx9aa055wkw3igzk9gy0cipnyp42yb4v7"))))
+ (base32 "0a16g9phyy6c6vn5zfkpcpi90ixbx1ivp4wapwg189v77k2810by"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -4764,7 +4977,7 @@ Lisp.")
(define-public emacs-paren-face
(name "emacs-paren-face")
- (version "1.0.7")
+ (version "1.0.8")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4773,7 +4986,7 @@ Lisp.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1zyrrrr8rmksr3rfsv96psk1z15wbbx1bvcfp3hf5ciyc2n79000"))))
+ (base32 "13d8psgd2j3vqmgwwf62gwyq7h6qlj8rrs31fxwjqmzzdblwqy1y"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/tarsius/paren-face")
(synopsis "Face for parentheses in Lisp modes")
@@ -4898,8 +5111,8 @@ Emacs can load Org files as Lisp source files directly.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-literate-calc-mode
- (let ((commit "a50e897a816cb5580ad6ec867eeaae212e0e4798")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "ba7d22140a165b0fdd900a8d04916115ca6ab8ff")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "emacs-literate-calc-mode")
(version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
@@ -4911,7 +5124,7 @@ Emacs can load Org files as Lisp source files directly.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0z6y5f1rj28lbr30m6g4a9l6ahs66whi8861g4cx9xzhs84nwv5g"))))
+ (base32 "1bdybw44pmhfpikdv1kg2sx88546xyncks5a4b2s0ak4p66r82k3"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-s))
@@ -5028,6 +5241,60 @@ strike through completed TODO headings, changes Org blocks, changes Org check
boxes, and more.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-org-books
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-org-books")
+ (version "0.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/lepisma/org-books")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1sgckvpjdaig9r2clcvs6ckgf2kx7amikkpq26y30jbnfnbskf0v"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-dash
+ emacs-enlive
+ emacs-helm
+ emacs-helm-org
+ emacs-org
+ emacs-s))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/lepisma/org-books")
+ (synopsis "Reading list management with Org mode and Helm")
+ (description
+ "Org Books is a tool for managing reading lists in an Org mode file.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-org-chef
+ ;; Upstream does not tag version bumps. Version is extracted from "Version"
+ ;; keyword in main file.
+ (let ((commit "87e9a6c4844ff32f47c8d1108ec0f087a3148a8e")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-org-chef")
+ (version (git-version "0.1.3" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Chobbes/org-chef")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0xdfaf3shl3iij7nnshb5ryccqq70rpk0zm0d3fdwdbfa8rf7fkp"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list emacs-org))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Chobbes/org-chef")
+ (synopsis "Cookbook and recipe management with Emacs Org mode")
+ (description
+ "Org Chef is a package for managing recipes in Org mode. One of the
+main features is that it can automatically extract recipes from websites like
+ (license license:expat))))
(define-public emacs-org-inline-pdf
(name "emacs-org-inline-pdf")
@@ -5272,6 +5539,26 @@ features such as syntax highlighting, comments, finding keywords, completing
keywords and smart indentation.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-robots-txt-mode
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-robots-txt-mode")
+ (version "0.0.9")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/emacs-php/robots-txt-mode")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "07255pn80w4742sz2h9vbmfxxd8ps2kcn73p7m2bgy02kgbzw42b"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/emacs-php/robots-txt-mode")
+ (synopsis "Syntax highlighting for @file{robots.txt} files")
+ (description "This package provides an Emacs major mode for editing
+@file{robots.txt} files.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-roguel-ike
(name "emacs-roguel-ike")
@@ -5289,13 +5576,13 @@ keywords and smart indentation.")
(list emacs-popup))
- `(#:include (cons* "^roguel-ike/" "^roguel-ike-lib/" %default-include)
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'set-test-environment
- (lambda _
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:include #~(cons* "^roguel-ike/" "^roguel-ike-lib/" %default-include)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'set-test-environment
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/stevenremot/roguel-ike.git")
(synopsis "Coffee-break roguelike for Emacs")
@@ -5362,6 +5649,40 @@ which integrates into existing mode-line without requiring a minor mode or
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-nyan-mode
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-nyan-mode")
+ (version "1.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/TeMPOraL/nyan-mode/")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0d0hdjliad8afz4br38gwidph9zhmm5s09y45n95kqlazq62jfsx"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:include #~(cons* "img/" "mus/" %default-include)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-sources
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "nyan-mode.el"
+ (("mplayer ")
+ (string-append (search-input-file inputs "bin/mplayer")
+ " "))))))))
+ (inputs (list mplayer))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/TeMPOraL/nyan-mode/")
+ (synopsis "Nyan Cat as buffer position indicator")
+ (description
+ "Nyan mode is an analog indicator of your position in the buffer. The cat
+should go from left to right in your mode-line, as you move your point from 0%
+to 100%. You can click on the rainbow or the empty space to scroll backwards
+and forwards and also animate it.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-smart-mode-line
(name "emacs-smart-mode-line")
@@ -5728,17 +6049,17 @@ compile}.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
(base32 "1djrj3is0dzrl2703bw7bclf33dp4xqmy144q7xj5pvpb9v3kf50"))))
- (inputs (list ledger))
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((ledger (assoc-ref inputs "ledger")))
- ;; Specify the absolute executable location of ledger.
- (substitute* "flycheck-ledger.el"
- (("\"ledger\"") (string-append "\"" ledger "\""))))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'configure
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((ledger #$(this-package-input "ledger")))
+ ;; Specify the absolute executable location of ledger.
+ (substitute* "flycheck-ledger.el"
+ (("\"ledger\"") (string-append "\"" ledger "\"")))))))))
+ (inputs (list ledger))
(list emacs-flycheck))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -5918,16 +6239,16 @@ Gnus, e.g., for applying patches received by email.")
(list emacs-undercover))
- `(#:emacs ,emacs
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'fix-makefile
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "Makefile"
- (("\\$\\(CASK\\) exec ") ""))
- #t)))
- #:tests? #t
- #:test-command '("make" "test")))
+ (list
+ #:emacs emacs
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'fix-makefile
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ (("\\$\\(CASK\\) exec ") "")))))
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "make" "test")))
(home-page "https://github.com/nflath/sudo-edit/")
(synopsis "Open files as another user")
@@ -5935,6 +6256,33 @@ Gnus, e.g., for applying patches received by email.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-subed
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-subed")
+ (version "1.0.3")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/subed-"
+ version ".tar"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0wibakmp1lhfyr6sifb7f3jcqp2s5sy0z37ad9n1n9rhj5q8yhzg"))))
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "make" "test-only")))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list emacs-buttercup))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/subed.html")
+ (synopsis "Major mode for editing subtitles")
+ (description
+ "@code{subed} is an Emacs major mode for editing subtitles while playing
+the corresponding video with @code{mpv}. At the moment, the only supported
+formats are SubRip (@file{.srt}), WebVTT (@file{.vtt}), and Advanced
+SubStation Alpha (@file{.ass}).")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-miniedit
(name "emacs-miniedit")
@@ -6005,14 +6353,14 @@ src blocks.")
(define-public emacs-debbugs
(name "emacs-debbugs")
- (version "0.30")
+ (version "0.31")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/debbugs-"
version ".tar"))
- (base32 "05yy1hhxd59rhricb14iai71w681222sv0i703yrgg868mphl7sb"))))
+ (base32 "11vdjrn5m5g6pirw8jv0602fbwwgdhazfrrwxxplii8x02gqk0sr"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(arguments '(#:include '("\\.el$" "\\.wsdl$" "\\.info$")))
@@ -6907,8 +7255,7 @@ for @code{AUCTeX}.")
(for-each delete-file '("dot-emacs.el" "Makefile"))
(install-file "6.945-config/mit-scheme-doc.el" ".")
- (delete-file-recursively "6.945-config")
- #t))
+ (delete-file-recursively "6.945-config")))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.bz2"))
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/gjs/"
@@ -6984,7 +7331,7 @@ in @code{html-mode}.")
(define-public emacs-slime
(name "emacs-slime")
- (version "2.26.1")
+ (version "2.27")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -6993,7 +7340,7 @@ in @code{html-mode}.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1a25ixb7q4svqabxnhwkk43v47mbsh13qwm7qlazkd3zkr8j3cli"))))
+ (base32 "1s5mbljlz22pb90gwbd380nighkz6gdxl77hc08gri7wwr5gy5n2"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list texinfo))
@@ -7005,13 +7352,11 @@ in @code{html-mode}.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'make-git-checkout-writable
(lambda _
- (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "."))
- #t))
+ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "."))))
(add-before 'install 'configure
(lambda* _
(emacs-substitute-variables "slime.el"
- ("inferior-lisp-program" "sbcl"))
- #t))
+ ("inferior-lisp-program" "sbcl"))))
(add-before 'install 'install-doc
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
@@ -7033,8 +7378,7 @@ in @code{html-mode}.")
(install-file f doc-dir)
(delete-file f))
- (delete-file-recursively "doc")
- #t))))))
+ (delete-file-recursively "doc")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/slime/slime")
(synopsis "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs")
@@ -7068,6 +7412,53 @@ This provides a basic API and common UI widgets such as popup tooltips
and popup menus.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-popup-kill-ring
+ (let ((commit "a45c9cf79c4e1207fdbdd662e161154ef224ad61")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-popup-kill-ring")
+ (version (git-version "0.2.8" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/waymondo/popup-kill-ring")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0bpnsc4agy6mcnc79d9a6gi79jiiqrhf3a55pw0p4z16m86vwyqr"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list emacs-pos-tip emacs-popup))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/waymondo/popup-kill-ring")
+ (synopsis "Interactively insert item from kill-ring")
+ (description "This Emacs packages manages your Emacs kill-ring in an
+autocomplete style popup menu.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-popper
+ ;; No tagged release upstream for version 0.45. The commit below matches
+ ;; version bump.
+ (let ((commit "851d83882192ac9599ac5b053614a42d683b3fab"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-popper")
+ (version "0.45")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/karthink/popper")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0pk5wzqlz7n6v8rb1957i3ql0wjx578l68a3rp2m9pxr7a8a03h4"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/karthink/popper")
+ (synopsis "Emacs minor-mode to summon and dismiss buffers easily")
+ (description
+ "Popper is a minor-mode to tame the flood of ephemeral
+windows Emacs produces, while still keeping them within arm’s reach.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-python-black
(name "emacs-python-black")
@@ -7487,7 +7878,7 @@ cards created in Org mode.")
(define-public emacs-org-mime
(name "emacs-org-mime")
- (version "0.2.4")
+ (version "0.2.6")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -7496,7 +7887,7 @@ cards created in Org mode.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0in83jlrwjn81qgw1i7n228sbf314bj8hkrl14ahfn0zmfll60sw"))))
+ (base32 "01f04xpqkgja34a0z4smh2kxzn3lvx2391fnbfxmq92pxqp3gk0j"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/org-mime/org-mime")
(synopsis "Send HTML email using Org mode HTML export")
@@ -7631,28 +8022,27 @@ save, it exports back to the original non-Org file.")
(list emacs-alert))
- `(#:include (cons "^resources\\/" %default-include)
- #:tests? #t
- #:test-command '("emacs" "--batch"
- "-l" "org-pomodoro-tests.el"
- "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'make-tests-writable
- (lambda _
- (make-file-writable "org-pomodoro-tests.el")
- #t))
- (add-before 'check 'add-require
- (lambda _
- (emacs-batch-edit-file "org-pomodoro-tests.el"
- `(progn (progn (goto-char (point-min))
- (re-search-forward
- "ert-deftest")
- (beginning-of-line)
- (forward-line -1)
- (insert "(require 'org-pomodoro)"))
- (basic-save-buffer)))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:include #~(cons "^resources\\/" %default-include)
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command
+ #~(list "emacs" "--batch"
+ "-l" "org-pomodoro-tests.el"
+ "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'make-tests-writable
+ (lambda _
+ (make-file-writable "org-pomodoro-tests.el")))
+ (add-before 'check 'add-require
+ (lambda _
+ (emacs-batch-edit-file "org-pomodoro-tests.el"
+ `(progn (progn (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward "ert-deftest")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (forward-line -1)
+ (insert "(require 'org-pomodoro)"))
+ (basic-save-buffer))))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/marcinkoziej/org-pomodoro")
(synopsis "Pomodoro technique for org-mode")
(description "@code{emacs-org-pomodoro} adds very basic support for
@@ -8057,16 +8447,15 @@ board and goal value can be customized.")
(base32 "1a4iwjdh6k348df6qywjws9z9f862d62m0b2sz57z4xhywiyxpr7"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'install 'install-pieces
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (pieces
- (string-append out "/share/emacs/site-lisp/pieces")))
- (mkdir-p pieces)
- (copy-recursively "pieces" pieces)
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-pieces
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((pieces
+ (string-append #$output "/share/emacs/site-lisp/pieces")))
+ (mkdir-p pieces)
+ (copy-recursively "pieces" pieces)))))))
(home-page "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/chess.html")
(synopsis "Play chess in GNU Emacs")
@@ -8169,7 +8558,7 @@ them easier to distinguish from other, less important buffers.")
(define-public emacs-embark
(name "emacs-embark")
- (version "0.15")
+ (version "0.16")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -8177,7 +8566,7 @@ them easier to distinguish from other, less important buffers.")
(url "https://github.com/oantolin/embark")
(commit version)))
- (base32 "08wj0p3plvblbmfmn4vsanhldr2csrnm1lhk3g1nic5v26yi5l64"))
+ (base32 "04xxwhh577aam0fqfmprxqaw0v1l6yidikr6chajcf16mf1wd2gv"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -8287,7 +8676,7 @@ style, or as multiple word prefixes.")
(define-public emacs-consult
(name "emacs-consult")
- (version "0.14")
+ (version "0.16")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -8295,7 +8684,7 @@ style, or as multiple word prefixes.")
(url "https://github.com/minad/consult")
(commit version)))
- (base32 "051fjp03lj3b5kkzpdhk78g2lj37v973q0f012zld1n6937srj6h"))
+ (base32 "1mravx5aapy8bcgk6nvi1jvb5jgl7jsn7pd7br7v7fqadcp225m6"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/minad/consult")
@@ -8305,10 +8694,35 @@ Emacs completion function completing-read, which allows quickly selecting from a
list of candidates.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-consult-dir
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-consult-dir")
+ (version "0.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/karthink/consult-dir")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1cff4ssrn1mw2s5n090pdmwdirnfih8idg5f0ll2bi2djc4hq5kn"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list emacs-consult))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/karthink/consult-dir")
+ (synopsis "Insert paths into minibuffer prompts in Emacs")
+ (description "Consult-dir allows you to easily insert directory
+paths into the minibuffer prompt in Emacs.
+When using the minibuffer, you can switch---with completion and filtering
+provided by your completion setup---to any directory you’ve visited recently,
+or to a project or bookmarked directory. The minibuffer prompt will be
+replaced with the directory you choose.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-consult-notmuch
(name "emacs-consult-notmuch")
- (version "0.6")
+ (version "0.7")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -8317,7 +8731,7 @@ list of candidates.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "07qbm5p4cfrrwyp8a5sw0wkdhnqbappz4xjlnjil2krhj9g39q78"))))
+ (base32 "0xzpkpf2sb89qkbqcrwddp4pgnzdjp40bc5da22jq9r4pf67y7qs"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-consult emacs-notmuch))
@@ -8329,30 +8743,27 @@ and present results either as single emails or full trees.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-marginalia
- ;; Upstream did not tag latest release. The commit below matches version
- ;; bump.
- (let ((commit "9229d88ae4757f3439e81f51799758c009838cb4"))
- (package
- (name "emacs-marginalia")
- (version "0.11")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/minad/marginalia")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0gaqybj52skqcmxcx6k3zmw6lznzlr1fjvlaraic9m6n85xkvzki"))))
- (build-system emacs-build-system)
- (home-page "https://github.com/minad/marginalia")
- (synopsis "Marginalia in the minibuffer completions")
- (description
- "This package provides Marginalia mode which adds marginalia to the
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-marginalia")
+ (version "0.13")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/minad/marginalia")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qk6j7l39z92h4kvvbwcs85ilyx3d6y0l8zm33iar2pjnyks1kq3"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/minad/marginalia")
+ (synopsis "Marginalia in the minibuffer completions")
+ (description
+ "This package provides Marginalia mode which adds marginalia to the
minibuffer completions. Marginalia are marks or annotations placed at the
margin of the page of a book or in this case helpful colorful annotations
placed at the margin of the minibuffer for your completion candidates.")
- (license license:gpl3+))))
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-smartparens
@@ -8629,39 +9040,36 @@ after buffer changes.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-realgud:run-process-void-error
- ;; See: https://github.com/realgud/realgud/issues/269.
- (lambda _
- (substitute* '("realgud/debugger/gdb/gdb.el"
- "realgud/debugger/gub/gub.el")
- (("^\\(require 'load-relative\\).*" anchor)
- (string-append anchor
- "(require-relative-list \
-'(\"../../common/run\") \"realgud:\")\n")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'expand-load-path 'fix-autogen-script
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "autogen.sh"
- (("./configure") "sh configure"))
- #t))
- (add-after 'fix-autogen-script 'autogen
- (lambda _
- (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" "sh")
- (invoke "sh" "autogen.sh")))
- (add-after 'fix-autogen-script 'set-home
- (lambda _
- (setenv "HOME" (getenv "TMPDIR"))
- #t))
- (add-before 'patch-el-files 'remove-realgud-pkg.el
- (lambda _
- ;; FIXME: `patch-el-files' crashes on this file with error:
- ;; unable to locate "bashdb".
- (delete-file "./test/test-regexp-bashdb.el")
- #t)))
- #:include (cons* ".*\\.el$" %default-include)))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-realgud:run-process-void-error
+ ;; See: https://github.com/realgud/realgud/issues/269.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("realgud/debugger/gdb/gdb.el"
+ "realgud/debugger/gub/gub.el")
+ (("^\\(require 'load-relative\\).*" anchor)
+ (string-append anchor
+ "(require-relative-list \
+'(\"../../common/run\") \"realgud:\")\n")))))
+ (add-after 'expand-load-path 'fix-autogen-script
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "autogen.sh"
+ (("./configure") "sh configure"))))
+ (add-after 'fix-autogen-script 'autogen
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" "sh")
+ (invoke "sh" "autogen.sh")))
+ (add-after 'fix-autogen-script 'set-home
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" (getenv "TMPDIR"))))
+ (add-before 'patch-el-files 'remove-realgud-pkg.el
+ (lambda _
+ ;; FIXME: `patch-el-files' crashes on this file with error:
+ ;; unable to locate "bashdb".
+ (delete-file "./test/test-regexp-bashdb.el"))))
+ #:include #~(cons* ".*\\.el$" %default-include)))
(list autoconf automake emacs-test-simple))
@@ -9235,31 +9643,30 @@ navigate code in a tree-like fashion.")
(list which emacs-clojure-mode emacs-undercover))
- `(#:include (cons* "^lispy-clojure\\.clj$"
- "^lispy-python\\.py$"
- %default-include)
- #:phases
- ;; XXX: Some failing tests
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'make-test-writable
- (lambda _
- (make-file-writable "lispy-test.el")
- #t))
- (add-before 'check 'remove-failing-test
- (lambda _
- (emacs-batch-edit-file "lispy-test.el"
- `(progn
- (dolist (test '("lispy-eval-python-str" "lispy--clojure-dot-object"))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (re-search-forward
- (concat "ert-deftest " test))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (kill-sexp))
- (basic-save-buffer)))
- #t)))
- #:tests? #t
- ;; Set BEMACS to prevent the test suite from loading straight.el.
- #:test-command '("make" "test" "BEMACS=emacs -batch")))
+ (list
+ #:include #~(cons* "^lispy-clojure\\.clj$"
+ "^lispy-python\\.py$"
+ %default-include)
+ #:phases
+ ;; XXX: Some failing tests
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'make-test-writable
+ (lambda _
+ (make-file-writable "lispy-test.el")))
+ (add-before 'check 'remove-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ (emacs-batch-edit-file "lispy-test.el"
+ `(progn
+ (dolist (test '("lispy-eval-python-str" "lispy--clojure-dot-object"))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward
+ (concat "ert-deftest " test))
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (kill-sexp))
+ (basic-save-buffer))))))
+ #:tests? #t
+ ;; Set BEMACS to prevent the test suite from loading straight.el.
+ #:test-command #~(list "make" "test" "BEMACS=emacs -batch")))
(synopsis "Modal S-expression editing")
"Due to the structure of Lisp syntax it's very rare for the programmer
@@ -9327,16 +9734,16 @@ allowing unprefixed keys to insert their respective characters as expected.")
(define-public emacs-clojure-mode
(name "emacs-clojure-mode")
- (version "5.13.0")
+ (version "5.14.0")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode")
- (commit version)))
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1ikl29rygr1habcsglz07m4ihd4ivi732kkzg8q676ihf367wa9i"))))
+ (base32 "0n7v6hx21f8x37gj388wnff38aqpzxxv5g8vxavp74vr3cbagsnn"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-buttercup emacs-dash emacs-paredit emacs-s))
@@ -9760,7 +10167,7 @@ mode with the package emacs-julia-mode.")
(define-public emacs-julia-snail
(name "emacs-julia-snail")
- (version "1.1.4")
+ (version "1.1.5")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -9769,16 +10176,16 @@ mode with the package emacs-julia-mode.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "11spibld7dyggr38hzkrd05lmdf847d57cc9qyk01mb3bli21vxd"))))
+ "04nh37izz04lxkvkxhsig8khbrrgdl4p6pkjsv5bxymnp84zwlw7"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:include (cons "^JuliaSnail\\.jl" %default-include)))
+ (list #:include #~(cons "^JuliaSnail\\.jl" %default-include)))
(list emacs-dash emacs-s emacs-spinner emacs-xref))
(list libvterm
- emacs-julia-mode ;required by parser
- emacs-parsec ;required by parser
+ emacs-julia-mode ;required by parser
+ emacs-parsec ;required by parser
(home-page "https://github.com/gcv/julia-snail")
(synopsis "Development environment and REPL interaction package for Julia")
@@ -9958,7 +10365,7 @@ provides the following features:
(define-public emacs-markdown-mode
(name "emacs-markdown-mode")
- (version "2.4")
+ (version "2.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -9967,7 +10374,7 @@ provides the following features:
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0g0ja4h651yfabm3k6gbw4y8w7wibc9283fyfzb33kjj38ivl5d7"))))
+ (base32 "02vw1zsbwa2hc3sxvbpvbldi5cf1xgd5b9l6fwg24d24j6b2af0j"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/")
(synopsis "Emacs Major mode for Markdown files")
@@ -10004,7 +10411,7 @@ in Emacs.")
(define-public emacs-edit-indirect
(name "emacs-edit-indirect")
- (version "0.1.6")
+ (version "0.1.8")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -10013,7 +10420,7 @@ in Emacs.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "189nvmlkki1jfszm9i0crbb1p4nzgmbly0wpvpg0i8vmw7vrpl40"))))
+ (base32 "0f5vhppsjw63dkwka6xanmlliq44vf3kj1wp3dg8a6a837xx7z9x"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/Fanael/edit-indirect")
(synopsis "Edit regions in separate buffers")
@@ -10184,7 +10591,7 @@ with Elfeed.")
(define-public emacs-elfeed-score
(name "emacs-elfeed-score")
- (version "1.2.1")
+ (version "1.2.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -10193,7 +10600,7 @@ with Elfeed.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "10wsjq2zd6kz9182gnkjzlzywx16j29dgm1gzwynr79xmvgs4r2b"))))
+ (base32 "0rkm3vyyklpcyaz7zs2a5azyf20bnbj9nd8ik3jgcg2lsd6jgj5m"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-elfeed))
@@ -10940,7 +11347,7 @@ ack, ag, helm and pt.")
(define-public emacs-helm
(name "emacs-helm")
- (version "3.8.2")
+ (version "3.8.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -10949,7 +11356,7 @@ ack, ag, helm and pt.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1xkxlbjpqhfhakmfi664cq7i5968941vpngq94napmhbgqydp4qn"))))
+ (base32 "1my6c87ia7h99dbbbw1yxcmgacwss1j36rf3swn3k2ab6k34hsf4"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-async emacs-popup))
@@ -11159,7 +11566,7 @@ target will call @code{compile} on it.")
(define-public emacs-cider
(name "emacs-cider")
- (version "1.2.0")
+ (version "1.3.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -11168,7 +11575,7 @@ target will call @code{compile} on it.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1c21hdrf6b7zc65nr7wqjhcyq5a0f4aa91wrxgzx374q81xym2rf"))))
+ (base32 "0mxlkxpzn7rzbzpzcw2z9x2ab2zvhrwr8h21kmfn3li3dha73gf1"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
'(#:exclude ;don't exclude 'cider-test.el'
@@ -11524,7 +11931,7 @@ Lua programming language}.")
(define-public emacs-ebuild-mode
(name "emacs-ebuild-mode")
- (version "1.55")
+ (version "1.56")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -11533,7 +11940,7 @@ Lua programming language}.")
"ebuild-mode-" version ".tar.xz"))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "1bs2s5g79vrbk8544lvp388cdbig0s121kwk0h10hif4kp56ka9w"))))
+ (base32 "01q5k7dkyri0s8h7jwng4rw128mx6pdn816zlr0g8rh2798cf91k"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -11640,6 +12047,26 @@ Emacs that Evil does not cover properly by default, such as @code{help-mode},
being deleted, changed, yanked, or pasted when using evil commands")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-goggles
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-goggles")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/minad/goggles")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "15bqjmwfdqp2np6fln6xjyw59c5iddvzsyga0lvb8raa753cdh2k"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/minad/goggles")
+ (synopsis "Pulse modified region")
+ (description "Goggles highlights the modified region using pulse.
+Currently the commands undo, yank, kill and delete are supported.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-goto-chg
(name "emacs-goto-chg")
@@ -12916,6 +13343,27 @@ been adapted to work with mu4e.")
"Emacs minor mode for redisplaying parts of the buffer as pretty symbols.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-tempel
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-tempel")
+ (version "0.3")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/minad/tempel")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1cq7gg4fh105229my57wbb7v72l8mx957pvsg8k3zc1l0hbc796i"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/minad/tempel")
+ (synopsis "Simple templates for Emacs")
+ (description
+ "Tempel is a tiny template package for Emacs, which uses the syntax of
+the Emacs Tempo library. You may also write your templates in Lisp.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-yasnippet
(name "emacs-yasnippet")
@@ -13412,24 +13860,27 @@ the hunks and revert them selectively.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-diminish
- (package
- (name "emacs-diminish")
- (version "0.45")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/myrjola/diminish.el")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0qpgfgp8hrzz4vdifxq8h25n0a0jlzgf7aa1fpy6r0080v5rqbb6"))))
- (build-system emacs-build-system)
- (home-page "https://github.com/myrjola/diminish.el")
- (synopsis "Diminish minor modes with no modeline display")
- (description "@code{emacs-diminish} implements hiding or
+ ;; XXX: Upstream did not tag last release.
+ (let ((commit "fd486ef76e4c1d8211ae337a43b8bba106d4bca7")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-diminish")
+ (version (git-version "0.46" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/myrjola/diminish.el")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vlgn7swwfzy6yr880698h3qsmfcqprcb1jvffkzmbvhvf458szf"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/myrjola/diminish.el")
+ (synopsis "Diminish minor modes with no modeline display")
+ (description "@code{emacs-diminish} implements hiding or
abbreviation of the mode line displays (lighters) of minor modes.")
- (license license:gpl2+)))
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-use-package
@@ -14059,7 +14510,7 @@ which code derived from Kelvin H's org-page.")
(define-public emacs-meow
(name "emacs-meow")
- (version "1.4.0")
+ (version "1.4.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -14068,7 +14519,7 @@ which code derived from Kelvin H's org-page.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "04vin23bmds8dp2i1xihph9r7v43lcfz6fm23f4nvcyka9rqxc0z"))))
+ (base32 "1w6586q237c5li8c0rrivissvhn2hic6l199yr9qx92mm9cvic0q"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/meow-edit/meow")
(synopsis "Yet another modal editing on Emacs")
@@ -14600,7 +15051,7 @@ running tests easier.")
(define-public emacs-org-transclusion
(name "emacs-org-transclusion")
- (version "1.1.1")
+ (version "1.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -14609,7 +15060,7 @@ running tests easier.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0qvc8f4i44d8mgkzfi9yld664cmapkbmjv4bf0l8va417ck5sm92"))))
+ (base32 "01q62mrh0lijj2mwf0jy40zhy3q7w3bq2f4sb0f8hrr8ggh6shxh"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://nobiot.github.io/org-transclusion/")
(synopsis "Enable transclusion with Org Mode")
@@ -14720,7 +15171,7 @@ a @url{http://json.org/, JSON} file.")
(base32 "0r0k56q58kb133l9x9nbisz9p2kbphfgw1l4g2xp0pjqsc9wvq8z"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- (list emacs-json-reformat emacs-json-snatcher))
+ (list emacs-json-snatcher))
(home-page "https://github.com/joshwnj/json-mode")
(synopsis "Major mode for editing JSON files")
(description "@code{json-mode} extends the builtin js-mode syntax
@@ -14949,7 +15400,7 @@ or @code{treemacs}, but leveraging @code{Dired} to do the job of display.")
(define-public emacs-which-key
(name "emacs-which-key")
- (version "3.5.4")
+ (version "3.6.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -14958,7 +15409,7 @@ or @code{treemacs}, but leveraging @code{Dired} to do the job of display.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0wz3bb7vzxqi3wqpn46z6ps00m9wjcpv9cfvqi7lyvm920sxzlv7"))))
+ (base32 "0ph5mrzz3r7x4dmy93v6affl4jznvic97a30mrs3kvhwyr2v4mby"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
`(#:tests? #t
@@ -15339,6 +15790,28 @@ query them from the comfort of your editor.")
buffer's environment.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-enlive
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-enlive")
+ (version "0.0.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/zweifisch/enlive")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "08j6b79vy8ry4ad1abk3hvxjbb4ylrhkvrbrnq1gcikl4h1p2v63"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "http://github.com/zweifisch/enlive")
+ (synopsis "Query HTML document with CSS selectors in Emacs")
+ (description
+ "Enlive is an Emacs library that allows the user to query HTML documents
+from within Elisp using a DSL similar to CSS selectors.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-envrc
(name "emacs-envrc")
@@ -15837,41 +16310,44 @@ messaging service.")
Slack client.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-bash-completion
- (package
- (name "emacs-bash-completion")
- (version "3.1.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/szermatt/emacs-bash-completion")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "11j2k3irixp47r2iglxdmjphahqhgnxg98n2xwagwzyq99lsamj4"))))
- (inputs (list bash))
- (build-system emacs-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'make-git-checkout-writable
- (λ _
- (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "."))
- #t))
- (add-before 'install 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((bash (assoc-ref inputs "bash")))
- (emacs-substitute-variables "bash-completion.el"
- ("bash-completion-prog" (string-append bash "/bin/bash"))))
- #t)))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/szermatt/emacs-bash-completion")
- (synopsis "Bash completion for the shell buffer")
- (description
- "@code{bash-completion} defines dynamic completion hooks for shell-mode
-and shell-command prompts that are based on Bash completion.")
- (license license:gpl2+)))
+ ;; Need to use a newer commit than the latest version in order to support
+ ;; completion interfaces that alters the candidate list provided by the
+ ;; package
+ (let ((commit "c5eaeed156ab906190c662d491269230967104b1")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-bash-completion")
+ (version (git-version "3.1.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/szermatt/emacs-bash-completion")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0r221iirqsbz13s76r68i496izbirrvcw8ql3wsh205zmxa3jqg1"))))
+ (inputs (list bash))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'make-git-checkout-writable
+ (λ _
+ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files "."))))
+ (add-before 'install 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (emacs-substitute-variables "bash-completion.el"
+ ("bash-completion-prog"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash"))))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/szermatt/emacs-bash-completion")
+ (synopsis "Bash completion for the shell buffer")
+ (description
+ "@code{bash-completion} defines dynamic completion hooks for shell-mode
+ and shell-command prompts that are based on Bash completion.")
+ (license license:gpl2+))))
(define-public emacs-easy-kill
@@ -16749,31 +17225,29 @@ used with SGML-like languages: XML, HTML, XHTML, XSL, etc.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-ergoemacs-mode
- (let ((commit "3ce23bba3cb50562693860f87f3528c471d603ba")
- (revision "1"))
- (package
- (name "emacs-ergoemacs-mode")
- (version (git-version "" revision commit))
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/ergoemacs/ergoemacs-mode")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1s3b9bridl78hh1mxmdk9nqlmqhibbaxk0a1cixmsf23s06w8w6l"))))
- (build-system emacs-build-system)
- (propagated-inputs
- (list emacs-undo-tree))
- (home-page "https://ergoemacs.github.io/")
- (synopsis "Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics")
- (description
- "This package provides an efficient Emacs keybinding set based on
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-ergoemacs-mode")
+ (version "")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ergoemacs/ergoemacs-mode")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ipwzl0l26g5qvc1sgmz2ra5vn1j3hl0mnkgzpa3j4p8gsmxdiqr"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-undo-tree))
+ (home-page "https://ergoemacs.github.io/")
+ (synopsis "Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an efficient Emacs keybinding set based on
statistics of command frequency, and supports common shortcuts for open,
close, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo.")
- (license license:gpl3+))))
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-password-store
(let ((commit "918992c19231b33b3d4a3288a7288a620e608cb4")
@@ -17097,7 +17571,7 @@ official @command{sqlite3} executable to access SQL database.")
(define-public emacs-closql
(name "emacs-closql")
- (version "1.2.0")
+ (version "1.2.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -17107,7 +17581,7 @@ official @command{sqlite3} executable to access SQL database.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1xa9rzyfm6bfskm2mfckd7jwmjwcraky7vsp7yyrnrqfksrl5na8"))))
+ "1s9riibws28xjn2bjn9qz3m2gvcmrn18b7g5y6am4sy7rgkx3nwx"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-emacsql))
@@ -17124,7 +17598,7 @@ add any additional instance slots.")
(define-public emacs-epkg
(name "emacs-epkg")
- (version "3.3.2")
+ (version "3.3.3")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -17133,7 +17607,7 @@ add any additional instance slots.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "18kjp0f5ch4mpd6yrd83p73pw7ykp2lv5686is8vcvyyys53jrf1"))))
+ (base32 "0d09ddlhvgp8rpybqmzvzpzdp1hjaq97wp2br4g90lpx2vclkgn7"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -17165,23 +17639,7 @@ add any additional instance slots.")
(description "This package provides access to a local copy of the
Emacsmirror package database. It provides low-level functions for querying
the database and a @file{package.el} user interface for browsing the database.
-Epkg itself is not a package manager.
-Getting a local copy:
-git clone https://github.com/emacsmirror/epkgs.git ~/.emacs.d/epkgs
-cd ~/.emacs.d/epkgs
-git submodule init
-git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git@@github.com:
-git submodule update
-@end example
-Some submodule may be missing. In this case Git will prompt for a GitHub user
-name and password. To skip it press a @key{Return} key.
-You could get a Epkg package list by invoking @code{epkg-list-packages} in
+Epkg itself is not a package manager.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-elisp-slime-nav
@@ -17543,7 +18001,7 @@ according to a parsing expression grammar.")
(define-public emacs-eldev
(name "emacs-eldev")
- (version "0.10.3")
+ (version "1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -17552,7 +18010,7 @@ according to a parsing expression grammar.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1y8vz5grmlhln37lf93a3gxwh46ar0v3jj2dcvzkb36lqf1snq73"))))
+ (base32 "1y7ngdj2icn8zw5qpjxqj3j9dry4lb7ixgxa148ss5bgsl8pgqnd"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
`(#:tests? #t
@@ -17564,12 +18022,9 @@ according to a parsing expression grammar.")
(setenv "ELDEV_LOCAL" (getcwd))
(make-file-writable "test/project-i/project-i-autoloads.el")))
(add-after 'unpack 'skip-failing-tests
- ;; FIXME: 10 tests are failing. Skip them for now.
+ ;; FIXME: 2 tests are failing. Skip them for now.
(lambda _
- (delete-file "test/upgrade-self.el")
- (substitute* "test/init.el"
- (("init-[1-8].*" line)
- (string-append line "(skip-unless nil)\n")))))
+ (delete-file "test/upgrade-self.el")))
(add-after 'install 'install-eldev-executable
;; This constructs the eldev executable from templates and
;; installs it in the specified directory.
@@ -17587,7 +18042,7 @@ according to a parsing expression grammar.")
(("export ELDEV_EMACS.*" all)
(string-append "export ELDEV_LOCAL=" site-lisp "\n" all)))))))))
- (list texinfo)) ;for tests
+ (list texinfo)) ;for tests
(home-page "https://github.com/doublep/eldev/")
(synopsis "Emacs-based build tool for Elisp")
(description "Eldev (Elisp Development Tool) is an Emacs-based build tool,
@@ -17635,7 +18090,7 @@ interactive commands and functions, such as @code{completing-read}.")
(define-public emacs-org-ql
(name "emacs-org-ql")
- (version "0.6")
+ (version "0.6.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -17643,7 +18098,7 @@ interactive commands and functions, such as @code{completing-read}.")
(commit version)))
- "1jfm4ahh58x3a3njigrbfzd86fnbyybbcgca2mgmxddcy6bszfp1"))
+ "1mpq3v8lxqllnb4afqh7p9av0p9bha8ld7741zaw4hxb1252xgm2"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -18313,7 +18768,7 @@ continue.")
(define-public emacs-elisp-refs
(name "emacs-elisp-refs")
- (version "1.3")
+ (version "1.4")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -18322,7 +18777,7 @@ continue.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0w7k91xf69zc0zkjrw8h8sjdjf9xq9qs5zhvajhd718lzf93564b"))))
+ (base32 "03p95kwvwb3apb3lhhdlaxs952x7sdlxa2qc1c77cjwrm5xzdg9z"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-dash
@@ -18334,23 +18789,14 @@ continue.")
(list emacs-ert-runner emacs-undercover))
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:test-command '("ert-runner")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'disable-refs-next-match-test
- ;; Hack to disable the failing test for emacs27
- ;; https://github.com/Wilfred/elisp-refs/issues/29
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/unit-test.el"
- (("ert-deftest elisp-refs-next-match")
- "defun elisp-refs-next-match"))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command #~(list "ert-runner")))
(home-page "https://github.com/Wilfred/elisp-refs")
(synopsis "Find callers of elisp functions or macros")
- (description "Find references to functions, macros or variables. Unlike a
-dumb text search, @code{elisp-refs} actually parses the code, so it's never
-confused by comments or @code{foo-bar} matching @code{foo}.")
+ (description "@code{elisp-refs} finds references to functions, macros or
+variables. Unlike a dumb text search, it actually parses the code, so it's
+never confused by comments or @code{foo-bar} matching @code{foo}.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-crdt
@@ -18438,21 +18884,23 @@ mode.")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/phillord/m-buffer-el")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (url "https://github.com/phillord/m-buffer-el")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (invoke "emacs" "--batch" "-L" "."
- "-l" "test/m-buffer-test.el"
- "-l" "test/m-buffer-at-test.el"
- "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit"))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "emacs" "--batch" "-L" "."
+ "-l" "test/m-buffer-test.el"
+ "-l" "test/m-buffer-at-test.el"
+ "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")))))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/phillord/m-buffer-el")
(synopsis "List oriented buffer operations for Emacs")
@@ -18663,25 +19111,28 @@ without disturbing alignment.")
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- '(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'remove-test
- ;; Fails because of requirement ‘/bin/sh’.
- (lambda _
- (let ((file "macrostep-test.el"))
- (chmod file #o644)
- (emacs-batch-edit-file file
- `(progn (progn (goto-char (point-min))
- (re-search-forward
- "(ert-deftest macrostep-expand-c-macros")
- (beginning-of-line)
- (kill-sexp))
- (basic-save-buffer))))))
- (add-before 'install 'check
- (lambda _
- (invoke "emacs" "--batch" "-L" "."
- "-l" "macrostep-test.el"
- "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit"))))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'remove-test
+ ;; Fails because of requirement ‘/bin/sh’.
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((file "macrostep-test.el"))
+ (make-file-writable file)
+ (emacs-batch-edit-file file
+ `(progn (progn (goto-char (point-min))
+ (re-search-forward
+ "(ert-deftest macrostep-expand-c-macros")
+ (beginning-of-line)
+ (kill-sexp))
+ (basic-save-buffer))))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "emacs" "--batch" "-L" "."
+ "-l" "macrostep-test.el"
+ "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/joddie/macrostep")
(synopsis "Interactive macro-expander for Emacs")
(description "@code{macrostep} is an Emacs minor mode for interactively
@@ -18690,11 +19141,7 @@ you see exactly what happens at each step of the expansion process by
pretty-printing the expanded forms inline in the source buffer, which is
temporarily read-only while macro expansions are visible. You can expand and
collapse macro forms one step at a time, and evaluate or instrument the
-expansions for debugging with Edebug as normal (but see “Bugs and known
-limitations”, below). Single-stepping through the expansion is particularly
-useful for debugging macros that expand into another macro form. These can be
-difficult to debug with Emacs’ built-in macroexpand, which continues expansion
-until the top-level form is no longer a macro call.")
+expansions for debugging with Edebug as normal.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-parent-mode
@@ -18732,6 +19179,34 @@ until the top-level form is no longer a macro call.")
(description "Execute menu items as commands, with completion.")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public emacs-latex-preview-pane
+ (let ((commit "5297668a89996b50b2b62f99cba01cc544dbed2e")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-latex-preview-pane")
+ (version (git-version "20151021" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/jsinglet/latex-preview-pane")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1m4f5p53275k8i9p0y105kkrp9nx1bwn6726my9s5dwnjhr5dnp2"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ ;; The welcome and error message templates are in .txt format.
+ #:include #~(cons "\\.txt$" %default-include)))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/jsinglet/latex-preview-pane")
+ (synopsis "Preview pane to ease LaTeX editing in Emacs")
+ (description "@code{latex-preview-pane} is a minor mode for previewing
+LaTeX files directly in Emacs. It supports PDF previews, with either
+@command{pdflatex} or @command{xelatex}, and highlights errors in the LaTeX
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-isearch-prop
(let ((commit "4a2765f835dd115d472142da05215c4c748809f4")
(revision "2"))
@@ -19118,7 +19593,7 @@ powerful Org contents.")
(define-public emacs-org-re-reveal
(name "emacs-org-re-reveal")
- (version "3.12.4")
+ (version "3.12.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -19127,7 +19602,7 @@ powerful Org contents.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0j7394zcbzqfk33g2xdyb3fmw3brxy8v66vvf1j9nqlskfddh7bn"))))
+ (base32 "1njib0ah1913lk3ma18y8m5k8jqki17i9298cc03k7vvfw3l19wz"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-htmlize emacs-org))
@@ -19814,8 +20289,11 @@ perform regression test for packages that provide font-lock rules.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-racket-mode
- (let ((commit "5eb31a284c8db5102bc71b1e2c6ce3a095ae085b")
- (revision "6"))
+ ;; XXX: Upstream does not tag releases, nor does it bump versions. The
+ ;; "0.0.2" version below does not exist. It might change, tho. See
+ ;; <https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode/issues/389>.
+ (let ((commit "cef5a55d2b766973db92f9d9ab2210c03fa8ba02")
+ (revision "7"))
(name "emacs-racket-mode")
(version (git-version "0.0.2" revision commit))
@@ -19828,22 +20306,18 @@ perform regression test for packages that provide font-lock rules.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "081h6rd0gv88m0wvnmghi242kl39x1sz34qr4cq9vz04iwvnmgrm"))))
+ "0zzk0s4akx6ffsbhylgfflcypkkg36a3accxhmmdd11yn5rckv7f"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:include '("\\.el$" "\\.rkt$")))
+ (list
+ #:include #~(list "\\.el$" "\\.rkt$")))
- (list emacs-faceup emacs-pos-tip emacs-s))
+ (list emacs-faceup emacs-paredit emacs-pos-tip emacs-s))
(home-page "https://www.racket-mode.com/")
(synopsis "Major mode for the Racket language")
- (description "@code{racket-mode} provides:
-@item Focus on Racket (not various Schemes).
-@item Follow DrRacket concepts where applicable.
-@item Thorough font-lock and indent.
-@end itemize\n")
- (license license:gpl3+))))
+ (description "Racket mode provides thorough font-lock and indentation.
+It follows DrRacket concepts where applicable.")
+ (license license:gpl2+))))
(define-public emacs-grep-context
(let ((commit "5a4e3efdf775755c1bbefcfe4b461c1166d81d7d")
@@ -20601,17 +21075,17 @@ autosuggestions with:
(define-public emacs-desktop-environment
(name "emacs-desktop-environment")
- (version "0.4.0")
+ (version "0.5.0")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://gitlab.petton.fr/DamienCassou/desktop-environment")
+ (url "https://github.com/DamienCassou/desktop-environment")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0s33jncjg8c2xlr90qjk1ishwmwxm9yg0z6n3kzilawcilpxidsh"))))
+ "03rl1z860jmirjrrg0xsjx0bqk73k043c8bz6049zhndh7pidri7"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://gitlab.petton.fr/DamienCassou/desktop-environment")
(synopsis "Control your GNU/Linux desktop environment from Emacs")
@@ -21226,7 +21700,7 @@ image, rotate it, save modified images, and more.")
(define-public emacs-package-lint
(name "emacs-package-lint")
- (version "0.15")
+ (version "0.16")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -21236,7 +21710,7 @@ image, rotate it, save modified images, and more.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1cn713g90zyjfq225yvg14c1qshslpi4466m3w102l5g57p8xv44"))))
+ "0srqcrhbdmd39jdsvh8k3nbrkqrl4nlic59dp5bal5vj495j7126"))))
'(#:include (cons "^data/" %default-include)))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -21478,11 +21952,12 @@ accept and reject GitHub pull requests.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-deadgrep
- (let ((commit "7e50e71c6ff4e17dded43e0836dae4e5ec020fcf")
+ ;; Latest release is not tagged.
+ (let ((commit "aebaf72e35546fd235b4861399791814e4e4c7d8")
(revision "1"))
(name "emacs-deadgrep")
- (version (git-version "0.10" revision commit))
+ (version (git-version "0.11" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
@@ -21492,7 +21967,7 @@ accept and reject GitHub pull requests.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1vjhrq02l8gvdn2haygzq7277hnhjchs9xrfpcnh76gqip200gx4"))))
+ "1qd60winrrpxmrjsx77i24921p6dad9halz5l5s6biwa421zcgr3"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(inputs (list ripgrep))
@@ -21810,7 +22285,7 @@ docstring of the thing at point.")
(define-public emacs-rust-mode
(name "emacs-rust-mode")
- (version "1.0.3")
+ (version "1.0.4")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -21819,7 +22294,7 @@ docstring of the thing at point.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "11fdxbv51anrjfdqqpgrqz2md9qkcn5y3524lzjippqi9i31lnjn"))))
+ (base32 "10972zw2h1dijx08j5h7aa4d717vhrmahzkslisy3dk2gd8y2v0q"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
`(#:tests? #false ;FIXME: phase fail with status 127
@@ -21834,7 +22309,7 @@ source code.")
(define-public emacs-rustic
(name "emacs-rustic")
- (version "2.5")
+ (version "3.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -21843,7 +22318,7 @@ source code.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1jx8gzcm9ka2chpq51jx4mfa12wqrj2dsrpxwylfcb9qkqjncbn5"))))
+ (base32 "18br5yfakfwcbw3vkawhw5sm41xg78cz4bimz36x5xcgbwi88k3p"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-dash
@@ -22385,13 +22860,30 @@ files are easily readable and they work nicely with version control systems.")
(base32 "0lwgvgnqf7vihglm0c5bwsxbl4x7f641289cji5s7jwy2dbsqk7g"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:include '("\\.el$" "^data/" "^fonts/")
- ;; Compiling "test/" fails with "Symbol’s value as variable is void:
- ;; all-the-icons--root-code". Ignoring tests.
+ `(#:include '("\\.el$" "^data/")
#:exclude '("^test/")
- #:tests? #f))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-fonts
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((fonts (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/fonts")))
+ (mkdir-p fonts)
+ (with-directory-excursion "fonts"
+ (install-file "all-the-icons.ttf" fonts)
+ ;; TODO: Unbundle.
+ (install-file "file-icons.ttf" fonts)
+ (install-file "octicons.ttf" fonts)
+ (install-file "weathericons.ttf" fonts)))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (apply invoke "ert-runner" "-l"
+ (append (find-files "data" "\\.el")
+ '("all-the-icons-faces.el"))))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list emacs-f emacs-ert-runner))
- (list emacs-f emacs-memoize))
+ (list emacs-f emacs-memoize font-awesome font-google-material-design-icons))
(home-page "https://github.com/domtronn/all-the-icons.el")
(synopsis "Collect icon fonts and propertize them within Emacs")
@@ -23409,6 +23901,29 @@ display a terminal in an Emacs buffer.")
a vterm buffer and back again.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-multi-vterm
+ (let ((commit "a3df7218c1ecadef779e2c47815201052283f9ea")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-multi-vterm")
+ (version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/suonlight/multi-vterm")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0z6321994c4c8f5iya240pzvhirci9idlc110wjjwsm4pzdrrppj"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list emacs-vterm))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/suonlight/multi-vterm/")
+ (synopsis "Manage multiple vterm buffers in Emacs")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an Emacs library to manage vterm buffers.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-simple-mpc
;; There have been no releases.
(let ((commit "bee8520e81292b4c7353e45b193f9a13b482f5b2")
@@ -23457,11 +23972,12 @@ indentation and a command to plot the file.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-cmake-font-lock
- (let ((commit "e0ceaaae19c13b66f781512e3295bfc6707b56f4")
- (revision "1"))
+ ;; Upstream does not tag commits. The commit hash below matches version
+ ;; bump.
+ (let ((commit "0d6111b36a66013aa9b452e664c93308df3b07e1"))
(name "emacs-cmake-font-lock")
- (version (git-version "0.1.5" revision commit))
+ (version "0.1.12")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -23470,12 +23986,12 @@ indentation and a command to plot the file.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "03gsyn95dlmsn15bl353bphi3qy7ccn5bss3f7n97kf38bllh0yf"))))
+ "12ga8ri7v9r5y46pghk80ww27i7nhbrg0r3s2ina42drlkkliqj4"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-faceup))
- `(#:include (cons "^admin\\/" %default-include)))
+ (list #:include #~(cons "^admin\\/" %default-include)))
(home-page "https://github.com/Lindydancer/cmake-font-lock")
(synopsis "Advanced type-aware syntax-highlighting for CMake")
(description "This package highlights function arguments in CMake
@@ -23485,7 +24001,7 @@ according to their use.")
(define-public emacs-dtache
(name "emacs-dtache")
- (version "0.4")
+ (version "0.5")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -23494,7 +24010,7 @@ according to their use.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1hndv0qzibkc4177lkam30j8cgvzxd8r60v3dnqn2bmrgxw04j6b"))))
+ "05gm5l533y8xr00w3c3i4fbhzhib6i7q2bbnpkm08w1n8a08iaj5"))))
#:tests? #t
@@ -23508,14 +24024,12 @@ according to their use.")
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(make-file-writable "dtache.el")
(emacs-substitute-variables "dtache.el"
- ("dtache-env" (string-append #$output
- "/bin/dtache-env"))
- ("dtache-dtach-program" (search-input-file
- inputs
- "/bin/dtach"))
- ("dtache-shell-program" (search-input-file
- inputs
- "/bin/bash"))))))))
+ ("dtache-env"
+ (string-append #$output "/bin/dtache-env"))
+ ("dtache-dtach-program"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/dtach"))
+ ("dtache-shell-program"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash"))))))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(native-inputs (list emacs-ert-runner))
(inputs (list dtach))
@@ -23530,7 +24044,7 @@ program dtach.")
(define-public emacs-dtrt-indent
(name "emacs-dtrt-indent")
- (version "1.6")
+ (version "1.7")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -23539,7 +24053,7 @@ program dtach.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1kad2inc9k2z65if26vfiw098yklzxdx9fw8a6yicb87jgc1cz36"))))
+ "0ihwmkxgbd0mgfvzisjiwvyypa9z21ckyxdnkf9y5lxywjyr39zh"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/jscheid/dtrt-indent")
(synopsis "Minor mode that guesses the indentation offset")
@@ -23577,15 +24091,22 @@ buffer and launches Magit from the status buffer for the project at point.")
(define-public emacs-repology
(name "emacs-repology")
- (version "1.1.0")
+ (version "1.2.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"repology-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "031245rrhazj53bk1csa6x3ygzvg74w2hwjf08ficwvmdn97li90"))))
+ (base32 "1ngx23b7dilyps20nznrrn867kbxyn6nryf4p1sy5m576hkw18kn"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #t
+ #:test-command
+ #~(list "emacs" "-Q" "-batch"
+ "-l" "repology-tests.el"
+ "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")))
(home-page "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/repology.html")
(synopsis "Repology API access via Elisp")
@@ -23687,7 +24208,7 @@ recursively. The results are cached for speed.")
(define-public emacs-orgit
(name "emacs-orgit")
- (version "1.7.2")
+ (version "1.8.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/magit/orgit")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -23697,7 +24218,7 @@ recursively. The results are cached for speed.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0lc2lk9c7b92c1cna2pyb88x9fa4bydcqkp4zcn0khpdv54fmszq"))))
+ "1hjfsj12qx06m8ji4l2sg502a55sabar4h6c2b2i9nmp1xf5889l"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-dash emacs-magit))
@@ -23781,7 +24302,7 @@ constant expressions.")
(define-public emacs-docker-tramp
(name "emacs-docker-tramp")
- (version "0.1")
+ (version "0.1.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -23791,7 +24312,7 @@ constant expressions.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0lxvzmfg52fhxrhbvp92zwp7cv4i1rlxnkyyzgngj3sjm7y60yvg"))))
+ "05966l3af9lg4nlsz6wrq282ipwxh19ggirfyabjrr1syw3v2crn"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/emacs-pe/docker-tramp.el")
(synopsis "TRAMP integration for docker containers")
@@ -23802,7 +24323,7 @@ constant expressions.")
(define-public emacs-docker
(name "emacs-docker")
- (version "1.4.0")
+ (version "2.1.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -23811,14 +24332,14 @@ constant expressions.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0s57dq04d97dvrbxzicyk5z9f1mn8gf9w4nbgrxd9dnjqz335173"))))
+ (base32 "0wgdabjkcwi9a3615imny8xysbrydnlcz9rmkavp22kypk6ydcjw"))))
(list emacs-undercover))
- (list emacs-dash
+ (list emacs-aio
+ emacs-dash
- emacs-magit-popup
@@ -23832,7 +24353,7 @@ constant expressions.")
(define-public emacs-dockerfile-mode
(name "emacs-dockerfile-mode")
- (version "1.5")
+ (version "1.6")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -23842,7 +24363,7 @@ constant expressions.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "09pd8mfa45fy95mdg52fsafj3d1d5l52rskmw6q5np59dyzwch1b"))))
+ "0nmybfc9qch0jng06qgs2xb41dl9v52ckc9nc20d7hv3x36w555x"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-s))
@@ -24140,6 +24661,28 @@ files in Elisp.")
(description "Emacs Java IDE using Eclipse JDT Language Server.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-lsp-metals
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-lsp-metals")
+ (version "1.2.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-metals")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ca5xq1l3lscx36pcdnpy2axgyikjrl18naqr140kr1y500sy37s"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-dap-mode emacs-lsp-treemacs emacs-scala-mode))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-metals")
+ (synopsis "Scala support for LSP mode")
+ (description "This package is an Emacs Scala IDE using LSP mode to connect
+to Metals.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-lsp-ui
(name "emacs-lsp-ui")
@@ -24346,7 +24889,7 @@ commands (a prefix and a suffix) we prefer to call it just a \"transient\".")
(define-public emacs-forge
(name "emacs-forge")
- (version "0.3.0")
+ (version "0.3.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -24355,7 +24898,7 @@ commands (a prefix and a suffix) we prefer to call it just a \"transient\".")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "15zm5azgl8gyd91i40a00ih4s2iwg1r8007n2gcfnmi6m4b7s0ak"))))
+ (base32 "112mghydfzrbiwnzrb2f9d74y6ja702157p66ss94kqps0lj7rkp"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ;no tests
@@ -24803,6 +25346,30 @@ based on diff output.")
be used in @code{dired-mode}.")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-all-the-icons-ibuffer
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-all-the-icons-ibuffer")
+ (version "1.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/seagle0128/all-the-icons-ibuffer")
+ (commit (string-append"v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1c1fkkwzxxa90fd5q5x6xlj48p8rhj4bs7h8wxx41w6wsggk2fm2"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-all-the-icons))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/seagle0128/all-the-icons-ibuffer")
+ (synopsis "Display icons for all buffers in ibuffer")
+ (description
+ "This package uses @code{emacs-all-the-icons} to display icons in Ibuffer
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-exwm-edit
(let ((commit "e1291e311840f1049106fe98cec032a1c75efd2b")
(version "0.0.1")
@@ -24940,29 +25507,26 @@ files.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-add-node-modules-path
- (let ((commit "f31e69ccb681f882aebb806ce6e9478e3ac39708")
- (version "1.2.0")
- (revision "10"))
- (package
- (name "emacs-add-node-modules-path")
- (version (git-version version revision commit))
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/codesuki/add-node-modules-path")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0p106bqmvdr8by5iv02bshm339qbrjcch2d15mrm4h3nav03v306"))))
- (build-system emacs-build-system)
- (home-page "https://github.com/codesuki/add-node-modules-path")
- (synopsis "Add @file{node_modules} to the buffer-local @file{exec-path}")
- (description "This package searches the parent directories of the
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-add-node-modules-path")
+ (version "1.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/codesuki/add-node-modules-path")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "039rfgwzmavgfa9gc7mh7hiw46gmgrhndsjib5kixynvcpl1y42l"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/codesuki/add-node-modules-path")
+ (synopsis "Add @file{node_modules} to the buffer-local @file{exec-path}")
+ (description "This package searches the parent directories of the
current file for the project's @file{node_modules/.bin/} directory, allowing
Emacs to find project-specific installations of packages.")
- (license license:expat))))
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public emacs-flow-minor-mode
(let ((commit "d1b32a7dd0d33c6a00a106da5f4b2323602cbd3e")
@@ -25259,7 +25823,7 @@ through Dash docsets.")
(define-public emacs-devdocs
(name "emacs-devdocs")
- (version "0.3")
+ (version "0.4")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -25267,7 +25831,7 @@ through Dash docsets.")
"devdocs-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "03asw26nsnnx7hmyqhksq165vpii0h8y6qjjn0x4sdkyyns16yp7"))))
+ (base32 "05xmxqpp1cpf03y7idpqdsmbj30cissscy80ng5hqc3028kr2jqm"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/astoff/devdocs.el")
(synopsis "Emacs viewer for DevDocs")
@@ -25451,29 +26015,28 @@ well as an option for visually flashing evaluated s-expressions.")
(define-public emacs-tramp
(name "emacs-tramp")
- (version "2.5.2")
+ (version "")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"tramp-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "1j71x3q6x9xyf21capjxcp85b7z2x9khrqsd2sy2s3qwxz3jbg5n"))))
+ (base32 "104nn6xdmcviqqv4cx5llhwj1sh4q04w3h9s8gimmi2kg0z8s36r"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
- `(#:emacs ,emacs ;need D-Bus
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; All but one "/bin/" directory refer to remote
- ;; environments, which may not be Guix. Do not patch them
- ;; blindly. However, local encoding shell has to be patched.
- (replace 'patch-el-files
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((sh (assoc-ref inputs "bash"))
- (file "tramp.el"))
- (emacs-substitute-variables file
- ("tramp-encoding-shell" (string-append sh "/bin/sh"))))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:emacs emacs ;need D-Bus
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; All but one "/bin/" directory refer to remote
+ ;; environments, which may not be Guix. Do not patch them
+ ;; blindly. However, local encoding shell has to be patched.
+ (replace 'patch-el-files
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (emacs-substitute-variables "tramp.el"
+ ("tramp-encoding-shell"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/sh"))))))))
(list bash))
(home-page "https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/tramp")
@@ -25812,14 +26375,14 @@ advice system without dropping support for Emacs<24.4.")
(define-public emacs-soap-client
(name "emacs-soap-client")
- (version "3.2.0")
+ (version "3.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"soap-client-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "1s0bwnip22nj6kgjadd4zlj9j729hiyyjb66sr51i2mddnf9i95s"))))
+ (base32 "0ajv6l1p8dinnlybwzvv4c2i6291is6isjxb2h4apg27g66qbcki"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "httpa://elpa.gnu.org/packages/soap-client.html")
(synopsis "Access SOAP web services")
@@ -25925,6 +26488,54 @@ commands in @code{evil-mode}.")
Emacs windows and tmux panes.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public emacs-everywhere
+ ;; No upstream release. Extract version from main file.
+ (let ((commit "ace53396a66ed4b753f42c04a5a0db2bcd770423")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-everywhere")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/tecosaur/emacs-everywhere")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0p55shxvqm1713af33mfglny7rpi31d42wvgwylcsfy4jvnsq8bb"))))
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-exec-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "emacs-everywhere.el"
+ (("\"xclip\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/xclip")
+ "\""))
+ (("\"xdotool\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/xdotool")
+ "\""))
+ (("\"xprop\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/xprop")
+ "\""))
+ (("\"xwininfo\"")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/xwininfo")
+ "\""))))))))
+ (inputs (list xclip xdotool xprop xwininfo))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/tecosaur/emacs-everywhere")
+ (synopsis "System-wide popup Emacs windows for quick edits")
+ (description "@code{emacs-everywhere} launches a new Emacs frame, and the
+contents of the buffer are pasted into the previously focused application on
+deletion of the frame.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-xclip
(name "emacs-xclip")
@@ -26052,25 +26663,27 @@ it forcibly
(define-public emacs-elpher
(name "emacs-elpher")
- (version "3.2.2")
+ (version "3.3.2")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "git://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher.git")
+ (url "git://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0fzqm5gpadqzsl71r1bq72ki8dw8125v4nmhdd3b4rz9jy1rqm2g"))))
+ (base32 "1p43x7mf14q84armxhp294xaclq5c6mpggq619ravia0kdrqij1w"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:emacs emacs-no-x ;need libxml support
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'build-doc
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "makeinfo" "elpher.texi"))))))
(list texinfo))
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'build-doc
- (lambda _
- (invoke "makeinfo" "elpher.texi"))))))
(home-page "gopher://thelambdalab.xyz/1/projects/elpher/")
(synopsis "Gopher and gemini client for Emacs")
(description "Elpher is a full-featured gopher and gemini client for
@@ -26254,6 +26867,33 @@ format.")
files to numerous other formats via Pandoc.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-ox-reveal
+ (let ((commit "07900f29fada581d0e1b0f1e2057cea5e1ba8ce1")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-ox-reveal")
+ (version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/hexmode/ox-reveal")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "132b0llxda8jivabvm2ssbrdny7q2q1c0z4ikb12k4kia3fvg6cg"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list emacs-org))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/hexmode/ox-reveal")
+ (synopsis "reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org export engine")
+ (description
+ "Org Reveal exports your Org documents to @code{reveal.js} presentations.
+With org-reveal, you can create beautiful presentations with 3D effects from
+simple but powerful Org contents.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-wc-mode
(name "emacs-wc-mode")
@@ -26313,14 +26953,14 @@ federated microblogging social network.")
(define-public emacs-ebdb
(name "emacs-ebdb")
- (version "0.8.8")
+ (version "0.8.13")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"
"ebdb-" version ".tar"))
- (base32 "035xakji5vypdpc06qp9yhg8ny7qn80h8kax6cl80p0lljplzrnn"))))
+ (base32 "0bbv2n01x9zacnrd00krjkra6amn2cbxlpb5rkjcsyg05zmdkr5q"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/girzel/ebdb")
(synopsis "EIEIO port of BBDB, Emacs's contact-management package")
@@ -26380,6 +27020,30 @@ interfaces. Several interfaces are supported beside the classic Ido: Popup,
Helm and Ivy.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-spell-fu
+ ;; There are no tagged releases upstream on gitlab, instead we are using the
+ ;; most recent commit.
+ (let ((commit "50be652a6ec8590c3098f46094a92213623349c1") (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-spell-fu")
+ (version (git-version "0.3" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-spell-fu")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0n7qwnirvkh2aprb7l1wj9rywdsn33a7s32716m3afcvy7z9pyh4"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-spell-fu")
+ (synopsis "Fast highlighting of misspelled words")
+ (description
+ "This is a light weight spell checker for Emacs,
+that runs from the syntax highlighter without starting external processes.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-org-emms
(let ((commit "07a8917f3d628c32e5de1dbd118ac08203772533")
(revision "1"))
@@ -26654,7 +27318,7 @@ Emacs that integrate with major modes like Org-mode.")
(define-public emacs-modus-themes
(name "emacs-modus-themes")
- (version "2.0.0")
+ (version "2.2.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -26663,7 +27327,7 @@ Emacs that integrate with major modes like Org-mode.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0p1h5zpzhxkmhiczds453y6mf5xf7pbcqlijq6z8gy10dxx4jppf"))))
+ (base32 "1mnfbr312dqifsdngb29kvggfirfclc9ncaw5srd52hnwc5n0rxi"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://protesilaos.com/modus-themes/")
(synopsis "Accessible themes (WCAG AAA)")
@@ -26954,6 +27618,34 @@ Google guidelines.")
(home-page "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-google-cpplint")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-highlight-doxygen
+ ;; Upstream does not tag releases. Commit below matches version bump.
+ (let ((commit "eec4874e2e89d4eb39091aad89a67dff8f8ec84c"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-highlight-doxygen")
+ (version "0.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Lindydancer/highlight-doxygen")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0r3rv1px43r265716l3g20c1ss4381h1mc1kjxin22vdmrj6cmxy"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Lindydancer/highlight-doxygen")
+ (synopsis "Highlight Doxygen comments in Emacs, including code blocks")
+ (description
+ "This package highlights Doxygen comments.
+In addition to highlighting Doxygen commands and their arguments, entire
+Doxygen comment are highlighted, making them stand out compared to other
+comments. The code blocks are highlighted according to the
+language they are written in.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-helm-fish-completion
(name "emacs-helm-fish-completion")
@@ -27001,54 +27693,52 @@ other @code{helm-type-file} sources such as @code{helm-locate}.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-telega-server
- (let ((commit "5739794d2d0c8a4e7b77c2e37a097e19f80ac9f0")
- (revision "0"))
- (package
- (name "emacs-telega-server")
- (version (git-version "0.8.2" revision commit))
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/zevlg/telega.el")
- (commit commit)))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1am0b2bjjkw7zd0yq39v015a08dcbk43j4d4h8y2q8hj53ryfk5a"))
- (file-name (git-file-name "emacs-telega" version))
- (patches
- (search-patches "emacs-telega-path-placeholder.patch"
- "emacs-telega-test-env.patch"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- (list
- #:make-flags
- #~(list (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target))
- (string-append "INSTALL_PREFIX=" #$output "/bin"))
- #:phases
- #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'enter-subdirectory
- (lambda _ (chdir "server")))
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "run_tests.py"
- (("^(TELEGA_SERVER = ).*$" _all prefix)
- (string-append prefix
- "\"" #$output "/bin/telega-server\"\n")))))
- (delete 'check)
- (add-after 'install 'check
- (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check))
- (add-before 'install-license-files 'leave-subdirectory
- (lambda _ (chdir ".."))))
- #:test-target "test"))
- (inputs
- (list tdlib libappindicator))
- (native-inputs
- (list python pkg-config))
- (home-page "https://zevlg.github.io/telega.el/")
- (synopsis "Server process of Telega")
- (description "Telega-server is helper program to interact with Telegram
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-telega-server")
+ (version "0.8.03")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/zevlg/telega.el")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ffy17i5fi1bw5r5m6x372c52hc1k83wxdxvi4z0hixyklj48nsv"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "emacs-telega" version))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches "emacs-telega-path-placeholder.patch"
+ "emacs-telega-test-env.patch"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (string-append "INSTALL_PREFIX=" #$output "/bin"))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'enter-subdirectory
+ (lambda _ (chdir "server")))
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "run_tests.py"
+ (("^(TELEGA_SERVER = ).*$" _all prefix)
+ (string-append prefix
+ "\"" #$output "/bin/telega-server\"\n")))))
+ (delete 'check)
+ (add-after 'install 'check
+ (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check))
+ (add-before 'install-license-files 'leave-subdirectory
+ (lambda _ (chdir ".."))))
+ #:test-target "test"))
+ (inputs
+ (list tdlib libappindicator))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python pkg-config))
+ (home-page "https://zevlg.github.io/telega.el/")
+ (synopsis "Server process of Telega")
+ (description "Telega-server is helper program to interact with Telegram
service, and connect it with Emacs via inter-process communication.")
- (license license:gpl3+))))
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-telega
@@ -27674,7 +28364,7 @@ data, including buffers, window configuration, variables, and more.")
(define-public emacs-parseedn
(name "emacs-parseedn")
- (version "1.0.6")
+ (version "1.1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -27683,7 +28373,7 @@ data, including buffers, window configuration, variables, and more.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1xp2d42yvqkimb7a15bv89bj0124lljw9cb36g49m13d7ny4fafn"))))
+ (base32 "01j8nrkcm2s0ps277b5zb4pys29lk4cq49rlcqpj19gbfpkwcvdv"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(list emacs-a emacs-parseclj))
@@ -27697,7 +28387,7 @@ It uses parseclj's shift-reduce parser internally.")
(define-public emacs-parseclj
(name "emacs-parseclj")
- (version "1.0.6")
+ (version "1.1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -27706,7 +28396,7 @@ It uses parseclj's shift-reduce parser internally.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0n0m3xc2dawgdhb68zznpsbzbbvf9fwgf9v8pzzwa2jncgi1yhh0"))))
+ (base32 "0ifc9gyp7hr97ssnsqxiwrzmldqysz874crlg6jm4iy5l9fyls22"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list emacs-a))
(home-page "https://cider.mx")
@@ -28148,7 +28838,7 @@ launching other commands/applications from within Emacs, similar to the
(define-public emacs-no-littering
(name "emacs-no-littering")
- (version "1.2.4")
+ (version "1.2.6")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -28157,7 +28847,7 @@ launching other commands/applications from within Emacs, similar to the
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1gk1l5zk5r8alnzfbfsck5gxcwr55k04rd08sxmb4j9jds6w6zyv"))))
+ (base32 "1098wm46gi15pzh065fpxfjf8lr7jf2sg48yy9yzdi0dwdyz6l4c"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/emacscollective/no-littering")
(synopsis "Help keep @file{~/.emacs.d/} clean")
@@ -28624,7 +29314,7 @@ snippets for Emacs.")
(define-public emacs-org-roam
(name "emacs-org-roam")
- (version "2.2.0")
+ (version "2.2.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -28633,7 +29323,7 @@ snippets for Emacs.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0q3nhw05wnqh1qgggxsj8wki4ihciqlkic2x7qbcsskjqm73j1r7"))))
+ (base32 "0c5vxz423lz386dxa9nqyf396jmyb36q79paxf27is1dhq1vwd5w"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -29490,14 +30180,14 @@ work on alists, hash-table and arrays. All functions are prefixed with
(define-public emacs-xref
(name "emacs-xref")
- (version "1.3.2")
+ (version "1.4.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/xref-"
version ".tar"))
- (base32 "13bsaxdxwn14plaam0hsrswngh3rm2k29v5ybjgjyjy4d5vwz78j"))))
+ (base32 "1vbpplw0sngymmawi940nlqmncqznb5vp7zi0ib8v66g3y33ijrf"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/xref.html")
(synopsis "Cross-referencing commands")
@@ -29678,7 +30368,7 @@ and preferred services can easily be configured.")
(define-public emacs-vertico
(name "emacs-vertico")
- (version "0.19")
+ (version "0.21")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -29687,7 +30377,7 @@ and preferred services can easily be configured.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1q167rwz2g58p0xrdn41vq5knmm5s6k60imnmgiprx4qz9dik2vg"))))
+ (base32 "1gfn95f7rdfwxks3wsr8r9pq8p3nhr5pbaawfwnwgcgb4g27scgs"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
@@ -29716,7 +30406,7 @@ complementary packages.")
(define-public emacs-wisp-mode
(name "emacs-wisp-mode")
- (version "0.2.9")
+ (version "0.3.0")
(method hg-fetch)
@@ -29725,7 +30415,7 @@ complementary packages.")
(changeset (string-append "wisp-mode-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1xdzyj3yqzvdg0vrllp9wi8cswpa89i0gmiz22a25brw4qy185ar"))))
+ (base32 "189baxk27rq3s6h6mh0m25sv504853rpvyxxdcwx6wdy7l88qany"))))
(build-system emacs-build-system)
(home-page "https://www.draketo.de/software/wisp")
(synopsis "Syntax highlighting and indentation support for Wisp files")
@@ -29821,6 +30511,39 @@ dict.org) from within Emacs.")
to the @url{https://multitran.com} online dictionary.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-blacken
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-blacken")
+ (version "0.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri
+ (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/pythonic-emacs/blacken")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0pf9yllx0h78m925sdrg6hbv54ky2pi7cpkdsnx891qjsahvjnpy"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list python-black))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-python-black
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (make-file-writable "blacken.el")
+ (emacs-substitute-variables "blacken.el"
+ ("blacken-executable"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/black"))))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/pythonic-emacs/blacken")
+ (synopsis "Python Black for Emacs")
+ (description
+"Use the @command{python} @command{black} package to reformat
+@command{python} buffers.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public emacs-kibit-helper
(name "emacs-kibit-helper")
@@ -29917,6 +30640,56 @@ It includes syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, and imenu integration.
Unlike Emacs' generic ASM mode, it understands NASM-specific syntax.")
(license license:unlicense)))
+(define-public emacs-validate-html
+ ;; XXX: Upstream did not tag commits yet. However, commit below matches the
+ ;; last version bump. Version is extracted from the keyword in main file.
+ (let ((commit "748e874d50c3a95c61590ae293778e26de05c5f9"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-validate-html")
+ (version "1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri
+ (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/arthurgleckler/validate-html")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0b2b5dm85jwgkqvga23r3vfya07vxv2n7a3a6r1pxpk8asqlw41c"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/arthurgleckler/validate-html")
+ (synopsis "Run the W3C HTML Validator directly from Emacs")
+ (description
+ "@command{emacs-validate-html} installs the command @code{validate-html},
+which sends the current buffer to the World Wide Web Consortium’s HTML
+Validator service and displays the results in a buffer in Compilation mode.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-volatile-highlights
+ ;; XXX: Upstream does not tag releases. Commit below matches version bump.
+ (let ((commit "9a20091f0ce7fc0a6b3e641a6a46d5f3ac4d8392"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-volatile-highlights")
+ (version "1.15")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "http://github.com/k-talo/volatile-highlights.el")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1dsa6769lphyyv7yg92vkkpk395w52q4m7hdn8xy7s6lh5c6a955"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "http://github.com/k-talo/volatile-highlights.el")
+ (synopsis "Emacs minor mode for visual feedback on some operations")
+ (description "@code{volatile-highlights-mode} brings visual feedback to
+some operations by highlighting portions relating to the operations. All of
+highlights made by this library will be removed when any new operation is
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public emacs-global-tags
(let ((commit "06db25d91cc8bfb5e24e02adc04de1226c7e742d")
(revision "0"))
@@ -29965,6 +30738,52 @@ extended by the user via @code{setup-define}. A list of currently known
local macros are documented in the docstring for @code{setup}.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-ed-mode
+ ;; XXX: Upstream did not tag any commits yet.
+ (let ((commit "69f4fb34eca8df6a3bfe24bd8d8075551f0264ac")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-ed-mode")
+ (version (git-version "0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri
+ (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ryanprior/ed-mode")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "058siccx6znw1bcp820bll0jg300xz8w1wf97zr1fa6jwfxyhhvi"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ryanprior/ed-mode")
+ (synopsis "Emacs ed emulation")
+ (description
+"@code{ed-mode} lets you interact with Emacs buffers like you would do
+with the ed editor.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public emacs-alsamixer-el
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-alsamixer-el")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri
+ (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/remvee/alsamixer-el")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0c40vycphv5nf374rp8pnzvi50vlmgab3wrdq92hyprjw76gwxhk"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/remvee/alsamixer-el")
+ (synopsis "Emacs interface to amixer")
+ (description "@code{emacs-alsamixer-el} provides basic commands to control
+audio volume via amixer.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public emacs-fennel-mode
(name "emacs-fennel-mode")
@@ -29984,3 +30803,33 @@ local macros are documented in the docstring for @code{setup}.")
"Fennel mode provides font-lock, indentation, navigation, and REPL for
Fennel code within Emacs.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public emacs-osm
+ (package
+ (name "emacs-osm")
+ (version "0.6")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/minad/osm")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page) (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0aiq2z9vv4jsl0s0x9vpjgp0mnn27wanhirzj3h80ivgiphzs7l5"))))
+ (build-system emacs-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'set-curl-file-name
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "osm.el"
+ (("\"curl( ?)\"" _ space)
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/curl")
+ space "\""))))))))
+ (inputs (list curl))
+ (synopsis "OpenStreetMap viewer for Emacs")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an OpenStreetMap viewer for Emacs, featuring
+zoomable and moveable map display, display of tracks and POIs from GPX files,
+parallel fetching of tiles with cURL, and more.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/embedded.scm b/gnu/packages/embedded.scm
index f7573618b9..de8d2944bc 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/embedded.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/embedded.scm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Simon South <simon@simonsouth.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Simon South <simon@simonsouth.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Morgan Smith <Morgan.J.Smith@outlook.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
@@ -56,12 +56,14 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages libftdi)
#:use-module (gnu packages libusb)
#:use-module (gnu packages messaging)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-crypto)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages readline)
#:use-module (gnu packages swig)
#:use-module (gnu packages texinfo)
#:use-module (gnu packages version-control)
@@ -1486,47 +1488,45 @@ handling communication with eBUS devices connected to a 2-wire bus system
(define-public ucsim
(name "ucsim")
- (version "0.6-pre68")
+ (version "0.7.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
- "devel/ucsim-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ "source/v" (version-major+minor version) ".x/"
+ "ucsim-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1bfj21f5pcfcg1xqqynlcfr8mn6qj5705cgc2lfr2s3n97qsd9df"))))
+ "080471wvkjdzxz5j3zdaq1apjcj84ql50kn26b7p4ansixnimml4"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags '("--enable-avr-port"
- "--enable-m6809-port"
- "--enable-p1516-port"
- "--enable-st7-port")
- #:phases
+ `(#:phases
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'patch-makefiles
(lambda _
(substitute* (find-files "." "(\\.mk$|\\.in$)")
- (("/bin/sh") (which "sh")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'remove-empty-directory
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (delete-file-recursively
- (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/share/man"))
- #t)))))
+ (("/bin/sh") (which "sh"))))))))
+ (inputs
+ (list ncurses))
- (list bison flex))
+ (append (list bison flex)
+ ;; Certain tests use assemblers provided by SDCC.
+ (if (not (%current-target-system))
+ (list sdcc)
+ '())))
(home-page "http://mazsola.iit.uni-miskolc.hu/ucsim/")
(synopsis "Simulators for various microcontroller families")
(description "μCsim is a collection of software simulators for
-microcontrollers in the Atmel AVR; Intel MCS-51 (8051); Motorola 68HC08 and
-6809; P1516; Padauk PDK13, PDK14 and PDK15; STMicroelectronics ST7 and STM8;
-and Zilog Z80 families, plus many of their variants.")
+microcontrollers in the Atmel AVR; Intel MCS-51 (8051); MOS Technology 6502;
+Motorola 6800, 68HC08 and 6809; P1516; Padauk PDK13, PDK14 and PDK15;
+STMicroelectronics ST7 and STM8; Xilinx PicoBlaze; and Zilog Z80 families,
+plus many of their variants.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public sdcc
(name "sdcc")
- (version "4.1.0")
+ (version "4.2.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ and Zilog Z80 families, plus many of their variants.")
"/" version "/sdcc-src-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "0gskzli17ghnn5qllvn4d56qf9bvvclqjh63nnj63p52smvggvc1"))
+ "0ly0m3q9vzjb9kcfjh79s77wpl4w7xhybzy4h9x0bmmw4cfsx6xl"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -1545,13 +1545,10 @@ and Zilog Z80 families, plus many of their variants.")
(patches (search-patches "sdcc-disable-non-free-code.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list readline))
- `(("bison" ,bison)
- ("boost" ,boost)
- ("flex" ,flex)
- ("python-2" ,python-2)
- ("texinfo" ,texinfo)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list bison boost flex python-2 texinfo zlib))
`(;; GPUTILS is required for the PIC ports, but the licensing status of
;; some of the files contained in its distribution is unclear (see
@@ -1575,9 +1572,9 @@ and Zilog Z80 families, plus many of their variants.")
(home-page "http://sdcc.sourceforge.net")
(synopsis "C compiler suite for 8-bit microcontrollers")
(description "SDCC is a retargetable, optimizing Standard C compiler suite
-that targets 8-bit microcontrollers in the Intel MCS-51 (8051); Motorola
-68HC08; Padauk PDK13, PDK14 and PDK15; STMicroelectronics STM8; and Zilog Z80
-families, plus many of their variants.")
+that targets 8-bit microcontrollers in the Intel MCS-51 (8051); MOS Technology
+6502; Motorola 68HC08; Padauk PDK13, PDK14 and PDK15; STMicroelectronics STM8;
+and Zilog Z80 families, plus many of their variants.")
(license (list license:gpl2+
diff --git a/gnu/packages/emulators.scm b/gnu/packages/emulators.scm
index b260ca38f7..d2f360cee9 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/emulators.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/emulators.scm
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages gettext)
#:use-module (gnu packages gl)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gnome)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages libedit)
@@ -1711,7 +1712,7 @@ This is a part of the TiLP project.")
(define-public mame
(name "mame")
- (version "0.239")
+ (version "0.241")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1720,7 +1721,7 @@ This is a part of the TiLP project.")
(commit (apply string-append "mame" (string-split version #\.)))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "02by0pq0j8pi5dllk90g94nbszynp9wqg75bl5x8bqrc7h80a0dq"))
+ (base32 "13bm81qyzvpllzmrak5nb87cdyyvsv4hcnznnrz4jyx1bd8ky6ap"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
;; Remove bundled libraries.
@@ -1745,50 +1746,47 @@ This is a part of the TiLP project.")
"pugixml" "rapidjson" "sqlite3" "utf8proc" "zlib")))
#:tests? #f ;no test in regular release
- `(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure)
- (add-after 'build 'build-documentation
- (lambda _ (invoke "make" "-C" "docs" "man" "info")))
- (replace 'install
- ;; Upstream does not provide an installation phase.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (share (string-append out "/share/mame")))
- ;; Install data.
- (for-each (lambda (dir)
- (copy-recursively dir (string-append share "/" dir)))
- '("artwork" "bgfx" "ctrlr" "hash" "ini" "language"
- "plugins" "samples"))
- (let ((keymaps (string-append share "/keymaps")))
- (for-each (lambda (file) (install-file file keymaps))
- (find-files "keymaps" ".*LINUX\\.map")))
- (let ((fonts (string-append share "/fonts")))
- (install-file "uismall.bdf" fonts))
- (when (file-exists? "mame64")
- (rename-file "mame64" "mame"))
- (install-file "mame" (string-append out "/bin")))))
- (add-after 'install 'install-documentation
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (man (string-append out "/share/man/man1"))
- (info (string-append out "/share/info")))
- (install-file "docs/build/man/MAME.1" man)
- (install-file "docs/build/texinfo/MAME.info" info))))
- (add-after 'install 'install-ini-file
- ;; Generate an ini file so as to set some directories (e.g., roms)
- ;; to a writable location, i.e., "$HOME/.mame/" and "$HOME/mame/".
- ;;
- ;; XXX: We need to insert absolute references to the store. It can
- ;; be an issue if they leak into user's home directory, e.g., with
- ;; "mame -createconfig" and the package is later GC'ed.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (share (string-append out "/share/mame"))
- (ini (string-append share "/ini")))
- (with-output-to-file (string-append ini "/mame.ini")
- (lambda _
- (format #t
- "inipath $HOME/.mame;~a/ini~@
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (add-after 'build 'build-documentation
+ (lambda _ (invoke "make" "-C" "docs" "man" "info")))
+ (replace 'install
+ ;; Upstream does not provide an installation phase.
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((share (string-append #$output "/share/mame")))
+ ;; Install data.
+ (for-each (lambda (dir)
+ (copy-recursively dir (string-append share "/" dir)))
+ '("artwork" "bgfx" "ctrlr" "hash" "ini" "language"
+ "plugins" "samples"))
+ (let ((keymaps (string-append share "/keymaps")))
+ (for-each (lambda (file) (install-file file keymaps))
+ (find-files "keymaps" ".*LINUX\\.map")))
+ (let ((fonts (string-append share "/fonts")))
+ (install-file "uismall.bdf" fonts))
+ (when (file-exists? "mame64")
+ (rename-file "mame64" "mame"))
+ (install-file "mame" (string-append #$output "/bin")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-documentation
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((man (string-append #$output "/share/man/man1"))
+ (info (string-append #$output "/share/info")))
+ (install-file "docs/build/man/MAME.1" man)
+ (install-file "docs/build/texinfo/MAME.info" info))))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-ini-file
+ ;; Generate an ini file so as to set some directories (e.g., roms)
+ ;; to a writable location, i.e., "$HOME/.mame/" and "$HOME/mame/".
+ ;;
+ ;; XXX: We need to insert absolute references to the store. It can
+ ;; be an issue if they leak into user's home directory, e.g., with
+ ;; "mame -createconfig" and the package is later GC'ed.
+ (lambda _
+ (let* ((share (string-append #$output "/share/mame"))
+ (ini (string-append share "/ini")))
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append ini "/mame.ini")
+ (lambda _
+ (format #t
+ "inipath $HOME/.mame;~a/ini~@
homepath $HOME/mame~@
rompath $HOME/mame/roms~@
samplepath $HOME/mame/samples;~a/samples~@
@@ -1808,12 +1806,12 @@ This is a part of the TiLP project.")
state_directory $HOME/.mame/sta~@
diff_directory $HOME/.mame/diff~@
comment_directory $HOME/.mame/comments~%"
- share share share share share share share share
- share)))
- (with-output-to-file (string-append ini "/ui.ini")
- (lambda _
- (format #t
- "historypath $HOME/mame/history~@
+ share share share share share share share share
+ share)))
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append ini "/ui.ini")
+ (lambda _
+ (format #t
+ "historypath $HOME/mame/history~@
categorypath $HOME/mame/folders~@
cabinets_directory $HOME/mame/cabinets~@
cpanels_directory $HOME/mame/cpanel~@
@@ -1833,16 +1831,15 @@ This is a part of the TiLP project.")
icons_directory $HOME/mame/icons~@
covers_directory $HOME/mame/covers~@
ui_path $HOME/.mame/ui~%"))))))
- (add-after 'install 'install-desktop-file
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (desktop (string-append out "/share/applications"))
- (executable (string-append out "/bin/mame")))
- (mkdir-p desktop)
- (with-output-to-file (string-append desktop "/mame.desktop")
- (lambda _
- (format #t
- "[Desktop Entry]~@
+ (add-after 'install 'install-desktop-file
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((desktop (string-append #$output "/share/applications"))
+ (executable (string-append #$output "/bin/mame")))
+ (mkdir-p desktop)
+ (with-output-to-file (string-append desktop "/mame.desktop")
+ (lambda _
+ (format #t
+ "[Desktop Entry]~@
Comment=Multi-purpose emulation framework~@
@@ -1851,7 +1848,7 @@ This is a part of the TiLP project.")
- executable)))))))))
+ executable)))))))))
(list pkg-config
@@ -1894,7 +1891,7 @@ functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation.")
(define-public gnome-arcade
(name "gnome-arcade")
- (version "0.218.2")
+ (version "0.240")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1904,56 +1901,86 @@ functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1qc01a62p65qb6mwjfmxqsd6n3rglsfwrjhsp25nr7q54107n55l"))))
+ "110dpbbcj73s3i2zcnay0kdpsngcpq8mif88279pdc2967ld0a6r"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ; No tests.
- #:configure-flags (list
- (string-append "-DMAME_BIN=\""
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "mame")
- "/bin/mame\"")
- (string-append "-DAPP_RES=\""
- (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/share/gnome-arcade/\""))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'build 'fix-paths
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (pk 'cwd (getcwd))
- (substitute* "../source/src/config.c"
- (("/usr/share") (string-append out "/share"))))
- #t))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
- (rom (string-append out "/share/gnome-arcade/data/rom"))
- (tile (string-append out "/share/gnome-arcade/data/tile")))
- (mkdir-p bin)
- (install-file "../gnome-arcade" bin)
- (copy-recursively "../source/res"
- (string-append out "/share/gnome-arcade/res"))
- (mkdir-p rom)
- (install-file "../source/data/rom/ROM.TXT" rom)
- (mkdir-p tile)
- (install-file "../source/data/tile/TILE.TXT" tile))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ; No tests.
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list
+ (string-append "-DMAME_BIN=\""
+ #$(this-package-input "mame")
+ "/bin/mame\"")
+ (string-append "-DAPP_RES=\"" #$output "/share/gnome-arcade/\""))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'build 'fix-paths
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "../source/src/config.c"
+ (("/usr/share") (string-append #$output "/share")))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((bin (string-append #$output "/bin"))
+ (rom (string-append #$output
+ "/share/gnome-arcade/data/rom"))
+ (tile (string-append #$output
+ "/share/gnome-arcade/data/tile")))
+ (mkdir-p bin)
+ (install-file "../gnome-arcade" bin)
+ (copy-recursively "../source/res"
+ (string-append #$output
+ "/share/gnome-arcade/res"))
+ (mkdir-p rom)
+ (install-file "../source/data/rom/ROM.TXT" rom)
+ (mkdir-p tile)
+ (install-file "../source/data/tile/TILE.TXT" tile)))))))
(list pkg-config))
- `(("mame" ,mame)
- ("gtk" ,gtk+)
- ("libevdev" ,libevdev)
- ("libvlc" ,vlc)
- ("libarchive" ,libarchive)))
+ (list gtk+ libarchive libevdev mame vlc))
(home-page "https://github.com/strippato/gnome-arcade")
(synopsis "Minimal MAME frontend")
- "A minimal GTK+ frontend for MAME, the multi-purpose arcade and console
+ "Gnome Arcade is a minimal GTK+ frontend for MAME, the multi-purpose
+arcade and console emulator.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public gnusim8085
+ (package
+ (name "gnusim8085")
+ (version "1.4.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append
+ "https://github.com/srid/GNUSim8085/releases/download/"
+ version "/gnusim8085-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "05x0is0ckagb3r74p6lw9b8nqrrh7q2v4jvc4cnhljchz9x7kw2a"))))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list gtksourceview-3 adwaita-icon-theme))
+ (build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://gnusim8085.srid.ca")
+ (synopsis "Graphical simulator for the Intel 8085 microprocessor")
+ (description
+ "GNUSim8085 is a graphical simulator,
+assembler, and debugger for the Intel 8085 microprocessor.
+@item A simple editor component with syntax highlighting.
+@item A keypad to input assembly language instructions with appropriate arguments.
+@item Easy view of register contents.
+@item Easy view of flag contents.
+@item Hexadecimal/decimal converter.
+@item View of stack, memory and I/O contents.
+@item Support for breakpoints for program debugging.
+@item Stepwise program execution.
+@item One click conversion of assembly program to opcode listing.
+@item Printing support.
+@item UI translated in various languages.
+@end itemize")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public pcsxr
;; No release since 2017.
(let ((commit "6484236cb0281e8040ff6c8078c87899a3407534"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/engineering.scm b/gnu/packages/engineering.scm
index 23133a50eb..c73cf937ef 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/engineering.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/engineering.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Federico Beffa <beffa@fbengineering.ch>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Theodoros Foradis <theodoros@foradis.org>
@@ -19,14 +19,16 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ekaitz Zarraga <ekaitz@elenq.tech>
;;; Copyright © 2020 B. Wilson <elaexuotee@wilsonb.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Morgan Smith <Morgan.J.Smith@outlook.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 qblade <qblade@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Gerd Heber <gerd.heber@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ivan Gankevich <i.gankevich@spbu.ru>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Evgeny Pisemsky <evgeny@pisemsky.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Olivier Dion <olivier.dion@polymtl.ca>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages algebra)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages bdw-gc)
#:use-module (gnu packages bison)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
#:use-module (gnu packages qt)
#:use-module (gnu packages readline)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages ruby)
#:use-module (gnu packages serialization)
#:use-module (gnu packages sqlite)
#:use-module (gnu packages swig)
@@ -147,7 +151,9 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "08cl4935c9vznz9qdw1zgd86rn7hl64zpfayxl07x21bhf53pn24"))))
+ "08cl4935c9vznz9qdw1zgd86rn7hl64zpfayxl07x21bhf53pn24"))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches "librecad-support-for-boost-1.76.patch"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
'(#:test-target "check"
@@ -925,28 +931,28 @@ Emacs).")
(define-public kicad
(name "kicad")
- (version "5.1.12")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad.git")
- (commit version)))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0kgikchqxds3mp71nkg307mr4c1dgv8akbmksz4w9x8jg4i1mfqq"))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (version "6.0.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad.git")
+ (commit version)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1vpcbhhw8844hm6vpk3kk405wak531pvcvcpc66z0b48iprk3imr"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:out-of-source? #t
- #:tests? #f ; no tests
+ #:tests? #f ;no tests
#:build-type "Release"
- ,#~(list
- (string-append "-DOCC_INCLUDE_DIR="
- #$(this-package-input "opencascade-occt") "/include/opencascade"))
+ (string-append "-DOCC_INCLUDE_DIR="
+ #$(this-package-input "opencascade-occt")
+ "/include/opencascade")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'fix-ngspice-detection
@@ -966,102 +972,68 @@ Emacs).")
(substitute* "common/lib_tree_model.cpp"
(("#include <eda_pattern_match.h>" all)
(string-append "#include <algorithm>\n" all)))))
- (add-after 'install 'install-translations
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (copy-recursively (assoc-ref inputs "kicad-i18n")
- (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- #t))
(add-after 'install 'wrap-program
;; Ensure correct Python at runtime.
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
(python (assoc-ref inputs "python"))
(file (string-append out "/bin/kicad"))
- (path (string-append
- out
- "/lib/python"
- ,(version-major+minor
- (package-version python))
- "/site-packages:"
- (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))))
+ (path (string-append out "/lib/python"
+ ,(version-major+minor (package-version
+ python))
+ "/site-packages:"
+ (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))))
(wrap-program file
- `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" prefix (,path))
+ `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" prefix
+ (,path))
`("PATH" ":" prefix
- (,(string-append python "/bin:")))))
- #t)))))
+ (,(string-append python "/bin:"))))))))))
(list (search-path-specification
- (variable "KICAD") ; to find kicad-doc
+ (variable "KICAD") ;to find kicad-doc
(files '("")))
(files '("share/kicad/template")))
- (variable "KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR") ; symbol path
+ (variable "KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR") ;symbol path
(files '("share/kicad/library")))
- (variable "KISYSMOD") ; footprint path
+ (variable "KISYSMOD") ;footprint path
(files '("share/kicad/modules")))
- (variable "KISYS3DMOD") ; 3D model path
+ (variable "KISYS3DMOD") ;3D model path
(files '("share/kicad/modules/packages3d")))))
- (native-inputs
- `(("boost" ,boost)
- ("desktop-file-utils" ,desktop-file-utils)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("kicad-i18n" ,kicad-i18n)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("swig" ,swig)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
- (inputs
- `(("cairo" ,cairo)
- ("curl" ,curl)
- ("glew" ,glew)
- ("glm" ,glm)
- ("hicolor-icon-theme" ,hicolor-icon-theme)
- ("libngspice" ,libngspice)
- ("libsm" ,libsm)
- ("mesa" ,mesa)
- ("opencascade-occt" ,opencascade-occt)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("wxwidgets" ,wxwidgets)
- ("wxpython" ,python-wxpython)))
+ (native-inputs (list boost
+ desktop-file-utils
+ gettext-minimal
+ pkg-config
+ swig
+ zlib))
+ (inputs (list bash-minimal
+ cairo
+ curl
+ glew
+ glm
+ hicolor-icon-theme
+ libngspice
+ libsm
+ mesa
+ opencascade-occt
+ openssl
+ python-wrapper
+ gtk+
+ wxwidgets
+ python-wxpython))
(home-page "https://www.kicad.org/")
(synopsis "Electronics Design Automation Suite")
- (description "Kicad is a program for the formation of printed circuit
+ (description
+ "Kicad is a program for the formation of printed circuit
boards and electrical circuits. The software has a number of programs that
perform specific functions, for example, pcbnew (Editing PCB), eeschema (editing
electrical diagrams), gerbview (viewing Gerber files) and others.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
-(define kicad-i18n
- (package
- (name "kicad-i18n")
- (version (package-version kicad))
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://gitlab.com/kicad/code/kicad-i18n.git")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0y51l0r62cnxkvpc21732p3cx7pjvaqjih8193502hlv9kv1j9p6"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'build)
- (delete 'check))))
- (native-inputs
- `(("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)))
- (home-page (package-home-page kicad))
- (synopsis "KiCad GUI translations")
- (description "This package contains the po files that are used for the GUI
-translations for KiCad.")
- (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public kicad-doc
(name "kicad-doc")
@@ -1074,23 +1046,23 @@ translations for KiCad.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "026cz4zm903i75yhdvzha2nsnk4c0w07q3gd3xw3jmsmn18imgm3"))))
+ "0zaafa9ckvdgsim6nhp3flj4r2fzzmwn054lc3iijwgga82qy7il"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags (list "-DBUILD_FORMATS=html")
- #:tests? #f ; no test suite
+ #:tests? #f ;no test suite
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(delete 'build))))
- (native-inputs
- `(("asciidoc" ,asciidoc)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("git" ,git-minimal)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("perl-unicode-linebreak" ,perl-unicode-linebreak)
- ("perl-yaml-tiny" ,perl-yaml-tiny)
- ("po4a" ,po4a)
- ("source-highlight" ,source-highlight)))
+ (native-inputs (list asciidoc
+ gettext-minimal
+ git-minimal
+ perl
+ perl-unicode-linebreak
+ perl-yaml-tiny
+ po4a
+ ruby-asciidoctor
+ source-highlight))
(home-page "https://kicad.org")
(synopsis "KiCad official documentation")
(description "This repository contains the official KiCad documentation.")
@@ -1108,7 +1080,7 @@ translations for KiCad.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1zdajim409570xzis53kmrbdcf7000v2vmc90f49h214lrx2zhr2"))))
+ "1azjx1bmxaz8bniyw75lq60mc8hvay00jn9qdc2zp7isy3c9ibp0"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ; no tests exist
@@ -1137,7 +1109,7 @@ libraries.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0qpii55dgv2gxqg1qq0dngdnbb9din790qi5qv0l6qqrzx843h5s"))))
+ "0mv9xs0mmmfn0yhzx1v55r5app13ckagb16249rabyiz3v5crdpb"))))
(synopsis "Official KiCad footprint libraries")
(description "This package contains the official KiCad footprint libraries.")))
@@ -1154,7 +1126,7 @@ libraries.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "12w7m5nbk9kcnlnlg4sk1sd7xgb9i2kxfi0jcbd0phs89qyl7wjr"))))
+ "0vwcbzq42hzjl4f0zjaswmiff1x59hv64g5n00mx1gl0gwngnyla"))))
(synopsis "Official KiCad 3D model libraries")
(description "This package contains the official KiCad 3D model libraries.")))
@@ -1171,7 +1143,7 @@ libraries.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1fbhn1l3j2rwc29aida9b408wif55i23bp9ddcs7dvf83smjm05g"))))
+ "13h9ly6amiwm7zkwa2fd9730kh295ls8j95fszlfjp9rczv2yyzm"))))
(synopsis "Official KiCad project and worksheet templates")
(description "This package contains the official KiCad project and
worksheet templates.")))
@@ -1299,24 +1271,24 @@ use on a given system.")
(define-public libredwg
(name "libredwg")
- (version "0.12.4")
+ (version "0.12.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/libredwg/libredwg-"
- version ".tar.xz"))
+ version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "05v5k8fkx4z1p81x9kna7nlzmyx09dn686rj2zprnkf337qmg24i"))))
+ (base32 "1gginbl76vmpccjwx93cmg8ibap8l40swly3bjv7rhmdwv6ikpnk"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags '("--disable-bindings")))
- `(("libxml2" ,libxml2)
- ("parallel" ,parallel)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("python-libxml2" ,python-libxml2)))
+ (list libxml2
+ parallel
+ perl
+ pkg-config
+ python-wrapper
+ python-libxml2))
(list pcre2))
(home-page "https://www.gnu.org/software/libredwg/")
@@ -1579,16 +1551,16 @@ language, ADMS transforms Verilog-AMS code into other target languages.")
(define-public capstone
(name "capstone")
- (version "3.0.5")
+ (version "4.0.2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/aquynh/capstone")
- (commit version)))
+ (url "https://github.com/capstone-engine/capstone")
+ (commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0dgf82kxj4rs45d6s8sr984c38sll1n5scpypjlyh21gh2yl4qfw"))))
+ "0y5g74yjyliciawpn16zhdwya7bd3d7b1cccpcccc2wg8vni1k2w"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f
@@ -1600,10 +1572,10 @@ language, ADMS transforms Verilog-AMS code into other target languages.")
;; cstool's Makefile ‘+=’s LDFLAGS, so we cannot pass it as a make flag.
(add-before 'build 'fix-cstool-ldflags
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (setenv "LDFLAGS" (string-append "-Wl,-rpath="
- (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/lib"))
- #t)))))
- (home-page "https://www.capstone-engine.org")
+ (setenv "LDFLAGS"
+ (string-append "-Wl,-rpath="
+ (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/lib")))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/capstone-engine/capstone")
(synopsis "Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework")
"Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly
@@ -1773,7 +1745,7 @@ high-performance parallel differential evolution (DE) optimization algorithm.")
;; See <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=27344#236>.
(name "libngspice")
- (version "35")
+ (version "36")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1784,7 +1756,7 @@ high-performance parallel differential evolution (DE) optimization algorithm.")
"old-releases/" version
"/ngspice-" version ".tar.gz")))
- (base32 "1v3ra9p2sc6ash1bbjm6i4i3dd6ymxjgnyha7z5rlmyvfv1gbdy1"))))
+ (base32 "133za6m9grpnnlb46sijkda7ky41mrbvfdb60i0m695sxy3q50ag"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(;; No tests for libngspice exist.
@@ -1817,8 +1789,7 @@ high-performance parallel differential evolution (DE) optimization algorithm.")
(list bison flex))
- `(("libxaw" ,libxaw)
- ("mpi" ,openmpi)))
+ (list libxaw openmpi))
(home-page "http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/")
(synopsis "Mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator")
@@ -2428,127 +2399,110 @@ OpenSCAD code. It supports syntax highlighting, indenting and refilling of
(define-public freecad
- (package
- (name "freecad")
- (version "0.19.3")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1dkiwnqr6bhi2d90hz7ijqd872144c9n9xxpd1vbrmxr2x8cfl88"))
- (patches (search-patches "freecad-vtk9.patch"
- "freecad-boost-serialization.patch"))))
- (build-system qt-build-system)
- (native-inputs
- (list doxygen
- graphviz
- qttools
- pkg-config
- python-pyside-2-tools
- swig))
- (inputs
- (list boost
- coin3D
- double-conversion
- eigen
- freetype
- gl2ps
- glew
- hdf5-1.10
- jsoncpp
- libarea
- libjpeg-turbo
- libmedfile
- libspnav
- libtheora
- libtiff
- libxi
- libxml++
- libxmu
- lz4
- netcdf
- opencascade-occt
- openmpi
- proj
- python-gitpython
- python-matplotlib
- python-pivy
- python-ply
- python-pyside-2
- python-pyyaml
- python-shiboken-2
- python-wrapper
- qtbase-5
- qtdeclarative
- qtsvg
- qtwebchannel
- qtwebengine
- qtx11extras
- qtxmlpatterns
- sqlite
- tbb
- vtk
- xerces-c
- zlib))
- (arguments
- `(#:tests? #f ; Project has no tests
- #:configure-flags
- ,#~(list
- (string-append "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=" #$output "/lib")
- (string-append "-DPYSIDE2UICBINARY="
- #$(this-package-native-input
- "python-pyside-2-tools")
- "/bin/uic")
- (string-append "-DPYSIDE2RCCBINARY="
- #$(this-package-native-input
- "python-pyside-2-tools")
- "/bin/rcc")
- "-DPYSIDE_LIBRARY=PySide2::pyside2"
- (string-append
- #$(this-package-input "python-pyside-2") "/include;"
- #$(this-package-input "python-pyside-2") "/include/PySide2;"
- #$(this-package-input "python-pyside-2") "/include/PySide2/QtCore;"
- #$(this-package-input "python-pyside-2") "/include/PySide2/QtWidgets;"
- #$(this-package-input "python-pyside-2") "/include/PySide2/QtGui;")
- "-DSHIBOKEN_LIBRARY=Shiboken2::libshiboken"
- (string-append "-DSHIBOKEN_INCLUDE_DIR="
- #$(this-package-input "python-shiboken-2")
- "/include/shiboken2"))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'restore-pythonpath
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/Main/MainGui.cpp"
- (("_?putenv\\(\"PYTHONPATH=\"\\);") ""))))
- (add-after 'install 'wrap-pythonpath
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (wrap-program (string-append out "/bin/FreeCAD")
- 'prefix (list (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))))))))))
- (home-page "https://www.freecadweb.org/")
- (synopsis "Your Own 3D Parametric Modeler")
- (description
- "FreeCAD is a general purpose feature-based, parametric 3D modeler for
+ ;; FIXME: We use a commit directly because upstream has compatibility fixes
+ ;; that are not in a release yet for boost, opencascade-occt-7.6 and vtk-9.
+ ;; Switch back to a regular version (probably 0.20) when it is released.
+ (let ((commit "09a05a9cd0c4692a57a3e038268b4389b4657fc6")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "freecad")
+ (version (git-version "0.19.3" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0818basym0n44dsgix0yv1l00xgv9igrr7wkszd8x74lh1rr591r"))))
+ (build-system qt-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list doxygen
+ graphviz
+ qttools
+ pkg-config
+ python-pyside-2-tools
+ swig))
+ (inputs
+ (list boost
+ coin3D
+ double-conversion
+ eigen
+ freetype
+ gl2ps
+ glew
+ hdf5-1.10
+ jsoncpp
+ libarea
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libmedfile
+ libspnav
+ libtheora
+ libtiff
+ libxi
+ libxml++
+ libxmu
+ lz4
+ netcdf
+ opencascade-occt
+ openmpi
+ proj
+ python-gitpython
+ python-matplotlib
+ python-pivy
+ python-ply
+ python-pyside-2
+ python-pyyaml
+ python-shiboken-2
+ python-wrapper
+ qtbase-5
+ qtdeclarative
+ qtsvg
+ qtwebchannel
+ qtwebengine
+ qtx11extras
+ qtxmlpatterns
+ sqlite
+ tbb-2020 ; Same version as opencascade-occt
+ vtk
+ xerces-c
+ zlib))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f ; Project has no tests
+ #:configure-flags
+ ,#~(list
+ (string-append "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=" #$output "/lib"))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'restore-pythonpath
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/Main/MainGui.cpp"
+ (("_?putenv\\(\"PYTHONPATH=\"\\);") ""))))
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap-pythonpath
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append out "/bin/FreeCAD")
+ 'prefix (list (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH"))))))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.freecadweb.org/")
+ (synopsis "Your Own 3D Parametric Modeler")
+ (description
+ "FreeCAD is a general purpose feature-based, parametric 3D modeler for
CAD, MCAD, CAx, CAE and PLM, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and
product design but also fits a wider range of uses in engineering, such as
architecture or other engineering specialties. It is 100% Open Source (LGPL2+
license) and extremely modular, allowing for very advanced extension and
- (license
- (list
- license:lgpl2.1+
- license:lgpl2.0+
- license:gpl3+
- license:bsd-3))))
+ (license
+ (list
+ license:lgpl2.1+
+ license:lgpl2.0+
+ license:gpl3+
+ license:bsd-3)))))
(define-public libmedfile
@@ -2811,13 +2765,13 @@ GUI.")
(define-public poke
(name "poke")
- (version "1.4")
+ (version "2.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/poke/poke-" version
- (base32 "095a0qal1fwnqxnal0xb4mp0n4zy97j3ww1j04ij3jb0jpr4s1ff"))
+ (base32 "0w168jcjahl3jawkhnh0dc10mcw4nwv4yawwc8xhqm5w3dn8wlnd"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -3270,3 +3224,24 @@ G-code instructions for FFF printers or PNG layers for mSLA 3D printers.")
;; Mark as tunable to take advantage of SIMD code in Eigen and in libigl.
(properties '((tunable? . #t)))))
+(define-public wireviz
+ (package
+ (name "wireviz")
+ (version "0.3.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "wireviz" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1dgnlxxlna2m1fh0ybivw0psym0sa5cqsl72mjl79bwfspnif61h"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-graphviz python-pillow python-pyyaml))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/formatc1702/WireViz")
+ (synopsis "Easily document cables and wiring harnesses")
+ (description
+ "WireViz is a tool for easily documenting cables, wiring harnesses and
+connector pinouts. It takes plain text, YAML-formatted files as input and
+produces beautiful graphical output thanks to GraphViz. It handles automatic
+BOM creation and has a lot of extra features.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/enlightenment.scm b/gnu/packages/enlightenment.scm
index f1013af43d..6a02ab1ca4 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/enlightenment.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/enlightenment.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 Tomáš Čech <sleep_walker@suse.cz>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Daniel Pimentel <d4n1@member.fsf.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Timo Eisenmann <eisenmann@fn.de>
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages gnome)
#:use-module (gnu packages gstreamer)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages hardware)
#:use-module (gnu packages ibus)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages libunwind)
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@
(define-public efl
(name "efl")
- (version "1.26.1")
+ (version "1.26.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
version ".tar.xz"))
- "0hm6i1f2g4mwj726rc6na38xhys1plbv9swrlc9hrpa87mz6gac6"))))
+ "071h0pscbd8g341yy5rz9mk1xn8yhryldhl6mmr1y6lafaycyy99"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
`(("check" ,check)
@@ -93,11 +94,7 @@
("ibus" ,ibus)
("mesa" ,mesa)
("libraw" ,libraw)
- ;; Only enable the optional SVG support on x86_64, as this is the only
- ;; architecture where librsvg can be built.
- ,@(if (target-x86-64?)
- `(("librsvg" ,librsvg))
- '())
+ ("librsvg" ,(librsvg-for-system))
("libspectre" ,libspectre)
("libtiff" ,libtiff)
("libxau" ,libxau)
@@ -151,11 +148,6 @@
- ;; Add 'rsvg' to the default list (json, avif, heif) of disabled loaders
- ;; unless librsvg is available.
- ,,@(if (target-x86-64?)
- '()
- (list "-Devas-loaders-disabler=json,avif,heif,rsvg"))
;; For Wayland.
@@ -297,7 +289,7 @@ Libraries with some extra bells and whistles.")
(define-public enlightenment
(name "enlightenment")
- (version "0.25.1")
+ (version "0.25.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -305,7 +297,7 @@ Libraries with some extra bells and whistles.")
"enlightenment/enlightenment-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "0i1424vsc929h36hx04646pbrjiya6nc1nqr6s15xwvfv7imzw1c"))
+ "1xngwixp0cckfq3jhrdmmk6zj67125amr7g6xwc6l89pnpmlkz9p"))
(patches (search-patches "enlightenment-fix-setuid-path.patch"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
@@ -322,6 +314,7 @@ Libraries with some extra bells and whistles.")
(setxkbmap (assoc-ref inputs "setxkbmap"))
(libc (assoc-ref inputs "libc"))
(bc (assoc-ref inputs "bc"))
+ (ddcutil (assoc-ref inputs "ddcutil"))
(efl (assoc-ref inputs "efl")))
;; We need to patch the path to 'base.lst' to be able
;; to switch the keyboard layout in E.
@@ -347,6 +340,9 @@ Libraries with some extra bells and whistles.")
(substitute* "src/modules/everything/evry_plug_calc.c"
(("bc -l") (string-append bc "/bin/bc -l")))
+ (substitute* "src/bin/system/e_system_ddc.c"
+ (("libddcutil\\.so\\.?" libddcutil)
+ (string-append ddcutil "/lib/" libddcutil)))
(substitute* "data/etc/meson.build"
(("/bin/mount") "/run/setuid-programs/mount")
(("/bin/umount") "/run/setuid-programs/umount")
@@ -361,6 +357,7 @@ Libraries with some extra bells and whistles.")
("bc" ,bc)
("bluez" ,bluez)
("dbus" ,dbus)
+ ("ddcutil" ,ddcutil)
("freetype" ,freetype)
("libdrm" ,libdrm)
("libexif" ,libexif)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/erlang.scm b/gnu/packages/erlang.scm
index 1974fef9a9..888a0f4f1e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/erlang.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/erlang.scm
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
(define-public erlang
(name "erlang")
- (version "24.0.5")
+ (version "24.2.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
;; The tarball from http://erlang.org/download contains many
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0f8zr2jxr0v4zcd98zqx99zxdn768vjpzwxsbsd6ss3if405sq2a"))
+ "0glbdh4la0k4ikygj6rssvlbxbzybjn0bpp276wq170d6rgahlf6"))
(patches (search-patches "erlang-man-path.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -67,13 +67,11 @@
(version-major+minor version) ".tar.gz"))
- "1c9ccp93pmm54mmvpiyrmj8v00pq11a60c4xv220k97i965zkwsg"))))))
+ "0k2zghkkqmf8g66hfb6zff2b7q5sl3r9y6lmv56ky03wzh9lpbjn"))))))
(list ncurses openssl wxwidgets))
- `(("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("glu" ,glu)
- ("mesa" ,mesa)))
+ (list fontconfig glu mesa))
`(#:test-target "release_tests"
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@
(string-append "--with-ssl=" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "openssl")))
- #:modules ((srfi srfi-19) ; make-time, et cetera.
+ #:modules ((srfi srfi-19) ; make-time, et cetera.
(guix build utils)
(guix build gnu-build-system))
@@ -127,59 +125,46 @@
(substitute* "lib/snmp/src/compile/snmpc_mib_to_hrl.erl"
(("\\{H,Mi,S\\} = time\\(\\),")
(date->string source-date-epoch
- "{H,Mi,S} = {~H,~M,~S},")))
- #t)))
+ "{H,Mi,S} = {~H,~M,~S},"))))))
(add-after 'unpack 'patch-/bin/sh
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "erts/etc/unix/run_erl.c"
- (("sh = \"/bin/sh\";")
- (string-append "sh = \""
- (which "sh")
- "\";")))
- (substitute* "erts/emulator/sys/unix/sys_drivers.c"
- (("SHELL \"/bin/sh\"")
- (string-append "SHELL \""
- (which "sh")
- "\"")))
- (substitute* "erts/emulator/sys/unix/erl_child_setup.c"
- (("SHELL \"/bin/sh\"")
- (string-append "SHELL \""
- (which "sh")
- "\"")))
- (substitute* "lib/kernel/src/os.erl"
- (("/bin/sh") (which "sh")))
- #t))
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((sh (search-input-file inputs "/bin/sh")))
+ (substitute* "erts/etc/unix/run_erl.c"
+ (("sh = \"/bin/sh\";")
+ (string-append "sh = \"" sh "\";")))
+ (substitute* "erts/emulator/sys/unix/sys_drivers.c"
+ (("SHELL \"/bin/sh\"")
+ (string-append "SHELL \"" sh "\"")))
+ (substitute* "erts/emulator/sys/unix/erl_child_setup.c"
+ (("SHELL \"/bin/sh\"")
+ (string-append "SHELL \"" sh "\"")))
+ (substitute* "lib/kernel/src/os.erl"
+ (("/bin/sh") sh)))))
(add-after 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-source-env
(lambda _
(let ((escripts
- (find-files "." "\\.escript")
- (find-files "lib/stdlib/test/escript_SUITE_data/")
- '("erts/lib_src/utils/make_atomics_api"
- "erts/preloaded/src/add_abstract_code"
- "lib/diameter/bin/diameterc"
- "lib/reltool/examples/display_args"
- "lib/reltool/examples/mnesia_core_dump_viewer"
- "lib/snmp/src/compile/snmpc.src"
- "make/verify_runtime_dependencies"
- "make/emd2exml.in"))))
+ (find-files "." "\\.escript")
+ (find-files "lib/stdlib/test/escript_SUITE_data/")
+ '("erts/lib_src/utils/make_atomics_api"
+ "erts/preloaded/src/add_abstract_code"
+ "lib/diameter/bin/diameterc"
+ "lib/reltool/examples/display_args"
+ "lib/reltool/examples/mnesia_core_dump_viewer"
+ "lib/snmp/src/compile/snmpc.src"
+ "make/verify_runtime_dependencies"
+ "make/emd2exml.in"))))
(substitute* escripts
- (("/usr/bin/env") (which "env")))
- #t)))
+ (("/usr/bin/env") (which "env"))))))
(add-before 'configure 'set-erl-top
(lambda _
- (setenv "ERL_TOP" (getcwd))
- #t))
+ (setenv "ERL_TOP" (getcwd))))
(add-after 'install 'patch-erl
;; This only works after install.
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
(substitute* (string-append out "/bin/erl")
- (("sed") (which "sed")))
- #t)))
+ (("sed") (which "sed"))))))
(add-after 'install 'install-doc
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
@@ -187,8 +172,7 @@
(share (string-append out "/share/")))
(mkdir-p share)
(with-directory-excursion share
- (invoke "tar" "xvf" manpages))
- #t))))))
+ (invoke "tar" "xvf" manpages))))))))
(home-page "https://www.erlang.org/")
(synopsis "The Erlang programming language")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/fcitx5.scm b/gnu/packages/fcitx5.scm
index 92fc0ea171..13031d6d3d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/fcitx5.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/fcitx5.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Dominic Martinez <dom@dominicm.dev>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -20,10 +21,12 @@
(define-module (gnu packages fcitx5)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system copy)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages anthy)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
#:use-module (gnu packages curl)
#:use-module (gnu packages datastructures)
@@ -196,43 +199,60 @@ editors.")
(base32 "07ip4sxf3q895pp7mivv2bdwcmqjnwrmv9pg99jk73cw9bgyq00n"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;No test
- #:configure-flags
- (list (string-append "-DGOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_GIRDIR="
- %output "/share/gir-1.0")
- %output "/lib/girepository-1.0")
- ;; TODO: Enable it when Guix has GTK4.
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'patch-install-prefix
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (gtk2 (assoc-ref outputs "gtk2")))
- ;; Install GTK+ 2 input method module to its own output.
- (substitute* "gtk2/CMakeLists.txt"
- (("\\$\\{CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR\\}")
- (string-append gtk2 "/lib")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;No test
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "-DGOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_GIRDIR="
+ #$output "/share/gir-1.0")
+ #$output "/lib/girepository-1.0"))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'patch-install-prefix
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Take care of different versions of GTK because this package
+ ;; provides IM module for GTK application to use input method.
+ (define (split-immodule gtk-version output)
+ (substitute* (string-append gtk-version "/CMakeLists.txt")
+ (("\\$\\{CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR\\}")
+ (string-append output "/lib"))))
+ (let ((gtk2 #$output:gtk2)
+ (gtk3 #$output:gtk3)
+ (gtk4 #$output:gtk4))
+ (for-each split-immodule
+ '("gtk2" "gtk3" "gtk4")
+ (list gtk2 gtk3 gtk4))))))))
- `(("fcitx5" ,fcitx5)
- ("fmt" ,fmt)
- ("libxkbcommon" ,libxkbcommon)
- ("gobject-introspection" ,gobject-introspection)
- ("gtk2" ,gtk+-2)
- ("gtk3" ,gtk+)
- ("glib" ,glib)
- ("libx11" ,libx11)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)))
+ (list fcitx5
+ fmt
+ libx11
+ libxkbcommon
+ gettext-minimal
+ gobject-introspection
+ gtk+-2
+ gtk+
+ gtk
+ glib))
(list extra-cmake-modules pkg-config
`(,glib "bin"))) ;for glib-genmarshal
- ;; TODO: Add "lib" output to reduce the closure size of "gtk2".
- (outputs '("out" "gtk2"))
+ (outputs '("out" "gtk2" "gtk3" "gtk4"))
(home-page "https://github.com/fcitx/fcitx5-gtk")
- (synopsis "Glib based D-Bus client and GTK IM module for Fcitx 5")
- (description "Fcitx5-gtk provides a Glib based D-Bus client and IM module
-for GTK+2/GTK+3 application.")
+ (synopsis "GLib-based D-Bus client and GTK IM module for Fcitx 5")
+ (description "Fcitx5-gtk provides the following functionality in the
+corresponding output:
+@table @code
+@item out
+GLib-based D-Bus client of Fcitx5.
+@item gtk2
+IM module for GTK+2 applications.
+@item gtk3
+IM module for GTK+3 applications.
+@item gtk4
+IM module for GTK4 applications.
+@end table")
(license license:lgpl2.1+)))
(define-public fcitx5-qt
@@ -270,6 +290,30 @@ for Qt based application.")
;; and qt5/platforminputcontext.
+(define-public fcitx5-anthy
+ (package
+ (name "fcitx5-anthy")
+ (version "5.0.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://download.fcitx-im.org/fcitx5"
+ "/fcitx5-anthy/fcitx5-anthy-"
+ version ".tar.xz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0i2ahfp1vh0cs3brcsfblzqwszal2qj1ncgb1hbc9v03s1j6bybk"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ;; no tests
+ (inputs (list fcitx5 anthy gettext-minimal fmt))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list extra-cmake-modules pkg-config))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/fcitx/fcitx5-anthy")
+ (synopsis "Anthy Japanese language input for Fcitx 5")
+ (description "Fcitx5-Anthy provides Japanese input support to Fcitx5 using
+the Anthy input method.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public fcitx5-chinese-addons
(name "fcitx5-chinese-addons")
@@ -284,7 +328,9 @@ for Qt based application.")
(base32 "11l76gpcfm0x1f6x5m9s37q7ffa7xcsdydlzjdz2s6kk45fvvq89"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:phases
+ `(#:configure-flags
+ '("-DUSE_WEBKIT=off")
+ #:phases
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'configure 'split-outputs
;; Build with GUI supports requires Qt and increase package closure
@@ -305,7 +351,9 @@ for Qt based application.")
("opencc" ,opencc)
("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)
("fcitx5-qt" ,fcitx5-qt)
- ("qtwebkit" ,qtwebkit)))
+ ("qtdeclarative" ,qtdeclarative)
+ ("qtwebchannel" ,qtwebchannel)
+ ("qtwebengine" ,qtwebengine)))
(list extra-cmake-modules pkg-config))
(outputs '("out" "gui"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/file-systems.scm b/gnu/packages/file-systems.scm
index 767b7c5732..b1f3f4158f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/file-systems.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/file-systems.scm
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ from a mounted file system.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public bcachefs-tools
- (let ((commit "b19d9f92e12c2e78d6e306e6cb7f8a7d9a7875f3")
- (revision "13"))
+ (let ((commit "fd1b84975b960d5e42963bed2c18b8c63d8abce7")
+ (revision "14"))
(name "bcachefs-tools")
(version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ from a mounted file system.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1ixb1fk58yjk8alpcf9a7h0fnkvpbsjxd766iz9h7qa6r1r77a6c"))))
+ (base32 "08vh0pg2sj833062y4vvnvzqchhflcvysp3xdh0zjk121r3iqm0s"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list #:make-flags
diff --git a/gnu/packages/finance.scm b/gnu/packages/finance.scm
index 5c08662f05..9f2d055048 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/finance.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/finance.scm
@@ -1724,7 +1724,9 @@ that allows you to run services and through them access the Bitcoin Cash network
(lambda _
(substitute* "setup.py"
(("'google-api-python-client',") ""))
- #t)))))
+ #t))
+ ;; No module named 'google_auth_oauthlib'
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
(list python-beautifulsoup4
@@ -1942,3 +1944,37 @@ providing common functions for the technical analysis of financial market data."
"TA-Lib is a library providing common functions for the technical
analysis of financial market data.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public python-mt-940
+ (package
+ (name "python-mt-940")
+ (version "4.23.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/WoLpH/mt940.git")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0z9w1qalcphsck3j6vkrs7k47ah9zq2rv0lm9nmcsgwpyp59qkyf"))))
+ (properties '(("upstream-name" #{.}# "mt-940")))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ ;; Remove custom --cov flags.
+ (delete-file "pytest.ini")
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv")))))))
+ (native-inputs (list python-flake8
+ python-pytest
+ python-pyyaml))
+ (home-page "https://mt940.readthedocs.io/")
+ (synopsis "Python parser for MT940-encoded SWIFT data")
+ (description
+ "A library to parse MT940 files, a bank account statement exchange
+format used by SWIFT. It returns smart Python collections for statistics
+and manipulation.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/firmware.scm b/gnu/packages/firmware.scm
index 3a97765931..b63ad63749 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/firmware.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/firmware.scm
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ broadband modem as found, for example, on PinePhone.")
(string-prefix? "riscv64" arch))
- '())
+ `("CC=gcc"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/fonts.scm b/gnu/packages/fonts.scm
index 8afb453970..c37303892b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/fonts.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/fonts.scm
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Paul A. Patience <paul@apatience.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Taiju HIGASHI <higashi@taiju.info>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Philip McGrath <philip@philipmcgrath.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Kitzman <kitzman@disroot.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Wamm K. D. <jaft.r@outlook.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -1496,7 +1499,7 @@ programming. Iosevka is completely generated from its source code.")
(define-public font-sarasa-gothic
(name "font-sarasa-gothic")
- (version "0.31.2")
+ (version "0.36.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1504,7 +1507,7 @@ programming. Iosevka is completely generated from its source code.")
"/releases/download/v" version
"/sarasa-gothic-ttc-" version ".7z"))
- (base32 "0p67qyhm266s6q17islqvwch807fy5slgp2symrl0z665vp6hycj"))))
+ (base32 "0rr6qrf49zx3cl1pv7063l12nnj2nm9p4di3frp0p4ci9l7b4xmw"))))
(build-system font-build-system)
`(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -1995,7 +1998,7 @@ This package provides the TrueType fonts.")
(define-public font-jetbrains-mono
(name "font-jetbrains-mono")
- (version "2.221")
+ (version "2.242")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -2003,7 +2006,7 @@ This package provides the TrueType fonts.")
(string-append "https://github.com/JetBrains/JetBrainsMono/releases/"
"download/v" version "/JetBrainsMono-" version ".zip"))
- (base32 "1acrgv2q9vxviirpi01xy67pkkswyssw4dn5pgyvrnjxr85cgjrg"))))
+ (base32 "17qs985v38x3rcg3v4av3qynwr4gvixrj50vjzy7zkkny575ncaf"))))
(build-system font-build-system)
@@ -2463,4 +2466,98 @@ converted from the Type 1 originals by Matthew Butterick.")
"Bitstream contributed the Charter family "
"to the X Consortium in 1992. "
"The license is also embedded in the font metadata."))))))
+(define-public font-termsyn
+ (package
+ (name "font-termsyn")
+ (version "1.8.7")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/termsyn/termsyn-"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "15vsmc3nmzl0pkgdpr2993da7p38fiw2rvcg01pwldzmpqrmkpn6"))))
+ (build-system font-build-system)
+ (outputs '("out" "psf" "otf"))
+ (native-inputs (list fontforge))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'build
+ (lambda _
+ (use-modules (ice-9 regex)
+ (ice-9 match))
+ (define (pcf2 name ext)
+ (invoke "fontforge" "-lang=ff" "-c"
+ (string-append "Open('"
+ name
+ "');"
+ "Generate('"
+ (basename name "pcf")
+ ext
+ "','ttf')")))
+ (for-each (lambda (pcf)
+ (pcf2 pcf "otf"))
+ (find-files "." "\\.pcf$")) #t))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((pcf (assoc-ref outputs "out")) (psf (assoc-ref
+ outputs
+ "psf"))
+ (otf (assoc-ref outputs "otf"))
+ (pcf-font-dir (string-append pcf
+ "/share/fonts/termsyn"))
+ (otf-font-dir (string-append otf
+ "/share/fonts/termsyn-otf"))
+ (psf-font-dir (string-append psf
+ "/share/kbd/consolefonts")))
+ (mkdir-p pcf-font-dir)
+ (mkdir-p otf-font-dir)
+ (mkdir-p psf-font-dir)
+ (for-each (lambda (pcf)
+ (install-file pcf pcf-font-dir))
+ (find-files "." "\\.pcf$"))
+ (for-each (lambda (psfu)
+ (install-file psfu psf-font-dir))
+ (find-files "." "\\.psfu$"))
+ (for-each (lambda (otf)
+ (install-file otf otf-font-dir))
+ (find-files "." "\\.otf$"))) #t)))))
+ (home-page "https://sourceforge.net/projects/termsyn/")
+ (synopsis "Monospaced font based on terminus and tamsyn")
+ (description
+ "Termsyn is a clean monospaced bitmap font based on Terminus and Tamsyn.
+This package contains the following outputs:
+@item out: pcf font
+@item otf: otf font
+@item psf: psfu font
+@end enumerate
+ (license license:gpl2)))
+(define-public font-atui-feather
+ (let ((version "0")
+ (commit "c51fe7cedbcf2cbf4f1b993cef5d8def612dec1d")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "font-atui-feather")
+ (version (git-version version revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (commit commit)
+ (url "https://github.com/AT-UI/feather-font/")))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0hk12bjlsh0j6kd0sz3nwax259afdi6dxws4x88yz5ssxic1ng2j"))))
+ (build-system font-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://at-ui.github.io/feather-font/")
+ (synopsis "Iconfont version of Feather")
+ (description
+ "Feather is a collection of simply beautiful icons. Each
+icon is designed on a 24x24 grid with an emphasis on simplicity, consistency,
+and readability. This package bundles those icons into a font.")
+ (license license:expat))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/fontutils.scm b/gnu/packages/fontutils.scm
index bc082de3d3..04b868d31b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/fontutils.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/fontutils.scm
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -835,7 +836,7 @@ maintain the Noto Fonts project.")
(define-public fcft
(name "fcft")
- (version "2.5.1")
+ (version "3.0.1")
(home-page "https://codeberg.org/dnkl/fcft")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -843,7 +844,7 @@ maintain the Noto Fonts project.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0dn0ic2ddi5qz6nqscsn7nlih67ad8vpclppbqwas6xavdfq6va2"))))
+ "0jxy92ny8b7s7yvz1mr8zpf7l2zsn506fi9f98pvh9k25jprg0cx"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(list check pkg-config scdoc))
@@ -898,11 +899,13 @@ generated list of fallback fonts are checked.")
("glib" ,glib "bin")
("gobject-introspection" ,gobject-introspection)
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
+ ("python-wrapper" ,python-wrapper)
("vala" ,vala-0.52)
("yelp-tools" ,yelp-tools)))
`(("fonconfig" ,fontconfig)
("freetype" ,freetype)
+ ("gsettings-desktop-schemas" ,gsettings-desktop-schemas)
("gtk+" ,gtk+)
("json-glib" ,json-glib)
("libsoup" ,libsoup-minimal-2)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/freedesktop.scm b/gnu/packages/freedesktop.scm
index 818d9966dd..55bde8e705 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/freedesktop.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/freedesktop.scm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015-2017, 2019, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015 David Hashe <david.hashe@dhashe.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Kei Kebreau <kkebreau@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
@@ -585,11 +585,15 @@ the freedesktop.org XDG Base Directory specification.")
(sysconf (string-append out "/etc"))
(libexec (string-append out "/libexec/elogind"))
(dbuspolicy (string-append out "/etc/dbus-1/system.d"))
- (kexec-tools #$(this-package-input "kexec-tools"))
+ #$@(if (not (target-riscv64?))
+ #~((kexec-tools #$(this-package-input "kexec-tools")))
+ #~())
(shadow #$(this-package-input "shadow"))
(shepherd #$(this-package-input "shepherd"))
(halt-path (string-append shepherd "/sbin/halt"))
- (kexec-path (string-append kexec-tools "/sbin/kexec"))
+ #$@(if (not (target-riscv64?))
+ #~((kexec-path (string-append kexec-tools "/sbin/kexec")))
+ #~())
(nologin-path (string-append shadow "/sbin/nologin"))
(poweroff-path (string-append shepherd "/sbin/shutdown"))
(reboot-path (string-append shepherd "/sbin/reboot")))
@@ -601,7 +605,9 @@ the freedesktop.org XDG Base Directory specification.")
(string-append "-Dc_link_args=-Wl,-rpath=" libexec)
(string-append "-Dcpp_link_args=-Wl,-rpath=" libexec)
(string-append "-Dhalt-path=" halt-path)
- (string-append "-Dkexec-path=" kexec-path)
+ #$@(if (not (target-riscv64?))
+ #~((string-append "-Dkexec-path=" kexec-path))
+ #~())
(string-append "-Dpoweroff-path=" poweroff-path)
(string-append "-Dreboot-path=" reboot-path)
(string-append "-Dnologin-path=" nologin-path)
@@ -675,15 +681,18 @@ the freedesktop.org XDG Base Directory specification.")
("python" ,python)
("xsltproc" ,libxslt)))
- (list kexec-tools
- linux-pam
- libcap
- shadow ;for 'nologin'
- shepherd ;for 'halt' and 'reboot', invoked
- ;when pressing the power button
- dbus
- eudev
- acl)) ;to add individual users to ACLs on /dev nodes
+ (append
+ (if (not (target-riscv64?))
+ (list kexec-tools)
+ '())
+ (list linux-pam
+ libcap
+ shadow ; for 'nologin'
+ shepherd ; for 'halt' and 'reboot', invoked
+ ; when pressing the power button
+ dbus
+ eudev
+ acl))) ; to add individual users to ACLs on /dev nodes
(home-page "https://github.com/elogind/elogind")
(synopsis "User, seat, and session management service")
(description "Elogind is the systemd project's \"logind\" service,
@@ -1046,7 +1055,7 @@ protocol either in Wayland core, or some other protocol in wayland-protocols.")
(define-public waylandpp
(name "waylandpp")
- (version "0.2.8")
+ (version "0.2.9")
(home-page "https://github.com/NilsBrause/waylandpp")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1054,7 +1063,7 @@ protocol either in Wayland core, or some other protocol in wayland-protocols.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1kxiqab48p0n97pwg8c2zx56wqq32m3rcq7qd2pjj33ipcanb3qq"))))
+ "0z4m30r609as3kpcgipivddr98y7h529r7ldn9ba4snhk341mfvk"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ; no tests
@@ -1201,6 +1210,29 @@ sent to a Wayland window, such as key presses. It is analogous to the X11 tool
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public wtype
+ (package
+ (name "wtype")
+ (version "0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/atx/wtype.git")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bpix92vzip9vlhzihj3k8h9flrlna231x3y8ah7p4965l177yjd"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list pkg-config wayland libxkbcommon))
+ (synopsis "Xdotool type for Wayland")
+ (description "Wtype lets you simulate keyboard input and mouse activity,
+move and resize windows, etc.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/atx/wtype")
+ ;; MIT License
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public exempi
(name "exempi")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ftp.scm b/gnu/packages/ftp.scm
index 3d44364918..cf6cdb630f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ftp.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ftp.scm
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Rene Saavedra <rennes@openmailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 David Larsson <david.larsson@selfhosted.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -173,14 +174,14 @@ as required.")
(define-public libfilezilla
(name "libfilezilla")
- (version "0.35.0")
+ (version "0.36.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://download.filezilla-project.org/"
"libfilezilla/libfilezilla-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "1s1a165kc1gkdmhzmvm91ddj3cbxmh7s27fwfgm921ixrq6m3qpf"))))
+ (base32 "0wm8acwbrsblilfwj5asxr26gy8grg175j91df1bryz7xlc1q9y0"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -213,14 +214,14 @@ output.
(define-public filezilla
(name "filezilla")
- (version "3.57.0")
+ (version "3.58.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://download.filezilla-project.org/client/"
"FileZilla_" version "_src.tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "1iwrr08rik0afaxf88bghw2fw97ia8wlcsrm94jh24yafxq6rgw2"))))
+ (base32 "122x72rvd178y2rffvidyvzr33kf325q2rk4l2x44xqzw1r7zznh"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
;; Don't let filezilla phone home to check for updates.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/game-development.scm b/gnu/packages/game-development.scm
index f417fae8d7..295ee20a90 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/game-development.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/game-development.scm
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ekaitz Zarraga <ekaitz@elenq.tech>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Andy Tai <atai@atai.org>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Felix Gruber <felgru@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -513,7 +514,7 @@ formats such as PNG.")
(define-public tiled
(name "tiled")
- (version "1.7.2")
+ (version "1.8.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -522,7 +523,7 @@ formats such as PNG.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1ifxh3sv6gz32gahgi7ba0ivcw5mfgwnrw6iycpav150w9xla43i"))))
+ "05gczsywkk45bh0z1vv8l6cmrlncc2qj8agavj5ryxpnxkzy69r1"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list qtbase-5 qtdeclarative qtsvg zlib))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/games.scm b/gnu/packages/games.scm
index 591a3d3f38..8cc29b3487 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/games.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/games.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov <nikita@karetnikov.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 David Thompson <dthompson2@worcester.edu>
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2022 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Cyrill Schenkel <cyrill.schenkel@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Sylvain Beucler <beuc@beuc.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Yovan Naumovski <yovan@gorski.stream>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -820,37 +821,37 @@ Quizzes: arithmetic and quiz.")
(define-public bzflag
(name "bzflag")
- (version "2.4.22")
+ (version "2.4.24")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://download.bzflag.org/bzflag/source/"
version "/bzflag-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "0kba0011nswc2csqlzkd7bas307zm5813zlnby5vsmxn08rnar4y"))))
+ (base32 "1i73ijlnxsz52fhqgkj2qcvibfgav3byq1is68gab2zwnyz330az"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'install 'install-desktop-file-and-icons
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((share (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/share"))
- (data (string-append share "/bzflag"))
- (hicolor (string-append share "/icons/hicolor"))
- (applications (string-append share "/applications")))
- ;; Move desktop file.
- (install-file (string-append data "/bzflag.desktop")
- applications)
- ;; Install icons.
- (for-each (lambda (size)
- (let* ((dim (string-append size "x" size))
- (dir (string-append hicolor "/" dim "/apps")))
- (mkdir-p dir)
- (copy-file
- (string-append data "/bzflag-" dim ".png")
- (string-append dir "/bzflag.png"))))
- '("48" "256")))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-desktop-file-and-icons
+ (lambda _
+ (let* ((share (string-append #$output "/share"))
+ (data (string-append share "/bzflag"))
+ (hicolor (string-append share "/icons/hicolor"))
+ (applications (string-append share "/applications")))
+ ;; Move desktop file.
+ (install-file (string-append data "/bzflag.desktop")
+ applications)
+ ;; Install icons.
+ (for-each (lambda (size)
+ (let* ((dim (string-append size "x" size))
+ (dir (string-append hicolor "/" dim "/apps")))
+ (mkdir-p dir)
+ (copy-file
+ (string-append data "/bzflag-" dim ".png")
+ (string-append dir "/bzflag.png"))))
+ '("48" "256"))))))))
(list pkg-config))
@@ -2360,100 +2361,98 @@ can be explored and changed freely.")
(define-public seahorse-adventures
(name "seahorse-adventures")
- (version "1.3")
+ (version "1.4")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/dulsi/seahorse-adventures")
- (commit (string-append "release-" version))))
+ (commit (string-append "Release-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0m53jh2gchzr7rs35hml6lbvc5kb5hp229wlfqa09098b7hhl15a"))
+ (base32 "1dxysa79cz5mflr2953fyk838h1jwvi1ngn8wlpms0ag35yv21s8"))
(modules '((guix build utils)
(ice-9 ftw)
(srfi srfi-1)))
;; Remove non-free (non-commercial) font.
- `(begin
- (for-each delete-file (find-files "data/fonts" "."))
- #t))))
+ #~(begin
+ (for-each delete-file (find-files "data/fonts" "."))))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;no test
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'build) ;pure Python
- (replace 'install ;no install script
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
- (share (string-append out "/share"))
- (applications (string-append share "/applications"))
- (data (string-append share "/seahorse-adventures")))
- ;; Install data.
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (chmod f #o555)
- (install-file f data))
- '("leveledit.py" "run_game.py" "tileedit.py"))
- (for-each (lambda (dir)
- (let ((target (string-append data "/" dir)))
- (mkdir-p target)
- (copy-recursively dir target)))
- '("data" "lib"))
- ;; Create executable.
- (mkdir-p bin)
- (let ((executable (string-append bin "/seahorse-adventures")))
- (call-with-output-file executable
- (lambda (p)
- (format p
- "#!~a~@
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'build) ;pure Python
+ (replace 'install ;no install script
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((bin (string-append #$output "/bin"))
+ (share (string-append #$output "/share"))
+ (applications (string-append share "/applications"))
+ (data (string-append share "/seahorse-adventures")))
+ ;; Install data.
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (chmod f #o555)
+ (install-file f data))
+ '("leveledit.py" "run_game.py" "tileedit.py"))
+ (for-each (lambda (dir)
+ (let ((target (string-append data "/" dir)))
+ (mkdir-p target)
+ (copy-recursively dir target)))
+ '("data" "lib"))
+ ;; Create executable.
+ (mkdir-p bin)
+ (let ((executable (string-append bin "/seahorse-adventures")))
+ (call-with-output-file executable
+ (lambda (p)
+ (format p
+ "#!~a~@
export GUIX_PYTHONPATH=~a:~a~@
exec -a \"~a\" ~a \"$@\"~%"
- (which "bash") data (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")
- (which "python3")
- (string-append data "/run_game.py"))))
- (chmod executable #o555))
- ;; Add desktop file.
- (mkdir-p applications)
- (make-desktop-entry-file
- (string-append applications "/seahorse-adventures.desktop")
- #:name "Seahorse Adventures"
- #:comment
- '((#f "Help Barbie the seahorse float on bubbles to the moon"))
- #:exec ,name
- #:icon ,name
- #:categories '("Game" "ActionGame")
- #:keywords '("game" "retro" "platform"))
- ;; Add icons.
- (for-each
- (lambda (size)
- (let ((dir (string-append share "/icons/hicolor/"
- size "x" size "/apps")))
- (mkdir-p dir)
- (copy-file
- (string-append "icon" size ".png")
- (string-append dir "/searhorse-adventures.png"))))
- '("32" "64" "128")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'unbundle-fonts
- ;; Unbundle Bitstream Vera font and replace deleted one.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (data (string-append out "/share/seahorse-adventures"))
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash")
+ data
+ (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/python3")
+ (string-append data "/run_game.py"))))
+ (chmod executable #o555))
+ ;; Add desktop file.
+ (mkdir-p applications)
+ (make-desktop-entry-file
+ (string-append applications "/seahorse-adventures.desktop")
+ #:name "Seahorse Adventures"
+ #:comment
+ '((#f "Help Barbie the seahorse float on bubbles to the moon"))
+ #:exec #$name
+ #:icon #$name
+ #:categories '("Game" "ActionGame")
+ #:keywords '("game" "retro" "platform"))
+ ;; Add icons.
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (size)
+ (let ((dir (string-append share "/icons/hicolor/"
+ size "x" size "/apps")))
+ (mkdir-p dir)
+ (copy-file
+ (string-append "icon" size ".png")
+ (string-append dir "/searhorse-adventures.png"))))
+ '("32" "64" "128")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'unbundle-fonts
+ ;; Unbundle Bitstream Vera font and replace deleted one.
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((data (string-append #$output "/share/seahorse-adventures"))
(vera (search-input-file
inputs "/share/fonts/truetype/Vera.ttf")))
- (let ((themes-dir (string-append data "/data/themes/")))
- (for-each
- (lambda (theme)
- (let ((target (string-append themes-dir theme "/Vera.ttf")))
- (delete-file target)
- (symlink vera target)))
- '("default" "gray")))
- (symlink vera (string-append data "/data/fonts/04B_20__.TTF"))
- (substitute* (string-append data "/lib/main.py")
- (("f_scale = 0.35") "f_scale = 0.47")))
- #t)))))
+ (let ((themes-dir (string-append data "/data/themes/")))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (theme)
+ (let ((target (string-append themes-dir theme "/Vera.ttf")))
+ (delete-file target)
+ (symlink vera target)))
+ '("default" "gray")))
+ (symlink vera (string-append data "/data/fonts/04B_20__.TTF"))
+ (substitute* (string-append data "/lib/main.py")
+ (("f_scale = 0.35") "f_scale = 0.47"))))))))
(list font-bitstream-vera python-pygame))
(home-page "http://www.imitationpickles.org/barbie/")
@@ -4220,14 +4219,14 @@ world}, @uref{http://evolonline.org, Evol Online} and
(define openttd-engine
(name "openttd-engine")
- (version "12.0")
+ (version "12.1")
(origin (method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://cdn.openttd.org/openttd-releases/"
version "/openttd-" version "-source.tar.xz"))
- "1p1j5cf4ry57dcgm7qx2g2s00z1c6qgjabb4kqjp00yz00wgv85v"))))
+ "1qz7ld55m9cvgr4mkv6c11y0zf2aph3ba605l45qj41hk2wzb2r5"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(("allegro" ,allegro)
@@ -4583,6 +4582,40 @@ images, etc.)")
;; regarding assets.
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public openriichi
+ (package
+ (name "openriichi")
+ (version "")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/FluffyStuff/OpenRiichi")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))
+ (recursive? #t)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1x6m4mli92chns5dky9aq9w4r4pnycvlpa2q0giydapm5q9fkslf"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:configure-flags (list "--buildtype=release")
+ #:glib-or-gtk? #t))
+ (inputs (list glew
+ gtk+
+ libgee
+ sdl2
+ sdl2-image
+ sdl2-mixer))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config vala))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/FluffyStuff/OpenRiichi")
+ (synopsis "Japanese Mahjong client")
+ (description
+ "OpenRiichi is a client for playing Japanese Mahjong, and it supports
+singleplayer and multiplayer, with or without bots. It features all the
+standard riichi rules, as well as some optional ones. It also supports game
+logging, so games can be viewed again.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public pinball
(name "pinball")
@@ -5822,7 +5855,7 @@ for Un*x systems with X11.")
(define-public freeciv
(name "freeciv")
- (version "2.6.6")
+ (version "3.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -5832,9 +5865,9 @@ for Un*x systems with X11.")
(version-major+minor version) "/" version
- "/freeciv-" version ".tar.bz2")))
+ "/freeciv-" version ".tar.xz")))
- (base32 "04aq2v1ima87sap6yjb7jrm1ss63ax7v5kg7rpkj44887kfybkvv"))))
+ (base32 "1cm0530xmbqdhqkr89xb845cd756nillbdq53r3z5zpxsj18fapa"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list curl cyrus-sasl gtk+ sdl-mixer zlib))
@@ -6391,63 +6424,61 @@ fish. The whole game is accompanied by quiet, comforting music.")
(define-public crawl
(name "crawl")
- (version "0.27.1")
+ (version "0.28.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/crawl/crawl/releases/download/"
version "/stone_soup-" version "-nodeps.tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0nkhyhrrma8gmwxp15j84cn1k2yvyq7ar9rd0j2qjjlv2kdis5z2"))
+ (base32 "0irg5w4m127fxcj037kyp9vnyqyq1fi4q64rn6yq92w8z1lf2sss"))
(patches (search-patches "crawl-upgrade-saves.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("lua51" ,lua-5.1)
- ("ncurses" ,ncurses)
- ("sqlite" ,sqlite)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list lua-5.1 ncurses sqlite zlib))
- `(("bison" ,bison)
- ("flex" ,flex)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("python-pyyaml" ,python-pyyaml)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (list bash-minimal
+ bison
+ flex
+ perl
+ pkg-config
+ python-wrapper
+ python-pyyaml))
- `(#:make-flags
- (let* ((sqlite (assoc-ref %build-inputs "sqlite"))
- (out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- (list (string-append "SQLITE_INCLUDE_DIR=" sqlite "/include")
- (string-append "prefix=" out)
- "SAVEDIR=~/.crawl"
- ;; Don't compile with SSE on systems which don't have it.
- ,@(match (%current-system)
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "SQLITE_INCLUDE_DIR="
+ #$(this-package-input "sqlite")
+ "/include")
+ (string-append "prefix=" #$output)
+ "SAVEDIR=~/.crawl"
+ ;; Don't compile with SSE on systems which don't have it.
+ #$@(match (%current-system)
((or "i686-linux" "x86_64-linux")
(_ '("NOSSE=TRUE")))
- ;; don't build any bundled dependencies
- "-Csource"))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'find-SDL-image
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "source/windowmanager-sdl.cc"
- (("SDL_image.h") "SDL2/SDL_image.h"))
- #t))
- (delete 'configure)
- (replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
- (setenv "HOME" (getcwd))
- ;; Fake a terminal for the test cases.
- (setenv "TERM" "xterm-256color")
- ;; Run the tests that don't require a debug build.
- (apply invoke "make" "nondebugtest"
- (format #f "-j~d" (parallel-job-count))
- ;; Force command line build for test cases.
- (append make-flags '("GAME=crawl" "TILES="))))))))
+ ;; don't build any bundled dependencies
+ "-Csource")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'find-SDL-image
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "source/windowmanager-sdl.cc"
+ (("SDL_image.h") "SDL2/SDL_image.h"))))
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "HOME" (getcwd))
+ ;; Fake a terminal for the test cases.
+ (setenv "TERM" "xterm-256color")
+ ;; Run the tests that don't require a debug build.
+ (apply invoke "make" "nondebugtest"
+ (format #f "-j~d" (parallel-job-count))
+ ;; Force command line build for test cases.
+ (append make-flags '("GAME=crawl" "TILES="))))))))
(synopsis "Roguelike dungeon crawler game")
(description "Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (also known as \"Crawl\" or DCSS
for short) is a roguelike adventure through dungeons filled with dangerous
@@ -6472,29 +6503,23 @@ monsters in a quest to find the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot.")
(package-arguments crawl)
((#:make-flags flags)
- `(let ((dejavu (assoc-ref %build-inputs "font-dejavu")))
- (cons*
- (string-append "PROPORTIONAL_FONT=" dejavu
- "/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSans.ttf")
- (string-append "MONOSPACED_FONT=" dejavu
- "/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSansMono.ttf")
- "TILES=y"
- ;; Rename the executable to allow parallel installation with crawl.
- "GAME=crawl-tiles"
- ,flags)))))
- (inputs
- `(,@(package-inputs crawl)
- ("font-dejavu" ,font-dejavu)
- ("freetype6" ,freetype)
- ("glu" ,glu)
- ("libpng" ,libpng)
- ("sdl2" ,sdl2)
- ("sdl2-image" ,sdl2-image)
- ("sdl2-mixer" ,sdl2-mixer)))
- (native-inputs
- `(,@(package-native-inputs crawl)
- ("pngcrush" ,pngcrush)
- ("which" ,which)))
+ #~(cons*
+ (string-append "PROPORTIONAL_FONT="
+ #$(this-package-input "font-dejavu")
+ "/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSans.ttf")
+ (string-append "MONOSPACED_FONT="
+ #$(this-package-input "font-dejavu")
+ "/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSansMono.ttf")
+ "TILES=y"
+ ;; Rename the executable to allow parallel installation with crawl.
+ "GAME=crawl-tiles"
+ #$flags))))
+ (inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs crawl)
+ (prepend font-dejavu freetype glu libpng sdl2 sdl2-image sdl2-mixer)))
+ (native-inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs crawl)
+ (prepend pngcrush which)))
(synopsis "Graphical roguelike dungeon crawler game")))
(define-public lugaru
@@ -7155,7 +7180,7 @@ elements to achieve a simple goal in the most complex way possible.")
(define-public pioneer
(name "pioneer")
- (version "20210723")
+ (version "20220203")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -7164,7 +7189,7 @@ elements to achieve a simple goal in the most complex way possible.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1hj99jxb9n3r0bkq87p1c24862xa1xyzjyfdyyx88ckszxb05qf3"))))
+ "0qjq6lsr1rmcnvq9b7r745cpp7n0q6cpc3k81q8ai4xspbq61m8w"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
@@ -7183,6 +7208,7 @@ elements to achieve a simple goal in the most complex way possible.")
`(#:tests? #f ;tests are broken
#:configure-flags (list "-DUSE_SYSTEM_LIBLUA:BOOL=YES"
(string-append "-DPIONEER_DATA_DIR="
%output "/share/games/pioneer"))
#:make-flags (list "all" "build-data")))
@@ -8909,7 +8935,7 @@ fight each other on an arena-like map.")
(define-public flare-engine
(name "flare-engine")
- (version "1.12")
+ (version "1.13.04")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -8918,15 +8944,16 @@ fight each other on an arena-like map.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0h4xxj6r194pw68m3ngrnzkh6xgiblyrsc54z8abwba8m0mqbvmk"))))
+ "042n2r9whnd3kncf3k89dcl1srn7p2jk6kdc0lb2hbwff55iylnw"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;no test
- #:configure-flags '("-DBINDIR=bin" "-DDATADIR=share/flare")))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DBINDIR=bin" "-DDATADIR=share/flare")))
- `(("hicolor-icon-theme" ,hicolor-icon-theme)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("sdl" ,(sdl-union (list sdl2 sdl2-image sdl2-mixer sdl2-ttf)))))
+ (list hicolor-icon-theme
+ python-wrapper
+ (sdl-union (list sdl2 sdl2-image sdl2-mixer sdl2-ttf))))
(home-page "http://www.flarerpg.org/")
(synopsis "Action Roleplaying Engine")
(description "Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple
@@ -8937,7 +8964,7 @@ action RPGs.")
(define-public flare-game
(name "flare-game")
- (version "1.12")
+ (version "1.13.04")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -8946,51 +8973,51 @@ action RPGs.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0h9i128kq6disppbrplkf13zdmsg4cq23nim53mgwpawc4mqz7ga"))))
+ "18rdrwv7p5rvmlah5pl9vbc09xlb8id75a7c73yn2sxkm6cf5c2l"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;no test
- #:configure-flags '("-DDATADIR=share/flare")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; Flare expects the mods to be located in the same folder.
- ;; Yet, "default" mod is in the engine, whereas the others
- ;; are in the current package. Merge everything here with
- ;; a symlink.
- (add-after 'install 'add-default-mod
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (mods (string-append out "/share/flare/mods")))
- (with-directory-excursion mods
- (symlink (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "flare-engine")
- "/share/flare/mods/default")
- "default")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'install-executable
- ;; The package only provides assets for the game, the
- ;; executable coming from "flare-engine". Since more than
- ;; one game may use the engine, we create a new executable,
- ;; "flare-game", which launches the engine with appropriate
- ;; parameters.
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (bash (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash"))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DDATADIR=share/flare")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Flare expects the mods to be located in the same folder.
+ ;; Yet, "default" mod is in the engine, whereas the others
+ ;; are in the current package. Merge everything here with
+ ;; a symlink.
+ (add-after 'install 'add-default-mod
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((mods (string-append #$output "/share/flare/mods")))
+ (with-directory-excursion mods
+ (symlink (search-input-directory inputs
+ "/share/flare/mods/default")
+ "default")
+ (symlink (search-input-file inputs
+ "/share/flare/mods/mods.txt")
+ "mods.txt")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-executable
+ ;; The package only provides assets for the game, the
+ ;; executable coming from "flare-engine". Since more than
+ ;; one game may use the engine, we create a new executable,
+ ;; "flare-game", which launches the engine with appropriate
+ ;; parameters.
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((bash (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash"))
(flare (search-input-file inputs "/bin/flare"))
- (script (string-append out "/bin/flare-game")))
- (mkdir-p (dirname script))
- (call-with-output-file script
- (lambda (port)
- (format port
- "#!~a
+ (script (string-append #$output "/bin/flare-game")))
+ (mkdir-p (dirname script))
+ (call-with-output-file script
+ (lambda (port)
+ (format port
+ "#!~a
exec ~a --data-path=~a/share/flare --mods=empyrean_campaign~%"
- bash
- flare
- out)))
- (chmod script #o755))
- #t)))))
+ bash
+ flare
+ #$output)))
+ (chmod script #o755)))))))
(list flare-engine))
- (home-page "http://www.flarerpg.org/")
+ (home-page "https://flarerpg.org/")
(synopsis "Fantasy action RPG using the FLARE engine")
(description "Flare is a single-player 2D action RPG with
fast-paced action and a dark fantasy style.")
@@ -9181,43 +9208,41 @@ and also provides the base for the FlightGear Flight Simulator.")
;; There are some bundled libraries.
(for-each delete-file-recursively
- "3rdparty/cppunit/"))
- #t))))
+ "3rdparty/cppunit/"))))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags
- (string-append "-DFG_DATA_DIR="
- (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/share/flightgear"))
- ;; TODO: test suite segfaults.
- #:tests? #f
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'skip-some-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test_suite/unit_tests/Instrumentation/test_gps.hxx"
- (("CPPUNIT_TEST\\(testLongLegWestbound\\);" all)
- (string-append "// " all))
- (("CPPUNIT_TEST\\(testFinalLegCourse\\);" all)
- (string-append "// " all)))))
- (add-after 'build 'build-test-suite
- (lambda* args
- ((assoc-ref %standard-phases 'build)
- #:make-flags (list "fgfs_test_suite"))))
- ;; Test suite needs access to FGData so run it after 'install.
- (delete 'check)
- (add-after 'install-data 'check
- (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check))
- (add-after 'install 'install-data
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((share (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/share/flightgear")))
- (mkdir-p share)
- (with-directory-excursion share
- (invoke "tar" "xf" (assoc-ref inputs "flightgear-data")
- "--strip-components=1")))
- #t)))))
+ (list #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "-DSYSTEM_SQLITE=ON"
+ (string-append "-DFG_DATA_DIR=" #$output "/share/flightgear"))
+ ;; TODO: test suite segfaults.
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'skip-some-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute*
+ "test_suite/unit_tests/Instrumentation/test_gps.hxx"
+ (("CPPUNIT_TEST\\(testLongLegWestbound\\);" all)
+ (string-append "// " all))
+ (("CPPUNIT_TEST\\(testFinalLegCourse\\);" all)
+ (string-append "// " all)))))
+ (add-after 'build 'build-test-suite
+ (lambda* args
+ ((assoc-ref %standard-phases 'build)
+ #:make-flags (list "fgfs_test_suite"))))
+ ;; Test suite needs access to FGData so run it after 'install.
+ (delete 'check)
+ (add-after 'install-data 'check
+ (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-data
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((share (string-append #$output "/share/flightgear")))
+ (mkdir-p share)
+ (with-directory-excursion share
+ (invoke "tar" "xf"
+ #$(this-package-native-input "flightgear-data")
+ "--strip-components=1"))))))))
(list boost
@@ -9367,7 +9392,7 @@ play with up to four players simultaneously. It has network support.")
("sdl" ,(sdl-union
(list sdl2 sdl2-mixer sdl2-net sdl2-ttf sdl2-image)))))
- (list clang ghc pkg-config qttools))
+ (list clang-9 ghc pkg-config qttools))
(home-page "https://hedgewars.org/")
(synopsis "Turn-based artillery game featuring fighting hedgehogs")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gcc.scm b/gnu/packages/gcc.scm
index efa0baeaa1..07466143fc 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gcc.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gcc.scm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2018 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Carlos Sánchez de La Lama <csanchezdll@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex))
(define %gcc-infrastructure
@@ -293,6 +294,16 @@ where the OS part is overloaded to denote a specific ABI---into GCC
(substitute* "gcc/config/aarch64/t-aarch64-linux"
(("lib64") "lib")))
+ ;; TODO: Make this unconditional in core-updates.
+ ;; The STARTFILE_PREFIX_SPEC prevents gcc from finding the
+ ;; gcc:lib output, which causes ld to not find -lgcc_s.
+ ,@(if (target-riscv64?)
+ `((when (file-exists? "gcc/config/riscv")
+ (substitute* "gcc/config/riscv/linux.h"
+ "define __STARTFILE_PREFIX_SPEC"))))
+ '())
(when (file-exists? "libbacktrace")
;; GCC 4.8+ comes with libbacktrace. By default it builds
;; with -Werror, which fails with a -Wcast-qual error in glibc
@@ -525,6 +536,19 @@ Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
,@(package-inputs gcc-4.7)))))
+(define %gcc-7.5-aarch64-micro-architectures
+ ;; Suitable '-march' values for GCC 7.5.
+ ;; TODO: Allow dynamically adding feature flags.
+ '("armv8-a" "armv8.1-a" "armv8.2-a" "armv8.3-a"))
+(define %gcc-7.5-armhf-micro-architectures
+ ;; Suitable '-march' values for GCC 7.5.
+ ;; TODO: Allow dynamically adding feature flags.
+ '("armv7" "armv7-a" "armv7-m" "armv7-r" "armv7e-m" "armv7ve"
+ "armv8-a" "armv8-a+crc" "armv8.1-a" "armv8.1-a+crc"
+ "armv8-m.base" "armv8-m.main" "armv8-m.main+dsp"
+ "iwmmxt" "iwmmxt2"))
(define %gcc-7.5-x86_64-micro-architectures
;; Suitable '-march' values for GCC 7.5 (info "(gcc) x86 Options").
'("core2" "nehalem" "westmere" "sandybridge" "ivybridge"
@@ -536,6 +560,19 @@ Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
"btver1" "btver2" "geode"))
+(define %gcc-10-aarch64-micro-architectures
+ ;; Suitable '-march' values for GCC 10.
+ ;; TODO: Allow dynamically adding feature flags.
+ (append %gcc-7.5-aarch64-micro-architectures
+ '("armv8.4-a" "armv8.5-a" "armv8.6-a")))
+(define %gcc-10-armhf-micro-architectures
+ ;; Suitable '-march' values for GCC 10.
+ ;; TODO: Allow dynamically adding feature flags.
+ (append %gcc-7.5-armhf-micro-architectures
+ '("armv8.2-a" "armv8.3-a" "armv8.4-a" "armv8.5-a" "armv8.6-a"
+ "armv8-r" "armv8.1-m.main")))
(define %gcc-10-x86_64-micro-architectures
;; Suitable '-march' values for GCC 10.
(append %gcc-7.5-x86_64-micro-architectures
@@ -545,7 +582,6 @@ Go. It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
"znver2" "znver3")))
(define-public gcc-7
(inherit gcc-6)
@@ -566,6 +602,8 @@ for several languages, including C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Ada, and Go.
It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
+ ("aarch64" ,@%gcc-7.5-aarch64-micro-architectures)
+ ("armhf" ,@%gcc-7.5-armhf-micro-architectures)
("x86_64" ,@%gcc-7.5-x86_64-micro-architectures))))))
(define-public gcc-8
@@ -619,6 +657,8 @@ It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
(snippet gcc-canadian-cross-objdump-snippet)))
+ ("aarch64" ,@%gcc-10-aarch64-micro-architectures)
+ ("armhf" ,@%gcc-10-armhf-micro-architectures)
("x86_64" ,@%gcc-10-x86_64-micro-architectures))))))
(define-public gcc-11
@@ -635,12 +675,108 @@ It also includes runtime support libraries for these languages.")
(patches (search-patches "gcc-9-strmov-store-file-names.patch"
(modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet gcc-canadian-cross-objdump-snippet)))))
+ (snippet gcc-canadian-cross-objdump-snippet)))
+ ;; TODO: Add newly supported micro-architectures.
+ (properties (package-properties gcc-10))))
;; Note: When changing the default gcc version, update
;; the gcc-toolchain-* definitions.
(define-public gcc gcc-10)
+;;; Historical version.
+(define-public gcc-2.95
+ ;; Note: 'gcc-core-mesboot0' in commencement.scm provides 2.95 as well, but
+ ;; with additional tricks to support compilation with TinyCC and Mes-libc.
+ (package
+ (inherit gcc)
+ (version "2.95.3")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/gcc/gcc-2.95.3/gcc-core-"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1xvfy4pqhrd5v2cv8lzf63iqg92k09g6z9n2ah6ndd4h17k1x0an"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; Do not build the bundled Texinfo.
+ (delete-file-recursively "texinfo")
+ (substitute* "configure"
+ (("host_tools=(.*)texinfo" _ before)
+ (string-append "host_tools=" before)))))))
+ (supported-systems (fold delete %supported-systems
+ '("powerpc64le-linux" "riscv64-linux")))
+ (native-inputs (list texinfo dejagnu))
+ (inputs '())
+ (propagated-inputs '())
+ (outputs '("out"))
+ (arguments
+ (let ((matching-system
+ (match (%current-system)
+ ;; This package predates our 64-bit architectures.
+ ;; Force a 32-bit build targeting a similar architecture.
+ ("aarch64-linux"
+ "armhf-linux")
+ ("x86_64-linux"
+ "i686-linux")
+ (_
+ (%current-system)))))
+ (list #:system matching-system
+ #:configure-flags #~'("--disable-werror")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'set-dynamic-linker-file-name
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Tell GCC what the real loader file name is.
+ (substitute* '("gcc/config/alpha/linux-elf.h"
+ "gcc/config/m68k/linux.h"
+ "gcc/config/mips/linux.h"
+ "gcc/config/rs6000/linux.h")
+ (("/lib/ld\\.so\\.1")
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs #$(glibc-dynamic-linker matching-system))))
+ (substitute* '("gcc/config/alpha/linux-elf.h"
+ "gcc/config/arm/linux-elf.h"
+ "gcc/config/i386/linux.h"
+ "gcc/config/m68k/linux.h"
+ "gcc/config/sparc/linux.h"
+ "gcc/config/sparc/linux64.h")
+ (("/lib(64)?/ld-linux\\.so\\.[12]")
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs #$(glibc-dynamic-linker matching-system))))))
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs build configure-flags
+ #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; It's an old 'configure' script so it needs some help.
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (which "sh"))
+ (apply invoke "./configure"
+ (string-append "--prefix=" #$output)
+ (string-append "--build=" build)
+ (string-append "--host=" build)
+ configure-flags)))
+ (add-before 'configure 'remove-bundled-texinfo
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Go ahead despite the many warnings.
+ (substitute* '("Makefile.in" "gcc/Makefile.in")
+ "MAKEINFOFLAGS = --force\n"))))))))
+ (native-search-paths
+ ;; This package supports nothing but the C language.
+ (list (search-path-specification
+ (variable "C_INCLUDE_PATH")
+ (files '("include")))
+ (search-path-specification
+ (variable "LIBRARY_PATH")
+ (files '("lib")))))))
(define-public (make-libstdc++ gcc)
"Return a libstdc++ package based on GCC. The primary use case is when
using compilers other than GCC."
@@ -762,42 +898,6 @@ as the 'native-search-paths' field."
(find-files (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/bin")
-(define* (custom-gcc-gccgo gcc name languages
- #:optional
- (search-paths (package-native-search-paths gcc))
- #:key (separate-lib-output? #t))
- ;; TODO: remove CUSTOM-GCC-GCCGO when regex changes for CUSTOM-GCC are
- ;; merged into master <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/49010>
- "Return a custom version of GCC that supports LANGUAGES. Use SEARCH-PATHS
-as the 'native-search-paths' field."
- (package (inherit gcc)
- (name name)
- (outputs (if separate-lib-output?
- (package-outputs gcc)
- (delete "lib" (package-outputs gcc))))
- (native-search-paths search-paths)
- (properties (alist-delete 'hidden? (package-properties gcc)))
- (arguments
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments gcc)
- ((#:modules modules %gnu-build-system-modules)
- `(,@modules
- (srfi srfi-1)
- (srfi srfi-26)
- (ice-9 regex)))
- ((#:configure-flags flags)
- `(cons (string-append "--enable-languages="
- ,(string-join languages ","))
- (remove (cut string-match "--enable-languages.*" <>)
- ,flags)))
- ((#:phases phases)
- `(modify-phases ,phases
- (add-after 'install 'remove-broken-or-conflicting-files
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (for-each
- delete-file
- (find-files (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/bin")
- ".*(c\\+\\+|cpp|g\\+\\+|gcov|gcc|lto)(-.*)?$"))))))))))
(define %generic-search-paths
;; This is the language-neutral search path for GCC. Entries in $CPATH are
;; not considered "system headers", which means GCC can raise warnings for
@@ -869,7 +969,7 @@ misnomer.")))
(define (make-gccgo gcc)
"Return a gccgo package based on GCC."
- (let ((gccgo (custom-gcc-gccgo gcc "gccgo" '("go") %generic-search-paths)))
+ (let ((gccgo (custom-gcc gcc "gccgo" '("go") %generic-search-paths)))
(inherit gccgo)
(synopsis "Go frontend to GCC")
@@ -922,6 +1022,9 @@ provides the GNU compiler for the Go programming language."))
(define-public gccgo-10
(make-gccgo gcc-10))
+(define-public gccgo-11
+ (make-gccgo gcc-11))
(define %objc-search-paths
(list (search-path-specification
(variable "OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH")
@@ -1068,12 +1171,11 @@ provides the GNU compiler for the Go programming language."))
(version "0.23")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
- (uri (list (string-append
- "http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/isl-"
- version
- ".tar.bz2")
+ ;; Used to be at isl.gforge.inria.fr.
+ (uri (list (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/libisl/isl-"
+ version ".tar.bz2")
(string-append %gcc-infrastructure
- name "-" version ".tar.bz2")))
+ "isl-" version ".tar.bz2")))
@@ -1097,7 +1199,8 @@ provides the GNU compiler for the Go programming language."))
(inputs (list gmp))
- (home-page "http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/")
+ (home-page "https://libisl.sourceforge.io/") ;https://repo.or.cz/w/isl.git
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,home-page)))
"Manipulating sets and relations of integer points \
bounded by linear constraints")
@@ -1118,7 +1221,7 @@ dependence analysis and bounds on piecewise step-polynomials.")
(version "0.18")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
- (uri (list (string-append "http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/isl-"
+ (uri (list (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/libisl/isl-"
version ".tar.bz2")
(string-append %gcc-infrastructure
"isl-" version ".tar.bz2")))
@@ -1133,12 +1236,10 @@ dependence analysis and bounds on piecewise step-polynomials.")
(version "0.11.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
- (uri (list (string-append
- "http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/isl-"
- version
- ".tar.bz2")
+ (uri (list (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/libisl/isl-"
+ version ".tar.bz2")
(string-append %gcc-infrastructure
- name "-" version ".tar.bz2")))
+ "isl-" version ".tar.bz2")))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/geo.scm b/gnu/packages/geo.scm
index 23cec0f9b7..538db2dde4 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/geo.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/geo.scm
@@ -82,11 +82,14 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages graphics)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages haskell-apps)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages haskell-xyz)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages image-processing)
#:use-module (gnu packages icu4c)
#:use-module (gnu packages java)
#:use-module (gnu packages kde)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages libusb)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages lua)
#:use-module (gnu packages maths)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
@@ -1178,7 +1181,7 @@ to create databases that are optimized for rendering/tile/map-services.")
(define-public libosmium
(name "libosmium")
- (version "2.17.2")
+ (version "2.18.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1187,7 +1190,7 @@ to create databases that are optimized for rendering/tile/map-services.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0xgwicnzlyr8pcpgx528xrzh7g6rjfd7f80bi30478fnp8mq8rzr"))))
+ (base32 "0fh57mpii1ksacwfx5rz213j896aklib53jbybld2i517q2mmxr0"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list boost
@@ -1209,6 +1212,35 @@ to create databases that are optimized for rendering/tile/map-services.")
OpenStreetMap data.")
(license license:boost1.0)))
+(define-public osmium-tool
+ (package
+ (name "osmium-tool")
+ (version "1.14.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/osmcode/osmium-tool")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0zgyqyrs89vch0qnkh9m5xq079sr2wmydy5zz4l8xbysbjf6xry5"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Remove bundled libraries.
+ '(delete-file-recursively "include/rapidjson"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list libosmium
+ rapidjson))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list pandoc))
+ (home-page "https://osmcode.org/osmium-tool/")
+ (synopsis "Osmium command-line tool")
+ (description "Command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data
+based on the Osmium library.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public osm2pgsql
(name "osm2pgsql")
@@ -1982,30 +2014,35 @@ exchanged form one Spatial DBMS and the other.")
(define-public opencpn
(name "opencpn")
- (version "5.2.4")
+ (version "5.6.0")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/OpenCPN/OpenCPN")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (commit (string-append "Release_" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0ffx0lmz1mp5433zqyxigy4qqav32xprpagd66krvihkyvqp2y6y"))))
+ (base32 "0g5x45wv3djfjmigk6kgs0i63yp8rs1fbmm4pb15wb3z6dml624y"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
- (list bzip2
+ (list alsa-utils
+ bzip2
+ eudev
+ jasper
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libusb
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gl.scm b/gnu/packages/gl.scm
index 36931c64ed..4cc451016b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gl.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gl.scm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Giacomo Leidi <goodoldpaul@autistici.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Kei Kebreau <kkebreau@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ivan Gankevich <i.gankevich@spbu.ru>
;;; Copyright © 2021 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system meson)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module (guix build-system waf)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
@@ -181,6 +182,38 @@ rendering modes are: Bitmaps, Anti-aliased pixmaps, Texture maps, Outlines,
Polygon meshes, and Extruded polygon meshes.")
(license license:x11)))
+(define-public glad
+ (package
+ (name "glad")
+ (version "0.1.36")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ ;; We fetch the sources from the repository since the PyPI archive
+ ;; doesn't contain the CMakeLists.txt file which is useful for
+ ;; integration with other software, such as the openboardview package.
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Dav1dde/glad")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0m55ya1zrmg6n2cljkajy80ilmi5sblln8742fm0k1sw9k7hzn8n"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-cmakelists.txt
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (share (string-append out "/share/" ,name)))
+ (install-file "CMakeLists.txt" share)))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Dav1dde/glad")
+ (synopsis "Multi-language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL loader generator")
+ (description "Glad uses the official Khronos XML specifications to
+generate a GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL loader tailored for specific requirements.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public s2tc
(name "s2tc")
@@ -261,7 +294,8 @@ also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa.")
("libxrandr" ,libxrandr)
("libxvmc" ,libxvmc)
,@(match (%current-system)
- ((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc-linux")
+ ((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux"
+ "powerpc-linux" "riscv64-linux")
;; Note: update the 'clang' input of mesa-opencl when bumping this.
`(("llvm" ,llvm-11)))
@@ -273,7 +307,8 @@ also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa.")
("flex" ,flex)
("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
,@(match (%current-system)
- ((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc-linux")
+ ((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux"
+ "powerpc-linux" "riscv64-linux")
`(("glslang" ,glslang)))
@@ -289,7 +324,7 @@ also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa.")
((or "armhf-linux" "aarch64-linux")
;; TODO: Fix svga driver for non-Intel architectures.
- ((or "powerpc64le-linux" "powerpc-linux")
+ ((or "powerpc64le-linux" "powerpc-linux" "riscv64-linux")
@@ -315,12 +350,15 @@ also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa.")
+ ("riscv64-linux"
+ '("-Dvulkan-drivers=amd,swrast"))
;; Enable the Vulkan overlay layer on architectures using llvm.
,@(match (%current-system)
- ((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc-linux")
+ ((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux"
+ "powerpc-linux" "riscv64-linux")
@@ -334,7 +372,7 @@ also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa.")
((or "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux")
"-Dllvm=enabled")) ; default is x86/x86_64 only
- ((or "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc-linux")
+ ((or "powerpc64le-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc-linux" "riscv64-linux")
@@ -359,6 +397,13 @@ also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa.")
(("if with_tests")
"if false"))
,@(match (%current-system)
+ ("riscv64-linux"
+ ;; According to the test logs the llvm JIT is not designed
+ ;; for this architecture and the llvmpipe tests all segfault.
+ ;; The same is true for mesa:gallium / osmesa-render.
+ `((substitute* '("src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/meson.build"
+ "src/gallium/targets/osmesa/meson.build")
+ (("if with_tests") "if false"))))
;; Disable some of the llvmpipe tests.
`((substitute* "src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/lp_test_arit.c"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gnome-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/gnome-xyz.scm
index 7f67f12672..adbadfb313 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gnome-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gnome-xyz.scm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Songlin Jiang <hollowman@hollowman.ml>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Justin Veilleux <terramorpha@cock.li>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Justin Veilleux <terramorpha@cock.li>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Attila Lendvai <attila@lendvai.name>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Charles Jackson <charles.b.jackson@protonmail.com>
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ that caches clipboard history.")
(define-public gnome-shell-extension-customize-ibus
(name "gnome-shell-extension-customize-ibus")
- (version "78")
+ (version "82")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ that caches clipboard history.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1hnnsjriq7xaakk8biwz55mn077lnm9nsmi4wz5zk7clgxmasvq9"))))
+ (base32 "00brnyahphl4ql9yh74wpb9kmzyb4b5k4rkw40hvxvqw4qwgs24r"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -403,8 +403,7 @@ faster window switching.")
(define-public gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect
(name "gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect")
- ;; v33 is the last version to support GNOME 3.34
- (version "33")
+ (version "48")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -414,10 +413,11 @@ faster window switching.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1q03axhn75i864vgmd6myhmgwrmnpf01gsd1wl0di5x9q8mic2zn"))))
+ "15agblnm7k1wqnnz6gwhwym992fzqkdz8mkm04805783bx60b8bh"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags
+ `(#:tests? #f ;; every test fails
+ #:configure-flags
(let* ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
(name+version (strip-store-file-name out))
(gschema-dir (string-append out
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ faster window switching.")
(let* ((glib (assoc-ref inputs "glib:bin"))
(gapplication (string-append glib "/bin/gapplication"))
(gi-typelib-path (getenv "GI_TYPELIB_PATH")))
- (substitute* "data/org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.GSConnect.desktop"
+ (substitute* "data/org.gnome.Shell.Extensions.GSConnect.desktop.in"
(("gapplication") gapplication))
(lambda (file)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gnome.scm b/gnu/packages/gnome.scm
index 2fe1f4de39..e6e576d7f7 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gnome.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gnome.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2015 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Ian Denhardt <ian@zenhack.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2016, 2020 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 Federico Beffa <beffa@fbengineering.ch>
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Naga Malleswari <nagamalli@riseup.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Ryan Prior <rprior@protonmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tim Gesthuizen <tim.gesthuizen@yahoo.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Andy Tai <atai@atai.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Sébastien Lerique <sl@eauchat.org>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Felix Gruber <felgru@posteo.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Josselin Poiret <josselin.poiret@protonmail.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Daniel Meißner <daniel.meissner-i4k@ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages mail)
#:use-module (gnu packages man)
#:use-module (gnu packages markup)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages messaging)
#:use-module (gnu packages mp3)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
#:use-module (gnu packages music)
@@ -688,23 +689,20 @@ of writing test cases for asynchronous interactions.")
(substitute* "dee-1.0-docs.sgml"
(string-append (assoc-ref inputs "docbook-xml")
- "/xml/dtd/docbook/"))))
- #t))
+ "/xml/dtd/docbook/"))))))
(add-after 'patch-docbook-xml 'disable-failing-tests
(lambda _
(substitute* "tests/test-icu.c"
(("g_test_add \\(DOMAIN\"/Default/AsciiFolder\", Fixture, 0,")
(("setup, test_ascii_folder, teardown\\);")
- ""))
- #t))
+ ""))))
(add-before 'check 'pre-check
(lambda _
;; Tests require a running dbus-daemon.
(system "dbus-daemon &")
;; For missing '/etc/machine-id'.
- (setenv "DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS" "0")
- #t)))))
+ (setenv "DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS" "0"))))))
`(("dbus" ,dbus)
("dbus-test-runner" ,dbus-test-runner)
@@ -716,7 +714,7 @@ of writing test cases for asynchronous interactions.")
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
("pygobject" ,python-pygobject)
("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("vala" ,vala)))
+ ("vala" ,vala-0.52)))
`(("icu" ,icu4c)))
@@ -736,7 +734,7 @@ of known objects without needing a central registrar.")
(define-public zeitgeist
(name "zeitgeist")
- (version "1.0.3")
+ (version "1.0.4")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -748,7 +746,7 @@ of known objects without needing a central registrar.")
(git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0y6fyzxl5np4yskcxibd0p03h619w9ir907nhf40h02y0pk1kgkp"))))
+ (base32 "07b1ahj3vd3m8srwkrh7dl3ymr7d55xiiszny44q13g06pq4svch"))))
(build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
@@ -764,8 +762,7 @@ of known objects without needing a central registrar.")
(substitute* "zeitgeist-gtkdoc-index.sgml"
(string-append (assoc-ref inputs "docbook-xml")
- "/xml/dtd/docbook/"))))
- #t))
+ "/xml/dtd/docbook/"))))))
(add-after 'patch-docbook-xml 'disable-failing-tests
(lambda _
(substitute* "test/direct/Makefile.am"
@@ -773,13 +770,11 @@ of known objects without needing a central registrar.")
(substitute* "test/c/Makefile.am"
((" test-log ")
- ""))
- #t))
+ ""))))
(add-before 'bootstrap 'remove-autogen-script
(lambda _
;; To honor `autoreconf -vif` by build-system.
- (delete-file "autogen.sh")
- #t)))))
+ (delete-file "autogen.sh"))))))
`(("autoconf" ,autoconf)
("automake" ,automake)
@@ -1855,7 +1850,7 @@ either on a local, or remote machine via a number of methods.")
(define-public gnome-commander
(name "gnome-commander")
- (version "")
+ (version "1.14.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1863,10 +1858,11 @@ either on a local, or remote machine via a number of methods.")
(version-major+minor version) "/"
"gnome-commander-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0fhmfxh6kbchggvpbin7d4g4fq5vc49y0w48wdkyxln5dswidss2"))))
+ (base32 "1zdz82j7vpxiqa188zmsxliqk60g331ycaxfbhx5bzyqfjgrh7gd"))))
(build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
(list desktop-file-utils
+ flex
`(,glib "bin")
@@ -1876,7 +1872,7 @@ either on a local, or remote machine via a number of methods.")
- (list gconf gnome-vfs gtk+-2 libxml2))
+ (list gconf glib gtk+-2 libxml2))
(home-page "https://gcmd.github.io/")
(synopsis "Two-pane graphical file manager for the GNOME desktop")
@@ -1914,8 +1910,8 @@ and system administrators.")
;; recent versions of the build tools. The latest activity on the
;; pre-GNOME version has been in 2014, while GNOME has continued applying
;; fixes since.
- (let ((commit "3cf7ec4c2e5bca139a7f3e17f9fc9009c237fcc5")
- (revision "2"))
+ (let ((commit "0997887d97f01be28bf3886dfd3e2002de437930")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "dia")
(version (git-version "0.97.3" revision commit))
@@ -1927,9 +1923,11 @@ and system administrators.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "04r8dspa6nmicrifhi3sh46hqvyy88hzq37xx99q3q1mwsrpmwy8"))))
+ "199b4n1jydg1g9lnz0r8xx67h7s2ac2lfj89zp015lbs0qqfkmsh"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
- (arguments `(#:meson ,meson-0.59))
+ ;; XXX: Parallel builds may cause: [74/566] [...]
+ ;; fatal error: dia-lib-enums.h: No such file or directory
+ (arguments '(#:parallel-build? #f))
(list graphene
@@ -1939,12 +1937,10 @@ and system administrators.")
;; XXX: PDF plugin fails to build with poppler 21.07.0.
;; poppler
- ;; Without Python 2, build fails: plug-ins/python/meson.build:4:0:
- ;; ERROR: Unknown method "dependency" in object.
- python-2))
+ python))
(list appstream-glib docbook-xsl
- `(,glib "bin") intltool pkg-config))
+ `(,glib "bin") gettext-minimal pkg-config))
(home-page "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Dia")
(synopsis "Diagram creation for GNOME")
(description "Dia can be used to draw different types of diagrams, and
@@ -2933,7 +2929,7 @@ database is translated at Transifex.")
(define-public system-config-printer
(name "system-config-printer")
- (version "1.5.15")
+ (version "1.5.16")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -2942,45 +2938,50 @@ database is translated at Transifex.")
"download/v" version
"/system-config-printer-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "12d6xx51vizc476zfnsga9q09nflp51ipn6y7lhi9w2v4772dlpv"))))
+ (base32 "1z9pvgifj5c87csnqz10qybbcayh3ak9m606f63ifkvyjh4q9jnb"))))
(build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
- `(#:imported-modules ((guix build python-build-system)
+ (list
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build python-build-system)
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-Makefile.am
- (lambda _
- ;; The Makefile generates some scripts, so set a valid shebang
- (substitute* "Makefile.am"
- (("/bin/bash") (which "bash")))
- (delete-file "configure")
- #t))
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-docbook-xml
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Modify the man XML otherwise xmlto tries to access the network
- (substitute* "man/system-config-printer.xml"
- (("http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/")
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "docbook-xml")
- "/xml/dtd/docbook/")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'wrap-for-python
- (@@ (guix build python-build-system) wrap))
- (add-after 'install 'wrap
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (gi-typelib-path (getenv "GI_TYPELIB_PATH")))
- (for-each
- (lambda (program)
- (wrap-program program
- `("GI_TYPELIB_PATH" ":" prefix (,gi-typelib-path))))
- (map (lambda (name)
- (string-append out "/bin/" name))
- '("system-config-printer"
- "system-config-printer-applet"
- "install-printerdriver"
- "scp-dbus-service"))))
- #t)))))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-build-files
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "configure.ac"
+ (("AC_INIT.*" all)
+ (string-append all "\nAC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4])\n"))
+ ;; XXX: AX macros appear unavailable
+ (("AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED.*") ""))
+ ;; The Makefile generates some scripts, so set a valid shebang
+ (substitute* "Makefile.am"
+ (("/bin/bash") (which "bash")))
+ (delete-file "configure")))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-docbook-xml
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Modify the man XML otherwise xmlto tries to access the network
+ (substitute* "man/system-config-printer.xml"
+ (("http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/")
+ (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "docbook-xml")
+ "/xml/dtd/docbook/")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'add-install-to-pythonpath
+ (@@ (guix build python-build-system) add-install-to-pythonpath))
+ (add-after 'add-install-to-pythonpath 'wrap-for-python
+ (@@ (guix build python-build-system) wrap))
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (gi-typelib-path (getenv "GI_TYPELIB_PATH")))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (program)
+ (wrap-program program
+ `("GI_TYPELIB_PATH" ":" prefix (,gi-typelib-path))))
+ (map (lambda (name)
+ (string-append out "/bin/" name))
+ '("system-config-printer"
+ "system-config-printer-applet"
+ "install-printerdriver"
+ "scp-dbus-service")))))))))
(list gsettings-desktop-schemas
@@ -3000,7 +3001,7 @@ database is translated at Transifex.")
- intltool
+ gettext-minimal
@@ -3507,18 +3508,9 @@ for dealing with different structured file formats.")
`(,glib "bin")
- python-wrapper
- ruby
- (list bzip2
- fontconfig
- freetype
- harfbuzz
- libcroco
- libgsf
- libxml2
- pango))
+ (list freetype harfbuzz libxml2 pango))
(list cairo gdk-pixbuf glib))
(synopsis "SVG rendering library")
@@ -3609,7 +3601,7 @@ diagrams.")
`(,glib "bin") ; glib-mkenums, etc.
gobject-introspection)) ; g-ir-compiler, etc.
- (list pango libcroco bzip2 libgsf libxml2))
+ (list pango libcroco libxml2))
;; librsvg-2.0.pc refers to all of that.
(list cairo gdk-pixbuf glib))
@@ -5106,6 +5098,7 @@ and other secrets. It communicates with the \"Secret Service\" using DBus.")
("desktop-file-utils" ,desktop-file-utils)
("intltool" ,intltool)
("itstool" ,itstool)
+ ("python" ,python-wrapper) ; for meson_post_install.py
("vala" ,vala)
("yelp" ,yelp)
("appstream-glib" ,appstream-glib)))
@@ -5182,13 +5175,14 @@ once.")
(substitute* "build-aux/post_install.py"
(("gtk-update-icon-cache") (which "true"))))))))
- `(("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("desktop-file-utils" ,desktop-file-utils)
- ("glib:bin" ,glib "bin") ; for glib-compile-resources
- ("intltool" ,intltool)
- ("itstool" ,itstool)
- ("vala" ,vala)
- ("xmllint" ,libxml2)))
+ (list pkg-config
+ python ;for 'build-aux/post_install.py'
+ desktop-file-utils
+ `(,glib "bin") ;for glib-compile-resources
+ intltool
+ itstool
+ vala
+ libxml2))
(list gtk+ json-glib libgee librsvg qqwing))
(home-page "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Sudoku")
@@ -5440,55 +5434,47 @@ faster results and to avoid unnecessary server load.")
(define-public upower
(name "upower")
- (version "0.99.13")
+ (version "0.99.15")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/upower/upower")
- (commit (string-append "UPOWER_"
- (string-map (match-lambda (#\. #\_)
- (chr chr))
- version)))))
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0khwg6jpq81dcylkpi7cn75bjzif0q9qscwvirrk41krma23iddj"))
- (patches (search-patches "upower-builddir.patch"))
+ (base32 "1zk7w7pw8dhlnxhxzcbk33gmxmg8f32mppd67556v9z2qgcg4lhs"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
- '(begin
- ;; Upstream commit
- ;; <https://cgit.freedesktop.org/upower/commit/?id=18457c99b68786cd729b315723d680e6860d9cfa>
- ;; moved 'dbus-1/system.d' from etc/ to share/. However,
- ;; 'dbus-configuration-directory' in (gnu services dbus)
- ;; expects it in etc/. Thus, move it back to its previous
- ;; location.
- (substitute* "src/Makefile.am"
- (("^dbusconfdir =.*$")
- "dbusconfdir = $(sysconfdir)/dbus-1/system.d\n"))))))
- (build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
+ ;; Upstream commit
+ ;; <https://cgit.freedesktop.org/upower/commit/?id=18457c99b68786cd729b315723d680e6860d9cfa>
+ ;; moved 'dbus-1/system.d' from etc/ to share/. However,
+ ;; 'dbus-configuration-directory' in (gnu services dbus)
+ ;; expects it in etc/. Thus, move it back to its previous
+ ;; location.
+ #~(substitute* "src/meson.build"
+ (("dbusdir / 'system.d'")
+ "get_option('sysconfdir') / 'dbus-1/system.d'")
+ ;; Avoid writing to /var during the build, this is
+ ;; not possible in Guix!
+ (("^install_subdir\\('does-not-exist'.*$") "")))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
- '(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'pre-check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((umockdev (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "umockdev")
- "/lib")))
- (setenv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" umockdev)))))
- #:configure-flags (list "--localstatedir=/var"
- (string-append "--with-udevrulesdir="
- (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/lib/udev/rules.d"))))
+ (list
+ #:glib-or-gtk? #t
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "-Dsystemdsystemunitdir=no"
+ ;; If not specified, udev will try putting history information
+ ;; in /gnu/store.
+ "-Dhistorydir=/var/lib/upower"
+ (string-append "-Dudevrulesdir=" #$output "/bin/udev/rules.d"))))
- (list autoconf
- automake
+ (list `(,glib "bin") ; for gdbus-codegen
- libtool
- which ; for ./autogen.sh
;; For tests.
@@ -5511,7 +5497,11 @@ faster results and to avoid unnecessary server load.")
listening to device events and querying history and statistics. Any
application or service on the system can access the org.freedesktop.UPower
service via the system message bus.")
- (license license:gpl2+)))
+ (license license:gpl2+)
+ ;; Old versions of upower are tagged as UPOWER_0_99_13, which confuses
+ ;; the 'generic-git' updater. Give it a little help.
+ (properties '((release-tag-prefix . "v")
+ (release-tag-version-delimiter . ".")))))
(define-public libgweather
@@ -6430,7 +6420,8 @@ supports playlists, song ratings, and any codecs installed through gstreamer.")
(patches (search-patches "eog-update-libportal-usage.patch"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags
+ `(#:glib-or-gtk? #t
+ #:configure-flags
;; Otherwise, the RUNPATH will lack the final 'eog' path component.
(list (string-append "-Dc_link_args=-Wl,-rpath="
(assoc-ref %outputs "out") "/lib/eog"))
@@ -6477,7 +6468,7 @@ supports image conversion, rotation, and slideshows.")
(define-public eog-plugins
;; Note: EOG looks for its plugins (via libpeas) in ~/.local as well as
- ;; $DATA/lib/eog/plugins, where DATA is one of the entries in
+ ;; $DATA/eog/plugins, where DATA is one of the entries in
;; $XDG_DATA_DIRS. Thus, for EOG to find these, you have to have
;; 'XDG_DATA_DIRS' appropriately set.
@@ -6492,6 +6483,17 @@ supports image conversion, rotation, and slideshows.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'fix-plugins-path
+ ;; XXX: EOG looks its plugins in "share/eog/plugins", not in
+ ;; "lib/eog/plugins".
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (plugins (string-append out "/share/eog/plugins")))
+ (mkdir (dirname plugins))
+ (symlink (string-append out "/lib/eog/plugins") plugins)))))))
(home-page "https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/EyeOfGnome/Plugins")
(synopsis "Extensions for the Eye of GNOME image viewer")
@@ -7476,7 +7478,12 @@ to display dialog boxes from the commandline and shell scripts.")
;; expression paragraph. For an explanation, see: info '(sed)
;; Multiline techniques'.
(invoke "sed" "/./{H;$!d} ; x ; s/^.*native-headless.*$//"
- "-i" "src/tests/meson.build")))
+ "-i" "src/tests/meson.build")
+ ;; Timeline tests may unexpectedly fail on missed frames, so
+ ;; let's disable them as well.
+ ;; See <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/2125>
+ (substitute* "src/tests/clutter/conform/meson.build"
+ (("'timeline.*',") ""))))
(replace 'check
(lambda* (#:key tests? test-options parallel-tests?
@@ -7679,14 +7686,13 @@ Microsoft Exchange, Last.fm, IMAP/SMTP, Jabber, SIP and Kerberos.")
'("addressbook-backends" "calendar-backends"
"camel-providers" "credential-modules"
- (list "-DENABLE_UOA=OFF" ;disable Ubuntu Online Accounts support
- "-DENABLE_GOOGLE=OFF" ;disable Google Contacts support
- "-DENABLE_GOOGLE_AUTH=OFF" ;disable Google authentication
+ (list "-DENABLE_GOOGLE=OFF" ;disable Google Contacts support
(string-append "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=" lib ";"
(string-append lib "/evolution-data-server;")
(string-join runpaths ";"))
- "-DENABLE_INTROSPECTION=ON")) ;required for Vala bindings
+ "-DENABLE_INTROSPECTION=ON" ;required for Vala bindings
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'disable-failing-tests
@@ -7716,6 +7722,7 @@ Microsoft Exchange, Last.fm, IMAP/SMTP, Jabber, SIP and Kerberos.")
("gsettings-desktop-schemas" ,gsettings-desktop-schemas)
("intltool" ,intltool)
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
+ ("protobuf" ,protobuf)
("vala" ,vala)
("python" ,python-wrapper)))
@@ -7728,11 +7735,13 @@ Microsoft Exchange, Last.fm, IMAP/SMTP, Jabber, SIP and Kerberos.")
("sqlite" ,sqlite)))
`(("bdb" ,bdb)
+ ("boost" ,boost)
("gcr" ,gcr)
("gnome-online-accounts:lib" ,gnome-online-accounts "lib")
("json-glib" ,json-glib)
("libcanberra" ,libcanberra)
("libgweather" ,libgweather)
+ ("libphonenumber" ,libphonenumber)
("mit-krb5" ,mit-krb5)
("openldap" ,openldap)
("webkitgtk" ,webkitgtk-with-libsoup2)))
@@ -11132,7 +11141,8 @@ functionality.")
("gtk+:bin" ,gtk+ "bin") ; for gtk-update-icon-cache
("intltool" ,intltool)
("itstool" ,itstool)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
+ ("python" ,python)))
`(("clutter" ,clutter)
("clutter-gst" ,clutter-gst)
@@ -11342,58 +11352,42 @@ higher level porcelain stuff.")
(define-public gitg
(name "gitg")
- (version "3.32.1")
+ (version "41")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnome/sources/" name "/"
- (version-major+minor version) "/"
+ (version-major version) "/"
name "-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "0npg4kqpwl992fgjd2cn3fh84aiwpdp9kd8z7rw2xaj2iazsm914"))))
+ "0aa6djcf7rjw0q688mfy47k67bbjpnx6aw1xs94abfhgn6gipdkz"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
- `(#:glib-or-gtk? #t
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'disable-post-install-partially
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "meson_post_install.py"
- (("'python'") ; there are no python sources to compile
- (string-append "'" (which "true") "'"))
- (("gtk-update-icon-cache") (which "true")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-test-sources
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "tests/libgitg/test-commit.vala"
- (("/bin/bash") (which "bash")))
- #t))
- ;; XXX: Remove upon next version bump
- (add-after 'unpack 'harden
- (lambda _
- ;; See <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gitg/-/issues/337>
- (substitute* "libgitg/gitg-date.vala"
- (("(val\|tzs) == null" all val)
- (string-append val " == null || " val " == \"\""))
- (("(val\|tzs) != null" all val)
- (string-append val " != null && " val " != \"\"")))
- ;; See <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gitg/-/merge_requests/159>
- (substitute* "gitg/gitg-action-support.vala"
- (("stash_if_needed\\((.*), Gitg.Ref head" all other)
- (string-append "stash_if_needed(" other ", Gitg.Ref? head")))))
- (add-after 'glib-or-gtk-wrap 'wrap-typelib
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((prog (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/bin/gitg")))
- (wrap-program prog
- `("GI_TYPELIB_PATH" = (,(getenv "GI_TYPELIB_PATH"))))
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:glib-or-gtk? #t
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'disable-post-install-partially
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "meson_post_install.py"
+ (("'python'") ; there are no python sources to compile
+ (string-append "'" (which "true") "'"))
+ (("gtk-update-icon-cache") (which "true")))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-test-sources
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/libgitg/test-commit.vala"
+ (("/bin/bash") (which "bash")))))
+ (add-after 'glib-or-gtk-wrap 'wrap-typelib
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((prog (string-append #$output "/bin/gitg")))
+ (wrap-program prog
+ `("GI_TYPELIB_PATH" = (,(getenv "GI_TYPELIB_PATH"))))))))))
(list glib
+ gspell
- gtkspell3
- gtksourceview-3
+ gtksourceview
@@ -11403,12 +11397,13 @@ higher level porcelain stuff.")
- `(("glib:bin" ,glib "bin")
- ("gtk+:bin" ,gtk+ "bin")
- ("gobject-introspection" ,gobject-introspection)
- ("intltool" ,intltool)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("vala" ,vala)))
+ (list `(,glib "bin")
+ `(,gtk+ "bin")
+ gobject-introspection
+ intltool
+ pkg-config
+ python
+ vala))
(synopsis "Graphical user interface for git")
"gitg is a graphical user interface for git. It aims at being a small,
@@ -12411,7 +12406,7 @@ profiler via Sysprof, debugging support, and more.")
(define-public komikku
(name "komikku")
- (version "0.36.1")
+ (version "0.37.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -12421,7 +12416,7 @@ profiler via Sysprof, debugging support, and more.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0iqis1b248gj1jb1yzw5dcs99bm078hixg9ir0vb961ymwzv2mmc"))))
+ "1ab17xjpfy9ks6dzgcnh2p5n9hl82mi6f8zbaz7s36115dmp4fbf"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
`(#:glib-or-gtk? #t
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gnunet.scm b/gnu/packages/gnunet.scm
index 5c0dd348cc..1c09c9047b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gnunet.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gnunet.scm
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages groff)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages guile)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages guile-xyz)
#:use-module (gnu packages gstreamer)
#:use-module (gnu packages libidn)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
@@ -58,10 +60,12 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages pulseaudio)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
#:use-module (gnu packages sqlite)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages text-editors)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
#:use-module (gnu packages upnp)
#:use-module (gnu packages video)
#:use-module (gnu packages vim)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages xorg)
#:use-module (gnu packages web)
#:use-module (gnu packages xiph)
#:use-module (gnu packages backup)
@@ -368,6 +372,60 @@ services.")
(home-page "https://gnu.org/software/guix")
(license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public gnunet-scheme
+ (package
+ (name "gnunet-scheme")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://git.gnunet.org/git/gnunet-scheme.git")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0a11n58m346vs2khns2hfnxv8lbscf8aaqzhmq0d7nwdpn808nrp"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ ;; XXX: Work-around
+ ;; <https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=49623>,
+ ;; this can be removed once Guile > 3.0.7 is released.
+ (snippet '(substitute* '("gnu/gnunet/config/parser.scm"
+ "tests/config-parser.scm")
+ (("#\\{\\$\\{\\}\\}#") "#{${;};}#")
+ (("#\\{\\$\\{:-\\}\\}#") "#{${;:-};}#")
+ (("#\\{\\$\\{\\}\\}# #\\{\\$\\{:-\\}\\}#")
+ "#{$\\x7b;\\x7d;}# #{$\\x7b;:-\\x7d;}#")
+ (("'#\\{\\$\\{\\}\\}# '#\\{\\$\\{:-\\}\\}#")
+ "'#{$\\x7b;\\x7d;}# '#{$\\x7b;:-\\x7d;}#")))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (inputs (list guile-3.0)) ;for pkg-config
+ (propagated-inputs (list guile-bytestructures guile-gcrypt guile-pfds
+ guile-fibers-1.1))
+ (native-inputs (list guile-3.0 ;as a compiler
+ ;; for cross-compilation, the guile inputs need to be
+ ;; native-inputs as well.
+ guile-bytestructures
+ guile-gcrypt
+ guile-pfds
+ guile-fibers-1.1
+ automake
+ autoconf
+ pkg-config
+ texmacs
+ xvfb-run ;for documentation
+ guile-quickcheck)) ;for tests
+ (synopsis "Guile implementation of GNUnet client libraries")
+ (description
+ "This package provides Guile modules for connecting to the NSE (network
+size estimation) and DHT (distributed hash table) services of GNUnet. It also
+has infrastructure for writing new GNUnet services and connecting to them and
+can be used from multi-threaded environments. It is not to be confused with
+@code{guile-gnunet} -- @code{guile-gnunet} supports a different set of services.")
+ ;; Most code is licensed as AGPL and a few modules are licensed as LGPL
+ ;; or GPL. Documentation is licensed as GFDL.
+ (license (list license:agpl3+ license:gpl3+ license:fdl1.3+ license:lgpl3+))
+ (home-page "https://git.gnunet.org/gnunet-scheme.git")))
;; FIXME: "gnunet-setup" segfaults under certain conditions and "gnunet-gtk"
;; does not seem to be fully functional. This has been reported upstream:
;; http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gnunet-developers/2016-02/msg00004.html
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm b/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm
index e6505e7a95..88637d2fcd 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm
@@ -365,7 +365,8 @@ in C/C++.")
(file-name (git-file-name "mozjs" version))
- "1xl6avsj9gkgma71p56jzs7nasc767k3n1frnmri5pad4rj94bij"))))
+ "1xl6avsj9gkgma71p56jzs7nasc767k3n1frnmri5pad4rj94bij"))
+ (patches (search-patches "mozjs60-riscv64-support.patch"))))
`(#:tests? #f ; FIXME: all tests pass, but then the check phase fails anyway.
#:test-target "check-jstests"
@@ -412,6 +413,14 @@ in C/C++.")
(cons (string-append "--prefix=" out)
+ (add-after 'unpack 'update-config-scripts
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (install-file
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ (string-append "/bin/" file)) "build/autoconf"))
+ '("config.guess" "config.sub"))))
(add-after 'unpack 'disable-broken-tests
(lambda _
;; This test assumes that /bin exists and contains certain
@@ -421,6 +430,7 @@ in C/C++.")
`(("autoconf" ,autoconf)
("automake" ,automake)
+ ("config" ,config)
("which" ,which)
("perl" ,perl)
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
@@ -560,7 +570,8 @@ in C/C++.")
`(("autoconf" ,autoconf-2.13)
("automake" ,automake)
- ("llvm" ,llvm) ;for llvm-objdump
+ ;; TODO(staging): Use the default LLVM in the next rebuild cycle.
+ ("llvm" ,llvm-9) ;for llvm-objdump
("perl" ,perl)
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
("python" ,python-3)
@@ -698,8 +709,8 @@ in C/C++.")
;; XXXX: Workaround 'snippet' limitations.
(define computed-origin-method (@@ (guix packages) computed-origin-method))
-(define %icecat-version "91.5.0-guix0-preview1")
-(define %icecat-build-id "20220111000000") ;must be of the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss
+(define %icecat-version "91.7.0-guix0-preview1")
+(define %icecat-build-id "20220307000000") ;must be of the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss
;; 'icecat-source' is a "computed" origin that generates an IceCat tarball
;; from the corresponding upstream Firefox ESR tarball, using the 'makeicecat'
@@ -721,11 +732,11 @@ in C/C++.")
"firefox-" upstream-firefox-version ".source.tar.xz"))
- "04y8nj1f065b3dn354f1ns3cm9xp4kljr5ippvmfdqr7cb4xjp7l"))))
+ "0npf1w6ic14zjn2h5zp8il4l0s61l9mykgnbcinxc47gw6myjflw"))))
- (upstream-icecat-base-version "91.5.0") ; maybe older than base-version
+ (upstream-icecat-base-version "91.7.0") ; maybe older than base-version
;;(gnuzilla-commit (string-append "v" upstream-icecat-base-version))
- (gnuzilla-commit "c0a504578cb694522c65bb6c36396df8142d4a2a")
+ (gnuzilla-commit "76e23c5f1bcebc22f7936baa29f75c6c9415935e")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -737,7 +748,7 @@ in C/C++.")
(string-take gnuzilla-commit 8)))
- "016g8vdr6w6six4f705cmbdrfknmy4bk1qjjrvsdpah4bf6c2s2c"))))
+ "1qvhpyws73f5is7l5isiag6lbqj9gkbdkc9gj29lhhhgla8j6qyg"))))
;; 'search-patch' returns either a valid file name or #f, so wrap it
;; in 'assume-valid-file-name' to avoid 'local-file' warnings.
@@ -1320,11 +1331,11 @@ standards of the IceCat project.")
(cpe-version . ,(first (string-split version #\-)))))))
;; Update this together with icecat!
-(define %icedove-build-id "20220111000000") ;must be of the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss
+(define %icedove-build-id "20220308000000") ;must be of the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss
(define-public icedove
(name "icedove")
- (version "91.5")
+ (version "91.7")
(source icecat-source)
`((cpe-name . "thunderbird_esr")))
@@ -1610,7 +1621,7 @@ standards of the IceCat project.")
;; in the Thunderbird release tarball. We don't use the release
;; tarball because it duplicates the Icecat sources and only adds the
;; "comm" directory, which is provided by this repository.
- ,(let ((changeset "bcd2aab51cd0889d506d29455210d65602b97430"))
+ ,(let ((changeset "39ccd0b9ea033f3292af90667e470b98a79eb8c9"))
(method hg-fetch)
(uri (hg-reference
@@ -1619,7 +1630,7 @@ standards of the IceCat project.")
(file-name (string-append "thunderbird-" version "-checkout"))
- "0aj8a8qbm71n34yi58y04bn4h9zz2rciz0cm3hh58rsmcqs1s9ym")))))
+ "0zk6f3yxqq5dn4dh96jmip3xy66n4lnai5fan31kl2l63vfcm1ag")))))
("cargo" ,rust "cargo")
("clang" ,clang-11)
("llvm" ,llvm-11)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/golang.scm b/gnu/packages/golang.scm
index f148c0d48a..ba0fcee214 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/golang.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/golang.scm
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages pulseaudio)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages ruby)
#:use-module (gnu packages syncthing)
#:use-module (gnu packages terminals)
#:use-module (gnu packages textutils)
@@ -459,13 +460,13 @@ in the style of communicating sequential processes (@dfn{CSP}).")
`(("gold" ,binutils-gold)))
(_ `()))
,@(package-native-inputs go-1.4)))
- (supported-systems %supported-systems)))
+ (supported-systems (delete "powerpc-linux" %supported-systems))))
(define-public go-1.16
(inherit go-1.14)
(name "go")
- (version "1.16.13")
+ (version "1.16.14")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -475,10 +476,10 @@ in the style of communicating sequential processes (@dfn{CSP}).")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "03f37dspn4h5kqf0nqwmnl858wx6hngnlvbnrjl1ll6ihc5j66jz"))))
+ "16pn7avzmlw28sldx6yv38a1afdwj7jz3x7kjvlagysqrsh5lwwl"))))
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments go-1.14)
- ((#:tests? _) #t)
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments
+ (strip-keyword-arguments '(#:tests?) (package-arguments go-1.14))
((#:phases phases)
`(modify-phases ,phases
(add-after 'unpack 'remove-unused-sourcecode-generators
@@ -624,7 +625,7 @@ in the style of communicating sequential processes (@dfn{CSP}).")
(inherit go-1.16)
(name "go")
- (version "1.17.6")
+ (version "1.17.7")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -634,7 +635,7 @@ in the style of communicating sequential processes (@dfn{CSP}).")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "05k292i9qayfy5wh96z4kjmx1mfd5birnr25vb0blzaam72mcsgw"))))
+ "0d0xybn7sy4za3f0s2ffb6yfv6pjabnk4jyvz7dn3hjqhd5lks7m"))))
(outputs '("out" "tests")) ; 'tests' contains distribution tests.
`(#:modules ((ice-9 match)
@@ -899,6 +900,66 @@ network traffic so that it is not identified and subsequently blocked by network
filtering devices.")
(license license:bsd-2))))
+(define-public go-github-com-agext-levenshtein
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-agext-levenshtein")
+ (version "1.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/agext/levenshtein")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0a26c8pp9h5w66bhd9vb6lpvmhp30mz46pnh3a8vrjx50givb2lw"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/agext/levenshtein"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/agext/levenshtein")
+ (synopsis "Calculating the Levenshtein distance between two strings in Go")
+ (description
+ "Package levenshtein implements distance and similarity metrics for
+strings, based on the Levenshtein measure.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-v13
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-v13")
+ (version "13.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0gdgi0d52rq1xsdn9icc8lghn0f2q927cifmrlfxflf7bf21vism"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:unpack-path "github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/v13"
+ #:import-path "github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/v13/textseg"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list ruby))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg")
+ (synopsis "Go implementation of Unicode Text Segmentation")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an implementation of the Unicode Text Segmentation
+specification for Go. Specifically, it currently includes only the grapheme
+cluster segmentation algorithm.")
+ ;; Project is released under Expat terms. Some parts use Unicode and
+ ;; ASL2.0 licenses.
+ (license (list license:expat license:unicode license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-autoversion
+ (package
+ (inherit go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-v13)
+ (name "go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-autoversion")
+ (arguments
+ '(#:unpack-path "github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/autoversion"
+ #:import-path "github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/autoversion/textseg"))))
(define-public go-github-com-operatorfoundation-shapeshifter-transports
(name "go-github-com-operatorfoundation-shapeshifter-transports")
@@ -1097,6 +1158,28 @@ terminals.")
proxy protocol.")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-schachmat-ingo
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-schachmat-ingo")
+ (version "0.0.0-20170403011506-a4bdc0729a3f")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/schachmat/ingo")
+ (commit (go-version->git-ref version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1gw0kddy7jh3467imsqni86cf9yq7k6vpfc0ywkbwj0zsjsdgd49"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/schachmat/ingo"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/schachmat/ingo")
+ (synopsis "Go library to persist flags in a INI-like configuration file")
+ (description
+ "Ingo is a Go library helping you to persist flags in a INI-like
+configuration file.")
+ (license license:isc)))
(define-public go-github-com-riobard-go-bloom
(let ((commit "cdc8013cb5b3eb0efebec85f0e904efccac42df9")
(revision "0"))
@@ -2046,7 +2129,7 @@ specified by @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2141, IETF RFC 2141}.")
(define-public go-github.com-jessevdk-go-flags
(name "go-github.com-jessevdk-go-flags")
- (version "1.3.0")
+ (version "1.5.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -2054,11 +2137,19 @@ specified by @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2141, IETF RFC 2141}.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32
- "1jk2k2l10lwrn1r3nxdvbs0yz656830j4khzirw8p4ahs7c5zz36"))))
+ (base32 "13ixw1yx4bvcj66lkc8zgwf9j7gkvj686g991gycdsafvdvca0lj"))))
(build-system go-build-system)
- '(#:import-path "github.com/jessevdk/go-flags"))
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/jessevdk/go-flags"
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH messes with the date on the man page test.
+ (substitute* "src/github.com/jessevdk/go-flags/help_test.go"
+ (("TestMan") "DisabledTestMan")))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-golang-org-x-sys))
(synopsis "Go library for parsing command line arguments")
"The @code{flags} package provides a command line option parser. The
@@ -2396,6 +2487,37 @@ expressing configuration which is easy for both humans and machines to read.")
(home-page "https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl")
(license license:mpl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-hashicorp-hcl-v2
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-hashicorp-hcl-v2")
+ (version "2.11.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0f9flmmkj7fr1337fc56cqy73faq87ix375hnz3id4wc023przv1"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-github-com-davecgh-go-spew))
+ (inputs
+ (list go-github-com-agext-levenshtein go-github-com-mitchellh-go-wordwrap
+ go-github-com-zclconf-go-cty
+ go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-v13))
+ (synopsis "Go implementation of HashiCorp Configuration Language V2")
+ (description
+ "This package contains the main implementation of the @acronym{HCL,
+HashiCorp Configuration Language}. HCL is designed to be a language for
+expressing configuration which is easy for both humans and machines to read.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl")
+ (license license:mpl2.0)))
(define-public go-golang-org-x-tools
(let ((commit "8b927904ee0dec805c89aaf9172f4459296ed6e8")
(revision "0"))
@@ -3205,6 +3327,32 @@ values for the purpose of fuzz testing.")
incoming requests with their respective handler.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public go-github-com-andybalholm-brotli
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-andybalholm-brotli")
+ (version "1.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/andybalholm/brotli")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1zvmj7gbnkq9xwv1bvcxk9acxl06y902148qwbd2kqwgs52wy2c0"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:import-path "github.com/andybalholm/brotli"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/andybalholm/brotli")
+ (synopsis "Pure Go Brotli encoder and decoder")
+ (description
+ "This package is a brotli compressor and decompressor implemented in Go.
+It was translated from the reference implementation
+(@url{https://github.com/google/brotli,https://github.com/google/brotli}) with
+the @code{c2go} tool at
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public go-github-com-gorilla-handlers
(name "go-github-com-gorilla-handlers")
@@ -3766,6 +3914,28 @@ the Go language. In particular it provides tools to deal with network address
translation (NAT), proxies, sockets, and transport layer security (TLS).")
(license license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public go-github-com-docker-go-units
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-docker-go-units")
+ (version "0.4.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/docker/go-units")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0k8gja8ql4pqg5rzmqvka42vjfs6rzablak87whcnqba6qxpimvz"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/docker/go-units"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/docker/go-units")
+ (synopsis "Parse and print size and time units in human-readable format")
+ (description
+ "@code{go-units} is a library to transform human friendly measurements into
+machine friendly values.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public go-github-com-docker-machine
(let ((commit "7b7a141da84480342357c51838be142bf183b095")
(revision "0"))
@@ -7741,6 +7911,80 @@ and @code{ioutil} packages that is easy to test.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-xdg-go-stringprep
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-xdg-go-stringprep")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/xdg-go/stringprep")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1df0l5n3c520y9filzz83j42wa5c056jcygmfwhjyf1pq8f6jkv9"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/xdg-go/stringprep"))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-golang-org-x-text))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/xdg-go/stringprep")
+ (synopsis "Go implementation of RFC-3454 stringprep and RFC-4013 SASLprep")
+ (description
+ "Package stringprep provides data tables and algorithms for RFC-3454,
+including errata. It also provides a profile for SASLprep as defined in
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-xdg-go-pbkdf2
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-xdg-go-pbkdf2")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/xdg-go/pbkdf2")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nipijy5xkdnfyhkp5ryrjzm14si1i2v2xyfmblf84binwkbr8jh"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/xdg-go/pbkdf2"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/xdg-go/pbkdf2")
+ (synopsis "Go implementation of PBKDF2")
+ (description
+ "Package pbkdf2 implements password-based key derivation using the PBKDF2
+algorithm described in @url{https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2898.html,RFC 2898}
+and @url{https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8018.html,RFC 8018}.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-xdg-go-scram
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-xdg-go-scram")
+ (version "1.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/xdg-go/scram")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1jyv4qgc1dgh3v96pazmgljpp9ij25k8hwn0v4fck18g16i0nccm"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/xdg-go/scram"))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-github-com-xdg-go-stringprep
+ go-github-com-xdg-go-pbkdf2))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/xdg-go/scram")
+ (synopsis "Go implementation of RFC-5802")
+ (description
+ "Package scram provides client and server implementations of the
+@acronym{Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism, SCRAM} described in
+RFC-5802 and RFC-7677.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public go-github-com-godbus-dbus
(name "go-github-com-godbus-dbus")
@@ -7791,6 +8035,38 @@ bindings for the D-Bus message bus system.")
deleting secrets from the system keyring.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-zclconf-go-cty
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-zclconf-go-cty")
+ (version "1.10.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/zclconf/go-cty")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0f9a6vy45gcx5pg5bnfs63manaqw80h7xzvmj3b80af38304zr71"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:unpack-path "github.com/zclconf/go-cty"
+ #:import-path "github.com/zclconf/go-cty/cty"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-github-com-google-go-cmp-cmp))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-golang-org-x-text
+ go-github-com-vmihailenco-msgpack-v4
+ go-github-com-apparentlymart-go-textseg-v13))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/zclconf/go-cty")
+ (synopsis "Type system for dynamic values in Go applications")
+ (description
+ "@code{cty} (pronounced \"see-tie\") is a dynamic type system for
+applications written in Go that need to represent user-supplied values without
+losing type information. The primary intended use is for implementing
+configuration languages, but other uses may be possible too.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public go-etcd-io-bbolt
(name "go-etcd-io-bbolt")
@@ -8756,6 +9032,140 @@ non-cryptographic hash algorithm, working at speeds close to RAM limits.")
"Provides a platform-independent way to get atime, mtime, ctime and btime for files.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-valyala-bytebufferpool
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-valyala-bytebufferpool")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "01lqzjddq6kz9v41nkky7wbgk7f1cw036sa7ldz10d82g5klzl93"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool")
+ (synopsis "Anti-memory-waste byte buffer pool for Golang")
+ (description
+ "@code{bytebufferpool} implements a pool of byte buffers with
+anti-fragmentation protection.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-valyala-fasthttp
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-valyala-fasthttp")
+ (version "1.31.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ra0n2shcp11736xv37cjnsqn32gvqfm3dkf9v8j98xmch2wqxqg"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/valyala/fasthttp"))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-golang-org-x-sys
+ go-golang-org-x-net
+ go-golang-org-x-crypto
+ go-github-com-valyala-tcplisten
+ go-github-com-valyala-bytebufferpool
+ go-github-com-klauspost-compress
+ go-github-com-andybalholm-brotli))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp")
+ (synopsis "Provides fast HTTP server and client API")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a Go module @code{fasthttp} which may be used as
+replacement for native @code{net/http} module.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-valyala-tcplisten
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-valyala-tcplisten")
+ (version "1.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/valyala/tcplisten")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fv5hxmq1jwrjn1rdjvbmjrrkb601zcdh01qhx6d8l7ss6n05zb8"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; NOTE: (Sharlatan-20211218T165504+0000): Tests failing:
+ ;;
+ ;; tcplisten_test.go:56: cannot create listener 0 using Config
+ ;; &tcplisten.Config{ReusePort:false, DeferAccept:false, FastOpen:false,
+ ;; Backlog:32}: lookup ip6-localhost on [::1]:53: read udp
+ ;; [::1]:33932->[::1]:53: read: connection refused
+ ;;
+ '(#:tests? #f
+ #:import-path "github.com/valyala/tcplisten"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/valyala/tcplisten")
+ (synopsis "Customizable TCP net.Listener for Go")
+ (description
+ "@code{tcplisten} provides customizable TCP net.Listener with various
+performance-related options.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public go-github-com-vmihailenco-msgpack-v4
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-vmihailenco-msgpack-v4")
+ (version "4.3.12")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/vmihailenco/msgpack")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0aiavk7b5fn050bbc0naldk2bsl60f8wil5i6a1cfp3lxxnvmvng"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/vmihailenco/msgpack/v4"))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list go-gopkg-in-check-v1))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-github-com-vmihailenco-tagparser))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/vmihailenco/msgpack")
+ (synopsis "MessagePack encoding for Golang")
+ (description
+ "This package provides implementation of MessagePack encoding for Go
+programming language.")
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
+(define-public go-github-com-vmihailenco-tagparser
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-vmihailenco-tagparser")
+ (version "2.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/vmihailenco/tagparser")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "13arliaz3b4bja9jj7cr5ax4zvxaxm484fwrn0q6d6jjm1l35m1k"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/vmihailenco/tagparser"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/vmihailenco/tagparser")
+ (synopsis "Tag parser for Golang")
+ (description "This package is a simple Golang implementation of tag
+ (license license:bsd-2)))
(define-public go-github-com-vividcortex-ewma
(name "go-github-com-vividcortex-ewma")
@@ -9341,3 +9751,26 @@ Features:
@item TCP tunneling (e.g. benchmark with iperf3)
@end itemize")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public go-github-com-go-chi-chi-v5
+ (package
+ (name "go-github-com-go-chi-chi-v5")
+ (version "5.0.7")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/go-chi/chi")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0rzrsxz4xj0973c6nxklvq2vmg2m795snhk25836i0gnd1jnx79k"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:import-path "github.com/go-chi/chi/v5"))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/go-chi/chi")
+ (synopsis "Composable router for HTTP services written in Go")
+ (description
+ "@code{go-github-com-go-chi-chi-v5} is an HTTP router that lets the user
+decompose request handling into many smaller layers.")
+ (license license:expat)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gps.scm b/gnu/packages/gps.scm
index 1c8f9af5b1..b8e3433a5e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gps.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gps.scm
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ coordinates as well as partial support for adjustments in global coordinate syst
(define-public gpxsee
(name "gpxsee")
- (version "10.0")
+ (version "10.3")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ coordinates as well as partial support for adjustments in global coordinate syst
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0kj7130imhppb0bam34a1xr2lxk76fyida31idzvfk3m7z39w02w"))))
+ "1i1diha617il0s2j9108xlw3vn10m6lc59r8r2fn48wmfzcj79dc"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/graph.scm b/gnu/packages/graph.scm
index de68ff78b1..4b46904318 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/graph.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/graph.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Joshua Sierles, Nextjournal <joshua@nextjournal.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-build)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-science)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
@@ -279,13 +280,13 @@ subplots, multiple-axes, polar charts, and bubble charts.")
(define-public python-louvain
(name "python-louvain")
- (version "0.15")
+ (version "0.16")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "python-louvain" version))
- (base32 "1sqp97fwh4asx0jr72x8hil8z8fcg2xq92jklmh2m599pvgnx19a"))))
+ (base32 "0sx53l555rwq0z7if8agirjgw4ddp8r9b949wwz8vlig03sjvfmp"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(list python-setuptools)) ;for use_2to3 support
@@ -298,10 +299,10 @@ subplots, multiple-axes, polar charts, and bubble charts.")
algorithm for community detection in large networks.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public python-louvain-0.6
+(define-public python-louvain-0.7
(name "python-louvain")
- (version "0.6.1")
+ (version "0.7.1")
;; The tarball on Pypi does not include the tests.
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -311,14 +312,34 @@ algorithm for community detection in large networks.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0w31537sifkf65sck1iaip5i6d8g64pa3wdwad83d6p9jwkck57k"))))
+ "1g6b5c2jgwagnhnqh859g61h7x6a81d8hm3g6mkin6kzwafww3g2"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'build 'pretend-version
+ ;; The version string is usually derived via setuptools-scm, but
+ ;; without the git metadata available this fails.
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION" #$version)))
+ (add-before 'build 'find-igraph
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "igraph")
+ "/include/igraph:"
+ (getenv "C_INCLUDE_PATH")))
+ (getenv "LIBRARY_PATH")))))))
(list python-ddt python-igraph))
(list igraph))
- (list pkg-config python-pytest))
+ (list pkg-config
+ python-pytest
+ python-setuptools-scm
+ python-wheel))
(home-page "https://github.com/vtraag/louvain-igraph")
(synopsis "Algorithm for methods of community detection in large networks")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/graphics.scm b/gnu/packages/graphics.scm
index b69ab52aec..2cc75d57cf 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/graphics.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/graphics.scm
@@ -21,12 +21,15 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jakub Kądziołka <kuba@kadziolka.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Raghav Gururajan <raghavgururajan@disroot.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Gabriel Arazas <foo.dogsquared@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Antoine Côté <antoine.cote@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Andy Tai <atai@atai.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ekaitz Zarraga <ekaitz@elenq.tech>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Zheng Junjie <873216071@qq.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -79,11 +82,13 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages kde-frameworks)
#:use-module (gnu packages libusb)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages logging)
#:use-module (gnu packages llvm)
#:use-module (gnu packages lua)
#:use-module (gnu packages maths)
#:use-module (gnu packages mp3)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages pciutils)
#:use-module (gnu packages pdf)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
#:use-module (gnu packages photo)
@@ -101,6 +106,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages stb)
#:use-module (gnu packages swig)
#:use-module (gnu packages tbb)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages toolkits)
#:use-module (gnu packages upnp)
#:use-module (gnu packages video)
#:use-module (gnu packages vulkan)
@@ -115,6 +121,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module (guix build-system qt)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix hg-download)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
@@ -410,14 +417,14 @@ typically encountered in feature film production.")
(define-public blender
(name "blender")
- (version "3.0.0")
+ (version "3.0.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://download.blender.org/source/"
"blender-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "1jzirg60c2lhln78a7phbsk2ssvcdqxqb3awp895m0pqrlmz7w2h"))))
+ "0hblgls5pclqamsxk0vb14f4fm30hdiq7fb2bm5mq2ly4sb0mfqr"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(let ((python-version (version-major+minor (package-version python))))
@@ -490,6 +497,7 @@ typically encountered in feature film production.")
("libtiff" ,libtiff)
("ffmpeg" ,ffmpeg)
("fftw" ,fftw)
+ ("gmp" ,gmp) ;; needed for boolean operations on meshes
("jack" ,jack-1)
("libsndfile" ,libsndfile)
("freetype" ,freetype)
@@ -548,7 +556,7 @@ and export to various formats including the format used by Magicavoxel.")
(define-public assimp
(name "assimp")
- (version "4.1.0")
+ (version "5.2.2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -557,7 +565,7 @@ and export to various formats including the format used by Magicavoxel.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1rhyqfhzifdj7yibyanph3rh13ykw3i98dnn8mz65j780472hw28"))))
+ "1kjifakjnpm89410pw27wq21fn975gfq46kn9zs3h8bryldvvlgk"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list zlib))
@@ -618,9 +626,9 @@ more.")
(list bison
- clang
+ clang-9
- llvm
+ llvm-9
@@ -837,76 +845,6 @@ other vector formats such as:
@end itemize")
(license license:gpl2+)))
-(define-public dear-imgui
- (package
- (name "dear-imgui")
- (version "1.79")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/ocornut/imgui")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0x26igynxp6rlpp2wfc5dr7x6yh583ajb7p23pgycn9vqikn318q"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:make-flags
- (list (string-append "CC=" ,(cc-for-target))
- (string-append "PREFIX=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
- (string-append "VERSION=" ,version))
- #:tests? #f ; no test suite
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-debian-files
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (invoke "tar" "xvf" (assoc-ref inputs "debian-files"))
- (apply invoke "patch" "-Np1" "-i"
- (find-files "debian/patches" "\\.patch$"))
- (substitute* "Makefile"
- (("<stb/") "<") ; Guix doesn't use this subdirectory
- ;; Don't build or install the static library.
- (("^all: .*") "all: $(SHLIB) $(PCFILE)"))
- (substitute* (list "imgui.pc.in"
- "Makefile")
- ;; Don't link against a non-existent library.
- (("-lstb") ""))
- #t))
- (delete 'configure) ; no configure script
- (replace 'install
- ;; The default ‘install’ target installs the static library. Don't.
- (lambda* (#:key make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
- (apply invoke "make" "install-shared" "install-header"
- make-flags))))))
- (native-inputs
- `(("debian-files"
- ;; Upstream doesn't provide a build system. Use Debian's.
- ,(origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "mirror://debian/pool/main/i/imgui/imgui_"
- version "+ds-1.debian.tar.xz"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1xhk34pzpha6k5l2j150capq66y8czhmsi04ib09wvb34ahqxpby"))))
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
- (inputs
- (list freetype stb-rect-pack stb-truetype))
- (home-page "https://github.com/ocornut/imgui")
- (synopsis "Immediate-mode C++ GUI library with minimal dependencies")
- (description
- "Dear ImGui is a @acronym{GUI, graphical user interface} library for C++.
-It creates optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your
-3D-pipeline-enabled application. It's portable, renderer-agnostic, and
-self-contained, without external dependencies.
-Dear ImGui is aimed at content creation, visualization, and debugging tools as
-opposed to average end-user interfaces. Hence it favors simplicity and
-productivity but lacks certain features often found in higher-level libraries.
-It is particularly suited to integration in game engine tooling, real-time 3D
-applications, full-screen applications, and embedded platforms without standard
-operating system features.")
- (license license:expat))) ; some examples/ use the zlib licence
(define-public alembic
(name "alembic")
@@ -931,10 +869,90 @@ operating system features.")
distills complex, animated scenes into a set of baked geometric results.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public mangohud
+ (package
+ (name "mangohud")
+ (version "0.6.6-1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0ka004wxkajmvs5vy60r4ckm7f169c61rrd46w6gywkaqf5yp1ab"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:build-type "release"
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "-Duse_system_vulkan=enabled"
+ "-Duse_system_spdlog=enabled"
+ "-Dwith_xnvctrl=disabled"
+ "-Dappend_libdir_mangohud=false"
+ (string-append "-Dvulkan_datadir="
+ #$(this-package-input "vulkan-headers") "/share"))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Mangohud tries to build the imgui library as a meson submodule,
+ ;; so we change the dependency to the imgui input instead.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'unbundle-imgui
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "meson.build"
+ (("dearimgui_sp = .*")
+ "")
+ (("dearimgui_sp.get_variable\\('imgui_dep'\\)")
+ (string-append
+ "declare_dependency(dependencies: "
+ "cpp.find_library('imgui'), include_directories: '"
+ #$(this-package-input "imgui") "/include/imgui')")))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/meson.build"
+ (("\\\\\\$LIB")
+ "lib"))
+ (substitute* "src/loaders/loader_libdrm.cpp"
+ (("libdrm.so.2")
+ (search-input-file inputs "lib/libdrm.so.2"))
+ (("libdrm_amdgpu.so.1")
+ (search-input-file inputs "lib/libdrm_amdgpu.so.1")))
+ (substitute* "src/overlay.cpp"
+ (("glxinfo")
+ (search-input-file inputs "bin/glxinfo")))
+ (substitute* "src/loaders/loader_x11.cpp"
+ (("libX11.so.6")
+ (search-input-file inputs "lib/libX11.so.6")))
+ (substitute* "src/pci_ids.cpp"
+ (("/usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids")
+ (search-input-file inputs "share/hwdata/pci.ids")))
+ (substitute* "src/dbus.cpp"
+ (("libdbus-1.so.3")
+ (search-input-file inputs "lib/libdbus-1.so.3"))))))))
+ (inputs
+ (list dbus
+ glslang
+ `(,hwdata "pci")
+ imgui-1.86
+ libdrm
+ libx11
+ mesa
+ mesa-utils
+ python-mako
+ spdlog
+ vulkan-headers
+ vulkan-loader))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config python))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/flightlessmango/MangoHud/")
+ (synopsis "Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring performance and hardware")
+ (description "MangoHud is a Vulkan and OpenGL overlay for monitoring
+frames per second (FPS), temperatures, CPU/GPU load and more.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public ogre
(name "ogre")
- (version "1.12.9")
+ (version "13.3.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -943,24 +961,22 @@ distills complex, animated scenes into a set of baked geometric results.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0b0pwh31nykrfhka6jqwclfx1pxzhj11vkl91951d63kwr5bbzms"))))
+ (base32 "157vpfzivg2wf349glyd0cpbyaw1j3fm4nggban70pghql3x48kb"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'unpack-dear-imgui
+ (add-before 'configure 'unpack-imgui
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (copy-recursively (assoc-ref inputs "dear-imgui-source")
- "../dear-imgui-source")
- #t))
+ (copy-recursively (assoc-ref inputs "imgui-source")
+ "../imgui-source")))
(add-before 'configure 'pre-configure
;; CMakeLists.txt forces a CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH value. As
;; a consequence, we cannot suggest ours in configure flags. Fix
;; it.
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
- (("set\\(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH .*") ""))
- #t)))
+ (("set\\(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH .*") "")))))
(let* ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
@@ -968,29 +984,26 @@ distills complex, animated scenes into a set of baked geometric results.")
(string-append out "/lib/OGRE"))
(list (string-append "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=" runpath)
- "-DIMGUI_DIR=../dear-imgui-source"
+ "-DIMGUI_DIR=../imgui-source"
- (native-inputs
- `(("boost" ,boost)
- ("dear-imgui-source" ,(package-source dear-imgui))
- ("doxygen" ,doxygen)
- ("googletest" ,googletest-1.8)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
- (inputs
- (list font-dejavu
- freeimage
- freetype
- glu
- libxaw
- libxrandr
- pugixml
- sdl2
- tinyxml
- zziplib))
+ (native-inputs `(("doxygen" ,doxygen)
+ ("imgui-source" ,(package-source imgui-1.86))
+ ("googletest" ,googletest)
+ ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
+ ("python" ,python)))
+ (inputs (list freeimage
+ freetype
+ libxaw
+ libxrandr
+ libxt
+ mesa
+ pugixml
+ sdl2
+ zlib))
(synopsis "Scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++")
"OGRE (Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) is a scene-oriented,
@@ -1918,7 +1931,7 @@ Some feature highlights:
(define-public openxr
(name "openxr")
- (version "1.0.20")
+ (version "1.0.22")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1932,7 +1945,7 @@ Some feature highlights:
;; Delete bundled jsoncpp.
(delete-file-recursively "src/external/jsoncpp")))
- (base32 "1jd7jjxlrdi8kjnmn3sad7dgb4h48dbxryfb9snf0kifn47bi20m"))))
+ (base32 "1l6wygazgvd8lbhqk60iim2l2h35gxpsn0y9a9f8q72sqpfianky"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ; there are no tests
@@ -1961,15 +1974,16 @@ and build scripts for the OpenXR loader.")
(build-system meson-build-system)
- `(("ffmpeg" ,ffmpeg)
- ("glslang" ,glslang)
- ("libudev" ,eudev)
- ("libusb" ,libusb)
- ("libxcb" ,libxcb)
- ("libxrandr" ,libxrandr)
- ("opengl" ,mesa)
- ("v4l" ,v4l-utils)
- ("vulkan-loader" ,vulkan-loader)))
+ (list ffmpeg
+ glslang
+ eudev
+ libusb
+ libxcb
+ libxrandr
+ mesa
+ python
+ v4l-utils
+ vulkan-loader))
(list eigen pkg-config vulkan-headers))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/gtk.scm b/gnu/packages/gtk.scm
index ae84e769e6..f3a32787af 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/gtk.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/gtk.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andy Wingo <wingo@igalia.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015 David Hashe <david.hashe@dhashe.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Fabian Harfert <fhmgufs@web.de>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Kei Kebreau <kkebreau@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Patrick Hetu <patrick.hetu@auf.org>
@@ -2143,7 +2143,7 @@ and routines to assist in editing internationalized text.")
(define-public girara
(name "girara")
- (version "0.3.6")
+ (version "0.3.7")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2152,9 +2152,9 @@ and routines to assist in editing internationalized text.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0whwwj31fxfaf4r4qvxb4kl3mj05xj3n9c6nzdn46r30bkg9z4dw"))))
+ (base32 "0k93pi0lkf941vanvh1habm6n5wl1n63726j5kqxh34wdlv4mv4s"))))
(native-inputs `(("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("check" ,check-0.14)
+ ("check" ,check)
("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
("glib:bin" ,glib "bin")
("xorg-server" ,xorg-server-for-tests)))
@@ -2868,3 +2868,53 @@ excellent pavucontrol.")
;; XXX: 'setup.py' says "GPLv2" but nothing says "version 2 only". Is
;; GPLv2+ intended?
(license license:gpl2)))
+(define-public gromit-mpx
+ (package
+ (name "gromit-mpx")
+ (version "1.4.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/bk138/gromit-mpx.git")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0p3jivard85cvand9c5ksy1qwp8zcaczfd55b4xppg4xliqfcafs"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments `(#:tests? #f)) ; No tests.
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list gtk+ libappindicator))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/bk138/gromit-mpx")
+ (synopsis "On-screen annotation tool")
+ (description
+ "Gromit-MPX is an on-screen annotation tool that works with any
+Unix desktop environment under X11 as well as Wayland.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public webp-pixbuf-loader
+ (package
+ (name "webp-pixbuf-loader")
+ (version "0.0.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/aruiz/webp-pixbuf-loader")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1kshsz91mirjmnmv796nba1r8jg8a613anhgd38dhh2zmnladcwn"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "-Dgdk_pixbuf_moduledir="
+ #$output "/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders"))))
+ (inputs (list gdk-pixbuf glib gtk+ libwebp))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/aruiz/webp-pixbuf-loader")
+ (synopsis "WebP GdkPixbuf loader library")
+ (description "Webp-pixbuf-loader is a WebP format loader of GdkPixbuf.")
+ (license license:lgpl2.0+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/guile-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/guile-xyz.scm
index e2cf793acc..63fbf3c89f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/guile-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/guile-xyz.scm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2018 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017 Christine Lemmer-Webber <cwebber@dustycloud.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Alex Sassmannshausen <alex@pompo.co>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Erik Edrosa <erik.edrosa@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 Eraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2021 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Zelphir Kaltstahl <zelphirkaltstahl@posteo.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Artyom V. Poptsov <poptsov.artyom@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages nss)
#:use-module (gnu packages package-management)
#:use-module (gnu packages password-utils)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages pcre)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages xorg)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix hg-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
@@ -545,7 +549,7 @@ you send to a FIFO file.")
(define-public guile-dsv
(name "guile-dsv")
- (version "0.5.0")
+ (version "0.5.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -554,7 +558,7 @@ you send to a FIFO file.")
(file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- "0s9zan08ala7432pn44z3vmb3sc19rf18zfr9mskydnam5xn6qlw"))))
+ "10wssilin4qphdmmqmms20bp3cy007kh22l1g45wfka0minmhkgs"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake pkg-config texinfo))
@@ -600,9 +604,64 @@ Unix-style DSV format and RFC 4180 format.")
(inputs (list guile-2.2))
(propagated-inputs `(("guile-lib" ,guile2.2-lib)))))
-(define-public guile-fibers
+(define-public guile-fibers-1.1
(name "guile-fibers")
+ (version "1.1.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append
+ "https://github.com/wingo/fibers/releases/download/v"
+ version "/fibers-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1lqz39shlhif5fhpyv2wili0yzb0nhf5ciiv7mdqsq0vljirhrm0"))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches "guile-fibers-wait-for-io-readiness.patch"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; This is required to make
+ ;; "guile-fibers-wait-for-io-readiness.patch" work.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'regenerate-autotools
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file "configure")))
+ (add-after 'install 'mode-guile-objects
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; .go files are installed to "lib/guile/X.Y/cache".
+ ;; This phase moves them to "…/site-ccache".
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (lib (string-append out "/lib/guile"))
+ (old (car (find-files lib "^ccache$"
+ #:directories? #t)))
+ (new (string-append (dirname old)
+ "/site-ccache")))
+ (rename-file old new)
+ #t))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list texinfo pkg-config autoconf automake libtool
+ ;; Gettext brings 'AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_FROM_LIBS'
+ gettext-minimal))
+ (inputs
+ (list guile-3.0))
+ (synopsis "Lightweight concurrency facility for Guile")
+ (description
+ "Fibers is a Guile library that implements a a lightweight concurrency
+facility, inspired by systems like Concurrent ML, Go, and Erlang. A fiber is
+like a \"goroutine\" from the Go language: a lightweight thread-like
+abstraction. Systems built with Fibers can scale up to millions of concurrent
+fibers, tens of thousands of concurrent socket connections, and many parallel
+cores. The Fibers library also provides Concurrent ML-like channels for
+communication between fibers.
+Note that Fibers makes use of some Guile 2.1/2.2-specific features and
+is not available for Guile 2.0.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/wingo/fibers")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+(define-public guile-fibers
+ (package
+ (inherit guile-fibers-1.1)
(version "1.0.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -636,7 +695,6 @@ Unix-style DSV format and RFC 4180 format.")
;; fixes a resource leak that causes crashes in the tests
(search-patches "guile-fibers-destroy-peer-schedulers.patch"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
'(;; The code uses 'scm_t_uint64' et al., which are deprecated in 3.0.
#:configure-flags '("CFLAGS=-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations")
@@ -652,29 +710,11 @@ Unix-style DSV format and RFC 4180 format.")
(new (string-append (dirname old)
(rename-file old new)
- #t))))))
- (native-inputs
- (list texinfo pkg-config))
- (inputs
- (list guile-3.0))
- (synopsis "Lightweight concurrency facility for Guile")
- (description
- "Fibers is a Guile library that implements a a lightweight concurrency
-facility, inspired by systems like Concurrent ML, Go, and Erlang. A fiber is
-like a \"goroutine\" from the Go language: a lightweight thread-like
-abstraction. Systems built with Fibers can scale up to millions of concurrent
-fibers, tens of thousands of concurrent socket connections, and many parallel
-cores. The Fibers library also provides Concurrent ML-like channels for
-communication between fibers.
-Note that Fibers makes use of some Guile 2.1/2.2-specific features and
-is not available for Guile 2.0.")
- (home-page "https://github.com/wingo/fibers")
- (license license:lgpl3+)))
+ #t))))))))
-(define-public guile2.0-fibers
+(define-public guile2.2-fibers
- (inherit guile-fibers)
+ (inherit guile-fibers-1.1)
(name "guile2.2-fibers")
(inputs (list guile-2.2))))
@@ -1779,7 +1819,7 @@ user which package sets would they like to install from it.")
(define-public guile-wisp
(name "guile-wisp")
- (version "1.0.6")
+ (version "1.0.7")
(source (origin
(method hg-fetch)
(uri (hg-reference
@@ -1788,7 +1828,7 @@ user which package sets would they like to install from it.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0df0vch2p6qymz3f96clrkl2gphjk6x7fbya236yzxc07hkz2j3g"))))
+ "0fxngiy8dmryh3gx4g1q7nnamc4dpszjh130g6d0pmi12ycxd2y9"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:modules ((guix build gnu-build-system)
@@ -1940,11 +1980,11 @@ capabilities.")
(home-page "https://dthompson.us/projects/sly.html")
(license license:gpl3+)))
-(define-public g-golf
- (let ((commit "ef830107b9765bd6a2da848d0cbe45e11374c0b5")
- (revision "839"))
+(define-public guile-g-golf
+ (let ((commit "1824633d37da3794f349d6829e9dac2cf89adaa8")
+ (revision "1010"))
- (name "g-golf")
+ (name "guile-g-golf")
(version (git-version "0.1.0" revision commit))
@@ -1954,69 +1994,69 @@ capabilities.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0r472hvmf447kqvkahp1wy4irb5gy8y793hm8r9rc511smdx66cw"))))
+ (base32 "0ncpqv6pbsx9fjmdzvzbjljnhqgw9pynqy9vr9aq35nb7rzrhfdf"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (native-inputs
- `(("autoconf" ,autoconf)
- ("automake" ,automake)
- ("texinfo" ,texinfo)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("libtool" ,libtool)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("xorg-server" ,xorg-server)))
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "--with-guile-site=no")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-guile-site-directory
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "configure.ac"
+ (("SITEDIR=.*$")
+ "SITEDIR=\"$datadir/guile/site/$GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION\";\n")
+ (("SITECCACHEDIR=\"\\$libdir/g-golf/")
+ "SITECCACHEDIR=\"$libdir/"))))
+ (add-before 'configure 'tests-work-arounds
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; In build environment, There is no /dev/tty
+ (substitute* "test-suite/tests/gobject.scm"
+ (("/dev/tty") "/dev/null"))))
+ (add-before 'configure 'substitute-libs
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (define (get lib)
+ (search-input-file inputs (string-append "lib/" lib ".so")))
+ (let* ((libgi (get "libgirepository-1.0"))
+ (libglib (get "libglib-2.0"))
+ (libgobject (get "libgobject-2.0"))
+ (libg-golf (string-append #$output "/lib/libg-golf")))
+ (substitute* "g-golf/init.scm"
+ (("libgirepository-1.0") libgi)
+ (("libglib-2.0") libglib)
+ (("libgobject-2.0") libgobject)
+ (("\\(dynamic-link \"libg-golf\"\\)")
+ (format #f "~s"
+ `(catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (dynamic-link "libg-golf"))
+ (lambda _
+ (dynamic-link ,libg-golf))))))
+ (setenv "GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE" "0")
+ #t)))
+ (add-before 'check 'start-xorg-server
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; The test suite requires a running X server.
+ (system "Xvfb :1 &")
+ (setenv "DISPLAY" ":1")
+ #t)))))
- `(("guile" ,guile-2.2)
- ("guile-lib" ,guile2.2-lib)
- ("clutter" ,clutter)
- ("gtk" ,gtk+)
- ("glib" ,glib)))
+ (list guile-3.0 guile-lib glib))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ texinfo
+ gettext-minimal
+ libtool
+ pkg-config
+ ;; required for tests
+ gtk+
+ clutter
+ xorg-server-for-tests))
(list gobject-introspection))
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'tests-work-arounds
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; In build environment, There is no /dev/tty
- (substitute*
- "test-suite/tests/gobject.scm"
- (("/dev/tty") "/dev/null"))))
- (add-before 'configure 'substitute-libs
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((get (lambda (key lib)
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs key) "/lib/" lib)))
- (libgi (get "gobject-introspection" "libgirepository-1.0"))
- (libglib (get "glib" "libglib-2.0"))
- (libgobject (get "glib" "libgobject-2.0"))
- (libgdk (get "gtk" "libgdk-3")))
- (substitute* "configure"
- (("SITEDIR=\"\\$datadir/g-golf\"")
- "SITEDIR=\"$datadir/guile/site/$GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION\"")
- (("SITECCACHEDIR=\"\\$libdir/g-golf/")
- "SITECCACHEDIR=\"$libdir/"))
- (substitute* "g-golf/init.scm"
- (("libgirepository-1.0") libgi)
- (("libglib-2.0") libglib)
- (("libgdk-3") libgdk)
- (("libgobject-2.0") libgobject)
- (("\\(dynamic-link \"libg-golf\"\\)")
- (format #f "~s"
- `(dynamic-link
- (format #f "~alibg-golf"
- ""
- ,(format #f "~a/lib/"
- (assoc-ref outputs "out"))))))))
- (setenv "GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE" "0")
- #t)))
- (add-before 'check 'start-xorg-server
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; The test suite requires a running X server.
- (system (format #f "~a/bin/Xvfb :1 &"
- (assoc-ref inputs "xorg-server")))
- (setenv "DISPLAY" ":1")
- #t)))))
(home-page "https://www.gnu.org/software/g-golf/")
(synopsis "Guile bindings for GObject Introspection")
@@ -2027,6 +2067,18 @@ libraries and making GObject classes (and methods) available in Guile's
object-oriented programming system, GOOPS.")
(license license:lgpl3+))))
+(define-public g-golf
+ (deprecated-package "g-golf" guile-g-golf))
+(define-public guile2.2-g-golf
+ (package
+ (inherit guile-g-golf)
+ (name "guile2.2-g-golf")
+ (inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs guile-g-golf)
+ (replace "guile" guile-2.2)
+ (replace "guile-lib" guile2.2-lib)))))
(define-public g-wrap
(name "g-wrap")
@@ -2414,14 +2466,14 @@ inspired by the SCSH regular expression system.")
(define-public haunt
(name "haunt")
- (version "0.2.5")
+ (version "0.2.6")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://files.dthompson.us/haunt/haunt-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "1gy45l6m91b3wpdbpd9bpisp00zl8610zs0a2nwmbjlpd2cbf90k"))))
+ "1nwhwngx0gl2892vrvrzrxy5w6a5l08j1w0522kdh9a3v11qpwmw"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:modules ((ice-9 match) (ice-9 ftw)
@@ -3415,7 +3467,7 @@ perform geometrical transforms on JPEG images.")
("guile-readline" ,guile2.2-readline)
("guile-gcrypt" ,guile2.2-gcrypt)
("gnutls" ,gnutls)
- ("g-golf" ,g-golf)
+ ("g-golf" ,guile2.2-g-golf)
("shroud" ,shroud)
("emacsy" ,emacsy-minimal)
;; Gtk
@@ -4474,7 +4526,7 @@ including parsing and code generation.")
(define-public guile-drmaa
(name "guile-drmaa")
- (version "0.1.0")
+ (version "0.1.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4484,7 +4536,7 @@ including parsing and code generation.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1m2x62n3x5hi5vnsvv2zgqhgpzrfq7r5095fzzjd1aaybi9i9igg"))))
+ "1pail39f3iwllcdma4pk4sxsaypplgb5zjyvjwqf5hdv8s3y211x"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake pkg-config texinfo sed))
@@ -4924,3 +4976,51 @@ features a parser to parse and serialize GraphQL documents, a type system to
create GraphQL schemas, an execution engine to execute GraphQL queries, and a
HTTP handler to implement a HTTP GraphQL endpoint.")
(license license:agpl3+)))
+(define-public lokke
+ (let ((commit "92d36370dc6d218ff3bf315e56ebef93808c1b79")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "lokke")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/lokke-org/lokke")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page) (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1c913md4dcfb0x4n26wbx9wdw453wxg3c5rn49k3f6j8zjqv63yv"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'bootstrap 'pre-bootstrap
+ (lambda _
+ (for-each patch-shebang
+ '("setup" "gen-makefile"
+ "dev/gen-module-paths"
+ "dev/refresh"))
+ (invoke "./setup")))
+ (add-before 'build 'set-home
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" (getcwd)))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ libtool
+ gnu-gettext
+ pkg-config
+ ;; Use Guile >= 3.0.8 to work around
+ ;; <https://bugs.gnu.org/49305>.
+ guile-3.0-latest))
+ (inputs
+ (list pcre2))
+ (synopsis "Clojure implementation in Guile")
+ (description
+ "Lokke intends to provide a full dialect of Clojure for Guile. It also
+consists of a set of Guile modules providing some of Clojure's functionality
+in two different guises.")
+ ;; Dual license: LGPLv2.1+ or EPLv1.0+ at the user's option.
+ (license (list license:lgpl2.1+ license:epl1.0)))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/guile.scm b/gnu/packages/guile.scm
index 6cfd609916..79680a2c29 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/guile.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/guile.scm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Taylan Kammer <taylan.kammer@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Timothy Sample <samplet@ngyro.com>
@@ -389,18 +389,36 @@ without requiring the source code to be rewritten.")
(define-public guile-3.0-latest
- guile-3.0)
-(define-public guile-3.0/libgc-7
- ;; Using libgc-7 avoid crashes that can occur, particularly when loading
- ;; data in to the Guix Data Service:
- ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=40525
- (hidden-package
- (package
- (inherit guile-3.0-latest)
- (propagated-inputs
- (modify-inputs (package-propagated-inputs guile-3.0)
- (replace "bdw-gc" libgc-7))))))
+ (package
+ (inherit guile-3.0)
+ (version "3.0.8")
+ (source (origin
+ (inherit (package-source guile-3.0))
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/guile/guile-"
+ version ".tar.xz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "04wagg0zr0sib0w9ly5jm91jplgfigzfgmy8fjdlx07jaq50d9ys"))
+ (patches (search-patches "guile-cross-compilation.patch"))))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments guile-3.0)
+ ;; Guile 3.0.8 is bit-reproducible when built in parallel, thanks to
+ ;; its multi-stage build process for cross-module inlining, except when
+ ;; cross-compiling.
+ ((#:parallel-build? _ #f)
+ (not (%current-target-system)))
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ ,@(if (target-ppc32?)
+ `((replace 'adjust-bootstrap-flags
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Upstream knows about suggested solution.
+ ;; https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=45214
+ ;; https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=977223#46
+ (substitute* "stage0/Makefile.in"
+ "GUILE_OPTIMIZATIONS = -O1 -Oresolve-primitives -Ocps\n")))))
+ '())))))))
(define-public guile-3.0/fixed
;; A package of Guile that's rarely changed. It is the one used in the
@@ -802,7 +820,16 @@ type system, elevating types to first-class status.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:make-flags '("GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0"))) ; to prevent guild warnings
+ `(#:make-flags '("GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0") ; to prevent guild warnings
+ ;; https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git/-/issues/20
+ ,@(if (target-ppc32?)
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'skip-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "Makefile.am"
+ ((".*tests/blob\\.scm.*") ""))))))
+ '())))
(list pkg-config autoconf automake texinfo guile-3.0 guile-bytestructures))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/hardware.scm b/gnu/packages/hardware.scm
index a93db0be3f..60b9a9f17b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/hardware.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/hardware.scm
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Marcel Kupiec <formbi@protonmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -45,6 +47,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages libusb)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages lxqt)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages openldap)
#:use-module (gnu packages pciutils)
@@ -52,6 +55,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)
#:use-module (gnu packages polkit)
#:use-module (gnu packages protobuf)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages pulseaudio)
#:use-module (gnu packages python)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
#:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz)
@@ -179,23 +183,81 @@ It can be used to generate a system overview log which can be later used for
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public ckb-next
+ (let ((commit "967f44018a9d46efa7203fad38518e9381eba0f3")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "ckb-next")
+ (version (git-version "0.4.4" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ckb-next/ckb-next")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0bfpah0zgmyhbi6payymr3p98nfnwqr2xqxgkyzvccz72z246316"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:modules ((guix build cmake-build-system) (guix build qt-utils)
+ (guix build utils))
+ #:imported-modules (,@%cmake-build-system-modules
+ (guix build qt-utils))
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'build 'patch-lib-udev
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/daemon/cmake_install.cmake"
+ (("/lib/udev")
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/lib/udev")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap-qt
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (wrap-qt-program "ckb-next"
+ #:output out
+ #:inputs inputs)))))))
+ (native-inputs (list qttools pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list qtbase-5
+ zlib
+ libdbusmenu-qt
+ quazip
+ pulseaudio
+ libxcb
+ xcb-util-wm
+ qtx11extras
+ eudev
+ bash-minimal))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ckb-next/ckb-next")
+ (synopsis "Driver for Corsair keyboards and mice")
+ (description
+ "ckb-next is a driver for Corsair keyboards and mice. It aims to bring
+the features of Corsair's proprietary software to Linux-based operating
+systems. It already supports much of the same functionality, including full
+RGB animations.")
+ (license license:gpl2))))
(define-public ddcutil
(name "ddcutil")
- (version "1.1.0")
+ (version "1.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://www.ddcutil.com/tarballs/"
"ddcutil-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "19kkwb9ijzn6ya3mvjanggh1c96fcc0lkbk7xnyi2qp6wsr4nhxp"))))
+ (base32 "0fp7ffjn21p0bsc5b1ipf3dbpzwn9g6j5dpnwdnca052ifzk2w7i"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
(list eudev
+ kmod
+ i2c-tools
libdrm ; enhanced diagnostics
libusb ; support USB monitors
libx11 ; enhanced diagnostics
@@ -823,36 +885,42 @@ applications.")
(define-public usbguard
(name "usbguard")
- (version "0.7.8")
+ ;; Note: Use a recent snapshot to get compatibility with newer system
+ ;; libraries.
+ (version "1.0.0-55-g466f1f0")
(source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append
- "https://github.com/USBGuard/usbguard/releases/download/usbguard-"
- version "/usbguard-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/USBGuard/usbguard")
+ (commit (string-append "usbguard-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1il5immqfxh2cj8wn1bfk7l42inflzgjf07yqprpz7r3lalbxc25"))))
+ (base32 "0rc0213qsfap3sgx9m3m1kppxbjl2fdwmzlbn5rbmn1i33125dfi"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
+ '(#:phases
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-build-scripts
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-bootstrap-script
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Don't attempt to fetch git submodules.
+ (substitute* "autogen.sh"
+ (("^git submodule.*")
+ ""))))
+ (add-after 'bootstrap 'patch-build-scripts
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(substitute* "configure"
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "catch") "/include")))
+ (dirname (search-input-file inputs "include/catch.hpp"))))
;; Do not create log directory.
(substitute* "Makefile.in" ((".*/log/usbguard.*") ""))
;; Disable LDAP tests: they use 'sudo'.
(substitute* "src/Tests/Makefile.in"
- (("\\$\\(am__append_2\\)") ""))
- #t))
+ (("\\$\\(am__append_2\\)") ""))))
(add-after 'install 'delete-static-library
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
;; It can't be direclty disabled since it's needed for the tests.
(delete-file (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/lib/libusbguard.a"))
- #t))
+ "/lib/libusbguard.a"))))
(add-after 'install 'install-zsh-completion
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
@@ -860,8 +928,7 @@ applications.")
(string-append out "/share/zsh/site-functions")))
(mkdir-p site-functions)
(copy-file "scripts/usbguard-zsh-completion"
- (string-append site-functions "/_usbguard"))
- #t))))
+ (string-append site-functions "/_usbguard"))))))
(list (string-append "BASH_COMPLETION_DIR="
(assoc-ref %outputs "out")
@@ -874,25 +941,28 @@ applications.")
- `(("audit" ,audit)
- ("catch" ,catch-framework)
- ("dbus-glib" ,dbus-glib)
- ("ldap" ,openldap)
- ("libcap-ng" ,libcap-ng)
- ("libseccomp" ,libseccomp)
- ("libsodium" ,libsodium)
- ("pegtl" ,pegtl)
- ("polkit" ,polkit)
- ("protobuf" ,protobuf)
- ("libqb" ,libqb)))
+ (list audit
+ catch-framework
+ dbus-glib
+ openldap
+ libcap-ng
+ libseccomp
+ libsodium
+ pegtl
+ polkit
+ protobuf
+ libqb))
- `(("asciidoc" ,asciidoc)
- ("bash-completion" ,bash-completion)
- ("gdbus-codegen" ,glib "bin")
- ("umockdev" ,umockdev)
- ("xmllint" ,libxml2)
- ("xsltproc" ,libxslt)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (list asciidoc
+ autoconf
+ automake
+ libtool
+ bash-completion
+ `(,glib "bin")
+ umockdev
+ libxml2
+ libxslt
+ pkg-config))
(home-page "https://usbguard.github.io")
(synopsis "Helps to protect your computer against rogue USB devices (a.k.a. BadUSB)")
(description "USBGuard is a software framework for implementing USB device
diff --git a/gnu/packages/haskell-apps.scm b/gnu/packages/haskell-apps.scm
index 7f777a0873..ecd1a93317 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/haskell-apps.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/haskell-apps.scm
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix build-system haskell)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
- #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages curl)
#:use-module (gnu packages gl)
#:use-module (gnu packages haskell)
@@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ unlit literate code files; and an option to turn off macro-expansion.")
- libiconv
@@ -306,14 +304,14 @@ to @code{cabal repl}).")
(define-public git-annex
(name "git-annex")
- (version "8.20211231")
+ (version "10.20220222")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/"
"git-annex/git-annex-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0cpa3rl8vcm0arima8x9m5q0a9r05z0851ibr1vcria2z0mmwmi7"))))
+ (base32 "119c7l2vqv19ja3pg3adaivsmrmbyg03a88j2msnzcgyhddggf8z"))))
(build-system haskell-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/haskell-web.scm b/gnu/packages/haskell-web.scm
index 34dd2556be..70a4eccce6 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/haskell-web.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/haskell-web.scm
@@ -603,8 +603,9 @@ Haskell's Web Application Interface (WAI).")
`(;; XXX: As of 0.0.4, one property test ("Identical output as Blaze")
;; fails on i686-linux.
- #:tests? ,(not (string-prefix? "i686" (or (%current-target-system)
- (%current-system))))
+ #:tests? ,(and (not (%current-target-system))
+ (not (string-prefix? "i686" (or (%current-target-system)
+ (%current-system)))))
("3" "15hg352id2f4x0dnvv47bdiz6gv5hp5a2mki9yzmhc7ajpk31mdd")))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/haskell-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/haskell-xyz.scm
index a42baebde6..0ce47e0902 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/haskell-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/haskell-xyz.scm
@@ -8731,6 +8731,27 @@ easily work with command-line options.")
command line options in Haskell.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public ghc-optparse-applicative-
+ (package
+ (inherit ghc-optparse-applicative)
+ (name "ghc-optparse-applicative")
+ (version "")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append
+ "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative/optparse-applicative-"
+ version
+ ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ws6y3b3f6hsgv0ff0yp6lw4hba1rps4dnvry3yllng0s5gngcsd"))))
+ (inputs
+ (list ghc-transformers-compat ghc-ansi-wl-pprint))
+ (native-inputs (list ghc-quickcheck))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cabal-revision
+ ("1" "0zmhqkd96v2z1ilhqdkd9z4jgsnsxb8yi2479ind8m5zm9363zr9")))))
(define-public ghc-jira-wiki-markup
(name "ghc-jira-wiki-markup")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/haskell.scm b/gnu/packages/haskell.scm
index 699b45e45a..effc6eeb1b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/haskell.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/haskell.scm
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2019 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
-;;; Copyright © 2016 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Peter Mikkelsen <petermikkelsen10@gmail.com>
@@ -41,10 +41,19 @@
(define-module (gnu packages haskell)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages base)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bison)
#:use-module (gnu packages bootstrap)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages elf)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages file)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gawk)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gcc)
#:use-module (gnu packages ghostscript)
#:use-module (gnu packages libffi)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages lisp)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
@@ -54,6 +63,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix utils)
@@ -99,6 +109,270 @@
top of CLISP.")
(license license:bsd-4))))
+;; This package contains lots of generated .hc files containing C code to
+;; bootstrap the compiler without a Haskell compiler. The included .hc files
+;; cover not just the compiler sources but also all Haskell libraries.
+(define-public nhc98
+ (package
+ (name "nhc98")
+ (version "1.22")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://www.haskell.org/nhc98/nhc98src-"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0fkgxgsd2iqxvwcgnad1702kradwlbcal6rxdrgb22vd6dnc3i8l"))
+ (patches (search-patches "nhc98-c-update.patch"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (supported-systems '("i686-linux" "x86_64-linux"))
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #false ;there is no test target
+ #:system "i686-linux"
+ #:parallel-build? #false ;not supported
+ #:strip-binaries? #false ;doesn't work
+ #:make-flags '(list "all-gcc")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "SHELL" (which "sh"))
+ (setenv "CPATH" (string-append
+ (getcwd) "/src/runtime/Kernel:"
+ (or (getenv "C_INCLUDE_PATH") "")))
+ (substitute* "configure"
+ (("echo '#!/bin/sh'")
+ (string-append "echo '#!" (which "sh") "'")))
+ (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f))
+ (substitute* '("script/greencard.inst"
+ "script/harch.inst"
+ "script/hi.inst"
+ "script/hmake-config.inst"
+ ;; TODO: can't fix this with substitute*
+ ;"script/hmake.inst"
+ "script/hood.inst"
+ "script/hsc2hs.inst"
+ "script/nhc98-pkg.inst"
+ "script/nhc98.inst")
+ (("^MACHINE=.*") "MACHINE=ix86-Linux\n")))
+ (invoke "sh" "configure"
+ (string-append "--prefix=" #$output)
+ ;; Remove -m32 from compiler/linker invocation
+ "--ccoption="
+ "--ldoption=")))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "sh" "configure"
+ (string-append "--prefix=" #$output)
+ ;; Remove -m32 from compiler/linker invocation
+ "--ccoption="
+ "--ldoption="
+ "--install"))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.haskell.org/nhc98")
+ (synopsis "Nearly a Haskell Compiler")
+ (description
+ "nhc98 is a small, standards-compliant compiler for Haskell 98, the lazy
+functional programming language. It aims to produce small executables that
+run in small amounts of memory. It produces medium-fast code, and compilation
+is itself quite fast.")
+ (license
+ (license:non-copyleft
+ "https://www.haskell.org/nhc98/copyright.html"))))
+(define-public ghc-4
+ (package
+ (name "ghc")
+ (version "4.08.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://www.haskell.org/ghc/dist/"
+ version "/" name "-" version "-src.tar.bz2"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ar4nxy4cr5vwvfj71gmc174vx0n3lg9ka05sa1k60c8z0g3xp1q"))
+ (patches (search-patches "ghc-4.patch"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (supported-systems '("i686-linux" "x86_64-linux"))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:system "i686-linux"
+ #:strip-binaries? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'bootstrap
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (delete-file "configure")
+ (delete-file "config.sub")
+ (install-file (search-input-file inputs
+ "/bin/config.sub")
+ ".")
+ ;; Avoid dependency on "happy"
+ (substitute* "configure.in"
+ (("FPTOOLS_HAPPY") "echo sure\n"))
+ ;; Set options suggested in ghc/interpreter/README.BUILDING.HUGS.
+ (with-output-to-file "mk/build.mk"
+ (lambda ()
+ (display "
+# Setting this leads to building the interpreter.
+GhcRtsHcOpts=-optc-DDEBUG -optc-D__HUGS__ -unreg -optc-g -optc-D_GNU_SOURCE=1
+GhcRtsCcOpts=-optc-DDEBUG -optc-g -optc-D__HUGS__ -optc-D_GNU_SOURCE=1
+ (substitute* "ghc/interpreter/interface.c"
+ ;; interface.c:2702: `stackOverflow' redeclared as different kind of symbol
+ ;; ../includes/Stg.h:188: previous declaration of `stackOverflow'
+ ((".*Sym\\(stackOverflow\\).*") "")
+ ;; interface.c:2713: `stg_error_entry' undeclared here (not in a function)
+ ;; interface.c:2713: initializer element is not constant
+ ;; interface.c:2713: (near initialization for `rtsTab[11].ad')
+ ((".*SymX\\(stg_error_entry\\).*") "")
+ ;; interface.c:2713: `Upd_frame_info' undeclared here (not in a function)
+ ;; interface.c:2713: initializer element is not constant
+ ;; interface.c:2713: (near initialization for `rtsTab[32].ad')
+ ((".*SymX\\(Upd_frame_info\\).*") ""))
+ ;; We need to use the absolute file names here or else the linker
+ ;; will complain about missing symbols. Perhaps this could be
+ ;; avoided by modifying the library search path in a way that
+ ;; this old linker understands.
+ (substitute* "ghc/interpreter/Makefile"
+ (("-lbfd -liberty")
+ (string-append (search-input-file inputs "/lib/libbfd.a") " "
+ (search-input-file inputs "/lib/libiberty.a"))))
+ (let ((bash (which "bash")))
+ (substitute* '("configure.in"
+ "ghc/configure.in"
+ "ghc/rts/gmp/mpn/configure.in"
+ "ghc/rts/gmp/mpz/configure.in"
+ "ghc/rts/gmp/configure.in"
+ "distrib/configure-bin.in")
+ (("`/bin/sh") (string-append "`" bash))
+ (("SHELL=/bin/sh") (string-append "SHELL=" bash))
+ (("^#! /bin/sh") (string-append "#! " bash)))
+ (substitute* '("mk/config.mk.in"
+ "ghc/rts/gmp/mpz/Makefile.in"
+ "ghc/rts/gmp/Makefile.in")
+ (("^SHELL.*=.*/bin/sh") (string-append "SHELL = " bash)))
+ (substitute* "aclocal.m4"
+ (("SHELL=/bin/sh") (string-append "SHELL=" bash)))
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" bash)
+ (setenv "SHELL" bash))
+ ;; The 'hscpp' script invokes GCC 2.95's 'cpp' (RAWCPP), which
+ ;; segfaults unless passed '-x c'.
+ (substitute* "mk/config.mk.in"
+ (("-traditional")
+ "-traditional -x c"))
+ (setenv "CPP" (which "cpp"))
+ (invoke "autoreconf" "--verbose" "--force")))
+ (add-before 'configure 'configure-gmp
+ (lambda* (#:key build inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion "ghc/rts/gmp"
+ (let ((bash (which "bash"))
+ (out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (invoke bash "./configure")))))
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key build inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((bash (which "bash"))
+ (out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (call-with-output-file "config.cache"
+ (lambda (port)
+ ;; GCC 2.95 fails to deal with anonymous unions in glibc's
+ ;; 'struct_rusage.h', so skip that.
+ (display "ac_cv_func_getrusage=no\n" port)))
+ (invoke bash "./configure"
+ "--enable-hc-boot"
+ (string-append "--prefix=" out)
+ (string-append "--build=" build)
+ (string-append "--host=" build)))))
+ (add-before 'build 'make-boot
+ (lambda _
+ ;; CLK_TCK has been removed from recent libc.
+ (substitute* "ghc/interpreter/nHandle.c"
+ (("CLK_TCK") "sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK)"))
+ ;; Only when building with more recent GCC
+ (when #false
+ ;; GCC 2.95 is fine with these comments, but GCC 4.6 is not.
+ (substitute* "ghc/rts/universal_call_c.S"
+ (("^# .*") "")))
+ ;; Only when using more recent Perl
+ (when #false
+ (substitute* "ghc/driver/ghc-asm.prl"
+ (("local\\(\\$\\*\\) = 1;") "")
+ (("endef\\$/") "endef$/s")))
+ (setenv "CPATH"
+ (string-append (getcwd) "/ghc/includes:"
+ (getcwd) "/mk:"
+ (or (getenv "CPATH") "")))
+ (invoke "make" "boot")))
+ (replace 'build
+ (lambda _
+ ;; TODO: since we don't have a Haskell compiler we cannot build
+ ;; the standard library. And without the standard library we
+ ;; cannot build a Haskell compiler.
+ ;; make[3]: *** No rule to make target 'Array.o', needed by 'libHSstd.a'. Stop.
+ ;; make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'utils/Argv.o', needed by 'hsc'. Stop.
+ (invoke "make" "all")))
+ (add-after 'build 'build-hugs
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "ghc/interpreter")
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "ghc/interpreter" "install")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-sources
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((lib (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/lib")))
+ (copy-recursively "hslibs"
+ (string-append lib "/hslibs"))
+ (copy-recursively "ghc/lib"
+ (string-append lib "/ghc/lib"))
+ (copy-recursively "ghc/compiler"
+ (string-append lib "/ghc/compiler"))
+ (copy-recursively "ghc/interpreter/lib" lib)
+ (install-file "ghc/interpreter/nHandle.so" lib)))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf-2.13
+ bison ;for parser.y
+ config
+ ;; Needed to support lvalue casts.
+ gcc-2.95
+ ;; Use an older assembler to work around this error in GMP:
+ ;; Error: `%edx' not allowed with `testb'
+ binutils-2.33
+ ;; TODO: Perl used to allow setting $* to enable multi-line
+ ;; matching. If we want to use a more recent Perl we need to patch
+ ;; all expressions that require multi-line matching. Hard to tell.
+ perl-5.14))
+ (home-page "https://www.haskell.org/ghc")
+ (synopsis "The Glasgow Haskell Compiler")
+ (description
+ "The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) is a state-of-the-art compiler and
+interactive environment for the functional language Haskell. The value of
+this package lies in the modified build of Hugs that is linked with GHC's STG
+runtime system, the RTS. \"STG\" stands for \"spineless, tagless,
+G-machine\"; it is the abstract machine designed to support nonstrict
+higher-order functional languages. Neither the compiler nor the Haskell
+libraries are included in this package.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define ghc-bootstrap-x86_64-7.8.4
(method url-fetch)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/hurd.scm b/gnu/packages/hurd.scm
index d6ce00e15d..1dcec3ea3c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/hurd.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/hurd.scm
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Manolis Fragkiskos Ragkousis <manolis837@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Rene Saavedra <pacoon@protonmail.com>
@@ -48,8 +48,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages xorg) ; libpciaccess
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:export (hurd-system?
- hurd-target?
- hurd-triplet?))
+ hurd-target?))
(define (hurd-target?)
"Return true if the cross-compilation target or the current system is
@@ -410,8 +409,8 @@ settrans --create /servers/socket/1 /hurd/pflocal
# parse multiboot arguments
for i in \"$@\"; do
case $i in
- (--system=*)
- system=${i#--system=}
+ (gnu.system=*)
+ system=${i#gnu.system=}
diff --git a/gnu/packages/i2p.scm b/gnu/packages/i2p.scm
index b945018ba8..2320250148 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/i2p.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/i2p.scm
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(define-public i2pd
(name "i2pd")
- (version "2.38.0")
+ (version "2.41.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1a35grcfw5a9dsj0rnm2i86fjf4px96xbnjj3hkril7hv5jvl37k"))))
+ (base32 "0kh03lb4m8fvlfvq06d4hgwmk43pk7yp7n7y36kb2vplhrjrn2kx"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list boost miniupnpc openssl zlib))
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
(with-directory-excursion "tests"
(substitute* "Makefile"
- (("../libi2pd/") (string-append source "/libi2pd/")))
+ (("../libi2pd") (string-append source "/libi2pd")))
(apply invoke "make" "all"
`(,@(if parallel-tests?
`("-j" ,(number->string
diff --git a/gnu/packages/icu4c.scm b/gnu/packages/icu4c.scm
index 5b8f00863a..6032da11d1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/icu4c.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/icu4c.scm
@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@
(("LDFLAGSICUDT=-nodefaultlibs -nostdlib")
+ ,@(if (target-riscv64?)
+ `((add-after 'unpack 'disable-failing-test
+ ;; It is unknown why this test is failing.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "source/test/intltest/numbertest_api.cpp"
+ (("(TESTCASE_AUTO\\(unitUsage\\));" all)
+ (string-append "//" all))))))
+ '())
(add-after 'install 'avoid-coreutils-reference
;; Don't keep a reference to the build tools.
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm b/gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm
index b61a79370d..6ab6cf3307 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013, 2017-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Ian Denhardt <ian@zenhack.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 nee <nee-git@hidamari.blue>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2019 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2022 Guy Fleury Iteriteka <gfleury@disroot.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Peng Mei Yu <pengmeiyu@riseup.net>
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
(define-module (gnu packages image-viewers)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix utils)
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system meson)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system qt)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
#:use-module (gnu packages algebra)
#:use-module (gnu packages backup)
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ YouTube videos without requiring API and opens/downloads them using mpv/ytdl.")
(define-public feh
(name "feh")
- (version "3.7.2")
+ (version "3.8")
(home-page "https://feh.finalrewind.org/")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ YouTube videos without requiring API and opens/downloads them using mpv/ytdl.")
name "-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "0n42kj18ldlcmrmk5qir9gs9irdl1vz9913n8p941x8cfb98ywc4"))))
+ "1a9bsq5j9sl2drzkab0hdhnamalpaszw9mz2prz6scrr5dak8g3z"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases (delete 'configure))
@@ -275,17 +277,21 @@ YouTube videos without requiring API and opens/downloads them using mpv/ytdl.")
(list perl perl-test-command))
- (inputs (list imlib2
- curl
+ (inputs (list curl
+ imlib2
- libxt
- libxinerama))
+ libxinerama
+ libxt))
;; Feh allows overriding the libcurl builtin CA path (unset in Guix)
;; with the same variable as the `curl` command line HTTP tool.
- (package-native-search-paths curl))
+ (list (search-path-specification
+ (variable "CURL_CA_BUNDLE")
+ (file-type 'regular)
+ (separator #f) ;single entry
+ (files '("etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt")))))
(synopsis "Fast and light imlib2-based image viewer")
"feh is an X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users.
@@ -604,23 +610,25 @@ It supports JPEG, PNG and GIF formats.")
(list pkg-config qttools))
- `(("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)
- ("qtdeclarative" ,qtdeclarative)
- ("qtsvg" ,qtsvg)
- ("qtwebkit" ,qtwebkit)
- ("boost" ,boost)
- ("eigen" ,eigen)
- ;; ("gtest" ,gtest)
- ("libraw" ,libraw)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)
- ("exiv2" ,exiv2)
- ("libpng" ,libpng)
- ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
- ("lcms" ,lcms)
- ("openexr" ,openexr-2)
- ("fftw" ,fftwf)
- ("gsl" ,gsl)
- ("libtiff" ,libtiff)))
+ (list qtbase-5
+ qtdeclarative
+ qtsvg
+ boost
+ eigen
+ ;; gtest
+ libraw
+ zlib
+ exiv2
+ libpng
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ lcms
+ openexr-2
+ qtwebengine
+ qtdeclarative
+ qtwebchannel
+ fftwf
+ gsl
+ libtiff))
'(#:tests? #f ;XXX: some tests fail to compile
@@ -629,11 +637,12 @@ It supports JPEG, PNG and GIF formats.")
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
;; 'OpenEXR.pc' has a -I for IlmBase but 'FindOpenEXR.cmake' does
;; not use 'OpenEXR.pc'. Thus, we need to add
- ;; "$ilmbase/include/OpenEXR/" to the CPATH.
- (setenv "CPATH"
+ ;; "$ilmbase/include/OpenEXR/" to the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.
- (search-input-directory inputs "include/OpenEXR")
- ":" (or (getenv "CPATH") ""))))))))
+ (dirname
+ (search-input-file inputs "include/OpenEXR/ImathInt64.h"))
+ ":" (or (getenv "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH") ""))))))))
(home-page "http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net")
(synopsis "High dynamic range (HDR) imaging application")
@@ -742,7 +751,7 @@ For PDF support, install the @emph{mupdf} package.")
(define-public qview
(name "qview")
- (version "4.0")
+ (version "5.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -751,25 +760,32 @@ For PDF support, install the @emph{mupdf} package.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "15n9cq7w3ckinnx38hvncxrbkv4qm4k51sal41q4y0pkvhmafhnr"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (base32 "1ck4mvhzc4m72n010n43d8ipjczzk6ya637rgfyi7bzb4gv0f3am"))))
+ (build-system qt-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (invoke "qmake" (string-append "PREFIX=" out)))))
- ;; Don't phone home or show "Checking for updates..." in the About
- ;; menu.
- (add-before 'build 'disable-auto-update
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/qvaboutdialog.cpp"
- (("qvApp->checkUpdates\\(\\);") "")
- (("updateText\\(\\);") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (invoke "qmake" (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output))))
+ ;; Don't phone home or show "Checking for updates..." in the About
+ ;; menu.
+ (add-before 'build 'disable-auto-update
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/qvaboutdialog.cpp"
+ (("qvApp->checkUpdates\\(\\);") "")
+ (("updateText\\(\\);") ""))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (with-directory-excursion "tests"
+ (invoke "qmake" "tests.pro")
+ (invoke "make" "tests"))))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list qttools))
- (list qtbase-5 qtsvg qtimageformats))
+ (list qtbase-5 qtimageformats qtsvg))
(home-page "https://interversehq.com/qview/")
(synopsis "Convenient and minimal image viewer")
(description "qView is a Qt image viewer designed with visually
diff --git a/gnu/packages/image.scm b/gnu/packages/image.scm
index 6cf171a410..d45a14ec14 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/image.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/image.scm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Amirouche Boubekki <amirouche@hypermove.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2017 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2020, 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alexandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -563,9 +564,7 @@ maximum quality factor.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list libpng jasper))
- (arguments
- `(#:tests? #t)) ; No tests.
- (home-page "http://icns.sourceforge.net/")
+ (home-page "https://icns.sourceforge.io/")
(synopsis "Library for handling Mac OS icns resource files")
"Libicns is a library for the manipulation of Mac OS IconFamily resource
@@ -1360,7 +1359,10 @@ channels.")
(build-system cmake-build-system)
'(#:test-target "tests"
- #:configure-flags (list "-DEXIV2_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS=ON")
+ #:configure-flags (list "-DEXIV2_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS=ON"
+ ;; darktable needs BMFF to support
+ ;; CR3 files.
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'install 'delete-static-libraries
@@ -1687,6 +1689,8 @@ is hereby granted."))))
;; 32-bit and 64-bit
((string-prefix? "powerpc" target)
+ ((string-prefix? "riscv64" target)
(else '()))
,@(if (%current-target-system)
@@ -1957,7 +1961,7 @@ identical visual appearance.")
(define-public grim
(name "grim")
- (version "1.3.2")
+ (version "1.4.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1966,10 +1970,10 @@ identical visual appearance.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1l4gwvvc0zvg5b6f6w92xjhmwj7cg9hlgrf43lc7ygaz8dh6cmzg"))))
+ (base32 "1b1k5cmmk7gzis0rncyl98lnhdwpjkdsv9pada5mmgxcpka6f0lp"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(native-inputs (list pkg-config scdoc))
- (inputs (list cairo libjpeg-turbo wayland wayland-protocols))
+ (inputs (list pixman libpng libjpeg-turbo wayland wayland-protocols))
(home-page "https://github.com/emersion/grim")
(synopsis "Create screenshots from a Wayland compositor")
(description "grim can create screenshots from a Wayland compositor.")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/installers.scm b/gnu/packages/installers.scm
index 6ba9bf0827..01ad03e6af 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/installers.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/installers.scm
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@
;; it ourselves
(substitute* "Source/build.cpp" (("m_target_type=TARGET_X86ANSI")
(string-append "m_target_type=" ,nsis-target-type))))))))
- (home-page "http://nsis.sourceforge.net/")
- (synopsis "Professional open source system to create Windows installers")
+ (home-page "https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Main_Page")
+ (synopsis "System to create Windows installers")
- "NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a professional open source
-system to create Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible
-as possible and is therefore very suitable for internet distribution.")
+ "NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a system to create
+Windows installers. It is designed to be as small and flexible as possible
+and is therefore very suitable for internet distribution.")
(license (license:non-copyleft "file://COPYING"
"See COPYING in the distribution.")))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/irc.scm b/gnu/packages/irc.scm
index 72f9fd5c96..dcfe8defff 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/irc.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/irc.scm
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jakub Kądziołka <kuba@kadziolka.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 WinterHound <winterhound@yandex.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -190,14 +191,14 @@ SILC and ICB protocols via plugins.")
(define-public weechat
(name "weechat")
- (version "3.4")
+ (version "3.4.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://weechat.org/files/src/weechat-"
version ".tar.xz"))
- "0k5rgdy0c4dnxvsqjzyrr5czz1lmfk1vrsqkkvj8v24y0b3xrlvw"))))
+ "1rza39xiv24qkjfyw4waxlzhjdl2x9qdvcd6m44cpysxml4q223y"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "doc"))
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ using a mouse. It is customizable and extensible with plugins and scripts.")
(define-public srain
(name "srain")
- (version "1.3.1")
+ (version "1.3.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ using a mouse. It is customizable and extensible with plugins and scripts.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1xjk3fa3fkmsczif1bzcmi79k4z3jfdgcljfdiyn4iv5bh778swc"))))
+ (base32 "16nsxicixp7194bkiiyj7zrg05lhcp0xblqsbv6dq1lxd5wd3i96"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ;there are no tests
diff --git a/gnu/packages/jami.scm b/gnu/packages/jami.scm
index 9fcf55815b..160d0f560b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/jami.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/jami.scm
@@ -86,6 +86,10 @@
+ (patches (search-patches "jami-libclient-audio-managers.patch"
+ "jami-fix-crash-on-quit.patch"
+ "jami-images-loading.patch"
+ "jami-memory-usage.patch"))
@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@
;; FIXME: Fails to link when building libjami as a shared library:
;; bindings.cpp:(.text+0x24): undefined reference to `jami::Logger::log
;; [...].
- #:configure-flags #~(list "--disable-agent")
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "--disable-agent" "--enable-debug")
#:make-flags #~(list "V=1") ;build verbosely
#~(modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -566,9 +570,7 @@ decentralized calling using P2P-DHT.")
(name "jami")
(version %jami-version)
- (source (origin
- (inherit %jami-sources)
- (patches (search-patches "jami-fix-crash-on-quit.patch"))))
+ (source %jami-sources)
(build-system qt-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "debug"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/java.scm b/gnu/packages/java.scm
index e54d2ed0cb..b27892841e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/java.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/java.scm
@@ -3949,8 +3949,7 @@ provides much easier and readable parametrised tests for JUnit.")
(define-public java-plexus-utils
(name "java-plexus-utils")
- ;; sisu-build-api needs this version, later versions don't work
- (version "3.2.1")
+ (version "3.3.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -3959,7 +3958,7 @@ provides much easier and readable parametrised tests for JUnit.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1w169glixyk94jbczj8jzg897lsab46jihiaa3dhw0p06g35va8b"))))
+ "0d0fq21rzjy0j55kcp8w9k1rbq9rwr0r7cc8239p9jbz54vihp0g"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
;; FIXME: The default build.xml does not include a target to install
;; javadoc files.
@@ -4010,10 +4009,11 @@ Plexus framework to ease working with strings, files, command lines, XML and
(license license:asl2.0)))
-(define-public java-plexus-utils-3.3.0
+(define-public java-plexus-utils-3.2.1
(inherit java-plexus-utils)
- (version "3.3.0")
+ ;; plexus-build-api needs this version, later versions don't work
+ (version "3.2.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -4022,7 +4022,7 @@ more.")
(file-name (git-file-name "java-plexus-utils" version))
- "0d0fq21rzjy0j55kcp8w9k1rbq9rwr0r7cc8239p9jbz54vihp0g"))))))
+ "1w169glixyk94jbczj8jzg897lsab46jihiaa3dhw0p06g35va8b"))))))
(define-public java-plexus-interpolation
@@ -4094,7 +4094,7 @@ components.")
(define java-plexus-container-default-bootstrap
(name "java-plexus-container-default-bootstrap")
- (version "1.7.1")
+ (version "2.1.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -4103,7 +4103,7 @@ components.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1316hrp5vqfv0aw7miq2fp0wwy833h66h502h29vnh5sxj27x228"))))
+ "0r9yq67c1hvi1pz5wmx6x6hk5fmavp8a7yal3j5hkaad757firn1"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "container-default.jar"
@@ -4185,7 +4185,7 @@ implementation.")
(replace 'install (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
- (list java-plexus-utils-3.3.0 java-commons-io plexus-parent-pom-5.1))
+ (list java-plexus-utils java-commons-io plexus-parent-pom-5.1))
(list java-jsr305))
@@ -4241,7 +4241,7 @@ reusing it in maven.")
(replace 'install (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
- (list java-plexus-utils-3.3.0 java-plexus-io java-iq80-snappy
+ (list java-plexus-utils java-plexus-io java-iq80-snappy
java-commons-compress plexus-parent-pom-6.1))
`(("java-jsr305" ,java-jsr305)
@@ -4350,7 +4350,82 @@ from source tags and class annotations.")))
(lambda _
(copy-recursively "src/main/resources"
- #t)))))
+ #t))
+ (add-before 'build 'reinstate-cli
+ ;; The CLI was removed in 2.1.0, but we still need it to build some
+ ;; maven dependencies, and some parts of maven itself. We can't use
+ ;; the maven plugin for that yet.
+ (lambda _
+ (with-output-to-file "src/main/java/org/codehaus/plexus/metadata/PlexusMetadataGeneratorCli.java"
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Copied from a previous version of this package.
+ (display "package org.codehaus.plexus.metadata;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
+import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
+import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.tools.cli.AbstractCli;
+public class PlexusMetadataGeneratorCli
+ extends AbstractCli
+ public static final char SOURCE_DIRECTORY = 's';
+ public static final char SOURCE_ENCODING = 'e';
+ public static final char CLASSES_DIRECTORY = 'c';
+ public static final char OUTPUT_FILE = 'o';
+ public static final char DESCRIPTORS_DIRECTORY = 'm';
+ public static void main( String[] args )
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ new PlexusMetadataGeneratorCli().execute( args );
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String getPomPropertiesPath()
+ {
+ return \"META-INF/maven/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-metadata-generator/pom.properties\";
+ }
+ @Override
+ @SuppressWarnings(\"static-access\")
+ public Options buildCliOptions( Options options )
+ {
+ options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( \"source\" ).hasArg().withDescription( \"Source directory.\" ).create( SOURCE_DIRECTORY ) );
+ options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( \"encoding\" ).hasArg().withDescription( \"Source file encoding.\" ).create( SOURCE_ENCODING ) );
+ options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( \"classes\" ).hasArg().withDescription( \"Classes directory.\" ).create( CLASSES_DIRECTORY ) );
+ options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( \"output\" ).hasArg().withDescription( \"Output directory.\" ).create( OUTPUT_FILE ) );
+ options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withLongOpt( \"descriptors\" ).hasArg().withDescription( \"Descriptors directory.\" ).create( DESCRIPTORS_DIRECTORY ) );
+ return options;
+ }
+ public void invokePlexusComponent( CommandLine cli, PlexusContainer plexus )
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ MetadataGenerator metadataGenerator = plexus.lookup( MetadataGenerator.class );
+ MetadataGenerationRequest request = new MetadataGenerationRequest();
+ request.classesDirectory = new File( cli.getOptionValue( CLASSES_DIRECTORY ) );
+ request.classpath = Collections.emptyList();
+ request.sourceDirectories = Arrays.asList( new String[]{ new File( cli.getOptionValue( SOURCE_DIRECTORY ) ).getAbsolutePath() } );
+ request.sourceEncoding = cli.getOptionValue( SOURCE_ENCODING );
+ request.useContextClassLoader = true;
+ request.outputFile = new File( cli.getOptionValue( OUTPUT_FILE ) );
+ request.componentDescriptorDirectory = new File( cli.getOptionValue( DESCRIPTORS_DIRECTORY ) );
+ metadataGenerator.generateDescriptor( request );
+ }
+ (add-before 'check 'fix-test-location
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("src/test/java/org/codehaus/plexus/metadata/DefaultComponentDescriptorWriterTest.java"
+ "src/test/java/org/codehaus/plexus/metadata/merge/ComponentsXmlMergerTest.java")
+ (("target") "build")))))))
`(("java-plexus-container-default" ,java-plexus-container-default)
("java-plexu-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
@@ -4364,7 +4439,104 @@ from source tags and class annotations.")))
("java-commons-cli" ,java-commons-cli)
("java-qdox" ,java-qdox)
("java-jdom2" ,java-jdom2)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)))
+ ("java-asm-8" ,java-asm-8)))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list java-junit java-guava java-geronimo-xbean-reflect))
+ (synopsis "Inversion-of-control container for Maven")
+ (description "The Plexus project provides a full software stack for creating
+and executing software projects. Based on the Plexus container, the
+applications can utilise component-oriented programming to build modular,
+reusable components that can easily be assembled and reused. This package
+provides the Maven plugin generating the component metadata.")))
+(define-public java-plexus-container-default-1.7
+ (package
+ (inherit java-plexus-container-default)
+ (version "1.7.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-containers")
+ (commit (string-append "plexus-containers-" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "java-plexus-container-default" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1316hrp5vqfv0aw7miq2fp0wwy833h66h502h29vnh5sxj27x228"))))))
+(define java-plexus-containers-parent-pom-1.7
+ (package
+ (inherit java-plexus-container-default-1.7)
+ (name "java-plexus-containers-parent-pom")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (delete 'build)
+ (replace 'install
+ (install-pom-file "pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("plexus-parent-pom" ,plexus-parent-pom-4.0)))))
+(define-public java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7
+ (package
+ (inherit java-plexus-container-default-1.7)
+ (name "java-plexus-component-annotations")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "plexus-component-annotations.jar"
+ #:source-dir "plexus-component-annotations/src/main/java"
+ #:tests? #f; no tests
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'install
+ (install-from-pom "plexus-component-annotations/pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("java-plexus-containers-parent-pom-1.7" ,java-plexus-containers-parent-pom-1.7)))
+ (inputs '())
+ (native-inputs '())
+ (synopsis "Plexus descriptors generator")
+ (description "This package is a Maven plugin to generate Plexus descriptors
+from source tags and class annotations.")))
+(define-public java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7
+ (package
+ (inherit java-plexus-container-default-1.7)
+ (name "java-plexus-component-metadata")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "plexus-component-metadata.jar"
+ #:source-dir "src/main/java"
+ #:test-dir "src/test"
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'chdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "plexus-component-metadata")
+ #t))
+ (add-before 'build 'copy-resources
+ (lambda _
+ (copy-recursively "src/main/resources"
+ "build/classes/")
+ #t))
+ (add-before 'check 'fix-test-location
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("src/test/java/org/codehaus/plexus/metadata/DefaultComponentDescriptorWriterTest.java"
+ "src/test/java/org/codehaus/plexus/metadata/merge/ComponentsXmlMergerTest.java")
+ (("target") "build")))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list java-plexus-container-default-1.7
+ java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7
+ java-plexus-utils
+ java-plexus-cli
+ java-plexus-cli
+ java-plexus-classworlds
+ maven-plugin-api
+ maven-plugin-annotations
+ maven-core-bootstrap
+ maven-model
+ java-commons-cli
+ java-qdox
+ java-jdom2
+ java-asm))
(list java-junit java-guava java-geronimo-xbean-reflect))
(synopsis "Inversion-of-control container for Maven")
@@ -4377,7 +4549,7 @@ provides the Maven plugin generating the component metadata.")))
(define-public java-plexus-cipher
(name "java-plexus-cipher")
- (version "1.7")
+ (version "2.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -4386,11 +4558,52 @@ provides the Maven plugin generating the component metadata.")))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0m638nzlxbmnbcj5cwdpgs326ab584yv0k803zlx37r6iqwvf6b0"))))
+ "01fipdsm090n8j4207fl8kbxznkgkmkkgyazf53hm1nwn6na5aai"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "plexus-cipher.jar"
#:source-dir "src/main/java"
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'build 'generate-javax.inject.Named
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/sisu")
+ (with-output-to-file "build/classes/META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named"
+ (lambda _
+ (display
+ "org.sonatype.plexus.components.cipher.DefaultPlexusCipher\n")))
+ #t))
+ (replace 'install (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
+ (inputs
+ `(("java-cdi-api" ,java-cdi-api)
+ ("java-javax-inject" ,java-javax-inject)))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom" ,java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom-15)
+ ("java-eclipse-sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)))
+ (native-inputs
+ `(("java-junit" ,java-junit)))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sonatype/plexus-cipher")
+ (synopsis "Encryption/decryption Component")
+ (description "Plexus-cipher contains a component to deal with encryption
+and decryption.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public java-plexus-cipher-1.7
+ (package
+ (inherit java-plexus-cipher)
+ (version "1.7")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-cipher")
+ (commit (string-append "plexus-cipher-" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "java-plexus-cipher" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0m638nzlxbmnbcj5cwdpgs326ab584yv0k803zlx37r6iqwvf6b0"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "plexus-cipher.jar"
+ #:source-dir "src/main/java"
#:tests? #f; FIXME: requires sisu-inject-bean
(modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -4409,17 +4622,8 @@ provides the Maven plugin generating the component metadata.")))
(("provided") "test"))
(replace 'install (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
- (inputs
- (list java-cdi-api java-javax-inject))
- (list java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom-15))
- (native-inputs
- (list java-junit))
- (home-page "https://github.com/sonatype/plexus-cipher")
- (synopsis "Encryption/decryption Component")
- (description "Plexus-cipher contains a component to deal with encryption
-and decryption.")
- (license license:asl2.0)))
+ (list java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom-15))))
(define-public java-plexus-java
@@ -4465,9 +4669,9 @@ and decryption.")
(list java-asm java-qdox-2-M9 java-javax-inject
- (list java-plexus-component-annotations))
+ (list java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7))
- (list java-plexus-component-metadata java-junit))
+ (list java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7 java-junit))
(home-page "https://codehaus-plexus.github.io/plexus-languages/plexus-java")
(synopsis "Shared language features for Java")
(description "This package contains shared language features of the Java
@@ -4584,9 +4788,9 @@ compilers.")
(install-from-pom "plexus-compiler-manager/pom.xml")))))
(list java-plexus-compiler-api java-plexus-compiler-pom
- java-plexus-container-default))
+ java-plexus-container-default-1.7))
- (list unzip java-plexus-component-metadata))
+ (list unzip java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7))
(synopsis "Compiler management for Plexus Compiler component")
(description "Plexus Compiler is a Plexus component to use different
compilers through a uniform API. This component chooses the compiler
@@ -4701,17 +4905,15 @@ function utilities.")
(define-public java-plexus-sec-dispatcher
(name "java-plexus-sec-dispatcher")
- (version "1.4") ;; Newest release listed at the Maven Central Repository.
+ (version "2.0")
(source (origin
- ;; This project doesn't tag releases or publish tarballs, so we take
- ;; the "prepare release plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4" git commit.
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/sonatype/plexus-sec-dispatcher/")
- (commit "7db8f880486e192a1c5ea9544e01e756c3d49d0f")))
+ (url "https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-sec-dispatcher")
+ (commit (string-append "plexus-sec-dispatcher-" version))))
- "1ng4yliy4cqpjr4fxxjbpwyk1wkch5f8vblm1kvwf328s4gibszs"))
+ "0665zcyxkv2knydxgv2dn64zvy1dx9j9af12ds9s64qmzd1rk6pk"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
`(#:jar-name "plexus-sec-dispatcher.jar"
@@ -4730,6 +4932,61 @@ function utilities.")
(modello-single-mode file "1.0.0" "xpp3-reader")
(modello-single-mode file "1.0.0" "xpp3-writer"))
+ (add-before 'build 'generate-javax.inject.Named
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/sisu")
+ (with-output-to-file "build/classes/META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named"
+ (lambda _
+ (display
+ "org.sonatype.plexus.components.sec.dispatcher.DefaultSecDispatcher\n")))
+ #t))
+ (add-before 'check 'fix-paths
+ (lambda _
+ (copy-recursively "src/test/resources" "target")
+ #t))
+ (replace 'install (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list java-plexus-utils java-plexus-cipher plexus-parent-pom-8))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list java-javax-inject
+ java-modello-core
+ ;; for modello
+ java-plexus-container-default
+ java-plexus-classworlds
+ java-plexus-utils
+ java-guava
+ java-geronimo-xbean-reflect
+ ;; modello plugins
+ java-modello-plugins-java
+ java-modello-plugins-xml
+ java-modello-plugins-xpp3
+ ;; for tests
+ java-junit))
+ (build-system ant-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sonatype/plexus-sec-dispatcher")
+ (synopsis "Plexus Security Dispatcher Component")
+ (description "This package is the Plexus Security Dispatcher Component.
+This component decrypts a string passed to it.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public java-plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4
+ (package
+ (inherit java-plexus-sec-dispatcher)
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-sec-dispatcher")
+ (commit (string-append "sec-dispatcher-" version))))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ng4yliy4cqpjr4fxxjbpwyk1wkch5f8vblm1kvwf328s4gibszs"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "java-plexus-sec-dispatcher" version))))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments java-plexus-sec-dispatcher)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (delete 'generate-javax.inject.Named)
(add-before 'build 'generate-components.xml
(lambda _
(mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/plexus")
@@ -4758,37 +5015,10 @@ function utilities.")
- #t))
- (add-before 'check 'fix-paths
- (lambda _
- (copy-recursively "src/test/resources" "target")
- #t))
- (replace 'install (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
- (list java-plexus-utils java-plexus-cipher
- java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom-12))
- (native-inputs
- `(("java-modello-core" ,java-modello-core)
- ;; for modello:
- ("java-plexus-container-default" ,java-plexus-container-default)
- ("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
- ("java-plexus-utils" ,java-plexus-utils)
- ("java-guava" ,java-guava)
- ("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
- ("java-sisu-build-api" ,java-sisu-build-api)
- ;; modello plugins:
- ("java-modellop-plugins-java" ,java-modello-plugins-java)
- ("java-modellop-plugins-xml" ,java-modello-plugins-xml)
- ("java-modellop-plugins-xpp3" ,java-modello-plugins-xpp3)
- ;; for tests
- ("java-junit" ,java-junit)))
- (build-system ant-build-system)
- (home-page "https://github.com/sonatype/plexus-sec-dispatcher")
- (synopsis "Plexus Security Dispatcher Component")
- (description "This package is the Plexus Security Dispatcher Component.
-This component decrypts a string passed to it.")
- (license license:asl2.0)))
+ (list java-plexus-utils java-plexus-cipher-1.7
+ java-sonatype-spice-parent-pom-12))))
(define-public java-plexus-cli
@@ -4820,14 +5050,14 @@ This component decrypts a string passed to it.")
Plexus components.")
(license license:asl2.0)))
-(define-public java-sisu-build-api
+(define-public java-plexus-build-api
- (name "java-sisu-build-api")
+ (name "java-plexus-build-api")
(version "0.0.7")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/sonatype/sisu-build-api")
+ (url "https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-build-api")
(commit (string-append "plexus-build-api-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
@@ -4835,7 +5065,7 @@ Plexus components.")
(build-system ant-build-system)
- `(#:jar-name "sisu-build-api.jar"
+ `(#:jar-name "plexus-build-api.jar"
#:source-dir "src/main/java"
#:jdk ,icedtea-8
#:tests? #f; FIXME: how to run the tests?
@@ -4870,8 +5100,8 @@ which behaves as if all files were just created.</description>\n
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
- (list java-plexus-utils java-plexus-container-default))
- (home-page "https://github.com/sonatype/sisu-build-api/")
+ (list java-plexus-utils-3.2.1 java-plexus-container-default))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/codehaus-plexus/plexus-build-api/")
(synopsis "Base build API for maven")
(description "This package contains the base build API for maven and
a default implementation of it. This API is about scanning files in a
@@ -4881,7 +5111,7 @@ project and determining what files need to be rebuilt.")
(define-public java-modello-core
(name "java-modello-core")
- (version "1.9.1")
+ (version "1.11")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -4890,7 +5120,7 @@ project and determining what files need to be rebuilt.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1di6ni42aqllpdvkpyfcw70352vr2i8wf6hd5nhd9kmqjb5dj5j4"))))
+ "18885sim7z9j3wy19i9083y9kc8l9xxl2px823a96q4rnqj5z8s2"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "modello-core.jar"
@@ -4915,7 +5145,7 @@ project and determining what files need to be rebuilt.")
(list java-plexus-utils java-plexus-container-default
- java-sisu-build-api))
+ java-plexus-build-api))
(list java-junit java-plexus-classworlds java-geronimo-xbean-reflect
@@ -6183,14 +6413,14 @@ bottlenecks move away from the database in an effectively cached system.")
(name "java-jsr250")
(version "1.3")
(source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"
- "javax/annotation/javax.annotation-api/"
- version "/javax.annotation-api-"
- version "-sources.jar"))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/javaee/javax.annotation")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "08clh8n4n9wfglf75qsqfjs6yf79f7x6hqx38cn856pksszv50kz"))))
+ "1g22a9d75g01s9yxgdig0ss7i30j4ysnnp08gn4krn0wly4lpqq0"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no tests included
@@ -6198,11 +6428,9 @@ bottlenecks move away from the database in an effectively cached system.")
#:jar-name "jsr250.jar"
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'create-pom
- (generate-pom.xml "pom.xml" "javax.annotation" "jsr250-api" ,version
- #:name "jsr250"))
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list java-jvnet-parent-pom-3))
(home-page "https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=250")
(synopsis "Security-related annotations")
(description "This package provides annotations for security. It provides
@@ -7489,14 +7717,14 @@ JavaMail API.")
(define-public java-log4j-api
(name "java-log4j-api")
- (version "2.17.0")
+ (version "2.17.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://apache/logging/log4j/" version
"/apache-log4j-" version "-src.tar.gz"))
- "1bn9hrxyvw2d29z7mcd0frcqa8mbxmq59zb6b930zibkq68n1g01"))))
+ "05xssljdgxfv8ql42db8ydjfsvvbdqmsgip75phybm259ydzbsd6"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; tests require unpackaged software
@@ -7668,7 +7896,7 @@ This is a part of the Apache Commons Project.")
(list java-commons-lang3 java-junit))
- (list apache-commons-parent-pom-50))
+ (list apache-commons-parent-pom-52))
(home-page "https://commons.apache.org/codec/")
(synopsis "Common encoders and decoders such as Base64, Hex, Phonetic and URLs")
(description "The codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for
@@ -10518,11 +10746,6 @@ annotations.")
#:make-flags (list "-DDATE" "(no date for reproducibility)")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'fix-pom
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "pom.xml"
- (("org.apache-extras.beanshell") "org.beanshell"))
- #t))
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
@@ -12980,7 +13203,7 @@ and reporting) project dependencies. It is characterized by the following:
(define-public java-eclipse-sisu-inject
(name "java-eclipse-sisu-inject")
- (version "0.3.4")
+ (version "0.3.5")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -12989,7 +13212,7 @@ and reporting) project dependencies. It is characterized by the following:
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "16044sizdb0rjbhlfbmcnpds5y7by7dyn9b0c11606aikqi8k3x6"))))
+ "1yh434b8pi8cwmpk825fbvbnkkk2cwd4gxxjaygg8i9j0q3l9zp3"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "eclipse-sisu-inject.jar"
@@ -13040,7 +13263,7 @@ OSGi Service Registry is a goal of this project.")
(define-public java-eclipse-sisu-plexus
(name "java-eclipse-sisu-plexus")
- (version "0.3.4")
+ (version "0.3.5")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -13049,7 +13272,7 @@ OSGi Service Registry is a goal of this project.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "17mjlajnsqnk07cc58h1qpxrif85yb2m2y0pyba48yjjgikk8r9f"))
+ "0lm5h0dmh41ffcwd32qnk3a87d360am36yq7168ikkyqa8jxkx28"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -13102,7 +13325,8 @@ OSGi Service Registry is a goal of this project.")
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "org.eclipse.sisu.plexus/pom.xml")))))
- (list java-plexus-classworlds
+ (list java-jsr250
+ java-plexus-classworlds
diff --git a/gnu/packages/javascript.scm b/gnu/packages/javascript.scm
index c453ac432a..68d338de8d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/javascript.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/javascript.scm
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2017 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019, 2020 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019, 2020, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Frank Pursel <frank.pursel@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -26,7 +27,9 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages java)
#:use-module (gnu packages node)
#:use-module (gnu packages readline)
#:use-module (gnu packages uglifyjs)
@@ -34,10 +37,11 @@
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
- #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system ant)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
- #:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system minify)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
#:use-module (guix utils))
(define-public cjson
@@ -592,7 +596,10 @@ Worker, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments.")
(build-system minify-build-system)
- (arguments `(#:javascript-files '("src/selectize.js")))
+ ;; We use the standalone file instead of src/selectize.js because the
+ ;; former includes the source code for MicroEvent and other modules that
+ ;; Selectize refers to.
+ (arguments `(#:javascript-files '("dist/js/standalone/selectize.js")))
(home-page "https://selectize.github.io/selectize.js/")
(synopsis "Hybrid widget between a textbox and <select> box")
(description "Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and @code{<select>}
@@ -788,3 +795,98 @@ project: add @file{duktape.c}, @file{duktape.h}, and @file{duk_config.h} to
your build, and use the Duktape API to call ECMAScript functions from C code
and vice versa.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rhino
+ (package
+ (name "rhino")
+ (version "")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/mozilla/rhino.git")
+ (commit "935942527ff434b205e797df4185518e5369466e")))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "09i4yr98hs6855fs7fhgmrpiwpr90lhxdv2bvfj97nn4rv1d7wl8"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet '(begin
+ ;; Remove benchmark testing
+ (delete-file-recursively "testsrc/benchmarks")
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ "testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/benchmarks")
+ ;; Identify bundled jars
+ (format #t "~%~a~%" "Sourced jars")
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (format #t "~/Deleting: ~a~%" f)
+ (delete-file f))
+ (find-files "." "\\.jar$"))))))
+ (build-system ant-build-system)
+ (inputs (list bash-minimal))
+ (native-inputs (list java-junit java-hamcrest-core java-snakeyaml))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases
+ %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? inputs native-inputs
+ #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (setenv "ANT_OPTS" "-Doffline=true")
+ (let ((junit-lib
+ (assoc-ref inputs "java-junit"))
+ (hamcrest-lib
+ (assoc-ref inputs "java-hamcrest-core"))
+ (snakeyaml-lib
+ (assoc-ref inputs "java-snakeyaml")))
+ (with-directory-excursion "testsrc"
+ (substitute* "build.xml"
+ (("<pathelement location=\"\\$\\{xbean.jar\\}\" */>" all)
+ (string-append "<!-- " all " -->"))
+ (("<pathelement location=\"\\$\\{jsr173.jar\\}\" */>" all)
+ (string-append "<!-- " all " -->"))
+ (("<pathelement path=\"\\$\\{coverage.classes.dir\\}\" */>"
+ all)
+ (string-append "<!-- " all " -->"))
+ (("<pathelement path=\"lib/emma.jar\"/>" all)
+ (string-append "<!-- " all " -->"))
+ (("<pathelement path=\"lib/junit.jar\" ?/>")
+ (string-append
+ "<fileset dir=\"" junit-lib "\" includes=\"**/*.jar\"/>"))
+ (("<pathelement path=\"lib/hamcrest.jar\" ?/>")
+ (string-append "<fileset dir=\"" hamcrest-lib
+ "\" includes=\"**/*.jar\"/>"))
+ (("<pathelement path=\"lib/snakeyaml.jar\" ?/>")
+ (string-append "<fileset dir=\"" snakeyaml-lib
+ "\" includes=\"**/*.jar\"/>"))
+ ;; Disabling instrumentation.
+ (("(<target name=\"junit\" depends=\"junit-compile),.*"
+ all pre)
+ (string-append pre "\">"))))
+ (invoke "ant" "junit")))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (pkg+ver (string-append ,name ,version))
+ (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
+ (rhino (string-append bin "/rhino"))
+ (man (string-append out "/share/man/man1")))
+ (mkdir-p bin)
+ (install-file "man/rhino.1" man)
+ (install-file (string-append "build/" pkg+ver
+ "/js.jar")
+ (string-append out "/share/java"))
+ (with-output-to-file rhino
+ (lambda _
+ (format #t "#!~a~%~a -jar ~a $@~%"
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash")
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/java")
+ (string-append out "/share/java/js.jar"))))
+ (chmod rhino #o755)))))))
+ (home-page "https://mozilla.github.io/rhino")
+ (synopsis "Javascript implemented in Java")
+ (description
+ "Rhino implements ECMAScript, also known as JavaScript, in Java as
+specified in the fifth edition of ECMA-262.")
+ (license license:mpl2.0)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/julia-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/julia-xyz.scm
index e30cf39dc9..5d45c07115 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/julia-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/julia-xyz.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
(define-module (gnu packages julia-xyz)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ ANSI escape codes to another format.")
(base32 "1g0kyzcdykgs247j72jpc2qqall696jwgb3hnn4cxmbi8bkf7wpk"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:parallel-tests? #f))
+ (list #:parallel-tests? #f))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaTesting/Aqua.jl")
(synopsis "Automated quality assurance for Julia packages")
(description "@acronym{Aqua.jl, Auto QUality Assurance for Julia packages},
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ provides functions to run a few automatable checks for Julia packages.")
;; Expression: @inferred(ArrayInterface.size(Rnr)) === (StaticInt(4),)
;; Evaluated: (static(2),) === (static(4),)
;; Disable as stopgap.
- `(#:tests? ,(not (target-x86-32?))))
+ (list #:tests? (not (target-x86-32?))))
(list julia-ifelse
@@ -334,24 +335,25 @@ the entries on the bands.")
(base32 "1xz3kdrphp4b158pg7dwkiry49phs2fjjpdvk1hjpww5ykxacks8"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-x86-32?)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-tests-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/GroupsTests.jl"
- (("@test sprint\\(show, g1\\)")
- "@test_broken sprint(show, g1)")
- (("@test sprint\\(show, g1; context = :boundto => 1\\)")
- "@test_broken sprint(show, g1; context = :boundto => 1)")
- (("@test sprint\\(show, g1; context = :limit => false\\)")
- "@test_broken sprint(show, g1; context = :limit => false)")
- (("@test @test_deprecated") "@test_broken"))
- (substitute* "test/ExecutionTests.jl"
- ;; Evaluated: 12 == 8
- (("@test @ballocated\\(Ref\\(1\\)\\)")
- "@test_broken @ballocated(Ref(1))"))))))
- '(%standard-phases))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-x86-32?)
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-tests-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/GroupsTests.jl"
+ (("@test sprint\\(show, g1\\)")
+ "@test_broken sprint(show, g1)")
+ (("@test sprint\\(show, g1; context = :boundto => 1\\)")
+ "@test_broken sprint(show, g1; context = :boundto => 1)")
+ (("@test sprint\\(show, g1; context = :limit => false\\)")
+ "@test_broken sprint(show, g1; context = :limit => false)")
+ (("@test @test_deprecated") "@test_broken"))
+ (substitute* "test/ExecutionTests.jl"
+ ;; Evaluated: 12 == 8
+ (("@test @ballocated\\(Ref\\(1\\)\\)")
+ "@test_broken @ballocated(Ref(1))")))))
+ #~%standard-phases)))
(list julia-json))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaCI/BenchmarkTools.jl")
@@ -361,6 +363,34 @@ code easy by supplying a framework for writing and running groups of
benchmarks as well as comparing benchmark results.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public julia-bfloat16s
+ ;; Not tagged upstream
+ (let ((commit "ef6051e4308ed0c02f10168b99d226237e0ae33c")
+ (version "0.2.0"))
+ (package
+ (name "julia-bfloat16s")
+ (version version)
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JuliaMath/BFloat16s.jl")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "16sr578k4i47lhziri47nvspdrsni2wc1qjhs6hzffh9si6a7jfq"))))
+ (build-system julia-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JuliaMath/BFloat16s.jl")
+ (synopsis "Define BFloat16 data type")
+ (description "This package defines the @code{BFloat16} data type. The
+only currently available hardware implementation of this datatype are Google's
+Cloud TPUs. As such, this package is suitable to evaluate whether using TPUs
+would cause precision problems for any particular algorithm, even without
+access to TPU hardware. Note that this package is designed for functionality,
+not performance, so this package should be used for precision experiments
+only, not performance experiments.")
+ (license license:expat))))
(define-public julia-bioalignments
(name "julia-bioalignments")
@@ -376,15 +406,16 @@ benchmarks as well as comparing benchmark results.")
(base32 "1wf6qgsada59r2fykxfj9hcr635wl8maqxbd3w8qpa01k9glxa0k"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'skip-test
- (lambda _
- ;; Test fails because an unexpected type representation from
- ;; BioSequences. The aligned value is correct though.
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("@test sprint\\(show, aln\\)")
- "@test_broken sprint(show, aln)")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'skip-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Test fails because an unexpected type representation from
+ ;; BioSequences. The aligned value is correct though.
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("@test sprint\\(show, aln\\)")
+ "@test_broken sprint(show, aln)")))))))
(list julia-biogenerics
@@ -469,13 +500,14 @@ sequences.")
(base32 "1222rwdndi777lai8a6dwrh35i5rgmj75kcrhn8si72sxgz0syjm"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'adjust-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("\\@testset \\\"Range.*" all)
- (string-append all " return\n"))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'adjust-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("\\@testset \\\"Range.*" all)
+ (string-append all " return\n"))))))))
(list julia-automa))
(home-page "https://github.com/BioJulia/BioSymbols.jl")
@@ -499,14 +531,15 @@ and amino acids that are used ny otherBioJulia packages.")
(base32 "1by26036fk9mawmcgqxpwizgbs398v9p6vrbsgg7h6llqn3q9iw1"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-64bit?)
- '(%standard-phases)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/test_blockarrays.jl"
- (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-64bit?)
+ #~%standard-phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/test_blockarrays.jl"
+ (("Int64") "Int32"))))))))
(list julia-arraylayouts
@@ -598,9 +631,10 @@ structures.")
;; freeze, see
;; https://travis-ci.org/BioJulia/BufferedStreams.jl/jobs/491050182
- '(#:tests? #f
- #:julia-package-name "BufferedStreams"
- #:julia-package-uuid "e1450e63-4bb3-523b-b2a4-4ffa8c0fd77d"))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:julia-package-name "BufferedStreams"
+ #:julia-package-uuid "e1450e63-4bb3-523b-b2a4-4ffa8c0fd77d"))
(list julia-compat))
(home-page "https://github.com/BioJulia/BufferedStreams.jl")
@@ -664,6 +698,25 @@ variables, both with unordered (nominal variables) and ordered categories
(ordinal variables), optionally with missing values.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public julia-cenum
+ (package
+ (name "julia-cenum")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JuliaInterop/CEnum.jl")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h079mggvv420bw87j8s3hsgk7vavjgm4j1cvk0pnzrrh8ib1381"))))
+ (build-system julia-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JuliaInterop/CEnum.jl")
+ (synopsis "C-compatible enum for Julia")
+ (description "This package provides a C-compatible enum for Julia.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public julia-chainrules
(name "julia-chainrules")
@@ -766,15 +819,6 @@ dependencies, while keeping @code{ChainRulesCore.jl} as light-weight as possible
(base32 "0xm603nylkwk4bzx66zv1g3syzrvn3jh9spdx7kvcvgszzyrrgh4"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'reset-gzip-timestamps 'make-files-writable
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (for-each make-file-writable
- (find-files out "\\.gz$"))
- #t))))))
(list julia-transcodingstreams
@@ -967,27 +1011,28 @@ way.")
(base32 "1b23p0zk8dx2sf01cnw177mqci7qd81b9s32ixz9clsh0r0icl1b"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'fix-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("option.toml") "test/option.toml"))))
- (add-after 'link-depot 'dont-use-exproniconlite
- (lambda _
- (substitute* '("Project.toml"
- "src/Configurations.jl"
- "test/runtests.jl")
- (("ExproniconLite") "Expronicon"))
- (substitute* "Project.toml"
- (("55351af7-c7e9-48d6-89ff-24e801d99491")
- "6b7a57c9-7cc1-4fdf-b7f5-e857abae3636"))))
- ,@(if (target-64bit?)
- '()
- '((add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'fix-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("option.toml") "test/option.toml"))))
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'dont-use-exproniconlite
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("Project.toml"
+ "src/Configurations.jl"
+ "test/runtests.jl")
+ (("ExproniconLite") "Expronicon"))
+ (substitute* "Project.toml"
+ (("55351af7-c7e9-48d6-89ff-24e801d99491")
+ "6b7a57c9-7cc1-4fdf-b7f5-e857abae3636"))))
+ #$@(if (target-64bit?)
+ '()
+ '((add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
(list julia-crayons
@@ -1112,21 +1157,21 @@ dependency on it.")
(base32 "1bk0amrghgjrkyn1mm4ac23swwbgszl1d0qyl9137qj5zvv9dasp"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
- (lambda _
- ;; Tests with non-standard colors.
- (substitute* "test/show.jl"
- (("test (sprint\\(show, df, context=:color=>true)" _ test)
- (string-append "test_nowarn " test)))
- (substitute* "test/io.jl"
- (("testset \\\"improved.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- (substitute* "test/join.jl"
- (("test (levels\\(outerjoin\\(B)" _ test)
- (string-append "test_nowarn " test)))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Tests with non-standard colors.
+ (substitute* "test/show.jl"
+ (("test (sprint\\(show, df, context=:color=>true)" _ test)
+ (string-append "test_nowarn " test)))
+ (substitute* "test/io.jl"
+ (("testset \\\"improved.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ (substitute* "test/join.jl"
+ (("test (levels\\(outerjoin\\(B)" _ test)
+ (string-append "test_nowarn " test))))))))
(list julia-dataapi
@@ -1172,18 +1217,19 @@ Julia from R or Python.")
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-x86-32?)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
- (lambda _
- ;; The evaluation returns the correct value,
- ;; Evaluated: "Accumulator(1 => 3, 3 => 4)"
- ;; but, for some reasons, is considered as failed.
- (substitute* "test/test_accumulator.jl"
- (("@test sprint\\(show,Accumulator\\(1 => 3, 3 => 4\\)\\)")
- "@test_broken sprint(show, Accumulator(1 => 3, 3 => 4))"))))))
- '(%standard-phases))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-x86-32?)
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
+ (lambda _
+ ;; The evaluation returns the correct value,
+ ;; Evaluated: "Accumulator(1 => 3, 3 => 4)"
+ ;; but, for some reasons, is considered as failed.
+ (substitute* "test/test_accumulator.jl"
+ (("@test sprint\\(show,Accumulator\\(1 => 3, 3 => 4\\)\\)")
+ "@test_broken sprint(show, Accumulator(1 => 3, 3 => 4))")))))
+ #~%standard-phases)))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaCollections/DataStructures.jl")
(synopsis "Julia module providing different data structures")
(description "This package implements a variety of data structures,
@@ -1227,17 +1273,17 @@ without having to take direct dependencies.")
(base32 "15j3hrqq6nazn533bfsvg32xznacbzsl303j1qs48av59ppnvhhv"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ; Tests need upgrading with newer Julia version.
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-known-failing-tests
- (lambda _
- ;; See upstream report:
- ;; https://github.com/queryverse/DataValues.jl/issues/83
- (substitute* "test/array/test_reduce.jl"
- ((".*DataValue\\(mapreduce.*") "")
- ((".*DataValue\\(method\\(f.*") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ; Tests need upgrading with newer Julia version.
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-known-failing-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; See upstream report:
+ ;; https://github.com/queryverse/DataValues.jl/issues/83
+ (substitute* "test/array/test_reduce.jl"
+ ((".*DataValue\\(mapreduce.*") "")
+ ((".*DataValue\\(method\\(f.*") "")))))))
(list julia-datavalueinterfaces))
(home-page "https://github.com/queryverse/DataValues.jl")
@@ -1306,17 +1352,18 @@ dictionaries in Julia, for improved productivity and performance.")
(base32 "1yqd9wg4z15k42mrp4y14j2x0sq7yrjhm5zpqklrw6w6j1c367ig"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-flakey-tests
- (lambda _
- ;; Some combination of these tests fail nondeterministically
- ;; each of the times this package is built.
- (substitute* "test/test_dists.jl"
- (("test dyz ≥") "test_nowarn dyz ≥")
- (("test dist\\(y, x") "test_nowarn dist(y, x")
- (("test dist\\(z, x") "test_nowarn dist(z, x")
- (("test dist\\(z, y") "test_nowarn dist(z, y")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-flakey-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Some combination of these tests fail nondeterministically
+ ;; each of the times this package is built.
+ (substitute* "test/test_dists.jl"
+ (("test dyz ≥") "test_nowarn dyz ≥")
+ (("test dist\\(y, x") "test_nowarn dist(y, x")
+ (("test dist\\(z, x") "test_nowarn dist(z, x")
+ (("test dist\\(z, y") "test_nowarn dist(z, y")))))))
(list julia-statsapi))
@@ -1345,7 +1392,7 @@ straightforward loop implementation.")
(base32 "0fy4kfnfacyfmlly6nqxn77dk2gqw80b69zb4m1i0i39zv3cpqfb"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Tests try to read SSL certificates.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Tests try to read SSL certificates.
(home-page "https://juliadocs.github.io/DocStringExtensions.jl/latest/")
(synopsis "Extensions for Julia's docsystem")
(description "This package provides a collection of useful extensions for
@@ -1372,22 +1419,23 @@ valuable enough at this time.")
(base32 "00ai3c24i3fkn5plmavampcxm0ijhwk0v5cn9xwm7rvbjnnvaaam"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'patch-source
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* "src/Deps.jl"
- (("pip install")
- (string-append (search-input-file inputs "bin/pip")
- " install")))))
- (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-javascript-downloads
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/Writers/HTMLWriter.jl"
- (("cdnjs.cloudflare.com") "example.com"))
- ;; Removing the javascript downloads causes these tests fail.
- (substitute* "test/examples/tests.jl"
- ((".*Main\\.examples_html_doc.*") "")
- ((".*Main\\.examples_html_mathjax3_doc.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'patch-source
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/Deps.jl"
+ (("pip install")
+ (string-append (search-input-file inputs "bin/pip")
+ " install")))))
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-javascript-downloads
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/Writers/HTMLWriter.jl"
+ (("cdnjs.cloudflare.com") "example.com"))
+ ;; Removing the javascript downloads causes these tests fail.
+ (substitute* "test/examples/tests.jl"
+ ((".*Main\\.examples_html_doc.*") "")
+ ((".*Main\\.examples_html_mathjax3_doc.*") "")))))))
(list julia-ansicoloredprinters
@@ -1457,7 +1505,7 @@ valuable enough at this time.")
(base32 "05p57p8xlkn42m1lv9gq4hl96vp7hpj19d51p828ai1rbpcpi3a6"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Tests require network.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Tests require network.
;; We don't want to propagate the bootstrap version.
;; Cycle with Documenter.jl in later versions.
@@ -1556,13 +1604,14 @@ stressing the robustness of differentiation tools.")
(base32 "05vr5wbzqpchnb96b3pmn67x196mbfnkv7r9bdlz3gm56if4awk5"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ;; Seems to not play nicely with SpecialFunctions
- ((".*isempty.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ;; Seems to not play nicely with SpecialFunctions
+ ((".*isempty.*") "")))))))
(list julia-calculus
@@ -1590,13 +1639,14 @@ combinations of dual numbers with predefined Julia numeric types.")
(base32 "0py46kxl702r8pw3v7x4cqllf7yc91b0dr7vb60xh2qi7d6y3jc7"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ;; Seems to not play nicely with Julia-1.6.
- ((".*basic.jl.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ;; Seems to not play nicely with Julia-1.6.
+ ((".*basic.jl.*") "")))))))
(list julia-arrayinterface))
(home-page "https://github.com/ChrisRackauckas/EllipsisNotation.jl")
@@ -1642,13 +1692,14 @@ before (or after)\".")
(base32 "0h8aaynqlxrkn8575k5vqmhzil4vvxchhf0bcxa6zwawp558gj2y"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-network-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ;; This test tries to access the Julia package registry.
- ((".*expand\\.jl.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-network-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ;; This test tries to access the Julia package registry.
+ ((".*expand\\.jl.*") "")))))))
(list julia-mlstyle))
@@ -1720,26 +1771,27 @@ need the ffmpeg binaries + executables, and don't want the overhead of
(base32 "1b18x43i737g5q41n9818xbnc2pgd98q1m6yw3h29yri0clg4gfx"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'reset-gzip-timestamps)
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-network-tests
- (lambda _
- ;; These tests try to download audio/video files.
- (substitute* "test/query.jl"
- (("testset.*(MP4|OGG|MATROSKA).*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- (substitute* "test/loadsave.jl"
- (("testset.*CSVFiles.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- ;; This test tries to download a Julia package.
- (substitute* "test/error_handling.jl"
- (("testset.*Not installed.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- ;; This test tries to write to the store.
- ;; (Error says can't find User 0)
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ((".*test_mimesave.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'reset-gzip-timestamps)
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-network-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; These tests try to download audio/video files.
+ (substitute* "test/query.jl"
+ (("testset.*(MP4|OGG|MATROSKA).*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ (substitute* "test/loadsave.jl"
+ (("testset.*CSVFiles.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ ;; This test tries to download a Julia package.
+ (substitute* "test/error_handling.jl"
+ (("testset.*Not installed.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ ;; This test tries to write to the store.
+ ;; (Error says can't find User 0)
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ((".*test_mimesave.*") "")))))))
(list julia-requires))
@@ -1770,7 +1822,7 @@ high-level support for formatted files (in contrast with Julia's low-level
(base32 "136wm4ik6isrdanmpi4gdr1qw0qhr15i925qzjxbawk5hnyzwng9"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with JLSO.jl
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with JLSO.jl
(home-page "https://github.com/rofinn/FilePathsBase.jl")
(synopsis "Filesystem path types in Julia")
(description "@code{FilePathsBase.jl} provides a type based approach to
@@ -1816,14 +1868,14 @@ following types: @code{Eye}, @code{Fill}, @code{Ones}, @code{Zeros},
(base32 "105f6r0hq97n9mxf1nacmz94dpca66vzqj5p3zh4h0brshmggqnq"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'pre-check
- (lambda _
- ;; We don't want to run all the tests; the Downstream tests
- ;; try to download the package registry.
- (setenv "GROUP" "Core")
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'pre-check
+ (lambda _
+ ;; We don't want to run all the tests; the Downstream tests
+ ;; try to download the package registry.
+ (setenv "GROUP" "Core"))))))
(list julia-arrayinterface
@@ -1855,16 +1907,17 @@ types and sparsity.")
(base32 "09nsf9cgk49yrvprflnhd9h5rrgs280rgj8sad3csghxdx6jqk5c"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-x86-32?)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
- (lambda _
- ;; Machine Precision incorrectly handled
- (substitute* "test/methods.jl"
- (("@test central_fdm\\(15, 5, adapt=2\\)\\(exp, 1.0\\)")
- "@test_broken central_fdm(15, 5, adapt=2)(exp, 1.0)"))))))
- '(%standard-phases))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-x86-32?)
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Machine Precision incorrectly handled
+ (substitute* "test/methods.jl"
+ (("@test central_fdm\\(15, 5, adapt=2\\)\\(exp, 1.0\\)")
+ "@test_broken central_fdm(15, 5, adapt=2)(exp, 1.0)")))))
+ #~%standard-phases)))
(list julia-benchmarktools))
@@ -1892,14 +1945,14 @@ using finite difference.")
(base32 "0j0n40n04q9sk68wh9jq90m6c67k4ws02k41djjzkrqmpzv4rcdi"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'disable-failing-test
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* "test/fixed.jl"
- ;; A deprecation warning is not thrown
- (("@test_logs.*:warn" all) (string-append "# " all)))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'disable-failing-test
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "test/fixed.jl"
+ ;; A deprecation warning is not thrown
+ (("@test_logs.*:warn" all) (string-append "# " all))))))))
(list julia-compat))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaMath/FixedPointNumbers.jl")
@@ -1952,7 +2005,7 @@ c-style numerical formatting.")
;; Expression: dual_isapprox(FDNUM ^ PRIMAL, exp(PRIMAL * log(FDNUM)))
;; ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: There was an error during testing
;; Disable as stopgap.
- `(#:tests? ,(not (target-x86-32?))))
+ (list #:tests? (not (target-x86-32?))))
(inputs ;required for tests
(list julia-calculus
@@ -1986,13 +2039,14 @@ differentiation (AD).")
(base32 "02jilpjr7px6138dx2w7ixricvfgsxqdk84d9dgviranibhnjcxa"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("testset \\\"Abstract.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n"))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("testset \\\"Abstract.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n"))))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/yuyichao/FunctionWrappers.jl")
(synopsis "Type stable and efficient wrapper of arbitrary functions")
(description "This package provides a type stable and efficient wrapper of
@@ -2039,12 +2093,13 @@ update step.")
(base32 "07sv88c472n6w4x7diy952igbcfm1s104ysnnvprld83312siw06"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ((".*RPLE.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ((".*RPLE.*") "")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/JunoLab/FuzzyCompletions.jl")
(synopsis "Fuzzy completion provider for Julia")
@@ -2066,12 +2121,13 @@ update step.")
(base32 "0ndwypa397z3pwzdgc3s9plaqlqf63g3d4px5pvym5psgr6lnm3l"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ((".*lapack.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ((".*lapack.*") "")))))))
(list julia-quaternions))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaLinearAlgebra/GenericLinearAlgebra.jl")
@@ -2097,20 +2153,21 @@ algebra routines written in Julia (except for optimized BLAS).")
(base32 "12x6lxzxm91y3k6s9dam46dq5hrby5sr0gy0fdfnp0xhjzdy2j0d"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/complex.jl"
- ;; expected Array{Int32,1}, got a value of type Array{Int64,1}
- (("A = _example") "#A = _example")
- (("schurtest\\(A,20\\)") ""))
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ;; Test errors relating to liblapack.so
- ((".*complex\\.jl.*") "")
- ((".*real\\.jl.*") "")
- ;; GenericSVD is deprecated upstream
- ((".*gordschur\\.jl.*") "")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'adjust-test-suite
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/complex.jl"
+ ;; expected Array{Int32,1}, got a value of type Array{Int64,1}
+ (("A = _example") "#A = _example")
+ (("schurtest\\(A,20\\)") ""))
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ;; Test errors relating to liblapack.so
+ ((".*complex\\.jl.*") "")
+ ((".*real\\.jl.*") "")
+ ;; GenericSVD is deprecated upstream
+ ((".*gordschur\\.jl.*") "")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/RalphAS/GenericSchur.jl")
(synopsis "Schur decomposition of matrices with generic element types")
(description "The Schur decomposition is the workhorse for eigensystem
@@ -2134,24 +2191,25 @@ matrices the Schur form is often more useful.")
(base32 "057j3hjpli3q5b98cqkpi4p10x2k9pyksrz62hjmv1kb5qzdvhsj"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-earcut
- (lambda _
- (substitute* '("Project.toml"
- "src/GeometryBasics.jl")
- ((".*EarCut.*") ""))))
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-incompatible-test
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("@testset.*MetaT and heterogeneous data.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))))
- ,@(if (target-64bit?)
- '()
- '((add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-earcut
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("Project.toml"
+ "src/GeometryBasics.jl")
+ ((".*EarCut.*") ""))))
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-incompatible-test
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("@testset.*MetaT and heterogeneous data.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))))
+ #$@(if (target-64bit?)
+ '()
+ '((add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
(list julia-itertools
@@ -2168,6 +2226,32 @@ finite elements analysis, Geo applications, and general geometry manipulations
- while offering a Julian API, that still allows performant C-interop.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public julia-gpuarrays
+ (package
+ (name "julia-gpuarrays")
+ (version "8.1.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JuliaGPU/GPUArrays.jl")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "129q8m94b2xq3vij28pkb7dry3r7qbiqrz72a26ma9kilcr35gk4"))))
+ (build-system julia-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list julia-adapt))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JuliaGPU/GPUArrays.jl")
+ (synopsis "Reusable GPU array functionality for various GPU backends")
+ (description "This package is the counterpart of AbstractArray interface,
+but for GPU array types. It provides functionality and tooling to speed-up
+development of new GPU array types. This package is not intended for end
+users; instead, you should use one of the packages that builds on
+@code{GPUArrays.jl}, such as @code{CUDA.jl}, @code{oneAPI.jl} or
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public julia-gr
(name "julia-gr")
@@ -2251,35 +2335,35 @@ library for parsing HTML.")
(base32 "1jsyk3mhnwj4h19cxclx26igdqdrw51fd3k1hgav0nm67dy4cxyk"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'disable-network-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("\"async.jl") "# \"async.jl")
- (("\"client.jl") "# \"client.jl"))
- (substitute* "test/aws4.jl"
- (("@testset.*HTTP.request with AWS authentication.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- (substitute* "test/insert_layers.jl"
- (("@testset.*Inserted final layer runs handler.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- (substitute* "test/multipart.jl"
- (("@testset \"Setting of Content-Type.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n"))
- (("@testset \"Deprecation of .*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- (substitute* "test/websockets.jl"
- (("@testset.*External Host.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- (substitute* "test/messages.jl"
- (("@testset.*Read methods.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n"))
- (("@testset.*Body - .*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n"))
- (("@testset.*Write to file.*" all)
- (string-append all "return\n")))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'disable-network-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("\"async.jl") "# \"async.jl")
+ (("\"client.jl") "# \"client.jl"))
+ (substitute* "test/aws4.jl"
+ (("@testset.*HTTP.request with AWS authentication.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ (substitute* "test/insert_layers.jl"
+ (("@testset.*Inserted final layer runs handler.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ (substitute* "test/multipart.jl"
+ (("@testset \"Setting of Content-Type.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n"))
+ (("@testset \"Deprecation of .*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ (substitute* "test/websockets.jl"
+ (("@testset.*External Host.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n")))
+ (substitute* "test/messages.jl"
+ (("@testset.*Read methods.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n"))
+ (("@testset.*Body - .*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n"))
+ (("@testset.*Write to file.*" all)
+ (string-append all "return\n"))))))))
(list julia-inifile
@@ -2383,7 +2467,7 @@ such arrays easy via traits.")
(base32 "1n63f2zs6ail9pcl7rzgv3l0z8v1idjsaza3zgvgy7iacxsdpcj2"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
(list julia-imagecore
@@ -2414,7 +2498,7 @@ dependencies.")
(base32 "0h9m3pl3wic1jrgaqkdifz24cya5vxd3m6qdmm37pxg2y2ii2vcq"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
(list julia-abstractffts
@@ -2456,7 +2540,7 @@ of packages designed to support image processing and computer vision.")
(base32 "0bbpzi7bv8jdiggq1wmcn67vnf96qagvwg0fk95s125wy5980xsl"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ReferenceTests.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ReferenceTests.jl.
(list julia-crayons
@@ -2494,18 +2578,18 @@ be downscaled to fit into the size of your active terminal session.")
(base32 "05vzv4jsj3l9pv6yrix28hlw7wnag0mqdfjwv8shn4x71hcfxl1p"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
- (lambda _
- ;; These tests try to download from the imagemagick.org
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ((".*readremote\\.jl.*") ""))
- ;; Tests with the color gray are hard.
- (substitute* "test/constructed_images.jl"
- (("test (b == aa)" _ test) (string-append "test_nowarn " test))
- (("test (B == map)" _ test) (string-append "test_nowarn " test)))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; These tests try to download from the imagemagick.org
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ((".*readremote\\.jl.*") ""))
+ ;; Tests with the color gray are hard.
+ (substitute* "test/constructed_images.jl"
+ (("test (b == aa)" _ test) (string-append "test_nowarn " test))
+ (("test (B == map)" _ test) (string-append "test_nowarn " test))))))))
(list julia-fileio
@@ -2572,7 +2656,7 @@ information about the detector used to acquire the image.")
(base32 "00wq3ab8y6nyhxwc5lpz9dnslsmcr1vg3cjdkh7wb7k6a8bw98mh"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
(list julia-fileio
@@ -2607,7 +2691,7 @@ inline presentation of greyscale or color images.")
(base32 "0i8gw68hljshsy9wdl5mrpbb31irhmayqyglsxi7jwm88iy9pxhm"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageMagick.jl.
(list julia-axisalgorithms
@@ -2644,8 +2728,9 @@ rotation, and other spatial transformations of arrays.")
(build-system julia-build-system)
;; Package without Project.toml
- '(#:julia-package-name "IndexableBitVectors"
- #:julia-package-uuid "1cb3b9ac-1ffd-5777-9e6b-a3d42300664d"))
+ (list
+ #:julia-package-name "IndexableBitVectors"
+ #:julia-package-uuid "1cb3b9ac-1ffd-5777-9e6b-a3d42300664d"))
(home-page "https://github.com/BioJulia/IndexableBitVectors.jl")
(synopsis "Bit vectors operations with extremely fast speed")
(description "This package exports following operations over bit vectors
@@ -2724,14 +2809,14 @@ indexed images, sometimes called \"colormap images\" or \"paletted images.\"")
(base32 "1941lwvrdjnrynigzixxin3chpg1ba6xplvcwc89x0f6z658hwmm"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-timezones.jl
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("using TimeZones.*") "")
- ((".*infextendedtime.*") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-timezones.jl
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("using TimeZones.*") "")
+ ((".*infextendedtime.*") "")))))))
(list julia-requires))
@@ -2777,12 +2862,13 @@ interfaces with @file{.ini} files.")
(base32 "1236c20k388qlh7k74mhf7hkbn0vf7ss8b1rgh1a6aj0234ayfnc"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:parallel-tests? #f
- ;; XXXX: Unexpected failures for i686, e.g.,
- ;; Got exception outside of a @test
- ;; OverflowError: 96908232 * 106943408 overflowed for type Int32
- ;; Disable as stopgap.
- #:tests? ,(not (target-x86-32?))))
+ (list
+ #:parallel-tests? #f
+ ;; XXXX: Unexpected failures for i686, e.g.,
+ ;; Got exception outside of a @test
+ ;; OverflowError: 96908232 * 106943408 overflowed for type Int32
+ ;; Disable as stopgap.
+ #:tests? (not (target-x86-32?))))
(list julia-axisalgorithms
@@ -2817,19 +2903,20 @@ and exceptional performance.")
(base32 "0gsz89cd3iygbl5qr389k9vwpg7w1nk0s90g25nsmk34y9hifxag"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-x86-32?)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ;; For some reason, the output is correct but the test
- ;; is considered as failed:
- ;; Expression: duration(ClosedInterval(A, B)) ≡ 60
- ;; Evaluated: 60 ≡ 60
- (("@test duration\\(ClosedInterval")
- "@test_broken duration(ClosedInterval"))))))
- '(%standard-phases))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-x86-32?)
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ;; For some reason, the output is correct but the test
+ ;; is considered as failed:
+ ;; Expression: duration(ClosedInterval(A, B)) ≡ 60
+ ;; Evaluated: 60 ≡ 60
+ (("@test duration\\(ClosedInterval")
+ "@test_broken duration(ClosedInterval")))))
+ #~%standard-phases)))
(list julia-ellipsisnotation))
@@ -3044,6 +3131,34 @@ and printing JSON documents.")
focus on speed and slick struct mapping.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public julia-juno
+ (package
+ (name "julia-juno")
+ (version "0.8.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JunoLab/Juno.jl")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "02ryj5blnrmck3jisrpwn1x563i7rsg65d7zms52njsvv499gygk"))))
+ (build-system julia-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list julia-media))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JunoLab/Juno.jl")
+ (synopsis "Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Julia")
+ (description "This package provides tools to help you develop code. Juno
+is built on the Atom text editor. Juno consists of both Julia and Atom
+packages in order to add Julia-specific enhancements, such as syntax
+highlighting, a plot pane, integration with Julia's debugger, a console for
+running code, and much more.
+Consider that the package is “maintenance-only mode” and only receives bug
+fixes. The Julia IDE effort is pointed to extension for VSCode.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public julia-latexstrings
(name "julia-latexstrings")
@@ -3081,14 +3196,15 @@ equations in string literals in the Julia language.")
(base32 "17rhlrmgfvdw8w62pg32ikr9j4xy2ylr7mx7ar0hnpzryv929rp5"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-64bit?)
- '(%standard-phases)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/multests.jl"
- (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-64bit?)
+ #~%standard-phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/multests.jl"
+ (("Int64") "Int32"))))))))
(list julia-arraylayouts
@@ -3104,6 +3220,50 @@ equations in string literals in the Julia language.")
implementation of matrix-free methods for iterative solvers.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public julia-linesearches
+ (package
+ (name "julia-linesearches")
+ (version "7.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JuliaNLSolvers/LineSearches.jl")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qc4la07w6s1xhcyd0hvbnpr31zc1a2ssgyybc8biv5m00g0dnr0"))))
+ (build-system julia-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-optim-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/examples.jl"
+ ;; Prevent a cycle with Optim.jl.
+ (("^ SKIPFILE.*") "")
+ (("^ #SKIPFILE") " SKIPFILE"))))
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-doublefloats-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("using DoubleFloats.*") "")
+ ((".*arbitrary_precision\\.jl.*") "")))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list julia-nlsolversbase
+ julia-nanmath
+ julia-parameters))
+ (native-inputs
+ ;; DoubleFloats.jl transitively depends on TimeZones.jl, which is currently
+ ;; unpackageable due to its oversized Artifacts.toml.
+ (list ;julia-doublefloats
+ julia-optimtestproblems))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JuliaNLSolvers/LineSearches.jl")
+ (synopsis "Line search methods for optimization and root-finding")
+ (description "This package provides an interface to line search algorithms
+implemented in Julia.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public julia-logexpfunctions
(name "julia-logexpfunctions")
@@ -3166,14 +3326,15 @@ that let you do deep transformations of code.")
(base32 "0l5adird8m1cmnsxwhzi5hcr7q9bm1rf7a6018zc7kcn2yxdshy3"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-64bit?)
- '(%standard-phases)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-64bit?)
+ #~%standard-phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("Int64") "Int32"))))))))
(list julia-fixedpointnumbers))
@@ -3205,16 +3366,16 @@ comes from the fact that @code{M == map(f, A)}.")
(base32 "15zvcv2l4iqmjpnqjyx2kry7a85p652nbjy9pj3wq0piksqcz4jb"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
- (lambda _
- ;; Tests with math functions are hard.
- (substitute* "test/test_ul.jl"
- (("@test @inferred\\(logdet") "@test @test_nowarn(logdet")
- ;; Also skip the REPL test.
- (("test String") "test_nowarn String"))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Tests with math functions are hard.
+ (substitute* "test/test_ul.jl"
+ (("@test @inferred\\(logdet") "@test @test_nowarn(logdet")
+ ;; Also skip the REPL test.
+ (("test String") "test_nowarn String")))))))
(list julia-arraylayouts))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaMatrices/MatrixFactorizations.jl")
@@ -3240,14 +3401,14 @@ may include other factorizations such as the LQ factorization.")
(base32 "0zjzf2r57l24n3k0gcqkvx3izwn5827iv9ak0lqix0aa5967wvfb"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'install 'disable-network-tests
- ;; Tries to connect to httpbin.org
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("testhost =") "return #"))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'disable-network-tests
+ ;; Tries to connect to httpbin.org
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("testhost =") "return #")))))))
(list julia-mbedtls-jll))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaLang/MbedTLS.jl")
@@ -3325,8 +3486,11 @@ resolving them into absolute units.")
(build-system julia-build-system)
;; Package without Project.toml
- '(#:julia-package-name "Media"
- #:julia-package-uuid "e89f7d12-3494-54d1-8411-f7d8b9ae1f27"))
+ (list
+ #:julia-package-name "Media"
+ #:julia-package-uuid "e89f7d12-3494-54d1-8411-f7d8b9ae1f27"
+ #:julia-package-dependencies
+ #~(list '("MacroTools" . "1914dd2f-81c6-5fcd-8719-6d5c9610ff09"))))
(list julia-macrotools))
(home-page "https://github.com/JunoLab/Media.jl")
@@ -3441,7 +3605,7 @@ to be temporarily overloaded for the purpose of testing.")
(base32 "04fgxghyb7n2ji76xkb1r1fjhzsdbgmp5wsfyyn3yjcsdqbyp8pz"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageCore.jl
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageCore.jl
(list julia-mappedarrays
@@ -3493,21 +3657,22 @@ Julia, with type-driven, overloadable packing/unpacking functionality.")
(base32 "1isyj8h4nx96cr6892d154v8pw1nhr7mjyz5bd6ffr2mkzb2bq4f"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-x86-32?)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/utilities.jl"
- ;; Non-deterministic returned value, e.g.,
- ;; Expression: n == @allocated(f())
- ;; Evaluated: 240 == 120
- ;; and for some other values:
- ;; Got correct result, please change to @test
- ;; so @test_broken is not enough.
- (("@test n == @allocated f\\(\\)")
- " "))))))
- '(%standard-phases))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-x86-32?)
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/utilities.jl"
+ ;; Non-deterministic returned value, e.g.,
+ ;; Expression: n == @allocated(f())
+ ;; Evaluated: 240 == 120
+ ;; and for some other values:
+ ;; Got correct result, please change to @test
+ ;; so @test_broken is not enough.
+ (("@test n == @allocated f\\(\\)")
+ " ")))))
+ #~%standard-phases)))
(list julia-offsetarrays))
(home-page "https://github.com/jump-dev/MutableArithmetics.jl")
@@ -3584,14 +3749,15 @@ interface to interact with these types.")
(base32 "16vn5w5274kcywh1xp0zqjk5q10xrk125aznz5av6wifwrvghk8s"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-cuda-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("using CUDA") "")
- (("&& CUDA\\.functional\\(\\)") ""))
- (setenv "NNLIB_TEST_CUDA" "false"))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-cuda-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("using CUDA") "")
+ (("&& CUDA\\.functional\\(\\)") ""))
+ (setenv "NNLIB_TEST_CUDA" "false"))))))
(list julia-adapt
@@ -3607,6 +3773,53 @@ machine learning, such as softmax, sigmoid, convolutions and pooling. It
doesn't provide any other \"high-level\" functionality like layers or AD.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public julia-optim
+ (package
+ (name "julia-optim")
+ (version "1.6.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/JuliaNLSolvers/Optim.jl")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0nvl3xp9c6r80y9n7fic4zyq2443apfmbcpnx0wvgkv4vsy08x5j"))))
+ (build-system julia-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'adjust-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; TODO: Figure out why this test fails.
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ((".*l_bfgs.*") "")))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list julia-compat
+ julia-fillarrays
+ julia-forwarddiff
+ julia-linesearches
+ julia-nanmath
+ julia-nlsolversbase
+ julia-parameters
+ julia-positivefactorizations
+ julia-statsbase))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list julia-linesearches
+ julia-measurements
+ julia-nlsolversbase
+ julia-optimtestproblems
+ julia-positivefactorizations
+ julia-recursivearraytools
+ julia-stablerngs))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/JuliaNLSolvers/Optim.jl")
+ (synopsis "Optimization functions for Julia")
+ (description "@code{Optim.jl} is a package for univariate and multivariate
+optimization of functions.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public julia-optimtestproblems
(name "julia-optimtestproblems")
@@ -3622,8 +3835,9 @@ doesn't provide any other \"high-level\" functionality like layers or AD.")
(base32 "10h47x5ws42pkqjccimaz0yxfvz41w0yazq6inamfk4lg5g2g3d9"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:julia-package-name "OptimTestProblems"
- #:julia-package-uuid "cec144fc-5a64-5bc6-99fb-dde8f63e154c"))
+ (list
+ #:julia-package-name "OptimTestProblems"
+ #:julia-package-uuid "cec144fc-5a64-5bc6-99fb-dde8f63e154c"))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaNLSolvers/OptimTestProblems.jl")
(synopsis "Collection of optimization test problems")
(description "The purpose of this package is to provide test problems for
@@ -3669,7 +3883,7 @@ which they were added to the collection.")
(list julia-adapt))
;; CatIndices depends on OffsetArrays, introducing a recursive dependency
- (arguments '(#:tests? #f))
+ (arguments (list #:tests? #f))
(home-page "https://juliaarrays.github.io/OffsetArrays.jl/stable/")
(synopsis "Fortran-like arrays with arbitrary, zero or negative indices")
(description "@code{OffsetArrays.jl} provides Julia users with arrays that
@@ -3886,7 +4100,7 @@ definite.")
(base32 "1cail43iqzbi6m9v6981rhz47zf2lcvhs5ds5gdqvc9nx5frghxq"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Tests try to mkdir /.julia
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Tests try to mkdir /.julia
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Preferences.jl")
(synopsis "Store configuration switches to TOML files")
(description "The @code{Preferences} package provides an integrated way for
@@ -3911,13 +4125,13 @@ everything from run time algorithm choice to code generation at compile time.")
(base32 "1d1sd87kkwbar3l608h0adzws42cwdrmp1idxx7an6mfqcsdrijw"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-color-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/text_backend.jl"
- ((".*colors\\.jl.*") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-color-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/text_backend.jl"
+ ((".*colors\\.jl.*") "")))))))
(list julia-crayons
@@ -3945,49 +4159,47 @@ human-readable format.")
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:imported-modules ((guix build python-build-system)
+ (list
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build python-build-system)
- #:modules ((guix build julia-build-system)
+ #:modules '((guix build julia-build-system)
(guix build utils)
((guix build python-build-system) #:prefix python:))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-conda
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "Project.toml"
- ((".*Conda.*") ""))
- (substitute* (list "src/PyCall.jl"
- "test/runtests.jl")
- (("import Conda") ""))
- (substitute* "deps/depsutils.jl"
- (("Conda.PYTHONDIR") "\"/\""))
- #t))
- (add-after 'link-depot 'set-python
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((python (assoc-ref inputs "python")))
- (string-append python "/bin/python3"))
- (with-output-to-file "deps/deps.jl"
- (lambda _
- (format #t
- "const python = \"~a/bin/python3\"~@
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'remove-conda
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "Project.toml"
+ ((".*Conda.*") ""))
+ (substitute* (list "src/PyCall.jl"
+ "test/runtests.jl")
+ (("import Conda") ""))
+ (substitute* "deps/depsutils.jl"
+ (("Conda.PYTHONDIR") "\"/\""))))
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'set-python
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((python (assoc-ref inputs "python")))
+ (string-append python "/bin/python3"))
+ (with-output-to-file "deps/deps.jl"
+ (lambda _
+ (format #t
+ "const python = \"~a/bin/python3\"~@
const pyprogramname = \"~a/bin/python3\"~@
const libpython = \"~a/lib/libpython~a.so.1.0\"~@
const PYTHONHOME = \"~a\"~@
const pyversion_build = v\"~a\"~@
const conda = false~%"
- python
- python
- python
- (python:python-version python)
- python
- ,(package-version python))))
- #t)))
- (add-before 'check 'pre-check
- (lambda _
- (setenv "CI" "true")
- (setenv "JULIA_PKGEVAL" "true")
- #t)))))
+ python
+ python
+ python
+ (python:python-version python)
+ python
+ #$(package-version python)))))))
+ (add-before 'check 'pre-check
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "CI" "true")
+ (setenv "JULIA_PKGEVAL" "true"))))))
(list julia-macrotools
@@ -4073,15 +4285,15 @@ arbitrary normed vector spaces (e.g. matrix-valued integrands).")
(base32 "051biw4b9zni7cmh2f1yzifp1v8wazlfxrdz4p44lyd1wba6379w"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'hardcode-libmath-location
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((gcclib (assoc-ref inputs "gcc:lib")))
- (substitute* "src/Quadmath.jl"
- (("libgcc_s.so.1" lib) (string-append gcclib "/lib/" lib))
- (("libquadmath.so.0" lib) (string-append gcclib "/lib/" lib)))
- #t))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'hardcode-libmath-location
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((gcclib (assoc-ref inputs "gcc:lib")))
+ (substitute* "src/Quadmath.jl"
+ (("libgcc_s.so.1" lib) (string-append gcclib "/lib/" lib))
+ (("libquadmath.so.0" lib) (string-append gcclib "/lib/" lib)))))))))
(list julia-requires))
@@ -4222,7 +4434,7 @@ more complex visualizations.")
(base32 "0zq4bzxvq36zr0va6iip3x97mgq5b4fwza8avszx1ryfqm3lg1f7"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with Plots.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with Plots.jl.
(list julia-nanmath
@@ -4252,7 +4464,7 @@ recipes to full specifications for a plot.")
(base32 "0vx8ndxrii53na7jsc2lki47wfpi77rn3y2r6xhiysx1qwr14msf"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.
(list julia-arrayinterface
@@ -4307,7 +4519,7 @@ recursive arrays like arrays of arrays.")
(base32 "0mm6bjhs8a21pippww6b08b5frmnb9m6k8xrszrwq9zhc879zpc9"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageCore.jl through ImageMagick.jl.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Cycle with ImageCore.jl through ImageMagick.jl.
(list julia-deepdiffs
@@ -4345,7 +4557,7 @@ package can help create and update if need be.")
(base32 "03hyfy7c0ma45b0y756j76awi3az2ii4bz4s8cxm3xw9yy1z7b01"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:parallel-tests? #f))
+ (list #:parallel-tests? #f))
(inputs ;required for test
(list julia-example))
@@ -4377,7 +4589,7 @@ can be avoided.")
;; Expression: hash(tr_float, hash(1)) === hash(v_float, hash(1))
;; MethodError: no method matching decompose(::ReverseDiff.TrackedReal{Float64, Float64, Nothing})
;; Disable as stopgap.
- `(#:tests? ,(not (target-x86-32?))))
+ (list #:tests? (not (target-x86-32?))))
(list julia-diffresults
@@ -4475,8 +4687,9 @@ through matrix-vector multiplication.")
(base32 "1fb1dfdmiw2ggx60hf70954xlps0r48fcb3k3dvxynlz7ylphp96"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:julia-package-name "SafeTestsets"
- #:julia-package-uuid "1bc83da4-3b8d-516f-aca4-4fe02f6d838f"))
+ (list
+ #:julia-package-name "SafeTestsets"
+ #:julia-package-uuid "1bc83da4-3b8d-516f-aca4-4fe02f6d838f"))
(list julia-staticarrays))
(home-page "https://github.com/YingboMa/SafeTestsets.jl")
@@ -4546,7 +4759,7 @@ bytes in a chunk of memory. Think of it like a much faster version of
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Test suite tries to access the Julia package registry.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Test suite tries to access the Julia package registry.
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Scratch.jl")
(synopsis "Scratch spaces for all your persistent mutable data needs")
(description "This repository implements the scratch spaces API for
@@ -4667,7 +4880,7 @@ beginners.")
(base32 "173x77a80xnh99viqa3r7rgdaksvxaw8xyfqw09gwvp4p2zrxivb"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; cycle with StatsBase.jl
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; cycle with StatsBase.jl
(list julia-datastructures))
@@ -4771,13 +4984,13 @@ some performance improvements).")
(base32 "1fwiaxdpx1z9dli3jr8kyraych0jbdiny3qklynf0r13px25r6i7"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-doctest
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- ((".*doctest.*") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'link-depot 'skip-doctest
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ ((".*doctest.*") "")))))))
(list julia-offsetarrays))
@@ -4936,14 +5149,15 @@ applied to any distance.")
(base32 "1qwc5ll68ng80b5921ww6fvifxbsmiylakfgsbsjbzg7lzyb5i67"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'skip-failing-test
- (lambda _
- ;; https://github.com/JuliaStrings/StringEncodings.jl/issues/49
- (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
- (("\"SHIFT_JIS\", \"SHIFT_JISX0213\"")
- " ")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'skip-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; https://github.com/JuliaStrings/StringEncodings.jl/issues/49
+ (substitute* "test/runtests.jl"
+ (("\"SHIFT_JIS\", \"SHIFT_JISX0213\"")
+ " ")))))))
(list julia-libiconv-jll))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaStrings/StringEncodings.jl")
@@ -4968,15 +5182,16 @@ texts between multiple character encodings. It is currently based on the
(base32 "0rjcpyjwzg70n87q5r9c5i1qzigavncslxssm3rk5a3y549py56v"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-64bit?)
- '(%standard-phases)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* '("src/utils.jl"
- "test/runtests.jl")
- (("Int64") "Int32")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-64bit?)
+ #~%standard-phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests-int32-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* '("src/utils.jl"
+ "test/runtests.jl")
+ (("Int64") "Int32"))))))))
(list julia-dataapi
@@ -5174,7 +5389,7 @@ dimensions}.")
(base32 "1lnfsmx33qspyvxw0cykwh7il8xykjpcw1080sisn95ngz2qhdmy"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; cycle with ImageMagick.jl
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; cycle with ImageMagick.jl
(list julia-axisarrays
@@ -5243,7 +5458,7 @@ automatic differentiation for its machine learning platform.")
(base32 "1w3klii293caqiclfh28jggv7f53xclm9fr6xmw38brwrn1hjb48"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; Circular dependency with various codecs.
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ; Circular dependency with various codecs.
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaIO/TranscodingStreams.jl")
(synopsis "Fast I/O transcoding data streams")
(description "This package provides tools for transcoding data streams
@@ -5338,17 +5553,17 @@ types, modules, and dictionaries.")
(base32 "0kp4hg3kknkm2smlcizqfd33l9x4vkahc2714gnbjp39fj285b92"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- '(#:julia-package-name "URIs" ;required to run tests
- #:julia-package-uuid "5c2747f8-b7ea-4ff2-ba2e-563bfd36b1d4"
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'change-dir
- ;; Tests must be run from the testdir
- (lambda* (#:key source outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (chdir
- (string-append out "/share/julia/loadpath/URIs/test")))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:julia-package-name "URIs" ;required to run tests
+ #:julia-package-uuid "5c2747f8-b7ea-4ff2-ba2e-563bfd36b1d4"
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'change-dir
+ ;; Tests must be run from the testdir
+ (lambda* (#:key source outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+ (chdir
+ (string-append out "/share/julia/loadpath/URIs/test"))))))))
;; required for tests
(inputs (list julia-json))
(home-page "https://github.com/JuliaWeb/URIs.jl")
@@ -5373,7 +5588,7 @@ working with @acronym{URIs,Uniform Resource Identifiers}, as defined in RFC
(base32 "10qwscd15dnmvx116dwvg99m7kmwgmj5ahdkq7psiq48lcc554gq"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:parallel-tests? #f))
+ (list #:parallel-tests? #f))
(list julia-constructionbase))
(home-page "https://painterqubits.github.io/Unitful.jl/stable/")
@@ -5445,15 +5660,16 @@ allows for efficient string representation and transfer")
(base32 "04yykivi8zrbryxlmb0p5xa6lma8iq22r5s863117dnnqj5gaffd"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- ,@(if (target-x86-32?)
- '((modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/woodbury.jl"
- (("@test logdet\\(W\\)")
- "@test_broken logdet(W)"))))))
- '(%standard-phases))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ (if (target-x86-32?)
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'remove-failing-test-i686
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "test/woodbury.jl"
+ (("@test logdet\\(W\\)")
+ "@test_broken logdet(W)")))))
+ #~%standard-phases)))
(home-page "https://github.com/timholy/WoodburyMatrices.jl")
(synopsis "Support for the Woodbury matrix identity for Julia")
(description "This package provides support for the Woodbury matrix identity
@@ -5548,7 +5764,7 @@ Zygote, without depending on Zygote itself.")
(base32 "1cx66sp30s34ln6p0fpqk1ggjxfxg2gp8791zz3cl85dmk4dl14b"))))
(build-system julia-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f)) ;require CUDA, not packaged yet
+ (list #:tests? #f)) ;require CUDA, not packaged yet
(list julia-abstractffts
diff --git a/gnu/packages/kde-frameworks.scm b/gnu/packages/kde-frameworks.scm
index 65937f8970..aa88d140f5 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/kde-frameworks.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/kde-frameworks.scm
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@
`(("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)))) ;for tests (needs qmake)
- `(#:tests? ,(not (null? (package-native-inputs this-package)))
+ `(#:tests? ,(and (not (%current-target-system))
+ (not (null? (package-native-inputs this-package))))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'fix-lib-path
diff --git a/gnu/packages/kde-internet.scm b/gnu/packages/kde-internet.scm
index 4e08bd5337..9de2c54ad3 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/kde-internet.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/kde-internet.scm
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
- kdewebkit
@@ -90,7 +89,6 @@
- qtwebkit
(home-page "https://kde.org/applications/internet/org.kde.choqok")
(synopsis "Micro-Blogging Client")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/kde-multimedia.scm b/gnu/packages/kde-multimedia.scm
index e7a2b943e0..f4e0c0cc4b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/kde-multimedia.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/kde-multimedia.scm
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages audio)
- #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages cdrom)
#:use-module (gnu packages docbook)
@@ -411,7 +410,6 @@ variety of formats.")
;; TODO: LibFuzzer
- libiconv
@@ -421,7 +419,6 @@ variety of formats.")
oxygen-icons ; default icon set
- qtwebkit
diff --git a/gnu/packages/kde.scm b/gnu/packages/kde.scm
index 8dfcba1388..e88ac7de15 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/kde.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/kde.scm
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Zheng Junjie <873216071@qq.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alexandros Theodotou <alex@zrythm.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 la snesne <lasnesne@lagunposprasihopre.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system qt)
#:use-module (guix deprecation)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages apr)
#:use-module (gnu packages astronomy)
#:use-module (gnu packages audio)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages bison)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
@@ -219,85 +221,88 @@ browser for easy news reading.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public kdenlive
- (let ((version "21.08.3"))
- (package
- (name "kdenlive")
- (version version)
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0lpspak5djkbn2xbmmbxls258310g45n3a08sghkjl08bx6ilvc9"))))
- (build-system qt-build-system)
- (native-inputs
- (list extra-cmake-modules pkg-config qttools))
- (inputs
- (list breeze ; make dark them available easily
- breeze-icons ; recommended icon set
- ffmpeg
- frei0r-plugins
- karchive
- kcrash
- kdbusaddons
- kdeclarative
- kdoctools
- kfilemetadata
- kguiaddons
- kiconthemes
- knewstuff
- knotifications
- knotifyconfig
- kparts
- kplotting
- mlt
- purpose
- qtbase-5
- qtdeclarative
- qtgraphicaleffects
- qtmultimedia
- qtnetworkauth
- qtquickcontrols
- qtquickcontrols2
- qtscript
- qtsvg
- qtwebkit
- shared-mime-info))
- (arguments
- ;; XXX: there is a single test that spawns other tests and
- ;; 1/3 tests failed and 1/327 assertions failed. It seems
- ;; that individual tests can't be skipped.
- `(#:configure-flags (list "-DBUILD_TESTING=off")
- #:tests? #f
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'install 'wrap-executable
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (qtbase (assoc-ref inputs "qtbase"))
- (frei0r (assoc-ref inputs "frei0r-plugins"))
- (ffmpeg (assoc-ref inputs "ffmpeg")))
- (wrap-program (string-append out "/bin/kdenlive")
- `("PATH" ":" prefix
- ,(list (string-append ffmpeg "/bin")))
- `("FREI0R_PATH" ":" =
- (,(string-append frei0r "/lib/frei0r-1/")))
- (,(string-append qtbase "/lib/qt5/plugins/platforms")))
- `("MLT_PREFIX" ":" =
- (,(assoc-ref inputs "mlt"))))))))))
- (home-page "https://kdenlive.org")
- (synopsis "Non-linear video editor")
- (description "Kdenlive is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor.
+ (package
+ (name "kdenlive")
+ (version "21.12.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "19fs5zhz1nv5cvf709c5741nri139pl5mzpf2xnd4sqj0rmyv228"))))
+ (build-system qt-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; XXX: there is a single test that spawns other tests and
+ ;; 1/3 tests failed and 1/327 assertions failed. It seems
+ ;; that individual tests can't be skipped.
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DBUILD_TESTING=off")
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap-executable
+ (lambda _
+ (let* ((ffmpeg #$(this-package-input "ffmpeg"))
+ (frei0r #$(this-package-input "frei0r-plugins"))
+ (ladspa #$(this-package-input "ladspa"))
+ (qtbase #$(this-package-input "qtbase")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append #$output "/bin/kdenlive")
+ `("PATH" ":" prefix
+ ,(list (string-append ffmpeg "/bin")))
+ `("FREI0R_PATH" ":" =
+ (,(string-append frei0r "/lib/frei0r-1")))
+ `("LADSPA_PATH" ":" =
+ (,(string-append ladspa "/lib/ladspa")))
+ (,(string-append qtbase "/lib/qt5/plugins/platforms")))
+ `("MLT_PREFIX" ":" =
+ (,#$(this-package-input "mlt"))))))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list extra-cmake-modules pkg-config qttools))
+ (inputs
+ (list bash-minimal
+ breeze ; make dark them available easily
+ breeze-icons ; recommended icon set
+ ffmpeg
+ frei0r-plugins
+ karchive
+ kcrash
+ kdbusaddons
+ kdeclarative
+ kdoctools
+ kfilemetadata
+ kguiaddons
+ kiconthemes
+ knewstuff
+ knotifications
+ knotifyconfig
+ kparts
+ kplotting
+ ladspa
+ mlt
+ purpose
+ qtbase-5
+ qtdeclarative
+ qtgraphicaleffects
+ qtmultimedia
+ qtnetworkauth
+ qtquickcontrols
+ qtquickcontrols2
+ qtscript
+ qtsvg
+ shared-mime-info))
+ (home-page "https://kdenlive.org")
+ (synopsis "Non-linear video editor")
+ (description "Kdenlive is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor.
Non-linear video editing is much more powerful than beginner's (linear)
editors, hence it requires a bit more organization before starting. However,
it is not reserved to specialists and can be used for small personal
- (license license:gpl2+))))
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public kdevelop
diff --git a/gnu/packages/lean.scm b/gnu/packages/lean.scm
index 6ac7f1668a..12c1849cdb 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/lean.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/lean.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Amin Bandali <bandali@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Pradana Aumars <paumars@courrier.dev>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -19,16 +20,25 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gnu packages lean)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
- #:use-module (guix git-download))
+ #:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages graphviz)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages version-control)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-build)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-crypto)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-web)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages python-xyz))
(define-public lean
(name "lean")
- (version "3.23.0")
+ (version "3.41.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/leanprover-community/lean")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -37,19 +47,19 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "09mklc1p6ms1jayg2f89hqfmhca3h5744lli936l38ypn1d00sxx"))))
+ "0mpxlfjq460x1vi3v6qzgjv74asg0qlhykd51pj347795x5b1hf1"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- (list gmp))
+ (list bash-minimal gmp))
`(#:build-type "Release" ; default upstream build type
;; XXX: Test phases currently fail on 32-bit sytems.
;; Tests for those architectures have been temporarily
;; disabled, pending further investigation.
- #:tests? ,(let ((arch (or (%current-target-system)
- (%current-system))))
- (not (or (string-prefix? "i686" arch)
- (string-prefix? "armhf" arch))))
+ #:tests? ,(and (not (%current-target-system))
+ (let ((arch (%current-system)))
+ (not (or (string-prefix? "i686" arch)
+ (string-prefix? "armhf" arch)))))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-tests-shebangs
@@ -62,13 +72,46 @@
(string-append "#!" bash))
(("#![[:blank:]]?usr/bin/env bash")
- (string-append "#!" bash)))
- #t)))
+ (string-append "#!" bash))))))
(add-before 'configure 'chdir-to-src
- (lambda _ (chdir "src") #t)))))
+ (lambda _ (chdir "src"))))))
(synopsis "Theorem prover and programming language")
"Lean is a theorem prover and programming language with a small trusted
core based on dependent typed theory, aiming to bridge the gap between
interactive and automated theorem proving.")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public python-mathlibtools
+ (package
+ (name "python-mathlibtools")
+ (version "1.1.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "mathlibtools" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "089pql105imx8z7ar1wiz9fn000jp6xqdfixw4jf2vric94vn9fj"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'fix-home-directory
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))
+ (inputs (list python-toml
+ python-pygithub
+ python-certifi
+ python-gitpython
+ python-requests
+ python-click
+ python-tqdm
+ python-networkx
+ python-pydot
+ python-pyyaml
+ python-atomicwrites))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib-tools")
+ (synopsis "Development tools for Lean mathlib")
+ (description
+ "This package contains @command{leanproject}, a supporting tool for Lean
+mathlib, a mathematical library for the Lean theorem prover.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/less.scm b/gnu/packages/less.scm
index e23b5d0c24..6bcc4ad49a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/less.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/less.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -20,10 +21,12 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gnu packages less)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix licenses)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages perl-compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages file)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
@@ -59,38 +62,57 @@ text editors.")
(define-public lesspipe
(name "lesspipe")
- (version "1.91")
+ (version "2.04")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/wofr06/lesspipe")
- (commit version)))
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "04dqvq6j4h451xqbvxzv6pv679hzzfm39pdm5vg7h3r45gzg0kps"))))
+ "1mwmwkmiyrpib18mli4wrh9n0i12cnf08ssrj6a0s6bgjcfxcjr2"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- '(#:tests? #f ; no tests
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (delete-file "Makefile") ; force generating
- (invoke "./configure"
- (string-append "--prefix=" out)
- "--yes"))))
- (add-before 'install 'patch-tput-and-file
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* "lesspipe.sh"
- (("tput colors")
- (string-append (search-input-file inputs "/bin/tput")
- " colors"))
- (("file -")
- (string-append (search-input-file inputs "/bin/file")
- " -"))))))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ; no tests
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; configure is a perl script which the standard configure phase
+ ;; fails to execute
+ (invoke "./configure"
+ (string-append "--prefix=" (assoc-ref outputs "out")))))
+ (add-before 'install 'fix-makefile
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ (("\\$\\(DESTDIR\\)/etc") "$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/etc"))))
+ (add-before 'install 'patch-command-paths
+ ;; Depending on the content of the file to be displayed and some
+ ;; settings, lesspipe trees to use a large variety of external
+ ;; commands, e.g. rpm, dpkg, vimcolor. We only link the
+ ;; essential ones to avoid this package to pull in all these
+ ;; dependencies which might never ever we used.
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((file (search-input-file inputs "/bin/file"))
+ (tput (search-input-file inputs "/bin/tput")))
+ (substitute* "sxw2txt"
+ (("^use warnings;" line)
+ (string-append
+ line "\nuse lib '" #$(this-package-input "perl-archive-zip")
+ "/lib/perl5/site_perl';")))
+ (substitute* "lesscomplete"
+ (("file -") (string-append file " -")))
+ (substitute* "lesspipe.sh"
+ (("tput colors")
+ (string-append tput " colors"))
+ (("file -")
+ (string-append file " -")))))))))
- (list file ncurses)) ; for tput
+ (list file
+ ncurses ;; for tput
+ perl-archive-zip))
(native-inputs (list perl))
(home-page "https://github.com/wofr06/lesspipe")
(synopsis "Input filter for less")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/linphone.scm b/gnu/packages/linphone.scm
index 285ecb58fd..504b494563 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/linphone.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/linphone.scm
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages admin)
#:use-module (gnu packages audio)
#:use-module (gnu packages avahi)
- #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages crypto)
@@ -260,8 +259,7 @@ IETF.")
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "debug" "tester"))
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:configure-flags '("-DENABLE_STATIC=OFF")
+ `(#:configure-flags '("-DENABLE_STATIC=OFF")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'patch-vcard-grammar-location
@@ -764,31 +762,30 @@ device.")
(rename-file (string-append out "/share/" tester-name)
(string-append tester "/share/" tester-name))))))))
- `(("dot" ,graphviz)
- ("doxygen" ,doxygen)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("pystache" ,python-pystache)
- ("six" ,python-six)
- ("udev" ,eudev)))
+ (list graphviz
+ doxygen
+ gettext-minimal
+ perl
+ python-wrapper
+ python-pystache
+ python-six
+ eudev))
- `(("bctoolbox" ,bctoolbox)
- ("belcard" ,belcard)
- ("bellesip" ,belle-sip)
- ("belr" ,belr)
- ("bzrtp" ,bzrtp)
- ("iconv" ,libiconv)
- ("ldap" ,openldap)
- ("libxsd" ,xsd)
- ("lime" ,lime)
- ("mediastreamer2" ,mediastreamer2)
- ("notify" ,libnotify)
- ("ortp" ,ortp)
- ("soci" ,soci)
- ("sqlite" ,sqlite)
- ("xml2" ,libxml2)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list bctoolbox
+ belcard
+ belle-sip
+ belr
+ bzrtp
+ openldap
+ xsd
+ lime
+ mediastreamer2
+ libnotify
+ ortp
+ soci
+ sqlite
+ libxml2
+ zlib))
(synopsis "Belledonne Communications Softphone Library")
(description "Liblinphone is a high-level SIP library integrating
all calling and instant messaging features into an unified
diff --git a/gnu/packages/linux.scm b/gnu/packages/linux.scm
index c9e6ab12c2..6b80688eb7 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/linux.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/linux.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2021, 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2012 Nikita Karetnikov <nikita@karetnikov.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Raymond Nicholson <rain1@openmailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018–2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018-2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2016 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2016-2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018 Rene Saavedra <pacoon@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Carlos Sánchez de La Lama <csanchezdll@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2017 José Miguel Sánchez García <jmi2k@openmailbox.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Gábor Boskovits <boskovits@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Olivier Dion <olivier.dion@polymtl.ca>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Artyom V. Poptsov <poptsov.artyom@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -358,116 +360,114 @@ corresponding UPSTREAM-SOURCE (an origin), using the given DEBLOB-SCRIPTS."
;; The current "stable" kernels. That is, the most recently released major
;; versions that are still supported upstream.
-;; Currently, no stable kernels are packaged.
+(define-public linux-libre-5.16-version "5.16.16")
+(define-public linux-libre-5.16-gnu-revision "gnu")
+(define deblob-scripts-5.16
+ (linux-libre-deblob-scripts
+ linux-libre-5.16-version
+ linux-libre-5.16-gnu-revision
+ (base32 "0c9c8zd85p84r8k4xhys8xw15pds71v0ca2b6hm1pr4f6lpzck0g")
+ (base32 "0hpr1qr68xh52gzzw5jbwq4i8qd2a5mfbn8s2jj378550kfsn3c0")))
+(define-public linux-libre-5.16-pristine-source
+ (let ((version linux-libre-5.16-version)
+ (hash (base32 "13qk6cjnjwgnxj25mphyv08pjf1sqz7bxxrr3fpl8gz3aghdd9yc")))
+ (make-linux-libre-source version
+ (%upstream-linux-source version hash)
+ deblob-scripts-5.16)))
;; The "longterm" kernels — the older releases with long-term upstream support.
;; Here are the support timelines:
;; <https://www.kernel.org/category/releases.html>
-(define-public linux-libre-5.15-version "5.15.16")
+(define-public linux-libre-5.15-version "5.15.30")
(define-public linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision "gnu")
(define deblob-scripts-5.15
(base32 "1rfhwfzifmbpnrhmrn3srm736nkm1v6affw915d0fgqzqgi8qfai")
- (base32 "04fj1x3zmi310cr3m9hxpi26gdcmwfsqciv5yb6q6rrnqjqs1pc0")))
+ (base32 "0mwzr1ffrr02pyy4rhwrv8msm9l59mg1d164j6qif7kkax2mdg66")))
(define-public linux-libre-5.15-pristine-source
(let ((version linux-libre-5.15-version)
- (hash (base32 "150pzxra564z9xaaclmbbd29x4x9il8y78zz7szi50lzx0a0l2ms")))
+ (hash (base32 "0ckiz985x88x68psg6wazyk7zpv34k8rbzpzyzj0gaph13za4ki5")))
(make-linux-libre-source version
(%upstream-linux-source version hash)
-(define-public linux-libre-5.10-version "5.10.93")
+(define-public linux-libre-5.10-version "5.10.107")
(define-public linux-libre-5.10-gnu-revision "gnu1")
(define deblob-scripts-5.10
(base32 "1swy3y851jnnmk3hc0khllpsifb98camlwyskpn1dyvjsgjljd8x")
- (base32 "024rz0bp3n3r5nkwbib7byx10d72c2fh5cw9iv00diyzgnp819g7")))
+ (base32 "051ig1nn45jmm3nk7cxnqabcq3nn62d4dq4ggycsbnx24ckkzfrr")))
(define-public linux-libre-5.10-pristine-source
(let ((version linux-libre-5.10-version)
- (hash (base32 "1jxv7can60rc5i2yjgj8frcjvwi1jnba1jl8i3070xmb1d1qqy56")))
+ (hash (base32 "1snzzhkzdjlj92gqig3sanxlhv0xc0xk2xwjdjr0yds6g43w6ry4")))
(make-linux-libre-source version
(%upstream-linux-source version hash)
-(define-public linux-libre-5.4-version "5.4.173")
+(define-public linux-libre-5.4-version "5.4.186")
(define-public linux-libre-5.4-gnu-revision "gnu1")
(define deblob-scripts-5.4
(base32 "1nlgk8ajb5wl3aa96h9a0pb9j5a5wmrbpk63varn557x1d00r7wj")
- (base32 "1a0k9i8gnzkyvfr80f8xw2fnxfwddhz1pzicz9fh0y3jzzkzk45p")))
+ (base32 "1mp9d0b7mqw7cl65k0a18265cvn4qwcpnvna8r6n5m3y4pz3rik9")))
(define-public linux-libre-5.4-pristine-source
(let ((version linux-libre-5.4-version)
- (hash (base32 "0ff2jvwxj55547wvwp94a8bsd610s72906d4nsyhiirrn9sy5s4r")))
+ (hash (base32 "1f9rigm58miq5s98bx7pvylqi9hlzlfnq1nrj4cd8f4arcjcvxv1")))
(make-linux-libre-source version
(%upstream-linux-source version hash)
-(define-public linux-libre-4.19-version "4.19.225")
+(define-public linux-libre-4.19-version "4.19.235")
(define-public linux-libre-4.19-gnu-revision "gnu1")
(define deblob-scripts-4.19
(base32 "06pqv050bkii0hc2v7ymny5264w1bca8db0dp1pw9mfmjg865am5")
- (base32 "1a0k9i8gnzkyvfr80f8xw2fnxfwddhz1pzicz9fh0y3jzzkzk45p")))
+ (base32 "1mp9d0b7mqw7cl65k0a18265cvn4qwcpnvna8r6n5m3y4pz3rik9")))
(define-public linux-libre-4.19-pristine-source
(let ((version linux-libre-4.19-version)
- (hash (base32 "15k7b04zx5ggfjagp8sfrylr9xgwgz3hb2bygdml7ka1jnbv76jb")))
+ (hash (base32 "1615y3ma9icmqqr7lisl8nd8zvvkh77a81yl39yvy6qi9345l32k")))
(make-linux-libre-source version
(%upstream-linux-source version hash)
-(define-public linux-libre-4.14-version "4.14.262")
+(define-public linux-libre-4.14-version "4.14.272")
(define-public linux-libre-4.14-gnu-revision "gnu1")
(define deblob-scripts-4.14
(base32 "02rxvr0gmxb3zfsyyzdmzgfq04gkdkv1cc38md0xfl0mxzdzdfyk")
- (base32 "1a0k9i8gnzkyvfr80f8xw2fnxfwddhz1pzicz9fh0y3jzzkzk45p")))
+ (base32 "1mp9d0b7mqw7cl65k0a18265cvn4qwcpnvna8r6n5m3y4pz3rik9")))
(define-public linux-libre-4.14-pristine-source
(let ((version linux-libre-4.14-version)
- (hash (base32 "05yl51r5n3q9l8pq6azx3bbl69l79lk8vkdivy3cvgzdh59pizac")))
+ (hash (base32 "0scx13pc5y5jmm5xa17my242gsgb1mf0cgqzjx656g7kkh4phqcv")))
(make-linux-libre-source version
(%upstream-linux-source version hash)
-(define-public linux-libre-4.9-version "4.9.297")
+(define-public linux-libre-4.9-version "4.9.307")
(define-public linux-libre-4.9-gnu-revision "gnu1")
(define deblob-scripts-4.9
(base32 "0nai5m4rbh37qaj1xf2qj7656l2gacfh0847q5d07y22b048fq5n")
- (base32 "1a0k9i8gnzkyvfr80f8xw2fnxfwddhz1pzicz9fh0y3jzzkzk45p")))
+ (base32 "0wdaj40pcq9wg5xnz2zj3jj8bawhfgqxcwp6dnavbf9lq0gca48p")))
(define-public linux-libre-4.9-pristine-source
(let ((version linux-libre-4.9-version)
- (hash (base32 "17yqnr6p0prgcw8nikjmi49ll4s77ylaixcja5m15cq9x36shfz4")))
+ (hash (base32 "1xyhz7hq8yyclxyavzk36sbl41vlb74pccd56240kq34ma1hyis7")))
(make-linux-libre-source version
(%upstream-linux-source version hash)
-(define-public linux-libre-4.4-version "4.4.299")
-(define-public linux-libre-4.4-gnu-revision "gnu1")
-(define deblob-scripts-4.4
- (linux-libre-deblob-scripts
- linux-libre-4.4-version
- linux-libre-4.4-gnu-revision
- (base32 "1mmnv77432la5dkhpy1n8w59c0v6l08fyf2ggh294gyrx8nbci11")
- (base32 "1a0k9i8gnzkyvfr80f8xw2fnxfwddhz1pzicz9fh0y3jzzkzk45p")))
-(define-public linux-libre-4.4-pristine-source
- (let ((version linux-libre-4.4-version)
- (hash (base32 "019hmplv1zhghl840qky9awziba3gx7jm80khny44gjfbyzf7d4v")))
- (make-linux-libre-source version
- (%upstream-linux-source version hash)
- deblob-scripts-4.4)))
(define %boot-logo-patch
;; Linux-Libre boot logo featuring Freedo and a gnu.
@@ -496,6 +496,11 @@ corresponding UPSTREAM-SOURCE (an origin), using the given DEBLOB-SCRIPTS."
(patches (append (origin-patches source)
+(define-public linux-libre-5.16-source
+ (source-with-patches linux-libre-5.16-pristine-source
+ (list %boot-logo-patch
+ %linux-libre-arm-export-__sync_icache_dcache-patch)))
(define-public linux-libre-5.15-source
(source-with-patches linux-libre-5.15-pristine-source
(list %boot-logo-patch
@@ -528,10 +533,6 @@ corresponding UPSTREAM-SOURCE (an origin), using the given DEBLOB-SCRIPTS."
(source-with-patches linux-libre-4.9-pristine-source
(list %boot-logo-patch)))
-(define-public linux-libre-4.4-source
- (source-with-patches linux-libre-4.4-pristine-source
- (list %boot-logo-patch)))
;;; Kernel headers.
@@ -608,6 +609,11 @@ corresponding UPSTREAM-SOURCE (an origin), using the given DEBLOB-SCRIPTS."
(description "Headers of the Linux-Libre kernel.")
(license license:gpl2)))
+(define-public linux-libre-headers-5.16
+ (make-linux-libre-headers* linux-libre-5.16-version
+ linux-libre-5.16-gnu-revision
+ linux-libre-5.16-source))
(define-public linux-libre-headers-5.15
(make-linux-libre-headers* linux-libre-5.15-version
@@ -638,11 +644,6 @@ corresponding UPSTREAM-SOURCE (an origin), using the given DEBLOB-SCRIPTS."
-(define-public linux-libre-headers-4.4
- (make-linux-libre-headers* linux-libre-4.4-version
- linux-libre-4.4-gnu-revision
- linux-libre-4.4-source))
;; The following package is used in the early bootstrap, and thus must be kept
;; stable and with minimal build requirements.
(define-public linux-libre-headers-5.10.35
@@ -665,7 +666,10 @@ for ARCH and optionally VARIANT, or #f if there is no such configuration."
(search-auxiliary-file file)))
(define %default-extra-linux-options
- `(;; Some very mild hardening.
+ `(;; Make the kernel config available at /proc/config.gz
+ ;; Some very mild hardening.
;; All kernels should have NAMESPACES options enabled
@@ -920,6 +924,19 @@ It has been modified to remove all non-free binary blobs.")
;;; Generic kernel packages.
+(define-public linux-libre-5.16
+ (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.16-version
+ linux-libre-5.16-gnu-revision
+ linux-libre-5.16-source
+ '("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "armhf-linux" "aarch64-linux" "riscv64-linux")
+ #:configuration-file kernel-config))
+(define-public linux-libre-version linux-libre-5.16-version)
+(define-public linux-libre-gnu-revision linux-libre-5.16-gnu-revision)
+(define-public linux-libre-pristine-source linux-libre-5.16-pristine-source)
+(define-public linux-libre-source linux-libre-5.16-source)
+(define-public linux-libre linux-libre-5.16)
(define-public linux-libre-5.15
(make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.15-version
@@ -927,12 +944,6 @@ It has been modified to remove all non-free binary blobs.")
'("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "armhf-linux" "aarch64-linux" "riscv64-linux")
#:configuration-file kernel-config))
-(define-public linux-libre-version linux-libre-5.15-version)
-(define-public linux-libre-gnu-revision linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision)
-(define-public linux-libre-pristine-source linux-libre-5.15-pristine-source)
-(define-public linux-libre-source linux-libre-5.15-source)
-(define-public linux-libre linux-libre-5.15)
(define-public linux-libre-5.10
(make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.10-version
@@ -968,19 +979,6 @@ It has been modified to remove all non-free binary blobs.")
'("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux")
#:configuration-file kernel-config))
-(define-public linux-libre-4.4
- (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-4.4-version
- linux-libre-4.4-gnu-revision
- linux-libre-4.4-source
- '("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux")
- #:configuration-file kernel-config
- #:extra-options
- (append
- `(;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2014-04/msg00039.html
- ;; This option was removed upstream in version 4.7.
- %default-extra-linux-options)))
;; Linux-Libre-LTS points to the *newest* released long-term support version of
;; Linux-Libre.
;; Reference: https://jxself.org/linux-libre/
@@ -1162,9 +1160,9 @@ It has been modified to remove all non-free binary blobs.")
(define-public linux-libre-with-bpf
(let ((base-linux-libre
- linux-libre-5.15-version
- linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision
- linux-libre-5.15-source
+ linux-libre-5.16-version
+ linux-libre-5.16-gnu-revision
+ linux-libre-5.16-source
'("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" "armhf-linux"
"aarch64-linux" "riscv64-linux")
#:extra-version "bpf"
@@ -1386,8 +1384,8 @@ network adapters.")
(license license:gpl2))))
(define-public rtl8812au-aircrack-ng-linux-module
- (let ((commit "307d694076b056588c652c2bdaa543a89eb255d9")
- (revision "6"))
+ (let ((commit "37e27f9165300c89607144b646545fac576ec510")
+ (revision "7"))
(inherit rtl8821ce-linux-module)
(name "rtl8812au-aircrack-ng-linux-module")
@@ -1400,7 +1398,7 @@ network adapters.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1g2zga7jqzp4azwqpgxxx3lg07ijaaqw3zqnaa3i2brycwlnf8l9"))
+ (base32 "09n814pa6i0b0xkgssymcmbcdic05y9z5bsr6sxjfs40wawsk6af"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -1822,6 +1820,7 @@ providing the system administrator with some help in common tasks.")
(define-public util-linux
(name "util-linux")
+ (replacement util-linux/fixed)
(version "2.37.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1956,6 +1955,7 @@ providing the system administrator with some help in common tasks.")
utilities. It provides dmesg and includes tools for working with file systems,
block devices, UUIDs, TTYs, and many other tools.")
+ (properties '((upstream-name . "util-linux")))
;; Note that util-linux doesn't use the same license for all the
;; code. GPLv2+ is the default license for a code without an
;; explicitly defined license.
@@ -1970,8 +1970,23 @@ block devices, UUIDs, TTYs, and many other tools.")
(name "util-linux-with-udev")
- `(("udev" ,eudev)
- ,@(package-inputs util-linux)))))
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs util-linux)
+ (prepend eudev)))))
+;; This is mostly equivalent to the upstream release version v2.37.3, except
+;; that the upstream tarball was generated improperly, which breaks the build.
+;; There will not be a v2.37.3-fixed release or anything like that to fix it:
+;; https://github.com/util-linux/util-linux/issues/1577
+(define-public util-linux/fixed
+ (hidden-package
+ (package
+ (inherit util-linux)
+ (source (origin
+ (inherit (package-source util-linux))
+ (patches (append (search-patches "util-linux-CVE-2021-3995.patch"
+ "util-linux-CVE-2021-3996.patch")
+ (origin-patches (package-source util-linux)))))))))
(define-public ddate
@@ -2093,6 +2108,7 @@ parameters.")
that give information about processes using the Linux /proc file system.
The package includes the programs free, pgrep, pidof, pkill, pmap, ps, pwdx,
slabtop, tload, top, vmstat, w, watch and sysctl.")
+ (properties '((upstream-name . "procps-ng")))
(license license:gpl2)))
(define-public usbutils
@@ -2933,9 +2949,9 @@ configuration (iptunnel, ipmaddr).")
;; Tell the makefile to use TARGET-gcc and friends
;; when cross-compiling.
#$@(if (%current-target-system)
- `((list (string-append "CROSS_COMPILE="
- ,(%current-target-system) "-")
- "BUILD_CC=gcc"))
+ `((string-append "CROSS_COMPILE="
+ ,(%current-target-system) "-")
+ "BUILD_CC=gcc")
(native-inputs (list perl))
(supported-systems (delete "i586-gnu" %supported-systems))
@@ -3989,13 +4005,22 @@ one to send arbitrary keycodes when a given key is tapped or held.")
(patches (search-patches "lvm2-static-link.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list pkg-config procps)) ;tests use 'pgrep'
+ (list config
+ pkg-config procps)) ;tests use 'pgrep'
`(("libaio" ,libaio)
("udev" ,eudev)))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'update-config
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (install-file (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs) "/bin/config.sub")
+ "autoconf")
+ (install-file (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs) "/bin/config.guess")
+ "autoconf")))
(add-after 'configure 'set-makefile-shell
(lambda _
;; Use 'sh', not 'bash', so that '. lib/utils.sh' works as
@@ -4432,20 +4457,21 @@ create a firmware image suitable for the Linux kernel, and more.")
(define-public i2c-tools
(name "i2c-tools")
- (version "3.1.1")
+ (version "4.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
- version ".tar.bz2"))
+ version ".tar.xz"))
- "000pvg995qy1b15ks59gd0klri55hb33kqpg5czy84hw1pbdgm0l"))))
+ "1y0fphjd5ah2j886x8i175r7viq0hmx666hyca0wi4dzrm290qxk"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no 'check' target
- ,#~(list (string-append "prefix=" #$output)
+ ,#~(list (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output)
+ (string-append "LDFLAGS+=-Wl,-rpath=" #$output "/lib")
(string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target)))
;; No configure script.
#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases (delete 'configure))))
@@ -4460,6 +4486,24 @@ EEPROM decoding scripts, EEPROM programming tools, and a python module for
SMBus access.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public i2c-tools-3
+ (package
+ (inherit i2c-tools)
+ (name "i2c-tools")
+ (version "3.1.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append
+ "http://jdelvare.nerim.net/mirror/i2c-tools/i2c-tools-"
+ version ".tar.bz2"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0hd4c1w8lnwc3j95h3vpd125170l1d4myspyrlpamqx6wbr6jpnv"))))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments i2c-tools)
+ ((#:make-flags _)
+ #~(list (string-append "prefix=" #$output)
+ (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target))))))))
(define-public xsensors
(name "xsensors")
@@ -4511,7 +4555,15 @@ in a digital read-out.")
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(setenv "SHELL_PATH" (which "bash"))
(chdir "tools/perf")
- #t)))
+ ;; This file hard-codes file system layouts for specific distros
+ ;; but not for ours; address that. With this change, one can run
+ ;; "perf report --symfs=$HOME/.guix-profile" (without
+ ;; "/lib/debug") and 'perf' should be able to find separate debug
+ ;; info files.
+ (substitute* "util/dso.c"
+ (("/usr/lib/debug")
+ "/lib/debug")))))
#:make-flags (list (string-append "prefix="
(assoc-ref %outputs "out"))
@@ -4522,28 +4574,26 @@ in a digital read-out.")
#:tests? #f)) ;no tests
- `(("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("bison" ,bison)
- ("flex" ,flex)
- ;; There are build scripts written in these languages.
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("python2" ,python-2)
- ("python3" ,python-3)))
+ (list pkg-config
+ bison
+ flex
+ ;; There are build scripts written in these languages.
+ perl
+ python-2
+ python-3))
- `(("slang" ,slang) ;for the interactive TUI
- ;; ("newt" ,newt)
- ("python" ,python-2) ;'perf' links against libpython
- ("elfutils" ,elfutils)
- ("libiberty" ,libiberty) ;used alongside BDF for symbol demangling
- ("libunwind" ,libunwind) ;better stack walking
- ("numactl" ,numactl) ;for 'perf bench numa mem'
- ;; Documentation.
- ("libxml2" ,libxml2) ;for $XML_CATALOG_FILES
- ("docbook-xsl" ,docbook-xsl)
- ("xmlto" ,xmlto)
- ("asciidoc" ,asciidoc)))
+ (list slang ;for the interactive TUI
+ ;; newt
+ python-2 ;'perf' links against libpython
+ elfutils
+ libiberty ;used alongside BDF for symbol demangling
+ libunwind ;better stack walking
+ numactl ;for 'perf bench numa mem'
+ ;; Documentation.
+ libxml2 ;for $XML_CATALOG_FILES
+ docbook-xsl
+ xmlto
+ asciidoc))
(home-page "https://perf.wiki.kernel.org/")
(synopsis "Linux profiling with performance counters")
@@ -5219,7 +5269,19 @@ Linux Device Mapper multipathing driver:
#:test-target "partcheck" ; need root for a full 'check'
#~(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure)))) ; no configure script
+ (delete 'configure) ; no configure script
+ ;; TODO: Make this phase unconditional on core-updates.
+ #$@(if (target-riscv64?)
+ '((add-before 'check 'patch-for-riscv-support
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Taken from the upstream repo:
+ ;; https://pagure.io/libaio/c/f322f467c3cd2ac4d8d08a19bd281eabb65433b1?branch=master
+ (substitute* "harness/cases/16.t"
+ (("(elif defined\\(__aarch64__\\))" all)
+ (string-append all " || defined(__riscv)"))
+ (("(endif /* __aarch64__)" all)
+ (string-append all " || __riscv "))))))
+ '()))))
(home-page "https://pagure.io/libaio")
(synopsis "Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library")
@@ -5811,7 +5873,7 @@ feature, and a laptop with an accelerometer. It has no effect on SSDs.")
(define-public thinkfan
(name "thinkfan")
- (version "1.3.0")
+ (version "1.3.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -5820,37 +5882,35 @@ feature, and a laptop with an accelerometer. It has no effect on SSDs.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1whdhf3aw0g4xwbn1csy2wz6g1hw5nlw64r91nnxba9qn25nl9k4"))))
+ (base32 "07l7cxbsyvy7awa1zk0zxng60749idvsx3535iginhkqxfzij4b9"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:modules ((guix build cmake-build-system)
+ (list
+ #:modules '((guix build cmake-build-system)
(guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-26))
- #:tests? #f ; no test target
- #:configure-flags
- ;; Enable reading temperatures from hard disks via S.M.A.R.T.
- ;; Upstream ‘defaults to OFF because libatasmart seems to be horribly
- ;; inefficient’.
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'create-init-scripts
- ;; CMakeLists.txt relies on build-time symptoms of OpenRC and
- ;; systemd to patch and install their service files. Fake their
- ;; presence rather than duplicating the build system below. Leave
- ;; things like ‘/bin/kill’ because they're not worth a dependency.
- ;; The sysvinit needs manual patching, but since upstream doesn't
- ;; even provide the option to install it: don't.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (share (string-append out "/share/" ,name)))
- (substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
- (("pkg_check_modules\\((OPENRC|SYSTEMD) .*" _ package)
- (format #f "option(~a_FOUND \"Faked\" ON)\n" package))
- ;; That was easy! Now we just need to fix the destinations.
- (("/etc" directory)
- (string-append out directory)))
- #t))))))
+ #:tests? #f ; no test target
+ #:configure-flags
+ ;; Enable reading temperatures from hard disks via S.M.A.R.T.
+ ;; Upstream ‘defaults to OFF because libatasmart seems to be horribly
+ ;; inefficient’.
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'create-init-scripts
+ ;; CMakeLists.txt relies on build-time symptoms of OpenRC and
+ ;; systemd to patch and install their service files. Fake their
+ ;; presence rather than duplicating the build system below. Leave
+ ;; things like ‘/bin/kill’ because they're not worth a dependency.
+ ;; The sysvinit needs manual patching, but since upstream doesn't
+ ;; even provide the option to install it: don't.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("pkg_check_modules\\((OPENRC|SYSTEMD) .*" _ package)
+ (format #f "option(~a_FOUND \"Faked\" ON)\n" package))
+ ;; That was easy! Now we just need to fix the destinations.
+ (("/etc" directory)
+ (string-append #$output directory))))))))
(list pkg-config))
@@ -6563,7 +6623,10 @@ exceeded.")
- '(#:configure-flags '("--enable-unit-tests")))
+ (list #:configure-flags
+ (if (%current-target-system) ; When cross-compiling.
+ #~(list)
+ #~(list "--enable-unit-tests"))))
(list cmocka pkg-config))
@@ -6661,38 +6724,36 @@ under OpenGL graphics workloads.")
(define-public efivar
(name "efivar")
- (version "37")
+ (version "38")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/rhboot/" name
"/releases/download/" version "/" name
"-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- (patches (search-patches "efivar-gcc-compat.patch"))
- "17vvfivhsrszh7q39b6npjsrhrhsjf1cmmcpp3xrh6wh7ywzwrrw"))
- (modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet
- '(begin
- ;; Compile everything within a single LTO partition
- ;; to work around ordering issues in the code. Try
- ;; removing this for versions > 37.
- (substitute* "Make.defaults"
- (("-flto")
- "-flto -flto-partition=one"))))))
+ "0jaka7b4lccswjqiv4liclkj6w78gildg7vd6dnw3wf595pfs67h"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(;; Tests require a UEFI system and is not detected in the chroot.
+ (list
+ ;; Tests require a UEFI system and is not detected in the chroot.
#:tests? #f
- #:make-flags (list (string-append "prefix=" %output)
- (string-append "libdir=" %output "/lib")
- (string-append "CC_FOR_BUILD=" ,(cc-for-target))
- (string-append "LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=" %output "/lib"))
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "prefix=" #$output)
+ (string-append "libdir=" #$output "/lib")
+ (string-append "CC_FOR_BUILD=" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (string-append "LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=" #$output "/lib"))
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure))))
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'build-deterministically
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/include/defaults.mk"
+ ;; Don't use -march=native.
+ (("-march=native")
+ ""))))
+ (delete 'configure))))
- (list pkg-config))
+ (list mandoc pkg-config))
(list popt))
(home-page "https://github.com/rhboot/efivar")
@@ -6714,19 +6775,28 @@ interface to the variable facility of UEFI boot firmware.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
(base32 "1niicijxg59rsmiw3rsjwy4bvi1n42dynvm01lnp9haixdzdpq03"))
- (patches (search-patches "efibootmgr-remove-extra-decl.patch"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:tests? #f ;no tests
- #:make-flags (list (string-append "prefix=" %output)
- (string-append "libdir=" %output "/lib")
- ;; EFIDIR denotes a subdirectory relative to the
- ;; EFI System Partition where the loader will be
- ;; installed (known as OS_VENDOR in the code).
- ;; GRUB overrides this, as such it's only used if
- ;; nothing else is specified on the command line.
- "EFIDIR=gnu")
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases (delete 'configure))))
+ (patches (search-patches "efibootmgr-remove-extra-decl.patch"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; Cast the first argument to the correct type. Extracted
+ ;; from upstream commit e8ce9fecebd15adb4.
+ (substitute* '("src/efibootdump.c" "src/efibootmgr.c")
+ (("efidp_format_device_path\\(text_path,")
+ "efidp_format_device_path((unsigned char *)text_path,"))))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no tests
+ #:make-flags #~(list (string-append "prefix=" #$output)
+ (string-append "libdir=" #$output "/lib")
+ ;; EFIDIR denotes a subdirectory relative to the
+ ;; EFI System Partition where the loader will be
+ ;; installed (known as OS_VENDOR in the code).
+ ;; GRUB overrides this, as such it's only used if
+ ;; nothing else is specified on the command line.
+ "EFIDIR=gnu")
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases (delete 'configure))))
(list pkg-config))
@@ -7179,140 +7249,114 @@ userspace queueing component and the logging subsystem.")
(license license:gpl2)))
(define-public proot
- (let ((revision "0")
- (commit "a70023ab3db47d011265451b99a1abef7b9d7afc"))
- (package
- (name "proot")
- ;; The last stable release was made in 2015, and fails to build for the
- ;; aarch64 platform. Use the latest commit, which includes fixes for
- ;; the supported ARM architectures and the test suite, among others.
- (version (git-version "5.2.0-alpha" revision commit))
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot")
- (commit (string-append commit))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1kmry3rb967phxnxjfnx310gy1d4gpmjd6fp3hbm9v9jciysxy4z"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- ;; The powerpc64le-linux and mips64el-linux architectures are not
- ;; supported (see:
- ;; https://github.com/proot-me/proot/blob/master/src/arch.h#L51).
- (supported-systems '("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"
- "armhf-linux" "aarch64-linux" "i586-gnu"))
- (arguments
- ;; Disable the test suite on armhf-linux, as there are too many
- ;; failures to keep track of (see for example:
- ;; https://github.com/proot-me/proot/issues/286).
- `(#:tests? ,(not (string-prefix? "armhf"
- (or (%current-target-system)
- (%current-system))))
- #:make-flags '("-C" "src")
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-sources
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* (find-files "src" "\\.[ch]$")
- (("\"/bin/sh\"")
- (string-append "\"" (assoc-ref inputs "bash")
- "/bin/sh\"")))
- (substitute* "src/GNUmakefile"
- (("/bin/echo") (which "echo"))
- (("^VERSION = .*")
- (string-append "VERSION := " ,version "\n")))
- (substitute* (find-files "test" "\\.sh$")
- ;; Some of the tests try to "bind-mount" /bin/true.
- (("-b /bin/true:")
- (string-append "-b " (which "true") ":"))
- ;; Likewise for /bin.
- (("-b /bin:") "-b /gnu:")
- ;; Others try to run /bin/sh.
- (("/bin/sh") (which "sh"))
- ;; Others assume /etc/fstab exists.
- (("/etc/fstab") "/etc/passwd"))
- (substitute* "test/GNUmakefile"
- (("-b /bin:") "-b /gnu:"))
- (substitute* "test/test-c6b77b77.mk"
- (("/bin/bash") (which "bash"))
- (("/usr/bin/test") (which "test")))
- (substitute* "test/test-16573e73.c"
- (("/bin/([a-z-]+)" _ program)
- (which program)))
- (substitute* "test/test-d2175fc3.sh"
- (("\\^/bin/true\\$") "$(which true)"))
- (substitute* "test/test-5467b986.sh"
- (("-w /usr") "-w /gnu")
- (("-w usr") "-w gnu")
- (("/usr/share") "/gnu/store")
- (("share") "store"))
- (substitute* "test/test-092c5e26.sh"
- (("-q echo ")
- "-q $(which echo) "))
- ;; The following tests are known to fail (see:
- ;; https://github.com/proot-me/proot/issues/184).
- (delete-file "test/test-0228fbe7.sh")
- (delete-file "test/test-2db65cd2.sh")
- (delete-file "test/test-cdd39012.sh")
- (delete-file "test/test-d92b57ca.sh")
- ;; This one fails on a waitpid call that returns 1 (see:
- ;; https://github.com/proot-me/proot/issues/261).
- (delete-file "test/test-ptrace01.c")
- ;; XXX: This test fails in an obscure corner case, just
- ;; skip it.
- (delete-file "test/test-kkkkkkkk.c")
- ;; This one requires Docker.
- (delete-file "test/test-docker.sh")
- ;; The socket tests requires networking.
- (for-each delete-file
- (find-files "test" "test-socket.*\\.sh$"))))
- (delete 'configure)
- (add-after 'build 'build-manpage
- (lambda _
- (with-directory-excursion "doc"
- (invoke "make" "proot/man.1" "SUFFIX=.py"))))
- (replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
- (when tests?
- (let ((n (parallel-job-count)))
- ;; Most of the tests expect "/bin" to be in $PATH so
- ;; they can run things that live in $ROOTFS/bin.
- (setenv "PATH"
- (string-append (getenv "PATH") ":/bin"))
- (invoke "make" "check" "-C" "test"
- ;;"V=1"
- "-j" (number->string n))))))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; The 'install' rule does nearly nothing.
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (man1 (string-append out "/share/man/man1")))
- ;; TODO: 'make install-care' (does not even
- ;; build currently.)
- (invoke "make" "-C" "src" "install"
- (string-append "PREFIX=" out))
- (mkdir-p man1)
- (copy-file "doc/proot/man.1"
- (string-append man1 "/proot.1"))))))))
- (native-inputs (list which
- ;; For 'mcookie', used by some of the tests.
- util-linux
- coreutils
- pkg-config
- ;; For rst2man, used to generate the manual page.
- python-docutils))
- (inputs (list libarchive talloc))
- (home-page "https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot")
- (synopsis "Unprivileged chroot, bind mount, and binfmt_misc")
- (description
- "PRoot is a user-space implementation of @code{chroot}, @code{mount --bind},
+ (package
+ (name "proot")
+ (version "5.3.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r1ga3xbwq5kx4i8ihj1p6nmgaa14lfkwxzpsbdcmfh1jimpbmzk"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ ;; Many architectures are not supported (see:
+ ;; https://github.com/proot-me/proot/blob/master/src/arch.h#L51).
+ (supported-systems '("x86_64-linux" "i686-linux"
+ "armhf-linux" "aarch64-linux" "i586-gnu"))
+ (arguments
+ ;; Disable the test suite on armhf-linux, as there are too many
+ ;; failures to keep track of (see for example:
+ ;; https://github.com/proot-me/proot/issues/286).
+ `(#:tests? ,(not (string-prefix? "armhf"
+ (or (%current-target-system)
+ (%current-system))))
+ #:make-flags '("-C" "src")
+ #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-sources
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* (find-files "src" "\\.[ch]$")
+ (("\"/bin/sh\"")
+ (string-append "\"" (assoc-ref inputs "bash")
+ "/bin/sh\"")))
+ (substitute* "src/GNUmakefile"
+ (("/bin/echo") (which "echo"))
+ (("^VERSION = .*")
+ (string-append "VERSION := " ,version "\n")))
+ (substitute* (find-files "test" "\\.sh$")
+ ;; Some of the tests try to "bind-mount" /bin/true.
+ (("-b /bin/true:")
+ (string-append "-b " (which "true") ":"))
+ ;; Likewise for /bin.
+ (("-b /bin:") "-b /gnu:")
+ ;; Others try to run /bin/sh.
+ (("/bin/sh") (which "sh"))
+ ;; Others assume /etc/fstab exists.
+ (("/etc/fstab") "/etc/passwd"))
+ (substitute* "test/GNUmakefile"
+ (("-b /bin:") "-b /gnu:"))
+ (substitute* "test/test-c6b77b77.mk"
+ (("/bin/bash") (which "bash"))
+ (("/usr/bin/test") (which "test")))
+ (substitute* "test/test-16573e73.c"
+ (("/bin/([a-z-]+)" _ program)
+ (which program)))
+ (substitute* "test/test-5467b986.sh"
+ (("-w /usr") "-w /gnu")
+ (("-w usr") "-w gnu")
+ (("/usr/share") "/gnu/store")
+ (("share") "store"))
+ (substitute* "test/test-092c5e26.sh"
+ (("-q echo ")
+ "-q $(which echo) "))
+ ;; The socket tests requires networking.
+ (for-each delete-file
+ (find-files "test" "test-socket.*\\.sh$"))))
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (add-after 'build 'build-manpage
+ (lambda _
+ (with-directory-excursion "doc"
+ (invoke "make" "proot/man.1" "SUFFIX=.py"))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (let ((n (parallel-job-count)))
+ ;; Most of the tests expect "/bin" to be in $PATH so
+ ;; they can run things that live in $ROOTFS/bin.
+ (setenv "PATH"
+ (string-append (getenv "PATH") ":/bin"))
+ (invoke "make" "check" "-C" "test"
+ ;;"V=1"
+ "-j" (number->string n))))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; The 'install' rule does nearly nothing.
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (man1 (string-append out "/share/man/man1")))
+ ;; TODO: 'make install-care' (does not even
+ ;; build currently.)
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "src" "install"
+ (string-append "PREFIX=" out))
+ (mkdir-p man1)
+ (copy-file "doc/proot/man.1"
+ (string-append man1 "/proot.1"))))))))
+ (native-inputs (list which
+ ;; For 'mcookie', used by some of the tests.
+ util-linux
+ coreutils
+ pkg-config
+ ;; For rst2man, used to generate the manual page.
+ python-docutils))
+ (inputs (list libarchive talloc))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot")
+ (synopsis "Unprivileged chroot, bind mount, and binfmt_misc")
+ (description
+ "PRoot is a user-space implementation of @code{chroot}, @code{mount --bind},
and @code{binfmt_misc}. This means that users don't need any privileges or
setup to do things like using an arbitrary directory as the new root
file system, making files accessible somewhere else in the file system
@@ -7321,7 +7365,7 @@ transparently through QEMU user-mode. Also, developers can use PRoot as a
generic process instrumentation engine thanks to its extension mechanism.
Technically PRoot relies on @code{ptrace}, an unprivileged system-call
available in the kernel Linux.")
- (license license:gpl2+))))
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public proot-static
@@ -8300,7 +8344,7 @@ tools for managing PipeWire.")
(define-public ell
(name "ell")
- (version "0.46")
+ (version "0.48")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -8309,25 +8353,16 @@ tools for managing PipeWire.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "15hwqicmll23cbrj13h3wd4lgrby416ap7l6w0434jsza4s4yv82"))))
+ "0lxjizby3zdyhzad5a0gbz4m2pp44jf1j4l1pn18d04rw9mr2gqy"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-dbus-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* '("unit/test-dbus-message-fds.c"
- "unit/test-dbus-properties.c"
- "unit/test-dbus.c")
- (("/usr/bin/dbus-daemon") (which "dbus-daemon")))
- #t)))))
+ ;; Tests launch dbus-daemon instances that all try to bind to
+ ;; "/tmp/ell-test-bus". Thus, we need to run them sequentially.
+ '(#:parallel-tests? #f))
(list dbus))
- `(("autoconf" ,autoconf)
- ("libtool" ,libtool)
- ("pkgconfig" ,pkg-config)
- ("automake" ,automake)))
+ (list autoconf automake libtool pkg-config))
(home-page "https://01.org/ell")
(synopsis "Embedded Linux Library")
(description "The Embedded Linux* Library (ELL) provides core, low-level
@@ -8363,6 +8398,7 @@ platforms, it is not limited to resource-constrained systems.")
utilities. Using @code{kexec}, it is possible to boot directly into a new
kernel from the context of an already-running kernel, bypassing the normal
system boot process.")
+ (supported-systems (delete "riscv64-linux" %supported-systems))
(license license:gpl2)))
(define-public cachefilesd
@@ -8459,7 +8495,7 @@ headers.")
(list bison flex))
- `(("clang-toolchain" ,clang-toolchain)
+ `(("clang-toolchain" ,clang-toolchain-9)
("libbpf" ,(package-source libbpf))
;; LibElf required but libelf does not contain
;; archives, only object files.
@@ -8539,7 +8575,7 @@ and above.")
(list bison flex))
- (list bcc clang-toolchain elfutils libbpf))
+ (list bcc clang-toolchain-9 elfutils libbpf))
`(#:tests? #f ;Tests require googletest sources.
@@ -8768,3 +8804,33 @@ older system-wide @file{/sys} interface.")
(license (list license:lgpl2.1+ ;; libgpiod
license:gpl2+ ;; gpio-tools
license:lgpl3+)))) ;; C++ bindings
+(define-public libtree
+ (package
+ (name "libtree")
+ (version "3.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/haampie/libtree")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "072624anz9g01mp5vfkahfmzy0nb7axg5rwk3n1yrdm4hr3d4zrb"))))
+ (arguments
+ (list #:make-flags
+ ;; NOTE: Official documentation recommends to build libtree with
+ ;; "-static" flag.
+ #~(list (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/haampie/libtree")
+ (synopsis "Show output of @command{ldd} as a tree")
+ (description
+ "This tool turns @command{ldd} into a tree and explains how shared
+libraries are found or why they cannot be located.")
+ (license license:expat)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/lisp-check.scm b/gnu/packages/lisp-check.scm
index 1cdd7d8300..dd8ef90892 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/lisp-check.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/lisp-check.scm
@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Katherine Cox-Buday <cox.katherine.e@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Charles Jackson <charles.b.jackson@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -358,6 +359,44 @@ interactive development model in mind.")
(define-public ecl-fiveam
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-fiveam))
+(define-public sbcl-hamcrest
+ (let ((commit "a54553e59a70dc5a539b683e79bfcdb0e8bae5c8")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-hamcrest")
+ (version "0.4.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/40ants/cl-hamcrest")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "181nnb2fjbsdqjqdvwg2x9n1jjalkfzszwdgqcap4py2q63q1kxj"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-hamcrest" commit))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-iterate
+ sbcl-split-sequence
+ sbcl-cl-ppcre
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-rove
+ sbcl-prove))
+ (home-page "https://40ants.com/cl-hamcrest/")
+ (synopsis "Make CL unit tests more readable")
+ (description
+ "@code{cl-hamcrest} is an implementation of the Hamcrest idea in
+Common Lisp. It simplifes unit tests and makes them more readable.
+Hamcrest uses the idea of pattern-matching, to construct matchers from
+different pieces and to apply them to the data.")
+ (license license:bsd-3))))
+(define-public cl-hamcrest
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-hamcrest))
+(define-public ecl-cl-hamcrest
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-hamcrest))
(define-public sbcl-hu.dwim.stefil
(let ((commit "414902c6f575818c39a8a156b8b61b1adfa73dad"))
@@ -805,6 +844,49 @@ interactive development.")
(define-public ecl-stefil
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-stefil))
+(define-public sbcl-try
+ (let ((commit "a1fffad2ca328b3855f629b633ab1daaeec929c2")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-try")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/melisgl/try")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-try" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "03dm2i2y4wiyzz9d25zdxm6gdglnvwali0ylp0rfwpk6wf29sj09"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-cl-ppcre))
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-closer-mop
+ sbcl-ieee-floats
+ sbcl-mgl-pax
+ sbcl-trivial-gray-streams))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:asd-files '("try.asdf.asd" "try.asd")
+ ;; FIXME: Get tests to work
+ #:tests? #f))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/melisgl/try")
+ (synopsis "Common Lisp test framework")
+ (description
+ "@code{Try} is a library for unit testing with equal support for
+interactive and non-interactive workflows. Tests are functions, and almost
+everything else is a condition, whose types feature prominently in
+ (license license:expat))))
+(define-public cl-try
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-try))
+(define-public ecl-try
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-try))
(define-public sbcl-unit-test
(let ((commit "266afaf4ac091fe0e8803bac2ae72d238144e735")
(revision "1"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.scm
index 25fa21f70f..85f8af31bb 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.scm
@@ -14,23 +14,24 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Katherine Cox-Buday <cox.katherine.e@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jesse Gildersleve <jessejohngildersleve@protonmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Konrad Hinsen <konrad.hinsen@fastmail.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Dimakis Dimakakos <me@bendersteed.tech>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Adam Kandur <rndd@tuta.io>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Aurora <rind38@disroot.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Aurora <rind38@disroot.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Matthew James Kraai <kraai@ftbfs.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 André A. Gomes <andremegafone@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Cage <cage-dev@twistfold.it>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Cage <cage-dev@twistfold.it>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Cameron Chaparro <cameron@cameronchaparro.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Charles Jackson <charles.b.jackson@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Aleksandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Jacob MacDonald <jaccarmac@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages databases)
#:use-module (gnu packages enchant)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages figlet)
#:use-module (gnu packages file)
#:use-module (gnu packages fonts)
#:use-module (gnu packages fontutils)
@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages gl)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
#:use-module (gnu packages gnome)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gnupg)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages imagemagick)
@@ -458,10 +461,10 @@ support.")
(define-public sbcl-trivial-gray-streams
(let ((revision "1")
- (commit "ebd59b1afed03b9dc8544320f8f432fdf92ab010"))
+ (commit "2b3823edbc78a450db4891fd2b566ca0316a7876"))
(name "sbcl-trivial-gray-streams")
- (version (string-append "0.0.0-" revision "." (string-take commit 7)))
+ (version (git-version "2.0" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
@@ -470,9 +473,8 @@ support.")
(url "https://github.com/trivial-gray-streams/trivial-gray-streams")
(commit commit)))
- (base32 "0b1pxlccmnagk9cbh4cy8s5k66g3x0gwib5shjwr24xvrji6lp94"))
- (file-name
- (string-append "trivial-gray-streams-" version "-checkout"))))
+ (base32 "1hipqwwd5ylskybd173rvlsk7ds4w4nq1cmh9952ivm6dgh7pwzn"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-trivial-gray-streams" version))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(synopsis "Compatibility layer for Gray streams implementations")
(description "Gray streams is an interface proposed for inclusion with
@@ -790,17 +792,16 @@ ANSI-compliant Common Lisp implementations.")
(define-public sbcl-zpb-ttf
(name "sbcl-zpb-ttf")
- (version "1.0.3")
+ (version "1.0.4")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/xach/zpb-ttf")
(commit (string-append "release-" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-zpb-ttf" version))
- (base32
- "1wh66vjijzqlydnrihynpwp6796917xwrh0i9li93c17kyxa74ih"))))
+ (base32 "1ziwlfys15m95hh5c54g3xv78vjxadd6qi9zf9kvd2bv70qsixqk"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(home-page "https://github.com/xach/zpb-ttf")
(synopsis "TrueType font file access for Common Lisp")
@@ -885,22 +886,23 @@ spatially-extended data.")
(define-public sbcl-flexichain
;; There are no releases.
- (let ((commit "13d2a6c505ed0abfcd4c4ec7d7145059b06855d6")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "9af644a6323f303a936a391b956babcbfe7b0c67")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-flexichain")
- (version "1.5.1")
+ (version (git-version "1.5.1" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/robert-strandh/Flexichain")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-flexichain" version))
- (base32
- "0pfyvhsfbjd2sjb30grfs52r51a428xglv7bwydvpg2lc117qimg"))))
+ (base32 "1ivkffnkc1iqmpl1p1rgyfbbgjmjcid4iszvdql1jjz324lq94g6"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-trivial-garbage))
(home-page "https://github.com/robert-strandh/Flexichain.git")
(synopsis "Dynamically add elements to or remove them from sequences")
@@ -916,8 +918,8 @@ a sequence (or chain) of such elements.")
(sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-flexichain))
(define-public sbcl-cl-pdf
- (let ((commit "dbafd62afcb2d2e9164054c72612763721297d59")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "f57905e0b5adb365d611a912613cee70d78d20d8")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-cl-pdf")
(version (git-version "2.0.0" revision commit))
@@ -929,10 +931,12 @@ a sequence (or chain) of such elements.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name "cl-pdf" version))
- (base32 "0w6igiav35a65h6r4p1g6dw2i7mw0s06mviw31768r6z62l1ny1v"))))
+ (base32 "0ir9xyj10lyp8mwb3n2pbhnwv0jx0ph1xlhh32sfgalk3bz0ms58"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-iterate sbcl-zpb-ttf))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:asd-systems '("cl-pdf" "cl-pdf-parser")))
(home-page "https://github.com/mbattyani/cl-pdf")
(synopsis "Common Lisp library for generating PDF files")
@@ -1086,14 +1090,14 @@ multiple inspectors with independent history.")
(revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-parse-js")
- (version (string-append "0.0.0-" revision "." (string-take commit 9)))
+ (version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/git/parse-js")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" commit "-checkout"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-parse-js" version))
@@ -1143,15 +1147,16 @@ else @code{parse-number} signals an error of type @code{invalid-number}.")
(define-public sbcl-iterate
(name "sbcl-iterate")
- (version "1.5")
+ (version "1.5.3")
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/releases/"
- "iterate-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/iterate/iterate.git")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-iterate" version))
- (base32
- "1lqsbhrkfl0yif46aymvb7l3nb9wdcmj4jyw485blj32jb4famzn"))))
+ (base32 "0l6l8fpgcpwpmi00jwmamxbspbqa8fil6dv11bf9gaxxbw41f8c2"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-rt))
@@ -1180,14 +1185,14 @@ It is similar to the @code{CL:LOOP} macro, with these distinguishing marks:
(revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-cl-uglify-js")
- (version (string-append "0.1-" revision "." (string-take commit 9)))
+ (version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/mishoo/cl-uglify-js")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-uglify-js" version))
@@ -1271,10 +1276,10 @@ compressor. It works on data produced by @code{parse-js} to generate a
(define-public sbcl-cl-strings
(let ((revision "1")
- (commit "c5c5cbafbf3e6181d03c354d66e41a4f063f00ae"))
+ (commit "93ec4177fc51f403a9f1ef0a8933f36d917f2140"))
(name "sbcl-cl-strings")
- (version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
+ (version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1282,11 +1287,10 @@ compressor. It works on data produced by @code{parse-js} to generate a
(url "https://github.com/diogoalexandrefranco/cl-strings")
(commit commit)))
- (base32
- "00754mfaqallj480lwd346nkfb6ra8pa8xcxcylf4baqn604zlmv"))
- (file-name (string-append "cl-strings-" version "-checkout"))))
+ (base32 "1j8hs54fn0wsf5zfzhhgiva47n9hsmfa74iinahz6nmcs8iy75aj"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-strings" version))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- (synopsis "Portable, dependency-free set of utilities to manipulate strings in Common Lisp")
+ (synopsis "Set of utilities to manipulate strings in Common Lisp")
"@command{cl-strings} is a small, portable, dependency-free set of
utilities that make it even easier to manipulate text in Common Lisp. It has
@@ -1363,19 +1367,20 @@ documentation system, explicit development support, etc.")
(define-public sbcl-babel
;; No release since 2014.
- (let ((commit "aeed2d1b76358db48e6b70a64399c05678a6b9ea"))
+ (let ((commit "f892d0587c7f3a1e6c0899425921b48008c29ee3")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-babel")
- (version (git-version "0.5.0" "1" commit))
+ (version (git-version "0.5.0" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/cl-babel/babel")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "babel" version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-babel" version))
- (base32 "0lkvv4xdpv4cv1y2bqillmabx8sdb2y4l6pbinq6mjh33w2brpvb"))))
+ (base32 "04frn19mngvsh8bh7fb1rfjm8mqk8bgzx5c43dg7z02nfsxkqqak"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-hu.dwim.stefil))
@@ -1385,7 +1390,7 @@ documentation system, explicit development support, etc.")
(synopsis "Charset encoding and decoding library")
(description "Babel is a charset encoding and decoding library, not unlike
GNU libiconv, but completely written in Common Lisp.")
- (license license:expat))))
+ (license (list license:bsd-2 license:expat)))))
(define-public cl-babel
(sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-babel))
@@ -1683,8 +1688,8 @@ libraries such as Bordeaux-Threads and Eager Future.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-calispel))
(define-public sbcl-esrap
- (let ((commit "866f28fa7a2c1d3fb6d0d0423850d1f9d955750f")
- (revision "2"))
+ (let ((commit "4c82a863871e117f0041b9ef37e61c0b62318aa7")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "sbcl-esrap")
(version (git-version "0.18" revision commit))
@@ -1695,8 +1700,8 @@ libraries such as Bordeaux-Threads and Eager Future.")
(url "https://github.com/scymtym/esrap")
(commit commit)))
- (base32 "19rb3dmpw3csqqagmrf80dpk5d2qn0l7fpfmxx5zwdnjk367kbwg"))
- (file-name (git-file-name "esrap" version))))
+ (base32 "16nc3rhxd61xabja1h9akqqva0cmz2gxk0bkaqy10h492wx93d81"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-esrap" version))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam))
@@ -1815,8 +1820,8 @@ C, C++, Java, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Objective-C, Diff, Webkit.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-colorize))
(define-public sbcl-3bmd
- (let ((commit "6fc5759448f6f6df6f6df556e020a289a2643288")
- (revision "2"))
+ (let ((commit "4e08d82d7c8fb1b8fc708c87f4d9d13a1ab490cb")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "sbcl-3bmd")
(version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
@@ -1827,8 +1832,8 @@ C, C++, Java, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Objective-C, Diff, Webkit.")
(url "https://github.com/3b/3bmd")
(commit commit)))
- (base32 "1avmbp8xdjlbqpqk7p3vmj7abiw5p3vb5mrxp4wlvgql4sf6z3p4"))
- (file-name (git-file-name "3bmd" version))))
+ (base32 "1j885ykg2yds0l7dmw21lrhs7pd66lf541pf9lb677nkhc2f62jz"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-3bmd" version))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
@@ -1838,12 +1843,22 @@ C, C++, Java, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Objective-C, Diff, Webkit.")
- "3bmd-ext-code-blocks")))
+ "3bmd-ext-code-blocks")
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-python3-path
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "code-blocks.lisp"
+ (("python3") (which "python3"))))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-fiasco))
- `(("alexandria" ,sbcl-alexandria)
- ("colorize" ,sbcl-colorize)
- ("esrap" ,sbcl-esrap)
- ("split-sequence" ,sbcl-split-sequence)))
+ (list python
+ python-pygments
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-colorize
+ sbcl-split-sequence
+ sbcl-esrap))
(home-page "https://github.com/3b/3bmd")
(synopsis "Markdown processor in Command Lisp using esrap parser")
@@ -1858,31 +1873,35 @@ for parsing, and grammar based on @command{peg-markdown}.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-3bmd))
(define-public sbcl-cl-fad
- (package
- (name "sbcl-cl-fad")
- (version "0.7.6")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/edicl/cl-fad/")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1gc8i82v6gks7g0lnm54r4prk2mklidv2flm5fvbr0a7rsys0vpa"))
- (file-name (string-append "cl-fad" version "-checkout"))))
- (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- (inputs
- (list sbcl-bordeaux-threads))
- (synopsis "Portable pathname library for Common Lisp")
- (description
- "CL-FAD (for \"Files and Directories\") is a thin layer atop Common
+ ;; No release since 2019
+ (let ((commit "3f4d32d3aa1093966046d001411a852eb8f4b535")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-cl-fad")
+ (version (git-version "0.7.6" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/edicl/cl-fad/")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0a1xqldrq170lflnns3xp6swpnvsvllf5vq0h7sz8jqh4riqlny6"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-fad" version))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-cl-ppcre sbcl-unit-test))
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-alexandria sbcl-bordeaux-threads))
+ (synopsis "Portable pathname library for Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "CL-FAD (for \"Files and Directories\") is a thin layer atop Common
Lisp's standard pathname functions. It is intended to provide some
unification between current CL implementations on Windows, OS X, Linux, and
Unix. Most of the code was written by Peter Seibel for his book Practical
Common Lisp.")
- (home-page "https://edicl.github.io/cl-fad/")
- (license license:bsd-2)))
+ (home-page "https://edicl.github.io/cl-fad/")
+ (license license:bsd-2))))
(define-public cl-fad
(sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-cl-fad))
@@ -1971,7 +1990,7 @@ also be supported.")
(define-public sbcl-ironclad
(name "sbcl-ironclad")
- (version "0.56")
+ (version "0.57")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1979,8 +1998,8 @@ also be supported.")
(url "https://github.com/sharplispers/ironclad/")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (base32 "0dhakily94vswl8a6q9ad0af8nk4pnvfgx7sw9kxl1wdq1pkg3ni"))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (base32 "123qnf4rmi06vyfmnpdzbjskz8vk35kppjpmms21bxhb7rhxzlh2"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-ironclad" version))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
;; Tests only.
@@ -2099,7 +2118,7 @@ writing code that contains string literals that contain code themselves.")
(define-public sbcl-slime-swank
(name "sbcl-slime-swank")
- (version "2.26.1")
+ (version "2.27")
(file-name (git-file-name "slime-swank" version))
@@ -2108,8 +2127,7 @@ writing code that contains string literals that contain code themselves.")
(url "https://github.com/slime/slime/")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (base32
- "1a25ixb7q4svqabxnhwkk43v47mbsh13qwm7qlazkd3zkr8j3cli"))))
+ (base32 "1s5mbljlz22pb90gwbd380nighkz6gdxl77hc08gri7wwr5gy5n2"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
'(#:asd-systems '("swank")))
@@ -2128,11 +2146,11 @@ processes that doesn't run under Emacs. Lisp processes created by
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-slime-swank))
(define-public sbcl-mgl-pax
- (let ((commit "a7f904784ae59bbeeeb15a14348cda46ed9bdeb3")
+ (let ((commit "ed82a80207b70801fab061f6592cf7d7355294a6")
(revision "0"))
(name "sbcl-mgl-pax")
- (version (git-version "0.0.4" revision commit))
+ (version (git-version "0.1.0" revision commit))
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2140,22 +2158,29 @@ processes that doesn't run under Emacs. Lisp processes created by
(url "https://github.com/melisgl/mgl-pax")
(commit commit)))
- (base32 "119pb3485m6hqsqsaqpaq2x8xh5lrbqapw7zaqyq425n75vd1mc8"))
- (file-name (git-file-name "mgl-pax" version))))
+ (base32 "008wfa70q68cj6npi4107mfjhjzfjmvrhm1x51jpndsn2165c5bx"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-mgl-pax" version))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ ;; (native-inputs
+ ;; (list sbcl-try))
- `(("3bmd" ,sbcl-3bmd)
- ("alexandria" ,sbcl-alexandria)
- ("colorize" ,sbcl-colorize)
- ("md5" ,sbcl-md5)
- ("named-readtables" ,sbcl-named-readtables)
- ("pythonic-string-reader" ,sbcl-pythonic-string-reader)
- ("swank" ,sbcl-slime-swank)))
+ (list sbcl-3bmd
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-colorize
+ sbcl-md5
+ sbcl-named-readtables
+ sbcl-pythonic-string-reader
+ sbcl-slime-swank))
- `(#:asd-systems '("mgl-pax"
+ `(#:asd-files '("mgl-pax.asdf.asd"
+ "mgl-pax.asd")
+ #:asd-systems '("mgl-pax"
- "mgl-pax/transcribe")))
+ "mgl-pax/transcribe")
+ ;; Tests disabled because of a circular dependency
+ ;; try -> mgl-pax -> try
+ #:tests? #f))
(synopsis "Exploratory programming environment and documentation generator")
"PAX provides an extremely poor man's Explorable Programming
@@ -2396,8 +2421,8 @@ named color.")
(list sbcl-prove))
- ;; TODO: Tests don't find "proc-parse-test", why?
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("proc-parse-test"
+ "proc-parse")))
(synopsis "Procedural vector parser")
"This is a string/octets parser library for Common Lisp with speed and
@@ -3756,7 +3781,7 @@ process form data posted with HTTP POST method using enctype
(define-public sbcl-md5
(name "sbcl-md5")
- (version "2.0.4")
+ (version "2.0.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -3765,7 +3790,7 @@ process form data posted with HTTP POST method using enctype
(commit (string-append "release-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name "md5" version))
- (base32 "1waqxzm7vlc22n92hv8r27anlvvjkkh9slhrky1ww7mdx4mmxwb8"))))
+ (base32 "1g20np6rhn3y08z8mlmlk721mw2207s52v2pwp4smm3lz25sx3q5"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(home-page "https://github.com/pmai/md5")
@@ -3785,8 +3810,8 @@ RFC 1321 by R. Rivest, published April 1992.")
(list ecl-flexi-streams))))
(define-public sbcl-cl+ssl
- (let ((commit "09e896b04c112e7eb0f9d443a5801d557fbcd3ea")
- (revision "2"))
+ (let ((commit "046d698cf65539faf9aba0a5ccd086a9d6f53eef")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "sbcl-cl+ssl")
(version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
@@ -3798,7 +3823,7 @@ RFC 1321 by R. Rivest, published April 1992.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name "cl+ssl" version))
- (base32 "1ynvk8rbd5zvbdrl8mr49jwmg9fh94clzkagkza9jmpj0p1qvynd"))))
+ (base32 "110yhb0f1c8yilqsgza2xhv3675i41iizylibgy5qc5fa2lnaxbv"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
@@ -3811,7 +3836,18 @@ RFC 1321 by R. Rivest, published April 1992.")
(assoc-ref inputs "openssl") "/lib/" all))
(("libcrypto.so" all)
- (assoc-ref inputs "openssl") "/lib/" all))))))))
+ (assoc-ref inputs "openssl") "/lib/" all)))))
+ (add-after 'fix-paths 'fix-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Disable coverall support in tests because of a circular
+ ;; dependency: cl+ssl -> cl-coverall -> dexador
+ ;; -> clack -> hunchentoot -> cl+ssl
+ (substitute* "cl+ssl.test.asd"
+ (("\\(:feature \\(:or :sbcl :ccl\\) :cl-coveralls\\)")
+ "")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list ;sbcl-cl-coveralls
+ sbcl-fiveam))
(list openssl
@@ -3869,7 +3905,6 @@ Rosenberg's Common Lisp packages.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-kmrcl))
(define-public sbcl-cl-base64
- ;; 3.3.4 tests are broken, upstream fixes them.
(let ((commit "577683b18fd880b82274d99fc96a18a710e3987a"))
(name "sbcl-cl-base64")
@@ -3968,8 +4003,8 @@ as good or bad as the next one.")
(define-public sbcl-chipz
(let ((version "0.8")
- (commit "75dfbc660a5a28161c57f115adf74c8a926bfc4d")
- (revision "1"))
+ (commit "82a17d39c78d91f6ea63a03aca8f9aa6069a5e11")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-chipz")
(version (git-version version revision commit))
@@ -3977,12 +4012,11 @@ as good or bad as the next one.")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/froydnj/chipz")
+ (url "https://github.com/sharplispers/chipz")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-chipz" version))
- (base32
- "0plx4rs39zbs4gjk77h4a2q11zpy75fh9v8hnxrvsf8fnakajhwg"))))
+ (base32 "1n4f22i9j8iapjd6yx1z348rggcybvg9h794kx9libjgz4bs371h"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-flexi-streams))
@@ -4071,6 +4105,10 @@ sockets, SSL, continuable uploads, file uploads, cookies, and more.")
+ (arguments
+ `(;; FIXME: Tests fail because they fail to open the file
+ ;; "/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease"
+ #:tests? #f))
(home-page "https://edicl.github.io/hunchentoot/")
(synopsis "Web server written in Common Lisp")
@@ -4306,9 +4344,7 @@ Lisp. It is intended to be a replacement of PURI.")
(base32 "0briia9bk3lbr0frnx39d1qg6i38dm4j6z9w3yga3d40k6df4a90"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; Tests fail with: Component MYWAY-ASD::MYWAY-TEST not found, required
- ;; by #<SYSTEM "myway">. Why?
- '(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("myway-test" "myway")))
(list sbcl-prove))
@@ -4341,9 +4377,7 @@ Lisp. It is intended to be a replacement of PURI.")
(base32 "1xz79q0p2mclf3sqjiwf6izdpb6xrsr350bv4mlmdlm6rg5r99px"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; Tests fail with: Component XSUBSEQ-ASD::XSUBSEQ-TEST not found,
- ;; required by #<SYSTEM "xsubseq">. Why?
- '(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("xsubseq-test" "xsubseq")))
(list sbcl-prove))
(home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/xsubseq")
@@ -4376,11 +4410,10 @@ effieiently.")
(base32 "0qz1zzxx0wm5ff7gpgsq550a59p0qj594zfmm2rglj97dahj54l7"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; Tests fail with: Component SMART-BUFFER-ASD::SMART-BUFFER-TEST not
- ;; found, required by #<SYSTEM "smart-buffer">. Why?
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("smart-buffer-test" "smart-buffer")))
- (list sbcl-prove))
+ (list sbcl-prove
+ sbcl-babel))
(list sbcl-xsubseq sbcl-flexi-streams))
(home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/smart-buffer")
@@ -4413,9 +4446,7 @@ depending on content size.")
(base32 "0al2g7g219jjljsf7b23pbilpgacxy5as5gs2nqf76b5qni396mi"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; Tests fail with: Component FAST-HTTP-ASD::FAST-HTTP-TEST not found,
- ;; required by #<SYSTEM "fast-http">. Why?
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("fast-http-test" "fast-http")))
`(("sbcl-prove" ,sbcl-prove)
("cl-syntax" ,sbcl-cl-syntax)))
@@ -4592,11 +4623,9 @@ CCL.")
(base32 "1jd06snjvxcprhapgfq8sx0y5lrldkvhf206ix6d5a23dd6zcmr0"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; Tests fail with: Component HTTP-BODY-ASD::HTTP-BODY-TEST not
- ;; found, required by #<SYSTEM "http-body">. Why?
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("http-body-test" "http-body")))
- (list sbcl-prove))
+ (list sbcl-prove sbcl-trivial-utf-8))
(list sbcl-fast-http sbcl-jonathan sbcl-quri))
(home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/http-body")
@@ -5011,8 +5040,8 @@ and mix text with expressions.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-log4cl))
(define-public sbcl-printv
- (let ((commit "646d31978dbbb460fffb160fd65bb2be9a5a434e")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "e717a7fe076dae861a96117b2f9af29db8d2294d")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-printv")
(version (git-version "0.1.0" revision commit))
@@ -5022,10 +5051,21 @@ and mix text with expressions.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/danlentz/printv")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "printv" version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-printv" version))
- (base32 "08jvy82abm7qi3wrxh6gvmwg9gy0zzhg4cfqajdwrggbah8mj5a6"))))
+ (base32 "07agyzkwp3w2r4d2anrmr8h00yngpr5dq9mjd3m4kzhn1jcmilfb"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list figlet))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-figlet-executable
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "printv.lisp"
+ (("\"figlet")
+ (string-append "\"" (search-input-file inputs
+ "/bin/figlet")))))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/danlentz/printv")
(synopsis "Common Lisp tracing and debug-logging macro")
@@ -5102,12 +5142,12 @@ by either a symbol or a keyword.")
(sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-verbose))
(define-public sbcl-find-port
- (let ((commit "00c96a25af93a0f8681d34ec548861f2d7485478")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "811727f88d7f000623bf92fdb0e64678a7112a28")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-find-port")
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- (version "0.1")
+ (version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
(home-page "https://github.com/eudoxia0/find-port")
@@ -5118,7 +5158,7 @@ by either a symbol or a keyword.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0d6dzbb45jh0rx90wgs6v020k2xa87mvzas3mvfzvivjvqqlpryq"))))
+ "1fw6q7d2bxxb7fqk548ylq8mx4sz95yc0q5h0rwd0mnqjrbwbari"))))
(list sbcl-fiveam))
@@ -5774,20 +5814,22 @@ XSD type library.")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url home-page)
+ (url "https://github.com/takagi/cl-reexport")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-reexport" version))
- `(("alexandria" ,sbcl-alexandria)))
+ (list sbcl-alexandria))
;; TODO: Tests fail because cl-test-more is missing, but I can't find it online.
`(#:tests? #f))
- (synopsis "HTTP cookie manager for Common Lisp")
- (description "cl-cookie is a Common Lisp library featuring parsing of
-cookie headers, cookie creation, cookie jar creation and more.")
+ (synopsis "Reexport external symbols in other Common Lisp packages")
+ (description
+ "Cl-reexport makes a package reexport symbols which are external
+symbols in other Common Lisp packages. This fanctionality is intended to be
+used with (virtual) hierarchical packages.")
(license license:llgpl))))
(define-public cl-reexport
@@ -5823,8 +5865,7 @@ cookie headers, cookie creation, cookie jar creation and more.")
(list sbcl-prove))
- ;; TODO: Tests fail because cl-cookie depends on cl-cookie-test.
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("cl-cookie-test" "cl-cookie")))
(synopsis "HTTP cookie manager for Common Lisp")
(description "cl-cookie is a Common Lisp library featuring parsing of
cookie headers, cookie creation, cookie jar creation and more.")
@@ -9642,8 +9683,8 @@ type correctness in Common Lisp. It is based on CLtL2 extensions.")
((#:tests? _ #f) #f))))))
(define-public sbcl-numcl
- (let ((commit "3dcdb0e24a33943d6c3a188ecbb0c78003bf975c")
- (revision "2"))
+ (let ((commit "a28f612d072e5f93137584de5155a42243b3bd6b")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "sbcl-numcl")
(version (git-version "0.2.0" revision commit))
@@ -9655,7 +9696,7 @@ type correctness in Common Lisp. It is based on CLtL2 extensions.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name "numcl" version))
- (base32 "17m1rx1gfjbbmgjsf33b8s4bygfsj1hb6kvmypkql21qzjvx60nl"))))
+ (base32 "15m4spbgayawnw5jjz04zfp0jnk9g6hgq5fmr648hzjzj50j1d78"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
`(#:test-asd-file "numcl.test.asd"
@@ -10529,10 +10570,11 @@ MOP easier to use.")
(sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-moptilities))
(define-public sbcl-osicat
- (let ((commit "eab6b8cabd71b59e894b51dc555e171683ec3387"))
+ (let ((commit "a45eb3b5826e9175f7c94ba97a00d6b4932f3163")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "sbcl-osicat")
- (version (git-version "0.7.0" "2" commit))
+ (version (git-version "0.7.0" revision commit))
(home-page "http://www.common-lisp.net/project/osicat/")
@@ -10540,9 +10582,9 @@ MOP easier to use.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/osicat/osicat")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-osicat" version))
- (base32 "18g137iqf86i247c9cg7d86b8k9cfq3yv272l73fsv734qpnv0g9"))))
+ (base32 "1ilag0b0xn97acc0m1q93vwp2y3md9a586858zfx04d8wpbvk8sz"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-alexandria sbcl-cffi sbcl-trivial-features))
@@ -11470,8 +11512,8 @@ macros for the Opticl image processing library.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-opticl-core))
(define-public sbcl-retrospectiff
- (let ((commit "c2a69d77d5010f8cdd9045b3e36a08a73da5d321")
- (revision "0"))
+ (let ((commit "2fbf8c687799487654d988c7036d19d75a7fc67d")
+ (revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-retrospectiff")
(version (git-version "0.2" revision commit))
@@ -11481,9 +11523,9 @@ macros for the Opticl image processing library.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/slyrus/retrospectiff")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-retrospectiff" version))
- (base32 "0qsn9hpd8j2kp43dk05j8dczz9zppdff5rrclbp45n3ksk9inw8i"))))
+ (base32 "1vfcbfzhkm2wkxnjg7y6gg93wlib9cqpbdbhyqcm5kc7170ci3vz"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam))
@@ -11585,16 +11627,16 @@ vectors and streams.")
(define-public sbcl-zpb-exif
(name "sbcl-zpb-exif")
- (version "1.2.4")
+ (version "1.2.5")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/xach/zpb-exif")
(commit (string-append "release-" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-zpb-exif" version))
- (base32 "15s227jhby55cisz14xafb0p1ws2jmrg2rrbbd00lrb97im84hy6"))))
+ (base32 "0h1n36lfl8xn8rfyl5jxz9m8zlg0if2avmryas79f684yczrvdnd"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(home-page "https://xach.com/lisp/zpb-exif/")
(synopsis "EXIF information extractor for Common Lisp")
@@ -11652,8 +11694,8 @@ both from files on disk, or streams in memory.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-pngload))
(define-public sbcl-opticl
- (let ((commit "e8684416eca2e78e82a7b436d436ef2ea24c019d")
- (revision "0"))
+ (let ((commit "f6fc4dc5fa61ae3f2527b77e4bda99001ba37dcb")
+ (revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-opticl")
(version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
@@ -11663,21 +11705,22 @@ both from files on disk, or streams in memory.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/slyrus/opticl")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-opticl" version))
- (base32 "03rirnnhhisjbimlmpi725h1d3x0cfv00r57988am873dyzawmm1"))))
+ (base32 "1jx9n78d4lf53iz24yid34l92zrpqxfihv6049ixcy0xigf7j4ac"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam))
- `(("alexandria" ,sbcl-alexandria)
- ("cl-jpeg" ,sbcl-cl-jpeg)
- ("cl-tga" ,sbcl-cl-tga)
- ("png-read" ,sbcl-png-read)
- ("pngload" ,sbcl-pngload)
- ("retrospectiff" ,sbcl-retrospectiff)
- ("skippy" ,sbcl-skippy)
- ("zpng" ,sbcl-zpng)))
+ (list sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-cl-jpeg
+ sbcl-cl-tga
+ sbcl-opticl-core
+ sbcl-png-read
+ sbcl-pngload
+ sbcl-retrospectiff
+ sbcl-skippy
+ sbcl-zpng))
'(#:asd-files '("opticl.asd")))
(home-page "https://github.com/slyrus/opticl")
@@ -11693,10 +11736,40 @@ and saving 2-dimensional pixel-based images.")
(define-public ecl-opticl
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-opticl))
-(define-public sbcl-mcclim
- (let ((commit "04cc542dd4b461b9d56406e40681d1a8f080730f")
+(define-public sbcl-cl-dejavu
+ (let ((commit "9d68ced4edee6f96fead42cb4835d0ff4a158373")
(revision "1"))
+ (name "sbcl-cl-dejavu")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/dkochmanski/cl-dejavu")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-dejavu" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1lbxiq21bxj8r11c58cqskgn8gnl2p8q1ydkhdsv7i7xnhv2y7r0"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/dkochmanski/cl-dejavu")
+ (synopsis "DejaVu fonts for Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "This is a repackage of the original DejaVu Fonts with some convenience
+ (license (list license:cc0
+ (license:x11-style "http://dejavu-fonts.org/"))))))
+(define-public cl-dejavu
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-cl-dejavu))
+(define-public ecl-dejavu
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-cl-dejavu))
+(define-public sbcl-mcclim
+ (let ((commit "292343f9e30c7ef54a3d9b4b045495387c51585e")
+ (revision "2"))
+ (package
(name "sbcl-mcclim")
(version (git-version "0.9.7" revision commit))
@@ -11705,37 +11778,37 @@ and saving 2-dimensional pixel-based images.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/mcclim/mcclim")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-mcclim" version))
- (base32 "1xjly8i62z72hfhlnz5kjd9i8xhrwckc7avyizxvhih67pkjmsx0"))))
+ (base32 "10sq34rk11p2lrpqg5hr4721y2yqpmz9yk88mgdmwn7iyga5f2fp"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam pkg-config))
- `(("alexandria" ,sbcl-alexandria)
- ("babel" ,sbcl-babel)
- ("bordeaux-threads" ,sbcl-bordeaux-threads)
- ("cl-freetype2" ,sbcl-cl-freetype2)
- ("cl-pdf" ,sbcl-cl-pdf)
- ("cffi" ,sbcl-cffi)
- ("cl-unicode" ,sbcl-cl-unicode)
- ("cl-vectors" ,sbcl-cl-vectors)
- ("closer-mop" ,sbcl-closer-mop)
- ("clx" ,sbcl-clx)
- ("flexi-streams" ,sbcl-flexi-streams)
- ("flexichain" ,sbcl-flexichain)
- ("font-dejavu" ,font-dejavu)
- ("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("freetype" ,freetype)
- ("harfbuzz" ,harfbuzz)
- ("log4cl" ,sbcl-log4cl)
- ("opticl" ,sbcl-opticl)
- ("spatial-trees" ,sbcl-spatial-trees)
- ("swank" ,sbcl-slime-swank)
- ("trivial-features" ,sbcl-trivial-features)
- ("trivial-garbage" ,sbcl-trivial-garbage)
- ("trivial-gray-streams" ,sbcl-trivial-gray-streams)
- ("zpb-ttf" ,sbcl-zpb-ttf)))
+ (list fontconfig
+ freetype
+ harfbuzz
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-babel
+ sbcl-bordeaux-threads
+ sbcl-cl-dejavu
+ sbcl-cl-freetype2
+ sbcl-cl-pdf
+ sbcl-cffi
+ sbcl-cl-unicode
+ sbcl-cl-vectors
+ sbcl-closer-mop
+ sbcl-clx
+ sbcl-flexi-streams
+ sbcl-flexichain
+ sbcl-log4cl
+ sbcl-opticl
+ sbcl-spatial-trees
+ sbcl-slime-swank
+ sbcl-trivial-features
+ sbcl-trivial-garbage
+ sbcl-trivial-gray-streams
+ sbcl-zpb-ttf))
'(#:asd-systems '("mcclim"
@@ -11743,12 +11816,6 @@ and saving 2-dimensional pixel-based images.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; mcclim-truetype uses DejaVu as default font and
- ;; sets the path at build time.
- (substitute* "Extensions/fonts/fontconfig.lisp"
- (("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/")
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "font-dejavu")
- "/share/fonts/truetype/")))
(substitute* "Extensions/fontconfig/src/functions.lisp"
(search-input-file inputs "/lib/libfontconfig.so")))
@@ -11764,8 +11831,7 @@ and saving 2-dimensional pixel-based images.")
(string-append "(asdf:load-system :cffi-grovel)\n" all)))
(substitute* "Extensions/harfbuzz/mcclim-harfbuzz.asd"
(("\\(asdf:defsystem #:mcclim-harfbuzz" all)
- (string-append "(asdf:load-system :cffi-grovel)\n" all)))
- #t)))))
+ (string-append "(asdf:load-system :cffi-grovel)\n" all))))))))
(home-page "https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/")
(synopsis "Common Lisp GUI toolkit")
@@ -12091,8 +12157,8 @@ carrys on from the end of the body.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-livesupport))
(define-public sbcl-envy
- (let ((commit "956321b2852d58ba71c6fe621f5c2924178e9f88")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "26a7faadc981f2a047daa36f715a44faec5dd00c")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-envy")
(version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
@@ -12101,26 +12167,19 @@ carrys on from the end of the body.")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url home-page)
+ (url "https://github.com/fukamachi/envy")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-envy" version))
- (base32 "17iwrfxcdinjbb2h6l09qf40s7xkbhrpmnljlwpjy8l8rll8h3vg"))))
+ (base32 "1r0wgimd7z57x8cv69sw76w3y5l70hq50882a9nq5l4v64lg55fq"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; (native-inputs ; Only for tests.
- ;; `(("prove" ,sbcl-prove)
- ;; ("osicat" ,sbcl-osicat)))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-osicat sbcl-prove))
- '(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "envy-test.asd"
- (("cl-test-more") "prove"))
- #t)))
- ;; Tests fail with
+ `(#:asd-systems '("envy-test" "envy")
+ ;; FIXME: Tests fail with
;; Component ENVY-ASD::ENVY-TEST not found, required by #<SYSTEM "envy">
- ;; like xsubseq. Why?
+ ;; https://github.com/fukamachi/envy/issues/10
#:tests? #f))
(synopsis "Common Lisp configuration switcher inspired by Perl's Config::ENV")
(description "Envy is a configuration manager for various applications.
@@ -12135,8 +12194,8 @@ can separate configuration system from an implementation.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-envy))
(define-public sbcl-mito
- (let ((commit "2fbfc8aa6f9e3e8029bf09888c74b9af98dad341")
- (revision "2"))
+ (let ((commit "47ba4865ca4bb2894b53703a49a299e973f8eb86")
+ (revision "3"))
(name "sbcl-mito")
(version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
@@ -12149,7 +12208,7 @@ can separate configuration system from an implementation.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name "mito" version))
- (base32 "1a9kivpy9j2grf1c6gdjk7fwcdlvvq67p3m98jyfhiyzj7axjymd"))))
+ (base32 "0313nxlj1zqw6zyc23xpf85v0jk32sg0543ql8363jki0pmg7yhs"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-prove))
@@ -12184,9 +12243,7 @@ can separate configuration system from an implementation.")
(("\\(:test-file \"postgres-types\"\\)") "")
(("\\(:test-file \"mixin\"\\)") ""))
- ;; TODO: While all enabled tests pass, the phase fails with:
- ;; Component MITO-ASD::MITO-TEST not found, required by #<SYSTEM "mito">
- #:tests? #f))
+ #:asd-systems '("mito-test" "mito")))
(synopsis "ORM for Common Lisp with migrations and relationships support")
(description "Mito is yet another object relational mapper, and it aims
to be a successor of Integral.
@@ -12400,8 +12457,8 @@ can begin writing unit tests as soon as the project is generated.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-cl-project))
(define-public sbcl-caveman
- (let ((commit "faa5f7e3b364fd7e7096af9a7bb06728b8d80441") ; No release since 2012
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "35cd8bc6c322f9d88498405fc26168a1fb42ae1c") ; No release since 2012
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sbcl-caveman")
(version (git-version "2.4.0" revision commit))
@@ -12412,31 +12469,35 @@ can begin writing unit tests as soon as the project is generated.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/fukamachi/caveman/")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-caveman" version))
- (base32 "0kh0gx05pczk8f7r9qdi4zn1p3d0a2prps27k7jpgvc1dxkl8qhq"))))
+ (base32 "1wvjm9m1fnapg0r9imhhcwgnhhqkkccnj3c0iw9yg1f72d7zhm2w"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
`(("ningle" ,cl-ningle)
("lack" ,sbcl-lack)
("cl-project" ,sbcl-cl-project)
("dbi" ,sbcl-dbi)
+ ("sxql" ,sbcl-sxql)
("cl-syntax" ,sbcl-cl-syntax)
("myway" ,sbcl-myway)
("quri" ,sbcl-quri)))
`(("usocket" ,sbcl-usocket)
- ("dexador" ,sbcl-dexador)))
+ ("dexador" ,sbcl-dexador)
+ ("lack" ,sbcl-lack)
+ ("trivial-types" ,sbcl-trivial-types)
+ ("prove" ,sbcl-prove)))
- `(#:asd-files '("caveman2.asd")
- #:asd-systems '("caveman2")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'remove-v1
- (lambda _
- (delete-file-recursively "v1")
- (for-each delete-file
- '("README.v1.markdown" "caveman.asd" "caveman-test.asd")))))
+ `(#:asd-files '("caveman2.asd"
+ "caveman2-db.asd"
+ "caveman2-test.asd"
+ "caveman-middleware-dbimanager.asd")
+ #:test-asd-file "caveman2-test.asd"
+ #:asd-systems '("caveman2"
+ "caveman2-db"
+ "caveman2-test"
+ "caveman-middleware-dbimanager")
;; TODO: Tests fail with:
;; writing /gnu/store/...-sbcl-caveman-2.4.0-1.faa5f7e/share/common-lisp/sbcl-source/caveman2/v2/t/tmp/myapp573/tests/myapp573.lisp
;; While evaluating the form starting at line 38, column 0
@@ -12444,6 +12505,11 @@ can begin writing unit tests as soon as the project is generated.")
;; {10009F8083}>:
;; Component "myapp573" not found
+ ;;
+ ;; The above myapp573 component name is randomly generated by
+ ;; gensym on each test run. `(asdf:load-system *app-name*)` tries
+ ;; to load this component and fails.
+ ;; TODO: Ask fukamachi how to go around this.
#:tests? #f))
(synopsis "Lightweight web application framework in Common Lisp")
(description "Caveman is intended to be a collection of common parts for
@@ -13237,8 +13303,8 @@ Polar Stereographic).")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-utm-ups))
(define-public sbcl-mgrs
- (let ((commit "00455460407b7e5509d1be3da09bf6152956761f")
- (revision "0"))
+ (let ((commit "c06f268f9ccb00dfc94c8a07771ce1ca82df26a2")
+ (revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-mgrs")
(version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
@@ -13248,9 +13314,9 @@ Polar Stereographic).")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/glv2/mgrs")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "mgrs" version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-mgrs" version))
- (base32 "0ckvn4hg3wwivzavhfashb6fap4a1q10l8krhbng8bdb54ac10sz"))))
+ (base32 "1n4kd734qjj7mrcg0q28hml3npam1rm067iwljwc87zshnxh5gmn"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam))
@@ -13271,8 +13337,8 @@ latitude/longitude and MGRS.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-mgrs))
(define-public sbcl-maidenhead
- (let ((commit "b756d235c27b5d6798867aa240318af1a8f35d6d")
- (revision "0"))
+ (let ((commit "202671f39a4c90c18016123685705533d43ccde6")
+ (revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-maidenhead")
(version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
@@ -13282,9 +13348,9 @@ latitude/longitude and MGRS.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/glv2/maidenhead")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "maidenhead" version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-maidenhead" version))
- (base32 "02p990zprhjvifmsfk8yh3frvz6xyw26ikzxvzglqdixbal36nr3"))))
+ (base32 "0bkw31jibx4sh2086jgsw4rvaz3i1dmycbwp203rjj78x7wz9743"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam))
@@ -13303,8 +13369,8 @@ latitude/longitude and Maidenhead locator system.")
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-maidenhead))
(define-public sbcl-olc
- (let ((commit "517e27fa57d9a119b00a29c4b6b31e553deff309")
- (revision "0"))
+ (let ((commit "0269ed747477d967f7d9331964906b6a0f18a9c4")
+ (revision "1"))
(name "sbcl-olc")
(version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
@@ -13314,9 +13380,9 @@ latitude/longitude and Maidenhead locator system.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/glv2/olc")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "olc" version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-olc" version))
- (base32 "1lnfhp6z6kc8l605zp4siyjiw74y1h4bdq3jfizi084v505wxhgr"))))
+ (base32 "02r6w9kfa6v4a12y2azmyjkxbn54r1y18c6a024vq4y6zp20fqnz"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
(list sbcl-fiveam))
@@ -14733,8 +14799,8 @@ protocol for Mastodon.")
(sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-tooter))
(define-public sbcl-croatoan
- (let ((commit "cf875137a23ed4efbfde63e52691f1b544d55d17")
- (revision "4"))
+ (let ((commit "5d0949d57a12e7fece8828e089daa339b260da96")
+ (revision "5"))
(name "sbcl-croatoan")
(version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
@@ -14744,9 +14810,9 @@ protocol for Mastodon.")
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/McParen/croatoan")
(commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name "croatoan" version))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-croatoan" version))
- (base32 "0dvp8irimlnnvz2m4lnmxp19xbam1yfri3d1i9qqml968i08xcwb"))))
+ (base32 "0qsnz10hri95al73vhpqrs7mapz2px0dbwgfn52sbi93gwk5aki9"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
@@ -14759,10 +14825,10 @@ protocol for Mastodon.")
- `(("bordeaux-threads" ,sbcl-bordeaux-threads)
- ("cffi" ,sbcl-cffi)
- ("ncurses" ,ncurses)
- ("trivial-gray-streams" ,sbcl-trivial-gray-streams)))
+ (list ncurses
+ sbcl-cffi
+ sbcl-trivial-gray-streams
+ sbcl-bordeaux-threads))
(synopsis "Common Lisp bindings for the ncurses terminal library")
(description "Croatoan provides high-level Common Lisp CLOS bindings for
the ncurses terminal library.")
@@ -16532,17 +16598,7 @@ combinators in Common Lisp, similar in concept to Haskell Parsec system.")
(base32 "1rhannhpsw1yg1fpflam483a3w9qb1izgyvmnmiddv3dn4qsmn9p"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; FIXME: (Sharlatan-20210523T190658+0100): All tests passed ok but
- ;; successfully failed in the end:
- ;;
- ;; Summary:
- ;; All 1 file passed.
- ;; in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {100B6C8253}>:
- ;; Component CL-LOCALE-ASD::CL-LOCALE-TEST not found, required by
- ;; #<SYSTEM "cl-locale">
- ;;
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("cl-locale-test" "cl-locale")))
`(("prove" ,sbcl-prove)
("flexi-streams" ,sbcl-flexi-streams)))
@@ -17216,15 +17272,7 @@ computing and event based message handling.")
(base32 "1yac1v7zmdxj0p6rvwrrhyqvy7yjfhmqbchkwqhhr89gpjvvaick"))))
(build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
- ;; All test cases pass, but tests successfully fail at the end:
- ;;
- ;; Summary:
- ;; All 1 file passed.
- ;; #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001858103}>:
- ;; Component ASSOC-UTILS-ASD::ASSOC-UTILS-TEST not found, required by
- ;; #<SYSTEM "assoc-utils">
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ '(#:asd-systems '("assoc-utils-test" "assoc-utils")))
(list sbcl-prove))
(home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/assoc-utils")
@@ -20069,6 +20117,42 @@ parsers.")
(define-public ecl-maxpc
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-maxpc))
+(define-public sbcl-snakes
+ (let ((commit "8c7eae579bb24539dbd584a81a1049f3d3ff8bf8")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-snakes")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/BnMcGn/snakes")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1ibp919qcpm6kg67b507kpjzdlhpdjr7vkh9vabln3a75k8lnlsg"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-snakes" commit))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-cl-cont
+ sbcl-cl-utilities
+ sbcl-closer-mop
+ sbcl-fiveam
+ sbcl-iterate))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/BnMcGn/snakes")
+ (synopsis "Python-like generators for Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "This package provides Python style generators for Common Lisp.
+It also includes a port of itertools.")
+ (license license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public cl-snakes
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-snakes))
+(define-public ecl-snakes
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-snakes))
(define-public sbcl-random-state
(let ((commit "c270d4f15e0b66ba9680ca8734a5de56959cb118")
(revision "1"))
@@ -20251,6 +20335,70 @@ rendering of the XML Infoset.")
(define-public ecl-cl-sxml
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-cl-sxml))
+(define-public sbcl-lorem-ipsum
+ (let ((commit "04a1839a03b53c954e799b9cf570ac915b032ce8")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-lorem-ipsum")
+ (version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/phoe/lorem-ipsum")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1530qq0bk3xr25m77q96pbi1idnxdkax8cwmvq4ch03rfjy34j7n"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-lorem-ipsum" commit))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/phoe/lorem-ipsum")
+ (synopsis "Lorem ipsum generator in portable Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "This package provides functions for generating lorem ipsum text.")
+ (license license:expat))))
+(define-public cl-lorem-ipsum
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-lorem-ipsum))
+(define-public ecl-lorem-ipsum
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-lorem-ipsum))
+(define-public sbcl-asd-generator
+ (let ((commit "27f94971a7c68c4dcb51e3f6be4142743d0c44e8")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-asd-generator")
+ (version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/phoe/asd-generator")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0yiybl7b9x1f85v0drj0yw9821y3yfhya4n6gycnv5vvx6jp9by4"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-asd-generator" commit))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:asd-systems '("asd-generator")
+ #:asd-files '("asd-generator.asd")))
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-cl-fad
+ sbcl-iterate
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-trivia))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/phoe/asd-generator")
+ (synopsis "Automatic generator for .asd files")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an automatic generator for ASDF's .asd files.")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public cl-asd-generator
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-asd-generator))
+(define-public ecl-asd-generator
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-asd-generator))
(define-public sbcl-cl-gopher
(let ((commit "62cfd180378f56e7e8b57e4302b183810c86e337")
(revision "2"))
@@ -20324,6 +20472,37 @@ Lisp. A subsystem offers an experimental GUI Gemini client.")
(define-public ecl-phos
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-phos))
+(define-public sbcl-css-lite
+ (let ((commit "6ee4e6212ed56943d665df163d2a834b122e6273")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-css-lite")
+ (version "0.01")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/paddymul/css-lite")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1lyvw7hcy09k5qs6icky23s13psqxncyc73hdyiimb66p0jx6k0d"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-css-lite" commit))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/paddymul/css-lite")
+ (synopsis "CSS grammar for Lisp")
+ (description
+ "@code{cl-css-lite} is a library for generating CSS from an s-exp based
+syntax. When compiled with Parenscript loaded in the Lisp image, it
+also provides the same CSS generation facilities in Parenscript-generated
+JavaScript code.")
+ (license license:bsd-3))))
+(define-public cl-css-lite
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-css-lite))
+(define-public ecl-css-lite
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-css-lite))
(define-public sbcl-nhooks
(name "sbcl-nhooks")
@@ -20376,3 +20555,317 @@ identified uniquely.
(define-public ecl-nhooks
(sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-nhooks))
+(define-public sbcl-wordnet
+ (let ((commit "8cd0db8f5e84e7a930fa74e590ecddf75cd8e5d6")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-wordnet")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/phoe/wordnet")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "07p60k295fsfcp0gmkqhrxd68hb38aqva8f4k8xk8bqqxxf42vkq"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-wordnet" commit))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ; There are no tests.
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-split-sequence))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/phoe/wordnet")
+ (synopsis "Common Lisp interface to WordNet")
+ (description
+ "This software provides an interface by which Common Lisp programs can
+access lexicographic data from WordNet.")
+ (license license:expat))))
+(define-public cl-wordnet
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-wordnet))
+(define-public ecl-wordnet
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-wordnet))
+(define-public sbcl-nfiles
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-nfiles")
+ (version "0.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/atlas-engineer/nfiles")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "nfiles" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1jdrqvxp4dxlkggx951rxp29lg7hm8zxq35pqq8hr9m9ydy088s7"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list gnupg
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-hu.dwim.defclass-star
+ sbcl-serapeum
+ sbcl-trivial-garbage
+ sbcl-trivial-package-local-nicknames
+ sbcl-trivial-types))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-prove))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "gpg.lisp"
+ (("\"gpg\"")
+ (string-append "\"" (assoc-ref inputs "gnupg") "/bin/gpg\""))))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/atlas-engineer/nfiles")
+ (synopsis "Manage file persistence and loading in Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "NFiles is a Common Lisp library to help manage file persistence and
+loading, in particular user-centric files like configuration files. It boasts
+the following features:
+@item Dynamic and customizable path expansion.
+@item Extensible serialization and deserialization.
+@item Cached reads and writes. When a file object expands to the same path as
+another one, a read or write on it won’t do anything in case there was no
+change since last write.
+@item (Experimental!) On-the-fly PGP encryption.
+@item Profile support.
+@item On read error, existing files are backed up.
+@item On write error, no file is written to disk, the existing file is preserved.
+@end itemize\n")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public ecl-nfiles
+ (let ((pkg (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-nfiles)))
+ (package
+ (inherit pkg)
+ (inputs
+ (cons (list "iolib" ecl-iolib)
+ (package-inputs pkg))))))
+(define-public cl-nfiles
+ (package
+ (inherit (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-nfiles))
+ (inputs
+ (cons (list "iolib" cl-iolib)
+ (package-inputs sbcl-nfiles)))))
+(define-public sbcl-cl-template
+ (let ((commit "46193a9a389bb950530e579eae7e6e5a18184832")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-cl-template")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/alpha123/cl-template")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/alpha123/cl-template")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-template" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1rhg023a2nxsk5x6abd6i0a8sh36aj0bgsh80w60m3b7xlsva2x2"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-fiveam))
+ (synopsis "Template engine for Common Lisp")
+ (description "@code{cl-template} is a template engine for Common Lisp,
+taking inspiration from Ruby's ERb module.")
+ (license license:expat))))
+(define-public cl-template
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-cl-template))
+(define-public ecl-cl-template
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-cl-template))
+(define-public sbcl-fast-websocket
+ (let ((commit "24c0217e7c0d25b6ef6ab799452cba0b9fb58f44")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-fast-websocket")
+ (version (git-version "0.1" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/fast-websocket")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/fukamachi/fast-websocket")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-fast-websoclet" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "04sacrhpdp3ixvp6wjwxls5mv47g0q6542pd16yn199xjg0drw8a"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (arguments
+ ;; Test system must be loaded before, otherwise tests fail with:
+ ;; required by #<SYSTEM "fast-websocket">.
+ '(#:asd-systems '("fast-websocket-test"
+ "fast-websocket")))
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-fast-io
+ sbcl-babel
+ sbcl-alexandria))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-prove
+ sbcl-trivial-utf-8))
+ (synopsis "WebSocket protocol parser for Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "@code{fast-websocket} is an optimized low-level WebSocket protocol
+ (license license:bsd-2))))
+(define-public cl-fast-websocket
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-fast-websocket))
+(define-public ecl-fast-websocket
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-fast-websocket))
+(define-public sbcl-event-emitter
+ (let ((commit "cb0e15f9de4c617cef3f5d5a22a41e28f9613d0b")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-event-emitter")
+ (version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/event-emitter")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/fukamachi/event-emitter")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-event-emitter" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1i18xzfr6334db9dzj0lsl7wxw1r1l0ixvn883mjbyqw0czp21h6"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list sbcl-prove))
+ (synopsis "Event mechanism for Common Lisp objects")
+ (description "Event Emitter provides an event mechanism like Node.js for
+Common Lisp objects. It is mostly ported from Node.js @code{events} module.")
+ (license license:bsd-2))))
+(define-public cl-event-emitter
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-event-emitter))
+(define-public ecl-event-emitter
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-event-emitter))
+(define-public sbcl-sha1
+ (let ((commit "be8b1b155c3a6ad3eb9b200212af6ff52f5611de")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-sha1")
+ (version (git-version "1.0" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/massung/sha1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/massung/sha1")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-sha1" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1cfn0j5yfwqkwr2dm73wr9hz8dmws3ngxlbk9886ahxkg544qx4z"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (synopsis "SHA1 Digest and HMAC for Common Lisp")
+ (description
+ "This is a very simple implementation of SHA1 and HMAC-SHA1 for
+Common Lisp. The code is intended to be easy to follow and is therefore a
+little slower than it could be.")
+ (license license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public cl-sha1
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-sha1))
+(define-public ecl-sha1
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-sha1))
+(define-public sbcl-websocket-driver
+ (let ((commit "df94496ecb525d086eeada4f5875975515b7212e")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-websocket-driver")
+ (version (git-version "0.2.0" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/fukamachi/websocket-driver")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/fukamachi/websocket-driver")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-websocket-driver" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0y852sqdnxfma6kw833by4wkgbgbv4ppzawjk8pk3y1pmh6is83y"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-babel
+ sbcl-clack
+ sbcl-fast-http
+ sbcl-fast-io
+ sbcl-fast-websocket
+ sbcl-event-emitter
+ sbcl-sha1
+ sbcl-cl-base64
+ sbcl-split-sequence
+ sbcl-bordeaux-threads
+ sbcl-quri))
+ (synopsis "WebSocket server/client for Common Lisp")
+ (description "This library provides a WebSocket server and client
+implementation for Common Lisp.")
+ (license license:bsd-2))))
+(define-public cl-websocket-driver
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-websocket-driver))
+(define-public ecl-websocket-driver
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-websocket-driver))
+(define-public sbcl-purgatory
+ (let ((commit "ade0d60a14a1067b9cc8cf06d1f1a1ca8cecdb03")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "sbcl-purgatory")
+ (version (git-version "0.1.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://notabug.org/cage/purgatory")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "cl-purgatory" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1mwlalymmfbx1jx5wzqcnpg5h8d0ylllm1p3f4lwaawfv05lk82s"))))
+ (build-system asdf-build-system/sbcl)
+ (inputs
+ (list sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-babel
+ sbcl-bordeaux-threads
+ sbcl-cl-ppcre-unicode
+ sbcl-usocket))
+ (synopsis "Common Lisp implementation of the 9p protocol")
+ (description "This is a Common Lisp library that implements
+the 9p network filesystem protocol.")
+ (home-page "https://notabug.org/cage/purgatory/")
+ (license license:llgpl))))
+(define-public ecl-purgatory
+ (sbcl-package->ecl-package sbcl-purgatory))
+(define-public cl-purgatory
+ (sbcl-package->cl-source-package sbcl-purgatory))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/lisp.scm b/gnu/packages/lisp.scm
index 82fbd15381..3661042002 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/lisp.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/lisp.scm
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Katherine Cox-Buday <cox.katherine.e@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jesse Gildersleve <jessejohngildersleve@protonmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ interface to the Tk widget system.")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
- "https://common-lisp.net/project/ecl/static/files/release/"
+ "https://ecl.common-lisp.dev/static/files/release/"
name "-" version ".tgz"))
(base32 "000906nnq25177bgsfndiw3iqqgrjc9spk10hzk653sbz3f7anmi"))))
@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ interface to the Tk widget system.")
;; src/configure uses 'which' to confirm the existence of 'gzip'.
(list cl-asdf which texinfo))
+ (inputs (list bash-minimal))
;; When ECL is embedded in a program that wants to use Common Lisp as an
;; extension language, libgmp, libatomic-ops, libgc and libffi must be
;; present when compiling the program because they are required by ECL's
@@ -269,12 +270,11 @@ interface to the Tk widget system.")
(list gmp libatomic-ops libgc libffi))
`(#:configure-flags '("--without-rt")
- ;; FIXME: As of version 20.4.24, we pass 17995 tests and fail 7.
- ;; 2-3 tests may be due to FHS assumptions.
- #:tests? #t
#:parallel-tests? #f
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; FIXME: As of version 20.4.24, we pass 17995 tests and fail 7.
+ ;; 2-3 tests may be due to FHS assumptions.
(delete 'check)
(add-after 'unpack 'replace-asdf
;; Use system ASDF instead of bundled one.
@@ -284,13 +284,11 @@ interface to the Tk widget system.")
(contrib-asdf "contrib/asdf/asdf.lisp"))
- (copy-file guix-asdf contrib-asdf))
- #t))
+ (copy-file guix-asdf contrib-asdf))))
(add-after 'install 'remove-build-stamp
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(delete-file (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/lib/ecl-" ,version "/build-stamp"))
- #t))
+ "/lib/ecl-" ,version "/build-stamp"))))
(add-after 'remove-build-stamp 'wrap
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((ecl (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
@@ -313,14 +311,12 @@ interface to the Tk widget system.")
(input-path lib "/include"))
`("kernel-headers" ,@libraries)))
`("LIBRARY_PATH" suffix ,library-directories)
- `("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" suffix ,library-directories))
- #t)))
+ `("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" suffix ,library-directories)))))
(add-after 'wrap 'check (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check))
(add-before 'check 'fix-path-to-ecl
(lambda _
(substitute* "build/tests/Makefile"
- (("\\$\\{exec_prefix\\}/") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (("\\$\\{exec_prefix\\}/") "")))))))
(list (search-path-specification
(variable "XDG_DATA_DIRS")
@@ -328,7 +324,7 @@ interface to the Tk widget system.")
(variable "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS")
(files '("etc")))))
- (home-page "http://ecls.sourceforge.net/")
+ (home-page "https://ecl.common-lisp.dev/")
(synopsis "Embeddable Common Lisp")
(description "ECL is an implementation of the Common Lisp language as
defined by the ANSI X3J13 specification. Its most relevant features are: a
@@ -417,14 +413,14 @@ an interpreter, a compiler, a debugger, and much more.")
(define-public sbcl
(name "sbcl")
- (version "2.1.9")
+ (version "2.2.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/sbcl/sbcl/" version "/sbcl-"
version "-source.tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "189gjqzdz10xh3ybiy4ch1r98bsmkcb4hpnrmggd4y2g5kqnyx4y"))))
+ (base32 "1xjhg473ibfiplvvyg1grxrh0nqqbg72acc2pcacw7bijyzdp447"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "doc"))
@@ -1156,7 +1152,7 @@ including a built-in database engine and a GUI system.")
(define-public janet
(name "janet")
- (version "1.19.2")
+ (version "1.20.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1165,7 +1161,7 @@ including a built-in database engine and a GUI system.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0waj22rzxmc0yx1yr0pzw9lwp6my5abfpfi6vq932bmli8y9prpd"))))
+ (base32 "0983jp22nnfpsc77nhsjgp7zp7m2n47pxg9nagwfhhff6rlqw9wq"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list #:make-flags
diff --git a/gnu/packages/llvm.scm b/gnu/packages/llvm.scm
index 83f57ec28e..eb949bed1b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/llvm.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/llvm.scm
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Lars-Dominik Braun <lars@6xq.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -99,8 +100,13 @@ as \"x86_64-linux\"."
("i586" => "X86"))))
(define (llvm-uri component version)
+ ;; LLVM release candidate file names are formatted 'tool-A.B.C-rcN/tool-A.B.CrcN.src.tar.xz'
+ ;; so we specify the version as A.B.C-rcN and delete the hyphen when referencing the file name.
(string-append "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download"
- "/llvmorg-" version "/" component "-" version ".src.tar.xz"))
+ "/llvmorg-" version "/" component "-" (string-delete #\- version) ".src.tar.xz"))
+(define %llvm-release-monitoring-url
+ "https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases")
(define* (clang-runtime-from-llvm llvm hash
#:optional (patches '()))
@@ -150,6 +156,8 @@ functions for C and C++ programs. It also provides header files that allow C
and C++ source code to interface with the \"sanitization\" passes of the clang
compiler. In LLVM this library is called \"compiler-rt\".")
(license (package-license llvm))
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)
+ (upstream-name . "compiler-rt")))
;; <https://compiler-rt.llvm.org/> doesn't list MIPS as supported.
(supported-systems (delete "mips64el-linux" %supported-systems))))
@@ -157,7 +165,9 @@ compiler. In LLVM this library is called \"compiler-rt\".")
(define* (clang-from-llvm llvm clang-runtime hash
#:key (patches '()) tools-extra
- (clang-properties (package-version llvm))))
+ (append `((release-monitoring-url
+ . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url))
+ (clang-properties (package-version llvm)))))
"Produce Clang with dependencies on LLVM and CLANG-RUNTIME, and applying the
given PATCHES. When TOOLS-EXTRA is given, it must point to the
'clang-tools-extra' tarball, which contains code for 'clang-tidy', 'pp-trace',
@@ -178,7 +188,6 @@ given PATCHES. When TOOLS-EXTRA is given, it must point to the
;; doesn't seem to be any way to do this with clang's autotools-based
;; build system.
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- (outputs (if tools-extra '("out" "extra") '("out")))
(native-inputs (package-native-inputs llvm))
`(("libxml2" ,libxml2)
@@ -216,59 +225,12 @@ given PATCHES. When TOOLS-EXTRA is given, it must point to the
(invoke "tar" "xf" extra)
(rename-file ,(string-append
- (package-version llvm)
+ (string-delete #\- (package-version llvm))
- #t)))
- (add-after 'install 'move-extra-tools
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Move the extra tools to the "extra" output.
- ;; These programs alone weigh in at 296 MiB,
- ;; because they statically-link a whole bunch of
- ;; Clang libraries.
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (extra (assoc-ref outputs "extra"))
- (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
- (bin* (string-append extra "/bin"))
- (lib (string-append out "/lib")))
- (define (move program)
- (rename-file (string-append bin "/" program)
- (string-append bin* "/"
- program)))
- (mkdir-p bin*)
- (for-each move
- '("clang-apply-replacements"
- "clang-change-namespace"
- "clangd"
- "clang-doc"
- "clang-include-fixer"
- "clang-move"
- "clang-query"
- "clang-reorder-fields"
- "clang-tidy"
- "find-all-symbols"
- "modularize"
- "pp-trace"))
- ;; Remove MiBs of .a files coming from
- ;; 'clang-tools-extra'.
- (for-each (lambda (component)
- (delete-file
- (string-append lib "/libclang"
- component ".a")))
- '("ApplyReplacements"
- "ChangeNamespace"
- "Daemon"
- "DaemonTweaks"
- "Doc"
- "IncludeFixer"
- "IncludeFixerPlugin"
- "Move"))
- (for-each delete-file
- (find-files
- lib
- "^(libfindAllSymbols|libclangTidy)"))
+ ;; Build and link to shared libraries.
+ (substitute* "cmake/modules/AddClang.cmake"
+ (("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS") "True"))
(add-after 'unpack 'add-missing-triplets
@@ -560,14 +522,14 @@ output), and Binutils.")
(define-public llvm-13
(name "llvm")
- (version "13.0.0")
+ (version "13.0.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (llvm-uri "llvm" version))
- "081h2vw757j5xjg2441539j2vhfzzihrgxwza5pq5sj3hrq133a0"))))
+ "0d681xiixmx9inwvz14vi3xsznrcryk06a8rvk9cljiq5kc80szc"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "opt-viewer"))
@@ -621,16 +583,17 @@ languages. It currently supports compilation of C and C++ programs, using
front-ends derived from GCC 4.0.1. A new front-end for the C family of
languages is in development. The compiler infrastructure includes mirror sets
of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.")
- (license license:asl2.0)))
+ (license license:asl2.0)
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)))))
(define-public clang-runtime-13
- "0gyvfhnypfmlf7hdgkiz2wh2lgk4nz26aqf361msjs3qdkbh4djc"))
+ "1z2xr9nn4mgc3hn9ark2k5y4wznpk47xppkp63bcbagr6589acvv"))
(define-public clang-13
(clang-from-llvm llvm-13 clang-runtime-13
- "0zp1p6syii5iajm8v2c207s80arv00yz5ckfwimn5dng0sxiqqax"
+ "1j8pr5kk8iqyb4jds3yl7c6x672617h4ngkpl4575j7mk4nrwykq"
#:patches '("clang-13.0-libc-search-path.patch")
@@ -639,7 +602,7 @@ of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.")
(package-version llvm-13)))
- "1mgalgdgxlxi08yxw7k6yh4iia1bpjmjgn7mrpqas8lbl9h612s2")))))
+ "1l4jjdqfl9hrh0fwzv27hc263zc6x61h09vs4ni3yla8i1cwhayc")))))
(define-public clang-toolchain-13
(make-clang-toolchain clang-13))
@@ -1038,10 +1001,10 @@ of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.")
#:patches '("clang-3.5-libc-search-path.patch")))
;; Default LLVM and Clang version.
-(define-public llvm llvm-9)
-(define-public clang-runtime clang-runtime-9)
-(define-public clang clang-9)
-(define-public clang-toolchain clang-toolchain-9)
+(define-public llvm llvm-13)
+(define-public clang-runtime clang-runtime-13)
+(define-public clang clang-13)
+(define-public clang-toolchain clang-toolchain-13)
(define-public llvm-for-rocm
@@ -1106,18 +1069,19 @@ of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.")
(synopsis "LLVM libunwind header files")
"This package contains header files for the LLVM C++ unwinding library.")
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)))
(license license:asl2.0))) ;with LLVM exceptions
(define-public lld
(name "lld")
- (version "13.0.0")
+ (version "13.0.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (llvm-uri "lld" version))
- "11lkwv4jy35z2f3zcpv7hbbk9v9gpavfvxlif8265zv4rl5r1l90"))))
+ "1yscckcszfr234k4svhybdbsnz6w65x8pldl6c2nhyxzx12zfsk6"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
;; Note: check <https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49228> to see
@@ -1134,6 +1098,7 @@ of programming tools as well as libraries with equivalent functionality.")
(synopsis "Linker from the LLVM project")
(description "LLD is a high-performance linker, built as a set of reusable
components which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM Project.")
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)))
(license license:asl2.0))) ; With LLVM exception
(define-public lld-12
@@ -1192,21 +1157,21 @@ misuse of libraries outside of the store.")
(define-public lldb
(name "lldb")
- (version "12.0.1")
+ (version "13.0.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (llvm-uri "lldb" version))
- "0g3pj1m3chafavpr35r9fynm85y2hdyla6klj0h28khxs2613i78"))))
+ "05nvcbgb4rx860r3jzsbpvcbzpd0i7nsm5qrpkyfhg5vrh5mj32a"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags '("-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++")))
(list pkg-config swig))
- (list clang-12
- llvm-12
+ (list clang-13
+ llvm-13
;; Optional (but recommended) inputs.
@@ -1219,6 +1184,7 @@ misuse of libraries outside of the store.")
"LLDB is a high performance debugger built as a set of reusable components
which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM project.")
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)))
(license license:asl2.0))) ;with LLVM exceptions
(define-public libcxx
@@ -1257,6 +1223,7 @@ which highly leverage existing libraries in the larger LLVM project.")
"This package provides an implementation of the C++ standard library for
use with Clang, targeting C++11, C++14 and above.")
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)))
(license license:expat)))
;; Libcxx files specifically used by PySide2.
@@ -1389,7 +1356,7 @@ standard C++ library.")
(add-after 'unpack 'chdir
(lambda _ (chdir "libclc") #t)))))
- (list clang llvm python))
+ (list clang-9 llvm-9 python))
(home-page "https://libclc.llvm.org")
(synopsis "Libraries for the OpenCL programming language")
@@ -1401,13 +1368,13 @@ requirements according to version 1.1 of the OpenCL specification.")
(define-public libomp
(name "libomp")
- (version "9.0.1")
+ (version "13.0.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (llvm-uri "openmp" version))
- "1knafnpp0f7hylx8q20lkd6g1sf0flly572dayc5d5kghh7hd52w"))
+ "0kvbr4j6ldpssiv7chgqra5y77n7jwbyxlwcl7z32v31f49jcybb"))
(file-name (string-append "libomp-" version ".tar.xz"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
;; XXX: Note this gets built with GCC because building with Clang itself
@@ -1415,10 +1382,14 @@ requirements according to version 1.1 of the OpenCL specification.")
'(#:configure-flags '("-DLIBOMP_USE_HWLOC=ON"
+ ;; Work around faulty target detection, fixed in 14:
+ ;; https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/52910
#:test-target "check-libomp"))
- (list clang llvm perl pkg-config))
+ (list clang llvm perl pkg-config python))
(list `(,hwloc "lib")))
(home-page "https://openmp.llvm.org")
@@ -1428,6 +1399,8 @@ requirements according to version 1.1 of the OpenCL specification.")
project for the OpenMP multi-theaded programming extension. This package
notably provides @file{libgomp.so}, which is has a binary interface compatible
with that of libgomp, the GNU Offloading and Multi Processing Library.")
+ (properties `((release-monitoring-url . ,%llvm-release-monitoring-url)
+ (upstream-name . "openmp")))
(license license:expat)))
(define-public python-llvmlite
diff --git a/gnu/packages/loko.scm b/gnu/packages/loko.scm
index ef9312afe3..449c62f1f0 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/loko.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/loko.scm
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
`(("akku" ,akku)
- ("chez-scheme" ,chez-scheme)
+ ("chez-scheme" ,(chez-scheme-for-system))
("struct" ,guile-struct-pack)
("laesare" ,guile-laesare)
("pfds" ,guile-pfds)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/lua.scm b/gnu/packages/lua.scm
index c828ded1a5..ee4b7727e0 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/lua.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/lua.scm
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Paul A. Patience <paul@apatience.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira <vini.ipsmaker@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Brandon Lucas <br@ndon.dk>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -36,12 +37,14 @@
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system meson)
#:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
#:use-module (gnu packages build-tools)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
@@ -1175,39 +1178,108 @@ enabled.")
(license license:boost1.0)))
(define-public fennel
+ ;; The 1.0.0 release had a bug where fennel installed under 5.4 no matter
+ ;; what lua was used to compile it. There has since been an update that
+ ;; corrects this issue, so we can rely on the version of the lua input to
+ ;; determine where the fennel.lua file got installed to.
+ (let ((commit "03c1c95f2a79e45a9baf607f96a74c693b8b70f4")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "fennel")
+ (version (git-version "1.0.0" revision commit))
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/fennel")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1znp38h5q819gvcyl248zwvjsljfxdxdk8n82fnj6lyibiiqzgvx"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:make-flags (list (string-append "PREFIX=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
+ #:tests? #t ; even on cross-build
+ #:test-target "test"
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (add-after 'build 'patch-fennel
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "fennel"
+ (("/usr/bin/env .*lua")
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/lua")))))
+ (delete 'check)
+ (add-after 'install 'check
+ (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check)))))
+ (inputs (list lua))
+ (home-page "https://fennel-lang.org/")
+ (synopsis "Lisp that compiles to Lua")
+ (description
+ "Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed,
+simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a Lisp syntax and macro
+ (license license:expat))))
+(define-public fnlfmt
- (name "fennel")
- (version "1.0.0")
+ (name "fnlfmt")
+ (version "0.2.2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
- (url "https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/fennel")
+ (url "https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/fnlfmt")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0d4rpf0f2aqxlca3kxrbhjjhf1knhiz8ccwlx8xid05mc16la70y"))))
+ "1rv0amqhy5ypi3pvxfaadn3k1cy4mjlc49wdzl2psz3i11w9gr36"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ #~(begin
+ ;; Use input fennel instead of bundled fennel.
+ (delete-file "fennel")
+ (delete-file "fennel.lua")
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ (("./fennel") "fennel"))))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- '(#:make-flags (list (string-append "PREFIX=" (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- #:tests? #t ; even on cross-build
+ `(#:modules ((guix build gnu-build-system)
+ (guix build utils)
+ (ice-9 match))
#:test-target "test"
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure)
- (add-after 'build 'patch-fennel
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* "fennel"
- (("/usr/bin/env .*lua")
- (search-input-file inputs "/bin/lua")))))
- (delete 'check)
- (add-after 'install 'check
- (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'check)))))
- (inputs (list lua))
- (home-page "https://fennel-lang.org/")
- (synopsis "Lisp that compiles to Lua")
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (add-before 'build 'patch-makefile
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ ;; Patch lua shebang that gets inserted to fnlfmt.
+ (("/usr/bin/env lua")
+ (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs) "/bin/lua")))))
+ (replace 'install
+ ;; There is no install target; manually install the output file.
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (bin (string-append out "/bin")))
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (install-file file bin))
+ (find-files "." "fnlfmt")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((all-inputs (or native-inputs inputs))
+ (fnlfmt (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (lua-version ,(version-major+minor (package-version lua)))
+ (fennel (assoc-ref all-inputs "fennel")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append fnlfmt "/bin/fnlfmt")
+ `("LUA_PATH" ";" suffix
+ (,(format #f "~a/share/lua/~a/?.lua" fennel lua-version))))
+ #t))))))
+ (inputs (list bash-minimal))
+ (native-inputs (list lua fennel))
+ (home-page "https://git.sr.ht/~technomancy/fnlfmt")
+ (synopsis "Automatic formatting of Fennel code")
- "Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed,
-simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a Lisp syntax and macro
- (license license:expat)))
+ "Fnlfmt is a tool for automatically formatting Fennel code in a consistent
+way, following established lisp conventions.")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm b/gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm
index aac5b81a06..afac56f6f7 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
@@ -2907,7 +2907,7 @@ TensorFlow.js, PyTorch, and MediaPipe.")
(define-public python-pytorch
(name "python-pytorch")
- (version "1.10.0")
+ (version "1.10.2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@ TensorFlow.js, PyTorch, and MediaPipe.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1ihsjw48qqbikmhxxn17bcdvk2zsjabvkq61q6pvj7dzvrdpkb60"))
+ "15fi3nr7fx2zc9j2xf0jq627zfmnvs8hijyifg9769arm8kfijs1"))
(patches (search-patches "python-pytorch-system-libraries.patch"
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -3034,6 +3034,8 @@ PyTorch when needed.
Note: currently this package does not provide GPU support.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public python-pytorch-for-r-torch python-pytorch)
(define-public python-hmmlearn
(name "python-hmmlearn")
@@ -3066,3 +3068,65 @@ Note: currently this package does not provide GPU support.")
"Hmmlearn is a set of algorithms for unsupervised learning and inference
of Hidden Markov Models.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+;; Keep this in sync with the r-torch package.
+(define-public liblantern
+ (package
+ (name "liblantern")
+ (version "0.7.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/mlverse/torch")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1nam375ych4nr7gk2dpbnzlanr2jc7akqjhmfs0ar9l34zmzz9m9"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #false ;no test target
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "lantern")))
+ (add-after 'chdir 'do-not-download-binaries
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("find_package\\(Torch.*") "set(TORCH_CXX_FLAGS \"-ltorch\")\n")
+ (("retrieve_lib\\(.*") ""))
+ (setenv "LIBRARY_PATH"
+ (string-append
+ (search-input-directory
+ inputs "/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/lib")
+ ":" (or (getenv "LIBRARY_PATH") "")))
+ (string-append
+ (search-input-directory
+ inputs "lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include/")
+ ":"
+ (search-input-directory
+ inputs "lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/")
+ ":"
+ (or (getenv "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH") "")))
+ (setenv "C_INCLUDE_PATH"
+ (string-append
+ (search-input-directory
+ inputs "lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/include/")
+ ":"
+ (or (getenv "C_INCLUDE_PATH") "")))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda _
+ (install-file
+ "../build/liblantern.so"
+ (string-append #$output "/lib"))
+ (copy-recursively
+ "../lantern/include"
+ (string-append #$output "/include")))))))
+ (inputs (list python-pytorch-for-r-torch))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/mlverse/torch/")
+ (synopsis "C API to libtorch")
+ (description
+ "Lantern provides a C API to the libtorch machine learning library.")
+ (license license:expat)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/mail.scm b/gnu/packages/mail.scm
index d601a6e4bc..d253ca7011 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/mail.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/mail.scm
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017–2022 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 Rene Saavedra <pacoon@protonmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Alex Vong <alexvong1995@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Gábor Boskovits <boskovits@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vincent Legoll <vincent.legoll@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Justus Winter <justus@sequoia-pgp.org>
@@ -365,7 +365,6 @@ example, modify the message headers or body, or encrypt or sign the message.")
;; Required for SEARCH CHARSET.
- libiconv
(home-page "https://mailutils.org")
(synopsis "Utilities and library for reading and serving mail")
@@ -553,7 +552,7 @@ aliasing facilities to work just as they would on normal mail.")
(define-public mutt
(name "mutt")
- (version "2.1.5")
+ (version "2.2.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (list
@@ -563,7 +562,7 @@ aliasing facilities to work just as they would on normal mail.")
version ".tar.gz")))
- "1q1bq5qfv67s6ynbqga19ifaprgavhdbgg154kb9ffingvj0k8wj"))
+ "1ddbhwsycfpf430k52l5gggywd09h10hwcwzpydam43c5ga30vdp"))
(patches (search-patches "mutt-store-references.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -1056,52 +1055,47 @@ and corrections. It is based on a Bayesian filter.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public offlineimap3
- ;; The OfflineIMAP3 fork does not yet have a release, but it's likely to be
- ;; 8.0.0 but the source still reports 7.3.0, see
- ;; https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap3/issues/10.
- (let ((commit "4ca9c75c6f9a0cc8dc7b69dd6abf073e494cc0e5")
- (revision "0"))
- (package
- (name "offlineimap3")
- (version (git-version "7.3.0" revision commit))
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap3")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0nzh5dcc559jfw4yy12gc98s17w82b15zxikspc6apd8filmk9xg"))))
- (build-system python-build-system)
- (native-inputs
- (list asciidoc))
- (inputs
- (list python-distro python-imaplib2 python-rfc6555))
- (arguments
- `(;; Tests require a modifiable IMAP account.
- #:tests? #f
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'build 'build-documentation
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "docs/Makefile"
- ;; Prevent xmllint and xsltproc from downloading a DTD file.
- (("a2x -v") "a2x --no-xmllint --xsltproc-opts=--nonet -v"))
- (invoke "make" "-C" "docs" "man")))
- (add-after 'install 'install-documentation
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (man (string-append out "/share/man")))
- (install-file "docs/offlineimap.1" (string-append man "/man1"))
- (install-file "docs/offlineimapui.7" (string-append man "/man7"))))))))
- (home-page "https://www.offlineimap.org")
- (synopsis "Sync emails between two repositories")
- (description
- "OfflineImap synchronizes emails between two repositories, so that you
+ (package
+ (name "offlineimap3")
+ (version "8.0.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap3")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0y3giaz9i8vvczlxkbwymfkn3vi9fv599dy4pc2pn2afxsl4mg2w"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list asciidoc))
+ (inputs
+ (list python-distro python-imaplib2 python-rfc6555))
+ (arguments
+ `(;; Tests require a modifiable IMAP account.
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'build 'build-documentation
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "docs/Makefile"
+ ;; Prevent xmllint and xsltproc from downloading a DTD file.
+ (("a2x -v") "a2x --no-xmllint --xsltproc-opts=--nonet -v"))
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "docs" "man")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-documentation
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (man (string-append out "/share/man")))
+ (install-file "docs/offlineimap.1" (string-append man "/man1"))
+ (install-file "docs/offlineimapui.7" (string-append man "/man7"))))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.offlineimap.org")
+ (synopsis "Sync emails between two repositories")
+ (description
+ "OfflineImap synchronizes emails between two repositories, so that you
can read the same mailbox from multiple computers. It supports IMAP as REMOTE
repository and Maildir/IMAP as LOCAL repository.")
- (license license:gpl2+))))
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public offlineimap
(deprecated-package "offlineimap" offlineimap3))
@@ -1335,40 +1329,36 @@ invoking @command{notifymuch} from the post-new hook.")
(define-public notmuch
(name "notmuch")
- (version "0.34.3")
+ (version "0.35")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://notmuchmail.org/releases/notmuch-"
version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "1278r8x8l2hsxg8plbfk7w2md0fagdm243lm7df5m0gx7d411s9z"))))
+ (base32 "0fdc81m24xrbhfrhw00g12ak4b8hap4961sq7ap6q2pjqhac8cd8"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:make-flags
- (list "V=1" ; verbose test output
- "NOTMUCH_TEST_TIMEOUT=1h") ; don't fail on slow machines
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (setenv "CC" ,(cc-for-target))
- (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (which "sh"))
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (invoke "./configure"
- (string-append "--prefix=" out)
- "--without-emacs"))))
- (add-before 'check 'disable-failing-tests
- ;; FIXME: Investigate why these tests are failing,
- ;; and try removing this for notmuch versions > 0.31.
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "test/T356-protected-headers.sh"
- (("\\$NOTMUCH_GMIME_X509_CERT_VALIDITY") "0"))))
- (add-before 'check 'prepare-test-environment
- (lambda _
- (setenv "TEST_CC" ,(cc-for-target))
- ;; Patch various inline shell invocations.
- (substitute* (find-files "test" "\\.sh$")
- (("/bin/sh") (which "sh"))))))))
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list "V=1" ; verbose test output
+ "NOTMUCH_TEST_TIMEOUT=1h") ; don't fail on slow machines
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "CC" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" (search-input-file inputs "/bin/sh"))
+ (invoke "./configure"
+ (string-append "--prefix=" #$output)
+ "--without-emacs")))
+ (add-before 'check 'prepare-test-environment
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "TEST_CC" #$(cc-for-target))
+ ;; Patch various inline shell invocations.
+ (let ((sh (search-input-file inputs "/bin/sh")))
+ (substitute* (find-files "test" "\\.sh$")
+ (("/bin/sh") sh))))))))
(list bash-completion
@@ -1377,7 +1367,7 @@ invoking @command{notifymuch} from the post-new hook.")
;; The following are required for tests only.
- emacs-no-x ; -minimal lacks libxml, needed for some tests
+ emacs-no-x ; -minimal lacks libxml, needed for some tests
@@ -1401,18 +1391,19 @@ ing, and tagging large collections of email messages.")
(list notmuch))
- `(#:exclude (cons* "make-deps.el" "rstdoc.el" %default-exclude)
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
- (lambda _
- (chdir "emacs")))
- (add-after 'chdir 'patch-paths
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((notmuch (assoc-ref inputs "notmuch")))
- (substitute* "notmuch-lib.el"
- (("\"notmuch\"")
- (string-append "\"" notmuch "/bin/notmuch\"")))))))))
+ (list
+ #:exclude #~(cons* "make-deps.el" "rstdoc.el" %default-exclude)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "emacs")))
+ (add-after 'chdir 'patch-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((notmuch (search-input-file inputs "/bin/notmuch")))
+ (substitute* "notmuch-lib.el"
+ (("\"notmuch\"")
+ (string-append "\"" notmuch "\"")))))))))
(synopsis "Run Notmuch within Emacs")
"This package provides an Emacs-based interface to the Notmuch mail
@@ -1874,7 +1865,7 @@ facilities for checking incoming mail.")
(name "dovecot")
;; Also update dovecot-pigeonhole when updating to a new minor version.
- (version "")
+ (version "2.3.18")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1882,7 +1873,7 @@ facilities for checking incoming mail.")
(version-major+minor version) "/"
"dovecot-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1f525bvpjvi4rnwqjsqaqrbdii08sqmc1v8xq03m19w1vk6cqrqw"))))
+ (base32 "0cvcbp6f5i8sg2sz8d3j654xrf4a74h7rszfpm2kq2bciik3zrq6"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
@@ -1904,6 +1895,10 @@ facilities for checking incoming mail.")
"--with-sqlite" ; not auto-detected
"--with-lucene") ; not auto-detected
+ ;; The -rdynamic linker flag is needed for the backtrace() function to
+ ;; have symbol names rather than just addresses. Dovecot's tests rely
+ ;; on this, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=962630.
+ #:make-flags (list "LDFLAGS=-rdynamic")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'patch-file-names
@@ -1938,7 +1933,7 @@ It supports mbox/Maildir and its own dbox/mdbox formats.")
(let ((dovecot-version (version-major+minor (package-version dovecot))))
(name "dovecot-pigeonhole")
- (version "")
+ (version "0.5.18")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1946,7 +1941,7 @@ It supports mbox/Maildir and its own dbox/mdbox formats.")
"https://pigeonhole.dovecot.org/releases/" dovecot-version "/"
"dovecot-" dovecot-version "-pigeonhole-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "04j5z3y8yyci4ni9j9i7cy0zg1qj2sm9zfarmjcvs9vydpga7i1w"))
+ (base32 "198865a9fv9a8gj8lsp4jjylalm6qzjyqhsk22jwpppjsvw2in56"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -2731,13 +2726,14 @@ converts them to maildir format directories.")
(list perl))
- `(#:tests? #f ; XXX: Upstream tests appear to be broken
- #:make-flags (list (string-append "CC=" ,(cc-for-target))
- (string-append "DESTDIR=" %output))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure))))
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list #$(string-append "CC=" (cc-for-target))
+ (string-append "DESTDIR=" #$output))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure))))
(home-page "https://github.com/leahneukirchen/mblaze")
(synopsis "Unix utilities to deal with Maildir")
@@ -3856,13 +3852,13 @@ servers. The 4rev1 and 4 versions of IMAP are supported.")
(define-public urlscan
(name "urlscan")
- (version "0.9.8")
+ (version "0.9.9")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "urlscan" version))
- (base32 "1imrg2r9cshfvdwkdkm9y4i58qzkgnnwkswmh3kgy38m334mlcyf"))))
+ (base32 "1lc06i4r29s7qsfds4w3ip85n5fxjn65n47wxh8pvyb46fdvjrns"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(list python-urwid))
@@ -3903,8 +3899,8 @@ It is a replacement for the @command{urlview} program.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public mumi
- (let ((commit "8a45281801ade7524dbdee423c28b326051719de")
- (revision "6"))
+ (let ((commit "f5232c49fe8a3b127c96f7b502775f16aebf3033")
+ (revision "7"))
(name "mumi")
(version (git-version "0.0.1" revision commit))
@@ -3916,7 +3912,7 @@ It is a replacement for the @command{urlview} program.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0p1i66j721y5hwbdy97kv4gw892nx7xrdfjrs12fn90cwkl611mp"))))
+ "1dc4m7l9mmi7lm0cfmyf5yg6bkpirsvmfq347sf1ch1svg5r7y9n"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:modules ((guix build gnu-build-system)
@@ -3944,16 +3940,17 @@ It is a replacement for the @command{urlview} program.")
(,go ,(getenv "GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH"))))))))))
- `(("guile-email" ,guile-email-latest)
- ("guile-fibers" ,guile-fibers)
- ("guile-gcrypt" ,guile-gcrypt)
- ("guile-json" ,guile-json-3)
- ("guile-redis" ,guile-redis)
- ("guile-syntax-highlight" ,guile-syntax-highlight)
- ("guile-webutils" ,guile-webutils)
- ("guile-xapian" ,guile-xapian)
- ("guile" ,guile-3.0)
- ("mailutils" ,mailutils)))
+ (list guile-email-latest
+ guile-fibers
+ guile-gcrypt
+ guile-json-3
+ guile-kolam
+ guile-redis
+ guile-syntax-highlight
+ guile-webutils
+ guile-xapian
+ guile-3.0
+ mailutils))
(list autoconf automake pkg-config))
(home-page "https://git.elephly.net/software/mumi.git")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/man.scm b/gnu/packages/man.scm
index a434c70576..14aaa36ea1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/man.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/man.scm
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vincent Legoll <vincent.legoll@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -125,14 +126,14 @@ a flexible and convenient way.")
(define-public man-db
(name "man-db")
- (version "2.9.4")
+ (version "2.10.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://savannah/man-db/man-db-"
version ".tar.xz"))
- "0mk7n7yn6scy785jhg1j14b3q9l0cgvpry49r0ldjsnizbnrjv5n"))))
+ "0kaiymd5lh4dnp6z15fnvfg0ir81kdxp5l690ccp64ra956rb5zf"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list #:phases
@@ -146,8 +147,7 @@ a flexible and convenient way.")
(("#! /bin/sh")
(string-append "#!" (which "sh")))))
(remove file-is-directory?
- (find-files "src/tests" ".*")))
- #t)))
+ (find-files "src/tests" ".*"))))))
(add-after 'unpack 'patch-absolute-paths
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(substitute* "src/man.c"
@@ -160,64 +160,56 @@ a flexible and convenient way.")
(("groff_preconv = NULL")
(string-append "groff_preconv = \""
(assoc-ref inputs "groff-minimal")
- "/bin/preconv\"")))
- #t)))
+ "/bin/preconv\""))))))
- #~(let ((groff (assoc-ref %build-inputs "groff"))
- (groff-minimal (assoc-ref %build-inputs "groff-minimal"))
- (less (assoc-ref %build-inputs "less"))
- (gzip (assoc-ref %build-inputs "gzip"))
- (bzip2 (assoc-ref %build-inputs "bzip2"))
- (xz (assoc-ref %build-inputs "xz"))
- (util (assoc-ref %build-inputs "util-linux")))
- ;; Invoke groff, less, gzip, bzip2, & xz directly from the store.
- (append (list ;; Disable setuid man user.
- "--disable-setuid"
- ;; Don't constrain ownership of system-wide cache files.
- ;; Otherwise creating the manpage database fails with
- ;; man-db > 2.7.5.
- "--disable-cache-owner"
- (string-append "--with-pager=" less "/bin/less")
- (string-append "--with-gzip=" gzip "/bin/gzip")
- (string-append "--with-bzip2=" bzip2 "/bin/gzip")
- (string-append "--with-xz=" xz "/bin/xz")
- (string-append "--with-col=" util "/bin/col")
- ;; The default systemd directories ignore --prefix.
- ;; XXX TODO: Replace with simply #$OUTPUT on staging.
- (string-append "--with-systemdsystemunitdir="
- #$(if (%current-target-system)
- #~#$output
- #~%output)
- "/lib/systemd/system")
- (string-append "--with-systemdtmpfilesdir="
- #$(if (%current-target-system)
- #~#$output
- #~%output)
- "/lib/tmpfiles.d"))
- (map (lambda (prog)
- (string-append "--with-" prog "=" groff-minimal
- "/bin/" prog))
- '("nroff" "eqn" "neqn" "tbl" "refer" "pic"))))
+ #~(cons*
+ ;; Disable setuid man user.
+ "--disable-setuid"
+ ;; Don't constrain ownership of system-wide cache files.
+ ;; Otherwise creating the manpage database fails with
+ ;; man-db > 2.7.5.
+ "--disable-cache-owner"
+ (string-append "--with-pager="
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "bin/less"))
+ (string-append "--with-gzip="
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "bin/gzip"))
+ (string-append "--with-bzip2="
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "bin/bzip2"))
+ (string-append "--with-xz="
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "bin/xz"))
+ (string-append "--with-zstd="
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "bin/zstd"))
+ (string-append "--with-col="
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "bin/col"))
+ ;; The default systemd directories ignore --prefix.
+ (string-append "--with-systemdsystemunitdir="
+ #$output "/lib/systemd/system")
+ (string-append "--with-systemdtmpfilesdir="
+ #$output "/lib/tmpfiles.d")
+ (map (lambda (prog)
+ (string-append
+ "--with-" prog "="
+ #$(this-package-input "groff-minimal")
+ (string-append "/bin/" prog)))
+ '("nroff" "eqn" "neqn" "tbl" "refer" "pic")))
;; At run time we should refer to GROFF-MINIMAL, not GROFF (the latter
;; pulls in Perl.)
- #:disallowed-references
- (list groff)
+ #:disallowed-references (list groff)
#:modules '((guix build gnu-build-system)
(guix build utils)
(srfi srfi-1))))
- (list pkg-config flex groff)) ;needed at build time (troff, grops, soelim, etc.)
+ (list pkg-config flex
+ ;; Groff is needed at build time for troff, grops, soelim, etc.
+ groff))
(list gdbm
- ;; FIXME: 4.8 and later can use libseccomp, but it causes test
- ;; failures in the build chroot.
- ;;("libseccomp" ,libseccomp)
- util-linux))
+ libseccomp
+ util-linux
+ zstd))
(list (search-path-specification
(variable "MANPATH")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/markup.scm b/gnu/packages/markup.scm
index bc8476e056..0292c02a7f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/markup.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/markup.scm
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Noisytoot <noisytoot@disroot.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Zhu Zihao <all_but_last@163.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -267,6 +269,13 @@ implementation.
(list #:phases
#~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'relax-requirements
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Don't depend on bleeding-edge CFFI, as it is
+ ;; apparently only needed for Python >= 3.10.
+ (substitute* "setup.py"
+ (("cffi>=1\\.15\\.0")
+ "cffi>=1.0"))))
(add-after 'unpack 'copy-cmark-gfm
(lambda _
;; This package needs the cmark-gfm source files
@@ -289,7 +298,7 @@ implementation.
(when tests? (invoke "pytest" "-vv" "tests")))))))
(native-inputs (list python-pytest))
(inputs (list cmark-gfm))
- (propagated-inputs (list python-cffi-1.15))
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-cffi))
(home-page "https://github.com/theacodes/cmarkgfm")
(synopsis "Python bindings for GitHub's fork of cmark")
@@ -439,14 +448,21 @@ with a few extensions.")
(define-public python-mistletoe
(name "python-mistletoe")
- (version "0.7.2")
+ (version "0.8.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "mistletoe" version))
- (base32 "18z6hqfnfjqnrcgfgl5pkj9ggf9yx0yyy94azcn1qf7hqn6g3l14"))))
+ (base32 "0h8ydzxlfzmspiz8lcm13qp720kfsxiky0qqnc2mxf4qzm16m326"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "unittest" "discover" "test")))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/miyuchina/mistletoe")
(synopsis "Extensible Markdown parser in pure Python")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/maths.scm b/gnu/packages/maths.scm
index be7bee22f2..0a6962ebeb 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/maths.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/maths.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov <nikita@karetnikov.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2016, 2017 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2022 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Federico Beffa <beffa@fbengineering.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Mathieu Lirzin <mathieu.lirzin@openmailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015–2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
@@ -2708,7 +2708,7 @@ Open CASCADE library.")
(define-public opencascade-occt
(name "opencascade-occt")
- (version "7.3.0p3")
+ (version "7.6.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2720,7 +2720,7 @@ Open CASCADE library.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0bdywwxb6mk0ykbiajlvsb37295akqjp0a60y672qjfa67k0ljv4"))
+ (base32 "1rcwm9fkx0j4wrsyikb6g7qd611kpry7dand5dzdjvs5vzd13zvd"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -2757,6 +2757,7 @@ Open CASCADE library.")
+ (native-inputs (list fontconfig))
(list doxygen
;("freeimage" ,freeimage)
@@ -3084,14 +3085,15 @@ scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations.")
(inherit petsc)
(name "petsc-openmpi")
- `(("hdf5" ,hdf5-parallel-openmpi)
- ("hypre" ,hypre-openmpi)
- ("metis" ,metis)
- ("mumps" ,mumps-openmpi)
- ("openmpi" ,openmpi)
- ("scalapack" ,scalapack)
- ("scotch" ,pt-scotch32)
- ,@(package-inputs petsc)))
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs petsc)
+ (prepend hdf5-parallel-openmpi
+ hypre-openmpi
+ metis
+ mumps-openmpi
+ openmpi
+ scalapack
+ pt-scotch32
+ `(,pt-scotch32 "metis"))))
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments petsc)
((#:configure-flags cf)
@@ -3104,12 +3106,20 @@ scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations.")
,(string-append "--with-mpi-dir="
#$(this-package-input "openmpi"))
,(string-append "--with-hdf5-include="
- #$(this-package-input "hdf5") "/include")
+ #$(this-package-input "hdf5-parallel-openmpi")
+ "/include")
,(string-append "--with-hdf5-lib="
- #$(this-package-input "hdf5") "/lib/libhdf5.a")
+ #$(this-package-input "hdf5-parallel-openmpi")
+ "/lib/libhdf5.a")
,@(delete "--with-mpi=0" #$cf)))
((#:phases phases)
#~(modify-phases #$phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'adjust-pt-scotch-library-names
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Adjust to the library name changes in Scotch 7.0.
+ (substitute* "config/BuildSystem/config/packages/PTScotch.py"
+ (("libptesmumps") "libesmumps")
+ (("libptscotchparmetis") "libptscotchparmetisv3"))))
(add-before 'configure 'mpi-setup
(synopsis "Library to solve PDEs (with MUMPS and MPI support)")))
@@ -3531,12 +3541,12 @@ language understood by many solvers.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("fortran" ,gfortran)
- ;; These are required for linking against mumps, but we let the user
- ;; declare the dependency.
- ("blas" ,openblas)
- ("metis" ,metis)
- ("scotch" ,scotch)))
+ (list gfortran
+ ;; These are required for linking against mumps, but we let the user
+ ;; declare the dependency.
+ openblas
+ metis
+ scotch))
`(#:modules ((ice-9 match)
(ice-9 popen)
@@ -3593,8 +3603,9 @@ ORDERINGSC = $(ORDERINGSF)
- (assoc-ref inputs "mpi")
- (assoc-ref inputs "blas")
+ (->bool (which "mpicc")) ;MPI support enabled?
+ (dirname
+ (dirname (search-input-file inputs "/include/cblas.h")))
(assoc-ref inputs "scalapack")
(assoc-ref inputs "metis")
(match (list (assoc-ref inputs "pt-scotch")
@@ -3605,7 +3616,7 @@ IORDERINGSC = $(IPORD) $(IMETIS) $(ISCOTCH)"
`((,scotch "" "-Dscotch")))
((ptscotch _)
- "-lptesmumps -lptscotch -lptscotcherr "
+ "-lesmumps -lptscotch -lptscotcherr "
(replace 'build
;; By default only the d-precision library is built. Make with "all"
@@ -3655,19 +3666,20 @@ sparse system of linear equations A x = b using Gaussian elimination.")
(license license:cecill-c)))
(define-public mumps-metis
- (package (inherit mumps)
+ (package
+ (inherit mumps)
(name "mumps-metis")
- (inputs
- (alist-delete "scotch" (package-inputs mumps)))))
+ (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs mumps)
+ (delete "scotch")))))
(define-public mumps-openmpi
- (package (inherit mumps)
+ (package
+ (inherit mumps)
(name "mumps-openmpi")
- `(("mpi" ,openmpi)
- ("scalapack" ,scalapack)
- ("pt-scotch" ,pt-scotch)
- ,@(alist-delete "scotch" (package-inputs mumps))))
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs mumps)
+ (delete "scotch")
+ (prepend openmpi scalapack pt-scotch)))
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments mumps)
((#:phases phases)
@@ -3681,10 +3693,11 @@ sparse system of linear equations A x = b using Gaussian elimination.")
(synopsis "Multifrontal sparse direct solver (with MPI)")))
(define-public mumps-metis-openmpi
- (package (inherit mumps-openmpi)
+ (package
+ (inherit mumps-openmpi)
(name "mumps-metis-openmpi")
- (inputs
- (alist-delete "pt-scotch" (package-inputs mumps-openmpi)))))
+ (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs mumps-openmpi)
+ (delete "pt-scotch")))))
(define-public ruby-asciimath
@@ -3710,14 +3723,14 @@ easy-to-write markup language for mathematics.")
(define-public superlu
(name "superlu")
- (version "5.2.2")
+ (version "5.3.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://portal.nersc.gov/project/sparse/superlu/"
- "superlu_" version ".tar.gz"))
+ "superlu-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "13520vk6fqspyl22cq4ak2jh3rlmhja4czq56j75fdx65fkk80s7"))
+ (base32 "0xvib7nk2rlbsiv1iwkwl9kxppkalkciv628bsyiiv0pv754n48q"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
;; Replace the non-free implementation of MC64 with a stub adapted
@@ -3868,91 +3881,43 @@ implemented in ANSI C, and MPI for communications.")
(define-public scotch
(name "scotch")
- (version "6.1.1")
+ (version "7.0.1")
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/"
- "latestfile/298/scotch_" version ".tar.gz"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "04dkz24a2g20wq703fnyi4440ac4mwycy9gwrrllljj7zxcjy19r"))
- (patches (search-patches "scotch-build-parallelism.patch"
- "scotch-integer-declarations.patch"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://gitlab.inria.fr/scotch/scotch")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fvgxd3ipl5xswswyadvxvlcgv6an8c229ispnlksgnlwphg10ig"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
(list zlib))
(list flex bison gfortran))
(outputs '("out" "metis"))
- `(#:make-flags (list (string-append "prefix=" %output))
+ `(#:configure-flags '("-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=YES" "-DINTSIZE=64"
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after
- 'unpack 'chdir-to-src
- (lambda _ (chdir "src") #t))
- (replace
- 'configure
- (lambda _
- (call-with-output-file "Makefile.inc"
- (lambda (port)
- (format port "
-EXE =
-LIB = .a
-OBJ = .o
-MAKE = make
-AR = ar
-ARFLAGS = -ruv
-CAT = cat
-CCS = gcc
-CCP = mpicc
-CCD = gcc
-FC = gfortran
-CPPFLAGS =~{ -D~a~}
-LDFLAGS = -lz -lm -lrt -lpthread
-CP = cp
-LEX = flex -Pscotchyy -olex.yy.c
-LN = ln
-MKDIR = mkdir
-MV = mv
-RANLIB = ranlib
-YACC = bison -pscotchyy -y -b y
- "INTSIZE64" ;use 'int64_t'
- ;; Prevents symbol clashes with libesmumps
- ;; XXX: Causes invalid frees in superlu-dist tests
- "restrict=__restrict"))))
- #t))
- (add-after 'build 'build-esmumps
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make"
- (format #f "-j~a" (parallel-job-count))
- "esmumps")))
- (add-before 'install 'make-install-dirs
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (mkdir (assoc-ref outputs "out"))))
(add-after 'install 'install-metis
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "metis")))
- (mkdir out)
- ;; metis files are not installed with 'make install'
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (install-file f (string-append out "/include")))
- (find-files "../include/" ".*metis\\.h"))
- (for-each (lambda (f)
- (install-file f (string-append out "/lib")))
- (find-files "../lib/" ".*metis\\..*"))
- #t))))))
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (metis (assoc-ref outputs "metis"))
+ (prefix (string-length out)))
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (let ((target (string-append
+ metis
+ (string-drop file prefix))))
+ (mkdir-p (dirname target))
+ (rename-file file target)))
+ (find-files out "metis"))))))))
(home-page "https://www.labri.fr/perso/pelegrin/scotch/")
- `((release-monitoring-url . "https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/?group_id=248")))
+ `((release-monitoring-url
+ . "https://gitlab.inria.fr/scotch/scotch/-/releases")))
(synopsis "Programs and libraries for graph algorithms")
(description "SCOTCH is a set of programs and libraries which implement
the static mapping and sparse matrix reordering algorithms developed within
@@ -3967,176 +3932,58 @@ bio-chemistry.")
(define-public scotch32
;; This is the 'INTSIZE32' variant, which uses 32-bit integers, as needed by
;; some applications.
- (package (inherit scotch)
+ (package
+ (inherit scotch)
(name "scotch32")
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments scotch)
- ((#:phases scotch-phases)
- `(modify-phases ,scotch-phases
- (replace
- 'configure
- (lambda _
- (call-with-output-file "Makefile.inc"
- (lambda (port)
- (format port "
-EXE =
-LIB = .a
-OBJ = .o
-MAKE = make
-AR = ar
-ARFLAGS = -ruv
-CAT = cat
-CCS = gcc
-CCP = mpicc
-CCD = gcc
-FC = gfortran
-CPPFLAGS =~{ -D~a~}
-LDFLAGS = -lz -lm -lrt -lpthread
-CP = cp
-LEX = flex -Pscotchyy -olex.yy.c
-LN = ln
-MKDIR = mkdir
-MV = mv
-RANLIB = ranlib
-YACC = bison -pscotchyy -y -b y
- "INTSIZE32" ;use 32-bit integers. See INSTALL.txt
- ;; Prevents symbolc clashes with libesmumps
- ;; XXX: Causes invalid frees in superlu-dist tests
- "restrict=__restrict"))))))))))
+ ((#:configure-flags flags ''())
+ "-DINTSIZE=32"))))
"Programs and libraries for graph algorithms (32-bit integers)")))
-(define-public scotch-shared
- (package (inherit scotch)
- (name "scotch-shared")
- (native-inputs
- (list gcc flex bison))
- (arguments
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments scotch)
- ((#:phases scotch-shared-phases)
- `(modify-phases ,scotch-shared-phases
- (replace
- 'configure
- (lambda _
- ;; Otherwise, the RUNPATH will lack the final path component.
- (setenv "RPATHFLAGS" (string-append "-Wl,-rpath="
- (assoc-ref %outputs "out") "/lib"))
- (call-with-output-file "Makefile.inc"
- (lambda (port)
- (format port "
-EXE =
-LIB = .so
-OBJ = .o
-MAKE = make
-AR = gcc
-ARFLAGS = -shared -o
-CAT = cat
-CCS = gcc
-CCP = mpicc
-CCD = gcc
-FC = gfortran
-CPPFLAGS =~{ -D~a~}
-CLIBFLAGS = -shared -fPIC
-LDFLAGS = -lz -lm -lrt -lpthread -Xlinker --no-as-needed
-CP = cp
-LEX = flex -Pscotchyy -olex.yy.c
-LN = ln
-MKDIR = mkdir
-MV = mv
-RANLIB = echo
-YACC = bison -pscotchyy -y -b y
- "INTSIZE64" ;use 'int64_t'
- ;; Prevents symbolc clashes with libesmumps
- ;; XXX: Causes invalid frees in superlu-dist tests
- "restrict=__restrict"
- ))))#t))
- (delete 'check)))))
- (synopsis
- "Programs and libraries for graph algorithms (shared libraries version)")))
(define-public pt-scotch
- (package (inherit scotch)
+ (package
+ (inherit scotch)
(name "pt-scotch")
- (list openmpi)) ;Headers include MPI headers
+ (list openmpi)) ;headers include MPI headers
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments scotch)
- ((#:phases scotch-phases)
- `(modify-phases ,scotch-phases
- (replace
- 'build
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" (format #f "-j~a" (parallel-job-count))
- "ptscotch" "ptesmumps")
- ;; Install the serial metis compatibility library
- (invoke "make" "-C" "libscotchmetis" "install")))
+ ((#:configure-flags flags ''())
+ "-DINTSIZE=64"))
+ ((#:phases phases '%standard-phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
(add-before 'check 'mpi-setup
- ,%openmpi-setup)
- (replace 'check
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" "ptcheck")))))))
+ ,%openmpi-setup)))))
(synopsis "Programs and libraries for graph algorithms (with MPI)")))
(define-public pt-scotch32
- (package (inherit scotch32)
+ (package
+ (inherit pt-scotch)
(name "pt-scotch32")
(list openmpi)) ;headers include MPI headers
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments scotch32)
- ((#:phases scotch32-phases)
- `(modify-phases ,scotch32-phases
- (replace 'build
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" (format #f "-j~a" (parallel-job-count))
- "ptscotch" "ptesmumps")
- ;; Install the serial metis compatibility library
- (invoke "make" "-C" "libscotchmetis" "install")))
- (add-before 'check 'mpi-setup
- ,%openmpi-setup)
- (replace 'check
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" "ptcheck")))))))
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments pt-scotch)
+ ((#:configure-flags flags ''())
+ "-DINTSIZE=32"))))
"Programs and libraries for graph algorithms (with MPI and 32-bit integers)")))
-(define-public pt-scotch-shared
- (package (inherit scotch-shared)
- (name "pt-scotch-shared")
- (propagated-inputs
- (list openmpi)) ;Headers include MPI headers
- (arguments
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments scotch-shared)
- ((#:phases scotch-shared-phases)
- `(modify-phases ,scotch-shared-phases
- (replace
- 'build
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" (format #f "-j~a" (parallel-job-count))
- "ptscotch" "ptesmumps")
+(define-public scotch-shared
+ ;; There used to be separate shared library variants while the default would
+ ;; provide .a files including PIC objects. With the switch to CMake, .a
+ ;; files contain non-PIC objects, which breaks some users, and switching to
+ ;; shared libraries by default seems to make more sense, as discussed here:
+ ;; <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/47619#2>.
+ (deprecated-package "scotch-shared" scotch))
- ;; Install the serial metis compatibility library
- (invoke "make" "-C" "libscotchmetis" "install")))
- (add-before 'check 'mpi-setup
- ,%openmpi-setup)))))
- (synopsis "Graph algorithms (shared libraries version, with MPI)")))
+(define-public pt-scotch-shared
+ (deprecated-package "pt-scotch-shared" pt-scotch))
(define-public metis
@@ -4554,6 +4401,8 @@ parts of it.")
;; Failed to detect CPU.
((string-prefix? "armhf" system)
+ ((string-prefix? "riscv64" system)
(else '()))))
;; no configure script
@@ -5532,53 +5381,53 @@ set.")
(outputs '("out" ;5.3 MiB of headers and libraries
"doc")) ;12 MiB of documentation
- `(("doc++" ,doc++)
- ("doxygen" ,doxygen)
- ("python" ,python)
- ("python-breathe" ,python-breathe)
- ("python-sphinx" ,python-sphinx)
- ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-adjustbox
- texlive-amsfonts
- texlive-bibtex
- texlive-caption
- texlive-cm
- texlive-etoolbox
- texlive-jknappen
- texlive-sectsty
- texlive-tex-gyre
- texlive-wasy
- texlive-xcolor
- texlive-xypic
- texlive-generic-listofitems
- texlive-generic-ulem
- texlive-latex-capt-of
- texlive-latex-cmap
- texlive-latex-colortbl
- texlive-latex-etoc
- texlive-fancyhdr
- texlive-fancyvrb
- texlive-latex-float
- texlive-latex-fncychap
- texlive-latex-framed
- texlive-latex-geometry
- texlive-latex-hanging
- texlive-hyperref
- texlive-latex-multirow
- texlive-latex-natbib
- texlive-latex-needspace
- texlive-latex-newunicodechar
- texlive-latex-parskip
- texlive-latex-stackengine
- texlive-latex-tabulary
- texlive-titlesec
- texlive-latex-tocloft
- texlive-latex-upquote
- texlive-latex-varwidth
- texlive-wasysym
- texlive-latex-wrapfig)))))
+ (list doc++
+ doxygen
+ python
+ python-breathe
+ python-sphinx
+ (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-adjustbox
+ texlive-amsfonts
+ texlive-bibtex
+ texlive-capt-of
+ texlive-caption
+ texlive-cm
+ texlive-etoolbox
+ texlive-fancyhdr
+ texlive-fancyvrb
+ texlive-jknappen
+ texlive-sectsty
+ texlive-tex-gyre
+ texlive-wasy
+ texlive-xcolor
+ texlive-xypic
+ texlive-generic-listofitems
+ texlive-latex-cmap
+ texlive-latex-colortbl
+ texlive-latex-etoc
+ texlive-latex-float
+ texlive-latex-fncychap
+ texlive-latex-framed
+ texlive-latex-geometry
+ texlive-latex-hanging
+ texlive-hyperref
+ texlive-latex-multirow
+ texlive-latex-natbib
+ texlive-latex-needspace
+ texlive-latex-newunicodechar
+ texlive-latex-parskip
+ texlive-latex-stackengine
+ texlive-latex-tabulary
+ texlive-latex-titlesec
+ texlive-latex-tocloft
+ texlive-latex-upquote
+ texlive-latex-varwidth
+ texlive-titlesec
+ texlive-ulem
+ texlive-wasysym
+ texlive-wrapfig))))
- `(("blas" ,openblas)
- ("lapack" ,lapack)))
+ (list openblas lapack))
`(#:modules ((srfi srfi-1)
@@ -5639,11 +5488,11 @@ problems.")
(license license:lgpl2.1)))
(define-public hypre-openmpi
- (package (inherit hypre)
+ (package
+ (inherit hypre)
(name "hypre-openmpi")
- (inputs
- `(("mpi" ,openmpi)
- ,@(package-inputs hypre)))
+ (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs hypre)
+ (prepend openmpi)))
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments hypre)
((#:configure-flags flags)
@@ -7196,8 +7045,7 @@ researchers and developers alike to get started on SAT.")
- readline
- libiconv))
+ readline))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -7298,7 +7146,7 @@ numeric differences and differences in numeric formats.")
(define-public why3
(name "why3")
- (version "1.4.0")
+ (version "1.4.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -7307,7 +7155,7 @@ numeric differences and differences in numeric formats.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0pfsiddnk26f384wbazfpgzh1n1ibf3xq101q74mxvczi7z0a791"))))
+ "1yca6mx8bjm8x0i594ivh31aw45s6fbimmwfj8g2v9zwrgmr1i4s"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
(list autoconf automake coq ocaml which))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/maven-parent-pom.scm b/gnu/packages/maven-parent-pom.scm
index a47fbfa8c1..cf48be86a2 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/maven-parent-pom.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/maven-parent-pom.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -84,7 +84,16 @@
"21" "0clcbrq1b2b8sbvlqddyw2dg5niq25dhdma9sk4b0i30hqaipx96"))
-(define (make-apache-commons-parent-pom version hash parent)
+(define-public apache-parent-pom-23
+ (make-apache-parent-pom
+ "23" "05c8i741f0m4311q264zvq0lc6srsyz2x95ga4d7qfd89swkzg9d"))
+(define-public apache-parent-pom-25
+ (make-apache-parent-pom
+ "25" "1vwx2fpgk7cn2pnlnx26df26vndiwwn5l7ngakj0vwal5pmp6115"))
+(define* (make-apache-commons-parent-pom version hash parent
+ #:key (tag-prefix "commons-parent-"))
(name "apache-commons-parent-pom")
@@ -93,7 +102,7 @@
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/apache/commons-parent")
- (commit (string-append "commons-parent-" version))))
+ (commit (string-append tag-prefix version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
(sha256 (base32 hash))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
@@ -134,6 +143,12 @@
"50" "0ki8px35dan51ashblpw6rdl27c2fq62slazhslhq3lr4fwlpvxs"
+(define-public apache-commons-parent-pom-52
+ (make-apache-commons-parent-pom
+ "52" "0fb6id9cs9944fjlirjc07bf234bwi96i642px09m9nrfj338n5d"
+ apache-parent-pom-23
+ #:tag-prefix "rel/commons-parent-"))
(define-public java-weld-parent-pom
@@ -380,7 +395,11 @@ other projects as their parent pom.")
"6.1" "1pisca0fxpgbhf4xdgw5mn86622pg3mc5b8760kf9mk2awazshlj"))
-(define (make-maven-parent-pom version hash parent)
+(define-public plexus-parent-pom-8
+ (make-plexus-parent-pom
+ "8" "0ybwdzawa58qg9ag39rxyin24lk9sjcaih6n2yfldfzsbkq6gnww"))
+(define* (make-maven-parent-pom version hash parent #:key replacements)
(name "maven-parent-pom")
@@ -403,6 +422,12 @@ other projects as their parent pom.")
(install-pom-file "maven-plugins/pom.xml"))
(add-after 'install 'install-shared
(install-pom-file "maven-shared-components/pom.xml"))
+ ,@(if replacements
+ `((add-before 'install 'fix-pom
+ (lambda _
+ (use-modules (guix build maven pom))
+ (fix-pom-dependencies "pom.xml" '() #:local-packages (quote ,(force replacements))))))
+ '())
(replace 'install
(install-pom-file "pom.xml")))))
@@ -413,15 +438,45 @@ other projects as their parent pom.")
tool. This package contains the Maven parent POM.")
(license license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public maven-parent-pom-35
+ (make-maven-parent-pom
+ "35" "0pg9k7l5pcbghmc89i11g900pbzznvf5sfdfzlqfwpihqb2g8iab"
+ apache-parent-pom-25
+ #:replacements
+ (delay
+ `(("org.codehaus.plexus"
+ ("plexus-component-annotations" .
+ ,(package-version java-plexus-component-annotations)))))))
+(define-public maven-parent-pom-34
+ (make-maven-parent-pom
+ "34" "1vkmrfwva76k6maf1ljbja5ga4kzav4xc73ymbaf42xaiaknglbc"
+ apache-parent-pom-23
+ #:replacements
+ (delay
+ `(("org.codehaus.plexus"
+ ("plexus-component-annotations" .
+ ,(package-version java-plexus-component-annotations)))))))
(define-public maven-parent-pom-33
"33" "1b0z2gsvpccgcssys9jbdfwlwq8b5imdwr508f87ssdbfs29lh65"
- apache-parent-pom-21))
+ apache-parent-pom-21
+ #:replacements
+ (delay
+ `(("org.codehaus.plexus"
+ ("plexus-component-annotations" .
+ ,(package-version java-plexus-component-annotations)))))))
(define-public maven-parent-pom-31
"31" "0skxv669v9ffwbmrmybnn9awkf1g3ylk88bz0hv6g11zpj1a8454"
- apache-parent-pom-19))
+ apache-parent-pom-19
+ #:replacements
+ (delay
+ `(("org.codehaus.plexus"
+ ("plexus-component-annotations" .
+ ,(package-version java-plexus-component-annotations)))))))
(define-public maven-parent-pom-30
@@ -457,7 +512,12 @@ tool. This package contains the Maven parent POM.")
(define-public maven-parent-pom-22
(let ((base (make-maven-parent-pom
"22" "1kgqbyx7ckashy47n9rgyg4asyrvp933hdiknvnad7msq5d4c2jg"
- apache-parent-pom-11)))
+ apache-parent-pom-11
+ #:replacements
+ (delay
+ `(("org.codehaus.plexus"
+ ("plexus-component-annotations" .
+ ,(package-version java-plexus-container-default))))))))
(inherit base)
@@ -465,13 +525,7 @@ tool. This package contains the Maven parent POM.")
((#:phases phases)
`(modify-phases ,phases
(delete 'install-plugins)
- (delete 'install-shared)
- (add-before 'install 'fix-versions
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "pom.xml"
- (("1.5.5")
- ,(package-version java-plexus-component-annotations)))
- #t)))))))))
+ (delete 'install-shared))))))))
(define-public maven-plugins-pom-23
@@ -546,3 +600,32 @@ components.")
+(define-public java-jvnet-parent-pom-3
+ (hidden-package
+ (package
+ (name "java-jvnet-parent-pom-3")
+ (version "3")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/java/"
+ "jvnet-parent/" version "/jvnet-parent-"
+ version ".pom"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0nj7958drckwf634cw9gmwgmdi302bya7bas16bbzp9rzag7ix9h"))))
+ (build-system ant-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'unpack)
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (delete 'build)
+ (replace 'install
+ (install-pom-file #$(package-source this-package))))))
+ (home-page "https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.java/jvnet-parent")
+ (synopsis "java.net parent pom")
+ (description "This package contains the java.net parent pom file.")
+ (license license:asl2.0))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/maven.scm b/gnu/packages/maven.scm
index 0e9b99fa1c..817fee1c71 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/maven.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/maven.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2018-2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
+;;; Copyright © 2018-2022 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
(define-public maven-resolver-api
(name "maven-resolver-api")
- (version "1.3.1")
+ (version "1.6.3")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1x1gll8nkfl6zgnab78fxxvvhg42b2grxgdh1wp2h4qxsjkxg93d"))))
+ "0hbbbxj14qyq8pccyab96pjqq90jnjmid1pml9kx55c5smfpjn37"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "maven-resolver-api.jar"
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "maven-resolver-api/pom.xml")))))
- `(("java-asm" ,java-asm)
+ `(("java-asm-8" ,java-asm-8)
("java-cglib" ,java-cglib)
("java-hamcrest-core" ,java-hamcrest-core)
("java-junit" ,java-junit)
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ for repositories using URI-based layouts.")))
(list maven-resolver-api
+ java-commons-lang3
@@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ for repositories using URI-based layouts.")))
("maven-resolver-util" ,maven-resolver-util)
("java-javax-inject" ,java-javax-inject)
("mavne-wagon-provider-api" ,maven-wagon-provider-api)
- ("java-plexus-component-annotation" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-plexus-component-annotation" ,java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7)
("java-plexus-classworld" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
("java-plexus-plexus-util" ,java-plexus-utils)
("java-slf4j-api" ,java-slf4j-api)
@@ -305,7 +306,6 @@ for repositories using URI-based layouts.")))
- java-asm
(synopsis "Transport implementation for Maven")
@@ -534,6 +534,89 @@ ease usage of the repository system.")))
(list java-junit java-plexus-component-metadata
+;; This slightly newer version is also required by some plugins
+(define-public java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13
+ (package
+ (name "java-sonatype-aether-api")
+ (version "1.13.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/sonatype/sonatype-aether")
+ (commit (string-append "aether-" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1yl34dqhm6ykb7h63gkssyrdxv3dsa3n5b8d8cvy8rh4qsm6p2yb"))))
+ (build-system ant-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "aether-api.jar"
+ #:source-dir "aether-api/src/main/java"
+ #:test-dir "aether-api/src/test"
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'install 'install-parent (install-pom-file "pom.xml"))
+ (replace 'install (install-from-pom "aether-api/pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("java-sonatype-forge-parent-pom" ,java-sonatype-forge-parent-pom-10)))
+ (native-inputs `(("java-junit" ,java-junit)))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sonatype/sonatype-aether")
+ (synopsis "Maven repository system API")
+ (description "This package contains the API for the maven repository system.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public java-sonatype-aether-spi-1.13
+ (package
+ (inherit java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13)
+ (name "java-sonatype-aether-spi")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "aether-spi.jar"
+ #:source-dir "aether-spi/src/main/java"
+ #:tests? #f; no tests
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'install (install-from-pom "aether-spi/pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("java-sonatype-aether-api" ,java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13)))
+ (synopsis "Maven repository system SPI")
+ (description "This package contains the service provider interface (SPI)
+for repository system implementations and repository connectors.")))
+(define-public java-sonatype-aether-test-util-1.13
+ (package
+ (inherit java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13)
+ (name "java-sonatype-aether-test-util")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "java-sonatype-aether-test-util.jar"
+ #:source-dir "aether-test-util/src/main/java"
+ #:test-dir "aether-test-util/src/test"))
+ (inputs
+ `(("java-sonatype-aether-api" ,java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13)
+ ("java-sonatype-aether-spi" ,java-sonatype-aether-spi-1.13)))
+ (synopsis "Utility classes for testing the maven repository system")
+ (description "This package contains a collection of utility classes to
+ease testing of the repository system.")))
+(define-public java-sonatype-aether-util-1.13
+ (package
+ (inherit java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13)
+ (name "java-sonatype-aether-util")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "aether-util.jar"
+ #:source-dir "aether-util/src/main/java"
+ #:test-dir "aether-util/src/test"
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'install (install-from-pom "aether-util/pom.xml")))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ `(("java-sonatype-aether-api" ,java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13)))
+ (native-inputs
+ `(("java-junit" ,java-junit)
+ ("java-sonatype-aether-test-util" ,java-sonatype-aether-test-util-1.13)))
+ (synopsis "Utility classes for the maven repository system")
+ (description "This package contains a collection of utility classes to
+ease usage of the repository system.")))
;; Again, this old version is required by some maven plugins
(define-public java-eclipse-aether-api
@@ -727,14 +810,14 @@ replacement with improvements.")
(define-public maven-wagon-provider-api
(name "maven-wagon-provider-api")
- (version "3.3.4")
+ (version "3.4.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/wagon/"
"wagon-" version "-source-release.zip"))
- "1iq9bilgfklzbxwwhzi3f19mkbaaf9dh9f83h3yz5gbmvypask9a"))))
+ "1rnviw0yr4g5902fb8pkd1gyvci4bz7hndjvhkqmnkj7ay0y6mf0"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "maven-wagon-provider-api.jar"
@@ -832,8 +915,8 @@ classes used in multiple maven-wagon components.")))
(list java-plexus-utils maven-wagon-provider-api))
`(("maven-wagon-provider-test" ,maven-wagon-provider-test)
- ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata)
- ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7)
+ ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
("java-eclipse-sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
@@ -851,7 +934,6 @@ classes used in multiple maven-wagon components.")))
("java-commons-cli" ,java-commons-cli)
("java-qdox" ,java-qdox)
("java-jdom2" ,java-jdom2)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
,@(package-native-inputs maven-wagon-provider-api)))
(synopsis "Wagon provider that gets and puts artifacts using the file system")
@@ -920,8 +1002,8 @@ Test Compatibility Kit.")))
`(("maven-wagon-provider-test" ,maven-wagon-provider-test)
- ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata)
- ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7)
+ ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
("java-eclipse-sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
@@ -939,7 +1021,6 @@ Test Compatibility Kit.")))
("java-commons-cli" ,java-commons-cli)
("java-qdox" ,java-qdox)
("java-jdom2" ,java-jdom2)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
,@(package-native-inputs maven-wagon-provider-api)))
(synopsis "Shared Library for wagon providers supporting HTTP")
@@ -992,8 +1073,8 @@ wagon providers supporting HTTP.")))
`(("maven-wagon-provider-test" ,maven-wagon-provider-test)
- ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata)
- ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7)
+ ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
("java-plexus-container-default" ,java-plexus-container-default)
("java-eclipse-sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
@@ -1007,12 +1088,12 @@ wagon providers supporting HTTP.")))
("java-plexus-cli" ,java-plexus-cli)
("maven-plugin-api" ,maven-plugin-api)
("maven-plugin-annotations" ,maven-plugin-annotations)
+ ("maven-slf4j-provider" ,maven-slf4j-provider)
("maven-core" ,maven-core)
("maven-model" ,maven-model)
("java-commons-cli" ,java-commons-cli)
("java-qdox" ,java-qdox)
("java-jdom2" ,java-jdom2)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
("java-javaee-servletapi" ,java-javaee-servletapi)
("java-eclipse-jetty-util-9.2" ,java-eclipse-jetty-util-9.2)
@@ -1026,7 +1107,6 @@ wagon providers supporting HTTP.")))
("java-commons-codec" ,java-commons-codec)
("java-commons-io" ,java-commons-io)
("java-jsoup" ,java-jsoup)
- ("java-slf4j-simple" ,java-slf4j-simple)
,@(package-native-inputs maven-wagon-provider-api)))
(synopsis "Wagon provider that gets and puts artifacts through HTTP(S)")
(description "Maven Wagon is a transport abstraction that is used in Maven's
@@ -1037,13 +1117,13 @@ gets and puts artifacts through HTTP(S) using Apache HttpClient-4.x.")))
(define maven-pom
(name "maven-pom")
- (version "3.6.1")
+ (version "3.8.5")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://apache/maven/"
"maven-3/" version "/source/"
"apache-maven-" version "-src.tar.gz"))
- (sha256 (base32 "0grw9zp166ci53rd7qkyy2qmwmik37xhiz1z84jpm0msyvzj2n82"))
+ (sha256 (base32 "01y0fjvlvgy1bl3mdhbjll2xhzpli6aklqb3w29xpbgk6frxn3d6"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -1117,7 +1197,7 @@ gets and puts artifacts through HTTP(S) using Apache HttpClient-4.x.")))
(replace 'install
(install-pom-file "pom.xml")))))
- `(("maven-parent-pom-33" ,maven-parent-pom-33)))
+ (list maven-parent-pom-35))
(home-page "https://maven.apache.org/")
(synopsis "Build system")
(description "Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension
@@ -1166,8 +1246,9 @@ and compares versions:")))
(let ((file "maven-model/src/main/mdo/maven.mdo"))
(modello-single-mode file "4.0.0" "java")
(modello-single-mode file "4.0.0" "xpp3-reader")
+ (modello-single-mode file "4.0.0" "xpp3-extended-reader")
(modello-single-mode file "4.0.0" "xpp3-writer")
- (modello-single-mode file "4.0.0" "xpp3-extended-reader"))
+ (modello-single-mode file "4.0.0" "xpp3-extended-writer"))
(replace 'install (install-from-pom "maven-model/pom.xml")))))
@@ -1185,7 +1266,7 @@ and compares versions:")))
- java-sisu-build-api
+ java-plexus-build-api
;; modello plugins:
@@ -1241,9 +1322,9 @@ setting, toolchains)")))
file mode "maven-settings/src/main/java" version
"false" "true"))
(let ((file "maven-settings/src/main/mdo/settings.mdo"))
- (modello-single-mode file "1.1.0" "java")
- (modello-single-mode file "1.1.0" "xpp3-reader")
- (modello-single-mode file "1.1.0" "xpp3-writer"))
+ (modello-single-mode file "1.2.0" "java")
+ (modello-single-mode file "1.2.0" "xpp3-reader")
+ (modello-single-mode file "1.2.0" "xpp3-writer"))
(replace 'install (install-from-pom "maven-settings/pom.xml")))))
@@ -1256,14 +1337,13 @@ setting, toolchains)")))
- java-asm
- java-sisu-build-api
+ java-plexus-build-api
;; modello plugins:
@@ -1283,13 +1363,12 @@ simply plain java objects.")))
#:test-dir "maven-settings-builder/src/test"
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'build 'generate-components.xml
+ (add-before 'build 'generate-sisu-named
(lambda _
- (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/plexus")
- (chmod "components.sh" #o755)
- (invoke "./components.sh" "maven-settings-builder/src/main/java"
- "build/classes/META-INF/plexus/components.xml")
- #t))
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/sisu")
+ (chmod "sisu.sh" #o755)
+ (invoke "./sisu.sh" "maven-settings-builder/src/main/java"
+ "build/classes/META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named")))
(replace 'install (install-from-pom "maven-settings-builder/pom.xml")))))
(list java-plexus-utils
@@ -1299,7 +1378,7 @@ simply plain java objects.")))
- (list java-junit java-plexus-component-annotations))
+ (list java-junit java-javax-inject java-plexus-component-annotations))
(description "Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension
tool. This package contains the effective model builder, with profile activation,
inheritance, interpolation, @dots{}")))
@@ -1310,30 +1389,29 @@ inheritance, interpolation, @dots{}")))
(name "maven-model-builder")
`(#:jar-name "maven-model-builder.jar"
- #:source-dir "maven-model-builder/src/main/java"
+ #:source-dir "src/main/java"
#:jdk ,icedtea-8
- #:test-dir "maven-model-builder/src/test"
+ #:test-dir "src/test"
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'chdir
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Required for tests that rely on the package's default
+ ;; locations, that reference ${basedir}/src/test.
+ (chdir "maven-model-builder")))
(add-before 'build 'copy-resources
(lambda _
- (copy-recursively "maven-model-builder/src/main/resources"
+ (copy-recursively "src/main/resources"
- (add-before 'build 'generate-components.xml
- (lambda _
- (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/plexus")
- (chmod "components.sh" #o755)
- (invoke "./components.sh" "maven-model-builder/src/main/java"
- "build/classes/META-INF/plexus/components.xml")
- #t))
- (add-before 'check 'fix-paths
+ (add-before 'build 'generate-sisu-named
(lambda _
- (substitute* (find-files "maven-model-builder/src/test/java" ".*.java")
- (("src/test") "maven-model-builder/src/test"))
- #t))
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/sisu")
+ (chmod "../sisu.sh" #o755)
+ (invoke "../sisu.sh" "src/main/java"
+ "build/classes/META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named")))
(replace 'install
- (install-from-pom "maven-model-builder/pom.xml")))))
+ (install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
(list java-plexus-interpolation
@@ -1346,9 +1424,10 @@ inheritance, interpolation, @dots{}")))
("java-guava" ,java-guava)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-powermock-reflect" ,java-powermock-reflect)
+ ("java-objenesis" ,java-objenesis)
("guice" ,java-guice)
("java-cglib" ,java-cglib)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
("javax-inject" ,java-javax-inject)
("java-xmlunit" ,java-xmlunit)
@@ -1399,7 +1478,7 @@ inheritance, interpolation, @dots{}")))
("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
("java-guava" ,java-guava)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
- ("java-sisu-build-api" ,java-sisu-build-api)
+ ("java-plexus-build-api" ,java-plexus-build-api)
;; modello plugins:
("java-modello-plugins-java" ,java-modello-plugins-java)
("java-modello-plugins-xml" ,java-modello-plugins-xml)
@@ -1474,7 +1553,6 @@ so really just plain objects.")))
("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
("guice" ,java-guice)
("java-cglib" ,java-cglib)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
("javax-inject" ,java-javax-inject)
("utils" ,java-plexus-utils)))
@@ -1484,7 +1562,7 @@ so really just plain objects.")))
("classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
("guava" ,java-guava)
("xbean" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
- ("build-api" ,java-sisu-build-api)
+ ("build-api" ,java-plexus-build-api)
;; modello plugins:
("java" ,java-modello-plugins-java)
("xml" ,java-modello-plugins-xml)
@@ -1569,7 +1647,7 @@ generally generated from plugin sources using maven-plugin-plugin.")))
("maven-plugin-api" ,maven-plugin-api)
("maven-repository-metadata" ,maven-repository-metadata)
("maven-shared-utils" ,maven-shared-utils)
- ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7)
("java-plexus-utils" ,java-plexus-utils)
("java-commons-lang3" ,java-commons-lang3)
("java-guava" ,java-guava)
@@ -1585,10 +1663,9 @@ generally generated from plugin sources using maven-plugin-plugin.")))
`(("java-modello-core" ,java-modello-core)
("java-cglib" ,java-cglib)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
- ("java-sisu-build-api" ,java-sisu-build-api)
+ ("java-plexus-build-api" ,java-plexus-build-api)
("java-modello-plugins-java" ,java-modello-plugins-java)
("java-modello-plugins-xml" ,java-modello-plugins-xml)
("java-modello-plugins-xpp3" ,java-modello-plugins-xpp3)
@@ -1687,7 +1764,7 @@ artifactId=maven-core" ,(package-version maven-core-bootstrap))))
(invoke "ant" "jar")
- `(("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata)
+ `(("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7)
("java-commons-cli" ,java-commons-cli)
("java-plexus-cli" ,java-plexus-cli)
("java-jdom2" ,java-jdom2)
@@ -1695,6 +1772,40 @@ artifactId=maven-core" ,(package-version maven-core-bootstrap))))
("maven-core-boot" ,maven-core-bootstrap)
,@(package-native-inputs maven-core-bootstrap)))))
+(define-public maven-slf4j-provider
+ (package
+ (inherit maven-artifact)
+ (name "maven-slf4j-provider")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:jar-name "maven-slf4j-provider.jar"
+ #:source-dir "maven-slf4j-provider/src/main/java"
+ #:tests? #f; no tests
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-slf4j
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (mkdir-p "generated-sources")
+ (with-directory-excursion "generated-sources"
+ (invoke "tar" "xf" (assoc-ref inputs "java-slf4j-simple-source"))
+ (for-each delete-file (find-files "." "StaticLoggerBinder.java")))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (simple)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (java)
+ (copy-file java
+ (string-append
+ "maven-slf4j-provider/src/main/java/org/slf4j/impl/"
+ (basename java))))
+ (find-files (string-append simple "/src/main/java/") "\\.java$")))
+ (find-files "generated-sources" "slf4j-simple" #:directories? #t))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (install-from-pom "maven-slf4j-provider/pom.xml")))))
+ (inputs
+ `(("java-slf4j-api" ,java-slf4j-api)
+ ("java-slf4j-simple-source" ,(package-source java-slf4j-simple))
+ ("maven-shared-utils" ,maven-shared-utils)))
+ (native-inputs (list unzip))))
(define-public maven-embedder
(inherit maven-artifact)
@@ -1714,6 +1825,10 @@ artifactId=maven-core" ,(package-version maven-core-bootstrap))))
(invoke "./sisu.sh" "maven-embedder/src/main/java"
+ (add-before 'build 'copy-resources
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/")
+ (copy-recursively "maven-embedder/src/main/resources" "build/classes")))
(add-before 'build 'generate-models
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(define (modello-single-mode file version mode)
@@ -1740,6 +1855,13 @@ artifactId=maven-core" ,(package-version maven-core-bootstrap))))
+ (add-before 'check 'disable-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file "maven-embedder/src/test/java/org/apache/maven/cli/event/ExecutionEventLoggerTest.java")))
+ (add-before 'install 'fix-pom
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "maven-embedder/pom.xml"
+ (("jsr250-api") "javax.annotation-api"))))
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "maven-embedder/pom.xml")))))
@@ -1752,6 +1874,7 @@ artifactId=maven-core" ,(package-version maven-core-bootstrap))))
("maven-settings" ,maven-settings)
("maven-settings-builder" ,maven-settings-builder)
("maven-shared-utils" ,maven-shared-utils)
+ ("maven-slf4j-provider" ,maven-slf4j-provider)
("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
("java-plexus-util" ,java-plexus-utils)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
@@ -1769,16 +1892,15 @@ artifactId=maven-core" ,(package-version maven-core-bootstrap))))
("java-guice" ,java-guice)
("java-javax-inject" ,java-javax-inject)
("java-slf4j-api" ,java-slf4j-api)
- ("java-slf4j-simple" ,java-slf4j-simple)
("java-jsr250" ,java-jsr250)))
- `(("java-modello-core" ,java-modello-core)
+ `(("java-asm-8" ,java-asm-8)
+ ("java-modello-core" ,java-modello-core)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
- ("java-sisu-build-api" ,java-sisu-build-api)
+ ("java-plexus-build-api" ,java-plexus-build-api)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
("java-eclipse-sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
("java-cglib" ,java-cglib)
- ("java-asm" ,java-asm)
("java-modello-plugins-java" ,java-modello-plugins-java)
("java-modello-plugins-xml" ,java-modello-plugins-xml)
("java-modello-plugins-xpp3" ,java-modello-plugins-xpp3)
@@ -1912,6 +2034,10 @@ logging support.")))
(modello-single-mode file "1.0.0" "xpp3-reader")
(modello-single-mode file "1.0.0" "xpp3-writer"))
+ (add-before 'build 'copy-resources
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/")
+ (copy-recursively "src/main/resources" "build/classes")))
(add-after 'build 'generate-metadata
(lambda _
(invoke "java" "-cp" (string-append (getenv "CLASSPATH") ":build/classes")
@@ -1936,6 +2062,9 @@ logging support.")))
"--classes" "build/test-classes"
"--descriptors" "build/test-classes/META-INF")
+ (add-before 'check 'disable-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file "src/test/java/org/apache/maven/profiles/manager/DefaultProfileManagerTest.java")))
(add-after 'generate-metadata 'rebuild
(lambda _
(invoke "ant" "jar")
@@ -1960,10 +2089,10 @@ logging support.")))
`(("java-modello-core" ,java-modello-core)
("java-plexus-utils" ,java-plexus-utils)
- ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
+ ("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations-1.7)
("java-plexus-classworlds" ,java-plexus-classworlds)
("java-geronimo-xbean-reflect" ,java-geronimo-xbean-reflect)
- ("java-sisu-build-api" ,java-sisu-build-api)
+ ("java-plexus-build-api" ,java-plexus-build-api)
("java-eclipse-sisu-plexus" ,java-eclipse-sisu-plexus)
("java-exclispe-sisu-inject" ,java-eclipse-sisu-inject)
("java-javax-inject" ,java-javax-inject)
@@ -1975,7 +2104,7 @@ logging support.")))
("java-modello-plugins-xml" ,java-modello-plugins-xml)
("java-modello-plugins-xpp3" ,java-modello-plugins-xpp3)
;; metadata
- ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata)
+ ("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata-1.7)
("java-commons-cli" ,java-commons-cli)
("java-plexus-cli" ,java-plexus-cli)
("java-jdom2" ,java-jdom2)
@@ -1993,8 +2122,8 @@ logging support.")))
("java-commons-lang3" ,java-commons-lang3)
("java-aop" ,java-aopalliance)
("maven-resolver-provider" ,maven-resolver-provider)
+ ("maven-slf4j-provider" ,maven-slf4j-provider)
("java-slf4j-api" ,java-slf4j-api)
- ("java-slf4j-simple" ,java-slf4j-simple)
,@(package-inputs java-slf4j-api)))
(description "Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension
tool. This package contains Maven2 classes maintained as compatibility
@@ -2032,7 +2161,8 @@ layer for plugins that need to keep Maven2 compatibility.")))
"maven-repository-metadata" "maven-shared-utils" "maven-resolver-api"
"maven-resolver-spi" "maven-resolver-util" "maven-resolver-impl"
"maven-resolver-connector-basic" "maven-resolver-provider"
- "maven-resolver-transport-wagon" "maven-wagon-provider-api"
+ "maven-resolver-transport-wagon" "maven-slf4j-provider"
+ "maven-wagon-provider-api"
"maven-wagon-file" "maven-wagon-http" "java-commons-logging-minimal"
"java-httpcomponents-httpclient" "java-httpcomponents-httpcore"
"maven-wagon-http-shared" "maven-wagon-tck-http"
@@ -2042,8 +2172,7 @@ layer for plugins that need to keep Maven2 compatibility.")))
"java-plexus-utils" "java-plexus-interpolation"
"java-plexus-sec-dispatcher" "java-plexus-cipher" "java-guava"
"java-jansi" "java-jsr250" "java-cdi-api" "java-commons-cli"
- "java-commons-io" "java-commons-lang3" "java-slf4j-api"
- "java-slf4j-simple"))))
+ "java-commons-io" "java-commons-lang3" "java-slf4j-api"))))
(substitute* "apache-maven/src/bin/mvn"
@@ -2089,6 +2218,7 @@ layer for plugins that need to keep Maven2 compatibility.")))
+ maven-slf4j-provider
@@ -2101,7 +2231,7 @@ layer for plugins that need to keep Maven2 compatibility.")))
- java-asm
+ java-asm-8
@@ -2116,9 +2246,7 @@ layer for plugins that need to keep Maven2 compatibility.")))
- java-slf4j-api
- ;; TODO: replace with maven-slf4j-provider
- java-slf4j-simple))
+ java-slf4j-api))
(list coreutils which))
(description "Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension
@@ -2238,6 +2366,16 @@ reporting or the build process.")))
(inherit maven-settings-builder)
(version (package-version maven-3.0-pom))
(source (package-source maven-3.0-pom))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments maven-settings-builder)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-before 'build 'generate-components.xml
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/plexus")
+ (chmod "components.sh" #o755)
+ (invoke "./components.sh" "maven-settings-builder/src/main/java"
+ "build/classes/META-INF/plexus/components.xml")))))))
`(("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
@@ -2248,6 +2386,8 @@ reporting or the build process.")))
("maven-pom" `("maven-pom" ,maven-3.0-pom))
("maven-settings" `("maven-settings" ,maven-3.0-settings))
("maven-builder-support" #f)
+ ("java-plexus-sec-dispatcher"
+ `("java-plexus-sec-dispatcher" ,java-plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4))
(_ input)))
(package-propagated-inputs maven-settings-builder)))))))
@@ -2256,6 +2396,19 @@ reporting or the build process.")))
(inherit maven-model-builder)
(version (package-version maven-3.0-pom))
(source (package-source maven-3.0-pom))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments maven-model-builder)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-before 'build 'generate-components.xml
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdir-p "build/classes/META-INF/plexus")
+ (chmod "../components.sh" #o755)
+ (invoke "../components.sh" "src/main/java"
+ "build/classes/META-INF/plexus/components.xml")))
+ (add-before 'check 'remove-failing-test
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file "src/test/java/org/apache/maven/model/interpolation/StringSearchModelInterpolatorTest.java")))))))
`(("java-plexus-component-annotations" ,java-plexus-component-annotations)
@@ -2443,7 +2596,7 @@ reporting or the build process.")))
- java-plexus-sec-dispatcher
+ java-plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4
(define-public maven-3.0-compat
@@ -2644,7 +2797,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
(define-public maven-dependency-tree
(name "maven-dependency-tree")
- (version "3.0.1")
+ (version "3.1.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://apache/maven/shared/"
@@ -2652,20 +2805,21 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
- "0mxfslxvcmjs13jl30zhcg672j970dzn6ihh79w9ajh6sfqmlds2"))))
+ "1vhcd3lmbyy8q61c37sqgbllqj4ypkxm344l6pb05mkchlyk5dy5"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "maven-dependency-tree.jar"
#:source-dir "src/main/java"
+ #:tests? #f; no tests
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
(list maven-3.0-core java-plexus-component-annotations
- maven-parent-pom-30))
+ maven-parent-pom-34))
- (list java-sonatype-aether-api java-sonatype-aether-util
+ (list java-sonatype-aether-api-1.13 java-sonatype-aether-util-1.13
java-eclipse-aether-api java-eclipse-aether-util))
(list unzip java-junit))
@@ -2678,7 +2832,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
(define-public maven-common-artifact-filters
(name "maven-common-artifact-filters")
- (version "3.1.0")
+ (version "3.2.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://apache/maven/shared/"
@@ -2686,7 +2840,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
- "1cl1qk4r0gp62bjzfm7lml9raz1my2kd4yf0ci0lnfsn0h5qivnb"))))
+ "1mr92s4zz6gf028wiskjg8rd1znxzdnmskg42ac55ifg9v1p1884"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "maven-common-artifact-filters.jar"
@@ -2694,14 +2848,12 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
#:tests? #f; require maven-plugin-testing-harness, which requires maven 3.2.
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'build 'remove-sisu
+ (add-before 'build 'fix-aether
(lambda _
- ;; Replace sisu with an existing dependency, to prevent a failure
- ;; when rewritting dependency versions
(substitute* "pom.xml"
- (("sisu-inject-plexus") "maven-plugin-api")
- (("org.sonatype.sisu") "org.apache.maven"))
- #t))
+ (("eclipse.aether") "sonatype.aether"))
+ (substitute* "src/main/java/org/apache/maven/shared/artifact/filter/collection/ArtifactTransitivityFilter.java"
+ (("eclipse") "sonatype"))))
(replace 'install
(install-from-pom "pom.xml")))))
@@ -2711,6 +2863,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
+ java-eclipse-sisu-plexus
@@ -2723,19 +2876,40 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
Maven project dependencies.")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public maven-common-artifact-filters-3.1.0
+ (package
+ (inherit maven-common-artifact-filters)
+ (version "3.1.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://apache/maven/shared/"
+ "maven-common-artifact-filters-" version
+ "-source-release.zip"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1cl1qk4r0gp62bjzfm7lml9raz1my2kd4yf0ci0lnfsn0h5qivnb"))))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments maven-common-artifact-filters)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (delete 'fix-aether)
+ (add-before 'build 'remove-sisu
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "pom.xml"
+ (("sisu-inject-plexus") "maven-plugin-api")
+ (("org.sonatype.sisu") "org.apache.maven"))))))))))
(define-public maven-enforcer-api
(name "maven-enforcer-api")
- (version "3.0.0-M3")
+ (version "3.0.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://apache/maven/enforcer/"
"enforcer-" version "-source-release.zip"))
- "014cwj0dqa69nnlzcin8pk9wsjmmg71vsbcpb16cibcjpm6h9wjg"))
- (patches
- (search-patches "maven-enforcer-api-fix-old-dependencies.patch"))))
+ "1479yp58jv788xc1jc2sbdxpajlbvwlk60639vd2h4s8r6x7naqh"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:jar-name "maven-enforcer-api.jar"
@@ -2769,12 +2943,13 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
(add-before 'install 'fix-pom-versions
(lambda _
(substitute* "pom.xml"
- (("3.8.1") ,(package-version java-commons-lang3))
- (("1.4.1") ,(package-version maven-resolver-util))
- (("1.12") ,(package-version java-commons-codec))
- (("<version>2.2</version>")
- ,(string-append "<version>" (package-version maven-dependency-tree)
- "</version>")))))
+ (("<maven.version>.*</maven.version>")
+ ,(string-append "<maven.version>" (package-version maven)
+ "</maven.version>"))
+ (("2.11.0") ,(package-version java-commons-io))
+ (("3.12.0") ,(package-version java-commons-lang3))
+ (("1.6.1") ,(package-version maven-resolver-util))
+ (("1.15") ,(package-version java-commons-codec)))))
(replace 'install
(install-pom-file "pom.xml")))))
@@ -2839,7 +3014,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
(define-public maven-artifact-transfer
(name "maven-artifact-transfer")
- (version "0.12.0")
+ (version "0.13.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://apache/maven/shared/"
@@ -2847,7 +3022,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
- "0mkdjr3wnvaxqaq68sy7h4mqlq3xgwwp5s2anj5vbxfy4bsc1ivj"))))
+ "0xl7lkksljacrhmvwf924zb6h0h5zw9494jaz9cz4hll0lrhlpz6"))))
(build-system ant-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f; require mockito 2
@@ -2874,7 +3049,7 @@ Maven project dependencies.")
(list java-commons-codec
- maven-common-artifact-filters
+ maven-common-artifact-filters-3.1.0
@@ -2967,7 +3142,7 @@ build are stored. By default, it is located within the user's home directory
`(#:jar-name "maven-filtering.jar"
#:source-dir "src/main/java"
#:test-dir "src/test"
- ;; this test comes from sisu-build-api, not this package
+ ;; this test comes from plexus-build-api, not this package
#:test-exclude (list "**/IncrementalResourceFilteringTest.java"
@@ -2987,7 +3162,7 @@ build are stored. By default, it is located within the user's home directory
(add-before 'check 'decompress-tests
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((build-api-source (assoc-ref inputs "java-sisu-build-api-origin"))
+ (let* ((build-api-source (assoc-ref inputs "java-plexus-build-api-origin"))
(classes (string-append build-api-source "/src/test/java")))
(copy-recursively classes "src/test/"))
@@ -3004,9 +3179,9 @@ build are stored. By default, it is located within the user's home directory
(list maven-3.0-core
- java-plexus-utils
+ java-plexus-utils-3.2.1
- java-sisu-build-api
+ java-plexus-build-api
(list java-jsr305))
@@ -3017,7 +3192,7 @@ build are stored. By default, it is located within the user's home directory
("java-mockito" ,java-mockito-1)
("java-objenesis" ,java-objenesis)
("java-plexus-component-metadata" ,java-plexus-component-metadata)
- ("java-sisu-build-api-origin" ,(package-source java-sisu-build-api))))
+ ("java-plexus-build-api-origin" ,(package-source java-plexus-build-api))))
(home-page "https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-filtering")
(synopsis "Shared component for all plugins that needs to filter resources")
(description "This component provides an API to filter resources in Maven
diff --git a/gnu/packages/mes.scm b/gnu/packages/mes.scm
index 07e63384ff..a862d84fc8 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/mes.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/mes.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
@@ -98,23 +98,31 @@ extensive examples, including parsers for the Javascript and C99 languages.")
(define-public nyacc
(inherit nyacc-0.99)
- (version "1.05.1")
+ (version "1.06.5")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://savannah/nyacc/nyacc-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "1ck3gyzln5dhamp317nv3waych12mczj05dm4wdblij6ab0l4863"))
+ "1fbzz9bm4mkz4j40l2z02zjlbqj82dmv2ayz83zl3j8gj6z3lpdg"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
- '(begin
- (substitute* "configure"
- (("GUILE_GLOBAL_SITE=\\$prefix.*")
- #t))))
+ '(substitute* "configure"
+ (("GUILE_GLOBAL_SITE=\\$prefix.*")
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; See https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?60474
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-60474
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "module/nyacc/lang/c99/parser.scm"
+ (("\\(memq \\(car stmt\\) '\\(include include-next\\)\\)")
+ "(memq (car stmt) '(include include-next define))")))))))
(inputs (list guile-3.0))
+ (propagated-inputs (list guile-bytestructures))
"@acronym{NYACC, Not Yet Another Compiler Compiler} is set of Guile modules
for generating parsers and lexical analyzers. It provides sample parsers,
@@ -149,6 +157,11 @@ parsers to allow execution with Guile as extension languages.")))
+ ;; XXX: Remove GUILE-BYTESTRUCTURES, an optional dependency needed to
+ ;; build the FFI helper, because it fails to build.
+ (propagated-inputs '())
(inputs (list guile-3.0))))
(define-public mes
diff --git a/gnu/packages/messaging.scm b/gnu/packages/messaging.scm
index 768642f119..f40c3a7e2c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/messaging.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/messaging.scm
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Aleksandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages sphinx)
#:use-module (gnu packages sqlite)
#:use-module (gnu packages tcl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages telephony)
#:use-module (gnu packages texinfo)
#:use-module (gnu packages textutils)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
@@ -695,8 +698,15 @@ identi.ca and status.net).")
(package/inherit bitlbee
(name "bitlbee-purple")
(synopsis "IRC to instant messaging gateway (using Pidgin's libpurple)")
- (inputs `(("purple" ,pidgin)
- ,@(package-inputs bitlbee)))
+ (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs bitlbee)
+ (prepend pidgin)))
+ (native-search-paths
+ (list (search-path-specification
+ (variable "PURPLE_PLUGIN_PATH")
+ ;; XXX: Should be (version-major (package-version pidgin)) but
+ ;; can't due to circular references.
+ (files (list (string-append "lib/purple-2")
+ "lib/pidgin")))))
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments bitlbee)
((#:phases phases '%standard-phases)
@@ -713,44 +723,55 @@ identi.ca and status.net).")
(define-public bitlbee-discord
- (package
- (name "bitlbee-discord")
- (version "0.4.3")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/sm00th/bitlbee-discord")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "00qgdvrp7hv02n0ns685igp810zxmv3adsama8601122al6x041n"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:configure-flags
- (let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- (list (string-append "--with-bdatadir=" out "/share/bitlbee/")
- (string-append "--with-plugindir=" out "/lib/bitlbee/")))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-autogen
- (lambda _
- (let ((sh (which "sh")))
- (substitute* "autogen.sh" (("/bin/sh") sh))
- (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" sh)))))))
- (inputs (list glib))
- (native-inputs (list pkg-config
- autoconf
- automake
- texinfo
- libtool
- bitlbee ; needs bitlbee headers
- bash))
- (synopsis "Discord plugin for Bitlbee")
- (description "Bitlbee-discord is a plugin for Bitlbee which provides
+ ;; Version 0.4.3 of bitlbee-discord was prepared to work for
+ ;; glib@2.68. However, version 2.69 of glib introduced a breaking change
+ ;; causing bitlbee-discord to throw:
+ ;;
+ ;; discord - Login error: Failed to switch to websocket mode
+ ;;
+ ;; This makes the plugin unable to connect and therefore unusable:
+ ;; https://github.com/sm00th/bitlbee-discord/issues/226
+ ;; The specified commit fixes incompatibility with glib@2.69 and newer.
+ (let ((commit "607f9887ca85f246e970778e3d40aa5c346365a7")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "bitlbee-discord")
+ (version (git-version "0.4.3" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/sm00th/bitlbee-discord")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0jkwhx2walx2ay0vc9x13q0j1qq4r5x30ss03a3j7ks28xvsnxc7"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:configure-flags
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
+ (list (string-append "--with-bdatadir=" out "/share/bitlbee/")
+ (string-append "--with-plugindir=" out "/lib/bitlbee/")))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-autogen
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((sh (which "sh")))
+ (substitute* "autogen.sh" (("/bin/sh") sh))
+ (setenv "CONFIG_SHELL" sh)))))))
+ (inputs (list glib))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config
+ autoconf
+ automake
+ texinfo
+ libtool
+ bitlbee ; needs bitlbee headers
+ bash))
+ (synopsis "Discord plugin for Bitlbee")
+ (description "Bitlbee-discord is a plugin for Bitlbee which provides
access to servers running the Discord protocol.")
- (home-page "https://github.com/sm00th/bitlbee-discord/")
- (license license:gpl2+)))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sm00th/bitlbee-discord/")
+ (license license:gpl2+))))
(define-public purple-mattermost
;; The latest release (1.2) only supports Mattermost's /api/v3. Choose a
@@ -801,14 +822,14 @@ used by Pidgin and Bitlbee, among others, to access
(define-public hexchat
(name "hexchat")
- (version "2.16.0")
+ (version "2.16.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://dl.hexchat.net/hexchat/hexchat-"
version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0dnwhb2gi08i5v79vq0y2izs89wyk3by96jv99kgkidjic3k2bj1"))))
+ (base32 "1iy4ln6yfgy3xysrfpjxw8fn38i3qx8jsn2mk2prshfzf7d9gr57"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(native-inputs `(("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
("glib:bin" ,glib "bin") ;need glib-genmarshal
@@ -1351,7 +1372,7 @@ Encryption to Gajim.")
(define-public dino
(name "dino")
- (version "0.2.2")
+ (version "0.3.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1359,7 +1380,7 @@ Encryption to Gajim.")
(string-append "https://github.com/dino/dino/releases/download/v"
version "/dino-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0r5qn9k88d5rh8zzj9gs3bk3dsm795r0pgxs3kawyrsrqr8ny1ry"))))
+ (base32 "07nw275xfamczzvzps8hsnpbhzvr4qc726fx92w8ncmdag7wlw1r"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "debug"))
@@ -1373,14 +1394,14 @@ Encryption to Gajim.")
(guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; To be enabled in v0.3.0, for A/V support.
- ;;(add-after 'install 'wrap
- ;;(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;;(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- ;;(dino (string-append out "/bin/dino"))
- ;;(gst-plugin-path (getenv "GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH")))
- ;;(wrap-program dino
- ;;`("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH" ":" prefix (,gst-plugin-path))))))
+ ;; For A/V support.
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (dino (string-append out "/bin/dino"))
+ (gst-plugin-path (getenv "GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH")))
+ (wrap-program dino
+ `("GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH" ":" prefix (,gst-plugin-path))))))
(add-after 'install 'glib-or-gtk-wrap
(assoc-ref glib-or-gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-wrap)))))
@@ -1391,7 +1412,6 @@ Encryption to Gajim.")
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
("vala" ,vala)))
- ;; NOTE: Commented-out lines are to be enabled in v0.3.0.
`(("atk" ,atk)
("cairo" ,cairo)
("librsvg" ,librsvg)
@@ -1400,22 +1420,22 @@ Encryption to Gajim.")
("gpgme" ,gpgme)
("gsettings-desktop-schemas" ,gsettings-desktop-schemas)
("gspell" ,gspell) ;for spell-check support
- ;;("gstreamer" ,gstreamer) ;for A/V support
- ;;("gst-plugins-base" ,gst-plugins-base)
- ;;("gst-plugins-good" ,gst-plugins-good)
+ ("gstreamer" ,gstreamer) ;for A/V support
+ ("gst-plugins-base" ,gst-plugins-base)
+ ("gst-plugins-good" ,gst-plugins-good)
("gtk+" ,gtk+)
("icu4c" ,icu4c) ;for emoji support
- ;;("libcanberra" ,libcanberra) ;for sound-notification support
+ ("libcanberra" ,libcanberra) ;for sound-notification support
("libgcrypt" ,libgcrypt)
("libgee" ,libgee)
("libnice" ,libnice)
("libsignal-protocol-c" ,libsignal-protocol-c)
("libsoup" ,libsoup-minimal-2)
- ;;("libsrtp" ,libsrtp) ;for calls support
+ ("libsrtp" ,libsrtp) ;for calls support
("pango" ,pango)
("qrencode" ,qrencode)
- ("sqlite" ,sqlite)))
- ;;("webrtc-audio-processing" ,webrtc-audio-processing))) ;for A/V support
+ ("sqlite" ,sqlite)
+ ("webrtc-audio-processing" ,webrtc-audio-processing))) ;for A/V support
(synopsis "Graphical Jabber/XMPP Client using GTK+/Vala")
(description "Dino is a chat client for the desktop. It focuses on providing
a minimal yet reliable Jabber/XMPP experience and having encryption enabled by
@@ -2289,7 +2309,7 @@ QMatrixClient project.")
(define-public mtxclient
(name "mtxclient")
- (version "0.6.1")
+ (version "0.7.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2298,7 +2318,7 @@ QMatrixClient project.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1a3ki45rf1fm7y4b74li76aqd4qc4y5ga5r163s0cwcpj9mp8c45"))))
+ (base32 "0kgz9i3xgyk1a82sv48a1m8gdxg0cl5pgd5imgwy519vvjlkwv48"))))
@@ -2334,7 +2354,7 @@ for the Matrix protocol. It is built on to of @code{Boost.Asio}.")
(define-public nheko
(name "nheko")
- (version "0.9.0")
+ (version "0.9.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2343,7 +2363,7 @@ for the Matrix protocol. It is built on to of @code{Boost.Asio}.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1akhnngxkxbjwjkg5ispl6j5s2ylbcj92r3zxqqry4gbfxbjpx8k"))
+ (base32 "0q9yzzl7mvlixm1c2f55lksxgh9q11zb8k80mkwnhmmli8wbb05f"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -2417,7 +2437,7 @@ for the Matrix protocol. It is built on to of @code{Boost.Asio}.")
- (list doxygen graphviz pkg-config qttools))
+ (list asciidoc doxygen graphviz pkg-config qttools))
(home-page "https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko")
(synopsis "Desktop client for Matrix using Qt and C++14")
(description "@code{Nheko} want to provide a native desktop app for the
@@ -2612,8 +2632,7 @@ replacement.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:configure-flags
+ `(#:configure-flags
(list "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
"-DTD_ENABLE_LTO=OFF") ; FIXME: Get LTO to work.
@@ -2757,7 +2776,7 @@ validating international phone numbers.")
(define-public chatty
(name "chatty")
- (version "0.1.17")
+ (version "0.4.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -2766,7 +2785,7 @@ validating international phone numbers.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0ba1rw8a3vif9k3570hxjfm25vqys3vk3f6g8z5irklwq4bi6lmn"))))
+ "12k1a5xrwd6zk4x0m53hbzggk695z3bpbzy1wcikzy0jvch7h13d"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
@@ -2774,19 +2793,21 @@ validating international phone numbers.")
(add-after 'unpack 'skip-updating-desktop-database
(lambda _
(substitute* "meson.build"
- (("meson.add_install_script.*") ""))
- #t)))))
+ (("meson.add_install_script.*") "")))))))
- `(("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("glib:bin" ,glib "bin")
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (list gettext-minimal `(,glib "bin") pkg-config protobuf))
(list feedbackd
+ gspell
+ json-glib
- libhandy-0.0
+ libhandy
+ libolm
+ libphonenumber
+ modem-manager
@@ -3094,23 +3115,52 @@ designed for experienced users.")
(define-public matterbridge
(name "matterbridge")
- (version "1.22.2")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "07rgdc4v043fhzsalmlhickqizk6xjlpjkzn6l5v9ryp5gmv580z"))))
- (build-system go-build-system)
+ (version "1.24.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0cd70x9685162c0imdici1ipl9lziq700wzyb5bsg610wfak3ms7"))))
+ ;; Using the go-build-system results in the same error message
+ ;; than in the bug 1551[1]. So we fix it by running go build
+ ;; manually in the git repository as-is as this is the solution
+ ;; given to that bug by the matterbridge developers.
+ ;; [1]https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/issues/1551
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:import-path "github.com/42wim/matterbridge"
- #:unpack-path "github.com/42wim/matterbridge"))
+ `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (replace 'build
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "GOCACHE"
+ (string-append (getcwd) "/go-build"))
+ (setenv "GOBIN"
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/bin"))
+ (invoke "go" "build" "-v" "-x")))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (setenv "GOCACHE"
+ (string-append (getcwd) "/go-build"))
+ (setenv "GOBIN"
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/bin"))
+ (invoke "go" "test" "-v" "-x"))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "GOCACHE"
+ (string-append (getcwd) "/go-build"))
+ (setenv "GOBIN"
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/bin"))
+ (invoke "go" "install" "-v" "-x"))))))
+ (native-inputs (list go))
(synopsis "Bridge together various messaging networks and protocols")
- (description "Relays messages between different channels from various
+ (description
+ "Relays messages between different channels from various
messaging networks and protocols. So far it supports mattermost, IRC, gitter,
xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp,
keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST
@@ -3118,6 +3168,41 @@ API. Mattermost is not required.")
(home-page "https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge")
(license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public jj
+ (package
+ (name "jj")
+ (version "2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://23.fi/jj/jj-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "02xz2ci93bccvil5iff804mh3zr5iqkf6zx5mxgraz17xg0azlgh"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:tests? #f ;There are no tests.
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (bin (string-append out "/bin")))
+ (install-file "jj" bin)))))))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list glib loudmouth))
+ (home-page "https://23.fi/jj/")
+ (synopsis "FIFO based Jabber client")
+ (description
+ "jj is a simple file-system-based Jabber client, inspired by ii IRC
+client. Interaction with jj is done by writing and reading files from the
+server directory which jj creates. It is perfect for bots and
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public pounce
(name "pounce")
@@ -3263,4 +3348,49 @@ more)! It connects via the Slack API, and maintains a persistent websocket
for notification of events.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public python-librecaptcha
+ (package
+ (name "python-librecaptcha")
+ (version "0.7.3")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/taylordotfish/librecaptcha")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0r35ws6vdf31j01kpacvpjplddm254r0cgy0npmhgnfxd5kpjf3s"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-pillow python-requests python-esprima python-pygobject gobject-introspection gtk+))
+ (synopsis "Show CAPTCHA without running proprietary code.")
+ (description "This package shows CAPTCHA without running proprietary code.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/taylordotfish/librecaptcha")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public python-harmony
+ (package
+ (name "python-harmony")
+ (version "0.7.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/taylordotfish/harmony.git")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1bm9xcnzpnpj6rlhbrnl2abwclzl7ivgh1vb5644y9mnhcs489js"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-tox))
+ (inputs
+ (list python-librecaptcha python-keyring python-requests))
+ (synopsis "Discord account management")
+ (description "This package provides account management tools for
+ (home-page "https://github.com/taylordotfish/harmony")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
;;; messaging.scm ends here
diff --git a/gnu/packages/monitoring.scm b/gnu/packages/monitoring.scm
index e9d2934ca1..7935c92815 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/monitoring.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/monitoring.scm
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Alex ter Weele <alex.ter.weele@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Lars-Dominik Braun <ldb@leibniz-psychology.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Stefan Reichör <stefan@xsteve.at>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Raphaël Mélotte <raphael.melotte@mind.be>
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ etc. via a Web interface. Features include:
(define-public zabbix-agentd
(name "zabbix-agentd")
- (version "5.2.6")
+ (version "6.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -172,23 +172,28 @@ etc. via a Web interface. Features include:
(version-major+minor version) "/zabbix-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "100n1rv7r4pqagxxifzpcza5bhrr2fklzx7gndxwiyq4597p1jvn"))))
+ (base32 "0dlb5c34lwd3j754pgaddsvpqad5c5yqbh25y4qxfpiy4fzqmw2y"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(substitute* '("src/zabbix_proxy/proxy.c"
+ "src/zabbix_server/server.c")
+ ;; 'fping' must be setuid, so look for it in the usual location.
+ (("/usr/sbin/fping6?")
+ "/run/setuid-programs/fping")))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags
- (list "--enable-agent"
- "--enable-ipv6"
- (string-append "--with-iconv="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libiconv"))
- (string-append "--with-libpcre="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "pcre")))))
+ '(#:configure-flags
+ '("--enable-agent" "--enable-ipv6" "--with-libpcre2")))
- (list libiconv pcre))
+ (list pcre2))
(home-page "https://www.zabbix.com/")
(synopsis "Distributed monitoring solution (client-side agent)")
(description "This package provides a distributed monitoring
solution (client-side agent)")
- (license license:gpl2)))
+ (license license:gpl2+)
+ (properties
+ '((release-monitoring-url . "https://www.zabbix.com/download_sources")
+ (upstream-name . "zabbix")))))
(define-public zabbix-server
@@ -196,10 +201,10 @@ solution (client-side agent)")
(name "zabbix-server")
(outputs '("out" "front-end" "schema"))
- (substitute-keyword-arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'install 'install-front-end
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments zabbix-agentd)
+ ((#:phases phases '%standard-phases)
+ #~(modify-phases #$phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-front-end
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((php (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "front-end")
@@ -207,11 +212,10 @@ solution (client-side agent)")
(etc (string-append php "/etc")))
(mkdir-p php)
(copy-recursively "ui" php)
- ;; Make front-end write config to ‘/etc/zabbix’ directory.
+ ;; Make front-end read config from ‘/etc/zabbix’ directory.
(rename-file front-end-conf
(string-append front-end-conf "-example"))
- (symlink "/etc/zabbix" front-end-conf))
- #t))
+ (symlink "/etc/zabbix" front-end-conf))))
(add-after 'install 'install-schema
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((database-directory
@@ -220,30 +224,27 @@ solution (client-side agent)")
(for-each delete-file
(find-files "database" "Makefile\\.in|\\.am$"))
(mkdir-p database-directory)
- (copy-recursively "database" database-directory))
- #t)))
- ,@(package-arguments zabbix-agentd))
- ((#:configure-flags flags)
- `(cons* "--enable-server"
- "--with-postgresql"
- (string-append "--with-libevent="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libevent"))
- "--with-net-snmp"
- (string-append "--with-gnutls="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "gnutls"))
- "--with-libcurl"
- (string-append "--with-zlib="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "zlib"))
- ,flags))))
+ (copy-recursively "database" database-directory))))))
+ ((#:configure-flags flags ''())
+ #~(append (list "--enable-server"
+ "--with-postgresql"
+ (string-append "--with-libevent="
+ (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libevent"))
+ "--with-net-snmp"
+ (string-append "--with-gnutls="
+ (assoc-ref %build-inputs "gnutls"))
+ "--with-libcurl"
+ (string-append "--with-zlib="
+ (assoc-ref %build-inputs "zlib")))
+ (delete "--enable-agent" #$flags)))))
(modify-inputs (package-inputs zabbix-agentd)
(prepend curl
- postgresql
- zlib
- curl)))
+ postgresql
+ zlib)))
(synopsis "Distributed monitoring solution (server-side)")
(description "This package provides a distributed monitoring
solution (server-side)")))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/mpd.scm b/gnu/packages/mpd.scm
index ad89acda04..25c017e028 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/mpd.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/mpd.scm
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages.")
(define-public mpd
(name "mpd")
- (version "0.23.5")
+ (version "0.23.6")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages.")
"/mpd-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "16d2ny05z47qpj4sjagdcyphb16dzdy21mwwdxbg819s14jjqb7j"))))
+ "1v969w7h3660ph3h2bdlkrzc05pfz95bmxjqdbzzf7pfwf795ifb"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags '("-Ddocumentation=enabled")))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/music.scm b/gnu/packages/music.scm
index 43b1059304..25f2495c02 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/music.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/music.scm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Paul van der Walt <paul@denknerd.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Al McElrath <hello@yrns.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2021 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019 Kei Kebreau <kkebreau@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016 John J. Foerch <jjfoerch@earthlink.net>
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Riku Viitanen <riku.viitanen0@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Ryan Prior <rprior@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Liliana Marie Prikler <liliana.prikler@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Bonface Munyoki Kilyungi <me@bonfacemunyoki.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Frank Pursel <frank.pursel@gmail.com>
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Streit <simon@netpanic.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Thomas Albers Raviola <thomas@thomaslabs.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Sughosha <sughosha@disroot.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -618,46 +619,47 @@ many input formats and provides a customisable Vi-style user interface.")
(define-public denemo
(name "denemo")
- (version "2.5.0")
+ (version "2.6.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/denemo/denemo-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "05kwy8894hsxr6123hc854j2qq2sxyjw721zk4g3vzz8pw29p887"))))
+ (base32 "0pdmjij2635jbw2a24ivk1y4w0z58jbmq9vnz3qrfzw4d469grab"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Tests require to write $HOME.
- (setenv "HOME" (getcwd))
- ;; Replace hard-coded diff file name.
- (substitute* "tests/integration.c"
- (("/usr/bin/diff")
- (search-input-file inputs "/bin/diff")))
- ;; Denemo's documentation says to use this command to run its
- ;; test suite.
- (invoke "make" "-C" "tests" "check")))
- (add-before 'build 'set-lilypond
- ;; This phase sets the default path for lilypond to its current
- ;; location in the store.
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((lilypond (search-input-file inputs "/bin/lilypond")))
- (substitute* "src/core/prefops.c"
- (("g_string_new \\(\"lilypond\"\\);")
- (string-append "g_string_new (\""
- lilypond
- "\");"))))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Tests require to write $HOME.
+ (when tests?
+ (setenv "HOME" (getcwd))
+ ;; Replace hard-coded diff file name.
+ (substitute* "tests/integration.c"
+ (("/usr/bin/diff")
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/diff")))
+ ;; Denemo's documentation says to use this command to run its
+ ;; test suite.
+ (invoke "make" "-C" "tests" "check"))))
+ (add-before 'build 'set-lilypond
+ ;; This phase sets the default path for lilypond to its current
+ ;; location in the store.
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((lilypond (search-input-file inputs "/bin/lilypond")))
+ (substitute* "src/core/prefops.c"
+ (("g_string_new \\(\"lilypond\"\\);")
+ (string-append "g_string_new (\""
+ lilypond
+ "\");")))))))))
- `(("diffutils" ,diffutils)
- ("glib:bin" ,glib "bin") ; for gtester
- ("gtk-doc" ,gtk-doc)
- ("intltool" ,intltool)
- ("libtool" ,libtool)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (list diffutils
+ `(,glib "bin") ; for gtester
+ gtk-doc
+ intltool
+ libtool
+ pkg-config))
(list alsa-lib
@@ -1773,7 +1775,7 @@ music theorist Paul Nauert's quantization grids or Q-Grids, for short.")
#:python ,python-2))
- (list jack-1 libsigc++ liblo ntk))
+ (list jack-1 libsigc++-2 liblo ntk))
(list pkg-config))
(home-page "https://non.tuxfamily.org/wiki/Non%20Sequencer")
@@ -2176,7 +2178,7 @@ users to select LV2 plugins and run them with jalv.")
(define-public mixxx
(name "mixxx")
- (version "2.3.1")
+ (version "2.3.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2188,7 +2190,7 @@ users to select LV2 plugins and run them with jalv.")
(search-patches "mixxx-link-qtscriptbytearray-qtscript.patch"
- (base32 "04781s4ajdlwgvf12v2mvh6ia5grhc5pn9d75b468qci3ilnmkg8"))
+ (base32 "1h26vpf60rk56fsw1nvmxihg7ammlj8q4zgim49q4s4ww7j8wwqj"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
;; Delete libraries that we already have or don't need.
@@ -2210,11 +2212,6 @@ users to select LV2 plugins and run them with jalv.")
(lambda _
(system "Xvfb &")
(setenv "DISPLAY" ":0")))
- (replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
- (when tests?
- ;; This test fails. I don't know why.
- (invoke "ctest" "-E" "TagLibTest.WriteID3v2Tag"))))
(add-after 'install 'wrap-executable
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
@@ -2223,56 +2220,56 @@ users to select LV2 plugins and run them with jalv.")
`("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ":" prefix
,(list (string-append faad2 "/lib"))))))))))
- `(("benchmark" ,benchmark)
- ("googletest" ,googletest)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)
- ("qttools" ,qttools)
- ("xorg-server" ,xorg-server-for-tests)))
+ (list benchmark
+ googletest
+ python-wrapper
+ qttools
+ xorg-server-for-tests))
- `(("bash" ,bash-minimal)
- ("chromaprint" ,chromaprint)
- ("faad2" ,faad2)
- ("ffmpeg" ,ffmpeg)
- ("fftw" ,fftw)
- ("flac" ,flac)
- ("glu" ,glu)
- ("hidapi" ,hidapi)
- ("jack" ,jack-1)
- ("lame" ,lame)
- ("libdjinterop" ,libdjinterop)
- ("libebur128" ,libebur128)
- ("libid3tag" ,libid3tag)
- ("libkeyfinder" ,libkeyfinder)
- ("libmad" ,libmad)
- ("libmp4v2" ,libmp4v2)
- ("libmodplug" ,libmodplug)
- ("libsndfile" ,libsndfile)
- ("libshout" ,libshout)
- ;; XXX: Mixxx complains the libshout-idjc package suffers from bug
- ;; lp1833225 and refuses to use it. Use the bundle for now.
- ;; ("libshout-idjc" ,libshout-idjc)
- ("libusb" ,libusb)
- ("libvorbis" ,libvorbis)
- ("lilv" ,lilv)
- ("mp3guessenc" ,mp3guessenc)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("opusfile" ,opusfile)
- ("portaudio" ,portaudio)
- ("portmidi" ,portmidi)
- ("protobuf" ,protobuf)
- ("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)
- ("qtdeclarative" ,qtdeclarative)
- ("qtkeychain" ,qtkeychain)
- ("qtscript" ,qtscript)
- ("qtsvg" ,qtsvg)
- ("qtx11extras" ,qtx11extras)
- ("rubberband" ,rubberband)
- ("soundtouch" ,soundtouch)
- ("sqlite" ,sqlite)
- ("taglib" ,taglib)
- ("upower" ,upower)
- ("vamp" ,vamp)
- ("wavpack" ,wavpack)))
+ (list bash-minimal
+ chromaprint
+ faad2
+ ffmpeg
+ fftw
+ flac
+ glu
+ hidapi
+ jack-1
+ lame
+ libdjinterop
+ libebur128
+ libid3tag
+ libkeyfinder
+ libmad
+ libmp4v2
+ libmodplug
+ libsndfile
+ libshout
+ ;; XXX: Mixxx complains the libshout-idjc package suffers from bug
+ ;; lp1833225 and refuses to use it. Use the bundle for now.
+ ;; libshout-idjc
+ libusb
+ libvorbis
+ lilv
+ mp3guessenc
+ openssl
+ opusfile
+ portaudio
+ portmidi
+ protobuf
+ qtbase-5
+ qtdeclarative
+ qtkeychain
+ qtscript
+ qtsvg
+ qtx11extras
+ rubberband
+ soundtouch
+ sqlite
+ taglib
+ upower
+ vamp
+ wavpack))
(home-page "https://mixxx.org/")
(synopsis "DJ software to perform live mixes")
(description "Mixxx is a DJ software. It integrates the tools DJs need to
@@ -3612,6 +3609,17 @@ formats, looking up tracks through metadata and audio fingerprints.")
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'remove-hypothesis-deadlines
+ ;; These tests can timeout on slower architectures.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/test___init__.py"
+ (("import given") "import given, settings")
+ (("( +)@given" all spaces)
+ (string-append spaces "@settings(deadline=None)\n" all))))))))
(list python-pytest python-hypothesis python-flake8))
(home-page "https://mutagen.readthedocs.io/")
@@ -4044,7 +4052,7 @@ with a number of bugfixes and changes to improve IT playback.")
("liblo" ,liblo)
("rubberband" ,rubberband)
("libxml2" ,libxml2)
- ("libsigc++" ,libsigc++)
+ ("libsigc++" ,libsigc++-2)
("ncurses" ,ncurses)))
(list pkg-config))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/nano.scm b/gnu/packages/nano.scm
index 552571de1f..a07fe0cbc9 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/nano.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/nano.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Rene Saavedra <rennes@openmailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -30,13 +31,13 @@
(define-public nano
(name "nano")
- (version "6.0")
+ (version "6.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/nano/nano-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "18ly2v5yyrqws1x4z154cnv9xf2vbk8js2mqmq50xlaaifv8rb4k"))))
+ (base32 "1cvwlz34p1msgylhbhgfc3c5xdcvfkj5dxwisx5aysmdpq21ijib"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list gettext-minimal ncurses))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ncdu.scm b/gnu/packages/ncdu.scm
index d6e4522bf0..7089ac8c89 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ncdu.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ncdu.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -23,7 +24,11 @@
#:use-module (guix licenses)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
- #:use-module (guix build-system gnu))
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages perl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages zig))
(define-public ncdu
@@ -49,3 +54,38 @@ ncurses installed.")
(string-append "https://g.blicky.net/ncdu.git/plain/COPYING?id=v"
(home-page "https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu")))
+(define-public ncdu-2
+ (package
+ (inherit ncdu)
+ (name "ncdu2") ; To destinguish it from the C based version.
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://dev.yorhel.nl/download/ncdu-"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1zlml62j57nb8k2simjy1bj2bp69zj517injy85c0p55ch5d5a2b"))))
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output)
+ (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target)))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure) ; No configure script.
+ (add-before 'build 'pre-build
+ (lambda _
+ (mkdtemp "/tmp/zig-cache-XXXXXX"))))
+ (add-after 'build 'build-manpage
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file "ncdu.1")
+ (invoke "make" "doc")))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "zig" "test" "build.zig")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list perl zig))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/networking.scm b/gnu/packages/networking.scm
index 623f016a11..d58db17825 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/networking.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/networking.scm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016 Raimon Grau <raimonster@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2016 John Darrington <jmd@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2016-2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Milkey Mouse <milkeymouse@meme.institute>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Simon South <simon@simonsouth.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -1152,7 +1153,7 @@ between different versions of ØMQ.")
(define-public cppzmq
(name "cppzmq")
- (version "4.6.0")
+ (version "4.8.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1160,19 +1161,15 @@ between different versions of ØMQ.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
- "19acx2bzi4n6fdnfgkja1nds7m1bwg8lw5vfcijrx9fv75pa7m8h"))
+ "0zzq20wzk5grshxfqhqgqqfwb38w3k83r821isvyaxghsglpwks3"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- '(;; FIXME: The test suite requires downloading Catch and custom
- ;; CMake targets, and refuses to use the system version.
- ;; See <https://github.com/zeromq/cppzmq/issues/334>.
- #:tests? #f
- #:configure-flags '("-DCPPZMQ_BUILD_TESTS=OFF")))
+ `(#:tests? ,(not (%current-target-system)))) ; run unless cross-compiling
(list pkg-config))
- (list zeromq))
+ (list catch-framework2 zeromq))
(home-page "https://zeromq.org")
(synopsis "C++ bindings for the ØMQ messaging library")
@@ -1522,14 +1519,14 @@ of the same name.")
(define-public wireshark
(name "wireshark")
- (version "3.6.1")
+ (version "3.6.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://www.wireshark.org/download/src/wireshark-"
version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0f2sjbbwmmz9zr8vphxy0panfji5vv8vazm688mqxy3bzflfsd04"))))
+ (base32 "03n34jh4318y3q14jclxfxi4r7b9l393w9fw9bq57ydff9aim42x"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
@@ -1597,15 +1594,16 @@ network frames.")
(define-public fping
(name "fping")
- (version "5.0")
+ (version "5.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://fping.org/dist/fping-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1f2prmii4fyl44cfykp40hp4jjhicrhddh9v3dfs11j6nsww0f7d"))))
+ (base32 "1zh9fkyn0bixgn77v9z6ayv446nqwx960hmly9m68xix0s62dr8y"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:configure-flags '("--enable-ipv6")))
(home-page "https://fping.org/")
(synopsis "Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts")
@@ -2423,7 +2421,7 @@ that block port 22.")
(define-public iperf
(name "iperf")
- (version "3.10.1")
+ (version "3.11")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2432,7 +2430,7 @@ that block port 22.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0svkrmxki6ckn2a8xysh5x0bw68mqnvl3w64j6d45fxs97dca2vq"))))
+ (base32 "064sb8f9jxi5ii43swd73c0mm50lvk51v7awhgbj6p129c1a4nn5"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -3398,92 +3396,87 @@ and targeted primarily for asynchronous processing of HTTP-requests.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public opendht
- ;; The version/commit is kept in sync with what Jami uses in its daemon
- ;; contrib build system (see:
- ;; https://review.jami.net/plugins/gitiles/jami-daemon/+/refs/heads/master/contrib/src/opendht/rules.mak).
- (let ((commit "dbbfdaab0f4119abf79646313e0dbc52881dcd56")
- (revision "0"))
- (package
- (name "opendht")
- (version (git-version "2.3.1" revision commit))
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "07x8vw999qpfl6qwj5k5l2mcjy1vp32sd567f6imbsnh9vlx2bdv"))))
- (outputs '("out" "tools" "debug"))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- (list
- #:imported-modules `((guix build python-build-system) ;for site-packages
- ,@%gnu-build-system-modules)
- #:modules '(((guix build python-build-system) #:prefix python:)
- (guix build gnu-build-system)
- (guix build utils))
- #:tests? #f ;tests require networking
- #:configure-flags
- #~(list "--enable-tests"
- "--enable-proxy-server"
- "--enable-push-notifications"
- "--enable-proxy-server-identity"
- "--enable-proxy-client")
- #:phases
- #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-python-installation-prefix
- ;; Specify the installation prefix for the compiled Python module
- ;; that would otherwise attempt to installs itself to Python's own
- ;; site-packages directory.
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "python/Makefile.am"
- (("--root=\\$\\(DESTDIR)/")
- (string-append "--root=/ --single-version-externally-managed "
- "--prefix=" #$output)))))
- (add-after 'unpack 'specify-runpath-for-python-module
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "python/setup.py.in"
- (("extra_link_args=\\[(.*)\\]" _ args)
- (string-append "extra_link_args=[" args
- ", '-Wl,-rpath=" #$output "/lib']")))))
- (add-after 'install 'move-and-wrap-tools
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((tools (assoc-ref outputs "tools"))
- (dhtcluster (string-append tools "/bin/dhtcluster"))
- (site-packages (python:site-packages inputs outputs)))
- (mkdir tools)
- (rename-file (string-append #$output "/bin")
- (string-append tools "/bin"))
- ;; TODO: Contribute a patch to python/Makefile.am to
- ;; automate this.
- (copy-file "python/tools/dhtcluster.py" dhtcluster)
- (chmod dhtcluster #o555)
- (wrap-program dhtcluster
- `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" prefix (,site-packages)))))))))
- (inputs (list bash-minimal fmt readline))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list msgpack ;included in several installed headers
- restinio ;included in opendht/http.h
- ;; The following are listed in the 'Requires.private' field of
- ;; opendht.pc:
- argon2
- gnutls
- jsoncpp
- nettle
- openssl)) ;required for the DHT proxy
- (native-inputs
- (list autoconf
- automake
- pkg-config
- python
- python-cython
- libtool
- cppunit))
- (home-page "https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht/")
- (synopsis "Lightweight Distributed Hash Table (DHT) library")
- (description "OpenDHT provides an easy to use distributed in-memory data
+ (package
+ (name "opendht")
+ (version "2.3.4")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0gp1wdpk50y0pcvlhqfw9vpms8lsrjvv63x4dh40axsvf2ix9lkj"))))
+ (outputs '("out" "tools" "debug"))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build python-build-system) ;for site-packages
+ ,@%gnu-build-system-modules)
+ #:modules '(((guix build python-build-system) #:prefix python:)
+ (guix build gnu-build-system)
+ (guix build utils))
+ #:tests? #f ;tests require networking
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "--enable-tests"
+ "--enable-proxy-server"
+ "--enable-push-notifications"
+ "--enable-proxy-server-identity"
+ "--enable-proxy-client")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-python-installation-prefix
+ ;; Specify the installation prefix for the compiled Python module
+ ;; that would otherwise attempt to installs itself to Python's own
+ ;; site-packages directory.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "python/Makefile.am"
+ (("--root=\\$\\(DESTDIR)/")
+ (string-append "--root=/ --single-version-externally-managed "
+ "--prefix=" #$output)))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'specify-runpath-for-python-module
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "python/setup.py.in"
+ (("extra_link_args=\\[(.*)\\]" _ args)
+ (string-append "extra_link_args=[" args
+ ", '-Wl,-rpath=" #$output "/lib']")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'move-and-wrap-tools
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((tools (assoc-ref outputs "tools"))
+ (dhtcluster (string-append tools "/bin/dhtcluster"))
+ (site-packages (python:site-packages inputs outputs)))
+ (mkdir tools)
+ (rename-file (string-append #$output "/bin")
+ (string-append tools "/bin"))
+ ;; TODO: Contribute a patch to python/Makefile.am to
+ ;; automate this.
+ (copy-file "python/tools/dhtcluster.py" dhtcluster)
+ (chmod dhtcluster #o555)
+ (wrap-program dhtcluster
+ `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" prefix (,site-packages)))))))))
+ (inputs (list bash-minimal fmt readline))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list msgpack ;included in several installed headers
+ restinio ;included in opendht/http.h
+ ;; The following are listed in the 'Requires.private' field of
+ ;; opendht.pc:
+ argon2
+ gnutls
+ jsoncpp
+ nettle
+ openssl)) ;required for the DHT proxy
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ pkg-config
+ python
+ python-cython
+ libtool
+ cppunit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/savoirfairelinux/opendht/")
+ (synopsis "Lightweight Distributed Hash Table (DHT) library")
+ (description "OpenDHT provides an easy to use distributed in-memory data
store. Every node in the network can read and write values to the store.
Values are distributed over the network, with redundancy. It includes the
following features:
@@ -3506,7 +3499,7 @@ library (get, put, etc.) with text values.
@item dhtchat
A very simple IM client working over the DHT.
@end table")
- (license license:gpl3+))))
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public frrouting
@@ -3565,39 +3558,54 @@ powerful route filtering syntax and an easy-to-use configuration interface.")
(define-public iwd
(name "iwd")
- (version "1.20")
+ (version "1.24")
(source (origin
- ;; FIXME: We're using the bootstrapped sources because
- ;; otherwise using an external ell library is impossible.
- ;; How to bootstrap with Guix?
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/network"
- "/wireless/iwd-" version ".tar.xz"))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/wireless/iwd.git")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "03q5scahyg86h4bdxqxm32shyssgpmfp5b3183j01ig7mg6f4lbx"))))
+ "1sdi7008j5jhlg2rqpczh1pzb8zay6mc9dpnjjsmdnsmrcr3v7wi"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list dbus ell readline))
+ (list dbus ell (package-source ell) readline))
- `(("pkgconfig" ,pkg-config)
- ("python" ,python)
- ("rst2man" ,python-docutils)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)))
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ libtool
+ pkg-config
+ python
+ python-docutils
+ openssl))
- (let ((dbus (assoc-ref %outputs "out")))
- (list "--disable-systemd-service"
- "--enable-external-ell"
- "--enable-hwsim"
- "--enable-tools"
- "--enable-wired"
- "--localstatedir=/var"
- (string-append "--with-dbus-datadir=" dbus "/share/")
- (string-append "--with-dbus-busdir="
- dbus "/share/dbus-1/system-services")))
+ ,#~(list "--disable-systemd-service"
+ "--enable-external-ell"
+ "--enable-hwsim"
+ "--enable-tools"
+ "--enable-wired"
+ "--localstatedir=/var"
+ (string-append "--with-dbus-datadir=" #$output "/share/")
+ (string-append "--with-dbus-busdir="
+ #$output "/share/dbus-1/system-services"))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'copy-ell-header-files
+ ;; Copy into the source tree two of ell's private header files that
+ ;; it shares with iwd, as is required to build with the
+ ;; "--enable-external-ell" configure option.
+ ;; See the definition of "ell_shared" in iwd's Makefile.am.
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((ell-header-dir (search-input-directory inputs "/ell"))
+ (target-dir "ell"))
+ (mkdir target-dir)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (file-name)
+ (copy-file (string-append ell-header-dir "/" file-name)
+ (string-append target-dir "/" file-name)))
+ '("asn1-private.h" "useful.h")))))
(add-after 'configure 'patch-Makefile
(lambda _
(substitute* "Makefile"
@@ -4040,7 +4048,7 @@ network.")
(define-public yggdrasil
(name "yggdrasil")
- (version "0.4.1")
+ (version "0.4.3")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4051,7 +4059,7 @@ network.")
(recursive? #t)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1ajhn0z58ap9jldip7mqj78drmgg4645zfsxsy004cfkm60fasnx"))
+ (base32 "0jp6998a45xi8pbi8p84chvpm1mhhcvcxm1avi1c1gjjp4jqm3vl"))
(patches (search-patches "yggdrasil-extra-config.patch"))))
(build-system go-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/nicotine.scm b/gnu/packages/nicotine.scm
index 8e194697de..08232c2756 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/nicotine.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/nicotine.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2020 Martin Becze <mjbecze@riseup.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Fatima Toothpaste <fatimatoothpaste@disroot.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -21,23 +22,29 @@
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages freedesktop)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gnome)
#:use-module (gnu packages gettext)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
- #:use-module (gnu packages check)
- #:use-module (gnu packages mp3))
+ #:use-module (gnu packages mp3)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages xorg))
(define-public nicotine+
(name "nicotine+")
- (version "2.1.2")
+ (version "3.2.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/Nicotine-Plus/nicotine-plus")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256 (base32 "18rra8yqjr10z23chzcp53ncbd5fhm0iqgqxpbxfq7a10za02v6l"))))
+ (sha256 (base32 "1x08z5lvkdl62dkc11vrsackgzsh1vr9vp3vgsgfzjyrvlsybmfw"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ ;; Remove test that relies on network access.
+ (snippet '(delete-file-recursively "test/integration"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
`(#:imported-modules ((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system)
@@ -55,18 +62,20 @@
(gi-typelib-path (getenv "GI_TYPELIB_PATH")))
(wrap-program prog
- `("GI_TYPELIB_PATH" ":" prefix (,gi-typelib-path)))
- #t)))
+ `("GI_TYPELIB_PATH" ":" prefix (,gi-typelib-path))))))
(add-after 'wrap-program 'glib-or-gtk-wrap
(assoc-ref glib-or-gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-wrap))
(add-after 'glib-or-gtk-wrap 'glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas
- (assoc-ref glib-or-gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas)))))
+ (assoc-ref glib-or-gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "xvfb-run" "python" "-m" "unittest")))))))
- (list gtk+ python-pygobject python-pytaglib))
+ (list bash-minimal gspell gtk+ python-pygobject libappindicator python-pytaglib))
- `(("python-pytest" ,python-pytest)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)))
- (home-page "https://nicotine-plus.github.io/nicotine-plus/")
+ (list gettext-minimal xvfb-run))
+ (home-page "https://nicotine-plus.org/")
(synopsis "Graphical client for Soulseek")
"Nicotine+ is a graphical client for the Soulseek peer-to-peer
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ntp.scm b/gnu/packages/ntp.scm
index b98f4513a3..7a3c033b2e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ntp.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ntp.scm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer <taylanbayirli@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2018 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
@@ -208,5 +208,7 @@ computers over a network.")
and server for the Network Time Protocol. Its design goals include being
secure, easy to configure, and accurate enough for most purposes, so it's more
minimalist than ntpd.")
+ (properties
+ '((release-monitoring-url . "https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenNTPD")))
;; A few of the source files are under bsd-3.
(license (list l:isc l:bsd-3))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ocaml.scm b/gnu/packages/ocaml.scm
index 6c1ac057a4..78eab203de 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ocaml.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ocaml.scm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
-;;; Copyright © 2016-2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
+;;; Copyright © 2016-2022 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Peter Kreye <kreyepr@gmail.com>
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 divoplade <d@divoplade.fr>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 pukkamustard <pukkamustard@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 pukkamustard <pukkamustard@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 aecepoglu <aecepoglu@fastmail.fm>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ depend: $(STDLIB_MLIS) $(STDLIB_DEPS)"))
(define-public ocamlbuild
(name "ocamlbuild")
- (version "0.14.0")
+ (version "0.14.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ depend: $(STDLIB_MLIS) $(STDLIB_DEPS)"))
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1hb5mcdz4wv7sh1pj7dq9q4fgz5h3zg7frpiya6s8zd3ypwzq0kh"))))
+ (base32 "00ma0g6ajll9awp2bp303bawac8ync4k9w2a6vix0k4nw3003gb4"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ Software distribution.")
(define-public ocaml-mccs
(name "ocaml-mccs")
- (version "1.1+11")
+ (version "1.1+13")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Software distribution.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1gsad5cj03256i36wdjqk5pg51pyd48rpjazf0gfaakrn8lk438g"))))
+ "15slv97jlvbaxj221wp4sjxk4lbdfyj9vcig0jwd4n54v89ksvib"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list ocaml-cudf))
(home-page "https://www.i3s.unice.fr/~cpjm/misc/")
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ Emacs.")
(define-public ocaml-menhir
(name "ocaml-menhir")
- (version "20211012")
+ (version "20220210")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ Emacs.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "08kf5apbv15n2kcr3qhyr3rvsf2lg25ackr3x9kfgiiqc0p3sz40"))))
+ (base32 "0f31isr3cyiishflz6qr4xc3gp9xwf32r3vxdvm5wnr2my1fnn1n"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml))
@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ Knuth’s LR(1) parser construction technique.")
(define-public ocaml-bigarray-compat
(name "ocaml-bigarray-compat")
- (version "1.0.0")
+ (version "1.1.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ Knuth’s LR(1) parser construction technique.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "06j1dwlpisxshdd0nab4n4x266gg1s1n8na16lpgw3fvcznwnimz"))))
+ "0hif5baiwswdblymyfbxh9066pfqynlz5vj3b2brpn0a12k6i5fq"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)); no tests
@@ -1273,14 +1273,14 @@ to the other.")
(define-public ocaml-findlib
(name "ocaml-findlib")
- (version "1.9.1")
+ (version "1.9.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://download.camlcity.org/download/"
"findlib" "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1qhgk25avmz4l4g47g8jvk0k1g9p9d5hbdrwpz2693a8ajyvhhib"))))
+ "0hfcwamcvinmww59b5i4yxbf0kxyzkp5qv3d1c7ybn9q52vgq463"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list m4 ocaml))
@@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ compilers that can directly deal with packages.")
(define-public ocaml-ounit2
(name "ocaml-ounit2")
- (version "2.2.4")
+ (version "2.2.6")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ compilers that can directly deal with packages.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0gxjw1bhmjcjzri6x6psqrkbbyq678b69bqfl9i1zswp7cj2lryg"))))
+ "04c841hpk2yij370w30w3pis8nibnr28v74mpq2qz7z5gb8l07p1"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-lwt ocaml-stdlib-shims))
@@ -1548,7 +1548,7 @@ archive(native) = \"frontc.cmxa\""))))
(define-public ocaml-qcheck
(name "ocaml-qcheck")
- (version "0.18")
+ (version "0.18.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1556,19 +1556,11 @@ archive(native) = \"frontc.cmxa\""))))
(url "https://github.com/c-cube/qcheck")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (patches (search-patches "ocaml-qcheck-fix-test-whitespace.patch"))
- (base32 "1s652hrj2sxqj30dfl300zjvvqk3r62a1bnzqw1hqyf6pi88qn8x"))))
+ (base32 "0g3r8lrw6fsdphgpnp08saxyxk1vd3chpmb564ir2qnsp716vz6z"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
- `(#:test-target "."
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'build 'fix-deprecated
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/core/QCheck.ml"
- (("Pervasives.compare") "compare"))
- #t)))))
+ `(#:test-target "."))
(list ocaml-alcotest ocaml-ounit))
@@ -1656,7 +1648,7 @@ full_split, cut, rcut, etc..")
(define dune-bootstrap
(name "dune")
- (version "2.9.1")
+ (version "3.0.3")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1665,7 +1657,7 @@ full_split, cut, rcut, etc..")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1lnah40pm9ndixz5hbsh67chvdspqpy26g6byb767vqgj7dbivfh"))))
+ "1ndn560fg0fg8n3wplmkg5px69h0g38pyma9wik85cmmqfxry14k"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f; require odoc
@@ -1699,7 +1691,15 @@ following a very simple s-expression syntax.")
`(#:package "dune-configurator"
#:dune ,dune-bootstrap
; require ppx_expect
- #:tests? #f))
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; When building dune, these directories are normally removed after
+ ;; the bootstrap.
+ (add-before 'build 'remove-vendor
+ (lambda _
+ (delete-file-recursively "vendor/csexp")
+ (delete-file-recursively "vendor/pp"))))))
(list ocaml-csexp))
(properties `((ocaml4.09-variant . ,(delay ocaml4.09-dune-configurator))))
@@ -1720,8 +1720,7 @@ config.h files for instance. Among other things, dune-configurator allows one t
(inherit dune-configurator)
(name "ocaml4.09-dune-configurator")
- `(#:package "dune-configurator"
- #:tests? #f
+ `(,@(package-arguments dune-configurator)
#:dune ,ocaml4.09-dune-bootstrap
#:ocaml ,ocaml-4.09
#:findlib ,ocaml4.09-findlib))
@@ -1976,14 +1975,14 @@ defined in this library.")
(define-public ocaml-topkg
(name "ocaml-topkg")
- (version "1.0.4")
+ (version "1.0.5")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://erratique.ch/software/topkg/releases/"
"topkg-" version ".tbz"))
- "1kzw5cxkizcvh4rgzwgpjlj9hfxfk6yr686bxx6wrbsfs8as371k"))))
+ "1iyinmcfqpprk7k4cc51nqgypayprbj4larwcfqw86k5dri84825"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
(list opam ocamlbuild))
@@ -2006,14 +2005,14 @@ creation and publication procedures.")
(define-public ocaml-rresult
(name "ocaml-rresult")
- (version "0.5.0")
+ (version "0.7.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://erratique.ch/software/rresult/releases/"
"rresult-" version ".tbz"))
- "1xxycxhdhaq8p9vhwi93s2mlxjwgm44fcxybx5vghzgbankz9yhm"))))
+ "0h2mjyzhay1p4k7n0mzaa7hlc7875kiy6m1i3r1n03j6hddpzahi"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
(list opam ocamlbuild))
@@ -2036,7 +2035,7 @@ library.")
(define-public ocaml-sqlite3
(name "ocaml-sqlite3")
- (version "5.0.2")
+ (version "5.1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2046,7 +2045,7 @@ library.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "15mmq7ak5facpfawfrc6hjz211gli7jab52iqdsihfvh790xm55f"))))
+ "1ksm0a490315sf0yy8lmva5f3bgr0jnllffanyq89431grpj6x15"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(properties `((ocaml4.07-variant . ,(delay ocaml4.07-sqlite3))))
@@ -2068,6 +2067,17 @@ coexistence with the old (version 2) SQLite and its OCaml wrapper
(inherit ocaml-sqlite3)
+ (version "5.0.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/mmottl/sqlite3-ocaml")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "ocaml-sqlite3" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "15mmq7ak5facpfawfrc6hjz211gli7jab52iqdsihfvh790xm55f"))))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -2111,14 +2121,14 @@ manipulate such data.")
(define-public ocaml-mtime
(name "ocaml-mtime")
- (version "1.3.0")
+ (version "1.4.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://erratique.ch/software/mtime/releases/"
"mtime-" version ".tbz"))
- "0syilgk4nzscacsswnvgwqlf0n0lhs221jss8gc8z9igw2x4sgsq"))))
+ "1xy6lg52n2zynp4p164ym9j0f1b95j5n4bi5y4mbdrry9w99h32m"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
(list ocamlbuild opam))
@@ -2126,7 +2136,7 @@ manipulate such data.")
`(("topkg" ,ocaml-topkg)))
`(#:tests? #f
- #:build-flags (list "build" "--with-js_of_ocaml" "false")
+ #:build-flags (list "build")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(delete 'configure))))
@@ -2360,7 +2370,7 @@ simple (yet expressive) query language to select the tests to run.")
(define-public ocaml-ppx-tools
(name "ocaml-ppx-tools")
- (version "6.4")
+ (version "6.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2370,7 +2380,7 @@ simple (yet expressive) query language to select the tests to run.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "15v7yfv6gyp8lzlgwi9garz10wpg34dk4072jdv19n6v20zfg7n1"))))
+ "0fwibah2hgllrnbdrmfqil5gr5raf6pb5h2zx6zs1h3d4ykvy8k8"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
;; No tests
@@ -2388,14 +2398,14 @@ syntactic tools.")
(define-public ocaml-react
(name "ocaml-react")
- (version "1.2.1")
+ (version "1.2.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://erratique.ch/software/react/releases/react-"
version ".tbz"))
(sha256 (base32
- "1aj8w79gdd9xnrbz7s5p8glcb4pmimi8jp9f439dqnf6ih3mqb3v"))))
+ "16cg4byj8lfbbw96dhh8sks5y9n1c3fshz7f2p8m7wgisqax7bf4"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
(list ocamlbuild opam ocaml-topkg))
@@ -2442,7 +2452,7 @@ through Transport Layer Security (@dfn{TLS}) encrypted connections.")
(define-public ocaml-mmap
(name "ocaml-mmap")
- (version "1.1.0")
+ (version "1.2.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -2451,8 +2461,9 @@ through Transport Layer Security (@dfn{TLS}) encrypted connections.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1jaismy5d1bhbbanysmr2k79px0yv6ya265dri3949nha1l23i60"))))
+ "1a7w7l682cbksn2zlmz24gb519x7wb65ivr5vndm9x5pi9fw5pfb"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list ocaml-bigarray-compat))
(home-page "https://github.com/mirage/mmap")
(synopsis "File mapping for OCaml")
(description "This project provides a @command{Mmap.map_file} function
@@ -2463,7 +2474,7 @@ for mapping files in memory. This function is the same as the
(define-public ocaml-lwt
(name "ocaml-lwt")
- (version "5.4.2")
+ (version "5.5.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2472,7 +2483,7 @@ for mapping files in memory. This function is the same as the
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
(sha256 (base32
- "1gkld5ms63lxkaa41jfg8y34qm5lb3ls6mkw03s760zln8i1k3gy"))))
+ "1jbjz2rsz3j56k8vh5qlmm87hhkr250bs2m3dvpy9vsri8rkzj9z"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:package "lwt"))
@@ -2494,17 +2505,17 @@ locks or other synchronization primitives.")
(inherit ocaml-lwt)
(name "ocaml-lwt-react")
- (version "1.1.4")
+ (version "1.1.5")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt")
;; Version from opam
- (commit "5.4.0")))
+ (commit "5.5.0")))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1ay1zgadnw19r9hl2awfjr22n37l7rzxd9v73pjbahavwm2ay65d"))))
+ "1jbjz2rsz3j56k8vh5qlmm87hhkr250bs2m3dvpy9vsri8rkzj9z"))))
`(#:package "lwt_react"))
(properties `((upstream-name . "lwt_react")))
@@ -2638,14 +2649,14 @@ run command line programs.")
(define-public ocaml-xmlm
(name "ocaml-xmlm")
- (version "1.3.0")
+ (version "1.4.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://erratique.ch/software/xmlm/releases/"
"xmlm-" version ".tbz"))
- "1rrdxg5kh9zaqmgapy9bhdqyxbbvxxib3bdfg1vhw4rrkp1z0x8n"))))
+ "1ynrjba3wm3axscvggrfijfgsznmphhxnkffqch67l9xiqjm44h9"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f
@@ -2665,22 +2676,22 @@ representation of the data.")
(define-public ocaml-gen
(name "ocaml-gen")
- (version "0.5.3")
+ (version "1.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/c-cube/gen")
- (commit version)))
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1jzrs0nsdk55annkd2zrk5svi61i3b1nk6qyqdc2y26vnzqvzfg8"))))
+ "1z5nw5wljvcqp8q07h336bbvf9paynia0jsdh4486hlkbmr1ask1"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:package "gen"
#:test-target "."))
- (list ocaml-odoc))
+ (list ocaml-odoc ocaml-seq))
(list ocaml-qtest ocaml-qcheck))
(home-page "https://github.com/c-cube/gen/")
@@ -2692,7 +2703,7 @@ and consumable.")
(define-public ocaml-sedlex
(name "ocaml-sedlex")
- (version "2.4")
+ (version "2.5")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -2701,7 +2712,7 @@ and consumable.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "13g8az4zqg6hrnxmy3qrasslppzlag13dd1dsr8vlpg2vpfmfv6i"))))
+ "062a5dvrzvb81l3a9phljrhxfw9nlb61q341q0a6xn65hll3z2wy"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no tests
@@ -2806,14 +2817,14 @@ and consumable.")
(define-public ocaml-uutf
(name "ocaml-uutf")
- (version "1.0.1")
+ (version "1.0.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://erratique.ch/software/uutf/releases/"
"uutf-" version ".tbz"))
- "1gp96dcggq7s84934vimxh89caaxa77lqiff1yywbwkilkkjcfqj"))))
+ "0s05r8ggp1g97zq4rnvbxzj22pv8ld0k5wsdw662jw0y7mhsawl7"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f
@@ -2958,7 +2969,7 @@ This package includes:
(define-public ocaml-ocp-index
(name "ocaml-ocp-index")
- (version "1.3.2")
+ (version "1.3.3")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -2968,7 +2979,7 @@ This package includes:
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0y7fk8s477f40vvbsp4ikxv1v51y6bzj416bh1sc3f17rbnczpkk"))))
+ "1gbigw5s2cafkr82n9vkxbb892qfkykj0adj0hrdkrkw8j6rfl0j"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:package "ocp-index"))
@@ -2989,14 +3000,14 @@ and command-line tool.")
(define-public ocaml-ocurl
(name "ocaml-ocurl")
- (version "0.9.1")
+ (version "0.9.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "http://ygrek.org.ua/p/release/ocurl/ocurl-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "0n621cxb9012pj280c7821qqsdhypj8qy9qgrah79dkh6a8h2py6"))))
+ "0qvpsqbq4qbd397n0nlv9cwlqfyjw7gfb5mmq1awvnklr0c9fdg0"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
@@ -3170,7 +3181,7 @@ is used to determine whether the results truly differ.")
(define-public ocaml-batteries
(name "ocaml-batteries")
- (version "3.4.0")
+ (version "3.5.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -3179,7 +3190,7 @@ is used to determine whether the results truly differ.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1cd7475n1mxhq482aidmhh27mq5p2vmb8d9fkb1mlza9pz5z66yq"))))
+ "07387jp93civ9p1q2ixmq8qkzzyssp94ssxd4w2ndvkg1nr6kfcl"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
(propagated-inputs (list ocaml-num))
@@ -3255,7 +3266,7 @@ hierarchy of modules.")
(define-public ocaml-pcre
(name "ocaml-pcre")
- (version "7.4.6")
+ (version "7.5.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -3265,7 +3276,7 @@ hierarchy of modules.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "11mck879p5zvkghps4ky8yslm0isgz52d84adl0dmcfxv2ibvcym"))))
+ "048k1rl17fcml000yh8fnghk1a06h14lbyrnk9nbigxsymrz6cq2"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
;; No tests.
@@ -4079,7 +4090,7 @@ capabilities, Zed provides macro recording and cursor management facilities.")
(define-public ocaml-lambda-term
(name "ocaml-lambda-term")
- (version "3.1.0")
+ (version "3.2.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/ocaml-community/lambda-term")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4089,7 +4100,7 @@ capabilities, Zed provides macro recording and cursor management facilities.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1k0ykiz0vhpyyj9fkss29ajas4fh1xh449j702xkvayqipzj1mkg"))))
+ "048k26644wq5wlwk0j179dxrxyz9nxqqq4vvhyh6pqpgxdajd44i"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:test-target "."))
@@ -4135,7 +4146,7 @@ instead of bindings to a C library.")
(define-public ocaml-utop
(name "ocaml-utop")
- (version "2.8.0")
+ (version "2.9.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4144,7 +4155,7 @@ instead of bindings to a C library.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1zf4hg33sblzh2f65vk0292jg4jlwa8702kfwpsg1kcg4w6nsfdp"))))
+ (base32 "1mdpqc1b67p5rm2jsbwy0gjjgdlfqcakjyh1cwdj959ykz4zy9ld"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:test-target "."))
@@ -4186,7 +4197,7 @@ sensitive completion, colors, and more.")
(define-public ocaml-integers
(name "ocaml-integers")
- (version "0.5.1")
+ (version "0.6.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/ocamllabs/ocaml-integers")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4196,10 +4207,12 @@ sensitive completion, colors, and more.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0by5pc851fk7ccxqy1w2qc5jwn9z8whyqhs5gxlm5986vr9msnyi"))))
+ "07qk7dgxykn528qvhfwa0j402yr58y1y84ivpi1ji1lvk0qddxcs"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ; no tests
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list ocaml-stdlib-shims))
(synopsis "Various signed and unsigned integer types for OCaml")
(description "The ocaml-integers library provides a number of 8-, 16-, 32-
and 64-bit signed and unsigned integer types, together with aliases such as
@@ -4209,7 +4222,7 @@ long and size_t whose sizes depend on the host platform.")
(define-public ocaml-ctypes
(name "ocaml-ctypes")
- (version "0.19.1")
+ (version "0.20.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/ocamllabs/ocaml-ctypes")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4219,7 +4232,7 @@ long and size_t whose sizes depend on the host platform.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1xi1a486gssrb23zln3sf7zn0rmyl1k684bdf9iqkhgpz607fq6s"))))
+ "13mq6i08f217fj2lq55psji453nmqp136sjxhg25hjb2z0gv9gky"))))
(build-system ocaml-build-system)
@@ -4554,30 +4567,20 @@ collection.")
(define-public ocaml-bindlib
(name "ocaml-bindlib")
- (version "5.0.1")
+ (version "6.0.0")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/rlepigre/ocaml-bindlib")
- (commit (string-append "ocaml-bindlib_" version))))
+ (commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1f8kr81w8vsi4gv61xn1qbc6zrzkjp8l9ix0942vjh4gjxc74v75"))))
- (build-system ocaml-build-system)
+ "1viyws3igy49hfaj4jaiwm4iggck9zdn7r3g6kh1n4zxphqk57yk"))))
+ (build-system dune-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;no tests
- #:use-make? #t
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure)
- (replace 'build
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make")))
- (replace 'install
- (lambda _
- (invoke "make" "install"))))))
+ `(#:test-target "."))
(list ocamlbuild ocaml-findlib))
(home-page "https://rlepigre.github.io/ocaml-bindlib/")
@@ -4954,7 +4957,7 @@ that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml.")
(define-public ocaml-parsexp
(name "ocaml-parsexp")
- (version "0.14.1")
+ (version "0.14.2")
(home-page "https://github.com/janestreet/parsexp")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4964,7 +4967,7 @@ that was developed by Jane Street, the largest industrial user of OCaml.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1nr0ncb8l2mkk8pqzknr7fsqw5kpz8y102kyv5bc0x7c36v0d4zy"))))
+ "14yi0licf1cp6b7qny5pz6dmlalqdksx0m0kzcrwi6byjxwjkbi9"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-sexplib0 ocaml-base))
@@ -5040,7 +5043,7 @@ functionality for parsing and pretty-printing s-expressions.")
(define-public ocaml-base
(name "ocaml-base")
- (version "0.14.1")
+ (version "0.14.3")
(home-page "https://github.com/janestreet/base")
@@ -5051,7 +5054,7 @@ functionality for parsing and pretty-printing s-expressions.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1hizjxmiqlj2zzkwplzjamw9rbnl0kh44sxgjpzdij99qnfkzylf"))))
+ "1cqpdpvhr4zns1lpdm2w0p6q400mc1z91hd716mb062ng83n2nsf"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-sexplib0))
@@ -5222,7 +5225,7 @@ as part of the same ocaml-migrate-parsetree driver.")
(define-public ocaml-ppxlib
(name "ocaml-ppxlib")
- (version "0.23.0")
+ (version "0.24.0")
(home-page "https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ppxlib")
@@ -5233,7 +5236,7 @@ as part of the same ocaml-migrate-parsetree driver.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0jg5v4pssbl66hn5davpin1i57a0r3r54l96vpz5y99xk5w70xi1"))))
+ "1nkkdvqifa36hxj6msd74ld4dfd749d6d9ygfj7zsm328rqvpqf2"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-base
@@ -6703,7 +6706,7 @@ combinators.")
(define-public ocaml-bisect-ppx
(name "ocaml-bisect-ppx")
- (version "2.6.1")
+ (version "2.8.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -6713,7 +6716,7 @@ combinators.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1knglw1b2kjr9jnd8cpfzmm581abxxdcx9l3cd2balg6gnac7qk1"))))
+ "0k9wbxf89d35444rg19l7vzpzs1zxq5pncawfcncdsskp1yms6b9"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-ppxlib ocaml-cmdliner))
@@ -6763,7 +6766,7 @@ then run the Bisect_ppx report tool on the generated visitation files.")
(define-public ocaml-odoc
(name "ocaml-odoc")
- (version "2.0.2")
+ (version "2.1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -6772,7 +6775,7 @@ then run the Bisect_ppx report tool on the generated visitation files.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "06rm1bhfp2yvkvidksndwii9v074r0lc9sqfp60q8mfcfd7pj7rx"))))
+ (base32 "1ycb468pc6vsvqj176j99bmbkrr9saxvyn9qhpazi01abbcq5d90"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
@@ -6820,7 +6823,7 @@ complexity of the OCaml module system.")
(define-public ocaml-odoc-parser
(name "ocaml-odoc-parser")
- (version "0.9.0")
+ (version "1.0.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -6830,7 +6833,7 @@ complexity of the OCaml module system.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1jlc6dp3v90r1ra7r0jfw0xs8rylwdz9gymw4rd53h0p17cw1wnj"))))
+ "0mvwbnla0wd29bc7ckwpb494qv7p616cx8hnm0zg36np7v3zwy4w"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-astring ocaml-result))
@@ -6882,7 +6885,7 @@ language understood by ocamldoc.")
(define-public ocaml-fftw3
(name "ocaml-fftw3")
- (version "0.8.4")
+ (version "0.8.5")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -6892,7 +6895,7 @@ language understood by ocamldoc.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0l66yagjkwdcib6q55wd8wiap50vi23qiahkghlvm28z7nvbclfk"))))
+ "07ljbin9dsclsqh24p7haqjccz1w828sf5xfwlzl298d4a6zsbhs"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:test-target "tests"))
@@ -6922,7 +6925,11 @@ library FFTW.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "115535kphchh2a434b48b408x9794j8zzrsdmacsgqdsrgy3rck4"))))
+ "115535kphchh2a434b48b408x9794j8zzrsdmacsgqdsrgy3rck4"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet '(substitute* '("src/dune" "src/config/dune")
+ (("-march=native") "")))))
+ (properties '((tunable? . #t)))
(build-system dune-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ; No test target.
@@ -6997,7 +7004,7 @@ variants.")
(define-public ocaml-mdx
(name "ocaml-mdx")
- (version "1.11.0")
+ (version "2.1.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -7006,7 +7013,7 @@ variants.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1w2vx4my9z6n57vjvsa3b9vwkbdzs1kq0cc58rf088qrh2lrx2ba"))))
+ "1w1givvhwv9jzj9zbg4mmlpb35sqi75w83r99p2z50bdr69fdf57"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
(list ocaml-fmt
@@ -7112,8 +7119,7 @@ support for Mparser.")))
(build-system dune-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #t
- #:test-target "."
+ `(#:test-target "."
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'build 'make-writable
@@ -7129,10 +7135,7 @@ support for Mparser.")))
(list ocaml-cairo2))
- `(("camlp5" ,camlp5)
- ("gtk+" ,gtk+)
- ("gtksourceview-3" ,gtksourceview-3)
- ("gtkspell3" ,gtkspell3)))
+ (list camlp5 gtk+ gtksourceview-3 gtkspell3))
(list pkg-config))
(home-page "https://github.com/garrigue/lablgtk")
@@ -7289,7 +7292,7 @@ representation.")
(define-public ocaml-fix
(name "ocaml-fix")
- (version "20211125")
+ (version "20220121")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -7299,7 +7302,7 @@ representation.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "00vq2das1l8xca013z7z7jy5622fsy3jha2cj72psp22wx9199l1"))))
+ "15785v43jcbqsw1y653cnb89alrcnbdri1h0w6zl6p7769ja9rdj"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
;; No tests.
@@ -7354,7 +7357,7 @@ defined in OCaml 4.12.0.")
(define-public ocamlformat
(name "ocamlformat")
- (version "0.20.0")
+ (version "0.20.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -7364,7 +7367,7 @@ defined in OCaml 4.12.0.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0zhvhb8ky0danmfvp4vvbh0pg89d7r7ka6m3q81vlyvb7gk08r6r"))))
+ "1q78gxsz763d6vbi1lyfmn7733l10qhq80bchdli9zw7sggs7nq1"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
'(#:package "ocamlformat"
@@ -7603,7 +7606,7 @@ up to OCaml 4.08.")
(define-public ocaml-cohttp
(name "ocaml-cohttp")
- (version "4.0.0")
+ (version "5.0.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -7613,7 +7616,7 @@ up to OCaml 4.08.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "02d7417yy1i62by368w3wyw3756047pbrw69spcvz3cd1z7vqaci"))))
+ "074xis3wmr76gadh1ffmfzjfx13mw4kr2s6rkwqwzcl6l85n9x2z"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
'(#:package "cohttp"
@@ -7639,7 +7642,7 @@ libraries.")
(define-public js-of-ocaml
(name "js-of-ocaml")
- (version "3.11.0")
+ (version "4.0.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -7648,20 +7651,9 @@ libraries.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1x5f1ph9wgx0mgyibssssnrcwp69ihw66gzhsnz9h79czgzyjpp2"))))
+ (base32 "0iyhl9z57j53j2jvyqcwmxhbvy23l6g80aa0abmlgwam14yskspf"))))
(build-system dune-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:test-target "."
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'check 'fix-failing-test
- (lambda _
- ;; Formating difference
- (with-output-to-file "compiler/tests-jsoo/bin/error2.expected"
- (lambda _
- (format #t
- "Fatal error: exception Match_failure(\
-\"compiler/tests-jsoo/bin/error2.ml\", 11, 2)\n\n"))))))))
+ (arguments `(#:test-target "."))
(list ocaml-ppxlib
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ocr.scm b/gnu/packages/ocr.scm
index de321bb53f..190bed2725 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ocr.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ocr.scm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Alex Vong <alexvong1995@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Andy Tai <atai@atai.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ monospaced or proportional.")
(define-public gimagereader
(name "gimagereader")
- (version "3.3.1")
+ (version "3.4.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -151,39 +152,25 @@ monospaced or proportional.")
"/download/v" version "/"
"gimagereader-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "1pghffb55k3wq33nbn9fi0lmjbldpmvqs2msnvss8bxz1k1ck23n"))))
+ (base32 "09glxh7b4ivrd4samm67b8k2p0aljiagr83wb8nvy5ps2a9gwp5m"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;no test
- #:configure-flags (list "-DENABLE_VERSIONCHECK=0")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-build
- ;; XXX: Prevent compilation error: "incomplete type ‘QUrl’ used in
- ;; nested name specifier". Fixed upstream as
- ;; 6209e25dab20b233e399ff36fabe4252db0f9e44. It can be removed in
- ;; release 3.3.2+.
- (lambda _
- (with-directory-excursion "qt/src/hocr"
- (substitute* '("HOCROdtExporter.cc" "HOCRTextExporter.cc")
- (("#include <QMessageBox>\n" all)
- (string-append all "#include <QUrl>\n"))))
- #t)))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DENABLE_VERSIONCHECK=0")))
- `(("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("intltool" ,intltool)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (list gettext-minimal intltool pkg-config))
- `(("enchant" ,enchant)
- ("djvulibre" ,djvulibre)
- ("leptonica" ,leptonica)
- ("podofo" ,podofo)
- ("poppler-qt5" ,poppler-qt5)
- ("sane-backends" ,sane-backends)
- ("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)
- ("qtspell" ,qtspell)
- ("quazip" ,quazip-0)
- ("tesseract" ,tesseract-ocr)))
+ (list enchant
+ djvulibre
+ leptonica
+ podofo
+ poppler-qt5
+ sane-backends
+ qtbase-5
+ qtspell
+ quazip-0
+ tesseract-ocr))
(home-page "https://github.com/manisandro/gImageReader")
(synopsis "Qt front-end to tesseract-ocr")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/opencl.scm b/gnu/packages/opencl.scm
index 940f52587e..c2715b498b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/opencl.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/opencl.scm
@@ -139,7 +139,9 @@
(list (search-path-specification
(variable "OCL_ICD_VENDORS")
- (files '("etc/OpenCL/vendors")))))
+ (files '("etc/OpenCL/vendors"))
+ ;; Only supports a single directory.
+ (separator #f))))
(home-page "https://github.com/KhronosGroup/OpenCL-ICD-Loader")
(inputs (list opencl-headers))
(synopsis "OpenCL Installable Client Driver")
@@ -290,8 +292,7 @@ back-end for the LLVM compiler framework.")
(list libltdl pkg-config))
- (list clang
- `(,hwloc-2 "lib") llvm opencl-icd-loader))
+ (list clang-9 llvm-9 `(,hwloc-2 "lib") opencl-icd-loader))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/orange.scm b/gnu/packages/orange.scm
index 2b6fc00abc..4d146468a3 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/orange.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/orange.scm
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ GUI based workflow. It is primarily used in the Orange framework.")
- python-pyqt
+ python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit
diff --git a/gnu/packages/package-management.scm b/gnu/packages/package-management.scm
index 05795824b5..491423d41e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/package-management.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/package-management.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Muriithi Frederick Muriuki <fredmanglis@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Rutger Helling <rhelling@mykolab.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Sou Bunnbu <iyzsong@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jonathan Brielmaier <jonathan.brielmaier@web.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
;; Note: the 'update-guix-package.scm' script expects this definition to
;; start precisely like this.
(let ((version "1.3.0")
- (commit "a27e47f9d1e22dc32bb250cfeef88cfacb930e23")
- (revision 23))
+ (commit "2fb4304ee7eb7d17d48bee345677ef1f288a0b86")
+ (revision 24))
(name "guix")
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
(commit commit)))
- "12jmvagbw05hmmlrb82i0qazhlv7mcfnl4dmknwx3a9hd760g9y1"))
+ "0pwizj76n9wpzcb4a631gj8yfxfpzq11p5kmmvmv6j4cqhn61dr0"))
(file-name (string-append "guix-" version "-checkout"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -239,6 +239,12 @@ $(prefix)/etc/init.d\n")))
(invoke "sh" "bootstrap")))
+ ,@(if (target-riscv64?)
+ `((add-after 'unpack 'use-correct-guile-version-for-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/gexp.scm"
+ (("2\\.0") "3.0")))))
+ '())
(add-before 'build 'use-host-compressors
(lambda* (#:key inputs target #:allow-other-keys)
(when target
@@ -1221,13 +1227,13 @@ allow for great power and flexibility.
(define-public gwl
(name "gwl")
- (version "0.3.0")
+ (version "0.4.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/gwl/gwl-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1lqif00mq7fsaknbc2gvvcv1j89k311sm44jp9jklbrv0v2lc83n"))))
+ "0sgaaq430l3dqmqqiikfb0ilxnd2cq28626y18kxx5c781qwpys9"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:parallel-build? #false ; for reproducibility
@@ -1239,14 +1245,15 @@ allow for great power and flexibility.
(let ((p (package-input-rewriting
`((,guile-3.0 . ,guile-3.0-latest))
#:deep? #false)))
- `(("guix" ,guix)
- ("guile" ,guile-3.0-latest)
- ("guile-commonmark" ,(p guile-commonmark))
- ("guile-config" ,(p guile-config))
- ("guile-gcrypt" ,(p guile-gcrypt))
- ("guile-pfds" ,(p guile-pfds))
- ("guile-syntax-highlight" ,(p guile-syntax-highlight))
- ("guile-wisp" ,(p guile-wisp)))))
+ (list guix
+ guile-3.0-latest
+ (p guile-commonmark)
+ (p guile-config)
+ (p guile-drmaa)
+ (p guile-gcrypt)
+ (p guile-pfds)
+ (p guile-syntax-highlight)
+ (p guile-wisp))))
(home-page "https://workflows.guix.info")
(synopsis "Workflow management extension for GNU Guix")
(description "The @dfn{Guix Workflow Language} (GWL) provides an
@@ -1260,8 +1267,8 @@ environments.")
(license (list license:gpl3+ license:agpl3+ license:silofl1.1))))
(define-public guix-build-coordinator
- (let ((commit "048c609667f1690fe0a8d8c9b772f9bc6dd412e0")
- (revision "47"))
+ (let ((commit "f1223225144b866951f13ece7f0583fd826a5705")
+ (revision "50"))
(name "guix-build-coordinator")
(version (git-version "0" revision commit))
@@ -1272,7 +1279,7 @@ environments.")
(commit commit)))
- "13sf3gv1jdaq6ncyw4s58zw0l2xjnksqjynlbqzx08i45xpj5yv8"))
+ "1yw5hzmkhgb2s29wv7bsi3w50ps9zi0zd1n0faxbcfyglsryvgbs"))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -1359,7 +1366,7 @@ environments.")
- guile-fibers
+ guile-fibers-1.1
(first (assoc-ref (package-native-inputs guix) "guile"))))
@@ -1383,7 +1390,7 @@ environments.")
(if (hurd-target?)
- (list guile-fibers))))
+ (list guile-fibers-1.1))))
(home-page "https://git.cbaines.net/guix/build-coordinator/")
(synopsis "Tool to help build derivations")
@@ -1568,8 +1575,8 @@ in an isolated environment, in separate namespaces.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public nar-herder
- (let ((commit "049dfec287fa948cac6682d0a047bc0ed356f0bf")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "f69da3686583d53974e720a9e66103126631cb69")
+ (revision "4"))
(name "nar-herder")
(version (git-version "0" revision commit))
@@ -1580,7 +1587,7 @@ in an isolated environment, in separate namespaces.")
(commit commit)))
- "1bkn6avcyp2rcrqaync65b8yn9dvxlkjpk3mdk5nsy527dzhs5ws"))
+ "0glcmma6gkxna45bv0yki3l13r34ha7v0jrli3vmh4ysnhsnc4ii"))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -1642,21 +1649,21 @@ in an isolated environment, in separate namespaces.")
;; Guile libraries are needed here for cross-compilation.
- guile-3.0
+ (car (assoc-ref (package-native-inputs guix) "guile"))
- guile-fibers
+ guile-fibers-1.1
(list bash-minimal
- guile-3.0))
+ (car (assoc-ref (package-native-inputs guix) "guile"))))
(list guile-json-4
- guile-fibers
+ guile-fibers-1.1
@@ -1789,14 +1796,14 @@ the boot loader configuration.")
(define-public flatpak
(name "flatpak")
- (version "1.12.3")
+ (version "1.12.7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/releases/download/"
version "/flatpak-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0sbvywfc57sb58maxins4sg7rfwrm1wcgw68069qbsyp8wrz45fp"))
+ (base32 "05lkpbjiwp69q924i1jfyk5frcqbdbv9kyzbqwm2hy723i9jmdbd"))
(patches (search-patches "flatpak-fix-path.patch"))))
;; Wrap 'flatpak' so that GIO_EXTRA_MODULES is set, thereby allowing GIO to
diff --git a/gnu/packages/parallel.scm b/gnu/packages/parallel.scm
index a6bee71aec..5f84fb6777 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/parallel.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/parallel.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Rutger Helling <rhelling@mykolab.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2019-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Stefan Reichör <stefan@xsteve.at>
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (target-64bit?))
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages admin)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
@@ -61,14 +62,14 @@
(define-public parallel
(name "parallel")
- (version "20220122")
+ (version "20220222")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/parallel/parallel-"
version ".tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "003y6f3bidfzd2jcswl7sk3a69fnvy0pjns4v0m5gjib84hil8mq"))))
+ (base32 "0id4lr3q0fh0r4vcz8sp19am9yc6j8g00m2726dgpmzacfw845pq"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -164,93 +165,88 @@ when jobs finish.")
(define-public slurm
- (name "slurm")
- (version "20.11.7")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append
- "https://download.schedmd.com/slurm/slurm-"
- version ".tar.bz2"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1fdjihg1x7ks5l77yjv14a4mg6r0v8c3zk1dcxkhrhq3n4dc9nbs"))
- (modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet
- '(begin
- ;; According to
- ;; <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-02/msg00534.html>
- ;; there are non-free bits under contribs/, though it's not
- ;; clear which ones. libpmi is clearly free (it used to be
- ;; under src/api/), so remove all of contribs/ except
- ;; contribs/pmi/.
- (substitute* "configure.ac"
- (("^[[:space:]]+contribs/(.*)$" all directory)
- (if (and (string-prefix? "pmi" directory)
- (not (string-prefix? "pmi2" directory)))
- all
- "")))
+ (name "slurm")
+ (version "20.11.7")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append
+ "https://download.schedmd.com/slurm/slurm-"
+ version ".tar.bz2"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1fdjihg1x7ks5l77yjv14a4mg6r0v8c3zk1dcxkhrhq3n4dc9nbs"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; According to
+ ;; <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-02/msg00534.html>
+ ;; there are non-free bits under contribs/, though it's not
+ ;; clear which ones. libpmi is clearly free (it used to be
+ ;; under src/api/), so remove all of contribs/ except
+ ;; contribs/pmi/.
+ (substitute* "configure.ac"
+ (("^[[:space:]]+contribs/(.*)$" all directory)
+ (if (and (string-prefix? "pmi" directory)
+ (not (string-prefix? "pmi2" directory)))
+ all
+ "")))
- (rename-file "contribs/pmi" "tmp-pmi")
- (delete-file-recursively "contribs")
- (mkdir "contribs")
- (rename-file "tmp-pmi" "contribs/pmi")
- #t))))
- ;; FIXME: More optional inputs could be added,
- ;; in particular mysql and gtk+.
- (inputs (list freeipmi
- `(,hwloc-2 "lib")
- json-c
- linux-pam
- munge
- numactl
- readline))
- (native-inputs
- `(("autoconf" ,autoconf)
- ("expect" ,expect)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:configure-flags
- (list "--enable-pam" "--sysconfdir=/etc/slurm"
- "--disable-static"
- (string-append "--with-freeipmi=" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "freeipmi"))
- (string-append "--with-hwloc=" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "hwloc"))
- (string-append "--with-json=" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "json-c"))
- (string-append "--with-munge=" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "munge"))
+ (rename-file "contribs/pmi" "tmp-pmi")
+ (delete-file-recursively "contribs")
+ (mkdir "contribs")
+ (rename-file "tmp-pmi" "contribs/pmi")))))
+ ;; FIXME: More optional inputs could be added,
+ ;; in particular mysql and gtk+.
+ (inputs (list freeipmi
+ `(,hwloc-2 "lib")
+ json-c
+ linux-pam
+ munge
+ numactl
+ readline))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf expect perl pkg-config python-wrapper))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "--enable-pam" "--sysconfdir=/etc/slurm"
+ "--disable-static"
+ (string-append "--with-freeipmi=" #$(this-package-input "freeipmi"))
+ (string-append "--with-hwloc=" #$(this-package-input "hwloc"))
+ (string-append "--with-json=" #$(this-package-input "json-c"))
+ (string-append "--with-munge=" #$(this-package-input "munge"))
- ;; 32-bit support is marked as deprecated and needs to be
- ;; explicitly enabled.
- ,@(if (target-64bit?) '() '("--enable-deprecated")))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-plugin-linker-flags
- (lambda _
- (substitute* (find-files "src/plugins/" "Makefile.in")
- (("_la_LDFLAGS = ")
- "_la_LDFLAGS = ../../../api/libslurm.la "))))
- (add-after 'patch-plugin-linker-flags 'autoconf
- (lambda _ (invoke "autoconf"))) ;configure.ac was patched
- (add-after 'install 'install-libpmi
- (lambda _
- ;; Open MPI expects libpmi to be provided by Slurm so install it.
- (invoke "make" "install" "-C" "contribs/pmi"))))))
- (home-page "https://slurm.schedmd.com/")
- (synopsis "Workload manager for cluster computing")
- (description
- "SLURM is a fault-tolerant and highly scalable cluster management and job
+ ;; 32-bit support is marked as deprecated and needs to be
+ ;; explicitly enabled.
+ #$@(if (target-64bit?) '() '("--enable-deprecated")))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-plugin-linker-flags
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (find-files "src/plugins/" "Makefile.in")
+ (("_la_LDFLAGS = ")
+ "_la_LDFLAGS = ../../../api/libslurm.la "))))
+ (add-after 'patch-plugin-linker-flags 'autoconf
+ (lambda _ (invoke "autoconf"))) ;configure.ac was patched
+ (add-after 'install 'install-libpmi
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Open MPI expects libpmi to be provided by Slurm so install it.
+ (invoke "make" "install" "-C" "contribs/pmi"))))))
+ (home-page "https://slurm.schedmd.com/")
+ (synopsis "Workload manager for cluster computing")
+ (description
+ "SLURM is a fault-tolerant and highly scalable cluster management and job
scheduling system for large and small clusters. It allocates access to
resources (computer nodes) to users for some duration of time, provides a
framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (typically a parallel
job) on a set of allocated nodes, and arbitrates contention for resources
by managing a queue of pending work.")
- (license (list license:bsd-2 ; src/common/log.[ch], src/common/uthash
- license:expat ; slurm/pmi.h
- license:isc ; src/common/strlcpy.c
- license:lgpl2.1+ ; hilbert.[ch], src/common/slurm_time.h
- license:zlib ; src/common/strnatcmp.c
- license:gpl2+)))) ; the rest, often with OpenSSL exception
+ (license (list license:bsd-2 ; src/common/log.[ch], src/common/uthash
+ license:expat ; slurm/pmi.h
+ license:isc ; src/common/strlcpy.c
+ license:lgpl2.1+ ; hilbert.[ch], src/common/slurm_time.h
+ license:zlib ; src/common/strnatcmp.c
+ license:gpl2+)))) ; the rest, often with OpenSSL exception
;; The SLURM client/daemon protocol and file format changes from time to time
;; in incompatible ways, as noted in
@@ -271,11 +267,16 @@ by managing a queue of pending work.")
version ".tar.bz2"))
- "0qj4blfymrd2ry2qmb58l3jbr4jwygc3adcfw7my27rippcijlyc"))))))
+ "0qj4blfymrd2ry2qmb58l3jbr4jwygc3adcfw7my27rippcijlyc"))))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments slurm)
+ ((#:configure-flags flags ''())
+ #~(append '("CFLAGS=-O2 -g -fcommon" "LDFLAGS=-fcommon")
+ #$flags))))))
(define-public slurm-19.05
- (inherit slurm)
+ (inherit slurm-20.02)
(version "19.05.8")
(source (origin
(inherit (package-source slurm))
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ by managing a queue of pending work.")
;; Same as Debian 10
(define-public slurm-18.08
- (inherit slurm)
+ (inherit slurm-20.02)
(version "18.08.9")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/password-utils.scm b/gnu/packages/password-utils.scm
index 83066bb8ce..35a2d0249c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/password-utils.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/password-utils.scm
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Amirouche Boubekki <amirouche@hypermove.net>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Tim Gesthuizen <tim.gesthuizen@yahoo.de>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jens Mølgaard <jens@zete.tk>
-;;; Copyright © 2019 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2019,2022 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jean-Baptiste Note <jean-baptiste.note@m4x.org>
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
#:use-module (guix build-system go)
#:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
@@ -737,6 +738,41 @@ using password-store through rofi interface:
@end enumerate")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public tessen
+ (package
+ (name "tessen")
+ (version "2.1.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ayushnix/tessen/")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ddsjhzp1qy3jfhxlrzcxgp0gza234yc0sdlngwa3xdj0wr40zs0"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:tests?
+ #f ;no tests
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-wtype-path
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "tessen"
+ (("wtype") (search-input-file inputs "/bin/wtype")))))
+ (delete 'configure)) ;no configure script
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "PREFIX="
+ #$output))))
+ (native-inputs (list scdoc))
+ (inputs (list wtype))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ayushnix/tessen")
+ (synopsis "Frontend for password-store and gopass")
+ (description "Tessen is a bash script that can autotype and copy data
+from password-store and gopass files.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public browserpass-native
(name "browserpass-native")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/audacity-ffmpeg-fallback.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/audacity-ffmpeg-fallback.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b78956070a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/audacity-ffmpeg-fallback.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+From 3c20057d0cbbbed453a692d4dd4589d865808024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Liliana Marie Prikler <liliana.prikler@gmail.com>
+Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2022 10:44:44 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Add pkg-config fallback for locating ffmpeg.
+Audacity >=3.1.0 no longer links against ffmpeg, but instead dynamically loads
+it. This dynamic loading mechanism fails to properly locate libraries outside
+See <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/53591>.
+ libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/CMakeLists.txt | 8 ++++++++
+ libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/FFmpegFunctions.cpp | 12 ++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/CMakeLists.txt b/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/CMakeLists.txt
+index 8c5f06d7c..00810e4d0 100644
+--- a/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ if (${_OPT}use_ffmpeg)
++ pkg_check_modules(FFMPEG libavcodec libavformat libavutil)
+ set( SOURCES
+ FFmpegTypes.h
+@@ -100,6 +102,12 @@ if (${_OPT}use_ffmpeg)
+ endif()
++ pkg_get_variable(LIBAVCODEC_LIBDIR libavcodec libdir)
++ endif()
+ audacity_library( lib-ffmpeg-support "${SOURCES}" "${LIBRARIES}"
+ )
+diff --git a/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/FFmpegFunctions.cpp b/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/FFmpegFunctions.cpp
+index 66d085a0b..4eeb4aed3 100644
+--- a/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/FFmpegFunctions.cpp
++++ b/libraries/lib-ffmpeg-support/FFmpegFunctions.cpp
+@@ -238,6 +238,18 @@ struct FFmpegFunctions::Private final
+ if (library->IsLoaded())
+ return library;
++#if defined(FFMPEG_PC_LIBDIR)
++ {
++ static const wxString libdir{FFMPEG_PC_LIBDIR};
++ const wxString fullName = wxFileName(libdir, libraryName).GetFullPath();
++ auto library = std::make_shared<wxDynamicLibrary>(fullName);
++ if (library->IsLoaded())
++ return library;
++ }
+ // Loading has failed.
+ // wxLogSysError doesn't report errors correctly on *NIX
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/bash-reproducible-linux-pgrp-pipe.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/bash-reproducible-linux-pgrp-pipe.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a03c4d982..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/bash-reproducible-linux-pgrp-pipe.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Unconditionally enable PGRP_PIPE on Linux (the kernel), regardless of
-the kernel version in use on the build machine.
-diff -purN bash-5.0-orig/configure bash-5.0/configure
---- configure 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ configure 2019-09-29 11:51:42.664518665 +0200
-@@ -16312,11 +16312,7 @@ solaris2.10*) LOCAL_CFLAGS=-DSOLARIS ;;
- solaris2*) LOCAL_CFLAGS=-DSOLARIS ;;
- linux*) LOCAL_LDFLAGS=-rdynamic # allow dynamic loading
-- case "`uname -r`" in
-- 1.*|2.[0123]*) : ;;
-- *) $as_echo "#define PGRP_PIPE 1" >>confdefs.h
-- ;;
-- esac ;;
-+ $as_echo "#define PGRP_PIPE 1" >>confdefs.h ;;
- netbsd*|openbsd*) LOCAL_CFLAGS="-DDEV_FD_STAT_BROKEN" ;;
- *qnx[67]*) LOCAL_LIBS="-lncurses" ;;
- *qnx*) LOCAL_CFLAGS="-Dqnx -F -3s" LOCAL_LDFLAGS="-3s" LOCAL_LIBS="-lunix -lncurses" ;;
-diff -purN bash-5.0-orig/configure.ac bash-5.0/configure.ac
---- configure.ac 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ configure.ac 2019-09-29 11:51:10.692026225 +0200
-@@ -1108,10 +1108,7 @@ solaris2.10*) LOCAL_CFLAGS=-DSOLARIS ;;
- solaris2*) LOCAL_CFLAGS=-DSOLARIS ;;
- linux*) LOCAL_LDFLAGS=-rdynamic # allow dynamic loading
-- case "`uname -r`" in
-- 1.*|2.[[0123]]*) : ;;
-- esac ;;
- netbsd*|openbsd*) LOCAL_CFLAGS="-DDEV_FD_STAT_BROKEN" ;;
- *qnx[[67]]*) LOCAL_LIBS="-lncurses" ;;
- *qnx*) LOCAL_CFLAGS="-Dqnx -F -3s" LOCAL_LDFLAGS="-3s" LOCAL_LIBS="-lunix -lncurses" ;;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-cmake-module-path.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-cmake-module-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b08ca5eac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-cmake-module-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+This package requires CMAKE_MODULE_PATH be set by the calling process. This
+patch uses the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH passed from Guix as the search path for
+locating the bloomberg-bde-tools CMake modules.
+--- a/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
+- message(FATAL "Please specify path to BDE cmake modules.")
++string(REPLACE ":" "cmake/;" CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "$ENV{CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}cmake/")
+ get_filename_component(repoName ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} NAME)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-tools-fix-install-path.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-tools-fix-install-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a80c6c3ea3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/bloomberg-bde-tools-fix-install-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Install shared libraries into "lib". Do not create symbolic links to static
+libraries since only shared libraries are built.
+--- a/cmake/layers/ufid.cmake
++++ b/cmake/layers/ufid.cmake
+@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ bde_prefixed_override(ufid project_setup_install_opts)
+ function(ufid_project_setup_install_opts proj)
+ bde_assert_no_extra_args()
+- set(libPath "bin/so")
+- if (${bde_ufid_is_64})
+- string(APPEND libPath "/64")
+- endif()
++ set(libPath "lib")
+ bde_struct_create(
+ installOpts
+@@ -86,13 +83,6 @@ function(bde_create_ufid_symlink uor installOpts)
+ "${symlinkPrefix}/${symlinkDir}/${libLinkName}"
+ )
+- install(
+- "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \
+- ${symlinkVal} ${symlinkFile})"
+- COMPONENT "${component}-symlinks"
+- )
+ # This code creates compatibility symlinks
+ # WARNING: This is custom logic that has nothing to do with our build system.
+ # Some external build systems expect to find a variaty of ufids in dpkg.
+@@ -110,14 +100,6 @@ function(bde_create_ufid_symlink uor installOpts)
+ symlinkFile
+ "${symlinkPrefix}/${symlinkDir}/${libLinkName}"
+ )
+- # IMPORTANT: symlinkFile is the same as above!
+- install(
+- "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \
+- ${symlinkVal} ${symlinkFile})"
+- COMPONENT "${component}-symlinks"
+- )
+ endif()
+ if (${bde_ufid_is_pic})
+@@ -134,14 +116,6 @@ function(bde_create_ufid_symlink uor installOpts)
+ "${symlinkPrefix}/${symlinkDir}/${libLinkName}"
+ )
+- # IMPORTANT: symlinkFile is the same as above!
+- install(
+- "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \
+- ${symlinkVal} ${symlinkFile})"
+- COMPONENT "${component}-pic-symlink-hack"
+- )
+ # And another one for "64" - remove "pic", add "64"
+ if (${bde_ufid_is_64})
+ set(temp_ufid_flags ${install_ufid_flags})
+@@ -157,14 +131,6 @@ function(bde_create_ufid_symlink uor installOpts)
+ symlinkFile
+ "${symlinkPrefix}/${symlinkDir}/${libLinkName}"
+ )
+- # IMPORTANT: symlinkFile is the same as above!
+- install(
+- "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \
+- ${symlinkVal} ${symlinkFile})"
+- COMPONENT "${component}-pic-symlink-hack"
+- )
+ endif()
+ endif()
+@@ -177,18 +143,5 @@ function(bde_create_ufid_symlink uor installOpts)
+ symlinkReleaseFile
+ "${symlinkPrefix}/${symlinkDir}/${libReleaseLinkName}"
+ )
+- install(
+- "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \
+- ${symlinkVal} ${symlinkReleaseFile})"
+- COMPONENT "${component}-release-symlink"
+- )
+- install(
+- "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \
+- ${symlinkVal} ${symlinkReleaseFile})"
+- COMPONENT "release-symlink"
+- )
+ endif()
+ endfunction()
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/calibre-fix-zeroconf.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/calibre-fix-zeroconf.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d7d0f18667..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/calibre-fix-zeroconf.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Fix a build failure when upgrading zeroconf from 0.28.8 to 0.38.1:
-Patch copied from Gentoo:
-diff --color -Naru a/src/calibre/devices/smart_device_app/driver.py b/src/calibre/devices/smart_device_app/driver.py
---- a/src/calibre/devices/smart_device_app/driver.py 2021-08-08 08:32:03.104016444 +0200
-+++ b/src/calibre/devices/smart_device_app/driver.py 2021-08-08 08:33:30.699018403 +0200
-@@ -2040,13 +2040,6 @@
- # Function to monkeypatch zeroconf to remove the 15 character name length restriction.
- # Copied from https://github.com/jstasiak/python-zeroconf version 0.28.1
--from zeroconf import (BadTypeInNameException, _HAS_A_TO_Z,
- def service_type_name(type_: str, *, allow_underscores: bool = False) -> str:
- """
- Validate a fully qualified service name, instance or subtype. [rfc6763]
-@@ -2087,6 +2080,12 @@
- :param type_: Type, SubType or service name to validate
- :return: fully qualified service name (eg: _http._tcp.local.)
- """
-+ from zeroconf import (BadTypeInNameException, _HAS_A_TO_Z,
- if not (type_.endswith('._tcp.local.') or type_.endswith('._udp.local.')):
- raise BadTypeInNameException("Type '%s' must end with '._tcp.local.' or '._udp.local.'" % type_)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/coq-fix-envvars.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/coq-fix-envvars.patch
index deecf5ce74..6c48224c64 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/coq-fix-envvars.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/coq-fix-envvars.patch
@@ -1,63 +1,44 @@
-From ebe09fcac72b21d17c4e8fe6edc1b6076a4ae97c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From 0e76cda958a4d3e4bcbb96e171c26b6b3478c6c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
-Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2021 00:38:03 +0100
+Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:44:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix environment variable usage.
- checker/checker.ml | 2 ++
- lib/envars.ml | 26 ++++++++++++++++----------
- sysinit/coqargs.ml | 3 ++-
- sysinit/coqloadpath.ml | 3 ++-
- sysinit/coqloadpath.mli | 2 +-
- tools/coqdep.ml | 2 +-
- 6 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
+ boot/env.ml | 26 +++++++++++++++++++-------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/checker/checker.ml b/checker/checker.ml
-index f55ed9e8d6..3b797729ed 100644
---- a/checker/checker.ml
-+++ b/checker/checker.ml
-@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ let set_include d p =
- (* Initializes the LoadPath *)
- let init_load_path () =
- let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
-+ let coqcorelib = Envars.coqcorelib () in
- let user_contrib = coqlib/"user-contrib" in
- let xdg_dirs = Envars.xdg_dirs in
- let coqpath = Envars.coqpath in
-@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ let init_load_path () =
- CPath.choose_existing
- [ CPath.make [ coqlib ; "plugins" ]
- ; CPath.make [ coqlib ; ".."; "coq-core"; "plugins" ]
-+ ; CPath.make [ coqcorelib ; "plugins" ]
- ] |> function
- | None ->
- CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Cannot find plugins directory")
-diff --git a/lib/envars.ml b/lib/envars.ml
-index 750bd60e71..c7affbd437 100644
---- a/lib/envars.ml
-+++ b/lib/envars.ml
-@@ -127,15 +127,21 @@ let check_file_else ~dir ~file oth =
- let guess_coqlib fail =
- getenv_else "COQLIB" (fun () ->
+diff --git a/boot/env.ml b/boot/env.ml
+index e8521e7..d834a3a 100644
+--- a/boot/env.ml
++++ b/boot/env.ml
+@@ -32,17 +32,29 @@ let fail_msg =
+ let fail s = Format.eprintf "%s@\n%!" fail_msg; exit 1
++let path_to_list p =
++ let sep = if String.equal Sys.os_type "Win32" then ';' else ':' in
++ String.split_on_char sep p
+ (* This code needs to be refactored, for now it is just what used to be in envvars *)
+ let guess_coqlib () =
+ Util.getenv_else "COQLIB" (fun () ->
let prelude = "theories/Init/Prelude.vo" in
-- check_file_else ~dir:Coq_config.coqlibsuffix ~file:prelude
+- Util.check_file_else
+- ~dir:Coq_config.coqlibsuffix
+- ~file:prelude
- (fun () ->
-- if Sys.file_exists (Coq_config.coqlib / prelude)
+- if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib prelude)
- then Coq_config.coqlib
-- else
-- fail "cannot guess a path for Coq libraries; please use -coqlib option \
-- or ensure you have installed the package containing Coq's stdlib (coq-stdlib in OPAM) \
-- If you intend to use Coq without a standard library, the -boot -noinit options must be used.")
-- )
-+ let coqlibpath = getenv_else "COQLIBPATH" (fun () -> Coq_config.coqlibsuffix) in
+- else fail ()))
++ let coqlibpath = Util.getenv_else "COQLIBPATH" (fun () -> Coq_config.coqlibsuffix) in
+ let paths = path_to_list coqlibpath in
+ let valid_paths =
+ List.filter
-+ (fun dir -> (check_file_else ~dir:dir ~file:prelude (fun () -> "")) <> "")
++ (fun dir -> (Util.check_file_else ~dir:dir ~file:prelude (fun () -> "")) <> "")
+ paths in
+ match valid_paths with
+ | [] ->
-+ if Sys.file_exists (Coq_config.coqlib / prelude)
++ if Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib prelude)
+ then Coq_config.coqlib
+ else
+ fail "cannot guess a path for Coq libraries; please use -coqlib option \
@@ -65,75 +46,8 @@ index 750bd60e71..c7affbd437 100644
+ If you intend to use Coq without a standard library, the -boot -noinit options must be used."
+ | p::_ -> p)
- let coqlib_ref : string option ref = ref None
- let set_user_coqlib path = coqlib_ref := Some path
-@@ -208,7 +214,7 @@ let xdg_dirs ~warn =
- let print_config ?(prefix_var_name="") f coq_src_subdirs =
- let open Printf in
- fprintf f "%sCOQLIB=%s/\n" prefix_var_name (coqlib ());
-- fprintf f "%sCOQCORELIB=%s/\n" prefix_var_name (coqlib () / "../coq-core/");
-+ fprintf f "%sCOQCORELIB=%s/\n" prefix_var_name (coqcorelib ());
- fprintf f "%sDOCDIR=%s/\n" prefix_var_name (docdir ());
- fprintf f "%sOCAMLFIND=%s\n" prefix_var_name (ocamlfind ());
- fprintf f "%sCAMLFLAGS=%s\n" prefix_var_name Coq_config.caml_flags;
-diff --git a/sysinit/coqargs.ml b/sysinit/coqargs.ml
-index 00f70a5fea..8325623a63 100644
---- a/sysinit/coqargs.ml
-+++ b/sysinit/coqargs.ml
-@@ -453,7 +453,8 @@ let build_load_path opts =
- if opts.pre.boot then [],[]
- else
- let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
-- Coqloadpath.init_load_path ~coqlib in
-+ let coqcorelib = Envars.coqcorelib () in
-+ Coqloadpath.init_load_path ~coqlib ~coqcorelib in
- ml_path @ opts.pre.ml_includes ,
- vo_path @ opts.pre.vo_includes
-diff --git a/sysinit/coqloadpath.ml b/sysinit/coqloadpath.ml
-index 95ae5da3de..a58cfe6928 100644
---- a/sysinit/coqloadpath.ml
-+++ b/sysinit/coqloadpath.ml
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let build_userlib_path ~unix_path =
- else [], []
- (* LoadPath for Coq user libraries *)
--let init_load_path ~coqlib =
-+let init_load_path ~coqlib ~coqcorelib =
- let open Loadpath in
- let user_contrib = coqlib/"user-contrib" in
-@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ let init_load_path ~coqlib =
- CPath.choose_existing
- [ CPath.make [ coqlib ; "plugins" ]
- ; CPath.make [ coqlib ; ".."; "coq-core"; "plugins" ]
-+ ; CPath.make [ coqcorelib ; "plugins" ]
- ] |> function
- | None ->
- CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Cannot find plugins directory")
-diff --git a/sysinit/coqloadpath.mli b/sysinit/coqloadpath.mli
-index d853e9ea54..43c6dfa134 100644
---- a/sysinit/coqloadpath.mli
-+++ b/sysinit/coqloadpath.mli
-@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@
- includes (in-order) Coq's standard library, Coq's [user-contrib]
- folder, and directories specified in [COQPATH] and [XDG_DIRS] *)
- val init_load_path
-- : coqlib:CUnix.physical_path
-+ : coqlib:CUnix.physical_path -> coqcorelib:CUnix.physical_path
- -> CUnix.physical_path list * Loadpath.vo_path list
-diff --git a/tools/coqdep.ml b/tools/coqdep.ml
-index c1c87993e1..6c78e10866 100644
---- a/tools/coqdep.ml
-+++ b/tools/coqdep.ml
-@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let coqdep () =
- let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
- let coq_plugins_dir = Filename.concat (Envars.coqcorelib ()) "plugins" in
- if not (Sys.file_exists coq_plugins_dir) then
-- CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "coqdep: cannot find plugins directory for coqlib: " ++ str coqlib ++ fnl ());
-+ CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "coqdep: cannot find plugins directory " ++ str coq_plugins_dir ++ str " for coqlib: " ++ str coqlib ++ fnl ());
- CD.add_rec_dir_import CD.add_coqlib_known (coqlib//"theories") ["Coq"];
- CD.add_rec_dir_import CD.add_coqlib_known (coq_plugins_dir) ["Coq"];
- let user = coqlib//"user-contrib" in
+ (* Build layout uses coqlib = coqcorelib *)
+ let guess_coqcorelib lib =
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/cpulimit-with-glib-2.32.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/cpulimit-with-glib-2.32.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c0bbaac7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/cpulimit-with-glib-2.32.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 4a4794e041edf85cb67b9fbba66ad1a22fdcaaec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
+Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2022 00:10:20 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] Fixes linux build with glibc-2.32.
+* cpulimit.c: Guard inclusion of <sys/sysctl.h> which is needed only for
+ __APPLE__ and is deprecated and unavailable starting with glibc-2.32.
+ src/cpulimit.c | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+Submitted upstream at https://github.com/opsengine/cpulimit/pull/105
+diff --git a/src/cpulimit.c b/src/cpulimit.c
+index 50eabea..be8cf22 100644
+--- a/src/cpulimit.c
++++ b/src/cpulimit.c
+@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+ #include <sys/resource.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/wait.h>
+ #ifdef __APPLE__ || __FREEBSD__
+ #include <libgen.h>
++#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "process_group.h"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/crawl-upgrade-saves.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/crawl-upgrade-saves.patch
index 4c0b3a427b..720a94f3e5 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/crawl-upgrade-saves.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/crawl-upgrade-saves.patch
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ and crawl would never upgrade saves.
diff -ur a/source/database.cc b/source/database.cc
--- a/source/database.cc 2018-08-09 21:49:26.000000000 -0400
+++ b/source/database.cc 2018-10-07 18:06:41.022445789 -0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include "stringutil.h"
#include "syscalls.h"
- #include "threads.h"
#include "unicode.h"
+#include "version.h"
// TextDB handles dependency checking the db vs text files, creating the
// db, loading, and destroying the DB.
-@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
+@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@
vector<string> _input_files;
DBM* _db;
string timestamp;
@@ -62,16 +62,16 @@ diff -ur a/source/database.cc b/source/database.cc
for (const string &file : _input_files)
string full_input_path = _directory + file;
-@@ -245,7 +253,7 @@
+@@ -246,7 +254,7 @@
ts += buf;
-- if (no_files && timestamp.empty())
-+ if (no_files && timestamp.empty() && version.empty())
+- if (no_files)
++ if (no_files && version.empty())
// No point in empty databases, although for simplicity keep ones
// for disappeared translations for now.
-@@ -313,7 +321,10 @@
+@@ -312,7 +320,10 @@
_store_text_db(full_input_path, _db);
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/efivar-gcc-compat.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/efivar-gcc-compat.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fd1a3dc90a..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/efivar-gcc-compat.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-Fix build with -Werror=address-of-packed-member, which is default since
-GCC 9.
-This is a combination of three upstream commits:
- https://github.com/rhboot/efivar/commit/b98ba8921010d03f46704a476c69861515deb1ca
- https://github.com/rhboot/efivar/commit/c3c553db85ff10890209d0fe48fb4856ad68e4e0
- https://github.com/rhboot/efivar/commit/0dad6d78a7fb5f6c5fb4a1d646040539db6cf865
-diff --git a/src/dp-media.c b/src/dp-media.c
-index 96a576f..be691c4 100644
---- a/src/dp-media.c
-+++ b/src/dp-media.c
-@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@ _format_media_dn(char *buf, size_t size, const_efidp dp)
- break;
- format(buf, size, off, "HD", "GPT,");
-- format_guid(buf, size, off, "HD",
-- (efi_guid_t *)dp->hd.signature);
-+ format_guid(buf, size, off, "HD", dp->hd.signature);
- format(buf, size, off, "HD",
- ",0x%"PRIx64",0x%"PRIx64")",
- dp->hd.start, dp->hd.size);
-diff --git a/src/dp-message.c b/src/dp-message.c
-index 3724e5f..6b8e907 100644
---- a/src/dp-message.c
-+++ b/src/dp-message.c
-@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ _format_message_dn(char *buf, size_t size, const_efidp dp)
- dp->infiniband.port_gid[1],
- dp->infiniband.port_gid[0]);
- format_guid(buf, size, off, "Infiniband",
-- (efi_guid_t *)&dp->infiniband.ioc_guid);
-+ &dp->infiniband.ioc_guid);
- format(buf, size, off, "Infiniband",
- ",%"PRIu64",%"PRIu64")",
- dp->infiniband.target_port_id,
-@@ -620,11 +620,13 @@ _format_message_dn(char *buf, size_t size, const_efidp dp)
- ) / sizeof(efi_ip_addr_t);
- format(buf, size, off, "Dns", "Dns(");
- for (int i=0; i < end; i++) {
-- const efi_ip_addr_t *addr = &dp->dns.addrs[i];
-+ efi_ip_addr_t addr;
-+ memcpy(&addr, &dp->dns.addrs[i], sizeof(addr));
- if (i != 0)
- format(buf, size, off, "Dns", ",");
- format_ip_addr(buf, size, off, "Dns",
-- dp->dns.is_ipv6, addr);
-+ dp->dns.is_ipv6, &addr);
- }
- format(buf, size, off, "Dns", ")");
- break;
-diff --git a/src/dp.h b/src/dp.h
-index aa4e390..1f921d5 100644
---- a/src/dp.h
-+++ b/src/dp.h
-@@ -70,8 +70,11 @@
- #define format_guid(buf, size, off, dp_type, guid) ({ \
- int _rc; \
- char *_guidstr = NULL; \
-+ efi_guid_t _guid; \
-+ const efi_guid_t * const _guid_p = &_guid; \
- \
-- _rc = efi_guid_to_str(guid, &_guidstr); \
-+ memmove(&_guid, guid, sizeof(_guid)); \
-+ _rc = efi_guid_to_str(_guid_p, &_guidstr); \
- if (_rc < 0) { \
- efi_error("could not build %s GUID DP string", \
- dp_type); \
-@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@
- _guidstr = onstack(_guidstr, \
- strlen(_guidstr)+1); \
- _rc = format(buf, size, off, dp_type, "%s", \
-- _guidstr); \
-+ _guidstr); \
- } \
- _rc; \
- })
-diff --git a/src/guid.c b/src/guid.c
-index 306c9ff..3156b3b 100644
---- a/src/guid.c
-+++ b/src/guid.c
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
- extern const efi_guid_t efi_guid_zero;
- int NONNULL(1, 2) PUBLIC
--efi_guid_cmp(const efi_guid_t *a, const efi_guid_t *b)
-+efi_guid_cmp(const void * const a, const void * const b)
- {
- return memcmp(a, b, sizeof (efi_guid_t));
- }
-diff --git a/src/include/efivar/efivar.h b/src/include/efivar/efivar.h
-index 316891c..ad6449d 100644
---- a/src/include/efivar/efivar.h
-+++ b/src/include/efivar/efivar.h
-@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ extern int efi_symbol_to_guid(const char *symbol, efi_guid_t *guid)
- extern int efi_guid_is_zero(const efi_guid_t *guid);
- extern int efi_guid_is_empty(const efi_guid_t *guid);
--extern int efi_guid_cmp(const efi_guid_t *a, const efi_guid_t *b);
-+extern int efi_guid_cmp(const void * const a, const void * const b);
- /* import / export functions */
- typedef struct efi_variable efi_variable_t;
-diff --git a/src/ucs2.h b/src/ucs2.h
-index dbb5900..edd8367 100644
---- a/src/ucs2.h
-+++ b/src/ucs2.h
-@@ -23,16 +23,21 @@
- (((val) & ((mask) << (shift))) >> (shift))
- static inline size_t UNUSED
--ucs2len(const uint16_t * const s, ssize_t limit)
-+ucs2len(const void *vs, ssize_t limit)
- {
- ssize_t i;
-- for (i = 0; i < (limit >= 0 ? limit : i+1) && s[i] != (uint16_t)0; i++)
-+ const uint16_t *s = vs;
-+ const uint8_t *s8 = vs;
-+ for (i = 0;
-+ i < (limit >= 0 ? limit : i+1) && s8[0] != 0 && s8[1] != 0;
-+ i++, s8 += 2, s++)
- ;
- return i;
- }
- static inline size_t UNUSED
--ucs2size(const uint16_t * const s, ssize_t limit)
-+ucs2size(const void *s, ssize_t limit)
- {
- size_t rc = ucs2len(s, limit);
- rc *= sizeof (uint16_t);
-@@ -69,10 +74,11 @@ utf8size(uint8_t *s, ssize_t limit)
- }
- static inline unsigned char * UNUSED
--ucs2_to_utf8(const uint16_t * const chars, ssize_t limit)
-+ucs2_to_utf8(const void * const voidchars, ssize_t limit)
- {
- ssize_t i, j;
- unsigned char *ret;
-+ const uint16_t * const chars = voidchars;
- if (limit < 0)
- limit = ucs2len(chars, -1);
-@@ -124,10 +130,12 @@ ucs2_to_utf8(const uint16_t * const chars, ssize_t limit)
- }
- static inline ssize_t UNUSED NONNULL(4)
--utf8_to_ucs2(uint16_t *ucs2, ssize_t size, int terminate, uint8_t *utf8)
-+utf8_to_ucs2(void *ucs2void, ssize_t size, int terminate, uint8_t *utf8)
- {
- ssize_t req;
- ssize_t i, j;
-+ uint16_t *ucs2 = ucs2void;
-+ uint16_t val16;
- if (!ucs2 && size > 0) {
- errno = EINVAL;
-@@ -162,10 +170,13 @@ utf8_to_ucs2(uint16_t *ucs2, ssize_t size, int terminate, uint8_t *utf8)
- val = utf8[i] & 0x7f;
- i += 1;
- }
-- ucs2[j] = val;
-+ val16 = val;
-+ ucs2[j] = val16;
-+ }
-+ if (terminate) {
-+ val16 = 0;
-+ ucs2[j++] = val16;
- }
-- if (terminate)
-- ucs2[j++] = (uint16_t)0;
- return j;
- };
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/evilwm-lost-focus-bug.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/evilwm-lost-focus-bug.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index af24af8fe9..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/evilwm-lost-focus-bug.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-evilwm may sometimes lose focus after closing a window. This means that
-evilwm stops responding to keyboard shortcuts, and if no other window is open
-which the mouse can be moved over to regain focus evilwm becomes unusable and
-has to be restarted.
-Patch derived from discussion at
---- evilwm-1.1.1/client.c
-+++ evilwm-1.1.1/client.c
-@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
- * _NET_WM_STATE) */
- if (c->remove) {
- LOG_DEBUG("setting WithdrawnState\n");
-+ XSetInputFocus(dpy, PointerRoot, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
- set_wm_state(c, WithdrawnState);
- ewmh_withdraw_client(c);
- } else {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-algorithm.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-algorithm.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2a3148a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-algorithm.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Fix compilation errors:
+ dolfin/geometry/IntersectionConstruction.cpp: In static member function ‘static std::vector<dolfin::Point> dolfin::IntersectionConstruction::intersection_segment_segment_2d(const dolfin::Point&, const dolfin::Point&, const dolfin::Point&, const dolfin::Point&)’:
+ dolfin/geometry/IntersectionConstruction.cpp:442:24: error: ‘min_element’ is not a member of ‘std’; did you mean ‘tuple_element’?
+ 442 | const auto it = std::min_element(oo.begin(), oo.end());
+ | ^~~~~~~~~~~
+ | tuple_element
+ dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h: In member function ‘std::vector<long unsigned int> dolfin::MeshFunction<T>::where_equal(T)’:
+ dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h:652:26: error: ‘count’ is not a member of ‘std’; did you mean ‘cout’?
+ 652 | std::size_t n = std::count(_values.get(), _values.get() + _size, value);
+ | ^~~~~
+ | cout
+Submitted upstream at https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin/issues/1128
+--- a/dolfin/geometry/IntersectionConstruction.cpp
++++ b/dolfin/geometry/IntersectionConstruction.cpp
+@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
+ // First added: 2014-02-03
+ // Last changed: 2017-12-12
++#include <algorithm>
+ #include <iomanip>
+ #include <dolfin/mesh/MeshEntity.h>
+ #include "predicates.h"
+--- a/dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h
++++ b/dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #ifndef __MESH_FUNCTION_H
+ #define __MESH_FUNCTION_H
++#include <algorithm>
+ #include <map>
+ #include <vector>
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-boost.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-boost.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de56ebb9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-boost.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+The `BOOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN` and `BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN` macros, along with the
+"boost/detail/endian.hpp" header, were deprecated in boost 1.69.0 and finally
+removed in boost 1.73.0. They are superseded by the BOOST_ENDIAN_LITTLE_BYTE
+and BOOST_ENDIAN_BIG_BYTE macros and "boost/predef/other/endian.h" header.
+Deprecated: https://github.com/boostorg/predef/commit/32d4581c1689370444f2e565cfbb8421d5071807
+Removed: https://github.com/boostorg/predef/commit/aa6e232bf170ad8b856aff9e7c70334f77441c7f
+Adaptation of patch from https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin/issues/1116
+--- a/dolfin/io/VTKFile.cpp
++++ b/dolfin/io/VTKFile.cpp
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <iomanip>
+ #include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
+-#include <boost/detail/endian.hpp>
++#include <boost/predef/other/endian.h>
+ #include "pugixml.hpp"
+@@ -614,9 +614,9 @@
+ std::string endianness = "";
+ if (encode_string == "binary")
+ {
+- #if defined BOOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN
+ endianness = "byte_order=\"LittleEndian\"";
+- #elif defined BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN
++ #elif defined BOOST_ENDIAN_BIG_BYTE
+ endianness = "byte_order=\"BigEndian\"";;
+ #else
+ dolfin_error("VTKFile.cpp",
+--- a/dolfin/io/VTKWriter.cpp
++++ b/dolfin/io/VTKWriter.cpp
+@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
+ #include <sstream>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <iomanip>
+-#include <boost/detail/endian.hpp>
+ #include <dolfin/fem/GenericDofMap.h>
+ #include <dolfin/fem/FiniteElement.h>
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-config-slepc.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-config-slepc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa06179285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-config-slepc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin/issues/1120
+From f627a442350560e50dbbb11f7828b6d807369533 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Alexei Colin <acolin@isi.edu>
+Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2021 20:40:00 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] cmake: PETSc,SLEPc: match lowercase .pc pkg-config files
+Upstream has moved to lowercase. PETSc has kept the mixed-case file for
+compatibility, but SLEPc hasn't.
+pkg_search_module takes multiple patterns and succeeds on first match,
+so this commit is backward-compatible with older installations of PETSc,
+ cmake/modules/FindPETSc.cmake | 2 +-
+ cmake/modules/FindSLEPc.cmake | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindPETSc.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindPETSc.cmake
+index 80faffdad..728a6ec30 100644
+--- a/cmake/modules/FindPETSc.cmake
++++ b/cmake/modules/FindPETSc.cmake
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
+ # Find PETSc pkg-config file. Note: craypetsc_real is on Cray systems
+-pkg_search_module(PETSC craypetsc_real PETSc)
++pkg_search_module(PETSC craypetsc_real petsc PETSc)
+ # Extract major, minor, etc from version string
+diff --git a/cmake/modules/FindSLEPc.cmake b/cmake/modules/FindSLEPc.cmake
+index 327cffc23..dec26fcc4 100644
+--- a/cmake/modules/FindSLEPc.cmake
++++ b/cmake/modules/FindSLEPc.cmake
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
+-pkg_search_module(SLEPC crayslepc_real SLEPc)
++pkg_search_module(SLEPC crayslepc_real slepc SLEPc)
+ # Extract major, minor, etc from version string
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-demo-init.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-demo-init.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a01320147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/fenics-dolfin-demo-init.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Ensure MPI is initialized before getting rank, which may be called early by
+Logger::write() via dolfin::info().
+Fixes "MPI_Comm_rank called before MPI_INIT" error from
+`demo_stokes-iterative_serial` and `demo_waveguide_serial` tests.
+Submitted upstream at https://bitbucket.org/fenics-project/dolfin/issues/1127
+--- a/dolfin/common/MPI.cpp
++++ b/dolfin/common/MPI.cpp
+@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ MPI_Info& dolfin::MPIInfo::operator*()
+ unsigned int dolfin::MPI::rank(const MPI_Comm comm)
+ {
+ #ifdef HAS_MPI
++ SubSystemsManager::init_mpi();
+ int rank;
+ MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
+ return rank;
+diff --git a/dolfin/common/MPI.h b/dolfin/common/MPI.h
+index b93f6df30..854114a3f 100644
+--- a/dolfin/common/MPI.h
++++ b/dolfin/common/MPI.h
+@@ -102,12 +102,13 @@ namespace dolfin
+ /// communicator
+ void reset(MPI_Comm comm);
+- /// Return process rank for the communicator
++ /// Return process rank for the communicator. This function will
++ /// also initialize MPI if it hasn't already been initialised.
+ unsigned int rank() const;
+ /// Return size of the group (number of processes) associated
+- /// with the communicator. This function will also intialise MPI
+- /// if it hasn't already been intialised.
++ /// with the communicator. This function will also initialise MPI
++ /// if it hasn't already been initialised.
+ unsigned int size() const;
+ /// Set a barrier (synchronization point)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/freecad-boost-serialization.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/freecad-boost-serialization.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 374eabc966..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/freecad-boost-serialization.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Taken from: https://github.com/archlinux/svntogit-community/blob/packages/freecad/trunk/freecad-boost.patch.
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/CMakeLists.txt
---- a/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
- SetupPCL()
- SetupPybind11()
- SetupBoost()
-+ set(Boost_LIBRARIES_App ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
- SetupXercesC()
- find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
- find_package(PyCXX REQUIRED)
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
---- a/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ include_directories(
- set(FreeCADApp_LIBS
- FreeCADBase
-- ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
-+ ${Boost_LIBRARIES_App}
- )
- if (BUILD_QT5)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/freecad-vtk9.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/freecad-vtk9.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 74568f4318..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/freecad-vtk9.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-From bb9bcbd51df7c3cb76c5823038e4ea0f7e25a9ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: wmayer <wmayer@users.sourceforge.net>
-Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 17:56:03 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Make smesh compile with vtk9
- .../salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx | 9 +++-
- .../salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx | 4 ++
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp | 9 +++-
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp | 44 +++++++++----------
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp | 6 ++-
- .../src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp | 12 +++++
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp | 10 ++---
- .../src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp | 35 +++++++++++++--
- .../src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp | 7 +--
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp | 19 +++++++-
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp | 29 ++++++++++--
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp | 38 +++++++++++-----
- .../src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp | 8 ++--
- src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp | 7 ++-
- 14 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
-@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@
- #include <vtkType.h>
- #include <vtkCellType.h>
-+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
- //typedef unsigned short UShortType;
- typedef short ShortType;
- typedef int LongType;
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+typedef const vtkIdType* vtkIdTypePtr;
-+typedef vtkIdType* vtkIdTypePtr;
- class SMDS_MeshNode;
- class SMDS_MeshEdge;
- class SMDS_MeshFace;
-@@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ protected:
- //! Element index in vector SMDS_Mesh::myNodes or SMDS_Mesh::myCells
- int myID;
- //! index in vtkUnstructuredGrid
-- int myVtkID;
-+ vtkIdType myVtkID;
- //! SMDS_Mesh identification in SMESH
- ShortType myMeshId;
- //! SubShape and SubMesh identification in SMESHDS
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
-@@ -95,7 +95,11 @@ public:
- std::map<int, std::map<long,int> >& nodeQuadDomains);
- vtkCellLinks* GetLinks()
- {
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ return static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(GetCellLinks());
- return Links;
- }
- SMDS_Downward* getDownArray(unsigned char vtkType)
- {
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
-@@ -67,10 +67,16 @@ void SMDS_BallElement::SetDiameter(doubl
- bool SMDS_BallElement::ChangeNode (const SMDS_MeshNode * node)
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ cellPoints->SetId(0, node->getVtkId());
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
- pts[0] = node->getVtkId();
- SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- return true;
- }
-@@ -83,7 +89,8 @@ void SMDS_BallElement::Print (std::ostre
- const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_BallElement::GetNode (const int ind) const
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( myVtkID, npts, pts );
- return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ 0 ]);
- }
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ int SMDS_Down1D::getNodeSet(int cellId,
- void SMDS_Down1D::setNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
- {
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
- _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
- // MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << " " << _nbDownCells);
- //ASSERT(npts == _nbDownCells);
-@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ int SMDS_Down1D::computeVtkCells(int *pt
- {
- vtkIdType point = pts[i];
- int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
-- vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
-+ vtkIdTypePtr cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
- for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
- {
- int vtkCellId = cells[j];
-@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIds(int ce
- // --- find point id's of the face
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, pts);
- vector<int> nodes;
- for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
-@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNod
- vtkIdType point = pts[i];
- int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
- //MESSAGE("cells pour " << i << " " << numCells);
-- vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
-+ vtkIdTypePtr cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
- for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
- {
- int vtkCellId = cells[j];
-@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNod
- void SMDS_Down2D::setTempNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
- {
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
- _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
- // MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << " " << _nbNodes);
- //ASSERT(npts == _nbNodes);
-@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ void SMDS_Down3D::getNodeIds(int cellId,
- {
- int vtkId = this->_vtkCellIds[cellId];
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, nodes);
- for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
- nodeSet.insert(nodes[i]);
-@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ void SMDS_DownTetra::getOrderedNodesOfFa
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ void SMDS_DownTetra::computeFacesWithNod
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::getOrderedNodes
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::computeFacesWit
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPyramid::getOrderedNodesOf
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPyramid::computeFacesWithN
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::getOrderedNod
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::computeFacesW
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPenta::getOrderedNodesOfFa
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPenta::computeFacesWithNod
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::getOrderedNodes
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::computeFacesWit
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ void SMDS_DownHexa::getOrderedNodesOfFac
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ void SMDS_DownHexa::computeFacesWithNode
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::getOrderedNodesO
- //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
- set<int> tofind;
-@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::computeFacesWith
- // --- find point id's of the volume
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+ vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
- _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
- // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
-@@ -4768,7 +4768,11 @@ void SMDS_Mesh::dumpGrid(string ficdump)
- ficcon << endl;
- }
- ficcon << "-------------------------------- connectivity " << nbPoints << endl;
-- vtkCellLinks *links = myGrid->GetCellLinks();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkCellLinks *links = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(myGrid->GetCellLinks());
-+ vtkCellLinks *links = myGrid->GetCellLinks();
- for (int i=0; i<nbPoints; i++)
- {
- int ncells = links->GetNcells(i);
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
-@@ -146,6 +146,17 @@ bool SMDS_Mesh0DElement::ChangeNodes(con
- if ( nbNodes == 1 )
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+ {
-+ MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+ return false;
-+ }
-+ myNode = nodes[0];
-+ cellPoints->SetId(0, myNode->getVtkId());
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -156,6 +167,7 @@ bool SMDS_Mesh0DElement::ChangeNodes(con
- }
- myNode = nodes[0];
- pts[0] = myNode->getVtkId();
- SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- return true;
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
-@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public:
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr SMDS_MeshNode::
- GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_ElementType type) const
- {
-- vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+ vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
- //MESSAGE("myID " << myID << " ncells " << l.ncells);
- return SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(new SMDS_MeshNode_MyInvIterator(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId], l.cells, l.ncells, type));
- }
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ elementsIterator(SMDSAbs_ElementType typ
- return SMDS_MeshElement::elementsIterator(SMDSAbs_Node);
- else
- {
-- vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+ vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
- return SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(new SMDS_MeshNode_MyIterator(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId], l.cells, l.ncells, type));
- }
- }
-@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void SMDS_MeshNode::AddInverseElement(co
- const SMDS_MeshCell *cell = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshCell*> (ME);
- assert(cell);
- SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-- vtkCellLinks *Links = grid->GetCellLinks();
-+ vtkCellLinks *Links = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks());
- Links->ResizeCellList(myVtkID, 1);
- Links->AddCellReference(cell->getVtkId(), myVtkID);
- }
-@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void SMDS_MeshNode::ClearInverseElements
- bool SMDS_MeshNode::emptyInverseElements()
- {
-- vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+ vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
- return (l.ncells == 0);
- }
-@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ bool SMDS_MeshNode::emptyInverseElements
- int SMDS_MeshNode::NbInverseElements(SMDSAbs_ElementType type) const
- {
-- vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+ vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
- if ( type == SMDSAbs_All )
- return l.ncells;
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
-@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ int SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::InsertNextLin
- for (; it != setOfNodes.end(); ++it)
- {
- //MESSAGE("reverse link for node " << *it << " cell " << cellid);
-- this->Links->ResizeCellList(*it, 1);
-- this->Links->AddCellReference(cellid, *it);
-+ this->GetLinks()->ResizeCellList(*it, 1);
-+ this->GetLinks()->AddCellReference(cellid, *it);
- }
- return cellid;
-@@ -332,9 +332,13 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::copyBloc(vtk
- {
- newTypes->SetValue(alreadyCopied, this->Types->GetValue(j));
- idCellsOldToNew[j] = alreadyCopied; // old vtkId --> new vtkId
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkIdType oldLoc = this->GetCellLocationsArray()->GetValue(j);
- vtkIdType oldLoc = this->Locations->GetValue(j);
- vtkIdType nbpts;
-- vtkIdType *oldPtsCell = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr oldPtsCell = 0;
- this->Connectivity->GetCell(oldLoc, nbpts, oldPtsCell);
- assert(nbpts < NBMAXNODESINCELL);
- //MESSAGE(j << " " << alreadyCopied << " " << (int)this->Types->GetValue(j) << " " << oldLoc << " " << nbpts );
-@@ -952,6 +956,21 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::GetNodeIds(s
- */
- void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::ModifyCellNodes(int vtkVolId, std::map<int, int> localClonedNodeIds)
- {
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ this->GetCellPoints(vtkVolId, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds(); i++)
-+ {
-+ if (localClonedNodeIds.count(cellPoints->GetId(i)))
-+ {
-+ vtkIdType oldpt = cellPoints->GetId(i);
-+ cellPoints->SetId(i, localClonedNodeIds[oldpt]);
-+ //MESSAGE(oldpt << " --> " << pts[i]);
-+ //this->RemoveReferenceToCell(oldpt, vtkVolId);
-+ //this->AddReferenceToCell(pts[i], vtkVolId);
-+ }
-+ }
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
- this->GetCellPoints(vtkVolId, npts, pts);
-@@ -966,6 +985,7 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::ModifyCellNo
- //this->AddReferenceToCell(pts[i], vtkVolId);
- }
- }
- }
- /*! reorder the nodes of a face
-@@ -995,11 +1015,20 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::BuildLinks()
- this->Links->UnRegister(this);
- }
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
-+ GetLinks()->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
-+ GetLinks()->Register(this);
-+//FIXME: vtk9
-+ GetLinks()->BuildLinks(this);
-+ GetLinks()->Delete();
- this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
- this->Links->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
- this->Links->Register(this);
- this->Links->BuildLinks(this, this->Connectivity);
- this->Links->Delete();
- }
- /*! Create a volume (prism or hexahedron) by duplication of a face.
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
-@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIterator::SMDS_VtkCellIterat
- }
- else
- {
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( _cellId, npts, pts );
- _vtkIdList->SetNumberOfIds( _nbNodes = npts );
- for (int i = 0; i < _nbNodes; i++)
-@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIteratorToUNV::SMDS_VtkCellI
- //MESSAGE("SMDS_VtkCellInterlacedIterator (UNV)" << _type);
- _vtkIdList = vtkIdList::New();
-- vtkIdType* pts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- vtkIdType npts;
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = _mesh->getGrid();
- grid->GetCellPoints((vtkIdType)_cellId, npts, pts);
-@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIteratorPolyH::SMDS_VtkCellI
- {
- //MESSAGE("SMDS_VtkCellIterator Polyhedra");
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(_cellId, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0;
- _nbNodesInFaces = 0;
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
-@@ -67,6 +67,19 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMD
- bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+ {
-+ MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+ return false;
-+ }
-+ for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
-+ {
-+ cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
-+ }
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -79,6 +92,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMD
- {
- pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
- }
- SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- return true;
- }
-@@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::IsMediumNode(const SM
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
- //MESSAGE("IsMediumNode " << npts << " " << (node->getVtkId() == pts[npts-1]));
- return ((npts == 3) && (node->getVtkId() == pts[2]));
-@@ -137,7 +151,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode*
- SMDS_VtkEdge::GetNode(const int ind) const
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
- return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ ind ]);
- }
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
-@@ -101,6 +101,19 @@ void SMDS_VtkFace::initQuadPoly(const st
- bool SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+ {
-+ MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+ return false;
-+ }
-+ for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
-+ {
-+ cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
-+ }
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -113,6 +126,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeNodes(const SMD
- {
- pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
- }
- SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- return true;
- }
-@@ -173,7 +187,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode*
- SMDS_VtkFace::GetNode(const int ind) const
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
- return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ ind ]);
- }
-@@ -186,7 +201,8 @@ SMDS_VtkFace::GetNode(const int ind) con
- int SMDS_VtkFace::GetNodeIndex( const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
- for ( vtkIdType i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
- if ( pts[i] == node->getVtkId() )
-@@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkFace::IsMediumNode(const SM
- return false;
- }
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
- vtkIdType nodeId = node->getVtkId();
- for (int rank = 0; rank < npts; rank++)
-@@ -356,11 +372,18 @@ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr SMDS_VtkFace::inter
- void SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeApex(SMDS_MeshNode* node)
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ grid->RemoveReferenceToCell(cellPoints->GetId(0), myVtkID);
-+ cellPoints->SetId(0, node->getVtkId());
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
- grid->RemoveReferenceToCell(pts[0], myVtkID);
- pts[0] = node->getVtkId();
- node->AddInverseElement(this),
- SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- }
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
-@@ -133,6 +133,19 @@ void SMDS_VtkVolume::initPoly(const std:
- bool SMDS_VtkVolume::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
- {
- vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+ vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+ grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+ if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+ {
-+ MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+ return false;
-+ }
-+ for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
-+ {
-+ cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
-+ }
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -145,6 +158,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::ChangeNodes(const S
- {
- pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
- }
- SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- return true;
- }
-@@ -207,7 +221,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbFaces() const
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- nbFaces = nFaces;
- break;
-@@ -236,7 +250,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbNodes() const
- else
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -276,7 +290,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbEdges() const
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- nbEdges = 0;
- int id = 0;
-@@ -312,7 +326,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbFaceNodes(const in
- if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -342,7 +356,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
- if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -372,7 +386,7 @@ std::vector<int> SMDS_VtkVolume::GetQuan
- if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -430,7 +444,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
- if ( aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0, nbPoints = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -443,7 +457,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
- }
- return 0;
- }
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
- const std::vector<int>& interlace = SMDS_MeshCell::fromVtkOrder( VTKCellType( aVtkType ));
- return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ interlace.empty() ? ind : interlace[ind]] );
-@@ -460,7 +475,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::GetNodeIndex( const
- if ( aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
- {
- vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
-- vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
- grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
- int id = 0;
- for (int iF = 0; iF < nFaces; iF++)
-@@ -473,7 +488,8 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::GetNodeIndex( const
- }
- return -1;
- }
-- vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+ vtkIdType npts;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts;
- grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
- for ( vtkIdType i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
- if ( pts[i] == node->getVtkId() )
-@@ -534,7 +550,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::IsMediumNode(const
- return false;
- }
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
- vtkIdType nodeId = node->getVtkId();
- for (int rank = 0; rank < npts; rank++)
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
-@@ -11348,7 +11348,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
- {
- int oldId = *itn;
- //MESSAGE(" node " << oldId);
-- vtkCellLinks::Link l = grid->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(oldId);
-+ vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(oldId);
- for (int i=0; i<l.ncells; i++)
- {
- int vtkId = l.cells[i];
-@@ -11527,7 +11527,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
- //MESSAGE(" domain " << idom << " volume " << elem->GetID());
- double values[3];
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(vtkVolIds[ivol], npts, pts);
- SMDS_VtkVolume::gravityCenter(grid, pts, npts, values);
- if (id ==0)
-@@ -11708,7 +11708,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
- {
- int oldId = itnod->first;
- //MESSAGE(" node " << oldId);
-- vtkCellLinks::Link l = grid->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(oldId);
-+ vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(oldId);
- for (int i = 0; i < l.ncells; i++)
- {
- int vtkId = l.cells[i];
-@@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::CreateHoleSkin(do
- MESSAGE("volume to check, vtkId " << vtkId << " smdsId " << meshDS->fromVtkToSmds(vtkId));
- bool volInside = false;
- vtkIdType npts = 0;
-- vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+ vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
- grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
- for (int i=0; i<npts; i++)
- {
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
-@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "PreCompiled.h"
- #ifndef _PreComp_
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-4.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..87484f575d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+The GHC 4 runtime system was written before GCC 3.5 deprecated lvalue casts.
+The runtime system's sources are littered with these casts, so early versions
+of this patch were dedicated to rewriting those statements to a standards
+compliant form. Unfortunately, this led to subtle breakage, so instead we
+build with GCC 2.95.
+Problematic for newer versions of GCC is also the assembly in the bundled
+sources of GMP 2.0.2, which spans multiple lines without escaping line breaks.
+TODO: We aren't yet using anything under ghc/compiler, so the patches there
+aren't needed at this time. The intent was to ensure that the compiler
+sources can be used even when they are interpreted by Hugs.
+TODO: There are some more problems with the Haskell sources. Some files have
+too many commas (both at the end of the line and at the beginning of the next
+line). Others use a trailing hash, which Hugs doesn't understand.
+TODO: Hugs doesn't understand "unsafe" in hslib/lang/Storable.lhs
+diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+index ca1b58d..074fcaf 100644
+--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
++++ b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ import Constants -- Default values for some flags
+ import FastString ( headFS )
+ import Maybes ( assocMaybe, firstJust, maybeToBool )
+-import Panic ( panic, panic# )
++import Panic ( panic, panic' )
+-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 301
+ import ArrBase ( Array(..) )
+ #else
+ import PrelArr ( Array(..) )
+diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+index 7a0627d..59802c4 100644
+--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
++++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ tagOf_PrimOp UnblockAsyncExceptionsOp = ILIT(260)
+ tagOf_PrimOp DataToTagOp = ILIT(261)
+ tagOf_PrimOp TagToEnumOp = ILIT(262)
+-tagOf_PrimOp op = pprPanic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match" (ppr op)
++tagOf_PrimOp op = pprPanic' "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match" (ppr op)
+ instance Eq PrimOp where
+ op1 == op2 = tagOf_PrimOp op1 _EQ_ tagOf_PrimOp op2
+diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+index 19ad666..89d07cb 100644
+--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
++++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ module Outputable (
+ -- error handling
+- pprPanic, pprPanic#, pprError, pprTrace, assertPprPanic, warnPprTrace,
+- trace, panic, panic#, assertPanic
++ pprPanic, pprPanic', pprError, pprTrace, assertPprPanic, warnPprTrace,
++ trace, panic, panic', assertPanic
+ ) where
+ #include "HsVersions.h"
+@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ pprPanic = pprAndThen panic
+ pprError = pprAndThen error
+ pprTrace = pprAndThen trace
+-pprPanic# heading pretty_msg = panic# (show (doc PprDebug))
++pprPanic' heading pretty_msg = panic' (show (doc PprDebug))
+ where
+ doc = text heading <+> pretty_msg
+diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Panic.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Panic.lhs
+index 907d8aa..37a2d87 100644
+--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Panic.lhs
++++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Panic.lhs
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ It's hard to put these functions anywhere else without causing
+ some unnecessary loops in the module dependency graph.
+ \begin{code}
+-module Panic ( panic, panic#, assertPanic, trace ) where
++module Panic ( panic, panic', assertPanic, trace ) where
+ import IOExts ( trace )
+@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ panic x = error ("panic! (the `impossible' happened):\n\t"
+ -- what TAG_ is with GHC at the moment. Ugh. (Simon)
+ -- No, man -- Too Beautiful! (Will)
+-panic# :: String -> FAST_INT
+-panic# s = case (panic s) of () -> ILIT(0)
++panic' :: String -> FAST_INT
++panic' s = case (panic s) of () -> ILIT(0)
+ assertPanic :: String -> Int -> a
+ assertPanic file line = panic ("ASSERT failed! file " ++ file ++ ", line " ++ show line)
+diff --git a/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h b/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
+index 8b8c2f9..7f43ab0 100644
+--- a/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
++++ b/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
+@@ -893,6 +893,7 @@ EXTFUN_RTS(mkForeignObjzh_fast);
+ #define STG_SIG_ERR (-3)
+ #define STG_SIG_HAN (-4)
++#include <signal.h>
+ extern StgInt sig_install (StgInt, StgInt, StgStablePtr, sigset_t *);
+ #define stg_sig_default(sig,mask) sig_install(sig,STG_SIG_DFL,0,(sigset_t *)mask)
+ #define stg_sig_ignore(sig,mask) sig_install(sig,STG_SIG_IGN,0,(sigset_t *)mask)
+diff --git a/ghc/rts/RtsFlags.c b/ghc/rts/RtsFlags.c
+index a05036f..9cd6c83 100644
+--- a/ghc/rts/RtsFlags.c
++++ b/ghc/rts/RtsFlags.c
+@@ -1132,8 +1132,7 @@ process_gran_option(int arg, int *rts_argc, char *rts_argv[], rtsBool *error)
+ } else if (RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc > MAX_PROC ||
+ RtsFlags.GranFlags.proc < 1)
+ {
+- fprintf(stderr,"setupRtsFlags: no more than %u processors
++ fprintf(stderr,"setupRtsFlags: no more than %u processors allowed\n",
+ *error = rtsTrue;
+ }
+diff --git a/ghc/rts/gmp/longlong.h b/ghc/rts/gmp/longlong.h
+index 382fcc0..0cf79fa 100644
+--- a/ghc/rts/gmp/longlong.h
++++ b/ghc/rts/gmp/longlong.h
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+ #if (defined (__a29k__) || defined (_AM29K)) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("add %1,%4,%5
++ __asm__ ("add %1,%4,%5\n\
+ addc %0,%2,%3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ MA 02111-1307, USA. */
+ "%r" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "rI" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("sub %1,%4,%5
++ __asm__ ("sub %1,%4,%5\n\
+ subc %0,%2,%3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__arm__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("adds %1, %4, %5
++ __asm__ ("adds %1, %4, %5\n\
+ adc %0, %2, %3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%r" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "rI" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("subs %1, %4, %5
++ __asm__ ("subs %1, %4, %5\n\
+ sbc %0, %2, %3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -191,18 +191,18 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "r" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "rI" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \
+- __asm__ ("%@ Inlined umul_ppmm
+- mov %|r0, %2, lsr #16
+- mov %|r2, %3, lsr #16
+- bic %|r1, %2, %|r0, lsl #16
+- bic %|r2, %3, %|r2, lsl #16
+- mul %1, %|r1, %|r2
+- mul %|r2, %|r0, %|r2
+- mul %|r1, %0, %|r1
+- mul %0, %|r0, %0
+- adds %|r1, %|r2, %|r1
+- addcs %0, %0, #65536
+- adds %1, %1, %|r1, lsl #16
++ __asm__ ("%@ Inlined umul_ppmm\n\
++ mov %|r0, %2, lsr #16\n\
++ mov %|r2, %3, lsr #16\n\
++ bic %|r1, %2, %|r0, lsl #16\n\
++ bic %|r2, %3, %|r2, lsl #16\n\
++ mul %1, %|r1, %|r2\n\
++ mul %|r2, %|r0, %|r2\n\
++ mul %|r1, %0, %|r1\n\
++ mul %0, %|r0, %0\n\
++ adds %|r1, %|r2, %|r1\n\
++ addcs %0, %0, #65536\n\
++ adds %1, %1, %|r1, lsl #16\n\
+ adc %0, %0, %|r1, lsr #16" \
+ : "=&r" ((USItype)(xh)), \
+ "=r" ((USItype)(xl)) \
+@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__gmicro__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("add.w %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("add.w %5,%1\n\
+ addx %3,%0" \
+ : "=g" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&g" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%1" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "g" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("sub.w %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("sub.w %5,%1\n\
+ subx %3,%0" \
+ : "=g" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&g" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__hppa) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("add %4,%5,%1
++ __asm__ ("add %4,%5,%1\n\
+ addc %2,%3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ extern UDItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%rM" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "rM" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("sub %4,%5,%1
++ __asm__ ("sub %4,%5,%1\n\
+ subb %2,%3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -330,21 +330,21 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ do { \
+ USItype __tmp; \
+ __asm__ ( \
+- "ldi 1,%0
+- extru,= %1,15,16,%%r0 ; Bits 31..16 zero?
+- extru,tr %1,15,16,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.
+- ldo 16(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.
+- extru,= %1,23,8,%%r0 ; Bits 15..8 zero?
+- extru,tr %1,23,8,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.
+- ldo 8(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.
+- extru,= %1,27,4,%%r0 ; Bits 7..4 zero?
+- extru,tr %1,27,4,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.
+- ldo 4(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.
+- extru,= %1,29,2,%%r0 ; Bits 3..2 zero?
+- extru,tr %1,29,2,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.
+- ldo 2(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.
+- extru %1,30,1,%1 ; Extract bit 1.
+- sub %0,%1,%0 ; Subtract it.
++ "ldi 1,%0\n\
++ extru,= %1,15,16,%%r0 ; Bits 31..16 zero?\n\
++ extru,tr %1,15,16,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.\n\
++ ldo 16(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.\n\
++ extru,= %1,23,8,%%r0 ; Bits 15..8 zero?\n\
++ extru,tr %1,23,8,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.\n\
++ ldo 8(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.\n\
++ extru,= %1,27,4,%%r0 ; Bits 7..4 zero?\n\
++ extru,tr %1,27,4,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.\n\
++ ldo 4(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.\n\
++ extru,= %1,29,2,%%r0 ; Bits 3..2 zero?\n\
++ extru,tr %1,29,2,%1 ; No. Shift down, skip add.\n\
++ ldo 2(%0),%0 ; Yes. Perform add.\n\
++ extru %1,30,1,%1 ; Extract bit 1.\n\
++ sub %0,%1,%0 ; Subtract it.\n\
+ " : "=r" (count), "=r" (__tmp) : "1" (x)); \
+ } while (0)
+ #endif /* hppa */
+@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if (defined (__i386__) || defined (__i486__)) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("addl %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("addl %5,%1\n\
+ adcl %3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%1" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "g" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("subl %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("subl %5,%1\n\
+ sbbl %3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if (defined (__mc68000__) || defined (__mc68020__) || defined (__NeXT__) || defined(mc68020)) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("add%.l %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("add%.l %5,%1\n\
+ addx%.l %3,%0" \
+ : "=d" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&d" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%1" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "g" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("sub%.l %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("sub%.l %5,%1\n\
+ subx%.l %3,%0" \
+ : "=d" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&d" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -562,27 +562,27 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #else /* not mc68020 */
+ #define umul_ppmm(xh, xl, a, b) \
+ do { USItype __umul_tmp1, __umul_tmp2; \
+- __asm__ ("| Inlined umul_ppmm
+- move%.l %5,%3
+- move%.l %2,%0
+- move%.w %3,%1
+- swap %3
+- swap %0
+- mulu %2,%1
+- mulu %3,%0
+- mulu %2,%3
+- swap %2
+- mulu %5,%2
+- add%.l %3,%2
+- jcc 1f
+- add%.l %#0x10000,%0
+-1: move%.l %2,%3
+- clr%.w %2
+- swap %2
+- swap %3
+- clr%.w %3
+- add%.l %3,%1
+- addx%.l %2,%0
++ __asm__ ("| Inlined umul_ppmm\n\
++ move%.l %5,%3\n\
++ move%.l %2,%0\n\
++ move%.w %3,%1\n\
++ swap %3\n\
++ swap %0\n\
++ mulu %2,%1\n\
++ mulu %3,%0\n\
++ mulu %2,%3\n\
++ swap %2\n\
++ mulu %5,%2\n\
++ add%.l %3,%2\n\
++ jcc 1f\n\
++ add%.l %#0x10000,%0\n\
++1: move%.l %2,%3\n\
++ clr%.w %2\n\
++ swap %2\n\
++ swap %3\n\
++ clr%.w %3\n\
++ add%.l %3,%1\n\
++ addx%.l %2,%0\n\
+ | End inlined umul_ppmm" \
+ : "=&d" ((USItype)(xh)), "=&d" ((USItype)(xl)), \
+ "=d" (__umul_tmp1), "=&d" (__umul_tmp2) \
+@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__m88000__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("addu.co %1,%r4,%r5
++ __asm__ ("addu.co %1,%r4,%r5\n\
+ addu.ci %0,%r2,%r3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%rJ" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "rJ" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("subu.co %1,%r4,%r5
++ __asm__ ("subu.co %1,%r4,%r5\n\
+ subu.ci %0,%r2,%r3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "d" ((USItype)(v)))
+ #else
+ #define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
+- __asm__ ("multu %2,%3
+- mflo %0
++ __asm__ ("multu %2,%3\n\
++ mflo %0\n\
+ mfhi %1" \
+ : "=d" ((USItype)(w0)), \
+ "=d" ((USItype)(w1)) \
+@@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "d" ((UDItype)(v)))
+ #else
+ #define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
+- __asm__ ("dmultu %2,%3
+- mflo %0
++ __asm__ ("dmultu %2,%3\n\
++ mflo %0\n\
+ mfhi %1" \
+ : "=d" ((UDItype)(w0)), \
+ "=d" ((UDItype)(w1)) \
+@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__pyr__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("addw %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("addw %5,%1\n\
+ addwc %3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%1" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "g" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("subw %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("subw %5,%1\n\
+ subwb %3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ ({union {UDItype __ll; \
+ struct {USItype __h, __l;} __i; \
+ } __xx; \
+- __asm__ ("movw %1,%R0
++ __asm__ ("movw %1,%R0\n\
+ uemul %2,%0" \
+ : "=&r" (__xx.__ll) \
+ : "g" ((USItype) (u)), \
+@@ -887,7 +887,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__ibm032__) /* RT/ROMP */ && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("a %1,%5
++ __asm__ ("a %1,%5\n\
+ ae %0,%3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%1" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "r" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("s %1,%5
++ __asm__ ("s %1,%5\n\
+ se %0,%3" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -908,25 +908,25 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ do { \
+ USItype __m0 = (m0), __m1 = (m1); \
+ __asm__ ( \
+- "s r2,r2
+- mts r10,%2
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- m r2,%3
+- cas %0,r2,r0
++ "s r2,r2\n\
++ mts r10,%2\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ m r2,%3\n\
++ cas %0,r2,r0\n\
+ mfs r10,%1" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(ph)), \
+ "=r" ((USItype)(pl)) \
+@@ -957,8 +957,8 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__sh2__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
+ __asm__ ( \
+- "dmulu.l %2,%3
+- sts macl,%1
++ "dmulu.l %2,%3\n\
++ sts macl,%1\n\
+ sts mach,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(w1)), \
+ "=r" ((USItype)(w0)) \
+@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__sparc__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("addcc %r4,%5,%1
++ __asm__ ("addcc %r4,%5,%1\n\
+ addx %r2,%3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "rI" ((USItype)(bl)) \
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("subcc %r4,%5,%1
++ __asm__ ("subcc %r4,%5,%1\n\
+ subx %r2,%3,%0" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&r" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -1027,44 +1027,44 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "r" ((USItype)(v)))
+ #define UMUL_TIME 5
+ #define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d) \
+- __asm__ ("! Inlined udiv_qrnnd
+- wr %%g0,%2,%%y ! Not a delayed write for sparclite
+- tst %%g0
+- divscc %3,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1
+- divscc %%g1,%4,%0
+- rd %%y,%1
+- bl,a 1f
+- add %1,%4,%1
++ __asm__ ("! Inlined udiv_qrnnd\n\
++ wr %%g0,%2,%%y ! Not a delayed write for sparclite\n\
++ tst %%g0\n\
++ divscc %3,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%%g1\n\
++ divscc %%g1,%4,%0\n\
++ rd %%y,%1\n\
++ bl,a 1f\n\
++ add %1,%4,%1\n\
+ 1: ! End of inline udiv_qrnnd" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(q)), \
+ "=r" ((USItype)(r)) \
+@@ -1085,45 +1085,45 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ /* Default to sparc v7 versions of umul_ppmm and udiv_qrnnd. */
+ #ifndef umul_ppmm
+ #define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \
+- __asm__ ("! Inlined umul_ppmm
+- wr %%g0,%2,%%y ! SPARC has 0-3 delay insn after a wr
+- sra %3,31,%%g2 ! Don't move this insn
+- and %2,%%g2,%%g2 ! Don't move this insn
+- andcc %%g0,0,%%g1 ! Don't move this insn
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1
+- mulscc %%g1,0,%%g1
+- add %%g1,%%g2,%0
++ __asm__ ("! Inlined umul_ppmm\n\
++ wr %%g0,%2,%%y ! SPARC has 0-3 delay insn after a wr\n\
++ sra %3,31,%%g2 ! Don't move this insn\n\
++ and %2,%%g2,%%g2 ! Don't move this insn\n\
++ andcc %%g0,0,%%g1 ! Don't move this insn\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,%3,%%g1\n\
++ mulscc %%g1,0,%%g1\n\
++ add %%g1,%%g2,%0\n\
+ rd %%y,%1" \
+ : "=r" ((USItype)(w1)), \
+ "=r" ((USItype)(w0)) \
+@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ #if defined (__vax__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32
+ #define add_ssaaaa(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("addl2 %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("addl2 %5,%1\n\
+ adwc %3,%0" \
+ : "=g" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&g" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+@@ -1156,7 +1156,7 @@ extern USItype __udiv_qrnnd ();
+ "%1" ((USItype)(al)), \
+ "g" ((USItype)(bl)))
+ #define sub_ddmmss(sh, sl, ah, al, bh, bl) \
+- __asm__ ("subl2 %5,%1
++ __asm__ ("subl2 %5,%1\n\
+ sbwc %3,%0" \
+ : "=g" ((USItype)(sh)), \
+ "=&g" ((USItype)(sl)) \
+diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs
+--- a/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs
++++ b/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs
+@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
+ module CPUTime
+ (
+ getCPUTime, -- :: IO Integer
+- cpuTimePrecision -- ::Integer
++ cpuTimePrecision -- :: Integer
+ ) where
+ \end{code}
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-monad-par-fix-tests.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-monad-par-fix-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d21a1e485c..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ghc-monad-par-fix-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-This patch is taken from upstream. It fixes a test to work with GHC 8.6.
-The paths have been slightly altered to work with the release tarball.
-See <https://github.com/simonmar/monad-par/issues/66>.
-From e20f81c8060208e4fb038e8f0e0668b41d72a6fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Clint Adams <clint@debian.org>
-Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2019 14:12:34 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Use a case statement instead of pattern-matching in
- case_test_diamond
-This avoids the need for a MonadFail instance. Closes #66
- monad-par/tests/ParTests_shared.hs | 15 +++++++++------
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tests/ParTests_shared.hs b/tests/ParTests_shared.hs
-index 31f438d..b2de50c 100644
---- a/tests/ParTests_shared.hs
-+++ b/tests/ParTests_shared.hs
-@@ -109,12 +109,15 @@ case_test_diamond :: Assertion
- case_test_diamond = 9 @=? (m :: Int)
- where
- m = runPar $ do
-- [a,b,c,d] <- sequence [new,new,new,new]
-- fork $ do x <- get a; put b (x+1)
-- fork $ do x <- get a; put c (x+2)
-- fork $ do x <- get b; y <- get c; put d (x+y)
-- fork $ do put a 3
-- get d
-+ abcd <- sequence [new,new,new,new]
-+ case abcd of
-+ [a,b,c,d] -> do
-+ fork $ do x <- get a; put b (x+1)
-+ fork $ do x <- get a; put c (x+2)
-+ fork $ do x <- get b; y <- get c; put d (x+y)
-+ fork $ do put a 3
-+ get d
-+ _ -> error "Oops"
- -- | Violate IVar single-assignment:
- --
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11236.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11236.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f8a72943c..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11236.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-with ChangeLog removed
-From 5460617d1567657621107d895ee2dd83bc1f88f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Paul Pluzhnikov <ppluzhnikov@google.com>
-Date: Tue, 8 May 2018 18:12:41 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix BZ 22786: integer addition overflow may cause stack
- buffer overflow when realpath() input length is close to SSIZE_MAX.
-2018-05-09 Paul Pluzhnikov <ppluzhnikov@google.com>
- [BZ #22786]
- * stdlib/canonicalize.c (__realpath): Fix overflow in path length
- computation.
- * stdlib/Makefile (test-bz22786): New test.
- * stdlib/test-bz22786.c: New test.
- ChangeLog | 8 +++++
- stdlib/Makefile | 2 +-
- stdlib/canonicalize.c | 2 +-
- stdlib/test-bz22786.c | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 4 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 stdlib/test-bz22786.c
-diff --git a/stdlib/Makefile b/stdlib/Makefile
-index af1643c..1ddb1f9 100644
---- a/stdlib/Makefile
-+++ b/stdlib/Makefile
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ tests := tst-strtol tst-strtod testmb testrand testsort testdiv \
- tst-cxa_atexit tst-on_exit test-atexit-race \
- test-at_quick_exit-race test-cxa_atexit-race \
- test-on_exit-race test-dlclose-exit-race \
-- tst-makecontext-align
-+ tst-makecontext-align test-bz22786
- tests-internal := tst-strtod1i tst-strtod3 tst-strtod4 tst-strtod5i \
- tst-tls-atexit tst-tls-atexit-nodelete
-diff --git a/stdlib/canonicalize.c b/stdlib/canonicalize.c
-index 4135f3f..390fb43 100644
---- a/stdlib/canonicalize.c
-+++ b/stdlib/canonicalize.c
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ __realpath (const char *name, char *resolved)
- extra_buf = __alloca (path_max);
- len = strlen (end);
-- if ((long int) (n + len) >= path_max)
-+ if (path_max - n <= len)
- {
- __set_errno (ENAMETOOLONG);
- goto error;
-diff --git a/stdlib/test-bz22786.c b/stdlib/test-bz22786.c
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..e7837f9
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/stdlib/test-bz22786.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
-+/* Bug 22786: test for buffer overflow in realpath.
-+ Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+ This file is part of the GNU C Library.
-+ The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-+ The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-+ License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
-+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
-+/* This file must be run from within a directory called "stdlib". */
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <limits.h>
-+#include <stdio.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+#include <string.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
-+#include <sys/stat.h>
-+#include <sys/types.h>
-+#include <support/test-driver.h>
-+#include <libc-diag.h>
-+static int
-+do_test (void)
-+ const char dir[] = "bz22786";
-+ const char lnk[] = "bz22786/symlink";
-+ rmdir (dir);
-+ if (mkdir (dir, 0755) != 0 && errno != EEXIST)
-+ {
-+ printf ("mkdir %s: %m\n", dir);
-+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
-+ }
-+ if (symlink (".", lnk) != 0 && errno != EEXIST)
-+ {
-+ printf ("symlink (%s, %s): %m\n", dir, lnk);
-+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
-+ }
-+ const size_t path_len = (size_t) INT_MAX + 1;
-+#if __GNUC_PREREQ (7, 0)
-+ /* GCC 7 warns about too-large allocations; here we need such
-+ allocation to succeed for the test to work. */
-+ DIAG_IGNORE_NEEDS_COMMENT (7, "-Walloc-size-larger-than=");
-+ char *path = malloc (path_len);
-+ if (path == NULL)
-+ {
-+ printf ("malloc (%zu): %m\n", path_len);
-+ }
-+ /* Construct very long path = "bz22786/symlink/aaaa....." */
-+ char *p = mempcpy (path, lnk, sizeof (lnk) - 1);
-+ *(p++) = '/';
-+ memset (p, 'a', path_len - (path - p) - 2);
-+ p[path_len - (path - p) - 1] = '\0';
-+ /* This call crashes before the fix for bz22786 on 32-bit platforms. */
-+ p = realpath (path, NULL);
-+ if (p != NULL || errno != ENAMETOOLONG)
-+ {
-+ printf ("realpath: %s (%m)", p);
-+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
-+ }
-+ /* Cleanup. */
-+ unlink (lnk);
-+ rmdir (dir);
-+ return 0;
-+#define TEST_FUNCTION do_test
-+#include <support/test-driver.c>
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11237.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11237.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a7c604ecd..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-CVE-2018-11237.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-with the ChangeLog removed
-From 9aaaab7c6e4176e61c59b0a63c6ba906d875dc0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andreas Schwab <schwab@suse.de>
-Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 10:37:59 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Don't write beyond destination in
- __mempcpy_avx512_no_vzeroupper (bug 23196)
-When compiled as mempcpy, the return value is the end of the destination
-buffer, thus it cannot be used to refer to the start of it.
- ChangeLog | 9 +++++++++
- string/test-mempcpy.c | 1 +
- sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memmove-avx512-no-vzeroupper.S | 5 +++--
- 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/string/test-mempcpy.c b/string/test-mempcpy.c
-index c08fba8..d98ecdd 100644
---- a/string/test-mempcpy.c
-+++ b/string/test-mempcpy.c
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
- #define MEMCPY_RESULT(dst, len) (dst) + (len)
-+#define MIN_PAGE_SIZE 131072
- #define TEST_MAIN
- #define TEST_NAME "mempcpy"
- #include "test-string.h"
-diff --git a/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memmove-avx512-no-vzeroupper.S b/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memmove-avx512-no-vzeroupper.S
-index 23c0f7a..effc3ac 100644
---- a/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memmove-avx512-no-vzeroupper.S
-+++ b/sysdeps/x86_64/multiarch/memmove-avx512-no-vzeroupper.S
-@@ -336,6 +336,7 @@ L(preloop_large):
- vmovups (%rsi), %zmm4
- vmovups 0x40(%rsi), %zmm5
-+ mov %rdi, %r11
- /* Align destination for access with non-temporal stores in the loop. */
- mov %rdi, %r8
- and $-0x80, %rdi
-@@ -366,8 +367,8 @@ L(gobble_256bytes_nt_loop):
- cmp $256, %rdx
- ja L(gobble_256bytes_nt_loop)
- sfence
-- vmovups %zmm4, (%rax)
-- vmovups %zmm5, 0x40(%rax)
-+ vmovups %zmm4, (%r11)
-+ vmovups %zmm5, 0x40(%r11)
- jmp L(check)
- L(preloop_large_bkw):
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-magic-pid.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-magic-pid.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a6849f7d35..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/glibc-hurd-magic-pid.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-This patch implements "magic" lookup for "pid/…", as used when looking up
-The patch comes from the 't/magic-pid' branch
-at <https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/hurd/glibc.git>. It squashes
-commit 392e52286a302ca6157fbd221295e64ab6b6d8ba (by Justus Winter)
-and commit 392e52286a302ca6157fbd221295e64ab6b6d8ba (a subsequent fix by
-Samuel Thibault).
-From: Justus Winter <4winter@informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
-Subject: [PATCH] hurd: Handle `pid' magical lookup retry
- * hurd/lookup-retry.c: Handle `pid' magical lookup
- retry.
-diff --git a/hurd/lookup-retry.c b/hurd/lookup-retry.c
-index aee2ba8f93..6ed8de1653 100644
---- a/hurd/lookup-retry.c
-+++ b/hurd/lookup-retry.c
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <_itoa.h>
- #include <eloop-threshold.h>
-+#include <unistd.h>
- /* Translate the error from dir_lookup into the error the user sees. */
- static inline error_t
-@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- error_t err;
- char *file_name;
- int nloops;
-+ file_t lastdir = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- error_t lookup_op (file_t startdir)
- {
-@@ -107,14 +109,15 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- {
- if (err = reauthenticate (*result))
-- return err;
-+ goto out;
- /* Fall through. */
- if (nloops++ >= __eloop_threshold ())
- {
- __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), *result);
-- return ELOOP;
-+ err = ELOOP;
-+ goto out;
- }
- /* An empty RETRYNAME indicates we have the final port. */
-@@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- if (err)
- __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), *result);
-- return err;
-+ goto out;
- }
- startdir = *result;
-@@ -189,7 +192,10 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- if (*result != MACH_PORT_NULL)
- __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), *result);
- if (nloops++ >= __eloop_threshold ())
-- return ELOOP;
-+ {
-+ err = ELOOP;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- file_name = &retryname[1];
- break;
-@@ -208,7 +214,8 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- (*end != '/' && *end != '\0'))
- {
- errno = save;
-- return ENOENT;
-+ err = ENOENT;
-+ goto out;
- }
- if (! get_dtable_port)
-@@ -226,9 +233,12 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- }
- errno = save;
- if (err)
-- return err;
-+ goto out;
- if (*end == '\0')
-- return 0;
-+ {
-+ err = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- else
- {
- /* Do a normal retry on the remaining components. */
-@@ -255,9 +265,12 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- if (err = __host_info (__mach_host_self (), HOST_BASIC_INFO,
- (integer_t *) &hostinfo,
- &hostinfocnt))
-- return err;
-+ goto out;
- if (hostinfocnt != HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT)
-- return EGRATUITOUS;
-+ {
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- p = _itoa (hostinfo.cpu_subtype, &retryname[8], 10, 0);
- *--p = '/';
- p = _itoa (hostinfo.cpu_type, &retryname[8], 10, 0);
-@@ -293,10 +306,11 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- }
- case '\0':
-- return opentty (result);
-+ err = opentty (result);
-+ goto out;
- case '/':
- if (err = opentty (&startdir))
-- return err;
-+ goto out;
- strcpy (retryname, &retryname[4]);
- break;
- default:
-@@ -306,14 +320,48 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- goto bad_magic;
- break;
-+ case 'p':
-+ if (retryname[1] == 'i' && retryname[2] == 'd' &&
-+ (retryname[3] == '/' || retryname[3] == 0))
-+ {
-+ char *p, buf[1024]; /* XXX */
-+ size_t len;
-+ p = _itoa (__getpid (), &buf[sizeof buf], 10, 0);
-+ len = &buf[sizeof buf] - p;
-+ memcpy (buf, p, len);
-+ strcpy (buf + len, &retryname[3]);
-+ strcpy (retryname, buf);
-+ /* Do a normal retry on the remaining components. */
-+ __mach_port_mod_refs (__mach_task_self (), lastdir,
-+ startdir = lastdir;
-+ file_name = retryname;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ goto bad_magic;
-+ break;
- default:
- bad_magic:
-- return EGRATUITOUS;
-+ goto out;
- }
- break;
- default:
-- return EGRATUITOUS;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (MACH_PORT_VALID (*result) && *result != lastdir)
-+ {
-+ if (MACH_PORT_VALID (lastdir))
-+ __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), lastdir);
-+ lastdir = *result;
-+ __mach_port_mod_refs (__mach_task_self (), lastdir,
- }
- if (startdir != MACH_PORT_NULL)
-@@ -326,6 +374,10 @@ __hurd_file_name_lookup_retry (error_t (*use_init_port)
- err = (*use_init_port) (dirport, &lookup_op);
- } while (! err);
-+ if (MACH_PORT_VALID (lastdir))
-+ __mach_port_deallocate (__mach_task_self (), lastdir);
- return err;
- }
- weak_alias (__hurd_file_name_lookup_retry, hurd_file_name_lookup_retry)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/grocsvs-dont-use-admiral.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/grocsvs-dont-use-admiral.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cb976e19b0..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/grocsvs-dont-use-admiral.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-python-admiral doesn't have a license
-diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
-index 692b6a0..568f381 100755
---- a/setup.py
-+++ b/setup.py
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ setup(
- 'console_scripts' : ["grocsvs = grocsvs.main:main"]
- },
-- install_requires = ["admiral", "h5py", "networkx>=2.0", "pandas", "pybedtools",
-+ install_requires = ["h5py", "networkx>=2.0", "pandas", "pybedtools",
- "pyfaidx", "pysam>=0.10.0", "scipy", "ipython-cluster-helper",
- "pygraphviz", "psutil"],
-diff --git a/src/grocsvs/jobmanagers.py b/src/grocsvs/jobmanagers.py
-index 6da0b58..112d7ff 100755
---- a/src/grocsvs/jobmanagers.py
-+++ b/src/grocsvs/jobmanagers.py
-@@ -41,34 +41,3 @@ class MultiprocessingCluster(Cluster):
- pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.processes)
- return pool.map_async(fn, args).get(999999)
--class AdmiralCluster(Cluster):
-- def map(self, fn, args):
-- from admiral import jobmanagers, remote
-- cluster_options = self.cluster_settings.cluster_options.copy()
-- scheduler = cluster_options.pop("scheduler")
-- jobmanager_class = jobmanagers.get_jobmanager(scheduler)
-- jobmanager = jobmanager_class(
-- batch_dir=self.batch_dir, log_dir=self.batch_dir)
-- if not "mem" in cluster_options:
-- cluster_options["mem"] = "16g"
-- if not "time" in cluster_options:
-- cluster_options["time"] = "12h"
-- jobs = []
-- #for i, arg in enumerate(args):
-- job_name = args[0].__class__.__name__
-- args = [[arg] for arg in args]
-- job = remote.run_remote(fn, jobmanager, job_name, args=args,
-- array=True, overwrite=True, **cluster_options)
-- result = jobmanagers.wait_for_jobs([job], wait=5, progress=True)
-- if not result:
-- raise Exception("Some chunks failed to complete")
-diff --git a/src/grocsvs/pipeline.py b/src/grocsvs/pipeline.py
-index ab1bb2d..350976f 100755
---- a/src/grocsvs/pipeline.py
-+++ b/src/grocsvs/pipeline.py
-@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ from grocsvs import utilities
- def make_jobmanager(jobmanager_settings, processes, batch_dir):
- jobmanager_classes = {"IPCluster":jobmanagers.IPCluster,
- "local": jobmanagers.LocalCluster,
-- "multiprocessing": jobmanagers.MultiprocessingCluster,
-- "admiral": jobmanagers.AdmiralCluster}
-+ "multiprocessing": jobmanagers.MultiprocessingCluster}
- cls = jobmanager_classes[jobmanager_settings.cluster_type]
- return cls(processes, jobmanager_settings, batch_dir)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/guile-cross-compilation.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/guile-cross-compilation.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a594cb9421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/guile-cross-compilation.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+When cross-compiling, get type sizes of the host system, not the build system.
+This is Guile commit 24b30130ca75653bdbacea84ce0443608379d630, which
+fixes <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/54198>, with one difference: it uses
+8 instead of SIZEOF_INTMAX_T, such that we do not need to modify
+'configure.ac' to check for the size of 'intmax_t' and to run 'autoreconf'
+(libguile/numbers.c expects SCM_SIZEOF_INTMAX_T = 8).
+diff --git a/libguile/gen-scmconfig.c b/libguile/gen-scmconfig.c
+index 01b14f14d..691ebd0af 100644
+--- a/libguile/gen-scmconfig.c
++++ b/libguile/gen-scmconfig.c
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-/* Copyright 2003-2013,2018,2020,2021
++/* Copyright 2003-2013, 2018, 2020-2022
+ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of Guile.
+@@ -238,21 +238,21 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ pf ("\n");
+ pf ("/* Standard types. */\n");
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_CHAR %zu\n", sizeof (char));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_CHAR %zu\n", sizeof (unsigned char));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_SHORT %zu\n", sizeof (short));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_SHORT %zu\n", sizeof (unsigned short));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_LONG %zu\n", sizeof (long));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG %zu\n", sizeof (unsigned long));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_INT %zu\n", sizeof (int));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_INT %zu\n", sizeof (unsigned int));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_SIZE_T %zu\n", sizeof (size_t));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_LONG_LONG %zu\n", sizeof (long long));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG %zu\n", sizeof (unsigned long long));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_INTMAX %zu\n", sizeof (intmax_t));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_SCM_T_PTRDIFF %zu\n", sizeof (ptrdiff_t));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_INTPTR_T %zu\n", sizeof (intptr_t));
+- pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T %zu\n", sizeof (uintptr_t));
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_CHAR %d\n", SIZEOF_CHAR);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_SHORT %d\n", SIZEOF_SHORT);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_LONG %d\n", SIZEOF_LONG);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_INT %d\n", SIZEOF_INT);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_SIZE_T %d\n", SIZEOF_SIZE_T);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_LONG_LONG %d\n", SIZEOF_LONG_LONG);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_INTMAX %d\n", 8); /* like SIZEOF_INTMAX_T */
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_INTPTR_T %d\n", SIZEOF_INTPTR_T);
++ pf ("#define SCM_SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T %d\n", SIZEOF_UINTPTR_T);
+ pf ("\n");
+ pf ("/* same as POSIX \"struct timespec\" -- always defined */\n");
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/guile-fibers-wait-for-io-readiness.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/guile-fibers-wait-for-io-readiness.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5d5cf44e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/guile-fibers-wait-for-io-readiness.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+Scheme-GNUnet requires the new operations 'wait-until-port-readable-operation'
+and 'wait-until-port-readable-operation' for communicating with services.
+This patch has been previously submitted at <https://github.com/wingo/fibers/pull/50>,
+on Sep 16, 2021. As of Feb 3, 2022, upstream has not responded yet.
+diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
+index e2db57e..0134255 100644
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ SOURCES = \
+ fibers/deque.scm \
+ fibers/epoll.scm \
+ fibers/interrupts.scm \
++ fibers/io-wakeup.scm \
+ fibers/nameset.scm \
+ fibers/operations.scm \
+ fibers/posix-clocks.scm \
+@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ TESTS = \
+ tests/conditions.scm \
+ tests/channels.scm \
+ tests/foreign.scm \
++ tests/io-wakeup.scm \
+ tests/parameters.scm \
+ tests/preemption.scm \
+ tests/speedup.scm
+diff --git a/fibers.texi b/fibers.texi
+index 52f7177..0990c8f 100644
+--- a/fibers.texi
++++ b/fibers.texi
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ This manual is for Fibers (version @value{VERSION}, updated
+ @value{UPDATED})
+ Copyright 2016-2022 Andy Wingo
++Copyright 2021 Maxime Devos
+ @quotation
+ @c For more information, see COPYING.docs in the fibers
+@@ -453,6 +454,7 @@ of operations for channels and timers, and an internals interface.
+ * Channels:: Share memory by communicating.
+ * Timers:: Operations on time.
+ * Conditions:: Waiting for simple state changes.
++* Port Readiness:: Waiting until a port is ready for I/O.
+ * REPL Commands:: Experimenting with Fibers at the console.
+ * Schedulers and Tasks:: Fibers are built from lower-level primitives.
+ @end menu
+@@ -722,6 +724,28 @@ signalled. Equivalent to @code{(perform-operation (wait-operation
+ cvar))}.
+ @end defun
++@node Port Readiness
++@section Port Readiness
++These two operations can be used on file ports to wait until
++they are readable or writable. Spurious wake-ups are possible.
++This is complementary to Guile's suspendable ports.
++(use-modules (fibers io-wakeup))
++@end example
++@defun wait-until-port-readable-operation port
++Make an operation that will succeed with no values when the input
++port @var{port} becomes readable. For passive sockets, this operation
++succeeds when a connection becomes available.
++@end defun
++@defun wait-until-port-writable-operation
++Make an operation that will succeed with no values when the output
++port @var{port} becomes writable.
++@end defun
+ @node REPL Commands
+ @section REPL Commands
+diff --git a/fibers/io-wakeup.scm b/fibers/io-wakeup.scm
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..5df03f1
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/fibers/io-wakeup.scm
+@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
++;; Fibers: cooperative, event-driven user-space threads.
++;;;; Copyright (C) 2016,2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++;;;; Copyright (C) 2021 Maxime Devos
++;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
++;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++(define-module (fibers io-wakeup)
++ #:use-module (fibers scheduler)
++ #:use-module (fibers operations)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 atomic)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 threads)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 ports internal)
++ #:export (wait-until-port-readable-operation
++ wait-until-port-writable-operation))
++(define *poll-sched* (make-atomic-box #f))
++(define (poll-sched)
++ (or (atomic-box-ref *poll-sched*)
++ (let ((sched (make-scheduler)))
++ (cond
++ ((atomic-box-compare-and-swap! *poll-sched* #f sched))
++ (else
++ ;; FIXME: Would be nice to clean up this thread at some point.
++ (call-with-new-thread
++ (lambda ()
++ (define (finished?) #f)
++ (run-scheduler sched finished?)))
++ sched)))))
++;; These procedure are subject to spurious wakeups.
++(define (readable? port)
++ "Test if PORT is writable."
++ (match (select (vector port) #() #() 0)
++ ((#() #() #()) #f)
++ ((#(_) #() #()) #t)))
++(define (writable? port)
++ "Test if PORT is writable."
++ (match (select #() (vector port) #() 0)
++ ((#() #() #()) #f)
++ ((#() #(_) #()) #t)))
++(define (make-wait-operation ready? schedule-when-ready port port-ready-fd this-procedure)
++ (make-base-operation #f
++ (lambda _
++ (and (ready? port) values))
++ (lambda (flag sched resume)
++ (define (commit)
++ (match (atomic-box-compare-and-swap! flag 'W 'S)
++ ('W (resume values))
++ ('C (commit))
++ ('S #f)))
++ (if sched
++ (schedule-when-ready
++ sched (port-ready-fd port) commit)
++ (schedule-task
++ (poll-sched)
++ (lambda ()
++ (perform-operation (this-procedure port))
++ (commit)))))))
++(define (wait-until-port-readable-operation port)
++ "Make an operation that will succeed when PORT is readable."
++ (unless (input-port? port)
++ (error "refusing to wait forever for input on non-input port"))
++ (make-wait-operation readable? schedule-task-when-fd-readable port
++ port-read-wait-fd
++ wait-until-port-readable-operation))
++(define (wait-until-port-writable-operation port)
++ "Make an operation that will succeed when PORT is writable."
++ (unless (output-port? port)
++ (error "refusing to wait forever for output on non-output port"))
++ (make-wait-operation writable? schedule-task-when-fd-writable port
++ port-write-wait-fd
++ wait-until-port-writable-operation))
+diff --git a/tests/io-wakeup.scm b/tests/io-wakeup.scm
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..c14fa81
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tests/io-wakeup.scm
+@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
++;; Fibers: cooperative, event-driven user-space threads.
++;;;; Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++;;;; Copyright (C) 2021 Maxime Devos
++;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
++;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
++;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
++;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
++;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
++;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
++(define-module (tests io-wakeup)
++ #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 control)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 suspendable-ports)
++ #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
++ #:use-module (fibers)
++ #:use-module (fibers io-wakeup)
++ #:use-module (fibers operations)
++ #:use-module (fibers timers))
++(define failed? #f)
++(define-syntax-rule (assert-equal expected actual)
++ (let ((x expected))
++ (format #t "assert ~s equal to ~s: " 'actual x)
++ (force-output)
++ (let ((y actual))
++ (cond
++ ((equal? x y) (format #t "ok\n"))
++ (else
++ (format #t "no (got ~s)\n" y)
++ (set! failed? #t))))))
++(define-syntax-rule (assert-run-fibers-terminates exp)
++ (begin
++ (format #t "assert run-fibers on ~s terminates: " 'exp)
++ (force-output)
++ (let ((start (get-internal-real-time)))
++ (call-with-values (lambda () (run-fibers (lambda () exp)))
++ (lambda vals
++ (format #t "ok (~a s)\n" (/ (- (get-internal-real-time) start)
++ 1.0 internal-time-units-per-second))
++ (apply values vals))))))
++(define-syntax-rule (assert-run-fibers-returns (expected ...) exp)
++ (begin
++ (call-with-values (lambda () (assert-run-fibers-terminates exp))
++ (lambda run-fiber-return-vals
++ (assert-equal '(expected ...) run-fiber-return-vals)))))
++;; Note that theoretically, on very slow systems, SECONDS might need
++;; to be increased. However, readable/timeout? and writable/timeout?
++;; call this 5 times in a loop anyways, so the effective timeout is
++;; a fourth of a second, which should be plenty in practice.
++(define* (with-timeout op #:key (seconds 0.05) (wrap values))
++ (choice-operation op
++ (wrap-operation (sleep-operation seconds) wrap)))
++(define* (readable/timeout? port #:key (allowed-spurious 5))
++ "Does waiting for readability time-out?
++Allow @var{allowed-spurious} spurious wakeups."
++ (or (perform-operation
++ (with-timeout
++ (wrap-operation (wait-until-port-readable-operation port)
++ (lambda () #f))
++ #:wrap (lambda () #t)))
++ (and (> allowed-spurious 0)
++ (readable/timeout? port #:allowed-spurious
++ (- allowed-spurious 1)))))
++(define* (writable/timeout? port #:key (allowed-spurious 5))
++ "Does waiting for writability time-out?
++Allow @var{allowed-spurious} spurious wakeups."
++ (or (perform-operation
++ (with-timeout
++ (wrap-operation (wait-until-port-writable-operation port)
++ (lambda () #f))
++ #:wrap (lambda () #t)))
++ (and (> allowed-spurious 0)
++ (writable/timeout? port #:allowed-spurious
++ (- allowed-spurious 1)))))
++;; Tests:
++;; * wait-until-port-readable-operaton / wait-until-port-writable-operation
++;; blocks if the port isn't ready for input / output.
++;; This is tested with a pipe (read & write)
++;; and a listening socket (read, or accept in this case).
++;; Due to the possibility of spurious wakeups,
++;; a limited few spurious wakeups are tolerated.
++;; * these operations succeed if the port is ready for input / output.
++;; These are again tested with a pipe and a listening socket
++;; Blocking is detected with a small time-out.
++(define (make-listening-socket)
++ (let ((server (socket PF_INET SOCK_DGRAM 0)))
++ (bind server AF_INET INADDR_LOOPBACK 0)
++ server))
++(let ((s (make-listening-socket)))
++ (assert-run-fibers-returns (#t)
++ (readable/timeout? s))
++ (assert-equal #t (readable/timeout? s))
++ (close s))
++(define (set-nonblocking! sock)
++ (let ((flags (fcntl sock F_GETFL)))
++ (fcntl sock F_SETFL (logior O_NONBLOCK flags))))
++(define-syntax-rule (with-pipes (A B) exp exp* ...)
++ (let* ((pipes (pipe))
++ (A (car pipes))
++ (B (cdr pipes)))
++ exp exp* ...
++ (close A)
++ (close B)))
++(with-pipes (A B)
++ (setvbuf A 'none)
++ (setvbuf B 'none)
++ (assert-run-fibers-returns (#t)
++ (readable/timeout? A))
++ (assert-equal #t (readable/timeout? A))
++ ;; The buffer is empty, so writability is expected.
++ (assert-run-fibers-returns (#f)
++ (writable/timeout? B))
++ (assert-equal #f (writable/timeout? B))
++ ;; Fill the buffer
++ (set-nonblocking! B)
++ (let ((bv (make-bytevector 1024)))
++ (let/ec k
++ (parameterize ((current-write-waiter k))
++ (let loop ()
++ (put-bytevector B bv)
++ (loop)))))
++ ;; As the buffer is full, writable/timeout? should return
++ ;; #t.
++ (assert-run-fibers-returns (#t)
++ (writable/timeout? B))
++ ;; There's plenty to read now, so readable/timeout? should
++ ;; return #f.
++ (assert-run-fibers-returns (#f)
++ (readable/timeout? A)))
++(exit (if failed? 1 0))
++;; Local Variables:
++;; eval: (put 'with-pipes 'scheme-indent-function 1)
++;; End:
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dc10e08b0f..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-From f7942cded8b65341916a555186e2219efe174cd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2021 14:38:25 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] tests: Fix test suite for Guile 3.0.5.
-The test-runner object is now reset to #f when calling the 'test-end'
-procedure. See the commit de5d1a7f99b8e952b115237ebc29633062f99bb9 in
-Guile (srfi-64: Reset test-runner-current if done) which introduced this
-* tests/client-server.scm (exit-status): New variable. Use it when calling
-* tests/dist.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/key.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/log.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/popen.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/server-client.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/server.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/session.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/shell.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/sssh-ssshd.scm: Likewise.
-* tests/tunnel.scm: Likewise.
- tests/client-server.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/dist.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/key.scm | 3 ++-
- tests/log.scm | 5 ++++-
- tests/popen.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/server-client.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/server.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/session.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/shell.scm | 3 ++-
- tests/sssh-ssshd.scm | 4 +++-
- tests/tunnel.scm | 4 +++-
- 11 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tests/client-server.scm b/tests/client-server.scm
-index 432a48c..fc46140 100644
---- a/tests/client-server.scm
-+++ b/tests/client-server.scm
-@@ -743,8 +743,10 @@
- ;;;
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "client-server")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; client-server.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/dist.scm b/tests/dist.scm
-index 2a3a75f..79f9e23 100644
---- a/tests/dist.scm
-+++ b/tests/dist.scm
-@@ -269,8 +269,10 @@ $4 = #<session #<undefined>@#<undefined>:22 (disconnected) 453fff>"
- ;;;
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "dist")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; dist.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/key.scm b/tests/key.scm
-index be31378..e1678f4 100644
---- a/tests/key.scm
-+++ b/tests/key.scm
-@@ -170,9 +170,10 @@
- (eq? (get-key-type key) 'ecdsa-p256)))))))
- ;;;
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "key")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; key.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/log.scm b/tests/log.scm
-index f547202..d528251 100644
---- a/tests/log.scm
-+++ b/tests/log.scm
-@@ -64,8 +64,11 @@
- (get-log-verbosity))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "log")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; log.scm ends here
-diff --git a/tests/popen.scm b/tests/popen.scm
-index e063e0b..fe77108 100644
---- a/tests/popen.scm
-+++ b/tests/popen.scm
-@@ -129,8 +129,10 @@
- (format-log/scm 'nolog "open-remote-output-pipe" "channel: ~A" channel)
- (output-only? channel)))))))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "popen")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; popen.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/server-client.scm b/tests/server-client.scm
-index 920aa22..b6ed3eb 100644
---- a/tests/server-client.scm
-+++ b/tests/server-client.scm
-@@ -148,8 +148,10 @@
- (equal? x session))))))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "server-client")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; server-client.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/server.scm b/tests/server.scm
-index c7f8b6c..1a6daea 100644
---- a/tests/server.scm
-+++ b/tests/server.scm
-@@ -157,9 +157,11 @@
- (server-listen server)
- #t))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "server")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; server.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/session.scm b/tests/session.scm
-index 8caa039..7310647 100644
---- a/tests/session.scm
-+++ b/tests/session.scm
-@@ -210,8 +210,10 @@
- (let ((session (%make-session)))
- (not (connected? session))))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "session")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; session.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/shell.scm b/tests/shell.scm
-index 7d613fb..e36e661 100644
---- a/tests/shell.scm
-+++ b/tests/shell.scm
-@@ -113,9 +113,10 @@
- ;;;
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "shell")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; shell.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/sssh-ssshd.scm b/tests/sssh-ssshd.scm
-index 2fe23db..edb53fc 100644
---- a/tests/sssh-ssshd.scm
-+++ b/tests/sssh-ssshd.scm
-@@ -118,8 +118,10 @@
- result)))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "sssh-ssshd")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; sssh-ssshd.scm ends here.
-diff --git a/tests/tunnel.scm b/tests/tunnel.scm
-index ef5a568..d6453b7 100644
---- a/tests/tunnel.scm
-+++ b/tests/tunnel.scm
-@@ -191,8 +191,10 @@
- (= pnum portnum)))
- (eq? (channel-cancel-forward session "localhost" portnum) 'ok))))))))
-+(define exit-status (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)))
- (test-end "tunnel")
--(exit (= (test-runner-fail-count (test-runner-current)) 0))
-+(exit (= 0 exit-status))
- ;;; tunnel.scm ends here.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/guile-ssh-read-error.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/guile-ssh-read-error.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cc6b048a0..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/guile-ssh-read-error.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-This patch adjusts to slightly different 'read-error' in Guile 3.0.6
-compared to earlier versions:
- https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh/issues/28
---- a/tests/dist.scm
-+++ b/tests/dist.scm
-@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ Unbound variable: e"
- rrepl-get-result))
- (test-error-with-log/= "rrepl-get-result, unknown # object error"
-- 'node-repl-error "Reader error: scm_lreadr: #<unknown port>:1:3: \
--Unknown # object: (#\\<): scheme@(guile-user)> \
-+ 'node-repl-error "Reader error: #f: #<unknown port>:1:3: \
-+Unknown # object: (\"#<\"): scheme@(guile-user)> \
- $4 = #<session #<undefined>@#<undefined>:22 (disconnected) 453fff>"
- (call-with-input-string
- (string-append "scheme@(guile-user)> $4 = "
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/hydra-disable-darcs-test.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/hydra-disable-darcs-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d8e015b08..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/hydra-disable-darcs-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---- hydra-20150407.4c0e3e4/tests/evaluation-tests.pl 2015-04-15 12:00:19.000000000 -0500
-+++ hydra-20150407.4c0e3e4/tests/evaluation-tests.pl 2015-04-17 08:53:04.940301471 -0500
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new;
--use Test::Simple tests => 72;
-+use Test::Simple tests => 68;
- hydra_setup($db);
-@@ -103,13 +103,6 @@
- uri => "$jobsBaseUri/hg-repo",
- update => getcwd . "/jobs/hg-update.sh"
- },
-- {
-- name => "darcs",
-- nixexpr => "darcs-input.nix",
-- type => "darcs",
-- uri => "$jobsBaseUri/darcs-repo",
-- update => getcwd . "/jobs/darcs-update.sh"
-- }
- );
- foreach my $scm ( @scminputs ) {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/inkscape-poppler-0.76.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/inkscape-poppler-0.76.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e8303892..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/inkscape-poppler-0.76.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-This patch adds support for Poppler 0.76 and later.
-Taken from upstream:
-diff --git a/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/pdf-parser.cpp b/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/pdf-parser.cpp
-index 8484984bdf..4f798e35bf 100644
---- a/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/pdf-parser.cpp
-+++ b/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/pdf-parser.cpp
-@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ void PdfParser::parse(Object *obj, GBool topLevel) {
- error(errInternal, -1, "Weird page contents");
- return;
- }
-- parser = new Parser(xref, new Lexer(xref, obj), gFalse);
-+ parser = new _POPPLER_NEW_PARSER(xref, obj);
- go(topLevel);
- delete parser;
- parser = nullptr;
-diff --git a/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h b/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h
-index 61a15083a0..5e8bc4ae90 100644
---- a/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h
-+++ b/src/extension/internal/pdfinput/poppler-transition-api.h
-@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
- #include <glib/poppler-features.h>
-+#define _POPPLER_NEW_PARSER(xref, obj) Parser(xref, obj, gFalse)
-+#define _POPPLER_NEW_PARSER(xref, obj) Parser(xref, new Lexer(xref, obj), gFalse)
- #define getCString c_str
- #endif
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/jami-images-loading.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/jami-images-loading.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caf9e1e198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/jami-images-loading.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+From be9dd0d0d8cb4556cd930edd783c0a1699565ac0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: kkostiuk <kateryna.kostiuk@savoirfairelinux.com>
+Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2021 17:39:23 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH] conversation: fix long loading time for images
+Change-Id: Id88cfbd571f4b504f258758bd13b4e4a91bf1b49
+ .../DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml | 52 +++++++++++++++++--
+ src/messagesadapter.cpp | 20 +++++--
+ src/messagesadapter.h | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml b/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml
+index 7875e01..2e7dcc0 100644
+--- a/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml
++++ b/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml
+@@ -252,10 +252,11 @@ Loader {
+ Loader {
+ id: localMediaCompLoader
+ anchors.right: isOutgoing ? parent.right : undefined
++ asynchronous: true
+ width: sourceComponent.width
+ height: sourceComponent.height
+ sourceComponent: mediaInfo.isImage !== undefined ?
+- imageComp :
++ imageComp : mediaInfo.isAnimatedImage !== undefined ? animatedImageComp :
+ avComp
+ Component {
+ id: avComp
+@@ -302,9 +303,9 @@ Loader {
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+- id: imageComp
++ id: animatedImageComp
+ AnimatedImage {
+- id: img
++ id: animatedImg
+ anchors.right: isOutgoing ? parent.right : undefined
+ property real minSize: 192
+ property real maxSize: 256
+@@ -327,6 +328,51 @@ Loader {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ layer.enabled: true
++ layer.effect: OpacityMask {
++ maskSource: MessageBubble {
++ out: isOutgoing
++ type: seq
++ width: animatedImg.width
++ height: animatedImg.height
++ radius: msgRadius
++ }
++ }
++ HoverHandler {
++ target : parent
++ onHoveredChanged: {
++ localMediaMsgItem.hoveredLink = hovered ? animatedImg.source : ""
++ }
++ cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ Component {
++ id: imageComp
++ Image {
++ id: img
++ anchors.right: isOutgoing ? parent.right : undefined
++ property real minSize: 192
++ property real maxSize: 256
++ cache: true
++ fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
++ mipmap: true
++ antialiasing: true
++ autoTransform: false
++ asynchronous: true
++ source: "file:///" + Body
++ property real aspectRatio: implicitWidth / implicitHeight
++ property real adjustedWidth: Math.min(maxSize,
++ Math.max(minSize,
++ innerContent.width - senderMargin))
++ width: adjustedWidth
++ height: Math.ceil(adjustedWidth / aspectRatio)
++ Rectangle {
++ color: JamiTheme.previewImageBackgroundColor
++ z: -1
++ anchors.fill: parent
++ }
++ layer.enabled: true
+ layer.effect: OpacityMask {
+ maskSource: MessageBubble {
+ out: isOutgoing
+diff --git a/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.cpp b/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.cpp
+index 91f8eed..ba38e53 100644
+--- a/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.cpp
++++ b/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.cpp
+@@ -458,13 +458,24 @@ MessagesAdapter::conversationTypersUrlToName(const QSet<QString>& typersSet)
+ return nameList;
+ }
+ MessagesAdapter::isLocalImage(const QString& msg)
+ {
+ QImageReader reader;
+ reader.setDecideFormatFromContent(true);
+ reader.setFileName(msg);
+- return !reader.read().isNull();
++ QByteArray fileFormat = reader.format();
++ if (fileFormat == "gif") {
++ return {{"isAnimatedImage", true}};
++ }
++ QList<QByteArray> supportedFormats = reader.supportedImageFormats();
++ auto iterator = std::find_if(supportedFormats.begin(),
++ supportedFormats.end(),
++ [fileFormat](QByteArray format) { return format == fileFormat; });
++ if (iterator != supportedFormats.end()) {
++ return {{"isImage", true}};
++ }
++ return {{"isImage", false}};
+ }
+ QVariantMap
+@@ -476,8 +487,9 @@ MessagesAdapter::getMediaInfo(const QString& msg)
+ "<%1 style='width:100%;height:%2;outline:none;background-color:#f1f3f4;"
+ "object-fit:cover;' "
+ "controls controlsList='nodownload' src='file://%3' type='%4'/></body>";
+- if (isLocalImage(msg)) {
+- return {{"isImage", true}};
++ QVariantMap fileInfo = isLocalImage(msg);
++ if (fileInfo["isImage"].toBool() || fileInfo["isAnimatedImage"].toBool()) {
++ return fileInfo;
+ }
+ QRegularExpression vPattern("[^\\s]+(.*?)\\.(avi|mov|webm|webp|rmvb)$",
+ QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption);
+diff --git a/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.h b/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.h
+index bfa4e62..1965c5e 100644
+--- a/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.h
++++ b/client-qt/src/messagesadapter.h
+@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ protected:
+ Q_INVOKABLE void deleteInteraction(const QString& interactionId);
+ Q_INVOKABLE void copyToDownloads(const QString& interactionId, const QString& displayName);
+ Q_INVOKABLE void userIsComposing(bool isComposing);
+- Q_INVOKABLE bool isLocalImage(const QString& msg);
++ Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap isLocalImage(const QString& msg);
+ Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap getMediaInfo(const QString& msg);
+ Q_INVOKABLE bool isRemoteImage(const QString& msg);
+ Q_INVOKABLE QString getFormattedTime(const quint64 timestamp);
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/jami-libclient-audio-managers.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/jami-libclient-audio-managers.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f8a5585e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/jami-libclient-audio-managers.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+From f5e4619d02526d961c14012a6cae1a091aa149d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sébastien Blin <sebastien.blin@savoirfairelinux.com>
+Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2022 13:48:32 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] misc: link getSupportedAudioManagers
+Change-Id: I897e49cd131d3cbffef9fb1d5c9be3c0bc9bcb3f
+GitLab: #495
+diff --git a/lrc/src/qtwrapper/configurationmanager_wrap.h b/lrc/src/qtwrapper/configurationmanager_wrap.h
+index a680138..2807f8a 100644
+--- a/lrc/src/qtwrapper/configurationmanager_wrap.h
++++ b/lrc/src/qtwrapper/configurationmanager_wrap.h
+@@ -526,8 +526,7 @@
+ QStringList getSupportedAudioManagers()
+ {
+- QStringList temp;
+- return temp;
++ return convertStringList(DRing::getSupportedAudioManagers());
+ }
+ QStringList getSupportedTlsMethod()
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/jami-memory-usage.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/jami-memory-usage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75fcde8d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/jami-memory-usage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+From e796b3325d95b5ddd6162b5513c8325210f41fc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Sébastien Blin <sebastien.blin@savoirfairelinux.com>
+Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 11:37:07 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] datatransferimage: improve memory usage
++ Reduce listview caching' size by 50%
++ use sourceSize to compress images and speedup loading
++ use autoTransform: true to rotate images when needed
+Change-Id: Idf1babdc73f43aa6a79b89428c25c5d06856c0ef
+GitLab: #649
+diff --git a/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml b/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml
+index d017c03..ca5913e 100644
+--- a/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml
++++ b/client-qt/src/commoncomponents/DataTransferMessageDelegate.qml
+@@ -255,9 +255,13 @@
+ asynchronous: true
+ width: sourceComponent.width
+ height: sourceComponent.height
+- sourceComponent: mediaInfo.isImage !== undefined ?
+- imageComp : mediaInfo.isAnimatedImage !== undefined ? animatedImageComp :
+- avComp
++ sourceComponent: {
++ if (mediaInfo.isImage)
++ return imageComp
++ if (mediaInfo.isAnimatedImage)
++ return animatedImageComp
++ return avComp
++ }
+ Component {
+ id: avComp
+ WebEngineView {
+@@ -316,7 +320,7 @@
+ fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
+ mipmap: true
+ antialiasing: true
+- autoTransform: false
++ autoTransform: true
+ asynchronous: true
+ source: "file:///" + Body
+ property real aspectRatio: implicitWidth / implicitHeight
+@@ -361,8 +365,10 @@
+ fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
+ mipmap: true
+ antialiasing: true
+- autoTransform: false
++ autoTransform: true
+ asynchronous: true
++ sourceSize.width: width
++ sourceSize.height: height
+ source: "file:///" + Body
+ property real aspectRatio: implicitWidth / implicitHeight
+ property real adjustedWidth: Math.min(maxSize,
+diff --git a/client-qt/src/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml b/client-qt/src/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml
+index 2b7c326..f65e67b 100644
+--- a/client-qt/src/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml
++++ b/client-qt/src/mainview/components/MessageListView.qml
+@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
+ width: parent.width
+ // this offscreen caching is pretty huge
+ // displayMarginEnd may be removed
+- displayMarginBeginning: 4096
+- displayMarginEnd: 4096
++ displayMarginBeginning: 2048
++ displayMarginEnd: 2048
+ maximumFlickVelocity: 2048
+ verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop
+ boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/librecad-support-for-boost-1.76.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/librecad-support-for-boost-1.76.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa352e669f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/librecad-support-for-boost-1.76.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Upstream commit e02f3580311d50b617427652ff77988f6bd62d9d adding Boost 1.76
+diff --git a/librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_ellipse.cpp b/librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_ellipse.cpp
+index 291f734ea..d47bf6ca4 100644
+--- a/librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_ellipse.cpp
++++ b/librecad/src/lib/engine/rs_ellipse.cpp
+@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
+ #include <boost/version.hpp>
+ #include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
+ #include <boost/math/special_functions/ellint_2.hpp>
++#if BOOST_VERSION > 104500
++#include <boost/math/tools/tuple.hpp>
+ #endif
+ namespace{
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/libvirt-create-machine-cgroup.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/libvirt-create-machine-cgroup.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 585ac237e1..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/libvirt-create-machine-cgroup.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From 9ca0b2955edea162b255b428e493cd8ffac52167 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Miguel=20=C3=81ngel=20Arruga=20Vivas?=
- <rosen644835@gmail.com>
-Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2019 17:29:00 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] vircgroup: Ensure /machine group is associated with its
- parent.
-Call first virCgroupNew on the parent group virCgroupNewPartition if
-it is available on before the creation of the child group. This
-ensures that the creation of a first level group on the unified
-architecture, as the check at virCgroupV2ParseControllersFile as the
-parent file is there.
-Fixes: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1760233
- src/util/vircgroup.c | 8 +++++---
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/util/vircgroup.c b/src/util/vircgroup.c
-index b46f20abfd..33c61f2d45 100644
---- a/src/util/vircgroup.c
-+++ b/src/util/vircgroup.c
-@@ -855,9 +855,6 @@ virCgroupNewPartition(const char *path,
- if (virCgroupSetPartitionSuffix(path, &newPath) < 0)
- goto cleanup;
-- if (virCgroupNew(-1, newPath, NULL, controllers, group) < 0)
-- goto cleanup;
- if (STRNEQ(newPath, "/")) {
- char *tmp;
- parentPath = g_strdup(newPath);
-@@ -868,7 +865,12 @@ virCgroupNewPartition(const char *path,
- if (virCgroupNew(-1, parentPath, NULL, controllers, &parent) < 0)
- goto cleanup;
-+ }
-+ if (virCgroupNew(-1, newPath, parent, controllers, group) < 0)
-+ goto cleanup;
-+ if (parent) {
- if (virCgroupMakeGroup(parent, *group, create, VIR_CGROUP_NONE) < 0)
- goto cleanup;
- }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/linux-libre-arm64-generic-pinebook-lcd.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/linux-libre-arm64-generic-pinebook-lcd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 51ab544d5e..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/linux-libre-arm64-generic-pinebook-lcd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-From 3a75704e99a118f2d8a4d70f07781558bde85770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jian-Hong Pan <jhp@endlessos.org>
-Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2020 14:30:43 +0800
-Subject: [PATCH] arm64: dts: rockchip: disable USB type-c DisplayPort
-The cdn-dp sub driver probes the device failed on PINEBOOK Pro.
-kernel: cdn-dp fec00000.dp: [drm:cdn_dp_probe [rockchipdrm]] *ERROR* missing extcon or phy
-kernel: cdn-dp: probe of fec00000.dp failed with error -22
-Then, the device halts all of the DRM related device jobs. For example,
-the operations: vop_component_ops, vop_component_ops and
-rockchip_dp_component_ops cannot be bound to corresponding devices. So,
-Xorg cannot find the correct DRM device.
-The USB type-C DisplayPort does not work for now. So, disable the
-DisplayPort node until the type-C phy work has been done.
-Link: https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/11794141/#23639877
-Signed-off-by: Jian-Hong Pan <jhp@endlessos.org>
- arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dts | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dts b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dts
-index 219b7507a10f..45769764425d 100644
---- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dts
-+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3399-pinebook-pro.dts
-@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
- };
- &cdn_dp {
-- status = "okay";
-+ status = "disabled";
- };
- &cpu_b0 {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/marble-qt-add-qt-headers.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/marble-qt-add-qt-headers.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 77c58317ad..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/marble-qt-add-qt-headers.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Adapted from Debian: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/marble/-/blob/debian/4%2517.08.3-3.1/debian/patches/qt5.11.patch
-Upstream status: Probably irrelevant, as this is an old version of this software.
-diff --git a/src/lib/marble/MergedLayerDecorator.cpp b/src/lib/marble/MergedLayerDecorator.cpp
-index 40f3ddb..bafff50 100644
---- a/src/lib/marble/MergedLayerDecorator.cpp
-+++ b/src/lib/marble/MergedLayerDecorator.cpp
-@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
- #include <QPointer>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- using namespace Marble;
-diff --git a/src/lib/marble/VisiblePlacemark.cpp b/src/lib/marble/VisiblePlacemark.cpp
-index cfe08af..1a84006 100644
---- a/src/lib/marble/VisiblePlacemark.cpp
-+++ b/src/lib/marble/VisiblePlacemark.cpp
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <QPalette>
- #include <QPixmapCache>
-diff --git a/src/lib/marble/graphicsview/FrameGraphicsItem.cpp b/src/lib/marble/graphicsview/FrameGraphicsItem.cpp
-index 8a90526..065f245 100644
---- a/src/lib/marble/graphicsview/FrameGraphicsItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/lib/marble/graphicsview/FrameGraphicsItem.cpp
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- // Qt
- #include <QSizeF>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <QPixmapCache>
- #include <QMargins>
- #include <qdrawutil.h>
-diff --git a/src/lib/marble/layers/GroundLayer.cpp b/src/lib/marble/layers/GroundLayer.cpp
-index 58d409f..df6d226 100644
---- a/src/lib/marble/layers/GroundLayer.cpp
-+++ b/src/lib/marble/layers/GroundLayer.cpp
-@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
- #include "ViewportParams.h"
- #include "RenderState.h"
-+#include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- namespace Marble
- {
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/compass/CompassFloatItem.cpp b/src/plugins/render/compass/CompassFloatItem.cpp
-index d8dc021..66095cc 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/compass/CompassFloatItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/compass/CompassFloatItem.cpp
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include <QRect>
- #include <QColor>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <QPushButton>
- #include <QSvgRenderer>
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/elevationprofilefloatitem/ElevationProfileFloatItem.cpp b/src/plugins/render/elevationprofilefloatitem/ElevationProfileFloatItem.cpp
-index a790c16..96f5bed 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/elevationprofilefloatitem/ElevationProfileFloatItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/elevationprofilefloatitem/ElevationProfileFloatItem.cpp
-@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- #include <QContextMenuEvent>
- #include <QRect>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <QPushButton>
- #include <QMenu>
- #include <QMouseEvent>
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/foursquare/FoursquareItem.cpp b/src/plugins/render/foursquare/FoursquareItem.cpp
-index d9e1f57..ef80472 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/foursquare/FoursquareItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/foursquare/FoursquareItem.cpp
-@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
- #include "ViewportParams.h"
- #include <QFontMetrics>
-+#include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- namespace Marble
- {
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/gpsinfo/GpsInfo.cpp b/src/plugins/render/gpsinfo/GpsInfo.cpp
-index 522e907..20fd75a 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/gpsinfo/GpsInfo.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/gpsinfo/GpsInfo.cpp
-@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
- #include "ViewportParams.h"
- #include "GeoDataAccuracy.h"
-+#include <QIcon>
- namespace Marble
- {
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/license/License.cpp b/src/plugins/render/license/License.cpp
-index 511dfc0..9436083 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/license/License.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/license/License.cpp
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- #include <QCommonStyle>
- #include <QContextMenuEvent>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <QLabel>
- #include <QMenu>
- #include <QMouseEvent>
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/notes/NotesItem.cpp b/src/plugins/render/notes/NotesItem.cpp
-index 9d0961f..0c9fe99 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/notes/NotesItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/notes/NotesItem.cpp
-@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- #include "MarbleDirs.h"
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <QRect>
- using namespace Marble;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/postalcode/PostalCodeItem.cpp b/src/plugins/render/postalcode/PostalCodeItem.cpp
-index 772c0b2..0ff7957 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/postalcode/PostalCodeItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/postalcode/PostalCodeItem.cpp
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- // Qt
- #include <QFontMetrics>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- using namespace Marble;
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/progress/ProgressFloatItem.cpp b/src/plugins/render/progress/ProgressFloatItem.cpp
-index a465857..6e2452c 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/progress/ProgressFloatItem.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/progress/ProgressFloatItem.cpp
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include <QColor>
- #include <QPaintDevice>
- #include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- namespace Marble
- {
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/satellites/SatellitesPlugin.cpp b/src/plugins/render/satellites/SatellitesPlugin.cpp
-index 04d8321..0a43d24 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/satellites/SatellitesPlugin.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/satellites/SatellitesPlugin.cpp
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include "ui_SatellitesConfigDialog.h"
-+#include <QAction>
- #include <QUrl>
- #include <QMouseEvent>
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/speedometer/Speedometer.cpp b/src/plugins/render/speedometer/Speedometer.cpp
-index 6e9c532..f40a174 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/speedometer/Speedometer.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/speedometer/Speedometer.cpp
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
- #include "MarbleGraphicsGridLayout.h"
- #include "ViewportParams.h"
-+#include <QIcon>
- namespace Marble
- {
-diff --git a/src/plugins/render/stars/StarsPlugin.cpp b/src/plugins/render/stars/StarsPlugin.cpp
-index 6599545..482680f 100644
---- a/src/plugins/render/stars/StarsPlugin.cpp
-+++ b/src/plugins/render/stars/StarsPlugin.cpp
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
- #include <QContextMenuEvent>
- #include <QMenu>
- #include <QColorDialog>
-+#include <QPainter>
-+#include <QPainterPath>
- #include <qmath.h>
- #include "MarbleClock.h"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/mariadb-link-libatomic.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/mariadb-link-libatomic.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f331067b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/mariadb-link-libatomic.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+This was apparently merged in 10.8.2.
+From f502ccbcb5dfce29067434885a23db8d1bd5f134 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Vicen=C8=9Biu=20Ciorbaru?= <cvicentiu@gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2021 16:51:05 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] Link with libatomic to enable C11 atomics support
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Some architectures (mips) require libatomic to support proper
+atomic operations. Check first if support is available without
+linking, otherwise use the library.
+James Cowgill <jcowgill@debian.org>
+Jessica Clarke <jrtc27@debian.org>
+Vicențiu Ciorbaru <vicentiu@mariadb.org>
+ configure.cmake | 20 +++++++++++++++++++-
+ mysys/CMakeLists.txt | 4 ++++
+ sql/CMakeLists.txt | 1 -
+ 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/configure.cmake b/configure.cmake
+index 7a1369d77703f..db8742bb93b5a 100644
+--- a/configure.cmake
++++ b/configure.cmake
+@@ -895,7 +895,25 @@ int main()
+ long long int *ptr= &var;
+ return (int)__atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
+ }"
++ int main()
++ {
++ long long int var= 1;
++ long long int *ptr= &var;
++ return (int)__atomic_load_n(ptr, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST);
++ }"
++ ENDIF()
+ SET(HAVE_valgrind 1)
+diff --git a/mysys/CMakeLists.txt b/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+index f97e3b4d3904c..09d3f726ffc74 100644
+--- a/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/mysys/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysys dbug strings ${ZLIB_LIBRARY}
++ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(mysys atomic)
+diff --git a/sql/CMakeLists.txt b/sql/CMakeLists.txt
+index 5f5d7daf1a5bc..f574f1f20295d 100644
+--- a/sql/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/sql/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -307,7 +307,6 @@ IF(WITH_MYSQLD_LDFLAGS)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/maven-enforcer-api-fix-old-dependencies.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/maven-enforcer-api-fix-old-dependencies.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a0c8a395..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/maven-enforcer-api-fix-old-dependencies.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-From eccc46eaf7903a8e837813795498b12c078faaea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
-Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 21:53:32 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix old dependencies
- .../enforcer/AbstractBanDependencies.java | 2 +-
- .../enforcer/BanTransitiveDependencies.java | 2 +-
- .../enforcer/DependencyConvergence.java | 17 ++++++++---------
- .../enforcer/RequireUpperBoundDeps.java | 19 +++++++++----------
- .../enforcer/utils/DependencyVersionMap.java | 6 +++---
- 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/AbstractBanDependencies.java b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/AbstractBanDependencies.java
-index 2888a61..2b944b7 100644
---- a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/AbstractBanDependencies.java
-+++ b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/AbstractBanDependencies.java
-@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractBanDependencies
- Set<Artifact> dependencies = null;
- try
- {
-- DependencyNode node = graphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( project, null );
-+ DependencyNode node = graphBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( project.getProjectBuildingRequest(), null );
- if ( searchTransitive )
- {
- dependencies = ArtifactUtils.getAllDescendants( node );
-diff --git a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/BanTransitiveDependencies.java b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/BanTransitiveDependencies.java
-index 6e1dcd4..1b964ba 100644
---- a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/BanTransitiveDependencies.java
-+++ b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/BanTransitiveDependencies.java
-@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class BanTransitiveDependencies
- try
- {
- MavenProject project = (MavenProject) helper.evaluate( "${project}" );
-- rootNode = createDependencyGraphBuilder().buildDependencyGraph( project, null );
-+ rootNode = createDependencyGraphBuilder().buildDependencyGraph( project.getProjectBuildingRequest(), null );
- }
- catch ( Exception e )
- {
-diff --git a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/DependencyConvergence.java b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/DependencyConvergence.java
-index 684f984..ca7ad3a 100644
---- a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/DependencyConvergence.java
-+++ b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/DependencyConvergence.java
-@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRuleHelper;
- import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
- import org.apache.maven.plugins.enforcer.utils.DependencyVersionMap;
- import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyNode;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyTreeBuilder;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyTreeBuilderException;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyNode;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilder;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilderException;
- import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression.ExpressionEvaluationException;
- import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class DependencyConvergence
- // CHECKSTYLE_OFF: LineLength
- /**
- * Uses the {@link EnforcerRuleHelper} to populate the values of the
-- * {@link DependencyTreeBuilder#buildDependencyTree(MavenProject, ArtifactRepository, ArtifactFactory, ArtifactMetadataSource, ArtifactFilter, ArtifactCollector)}
-+ * {@link DependencyGraphBuilder#buildDependencyTree(MavenProject, ArtifactRepository, ArtifactFactory, ArtifactMetadataSource, ArtifactFilter, ArtifactCollector)}
- * factory method. <br/>
- * This method simply exists to hide all the ugly lookup that the {@link EnforcerRuleHelper} has to do.
- *
-@@ -75,16 +75,15 @@ public class DependencyConvergence
- try
- {
- MavenProject project = (MavenProject) helper.evaluate( "${project}" );
-- DependencyTreeBuilder dependencyTreeBuilder =
-- (DependencyTreeBuilder) helper.getComponent( DependencyTreeBuilder.class );
-+ DependencyGraphBuilder dependencyTreeBuilder =
-+ (DependencyGraphBuilder) helper.getComponent( DependencyGraphBuilder.class );
- ArtifactRepository repository = (ArtifactRepository) helper.evaluate( "${localRepository}" );
- ArtifactFactory factory = (ArtifactFactory) helper.getComponent( ArtifactFactory.class );
- ArtifactMetadataSource metadataSource =
- (ArtifactMetadataSource) helper.getComponent( ArtifactMetadataSource.class );
- ArtifactCollector collector = (ArtifactCollector) helper.getComponent( ArtifactCollector.class );
- ArtifactFilter filter = null; // we need to evaluate all scopes
-- DependencyNode node = dependencyTreeBuilder.buildDependencyTree( project, repository, factory,
-- metadataSource, filter, collector );
-+ DependencyNode node = dependencyTreeBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( project.getProjectBuildingRequest(), filter);
- return node;
- }
- catch ( ExpressionEvaluationException e )
-@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ public class DependencyConvergence
- {
- throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Unable to lookup a component " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e );
- }
-- catch ( DependencyTreeBuilderException e )
-+ catch ( DependencyGraphBuilderException e )
- {
- throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Could not build dependency tree " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e );
- }
-diff --git a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/RequireUpperBoundDeps.java b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/RequireUpperBoundDeps.java
-index 458554a..2de9870 100644
---- a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/RequireUpperBoundDeps.java
-+++ b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/RequireUpperBoundDeps.java
-@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRuleException;
- import org.apache.maven.enforcer.rule.api.EnforcerRuleHelper;
- import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
- import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyNode;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyTreeBuilder;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyTreeBuilderException;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.traversal.DependencyNodeVisitor;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyNode;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilder;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyGraphBuilderException;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.traversal.DependencyNodeVisitor;
- import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.expression.ExpressionEvaluationException;
- import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class RequireUpperBoundDeps
- // CHECKSTYLE_OFF: LineLength
- /**
- * Uses the {@link EnforcerRuleHelper} to populate the values of the
-- * {@link DependencyTreeBuilder#buildDependencyTree(MavenProject, ArtifactRepository, ArtifactFactory, ArtifactMetadataSource, ArtifactFilter, ArtifactCollector)}
-+ * {@link DependencyGraphBuilder#buildDependencyTree(MavenProject, ArtifactRepository, ArtifactFactory, ArtifactMetadataSource, ArtifactFilter, ArtifactCollector)}
- * factory method. <br/>
- * This method simply exists to hide all the ugly lookup that the {@link EnforcerRuleHelper} has to do.
- *
-@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ public class RequireUpperBoundDeps
- try
- {
- MavenProject project = (MavenProject) helper.evaluate( "${project}" );
-- DependencyTreeBuilder dependencyTreeBuilder =
-- (DependencyTreeBuilder) helper.getComponent( DependencyTreeBuilder.class );
-+ DependencyGraphBuilder dependencyTreeBuilder =
-+ (DependencyGraphBuilder) helper.getComponent( DependencyGraphBuilder.class );
- ArtifactRepository repository = (ArtifactRepository) helper.evaluate( "${localRepository}" );
- ArtifactFactory factory = (ArtifactFactory) helper.getComponent( ArtifactFactory.class );
- ArtifactMetadataSource metadataSource =
-@@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ public class RequireUpperBoundDeps
- ArtifactCollector collector = (ArtifactCollector) helper.getComponent( ArtifactCollector.class );
- ArtifactFilter filter = null; // we need to evaluate all scopes
- DependencyNode node =
-- dependencyTreeBuilder.buildDependencyTree( project, repository, factory, metadataSource, filter,
-- collector );
-+ dependencyTreeBuilder.buildDependencyGraph( project.getProjectBuildingRequest(), filter);
- return node;
- }
- catch ( ExpressionEvaluationException e )
-@@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ public class RequireUpperBoundDeps
- {
- throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Unable to lookup a component " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e );
- }
-- catch ( DependencyTreeBuilderException e )
-+ catch ( DependencyGraphBuilderException e )
- {
- throw new EnforcerRuleException( "Could not build dependency tree " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e );
- }
-diff --git a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/utils/DependencyVersionMap.java b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/utils/DependencyVersionMap.java
-index b6213fa..2c2a645 100644
---- a/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/utils/DependencyVersionMap.java
-+++ b/enforcer-rules/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugins/enforcer/utils/DependencyVersionMap.java
-@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ import java.util.Map;
- import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
- import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.DependencyNode;
--import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.tree.traversal.DependencyNodeVisitor;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.DependencyNode;
-+import org.apache.maven.shared.dependency.graph.traversal.DependencyNodeVisitor;
- /**
- * @author Brian Fox
-@@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ public class DependencyVersionMap
- }
- return output;
- }
-\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/mescc-tools-boot.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/mescc-tools-boot.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bce8a49c2..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/mescc-tools-boot.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-From c184e95096881a13f29ebd7fc507fe305d3d8de5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2018 22:03:31 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] build.sh: Update for mes 0.18.
- build.sh | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
- install.sh | 6 ++--
- 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
-index 335a7bb..19a0029 100755
---- a/build.sh
-+++ b/build.sh
-@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
- # along with mescc-tools. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- set -eux
- MESCC_TOOLS_SEED=${MESCC_TOOLS_SEED-../mescc-tools-seed}
- #########################################
-@@ -32,15 +33,23 @@ MESCC_TOOLS_SEED=${MESCC_TOOLS_SEED-../mescc-tools-seed}
- # blood-elf
- # Create proper debug segment
- $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/blood-elf\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/blood-elf.M1\
- -o blood-elf-blood-elf-footer.M1
- # Build
- # M1-macro phase
- $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/M1 --LittleEndian --Architecture 1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/x86.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/crt1.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/libc+tcc-mes.M1\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/x86.M1\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/crt1.S\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/libc+tcc.S\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/blood-elf.M1\
- -f blood-elf-blood-elf-footer.M1\
- -o blood-elf.hex2
-@@ -49,7 +58,7 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2\
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
- --BaseAddress 0x1000000\
-- -f $MES_SEED/elf32-header.hex2\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/elf32-header.hex2\
- -f blood-elf.hex2\
- --exec_enable\
- -o bin/blood-elf
-@@ -65,9 +74,13 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2\
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/x86.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/crt1.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/libc+tcc-mes.M1\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/x86.M1\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/crt1.S\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/libc+tcc.S\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f M1-footer.M1\
- -o M1.hex2
-@@ -76,7 +89,7 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
- --BaseAddress 0x1000000\
-- -f $MES_SEED/elf32-header.hex2\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/elf32-header.hex2\
- -f M1.hex2\
- --exec_enable\
- -o bin/M1
-@@ -92,9 +105,13 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2 \
- ./bin/M1 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/x86.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/crt1.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/libc+tcc-mes.M1\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/x86.M1\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/crt1.S\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/libc+tcc.S\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2.M1\
- -f hex2-footer.M1\
- -o hex2.hex2
-@@ -103,10 +120,10 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
- --BaseAddress 0x1000000\
-- -f $MES_SEED/elf32-header.hex2\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/elf32-header.hex2\
- -f hex2.hex2\
- --exec_enable\
-- -o bin/hex2
-+ -o bin/hex2-0
- #########################
- # Phase-1 Self-host #
-@@ -123,18 +140,22 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2 \
- ./bin/M1 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/x86.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/crt1.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/libc+tcc-mes.M1\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/x86.M1\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/crt1.S\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/libc+tcc.S\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/blood-elf.M1\
- -f blood-elf-blood-elf-footer.M1\
- -o blood-elf.hex2
- # Hex2-linker phase
--./bin/hex2 \
-+./bin/hex2-0 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
- --BaseAddress 0x1000000\
-- -f $MES_SEED/elf32-header.hex2\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/elf32-header.hex2\
- -f blood-elf.hex2\
- --exec_enable\
- -o blood-elf
-@@ -150,18 +171,22 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2 \
- ./bin/M1 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/x86.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/crt1.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/libc+tcc-mes.M1\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/x86.M1\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/crt1.S\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/libc+tcc.S\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f M1-footer.M1\
- -o M1.hex2
- # Hex2-linker phase
--./bin/hex2 \
-+./bin/hex2-0 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
- --BaseAddress 0x1000000\
-- -f $MES_SEED/elf32-header.hex2\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/elf32-header.hex2\
- -f M1.hex2\
- --exec_enable\
- -o bin/M1
-@@ -177,18 +202,27 @@ $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2 \
- ./bin/M1 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/x86.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/crt1.M1\
-- -f $MES_SEED/libc+tcc-mes.M1\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/x86.M1\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/crt1.S\
-+ -f $MES_SEED/x86-mes/libc+tcc.S\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/file_print.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/match.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/numerate_number.M1\
-+ -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/string.M1\
- -f $MESCC_TOOLS_SEED/hex2.M1\
- -f hex2-footer.M1\
- -o hex2.hex2
- # Hex2-linker phase
--./bin/hex2 \
-+./bin/hex2-0 \
- --LittleEndian\
- --Architecture 1\
- --BaseAddress 0x1000000\
-- -f $MES_SEED/elf32-header.hex2\
-+ -f $MES_PREFIX/lib/x86-mes/elf32-header.hex2\
- -f hex2.hex2\
- --exec_enable\
- -o bin/hex2
-+# TODO
-+touch bin/exec_enable
-+touch bin/get_machine
-+touch bin/kaem
-diff --git a/install.sh b/install.sh
-index e4dccff..29e58d6 100644
---- a/install.sh
-+++ b/install.sh
-@@ -18,6 +18,6 @@
- mkdir -p "$PREFIX/bin"
--cp blood-elf "$PREFIX/bin/blood-elf"
--cp hex2 "$PREFIX/bin/hex2"
--cp M1 "$PREFIX/bin/M1"
-+cp bin/blood-elf "$PREFIX/bin/blood-elf"
-+cp bin/hex2 "$PREFIX/bin/hex2"
-+cp bin/M1 "$PREFIX/bin/M1"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/mozjs60-riscv64-support.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/mozjs60-riscv64-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9fa2ba9b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/mozjs60-riscv64-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+This is a combination of several upstream patches which weren't accepted.
+They were proposed by Fedora for spidermonkey 52 and were ultimately
+accepted years later after some changes for a later version. It was
+adapted slightly from both sets of patches to apply cleanly to mozjs-60.
+diff --git a/build/moz.configure/init.configure b/build/moz.configure/init.configure
+index 83b8d705..59131525 100644
+--- a/build/moz.configure/init.configure
++++ b/build/moz.configure/init.configure
+@@ -676,6 +676,9 @@ def split_triplet(triplet, allow_unknown=False):
+ elif cpu == 'sh4':
+ canonical_cpu = 'sh4'
+ endianness = 'little'
++ elif cpu.startswith('riscv64'):
++ canonical_cpu = 'riscv64'
++ endianness = 'little'
+ elif allow_unknown:
+ canonical_cpu = cpu
+ endianness = 'unknown'
+diff --git a/js/src/jit/AtomicOperations.h b/js/src/jit/AtomicOperations.h
+index a8970b0d..6b947a3f 100644
+--- a/js/src/jit/AtomicOperations.h
++++ b/js/src/jit/AtomicOperations.h
+@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ AtomicOperations::isLockfreeJS(int32_t size)
+ # endif
+ #elif defined(__ppc__) || defined(__PPC__)
+ # include "jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h"
+-#elif defined(__sparc__)
++#elif defined(__sparc__) || defined(__riscv)
+ # include "jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h"
+ #elif defined(__ppc64__) || defined(__PPC64__) || defined(__ppc64le__) || defined(__PPC64LE__)
+ # include "jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h"
+diff --git a/js/src/jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h b/js/src/jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h
+index da572284..6ce40c89 100644
+--- a/js/src/jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h
++++ b/js/src/jit/none/AtomicOperations-feeling-lucky.h
+@@ -49,6 +49,12 @@
+ #endif
++#if defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 64
++# define HAS_64BIT_ATOMICS
++# define HAS_64BIT_LOCKFREE
+ #ifdef __sparc__
+ # ifdef __LP64__
+diff --git a/js/src/jit/none/MacroAssembler-none.h b/js/src/jit/none/MacroAssembler-none.h
+index 80143dc8..b430fedb 100644
+--- a/js/src/jit/none/MacroAssembler-none.h
++++ b/js/src/jit/none/MacroAssembler-none.h
+@@ -402,6 +402,10 @@ class MacroAssemblerNone : public Assembler
+ #endif
+ };
++ struct AutoPrepareForPatching {
++ explicit AutoPrepareForPatching(MacroAssemblerNone&) {}
++ };
+ typedef MacroAssemblerNone MacroAssemblerSpecific;
+ class ABIArgGenerator
+diff --git a/mfbt/tests/TestPoisonArea.cpp b/mfbt/tests/TestPoisonArea.cpp
+index 06c24ed0..c3fed0df 100644
+--- a/mfbt/tests/TestPoisonArea.cpp
++++ b/mfbt/tests/TestPoisonArea.cpp
+@@ -160,6 +160,9 @@
+ #elif defined __aarch64__
+ #define RETURN_INSTR 0xd65f03c0 /* ret */
++#elif defined __riscv
++#define RETURN_INSTR 0x80828082 /* ret; ret */
+ #elif defined __ia64
+ struct ia64_instr { uint32_t mI[4]; };
+ static const ia64_instr _return_instr =
+diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/constants.py b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/constants.py
+index 33ae5a45..11a01d3b 100644
+--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/constants.py
++++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/constants.py
+@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ CPU_bitness = {
+ 'mips64': 64,
+ 'ppc': 32,
+ 'ppc64': 64,
++ 'riscv64': 64,
+ 's390': 32,
+ 's390x': 64,
+ 'sh4': 32,
+@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ CPU_preprocessor_checks = OrderedDict((
+ ('s390', '__s390__'),
+ ('ppc64', '__powerpc64__'),
+ ('ppc', '__powerpc__'),
++ ('riscv64', '__riscv && __riscv_xlen == 64'),
+ ('Alpha', '__alpha__'),
+ ('hppa', '__hppa__'),
+ ('sparc64', '__sparc__ && __arch64__'),
+diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/test/configure/test_toolchain_configure.py b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/test/configure/test_toolchain_configure.py
+index cb7ff709..9da41adf 100755
+--- a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/test/configure/test_toolchain_configure.py
++++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/test/configure/test_toolchain_configure.py
+@@ -1165,6 +1165,10 @@ class LinuxCrossCompileToolchainTest(BaseToolchainTest):
+ 'sh4-unknown-linux-gnu': little_endian + {
+ '__sh__': 1,
+ },
++ 'riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu': little_endian + {
++ '__riscv': 1,
++ '__riscv_xlen': 64,
++ },
+ }
+ PLATFORMS['powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu'] = \
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt1.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt1.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4343c87795..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt1.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-Copied from upstream nettle git repository.
-Removed changes to ChangeLog, to allow this patch to apply to nettle-3.5.
-From 485b5e2820a057e873b1ba812fdb39cae4adf98c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Niels Möller <nisse@lysator.liu.se>
-Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 20:55:26 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Change _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr to take a fix input size.
-Improves consistency with _rsa_sec_compute_root, and fixes zero-input bug.
- ChangeLog | 15 +++++++++
- rsa-decrypt-tr.c | 7 ++---
- rsa-internal.h | 4 +--
- rsa-sec-decrypt.c | 9 ++++--
- rsa-sign-tr.c | 61 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
- testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c | 14 ++++++++-
- 6 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/rsa-decrypt-tr.c b/rsa-decrypt-tr.c
-index 0224c0b7..927a8915 100644
---- a/rsa-decrypt-tr.c
-+++ b/rsa-decrypt-tr.c
-@@ -52,14 +52,13 @@ rsa_decrypt_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- mp_size_t key_limb_size;
- int res;
-- key_limb_size = NETTLE_OCTET_SIZE_TO_LIMB_SIZE(key->size);
-+ key_limb_size = mpz_size(pub->n);
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (m, key_limb_size);
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (em, key->size);
-+ mpz_limbs_copy(m, gibberish, key_limb_size);
-- res = _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr (pub, key, random_ctx, random, m,
-- mpz_limbs_read(gibberish),
-- mpz_size(gibberish));
-+ res = _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr (pub, key, random_ctx, random, m, m);
- mpn_get_base256 (em, key->size, m, key_limb_size);
-diff --git a/rsa-internal.h b/rsa-internal.h
-index b828e451..f66a7df0 100644
---- a/rsa-internal.h
-+++ b/rsa-internal.h
-@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ _rsa_sec_compute_root(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
- mp_limb_t *scratch);
- /* Safe side-channel silent variant, using RSA blinding, and checking the
-- * result after CRT. */
-+ * result after CRT. In-place calls, with x == m, is allowed. */
- int
- _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- const struct rsa_private_key *key,
- void *random_ctx, nettle_random_func *random,
-- mp_limb_t *x, const mp_limb_t *m, size_t mn);
-+ mp_limb_t *x, const mp_limb_t *m);
-diff --git a/rsa-sec-decrypt.c b/rsa-sec-decrypt.c
-index 6866e7c8..fc4757a0 100644
---- a/rsa-sec-decrypt.c
-+++ b/rsa-sec-decrypt.c
-@@ -58,9 +58,12 @@ rsa_sec_decrypt(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (m, mpz_size(pub->n));
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (em, key->size);
-- res = _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr (pub, key, random_ctx, random, m,
-- mpz_limbs_read(gibberish),
-- mpz_size(gibberish));
-+ /* We need a copy because m can be shorter than key_size,
-+ * but _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr expect all inputs to be
-+ * normalized to a key_size long buffer length */
-+ mpz_limbs_copy(m, gibberish, mpz_size(pub->n));
-+ res = _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr (pub, key, random_ctx, random, m, m);
- mpn_get_base256 (em, key->size, m, mpz_size(pub->n));
-diff --git a/rsa-sign-tr.c b/rsa-sign-tr.c
-index f824c4ca..9e137c7a 100644
---- a/rsa-sign-tr.c
-+++ b/rsa-sign-tr.c
-@@ -131,35 +131,34 @@ int
- _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- const struct rsa_private_key *key,
- void *random_ctx, nettle_random_func *random,
-- mp_limb_t *x, const mp_limb_t *m, size_t mn)
-+ mp_limb_t *x, const mp_limb_t *m)
- {
-+ mp_size_t nn;
- mpz_t mz;
- mpz_t xz;
- int res;
-- mpz_init(mz);
- mpz_init(xz);
-- mpn_copyi(mpz_limbs_write(mz, mn), m, mn);
-- mpz_limbs_finish(mz, mn);
-+ nn = mpz_size (pub->n);
-- res = rsa_compute_root_tr(pub, key, random_ctx, random, xz, mz);
-+ res = rsa_compute_root_tr(pub, key, random_ctx, random, xz,
-+ mpz_roinit_n(mz, m, nn));
- if (res)
-- mpz_limbs_copy(x, xz, mpz_size(pub->n));
-+ mpz_limbs_copy(x, xz, nn);
-- mpz_clear(mz);
- mpz_clear(xz);
- return res;
- }
- #else
- /* Blinds m, by computing c = m r^e (mod n), for a random r. Also
-- returns the inverse (ri), for use by rsa_unblind. */
-+ returns the inverse (ri), for use by rsa_unblind. Must have c != m,
-+ no in-place operation.*/
- static void
- rsa_sec_blind (const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- void *random_ctx, nettle_random_func *random,
-- mp_limb_t *c, mp_limb_t *ri, const mp_limb_t *m,
-- mp_size_t mn)
-+ mp_limb_t *c, mp_limb_t *ri, const mp_limb_t *m)
- {
- const mp_limb_t *ep = mpz_limbs_read (pub->e);
- const mp_limb_t *np = mpz_limbs_read (pub->n);
-@@ -177,15 +176,15 @@ rsa_sec_blind (const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- /* c = m*(r^e) mod n */
- itch = mpn_sec_powm_itch(nn, ebn, nn);
-- i2 = mpn_sec_mul_itch(nn, mn);
-+ i2 = mpn_sec_mul_itch(nn, nn);
- itch = MAX(itch, i2);
-- i2 = mpn_sec_div_r_itch(nn + mn, nn);
-+ i2 = mpn_sec_div_r_itch(2*nn, nn);
- itch = MAX(itch, i2);
- i2 = mpn_sec_invert_itch(nn);
- itch = MAX(itch, i2);
-- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (tp, nn + mn + itch);
-- scratch = tp + nn + mn;
-+ TMP_GMP_ALLOC (tp, 2*nn + itch);
-+ scratch = tp + 2*nn;
- /* ri = r^(-1) */
- do
-@@ -198,9 +197,8 @@ rsa_sec_blind (const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- while (!mpn_sec_invert (ri, tp, np, nn, 2 * nn * GMP_NUMB_BITS, scratch));
- mpn_sec_powm (c, rp, nn, ep, ebn, np, nn, scratch);
-- /* normally mn == nn, but m can be smaller in some cases */
-- mpn_sec_mul (tp, c, nn, m, mn, scratch);
-- mpn_sec_div_r (tp, nn + mn, np, nn, scratch);
-+ mpn_sec_mul (tp, c, nn, m, nn, scratch);
-+ mpn_sec_div_r (tp, 2*nn, np, nn, scratch);
- mpn_copyi(c, tp, nn);
-@@ -208,7 +206,7 @@ rsa_sec_blind (const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- TMP_GMP_FREE (tp);
- }
--/* m = c ri mod n */
-+/* m = c ri mod n. Allows x == c. */
- static void
- rsa_sec_unblind (const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- mp_limb_t *x, mp_limb_t *ri, const mp_limb_t *c)
-@@ -299,7 +297,7 @@ int
- _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- const struct rsa_private_key *key,
- void *random_ctx, nettle_random_func *random,
-- mp_limb_t *x, const mp_limb_t *m, size_t mn)
-+ mp_limb_t *x, const mp_limb_t *m)
- {
- TMP_GMP_DECL (c, mp_limb_t);
- TMP_GMP_DECL (ri, mp_limb_t);
-@@ -307,7 +305,7 @@ _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- size_t key_limb_size;
- int ret;
-- key_limb_size = NETTLE_OCTET_SIZE_TO_LIMB_SIZE(key->size);
-+ key_limb_size = mpz_size(pub->n);
- /* mpz_powm_sec handles only odd moduli. If p, q or n is even, the
- key is invalid and rejected by rsa_private_key_prepare. However,
-@@ -321,19 +319,18 @@ _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- }
- assert(mpz_size(pub->n) == key_limb_size);
-- assert(mn <= key_limb_size);
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (c, key_limb_size);
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (ri, key_limb_size);
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (scratch, _rsa_sec_compute_root_itch(key));
-- rsa_sec_blind (pub, random_ctx, random, x, ri, m, mn);
-+ rsa_sec_blind (pub, random_ctx, random, c, ri, m);
-- _rsa_sec_compute_root(key, c, x, scratch);
-+ _rsa_sec_compute_root(key, x, c, scratch);
-- ret = rsa_sec_check_root(pub, c, x);
-+ ret = rsa_sec_check_root(pub, x, c);
-- rsa_sec_unblind(pub, x, ri, c);
-+ rsa_sec_unblind(pub, x, ri, x);
- cnd_mpn_zero(1 - ret, x, key_limb_size);
-@@ -357,17 +354,17 @@ rsa_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- mpz_t x, const mpz_t m)
- {
- TMP_GMP_DECL (l, mp_limb_t);
-+ mp_size_t nn = mpz_size(pub->n);
- int res;
-- mp_size_t l_size = NETTLE_OCTET_SIZE_TO_LIMB_SIZE(key->size);
-- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (l, l_size);
-+ TMP_GMP_ALLOC (l, nn);
-+ mpz_limbs_copy(l, m, nn);
-- res = _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr (pub, key, random_ctx, random, l,
-- mpz_limbs_read(m), mpz_size(m));
-+ res = _rsa_sec_compute_root_tr (pub, key, random_ctx, random, l, l);
- if (res) {
-- mp_limb_t *xp = mpz_limbs_write (x, l_size);
-- mpn_copyi (xp, l, l_size);
-- mpz_limbs_finish (x, l_size);
-+ mp_limb_t *xp = mpz_limbs_write (x, nn);
-+ mpn_copyi (xp, l, nn);
-+ mpz_limbs_finish (x, nn);
- }
-diff --git a/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c b/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c
-index 87525f78..d3bc374b 100644
---- a/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c
-+++ b/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ test_main(void)
- uint8_t after;
- mpz_t gibberish;
-+ mpz_t zero;
- rsa_private_key_init(&key);
- rsa_public_key_init(&pub);
-@@ -101,6 +102,17 @@ test_main(void)
- ASSERT(decrypted[decrypted_length] == after);
- ASSERT(decrypted[0] == 'A');
-+ /* Test zero input. */
-+ mpz_init_set_ui (zero, 0);
-+ decrypted_length = msg_length;
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt(&key, &decrypted_length, decrypted, zero));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt_tr(&pub, &key,
-+ &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ &decrypted_length, decrypted, zero));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_sec_decrypt(&pub, &key,
-+ &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ decrypted_length, decrypted, zero));
-+ ASSERT(decrypted_length == msg_length);
- /* Test invalid key. */
- mpz_add_ui (key.q, key.q, 2);
-@@ -112,6 +124,6 @@ test_main(void)
- rsa_private_key_clear(&key);
- rsa_public_key_clear(&pub);
- mpz_clear(gibberish);
-+ mpz_clear(zero);
- free(decrypted);
- }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt2.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f19bd80d3..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-CVE-2021-3580-pt2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-Copied from upstream nettle git repository.
-Removed changes to ChangeLog, to allow this patch to apply to nettle-3.5.
-From 0ad0b5df315665250dfdaa4a1e087f4799edaefe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Niels Möller <nisse@lysator.liu.se>
-Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 22:02:47 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add input check to rsa_decrypt family of functions.
- ChangeLog | 8 ++++++++
- rsa-decrypt-tr.c | 4 ++++
- rsa-decrypt.c | 10 ++++++++++
- rsa-sec-decrypt.c | 4 ++++
- rsa.h | 5 +++--
- testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
- 6 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/rsa-decrypt-tr.c b/rsa-decrypt-tr.c
-index 927a8915..4a9e9d74 100644
---- a/rsa-decrypt-tr.c
-+++ b/rsa-decrypt-tr.c
-@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ rsa_decrypt_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- mp_size_t key_limb_size;
- int res;
-+ /* First check that input is in range. */
-+ if (mpz_sgn (gibberish) < 0 || mpz_cmp (gibberish, pub->n) >= 0)
-+ return 0;
- key_limb_size = mpz_size(pub->n);
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (m, key_limb_size);
-diff --git a/rsa-decrypt.c b/rsa-decrypt.c
-index 7681439d..540d8baa 100644
---- a/rsa-decrypt.c
-+++ b/rsa-decrypt.c
-@@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ rsa_decrypt(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
- int res;
- mpz_init(m);
-+ /* First check that input is in range. Since we don't have the
-+ public key available here, we need to reconstruct n. */
-+ mpz_mul (m, key->p, key->q);
-+ if (mpz_sgn (gibberish) < 0 || mpz_cmp (gibberish, m) >= 0)
-+ {
-+ mpz_clear (m);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- rsa_compute_root(key, m, gibberish);
- res = pkcs1_decrypt (key->size, m, length, message);
-diff --git a/rsa-sec-decrypt.c b/rsa-sec-decrypt.c
-index fc4757a0..4c98958d 100644
---- a/rsa-sec-decrypt.c
-+++ b/rsa-sec-decrypt.c
-@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ rsa_sec_decrypt(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- TMP_GMP_DECL (em, uint8_t);
- int res;
-+ /* First check that input is in range. */
-+ if (mpz_sgn (gibberish) < 0 || mpz_cmp (gibberish, pub->n) >= 0)
-+ return 0;
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (m, mpz_size(pub->n));
- TMP_GMP_ALLOC (em, key->size);
-diff --git a/rsa.h b/rsa.h
-index 3b10155f..2dd35a2d 100644
---- a/rsa.h
-+++ b/rsa.h
-@@ -428,13 +428,14 @@ rsa_sec_decrypt(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- size_t length, uint8_t *message,
- const mpz_t gibberish);
--/* Compute x, the e:th root of m. Calling it with x == m is allowed. */
-+/* Compute x, the e:th root of m. Calling it with x == m is allowed.
-+ It is required that 0 <= m < n. */
- void
- rsa_compute_root(const struct rsa_private_key *key,
- mpz_t x, const mpz_t m);
- /* Safer variant, using RSA blinding, and checking the result after
-- CRT. */
-+ CRT. It is required that 0 <= m < n. */
- int
- rsa_compute_root_tr(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- const struct rsa_private_key *key,
-diff --git a/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c b/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c
-index d3bc374b..d1a440f6 100644
---- a/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c
-+++ b/testsuite/rsa-encrypt-test.c
-@@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ test_main(void)
- uint8_t after;
- mpz_t gibberish;
-- mpz_t zero;
-+ mpz_t bad_input;
- rsa_private_key_init(&key);
- rsa_public_key_init(&pub);
- mpz_init(gibberish);
-+ mpz_init(bad_input);
- knuth_lfib_init(&lfib, 17);
-@@ -103,15 +104,40 @@ test_main(void)
- ASSERT(decrypted[0] == 'A');
- /* Test zero input. */
-- mpz_init_set_ui (zero, 0);
-+ mpz_set_ui (bad_input, 0);
- decrypted_length = msg_length;
-- ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt(&key, &decrypted_length, decrypted, zero));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt(&key, &decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
- ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt_tr(&pub, &key,
- &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-- &decrypted_length, decrypted, zero));
-+ &decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
- ASSERT(!rsa_sec_decrypt(&pub, &key,
- &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-- decrypted_length, decrypted, zero));
-+ decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
-+ ASSERT(decrypted_length == msg_length);
-+ /* Test input that is slightly larger than n */
-+ mpz_add(bad_input, gibberish, pub.n);
-+ decrypted_length = msg_length;
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt(&key, &decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt_tr(&pub, &key,
-+ &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ &decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_sec_decrypt(&pub, &key,
-+ &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
-+ ASSERT(decrypted_length == msg_length);
-+ /* Test input that is considerably larger than n */
-+ mpz_mul_2exp (bad_input, pub.n, 100);
-+ mpz_add (bad_input, bad_input, gibberish);
-+ decrypted_length = msg_length;
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt(&key, &decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_decrypt_tr(&pub, &key,
-+ &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ &decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
-+ ASSERT(!rsa_sec_decrypt(&pub, &key,
-+ &lfib, (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ decrypted_length, decrypted, bad_input));
- ASSERT(decrypted_length == msg_length);
- /* Test invalid key. */
-@@ -124,6 +150,6 @@ test_main(void)
- rsa_private_key_clear(&key);
- rsa_public_key_clear(&pub);
- mpz_clear(gibberish);
-- mpz_clear(zero);
-+ mpz_clear(bad_input);
- free(decrypted);
- }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-check-_pkcs1_sec_decrypt-msg-len.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-check-_pkcs1_sec_decrypt-msg-len.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 297816e698..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/nettle-3.5-check-_pkcs1_sec_decrypt-msg-len.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Copied from upstream nettle git repository.
-Removed changes to ChangeLog, to allow this patch to apply to nettle-3.5.
-From 7616541e6eff73353bf682c62e3a68e4fe696707 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Niels Möller <nisse@lysator.liu.se>
-Date: Thu, 6 May 2021 21:29:56 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Add check that message length to _pkcs1_sec_decrypt is valid.
-* pkcs1-sec-decrypt.c (_pkcs1_sec_decrypt): Check that message
-length is valid, for given key size.
-* testsuite/rsa-sec-decrypt-test.c (test_main): Add test cases for
-calls to rsa_sec_decrypt specifying a too large message length.
- ChangeLog | 7 +++++++
- pkcs1-sec-decrypt.c | 4 +++-
- testsuite/rsa-sec-decrypt-test.c | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
- 3 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/pkcs1-sec-decrypt.c b/pkcs1-sec-decrypt.c
-index 4f13080e..16833691 100644
---- a/pkcs1-sec-decrypt.c
-+++ b/pkcs1-sec-decrypt.c
-@@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ _pkcs1_sec_decrypt (size_t length, uint8_t *message,
- volatile int ok;
- size_t i, t;
-- assert (padded_message_length >= length);
-+ /* Message independent branch */
-+ if (length + 11 > padded_message_length)
-+ return 0;
- t = padded_message_length - length - 1;
-diff --git a/testsuite/rsa-sec-decrypt-test.c b/testsuite/rsa-sec-decrypt-test.c
-index fb0ed3a1..3419322e 100644
---- a/testsuite/rsa-sec-decrypt-test.c
-+++ b/testsuite/rsa-sec-decrypt-test.c
-@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ rsa_decrypt_for_test(const struct rsa_public_key *pub,
- #endif
- #define PAYLOAD_SIZE 50
-+#define DECRYPTED_SIZE 256
- void
- test_main(void)
- {
-@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ test_main(void)
- struct knuth_lfib_ctx random_ctx;
- uint8_t plaintext[PAYLOAD_SIZE];
-- uint8_t decrypted[PAYLOAD_SIZE];
-+ uint8_t decrypted[DECRYPTED_SIZE];
- uint8_t verifybad[PAYLOAD_SIZE];
- unsigned n_size = 1024;
- mpz_t gibberish;
-@@ -99,6 +100,20 @@ test_main(void)
- PAYLOAD_SIZE, decrypted, gibberish) == 1);
- ASSERT (MEMEQ (PAYLOAD_SIZE, plaintext, decrypted));
-+ ASSERT (pub.size > 10);
-+ ASSERT (pub.size <= DECRYPTED_SIZE);
-+ /* Check that too large message length is rejected, largest
-+ valid size is pub.size - 11. */
-+ ASSERT (!rsa_decrypt_for_test (&pub, &key, &random_ctx,
-+ (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ pub.size - 10, decrypted, gibberish));
-+ /* This case used to result in arithmetic underflow and a crash. */
-+ ASSERT (!rsa_decrypt_for_test (&pub, &key, &random_ctx,
-+ (nettle_random_func *) knuth_lfib_random,
-+ pub.size, decrypted, gibberish));
- /* bad one */
- memcpy(decrypted, verifybad, PAYLOAD_SIZE);
- nettle_mpz_random_size(garbage, &random_ctx,
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/nhc98-c-update.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/nhc98-c-update.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06e6928d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/nhc98-c-update.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+This patch provides an update so that nhc98 can be built and works with
+a modern C compiler (GCC 11) and libc (glibc 2.33).
+diff --git a/Makefile.inc b/Makefile.inc
+index 4fbd47a..5bce5c9 100644
+--- a/Makefile.inc
++++ b/Makefile.inc
+@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
+ ### Configurable variables:
+-OPT = -O3
++# We want C89 semantics plus C++-style comments and things like the
++# 'setjmp_buf' and 'u_short' types. More importantly, build with '-O1'
++# only to avoid modern optimizations that break the code.
++OPT = -O1 -std=gnu89 -D_GNU_SOURCE=1
+ #ARCH = -m32
+ ARCH =
+diff --git a/script/nhc98heap.c b/script/nhc98heap.c
+index 534010e..a30d5cd 100644
+--- a/script/nhc98heap.c
++++ b/script/nhc98heap.c
+@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
+ main(int argc, char **argv)
+ {
+ int prefix = 1;
+diff --git a/src/runtime/Kernel/collector.c b/src/runtime/Kernel/collector.c
+index b95a273..1f879c5 100644
+--- a/src/runtime/Kernel/collector.c
++++ b/src/runtime/Kernel/collector.c
+@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
+ #include "node.h"
+ /*#include "newmacros.h" -- already included in node.h */
+ /*#include "runtime.h" -- already included in node.h */
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-Add-a-.file-directive.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-Add-a-.file-directive.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 07842e9c32..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-Add-a-.file-directive.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-From: Stephane Glondu <steph@glondu.net>
-Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2015 20:59:14 +0200
-Subject: Add a .file directive to generated .s files
-When no .file directive is given, the toolchain records the filename
-of the .o file, which is sometimes random, making generated objects
-We use Location.input_name for adding .file directives to assembly
-files. Note: when the file is preprocessed, this reference holds the
-name of the temporary file. Hence, files compiled with -pp are still
-not deterministic.
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/795784
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/796336
- asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp | 1 +
- asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp | 1 +
- asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp | 1 +
- asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp | 1 +
- asmcomp/power/emit.mlp | 1 +
- asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp | 1 +
- 6 files changed, 6 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp
-index d56d0f5..4d7aa30 100644
---- a/asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp
-+++ b/asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp
-@@ -794,6 +794,7 @@ let data l =
- let begin_assembly() =
- reset_debug_info(); (* PR#5603 *)
- float_constants := [];
-+ ` .file \"{emit_string (String.escaped !Location.input_name)}\"\n`;
- if !Clflags.dlcode then begin
- (* from amd64.S; could emit these constants on demand *)
- if macosx then
-diff --git a/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
-index 4948fb2..6f30fba 100644
---- a/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
-+++ b/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
-@@ -892,6 +892,7 @@ let data l =
- let begin_assembly() =
- reset_debug_info();
-+ ` .file \"{emit_string (String.escaped !Location.input_name)}\"\n`;
- ` .syntax unified\n`;
- begin match !arch with
- | ARMv4 -> ` .arch armv4t\n`
-diff --git a/asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp
-index 750c2b2..5afbb8a 100644
---- a/asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp
-+++ b/asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp
-@@ -942,6 +942,7 @@ let data l =
- let begin_assembly() =
- reset_debug_info();
-+ ` .file \"{emit_string (String.escaped !Location.input_name)}\"\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.make_symbol (Some "data_begin") in
- ` .data\n`;
- ` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
-diff --git a/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
-index 98df5f9..531150f 100644
---- a/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
-+++ b/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
-@@ -986,6 +986,7 @@ let data l =
- let begin_assembly() =
- reset_debug_info(); (* PR#5603 *)
- float_constants := [];
-+ ` .file \"{emit_string (String.escaped !Location.input_name)}\"\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.make_symbol (Some "data_begin") in
- ` .data\n`;
- ` .globl {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
-diff --git a/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp
-index 4344085..343132b 100644
---- a/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp
-+++ b/asmcomp/power/emit.mlp
-@@ -887,6 +887,7 @@ let data l =
- let begin_assembly() =
- defined_functions := StringSet.empty;
- external_functions := StringSet.empty;
-+ ` .file \"{emit_string (String.escaped !Location.input_name)}\"\n`;
- (* Emit the beginning of the segments *)
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.make_symbol (Some "data_begin") in
- emit_string data_space;
-diff --git a/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp
-index 877a3d5..7b041e9 100644
---- a/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp
-+++ b/asmcomp/sparc/emit.mlp
-@@ -727,6 +727,7 @@ let data l =
- (* Beginning / end of an assembly file *)
- let begin_assembly() =
-+ ` .file \"{emit_string (String.escaped !Location.input_name)}\"\n`;
- let lbl_begin = Compilenv.make_symbol (Some "data_begin") in
- ` .data\n`;
- ` .global {emit_symbol lbl_begin}\n`;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-CVE-2015-8869.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-CVE-2015-8869.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4cb34d25..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-CVE-2015-8869.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-Adapted from upstream commit 659615c7b100a89eafe6253e7a5b9d84d0e8df74,
-this patch omits the upstream changes to 'Changes' and 'VERSION'.
- byterun/alloc.c | 4 ++--
- byterun/intern.c | 2 +-
- byterun/str.c | 4 ++--
- 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/byterun/alloc.c b/byterun/alloc.c
-index 96a21bf..0db9947 100644
---- a/byterun/alloc.c
-+++ b/byterun/alloc.c
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ CAMLexport int caml_convert_flag_list(value list, int *flags)
- /* [size] is a [value] representing number of words (fields) */
- CAMLprim value caml_alloc_dummy(value size)
- {
-- mlsize_t wosize = Int_val(size);
-+ mlsize_t wosize = Long_val(size);
- if (wosize == 0) return Atom(0);
- return caml_alloc (wosize, 0);
-@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ CAMLprim value caml_alloc_dummy_function(value size,value arity)
- /* [size] is a [value] representing number of floats. */
- CAMLprim value caml_alloc_dummy_float (value size)
- {
-- mlsize_t wosize = Int_val(size) * Double_wosize;
-+ mlsize_t wosize = Long_val(size) * Double_wosize;
- if (wosize == 0) return Atom(0);
- return caml_alloc (wosize, 0);
-diff --git a/byterun/intern.c b/byterun/intern.c
-index 89d13d1..7b8d049 100644
---- a/byterun/intern.c
-+++ b/byterun/intern.c
-@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ static void intern_rec(value *dest)
- case OFreshOID:
- /* Refresh the object ID */
- /* but do not do it for predefined exception slots */
-- if (Int_val(Field((value)dest, 1)) >= 0)
-+ if (Long_val(Field((value)dest, 1)) >= 0)
- caml_set_oo_id((value)dest);
- /* Pop item and iterate */
- sp--;
-diff --git a/byterun/str.c b/byterun/str.c
-index 5ad4e29..885772f 100644
---- a/byterun/str.c
-+++ b/byterun/str.c
-@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ CAMLprim value caml_string_greaterequal(value s1, value s2)
- CAMLprim value caml_blit_string(value s1, value ofs1, value s2, value ofs2,
- value n)
- {
-- memmove(&Byte(s2, Long_val(ofs2)), &Byte(s1, Long_val(ofs1)), Int_val(n));
-+ memmove(&Byte(s2, Long_val(ofs2)), &Byte(s1, Long_val(ofs1)), Long_val(n));
- return Val_unit;
- }
-@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ CAMLprim value caml_fill_string(value s, value offset, value len, value init)
- CAMLprim value caml_bitvect_test(value bv, value n)
- {
-- int pos = Int_val(n);
-+ intnat pos = Long_val(n);
- return Val_int(Byte_u(bv, pos >> 3) & (1 << (pos & 7)));
- }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-bitstring-fix-configure.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-bitstring-fix-configure.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c358bf3d6b..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-bitstring-fix-configure.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-From 0aaddfceeea3e89df196ab1846da54d09713a512 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
-Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2016 21:17:31 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] fix configure
- Makefile.in | 9 +++++----
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
-index d040f4c..85e0b38 100644
---- a/Makefile.in
-+++ b/Makefile.in
-@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ BISECT_REPORT = @BISECT_REPORT@
-+BISECTLIB = $(shell if test -z $${BISECTLIB}; then echo $(OCAMLLIB); else echo $${BISECTLIB}; fi)
- top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
- pkg_cil = @OCAML_PKG_cil@
- OCAMLOPTLIBS = -linkpkg
- ifneq ($(enable_coverage),no)
--OCAMLCFLAGS += -I +bisect -pp 'camlp4o $(OCAMLLIB)/bisect/instrument.cma'
-+OCAMLCFLAGS += -I +bisect -pp 'camlp4o $(BISECTLIB)/bisect/instrument.cma'
- OCAMLCLIBS += -I +bisect bisect.cma
--OCAMLOPTFLAGS += -I +bisect -pp 'camlp4o $(OCAMLLIB)/bisect/instrument.cma'
-+OCAMLOPTFLAGS += -I +bisect -pp 'camlp4o $(BISECTLIB)/bisect/instrument.cma'
- OCAMLOPTLIBS += -I +bisect bisect.cmxa
- endif
-@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ bitstring_persistent.cmi: bitstring_persistent.mli
- -I +camlp4 -pp camlp4of -c $<
- pa_bitstring.cmo: pa_bitstring.ml bitstring.cma bitstring_persistent.cma
-- $(OCAMLFIND) ocamlc bitstring.cma -I +camlp4 dynlink.cma camlp4lib.cma \
-+ $(OCAMLFIND) ocamlc $(OCAMLCFLAGS) bitstring.cma -I +camlp4 dynlink.cma camlp4lib.cma \
- -pp camlp4of -c $< -o $@
- bitstring-objinfo: bitstring_objinfo.cmo bitstring.cma bitstring_persistent.cma
-@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ byteswap.h: byteswap.in.h
- ifeq ($(enable_coverage),no)
- PP = -pp 'camlp4o bitstring.cma bitstring_persistent.cma pa_bitstring.cmo'
- else
--PP = -pp 'camlp4o $(OCAMLLIB)/bisect/bisect.cma bitstring.cma bitstring_persistent.cma pa_bitstring.cmo'
-+PP = -pp 'camlp4o $(BISECTLIB)/bisect/bisect.cma bitstring.cma bitstring_persistent.cma pa_bitstring.cmo'
- endif
- check: test
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-enable-ocamldoc-reproducibility.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-enable-ocamldoc-reproducibility.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 39fb7aa226..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-enable-ocamldoc-reproducibility.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-From a87c3f20e846c00e53d695497dba7038edbd12f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Valentin Lorentz <progval@progval.net>
-Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 11:59:04 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Enable ocamldoc to build reproducible manpages
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=794586
-Signed-off-by: Stephane Glondu <steph@glondu.net>
- ocamldoc/odoc_man.ml | 15 +++++----------
- ocamldoc/odoc_misc.ml | 12 ++++++++++--
- ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli | 7 ++++++-
- 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_man.ml b/ocamldoc/odoc_man.ml
-index 615c5e172..3c85aa32a 100644
---- a/ocamldoc/odoc_man.ml
-+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_man.ml
-@@ -864,14 +864,13 @@ class man =
- (** Generate the man page for the given class.*)
- method generate_for_class cl =
- Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
-- let date = Unix.time () in
- let file = self#file_name cl.cl_name in
- try
- let chanout = self#open_out file in
- let b = new_buf () in
- bs b (".TH \""^cl.cl_name^"\" ");
- bs b !man_section ;
-- bs b (" "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^" ");
-+ bs b (" source: "^Odoc_misc.current_date^" ");
- bs b "OCamldoc ";
- bs b ("\""^(match !Global.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
-@@ -923,14 +922,13 @@ class man =
- (** Generate the man page for the given class type.*)
- method generate_for_class_type ct =
- Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
-- let date = Unix.time () in
- let file = self#file_name ct.clt_name in
- try
- let chanout = self#open_out file in
- let b = new_buf () in
- bs b (".TH \""^ct.clt_name^"\" ");
- bs b !man_section ;
-- bs b (" "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^" ");
-+ bs b (" source: "^Odoc_misc.current_date^" ");
- bs b "OCamldoc ";
- bs b ("\""^(match !Global.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
-@@ -1016,14 +1014,13 @@ class man =
- (** Generate the man file for the given module type.
- @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
- method generate_for_module_type mt =
-- let date = Unix.time () in
- let file = self#file_name mt.mt_name in
- try
- let chanout = self#open_out file in
- let b = new_buf () in
- bs b (".TH \""^mt.mt_name^"\" ");
- bs b !man_section ;
-- bs b (" "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^" ");
-+ bs b (" source: "^Odoc_misc.current_date^" ");
- bs b "OCamldoc ";
- bs b ("\""^(match !Global.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
-@@ -1099,14 +1096,13 @@ class man =
- (** Generate the man file for the given module.
- @raise Failure if an error occurs.*)
- method generate_for_module m =
-- let date = Unix.time () in
- let file = self#file_name m.m_name in
- try
- let chanout = self#open_out file in
- let b = new_buf () in
- bs b (".TH \""^m.m_name^"\" ");
- bs b !man_section ;
-- bs b (" "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^" ");
-+ bs b (" source: "^Odoc_misc.current_date^" ");
- bs b "OCamldoc ";
- bs b ("\""^(match !Global.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
-@@ -1206,14 +1202,13 @@ class man =
- | Res_const (_,f) -> f.vc_name
- )
- in
-- let date = Unix.time () in
- let file = self#file_name name in
- try
- let chanout = self#open_out file in
- let b = new_buf () in
- bs b (".TH \""^name^"\" ");
- bs b !man_section ;
-- bs b (" "^(Odoc_misc.string_of_date ~hour: false date)^" ");
-+ bs b (" source: "^Odoc_misc.current_date^" ");
- bs b "OCamldoc ";
- bs b ("\""^(match !Global.title with Some t -> t | None -> "")^"\"\n");
- bs b ".SH NAME\n";
-diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.ml b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.ml
-index 4c74476da..456225f62 100644
---- a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.ml
-+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.ml
-@@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ let apply_opt f v_opt =
- None -> None
- | Some v -> Some (f v)
--let string_of_date ?(hour=true) d =
-+let string_of_date ?(absolute=false) ?(hour=true) d =
- let add_0 s = if String.length s < 2 then "0"^s else s in
-- let t = Unix.localtime d in
-+ let t = (if absolute then Unix.gmtime else Unix.localtime) d in
- (string_of_int (t.Unix.tm_year + 1900))^"-"^
- (add_0 (string_of_int (t.Unix.tm_mon + 1)))^"-"^
- (add_0 (string_of_int t.Unix.tm_mday))^
-@@ -238,6 +238,14 @@ let string_of_date ?(hour=true) d =
- ""
- )
-+let current_date =
-+ let time =
-+ try
-+ float_of_string (Sys.getenv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")
-+ with
-+ Not_found -> Unix.time ()
-+ in string_of_date ~absolute: true ~hour: false time
- let rec text_list_concat sep l =
- match l with
-diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
-index dd5a7fcb9..38ff0612b 100644
---- a/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
-+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_misc.mli
-@@ -62,7 +62,12 @@ val apply_opt : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
- (** Return a string representing a date given as a number of seconds
- since 1970. The hour is optionnaly displayed. *)
--val string_of_date : ?hour:bool -> float -> string
-+val string_of_date : ?absolute:bool -> ?hour:bool -> float -> string
-+(* Value returned by string_of_date for current time.
-+ * Uses environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH if set; falls back to
-+ * current timestamp otherwise. *)
-+val current_date : string
- (** Return the first sentence (until the first dot) of a text.
- Don't stop in the middle of [Code], [Verbatim], [List], [Lnum],
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-qcheck-fix-test-whitespace.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-qcheck-fix-test-whitespace.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 012f5de31c..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ocaml-qcheck-fix-test-whitespace.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-From 0cb666fffcbeb78c8c14d271b3ba65ea514bfc44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
-Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 03:03:21 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix whitespace issue in test
- example/alcotest/output.txt.expected | 1 -
- 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/example/alcotest/output.txt.expected b/example/alcotest/output.txt.expected
-index bde0b83..9f1417c 100644
---- a/example/alcotest/output.txt.expected
-+++ b/example/alcotest/output.txt.expected
-@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ test `fail_sort_id` failed on ≥ 1 cases: [1; 0] (after 20 shrink steps)
- [exception] test `fail_sort_id` failed on ≥ 1 cases: [1; 0] (after 20 shrink steps)
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 3 failures! 5 tests run.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openbabel-fix-crash-on-nwchem-output.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openbabel-fix-crash-on-nwchem-output.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 879df026a1..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/openbabel-fix-crash-on-nwchem-output.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 52cea818bf68f8a2d3c48d55d00c2f8b7da25e4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Daniel Hogan <daniel.hogan@usask.ca>
-Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 22:21:18 -0600
-Subject: [PATCH] Remove delete statement.
-When from_scratch is true, coordinates is not allocated. A separate if
-statement was added to handle the case when from_scratch is true that
-does not try to free coordinates.
- src/formats/nwchemformat.cpp | 9 ++++++---
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/formats/nwchemformat.cpp b/src/formats/nwchemformat.cpp
-index 6f625ad5b..79298555f 100644
---- a/src/formats/nwchemformat.cpp
-+++ b/src/formats/nwchemformat.cpp
-@@ -232,11 +232,14 @@ static const char* OPTIMIZATION_END_PATTERN = " Optimization converged";
- break;
- tokenize(vs,buffer);
- }
-- if ((from_scratch)||(i != natoms))
-- {
-+ if (from_scratch)
-+ {
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (i != natoms) {
- delete[] coordinates;
- return;
-- }
-+ }
- molecule->AddConformer(coordinates);
- }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openboardview-use-system-imgui.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openboardview-use-system-imgui.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7345f1fe99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/openboardview-use-system-imgui.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+Patch submitted upstream: https://github.com/OpenBoardView/OpenBoardView/pull/233
+diff --git a/CMakeModules/FindImGui.cmake b/CMakeModules/FindImGui.cmake
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..4d1fa42
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/CMakeModules/FindImGui.cmake
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++# Copyright (C) 2018, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer
++# Redistribution and use of this file is allowed according to the terms of the MIT license.
++# For details see the LICENSE file distributed with OpenBoardView.
++# Note:
++# Searching headers and libraries is very simple and is NOT as powerful as scripts
++# distributed with CMake, because LuaDist defines directories to search for.
++# Everyone is encouraged to contact the author with improvements. Maybe this file
++# becomes part of CMake distribution sometimes.
++# - Find ImGui
++# Find the native imgui headers and libraries.
++# IMGUI_INCLUDE_DIRS - where to find imgui/imgui.h, etc.
++# IMGUI_LIBRARIES - List of libraries when using imgui.
++# IMGUI_FOUND - True if imgui is found.
++# Look for the header file.
++# Look for the library.
++# Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set IMGUI_FOUND to TRUE if all listed variables are TRUE.
++# Copy the results to the output variables.
+diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
+index 301f933..24bf263 100644
+--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -76,28 +76,30 @@ endif()
+ # note: in the future there may be integrated CMake support into imgui
+ # see: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/pull/1713
+ # for now do it manually, after glad and SDL2 because we use the includes for the sdl_opengl examples
++find_package(ImGui) # search ImGui from system
++if(NOT IMGUI_FOUND) # else fallback to bundled copy
++ execute_process(
+ COMMAND git submodule update --init src/imgui
+-add_definitions("-DImDrawIdx=unsigned int") # short is not enough for us
+-add_definitions("-DIMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD") # We use glad
+-# Configure GL3 renderer to be GLES2 compatible if GLES2 is enabled
+- add_definitions("-DIMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2")
+-# workaround for OpenGL include for OpenGL2, need to be glad rather than gl itself
+-file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp" input)
+-string(REPLACE "OpenGL/gl.h" "glad/glad.h" input "${input}")
+-string(REPLACE "GL/gl.h" "glad/glad.h" input "${input}")
+-file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp" "${input}")
++ add_definitions("-DImDrawIdx=unsigned int") # short is not enough for us
++ add_definitions("-DIMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_LOADER_GLAD") # We use glad
++ # Configure GL3 renderer to be GLES2 compatible if GLES2 is enabled
++ add_definitions("-DIMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2")
++ endif()
++ # workaround for OpenGL include for OpenGL2, need to be glad rather than gl itself
++ file(READ "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp" input)
++ string(REPLACE "OpenGL/gl.h" "glad/glad.h" input "${input}")
++ string(REPLACE "GL/gl.h" "glad/glad.h" input "${input}")
++ file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp" "${input}")
++ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/imgui/examples)
++ set(IMGUI_LIBRARIES imgui)
++ set(SOURCES
+ imgui/imgui.cpp
+ imgui/imgui_draw.cpp
+ imgui/imgui_tables.cpp
+@@ -106,33 +108,35 @@ set(SOURCES
+ imgui/backends/imgui_impl_sdl.cpp)
++ if(ENABLE_GL1)
+- imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp
+- )
++ imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp
++ )
++ endif()
++ if(ENABLE_GL3)
+- imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
+- )
++ imgui/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
++ )
++ endif()
+-add_library(imgui STATIC ${SOURCES})
++ add_library(imgui STATIC ${SOURCES})
++ target_link_libraries(imgui
+- SDL2::SDL2-static
+- SDL2::SDL2
++ )
++ if(MINGW)
++ target_link_libraries(imgui
++ SDL2::SDL2-static
++ )
++ else()
++ target_link_libraries(imgui
++ SDL2::SDL2
++ )
++ endif()
+ endif()
+ #install(TARGETS imgui DESTINATION ${INSTALL_ARCHIVE_DIR}) # No need to install a static lib
+diff --git a/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt b/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt
+index d049ef9..bb56f70 100644
+--- a/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ elseif(APPLE)
+ endif()
+ target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME_LOWER}
+- imgui
+ SQLite::SQLite3
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openboardview-use-system-utf8.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openboardview-use-system-utf8.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25b5952bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/openboardview-use-system-utf8.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From 251e23422f37c93a3f460fb660c5e5bfa8200d91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2018 16:40:39 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] build system: Allow using utf8.h from the system.
+ src/CMakeLists.txt | 12 ++++++++----
+ src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
+index 90442ed..26d4a69 100644
+--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ if(NOT WIN32 OR MINGW)
+ endif()
+ ## utf8.h ##
+- COMMAND git submodule update --init src/utf8
++ execute_process(
++ COMMAND git submodule update --init src/utf8
++ )
+ ## zlib ##
+ find_package(ZLIB)
+diff --git a/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt b/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt
+index b0bdbe3..6c4564c 100644
+--- a/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/src/openboardview/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ include_directories(
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openjdk-14-builtins.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openjdk-14-builtins.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e7e3dcaa9..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/openjdk-14-builtins.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- jdk14-bc54620a3848/make/autoconf/basics.m4 2020-02-07 04:40:54.000000000 +1030
-+++ jdk14-bc54620a3848-new/make/autoconf/basics.m4 2020-04-24 10:59:33.056098506 +0930
-@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@
- BASIC_SETUP_TOOL($1, [AC_PATH_PROGS($1, $2, , $3)])
- if test "x[$]$1" = x; then
- AC_MSG_NOTICE([Required tool $2 not found in PATH, checking built-in])
-- if help $2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-+ if command -v $2 > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- AC_MSG_NOTICE([Found $2 as shell built-in. Using it])
- $1="$2"
- else
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-c-rehash-in.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-3.0-c-rehash-in.patch
index bd3d3178f1..6871e9348c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-c-rehash-in.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-3.0-c-rehash-in.patch
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ The 'c_rehash' program is seldom used, but it is used nonetheless
to create symbolic links to certificates, for instance in the 'nss-certs'
---- openssl-1.0.2g/tools/c_rehash.in 2015-09-09 18:36:07.313316482 +0200
-+++ openssl-1.0.2g/tools/c_rehash.in 2015-09-09 18:36:28.965458458 +0200
+diff --git a/tools/c_rehash.in b/tools/c_rehash.in
+--- a/tools/c_rehash.in
++++ b/tools/c_rehash.in
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+-#!{- $config{HASHBANGPERL} -}
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -wS "$0" ${1+"$@"}'
+ & eval 'exec perl -wS "$0" $argv:q'
+ if 0;
- # Perl c_rehash script, scan all files in a directory
- # and add symbolic links to their hash values.
+ {- use OpenSSL::Util; -}
+ # {- join("\n# ", @autowarntext) -}
+ # Copyright 1999-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-CVE-2019-1559.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-CVE-2019-1559.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e630037b5..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-CVE-2019-1559.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-From e9bbefbf0f24c57645e7ad6a5a71ae649d18ac8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matt Caswell <matt@openssl.org>
-Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 07:28:30 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Go into the error state if a fatal alert is sent or received
-If an application calls SSL_shutdown after a fatal alert has occured and
-then behaves different based on error codes from that function then the
-application may be vulnerable to a padding oracle.
-Reviewed-by: Richard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
- ssl/d1_pkt.c | 1 +
- ssl/s3_pkt.c | 10 +++++++---
- 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/ssl/d1_pkt.c b/ssl/d1_pkt.c
-index 23aa9db..c7fe977 100644
---- a/ssl/d1_pkt.c
-+++ b/ssl/d1_pkt.c
-@@ -1309,6 +1309,7 @@ int dtls1_read_bytes(SSL *s, int type, unsigned char *buf, int len, int peek)
- ERR_add_error_data(2, "SSL alert number ", tmp);
- s->shutdown |= SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN;
- SSL_CTX_remove_session(s->session_ctx, s->session);
-+ s->state = SSL_ST_ERR;
- return (0);
- } else {
-diff --git a/ssl/s3_pkt.c b/ssl/s3_pkt.c
-index 6527df8..830b723 100644
---- a/ssl/s3_pkt.c
-+++ b/ssl/s3_pkt.c
-@@ -1500,6 +1500,7 @@ int ssl3_read_bytes(SSL *s, int type, unsigned char *buf, int len, int peek)
- ERR_add_error_data(2, "SSL alert number ", tmp);
- s->shutdown |= SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN;
- SSL_CTX_remove_session(s->session_ctx, s->session);
-+ s->state = SSL_ST_ERR;
- return (0);
- } else {
-@@ -1719,9 +1720,12 @@ int ssl3_send_alert(SSL *s, int level, int desc)
- * protocol_version alerts */
- if (desc < 0)
- return -1;
-- /* If a fatal one, remove from cache */
-- if ((level == 2) && (s->session != NULL))
-- SSL_CTX_remove_session(s->session_ctx, s->session);
-+ /* If a fatal one, remove from cache and go into the error state */
-+ if (level == SSL3_AL_FATAL) {
-+ if (s->session != NULL)
-+ SSL_CTX_remove_session(s->session_ctx, s->session);
-+ s->state = SSL_ST_ERR;
-+ }
- s->s3->alert_dispatch = 1;
- s->s3->send_alert[0] = level;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-runpath.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-runpath.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fa7c0b9962..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/openssl-runpath.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-This patch makes the build system pass -Wl,-rpath=$out/lib even for
-libraries (it already does so for executables, thanks to 'DO_GNU_APP'
-in 'Makefile.shared'.)
---- openssl-1.0.2a/Makefile.shared 2015-04-05 01:07:35.357602454 +0200
-+++ openssl-1.0.2a/Makefile.shared 2015-04-05 01:09:50.474513303 +0200
-@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ LINK_SO= \
- LIBPATH=`for x in $$LIBDEPS; do echo $$x; done | sed -e 's/^ *-L//;t' -e d | uniq`; \
- LIBPATH=`echo $$LIBPATH | sed -e 's/ /:/g'`; \
- ) && $(SYMLINK_SO)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/passwordsafe-meson-remove-extra-argument.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/passwordsafe-meson-remove-extra-argument.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb61a364a..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/passwordsafe-meson-remove-extra-argument.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/data/meson.build b/data/meson.build
-index 46f6373..26a2c18 100644
---- a/data/meson.build
-+++ b/data/meson.build
-@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ if get_option('profile') == 'development'
- endif
- desktop_conf.set('ICON', application_id)
- desktop = i18n.merge_file(
-- 'desktop',
- input: configure_file(
- input: files('org.gnome.PasswordSafe.desktop.in.in'),
- output: 'org.gnome.PasswordSafe.desktop.in',
-@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ if get_option('profile') == 'development'
- endif
- appdata_conf.set('APPID', application_id)
- appdata = i18n.merge_file(
-- 'appdata',
- input: configure_file(
- input: files('org.gnome.PasswordSafe.appdata.xml.in.in'),
- output: 'org.gnome.PasswordSafe.appdata.xml.in',
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/patchutils-test-perms.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/patchutils-test-perms.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c7652b9af2..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/patchutils-test-perms.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Need to mark one of the tests as PHONY to get permissions set correctly on
-built scripts.
---- a/Makefile.in 2011-02-10 09:44:43.000000000 -0600
-+++ b/Makefile.in 2018-11-29 21:52:05.000000000 -0600
-@@ -1106,5 +1108,6 @@
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/"`echo lsdiff|sed '$(transform)'`"
- rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/"`echo grepdiff|sed '$(transform)'`"
-+.PHONY: tests/newline1/run-test
- tests/newline1/run-test: src/combinediff$(EXEEXT) src/flipdiff$(EXEEXT) \
- src/lsdiff$(EXEEXT) src/grepdiff$(EXEEXT) \
- scripts/splitdiff
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-autosplit-default-time.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-autosplit-default-time.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e801ac9bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-autosplit-default-time.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+AutoSplit will fail to create an index for files whose modification time is 0
+because its default time for a non-existent index is 1. Set this default time
+to -1 instead.
+--- perl-5.16.1/cpan/AutoLoader/lib/AutoSplit.pm.orig 2012-02-14 22:44:36.000000000 -0600
++++ perl-5.16.1/cpan/AutoLoader/lib/AutoSplit.pm 2015-09-09 19:59:22.208708921 -0500
+@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
+ my($al_idx_file) = catfile($autodir, $modpname, $IndexFile);
+ if ($check_mod_time){
+- my($al_ts_time) = (stat("$al_idx_file"))[9] || 1;
++ my($al_ts_time) = (stat("$al_idx_file"))[9] || -1;
+ if ($al_ts_time >= $pm_mod_time and
+ $al_ts_time >= $self_mod_time){
+ print "AutoSplit skipped ($al_idx_file newer than $filename)\n"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-module-pluggable-search.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-module-pluggable-search.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb2a57f7e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-module-pluggable-search.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Fix core Perl module Module::Pluggable such that it can find plugins that live
+in symlinked directories.
+Patch borrowed/adapted from Nixpkgs.
+--- perl-5.16.1/cpan/Module-Pluggable/lib/Module/Pluggable/Object.pm 2015-04-08 23:28:48.120164135 -0500
++++ perl-5.16.1/cpan/Module-Pluggable/lib/Module/Pluggable/Object.pm 2015-04-08 23:30:27.032166704 -0500
+@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
+ my $sp = catdir($dir, (split /::/, $searchpath));
+ # if it doesn't exist or it's not a dir then skip it
+- next unless ( -e $sp && -d _ ); # Use the cached stat the second time
++ next unless ( -e $sp );
+ my @files = $self->find_files($sp);
+@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
+ (my $path = $File::Find::name) =~ s#^\\./##;
+ push @files, $path;
+ }
+- }, $search_path );
++ }, "$search_path/." );
+ }
+ #chdir $cwd;
+ return @files;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-no-sys-dirs.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-no-sys-dirs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3aba4d7529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/perl-5.14-no-sys-dirs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Don't long for headers and libraries in "traditional" locations.
+Patch from Nixpkgs by Eelco Dolstra <eelco.dolstra@logicblox.com>.
+diff -ru -x '*~' perl-5.14.2-orig/Configure perl-5.14.2/Configure
+--- perl-5.14.2-orig/Configure 2011-09-26 11:44:34.000000000 +0200
++++ perl-5.14.2/Configure 2012-01-20 17:05:23.089223129 +0100
+@@ -106,15 +106,7 @@
+ fi
+ : Proper PATH setting
+-paths='/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/ucb /usr/local /usr/lbin'
+-paths="$paths /opt/bin /opt/local/bin /opt/local /opt/lbin"
+-paths="$paths /usr/5bin /etc /usr/gnu/bin /usr/new /usr/new/bin /usr/nbin"
+-paths="$paths /opt/gnu/bin /opt/new /opt/new/bin /opt/nbin"
+-paths="$paths /sys5.3/bin /sys5.3/usr/bin /bsd4.3/bin /bsd4.3/usr/ucb"
+-paths="$paths /bsd4.3/usr/bin /usr/bsd /bsd43/bin /opt/ansic/bin /usr/ccs/bin"
+-paths="$paths /etc /usr/lib /usr/ucblib /lib /usr/ccs/lib"
+-paths="$paths /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/libexec"
+-paths="$paths /system/gnu_library/bin"
+ for p in $paths
+ do
+@@ -1311,8 +1303,7 @@
+ archname=''
+ : Possible local include directories to search.
+ : Set locincpth to "" in a hint file to defeat local include searches.
+-locincpth="/usr/local/include /opt/local/include /usr/gnu/include"
+-locincpth="$locincpth /opt/gnu/include /usr/GNU/include /opt/GNU/include"
+ :
+ : no include file wanted by default
+ inclwanted=''
+@@ -1328,17 +1319,12 @@
+ archobjs=''
+ libnames=''
+ : change the next line if compiling for Xenix/286 on Xenix/386
+-xlibpth='/usr/lib/386 /lib/386'
+ : Possible local library directories to search.
+-loclibpth="/usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /usr/gnu/lib"
+-loclibpth="$loclibpth /opt/gnu/lib /usr/GNU/lib /opt/GNU/lib"
+ : general looking path for locating libraries
+-glibpth="/lib /usr/lib $xlibpth"
+-glibpth="$glibpth /usr/ccs/lib /usr/ucblib /usr/local/lib"
+-test -f /usr/shlib/libc.so && glibpth="/usr/shlib $glibpth"
+-test -f /shlib/libc.so && glibpth="/shlib $glibpth"
+-test -d /usr/lib64 && glibpth="$glibpth /lib64 /usr/lib64 /usr/local/lib64"
+ : Private path used by Configure to find libraries. Its value
+ : is prepended to libpth. This variable takes care of special
+@@ -1371,8 +1357,6 @@
+ libswanted="$libswanted m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb bsd BSD"
+ : We probably want to search /usr/shlib before most other libraries.
+ : This is only used by the lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm routine extliblist.
+-glibpth=`echo " $glibpth " | sed -e 's! /usr/shlib ! !'`
+-glibpth="/usr/shlib $glibpth"
+ : Do not use vfork unless overridden by a hint file.
+ usevfork=false
+@@ -2380,7 +2364,6 @@
+ zip
+ "
+ pth=`echo $PATH | sed -e "s/$p_/ /g"`
+-pth="$pth /lib /usr/lib"
+ for file in $loclist; do
+ eval xxx=\$$file
+ case "$xxx" in
+@@ -4785,7 +4768,7 @@
+ : Set private lib path
+ case "$plibpth" in
+ '') if ./mips; then
+- plibpth="$incpath/usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/ccs/lib"
++ plibpth="$incpath/usr/lib"
+ fi;;
+ esac
+ case "$libpth" in
+@@ -8390,13 +8373,8 @@
+ echo " "
+ case "$sysman" in
+ '')
+- syspath='/usr/share/man/man1 /usr/man/man1'
+- syspath="$syspath /usr/man/mann /usr/man/manl /usr/man/local/man1"
+- syspath="$syspath /usr/man/u_man/man1"
+- syspath="$syspath /usr/catman/u_man/man1 /usr/man/l_man/man1"
+- syspath="$syspath /usr/local/man/u_man/man1 /usr/local/man/l_man/man1"
+- syspath="$syspath /usr/man/man.L /local/man/man1 /usr/local/man/man1"
+- sysman=`./loc . /usr/man/man1 $syspath`
++ syspath=''
++ sysman=''
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if $test -d "$sysman"; then
+@@ -19721,9 +19699,10 @@
+ case "$full_ar" in
+ '') full_ar=$ar ;;
+ esac
+ : Store the full pathname to the sed program for use in the C program
+ : see what type gids are declared as in the kernel
+ echo " "
+diff -ru -x '*~' perl-5.14.2-orig/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL perl-5.14.2/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL
+--- perl-5.14.2-orig/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL 2011-09-26 11:44:34.000000000 +0200
++++ perl-5.14.2/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL 2012-01-20 17:02:07.938138311 +0100
+@@ -137,11 +137,7 @@
+ if ($dep =~ /(\S+errno\.h)/) {
+ $file{$1} = 1;
+ }
+- } elsif ($^O eq 'linux' &&
+- $Config{gccversion} ne '' &&
+- $Config{gccversion} !~ /intel/i
+- # might be using, say, Intel's icc
+- ) {
++ } elsif (0) {
+ # Some Linuxes have weird errno.hs which generate
+ # no #file or #line directives
+ my $linux_errno_h = -e '/usr/include/errno.h' ?
+diff -ru -x '*~' perl-5.14.2-orig/hints/freebsd.sh perl-5.14.2/hints/freebsd.sh
+--- perl-5.14.2-orig/hints/freebsd.sh 2011-09-19 15:18:22.000000000 +0200
++++ perl-5.14.2/hints/freebsd.sh 2012-01-20 17:10:37.267924044 +0100
+@@ -118,21 +118,21 @@
+ objformat=`/usr/bin/objformat`
+ if [ x$objformat = xaout ]; then
+ if [ -e /usr/lib/aout ]; then
+- libpth="/usr/lib/aout /usr/local/lib /usr/lib"
+- glibpth="/usr/lib/aout /usr/local/lib /usr/lib"
++ libpth=""
++ glibpth=""
+ fi
+ lddlflags='-Bshareable'
+ else
+- libpth="/usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
+- glibpth="/usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
++ libpth=""
++ glibpth=""
+ ldflags="-Wl,-E "
+ lddlflags="-shared "
+ fi
+ cccdlflags='-DPIC -fPIC'
+ ;;
+ *)
+- libpth="/usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
+- glibpth="/usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
++ libpth=""
++ glibpth=""
+ ldflags="-Wl,-E "
+ lddlflags="-shared "
+ cccdlflags='-DPIC -fPIC'
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/polkit-CVE-2021-4034.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/polkit-CVE-2021-4034.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca766cb3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/polkit-CVE-2021-4034.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Fixes CVE-2021-4034, local privilege escalation with 'pkexec':
+ https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2022/01/25/11
+Patch from <https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/polkit/polkit/-/commit/a2bf5c9c83b6ae46cbd5c779d3055bff81ded683>.
+From a2bf5c9c83b6ae46cbd5c779d3055bff81ded683 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jan Rybar <jrybar@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:21:46 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] pkexec: local privilege escalation (CVE-2021-4034)
+ src/programs/pkcheck.c | 5 +++++
+ src/programs/pkexec.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++---
+ 2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/programs/pkcheck.c b/src/programs/pkcheck.c
+index f1bb4e1..768525c 100644
+--- a/src/programs/pkcheck.c
++++ b/src/programs/pkcheck.c
+@@ -363,6 +363,11 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ local_agent_handle = NULL;
+ ret = 126;
++ if (argc < 1)
++ {
++ exit(126);
++ }
+ /* Disable remote file access from GIO. */
+ setenv ("GIO_USE_VFS", "local", 1);
+diff --git a/src/programs/pkexec.c b/src/programs/pkexec.c
+index 7698c5c..84e5ef6 100644
+--- a/src/programs/pkexec.c
++++ b/src/programs/pkexec.c
+@@ -488,6 +488,15 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ pid_t pid_of_caller;
+ gpointer local_agent_handle;
++ /*
++ * If 'pkexec' is called THIS wrong, someone's probably evil-doing. Don't be nice, just bail out.
++ */
++ if (argc<1)
++ {
++ exit(127);
++ }
+ ret = 127;
+ authority = NULL;
+ subject = NULL;
+@@ -614,10 +623,10 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ path = g_strdup (pwstruct.pw_shell);
+ if (!path)
+- {
++ {
+ g_printerr ("No shell configured or error retrieving pw_shell\n");
+ goto out;
+- }
++ }
+ /* If you change this, be sure to change the if (!command_line)
+ case below too */
+ command_line = g_strdup (path);
+@@ -636,7 +645,15 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ goto out;
+ }
+ g_free (path);
+- argv[n] = path = s;
++ path = s;
++ /* argc<2 and pkexec runs just shell, argv is guaranteed to be null-terminated.
++ * /-less shell shouldn't happen, but let's be defensive and don't write to null-termination
++ */
++ if (argv[n] != NULL)
++ {
++ argv[n] = path;
++ }
+ }
+ if (access (path, F_OK) != 0)
+ {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/postgresql-riscv-spinlocks.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/postgresql-riscv-spinlocks.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..984a573642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/postgresql-riscv-spinlocks.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+The attached patch adds native spinlock support to PostgreSQL on RISC-V
+systems. As suspected by Richard W.M. Jones of Red Hat back in 2016, the
+__sync_lock_test_and_set() approach applied on arm and arm64 works here
+as well.
+Tested against PostgreSQL 13.3 on a physical rv64gc system (BeagleV
+Starlight beta board) - builds and installs fine, all tests pass. From
+what I can see in gcc documentation this should in theory work on rv32
+(and possibly rv128) as well, therefore the patch as it stands covers
+all RISC-V systems (i.e. doesn't check the value of __risc_xlen) - but I
+haven't confirmed this experimentally.
+--- a/src/include/storage/s_lock.h
++++ b/src/include/storage/s_lock.h
+@@ -315,12 +315,12 @@
+ #endif /* __ia64__ || __ia64 */
+ /*
+- * On ARM and ARM64, we use __sync_lock_test_and_set(int *, int) if available.
++ * On ARM, ARM64 and RISC-V, we use __sync_lock_test_and_set(int *, int) if available.
+ *
+ * We use the int-width variant of the builtin because it works on more chips
+ * than other widths.
+ */
+-#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__aarch64)
++#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__arm) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__aarch64) || defined(__riscv)
+ #define HAS_TEST_AND_SET
+@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
+ #define S_UNLOCK(lock) __sync_lock_release(lock)
+ #endif /* HAVE_GCC__SYNC_INT32_TAS */
+-#endif /* __arm__ || __arm || __aarch64__ || __aarch64 */
++#endif /* __arm__ || __arm || __aarch64__ || __aarch64 || __riscv */
+ /* S/390 and S/390x Linux (32- and 64-bit zSeries) */
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-CVE-2018-14647.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-CVE-2018-14647.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f8d21820..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-CVE-2018-14647.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2018-14647:
-Taken from upstream:
-diff --git Include/pyexpat.h Include/pyexpat.h
-index 44259bf6d7..07020b5dc9 100644
---- Include/pyexpat.h
-+++ Include/pyexpat.h
-@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- /* note: you must import expat.h before importing this module! */
--#define PyExpat_CAPI_MAGIC "pyexpat.expat_CAPI 1.0"
-+#define PyExpat_CAPI_MAGIC "pyexpat.expat_CAPI 1.1"
- #define PyExpat_CAPSULE_NAME "pyexpat.expat_CAPI"
- struct PyExpat_CAPI
-@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ struct PyExpat_CAPI
- enum XML_Status (*SetEncoding)(XML_Parser parser, const XML_Char *encoding);
- int (*DefaultUnknownEncodingHandler)(
- void *encodingHandlerData, const XML_Char *name, XML_Encoding *info);
-+ /* might be none for expat < 2.1.0 */
-+ int (*SetHashSalt)(XML_Parser parser, unsigned long hash_salt);
- /* always add new stuff to the end! */
- };
-diff --git Modules/_elementtree.c Modules/_elementtree.c
-index 707ab2912b..53f05f937f 100644
---- Modules/_elementtree.c
-+++ Modules/_elementtree.c
-@@ -3261,6 +3261,11 @@ _elementtree_XMLParser___init___impl(XMLParserObject *self, PyObject *html,
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return -1;
- }
-+ /* expat < 2.1.0 has no XML_SetHashSalt() */
-+ if (EXPAT(SetHashSalt) != NULL) {
-+ EXPAT(SetHashSalt)(self->parser,
-+ (unsigned long)_Py_HashSecret.expat.hashsalt);
-+ }
- if (target) {
- Py_INCREF(target);
-diff --git Modules/pyexpat.c Modules/pyexpat.c
-index 47c3e86c20..aa21d93c11 100644
---- Modules/pyexpat.c
-+++ Modules/pyexpat.c
-@@ -1887,6 +1887,11 @@ MODULE_INITFUNC(void)
- capi.SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler = XML_SetStartDoctypeDeclHandler;
- capi.SetEncoding = XML_SetEncoding;
- capi.DefaultUnknownEncodingHandler = PyUnknownEncodingHandler;
-+ capi.SetHashSalt = XML_SetHashSalt;
-+ capi.SetHashSalt = NULL;
- /* export using capsule */
- capi_object = PyCapsule_New(&capi, PyExpat_CAPSULE_NAME, NULL);
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-CVE-2020-26116.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-CVE-2020-26116.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dc0571e964..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-CVE-2020-26116.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Fix CVE-2020-26116:
-Taken from upstream (sans test and NEWS update):
-diff --git a/Lib/http/client.py b/Lib/http/client.py
---- a/Lib/http/client.py
-+++ b/Lib/http/client.py
-@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
- # _is_allowed_url_pchars_re = re.compile(r"^[/!$&'()*+,;=:@%a-zA-Z0-9._~-]+$")
- # We are more lenient for assumed real world compatibility purposes.
-+# These characters are not allowed within HTTP method names
-+# to prevent http header injection.
-+_contains_disallowed_method_pchar_re = re.compile('[\x00-\x1f]')
- # We always set the Content-Length header for these methods because some
- # servers will otherwise respond with a 411
-@@ -1087,6 +1091,8 @@ def putrequest(self, method, url, skip_host=False,
- else:
- raise CannotSendRequest(self.__state)
-+ self._validate_method(method)
- # Save the method for use later in the response phase
- self._method = method
-@@ -1177,6 +1183,15 @@ def _encode_request(self, request):
- # ASCII also helps prevent CVE-2019-9740.
- return request.encode('ascii')
-+ def _validate_method(self, method):
-+ """Validate a method name for putrequest."""
-+ # prevent http header injection
-+ match = _contains_disallowed_method_pchar_re.search(method)
-+ if match:
-+ raise ValueError(
-+ f"method can't contain control characters. {method!r} "
-+ f"(found at least {match.group()!r})")
- def _validate_path(self, url):
- """Validate a url for putrequest."""
- # Prevent CVE-2019-9740.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-axolotl-AES-fix.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-axolotl-AES-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d34f4855cb..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-axolotl-AES-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Patch taken from the Debian package for python-axolotl-0.1.39.
-See <https://bugs.gnu.org/29415>.
-Description: Removes IV paramenter from AES constructor, since it is not necessary for ctr mode.
-Author: Josue Ortega <josue@debian.org>
-Last-Update: 2017-04-13
---- a/axolotl/sessioncipher.py
-+++ b/axolotl/sessioncipher.py
-@@ -228,13 +228,7 @@
- # counterint = struct.unpack(">L", counterbytes)[0]
- # counterint = int.from_bytes(counterbytes, byteorder='big')
- ctr = Counter.new(128, initial_value=counter)
-- # cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
-- ivBytes = bytearray(16)
-- ByteUtil.intToByteArray(ivBytes, 0, counter)
-- cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, IV=bytes(ivBytes), counter=ctr)
-+ cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, counter=ctr)
- return cipher
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-babel-fix-parse-future-test.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-babel-fix-parse-future-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a90166ec5..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-babel-fix-parse-future-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-From 7bdaa28a55e8d8228d5434effa4b1473ab7b3669 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Felix Schwarz <felix.schwarz@oss.schwarz.eu>
-Date: Tue, 5 May 2020 08:05:56 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] fix tests when using Python 3.9a6
-In Python 3.9a6 integer values for future flags were changed to prevent
-collision with compiler flags. We need to retrieve these at runtime so
-the test suite works with Python <= 3.8 as well as Python 3.9.
- tests/test_util.py | 17 ++++++++++++-----
- 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tests/test_util.py b/tests/test_util.py
-index a6a4450c..b9343aaa 100644
---- a/tests/test_util.py
-+++ b/tests/test_util.py
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- # individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
- # history and logs, available at http://babel.edgewall.org/log/.
-+import __future__
- import unittest
- import pytest
-@@ -20,6 +21,12 @@
- from babel.util import parse_future_flags
-+class _FF:
-+ division = __future__.division.compiler_flag
-+ print_function = __future__.print_function.compiler_flag
-+ with_statement = __future__.with_statement.compiler_flag
-+ unicode_literals = __future__.unicode_literals.compiler_flag
- def test_distinct():
- assert list(util.distinct([1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4])) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
- assert list(util.distinct('foobar')) == ['f', 'o', 'b', 'a', 'r']
-@@ -70,25 +77,25 @@ def test_parse_encoding_non_ascii():
- from __future__ import print_function,
- division, with_statement,
- unicode_literals
--''', 0x10000 | 0x2000 | 0x8000 | 0x20000),
-+''', _FF.print_function | _FF.division | _FF.with_statement | _FF.unicode_literals),
- ('''
- from __future__ import print_function, division
- print('hello')
--''', 0x10000 | 0x2000),
-+''', _FF.print_function | _FF.division),
- ('''
- from __future__ import print_function, division, unknown,,,,,
- print 'hello'
--''', 0x10000 | 0x2000),
-+''', _FF.print_function | _FF.division),
- ('''
- from __future__ import (
- print_function,
- division)
--''', 0x10000 | 0x2000),
-+''', _FF.print_function | _FF.division),
- ('''
- from __future__ import \\
- print_function, \\
- division
--''', 0x10000 | 0x2000),
-+''', _FF.print_function | _FF.division),
- ])
- def test_parse_future(source, result):
- fp = BytesIO(source.encode('latin-1'))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-matplotlib-run-under-wayland-gtk3.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-matplotlib-run-under-wayland-gtk3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f067763b5..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-matplotlib-run-under-wayland-gtk3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
-Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2021 18:04:33 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] gnu: python-matplotlib: Run under Wayland with GTK3.
-Adopted from upstream's fix[0] for
-[0]: https://github.com/liuyun88/matplotlib/commit/3d5000463bd23cb046681220f5511f07743f7d82
-diff -Naur a/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py b/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py
---- a/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py 2019-11-21 23:47:05.000000000 +0100
-+++ b/lib/matplotlib/backends/backend_gtk3.py 2021-03-02 18:00:57.479929766 +0100
-@@ -42,11 +42,12 @@
- try:
-+ _display = Gdk.Display.get_default()
- cursord = {
-- cursors.MOVE : Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.FLEUR),
-- cursors.HAND : Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.HAND2),
-- cursors.POINTER : Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR),
-- cursors.SELECT_REGION : Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.TCROSS),
-- cursors.WAIT : Gdk.Cursor.new(Gdk.CursorType.WATCH),
-+ cursors.MOVE : Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(_display, "move"),
-+ cursors.HAND : Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(_display, "pointer"),
-+ cursors.POINTER : Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(_display, "default"),
-+ cursors.SELECT_REGION : Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(_display, "crosshair"),
-+ cursors.WAIT : Gdk.Cursor.new_from_name(_display, "wait"),
- }
- except TypeError as exc:
- # Happens when running headless. Convert to ImportError to cooperate with
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-mypy-12332.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-mypy-12332.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d43cf42ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-mypy-12332.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+From 518c864805dd93e62d59439e665a0ce9d6778419 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Ekin Dursun <ekindursun@gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2022 22:06:48 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH] mypyc: Fix overflow in id function (CPyTagged_Id)
+In CPython, the id of an object is its address. It's computed by
+converting the pointer to an unsigned integer (PyLong_FromVoidPtr). A
+similar logic is present here, pointer is converted to a Py_ssize_t and
+CPyTagged_FromSsize_t is called with that integer.
+There is a problem with that approach: Py_ssize_t cannot hold every
+pointer value. Sometimes overflow happens and CPyTagged_FromSsize_t is
+called with a negative integer.
+With the new approach, the number is checked: If it fits in a
+Py_ssize_t, CPyTagged_FromSsize_t is called. If not, it is directly
+converted to a PyObject using PyLong_FromVoidPtr.
+ mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h | 1 +
+ mypyc/lib-rt/int_ops.c | 9 +++++++++
+ mypyc/lib-rt/misc_ops.c | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h b/mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h
+index 987819154ab..9f5ae52d4e4 100644
+--- a/mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h
++++ b/mypyc/lib-rt/CPy.h
+@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ static inline size_t CPy_FindAttrOffset(PyTypeObject *trait, CPyVTableItem *vtab
+ CPyTagged CPyTagged_FromSsize_t(Py_ssize_t value);
++CPyTagged CPyTagged_FromVoidPtr(void *ptr);
+ CPyTagged CPyTagged_FromObject(PyObject *object);
+ CPyTagged CPyTagged_StealFromObject(PyObject *object);
+ CPyTagged CPyTagged_BorrowFromObject(PyObject *object);
+diff --git a/mypyc/lib-rt/int_ops.c b/mypyc/lib-rt/int_ops.c
+index 1275f2c1057..edf06314161 100644
+--- a/mypyc/lib-rt/int_ops.c
++++ b/mypyc/lib-rt/int_ops.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ CPyTagged CPyTagged_FromSsize_t(Py_ssize_t value) {
+ }
+ }
++CPyTagged CPyTagged_FromVoidPtr(void *ptr) {
++ if ((uintptr_t)ptr > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX) {
++ PyObject *object = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(ptr);
++ return ((CPyTagged)object) | CPY_INT_TAG;
++ } else {
++ return CPyTagged_FromSsize_t((Py_ssize_t)ptr);
++ }
+ CPyTagged CPyTagged_FromObject(PyObject *object) {
+ int overflow;
+ // The overflow check knows about CPyTagged's width
+diff --git a/mypyc/lib-rt/misc_ops.c b/mypyc/lib-rt/misc_ops.c
+index cebd1cf997f..dcce89d9072 100644
+--- a/mypyc/lib-rt/misc_ops.c
++++ b/mypyc/lib-rt/misc_ops.c
+@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ CPyPickle_GetState(PyObject *obj)
+ }
+ CPyTagged CPyTagged_Id(PyObject *o) {
+- return CPyTagged_FromSsize_t((Py_ssize_t)o);
++ return CPyTagged_FromVoidPtr(o);
+ }
+ #define MAX_INT_CHARS 22
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-pytest-asyncio-python-3.8.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-pytest-asyncio-python-3.8.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 519f92c047..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-pytest-asyncio-python-3.8.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Modified to apply on 0.10.0.
-From c7a111180b3f35f2fe5a07ead185e4e792f9dfa0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andrew Svetlov <andrew.svetlov@gmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2020 08:44:46 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Test on Python 3.8, drop 3.3 and 3.4
- .travis.yml | 7 +++---
- setup.py | 1 +
- tests/conftest.py | 2 +-
- tests/test_hypothesis_integration.py | 2 +-
- tests/test_simple.py | 32 +++++++++++-----------------
- tests/test_simple_35.py | 17 ++++++---------
- tests/test_subprocess.py | 6 ++----
- tox.ini | 5 +++--
- 8 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
-index fe90234..b93377a 100644
---- a/.travis.yml
-+++ b/.travis.yml
-@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- language: python
- matrix:
- include:
- - python: 3.5
-@@ -7,10 +8,8 @@ matrix:
- env: TOX_ENV=py36
- - python: 3.7
- env: TOX_ENV=py37
-- # TODO: the dist and sudo keys are currently needed to use Python 3.7.
-- # They should be removed once Travis-CI supports 3.7 on the default image.
-- dist: xenial
-- sudo: true
-+ - python: 3.8
-+ env: TOX_ENV=py38
- install: pip install tox-travis coveralls
-diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
-index 18566bf..6175711 100644
---- a/setup.py
-+++ b/setup.py
-@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ def find_version():
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
- "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
-+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
- "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing",
- "Framework :: Pytest",
- ],
-diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
-index 6203cf8..cc2ec16 100644
---- a/tests/conftest.py
-+++ b/tests/conftest.py
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ def dependent_fixture(event_loop):
- async def just_a_sleep():
- """Just sleep a little while."""
- nonlocal event_loop
-- await asyncio.sleep(0.1, loop=event_loop)
-+ await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- nonlocal counter
- counter += 1
-diff --git a/tests/test_simple.py b/tests/test_simple.py
-index 1627139..00c07fc 100644
---- a/tests/test_simple.py
-+++ b/tests/test_simple.py
-@@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
- """Quick'n'dirty unit tests for provided fixtures and markers."""
- import asyncio
--import os
- import pytest
- import pytest_asyncio.plugin
--async def async_coro(loop=None):
-- """A very simple coroutine."""
-- await asyncio.sleep(0, loop=loop)
-+async def async_coro():
-+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
- return 'ok'
- def test_event_loop_fixture(event_loop):
- """Test the injection of the event_loop fixture."""
- assert event_loop
-- ret = event_loop.run_until_complete(async_coro(event_loop))
-+ ret = event_loop.run_until_complete(async_coro())
- assert ret == 'ok'
- @pytest.mark.asyncio
--def test_asyncio_marker():
-+async def test_asyncio_marker():
- """Test the asyncio pytest marker."""
-- yield # sleep(0)
-+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
- @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='need a failure', strict=True)
-@@ -45,13 +43,11 @@ async def closer(_, writer):
- writer.close()
- server1 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=unused_tcp_port,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=unused_tcp_port)
- with pytest.raises(IOError):
- await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=unused_tcp_port,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=unused_tcp_port)
- server1.close()
- await server1.wait_closed()
-@@ -68,20 +64,16 @@ async def closer(_, writer):
- unused_tcp_port_factory())
- server1 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port1,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port1)
- server2 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port2,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port2)
- server3 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port3,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port3)
- for port in port1, port2, port3:
- with pytest.raises(IOError):
- await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port)
- server1.close()
- await server1.wait_closed()
-@@ -117,7 +109,7 @@ class Test:
- @pytest.mark.asyncio
- async def test_asyncio_marker_method(self, event_loop):
- """Test the asyncio pytest marker in a Test class."""
-- ret = await async_coro(event_loop)
-+ ret = await async_coro()
- assert ret == 'ok'
-diff --git a/tests/test_simple_35.py b/tests/test_simple_35.py
-index 1e4d697..4141fb0 100644
---- a/tests/test_simple_35.py
-+++ b/tests/test_simple_35.py
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- @pytest.mark.asyncio
- async def async_coro(loop):
-- await asyncio.sleep(0, loop=loop)
-+ await asyncio.sleep(0)
- return 'ok'
-@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ async def closer(_, writer):
- writer.close()
- server1 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=unused_tcp_port,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=unused_tcp_port)
- server1.close()
- await server1.wait_closed()
-@@ -45,20 +44,16 @@ async def closer(_, writer):
- async def run_test():
- server1 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port1,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port1)
- server2 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port2,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port2)
- server3 = await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port3,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port3)
- for port in port1, port2, port3:
- with pytest.raises(IOError):
- await asyncio.start_server(closer, host='localhost',
-- port=port,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ port=port)
- server1.close()
- await server1.wait_closed()
-diff --git a/tests/test_subprocess.py b/tests/test_subprocess.py
-index 83490e8..069c6c2 100644
---- a/tests/test_subprocess.py
-+++ b/tests/test_subprocess.py
-@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ def event_loop():
- async def test_subprocess(event_loop):
- """Starting a subprocess should be possible."""
- proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
-- sys.executable, '--version', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ sys.executable, '--version', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
- await proc.communicate()
-@@ -30,6 +29,5 @@ async def test_subprocess(event_loop):
- async def test_subprocess_forbid(event_loop):
- """Starting a subprocess should be possible."""
- proc = await asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec(
-- sys.executable, '--version', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
-- loop=event_loop)
-+ sys.executable, '--version', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
- await proc.communicate()
-diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
-index 13d5155..eed6fb6 100644
---- a/tox.ini
-+++ b/tox.ini
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- [tox]
--envlist = py35, py36, py37
--minversion = 2.5.0
-+minversion = 3.14.0
-+envlist = py35, py36, py37, py38
-+skip_missing_interpreters = true
- [testenv]
- extras = testing
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-pytorch-1.9.0-system-libraries.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-pytorch-1.9.0-system-libraries.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76c06520f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-pytorch-1.9.0-system-libraries.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+Use our own googletest rather than the bundled one.
+Get NNPACK to use our own PeachPy rather than the bundled one.
+diff --git a/cmake/Dependencies.cmake b/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
+index 5d57b9ca78..620cca4e60 100644
+--- a/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
++++ b/cmake/Dependencies.cmake
+ # this shouldn't be necessary anymore.
+- add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../third_party/googletest)
+- include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../third_party/googletest/googletest/include)
+- include_directories(BEFORE SYSTEM ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../third_party/googletest/googlemock/include)
+ # We will not need to test benchmark lib itself.
+ set(BENCHMARK_ENABLE_TESTING OFF CACHE BOOL "Disable benchmark testing as we don't need it.")
+ endif()
+ message("-- Found onnx: ${ONNX_LIBRARY} ${ONNX_PROTO_LIBRARY}")
+- list(APPEND Caffe2_DEPENDENCY_LIBS onnx_proto onnx)
++ list(APPEND Caffe2_DEPENDENCY_LIBS onnx_proto onnx onnx_optimizer)
+ endif()
+ include_directories(${FOXI_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ list(APPEND Caffe2_DEPENDENCY_LIBS foxi_loader)
+diff --git a/caffe2/CMakeLists.txt b/caffe2/CMakeLists.txt
+index 50ebb224ce..5953d9ddf7 100644
+--- a/caffe2/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/caffe2/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@ if(BUILD_TEST)
+ if(NOT MSVC)
+ add_executable(${test_name}_${CPU_CAPABILITY} "${test_src}" ../aten/src/ATen/native/quantized/affine_quantizer_base.cpp)
+ # TODO: Get rid of c10 dependency (which is only needed for the implementation of AT_ERROR)
+- target_link_libraries(${test_name}_${CPU_CAPABILITY} c10 sleef gtest_main)
++ target_link_libraries(${test_name}_${CPU_CAPABILITY} c10 sleef gtest_main gtest)
+ target_link_libraries(${test_name}_${CPU_CAPABILITY} fbgemm)
+ endif()
+@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ if(BUILD_TEST)
+ foreach(test_src ${Caffe2_CPU_TEST_SRCS})
+ get_filename_component(test_name ${test_src} NAME_WE)
+ add_executable(${test_name} "${test_src}")
+- target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main)
++ target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main gtest)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include>)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE ${Caffe2_CPU_INCLUDE})
+@@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@ if(BUILD_TEST)
+ foreach(test_src ${Caffe2_GPU_TEST_SRCS})
+ get_filename_component(test_name ${test_src} NAME_WE)
+ cuda_add_executable(${test_name} "${test_src}")
+- target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main)
++ target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main gtest)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE ${Caffe2_CPU_INCLUDE})
+ add_test(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${test_name}>)
+@@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ if(BUILD_TEST)
+ foreach(test_src ${Caffe2_VULKAN_TEST_SRCS})
+ get_filename_component(test_name ${test_src} NAME_WE)
+ add_executable(${test_name} "${test_src}")
+- target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main)
++ target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main gtest)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE ${Caffe2_CPU_INCLUDE})
+ add_test(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${test_name}>)
+@@ -1709,7 +1709,7 @@ if(BUILD_TEST)
+ foreach(test_src ${Caffe2_HIP_TEST_SRCS})
+ get_filename_component(test_name ${test_src} NAME_WE)
+ add_executable(${test_name} "${test_src}")
+- target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main)
++ target_link_libraries(${test_name} torch_library gtest_main gtest)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>)
+ target_include_directories(${test_name} PRIVATE ${Caffe2_CPU_INCLUDE} ${Caffe2_HIP_INCLUDE})
+ target_compile_options(${test_name} PRIVATE ${HIP_CXX_FLAGS})
+diff --git a/torch/lib/c10d/test/CMakeLists.txt b/torch/lib/c10d/test/CMakeLists.txt
+index b74d4b65f7..fc7c207505 100644
+--- a/torch/lib/c10d/test/CMakeLists.txt
++++ b/torch/lib/c10d/test/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -16,24 +16,24 @@ function(c10d_add_test test_src)
+ add_test(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:${test_name}>)
+ endfunction()
+-c10d_add_test(FileStoreTest.cpp c10d gtest_main)
+-c10d_add_test(TCPStoreTest.cpp c10d gtest_main)
++c10d_add_test(FileStoreTest.cpp c10d gtest_main gtest)
++c10d_add_test(TCPStoreTest.cpp c10d gtest_main gtest)
+ if(NOT WIN32)
+- c10d_add_test(HashStoreTest.cpp c10d gtest_main)
++ c10d_add_test(HashStoreTest.cpp c10d gtest_main gtest)
+ endif()
+ if(USE_CUDA)
+ if(USE_C10D_GLOO)
+- c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupGlooTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test gtest_main)
+- c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupGlooAsyncTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test gtest_main)
++ c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupGlooTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test gtest_main gtest)
++ c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupGlooAsyncTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test gtest_main gtest)
+ endif()
+ if(USE_C10D_NCCL)
+- c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupNCCLTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test gtest_main)
++ c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupNCCLTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test gtest_main gtest)
+ c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupNCCLErrorsTest.cpp c10d c10d_cuda_test
+- gtest_main)
++ gtest_main gtest)
+ endif()
+ else()
+ if(USE_C10D_GLOO)
+- c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupGlooTest.cpp c10d gtest_main)
++ c10d_add_test(ProcessGroupGlooTest.cpp c10d gtest_main gtest)
+ endif()
+ endif()
+diff --git a/cmake/External/nnpack.cmake b/cmake/External/nnpack.cmake
+index a41343cbb5..6075bdd0a4 100644
+--- a/cmake/External/nnpack.cmake
++++ b/cmake/External/nnpack.cmake
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ endif()
+ # (3) Android, iOS, Linux, macOS - supported
+ ##############################################################################
+ message(STATUS "Brace yourself, we are building NNPACK")
+@@ -114,6 +114,5 @@ endif()
+ # (4) Catch-all: not supported.
+ ##############################################################################
+-message(WARNING "Unknown platform - I don't know how to build NNPACK. "
+- "See cmake/External/nnpack.cmake for details.")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch
index ccd87911d8..11424bf4db 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch
@@ -1,62 +1,64 @@
-From 3cc41c05fad5601c0dd1832f64a6e9efca017727 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
-Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 11:36:04 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] robottime: Honor the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable.
+Do not embed any timestamp in the built documentation.
-Honoring the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable allows building
-the documentation using libdoc reproducibly, by setting the generated
-timestamp to a fixed value.
+Upstream issue: https://github.com/robotframework/robotframework/issues/4262.
-For more background on reproducible builds and the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
-environment variable, see:
-* src/robot/utils/robottime.py: import `os'.
-(TimestampCache._get_epoch): Retrieve date from SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH if
-it is defined, otherwise from time.time().
-* utest/output/test_logger.py (TestLogger.test_write_to_one_logger):
-Check for the existance of a timestamp attribute instead of checking
-for its content as the later is easy to break when using the
-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable.
- src/robot/utils/robottime.py | 3 +++
- utest/output/test_logger.py | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/robot/utils/robottime.py b/src/robot/utils/robottime.py
-index 06432a4a6..91526f826 100644
---- a/src/robot/utils/robottime.py
-+++ b/src/robot/utils/robottime.py
+diff --git a/doc/userguide/ug2html.py b/doc/userguide/ug2html.py
+index 43cdb31bd..550e74a79 100755
+--- a/doc/userguide/ug2html.py
++++ b/doc/userguide/ug2html.py
+@@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ def create_userguide():
+ install_file = _copy_installation_instructions()
+ description = 'HTML generator for Robot Framework User Guide.'
+- arguments = ['--time',
+- '--stylesheet-path', ['src/userguide.css'],
++ arguments = ['--stylesheet-path', ['src/userguide.css'],
+ 'src/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.rst',
+ 'RobotFrameworkUserGuide.html']
+ os.chdir(CURDIR)
+diff --git a/src/robot/libdocpkg/model.py b/src/robot/libdocpkg/model.py
+index 4d9ffd70b..5c276d1d6 100644
+--- a/src/robot/libdocpkg/model.py
++++ b/src/robot/libdocpkg/model.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
- import datetime
+ import json
+import os
- import time
import re
+ from itertools import chain
-@@ -395,6 +396,8 @@ class TimestampCache(object):
+@@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ class LibraryDoc(object):
+ 'name': self.name,
+ 'doc': self.doc,
+ 'version': self.version,
+- 'generated': get_timestamp(daysep='-', millissep=None),
++ 'generated': ('' if os.environ['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH']
++ else get_timestamp(daysep='-', millissep=None)),
+ 'type': self.type,
+ 'scope': self.scope,
+ 'docFormat': self.doc_format,
+diff --git a/src/robot/libdocpkg/xmlwriter.py b/src/robot/libdocpkg/xmlwriter.py
+index 3882e1219..4a84fb42e 100644
+--- a/src/robot/libdocpkg/xmlwriter.py
++++ b/src/robot/libdocpkg/xmlwriter.py
+@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
+ # limitations under the License.
- # Seam for mocking
- def _get_epoch(self):
-+ if os.getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'):
-+ return float(os.getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'))
- return time.time()
+ import os.path
++import os
+ from datetime import datetime
- def _use_cache(self, secs, *separators):
-diff --git a/utest/output/test_logger.py b/utest/output/test_logger.py
-index 92fe6d77d..e980227aa 100644
---- a/utest/output/test_logger.py
-+++ b/utest/output/test_logger.py
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class TestLogger(unittest.TestCase):
- logger = LoggerMock(('Hello, world!', 'INFO'))
- self.logger.register_logger(logger)
- self.logger.write('Hello, world!', 'INFO')
-- assert_true(logger.msg.timestamp.startswith('20'))
-+ assert_true(hasattr(logger.msg, 'timestamp'))
+ from robot.utils import WINDOWS, XmlWriter, unicode
+@@ -30,7 +32,9 @@ class LibdocXmlWriter(object):
+ self._write_end(writer)
- def test_write_to_one_logger_with_trace_level(self):
- logger = LoggerMock(('expected message', 'TRACE'))
+ def _write_start(self, libdoc, writer):
+- generated = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z'
++ generated = (
++ '' if os.environ['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH']
++ else datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z')
+ attrs = {'name': libdoc.name,
+ 'type': libdoc.type,
+ 'format': libdoc.doc_format,
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-sshlibrary-rf5-compat.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-sshlibrary-rf5-compat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d867d4cabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-sshlibrary-rf5-compat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This patches add compatibility for the forthcoming RobotFramework 5.
+Taken from: https://github.com/robotframework/SSHLibrary/pull/403.
+diff --git a/src/SSHLibrary/pythonforward.py b/src/SSHLibrary/pythonforward.py
+index 8b85997b7..607985cf4 100644
+--- a/src/SSHLibrary/pythonforward.py
++++ b/src/SSHLibrary/pythonforward.py
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ import select
+ import socket
+ import threading
+-from robot.utils import platform
++from robot.utils import PY2, WINDOWS
+ from .logger import logger
+-if platform.PY2 and platform.WINDOWS:
++if PY2 and WINDOWS:
+ import win_inet_pton
+ try:
+ import SocketServer
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eea88e01f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-robotframework-ug2html.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Do not require the obsolete robotframeworklexer.
+Submitted upstream at: https://github.com/robotframework/robotframework/pull/4265.
+diff --git a/doc/userguide/ug2html.py b/doc/userguide/ug2html.py
+index 43cdb31bd..033203552 100755
+--- a/doc/userguide/ug2html.py
++++ b/doc/userguide/ug2html.py
+@@ -93,34 +93,26 @@ from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
+ from pygments import highlight, __version__ as pygments_version
+ from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
+-# Use latest version, not version bundled with Pygments
+-import robotframeworklexer
+ def too_old(version_string, minimum):
+ version = tuple(int(v) for v in version_string.split('.')[:2])
+ return version < minimum
+-if too_old(getattr(robotframeworklexer, '__version__', '1.0'), (1, 1)):
+- sys.exit('robotframeworklexer >= 1.1 is required.')
+-if too_old(pygments_version, (2, 1)):
+- sys.exit('Pygments >= 2.1 is required.')
++if too_old(pygments_version, (2, 8)):
++ sys.exit('Pygments >= 2.8 is required.')
+ def pygments_directive(name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
+ content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
+ try:
+- if arguments[0] == 'robotframework':
+- lexer = robotframeworklexer.RobotFrameworkLexer()
+- else:
+- lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
++ lexer = get_lexer_by_name(arguments[0])
+ except ValueError as err:
+ raise ValueError(f'Invalid syntax highlighting language "{arguments[0]}".')
+ # take an arbitrary option if more than one is given
+ formatter = options and VARIANTS[options.keys()[0]] or DEFAULT
+ # possibility to read the content from an external file
+- filtered = [ line for line in content if line.strip() ]
++ filtered = [line for line in content if line.strip()]
+ if len(filtered) == 1:
+ path = filtered[0].replace('/', os.sep)
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+diff --git a/requirements-build.txt b/requirements-build.txt
+index e0f5e19a2..a2fcdcfd5 100644
+--- a/requirements-build.txt
++++ b/requirements-build.txt
+@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ rellu >= 0.7
+ twine >= 1.12
+ wheel
+ docutils
+-pygments >= 2.1
+-robotframeworklexer >= 1.1
++pygments >= 2.8
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python-seaborn-2690.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python-seaborn-2690.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4662d19c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python-seaborn-2690.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+This patch was adapted from the upstream pull request 2690.
+From ebd6812d48f5b8ed1ebb7d79bda0b2a7b9ae2812 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Waskom <mwaskom@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 15:09:27 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Update boxplot tests for mpl3.5 compatability
+ seaborn/tests/test_categorical.py | 30 +++++++++++++++++++-----------
+ 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/seaborn/tests/test_categorical.py b/seaborn/tests/test_categorical.py
+index d4e09b703..488fad2d6 100644
+--- a/seaborn/tests/test_categorical.py
++++ b/seaborn/tests/test_categorical.py
+@@ -110,6 +110,11 @@ class CategoricalFixture:
+ df = pd.DataFrame(dict(y=y, g=g, h=h, u=u))
+ x_df["W"] = g
++ def get_box_artists(self, ax):
++ # Exclude labeled patches, which are for the legend
++ return [p for p in ax.patches if not p.get_label()]
+ class TestCategoricalPlotter(CategoricalFixture):
+@@ -855,12 +863,12 @@ def test_hue_offsets(self):
+ def test_axes_data(self):
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x="g", y="y", data=self.df)
+- assert len(ax.artists) == 3
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(ax)) == 3
+ plt.close("all")
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x="g", y="y", hue="h", data=self.df)
+- assert len(ax.artists) == 6
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(ax)) == 6
+ plt.close("all")
+@@ -868,14 +876,14 @@ def test_box_colors(self):
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x="g", y="y", data=self.df, saturation=1)
+ pal = palettes.color_palette(n_colors=3)
+- for patch, color in zip(ax.artists, pal):
++ for patch, color in zip(self.get_box_artists(ax), pal):
+ assert patch.get_facecolor()[:3] == color
+ plt.close("all")
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x="g", y="y", hue="h", data=self.df, saturation=1)
+ pal = palettes.color_palette(n_colors=2)
+- for patch, color in zip(ax.artists, pal * 2):
++ for patch, color in zip(self.get_box_artists(ax), pal * 2):
+ assert patch.get_facecolor()[:3] == color
+ plt.close("all")
+@@ -884,7 +892,7 @@ def test_draw_missing_boxes(self):
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x="g", y="y", data=self.df,
+ order=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
+- assert len(ax.artists) == 3
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(ax)) == 3
+ def test_missing_data(self):
+@@ -894,13 +902,13 @@ def test_missing_data(self):
+ y[-2:] = np.nan
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x=x, y=y)
+- assert len(ax.artists) == 3
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(ax)) == 3
+ plt.close("all")
+ y[-1] = 0
+ ax = cat.boxplot(x=x, y=y, hue=h)
+- assert len(ax.artists) == 7
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(ax)) == 7
+ plt.close("all")
+@@ -2766,11 +2774,11 @@ def test_plot_elements(self):
+ g = cat.catplot(x="g", y="y", data=self.df, kind="box")
+ want_artists = self.g.unique().size
+- assert len(g.ax.artists) == want_artists
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(g.ax)) == want_artists
+ g = cat.catplot(x="g", y="y", hue="h", data=self.df, kind="box")
+ want_artists = self.g.unique().size * self.h.unique().size
+- assert len(g.ax.artists) == want_artists
++ assert len(self.get_box_artists(g.ax)) == want_artists
+ g = cat.catplot(x="g", y="y", data=self.df,
+ kind="violin", inner=None)
+@@ -3137,14 +3145,14 @@ def test_box_colors(self):
+ ax = cat.boxenplot(x="g", y="y", data=self.df, saturation=1)
+ pal = palettes.color_palette(n_colors=3)
+- for patch, color in zip(ax.artists, pal):
++ for patch, color in zip(self.get_box_artists(ax), pal):
+ assert patch.get_facecolor()[:3] == color
+ plt.close("all")
+ ax = cat.boxenplot(x="g", y="y", hue="h", data=self.df, saturation=1)
+ pal = palettes.color_palette(n_colors=2)
+- for patch, color in zip(ax.artists, pal * 2):
++ for patch, color in zip(self.get_box_artists(ax), pal * 2):
+ assert patch.get_facecolor()[:3] == color
+ plt.close("all")
+From ff78ed38817a346e760194ab3b03b28d7ea3ba1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Waskom <mwaskom@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 15:50:54 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Update kdeplot tests for mpl3.5 compatability
+ seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py b/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py
+index d241fd978..466efb69e 100644
+--- a/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py
++++ b/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py
+@@ -39,6 +39,27 @@
+ )
++def get_contour_coords(c):
++ """Provide compatability for change in contour artist type in mpl3.5."""
++ # See https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/20906
++ if isinstance(c, mpl.collections.LineCollection):
++ return c.get_segments()
++ elif isinstance(c, mpl.collections.PathCollection):
++ return [p.vertices[:np.argmax(p.codes) + 1] for p in c.get_paths()]
++def get_contour_color(c):
++ """Provide compatability for change in contour artist type in mpl3.5."""
++ # See https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/20906
++ if isinstance(c, mpl.collections.LineCollection):
++ return c.get_color()
++ elif isinstance(c, mpl.collections.PathCollection):
++ if c.get_facecolor().size:
++ return c.get_facecolor()
++ else:
++ return c.get_edgecolor()
+ class TestDistPlot(object):
+ rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
+@@ -902,7 +923,7 @@ def test_fill_artists(self, long_df):
+ f, ax = plt.subplots()
+ kdeplot(data=long_df, x="x", y="y", hue="c", fill=fill)
+ for c in ax.collections:
+- if fill:
++ if fill or Version(mpl.__version__) >= Version("3.5.0b0"):
+ assert isinstance(c, mpl.collections.PathCollection)
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(c, mpl.collections.LineCollection)
+@@ -918,8 +939,8 @@ def test_common_norm(self, rng):
+ kdeplot(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, common_norm=True, ax=ax1)
+ kdeplot(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, common_norm=False, ax=ax2)
+- n_seg_1 = sum([len(c.get_segments()) > 0 for c in ax1.collections])
+- n_seg_2 = sum([len(c.get_segments()) > 0 for c in ax2.collections])
++ n_seg_1 = sum([len(get_contour_coords(c)) > 0 for c in ax1.collections])
++ n_seg_2 = sum([len(get_contour_coords(c)) > 0 for c in ax2.collections])
+ assert n_seg_2 > n_seg_1
+ def test_log_scale(self, rng):
+@@ -946,7 +967,7 @@ def test_log_scale(self, rng):
+ ax2.contour(10 ** xx, yy, density, levels=levels)
+ for c1, c2 in zip(ax1.collections, ax2.collections):
+- assert_array_equal(c1.get_segments(), c2.get_segments())
++ assert_array_equal(get_contour_coords(c1), get_contour_coords(c2))
+ def test_bandwidth(self, rng):
+@@ -959,7 +980,7 @@ def test_bandwidth(self, rng):
+ kdeplot(x=x, y=y, bw_adjust=2, ax=ax2)
+ for c1, c2 in zip(ax1.collections, ax2.collections):
+- seg1, seg2 = c1.get_segments(), c2.get_segments()
++ seg1, seg2 = get_contour_coords(c1), get_contour_coords(c2)
+ if seg1 + seg2:
+ x1 = seg1[0][:, 0]
+ x2 = seg2[0][:, 0]
+@@ -980,9 +1001,9 @@ def test_weights(self, rng):
+ kdeplot(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, weights=weights, ax=ax2)
+ for c1, c2 in zip(ax1.collections, ax2.collections):
+- if c1.get_segments() and c2.get_segments():
+- seg1 = np.concatenate(c1.get_segments(), axis=0)
+- seg2 = np.concatenate(c2.get_segments(), axis=0)
++ if get_contour_coords(c1) and get_contour_coords(c2):
++ seg1 = np.concatenate(get_contour_coords(c1), axis=0)
++ seg2 = np.concatenate(get_contour_coords(c2), axis=0)
+ assert not np.array_equal(seg1, seg2)
+ def test_hue_ignores_cmap(self, long_df):
+@@ -1030,7 +1051,7 @@ def test_levels_and_thresh(self, long_df):
+ kdeplot(**plot_kws, levels=np.linspace(thresh, 1, n), ax=ax2)
+ for c1, c2 in zip(ax1.collections, ax2.collections):
+- assert_array_equal(c1.get_segments(), c2.get_segments())
++ assert_array_equal(get_contour_coords(c1), get_contour_coords(c2))
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ kdeplot(**plot_kws, levels=[0, 1, 2])
+@@ -1042,7 +1063,7 @@ def test_levels_and_thresh(self, long_df):
+ kdeplot(**plot_kws, levels=n, thresh=0, ax=ax2)
+ for c1, c2 in zip(ax1.collections, ax2.collections):
+- assert_array_equal(c1.get_segments(), c2.get_segments())
++ assert_array_equal(get_contour_coords(c1), get_contour_coords(c2))
+ for c1, c2 in zip(ax1.collections, ax2.collections):
+ assert_array_equal(c1.get_facecolors(), c2.get_facecolors())
+@@ -2322,13 +2343,13 @@ def test_bivariate_kde_norm(self, rng):
+ z = [0] * 80 + [1] * 20
+ g = displot(x=x, y=y, col=z, kind="kde", levels=10)
+- l1 = sum(bool(c.get_segments()) for c in g.axes.flat[0].collections)
+- l2 = sum(bool(c.get_segments()) for c in g.axes.flat[1].collections)
++ l1 = sum(bool(get_contour_coords(c)) for c in g.axes.flat[0].collections)
++ l2 = sum(bool(get_contour_coords(c)) for c in g.axes.flat[1].collections)
+ assert l1 > l2
+ g = displot(x=x, y=y, col=z, kind="kde", levels=10, common_norm=False)
+- l1 = sum(bool(c.get_segments()) for c in g.axes.flat[0].collections)
+- l2 = sum(bool(c.get_segments()) for c in g.axes.flat[1].collections)
++ l1 = sum(bool(get_contour_coords(c)) for c in g.axes.flat[0].collections)
++ l2 = sum(bool(get_contour_coords(c)) for c in g.axes.flat[1].collections)
+ assert l1 == l2
+ def test_bivariate_hist_norm(self, rng):
+From a20ce3fabeb23c97b5827d9fb0c6a96ac109ea64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Waskom <mwaskom@gmail.com>
+Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 16:10:47 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Update legend tests for mpl3.5 compatability
+ seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py | 5 ++++-
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py b/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py
+index 466efb69e..024fe7541 100644
+--- a/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py
++++ b/seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py
+@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ def test_legend(self, long_df):
+ for label, level in zip(legend_labels, order):
+ assert label.get_text() == level
+- legend_artists = ax.legend_.findobj(mpl.lines.Line2D)[::2]
++ legend_artists = ax.legend_.findobj(mpl.lines.Line2D)
+ palette = color_palette()
+ for artist, color in zip(legend_artists, palette):
+ assert_colors_equal(artist.get_color(), color)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python2-larch-coverage-4.0a6-compatibility.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python2-larch-coverage-4.0a6-compatibility.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f1db5d7c3b..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/python2-larch-coverage-4.0a6-compatibility.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From ca548da9ba78ddee90779051210e3e89185e4f7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Michel Alexandre Salim <michel@michel-slm.name>
-Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2016 23:03:42 +0700
-Subject: coverage-4.0a6 compatibility
-coverage 4.0a6 no longer generates .coverage file, so use -f when
-deleting .coverage to ensure deletion does not fail.
- Makefile | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-(limited to 'Makefile')
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index 7818f57..362c07f 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fsck-larch.1: fsck-larch.1.in fsck-larch
- check:
- python -m CoverageTestRunner --ignore-missing-from=without-tests
-- rm .coverage
-+ rm -f .coverage
- ./insert-remove-test tempdir 100
- rm -r tempdir larch.log
- cmdtest tests
-cgit v1.1
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/python2-pyopenssl-openssl-compat.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/python2-pyopenssl-openssl-compat.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a185f4172d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/python2-pyopenssl-openssl-compat.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Adjust for OpenSSL 1.1.1:
+ https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/issues/1043
+Taken from upstream:
+ https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/commit/cc5c00ae5fd3c19d07fff79b5c4a08f5e58697ad
+diff --git a/src/OpenSSL/SSL.py b/src/OpenSSL/SSL.py
+index 59f21cec..fcdee047 100644
+--- a/src/OpenSSL/SSL.py
++++ b/src/OpenSSL/SSL.py
+@@ -1421,6 +1421,12 @@ def set_alpn_protos(self, protos):
+ This list should be a Python list of bytestrings representing the
+ protocols to offer, e.g. ``[b'http/1.1', b'spdy/2']``.
+ """
++ # Different versions of OpenSSL are inconsistent about how they handle empty
++ # proto lists (see #1043), so we avoid the problem entirely by rejecting them
++ # ourselves.
++ if not protos:
++ raise ValueError("at least one protocol must be specified")
+ # Take the list of protocols and join them together, prefixing them
+ # with their lengths.
+ protostr = b"".join(
+@@ -2449,6 +2455,12 @@ def set_alpn_protos(self, protos):
+ This list should be a Python list of bytestrings representing the
+ protocols to offer, e.g. ``[b'http/1.1', b'spdy/2']``.
+ """
++ # Different versions of OpenSSL are inconsistent about how they handle empty
++ # proto lists (see #1043), so we avoid the problem entirely by rejecting them
++ # ourselves.
++ if not protos:
++ raise ValueError("at least one protocol must be specified")
+ # Take the list of protocols and join them together, prefixing them
+ # with their lengths.
+ protostr = b"".join(
+diff --git a/tests/test_ssl.py b/tests/test_ssl.py
+index ffc505d8..ca363b45 100644
+--- a/tests/test_ssl.py
++++ b/tests/test_ssl.py
+@@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@ def test_alpn_call_failure(self):
+ protocols list. Ensure that we produce a user-visible error.
+ """
+ context = Context(SSLv23_METHOD)
+- with pytest.raises(Error):
++ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ context.set_alpn_protos([])
+ def test_alpn_set_on_connection(self):
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/qt4-ldflags.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/qt4-ldflags.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d6398018a..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/qt4-ldflags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Explicitly link against libicui18n so that libQtCore.so always finds it.
---- qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/src/corelib/corelib.pro 2015-04-15 12:01:41.661862663 +0200
-+++ qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6/src/corelib/corelib.pro 2015-04-15 12:03:57.954586336 +0200
-@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ include(codecs/codecs.pri)
- include(statemachine/statemachine.pri)
- include(xml/xml.pri)
-+# Explicitly link with icui18n, which is dlopened by libQtCore.so.
-+# We cannot do this by setting LDFLAGS because that then overrides
-+# other LDFLAGS: <https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-5471>.
-+# XXX: According to the Nixpkgs recipe, this may be necessary for
-+# further libraries (cups, gtk-x11-2.0, libgdk-x11-2.0).
-+LIBS_PRIVATE += -licui18n
- !qpa:mac|darwin:LIBS_PRIVATE += -framework ApplicationServices
- qpa:mac {
- !ios {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/racket-enable-scheme-backport.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/racket-enable-scheme-backport.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a5a4a3d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/racket-enable-scheme-backport.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+From 8d7687842f099e3e7e60d3a83fed58b2c6a92863 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
+Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 10:36:09 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Chez Scheme: adapt bootfile build for supplied `Scheme=`
+(cherry picked from commit fca1e02349664060e10278ca2ce6577a949bebf5)
+(Fixed conflicts by dropping pbchunks and pbarch changes.)
+ racket/src/ChezScheme/configure | 15 ++++++++++++++-
+ racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-base | 4 ++--
+ racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-cross | 4 +++-
+ 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/racket/src/ChezScheme/configure b/racket/src/ChezScheme/configure
+index 4515ffc105..0098829091 100755
+--- a/racket/src/ChezScheme/configure
++++ b/racket/src/ChezScheme/configure
+@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ threads=yes
+ nothreads=no
+ temproot=""
+ help=no
+ gzipmanpages=yes
+ installowner=""
+ installgroup=""
+@@ -205,6 +206,9 @@ while [ $# != 0 ] ; do
+ --pb)
+ pb=yes
+ ;;
++ --force)
++ forceworkarea=yes
++ ;;
+ --installprefix=*)
+ installprefix=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^--installprefix=//'`
+ ;;
+@@ -439,6 +443,7 @@ if [ "$help" = "yes" ]; then
+ echo " --toolprefix=<prefix> prefix tool (compiler, linker, ...) names"
+ echo " --[no]gzip-man-pages compress manual pages ($gzipmanpages)"
+ echo " --workarea=<pathname> build directory ($w)"
++ echo " --force configure even without boot files"
+ echo " CC=<C compiler> C compiler"
+ echo " CPPFLAGS=<C preprocessor flags> C preprocessor flags"
+ echo " CFLAGS=<C compiler flags> C compiler flags"
+@@ -721,8 +726,16 @@ case "${flagsmuni}" in
+ ;;
+ esac
++if [ "$w" = "$m" ] ; then
++ configuringin=""
++ configuringin=" in $w"
+ if [ -f boot/$m/scheme.boot -o -f "$srcdir"/boot/$m/scheme.boot ] ; then
+- echo "Configuring for $m"
++ echo "Configuring for $m$configuringin"
++elif [ "$forceworkarea" = yes ] ; then
++ echo "Configuring for $m$configuringin despite missing boot files"
+ else
+ if [ "$m" = "" ] ; then
+ maybem="<machine type>"
+diff --git a/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-base b/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-base
+index cc6178c973..1f4a967998 100644
+--- a/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-base
++++ b/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-base
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ endif
+ # that Scheme and SCHEMEHEAPDIRS are set by Mf-cross to point to the host Scheme
+ # implementation
+ Scheme = ../bin/$m/scheme${ExeSuffix}
+-export SCHEMEHEAPDIRS=../boot/%m
++export SCHEMEHEAPDIRS=../boot/$m
+ # Define the libdirs separator character
+@@ -691,4 +691,4 @@ reset-one:
+ .PHONY: run
+ run:
+- env SCHEMEHEAPDIRS=../boot/$m/ ../bin/$m/scheme $(ARGS)
+diff --git a/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-cross b/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-cross
+index d796cbb459..397af59a28 100644
+--- a/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-cross
++++ b/racket/src/ChezScheme/s/Mf-cross
+@@ -43,5 +43,7 @@ x$(xm).$(m):
+ $(MAKE) -f Mf-cross m=$(m) xm=$(xm) i=f o=3 d=0 xpatch
+ mv xpatch x$(xm).$(m)
++ifneq ($(SCHEMEHEAPDIRS),:)
+ # Ensure that cross-compiling "nanopass.so" is rebuilt if the host compiler changed
+-nanopass.so: ${SCHEME} ${SCHEMEHEAPDIRS}/petite.boot ${SCHEMEHEAPDIRS}/scheme.boot
++nanopass.so: ${Scheme} ${SCHEMEHEAPDIRS}/petite.boot ${SCHEMEHEAPDIRS}/scheme.boot
+From 26c8e2c1d9b02ad85acef8bda40d92154cf0b699 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
+Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 11:03:30 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] configure: make `--enable-scheme` work with an executable
+When the same Chez Scheme version as used by Racket is already
+available, then `--enable-scheme=...` can supply an executable. For
+cross builds, `--enable-scheme=...` can still supply a build
+directory, instead, as before.
+(cherry picked from commit 4f0e76855ce7e86107de495292a553469daf0b3f)
+ racket/src/ChezScheme/makefiles/Makefile.in | 3 ++
+ racket/src/README.txt | 30 +++++++++++---
+ racket/src/configure | 8 +++-
+ racket/src/cs/README.txt | 6 ++-
+ racket/src/cs/c/Makefile.in | 44 ++++++++++++++++-----
+ racket/src/cs/c/configure | 24 +++++++++--
+ racket/src/cs/c/configure.ac | 21 ++++++++--
+ 7 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/racket/src/ChezScheme/makefiles/Makefile.in b/racket/src/ChezScheme/makefiles/Makefile.in
+index c396efc851..3998ef9ccd 100644
+--- a/racket/src/ChezScheme/makefiles/Makefile.in
++++ b/racket/src/ChezScheme/makefiles/Makefile.in
+@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ reset:
+ %.boot:
+ (cd $(workarea) && $(MAKE) $*.boot)
++ (cd $(workarea) && $(MAKE) $(defaultm).boot)
+ # <machine>.bootquick to build boot files for <machine>
+ # with o=3 d=0 for the cross compiler, and only after
+ # building the kernel for the configured machine
+diff --git a/racket/src/README.txt b/racket/src/README.txt
+index 98647aebce..d77310b4a4 100644
+--- a/racket/src/README.txt
++++ b/racket/src/README.txt
+@@ -354,6 +354,10 @@ variant of MinGW without "libdelayimp.a", get the implementation of
+ ========================================================================
+ Cross-compilation requires at least two flags to `configure`:
++`--host=OS` and either `--enable-racket=RACKET` or (for Racket CS)
++More information:
+ * `--host=OS`, where OS is something like `i386-gnu-linux` to
+ indicate the target platform.
+@@ -374,11 +378,27 @@ Cross-compilation requires at least two flags to `configure`:
+ run `configure` again (with no arguments) in a "local" subdirectory
+ to create a build for the current platform.
+-An additional flag is needed for building Racket CS, unless the flag
+-`--enable-racket=auto` is used:
+- * `--enable-scheme=DIR`, where DIR is a path that has a "ChezScheme"
+- directory where Chez Scheme is built for the host system.
++ * `--enable-scheme=SCHEME`, where SCHEME is a Chez Scheme executable
++ executable that runs on the build platform; the executable must be
++ the same version as used in Racket built for the target platform.
++ Supplying `--enable-scheme=DIR` is also supported in cross-build
++ mode, where DIR is a path that has a "ChezScheme" directory where
++ Chez Scheme is built for the host system.
++The `--enable-racket=RACKET` and `--enable-scheme=SCHEME` flags are
++allowed for non-cross builds, too:
++ * For Racket CS, supplying either selects a Racket or Chez Scheme
++ implementation used to create boot files to the build platform.
++ Suppling Chez Scheme is a much more direct path, but when Racket is
++ supplied, its version does not have to match the version being
++ built.
++ * For Racket BC, `--enable-racket=RACKET` selects a Racket for
++ prepare C sources to cooperate with garbage collection. Its version
++ needs to be close to the one being built, and potentially exactly
++ the same version.
+ Some less commonly needed `configure` flags are for Racket BC:
+diff --git a/racket/src/configure b/racket/src/configure
+index c9f3ba4419..1b53ec7ce2 100755
+--- a/racket/src/configure
++++ b/racket/src/configure
+@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ pb_dir="$dir/ChezScheme/boot/pb"
+ use_cs=maybe
+ use_bc=maybe
+ supplied_racket=no
+ enable_boothelp=
+ # We don't have to detect conflicts like `--enable-csdefault --enable-bcdefault`,
+@@ -34,6 +35,9 @@ for arg in $*; do
+ --enable-racket=*)
+ supplied_racket=yes
+ ;;
++ --enable-scheme=*)
++ supplied_scheme=yes
++ ;;
+ --help | -h)
+ echo $0:
+ echo see --help-bc or --help-cs, since the Racket CS build and the
+@@ -70,8 +74,8 @@ elif test "$use_cs" = "maybe" ; then
+ fi
+ if test "$use_cs" = "yes" ; then
+- if test $use_bc = no -a $supplied_racket = no -a ! -d "$pb_dir" ; then
+- echo $0: must have $pb_dir or --enable-racket=... for --enable-csonly
++ if test $use_bc = no -a $supplied_racket = no -a $supplied_scheme = no -a ! -d "$pb_dir" ; then
++ echo $0: must have $pb_dir, --enable-racket=... or --enable-scheme=... for --enable-csonly
+ exit 1
+ fi
+diff --git a/racket/src/cs/README.txt b/racket/src/cs/README.txt
+index 2ece417b78..8e6fc57b74 100644
+--- a/racket/src/cs/README.txt
++++ b/racket/src/cs/README.txt
+@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ build:
+ installed in the "../ChezScheme/boot/pb" directory as described by
+ "../ChezScheme/BUILDING".
++ Supplying `--enable-scheme=...` is also an option if you alerady
++ have the same version of Chez Scheme built on the current platform.
++ Another build will be created, anyway, but more quickly than
++ without Chez Scheme.
+ * Racket is needed to generate the files in the "schemified"
+ directory from the sources in sibling directories like "../io". The
+ Racket version must be practically the same as the current Racket
+@@ -48,7 +53,6 @@ build:
+ Unlike Chez Scheme boot files, the files generated in "schemified"
+ are human-readable and -editable Scheme code. That provides a way
+ out of bootstrapping black holes, even without BC.
+ ========================================================================
+diff --git a/racket/src/cs/c/Makefile.in b/racket/src/cs/c/Makefile.in
+index 54a644a1d9..d73993f0fc 100644
+--- a/racket/src/cs/c/Makefile.in
++++ b/racket/src/cs/c/Makefile.in
+-SCHEME = $(SCHEME_BIN) -B $(SCHEME_INC)/petite.boot -B $(SCHEME_INC)/scheme.boot
++SCHEME_built = $(SCHEME_BIN) -B $(SCHEME_INC)/petite.boot -B $(SCHEME_INC)/scheme.boot
+@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ mainsrcdir = @srcdir@/../..
+ @INCLUDEDEP@ @srcdir@/../../version/version.mak
+ cs:
+- $(MAKE) scheme@T_CROSS_MODE@
+ $(MAKE) racket-so
+ cd rktio; $(MAKE)
+ $(MAKE) racketcs
+@@ -121,9 +123,13 @@ racket-so:
++TARGET_MACH_existing = xc-$(TARGET_MACH)
+-CS_OPTScross = $(CS_OPTS) CSO=$(MACH) CROSS_COMP="--xpatch $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)/$(TARGET_MACH)/s/xpatch"
++CS_OPTScross = $(CS_OPTS) CSO=$(MACH) CROSS_COMP="--xpatch $(XPATCH_FILE)"
+ build-racket-so:
+@@ -163,6 +169,15 @@ pb-bootquick:
+ cd $(SCHEME_WORKAREA) && $(MAKE) reset
+ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/ready_boot.sh $(MACH) $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)
++ $(MAKE) $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)/boot/$(MACH)/scheme.boot
++ $(MAKE) mach-make
++ mkdir -p $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)
++ $(MAKE) config-scheme CONFIG_SCHEME_MODE="$(CONFIG_SCHEME_MODE) --force"
++ cd $(SCHEME_WORKAREA) && $(MAKE) $(MACH).boot Scheme="$(SCHEME)" SCHEMEHEAPDIRS=: o=3 d=0 what=all
+ mach-make:
+ $(MAKE) config-scheme
+@@ -182,24 +197,33 @@ config-scheme:
+ scheme-cross:
++ $(MAKE) finish-scheme-cross
+ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/reset_boot.sh $(TARGET_MACH) $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)
++ $(MAKE) finish-scheme-cross
+ # Rebuild patch file and cross "petite.boot" and "scheme.boot" when older
+-# than the build-host "scheme.boot" or when "make-boot.rkt" touchs dummy boot files
+-XPATCH_DEPS = $(SCHEME_HOST_WORKAREA)/$(MACH)/boot/$(MACH)/scheme.boot \
+- $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)/boot/$(TARGET_MACH)/scheme.boot
++# than the build-<host "scheme.boot" or when "make-boot.rkt" touchs dummy boot files
++XPATCH_DEPS_built = $(SCHEME_HOST_WORKAREA)/$(MACH)/boot/$(MACH)/scheme.boot \
++ $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)/boot/$(TARGET_MACH)/scheme.boot
++XPATCH_DEPS_existing =
+ $(MAKE) bounce TARGET=build-xpatch-using-host
+ build-xpatch-using-host:
+-XPATCHcross = --xpatch $(SCHEME_WORKAREA)/$(TARGET_MACH)/s/xpatch
++XPATCHcross = --xpatch $(XPATCH_FILE)
+ racket.boot: racket.so
+ $(SCHEME) --script $(srcdir)/convert-to-boot.ss @BOOT_COMPRESS_COMP@ $(XPATCH@CROSS_MODE@) racket.so racket.boot $(TARGET_MACH)
+@@ -410,7 +434,7 @@ install-cross:
+ $(MAKE) compile-xpatch.$(TARGET_MACH)
+ $(MAKE) library-xpatch.$(TARGET_MACH)
+ CROSS_SERVE_DEPS = $(srcdir)/mk-cross-serve.ss $(srcdir)/cross-serve.ss \
+ $(srcdir)/../expander/env.ss $(srcdir)/../linklet/config.ss
+diff --git a/racket/src/cs/c/configure b/racket/src/cs/c/configure
+index 21695a431a..1eeef57753 100755
+--- a/racket/src/cs/c/configure
++++ b/racket/src/cs/c/configure
+@@ -654,6 +654,9 @@ MINGW
+@@ -1448,7 +1451,7 @@ Optional Features:
+ --enable-docs build docs on install (enabled by default)
+ --enable-usersetup setup user-specific files on install
+ --enable-racket=<path> use <path> as Racket for build; or "auto" to create
+- --enable-scheme=<path> use <path> as host's build directory for cross
++ --enable-scheme=<path> use <path> as host build for cross
+ --enable-mach=<mach> use Chez Scheme machine type <mach>
+ --enable-target=<mach> cross-build for Chez Scheme machine type <mach>
+ --enable-portable prefer portable to host-specific
+@@ -2867,7 +2870,7 @@ show_explicitly_enabled "${enable_xonx}" "Unix style"
+ show_explicitly_enabled "${enable_libzo}" 'Compiled ".zo" files moved to lib'
+ show_explicitly_set "${enable_racket}" "Racket"
+-show_explicitly_set "${enable_scheme}" "Chez Scheme build directory"
++show_explicitly_set "${enable_scheme}" "Chez Scheme for build"
+ show_explicitly_set "${enable_mach}" "machine type"
+ show_explicitly_set "${enable_target}" "cross-build machine type"
+ show_explicitly_enabled "${enable_portable}" "portable"
+@@ -4745,9 +4748,21 @@ esac
+ SCHEME_DIR=${srcdir}/../../ChezScheme
+ if test "${enable_scheme}" != "" ; then
+- CS_HOST_WORKAREA_PREFIX="${enable_scheme}/"
++ if test -d "${enable_scheme}" ; then
++ # Directory exists, so use it as a build directory
++ echo "Using supplied Scheme path as a build directory"
++ CS_HOST_WORKAREA_PREFIX="${enable_scheme}/"
++ else
++ # Directory does not exist, so assume it's an executable
++ echo "Using supplied Scheme path as an executable"
++ MAKE_SCHEME_MODE="${T_CROSS_MODE}-via-scheme"
++ MAKE_SCHEME_SCHEME="${enable_scheme}"
++ USE_SCHEME_MODE="_existing"
++ fi
+ fi
+ if test "${enable_racket}" != "" ; then
+@@ -6012,6 +6027,9 @@ SCHEME_CROSS_CONFIG_ARGS="--machine=${TARGET_MACH} --disable-x11 ${cs_auto_flags
+diff --git a/racket/src/cs/c/configure.ac b/racket/src/cs/c/configure.ac
+index 464ebe1760..aaee88156d 100644
+--- a/racket/src/cs/c/configure.ac
++++ b/racket/src/cs/c/configure.ac
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(compressmore, [ --enable-compressmore compress compiled code ev
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(compressboot, [ --enable-compressboot compress boot files])
+ m4_include(../ac/path_arg.m4)
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(racket, [ --enable-racket=<path> use <path> as Racket for build; or "auto" to create])
+-AC_ARG_ENABLE(scheme, [ --enable-scheme=<path> use <path> as host's build directory for cross])
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(scheme, [ --enable-scheme=<path> use <path> as host build for cross])
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(mach, [ --enable-mach=<mach> use Chez Scheme machine type <mach>])
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(target, [ --enable-target=<mach> cross-build for Chez Scheme machine type <mach>])
+ m4_include(../ac/portable_arg.m4)
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ show_explicitly_disabled "${enable_compressboot}" "Compressed boot files"
+ show_explicitly_enabled "${enable_xonx}" "Unix style"
+ m4_include(../ac/path_show.m4)
+ show_explicitly_set "${enable_racket}" "Racket"
+-show_explicitly_set "${enable_scheme}" "Chez Scheme build directory"
++show_explicitly_set "${enable_scheme}" "Chez Scheme for build"
+ show_explicitly_set "${enable_mach}" "machine type"
+ show_explicitly_set "${enable_target}" "cross-build machine type"
+ m4_include(../ac/portable_show.m4)
+@@ -504,9 +504,21 @@ esac
+ SCHEME_DIR=${srcdir}/../../ChezScheme
+ if test "${enable_scheme}" != "" ; then
+- CS_HOST_WORKAREA_PREFIX="${enable_scheme}/"
++ if test -d "${enable_scheme}" ; then
++ # Directory exists, so use it as a build directory
++ echo "Using supplied Scheme path as a build directory"
++ CS_HOST_WORKAREA_PREFIX="${enable_scheme}/"
++ else
++ # Directory does not exist, so assume it's an executable
++ echo "Using supplied Scheme path as an executable"
++ MAKE_SCHEME_MODE="${T_CROSS_MODE}-via-scheme"
++ MAKE_SCHEME_SCHEME="${enable_scheme}"
++ USE_SCHEME_MODE="_existing"
++ fi
+ fi
+ if test "${enable_racket}" != "" ; then
+@@ -821,6 +833,9 @@ AC_SUBST(DIFF_MACH)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/racket-gui-tethered-launcher-backport.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/racket-gui-tethered-launcher-backport.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e018eaa79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/racket-gui-tethered-launcher-backport.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From aa792e707b1fbc5cc33691bfaee5828dc3fbebaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Matthew Flatt <mflatt@racket-lang.org>
+Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:31:22 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] fix creation of tethered launchers
+Related to racket/racket#4133
+(cherry picked from commit 563c68432f127729592f234ef30c31e92618b517)
+ gui-lib/mred/installer.rkt | 3 ++-
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/gui-lib/mred/installer.rkt b/gui-lib/mred/installer.rkt
+index b1691472..9ef06c53 100644
+--- a/gui-lib/mred/installer.rkt
++++ b/gui-lib/mred/installer.rkt
+@@ -72,4 +72,5 @@
+ (list "-A" (path->string (find-system-path 'addon-dir)))))
+ (define (config-flags)
+- (list "-G" (path->string (find-config-dir))))
++ (list "-X" (path->string (find-collects-dir))
++ "-G" (path->string (find-config-dir))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/rcs-5.10.0-no-stdin.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/rcs-5.10.0-no-stdin.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 56edfe7b65..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/rcs-5.10.0-no-stdin.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-From 8883c4f5a29be18e9ea09bd27a7b660830de45bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Thien-Thi Nguyen <ttn@gnu.org>
-Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 09:23:49 -0400
-Subject: [v] Don't test signal handling if stdin not ok.
-* tests/t632: If stdin is not open and connected to
-a tty, skip the signal handling portion of the test.
- tests/ChangeLog | 9 +++++++++
- tests/t632 | 9 +++++++++
- 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/tests/ChangeLog b/tests/ChangeLog
-index c3715c0..0565058 100644
---- a/tests/ChangeLog
-+++ b/tests/ChangeLog
-@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
-+2020-10-23 Thien-Thi Nguyen <ttn@gnu.org>
-+ [v] Don't test signal handling if stdin not ok.
-+ <https://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-rcs/2020-10/msg00014.html>
-+ * t632: If stdin is not open and connected to
-+ a tty, skip the signal handling portion of the test.
- 2020-10-20 Thien-Thi Nguyen <ttn@gnu.org>
- Release: 5.10.0
-diff --git a/tests/t632 b/tests/t632
-index df6acc9..677ec8c 100644
---- a/tests/t632
-+++ b/tests/t632
-@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ echo | co -l -I $w \
- # (This is skipped if GNU coreutils timeout(1) is not available.)
- ##
-+# <https://mail.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-rcs/2020-10/msg00014.html>
-+# The timeout test needs co(1) to block on input.
-+# If stdin is not open and connected to a tty, skip out.
-+if test -t 0 ; then
-+ echo STDIN OK
-+ exit 0
- # TODO: Don't be lame! Pick one:
- # (a) Mimic timeout(1) w/ sh commands.
- # (b) Incorporate heart of timeout(1) into ./btdt and use that.
-cgit v1.2.1
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ruby-mustache-1.1.1-fix-race-condition-tests.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ruby-mustache-1.1.1-fix-race-condition-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d5bbaa4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/ruby-mustache-1.1.1-fix-race-condition-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From 407c6a5db6c1f1cfb40bd6113f07f067d07885a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?V=C3=ADt=20Ondruch?= <vondruch@redhat.com>
+Origin: https://github.com/mustache/mustache/pull/258
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=954503
+Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 11:16:17 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix test race condition.
+The test suite randomly fails with errors such as:
+ 1) Failure:
+AutoloadingTest#test_autoload_lowercase [/builddir/build/BUILD/mustache-1.1.1/usr/share/gems/gems/mustache-1.1.1/test/autoloading_test.rb:17]:
+Expected: Comments
+ Actual: nil
+This happens when `test_namespaced*` test cases are executed earlier
+than the remaining test cases, because they are defining
+`view_namespace` but not cleaning up afterwards.
+ test/autoloading_test.rb | 4 ++++
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/test/autoloading_test.rb b/test/autoloading_test.rb
+index 0a7ad762..77eb3557 100644
+--- a/test/autoloading_test.rb
++++ b/test/autoloading_test.rb
+@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ def setup
+ Mustache.view_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures'
+ end
++ def teardown
++ Mustache.remove_instance_variable(:@view_namespace) if Mustache.instance_variable_defined?(:@view_namespace)
++ end
+ def test_autoload
+ klass = Mustache.view_class(:Comments)
+ assert_equal Comments, klass
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-coresimd-doctest.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/rust-coresimd-doctest.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bfa0ab224b..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/rust-coresimd-doctest.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Doctest coresimd::x86::__m256 failed on processors withouth "avx" feature.
-Backported patch with changes from https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/stdsimd/issues/481
---- rustc-1.26.2-src-orig/src/stdsimd/coresimd/x86/mod.rs 1970-01-01 05:00:00.000000000 +0500
-+++ rustc-1.26.2-src/src/stdsimd/coresimd/x86/mod.rs 2018-06-22 00:01:55.142026720 +0500
-@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@
- /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
- ///
- /// # fn main() {
-- /// # #[target_feature(enable = "sse")]
-+ /// # #[target_feature(enable = "avx")]
- /// # unsafe fn foo() {
- /// let eight_zeros = _mm256_setzero_ps();
- /// let eight_ones = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0);
- /// let eight_floats = _mm256_set_ps(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
- /// # }
-- /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("sse") { unsafe { foo() } }
-+ /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("avx") { unsafe { foo() } }
- /// # }
- /// ```
- pub struct __m256(f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32);
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/screen-CVE-2021-26937.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/screen-CVE-2021-26937.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d87a54a83f..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/screen-CVE-2021-26937.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Description: [CVE-2021-26937] Fix out of bounds array access
-Author: Michael Schröder <mls@suse.de>
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/982435
-Bug: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?60030
-Bug: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/screen-devel/2021-02/msg00000.html
-Bug-OSS-Security: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2021/02/09/3
-Origin: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/screen-devel/2021-02/msg00010.html
---- a/encoding.c
-+++ b/encoding.c
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- # ifdef UTF8
- static int recode_char __P((int, int, int));
- static int recode_char_to_encoding __P((int, int));
--static void comb_tofront __P((int, int));
-+static void comb_tofront __P((int));
- # ifdef DW_CHARS
- static int recode_char_dw __P((int, int *, int, int));
- static int recode_char_dw_to_encoding __P((int, int *, int));
-@@ -1263,6 +1263,8 @@
- {0x30000, 0x3FFFD},
- };
-+ if (c >= 0xdf00 && c <= 0xdfff)
-+ return 1; /* dw combining sequence */
- return ((bisearch(c, wide, sizeof(wide) / sizeof(struct interval) - 1)) ||
- (cjkwidth &&
- bisearch(c, ambiguous,
-@@ -1330,11 +1332,12 @@
- }
- static void
--comb_tofront(root, i)
--int root, i;
-+int i;
- {
- for (;;)
- {
-+ int root = i >= 0x700 ? 0x801 : 0x800;
- debug1("bring to front: %x\n", i);
- combchars[combchars[i]->prev]->next = combchars[i]->next;
- combchars[combchars[i]->next]->prev = combchars[i]->prev;
-@@ -1396,9 +1399,9 @@
- {
- /* full, recycle old entry */
- if (c1 >= 0xd800 && c1 < 0xe000)
-- comb_tofront(root, c1 - 0xd800);
-+ comb_tofront(c1 - 0xd800);
- i = combchars[root]->prev;
-- if (c1 == i + 0xd800)
-+ if (i == 0x800 || i == 0x801 || c1 == i + 0xd800)
- {
- /* completely full, can't recycle */
- debug("utf8_handle_comp: completely full!\n");
-@@ -1422,7 +1425,7 @@
- mc->font = (i >> 8) + 0xd8;
- mc->fontx = 0;
- debug3("combinig char %x %x -> %x\n", c1, c, i + 0xd800);
-- comb_tofront(root, i);
-+ comb_tofront(i);
- }
- #else /* !UTF8 */
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/sdcc-disable-non-free-code.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/sdcc-disable-non-free-code.patch
index 1c823c3c18..39046ae280 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/sdcc-disable-non-free-code.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/sdcc-disable-non-free-code.patch
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ remove instructions that encourage the use of SDCC with non-free
diff --git a/Makefile.common.in b/Makefile.common.in
-index 926b761..0362fd5 100644
+index 1a11f67..69d5efe 100644
--- a/Makefile.common.in
+++ b/Makefile.common.in
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ index 926b761..0362fd5 100644
SLIB = $(top_builddir)/support/util
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
-index 5485074..3071472 100644
+index d899b62..554a1c3 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
-@@ -100,9 +100,6 @@ endif
+@@ -105,9 +105,6 @@ endif
TARGETS += sdcc-device-lib
PKGS += device/lib
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ index 5485074..3071472 100644
-@@ -123,9 +120,6 @@ endif
+@@ -128,9 +125,6 @@ endif
TARGETS += sdcc-libs sdcc-cc sdcc-device-inc sdcc-as sdcc-ld sdcc-scripts
PKGS += $(SDCC_LIBS) src device/include
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ index 5485074..3071472 100644
PKGS += $(SDCC_AS) sdas/linksrc $(SDCC_SCRIPTS)
PORTS = $(shell cat ports.build)
-@@ -171,21 +165,12 @@ sdcc-sdbinutils:
+@@ -176,21 +170,12 @@ sdcc-sdbinutils:
$(MAKE) -C device/include
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ index 5485074..3071472 100644
# doc depends on latex and latex2html
diff --git a/configure b/configure
-index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
+index 232d98e..3eeb17c 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
-@@ -632,7 +632,6 @@ LATEX
+@@ -659,7 +659,6 @@ LATEX
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
-@@ -661,10 +660,7 @@ OPT_DISABLE_R2K
+@@ -690,10 +689,7 @@ OPT_DISABLE_R2K
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
-@@ -785,7 +781,6 @@ enable_packihx
+@@ -821,7 +817,6 @@ enable_packihx
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
-@@ -806,10 +801,7 @@ sdccconf_h_dir_separator
+@@ -842,10 +837,7 @@ sdccconf_h_dir_separator
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
-@@ -817,9 +809,7 @@ sim/ucsim
+@@ -853,9 +845,7 @@ sim/ucsim
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
# Initialize some variables set by options.
-@@ -1473,7 +1463,6 @@ Optional Features:
+@@ -1509,7 +1499,6 @@ Optional Features:
--disable-sdcpp Disables building sdcpp
--disable-sdcdb Disables building sdcdb
--disable-sdbinutils Disables configuring and building of sdbinutils
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
--enable-doc Enables building the documentation
--enable-libgc Use the Bohem memory allocator. Lower runtime
-@@ -1502,16 +1491,8 @@ Some influential environment variables:
+@@ -1538,16 +1527,8 @@ Some influential environment variables:
appended to datadir to define SDCC's include/lib directory
appended to datadir to define SDCC's include directory
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
docdir documentation installation directory
Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
-@@ -7156,19 +7137,6 @@ if test "${include_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
+@@ -7421,19 +7402,6 @@ if test "${include_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
# lib_dir_suffix:
# *nix default: "sdcc/lib"
-@@ -7176,13 +7144,6 @@ if test "${lib_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
+@@ -7441,13 +7409,6 @@ if test "${lib_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
# docdir:
# *nix default: "${datadir}/sdcc/doc"
-@@ -7349,24 +7310,6 @@ cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
- #define INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "${norm_inc_dir_suffix}"
+@@ -7600,22 +7561,6 @@ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "#define INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING \"${norm_inc_dir_suffix}\"" >>confdefs.h
-case ":$norm_non_free_inc_dir_suffix:" in
@@ -202,16 +202,14 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
- *) norm_non_free_inc_dir_suffix=`echo "$norm_non_free_inc_dir_suffix" | sed 's,\(.\)[\\/][\\/]*,\1/,g'` ;;
--cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
--#define NON_FREE_INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "${norm_non_free_inc_dir_suffix}"
+-printf "%s\n" "#define NON_FREE_INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING \"${norm_non_free_inc_dir_suffix}\"" >>confdefs.h
case ":$norm_lib_dir_suffix:" in
-@@ -7386,24 +7329,6 @@ cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
- #define LIB_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "${norm_lib_dir_suffix}"
+@@ -7633,22 +7578,6 @@ esac
+ printf "%s\n" "#define LIB_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING \"${norm_lib_dir_suffix}\"" >>confdefs.h
-case ":$norm_non_free_lib_dir_suffix:" in
@@ -227,19 +225,18 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
- *) norm_non_free_lib_dir_suffix=`echo "$norm_non_free_lib_dir_suffix" | sed 's,\(.\)[\\/][\\/]*,\1/,g'` ;;
--cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
--#define NON_FREE_LIB_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "${norm_non_free_lib_dir_suffix}"
+-printf "%s\n" "#define NON_FREE_LIB_DIR_SUFFIX DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING \"${norm_non_free_lib_dir_suffix}\"" >>confdefs.h
# relative paths
for _lcl_i in expanded_bindir:expanded_datadir:bin2data_dir; do
-@@ -8513,28 +8438,6 @@ _ACEOF
+@@ -8751,27 +8680,6 @@ printf "%s\n" "#define OPT_DISABLE_SDBINUTILS $OPT_DISABLE_SDBINUTILS" >>confdef
- # Check whether --enable-non-free was given.
--if test "${enable_non_free+set}" = set; then :
+-if test ${enable_non_free+y}
+-then :
- enableval=$enable_non_free;
@@ -253,17 +250,15 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
- fi
--cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
+-printf "%s\n" "#define OPT_DISABLE_NON_FREE $OPT_DISABLE_NON_FREE" >>confdefs.h
# Check whether --enable-doc was given.
- if test "${enable_doc+set}" = set; then :
-@@ -8929,20 +8832,12 @@ if test $OPT_DISABLE_PIC14 = 0; then
+ if test ${enable_doc+y}
+@@ -9199,20 +9107,12 @@ if test $OPT_DISABLE_PIC14 = 0; then
test $OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB = 0 && subdirs="$subdirs device/lib/pic14"
@@ -283,8 +278,8 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
- if test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z180 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2K = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R3KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_GBZ80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_TLCS90 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_EZ80_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80N = 0; then
-@@ -9019,15 +8914,9 @@ fi
+ if test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z180 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2K = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R3KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_SM83 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_TLCS90 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_EZ80_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80N = 0; then
+@@ -9289,15 +9189,9 @@ fi
test $OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB = 0 && ac_config_files="$ac_config_files device/lib/Makefile"
@@ -300,7 +295,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
cat >confcache <<\_ACEOF
# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
-@@ -9768,7 +9657,6 @@ do
+@@ -10037,7 +9931,6 @@ do
"device/lib/pdk15-stack-auto/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES device/lib/pdk15-stack-auto/Makefile" ;;
"sdas/aspdk16/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES sdas/aspdk16/Makefile" ;;
"device/lib/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES device/lib/Makefile" ;;
@@ -308,7 +303,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
"main.mk") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES main.mk:main_in.mk" ;;
"src/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES src/Makefile" ;;
"device/include/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES device/include/Makefile" ;;
-@@ -9780,7 +9668,6 @@ do
+@@ -10049,7 +9942,6 @@ do
"support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk:support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk.in" ;;
"Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;;
"Makefile.common") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile.common:Makefile.common.in" ;;
@@ -316,7 +311,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
*) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;;
-@@ -10589,54 +10476,6 @@ esac
+@@ -10856,54 +10748,6 @@ esac
incPath3=`echo "$incPath3" | sed 's,\\\\\\\\,\\\\,g'`
@@ -371,7 +366,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
libPath1=`echo "/${prefix2data_dir}/${norm_lib_dir_suffix}" | sed 's,/\./,/,g'`
case ":$libPath1:" in
-@@ -10686,54 +10525,6 @@ esac
+@@ -10953,54 +10797,6 @@ esac
libPath3=`echo "$libPath3" | sed 's,\\\\\\\\,\\\\,g'`
@@ -423,18 +418,18 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
-nonFreeLibPath3=`echo "$nonFreeLibPath3" | sed 's,\\\\\\\\,\\\\,g'`
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result:
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result:
sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
-@@ -10772,7 +10563,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
- pdk15 ${enable_pdk15_port}
- pdk16 ${enable_pdk16_port}
+@@ -11041,7 +10837,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+ mos6502 ${enable_mos6502_port}
+ mos65c02 ${enable_mos65c02_port}
- Disable non-free lib: ${OPT_DISABLE_NON_FREE}
Disable packihx: ${OPT_DISABLE_PACKIHX}
Disable ucsim: ${OPT_DISABLE_UCSIM}
Disable device lib: ${OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB}
-@@ -10787,9 +10577,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+@@ -11056,9 +10851,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
include/library files: ${datadir}/${inclib_dir_suffix}
include files: ${datadir}/${include_dir_suffix}
library files: ${datadir}/${lib_dir_suffix}
@@ -444,7 +439,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
documentation: ${docdir}
prefix: ${prefix}
-@@ -10801,15 +10588,9 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+@@ -11070,15 +10862,9 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
include files: ${incPath1}
@@ -458,17 +453,17 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
- path(argv[0])${nonFreeLibPath2}${dirch}<model>
- ${nonFreeLibPath3}${dirch}<model>
" >&5
- $as_echo "
+ printf "%s\n" "
sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
-@@ -10849,7 +10630,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
- pdk15 ${enable_pdk15_port}
- pdk16 ${enable_pdk16_port}
+@@ -11120,7 +10906,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+ mos6502 ${enable_mos6502_port}
+ mos65c02 ${enable_mos65c02_port}
- Disable non-free lib: ${OPT_DISABLE_NON_FREE}
Disable packihx: ${OPT_DISABLE_PACKIHX}
Disable ucsim: ${OPT_DISABLE_UCSIM}
Disable device lib: ${OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB}
-@@ -10864,9 +10644,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+@@ -11135,9 +10920,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
include/library files: ${datadir}/${inclib_dir_suffix}
include files: ${datadir}/${include_dir_suffix}
library files: ${datadir}/${lib_dir_suffix}
@@ -478,7 +473,7 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
documentation: ${docdir}
prefix: ${prefix}
-@@ -10878,14 +10655,8 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+@@ -11149,15 +10931,9 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
include files: ${incPath1}
@@ -493,11 +488,12 @@ index 4c2226b..b8a9251 100755
- ${nonFreeLibPath3}${dirch}<model>
" >&6; }
# End of configure/configure.in
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
+index cc5309e..5eb4326 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -548,19 +548,6 @@ if test "${include_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
+@@ -562,19 +562,6 @@ if test "${include_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
@@ -517,7 +513,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
# lib_dir_suffix:
# *nix default: "sdcc/lib"
AC_ARG_VAR([lib_dir_suffix], [appended to datadir to define SDCC's library root directory])
-@@ -568,13 +555,6 @@ if test "${lib_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
+@@ -582,13 +569,6 @@ if test "${lib_dir_suffix}" = ""; then
@@ -531,7 +527,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
# docdir:
# *nix default: "${datadir}/sdcc/doc"
AC_ARG_VAR([docdir], [documentation installation directory])
-@@ -615,19 +595,11 @@ norm_inc_dir_suffix=${include_dir_suffix}
+@@ -629,19 +609,11 @@ norm_inc_dir_suffix=${include_dir_suffix}
adl_NORMALIZE_PATH([norm_inc_dir_suffix], [$sdccconf_h_dir_separator])
DIR_SEPARATOR_STRING "${norm_inc_dir_suffix}", [XXX])
@@ -551,7 +547,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
# relative paths
-@@ -803,7 +775,6 @@ AC_DO_DISABLER(packihx, PACKIHX, [Disables building packihx])
+@@ -819,7 +791,6 @@ AC_DO_DISABLER(packihx, PACKIHX, [Disables building packihx])
AC_DO_DISABLER(sdcpp, SDCPP, [Disables building sdcpp])
AC_DO_DISABLER(sdcdb, SDCDB, [Disables building sdcdb])
AC_DO_DISABLER(sdbinutils, SDBINUTILS, [Disables configuring and building of sdbinutils])
@@ -559,7 +555,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
AC_DO_ENABLER(doc, DOC, [Enables building the documentation])
AC_CHECK_PROG([LYX], [lyx], [lyx], [:])
-@@ -874,16 +845,10 @@ if test $OPT_DISABLE_PIC14 = 0; then
+@@ -897,16 +868,10 @@ if test $OPT_DISABLE_PIC14 = 0; then
test $OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB = 0 && AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(device/lib/pic14)
@@ -574,9 +570,9 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
- test $OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB = 0 && AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(device/non-free/lib/pic16)
- if test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z180 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2K = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R3KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_GBZ80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_TLCS90 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_EZ80_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80N = 0; then
+ if test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z180 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2K = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R2KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_R3KA = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_SM83 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_TLCS90 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_EZ80_Z80 = 0 || test $OPT_DISABLE_Z80N = 0; then
-@@ -947,7 +912,6 @@ fi
+@@ -970,7 +935,6 @@ fi
test $OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB = 0 && AC_CONFIG_FILES([device/lib/Makefile])
@@ -584,7 +580,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
-@@ -961,9 +925,6 @@ support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk:support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk.in
+@@ -984,9 +948,6 @@ support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk:support/regression/ports/host/spec.mk.in
@@ -594,7 +590,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
# I found no better place
-@@ -981,16 +942,10 @@ adl_NORMALIZE_PATH_MSG(/${prefix2bin_dir}, [binPath], [
+@@ -1004,16 +965,10 @@ adl_NORMALIZE_PATH_MSG(/${prefix2bin_dir}, [binPath], [
adl_NORMALIZE_PATH_MSG(/${prefix2data_dir}/${norm_inc_dir_suffix}, [incPath1], [$dirch])
adl_NORMALIZE_PATH_MSG(/${bin2data_dir}/${norm_inc_dir_suffix}, [incPath2], [$dirch])
adl_NORMALIZE_PATH_MSG(${expanded_datadir}/${norm_inc_dir_suffix}, [incPath3], [$dirch])
@@ -611,15 +607,15 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
-@@ -1030,7 +985,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
- pdk15 ${enable_pdk15_port}
- pdk16 ${enable_pdk16_port}
+@@ -1055,7 +1010,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+ mos6502 ${enable_mos6502_port}
+ mos65c02 ${enable_mos65c02_port}
- Disable non-free lib: ${OPT_DISABLE_NON_FREE}
Disable packihx: ${OPT_DISABLE_PACKIHX}
Disable ucsim: ${OPT_DISABLE_UCSIM}
Disable device lib: ${OPT_DISABLE_DEVICE_LIB}
-@@ -1045,9 +999,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+@@ -1070,9 +1024,6 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
include/library files: ${datadir}/${inclib_dir_suffix}
include files: ${datadir}/${include_dir_suffix}
library files: ${datadir}/${lib_dir_suffix}
@@ -629,7 +625,7 @@ index 455fee1..48e0a20 100644
documentation: ${docdir}
prefix: ${prefix}
-@@ -1059,14 +1010,8 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
+@@ -1084,14 +1035,8 @@ sdcc ${VERSION} is now configured for
include files: ${incPath1}
@@ -875,7 +871,7 @@ index 01ad950..62839b9 100644
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/Makefile.in
-index e4e3abb..730066b 100644
+index 6a4c9cf..4b07384 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/Makefile.in
@@ -87,10 +87,7 @@ PRE_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -890,7 +886,7 @@ index e4e3abb..730066b 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(top_srcdir)/configure \
-@@ -295,8 +292,7 @@ top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+@@ -297,8 +294,7 @@ top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
top_builddir = @top_builddir@
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
SUBDIRS = debug libc libio libm libsdcc startup
@@ -900,7 +896,7 @@ index e4e3abb..730066b 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -310,11 +306,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -312,11 +308,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -915,19 +911,40 @@ index e4e3abb..730066b 100644
all: config.h
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-recursive
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/configure b/device/lib/pic16/configure
-index ed8ad06..65baa93 100755
+index add51b9..c451a74 100755
--- a/device/lib/pic16/configure
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/configure
-@@ -3657,7 +3657,6 @@ fi
+@@ -3828,7 +3828,6 @@ fi
- { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking devices supported by gputils" >&5
- $as_echo_n "checking devices supported by gputils... " >&6; }
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking devices supported by gputils" >&5
+ printf %s "checking devices supported by gputils... " >&6; }
+@@ -3839,20 +3838,6 @@ N_GOOD=0
+ N_BAD=0
+ mkdir -p ".checkdevices";
+ rm -f "$RESULT";
+-for i in "${LIBDEV}/pic1"*.c; do
+- p="${i##*pic}";
+- p="${p%.c}";
+- P=$(echo "$p" | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ);
+- printf " include \"p%s.inc\"\n END" "$p" > "${CHECK}.asm";
+- if "$mCCAS" -p "$p" -o "${CHECK}.o" -c "${CHECK}.asm" >/dev/null 2>&1 && "$mLD" "${CHECK}.o" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+- N_GOOD=`expr $N_GOOD + 1`;
+- echo "$P" >> "$RESULT";
+- else
+- N_BAD=`expr $N_BAD + 1`;
+- fi;
+ { printf "%s\n" "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $N_GOOD devices ($GOOD_PICS)" >&5
+ printf "%s\n" "$N_GOOD devices ($GOOD_PICS)" >&6; }
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/configure.ac b/device/lib/pic16/configure.ac
-index 3966c11..cdbffc7 100644
+index 75bea9d..65e98be 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/configure.ac
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/configure.ac
@@ -68,10 +68,6 @@ AC_SUBST(OBJEXT, [o])
@@ -942,7 +959,7 @@ index 3966c11..cdbffc7 100644
# Checks for header files.
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/debug/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/debug/Makefile.in
-index 8d5eb80..9dd8bb2 100644
+index 05108a8..a6a94bb 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/debug/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/debug/Makefile.in
@@ -88,10 +88,7 @@ PRE_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -957,7 +974,7 @@ index 8d5eb80..9dd8bb2 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__DIST_COMMON)
-@@ -291,8 +288,7 @@ top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+@@ -292,8 +289,7 @@ top_builddir = @top_builddir@
top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
lib_LIBRARIES = libdebug.a
libdebug_a_SOURCES = gstack/gstack.c
@@ -967,7 +984,7 @@ index 8d5eb80..9dd8bb2 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -306,11 +302,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -307,11 +303,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -982,7 +999,7 @@ index 8d5eb80..9dd8bb2 100644
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/libc/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/libc/Makefile.in
-index 659db72..cbb73bf 100644
+index 49a437d..5579b71 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/libc/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/libc/Makefile.in
@@ -88,10 +88,7 @@ PRE_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -997,7 +1014,7 @@ index 659db72..cbb73bf 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__DIST_COMMON)
-@@ -381,8 +378,7 @@ libc18f_a_SOURCES = ctype/iscntrl.c ctype/isdigit.c ctype/isgraph.c \
+@@ -382,8 +379,7 @@ libc18f_a_SOURCES = ctype/iscntrl.c ctype/isdigit.c ctype/isgraph.c \
string/strpbrk.c string/strrchr.c string/strspn.c \
string/strstr.c string/strtok.c string/strupr.c \
utils/cnvfrac.S utils/cnvint.S utils/cvtdec.S
@@ -1007,7 +1024,7 @@ index 659db72..cbb73bf 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -396,11 +392,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -397,11 +393,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -1022,7 +1039,7 @@ index 659db72..cbb73bf 100644
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/libio/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/libio/Makefile.in
-index 128ffcc..b298c7c 100644
+index 5b1a9b0..664958f 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/libio/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/libio/Makefile.in
@@ -481,10 +481,7 @@ POST_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -1037,7 +1054,7 @@ index 128ffcc..b298c7c 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__DIST_COMMON)
-@@ -15600,8 +15597,7 @@ libio18lf8722_a_SOURCES = dummy.c i2c/i2cack.c i2c/i2cclose.c \
+@@ -15601,8 +15598,7 @@ libio18lf8722_a_SOURCES = dummy.c i2c/i2cack.c i2c/i2cclose.c \
libio18lf8722_a_CFLAGS = -p18lf8722 $(AM_CFLAGS)
libio18lf8723_a_SOURCES = dummy.c
libio18lf8723_a_CFLAGS = -p18lf8723 $(AM_CFLAGS)
@@ -1047,7 +1064,7 @@ index 128ffcc..b298c7c 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -15615,11 +15611,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -15616,11 +15612,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -1107,7 +1124,7 @@ index 211604e..e8896bf 100755
include \$(top_srcdir)/Makefile.common
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/libm/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/libm/Makefile.in
-index af29662..05f1c24 100644
+index 285c5b8..ad6c293 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/libm/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/libm/Makefile.in
@@ -88,10 +88,7 @@ PRE_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -1122,7 +1139,7 @@ index af29662..05f1c24 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__DIST_COMMON)
-@@ -312,8 +309,7 @@ libm18f_a_SOURCES = acosf.c asincosf.c asinf.c atan2f.c atanf.c \
+@@ -313,8 +310,7 @@ libm18f_a_SOURCES = acosf.c asincosf.c asinf.c atan2f.c atanf.c \
frexpf.c isinf.c isnan.c ldexpf.c log10f.c logf.c modff.c \
powf.c sincosf.c sincoshf.c sinf.c sinhf.c sqrtf.c tancotf.c \
tanf.c tanhf.c
@@ -1132,7 +1149,7 @@ index af29662..05f1c24 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -327,11 +323,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -328,11 +324,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -1147,7 +1164,7 @@ index af29662..05f1c24 100644
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/libsdcc/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/libsdcc/Makefile.in
-index d384631..01129e3 100644
+index 808b8a5..412dc80 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/libsdcc/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/libsdcc/Makefile.in
@@ -88,10 +88,7 @@ PRE_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -1162,7 +1179,7 @@ index d384631..01129e3 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__DIST_COMMON)
-@@ -413,8 +410,7 @@ libsdcc_a_SOURCES = char/divschar.c char/divuchar.c char/modschar.c \
+@@ -414,8 +411,7 @@ libsdcc_a_SOURCES = char/divschar.c char/divuchar.c char/modschar.c \
int/modsint.c int/moduint.c int/mulint.c long/divslong.c \
long/divulong.c long/modslong.c long/modulong.c long/mullong.c \
lregs/lrrest.c lregs/lrst.c stack/stack.S
@@ -1172,7 +1189,7 @@ index d384631..01129e3 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -428,11 +424,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -429,11 +425,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -1187,7 +1204,7 @@ index d384631..01129e3 100644
diff --git a/device/lib/pic16/startup/Makefile.in b/device/lib/pic16/startup/Makefile.in
-index 6169096..0172a25 100644
+index d57c254..7394a4c 100644
--- a/device/lib/pic16/startup/Makefile.in
+++ b/device/lib/pic16/startup/Makefile.in
@@ -89,10 +89,7 @@ PRE_UNINSTALL = :
@@ -1202,7 +1219,7 @@ index 6169096..0172a25 100644
am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__DIST_COMMON)
-@@ -308,8 +305,7 @@ libcrt0iz_a_SOURCES = crt0iz.c
+@@ -309,8 +306,7 @@ libcrt0iz_a_SOURCES = crt0iz.c
# Force installation of .o files into $libdir
crtdir = $(libdir)
crt_DATA = crt0.o crt0i.o crt0iz.o
@@ -1212,7 +1229,7 @@ index 6169096..0172a25 100644
#AM_CFLAGS += --no-optimize-goto
#AM_CFLAGS += --debug-ralloc
-@@ -323,11 +319,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
+@@ -324,11 +320,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I$(top_srcdir)/../../include/pic16 \
#AM_CFLAGS += --noinduction
#AM_CFLAGS += --nojtbound
#AM_CFLAGS += --noloopreverse
@@ -1227,7 +1244,7 @@ index 6169096..0172a25 100644
diff --git a/doc/INSTALL.txt b/doc/INSTALL.txt
-index d630b99..8cd747f 100644
+index 3c4bc1f..0a6fdd5 100644
--- a/doc/INSTALL.txt
+++ b/doc/INSTALL.txt
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ To install:
@@ -1261,10 +1278,10 @@ index d630b99..8cd747f 100644
You can test the install by entering:
diff --git a/doc/README.txt b/doc/README.txt
-index 88f8c98..a36db81 100644
+index 3720fd6..5a0d0a8 100644
--- a/doc/README.txt
+++ b/doc/README.txt
-@@ -35,10 +35,9 @@ Exception are pic device libraries and header files which are derived
+@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ Exception are pic device libraries and header files which are derived
from Microchip header (.inc) and linker script (.lkr) files. Microchip
requires that "The header files should state that they are only to be
used with authentic Microchip devices" which makes them incompatible
@@ -1276,13 +1293,13 @@ index 88f8c98..a36db81 100644
+and run-time options that enable their use) are omitted in the SDCC
+package distributed with GNU Guix.
- See:
+ However: Many think that the Microchip requirement is not legally enforceable,
+ arguing that the header files only contain noncopyrightable facts.
diff --git a/doc/sdccman.lyx b/doc/sdccman.lyx
-index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
+index 9ba31eb..3d69b5a 100644
--- a/doc/sdccman.lyx
+++ b/doc/sdccman.lyx
-@@ -1092,54 +1092,9 @@ A possible exception are pic device libraries and header files which are
+@@ -1093,54 +1093,9 @@ A possible exception are pic device libraries and header files which are
to be used with authentic Microchip devices" which makes them incompatible
with the GPL, if Microchip has any copyright in them (which might depend
on local copyright laws).
@@ -1340,7 +1357,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Itemize
-@@ -2890,18 +2845,6 @@ include_dir_suffix environment variable, see table below
+@@ -2943,18 +2898,6 @@ include_dir_suffix environment variable, see table below
@@ -1359,7 +1376,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset space ~
-@@ -2914,22 +2857,6 @@ lib_dir_suffix environment variable, see table below
+@@ -2967,22 +2910,6 @@ lib_dir_suffix environment variable, see table below
@@ -1382,7 +1399,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset space ~
-@@ -3428,7 +3355,7 @@ These defaults are:
+@@ -3481,7 +3408,7 @@ These defaults are:
\begin_layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular
@@ -1391,7 +1408,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
<features tabularvalignment="middle">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" width="0in">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" width="0in">
-@@ -3712,68 +3639,6 @@ sdcc/include
+@@ -3765,68 +3692,6 @@ sdcc/include
@@ -1460,7 +1477,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -3784,7 +3649,7 @@ lib
+@@ -3837,7 +3702,7 @@ lib
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\emph on
@@ -1469,7 +1486,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -3793,7 +3658,7 @@ NON_FREE_LIB_DIR_SUFFIX
+@@ -3846,7 +3711,7 @@ NON_FREE_LIB_DIR_SUFFIX
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
@@ -1478,7 +1495,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -3802,7 +3667,7 @@ sdcc/non-free/lib
+@@ -3855,7 +3720,7 @@ sdcc/non-free/lib
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
@@ -1487,7 +1504,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -4201,20 +4066,6 @@ include
+@@ -4254,20 +4119,6 @@ include
@@ -1508,7 +1525,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -4229,20 +4080,6 @@ lib
+@@ -4282,20 +4133,6 @@ lib
@@ -1529,7 +1546,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -4423,20 +4260,6 @@ include
+@@ -4476,20 +4313,6 @@ include
@@ -1550,7 +1567,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -4451,20 +4274,6 @@ lib
+@@ -4504,20 +4327,6 @@ lib
@@ -1571,7 +1588,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -4561,7 +4370,7 @@ Install paths
+@@ -4614,7 +4423,7 @@ Install paths
\begin_layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular
@@ -1580,7 +1597,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
<features tabularvalignment="middle">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top">
<column alignment="left" valignment="top" width="4.5cm">
-@@ -4717,64 +4526,6 @@ include
+@@ -4770,64 +4579,6 @@ include
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
\begin_inset Text
@@ -1645,7 +1662,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Library file**
-@@ -4824,64 +4575,6 @@ sdcc
+@@ -4877,64 +4628,6 @@ sdcc
@@ -1710,7 +1727,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -5204,7 +4897,7 @@ $PATH
+@@ -5257,7 +4950,7 @@ $PATH
\begin_layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular
@@ -1719,7 +1736,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
<features tabularvalignment="middle">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" width="0.5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" width="4.8cm">
-@@ -5482,203 +5175,13 @@ include
+@@ -5535,203 +5228,13 @@ include
@@ -1924,7 +1941,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
<cell alignment="center" valignment="top" topline="true" bottomline="true" leftline="true" usebox="none">
-@@ -5694,21 +5197,13 @@ $DATADIR/
+@@ -5747,21 +5250,13 @@ $DATADIR/
@@ -1947,7 +1964,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-@@ -5716,7 +5211,7 @@ $INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX
+@@ -5769,7 +5264,7 @@ $INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX
\begin_inset Newline newline
@@ -1956,7 +1973,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -5814,7 +5309,7 @@ model
+@@ -5867,7 +5362,7 @@ model
\begin_layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular
@@ -1965,7 +1982,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
<features tabularvalignment="middle">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" width="0.5cm">
<column alignment="block" valignment="top" width="4.5cm">
-@@ -6094,7 +5589,7 @@ lib
+@@ -6147,7 +5642,7 @@ lib
@@ -1974,7 +1991,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-@@ -6103,7 +5598,7 @@ lib
+@@ -6156,7 +5651,7 @@ lib
@@ -1983,7 +2000,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-@@ -6134,7 +5629,7 @@ $LIB_DIR_SUFFIX/
+@@ -6187,7 +5682,7 @@ $LIB_DIR_SUFFIX/
@@ -1992,7 +2009,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-@@ -6149,7 +5644,7 @@ lib/
+@@ -6202,7 +5697,7 @@ lib/
@@ -2001,7 +2018,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Text
\begin_layout Plain Layout
-@@ -6172,308 +5667,6 @@ lib
+@@ -6225,308 +5720,6 @@ lib
@@ -2310,7 +2327,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -8737,14 +7930,6 @@ In <installdir>/share/sdcc/include
+@@ -8801,14 +7994,6 @@ In <installdir>/share/sdcc/include
the include files
@@ -2325,7 +2342,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Standard
In <installdir>/share/sdcc/lib
-@@ -8753,14 +7938,6 @@ In <installdir>/share/sdcc/lib
+@@ -8817,14 +8002,6 @@ In <installdir>/share/sdcc/lib
the src and target subdirectories with the precompiled relocatables.
@@ -2340,7 +2357,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Standard
In <installdir>/share/sdcc/doc
-@@ -15274,66 +14451,6 @@ splint
+@@ -15590,66 +14767,6 @@ splint
@@ -2407,7 +2424,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Subsection
Linker Options
\begin_inset Index idx
-@@ -44653,66 +43770,9 @@ http://sourceforge.net/projects/gputils
+@@ -45248,66 +44365,9 @@ http://sourceforge.net/projects/gputils
Pic device specific header and c source files are automatically generated
from MPLAB include files, which are published by Microchip with a special
requirement that they are only to be used with authentic Microchip devices.
@@ -2477,7 +2494,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -44766,7 +43826,7 @@ Makefile
+@@ -45361,7 +44421,7 @@ Makefile
\begin_inset space ~
@@ -2486,7 +2503,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -44860,7 +43920,7 @@ Makefile
+@@ -45455,7 +44515,7 @@ Makefile
\begin_inset space ~
@@ -2495,7 +2512,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_inset Newline newline
-@@ -45142,47 +44202,6 @@ status collapsed
+@@ -45737,47 +44797,6 @@ status collapsed
\begin_layout Plain Layout
@@ -2543,7 +2560,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
-@@ -46055,47 +45074,6 @@ status collapsed
+@@ -46650,47 +45669,6 @@ status collapsed
@@ -2591,7 +2608,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Subsection
Port Specific Options
\begin_inset Index idx
-@@ -47372,188 +46350,6 @@ Linker
+@@ -47967,188 +46945,6 @@ Linker
@@ -2780,7 +2797,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Subsection
-@@ -48249,66 +47045,9 @@ name "subsec:PIC16_Header-Files-and-Libraries"
+@@ -48844,66 +47640,9 @@ name "subsec:PIC16_Header-Files-and-Libraries"
Pic device specific header and c source files are automatically generated
from MPLAB include files, which are published by Microchip with a special
requirement that they are only to be used with authentic Microchip devices.
@@ -2850,7 +2867,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Subsection
-@@ -48554,195 +47293,6 @@ vfprintf.c
+@@ -49149,195 +47888,6 @@ vfprintf.c
should also work, but is untested.
@@ -3046,7 +3063,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
\begin_layout Subsection
Memory Models
-@@ -73528,6 +72078,12 @@ This document was initially written by Sandeep Dutta and updated by SDCC
+@@ -74082,6 +72632,12 @@ This document was initially written by Sandeep Dutta and updated by SDCC
@@ -3060,7 +3077,7 @@ index c8f8e73..e4afb0c 100644
All product names mentioned herein may be trademarks
\begin_inset Index idx
diff --git a/sdcc.spec b/sdcc.spec
-index 3609ffe..4b4a5cb 100644
+index 85ae200..8e0ef4b 100644
--- a/sdcc.spec
+++ b/sdcc.spec
@@ -89,9 +89,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
@@ -3073,8 +3090,8 @@ index 3609ffe..4b4a5cb 100644
%files doc
-@@ -100,6 +98,8 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
- %changelog
+@@ -102,6 +100,8 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+ - version updated to 4.2.0
* Sat Feb 20 2021 - pkk AT spth.de
- version updated to 4.0.0
+* Tue Dec 08 2020 - simon AT simonsouth.net
@@ -3083,7 +3100,7 @@ index 3609ffe..4b4a5cb 100644
- version updated to 4.0.0
* Fri Apr 05 2019 - krauseph AT informatik.uni-freiburg.de
diff --git a/sdcc_vc.h.in b/sdcc_vc.h.in
-index 06d8cca..736c325 100644
+index 8cf401b..19f5113 100644
--- a/sdcc_vc.h.in
+++ b/sdcc_vc.h.in
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
@@ -3096,7 +3113,7 @@ index 06d8cca..736c325 100644
#define BIN2DATA_DIR "\\.."
#define PREFIX2BIN_DIR "\\bin"
diff --git a/sdccconf_in.h b/sdccconf_in.h
-index eb6f48b..9f5b003 100644
+index ca8d69f..980af8d 100644
--- a/sdccconf_in.h
+++ b/sdccconf_in.h
@@ -100,12 +100,6 @@
@@ -3112,9 +3129,9 @@ index eb6f48b..9f5b003 100644
/* Define to 1 to disable the AVR port */
-@@ -130,9 +124,6 @@
+@@ -133,9 +127,6 @@
/* XXX */
- #undef OPT_DISABLE_MCS51
+ #undef OPT_DISABLE_MOS65C02
-/* XXX */
@@ -3123,10 +3140,10 @@ index eb6f48b..9f5b003 100644
diff --git a/src/SDCCglobl.h b/src/SDCCglobl.h
-index 9383f68..c2f0b42 100644
+index b49fa1b..d357169 100644
--- a/src/SDCCglobl.h
+++ b/src/SDCCglobl.h
-@@ -288,7 +288,6 @@ struct options
+@@ -287,7 +287,6 @@ struct options
int stack_size; /* MCS51/DS390 - Tells the linker to allocate this space for stack */
int acall_ajmp; /* MCS51 - Use acall/ajmp instead of lcall/ljmp */
int no_ret_without_call; /* MCS51 - Do not use ret independent of acall/lcall */
@@ -3135,7 +3152,7 @@ index 9383f68..c2f0b42 100644
int xstack_loc; /* initial location of external stack */
int stack_loc; /* initial value of internal stack pointer */
diff --git a/src/SDCCmain.c b/src/SDCCmain.c
-index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
+index bc1493d..e775988 100644
--- a/src/SDCCmain.c
+++ b/src/SDCCmain.c
@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ char buffer[PATH_MAX * 2];
@@ -3146,7 +3163,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
#define OPTION_PEEP_RETURN "--peep-return"
#define OPTION_NO_PEEP_RETURN "--no-peep-return"
#define OPTION_NO_OPTSDCC_IN_ASM "--no-optsdcc-in-asm"
-@@ -207,7 +206,6 @@ static const OPTION optionsTable[] = {
+@@ -209,7 +208,6 @@ static const OPTION optionsTable[] = {
{0, OPTION_STD_SDCC2X, NULL, "Use ISO C2X standard with SDCC extensions"},
{0, OPTION_DOLLARS_IN_IDENT, &options.dollars_in_ident, "Permit '$' as an identifier character"},
{0, OPTION_SIGNED_CHAR, &options.signed_char, "Make \"char\" signed by default"},
@@ -3154,7 +3171,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
{0, NULL, NULL, "Code generation options"},
{'m', NULL, NULL, "Set the port to use e.g. -mz80."},
-@@ -2113,10 +2111,6 @@ preProcess (char **envp)
+@@ -2132,10 +2130,6 @@ preProcess (char **envp)
addSet (&preArgvSet, Safe_strdup ("-D__SDCC_CHAR_UNSIGNED"));
@@ -3165,7 +3182,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
/* set the macro for large model */
switch (options.model)
-@@ -2336,12 +2330,6 @@ setIncludePath (void)
+@@ -2365,12 +2359,6 @@ setIncludePath (void)
* 7. - path(argv[0])/BIN2DATA_DIR/INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX
* 8. - DATADIR/INCLUDE_DIR_SUFFIX (only on *nix)
@@ -3178,7 +3195,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
if (!options.nostdinc)
-@@ -2357,17 +2345,6 @@ setIncludePath (void)
+@@ -2386,17 +2374,6 @@ setIncludePath (void)
includeDirsSet = processStrSet (includeDirsSet, NULL, port->target, NULL);
mergeSets (&includeDirsSet, tempSet);
@@ -3196,7 +3213,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
if ((p = getenv (SDCC_INCLUDE_NAME)) != NULL)
struct dbuf_s dbuf;
-@@ -2392,9 +2369,6 @@ setLibPath (void)
+@@ -2421,9 +2398,6 @@ setLibPath (void)
* 4. - path(argv[0])/BIN2DATA_DIR/LIB_DIR_SUFFIX/<model>
* 5. - DATADIR/LIB_DIR_SUFFIX/<model> (only on *nix)
@@ -3206,7 +3223,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
if (!options.nostdlib)
-@@ -2411,13 +2385,6 @@ setLibPath (void)
+@@ -2440,13 +2414,6 @@ setLibPath (void)
dbuf_makePath (&dbuf, LIB_DIR_SUFFIX, port->general.get_model ? port->general.get_model () : targetname);
libDirsSet = processStrSet (dataDirsSet, NULL, dbuf_c_str (&dbuf), NULL);
@@ -3221,7 +3238,7 @@ index 2a7a711..f46370f 100644
addSetHead (&libDirsSet, Safe_strdup (p));
diff --git a/src/pic14/main.c b/src/pic14/main.c
-index ee90470..519ccfc 100644
+index 38d8730..a0eecdb 100644
--- a/src/pic14/main.c
+++ b/src/pic14/main.c
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ static OPTION _pic14_poptions[] =
@@ -3232,7 +3249,7 @@ index ee90470..519ccfc 100644
-@@ -176,16 +175,6 @@ _pic14_finaliseOptions (void)
+@@ -180,16 +179,6 @@ _pic14_finaliseOptions (void)
addSet (&preArgvSet, Safe_strdup (dbuf_detach_c_str (&dbuf)));
@@ -3274,10 +3291,10 @@ index cdfbba0..5877f09 100644
extern pic16_options_t pic16_options;
diff --git a/src/pic16/main.c b/src/pic16/main.c
-index d416642..bfe514d 100644
+index b0e717a..d7616f5 100644
--- a/src/pic16/main.c
+++ b/src/pic16/main.c
-@@ -655,7 +655,6 @@ OPTION pic16_optionsTable[]= {
+@@ -660,7 +660,6 @@ OPTION pic16_optionsTable[]= {
{ 0, "--pcode-verbose", &pic16_pcode_verbose, "dump pcode related info"},
{ 0, "--calltree", &pic16_options.dumpcalltree, "dump call tree in .calltree file"},
{ 0, "--gstack", &pic16_options.gstack, "trace stack pointer push/pop to overflow"},
@@ -3285,7 +3302,7 @@ index d416642..bfe514d 100644
-@@ -940,16 +939,6 @@ _pic16_finaliseOptions (void)
+@@ -945,16 +944,6 @@ _pic16_finaliseOptions (void)
addSet (&asmOptionsSet, Safe_strdup ("-D__STACK_MODEL_SMALL"));
@@ -3302,7 +3319,7 @@ index d416642..bfe514d 100644
dbuf_destroy (&dbuf);
-@@ -979,7 +968,6 @@ _pic16_setDefaultOptions (void)
+@@ -984,7 +973,6 @@ _pic16_setDefaultOptions (void)
pic16_options.ip_stack = 1; /* set to 1 to enable ipop/ipush for stack */
pic16_options.gstack = 0;
pic16_options.debgen = 0;
@@ -3496,10 +3513,10 @@ index 6db417a..4b35225 100755
diff --git a/support/scripts/sdcc.nsi b/support/scripts/sdcc.nsi
-index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
+index cebb8a6..778472a 100644
--- a/support/scripts/sdcc.nsi
+++ b/support/scripts/sdcc.nsi
-@@ -479,11 +479,6 @@ ${Section} "SDCC include files" SEC05
+@@ -480,11 +480,6 @@ ${Section} "SDCC include files" SEC05
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include"
File "${DEV_ROOT}\include\*.h"
@@ -3511,7 +3528,7 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
${Section} "SDCC DS390 library" SEC06
-@@ -581,18 +576,12 @@ ${Section} "SDCC PIC16 library" SEC21
+@@ -582,18 +577,12 @@ ${Section} "SDCC PIC16 library" SEC21
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib\pic16"
File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\pic16\*.o"
File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\pic16\*.lib"
@@ -3530,7 +3547,7 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
${Section} "SDCC STM8 small model library" SEC23
-@@ -697,10 +686,6 @@ ${Section} "SDCC library sources" SEC25
+@@ -702,10 +691,6 @@ ${Section} "SDCC library sources" SEC25
File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic14\libsdcc\enhanced\*.inc"
# File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic14\libsdcc\Makefile"
@@ -3541,7 +3558,7 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib\src\pic14\libm"
# File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic14\libm\*.c"
-@@ -752,10 +737,6 @@ ${Section} "SDCC library sources" SEC25
+@@ -757,10 +742,6 @@ ${Section} "SDCC library sources" SEC25
File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic16\libc\utils\*.S"
# File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic16\libc\utils\Makefile"
@@ -3552,7 +3569,7 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib\src\pic16\libio"
File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic16\libio\*.ignore"
# File "${DEV_ROOT}\lib\src\pic16\libio\Makefile"
-@@ -1105,13 +1086,9 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
+@@ -1126,13 +1107,9 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
Delete "$INSTDIR\lib\pic14\*.lib"
@@ -3566,7 +3583,7 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
Delete "$INSTDIR\lib\hc08\*.lib"
Delete "$INSTDIR\lib\s08\*.lib"
-@@ -1182,9 +1159,7 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
+@@ -1208,9 +1185,7 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
Delete "$INSTDIR\include\pic14\*.h"
Delete "$INSTDIR\include\pic14\*.txt"
Delete "$INSTDIR\include\pic14\*.inc"
@@ -3576,7 +3593,7 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
Delete "$INSTDIR\include\pic16\*.txt"
Delete "$INSTDIR\include\mcs51\*.h"
Delete "$INSTDIR\include\hc08\*.h"
-@@ -1246,9 +1221,7 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
+@@ -1273,9 +1248,7 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\lib\src\pic14"
@@ -3586,8 +3603,8 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src\small"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src\medium"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src\large"
-@@ -1274,12 +1247,9 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src\tlcs90"
+@@ -1303,12 +1276,9 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
+ RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src\mos6502"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src\z80n"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\src"
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\non-free\lib\src"
@@ -3599,8 +3616,8 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\z80"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\z180"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\r2k"
-@@ -1305,15 +1275,12 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\tlcs90"
+@@ -1336,15 +1306,12 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
+ RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\mos6502"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib\z80n"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\lib"
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\non-free\lib"
@@ -3613,9 +3630,9 @@ index da63063..dae8d8d 100644
RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\asm\pic14"
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\non-free\include\asm\pic14"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\asm\mcs51"
- RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\asm\gbz80"
+ RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\asm\sm83"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\asm\ds390"
-@@ -1322,17 +1289,12 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
+@@ -1353,17 +1320,12 @@ ${Section} Uninstall SECUNINSTALL
RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\asm"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\z180"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\include\pic14"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/streamlink-update-test.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/streamlink-update-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d90009192..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/streamlink-update-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-This is taken from upstream, and can be removed at the next release
-From c6f3994e177a42792238f2edd07ba9053c10abc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: back-to <backto@protonmail.ch>
-Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2018 14:30:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] tests.localization: use en_CA instead of en_US for
- test_equivalent
-**python-iso3166** got an update which breaks the Streamlink tests.
-**python-iso3166** and **pycountry** have now a different `name` for _the United States of America_
-> python-iso3166: United States of America
-> pycountry: United States
-use **en_CA** instead of **en_US** for backwards compatibility,
-as changing the **US** name would fail with older versions of **python-iso3166** / **pycountry**
- tests/test_localization.py | 13 +++++++------
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tests/test_localization.py b/tests/test_localization.py
-index 0b81ae591..90bb3ac31 100644
---- a/tests/test_localization.py
-+++ b/tests/test_localization.py
-@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ def test_bad_language_code(self):
- self.assertRaises(LookupError, l10n.Localization, "enUS")
- def test_equivalent(self):
-- l = l10n.Localization("en_US")
-+ l = l10n.Localization("en_CA")
- self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="eng"))
- self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="en"))
-- self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="en", country="US"))
-- self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="en", country="United States"))
-+ self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="en", country="CA"))
-+ self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="en", country="CAN"))
-+ self.assertTrue(l.equivalent(language="en", country="Canada"))
- def test_equivalent_remap(self):
- l = l10n.Localization("fr_FR")
-@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ def test_not_equivalent(self):
- self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="eng"))
- self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="en"))
- self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="en", country="US"))
-- self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="en", country="United States"))
-+ self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="en", country="Canada"))
- self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="en", country="ES"))
- self.assertFalse(l.equivalent(language="en", country="Spain"))
-@@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ def test_get_country(self):
- l10n.Localization.get_country("USA").alpha2)
- self.assertEqual("GB",
- l10n.Localization.get_country("GB").alpha2)
-- self.assertEqual("United States",
-- l10n.Localization.get_country("United States").name)
-+ self.assertEqual("Canada",
-+ l10n.Localization.get_country("Canada").name)
- def test_get_country_miss(self):
- self.assertRaises(LookupError, l10n.Localization.get_country, "XE")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/tbb-fix-test-on-aarch64.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/tbb-fix-test-on-aarch64.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a6003591e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/tbb-fix-test-on-aarch64.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+From 013035b4e9af39f506e87ae6b755c3363e768d4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Vladislav Shchapov <phprus@gmail.com>
+Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 19:17:24 +0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix issue #687 (test_eh_thread) (#697)
+Signed-off-by: Vladislav Shchapov <phprus@gmail.com>
+ test/tbb/test_eh_thread.cpp | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/test/tbb/test_eh_thread.cpp b/test/tbb/test_eh_thread.cpp
+index aa6d764d..af291f48 100644
+--- a/test/tbb/test_eh_thread.cpp
++++ b/test/tbb/test_eh_thread.cpp
+@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+ // TODO: enable limitThreads with sanitizer under docker
++#include <limits.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #include <sys/resource.h>
+@@ -73,7 +74,8 @@ public:
+ mValid = false;
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ // Limit the stack size not to consume all virtual memory on 32 bit platforms.
+- if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) == 0 && pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, 100*1024) == 0) {
++ std::size_t stacksize = utils::max(128*1024, PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
++ if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) == 0 && pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stacksize) == 0) {
+ mValid = pthread_create(&mHandle, &attr, thread_routine, /* arg = */ nullptr) == 0;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/tcc-boot-0.9.27.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/tcc-boot-0.9.27.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f9d365788..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/tcc-boot-0.9.27.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From 1431ba3a99582e4c3d2693ac37e57f361858affd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 18:39:44 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] bootstrappable: Force static link.
- libtcc.c | 3 +++
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/libtcc.c b/libtcc.c
-index 3448f44..02ab850 100644
---- a/libtcc.c
-+++ b/libtcc.c
-@@ -735,6 +735,9 @@ LIBTCCAPI TCCState *tcc_new(void)
- tcc_state = s;
- ++nb_states;
-+ s->static_link = 1;
- s->alacarte_link = 1;
- s->nocommon = 1;
- s->warn_implicit_function_declaration = 1;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/transfig-gcc10-fno-common.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/transfig-gcc10-fno-common.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebe9236533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/transfig-gcc10-fno-common.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Fixes "multiple definition" errors when building with GCC 10+.
+Based on <https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=706706>.
+--- a/fig2dev/dev/gensvg.c 2010-07-01 22:41:16.000000000 +0200
++++ b/fig2dev/dev/gensvg.c 2022-02-27 20:02:33.379945500 +0100
+@@ -230,10 +230,12 @@
+ };
+ /* arrowhead arrays */
+-Point points[50], fillpoints[50], clippoints[50];
+-int npoints, nfillpoints, nclippoints;
+-int arrowx1, arrowy1; /* first point of object */
+-int arrowx2, arrowy2; /* second point of object */
++Point fillpoints[50];
++int nfillpoints;
++extern Point points[50], clippoints[50];
++extern int npoints, nclippoints;
++extern int arrowx1, arrowy1; /* first point of object */
++extern int arrowx2, arrowy2; /* second point of object */
+ static int tileno=0; /* number of current tile */
+--- a/fig2dev/fig2dev.h 2010-03-16 19:53:20.000000000 +0100
++++ b/fig2dev/fig2dev.h 2022-02-27 19:56:06.072253991 +0100
+@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
+ extern char *prog, *from, *to;
+ extern char *name;
+ extern double font_size;
+-Boolean correct_font_size; /* use correct font size */
++extern Boolean correct_font_size; /* use correct font size */
+ extern double mag, fontmag;
+ extern FILE *tfp;
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-accelerated-video-decode.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-accelerated-video-decode.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cbab626e59..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/ungoogled-chromium-accelerated-video-decode.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Upstream Chromium no longer supports hardware accelerated video decoding
-on GNU/Linux, yet it still works fine on many systems. This patch "unexpires"
-the support.
-Taken from Arch Linux:
---- a/chrome/browser/flag-metadata.json
-+++ b/chrome/browser/flag-metadata.json
-@@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@
- {
- "name": "enable-accelerated-video-decode",
- "owners": [ "media-dev@chromium.org" ],
-- "expiry_milestone": 93
-+ "expiry_milestone": 99
- },
- {
- "name": "enable-accessibility-live-caption",
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/upower-builddir.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/upower-builddir.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a61d387faf..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/upower-builddir.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 27ae011b31d831752b97eb209bc2b2206fcf40f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
-Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2021 11:58:47 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] gnu: upower: Fix build directory.
-Remove explicit set of UPOWER_CONF_FILE_NAME in up-self-test.c;
-instead the harness should set it. In Guix we set it explicitly; the
-right thing is to use AM_TEST_ENVIRONMENT and regenerate the
-makefiles, but we can't regenerate because current autotools carp on
-some things, so we patch the Makefile.in instead.
-Also fix to not try to create /var/lib/upower if /var isn't writable.
-Based on a patch by Andy Wingo <wingo@igalia.com>
- src/Makefile.am | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
-index 3400139..f51ee89 100644
---- a/src/Makefile.am
-+++ b/src/Makefile.am
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ $(systemdservice_DATA): $(systemdservice_in_files) Makefile
- endif
- install-data-hook:
-- if test -w $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/; then \
-+ if test -w $(DESTDIR)$(localstatedir)/; then \
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(historydir); \
- fi
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3995.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3995.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7faea83801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3995.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Fix CVE-2021-3995:
+Patch copied from upstream source repository:
+From f3db9bd609494099f0c1b95231c5dfe383346929 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
+Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2021 13:53:25 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] libmount: fix UID check for FUSE umount [CVE-2021-3995]
+Improper UID check allows an unprivileged user to unmount FUSE
+filesystems of users with similar UID.
+Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
+ include/strutils.h | 2 +-
+ libmount/src/context_umount.c | 14 +++---------
+ libmount/src/mountP.h | 1 +
+ libmount/src/optstr.c | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/strutils.h b/include/strutils.h
+index 6e95707ea..a84d29594 100644
+--- a/include/strutils.h
++++ b/include/strutils.h
+@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ static inline char *mem2strcpy(char *dest, const void *src, size_t n, size_t nma
+ if (n + 1 > nmax)
+ n = nmax - 1;
++ memset(dest, '\0', nmax);
+ memcpy(dest, src, n);
+- dest[nmax-1] = '\0';
+ return dest;
+ }
+diff --git a/libmount/src/context_umount.c b/libmount/src/context_umount.c
+index 173637a15..8773c65ff 100644
+--- a/libmount/src/context_umount.c
++++ b/libmount/src/context_umount.c
+@@ -453,10 +453,7 @@ static int is_fuse_usermount(struct libmnt_context *cxt, int *errsv)
+ struct libmnt_ns *ns_old;
+ const char *type = mnt_fs_get_fstype(cxt->fs);
+ const char *optstr;
+- char *user_id = NULL;
+- size_t sz;
+- uid_t uid;
+- char uidstr[sizeof(stringify_value(ULONG_MAX))];
++ uid_t uid, entry_uid;
+ *errsv = 0;
+@@ -473,11 +470,7 @@ static int is_fuse_usermount(struct libmnt_context *cxt, int *errsv)
+ optstr = mnt_fs_get_fs_options(cxt->fs);
+ if (!optstr)
+ return 0;
+- if (mnt_optstr_get_option(optstr, "user_id", &user_id, &sz) != 0)
+- return 0;
+- if (sz == 0 || user_id == NULL)
++ if (mnt_optstr_get_uid(optstr, "user_id", &entry_uid) != 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* get current user */
+@@ -494,8 +487,7 @@ static int is_fuse_usermount(struct libmnt_context *cxt, int *errsv)
+ return 0;
+ }
+- snprintf(uidstr, sizeof(uidstr), "%lu", (unsigned long) uid);
+- return strncmp(user_id, uidstr, sz) == 0;
++ return uid == entry_uid;
+ }
+ /*
+diff --git a/libmount/src/mountP.h b/libmount/src/mountP.h
+index d43a83541..22442ec55 100644
+--- a/libmount/src/mountP.h
++++ b/libmount/src/mountP.h
+@@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ extern const struct libmnt_optmap *mnt_optmap_get_entry(
+ const struct libmnt_optmap **mapent);
+ /* optstr.c */
++extern int mnt_optstr_get_uid(const char *optstr, const char *name, uid_t *uid);
+ extern int mnt_optstr_remove_option_at(char **optstr, char *begin, char *end);
+ extern int mnt_optstr_fix_gid(char **optstr, char *value, size_t valsz, char **next);
+ extern int mnt_optstr_fix_uid(char **optstr, char *value, size_t valsz, char **next);
+diff --git a/libmount/src/optstr.c b/libmount/src/optstr.c
+index 921b9318e..16800f571 100644
+--- a/libmount/src/optstr.c
++++ b/libmount/src/optstr.c
+@@ -1076,6 +1076,48 @@ int mnt_optstr_fix_user(char **optstr)
+ return rc;
+ }
++ * Converts value from @optstr addressed by @name to uid.
++ *
++ * Returns: 0 on success, 1 if not found, <0 on error
++ */
++int mnt_optstr_get_uid(const char *optstr, const char *name, uid_t *uid)
++ char *value = NULL;
++ size_t valsz = 0;
++ char buf[sizeof(stringify_value(UINT64_MAX))];
++ int rc;
++ uint64_t num;
++ assert(optstr);
++ assert(name);
++ assert(uid);
++ rc = mnt_optstr_get_option(optstr, name, &value, &valsz);
++ if (rc != 0)
++ goto fail;
++ if (valsz > sizeof(buf) - 1) {
++ rc = -ERANGE;
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ mem2strcpy(buf, value, valsz, sizeof(buf));
++ rc = ul_strtou64(buf, &num, 10);
++ if (rc != 0)
++ goto fail;
++ if (num > ULONG_MAX || (uid_t) num != num) {
++ rc = -ERANGE;
++ goto fail;
++ }
++ *uid = (uid_t) num;
++ return 0;
++ DBG(UTILS, ul_debug("failed to convert '%s'= to number [rc=%d]", name, rc));
++ return rc;
+ /**
+ * mnt_match_options:
+ * @optstr: options string
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3996.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3996.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59edf5c7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/util-linux-CVE-2021-3996.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+Fix CVE-2021-3996:
+Patch copied from upstream source repository:
+From 018a10907fa9885093f6d87401556932c2d8bd2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 10:54:20 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] libmount: fix (deleted) suffix issue [CVE-2021-3996]
+This issue is related to parsing the /proc/self/mountinfo file allows an
+unprivileged user to unmount other user's filesystems that are either
+world-writable themselves or mounted in a world-writable directory.
+The support for "(deleted)" is no more necessary as the Linux kernel does
+not use it in /proc/self/mountinfo and /proc/self/mount files anymore.
+Signed-off-by: Karel Zak <kzak@redhat.com>
+ libmount/src/tab_parse.c | 5 -----
+ tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options | 1 -
+ tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options-nameval-neg | 3 +--
+ tests/expected/findmnt/filter-types-neg | 1 -
+ tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-default | 3 +--
+ tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-force-tree | 3 +--
+ tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-kernel | 3 +--
+ tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-mount | 1 -
+ tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-move | 1 -
+ tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-remount | 1 -
+ tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-umount | 1 -
+ tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-parse-mountinfo | 11 -----------
+ tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-py-parse-mountinfo | 11 -----------
+ tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo | 1 -
+ tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo-nonroot | 1 -
+ tests/ts/libmount/files/mountinfo | 1 -
+ 16 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/libmount/src/tab_parse.c b/libmount/src/tab_parse.c
+index 917779ab6..4407f9c9c 100644
+--- a/libmount/src/tab_parse.c
++++ b/libmount/src/tab_parse.c
+@@ -227,11 +227,6 @@ static int mnt_parse_mountinfo_line(struct libmnt_fs *fs, const char *s)
+ goto fail;
+ }
+- /* remove "\040(deleted)" suffix */
+- p = (char *) endswith(fs->target, PATH_DELETED_SUFFIX);
+- if (p && *p)
+- *p = '\0';
+ s = skip_separator(s);
+ /* (6) vfs options (fs-independent) */
+diff --git a/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options b/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options
+index 2606bce76..97b0ead0a 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options
++++ b/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options
+ /home/kzak/.gvfs gvfs-fuse-daemon fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime
+ /mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-/mnt/foo /fooooo bar rw,relatime
+ rc=0
+diff --git a/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options-nameval-neg b/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options-nameval-neg
+index 5471d65af..f0467ef75 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options-nameval-neg
++++ b/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-options-nameval-neg
+ |-/home/kzak /dev/mapper/kzak-home ext4 rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered
+ | `-/home/kzak/.gvfs gvfs-fuse-daemon fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ |-/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime
+-|-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-`-/mnt/foo /fooooo bar rw,relatime
++`-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+ rc=0
+diff --git a/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-types-neg b/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-types-neg
+index 2606bce76..97b0ead0a 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-types-neg
++++ b/tests/expected/findmnt/filter-types-neg
+ /home/kzak/.gvfs gvfs-fuse-daemon fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime
+ /mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-/mnt/foo /fooooo bar rw,relatime
+ rc=0
+diff --git a/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-default b/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-default
+index 59495797b..01599355e 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-default
++++ b/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-default
+ |-/home/kzak /dev/mapper/kzak-home ext4 rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered
+ | `-/home/kzak/.gvfs gvfs-fuse-daemon fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ |-/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime
+-|-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-`-/mnt/foo /fooooo bar rw,relatime
++`-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+ rc=0
+diff --git a/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-force-tree b/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-force-tree
+index 59495797b..01599355e 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-force-tree
++++ b/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-force-tree
+ |-/home/kzak /dev/mapper/kzak-home ext4 rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered
+ | `-/home/kzak/.gvfs gvfs-fuse-daemon fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ |-/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime
+-|-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-`-/mnt/foo /fooooo bar rw,relatime
++`-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+ rc=0
+diff --git a/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-kernel b/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-kernel
+index 59495797b..01599355e 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-kernel
++++ b/tests/expected/findmnt/outputs-kernel
+ |-/home/kzak /dev/mapper/kzak-home ext4 rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered
+ | `-/home/kzak/.gvfs gvfs-fuse-daemon fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ |-/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs sunrpc rpc_pipefs rw,relatime
+-|-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-`-/mnt/foo /fooooo bar rw,relatime
++`-/mnt/sounds //foo.home/bar/ cifs rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+ rc=0
+diff --git a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-mount b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-mount
+index 420aeacd5..3c18f8dc4 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-mount
++++ b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-mount
+@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+ /dev/mapper/kzak-home on /home/kzak: MOUNTED
+-/fooooo on /mnt/foo: MOUNTED
+ tmpfs on /mnt/test/foo bar: MOUNTED
+diff --git a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-move b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-move
+index 24f9bc791..95820d93e 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-move
++++ b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-move
+@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+ //foo.home/bar/ on /mnt/music: MOVED to /mnt/music
+-/fooooo on /mnt/foo: UMOUNTED
+ tmpfs on /mnt/test/foo bar: UMOUNTED
+diff --git a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-remount b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-remount
+index 82ebeab39..876bfd953 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-remount
++++ b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-remount
+@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
+ /dev/mapper/kzak-home on /home/kzak: REMOUNTED from 'rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered' to 'ro,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered'
+ //foo.home/bar/ on /mnt/sounds: REMOUNTED from 'rw,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344' to 'ro,relatime,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344'
+-/fooooo on /mnt/foo: UMOUNTED
+ tmpfs on /mnt/test/foo bar: UMOUNTED
+diff --git a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-umount b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-umount
+index a3e0fe48a..c7be725b9 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-umount
++++ b/tests/expected/libmount/tabdiff-umount
+@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
+ /dev/mapper/kzak-home on /home/kzak: UMOUNTED
+-/fooooo on /mnt/foo: UMOUNTED
+ tmpfs on /mnt/test/foo bar: UMOUNTED
+diff --git a/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-parse-mountinfo b/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-parse-mountinfo
+index 47eb77006..d5ba5248e 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-parse-mountinfo
++++ b/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-parse-mountinfo
+@@ -351,17 +351,6 @@ id: 47
+ parent: 20
+ devno: 0:38
+ ------ fs:
+-source: /fooooo
+-target: /mnt/foo
+-fstype: bar
+-optstr: rw,relatime
+-VFS-optstr: rw,relatime
+-FS-opstr: rw
+-root: /
+-id: 48
+-parent: 20
+-devno: 0:39
+------- fs:
+ source: tmpfs
+ target: /mnt/test/foo bar
+ fstype: tmpfs
+diff --git a/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-py-parse-mountinfo b/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-py-parse-mountinfo
+index 47eb77006..d5ba5248e 100644
+--- a/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-py-parse-mountinfo
++++ b/tests/expected/libmount/tabfiles-py-parse-mountinfo
+@@ -351,17 +351,6 @@ id: 47
+ parent: 20
+ devno: 0:38
+ ------ fs:
+-source: /fooooo
+-target: /mnt/foo
+-fstype: bar
+-optstr: rw,relatime
+-VFS-optstr: rw,relatime
+-FS-opstr: rw
+-root: /
+-id: 48
+-parent: 20
+-devno: 0:39
+------- fs:
+ source: tmpfs
+ target: /mnt/test/foo bar
+ fstype: tmpfs
+diff --git a/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo b/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo
+index 475ea1a33..ff1e664a8 100644
+--- a/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo
++++ b/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo
+@@ -30,4 +30,3 @@
+ 44 41 0:36 / /home/kzak/.gvfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime - fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ 45 20 0:37 / /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rw,relatime - rpc_pipefs sunrpc rw
+ 47 20 0:38 / /mnt/sounds rw,relatime - cifs //foo.home/bar/ rw,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-48 20 0:39 / /mnt/foo\040(deleted) rw,relatime - bar /fooooo rw
+diff --git a/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo-nonroot b/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo-nonroot
+index e15b46701..87b421d2e 100644
+--- a/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo-nonroot
++++ b/tests/ts/findmnt/files/mountinfo-nonroot
+@@ -29,4 +29,3 @@
+ 44 41 0:36 / /home/kzak/.gvfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime - fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ 45 20 0:37 / /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rw,relatime - rpc_pipefs sunrpc rw
+ 47 20 0:38 / /mnt/sounds rw,relatime - cifs //foo.home/bar/ rw,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-48 20 0:39 / /mnt/foo\040(deleted) rw,relatime - bar /fooooo rw
+diff --git a/tests/ts/libmount/files/mountinfo b/tests/ts/libmount/files/mountinfo
+index c06307183..2b0174048 100644
+--- a/tests/ts/libmount/files/mountinfo
++++ b/tests/ts/libmount/files/mountinfo
+@@ -30,5 +30,4 @@
+ 44 41 0:36 / /home/kzak/.gvfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime - fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon gvfs-fuse-daemon rw,user_id=500,group_id=500
+ 45 20 0:37 / /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rw,relatime - rpc_pipefs sunrpc rw
+ 47 20 0:38 / /mnt/sounds rw,relatime - cifs //foo.home/bar/ rw,unc=\\foo.home\bar,username=kzak,domain=SRGROUP,uid=0,noforceuid,gid=0,noforcegid,addr=,posixpaths,serverino,acl,rsize=16384,wsize=57344
+-48 20 0:39 / /mnt/foo\040(deleted) rw,relatime - bar /fooooo rw
+ 49 20 0:56 / /mnt/test/foo bar rw,relatime shared:323 - tmpfs tmpfs rw
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/vtk-8-fix-freetypetools-build-failure.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/vtk-8-fix-freetypetools-build-failure.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6988e65872..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/vtk-8-fix-freetypetools-build-failure.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-This fixes a build failure in VTK when building against recent versions
-of freetype.
- https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/7432
-Patch by Ben Boeckel <ben.boeckel@kitware.com>
-Subject: [PATCH] vtkFreeTypeTools: avoid using an internal macro
-This macro has been removed upstream as it was always intended to be
- Rendering/FreeType/vtkFreeTypeTools.cxx | 7 ++-----
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Rendering/FreeType/vtkFreeTypeTools.cxx b/Rendering/FreeType/vtkFreeTypeTools.cxx
-index c54289dc60..03b899c4da 100644
---- a/Rendering/FreeType/vtkFreeTypeTools.cxx
-+++ b/Rendering/FreeType/vtkFreeTypeTools.cxx
-@@ -387,11 +387,8 @@ FTC_CMapCache* vtkFreeTypeTools::GetCMapCache()
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--vtkFreeTypeToolsFaceRequester(FTC_FaceID face_id,
-- FT_Library lib,
-- FT_Pointer request_data,
-- FT_Face* face)
-+static FT_Error vtkFreeTypeToolsFaceRequester(
-+ FTC_FaceID face_id, FT_Library lib, FT_Pointer request_data, FT_Face* face)
- {
- printf("vtkFreeTypeToolsFaceRequester()\n");
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-adjust-bubblewrap-paths.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-adjust-bubblewrap-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18ddb645ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-adjust-bubblewrap-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Share /gnu/store in the BubbleWrap container and remove FHS mounts.
+This is a Guix-specific patch not meant to be upstreamed.
+diff --git a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+index f0a5e4b05dff..88b11f806968 100644
+--- a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
++++ b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+@@ -854,27 +854,12 @@ GRefPtr<GSubprocess> bubblewrapSpawn(GSubprocessLauncher* launcher, const Proces
+ "--ro-bind", "/sys/dev", "/sys/dev",
+ "--ro-bind", "/sys/devices", "/sys/devices",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/share", "/usr/share",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/local/share",
+ "--ro-bind-try", DATADIR, DATADIR,
+- // We only grant access to the libdirs webkit is built with and
+- // guess system libdirs. This will always have some edge cases.
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/lib", "/lib",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/lib", "/usr/lib",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/local/lib",
+ "--ro-bind-try", LIBDIR, LIBDIR,
+-#if CPU(ADDRESS64)
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/lib64", "/lib64",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/lib64", "/usr/lib64",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/local/lib64", "/usr/local/lib64",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/lib32", "/lib32",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/lib32", "/usr/lib32",
+- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/local/lib32", "/usr/local/lib32",
++ // Bind mount the store inside the WebKitGTK sandbox.
++ "--ro-bind", "@storedir@", "@storedir@",
+ };
+ if (launchOptions.processType == ProcessLauncher::ProcessType::DBusProxy) {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch
index e7b06cc650..27013180c4 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch
@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
-Add fonts from all XDG_DATA_DIRS, not just XDG_DATA_HOME.
+Upstream commit: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/commit/31ac354cbeecf866f9a38f7b2f8f59f7975d3f6a
-See <http://bugs.gnu.org/41174>.
-Author: Liliana Marie Prikler <liliana.prikler@gmail.com>
-Index: webkitgtk-2.28.2/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+diff --git a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+index ecc804663784..8de174be3c0e 100644
--- a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
-@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ static void bindFonts(Vector<CString>& args)
+@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ static void bindFonts(Vector<CString>& args)
const char* homeDir = g_get_home_dir();
const char* dataDir = g_get_user_data_dir();
const char* cacheDir = g_get_user_cache_dir();
+ const char* const * dataDirs = g_get_system_data_dirs();
// Configs can include custom dirs but then we have to parse them...
GUniquePtr<char> fontConfig(g_build_filename(configDir, "fontconfig", nullptr));
-@@ -403,6 +404,10 @@ static void bindFonts(Vector<CString>& args)
+@@ -304,6 +305,10 @@ static void bindFonts(Vector<CString>& args)
bindIfExists(args, fontHomeConfigDir.get());
bindIfExists(args, fontData.get());
bindIfExists(args, fontHomeData.get());
-+ for (auto dataDir = dataDirs; dataDir != nullptr && *dataDir != nullptr; dataDir++) {
++ for (auto* dataDir = dataDirs; dataDir && *dataDir; dataDir++) {
+ GUniquePtr<char> fontDataDir(g_build_filename(*dataDir, "fonts", nullptr));
+ bindIfExists(args, fontDataDir.get());
+ }
bindIfExists(args, "/var/cache/fontconfig"); // Used by Debian.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-canonicalize-paths.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-canonicalize-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..741d534831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-canonicalize-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Upstream commit: https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/commit/6a87eb254ef57a986a1a6ce9a3a4b66928afeb65
+diff --git a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+index ecc804663784..a2a1c9d7a4dd 100644
+--- a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
++++ b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
+@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
+ #include <seccomp.h>
+ #include <sys/ioctl.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+-#include <unistd.h>
+ #include <wtf/FileSystem.h>
+ #include <wtf/UniStdExtras.h>
+ #include <wtf/glib/GRefPtr.h>
+@@ -165,6 +164,15 @@ enum class BindFlags {
+ Device,
+ };
++static void bindSymlinksRealPath(Vector<CString>& args, const char* path, const char* bindOption = "--ro-bind")
++ WTF::String realPath = FileSystem::realPath(path);
++ if (path != realPath) {
++ CString rpath = realPath.utf8();
++ args.appendVector(Vector<CString>({ bindOption, rpath.data(), rpath.data() }));
++ }
+ static void bindIfExists(Vector<CString>& args, const char* path, BindFlags bindFlags = BindFlags::ReadOnly)
+ {
+ if (!path || path[0] == '\0')
+@@ -177,7 +185,16 @@ static void bindIfExists(Vector<CString>& args, const char* path, BindFlags bind
+ bindType = "--ro-bind-try";
+ else
+ bindType = "--bind-try";
+- args.appendVector(Vector<CString>({ bindType, path, path }));
++ // Canonicalize the source path, otherwise a symbolic link could
++ // point to a location outside of the namespace.
++ bindSymlinksRealPath(args, path, bindType);
++ // As /etc is exposed wholesale, do not layer extraneous bind
++ // directives on top, which could fail in the presence of symbolic
++ // links.
++ if (!g_str_has_prefix(path, "/etc/"))
++ args.appendVector(Vector<CString>({ bindType, path, path }));
+ }
+ static void bindDBusSession(Vector<CString>& args, bool allowPortals)
+@@ -410,17 +427,6 @@ static void bindV4l(Vector<CString>& args)
+ }));
+ }
+-static void bindSymlinksRealPath(Vector<CString>& args, const char* path)
+- char realPath[PATH_MAX];
+- if (realpath(path, realPath) && strcmp(path, realPath)) {
+- args.appendVector(Vector<CString>({
+- "--ro-bind", realPath, realPath,
+- }));
+- }
+ // Translate a libseccomp error code into an error message. libseccomp
+ // mostly returns negative errno values such as -ENOMEM, but some
+ // standard errno values are used for non-standard purposes where their
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-share-store.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-share-store.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 053d86fcf4..0000000000
--- a/gnu/packages/patches/webkitgtk-share-store.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Tell bubblewrap to share the store. Required for programs that use the
-sandboxing features such as Epiphany.
-See <https://bugs.gnu.org/40837>.
-Author: Jack Hill <jackhill@jackhill.us>
-diff --git a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
---- a/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
-+++ b/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/Launcher/glib/BubblewrapLauncher.cpp
-@@ -737,6 +737,9 @@ GRefPtr<GSubprocess> bubblewrapSpawn(GSubprocessLauncher* launcher, const Proces
- "--ro-bind-try", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/local/share",
- "--ro-bind-try", DATADIR, DATADIR,
-+ // Bind mount the store inside the WebKitGTK sandbox.
-+ "--ro-bind", "@storedir@", "@storedir@",
- // We only grant access to the libdirs webkit is built with and
- // guess system libdirs. This will always have some edge cases.
- "--ro-bind-try", "/lib", "/lib",
diff --git a/gnu/packages/patches/webrtc-audio-processing-big-endian.patch b/gnu/packages/patches/webrtc-audio-processing-big-endian.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78333fe7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/patches/webrtc-audio-processing-big-endian.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+diff -up webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.cc.than webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.cc
+--- webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.cc.than 2016-05-24 08:28:45.749940095 -0400
++++ webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_file.cc 2016-05-24 08:50:30.361020010 -0400
+@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ WavReader::~WavReader() {
+ }
+ size_t WavReader::ReadSamples(size_t num_samples, int16_t* samples) {
+-#error "Need to convert samples to big-endian when reading from WAV file"
+ // There could be metadata after the audio; ensure we don't read it.
+ num_samples = std::min(rtc::checked_cast<uint32_t>(num_samples),
+ num_samples_remaining_);
+@@ -76,6 +73,12 @@ size_t WavReader::ReadSamples(size_t num
+ RTC_CHECK(read == num_samples || feof(file_handle_));
+ RTC_CHECK_LE(read, num_samples_remaining_);
+ num_samples_remaining_ -= rtc::checked_cast<uint32_t>(read);
++ //convert to big-endian
++ for(size_t idx = 0; idx < num_samples; idx++) {
++ samples[idx] = (samples[idx]<<8) | (samples[idx]>>8);
++ }
+ return read;
+ }
+@@ -120,10 +123,17 @@ WavWriter::~WavWriter() {
+ void WavWriter::WriteSamples(const int16_t* samples, size_t num_samples) {
+-#error "Need to convert samples to little-endian when writing to WAV file"
++ int16_t * le_samples = new int16_t[num_samples];
++ for(size_t idx = 0; idx < num_samples; idx++) {
++ le_samples[idx] = (samples[idx]<<8) | (samples[idx]>>8);
++ }
++ const size_t written =
++ fwrite(le_samples, sizeof(*le_samples), num_samples, file_handle_);
++ delete []le_samples;
+ const size_t written =
+ fwrite(samples, sizeof(*samples), num_samples, file_handle_);
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(num_samples, written);
+ num_samples_ += static_cast<uint32_t>(written);
+ RTC_CHECK(written <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() ||
+diff -up webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_header.cc.than webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_header.cc
+--- webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_header.cc.than 2016-05-24 08:50:52.591379263 -0400
++++ webrtc-audio-processing-0.2/webrtc/common_audio/wav_header.cc 2016-05-24 08:52:08.552606848 -0400
+@@ -129,7 +129,39 @@ static inline std::string ReadFourCC(uin
+ return std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&x), 4);
+ }
+ #else
+-#error "Write be-to-le conversion functions"
++static inline void WriteLE16(uint16_t* f, uint16_t x) {
++ *f = ((x << 8) & 0xff00) | ( ( x >> 8) & 0x00ff);
++static inline void WriteLE32(uint32_t* f, uint32_t x) {
++ *f = ( (x & 0x000000ff) << 24 )
++ | ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8)
++ | ((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
++ | ((x & 0xff000000) >> 24 );
++static inline void WriteFourCC(uint32_t* f, char a, char b, char c, char d) {
++ *f = (static_cast<uint32_t>(a) << 24 )
++ | (static_cast<uint32_t>(b) << 16)
++ | (static_cast<uint32_t>(c) << 8)
++ | (static_cast<uint32_t>(d) );
++static inline uint16_t ReadLE16(uint16_t x) {
++ return (( x & 0x00ff) << 8 )| ((x & 0xff00)>>8);
++static inline uint32_t ReadLE32(uint32_t x) {
++ return ( (x & 0x000000ff) << 24 )
++ | ( (x & 0x0000ff00) << 8 )
++ | ( (x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8)
++ | ( (x & 0xff000000) >> 24 );
++static inline std::string ReadFourCC(uint32_t x) {
++ x = ReadLE32(x);
++ return std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&x), 4);
+ #endif
+ static inline uint32_t RiffChunkSize(uint32_t bytes_in_payload) {
diff --git a/gnu/packages/pciutils.scm b/gnu/packages/pciutils.scm
index b6b1e3ad85..34abfb3c2d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/pciutils.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/pciutils.scm
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -21,10 +22,12 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gnu packages pciutils)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
@@ -33,6 +36,46 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages base))
+(define-public hwdata
+ (package
+ (name "hwdata")
+ (version "0.356")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/vcrhonek/hwdata")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0m04d93dwiplwp9v74nhnc0hyi2n007mylkg8f0frb46z5qjrpl3"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (outputs '("out" "iab" "oui" "pci" "pnp" "usb"))
+ (native-inputs (list gzip))
+ (arguments
+ ;; Tests require pciutils, python, podman. Disable to avoid recursive dep.
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f
+ #:configure-flags #~(list (string-append "--datadir=" #$output "/share"))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda _
+ (install-file "iab.txt" (string-append #$output:iab "/share/hwdata"))
+ (install-file "oui.txt" (string-append #$output:oui "/share/hwdata"))
+ (install-file "pci.ids" (string-append #$output:pci "/share/hwdata"))
+ (install-file "pnp.ids" (string-append #$output:pnp "/share/hwdata"))
+ (install-file "usb.ids" (string-append #$output:usb "/share/hwdata")))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/vcrhonek/hwdata")
+ (synopsis "Hardware identification and configuration data")
+ (description "@code{hwdata} contains various hardware identification and
+configuration data, such as the @file{pci.ids} and @file{usb.ids} databases.
+Each database is contained in a specific package output, such as the
+@code{pci} output for @file{pci.ids}, the @code{usb} output for
+@file{usb.ids}, etc.")
+ (license (list license:gpl2+
+ license:expat)))) ;XFree86 1.0
(define-public pciutils
(name "pciutils")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/pcre.scm b/gnu/packages/pcre.scm
index 0324a21261..10e29cf6ca 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/pcre.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/pcre.scm
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu))
(define-public pcre
@@ -62,7 +63,9 @@
;; pcretest fails on powerpc32.
- ,@(if (target-ppc32?)
+ ;; riscv64-linux is an unsupported architecture.
+ ,@(if (or (target-ppc32?)
+ (target-riscv64?))
#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -106,7 +109,9 @@ POSIX regular expression API.")
;; pcre2_jit_test fails on powerpc32.
- ,@(if (target-ppc32?)
+ ;; riscv64-linux is an unsupported architecture.
+ ,@(if (or (target-ppc32?)
+ (target-riscv64?))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/pdf.scm b/gnu/packages/pdf.scm
index dbb027593c..dd221f7e19 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/pdf.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/pdf.scm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Paul van der Walt <paul@denknerd.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ by using the poppler rendering engine.")
(define-public zathura
(name "zathura")
- (version "0.4.8")
+ (version "0.4.9")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ by using the poppler rendering engine.")
version ".tar.xz"))
- "1nr0ym1mi2afk4ycdf1ppmkcv7i7hyzwn4p3r4m0j2qm3nvaiami"))))
+ "0msy7s57mlx0wya99qpia4fpcy40pbj253kmx2y97nb0sqnc8c7w"))))
(native-inputs `(("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
("glib:bin" ,glib "bin")
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ by using the poppler rendering engine.")
("python-sphinx" ,python-sphinx)
;; For building icons.
- ("librsvg" ,librsvg)
+ ("librsvg" ,(librsvg-for-system))
;; For tests.
("check" ,check)
@@ -899,45 +899,40 @@ using a stylus.")
(define-public xournalpp
(name "xournalpp")
- (version "1.1.0")
+ (version "1.1.1")
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp")
- (commit version)))
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0ldf58l5sqy52x5dqfpdjdh7ldjilj9mw42jzsl5paxg0md2k0hl"))))
+ (base32 "16pf50x1ps8dcynnvw5lz7ggl0jg7qvzv6gkd30xg3hkcxff8ch3"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags (list "-DENABLE_CPPUNIT=ON") ;enable tests
- #:imported-modules ((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system)
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags #~(list "-DENABLE_CPPUNIT=ON") ;enable tests
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system)
- #:modules (((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system) #:prefix glib-or-gtk:)
+ #:modules '(((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system) #:prefix glib-or-gtk:)
(guix build cmake-build-system)
(guix build utils))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-permissions-on-po-files
- (lambda _
- ;; Make sure 'msgmerge' can modify the PO files.
- (for-each make-file-writable
- (find-files "." "\\.po$"))))
- ;; Fix path to addr2line utility, which the crash reporter uses.
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* "src/util/Stacktrace.cpp"
- ;; Match only the commandline.
- (("\"addr2line ")
- (string-append "\"" (which "addr2line") " ")))))
- (add-after 'install 'glib-or-gtk-wrap
- (assoc-ref glib-or-gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-wrap)))))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Fix path to addr2line utility, which the crash reporter uses.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/util/Stacktrace.cpp"
+ ;; Match only the commandline.
+ (("\"addr2line ")
+ (string-append "\""
+ (search-input-file inputs "/bin/addr2line")
+ " ")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'glib-or-gtk-wrap
+ (assoc-ref glib-or-gtk:%standard-phases 'glib-or-gtk-wrap)))))
- `(("cppunit" ,cppunit)
- ("gettext" ,gettext-minimal)
- ("help2man" ,help2man)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (list cppunit gettext-minimal help2man pkg-config))
(list alsa-lib
diff --git a/gnu/packages/pep.scm b/gnu/packages/pep.scm
index d0dfb0a685..d245ac74a3 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/pep.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/pep.scm
@@ -130,13 +130,12 @@ OPENPGP=SEQUOIA
(list asn1c ; >= 0.9.27
pkg-config yml2))
- `(("libetpan" ,fdik-libetpan)
- ("libiconv" ,libiconv)
- ("nettle" ,nettle)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("sequoia" ,sequoia)
- ("sqlite3" ,sqlite)
- ("util-linux" ,util-linux "lib"))) ;; uuid.h
+ (list fdik-libetpan
+ nettle
+ openssl
+ sequoia
+ sqlite
+ `(,util-linux "lib"))) ;; uuid.h
(home-page "https://pep.foundation/")
(synopsis "Library for automatic key management and encryption of
diff --git a/gnu/packages/perl.scm b/gnu/packages/perl.scm
index d2c9d0d24e..ba65cc6e6d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/perl.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/perl.scm
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Raoul J.P. Bonnal <ilpuccio.febo@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020-2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Adriano Peluso <catonano@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages databases)
#:use-module (gnu packages fontutils)
#:use-module (gnu packages freedesktop)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gcc)
#:use-module (gnu packages gd)
#:use-module (gnu packages gl)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
@@ -258,6 +259,78 @@ more.")
(home-page "https://www.perl.org/")
(license license:gpl1+))) ; or "Artistic"
+(define-public perl-5.14
+ (package
+ (name "perl")
+ (version "5.14.4")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://cpan/src/5.0/perl-"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1js47zzna3v38fjnirf2vq6y0rjp8m86ysj5vagzgkig956d8gw0"))
+ (patches (search-patches
+ "perl-5.14-no-sys-dirs.patch"
+ "perl-5.14-autosplit-default-time.patch"
+ "perl-5.14-module-pluggable-search.patch"))))
+ (properties `((release-date . "2013-03-10")))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (libc (assoc-ref inputs "libc")))
+ ;; Use the right path for `pwd'.
+ (substitute* "dist/Cwd/Cwd.pm"
+ (("/bin/pwd")
+ (which "pwd")))
+ (invoke "./Configure"
+ (string-append "-Dprefix=" out)
+ (string-append "-Dman1dir=" out "/share/man/man1")
+ (string-append "-Dman3dir=" out "/share/man/man3")
+ "-de" "-Dcc=gcc"
+ "-Uinstallusrbinperl"
+ "-Dinstallstyle=lib/perl5"
+ "-Duseshrplib"
+ (string-append "-Dlocincpth=" libc "/include")
+ (string-append "-Dloclibpth=" libc "/lib")
+ ;; Force the library search path to contain only libc
+ ;; because it is recorded in Config.pm and
+ ;; Config_heavy.pl; we don't want to keep a reference
+ ;; to everything that's in $LIBRARY_PATH at build
+ ;; time (Binutils, bzip2, file, etc.)
+ (string-append "-Dlibpth=" libc "/lib")
+ (string-append "-Dplibpth=" libc "/lib")))))
+ (add-before 'strip 'make-shared-objects-writable
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; The 'lib/perl5' directory contains ~50 MiB of .so. Make them
+ ;; writable so that 'strip' actually strips them.
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (lib (string-append out "/lib")))
+ (for-each (lambda (dso)
+ (chmod dso #o755))
+ (find-files lib "\\.so$"))))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list gcc-7))
+ (native-search-paths (list (search-path-specification
+ (variable "PERL5LIB")
+ (files '("lib/perl5/site_perl")))))
+ (home-page "https://www.perl.org/")
+ (synopsis "Implementation of the Perl programming language")
+ (description
+ "Perl is a general-purpose programming language originally developed for
+text manipulation and now used for a wide range of tasks including system
+administration, web development, network programming, GUI development, and
+ (license license:gpl1+)))
(define-public perl-algorithm-c3
(name "perl-algorithm-c3")
@@ -2958,6 +3031,28 @@ operations, such as comparing two times, determining a date a given amount of
time from another, or parsing international times.")
(license (package-license perl))))
+(define-public perl-date-range
+ (package
+ (name "perl-date-range")
+ (version "1.41")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "mirror://cpan/authors/id/T/TM/TMTM/"
+ "Date-Range-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1fa8v75pbplmkb3ff6k0hd1m80p9xgksf54xhw1ha70h5d4rg65z"))))
+ (build-system perl-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list perl-date-simple))
+ (home-page "https://metacpan.org/dist/Date-Range")
+ (synopsis "Work with a range of dates")
+ (description
+ "@code{Date::Range} is a library to work with date ranges. It can
+be used to determine whether a given date is in a particular range, or what
+the overlap between two ranges are.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public perl-date-simple
(name "perl-date-simple")
@@ -10912,7 +11007,8 @@ defined by Annex #11 is used to determine breaking positions.")
(build-system perl-build-system)
;; FIXME: Tests fail on 32-bit architectures:
;; <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=127007>.
- (arguments `(#:tests? ,(target-64bit?)))
+ (arguments `(#:tests? ,(and (not (%current-target-system))
+ (target-64bit?))))
(list perl-test-fatal perl-test-leaktrace perl-variable-magic
diff --git a/gnu/packages/photo.scm b/gnu/packages/photo.scm
index 26295207c6..2f561abc2f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/photo.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/photo.scm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Sebastian Schott <sschott@mailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Vincent Legoll <vincent.legoll@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020. 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020. 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ photographic equipment.")
(define-public darktable
(name "darktable")
- (version "3.8.0")
+ (version "3.8.1")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ photographic equipment.")
"download/release-" version "/darktable-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "01gp9dg5wr2rg1k8cqs0l3s7ism8a4q8qypgwccd4jh7ip3wfr9f"))))
+ (base32 "1xmyn9haagizh8qqg91bm1lx3dq1v8failxj943mipnvaj80dvl1"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags '("-DBINARY_PACKAGE_BUILD=On"
@@ -562,6 +562,8 @@ them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images
and enhance them.")
;; See src/is_supported_platform.h for supported platforms.
(supported-systems '("x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" "powerpc64le-linux"))
+ (properties
+ '((release-monitoring-url . "https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/releases")))
(license (list license:gpl3+ ;; Darktable itself.
license:lgpl2.1+)))) ;; Rawspeed library.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/plotutils.scm b/gnu/packages/plotutils.scm
index 564a68618b..fa9c187097 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/plotutils.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/plotutils.scm
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
#:use-module (gnu packages bdw-gc)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages cmake)
#:use-module (gnu packages emacs)
#:use-module (gnu packages xorg)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
@@ -268,14 +269,19 @@ colors, styles, options and details.")
(define-public asymptote
(name "asymptote")
- (version "2.77")
+ (version "2.79")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/asymptote/"
version "/asymptote-" version ".src.tgz"))
- (base32 "0v5r8g3b7f2dxsiba4f3yrgfkigr5nsdhg6jrdsnqrmf6y7dqgdf"))))
+ (base32 "060gy2h1wa3ivjn51g21g7vh79jn74zbkz5ha5pq45bxqn4xs5cs"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Remove bundled RapidJSON.
+ #~(begin
+ (delete-file-recursively "LspCpp/third_party/rapidjson")))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
;; Note: The 'asy' binary retains a reference to docdir for use with its
;; "help" command in interactive mode, so adding a "doc" output is not
@@ -284,6 +290,7 @@ colors, styles, options and details.")
(list autoconf
+ cmake
ghostscript ;for tests
@@ -338,63 +345,68 @@ colors, styles, options and details.")
- `(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'locate-tirpc
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* (list "configure.ac")
- (("/usr/include/tirpc")
- (search-input-directory inputs "include/tirpc")))))
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-includes
- (lambda _
- (substitute* (find-files "." "\\.in$")
- (("#include <primitives.h>") "#include \"primitives.h\""))
- (substitute* (find-files "prc" "\\.h$")
- (("#include \"config.h\"") "#include \"../config.h\""))
- (substitute* "prc/oPRCFile.h"
- (("#include \"xstream.h\"") "#include \"../xstream.h\""))
- (substitute* "v3dfile.h"
- (("#include <prc/oPRCFile.h>") "#include \"prc/oPRCFile.h\""))
- (substitute* "LspCpp/LibLsp/lsp/ParentProcessWatcher.cpp"
- (("#include <boost/process.hpp>" all)
- (string-append "#include <algorithm>\n" all)))))
- (replace 'bootstrap
- (lambda _
- (invoke "autoreconf" "-vfi")))
- (add-after 'unpack 'move-info-location
- ;; Build process installs info file in the unusual
- ;; "%out/share/info/asymptote/" location. Move it to
- ;; "%out/share/info/" so it appears in the top-level directory.
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "doc/png/Makefile.in"
- (("(\\$\\(infodir\\))/asymptote" _ infodir) infodir))
- (substitute* "doc/asymptote.texi"
- (("asymptote/asymptote") "asymptote"))))
- (add-before 'build 'patch-pdf-viewer
- (lambda _
- ;; Default to a free pdf viewer.
- (substitute* "settings.cc"
- (("defaultPDFViewer=\"acroread\"")
- "defaultPDFViewer=\"gv\""))))
- (add-before 'check 'set-HOME
- ;; Some tests require write access to $HOME, otherwise leading to
- ;; "failed to create directory /homeless-shelter/.asy" error.
- (lambda _
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")))
- (add-after 'install 'install-Emacs-data
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Install related Emacs libraries into an appropriate location.
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (lisp-dir (string-append out "/share/emacs/site-lisp")))
- (for-each (cut install-file <> lisp-dir)
- (find-files "." "\\.el$"))
- (emacs-generate-autoloads ,name lisp-dir))))
- (add-after 'install-Emacs-data 'wrap-python-script
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Make sure 'xasy' runs with the correct PYTHONPATH.
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (path (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")))
- (wrap-program (string-append out "/share/asymptote/GUI/xasy.py")
- `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" prefix (,path)))))))))
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'locate-tirpc
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* (list "configure.ac")
+ (("/usr/include/tirpc")
+ (search-input-directory inputs "include/tirpc")))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'unbundle-rapidjson
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* (list "Makefile.in")
+ (("\\$\\(CMAKE\\)" all)
+ (string-append all " -DUSE_SYSTEM_RAPIDJSON=ON")))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-includes
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (find-files "." "\\.in$")
+ (("#include <primitives.h>") "#include \"primitives.h\""))
+ (substitute* (find-files "prc" "\\.h$")
+ (("#include \"config.h\"") "#include \"../config.h\""))
+ (substitute* "prc/oPRCFile.h"
+ (("#include \"xstream.h\"") "#include \"../xstream.h\""))
+ (substitute* "v3dfile.h"
+ (("#include <prc/oPRCFile.h>") "#include \"prc/oPRCFile.h\""))
+ (substitute* "LspCpp/src/lsp/ParentProcessWatcher.cpp"
+ (("#include <boost/process.hpp>" all)
+ (string-append "#include <algorithm>\n" all)))))
+ (replace 'bootstrap
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "autoreconf" "-vfi")))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'move-info-location
+ ;; Build process installs info file in the unusual
+ ;; "%out/share/info/asymptote/" location. Move it to
+ ;; "%out/share/info/" so it appears in the top-level directory.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "doc/png/Makefile.in"
+ (("(\\$\\(infodir\\))/asymptote" _ infodir) infodir))
+ (substitute* "doc/asymptote.texi"
+ (("asymptote/asymptote") "asymptote"))))
+ (add-before 'build 'patch-pdf-viewer
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Default to a free pdf viewer.
+ (substitute* "settings.cc"
+ (("defaultPDFViewer=\"acroread\"")
+ "defaultPDFViewer=\"gv\""))))
+ (add-before 'check 'set-HOME
+ ;; Some tests require write access to $HOME, otherwise leading to
+ ;; "failed to create directory /homeless-shelter/.asy" error.
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-Emacs-data
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Install related Emacs libraries into an appropriate location.
+ (let ((lisp-dir
+ (string-append #$output "/share/emacs/site-lisp")))
+ (for-each (cut install-file <> lisp-dir)
+ (find-files "." "\\.el$"))
+ (emacs-generate-autoloads #$name lisp-dir))))
+ (add-after 'install-Emacs-data 'wrap-python-script
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Make sure 'xasy' runs with the correct PYTHONPATH.
+ (let ((path (getenv "GUIX_PYTHONPATH")))
+ (wrap-program
+ (string-append #$output "/share/asymptote/GUI/xasy.py")
+ `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" prefix (,path)))))))))
(home-page "http://asymptote.sourceforge.net")
(synopsis "Script-based vector graphics language")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/polkit.scm b/gnu/packages/polkit.scm
index e4f4b1276f..1ae94be751 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/polkit.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/polkit.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andy Wingo <wingo@igalia.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Huang Ying <huang.ying.caritas@gmail.com>
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
(name "polkit")
(version "0.120")
+ (replacement polkit-mozjs/fixed)
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append
@@ -146,6 +147,16 @@ making process with respect to granting access to privileged operations
for unprivileged applications.")
(license lgpl2.0+)))
+(define-public polkit-mozjs/fixed
+ (package
+ (inherit polkit-mozjs)
+ (version "0.121")
+ (source (origin
+ (inherit (package-source polkit-mozjs))
+ (patches (cons (search-patch "polkit-CVE-2021-4034.patch")
+ (origin-patches
+ (package-source polkit-mozjs))))))))
;;; Variant of polkit built with Duktape, a lighter JavaScript engine compared
;;; to mozjs.
(define-public polkit-duktape
diff --git a/gnu/packages/prolog.scm b/gnu/packages/prolog.scm
index 4eb0f4d3b6..6aa01ce871 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/prolog.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/prolog.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -21,12 +22,15 @@
(define-module (gnu packages prolog)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (gnu packages backup)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages fontutils)
#:use-module (gnu packages image)
@@ -97,36 +101,68 @@ manner. It also features an interactive interpreter.")
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:parallel-build? #t
- #:tests? #t
+ ,#~(list
+ #$@(if (%current-target-system)
+ ;; Set this manually, otherwise CMake would need to
+ ;; run a cross-compiled binary, which it can't do.
+ ;; These values were found on a Linux system.
+ ;; If absent, the non-existent 'cc' is used.
+ ;; swi-prolog needs a native copy of itself for
+ ;; cross-compilation.
+ (string-append "-DPROG_SWIPL="
+ #+(this-package-native-input "swi-prolog")
+ "/bin/swipl"))
+ #~())
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; XXX: Delete the test phase that attempts to write to the
- ;; immutable store.
- (add-after 'unpack 'delete-failing-tests
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/CMakeLists.txt"
- ((" save") ""))
- (substitute* "src/test.pl"
- (("testdir\\('Tests/save'\\).") ""))
- (with-directory-excursion "src/Tests"
- (for-each delete-file-recursively
- '("save")))
- #t)))))
+ ,#~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; XXX: Delete the test phase that attempts to write to the
+ ;; immutable store.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'delete-failing-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/CMakeLists.txt"
+ ((" save") ""))
+ (substitute* "src/test.pl"
+ (("testdir\\('Tests/save'\\).") ""))
+ (delete-file-recursively "src/Tests/save")))
+ #$@(if (%current-target-system)
+ ;; Prevent man_server.pl and swipl-lfr.pl from keeping a
+ ;; reference to the native swi-prolog.
+ ;; FIXME: libswipl.so and swipl-ld keep a reference to the
+ ;; cross-compiler.
+ #~((add-after 'install 'fix-cross-references
+ (lambda _
+ (define bin `(,(string-append #$output "/bin")))
+ (for-each (lambda (file) (patch-shebang file bin))
+ (find-files #$output ".pl$")))))
+ #~()))))
- `(("zlib" ,zlib)
+ `(,@(if (%current-target-system)
+ (begin
+ (unless (equal? (target-64bit?)
+ (target-64bit? (%current-system)))
+ (error "swi-prolog requires --system and --target to have \
+the same word size"))
+ `(("swi-prolog" ,this-package)))
+ '())
+ ("texinfo" ,texinfo)
+ ("perl" ,perl)
+ ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ (inputs
+ `(("bash-minimal" ,bash-minimal) ;for some scripts in 'lib'
+ ("zlib" ,zlib)
("gmp" ,gmp)
("readline" ,readline)
- ("texinfo" ,texinfo)
("libarchive" ,libarchive)
("libunwind" ,libunwind)
("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
("libxft" ,libxft)
("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
("openssl" ,openssl)))
(home-page "https://www.swi-prolog.org/")
(synopsis "ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/purescript.scm b/gnu/packages/purescript.scm
index fe135be5d9..0fca9bd171 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/purescript.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/purescript.scm
@@ -165,24 +165,3 @@ expressive types, inspired by Haskell and compiling to JavaScript.")
"This package implements parser for the PureScript programming language.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
-(define-public ghc-optparse-applicative-
- (package
- (inherit ghc-optparse-applicative)
- (name "ghc-optparse-applicative")
- (version "")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append
- "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/optparse-applicative/optparse-applicative-"
- version
- ".tar.gz"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "1ws6y3b3f6hsgv0ff0yp6lw4hba1rps4dnvry3yllng0s5gngcsd"))))
- (inputs
- (list ghc-transformers-compat ghc-ansi-wl-pprint))
- (native-inputs (list ghc-quickcheck))
- (arguments
- `(#:cabal-revision
- ("1" "0zmhqkd96v2z1ilhqdkd9z4jgsnsxb8yi2479ind8m5zm9363zr9")))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/python-check.scm b/gnu/packages/python-check.scm
index f971dae5b4..5bbe544113 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/python-check.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/python-check.scm
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ libraries.")
(setenv "QT_QPA_PLATFORM" "offscreen")
- (list python-pyqt))
+ (list python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit))
(list python-pytest python-pytest-runner python-setuptools-scm))
(home-page "https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-qt")
@@ -1658,7 +1658,9 @@ supported by the MyPy typechecker.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1v83flrdxh8grcp40qw04q4hzjflih9xwib64078vsxv2w36f817"))))
+ "1v83flrdxh8grcp40qw04q4hzjflih9xwib64078vsxv2w36f817"))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches "python-mypy-12332.patch"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/python-crypto.scm b/gnu/packages/python-crypto.scm
index e49ccdf1f2..d331601c66 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/python-crypto.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/python-crypto.scm
@@ -459,13 +459,13 @@ for example, for recording or replaying web content.")
(define-public python-certifi
(name "python-certifi")
- (version "2020.12.5")
+ (version "2021.10.8")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "certifi" version))
- "177mdbw0livdjvp17sz6wsfrc32838m9y59v871gpgv2888raj8s"))))
+ "0wl8ln7acd797i1q7mmb430l6hqwhmk4bd37x8ycw02b3my4x23q"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(arguments '(#:tests? #f)) ;no tests
(home-page "https://certifi.io/")
@@ -481,14 +481,14 @@ is used by the Requests library to verify HTTPS requests.")
(define-public python-cryptography-vectors
(name "python-cryptography-vectors")
- (version "3.3.1")
+ (version "36.0.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "cryptography_vectors" version))
- "192wix3sr678x21brav5hgc6j93l7ab1kh69p2scr3fsblq9qy03"))))
+ "166mvhhmgglqai1sjkkb76mpdkad2yykam11d2w44hs2snpr117w"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/pyca/cryptography")
(synopsis "Test vectors for the cryptography package")
@@ -497,75 +497,9 @@ is used by the Requests library to verify HTTPS requests.")
;; Distributed under either BSD-3 or ASL2.0
(license (list license:bsd-3 license:asl2.0))))
-(define-public python2-cryptography-vectors
- (package-with-python2 python-cryptography-vectors))
(define-public python-cryptography
(name "python-cryptography")
- (version "3.3.1")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (pypi-uri "cryptography" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1ribd1vxq9wwz564mg60dzcy699gng54admihjjkgs9dx95pw5vy"))))
- (build-system python-build-system)
- (inputs
- (list openssl))
- (propagated-inputs
- (list python-asn1crypto python-cffi python-six python-idna
- python-iso8601))
- (native-inputs
- (list python-cryptography-vectors python-hypothesis python-pretend
- python-pytz python-pytest))
- (home-page "https://github.com/pyca/cryptography")
- (synopsis "Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python")
- (description
- "cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and
-primitives to Python developers. It aims to be the “cryptographic standard
-library” for Python. The package includes both high level recipes, and low
-level interfaces to common cryptographic algorithms such as symmetric ciphers,
-message digests and key derivation functions.")
- ;; Distributed under either BSD-3 or ASL2.0
- (license (list license:bsd-3 license:asl2.0))
- (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-cryptography))))))
-(define-public python2-cryptography
- (let ((crypto (package-with-python2
- (strip-python2-variant python-cryptography))))
- (package/inherit crypto
- (arguments
- `(#:python ,python-2
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; The sanity-check attempts attempts to import the non-existent
- ;; modules "_openssl" and "_padding".
- (delete 'sanity-check))))
- (propagated-inputs
- `(("python2-ipaddress" ,python2-ipaddress)
- ("python2-backport-ssl-match-hostname"
- ,python2-backport-ssl-match-hostname)
- ("python2-enum34" ,python2-enum34)
- ,@(package-propagated-inputs crypto))))))
-;; TODO: Make this the default in the next staging cycle.
-(define-public python-cryptography-vectors-next
- (package
- (inherit python-cryptography-vectors)
- (version "36.0.1")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (pypi-uri "cryptography_vectors" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "166mvhhmgglqai1sjkkb76mpdkad2yykam11d2w44hs2snpr117w"))))))
-(define-public python-cryptography-next
- (package
- (inherit python-cryptography)
(version "36.0.1")
@@ -663,50 +597,103 @@ message digests and key derivation functions.")
(list python-asn1crypto python-cffi python-six python-idna
- (list python-cryptography-vectors-next
+ (list python-cryptography-vectors
- rust `(,rust "cargo")))
- (properties '())))
+ rust
+ `(,rust "cargo")))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/pyca/cryptography")
+ (synopsis "Cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python")
+ (description
+ "cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and
+primitives to Python developers. It aims to be the “cryptographic standard
+library” for Python. The package includes both high level recipes, and low
+level interfaces to common cryptographic algorithms such as symmetric ciphers,
+message digests and key derivation functions.")
+ ;; Distributed under either BSD-3 or ASL2.0
+ (license (list license:bsd-3 license:asl2.0))
+ (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-cryptography))))))
+(define-public python2-cryptography-vectors
+ (package
+ (inherit python-cryptography-vectors)
+ (version "3.3.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "cryptography_vectors" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "192wix3sr678x21brav5hgc6j93l7ab1kh69p2scr3fsblq9qy03"))))
+ (arguments
+ (list #:python python-2))))
+(define-public python2-cryptography
+ (let ((crypto (package-with-python2
+ (strip-python2-variant python-cryptography))))
+ (package
+ (inherit crypto)
+ (version "3.3.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "cryptography" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ribd1vxq9wwz564mg60dzcy699gng54admihjjkgs9dx95pw5vy"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:python ,python-2
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; The sanity-check attempts attempts to import the non-existent
+ ;; modules "_openssl" and "_padding".
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python2-cryptography-vectors python2-hypothesis python2-pretend
+ python2-pytz python2-pytest))
+ (inputs (list openssl))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-propagated-inputs crypto)
+ (prepend python2-ipaddress
+ python2-backport-ssl-match-hostname
+ python2-enum34))))))
(define-public python-pyopenssl
(name "python-pyopenssl")
- (version "20.0.1")
+ (version "22.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "pyOpenSSL" version))
- "0labcbh2g0jhgisd79wx9kixmi6fip28096d1xb05fj3jmsiq8sc"))))
+ "1gzihw09sqi71lwx97c69hab7w4rbnl6hhfrl6za3i5a4la1n2v6"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- '(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'check)
- (add-after 'install 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
- ;; PyOpenSSL runs tests against a certificate with a fixed
- ;; expiry time. To ensure successful builds in the future,
- ;; set the time to roughly the release date.
- (invoke "faketime" "2021-05-01" "py.test" "-v" "-k"
- (string-append
- ;; This test tries to look up certificates from
- ;; the compiled-in default path in OpenSSL, which
- ;; does not exist in the build environment.
- "not test_fallback_default_verify_paths "
- ;; This test attempts to make a connection to
- ;; an external web service.
- "and not test_set_default_verify_paths "
- ;; Fails on i686-linux and possibly other 32-bit platforms
- ;; https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/issues/974
- "and not test_verify_with_time")))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ ;; PyOpenSSL runs tests against a certificate with a fixed
+ ;; expiry time. To ensure successful builds in the future,
+ ;; set the time to roughly the release date.
+ (invoke "faketime" "2022-02-01" "py.test" "-v" "-k"
+ (string-append
+ ;; This test tries to look up certificates from
+ ;; the compiled-in default path in OpenSSL, which
+ ;; does not exist in the build environment.
+ "not test_fallback_default_verify_paths "
+ ;; This test attempts to make a connection to
+ ;; an external web service.
+ "and not test_set_default_verify_paths "
+ ;; Fails on i686-linux and possibly other 32-bit platforms
+ ;; https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/issues/974
+ "and not test_verify_with_time"))))))))
(list python-cryptography python-six))
@@ -718,10 +705,22 @@ message digests and key derivation functions.")
"PyOpenSSL is a high-level wrapper around a subset of the OpenSSL
+ (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-pyopenssl))))
(license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public python2-pyopenssl
- (package-with-python2 python-pyopenssl))
+ (let ((base (package-with-python2 (strip-python2-variant python-pyopenssl))))
+ (package
+ (inherit base)
+ (version "21.0.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "pyOpenSSL" version))
+ (patches (search-patches "python2-pyopenssl-openssl-compat.patch"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1cqcc20fwl521z3fxsc1c98gbnhb14q55vrvjfp6bn6h8rg8qbay")))))))
(define-public python-ed25519
@@ -1711,12 +1710,10 @@ signatures.")
(when tests?
(invoke "pytest")))))))
- (list python-cryptography
- python-pyasn1
- python-pytest
- python-singledispatch
- python-six
+ (list python-pytest
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-cryptography python-pyasn1
+ python-singledispatch python-six))
(home-page "https://github.com/SecurityInnovation/PGPy")
(synopsis "Python implementation of OpenPGP")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/python-science.scm b/gnu/packages/python-science.scm
index 8df311baea..292f9dc11a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/python-science.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/python-science.scm
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Federico Beffa <beffa@fbengineering.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2016 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016-2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Giacomo Leidi <goodoldpaul@autistici.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Paul Garlick <pgarlick@tourbillion-technology.com>
@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bioinformatics)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages boost)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
#:use-module (gnu packages databases)
#:use-module (gnu packages gcc)
#:use-module (gnu packages image-processing)
@@ -58,6 +61,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages xml)
#:use-module (gnu packages xorg)
#:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix utils)
@@ -154,10 +158,7 @@ atlas_libs = openblas
(tgt-dir (string-append html "/" dir)))
(install-file file html)))
(find-files ".")))))))
- ;; Tests can only be run after the library has been installed and not
- ;; within the source directory.
- (delete 'check)
- (add-after 'install 'check
+ (replace 'check
(lambda* (#:key tests? inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(when tests?
(add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
@@ -254,13 +255,13 @@ logic, also known as grey logic.")
(define-public python-scikit-image
(name "python-scikit-image")
- (version "0.18.1")
+ (version "0.19.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "scikit-image" version))
- (base32 "0wgisa03smhrphcjnhq7waa5vyyd32b67hblapjbqrqqj751idpv"))))
+ (base32 "0vc6c78780jivsg79ja0cncn1ma2wysy9fyz97kik0kg59jb8cyl"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -290,23 +291,68 @@ logic, also known as grey logic.")
+ python-pythran
- (list python-codecov
- python-cython
- python-flake8
+ (list python-cython
- python-pytest-cov
- python-pytest-localserver
- python-wheel))
+ python-pytest-localserver))
(home-page "https://scikit-image.org/")
(synopsis "Image processing in Python")
"Scikit-image is a collection of algorithms for image processing.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public python-scikit-allel
+ (package
+ (name "python-scikit-allel")
+ (version "1.3.5")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "scikit-allel" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vg88ng6gd175gzk39iz1drxig5l91dyx398w2kbw3w8036zv8gj"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "python" "setup.py" "build_ext" "--inplace")
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "pytest" "-v" "allel"
+ ;; AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'asstr'
+ "-k" (string-append
+ "not test_vcf_to_hdf5"
+ " and not test_vcf_to_hdf5_exclude"
+ " and not test_vcf_to_hdf5_rename"
+ " and not test_vcf_to_hdf5_group"
+ " and not test_vcf_to_hdf5_ann"))))))))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-dask
+ python-numpy))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-cython
+ ;; The following are all needed for the tests
+ htslib
+ python-h5py
+ python-hmmlearn
+ python-numexpr
+ python-pytest
+ python-scipy
+ python-setuptools-scm
+ python-zarr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/cggh/scikit-allel")
+ (synopsis "Explore and analyze genetic variation data")
+ (description
+ "This package provides utilities for exploratory analysis of large scale
+genetic variation data.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public python-sgp4
(name "python-sgp4")
@@ -509,6 +555,63 @@ doing practical, real world data analysis in Python.")
context of a task dependency graph. It has some similarities to make.")
(license license:bsd-2)))
+(define-public python-pythran
+ (package
+ (name "python-pythran")
+ (version "0.11.0")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/pythran")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page) (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cm7wfcyvkp1wmq7n1lyf2d3sj6158jf63bagjpjmfnjwij19n0p"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; Remove bundled Boost and xsimd.
+ (delete-file-recursively "third_party")))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'do-not-install-third-parties
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "setup.py"
+ (("third_parties = .*")
+ "third_parties = []\n"))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ ;; Remove compiler flag that trips newer GCC:
+ ;; https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/pythran/issues/908
+ (substitute* "pythran/tests/__init__.py"
+ (("'-Wno-absolute-value',")
+ ""))
+ (setenv "HOME" (getcwd))
+ ;; This setup is modelled after the upstream CI system.
+ (call-with-output-file ".pythranrc"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (format port "[compiler]\nblas=openblas~%")))
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv"
+ (string-append "--numprocesses="
+ (number->string
+ (parallel-job-count)))
+ "pythran/tests/test_cases.py")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ ;; For tests.
+ (list openblas python-pytest python-pytest-xdist))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list boost xsimd ;headers need to be available
+ python-beniget python-gast python-numpy python-ply))
+ (synopsis "Ahead of Time compiler for numeric kernels")
+ (description
+ "Pythran is an ahead of time compiler for a subset of the Python
+language, with a focus on scientific computing. It takes a Python module
+annotated with a few interface descriptions and turns it into a native
+Python module with the same interface, but (hopefully) faster.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public python-bottleneck
(name "python-bottleneck")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/python-web.scm b/gnu/packages/python-web.scm
index 406c6cb51b..3146cad933 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/python-web.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/python-web.scm
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alice Brenon <alice.brenon@ens-lyon.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo@cyberdimension.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -268,27 +269,34 @@ for adding, removing and dropping callbacks.")
(find-files "." "_.*\\.pyx$")))))
(replace 'check
(lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
- (when tests?
- ;; This tests requires the 'proxy.py' module, not yet
- ;; packaged.
- (delete-file "tests/test_proxy_functional.py")
- (invoke "pytest" "-vv"
- ;; Disable loading the aiohttp coverage plugin
- ;; to avoid a circular dependency (code coverage
- ;; is not very interesting to us anyway).
- "-o" "addopts=''" "--ignore=aiohttp"
- "-n" (number->string (parallel-job-count))
- "-k" (string-append
- ;; This test probably requires to be run with the
- ;; library loaded from the the build directory.
- "not test_c_parser_loaded and "
- ;; Disable the following tests as they require
- ;; networking.
- "not TestDeflateBuffer and "
- "not test_client_session_timeout_zero and "
- "not test_empty_body and "
- "not test_mark_formdata_as_processed[pyloop] and "
- "not test_receive_runtime_err[pyloop]"))))))))
+ (let ((skipped-tests
+ (string-append
+ ;; This test probably requires to be run with the
+ ;; library loaded from the the build directory.
+ "not test_c_parser_loaded and "
+ ;; Disable the following tests as they require
+ ;; networking.
+ "not TestDeflateBuffer and "
+ "not test_client_session_timeout_zero and "
+ "not test_empty_body and "
+ "not test_mark_formdata_as_processed[pyloop] and "
+ "not test_receive_runtime_err[pyloop]")))
+ (when tests?
+ ;; This tests requires the 'proxy.py' module, not yet
+ ;; packaged.
+ (delete-file "tests/test_proxy_functional.py")
+ ;; Sometimes tests fail when run in parallel.
+ (or
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv"
+ ;; Disable loading the aiohttp coverage plugin
+ ;; to avoid a circular dependency (code coverage
+ ;; is not very interesting to us anyway).
+ "-o" "addopts=''" "--ignore=aiohttp"
+ "-n" (number->string (parallel-job-count))
+ "-k" skipped-tests)
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv"
+ "-o" "addopts=''" "--ignore=aiohttp"
+ "-k" skipped-tests)))))))))
(list python-aiodns
@@ -741,21 +749,27 @@ other HTTP libraries.")
(define-public httpie
(name "httpie")
- (version "2.3.0")
+ (version "3.1.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "httpie" version))
- "15ngl3yc186gkgqdx8iav9bpj8gxjpzz26y32z92jwyhj4cmfh6m"))))
+ "1npyfvrq0l56bil8rnpj78mav378mxx4zcqzq1jjx4aap1020jif"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
;; The tests attempt to access external web servers, so we cannot run them.
'(#:tests? #f))
- (list python-colorama python-pygments python-requests
- python-requests-toolbelt))
+ (list python-colorama
+ python-pygments
+ python-requests
+ python-requests-toolbelt
+ python-pysocks
+ python-charset-normalizer
+ python-defusedxml
+ python-multidict))
(home-page "https://httpie.io")
(synopsis "cURL-like tool for humans")
@@ -1106,21 +1120,15 @@ support for merging, minifying and compiling CSS and Javascript files.")
(define-public python-flask-babel
(name "python-flask-babel")
- (version "1.0.0")
+ (version "2.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "Flask-Babel" version))
- "0gmb165vkwv5v7dxsxa2i3zhafns0fh938m2zdcrv4d8z5l099yn"))))
+ "0z95v77vib5il8hphyh16n7i15a2gmc06i615vm346ifvdfg9ypr"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (arguments
- '(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'check
- (lambda _
- (with-directory-excursion "tests"
- (invoke "python" "tests.py")))))))
(list python-flask python-babel python-jinja2 python-pytz))
(home-page "https://github.com/python-babel/flask-babel")
@@ -1273,13 +1281,13 @@ and written in Python.")
(define-public python-html5-parser
(name "python-html5-parser")
- (version "0.4.9")
+ (version "0.4.10")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "html5-parser" version))
- "13yl3vnf3sxl05m0nhpngnrz3g1jvyahd33lys3m3hfb91l8zzi5"))))
+ "195wgxls3df7djry9cz3p2k9644l6bfd66fczbaw55fsq0c48agr"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
@@ -1466,13 +1474,13 @@ options.")
(inherit python-cssutils)
(name "python-css-parser")
- (version "1.0.6")
+ (version "1.0.7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "css-parser" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0bmg4kiiir6pj9x3sd12x4dz2c1xpp2bn5nn60fxnbk2lnl4im2f"))))
+ (base32 "1ldv9s3an4pgk7b5x6z07rw9b5fdrasdldnf22829pb26b39dq15"))))
(home-page "https://github.com/ebook-utils/css-parser")
(synopsis "Fork of cssutils modified for parsing ebooks")
@@ -2532,17 +2540,19 @@ APIs.")
(define-public python-requests
(name "python-requests")
- (version "2.26.0")
+ (version "2.27.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "requests" version))
- "19q73fq7hip7b74fwls3p9x6zwvfwqcwpn6kha3zsgvrrzw5iamq"))))
+ "0qcsbi919d689xqlgyhw9zkppp1fs6k09wwffa3ri6d8smpwbmv8"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (list python-certifi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer
- python-idna python-urllib3))
+ (list python-certifi
+ python-charset-normalizer
+ python-idna
+ python-urllib3))
;; FIXME: Some tests require network access.
'(#:tests? #f))
@@ -2561,6 +2571,7 @@ than Python’s urllib2 library.")
;; The python-charset-normalizer dependency is necessary on Python 3
;; only.
(propagated-inputs (modify-inputs (package-propagated-inputs base)
+ (append python2-chardet)
(delete "python-charset-normalizer"))))))
(define-public python-requests-unixsocket
@@ -2778,17 +2789,47 @@ authenticated session objects providing things like keep-alive.")
(native-inputs `(("python2-unittest2" ,python2-unittest2)
,@(package-native-inputs base))))))
+(define-public python-unalix
+ (package
+ (name "python-unalix")
+ (version "0.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ ;; There's only a wheel on PyPI.
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/AmanoTeam/Unalix")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0h8wc1axv26h753a8brc6dccqndx005c2bhr09gwg5c1hj9zsfml"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list python-pytest))
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest")))))))
+ (home-page "https://pypi.org/project/Unalix/")
+ (synopsis "Python library for removing tracking fields from URLs")
+ (description "Unalix is a library written in Python implementing the
+specification used by the @url{https://github.com/ClearURLs/Addon, ClearURLs}
+addon for removing tracking fields from URLs.")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
(define-public python-urllib3
(name "python-urllib3")
- (version "1.26.7")
+ (version "1.26.8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "urllib3" version))
- "1kkf6gi8a1fs0dqkf6kpmdpsy97iirvliz8q1krxp8ppaiawd1s9"))))
+ "0g18xk7gfm88gr4bp3f58vgvsbzwps3sq2kqhv5xyz9ylvck6z0f"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(arguments `(#:tests? #f))
@@ -4873,21 +4914,18 @@ is part of the Weblate translation platform.")
(define-public python-gitlab
(name "python-gitlab")
- (version "1.15.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (pypi-uri "python-gitlab" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0zl6kz8v8cg1bcy2r78b2snb0lpw0b573gdx2x1ps0nhsh75l4j5"))))
+ (version "3.2.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "python-gitlab" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1gi4lp2g4k99zqcx2bgqx940bpmpbc1w9qkl5gy33hpy148yhvlg"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (propagated-inputs
- (list python-requests python-six))
- (native-inputs
- (list python-httmock python-mock))
- (home-page
- "https://github.com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab")
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ;tests require network access
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-requests python-requests-toolbelt))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab")
(synopsis "Interact with GitLab API")
(description "This package provides an extended library for interacting
with GitLab instances through their API.")
@@ -5254,16 +5292,22 @@ them to a designated prefix.")
(build-system python-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'skip-problematic-tests
- (lambda _
- ;; These tests fail due to networking requirements.
- (substitute* "setup.py"
- (("pytest.main\\(\\[" all)
- (string-append all "'-k', '"
- (string-append "not test_post_chunked and "
- "not test_remote") "'"))))))))
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv"
+ ;; These tests fail due to networking requirements.
+ "-k" (format #f "not ~a"
+ (string-join
+ '("test_post_chunked"
+ "test_remote"
+ "test_capture_http_proxy"
+ "test_capture_https_proxy"
+ "test_capture_https_proxy_same_session")
+ " and not ")))))))))
;; These inputs are required for the test suite.
(list python-httpbin python-pytest-cov python-requests
@@ -5508,6 +5552,24 @@ imported Python files in sys.modules as well as custom paths. When files are
changed the process is restarted.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public python-pyowm
+ (package
+ (name "python-pyowm")
+ (version "3.2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "pyowm" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1pm8w6phr4m3xayndfndid366vhf1fpvdgjsp2zicxarmgc0pm53"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-geojson python-pysocks python-requests))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/csparpa/pyowm")
+ (synopsis "Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a Python wrapper around OpenWeatherMap web APIs.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public python-pyramid
(name "python-pyramid")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm b/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm
index 6317f5cd98..ba6f2cbcbb 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov <nikita@karetnikov.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2017, 2021 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2020 Christine Lemmer-Webber <cwebber@dustycloud.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Dvorsak <eric@dvorsak.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Erik Edrosa <erik.edrosa@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016 Dylan Jeffers <sapientech@sapientech@openmailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2016-2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2021 Stefan Reichör <stefan@xsteve.at>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022 Stefan Reichör <stefan@xsteve.at>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019 Alex Vong <alexvong1995@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Aleksandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Evgeny Pisemsky <evgeny@pisemsky.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 drozdov <drozdov@portalenergy.tech>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -229,6 +231,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages serialization)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix hg-download)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
@@ -240,6 +243,24 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26))
+(define-public python-xmldiff
+ (package
+ (name "python-xmldiff")
+ (version "2.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "xmldiff" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0qygxi3z1jwb0471k7bh5gcqf7wqm4xhrkmwhf36gjgjw46a5gh5"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-lxml python-six))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Shoobx/xmldiff")
+ (synopsis "Creates diffs of XML files")
+ (description "This Python tool figures out the differences between two
+similar XML files, in the same way the @command{diff} utility does it.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public python-janus
(name "python-janus")
@@ -984,13 +1005,13 @@ access the technical and tag data for video and audio files.")
(define-public python-psutil
(name "python-psutil")
- (version "5.8.0")
+ (version "5.9.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "psutil" version))
- (base32 "1immnj532bnnrh1qmk5q3lsw3san8qfk9kxy1cpmy0knmfcwp70c"))))
+ (base32 "09fa4vfhansixvxd3lv664xcrbnfdyfn53hm2wr0rf3bsvdl5646"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
;; FIXME: some tests do not return and time out. Some tests fail because
@@ -2014,14 +2035,14 @@ class.")
(define-public python-can
(name "python-can")
- (version "3.3.3")
+ (version "3.3.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "python-can" version))
- "123lz1bl6xf3d0fvxzr4bg4884yg4m9s21z6xd2m68zhnbv9rmpc"))))
+ "0jclrvyxasaaxr0albq0kqrnrfqdgqxs7m2qw9nd8kfwg8xj4g1d"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
`(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -2030,7 +2051,8 @@ class.")
(substitute* "setup.py"
(("mock~=2\\.0") "mock")
(("coverage<5") "coverage")
- (("pytest~=4\\.3") "pytest")
+ (("pytest~=4\\.6") "pytest")
+ (("pytest-timeout~=1\\.3") "pytest-timeout")
(("hypothesis~=4\\.56") "hypothesis"))
(add-after 'unpack 'fix-broken-tests
@@ -2763,12 +2785,6 @@ system is highly configurable via command line options and embedded
(license license:lgpl2.1+)))
-(define-public python2-empy
- (let ((base (package-with-python2 (strip-python2-variant python-empy))))
- (package/inherit base
- (arguments `(,@(package-arguments base)
- #:tests? #t)))))
(define-public python2-element-tree
(name "python2-element-tree")
@@ -3155,6 +3171,41 @@ server.")
"@code{pafy} is a python library to retrieve YouTube content and metadata.")
(license license:lgpl3+)))
+(define-public python-miniupnpc
+ (package
+ (name "python-miniupnpc")
+ (version "2.2.3")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri
+ (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/miniupnp/miniupnp")
+ (commit
+ (string-append
+ "miniupnpc_" (string-replace-substring version "." "_")))))
+ (file-name
+ (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "03q1rlzvfzm15g1bfw2zqzavlsyaypnaf2k3cz6ha7k5rirkdy0l"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'subdir
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (chdir "miniupnpc")
+ (setenv "CC" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (substitute* "Makefile"
+ (("/bin/sh") (search-input-file inputs "/bin/sh"))))))))
+ (inputs (list python)) ;we are building a Python extension
+ (synopsis "UPnP client for Python")
+ (description "Miniupnpc is a client library for Python programs to set up
+port forwards using @acronym{UPnP, Universal Plug and Play}.")
+ (home-page "http://miniupnp.free.fr")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public python2-funcsigs
(name "python2-funcsigs")
@@ -4620,7 +4671,7 @@ ecosystem, but can naturally be used also by other projects.")
(define-public python-robotframework
(name "python-robotframework")
- (version "4.1.2")
+ (version "4.1.3")
;; There are no tests in the PyPI archive.
@@ -4630,39 +4681,54 @@ ecosystem, but can naturally be used also by other projects.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0s6lakbd8h1pa4lfdj18sm13gpywszgpcns4hz026a4kam787kby"))
+ (base32 "0j71awmfkwk7prz82kr1zbcl3nrih3396sshrygnqlrdjmgivd3p"))
(patches (search-patches
- "python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch"))))
+ "python-robotframework-source-date-epoch.patch"
+ "python-robotframework-ug2html.patch"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'build 'build-and-install-doc
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((doc-output (assoc-ref outputs "doc"))
- (doc (string-append doc-output "/share/"
- ,name "-" ,version "/")))
- (invoke "invoke" "library-docs" "all")
- (mkdir-p doc)
- (copy-recursively "doc/libraries"
- (string-append doc "/libraries")))))
- (replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Some tests require timezone data. Otherwise, they
- ;; look up /etc/localtime, which doesn't exist, and fail
- ;; with:
- ;;
- ;; OverflowError: mktime argument out of range
- (setenv "TZDIR"
- (search-input-directory inputs "share/zoneinfo"))
- (setenv "TZ" "Europe/Paris")
- (invoke "python" "utest/run.py"))))))
+ `(#:modules ((guix build python-build-system)
+ (guix build utils)
+ (ice-9 ftw)
+ (ice-9 match)
+ (srfi srfi-26))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'build 'build-and-install-doc
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ "/share/doc/robotframework")))
+ (invoke "invoke" "library-docs" "all")
+ (invoke "doc/userguide/ug2html.py" "dist") ;user guide
+ (mkdir-p doc)
+ (with-directory-excursion "dist"
+ (define user-guide-dir
+ (match (scandir "." (cut string-prefix?
+ "robotframework-userguide-" <>))
+ ((dir) dir)
+ (_ (error "could not find the user guide directory"))))
+ (copy-recursively user-guide-dir doc)))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs tests?
+ #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ ;; Some tests require timezone data. Otherwise, they
+ ;; look up /etc/localtime, which doesn't exist, and
+ ;; fail with:
+ ;;
+ ;; OverflowError: mktime argument out of range
+ (setenv "TZDIR"
+ (search-input-directory
+ (or native-inputs inputs) "share/zoneinfo"))
+ (setenv "TZ" "Europe/Paris")
+ (invoke "python" "utest/run.py")))))))
`(("python-docutils" ,python-docutils)
("python-jsonschema" ,python-jsonschema)
("python-invoke" ,python-invoke)
+ ("python-pygments" ,python-pygments)
("python-rellu" ,python-rellu)
- ("python:tk" ,python "tk") ;used when building the HTML doc
+ ("python:tk" ,python "tk") ;used when building the HTML doc
("tzdata" ,tzdata-for-tests)))
(outputs '("out" "doc"))
(home-page "https://robotframework.org")
@@ -4675,20 +4741,17 @@ process automation (RPA).")
(define-public python-robotframework-datadriver
(name "python-robotframework-datadriver")
- (version "1.5.0")
+ (version "1.6.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "robotframework-datadriver" version))
- (base32 "1kv6h47850gdqr8azknkh81z7hw6yz5pjn53mkn71ly4szw4pqb7"))))
+ (base32 "0qa2vry8jr49k5rbrvmkgggzsmis1wv06dp5dvwmp7afm7vjc51k"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-readme-file-name
- (lambda _
- (rename-file "Readme.rst" "README.rst")))
(add-before 'check 'skip-problematic-tests
(lambda _
;; The test file 'tab-csv-file-name.tsv' contains special
@@ -4783,7 +4846,7 @@ trace directly to the terminal to ease debugging.")
(define-public python-robotframework-sshlibrary
(name "python-robotframework-sshlibrary")
- (version "3.7.0")
+ (version "3.8.0")
;; There are no tests in the PyPI archive.
@@ -4794,16 +4857,18 @@ trace directly to the terminal to ease debugging.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "09ak22rh9qa9wlpvhkliyybcp4xafjhxsps28wz0pf0030771xav"))))
+ "1fn72hw7xacjjpl4dd6wynh2x63i9rk8iqhj3v640db21qpcnbkw"))
+ (patches (search-patches
+ "python-robotframework-sshlibrary-rf5-compat.patch"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'build 'build-and-install-doc
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((doc-output (assoc-ref outputs "doc"))
- (doc (string-append doc-output "/share/"
- ,name "-" ,version "/")))
+ (let ((doc (string-append
+ (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ "/share/doc/robotframework-sshlibrary")))
(invoke "chmod" "-R" "+w" "docs")
(invoke "invoke" "kw-docs" "project-docs")
(mkdir-p doc)
@@ -5075,7 +5140,7 @@ which can produce feeds in RSS 2.0, RSS 0.91, and Atom formats.")
(define-public python-pydantic
(name "python-pydantic")
- (version "1.8.2")
+ (version "1.9.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -5084,7 +5149,7 @@ which can produce feeds in RSS 2.0, RSS 0.91, and Atom formats.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "06162dss6mvi7wiy2lzxwvzajwxgy8b2fyym7qipaj7zibcqalq2"))))
+ (base32 "14wj3k9007fpbxk7593w6gdqrr68yzrsw4a41sj5ji4cv3r8z18b"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -5238,6 +5303,8 @@ matching of file paths.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; XXX Remove this when updating this package:
+ ;; https://github.com/psf/black/issues/2703#issuecomment-1004752142
(add-after 'unpack 'relax-version-requirements
(lambda _
(substitute* "setup.py"
@@ -5829,12 +5896,13 @@ readable format.")
("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
("python-sphinx" ,python-sphinx)
("python-numpydoc" ,python-numpydoc)
- ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-cm-super
+ ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list
+ texlive-capt-of
+ texlive-cm-super
- texlive-latex-capt-of
@@ -5862,7 +5930,7 @@ readable format.")
- texlive-latex-wrapfig)))
+ texlive-wrapfig)))
("texinfo" ,texinfo)
("perl" ,perl)
@@ -6543,19 +6611,19 @@ toolkits.")
("python-mock" ,python-mock)
("graphviz" ,graphviz)
("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-amsfonts
- texlive-latex-amsmath
- texlive-latex-enumitem
- texlive-latex-expdlist
- texlive-latex-geometry
- texlive-latex-preview
- texlive-latex-type1cm
- texlive-latex-ucs
- texlive-pdftex
- texlive-fonts-ec
- texlive-times
- texlive-txfonts)))
+ texlive-enumitem
+ texlive-latex-amsmath
+ texlive-latex-expdlist
+ texlive-latex-geometry
+ texlive-latex-preview
+ texlive-latex-type1cm
+ texlive-latex-ucs
+ texlive-pdftex
+ texlive-fonts-ec
+ texlive-times
+ texlive-txfonts)))
("texinfo" ,texinfo)
,@(package-native-inputs python-matplotlib)))
@@ -7423,26 +7491,22 @@ data, and scientific formats.")
(define-public python-pycparser
(name "python-pycparser")
- (version "2.20")
+ (version "2.21")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "pycparser" version))
- "1w0m3xvlrzq4lkbvd1ngfm8mdw64r1yxy6n7djlw6qj5d0km6ird"))))
+ "01kjlyn5w2nn2saj8w1rhq7v26328pd91xwgqn32z1zp2bngsi76"))))
(outputs '("out" "doc"))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (native-inputs
- (list pkg-config))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'check
(lambda _
- (with-directory-excursion "tests"
- (invoke "python" "all_tests.py"))
- #t))
+ (invoke "python" "-m" "unittest" "discover")))
(add-after 'install 'install-doc
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((data (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc") "/share"))
@@ -7453,8 +7517,7 @@ data, and scientific formats.")
(copy-file (string-append "." file)
(string-append doc file)))
- (copy-recursively "examples" examples)
- #t))))))
+ (copy-recursively "examples" examples)))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/eliben/pycparser")
(synopsis "C parser in Python")
@@ -7788,9 +7851,12 @@ etc. The core of this module is a decorator factory.")
;; The test suite requires libdrmaa which is provided by the cluster
;; environment. At runtime the environment variable DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH
;; should be set to the path of the libdrmaa library.
- (arguments '(#:tests? #f))
- (native-inputs
- (list python-nose))
+ (arguments
+ '(#:tests? #f
+ #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Loading the library fails because DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH
+ ;; is not configured.
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
(home-page "https://pypi.org/project/drmaa/")
(synopsis "Python bindings for the DRMAA library")
@@ -7896,7 +7962,10 @@ you to actually draw things with your favorite toolkit.")
(base32 "0v0sgpg6pz8h61f9aqjf5xk0ipr512bbz8dxzjjylksj135qr19l"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- '(#:tests? #f)) ; FIXME: Requires python-cherrypy.
+ '(#:tests? #f ;FIXME: Requires python-cherrypy.
+ #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Importing the web server module requires cherrypy, too.
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
(list python-psutil python-drmaa python-pyzmq))
(home-page "https://github.com/pygridtools/gridmap")
@@ -7910,7 +7979,7 @@ cluster without needing to write any wrapper code yourself.")
(define-public python-honcho
(name "python-honcho")
- (version "1.0.1")
+ (version "1.1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -7919,7 +7988,7 @@ cluster without needing to write any wrapper code yourself.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "11bd87474qpif20xdcn0ra1idj5k16ka51i658wfpxwc6nzsn92b"))))
+ (base32 "1y0r8dw4pqcq7r4n58ixjdg1iy60lp0gxsd7d2jmhals16ij71rj"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(list python-pytest python-mock python-tox which)) ;for tests
@@ -7938,7 +8007,8 @@ cluster without needing to write any wrapper code yourself.")
;; It's easier to run tests after install.
;; Make installed package available for running the tests
(add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
- (invoke "py.test" "-v"))))))
+ ;; Skip failing test_export
+ (invoke "py.test" "-v" "-k" "not test_export"))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/nickstenning/honcho")
(synopsis "Manage Procfile-based applications")
@@ -8238,6 +8308,15 @@ need to use the older and less efficient @code{pkg_resources} package.")
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest" "-v")))))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-pytest))
(home-page "https://github.com/alecthomas/importmagic")
(synopsis "Library for adding, removing and managing Python imports")
@@ -8869,6 +8948,7 @@ callback signature using a prototype function.")
Powerful interactive shells, a browser-based notebook, support for interactive
data visualization, embeddable interpreters and tools for parallel
+ (properties '((cpe-name . "ipython")))
(license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public python-ipython-documentation
@@ -8916,10 +8996,10 @@ computing.")
("python-sphinx-rtd-theme" ,python-sphinx-rtd-theme)
;; FIXME: It's possible that a smaller union would work just as well.
("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-amsfonts
+ texlive-capt-of
- texlive-latex-capt-of
@@ -8947,7 +9027,7 @@ computing.")
- texlive-latex-wrapfig)))
+ texlive-wrapfig)))
("texinfo" ,texinfo)))))
(define-public python-urwid
@@ -9612,11 +9692,28 @@ SVG, EPS, PNG and terminal output.")
(uri (pypi-uri "seaborn" version))
(base32 "1xpl3zb945sihsiwm9q1yyx84sakk1phcg0fprj6i0j0dllfjifg"))
- (patches (search-patches "python-seaborn-kde-test.patch"))))
+ (patches (search-patches "python-seaborn-kde-test.patch"
+ "python-seaborn-2690.patch"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-more-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "seaborn/tests/test_distributions.py"
+ (("get_contour_color\\(ax\\.collections\\[0\\]\\)")
+ "get_contour_color(ax.collections[0])")
+ (("c\\.get_color\\(\\)") "get_contour_color(c)")
+ ;; These three are borked and have been fixed upstream, but
+ ;; there's no simple patch we could apply here, so we just
+ ;; disable them.
+ (("def test_hue_ignores_cmap")
+ "def skip_test_hue_ignores_cmap")
+ (("def test_fill_artists")
+ "def skip_test_fill_artists")
+ (("def test_with_rug")
+ "def skip_test_with_rug"))))
(add-before 'check 'start-xserver
(lambda _
;; There must be a running X server and make check doesn't
@@ -11085,30 +11182,23 @@ third-party code.")
(define-public python-llfuse
(name "python-llfuse")
- (version "1.3.8")
+ (version "1.4.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "llfuse" version))
- "1g2cdhdqrb6m7655qp61pn61pwj1ql61cdzhr2jvl3w4i8877ddr"))))
+ "1jaf790rsxvz3hs9fbr3hrnmg0xzl6a2bqfa10bbbsjsdbcpk762"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(list fuse attr))
- (list pkg-config))
+ (list pkg-config python-pytest))
(synopsis "Python bindings for FUSE")
"Python-LLFUSE is a set of Python bindings for the low level FUSE API.")
(home-page "https://bitbucket.org/nikratio/python-llfuse/")
- (license license:lgpl2.0+)
- (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-llfuse))))))
-(define-public python2-llfuse
- (let ((base (package-with-python2
- (strip-python2-variant python-llfuse))))
- (package/inherit base
- (propagated-inputs `(("python2-contextlib2" ,python2-contextlib2))))))
+ (license license:lgpl2.0+)))
(define-public python-msgpack
@@ -11416,6 +11506,32 @@ Unicode-aware. It is not intended as an end-user tool.")
(define-public python2-xlrd
(package-with-python2 python-xlrd))
+;; We need this for python-anndata
+(define-public python-xlrd-1
+ (package
+ (inherit python-xlrd)
+ (name "python-xlrd")
+ (version "1.2.0")
+ (source (origin
+ ;; The tests are not included in the PyPI archive.
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/python-excel/xlrd")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0sm5p0ii5ayh52ak1jpw0n1kgsv72vdwwp8c3z13l8yf4irsb587"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; Some tests depend on writing a temporary file to the user's home
+ ;; directory.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))))
;;; Note: this package is unmaintained since 2018 (archived on GitHub).
(define-public python-xlwt
@@ -11641,6 +11757,73 @@ asyncio.")
Python code formatter \"black\".")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public python-geojson
+ (package
+ (name "python-geojson")
+ (version "2.5.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "geojson" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12k5bzqskvq3gqzkryarhdjl0df47y5k9cf8r3clasi2wjnbfjvf"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; https://github.com/jazzband/geojson/issues/175
+ `(#:tests? #f))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/jazzband/geojson")
+ (synopsis "Python bindings and utilities for GeoJSON")
+ (description
+ "This package provides Python bindings and utilities for
+@uref{http://geojson.org/, GeoJSON}, a format for encoding geographic data
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public wfetch
+ (let ((commit "e1cfa37814aebc9eb56ce994ebe877b6a6f9a715")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "wfetch")
+ (version (git-version "0.1-pre" revision commit))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Gcat101/Wfetch")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page)
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1dmr85plx8zr6s14ym3r32g6crwxghkval5a24ah90ijx4dbn5q5"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:use-setuptools? #f ; no setup.py
+ #:tests? #f ; no test suite
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'build)
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
+ (share (string-append out "/share")))
+ (mkdir-p share)
+ (substitute* "wfetch/wfetch.py"
+ (("os.sep, 'opt', 'wfetch'") (string-append "'" share "'")))
+ (install-file "wfetch/wfetch.py" bin)
+ (copy-recursively "wfetch/icons" share)))))))
+ (inputs (list python-pyowm python-fire python-termcolor python-requests))
+ (synopsis "Command-line tool to display weather info")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a tool similar to Neofetch/pfetch, but for
+weather: it can display the weather condition, temperature, humidity, etc.
+To use it, you must first run:
+export WEATHER_CLI_API=@var{your OpenWeatherMap API key}
+@end example\n")
+ (license license:gpl3+))))
(define-public python-get-version
(name "python-get-version")
@@ -11920,14 +12103,14 @@ versions of Python.")
(define-public python-idna
(name "python-idna")
- (version "2.10")
+ (version "3.3")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "idna" version))
- "1xmk3s92d2vq42684p61wixfmh3qpr2mw762w0n6662vhlpqf1xk"))))
+ "0v8f6qjfi5i7qc5icsbv2pi24qy6k6m8wjqjvdf2sxjvlpq3yr4x"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/kjd/idna")
(synopsis "Internationalized domain names in applications")
@@ -11939,21 +12122,20 @@ from the earlier standard from 2003. The library is also intended to act as a
suitable drop-in replacement for the “encodings.idna” module that comes with
the Python standard library but currently only supports the older 2003
+ (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-idna))))
(license license:bsd-4)))
-(define-public python-idna-2.7
- (package (inherit python-idna)
- (version "2.7")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (pypi-uri "idna" version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "05jam7d31767dr12x0rbvvs8lxnpb1mhdb2zdlfxgh83z6k3hjk8"))))))
(define-public python2-idna
- (package-with-python2 python-idna))
+ (let ((base (package-with-python2 (strip-python2-variant python-idna))))
+ (package
+ (inherit base)
+ (version "2.10")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "idna" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1xmk3s92d2vq42684p61wixfmh3qpr2mw762w0n6662vhlpqf1xk")))))))
(define-public python-libsass
@@ -11971,17 +12153,27 @@ specification.")
(base32 "1r0kgl7i6nnhgjl44sjw57k08gh2qr7l8slqih550dyxbf1akbxh"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- `(#:phases
+ '(#:phases
(modify-phases %standard-phases
;; Use Guix package of libsass instead of compiling from a checkout.
(add-before 'build 'set-libsass
- (lambda _
- (setenv "SYSTEM_SASS" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libsass"))
- #t))
+ (lambda _ (setenv "SYSTEM_SASS" "indeed")))
(replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest" "sasstests.py"))))
+ (add-after 'install 'delete-test
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
- (invoke "pytest" "sasstests.py"))))))
+ ;; Delete sasstests.py because it attempts to open a file
+ ;; that is not installed when loaded, which breaks the sanity
+ ;; check.
+ (delete-file (string-append
+ (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/lib/python"
+ (python-version
+ (dirname (dirname
+ (search-input-file inputs "bin/python"))))
+ "/site-packages/sasstests.py")))))))
(list python-pytest python-werkzeug))
@@ -12607,38 +12799,39 @@ time.")
("python-pytest" ,python-pytest)
("python-pytest-cov" ,python-pytest-cov)
("python-pytest-dependency" ,python-pytest-dependency)
- ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-adjustbox
- texlive-amsfonts
- texlive-booktabs
- texlive-caption
- texlive-eurosym
- texlive-fonts-rsfs
- texlive-generic-ulem
- texlive-iftex
- texlive-jknappen
- texlive-latex-amsmath
- texlive-latex-enumitem
- texlive-fancyvrb
- texlive-latex-float
- texlive-fontspec
- texlive-latex-geometry
- texlive-grffile
- texlive-hyperref
- texlive-latex-jknapltx
- texlive-ms
- texlive-oberdiek
- texlive-latex-parskip
- texlive-latex-trimspaces
- texlive-latex-upquote
- texlive-latex-ucs
- texlive-lm
- texlive-mathpazo
- texlive-stringenc
- texlive-tcolorbox
- texlive-titling
- texlive-tools
- texlive-xcolor
- texlive-zapfding)))))
+ ("texlive" ,(texlive-updmap.cfg
+ (list texlive-adjustbox
+ texlive-amsfonts
+ texlive-booktabs
+ texlive-caption
+ texlive-eurosym
+ texlive-fancyvrb
+ texlive-fonts-rsfs
+ texlive-fontspec
+ texlive-generic-ulem
+ texlive-grffile
+ texlive-hyperref
+ texlive-iftex
+ texlive-jknappen
+ texlive-latex-amsmath
+ texlive-latex-enumitem
+ texlive-latex-float
+ texlive-latex-geometry
+ texlive-latex-jknapltx
+ texlive-latex-parskip
+ texlive-latex-trimspaces
+ texlive-latex-ucs
+ texlive-latex-upquote
+ texlive-lm
+ texlive-mathpazo
+ texlive-ms
+ texlive-oberdiek
+ texlive-stringenc
+ texlive-tcolorbox
+ texlive-titling
+ texlive-tools
+ texlive-xcolor
+ texlive-zapfding)))))
(list python-bleach
@@ -12654,7 +12847,40 @@ time.")
;; Required, even if [serve] is not used.
- python-tornado-6))
+ python-tornado-6
+ ;; Required at runtime for `jupyter nbconvert --to=pdf`.
+ (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-adjustbox
+ texlive-amsfonts
+ texlive-booktabs
+ texlive-caption
+ texlive-enumitem
+ texlive-eurosym
+ texlive-fonts-rsfs
+ texlive-generic-iftex
+ texlive-jknappen
+ texlive-latex-amsmath
+ texlive-latex-fancyvrb
+ texlive-latex-float
+ texlive-fontspec
+ texlive-latex-geometry
+ texlive-grffile
+ texlive-hyperref
+ texlive-latex-jknapltx
+ texlive-latex-ms
+ texlive-oberdiek
+ texlive-latex-parskip
+ texlive-latex-trimspaces
+ texlive-latex-upquote
+ texlive-latex-ucs
+ texlive-lm
+ texlive-mathpazo
+ texlive-stringenc
+ texlive-tcolorbox
+ texlive-titling
+ texlive-tools
+ texlive-ulem
+ texlive-xcolor
+ texlive-zapfding))))
(home-page "https://jupyter.org")
(synopsis "Converting Jupyter Notebooks")
(description "The @code{nbconvert} tool, @{jupyter nbconvert}, converts
@@ -12943,19 +13169,40 @@ simulation, statistical modeling, machine learning and much more.")
(define-public python-chardet
(name "python-chardet")
- (version "3.0.4")
+ (version "4.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "chardet" version))
- "1bpalpia6r5x1kknbk11p1fzph56fmmnp405ds8icksd3knr5aw4"))))
+ "1ykr04qyhgpc0h5b7dhqw4g92b1xv7ki2ky910mhy4mlbnhm6vqd"))))
- (list python-hypothesis python-pytest python-pytest-runner))
+ (list python-pytest))
(build-system python-build-system)
- ;; XXX: Incompatible with Pytest 4: <https://github.com/chardet/chardet/issues/173>.
- (arguments `(#:tests? #f))
+ (arguments
+ (list #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda _
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv")))
+ ;; This package provides a 'chardetect' executable that only
+ ;; depends on Python, so customize the wrap phase to avoid
+ ;; adding pytest and friends in order to save size.
+ ;; (See also <https://bugs.gnu.org/25235>.)
+ (replace 'wrap
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((sitedir (site-packages inputs outputs))
+ (python (dirname (dirname
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs "bin/python"))))
+ (python-sitedir
+ (string-append python "/lib/python"
+ (python-version python)
+ "/site-packages")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append #$output "/bin/chardetect")
+ `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" suffix
+ ,(list sitedir python-sitedir)))))))))
(home-page "https://github.com/chardet/chardet")
(synopsis "Universal encoding detector for Python 2 and 3")
@@ -12969,14 +13216,34 @@ automatically detect a wide range of file encodings.")
(define-public python-charset-normalizer
(name "python-charset-normalizer")
- (version "2.0.5")
+ (version "2.0.11")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "charset-normalizer" version))
- (base32 "0rr3iv2xw4rz5ijnfqk229fw85cq6p6rhqqsilm0ldzncblfg63h"))))
+ (base32 "071pi2kd222rjjrjdllffqv3iz4bfaj93a9bfs65907fd6fqlfcq"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; This package provides a 'normalizer' executable that only
+ ;; depends on Python, so customize the wrap phase to avoid
+ ;; adding pytest and friends in order to save size.
+ ;; (See also <https://bugs.gnu.org/25235>.)
+ (replace 'wrap
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((sitedir (site-packages inputs outputs))
+ (python (dirname (dirname
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs "bin/python"))))
+ (python-sitedir
+ (string-append python "/lib/python"
+ (python-version python)
+ "/site-packages")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append #$output "/bin/normalizer")
+ `("GUIX_PYTHONPATH" ":" suffix
+ ,(list sitedir python-sitedir)))))))))
(list python-pytest))
(home-page "https://github.com/ousret/charset_normalizer")
@@ -13756,20 +14023,8 @@ concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2")
(synopsis "Promises/A+ implementation for Python")
"Promises/A+ implementation for Python")
- (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-promise))))
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public python2-promise
- (let ((promise (package-with-python2
- (strip-python2-variant python-promise))))
- (package/inherit promise
- (arguments (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments promise)
- ((#:tests? _) #t)))
- (native-inputs
- `(("python2-futures" ,python2-futures)
- ("python2-pytest" ,python2-pytest)
- ,@(package-native-inputs promise))))))
(define-public python-progressbar2
(name "python-progressbar2")
@@ -13877,13 +14132,15 @@ text.")
(substitute* (find-files "tests" "\\.py$")
(("#!/bin/bash") (string-append "#!" bash-exec))))))
(replace 'check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
(when tests?
- (add-installed-pythonpath inputs outputs)
(invoke "pytest" "-vv" "-m" "not network" "-k"
+ ;; XXX: This test is timing sensitive and may
+ ;; fail non-deterministically.
+ "not test_cancel_pending_job"
;; These tests require Docker.
- "not test_terminate_job"
+ " and not test_terminate_job"
" and not test_invoke_function_from_sqs_exception"
" and not test_rotate_secret_lambda_invocations"
;; These tests also require the network.
@@ -13900,7 +14157,7 @@ text.")
- `(("bash" ,bash-minimal)))
+ (list bash-minimal))
(list python-aws-xray-sdk
@@ -14550,6 +14807,27 @@ It is maintained by the Celery project, and used by kombu as a pure python
alternative when librabbitmq is not available.")
(license license:lgpl2.1+)))
+(define-public python-beniget
+ (package
+ (name "python-beniget")
+ (version "0.4.1")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/beniget")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "beniget" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "035c4f78yllpw2c5p1w92520rilm7nnpsqh7yvi3qmfhi8xlnmbm"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list python-gast))
+ (synopsis "Extract semantic information about static Python code")
+ (description
+ "Beniget is a collection of analyzers for Python @acronym{AST,
+Abstract Syntax Tree}. It is a building block for writing a static analyzer
+or compiler for Python.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public python-txamqp
(name "python-txamqp")
@@ -14793,7 +15071,7 @@ ISO 8859, etc.).")
(list qtbase-5))
(list python-h5py python-numpy python-pyopengl python-scipy
- python-pyqt))
+ python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit))
(home-page "http://www.pyqtgraph.org")
(synopsis "Scientific graphics and GUI library for Python")
@@ -15378,9 +15656,8 @@ CloudFront content delivery network.")
;; Hard-code the path to pkg-config.
(lambda _
(substitute* "pkgconfig/pkgconfig.py"
- (("cmd = 'pkg-config")
- (string-append "cmd = '" (which "pkg-config"))))
- #t))
+ (("'pkg-config'")
+ (string-append "'" (which "pkg-config") "'")))))
(replace 'check
(lambda _
(invoke "nosetests" "test.py"))))))
@@ -16810,7 +17087,7 @@ characters, mouse support, and auto suggestions.")
(invoke "python" "-m" "pytest" "-vv"))
- (list python-colorama python-docopt python-django-2.2 python-pytest))
+ (list python-colorama python-docopt python-pytest))
(list python-parso))
(home-page "https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi")
@@ -17362,9 +17639,6 @@ multitouch applications.")
;; number of files with other licenses.
(list license:gpl2+ license:asl2.0 license:lgpl2.1+ license:cc-by-sa3.0))))
-(define-public python2-odfpy
- (package-with-python2 python-odfpy))
(define-public python-natsort
(name "python-natsort")
@@ -17680,17 +17954,29 @@ multitouch applications.")
(define-public python-pyelftools
(name "python-pyelftools")
- (version "0.25")
+ (version "0.28")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/eliben/pyelftools")
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (pypi-uri "pyelftools" version))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference (url home-page)
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32
- "090vdksbz341f7ljvr0zswblw4lspa8qaiikzyjkf318arpxmil9"))))
+ (base32 "1z4fx39c9rds0bd4d2fjjq7n05b1nfxl36pmy523x8knm38l4gpr"))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Delete bundled readelf executable.
+ '(delete-file "test/external_tools/readelf"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (home-page
- "https://github.com/eliben/pyelftools")
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ ;; Taken from tox.ini.
+ (invoke "python" "test/run_all_unittests.py")
+ (invoke "python" "test/run_examples_test.py")
+ (invoke "python" "test/run_readelf_tests.py")))))))
"Analyze binary and library file information")
(description "This Python library provides interfaces for parsing and
@@ -19135,7 +19421,12 @@ multitouch applications.")
;; TypeError: parse() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'tree' and
;; 'parse_funcs'
;; during test setup.
- `(#:tests? #f))
+ (list #:tests? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; translate-toolkit has many optional dependencies (see
+ ;; optional.txt), which the sanity check does not understand.
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
(home-page "https://toolkit.translatehouse.org")
(synopsis "Tools and API for translation and localization engineering")
@@ -19953,13 +20244,13 @@ class ShellOutSSHClientTests"))))
(define-public python-regex
(name "python-regex")
- (version "2020.6.8")
+ (version "2022.1.18")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "regex" version))
- "1b3k0zi1pd99q5mk7ri7vcx2y1mq5inm9hk8dryqyhrpkmh4xdp9"))))
+ "05ir92d0cmv8wkafn3r05j5q47l6shg7cpdblp2a8m407b02vwwp"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -20374,32 +20665,6 @@ executed more than a given number of times during a given period.")
(define-public python2-ratelimiter
(package-with-python2 python-ratelimiter))
-(define-public python-dukpy
- (package
- (name "python-dukpy")
- (version "0.3")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/kovidgoyal/dukpy")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "13h21nqzasv4zj32xs61brmc106pr2cx243672crcmwxxnjgaxls"))))
- (build-system python-build-system)
- (home-page "https://github.com/kovidgoyal/dukpy")
- (synopsis "Run JavaScript in python")
- (description
- "dukpy is a JavaScript runtime environment for Python using the duktape
-embeddable JavaScript engine.")
- ;; Dukpy is licensed under MIT like the embedded duktape library,
- ;; with 'errors.c' as GPL3.
- (license (list license:expat license:gpl3))))
-(define-public python2-dukpy
- (package-with-python2 python-dukpy))
(define-public python-jsonrpclib-pelix
(name "python-jsonrpclib-pelix")
@@ -21695,7 +21960,12 @@ working with iterables.")
(list python-latexcodec python-pyyaml python-six))
- `(#:test-target "nosetests"))
+ (list
+ #:phases #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "nosetests")))))))
(home-page "https://pybtex.org/")
(synopsis "BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor")
(description "Pybtex is a BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor written
@@ -22630,7 +22900,7 @@ N-dimensional arrays for Python.")
(define-public python-anndata
(name "python-anndata")
- (version "0.7.6")
+ (version "0.7.8")
;; The tarball from PyPi doesn't include tests.
@@ -22641,7 +22911,7 @@ N-dimensional arrays for Python.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1q30bsfsq9xfqm8nmabg3bjh9gix3yng0170xiiyw1lin4xncf0q"))))
+ "1rrr9xfdaf00ixj5gyym75bl78gkaj55yfw3wjhvx0pdwqpwp9py"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -22656,6 +22926,9 @@ N-dimensional arrays for Python.")
(replace 'build
(lambda _
+ (substitute* "anndata/_metadata.py"
+ (("__version__ =.*")
+ (string-append "__version__ = \"" ,version "\"\n")))
;; ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980.
(setenv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" "315532800")
(invoke "flit" "build")))
@@ -22667,8 +22940,7 @@ N-dimensional arrays for Python.")
(format #true wheel)
(invoke "python" "-m" "pip" "install"
wheel (string-append "--prefix=" out)))
- (find-files "dist" "\\.whl$")))
- #t)))))
+ (find-files "dist" "\\.whl$"))))))))
(list python-h5py
@@ -22677,6 +22949,7 @@ N-dimensional arrays for Python.")
+ python-xlrd-1
(list python-joblib python-pytest python-toml python-flit
@@ -23600,6 +23873,40 @@ a mypy plugin that smooths over some limitations in the basic type hints.
;; Either license applies.
(license (list license:expat license:asl2.0))))
+(define-public python-trio-websocket
+ (package
+ (name "python-trio-websocket")
+ (version "0.9.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch) ;no tests in pypi archive
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/HyperionGray/trio-websocket")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1yk2ak991kbl30xg8ldpggack1lwkizd7s5cpr28ir34z8iyjnpi"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests? (invoke "pytest" "-vv")))))))
+ (native-inputs (list python-pytest python-pytest-trio python-trustme))
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-async-generator python-trio python-wsproto))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/HyperionGray/trio-websocket")
+ (synopsis "WebSocket library for Trio")
+ (description "This library implements both server and client aspects of
+the @url{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455, the WebSocket protocol},
+striving for safety, correctness, and ergonomics. It is based on the
+@url{https://wsproto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/, wsproto project}, which is a
+@url{https://sans-io.readthedocs.io/, Sans-IO} state machine that implements
+the majority of the WebSocket protocol, including framing, codecs, and events.
+This library handles I/O using @url{https://trio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/,
+the Trio framework}.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public python-humanize
(name "python-humanize")
@@ -24421,6 +24728,22 @@ itself.")
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Fix test failures on Python 3.9.9+.
+ ;; Taken via <https://github.com/neithere/argh/issues/148>.
+ (substitute* "test/test_integration.py"
+ (("assert run\\(p, '(bar|orig-name|nest bar)', exit=True\\)\
+\\.startswith\\('invalid choice'\\)" _ name)
+ (string-append "assert 'invalid choice' in \
+run(p, '" name "', exit=True)")))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest" "-vv")))))))
(list python-iocapture python-mock python-pytest python-pytest-cov
@@ -25808,7 +26131,7 @@ dictionaries.")
(define-public pyzo
(name "pyzo")
- (version "4.12.0")
+ (version "4.12.3")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -25818,7 +26141,7 @@ dictionaries.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0ndiplnz2d5qc6ppjhfwl4zswn79q6732s4vlkaw8xwc3kjrql5b"))))
+ "0v6rgp52bf9za2spxx9c1yc6wmskvlsj81iw0gipjy7y8vpypgn2"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -28086,13 +28409,13 @@ spreadsheet), CSV, TSV, XLS, XLSX (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet), and YAML.")
(define-public python-febelfin-coda
(name "python-febelfin-coda")
- (version "0.1.0")
+ (version "0.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "febelfin-coda" version))
- (base32 "10nf4hdwldqgdmh4g613vx55sbsw1x1yzpvs3crwlggbp75fjjfi"))))
+ (base32 "1isnf87gxlvfbmackv7b2c978vmnj7ij0v4svhyjl8pbb9hwjsvm"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(home-page "https://coda.b2ck.com/")
(synopsis "Module to parse Belgian CODA files")
@@ -28784,3 +29107,154 @@ but not binary streams.")
"This package provides ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for
multipurpose analysis in Python.")
(license license:bsd-3)))
+(define-public python-types-dataclasses
+ (package
+ (name "python-types-dataclasses")
+ (version "0.6.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "types-dataclasses" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1mq6qd365m8ml889zl5dxj9kncjv71iq1d1fvgj59y0ixlpm6s35"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/python/typeshed")
+ (synopsis "Typing stubs for dataclasses")
+ (description
+ "This packages provides a collection of library stubs for Python, with
+static types.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public python-pyfuse3
+ (package
+ (name "python-pyfuse3")
+ (version "3.2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "pyfuse3" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cvybynv9igssfa4l13q09gb6m7afmwk34wsbq8jk14sqpd4dl92"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list fuse-3))
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-pytest-trio))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/libfuse/pyfuse3")
+ (synopsis "Python bindings FUSE 3")
+ (description "This package provides Python 3 bindings for libfuse 3 with
+async I/O support.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public python-ansicolors
+ (package
+ (name "python-ansicolors")
+ (version "1.1.8")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "ansicolors" version ".zip"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1q3jqglkq4z0f6nkkn8bswcwqg012i2grrc27kabr8286dg4zycr"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-tox
+ python-pytest-cov
+ unzip))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/jonathaneunice/colors/")
+ (synopsis "ANSI colors for Python")
+ (description
+ "This package adds ANSI colors and decorations to your strings.")
+ (license license:isc)))
+(define-public python-types-ujson
+ (package
+ (name "python-types-ujson")
+ (version "4.2.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "types-ujson" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0k9n9hsq4k2zaakdwbkcsvi7m8d3mv2y9yl6f171y58ld4qpcxcy"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://github.com/python/typeshed")
+ (synopsis "Typing stubs for ujson")
+ (description
+ "This is a PEP 561 type stub package for the ujson package. It can be
+used by type-checking tools like mypy, PyCharm, pytype etc. to check code that
+uses ujson.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
+(define-public python-stltools
+ (package
+ (name "python-stltools")
+ (version "2022.01.20")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/rsmith-nl/stltools")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1k6dhszza4lpy46qffaqx5zr70ikfqqysbacy7zabnrvz09fd4rs"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:use-setuptools? #f
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'build)
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((moddir (string-append (site-packages inputs outputs) "/stltools"))
+ (bindir (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/bin")))
+ (copy-recursively "stltools" moddir)
+ (mkdir-p bindir)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (script)
+ (let ((source (string-append script ".py"))
+ (target (string-append bindir "/" script)))
+ (copy-file source target)
+ (chmod target #o555)))
+ '("stl2pov" "stl2ps" "stl2pdf" "stlinfo")))))
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "py.test" "-v")))))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-pycairo))
+ (native-inputs (list python-pytest))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/rsmith-nl/stltools")
+ (synopsis "Python modules and scripts for handling STL files")
+ (description "This package consists of Python modules and scripts for
+manipulating stereolithography (STL) files. It can convert STL files into
+POV-ray meshes, PDF and PostScript. The Python modules allow for reading and
+writing STL files. It supports both the text and binary forms of STL.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public python-multipart
+ (package
+ (name "python-multipart")
+ (version "0.0.5")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "python-multipart" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0hzshd665rl1bkwvaj9va4j3gs8nmb478fbvligx20663xhmzfzp"))))
+ (build-system python-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list python-six))
+ (native-inputs (list python-pyyaml python-mock python-pytest-cov))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; There is a bug in the test_suit specification.
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-test-suite
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "setup.py"
+ (("test_suite = 'multipart.tests.suite'")
+ "test_suite = 'multipart.tests.test_multipart.suite'")))))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/andrew-d/python-multipart")
+ (synopsis "Streaming multipart parser for Python")
+ (description
+ "This package provides a streaming multipart parser for Python.")
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/qt.scm b/gnu/packages/qt.scm
index 49d514503d..0163d02bc0 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/qt.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/qt.scm
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -146,14 +147,14 @@
(define-public qt5ct
(name "qt5ct")
- (version "1.2")
+ (version "1.5")
(method url-fetch)
(string-append "mirror://sourceforge/qt5ct/qt5ct-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "0bl7dc03b7vm435khkr932ybslsbq1nfajd936zlc1sxdmpg1qqx"))))
+ (base32 "14742vs32m98nbfb5mad0i8ciff5f45gfcb5v03p4hh2dvhhqgfn"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; No target
@@ -178,8 +179,7 @@
(string-append "PREFIX=" out)
(string-append "BINDIR=" out "/bin")
(string-append "DATADIR=" out "/share")
- (string-append "PLUGINDIR=" out "/lib/qt5/plugins")))
- #t))
+ (string-append "PLUGINDIR=" out "/lib/qt5/plugins")))))
(add-after 'install 'qt-wrap
(assoc-ref qt:%standard-phases 'qt-wrap)))))
@@ -2173,7 +2173,7 @@ contain over 620 classes.")
`(("python" ,python-wrapper)
("python-sip" ,python-sip)
- ("python-pyqt" ,python-pyqt)
+ ("python-pyqt" ,python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit)
("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)
("qtsvg" ,qtsvg)
("qtdeclarative" ,qtdeclarative)
@@ -2232,7 +2232,9 @@ set of three modules. Prior to v5.12 these bindings were part of PyQt
(license license:gpl3)))
-;; XXX: This is useful because qtwebkit does not build reliably at this time.
+;; XXX: This is useful for removing qtwebkit from other packages' dependency
+;; graphs, as well as for preventing python-pyqtwebengine from transitively
+;; depending on qtwebkit.
;; Ultimately, it would be nicer to have a more modular set of python-pyqt-*
;; packages that could be used together.
(define-public python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit
@@ -2877,15 +2879,18 @@ color-related widgets.")
+ qtdeclarative
+ qtquickcontrols2
+ qtwebengine
@@ -2904,10 +2909,51 @@ color-related widgets.")
(string-append "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="
(assoc-ref %build-inputs "python")
+ #:modules ((guix build cmake-build-system)
+ (guix build utils)
+ (srfi srfi-1))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'go-to-source-dir
(lambda _ (chdir "sources/pyside2") #t))
+ (add-after 'go-to-source-dir 'fix-qt-module-detection
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Activate qt module support even if it not in the same
+ ;; directory as qtbase.
+ (substitute* "../cmake_helpers/helpers.cmake"
+ (("\\(\"\\$\\{found_basepath\\}\" GREATER \"0\"\\)")
+ "true"))
+ ;; Add include directories for qt modules.
+ (let ((dirs (map (lambda (name)
+ (string-append (assoc-ref inputs name)
+ "/include/qt5"))
+ '("qtdatavis3d"
+ "qtdeclarative"
+ "qtlocation"
+ "qtmultimedia"
+ "qtquickcontrols"
+ "qtquickcontrols2"
+ "qtscript"
+ "qtscxml"
+ "qtsensors"
+ "qtspeech"
+ "qtsvg"
+ "qttools"
+ "qtwebchannel"
+ "qtwebengine"
+ "qtwebsockets"
+ "qtx11extras"
+ "qtxmlpatterns"))))
+ (substitute* "cmake/Macros/PySideModules.cmake"
+ (("\\$\\{PATH_SEP\\}\\$\\{core_includes\\}" all)
+ (fold (lambda (dir paths)
+ (string-append paths "${PATH_SEP}" dir))
+ all
+ dirs)))
+ (setenv "CXXFLAGS" (fold (lambda (dir paths)
+ (string-append paths " -I" dir))
+ ""
+ dirs)))))
(add-before 'configure 'set-clang-dir
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((clang (assoc-ref inputs "clang-toolchain")))
@@ -3004,6 +3050,50 @@ being fully customizable and easy to extend.")
;; be used.
(license (list license:gpl2 license:gpl3))))
+(define-public qhexedit
+ (package
+ (name "qhexedit")
+ (version "0.8.9")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Simsys/qhexedit2")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1j333kiwhbidphdx86yilkaivgl632spfh6fqx93bc80gk4is3xa"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-path
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/qhexedit.pro"
+ (("^unix:DESTDIR = /usr/lib")
+ (string-append "unix:DESTDIR = "
+ (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/lib")))))
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "src")
+ (invoke "qmake" "qhexedit.pro")))
+ (add-after 'install 'install-headers
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (include-dir (string-append out "/include")))
+ (mkdir-p include-dir)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (install-file file include-dir))
+ (find-files "." "\\.h$"))))))))
+ (inputs (list qtbase-5))
+ (native-inputs (list qttools))
+ (home-page "https://simsys.github.io")
+ (synopsis "Binary editor widget for Qt")
+ (description
+ "@code{QHexEdit} is a hex editor widget for the Qt framework. It is a
+simple editor for binary data, just like @code{QPlainTextEdit} is for text
+ (license license:lgpl2.1)))
(define-public soqt
(let ((commit-ref "fb8f655632bb9c9c60e0ff9fa69a5ba22d3ff99d")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/racket.scm b/gnu/packages/racket.scm
index d0a5ca494b..471a11dd48 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/racket.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/racket.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Philip McGrath <philip@philipmcgrath.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Philip McGrath <philip@philipmcgrath.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -21,16 +21,17 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gnu packages racket)
- #:use-module ((guix licenses)
- #:select (asl2.0 expat lgpl3+))
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system copy)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 exceptions)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
@@ -45,13 +46,99 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages libedit)
#:use-module (gnu packages libffi)
#:use-module (gnu packages multiprecision)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages sqlite)
#:use-module (gnu packages tls)
- #:use-module (gnu packages xorg))
+ #:use-module (gnu packages xorg)
+ #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:))
;; Commentary:
-;; Here's how bootstrapping minimal Racket works:
+;; Anatomy of Racket:
+;; ------------------
+;; The main Racket Git repository (<https://github.com/racket/racket>) is
+;; organized broadly like this:
+;; .
+;; ├── Makefile
+;; ├── pkgs/
+;; └── racket/
+;; ├── collects/
+;; └── src/
+;; ├── configure
+;; ├── Makefile.in
+;; ├── bc/
+;; ├── cs/
+;; ├── ChezScheme/
+;; └── ...
+;; The 'racket/src/' directory contains the source of the runtime system, core
+;; compiler, and primitives for the major Racket implementations: this layer
+;; is called the ``Racket VM''. It is basically a normal autotools
+;; project. (Even when Racket VM implementations use components implemented in
+;; Racket, they are compiled in special modes to produce VM primitives.)
+;; (There are or have been experimental Racket VM implementations elsewhere,
+;; e.g. <https://github.com/pycket/pycket>.)
+;; The 'racket/collects/' directory contains ``built in'' Racket libraries
+;; that are not part of any package, including the implementation of
+;; 'racket/base': in particular, it must contain enough to implement `raco pkg
+;; install'. It is theoretically possible to use the Racket VM layer without
+;; the main collections, but it is not stable or useful.
+;; The 'pkgs/' directory contains Racket packages that are especially closely
+;; tied to the implementation of the Racket VM, including 'compiler-lib',
+;; 'racket-doc', and 'racket-test'. Some of these packages depend on Racket
+;; packages that are developed in other Git repositories, predominantly but
+;; not exclusively under the 'racket' GitHub organization. Conversely, not all
+;; of the packages developed in the main Git repository are part of the main
+;; Racket distribution. (Additionally, components of the Racket VM that are
+;; implemented in Racket can be installed as packages, mostly for ease of
+;; development.)
+;; The top-level 'Makefile' is more like a directory of scripts: it has
+;; convienience targets for developing Racket, and it cooperates with the
+;; 'distro-build' package to assemble custom Racket distributions. It is not
+;; part of Racket source distributions: the root of a source distribution is
+;; basically 'racket/src' with some extra package sources and configuration
+;; added.
+;; A ''minimal Racket'' installation includes two packages: 'base', which is a
+;; sort of bridge between the current ``built-in'' collections and the package
+;; system's model of dependencies, and 'racket-lib', which, for installations
+;; that can not rely on a system package manager, pulls in the SQLite and
+;; OpenSSL shared libraries as platform-specific dependencies for use by the
+;; ``built-in'' collections.
+;; The main Racket distribution consists of installing the 'main-distribution'
+;; package and all of its dependencies.
+;; The default mode when building Racket (or installing it with the released
+;; installers) is an ``in-place build'', which produces a self-contained,
+;; relocatable, roughly FHS-like directory. (Racket also supports
+;; ``Unix-style'' installations, which rearrange the parts of an in-place
+;; build into Racket-specific subdirectories and generally tries to work for
+;; installation into an FHS-based system.) Certain tools, e.g. 'distro-build'
+;; and 'raco cross', are able to work with an in-place Racket build.
+;; This file defines the packages 'racket-vm-cgc', 'racket-vm-bc', and
+;; 'racket-vm-cs'. All three are in-place builds of 'racket/src/' and
+;; 'racket/collects/' and are installed to 'opt/racket-vm/' in the store
+;; output. The function 'racket-vm-for-system' returns the recomended Racket
+;; VM package for a given system.
+;; The file 'racket.scm' builds on these packages to define 'racket-minimal'
+;; and 'racket' packages. These use Racket's support for ``layered
+;; installations'', which allow an immutable base layer to be extended with
+;; additional packages. They use the layer configuration directly provide
+;; ready-to-install FHS-like trees, rather than relying on the built in
+;; ``Unix-style install'' mechanism.
+;; Bootstrapping Racket:
+;; ---------------------
+;; Here's how bootstrapping Racket works:
;; - Racket BC [CGC] can be built with only a C compiler (except for
;; one caveat discussed below).
@@ -69,6 +156,10 @@
;; So, we build CGC to build 3M to build bootfiles and CS.
+;; (Note: since the CGC variant is basically only for bootstrapping, we
+;; often use "BC" to mean "3M", consistent with `(banner)` and the
+;; suffixes used on executables when more than one variant co-exists.)
;; One remaining bootstrapping limitation is that Racket's reader, module
;; system, and macro expander are implemented in Racket. For Racket CS,
;; they are compiled to R6RS libraries as discussed above. This note from the
@@ -96,439 +187,772 @@
;; Code:
-(define cfg-flag:sh-for-rktio
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "sh")
- "/bin/sh"))
-(define cfg-flag:enable-lt
- `(string-append "--enable-lt="
- (assoc-ref %build-inputs "libtool")
- "/bin/libtool"))
-(define cfg-flag:enable-racket
- `(let ((racket (assoc-ref %build-inputs "racket")))
- (string-append "--enable-racket="
- racket
- "/bin/racket")))
+(define* (racket-vm-for-system #:optional
+ (system (or (%current-target-system)
+ (%current-system))))
+ "Return 'racket-vm-cs' if it supports SYSTEM; 'racket-vm-bc' otherwise."
+ (if (nix-system->chez-machine system)
+ racket-vm-cs
+ racket-vm-bc))
-(define unpack-nanopass+stex
- ;; Copied from chez-scheme.
- ;; TODO: Eventually, we should refactor Chez Scheme
- ;; enough to share more directly, so that we can make
- ;; Racket's version of Chez avalable as a Guix package,
- ;; e.g. for architectures not supported upstream.
- ;; For now, we let Racket drive the Chez build process
- ;; other than this step.
- `(for-each (lambda (dep)
- (define src
- (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) dep))
- (copy-recursively src dep
- #:keep-mtime? #t))
- '("nanopass" "stex")))
+(define %racket-version "8.4") ; Remember to update chez-scheme-for-racket!
+(define %racket-commit
+ (string-append "v" %racket-version))
+(define %racket-origin
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/racket/racket")
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1vpl66gdgc8rnldmn8rmb7ar9l057jqjvgpfn29k57i3c5skr8s6"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "racket" %racket-version))
+ (patches (search-patches "racket-minimal-sh-via-rktio.patch"
+ ;; Remove by Racket 8.5:
+ "racket-enable-scheme-backport.patch"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ ;; Unbundle Chez submodules.
+ (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
+ ;; TODO: consider putting this in a (guix ...) or (guix build ...)
+ ;; module so it can be shared with the upstream Chez Scheme origin
+ ;; without cyclic issues.
+ (for-each (lambda (dir)
+ (when (directory-exists? dir)
+ (delete-file-recursively dir)))
+ '("stex"
+ "nanopass"
+ "lz4"
+ "zlib")))
+ ;; Unbundle libffi.
+ (delete-file-recursively "racket/src/bc/foreign/libffi")))))
+(define (racket-vm-common-configure-flags)
+ ;; under a lambda abstraction to avoid evaluating bash-minimal too early.
+ #~`(,@(cond
+ ((false-if-exception
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "/bin/libtool"))
+ => (lambda (libtool)
+ (list (string-append "--enable-lt=" libtool))))
+ (else
+ '()))
+ ,@(cond
+ ((false-if-exception
+ (search-input-file %build-inputs "/opt/racket-vm/bin/racket"))
+ => (lambda (racket)
+ (list (string-append "--enable-racket=" racket))))
+ (else
+ '()))
+ #$(file-append bash-minimal "/bin/sh"))
+ "--disable-strip"
+ ;; XXX: origtree layout is required by some other packages down the
+ ;; bootstrap chain. Remove these flags as soon as we can do without them.
+ "--enable-origtree"
+ ,(string-append "--prefix=" #$output "/opt/racket-vm")))
-(define-public racket-minimal
- (package
- (name "racket-minimal")
- (version "8.3") ; note: remember to also update racket!
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/racket/racket")
- (commit (string-append "v" version))))
- (sha256
- "1i1jnv1wb0kanfg47hniafx2vhwjc33qqx66lq7wkf5hbmgsyws3")
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (patches (search-patches "racket-minimal-sh-via-rktio.patch"))
- (modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet
- (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
- #~(begin
- ;; Unbundle Chez submodules.
- (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
- ;; Remove bundled libraries (copied from 'chez-scheme').
- (for-each delete-file-recursively
- '("stex"
- "nanopass"
- "lz4"
- "zlib")))
- ;; Unbundle libffi.
- (delete-file-recursively "racket/src/bc/foreign/libffi"))))))
- (inputs
- `(;; common to all racket-minimal variants:
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("sqlite" ,sqlite)
- ("sh" ,bash-minimal)
- ;; only for CS
- ("zlib" ,zlib)
- ("zlib:static" ,zlib "static")
- ("lz4" ,lz4)
- ("lz4:static" ,lz4 "static")))
- (native-inputs
- `(("bootfiles" ,racket-bootstrap-chez-bootfiles)
- ,@(package-native-inputs racket-bootstrap-chez-bootfiles)))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:configure-flags
- (list "--enable-csonly"
- "--enable-libz"
- "--enable-liblz4"
- ,cfg-flag:enable-racket
- ,cfg-flag:sh-for-rktio)
- #:out-of-source? #true
+(define-public racket-vm-cgc
+ ;; Eventually, it may make sense for some vm packages to not be hidden,
+ ;; but this one is especially likely to remain hidden.
+ (hidden-package
+ (package
+ (name "racket-vm-cgc")
+ (version %racket-version)
+ (source %racket-origin)
+ (inputs (list ncurses ;; <- common to all variants (for #%terminal)
+ bash-minimal ;; <- common to all variants (for `system`)
+ libffi)) ;; <- only for BC variants
+ (native-inputs (list libtool)) ;; <- only for BC variants
+ (outputs '("out" "debug"))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(cons "--enable-cgcdefault"
+ #$(racket-vm-common-configure-flags))
;; Tests are in packages like racket-test-core and
- ;; main-distribution-test that aren't part of the main distribution.
+ ;; main-distribution-test that aren't part of the main
+ ;; distribution.
#:tests? #f
- #:modules ((ice-9 match)
- (guix build gnu-build-system)
- (guix build utils))
+ ;; Upstream recommends #:out-of-source?, and it does
+ ;; help with debugging, but it confuses `install-license-files`.
+ #:modules '((ice-9 match)
+ (ice-9 regex)
+ (guix build gnu-build-system)
+ (guix build utils))
+ #:strip-directories #~'("opt/racket-vm/bin"
+ "opt/racket-vm/lib")
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-nanopass+stex
- (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
- ,unpack-nanopass+stex)
- #t))
- (add-after 'unpack-nanopass+stex 'unpack-bootfiles
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
- (copy-recursively
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "bootfiles") "/boot")
- "boot"))
- #t))
- (add-before 'configure 'initialize-config.rktd
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (define (write-racket-hash alist)
- ;; inside must use dotted pair notation
- (display "#hash(")
- (for-each (match-lambda
- ((k . v)
- (format #t "(~s . ~s)" k v)))
- alist)
- (display ")\n"))
- (mkdir-p "racket/etc")
- (with-output-to-file "racket/etc/config.rktd"
- (lambda ()
- (write-racket-hash
- `((lib-search-dirs
- . (#f ,@(map (lambda (lib)
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs lib)
- "/lib"))
- '("openssl"
- "sqlite"))))
- (build-stamp . "")
- (catalogs
- . (,(string-append
- "https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/"
- ,version
- "/catalog/")
- #f))))))
- #t))
- (add-before 'configure 'change-directory
- (lambda _
- (chdir "racket/src")
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'remove-pkgs-directory
- ;; If the configured pkgs-dir exists, "pkgs.rktd" does not
- ;; exist, and a lock file does not exist, commands like
- ;; `raco pkg show` will try to create a lock file and fail
- ;; due to the read-only store.
- ;; Arguably this may be a bug in `pkg/private/lock`:
- ;; see <https://github.com/racket/racket/issues/3851>.
- ;; As a workaround, remove the directory.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; rmdir because we want an error if it isn't empty
- (rmdir (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/share/racket/pkgs"))
- #t)))))
- (home-page "https://racket-lang.org")
- (synopsis "Racket without bundled packages such as DrRacket")
- (description
- "Racket is a general-purpose programming language in the Scheme family,
-with a large set of libraries and a compiler based on Chez Scheme. Racket is
-also a platform for language-oriented programming, from small domain-specific
-languages to complete language implementations.
-The ``minimal Racket'' distribution includes just enough of Racket for you to
-use @command{raco pkg} to install more. Bundled packages, such as the
-DrRacket IDE, are not included.")
- ;; https://download.racket-lang.org/license.html
- ;; The LGPL components are only used by Racket BC.
- (license (list asl2.0 expat))))
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'initialize-config.rktd
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (define (write-racket-hash alist)
+ ;; inside must use dotted pair notation
+ (display "#hash(")
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((k . v)
+ (format #t "(~s . ~s)" k v)))
+ alist)
+ (display ")\n"))
+ (define maybe-release-catalog
+ (let ((v #$(package-version this-package)))
+ (if (string-match "^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+($|\\.[0-8][0-9]*$)"
+ v)
+ `(,(string-append
+ "https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/"
+ v
+ "/catalog/"))
+ '())))
+ (mkdir-p "racket/etc")
+ (with-output-to-file "racket/etc/config.rktd"
+ (lambda ()
+ (write-racket-hash
+ `((build-stamp . "")
+ (catalogs ,@maybe-release-catalog
+ #f)))))))
+ (add-before 'configure 'chdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "racket/src"))))))
+ (home-page "https://racket-lang.org")
+ (synopsis "Old Racket implementation used for bootstrapping")
+ (description "This variant of the Racket BC (``before Chez'' or
+``bytecode'') implementation is not recommended for general use. It uses
+CGC (a ``Conservative Garbage Collector''), which was succeeded as default in
+PLT Scheme version 370 (which translates to 3.7 in the current versioning
+scheme) by the 3M variant, which in turn was succeeded in version 8.0 by the
+Racket CS implementation.
+Racket CGC is primarily used for bootstrapping Racket BC [3M]. It may
+also be used for embedding applications without the annotations needed in C
+code to use the 3M garbage collector.")
+ ;; https://download.racket-lang.org/license.html
+ ;; The LGPL components are only used by Racket BC.
+ (license (list license:lgpl3+ license:asl2.0 license:expat)))))
-(define-public racket-minimal-bc-3m
- (hidden-package
- (package
- (inherit racket-minimal)
- (name "racket-minimal-bc-3m")
- (inputs
- (modify-inputs (package-inputs racket-minimal)
- (delete "zlib" "zlib:static" "lz4" "lz4:static")
- (prepend libffi ;; <- only for BC variants
- )))
- (native-inputs
- `(("libtool" ,libtool)
- ("racket" ,(if (%current-target-system)
- racket-minimal
- racket-minimal-bc-cgc))))
- (arguments
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments racket-minimal)
- ((#:configure-flags _ '())
- `(list "--enable-bconly"
- ,cfg-flag:enable-racket
- ,cfg-flag:enable-lt
- ,cfg-flag:sh-for-rktio))
- ((#:phases usual-phases)
- `(modify-phases ,usual-phases
- (delete 'unpack-nanopass+stex)
- (delete 'unpack-bootfiles)))))
- (synopsis "Minimal Racket with the BC [3M] runtime system")
- (description "The Racket BC (``before Chez'' or ``bytecode'')
+(define-public racket-vm-bc
+ (package
+ (inherit racket-vm-cgc)
+ (name "racket-vm-bc")
+ (native-inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs racket-vm-cgc)
+ (prepend racket-vm-cgc)))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments racket-vm-cgc)
+ ((#:configure-flags _ '())
+ #~(cons "--enable-bconly"
+ #$(racket-vm-common-configure-flags)))))
+ (synopsis "Racket BC [3M] implementation")
+ (description "The Racket BC (``before Chez'' or ``bytecode'')
implementation was the default before Racket 8.0. It uses a compiler written
in C targeting architecture-independent bytecode, plus a JIT compiler on most
platforms. Racket BC has a different C API and supports a slightly different
set of architectures than the current default runtime system, Racket CS (based
-on ``Chez Scheme'').
+on ``Chez Scheme''). It is the recommended implementation for architectures
+that Racket CS doesn't support.
This package is the normal implementation of Racket BC with a precise garbage
collector, 3M (``Moving Memory Manager'').")
- ;; https://download.racket-lang.org/license.html
- ;; The LGPL components are only used by Racket BC.
- (license (list lgpl3+ asl2.0 expat)))))
+ ;; https://download.racket-lang.org/license.html
+ ;; The LGPL components are only used by Racket BC.
+ (license (list license:lgpl3+ license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
-(define-public racket-minimal-bc-cgc
+(define-public racket-vm-cs
- (inherit racket-minimal-bc-3m)
- (name "racket-minimal-bc-cgc")
+ (inherit racket-vm-bc)
+ (name "racket-vm-cs")
+ (inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-inputs racket-vm-cgc)
+ (prepend zlib lz4)
+ (delete "libffi")))
- (alist-delete "racket" (package-native-inputs racket-minimal-bc-3m)))
+ (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs racket-vm-cgc)
+ (delete "libtool")
+ (prepend chez-scheme-for-racket
+ chez-nanopass-bootstrap
+ racket-vm-bc)))
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments racket-minimal-bc-3m)
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments racket-vm-cgc)
+ ((#:phases those-phases #~%standard-phases)
+ #~(modify-phases #$those-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-nanopass+stex
+ (lambda args
+ (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
+ #$unpack-nanopass+stex)))))
((#:configure-flags _ '())
- `(list "--enable-cgcdefault"
- ,cfg-flag:enable-lt
- ,cfg-flag:sh-for-rktio))))
- (synopsis "Old Racket implementation used for bootstrapping")
- (description "This variant of the Racket BC (``before Chez'' or
-``bytecode'') implementation is not recommended for general use. It uses
-CGC (a ``Conservative Garbage Collector''), which was succeeded as default in
-PLT Scheme version 370 (which translates to 3.7 in the current versioning
-scheme) by the 3M variant, which in turn was succeeded in version 8.0 by the
-Racket CS implementation.
+ #~(cons* "--enable-csonly"
+ "--enable-libz"
+ "--enable-lz4"
+ (string-append "--enable-scheme="
+ #$(this-package-native-input
+ "chez-scheme-for-racket")
+ "/bin/scheme")
+ #$(racket-vm-common-configure-flags)))))
+ (synopsis "Racket CS implementation")
+ (description "The Racket CS implementation, which uses ``Chez Scheme'' as
+its core compiler and runtime system, has been the default Racket VM
+implemetation since Racket 8.0. It performs better than the Racket BC
+implementation for most programs.
-Racket BC [CGC] is primarily used for bootstrapping Racket BC [3M]. It may
-also be used for embedding applications without the annotations needed in C
-code to use the 3M garbage collector.")))
+Using the Racket VM packages directly is not recommended: instead, install the
+@code{racket-minimal} or @code{racket} packages.")
+ ;; https://download.racket-lang.org/license.html
+ ;; The LGPL components are only used by Racket BC.
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
+(define (racket-packages-origin name origin specs)
+ "Extract from ORIGIN the sources for the Racket packages specified by SPECS,
+a non-empty list of package specifications. In the resulting file-like
+object, each package's source will be in the directory
+\"/share/racket/pkgs/PKG/\", where PKG is the Racket name for the package.
+The NAME will be used in the store file name for the resulting file-like
-(define-public racket-bootstrap-chez-bootfiles
- (hidden-package
- (package
- (inherit racket-minimal)
- (name "racket-bootstrap-chez-bootfiles")
- (inputs `())
- (native-inputs
- `(("racket" ,(if (%current-target-system)
- racket-minimal
- racket-minimal-bc-3m))
- ("stex" ,@(assoc-ref (package-native-inputs chez-scheme) "stex"))
- ("nanopass" ,@(assoc-ref (package-native-inputs chez-scheme)
- "nanopass"))))
- (arguments
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-nanopass+stex
- (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
- ,unpack-nanopass+stex)
- #t))
- (delete 'configure)
- (delete 'patch-generated-file-shebangs)
- (replace 'build
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (with-directory-excursion "racket/src/ChezScheme"
- (invoke (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "racket")
- "/bin/racket")
- "rktboot/main.rkt"
- "--dest" (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- #t))
- (delete 'check)
- (delete 'install))))
- (synopsis "Chez Scheme bootfiles bootstrapped by Racket")
- (description "Chez Scheme is a self-hosting compiler: building it
-requires ``bootfiles'' containing the Scheme-implemented portions compiled for
-the current platform. (Chez can then cross-compile bootfiles for all other
-supported platforms.)
+A package specification is a list of the form:
-The Racket package @code{cs-bootstrap} (part of the main Racket Git
-repository) implements enough of a Chez Scheme simulation to load the Chez
-Scheme compiler purely from source into Racket and apply the compiler to
-itself, thus bootstrapping Chez Scheme. Bootstrapping takes about 10 times as
-long as using an existing Chez Scheme, but @code{cs-bootstrap} supports Racket
-7.1 and later, including the Racket BC variant.
-Note that the generated bootfiles are specific to Racket's fork of Chez
-Scheme, and @code{cs-bootstrap} does not currently support building upstream
-Chez Scheme.")
- (license (list asl2.0)))))
+where PATH is the path to the package source relative to ORIGIN---possibly
+\".\". As a special case, a package specification may also be a string, which
+is equivalent to:
-(define %installer-mirrors
- ;; Source:
- ;; https://github.com/racket/racket-lang-org/blob/master/download/data.rkt#L58
- ;; Matthew Flatt says: "note that many are commented out"
- ;; INVARIANT: End with a trailing "/"!
- '("https://mirror.racket-lang.org/installers/"
- "https://www.cs.utah.edu/plt/installers/"
- "https://plt.cs.northwestern.edu/racket-mirror/"
- "https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/racket/racket-installers/"
- ;; Universität Tübingen is using a self-signed HTTPS certificate:
- "http://mirror.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/mirror/racket/"
- "https://racket.infogroep.be/"
- ))
-(define %main-repo-main-distribution-pkgs
- ;; These are the packages developed in the main Racket Git repository
- ;; that are part of the main distribution.
- '("at-exp-lib"
- "base"
- "compiler-lib"
- ;; NOT "compiler-test"
- "compiler"
- "net-doc"
- "net-lib"
- ;; NOT "net-test"
- "net"
- ;; NOT "plt-services"
- ;; NOT "racket-benchmarks"
- ;; NOT "racket-build-guide"
- "racket-doc"
- "racket-index"
- "racket-lib"
- ;; NOT "racket-test-core"
- ;; NOT "racket-test-extra"
- ;; NOT "racket-test"
- "zo-lib"))
+- \"expeditor\"
+- (\"main-distribution\" \".\")
+- (\"racket-lib\" \"pkgs/racket-lib\")"
+ (computed-file
+ (string-append "racket-pkg-" name "-sources")
+ (with-imported-modules `((guix build utils))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/share/racket/pkgs"))
+ (chdir (string-append #$output "/share/racket/pkgs"))
+ #$@(map (match-lambda
+ ((? string? name)
+ #~(copy-recursively #$(file-append origin (string-append "/" name))
+ #$name))
+ ((name ".")
+ #~(copy-recursively #$origin #$name))
+ ((name path)
+ #~(copy-recursively #$(file-append origin (string-append "/" path))
+ #$name)))
+ specs)))))
+(define (simple-racket-origin repo hash specs)
+ "Like 'racket-packages-origin', but specialized for packages hosted at
+\"https://github.com/racket/REPO\" with sha256 checksum HASH. REPO is also
+used to build the name of the resulting store item."
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ repo
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url (format #f "https://github.com/racket/~a" repo))
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256 hash)
+ (file-name (git-file-name (string-append "racket-" repo)
+ %racket-version)))
+ specs))
+(define-public racket-minimal
+ (package
+ (name "racket-minimal")
+ (version %racket-version)
+ (source #f)
+ ;; For cross-compilation, Matthew Flatt recommends reusing
+ ;; as much of `raco cross` as possible. So, put that off until
+ ;; we have a build system for Racket packages.
+ (inputs
+ (list openssl
+ sqlite
+ (racket-vm-for-system)
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "base" %racket-origin
+ '(("base" "pkgs/base")
+ ("racket-lib" "pkgs/racket-lib")))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; Here and for the `racket` package, we're using #:configure-flags
+ ;; to pass flags for `configure-layer.rkt` and #:make-flags
+ ;; to pass arguments for `raco pkg install`.
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~`("--tethered"
+ "--extra-foreign-lib-search-dirs"
+ ,(format
+ #f "~s"
+ (list #$(file-append (this-package-input "openssl") "/lib")
+ #$(file-append (this-package-input "sqlite") "/lib"))))
+ #:make-flags #~`("racket-lib")
+ #:tests? #f ;; packaged separately
+ #:modules '((guix build gnu-build-system)
+ (guix build utils)
+ (guix build union)
+ (ice-9 match))
+ #:imported-modules `((guix build union)
+ ,@%gnu-build-system-modules)
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'unpack)
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs configure-flags #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((vm-dir (search-input-directory inputs "opt/racket-vm"))
+ (racket (string-append vm-dir "/bin/racket")))
+ (apply invoke
+ racket
+ #$configure-layer.rkt
+ `(,@(cond
+ ((false-if-exception
+ (search-input-file
+ inputs "etc/racket/config.rktd"))
+ => (lambda (file)
+ `("--parent"
+ ,(dirname (dirname (dirname file))))))
+ (else
+ '()))
+ ,@configure-flags
+ ,vm-dir
+ ,#$output))
+ (invoke racket
+ "--config" (string-append #$output "/etc/racket")
+ "-l" "raco" "setup"
+ "--no-user"))))
+ (replace 'build
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; We use "share/racket/pkgs" for sources to distinguish them
+ ;; from the "lib/racket/pkgs" of a potential parent layer.
+ (union-build (string-append #$output "/lib/racket/pkgs")
+ (search-path-as-list '("share/racket/pkgs")
+ (map cdr inputs))
+ #:create-all-directories? #t)))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs make-flags #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((racket
+ (search-input-file inputs "/opt/racket-vm/bin/racket")))
+ (unless (null? make-flags)
+ (invoke racket
+ "-l-"
+ "pkg/dirs-catalog"
+ "--link"
+ "local-catalog"
+ (string-append #$output "/lib/racket/pkgs"))
+ (apply invoke
+ racket
+ "--config" (string-append #$output "/etc/racket")
+ "-l" "raco"
+ "pkg" "install"
+ "--installation"
+ "--auto"
+ "--catalog" "local-catalog"
+ make-flags))))))))
+ (home-page "https://racket-lang.org")
+ (synopsis "Racket without bundled packages such as DrRacket")
+ (description
+ "Racket is a general-purpose programming language in the Scheme family,
+with a large set of libraries and a compiler based on Chez Scheme. Racket is
+also a platform for language-oriented programming, from small domain-specific
+languages to complete language implementations.
+The ``minimal Racket'' distribution includes just enough of Racket for you to
+use @command{raco pkg} to install more. Bundled packages, such as the
+DrRacket IDE, are not included.")
+ ;; https://download.racket-lang.org/license.html
+ ;; The LGPL components are only used by Racket BC.
+ (license (list license:asl2.0 license:expat))))
(define-public racket
(inherit racket-minimal)
(name "racket")
- (version (package-version racket-minimal)) ; needed for origin uri to work
- (source
- (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (map (lambda (base)
- (string-append base version "/racket-src.tgz"))
- %installer-mirrors))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0jdr0y7scvv2a3sq456ifrgq0yfsbiwavdf2m86zmrapp481mby4"))
- (snippet
- #~(begin
- (use-modules (guix build utils)
- (ice-9 match)
- (ice-9 regex))
- ;; unbundle minimal Racket
- (for-each delete-file-recursively
- '("collects"
- "doc"
- "etc"
- "src"))
- ;; unbundle package sources included elsewhere
- (with-directory-excursion "share/pkgs"
- (for-each delete-file-recursively
- '#+%main-repo-main-distribution-pkgs))
- #t))))
+ (source #f)
+ (native-inputs (list racket-minimal)) ; XXX: conservative estimate, untested
- `(("cairo" ,cairo)
- ("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("glib" ,glib)
- ("glu" ,glu)
- ("gmp" ,gmp)
- ("gtk+" ,gtk+) ; propagates gdk-pixbuf+svg
- ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
- ("libpng" ,libpng)
- ("libx11" ,libx11)
- ("mesa" ,mesa)
- ("mpfr" ,mpfr)
- ("pango" ,pango)
- ("unixodbc" ,unixodbc)
- ("libedit" ,libedit)))
- (native-inputs
- `(("racket" ,racket-minimal)
- ("extend-layer" ,extend-layer)
- ("main-repo" ,(package-source racket-minimal))))
+ (list
+ cairo
+ fontconfig
+ glib
+ glu
+ gmp
+ gtk+ ;; propagates gdk-pixbuf+svg
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libpng
+ libx11 ;; ?? wayland ??
+ mesa
+ mpfr
+ pango
+ unixodbc
+ libedit ;; TODO reconsider in light of expeditor and readline-gpl
+ racket-minimal ;; <-- TODO non-tethered layer
+ (racket-vm-for-system)
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "2d" (base32 "1zzcz5qyjv7syi41vb8jkxjp1rqgj61zbsdrg0nlc4qy9qsafzgr")
+ '("2d" "2d-doc" "2d-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "algol60" (base32 "09kj6asypmc24n29w0izc9p0q8hpga2hpkchsypfwn5c8zpvihlx")
+ '(("algol60" ".")))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "racket" %racket-origin
+ '(("at-exp-lib" "pkgs/at-exp-lib")
+ ("compiler" "pkgs/compiler")
+ ("compiler-lib" "pkgs/compiler-lib")
+ ("net" "pkgs/net")
+ ("net-doc" "pkgs/net-doc")
+ ("net-lib" "pkgs/net-lib")
+ ("racket-doc" "pkgs/racket-doc")
+ ("racket-index" "pkgs/racket-index")
+ ("sandbox-lib" "pkgs/sandbox-lib")
+ ("zo-lib" "pkgs/zo-lib")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "cext-lib" (base32 "00w38jpv88fpl4pgj6ndnysvn0s21rjvj0xhznay80msan0vc341")
+ '("cext-lib" "dynext-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "class-iop" (base32 "08z57q83cr7wnh6g8ah3hdhmsmf9zp1jfs7yvxv188l3hzvygy5l")
+ '("class-iop-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "compatibility" (base32 "0bfqwscjpyi325br5pa6g62g9c8lq18a80zp5g3d2qzn3n3mi6x0")
+ '("compatibility" "compatibility-doc" "compatibility-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "contract-profile" (base32 "1xm2z8g0dpv5d9h2sg680vx1a8ix9gbsdpxxb8qv1w7akp73paj3")
+ '(("contract-profile" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "data" (base32 "10iabgrk9alaggvksnyb0hdq7f1p30pq6pq2bcakvhzpxwiv1f55")
+ '("data" "data-doc" "data-enumerate-lib" "data-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "datalog" (base32 "0n5j5gnqh7g31mvgx19ggl18hirzbvq2r189lbngmnrmbc7b73fp")
+ '(("datalog" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "db" (base32 "1n02ja0yj3mjjhmz0yv04yfhyvrsznbljn8bjviyfxnm4xf9rcc5")
+ '("db" "db-doc" "db-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "deinprogramm" (base32 "1is6fapgv6rxfjz47nh6qf3kh7y7sjdinakaxqffi46gf1al8prd")
+ '("deinprogramm" "deinprogramm-signature"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "distributed-places" (base32 "1dajpkj9balqcpv6cdk9hwjz592h1vq8rrx5vncariiac4vbdpa0")
+ '("distributed-places" "distributed-places-doc" "distributed-places-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "draw" (base32 "1xgjfbh70hqw67z88iqqajg98d04qwbzn6im2wj47rs28jxlm9ly")
+ '("draw" "draw-doc" "draw-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "drracket" (base32 "0m3l4an3nq2ycd1h287s1az2v2zprjbzd8if2x7d5r71vaj4i00c")
+ '("drracket"
+ "drracket-plugin-lib"
+ "drracket-tool"
+ "drracket-tool-doc"
+ "drracket-tool-lib"
+ "drracket-tool-text-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "ds-store" (base32 "0ajr27kipp4dr1qlisaghsb3h7lhhjwrfw2r79b5myczsa1mp661")
+ '("ds-store" "ds-store-doc" "ds-store-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "eli-tester" (base32 "0icx6wn14gjm8kdmq1jppqgq87sxkras4qb5xmdr6wigxafhjqyk")
+ '(("eli-tester" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "eopl" (base32 "1fmiixj6rxsgzwvgva8lvrvv0gl49v2405mp3s0i7ipis5c4n27s")
+ '(("eopl" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "errortrace" (base32 "14m7rhaxngj36070iw15am434hm438pfgmwjfsiqhsglz4pcxhip")
+ '("errortrace" "errortrace-doc" "errortrace-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "expeditor" (base32 "07djzxs6307l51mcsk3yr2g4g47ayxa3878g7sf5xhqdr4hd9vxf")
+ '("expeditor" "expeditor-doc" "expeditor-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "frtime" (base32 "0ydz2yn8vvv6z7brwlswcyx0f31a6y6d443i89rysfvd2xkhpfd5")
+ '(("frtime" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "future-visualizer" (base32 "1758qq769m0r14xf64sl2ix2l9z340kvapar0j7s5kdg42lmvnhm")
+ '("future-visualizer"
+ "future-visualizer-pict"
+ "future-visualizer-typed"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "games" (base32 "0kpn3izlx1ccd0pj0dnvmnrhny51b85xy418a7psj70lz8j8415d")
+ '(("games" ".")))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "gui" (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/racket/gui")
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256 (base32
+ "1x33jgrx3r32k7hgwr591z3xqv1m2r5nc4km2fnxv0ak2xa0j3gj"))
+ (patches
+ ;; remove in Racket 8.5
+ ;; see https://github.com/racket/racket/issues/4133
+ (search-patches "racket-gui-tethered-launcher-backport.patch"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "racket-gui" %racket-version)))
+ '("gui" "gui-doc" "gui-lib" "tex-table"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "gui-pkg-manager" (base32 "1ji9448d723nklqvycwdswj0ni28sabrncag14f9mx47did5myb5")
+ '("gui-pkg-manager-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "htdp" (base32 "0r4ykybcpr10y2db9rlza9pr0xh58nd7ac389mjcxp8g386hgihl")
+ '("htdp" "htdp-doc" "htdp-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "html" (base32 "18n1jnjgzfknc8nv8dppi85nb8q08gqdwkg6hfjk08x0p00anx2x")
+ '("html" "html-doc" "html-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "icons" (base32 "1s5a6j11fg3fdr6b7vm2q7q178d7q8b8igy73bs211r27qrd1gg7")
+ '(("icons" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "images" (base32 "0rpjxqw34bq5m08kh1ldl1mr7s9z1lyydxxcyzb292kqh9qiqvfl")
+ '("images" "images-doc" "images-gui-lib" "images-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "lazy" (base32 "176ylzgbdsbmqknpihaz519afq71pyjkv1h87j5v8jfbpbddyfsf")
+ '(("lazy" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "macro-debugger" (base32 "14hyrwbkffr61fk44l02xb47bhv5zccw0ymaa9kxld86hvyqhqbm")
+ '("macro-debugger" "macro-debugger-text-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "main-distribution" (base32 "0m2n9s32s8a4a2gn4ywrm9l8jycdm5ayi5w9kh5wchhrrw7qzq7y")
+ '(("main-distribution" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "make" (base32 "10852fj30bz5r46c3d99s37fkgy5yh44gb01j29sf3kxnhi0g2sa")
+ '(("make" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "math" (base32 "02sqbnvxvmvslk33b44fx4v93zafcvhva0cx8z21jqbl5wp217ac")
+ '("math" "math-doc" "math-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "mysterx" (base32 "11p9jzrafw0hizhl0cs4sxx7rv281185q8hryic2rpk0kzjdyr48")
+ '(("mysterx" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "mzcom" (base32 "0rc9pfj7gwm5azghqvcibz6si1x5s2v8mr2yngk7ssq9gzfbi6a4")
+ '(("mzcom" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "mzscheme" (base32 "192c52zi726h5wjamxrhivjw2waq1im0zpyxhbrkrxknm8x84bs9")
+ '("mzscheme" "mzscheme-doc" "mzscheme-lib"))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "net-cookies" (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/RenaissanceBug/racket-cookies")
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256 (base32
+ "0k0hifxhywl5c3hjcaiizc098dpyk001d981p572gly116yvjxc1"))
+ (file-name
+ (git-file-name "RenaissanceBug-racket-cookies" %racket-version)))
+ '("net-cookies" "net-cookies-doc" "net-cookies-lib"))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "optimization-coach"
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/stamourv/optimization-coach")
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256 (base32
+ "0b27sw48d7rhz0hin88c7rbr9vpg1c23sn82nd4jkmq54h6gasr1"))
+ (file-name
+ (git-file-name "stamourv-optimization-coach" %racket-version)))
+ '(("optimization-coach" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "option-contract" (base32 "026b7n5l0c3024nymshz8zp1yhn493rdzgpflzfd52hj7awafqhk")
+ '("option-contract" "option-contract-doc" "option-contract-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "parser-tools" (base32 "08pvz4zramirzm3j64hbhjm0mmh5zfy37iv4s3vmq0rj49cr8fl3")
+ '("parser-tools" "parser-tools-doc" "parser-tools-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "pconvert" (base32 "00czi0p399mmyrvxyrs5kniizpkqfxyz2ncxqi2jy79a7wk79pb1")
+ '("pconvert-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "pict" (base32 "0g1iwdr6qh1xb0crhj96830vjjnbds409xbpqn7j5sh0ksy6vr5x")
+ '("pict" "pict-doc" "pict-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "pict-snip" (base32 "081nwiy4a0n4f7xws16hqbhf0j3kz5alizndi3nnyr3chm4kng6x")
+ '("pict-snip" "pict-snip-doc" "pict-snip-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "picturing-programs" (base32 "1g6xr39hx1j03gb3d4dljm3v91xcj2gfpq3dgy5xvplzr6cmmxgr")
+ '(("picturing-programs" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "plai" (base32 "0i983sh0r0zm2ng4j44m5aw9669kh5fhp91bzpc9jm280rfcqvyl")
+ '("plai" "plai-doc" "plai-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "planet" (base32 "0r2yqrzrmdjjyr14k6hhlzc5kzrcx3583m1s02mhrcmpfw0s85w9")
+ '("planet" "planet-doc" "planet-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "plot" (base32 "07kq32si34ybcwz8idxxcrzssg8diyrp1nfgkcj0mmvr45321zm7")
+ '("plot" "plot-compat" "plot-doc" "plot-gui-lib" "plot-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "preprocessor" (base32 "1p5aid58ifnjy4xl0ysh85cq39k25661v975jrpk182z3k5621mg")
+ '(("preprocessor" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "profile" (base32 "179i86lyby29nywz60l4vnadi02w8b12h7501nm5h5g4pq9jjmbb")
+ '("profile" "profile-doc" "profile-lib"))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "quickscript" (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Metaxal/quickscript")
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256 (base32
+ "100g3yqhbjdq06b6l6d72ywsw29awgy8crqg33wj7h12xq07nzcr"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "Metaxal-quickscript" %racket-version)))
+ '(("quickscript" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "r5rs" (base32 "1g3cysj7z88r38vkzvi8g2fb2hn4yg1fdhy5smxw303jxgl3inp6")
+ '("r5rs" "r5rs-doc" "r5rs-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "r6rs" (base32 "0b1ymzdp10r0flw2acbidjsh5ma1pm5hy54jss37sxf89z3xbvm4")
+ '("r6rs" "r6rs-doc" "r6rs-lib"))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "racket-cheat" (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-cheat")
+ (commit %racket-commit)))
+ (sha256 (base32
+ "06wcj558rzkbl2bwkmikyspya9v1f4iwlzwnwxpkc33h2xapwabr"))
+ (file-name
+ (git-file-name "jeapostrophe-racket-cheat" %racket-version)))
+ '(("racket-cheat" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "racklog" (base32 "1rgrvwy3kr9b9w5cghsffiv3ly00yfvvzr5xaaw83g1w7yin0mnb")
+ '(("racklog" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "rackunit" (base32 "057z31rja6h3nabh5b2xgwfrzmlm6h1cv1qcgf3xfy4g2q5dqn5p")
+ '("rackunit"
+ "rackunit-doc"
+ "rackunit-gui"
+ "rackunit-lib"
+ "rackunit-plugin-lib"
+ "rackunit-typed"
+ "schemeunit"
+ "testing-util-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "readline" (base32 "13kbcn2wchv82d709mw3r8n37bk8iwq0y4kpvm9dbzx0w2pxkfwn")
+ '("readline" "readline-doc" "readline-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "realm" (base32 "0hxcgla08iack54j8v40fj51811chpy66ym2zq76zb52c7kzn0hi")
+ '(("realm" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "redex" (base32 "0vlgxbnbgrlihk1hh5zd6hsc4566ldi4q76f87z5vai54dxkwy2f")
+ '("redex"
+ "redex-benchmark"
+ "redex-doc"
+ "redex-examples"
+ "redex-gui-lib"
+ "redex-lib"
+ "redex-pict-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "sasl" (base32 "0ibh4wb4gn8pggx6gkv4vk4d6rwzn5nrvjibhvkzhaynf6lhb824")
+ '("sasl" "sasl-doc" "sasl-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "scheme-lib" (base32 "0pcf0y8rp4qyjhaz5ww5sr5diq0wpcdfrrnask7zapyklzx1jx8x")
+ '(("scheme-lib" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "scribble" (base32 "0rgvnsykrxkah6s5fw1vyp9lxsb4z9w6hgwk5j6wbwjp2gsfczbm")
+ '("scribble"
+ "scribble-doc"
+ "scribble-html-lib"
+ "scribble-lib"
+ "scribble-text-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "serialize-cstruct-lib"
+ (base32 "1rq3n1fa7ldjwx3lrh9ybhig7jlsw1crpzyklbzp3xqdw6jymfnz")
+ '(("serialize-cstruct-lib" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "sgl" (base32 "0nkymhdyjrwi5h199j4w5zh7y3x3ai42gsiwxzh0hy7yqrqqg9zv")
+ '(("sgl" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "shell-completion" (base32 "04m144gy2mp4fiq6rcbf12wjr8mws8k9scfhg9lc38vqppp4lxsj")
+ '(("shell-completion" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "simple-tree-text-markup"
+ (base32 "0fyd9gfz6bnv0m1901wv5mnhc05rm8hw9i6ddrqx33hs6qsg2zqr")
+ '("simple-tree-text-markup"
+ "simple-tree-text-markup-doc"
+ "simple-tree-text-markup-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "slatex" (base32 "0pkm2isbbdk63slrbsxcql7rr0wdrw5kapw1xq4ps5k8dhlzv8x0")
+ '(("slatex" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "slideshow" (base32 "1znv1i2d0610hhy71q932xy7wka00q3q50in1xfnk8ibg7nzkagm")
+ '("slideshow" "slideshow-doc" "slideshow-exe" "slideshow-lib" "slideshow-plugin"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "snip" (base32 "01r9wc5xr3q3n4yyif6j0a37rgdzmpslxn05k13ksik73b3wj6hj")
+ '("snip" "snip-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "typed-racket" (base32 "1462kj9yswsxbnw71casylzlvhd7cxrml2v9j7rcsnn9hmrqx4vv")
+ '("source-syntax"
+ "typed-racket"
+ "typed-racket-compatibility"
+ "typed-racket-doc"
+ "typed-racket-lib"
+ "typed-racket-more"))
+ (racket-packages-origin
+ "srfi" (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/racket/srfi")
+ ;; Includes an FSDG fix: return to %racket-commit in 8.5.
+ ;; See <https://github.com/racket/srfi/pull/15>.
+ (commit "7243029b135741ce08ae30f877e2f49a2a460b22")))
+ (sha256 (base32
+ "0aqbcdv2dfc2xnk0h6zfi56p7bpwqji8s88qds3d03hhh9k28gvn"))
+ ;; Use the relevant version for srfi-doc and srfi-lib,
+ ;; since we're using a newer commit than the v8.4 tag.
+ (file-name (git-file-name "racket-srfi" "1.1")))
+ '("srfi" "srfi-doc" "srfi-lib" "srfi-lite-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "string-constants" (base32 "1qizjq4n0hzdgdcjjpr94464gsywpsk2g9mnvwzqr7dcqbrsfvn6")
+ '("string-constants" "string-constants-doc" "string-constants-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "swindle" (base32 "164gdsphjzdl2vv7zxz7dfk9jwax8njpmim6sidm8qz8a8589y67")
+ '(("swindle" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "syntax-color" (base32 "1vf2fc3qvx8a1igi7swsg8gaqhx786sa0vqxd18xhbsidfgb5ywp")
+ '("syntax-color" "syntax-color-doc" "syntax-color-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "trace" (base32 "070ihla5j796hdarn5wxdwn4xj0xnkm50shgh49jy994mribvhia")
+ '(("trace" ".")))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "unix-socket" (base32 "02dfwas5ynbpyz74w9kwb4wgb37y5wys7svrlmir8k0n9ph9vq0y")
+ '("unix-socket" "unix-socket-doc" "unix-socket-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "web-server" (base32 "1zgb6jl7zx6258ljs8f3lvryrq5n5zpd71dqzr698m92kw3x2pkn")
+ '("web-server" "web-server-doc" "web-server-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "wxme" (base32 "1qp5gr9gqsakiq3alw6m4yyv5vw4i3hp4y4nhq8vl2nkjmirvn0b")
+ '("wxme" "wxme-lib"))
+ (simple-racket-origin
+ "xrepl" (base32 "12zjgsy5zqm3fck3ihg4a70wj56s2cnnjyb4jlfi5nnsfqyrnxg3")
+ '("xrepl" "xrepl-doc" "xrepl-lib"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'unpack-packages
- (let ((unpack (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'unpack)))
- (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((racket (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "racket"))
- (prefix (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (pkgs-dir (string-append prefix "/share/racket/pkgs")))
- (mkdir-p pkgs-dir)
- (copy-recursively
- "share/links.rktd"
- (string-append prefix "/share/racket/links.rktd"))
- (copy-recursively "share/pkgs" pkgs-dir)
- ;; NOTE: unpack changes the working directory
- (unpack #:source (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs)
- "main-repo"))
- (for-each (lambda (pkg)
- (define dest (string-append pkgs-dir "/" pkg))
- (mkdir-p dest)
- (copy-recursively (string-append "pkgs/" pkg)
- dest))
- ',%main-repo-main-distribution-pkgs)
- #t))))
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((racket (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "racket"))
- (prefix (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (apply invoke
- (string-append racket "/bin/racket")
- (assoc-ref inputs "extend-layer")
- racket
- prefix
- (map
- (lambda (lib)
- (string-append (assoc-ref inputs lib) "/lib"))
- '("cairo"
- "fontconfig"
- "glib"
- "glu"
- "gmp"
- "gtk+"
- "libjpeg"
- "libpng"
- "libx11"
- "mesa"
- "mpfr"
- "pango"
- "unixodbc"
- "libedit")))
- #t)))
- (replace 'build
- (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (invoke (string-append (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs)
- "racket")
- "/bin/racket")
- "--config"
- (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/etc/racket")
- "-l"
- "raco"
- "setup")
- #t))
- (delete 'install))
- ;; we still don't have these:
- #:tests? #f))
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments racket-minimal)
+ ((#:make-flags _ '())
+ #~`("main-distribution"))
+ ((#:configure-flags _ '())
+ #~`("--tethered"
+ "--extra-foreign-lib-search-dirs"
+ ,(format #f "~s"
+ '(#$@(map (lambda (name)
+ (cond
+ ((this-package-input name)
+ => (cut file-append <> "/lib"))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-assertion-failure)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ "missing input to the 'racket' package")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants
+ (list name)))))))
+ '("cairo"
+ "fontconfig-minimal" ;; aka fontconfig
+ "glib"
+ "glu"
+ "gmp"
+ "gtk+"
+ "libjpeg-turbo"
+ "libpng"
+ "libx11"
+ "mesa"
+ "mpfr"
+ "pango"
+ "unixodbc"
+ "libedit"))))))))
(synopsis "Programmable programming language in the Scheme family")
"Racket is a general-purpose programming language in the Scheme family,
@@ -540,82 +964,126 @@ The main Racket distribution comes with many bundled packages, including the
DrRacket IDE, libraries for GUI and web programming, and implementations of
languages such as Typed Racket, R5RS and R6RS Scheme, Algol 60, and Datalog.")))
-(define extend-layer
+(define configure-layer.rkt
- "extend-layer.rkt"
+ "configure-layer.rkt"
- extend-layer racket/base
+ configure-layer racket/base
(require racket/cmdline
+ racket/port
- (define config-file-pth
- "etc/racket/config.rktd")
(define (build-path-string . args)
(path->string (apply build-path args)))
(define rx:racket
;; Guile's reader doesn't support #rx"racket"
(regexp "racket"))
- (command-line
- #:args (parent-layer prefix . lib-dir*)
- (let* ([config
- (for/fold
- ([config (file->value (build-path parent-layer
- config-file-pth))])
- ([spec (in-list
- '((lib-dir lib-search-dirs "lib/racket")
- (share-dir share-search-dirs "share/racket")
- (links-file
- links-search-files
- "share/racket/links.rktd")
- (pkgs-dir pkgs-search-dirs "share/racket/pkgs")
- (bin-dir bin-search-dirs "bin")
- (man-dir man-search-dirs "share/man")
- (doc-dir doc-search-dirs "share/doc/racket")
- (include-dir
- include-search-dirs
- "include/racket")))])
- (match-define (list main-key search-key pth) spec)
- (hash-set*
- config
- main-key
- (build-path-string prefix pth)
- search-key
- (list* #f
- (hash-ref config
- main-key
- (build-path-string parent-layer pth))
- (filter values (hash-ref config search-key null)))))]
- [config
- (hash-set config
- 'apps-dir
- (build-path-string prefix "share/applications"))]
- [config
- ;; place new foreign lib-search-dirs before old
- ;; foreign dirs, but after Racket layers
- (let-values
- ([(rkt extra)
- (partition (lambda (pth)
- (or (not pth)
- (regexp-match? rx:racket pth)))
- (hash-ref config 'lib-search-dirs))])
- (hash-set config
+ (define tethered? #f)
+ (define parent #f)
+ (define extra-foreign-lib-search-dirs '())
+ (define-values [vm-dir prefix]
+ (command-line
+ #:once-each
+ [("--tethered") "create a tethered layer"
+ (set! tethered? #t)]
+ [("--parent") dir "path of parent layer, if any"
+ (set! parent dir)]
+ [("--extra-foreign-lib-search-dirs") dir-list
+ "foreign library directories, as a list of strings in `read` syntax"
+ (set! extra-foreign-lib-search-dirs
+ (call-with-input-string dir-list read))]
+ #:args (vm-dir prefix)
+ (values vm-dir prefix)))
+ (let* ([config
+ (for/fold
+ ([config (file->value
+ (if parent
+ (build-path parent "etc/racket/config.rktd")
+ (build-path vm-dir "etc/config.rktd")))])
+ ([spec
+ (in-list
+ '((lib-dir lib-search-dirs "lib/racket" "lib")
+ (share-dir share-search-dirs "share/racket" "share")
+ (links-file links-search-files
+ "lib/racket/links.rktd"
+ "share/links.rktd")
+ (pkgs-dir pkgs-search-dirs "lib/racket/pkgs" "share/pkgs")
+ ;; Partial workaround for:
+ ;; https://github.com/racket/racket/issues/4133
+ #;(bin-dir bin-search-dirs "bin" "bin")
+ (bin-dir bin-search-dirs
+ "lib/racket/bogus-untethered-bin"
+ "bin")
+ (man-dir man-search-dirs "share/man" "share/man")
+ (doc-dir doc-search-dirs "share/doc/racket" "doc")
+ (include-dir include-search-dirs
+ "include/racket"
+ "include")))])
+ (match-define (list main-key search-key pth vm-pth) spec)
+ (hash-set*
+ config
+ main-key
+ (build-path-string prefix pth)
+ search-key
+ (list* #f
+ (hash-ref config
+ main-key
+ (lambda ()
+ (if parent
+ (build-path-string parent pth)
+ (build-path-string vm-dir vm-pth))))
+ (filter values (hash-ref config search-key null)))))]
+ [config
+ (hash-update config
- (append rkt
- lib-dir*
- extra)))]
- [bin-dir
- (hash-ref config 'bin-dir)]
- [config
- (hash-set* config
- 'config-tethered-console-bin-dir bin-dir
- 'config-tethered-gui-bin-dir bin-dir)]
- [new-config-pth
- (build-path prefix config-file-pth)])
- (make-parent-directory* new-config-pth)
- (call-with-output-file*
- new-config-pth
- (lambda (out)
- (pretty-write config out))))))))
+ (lambda (dirs)
+ ;; add after other layers, but before older
+ ;; foreign lib search directories
+ (define-values [rkt old-foreign-dirs]
+ (partition (lambda (pth)
+ (or (not pth)
+ (regexp-match? rx:racket pth)))
+ dirs))
+ (append rkt
+ extra-foreign-lib-search-dirs
+ old-foreign-dirs)))]
+ [config
+ (hash-set* config
+ 'apps-dir
+ (build-path-string prefix "share/applications")
+ 'absolute-installation? #t
+ ;; Let Guix coexist with other installation
+ ;; methods without clobbering user-specific packages.
+ ;; This could be set in various places, but doing
+ ;; it here is convienient, at least until we support
+ ;; cross-compilation.
+ 'installation-name
+ (string-append (version)
+ "-guix"
+ (match (system-type 'gc)
+ ['cgc "-cgc"]
+ ;; workaround Guile reader/printer:
+ ['|3m| "-bc"]
+ [_ ""])))]
+ [config
+ (cond
+ [tethered?
+ ;; Partial workaround for:
+ ;; https://github.com/racket/racket/issues/4133
+ #;(define bin-dir (hash-ref config 'bin-dir))
+ (define bin-dir (build-path-string prefix "bin"))
+ (hash-set* config
+ 'config-tethered-apps-dir (hash-ref config 'apps-dir)
+ 'config-tethered-console-bin-dir bin-dir
+ 'config-tethered-gui-bin-dir bin-dir)]
+ [else
+ config])])
+ (define new-config-pth
+ (build-path prefix "etc/racket/config.rktd"))
+ (make-parent-directory* new-config-pth)
+ (call-with-output-file*
+ new-config-pth
+ (lambda (out)
+ (pretty-write config out)))))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/radio.scm b/gnu/packages/radio.scm
index ccfa77850b..a459367aec 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/radio.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/radio.scm
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Christopher Howard <christopher@librehacker.com>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Evan Straw <evan.straw99@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Charlie Ritter <chewzerita@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 João Pedro Simas <jpsimas@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Jack Hill <jackhill@jackhill.us>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Sheng Yang <styang@fastmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ useful in modems implemented with @dfn{digital signal processing} (DSP).")
(define-public liquid-dsp
(name "liquid-dsp")
- (version "1.3.2")
+ (version "1.4.0")
(origin (method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ useful in modems implemented with @dfn{digital signal processing} (DSP).")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1n6dbg13q8ga5qhg1yiszwly4jj0rxqr6f1xwm9waaly5z493xsd"))))
+ (base32 "0mr86z37yycrqwbrmsiayi1vqrgpjq0pn1c3p1qrngipkw45jnn0"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake))
@@ -169,41 +171,49 @@ mathematical operations, and much more.")
(license license:expat)))
(define-public rtl-sdr
- (package
- (name "rtl-sdr")
- (version "0.6.0")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr/")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0lmvsnb4xw4hmz6zs0z5ilsah5hjz29g1s0050n59fllskqr3b8k"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
- (inputs
- (list libusb))
- (native-inputs
- (list pkg-config))
- (arguments
- `(#:configure-flags '("-DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=ON"
- #:tests? #f ; No tests
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
- (("DESTINATION \"/etc/udev/")
- (string-append "DESTINATION \""
- (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/lib/udev/")))
- #t)))))
- (home-page "https://osmocom.org/projects/sdr/wiki/rtl-sdr")
- (synopsis "Software defined radio driver for Realtek RTL2832U")
- (description "DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U can be used as a
+ ;; No tagged release since 2018
+ (let ((commit "5e73f90f1d85d8db2e583f3dbf1cff052d71d59b")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "rtl-sdr")
+ (version (git-version "0.6.0" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr/")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "106fwzyr7cba952f3p3wm3hdqzm9zvm0v3gcz4aks2n7fnvrgrvn"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list libusb))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list pkg-config))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:configure-flags '("-DDETACH_KERNEL_DRIVER=ON"
+ #:tests? #f ; No tests
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("DESTINATION \"/etc/udev/")
+ (string-append "DESTINATION \""
+ (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/lib/udev/")))))
+ (add-after 'fix-paths 'fix-udev-rules
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "rtl-sdr.rules"
+ ;; The plugdev group does not exist; use dialout as in
+ ;; the hackrf package.
+ (("GROUP=\"plugdev\"")
+ "GROUP=\"dialout\"")))))))
+ (home-page "https://osmocom.org/projects/sdr/wiki/rtl-sdr")
+ (synopsis "Software defined radio driver for Realtek RTL2832U")
+ (description "DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U can be used as a
cheap software defined radio, since the chip allows transferring the raw I/Q
samples to the host. @code{rtl-sdr} provides drivers for this purpose.
@@ -218,7 +228,7 @@ system configuration:
To install the rtl-sdr udev rules, you must extend 'udev-service-type' with
this package. E.g.: @code{(udev-rules-service 'rtl-sdr rtl-sdr)}")
- (license license:gpl2+)))
+ (license license:gpl2+))))
(define-public airspyhf
@@ -270,7 +280,7 @@ with this package. E.g.: @code{(udev-rules-service 'airspyhf airspyhf)}")
(define-public soapysdr
(name "soapysdr")
- (version "0.8.0")
+ (version "0.8.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -279,7 +289,7 @@ with this package. E.g.: @code{(udev-rules-service 'airspyhf airspyhf)}")
(commit (string-append "soapy-sdr-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1dy25zxk7wmg7ik82dx7h3bbbynvalbz1dxsl7kgm3374yxhnixv"))))
+ (base32 "19f2x0pkxvf9figa0pl6xqlcz8fblvqb19mcnj632p0l8vk6qdv2"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list python swig))
@@ -320,32 +330,28 @@ SoapySDR library.")
(license license:expat)))
(define-public soapyhackrf
- ;; Use commit because some fixes are not in a release yet
- ;; (last release was in 2018).
- (let ((commit "8d2e7beebb4c451609cb0cee236fa4d20a0e28b1")
- (revision "2"))
- (package
- (name "soapyhackrf")
- (version (git-version "0.3.3" revision commit))
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyHackRF")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0l5890a240i1fan88jjdxaqswk3as410nlrv12a698fy9npqh4w4"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
- (inputs
- (list hackrf soapysdr))
- (arguments
- `(#:tests? #f)) ; No test suite
- (home-page "https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyHackRF/wiki")
- (synopsis "SoapySDR HackRF module")
- (description
- "This package provides HackRF devices support to the SoapySDR library.")
- (license license:expat))))
+ (package
+ (name "soapyhackrf")
+ (version "0.3.4")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyHackRF")
+ (commit (string-append "soapy-hackrf-" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0wnnsm3c4ivwcbs1b68svbyds13aajws9mqk2xjc2pqgj0fdhcvz"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list hackrf soapysdr))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ; No test suite
+ (home-page "https://github.com/pothosware/SoapyHackRF/wiki")
+ (synopsis "SoapySDR HackRF module")
+ (description
+ "This package provides HackRF devices support to the SoapySDR library.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public soapyrtlsdr
@@ -374,14 +380,14 @@ SoapySDR library.")
(define-public chirp
(name "chirp")
- (version "20211016")
+ (version "20220118")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_daily/daily-"
version "/chirp-daily-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "13xzqnhvnw6yipv4izkq0s9ykyl9pc5ifpr1ii8xfp28ch706qyw"))))
+ (base32 "0q2ifmprxqqxnww8fx8fjmm2lv9vdv6xzsk1ysa27fb290vgyawn"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(list python2-libxml2 python2-pygtk python2-pyserial))
@@ -397,8 +403,8 @@ memory contents between them.")
(define-public aptdec
;; No release since 2013, use commit directly.
- (let ((commit "5f91799637d93dfe7791caa7e9a6683050c4f8f3")
- (revision "1"))
+ (let ((commit "51405971fd4e97714d1e987269e49c6edfe4e0da")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "aptdec")
(version (git-version "1.7" revision commit))
@@ -410,7 +416,7 @@ memory contents between them.")
(commit commit)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0i7vkjjrq392gs9qaibr7j3v4hijqqg8458dn21dwh16ncrvr9bp"))))
+ (base32 "0fzkhqnbkc2dd39jzb5m5mwcl31b0x3w0yykpx4s195llq4bdvis"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(list libpng libsndfile))
@@ -428,7 +434,7 @@ and a dedicated receiver.")
(define-public redsea
(name "redsea")
- (version "0.18")
+ (version "0.20")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -437,7 +443,7 @@ and a dedicated receiver.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1y96g0ra2krjb2kypm8s5gdfia45yci4f36klsvyzg8d53v5cwhn"))))
+ "1bx4l87vz935cj5hapdh1dkjlmlfg73cgsjaf27314n7p4xkv50v"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -822,7 +828,7 @@ satellites.")
(define-public gqrx
(name "gqrx")
- (version "2.15.4")
+ (version "2.15.8")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -831,7 +837,7 @@ satellites.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0r5pdj2l6zs2zvkc1bd7kg9vzx25pcgiw025n5yc841m8yg6n2c9"))))
+ (base32 "1ph7fnjxfv7rfdlh17c8j4djvkfqjnalmcvnafhnq7agjy428727"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
@@ -901,7 +907,7 @@ hardware.")
(define-public flrig
(name "flrig")
- (version "1.3.52")
+ (version "1.4.04")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -910,12 +916,12 @@ hardware.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0vxn1wy5b2zfq20k93rfgq34m1nd3mxd74h8l98f90d85fhcqggy"))))
+ (base32 "06alzln46x08110v1ghasphr2mmznzk0x5h59vl9g2w1z12i9zsm"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list autoconf automake pkg-config))
- (list fltk libx11 libxext libxfixes libxft))
+ (list eudev fltk libx11 libxext libxfixes libxft))
(synopsis "Radio transceiver control program")
"Flrig is a transceiver control program for amateur radio use.
@@ -949,6 +955,32 @@ or USB connection.")
(home-page "http://www.w1hkj.com/")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public flmsg
+ (package
+ (name "flmsg")
+ (version "4.0.19")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://git.code.sf.net/p/fldigi/flmsg")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "157s6mvky9h094hkncm47964qh0bnwg0m2rw3wx0qj1mh5isxv4j"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf automake pkg-config))
+ (inputs
+ (list fltk libx11 libxext libxfixes libxft))
+ (synopsis "NBEMS messaging system")
+ (description
+ "FLMSG is a Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software (NBEMS).
+It can be used to manage, send and receive the forms that are used as basis
+for emergency communications data transfers (like ICS213 forms).")
+ (home-page "http://www.w1hkj.com/")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public flwrap
(name "flwrap")
@@ -1029,7 +1061,7 @@ you must extend 'udev-service-type' with this package. E.g.:
(define-public hamlib
(name "hamlib")
- (version "4.3.1")
+ (version "4.4")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1037,7 +1069,7 @@ you must extend 'udev-service-type' with this package. E.g.:
version "/hamlib-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0c578m04zs8dllbd4cv6nxb44y0dn8kiapzkih84ycfjzmnkhdrl"))))
+ (base32 "11r4i8gmxnb6ixpk4ns38c9xwj3qibp2v3pkhy2z0lhz0xxi1w4b"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list doxygen
@@ -1091,6 +1123,30 @@ users.")
+(define-public jtdx-hamlib
+ ;; Fork of hamlib with custom patches used by jtdx.
+ (package
+ (inherit hamlib)
+ (name "jtdx-hamlib")
+ (version "2.2.158")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/jtdx-project/jtdxhamlib.git")
+ (commit "158")))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0m9i5k1n6j0nvmsqcy12x2ngqzjvxxlc3jg29igh93hb7lprlkjv"))))
+ (native-inputs
+ (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs hamlib)
+ (prepend autoconf automake libtool texinfo)))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:configure-flags '("--disable-shared"
+ "--enable-static"
+ "--without-cxx-binding"
+ "--disable-winradio")))))
(define-public tlf
(name "tlf")
@@ -1150,7 +1206,7 @@ instances over the network, and general QSO and DXpedition logging.")
(define-public wsjtx
(name "wsjtx")
- (version "2.5.2")
+ (version "2.5.4")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1159,7 +1215,7 @@ instances over the network, and general QSO and DXpedition logging.")
(commit (string-append "wsjtx-" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "01346f2x3jc0gbzdi7ihzr9rxibnbzn31ix0879qfavrv8l31k1s"))))
+ (base32 "0nciw9smrfcsirlwyny5r9h7sk2zvm40m56y1hxpgpmbnh6mqikh"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
(list asciidoc gfortran pkg-config qttools ruby-asciidoctor))
@@ -1184,6 +1240,47 @@ weak-signal conditions.")
(home-page "https://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html")
(license license:gpl3)))
+(define-public jtdx
+ (package
+ (name "jtdx")
+ (version "2.2.158")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/jtdx-project/jtdx")
+ (commit "158")))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1lw9q7ggh2jlasipl3v5pkbabysjr6baw15lnmg664ah3fwdrvnx"))))
+ (build-system qt-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list asciidoc gfortran pkg-config qttools ruby-asciidoctor))
+ (inputs
+ (list
+ boost
+ fftw
+ fftwf
+ jtdx-hamlib
+ libusb
+ qtbase-5
+ qtwebsockets
+ qtmultimedia
+ qtserialport))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ; No test suite
+ (synopsis "Weak-signal ham radio communication program, forked from WSJTX")
+ (description
+ "JTDX means \"JT,T10 and FT8 and FT4 modes for DXing\", it is being
+developed with main focus on the sensitivity and decoding efficiency, both, in
+overcrowded and half empty HF band conditions.
+It is modified WSJT-X software forked from WSJT-X r6462. JTDX supports JT9,
+JT65, T10, FT8 and FT4 © digital modes for HF amateur radio communication,
+focused on DXing and being shaped by community of DXers.JTDX")
+ (home-page "https://www.jtdx.tech/en/")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
(define-public js8call
(inherit wsjtx)
@@ -1246,19 +1343,39 @@ operators.")
(define-public xnec2c
(name "xnec2c")
- (version "4.2")
+ (version "4.4.5")
(method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "http://www.5b4az.org/pkg/nec2/xnec2c/xnec2c-"
- version ".tar.bz2"))
+ (uri (string-append "https://www.xnec2c.org/releases/xnec2c-v"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0jprahww6jvwq616lkq80sac166ffy0fp83gr5kvjc9k4pcls00n"))))
+ (base32 "0v3qr16d42jri2vwwgrhhknaypdcjyn6ccdjpqfzr8zzr33z5pca"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list pkg-config))
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ gettext-minimal
+ `(,glib "bin")
+ libtool
+ pkg-config))
- (list gtk+))
+ (list gtk+ openblas))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:configure-flags
+ ,#~(list (string-append "--with-openblas-incdir="
+ #$(this-package-input "openblas")
+ "/include"))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-paths
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/Makefile.am"
+ (search-input-file inputs "bin/glib-compile-resources")))
+ (substitute* "src/mathlib.c"
+ (("libopenblas\\.so")
+ (search-input-file inputs "lib/libopenblas.so"))))))))
(synopsis "Antenna modeling software")
"Xnec2c is a GTK3-based graphical version of nec2c, a translation to the
@@ -1266,13 +1383,13 @@ C language of NEC2, the FORTRAN Numerical Electromagnetics Code commonly used
for antenna simulation and analysis. It can be used to define the geometry of
an antenna, and then plot the radiation pattern or frequency-related data like
gain and standing wave ratio.")
- (home-page "http://www.5b4az.org/")
+ (home-page "https://www.xnec2c.org/")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public dump1090
(name "dump1090")
- (version "6.1")
+ (version "7.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1281,7 +1398,7 @@ gain and standing wave ratio.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "13ssp2c3s18rszpmm3rpvicqvgvfiirsjf294m6r1sf3ji7ygd9q"))))
+ (base32 "1702qv5g27sgpqf98sj2qbg36sqzc7r3kssslzzgljqkr5jgrw6m"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
@@ -1541,6 +1658,32 @@ programs using the library: cw, cwgen, cwcp and xcwcp. The programs are
intended for people who want to learn receiving and sending morse code.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public kochmorse
+ (package
+ (name "kochmorse")
+ (version "3.5.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/hmatuschek/kochmorse")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1s1aj223n57rpc95rih98z08xnyhq2zp02byzrc3f7s01fv3nj0l"))))
+ (build-system qt-build-system)
+ (native-inputs
+ (list qttools))
+ (inputs
+ (list qtbase-5 qtmultimedia))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ; No test suite
+ (home-page "https://dm3mat.darc.de/kochmorse/")
+ (synopsis "Morse code tutor")
+ (description
+ "KochMorse is a simple morse-code tutor using the Koch method.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
(define-public gnuais
(name "gnuais")
@@ -1690,7 +1833,7 @@ receiver.")
(define-public welle-io
(name "welle-io")
- (version "2.3")
+ (version "2.4")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1699,7 +1842,7 @@ receiver.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1xl1lanw0xgmgks67dbfb2h52jxnrd1i2zik56v0q8dwsr7f0daw"))))
+ (base32 "0vl98pciw6xzcxyprcb4613rxn0i202f104lmy900jrny0pq4y65"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
@@ -1911,7 +2054,7 @@ voice formats.")
(define-public sdrangel
(name "sdrangel")
- (version "6.17.5")
+ (version "6.18.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1920,7 +2063,7 @@ voice formats.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1g9972q78nxl62hpyn029s85ny5jj9dxlmmfqyz3l9sd6kdv9kl6"))))
+ (base32 "17lakqy55p481fa5w6ylh79xbd4rdiqk9y21vmi4m2r4wx893zw1"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
(list doxygen graphviz pkg-config))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/regex.scm b/gnu/packages/regex.scm
index d37663bf5b..616c56cc6e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/regex.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/regex.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014 John Darrington
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix utils))
(define-public re2
(name "re2")
- (version "2020-11-01")
+ (version "2022-02-01")
(home-page "https://github.com/google/re2")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -39,33 +40,20 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0ii51fpp6fn51x4qyd99sy4r122s8ayh4x1srwhhijxlh8mzla5k"))))
+ "1gzdqy5a0ln9rwd8kmwbgis6qin63hapicwb35xkbnj3y84jj6yx"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:modules ((guix build gnu-build-system)
- (guix build utils)
- (srfi srfi-1))
- #:test-target "test"
- ;; There is no configure step, but the Makefile respects a prefix.
- ;; As ./configure does not know anything about the target CXX
- ;; we need to specify TARGET-g++ explicitly.
- #:make-flags (list (string-append "prefix=" %output)
- (string-append
- "CXX=" ,(string-append
- (if (%current-target-system)
- (string-append
- (%current-target-system) "-")
- "")
- "g++")))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure)
- (add-after 'install 'delete-static-library
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; No make target for shared-only; delete the static version.
- (delete-file (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/lib/libre2.a"))
- #t)))))
+ (list #:test-target "test"
+ ;; There is no configure step, but the Makefile respects a prefix.
+ #:make-flags #~(list (string-append "prefix=" #$output)
+ (string-append "CXX=" #$(cxx-for-target)))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (add-after 'install 'delete-static-library
+ (lambda _
+ ;; No make target for shared-only; delete the static version.
+ (delete-file (string-append #$output "/lib/libre2.a")))))))
(synopsis "Fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expression engine")
(description "RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to
backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl and
diff --git a/gnu/packages/robotics.scm b/gnu/packages/robotics.scm
index a110d0e6bd..aedc8b8c5f 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/robotics.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/robotics.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2018 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (gnu packages avahi)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
#:use-module (gnu packages gl)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
@@ -91,17 +92,27 @@ hundred times faster than real-time.")
(modules '((guix build utils)))
;; Add missing Qt5::Network.
- '(begin
- (substitute* "targets/playground/CMakeLists.txt"
- (("target_link_libraries(.*)\\$\\{EXTRA_LIBS\\}" _ middle)
- (string-append "target_link_libraries" middle
- " Qt5::Network ${EXTRA_LIBS}")))
- #t))))
+ '(substitute* "targets/playground/CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("target_link_libraries(.*)\\$\\{EXTRA_LIBS\\}" _ middle)
+ (string-append "target_link_libraries" middle
+ " Qt5::Network ${EXTRA_LIBS}"))))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- '(#:configure-flags '("-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON")))
+ '(#:configure-flags '("-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON")
+ #:parallel-build? #f ;occasionally fails with '-j'
+ #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'help-valgrind
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((debug (search-input-directory inputs
+ "/lib/debug")))
+ (substitute* "tests/common/CMakeLists.txt"
+ (("--error-exitcode=1" flag)
+ (string-append "--extra-debuginfo-path="
+ debug " " flag)))))))))
- (list pkg-config valgrind)) ;for tests
+ (list pkg-config
+ valgrind ;for tests
+ `(,(canonical-package glibc) "debug")))
(list dashel
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ruby.scm b/gnu/packages/ruby.scm
index 62c268c707..b91d8c0af2 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ruby.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ruby.scm
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 Pjotr Prins <pjotr.guix@thebird.nl>
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2017, 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2019 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
@@ -200,6 +200,20 @@ a focus on simplicity and productivity.")
+(define-public ruby-3.1
+ (package
+ (inherit ruby-2.7)
+ (version "3.1.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "http://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/"
+ (version-major+minor version)
+ "/ruby-" version ".tar.xz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1akcl7vhmwfm6ybj7493kzy58ykh2r39ri9f4xfm2xmhg1msmvvs"))))))
(define-public ruby-2.5
(inherit ruby-2.6)
@@ -5717,7 +5731,14 @@ aware transformations between times in different time zones.")
(uri "https://data.iana.org/time-zones/releases/tzcode2021a.tar.gz.asc")
- "1qhlj4lr810s47s1lwcvv1sgvg2sflf98w4sbg1lc8wzv5qxxv7g")))))))))
+ "1qhlj4lr810s47s1lwcvv1sgvg2sflf98w4sbg1lc8wzv5qxxv7g")))))
+ ;; XXX: Explicitly depend on 'guile-final', which was previously
+ ;; implied via the '%guile-for-build' fluid but not explicit.
+ ;; TODO: Remove this argument on the next rebuild cycle.
+ #:guile (module-ref (resolve-interface
+ '(gnu packages commencement))
+ 'guile-final)))))
(synopsis "Data from the IANA Time Zone database")
"This library provides @code{TZInfo::Data}, which contains data from the
@@ -7139,7 +7160,9 @@ run.")
(build-system ruby-build-system)
- '(#:test-target "default"
+ `(#:test-target "default"
+ ;; TODO: Figure out why test hangs.
+ #:tests? ,(not (target-riscv64?))
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'check 'set-home
@@ -7349,11 +7372,11 @@ library.")
(build-system ruby-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:tests? #t
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (arguments '(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
(replace 'check
- (lambda _
- (invoke "rspec"))))))
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "rspec")))))))
(list ruby-rspec))
@@ -7476,11 +7499,16 @@ navigation capabilities to @code{pry}, using @code{byebug}.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-before 'check 'skip-dubious-test
- ;; This unreliable test can fail with "Expected 0 to be >= 1."
(lambda _
- (substitute* "test/test_stackprof.rb"
- (("def test_(cputime)" _ name)
- (string-append "def skip_" name)))))
+ ,@(if (or (target-riscv64?)
+ (target-ppc32?))
+ ;; This unreliable test can fail with "Expected 32 to be <= 25."
+ '((substitute* "test/test_stackprof.rb"
+ ((".*assert_operator profile\\[:missed_samples.*") "")))
+ ;; This unreliable test can fail with "Expected 0 to be >= 1."
+ '((substitute* "test/test_stackprof.rb"
+ (("def test_(cputime)" _ name)
+ (string-append "def skip_" name)))))))
(add-before 'check 'build-tests
(lambda _
(invoke "rake" "compile"))))))
@@ -8252,8 +8280,8 @@ definitions.")
(inherit ruby-yard)
(name "ruby-yard-with-tests")
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments ruby-yard)
- ((#:tests? _ #t) #t)
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments
+ (strip-keyword-arguments '(#:tests?) (package-arguments ruby-yard))
((#:test-target _ "default") "default")
((#:phases phases '%standard-phases)
`(modify-phases ,phases
@@ -8266,13 +8294,8 @@ definitions.")
(delete-file "Gemfile")
;; $HOME needs to be set to somewhere writeable for tests to
;; run.
- (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))
- #t))))))
- (native-inputs
- `(("ruby-rspec" ,ruby-rspec)
- ("ruby-rack" ,ruby-rack)
- ("ruby-redcloth" ,ruby-redcloth)
- ("ruby-asciidoc" ,ruby-asciidoctor)))))
+ (setenv "HOME" "/tmp"))))))))
+ (native-inputs (list ruby-rspec ruby-rack ruby-redcloth ruby-asciidoctor))))
(define-public ruby-spectroscope
@@ -11386,7 +11409,16 @@ serves JavaScript, CoffeeScript, CSS, LESS, Sass, and SCSS.")
(base32 "1l0p4wx15mi3wnamfv92ipkia4nsx8qi132c6g51jfdma3fiz2ch"))))
(build-system ruby-build-system)
- (list ruby-simplecov))
+ `(("ruby-simplecov" ,ruby-simplecov)
+ ("test-patch"
+ ,(search-patch "ruby-mustache-1.1.1-fix-race-condition-tests.patch"))))
+ (arguments
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-tests
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (invoke "patch" "-p1" "--batch" "-i"
+ (assoc-ref inputs "test-patch")))))))
(synopsis "framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views")
"Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views.
diff --git a/gnu/packages/rust-apps.scm b/gnu/packages/rust-apps.scm
index d2cc949667..6d97e289c2 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/rust-apps.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/rust-apps.scm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Gabriel Arazas <foo.dogsquared@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020–2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sharlatan Hellseher <sharlatanus@gmail.ccom>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Zheng Junjie <873216071@qq.com>
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
#:use-module (gnu packages gtk)
#:use-module (gnu packages ibus)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages icu4c)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages image)
#:use-module (gnu packages jemalloc)
#:use-module (gnu packages kde)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
@@ -122,13 +124,6 @@ low-end hardware and serving many concurrent requests.")
'("--release" "--"
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'configure 'relax-requirements
- (lambda _
- (substitute*
- "guix-vendor/rust-x25519-dalek-1.2.0.tar.gz/Cargo.toml"
- (("version = \"=1.3\"") "version = \"^1.3\"")))))
(("rust-getopts" ,rust-getopts-0.2)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
@@ -188,14 +183,14 @@ alternative zones.")
(define-public bat
(name "bat")
- (version "0.19.0")
+ (version "0.20.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "bat" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0bvlgh2yf6f1ski86hd13lda4cr51wyyg1ycsxwjpn0dbb0a8wqq"))))
+ (base32 "05sj0chxpai26fhk1k7p5m54v3j7n1x64ayx53mcimsj1skdr77m"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
@@ -204,6 +199,7 @@ alternative zones.")
("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
("rust-bincode" ,rust-bincode-1)
("rust-bugreport" ,rust-bugreport-0.4)
+ ("rust-bytesize" ,rust-bytesize-1)
("rust-clap" ,rust-clap-2)
("rust-clap" ,rust-clap-2)
("rust-clircle" ,rust-clircle-0.3)
@@ -1054,14 +1050,14 @@ of the project is to be runnable on untrusted networks without crashing.")
(define-public tectonic
(name "tectonic")
- (version "0.8.0")
+ (version "0.8.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "tectonic" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0hzyqpjxya6g1ifb3hvjvj0zl2aigx898pz7h5pl46z50jp2pdc8"))))
+ (base32 "041v887a3aybrkn5fnrjwy95wxfk4npl6lj8ar8dnidjmfh92bka"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:cargo-build-flags '("--release" "--features" "external-harfbuzz")
@@ -1084,13 +1080,14 @@ of the project is to be runnable on untrusted networks without crashing.")
("rust-tectonic-bundles" ,rust-tectonic-bundles-0.2)
("rust-tectonic-docmodel" ,rust-tectonic-docmodel-0.1)
("rust-tectonic-engine-bibtex" ,rust-tectonic-engine-bibtex-0.1)
+ ("rust-tectonic-engine-spx2html" ,rust-tectonic-engine-spx2html-0.1)
("rust-tectonic-engine-xdvipdfmx" ,rust-tectonic-engine-xdvipdfmx-0.1)
- ("rust-tectonic-engine-xetex" ,rust-tectonic-engine-xetex-0.1)
+ ("rust-tectonic-engine-xetex" ,rust-tectonic-engine-xetex-0.2)
("rust-tectonic-errors" ,rust-tectonic-errors-0.2)
("rust-tectonic-geturl" ,rust-tectonic-geturl-0.3)
- ("rust-tectonic-io-base" ,rust-tectonic-io-base-0.3)
+ ("rust-tectonic-io-base" ,rust-tectonic-io-base-0.4)
("rust-tectonic-status-base" ,rust-tectonic-status-base-0.2)
- ("rust-tectonic-xdv" ,rust-tectonic-xdv-0.1)
+ ("rust-tectonic-xdv" ,rust-tectonic-xdv-0.2)
("rust-tectonic-xetex-layout" ,rust-tectonic-xetex-layout-0.1)
("rust-tempfile" ,rust-tempfile-3)
("rust-termcolor" ,rust-termcolor-1)
@@ -1115,10 +1112,14 @@ of the project is to be runnable on untrusted networks without crashing.")
(list pkg-config))
- `(("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("harfbuzz" ,harfbuzz)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list fontconfig
+ freetype
+ graphite2
+ harfbuzz
+ icu4c
+ libpng
+ openssl
+ zlib))
(home-page "https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/")
(synopsis "Complete, embeddable TeX/LaTeX engine")
@@ -1307,7 +1308,13 @@ runs a command whenever it detects modifications.")
(lambda _
- (("version = \">=1, <1.1.0\"") "version = \">=1\"")))))
+ (("version = \">=1, <1.1.0\"") "version = \">=1\""))
+ (substitute*
+ "guix-vendor/rust-rsa-0.5.0.tar.gz/Cargo.toml"
+ (("version = \">=1, <1.5\"") "version = \"^1\""))
+ (substitute*
+ "Cargo.toml"
+ (("version = \"1.4\"") "version = \"^1\"")))))
(("rust-aes" ,rust-aes-0.7)
("rust-anyhow" ,rust-anyhow-1)
@@ -1352,9 +1359,9 @@ runs a command whenever it detects modifications.")
(home-page "https://git.tozt.net/rbw")
(synopsis "Unofficial Bitwarden CLI")
(description "This package is an unofficial command line client for
-Bitwarden. Although it does come with its own command line client, this client
-is limited by being stateless, which makes it very difficult to use. This
-client avoids this problem by maintaining a background process which is able
+Bitwarden. Although Bitwarden ships with a command line client, but
+it's limited by being stateless, which makes it very difficult to use. This
+client avoids that problem by maintaining a background process which is able
to hold the keys in memory, similar to the way that ssh-agent or gpg-agent
work. This allows the client to be used in a much simpler way, with the
background agent taking care of maintaining the necessary state.")
@@ -1573,6 +1580,28 @@ library and a dynamic library, and a C header to be used by any C (and
C-compatible) software.")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public rtss
+ (package
+ (name "rtss")
+ (version "0.6.2")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (crate-uri "rtss" version))
+ (file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1r1b6fynkjnpj5p3k209sa13mjvh4k0ghzwnribm48dh9v7lfnnv"))))
+ (build-system cargo-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:cargo-inputs
+ (("rust-libc" ,rust-libc-0.2)
+ ("rust-memchr" ,rust-memchr-2))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Freaky/rtss")
+ (synopsis "Annotate stdout/stderr with elapsed times")
+ (description "@code{rtss} annotates its output with relative durations between
+consecutive lines and since program start.")
+ (license license:expat)))
(define-public swayhide
(name "swayhide")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/rust.scm b/gnu/packages/rust.scm
index 5a6d4a5c30..26d6df7a94 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/rust.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/rust.scm
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
`(("libcurl" ,curl)
("libssh2" ,libssh2)
- ("llvm" ,llvm)
+ ("llvm" ,llvm-9)
("openssl" ,openssl)
("zlib" ,zlib)))
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ ar = \"" binutils "/bin/ar" "\"
("which" ,which)))
`(("jemalloc" ,jemalloc)
- ("llvm" ,llvm)
+ ("llvm" ,llvm-9)
("openssl" ,openssl)
("libssh2" ,libssh2) ; For "cargo"
("libcurl" ,curl))) ; For "cargo"
diff --git a/gnu/packages/samba.scm b/gnu/packages/samba.scm
index 4330b1b9af..b775ad905c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/samba.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/samba.scm
@@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ external dependencies.")
(define-public samba
(name "samba")
- (version "4.15.3")
+ (version "4.15.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://download.samba.org/pub/samba/stable/"
"samba-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1nrp85aya0pbbqdqjaqcw82cnzzys16yls37hi2h6mci8d09k4si"))))
+ (base32 "0zyid2np45kl8hzp9fjqwvn5lxj766a4f0mya58vldqrhcrmw4b9"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/scheme.scm b/gnu/packages/scheme.scm
index 378a5b4959..110fdad593 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/scheme.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/scheme.scm
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Morgan Smith <Morgan.J.Smith@outlook.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -470,10 +471,11 @@ threads.")
(license bsd-3)))
(define-public sicp
- (let ((commit "225c172f9b859902a64a3c5dd5e1f9ac1a7382de"))
+ (let ((commit "bda03f79d6e2e8899ac2b5ca6a3732210e290a79")
+ (revision "2"))
(name "sicp")
- (version (string-append "20170703-1." (string-take commit 7)))
+ (version (git-version "20180718" revision commit))
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -481,8 +483,8 @@ threads.")
(commit commit)))
- "0bhdrdc1mgdjdsg4jksq9z6x129f3346jbf3zir2a0dfmsj6m10n"))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))))
+ "0mng7qrj2dvssyffr9ycnf4a5k0kadp4dslq7mc5bhzq1qxyjs2w"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system trivial-build-system)
(native-inputs `(("gzip" ,gzip)
("source" ,source)
@@ -506,8 +508,7 @@ threads.")
(string-append info-dir "/sicp.info")
(string-append source "/sicp-pocket.texi"))
(for-each (cut invoke "gzip" "-9n" <>)
- (find-files info-dir))
- #t))))
+ (find-files info-dir))))))
(home-page "https://sarabander.github.io/sicp")
(synopsis "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs")
(description "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) is
diff --git a/gnu/packages/screen.scm b/gnu/packages/screen.scm
index d244ed1434..5e7708be6e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/screen.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/screen.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013 Cyril Roelandt <tipecaml@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2017 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Alex Griffin <a@ajgrf.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
#:use-module (gnu packages hurd)
#:use-module (gnu packages ncurses)
#:use-module (gnu packages perl)
@@ -39,18 +40,17 @@
(define-public screen
(name "screen")
- (version "4.8.0")
+ (version "4.9.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/screen/screen-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- (patches (search-patches "screen-hurd-path-max.patch"
- "screen-CVE-2021-26937.patch"))
+ (patches (search-patches "screen-hurd-path-max.patch"))
- (base32 "18ascpjzsy70h6hk7wpg8zmzjwgdyrdr7c6z4pg5z4l9hhyv24bf"))))
+ (base32 "1x1hqy4h47i7hk85f779lkwkm7gkq8h8mxwd0znkh5adpf0m4czr"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("makeinfo" ,texinfo)))
+ (list autoconf automake texinfo))
(list ncurses perl))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/scsi.scm b/gnu/packages/scsi.scm
index 12a623776e..8334f543b1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/scsi.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/scsi.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2016 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Noisytoot <noisytoot@disroot.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -19,10 +20,12 @@
(define-module (gnu packages scsi)
#:use-module ((guix licenses)
- #:select (gpl2+ bsd-2 bsd-3))
+ #:select (gpl2+ bsd-2 bsd-3 lgpl2.1+))
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
- #:use-module (guix build-system gnu))
+ #:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages autotools))
(define-public sg3-utils
@@ -68,3 +71,32 @@ used in C and C++ programs to interact with SCSI devices.")
;; various source code files refer to a file called "BSD_LICENSE" [...]."
;; Some files (like sg_compare_and_write.c) retain their 3-clause headers!
(license (list gpl2+ bsd-2 bsd-3))))
+(define-public libiscsi
+ (package
+ (name "libiscsi")
+ (version "1.19.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/sahlberg/libiscsi")
+ (commit version)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ajrkkg5awmi8m4b3mha7h07ylg18k252qprvk1sgq0qbyd66zy7"))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list autoconf automake libtool))
+ (synopsis "Client-side library for iSCSI")
+ (description "Libiscsi is a client-side library to implement the iSCSI
+protocol that can be used to access the resources of an iSCSI target. It is
+fully asynchronous with regards to iSCSI commands and SCSI tasks, but a
+synchronous layer is also provided for ease of use for simpler applications.")
+ (home-page "https://github.com/sahlberg/libiscsi")
+ (license (list
+ ;; For the src, examples and test-tool directories, except
+ ;; src/ld_iscsi.c.
+ gpl2+
+ ;; For the lib and include directories.
+ lgpl2.1+))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/search.scm b/gnu/packages/search.scm
index ea1c555201..6f8d673694 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/search.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/search.scm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alexandr Vityazev <avityazev@posteo.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -243,16 +244,15 @@ command line tool for interacting with libtocc.")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'relax-requirements
(lambda _
- ;; These packages are outdated in Guix at the time of packaging.
- ;; When they are updated, remove corresponding substitutions.
;; Tests can run after build with 'searx-checker' tool in /bin.
+ ;; allow using a higher dependency version
(substitute* "requirements.txt"
- (("flask-babel==2.0.0") "flask-babel>=1.0.0")
- (("jinja2==2.11.3") "jinja2>=2.11.2")
- (("lxml==4.6.3") "lxml>=4.4.2")
- (("pygments==2.8.0") "pygments>=2.7.3")
- (("requests\\[socks\\]==2.25.1") "requests>=2.25")
- (("==") ">=")))))))
+ (("==") ">="))))
+ (add-before 'sanity-check 'set-debug
+ (lambda _
+ ;; the user will need to change the secret key
+ ;; https://github.com/searx/searx/issues/2278
+ (setenv "SEARX_DEBUG" "1"))))))
(list python-babel
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ for parsing HTML files.")
(define-public fsearch
(name "fsearch")
- (version "0.1.1")
+ (version "0.1.2")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ for parsing HTML files.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0vfwnx83zs0jymmzjww1k597sj3wvc9xq0nbslwci58rjpk3d0lg"))))
+ (base32 "1qbayssdj5pgc4s3ncf7snncp003g8yklirzj1bjc2kxp5y0igv7"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(list autoconf
@@ -475,14 +475,14 @@ conflict with slocate compatibility.")
(define-public plocate
(name "plocate")
- (version "1.1.13")
+ (version "1.1.15")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://plocate.sesse.net/download/"
"plocate-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "16lpiirjmj4mrdj5kkjv7rikkgjx3i64ac0sl3lz1rshflhxgqww"))))
+ (base32 "0l7igd81acsha5l5mv2rv7n9j1bc4f6ys4hfvs3ii0cbv9a5k1fi"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/security-token.scm b/gnu/packages/security-token.scm
index 8190e1e1e2..129b8f6122 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/security-token.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/security-token.scm
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Dhruvin Gandhi <contact@dhruvin.dev>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ahmad Jarara <git@ajarara.io>
;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -723,6 +724,84 @@ udev rules to your system configuration to be able to configure the YubiKey as
an unprivileged user.")
(license license:bsd-2)))
+(define-public libnitrokey
+ (package
+ (name "libnitrokey")
+ (version "3.6")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Nitrokey/libnitrokey")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ngrvv61d36vvfwrfg0qxmp2wg18v4aaldwvwzgxvwaysjswhn9r"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ ;; These tests do not require any device to be connected
+ '(#:configure-flags (list "-DCOMPILE_OFFLINE_TESTS=ON")))
+ (native-inputs (list catch-framework2 doxygen graphviz pkg-config))
+ (inputs (list hidapi libusb))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Nitrokey/libnitrokey")
+ (synopsis "Communication library for Nitrokey")
+ (description "This packate provides communication library for Nitrokey.")
+ (license license:lgpl3+)))
+(define-public cppcodec
+ (package
+ (name "cppcodec")
+ (version "0.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/tplgy/cppcodec")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0z39f8w0zvra874az0f67ck1al9kbpaidpilggbl8jnfs05010ck"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:configure-flags (list "-DBUILD_TESTING=on")))
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config qttools))
+ (inputs (list catch-framework2))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/tplgy/cppcodec")
+ (synopsis "Header library to encode/decode base64, base64url, etc.")
+ (description "This package provides library to encode/decode base64,
+base64url, base32, base32hex and hex.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public nitrokey-app
+ (package
+ (name "nitrokey-app")
+ (version "1.4.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-app")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1imbvaf0yncz36ckjr99x94jwg2hnid49hsiqlxsv7ccxgk058bk"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ `(#:tests? #f)) ;no test suite
+ (native-inputs (list pkg-config qttools))
+ (inputs (list cppcodec
+ hidapi
+ libnitrokey
+ libusb
+ qtbase-5
+ qtsvg))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Nitrokey/nitrokey-app")
+ (synopsis "GUI tool for Nitrokey devices")
+ (description
+ "This package provides GUI tool that interfaces with Nitrokey Pro
+v0.7/v0.8 and Nitrokey Storage devices.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public nitrocli
(name "nitrocli")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/shells.scm b/gnu/packages/shells.scm
index d46a6549b8..f1676b0f7e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/shells.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/shells.scm
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Ryan Prior <rprior@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Felix Gruber <felgru@posteo.net>
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ direct descendant of NetBSD's Almquist Shell (@command{ash}).")
(define-public fish
(name "fish")
- (version "3.2.2")
+ (version "3.3.1")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ direct descendant of NetBSD's Almquist Shell (@command{ash}).")
"releases/download/" version "/"
"fish-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "02a0dgz5cy4iv3ysvl5kzzd4ji8pxqv93zd45041plcki0ddli2r"))
+ (base32 "12dfkyqv5vm52i1fifz91h8f8xg60xjvv94kx6xjqxk9a8dfxd5m"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -148,6 +148,12 @@ direct descendant of NetBSD's Almquist Shell (@command{ash}).")
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((coreutils (assoc-ref inputs "coreutils"))
(bash (assoc-ref inputs "bash")))
+ ;; This test sporadically fails in the build container
+ ;; because of leftover zombie processes, which are not
+ ;; reaped automatically:
+;; "Found existing zombie processes. Clean up zombies before running this test."
+ ;; Disabling parallel tests does not reliably prevent it.
+ (delete-file "tests/checks/jobs.fish")
;; This test fails.
(delete-file "tests/checks/pipeline-pgroup.fish")
;; This one tries to open a terminal & can't simply be deleted.
@@ -463,7 +469,7 @@ history mechanism, job control and a C-like syntax.")
(define-public zsh
(name "zsh")
- (version "5.8")
+ (version "5.8.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (list (string-append
@@ -474,7 +480,7 @@ history mechanism, job control and a C-like syntax.")
- "09yyaadq738zlrnlh1hd3ycj1mv3q5hh4xl1ank70mjnqm6bbi6w"))))
+ "06crvpqbpm8sq5c215f4b985z7npwnqnj0i0g53hnq6fp8h3b5xn"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(arguments `(#:configure-flags
@@ -828,14 +834,14 @@ Shell (pdksh).")
(define-public oil
(name "oil")
- (version "0.9.6")
+ (version "0.9.7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://www.oilshell.org/download/oil-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "01lmj4diqpla1gwwb1gh1shf4y74qhanpkzcsnb28458rxm1sq32"))))
+ (base32 "09ill1wks8gmixfc648wx25wx0wzlgkjj34bbpglx496i6yp81aw"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list #:strip-binaries? #f ; strip breaks the binary
@@ -920,7 +926,7 @@ files and text.")
(define-public nushell
(name "nushell")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -929,7 +935,7 @@ files and text.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "0d9nzfrmdal6vd1k35xmkj7hq1gwl3q0ivm31xks8p7641srs8id"))))
+ (base32 "122jlc766v7rpfrz1jwi89sw6jmz7lfnhnr059fhy763fzcvph9c"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:tests? #false ;missing files
@@ -939,36 +945,36 @@ files and text.")
("rust-futures" ,rust-futures-0.3)
("rust-itertools" ,rust-itertools-0.10)
("rust-mp4" ,rust-mp4-0.9)
- ("rust-nu-cli" ,rust-nu-cli-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-command" ,rust-nu-command-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-completion" ,rust-nu-completion-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-binaryview" ,rust-nu-plugin-binaryview-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-chart" ,rust-nu-plugin-chart-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-from-bson" ,rust-nu-plugin-from-bson-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite" ,rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-inc" ,rust-nu-plugin-inc-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-match" ,rust-nu-plugin-match-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-query-json" ,rust-nu-plugin-query-json-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-s3" ,rust-nu-plugin-s3-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-selector" ,rust-nu-plugin-selector-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-start" ,rust-nu-plugin-start-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-textview" ,rust-nu-plugin-textview-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-to-bson" ,rust-nu-plugin-to-bson-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite" ,rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-tree" ,rust-nu-plugin-tree-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin-xpath" ,rust-nu-plugin-xpath-0.43))
+ ("rust-nu-cli" ,rust-nu-cli-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-command" ,rust-nu-command-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-completion" ,rust-nu-completion-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-binaryview" ,rust-nu-plugin-binaryview-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-chart" ,rust-nu-plugin-chart-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-from-bson" ,rust-nu-plugin-from-bson-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite" ,rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-inc" ,rust-nu-plugin-inc-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-match" ,rust-nu-plugin-match-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-query-json" ,rust-nu-plugin-query-json-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-s3" ,rust-nu-plugin-s3-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-selector" ,rust-nu-plugin-selector-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-start" ,rust-nu-plugin-start-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-textview" ,rust-nu-plugin-textview-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-to-bson" ,rust-nu-plugin-to-bson-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite" ,rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-tree" ,rust-nu-plugin-tree-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin-xpath" ,rust-nu-plugin-xpath-0.44))
(("rust-hamcrest2" ,rust-hamcrest2-0.3)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
("rust-rstest" ,rust-rstest-0.10)
("rust-serial-test" ,rust-serial-test-0.5))))
@@ -981,7 +987,7 @@ files and text.")
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
- (synopsis "Shell that understands the structure of the data")
+ (synopsis "Shell with a structured approach to the command line")
"Nu draws inspiration from projects like PowerShell, functional
programming languages, and modern CLI tools. Rather than thinking of files
@@ -992,17 +998,17 @@ directory. These values can be piped through a series of steps, in a series
of commands called a ``pipeline''.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44
(name "rust-nu-ansi-term")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-ansi-term" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "08qrpysv98cn9hmqmvkzh9bax4220jnix17a6d5gn70ndrli6v53"))))
+ (base32 "1lmc9rdqnw586gv4a0c2gbg3x4a04fy65xk3fczby8lq84rz41i3"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1018,17 +1024,17 @@ of commands called a ``pipeline''.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-cli-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-cli-0.44
(name "rust-nu-cli")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-cli" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "10mfq3vd4bp286j2p3j0iqv4j9lfq3zj2jpab3bg2qwv9kislcv0"))))
+ (base32 "0p085vgkzrczdz6ana9bb4r9hrcjm1hgr8f3885ik6kjlwiy5ixa"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1037,17 +1043,17 @@ underline).")
("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-command" ,rust-nu-command-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-completion" ,rust-nu-completion-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-stream" ,rust-nu-stream-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-command" ,rust-nu-command-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-completion" ,rust-nu-completion-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-stream" ,rust-nu-stream-0.44)
("rust-pretty-env-logger" ,rust-pretty-env-logger-0.4)
("rust-rustyline" ,rust-rustyline-9)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
@@ -1060,17 +1066,17 @@ underline).")
(description "CLI for nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-command-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-command-0.44
(name "rust-nu-command")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-command" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0zg9qgip9r831sj4y63p8js2pdl3cn1i1wly0kvad1wyn3wm67rr"))))
+ (base32 "1h62df48z8vji10jsmpcfrgbr404kvsl1i3p5gns5gg9wscbpp8f"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1102,22 +1108,22 @@ underline).")
("rust-md-5" ,rust-md-5-0.9)
("rust-meval" ,rust-meval-0.2)
("rust-mime" ,rust-mime-0.3)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-json" ,rust-nu-json-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-pretty-hex" ,rust-nu-pretty-hex-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-serde" ,rust-nu-serde-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-stream" ,rust-nu-stream-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-table" ,rust-nu-table-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-json" ,rust-nu-json-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-pretty-hex" ,rust-nu-pretty-hex-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-serde" ,rust-nu-serde-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-stream" ,rust-nu-stream-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-table" ,rust-nu-table-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-num-format" ,rust-num-format-0.4)
("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2)
@@ -1159,10 +1165,10 @@ underline).")
(description "CLI for nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-completion-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-completion-0.44
(name "rust-nu-completion")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1171,36 +1177,36 @@ underline).")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1w04z9973zfv33lpbdjy3qn3nxkxc0a6y0zby6cwvg3vs0mkprdn"))))
+ "0pp3949cckivl57cqmcm5cc4pd6z8syyrbankk32vwlm0v4yly0q"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
("rust-is-executable" ,rust-is-executable-1)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43))))
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-engine" ,rust-nu-engine-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Completions for nushell")
(description "Completions for nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-data-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-data-0.44
(name "rust-nu-data")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-data" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0fv4z61kp54jn03zkpv461im9cqdmd8xcl1j8pdpsglhbl1h6203"))))
+ (base32 "1kjyp63fr18rym2xvfqpyw4z0z1j8ckf2aszfk1a4z0pj64w6bi6"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1214,14 +1220,14 @@ underline).")
("rust-getset" ,rust-getset-0.1)
("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-table" ,rust-nu-table-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-table" ,rust-nu-table-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-num-format" ,rust-num-format-0.4)
("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2)
@@ -1234,17 +1240,17 @@ underline).")
(description "CLI for nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-engine-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-engine-0.44
(name "rust-nu-engine")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-engine" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0z2c06bmac992qyzrfa2b25z3zyg8laj9pxqfa51c6kqsyy41y28"))))
+ (base32 "0ry9x0ji4dikvd7vq4x9l1iqjwdhm80gcsvhfi7d0c26nvw8kpiz"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1264,17 +1270,17 @@ underline).")
("rust-itertools" ,rust-itertools-0.10)
("rust-lazy-static" ,rust-lazy-static-1)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-stream" ,rust-nu-stream-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-parser" ,rust-nu-parser-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-stream" ,rust-nu-stream-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-parking-lot" ,rust-parking-lot-0.11)
("rust-rayon" ,rust-rayon-1)
@@ -1292,17 +1298,17 @@ underline).")
(description "Core commands for nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-errors-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-errors-0.44
(name "rust-nu-errors")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-errors" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1a5wn3vimqi7j015by93s2i1jifdi2p45n5pp1gnvkp0kfs4kvlb"))))
+ (base32 "1cd5rkqlhgab6hb1q31xqbrb0j9wbmwzp9z20rrsc59s5zajiivq"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1312,8 +1318,8 @@ underline).")
("rust-derive-new" ,rust-derive-new-0.5)
("rust-getset" ,rust-getset-0.1)
("rust-glob" ,rust-glob-0.3)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
@@ -1325,17 +1331,17 @@ underline).")
(description "Core error subsystem for Nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-json-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-json-0.44
(name "rust-nu-json")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-json" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1kj331q3bmdhzl19x7x1c7rxcmawjyy77p0j7mc9x01idqwc2mvs"))))
+ (base32 "0vdp2brhiyvrkqd1127cixwdcqqmbhf7qha4jyx1ki4hh7w86l0b"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1350,17 +1356,17 @@ underline).")
(description "This package is a fork of @code{serde-hjson}.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-parser-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-parser-0.44
(name "rust-nu-parser")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-parser" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0qdf76br7fn1ivhvdnxqd2jzarppkk94hz0frd08vlf4z2a257xv"))))
+ (base32 "1n4223kb9gnwmfhn4als68y1b2niw2zkl8wkra8622gm7p116xq6"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1370,12 +1376,12 @@ underline).")
("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
("rust-itertools" ,rust-itertools-0.10)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-smart-default" ,rust-smart-default-0.6))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1383,17 +1389,17 @@ underline).")
(description "Nushell parser")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-path-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-path-0.44
(name "rust-nu-path")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-path" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0girfz9yihrkps3zpzc1jgnwmfxqbnxpq0i6vxqrwyj7ipglc8z7"))))
+ (base32 "069df6ikkaimcr1pjiycfr3ma6sjmb4ajmyxqdckckaqx4nj5wqk"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1404,10 +1410,10 @@ underline).")
(description "Nushell parser")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1415,17 +1421,17 @@ underline).")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "14l1g2pzf2cgk0y8walalzcsq6jp9817hip9m41bhfpiirs6vxgg"))))
+ (base32 "0vs4f84krf859j9f9rqzggzq3i49gb84928l22ddshdsspynckmj"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
("rust-serde-json" ,rust-serde-json-1))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1433,17 +1439,17 @@ underline).")
(description "Nushell Plugin")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-binaryview-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-binaryview-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-binaryview")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_binaryview" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0kdsw7xkmd2gxrnga4q1xc80mw9z0birpm049xw2ivs3n0aqza6x"))))
+ (base32 "1zk49hfp21akf6x7ml4b3h61y7jrj5i03zdmikci981idqm2fivm"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1451,12 +1457,12 @@ underline).")
(("rust-crossterm" ,rust-crossterm-0.19)
("rust-image" ,rust-image-0.23)
("rust-neso" ,rust-neso-0.5)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-pretty-hex" ,rust-nu-pretty-hex-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-pretty-hex" ,rust-nu-pretty-hex-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-rawkey" ,rust-rawkey-0.1))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Binary viewer plugin for Nushell")
@@ -1464,28 +1470,28 @@ underline).")
"This package provides a binary viewer plugin for Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-chart-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-chart-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-chart")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_chart" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0lknhw3nc3nbqwyah161d2ksspbqfph2xaarxqiblzzlryg0kwvj"))))
+ (base32 "05nv8c1650w8bh71s7yl35ybbjky6b4vdwkw0ywanhm1nqziva7s"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-crossterm" ,rust-crossterm-0.19)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
("rust-tui" ,rust-tui-0.15))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Plugin to display charts")
@@ -1493,27 +1499,27 @@ underline).")
"This package provides a plugin to display charts in Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-from-bson-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-from-bson-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-from-bson")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_from_bson" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1rdd5s82jdw1wr23s3020cm2gqm89zzbfb863bsysj88xa6mxr1s"))))
+ (base32 "1hmkqiqyqiin80fmlb31r6dgpif8r9nlda4w8ihzjflsbxnmp6wd"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bigdecimal" ,rust-bigdecimal-0.3)
("rust-bson" ,rust-bson-2)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43))))
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Converter plugin to the bson format for Nushell")
@@ -1521,26 +1527,26 @@ underline).")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-from-sqlite")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_from_sqlite" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0xfh4db0aap34aq9784zrprdk4cqqkf22v0z7mcw4a2jbranbz8z"))))
+ (base32 "11dirmm78n6jwsq8qihx3sbjfa0j7s9ffl1j03v8f4zzfvsypxxb"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bigdecimal" ,rust-bigdecimal-0.3)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-rusqlite" ,rust-rusqlite-0.26)
("rust-tempfile" ,rust-tempfile-3))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1550,27 +1556,27 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-inc-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-inc-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-inc")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_inc" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "12d2rrw3z0791vg44h87xprkcxksqrhjk6jx23f8hpxfh3mg4llg"))))
+ (base32 "0gyj54ip1nl68rav3h78sjljh826cp71khmjsbsvyphhgdm1kbhw"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
- (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.43)
+ (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-test-support" ,rust-nu-test-support-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-value-ext" ,rust-nu-value-ext-0.44)
("rust-semver" ,rust-semver-0.11))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Version incrementer plugin for Nushell")
@@ -1579,24 +1585,24 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-match-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-match-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-match")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_match" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "14ay1lwk1465dczpxk27silllv068l0gdyljwcbngz4y65ykh02y"))))
+ (base32 "1hbs9h28qwwd8i3rb2klx2xmgcxs6l92x9dbmjx3bl85wmjk2skm"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
- (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
+ (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
("rust-regex" ,rust-regex-1))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Regex match plugin for Nushell")
@@ -1604,76 +1610,76 @@ Nushell.")
"This package provides a regex match plugin for Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-query-json-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-query-json-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-query-json")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_query_json" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0n30zp85kmy6diab79c6is1jvjw8y5g5bljh3fgq2nz42fvwng9y"))))
+ (base32 "1yzcgm8sqzgr55hdcpzqrdfjc0yhz95qqpxyscm8cm6xw59ib0z2"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-gjson" ,rust-gjson-0.8)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43))))
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Query JSON files with Gjson")
(description "query json files with gjson")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-s3-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-s3-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-s3")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_s3" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "03ysj4zphwnyi537yia9ba706xn2ysv2jfm3z2w28flqb402jv0d"))))
+ (base32 "0ims4p3z48ja8ygkhcbq1a506hp8ry3ipdpgv9j7iqi833g0vgjl"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-futures" ,rust-futures-0.3)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-s3handler" ,rust-s3handler-0.7))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "S3 plugin for Nushell")
(description "This package is an S3 plugin for Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-selector-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-selector-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-selector")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_selector" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1w886dcb5k96jryy64xmmsyay85nz2mshz4v3glpwvvqcrp2df1v"))))
+ (base32 "1ni51yr1vndjf7c9qmvrc23nn3csv5jy14bwd8kxd5b7648aidsy"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
- (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-scraper" ,rust-scraper-0.12))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Web scraping using CSS selector")
@@ -1681,28 +1687,28 @@ Nushell.")
"This package provides web scraping using CSS selector.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-start-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-start-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-start")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_start" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "060mw4r5dr8wd4cpmh0by953yc2zgxqfbzras1gv67p9cxwmjpjz"))))
+ (base32 "028pb15y5dyywc84h79kdf0hz9l1m37djly8jhrcbj6v55x3k9h6"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-glob" ,rust-glob-0.3)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-open" ,rust-open-1)
("rust-url" ,rust-url-2)
("rust-webbrowser" ,rust-webbrowser-0.5))))
@@ -1713,27 +1719,27 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-textview-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-textview-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-textview")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_textview" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1qhfyvrakqzngx824yrl94k71vzp6261z1ifp1nm8xmc09d63g1n"))))
+ (base32 "17amhjvx1jfdz98jiavhnn18263f3hg3is7x0rkdzddng0abzpc7"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bat" ,rust-bat-0.18)
- ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-data" ,rust-nu-data-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-term-size" ,rust-term-size-0.3)
("rust-url" ,rust-url-2))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1742,26 +1748,26 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-to-bson-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-to-bson-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-to-bson")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_to_bson" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "04rlb6vajbhykx4wklfyffd0gfrpkdm0f59bz7vgnyw1wv7dgwln"))))
+ (base32 "003x90qshcn7yv86zaw449akqvi4vz78s05g0qcgrfxgvpn7vdch"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bson" ,rust-bson-2)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Converter plugin to the bson format for Nushell")
@@ -1770,26 +1776,26 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-to-sqlite")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_to_sqlite" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "08zdydpqk9xidq9qkrhk76dy05h65m8jz1ynk60g9k8fqn872bda"))))
+ (base32 "06d93a5xgssvxrbvcv12b9jwh9xwl6sz6admbpxnk9r78lpgfdaj"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-hex" ,rust-hex-0.4)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-rusqlite" ,rust-rusqlite-0.26)
("rust-tempfile" ,rust-tempfile-3))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1799,25 +1805,25 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-tree-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-tree-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-tree")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_tree" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1mhk4vwrs0f70zya1dczkr1d366w32gj8y6byjrx0dpmqljm77w8"))))
+ (base32 "089mp7spa0fcxm45njmjcab685cv30jb0b3kkgvjp8ywwakyy8lb"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-derive-new" ,rust-derive-new-0.5)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
("rust-ptree" ,rust-ptree-0.4))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Tree viewer plugin for Nushell")
@@ -1825,27 +1831,27 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-plugin-xpath-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-plugin-xpath-0.44
(name "rust-nu-plugin-xpath")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu_plugin_xpath" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0b84idjp4hp60x4i5x605i6jryqjdmw4sxz6ddapf2rciyxvh0wg"))))
+ (base32 "18qbhibn9pz9hnilqzv2g1s51fmlwpm60ma2r6qjsa5pcy9x12dh"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bigdecimal" ,rust-bigdecimal-0.3)
("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-plugin" ,rust-nu-plugin-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-sxd-document" ,rust-sxd-document-0.3)
("rust-sxd-xpath" ,rust-sxd-xpath-0.4))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1853,23 +1859,23 @@ Nushell.")
(description "Traverses XML")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-pretty-hex-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-pretty-hex-0.44
(name "rust-nu-pretty-hex")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-pretty-hex" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "04zqqpadx55782s85xh32cb9iss0q8q3alk5n17ic49pxlk7c3jz"))))
+ (base32 "1dizakbxm2c6vpjy5brqbjhk8m7lr7wammibb1vr8nq85aazrj5r"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-heapless" ,rust-heapless-0.7)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
("rust-rand" ,rust-rand-0.8))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Pretty hex dump of bytes slice in the common style")
@@ -1878,17 +1884,17 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-protocol-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-protocol-0.44
(name "rust-nu-protocol")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-protocol" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1z8kddg517ky85b22h1zm9wpka0p4838yn8s63iljpy67jyf4g04"))))
+ (base32 "1r6cnrqsq3qx3132w0p78262vql1bk446ynnfjsiffd07rmba2f7"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1901,8 +1907,8 @@ style.")
("rust-getset" ,rust-getset-0.1)
("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
("rust-log" ,rust-log-0.4)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-num-integer" ,rust-num-integer-0.1)
("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2)
@@ -1914,25 +1920,25 @@ style.")
(description "Core values and protocols for Nushell")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-serde-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-serde-0.44
(name "rust-nu-serde")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-serde" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "0iwwqyi4zq7m6v15kfdk7ywi816i4w400jm97a9w53jriyl4finl"))))
+ (base32 "190lid6jqgrb50qzqk849hg44rcn392qbppdm8zhgy732fsjb2j4"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-bigdecimal" ,rust-bigdecimal-0.3)
("rust-insta" ,rust-insta-1)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-serde" ,rust-serde-1)
("rust-thiserror" ,rust-thiserror-1))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -1942,17 +1948,17 @@ style.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-source-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-source-0.44
(name "rust-nu-source")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-source" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1h5lwck4yfi3c0f4p94yl30qzhbii10flcksj5g1vrra6vlasaq2"))))
+ (base32 "04w4s4yk5byy5mmrhvcbcvf179vjmb9pa2jch5vgl6rckipzd31l"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -1969,46 +1975,46 @@ Serde.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-stream-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-stream-0.44
(name "rust-nu-stream")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-stream" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "11v103gnwp4jxvwmk6dj93yrr6dqxl3r3yhfzlb0q416ai0x4h3k"))))
+ (base32 "14fs2dqa4papd48zil35901z4sc0p15dga96jbrsbhimk85g0gba"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
- (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43))))
+ (("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "Nushell stream")
(description "This package provides Nushell stream.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-table-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-table-0.44
(name "rust-nu-table")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-table" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1h2lh6px63bwxi5b9db5b7mgjdqdaj2yp1p0zrzdqj4i80h3dvww"))))
+ (base32 "0lk2cr8k0wbh5ya42ldz129yzfpqibzvjqy1bkpccfh2lf9n01g2"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-atty" ,rust-atty-0.2)
- ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-ansi-term" ,rust-nu-ansi-term-0.44)
("rust-regex" ,rust-regex-1)
("rust-strip-ansi-escapes" ,rust-strip-ansi-escapes-0.1)
("rust-unicode-width" ,rust-unicode-width-0.1))))
@@ -2017,17 +2023,17 @@ Nushell.")
(description "Nushell table printing")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-test-support-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-test-support-0.44
(name "rust-nu-test-support")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (crate-uri "nu-test-support" version))
(file-name (string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "10c4jwlvc2804afjdmpr30ml2h9f40g20gllz31lk1vz8ssr426m"))))
+ (base32 "0fjaczf05lzs77f1chif11085xy2yklw2lzl0vz0sdzzkll1r374"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
@@ -2038,10 +2044,10 @@ Nushell.")
("rust-glob" ,rust-glob-0.3)
("rust-hamcrest2" ,rust-hamcrest2-0.3)
("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-path" ,rust-nu-path-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-num-bigint" ,rust-num-bigint-0.4)
("rust-tempfile" ,rust-tempfile-3))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
@@ -2050,10 +2056,10 @@ Nushell.")
(license license:expat)))
-(define-public rust-nu-value-ext-0.43
+(define-public rust-nu-value-ext-0.44
(name "rust-nu-value-ext")
- (version "0.43.0")
+ (version "0.44.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -2061,16 +2067,16 @@ tests.")
(string-append name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "03ix958321smsf5j57y36qv9k47isfwvh2aam9ar5qfy6sb1h5k9"))))
+ (base32 "0ag5y6qfj53w6skyb0vhwhxiykvpmz5izpgxnbz5r0i0bdscrmdy"))))
(build-system cargo-build-system)
`(#:skip-build? #t
(("rust-indexmap" ,rust-indexmap-1)
("rust-itertools" ,rust-itertools-0.10)
- ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.43)
- ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.43)
+ ("rust-nu-errors" ,rust-nu-errors-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-protocol" ,rust-nu-protocol-0.44)
+ ("rust-nu-source" ,rust-nu-source-0.44)
("rust-num-traits" ,rust-num-traits-0.2))))
(home-page "https://www.nushell.sh")
(synopsis "@code{Extension} traits for values in Nushell")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/shellutils.scm b/gnu/packages/shellutils.scm
index 3f9f8a27f4..d0f4068062 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/shellutils.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/shellutils.scm
@@ -341,7 +341,14 @@ between various shells or commands.")
(mkdir-p bin)
(substitute* "setup.py"
- (string-append "add_script('" bin "/" )))))))))
+ (string-append "add_script('" bin "/" ))))))
+ ;; Whenever setup.py is invoked, scripts in out/bin/ are
+ ;; replaced. Thus we cannot invoke setup.py for testing.
+ ;; Upstream also uses pytest.
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest")))))))
(list python-pytest
diff --git a/gnu/packages/simulation.scm b/gnu/packages/simulation.scm
index 240549be47..3f2d8e136d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/simulation.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/simulation.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Paul Garlick <pgarlick@tourbillion-technology.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -430,6 +431,10 @@ FFC is part of the FEniCS Project.")
+ (patches (search-patches "fenics-dolfin-algorithm.patch"
+ "fenics-dolfin-demo-init.patch"
+ "fenics-dolfin-boost.patch"
+ "fenics-dolfin-config-slepc.patch"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -498,11 +503,8 @@ FFC is part of the FEniCS Project.")
;; git-lfs, so only the links are downloaded. The tests that
;; require the absent meshes cannot run and are skipped.
- ;; Two other serial tests fail and are skipped.
- ;; i) demo_stokes-iterative_serial,
- ;; The MPI_Comm_rank() function was called before MPI_INIT was
- ;; invoked
- ;; ii) demo_multimesh-stokes_serial:
+ ;; One serial test fails and is skipped.
+ ;; i) demo_multimesh-stokes_serial:
;; Warning: Found no facets matching domain for boundary
;; condition.
@@ -544,8 +546,6 @@ FFC is part of the FEniCS Project.")
"demo_mesh-quality_serial "
"demo_mesh-quality_mpi "
"demo_multimesh-stokes_serial "
- "demo_stokes-iterative_serial "
- "demo_stokes-iterative_mpi "
")\n") port)))
(replace 'check
diff --git a/gnu/packages/sphinx.scm b/gnu/packages/sphinx.scm
index dfbc3194ea..69a92b8b97 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/sphinx.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/sphinx.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Frederick M. Muriithi <fredmanglis@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Christine Lemmer-Webber <cwebber@dustycloud.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Alexandros Theodotou <alex@zrythm.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Brett Gilio <brettg@gnu.org>
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix build-system python)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
@@ -911,17 +912,29 @@ executed during the Sphinx build process.")
(version "0.3.2")
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (pypi-uri "jupyter_sphinx" version))
+ ;; Pypi tarball doesn't contain tests.
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1wma60787m2451nn4bc4jw7bzqksplplb84wqxm34iaw70499z1p"))))
+ "0bsb17vzbgvrzvh87pi88b157hyigdwnf1lhrgvan03i2300h15c"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'check
+ (lambda* (#:key tests? #:allow-other-keys)
+ (when tests?
+ (invoke "pytest")))))))
(list python-ipython python-ipywidgets python-nbconvert
- (list python-sphinx))
+ (list python-pytest python-sphinx))
(home-page "https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx/")
(synopsis "Jupyter Sphinx Extensions")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/ssh.scm b/gnu/packages/ssh.scm
index 4dd8bb6d96..8a61b6e97a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/ssh.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/ssh.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012-2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ a server that supports the SSH-2 protocol.")
(define-public openssh
(name "openssh")
- (version "8.8p1")
+ (version "8.9p1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://openbsd/OpenSSH/portable/"
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ a server that supports the SSH-2 protocol.")
(patches (search-patches "openssh-hurd.patch"))
- "1s8z6f7mi1pwsl79cqai8cr350m5lf2ifcxff57wx6mvm478k425"))))
+ "1ry5prcax0134v6srkgznpl9ch5snkgq7yvjqvd8c5mbnxa7cjgx"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(native-inputs (list groff pkg-config))
(inputs `(("libedit" ,libedit)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Additionally, various channel-specific options can be negotiated.")
(define-public guile-ssh
(name "guile-ssh")
- (version "0.13.1")
+ (version "0.15.1")
(home-page "https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -320,9 +320,7 @@ Additionally, various channel-specific options can be negotiated.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1xpxkvgj7wgcl450djkcrmrf957mcy2f36hfs5g6kpla1gax2d1g"))
- (patches (search-patches "guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch"
- "guile-ssh-read-error.patch"))))
+ "0zzn5hsf97b35gixyg4z14sspl15qwnp52y4h89wra4y31l7467q"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "debug"))
@@ -330,6 +328,13 @@ Additionally, various channel-specific options can be negotiated.")
#:configure-flags '("--disable-static")
#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'bootstrap 'support-cross-compilation
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Support cross-compilation:
+ ;; <https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh/issues/30>.
+ (substitute* "libguile-ssh/Makefile.am"
+ (("\\$\\(guile_snarf\\)")
+ "CPP=\"$(CPP)\" $(guile_snarf)"))))
(add-before 'build 'fix-libguile-ssh-file-name
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
;; Build and install libguile-ssh.so so that we can use
@@ -382,28 +387,10 @@ programs written in GNU Guile interpreter. It is a wrapper to the underlying
libssh library.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
-(define-public guile2.0-ssh
- (package
- (inherit guile-ssh)
- (name "guile2.0-ssh")
- (source (origin
- (inherit (package-source guile-ssh))
- (patches (search-patches "guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch"))))
- (native-inputs
- (modify-inputs (package-native-inputs guile-ssh)
- (delete "guile")
- (prepend guile-2.0 ;needed when cross-compiling.
- )))
- (inputs (modify-inputs (package-inputs guile-ssh)
- (replace "guile" guile-2.0)))))
(define-public guile2.2-ssh
(inherit guile-ssh)
(name "guile2.2-ssh")
- (source (origin
- (inherit (package-source guile-ssh))
- (patches (search-patches "guile-ssh-fix-test-suite.patch"))))
(modify-inputs (package-native-inputs guile-ssh)
(delete "guile")
@@ -594,8 +581,7 @@ basis for almost any application.")
(("localhost") ""))
(substitute* "src/testsuite/login-auth-test"
- (("/bin/cat") "cat"))
- #t))
+ (("/bin/cat") "cat"))))
(patches (search-patches "lsh-fix-x11-forwarding.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
@@ -629,7 +615,10 @@ basis for almost any application.")
;; 'lsh_argp.h' checks HAVE_ARGP_PARSE but nothing
;; defines it.
+ ;; Fix the build of lsh@2.1 with GCC 10.
+ "CFLAGS=-O2 -g -fcommon")
(modify-phases %standard-phases
(add-after 'unpack 'disable-failing-tests
@@ -642,8 +631,7 @@ basis for almost any application.")
(("seed-test \\\\") ;prevent trailing slash
- ""))
- #t))
+ ""))))
(add-before 'configure 'pre-configure
(lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((nettle (assoc-ref inputs "nettle"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/statistics.scm b/gnu/packages/statistics.scm
index 3c966e049f..ff0b9c2833 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/statistics.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/statistics.scm
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(define-module (gnu packages statistics)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
@@ -109,6 +110,14 @@
(build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'check 'prepare-tests
+ ;; Prevent irrelevant errors that cause test output mismatches:
+ ;; ‘Fontconfig error: No writable cache directories’
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "XDG_CACHE_HOME" (getcwd)))))))
(list cairo
@@ -676,13 +685,13 @@ nonlinear mixed-effects models.")
(define-public r-mgcv
(name "r-mgcv")
- (version "1.8-38")
+ (version "1.8-39")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "mgcv" version))
- (base32 "1fyx8b0xjyx75mp90v314gayzydkca5y90p76jnwxzfnhxbys4nd"))))
+ (base32 "15h1k9qyn8s8xy4x2361mj42vdq8ml5xskzqpkc45zj1a3gss6w4"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-matrix r-nlme))
@@ -717,14 +726,14 @@ single hidden layer, and for multinomial log-linear models.")
(define-public r-rpart
(name "r-rpart")
- (version "4.1-15")
+ (version "4.1.16")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rpart" version))
- "0p5frya963ppn476p5dxs2mnarsalksr6gw9zzmjsn8ikq7bx3ib"))))
+ "0p22657j6ps6z1dn0ja2fhq4k5xd1rv3cpwzk6nmjd2si8jpbv17"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rpart")
(synopsis "Recursive partitioning and regression trees")
@@ -756,14 +765,14 @@ analysis.")
(define-public r-survival
(name "r-survival")
- (version "3.2-13")
+ (version "3.3-1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "survival" version))
- "0zrikancm9shixvgng89f1610sphlwljczi0fnjbdqn4l85rrarz"))))
+ "1isdrcvrzi118xiyigckj9sq1xl4m92180brmpzdqzhcrl2qg1ql"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-matrix))
@@ -986,13 +995,13 @@ algorithms.")
(define-public r-magrittr
(name "r-magrittr")
- (version "2.0.1")
+ (version "2.0.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "magrittr" version))
- (base32 "0pxd99fvg406whqsk9wh756rayrwh84xn3h44zmlpcy23kanbhkm"))))
+ (base32 "19k3q76qlri459iyyfgn9gl0w9lnv9v604yhpbc94nx71l6zvrkv"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
;; knitr needs magrittr
@@ -1031,15 +1040,16 @@ Munsell colour system.")
(define-public r-permute
(name "r-permute")
- (version "0.9-5")
+ (version "0.9-7")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "permute" version))
- "0ra8p5mf2590azrkas8z2ry7mif77xqxd29n4zgyi5vll225726j"))))
+ "1h4dyhcsv8p3h3qxsy98pib9v79dddvrnq7qx6abkblsazxqzy7g"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
;; Tests do not run correctly, but running them properly would entail a
;; circular dependency with vegan.
(home-page "https://github.com/gavinsimpson/permute")
@@ -1241,13 +1251,13 @@ aesthetic attributes.")
(define-public r-ggdendro
(name "r-ggdendro")
- (version "0.1.22")
+ (version "0.1.23")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "ggdendro" version))
- "0skbj487b6f6pj2iz4yq2b9gbgb39cv5dyzhdl3w7ay1k0s5z9ph"))))
+ "1f4fz9llmbpb8gh90aid7dvriadx16xdhsl7832yw4pyqj4fjcrs"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-ggplot2 r-mass))
@@ -1267,19 +1277,19 @@ agnes cluster diagrams.")
(define-public r-gdtools
(name "r-gdtools")
- (version "0.2.3")
+ (version "0.2.4")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "gdtools" version))
- "1p3ip0qwpg8f63jfx0b8vbac6l20ddid8xvxzkfi6i858pybnawp"))))
+ "0a1hqg5b484ji4g9dy0zi06wn9w7pk6hiy5ljzc1zgj9mbhlr21j"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list pkg-config))
- (list cairo freetype zlib))
+ (list cairo fontconfig freetype zlib))
(list r-rcpp r-systemfonts))
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gdtools")
@@ -1292,14 +1302,14 @@ and to generate base64 encoded string from raster matrix.")
(define-public r-svglite
(name "r-svglite")
- (version "2.0.0")
+ (version "2.1.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "svglite" version))
- "19ggknw5322yw7r1bzhw0bqggcrpn0qxddk7kblpqnra2zz2brkn"))))
+ "16wwhfmp9agdz9azslgd8qs77fllhdp6p0m304qfh2p8qy8gah5d"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list libpng zlib))
@@ -1397,13 +1407,13 @@ for template use among CRAN packages.")
(define-public r-evaluate
(name "r-evaluate")
- (version "0.14")
+ (version "0.15")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "evaluate" version))
- "0a2y7j534gbgixkwj9r1z76l2vssw4g1hznzbpclc076wkdqpj58"))))
+ "0pbwj02y2j7r0msa7747ih1p32xm9bcyr8fa7bysfslb199ywnl8"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/hadley/evaluate")
(synopsis "Parsing and evaluation tools for R")
@@ -1509,13 +1519,13 @@ syntax that can be converted to XHTML or other formats.")
(define-public r-yaml
(name "r-yaml")
- (version "2.2.1")
+ (version "2.3.5")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "yaml" version))
- "10r7g26x73am45niigm3k466030nymnr3v3fjljafzrr5aybf58i"))))
+ "0h2ixd95ww12ir13fdzbvjq4lsz6l8hmgv4bbsi89qd0ah2nrpry"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/yaml/")
(synopsis "Methods to convert R data to YAML and back")
@@ -1630,13 +1640,13 @@ you call it again with the same arguments it returns the pre-computed value.")
(define-public r-crayon
(name "r-crayon")
- (version "1.4.2")
+ (version "1.5.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "crayon" version))
- "0mxq87qsvz5znfncrb6yjchzv6iwpn9lr386i02y6xiycizkjd7f"))))
+ "0m3rckps0c8v14h9vqnr81acv0az1jqwlsradcbkb2ndvnpjq4j4"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://github.com/gaborcsardi/crayon")
(synopsis "Colored terminal output for R")
@@ -1732,13 +1742,13 @@ defined in different packages.")
(define-public r-rlang
(name "r-rlang")
- (version "0.4.12")
+ (version "1.0.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rlang" version))
- "05cr08smr8dlk10m810rw4qi1yhgnny83rwkxib0l4my71br29ia"))))
+ "1k6pzl2x80pycpllvd8n1k62h5cfdwc0hsdwvbicrcxhdwz7rs4d"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "http://rlang.tidyverse.org")
(synopsis "Functions for base types, core R and Tidyverse features")
@@ -1780,17 +1790,16 @@ and printing capabilities than traditional data frames.")
(define-public r-dplyr
(name "r-dplyr")
- (version "1.0.7")
+ (version "1.0.8")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "dplyr" version))
- "0g8jsxclj9cgm7a2lyazy78sj62rbzw812lsw3fdsbz0pknkmznj"))))
+ "0xb04ckp29pva1h2rfahqhmk9gcwp2dbbx3av8ip40v7dnha6siv"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-ellipsis
- r-generics
+ (list r-generics
@@ -1899,14 +1908,14 @@ side.")
(define-public r-locfit
(name "r-locfit")
- (version "1.5-9.4")
+ (version "1.5-9.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "locfit" version))
- "1vcw16qww4v4547w0gfvhqg60l051bsdlxa6zfcgcj9xbxf6dlyr"))))
+ "08yywswywmvyys8380576n43h3xyiviq1p2392zcivlbknnjp7zx"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-lattice))
@@ -2258,18 +2267,18 @@ worries about execution time overhead.")
(define-public r-bbmisc
(name "r-bbmisc")
- (version "1.11")
+ (version "1.12")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "BBmisc" version))
- "1lh1n4bvxzivb5rbz69mvd8xdgr3gr2bnqd68a39sd1530l8r90y"))))
+ "0gh5f342rwra79i7imv50x8vrhd2zkifm7khb0yv3ndpd4zn62lh"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "BBmisc")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-checkmate))
+ (list r-checkmate r-data-table))
(home-page "https://github.com/berndbischl/BBmisc")
(synopsis "Miscellaneous functions for R package development")
@@ -2333,13 +2342,13 @@ SLURM and Sun Grid Engine. Multicore and SSH systems are also supported.")
(define-public r-brew
(name "r-brew")
- (version "1.0-6")
+ (version "1.0-7")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "brew" version))
- "1vghazbcha8gvkwwcdagjvzx6yl8zm7kgr0i9wxr4jng06d1l3fp"))))
+ "0vp7d628j6zzxhh6xfw5jlkv7wh6z2l3snbwjgv7jd56vk0mkf1q"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/brew")
(synopsis "Templating framework for report generation")
@@ -2352,17 +2361,17 @@ module, Java Server Pages, and Python's psp module.")
(define-public r-desc
(name "r-desc")
- (version "1.4.0")
+ (version "1.4.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "desc" version))
- "0jfnwn1kpiill8v4hmzdk90yz4gk2ha0prr2p0hq36s40v3y8842"))))
+ "0m3g5m0g08k674zh4lq0ihmqiwz8jpsfqrdwfqp5p4ngxi8vp7lg"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-crayon r-r6 r-rprojroot))
+ (list r-cli r-r6 r-rprojroot))
(home-page "https://github.com/r-pkgs/desc")
(synopsis "Manipulate DESCRIPTION Files")
@@ -2374,14 +2383,14 @@ other packages.")
(define-public r-commonmark
(name "r-commonmark")
- (version "1.7")
+ (version "1.8.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "commonmark" version))
- "024iz1qp2kv6iz6y69ir0jk3qhjps86rhkzlcmhqsxx97rx7cjni"))))
+ "0s765c650id19ygx57bsjsw93fwxywmp50zid671bkxi6wlyf1vx"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/commonmark")
(synopsis "CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R")
@@ -2431,14 +2440,14 @@ collation, and NAMESPACE files.")
(define-public r-openssl
(name "r-openssl")
- (version "1.4.6")
+ (version "2.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "openssl" version))
- "0na3yficxg0hjql9pvz96f66yh4g5k2hfwcricb705z7f2pk5f23"))))
+ "0jsnzxa72bfxsdai25xyklmmrraaf9yv2nmqmf0bgzrkbzkgsa7b"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -2580,13 +2589,13 @@ tools to simplify the devolpment of R packages.")
(define-public r-withr
(name "r-withr")
- (version "2.4.3")
+ (version "2.5.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "withr" version))
- "0k4x2bd9wb24n3dyg7rdjicdjs5ay2kk5lfgkrcjsv6cki2wgnlv"))))
+ "1h4bzj0am9lawbh1cam1jmgk1xjmn9da14r90w3q984hswz7nc9p"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-knitr))
@@ -2622,13 +2631,13 @@ time-of-day values, based on the @code{difftime} class.")
(define-public r-readr
(name "r-readr")
- (version "2.1.1")
+ (version "2.1.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "readr" version))
- "115w3hgp1w6hr0h2nz840i6mm1pnqzwfbxcmf9ca3qs7llc7k4q3"))))
+ "06qcw57yz0fhh3ni41d5w68cbmwmb6zkp47chllwzax43wxd1bwl"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-cli
@@ -2712,13 +2721,13 @@ well as additional utilities such as panel and axis annotation functions.")
(define-public r-rcpparmadillo
(name "r-rcpparmadillo")
- (version "")
+ (version "")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "RcppArmadillo" version))
- "0516j6n657kxm8sdbxf3jd9z40px9mv7zza4fz8nih63f5iiw1kw"))))
+ "1x7mk85rc4pmn17nm63k6rbkarsmghjapznias268545nfpib97g"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "RcppArmadillo")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -2804,17 +2813,18 @@ certain criterion, e.g., it contains a certain regular file.")
(define-public r-rmarkdown
(name "r-rmarkdown")
- (version "2.11")
+ (version "2.13")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rmarkdown" version))
- (base32 "0xcpg9d009a71p5i6jczw02qcp907p5d52lp6vclrsp7019jawck"))))
+ (base32 "0i07p3dxxv2s2a4xmyhc3qxmwg86vakniq5jjjclmcq2sahvw5vj"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "rmarkdown")))
(build-system r-build-system)
- (list r-evaluate
+ (list r-bslib
+ r-evaluate
@@ -2918,13 +2928,13 @@ a column in data frame.")
(define-public r-rsqlite
(name "r-rsqlite")
- (version "2.2.9")
+ (version "2.2.10")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "RSQLite" version))
- "075vsnbkcwpwnn87b06mhbg2fflqhjvbylhbkg0d3v3rl7zg28s4"))))
+ "1a00i24g4d4gvp7qmivpyfm24yfz4w4wsy2kplgfz0i0j0rzzbh6"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "RSQLite")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -2991,13 +3001,13 @@ ldap, and also supports cookies, redirects, authentication, etc.")
(define-public r-xml
(name "r-xml")
- (version "3.99-0.8")
+ (version "3.99-0.9")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "XML" version))
- "0l3bsgqw4bicv3sl2bfag7p4rh1y2pcyg0ajr73kkbg85qf6j7q8"))))
+ "02ba407ddgil4jbjzrbw756hlxzy3mihc5dk1ngcbvsp67gxw5cw"))))
`((upstream-name . "XML")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -3112,15 +3122,16 @@ statements.")
(define-public r-segmented
(name "r-segmented")
- (version "1.3-4")
+ (version "1.4-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "segmented" version))
- "0bchqcy308kbywavgyg9kb4543rbkfn753q9c6d7l7aw7sxvyxl2"))))
+ "0xn28gyqzmyz0kv352rkkznbj806arxj2am5a9gqsn1qzv9l0s9h"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-mass))
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/segmented")
(synopsis "Regression models with breakpoints estimation")
@@ -3176,14 +3187,14 @@ standard R subsetting and Kronecker products.")
(define-public r-iterators
(name "r-iterators")
- (version "1.0.13")
+ (version "1.0.14")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "iterators" version))
- "190i1y2493v5c9z8978rb3idlwsjymy67k1assa9znljqbj313kp"))))
+ "0yv7rh6ghlfx727xy2aq64a7skyxp9msakaffs641q9h15d0gwyf"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/iterators")
(synopsis "Iterator construct for R")
@@ -3196,14 +3207,14 @@ data.")
(define-public r-foreach
(name "r-foreach")
- (version "1.5.1")
+ (version "1.5.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "foreach" version))
- "1qb83b1jvpmk8d6kfibkm5q2hiki0x5gipy758mwa62n56gdcnpv"))))
+ "1r5gdf9fp3rprvrhf0gzl9qmmqhgdn5gscpm5hk8zxpraf3qscsn"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-codetools r-iterators))
@@ -3225,14 +3236,14 @@ parallel.")
(define-public r-doparallel
(name "r-doparallel")
- (version "1.0.16")
+ (version "1.0.17")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "doParallel" version))
- "1cjf0mxrxgls5pl7aj22fv9j488craib1wkc9np4f3gkckwjdfzi"))))
+ "1mxbg2qqda1775vb4s26gz27p5n91lljgjmlqxq4sras22njasmr"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "doParallel")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -3247,14 +3258,14 @@ using the parallel package.")
(define-public r-domc
(name "r-domc")
- (version "1.3.7")
+ (version "1.3.8")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "doMC" version))
- "0kdmfhp5m1wisjbfyl9d040jrmjmhcgjb0vdi536g2i9vixb5yny"))))
+ "18qrcvqwm4cclvk8spvyi281y8prwzivj52xmzk1l9a82j2ny65j"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "doMC")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -3554,13 +3565,13 @@ using the multicore functionality of the parallel package.")
(name "r-dt")
- (version "0.20")
+ (version "0.21")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "DT" version))
- "17xs18i439p15agyk7z2xyyrwgrpn5pw09kd3jwxn7qhxi4pyvf6"))
+ "1yhlph9h8z78wqjddv598l2xrqpp605d70cxfb69m53hanw4hmzn"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
'(for-each delete-file
@@ -4146,14 +4157,14 @@ more complete @code{viridis} package.")
(define-public r-tidyselect
(name "r-tidyselect")
- (version "1.1.1")
+ (version "1.1.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "tidyselect" version))
- "0ss8mq05mwif64cj8zmrfx0ljgy3n0fvyv7f37782shr8rknmsqq"))))
+ "0w423pmg9wjx6q2rnp2ap66323rxvpmzd4nnsqq4m58pajqs7283"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-ellipsis r-glue r-purrr r-rlang r-vctrs))
@@ -4171,14 +4182,14 @@ selection.")
(define-public r-tidyr
(name "r-tidyr")
- (version "1.1.4")
+ (version "1.2.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "tidyr" version))
- "0h8jfsmn4r7zgfyjmg2qkjd54n0sncq07xjh4mdf2cx4k2z9h30b"))))
+ "1a0k296a0jb2xi5zgfrqfmmw8197bwibjl7a04fm49vqx6livl4c"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-cpp11
@@ -5033,14 +5044,14 @@ perform @dfn{independent component analysis} (ICA) and projection pursuit.")
(define-public r-randomforest
(name "r-randomforest")
- (version "4.6-14")
+ (version "4.7-1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "randomForest" version))
- "0kbmm0l42fc2d1rdq0l7k09d34kd87q4lx651ffsic4y84h8kf7l"))))
+ "04q6gb917md4yw837cf9vlx1q8ljl06jw7yhykzb6nl47w55jnkq"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "randomForest")))
(build-system r-build-system)
(home-page "https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~breiman/RandomForests/")
@@ -5233,14 +5244,14 @@ analysis} (PCA) by projection pursuit.")
(define-public r-rrcov
(name "r-rrcov")
- (version "1.6-0")
+ (version "1.6-2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "rrcov" version))
- "0i69gv55c86gkclwhch0jzdfyb20l20mx1nx1xp9qz71nd4klpvr"))))
+ "18x8y2b9n2plpn4086nkjk9c27p7gb78kbrv5pj9r8fb0idl5rn5"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-lattice r-mvtnorm r-pcapp r-robustbase))
@@ -5284,14 +5295,14 @@ generally.")
(define-public r-robust
(name "r-robust")
- (version "0.6-1")
+ (version "0.7-0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "robust" version))
- "0z8i0qqlsa6vpl457qir3dlsynhjfn2g22436d776vxwyqjx4vs9"))))
+ "1fc4h19b7gn9ya2j2ia8vfgsycwlyc23frj54k11dr45w4qaq6jy"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-fit-models r-lattice r-mass r-robustbase r-rrcov))
@@ -5361,13 +5372,13 @@ groupings.")
(define-public r-vgam
(name "r-vgam")
- (version "1.1-5")
+ (version "1.1-6")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "VGAM" version))
- (base32 "1fx123h4x5awzshv0m4jqbbllrdjfpslb2i8gl9phm1y1wahn69h"))))
+ (base32 "05yl1lbpambwg3i3rqn6aanaym7c3s8g7hi0bph98iyxqnx62sj4"))))
(properties `((upstream-name . "VGAM")))
(build-system r-build-system)
@@ -5496,18 +5507,18 @@ using modular prediction and response module classes.")
(define-public r-quantreg
(name "r-quantreg")
- (version "5.86")
+ (version "5.88")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "quantreg" version))
- (base32 "01fnp6ndh7npxj76xlynndacsgmcfr9kgh2waw0clx3mmwlwilbi"))))
+ (base32 "0grsha18zkiil0qnxc1d7kc3w26i6aaa4av9n9ahdm8yf59yah0r"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list gfortran))
- (list r-conquer r-matrix r-matrixmodels r-sparsem))
+ (list r-matrix r-matrixmodels r-sparsem))
(home-page "https://www.r-project.org")
(synopsis "Quantile regression")
@@ -5521,20 +5532,21 @@ expected shortfall risk are also included.")
(define-public r-nloptr
(name "r-nloptr")
- (version "")
+ (version "2.0.0")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "nloptr" version))
- "1zznk9f2w2g02zqzay21k8xqzfvc6icxfzp6bx2wpd77sm7vf25g"))))
+ "16k124ll14p3ygny6i1zd7yza83bv2sk87x922n1bfn9rx4k3jk5"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-knitr ; for building vignettes
pkg-config gfortran))
(list nlopt))
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-testthat))
(home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nloptr")
(synopsis "R interface to NLopt")
@@ -5548,14 +5560,14 @@ algorithms.")
(define-public r-lme4
(name "r-lme4")
- (version "1.1-27.1")
+ (version "1.1-28")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "lme4" version))
- "1i9f8kl2qj48j75dbn1vmwxz1xlbikdr7v2yq542w6dq74z8gyi5"))))
+ "03nw76bfyas6cdm9chyxqm5ks6r0qklf2fdy7h4pqrqss325x1fi"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-boot
@@ -5756,14 +5768,14 @@ first and second order derivatives.")
(define-public r-sn
(name "r-sn")
- (version "2.0.1")
+ (version "2.0.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (cran-uri "sn" version))
- "1z58kwvq8igjm3biyyjdlhs2qq8hfjq5d9x0lzy80yk5hw08kcw6"))))
+ "140p1pl5sq0laxhcm16kbqm986hlhqj90gj3jccga491gh14jywm"))))
(build-system r-build-system)
(list r-mnormt r-numderiv r-quantreg))
@@ -6072,6 +6084,130 @@ table made by the command @code{show256Colors()}. You can also set the colors
to any arbitrary string. In this case, it is up to you to set valid values.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public r-nnlm
+ (let ((commit "4574bca9456fe2285b668b4c22a908cffbad10a0")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "r-nnlm")
+ (version (git-version "0.4.4" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/linxihui/NNLM")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1qzvav4ch0j1k7jcqzk9cvl8dx79fapmvdzmzzyl8smscybhfgba"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "NNLM")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-rcpp r-rcpparmadillo r-rcppprogress))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/linxihui/NNLM")
+ (synopsis "Fast and versatile non-negative matrix factorization")
+ (description
+ "This is a package for @dfn{Non-Negative Linear Models} (NNLM). It
+implements fast sequential coordinate descent algorithms for non-negative
+linear regression and @dfn{non-negative matrix factorization} (NMF). It
+supports mean square error and Kullback-Leibler divergence loss. Many other
+features are also implemented, including missing value imputation, domain
+knowledge integration, designable W and H matrices and multiple forms of
+ (license license:bsd-2))))
+(define-public r-swne
+ (let ((commit "05fc3ee4e09b2c34d99c69d3b97cece4c1c34143")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "r-swne")
+ (version (git-version "0.6.20" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/yanwu2014/swne")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0crlpg9kclbv4v8250p3086a3lk6f2hcq79psqkdylc1qnrx3kfx"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "swne")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-fnn
+ r-ggplot2
+ r-ggrepel
+ r-hash
+ r-ica
+ r-igraph
+ r-irlba
+ r-jsonlite
+ r-liger
+ r-mass
+ r-matrix
+ r-mgcv
+ r-nnlm ;not listed but required at install time
+ r-plyr
+ r-proxy
+ r-rcolorbrewer
+ r-rcpp
+ r-rcpparmadillo
+ r-rcppeigen
+ r-reshape
+ r-reshape2
+ r-snow
+ r-umap
+ r-usedist))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/yanwu2014/swne")
+ (synopsis "Visualize high dimensional datasets")
+ (description
+ "@dfn{Similarity Weighted Nonnegative Embedding} (SWNE) is a method for
+visualizing high dimensional datasets. SWNE uses Nonnegative Matrix
+Factorization to decompose datasets into latent factors, projects those
+factors onto 2 dimensions, and embeds samples and key features in 2 dimensions
+relative to the factors. SWNE can capture both the local and global dataset
+structure, and allows relevant features to be embedded directly onto the
+visualization, facilitating interpretation of the data.")
+ (license license:gpl2))))
+(define-public r-languageserver
+ (let ((commit "004da9388f9b19990f031c8dc9b527fb406378ba")
+ (revision "1"))
+ (package
+ (name "r-languageserver")
+ (version (git-version "0.3.12" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/REditorSupport/languageserver")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "05f22bjpc87fngzq4jsk2q2yb2i3ha03b377r0wx15d0b8xaa1ix"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "languageserver")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-callr
+ r-collections
+ r-fs
+ r-jsonlite
+ r-lintr
+ r-r6
+ r-roxygen2
+ r-stringi
+ r-styler
+ r-xml2
+ r-xmlparsedata))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/REditorSupport/languageserver")
+ (synopsis "Language Server for R")
+ (description
+ "This package provides an implementation of the Language Server
+Protocol for R. The
+@url{https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/,Language Server
+protocol} is used by an editor client to integrate features like auto
+ (license license:expat))))
(define-public python-rpy2
(name "python-rpy2")
@@ -6851,3 +6987,109 @@ is used to allow menus, dialogs, and the response to mouse actions to be
(home-page "http://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~luke/xls/xlsinfo/")
(license license:expat))))
+(define-public r-rlrsim
+ (package
+ (name "r-rlrsim")
+ (version "3.1-6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "RLRsim" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1wkkibr250frsbfq70m9jdrylxb492zibf5w03z6zis98pjffssp"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "RLRsim")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs (list r-lme4 r-mgcv r-nlme r-rcpp))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/fabian-s/RLRsim")
+ (synopsis
+ "Exact (Restricted) Likelihood Ratio Tests for Mixed and Additive Models")
+ (description
+ "Rapid, simulation-based exact (restricted) likelihood ratio tests for testing
+the presence of variance components/nonparametric terms for models fit with
+@code{nlme::lme()}, @code{lme4::lmer()}, @code{lmeTest::lmer()},
+@code{gamm4::gamm4()}, @code{mgcv::gamm()} and @code{SemiPar::spm()}.")
+ (license (list license:gpl2+ license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public r-binom
+ (package
+ (name "r-binom")
+ (version "1.1-1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "binom" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0mjj92dqf5q69jxzqya4izb1mly3mkydbnmlm4wb3zqqg82a324c"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "binom")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (home-page "https://cran.r-project.org/package=binom")
+ (synopsis "Binomial Confidence Intervals For Several Parameterizations")
+ (description
+ "Constructs confidence intervals on the probability of success in a binomial
+experiment via several parameterizations")
+ (license (list license:gpl2+ license:gpl3+))))
+(define-public r-simr
+ (package
+ (name "r-simr")
+ (version "1.0.6")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (cran-uri "simr" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1q8ip54c5pc7pjf8127jpk56nr3f8rmwqdcrr84faj4lfbr27wqb"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "simr")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-binom
+ r-car
+ r-iterators
+ r-lme4
+ r-lmertest
+ r-pbkrtest
+ r-plotrix
+ r-plyr
+ r-rlrsim
+ r-stringr))
+ (native-inputs (list r-knitr))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/pitakakariki/simr")
+ (synopsis
+ "Power analysis for generalized linear mixed models by simulation")
+ (description
+ "This package lets you calculate power for generalized linear mixed
+models, using simulation. It was designed to work with models fit using the
+@code{lme4} package. The package is described in
+@url{doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12504, Green and MacLeod (2016)}.")
+ (license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public r-mixedpower
+ (package
+ (name "r-mixedpower")
+ (version "2.0")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ ;; Not available on CRAN.
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/DejanDraschkow/mixedpower")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "1dy1i8lijbq59xl7482j17a0r4rsdy61smzddk8jsr8nygp2gqy8"))))
+ (properties `((upstream-name . "mixedpower")))
+ (build-system r-build-system)
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list r-doparallel r-foreach r-ggplot2 r-lme4 r-reshape2))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/DejanDraschkow/mixedpower")
+ (synopsis
+ "Pilotdata based simulations for estimating power in linear mixed models")
+ (description
+ "Implementation of a simulation based aproach to power analysis. Mixedpower uses
+lotdata and a linear mixed model fitted with lme4 to simulate new data sets.
+wer is computed seperate for every effect in the model output as the relation
+significant simulations to all simulations. More conservative simulations as
+protection against a bias in the pilotdata are available aswell as methods for
+otting the results.")
+ (license license:gpl3)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/stenography.scm b/gnu/packages/stenography.scm
index 969395cbcf..3b86ab6bcf 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/stenography.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/stenography.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2020 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
(define-public plover
(name "plover")
- (version "4.0.0.dev8")
+ (version "4.0.0.dev10")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -42,10 +43,10 @@
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1b2ys77bkjsdmyg97i7lq3lj45q56bycvsm06d4rs656kxhvc0a3"))))
+ (base32 "1nyllqv4jq4idgn4cp5mypransw3rh3x8c1h9p6ld1anfr3zx7m0"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (list python-mock python-pytest python-setuptools-scm))
+ (list python-pytest))
(list python-appdirs
@@ -53,7 +54,6 @@
- python-wxpython
(home-page "https://www.openstenoproject.org/plover/")
(synopsis "Stenography engine")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/suckless.scm b/gnu/packages/suckless.scm
index cfeb17e533..5aa37657b9 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/suckless.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/suckless.scm
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Raghav Gururajan <rg@raghavgururajan.name>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton <brown121407@posteo.ro>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Nikolay Korotkiy <sikmir@disroot.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -217,13 +218,13 @@ a custom raw video format with a simple container.")
(define-public dwm
(name "dwm")
- (version "6.2")
+ (version "6.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://dl.suckless.org/dwm/dwm-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "03hirnj8saxnsfqiszwl2ds7p0avg20izv9vdqyambks00p2x44p"))))
+ (base32 "1387lg370yrg7ssi3045di3904gkchxlza7rswgvl7wva8la1nms"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f
@@ -273,14 +274,14 @@ optimising the environment for the application in use and the task performed.")
(define-public dmenu
(name "dmenu")
- (version "5.0")
+ (version "5.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://dl.suckless.org/tools/dmenu-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "1lvfxzg3chsgcqbc2vr0zic7vimijgmbvnspayx73kyvqi1f267y"))))
+ "1mcg6i5g2c4wsyq9ap739si4zghk1xg6c3msdqrbfzm3pfg70k8z"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no tests
@@ -357,14 +358,14 @@ numbers of user-defined menu items efficiently.")
(define-public st
(name "st")
- (version "0.8.4")
+ (version "0.8.5")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://dl.suckless.org/st/st-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "19j66fhckihbg30ypngvqc9bcva47mp379ch5vinasjdxgn3qbfl"))))
+ (base32 "0dxb8ksy4rcnhp5k54p7i7wwhm64ksmavf5wh90zfbyh7qh34s7a"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no tests
diff --git a/gnu/packages/sync.scm b/gnu/packages/sync.scm
index 165be17e4c..801aef3f44 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/sync.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/sync.scm
@@ -132,9 +132,7 @@
- ;; Upstream Bug: https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues/2885
((guix build glib-or-gtk-build-system)
@@ -199,7 +197,6 @@
- qtwebkit
@@ -362,58 +359,6 @@ synchronize to the same server and any change to the files on one computer will
silently and reliably flow across to every other.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
-(define-public qsyncthingtray
- (package
- (name "qsyncthingtray")
- (version "0.5.8")
- (source
- (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/sieren/QSyncthingTray")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1n9g4j7qznvg9zl6x163pi9f7wsc3x6q76i33psnm7x2v1i22x5w"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:configure-flags '("-DQST_BUILD_WEBKIT=1")
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- ;; The program is meant to be run from the git repo or source tarball.
- (replace 'install
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (bin (string-append out "/bin")))
- (install-file "QSyncthingTray" bin)
- (mkdir-p (string-append out "/share/pixmaps"))
- (copy-file "../source/resources/images/Icon1024.png"
- (string-append
- out "/share/pixmaps/QSyncthingTray.png"))
- #t))))
- #:tests? #f)) ; no test target
- (inputs
- (list qtbase-5 qtwebkit))
- (home-page "https://github.com/sieren/QSyncthingTray")
- (synopsis "Traybar Application for Syncthing")
- (description
- "A traybar application for syncthing.
-@item Shows number of connections at a glance.
-@item Traffic statistics about incoming, outgoing and total throughput.
-@item Launches Syncthing and Syncthing-iNotifier if specified.
-@item Quickly pause Syncthing with one click.
-@item Last Synced Files - Quickly see the recently synchronised files and open
-their folder.
-@item Quick Access to all shared folders.
-@item Presents Syncthing UI in a separate view instead of using the browser.
-@item Supports authenticated HTTPS connections.
-@item Uses System Notifications about current connection status.
-@item Toggle for monochrome icon.
-@end enumerate\n")
- (license license:lgpl3+)))
(define-public lsyncd
(name "lsyncd")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/syncthing.scm b/gnu/packages/syncthing.scm
index c19cc97862..107b97e547 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/syncthing.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/syncthing.scm
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@
(define-public syncthing
(name "syncthing")
- (version "1.18.6")
- ; XXX After the go-build-system can use "Go modules", stop using bundled
- ; dependencies for Syncthing.
+ (version "1.19.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing"
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@
"/syncthing-source-v" version ".tar.gz"))
- "0hlyk2nvsnf4am1vqc4zl91acf2rhpr1gy4gppk2aa5x85h9qisc"))))
+ "09silpbpciqzpr4y4ycpkxrwi9zf90xgd13844m145134cpyrigz"))))
(build-system go-build-system)
;; The primary Syncthing executable goes to "out", while the auxiliary
;; server programs and utility tools go to "utils". This reduces the size
@@ -137,6 +135,9 @@
supports a wide variety of computing platforms. It uses the Block Exchange
(home-page "https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing")
+ (properties
+ '((release-monitoring-url . "https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/releases")
+ (upstream-name . "syncthing-source")))
(license mpl2.0)))
(define-public syncthing-gtk
@@ -217,6 +218,9 @@ notification area icon for Syncthing. Supported Syncthing features:
@end itemize\n")
(license gpl2))))
+(define-public qsyncthingtray
+ (deprecated-package "qsyncthingtray" syncthing-gtk))
(define-public go-github-com-jackpal-go-nat-pmp
(name "go-github-com-jackpal-go-nat-pmp")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/syndication.scm b/gnu/packages/syndication.scm
index 421751bed2..0417737d7d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/syndication.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/syndication.scm
@@ -291,7 +291,11 @@ cards.")
(assoc-ref gnu:%standard-phases 'install)))))
;; Newsboat respects CURL_CA_BUNDLE.
- (package-native-search-paths curl))
+ (list (search-path-specification
+ (variable "CURL_CA_BUNDLE")
+ (file-type 'regular)
+ (separator #f) ;single entry
+ (files '("etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt")))))
(home-page "https://newsboat.org/")
(synopsis "Text-mode RSS and Atom feed reader with podcast support")
(description "Newsboat is a feed reader for @dfn{RSS} and @dfn{Atom}, XML
@@ -511,56 +515,6 @@ a simple interface that makes it easy to organize and browse feeds.")
formats, including all versions of RSS and Atom.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
-(define-public quiterss
- (package
- (name "quiterss")
- (version "0.19.4")
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/QuiteRSS/quiterss")
- (commit version)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1cgvl67vhn5y7bj5gbjbgk26bhb0196bgrgsp3r5fmrislarj8s6"))
- (modules '((guix build utils)))
- (snippet
- '(begin
- (substitute* (find-files "." "\\.cpp$")
- ;; Disable Google Analytics spyware by default,
- ;; removing completely is not trivial.
- (("settings\\.value\\(\"Settings/statisticsEnabled2\", true\\)")
- "settings.value(\"Settings/statisticsEnabled2\", false)")
- ;; Disable update check spyware by default, otherwise runs
- ;; at every startup, nasty. Not needed on GNU Guix as a
- ;; feature either way.
- (("settings\\.value\\(\"Settings/updateCheckEnabled\", true\\)")
- "settings.value(\"Settings/updateCheckEnabled\", false)"))
- #t))))
- (build-system qt-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:tests? #f ;; no test suite
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (invoke "qmake" "CONFIG+=release"
- (string-append "PREFIX="
- (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (string-append "QMAKE_LRELEASE="
- (assoc-ref inputs "qttools")
- "/bin/lrelease")))))))
- (native-inputs
- (list pkg-config qttools))
- (inputs
- (list qtwebkit qtbase-5 qtmultimedia phonon sqlite))
- (home-page "https://quiterss.org/")
- (synopsis "RSS/Atom news feeds reader written on Qt/C++")
- (description "QuiteRSS is an RSS/Atom news feeds reader written on Qt/C++
-that aims to be quite fast and comfortable to its user.")
- (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public gfeeds
(name "gfeeds")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/tbb.scm b/gnu/packages/tbb.scm
index e5d8394f5f..e8fbc0f97e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/tbb.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/tbb.scm
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
(define-public tbb
(name "tbb")
- (version "2021.4.0")
+ (version "2021.5.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -40,7 +40,11 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0ih727g802j9lvwkqhw021bk1wb7xlvfgd0vl1i6jng4am1wv7vq"))))
+ "1z0pqzfx63zrmyqdvvkk8vl5dc0i0n5cimdkrypd50ig4d4yi7sc"))
+ (patches (list
+ ;; Backport an upstream commit that prevents the
+ ;; "test_eh_thread" test failing on AArch64.
+ (search-patch "tbb-fix-test-on-aarch64.patch")))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
`(#:configure-flags '("-DTBB_STRICT=OFF"))) ;; Don't fail on warnings
diff --git a/gnu/packages/telegram.scm b/gnu/packages/telegram.scm
index 5b036f4767..6c5efc50b9 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/telegram.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/telegram.scm
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages assembly)
#:use-module (gnu packages audio)
#:use-module (gnu packages autotools)
- #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
#:use-module (gnu packages cmake)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
@@ -409,7 +408,6 @@ Telegram project, for its use in telegram desktop client.")
("gtk+" ,gtk+)
("hime" ,hime)
("hunspell" ,hunspell)
- ("iconv" ,libiconv)
("jemalloc" ,jemalloc)
("kwayland" ,kwayland)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/telephony.scm b/gnu/packages/telephony.scm
index b4b2585935..e3071d9b75 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/telephony.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/telephony.scm
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
#:use-module (gnu packages crypto)
#:use-module (gnu packages databases)
#:use-module (gnu packages docbook)
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
@@ -536,34 +538,48 @@ address of one of the participants.")
(home-page "http://holdenc.altervista.org/seren/")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define find-python-interpreter-cmake-modules
+ (let ((commit "bb4d3ea8434eebef40df35434a9b6ef410fce0b2")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Krzmbrzl/FindPythonInterpreter")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name "find-python-interpreter"
+ (git-version "0" revision commit)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ryhda2yqgrhnwndfg52mscdsclg1ivv746hvalcay5m1wy2h5bm")))))
(define-public mumble
(name "mumble")
- (version "1.3.4")
+ (version "1.4.230")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
- "https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/releases/download/"
+ "https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/releases/download/v"
version "/" name "-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "14v0rgy1a5alxmz7ly95y38bdj0hx79yysgkcd8r8p9qqfzlwpv1"))
+ "1c1lwj0cpyawr74adpdrsnxk8ra5kqrjbg65cnwk8n6cwss84zdn"))
(modules '((guix build utils)
(ice-9 ftw)
(srfi srfi-1)))
(let ((keep
- '("arc4random-src"
+ '("arc4random"
- "qqbonjour-src"
+ "qqbonjour"
- "smallft-src")))
+ "smallft")))
(with-directory-excursion "3rdparty"
(for-each delete-file-recursively
(lset-difference string=?
@@ -572,105 +588,70 @@ address of one of the participants.")
(build-system qt-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ; no "check" target
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (replace 'configure
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (invoke "qmake" "main.pro" "QMAKE_LRELEASE=lrelease"
- (string-append "MUMBLE_PYTHON="
- (search-input-file inputs
- "/bin/python3"))
- (string-append "CONFIG+="
- (string-join
- ;; Options used are listed in the same order
- ;; as in the "INSTALL" file
- ;; (plus the final "packaged" and "release").
- (list "no-bundled-speex" ; in speex
- "no-bundled-opus" ; in opus
- "no-g15" ; not packaged
- "no-jackaudio" ; use pulse
- "no-oss" ; use pulse
- "no-alsa" ; use pulse
- "no-update"
- "no-embed-qt-translations"
- "no-ice" ; not packaged
- "packaged"
- "release")))
- (string-append "DEFINES+="
- (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/lib/mumble"))))
- (add-before 'configure 'fix-libspeechd-include
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/mumble/TextToSpeech_unix.cpp"
- (("libspeechd.h") "speech-dispatcher/libspeechd.h"))
- #t))
- ;; disable statistic gathering by default. see <https://bugs.gnu.org/25201>
- (add-before 'configure 'fix-statistic-gathering-default
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "src/mumble/Settings.cpp"
- (("bUsage = true;") "bUsage = false;"))
- #t))
- (add-before 'configure 'fix-mumble-overlay
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list "-Dbundled-speex=off"
+ "-Dbundled-opus=off"
+ ;; "-Dbundled-rnnoise=off" ; XXX: not yet in release
+ "-Dalsa=off" ; use pulse
+ "-Dcoreaudio=off" ; use pulse
+ "-Dice=off" ; not packaged
+ "-Djackaudio=off" ; use pulse
+ "-Doss=off" ; use pulse
+ "-Dpulseaudio=on"
+ "-Dportaudio=off" ; use pulse
+ "-Dpipewire=off" ; use pulse
+ "-Doverlay-xcompile=off"
+ "-Dupdate=off" ; don't phone home
+ "-Dtests=on"
+ "-Dbundle-qt-translations=off")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'unpack-submodules
+ (lambda _
+ (copy-recursively #$find-python-interpreter-cmake-modules
+ "3rdparty/FindPythonInterpreter")))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'disable-murmur-ice
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "scripts/murmur.ini"
+ (("^ice=") ";ice="))))
+ ;; disable statistic gathering by default. see <https://bugs.gnu.org/25201>
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-statistic-gathering-default
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "src/mumble/Settings.h"
+ (("bUsage *= true;") "bUsage = false;"))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'fix-mumble-overlay
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(with-output-to-file "scripts/mumble-overlay"
(lambda ()
- (format #t "#!~a~%" (which "bash"))
+ (format #t "#!~a~%" (search-input-file inputs "/bin/bash"))
(format #t "export LD_PRELOAD=\"~a $LD_PRELOAD\"~%"
(string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/lib/mumble/libmumble.so.1"))
- (format #t "exec \"${@}\"")))
- #t))
- (add-before 'install 'disable-murmur-ice
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "scripts/murmur.ini.system"
- (("^ice=") ";ice="))
- #t))
- (replace 'install ; install phase does not exist
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (etc (string-append out "/etc/murmur"))
- (dbus (string-append out "/etc/dbus-1/system.d/"))
- (bin (string-append out "/bin"))
- (services (string-append out "/share/services"))
- (applications (string-append out "/share/applications"))
- (icons (string-append out "/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps"))
- (man (string-append out "/share/man/man1"))
- (lib (string-append out "/lib/mumble")))
- (install-file "release/mumble" bin)
- (install-file "scripts/mumble-overlay" bin)
- (install-file "scripts/mumble.protocol" services)
- (install-file "scripts/mumble.desktop" applications)
- (install-file "icons/mumble.svg" icons)
- (install-file "man/mumble-overlay.1" man)
- (install-file "man/mumble.1" man)
- (install-file "release/murmurd" bin)
- (install-file "scripts/murmur.ini.system" etc)
- (rename-file (string-append etc "/murmur.ini.system")
- (string-append etc "/murmur.ini"))
- (install-file "scripts/murmur.conf" dbus)
- (install-file "man/murmurd.1" man)
- (for-each (lambda (file) (install-file file lib))
- (find-files "." "\\.so\\."))
- (for-each (lambda (file) (install-file file lib))
- (find-files "release/plugins" "\\.so$"))
- #t))))))
+ "/lib/mumble/libmumbleoverlay.so"))
+ (format #t "exec \"${@}\"")))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'hardcode-pulseaudio
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "src/mumble/PulseAudio.cpp"
+ (("libpulse.so") (search-input-file inputs "/lib/libpulse.so"))))))))
(list avahi
+ glib ; for speech-dispatcher
mesa ; avoid bundled
opus ; avoid bundled
+ poco
speex ; avoid bundled
- speexdsp)) ; avoid bundled
+ speexdsp ; avoid bundled
+ ;; xiph-rnnoise ; TODO: unbundle rnnoise
+ ))
(list pkg-config python qttools))
(synopsis "Low-latency, high quality voice chat software")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/terminals.scm b/gnu/packages/terminals.scm
index 88923d5058..eb81b5424e 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/terminals.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/terminals.scm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Solene Rapenne <solene@perso.pw>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Felipe Balbi <balbi@kernel.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -836,7 +837,7 @@ eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.")
(define-public foot
(name "foot")
- (version "1.10.3")
+ (version "1.11.0")
(home-page "https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -844,7 +845,7 @@ eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "13v6xqaw3xn1x84dn4gnkiimcsllb19mrbvcdj2fnm8klnrys3gs"))))
+ "1d9bk8lhmw5lc8k0mw80g0vbwgxyh3gw5c7ppy3sir07s9y0y0fn"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
`(;; Using a "release" build is recommended both for performance, and
@@ -1366,7 +1367,7 @@ made by suckless.")
(define-public tio
(name "tio")
- (version "1.32")
+ (version "1.35")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -1374,8 +1375,8 @@ made by suckless.")
version "/tio-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "0i5fhi4xdk4yznj8wahniizddmx6wlcnnhda1dw9djyajilyvxd8"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (base32 "02cx3hjk2rv2dmds2xi17ymi93k6zybapa33ydyfkx3mfvgfq28k"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
(home-page "https://tio.github.io/")
(synopsis "Simple TTY terminal I/O application")
(description "tio is a simple TTY terminal application which features a
diff --git a/gnu/packages/tex.scm b/gnu/packages/tex.scm
index e419917a80..1c8c1f61a8 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/tex.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/tex.scm
@@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ files from LOCATIONS with expected checksum HASH. CODE is not currently in use.
- ;; LuaJIT is not ported to powerpc64le* yet.
- ,@(if (string-prefix? "powerpc64le" (or (%current-target-system)
- (%current-system)))
- '("--disable-luajittex"
- "--disable-luajithbtex"
- "--disable-mfluajit")
- '()))
+ ;; LuaJIT is not ported to some architectures yet.
+ ,@(if (or (target-ppc64le?)
+ (target-riscv64?))
+ '("--disable-luajittex"
+ "--disable-luajithbtex"
+ "--disable-mfluajit")
+ '()))
;; Disable tests on some architectures to cope with a failure of
;; luajiterr.test.
@@ -381,7 +381,8 @@ files from LOCATIONS with expected checksum HASH. CODE is not currently in use.
(substitute* "texk/web2c/omegafonts/check.test"
(("^\\./omfonts -ofm2opl \\$srcdir/tests/check tests/xcheck \\|\\| exit 1")
"./omfonts -ofm2opl $srcdir/tests/check tests/xcheck || exit 77"))))
- ,@(if (target-ppc32?)
+ ,@(if (or (target-ppc32?)
+ (target-riscv64?))
;; Some mendex tests fail on some architectures.
`((add-after 'unpack 'skip-mendex-tests
(lambda _
@@ -435,6 +436,18 @@ files from LOCATIONS with expected checksum HASH. CODE is not currently in use.
(lambda _
(substitute* "texk/kpathsea/config.h"
(("#define ST_NLINK_TRICK") ""))))
+ ,@(if (target-arm32?)
+ `((add-after 'unpack 'skip-faulty-test
+ (lambda _
+ ;; Skip this faulty test on armhf-linux:
+ ;; https://issues.guix.gnu.org/54055
+ (substitute* '("texk/mendexk/tests/mendex.test"
+ "texk/upmendex/tests/upmendex.test")
+ (("^TEXMFCNF=" all)
+ (string-append "exit 77 # skip\n" all))))))
+ '())
(add-after 'check 'customize-texmf.cnf
;; The default texmf.cnf is provided by this package, texlive-bin.
;; Every variable of interest is set relatively to the GUIX_TEXMF
@@ -1430,11 +1443,12 @@ details can be found in the documentation.")
+ "/fonts/tfm/public/amsfonts/"
- "15q70nkjf8wqzbd5ivcdx3i2sdgqxjb38q0qn9a2qw9i0qcnx6zw"))))
+ "1rpl87643q8v6gcqsz68mjha8wac6cqx7mr16ds8f0ccbw7a4w9b"))))
(inherit template)
@@ -1443,135 +1457,17 @@ details can be found in the documentation.")
'(list "amsfonts.ins"))
((#:tex-directory _ #t)
- ((#:modules modules '())
- `((guix build texlive-build-system)
- (guix build utils)
- (ice-9 match)
- (srfi srfi-1)
- (srfi srfi-26)))
((#:phases phases)
`(modify-phases ,phases
- (add-before 'build 'build-fonts
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Allow self fonts sources and other resources to be
- ;; discovered.
- (setenv "GUIX_TEXMF" (string-append (getenv "GUIX_TEXMF")
- ":" (getcwd)))
- (let ((build "/tmp/build-fonts"))
- (mkdir-p build)
- (with-directory-excursion "fonts/source/public/amsfonts"
- (for-each (lambda (font)
- (format #t "building font ~a\n" (basename font ".mf"))
- (with-directory-excursion (dirname font)
- (let ((outdir (string-append build "/" (dirname font))))
- (mkdir-p outdir)
- (invoke "mf" "-progname=mf"
- (string-append "-output-directory=" outdir)
- (string-append "\\"
- "mode:=ljfour; "
- "mag:=1; "
- "nonstopmode; "
- "input "
- (getcwd) "/"
- (basename font ".mf"))))))
- (find-files "." "([0-9]+|dummy)\\.mf$"))))
- ;; There are no metafont sources for the Euler fonts, so we
- ;; convert the afm files instead.
- (let ((build "/tmp/build-fonts"))
- (mkdir-p build)
- (with-directory-excursion "fonts/afm/public/amsfonts/"
- ;; These files have bogus values for the Descender field,
- ;; so we can't process them.
- (substitute* (find-files "." "eus(b|m).*\\.afm$")
- (("^Descender -2147483648") ""))
- (for-each (lambda (font)
- (let ((directory (string-append build "/" (dirname font))))
- (mkdir-p directory)
- (format #t "converting afm font ~a\n" (basename font ".afm"))
- (invoke "afm2tfm" font
- (string-append directory "/"
- (basename font ".afm")
- ".tfm"))))
- (find-files "." "\\.afm$")))
- ;; Frustratingly, not all fonts can be created this way. To
- ;; generate eufm8.tfm, for example, we first scale down
- ;; eufm10.afm to eufm8.pl, and then generate the tfm file from
- ;; the pl file.
- (setenv "TEXINPUTS"
- (string-append ":" build "//:"
- (getcwd) "/fonts/afm/public/amsfonts//:"
- (getcwd) "/source/latex/amsfonts//:"))
- (with-directory-excursion (string-append build "/euler")
- (for-each (match-lambda
- (((target-base target-size)
- (source-base source-size))
- (let ((factor (number->string
- (truncate/ (* 1000 target-size)
- source-size))))
- (invoke "tex"
- "-interaction=scrollmode"
- (string-append "\\input fontinst.sty "
- "\\transformfont{" target-base "}"
- "{\\scalefont{" factor "}"
- "{\\fromafm{" source-base "}}} "
- "\\bye")))
- (invoke "pltotf"
- (string-append target-base ".pl")
- (string-append target-base ".tfm"))
- (delete-file (string-append target-base ".pl"))))
- '((("eufb6" 6) ("eufb7" 7))
- (("eufb8" 8) ("eufb10" 10))
- (("eufb9" 9) ("eufb10" 10))
- (("eufm6" 6) ("eufm7" 7))
- (("eufm8" 8) ("eufm10" 10))
- (("eufm9" 9) ("eufm10" 10))
- (("eurb6" 6) ("eurb7" 7))
- (("eurb8" 8) ("eurb10" 10))
- (("eurb9" 9) ("eurb10" 10))
- (("eurm6" 6) ("eurm7" 7))
- (("eurm8" 8) ("eurm10" 10))
- (("eurm9" 9) ("eurm10" 10))
- (("eusb6" 6) ("eusb7" 7))
- (("eusb8" 8) ("eusb10" 10))
- (("eusb9" 9) ("eusb10" 10))
- (("eusm6" 6) ("eusm7" 7))
- (("eusm8" 8) ("eusm10" 10))
- (("eusm9" 9) ("eusm10" 10))))))))
- (add-after 'install 'install-generated-fonts
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (copy-recursively "/tmp/build-fonts"
- (string-append
- (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/amsfonts"))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "source/latex/amsfonts")))
+ (add-before 'copy-files 'unchdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "../../..")))
(add-after 'copy-files 'remove-extra-files
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((prefix (string-append
- (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/fonts/")))
- (for-each delete-file
- (find-files (string-append prefix
- "tfm/public/amsfonts/")
- "\\.(mtx|pl|log|600gf)"))
- (for-each delete-file-recursively
- (list (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/build/")
- (string-append prefix
- "tfm/public/amsfonts/cm/")
- (string-append prefix
- "tfm/public/amsfonts/latxfont/"))))))))))
- (native-inputs
- (list (texlive-updmap.cfg (list texlive-fontinst))))
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source/latex/amsfonts/build/"))))))))
(home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/amsfonts")
(synopsis "TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society")
@@ -1685,6 +1581,26 @@ described in the TeXbook, together with various supporting files (some also
discussed in the book).")
(license license:knuth)))
+(define-public texlive-hardwrap
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-hardwrap"
+ (list "doc/latex/hardwrap/"
+ "tex/latex/hardwrap/"
+ "source/latex/hardwrap/")
+ (base32
+ "0ql3xml1ccll44q945n7w72p6d51y5wcrkawi7cg621gy5d6wzx5")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/hardwrap")
+ (synopsis "Hard wrap text to a certain character length")
+ (description
+ "The package facilitates wrapping text to a specific character width, breaking
+lines by words rather than, as done by TeX, by characters. The primary use for
+these facilities is to aid the generation of messages sent to the log file or
+console output to display messages to the user. Package authors may also find
+this useful when writing out arbitary text to an external file.")
+ (license license:lppl1.3+)))
(define-public texlive-helvetic
(inherit (simple-texlive-package
@@ -2755,6 +2671,25 @@ patterns supporting a number of Cyrillic font encodings, including T2,
UCY (Omega Unicode Cyrillic), LCY, LWN (OT2), and koi8-r.")
(license license:lppl))))
+(define-public texlive-inputenx
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-inputenx"
+ (list "doc/latex/inputenx/"
+ "tex/latex/inputenx/"
+ "source/latex/inputenx/")
+ (base32
+ "0snjndrcynm4w8m9iq8gmadzhrbwvsdy4y1ak24ia0hpsicdi4aj")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/inputenx")
+ (synopsis "Enhanced input encoding handling")
+ (description
+ "This package deals with input encodings. It provides a wider range of input
+encodings using standard mappings, than does inputenc; it also covers nearly all
+slots. In this way, it serves as more uptodate replacement for package
+ (license license:lppl1.3+)))
(define-public texlive-kpathsea
(let ((template (simple-texlive-package
@@ -2816,6 +2751,35 @@ feature required for movable installations, layered on top of a general search
mechanism. This package provides supporting files.")
(license license:lgpl3+))))
+(define-public texlive-kpfonts
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-kpfonts"
+ (list "doc/fonts/kpfonts/"
+ "fonts/enc/dvips/kpfonts/"
+ "fonts/map/dvips/kpfonts/"
+ "fonts/tfm/public/kpfonts/"
+ "fonts/type1/public/kpfonts/"
+ "fonts/vf/public/kpfonts/"
+ "source/fonts/kpfonts/"
+ "tex/latex/kpfonts/")
+ (base32 "0inai1p9bbjd5x790nsamakjaj0imvwv21mp9f98dwvdlj58vkqb")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/fonts/kpfonts")
+ (synopsis "Complete set of fonts for text and mathematics")
+ (description
+ "The family contains text fonts in roman, sans-serif and monospaced
+shapes, with true small caps and old-style numbers; the package offers full
+support of the textcomp package. The mathematics fonts include all the AMS
+fonts, in both normal and bold weights. Each of the font types is available
+in two main versions: default and light. Each version is available in four
+variants: default; oldstyle numbers; oldstyle numbers with old ligatures such
+as ct and st, and long-tailed capital Q; and veryoldstyle with long s. Other
+variants include small caps as default or large small caps, and for
+mathematics both upright and slanted shapes for Greek letters, as well as
+default and narrow versions of multiple integrals.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public texlive-latexconfig
(inherit (simple-texlive-package
@@ -2912,9 +2876,10 @@ formats.")
"platex-dev eptex" "uplatex-dev euptex"
"csplain pdftex" "mf mf-nowin" "mex pdftex" "pdfmex pdftex"
"luacsplain luatex" "optex luatex"
- ;; LuaJIT is not ported to powerpc64le* yet and
+ ;; LuaJIT is not ported to powerpc64le* or riscv64 yet and
;; building these fail on powerpc.
- ,@(if (target-powerpc?)
+ ,@(if (or (target-powerpc?)
+ (target-riscv64?))
'("luajittex" "luajithbtex" "mfluajit") '())
"cont-en xetex" "cont-en pdftex" "pdfcsplain xetex"
"pdfcsplain pdftex" "pdfcsplain luatex" "cslatex pdftex"
@@ -3322,6 +3287,23 @@ keyval, and lscape.")
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-graphics texlive-graphics)
+(define-public texlive-greek-fontenc
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-greek-fontenc"
+ (list "doc/latex/greek-fontenc/"
+ "tex/latex/greek-fontenc/"
+ "source/latex/greek-fontenc/")
+ (base32
+ "1ncsvj5mlnkgllrvqdnbkv0qwpv2y7jkq3x2wdmm7d3daqq0ka5h")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/language/greek/greek-fontenc")
+ (synopsis "LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek")
+ (description
+ "The package provides Greek LICR macro definitions and encoding definition files
+for Greek text font encodings for use with fontenc.")
+ (license license:lppl1.3+)))
(define-public texlive-hycolor
(let ((template (simple-texlive-package
@@ -4140,6 +4122,8 @@ loading fonts by their proper names instead of file names.")
+ ;; This package misses important files
+ (replacement texlive-amsmath)
(build-system texlive-build-system)
(arguments '(#:tex-directory "latex/amsmath"))
(home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/amsmath")
@@ -4158,6 +4142,51 @@ mathematics, and @code{ntheoremntheorem}, for specifying theorem (and similar)
(license license:lppl1.3c+)))
+(define-public texlive-amsmath
+ (let ((template (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-amsmath"
+ (list "/doc/latex/amsmath/"
+ "/source/latex/amsmath/"
+ ;; These two files are not generated from any of the
+ ;; dtx/ins files.
+ "/tex/latex/amsmath/amsmath-2018-12-01.sty"
+ "/tex/latex/amsmath/amstex.sty")
+ (base32
+ "0gmdzhgr0h57xhsl61c5jsp4fj4pbmdr8p6k96am5jbyrbbx121q"))))
+ (package
+ (inherit template)
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ #t)
+ "latex/amsmath")
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "source/latex/amsmath/")))
+ (add-before 'copy-files 'unchdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "../../..")))
+ (add-after 'copy-files 'delete-extra-files
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source/latex/amsmath/build"))))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/amsmath")
+ (synopsis "AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX")
+ (description
+ "This is the principal package in the AMS-LaTeX distribution. It adapts
+for use in LaTeX most of the mathematical features found in AMS-TeX; it is
+highly recommended as an adjunct to serious mathematical typesetting in LaTeX.
+When amsmath is loaded, AMS-LaTeX packages @code{amsbsyamsbsy} (for bold
+symbols), @code{amsopnamsopn} (for operator names) and
+@code{amstextamstext} (for text embedded in mathematics) are also loaded.
+This package is part of the LaTeX required distribution; however, several
+contributed packages add still further to its appeal; examples are
+@code{empheqempheq}, which provides functions for decorating and highlighting
+mathematics, and @code{ntheoremntheorem}, for specifying theorem (and similar)
+ (license license:lppl1.3c+))))
(define-public texlive-amscls
(let ((template (simple-texlive-package
@@ -4198,6 +4227,8 @@ distribution.")
(inherit template)
+ ;; TODO: This package is missing files.
+ (replacement texlive-babel/fixed)
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
((#:tex-directory _ #t)
@@ -4235,6 +4266,29 @@ what has to be done for each language. Users of XeTeX are advised to use the
polyglossia package rather than Babel.")
(license license:lppl1.3+))))
+(define-public texlive-babel/fixed
+ (package
+ (inherit texlive-babel)
+ (name "texlive-babel-fixed")
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments texlive-babel)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-before 'copy-files 'unchdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "../../..")))
+ (add-after 'copy-files 'delete-extra-files
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source/latex/babel/build"))
+ (delete-file
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/bbind.ist"))
+ (delete-file
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/babel/bbglo.ist"))))))))))
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-babel texlive-babel)
(define-public texlive-generic-babel-english
@@ -4259,25 +4313,46 @@ for British English and Australian text, and default (\"american\") patterns
for Canadian and USA text.")
(license license:lppl1.3+)))
-(define-public texlive-generic-babel-french
- (package
- (name "texlive-generic-babel-french")
- (version (number->string %texlive-revision))
- (source
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (texlive-ref "generic" "babel-french"))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "0ww8bkbccacdyp2y3p2m1y49zxx5pyh7dyyyyfmlzfm6w9rz0g1g"))))
- (build-system texlive-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:tex-directory "generic/babel-french"))
- (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/babel-french")
- (synopsis "Babel support for French")
- (description
- "This package provides support for the French language for the
-babel multilingual system.")
- (license license:lppl1.3+)))
+(define-public texlive-babel-french
+ (let ((template
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-babel-french"
+ (list "doc/generic/babel-french/"
+ "source/generic/babel-french/"
+ "tex/generic/babel-french/")
+ (base32 "0cgn4dq5wnlfh9wddjzxsf7p56pk29lyndg56zg6558y7xf67cw8"))))
+ (package
+ (inherit template)
+ (outputs '("out" "doc"))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ '())
+ "generic/babel-french")
+ ((#:build-targets _ '())
+ ;; TODO: use dtx and build documentation.
+ '(list "frenchb.ins"))
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "source/generic/babel-french")))
+ (replace 'copy-files
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((origin (assoc-ref inputs "source"))
+ (source (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source"))
+ (doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/doc")))
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/source") source)
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/doc") doc))))))))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/french")
+ (synopsis "Babel contributed support for French")
+ (description
+ "The package, formerly known as frenchb, establishes French conventions
+in a document (or a subset of the conventions, if French is not the main
+language of the document).")
+ (license license:lppl1.3+))))
+(define-deprecated-package texlive-generic-babel-french texlive-babel-french)
(define-public texlive-generic-babel-german
@@ -4448,6 +4523,8 @@ language that is written in a Cyrillic alphabet.")
(inherit template)
+ ;; TODO: This package is missing files.
+ (replacement texlive-psnfss/fixed)
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
((#:tex-directory _ #t)
@@ -4475,6 +4552,23 @@ means to select single glyphs from symbol fonts. The bundle as a whole is
part of the LaTeX required set of packages.")
(license license:lppl1.2+))))
+(define-public texlive-psnfss/fixed
+ (package
+ (inherit texlive-psnfss)
+ (name "texlive-psnfss-fixed")
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments texlive-psnfss)
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-before 'copy-files 'unchdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "../../..")))
+ (add-after 'copy-files 'delete-extra-files
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source/latex/psnfss/build"))))))))))
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-psnfss texlive-psnfss)
;; For user profiles
@@ -4524,6 +4618,18 @@ It includes little more than the required set of LaTeX packages.")
+(define-public texlive-default-updmap.cfg
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://tug.org/svn/texlive/tags/"
+ %texlive-tag "/Master/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg"
+ "?revision=" (number->string %texlive-revision)))
+ (file-name (string-append "updmap.cfg-"
+ (number->string %texlive-revision)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0zhpyld702im6352fwp41f2hgfkpj2b4j1kfsjqbkijlcmvb6w2c"))))
;;; TODO: Add a TeX Live profile hook computing fonts maps (and others?)
;;; configuration from the packages in the profile, similar to what's done
;;; below.
@@ -5251,37 +5357,76 @@ both); or to remove surrounding spaces within a macro definition, or to define
space-stripped macros.")
(license license:lppl)))
-(define-public texlive-latex-capt-of
+(define-public texlive-calrsfs
- (name "texlive-latex-capt-of")
- (version (number->string %texlive-revision))
- (source (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "svn://www.tug.org/texlive/tags/"
- %texlive-tag "/Master/texmf-dist/"
- "/tex/latex/capt-of"))
- (revision %texlive-revision)))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1y2s50f6lz0jx2748lj3iy56hrpcczgnbzmvphxv7aqndyyamd4x"))))
- (build-system trivial-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:modules ((guix build utils))
- #:builder
- (begin
- (use-modules (guix build utils))
- (let ((target (string-append (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/capt-of")))
- (mkdir-p target)
- (copy-recursively (assoc-ref %build-inputs "source") target)
- #t))))
- (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/capt-of")
- (synopsis "Captions on more than floats")
- (description
- "This package defines a command @code{\\captionof} for putting a caption
+ (inherit
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-calrsfs"
+ (list "doc/latex/calrsfs/" "tex/latex/calrsfs/")
+ (base32 "0aqa0k0zzzicx5nynd29i9pdb7a4j6fvf1xwrbm4qg64pl55i6xa")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/calrsfs")
+ (synopsis "Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX")
+ (description "This package provides a math interface to the Rsfs fonts.")
+ (license license:public-domain)))
+(define-public texlive-capt-of
+ (let ((template
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-capt-of"
+ (list "doc/latex/capt-of/"
+ "source/latex/capt-of/"
+ "tex/latex/capt-of/")
+ (base32 "0bf0cdd9ca3kkqxqqkq6jalh5ybs60l80l5gfkl2whk2v4bnzfvz"))))
+ (package
+ (inherit template)
+ (outputs '("out" "doc"))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ '())
+ "latex/capt-of")
+ ((#:build-targets _ '())
+ '(list "capt-of.ins"))
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "source/latex/capt-of")))
+ (replace 'copy-files
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((origin (assoc-ref inputs "source"))
+ (source (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source"))
+ (doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/doc")))
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/source") source)
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/doc") doc))))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/capt-of")
+ (synopsis "Captions on more than floats")
+ (description
+ "This package defines a command @code{\\captionof} for putting a caption
to something that's not a float.")
+ (license license:lppl))))
+(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-capt-of texlive-capt-of)
+(define-public texlive-carlisle
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-carlisle"
+ (list "doc/latex/carlisle/"
+ "source/latex/carlisle/"
+ "tex/latex/carlisle/")
+ (base32 "139k4n8dv6pbal1mx4m8b239x3i9cw61f6digk9mxscbxwvxfngb")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/carlisle")
+ (synopsis "David Carlisle's small packages")
+ (description
+ "Many of David Carlisle's more substantial packages stand on their own,
+or as part of the LaTeX latex-tools set; this set contains: making dotless
+@emph{j} characters for fonts that don't have them; a method for combining the
+capabilities of longtable and tabularx; an environment for including plain TeX
+in LaTeX documents; a jiffy to create slashed characters for physicists.")
(license license:lppl)))
(define-public texlive-doi
@@ -5607,6 +5752,33 @@ other programs in the distribution offer online interactive use (with
hypertext linkages in some cases).")
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public texlive-textcase
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-textcase"
+ (list "doc/latex/textcase/"
+ "tex/latex/textcase/"
+ "source/latex/textcase/")
+ (base32
+ "185fibd41wd0v51gnai29ygi32snkk00p00110kcnk1bcnmpiw82")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/textcase")
+ (synopsis "Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc")
+ (description
+ "The textcase package offers commands @code{\\MakeTextUppercase} and
+@code{\\MakeTextLowercase} are similar to the standard @code{\\MakeUppercase}
+and @code{\\MakeLowercase}, but they do not change the case of any sections of
+mathematics, or the arguments of @code{\\cite}, @code{\\label} and
+@code{\\ref} commands within the argument. A further command
+@code{\\NoCaseChange} does nothing but suppress case change within its
+argument, so to force uppercase of a section including an environment, one
+might say:
+\\MakeTextUppercase{...\\NoCaseChange{\\begin{foo}} ...\\NoCaseChange{\\end{foo}}...}
+@end example\n")
+ (license license:lppl)))
(define-public texlive-latex-upquote
(name "texlive-latex-upquote")
@@ -5993,6 +6165,9 @@ styles. Support for @code{hyperref} is provided.")
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-listings texlive-listings)
+(define-public texlive-latex-listings
+ (deprecated-package "texlive-latex-listings" texlive-listings))
(define-public texlive-latex-jknapltx
(name "texlive-latex-jknapltx")
@@ -6444,32 +6619,14 @@ splines, and filled circles and ellipses. The package uses @code{tpic}
@code{\\special} commands.")
(license license:public-domain)))
-(define-public texlive-latex-enumitem
+(define-public texlive-enumitem
- (name "texlive-latex-enumitem")
- (version (number->string %texlive-revision))
- (source (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "svn://www.tug.org/texlive/tags/"
- %texlive-tag "/Master/texmf-dist/"
- "/tex/latex/enumitem"))
- (revision %texlive-revision)))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1j8svflnx9w897mdavyf1f0n256wh4bbclrhv5vx7b501gmlbp7d"))))
- (build-system trivial-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:modules ((guix build utils))
- #:builder
- (begin
- (use-modules (guix build utils))
- (let ((target (string-append (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/enumitem")))
- (mkdir-p target)
- (copy-recursively (assoc-ref %build-inputs "source") target)
- #t))))
+ (inherit
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-enumitem"
+ (list "doc/latex/enumitem/" "tex/latex/enumitem/")
+ (base32 "0qwbyjb4a82qjxrfmz06v3w5vly75id4ix4sw7lz2az68kz080dv")
+ #:trivial? #t))
(home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/enumitem")
(synopsis "Customize basic list environments")
@@ -6480,6 +6637,8 @@ in the form @code{key=value} are available, for example:
(license license:lppl1.3+)))
+(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-enumitem texlive-enumitem)
(define-public texlive-latex-multirow
(name "texlive-latex-multirow")
@@ -6631,6 +6790,8 @@ use this package to insert PostScript files, in addition to PDF files.")
(inherit template)
+ ;; TODO: This package is missing files.
+ (replacement texlive-stmaryrd/fixed)
(arguments (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
((#:tex-directory _ #t)
@@ -6657,6 +6818,25 @@ use under LaTeX; the package supports the @code{only} option (provided by the
the whole font.")
(license license:lppl))))
+(define-public texlive-stmaryrd/fixed
+ (package
+ (inherit texlive-stmaryrd)
+ (name "texlive-stmaryrd-fixed")
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments texlive-stmaryrd)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ #t)
+ "latex/stmaryrd")
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-before 'copy-files 'unchdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "../../..")))
+ (add-after 'copy-files 'delete-extra-files
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (delete-file-recursively
+ (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source/fonts/stmaryrd/build"))))))))))
(define-deprecated-package texlive-fonts-stmaryrd texlive-stmaryrd)
(define-public texlive-subfigure
@@ -6956,14 +7136,14 @@ Simple Young tableaux.
;; The t1cmr.fd file of texlive-latex-base refers to the ecrm font,
;; provided by the jknappen package collection.
- texlive-generic-ulem
texlive-graphics ;for color.sty
texlive-tools ;for array.sty
- texlive-tex-ini-files)) ;for pdftexconfig
+ texlive-tex-ini-files ;for pdftexconfig
+ texlive-ulem))
(home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/jadetex/")
(synopsis "TeX macros to produce TeX output using OpenJade")
(description "JadeTeX is a companion package to the OpenJade DSSSL
@@ -7252,6 +7432,21 @@ Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).")
get a narrower “natural” width.")
(license license:lppl)))
+(define-public texlive-varwidth
+ (package
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-varwidth"
+ (list "doc/latex/varwidth/" "tex/latex/varwidth/")
+ (base32 "0jcrv4klcjpl17ml0zyqfvkrq6qwn2imxv8syqs5m6qk0fk7hg6l")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/varwidth")
+ (synopsis "Variable-width minipage LaTeX environment")
+ (description
+ "The varwidth environment is superficially similar to minipage, but the
+specified width is just a maximum value --- the box may get a narrower natural
+ (license license:lppl)))
(define-public texlive-wasy
(inherit (simple-texlive-package
@@ -7294,33 +7489,15 @@ implements an easy to use interface for these symbols.")
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-wasysym texlive-wasysym)
-(define-public texlive-latex-wrapfig
+(define-public texlive-wrapfig
- (name "texlive-latex-wrapfig")
- (version (number->string %texlive-revision))
- (source (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "svn://www.tug.org/texlive/tags/"
- %texlive-tag "/Master/texmf-dist/"
- "/tex/latex/wrapfig"))
- (revision %texlive-revision)))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "16xpyl0csmmwndz1xhzqfg9l0zcsnqxslsixsqkwd4zsvfj30sv4"))))
- (build-system trivial-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:modules ((guix build utils))
- #:builder
- (begin
- (use-modules (guix build utils))
- (let ((target (string-append (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/wrapfig")))
- (mkdir-p target)
- (copy-recursively (assoc-ref %build-inputs "source") target)
- #t))))
- (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/wrapfig")
+ (inherit
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-wrapfig"
+ (list "doc/latex/wrapfig/" "tex/latex/wrapfig/")
+ (base32 "0wk1vp0dqsp597xzsqbwj8xk80v7d77qmpjir84n54f920rf9ka9")
+ #:trivial? #t))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/wrapfig")
(synopsis "Produces figures which text can flow around")
"This package allows figures or tables to have text wrapped around them.
@@ -7328,6 +7505,8 @@ It does not work in combination with list environments, but can be used in a
@code{parbox} or @code{minipage}, and in two-column format.")
(license license:lppl)))
+(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-wrapfig texlive-wrapfig)
(define-public texlive-latex-ucs
(name "texlive-latex-ucs")
@@ -7792,7 +7971,7 @@ PDF documents.")
(string-append "METAINFODIR=" out "/share/metainfo")
- (list poppler-qt5 qtbase-5 qtscript qtwebkit zlib))
+ (list poppler-qt5 qtbase-5 qtscript zlib))
(list pkg-config))
(home-page "http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/")
@@ -8034,23 +8213,41 @@ typeset the table of contents in multiple columns.")
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-ms texlive-ms)
-(define-public texlive-latex-numprint
- (package
- (name "texlive-latex-numprint")
- (version (number->string %texlive-revision))
- (source
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (texlive-ref "latex" "numprint"))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32 "00xyvdfvypfj2wj7wf2qrxpc34wwd0dkdv3bqvb86ydhlpn1jg76"))))
- (build-system texlive-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:tex-directory "latex/numprint"))
- (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/numprint")
- (synopsis "Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary")
- (description
- "The package numprint prints numbers with a separator every three
+(define-public texlive-numprint
+ (let ((template
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-numprint"
+ (list "doc/latex/numprint/"
+ "source/latex/numprint/"
+ "tex/latex/numprint/")
+ (base32 "1rqbqj4ffcfxxxxbs100pdslaiimwzgg19mf2qzcmm5snxwrf7zj"))))
+ (package
+ (inherit template)
+ (outputs '("out" "doc"))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ '())
+ "latex/numprint")
+ ((#:build-targets _ '())
+ '(list "numprint.ins"))
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _
+ (chdir "source/latex/numprint")))
+ (replace 'copy-files
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((origin (assoc-ref inputs "source"))
+ (source (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source"))
+ (doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/doc")))
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/source") source)
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/doc") doc))))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/numprint")
+ (synopsis "Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary")
+ (description
+ "The package numprint prints numbers with a separator every three
digits and converts numbers given as 12345.6e789 to 12\\,345,6\\cdot
10^{789}. Numbers are printed in the current mode (text or math) in
order to use the correct font.
@@ -8067,7 +8264,9 @@ Tabular alignment using the tabular, array, tabularx, and longtable
environments (similar to the dcolumn and rccol packages) is supported
using all features of numprint. Additional text can be added before
and after the formatted number.")
- (license license:lppl)))
+ (license license:lppl))))
+(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-numprint texlive-numprint)
(define-public texlive-latex-needspace
@@ -8157,33 +8356,13 @@ is preferred in many parts of the world, as distinct from that which is used in
@code{\\maketitle} of the article class, \"June 26, 2008\", the 'US format'.")
(license license:lppl)))
-(define-public texlive-generic-ulem
+(define-public texlive-ulem
- (name "texlive-generic-ulem")
- (version (number->string %texlive-revision))
- (source
- (origin
- (method svn-fetch)
- (uri (svn-reference
- (url (string-append "svn://www.tug.org/texlive/tags/"
- %texlive-tag "/Master/texmf-dist/"
- "/tex/generic/ulem"))
- (revision %texlive-revision)))
- (file-name (string-append name "-" version "-checkout"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "161ka7sckiakcr1fgydxpc580sr16vp4sp3avjl2v9jn1pd2pwp0"))))
- (build-system trivial-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:modules ((guix build utils))
- #:builder
- (begin
- (use-modules (guix build utils))
- (let ((target (string-append (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ulem")))
- (mkdir-p target)
- (copy-recursively (assoc-ref %build-inputs "source") target)
- #t))))
+ (inherit (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-ulem"
+ (list "doc/generic/ulem/" "tex/generic/ulem/")
+ (base32 "0wcfnw5h6lsg2ilvkkf7mns8jgcn0n5sh45iznfsb49pfb4mming")
+ #:trivial? #t))
(home-page "https://www.ctan.org/pkg/ulem")
(synopsis "Underline text in TeX")
@@ -8246,6 +8425,9 @@ pstricks, it can produce either PostScript or PDF output.")
(define-deprecated-package texlive-latex-pgf texlive-pgf)
+(define-public texlive-latex-pgf
+ (deprecated-package "texlive-latex-pgf" texlive-pgf))
(define-public texlive-latex-koma-script
(name "texlive-latex-koma-script")
@@ -9380,6 +9562,81 @@ LuaTeX (respectively) is not the engine in use.")
(define-deprecated-package texlive-generic-ifxetex texlive-iftex)
+(define-public texlive-tabu
+ (let ((template
+ (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-tabu"
+ (list "doc/latex/tabu/"
+ "source/latex/tabu/"
+ "tex/latex/tabu/")
+ (base32 "0mixyrqavipq4ni38z42x3579cdjbz54cp2qqb4q4yhfbl0a4pka"))))
+ (package
+ (inherit template)
+ (outputs '("out" "doc"))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ '())
+ "latex/tabu")
+ ((#:build-targets _ '())
+ '(list "tabu.dtx"))
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "source/latex/tabu")))
+ (replace 'copy-files
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let ((origin (assoc-ref inputs "source"))
+ (source (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/source"))
+ (doc (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "doc")
+ "/share/texmf-dist/doc")))
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/source") source)
+ (copy-recursively (string-append origin "/doc") doc))))))))
+ (propagated-inputs (list texlive-varwidth))
+ (home-page "https://ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tabu")
+ (synopsis "Flexible LaTeX tabulars")
+ (description
+ "The package provides an environment, tabu, which will make any sort of
+tabular, and an environment longtabu which provides the facilities of tabu in
+a modified longtable environment. The package requires array, xcolor for
+coloured rules in tables, and colortbl for coloured cells. The longtabu
+environment further requires that longtable be loaded. The package itself
+does not load any of these packages for the user. The tabu environment may be
+used in place of @code{tabular}, @code{tabular*} and @code{tabularx}
+environments, as well as the @code{array} environment in maths mode.")
+ (license license:lppl1.3+))))
+(define-public texlive-tools
+ (let ((template (simple-texlive-package
+ "texlive-tools"
+ (list "/doc/latex/tools/"
+ "/source/latex/tools/")
+ (base32
+ "1xas0b69r3d5x4zhcqysgybyqaikd9avv6r1bdckb947id3iaz58"))))
+ (package
+ (inherit template)
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments template)
+ ((#:tex-directory _ '())
+ "latex/tools")
+ ((#:build-targets _ '())
+ ''("tools.ins"))
+ ((#:phases phases)
+ `(modify-phases ,phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'chdir
+ (lambda _ (chdir "source/latex/tools") #t))))))
+ (home-page "https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools/")
+ (synopsis "LaTeX standard tools bundle")
+ (description "This package provides a collection of simple tools that
+are part of the LaTeX required tools distribution, comprising the packages:
+@code{afterpage}, @code{array}, @code{bm}, @code{calc}, @code{dcolumn},
+@code{delarray}, @code{enumerate}, @code{fileerr}, @code{fontsmpl},
+@code{ftnright}, @code{hhline}, @code{indentfirst}, @code{layout},
+@code{longtable}, @code{multicol}, @code{rawfonts}, @code{showkeys},
+@code{somedefs}, @code{tabularx}, @code{theorem}, @code{trace},
+@code{varioref}, @code{verbatim}, @code{xr}, and @code{xspace}.")
+ (license license:lppl1.3+))))
(define-public texlive-latex-xkeyval
(name "texlive-latex-xkeyval")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/text-editors.scm b/gnu/packages/text-editors.scm
index 2c5f5de719..45cc61765a 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/text-editors.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/text-editors.scm
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tom Zander <tomz@freedommail.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Mark Meyer <mark@ofosos.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages boost)
#:use-module (gnu packages code)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages cpp)
#:use-module (gnu packages crates-io)
#:use-module (gnu packages documentation)
#:use-module (gnu packages fontutils)
@@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ bindings and many of the powerful features of GNU Emacs.")
(define-public jucipp
(name "jucipp")
- (version "1.6.3")
+ (version "1.7.1")
(home-page "https://gitlab.com/cppit/jucipp")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -320,77 +321,75 @@ bindings and many of the powerful features of GNU Emacs.")
(recursive? #t)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1gy2xb5rm7q4zx9rl23h96b1i46fz27v25nklj50fvqp8ax2gxqy"))))
+ (base32 "0xyf1fa7jvxzvg1dxh5vc50fbwjjsar4fmlvbfhicdd1f8bhz1ii"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ '(begin
+ ;; Delete bundled copy of nlohmann/json.
+ (delete-file-recursively "lib/json")))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags '("-DBUILD_TESTING=ON"
- ;; These arguments are here to facilitate an "in-source"
- ;; build using "./build" instead of the default "../build".
- ;; The test suite expects that to be the case.
- "..")
- #:out-of-source? #f
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'enter-build-directory
- (lambda _
- (mkdir "build")
- (chdir "build")
- #t))
- (add-after 'unpack 'patch-tiny-process-library
- (lambda _
- (with-directory-excursion "lib/tiny-process-library"
- (substitute* '("process_unix.cpp"
- "tests/io_test.cpp")
- (("/bin/sh") (which "sh"))))
- #t))
- (add-after 'unpack 'disable-git-test
- (lambda _
- (substitute* "tests/CMakeLists.txt"
- ;; Disable the git test, as it requires the full checkout.
- (("add_test\\(git_test.*\\)") ""))
- #t))
- (add-before 'check 'pre-check
- (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Tests do not expect HOME to be empty.
- (setenv "HOME" "/etc")
+ (list #:configure-flags #~(list "-DBUILD_TESTING=ON")
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-tiny-process-library
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (with-directory-excursion "lib/tiny-process-library"
+ (substitute* '("process_unix.cpp"
+ "tests/io_test.cpp")
+ (("/bin/sh") (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "bin/sh"))))))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'disable-some-tests
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "tests/CMakeLists.txt"
+ ;; Disable the CMake build test, as it does not test
+ ;; functionality of the package, and requires doing
+ ;; an "in-source" build.
+ (("add_test\\(cmake_build_test.*\\)")
+ "")
+ ;; Disable the git test, as it requires the full checkout.
+ (("add_test\\(git_test.*\\)")
+ ""))))
+ (add-before 'check 'pre-check
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Tests do not expect HOME to be empty.
+ (setenv "HOME" "/etc")
- ;; Most tests require an X server.
- (let ((xorg-server (assoc-ref inputs "xorg-server"))
- (display ":1"))
- (setenv "DISPLAY" display)
- (system (string-append xorg-server "/bin/Xvfb "
- display " &")))
- #t))
- (add-after 'install 'wrap
- (lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; The package needs GTK+ and GtkSourceView on XDG_DATA_DIRS
- ;; for syntax highlighting to work. shared-mime-info is
- ;; necessary for MIME handling.
- ;; XXX: Ideally we'd reuse glib-or-gtk-wrap here, but it
- ;; does not pick up $gtksourceview/share/gtksourceview-3.0.
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (gtk+ (assoc-ref inputs "gtk+"))
- (gtksourceview (assoc-ref inputs "gtksourceview"))
- (shared-mime-info (assoc-ref inputs "shared-mime-info")))
- (wrap-program (string-append out "/bin/juci")
- `("XDG_DATA_DIRS" ":" prefix
- (,(string-join
- (map (lambda (pkg)
- (string-append pkg "/share"))
- (list out gtk+ gtksourceview shared-mime-info))
- ":"))))
- #t))))))
+ ;; Most tests require an X server.
+ (let ((xvfb (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "bin/Xvfb"))
+ (display ":1"))
+ (setenv "DISPLAY" display)
+ (system (string-append xvfb " " display " &")))))
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; The package needs GTK+ and GtkSourceView on XDG_DATA_DIRS
+ ;; for syntax highlighting to work. shared-mime-info is
+ ;; necessary for MIME handling.
+ ;; XXX: Ideally we'd reuse glib-or-gtk-wrap here, but it
+ ;; does not pick up "share/gtksourceview-3.0".
+ (wrap-program (string-append #$output "/bin/juci")
+ `("XDG_DATA_DIRS" ":" prefix
+ (,(string-join
+ (cons (string-append #$output "/share")
+ (map (lambda (directory)
+ (dirname (search-input-directory
+ inputs
+ (string-append "share/"
+ directory))))
+ '("gtk-3.0" "gtksourceview-3.0" "mime")))
+ ":")))))))))
(list pkg-config xorg-server-for-tests))
- `(("aspell" ,aspell)
- ("boost" ,boost)
- ("ctags" ,universal-ctags)
- ("gtkmm" ,gtkmm-3)
- ("gtksourceviewmm" ,gtksourceviewmm)
- ("libclang" ,clang-11) ;XXX: must be the same version as Mesas LLVM
- ("libgit2" ,libgit2)))
+ (list aspell
+ boost
+ clang-11 ;XXX: must be the same version as Mesas LLVM
+ gtkmm-3
+ gtksourceviewmm
+ json-modern-cxx
+ libgit2
+ universal-ctags))
(synopsis "Lightweight C++ IDE")
"juCi++ is a small @acronym{IDE, Integrated Development Environment}
@@ -901,33 +900,34 @@ Octave. TeXmacs is completely extensible via Guile.")
(define-public scintilla
(name "scintilla")
- (version "5.1.5")
+ (version "5.2.1")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (let ((v (apply string-append (string-split version #\.))))
(string-append "https://www.scintilla.org/scintilla" v ".tgz")))
- (base32 "0mwyhjvmvxyip9z169bgpkz4k9la802z438m8bb0f4gyqfbif999"))))
+ (base32 "1q6z8v2anbdwcxqfqjs0mwl2z4cdzarj0hqxj86fvvdxsr25649r"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(#:make-flags (list "GTK3=1"
- ,(string-append "CC=" (cc-for-target))
- "-Cgtk")
- #:tests? #f ;require un-packaged Pyside
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure) ;no configure script
- (replace 'install
- ;; Upstream provides no install script.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (lib (string-append out "/lib"))
- (include (string-append out "/include")))
- (for-each (lambda (f) (install-file f lib))
- (find-files "bin/" "\\.so$"))
- (for-each (lambda (f) (install-file f include))
- (find-files "include/" "."))))))))
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list "GTK3=1"
+ (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target))
+ "-Cgtk")
+ #:tests? #f ;require un-packaged Pyside
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure) ;no configure script
+ (replace 'install
+ ;; Upstream provides no install script.
+ (lambda _
+ (let ((lib (string-append #$output "/lib"))
+ (inc (string-append #$output "/include")))
+ (for-each (lambda (f) (install-file f lib))
+ (find-files "bin/" "\\.so$"))
+ (for-each (lambda (f) (install-file f inc))
+ (find-files "include/" "."))))))))
(list pkg-config python-wrapper))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/textutils.scm b/gnu/packages/textutils.scm
index 12e3d3b3c8..cbc657172d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/textutils.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/textutils.scm
@@ -1377,16 +1377,16 @@ around it also has a list of style guides implemented with Vale in
(define-public utf-8-lineseparator
(name "utf-8-lineseparator")
- (version "cj3")
+ (version "8")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
(url "https://github.com/pflanze/utf-8-lineseparator")
- (commit version)))
+ (commit (string-append "cj" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1xnbcanqn5jr965gw9195ij6hz04clfm77m5776dysn9nykn20w1"))))
+ "0rw34r0aiab55mqks9sjzjyskfwgn7mfhy65px1lljyrs2xvvzp5"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/time.scm b/gnu/packages/time.scm
index 9b57fe41fb..1b94632c09 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/time.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/time.scm
@@ -353,14 +353,14 @@ ISO 8601 dates, time and duration.")
(define-public python-iso8601
(name "python-iso8601")
- (version "0.1.13")
+ (version "1.0.2")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri "iso8601" version))
- "1cgfj91khil4ii5gb8s6nxwm73vx7hqc2k79dd9d8990ylmc5ppp"))))
+ "1ccl6plks706hxm35cn1wsvxhqh3bfwi5cjgjpdxjib81qi07x97"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
'(#:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -368,16 +368,27 @@ ISO 8601 dates, time and duration.")
(lambda _
(invoke "pytest" "-vv" "iso8601"))))))
- (list python-pytest))
- (home-page "https://bitbucket.org/micktwomey/pyiso8601")
+ (list python-pytest python-pytz))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/micktwomey/pyiso8601")
(synopsis "Module to parse ISO 8601 dates")
"This module parses the most common forms of ISO 8601 date strings (e.g.
@code{2007-01-14T20:34:22+00:00}) into @code{datetime} objects.")
+ (properties `((python2-variant . ,(delay python2-iso8601))))
(license expat)))
(define-public python2-iso8601
- (package-with-python2 python-iso8601))
+ (let ((base (package-with-python2 (strip-python2-variant python-iso8601))))
+ (package
+ (inherit base)
+ (version "0.1.16")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (pypi-uri "iso8601" version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ny8dlycapxr8n2m13jxy0r7kbqvgypfshb6y7l981c0rivjylrn")))))))
(define-public python-monotonic
diff --git a/gnu/packages/tls.scm b/gnu/packages/tls.scm
index b0950ec2e5..c776085cad 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/tls.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/tls.scm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2017-2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017–2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Rutger Helling <rhelling@mykolab.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ OpenSSL for TARGET."
(name "openssl")
(version "1.1.1l")
+ (replacement openssl/fixed)
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (list (string-append "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-"
@@ -508,113 +509,52 @@ OpenSSL for TARGET."
(license license:openssl)
(home-page "https://www.openssl.org/")))
-;; We will not add any new uses of this package. If you add new code that uses
-;; this package, your change will be reverted!
-;; The only acceptable use for this package is to bootstrap Rust, in
-;; ((gnu packages rust) rust-1.19).
-;; OpenSSL 1.0 is no longer suppported upstream [0] and has several security
-;; vulnerabilities that will not be fixed [1].
-;; For more information from the Guix point of view, see
-;; <https://bugs.gnu.org/46602>.
-;; [0] https://www.openssl.org/policies/releasestrat.html
-;; [1] https://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html
-(define-public openssl-1.0
- (hidden-package
- (package
- (inherit openssl)
- (name "openssl")
- (version "1.0.2u")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (list (string-append "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-"
- version ".tar.gz")
- (string-append "ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/"
- "openssl-" version ".tar.gz")
- (string-append "ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/old/"
- (string-trim-right version char-set:letter)
- "/openssl-" version ".tar.gz")))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "05lxcs4hzyfqd5jn0d9p0fvqna62v2s4pc9qgmq0dpcknkzwdl7c"))
- (patches (search-patches "openssl-runpath.patch"
- "openssl-c-rehash-in.patch"))))
- (outputs '("out"
- "doc" ;1.5MiB of man3 pages
- "static")) ;6MiB of .a files
- (arguments
- (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments openssl)
- ;; Parallel build is not supported in 1.0.x.
- ((#:parallel-build? _ #f) #f)
- ((#:phases phases)
- #~(modify-phases #$phases
- (add-before 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-tests
- (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((bash (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "bash")))
- (substitute* (find-files "test" ".*")
- (("/bin/sh")
- (string-append bash "/bin/sh"))
- (("/bin/rm")
- "rm"))
- #t)))
- (add-before 'configure 'patch-Makefile.org
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; The default MANDIR is some unusual place. Fix that.
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (patch-makefile-SHELL "Makefile.org")
- (substitute* "Makefile.org"
- (("^MANDIR[[:blank:]]*=.*$")
- (string-append "MANDIR = " out "/share/man\n")))
- #t)))
- (replace 'configure
- ;; Override this phase because OpenSSL 1.0 does not understand -rpath.
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (invoke #$@(if (%current-target-system)
- #~("./Configure")
- #~("./config"))
- "shared" ;build shared libraries
- "--libdir=lib"
- ;; The default for this catch-all directory is
- ;; PREFIX/ssl. Change that to something more
- ;; conventional.
- (string-append "--openssldir=" out
- "/share/openssl-" #$version)
+(define openssl/fixed
+ (package
+ (inherit openssl)
+ (name "openssl")
+ (version "1.1.1n")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (list (string-append "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-"
+ version ".tar.gz")
+ (string-append "ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/"
+ "openssl-" version ".tar.gz")
+ (string-append "ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/old/"
+ (string-trim-right version char-set:letter)
+ "/openssl-" version ".tar.gz")))
+ (patches (search-patches "openssl-1.1-c-rehash-in.patch"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0ymif8rlc5cf5qp5bh2pxlrgq6xryh7g4sqfvrdjg9gnli8ypp20"))))))
- (string-append "--prefix=" out)
- #$@(if (%current-target-system)
- '())))))
- (delete 'move-extra-documentation)
- (add-after 'install 'move-man3-pages
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; Move section 3 man pages to "doc".
- (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (man3 (string-append out "/share/man/man3"))
- (doc (assoc-ref outputs "doc"))
- (target (string-append doc "/share/man/man3")))
- (mkdir-p target)
- (for-each (lambda (file)
- (rename-file file
- (string-append target "/"
- (basename file))))
- (find-files man3))
- (delete-file-recursively man3)
- #t)))
- ;; XXX: Duplicate this phase to make sure 'version' evaluates
- ;; in the current scope and not the inherited one.
- (replace 'remove-miscellany
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- ;; The 'misc' directory contains random undocumented shell and Perl
- ;; scripts. Remove them to avoid retaining a reference on Perl.
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
- (delete-file-recursively (string-append out "/share/openssl-"
- #$version "/misc"))
- #t))))))))))
+(define-public openssl-3.0
+ (package
+ (inherit openssl)
+ (version "3.0.2")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (list (string-append "https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-"
+ version ".tar.gz")
+ (string-append "ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/"
+ "openssl-" version ".tar.gz")
+ (string-append "ftp://ftp.openssl.org/source/old/"
+ (string-trim-right version char-set:letter)
+ "/openssl-" version ".tar.gz")))
+ (patches (search-patches "openssl-3.0-c-rehash-in.patch"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0qyvvw8n97f0gs786l2dkxnmi3hs344mxplw7jp5cisdmp71rscq"))))
+ (arguments
+ (substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments openssl)
+ ((#:phases phases '%standard-phases)
+ #~(modify-phases #$phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'configure-perl
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (setenv "HASHBANGPERL"
+ (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs)
+ "/bin/perl"))))))))
+ (license license:asl2.0)))
(define-public bearssl
diff --git a/gnu/packages/toolkits.scm b/gnu/packages/toolkits.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd3385122e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/toolkits.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (gnu packages toolkits)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages fontutils)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages gl)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages sdl)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
+ #:use-module (guix git-download))
+(define-public imgui
+ (package
+ (name "imgui")
+ (version "1.87")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ocornut/imgui")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "10qil22s5qak3as41787iz273sibpq1bq66bakgn7yvhj5fym6hz"))
+ (modules '((guix build utils)))
+ (snippet
+ ;; Remove bundled fonts.
+ '(delete-file-recursively "misc/fonts"))))
+ (outputs '("out" "doc"))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test suite
+ #:modules '((guix build gnu-build-system)
+ (guix build utils)
+ (ice-9 ftw)
+ (srfi srfi-26))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'adjust-includes
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* (find-files "." "(\\.cpp|\\.mm)$")
+ (("#include <SDL")
+ "#include <SDL2/SDL"))))
+ (delete 'configure)
+ (replace 'build
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Build main library.
+ (apply invoke #$(cc-for-target) "-I" (getcwd)
+ "-I" (search-input-directory inputs "include/freetype2")
+ "-g" "-O2" "-fPIC" "-shared"
+ "-lGL" "-lSDL2" "-lglfw"
+ "-o" "libimgui.so"
+ "imgui.cpp"
+ "imgui_draw.cpp"
+ "imgui_tables.cpp"
+ "imgui_widgets.cpp"
+ ;; Include the supported backends.
+ "backends/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp"
+ "backends/imgui_impl_sdl.cpp"
+ "backends/imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp"
+ "backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp"
+ ;; Include wrappers for C++ standard library (STL) and
+ ;; fontconfig.
+ (find-files "misc" "\\.cpp$"))))
+ (replace 'install
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (doc (assoc-ref outputs "doc"))
+ (header? (cut string-suffix? ".h" <>))
+ (imgui-headers (scandir "." header?))
+ (backend-headers (find-files
+ "backends"
+ "(glfw|opengl|sdl|vulkan).*\\.h$"))
+ (misc-headers (find-files "misc" "\\.h$")))
+ (install-file "libimgui.so" (string-append out "/lib"))
+ ;; Install headers.
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (install-file f (string-append out "/include/imgui")))
+ imgui-headers)
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (install-file f (string-append
+ out "/include/imgui/backends")))
+ backend-headers)
+ (for-each (lambda (f)
+ (install-file f (string-append
+ out "/include/imgui/" (dirname f))))
+ misc-headers)
+ ;; Install examples.
+ (copy-recursively
+ "examples" (string-append
+ doc "/share/imgui/examples"))))))))
+ (inputs (list fontconfig glfw mesa sdl2))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ocornut/imgui")
+ (synopsis "Immediate-mode C++ GUI library with minimal dependencies")
+ (description "@code{dear imgui} (also know as ImGui) is a graphical user
+interface library for C++. It creates optimized vertex buffers that you can
+render anytime in your 3D-pipeline-enabled application. It's fast, portable,
+renderer-agnostic, and self-contained, without external dependencies.
+ImGui is aimed at content creation, visualization, and debugging tools as
+opposed to average end-user interfaces. Hence it favors simplicity and
+productivity but lacks certain features often found in higher-level libraries.
+It is particularly suited to integration in game engine tooling, real-time 3D
+applications, full-screen applications, and embedded platforms without
+standard operating system features.")
+ (license license:expat)))
+(define-public imgui-1.86
+ (package
+ (inherit imgui)
+ (name "imgui")
+ (version "1.86")
+ (source (origin
+ (inherit (package-source imgui))
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ocornut/imgui")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "02a7b05zrka20jhzag2jb4jl624i1m456bsv69jb9zgys2p9dv1n"))))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/tor.scm b/gnu/packages/tor.scm
index c1d5c1479b..cc11255a24 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/tor.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/tor.scm
@@ -57,14 +57,14 @@
(define-public tor
(name "tor")
- (version "")
+ (version "")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://dist.torproject.org/tor-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "1ad99k4wysxrnlaprv7brxr2nc0h5zdnrh0rma10pqlck2037sf7"))
+ "077374vqk9mxi63viksq5zwn05i4xa2bqcihwwxz6n750h7ddk4l"))
(patches (search-patches "tor-sandbox-i686.patch"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/valgrind.scm b/gnu/packages/valgrind.scm
index e044541282..1cdc0f3b71 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/valgrind.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/valgrind.scm
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Andreas Enge <andreas@enge.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2020, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
tools. There are Valgrind tools that can automatically detect many memory
management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail. You can
also use Valgrind to build new tools.")
+ ;; https://valgrind.org/info/platforms.html
+ (supported-systems (delete "riscv64-linux" %supported-systems))
(license gpl2+)
;; Hide this variant so end users get the "interactive" Valgrind below.
@@ -94,3 +96,18 @@ also use Valgrind to build new tools.")
;; GDB is needed to provide a sane default for `--db-command'.
`(("gdb" ,gdb)))
(properties '())))
+(define-public valgrind-3.18
+ (package
+ (inherit valgrind/interactive)
+ (version "3.18.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (list (string-append "https://sourceware.org/pub/valgrind"
+ "/valgrind-" version ".tar.bz2")
+ (string-append "ftp://sourceware.org/pub/valgrind"
+ "/valgrind-" version ".tar.bz2")))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1xgph509i6adv9w2glviw3xrmlz0dssg8992hbvxsbkp7ahrm180"))
+ (patches (search-patches "valgrind-enable-arm.patch"))))))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/version-control.scm b/gnu/packages/version-control.scm
index 95287c7c69..0aa7fcc5b1 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/version-control.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/version-control.scm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Vasile Dumitrascu <va511e@yahoo.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020 EuAndreh <eu@euandre.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Stefan Reichör <stefan@xsteve.at>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Sou Bunnbu <iyzsong@member.fsf.org>
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020 John D. Boy <jboy@bius.moe>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Tanguy Le Carrour <tanguy@bioneland.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Greg Hogan <code@greghogan.com>
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Foo Chuan Wei <chuanwei.foo@hotmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix hg-download)
@@ -1560,7 +1562,7 @@ control to Git repositories.")
(define-public gitile
(name "gitile")
- (version "0.1.3")
+ (version "0.1.4")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1569,7 +1571,7 @@ control to Git repositories.")
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1fnmgrrsdc24mvicj2gkv3vasag7h5x27xc12w55i0id9vw7k9sw"))))
+ (base32 "1wb1rajcrzdqjncv40s7hjsnvlh1gq4z9pn9gf210g1iy35vimmz"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:imported-modules ((guix build guile-build-system)
@@ -1626,7 +1628,7 @@ visualize your public Git repositories on a web interface.")
(define-public pre-commit
(name "pre-commit")
- (version "2.16.0")
+ (version "2.17.0")
(method git-fetch) ; no tests in PyPI release
@@ -1635,7 +1637,7 @@ visualize your public Git repositories on a web interface.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1sf9mqpiv3pgzi6aar7xfna9v7n63lgm7d7b24fhni0jxn56384b"))))
+ (base32 "1y4h6zrypxgm9j8q66hcx5cs4q2dkh9schzn2nsdmdqad19356s9"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
@@ -1878,14 +1880,14 @@ can be used for signing.")
(define-public neon
(name "neon")
- (version "0.31.2")
+ (version "0.32.2")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://notroj.github.io/neon/neon-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "0y46dbhiblcvg8k41bdydr3fivghwk73z040ki5825d24ynf67ng"))))
+ "11mj5zpp317dmds874wfwcpgij9i3scaahdi1xfzr5b2ii36crcq"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list perl pkg-config))
@@ -2010,15 +2012,14 @@ projects, from individuals to large-scale enterprise operations.")
(define-public rcs
(name "rcs")
- (version "5.10.0")
+ (version "5.10.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://gnu/rcs/rcs-"
- version ".tar.xz"))
+ version ".tar.lz"))
- "1if5pa4iip2p70gljm54nggfdnsfjxa4cqz8fpj07lvsijary39s"))
- (patches (search-patches "rcs-5.10.0-no-stdin.patch"))))
+ "1iac4d1dhsfy5zb0n3p605pihdq702v06r4g8vi8b2saf88gxpa3"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(arguments `(#:phases
(modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -2030,7 +2031,7 @@ projects, from individuals to large-scale enterprise operations.")
(chmod "src/rcsfreeze" #o755)
(install-file "src/rcsfreeze" bin)
(install-file "man/rcsfreeze.1" man1)))))))
- (native-inputs (list ed))
+ (native-inputs (list ed lzip))
(home-page "https://www.gnu.org/software/rcs/")
(synopsis "Per-file local revision control system")
@@ -2572,7 +2573,14 @@ based on a manifest file published by servers.")
(("~=") ">="))
(build-system python-build-system)
- (arguments '(#:tests? #f)) ; No tests.
+ (arguments
+ (list #:tests? #f ;no tests
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ ;; XXX: dnspython attempts to read /etc/resolv.conf when loading
+ ;; resolver.py, which breaks the sanity check in dependent
+ ;; packages. This should rather be fixed in dnspython.
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
(list python-dkimpy python-dnspython python-requests))
(home-page "https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/b4/b4.git")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/video.scm b/gnu/packages/video.scm
index 5f2cd29255..fb01e3f30c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/video.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/video.scm
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Gregor Giesen <giesen@zaehlwerk.net>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019 Rutger Helling <rhelling@mykolab.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Roel Janssen <roel@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2018-2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Leo Famulari <leo@famulari.name>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Brendan Tildesley <mail@brendan.scot>
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Pradana Aumars <paumars@courrier.dev>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo@cyberdimension.org>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Bird <birdsite@airmail.cc>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -260,42 +261,41 @@
- `(("autoconf" ,autoconf)
- ("automake" ,automake)
- ("iconv" ,libiconv)
- ("libtool" ,libtool)
- ("libxml2" ,libxml2)
- ("perl" ,perl)
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
- ("python" ,python-wrapper)))
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ libtool
+ libxml2
+ perl
+ pkg-config
+ python-wrapper))
- `(("alsa-lib" ,alsa-lib)
- ("faac" ,faac)
- ("ffmpeg" ,ffmpeg)
- ("freetype" ,freetype)
- ("imagemagick" ,imagemagick)
- ("lame" ,lame)
- ("liba52" ,liba52)
- ("libdv" ,libdv)
- ("libdvdread" ,libdvdread)
- ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
- ("libmpeg2" ,libmpeg2)
- ("libogg" ,libogg)
- ("libquicktime" ,libquicktime)
- ("libtheora" ,libtheora)
- ("libvorbis" ,libvorbis)
- ("lzo" ,lzo)
- ("mjepgtools" ,mjpegtools)
- ("sdl" ,sdl)
- ;; ("v4l-utils" ,v4l-utils)
- ("x11" ,libx11)
- ("x264" ,libx264)
- ("xaw" ,libxaw)
- ("xext" ,libxext)
- ("xpm" ,libxpm)
- ("xv" ,libxv)
- ("xvid" ,xvid)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list alsa-lib
+ faac
+ ffmpeg
+ freetype
+ imagemagick
+ lame
+ liba52
+ libdv
+ libdvdread
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libmpeg2
+ libogg
+ libquicktime
+ libtheora
+ libvorbis
+ lzo
+ mjpegtools
+ sdl
+ ;; ("v4l-utils" ,v4l-utils)
+ libx11
+ libx264
+ libxaw
+ libxext
+ libxpm
+ libxv
+ xvid
+ zlib))
(synopsis "Audio/Video Transcoder")
(description "Transcode is a fast, versatile and command-line based
audio/video everything to everything converter primarily focused on producing
@@ -905,6 +905,8 @@ shared library and encoder and decoder command-line executables.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list pkg-config nasm))
+ (inputs
+ (list config))
;; TODO: Add gpac input
`(#:tests? #f ;no check target
@@ -915,6 +917,7 @@ shared library and encoder and decoder command-line executables.")
;; program depends on ffmpeg and ffmpeg depends on
;; libx264).
+ "--enable-pic"
;; On MIPS, we must pass "--disable-asm" or else
;; configure fails after printing: "You specified a
@@ -925,7 +928,17 @@ shared library and encoder and decoder command-line executables.")
(or (%current-target-system)
- '()))))
+ '()))
+ #:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'update-config-scripts
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (install-file
+ (search-input-file
+ (or native-inputs inputs)
+ (string-append "/bin/" file)) "."))
+ '("config.guess" "config.sub")))))))
(home-page "https://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html")
(synopsis "H.264 video coding library")
(description "libx264 is an advanced encoding library for creating
@@ -2251,7 +2264,7 @@ the last played position, etc.")
(define-public gallery-dl
(name "gallery-dl")
- (version "1.20.1")
+ (version "1.20.5")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl"
@@ -2259,15 +2272,15 @@ the last played position, etc.")
version ".tar.gz"))
- "0qkz8aznvybdqrjxsl6ir319ras05mi8l0sal4mgi18l70jndh51"))))
+ "0149hd4nh7bk2yqjdnvrkvag5mwgsb6gxrgfcd88q4cv3k2ji42h"))))
(build-system python-build-system)
(inputs (list python-requests ffmpeg))
(home-page "https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl")
(synopsis "Command-line program to download images from several sites")
- (description "Command-line program to download image galleries
-and collections from several image hosting sites
-While this package can use youtube-dl or yt-dlp packages to download videos,
-the focus is more on images and image hosting sites.")
+ (description "Gallery-dl is a command-line program that downloads image
+galleries and collections from several image hosting sites. While this package
+can use youtube-dl or yt-dlp packages to download videos, the focus is more on
+images and image hosting sites.")
(license license:gpl2)))
(define-public gnome-mpv
@@ -2440,7 +2453,7 @@ YouTube.com and many more sites.")
(define-public yt-dlp
(package/inherit youtube-dl
(name "yt-dlp")
- (version "2021.10.22")
+ (version "2022.02.04")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/"
@@ -2448,7 +2461,7 @@ YouTube.com and many more sites.")
version "/yt-dlp.tar.gz"))
- "0xh4cwmvx49pxn8x07wj2dy8ynj6xg8977l5493vv0l8zc27wp87"))
+ "1qx8sx47lzyrcl00r2657zjaq0mwfbzjyfnv5lr5dlm552f13pf8"))
;; Delete the pre-generated files, except for the man page
@@ -3197,7 +3210,7 @@ from sites like Twitch.tv and pipes them into a video player of choice.")
(define-public mlt
(name "mlt")
- (version "7.2.0")
+ (version "7.4.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -3206,21 +3219,37 @@ from sites like Twitch.tv and pipes them into a video player of choice.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "17d4gs46ca3n0qg6z69hl6mmllnqj2id8ccrv8fyz8c5zm55ghqm"))))
+ (base32 "132y3niv9p1pwms1d5dr0w1jifvr52yfjy6zza3g7qaha0yzfh0c"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:tests? #f ;requires "Kwalify"
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-before 'configure 'override-LDFLAGS
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (setenv "LDFLAGS"
- (string-append
- "-Wl,-rpath="
- (assoc-ref outputs "out") "/lib")))))))
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;requires "Kwalify"
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'configure 'override-LDFLAGS
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "LDFLAGS"
+ (string-append "-Wl,-rpath=" #$output "/lib"))))
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap-executable
+ (lambda _
+ (let* ((frei0r #$(this-package-input "frei0r-plugins"))
+ (ladspa #$(this-package-input "ladspa"))
+ ;; In MLT 7, 'melt' symlinks to 'melt-7'. Try to keep
+ ;; compatibility with MLT 6 where it's only 'melt'.
+ (major #$(version-major version))
+ (exec (if (file-exists?
+ (string-append #$output "/bin/melt-" major))
+ (string-append "melt-" major)
+ "melt")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append #$output "/bin/" exec)
+ `("FREI0R_PATH" ":" =
+ (,(string-append frei0r "/lib/frei0r-1")))
+ `("LADSPA_PATH" ":" =
+ (,(string-append ladspa "/lib/ladspa"))))))))))
(list alsa-lib
`(,alsa-plugins "pulseaudio")
+ bash-minimal
@@ -3346,7 +3375,7 @@ be used for realtime video capture via Linux-specific APIs.")
(define-public obs
(name "obs")
- (version "27.0.1")
+ (version "27.1.3")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -3356,26 +3385,25 @@ be used for realtime video capture via Linux-specific APIs.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "04fzsr9yizmxy0r7z2706crvnsnybpnv5kgfn77znknxxjacfhkn"))
+ "1ndiarr3d6qihymaigf34jjml0lrgbj640fnpnffz2ysj7276q0j"))
(search-patches "obs-modules-location.patch"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags
- (list (string-append "-DOBS_VERSION_OVERRIDE=" ,version)
- ;; Browser plugin requires cef, but it is not packaged yet.
- ;; <https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/>
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "-DOBS_VERSION_OVERRIDE=" #$version)
+ ;; Browser plugin requires cef, but it is not packaged yet.
+ ;; <https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/>
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'install 'wrap-executable
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (plugin-path (getenv "QT_PLUGIN_PATH")))
- (wrap-program (string-append out "/bin/obs")
- `("QT_PLUGIN_PATH" ":" prefix (,plugin-path))))
- #t)))))
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'wrap-executable
+ (lambda* _
+ (let ((plugin-path (getenv "QT_PLUGIN_PATH")))
+ (wrap-program (string-append #$output "/bin/obs")
+ `("QT_PLUGIN_PATH" ":" prefix (,plugin-path)))))))))
(list (search-path-specification
@@ -3388,30 +3416,31 @@ be used for realtime video capture via Linux-specific APIs.")
(list cmocka pkg-config))
- `(("alsa-lib" ,alsa-lib)
- ("curl" ,curl)
- ("eudev" ,eudev)
- ("ffmpeg" ,ffmpeg)
- ("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
- ("freetype" ,freetype)
- ("glib" ,glib)
- ("jack" ,jack-1)
- ("jansson" ,jansson)
- ("libx264" ,libx264)
- ("libxcomposite" ,libxcomposite)
- ("mbedtls" ,mbedtls-apache)
- ("mesa" ,mesa)
- ("pipewire" ,pipewire-0.3)
- ("pulseaudio" ,pulseaudio)
- ("qtbase" ,qtbase-5)
- ("qtsvg" ,qtsvg)
- ("qtx11extras" ,qtx11extras)
- ("qtwayland" ,qtwayland)
- ("speexdsp" ,speexdsp)
- ("v4l-utils" ,v4l-utils)
- ("wayland" ,wayland)
- ("wayland-protocols" ,wayland-protocols)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list
+ alsa-lib
+ curl
+ eudev
+ ffmpeg
+ fontconfig
+ freetype
+ glib
+ jack-1
+ jansson
+ libx264
+ libxcomposite
+ mbedtls-apache
+ mesa
+ pipewire-0.3
+ pulseaudio
+ qtbase-5
+ qtsvg
+ qtx11extras
+ qtwayland
+ speexdsp
+ v4l-utils
+ wayland
+ wayland-protocols
+ zlib))
(synopsis "Live streaming software")
(description "Open Broadcaster Software provides a graphical interface for
video recording and live streaming. OBS supports capturing audio and video
@@ -4832,7 +4861,7 @@ transitions, and effects and then export your film to many common formats.")
(define-public shotcut
(name "shotcut")
- (version "21.12.24")
+ (version "22.01.30")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -4841,7 +4870,7 @@ transitions, and effects and then export your film to many common formats.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1l27dqiyi3af0v155w62ib9xcmqyjj2yzs83aqhcrz5pb3i3j18r"))))
+ (base32 "0azbzaml743vlpay5dz8i0k66hw4idnambi49wj2yprw7z3skdql"))))
(build-system qt-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ;there are no tests
@@ -5309,10 +5338,14 @@ result in several formats:
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
(invoke "cargo" "cinstall" "--release"
- (string-append "--prefix=" out))))))))
+ (string-append "--prefix=" out)))))
+ (add-after 'install 'delete-static-library
+ (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Delete 80 MiB (!) static library.
+ (delete-file (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+ "/lib/librav1e.a")))))))
- `(("cargo-c" ,rust-cargo-c)
- ("nasm" ,nasm)))
+ (list rust-cargo-c nasm))
(home-page "https://github.com/xiph/rav1e/")
(synopsis "Fast and safe AV1 encoder")
(description "@code{rav1e} is an AV1 video encoder. It is designed to
diff --git a/gnu/packages/vim.scm b/gnu/packages/vim.scm
index d5667851a8..4ed6708eb5 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/vim.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/vim.scm
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
(define-public vim
(name "vim")
- (version "8.2.3995")
+ (version "8.2.4564")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1aqrywyry4vxf1x7mk5g1k5k6md38bnjb6f778hmk8ahx26mpqpb"))))
+ "1ggvmvd6xsj9xvknjcvpj52na2km2wxvxfj8l29mqp03g4wwyzrr"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:test-target "test"
@@ -97,10 +97,11 @@
(substitute* "runtime/tools/mve.awk"
(("/usr/bin/nawk") (which "gawk")))
(substitute* '("src/testdir/Makefile"
+ "src/testdir/test_filetype.vim"
- "src/testdir/test_system.vim"
+ "src/testdir/test_suspend.vim"
(("/bin/sh") (which "sh")))
@@ -716,7 +717,6 @@ are detected, the user is notified.")))
("libvterm" ,libvterm)
("unibilium" ,unibilium)
("jemalloc" ,jemalloc)
- ("libiconv" ,libiconv)
("lua" ,lua-5.1)
("lua-luv" ,lua5.1-luv)
("lua-lpeg" ,lua5.1-lpeg)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/virtualization.scm b/gnu/packages/virtualization.scm
index 2269901d46..90472b9221 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/virtualization.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/virtualization.scm
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Petr Hodina <phodina@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Raghav Gururajan <rg@raghavgururajan.name>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ekaitz Zarraga <ekaitz@elenq.tech>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages bash)
#:use-module (gnu packages bison)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages bootloaders)
#:use-module (gnu packages build-tools)
#:use-module (gnu packages check)
#:use-module (gnu packages cluster)
@@ -215,6 +217,18 @@
;; fails within the build environment.
((".*'test-char':.*" all)
(string-append "# " all)))))
+ ,@(if (target-riscv64?)
+ `((add-after 'unpack 'disable-some-tests
+ (lambda _
+ ;; qemu.qmp.QMPConnectError: Unexpected empty reply from server
+ (delete-file "tests/qemu-iotests/040")
+ (delete-file "tests/qemu-iotests/041")
+ (delete-file "tests/qemu-iotests/256")
+ ;; No 'PCI' bus found for device 'virtio-scsi-pci'
+ (delete-file "tests/qemu-iotests/127")
+ (delete-file "tests/qemu-iotests/267"))))
+ '())
(add-after 'patch-source-shebangs 'patch-embedded-shebangs
(lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs #:allow-other-keys)
;; Ensure the executables created by these source files reference
@@ -321,6 +335,7 @@ exec smbd $@")))
+ liburing
libusb ;USB pass-through support
@@ -333,7 +348,10 @@ exec smbd $@")))
- zlib))
+ ;; Formats to support for .qcow2 (and possibly other) compression.
+ zlib
+ `(,zstd "lib")))
(list gettext-minimal
`(,glib "bin") ;gtester, etc.
@@ -885,7 +903,7 @@ commodity hardware.")
(define-public ganeti-instance-guix
(name "ganeti-instance-guix")
- (version "0.6")
+ (version "0.6.1")
(home-page "https://github.com/mbakke/ganeti-instance-guix")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -893,15 +911,14 @@ commodity hardware.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0aa08irpcpns6mhjgsplc5f0p8ab1qcr9ah1gj5z66kxgqyflzrp"))))
+ "18h8hdd38h1l89si8122v3ylzvvirs8hiypayklk1nr2wnfgbvff"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
'(#:configure-flags '("--sysconfdir=/etc" "--localstatedir=/var")))
(list autoconf automake))
- `(("util-linux" ,util-linux)
- ("qemu-img" ,qemu-minimal)))
+ (list util-linux qemu-minimal))
(synopsis "Guix OS integration for Ganeti")
"This package provides a guest OS definition for Ganeti that uses
@@ -1002,6 +1019,29 @@ Guix to build virtual machines.")
Debian or a derivative using @command{debootstrap}.")
(license license:gpl2+)))
+(define-public spike
+ (package
+ (name "spike")
+ (version "1.1.0")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/riscv-software-src/riscv-isa-sim")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0cik2m0byfp9ppq0hpg3xyrlp5ag1i4dww7a7872mlm36xxqagg0"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (inputs
+ (list dtc))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list python-wrapper))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/riscv-software-src/riscv-isa-sim")
+ (synopsis "RISC-V ISA Simulator")
+ (description "Spike, the RISC-V ISA Simulator, implements a functional model
+of one or more RISC-V harts.")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public libosinfo
(name "libosinfo")
@@ -1606,11 +1646,13 @@ domains, their live performance and resource utilization statistics.")
(list pkg-config
- protobuf-c
+ (propagated-inputs
+ ;; included by 'rpc.pb-c.h'
+ (list protobuf-c))
(home-page "https://criu.org")
(synopsis "Checkpoint and restore in user space")
(description "Using this tool, you can freeze a running application (or
diff --git a/gnu/packages/vpn.scm b/gnu/packages/vpn.scm
index 4ad555ef1b..5bf5a62481 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/vpn.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/vpn.scm
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Domagoj Stolfa <ds815@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Raghav Gururajan <rg@raghavgururajan.name>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Josselin Poiret <josselin.poiret@protonmail.ch>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Lu hui <luhux76@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
#:use-module (guix build-system copy)
@@ -293,6 +296,47 @@ by creating encrypted host-to-host tunnels between multiple
(license license:gpl3+)))
+(define-public n2n
+ (package
+ (name "n2n")
+ (version "2.8")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/ntop/n2n")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1ph2npvnqh1xnmkp96pdzpxm033jkb8zznd3nc59l9arhn0pq4nv"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output)
+ (string-append "CC=" #$(cc-for-target)))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-before 'bootstrap 'move-configure
+ ;; Don't execute configure script in bootstrap.
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "autogen.sh"
+ (("./configure") ""))))
+ (add-before 'configure 'fix-configure
+ (lambda* (#:key inputs native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (substitute* "configure"
+ (("/bin/sh")
+ (search-input-file (or native-inputs inputs) "/bin/sh"))))))
+ #:tests? #f)) ;there is no check target
+ (native-inputs
+ (list autoconf automake bash-minimal pkg-config))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/ntop/n2n")
+ (synopsis "Peer-to-peer VPN client and server")
+ (description
+ "n2n is a light VPN software which makes it easy to create virtual
+networks bypassing intermediate firewalls.")
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public strongswan
(name "strongswan")
@@ -382,7 +426,7 @@ endpoints.")
- libsoup
+ libsoup-minimal-2
@@ -659,7 +703,7 @@ and probably others.")
- python-pyqt
+ python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit
@@ -753,7 +797,7 @@ traversing network address translators (@dfn{NAT}s) and firewalls.")
;; Wrap entrypoint with paths to its hard dependencies.
(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let ((entrypoint (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
- "/bin/.protonvpn-real")))
+ "/bin/protonvpn")))
(wrap-program entrypoint
#:sh (search-input-file inputs "bin/bash")
`("PATH" ":" prefix
@@ -768,7 +812,11 @@ traversing network address translators (@dfn{NAT}s) and firewalls.")
- #t)))))
+ #t))
+ ;; The `protonvpn' script wants to write to `~user' to initialize its
+ ;; logger, so simply setting HOME=/tmp won't cut it. Remove
+ ;; sanity-check.
+ (delete 'sanity-check))))
(list python-docopt))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/weather.scm b/gnu/packages/weather.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ba656017f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gnu/packages/weather.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (gnu packages weather)
+ #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system go)
+ #:use-module (guix git-download)
+ #:use-module (guix packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:use-module (gnu packages golang))
+(define-public wego
+ (package
+ (name "wego")
+ (version "2.1")
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/schachmat/wego")
+ (commit version)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "0bji9fywa0kg29zj1vrwq7l5f18hh0lcz6rl6sppi5id0qbjpiwl"))))
+ (build-system go-build-system)
+ (arguments '(#:import-path "github.com/schachmat/wego"))
+ (propagated-inputs
+ (list go-golang-org-x-sys
+ go-github-com-rivo-uniseg
+ go-github-com-mattn-go-isatty
+ go-github-com-schachmat-ingo
+ go-github-com-mattn-go-runewidth
+ go-github-com-mattn-go-colorable))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/schachmat/wego")
+ (synopsis "Weather client for the terminal")
+ (description "Wego is a weather client for the terminal. It shows
+forecast for one or seven days. Displayed information includes temperature
+range---felt and measured---, wind speed and direction, viewing distance,
+precipitation amount and probability.")
+ (license license:isc)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/web-browsers.scm b/gnu/packages/web-browsers.scm
index b2698d80d9..bae161806b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/web-browsers.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/web-browsers.scm
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton <brown121407@posteo.ro>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Cage <cage-dev@twistfold.it>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Cage <cage-dev@twistfold.it>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Benoit Joly <benoit@benoitj.ca>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Alexander Krotov <krotov@iitp.ru>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@crazy-compilers.com>
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ interface.")
;; FIXME: python-pyqtwebengine needs to come before python-pyqt so
;; that it's __init__.py is used first.
- python-pyqt
+ python-pyqt-without-qtwebkit
;; While qtwebengine is provided by python-pyqtwebengine, it's
;; included here so we can wrap QTWEBENGINEPROCESS_PATH.
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ is fully configurable and extensible in Common Lisp.")
(define-public lagrange
(name "lagrange")
- (version "1.10.2")
+ (version "1.11.2")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ is fully configurable and extensible in Common Lisp.")
(string-append "https://git.skyjake.fi/skyjake/lagrange/releases/"
"download/v" version "/lagrange-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "1zxvfl0fmkixralzj9jcshbbl2p3918js8qb4nra8pjkrrkaidbn"))
+ (base32 "07vr0n8zpxcf6vjf4rz30s75llzxg9yndqphar4b1iygig9rx6jf"))
(modules '((guix build utils)))
@@ -728,7 +728,8 @@ is fully configurable and extensible in Common Lisp.")
(list pkg-config zip))
- (list fribidi
+ (list freetype
+ fribidi
@@ -786,7 +787,7 @@ history, and page outlines.")
(define-public bombadillo
(name "bombadillo")
- (version "2.3.3")
+ (version "2.4.0")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -794,28 +795,28 @@ history, and page outlines.")
(commit version)))
- "02w6h44sxzmk3bkdidl8xla0i9rwwpdqljnvcbydx5kyixycmg0q"))
+ "03gcd813bmiy7ad179zg4p61nfa9z5l94sdmsmmn2x204h1ksd8n"))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))))
(build-system go-build-system)
- `(#:import-path "tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo"
- #:install-source? #f
- #:phases (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (add-after 'install 'install-data
- (lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
- (let* ((builddir "src/tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo")
- (out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
- (pkg (strip-store-file-name out))
- (sharedir (string-append out "/share"))
- (appdir (string-append sharedir "/applications"))
- (docdir (string-append sharedir "/doc/" pkg))
- (mandir (string-append sharedir "/man/man1"))
- (pixdir (string-append sharedir "/pixmaps")))
- (with-directory-excursion builddir
- (install-file "bombadillo.desktop" appdir)
- (install-file "bombadillo.1" mandir)
- (install-file "bombadillo-icon.png" pixdir)
- #t)))))))
+ (list
+ #:import-path "tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo"
+ #:install-source? #f
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'install-data
+ (lambda _
+ (let* ((builddir "src/tildegit.org/sloum/bombadillo")
+ (pkg (strip-store-file-name #$output))
+ (sharedir (string-append #$output "/share"))
+ (appdir (string-append sharedir "/applications"))
+ (docdir (string-append sharedir "/doc/" pkg))
+ (mandir (string-append sharedir "/man/man1"))
+ (pixdir (string-append sharedir "/pixmaps")))
+ (with-directory-excursion builddir
+ (install-file "bombadillo.desktop" appdir)
+ (install-file "bombadillo.1" mandir)
+ (install-file "bombadillo-icon.png" pixdir))))))))
(home-page "https://bombadillo.colorfield.space")
(synopsis "Terminal browser for the gopher, gemini, and finger protocols")
(description "Bombadillo is a non-web browser for the terminal with
@@ -828,7 +829,7 @@ http, and https via third-party applications.")
(define-public tinmop
(name "tinmop")
- (version "0.9.2")
+ (version "0.9.6")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -837,47 +838,52 @@ http, and https via third-party applications.")
(commit (string-append "v" version))))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1cgx2g2kryfmcwqzzjzcpbdc6zzj10xc52gz0cj2dx5ylc0yg7k3"))))
+ (base32 "19rr1wcadm4698q5gyq0pxv81220l5g8zfnp61s43a4q7kn4mi1z"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- `(("automake" ,automake)
- ("autoreconf" ,autoconf)
- ("gettext" ,gnu-gettext)
- ("mandoc" , mandoc)
- ("nano" ,nano)
- ("openssl" ,openssl)
- ("sbcl" ,sbcl)
- ("xdg-utils" ,xdg-utils)))
+ (list autoconf
+ automake
+ gnu-gettext
+ mandoc
+ nano
+ openssl
+ sbcl
+ unzip
+ xdg-utils))
- `(("access" ,sbcl-access)
- ("alexandria" ,sbcl-alexandria)
- ("babel" ,sbcl-babel)
- ("bordeaux-threads" ,sbcl-bordeaux-threads)
- ("cl-base64" ,sbcl-cl-base64)
- ("cl-colors2" ,sbcl-cl-colors2)
- ("cl-html5-parser" ,sbcl-cl-html5-parser)
- ("cl-i18n" ,sbcl-cl-i18n)
- ("cl-ppcre" ,sbcl-cl-ppcre)
- ("cl-spark" ,sbcl-cl-spark)
- ("cl-sqlite" ,sbcl-cl-sqlite)
- ("cl+ssl" ,sbcl-cl+ssl)
- ("clunit2" ,sbcl-clunit2)
- ("croatoan" ,sbcl-croatoan)
- ("crypto-shortcuts" ,sbcl-crypto-shortcuts)
- ("drakma" ,sbcl-drakma)
- ("esrap" ,sbcl-esrap)
- ("ieee-floats" ,sbcl-ieee-floats)
- ("local-time" ,sbcl-local-time)
- ("log4cl" ,sbcl-log4cl)
- ("marshal" ,sbcl-marshal)
- ("osicat" ,sbcl-osicat)
- ("parse-number" ,sbcl-parse-number)
- ("percent-encoding" ,sbcl-percent-encoding)
- ("sxql" ,sbcl-sxql)
- ("sxql-composer" ,sbcl-sxql-composer)
- ("tooter" ,sbcl-tooter)
- ("unix-opts" ,sbcl-unix-opts)
- ("usocket" ,sbcl-usocket)))
+ (list ncurses
+ sbcl-access
+ sbcl-alexandria
+ sbcl-babel
+ sbcl-bordeaux-threads
+ sbcl-cl+ssl
+ sbcl-cl-base64
+ sbcl-cl-colors2
+ sbcl-cl-html5-parser
+ sbcl-cl-i18n
+ sbcl-cl-ppcre
+ sbcl-cl-spark
+ sbcl-cl-sqlite
+ sbcl-clunit2
+ sbcl-croatoan
+ sbcl-crypto-shortcuts
+ sbcl-drakma
+ sbcl-esrap
+ sbcl-ieee-floats
+ sbcl-local-time
+ sbcl-log4cl
+ sbcl-marshal
+ sbcl-osicat
+ sbcl-parse-number
+ sbcl-percent-encoding
+ sbcl-purgatory
+ sbcl-sxql
+ sbcl-sxql-composer
+ sbcl-tooter
+ sbcl-trivial-clipboard
+ sbcl-unix-opts
+ sbcl-usocket
+ sqlite))
`(#:tests? #f
#:strip-binaries? #f
@@ -906,9 +912,9 @@ http, and https via third-party applications.")
'("LISP_COMPILER) --eval \"(require 'asdf)\" "
"--eval \"(push \\\"$$(pwd)/\\\" asdf:*central-registry*)\" "))))
- (synopsis "Gemini and pleroma client with a terminal interface")
+ (synopsis "Gemini, kami and pleroma client with a terminal interface")
- "This package provides a Gemini and pleroma client with a terminal
+ "This package provides a Gemini, kami and pleroma client with a terminal
(home-page "https://www.autistici.org/interzona/tinmop.html")
(license license:gpl3+)))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/web.scm b/gnu/packages/web.scm
index 03aff6e8f2..89533d8469 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/web.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/web.scm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Dvorsak <eric@dvorsak.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Sou Bunnbu <iyzsong@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Jelle Licht <jlicht@fsfe.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Rene Saavedra <rennes@openmailbox.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Björn Höfling <bjoern.hoefling@bjoernhoefling.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Paul Garlick <pgarlick@tourbillion-technology.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Michael Rohleder <mike@rohleder.de>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ryan Prior <rprior@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton <brown121407@posteo.ro>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <GNUtoo@cyberdimension.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Vinicius Monego <monego@posteo.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 cage <cage-dev@twistfold.it>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -4667,8 +4668,8 @@ CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds.")
license:freebsd-doc)))) ; documentation
(define-public guix-data-service
- (let ((commit "f1d8d76c4d685bc5e938f495c762984fe2564371")
- (revision "28"))
+ (let ((commit "27c34a9ca5ea010f207a4acad597ce98e84d3567")
+ (revision "30"))
(name "guix-data-service")
(version (string-append "0.0.1-" revision "." (string-take commit 7)))
@@ -4680,7 +4681,7 @@ CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "16ys402pvrzxm8kvhss4fhgfzbcxh70jndi50cpgz80qb510x3iq"))))
+ "1jjdvld3gp711dp8qd4rnhicbl7322jjzx4plizkg89k7j4x0xhx"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
'(#:modules ((guix build utils)
@@ -4739,16 +4740,18 @@ CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds.")
(delete 'strip)))) ; As the .go files aren't compatible
+ (list ephemeralpg
+ util-linux
+ postgresql-13
+ sqitch
+ bash-minimal))
+ (propagated-inputs
(list guix
- guile-fibers
+ guile-fibers-1.1
- guile-squee
- ephemeralpg
- util-linux
- postgresql-13
- sqitch))
+ guile-squee))
(list (car (assoc-ref (package-native-inputs guix) "guile"))
@@ -7836,6 +7839,82 @@ solution for any project's interface needs:
@end itemize\n")
(license license:expat)))
+(define-public gmid
+ (package
+ (name "gmid")
+ (version "1.8.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append
+ "https://github.com/omar-polo/gmid/releases/download/"
+ version "/gmid-" version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0m4809mwy888bqsacmyck68grqfvynq74kswm109al6wjbvd61bn"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list #:test-target "regress"
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (replace 'configure
+ (lambda _
+ (setenv "CC" #$(cc-for-target))
+ (invoke "./configure"
+ (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output)))))))
+ (native-inputs (list bison
+ coreutils
+ flex
+ pkg-config
+ procps
+ which))
+ (inputs (list libevent libressl))
+ (home-page "https://git.omarpolo.com/gmid/about/")
+ (synopsis "Simple and secure Gemini server")
+ (description "@command{gmid} is a fast Gemini server written with security
+in mind. It has features such as:
+@item reload the running configuration without interruption
+@item automatic redirect/error pages
+@item IRI support (RFC3987)
+@item reverse proxying
+@item CGI and FastCGI support
+@item virtual hosts
+@item location rules
+@item event-based asynchronous I/O model
+@item low memory footprint.
+@end itemize")
+ (license license:isc)))
+(define-public siege
+ (package
+ (name "siege")
+ (version "4.1.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "http://download.joedog.org/siege/siege-"
+ version ".tar.gz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "1a74py0ib1gr3znv9ah5acw67ngl08b14dbc90ww9clvgdr2ag0l"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ '(#:configure-flags (list (string-append "--with-zlib="
+ (assoc-ref %build-inputs "zlib"))
+ (string-append "--with-ssl="
+ (assoc-ref %build-inputs
+ "openssl")))))
+ (inputs (list openssl zlib))
+ (home-page "https://www.joedog.org/siege-home/")
+ (synopsis "HTTP/FTP load tester and benchmarking utility")
+ (description
+ "Siege is a multi-threaded HTTP/FTP load tester and benchmarking utility. It
+can stress test a single URL with a user defined number of simulated users, or
+it can read many URLs into memory and stress them simultaneously. The program
+reports the total number of hits recorded, bytes transferred, response time,
+concurrency, and return status.")
+ ;; GPLv3+ with OpenSSL linking exception.
+ (license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public gmnisrv
(name "gmnisrv")
@@ -7888,6 +7967,7 @@ solution for any project's interface needs:
`(("icu4c" ,icu4c)
("liblzma" ,xz)
("libuuid" ,util-linux "lib")
+ ("python" ,python-wrapper) ;for libzim-compile-resources
("xapian" ,xapian)
("zstd" ,zstd "lib")))
@@ -7948,7 +8028,9 @@ for ZIM files.")
- ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)))
+ ("pkg-config" ,pkg-config)
+ ;; for kiwix-compile-resources
+ ("python" ,python-wrapper)))
(synopsis "Common code base for all Kiwix ports")
(description "The Kiwix library provides the Kiwix software suite core.
It contains the code shared by all Kiwix ports.")
@@ -8058,28 +8140,25 @@ tools:
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public uriparser
- (let ((commit "25dddb16cf044a7df27884e7ad3911baaaca3d7c")
- (revision "1"))
- (package
- (name "uriparser")
- (version (git-version "0.9.4" revision commit))
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/uriparser/uriparser")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1ffzia679axcsccx2fxjpxhb0i5xc42zxn446x6c1170w6v69qf6"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
- (native-inputs (list googletest doxygen graphviz))
- (synopsis "Strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library")
- (description "uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and
+ (package
+ (name "uriparser")
+ (version "0.9.6")
+ (source (origin
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (string-append "https://github.com/uriparser/uriparser"
+ "/releases/download/uriparser-"
+ version "/uriparser-" version ".tar.xz"))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0i7nxgy36i8v81r213sbvmpxxq9qb4rhii9qbvl1k32jd1ka1252"))))
+ (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (native-inputs (list googletest doxygen graphviz))
+ (synopsis "Strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and handling library")
+ (description "uriparser is a strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing and
handling library written in C89 (\"ANSI C\"). uriparser is fast and supports
- (home-page "https://uriparser.github.io/")
- (license license:bsd-3))))
+ (home-page "https://uriparser.github.io/")
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public quark
;; No releases yet
diff --git a/gnu/packages/webkit.scm b/gnu/packages/webkit.scm
index 6a101331bd..f79d6bd4f6 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/webkit.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/webkit.scm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix build utils)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system meson)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (gnu packages base)
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@
(define-public libwpe
(name "libwpe")
- (version "1.6.0")
+ (version "1.12.0")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -78,8 +79,8 @@
(string-append "https://wpewebkit.org/releases/libwpe-"
version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "141w35b488jjhanl3nrm0awrbcy6hb579fk8n9vbpx07m2wcd1rm"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ (base32 "13618imck69w7fbmljlh62j4gnlspb9zfqzv9hlkck3bi8icmvp8"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ;no tests
@@ -98,21 +99,21 @@ the WPE-flavored port of WebKit.")
(define-public wpebackend-fdo
(name "wpebackend-fdo")
- (version "1.6.1")
+ (version "1.12.0")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://wpewebkit.org/releases/"
"wpebackend-fdo-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "1jdi43gciqjgvhnqxs160f3hmp1hkqhrllb0hhmldyxc4wryw3kl"))))
- (build-system cmake-build-system)
+ "1b3l02dns1yxw3rq18cv00qan4hp95mxw5b3ssc0fh93ap0wjfb2"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f)) ;no tests
(list pkg-config))
- (list glib libwpe mesa wayland))
+ (list glib libepoxy libwpe mesa wayland))
(home-page "https://wpewebkit.org/")
(synopsis "Wayland WPE backend")
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ engine that uses Wayland for graphics output.")
(define-public wpewebkit
(name "wpewebkit")
- (version "2.30.5")
+ (version "2.34.3")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ engine that uses Wayland for graphics output.")
(string-append "https://wpewebkit.org/releases/"
name "-" version ".tar.xz"))
- (base32 "16imr0kmzhs7dz6jva9750xbsdz9v50playnagabajy30x7pymsb"))))
+ (base32 "1z20bza01ld4jvi0qx8xsl5y4czaniwpi8hxdjyirj1mrszy8pf3"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "doc"))
@@ -161,6 +162,15 @@ engine that uses Wayland for graphics output.")
(find-files "Source" "\\.sgml$"))
+ (add-after 'unpack 'patch-cmake
+ (lambda _
+ (substitute* "Source/PlatformWPE.cmake"
+ (("(Documentation/wpe(-webextensions)?-)\\$\\{WPE_API_VERSION\\}"
+ all prefix)
+ (string-append prefix "${WPE_API_DOC_VERSION}"))
+ (("(html/wpe(-webextensions)?-)\\$\\{WPE_API_VERSION\\}"
+ all prefix)
+ (string-append prefix "${WPE_API_DOC_VERSION}")))))
(add-after 'install 'move-doc-files
(lambda* (#:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
@@ -193,6 +203,7 @@ engine that uses Wayland for graphics output.")
("gst-plugins-base" ,gst-plugins-base)
("harfbuzz" ,harfbuzz)
("icu" ,icu4c)
+ ("lcms" ,lcms)
("libepoxy" ,libepoxy)
("libgcrypt" ,libgcrypt)
("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
@@ -222,21 +233,23 @@ acceleration in mind, leveraging common 3D graphics APIs for best performance.")
;; Rendering and JavaScript Engines.
;; Others
- license:bsd-2))))
+ license:bsd-2))
+ (properties '((cpe-name . "wpe_webkit")))))
(define-public webkitgtk
(name "webkitgtk")
- (version "2.34.4")
+ (version "2.34.6")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://www.webkitgtk.org/releases/"
"webkitgtk-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "01m4mfqxqkcx72kps46hpkir92x105ggfp43j68nk9wv34cm0pwp"))
- (patches (search-patches "webkitgtk-share-store.patch"
- "webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch"))))
+ "1xn1hhd0qaxmjf6vy6664i4mmmjsw9zgrr4w8ni3415d981zvj3b"))
+ (patches (search-patches "webkitgtk-bind-all-fonts.patch"
+ "webkitgtk-adjust-bubblewrap-paths.patch"
+ "webkitgtk-canonicalize-paths.patch"))))
(build-system cmake-build-system)
(outputs '("out" "doc" "debug"))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/wget.scm b/gnu/packages/wget.scm
index 472b67a416..ec655b95bd 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/wget.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/wget.scm
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
(define-module (gnu packages wget)
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (gnu packages)
- #:use-module (gnu packages base)
#:use-module (gnu packages compression)
#:use-module (gnu packages documentation)
#:use-module (gnu packages gnunet)
@@ -158,15 +157,14 @@ online pastebin services.")
#:configure-flags '("--enable-static=no")))
- `(("bzip2" ,bzip2)
- ("gnutls" ,gnutls/dane)
- ("gpgme" ,gpgme)
- ("libiconv" ,libiconv)
- ("libidn2" ,libidn2)
- ("libmicrohttpd" ,libmicrohttpd)
- ("libpsl" ,libpsl)
- ("pcre2" ,pcre2)
- ("zlib" ,zlib)))
+ (list bzip2
+ gnutls/dane
+ gpgme
+ libidn2
+ libmicrohttpd
+ libpsl
+ pcre2
+ zlib))
;; TODO: Add libbrotlidec, libnghttp2.
(list pkg-config))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/wm.scm b/gnu/packages/wm.scm
index 9549b073cf..3de760d7a6 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/wm.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/wm.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Dvorsak <eric@dvorsak.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Siniša Biđin <sinisa@bidin.eu>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2022 Eric Bavier <bavier@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2015 xd1le <elisp.vim@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Paul van der Walt <paul@denknerd.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Disseminate Dissent <disseminatedissent@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Gabriel Wicki <gabriel@erlikon.ch>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -69,9 +71,11 @@
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix download)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix git-download)
#:use-module (guix build-system asdf)
#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system copy)
#:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
#:use-module (guix build-system haskell)
#:use-module (guix build-system meson)
@@ -290,22 +294,17 @@ commands would.")
(define-public i3-wm
(name "i3-wm")
- (version "4.18.3")
+ (version "4.20.1")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://i3wm.org/downloads/i3-"
- version ".tar.bz2"))
+ version ".tar.xz"))
- "03dijnwv2n8ak9jq59fhq0rc80m5wjc9d54fslqaivnnz81pkbjk"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ "1rpwdgykcvmrmdz244f0wm7446ih1dcw8rlc1hm1c7cc42pyrq93"))))
+ (build-system meson-build-system)
- `(#:configure-flags
- ;; The build system tries to build in a separate directory, but that
- ;; seems to be unnecessary.
- (list "--disable-builddir")
- ;; The test suite requires the unpackaged Xephyr X server.
+ `(;; The test suite requires the unpackaged Xephyr X server.
#:tests? #f
(modify-phases %standard-phases
@@ -355,23 +354,28 @@ resized.
i3 uses a plain-text configuration file, and can be extended and controlled from
many programming languages.")
+ (properties
+ `((upstream-name . "i3")
+ (release-monitoring-url . "https://i3wm.org/downloads")))
(license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public i3-gaps
- (package (inherit i3-wm)
- (name "i3-gaps")
- (version "4.18.3")
- (source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append
- "https://github.com/Airblader/i3/releases/download/"
- version "/i3-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1hcakwyz78lgp8mhqv7pw86jlb3m415pfql1q19rkijnhm3fn3ci"))))
- (home-page "https://github.com/Airblader/i3")
- (synopsis "Tiling window manager with gaps")
- (description "i3-gaps is a fork of i3wm, a tiling window manager
+ (package
+ (inherit i3-wm)
+ (name "i3-gaps")
+ (version "4.20.1")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/Airblader/i3")
+ (commit version)))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0g0qmv2gpv9qbhj9h5f4c4vfs6ndzq2rblgx9md85iharwp5sbb9"))))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/Airblader/i3")
+ (synopsis "Tiling window manager with gaps")
+ (description
+ "i3-gaps is a fork of i3wm, a tiling window manager
for X11. It is kept up to date with upstream, adding a few additional
features such as gaps between windows.
@@ -384,7 +388,7 @@ and optionally resized.
i3 uses a plain-text configuration file, and can be extended and controlled
from many programming languages.")
- (license license:bsd-3)))
+ (license license:bsd-3)))
(define-public i3lock
@@ -933,16 +937,15 @@ tiling window manager for X.")
(define-public evilwm
(name "evilwm")
- (version "1.1.1")
+ (version "1.3.1")
(method url-fetch)
- (uri (string-append "http://www.6809.org.uk/evilwm/evilwm-"
+ (uri (string-append "http://www.6809.org.uk/evilwm/dl/evilwm-"
version ".tar.gz"))
- "0ak0yajzk3v4dg5wmaghv6acf7v02a4iw8qxmq5yw5ard8lrqn3r"))
- (patches (search-patches "evilwm-lost-focus-bug.patch"))))
+ "1jry36qkg2l02v37zvzszxvxm2d8c62z25gks5gdqqjl9ifbpv1j"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list libx11 libxext libxrandr))
@@ -1031,7 +1034,7 @@ experience.")
(define-public fnott
(name "fnott")
- (version "1.1.2")
+ (version "1.2.1")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
(uri (git-reference
@@ -1040,7 +1043,7 @@ experience.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0vkwyci4z4jj2aczxkrmj0861j5jczjr8isasa7gml93nlvyw7gv"))))
+ "1770p5hfswbaa15zmjh10n7fskch00d3y03ij3gfb1v4q314nb9n"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(arguments `(#:build-type "release"))
@@ -1722,7 +1725,7 @@ display a clock or apply image manipulation techniques to the background image."
(define-public waybar
(name "waybar")
- (version "0.9.8")
+ (version "0.9.9")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1731,7 +1734,7 @@ display a clock or apply image manipulation techniques to the background image."
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "109a49f064ma5js2d7maribmfalswbmmhq2fraa7hfz5pf2jxs2w"))))
+ (base32 "0bp9ygqv3kawwxf53j1r98r0xxg81cx00jsmymmlrd8psgsd6yy9"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(inputs (list date
@@ -2244,41 +2247,40 @@ PNG files.")
(license license:gpl3+)))
(define-public lemonbar
- (let ((commit "35183ab81d2128dbb7b6d8e119cc57846bcefdb4")
- (revision "1"))
- (package
- (name "lemonbar")
- (version (git-version "1.3" revision commit))
- (source (origin
- (method git-fetch)
- (uri (git-reference
- (url "https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar")
- (commit commit)))
- (file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "1wwqbph392iwz8skaqxb0xpklb1l6yganqz80g4x1fhrnz7idmlh"))))
- (build-system gnu-build-system)
- (arguments
- `(#:tests? #f ; no test suite
- #:make-flags
- (list ,(string-append "CC=" (cc-for-target))
- (string-append "PREFIX=" %output))
- #:phases
- (modify-phases %standard-phases
- (delete 'configure))))
- (inputs
- (list libxcb))
- (native-inputs
- (list perl))
- (home-page "https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar")
- (synopsis "Featherweight status bar")
- (description
- "@code{lemonbar} (formerly known as @code{bar}) is a lightweight
+ (package
+ (name "lemonbar")
+ (version "1.4")
+ (source (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar")
+ (commit (string-append "v" version))))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0sm1lxxf0y2n87nvc8mz6i6mzb32f4qab80ppb28ibrwfir6jsln"))))
+ (build-system gnu-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:tests? #f ;no test suite
+ #:make-flags
+ #~(list #$(string-append "CC=" (cc-for-target))
+ (string-append "PREFIX=" #$output))
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (delete 'configure))))
+ (inputs
+ (list libxcb))
+ (native-inputs
+ (list perl))
+ (home-page "https://github.com/LemonBoy/bar")
+ (synopsis "Featherweight status bar")
+ (description
+ "@code{lemonbar} (formerly known as @code{bar}) is a lightweight
bar entirely based on XCB. Provides full UTF-8 support, basic
formatting, RandR and Xinerama support and EWMH compliance without
wasting your precious memory.")
- (license license:x11))))
+ (license license:x11)))
(define-public lemonbar-xft
;; Upstream v2.0 tag is several years behind HEAD
@@ -2302,17 +2304,12 @@ wasting your precious memory.")
(substitute-keyword-arguments (package-arguments lemonbar)
((#:make-flags make-flags)
- `(append
- ,make-flags
- (list (string-append
- (string-join
- (list (string-append
- "-I" (assoc-ref %build-inputs "freetype")
- "/include/freetype2")
- (string-append
- "-D" "VERSION="
- (format #f "'~s'" ,version))))))))))
+ #~(#$@make-flags
+ (format #f "CFLAGS=~a -DVERSION='~s'"
+ (string-append
+ "-I" #$(this-package-input "freetype")
+ "/include/freetype2")
+ #$version)))))
(home-page "https://github.com/drscream/lemonbar-xft")
@@ -2354,6 +2351,47 @@ support, for easier unicode usage.")))))
button is pressed on the root window.")
(license license:public-domain)))
+(define-public xinitrc-xsession
+ (let ((commit "cbfc77a1ccaf07b7d8a35f4d8007c7102f365374")
+ (revision "0"))
+ (package
+ (name "xinitrc-xsession")
+ (version (git-version "1" revision commit))
+ (source
+ (origin
+ (method git-fetch)
+ (uri (git-reference
+ (url "https://aur.archlinux.org/xinit-xsession.git")
+ (commit commit)))
+ (file-name (git-file-name name version))
+ (sha256
+ (base32 "12nv3qyjhy2l9mcb547f414d8bj79mhdhsra0g8x7x71b1xxl15b"))))
+ (build-system copy-build-system)
+ (arguments
+ (list
+ #:phases
+ #~(modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'install 'patch-xsession-file
+ (lambda _
+ (let* ((xinitrc-desktop
+ (string-append #$output "/share/xsessions/xinitrc.desktop"))
+ (xinitrc-helper
+ (string-append #$output "/bin/xinitrcsession-helper")))
+ (substitute* xinitrc-desktop
+ (("Exec=xinitrcsession-helper")
+ (string-append "Exec=" xinitrc-helper)))))))
+ #:install-plan
+ #~(list '("xinitrcsession-helper" "bin/")
+ '("xinitrc.desktop" "share/xsessions/"))))
+ (home-page "https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xinit-xsession/")
+ (synopsis "Use ~/.xinitrc as an xsession from your display manager")
+ (description
+ "Xinitrc-xsession allows @code{~/.xinitrc} to be run as a session from
+your display manager. Make @code{~/.xinitrc} executable and use this package
+in your system configuration have this xsession available to your display
+ (license license:gpl3))))
(define-public xmenu
(name "xmenu")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/wxwidgets.scm b/gnu/packages/wxwidgets.scm
index 41ea99feed..ca1b33081d 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/wxwidgets.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/wxwidgets.scm
@@ -341,14 +341,14 @@ provide a 100% native look and feel for the application.")
(define-public wxsvg
(name "wxsvg")
- (version "1.5.22")
+ (version "1.5.23")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "mirror://sourceforge/wxsvg/wxsvg/"
version "/wxsvg-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- (base32 "0agmmwg0zlsw1idygvqjpj1nk41akzlbdha0hsdk1k8ckz6niq8d"))))
+ (base32 "1fdbvihw1w2vm29xj54cqgpdabhlg0ydf3clkb0qrlf7mhgkc1rz"))))
(build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
(list wxwidgets-3.1 cairo ffmpeg))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm b/gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm
index ec995c3496..d2caee85ec 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 B. Wilson <elaexuotee@wilsonb.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Zheng Junjie <873216071@qq.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Nicolas Goaziou <mail@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Renzo Poddighe <renzo@poddighe.nl>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Paul A. Patience <paul@apatience.com>
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Felix Gruber <felgru@posteo.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2022 John Kehayias <john.kehayias@protonmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Jai Vetrivelan <jaivetrivelan@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -491,7 +492,7 @@ X11 (yet).")
(define-public xdotool
(name "xdotool")
- (version "3.20160805.1")
+ (version "3.20211022.1")
(method url-fetch)
@@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ X11 (yet).")
version "/xdotool-" version ".tar.gz"))
- "1a6c1zr86zb53352yxv104l76l8x21gfl2bgw6h21iphxpv5zgim"))))
+ "1nlsbwsdsgys607f00sc8xgb7l7cdzsb14avsg5fly3dvv7zmw4n"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
'(#:tests? #f ; Test suite requires a lot of black magic
@@ -971,7 +972,7 @@ to find buttons, etc, on the screen to click on.")
(define-public xbanish
(name "xbanish")
- (version "1.7")
+ (version "1.8")
(home-page "https://github.com/jcs/xbanish")
(source (origin
(method git-fetch)
@@ -980,7 +981,7 @@ to find buttons, etc, on the screen to click on.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "0ic5f7zgc32p5g1wxas9y5h8dhik0pvsa8wmn6skdry56gw9vg9q"))))
+ "12mjwn8hvrrhwyg3wi20bqr6k8d57xf9m5qr3s4nn511dcksh04g"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
`(#:tests? #f ; no tests
@@ -999,29 +1000,28 @@ shows it again when the mouse cursor moves or a mouse button is pressed.")
(define-public xlockmore
(name "xlockmore")
- (version "5.67")
+ (version "5.68")
(source (origin
- (method url-fetch)
- (uri (list (string-append "http://sillycycle.com/xlock/"
- "xlockmore-" version ".tar.xz")
- ;; Previous releases are moved to a subdirectory.
- (string-append "http://sillycycle.com/xlock/"
- "recent-releases/"
- "xlockmore-" version ".tar.xz")))
- (sha256
- (base32
- "0k13gxgnk4i041g1fzixfwlf3l5hrvvkhfvxf27szx0d1qbpwq58"))))
+ (method url-fetch)
+ (uri (list (string-append "http://sillycycle.com/xlock/"
+ "xlockmore-" version ".tar.xz")
+ ;; Previous releases are moved to a subdirectory.
+ (string-append "http://sillycycle.com/xlock/"
+ "recent-releases/"
+ "xlockmore-" version ".tar.xz")))
+ (sha256
+ (base32
+ "0vndfwccnvkaaraprjam8pmx0aj55va0ag64q6snxw83nbf1ywrh"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- '(#:configure-flags (list (string-append "--enable-appdefaultdir="
- (assoc-ref %outputs "out")
- "/lib/X11/app-defaults"))
- #:tests? #f)) ;no such thing as a test suite
+ (list
+ #:configure-flags
+ #~(list (string-append "--enable-appdefaultdir="
+ #$output
+ "/lib/X11/app-defaults"))
+ #:tests? #f)) ;no such thing as a test suite
- `(("libX11" ,libx11)
- ("libXext" ,libxext)
- ("libXt" ,libxt)
- ("linux-pam" ,linux-pam)))
+ (list libx11 libxext libxt linux-pam))
(home-page "https://sillycycle.com/xlockmore.html")
(synopsis "Screen locker for the X Window System")
@@ -1058,14 +1058,14 @@ transparent text on your screen.")
(define-public wob
(name "wob")
- (version "0.12")
+ (version "0.13")
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/francma/wob/releases/download/"
version "/wob-" version ".tar.gz"))
- (base32 "080pwz8pvqqq068lavzz48dl350iszpdswjd86bjk6zra5h5d10q"))))
+ (base32 "0i8y6kq37qcgdq85ll4rapisjl7zw6aa11yx2f2xw2d3j93kdxh8"))))
(build-system meson-build-system)
(list pkg-config scdoc))
@@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ connectivity of the X server running on a particular @code{DISPLAY}.")
(define-public rofi
(name "rofi")
- (version "1.7.2")
+ (version "1.7.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://github.com/davatorium/rofi/"
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ connectivity of the X server running on a particular @code{DISPLAY}.")
version "/rofi-" version ".tar.xz"))
- "1kfp9ylynz8xgw11aa5k7b4iyq9z8zkqas1mpvs8wpzvnfr09ymd"))))
+ "0yxn9pmn9zp0k5ygnjqbj1pmp73g53wa47r145a8qcwqzxl8p1i5"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list bison
@@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ by name.")
(define-public rofi-calc
(name "rofi-calc")
- (version "2.0.0")
+ (version "2.1.0")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ by name.")
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- "1j23xwa6s27wyx6r0yb85cby6dggrcb103nqcfxr5li1mcqrgd9m"))))
+ "021z7hwvdcs3g7icyp6xhry0xlq29gg1288hg2kzyzqq4l2irxdi"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
diff --git a/gnu/packages/xfce.scm b/gnu/packages/xfce.scm
index 38a0a25524..cdd98f2863 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/xfce.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/xfce.scm
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ several different time zones.")
(define-public xfce4-notifyd
(name "xfce4-notifyd")
- (version "0.6.2")
+ (version "0.6.3")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/"
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ several different time zones.")
name "-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "0ib5s7kjbr9sy8nh89nfcc4w6qplacnk4s92iycijy2wcv389aqr"))))
+ "17w5j3cwxlza7p3clvm7sp3vfacyi4dbn2dy58ph8q6lmsaziaan"))))
(build-system glib-or-gtk-build-system)
(list intltool pkg-config))
@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ A plugin for the Xfce panel is also available.")
(define-public xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
(name "xfce4-cpugraph-plugin")
- (version "1.2.5")
+ (version "1.2.6")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://archive.xfce.org/src/panel-plugins/"
@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ A plugin for the Xfce panel is also available.")
"/xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "1c51qf93lr6kr2g4nil21rj1h3h5kp3k50n9hcxvcy9wz3bxpxn2"))))
+ "16dg8xdwzyy70sj8zkms3vnp0wdhmqbrq4fld1aah90qgkslcckp"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list intltool pkg-config))
@@ -1441,7 +1441,7 @@ precedence rules, and the following functions and common constants.")
(define-public xfce4-cpufreq-plugin
(name "xfce4-cpufreq-plugin")
- (version "1.2.4")
+ (version "1.2.7")
(source (origin
(method url-fetch)
(uri (string-append "https://archive.xfce.org/src/panel-plugins/"
@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ precedence rules, and the following functions and common constants.")
"/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-" version ".tar.bz2"))
- "17kzy156xqnbk4apskg005p7r09q7zb8crifad5mbawc7ysihll1"))))
+ "1365pj6viij492hq4mw34w4390sfdrn94rdgm2r1f6gma1hzpm2s"))))
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list intltool pkg-config))
diff --git a/gnu/packages/xfig.scm b/gnu/packages/xfig.scm
index 9004c79e22..1d4d17527c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/xfig.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/xfig.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2014 Federico Beffa <beffa@fbengineering.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ivan Vilata i Balaguer <ivan@selidor.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -85,7 +86,10 @@ selected in various ways. For text, 35 fonts are available.")
version ".tar.gz"))
- "0i3p7qmg2w8qrad3pn42b0miwarql7yy0gpd49b1bpal6bqsiicf"))))
+ "0i3p7qmg2w8qrad3pn42b0miwarql7yy0gpd49b1bpal6bqsiicf"))
+ (patches
+ (search-patches
+ "transfig-gcc10-fno-common.patch")))) ; fix GCC10 build
(build-system gnu-build-system)
(list imake makedepend))
@@ -123,6 +127,7 @@ selected in various ways. For text, 35 fonts are available.")
(invoke "xmkmf" "-a")
(substitute* '("Makefile"
+ "fig2dev/dev/Makefile"
;; These imake variables somehow remain undefined
(("DefaultGcc2[[:graph:]]*Opt") "-O2")
@@ -131,7 +136,12 @@ selected in various ways. For text, 35 fonts are available.")
(("(MANPATH = )[[:graph:]]*" _ front)
(string-append front out "/share/man"))
(("(CONFDIR = )([[:graph:]]*)" _ front default)
- (string-append front out default)))
+ (string-append front out default))
+ ;; The "l" option was silently ignored until binutils 2.36,
+ ;; where it got a different purpose. So remove it to avoid
+ ;; "ar: libdeps specified more than once".
+ (("((AR|MODAR) = ar )clq" _ front)
+ (string-append front "cq")))
(add-after 'install 'install/doc
(lambda _
diff --git a/gnu/packages/xml.scm b/gnu/packages/xml.scm
index 771c577618..49275c3e0c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/xml.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/xml.scm
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags).")
(define expat/fixed
(inherit expat)
- (version "2.4.3")
+ (version "2.4.7")
(source (let ((dot->underscore (lambda (c) (if (char=? #\. c) #\_ c))))
(method url-fetch)
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ things the parser might find in the XML document (like start tags).")
"/expat-" version ".tar.xz")))
- "12kp4h40cpyqqpjqaldag0xq4ig1ljzpkzy9i2marc7blnqz3ydi")))))))
+ "0zbss0dssn17mjmvk17qfi5cmvm0lcyzs62cwvqr219hhl864xcq")))))))
(define-public libebml
@@ -1468,9 +1468,6 @@ files. It is designed to be fast and to handle large input files.")
"Defusedxml provides XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules.")
(license license:psfl)))
-(define-public python2-defusedxml
- (package-with-python2 python-defusedxml))
(define-public freexl
(name "freexl")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/xorg.scm b/gnu/packages/xorg.scm
index 16bf2bf2d6..2eecfccf5b 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/xorg.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/xorg.scm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Dvorsak <eric@dvorsak.fr>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Cyrill Schenkel <cyrill.schenkel@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Nikita <nikita@n0.is>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
@@ -4752,13 +4752,29 @@ cannot be adequately worked around on the client side of the wire.")
(build-system gnu-build-system)
- (list "--disable-static" ,@(malloc0-flags))))
+ (list "--disable-static" ,@(malloc0-flags))
+ ,@(if (and (%current-target-system)
+ (target-riscv64?))
+ `(#:phases
+ (modify-phases %standard-phases
+ (add-after 'unpack 'update-config
+ (lambda* (#:key native-inputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (install-file
+ (search-input-file native-inputs "/bin/config.sub") ".")
+ (install-file
+ (search-input-file native-inputs "/bin/config.guess") ".")))))
+ '())))
(list xorgproto))
(list libx11))
- (list pkg-config))
+ (append
+ (if (and (%current-target-system)
+ (target-riscv64?))
+ (list config)
+ '())
+ (list pkg-config)))
(home-page "https://www.x.org/wiki/")
(synopsis "Xorg Render Extension library")
(description "Library for the Render Extension to the X11 protocol.")
diff --git a/gnu/packages/zig.scm b/gnu/packages/zig.scm
index b3de72226b..4c048ef580 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/zig.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/zig.scm
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
(define-public zig
(name "zig")
- (version "0.9.0")
+ (version "0.9.1")
(method git-fetch)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
(commit version)))
(file-name (git-file-name name version))
- (base32 "1zdz5s434c48z3y0c8l9wm2z1gxa7yyzd53zmr68lwj6mcl7by8x"))
+ (base32 "0nfvgg23sw50ksy0z0ml6lkdsvmd0278mq29m23dbb2jsirkhry7"))
diff --git a/gnu/services.scm b/gnu/services.scm
index 68fa4ebb63..e3d4fcc232 100644
--- a/gnu/services.scm
+++ b/gnu/services.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
@@ -735,7 +735,9 @@ directory."
(service-type (name 'startup)
(list (service-extension system-service-type hurd-rc-entry)))
- (default-value %hurd-rc-script)))
+ (default-value %hurd-rc-script)
+ (description "This service creates an @file{rc} script in the
+system; that script is responsible for booting the Hurd.")))
(define %hurd-startup-service
;; The service that produces the RC script.
diff --git a/gnu/services/base.scm b/gnu/services/base.scm
index fbd01e84d6..f278cb76de 100644
--- a/gnu/services/base.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/base.scm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2021 qblade <qblade@protonmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Hui Lu <luhuins@163.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant <glv@posteo.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
+ guix-configuration-generate-substitute-key?
@@ -876,6 +877,8 @@ the message of the day, among other things."
;; "Escape hatch" for passing arbitrary command-line arguments.
(extra-options agetty-extra-options ;list of strings
(default '()))
+ (shepherd-requirement agetty-shepherd-requirement ;list of SHEPHERD requirements
+ (default '()))
;;; XXX Unimplemented for now!
;;; (issue-file agetty-issue-file ;file-like
;;; (default #f))
@@ -924,17 +927,19 @@ to use as the tty. This is primarily useful for headless systems."
host no-issue? init-string no-clear? local-line extract-baud?
skip-login? no-newline? login-options chroot hangup? keep-baud? timeout
detect-case? wait-cr? no-hints? no-hostname? long-hostname?
- erase-characters kill-characters chdir delay nice extra-options)
+ erase-characters kill-characters chdir delay nice extra-options
+ shepherd-requirement)
(documentation "Run agetty on a tty.")
- (provision (list (symbol-append 'term- (string->symbol (or tty "auto")))))
+ (provision (list (symbol-append 'term- (string->symbol (or tty "console")))))
;; Since the login prompt shows the host name, wait for the 'host-name'
;; service to be done. Also wait for udev essentially so that the tty
;; text is not lost in the middle of kernel messages (see also
;; mingetty-shepherd-service).
- (requirement '(user-processes host-name udev))
+ (requirement (cons* 'user-processes 'host-name 'udev
+ shepherd-requirement))
(modules '((ice-9 match) (gnu build linux-boot)))
@@ -1561,6 +1566,8 @@ archive' public keys, with GUIX."
(default #t))
(substitute-urls guix-configuration-substitute-urls ;list of strings
(default %default-substitute-urls))
+ (generate-substitute-key? guix-configuration-generate-substitute-key?
+ (default #t)) ;Boolean
(chroot-directories guix-configuration-chroot-directories ;list of file-like/strings
(default '()))
(max-silent-time guix-configuration-max-silent-time ;integer
@@ -1745,14 +1752,15 @@ proxy of 'guix-daemon'...~%")
(define (guix-activation config)
"Return the activation gexp for CONFIG."
(match-record config <guix-configuration>
- (guix authorize-key? authorized-keys)
+ (guix generate-substitute-key? authorize-key? authorized-keys)
;; Assume that the store has BUILD-GROUP as its group. We could
;; otherwise call 'chown' here, but the problem is that on a COW overlayfs,
;; chown leads to an entire copy of the tree, which is a bad idea.
;; Generate a key pair and optionally authorize substitute server keys.
- (unless (file-exists? "/etc/guix/signing-key.pub")
+ (unless (or #$(not generate-substitute-key?)
+ (file-exists? "/etc/guix/signing-key.pub"))
(system* #$(file-append guix "/bin/guix") "archive"
@@ -1995,8 +2003,7 @@ item of @var{packages}."
(find directory-exists?
(map (cut string-append directory <>) %standard-locations)))
- (mkdir-p (string-append #$output "/lib/udev"))
- (union-build (string-append #$output "/lib/udev/rules.d")
+ (union-build #$output
(filter-map rules-sub-directory '#$packages)))))
(computed-file "udev-rules" build))
@@ -2046,115 +2053,114 @@ item of @var{packages}."
(define udev-shepherd-service
;; Return a <shepherd-service> for UDEV with RULES.
+ (($ <udev-configuration> udev)
+ (list
+ (shepherd-service
+ (provision '(udev))
+ ;; Udev needs /dev to be a 'devtmpfs' mount so that new device nodes can
+ ;; be added: see
+ ;; <http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/development/chapter07/udev.html>.
+ (requirement '(root-file-system))
+ (documentation "Populate the /dev directory, dynamically.")
+ (start
+ (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
+ '((gnu build linux-boot)))
+ #~(lambda ()
+ (define udevd
+ ;; 'udevd' from eudev.
+ #$(file-append udev "/sbin/udevd"))
+ (define (wait-for-udevd)
+ ;; Wait until someone's listening on udevd's control
+ ;; socket.
+ (let ((sock (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET 0)))
+ (let try ()
+ (catch 'system-error
+ (lambda ()
+ (connect sock PF_UNIX "/run/udev/control")
+ (close-port sock))
+ (lambda args
+ (format #t "waiting for udevd...~%")
+ (usleep 500000)
+ (try))))))
+ ;; Allow udev to find the modules.
+ "/run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules")
+ (let* ((kernel-release
+ (utsname:release (uname)))
+ (linux-module-directory
+ (directory
+ (string-append linux-module-directory "/"
+ kernel-release))
+ (old-umask (umask #o022)))
+ ;; If we're in a container, DIRECTORY might not exist,
+ ;; for instance because the host runs a different
+ ;; kernel. In that case, skip it; we'll just miss a few
+ ;; nodes like /dev/fuse.
+ (when (file-exists? directory)
+ (make-static-device-nodes directory))
+ (umask old-umask))
+ (let ((pid (fork+exec-command
+ (list udevd)
+ #:environment-variables
+ (cons*
+ ;; The first one is for udev, the second one for
+ ;; eudev.
+ "UDEV_CONFIG_FILE=/etc/udev/udev.conf"
+ "EUDEV_RULES_DIRECTORY=/etc/udev/rules.d"
+ (string-append "LINUX_MODULE_DIRECTORY="
+ (default-environment-variables)))))
+ ;; Wait until udevd is up and running. This appears to
+ ;; be needed so that the events triggered below are
+ ;; actually handled.
+ (wait-for-udevd)
+ ;; Trigger device node creation.
+ (system* #$(file-append udev "/bin/udevadm")
+ "trigger" "--action=add")
+ ;; Wait for things to settle down.
+ (system* #$(file-append udev "/bin/udevadm")
+ "settle")
+ pid))))
+ (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
+ ;; When halting the system, 'udev' is actually killed by
+ ;; 'user-processes', i.e., before its own 'stop' method was called.
+ ;; Thus, make sure it is not respawned.
+ (respawn? #f)
+ ;; We need additional modules.
+ (modules `((gnu build linux-boot) ;'make-static-device-nodes'
+ ,@%default-modules)))))))
+(define udev.conf
+ (computed-file "udev.conf"
+ #~(call-with-output-file #$output
+ (lambda (port)
+ (format port "udev_rules=\"/etc/udev/rules.d\"~%")))))
+(define udev-etc
+ (match-lambda
(($ <udev-configuration> udev rules)
- (let* ((rules (udev-rules-union (cons* udev kvm-udev-rule rules)))
- (udev.conf (computed-file "udev.conf"
- #~(call-with-output-file #$output
- (lambda (port)
- (format port
- "udev_rules=\"~a/lib/udev/rules.d\"\n"
- #$rules))))))
- (list
- (shepherd-service
- (provision '(udev))
- ;; Udev needs /dev to be a 'devtmpfs' mount so that new device nodes can
- ;; be added: see
- ;; <http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/development/chapter07/udev.html>.
- (requirement '(root-file-system))
- (documentation "Populate the /dev directory, dynamically.")
- (start
- (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
- '((gnu build linux-boot)))
- #~(lambda ()
- (define udevd
- ;; 'udevd' from eudev.
- #$(file-append udev "/sbin/udevd"))
- (define (wait-for-udevd)
- ;; Wait until someone's listening on udevd's control
- ;; socket.
- (let ((sock (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET 0)))
- (let try ()
- (catch 'system-error
- (lambda ()
- (connect sock PF_UNIX "/run/udev/control")
- (close-port sock))
- (lambda args
- (format #t "waiting for udevd...~%")
- (usleep 500000)
- (try))))))
- ;; Allow udev to find the modules.
- "/run/booted-system/kernel/lib/modules")
- (let* ((kernel-release
- (utsname:release (uname)))
- (linux-module-directory
- (directory
- (string-append linux-module-directory "/"
- kernel-release))
- (old-umask (umask #o022)))
- ;; If we're in a container, DIRECTORY might not exist,
- ;; for instance because the host runs a different
- ;; kernel. In that case, skip it; we'll just miss a few
- ;; nodes like /dev/fuse.
- (when (file-exists? directory)
- (make-static-device-nodes directory))
- (umask old-umask))
- (let ((pid (fork+exec-command (list udevd)
- #:environment-variables
- (cons*
- ;; The first one is for udev, the second one for
- ;; eudev.
- (string-append "UDEV_CONFIG_FILE=" #$udev.conf)
- (string-append "EUDEV_RULES_DIRECTORY="
- #$(file-append
- rules "/lib/udev/rules.d"))
- (string-append "LINUX_MODULE_DIRECTORY="
- (default-environment-variables)))))
- ;; Wait until udevd is up and running. This appears to
- ;; be needed so that the events triggered below are
- ;; actually handled.
- (wait-for-udevd)
- ;; Trigger device node creation.
- (system* #$(file-append udev "/bin/udevadm")
- "trigger" "--action=add")
- ;; Wait for things to settle down.
- (system* #$(file-append udev "/bin/udevadm")
- "settle")
- pid))))
- (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))
- ;; When halting the system, 'udev' is actually killed by
- ;; 'user-processes', i.e., before its own 'stop' method was called.
- ;; Thus, make sure it is not respawned.
- (respawn? #f)
- ;; We need additional modules.
- (modules `((gnu build linux-boot) ;'make-static-device-nodes'
- ,@%default-modules))
- (actions (list (shepherd-action
- (name 'rules)
- (documentation "Display the directory containing
-the udev rules in use.")
- (procedure #~(lambda (_)
- (display #$rules)
- (newline))))))))))))
+ `(("udev"
+ ,(file-union
+ "udev" `(("udev.conf" ,udev.conf)
+ ("rules.d" ,(udev-rules-union (cons* udev kvm-udev-rule
+ rules))))))))))
(define udev-service-type
(service-type (name 'udev)
(list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
- udev-shepherd-service)))
+ udev-shepherd-service)
+ (service-extension etc-service-type udev-etc)))
(compose concatenate) ;concatenate the list of rules
(extend (lambda (config rules)
(match config
@@ -2783,10 +2789,12 @@ to handle."
(cons tty %default-console-font))
'("tty1" "tty2" "tty3" "tty4" "tty5" "tty6")))
+ (syslog-service)
(service agetty-service-type (agetty-configuration
(extra-options '("-L")) ; no carrier detect
(term "vt100")
- (tty #f))) ; automatic
+ (tty #f) ; automatic
+ (shepherd-requirement '(syslogd))))
(service mingetty-service-type (mingetty-configuration
(tty "tty1")))
@@ -2803,7 +2811,6 @@ to handle."
(service static-networking-service-type
(list %loopback-static-networking))
- (syslog-service)
(service urandom-seed-service-type)
(service guix-service-type)
(service nscd-service-type)
diff --git a/gnu/services/cuirass.scm b/gnu/services/cuirass.scm
index 96f28a9670..d666d6243b 100644
--- a/gnu/services/cuirass.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/cuirass.scm
@@ -302,7 +302,8 @@
(define (cuirass-log-rotations config)
"Return the list of log rotations that corresponds to CONFIG."
(list (log-rotation
- (files (list (cuirass-configuration-log-file config)))
+ (files (list (cuirass-configuration-log-file config)
+ (cuirass-configuration-web-log-file config)))
(frequency 'weekly)
(options '("rotate 40"))))) ;worth keeping
diff --git a/gnu/services/databases.scm b/gnu/services/databases.scm
index 39225a4bd6..15a2036037 100644
--- a/gnu/services/databases.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/databases.scm
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
+ postgresql-configuration-extension-packages
diff --git a/gnu/services/dbus.scm b/gnu/services/dbus.scm
index d2daf60497..ef6b82c572 100644
--- a/gnu/services/dbus.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/dbus.scm
@@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ includes the @code{etc/dbus-1/system.d} directories of each package listed in
(define (services->sxml services)
;; Return the SXML 'includedir' clauses for DIRS.
- ;; Increase this timeout to 60 seconds to work around race-y
+ ;; Increase this timeout to 300 seconds to work around race-y
;; failures such as <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/52051> on slow
;; computers with slow I/O.
- (limit (@ (name "auth_timeout")) "60000")
+ (limit (@ (name "auth_timeout")) "300000")
(servicehelper "/run/setuid-programs/dbus-daemon-launch-helper")
;; First, the '.service' files of services subject to activation.
diff --git a/gnu/services/desktop.scm b/gnu/services/desktop.scm
index c2ee3a3d80..ecadb16b2f 100644
--- a/gnu/services/desktop.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/desktop.scm
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#:use-module (gnu system)
#:use-module (gnu system setuid)
#:use-module (gnu system shadow)
+ #:use-module (gnu system uuid)
#:use-module (gnu system pam)
#:use-module (gnu packages glib)
#:use-module (gnu packages admin)
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 format)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:export (<upower-configuration>
@@ -403,14 +405,380 @@ site} for more information."
bluetooth-configuration make-bluetooth-configuration
(bluez bluetooth-configuration-bluez (default bluez))
- (auto-enable? bluetooth-configuration-auto-enable? (default #f)))
+ ;;; [General]
+ (name bluetooth-configuration-name (default "BlueZ"))
+ (class bluetooth-configuration-class (default #x000000))
+ (discoverable-timeout
+ bluetooth-configuration-discoverable-timeout (default 180))
+ (always-pairable? bluetooth-configuration-always-pairable? (default #f))
+ (pairable-timeout bluetooth-configuration-pairable-timeout (default 0))
+ ;;; MAYBE: Exclude into separate <device-id> record-type?
+ (device-id bluetooth-configuration-device-id (default #f))
+ (reverse-service-discovery?
+ bluetooth-configuration-reverse-service-discovery (default #t))
+ (name-resolving? bluetooth-configuration-name-resolving? (default #t))
+ (debug-keys? bluetooth-configuration-debug-keys? (default #f))
+ ;;; Possible values:
+ ;;; 'dual, 'bredr, 'le
+ (controller-mode bluetooth-configuration-controller-mode (default 'dual))
+ ;;; Possible values:
+ ;;; 'off, 'single, 'multiple
+ (multi-profile bluetooth-configuration-multi-profile (default 'off))
+ (fast-connectable? bluetooth-configuration-fast-connectable? (default #f))
+ ;;; Possible values:
+ ;;; for LE mode: 'off, 'network/on, 'device
+ ;;; for Dual mode: 'off, 'network/on', 'device, 'limited-network, 'limited-device
+ ;;; Source: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/src/main.conf#n68
+ (privacy bluetooth-configuration-privacy (default 'off))
+ ;;; Possible values:
+ ;;; 'never, 'confirm, 'always
+ (just-works-repairing
+ bluetooth-configuration-just-works-repairing (default 'never))
+ (temporary-timeout bluetooth-configuration-temporary-timeout (default 30))
+ (refresh-discovery? bluetooth-configuration-refresh-discovery (default #t))
+ ;;; Possible values: #t, #f, (uuid <uuid>)
+ ;;; Possible UUIDs:
+ ;;; d4992530-b9ec-469f-ab01-6c481c47da1c (BlueZ Experimental Debug)
+ ;;; 671b10b5-42c0-4696-9227-eb28d1b049d6 (BlueZ Experimental Simultaneous Central and Peripheral)
+ ;;; 15c0a148-c273-11ea-b3de-0242ac130004 (BlueZ Experimental LL privacy)
+ ;;; 330859bc-7506-492d-9370-9a6f0614037f (BlueZ Experimental Bluetooth Quality Report)
+ ;;; a6695ace-ee7f-4fb9-881a-5fac66c629af (BlueZ Experimental Offload Codecs)
+ ;;; Source: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/src/main.conf#n110
+ (experimental bluetooth-configuration-experimental (default #f))
+ (remote-name-request-retry-delay
+ bluetooth-configuration-remote-name-request-retry-delay (default 300))
+ ;;; [BR]
+ (page-scan-type bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-type (default #f))
+ (page-scan-interval bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-interval (default #f))
+ (page-scan-window bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-window (default #f))
+ (inquiry-scan-type bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-type (default #f))
+ (inquiry-scan-interval bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-interval (default #f))
+ (inquiry-scan-window bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-window (default #f))
+ (link-supervision-timeout bluetooth-configuration-link-supervision-timeout (default #f))
+ (page-timeout bluetooth-configuration-page-timeout (default #f))
+ (min-sniff-interval bluetooth-configuration-min-sniff-interval (default #f))
+ (max-sniff-interval bluetooth-configuration-max-sniff-interval (default #f))
+ ;;; [LE]
+ (min-advertisement-interval
+ bluetooth-configuration-min-advertisement-interval (default #f))
+ (max-advertisement-interval
+ bluetooth-configuration-max-advertisement-interval (default #f))
+ (multi-advertisement-rotation-interval
+ bluetooth-configuration-multi-advertisement-rotation-interval (default #f))
+ (scan-interval-auto-connect
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-auto-connect (default #f))
+ (scan-window-auto-connect
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-auto-connect (default #f))
+ (scan-interval-suspend
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-suspend (default #f))
+ (scan-window-suspend
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-suspend (default #f))
+ (scan-interval-discovery
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-discovery (default #f))
+ (scan-window-discovery
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-discovery (default #f))
+ (scan-interval-adv-monitor
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-adv-monitor (default #f))
+ (scan-window-adv-monitor
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-adv-monitor (default #f))
+ (scan-interval-connect
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-connect (default #f))
+ (scan-window-connect
+ bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-connect (default #f))
+ (min-connection-interval
+ bluetooth-configuration-min-connection-interval (default #f))
+ (max-connection-interval
+ bluetooth-configuration-max-connection-interval (default #f))
+ (connection-latency
+ bluetooth-configuration-connection-latency (default #f))
+ (connection-supervision-timeout
+ bluetooth-configuration-connection-supervision-timeout (default #f))
+ (autoconnect-timeout
+ bluetooth-configuration-autoconnect-timeout (default #f))
+ (adv-mon-allowlist-scan-duration
+ bluetooth-configuration-adv-mon-allowlist-scan-duration (default 300))
+ (adv-mon-no-filter-scan-duration
+ bluetooth-configuration-adv-mon-no-filter-scan-duration (default 500))
+ (enable-adv-mon-interleave-scan?
+ bluetooth-configuration-enable-adv-mon-interleave-scan (default #t))
+ ;;; [GATT]
+ ;;; Possible values: 'yes, 'no, 'always
+ (cache bluetooth-configuration-cache (default 'always))
+ ;;; Possible values: 7 ... 16, 0 (don't care)
+ (key-size bluetooth-configuration-key-size (default 0))
+ ;;; Possible values: 23 ... 517
+ (exchange-mtu bluetooth-configuration-exchange-mtu (default 517))
+ ;;; Possible values: 1 ... 5
+ (att-channels bluetooth-configuration-att-channels (default 3))
+ ;;; [AVDTP]
+ ;;; Possible values: 'basic, 'ertm
+ (session-mode bluetooth-configuration-session-mode (default 'basic))
+ ;;; Possible values: 'basic, 'streaming
+ (stream-mode bluetooth-configuration-stream-mode (default 'basic))
+ ;;; [Policy]
+ (reconnect-uuids bluetooth-configuration-reconnect-uuids (default '()))
+ (reconnect-attempts bluetooth-configuration-reconnect-attempts (default 7))
+ (reconnect-intervals bluetooth-configuration-reconnect-intervals
+ (default (list 1 2 4 8 16 32 64)))
+ (auto-enable? bluetooth-configuration-auto-enable? (default #f))
+ (resume-delay bluetooth-configuration-resume-delay (default 2))
+ ;;; [AdvMon]
+ ;;; Possible values:
+ ;;; "0x00", "0xFF",
+ ;;; "N = 0x00" ... "N = 0xFF"
+ ;;; Source: https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/src/main.conf#n286
+ (rssi-sampling-period bluetooth-configuration-rssi-sampling-period
+ (default #xFF)))
(define (bluetooth-configuration-file config)
"Return a configuration file for the systemd bluetooth service, as a string."
- "[Policy]\n"
- "AutoEnable=" (bool (bluetooth-configuration-auto-enable?
- config))))
+ "[General]"
+ "\nName = " (bluetooth-configuration-name config)
+ "\nClass = " (string-append
+ "0x"
+ (format #f "~6,'0x" (bluetooth-configuration-class config)))
+ "\nDiscoverableTimeout = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-discoverable-timeout
+ config))
+ "\nAlwaysPairable = " (bool (bluetooth-configuration-always-pairable?
+ config))
+ "\nPairableTimeout = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-pairable-timeout
+ config))
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-device-id config)
+ (string-append "\nDeviceID = " (bluetooth-configuration-device-id config))
+ "")
+ "\nReverseServiceDiscovery = " (bool
+ (bluetooth-configuration-reverse-service-discovery
+ config))
+ "\nNameResolving = " (bool (bluetooth-configuration-name-resolving? config))
+ "\nDebugKeys = " (bool (bluetooth-configuration-debug-keys? config))
+ "\nControllerMode = " (symbol->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-controller-mode config))
+ "\nMultiProfile = " (symbol->string (bluetooth-configuration-multi-profile
+ config))
+ "\nFastConnectable = " (bool (bluetooth-configuration-fast-connectable? config))
+ "\nPrivacy = " (symbol->string (bluetooth-configuration-privacy config))
+ "\nJustWorksRepairing = " (symbol->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-just-works-repairing config))
+ "\nTemporaryTimeout = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-temporary-timeout config))
+ "\nRefreshDiscovery = " (bool (bluetooth-configuration-refresh-discovery config))
+ "\nExperimental = " (let ((experimental (bluetooth-configuration-experimental config)))
+ (cond ((or (eq? experimental #t)
+ (eq? experimental #f)) (bool experimental))
+ ((list? experimental)
+ (string-join (map uuid->string experimental) ","))))
+ "\nRemoteNameRequestRetryDelay = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-remote-name-request-retry-delay
+ config))
+ "\n[BR]"
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-type config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nPageScanType = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-type config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nPageScanInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-window config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nPageScanWindow = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-page-scan-window config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-type config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nInquiryScanType = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-type config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nInquiryScanInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-window config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nInquiryScanWindow = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-inquiry-scan-window config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-link-supervision-timeout config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nLinkSupervisionTimeout = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-link-supervision-timeout config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-page-timeout config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nPageTimeout = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-page-timeout config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-min-sniff-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMinSniffInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-min-sniff-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-max-sniff-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMaxSniffInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-max-sniff-interval config)))
+ "")
+ "\n[LE]"
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-min-advertisement-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMinAdvertisementInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-min-advertisement-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-max-advertisement-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMaxAdvertisementInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-max-advertisement-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-multi-advertisement-rotation-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMultiAdvertisementRotationInterval = "
+ (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-multi-advertisement-rotation-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-auto-connect config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanIntervalAutoConnect = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-auto-connect config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-auto-connect config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanWindowAutoConnect = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-auto-connect config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-suspend config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanIntervalSuspend = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-suspend config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-suspend config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanWindowSuspend = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-suspend config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-discovery config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanIntervalDiscovery = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-discovery config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-discovery config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanWindowDiscovery = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-discovery config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-adv-monitor config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanIntervalAdvMonitor = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-adv-monitor config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-adv-monitor config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanWindowAdvMonitor = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-adv-monitor config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-connect config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanIntervalConnect = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-interval-connect config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-connect config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nScanWindowConnect = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-scan-window-connect config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-min-connection-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMinConnectionInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-min-connection-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-max-connection-interval config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nMaxConnectionInterval = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-max-connection-interval config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-connection-latency config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nConnectionLatency = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-connection-latency config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-connection-supervision-timeout config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nConnectionSupervisionTimeout = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-connection-supervision-timeout config)))
+ "")
+ (if (bluetooth-configuration-autoconnect-timeout config)
+ (string-append
+ "\nAutoconnecttimeout = "
+ (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-autoconnect-timeout config)))
+ "")
+ "\nAdvMonAllowlistScanDuration = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-adv-mon-allowlist-scan-duration
+ config))
+ "\nAdvMonNoFilterScanDuration = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-adv-mon-no-filter-scan-duration
+ config))
+ "\nEnableAdvMonInterleaveScan = " (number->string
+ (if (eq? #t
+ (bluetooth-configuration-enable-adv-mon-interleave-scan
+ config))
+ 1 0))
+ "\n[GATT]"
+ "\nCache = " (symbol->string (bluetooth-configuration-cache config))
+ "\nKeySize = " (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-key-size config))
+ "\nExchangeMTU = " (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-exchange-mtu config))
+ "\nChannels = " (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-att-channels config))
+ "\n[AVDTP]"
+ "\nSessionMode = " (symbol->string (bluetooth-configuration-session-mode config))
+ "\nStreamMode = " (symbol->string (bluetooth-configuration-stream-mode config))
+ "\n[Policy]"
+ (let ((uuids (bluetooth-configuration-reconnect-uuids config)))
+ (if (not (eq? '() uuids))
+ (string-append
+ "\nReconnectUUIDs = "
+ (string-join (map uuid->string uuids) ","))
+ ""))
+ "\nReconnectAttempts = " (number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-reconnect-attempts config))
+ "\nReconnectIntervals = " (string-join
+ (map number->string
+ (bluetooth-configuration-reconnect-intervals
+ config))
+ ",")
+ "\nAutoEnable = " (bool (bluetooth-configuration-auto-enable?
+ config))
+ "\nResumeDelay = " (number->string (bluetooth-configuration-resume-delay config))
+ "\n[AdvMon]"
+ "\nRSSISamplingPeriod = " (string-append
+ "0x"
+ (format #f "~2,'0x"
+ (bluetooth-configuration-rssi-sampling-period config)))))
(define (bluetooth-directory config)
(computed-file "etc-bluetooth"
diff --git a/gnu/services/guix.scm b/gnu/services/guix.scm
index df5fa13bea..dc9bd8ad68 100644
--- a/gnu/services/guix.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/guix.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2019 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -107,7 +107,22 @@
- guix-data-service-type))
+ guix-data-service-type
+ nar-herder-service-type
+ nar-herder-configuration
+ nar-herder-configuration?
+ nar-herder-configuration-package
+ nar-herder-configuration-user
+ nar-herder-configuration-group
+ nar-herder-configuration-mirror
+ nar-herder-configuration-database
+ nar-herder-configuration-database-dump
+ nar-herder-configuration-host
+ nar-herder-configuration-port
+ nar-herder-configuration-storage
+ nar-herder-configuration-storage-limit
+ nar-herder-configuration-storage-nar-removal-criteria))
;;;; Commentary:
@@ -728,3 +743,145 @@ ca-certificates.crt file in the system profile."
"Run an instance of the Guix Data Service.")))
+;;; Nar Herder
+(define-record-type* <nar-herder-configuration>
+ nar-herder-configuration make-nar-herder-configuration
+ nar-herder-configuration?
+ (package nar-herder-configuration-package
+ (default nar-herder))
+ (user nar-herder-configuration-user
+ (default "nar-herder"))
+ (group nar-herder-configuration-group
+ (default "nar-herder"))
+ (mirror nar-herder-configuration-mirror
+ (default #f))
+ (database nar-herder-configuration-database
+ (default "/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder.db"))
+ (database-dump nar-herder-configuration-database-dump
+ (default "/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder_dump.db"))
+ (host nar-herder-configuration-host
+ (default ""))
+ (port nar-herder-configuration-port
+ (default 8734))
+ (storage nar-herder-configuration-storage
+ (default #f))
+ (storage-limit nar-herder-configuration-storage-limit
+ (default "none"))
+ (storage-nar-removal-criteria
+ nar-herder-configuration-storage-nar-removal-criteria
+ (default '()))
+ (ttl nar-herder-configuration-ttl
+ (default #f))
+ (negative-ttl nar-herder-configuration-negative-ttl
+ (default #f)))
+(define (nar-herder-shepherd-services config)
+ (match-record config <nar-herder-configuration>
+ (package user group
+ mirror
+ database database-dump
+ host port
+ storage storage-limit storage-nar-removal-criteria
+ ttl negative-ttl)
+ (unless (or mirror storage)
+ (error "nar-herder: mirror or storage must be set"))
+ (list
+ (shepherd-service
+ (documentation "Nar Herder")
+ (provision '(nar-herder))
+ (requirement '(networking))
+ (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+ (list #$(file-append package
+ "/bin/nar-herder")
+ "run-server"
+ "--pid-file=/var/run/nar-herder/pid"
+ #$(string-append "--port=" (number->string port))
+ #$(string-append "--host=" host)
+ #$@(if mirror
+ (list (string-append "--mirror=" mirror))
+ '())
+ #$(string-append "--database=" database)
+ #$(string-append "--database-dump=" database-dump)
+ #$@(if storage
+ (list (string-append "--storage=" storage))
+ '())
+ #$(string-append "--storage-limit="
+ (if (number? storage-limit)
+ (number->string storage-limit)
+ storage-limit))
+ #$@(map (lambda (criteria)
+ (string-append
+ "--storage-nar-removal-criteria="
+ (match criteria
+ ((k . v) (simple-format #f "~A=~A" k v))
+ (str str))))
+ storage-nar-removal-criteria)
+ #$@(if ttl
+ (list (string-append "--ttl=" ttl))
+ '())
+ #$@(if negative-ttl
+ (list (string-append "--negative-ttl=" negative-ttl))
+ '()))
+ #:user #$user
+ #:group #$group
+ #:pid-file "/var/run/nar-herder/pid"
+ #:environment-variables
+ `(,(string-append
+ "GUIX_LOCPATH=" #$glibc-utf8-locales "/lib/locale")
+ "LC_ALL=en_US.utf8")
+ #:log-file "/var/log/nar-herder/server.log"))
+ (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))))
+(define (nar-herder-activation config)
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (define %user
+ (getpw #$(nar-herder-configuration-user
+ config)))
+ (chmod "/var/lib/nar-herder" #o755)
+ (mkdir-p "/var/log/nar-herder")
+ ;; Allow writing the PID file
+ (mkdir-p "/var/run/nar-herder")
+ (chown "/var/run/nar-herder"
+ (passwd:uid %user)
+ (passwd:gid %user))))
+(define (nar-herder-account config)
+ (match-record config <nar-herder-configuration>
+ (user group)
+ (list (user-group
+ (name group)
+ (system? #t))
+ (user-account
+ (name user)
+ (group group)
+ (system? #t)
+ (comment "Nar Herder user")
+ (home-directory "/var/lib/nar-herder")
+ (shell (file-append shadow "/sbin/nologin"))))))
+(define nar-herder-service-type
+ (service-type
+ (name 'nar-herder)
+ (extensions
+ (list
+ (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
+ nar-herder-shepherd-services)
+ (service-extension activation-service-type
+ nar-herder-activation)
+ (service-extension account-service-type
+ nar-herder-account)))
+ (description
+ "Run a Nar Herder server.")))
diff --git a/gnu/services/monitoring.scm b/gnu/services/monitoring.scm
index f15450eed5..0e6aed2cac 100644
--- a/gnu/services/monitoring.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/monitoring.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Sou Bunnbu <iyzsong@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Gábor Boskovits <boskovits@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -211,13 +212,16 @@ Prometheus.")
(define (serialize-field field-name val)
- (format #t "~a=~a~%" (uglify-field-name field-name) val))
+ #~(format #f "~a=~a~%" #$(uglify-field-name field-name) #$val))
(define (serialize-number field-name val)
(serialize-field field-name (number->string val)))
(define (serialize-list field-name val)
- (if (null? val) "" (serialize-field field-name (string-join val ","))))
+ #~(if (null? '#$val)
+ ""
+ #$(serialize-field field-name (string-join val ","))))
(define (serialize-string field-name val)
(if (and (string? val) (string=? val ""))
@@ -232,12 +236,12 @@ Prometheus.")
(define include-files? list?)
(define (serialize-include-files field-name val)
- (if (null? val) "" (for-each (cut serialize-field 'include <>) val)))
+ #~(string-append #$@(map (cut serialize-field 'include <>) val)))
(define extra-options? string?)
(define (serialize-extra-options field-name val)
- (if (null? val) "" (display val)))
+ #~(if (= 0 (string-length #$val)) "" #$(format #f "~a~%" val)))
(define (nginx-server-configuration-list? val)
(and (list? val) (and-map nginx-server-configuration? val)))
@@ -320,13 +324,9 @@ configuration file."))
(call-with-output-file #$output
(lambda (port)
- (display "# Generated by 'zabbix-server-service'.\n" port)
- (display #$(with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (serialize-configuration
- config zabbix-server-configuration-fields)))
- port)
- #t)))))
+ (format port "# Generated by 'zabbix-server-service'.~%")
+ (format port #$(serialize-configuration
+ config zabbix-server-configuration-fields)))))))
(define (zabbix-server-activation config)
"Return the activation gexp for CONFIG."
@@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ configuration file."))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
(ice-9 rdelim))
(let ((user (getpw #$(zabbix-server-configuration-user config))))
(for-each (lambda (file)
(let ((directory (dirname file)))
@@ -345,25 +344,70 @@ configuration file."))
#$(zabbix-server-configuration-pid-file config)
+(define (zabbix-server-runtime-control-procedure zabbix-server config command)
+ ;; XXX: This is duplicated from mcron; factorize.
+ #~(lambda (_ . args)
+ ;; Run 'zabbix_server' in a pipe so we can explicitly redirect its output
+ ;; to 'current-output-port', which at this stage is bound to the client
+ ;; connection.
+ (let ((pipe (apply open-pipe* OPEN_READ #$zabbix-server
+ "--config" #$config
+ "-R" #$command args)))
+ (let loop ()
+ (match (read-line pipe 'concat)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ (catch 'system-error
+ (lambda ()
+ (zero? (close-pipe pipe)))
+ (lambda args
+ ;; There's a race with the SIGCHLD handler, which could
+ ;; call 'waitpid' before 'close-pipe' above does. If we
+ ;; get ECHILD, that means we lost the race; in that case, we
+ ;; cannot tell what the exit code was (FIXME).
+ (or (= ECHILD (system-error-errno args))
+ (apply throw args)))))
+ (line
+ (display line)
+ (loop)))))))
+;; Provide shepherd actions for common "zabbix_server -R" commands
+;; mainly for a convenient way to use the correct configuration file.
+(define (zabbix-server-actions zabbix-server config)
+ (list (shepherd-action
+ (name 'reload-config-cache)
+ (documentation "Reload the configuration cache.")
+ (procedure (zabbix-server-runtime-control-procedure
+ zabbix-server config "config_cache_reload")))
+ (shepherd-action
+ (name 'reload-snmp-cache)
+ (documentation "Reload SNMP cache.")
+ (procedure (zabbix-server-runtime-control-procedure
+ zabbix-server config "snmp_cache_reload")))))
(define (zabbix-server-shepherd-service config)
"Return a <shepherd-service> for Zabbix server with CONFIG."
- (list (shepherd-service
- (provision '(zabbix-server))
- (documentation "Run Zabbix server daemon.")
- (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
- (list #$(file-append (zabbix-server-configuration-zabbix-server config)
- "/sbin/zabbix_server")
- "--config" #$(zabbix-server-config-file config)
- "--foreground")
- #:user #$(zabbix-server-configuration-user config)
- #:group #$(zabbix-server-configuration-group config)
- #:pid-file #$(zabbix-server-configuration-pid-file config)
- #:environment-variables
- (list "SSL_CERT_DIR=/run/current-system/profile\
+ (let ((zabbix-server
+ (file-append (zabbix-server-configuration-zabbix-server config)
+ "/sbin/zabbix_server"))
+ (config-file (zabbix-server-config-file config)))
+ (list (shepherd-service
+ (provision '(zabbix-server))
+ (requirement '(user-processes))
+ (documentation "Run the Zabbix server daemon.")
+ (actions (zabbix-server-actions zabbix-server config-file))
+ (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+ (list #$zabbix-server
+ "--config" #$config-file
+ "--foreground")
+ #:user #$(zabbix-server-configuration-user config)
+ #:group #$(zabbix-server-configuration-group config)
+ #:pid-file #$(zabbix-server-configuration-pid-file config)
+ #:environment-variables
+ (list "SSL_CERT_DIR=/run/current-system/profile\
- "SSL_CERT_FILE=/run/current-system/profile\
+ "SSL_CERT_FILE=/run/current-system/profile\
- (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))
+ (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))))
(define zabbix-server-service-type
@@ -431,8 +475,8 @@ configuration file."))
(define (zabbix-agent-account config)
"Return the user accounts and user groups for CONFIG."
- (let ((zabbix-user "zabbix")
- (zabbix-group "zabbix"))
+ (let ((zabbix-user (zabbix-agent-configuration-user config))
+ (zabbix-group (zabbix-agent-configuration-group config)))
(list (user-group (name zabbix-group) (system? #t))
(name zabbix-user)
@@ -465,18 +509,15 @@ configuration file."))
(call-with-output-file #$output
(lambda (port)
- (display "# Generated by 'zabbix-agent-service'.\n" port)
- (display #$(with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (serialize-configuration
- config zabbix-agent-configuration-fields)))
- port)
- #t)))))
+ (format port "# Generated by 'zabbix-agent-service'.~%")
+ (format port #$(serialize-configuration
+ config zabbix-agent-configuration-fields)))))))
(define (zabbix-agent-shepherd-service config)
"Return a <shepherd-service> for Zabbix agent with CONFIG."
(list (shepherd-service
(provision '(zabbix-agent))
+ (requirement '(user-processes))
(documentation "Run Zabbix agent daemon.")
(start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
(list #$(file-append (zabbix-agent-configuration-zabbix-agent config)
@@ -490,7 +531,9 @@ configuration file."))
(list "SSL_CERT_DIR=/run/current-system/profile\
+ "PATH=/run/setuid-programs:\
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))
(define zabbix-agent-service-type
@@ -526,15 +569,25 @@ fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE \"post_max_size = 16M
(listen '("80"))))
+(define (zabbix-front-end-nginx-extension config)
+ (match config
+ (($ <zabbix-front-end-configuration> _ server nginx)
+ (if (null? nginx)
+ (list
+ (nginx-server-configuration
+ (inherit %zabbix-front-end-configuration-nginx)
+ (root #~(string-append #$server:front-end "/share/zabbix/php"))))
+ nginx))))
(define-configuration zabbix-front-end-configuration
- ;; TODO: Specify zabbix front-end package.
- ;; (zabbix-
- ;; (file-like zabbix-front-end)
- ;; "The zabbix-front-end package.")
+ (zabbix-server
+ (file-like zabbix-server)
+ "The Zabbix server package to use.")
- (nginx-server-configuration-list
- (list %zabbix-front-end-configuration-nginx))
- "NGINX configuration.")
+ (list '())
+ "List of @ref{nginx-server-configuration,@code{nginx-server-configuration}}
+blocks for the Zabbix front-end. When empty, a default that listens on port 80
+is used.")
(string "localhost")
"Database host name.")
@@ -577,33 +630,35 @@ $DB['SERVER'] = '" db-host "';
$DB['PORT'] = '" (number->string db-port) "';
$DB['DATABASE'] = '" db-name "';
$DB['USER'] = '" db-user "';
-$DB['PASSWORD'] = '" (let ((file (location-file %location))
- (line (location-line %location))
- (column (location-column %location)))
- (if (string-null? db-password)
- (if (string-null? db-secret-file)
- (raise (make-compound-condition
- (condition
- (&message
- (message
- (format #f "no '~A' or '~A' field in your '~A' record"
- 'db-secret-file 'db-password
- 'zabbix-front-end-configuration))))
- (condition
- (&error-location
- (location %location)))))
- (string-trim-both
- (with-input-from-file db-secret-file
- read-string)))
- (begin
- (display-hint (format #f (G_ "~a:~a:~a: ~a:
+$DB['PASSWORD'] = " (let ((file (location-file %location))
+ (line (location-line %location))
+ (column (location-column %location)))
+ (if (string-null? db-password)
+ (if (string-null? db-secret-file)
+ (raise (make-compound-condition
+ (condition
+ (&message
+ (message
+ (format #f "no '~A' or '~A' field in your '~A' record"
+ 'db-secret-file 'db-password
+ 'zabbix-front-end-configuration))))
+ (condition
+ (&error-location
+ (location %location)))))
+ (string-append "trim(file_get_contents('"
+ db-secret-file "'));\n"))
+ (begin
+ (display-hint (format #f (G_ "~a:~a:~a: ~a:
Consider using @code{db-secret-file} instead of @code{db-password} for better
security.") file line column 'zabbix-front-end-configuration))
- db-password))) "';
+ (format #f "'~a';~%" db-password))))
+ "
// Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL.
$DB['SCHEMA'] = '';
+// Use IEEE754 compatible value range for 64-bit Numeric (float) history values.
+$DB['DOUBLE_IEEE754'] = true;
$ZBX_SERVER = '" zabbix-host "';
$ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '" (number->string zabbix-port) "';
(list (service-extension activation-service-type
(service-extension nginx-service-type
- zabbix-front-end-configuration-nginx)
+ zabbix-front-end-nginx-extension)
;; Make sure php-fpm is instantiated.
(service-extension php-fpm-service-type
(const #t))))
diff --git a/gnu/services/pm.scm b/gnu/services/pm.scm
index d91f2b69ce..e48236dbca 100644
--- a/gnu/services/pm.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/pm.scm
@@ -253,6 +253,22 @@ default, performance, powersave.")
(string "powersave")
"Same as @code{pcie-aspm-ac} but on BAT mode.")
+ (start-charge-thresh-bat0
+ (maybe-non-negative-integer 'disabled)
+ "Percentage when battery 0 should begin charging.")
+ (stop-charge-thresh-bat0
+ (maybe-non-negative-integer 'disabled)
+ "Percentage when battery 0 should stop charging.")
+ (start-charge-thresh-bat1
+ (maybe-non-negative-integer 'disabled)
+ "Percentage when battery 1 should begin charging.")
+ (stop-charge-thresh-bat1
+ (maybe-non-negative-integer 'disabled)
+ "Percentage when battery 1 should stop charging.")
(string "high")
"Radeon graphics clock speed level. Alternatives are
@@ -419,6 +435,8 @@ shutdown on system startup."))
(define-record-type* <thermald-configuration>
thermald-configuration make-thermald-configuration
+ (adaptive? thermald-adaptive? ;boolean
+ (default #f))
(ignore-cpuid-check? thermald-ignore-cpuid-check? ;boolean
(default #f))
(thermald thermald-thermald ;file-like
@@ -432,6 +450,9 @@ shutdown on system startup."))
(start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
'(#$(file-append (thermald-thermald config) "/sbin/thermald")
+ #$@(if (thermald-adaptive? config)
+ '("--adaptive")
+ '())
#$@(if (thermald-ignore-cpuid-check? config)
diff --git a/gnu/services/sound.scm b/gnu/services/sound.scm
index 1217223a0c..8410ba2418 100644
--- a/gnu/services/sound.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/sound.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Liliana Marie Prikler <liliana.prikler@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -25,14 +26,17 @@
#:use-module (gnu services)
#:use-module (gnu system pam)
#:use-module (gnu system shadow)
+ #:use-module (guix diagnostics)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix records)
#:use-module (guix store)
+ #:use-module (guix ui)
#:use-module (gnu packages audio)
#:use-module (gnu packages linux)
#:use-module (gnu packages pulseaudio)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:export (alsa-configuration
@@ -115,16 +119,18 @@ ctl.!default {
(define-record-type* <pulseaudio-configuration>
pulseaudio-configuration make-pulseaudio-configuration
- (client-conf pulseaudio-client-conf
+ (client-conf pulseaudio-configuration-client-conf
(default '()))
- (daemon-conf pulseaudio-daemon-conf
+ (daemon-conf pulseaudio-configuration-daemon-conf
;; Flat volumes may cause unpleasant experiences to users
;; when applications inadvertently max out the system volume
;; (see e.g. <https://bugs.gnu.org/38172>).
(default '((flat-volumes . no))))
- (script-file pulseaudio-script-file
+ (script-file pulseaudio-configuration-script-file
(default (file-append pulseaudio "/etc/pulse/default.pa")))
- (system-script-file pulseaudio-system-script-file
+ (extra-script-files pulseaudio-configuration-extra-script-files
+ (default '()))
+ (system-script-file pulseaudio-configuration-system-script-file
(file-append pulseaudio "/etc/pulse/system.pa"))))
@@ -138,20 +144,77 @@ ctl.!default {
(define pulseaudio-environment
(($ <pulseaudio-configuration> client-conf daemon-conf default-script-file)
- `(("PULSE_CONFIG" . ,(apply mixed-text-file "daemon.conf"
- "default-script-file = " default-script-file "\n"
- (map pulseaudio-conf-entry daemon-conf)))
- ("PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG" . ,(apply mixed-text-file "client.conf"
- (map pulseaudio-conf-entry client-conf)))))))
+ ;; These config files kept at a fixed location, so that the following
+ ;; environment values are stable and do not require the user to reboot to
+ ;; effect their PulseAudio configuration changes.
+ '(("PULSE_CONFIG" . "/etc/pulse/daemon.conf")
+ ("PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG" . "/etc/pulse/client.conf")))))
+(define (extra-script-files->file-union extra-script-files)
+ "Return a G-exp obtained by processing EXTRA-SCRIPT-FILES with FILE-UNION."
+ (define (file-like->name file)
+ (match file
+ ((? local-file?)
+ (local-file-name file))
+ ((? plain-file?)
+ (plain-file-name file))
+ ((? computed-file?)
+ (computed-file-name file))
+ (_ (leave (G_ "~a is not a local-file, plain-file or \
+computed-file object~%") file))))
+ (define (assert-pulseaudio-script-file-name name)
+ (unless (string-suffix? ".pa" name)
+ (leave (G_ "`~a' lacks the required `.pa' file name extension~%") name))
+ name)
+ (let ((labels (map (compose assert-pulseaudio-script-file-name
+ file-like->name)
+ extra-script-files)))
+ (file-union "default.pa.d" (zip labels extra-script-files))))
+(define (append-include-directive script-file)
+ "Append an include directive to source scripts under /etc/pulse/default.pa.d."
+ (computed-file "default.pa"
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (ice-9 textual-ports))
+ (define script-text
+ (call-with-input-file #$script-file get-string-all))
+ (call-with-output-file #$output
+ (lambda (port)
+ (format port (string-append script-text "
+### Added by Guix to include scripts specified in extra-script-files.
+.include /etc/pulse/default.pa.d~%")))))))
(define pulseaudio-etc
- (($ <pulseaudio-configuration> _ _ default-script-file system-script-file)
+ (($ <pulseaudio-configuration> client-conf daemon-conf default-script-file
+ extra-script-files system-script-file)
- `(("default.pa" ,default-script-file)
- ("system.pa" ,system-script-file))))))))
+ `(("default.pa"
+ ,(if (null? extra-script-files)
+ default-script-file
+ (append-include-directive default-script-file)))
+ ("system.pa" ,system-script-file)
+ ,@(if (null? extra-script-files)
+ '()
+ `(("default.pa.d" ,(extra-script-files->file-union
+ extra-script-files))))
+ ,@(if (null? daemon-conf)
+ '()
+ `(("daemon.conf"
+ ,(apply mixed-text-file "daemon.conf"
+ "default-script-file = " default-script-file "\n"
+ (map pulseaudio-conf-entry daemon-conf)))))
+ ,@(if (null? client-conf)
+ '()
+ `(("client.conf"
+ ,(apply mixed-text-file "client.conf"
+ (map pulseaudio-conf-entry client-conf))))))))))))
(define pulseaudio-service-type
@@ -159,7 +222,8 @@ ctl.!default {
(list (service-extension session-environment-service-type
- (service-extension etc-service-type pulseaudio-etc)))
+ (service-extension etc-service-type pulseaudio-etc)
+ (service-extension udev-service-type (const (list pulseaudio)))))
(default-value (pulseaudio-configuration))
(description "Configure PulseAudio sound support.")))
diff --git a/gnu/services/ssh.scm b/gnu/services/ssh.scm
index 97f74a00f7..5c8fe4eef4 100644
--- a/gnu/services/ssh.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/ssh.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2019, 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 David Craven <david@craven.ch>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
@@ -348,10 +348,14 @@ The other options should be self-descriptive."
(default ""))
;; list of user-name/file-like tuples
- (authorized-keys openssh-authorized-keys
+ (authorized-keys openssh-configuration-authorized-keys
(default '()))
;; Boolean
+ (generate-host-keys? openssh-configuration-generate-host-keys?
+ (default #t))
+ ;; Boolean
;; XXX: This should really be handled in an orthogonal way, for instance as
;; proposed in <https://bugs.gnu.org/27155>. Keep it internal/undocumented
;; for now.
@@ -392,7 +396,7 @@ The other options should be self-descriptive."
(unless (= ENOENT (system-error-errno args))
(apply throw args))))
(copy-recursively #$(authorized-key-directory
- (openssh-authorized-keys config))
+ (openssh-configuration-authorized-keys config))
(chmod "/etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d" #o555)
@@ -402,9 +406,10 @@ The other options should be self-descriptive."
(unless (file-exists? lastlog)
(touch lastlog))))
- ;; Generate missing host keys.
- (system* (string-append #$(openssh-configuration-openssh config)
- "/bin/ssh-keygen") "-A"))))
+ (when #$(openssh-configuration-generate-host-keys? config)
+ ;; Generate missing host keys.
+ (system* (string-append #$(openssh-configuration-openssh config)
+ "/bin/ssh-keygen") "-A")))))
(define (authorized-key-directory keys)
"Return a directory containing the authorized keys specified in KEYS, a list
@@ -536,10 +541,11 @@ of user-name/file-like tuples."
(inherit config)
- (match (openssh-authorized-keys config)
+ (match (openssh-configuration-authorized-keys config)
(((users _ ...) ...)
;; Build a user/key-list mapping.
- (let ((user-keys (alist->vhash (openssh-authorized-keys config))))
+ (let ((user-keys (alist->vhash
+ (openssh-configuration-authorized-keys config))))
;; Coalesce the key lists associated with each user.
(map (lambda (user)
diff --git a/gnu/services/virtualization.scm b/gnu/services/virtualization.scm
index 66ae1a1565..70d4d6c34c 100644
--- a/gnu/services/virtualization.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/virtualization.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2017 Ryan Moe <ryan.moe@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2018, 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020,2021 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Timotej Lazar <timotej.lazar@araneo.si>
@@ -866,23 +866,23 @@ functionality of the kernel Linux.")))
"Path to device or socket used to communicate with the host. If not
specified, the QEMU default path is used."))
-(define qemu-guest-agent-shepherd-service
- (match-lambda
- (($ <qemu-guest-agent-configuration> qemu device)
- (list
- (shepherd-service
- (provision '(qemu-guest-agent))
- (documentation "Run the QEMU guest agent.")
- (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
- `(,(string-append #$qemu "/bin/qemu-ga") "--daemon"
- "--pidfile=/var/run/qemu-ga.pid"
- "--statedir=/var/run"
- ,@(if #$device
- (list (string-append "--path=" #$device))
- '()))
- #:pid-file "/var/run/qemu-ga.pid"
- #:log-file "/var/log/qemu-ga.log"))
- (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))
+(define (qemu-guest-agent-shepherd-service config)
+ (let ((qemu (qemu-guest-agent-configuration-qemu config))
+ (device (qemu-guest-agent-configuration-device config)))
+ (list
+ (shepherd-service
+ (provision '(qemu-guest-agent))
+ (documentation "Run the QEMU guest agent.")
+ (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
+ `(,(string-append #$qemu "/bin/qemu-ga") "--daemon"
+ "--pidfile=/var/run/qemu-ga.pid"
+ "--statedir=/var/run"
+ ,@(if #$device
+ (list (string-append "--path=" #$device))
+ '()))
+ #:pid-file "/var/run/qemu-ga.pid"
+ #:log-file "/var/log/qemu-ga.log"))
+ (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))))
(define qemu-guest-agent-service-type
@@ -946,12 +946,20 @@ can only be accessed by their host.")))
that will be listening to receive secret keys on port 1004, TCP."
(inherit os)
- ;; Arrange so that the secret service activation snippet shows up before
- ;; the OpenSSH and Guix activation snippets. That way, we receive OpenSSH
- ;; and Guix keys before the activation snippets try to generate fresh keys
- ;; for nothing.
- (services (append (operating-system-user-services os)
- (list (service secret-service-type 1004))))))
+ (services
+ ;; Turn off SSH and Guix key generation that normally happens during
+ ;; activation: that requires entropy and thus takes time during boot, and
+ ;; those keys are going to be overwritten by secrets received from the
+ ;; host anyway.
+ (cons (service secret-service-type 1004)
+ (modify-services (operating-system-user-services os)
+ (openssh-service-type
+ config => (openssh-configuration
+ (inherit config)
+ (generate-host-keys? #f)))
+ (guix-service-type
+ config => (guix-configuration
+ (generate-substitute-key? #f))))))))
diff --git a/gnu/services/vpn.scm b/gnu/services/vpn.scm
index 3e370ba4be..b24e9cffb3 100644
--- a/gnu/services/vpn.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/vpn.scm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Raghav Gururajan <rg@raghavgururajan.name>
;;; Copyright © 2021 jgart <jgart@dismail.de>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Nathan Dehnel <ncdehnel@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Cameron V Chaparro <cameron@cameronchaparro.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -494,7 +495,8 @@ is truncated and rewritten every minute.")
(list (string-append #$openvpn "/sbin/openvpn")
"--writepid" #$pid-file "--config" #$config-file
- #:pid-file #$pid-file))
+ #:pid-file #$pid-file
+ #:log-file #$log-file))
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))
(define %openvpn-accounts
diff --git a/gnu/services/web.scm b/gnu/services/web.scm
index e5cc6343b5..2c7df19222 100644
--- a/gnu/services/web.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/web.scm
@@ -1519,6 +1519,8 @@ ALLOWED_HOSTS = [
+DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.AutoField'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '" #$default-from-email "'
@@ -1780,6 +1782,12 @@ WSGIPassAuthorization On
(home-directory "/var/empty")
(shell (file-append shadow "/sbin/nologin")))))
+(define %mumi-log "/var/log/mumi.log")
+(define %mumi-mailer-log "/var/log/mumi.mailer.log")
+(define %mumi-worker-log "/var/log/mumi.worker.log")
(define (mumi-shepherd-services config)
(define environment
#~(list "LC_ALL=en_US.utf8"
@@ -1797,7 +1805,7 @@ WSGIPassAuthorization On
,@(if #$mailer? '() '("--disable-mailer")))
#:environment-variables #$environment
#:user "mumi" #:group "mumi"
- #:log-file "/var/log/mumi.log"))
+ #:log-file #$%mumi-log))
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))
(provision '(mumi-worker))
@@ -1807,7 +1815,7 @@ WSGIPassAuthorization On
'(#$(file-append mumi "/bin/mumi") "worker")
#:environment-variables #$environment
#:user "mumi" #:group "mumi"
- #:log-file "/var/log/mumi.worker.log"))
+ #:log-file #$%mumi-worker-log))
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))
(provision '(mumi-mailer))
@@ -1823,9 +1831,15 @@ WSGIPassAuthorization On
#:environment-variables #$environment
#:user "mumi" #:group "mumi"
- #:log-file "/var/log/mumi.mailer.log"))
+ #:log-file #$%mumi-mailer-log))
(stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))
+(define %mumi-log-rotations
+ (list (log-rotation
+ (files (list %mumi-log
+ %mumi-mailer-log
+ %mumi-worker-log)))))
(define mumi-service-type
(name 'mumi)
@@ -1835,7 +1849,9 @@ WSGIPassAuthorization On
(service-extension account-service-type
(const %mumi-accounts))
(service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
- mumi-shepherd-services)))
+ mumi-shepherd-services)
+ (service-extension rottlog-service-type
+ (const %mumi-log-rotations))))
"Run Mumi, a Web interface to the Debbugs bug-tracking server.")
diff --git a/gnu/services/xorg.scm b/gnu/services/xorg.scm
index a5e1a1471d..d6dfb07425 100644
--- a/gnu/services/xorg.scm
+++ b/gnu/services/xorg.scm
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ the GNOME desktop environment.")
(list (shepherd-service
(documentation "Xorg display server (GDM)")
(provision '(xorg-server))
- (requirement '(dbus-system user-processes host-name udev))
+ (requirement '(dbus-system user-processes host-name udev elogind))
(start #~(lambda ()
(list #$(file-append (gdm-configuration-gdm config)
diff --git a/gnu/system.scm b/gnu/system.scm
index cc925de16f..c8375680ee 100644
--- a/gnu/system.scm
+++ b/gnu/system.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Florian Pelz <pelzflorian@pelzflorian.de>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <jannek@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; Copyright © 2021 raid5atemyhomework <raid5atemyhomework@protonmail.com>
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@
+ boot-parameters-version
+ %boot-parameters-version
@@ -185,16 +187,23 @@
;;; Code:
-(define (bootable-kernel-arguments system root-device)
- "Return a list of kernel arguments (gexps) to boot SYSTEM from ROOT-DEVICE."
- (list (string-append "--root="
+(define* (bootable-kernel-arguments system root-device version)
+ "Return a list of kernel arguments (gexps) to boot SYSTEM from ROOT-DEVICE.
+VERSION is the target version of the boot-parameters record."
+ ;; If the version is newer than 0, we use the new style initrd parameter
+ ;; names, otherwise we use the legacy ones. This is to maintain backward
+ ;; compatibility when producing bootloader configurations for older
+ ;; generations.
+ (define version>0? (> version 0))
+ (list (string-append (if version>0? "root=" "--root=")
;; Note: Always use the DCE format because that's what
- ;; (gnu build linux-boot) expects for the '--root'
+ ;; (gnu build linux-boot) expects for the 'root'
;; kernel command-line option.
(file-system-device->string root-device
#:uuid-type 'dce))
- #~(string-append "--system=" #$system)
- #~(string-append "--load=" #$system "/boot")))
+ #~(string-append (if #$version>0? "gnu.system=" "--system=") #$system)
+ #~(string-append (if #$version>0? "gnu.load=" "--load=")
+ #$system "/boot")))
;; System-wide configuration.
;; TODO: Add per-field docstrings/stexi.
@@ -284,10 +293,12 @@
-(define (operating-system-kernel-arguments os root-device)
- "Return all the kernel arguments, including the ones not specified
-directly by the user."
- (append (bootable-kernel-arguments os root-device)
+(define* (operating-system-kernel-arguments
+ os root-device #:key (version %boot-parameters-version))
+ "Return all the kernel arguments, including the ones not specified directly
+by the user. VERSION should match that of the target <boot-parameter> record
+object that will contain the kernel parameters."
+ (append (bootable-kernel-arguments os root-device version)
(operating-system-user-kernel-arguments os)))
@@ -295,6 +306,13 @@ directly by the user."
;;; Boot parameters
+;;; Version 1 was introduced early 2022 to mark the departure from long option
+;;; names such as '--load' to the more conventional initrd option names like
+;;; 'gnu.load'.
+;;; When bumping the boot-parameters version, increment it by one (1).
+(define %boot-parameters-version 1)
(define-record-type* <boot-parameters>
boot-parameters make-boot-parameters boot-parameters?
(label boot-parameters-label)
@@ -322,7 +340,9 @@ directly by the user."
(kernel boot-parameters-kernel)
(kernel-arguments boot-parameters-kernel-arguments)
(initrd boot-parameters-initrd)
- (multiboot-modules boot-parameters-multiboot-modules))
+ (multiboot-modules boot-parameters-multiboot-modules)
+ (version boot-parameters-version ;positive integer
+ (default %boot-parameters-version)))
(define (ensure-not-/dev device)
"If DEVICE starts with a slash, return #f. This is meant to filter out
@@ -334,7 +354,7 @@ file system labels."
(define (read-boot-parameters port)
"Read boot parameters from PORT and return the corresponding
-<boot-parameters> object or #f if the format is unrecognized."
+<boot-parameters> object. Raise an error if the format is unrecognized."
(define device-sexp->device
(('uuid (? symbol? type) (? bytevector? bv))
@@ -359,12 +379,18 @@ file system labels."
(warning (G_ "unrecognized uuid ~a at '~a'~%") x (port-filename port))
+ ;; New versions are not backward-compatible, so only accept past and current
+ ;; versions, not future ones.
+ (define (version? n)
+ (member n (iota (1+ %boot-parameters-version))))
(match (read port)
- (('boot-parameters ('version 0)
+ (('boot-parameters ('version (? version? version))
('label label) ('root-device root)
('kernel kernel)
rest ...)
+ (version version)
(label label)
(root-device (device-sexp->device root))
@@ -455,9 +481,20 @@ file system labels."
(_ ;the old format
(x ;unsupported format
- (warning (G_ "unrecognized boot parameters at '~a'~%")
- (port-filename port))
- #f)))
+ (raise
+ (make-compound-condition
+ (formatted-message
+ (G_ "unrecognized boot parameters at '~a'~%")
+ (port-filename port))
+ (condition
+ (&fix-hint (hint (format #f (G_ "This probably means that this version
+of Guix is older than the one that created @file{~a}. To address this, you
+need to update Guix:
+guix pull
+@end example")
+ (port-filename port))))))))))
(define (read-boot-parameters-file system)
"Read boot parameters from SYSTEM's (system or generation) \"parameters\"
@@ -466,10 +503,11 @@ format is unrecognized.
The object has its kernel-arguments extended in order to make it bootable."
(let* ((file (string-append system "/parameters"))
(params (call-with-input-file file read-boot-parameters))
- (root (boot-parameters-root-device params)))
+ (root (boot-parameters-root-device params))
+ (version (boot-parameters-version params)))
(inherit params)
- (kernel-arguments (append (bootable-kernel-arguments system root)
+ (kernel-arguments (append (bootable-kernel-arguments system root version)
(boot-parameters-kernel-arguments params))))))
(define (boot-parameters->menu-entry conf)
@@ -631,6 +669,7 @@ See \"(guix) operating-system Reference\" for more details.~%")))
((string-prefix? "arm" target) "zImage")
((string-prefix? "mips" target) "vmlinuz")
((string-prefix? "aarch64" target) "Image")
+ ((string-prefix? "riscv64" target) "Image")
(else "bzImage")))
(define (operating-system-kernel-file os)
@@ -798,7 +837,7 @@ of PROVENANCE-SERVICE-TYPE to its services."
(define %base-packages-utils
;; Default set of utilities packages.
(cons* procps psmisc which
- (@ (gnu packages admin) shadow) ;for 'passwd'
+ (@ (gnu packages admin) shadow-with-man-pages) ;for 'passwd'
@@ -1440,8 +1479,11 @@ a list of <menu-entry>, to populate the \"old entries\" menu."
(define* (operating-system-boot-parameters os root-device
#:key system-kernel-arguments?)
"Return a monadic <boot-parameters> record that describes the boot
-parameters of OS. When SYSTEM-KERNEL-ARGUMENTS? is true, add kernel arguments
-such as '--root' and '--load' to <boot-parameters>."
+parameters of OS. When SYSTEM-KERNEL-ARGUMENTS? is true, add the kernel
+arguments 'root', 'gnu.load' and 'gnu.system' to <boot-parameters>. The
+SYSTEM-KERNEL-ARGUMENTS? should only be used in necessity, as the 'gnu.load'
+and 'gnu.system' values are self-referential (they refer to the system), thus
+susceptible to introduce a cyclic dependency."
(let* ((initrd (and (not (operating-system-hurd os))
(operating-system-initrd-file os)))
(store (operating-system-store-file-system os))
@@ -1482,25 +1524,16 @@ such as '--root' and '--load' to <boot-parameters>."
-(define* (operating-system-boot-parameters-file os
- #:key system-kernel-arguments?)
- "Return a file that describes the boot parameters of OS. The primary use of
-this file is the reconstruction of GRUB menu entries for old configurations.
-When SYSTEM-KERNEL-ARGUMENTS? is true, add kernel arguments such as '--root'
-and '--load' to the returned file (since the returned file is then usually
-stored into the content-addressed \"system\" directory, it's usually not a
-good idea to give it because the content hash would change by the content hash
-being stored into the \"parameters\" file)."
+(define* (operating-system-boot-parameters-file os)
+ "Return a file that describes the boot parameters of OS. The primary use
+of this file is the reconstruction of GRUB menu entries for old
(let* ((root (operating-system-root-file-system os))
(device (file-system-device root))
- (params (operating-system-boot-parameters
- os device
- #:system-kernel-arguments?
- system-kernel-arguments?)))
+ (params (operating-system-boot-parameters os device)))
(scheme-file "parameters"
- (version 0)
+ (version #$(boot-parameters-version params))
(label #$(boot-parameters-label params))
diff --git a/gnu/system/file-systems.scm b/gnu/system/file-systems.scm
index e1d1fb72cc..437f8da898 100644
--- a/gnu/system/file-systems.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/file-systems.scm
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
+ file-system-mount-point-predicate
@@ -671,6 +672,12 @@ system has the given TYPE."
(lambda (fs)
(string=? (file-system-type fs) type)))
+(define (file-system-mount-point-predicate mount-point)
+ "Return a predicate that, when passed a file system, returns #t if that file
+system has the given MOUNT-POINT."
+ (lambda (fs)
+ (string=? (file-system-mount-point fs) mount-point)))
;;; Btrfs specific helpers.
diff --git a/gnu/system/hurd.scm b/gnu/system/hurd.scm
index 2acc7b7e11..8e95d0a16c 100644
--- a/gnu/system/hurd.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/hurd.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -65,10 +65,13 @@
(define %base-packages/hurd
- (list hurd bash coreutils file findutils grep sed
+ ;; Note: the Shepherd comes before the Hurd, not just because its duty is to
+ ;; shepherd the herd, but also because we want its 'halt' and 'reboot'
+ ;; commands to take precedence.
+ (list shepherd hurd bash coreutils file findutils grep sed
diffutils patch gawk tar gzip bzip2 xz lzip
guile-3.0-latest guile-colorized guile-readline
- net-base inetutils less shadow shepherd sudo which
+ net-base inetutils less shadow sudo which
(define %base-services/hurd
diff --git a/gnu/system/images/novena.scm b/gnu/system/images/novena.scm
index 3ce62fbf3b..5b625e56c5 100644
--- a/gnu/system/images/novena.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/images/novena.scm
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
(bootloader (bootloader-configuration
(bootloader u-boot-novena-bootloader)
(targets '("/dev/vda"))))
- (initrd-modules '("sdhci-esdhc-imx" "ahci_imx" "i2c-dev"))
- ;(kernel linux-libre-arm-generic)
+ (initrd-modules '())
+ (kernel linux-libre-arm-generic)
(kernel-arguments '("console=ttymxc1,115200"))
(file-systems (cons (file-system
(device (file-system-label "my-root"))
diff --git a/gnu/system/linux-container.scm b/gnu/system/linux-container.scm
index e6fd0f1315..eeb0f68c02 100644
--- a/gnu/system/linux-container.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/linux-container.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2016-2017, 2019-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Google LLC
@@ -248,11 +248,13 @@ that will be shared with the host system."
(define* (eval/container exp
(mappings '())
- (namespaces %namespaces))
+ (namespaces %namespaces)
+ (guest-uid 0) (guest-gid 0))
"Evaluate EXP, a gexp, in a new process executing in separate namespaces as
listed in NAMESPACES. Add MAPPINGS, a list of <file-system-mapping>, to the
-set of directories visible in the process's mount namespace. Return the
-process' exit status as a monadic value.
+set of directories visible in the process's mount namespace. Inside the
+namespaces, run code as GUEST-UID and GUEST-GID. Return the process' exit
+status as a monadic value.
This is useful to implement processes that, unlike derivations, are not
entirely pure and need to access the outside world or to perform side
@@ -291,4 +293,7 @@ effects."
(list "-c"
- (lowered-gexp-sexp lowered))))))))))))
+ (lowered-gexp-sexp lowered))))))
+ #:namespaces namespaces
+ #:guest-uid guest-uid
+ #:guest-gid guest-gid))))))
diff --git a/gnu/system/linux-initrd.scm b/gnu/system/linux-initrd.scm
index c78dd09205..4c4c78e444 100644
--- a/gnu/system/linux-initrd.scm
+++ b/gnu/system/linux-initrd.scm
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ MODULES and taken from LINUX."
"Return as a file-like object a raw initrd, with kernel
modules taken from LINUX. FILE-SYSTEMS is a list of file-systems to be
mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified
-on the kernel command line via '--root'. LINUX-MODULES is a list of kernel
+on the kernel command line via 'root'. LINUX-MODULES is a list of kernel
modules to be loaded at boot time. MAPPED-DEVICES is a list of device
mappings to realize before FILE-SYSTEMS are mounted.
HELPER-PACKAGES is a list of packages to be copied in the initrd. It may include
@@ -352,8 +352,7 @@ FILE-SYSTEMS."
"dm-crypt" "xts" "serpent_generic" "wp512" ;for encrypted root partitions
"nls_iso8859-1" ;for `mkfs.fat`, et.al
,@(if (string-match "^(x86_64|i[3-6]86)-" system)
- '("framebuffer_coreboot" ;for display during early (Core)boot
- "pata_acpi" "pata_atiixp" ;for ATA controllers
+ '("pata_acpi" "pata_atiixp" ;for ATA controllers
"isci") ;for SAS controllers like Intel C602
@@ -376,7 +375,7 @@ FILE-SYSTEMS."
"Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with kernel
modules taken from LINUX. FILE-SYSTEMS is a list of file-systems to be
mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified
-on the kernel command line via '--root'. MAPPED-DEVICES is a list of device
+on the kernel command line via 'root'. MAPPED-DEVICES is a list of device
mappings to realize before FILE-SYSTEMS are mounted.
When true, KEYBOARD-LAYOUT is a <keyboard-layout> record denoting the desired
diff --git a/gnu/tests/base.scm b/gnu/tests/base.scm
index 38d4317e52..cfaa736aec 100644
--- a/gnu/tests/base.scm
+++ b/gnu/tests/base.scm
@@ -346,7 +346,8 @@ info --version")
;; It can take a while before the shell commands are executed.
(marionette-eval '(use-modules (rnrs io ports)) marionette)
(wait-for-file "/root/logged-in" marionette
- #:read 'get-string-all)))
+ #:read 'get-string-all
+ #:timeout 30)))
(test-equal "getlogin on tty1"
@@ -360,7 +361,8 @@ info --version")
;; It can take a while before the shell commands are executed.
(marionette-eval '(use-modules (rnrs io ports)) marionette)
(wait-for-file "/root/login-id" marionette
- #:read 'get-string-all)))
+ #:read 'get-string-all
+ #:timeout 30)))
;; There should be one utmpx entry for the user logged in on tty1.
(test-equal "utmpx entry"
diff --git a/gnu/tests/databases.scm b/gnu/tests/databases.scm
index a20de1a8c7..296d91d118 100644
--- a/gnu/tests/databases.scm
+++ b/gnu/tests/databases.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2017 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2022 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -29,10 +29,16 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages databases)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix store)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:export (%test-memcached
+ %test-timescaledb
+;;; The Memcached service.
(define %memcached-os
(service dhcp-client-service-type)
@@ -138,7 +144,7 @@
(service postgresql-service-type
- (postgresql postgresql-10)
+ (postgresql postgresql)
@@ -245,6 +251,137 @@
(description "Start the PostgreSQL service.")
(value (run-postgresql-test))))
+;; Test TimescaleDB, a PostgreSQL extension.
+(define %timescaledb-os
+ (let* ((postgresql-services (operating-system-services %postgresql-os))
+ (postgresql-service-configuration
+ (service-value (find (lambda (svc)
+ (eq? (service-kind svc) postgresql-service-type))
+ postgresql-services)))
+ (postgresql-role-service-configuration
+ (service-value (find (lambda (svc)
+ (eq? (service-kind svc)
+ postgresql-role-service-type))
+ postgresql-services))))
+ (simple-operating-system
+ (service postgresql-service-type
+ (postgresql-configuration
+ (inherit postgresql-service-configuration)
+ (extension-packages (list timescaledb))
+ (config-file
+ (postgresql-config-file
+ (inherit (postgresql-configuration-file
+ postgresql-service-configuration))
+ (extra-config
+ (append '(("shared_preload_libraries" "timescaledb"))
+ (postgresql-config-file-extra-config
+ (postgresql-configuration-file
+ postgresql-service-configuration))))))))
+ (service postgresql-role-service-type
+ (postgresql-role-configuration
+ (inherit postgresql-role-service-configuration))))))
+(define (run-timescaledb-test)
+ "Run tests in %TIMESCALEDB-OS."
+ (define os
+ (marionette-operating-system
+ %timescaledb-os
+ #:imported-modules '((gnu services herd)
+ (guix combinators))))
+ (define vm
+ (virtual-machine
+ (operating-system os)
+ (memory-size 512)))
+ (define test
+ (with-imported-modules '((gnu build marionette))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (srfi srfi-64)
+ (gnu build marionette))
+ (define marionette
+ (make-marionette (list #$vm)))
+ (test-runner-current (system-test-runner #$output))
+ (test-begin "timescaledb")
+ (test-assert "PostgreSQL running"
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (use-modules (gnu services herd))
+ (start-service 'postgres))
+ marionette))
+ (test-assert "database ready"
+ (begin
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (let loop ((i 10))
+ (unless (or (zero? i)
+ (and (file-exists? #$%role-log-file)
+ (string-contains
+ (call-with-input-file #$%role-log-file
+ get-string-all)
+ (sleep 1)
+ (loop (- i 1)))))
+ marionette)))
+ (test-assert "database creation"
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (current-output-port
+ (open-file "/dev/console" "w0"))
+ (invoke #$(file-append postgresql "/bin/psql")
+ "-tA" "-c" "CREATE DATABASE test"))
+ marionette))
+ (test-assert "load extension"
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (current-output-port (open-file "/dev/console" "w0"))
+ ;; Capture stderr for the next test.
+ (current-error-port (open-file "timescaledb.stderr" "w0"))
+ (invoke #$(file-append postgresql "/bin/psql")
+ "-tA" "-c" "CREATE EXTENSION timescaledb"
+ "test"))
+ marionette))
+ (test-assert "telemetry is disabled"
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (string-contains (call-with-input-file "timescaledb.stderr"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (get-string-all port)))
+ "Please enable telemetry"))
+ marionette))
+ (test-assert "create hypertable"
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (current-output-port (open-file "/dev/console" "w0"))
+ (invoke #$(file-append postgresql "/bin/psql")
+ "-tA" "-c" "CREATE TABLE ht (
+data double PRECISION NULL
+ "test")
+ (invoke #$(file-append postgresql "/bin/psql")
+ "-tA" "-c" "SELECT create_hypertable('ht','time')"
+ "test"))
+ marionette))
+ (test-end))))
+ (gexp->derivation "timescaledb-test" test))
+(define %test-timescaledb
+ (system-test
+ (name "timescaledb")
+ (description "Test the TimescaleDB PostgreSQL extension.")
+ (value (run-timescaledb-test))))
;;; The MySQL service.
diff --git a/gnu/tests/guix.scm b/gnu/tests/guix.scm
index 69cac7c1aa..a4c3e35e5d 100644
--- a/gnu/tests/guix.scm
+++ b/gnu/tests/guix.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2019 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:export (%test-guix-build-coordinator
- %test-guix-data-service))
+ %test-guix-data-service
+ %test-nar-herder))
;;; Guix Build Coordinator
@@ -239,3 +240,79 @@ host all all ::1/128 trust"))))))
(name "guix-data-service")
(description "Connect to a running Guix Data Service.")
(value (run-guix-data-service-test))))
+;;; Nar Herder
+(define %nar-herder-os
+ (simple-operating-system
+ (service dhcp-client-service-type)
+ (service nar-herder-service-type
+ (nar-herder-configuration
+ (host "")
+ ;; Not a realistic value, but works for the test
+ (storage "/tmp")))))
+(define (run-nar-herder-test)
+ (define os
+ (marionette-operating-system
+ %nar-herder-os
+ #:imported-modules '((gnu services herd)
+ (guix combinators))))
+ (define forwarded-port
+ (nar-herder-configuration-port
+ (nar-herder-configuration)))
+ (define vm
+ (virtual-machine
+ (operating-system os)
+ (memory-size 1024)
+ (port-forwardings `((,forwarded-port . ,forwarded-port)))))
+ (define test
+ (with-imported-modules '((gnu build marionette))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (srfi srfi-11) (srfi srfi-64)
+ (gnu build marionette)
+ (web uri)
+ (web client)
+ (web response))
+ (define marionette
+ (make-marionette (list #$vm)))
+ (test-runner-current (system-test-runner #$output))
+ (test-begin "nar-herder")
+ (test-assert "service running"
+ (marionette-eval
+ '(begin
+ (use-modules (gnu services herd))
+ (match (start-service 'nar-herder)
+ (#f #f)
+ (('service response-parts ...)
+ (match (assq-ref response-parts 'running)
+ ((pid) (number? pid))))))
+ marionette))
+ (test-equal "http-get"
+ 404
+ (let-values
+ (((response text)
+ (http-get #$(simple-format
+ #f "http://localhost:~A/" forwarded-port)
+ #:decode-body? #t)))
+ (response-code response)))
+ (test-end))))
+ (gexp->derivation "nar-herder-test" test))
+(define %test-nar-herder
+ (system-test
+ (name "nar-herder")
+ (description "Connect to a running Nar Herder server.")
+ (value (run-nar-herder-test))))
diff --git a/gnu/tests/install.scm b/gnu/tests/install.scm
index ae8c6051f1..be8bb1b583 100644
--- a/gnu/tests/install.scm
+++ b/gnu/tests/install.scm
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021, 2022 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -70,6 +70,8 @@
+ %test-btrfs-raid10-root-os
+ %test-btrfs-raid10-root-os-degraded
@@ -229,10 +231,8 @@ reboot\n")
;; Since the image has no network access, use the
;; current Guix so the store items we need are in
;; the image and add packages provided.
- (inherit (operating-system-add-packages
- (operating-system-with-current-guix
- installation-os)
- packages))
+ (inherit (operating-system-with-current-guix
+ installation-os))
(kernel-arguments '("console=ttyS0")))
#:imported-modules '((gnu services herd)
(gnu installer tests)
@@ -240,12 +240,13 @@ reboot\n")
(uefi-support? #f)
(installation-image-type 'efi-raw)
(install-size 'guess)
- (target-size (* 2200 MiB)))
+ (target-size (* 2200 MiB))
+ (number-of-disks 1))
"Run SCRIPT (a shell script following the system installation procedure) in
-OS to install TARGET-OS. Return a VM image of TARGET-SIZE bytes containing
-the installed system. The packages specified in PACKAGES will be appended to
-packages defined in installation-os."
+OS to install TARGET-OS. Return the VM disk images of TARGET-SIZE bytes
+containing the installed system. PACKAGES is a list of packages added to OS.
+NUMBER-OF-DISKS can be used to specify a number of disks different than one,
+such as for RAID systems."
(mlet* %store-monad ((_ (set-grafting #f))
(system (current-system))
@@ -257,12 +258,13 @@ packages defined in installation-os."
;; succeed. Also add guile-final, which is pulled in
;; through provenance.drv and may not always be present.
(target (operating-system-derivation target-os))
- (base-image ->
- (os->image
- (operating-system-with-gc-roots
- os (list target guile-final))
- #:type (lookup-image-type-by-name
- installation-image-type)))
+ (base-image -> (os->image
+ (operating-system-with-gc-roots
+ (operating-system-add-packages
+ os packages)
+ (list target guile-final))
+ #:type (lookup-image-type-by-name
+ installation-image-type)))
(image ->
@@ -276,13 +278,18 @@ packages defined in installation-os."
(gnu build marionette))
(use-modules (guix build utils)
- (gnu build marionette))
+ (gnu build marionette)
+ (srfi srfi-1))
(set-path-environment-variable "PATH" '("bin")
(list #$qemu-minimal))
- (system* "qemu-img" "create" "-f" "qcow2"
- #$output #$(number->string target-size))
+ (mkdir-p #$output)
+ (for-each (lambda (n)
+ (system* "qemu-img" "create" "-f" "qcow2"
+ (format #f "~a/disk~a.qcow2" #$output n)
+ #$(number->string target-size)))
+ (iota #$number-of-disks))
(define marionette
@@ -303,8 +310,12 @@ packages defined in installation-os."
"unsupported installation-image-type:"
- "-drive"
- ,(string-append "file=" #$output ",if=virtio")
+ ,@(append-map
+ (lambda (n)
+ (list "-drive"
+ (format #f "file=~a/disk~a.qcow2,if=virtio"
+ #$output n)))
+ (iota #$number-of-disks))
,@(if (file-exists? "/dev/kvm")
@@ -338,32 +349,26 @@ packages defined in installation-os."
(exit #$(and gui-test
(gui-test #~marionette)))))))
- (gexp->derivation "installation" install
- #:substitutable? #f))) ;too big
-(define* (qemu-command/writable-image image
- #:key
- (uefi-support? #f)
- (memory-size 256))
- "Return as a monadic value the command to run QEMU on a writable copy of
-IMAGE, a disk image. The QEMU VM has access to MEMORY-SIZE MiB of RAM."
+ (mlet %store-monad ((images-dir (gexp->derivation "installation"
+ install
+ #:substitutable? #f))) ;too big
+ (return (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils))
+ (find-files #$images-dir)))))))
+(define* (qemu-command* images #:key (uefi-support? #f) (memory-size 256))
+ "Return as a monadic value the command to run QEMU with a writable overlay
+on top of IMAGES, a list of disk images. The QEMU VM has access to MEMORY-SIZE
+MiB of RAM."
(mlet* %store-monad ((system (current-system))
(uefi-firmware -> (and uefi-support?
(uefi-firmware system))))
- (return #~(let ((image #$image))
- ;; First we need a writable copy of the image.
- (format #t "creating writable image from '~a'...~%" image)
- (unless (zero? (system* #+(file-append qemu-minimal
- "/bin/qemu-img")
- "create" "-f" "qcow2" "-F" "qcow2"
- "-o"
- (string-append "backing_file=" image)
- "disk.img"))
- (error "failed to create writable QEMU image" image))
- (chmod "disk.img" #o644)
+ (return #~(begin
+ (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
`(,(string-append #$qemu-minimal "/bin/"
#$(qemu-command system))
+ "-snapshot" ;for the volatile, writable overlay
,@(if (file-exists? "/dev/kvm")
@@ -371,7 +376,10 @@ IMAGE, a disk image. The QEMU VM has access to MEMORY-SIZE MiB of RAM."
'("-bios" #$uefi-firmware)
"-no-reboot" "-m" #$(number->string memory-size)
- "-drive" "file=disk.img,if=virtio")))))
+ ,@(append-map (lambda (image)
+ (list "-drive" (format #f "file=~a,if=virtio"
+ image)))
+ #$images))))))
(define %test-installed-os
@@ -381,8 +389,8 @@ IMAGE, a disk image. The QEMU VM has access to MEMORY-SIZE MiB of RAM."
This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %minimal-os %minimal-os-source))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %minimal-os %minimal-os-source))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %minimal-os command
@@ -393,13 +401,13 @@ build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
"Test basic functionality of an OS booted with an extlinux bootloader. As
per %test-installed-os, this test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %minimal-extlinux-os
- %minimal-extlinux-os-source
- #:packages
- (list syslinux)
- #:script
- %extlinux-gpt-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %minimal-extlinux-os
+ %minimal-extlinux-os-source
+ #:packages
+ (list syslinux)
+ #:script
+ %extlinux-gpt-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %minimal-extlinux-os command
@@ -469,14 +477,14 @@ reboot\n")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install
- %minimal-os-on-vda
- %minimal-os-on-vda-source
- #:script
- %simple-installation-script-for-/dev/vda
- #:installation-image-type
- 'uncompressed-iso9660))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install
+ %minimal-os-on-vda
+ %minimal-os-on-vda-source
+ #:script
+ %simple-installation-script-for-/dev/vda
+ #:installation-image-type
+ 'uncompressed-iso9660))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %minimal-os-on-vda command name)))))
@@ -527,11 +535,11 @@ reboot\n")
partition. In particular, home directories must be correctly created (see
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %separate-home-os
- %separate-home-os-source
- #:script
- %simple-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %separate-home-os
+ %separate-home-os-source
+ #:script
+ %simple-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %separate-home-os command "separate-home-os")))))
@@ -604,11 +612,11 @@ reboot\n")
"Test basic functionality of an OS installed like one would do by hand,
where /gnu lives on a separate partition.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %separate-store-os
- %separate-store-os-source
- #:script
- %separate-store-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %separate-store-os
+ %separate-store-os-source
+ #:script
+ %separate-store-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %separate-store-os command "separate-store-os")))))
@@ -685,12 +693,12 @@ reboot\n")
"Test functionality of an OS installed with a RAID root partition managed
by 'mdadm'.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %raid-root-os
- %raid-root-os-source
- #:script
- %raid-root-installation-script
- #:target-size (* 3200 MiB)))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %raid-root-os
+ %raid-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %raid-root-installation-script
+ #:target-size (* 3200 MiB)))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %raid-root-os
`(,@command) "raid-root-os")))))
@@ -819,11 +827,11 @@ to enter the LUKS passphrase."
This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %encrypted-root-os
- %encrypted-root-os-source
- #:script
- %encrypted-root-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %encrypted-root-os
+ %encrypted-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %encrypted-root-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %encrypted-root-os command "encrypted-root-os"
#:initialization enter-luks-passphrase)))))
@@ -903,13 +911,13 @@ reboot\n")
"Test functionality of an OS installed with a LVM /home partition")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %lvm-separate-home-os
- %lvm-separate-home-os-source
- #:script
- %lvm-separate-home-installation-script
- #:packages (list lvm2-static)
- #:target-size (* 3200 MiB)))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %lvm-separate-home-os
+ %lvm-separate-home-os-source
+ #:script
+ %lvm-separate-home-installation-script
+ #:packages (list lvm2-static)
+ #:target-size (* 3200 MiB)))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %lvm-separate-home-os
`(,@command) "lvm-separate-home-os")))))
@@ -1005,11 +1013,11 @@ terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to build (current-guix) and then
store a couple of full system images.")
(mlet* %store-monad
- ((image (run-install %encrypted-root-not-boot-os
- %encrypted-root-not-boot-os-source
- #:script
- %encrypted-root-not-boot-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ ((images (run-install %encrypted-root-not-boot-os
+ %encrypted-root-not-boot-os-source
+ #:script
+ %encrypted-root-not-boot-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %encrypted-root-not-boot-os command
#:initialization enter-luks-passphrase)))))
@@ -1081,11 +1089,11 @@ reboot\n")
This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %btrfs-root-os
- %btrfs-root-os-source
- #:script
- %btrfs-root-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %btrfs-root-os
+ %btrfs-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %btrfs-root-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %btrfs-root-os command "btrfs-root-os")))))
@@ -1149,11 +1157,11 @@ reboot\n")
RAID-0 (stripe) root partition.")
(mlet* %store-monad
- ((image (run-install %btrfs-raid-root-os
- %btrfs-raid-root-os-source
- #:script %btrfs-raid-root-installation-script
- #:target-size (* 2800 MiB)))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ ((images (run-install %btrfs-raid-root-os
+ %btrfs-raid-root-os-source
+ #:script %btrfs-raid-root-installation-script
+ #:target-size (* 2800 MiB)))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %btrfs-raid-root-os `(,@command) "btrfs-raid-root-os")))))
@@ -1240,15 +1248,123 @@ This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
(mlet* %store-monad
- ((image
- (run-install %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-os
- %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-os-source
- #:script
- %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ ((images (run-install %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-os
+ %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-os-source
+ #:script
+ %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %btrfs-root-on-subvolume-os command
+;;; Btrfs RAID10 root file system.
+(define-os-with-source (%btrfs-raid10-root-os
+ %btrfs-raid10-root-os-source)
+ ;; The OS we want to install.
+ (use-modules (gnu) (gnu tests) (srfi srfi-1))
+ (operating-system
+ (host-name "hurd")
+ (timezone "Europe/Paris")
+ (locale "en_US.UTF-8")
+ (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
+ (bootloader grub-bootloader)
+ (targets (list "/dev/vdb" "/dev/vdc" "/dev/vdd" "/dev/vde"))))
+ (kernel-arguments '("console=ttyS0"))
+ (file-systems (cons* (file-system
+ (device (uuid "16ff18e2-eb41-4324-8df5-80d3b53c411b"))
+ (mount-point "/")
+ (options "compress-force=zstd,degraded")
+ (type "btrfs"))
+ %base-file-systems))
+ (users (cons (user-account
+ (name "charlie")
+ (group "users")
+ (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "audio" "video")))
+ %base-user-accounts))
+ (services (cons (service marionette-service-type
+ (marionette-configuration
+ (imported-modules '((gnu services herd)
+ (guix combinators)))))
+ %base-services))))
+(define %btrfs-raid10-root-installation-script
+ ;; Shell script of a simple installation.
+ "\
+. /etc/profile
+set -e -x
+guix --version
+export GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS=--no-grafts
+ls -l /run/current-system/gc-roots
+for d in vdb vdc vdd vde; do
+ parted --script /dev/$d mklabel gpt \\
+ mkpart primary ext2 1M 2M \\
+ mkpart primary ext2 2M 100% \\
+ set 1 boot on \\
+ set 1 bios_grub on
+# Create the RAID10 Btrfs array.
+mkfs.btrfs -d raid10 -m raid1c4 /dev/{vdb2,vdc2,vdd2,vde2} \\
+ --uuid 16ff18e2-eb41-4324-8df5-80d3b53c411b
+# Mount it, ready for installation.
+mount UUID=16ff18e2-eb41-4324-8df5-80d3b53c411b -o compress-force=zstd /mnt
+herd start cow-store /mnt
+mkdir /mnt/etc
+cp /etc/target-config.scm /mnt/etc/config.scm
+guix system build /mnt/etc/config.scm
+guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt --no-substitutes
+(define %test-btrfs-raid10-root-images
+ (mlet %store-monad
+ ((images (run-install %btrfs-raid10-root-os
+ %btrfs-raid10-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %btrfs-raid10-root-installation-script
+ #:number-of-disks 4
+ #:target-size (* 1100 MiB))))
+ (return images)))
+(define %test-btrfs-raid10-root-os
+ (system-test
+ (name "btrfs-raid10-root-os")
+ (description
+ "Test basic functionality of an OS installed on top of a Btrfs RAID10 file
+system spanning 4 disks. This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage
+usage since we need to build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full
+system images.")
+ (value
+ (mlet* %store-monad
+ ((images %test-btrfs-raid10-root-images)
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
+ (run-basic-test %btrfs-raid10-root-os command
+ "btrfs-raid10-root-os")))))
+(define %test-btrfs-raid10-root-os-degraded
+ (system-test
+ (name "btrfs-raid10-root-os-degraded")
+ (description
+ "Test basic functionality of an OS installed on top of a Btrfs RAID10 file
+system spanning 6 disks, degraded to 5 disks. This test is expensive in terms
+of CPU and storage usage since we need to build (current-guix) and then store
+a couple of full system images.")
+ (value
+ (mlet* %store-monad
+ ;; Drop the first image; this boots because the root file system uses
+ ;; the Btrfs "degraded" mount option.
+ ((images %test-btrfs-raid10-root-images)
+ (command (qemu-command* #~(cdr #$images))))
+ (run-basic-test %btrfs-raid10-root-os command
+ "btrfs-raid10-root-os")))))
;;; JFS root file system.
@@ -1315,11 +1431,11 @@ reboot\n")
This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %jfs-root-os
- %jfs-root-os-source
- #:script
- %jfs-root-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %jfs-root-os
+ %jfs-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %jfs-root-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %jfs-root-os command "jfs-root-os")))))
@@ -1388,11 +1504,11 @@ reboot\n")
This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %f2fs-root-os
- %f2fs-root-os-source
- #:script
- %f2fs-root-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %f2fs-root-os
+ %f2fs-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %f2fs-root-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %f2fs-root-os command "f2fs-root-os")))))
@@ -1461,11 +1577,11 @@ reboot\n")
This test is expensive in terms of CPU and storage usage since we need to
build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
- (mlet* %store-monad ((image (run-install %xfs-root-os
- %xfs-root-os-source
- #:script
- %xfs-root-installation-script))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image)))
+ (mlet* %store-monad ((images (run-install %xfs-root-os
+ %xfs-root-os-source
+ #:script
+ %xfs-root-installation-script))
+ (command (qemu-command* images)))
(run-basic-test %xfs-root-os command "xfs-root-os")))))
@@ -1733,24 +1849,24 @@ build (current-guix) and then store a couple of full system images.")
"Install an OS using the graphical installer and test it.")
(mlet* %store-monad
- ((image (run-install target-os '(this is unused)
- #:script #f
- #:os installation-os-for-gui-tests
- #:uefi-support? uefi-support?
- #:install-size install-size
- #:target-size target-size
- #:installation-image-type
- 'uncompressed-iso9660
- #:gui-test
- (lambda (marionette)
- (gui-test-program
- marionette
- #:desktop? desktop?
- #:encrypted? encrypted?
- #:uefi-support? uefi-support?))))
- (command (qemu-command/writable-image image
- #:uefi-support? uefi-support?
- #:memory-size 512)))
+ ((images (run-install target-os '(this is unused)
+ #:script #f
+ #:os installation-os-for-gui-tests
+ #:uefi-support? uefi-support?
+ #:install-size install-size
+ #:target-size target-size
+ #:installation-image-type
+ 'uncompressed-iso9660
+ #:gui-test
+ (lambda (marionette)
+ (gui-test-program
+ marionette
+ #:desktop? desktop?
+ #:encrypted? encrypted?
+ #:uefi-support? uefi-support?))))
+ (command (qemu-command* images
+ #:uefi-support? uefi-support?
+ #:memory-size 512)))
(run-basic-test target-os command name
#:initialization (and encrypted? enter-luks-passphrase)
#:root-password %root-password
diff --git a/gnu/tests/package-management.scm b/gnu/tests/package-management.scm
index fe897944d0..6d61dea4f8 100644
--- a/gnu/tests/package-management.scm
+++ b/gnu/tests/package-management.scm
@@ -85,25 +85,12 @@
;; Wait for nix-daemon to be up and running.
(start-service 'nix-daemon)
- (with-output-to-file "guix-test.nix"
- (lambda ()
- (display "\
-with import <nix/config.nix>;
-derivation {
- system = builtins.currentSystem;
- name = \"guix-test\";
- builder = shell;
- args = [\"-c\" \"mkdir $out\\necho FOO > $out/foo\"];
- PATH = coreutils;
- (zero? (system* (string-append #$nix "/bin/nix-build")
- "--substituters" "" "--debug" "--no-out-link"
- "guix-test.nix")))
+ (zero? (system* (string-append #$nix "/bin/nix")
+ "--experimental-features" "nix-command"
+ "store" "ping" "--store" "daemon")))
- (test-end))))
+ (test-end))))
(gexp->derivation (string-append name "-test") test))
@@ -112,7 +99,7 @@ derivation {
(let ((base-os
(service nix-service-type)
- (service dhcp-client-service-type))))
+ (service dhcp-client-service-type))))
(inherit base-os)
(packages (cons nix (operating-system-packages base-os))))))
diff --git a/guix/build-system/julia.scm b/guix/build-system/julia.scm
index 6261f8a55a..66e7711bcd 100644
--- a/guix/build-system/julia.scm
+++ b/guix/build-system/julia.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Jean-Baptiste Volatier <jbv@pm.me>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@
(guile #f)
(julia-package-name #f)
(julia-package-uuid #f)
+ (julia-package-dependencies ''())
(imported-modules %julia-build-system-modules)
(modules '((guix build julia-build-system)
(guix build utils))))
@@ -108,7 +110,8 @@
#:inputs #$(input-tuples->gexp inputs)
#:julia-package-name #$julia-package-name
- #:julia-package-uuid #$julia-package-uuid))))
+ #:julia-package-uuid #$julia-package-uuid
+ #:julia-package-dependencies #$julia-package-dependencies))))
(mlet %store-monad ((guile (package->derivation (or guile (default-guile))
system #:graft? #f)))
diff --git a/guix/build-system/meson.scm b/guix/build-system/meson.scm
index ad604f8871..9fee6c4570 100644
--- a/guix/build-system/meson.scm
+++ b/guix/build-system/meson.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ for TRIPLET."
(if (target-64bit? triplet)
+ ((target-riscv64? triplet) "riscv64")
(#t (error "meson: unknown architecture"))))
(cpu . ,(cond ((target-x86-32? triplet) ; i386, ..., i686
(substring triplet 0 4))
@@ -78,6 +80,8 @@ for TRIPLET."
;; At least in Guix. Aarch64 and 32-bit arm
;; have a big-endian mode as well.
((target-arm? triplet) "little")
+ ((target-ppc32? triplet) "big")
+ ((target-riscv64? triplet) "little")
(#t (error "meson: unknown architecture"))))))
(define (make-binaries-alist triplet)
diff --git a/guix/build-system/ocaml.scm b/guix/build-system/ocaml.scm
index e7d6d96f0e..5ced9d243b 100644
--- a/guix/build-system/ocaml.scm
+++ b/guix/build-system/ocaml.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Julien Lepiller <julien@lepiller.eu>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -216,13 +216,13 @@ pre-defined variants."
(host-inputs `(,@(if source
`(("source" ,source))
- ,@inputs
- ;; Keep the standard inputs of 'gnu-build-system'.
- ,@(standard-packages)))
+ ,@inputs))
(build-inputs `(("ocaml" ,ocaml)
("findlib" ,findlib)
- ,@native-inputs))
+ ,@native-inputs
+ ;; Keep the standard inputs of 'gnu-build-system'.
+ ,@(standard-packages)))
(outputs outputs)
(build ocaml-build)
(arguments (strip-keyword-arguments private-keywords arguments)))))
diff --git a/guix/build-system/texlive.scm b/guix/build-system/texlive.scm
index 09907c67d8..dbb72cd24a 100644
--- a/guix/build-system/texlive.scm
+++ b/guix/build-system/texlive.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2017 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Thiago Jung Bauermann <bauermann@kolabnow.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -177,10 +177,13 @@ level package ID."
(map search-path-specification->sexp
- (gexp->derivation name builder
- #:system system
- #:target #f
- #:substitutable? substitutable?))
+ (mlet %store-monad ((guile (package->derivation (or guile (default-guile))
+ system #:graft? #f)))
+ (gexp->derivation name builder
+ #:system system
+ #:target #f
+ #:substitutable? substitutable?
+ #:guile-for-build guile)))
(define texlive-build-system
diff --git a/guix/build/download.scm b/guix/build/download.scm
index 7c310e94f1..41583e8143 100644
--- a/guix/build/download.scm
+++ b/guix/build/download.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Timothy Sample <samplet@ngyro.com>
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#:use-module (guix ftp-client)
#:use-module (guix build utils)
#:use-module (guix progress)
+ #:use-module (guix memoization)
#:use-module (rnrs io ports)
#:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
@@ -177,27 +178,30 @@ name decoding bug described at
(let ((data (call-with-input-file file get-bytevector-all)))
(set-certificate-credentials-x509-trust-data! cred data format)))
-(define (make-credendials-with-ca-trust-files directory)
- "Return certificate credentials with X.509 authority certificates read from
+(define make-credentials-with-ca-trust-files
+ (mlambda (directory)
+ "Return certificate credentials with X.509 authority certificates read from
DIRECTORY. Those authority certificates are checked when
'peer-certificate-status' is later called."
- (let ((cred (make-certificate-credentials))
- (files (match (scandir directory (cut string-suffix? ".pem" <>))
- ((or #f ())
- ;; Some distros provide nothing but bundles (*.crt) under
- ;; /etc/ssl/certs, so look for them.
- (or (scandir directory (cut string-suffix? ".crt" <>))
- '()))
- (pem pem))))
- (for-each (lambda (file)
- (let ((file (string-append directory "/" file)))
- ;; Protect against dangling symlinks.
- (when (file-exists? file)
- (set-certificate-credentials-x509-trust-file!*
- cred file
- x509-certificate-format/pem))))
- files)
- cred))
+ ;; Memoize the result to avoid scanning all the certificates every time a
+ ;; connection is made.
+ (let ((cred (make-certificate-credentials))
+ (files (match (scandir directory (cut string-suffix? ".pem" <>))
+ ((or #f ())
+ ;; Some distros provide nothing but bundles (*.crt) under
+ ;; /etc/ssl/certs, so look for them.
+ (or (scandir directory (cut string-suffix? ".crt" <>))
+ '()))
+ (pem pem))))
+ (for-each (lambda (file)
+ (let ((file (string-append directory "/" file)))
+ ;; Protect against dangling symlinks.
+ (when (file-exists? file)
+ (set-certificate-credentials-x509-trust-file!*
+ cred file
+ x509-certificate-format/pem))))
+ files)
+ cred)))
(define (peer-certificate session)
"Return the certificate of the remote peer in SESSION."
@@ -273,7 +277,7 @@ host name without trailing dot."
(set-session-credentials! session
(if (and verify-certificate? ca-certs)
- (make-credendials-with-ca-trust-files
+ (make-credentials-with-ca-trust-files
@@ -431,8 +435,7 @@ ETIMEDOUT error is raised."
(verify-certificate? #t))
- "Like 'open-socket-for-uri', but also handle HTTPS connections. The
-resulting port must be closed with 'close-connection'. When
+ "Like 'open-socket-for-uri', but also handle HTTPS connections. When
VERIFY-CERTIFICATE? is true, verify HTTPS server certificates."
;; Note: Guile 2.2.0's (web client) has a same-named export that's actually
;; undefined. See Guile commit 011669af3b428e5626f7bbf66b11d57d9768c047.
diff --git a/guix/build/emacs-build-system.scm b/guix/build/emacs-build-system.scm
index ab77e57f33..6a6918bfdd 100644
--- a/guix/build/emacs-build-system.scm
+++ b/guix/build/emacs-build-system.scm
@@ -140,6 +140,79 @@ store in '.el' files."
+(define (find-root-library-file name)
+ (let loop ((parts (string-split
+ (package-name-version->elpa-name-version name) #\-))
+ (candidate ""))
+ (cond
+ ;; at least one version part is given, so we don't terminate "early"
+ ((null? parts) #f)
+ ((string-null? candidate) (loop (cdr parts) (car parts)))
+ ((file-exists? (string-append candidate ".el")) candidate)
+ (else
+ (loop (cdr parts) (string-append candidate "-" (car parts)))))))
+(define* (ensure-package-description #:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+ (define (write-pkg-file name)
+ (define summary-regexp
+ "^;;; [^ ]*\\.el ---[ \t]*\\(.*?\\)[ \t]*\\(-\\*-.*-\\*-[ \t]*\\)?$")
+ (define %write-pkg-file-form
+ `(progn
+ (require 'lisp-mnt)
+ (require 'package)
+ (defun build-package-desc-from-library (name)
+ (package-desc-from-define
+ name
+ ;; Workaround for malformed version string (for example "24 (beta)"
+ ;; in paredit.el), try to parse version obtained by lm-version,
+ ;; before trying to create package-desc. Otherwise the whole process
+ ;; of generation -pkg.el will fail.
+ (condition-case
+ nil
+ (let ((version (lm-version)))
+ ;; raises an error if version is invalid
+ (and (version-to-list version) version))
+ (error "0.0.0"))
+ (or (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (and (re-search-forward ,summary-regexp nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)))
+ package--default-summary)
+ (let ((require-lines (lm-header-multiline "package-requires")))
+ (and require-lines
+ (package--prepare-dependencies
+ (package-read-from-string
+ (mapconcat 'identity require-lines " ")))))
+ :kind 'single
+ :url (lm-homepage)
+ :keywords (lm-keywords-list)
+ :maintainer (lm-maintainer)
+ :authors (lm-authors)))
+ (defun generate-package-description-file (name)
+ (package-generate-description-file
+ (build-package-desc-from-library name)
+ (concat name "-pkg.el")))
+ (condition-case
+ err
+ (let ((name (file-name-base (buffer-file-name))))
+ (generate-package-description-file name)
+ (message (concat name "-pkg.el file generated.")))
+ (error
+ (message "There are some errors during generation of -pkg.el file:")
+ (message "%s" (error-message-string err))))))
+ (unless (file-exists? (string-append name "-pkg.el"))
+ (emacs-batch-edit-file (string-append name ".el")
+ %write-pkg-file-form)))
+ (let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
+ (elpa-name-ver (store-directory->elpa-name-version out)))
+ (with-directory-excursion (elpa-directory out)
+ (and=> (find-root-library-file elpa-name-ver) write-pkg-file))))
(define* (check #:key tests? (test-command '("make" "check"))
(parallel-tests? #t) #:allow-other-keys)
"Run the tests by invoking TEST-COMMAND.
@@ -279,8 +352,10 @@ for libraries following the ELPA convention."
(add-after 'make-autoloads 'enable-autoloads-compilation
(add-after 'enable-autoloads-compilation 'patch-el-files patch-el-files)
+ (add-after 'patch-el-files 'ensure-package-description
+ ensure-package-description)
;; The .el files are byte compiled directly in the store.
- (add-after 'patch-el-files 'build build)
+ (add-after 'ensure-package-description 'build build)
(add-after 'build 'validate-compiled-autoloads validate-compiled-autoloads)
(add-after 'validate-compiled-autoloads 'move-doc move-doc)))
diff --git a/guix/build/julia-build-system.scm b/guix/build/julia-build-system.scm
index 03d669be64..b0dac154e9 100644
--- a/guix/build/julia-build-system.scm
+++ b/guix/build/julia-build-system.scm
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Nicolò Balzarotti <nicolo@nixo.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Jean-Baptiste Volatier <jbv@pm.me>
;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -111,9 +112,9 @@ Project.toml)."
(job-count (if parallel-tests?
- ;; The --proc argument of Julia *adds* extra processors rather than
- ;; specify the exact count to use, so zero must be specified to
- ;; disable parallel processing...
+ ;; The --procs argument of Julia *adds* extra processors rather
+ ;; than specify the exact count to use, so zero must be specified
+ ;; to disable parallel processing...
(additional-procs (max 0 (1- job-count))))
;; With a patch, SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is honored
(setenv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" "1")
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ Project.toml)."
(setenv "HOME" "/tmp")
(apply invoke "julia"
- ,@(if parallel-tests?
+ ,@(if (and parallel-tests? (< 0 additional-procs))
;; XXX: ... but '--procs' doesn't accept 0 as a valid
;; value, so just omit the argument entirely.
(list (string-append "--procs="
@@ -136,7 +137,8 @@ Project.toml)."
package "/test/runtests.jl"))))))
(define* (link-depot #:key source inputs outputs
- julia-package-name julia-package-uuid #:allow-other-keys)
+ julia-package-name julia-package-uuid
+ julia-package-dependencies #:allow-other-keys)
(let* ((out (assoc-ref outputs "out"))
(name+version (strip-store-file-name out))
(version (last (string-split name+version #\-)))
@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ println(Base.version_slug(Base.UUID(\"~a\"),
(julia-create-package-toml (getcwd)
julia-package-name julia-package-uuid
+ julia-package-dependencies
#:file "Project.toml"))
;; When installing a package, julia looks first at in the JULIA_DEPOT_PATH
@@ -186,9 +189,10 @@ version = \"" version "\"
") f)
(when (not (null? deps))
(display "[deps]\n" f)
- (for-each (lambda dep
- (display (string-append (car (car dep)) " = \"" (cdr (car dep)) "\"\n")
- f))
+ (for-each (match-lambda
+ ((name . uuid)
+ (display (string-append name " = \"" uuid "\"\n")
+ f)))
(close-port f)))
@@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ version = \"" version "\"
(delete 'build)))
(define* (julia-build #:key inputs julia-package-name julia-package-uuid
+ julia-package-dependencies
(phases %standard-phases)
#:allow-other-keys #:rest args)
"Build the given Julia package, applying all of PHASES in order."
@@ -214,4 +219,5 @@ version = \"" version "\"
#:inputs inputs #:phases phases
#:julia-package-name julia-package-name
#:julia-package-uuid julia-package-uuid
+ #:julia-package-dependencies julia-package-dependencies
diff --git a/guix/build/maven/java.scm b/guix/build/maven/java.scm
index daa4c88045..f8c8e5745d 100644
--- a/guix/build/maven/java.scm
+++ b/guix/build/maven/java.scm
@@ -31,11 +31,14 @@
(? (and (ignore "static") (* WS)))
(* WS) (ignore ";")))
-(define-peg-pattern comment all (and (? (and annotation-pat (* WS))) (ignore "/*")
- comment-part))
+(define-peg-pattern comment all (or
+ (and (? (and annotation-pat (* WS))) (ignore "/*")
+ comment-part)
+ (and (ignore "//") (* (or "\t" (range #\ #\xffff)))
+ (or (ignore "\n") (ignore "\r")) (* WS))))
(define-peg-pattern comment-part body (or (ignore (and (* "*") "/"))
(and (* "*") (+ comment-chr) comment-part)))
-(define-peg-pattern comment-chr body (or "\t" "\n" (range #\ #\)) (range #\+ #\xffff)))
+(define-peg-pattern comment-chr body (or "\t" "\n" "\r" (range #\ #\)) (range #\+ #\xffff)))
(define-peg-pattern inline-comment none (and (ignore "//") (* inline-comment-chr)
(ignore "\n")))
(define-peg-pattern inline-comment-chr body (range #\ #\xffff))
diff --git a/guix/build/store-copy.scm b/guix/build/store-copy.scm
index 01e1f41870..657a91f324 100644
--- a/guix/build/store-copy.scm
+++ b/guix/build/store-copy.scm
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ It is meant as an internal format."
(define (file-size file)
- "Return the size of bytes of FILE, entering it if FILE is a directory."
+ "Return the size in bytes of FILE, entering it if FILE is a directory."
(file-system-fold (const #t)
(lambda (file stat result) ;leaf
(+ (stat:size stat) result))
diff --git a/guix/colors.scm b/guix/colors.scm
index 3031f54799..ae0a583d94 100644
--- a/guix/colors.scm
+++ b/guix/colors.scm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; Copyright © 2018 Sahithi Yarlagadda <sahi@swecha.net>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ highlight/warn
@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@ that subsequent output will not have any colors in effect."
(define highlight (coloring-procedure (color BOLD)))
+(define highlight/warn (coloring-procedure (color BOLD MAGENTA)))
(define dim (coloring-procedure (color DARK)))
(define (colorize-matches rules)
diff --git a/guix/cpu.scm b/guix/cpu.scm
index e1911f52a8..a44cd082f1 100644
--- a/guix/cpu.scm
+++ b/guix/cpu.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
#:export (current-cpu
+ cpu-vendor
@@ -41,9 +43,10 @@
;; CPU description.
(define-record-type <cpu>
- (cpu architecture family model flags)
+ (cpu architecture vendor family model flags)
(architecture cpu-architecture) ;string, from 'uname'
+ (vendor cpu-vendor) ;string
(family cpu-family) ;integer
(model cpu-model) ;integer
(flags cpu-flags)) ;set of strings
@@ -57,28 +60,33 @@
(call-with-input-file "/proc/cpuinfo"
(lambda (port)
- (let loop ((family #f)
+ (let loop ((vendor #f)
+ (family #f)
(model #f))
(match (read-line port)
((? eof-object?)
+ ((? (prefix? "vendor_id") str)
+ (match (string-tokenize str)
+ (("vendor_id" ":" vendor)
+ (loop vendor family model))))
((? (prefix? "cpu family") str)
(match (string-tokenize str)
(("cpu" "family" ":" family)
- (loop (string->number family) model))))
+ (loop vendor (string->number family) model))))
((? (prefix? "model") str)
(match (string-tokenize str)
(("model" ":" model)
- (loop family (string->number model)))
+ (loop vendor family (string->number model)))
- (loop family model))))
+ (loop vendor family model))))
((? (prefix? "flags") str)
(match (string-tokenize str)
(("flags" ":" flags ...)
(cpu (utsname:machine (uname))
- family model (list->set flags)))))
+ vendor family model (list->set flags)))))
- (loop family model))))))))
+ (loop vendor family model))))))))
(define (cpu->gcc-architecture cpu)
"Return the architecture name, suitable for GCC's '-march' flag, that
@@ -86,29 +94,74 @@ corresponds to CPU, a record as returned by 'current-cpu'."
(match (cpu-architecture cpu)
;; Transcribed from GCC's 'host_detect_local_cpu' in driver-i386.c.
- (or (and (= 6 (cpu-family cpu)) ;the "Pentium Pro" family
- (letrec-syntax ((model (syntax-rules (=>)
- ((_) #f)
- ((_ (candidate => integers ...) rest
- ...)
- (or (and (= (cpu-model cpu) integers)
- candidate)
- ...
- (model rest ...))))))
- (model ("bonnel" => #x1c #x26)
- ("silvermont" => #x37 #x4a #x4d #x5a #x5d)
- ("core2" => #x0f #x17 #x1d)
- ("nehalem" => #x1a #x1e #x1f #x2e)
- ("westmere" => #x25 #x2c #x2f)
- ("sandybridge" => #x2a #x2d)
- ("ivybridge" => #x3a #x3e)
- ("haswell" => #x3c #x3f #x45 #x46)
- ("broadwell" => #x3d #x47 #x4f #x56)
- ("skylake" => #x4e #x5e #x8e #x9e)
- ("skylake-avx512" => #x55) ;TODO: cascadelake
- ("knl" => #x57)
- ("cannonlake" => #x66)
- ("knm" => #x85))))
+ (or (and (equal? "GenuineIntel" (cpu-vendor cpu))
+ (= 6 (cpu-family cpu)) ;the "Pentium Pro" family
+ (letrec-syntax ((if-flags (syntax-rules (=>)
+ ((_)
+ #f)
+ ((_ (flags ... => name) rest ...)
+ (if (every (lambda (flag)
+ (set-contains? (cpu-flags cpu)
+ flag))
+ '(flags ...))
+ name
+ (if-flags rest ...))))))
+ (if-flags ("avx" "avx512vp2intersect" "tsxldtrk" => "sapphirerapids")
+ ("avx" "avx512vp2intersect" => "tigerlake")
+ ("avx" "avx512bf16" => "cooperlake")
+ ("avx" "wbnoinvd" => "icelake-server")
+ ("avx" "avx512bitalg" => "icelake-client")
+ ("avx" "avx512vbmi" => "cannonlake")
+ ("avx" "avx5124vnniw" => "knm")
+ ("avx" "avx512er" => "knl")
+ ("avx" "avx512f" => "skylake-avx512")
+ ("avx" "serialize" => "alderlake")
+ ("avx" "clflushopt" => "skylake")
+ ("avx" "adx" => "broadwell")
+ ("avx" "avx2" => "haswell")
+ ("avx" => "sandybridge")
+ ("sse4_2" "gfni" => "tremont")
+ ("sse4_2" "sgx" => "goldmont-plus")
+ ("sse4_2" "xsave" => "goldmont")
+ ("sse4_2" "movbe" => "silvermont")
+ ("sse4_2" => "nehalem")
+ ("ssse3" "movbe" => "bonnell")
+ ("ssse3" => "core2")
+ ("longmode" => "x86-64"))))
+ (and (equal? "AuthenticAMD" (cpu-vendor cpu))
+ (letrec-syntax ((if-flags (syntax-rules (=>)
+ ((_)
+ #f)
+ ((_ (flags ... => name) rest ...)
+ (if (every (lambda (flag)
+ (set-contains? (cpu-flags cpu)
+ flag))
+ '(flags ...))
+ name
+ (if-flags rest ...))))))
+ (or (and (= 22 (cpu-family cpu))
+ (if-flags ("movbe" => "btver2")))
+ (and (= 6 (cpu-family cpu))
+ (if-flags ("3dnowp" => "athalon")))
+ (if-flags ("vaes" => "znver3")
+ ("clwb" => "znver2")
+ ("clzero" => "znver1")
+ ("avx2" => "bdver4")
+ ("xsaveopt" => "bdver3")
+ ("bmi" => "bdver2")
+ ("xop" => "bdver1")
+ ("sse4a" "has_ssse3" => "btver1")
+ ("sse4a" => "amdfam10")
+ ("sse2" "sse3" => "k8-sse3")
+ ("longmode" "sse3" => "k8-sse3")
+ ("sse2" => "k8")
+ ("longmode" => "k8")
+ ("mmx" "3dnow" => "k6-3")
+ ("mmx" => "k6")
+ (_ => "pentium")))))
;; Fallback case for non-Intel processors or for Intel processors not
;; recognized above.
@@ -135,7 +188,7 @@ corresponds to CPU, a record as returned by 'current-cpu'."
("ssse3" "movbe" => "bonnell")
("ssse3" => "core2")))
- ;; TODO: Recognize AMD models (bdver*, znver*, etc.)?
diff --git a/guix/deprecation.scm b/guix/deprecation.scm
index c66c9367f6..09a27789c9 100644
--- a/guix/deprecation.scm
+++ b/guix/deprecation.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -24,6 +25,8 @@
+ warn-about-old-daemon
;;; Commentary:
@@ -32,6 +35,11 @@
;;; Code:
+(define (warn-about-old-daemon)
+ (warning (G_ "Your Guix daemon is severely outdated, and will soon cease to
+be able to download binary substitutes. To upgrade it, refer to the
+'Upgrading Guix' section in the manual.~%")))
(define* (warn-about-deprecation variable properties
#:key replacement)
(let ((location (and properties (source-properties->location properties))))
diff --git a/guix/derivations.scm b/guix/derivations.scm
index f77ea179f4..354ec20e3f 100644
--- a/guix/derivations.scm
+++ b/guix/derivations.scm
@@ -245,11 +245,19 @@ Nix itself keeps only one of them."
(make-hash-table 25))
(for-each (lambda (input)
- (let* ((drv (derivation-input-path input))
+ ;; If DRV1 and DRV2 are fixed-output derivations with the same
+ ;; output path, they must be coalesced. Thus, TABLE is keyed by
+ ;; output paths.
+ (let* ((drv (derivation-input-derivation input))
+ (key (string-join
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((_ . output)
+ (derivation-output-path output)))
+ (derivation-outputs drv))))
(sub-drvs (derivation-input-sub-derivations input)))
- (match (hash-get-handle table drv)
+ (match (hash-get-handle table key)
- (hash-set! table drv input))
+ (hash-set! table key input))
((and handle (key . ($ <derivation-input> drv sub-drvs2)))
;; Merge DUP with INPUT.
(let* ((sub-drvs (delete-duplicates
diff --git a/guix/gexp.scm b/guix/gexp.scm
index 01dca902f7..9fdb7a30be 100644
--- a/guix/gexp.scm
+++ b/guix/gexp.scm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Clément Lassieur <clement@lassieur.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -174,12 +174,15 @@ As a result, the S-expression will be approximate if GEXP has references."
(map (lambda (reference)
(match reference
(($ <gexp-input> thing output native)
- (if (gexp-like? thing)
- (gexp->approximate-sexp thing)
- ;; Simply returning 'thing' won't work in some
- ;; situations; see 'write-gexp' below.
- '(*approximate*)))
- (_ '(*approximate*))))
+ (cond ((gexp-like? thing)
+ (gexp->approximate-sexp thing))
+ ((not (record? thing)) ; a S-exp
+ thing)
+ (#true
+ ;; Simply returning 'thing' won't work in some
+ ;; situations; see 'write-gexp' below.
+ '(*approximate*))))
+ (($ <gexp-output>) '(*approximate*))))
(gexp-references gexp))))
(define (write-gexp gexp port)
@@ -597,13 +600,10 @@ This is the declarative counterpart of 'gexp->derivation'."
;; gexp.
(match file
(($ <computed-file> name gexp guile options)
- (if guile
- (mlet %store-monad ((guile (lower-object guile system
- #:target target)))
- (apply gexp->derivation name gexp #:guile-for-build guile
- #:system system #:target target options))
- (apply gexp->derivation name gexp
- #:system system #:target target options)))))
+ (mlet %store-monad ((guile (lower-object (or guile (default-guile))
+ system #:target #f)))
+ (apply gexp->derivation name gexp #:guile-for-build guile
+ #:system system #:target target options)))))
(define-record-type <program-file>
(%program-file name gexp guile path)
@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ resulting store file holds references to all these."
#:local-build? #t
#:substitutable? #f))
-(define* (mixed-text-file name #:rest text)
+(define* (mixed-text-file name #:key guile #:rest text)
"Return an object representing store file NAME containing TEXT. TEXT is a
sequence of strings and file-like objects, as in:
@@ -2080,14 +2080,15 @@ sequence of strings and file-like objects, as in:
This is the declarative counterpart of 'text-file*'."
(define build
- (gexp (call-with-output-file (ungexp output "out")
- (lambda (port)
- (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8")
- (display (string-append (ungexp-splicing text)) port)))))
+ (let ((text (if guile (drop text 2) text)))
+ (gexp (call-with-output-file (ungexp output "out")
+ (lambda (port)
+ (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8")
+ (display (string-append (ungexp-splicing text)) port))))))
- (computed-file name build))
+ (computed-file name build #:guile guile))
-(define (file-union name files)
+(define* (file-union name files #:key guile)
"Return a <computed-file> that builds a directory containing all of FILES.
Each item in FILES must be a two-element list where the first element is the
file name to use in the new directory, and the second element is a gexp
@@ -2121,7 +2122,8 @@ This yields an 'etc' directory containing these two files."
(mkdir-p (dirname (ungexp target)))
(symlink (ungexp source)
(ungexp target))))))
- files)))))))
+ files)))))
+ #:guile guile))
(define* (directory-union name things
#:key (copy? #f) (quiet? #f)
@@ -2177,6 +2179,29 @@ is true, the derivation will not print anything."
(eval-when (expand load eval)
+ (define-once read-syntax-redefined?
+ ;; Have we already redefined 'read-syntax'? This needs to be done on
+ ;; 3.0.8 only to work around <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/54003>.
+ (or (not (module-variable the-scm-module 'read-syntax))
+ (not (guile-version>? "3.0.7"))))
+ (define read-procedure
+ ;; The current read procedure being called: either 'read' or
+ ;; 'read-syntax'.
+ (make-parameter read))
+ (define read-syntax*
+ ;; Replacement for 'read-syntax'.
+ (let ((read-syntax (and=> (module-variable the-scm-module 'read-syntax)
+ variable-ref)))
+ (lambda (port . rest)
+ (parameterize ((read-procedure read-syntax))
+ (apply read-syntax port rest)))))
+ (unless read-syntax-redefined?
+ (set! (@ (guile) read-syntax) read-syntax*)
+ (set! read-syntax-redefined? #t))
(define* (read-ungexp chr port #:optional native?)
"Read an 'ungexp' or 'ungexp-splicing' form from PORT. When NATIVE? is
true, use 'ungexp-native' and 'ungexp-native-splicing' instead."
@@ -2192,22 +2217,39 @@ true, use 'ungexp-native' and 'ungexp-native-splicing' instead."
- (match (read port)
- ((? symbol? symbol)
- (let ((str (symbol->string symbol)))
+ (define symbolic?
+ ;; Depending on whether (read-procedure) is 'read' or 'read-syntax', we
+ ;; might get either sexps or syntax objects. Adjust accordingly.
+ (if (eq? (read-procedure) read)
+ symbol?
+ (compose symbol? syntax->datum)))
+ (define symbolic->string
+ (if (eq? (read-procedure) read)
+ symbol->string
+ (compose symbol->string syntax->datum)))
+ (define wrapped-symbol
+ (if (eq? (read-procedure) read)
+ (lambda (_ symbol) symbol)
+ datum->syntax))
+ (match ((read-procedure) port)
+ ((? symbolic? symbol)
+ (let ((str (symbolic->string symbol)))
(match (string-index-right str #\:)
`(,unquote-symbol ,symbol))
(let ((name (string->symbol (substring str 0 colon)))
(output (substring str (+ colon 1))))
- `(,unquote-symbol ,name ,output))))))
+ `(,unquote-symbol ,(wrapped-symbol symbol name) ,output))))))
`(,unquote-symbol ,x))))
(define (read-gexp chr port)
"Read a 'gexp' form from PORT."
- `(gexp ,(read port)))
+ `(gexp ,((read-procedure) port)))
;; Extend the reader
(read-hash-extend #\~ read-gexp)
diff --git a/guix/git-authenticate.scm b/guix/git-authenticate.scm
index ab3fcd8b2f..419cb85afc 100644
--- a/guix/git-authenticate.scm
+++ b/guix/git-authenticate.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
#:use-module (guix base16)
#:autoload (guix base64) (base64-encode)
#:use-module ((guix git)
- #:select (commit-difference false-if-git-not-found))
+ #:select (commit-difference
+ commit-descendant?
+ false-if-git-not-found))
#:use-module (guix i18n)
#:use-module ((guix diagnostics) #:select (formatted-message))
#:use-module (guix openpgp)
@@ -426,6 +428,17 @@ denoting the authorized keys for commits whose parent lack the
(verify-introductory-commit repository keyring
start-commit signer))
+ ;; Make sure END-COMMIT is a descendant of START-COMMIT or of one of
+ ;; AUTHENTICATED-COMMITS, which are known to be descendants of
+ (unless (commit-descendant? end-commit
+ (cons start-commit
+ authenticated-commits))
+ (raise (formatted-message
+ (G_ "commit ~a is not a descendant of introductory commit ~a")
+ (oid->string (commit-id end-commit))
+ (oid->string (commit-id start-commit)))))
(let ((stats (call-with-progress-reporter reporter
(lambda (report)
(authenticate-commits repository commits
diff --git a/guix/git.scm b/guix/git.scm
index 43e85a5026..53e7219c8c 100644
--- a/guix/git.scm
+++ b/guix/git.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2020 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2018-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Kyle Meyer <kyle@kyleam.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:export (%repository-cache-directory
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@
+ commit-descendant?
@@ -623,6 +625,26 @@ objects: 'ancestor (meaning that OLD is an ancestor of NEW), 'descendant, or
(if (set-contains? oldest new)
+(define (commit-descendant? new old)
+ "Return true if NEW is the descendant of one of OLD, a list of commits.
+When the expected result is likely #t, this is faster than using
+'commit-relation' since fewer commits need to be traversed."
+ (let ((old (list->setq old)))
+ (let loop ((commits (list new))
+ (visited (setq)))
+ (match commits
+ (()
+ #f)
+ (_
+ ;; Perform a breadth-first search as this is likely going to
+ ;; terminate more quickly than a depth-first search.
+ (let ((commits (remove (cut set-contains? visited <>) commits)))
+ (or (any (cut set-contains? old <>) commits)
+ (loop (append-map commit-parents commits)
+ (fold set-insert visited commits)))))))))
;;; Remote operations.
diff --git a/guix/graph.scm b/guix/graph.scm
index 3a1cab244b..41219ab67d 100644
--- a/guix/graph.scm
+++ b/guix/graph.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015-2016, 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -22,10 +22,13 @@
#:use-module (guix monads)
#:use-module (guix records)
#:use-module (guix sets)
+ #:autoload (guix diagnostics) (formatted-message)
+ #:autoload (guix i18n) (G_)
#:use-module (rnrs io ports)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
#:export (node-type
@@ -47,6 +50,8 @@
+ lookup-backend
@@ -335,6 +340,13 @@ nodeArray.push(nodes[\"~a\"]);~%"
+(define (lookup-backend name)
+ "Return the graph backend called NAME. Raise an error if it is not found."
+ (or (find (lambda (backend)
+ (string=? (graph-backend-name backend) name))
+ %graph-backends)
+ (raise (formatted-message (G_ "~a: unknown graph backend") name))))
(define* (export-graph sinks port
reverse-edges? node-type (max-depth +inf.0)
diff --git a/guix/http-client.scm b/guix/http-client.scm
index 10bc278023..143ed6de31 100644
--- a/guix/http-client.scm
+++ b/guix/http-client.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2018, 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2012, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;; Copyright © 2017 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
+ http-get-error-headers
@@ -69,9 +70,10 @@
;; HTTP GET error.
(define-condition-type &http-get-error &error
- (uri http-get-error-uri) ; URI
- (code http-get-error-code) ; integer
- (reason http-get-error-reason)) ; string
+ (uri http-get-error-uri) ;URI
+ (code http-get-error-code) ;integer
+ (reason http-get-error-reason) ;string
+ (headers http-get-error-headers)) ;alist
(define* (http-fetch uri #:key port (text? #f) (buffered? #t)
@@ -98,14 +100,15 @@ TIMEOUT is #f, connection establishment never times out.
Write information about redirects to LOG-PORT.
Raise an '&http-get-error' condition if downloading fails."
- (let loop ((uri (if (string? uri)
- (string->uri uri)
- uri)))
- (let ((port (or port (open-connection uri
- #:verify-certificate?
- verify-certificate?
- #:timeout timeout)))
- (headers (match (uri-userinfo uri)
+ (define uri*
+ (if (string? uri) (string->uri uri) uri))
+ (let loop ((uri uri*)
+ (port (or port (open-connection uri*
+ #:verify-certificate?
+ verify-certificate?
+ #:timeout timeout))))
+ (let ((headers (match (uri-userinfo uri)
((? string? str)
(cons (cons 'Authorization
(string-append "Basic "
@@ -129,16 +132,29 @@ Raise an '&http-get-error' condition if downloading fails."
303 ; see other
307 ; temporary redirection
308) ; permanent redirection
- (let ((uri (resolve-uri-reference (response-location resp) uri)))
- (close-port port)
+ (let ((host (uri-host uri))
+ (uri (resolve-uri-reference (response-location resp) uri)))
+ (if keep-alive?
+ (dump-port data (%make-void-port "w0")
+ (response-content-length resp))
+ (close-port port))
(format log-port (G_ "following redirection to `~a'...~%")
(uri->string uri))
- (loop uri)))
+ (loop uri
+ (or (and keep-alive?
+ (or (not (uri-host uri))
+ (string=? host (uri-host uri)))
+ port)
+ (open-connection uri*
+ #:verify-certificate?
+ verify-certificate?
+ #:timeout timeout)))))
(raise (condition (&http-get-error
(uri uri)
(code code)
- (reason (response-reason-phrase resp)))
+ (reason (response-reason-phrase resp))
+ (headers (response-headers resp)))
diff --git a/guix/import/cran.scm b/guix/import/cran.scm
index 7a73c11382..e848ebc789 100644
--- a/guix/import/cran.scm
+++ b/guix/import/cran.scm
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Martin Becze <mjbecze@riseup.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -606,9 +607,7 @@ s-expression corresponding to that package, or #f on failure."
;; Retry import from CRAN
(cran->guix-package package-name #:repo 'cran))
- (raise (condition
- (&message
- (message "couldn't find meta-data for R package")))))))))))
+ (values #f '()))))))))
(define* (cran-recursive-import package-name #:key (repo 'cran) version)
(recursive-import package-name
diff --git a/guix/import/elpa.scm b/guix/import/elpa.scm
index ea77a7c244..9399f45ebc 100644
--- a/guix/import/elpa.scm
+++ b/guix/import/elpa.scm
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -379,11 +380,7 @@ type '<elpa-package>'."
"Fetch the package NAME from REPO and produce a Guix package S-expression."
(match (fetch-elpa-package name repo)
- (raise (condition
- (&message
- (message (format #false
- "couldn't find meta-data for ELPA package `~a'."
- name))))))
+ (values #f '()))
;; ELPA is known to contain only GPLv3+ code. Other repos may contain
;; code under other license but there's no license metadata.
diff --git a/guix/import/github.scm b/guix/import/github.scm
index 8c1898c0c5..51118d1d39 100644
--- a/guix/import/github.scm
+++ b/guix/import/github.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2016 Ben Woodcroft <donttrustben@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2017-2020, 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
@@ -30,15 +30,17 @@
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix i18n)
#:use-module (guix diagnostics)
+ #:use-module ((guix ui) #:select (display-hint))
#:use-module ((guix download) #:prefix download:)
#:use-module ((guix git-download) #:prefix download:)
+ #:autoload (guix build download) (open-connection-for-uri)
#:use-module (guix import utils)
- #:use-module (guix import json)
#:use-module (json)
#:use-module (guix packages)
#:use-module (guix upstream)
#:use-module (guix http-client)
#:use-module (web uri)
+ #:use-module (web response)
#:export (%github-api %github-updater))
;; For tests.
@@ -140,6 +142,33 @@ repository separated by a forward slash, from a string URL of the form
;; limit, or #f.
(make-parameter (getenv "GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN")))
+(define %rate-limit-reset-time
+ ;; Time (seconds since the Epoch, UTC) when the rate limit for GitHub
+ ;; requests will be reset, or #f if the rate limit hasn't been reached.
+ #f)
+(define (update-rate-limit-reset-time! headers)
+ "Update the rate limit reset time based on HEADERS, the HTTP response
+ (match (assq-ref headers 'x-ratelimit-reset)
+ ((= string->number (? number? reset))
+ (set! %rate-limit-reset-time reset)
+ reset)
+ (_
+ ;; This shouldn't happen.
+ (warning
+ (G_ "GitHub HTTP response lacks 'X-RateLimit-Reset' header~%"))
+ 0)))
+(define (request-rate-limit-reached?)
+ "Return true if the rate limit has been reached."
+ (and %rate-limit-reset-time
+ (match (< (car (gettimeofday)) %rate-limit-reset-time)
+ (#t #t)
+ (#f
+ (set! %rate-limit-reset-time #f)
+ #f))))
(define (fetch-releases-or-tags url)
"Fetch the list of \"releases\" or, if it's empty, the list of tags for the
repository at URL. Return the corresponding JSON dictionaries (alists),
@@ -170,20 +199,54 @@ empty list."
`((Authorization . ,(string-append "token " (%github-token))))
- (guard (c ((and (http-get-error? c)
- (= 404 (http-get-error-code c)))
- (warning (G_ "~a is unreachable (~a)~%")
- release-url (http-get-error-code c))
- '#())) ;return an empty release set
- (let* ((port (http-fetch release-url #:headers headers))
- (result (json->scm port)))
- (close-port port)
- (match result
- (#()
- ;; We got the empty list, presumably because the user didn't use GitHub's
- ;; "release" mechanism, but hopefully they did use Git tags.
- (json-fetch tag-url #:headers headers))
- (x x)))))
+ (and (not (request-rate-limit-reached?))
+ (guard (c ((and (http-get-error? c)
+ (= 404 (http-get-error-code c)))
+ (warning (G_ "~a is unreachable (~a)~%")
+ (uri->string (http-get-error-uri c))
+ (http-get-error-code c))
+ '#()) ;return an empty release set
+ ((and (http-get-error? c)
+ (= 403 (http-get-error-code c)))
+ ;; See
+ ;; <https://docs.github.com/en/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#rate-limiting>.
+ (match (assq-ref (http-get-error-headers c)
+ 'x-ratelimit-remaining)
+ (#f
+ (raise c))
+ ((? (compose zero? string->number))
+ (let ((reset (update-rate-limit-reset-time!
+ (http-get-error-headers c))))
+ (warning (G_ "GitHub rate limit exceeded; \
+disallowing requests for ~a seconds~%")
+ (- reset (car (gettimeofday))))
+ (display-hint (G_ "You can raise the rate limit by
+setting the @env{GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN} environment variable to a token obtained
+from @url{https://github.com/settings/tokens} with your GitHub account.
+Alternatively, you can wait until your rate limit is reset, or use the
+@code{generic-git} updater instead."))
+ #f)) ;bail out
+ (_
+ (raise c)))))
+ (let ((release-uri (string->uri release-url)))
+ (call-with-port (open-connection-for-uri release-uri)
+ (lambda (connection)
+ (let* ((result (json->scm
+ (http-fetch release-uri
+ #:port connection
+ #:keep-alive? #t
+ #:headers headers))))
+ (match result
+ (#()
+ ;; We got the empty list, presumably because the user didn't use GitHub's
+ ;; "release" mechanism, but hopefully they did use Git tags.
+ (json->scm (http-fetch tag-url
+ #:port connection
+ #:keep-alive? #t
+ #:headers headers)))
+ (x x)))))))))
(define (latest-released-version url package-name)
"Return the newest released version and its tag given a string URL like
@@ -223,23 +286,16 @@ releases."
(cons tag tag))
(else #f))))
- (let* ((json (and=> (fetch-releases-or-tags url)
- vector->list)))
- (if (eq? json #f)
- (if (%github-token)
- (error "Error downloading release information through the GitHub
-API when using a GitHub token")
- (error "Error downloading release information through the GitHub
-API. This may be fixed by using an access token and setting the environment
-variable GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN, for instance one procured from
- (match (sort (filter-map release->version
- (match (remove pre-release? json)
- (() json) ; keep everything
- (releases releases)))
- (lambda (x y) (version>? (car x) (car y))))
- (((latest-version . tag) . _) (values latest-version tag))
- (() (values #f #f))))))
+ (match (and=> (fetch-releases-or-tags url) vector->list)
+ (#f (values #f #f))
+ (json
+ (match (sort (filter-map release->version
+ (match (remove pre-release? json)
+ (() json) ; keep everything
+ (releases releases)))
+ (lambda (x y) (version>? (car x) (car y))))
+ (((latest-version . tag) . _) (values latest-version tag))
+ (() (values #f #f))))))
(define (latest-release pkg)
"Return an <upstream-source> for the latest release of PKG."
diff --git a/guix/import/hackage.scm b/guix/import/hackage.scm
index b94f4169d4..0d6c77e399 100644
--- a/guix/import/hackage.scm
+++ b/guix/import/hackage.scm
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Robert Vollmert <rob@vllmrt.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
+;;; Copyright © 2019 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -25,9 +26,9 @@
(define-module (guix import hackage)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
- #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module ((guix download) #:select (download-to-store url-fetch))
#:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (package-name->name+version
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ version is returned."
(define (read-cabal-and-hash port)
"Read a Cabal file from PORT and return it and its hash in nix-base32
format as two values."
- (let-values (((port get-hash) (open-sha256-input-port port)))
+ (let ((port get-hash (open-sha256-input-port port)))
(values (read-cabal (canonical-newline-port port))
(bytevector->nix-base32-string (get-hash)))))
@@ -148,10 +149,10 @@ version. On failure, both return values will be #f."
(guard (c ((and (http-get-error? c)
(= 404 (http-get-error-code c)))
(values #f #f))) ;"expected" if package is unknown
- (let*-values (((name version) (package-name->name+version name-version))
- ((url) (hackage-cabal-url name version))
- ((port _) (http-fetch url))
- ((cabal hash) (read-cabal-and-hash port)))
+ (let* ((name version (package-name->name+version name-version))
+ (url (hackage-cabal-url name version))
+ (port _ (http-fetch url))
+ (cabal hash (read-cabal-and-hash port)))
(close-port port)
(values cabal hash))))
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ version. On failure, both return values will be #f."
"Return the Cabal file for the package NAME-VERSION, or #f on failure. If
the version part is omitted from the package name, then return the latest
- (let-values (((cabal hash) (hackage-fetch-and-hash name-version)))
+ (let ((cabal hash (hackage-fetch-and-hash name-version)))
(define string->license
@@ -248,23 +249,18 @@ the hash of the Cabal file."
(hackage-source-url name version))
(define hackage-dependencies
- ((compose (cut filter-dependencies <>
- (cabal-package-name cabal))
- (cut cabal-dependencies->names <>))
- cabal))
+ (filter-dependencies (cabal-dependencies->names cabal)
+ (cabal-package-name cabal)))
(define hackage-native-dependencies
- ((compose (cut filter-dependencies <>
- (cabal-package-name cabal))
- ;; FIXME: Check include-test-dependencies?
- (lambda (cabal)
- (append (if include-test-dependencies?
- (cabal-test-dependencies->names cabal)
- '())
- (cabal-custom-setup-dependencies->names cabal))))
- cabal)
+ (filter-dependencies
+ (append (if include-test-dependencies?
+ (cabal-test-dependencies->names cabal)
+ '())
+ (cabal-custom-setup-dependencies->names cabal))
+ (cabal-package-name cabal))
(define dependencies
@@ -333,14 +329,16 @@ symbol 'true' or 'false'. The value associated with other keys has to conform
to the Cabal file format definition. The default value associated with the
keys \"os\", \"arch\" and \"impl\" is \"linux\", \"x86_64\" and \"ghc\"
- (let-values (((cabal-meta cabal-hash)
- (if port
- (read-cabal-and-hash port)
- (hackage-fetch-and-hash package-name))))
- (and=> cabal-meta (compose (cut hackage-module->sexp <> cabal-hash
- #:include-test-dependencies?
- include-test-dependencies?)
- (cut eval-cabal <> cabal-environment)))))
+ (let ((cabal-meta cabal-hash
+ (if port
+ (read-cabal-and-hash port)
+ (hackage-fetch-and-hash package-name))))
+ (if cabal-meta
+ (hackage-module->sexp (eval-cabal cabal-meta cabal-environment)
+ cabal-hash
+ #:include-test-dependencies?
+ include-test-dependencies?)
+ (values #f '()))))
(define hackage->guix-package/m ;memoized variant
(memoize hackage->guix-package))
diff --git a/guix/import/opam.scm b/guix/import/opam.scm
index a6f6fe8c9f..f569c921b1 100644
--- a/guix/import/opam.scm
+++ b/guix/import/opam.scm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Martin Becze <mjbecze@riseup.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Alice Brenon <alice.brenon@ens-lyon.fr>
+;;; Copyright © 2021, 2022 Alice Brenon <alice.brenon@ens-lyon.fr>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -42,7 +42,11 @@
#:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (cache-directory
- #:use-module (guix import utils)
+ #:use-module ((guix import utils) #:select (beautify-description
+ guix-hash-url
+ recursive-import
+ spdx-string->license
+ url-fetch))
#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)
#:export (opam->guix-package
diff --git a/guix/import/pypi.scm b/guix/import/pypi.scm
index b4284f5c33..77b5f12f72 100644
--- a/guix/import/pypi.scm
+++ b/guix/import/pypi.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2014 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Cyril Roelandt <tipecaml@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015-2017, 2019-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2018 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
;;; Copyright © 2020 Martin Becze <mjbecze@riseup.net>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Marius Bakke <marius@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Vivien Kraus <vivien@planete-kraus.eu>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -41,6 +43,7 @@
#:use-module (guix memoization)
#:use-module (guix diagnostics)
#:use-module (guix i18n)
+ #:use-module ((guix ui) #:select (display-hint))
#:use-module ((guix build utils)
#:select ((package-name->name+version
. hyphen-package-name->name+version)
@@ -59,6 +62,7 @@
+ find-project-url
@@ -418,6 +422,24 @@ return the unaltered list of upstream dependency names."
(values (map process-requirements dependencies)
(concatenate dependencies))))
+(define (find-project-url name pypi-url)
+ "Try different project name substitution until the result is found in
+pypi-uri. Downcase is required for \"uWSGI\", and
+underscores are required for flake8-array-spacing."
+ (or (find (cut string-contains pypi-url <>)
+ (list name
+ (string-downcase name)
+ (string-replace-substring name "-" "_")))
+ (begin
+ (warning
+ (G_ "project name ~a does not appear verbatim in the PyPI URI~%")
+ name)
+ (display-hint
+ (format #f (G_ "The PyPI URI is: @url{~a}. You should review the
+pypi-uri declaration in the generated package. You may need to replace ~s with
+a substring of the PyPI URI that identifies the package.") pypi-url name))
(define (make-pypi-sexp name version source-url wheel-url home-page synopsis
description license)
"Return the `package' s-expression for a python package with the given NAME,
(method url-fetch)
(uri (pypi-uri
- ;; PyPI URL are case sensitive, but sometimes
- ;; a project named using mixed case has a URL
- ;; using lower case, so we must work around this
- ;; inconsistency. For actual examples, compare
- ;; the URLs of the "Deprecated" and "uWSGI" PyPI
- ;; packages.
- ,(if (string-contains source-url name)
- name
- (string-downcase name))
+ ,(find-project-url name source-url)
;; Some packages have been released as `.zip`
;; instead of the more common `.tar.gz`. For
(let* ((project (pypi-fetch package-name))
(info (and=> project pypi-project-info))
(version (or version (and=> project latest-version))))
- (and project
- (guard (c ((missing-source-error? c)
- (let ((package (missing-source-error-package c)))
- (leave (G_ "no source release for pypi package ~a ~a~%")
- (project-info-name info) version))))
- (make-pypi-sexp (project-info-name info) version
- (and=> (source-release project version)
- distribution-url)
- (and=> (wheel-release project version)
- distribution-url)
- (project-info-home-page info)
- (project-info-summary info)
- (project-info-summary info)
- (string->license
- (project-info-license info)))))))))
+ (if project
+ (guard (c ((missing-source-error? c)
+ (let ((package (missing-source-error-package c)))
+ (raise
+ (apply
+ make-compound-condition
+ (formatted-message
+ (G_ "no source release for pypi package ~a ~a~%")
+ (project-info-name info) version)
+ (match (project-info-home-page info)
+ ((or #f "") '())
+ (url
+ (list
+ (condition
+ (&fix-hint
+ (hint (format #f (G_ "This indicates that the
+package is available on PyPI, but only as a \"wheel\" containing binaries, not
+source. To build it from source, refer to the upstream repository at
+ url))))))))))))
+ (make-pypi-sexp (project-info-name info) version
+ (and=> (source-release project version)
+ distribution-url)
+ (and=> (wheel-release project version)
+ distribution-url)
+ (project-info-home-page info)
+ (project-info-summary info)
+ (project-info-summary info)
+ (string->license
+ (project-info-license info))))
+ (values #f '()))))))
(define* (pypi-recursive-import package-name #:optional version)
(recursive-import package-name
diff --git a/guix/import/utils.scm b/guix/import/utils.scm
index 1c3cfa3e0b..9cadbb3d5f 100644
--- a/guix/import/utils.scm
+++ b/guix/import/utils.scm
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Alice Brenon <alice.brenon@ens-lyon.fr>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -37,10 +38,11 @@
#:use-module (guix discovery)
#:use-module (guix build-system)
#:use-module (guix gexp)
+ #:use-module ((guix i18n) #:select (G_))
#:use-module (guix store)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix sets)
- #:use-module (guix ui)
+ #:use-module ((guix ui) #:select (fill-paragraph))
#:use-module (gnu packages)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
@@ -241,6 +243,9 @@ with dashes."
a proper sentence and by using two spaces between sentences, and wrap lines at
LENGTH characters."
(let ((cleaned (cond
+ ((not (string? description))
+ (G_ "This package lacks a description. Run \
+\"info '(guix) Synopses and Descriptions'\" for more information."))
((string-prefix? "A " description)
(string-append "This package provides a"
(substring description 1)))
diff --git a/guix/inferior.scm b/guix/inferior.scm
index 572114f626..6949bb3687 100644
--- a/guix/inferior.scm
+++ b/guix/inferior.scm
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
#:autoload (ice-9 ftw) (scandir)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
- #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
#:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
#:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
#:use-module ((rnrs bytevectors) #:select (string->utf8))
@@ -112,14 +111,19 @@
;; Inferior Guix process.
(define-record-type <inferior>
- (inferior pid socket close version packages table)
+ (inferior pid socket close version packages table
+ bridge-socket)
(pid inferior-pid)
(socket inferior-socket)
(close inferior-close-socket) ;procedure
(version inferior-version) ;REPL protocol version
(packages inferior-package-promise) ;promise of inferior packages
- (table inferior-package-table)) ;promise of vhash
+ (table inferior-package-table) ;promise of vhash
+ ;; Bridging with a store.
+ (bridge-socket inferior-bridge-socket ;#f | port
+ set-inferior-bridge-socket!))
(define (write-inferior inferior port)
(match inferior
@@ -130,37 +134,69 @@
(set-record-type-printer! <inferior> write-inferior)
+(define (open-bidirectional-pipe command . args)
+ "Open a bidirectional pipe to COMMAND invoked with ARGS and return it, as a
+regular file port (socket).
+This is equivalent to (open-pipe* OPEN_BOTH ...) except that the result is a
+regular file port that can be passed to 'select' ('open-pipe*' returns a
+custom binary port)."
+ (match (socketpair AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)
+ ((parent . child)
+ (match (primitive-fork)
+ (0
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda ()
+ #t)
+ (lambda ()
+ (close-port parent)
+ (close-fdes 0)
+ (close-fdes 1)
+ (dup2 (fileno child) 0)
+ (dup2 (fileno child) 1)
+ ;; Mimic 'open-pipe*'.
+ (unless (file-port? (current-error-port))
+ (close-fdes 2)
+ (dup2 (open-fdes "/dev/null" O_WRONLY) 2))
+ (apply execlp command command args))
+ (lambda ()
+ (primitive-_exit 127))))
+ (pid
+ (close-port child)
+ (values parent pid))))))
(define* (inferior-pipe directory command error-port)
- "Return an input/output pipe on the Guix instance in DIRECTORY. This runs
-'DIRECTORY/COMMAND repl' if it exists, or falls back to some other method if
-it's an old Guix."
- (let ((pipe (with-error-to-port error-port
- (lambda ()
- (open-pipe* OPEN_BOTH
- (string-append directory "/" command)
- "repl" "-t" "machine")))))
+ "Return two values: an input/output pipe on the Guix instance in DIRECTORY
+and its PID. This runs 'DIRECTORY/COMMAND repl' if it exists, or falls back
+to some other method if it's an old Guix."
+ (let ((pipe pid (with-error-to-port error-port
+ (lambda ()
+ (open-bidirectional-pipe
+ (string-append directory "/" command)
+ "repl" "-t" "machine")))))
(if (eof-object? (peek-char pipe))
- (close-pipe pipe)
+ (close-port pipe)
;; Older versions of Guix didn't have a 'guix repl' command, so
;; emulate it.
(with-error-to-port error-port
(lambda ()
- (open-pipe* OPEN_BOTH "guile"
- "-L" (string-append directory "/share/guile/site/"
- (effective-version))
- "-C" (string-append directory "/share/guile/site/"
- (effective-version))
- "-C" (string-append directory "/lib/guile/"
- (effective-version) "/site-ccache")
- "-c"
- (object->string
- `(begin
- (primitive-load ,(search-path %load-path
- "guix/repl.scm"))
- ((@ (guix repl) machine-repl))))))))
- pipe)))
+ (open-bidirectional-pipe
+ "guile"
+ "-L" (string-append directory "/share/guile/site/"
+ (effective-version))
+ "-C" (string-append directory "/share/guile/site/"
+ (effective-version))
+ "-C" (string-append directory "/lib/guile/"
+ (effective-version) "/site-ccache")
+ "-c"
+ (object->string
+ `(begin
+ (primitive-load ,(search-path %load-path
+ "guix/repl.scm"))
+ ((@ (guix repl) machine-repl))))))))
+ (values pipe pid))))
(define* (port->inferior pipe #:optional (close close-port))
"Given PIPE, an input/output port, return an inferior that talks over PIPE.
@@ -172,7 +208,8 @@ inferior."
(('repl-version 0 rest ...)
(letrec ((result (inferior 'pipe pipe close (cons 0 rest)
(delay (%inferior-packages result))
- (delay (%inferior-package-table result)))))
+ (delay (%inferior-package-table result))
+ #f)))
;; For protocol (0 1) and later, send the protocol version we support.
(match rest
@@ -188,6 +225,40 @@ inferior."
(inferior-eval '(use-modules (srfi srfi-34)) result)
(inferior-eval '(define %package-table (make-hash-table))
+ (inferior-eval '(begin
+ (define %store-table (make-hash-table))
+ (define (cached-store-connection store-id version)
+ ;; Cache connections to store ID. This ensures that
+ ;; the caches within <store-connection> (in
+ ;; particular the object cache) are reused across
+ ;; calls to 'inferior-eval-with-store', which makes a
+ ;; significant difference when it is called
+ ;; repeatedly.
+ (or (hashv-ref %store-table store-id)
+ ;; 'port->connection' appeared in June 2018 and
+ ;; we can hardly emulate it on older versions.
+ ;; Thus fall back to 'open-connection', at the
+ ;; risk of talking to the wrong daemon or having
+ ;; our build result reclaimed (XXX).
+ (let ((store (if (defined? 'port->connection)
+ (port->connection %bridge-socket
+ #:version
+ version)
+ (open-connection))))
+ (hashv-set! %store-table store-id store)
+ store))))
+ result)
+ (inferior-eval '(begin
+ (define store-protocol-error?
+ (if (defined? 'store-protocol-error?)
+ store-protocol-error?
+ nix-protocol-error?))
+ (define store-protocol-error-message
+ (if (defined? 'store-protocol-error-message)
+ store-protocol-error-message
+ nix-protocol-error-message)))
+ result)
@@ -197,15 +268,20 @@ inferior."
(error-port (%make-void-port "w")))
"Open the inferior Guix in DIRECTORY, running 'DIRECTORY/COMMAND repl' or
equivalent. Return #f if the inferior could not be launched."
- (define pipe
- (inferior-pipe directory command error-port))
- (port->inferior pipe close-pipe))
+ (let ((pipe pid (inferior-pipe directory command error-port)))
+ (port->inferior pipe
+ (lambda (port)
+ (close-port port)
+ (waitpid pid)))))
(define (close-inferior inferior)
(let ((close (inferior-close-socket inferior)))
- (close (inferior-socket inferior))))
+ (close (inferior-socket inferior))
+ ;; Close and delete the store bridge, if any.
+ (when (inferior-bridge-socket inferior)
+ (close-port (inferior-bridge-socket inferior)))))
;; Non-self-quoting object of the inferior.
(define-record-type <inferior-object>
@@ -497,22 +573,32 @@ is similar to the sexp returned by 'package-provenance' for regular packages."
(or provenance (const #f)))))
-(define (proxy client backend) ;adapted from (guix ssh)
- "Proxy communication between CLIENT and BACKEND until CLIENT closes the
-connection, at which point CLIENT is closed (both CLIENT and BACKEND must be
-input/output ports.)"
+(define (proxy inferior store) ;adapted from (guix ssh)
+ "Proxy communication between INFERIOR and STORE, until the connection to
+STORE is closed or INFERIOR has data available for input (a REPL response)."
+ (define client
+ (inferior-bridge-socket inferior))
+ (define backend
+ (store-connection-socket store))
+ (define response-port
+ (inferior-socket inferior))
;; Use buffered ports so that 'get-bytevector-some' returns up to the
;; whole buffer like read(2) would--see <https://bugs.gnu.org/30066>.
(setvbuf client 'block 65536)
(setvbuf backend 'block 65536)
+ ;; RESPONSE-PORT may typically contain a leftover newline that 'read' didn't
+ ;; consume. Drain it so that 'select' doesn't immediately stop.
+ (drain-input response-port)
(let loop ()
- (match (select (list client backend) '() '())
+ (match (select (list client backend response-port) '() '())
((reads () ())
(when (memq client reads)
(match (get-bytevector-some client)
((? eof-object?)
- (close-port client))
+ #t)
(put-bytevector backend bv)
(force-output backend))))
@@ -521,70 +607,77 @@ input/output ports.)"
(put-bytevector client bv)
(force-output client))))
- (unless (port-closed? client)
+ (unless (or (port-closed? client)
+ (memq response-port reads))
-(define (inferior-eval-with-store inferior store code)
- "Evaluate CODE in INFERIOR, passing it STORE as its argument. CODE must
-thus be the code of a one-argument procedure that accepts a store."
- ;; Create a named socket in /tmp and let INFERIOR connect to it and use it
- ;; as its store. This ensures the inferior uses the same store, with the
- ;; same options, the same per-session GC roots, etc.
+(define (open-store-bridge! inferior)
+ "Open a \"store bridge\" for INFERIOR--a named socket in /tmp that will be
+used to proxy store RPCs from the inferior to the store of the calling
+ ;; Create a named socket in /tmp to let INFERIOR connect to it and use it as
+ ;; its store. This ensures the inferior uses the same store, with the same
+ ;; options, the same per-session GC roots, etc.
;; FIXME: This strategy doesn't work for remote inferiors (SSH).
(lambda (directory)
(chmod directory #o700)
- (let* ((name (string-append directory "/inferior"))
- (socket (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0))
- (major (store-connection-major-version store))
- (minor (store-connection-minor-version store))
- (proto (logior major minor)))
+ (let ((name (string-append directory "/inferior"))
+ (socket (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)))
(bind socket AF_UNIX name)
- (listen socket 1024)
+ (listen socket 2)
- `(let ((proc ,code)
- (socket (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0))
- (error? (if (defined? 'store-protocol-error?)
- store-protocol-error?
- nix-protocol-error?))
- (error-message (if (defined? 'store-protocol-error-message)
- store-protocol-error-message
- nix-protocol-error-message)))
- (connect socket AF_UNIX ,name)
- ;; 'port->connection' appeared in June 2018 and we can hardly
- ;; emulate it on older versions. Thus fall back to
- ;; 'open-connection', at the risk of talking to the wrong daemon or
- ;; having our build result reclaimed (XXX).
- (let ((store (if (defined? 'port->connection)
- (port->connection socket #:version ,proto)
- (open-connection))))
- (dynamic-wind
- (const #t)
- (lambda ()
- ;; Serialize '&store-protocol-error' conditions. The
- ;; exception serialization mechanism that
- ;; 'read-repl-response' expects is unsuitable for SRFI-35
- ;; error conditions, hence this special case.
- (guard (c ((error? c)
- `(store-protocol-error ,(error-message c))))
- `(result ,(proc store))))
- (lambda ()
- (close-connection store)
- (close-port socket)))))
+ `(define %bridge-socket
+ (let ((socket (socket AF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0)))
+ (connect socket AF_UNIX ,name)
+ socket))
(match (accept socket)
((client . address)
- (proxy client (store-connection-socket store))))
- (close-port socket)
- (match (read-inferior-response inferior)
- (('store-protocol-error message)
- (raise (condition
- (&store-protocol-error (message message)
- (status 1)))))
- (('result result)
- result))))))
+ (close-port socket)
+ (set-inferior-bridge-socket! inferior client)))
+ (read-inferior-response inferior)))))
+(define (ensure-store-bridge! inferior)
+ "Ensure INFERIOR has a connected bridge."
+ (or (inferior-bridge-socket inferior)
+ (begin
+ (open-store-bridge! inferior)
+ (inferior-bridge-socket inferior))))
+(define (inferior-eval-with-store inferior store code)
+ "Evaluate CODE in INFERIOR, passing it STORE as its argument. CODE must
+thus be the code of a one-argument procedure that accepts a store."
+ (let* ((major (store-connection-major-version store))
+ (minor (store-connection-minor-version store))
+ (proto (logior major minor))
+ ;; The address of STORE itself is not a good identifier because it
+ ;; keeps changing through the use of "functional caches". The
+ ;; address of its socket port makes more sense.
+ (store-id (object-address (store-connection-socket store))))
+ (ensure-store-bridge! inferior)
+ (send-inferior-request
+ `(let ((proc ,code)
+ (store (cached-store-connection ,store-id ,proto)))
+ ;; Serialize '&store-protocol-error' conditions. The exception
+ ;; serialization mechanism that 'read-repl-response' expects is
+ ;; unsuitable for SRFI-35 error conditions, hence this special case.
+ (guard (c ((store-protocol-error? c)
+ `(store-protocol-error
+ ,(store-protocol-error-message c))))
+ `(result ,(proc store))))
+ inferior)
+ (proxy inferior store)
+ (match (read-inferior-response inferior)
+ (('store-protocol-error message)
+ (raise (condition
+ (&store-protocol-error (message message)
+ (status 1)))))
+ (('result result)
+ result))))
(define* (inferior-package-derivation store package
diff --git a/guix/lint.scm b/guix/lint.scm
index 8615bb916c..767083a0ff 100644
--- a/guix/lint.scm
+++ b/guix/lint.scm
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#:use-module (guix store)
#:autoload (guix base16) (bytevector->base16-string)
#:use-module (guix base32)
+ #:use-module (guix build-system)
#:use-module (guix diagnostics)
#:use-module (guix download)
#:use-module (guix ftp-client)
@@ -279,6 +280,16 @@ superfluous when building natively and incorrect when cross-compiling."
(eq? tests? #t))
(package-arguments package)))
(if (and (tests-explicitly-enabled?)
+ ;; emacs-build-system sets #:tests? #f by default, therefore
+ ;; writing #:tests? #t in package definitions using
+ ;; emacs-build-system is reasonable. Likewise for
+ ;; texlive-build-system.
+ ;;
+ ;; Compare the name of the build system instead of the build system
+ ;; itself to avoid loading unnecessary modules when only a few
+ ;; modules are linted.
+ (not (memq (build-system-name (package-build-system package))
+ '(emacs texlive)))
;; Some packages, e.g. gnutls, set #:tests?
;; differently depending on whether it is being
;; cross-compiled.
diff --git a/guix/man-db.scm b/guix/man-db.scm
index a6528e4431..7d9707a592 100644
--- a/guix/man-db.scm
+++ b/guix/man-db.scm
@@ -110,7 +110,12 @@
;; Write ENTRIES in sorted order so we get deterministic output.
(for-each (lambda (entry)
(gdbm-set! db
- (string-append (mandb-entry-file-name entry)
+ ;; For the 'whatis' tool to find anything, the key
+ ;; should match the name of the software,
+ ;; e.g. 'cat'. Derive it from the file name, as
+ ;; the name could technically be #f.
+ (string-append (abbreviate-file-name
+ (mandb-entry-file-name entry))
(entry->string entry)))
(sort entries mandb-entry<?))
diff --git a/guix/packages.scm b/guix/packages.scm
index 9d5b23eb8a..1c63eb2d3e 100644
--- a/guix/packages.scm
+++ b/guix/packages.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2019 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -182,8 +183,16 @@
;; The 'source-module-closure' procedure ca. 1.2.0 did not recognize
;; #:re-export-and-replace: <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/52694>.
-;; Work around it.
-(module-re-export! (current-module) '(delete) #:replace? #t)
+;; Work around it. The #:replace? argument is only supported by
+;; Guile 2.2.7 and later, work-around it if necessary to allow
+;; time-travel from 1.1.0, see <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/53765>.
+(let ((major (string->number (major-version))))
+ (if (or (>= major 3)
+ (and (= major 2)
+ (= (string->number (minor-version)) 2) ; there is no Guile 2.3.X
+ (>= (string->number (micro-version)) 7)))
+ (module-re-export! (current-module) '(delete) #:replace? #t)
+ (module-re-export! (current-module) '(delete))))
;;; Commentary:
@@ -1091,11 +1100,11 @@ otherwise."
"Replace input NAME by REPLACEMENT within INPUTS."
(map (lambda (input)
(match input
- (((? string? label) . _)
+ (((? string? label) _ . outputs)
(if (string=? label name)
(match replacement ;does REPLACEMENT specify an output?
((_ _) (cons label replacement))
- (_ (list label replacement)))
+ (_ (cons* label replacement outputs)))
@@ -1235,7 +1244,7 @@ in INPUTS and their transitive propagated inputs."
(package-supported-systems package)
- (bag-direct-inputs (package->bag package))))))
+ (bag-direct-inputs (package->bag package system #f))))))
diff --git a/guix/profiles.scm b/guix/profiles.scm
index 1d354ecb78..bad9b95519 100644
--- a/guix/profiles.scm
+++ b/guix/profiles.scm
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013 Nikita Karetnikov <nikita@karetnikov.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014, 2016 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2015 Sou Bunnbu <iyzsong@gmail.com>
-;;; Copyright © 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
+;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Huang Ying <huang.ying.caritas@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#:use-module ((guix utils) #:hide (package-name->name+version))
#:use-module ((guix build utils)
#:select (package-name->name+version mkdir-p))
- #:use-module ((guix diagnostics) #:select (&fix-hint))
+ #:use-module ((guix diagnostics) #:select (&fix-hint formatted-message))
#:use-module (guix i18n)
#:use-module (guix records)
#:use-module (guix packages)
@@ -1738,8 +1738,8 @@ MANIFEST contains the \"man-db\" package. Otherwise, return #f."
(manual-database manifest)
(return #f))))
-(define (texlive-configuration manifest)
- "Return a derivation that builds a TeXlive configuration for the entries in
+(define (texlive-font-maps manifest)
+ "Return a derivation that builds the TeX Live font maps for the entries in
(define entry->texlive-input
@@ -1752,6 +1752,8 @@ MANIFEST."
(module-ref (resolve-interface '(gnu packages tex)) 'texlive-bin))
(define coreutils
(module-ref (resolve-interface '(gnu packages base)) 'coreutils))
+ (define grep
+ (module-ref (resolve-interface '(gnu packages base)) 'grep))
(define sed
(module-ref (resolve-interface '(gnu packages base)) 'sed))
(define updmap.cfg
@@ -1768,72 +1770,72 @@ MANIFEST."
;; Build a modifiable union of all texlive inputs. We do this so
;; that TeX live can resolve the parent and grandparent directories
;; correctly. There might be a more elegant way to accomplish this.
- (union-build #$output
+ (union-build "/tmp/texlive"
'#$(append-map entry->texlive-input
(manifest-entries manifest))
#:create-all-directories? #t
#:log-port (%make-void-port "w"))
- (let ((texmf.cnf (string-append
- #$output
- "/share/texmf-dist/web2c/texmf.cnf")))
- (when (file-exists? texmf.cnf)
- (substitute* texmf.cnf
- (("^TEXMFROOT = .*")
- (string-append "TEXMFROOT = " #$output "/share\n"))
- (("^TEXMF = .*")
- "TEXMF = $TEXMFROOT/share/texmf-dist\n"))
- ;; XXX: This is annoying, but it's necessary because texlive-bin
- ;; does not provide wrapped executables.
- (setenv "PATH"
- (string-append #$(file-append coreutils "/bin")
- ":"
- #$(file-append sed "/bin")))
- (setenv "PERL5LIB" #$(file-append texlive-bin "/share/tlpkg"))
- (setenv "TEXMF" (string-append #$output "/share/texmf-dist"))
- ;; Remove invalid maps from config file.
- (let* ((web2c (string-append #$output "/share/texmf-config/web2c/"))
- (maproot (string-append #$output "/share/texmf-dist/fonts/map/"))
- (updmap.cfg (string-append web2c "updmap.cfg")))
- (mkdir-p web2c)
- ;; Some profiles may already have this file, which prevents us
- ;; from copying it. Since we need to generate it from scratch
- ;; anyway, we delete it here.
- (when (file-exists? updmap.cfg)
- (delete-file updmap.cfg))
- (copy-file #$updmap.cfg updmap.cfg)
- (make-file-writable updmap.cfg)
- (let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_WRITE
- #$(file-append texlive-bin "/bin/updmap-sys")
- "--syncwithtrees"
- "--nohash"
- "--force"
- (string-append "--cnffile=" web2c "updmap.cfg"))))
- (display "Y\n" port)
- (when (not (zero? (status:exit-val (close-pipe port))))
- (error "failed to filter updmap.cfg")))
- ;; Generate font maps.
- (invoke #$(file-append texlive-bin "/bin/updmap-sys")
- (string-append "--cnffile=" web2c "updmap.cfg")
- (string-append "--dvipdfmxoutputdir="
- maproot "updmap/dvipdfmx/")
- (string-append "--dvipsoutputdir="
- maproot "updmap/dvips/")
- (string-append "--pdftexoutputdir="
- maproot "updmap/pdftex/")))))
- #t)))
+ ;; XXX: This is annoying, but it's necessary because texlive-bin
+ ;; does not provide wrapped executables.
+ (setenv "PATH"
+ (string-append #$(file-append coreutils "/bin")
+ ":"
+ #$(file-append grep "/bin")
+ ":"
+ #$(file-append sed "/bin")))
+ (setenv "PERL5LIB" #$(file-append texlive-bin "/share/tlpkg"))
+ (setenv "GUIX_TEXMF" "/tmp/texlive/share/texmf-dist")
+ ;; Remove invalid maps from config file.
+ (let* ((web2c (string-append #$output "/share/texmf-dist/web2c/"))
+ (maproot (string-append #$output "/share/texmf-dist/fonts/map/"))
+ (updmap.cfg (string-append web2c "updmap.cfg")))
+ (mkdir-p web2c)
+ (copy-file #$updmap.cfg updmap.cfg)
+ (make-file-writable updmap.cfg)
+ (let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_WRITE
+ #$(file-append texlive-bin "/bin/updmap-sys")
+ "--syncwithtrees"
+ "--nohash"
+ "--force"
+ (string-append "--cnffile=" updmap.cfg))))
+ (display "Y\n" port)
+ (when (not (zero? (status:exit-val (close-pipe port))))
+ (error "failed to filter updmap.cfg")))
+ ;; Generate font maps.
+ (invoke #$(file-append texlive-bin "/bin/updmap-sys")
+ (string-append "--cnffile=" updmap.cfg)
+ (string-append "--dvipdfmxoutputdir="
+ maproot "dvipdfmx/updmap")
+ (string-append "--dvipsoutputdir="
+ maproot "dvips/updmap")
+ (string-append "--pdftexoutputdir="
+ maproot "pdftex/updmap"))
+ ;; Create ls-R file. I know, that's not *just* for font maps, but
+ ;; we've generated new files, so there's no point in running it
+ ;; any earlier. The ls-R file must act on a full TeX Live tree,
+ ;; but we have two: the one in /tmp containing all packages and
+ ;; the one in #$output containing the generated font maps. To
+ ;; avoid having to merge ls-R files, we copy the generated stuff
+ ;; to /tmp and run mktexlsr only once.
+ (let ((a (string-append #$output "/share/texmf-dist"))
+ (b "/tmp/texlive/share/texmf-dist")
+ (mktexlsr #$(file-append texlive-bin "/bin/mktexlsr")))
+ (copy-recursively a b)
+ (invoke mktexlsr b)
+ (install-file (string-append b "/ls-R") a))))))
(mlet %store-monad ((texlive-base (manifest-lookup-package manifest "texlive-base")))
(if texlive-base
- (gexp->derivation "texlive-configuration" build
+ (gexp->derivation "texlive-font-maps" build
#:substitutable? #f
#:local-build? #t
`((type . profile-hook)
- (hook . texlive-configuration)))
+ (hook . texlive-font-maps)))
(return #f))))
(define %default-profile-hooks
@@ -1849,6 +1851,7 @@ MANIFEST."
+ texlive-font-maps
@@ -1857,6 +1860,7 @@ MANIFEST."
(name "profile")
(hooks %default-profile-hooks)
(locales? #t)
+ (allow-unsupported-packages? #f)
(allow-collisions? #f)
(relative-symlinks? #f)
system target)
@@ -1865,7 +1869,9 @@ the given MANIFEST. The profile includes additional derivations returned by
the monadic procedures listed in HOOKS--such as an Info 'dir' file, etc.
Unless ALLOW-COLLISIONS? is true, a '&profile-collision-error' is raised if
entries in MANIFEST collide (for instance if there are two same-name packages
-with a different version number.)
+with a different version number.) Unless ALLOW-UNSUPPORTED-PACKAGES? is true
+or TARGET is set, raise an error if MANIFEST contains a package that does not
+support SYSTEM.
When LOCALES? is true, the build is performed under a UTF-8 locale; this adds
a dependency on the 'glibc-utf8-locales' package.
@@ -1875,12 +1881,27 @@ This is one of the things to do for the result to be relocatable.
When TARGET is true, it must be a GNU triplet, and the packages in MANIFEST
are cross-built for TARGET."
+ (define (check-supported-packages system)
+ ;; Raise an error if a package in MANIFEST does not support SYSTEM.
+ (map-manifest-entries
+ (lambda (entry)
+ (match (manifest-entry-item entry)
+ ((? package? package)
+ (unless (supported-package? package system)
+ (raise (formatted-message (G_ "package ~a does not support ~a")
+ (package-full-name package) system))))
+ (_ #t)))
+ manifest))
(mlet* %store-monad ((system (if system
(return system)
(target (if target
(return target)
+ (ok? -> (or allow-unsupported-packages? target
+ (check-supported-packages system)))
(ok? (if allow-collisions?
(return #t)
(check-for-collisions manifest system
@@ -2037,9 +2058,14 @@ paths."
(make-regexp (string-append "^" (regexp-quote (basename profile))
-(define (generation-number profile)
- "Return PROFILE's number or 0. An absolute file name must be used."
- (or (and=> (false-if-exception (regexp-exec (profile-regexp profile)
+(define* (generation-number profile
+ #:optional (base-profile profile))
+ "Return PROFILE's number or 0. An absolute file name must be used.
+Optionally, if BASE-PROFILE is provided, use it instead of PROFILE to
+construct the regexp matching generations. This is useful in special cases
+like: (generation-number \"/run/current-system\" %system-profile)."
+ (or (and=> (false-if-exception (regexp-exec (profile-regexp base-profile)
(basename (readlink profile))))
(compose string->number (cut match:substring <> 1)))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/build.scm b/guix/scripts/build.scm
index 97e2f5a167..d9cdb6e5e0 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/build.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/build.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
@@ -559,11 +559,29 @@ build."
(define things-to-build
(map transform (options->things-to-build opts)))
+ (define warn-if-unsupported
+ (let ((target (assoc-ref opts 'target)))
+ (if target
+ (lambda (package system)
+ ;; We cannot tell whether PACKAGE supports TARGET.
+ package)
+ (lambda (package system)
+ (match package
+ ((? package? package)
+ (unless (supported-package? package system)
+ (warning (package-location package)
+ (G_ "package ~a does not support ~a~%")
+ (package-full-name package) system))
+ package)
+ (x x))))))
(define (compute-derivation obj system)
;; Compute the derivation of OBJ for SYSTEM.
(match obj
((? package? p)
- (let ((p (or (and graft? (package-replacement p)) p)))
+ (let ((p (warn-if-unsupported
+ (or (and graft? (package-replacement p)) p)
+ system)))
(match src
(list (package->derivation store p system)))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/deploy.scm b/guix/scripts/deploy.scm
index 1707622c4f..27478eabc0 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/deploy.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/deploy.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2019 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze <zerodaysfordays@sdf.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2020-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -24,18 +24,21 @@
#:use-module (guix scripts)
#:use-module (guix scripts build)
#:use-module (guix store)
+ #:use-module (guix gexp)
#:use-module (guix ui)
#:use-module (guix utils)
#:use-module (guix grafts)
- #:use-module (guix status)
+ #:use-module ((guix status) #:select (with-status-verbosity))
#:use-module (guix diagnostics)
#:use-module (guix i18n)
#:use-module (ice-9 format)
+ #:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
#:export (guix-deploy))
;;; Commentary:
@@ -58,6 +61,9 @@ Perform the deployment specified by FILE.\n"))
-V, --version display version information and exit"))
(display (G_ "
+ -x, --execute execute the following command on all the machines"))
+ (newline)
+ (display (G_ "
-v, --verbosity=LEVEL use the given verbosity LEVEL"))
@@ -70,6 +76,9 @@ Perform the deployment specified by FILE.\n"))
(lambda args
(show-version-and-exit "guix deploy")))
+ (option '(#\x "execute") #f #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'execute-command? #t result)))
(option '(#\s "system") #t #f
(lambda (opt name arg result)
(alist-cons 'system arg
@@ -152,6 +161,74 @@ Perform the deployment specified by FILE.\n"))
(info (G_ "successfully deployed ~a~%")
(machine-display-name machine))))
+(define (invoke-command store machine command)
+ "Invoke COMMAND, a list of strings, on MACHINE. Display its output (if any)
+and its error code if it's non-zero. Return true if COMMAND succeeded, false
+ (define invocation
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (ice-9 match)
+ (ice-9 rdelim)
+ (srfi srfi-11))
+ (define (spawn . command)
+ ;; Spawn COMMAND; return its PID and an input port to read its
+ ;; standard output and standard error.
+ (match (pipe)
+ ((input . output)
+ (match (pipe)
+ ((input . output)
+ (match (primitive-fork)
+ (0
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (const #t)
+ (lambda ()
+ (close-port input)
+ (dup2 (fileno output) 1)
+ (dup2 (fileno output) 2)
+ (apply execlp (car command) command))
+ (lambda ()
+ (primitive-exit 127))))
+ (pid
+ (close-port output)
+ (values pid input))))))))
+ ;; XXX: 'open-pipe*' is unsuitable here because it does not capture
+ ;; stderr, so roll our own.
+ (let-values (((pid pipe) (spawn #$@command)))
+ (let loop ((lines '()))
+ (match (read-line pipe 'concat)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ (list (cdr (waitpid pid))
+ (string-concatenate-reverse lines)))
+ (line
+ (loop (cons line lines))))))))
+ (match (run-with-store store
+ (machine-remote-eval machine invocation))
+ ((code output)
+ (match code
+ ((? zero?)
+ (info (G_ "~a: command succeeded~%")
+ (machine-display-name machine)))
+ ((= status:exit-val code)
+ (report-error (G_ "~a: command exited with code ~a~%")
+ (machine-display-name machine) code))
+ ((= status:stop-sig signal)
+ (report-error (G_ "~a: command stopped with signal ~a~%")
+ signal))
+ ((= status:term-sig signal)
+ (report-error (G_ "~a: command terminated with signal ~a~%")
+ signal)))
+ (unless (string-null? output)
+ (info (G_ "command output on ~a:~%")
+ (machine-display-name machine))
+ (display output)
+ (newline))
+ (zero? code))))
(define-command (guix-deploy . args)
(synopsis "deploy operating systems on a set of machines")
@@ -159,14 +236,17 @@ Perform the deployment specified by FILE.\n"))
(alist-cons 'file arg result))
- (let* ((opts (parse-command-line args %options (list %default-options)
+ (let* ((args command (break (cut string=? "--" <>) args))
+ (opts (parse-command-line args %options (list %default-options)
#:argument-handler handle-argument))
(file (assq-ref opts 'file))
- (machines (and file (load-source-file file))))
+ (machines (and file (load-source-file file)))
+ (execute-command? (assoc-ref opts 'execute-command?)))
(unless file
(leave (G_ "missing deployment file argument~%")))
- (show-what-to-deploy machines)
+ (when (and (pair? command) (not execute-command?))
+ (leave (G_ "'--' was used by '-x' was not specified~%")))
(with-status-verbosity (assoc-ref opts 'verbosity)
(with-store store
@@ -176,6 +256,21 @@ Perform the deployment specified by FILE.\n"))
(assoc-ref opts 'verbosity))
(parameterize ((%graft? (assq-ref opts 'graft?)))
- (map/accumulate-builds store
- (cut deploy-machine* store <>)
- machines))))))))
+ (if execute-command?
+ (match command
+ (("--" command ..1)
+ ;; Exit with zero unless COMMAND failed on one or more
+ ;; machines.
+ (exit
+ (fold (lambda (machine result)
+ (and (invoke-command store machine command)
+ result))
+ #t
+ machines)))
+ (_
+ (leave (G_ "'-x' specified but no command given~%"))))
+ (begin
+ (show-what-to-deploy machines)
+ (map/accumulate-builds store
+ (cut deploy-machine* store <>)
+ machines))))))))))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/graph.scm b/guix/scripts/graph.scm
index 8943e87099..535875c858 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/graph.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/graph.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -429,13 +429,6 @@ package modules, while attempting to retain user package modules."
(leave (G_ "~a: unknown node type~%") name)))
-(define (lookup-backend name)
- "Return the graph backend called NAME. Raise an error if it is not found."
- (or (find (lambda (backend)
- (string=? (graph-backend-name backend) name))
- %graph-backends)
- (leave (G_ "~a: unknown backend~%") name)))
(define (list-node-types)
"Print the available node types along with their synopsis."
(display (G_ "The available node types are:\n"))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/home.scm b/guix/scripts/home.scm
index 2312e4d313..af2643014d 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/home.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/home.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
+;;; Copyright © 2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -23,8 +24,24 @@
#:use-module (gnu packages admin)
#:use-module ((gnu services) #:hide (delete))
#:use-module (gnu packages)
+ #:autoload (gnu packages base) (coreutils)
+ #:autoload (gnu packages bash) (bash)
+ #:autoload (gnu packages gnupg) (guile-gcrypt)
+ #:autoload (gnu packages shells) (fish gash zsh)
#:use-module (gnu home)
#:use-module (gnu home services)
+ #:autoload (gnu home services shepherd) (home-shepherd-service-type
+ home-shepherd-configuration-services
+ shepherd-service-requirement)
+ #:autoload (guix modules) (source-module-closure)
+ #:autoload (gnu build linux-container) (call-with-container %namespaces)
+ #:autoload (gnu system linux-container) (eval/container)
+ #:autoload (gnu system file-systems) (file-system-mapping
+ file-system-mapping-source
+ file-system-mapping->bind-mount
+ specification->file-system-mapping
+ %network-file-mappings)
+ #:autoload (guix self) (make-config.scm)
#:use-module (guix channels)
#:use-module (guix derivations)
#:use-module (guix ui)
@@ -33,12 +50,16 @@
#:use-module (guix profiles)
#:use-module (guix store)
#:use-module (guix utils)
+ #:autoload (guix graph) (lookup-backend export-graph)
#:use-module (guix scripts)
#:use-module (guix scripts package)
#:use-module (guix scripts build)
- #:use-module (guix scripts system search)
+ #:autoload (guix scripts system search) (service-type->recutils)
+ #:use-module (guix scripts system reconfigure)
#:autoload (guix scripts pull) (channel-commit-hyperlink)
- #:use-module (guix scripts home import)
+ #:autoload (guix scripts system) (service-node-type
+ shepherd-service-node-type)
+ #:autoload (guix scripts home import) (import-manifest)
#:use-module ((guix status) #:select (with-status-verbosity))
#:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (mkdir-p))
#:use-module (guix gexp)
@@ -47,6 +68,7 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-71)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:export (guix-home))
@@ -70,6 +92,8 @@ Some ACTIONS support additional ARGS.\n"))
(display (G_ "\
search search for existing service types\n"))
+ (display (G_ "
+ container run the home environment configuration in a container\n"))
(display (G_ "\
reconfigure switch to a new home environment configuration\n"))
(display (G_ "\
@@ -86,13 +110,33 @@ Some ACTIONS support additional ARGS.\n"))
build build the home environment without installing anything\n"))
(display (G_ "\
import generates a home environment definition from dotfiles\n"))
+ (display (G_ "\
+ extension-graph emit the service extension graph\n"))
+ (display (G_ "\
+ shepherd-graph emit the graph of shepherd services\n"))
(display (G_ "
-e, --expression=EXPR consider the home-environment EXPR evaluates to
instead of reading FILE, when applicable"))
(display (G_ "
+ --allow-downgrades for 'reconfigure', allow downgrades to earlier
+ channel revisions"))
+ (newline)
+ (display (G_ "
+ -N, --network allow containers to access the network"))
+ (display (G_ "
+ --share=SPEC for containers, share writable host file system
+ according to SPEC"))
+ (display (G_ "
+ --expose=SPEC for containers, expose read-only host file system
+ according to SPEC"))
+ (newline)
+ (display (G_ "
-v, --verbosity=LEVEL use the given verbosity LEVEL"))
+ (display (G_ "
+ --graph-backend=BACKEND
+ use BACKEND for 'extension-graph' and 'shepherd-graph'"))
(display (G_ "
-h, --help display this help and exit"))
@@ -127,63 +171,289 @@ Some ACTIONS support additional ARGS.\n"))
(option '(#\e "expression") #t #f
(lambda (opt name arg result)
(alist-cons 'expression arg result)))
+ (option '("allow-downgrades") #f #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'validate-reconfigure
+ warn-about-backward-reconfigure
+ result)))
+ (option '("graph-backend") #t #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'graph-backend arg result)))
+ ;; Container options.
+ (option '(#\N "network") #f #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'network? #t result)))
+ (option '("share") #t #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'file-system-mapping
+ (specification->file-system-mapping arg #t)
+ result)))
+ (option '("expose") #t #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'file-system-mapping
+ (specification->file-system-mapping arg #f)
+ result)))
(define %default-options
- `((build-mode . ,(build-mode normal))
- (graft? . #t)
+ `((graft? . #t)
(substitutes? . #t)
(offload? . #t)
(print-build-trace? . #t)
(print-extended-build-trace? . #t)
(multiplexed-build-output? . #t)
(verbosity . #f) ;default
- (debug . 0)))
+ (debug . 0)
+ (validate-reconfigure . ,ensure-forward-reconfigure)
+ (graph-backend . "graphviz")))
+;;; Container.
+(define not-config?
+ ;; Select (guix …) and (gnu …) modules, except (guix config).
+ (match-lambda
+ (('guix 'config) #f)
+ (('guix _ ...) #t)
+ (('gnu _ ...) #t)
+ (_ #f)))
+(define (user-shell)
+ (match (and=> (or (getenv "SHELL")
+ (passwd:shell (getpwuid (getuid))))
+ basename)
+ ("zsh" (file-append zsh "/bin/zsh"))
+ ("fish" (file-append fish "/bin/fish"))
+ ("gash" (file-append gash "/bin/gash"))
+ (_ (file-append bash "/bin/bash"))))
+(define %default-system-profile
+ ;; The "system" profile available when running 'guix home container'. The
+ ;; activation script currently expects to run "env -0" (XXX), so provide
+ ;; Coreutils by default.
+ (delay (profile
+ (name "home-system-profile")
+ (content (packages->manifest (list coreutils))))))
+(define* (spawn-home-container home
+ #:key
+ network?
+ (command '())
+ (mappings '())
+ (system-profile
+ (force %default-system-profile)))
+ "Spawn a login shell within a container running HOME, a home environment.
+When COMMAND is a non-empty list, execute it in the container and exit
+immediately. Return the exit status of the process in the container."
+ (define passwd (getpwuid (getuid)))
+ (define home-directory (or (getenv "HOME") (passwd:dir passwd)))
+ (define host (gethostname))
+ (define uid 1000)
+ (define gid 1000)
+ (define user-name (passwd:name passwd))
+ (define user-real-name (passwd:gecos passwd))
+ (define (optional-mapping mapping)
+ (and (file-exists? (file-system-mapping-source mapping))
+ mapping))
+ (define network-mappings
+ (if network?
+ (filter-map optional-mapping %network-file-mappings)
+ '()))
+ (eval/container
+ (with-extensions (list guile-gcrypt)
+ (with-imported-modules `(((guix config) => ,(make-config.scm))
+ ,@(source-module-closure
+ '((gnu build accounts)
+ (guix profiles)
+ (guix build utils)
+ (guix build syscalls))
+ #:select? not-config?))
+ #~(begin
+ (use-modules (guix build utils)
+ (gnu build accounts)
+ ((guix build syscalls)
+ #:select (set-network-interface-up)))
+ (define shell
+ #$(user-shell))
+ (define term
+ #$(getenv "TERM"))
+ (define passwd
+ (password-entry
+ (name #$user-name)
+ (real-name #$user-real-name)
+ (uid #$uid) (gid #$gid) (shell shell)
+ (directory #$home-directory)))
+ (define groups
+ (list (group-entry (name "users") (gid #$gid))
+ (group-entry (gid 65534) ;the overflow GID
+ (name "overflow"))))
+ ;; (guix profiles) loads (guix utils), which calls 'getpw' from the
+ ;; top level. Thus, arrange so that it's loaded after /etc/passwd
+ ;; has been created.
+ (module-autoload! (current-module)
+ '(guix profiles) '(load-profile))
+ ;; Create /etc/passwd for applications that need it, such as mcron.
+ (mkdir-p "/etc")
+ (write-passwd (list passwd))
+ (write-group groups)
+ (unless #$network?
+ ;; When isolated from the network, provide a minimal /etc/hosts
+ ;; to resolve "localhost".
+ (call-with-output-file "/etc/hosts"
+ (lambda (port)
+ (display " localhost\n" port)
+ (chmod port #o444))))
+ ;; Set PATH for things that the activation script might expect, such
+ ;; as "env".
+ (load-profile #$system-profile)
+ (mkdir-p #$home-directory)
+ (setenv "HOME" #$home-directory)
+ (setenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME" #$home)
+ (primitive-load (string-append #$home "/activate"))
+ (setenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME" #f)
+ (when term
+ ;; Preserve TERM for proper interactive use.
+ (setenv "TERM" term))
+ (chdir #$home-directory)
+ ;; Invoke SHELL with argv[0] starting with "-": that's how shells
+ ;; figure out that they are login shells!
+ (execl shell (string-append "-" (basename shell))
+ #$@(match command
+ (() #~())
+ ((_ ...)
+ #~("-c" #$(string-join command))))))))
+ #:namespaces (if network?
+ (delq 'net %namespaces) ; share host network
+ %namespaces)
+ #:mappings (append network-mappings mappings)
+ #:guest-uid uid
+ #:guest-gid gid))
;;; Actions.
+(define* (export-extension-graph home port
+ #:key (backend (lookup-backend "graphviz")))
+ "Export the service extension graph of HOME to PORT using BACKEND."
+ (let* ((services (home-environment-services home))
+ (home (find (lambda (service)
+ (eq? (service-kind service) home-service-type))
+ services)))
+ (export-graph (list home) port
+ #:backend backend
+ #:node-type (service-node-type services)
+ #:reverse-edges? #t)))
+(define* (export-shepherd-graph home port
+ #:key (backend (lookup-backend "graphviz")))
+ "Export the graph of shepherd services of HOME to PORT using BACKEND."
+ (let* ((services (home-environment-services home))
+ (root (fold-services services
+ #:target-type home-shepherd-service-type))
+ ;; Get the list of <shepherd-service>.
+ (shepherds (home-shepherd-configuration-services
+ (service-value root)))
+ (sinks (filter (lambda (service)
+ (null? (shepherd-service-requirement service)))
+ shepherds)))
+ (export-graph sinks port
+ #:backend backend
+ #:node-type (shepherd-service-node-type shepherds)
+ #:reverse-edges? #t)))
(define* (perform-action action he
- use-substitutes?)
+ use-substitutes?
+ (graph-backend "graphviz")
+ (validate-reconfigure ensure-forward-reconfigure)
+ ;; Container options.
+ (file-system-mappings '())
+ (container-command '())
+ network?)
"Perform ACTION for home environment. "
(define println
(cut format #t "~a~%" <>))
- (mlet* %store-monad
- ((he-drv (home-environment-derivation he))
- (drvs (mapm/accumulate-builds lower-object (list he-drv)))
- (% (if derivations-only?
- (return
- (for-each (compose println derivation-file-name) drvs))
- (built-derivations drvs)))
- (he-out-path -> (derivation->output-path he-drv)))
- (if (or dry-run? derivations-only?)
- (return #f)
- (begin
- (for-each (compose println derivation->output-path) drvs)
- (case action
- ((reconfigure)
- (let* ((number (generation-number %guix-home))
- (generation (generation-file-name
- %guix-home (+ 1 number))))
- (switch-symlinks generation he-out-path)
- (switch-symlinks %guix-home generation)
- (setenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME" he-out-path)
- (primitive-load (string-append he-out-path "/activate"))
- (setenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME" #f)
- (return he-out-path)))
- (else
- (newline)
- (return he-out-path)))))))
+ (when (eq? action 'reconfigure)
+ (check-forward-update validate-reconfigure
+ #:current-channels (home-provenance %guix-home)))
+ (case action
+ ((extension-graph)
+ (export-extension-graph he (current-output-port)
+ #:backend (lookup-backend graph-backend)))
+ ((shepherd-graph)
+ (export-shepherd-graph he (current-output-port)
+ #:backend (lookup-backend graph-backend)))
+ (else
+ (mlet* %store-monad
+ ((he-drv (home-environment-derivation he))
+ (drvs (mapm/accumulate-builds lower-object (list he-drv)))
+ (% (if derivations-only?
+ (return
+ (for-each (compose println derivation-file-name) drvs))
+ (built-derivations drvs)))
+ (he-out-path -> (derivation->output-path he-drv)))
+ (if (or dry-run? derivations-only?)
+ (return #f)
+ (case action
+ ((reconfigure)
+ (let* ((number (generation-number %guix-home))
+ (generation (generation-file-name
+ %guix-home (+ 1 number))))
+ (switch-symlinks generation he-out-path)
+ (switch-symlinks %guix-home generation)
+ (setenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME" he-out-path)
+ (primitive-load (string-append he-out-path "/activate"))
+ (setenv "GUIX_NEW_HOME" #f)
+ (return he-out-path)))
+ ((container)
+ (mlet %store-monad ((status (spawn-home-container
+ he
+ #:network? network?
+ #:mappings file-system-mappings
+ #:command
+ container-command)))
+ (match (status:exit-val status)
+ (0 (return #t))
+ ((? integer? n) (return (exit n)))
+ (#f
+ (if (status:term-sig status)
+ (leave (G_ "process terminated with signal ~a~%")
+ (status:term-sig status))
+ (leave (G_ "process stopped with signal ~a~%")
+ (status:stop-sig status)))))))
+ (else
+ (for-each (compose println derivation->output-path) drvs)
+ (return he-out-path))))))))
(define (process-action action args opts)
"Process ACTION, a sub-command, with the arguments are listed in ARGS.
@@ -222,6 +492,10 @@ resulting from command-line parsing."
(leave (G_ "no configuration specified~%")))))))
+ (mappings (filter-map (match-lambda
+ (('file-system-mapping . mapping) mapping)
+ (_ #f))
+ opts))
(dry? (assoc-ref opts 'dry-run?)))
(with-store store
@@ -237,13 +511,18 @@ resulting from command-line parsing."
(mbegin %store-monad
(set-guile-for-build (default-guile))
- (case action
- (else
- (perform-action action home-environment
- #:dry-run? dry?
- #:derivations-only? (assoc-ref opts 'derivations-only?)
- #:use-substitutes? (assoc-ref opts 'substitutes?))
- ))))))
+ (perform-action action home-environment
+ #:dry-run? dry?
+ #:derivations-only? (assoc-ref opts 'derivations-only?)
+ #:use-substitutes? (assoc-ref opts 'substitutes?)
+ #:validate-reconfigure
+ (assoc-ref opts 'validate-reconfigure)
+ #:graph-backend
+ (assoc-ref opts 'graph-backend)
+ #:network? (assoc-ref opts 'network?)
+ #:file-system-mappings mappings
+ #:container-command
+ (or (assoc-ref opts 'container-command) '()))))))
@@ -332,7 +611,7 @@ deploy the home environment described by these files.\n")
list-generations describe
delete-generations roll-back
switch-generation search
- import)
+ import container)
(alist-cons 'action action result))
(else (leave (G_ "~a: unknown action~%") action))))))
@@ -370,11 +649,28 @@ deploy the home environment described by these files.\n")
+ (define (parse-args args)
+ ;; Parse the list of command line arguments ARGS.
+ ;; The '--' token is used to separate the command to run from the rest of
+ ;; the operands.
+ (let* ((args rest (break (cut string=? "--" <>) args))
+ (opts (parse-command-line args %options (list %default-options)
+ #:argument-handler
+ parse-sub-command)))
+ (match rest
+ (() opts)
+ (("--") opts)
+ (("--" command ...)
+ (match (assoc-ref opts 'action)
+ ('container
+ (alist-cons 'container-command command opts))
+ (_
+ (leave (G_ "~a: extraneous command~%")
+ (string-join command))))))))
- (let* ((opts (parse-command-line args %options
- (list %default-options)
- #:argument-handler
- parse-sub-command))
+ (let* ((opts (parse-args args))
(args (option-arguments opts))
(command (assoc-ref opts 'action)))
(parameterize ((%graft? (assoc-ref opts 'graft?)))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/home/import.scm b/guix/scripts/home/import.scm
index 15bd3140ed..575fe8f688 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/home/import.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/home/import.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2021 Xinglu Chen <public@yoctocell.xyz>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Andrew Tropin <andrew@trop.in>
-;;; Copyright © 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2021-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2022 Arjan Adriaanse <arjan@adriaan.se>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -60,19 +60,24 @@ FILE-NAME with \"-\", and return the basename of it."
(define (destination-append path)
(string-append destination-directory "/" path))
+ (define alias-rx
+ (make-regexp "^alias ([^=]+)=[\"'](.+)[\"']$"))
(define (bash-alias->pair line)
- (if (string-prefix? "alias" line)
- (let ((matched (string-match "alias (.+)=\"?'?([^\"']+)\"?'?" line)))
- `(,(match:substring matched 1) . ,(match:substring matched 2)))
- '()))
+ (match (regexp-exec alias-rx line)
+ (#f #f)
+ (matched
+ `(,(match:substring matched 1) . ,(match:substring matched 2)))))
(define (parse-aliases input)
- (let loop ((line (read-line input))
- (result '()))
- (if (eof-object? line)
- (reverse result)
- (loop (read-line input)
- (cons (bash-alias->pair line) result)))))
+ (let loop ((result '()))
+ (match (read-line input)
+ ((? eof-object?)
+ (reverse result))
+ (line
+ (match (bash-alias->pair line)
+ (#f (loop result))
+ (alias (loop (cons alias result))))))))
(let ((rc (destination-append ".bashrc"))
(profile (destination-append ".bash_profile"))
@@ -82,9 +87,9 @@ FILE-NAME with \"-\", and return the basename of it."
,@(if (file-exists? rc)
',(let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "bash" "-i" "-c" "alias"))
- (alist (parse-aliases port)))
+ (alist (parse-aliases port)))
(close-port port)
- (filter (negate null?) alist))))
+ alist)))
,@(if (file-exists? rc)
diff --git a/guix/scripts/import/gem.scm b/guix/scripts/import/gem.scm
index 328d20b946..82deac16ad 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/import/gem.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/import/gem.scm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
;;; Copyright © 2018 Oleg Pykhalov <go.wigust@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Brice Waegeneire <brice@waegenei.re>
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -80,24 +81,26 @@ Import and convert the RubyGems package for PACKAGE-NAME.\n"))
(let* ((opts (parse-options))
(args (filter-map (match-lambda
- (('argument . value)
- value)
- (_ #f))
+ (('argument . value)
+ value)
+ (_ #f))
(reverse opts))))
(match args
- (if (assoc-ref opts 'recursive)
- (map (match-lambda
- ((and ('package ('name name) . rest) pkg)
- `(define-public ,(string->symbol name)
- ,pkg))
- (_ #f))
- (gem-recursive-import package-name 'rubygems))
- (let ((sexp (gem->guix-package package-name)))
- (unless sexp
- (leave (G_ "failed to download meta-data for package '~a'~%")
- package-name))
- sexp)))
+ (let ((code (if (assoc-ref opts 'recursive)
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((and ('package ('name name) . rest) pkg)
+ `(define-public ,(string->symbol name)
+ ,pkg))
+ (_ #f))
+ (gem-recursive-import package-name 'rubygems))
+ (let ((sexp (gem->guix-package package-name)))
+ (if sexp sexp #f)))))
+ (match code
+ ((or #f '(#f))
+ (leave (G_ "failed to download meta-data for package '~a'~%")
+ package-name))
+ (_ code))))
(leave (G_ "too few arguments~%")))
((many ...)
diff --git a/guix/scripts/import/pypi.scm b/guix/scripts/import/pypi.scm
index a52cd95c93..b9b12ee43a 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/import/pypi.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/import/pypi.scm
@@ -79,27 +79,28 @@ Import and convert the PyPI package for PACKAGE-NAME.\n"))
(let* ((opts (parse-options))
(args (filter-map (match-lambda
- (('argument . value)
- value)
- (_ #f))
+ (('argument . value)
+ value)
+ (_ #f))
(reverse opts))))
(match args
- (let ((name version (package-name->name+version spec)))
- (if (assoc-ref opts 'recursive)
- ;; Recursive import
- (map (match-lambda
- ((and ('package ('name name) . rest) pkg)
- `(define-public ,(string->symbol name)
- ,pkg))
- (_ #f))
- (pypi-recursive-import name version))
- ;; Single import
- (let ((sexp (pypi->guix-package name #:version version)))
- (unless sexp
- (leave (G_ "failed to download meta-data for package '~a'~%")
- name))
- sexp))))
+ (with-error-handling
+ (let ((name version (package-name->name+version spec)))
+ (if (assoc-ref opts 'recursive)
+ ;; Recursive import
+ (map (match-lambda
+ ((and ('package ('name name) . rest) pkg)
+ `(define-public ,(string->symbol name)
+ ,pkg))
+ (_ #f))
+ (pypi-recursive-import name version))
+ ;; Single import
+ (let ((sexp (pypi->guix-package name #:version version)))
+ (unless sexp
+ (leave (G_ "failed to download meta-data for package '~a'~%")
+ name))
+ sexp)))))
(leave (G_ "too few arguments~%")))
((many ...)
diff --git a/guix/scripts/publish.scm b/guix/scripts/publish.scm
index 6e2b4368da..870dfc11e9 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/publish.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/publish.scm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 by Amar M. Singh <nly@disroot.org>
-;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2015-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Simon Tournier <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Mathieu Othacehe <othacehe@gnu.org>
@@ -345,20 +345,10 @@ much needs to be downloaded."
(base-info (format #f
StorePath: ~a
NarHash: sha256:~a
NarSize: ~d
References: ~a~%"
- (map (lambda (compression)
- (let ((size (assoc-ref file-sizes
- compression)))
- (store-item->recutils store-path
- #:file-size size
- #:nar-path nar-path
- #:compression
- compression)))
- compressions)
hash size references))
;; Do not render a "Deriver" line if we are rendering info for a
;; derivation. Also do not render a "System" line that would be
@@ -369,7 +359,22 @@ References: ~a~%"
base-info (basename deriver))))
(signature (base64-encode-string
(canonical-sexp->string (signed-string info)))))
- (format #f "~aSignature: 1;~a;~a~%" info (gethostname) signature)))
+ (format #f "~aSignature: 1;~a;~a~%~{~a~}"
+ info (gethostname) signature
+ ;; Move information about the actual nars
+ ;; (URL/Compression/FileSize) *after* the normative part that is
+ ;; signed. That makes it possible to alter these bits of the
+ ;; narinfo without having to resign them.
+ (map (lambda (compression)
+ (let ((size (assoc-ref file-sizes
+ compression)))
+ (store-item->recutils store-path
+ #:file-size size
+ #:nar-path nar-path
+ #:compression
+ compression)))
+ compressions))))
(define* (not-found request
#:key (phrase "Resource not found")
diff --git a/guix/scripts/pull.scm b/guix/scripts/pull.scm
index fb8ce50fa7..7402782ff3 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/pull.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/pull.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013-2015, 2017-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ Download and deploy the latest version of Guix.\n"))
-l, --list-generations[=PATTERN]
list generations matching PATTERN"))
(display (G_ "
+ --details show details when listing generations"))
+ (display (G_ "
--roll-back roll back to the previous generation"))
(display (G_ "
-d, --delete-generations[=PATTERN]
@@ -138,6 +140,13 @@ Download and deploy the latest version of Guix.\n"))
(lambda (opt name arg result)
(cons `(query list-generations ,arg)
+ (option '("details") #f #f
+ (lambda (opt name arg result)
+ (alist-cons 'details? #t
+ (if (assoc-ref result 'query)
+ result
+ (cons `(query list-generations #f)
+ result)))))
(option '("roll-back") #f #f
(lambda (opt name arg result)
(cons '(generation roll-back)
@@ -152,7 +161,8 @@ Download and deploy the latest version of Guix.\n"))
(option '(#\N "news") #f #f
(lambda (opt name arg result)
- (cons '(query display-news) result)))
+ (cons '(query display-news)
+ (alist-delete 'query result))))
(option '("url") #t #f
(lambda (opt name arg result)
(alist-cons 'repository-url arg
@@ -274,7 +284,8 @@ purposes."
(texi->plain-text title))
;; When Texinfo markup is invalid, display it as-is.
- (const title)))))))
+ (const title)))
+ (or (pager-wrapped-port port) port)))))
(define (display-news-entry entry channel language port)
"Display ENTRY, a <channel-news-entry> from CHANNEL, in LANGUAGE, a language
@@ -286,7 +297,8 @@ code, to PORT."
(channel-news-entry-commit entry))
(display-news-entry-title entry language port)
- (format port (dim (G_ " commit ~a~%"))
+ (format port (dim (G_ " commit ~a~%")
+ (or (pager-wrapped-port port) port))
(if (supports-hyperlinks?)
(channel-commit-hyperlink channel commit)
@@ -337,45 +349,48 @@ to display."
(and=> (relative-generation profile -1)
(cut generation-file-name profile <>))))
- "Display news about the channels of PROFILE compared to PREVIOUS."
- (when previous
- (let ((old-channels (profile-channels previous))
- (new-channels (profile-channels profile)))
- (and (pair? old-channels) (pair? new-channels)
- (begin
- (match (lset-difference channel=? new-channels old-channels)
- (()
- #t)
- (new
- (let ((count (length new)))
- (format (current-error-port)
- (N_ " ~a new channel:~%"
- " ~a new channels:~%" count)
- count)
- (for-each display-channel new))))
- (match (lset-difference channel=? old-channels new-channels)
- (()
- #t)
- (removed
- (let ((count (length removed)))
- (format (current-error-port)
- (N_ " ~a channel removed:~%"
- " ~a channels removed:~%" count)
- count)
- (for-each display-channel removed))))
- ;; Display channel-specific news for those channels that were
- ;; here before and are still around afterwards.
- (for-each (match-lambda
- ((new old)
- (display-channel-specific-news new old)))
- (filter-map (lambda (new)
- (define old
- (find (cut channel=? new <>)
- old-channels))
- (and old (list new old)))
- new-channels)))))))
+ "Display news about the channels of PROFILE compared to PREVIOUS. Return
+true if news were displayed, false otherwise."
+ (and previous
+ (let ((old-channels (profile-channels previous))
+ (new-channels (profile-channels profile)))
+ (and (pair? old-channels) (pair? new-channels)
+ (begin
+ (match (lset-difference channel=? new-channels old-channels)
+ (()
+ #t)
+ (new
+ (let ((count (length new)))
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ (N_ " ~a new channel:~%"
+ " ~a new channels:~%" count)
+ count)
+ (for-each display-channel new))))
+ (match (lset-difference channel=? old-channels new-channels)
+ (()
+ #t)
+ (removed
+ (let ((count (length removed)))
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ (N_ " ~a channel removed:~%"
+ " ~a channels removed:~%" count)
+ count)
+ (for-each display-channel removed))))
+ ;; Display channel-specific news for those channels that were
+ ;; here before and are still around afterwards.
+ (fold (match-lambda*
+ (((new old) news?)
+ (or (display-channel-specific-news new old)
+ news?)))
+ #f
+ (filter-map (lambda (new)
+ (define old
+ (find (cut channel=? new <>)
+ old-channels))
+ (and old (list new old)))
+ new-channels)))))))
(define* (display-channel-news-headlines profile)
"Display the titles of news about the channels of PROFILE compared to its
@@ -406,13 +421,26 @@ previous generation. Return true if there are news to display."
(any ->bool more?))))))
-(define (display-news profile)
- ;; Display profile news, with the understanding that this process represents
- ;; the newest generation.
- (display-profile-news profile
- #:current-is-newer? #t)
- (display-channel-news profile))
+(define* (display-news profile #:key (profile-news? #f))
+ "Display channel news for PROFILE compared to its previous generation. When
+PROFILE-NEWS? is true, display the list of added/upgraded packages since the
+previous generation."
+ (define previous
+ (relative-generation profile -1))
+ (if previous
+ (begin
+ (when profile-news?
+ (display-profile-news profile
+ #:current-is-newer? #t))
+ (unless (display-channel-news profile
+ (generation-file-name profile previous))
+ (info (G_ "no channel news since generation ~a~%") previous)
+ (display-hint (G_ "Run @command{guix pull -l} to view the
+news for earlier generations."))))
+ (leave (G_ "profile ~a does not have a previous generation~%")
+ profile)))
(define* (build-and-install instances profile)
"Build the tool from SOURCE, and install it in PROFILE. When DRY-RUN? is
@@ -430,10 +458,9 @@ true, display what would be built without actually building it."
#:hooks %channel-profile-hooks)
- (let ((more? (list (display-profile-news profile #:concise? #t)
- (display-channel-news-headlines profile))))
+ (let ((more? (display-channel-news-headlines profile)))
- (when (any ->bool more?)
+ (when more?
(G_ "Run @command{guix pull --news} to read all the news.")))))
(if guix-command
@@ -640,17 +667,23 @@ Return true when there is more package info to display."
(define (process-query opts profile)
"Process any query on PROFILE specified by OPTS."
+ (define details?
+ (assoc-ref opts 'details?))
(match (assoc-ref opts 'query)
(('list-generations pattern)
(define (list-generations profile numbers)
(match numbers
((first rest ...)
(display-profile-content profile first)
(let loop ((numbers numbers))
(match numbers
((first second rest ...)
- (display-profile-content-diff profile
- first second)
+ (if details?
+ (display-profile-content-diff profile
+ first second)
+ (display-profile-content profile second))
(display-channel-news (generation-file-name profile second)
(generation-file-name profile first))
(loop (cons second rest)))
@@ -662,16 +695,23 @@ Return true when there is more package info to display."
(raise (condition (&profile-not-found-error
(profile profile)))))
((not pattern)
- (list-generations profile (profile-generations profile)))
+ (with-paginated-output-port port
+ (with-output-to-port port
+ (lambda ()
+ (list-generations profile (profile-generations profile))))))
((matching-generations pattern profile)
(exit 1))
((numbers ...)
- (list-generations profile numbers)))))))
+ (with-paginated-output-port port
+ (with-output-to-port port
+ (lambda ()
+ (list-generations profile numbers))))))))))
- (display-news profile))))
+ (display-news profile
+ #:profile-news? (assoc-ref opts 'details?)))))
(define (process-generation-change opts profile)
"Process a request to change the current generation (roll-back, switch, delete)."
@@ -754,7 +794,7 @@ Use '~/.config/guix/channels.scm' instead."))
(define-command (guix-pull . args)
(synopsis "pull the latest revision of Guix")
- (define (no-arguments arg _‌)
+ (define (no-arguments arg _)
(leave (G_ "~A: extraneous argument~%") arg))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/shell.scm b/guix/scripts/shell.scm
index a92932cbc9..1eab05d737 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/shell.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/shell.scm
@@ -372,6 +372,10 @@ return #f and #f."
;; least depending on external state (with-source, with-commit, etc.),
;; so do not cache anything when they're used.
(values #f #f))
+ ((('profile . _) . _)
+ ;; If the user already specified a profile, there's nothing more to
+ ;; cache.
+ (values #f #f))
((('system . system) . rest)
(loop rest system file specs))
((_ . rest) (loop rest system file specs)))))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/system.scm b/guix/scripts/system.scm
index 414e931c8a..067bf999f1 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/system.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/system.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016 Alex Kost <alezost@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2016, 2017, 2018 Chris Marusich <cmmarusich@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017, 2019 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
#:autoload (guix scripts pull) (channel-commit-hyperlink)
#:autoload (guix graph) (export-graph node-type
- graph-backend-name %graph-backends)
+ graph-backend-name lookup-backend)
#:use-module (guix scripts graph)
#:use-module (guix scripts system reconfigure)
#:use-module (guix build utils)
@@ -88,7 +88,10 @@
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
#:export (guix-system
- read-operating-system))
+ read-operating-system
+ service-node-type
+ shepherd-service-node-type))
@@ -887,13 +890,6 @@ Run 'herd status' to view the list of services on your system.\n"))))))
(register-root* (list output) gc-root))
(return output)))))))))
-(define (lookup-backend name) ;TODO: factorize
- "Return the graph backend called NAME. Raise an error if it is not found."
- (or (find (lambda (backend)
- (string=? (graph-backend-name backend) name))
- %graph-backends)
- (leave (G_ "~a: unknown backend~%") name)))
(define* (export-extension-graph os port
#:key (backend (lookup-backend "graphviz")))
"Export the service extension graph of OS to PORT using BACKEND."
@@ -901,7 +897,7 @@ Run 'herd status' to view the list of services on your system.\n"))))))
(system (find (lambda (service)
(eq? (service-kind service) system-service-type))
- (export-graph (list system) (current-output-port)
+ (export-graph (list system) port
#:backend backend
#:node-type (service-node-type services)
#:reverse-edges? #t)))
@@ -917,7 +913,7 @@ Run 'herd status' to view the list of services on your system.\n"))))))
(sinks (filter (lambda (service)
(null? (shepherd-service-requirement service)))
- (export-graph sinks (current-output-port)
+ (export-graph sinks port
#:backend backend
#:node-type (shepherd-service-node-type shepherds)
#:reverse-edges? #t)))
@@ -1328,9 +1324,17 @@ argument list and OPTS is the option alist."
(x (leave (G_ "wrong number of arguments~%"))))))
(list-generations pattern)))
- (match (generation-number %system-profile)
+ ;; Describe the running system, which is not necessarily the current
+ ;; generation. /run/current-system might point to
+ ;; /var/guix/profiles/system-N-link, or it might point directly to
+ ;; /gnu/store/…-system. Try both.
+ (match (generation-number "/run/current-system" %system-profile)
- (leave (G_ "no system generation, nothing to describe~%")))
+ (match (generation-number %system-profile)
+ (0
+ (leave (G_ "no system generation, nothing to describe~%")))
+ (generation
+ (display-system-generation generation))))
(display-system-generation generation))))
diff --git a/guix/status.scm b/guix/status.scm
index eefe18365f..b8905c9542 100644
--- a/guix/status.scm
+++ b/guix/status.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2017-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2018, 2019 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ the current build phase."
(G_ "building XDG MIME database..."))
(G_ "building fonts directory..."))
- ('texlive-configuration
- (G_ "building TeX Live configuration..."))
+ ('texlive-font-maps
+ (G_ "building TeX Live font maps..."))
(G_ "building database for manual pages..."))
('package-cache ;package cache generated by 'guix pull'
@@ -414,6 +414,11 @@ produce colorful output. When PRINT-LOG? is true, display the build log in
addition to build events. When PRINT-URLS? is true, display the URL of
substitutes being downloaded."
(define info
+ (if (and colorize? (or print-urls? print-log?))
+ (cute colorize-string <> (color BOLD))
+ identity))
+ (define emph
(if colorize?
(cute colorize-string <> (color BOLD))
@@ -483,7 +488,9 @@ substitutes being downloaded."
(format port (info (N_ "applying ~a graft for ~a ..."
"applying ~a grafts for ~a ..."
- count drv)))
+ count
+ (string-drop-right (store-path-package-name drv)
+ (string-length ".drv")))))
(let ((count (match (assq-ref properties 'profile)
(#f 0)
@@ -496,7 +503,7 @@ substitutes being downloaded."
(let ((hook-type (assq-ref properties 'hook)))
(or (and=> (hook-message hook-type)
(lambda (msg)
- (format port (info msg))))
+ (display (info msg) port)))
(format port (info (G_ "running profile hook of type '~a'..."))
@@ -524,7 +531,7 @@ substitutes being downloaded."
(format port (failure (G_ "Could not find build log for '~a'."))
- (format port (info (G_ "View build log at '~a'.")) log)))
+ (format port (emph (G_ "View build log at '~a'.")) log)))
(newline port))
(('substituter-started item _ ...)
@@ -575,12 +582,12 @@ substitutes being downloaded."
;; /gnu/store/…-sth:", where "sha256" is the hash algorithm.
(format port (failure (G_ "~a hash mismatch for ~a:")) algo item)
(newline port)
- (format port (info (G_ "\
+ (format port (emph (G_ "\
expected hash: ~a
actual hash: ~a~%"))
expected actual))
(('build-remote drv host _ ...)
- (format port (info (G_ "offloading build of ~a to '~a'")) drv host)
+ (format port (emph (G_ "offloading build of ~a to '~a'")) drv host)
(newline port))
(('build-log pid line)
(if (multiplexed-output-supported?)
diff --git a/guix/store.scm b/guix/store.scm
index a93e9596d9..1d176fb99d 100644
--- a/guix/store.scm
+++ b/guix/store.scm
@@ -1442,6 +1442,12 @@ When a handler is installed with 'with-build-handler', it is called any time
(parameterize ((current-store-protocol-version
(store-connection-version store)))
+ (when (< (current-store-protocol-version) #x163)
+ ;; This corresponds to the first version bump of the daemon
+ ;; since the introduction of lzip compression support. The
+ ;; version change happened with commit 6ef61cc4c30 on the
+ ;; 2018/10/15).
+ (warn-about-old-daemon))
(if (>= (store-connection-minor-version store) 15)
(build store things mode)
(if (= mode (build-mode normal))
diff --git a/guix/tests.scm b/guix/tests.scm
index 4cd1ad6cf9..8f6d040f1f 100644
--- a/guix/tests.scm
+++ b/guix/tests.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2013-2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2013-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -85,10 +85,12 @@
"warning: build daemon error: ~s~%" c)
(let ((store (open-connection uri)))
- ;; Make sure we build everything by ourselves.
+ ;; Make sure we build everything by ourselves. When we build something,
+ ;; it should take at most 5 minutes.
(set-build-options store
#:use-substitutes? #f
- #:substitute-urls (%test-substitute-urls))
+ #:substitute-urls (%test-substitute-urls)
+ #:timeout (* 5 60))
;; Use the bootstrap Guile when running tests, so we don't end up
;; building everything in the temporary test store.
@@ -147,6 +149,9 @@ no external store to talk to."
;; further.
(unsetenv "NIX_STORE_DIR"))
(lambda ()
+ (when store
+ ;; Make sure we don't end up rebuilding the world for those tests.
+ (set-build-options store #:timeout (* 10 60)))
(proc store))
(lambda ()
(when store-variable
@@ -472,7 +477,8 @@ to its file name extension. Return both its file name and its hash."
(format #t #+content)))
(when #+command
(invoke #+command #+name-sans-ext))
- (copy-file #+name #$output)))))
+ (copy-file #+name #$output))
+ #:guile %bootstrap-guile)))
(file-drv (run-with-store store (lower-object f)))
(file (derivation->output-path file-drv))
(file-drv-outputs (derivation-outputs file-drv))
diff --git a/guix/transformations.scm b/guix/transformations.scm
index 0976f0d824..a0045e5b27 100644
--- a/guix/transformations.scm
+++ b/guix/transformations.scm
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-34)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-35)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-37)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 vlist)
@@ -526,10 +527,29 @@ system that builds code for MICRO-ARCHITECTURE; otherwise raise an error."
(unless (member micro-architecture
(or (assoc-ref lst architecture) '()))
- (raise (formatted-message
- (G_ "compiler ~a does not support micro-architecture ~a")
- (package-full-name compiler)
- micro-architecture))))
+ (raise
+ (make-compound-condition
+ (formatted-message
+ (G_ "compiler ~a does not support micro-architecture ~a")
+ (package-full-name compiler)
+ micro-architecture)
+ (condition
+ (&fix-hint
+ (hint (match (assoc-ref lst architecture)
+ (#f (format #f (G_ "Compiler ~a does not support
+micro-architectures of ~a.")
+ (package-full-name compiler "@@")
+ architecture))
+ (lst
+ (format #f (G_ "Compiler ~a supports the following ~a
+@end quotation")
+ (package-full-name compiler "@@")
+ architecture
+ (string-join lst ", ")))))))))))
(inherit lowered)
diff --git a/guix/ui.scm b/guix/ui.scm
index 093de1b4ab..6c194eb3c9 100644
--- a/guix/ui.scm
+++ b/guix/ui.scm
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
+ pager-wrapped-port
@@ -1030,29 +1031,38 @@ summary, and level 0 shows nothing."
;; Unfortunately, this is hardly avoidable for proper i18n.
(if dry-run?
- (unless (zero? verbosity)
+ (unless (or (zero? verbosity) (null? build))
(format (current-error-port)
- (N_ "~:[The following derivation would be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- "~:[The following derivations would be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- (length build))
- (null? build) (map colorized-store-item build)))
+ (highlight/warn
+ (N_ "The following derivation would be built:~%"
+ "The following derivations would be built:~%"
+ (length build))))
+ (format (current-error-port) "~{ ~a~%~}"
+ (map colorized-store-item build)))
(cond ((>= verbosity 2)
(if display-download-size?
- (format (current-error-port)
- ;; TRANSLATORS: "MB" is for "megabyte"; it should be
- ;; translated to the corresponding abbreviation.
- (G_ "~:[~,1h MB would be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]")
- (null? download)
- download-size
- (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
- download))
- (format (current-error-port)
- (N_ "~:[The following file would be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- "~:[The following files would be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- (length download))
- (null? download)
- (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
- download)))
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ (highlight
+ ;; TRANSLATORS: "MB" is for "megabyte"; it
+ ;; should be translated to the corresponding
+ ;; abbreviation.
+ (G_ "~:[~,1h MB would be downloaded:~%~;~]"))
+ (null? download)
+ download-size)
+ (format (current-error-port) "~{ ~a~%~}"
+ (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
+ download)))
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ (highlight
+ (N_ "~:[The following file would be downloaded:~%~;~]"
+ "~:[The following files would be downloaded:~%~;~]"
+ (length download)))
+ (null? download))
+ (format (current-error-port) "~{ ~a~%~}"
+ (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
+ download))))
(format (current-error-port)
(N_ "~:[The following graft would be made:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
"~:[The following grafts would be made:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
@@ -1081,29 +1091,38 @@ summary, and level 0 shows nothing."
(null? download) (length download))))))
- (unless (zero? verbosity)
+ (unless (or (zero? verbosity) (null? build))
(format (current-error-port)
- (N_ "~:[The following derivation will be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- "~:[The following derivations will be built:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- (length build))
- (null? build) (map colorized-store-item build)))
+ (highlight/warn
+ (N_ "The following derivation will be built:~%"
+ "The following derivations will be built:~%"
+ (length build))))
+ (format (current-error-port) "~{ ~a~%~}"
+ (map colorized-store-item build)))
(cond ((>= verbosity 2)
(if display-download-size?
- (format (current-error-port)
- ;; TRANSLATORS: "MB" is for "megabyte"; it should be
- ;; translated to the corresponding abbreviation.
- (G_ "~:[~,1h MB will be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]")
- (null? download)
- download-size
- (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
- download))
- (format (current-error-port)
- (N_ "~:[The following file will be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- "~:[The following files will be downloaded:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
- (length download))
- (null? download)
- (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
- download)))
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ (highlight
+ ;; TRANSLATORS: "MB" is for "megabyte"; it
+ ;; should be translated to the corresponding
+ ;; abbreviation.
+ (G_ "~:[~,1h MB will be downloaded:~%~;~]"))
+ (null? download)
+ download-size)
+ (format (current-error-port) "~{ ~a~%~}"
+ (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
+ download)))
+ (begin
+ (format (current-error-port)
+ (highlight
+ (N_ "~:[The following file will be downloaded:~%~;~]"
+ "~:[The following files will be downloaded:~%~;~]"
+ (length download)))
+ (null? download))
+ (format (current-error-port) "~{ ~a~%~}"
+ (map (compose colorized-store-item substitutable-path)
+ download))))
(format (current-error-port)
(N_ "~:[The following graft will be made:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
"~:[The following grafts will be made:~%~{ ~a~%~}~;~]"
@@ -1665,6 +1684,20 @@ score, the more relevant OBJ is to REGEXPS."
zero means that PACKAGE does not match any of REGEXPS."
(relevance package regexps %package-metrics))
+(define pager-port-mapping
+ ;; If a pager is being used, via 'with-paginated-output-port', this maps the
+ ;; pager port (pipe) to the underlying output port.
+ (make-parameter #f))
+(define* (pager-wrapped-port #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
+ "If PORT is a pipe to a pager created by 'with-paginated-output-port',
+return the underlying port. Otherwise return #f."
+ (match (pager-port-mapping)
+ ((pager . wrapped)
+ (and (eq? pager port) wrapped))
+ (_
+ #f)))
(define* (call-with-paginated-output-port proc
#:key (less-options "FrX"))
(let ((pager-command-line (or (getenv "GUIX_PAGER")
@@ -1691,7 +1724,10 @@ zero means that PACKAGE does not match any of REGEXPS."
(const #t)
- (lambda () (proc pager))
+ (lambda ()
+ (parameterize ((pager-port-mapping
+ (cons pager (current-output-port))))
+ (proc pager)))
(lambda () (close-pipe pager))))
(proc (current-output-port)))))
@@ -1882,7 +1918,9 @@ DURATION-RELATION with the current time."
(link (if (supports-hyperlinks?)
(cut file-hyperlink file <>)
- (header (format #f (link (highlight (G_ "Generation ~a\t~a")))
+ (header (format #f (link (highlight (G_ "Generation ~a\t~a")
+ (or (pager-wrapped-port)
+ (current-output-port))))
diff --git a/guix/utils.scm b/guix/utils.scm
index cba6464523..44c46cb4a9 100644
--- a/guix/utils.scm
+++ b/guix/utils.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
-;;; Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015 Mark H Weaver <mhw@netris.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Eric Bavier <bavier@member.fsf.org>
;;; Copyright © 2014 Ian Denhardt <ian@zenhack.net>
@@ -99,8 +99,10 @@
+ ar-for-target
+ ld-for-target
@@ -454,27 +456,27 @@ This procedure returns #t on success."
(str (iconv:bytevector->string
(get-bytevector-n in (- end start))
(port-encoding in)))
- (post-bv (get-bytevector-all in))
(str* (proc str)))
;; Modify FILE only if there are changes.
(unless (string=? str* str)
;; Verify the edited expression is still a scheme expression.
(call-with-input-string str* read)
- ;; Update the file with edited expression.
- (with-atomic-file-output file
- (lambda (out)
- (put-bytevector out pre-bv)
- (display str* out)
- ;; post-bv maybe the end-of-file object.
- (when (not (eof-object? post-bv))
- (put-bytevector out post-bv))
- #t))
- ;; Due to 'with-atomic-file-output', IN and FILE no longer share
- ;; the same inode, but we can reassign the source map up to LINE
- ;; to the new file.
- (move-source-location-map! (stat in) (stat file)
- (+ 1 line)))))))))
+ (let ((post-bv (get-bytevector-all in)))
+ ;; Update the file with edited expression.
+ (with-atomic-file-output file
+ (lambda (out)
+ (put-bytevector out pre-bv)
+ (display str* out)
+ (unless (eof-object? post-bv)
+ ;; Copy everything that came after STR.
+ (put-bytevector out post-bv))))
+ ;; Due to 'with-atomic-file-output', IN and FILE no longer
+ ;; share the same inode, but we can reassign the source map up
+ ;; to LINE to the new file.
+ (move-source-location-map! (stat in) (stat file)
+ (+ 1 line))))))))))
@@ -715,6 +717,11 @@ architecture (x86_64)?"
(any (cut string-prefix? <> system) '("x86_64" "aarch64" "mips64"
"powerpc64" "riscv64")))
+(define* (ar-for-target #:optional (target (%current-target-system)))
+ (if target
+ (string-append target "-ar")
+ "ar"))
(define* (cc-for-target #:optional (target (%current-target-system)))
(if target
(string-append target "-gcc")
@@ -725,6 +732,11 @@ architecture (x86_64)?"
(string-append target "-g++")
+(define* (ld-for-target #:optional (target (%current-target-system)))
+ (if target
+ (string-append target "-ld")
+ "ld"))
(define* (pkg-config-for-target #:optional (target (%current-target-system)))
(if target
(string-append target "-pkg-config")
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.es.po b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.es.po
index db812655cc..9a43d98349 100644
--- a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.es.po
+++ b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.es.po
@@ -3,20 +3,21 @@
# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix manual package.
# Reynaldo Cordero <reynaldo.cordero@gmail.com>, 2021.
# Emilio Herrera <ehespinosa57@gmail.com>, 2021.
+# Julien Lepiller <fedora-account@lepiller.eu>, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: guix manual checkout\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-31 15:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-10-31 16:05+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Emilio Herrera <ehespinosa57@gmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-10 11:16+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Julien Lepiller <fedora-account@lepiller.eu>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook/es/>\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.8\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10.1\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ msgstr "Los desarrolladores de GNU Guix"
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:49
#, no-wrap
msgid "Top"
-msgstr "Arriba"
+msgstr "Top"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:56
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.fr.po b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.fr.po
index 9ac8e6d5a1..b50dd9589a 100644
--- a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.fr.po
+++ b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.fr.po
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2021 the authors of Guix (msgids) and the following authors (msgstr)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix manual package.
-# Julien Lepiller <fedora-account@lepiller.eu>, 2021.
+# Julien Lepiller <fedora-account@lepiller.eu>, 2021, 2022.
# Francois Polito <francois@polito.se>, 2021.
# tisse vert <tissevert+fedora@marvid.fr>, 2021.
msgid ""
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: guix manual checkout\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-31 15:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-25 14:16+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-30 10:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Julien Lepiller <fedora-account@lepiller.eu>\n"
"Language-Team: French <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook/fr/>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ msgstr "La procédure doit renvoyer @code{#true} si elle réussit. S'appuyer sur
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1101
#, no-wrap
msgid "Code staging"
-msgstr "Échelonnage de code"
+msgstr "Échelonnage du code"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1107
@@ -2617,18 +2617,7 @@ msgstr "Le paquet du noyau @code{linux-libre} est en fait une procédure qui cr
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1442
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(define* (make-linux-libre version hash supported-systems\n"
-#| " #:key\n"
-#| " ;; A function that takes an arch and a variant.\n"
-#| " ;; See kernel-config for an example.\n"
-#| " (extra-version #false)\n"
-#| " (configuration-file #false)\n"
-#| " (defconfig \"defconfig\")\n"
-#| " (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options)\n"
-#| " (patches (list %boot-logo-patch)))\n"
-#| " ...)\n"
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define* (make-linux-libre* version gnu-revision source supported-systems\n"
" #:key\n"
@@ -2640,34 +2629,24 @@ msgid ""
" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options))\n"
" ...)\n"
msgstr ""
-"(define* (make-linux-libre version hash supported-systems\n"
-" #:key\n"
-" ;; A function that takes an arch and a variant.\n"
-" ;; See kernel-config for an example.\n"
-" (extra-version #false)\n"
-" (configuration-file #false)\n"
-" (defconfig \"defconfig\")\n"
-" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options)\n"
-" (patches (list %boot-logo-patch)))\n"
+"(define* (make-linux-libre* version gnu-revision source supported-systems\n"
+" #:key\n"
+" (extra-version #f)\n"
+" ;; Un fonction qui prend une architecture et une variante\n"
+" ;; Voir kernel-config si vous voulez un exemple.\n"
+" (configuration-file #f)\n"
+" (defconfig \"defconfig\")\n"
+" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options))\n"
" ...)\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1446
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The current @code{linux-libre} package is for the 5.1.x series, and is declared like this:"
msgid "The current @code{linux-libre} package is for the 5.15.x series, and is declared like this:"
-msgstr "Le paquet @code{linux-libre} actuel pour la série 5.1.x, est déclaré comme ceci :"
+msgstr "Le paquet @code{linux-libre} actuel pour la série 5.15.x, est déclaré comme ceci :"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1454
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(define-public linux-libre\n"
-#| " (make-linux-libre %linux-libre-version\n"
-#| " %linux-libre-hash\n"
-#| " '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\")\n"
-#| " #:patches %linux-libre-5.1-patches\n"
-#| " #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public linux-libre-5.15\n"
" (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.15-version\n"
@@ -2676,19 +2655,17 @@ msgid ""
" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\" \"riscv64-linux\")\n"
" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
msgstr ""
-"(define-public linux-libre\n"
-" (make-linux-libre %linux-libre-version\n"
-" %linux-libre-hash\n"
-" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\")\n"
-" #:patches %linux-libre-5.1-patches\n"
-" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
+"(define-public linux-libre-5.15\n"
+" (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.15-version\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-source\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\" \"riscv64-linux\")\n"
+" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1461
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Any keys which are not assigned values inherit their default value from the @code{make-linux-libre} definition. When comparing the two snippets above, you may notice that the code comment in the first doesn't actually refer to the @code{#:extra-version} keyword; it is actually for @code{#:configuration-file}. Because of this, it is not actually easy to include a custom kernel configuration from the definition, but don't worry, there are other ways to work with what we do have."
msgid "Any keys which are not assigned values inherit their default value from the @code{make-linux-libre} definition. When comparing the two snippets above, notice the code comment that refers to @code{#:configuration-file}. Because of this, it is not actually easy to include a custom kernel configuration from the definition, but don't worry, there are other ways to work with what we do have."
-msgstr "Les clés qui n'ont pas de valeur associée prennent leur valeur par défaut dans la définition de @code{make-linux-libre}. Lorsque vous comparez les deux bouts de code ci-dessus, vous aurez remarqué que le commentaire du premier ne correspond pas au mot-clé @code{#:extra-version}, mais à @code{#:configuration-file}. À cause de cela, il n'est pas facile d'inclure une configuration personnalisée du noyau à partir de la définition, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, il y a d'autres moyens de travailler avec ce qu'on a."
+msgstr "Les clés qui n'ont pas de valeur associée prennent leur valeur par défaut dans la définition de @code{make-linux-libre}. Lorsque vous comparez les deux bouts de code ci-dessus, remarquez le commentaire qui correspond à @code{#:configuration-file}. À cause de cela, il n'est pas facile d'inclure une configuration personnalisée du noyau à partir de la définition, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, il y a d'autres moyens de travailler avec ce qu'on a."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1467
@@ -2882,17 +2859,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1569
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(define-public linux-libre-macbook41\n"
-#| " ;; XXX: Access the internal 'make-linux-libre' procedure, which is\n"
-#| " ;; private and unexported, and is liable to change in the future.\n"
-#| " ((@@@@ (gnu packages linux) make-linux-libre) (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %linux-libre-version)\n"
-#| " (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %linux-libre-hash)\n"
-#| " '(\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
-#| " #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
-#| " #:patches (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %linux-libre-5.1-patches)\n"
-#| " #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public linux-libre-macbook41\n"
" ;; XXX: Access the internal 'make-linux-libre*' procedure, which is\n"
@@ -2906,14 +2873,15 @@ msgid ""
" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
msgstr ""
"(define-public linux-libre-macbook41\n"
-" ;; XXX: Access the internal 'make-linux-libre' procedure, which is\n"
-" ;; private and unexported, and is liable to change in the future.\n"
-" ((@@@@ (gnu packages linux) make-linux-libre) (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %linux-libre-version)\n"
-" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %linux-libre-hash)\n"
-" '(\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
-" #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
-" #:patches (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %linux-libre-5.1-patches)\n"
-" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
+" ;; XXX: Accède à la procédure interne « make-linux-libre* », qui est privée\n"
+" ;; et n'est pas exportée, et pourrait changer dans le futur.\n"
+" ((@@@@ (gnu packages linux) make-linux-libre*)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-version)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-gnu-revision)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-source)\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
+" #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
+" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1576
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.ko.po b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.ko.po
index e125ca6c9b..6b32a3d1bf 100644
--- a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.ko.po
+++ b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.ko.po
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Copyright (C) 2021 the authors of Guix (msgids) and the following authors (msgstr)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix manual package.
-# simmon <simmon@nplob.com>, 2021.
+# simmon <simmon@nplob.com>, 2021, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: guix manual checkout\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-31 15:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-19 16:16+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-01 06:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: simmon <simmon@nplob.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook/ko/>\n"
"Language: ko\n"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10.1\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7
@@ -2237,22 +2237,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1285
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(define-public adwaita-icon-theme\n"
-#| " (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
-#| " (name \"adwaita-icon-theme\")\n"
-#| " (version \"3.26.1\")\n"
-#| " (source (origin\n"
-#| " (method url-fetch)\n"
-#| " (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnome/sources/\" name \"/\"\n"
-#| " (version-major+minor version) \"/\"\n"
-#| " name \"-\" version \".tar.xz\"))\n"
-#| " (sha256\n"
-#| " (base32\n"
-#| " \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
-#| " (native-inputs\n"
-#| " `((\"gtk-encode-symbolic-svg\" ,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public adwaita-icon-theme\n"
" (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
@@ -2269,19 +2254,18 @@ msgid ""
" (native-inputs (list `(,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
msgstr ""
"(define-public adwaita-icon-theme\n"
-" (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
-" (name \"adwaita-icon-theme\")\n"
-" (version \"3.26.1\")\n"
-" (source (origin\n"
-" (method url-fetch)\n"
-" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnome/sources/\" name \"/\"\n"
-" (version-major+minor version) \"/\"\n"
-" name \"-\" version \".tar.xz\"))\n"
-" (sha256\n"
-" (base32\n"
-" \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
-" (native-inputs\n"
-" `((\"gtk-encode-symbolic-svg\" ,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
+" (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
+" (name \"adwaita-icon-theme\")\n"
+" (version \"3.26.1\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnome/sources/\" name \"/\"\n"
+" (version-major+minor version) \"/\"\n"
+" name \"-\" version \".tar.xz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
+" (native-inputs (list `(,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1290
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f6d33f76c
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,4478 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 the authors of Guix (msgids) and the following authors (msgstr)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix manual package.
+# Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@gnome.org>, 2021.
+# Camila Flores Granella <cgranell@redhat.com>, 2022.
+# Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro <farribeiro@gmail.com>, 2022.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: guix manual checkout\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-31 15:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-25 15:16+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Fábio Rodrigues Ribeiro <farribeiro@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook/pt_BR/>\n"
+"Language: pt_BR\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
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+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7
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+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:36
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:50
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "GNU Guix Cookbook"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: copying
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:21
+msgid "Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Pierre Neidhardt@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Matthew Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Marcin Karpezo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Joshua Branson@*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: copying
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:28
+msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''."
+msgstr "Permissão concedida para copiar, distribuir e/ou modificar este documento sob os termos da Licença de Documentação Livre GNU, Versão 1.3 ou qualquer versão mais recente publicada pela Free Software Foundation; sem Seções Invariantes, Textos de Capa Frontal, e sem Textos de Contracapa. Uma cópia da licença está incluída na seção intitulada ``GNU Free Documentation License''."
+#. type: dircategory
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "System administration"
+msgstr "Administração de Sistemas"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:33
+msgid "Guix cookbook: (guix-cookbook)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:33
+msgid "Tutorials and examples for GNU Guix."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subtitle
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:37
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Tutorials and examples for using the GNU Guix Functional Package Manager"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: author
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:38
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The GNU Guix Developers"
+msgstr "Os desenvolvedores do GNU Guix"
+#. type: node
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:49
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Top"
+msgstr "Top"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:56
+msgid "This document presents tutorials and detailed examples for GNU@tie{}Guix, a functional package management tool written for the GNU system. Please @pxref{Top,,, guix, GNU Guix reference manual} for details about the system, its API, and related concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:66
+msgid "This manual is also available in French (@pxref{Top,,, guix-cookbook.fr, Livre de recettes de GNU Guix}) and German (@pxref{Top,,, guix-cookbook.de, GNU-Guix-Kochbuch}). If you would like to translate this document in your native language, consider joining @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook, Weblate} (@pxref{Translating Guix,,, guix, GNU Guix reference manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:82
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:98 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:99
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Scheme tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Meet your new favorite language!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:86
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:305 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:306
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Packaging"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Packaging tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:90
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1340 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1341
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "System Configuration"
+msgstr "Configuração do sistema"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Customizing the GNU System"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Advanced package management"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Power to the users!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2835
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Environment management"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Control environment"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2959
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acknowledgments"
+msgstr "Agradecimentos"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
+msgid "Thanks!"
+msgstr "Obrigado!"
+#. type: appendix
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2984
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "GNU Free Documentation License"
+msgstr "Licença de Documentação Livre GNU"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
+msgid "The license of this document."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: unnumbered
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2990
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Concept Index"
+msgstr "Índice de conceitos"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
+msgid "Concepts."
+msgstr "Conceitos."
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:80
+msgid "--- The Detailed Node Listing ---"
+msgstr "--- A listagem detalhada de nós ---"
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:84 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:113
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "A Scheme Crash Course"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:84
+msgid "Learn the basics of Scheme"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:88 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:320
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Packaging Tutorial"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:88
+msgid "Let's add a package to Guix!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1362 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1363
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Auto-Login to a Specific TTY"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Automatically Login a User to a Specific TTY"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1407 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1408
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Customizing the Kernel"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Creating and using a custom Linux kernel on Guix System."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:105
+msgid "GNU@tie{}Guix is written in the general purpose programming language Scheme, and many of its features can be accessed and manipulated programmatically. You can use Scheme to generate package definitions, to modify them, to build them, to deploy whole operating systems, etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:109
+msgid "Knowing the basics of how to program in Scheme will unlock many of the advanced features Guix provides --- and you don't even need to be an experienced programmer to use them!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:111
+msgid "Let's get started!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:115
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Scheme, crash course"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:121
+msgid "Guix uses the Guile implementation of Scheme. To start playing with the language, install it with @code{guix install guile} and start a @dfn{REPL}---short for @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop, @dfn{read-eval-print loop}}---by running @code{guile} from the command line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:124
+msgid "Alternatively you can also run @code{guix environment --ad-hoc guile -- guile} if you'd rather not have Guile installed in your user profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:130
+msgid "In the following examples, lines show what you would type at the REPL; lines starting with ``@result{}'' show evaluation results, while lines starting with ``@print{}'' show things that get printed. @xref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for more details on the REPL."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:138
+msgid "Scheme syntax boils down to a tree of expressions (or @emph{s-expression} in Lisp lingo). An expression can be a literal such as numbers and strings, or a compound which is a parenthesized list of compounds and literals. @code{#true} and @code{#false} (abbreviated @code{#t} and @code{#f}) stand for the Booleans ``true'' and ``false'', respectively."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:140
+msgid "Examples of valid expressions:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\"Hello World!\"\n"
+"@result{} \"Hello World!\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:147
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@result{} 17\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:151
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(display (string-append \"Hello \" \"Guix\" \"\\n\"))\n"
+"@print{} Hello Guix!\n"
+"@result{} #<unspecified>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:158
+msgid "This last example is a function call nested in another function call. When a parenthesized expression is evaluated, the first term is the function and the rest are the arguments passed to the function. Every function returns the last evaluated expression as its return value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:161
+msgid "Anonymous functions are declared with the @code{lambda} term:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:165
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(lambda (x) (* x x))\n"
+"@result{} #<procedure 120e348 at <unknown port>:24:0 (x)>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:170
+msgid "The above procedure returns the square of its argument. Since everything is an expression, the @code{lambda} expression returns an anonymous procedure, which can in turn be applied to an argument:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:174
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"((lambda (x) (* x x)) 3)\n"
+"@result{} 9\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:178
+msgid "Anything can be assigned a global name with @code{define}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:184
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define a 3)\n"
+"(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))\n"
+"(square a)\n"
+"@result{} 9\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:188
+msgid "Procedures can be defined more concisely with the following syntax:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(define (square x) (* x x))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:195
+msgid "A list structure can be created with the @code{list} procedure:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(list 2 a 5 7)\n"
+"@result{} (2 3 5 7)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:206
+msgid "The @dfn{quote} disables evaluation of a parenthesized expression: the first term is not called over the other terms (@pxref{Expression Syntax, quote,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). Thus it effectively returns a list of terms."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"'(display (string-append \"Hello \" \"Guix\" \"\\n\"))\n"
+"@result{} (display (string-append \"Hello \" \"Guix\" \"\\n\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:213
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"'(2 a 5 7)\n"
+"@result{} (2 a 5 7)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:219
+msgid "The @dfn{quasiquote} disables evaluation of a parenthesized expression until @dfn{unquote} (a comma) re-enables it. Thus it provides us with fine-grained control over what is evaluated and what is not."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:223
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"`(2 a 5 7 (2 ,a 5 ,(+ a 4)))\n"
+"@result{} (2 a 5 7 (2 3 5 7))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:227
+msgid "Note that the above result is a list of mixed elements: numbers, symbols (here @code{a}) and the last element is a list itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:231
+msgid "Multiple variables can be named locally with @code{let} (@pxref{Local Bindings,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:238
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define x 10)\n"
+"(let ((x 2)\n"
+" (y 3))\n"
+" (list x y))\n"
+"@result{} (2 3)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:241
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@result{} 10\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:244
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@error{} In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: y\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:248
+msgid "Use @code{let*} to allow later variable declarations to refer to earlier definitions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:254
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(let* ((x 2)\n"
+" (y (* x 3)))\n"
+" (list x y))\n"
+"@result{} (2 6)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:261
+msgid "@dfn{Keywords} are typically used to identify the named parameters of a procedure. They are prefixed by @code{#:} (hash, colon) followed by alphanumeric characters: @code{#:like-this}. @xref{Keywords,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:266
+msgid "The percentage @code{%} is typically used for read-only global variables in the build stage. Note that it is merely a convention, like @code{_} in C. Scheme treats @code{%} exactly the same as any other letter."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:270
+msgid "Modules are created with @code{define-module} (@pxref{Creating Guile Modules,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). For instance"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:276
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-module (guix build-system ruby)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix store)\n"
+" #:export (ruby-build\n"
+" ruby-build-system))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:282
+msgid "defines the module @code{guix build-system ruby} which must be located in @file{guix/build-system/ruby.scm} somewhere in the Guile load path. It depends on the @code{(guix store)} module and it exports two variables, @code{ruby-build} and @code{ruby-build-system}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:287
+msgid "For a more detailed introduction, check out @uref{http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/scheme_guile/hello.htm, Scheme at a Glance}, by Steve Litt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:299
+msgid "One of the reference Scheme books is the seminal ``Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'', by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, with Julie Sussman. You'll find a @uref{https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html, free copy online}, together with @uref{https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/video-lectures/, videos of the lectures by the authors}. The book is available in Texinfo format as the @code{sicp} Guix package. Go ahead, run @code{guix install sicp} and start reading with @code{info sicp} (@pxref{,,, sicp, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}). An @uref{https://sarabander.github.io/sicp/, unofficial ebook is also available}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:302
+msgid "You'll find more books, tutorials and other resources at @url{https://schemers.org/}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:308
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "packaging"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:314
+msgid "This chapter is dedicated to teaching you how to add packages to the collection of packages that come with GNU Guix. This involves writing package definitions in Guile Scheme, organizing them in package modules, and building them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:317
+msgid "A tutorial on how to add packages to Guix."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:328
+msgid "GNU Guix stands out as the @emph{hackable} package manager, mostly because it uses @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, a powerful high-level programming language, one of the @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_%28programming_language%29, Scheme} dialects from the @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_%28programming_language%29, Lisp family}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:332
+msgid "Package definitions are also written in Scheme, which empowers Guix in some very unique ways, unlike most other package managers that use shell scripts or simple languages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:337
+msgid "Use functions, structures, macros and all of Scheme expressiveness for your package definitions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:341
+msgid "Inheritance makes it easy to customize a package by inheriting from it and modifying only what is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:351
+msgid "Batch processing: the whole package collection can be parsed, filtered and processed. Building a headless server with all graphical interfaces stripped out? It's possible. Want to rebuild everything from source using specific compiler optimization flags? Pass the @code{#:make-flags \"...\"} argument to the list of packages. It wouldn't be a stretch to think @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/USE_flag, Gentoo USE flags} here, but this goes even further: the changes don't have to be thought out beforehand by the packager, they can be @emph{programmed} by the user!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:357
+msgid "The following tutorial covers all the basics around package creation with Guix. It does not assume much knowledge of the Guix system nor of the Lisp language. The reader is only expected to be familiar with the command line and to have some basic programming knowledge."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:358 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:359
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "A ``Hello World'' package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:364
+msgid "The ``Defining Packages'' section of the manual introduces the basics of Guix packaging (@pxref{Defining Packages,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}). In the following section, we will partly go over those basics again."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:370
+msgid "GNU@tie{}Hello is a dummy project that serves as an idiomatic example for packaging. It uses the GNU build system (@code{./configure && make && make install}). Guix already provides a package definition which is a perfect example to start with. You can look up its declaration with @code{guix edit hello} from the command line. Let's see how it looks:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:391
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public hello\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"hello\")\n"
+" (version \"2.10\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnu/hello/hello-\" version\n"
+" \".tar.gz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i\"))))\n"
+" (build-system gnu-build-system)\n"
+" (synopsis \"Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"GNU Hello prints the message \\\"Hello, world!\\\" and then exits. It\n"
+"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports\n"
+"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.\")\n"
+" (home-page \"https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/\")\n"
+" (license gpl3+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:395
+msgid "As you can see, most of it is rather straightforward. But let's review the fields together:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:397
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "name"
+msgstr "name"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:400
+msgid "The project name. Using Scheme conventions, we prefer to keep it lower case, without underscore and using dash-separated words."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:401
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "source"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:404
+msgid "This field contains a description of the source code origin. The @code{origin} record contains these fields:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:406
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The method, here @code{url-fetch} to download via HTTP/FTP, but other methods"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:408
+msgid "exist, such as @code{git-fetch} for Git repositories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:408
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The URI, which is typically some @code{https://} location for @code{url-fetch}. Here"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:411
+msgid "the special `mirror://gnu` refers to a set of well known locations, all of which can be used by Guix to fetch the source, should some of them fail."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:411
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The @code{sha256} checksum of the requested file. This is essential to ensure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:414
+msgid "the source is not corrupted. Note that Guix works with base32 strings, hence the call to the @code{base32} function."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:416
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "build-system"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:425
+msgid "This is where the power of abstraction provided by the Scheme language really shines: in this case, the @code{gnu-build-system} abstracts away the famous @code{./configure && make && make install} shell invocations. Other build systems include the @code{trivial-build-system} which does not do anything and requires from the packager to program all the build steps, the @code{python-build-system}, the @code{emacs-build-system}, and many more (@pxref{Build Systems,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "synopsis"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:429
+msgid "It should be a concise summary of what the package does. For many packages a tagline from the project's home page can be used as the synopsis."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:430
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "description"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:433
+msgid "Same as for the synopsis, it's fine to re-use the project description from the homepage. Note that Guix uses Texinfo syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:434
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "home-page"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:436
+msgid "Use HTTPS if available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "license"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:440
+msgid "See @code{guix/licenses.scm} in the project source for a full list of available licenses."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:444
+msgid "Time to build our first package! Nothing fancy here for now: we will stick to a dummy @code{my-hello}, a copy of the above declaration."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:448
+msgid "As with the ritualistic ``Hello World'' taught with most programming languages, this will possibly be the most ``manual'' approach. We will work out an ideal setup later; for now we will go the simplest route."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:450
+msgid "Save the following to a file @file{my-hello.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:456
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (guix packages)\n"
+" (guix download)\n"
+" (guix build-system gnu)\n"
+" (guix licenses))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:475
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (name \"my-hello\")\n"
+" (version \"2.10\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnu/hello/hello-\" version\n"
+" \".tar.gz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i\"))))\n"
+" (build-system gnu-build-system)\n"
+" (synopsis \"Hello, Guix world: An example custom Guix package\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"GNU Hello prints the message \\\"Hello, world!\\\" and then exits. It\n"
+"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports\n"
+"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.\")\n"
+" (home-page \"https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/\")\n"
+" (license gpl3+))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:478
+msgid "We will explain the extra code in a moment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:485
+msgid "Feel free to play with the different values of the various fields. If you change the source, you'll need to update the checksum. Indeed, Guix refuses to build anything if the given checksum does not match the computed checksum of the source code. To obtain the correct checksum of the package declaration, we need to download the source, compute the sha256 checksum and convert it to base32."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:488
+msgid "Thankfully, Guix can automate this task for us; all we need is to provide the URI:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:492
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix download mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:499
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Starting download of /tmp/guix-file.JLYgL7\n"
+"From https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz...\n"
+"following redirection to `https://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz'...\n"
+" …10.tar.gz 709KiB 2.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:504
+msgid "In this specific case the output tells us which mirror was chosen. If the result of the above command is not the same as in the above snippet, update your @code{my-hello} declaration accordingly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:508
+msgid "Note that GNU package tarballs come with an OpenPGP signature, so you should definitely check the signature of this tarball with `gpg` to authenticate it before going further:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:512
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix download mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:527
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Starting download of /tmp/guix-file.03tFfb\n"
+"From https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig...\n"
+"following redirection to `https://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig'...\n"
+" ….tar.gz.sig 819B 1.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%\n"
+"$ gpg --verify /gnu/store/rzs8wba9ka7grrmgcpfyxvs58mly0sx6-hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig /gnu/store/hbdalsf5lpf01x4dcknwx6xbn6n5km6k-hello-2.10.tar.gz\n"
+"gpg: Signature made Sun 16 Nov 2014 01:08:37 PM CET\n"
+"gpg: using RSA key A9553245FDE9B739\n"
+"gpg: Good signature from \"Sami Kerola <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" [unknown]\n"
+"gpg: aka \"Sami Kerola (http://www.iki.fi/kerolasa/) <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" [unknown]\n"
+"gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n"
+"gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n"
+"Primary key fingerprint: 8ED3 96E3 7E38 D471 A005 30D3 A955 3245 FDE9 B739\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:530
+msgid "You can then happily run"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:534
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix package --install-from-file=my-hello.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:537
+msgid "You should now have @code{my-hello} in your profile!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:543
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix package --list-installed=my-hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:548
+msgid "We've gone as far as we could without any knowledge of Scheme. Before moving on to more complex packages, now is the right time to brush up on your Scheme knowledge. @pxref{A Scheme Crash Course} to get up to speed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:549 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:550
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Setup"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:555
+msgid "In the rest of this chapter we will rely on some basic Scheme programming knowledge. Now let's detail the different possible setups for working on Guix packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:557
+msgid "There are several ways to set up a Guix packaging environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:560
+msgid "We recommend you work directly on the Guix source checkout since it makes it easier for everyone to contribute to the project."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:562
+msgid "But first, let's look at other possibilities."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:563 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:564
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Local file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:569
+msgid "This is what we previously did with @samp{my-hello}. With the Scheme basics we've covered, we are now able to explain the leading chunks. As stated in @code{guix package --help}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:574
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" -f, --install-from-file=FILE\n"
+" install the package that the code within FILE\n"
+" evaluates to\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:578
+msgid "Thus the last expression @emph{must} return a package, which is the case in our earlier example."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:582
+msgid "The @code{use-modules} expression tells which of the modules we need in the file. Modules are a collection of values and procedures. They are commonly called ``libraries'' or ``packages'' in other programming languages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: node
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:583
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: samp{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:584
+#, no-wrap
+#. type: emph{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:588
+msgid "Note: Starting from Guix 0.16, the more flexible Guix @dfn{channels} are the preferred way and supersede @samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}. See next section."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:592
+msgid "It can be tedious to specify the file from the command line instead of simply calling @code{guix package --install my-hello} as you would do with the official packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:595
+msgid "Guix makes it possible to streamline the process by adding as many ``package declaration directories'' as you want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:598
+msgid "Create a directory, say @file{~/guix-packages} and add it to the @samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} environment variable:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:602
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ mkdir ~/guix-packages\n"
+"$ export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=~/guix-packages\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:605
+msgid "To add several directories, separate them with a colon (@code{:})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:607
+msgid "Our previous @samp{my-hello} needs some adjustments though:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:614
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-module (my-hello)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix licenses)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix packages)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix download))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:634
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public my-hello\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"my-hello\")\n"
+" (version \"2.10\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnu/hello/hello-\" version\n"
+" \".tar.gz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i\"))))\n"
+" (build-system gnu-build-system)\n"
+" (synopsis \"Hello, Guix world: An example custom Guix package\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"GNU Hello prints the message \\\"Hello, world!\\\" and then exits. It\n"
+"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports\n"
+"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.\")\n"
+" (home-page \"https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/\")\n"
+" (license gpl3+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:640
+msgid "Note that we have assigned the package value to an exported variable name with @code{define-public}. This is effectively assigning the package to the @code{my-hello} variable so that it can be referenced, among other as dependency of other packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:645
+msgid "If you use @code{guix package --install-from-file=my-hello.scm} on the above file, it will fail because the last expression, @code{define-public}, does not return a package. If you want to use @code{define-public} in this use-case nonetheless, make sure the file ends with an evaluation of @code{my-hello}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:651
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"; ...\n"
+"(define-public my-hello\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" )\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:653
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "my-hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:656
+msgid "This last example is not very typical."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:659
+msgid "Now @samp{my-hello} should be part of the package collection like all other official packages. You can verify this with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:662
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix package --show=my-hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:664 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:665
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix channels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:671
+msgid "Guix 0.16 features channels, which is very similar to @samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} but provides better integration and provenance tracking. Channels are not necessarily local, they can be maintained as a public Git repository for instance. Of course, several channels can be used at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:673
+msgid "@xref{Channels,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for setup details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:674 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:675
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Direct checkout hacking"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:680
+msgid "Working directly on the Guix project is recommended: it reduces the friction when the time comes to submit your changes upstream to let the community benefit from your hard work!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:686
+msgid "Unlike most software distributions, the Guix repository holds in one place both the tooling (including the package manager) and the package definitions. This choice was made so that it would give developers the flexibility to modify the API without breakage by updating all packages at the same time. This reduces development inertia."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:688
+msgid "Check out the official @uref{https://git-scm.com/, Git} repository:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:691
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:695
+msgid "In the rest of this article, we use @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT} to refer to the location of the checkout."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:699
+msgid "Follow the instructions in the manual (@pxref{Contributing,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}) to set up the repository environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:702
+msgid "Once ready, you should be able to use the package definitions from the repository environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:704
+msgid "Feel free to edit package definitions found in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/gnu/packages}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:708
+msgid "The @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/pre-inst-env} script lets you use @samp{guix} over the package collection of the repository (@pxref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:712
+msgid "Search packages, such as Ruby:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:719
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ cd $GUIX_CHECKOUT\n"
+" $ ./pre-inst-env guix package --list-available=ruby\n"
+" ruby 1.8.7-p374 out gnu/packages/ruby.scm:119:2\n"
+" ruby 2.1.6 out gnu/packages/ruby.scm:91:2\n"
+" ruby 2.2.2 out gnu/packages/ruby.scm:39:2\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:723
+msgid "Build a package, here Ruby version 2.1:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:727
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ ./pre-inst-env guix build --keep-failed ruby@@2.1\n"
+" /gnu/store/c13v73jxmj2nir2xjqaz5259zywsa9zi-ruby-2.1.6\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:731
+msgid "Install it to your user profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:734
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ ./pre-inst-env guix package --install ruby@@2.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:738
+msgid "Check for common mistakes:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:741
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ ./pre-inst-env guix lint ruby@@2.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:746
+msgid "Guix strives at maintaining a high packaging standard; when contributing to the Guix project, remember to"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:750
+msgid "follow the coding style (@pxref{Coding Style,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}),"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:752
+msgid "and review the check list from the manual (@pxref{Submitting Patches,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:756
+msgid "Once you are happy with the result, you are welcome to send your contribution to make it part of Guix. This process is also detailed in the manual. (@pxref{Contributing,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:759
+msgid "It's a community effort so the more join in, the better Guix becomes!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:760 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:761
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Extended example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:766
+msgid "The above ``Hello World'' example is as simple as it goes. Packages can be more complex than that and Guix can handle more advanced scenarios. Let's look at another, more sophisticated package (slightly modified from the source):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:780
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-module (gnu packages version-control)\n"
+" #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix utils)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix packages)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix git-download)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix build-system cmake)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages ssh)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages web)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages python)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages compression)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages tls))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:834
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public my-libgit2\n"
+" (let ((commit \"e98d0a37c93574d2c6107bf7f31140b548c6a7bf\")\n"
+" (revision \"1\"))\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"my-libgit2\")\n"
+" (version (git-version \"0.26.6\" revision commit))\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method git-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (git-reference\n"
+" (url \"https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/\")\n"
+" (commit commit)))\n"
+" (file-name (git-file-name name version))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"17pjvprmdrx4h6bb1hhc98w9qi6ki7yl57f090n9kbhswxqfs7s3\"))\n"
+" (patches (search-patches \"libgit2-mtime-0.patch\"))\n"
+" (modules '((guix build utils)))\n"
+" ;; Remove bundled software.\n"
+" (snippet '(delete-file-recursively \"deps\"))))\n"
+" (build-system cmake-build-system)\n"
+" (outputs '(\"out\" \"debug\"))\n"
+" (arguments\n"
+" `(#:tests? #true ; Run the test suite (this is the default)\n"
+" #:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\") ; SHA-1 collision detection\n"
+" #:phases\n"
+" (modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
+" (add-after 'unpack 'fix-hardcoded-paths\n"
+" (lambda _\n"
+" (substitute* \"tests/repo/init.c\"\n"
+" ((\"#!/bin/sh\") (string-append \"#!\" (which \"sh\"))))\n"
+" (substitute* \"tests/clar/fs.h\"\n"
+" ((\"/bin/cp\") (which \"cp\"))\n"
+" ((\"/bin/rm\") (which \"rm\")))))\n"
+" ;; Run checks more verbosely.\n"
+" (replace 'check\n"
+" (lambda _ (invoke \"./libgit2_clar\" \"-v\" \"-Q\")))\n"
+" (add-after 'unpack 'make-files-writable-for-tests\n"
+" (lambda _ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files \".\" \".*\")))))))\n"
+" (inputs\n"
+" (list libssh2 http-parser python-wrapper))\n"
+" (native-inputs\n"
+" (list pkg-config))\n"
+" (propagated-inputs\n"
+" ;; These two libraries are in 'Requires.private' in libgit2.pc.\n"
+" (list openssl zlib))\n"
+" (home-page \"https://libgit2.github.com/\")\n"
+" (synopsis \"Library providing Git core methods\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"Libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods\n"
+"provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to\n"
+"write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings.\")\n"
+" ;; GPLv2 with linking exception\n"
+" (license license:gpl2))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:839
+msgid "(In those cases were you only want to tweak a few fields from a package definition, you should rely on inheritance instead of copy-pasting everything. See below.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:841
+msgid "Let's discuss those fields in depth."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:842
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{git-fetch} method"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:849
+msgid "Unlike the @code{url-fetch} method, @code{git-fetch} expects a @code{git-reference} which takes a Git repository and a commit. The commit can be any Git reference such as tags, so if the @code{version} is tagged, then it can be used directly. Sometimes the tag is prefixed with a @code{v}, in which case you'd use @code{(commit (string-append \"v\" version))}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:853
+msgid "To ensure that the source code from the Git repository is stored in a directory with a descriptive name, we use @code{(file-name (git-file-name name version))}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:858
+msgid "The @code{git-version} procedure can be used to derive the version when packaging programs for a specific commit, following the Guix contributor guidelines (@pxref{Version Numbers,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:862
+msgid "How does one obtain the @code{sha256} hash that's in there, you ask? By invoking @command{guix hash} on a checkout of the desired commit, along these lines:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:868
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"git clone https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/\n"
+"cd libgit2\n"
+"git checkout v0.26.6\n"
+"guix hash -rx .\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:873
+msgid "@command{guix hash -rx} computes a SHA256 hash over the whole directory, excluding the @file{.git} sub-directory (@pxref{Invoking guix hash,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:876
+msgid "In the future, @command{guix download} will hopefully be able to do these steps for you, just like it does for regular downloads."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:877
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Snippets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:883
+msgid "Snippets are quoted (i.e. non-evaluated) Scheme code that are a means of patching the source. They are a Guix-y alternative to the traditional @file{.patch} files. Because of the quote, the code in only evaluated when passed to the Guix daemon for building. There can be as many snippets as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:886
+msgid "Snippets might need additional Guile modules which can be imported from the @code{modules} field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:887
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:890
+msgid "There are 3 different input types. In short:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:892
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "native-inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:895
+msgid "Required for building but not runtime -- installing a package through a substitute won't install these inputs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:895
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:898
+msgid "Installed in the store but not in the profile, as well as being present at build time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:898
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "propagated-inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:901
+msgid "Installed in the store and in the profile, as well as being present at build time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:904
+msgid "@xref{Package Reference,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:908
+msgid "The distinction between the various inputs is important: if a dependency can be handled as an @emph{input} instead of a @emph{propagated input}, it should be done so, or else it ``pollutes'' the user profile for no good reason."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:915
+msgid "For instance, a user installing a graphical program that depends on a command line tool might only be interested in the graphical part, so there is no need to force the command line tool into the user profile. The dependency is a concern to the package, not to the user. @emph{Inputs} make it possible to handle dependencies without bugging the user by adding undesired executable files (or libraries) to their profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:921
+msgid "Same goes for @emph{native-inputs}: once the program is installed, build-time dependencies can be safely garbage-collected. It also matters when a substitute is available, in which case only the @emph{inputs} and @emph{propagated inputs} will be fetched: the @emph{native inputs} are not required to install a package from a substitute."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:922 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1892
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Note"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:925
+msgid "You may see here and there snippets where package inputs are written quite differently, like so:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:932
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+";; The \"old style\" for inputs.\n"
+" `((\"libssh2\" ,libssh2)\n"
+" (\"http-parser\" ,http-parser)\n"
+" (\"python\" ,python-wrapper)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:938
+msgid "This is the ``old style'', where each input in the list is explicitly given a label (a string). It is still supported but we recommend using the style above instead. @xref{package Reference,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:940
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Outputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:944
+msgid "Just like how a package can have multiple inputs, it can also produce multiple outputs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:946
+msgid "Each output corresponds to a separate directory in the store."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:949
+msgid "The user can choose which output to install; this is useful to save space or to avoid polluting the user profile with unwanted executables or libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:952
+msgid "Output separation is optional. When the @code{outputs} field is left out, the default and only output (the complete package) is referred to as @code{\"out\"}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:954
+msgid "Typical separate output names include @code{debug} and @code{doc}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:958
+msgid "It's advised to separate outputs only when you've shown it's worth it: if the output size is significant (compare with @code{guix size}) or in case the package is modular."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:959
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build system arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:962
+msgid "The @code{arguments} is a keyword-value list used to configure the build process."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:967
+msgid "The simplest argument @code{#:tests?} can be used to disable the test suite when building the package. This is mostly useful when the package does not feature any test suite. It's strongly recommended to keep the test suite on if there is one."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:971
+msgid "Another common argument is @code{:make-flags}, which specifies a list of flags to append when running make, as you would from the command line. For instance, the following flags"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:975
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"#:make-flags (list (string-append \"prefix=\" (assoc-ref %outputs \"out\"))\n"
+" \"CC=gcc\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:978
+msgid "translate into"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:981
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ make CC=gcc prefix=/gnu/store/...-<out>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:987
+msgid "This sets the C compiler to @code{gcc} and the @code{prefix} variable (the installation directory in Make parlance) to @code{(assoc-ref %outputs \"out\")}, which is a build-stage global variable pointing to the destination directory in the store (something like @file{/gnu/store/...-my-libgit2-20180408})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:989
+msgid "Similarly, it's possible to set the configure flags:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:992
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "#:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:996
+msgid "The @code{%build-inputs} variable is also generated in scope. It's an association table that maps the input names to their store directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1001
+msgid "The @code{phases} keyword lists the sequential steps of the build system. Typically phases include @code{unpack}, @code{configure}, @code{build}, @code{install} and @code{check}. To know more about those phases, you need to work out the appropriate build system definition in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build/gnu-build-system.scm}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1020
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %standard-phases\n"
+" ;; Standard build phases, as a list of symbol/procedure pairs.\n"
+" (let-syntax ((phases (syntax-rules ()\n"
+" ((_ p ...) `((p . ,p) ...)))))\n"
+" (phases set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH set-paths install-locale unpack\n"
+" bootstrap\n"
+" patch-usr-bin-file\n"
+" patch-source-shebangs configure patch-generated-file-shebangs\n"
+" build check install\n"
+" patch-shebangs strip\n"
+" validate-runpath\n"
+" validate-documentation-location\n"
+" delete-info-dir-file\n"
+" patch-dot-desktop-files\n"
+" install-license-files\n"
+" reset-gzip-timestamps\n"
+" compress-documentation)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1023
+msgid "Or from the REPL:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1029
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(add-to-load-path \"/path/to/guix/checkout\")\n"
+",use (guix build gnu-build-system)\n"
+"(map first %standard-phases)\n"
+"@result{} (set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH set-paths install-locale unpack bootstrap patch-usr-bin-file patch-source-shebangs configure patch-generated-file-shebangs build check install patch-shebangs strip validate-runpath validate-documentation-location delete-info-dir-file patch-dot-desktop-files install-license-files reset-gzip-timestamps compress-documentation)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1033
+msgid "If you want to know more about what happens during those phases, consult the associated procedures."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1036
+msgid "For instance, as of this writing the definition of @code{unpack} for the GNU build system is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1046
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define* (unpack #:key source #:allow-other-keys)\n"
+" \"Unpack SOURCE in the working directory, and change directory within the\n"
+"source. When SOURCE is a directory, copy it in a sub-directory of the current\n"
+"working directory.\"\n"
+" (if (file-is-directory? source)\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (mkdir \"source\")\n"
+" (chdir \"source\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1057
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; Preserve timestamps (set to the Epoch) on the copied tree so that\n"
+" ;; things work deterministically.\n"
+" (copy-recursively source \".\"\n"
+" #:keep-mtime? #true))\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (if (string-suffix? \".zip\" source)\n"
+" (invoke \"unzip\" source)\n"
+" (invoke \"tar\" \"xvf\" source))\n"
+" (chdir (first-subdirectory \".\"))))\n"
+" #true)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1065
+msgid "Note the @code{chdir} call: it changes the working directory to where the source was unpacked. Thus every phase following the @code{unpack} will use the source as a working directory, which is why we can directly work on the source files. That is to say, unless a later phase changes the working directory to something else."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1069
+msgid "We modify the list of @code{%standard-phases} of the build system with the @code{modify-phases} macro as per the list of specified modifications, which may have the following forms:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1073
+msgid "@code{(add-before @var{phase} @var{new-phase} @var{procedure})}: Run @var{procedure} named @var{new-phase} before @var{phase}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1075
+msgid "@code{(add-after @var{phase} @var{new-phase} @var{procedure})}: Same, but afterwards."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1077
+msgid "@code{(replace @var{phase} @var{procedure})}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1079
+msgid "@code{(delete @var{phase})}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1086
+msgid "The @var{procedure} supports the keyword arguments @code{inputs} and @code{outputs}. Each input (whether @emph{native}, @emph{propagated} or not) and output directory is referenced by their name in those variables. Thus @code{(assoc-ref outputs \"out\")} is the store directory of the main output of the package. A phase procedure may look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1094
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)\n"
+" (let ((bash-directory (assoc-ref inputs \"bash\"))\n"
+" (output-directory (assoc-ref outputs \"out\"))\n"
+" (doc-directory (assoc-ref outputs \"doc\")))\n"
+" ;; ...\n"
+" #true))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1100
+msgid "The procedure must return @code{#true} on success. It's brittle to rely on the return value of the last expression used to tweak the phase because there is no guarantee it would be a @code{#true}. Hence the trailing @code{#true} to ensure the right value is returned on success."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1101
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Code staging"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1107
+msgid "The astute reader may have noticed the quasi-quote and comma syntax in the argument field. Indeed, the build code in the package declaration should not be evaluated on the client side, but only when passed to the Guix daemon. This mechanism of passing code around two running processes is called @uref{https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00833, code staging}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1108
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Utility functions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1113
+msgid "When customizing @code{phases}, we often need to write code that mimics the equivalent system invocations (@code{make}, @code{mkdir}, @code{cp}, etc.)@: commonly used during regular ``Unix-style'' installations."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1116
+msgid "Some like @code{chmod} are native to Guile. @xref{,,, guile, Guile reference manual} for a complete list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1119
+msgid "Guix provides additional helper functions which prove especially handy in the context of package management."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1123
+msgid "Some of those functions can be found in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/guix/build/utils.scm}. Most of them mirror the behaviour of the traditional Unix system commands:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1125
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "which"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1127
+msgid "Like the @samp{which} system command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1127
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "find-files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1129
+msgid "Akin to the @samp{find} system command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1129
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "mkdir-p"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1131
+msgid "Like @samp{mkdir -p}, which creates all parents as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1131
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "install-file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1135
+msgid "Similar to @samp{install} when installing a file to a (possibly non-existing) directory. Guile has @code{copy-file} which works like @samp{cp}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1135
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "copy-recursively"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1137
+msgid "Like @samp{cp -r}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "delete-file-recursively"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1139
+msgid "Like @samp{rm -rf}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1139
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1141
+msgid "Run an executable. This should be used instead of @code{system*}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1141
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "with-directory-excursion"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1144
+msgid "Run the body in a different working directory, then restore the previous working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "substitute*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1146
+msgid "A ``@command{sed}-like'' function."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1150
+msgid "@xref{Build Utilities,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more information on these utilities."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1151
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Module prefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1161
+msgid "The license in our last example needs a prefix: this is because of how the @code{license} module was imported in the package, as @code{#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)}. The Guile module import mechanism (@pxref{Using Guile Modules,,, guile, Guile reference manual}) gives the user full control over namespacing: this is needed to avoid clashes between, say, the @samp{zlib} variable from @samp{licenses.scm} (a @emph{license} value) and the @samp{zlib} variable from @samp{compression.scm} (a @emph{package} value)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1162 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1163
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Other build systems"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1170
+msgid "What we've seen so far covers the majority of packages using a build system other than the @code{trivial-build-system}. The latter does not automate anything and leaves you to build everything manually. This can be more demanding and we won't cover it here for now, but thankfully it is rarely necessary to fall back on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1174
+msgid "For the other build systems, such as ASDF, Emacs, Perl, Ruby and many more, the process is very similar to the GNU build system except for a few specialized arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1179
+msgid "@xref{Build Systems,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more information on build systems, or check the source code in the @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build} and @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build-system} directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1180 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1181
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Programmable and automated package definition"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1185
+msgid "We can't repeat it enough: having a full-fledged programming language at hand empowers us in ways that reach far beyond traditional package management."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1187
+msgid "Let's illustrate this with some awesome features of Guix!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1188 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1189
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Recursive importers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1196
+msgid "You might find some build systems good enough that there is little to do at all to write a package, to the point that it becomes repetitive and tedious after a while. A @emph{raison d'être} of computers is to replace human beings at those boring tasks. So let's tell Guix to do this for us and create the package definition of an R package from CRAN (the output is trimmed for conciseness):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix import cran --recursive walrus\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-mc2d\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl2+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1207
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-jmvcore\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl2+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1211
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-wrs2\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl3)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1237
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-walrus\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"r-walrus\")\n"
+" (version \"1.0.3\")\n"
+" (source\n"
+" (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (cran-uri \"walrus\" version))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"1nk2glcvy4hyksl5ipq2mz8jy4fss90hx6cq98m3w96kzjni6jjj\"))))\n"
+" (build-system r-build-system)\n"
+" (propagated-inputs\n"
+" (list r-ggplot2 r-jmvcore r-r6 r-wrs2))\n"
+" (home-page \"https://github.com/jamovi/walrus\")\n"
+" (synopsis \"Robust Statistical Methods\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"This package provides a toolbox of common robust statistical\n"
+"tests, including robust descriptives, robust t-tests, and robust ANOVA.\n"
+"It is also available as a module for 'jamovi' (see\n"
+"<https://www.jamovi.org> for more information). Walrus is based on the\n"
+"WRS2 package by Patrick Mair, which is in turn based on the scripts and\n"
+"work of Rand Wilcox. These analyses are described in depth in the book\n"
+"'Introduction to Robust Estimation & Hypothesis Testing'.\")\n"
+" (license gpl3)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1241
+msgid "The recursive importer won't import packages for which Guix already has package definitions, except for the very first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1246
+msgid "Not all applications can be packaged this way, only those relying on a select number of supported systems. Read about the full list of importers in the guix import section of the manual (@pxref{Invoking guix import,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1247 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1248
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Automatic update"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1252
+msgid "Guix can be smart enough to check for updates on systems it knows. It can report outdated package definitions with"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1255
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix refresh hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1260
+msgid "In most cases, updating a package to a newer version requires little more than changing the version number and the checksum. Guix can do that automatically as well:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1263
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix refresh hello --update\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1265 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1266
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Inheritance"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1270
+msgid "If you've started browsing the existing package definitions, you might have noticed that a significant number of them have a @code{inherit} field:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public adwaita-icon-theme\n"
+" (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
+" (name \"adwaita-icon-theme\")\n"
+" (version \"3.26.1\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnome/sources/\" name \"/\"\n"
+" (version-major+minor version) \"/\"\n"
+" name \"-\" version \".tar.xz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
+" (native-inputs (list `(,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1290
+msgid "All unspecified fields are inherited from the parent package. This is very convenient to create alternative packages, for instance with different source, version or compilation options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1291 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1292
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Getting help"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1298
+msgid "Sadly, some applications can be tough to package. Sometimes they need a patch to work with the non-standard file system hierarchy enforced by the store. Sometimes the tests won't run properly. (They can be skipped but this is not recommended.) Other times the resulting package won't be reproducible."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1301
+msgid "Should you be stuck, unable to figure out how to fix any sort of packaging issue, don't hesitate to ask the community for help."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1303
+msgid "See the @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/contact/, Guix homepage} for information on the mailing lists, IRC, etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1304 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1305
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Conclusion"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1311
+msgid "This tutorial was a showcase of the sophisticated package management that Guix boasts. At this point we have mostly restricted this introduction to the @code{gnu-build-system} which is a core abstraction layer on which more advanced abstractions are based."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1316
+msgid "Where do we go from here? Next we ought to dissect the innards of the build system by removing all abstractions, using the @code{trivial-build-system}: this should give us a thorough understanding of the process before investigating some more advanced packaging techniques and edge cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1319
+msgid "Other features worth exploring are the interactive editing and debugging capabilities of Guix provided by the Guile REPL@."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1324
+msgid "Those fancy features are completely optional and can wait; now is a good time to take a well-deserved break. With what we've introduced here you should be well armed to package lots of programs. You can get started right away and hopefully we will see your contributions soon!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1325 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1326
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "References"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1331
+msgid "The @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Defining-Packages.html, package reference in the manual}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1334
+msgid "@uref{https://gitlab.com/pjotrp/guix-notes/blob/master/HACKING.org, Pjotr’s hacking guide to GNU Guix}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1337
+msgid "@uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/guix-ghm-andreas-20130823.pdf, ``GNU Guix: Package without a scheme!''}, by Andreas Enge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1346
+msgid "Guix offers a flexible language for declaratively configuring your Guix System. This flexibility can at times be overwhelming. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate some advanced configuration concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1349
+msgid "@pxref{System Configuration,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for a complete reference."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1646
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix System Image API"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Customizing images to target specific platforms."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1857
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Connecting to Wireguard VPN"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Connecting to a Wireguard VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1934
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Customizing a Window Manager"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Handle customization of a Window manager on Guix System."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2025
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Running Guix on a Linode Server"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2268
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Setting up a bind mount"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Setting up a bind mount in the file-systems definition."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2317
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Getting substitutes from Tor"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Configuring Guix daemon to get substitutes through Tor."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2379
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Setting up NGINX with Lua"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Configuring NGINX web-server to load Lua modules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1372
+msgid "While the Guix manual explains auto-login one user to @emph{all} TTYs ( @pxref{auto-login to TTY,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), some might prefer a situation, in which one user is logged into one TTY with the other TTYs either configured to login different users or no one at all. Note that one can auto-login one user to any TTY, but it is usually advisable to avoid @code{tty1}, which, by default, is used to log warnings and errors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1374
+msgid "Here is how one might set up auto login for one user to one tty:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1382
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define (auto-login-to-tty config tty user)\n"
+" (if (string=? tty (mingetty-configuration-tty config))\n"
+" (mingetty-configuration\n"
+" (inherit config)\n"
+" (auto-login user))\n"
+" config))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1389
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %my-services\n"
+" (modify-services %base-services\n"
+" ;; @dots{}\n"
+" (mingetty-service-type config =>\n"
+" (auto-login-to-tty\n"
+" config \"tty3\" \"alice\"))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1393
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; @dots{}\n"
+" (services %my-services))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1398
+msgid "One could also @code{compose} (@pxref{Higher-Order Functions,,, guile, The Guile Reference Manual}) @code{auto-login-to-tty} to login multiple users to multiple ttys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1405
+msgid "Finally, here is a note of caution. Setting up auto login to a TTY, means that anyone can turn on your computer and run commands as your regular user. However, if you have an encrypted root partition, and thus already need to enter a passphrase when the system boots, auto-login might be a convenient option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1417
+msgid "Guix is, at its core, a source based distribution with substitutes (@pxref{Substitutes,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), and as such building packages from their source code is an expected part of regular package installations and upgrades. Given this starting point, it makes sense that efforts are made to reduce the amount of time spent compiling packages, and recent changes and upgrades to the building and distribution of substitutes continues to be a topic of discussion within Guix."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1423
+msgid "The kernel, while not requiring an overabundance of RAM to build, does take a rather long time on an average machine. The official kernel configuration, as is the case with many GNU/Linux distributions, errs on the side of inclusiveness, and this is really what causes the build to take such a long time when the kernel is built from source."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1428
+msgid "The Linux kernel, however, can also just be described as a regular old package, and as such can be customized just like any other package. The procedure is a little bit different, although this is primarily due to the nature of how the package definition is written."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1431
+msgid "The @code{linux-libre} kernel package definition is actually a procedure which creates a package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1442
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define* (make-linux-libre* version gnu-revision source supported-systems\n"
+" #:key\n"
+" (extra-version #f)\n"
+" ;; A function that takes an arch and a variant.\n"
+" ;; See kernel-config for an example.\n"
+" (configuration-file #f)\n"
+" (defconfig \"defconfig\")\n"
+" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options))\n"
+" ...)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1446
+msgid "The current @code{linux-libre} package is for the 5.15.x series, and is declared like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public linux-libre-5.15\n"
+" (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.15-version\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-source\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\" \"riscv64-linux\")\n"
+" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1461
+msgid "Any keys which are not assigned values inherit their default value from the @code{make-linux-libre} definition. When comparing the two snippets above, notice the code comment that refers to @code{#:configuration-file}. Because of this, it is not actually easy to include a custom kernel configuration from the definition, but don't worry, there are other ways to work with what we do have."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1467
+msgid "There are two ways to create a kernel with a custom kernel configuration. The first is to provide a standard @file{.config} file during the build process by including an actual @file{.config} file as a native input to our custom kernel. The following is a snippet from the custom @code{'configure} phase of the @code{make-linux-libre} package definition:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1471
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(let ((build (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'build))\n"
+" (config (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) \"kconfig\")))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1479
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; Use a custom kernel configuration file or a default\n"
+" ;; configuration file.\n"
+" (if config\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (copy-file config \".config\")\n"
+" (chmod \".config\" #o666))\n"
+" (invoke \"make\" ,defconfig)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1484
+msgid "Below is a sample kernel package. The @code{linux-libre} package is nothing special and can be inherited from and have its fields overridden like any other package:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1493
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public linux-libre/E2140\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (inherit linux-libre)\n"
+" (native-inputs\n"
+" `((\"kconfig\" ,(local-file \"E2140.config\"))\n"
+" ,@@(alist-delete \"kconfig\"\n"
+" (package-native-inputs linux-libre))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1500
+msgid "In the same directory as the file defining @code{linux-libre-E2140} is a file named @file{E2140.config}, which is an actual kernel configuration file. The @code{defconfig} keyword of @code{make-linux-libre} is left blank here, so the only kernel configuration in the package is the one which was included in the @code{native-inputs} field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1505
+msgid "The second way to create a custom kernel is to pass a new value to the @code{extra-options} keyword of the @code{make-linux-libre} procedure. The @code{extra-options} keyword works with another function defined right below it:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1521
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %default-extra-linux-options\n"
+" `(;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2014-04/msg00039.html\n"
+" ;; Modules required for initrd:\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_NET_9P\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_NET_9P_VIRTIO\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_FUSE_FS\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_CIFS\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_9P_FS\" . m)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1532
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define (config->string options)\n"
+" (string-join (map (match-lambda\n"
+" ((option . 'm)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=m\"))\n"
+" ((option . #true)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=y\"))\n"
+" ((option . #false)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=n\")))\n"
+" options)\n"
+" \"\\n\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1535
+msgid "And in the custom configure script from the `make-linux-libre` package:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1543
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+";; Appending works even when the option wasn't in the\n"
+";; file. The last one prevails if duplicated.\n"
+"(let ((port (open-file \".config\" \"a\"))\n"
+" (extra-configuration ,(config->string extra-options)))\n"
+" (display extra-configuration port)\n"
+" (close-port port))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1545
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(invoke \"make\" \"oldconfig\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1550
+msgid "So by not providing a configuration-file the @file{.config} starts blank, and then we write into it the collection of flags that we want. Here's another custom kernel:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1558
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %macbook41-full-config\n"
+" (append %macbook41-config-options\n"
+" %file-systems\n"
+" %efi-support\n"
+" %emulation\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %default-extra-linux-options)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1569
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public linux-libre-macbook41\n"
+" ;; XXX: Access the internal 'make-linux-libre*' procedure, which is\n"
+" ;; private and unexported, and is liable to change in the future.\n"
+" ((@@@@ (gnu packages linux) make-linux-libre*)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-version)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-gnu-revision)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-source)\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
+" #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
+" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1576
+msgid "In the above example @code{%file-systems} is a collection of flags enabling different file system support, @code{%efi-support} enables EFI support and @code{%emulation} enables a x86_64-linux machine to act in 32-bit mode also. @code{%default-extra-linux-options} are the ones quoted above, which had to be added in since they were replaced in the @code{extra-options} keyword."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1585
+msgid "This all sounds like it should be doable, but how does one even know which modules are required for a particular system? Two places that can be helpful in trying to answer this question is the @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel, Gentoo Handbook} and the @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/README.html?highlight=localmodconfig, documentation from the kernel itself}. From the kernel documentation, it seems that @code{make localmodconfig} is the command we want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1588
+msgid "In order to actually run @code{make localmodconfig} we first need to get and unpack the kernel source code:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1591
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "tar xf $(guix build linux-libre --source)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1598
+msgid "Once inside the directory containing the source code run @code{touch .config} to create an initial, empty @file{.config} to start with. @code{make localmodconfig} works by seeing what you already have in @file{.config} and letting you know what you're missing. If the file is blank then you're missing everything. The next step is to run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1601
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix environment linux-libre -- make localmodconfig\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1606
+msgid "and note the output. Do note that the @file{.config} file is still empty. The output generally contains two types of warnings. The first start with \"WARNING\" and can actually be ignored in our case. The second read:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1609
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "module pcspkr did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1614
+msgid "For each of these lines, copy the @code{CONFIG_XXXX_XXXX} portion into the @file{.config} in the directory, and append @code{=m}, so in the end it looks like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1618
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1627
+msgid "After copying all the configuration options, run @code{make localmodconfig} again to make sure that you don't have any output starting with ``module''. After all of these machine specific modules there are a couple more left that are also needed. @code{CONFIG_MODULES} is necessary so that you can build and load modules separately and not have everything built into the kernel. @code{CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD} is required for reading from hard drives. It is possible that there are other modules which you will need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1631
+msgid "This post does not aim to be a guide to configuring your own kernel however, so if you do decide to build a custom kernel you'll have to seek out other guides to create a kernel which is just right for your needs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1639
+msgid "The second way to setup the kernel configuration makes more use of Guix's features and allows you to share configuration segments between different kernels. For example, all machines using EFI to boot have a number of EFI configuration flags that they need. It is likely that all the kernels will share a list of file systems to support. By using variables it is easier to see at a glance what features are enabled and to make sure you don't have features in one kernel but missing in another."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1644
+msgid "Left undiscussed however, is Guix's initrd and its customization. It is likely that you'll need to modify the initrd on a machine using a custom kernel, since certain modules which are expected to be built may not be available for inclusion into the initrd."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1651
+msgid "Historically, Guix System is centered around an @code{operating-system} structure. This structure contains various fields ranging from the bootloader and kernel declaration to the services to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1657
+msgid "Depending on the target machine, that can go from a standard @code{x86_64} machine to a small ARM single board computer such as the Pine64, the image constraints can vary a lot. The hardware manufacturers will impose different image formats with various partition sizes and offsets."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1662
+msgid "To create images suitable for all those machines, a new abstraction is necessary: that's the goal of the @code{image} record. This record contains all the required information to be transformed into a standalone image, that can be directly booted on any target machine."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1684
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-record-type* <image>\n"
+" image make-image\n"
+" image?\n"
+" (name image-name ;symbol\n"
+" (default #f))\n"
+" (format image-format) ;symbol\n"
+" (target image-target\n"
+" (default #f))\n"
+" (size image-size ;size in bytes as integer\n"
+" (default 'guess))\n"
+" (operating-system image-operating-system ;<operating-system>\n"
+" (default #f))\n"
+" (partitions image-partitions ;list of <partition>\n"
+" (default '()))\n"
+" (compression? image-compression? ;boolean\n"
+" (default #t))\n"
+" (volatile-root? image-volatile-root? ;boolean\n"
+" (default #t))\n"
+" (substitutable? image-substitutable? ;boolean\n"
+" (default #t)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1690
+msgid "This record contains the operating-system to instantiate. The @code{format} field defines the image type and can be @code{efi-raw}, @code{qcow2} or @code{iso9660} for instance. In the future, it could be extended to @code{docker} or other image types."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1693
+msgid "A new directory in the Guix sources is dedicated to images definition. For now there are four files:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1695
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/hurd.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1696
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/pine64.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1697
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/novena.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1698
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/pinebook-pro.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1704
+msgid "Let's have a look to @file{pine64.scm}. It contains the @code{pine64-barebones-os} variable which is a minimal definition of an operating-system dedicated to the @b{Pine A64 LTS} board."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1728
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define pine64-barebones-os\n"
+" (operating-system\n"
+" (host-name \"vignemale\")\n"
+" (timezone \"Europe/Paris\")\n"
+" (locale \"en_US.utf8\")\n"
+" (bootloader (bootloader-configuration\n"
+" (bootloader u-boot-pine64-lts-bootloader)\n"
+" (targets '(\"/dev/vda\"))))\n"
+" (initrd-modules '())\n"
+" (kernel linux-libre-arm64-generic)\n"
+" (file-systems (cons (file-system\n"
+" (device (file-system-label \"my-root\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
+" %base-file-systems))\n"
+" (services (cons (service agetty-service-type\n"
+" (agetty-configuration\n"
+" (extra-options '(\"-L\")) ; no carrier detect\n"
+" (baud-rate \"115200\")\n"
+" (term \"vt100\")\n"
+" (tty \"ttyS0\")))\n"
+" %base-services))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1732
+msgid "The @code{kernel} and @code{bootloader} fields are pointing to packages dedicated to this board."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1734
+msgid "Right below, the @code{pine64-image-type} variable is also defined."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1740
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define pine64-image-type\n"
+" (image-type\n"
+" (name 'pine64-raw)\n"
+" (constructor (cut image-with-os arm64-disk-image <>))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1744
+msgid "It's using a record we haven't talked about yet, the @code{image-type} record, defined this way:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1751
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-record-type* <image-type>\n"
+" image-type make-image-type\n"
+" image-type?\n"
+" (name image-type-name) ;symbol\n"
+" (constructor image-type-constructor)) ;<operating-system> -> <image>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1757
+msgid "The main purpose of this record is to associate a name to a procedure transforming an @code{operating-system} to an image. To understand why it is necessary, let's have a look to the command producing an image from an @code{operating-system} configuration file:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1760
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image my-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1766
+msgid "This command expects an @code{operating-system} configuration but how should we indicate that we want an image targeting a Pine64 board? We need to provide an extra information, the @code{image-type}, by passing the @code{--image-type} or @code{-t} flag, this way:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1769
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=pine64-raw my-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1775
+msgid "This @code{image-type} parameter points to the @code{pine64-image-type} defined above. Hence, the @code{operating-system} declared in @code{my-os.scm} will be applied the @code{(cut image-with-os arm64-disk-image <>)} procedure to turn it into an image."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1777
+msgid "The resulting image looks like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1787
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (format 'disk-image)\n"
+" (target \"aarch64-linux-gnu\")\n"
+" (operating-system my-os)\n"
+" (partitions\n"
+" (list (partition\n"
+" (inherit root-partition)\n"
+" (offset root-offset)))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1791
+msgid "which is the aggregation of the @code{operating-system} defined in @code{my-os.scm} to the @code{arm64-disk-image} record."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1793
+msgid "But enough Scheme madness. What does this image API bring to the Guix user?"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1795
+msgid "One can run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1799
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mathieu@@cervin:~$ guix system --list-image-types\n"
+"The available image types are:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1811
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" - pinebook-pro-raw\n"
+" - pine64-raw\n"
+" - novena-raw\n"
+" - hurd-raw\n"
+" - hurd-qcow2\n"
+" - qcow2\n"
+" - uncompressed-iso9660\n"
+" - efi-raw\n"
+" - arm64-raw\n"
+" - arm32-raw\n"
+" - iso9660\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1816
+msgid "and by writing an @code{operating-system} file based on @code{pine64-barebones-os}, you can customize your image to your preferences in a file (@file{my-pine-os.scm}) like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1820
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu services linux)\n"
+" (gnu system images pine64))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1831
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(let ((base-os pine64-barebones-os))\n"
+" (operating-system\n"
+" (inherit base-os)\n"
+" (timezone \"America/Indiana/Indianapolis\")\n"
+" (services\n"
+" (cons\n"
+" (service earlyoom-service-type\n"
+" (earlyoom-configuration\n"
+" (prefer-regexp \"icecat|chromium\")))\n"
+" (operating-system-user-services base-os)))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1834
+msgid "run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1837
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=pine64-raw my-pine-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1840
+msgid "or,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1843
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=hurd-raw my-hurd-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1847
+msgid "to get an image that can be written directly to a hard drive and booted from."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1849
+msgid "Without changing anything to @code{my-hurd-os.scm}, calling:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1852
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=hurd-qcow2 my-hurd-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1855
+msgid "will instead produce a Hurd QEMU image."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1862
+msgid "To connect to a Wireguard VPN server you need the kernel module to be loaded in memory and a package providing networking tools that support it (e.g. @code{wireguard-tools} or @code{network-manager})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1866
+msgid "Here is a configuration example for Linux-Libre < 5.6, where the module is out of tree and need to be loaded manually---following revisions of the kernel have it built-in and so don't need such configuration:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1871
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-service-modules desktop)\n"
+"(use-package-modules vpn)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1880
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; …\n"
+" (services (cons (simple-service 'wireguard-module\n"
+" kernel-module-loader-service-type\n"
+" '(\"wireguard\"))\n"
+" %desktop-services))\n"
+" (packages (cons wireguard-tools %base-packages))\n"
+" (kernel-loadable-modules (list wireguard-linux-compat)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1884
+msgid "After reconfiguring and restarting your system you can either use Wireguard tools or NetworkManager to connect to a VPN server."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1885
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Using Wireguard tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1891
+msgid "To test your Wireguard setup it is convenient to use @command{wg-quick}. Just give it a configuration file @command{wg-quick up ./wg0.conf}; or put that file in @file{/etc/wireguard} and run @command{wg-quick up wg0} instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1895
+msgid "Be warned that the author described this command as a: “[…] very quick and dirty bash script […]”."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1897
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Using NetworkManager"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1905
+msgid "Thanks to NetworkManager support for Wireguard we can connect to our VPN using @command{nmcli} command. Up to this point this guide assumes that you're using Network Manager service provided by @code{%desktop-services}. Ortherwise you need to adjust your services list to load @code{network-manager-service-type} and reconfigure your Guix system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1907
+msgid "To import your VPN configuration execute nmcli import command:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1911
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# nmcli connection import type wireguard file wg0.conf\n"
+"Connection 'wg0' (edbee261-aa5a-42db-b032-6c7757c60fde) successfully added\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1916
+msgid "This will create a configuration file in @file{/etc/NetworkManager/wg0.nmconnection}. Next connect to the Wireguard server:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1920
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ nmcli connection up wg0\n"
+"Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/6)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1924
+msgid "By default NetworkManager will connect automatically on system boot. To change that behaviour you need to edit your config:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1927
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "# nmcli connection modify wg0 connection.autoconnect no\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1932
+msgid "For more specific information about NetworkManager and wireguard @uref{https://blogs.gnome.org/thaller/2019/03/15/wireguard-in-networkmanager/,see this post by thaller}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1935
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "wm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1937 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1938
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "StumpWM"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1939
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "stumpwm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1944
+msgid "You could install StumpWM with a Guix system by adding @code{stumpwm} and optionally @code{`(,stumpwm \"lib\")} packages to a system configuration file, e.g.@: @file{/etc/config.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1946
+msgid "An example configuration can look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1950
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-package-modules wm)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1955
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; …\n"
+" (packages (append (list sbcl stumpwm `(,stumpwm \"lib\"))\n"
+" %base-packages)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1957
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "stumpwm fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1961
+msgid "By default StumpWM uses X11 fonts, which could be small or pixelated on your system. You could fix this by installing StumpWM contrib Lisp module @code{sbcl-ttf-fonts}, adding it to Guix system packages:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1965
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-package-modules fonts wm)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1970
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; …\n"
+" (packages (append (list sbcl stumpwm `(,stumpwm \"lib\"))\n"
+" sbcl-ttf-fonts font-dejavu %base-packages)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1974
+msgid "Then you need to add the following code to a StumpWM configuration file @file{~/.stumpwm.d/init.lisp}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1981
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(require :ttf-fonts)\n"
+"(setf xft:*font-dirs* '(\"/run/current-system/profile/share/fonts/\"))\n"
+"(setf clx-truetype:+font-cache-filename+ (concat (getenv \"HOME\") \"/.fonts/font-cache.sexp\"))\n"
+"(set-font (make-instance 'xft:font :family \"DejaVu Sans Mono\" :subfamily \"Book\" :size 11))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1983 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1984
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Session lock"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1985
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "sessionlock"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1991
+msgid "Depending on your environment, locking the screen of your session might come built in or it might be something you have to set up yourself. If you use a desktop environment like GNOME or KDE, it's usually built in. If you use a plain window manager like StumpWM or EXWM, you might have to set it up yourself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1992 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1993
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Xorg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1999
+msgid "If you use Xorg, you can use the utility @uref{https://www.mankier.com/1/xss-lock, xss-lock} to lock the screen of your session. xss-lock is triggered by DPMS which since Xorg 1.8 is auto-detected and enabled if ACPI is also enabled at kernel runtime."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2002
+msgid "To use xss-lock, you can simple execute it and put it into the background before you start your window manager from e.g. your @file{~/.xsession}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2006
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"xss-lock -- slock &\n"
+"exec stumpwm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2010
+msgid "In this example, xss-lock uses @code{slock} to do the actual locking of the screen when it determines it's appropriate, like when you suspend your device."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2014
+msgid "For slock to be allowed to be a screen locker for the graphical session, it needs to be made setuid-root so it can authenticate users, and it needs a PAM service. This can be achieved by adding the following service to your @file{config.scm}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2017
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(screen-locker-service slock)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2023
+msgid "If you manually lock your screen, e.g. by directly calling slock when you want to lock your screen but not suspend it, it's a good idea to notify xss-lock about this so no confusion occurs. This can be done by executing @code{xset s activate} immediately before you execute slock."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2026
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "linode, Linode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2031
+msgid "To run Guix on a server hosted by @uref{https://www.linode.com, Linode}, start with a recommended Debian server. We recommend using the default distro as a way to bootstrap Guix. Create your SSH keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2034
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "ssh-keygen\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2040
+msgid "Be sure to add your SSH key for easy login to the remote server. This is trivially done via Linode's graphical interface for adding SSH keys. Go to your profile and click add SSH Key. Copy into it the output of:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2043
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "cat ~/.ssh/<username>_rsa.pub\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2046
+msgid "Power the Linode down."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2050
+msgid "In the Linode's Storage tab, resize the Debian disk to be smaller. 30 GB free space is recommended. Then click \"Add a disk\", and fill out the form with the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2054
+msgid "Label: \"Guix\""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2057
+msgid "Filesystem: ext4"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2060
+msgid "Set it to the remaining size"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2065
+msgid "In the Configurations tab, press \"Edit\" on the default Debian profile. Under \"Block Device Assignment\" click \"Add a Device\". It should be @file{/dev/sdc} and you can select the \"Guix\" disk. Save Changes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2067
+msgid "Now \"Add a Configuration\", with the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2070
+msgid "Label: Guix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2073
+msgid "Kernel:GRUB 2 (it's at the bottom! This step is @b{IMPORTANT!})"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2076
+msgid "Block device assignment:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2079
+msgid "@file{/dev/sda}: Guix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2082
+msgid "@file{/dev/sdb}: swap"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2085
+msgid "Root device: @file{/dev/sda}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2088
+msgid "Turn off all the filesystem/boot helpers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2095
+msgid "Now power it back up, booting with the Debian configuration. Once it's running, ssh to your server via @code{ssh root@@@var{<your-server-IP-here>}}. (You can find your server IP address in your Linode Summary section.) Now you can run the \"install guix from @pxref{Binary Installation,,, guix, GNU Guix}\" steps:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2103
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"sudo apt-get install gpg\n"
+"wget https://sv.gnu.org/people/viewgpg.php?user_id=15145 -qO - | gpg --import -\n"
+"wget https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh\n"
+"chmod +x guix-install.sh\n"
+"guix pull\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2107
+msgid "Now it's time to write out a config for the server. The key information is below. Save the resulting file as @file{guix-config.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2118
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu)\n"
+" (guix modules))\n"
+"(use-service-modules networking\n"
+" ssh)\n"
+"(use-package-modules admin\n"
+" certs\n"
+" package-management\n"
+" ssh\n"
+" tls)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2135
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (host-name \"my-server\")\n"
+" (timezone \"America/New_York\")\n"
+" (locale \"en_US.UTF-8\")\n"
+" ;; This goofy code will generate the grub.cfg\n"
+" ;; without installing the grub bootloader on disk.\n"
+" (bootloader (bootloader-configuration\n"
+" (bootloader\n"
+" (bootloader\n"
+" (inherit grub-bootloader)\n"
+" (installer #~(const #true))))))\n"
+" (file-systems (cons (file-system\n"
+" (device \"/dev/sda\")\n"
+" (mount-point \"/\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
+" %base-file-systems))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2138
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (swap-devices (list \"/dev/sdb\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2142
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (initrd-modules (cons \"virtio_scsi\" ; Needed to find the disk\n"
+" %base-initrd-modules))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2151
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (users (cons (user-account\n"
+" (name \"janedoe\")\n"
+" (group \"users\")\n"
+" ;; Adding the account to the \"wheel\" group\n"
+" ;; makes it a sudoer.\n"
+" (supplementary-groups '(\"wheel\"))\n"
+" (home-directory \"/home/janedoe\"))\n"
+" %base-user-accounts))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2155
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (packages (cons* nss-certs ;for HTTPS access\n"
+" openssh-sans-x\n"
+" %base-packages))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2166
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (services (cons*\n"
+" (service dhcp-client-service-type)\n"
+" (service openssh-service-type\n"
+" (openssh-configuration\n"
+" (openssh openssh-sans-x)\n"
+" (password-authentication? #false)\n"
+" (authorized-keys\n"
+" `((\"janedoe\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\"))\n"
+" (\"root\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\"))))))\n"
+" %base-services)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2169
+msgid "Replace the following fields in the above configuration:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2177
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(host-name \"my-server\") ; replace with your server name\n"
+"; if you chose a linode server outside the U.S., then\n"
+"; use tzselect to find a correct timezone string\n"
+"(timezone \"America/New_York\") ; if needed replace timezone\n"
+"(name \"janedoe\") ; replace with your username\n"
+"(\"janedoe\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\")) ; replace with your ssh key\n"
+"(\"root\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\")) ; replace with your ssh key\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2184
+msgid "The last line in the above example lets you log into the server as root and set the initial root password (see the note at the end of this recipe about root login). After you have done this, you may delete that line from your configuration and reconfigure to prevent root login."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2189
+msgid "Copy your ssh public key (eg: @file{~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub}) as @file{@var{<your-username-here>}_rsa.pub} and put @file{guix-config.scm} in the same directory. In a new terminal run these commands."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2194
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"sftp root@@<remote server ip address>\n"
+"put /path/to/files/<username>_rsa.pub .\n"
+"put /path/to/files/guix-config.scm .\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2197
+msgid "In your first terminal, mount the guix drive:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2201
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir /mnt/guix\n"
+"mount /dev/sdc /mnt/guix\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2206
+msgid "Due to the way we set up the bootloader section of the guix-config.scm, only the grub configuration file will be installed. So, we need to copy over some of the other GRUB stuff already installed on the Debian system:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir -p /mnt/guix/boot/grub\n"
+"cp -r /boot/grub/* /mnt/guix/boot/grub/\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2213
+msgid "Now initialize the Guix installation:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2216
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system init guix-config.scm /mnt/guix\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2220
+msgid "Ok, power it down! Now from the Linode console, select boot and select \"Guix\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2223
+msgid "Once it boots, you should be able to log in via SSH! (The server config will have changed though.) You may encounter an error like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2239
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ ssh root@@<server ip address>\n"
+"Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!\n"
+"It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.\n"
+"The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator.\n"
+"Add correct host key in /home/joshua/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.\n"
+"Offending ECDSA key in /home/joshua/.ssh/known_hosts:3\n"
+"ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.\n"
+"Host key verification failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2243
+msgid "Either delete @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} file, or delete the offending line starting with your server IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2245
+msgid "Be sure to set your password and root's password."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2250
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"ssh root@@<remote ip address>\n"
+"passwd ; for the root password\n"
+"passwd <username> ; for the user password\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2257
+msgid "You may not be able to run the above commands at this point. If you have issues remotely logging into your linode box via SSH, then you may still need to set your root and user password initially by clicking on the ``Launch Console'' option in your linode. Choose the ``Glish'' instead of ``Weblish''. Now you should be able to ssh into the machine."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2261
+msgid "Hooray! At this point you can shut down the server, delete the Debian disk, and resize the Guix to the rest of the size. Congratulations!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2266
+msgid "By the way, if you save it as a disk image right at this point, you'll have an easy time spinning up new Guix images! You may need to down-size the Guix image to 6144MB, to save it as an image. Then you can resize it again to the max size."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2275
+msgid "To bind mount a file system, one must first set up some definitions before the @code{operating-system} section of the system definition. In this example we will bind mount a folder from a spinning disk drive to @file{/tmp}, to save wear and tear on the primary SSD, without dedicating an entire partition to be mounted as @file{/tmp}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2278
+msgid "First, the source drive that hosts the folder we wish to bind mount should be defined, so that the bind mount can depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define source-drive ;; \"source-drive\" can be named anything you want.\n"
+" (file-system\n"
+" (device (uuid \"UUID goes here\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/path-to-spinning-disk-goes-here\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))) ;; Make sure to set this to the appropriate type for your drive.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2289
+msgid "The source folder must also be defined, so that guix will know it's not a regular block device, but a folder."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2291
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(define (%source-directory) \"/path-to-spinning-disk-goes-here/tmp\") ;; \"source-directory\" can be named any valid variable name.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2295
+msgid "Finally, inside the @code{file-systems} definition, we must add the mount itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2298
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(file-systems (cons*\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2300
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ...<other drives omitted for clarity>...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2302
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" source-drive ;; Must match the name you gave the source drive in the earlier definition.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2310
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (file-system\n"
+" (device (%source-directory)) ;; Make sure \"source-directory\" matches your earlier definition.\n"
+" (mount-point \"/tmp\")\n"
+" (type \"none\") ;; We are mounting a folder, not a partition, so this type needs to be \"none\"\n"
+" (flags '(bind-mount))\n"
+" (dependencies (list source-drive)) ;; Ensure \"source-drive\" matches what you've named the variable for the drive.\n"
+" )\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2312
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ...<other drives omitted for clarity>...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2314
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " ))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2321
+msgid "Guix daemon can use a HTTP proxy to get substitutes, here we are configuring it to get them via Tor."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2322
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2328
+msgid "@emph{Not all} Guix daemon's traffic will go through Tor! Only HTTP/HTTPS will get proxied; FTP, Git protocol, SSH, etc connections will still go through the clearnet. Again, this configuration isn't foolproof some of your traffic won't get routed by Tor at all. Use it at your own risk."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2334
+msgid "Also note that the procedure described here applies only to package substitution. When you update your guix distribution with @command{guix pull}, you still need to use @command{torsocks} if you want to route the connection to guix's git repository servers through Tor."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2339
+msgid "Guix's substitute server is available as a Onion service, if you want to use it to get your substitutes through Tor configure your system as follow:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-service-module base networking)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2359
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" …\n"
+" (services\n"
+" (cons\n"
+" (service tor-service-type\n"
+" (tor-configuration\n"
+" (config-file (plain-file \"tor-config\"\n"
+" \"HTTPTunnelPort\"))))\n"
+" (modify-services %base-services\n"
+" (guix-service-type\n"
+" config => (guix-configuration\n"
+" (inherit config)\n"
+" ;; ci.guix.gnu.org's Onion service\n"
+" (substitute-urls \"https://bp7o7ckwlewr4slm.onion\")\n"
+" (http-proxy \"http://localhost:9250\")))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2368
+msgid "This will keep a tor process running that provides a HTTP CONNECT tunnel which will be used by @command{guix-daemon}. The daemon can use other protocols than HTTP(S) to get remote resources, request using those protocols won't go through Tor since we are only setting a HTTP tunnel here. Note that @code{substitutes-urls} is using HTTPS and not HTTP or it won't work, that's a limitation of Tor's tunnel; you may want to use @command{privoxy} instead to avoid such limitations."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2372
+msgid "If you don't want to always get substitutes through Tor but using it just some of the times, then skip the @code{guix-configuration}. When you want to get a substitute from the Tor tunnel run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2376
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"sudo herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon http://localhost:9250\n"
+"guix build --substitute-urls=https://bp7o7ckwlewr4slm.onion …\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2380
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "nginx, lua, openresty, resty"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2383
+msgid "NGINX could be extended with Lua scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2386
+msgid "Guix provides NGINX service with ability to load Lua module and specific Lua packages, and reply to requests by evaluating Lua scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2390
+msgid "The following example demonstrates system definition with configuration to evaluate @file{index.lua} Lua script on HTTP request to @uref{http://localhost/hello} endpoint:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2393
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"local shell = require \"resty.shell\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2397
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"local stdin = \"\"\n"
+"local timeout = 1000 -- ms\n"
+"local max_size = 4096 -- byte\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2400
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"local ok, stdout, stderr, reason, status =\n"
+" shell.run([[/run/current-system/profile/bin/ls /tmp]], stdin, timeout, max_size)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2402
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "ngx.say(stdout)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2433
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-service-modules #;… web)\n"
+"(use-package-modules #;… lua)\n"
+" ;; …\n"
+" (services\n"
+" ;; …\n"
+" (service nginx-service-type\n"
+" (nginx-configuration\n"
+" (modules\n"
+" (list\n"
+" (file-append nginx-lua-module \"/etc/nginx/modules/ngx_http_lua_module.so\")))\n"
+" (lua-package-path (list lua-resty-core\n"
+" lua-resty-lrucache\n"
+" lua-resty-signal\n"
+" lua-tablepool\n"
+" lua-resty-shell))\n"
+" (lua-package-cpath (list lua-resty-signal))\n"
+" (server-blocks\n"
+" (list (nginx-server-configuration\n"
+" (server-name '(\"localhost\"))\n"
+" (listen '(\"80\"))\n"
+" (root \"/etc\")\n"
+" (locations (list\n"
+" (nginx-location-configuration\n"
+" (uri \"/hello\")\n"
+" (body (list #~(format #f \"content_by_lua_file ~s;\"\n"
+" #$(local-file \"index.lua\"))))))))))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2444
+msgid "Guix is a functional package manager that offers many features beyond what more traditional package managers can do. To the uninitiated, those features might not have obvious use cases at first. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate some advanced package management concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2447
+msgid "@pxref{Package Management,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for a complete reference."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2450 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2453
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix Profiles in Practice"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2450
+msgid "Strategies for multiple profiles and manifests."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2458
+msgid "Guix provides a very useful feature that may be quite foreign to newcomers: @emph{profiles}. They are a way to group package installations together and all users on the same system are free to use as many profiles as they want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2463
+msgid "Whether you're a developer or not, you may find that multiple profiles bring you great power and flexibility. While they shift the paradigm somewhat compared to @emph{traditional package managers}, they are very convenient to use once you've understood how to set them up."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2469
+msgid "If you are familiar with Python's @samp{virtualenv}, you can think of a profile as a kind of universal @samp{virtualenv} that can hold any kind of software whatsoever, not just Python software. Furthermore, profiles are self-sufficient: they capture all the runtime dependencies which guarantees that all programs within a profile will always work at any point in time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2471
+msgid "Multiple profiles have many benefits:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2475
+msgid "Clean semantic separation of the various packages a user needs for different contexts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2479
+msgid "Multiple profiles can be made available into the environment either on login or within a dedicated shell."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2483
+msgid "Profiles can be loaded on demand. For instance, the user can use multiple shells, each of them running different profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2488
+msgid "Isolation: Programs from one profile will not use programs from the other, and the user can even install different versions of the same programs to the two profiles without conflict."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2492
+msgid "Deduplication: Profiles share dependencies that happens to be the exact same. This makes multiple profiles storage-efficient."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2500
+msgid "Reproducible: when used with declarative manifests, a profile can be fully specified by the Guix commit that was active when it was set up. This means that the exact same profile can be @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2018/multi-dimensional-transactions-and-rollbacks-oh-my/, set up anywhere and anytime}, with just the commit information. See the section on @ref{Reproducible profiles}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2504
+msgid "Easier upgrades and maintenance: Multiple profiles make it easy to keep package listings at hand and make upgrades completely frictionless."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2507
+msgid "Concretely, here follows some typical profiles:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2511
+msgid "The dependencies of a project you are working on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2514
+msgid "Your favourite programming language libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2517
+msgid "Laptop-specific programs (like @samp{powertop}) that you don't need on a desktop."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2521
+msgid "@TeX{}live (this one can be really useful when you need to install just one package for this one document you've just received over email)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2524
+msgid "Games."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2527
+msgid "Let's dive in the set up!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2528 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2529
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Basic setup with manifests"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2533
+msgid "A Guix profile can be set up @emph{via} a so-called @emph{manifest specification} that looks like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2543
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" '(\"package-1\"\n"
+" ;; Version 1.3 of package-2.\n"
+" \"package-2@@1.3\"\n"
+" ;; The \"lib\" output of package-3.\n"
+" \"package-3:lib\"\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" \"package-N\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2547
+msgid "@pxref{Invoking guix package,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for the syntax details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2549
+msgid "We can create a manifest specification per profile and install them this way:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2554
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project # if it does not exist yet\n"
+"guix package --manifest=/path/to/guix-my-project-manifest.scm --profile=\"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2558
+msgid "Here we set an arbitrary variable @samp{GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES} to point to the directory where we will store our profiles in the rest of this article."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2564
+msgid "Placing all your profiles in a single directory, with each profile getting its own sub-directory, is somewhat cleaner. This way, each sub-directory will contain all the symlinks for precisely one profile. Besides, ``looping over profiles'' becomes obvious from any programming language (e.g.@: a shell script) by simply looping over the sub-directories of @samp{$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2566
+msgid "Note that it's also possible to loop over the output of"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2569
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package --list-profiles\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2572
+msgid "although you'll probably have to filter out @file{~/.config/guix/current}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2574
+msgid "To enable all profiles on login, add this to your @file{~/.bash_profile} (or similar):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2584
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in $GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES/*; do\n"
+" profile=$i/$(basename \"$i\")\n"
+" if [ -f \"$profile\"/etc/profile ]; then\n"
+" GUIX_PROFILE=\"$profile\"\n"
+" . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile\n"
+" fi\n"
+" unset profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2589
+msgid "Note to Guix System users: the above reflects how your default profile @file{~/.guix-profile} is activated from @file{/etc/profile}, that latter being loaded by @file{~/.bashrc} by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2591
+msgid "You can obviously choose to only enable a subset of them:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2601
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project-1 \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project-2; do\n"
+" profile=$i/$(basename \"$i\")\n"
+" if [ -f \"$profile\"/etc/profile ]; then\n"
+" GUIX_PROFILE=\"$profile\"\n"
+" . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile\n"
+" fi\n"
+" unset profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2605
+msgid "When a profile is off, it's straightforward to enable it for an individual shell without \"polluting\" the rest of the user session:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2608
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "GUIX_PROFILE=\"path/to/my-project\" ; . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2615
+msgid "The key to enabling a profile is to @emph{source} its @samp{etc/profile} file. This file contains shell code that exports the right environment variables necessary to activate the software contained in the profile. It is built automatically by Guix and meant to be sourced. It contains the same variables you would get if you ran:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2618
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package --search-paths=prefix --profile=$my_profile\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2622
+msgid "Once again, see (@pxref{Invoking guix package,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}) for the command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2624
+msgid "To upgrade a profile, simply install the manifest again:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2627
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package -m /path/to/guix-my-project-manifest.scm -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2633
+msgid "To upgrade all profiles, it's easy enough to loop over them. For instance, assuming your manifest specifications are stored in @file{~/.guix-manifests/guix-$profile-manifest.scm}, with @samp{$profile} being the name of the profile (e.g.@: \"project1\"), you could do the following in Bourne shell:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2638
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for profile in \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/*; do\n"
+" guix package --profile=\"$profile\" --manifest=\"$HOME/.guix-manifests/guix-$profile-manifest.scm\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2641
+msgid "Each profile has its own generations:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2644
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project --list-generations\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2647
+msgid "You can roll-back to any generation of a given profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2650
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project --switch-generations=17\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2654
+msgid "Finally, if you want to switch to a profile without inheriting from the current environment, you can activate it from an empty shell:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2658
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"env -i $(which bash) --login --noprofile --norc\n"
+". my-project/etc/profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2660 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2661
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Required packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2666
+msgid "Activating a profile essentially boils down to exporting a bunch of environmental variables. This is the role of the @samp{etc/profile} within the profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: emph{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2669
+msgid "Note: Only the environmental variables of the packages that consume them will be set."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2673
+msgid "For instance, @samp{MANPATH} won't be set if there is no consumer application for man pages within the profile. So if you need to transparently access man pages once the profile is loaded, you've got two options:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2677
+msgid "Either export the variable manually, e.g."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2679
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "export MANPATH=/path/to/profile$@{MANPATH:+:@}$MANPATH\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2683
+msgid "Or include @samp{man-db} to the profile manifest."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2687
+msgid "The same is true for @samp{INFOPATH} (you can install @samp{info-reader}), @samp{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} (install @samp{pkg-config}), etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2688 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2689
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Default profile"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2692
+msgid "What about the default profile that Guix keeps in @file{~/.guix-profile}?"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2695
+msgid "You can assign it the role you want. Typically you would install the manifest of the packages you want to use all the time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2699
+msgid "Alternatively, you could keep it ``manifest-less'' for throw-away packages that you would just use for a couple of days. This way makes it convenient to run"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2703
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"guix install package-foo\n"
+"guix upgrade package-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2706
+msgid "without having to specify the path to a profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2707 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2708
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The benefits of manifests"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2712
+msgid "Manifests are a convenient way to keep your package lists around and, say, to synchronize them across multiple machines using a version control system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2716
+msgid "A common complaint about manifests is that they can be slow to install when they contain large number of packages. This is especially cumbersome when you just want get an upgrade for one package within a big manifest."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2721
+msgid "This is one more reason to use multiple profiles, which happen to be just perfect to break down manifests into multiple sets of semantically connected packages. Using multiple, small profiles provides more flexibility and usability."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2723
+msgid "Manifests come with multiple benefits. In particular, they ease maintenance:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2731
+msgid "When a profile is set up from a manifest, the manifest itself is self-sufficient to keep a ``package listing'' around and reinstall the profile later or on a different system. For ad-hoc profiles, we would need to generate a manifest specification manually and maintain the package versions for the packages that don't use the default version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2736
+msgid "@code{guix package --upgrade} always tries to update the packages that have propagated inputs, even if there is nothing to do. Guix manifests remove this problem."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2742
+msgid "When partially upgrading a profile, conflicts may arise (due to diverging dependencies between the updated and the non-updated packages) and they can be annoying to resolve manually. Manifests remove this problem altogether since all packages are always upgraded at once."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2748
+msgid "As mentioned above, manifests allow for reproducible profiles, while the imperative @code{guix install}, @code{guix upgrade}, etc. do not, since they produce different profiles every time even when they hold the same packages. See @uref{https://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/33285, the related discussion on the matter}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2756
+msgid "Manifest specifications are usable by other @samp{guix} commands. For example, you can run @code{guix weather -m manifest.scm} to see how many substitutes are available, which can help you decide whether you want to try upgrading today or wait a while. Another example: you can run @code{guix pack -m manifest.scm} to create a pack containing all the packages in the manifest (and their transitive references)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2760
+msgid "Finally, manifests have a Scheme representation, the @samp{<manifest>} record type. They can be manipulated in Scheme and passed to the various Guix @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Api, APIs}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2768
+msgid "It's important to understand that while manifests can be used to declare profiles, they are not strictly equivalent: profiles have the side effect that they ``pin'' packages in the store, which prevents them from being garbage-collected (@pxref{Invoking guix gc,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}) and ensures that they will still be available at any point in the future."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2770
+msgid "Let's take an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2776
+msgid "We have an environment for hacking on a project for which there isn't a Guix package yet. We build the environment using a manifest, and then run @code{guix environment -m manifest.scm}. So far so good."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2782
+msgid "Many weeks pass and we have run a couple of @code{guix pull} in the mean time. Maybe a dependency from our manifest has been updated; or we may have run @code{guix gc} and some packages needed by our manifest have been garbage-collected."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2787
+msgid "Eventually, we set to work on that project again, so we run @code{guix environment -m manifest.scm}. But now we have to wait for Guix to build and install stuff!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2793
+msgid "Ideally, we could spare the rebuild time. And indeed we can, all we need is to install the manifest to a profile and use @code{GUIX_PROFILE=/the/profile; . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile} as explained above: this guarantees that our hacking environment will be available at all times."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2796
+msgid "@emph{Security warning:} While keeping old profiles around can be convenient, keep in mind that outdated packages may not have received the latest security fixes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2797 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2798
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Reproducible profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2801
+msgid "To reproduce a profile bit-for-bit, we need two pieces of information:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2805
+msgid "a manifest,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2807
+msgid "a Guix channel specification."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2811
+msgid "Indeed, manifests alone might not be enough: different Guix versions (or different channels) can produce different outputs for a given manifest."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2815
+msgid "You can output the Guix channel specification with @samp{guix describe --format=channels}. Save this to a file, say @samp{channel-specs.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2818
+msgid "On another computer, you can use the channel specification file and the manifest to reproduce the exact same profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2822
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2825
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir \"$GUIX_EXTRA\"/my-project\n"
+"guix pull --channels=channel-specs.scm --profile \"$GUIX_EXTRA/my-project/guix\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2828
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES/my-project\"\n"
+"\"$GUIX_EXTRA\"/my-project/guix/bin/guix package --manifest=/path/to/guix-my-project-manifest.scm --profile=\"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2832
+msgid "It's safe to delete the Guix channel profile you've just installed with the channel specification, the project profile does not depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2839
+msgid "Guix provides multiple tools to manage environment. This chapter demonstrate such utilities."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2842 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2845
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix environment via direnv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2842
+msgid "Setup Guix environment with direnv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2850
+msgid "Guix provides a @samp{direnv} package, which could extend shell after directory change. This tool could be used to prepare a pure Guix environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2856
+msgid "The following example provides a shell function for @file{~/.direnvrc} file, which could be used from Guix Git repository in @file{~/src/guix/.envrc} file to setup a build environment similar to described in @pxref{Building from Git,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2858
+msgid "Create a @file{~/.direnvrc} with a Bash code:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2876
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# Thanks <https://github.com/direnv/direnv/issues/73#issuecomment-152284914>\n"
+" local name=$1\n"
+" local alias_dir=$PWD/.direnv/aliases\n"
+" mkdir -p \"$alias_dir\"\n"
+" PATH_add \"$alias_dir\"\n"
+" local target=\"$alias_dir/$name\"\n"
+" if declare -f \"$name\" >/dev/null; then\n"
+" echo \"#!$SHELL\" > \"$target\"\n"
+" declare -f \"$name\" >> \"$target\" 2>/dev/null\n"
+" # Notice that we add shell variables to the function trigger.\n"
+" echo \"$name \\$*\" >> \"$target\"\n"
+" chmod +x \"$target\"\n"
+" fi\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2881
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Set GitHub token.\n"
+" export GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN=\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2884
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Unset 'GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH'.\n"
+" export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=\"\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2893
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Recreate a garbage collector root.\n"
+" gcroots=\"$HOME/.config/guix/gcroots\"\n"
+" mkdir -p \"$gcroots\"\n"
+" gcroot=\"$gcroots/guix\"\n"
+" if [ -L \"$gcroot\" ]\n"
+" then\n"
+" rm -v \"$gcroot\"\n"
+" fi\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2908
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Miscellaneous packages.\n"
+" direnv\n"
+" git\n"
+" git:send-email\n"
+" git-cal\n"
+" gnupg\n"
+" guile-colorized\n"
+" guile-readline\n"
+" less\n"
+" ncurses\n"
+" openssh\n"
+" xdot\n"
+" )\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2911
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Environment packages.\n"
+" PACKAGES=(help2man guile-sqlite3 guile-gcrypt)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2914
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Thanks <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-09/msg00859.html>\n"
+" eval \"$(guix environment --search-paths --root=\"$gcroot\" --pure guix --ad-hoc $@{PACKAGES[@@]@} $@{PACKAGES_MAINTENANCE[@@]@} \"$@@\")\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2921
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Predefine configure flags.\n"
+" configure()\n"
+" @{\n"
+" ./configure --localstatedir=/var --prefix=\n"
+" @}\n"
+" export_function configure\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2932
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Run make and optionally build something.\n"
+" build()\n"
+" @{\n"
+" make -j 2\n"
+" if [ $# -gt 0 ]\n"
+" then\n"
+" ./pre-inst-env guix build \"$@@\"\n"
+" fi\n"
+" @}\n"
+" export_function build\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2939
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Predefine push Git command.\n"
+" push()\n"
+" @{\n"
+" git push --set-upstream origin\n"
+" @}\n"
+" export_function push\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2942
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" clear # Clean up the screen.\n"
+" git-cal --author='Your Name' # Show contributions calendar.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2950
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Show commands help.\n"
+" echo \"\n"
+"build build a package or just a project if no argument provided\n"
+"configure run ./configure with predefined parameters\n"
+"push push to upstream Git repository\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2954
+msgid "Every project containing @file{.envrc} with a string @code{use guix} will have predefined environment variables and procedures."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2956
+msgid "Run @command{direnv allow} to setup the environment for the first time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2968
+msgid "Guix is based on the @uref{https://nixos.org/nix/, Nix package manager}, which was designed and implemented by Eelco Dolstra, with contributions from other people (see the @file{nix/AUTHORS} file in Guix.) Nix pioneered functional package management, and promoted unprecedented features, such as transactional package upgrades and rollbacks, per-user profiles, and referentially transparent build processes. Without this work, Guix would not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2971
+msgid "The Nix-based software distributions, Nixpkgs and NixOS, have also been an inspiration for Guix."
+msgstr "As distribuições de software baseadas em Nix, Nixpkgs e NixOS, também foram uma inspiração para o Guix."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2977
+msgid "GNU@tie{}Guix itself is a collective work with contributions from a number of people. See the @file{AUTHORS} file in Guix for more information on these fine people. The @file{THANKS} file lists people who have helped by reporting bugs, taking care of the infrastructure, providing artwork and themes, making suggestions, and more---thank you!"
+msgstr "O GNU@tie{}Guix em si é um trabalho coletivo com contribuições de várias pessoas. Veja o arquivo @file{AUTHORS} no Guix para obter mais informações sobre essas pessoas legais. O arquivo @file{THANKS} lista as pessoas que ajudaram a relatar erros, cuidar da infraestrutura, fornecer ilustrações e temas, fazer sugestões e muito mais -- obrigado!"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2980
+msgid "This document includes adapted sections from articles that have previously been published on the Guix blog at @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/blog}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2985
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "license, GNU Free Documentation License"
+msgstr "licença, Licença de Documentação Livre GNU"
+#. type: include
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2986
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "fdl-1.3.texi"
+msgstr "fdl-1.3.texi"
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.sk.po b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.sk.po
index 86be241cdb..f34214e1b8 100644
--- a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.sk.po
+++ b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.sk.po
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Copyright (C) 2021 the authors of Guix (msgids) and the following authors (msgstr)
# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix manual package.
-# Marek Felšöci <marek@felsoci.sk>, 2021.
+# Marek Felšöci <marek@felsoci.sk>, 2021, 2022.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: guix manual checkout\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-31 15:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-12-15 00:16+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-08 17:16+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Marek Felšöci <marek@felsoci.sk>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook/sk/>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.9.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.10.1\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ msgstr "Ďakujeme!"
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2984
#, no-wrap
msgid "GNU Free Documentation License"
-msgstr "GNU Free Documentation License"
+msgstr "Licencia GNU Free Documentation"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
@@ -949,13 +949,13 @@ msgstr ""
"$ gpg --verify /gnu/store/rzs8wba9ka7grrmgcpfyxvs58mly0sx6-hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig /gnu/store/hbdalsf5lpf01x4dcknwx6xbn6n5km6k-hello-2.10.tar.gz\n"
-"gpg: Signature made Sun 16 Nov 2014 01:08:37 PM CET\n"
-"gpg: using RSA key A9553245FDE9B739\n"
-"gpg: Good signature from \"Sami Kerola <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" [unknown]\n"
-"gpg: aka \"Sami Kerola (http://www.iki.fi/kerolasa/) <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" [unknown]\n"
-"gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n"
-"gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n"
-"Primary key fingerprint: 8ED3 96E3 7E38 D471 A005 30D3 A955 3245 FDE9 B739\n"
+"gpg: Podpis vytvorený Ne 16. november 2014, 13:08:37 CET\n"
+"gpg: pomocou RSA kľúča A9553245FDE9B739\n"
+"gpg: Dobrý podpis od \"Sami Kerola <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" neznáme\n"
+"gpg: alias \"Sami Kerola (http://www.iki.fi/kerolasa/) <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" neznáme\n"
+"gpg: VAROVANIE: Tento kľúč nie certifikovaný dôveryhodným podpisom!\n"
+"gpg: Nič nenaznačuje tomu, že tento podpis patrí vlastníkovi kľúča.\n"
+"Primárny fingerprint kľúča: 8ED3 96E3 7E38 D471 A005 30D3 A955 3245 FDE9 B739\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:530
@@ -1407,67 +1407,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:834
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(define-public my-libgit2\n"
-#| " (let ((commit \"e98d0a37c93574d2c6107bf7f31140b548c6a7bf\")\n"
-#| " (revision \"1\"))\n"
-#| " (package\n"
-#| " (name \"my-libgit2\")\n"
-#| " (version (git-version \"0.26.6\" revision commit))\n"
-#| " (source (origin\n"
-#| " (method git-fetch)\n"
-#| " (uri (git-reference\n"
-#| " (url \"https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/\")\n"
-#| " (commit commit)))\n"
-#| " (file-name (git-file-name name version))\n"
-#| " (sha256\n"
-#| " (base32\n"
-#| " \"17pjvprmdrx4h6bb1hhc98w9qi6ki7yl57f090n9kbhswxqfs7s3\"))\n"
-#| " (patches (search-patches \"libgit2-mtime-0.patch\"))\n"
-#| " (modules '((guix build utils)))\n"
-#| " (snippet '(begin\n"
-#| " ;; Remove bundled software.\n"
-#| " (delete-file-recursively \"deps\")\n"
-#| " #true))))\n"
-#| " (build-system cmake-build-system)\n"
-#| " (outputs '(\"out\" \"debug\"))\n"
-#| " (arguments\n"
-#| " `(#:tests? #true ; Run the test suite (this is the default)\n"
-#| " #:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\") ; SHA-1 collision detection\n"
-#| " #:phases\n"
-#| " (modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
-#| " (add-after 'unpack 'fix-hardcoded-paths\n"
-#| " (lambda _\n"
-#| " (substitute* \"tests/repo/init.c\"\n"
-#| " ((\"#!/bin/sh\") (string-append \"#!\" (which \"sh\"))))\n"
-#| " (substitute* \"tests/clar/fs.h\"\n"
-#| " ((\"/bin/cp\") (which \"cp\"))\n"
-#| " ((\"/bin/rm\") (which \"rm\")))\n"
-#| " #true))\n"
-#| " ;; Run checks more verbosely.\n"
-#| " (replace 'check\n"
-#| " (lambda _ (invoke \"./libgit2_clar\" \"-v\" \"-Q\")))\n"
-#| " (add-after 'unpack 'make-files-writable-for-tests\n"
-#| " (lambda _ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files \".\" \".*\")))))))\n"
-#| " (inputs\n"
-#| " `((\"libssh2\" ,libssh2)\n"
-#| " (\"http-parser\" ,http-parser)\n"
-#| " (\"python\" ,python-wrapper)))\n"
-#| " (native-inputs\n"
-#| " `((\"pkg-config\" ,pkg-config)))\n"
-#| " (propagated-inputs\n"
-#| " ;; These two libraries are in 'Requires.private' in libgit2.pc.\n"
-#| " `((\"openssl\" ,openssl)\n"
-#| " (\"zlib\" ,zlib)))\n"
-#| " (home-page \"https://libgit2.github.com/\")\n"
-#| " (synopsis \"Library providing Git core methods\")\n"
-#| " (description\n"
-#| " \"Libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods\n"
-#| "provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to\n"
-#| "write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings.\")\n"
-#| " ;; GPLv2 with linking exception\n"
-#| " (license license:gpl2))))\n"
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public my-libgit2\n"
" (let ((commit \"e98d0a37c93574d2c6107bf7f31140b548c6a7bf\")\n"
@@ -1540,15 +1480,13 @@ msgstr ""
" \"17pjvprmdrx4h6bb1hhc98w9qi6ki7yl57f090n9kbhswxqfs7s3\"))\n"
" (patches (search-patches \"libgit2-mtime-0.patch\"))\n"
" (modules '((guix build utils)))\n"
-" (snippet '(begin\n"
-" ;; Remove bundled software.\n"
-" (delete-file-recursively \"deps\")\n"
-" #true))))\n"
+" ;; Odstrániť pribalený softvér.\n"
+" (snippet '(delete-file-recursively \"deps\"))))\n"
" (build-system cmake-build-system)\n"
" (outputs '(\"out\" \"debug\"))\n"
" (arguments\n"
-" `(#:tests? #true ; Run the test suite (this is the default)\n"
-" #:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\") ; SHA-1 collision detection\n"
+" `(#:tests? #true ; Preveriť výsledok zostavenia (predvolené).\n"
+" #:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\") ; Zisťovanie rozporov v odtlačkoch SHA-1\n"
" #:phases\n"
" (modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
" (add-after 'unpack 'fix-hardcoded-paths\n"
@@ -1557,30 +1495,26 @@ msgstr ""
" ((\"#!/bin/sh\") (string-append \"#!\" (which \"sh\"))))\n"
" (substitute* \"tests/clar/fs.h\"\n"
" ((\"/bin/cp\") (which \"cp\"))\n"
-" ((\"/bin/rm\") (which \"rm\")))\n"
-" #true))\n"
-" ;; Run checks more verbosely.\n"
+" ((\"/bin/rm\") (which \"rm\")))))\n"
+" ;; Bohatší výstup pri preverovaní zostavenia\n"
" (replace 'check\n"
" (lambda _ (invoke \"./libgit2_clar\" \"-v\" \"-Q\")))\n"
" (add-after 'unpack 'make-files-writable-for-tests\n"
" (lambda _ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files \".\" \".*\")))))))\n"
" (inputs\n"
-" `((\"libssh2\" ,libssh2)\n"
-" (\"http-parser\" ,http-parser)\n"
-" (\"python\" ,python-wrapper)))\n"
+" (list libssh2 http-parser python-wrapper))\n"
" (native-inputs\n"
-" `((\"pkg-config\" ,pkg-config)))\n"
+" (list pkg-config))\n"
" (propagated-inputs\n"
-" ;; These two libraries are in 'Requires.private' in libgit2.pc.\n"
-" `((\"openssl\" ,openssl)\n"
-" (\"zlib\" ,zlib)))\n"
+" ;; Tieto dve knižnice sa nachádzajú v „Requires.private“ v libgit2.pc.\n"
+" (list openssl zlib))\n"
" (home-page \"https://libgit2.github.com/\")\n"
" (synopsis \"Library providing Git core methods\")\n"
" (description\n"
" \"Libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods\n"
"provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to\n"
"write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings.\")\n"
-" ;; GPLv2 with linking exception\n"
+" ;; GPLv2 s odkazovou výnimkou\n"
" (license license:gpl2))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
@@ -1685,7 +1619,7 @@ msgstr "Vyžadované pri zostavovaní ale nie pri spúšťaní. V prípade inšt
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:895
#, no-wrap
msgid "inputs"
-msgstr "inputs"
+msgstr "vstupy"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:898
@@ -1727,12 +1661,12 @@ msgstr "Rovnako to platí aj pre @emph{native-inputs}: po inštalácii programu
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:922 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1892
#, no-wrap
msgid "Note"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Poznámka"
#. type: quotation
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:925
msgid "You may see here and there snippets where package inputs are written quite differently, like so:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tu a tam nájdete úryvky, v ktorých sú vstupy zapísané pomerne odlišne, teda asi takto:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:932
@@ -1744,11 +1678,16 @@ msgid ""
" (\"http-parser\" ,http-parser)\n"
" (\"python\" ,python-wrapper)))\n"
msgstr ""
+";; „Pôvodný tvar“ zápisu vstupov\n"
+" `((\"libssh2\" ,libssh2)\n"
+" (\"http-parser\" ,http-parser)\n"
+" (\"python\" ,python-wrapper)))\n"
#. type: quotation
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:938
msgid "This is the ``old style'', where each input in the list is explicitly given a label (a string). It is still supported but we recommend using the style above instead. @xref{package Reference,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more info."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Toto je „pôvodný tvar“, v ktorom má každá položka zoznamu vstupov pridelenú menovku (reťazec). Tento tvar je stále podporovaný ale odporúčame vám používať už len vyššie uvedený tvar. Viď @xref{package Reference,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} pre viac podrobností."
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:940
@@ -2006,7 +1945,7 @@ msgstr "@code{(delete @var{krok})}."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1086
msgid "The @var{procedure} supports the keyword arguments @code{inputs} and @code{outputs}. Each input (whether @emph{native}, @emph{propagated} or not) and output directory is referenced by their name in those variables. Thus @code{(assoc-ref outputs \"out\")} is the store directory of the main output of the package. A phase procedure may look like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@var{Funkcia} podporuje parametre @code{inputs} a @code{outputs} v tvare kľúčových slov. Každý vstup (či už @emph{pôvodný}, @emph{rozšírený} alebo nie) a výstupný priečinok je označený svojim názvom v týchto premenných. Takže @code{(assoc-ref outputs \"out\")} predstavuje priečinok úložiska hlavného výstupu balíka. Funkcia kroku vyzerá nasledovne:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1094
@@ -2019,211 +1958,217 @@ msgid ""
" ;; ...\n"
" #true))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)\n"
+" (let ((bash-directory (assoc-ref inputs \"bash\"))\n"
+" (output-directory (assoc-ref outputs \"out\"))\n"
+" (doc-directory (assoc-ref outputs \"doc\")))\n"
+" ;; ...\n"
+" #true))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1100
msgid "The procedure must return @code{#true} on success. It's brittle to rely on the return value of the last expression used to tweak the phase because there is no guarantee it would be a @code{#true}. Hence the trailing @code{#true} to ensure the right value is returned on success."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Funkcia musí po úspešnom vykonaní vrátiť @code{#true}. Nie je veľmi spoľahlivé opierať sa o návratovú hodnotu posledného výrazu keďže nie je isté, že to bude práve @code{#true}. Koncové @code{#true} zaisťuje, že bude po úspešnom vykonaní vrátená správna hodnota."
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1101
#, no-wrap
msgid "Code staging"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oddialené vykonanie"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1107
msgid "The astute reader may have noticed the quasi-quote and comma syntax in the argument field. Indeed, the build code in the package declaration should not be evaluated on the client side, but only when passed to the Guix daemon. This mechanism of passing code around two running processes is called @uref{https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00833, code staging}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ak ste boli pozorní, mohli ste si všimnúť obrátenú úvodzovku a čiarku v poli parametrov. Vskutku, zdrojový kód zostavenia v zadaní balíka by sa nemal vykonávať na strane klienta, ale až vtedy, keď sa odovzdá démonovi Guixu. Toto odovzdávanie zdrojového kódu medzi dvoma procesmi nazývame @uref{https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00833, oddialené vykonanie}."
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1108
#, no-wrap
msgid "Utility functions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pomocné funkcie"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1113
msgid "When customizing @code{phases}, we often need to write code that mimics the equivalent system invocations (@code{make}, @code{mkdir}, @code{cp}, etc.)@: commonly used during regular ``Unix-style'' installations."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pri prispôsobovaní @code{phases} budete často potrebovať funkcie zodpovedajúce systémovým volaniam (@code{make}, @code{mkdir}, @code{cp}, atď.), ktoré sú zvyčajne dostupné na Unixových systémoch."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1116
msgid "Some like @code{chmod} are native to Guile. @xref{,,, guile, Guile reference manual} for a complete list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niektoré z nich, ako napríklad @code{chmod}, sú priamo dostupné v jazyku Guile. Viď úplný zoznam v @xref{,,, guile, Guile reference manual}."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1119
msgid "Guix provides additional helper functions which prove especially handy in the context of package management."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Guix poskytuje ďalšie pomocné funkcie, užitočné najmä v súvislosti so správou balíkov."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1123
msgid "Some of those functions can be found in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/guix/build/utils.scm}. Most of them mirror the behaviour of the traditional Unix system commands:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niektoré z týchto funkcií sa nachádzajú v @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/guix/build/utils.scm}. Väčšinou napodobňujú správanie pôvodných Unixových systémových príkazov:"
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1125
#, no-wrap
msgid "which"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "which"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1127
msgid "Like the @samp{which} system command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rovnaká ako systémový príkaz @samp{which}."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1127
#, no-wrap
msgid "find-files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "find-files"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1129
msgid "Akin to the @samp{find} system command."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Podobná príkazu @samp{find}."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1129
#, no-wrap
msgid "mkdir-p"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mkdir-p"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1131
msgid "Like @samp{mkdir -p}, which creates all parents as needed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rovnaká ako príkaz @samp{mkdir -p}, ktorý v prípade potreby vytvorí aj všetky nadradené priečinky."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1131
#, no-wrap
msgid "install-file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "install-file"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1135
msgid "Similar to @samp{install} when installing a file to a (possibly non-existing) directory. Guile has @code{copy-file} which works like @samp{cp}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Podobná ako príkaz @samp{install} na inštaláciu súboru do priečinka (aj nejestvujúceho). Guile má funkciu @code{copy-file}, ktorá funguje ako príkaz @samp{cp}."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1135
#, no-wrap
msgid "copy-recursively"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "copy-recursively"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1137
msgid "Like @samp{cp -r}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @samp{cp -r}."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1137
#, no-wrap
msgid "delete-file-recursively"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "delete-file-recursively"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1139
msgid "Like @samp{rm -rf}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ako @samp{rm -rf}."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1139
#, no-wrap
msgid "invoke"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "invoke"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1141
msgid "Run an executable. This should be used instead of @code{system*}."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vyvolať spustiteľný súbor. Toto by ste mali používať namiesto @code{system*}."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1141
#, no-wrap
msgid "with-directory-excursion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "with-directory-excursion"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1144
msgid "Run the body in a different working directory, then restore the previous working directory."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vykoná telo funkcie v odlišnom pracovnom priečinku a následne obnoví pôvodný pracovný priečinok."
#. type: item
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1144
#, no-wrap
msgid "substitute*"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "substitute*"
#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1146
msgid "A ``@command{sed}-like'' function."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Funkcia podobná príkazu @command{sed}."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1150
msgid "@xref{Build Utilities,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more information on these utilities."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Viď @xref{Build Utilities,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} pre viac podrobností o pomocných funkciách."
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1151
#, no-wrap
msgid "Module prefix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Predpony modulov"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1161
msgid "The license in our last example needs a prefix: this is because of how the @code{license} module was imported in the package, as @code{#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)}. The Guile module import mechanism (@pxref{Using Guile Modules,,, guile, Guile reference manual}) gives the user full control over namespacing: this is needed to avoid clashes between, say, the @samp{zlib} variable from @samp{licenses.scm} (a @emph{license} value) and the @samp{zlib} variable from @samp{compression.scm} (a @emph{package} value)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Licencia v našom predošlom príklade je uvedená s predponou vzhľadom na spôsob akým bol načítaný modul @code{licenses} v tomto balíku: @code{#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)}. Spôsob načítavania modulov v Guile (@pxref{Using Guile Modules,,, guile, Guile reference manual}) používateľovi dáva úplnú kontrolu nad menným priestorom. Môže sa tak predísť rozporom, povedzme, medzi premennou @samp{zlib} zo súboru @samp{licenses.scm} (názov @emph{licencie}) a premennou @samp{zlib} zo súboru @samp{compression.scm} (názov @emph{balíka})."
#. type: subsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1162 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Other build systems"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ďalšie zostavovacie systémy"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1170
msgid "What we've seen so far covers the majority of packages using a build system other than the @code{trivial-build-system}. The latter does not automate anything and leaves you to build everything manually. This can be more demanding and we won't cover it here for now, but thankfully it is rarely necessary to fall back on this system."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "To čo sme doteraz videli pokrýva väčšinu balíkov využívajúcich iný zostavovací systém ako je @code{trivial-build-system}, ktorý nič neautomatizuje a nechá vás všetko zostaviť ručne. Tento postup môže byť náročnejší a zatiaľ sa tu ním nebudeme zaoberať. Našťastie je nutné uchýliť sa k nemu len zriedkavo."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1174
msgid "For the other build systems, such as ASDF, Emacs, Perl, Ruby and many more, the process is very similar to the GNU build system except for a few specialized arguments."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pri ostatných zostavovacích systémoch, ako sú ASDF, Emacs, Perl, Ruby a mnoho ďalších, je postup, okrem niekoľkých zvláštnych parametrov, veľmi podobný zostavovaciemu systému GNU."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1179
msgid "@xref{Build Systems,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more information on build systems, or check the source code in the @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build} and @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build-system} directories."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Viď @xref{Build Systems,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} alebo zdrojový kód v priečinkoch @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build} a @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build-system} pre viac podrobností o zostavovacích systémoch."
#. type: subsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1180 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1181
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programmable and automated package definition"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Programovateľné a automatické zadávanie balíkov"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1185
msgid "We can't repeat it enough: having a full-fledged programming language at hand empowers us in ways that reach far beyond traditional package management."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nemôžme to nezdôrazniť: mať po ruke plnohodnotný programovací jazyk nám umožňuje oveľa viac než len bežnú správu balíkov."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1187
msgid "Let's illustrate this with some awesome features of Guix!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ukážme si to na príklade niekoľkých úžasných súčastí Guixu!"
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1188 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1189
#, no-wrap
msgid "Recursive importers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rekurzívne nahrávače"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1196
msgid "You might find some build systems good enough that there is little to do at all to write a package, to the point that it becomes repetitive and tedious after a while. A @emph{raison d'être} of computers is to replace human beings at those boring tasks. So let's tell Guix to do this for us and create the package definition of an R package from CRAN (the output is trimmed for conciseness):"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Niektoré zostavovacie systémy sú natoľko dobré, že toho na zadanie balíka ani veľa netreba, a to až do takej miery, že sa vám zadávanie balíkov rýchlo zunuje. Jedným z dôvodov bytia počítačov je nahradiť ľudí pri vykonávaní týchto nudných činností. Nechajme teda Guix urobiť to za nás a vytvoriť zadanie nejakého balíka R pochádzajúceho z CRANu (výstup bol skrátený pre ušetrenie miesta):"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1199
@@ -2232,6 +2177,8 @@ msgid ""
"$ guix import cran --recursive walrus\n"
msgstr ""
+"$ guix import cran --recursive walrus\n"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1203
@@ -2242,6 +2189,10 @@ msgid ""
" (license gpl2+)))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public r-mc2d\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl2+)))\n"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1207
@@ -2252,6 +2203,10 @@ msgid ""
" (license gpl2+)))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public r-jmvcore\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl2+)))\n"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1211
@@ -2262,6 +2217,10 @@ msgid ""
" (license gpl3)))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public r-wrs2\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl3)))\n"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1237
@@ -2293,55 +2252,80 @@ msgid ""
"'Introduction to Robust Estimation & Hypothesis Testing'.\")\n"
" (license gpl3)))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public r-walrus\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"r-walrus\")\n"
+" (version \"1.0.3\")\n"
+" (source\n"
+" (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (cran-uri \"walrus\" version))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"1nk2glcvy4hyksl5ipq2mz8jy4fss90hx6cq98m3w96kzjni6jjj\"))))\n"
+" (build-system r-build-system)\n"
+" (propagated-inputs\n"
+" (list r-ggplot2 r-jmvcore r-r6 r-wrs2))\n"
+" (home-page \"https://github.com/jamovi/walrus\")\n"
+" (synopsis \"Robust Statistical Methods\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"This package provides a toolbox of common robust statistical\n"
+"tests, including robust descriptives, robust t-tests, and robust ANOVA.\n"
+"It is also available as a module for 'jamovi' (see\n"
+"<https://www.jamovi.org> for more information). Walrus is based on the\n"
+"WRS2 package by Patrick Mair, which is in turn based on the scripts and\n"
+"work of Rand Wilcox. These analyses are described in depth in the book\n"
+"'Introduction to Robust Estimation & Hypothesis Testing'.\")\n"
+" (license gpl3)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1241
msgid "The recursive importer won't import packages for which Guix already has package definitions, except for the very first."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rekurzívny nahrávač nahrá len balíky, pre ktoré Guix ešte nemá zadanie, okrem úplne prvého."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1246
msgid "Not all applications can be packaged this way, only those relying on a select number of supported systems. Read about the full list of importers in the guix import section of the manual (@pxref{Invoking guix import,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Takto vytvoriť zadania balíkov nie je možné pre všetky aplikácie, iba pre tie, ktoré sa opierajú o vybraný počet podporovaných systémov. Viď úplný zoznam nahrávačov v príslušnom oddiele príručky (@pxref{Invoking guix import,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1247 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1248
#, no-wrap
msgid "Automatic update"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Automatické aktualizácie"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1252
msgid "Guix can be smart enough to check for updates on systems it knows. It can report outdated package definitions with"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Guix môže byť dostatočne múdry na to, aby vyhľadal aktualizácie v systémoch, ktoré pozná. To, ktoré balíky sú zastarané možno zistiť pomocou"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1255
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix refresh hello\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "$ guix refresh hello\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1260
msgid "In most cases, updating a package to a newer version requires little more than changing the version number and the checksum. Guix can do that automatically as well:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vo väčšine prípadov vyžaduje aktualizácia balíka na novšiu verziu len o niečo viac ako zmeniť číslo verzie a kontrolný súčet. Aj toto môže Guix vykonať automaticky:"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1263
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix refresh hello --update\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "$ guix refresh hello --update\n"
#. type: subsubsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1265 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1266
#, no-wrap
msgid "Inheritance"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dedičnosť"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1270
msgid "If you've started browsing the existing package definitions, you might have noticed that a significant number of them have a @code{inherit} field:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ak ste si už začali prezerať zadania jestvujúcich balíkov, možno ste si všimli, že niektoré z nich obsahujú pole @code{inherit}:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1285
@@ -2361,178 +2345,191 @@ msgid ""
" \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
" (native-inputs (list `(,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public adwaita-icon-theme\n"
+" (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
+" (name \"adwaita-icon-theme\")\n"
+" (version \"3.26.1\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnome/sources/\" name \"/\"\n"
+" (version-major+minor version) \"/\"\n"
+" name \"-\" version \".tar.xz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
+" (native-inputs (list `(,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1290
msgid "All unspecified fields are inherited from the parent package. This is very convenient to create alternative packages, for instance with different source, version or compilation options."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Všetky neupresnené polia sú zdedené z nadradeného balíka. Je to veľmi užitočné na vytváranie obmien balíkov, napr. s odlišným zdrojom, verziou alebo voľbami zostavenia."
#. type: subsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1291 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1292
#, no-wrap
msgid "Getting help"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Získavanie pomoci"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1298
msgid "Sadly, some applications can be tough to package. Sometimes they need a patch to work with the non-standard file system hierarchy enforced by the store. Sometimes the tests won't run properly. (They can be skipped but this is not recommended.) Other times the resulting package won't be reproducible."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nanešťastie, zadanie balíka môže byť pre niektoré aplikácie veľmi zložité. Niekedy je potrebná záplata, aby mohla aplikácia fungovať v neobyčajnom systéme súborov úložiska. Niekedy sa zase sústava testov nespúšťa správne (môžete ich preskočiť ale neodporúča sa to). Inokedy nie je výsledný balík opakovateľný."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1301
msgid "Should you be stuck, unable to figure out how to fix any sort of packaging issue, don't hesitate to ask the community for help."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Keď už neviete ako ďalej a nie ste schopní prísť na to, ako vyriešiť nejakú ťažkosť so zadávaním balíka, neváhajte požiadať o pomoc spoločenstvo."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1303
msgid "See the @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/contact/, Guix homepage} for information on the mailing lists, IRC, etc."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Viď @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/contact/, Guix homepage} pre podrobnosti o elektronických konferenciách, IRC, atď."
#. type: subsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1304 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1305
#, no-wrap
msgid "Conclusion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Záver"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1311
msgid "This tutorial was a showcase of the sophisticated package management that Guix boasts. At this point we have mostly restricted this introduction to the @code{gnu-build-system} which is a core abstraction layer on which more advanced abstractions are based."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tento návod vám predviedol vyumelkovanú správu balíkov, ktorou sa Guix chváli. V tejto chvíli sme tento úvod zúžili na @code{gnu-build-system} predstavujúci ústrednú abstrakčnú vrstvu, na ktorej sú založené pokročilejšie abstrakčné vrstvy."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1316
msgid "Where do we go from here? Next we ought to dissect the innards of the build system by removing all abstractions, using the @code{trivial-build-system}: this should give us a thorough understanding of the process before investigating some more advanced packaging techniques and edge cases."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kam teraz? Ďalej by sme si mali posvietiť na vnútorné fungovanie zostavovacích systémov vynechajúc všetky abstrakčné vrstvy prostredníctvom @code{trivial-build-system}. Malo by nám to umožniť lepšie porozumieť postupu zostavenia, skôr ako sa dostaneme k pokročilejším postupom a výnimkám."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1319
msgid "Other features worth exploring are the interactive editing and debugging capabilities of Guix provided by the Guile REPL@."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ďalšie funkcie, ktoré sa oplatí preskúmať, sú interaktívna úprava a možnosti ladenia Guixu poskytované cez Guile REPL@."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1324
msgid "Those fancy features are completely optional and can wait; now is a good time to take a well-deserved break. With what we've introduced here you should be well armed to package lots of programs. You can get started right away and hopefully we will see your contributions soon!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tieto pokročilé funkcie sú len doplnkové a môžu počkať. Teraz je ten správny čas na zaslúženú prestávku. S tým, čo sme si ukázali, by ste si mali vystačiť pri zadávaní balíkov pre mnoho programov. Môžete sa do toho hneď pustiť a dúfame, že nás vašim príspevkom potešíte už čoskoro!"
#. type: subsection
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1325 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1326
#, no-wrap
msgid "References"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Odkazy"
#. type: itemize
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1331
msgid "The @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Defining-Packages.html, package reference in the manual}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Defining-Packages.html, odvolávka na „package“ v príručke}"
#. type: itemize
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1334
msgid "@uref{https://gitlab.com/pjotrp/guix-notes/blob/master/HACKING.org, Pjotr’s hacking guide to GNU Guix}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@uref{https://gitlab.com/pjotrp/guix-notes/blob/master/HACKING.org, Pjotrova príručka na prispôsobenie GNU Guix}"
#. type: itemize
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1337
msgid "@uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/guix-ghm-andreas-20130823.pdf, ``GNU Guix: Package without a scheme!''}, by Andreas Enge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "@uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/guix-ghm-andreas-20130823.pdf, „GNU Guix: Package without a scheme!“}, od Andreasa Engeho"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1346
msgid "Guix offers a flexible language for declaratively configuring your Guix System. This flexibility can at times be overwhelming. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate some advanced configuration concepts."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Guix ponúka všestranný jazyk na deklaratívne nastavenie vášho systému Guix. Táto všestrannosť sa môže niekedy zdať nadmerná. Účelom tohto oddielu je predstaviť niektoré pokročilé spôsoby nastavenia."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1349
msgid "@pxref{System Configuration,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for a complete reference."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Viď úplnú odvolávku v @pxref{System Configuration,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1645
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1646
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix System Image API"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "API pre vytváranie obrazov systému Guix"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
msgid "Customizing images to target specific platforms."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prispôsobenie obrazov nezvyčajným platformám."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1856
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1857
#, no-wrap
msgid "Connecting to Wireguard VPN"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pripojenie k Wireguard VPN"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
msgid "Connecting to a Wireguard VPN."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pripojenie k Wireguard VPN sieti."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1933
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1934
#, no-wrap
msgid "Customizing a Window Manager"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prispôsobenie správcu okien"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
msgid "Handle customization of a Window manager on Guix System."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spravovať prispôsobenie správcu okien v systéme Guix."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2024
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2025
#, no-wrap
msgid "Running Guix on a Linode Server"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Spúšťanie Guixu na serveri Linode"
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2267
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2268
#, no-wrap
msgid "Setting up a bind mount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nastavenie podvojného pripojenia"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
msgid "Setting up a bind mount in the file-systems definition."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nastavenie podvojného pripojenia v zadaní systému súborov."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2316
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2317
#, no-wrap
msgid "Getting substitutes from Tor"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Získavanie náhrad prostredníctvom Tor"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
msgid "Configuring Guix daemon to get substitutes through Tor."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nastavenie démona Guix na získavanie náhrad cez Tor."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2378
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2379
#, no-wrap
msgid "Setting up NGINX with Lua"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nastavenia NGINX a Lua"
#. type: menuentry
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
msgid "Configuring NGINX web-server to load Lua modules."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nastavenie web-servera NGINX na načítavanie Lua modulov."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1372
msgid "While the Guix manual explains auto-login one user to @emph{all} TTYs ( @pxref{auto-login to TTY,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), some might prefer a situation, in which one user is logged into one TTY with the other TTYs either configured to login different users or no one at all. Note that one can auto-login one user to any TTY, but it is usually advisable to avoid @code{tty1}, which, by default, is used to log warnings and errors."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Zatiaľ čo príručka pre Guix popisuje automatické prihlásenie jedného používateľa ku @emph{všetkým} TTY (@pxref{auto-login to TTY,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), mohol by vám viac vyhovovať stav, keď je jeden používateľ pripojený k jednému TTY a ostatné TTY sú nastavené na prihlasovanie ďalších používateľov alebo nikoho. Všimnite si, že jedného používateľa je možné automaticky prihlásiť k akémukoľvek TTY. Avšak, je lepšie vynechať @code{tty1}, ktorý je predvolene využívaný na zobrazovanie varovaných a chybových hlásení."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1374
msgid "Here is how one might set up auto login for one user to one tty:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Takto je možné nastaviť automatické prihlásenie jedného používateľa k jednému TTY:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1382
@@ -2546,6 +2543,13 @@ msgid ""
" config))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define (auto-login-to-tty config tty user)\n"
+" (if (string=? tty (mingetty-configuration-tty config))\n"
+" (mingetty-configuration\n"
+" (inherit config)\n"
+" (auto-login user))\n"
+" config))\n"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1389
@@ -2559,6 +2563,13 @@ msgid ""
" config \"tty3\" \"alice\"))))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define %my-services\n"
+" (modify-services %base-services\n"
+" ;; @dots{}\n"
+" (mingetty-service-type config =>\n"
+" (auto-login-to-tty\n"
+" config \"tty3\" \"alice\"))))\n"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1393
@@ -2568,36 +2579,39 @@ msgid ""
" ;; @dots{}\n"
" (services %my-services))\n"
msgstr ""
+" ;; @dots{}\n"
+" (services %my-services))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1398
msgid "One could also @code{compose} (@pxref{Higher-Order Functions,,, guile, The Guile Reference Manual}) @code{auto-login-to-tty} to login multiple users to multiple ttys."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiež je možné použiť @code{compose} (@pxref{Higher-Order Functions,,, guile, The Guile Reference Manual}) s @code{auto-login-to-tty} pre prihlásenie viacerých používateľov k viacerým TTY."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1405
msgid "Finally, here is a note of caution. Setting up auto login to a TTY, means that anyone can turn on your computer and run commands as your regular user. However, if you have an encrypted root partition, and thus already need to enter a passphrase when the system boots, auto-login might be a convenient option."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Varovanie na koniec. Nastavenie automatického prihlásenia k TTY znamená, že ktokoľvek môže zapnúť váš počítač a spúšťať príkazy ako zvyčajný používateľ. Hoci, ak používate zašifrovaný koreňový systém a pri spustení systému je nutné zadať heslo, automatické prihlásenie predstavuje praktickú možnosť."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1417
msgid "Guix is, at its core, a source based distribution with substitutes (@pxref{Substitutes,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), and as such building packages from their source code is an expected part of regular package installations and upgrades. Given this starting point, it makes sense that efforts are made to reduce the amount of time spent compiling packages, and recent changes and upgrades to the building and distribution of substitutes continues to be a topic of discussion within Guix."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Guix je, vo svojom jadre, distribúcia založená na zdrojových súboroch a náhradách (@pxref{Substitutes,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}). Zostavovanie balíkov z ich zdrojových súborov je teda prirodzenou súčasťou inštalácie a aktualizácie balíkov. Vzhľadom na túto skutočnosť dáva zmysel snaha o zníženie množstva času potrebného na zostavenie balíkov a nedávne zmeny v zostavovaní a šírení náhrad sú aj naďalej súčasťou rozhovorov vrámci projektu Guix."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1423
msgid "The kernel, while not requiring an overabundance of RAM to build, does take a rather long time on an average machine. The official kernel configuration, as is the case with many GNU/Linux distributions, errs on the side of inclusiveness, and this is really what causes the build to take such a long time when the kernel is built from source."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aj keď nevyžaduje veľké množstvo pamäte RAM, zostavenie jadra na priemerných počítačoch môže trvať veľmi dlho. Oficiálne nastavenie jadra, tak ako je to v prípade mnohých iných distribúcií GNU/Linuxu, sa prikláňa k širšej ponuke súčastí a to je to, čo spôsobuje, že zostavenie jadra zo zdrojových súborov trvá tak dlho."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1428
msgid "The Linux kernel, however, can also just be described as a regular old package, and as such can be customized just like any other package. The procedure is a little bit different, although this is primarily due to the nature of how the package definition is written."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Avšak, aj samotné jadro Linuxu možno opísať ako balík a teda prispôsobiť ho rovnako ako hociktorý iný balík. Postup je mierne odlišný, aj keď hlavne kvôli tomu ako je zadanie balíka napísané."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1431
msgid "The @code{linux-libre} kernel package definition is actually a procedure which creates a package."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Balík jadra @code{linux-libre} je vlastne funkcia tvoriaca balík."
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1442
@@ -2613,11 +2627,20 @@ msgid ""
" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options))\n"
" ...)\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define* (make-linux-libre* version gnu-revision source supported-systems\n"
+" #:key\n"
+" (extra-version #f)\n"
+" ;; Funkcia vyžadujúca označenie a druh architektúry.\n"
+" ;; Viď príklad v kernel-config.\n"
+" (configuration-file #f)\n"
+" (defconfig \"defconfig\")\n"
+" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options))\n"
+" ...)\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1446
msgid "The current @code{linux-libre} package is for the 5.15.x series, and is declared like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Terajší balík @code{linux-libre} pre vydania 5.15.x je zadaný nasledovne:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1454
@@ -2630,16 +2653,22 @@ msgid ""
" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\" \"riscv64-linux\")\n"
" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public linux-libre-5.15\n"
+" (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.15-version\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-source\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\" \"riscv64-linux\")\n"
+" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1461
msgid "Any keys which are not assigned values inherit their default value from the @code{make-linux-libre} definition. When comparing the two snippets above, notice the code comment that refers to @code{#:configuration-file}. Because of this, it is not actually easy to include a custom kernel configuration from the definition, but don't worry, there are other ways to work with what we do have."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Kľúče, ktoré nemajú pridelenú hodnotu dedia ich predvolenú hodnotu zo zadania @code{make-linux-libre}. Pri porovnávaní vyššie uvedených úryvkov zdrojového kódu si všimnite komentár odvolávajúci sa na @code{#:configuration-file}. Kvôli tomu vlastne nie je jednoduché zahrnúť do zadania svoje vlastné nastavenie jadra, ale nezúfajte, pretože jestvujú ďalšie spôsoby ako pracovať s tým čo máme."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1467
msgid "There are two ways to create a kernel with a custom kernel configuration. The first is to provide a standard @file{.config} file during the build process by including an actual @file{.config} file as a native input to our custom kernel. The following is a snippet from the custom @code{'configure} phase of the @code{make-linux-libre} package definition:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jestvujú dva spôsoby ako vytvoriť jadro s vlastným nastavením. Prvý je poskytnúť zvyčajný súbor @file{.config} počas zostavenia zahrnutím tohto súboru do pôvodných vstupov nášho vlastného jadra. Nižšie je uvedený úryvok kódu vlastného @code{'configure} kroku zo zadania balíka @code{make-linux-libre}:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1471
@@ -2649,6 +2678,9 @@ msgid ""
" (config (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) \"kconfig\")))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(let ((build (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'build))\n"
+" (config (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) \"kconfig\")))\n"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1479
@@ -2662,11 +2694,18 @@ msgid ""
" (chmod \".config\" #o666))\n"
" (invoke \"make\" ,defconfig)))\n"
msgstr ""
+" ;; Použiť vlastný alebo predvolený súbor\n"
+" ;; nastavenia jadra.\n"
+" (if config\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (copy-file config \".config\")\n"
+" (chmod \".config\" #o666))\n"
+" (invoke \"make\" ,defconfig)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1484
msgid "Below is a sample kernel package. The @code{linux-libre} package is nothing special and can be inherited from and have its fields overridden like any other package:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tu je príklad balíka jadra. Balík @code{linux-libre} nie je ničím výnimočný, môžeme ho zdediť a nahradiť jeho pôvodné polia ako pri hociktorom inom balíku:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1493
@@ -2680,16 +2719,23 @@ msgid ""
" ,@@(alist-delete \"kconfig\"\n"
" (package-native-inputs linux-libre))))))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public linux-libre/E2140\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (inherit linux-libre)\n"
+" (native-inputs\n"
+" `((\"kconfig\" ,(local-file \"E2140.config\"))\n"
+" ,@@(alist-delete \"kconfig\"\n"
+" (package-native-inputs linux-libre))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1500
msgid "In the same directory as the file defining @code{linux-libre-E2140} is a file named @file{E2140.config}, which is an actual kernel configuration file. The @code{defconfig} keyword of @code{make-linux-libre} is left blank here, so the only kernel configuration in the package is the one which was included in the @code{native-inputs} field."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "V rovnakom priečinku, kde je súbor zadávajúci @code{linux-libre-E2140} je aj súbor s názvom @file{E2140.config}, ktorý predstavuje súbor nastavenia jadra. Kľúčové slovo @code{defconfig} funkcie @code{make-linux-libre} je tu ponechané prázdne, takže jediné nastavenie jadra v balíku je to, ktoré bolo zahrnuté do poľa @code{native-inputs}."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1505
msgid "The second way to create a custom kernel is to pass a new value to the @code{extra-options} keyword of the @code{make-linux-libre} procedure. The @code{extra-options} keyword works with another function defined right below it:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Druhý spôsob ako vytvoriť vlastné jadro je dať novú hodnotu kľúčovému slovu @code{extra-options} funkcie @code{make-linux-libre}. Kľúčové slovo @code{extra-options} funguje s inou funkciou zadanou nižšie:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1521
@@ -2711,6 +2757,21 @@ msgid ""
" (\"CONFIG_9P_FS\" . m)))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define %default-extra-linux-options\n"
+" `(;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2014-04/msg00039.html\n"
+" ;; Moduly potrebné pre initrd:\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_NET_9P\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_NET_9P_VIRTIO\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_FUSE_FS\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_CIFS\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_9P_FS\" . m)))\n"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1532
@@ -2727,11 +2788,21 @@ msgid ""
" options)\n"
" \"\\n\"))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define (config->string options)\n"
+" (string-join (map (match-lambda\n"
+" ((option . 'm)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=m\"))\n"
+" ((option . #true)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=y\"))\n"
+" ((option . #false)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=n\")))\n"
+" options)\n"
+" \"\\n\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1535
msgid "And in the custom configure script from the `make-linux-libre` package:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "A vo vlastnom „configure“ skripte balíka „make-linux-libre“:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1543
@@ -2745,17 +2816,24 @@ msgid ""
" (close-port port))\n"
msgstr ""
+";; Vkladanie na koniec funguje aj keď voľba v súbore nebola.\n"
+";; Pri viacnásobnom uvedení prevažuje to posledné.\n"
+"(let ((port (open-file \".config\" \"a\"))\n"
+" (extra-configuration ,(config->string extra-options)))\n"
+" (display extra-configuration port)\n"
+" (close-port port))\n"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1545
#, no-wrap
msgid "(invoke \"make\" \"oldconfig\")\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(invoke \"make\" \"oldconfig\")\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1550
msgid "So by not providing a configuration-file the @file{.config} starts blank, and then we write into it the collection of flags that we want. Here's another custom kernel:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Takže, neposkytnutie súboru nastavenia spôsobí, že je súbor @file{.config} spočiatku prázdny. Potom doň zapíšeme voľby, ktoré chceme. Viď ďalšie vlastné zadanie jadra:"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1558
@@ -2769,6 +2847,13 @@ msgid ""
" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %default-extra-linux-options)))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define %macbook41-full-config\n"
+" (append %macbook41-config-options\n"
+" %file-systems\n"
+" %efi-support\n"
+" %emulation\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %default-extra-linux-options)))\n"
#. type: lisp
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1569
@@ -2785,54 +2870,64 @@ msgid ""
" #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
msgstr ""
+"(define-public linux-libre-macbook41\n"
+" ;; XXX: Prístup k funkcii „make-linux-libre*“, ktorá je súkromná,\n"
+" ;; neexportuje sa a v budúcnosti by sa mohla zmeniť.\n"
+" ((@@@@ (gnu packages linux) make-linux-libre*)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-version)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-gnu-revision)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-source)\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
+" #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
+" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1576
msgid "In the above example @code{%file-systems} is a collection of flags enabling different file system support, @code{%efi-support} enables EFI support and @code{%emulation} enables a x86_64-linux machine to act in 32-bit mode also. @code{%default-extra-linux-options} are the ones quoted above, which had to be added in since they were replaced in the @code{extra-options} keyword."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "V hore uvedenom príklade je @code{%file-systems} zbierkou volieb povoľujúcich podporu rôznych systémov súborov, @code{%efi-support} povoľuje podporu EFI a @code{%emulation} povoľuje strojom x86_64-linux pracovať v 32-bitovom režime. Voľby @code{%default-extra-linux-options} sú tie citované vyššie, ktoré bolo treba pridať, keďže boli prepísané v kľúčovom slove @code{extra-options}."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1585
msgid "This all sounds like it should be doable, but how does one even know which modules are required for a particular system? Two places that can be helpful in trying to answer this question is the @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel, Gentoo Handbook} and the @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/README.html?highlight=localmodconfig, documentation from the kernel itself}. From the kernel documentation, it seems that @code{make localmodconfig} is the command we want."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Všetko toto znie veľmi dobre, ale ako zistiť, ktoré moduly vyžaduje určitý systém? Na túto otázku nám môžu pomôcť odpovedať dva zdroje: @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel, Príručka Gentoo} a @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/README.html?highlight=localmodconfig, dokumentácia samotného jadra}. Podľa dokumentácie jadra sa zdá, že @code{make localmodconfig} je príkaz, ktorý hľadáme."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1588
msgid "In order to actually run @code{make localmodconfig} we first need to get and unpack the kernel source code:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Skôr ako budeme môcť spustiť @code{make localmodconfig}, musíme stiahnuť a rozbaliť zdrojové súbory jadra:"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1591
#, no-wrap
msgid "tar xf $(guix build linux-libre --source)\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tar xf $(guix build linux-libre --source)\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1598
msgid "Once inside the directory containing the source code run @code{touch .config} to create an initial, empty @file{.config} to start with. @code{make localmodconfig} works by seeing what you already have in @file{.config} and letting you know what you're missing. If the file is blank then you're missing everything. The next step is to run:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "V priečinku obsahujúcom zdrojové súbory spustite @code{touch .config} pre vytvorenie počiatočného prázdneho @file{.config} súboru. @code{make localmodconfig} funguje tak, že zistí, čo ste už zadali do @file{.config} a povie vám, čo vám ešte chýba. Ak je súbor prázdny, tak vám chýba všetko. Ďalším krokom je spustiť:"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1601
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment linux-libre -- make localmodconfig\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "guix environment linux-libre -- make localmodconfig\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1606
msgid "and note the output. Do note that the @file{.config} file is still empty. The output generally contains two types of warnings. The first start with \"WARNING\" and can actually be ignored in our case. The second read:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a pozrite si výstup. Všimnite si, že súbor @file{.config} je stále prázdny. Výstup obvykle obsahuje dva druhy varovných správ. Prvá začína slovom „WARNING“ a v našom prípade si ju nemusíme všímať. Druhá správa nám hovorí, že:"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1609
#, no-wrap
msgid "module pcspkr did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "module pcspkr did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1614
msgid "For each of these lines, copy the @code{CONFIG_XXXX_XXXX} portion into the @file{.config} in the directory, and append @code{=m}, so in the end it looks like this:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pre každý z týchto riadkov skopírujte časť @code{CONFIG_XXXX_XXXX} do @file{.config} súboru priečinka a pridajte @code{=m} tak, aby nakoniec vyzeral takto:"
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1618
@@ -2841,31 +2936,33 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1627
msgid "After copying all the configuration options, run @code{make localmodconfig} again to make sure that you don't have any output starting with ``module''. After all of these machine specific modules there are a couple more left that are also needed. @code{CONFIG_MODULES} is necessary so that you can build and load modules separately and not have everything built into the kernel. @code{CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD} is required for reading from hard drives. It is possible that there are other modules which you will need."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Po skopírovaní všetkých volieb nastavenia znova spustite @code{make localmodconfig}, aby ste sa uistili, že výstup už neobsahuje žiadne správy začínajúce slovom „module“. Okrem všetkých týchto modulov vzťahujúcich sa k stroju nám ostáva ešte niekoľko ďalších dôležitých modulov. @code{CONFIG_MODULES} umožňuje zostavovať a načítavať moduly oddelene, aby nemuseli byť zabudované do jadra. @code{CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD} umožňuje čítať pevné disky. Je tiež možné, že budete potrebovať aj iné moduly."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1631
msgid "This post does not aim to be a guide to configuring your own kernel however, so if you do decide to build a custom kernel you'll have to seek out other guides to create a kernel which is just right for your needs."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tento príspevok nemá za úlohu vás previesť nastavením vášho vlastného jadra. Ak sa rozhodnete zostaviť si vlastné jadro, budete si musieť nájsť iné návody na vytvorenie jadra, ktoré vám bude vyhovovať."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1639
msgid "The second way to setup the kernel configuration makes more use of Guix's features and allows you to share configuration segments between different kernels. For example, all machines using EFI to boot have a number of EFI configuration flags that they need. It is likely that all the kernels will share a list of file systems to support. By using variables it is easier to see at a glance what features are enabled and to make sure you don't have features in one kernel but missing in another."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Druhý spôsob nastavenia jadra využíva funkcie Guixu vo väčšej miere a umožňuje vám zdieľať časti nastavenia medzi rôznymi jadrami. Napríklad, všetky stroje používajúce na zavádzanie EFI vyžadujú určitý počet volieb nastavenia EFI. Je tiež pravdepodobné, že viaceré jadrá budú zdieľať podporu niekoľkých súborových systémov. Použitím premenných je jednoduchšie spozorovať, ktoré súčasti sú povolené a uistiť sa, či nie sú niektoré z nich prítomné v jednom jadre ale v druhom chýbajú."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1644
msgid "Left undiscussed however, is Guix's initrd and its customization. It is likely that you'll need to modify the initrd on a machine using a custom kernel, since certain modules which are expected to be built may not be available for inclusion into the initrd."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nepozreli sme sa však na initrd a jeho prispôsobenie. Je pravdepodobné, že budete potrebovať prispôsobiť initrd na stroji s vlastným jadrom, keďže niektoré moduly nemusia byť dostupné pre zahrnutie do initrd."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1651
msgid "Historically, Guix System is centered around an @code{operating-system} structure. This structure contains various fields ranging from the bootloader and kernel declaration to the services to install."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Z dejinného pohľadu je systém Guix sústredený okolo štruktúry @code{operating-system}. Táto štruktúra obsahuje rôzne polia počínajúc zadaním zavádzača a jadra až k službám, ktoré sa majú nainštalovať."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1657
@@ -3882,7 +3979,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2322
#, no-wrap
msgid "Warning"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Upozornenie"
#. type: quotation
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2328
@@ -4140,7 +4237,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: itemize
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2524
msgid "Games."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Hry."
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2527
@@ -4351,7 +4448,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2660 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2661
#, no-wrap
msgid "Required packages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Požadované balíky"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2666
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-cookbook.uk.po b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.uk.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f47b1d784f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/doc/guix-cookbook.uk.po
@@ -0,0 +1,4503 @@
+# Copyright (C) YEAR the authors of Guix (msgids) and the following authors (msgstr)
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the guix manual package.
+# Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>, 2022.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: guix manual checkout\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-31 15:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-28 19:16+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Andrij Mizyk <andmizyk@gmail.com>\n"
+"Language-Team: Ukrainian <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook/uk/>\n"
+"Language: uk\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.11\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7
+msgid "@documentencoding UTF-8"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: top
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:7 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:36
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:50
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "GNU Guix Cookbook"
+msgstr "Книга рецептів GNU Guix"
+#. type: copying
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:21
+msgid "Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Pierre Neidhardt@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Matthew Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Marcin Karpezo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Joshua Branson@*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: copying
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:28
+msgid "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation License''."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: dircategory
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:30
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "System administration"
+msgstr "Системне адміністрування"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:33
+msgid "Guix cookbook: (guix-cookbook)"
+msgstr "Книга рецептів: (guix-cookbook)"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:33
+msgid "Tutorials and examples for GNU Guix."
+msgstr "Уроки і приклади для GNU Guix."
+#. type: subtitle
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:37
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Tutorials and examples for using the GNU Guix Functional Package Manager"
+msgstr "Уроки і приклади для використання Функціонального керівника пакунків GNU Guix"
+#. type: author
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:38
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The GNU Guix Developers"
+msgstr "Розробники GNU Guix"
+#. type: node
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:49
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Top"
+msgstr "Top"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:56
+msgid "This document presents tutorials and detailed examples for GNU@tie{}Guix, a functional package management tool written for the GNU system. Please @pxref{Top,,, guix, GNU Guix reference manual} for details about the system, its API, and related concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:66
+msgid "This manual is also available in French (@pxref{Top,,, guix-cookbook.fr, Livre de recettes de GNU Guix}) and German (@pxref{Top,,, guix-cookbook.de, GNU-Guix-Kochbuch}). If you would like to translate this document in your native language, consider joining @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-cookbook, Weblate} (@pxref{Translating Guix,,, guix, GNU Guix reference manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:82
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:98 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:99
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Scheme tutorials"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Meet your new favorite language!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:86
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:305 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:306
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Packaging"
+msgstr "Пакування"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Packaging tutorials"
+msgstr "Уроки пакування"
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:90
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1340 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1341
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "System Configuration"
+msgstr "Налаштування системи"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Customizing the GNU System"
+msgstr "Пристосування Системи GNU"
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Advanced package management"
+msgstr "Розширене керування пакунками"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Power to the users!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2835
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Environment management"
+msgstr "Керування середовищем"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:73
+msgid "Control environment"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: chapter
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2959
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Acknowledgments"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
+msgid "Thanks!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: appendix
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2984
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "GNU Free Documentation License"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
+msgid "The license of this document."
+msgstr "Ліцензія цього документа."
+#. type: unnumbered
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2990
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Concept Index"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:77
+msgid "Concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:80
+msgid "--- The Detailed Node Listing ---"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:84 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:113
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "A Scheme Crash Course"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:84
+msgid "Learn the basics of Scheme"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:88 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:320
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Packaging Tutorial"
+msgstr "Урок пакування"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:88
+msgid "Let's add a package to Guix!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1362 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1363
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Auto-Login to a Specific TTY"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Automatically Login a User to a Specific TTY"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1407 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1408
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Customizing the Kernel"
+msgstr "Пристосування ядра"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:93 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Creating and using a custom Linux kernel on Guix System."
+msgstr "Створення і використання власного ядра Linux у системі Guix."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:105
+msgid "GNU@tie{}Guix is written in the general purpose programming language Scheme, and many of its features can be accessed and manipulated programmatically. You can use Scheme to generate package definitions, to modify them, to build them, to deploy whole operating systems, etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:109
+msgid "Knowing the basics of how to program in Scheme will unlock many of the advanced features Guix provides --- and you don't even need to be an experienced programmer to use them!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:111
+msgid "Let's get started!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:115
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Scheme, crash course"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:121
+msgid "Guix uses the Guile implementation of Scheme. To start playing with the language, install it with @code{guix install guile} and start a @dfn{REPL}---short for @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read%E2%80%93eval%E2%80%93print_loop, @dfn{read-eval-print loop}}---by running @code{guile} from the command line."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:124
+msgid "Alternatively you can also run @code{guix environment --ad-hoc guile -- guile} if you'd rather not have Guile installed in your user profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:130
+msgid "In the following examples, lines show what you would type at the REPL; lines starting with ``@result{}'' show evaluation results, while lines starting with ``@print{}'' show things that get printed. @xref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for more details on the REPL."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:138
+msgid "Scheme syntax boils down to a tree of expressions (or @emph{s-expression} in Lisp lingo). An expression can be a literal such as numbers and strings, or a compound which is a parenthesized list of compounds and literals. @code{#true} and @code{#false} (abbreviated @code{#t} and @code{#f}) stand for the Booleans ``true'' and ``false'', respectively."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:140
+msgid "Examples of valid expressions:"
+msgstr "Приклади правильних виразів:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"\"Hello World!\"\n"
+"@result{} \"Hello World!\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+"\"Привіт світе!\"\n"
+"@result{} \"Привіт світе!\"\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:147
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@result{} 17\n"
+msgstr ""
+"@result{} 17\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:151
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(display (string-append \"Hello \" \"Guix\" \"\\n\"))\n"
+"@print{} Hello Guix!\n"
+"@result{} #<unspecified>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:158
+msgid "This last example is a function call nested in another function call. When a parenthesized expression is evaluated, the first term is the function and the rest are the arguments passed to the function. Every function returns the last evaluated expression as its return value."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:161
+msgid "Anonymous functions are declared with the @code{lambda} term:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:165
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(lambda (x) (* x x))\n"
+"@result{} #<procedure 120e348 at <unknown port>:24:0 (x)>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:170
+msgid "The above procedure returns the square of its argument. Since everything is an expression, the @code{lambda} expression returns an anonymous procedure, which can in turn be applied to an argument:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:174
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"((lambda (x) (* x x)) 3)\n"
+"@result{} 9\n"
+msgstr ""
+"((lambda (x) (* x x)) 3)\n"
+"@result{} 9\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:178
+msgid "Anything can be assigned a global name with @code{define}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:184
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define a 3)\n"
+"(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))\n"
+"(square a)\n"
+"@result{} 9\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(define a 3)\n"
+"(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))\n"
+"(square a)\n"
+"@result{} 9\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:188
+msgid "Procedures can be defined more concisely with the following syntax:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:191
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(define (square x) (* x x))\n"
+msgstr "(define (square x) (* x x))\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:195
+msgid "A list structure can be created with the @code{list} procedure:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(list 2 a 5 7)\n"
+"@result{} (2 3 5 7)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(list 2 a 5 7)\n"
+"@result{} (2 3 5 7)\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:206
+msgid "The @dfn{quote} disables evaluation of a parenthesized expression: the first term is not called over the other terms (@pxref{Expression Syntax, quote,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). Thus it effectively returns a list of terms."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"'(display (string-append \"Hello \" \"Guix\" \"\\n\"))\n"
+"@result{} (display (string-append \"Hello \" \"Guix\" \"\\n\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:213
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"'(2 a 5 7)\n"
+"@result{} (2 a 5 7)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"'(2 a 5 7)\n"
+"@result{} (2 a 5 7)\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:219
+msgid "The @dfn{quasiquote} disables evaluation of a parenthesized expression until @dfn{unquote} (a comma) re-enables it. Thus it provides us with fine-grained control over what is evaluated and what is not."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:223
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"`(2 a 5 7 (2 ,a 5 ,(+ a 4)))\n"
+"@result{} (2 a 5 7 (2 3 5 7))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"`(2 a 5 7 (2 ,a 5 ,(+ a 4)))\n"
+"@result{} (2 a 5 7 (2 3 5 7))\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:227
+msgid "Note that the above result is a list of mixed elements: numbers, symbols (here @code{a}) and the last element is a list itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:231
+msgid "Multiple variables can be named locally with @code{let} (@pxref{Local Bindings,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:238
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define x 10)\n"
+"(let ((x 2)\n"
+" (y 3))\n"
+" (list x y))\n"
+"@result{} (2 3)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(define x 10)\n"
+"(let ((x 2)\n"
+" (y 3))\n"
+" (list x y))\n"
+"@result{} (2 3)\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:241
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@result{} 10\n"
+msgstr ""
+"@result{} 10\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:244
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@error{} In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: y\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:248
+msgid "Use @code{let*} to allow later variable declarations to refer to earlier definitions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:254
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(let* ((x 2)\n"
+" (y (* x 3)))\n"
+" (list x y))\n"
+"@result{} (2 6)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(let* ((x 2)\n"
+" (y (* x 3)))\n"
+" (list x y))\n"
+"@result{} (2 6)\n"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:261
+msgid "@dfn{Keywords} are typically used to identify the named parameters of a procedure. They are prefixed by @code{#:} (hash, colon) followed by alphanumeric characters: @code{#:like-this}. @xref{Keywords,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:266
+msgid "The percentage @code{%} is typically used for read-only global variables in the build stage. Note that it is merely a convention, like @code{_} in C. Scheme treats @code{%} exactly the same as any other letter."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:270
+msgid "Modules are created with @code{define-module} (@pxref{Creating Guile Modules,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). For instance"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:276
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-module (guix build-system ruby)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix store)\n"
+" #:export (ruby-build\n"
+" ruby-build-system))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:282
+msgid "defines the module @code{guix build-system ruby} which must be located in @file{guix/build-system/ruby.scm} somewhere in the Guile load path. It depends on the @code{(guix store)} module and it exports two variables, @code{ruby-build} and @code{ruby-build-system}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:287
+msgid "For a more detailed introduction, check out @uref{http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/scheme_guile/hello.htm, Scheme at a Glance}, by Steve Litt."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:299
+msgid "One of the reference Scheme books is the seminal ``Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'', by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, with Julie Sussman. You'll find a @uref{https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html, free copy online}, together with @uref{https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/video-lectures/, videos of the lectures by the authors}. The book is available in Texinfo format as the @code{sicp} Guix package. Go ahead, run @code{guix install sicp} and start reading with @code{info sicp} (@pxref{,,, sicp, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}). An @uref{https://sarabander.github.io/sicp/, unofficial ebook is also available}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:302
+msgid "You'll find more books, tutorials and other resources at @url{https://schemers.org/}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:308
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "packaging"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:314
+msgid "This chapter is dedicated to teaching you how to add packages to the collection of packages that come with GNU Guix. This involves writing package definitions in Guile Scheme, organizing them in package modules, and building them."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:317
+msgid "A tutorial on how to add packages to Guix."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:328
+msgid "GNU Guix stands out as the @emph{hackable} package manager, mostly because it uses @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, a powerful high-level programming language, one of the @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_%28programming_language%29, Scheme} dialects from the @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisp_%28programming_language%29, Lisp family}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:332
+msgid "Package definitions are also written in Scheme, which empowers Guix in some very unique ways, unlike most other package managers that use shell scripts or simple languages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:337
+msgid "Use functions, structures, macros and all of Scheme expressiveness for your package definitions."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:341
+msgid "Inheritance makes it easy to customize a package by inheriting from it and modifying only what is needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:351
+msgid "Batch processing: the whole package collection can be parsed, filtered and processed. Building a headless server with all graphical interfaces stripped out? It's possible. Want to rebuild everything from source using specific compiler optimization flags? Pass the @code{#:make-flags \"...\"} argument to the list of packages. It wouldn't be a stretch to think @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/USE_flag, Gentoo USE flags} here, but this goes even further: the changes don't have to be thought out beforehand by the packager, they can be @emph{programmed} by the user!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:357
+msgid "The following tutorial covers all the basics around package creation with Guix. It does not assume much knowledge of the Guix system nor of the Lisp language. The reader is only expected to be familiar with the command line and to have some basic programming knowledge."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:358 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:359
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "A ``Hello World'' package"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:364
+msgid "The ``Defining Packages'' section of the manual introduces the basics of Guix packaging (@pxref{Defining Packages,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}). In the following section, we will partly go over those basics again."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:370
+msgid "GNU@tie{}Hello is a dummy project that serves as an idiomatic example for packaging. It uses the GNU build system (@code{./configure && make && make install}). Guix already provides a package definition which is a perfect example to start with. You can look up its declaration with @code{guix edit hello} from the command line. Let's see how it looks:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:391
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public hello\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"hello\")\n"
+" (version \"2.10\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnu/hello/hello-\" version\n"
+" \".tar.gz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i\"))))\n"
+" (build-system gnu-build-system)\n"
+" (synopsis \"Hello, GNU world: An example GNU package\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"GNU Hello prints the message \\\"Hello, world!\\\" and then exits. It\n"
+"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports\n"
+"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.\")\n"
+" (home-page \"https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/\")\n"
+" (license gpl3+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:395
+msgid "As you can see, most of it is rather straightforward. But let's review the fields together:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:397
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "name"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:400
+msgid "The project name. Using Scheme conventions, we prefer to keep it lower case, without underscore and using dash-separated words."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:401
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "source"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:404
+msgid "This field contains a description of the source code origin. The @code{origin} record contains these fields:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:406
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The method, here @code{url-fetch} to download via HTTP/FTP, but other methods"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:408
+msgid "exist, such as @code{git-fetch} for Git repositories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:408
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The URI, which is typically some @code{https://} location for @code{url-fetch}. Here"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:411
+msgid "the special `mirror://gnu` refers to a set of well known locations, all of which can be used by Guix to fetch the source, should some of them fail."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:411
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The @code{sha256} checksum of the requested file. This is essential to ensure"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:414
+msgid "the source is not corrupted. Note that Guix works with base32 strings, hence the call to the @code{base32} function."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:416
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "build-system"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:425
+msgid "This is where the power of abstraction provided by the Scheme language really shines: in this case, the @code{gnu-build-system} abstracts away the famous @code{./configure && make && make install} shell invocations. Other build systems include the @code{trivial-build-system} which does not do anything and requires from the packager to program all the build steps, the @code{python-build-system}, the @code{emacs-build-system}, and many more (@pxref{Build Systems,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:426
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "synopsis"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:429
+msgid "It should be a concise summary of what the package does. For many packages a tagline from the project's home page can be used as the synopsis."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:430
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "description"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:433
+msgid "Same as for the synopsis, it's fine to re-use the project description from the homepage. Note that Guix uses Texinfo syntax."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:434
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "home-page"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:436
+msgid "Use HTTPS if available."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:437
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "license"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:440
+msgid "See @code{guix/licenses.scm} in the project source for a full list of available licenses."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:444
+msgid "Time to build our first package! Nothing fancy here for now: we will stick to a dummy @code{my-hello}, a copy of the above declaration."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:448
+msgid "As with the ritualistic ``Hello World'' taught with most programming languages, this will possibly be the most ``manual'' approach. We will work out an ideal setup later; for now we will go the simplest route."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:450
+msgid "Save the following to a file @file{my-hello.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:456
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (guix packages)\n"
+" (guix download)\n"
+" (guix build-system gnu)\n"
+" (guix licenses))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:475
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (name \"my-hello\")\n"
+" (version \"2.10\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnu/hello/hello-\" version\n"
+" \".tar.gz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i\"))))\n"
+" (build-system gnu-build-system)\n"
+" (synopsis \"Hello, Guix world: An example custom Guix package\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"GNU Hello prints the message \\\"Hello, world!\\\" and then exits. It\n"
+"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports\n"
+"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.\")\n"
+" (home-page \"https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/\")\n"
+" (license gpl3+))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:478
+msgid "We will explain the extra code in a moment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:485
+msgid "Feel free to play with the different values of the various fields. If you change the source, you'll need to update the checksum. Indeed, Guix refuses to build anything if the given checksum does not match the computed checksum of the source code. To obtain the correct checksum of the package declaration, we need to download the source, compute the sha256 checksum and convert it to base32."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:488
+msgid "Thankfully, Guix can automate this task for us; all we need is to provide the URI:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:492
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix download mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:499
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Starting download of /tmp/guix-file.JLYgL7\n"
+"From https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz...\n"
+"following redirection to `https://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz'...\n"
+" …10.tar.gz 709KiB 2.5MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:504
+msgid "In this specific case the output tells us which mirror was chosen. If the result of the above command is not the same as in the above snippet, update your @code{my-hello} declaration accordingly."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:508
+msgid "Note that GNU package tarballs come with an OpenPGP signature, so you should definitely check the signature of this tarball with `gpg` to authenticate it before going further:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:512
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix download mirror://gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:527
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"Starting download of /tmp/guix-file.03tFfb\n"
+"From https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig...\n"
+"following redirection to `https://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig'...\n"
+" ….tar.gz.sig 819B 1.2MiB/s 00:00 [##################] 100.0%\n"
+"$ gpg --verify /gnu/store/rzs8wba9ka7grrmgcpfyxvs58mly0sx6-hello-2.10.tar.gz.sig /gnu/store/hbdalsf5lpf01x4dcknwx6xbn6n5km6k-hello-2.10.tar.gz\n"
+"gpg: Signature made Sun 16 Nov 2014 01:08:37 PM CET\n"
+"gpg: using RSA key A9553245FDE9B739\n"
+"gpg: Good signature from \"Sami Kerola <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" [unknown]\n"
+"gpg: aka \"Sami Kerola (http://www.iki.fi/kerolasa/) <kerolasa@@iki.fi>\" [unknown]\n"
+"gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n"
+"gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.\n"
+"Primary key fingerprint: 8ED3 96E3 7E38 D471 A005 30D3 A955 3245 FDE9 B739\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:530
+msgid "You can then happily run"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:534
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix package --install-from-file=my-hello.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:537
+msgid "You should now have @code{my-hello} in your profile!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:543
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix package --list-installed=my-hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:548
+msgid "We've gone as far as we could without any knowledge of Scheme. Before moving on to more complex packages, now is the right time to brush up on your Scheme knowledge. @pxref{A Scheme Crash Course} to get up to speed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:549 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:550
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Setup"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:555
+msgid "In the rest of this chapter we will rely on some basic Scheme programming knowledge. Now let's detail the different possible setups for working on Guix packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:557
+msgid "There are several ways to set up a Guix packaging environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:560
+msgid "We recommend you work directly on the Guix source checkout since it makes it easier for everyone to contribute to the project."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:562
+msgid "But first, let's look at other possibilities."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:563 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:564
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Local file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:569
+msgid "This is what we previously did with @samp{my-hello}. With the Scheme basics we've covered, we are now able to explain the leading chunks. As stated in @code{guix package --help}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:574
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" -f, --install-from-file=FILE\n"
+" install the package that the code within FILE\n"
+" evaluates to\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:578
+msgid "Thus the last expression @emph{must} return a package, which is the case in our earlier example."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:582
+msgid "The @code{use-modules} expression tells which of the modules we need in the file. Modules are a collection of values and procedures. They are commonly called ``libraries'' or ``packages'' in other programming languages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: node
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:583
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: samp{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:584
+#, no-wrap
+msgstr ""
+#. type: emph{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:588
+msgid "Note: Starting from Guix 0.16, the more flexible Guix @dfn{channels} are the preferred way and supersede @samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}. See next section."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:592
+msgid "It can be tedious to specify the file from the command line instead of simply calling @code{guix package --install my-hello} as you would do with the official packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:595
+msgid "Guix makes it possible to streamline the process by adding as many ``package declaration directories'' as you want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:598
+msgid "Create a directory, say @file{~/guix-packages} and add it to the @samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} environment variable:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:602
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ mkdir ~/guix-packages\n"
+"$ export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=~/guix-packages\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:605
+msgid "To add several directories, separate them with a colon (@code{:})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:607
+msgid "Our previous @samp{my-hello} needs some adjustments though:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:614
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-module (my-hello)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix licenses)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix packages)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix download))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:634
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public my-hello\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"my-hello\")\n"
+" (version \"2.10\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnu/hello/hello-\" version\n"
+" \".tar.gz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"0ssi1wpaf7plaswqqjwigppsg5fyh99vdlb9kzl7c9lng89ndq1i\"))))\n"
+" (build-system gnu-build-system)\n"
+" (synopsis \"Hello, Guix world: An example custom Guix package\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"GNU Hello prints the message \\\"Hello, world!\\\" and then exits. It\n"
+"serves as an example of standard GNU coding practices. As such, it supports\n"
+"command-line arguments, multiple languages, and so on.\")\n"
+" (home-page \"https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/\")\n"
+" (license gpl3+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:640
+msgid "Note that we have assigned the package value to an exported variable name with @code{define-public}. This is effectively assigning the package to the @code{my-hello} variable so that it can be referenced, among other as dependency of other packages."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:645
+msgid "If you use @code{guix package --install-from-file=my-hello.scm} on the above file, it will fail because the last expression, @code{define-public}, does not return a package. If you want to use @code{define-public} in this use-case nonetheless, make sure the file ends with an evaluation of @code{my-hello}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:651
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"; ...\n"
+"(define-public my-hello\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" )\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:653
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "my-hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:656
+msgid "This last example is not very typical."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:659
+msgid "Now @samp{my-hello} should be part of the package collection like all other official packages. You can verify this with:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:662
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix package --show=my-hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:664 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:665
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix channels"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:671
+msgid "Guix 0.16 features channels, which is very similar to @samp{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} but provides better integration and provenance tracking. Channels are not necessarily local, they can be maintained as a public Git repository for instance. Of course, several channels can be used at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:673
+msgid "@xref{Channels,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for setup details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:674 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:675
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Direct checkout hacking"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:680
+msgid "Working directly on the Guix project is recommended: it reduces the friction when the time comes to submit your changes upstream to let the community benefit from your hard work!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:686
+msgid "Unlike most software distributions, the Guix repository holds in one place both the tooling (including the package manager) and the package definitions. This choice was made so that it would give developers the flexibility to modify the API without breakage by updating all packages at the same time. This reduces development inertia."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:688
+msgid "Check out the official @uref{https://git-scm.com/, Git} repository:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:691
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:695
+msgid "In the rest of this article, we use @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT} to refer to the location of the checkout."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:699
+msgid "Follow the instructions in the manual (@pxref{Contributing,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}) to set up the repository environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:702
+msgid "Once ready, you should be able to use the package definitions from the repository environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:704
+msgid "Feel free to edit package definitions found in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/gnu/packages}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:708
+msgid "The @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/pre-inst-env} script lets you use @samp{guix} over the package collection of the repository (@pxref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:712
+msgid "Search packages, such as Ruby:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:719
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ cd $GUIX_CHECKOUT\n"
+" $ ./pre-inst-env guix package --list-available=ruby\n"
+" ruby 1.8.7-p374 out gnu/packages/ruby.scm:119:2\n"
+" ruby 2.1.6 out gnu/packages/ruby.scm:91:2\n"
+" ruby 2.2.2 out gnu/packages/ruby.scm:39:2\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:723
+msgid "Build a package, here Ruby version 2.1:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:727
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" $ ./pre-inst-env guix build --keep-failed ruby@@2.1\n"
+" /gnu/store/c13v73jxmj2nir2xjqaz5259zywsa9zi-ruby-2.1.6\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:731
+msgid "Install it to your user profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:734
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ ./pre-inst-env guix package --install ruby@@2.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:738
+msgid "Check for common mistakes:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:741
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " $ ./pre-inst-env guix lint ruby@@2.1\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:746
+msgid "Guix strives at maintaining a high packaging standard; when contributing to the Guix project, remember to"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:750
+msgid "follow the coding style (@pxref{Coding Style,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}),"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:752
+msgid "and review the check list from the manual (@pxref{Submitting Patches,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:756
+msgid "Once you are happy with the result, you are welcome to send your contribution to make it part of Guix. This process is also detailed in the manual. (@pxref{Contributing,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:759
+msgid "It's a community effort so the more join in, the better Guix becomes!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:760 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:761
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Extended example"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:766
+msgid "The above ``Hello World'' example is as simple as it goes. Packages can be more complex than that and Guix can handle more advanced scenarios. Let's look at another, more sophisticated package (slightly modified from the source):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:780
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-module (gnu packages version-control)\n"
+" #:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix utils)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix packages)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix git-download)\n"
+" #:use-module (guix build-system cmake)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages ssh)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages web)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages pkg-config)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages python)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages compression)\n"
+" #:use-module (gnu packages tls))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:834
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public my-libgit2\n"
+" (let ((commit \"e98d0a37c93574d2c6107bf7f31140b548c6a7bf\")\n"
+" (revision \"1\"))\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"my-libgit2\")\n"
+" (version (git-version \"0.26.6\" revision commit))\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method git-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (git-reference\n"
+" (url \"https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/\")\n"
+" (commit commit)))\n"
+" (file-name (git-file-name name version))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"17pjvprmdrx4h6bb1hhc98w9qi6ki7yl57f090n9kbhswxqfs7s3\"))\n"
+" (patches (search-patches \"libgit2-mtime-0.patch\"))\n"
+" (modules '((guix build utils)))\n"
+" ;; Remove bundled software.\n"
+" (snippet '(delete-file-recursively \"deps\"))))\n"
+" (build-system cmake-build-system)\n"
+" (outputs '(\"out\" \"debug\"))\n"
+" (arguments\n"
+" `(#:tests? #true ; Run the test suite (this is the default)\n"
+" #:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\") ; SHA-1 collision detection\n"
+" #:phases\n"
+" (modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
+" (add-after 'unpack 'fix-hardcoded-paths\n"
+" (lambda _\n"
+" (substitute* \"tests/repo/init.c\"\n"
+" ((\"#!/bin/sh\") (string-append \"#!\" (which \"sh\"))))\n"
+" (substitute* \"tests/clar/fs.h\"\n"
+" ((\"/bin/cp\") (which \"cp\"))\n"
+" ((\"/bin/rm\") (which \"rm\")))))\n"
+" ;; Run checks more verbosely.\n"
+" (replace 'check\n"
+" (lambda _ (invoke \"./libgit2_clar\" \"-v\" \"-Q\")))\n"
+" (add-after 'unpack 'make-files-writable-for-tests\n"
+" (lambda _ (for-each make-file-writable (find-files \".\" \".*\")))))))\n"
+" (inputs\n"
+" (list libssh2 http-parser python-wrapper))\n"
+" (native-inputs\n"
+" (list pkg-config))\n"
+" (propagated-inputs\n"
+" ;; These two libraries are in 'Requires.private' in libgit2.pc.\n"
+" (list openssl zlib))\n"
+" (home-page \"https://libgit2.github.com/\")\n"
+" (synopsis \"Library providing Git core methods\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"Libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods\n"
+"provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to\n"
+"write native speed custom Git applications in any language with bindings.\")\n"
+" ;; GPLv2 with linking exception\n"
+" (license license:gpl2))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:839
+msgid "(In those cases were you only want to tweak a few fields from a package definition, you should rely on inheritance instead of copy-pasting everything. See below.)"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:841
+msgid "Let's discuss those fields in depth."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:842
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{git-fetch} method"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:849
+msgid "Unlike the @code{url-fetch} method, @code{git-fetch} expects a @code{git-reference} which takes a Git repository and a commit. The commit can be any Git reference such as tags, so if the @code{version} is tagged, then it can be used directly. Sometimes the tag is prefixed with a @code{v}, in which case you'd use @code{(commit (string-append \"v\" version))}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:853
+msgid "To ensure that the source code from the Git repository is stored in a directory with a descriptive name, we use @code{(file-name (git-file-name name version))}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:858
+msgid "The @code{git-version} procedure can be used to derive the version when packaging programs for a specific commit, following the Guix contributor guidelines (@pxref{Version Numbers,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:862
+msgid "How does one obtain the @code{sha256} hash that's in there, you ask? By invoking @command{guix hash} on a checkout of the desired commit, along these lines:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:868
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"git clone https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2/\n"
+"cd libgit2\n"
+"git checkout v0.26.6\n"
+"guix hash -rx .\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:873
+msgid "@command{guix hash -rx} computes a SHA256 hash over the whole directory, excluding the @file{.git} sub-directory (@pxref{Invoking guix hash,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:876
+msgid "In the future, @command{guix download} will hopefully be able to do these steps for you, just like it does for regular downloads."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:877
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Snippets"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:883
+msgid "Snippets are quoted (i.e. non-evaluated) Scheme code that are a means of patching the source. They are a Guix-y alternative to the traditional @file{.patch} files. Because of the quote, the code in only evaluated when passed to the Guix daemon for building. There can be as many snippets as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:886
+msgid "Snippets might need additional Guile modules which can be imported from the @code{modules} field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:887
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:890
+msgid "There are 3 different input types. In short:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:892
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "native-inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:895
+msgid "Required for building but not runtime -- installing a package through a substitute won't install these inputs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:895
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:898
+msgid "Installed in the store but not in the profile, as well as being present at build time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:898
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "propagated-inputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:901
+msgid "Installed in the store and in the profile, as well as being present at build time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:904
+msgid "@xref{Package Reference,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for more details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:908
+msgid "The distinction between the various inputs is important: if a dependency can be handled as an @emph{input} instead of a @emph{propagated input}, it should be done so, or else it ``pollutes'' the user profile for no good reason."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:915
+msgid "For instance, a user installing a graphical program that depends on a command line tool might only be interested in the graphical part, so there is no need to force the command line tool into the user profile. The dependency is a concern to the package, not to the user. @emph{Inputs} make it possible to handle dependencies without bugging the user by adding undesired executable files (or libraries) to their profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:921
+msgid "Same goes for @emph{native-inputs}: once the program is installed, build-time dependencies can be safely garbage-collected. It also matters when a substitute is available, in which case only the @emph{inputs} and @emph{propagated inputs} will be fetched: the @emph{native inputs} are not required to install a package from a substitute."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:922 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1892
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Note"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:925
+msgid "You may see here and there snippets where package inputs are written quite differently, like so:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:932
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+";; The \"old style\" for inputs.\n"
+" `((\"libssh2\" ,libssh2)\n"
+" (\"http-parser\" ,http-parser)\n"
+" (\"python\" ,python-wrapper)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:938
+msgid "This is the ``old style'', where each input in the list is explicitly given a label (a string). It is still supported but we recommend using the style above instead. @xref{package Reference,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more info."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:940
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Outputs"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:944
+msgid "Just like how a package can have multiple inputs, it can also produce multiple outputs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:946
+msgid "Each output corresponds to a separate directory in the store."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:949
+msgid "The user can choose which output to install; this is useful to save space or to avoid polluting the user profile with unwanted executables or libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:952
+msgid "Output separation is optional. When the @code{outputs} field is left out, the default and only output (the complete package) is referred to as @code{\"out\"}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:954
+msgid "Typical separate output names include @code{debug} and @code{doc}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:958
+msgid "It's advised to separate outputs only when you've shown it's worth it: if the output size is significant (compare with @code{guix size}) or in case the package is modular."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:959
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Build system arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:962
+msgid "The @code{arguments} is a keyword-value list used to configure the build process."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:967
+msgid "The simplest argument @code{#:tests?} can be used to disable the test suite when building the package. This is mostly useful when the package does not feature any test suite. It's strongly recommended to keep the test suite on if there is one."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:971
+msgid "Another common argument is @code{:make-flags}, which specifies a list of flags to append when running make, as you would from the command line. For instance, the following flags"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:975
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"#:make-flags (list (string-append \"prefix=\" (assoc-ref %outputs \"out\"))\n"
+" \"CC=gcc\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:978
+msgid "translate into"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:981
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ make CC=gcc prefix=/gnu/store/...-<out>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:987
+msgid "This sets the C compiler to @code{gcc} and the @code{prefix} variable (the installation directory in Make parlance) to @code{(assoc-ref %outputs \"out\")}, which is a build-stage global variable pointing to the destination directory in the store (something like @file{/gnu/store/...-my-libgit2-20180408})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:989
+msgid "Similarly, it's possible to set the configure flags:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:992
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "#:configure-flags '(\"-DUSE_SHA1DC=ON\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:996
+msgid "The @code{%build-inputs} variable is also generated in scope. It's an association table that maps the input names to their store directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1001
+msgid "The @code{phases} keyword lists the sequential steps of the build system. Typically phases include @code{unpack}, @code{configure}, @code{build}, @code{install} and @code{check}. To know more about those phases, you need to work out the appropriate build system definition in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build/gnu-build-system.scm}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1020
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %standard-phases\n"
+" ;; Standard build phases, as a list of symbol/procedure pairs.\n"
+" (let-syntax ((phases (syntax-rules ()\n"
+" ((_ p ...) `((p . ,p) ...)))))\n"
+" (phases set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH set-paths install-locale unpack\n"
+" bootstrap\n"
+" patch-usr-bin-file\n"
+" patch-source-shebangs configure patch-generated-file-shebangs\n"
+" build check install\n"
+" patch-shebangs strip\n"
+" validate-runpath\n"
+" validate-documentation-location\n"
+" delete-info-dir-file\n"
+" patch-dot-desktop-files\n"
+" install-license-files\n"
+" reset-gzip-timestamps\n"
+" compress-documentation)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1023
+msgid "Or from the REPL:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1029
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(add-to-load-path \"/path/to/guix/checkout\")\n"
+",use (guix build gnu-build-system)\n"
+"(map first %standard-phases)\n"
+"@result{} (set-SOURCE-DATE-EPOCH set-paths install-locale unpack bootstrap patch-usr-bin-file patch-source-shebangs configure patch-generated-file-shebangs build check install patch-shebangs strip validate-runpath validate-documentation-location delete-info-dir-file patch-dot-desktop-files install-license-files reset-gzip-timestamps compress-documentation)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1033
+msgid "If you want to know more about what happens during those phases, consult the associated procedures."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1036
+msgid "For instance, as of this writing the definition of @code{unpack} for the GNU build system is:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1046
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define* (unpack #:key source #:allow-other-keys)\n"
+" \"Unpack SOURCE in the working directory, and change directory within the\n"
+"source. When SOURCE is a directory, copy it in a sub-directory of the current\n"
+"working directory.\"\n"
+" (if (file-is-directory? source)\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (mkdir \"source\")\n"
+" (chdir \"source\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1057
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; Preserve timestamps (set to the Epoch) on the copied tree so that\n"
+" ;; things work deterministically.\n"
+" (copy-recursively source \".\"\n"
+" #:keep-mtime? #true))\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (if (string-suffix? \".zip\" source)\n"
+" (invoke \"unzip\" source)\n"
+" (invoke \"tar\" \"xvf\" source))\n"
+" (chdir (first-subdirectory \".\"))))\n"
+" #true)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1065
+msgid "Note the @code{chdir} call: it changes the working directory to where the source was unpacked. Thus every phase following the @code{unpack} will use the source as a working directory, which is why we can directly work on the source files. That is to say, unless a later phase changes the working directory to something else."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1069
+msgid "We modify the list of @code{%standard-phases} of the build system with the @code{modify-phases} macro as per the list of specified modifications, which may have the following forms:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1073
+msgid "@code{(add-before @var{phase} @var{new-phase} @var{procedure})}: Run @var{procedure} named @var{new-phase} before @var{phase}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1075
+msgid "@code{(add-after @var{phase} @var{new-phase} @var{procedure})}: Same, but afterwards."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1077
+msgid "@code{(replace @var{phase} @var{procedure})}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1079
+msgid "@code{(delete @var{phase})}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1086
+msgid "The @var{procedure} supports the keyword arguments @code{inputs} and @code{outputs}. Each input (whether @emph{native}, @emph{propagated} or not) and output directory is referenced by their name in those variables. Thus @code{(assoc-ref outputs \"out\")} is the store directory of the main output of the package. A phase procedure may look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1094
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(lambda* (#:key inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)\n"
+" (let ((bash-directory (assoc-ref inputs \"bash\"))\n"
+" (output-directory (assoc-ref outputs \"out\"))\n"
+" (doc-directory (assoc-ref outputs \"doc\")))\n"
+" ;; ...\n"
+" #true))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1100
+msgid "The procedure must return @code{#true} on success. It's brittle to rely on the return value of the last expression used to tweak the phase because there is no guarantee it would be a @code{#true}. Hence the trailing @code{#true} to ensure the right value is returned on success."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1101
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Code staging"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1107
+msgid "The astute reader may have noticed the quasi-quote and comma syntax in the argument field. Indeed, the build code in the package declaration should not be evaluated on the client side, but only when passed to the Guix daemon. This mechanism of passing code around two running processes is called @uref{https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.00833, code staging}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1108
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Utility functions"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1113
+msgid "When customizing @code{phases}, we often need to write code that mimics the equivalent system invocations (@code{make}, @code{mkdir}, @code{cp}, etc.)@: commonly used during regular ``Unix-style'' installations."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1116
+msgid "Some like @code{chmod} are native to Guile. @xref{,,, guile, Guile reference manual} for a complete list."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1119
+msgid "Guix provides additional helper functions which prove especially handy in the context of package management."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1123
+msgid "Some of those functions can be found in @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/guix/build/utils.scm}. Most of them mirror the behaviour of the traditional Unix system commands:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1125
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "which"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1127
+msgid "Like the @samp{which} system command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1127
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "find-files"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1129
+msgid "Akin to the @samp{find} system command."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1129
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "mkdir-p"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1131
+msgid "Like @samp{mkdir -p}, which creates all parents as needed."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1131
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "install-file"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1135
+msgid "Similar to @samp{install} when installing a file to a (possibly non-existing) directory. Guile has @code{copy-file} which works like @samp{cp}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1135
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "copy-recursively"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1137
+msgid "Like @samp{cp -r}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1137
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "delete-file-recursively"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1139
+msgid "Like @samp{rm -rf}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1139
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "invoke"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1141
+msgid "Run an executable. This should be used instead of @code{system*}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1141
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "with-directory-excursion"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1144
+msgid "Run the body in a different working directory, then restore the previous working directory."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1144
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "substitute*"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1146
+msgid "A ``@command{sed}-like'' function."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1150
+msgid "@xref{Build Utilities,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more information on these utilities."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1151
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Module prefix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1161
+msgid "The license in our last example needs a prefix: this is because of how the @code{license} module was imported in the package, as @code{#:use-module ((guix licenses) #:prefix license:)}. The Guile module import mechanism (@pxref{Using Guile Modules,,, guile, Guile reference manual}) gives the user full control over namespacing: this is needed to avoid clashes between, say, the @samp{zlib} variable from @samp{licenses.scm} (a @emph{license} value) and the @samp{zlib} variable from @samp{compression.scm} (a @emph{package} value)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1162 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1163
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Other build systems"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1170
+msgid "What we've seen so far covers the majority of packages using a build system other than the @code{trivial-build-system}. The latter does not automate anything and leaves you to build everything manually. This can be more demanding and we won't cover it here for now, but thankfully it is rarely necessary to fall back on this system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1174
+msgid "For the other build systems, such as ASDF, Emacs, Perl, Ruby and many more, the process is very similar to the GNU build system except for a few specialized arguments."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1179
+msgid "@xref{Build Systems,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for more information on build systems, or check the source code in the @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build} and @samp{$GUIX_CHECKOUT/guix/build-system} directories."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1180 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1181
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Programmable and automated package definition"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1185
+msgid "We can't repeat it enough: having a full-fledged programming language at hand empowers us in ways that reach far beyond traditional package management."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1187
+msgid "Let's illustrate this with some awesome features of Guix!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1188 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1189
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Recursive importers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1196
+msgid "You might find some build systems good enough that there is little to do at all to write a package, to the point that it becomes repetitive and tedious after a while. A @emph{raison d'être} of computers is to replace human beings at those boring tasks. So let's tell Guix to do this for us and create the package definition of an R package from CRAN (the output is trimmed for conciseness):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1199
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix import cran --recursive walrus\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-mc2d\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl2+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1207
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-jmvcore\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl2+)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1211
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-wrs2\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" (license gpl3)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1237
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public r-walrus\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (name \"r-walrus\")\n"
+" (version \"1.0.3\")\n"
+" (source\n"
+" (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (cran-uri \"walrus\" version))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"1nk2glcvy4hyksl5ipq2mz8jy4fss90hx6cq98m3w96kzjni6jjj\"))))\n"
+" (build-system r-build-system)\n"
+" (propagated-inputs\n"
+" (list r-ggplot2 r-jmvcore r-r6 r-wrs2))\n"
+" (home-page \"https://github.com/jamovi/walrus\")\n"
+" (synopsis \"Robust Statistical Methods\")\n"
+" (description\n"
+" \"This package provides a toolbox of common robust statistical\n"
+"tests, including robust descriptives, robust t-tests, and robust ANOVA.\n"
+"It is also available as a module for 'jamovi' (see\n"
+"<https://www.jamovi.org> for more information). Walrus is based on the\n"
+"WRS2 package by Patrick Mair, which is in turn based on the scripts and\n"
+"work of Rand Wilcox. These analyses are described in depth in the book\n"
+"'Introduction to Robust Estimation & Hypothesis Testing'.\")\n"
+" (license gpl3)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1241
+msgid "The recursive importer won't import packages for which Guix already has package definitions, except for the very first."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1246
+msgid "Not all applications can be packaged this way, only those relying on a select number of supported systems. Read about the full list of importers in the guix import section of the manual (@pxref{Invoking guix import,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1247 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1248
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Automatic update"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1252
+msgid "Guix can be smart enough to check for updates on systems it knows. It can report outdated package definitions with"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1255
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix refresh hello\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1260
+msgid "In most cases, updating a package to a newer version requires little more than changing the version number and the checksum. Guix can do that automatically as well:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1263
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "$ guix refresh hello --update\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1265 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1266
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Inheritance"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1270
+msgid "If you've started browsing the existing package definitions, you might have noticed that a significant number of them have a @code{inherit} field:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public adwaita-icon-theme\n"
+" (package (inherit gnome-icon-theme)\n"
+" (name \"adwaita-icon-theme\")\n"
+" (version \"3.26.1\")\n"
+" (source (origin\n"
+" (method url-fetch)\n"
+" (uri (string-append \"mirror://gnome/sources/\" name \"/\"\n"
+" (version-major+minor version) \"/\"\n"
+" name \"-\" version \".tar.xz\"))\n"
+" (sha256\n"
+" (base32\n"
+" \"17fpahgh5dyckgz7rwqvzgnhx53cx9kr2xw0szprc6bnqy977fi8\"))))\n"
+" (native-inputs (list `(,gtk+ \"bin\")))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1290
+msgid "All unspecified fields are inherited from the parent package. This is very convenient to create alternative packages, for instance with different source, version or compilation options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1291 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1292
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Getting help"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1298
+msgid "Sadly, some applications can be tough to package. Sometimes they need a patch to work with the non-standard file system hierarchy enforced by the store. Sometimes the tests won't run properly. (They can be skipped but this is not recommended.) Other times the resulting package won't be reproducible."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1301
+msgid "Should you be stuck, unable to figure out how to fix any sort of packaging issue, don't hesitate to ask the community for help."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1303
+msgid "See the @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/contact/, Guix homepage} for information on the mailing lists, IRC, etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1304 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1305
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Conclusion"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1311
+msgid "This tutorial was a showcase of the sophisticated package management that Guix boasts. At this point we have mostly restricted this introduction to the @code{gnu-build-system} which is a core abstraction layer on which more advanced abstractions are based."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1316
+msgid "Where do we go from here? Next we ought to dissect the innards of the build system by removing all abstractions, using the @code{trivial-build-system}: this should give us a thorough understanding of the process before investigating some more advanced packaging techniques and edge cases."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1319
+msgid "Other features worth exploring are the interactive editing and debugging capabilities of Guix provided by the Guile REPL@."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1324
+msgid "Those fancy features are completely optional and can wait; now is a good time to take a well-deserved break. With what we've introduced here you should be well armed to package lots of programs. You can get started right away and hopefully we will see your contributions soon!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1325 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1326
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "References"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1331
+msgid "The @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Defining-Packages.html, package reference in the manual}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1334
+msgid "@uref{https://gitlab.com/pjotrp/guix-notes/blob/master/HACKING.org, Pjotr’s hacking guide to GNU Guix}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1337
+msgid "@uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/guix-ghm-andreas-20130823.pdf, ``GNU Guix: Package without a scheme!''}, by Andreas Enge"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1346
+msgid "Guix offers a flexible language for declaratively configuring your Guix System. This flexibility can at times be overwhelming. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate some advanced configuration concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1349
+msgid "@pxref{System Configuration,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for a complete reference."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1646
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix System Image API"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Customizing images to target specific platforms."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1857
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Connecting to Wireguard VPN"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Connecting to a Wireguard VPN."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1934
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Customizing a Window Manager"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Handle customization of a Window manager on Guix System."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2025
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Running Guix on a Linode Server"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2268
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Setting up a bind mount"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Setting up a bind mount in the file-systems definition."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2317
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Getting substitutes from Tor"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Configuring Guix daemon to get substitutes through Tor."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2379
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Setting up NGINX with Lua"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1360
+msgid "Configuring NGINX web-server to load Lua modules."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1372
+msgid "While the Guix manual explains auto-login one user to @emph{all} TTYs ( @pxref{auto-login to TTY,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), some might prefer a situation, in which one user is logged into one TTY with the other TTYs either configured to login different users or no one at all. Note that one can auto-login one user to any TTY, but it is usually advisable to avoid @code{tty1}, which, by default, is used to log warnings and errors."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1374
+msgid "Here is how one might set up auto login for one user to one tty:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1382
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define (auto-login-to-tty config tty user)\n"
+" (if (string=? tty (mingetty-configuration-tty config))\n"
+" (mingetty-configuration\n"
+" (inherit config)\n"
+" (auto-login user))\n"
+" config))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1389
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %my-services\n"
+" (modify-services %base-services\n"
+" ;; @dots{}\n"
+" (mingetty-service-type config =>\n"
+" (auto-login-to-tty\n"
+" config \"tty3\" \"alice\"))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1393
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; @dots{}\n"
+" (services %my-services))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1398
+msgid "One could also @code{compose} (@pxref{Higher-Order Functions,,, guile, The Guile Reference Manual}) @code{auto-login-to-tty} to login multiple users to multiple ttys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1405
+msgid "Finally, here is a note of caution. Setting up auto login to a TTY, means that anyone can turn on your computer and run commands as your regular user. However, if you have an encrypted root partition, and thus already need to enter a passphrase when the system boots, auto-login might be a convenient option."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1417
+msgid "Guix is, at its core, a source based distribution with substitutes (@pxref{Substitutes,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}), and as such building packages from their source code is an expected part of regular package installations and upgrades. Given this starting point, it makes sense that efforts are made to reduce the amount of time spent compiling packages, and recent changes and upgrades to the building and distribution of substitutes continues to be a topic of discussion within Guix."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1423
+msgid "The kernel, while not requiring an overabundance of RAM to build, does take a rather long time on an average machine. The official kernel configuration, as is the case with many GNU/Linux distributions, errs on the side of inclusiveness, and this is really what causes the build to take such a long time when the kernel is built from source."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1428
+msgid "The Linux kernel, however, can also just be described as a regular old package, and as such can be customized just like any other package. The procedure is a little bit different, although this is primarily due to the nature of how the package definition is written."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1431
+msgid "The @code{linux-libre} kernel package definition is actually a procedure which creates a package."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1442
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define* (make-linux-libre* version gnu-revision source supported-systems\n"
+" #:key\n"
+" (extra-version #f)\n"
+" ;; A function that takes an arch and a variant.\n"
+" ;; See kernel-config for an example.\n"
+" (configuration-file #f)\n"
+" (defconfig \"defconfig\")\n"
+" (extra-options %default-extra-linux-options))\n"
+" ...)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1446
+msgid "The current @code{linux-libre} package is for the 5.15.x series, and is declared like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1454
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public linux-libre-5.15\n"
+" (make-linux-libre* linux-libre-5.15-version\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-gnu-revision\n"
+" linux-libre-5.15-source\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\" \"armhf-linux\" \"aarch64-linux\" \"riscv64-linux\")\n"
+" #:configuration-file kernel-config))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1461
+msgid "Any keys which are not assigned values inherit their default value from the @code{make-linux-libre} definition. When comparing the two snippets above, notice the code comment that refers to @code{#:configuration-file}. Because of this, it is not actually easy to include a custom kernel configuration from the definition, but don't worry, there are other ways to work with what we do have."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1467
+msgid "There are two ways to create a kernel with a custom kernel configuration. The first is to provide a standard @file{.config} file during the build process by including an actual @file{.config} file as a native input to our custom kernel. The following is a snippet from the custom @code{'configure} phase of the @code{make-linux-libre} package definition:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1471
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(let ((build (assoc-ref %standard-phases 'build))\n"
+" (config (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) \"kconfig\")))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1479
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; Use a custom kernel configuration file or a default\n"
+" ;; configuration file.\n"
+" (if config\n"
+" (begin\n"
+" (copy-file config \".config\")\n"
+" (chmod \".config\" #o666))\n"
+" (invoke \"make\" ,defconfig)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1484
+msgid "Below is a sample kernel package. The @code{linux-libre} package is nothing special and can be inherited from and have its fields overridden like any other package:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1493
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public linux-libre/E2140\n"
+" (package\n"
+" (inherit linux-libre)\n"
+" (native-inputs\n"
+" `((\"kconfig\" ,(local-file \"E2140.config\"))\n"
+" ,@@(alist-delete \"kconfig\"\n"
+" (package-native-inputs linux-libre))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1500
+msgid "In the same directory as the file defining @code{linux-libre-E2140} is a file named @file{E2140.config}, which is an actual kernel configuration file. The @code{defconfig} keyword of @code{make-linux-libre} is left blank here, so the only kernel configuration in the package is the one which was included in the @code{native-inputs} field."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1505
+msgid "The second way to create a custom kernel is to pass a new value to the @code{extra-options} keyword of the @code{make-linux-libre} procedure. The @code{extra-options} keyword works with another function defined right below it:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1521
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %default-extra-linux-options\n"
+" `(;; https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2014-04/msg00039.html\n"
+" ;; Modules required for initrd:\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_NET_9P\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_NET_9P_VIRTIO\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_NET\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_PCI\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_VIRTIO_MMIO\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_FUSE_FS\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_CIFS\" . m)\n"
+" (\"CONFIG_9P_FS\" . m)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1532
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define (config->string options)\n"
+" (string-join (map (match-lambda\n"
+" ((option . 'm)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=m\"))\n"
+" ((option . #true)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=y\"))\n"
+" ((option . #false)\n"
+" (string-append option \"=n\")))\n"
+" options)\n"
+" \"\\n\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1535
+msgid "And in the custom configure script from the `make-linux-libre` package:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1543
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+";; Appending works even when the option wasn't in the\n"
+";; file. The last one prevails if duplicated.\n"
+"(let ((port (open-file \".config\" \"a\"))\n"
+" (extra-configuration ,(config->string extra-options)))\n"
+" (display extra-configuration port)\n"
+" (close-port port))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1545
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(invoke \"make\" \"oldconfig\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1550
+msgid "So by not providing a configuration-file the @file{.config} starts blank, and then we write into it the collection of flags that we want. Here's another custom kernel:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1558
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define %macbook41-full-config\n"
+" (append %macbook41-config-options\n"
+" %file-systems\n"
+" %efi-support\n"
+" %emulation\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) %default-extra-linux-options)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1569
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-public linux-libre-macbook41\n"
+" ;; XXX: Access the internal 'make-linux-libre*' procedure, which is\n"
+" ;; private and unexported, and is liable to change in the future.\n"
+" ((@@@@ (gnu packages linux) make-linux-libre*)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-version)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-gnu-revision)\n"
+" (@@@@ (gnu packages linux) linux-libre-source)\n"
+" '(\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
+" #:extra-version \"macbook41\"\n"
+" #:extra-options %macbook41-config-options))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1576
+msgid "In the above example @code{%file-systems} is a collection of flags enabling different file system support, @code{%efi-support} enables EFI support and @code{%emulation} enables a x86_64-linux machine to act in 32-bit mode also. @code{%default-extra-linux-options} are the ones quoted above, which had to be added in since they were replaced in the @code{extra-options} keyword."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1585
+msgid "This all sounds like it should be doable, but how does one even know which modules are required for a particular system? Two places that can be helpful in trying to answer this question is the @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel, Gentoo Handbook} and the @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/README.html?highlight=localmodconfig, documentation from the kernel itself}. From the kernel documentation, it seems that @code{make localmodconfig} is the command we want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1588
+msgid "In order to actually run @code{make localmodconfig} we first need to get and unpack the kernel source code:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1591
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "tar xf $(guix build linux-libre --source)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1598
+msgid "Once inside the directory containing the source code run @code{touch .config} to create an initial, empty @file{.config} to start with. @code{make localmodconfig} works by seeing what you already have in @file{.config} and letting you know what you're missing. If the file is blank then you're missing everything. The next step is to run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1601
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix environment linux-libre -- make localmodconfig\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1606
+msgid "and note the output. Do note that the @file{.config} file is still empty. The output generally contains two types of warnings. The first start with \"WARNING\" and can actually be ignored in our case. The second read:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1609
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "module pcspkr did not have configs CONFIG_INPUT_PCSPKR\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1614
+msgid "For each of these lines, copy the @code{CONFIG_XXXX_XXXX} portion into the @file{.config} in the directory, and append @code{=m}, so in the end it looks like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1618
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1627
+msgid "After copying all the configuration options, run @code{make localmodconfig} again to make sure that you don't have any output starting with ``module''. After all of these machine specific modules there are a couple more left that are also needed. @code{CONFIG_MODULES} is necessary so that you can build and load modules separately and not have everything built into the kernel. @code{CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD} is required for reading from hard drives. It is possible that there are other modules which you will need."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1631
+msgid "This post does not aim to be a guide to configuring your own kernel however, so if you do decide to build a custom kernel you'll have to seek out other guides to create a kernel which is just right for your needs."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1639
+msgid "The second way to setup the kernel configuration makes more use of Guix's features and allows you to share configuration segments between different kernels. For example, all machines using EFI to boot have a number of EFI configuration flags that they need. It is likely that all the kernels will share a list of file systems to support. By using variables it is easier to see at a glance what features are enabled and to make sure you don't have features in one kernel but missing in another."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1644
+msgid "Left undiscussed however, is Guix's initrd and its customization. It is likely that you'll need to modify the initrd on a machine using a custom kernel, since certain modules which are expected to be built may not be available for inclusion into the initrd."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1651
+msgid "Historically, Guix System is centered around an @code{operating-system} structure. This structure contains various fields ranging from the bootloader and kernel declaration to the services to install."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1657
+msgid "Depending on the target machine, that can go from a standard @code{x86_64} machine to a small ARM single board computer such as the Pine64, the image constraints can vary a lot. The hardware manufacturers will impose different image formats with various partition sizes and offsets."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1662
+msgid "To create images suitable for all those machines, a new abstraction is necessary: that's the goal of the @code{image} record. This record contains all the required information to be transformed into a standalone image, that can be directly booted on any target machine."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1684
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-record-type* <image>\n"
+" image make-image\n"
+" image?\n"
+" (name image-name ;symbol\n"
+" (default #f))\n"
+" (format image-format) ;symbol\n"
+" (target image-target\n"
+" (default #f))\n"
+" (size image-size ;size in bytes as integer\n"
+" (default 'guess))\n"
+" (operating-system image-operating-system ;<operating-system>\n"
+" (default #f))\n"
+" (partitions image-partitions ;list of <partition>\n"
+" (default '()))\n"
+" (compression? image-compression? ;boolean\n"
+" (default #t))\n"
+" (volatile-root? image-volatile-root? ;boolean\n"
+" (default #t))\n"
+" (substitutable? image-substitutable? ;boolean\n"
+" (default #t)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1690
+msgid "This record contains the operating-system to instantiate. The @code{format} field defines the image type and can be @code{efi-raw}, @code{qcow2} or @code{iso9660} for instance. In the future, it could be extended to @code{docker} or other image types."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1693
+msgid "A new directory in the Guix sources is dedicated to images definition. For now there are four files:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1695
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/hurd.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1696
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/pine64.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1697
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/novena.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: file{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1698
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "gnu/system/images/pinebook-pro.scm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1704
+msgid "Let's have a look to @file{pine64.scm}. It contains the @code{pine64-barebones-os} variable which is a minimal definition of an operating-system dedicated to the @b{Pine A64 LTS} board."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1728
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define pine64-barebones-os\n"
+" (operating-system\n"
+" (host-name \"vignemale\")\n"
+" (timezone \"Europe/Paris\")\n"
+" (locale \"en_US.utf8\")\n"
+" (bootloader (bootloader-configuration\n"
+" (bootloader u-boot-pine64-lts-bootloader)\n"
+" (targets '(\"/dev/vda\"))))\n"
+" (initrd-modules '())\n"
+" (kernel linux-libre-arm64-generic)\n"
+" (file-systems (cons (file-system\n"
+" (device (file-system-label \"my-root\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
+" %base-file-systems))\n"
+" (services (cons (service agetty-service-type\n"
+" (agetty-configuration\n"
+" (extra-options '(\"-L\")) ; no carrier detect\n"
+" (baud-rate \"115200\")\n"
+" (term \"vt100\")\n"
+" (tty \"ttyS0\")))\n"
+" %base-services))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1732
+msgid "The @code{kernel} and @code{bootloader} fields are pointing to packages dedicated to this board."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1734
+msgid "Right below, the @code{pine64-image-type} variable is also defined."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1740
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define pine64-image-type\n"
+" (image-type\n"
+" (name 'pine64-raw)\n"
+" (constructor (cut image-with-os arm64-disk-image <>))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1744
+msgid "It's using a record we haven't talked about yet, the @code{image-type} record, defined this way:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1751
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define-record-type* <image-type>\n"
+" image-type make-image-type\n"
+" image-type?\n"
+" (name image-type-name) ;symbol\n"
+" (constructor image-type-constructor)) ;<operating-system> -> <image>\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1757
+msgid "The main purpose of this record is to associate a name to a procedure transforming an @code{operating-system} to an image. To understand why it is necessary, let's have a look to the command producing an image from an @code{operating-system} configuration file:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1760
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image my-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1766
+msgid "This command expects an @code{operating-system} configuration but how should we indicate that we want an image targeting a Pine64 board? We need to provide an extra information, the @code{image-type}, by passing the @code{--image-type} or @code{-t} flag, this way:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1769
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=pine64-raw my-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1775
+msgid "This @code{image-type} parameter points to the @code{pine64-image-type} defined above. Hence, the @code{operating-system} declared in @code{my-os.scm} will be applied the @code{(cut image-with-os arm64-disk-image <>)} procedure to turn it into an image."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1777
+msgid "The resulting image looks like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1787
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (format 'disk-image)\n"
+" (target \"aarch64-linux-gnu\")\n"
+" (operating-system my-os)\n"
+" (partitions\n"
+" (list (partition\n"
+" (inherit root-partition)\n"
+" (offset root-offset)))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1791
+msgid "which is the aggregation of the @code{operating-system} defined in @code{my-os.scm} to the @code{arm64-disk-image} record."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1793
+msgid "But enough Scheme madness. What does this image API bring to the Guix user?"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1795
+msgid "One can run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1799
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mathieu@@cervin:~$ guix system --list-image-types\n"
+"The available image types are:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1811
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" - pinebook-pro-raw\n"
+" - pine64-raw\n"
+" - novena-raw\n"
+" - hurd-raw\n"
+" - hurd-qcow2\n"
+" - qcow2\n"
+" - uncompressed-iso9660\n"
+" - efi-raw\n"
+" - arm64-raw\n"
+" - arm32-raw\n"
+" - iso9660\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1816
+msgid "and by writing an @code{operating-system} file based on @code{pine64-barebones-os}, you can customize your image to your preferences in a file (@file{my-pine-os.scm}) like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1820
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu services linux)\n"
+" (gnu system images pine64))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1831
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(let ((base-os pine64-barebones-os))\n"
+" (operating-system\n"
+" (inherit base-os)\n"
+" (timezone \"America/Indiana/Indianapolis\")\n"
+" (services\n"
+" (cons\n"
+" (service earlyoom-service-type\n"
+" (earlyoom-configuration\n"
+" (prefer-regexp \"icecat|chromium\")))\n"
+" (operating-system-user-services base-os)))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1834
+msgid "run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1837
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=pine64-raw my-pine-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1840
+msgid "or,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1843
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=hurd-raw my-hurd-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1847
+msgid "to get an image that can be written directly to a hard drive and booted from."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1849
+msgid "Without changing anything to @code{my-hurd-os.scm}, calling:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1852
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system image --image-type=hurd-qcow2 my-hurd-os.scm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1855
+msgid "will instead produce a Hurd QEMU image."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1862
+msgid "To connect to a Wireguard VPN server you need the kernel module to be loaded in memory and a package providing networking tools that support it (e.g. @code{wireguard-tools} or @code{network-manager})."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1866
+msgid "Here is a configuration example for Linux-Libre < 5.6, where the module is out of tree and need to be loaded manually---following revisions of the kernel have it built-in and so don't need such configuration:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1871
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-service-modules desktop)\n"
+"(use-package-modules vpn)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1880
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; …\n"
+" (services (cons (simple-service 'wireguard-module\n"
+" kernel-module-loader-service-type\n"
+" '(\"wireguard\"))\n"
+" %desktop-services))\n"
+" (packages (cons wireguard-tools %base-packages))\n"
+" (kernel-loadable-modules (list wireguard-linux-compat)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1884
+msgid "After reconfiguring and restarting your system you can either use Wireguard tools or NetworkManager to connect to a VPN server."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1885
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Using Wireguard tools"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1891
+msgid "To test your Wireguard setup it is convenient to use @command{wg-quick}. Just give it a configuration file @command{wg-quick up ./wg0.conf}; or put that file in @file{/etc/wireguard} and run @command{wg-quick up wg0} instead."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1895
+msgid "Be warned that the author described this command as a: “[…] very quick and dirty bash script […]”."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1897
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Using NetworkManager"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1905
+msgid "Thanks to NetworkManager support for Wireguard we can connect to our VPN using @command{nmcli} command. Up to this point this guide assumes that you're using Network Manager service provided by @code{%desktop-services}. Ortherwise you need to adjust your services list to load @code{network-manager-service-type} and reconfigure your Guix system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1907
+msgid "To import your VPN configuration execute nmcli import command:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1911
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# nmcli connection import type wireguard file wg0.conf\n"
+"Connection 'wg0' (edbee261-aa5a-42db-b032-6c7757c60fde) successfully added\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1916
+msgid "This will create a configuration file in @file{/etc/NetworkManager/wg0.nmconnection}. Next connect to the Wireguard server:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1920
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ nmcli connection up wg0\n"
+"Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/6)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1924
+msgid "By default NetworkManager will connect automatically on system boot. To change that behaviour you need to edit your config:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1927
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "# nmcli connection modify wg0 connection.autoconnect no\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1932
+msgid "For more specific information about NetworkManager and wireguard @uref{https://blogs.gnome.org/thaller/2019/03/15/wireguard-in-networkmanager/,see this post by thaller}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1935
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "wm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1937 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1938
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "StumpWM"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1939
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "stumpwm"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1944
+msgid "You could install StumpWM with a Guix system by adding @code{stumpwm} and optionally @code{`(,stumpwm \"lib\")} packages to a system configuration file, e.g.@: @file{/etc/config.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1946
+msgid "An example configuration can look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1950
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-package-modules wm)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1955
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; …\n"
+" (packages (append (list sbcl stumpwm `(,stumpwm \"lib\"))\n"
+" %base-packages)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1957
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "stumpwm fonts"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1961
+msgid "By default StumpWM uses X11 fonts, which could be small or pixelated on your system. You could fix this by installing StumpWM contrib Lisp module @code{sbcl-ttf-fonts}, adding it to Guix system packages:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1965
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-package-modules fonts wm)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1970
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ;; …\n"
+" (packages (append (list sbcl stumpwm `(,stumpwm \"lib\"))\n"
+" sbcl-ttf-fonts font-dejavu %base-packages)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1974
+msgid "Then you need to add the following code to a StumpWM configuration file @file{~/.stumpwm.d/init.lisp}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1981
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(require :ttf-fonts)\n"
+"(setf xft:*font-dirs* '(\"/run/current-system/profile/share/fonts/\"))\n"
+"(setf clx-truetype:+font-cache-filename+ (concat (getenv \"HOME\") \"/.fonts/font-cache.sexp\"))\n"
+"(set-font (make-instance 'xft:font :family \"DejaVu Sans Mono\" :subfamily \"Book\" :size 11))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1983 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1984
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Session lock"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1985
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "sessionlock"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1991
+msgid "Depending on your environment, locking the screen of your session might come built in or it might be something you have to set up yourself. If you use a desktop environment like GNOME or KDE, it's usually built in. If you use a plain window manager like StumpWM or EXWM, you might have to set it up yourself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsubsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1992 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1993
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Xorg"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:1999
+msgid "If you use Xorg, you can use the utility @uref{https://www.mankier.com/1/xss-lock, xss-lock} to lock the screen of your session. xss-lock is triggered by DPMS which since Xorg 1.8 is auto-detected and enabled if ACPI is also enabled at kernel runtime."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2002
+msgid "To use xss-lock, you can simple execute it and put it into the background before you start your window manager from e.g. your @file{~/.xsession}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2006
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"xss-lock -- slock &\n"
+"exec stumpwm\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2010
+msgid "In this example, xss-lock uses @code{slock} to do the actual locking of the screen when it determines it's appropriate, like when you suspend your device."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2014
+msgid "For slock to be allowed to be a screen locker for the graphical session, it needs to be made setuid-root so it can authenticate users, and it needs a PAM service. This can be achieved by adding the following service to your @file{config.scm}:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2017
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(screen-locker-service slock)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2023
+msgid "If you manually lock your screen, e.g. by directly calling slock when you want to lock your screen but not suspend it, it's a good idea to notify xss-lock about this so no confusion occurs. This can be done by executing @code{xset s activate} immediately before you execute slock."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2026
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "linode, Linode"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2031
+msgid "To run Guix on a server hosted by @uref{https://www.linode.com, Linode}, start with a recommended Debian server. We recommend using the default distro as a way to bootstrap Guix. Create your SSH keys."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2034
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "ssh-keygen\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2040
+msgid "Be sure to add your SSH key for easy login to the remote server. This is trivially done via Linode's graphical interface for adding SSH keys. Go to your profile and click add SSH Key. Copy into it the output of:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2043
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "cat ~/.ssh/<username>_rsa.pub\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2046
+msgid "Power the Linode down."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2050
+msgid "In the Linode's Storage tab, resize the Debian disk to be smaller. 30 GB free space is recommended. Then click \"Add a disk\", and fill out the form with the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2054
+msgid "Label: \"Guix\""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2057
+msgid "Filesystem: ext4"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2060
+msgid "Set it to the remaining size"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2065
+msgid "In the Configurations tab, press \"Edit\" on the default Debian profile. Under \"Block Device Assignment\" click \"Add a Device\". It should be @file{/dev/sdc} and you can select the \"Guix\" disk. Save Changes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2067
+msgid "Now \"Add a Configuration\", with the following:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2070
+msgid "Label: Guix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2073
+msgid "Kernel:GRUB 2 (it's at the bottom! This step is @b{IMPORTANT!})"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2076
+msgid "Block device assignment:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2079
+msgid "@file{/dev/sda}: Guix"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2082
+msgid "@file{/dev/sdb}: swap"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2085
+msgid "Root device: @file{/dev/sda}"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2088
+msgid "Turn off all the filesystem/boot helpers"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2095
+msgid "Now power it back up, booting with the Debian configuration. Once it's running, ssh to your server via @code{ssh root@@@var{<your-server-IP-here>}}. (You can find your server IP address in your Linode Summary section.) Now you can run the \"install guix from @pxref{Binary Installation,,, guix, GNU Guix}\" steps:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2103
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"sudo apt-get install gpg\n"
+"wget https://sv.gnu.org/people/viewgpg.php?user_id=15145 -qO - | gpg --import -\n"
+"wget https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh\n"
+"chmod +x guix-install.sh\n"
+"guix pull\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2107
+msgid "Now it's time to write out a config for the server. The key information is below. Save the resulting file as @file{guix-config.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2118
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu)\n"
+" (guix modules))\n"
+"(use-service-modules networking\n"
+" ssh)\n"
+"(use-package-modules admin\n"
+" certs\n"
+" package-management\n"
+" ssh\n"
+" tls)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2135
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (host-name \"my-server\")\n"
+" (timezone \"America/New_York\")\n"
+" (locale \"en_US.UTF-8\")\n"
+" ;; This goofy code will generate the grub.cfg\n"
+" ;; without installing the grub bootloader on disk.\n"
+" (bootloader (bootloader-configuration\n"
+" (bootloader\n"
+" (bootloader\n"
+" (inherit grub-bootloader)\n"
+" (installer #~(const #true))))))\n"
+" (file-systems (cons (file-system\n"
+" (device \"/dev/sda\")\n"
+" (mount-point \"/\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
+" %base-file-systems))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2138
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (swap-devices (list \"/dev/sdb\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2142
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (initrd-modules (cons \"virtio_scsi\" ; Needed to find the disk\n"
+" %base-initrd-modules))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2151
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (users (cons (user-account\n"
+" (name \"janedoe\")\n"
+" (group \"users\")\n"
+" ;; Adding the account to the \"wheel\" group\n"
+" ;; makes it a sudoer.\n"
+" (supplementary-groups '(\"wheel\"))\n"
+" (home-directory \"/home/janedoe\"))\n"
+" %base-user-accounts))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2155
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (packages (cons* nss-certs ;for HTTPS access\n"
+" openssh-sans-x\n"
+" %base-packages))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2166
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (services (cons*\n"
+" (service dhcp-client-service-type)\n"
+" (service openssh-service-type\n"
+" (openssh-configuration\n"
+" (openssh openssh-sans-x)\n"
+" (password-authentication? #false)\n"
+" (authorized-keys\n"
+" `((\"janedoe\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\"))\n"
+" (\"root\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\"))))))\n"
+" %base-services)))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2169
+msgid "Replace the following fields in the above configuration:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2177
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(host-name \"my-server\") ; replace with your server name\n"
+"; if you chose a linode server outside the U.S., then\n"
+"; use tzselect to find a correct timezone string\n"
+"(timezone \"America/New_York\") ; if needed replace timezone\n"
+"(name \"janedoe\") ; replace with your username\n"
+"(\"janedoe\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\")) ; replace with your ssh key\n"
+"(\"root\" ,(local-file \"janedoe_rsa.pub\")) ; replace with your ssh key\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2184
+msgid "The last line in the above example lets you log into the server as root and set the initial root password (see the note at the end of this recipe about root login). After you have done this, you may delete that line from your configuration and reconfigure to prevent root login."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2189
+msgid "Copy your ssh public key (eg: @file{~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub}) as @file{@var{<your-username-here>}_rsa.pub} and put @file{guix-config.scm} in the same directory. In a new terminal run these commands."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2194
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"sftp root@@<remote server ip address>\n"
+"put /path/to/files/<username>_rsa.pub .\n"
+"put /path/to/files/guix-config.scm .\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2197
+msgid "In your first terminal, mount the guix drive:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2201
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir /mnt/guix\n"
+"mount /dev/sdc /mnt/guix\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2206
+msgid "Due to the way we set up the bootloader section of the guix-config.scm, only the grub configuration file will be installed. So, we need to copy over some of the other GRUB stuff already installed on the Debian system:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir -p /mnt/guix/boot/grub\n"
+"cp -r /boot/grub/* /mnt/guix/boot/grub/\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2213
+msgid "Now initialize the Guix installation:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2216
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix system init guix-config.scm /mnt/guix\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2220
+msgid "Ok, power it down! Now from the Linode console, select boot and select \"Guix\"."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2223
+msgid "Once it boots, you should be able to log in via SSH! (The server config will have changed though.) You may encounter an error like:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2239
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ ssh root@@<server ip address>\n"
+"Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!\n"
+"It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.\n"
+"The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is\n"
+"Please contact your system administrator.\n"
+"Add correct host key in /home/joshua/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.\n"
+"Offending ECDSA key in /home/joshua/.ssh/known_hosts:3\n"
+"ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.\n"
+"Host key verification failed.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2243
+msgid "Either delete @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} file, or delete the offending line starting with your server IP address."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2245
+msgid "Be sure to set your password and root's password."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2250
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"ssh root@@<remote ip address>\n"
+"passwd ; for the root password\n"
+"passwd <username> ; for the user password\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2257
+msgid "You may not be able to run the above commands at this point. If you have issues remotely logging into your linode box via SSH, then you may still need to set your root and user password initially by clicking on the ``Launch Console'' option in your linode. Choose the ``Glish'' instead of ``Weblish''. Now you should be able to ssh into the machine."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2261
+msgid "Hooray! At this point you can shut down the server, delete the Debian disk, and resize the Guix to the rest of the size. Congratulations!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2266
+msgid "By the way, if you save it as a disk image right at this point, you'll have an easy time spinning up new Guix images! You may need to down-size the Guix image to 6144MB, to save it as an image. Then you can resize it again to the max size."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2275
+msgid "To bind mount a file system, one must first set up some definitions before the @code{operating-system} section of the system definition. In this example we will bind mount a folder from a spinning disk drive to @file{/tmp}, to save wear and tear on the primary SSD, without dedicating an entire partition to be mounted as @file{/tmp}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2278
+msgid "First, the source drive that hosts the folder we wish to bind mount should be defined, so that the bind mount can depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define source-drive ;; \"source-drive\" can be named anything you want.\n"
+" (file-system\n"
+" (device (uuid \"UUID goes here\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/path-to-spinning-disk-goes-here\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))) ;; Make sure to set this to the appropriate type for your drive.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2289
+msgid "The source folder must also be defined, so that guix will know it's not a regular block device, but a folder."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2291
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "(define (%source-directory) \"/path-to-spinning-disk-goes-here/tmp\") ;; \"source-directory\" can be named any valid variable name.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2295
+msgid "Finally, inside the @code{file-systems} definition, we must add the mount itself."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2298
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(file-systems (cons*\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2300
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ...<other drives omitted for clarity>...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2302
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" source-drive ;; Must match the name you gave the source drive in the earlier definition.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2310
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (file-system\n"
+" (device (%source-directory)) ;; Make sure \"source-directory\" matches your earlier definition.\n"
+" (mount-point \"/tmp\")\n"
+" (type \"none\") ;; We are mounting a folder, not a partition, so this type needs to be \"none\"\n"
+" (flags '(bind-mount))\n"
+" (dependencies (list source-drive)) ;; Ensure \"source-drive\" matches what you've named the variable for the drive.\n"
+" )\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2312
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" ...<other drives omitted for clarity>...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2314
+#, no-wrap
+msgid " ))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2321
+msgid "Guix daemon can use a HTTP proxy to get substitutes, here we are configuring it to get them via Tor."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2322
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Warning"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2328
+msgid "@emph{Not all} Guix daemon's traffic will go through Tor! Only HTTP/HTTPS will get proxied; FTP, Git protocol, SSH, etc connections will still go through the clearnet. Again, this configuration isn't foolproof some of your traffic won't get routed by Tor at all. Use it at your own risk."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2334
+msgid "Also note that the procedure described here applies only to package substitution. When you update your guix distribution with @command{guix pull}, you still need to use @command{torsocks} if you want to route the connection to guix's git repository servers through Tor."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2339
+msgid "Guix's substitute server is available as a Onion service, if you want to use it to get your substitutes through Tor configure your system as follow:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2343
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-service-module base networking)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2359
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" …\n"
+" (services\n"
+" (cons\n"
+" (service tor-service-type\n"
+" (tor-configuration\n"
+" (config-file (plain-file \"tor-config\"\n"
+" \"HTTPTunnelPort\"))))\n"
+" (modify-services %base-services\n"
+" (guix-service-type\n"
+" config => (guix-configuration\n"
+" (inherit config)\n"
+" ;; ci.guix.gnu.org's Onion service\n"
+" (substitute-urls \"https://bp7o7ckwlewr4slm.onion\")\n"
+" (http-proxy \"http://localhost:9250\")))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2368
+msgid "This will keep a tor process running that provides a HTTP CONNECT tunnel which will be used by @command{guix-daemon}. The daemon can use other protocols than HTTP(S) to get remote resources, request using those protocols won't go through Tor since we are only setting a HTTP tunnel here. Note that @code{substitutes-urls} is using HTTPS and not HTTP or it won't work, that's a limitation of Tor's tunnel; you may want to use @command{privoxy} instead to avoid such limitations."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2372
+msgid "If you don't want to always get substitutes through Tor but using it just some of the times, then skip the @code{guix-configuration}. When you want to get a substitute from the Tor tunnel run:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2376
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"sudo herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon http://localhost:9250\n"
+"guix build --substitute-urls=https://bp7o7ckwlewr4slm.onion …\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2380
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "nginx, lua, openresty, resty"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2383
+msgid "NGINX could be extended with Lua scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2386
+msgid "Guix provides NGINX service with ability to load Lua module and specific Lua packages, and reply to requests by evaluating Lua scripts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2390
+msgid "The following example demonstrates system definition with configuration to evaluate @file{index.lua} Lua script on HTTP request to @uref{http://localhost/hello} endpoint:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2393
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"local shell = require \"resty.shell\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2397
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"local stdin = \"\"\n"
+"local timeout = 1000 -- ms\n"
+"local max_size = 4096 -- byte\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2400
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"local ok, stdout, stderr, reason, status =\n"
+" shell.run([[/run/current-system/profile/bin/ls /tmp]], stdin, timeout, max_size)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2402
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "ngx.say(stdout)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2433
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
+"(use-service-modules #;… web)\n"
+"(use-package-modules #;… lua)\n"
+" ;; …\n"
+" (services\n"
+" ;; …\n"
+" (service nginx-service-type\n"
+" (nginx-configuration\n"
+" (modules\n"
+" (list\n"
+" (file-append nginx-lua-module \"/etc/nginx/modules/ngx_http_lua_module.so\")))\n"
+" (lua-package-path (list lua-resty-core\n"
+" lua-resty-lrucache\n"
+" lua-resty-signal\n"
+" lua-tablepool\n"
+" lua-resty-shell))\n"
+" (lua-package-cpath (list lua-resty-signal))\n"
+" (server-blocks\n"
+" (list (nginx-server-configuration\n"
+" (server-name '(\"localhost\"))\n"
+" (listen '(\"80\"))\n"
+" (root \"/etc\")\n"
+" (locations (list\n"
+" (nginx-location-configuration\n"
+" (uri \"/hello\")\n"
+" (body (list #~(format #f \"content_by_lua_file ~s;\"\n"
+" #$(local-file \"index.lua\"))))))))))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2444
+msgid "Guix is a functional package manager that offers many features beyond what more traditional package managers can do. To the uninitiated, those features might not have obvious use cases at first. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate some advanced package management concepts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2447
+msgid "@pxref{Package Management,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual} for a complete reference."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2450 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2453
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix Profiles in Practice"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2450
+msgid "Strategies for multiple profiles and manifests."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2458
+msgid "Guix provides a very useful feature that may be quite foreign to newcomers: @emph{profiles}. They are a way to group package installations together and all users on the same system are free to use as many profiles as they want."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2463
+msgid "Whether you're a developer or not, you may find that multiple profiles bring you great power and flexibility. While they shift the paradigm somewhat compared to @emph{traditional package managers}, they are very convenient to use once you've understood how to set them up."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2469
+msgid "If you are familiar with Python's @samp{virtualenv}, you can think of a profile as a kind of universal @samp{virtualenv} that can hold any kind of software whatsoever, not just Python software. Furthermore, profiles are self-sufficient: they capture all the runtime dependencies which guarantees that all programs within a profile will always work at any point in time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2471
+msgid "Multiple profiles have many benefits:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2475
+msgid "Clean semantic separation of the various packages a user needs for different contexts."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2479
+msgid "Multiple profiles can be made available into the environment either on login or within a dedicated shell."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2483
+msgid "Profiles can be loaded on demand. For instance, the user can use multiple shells, each of them running different profiles."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2488
+msgid "Isolation: Programs from one profile will not use programs from the other, and the user can even install different versions of the same programs to the two profiles without conflict."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2492
+msgid "Deduplication: Profiles share dependencies that happens to be the exact same. This makes multiple profiles storage-efficient."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2500
+msgid "Reproducible: when used with declarative manifests, a profile can be fully specified by the Guix commit that was active when it was set up. This means that the exact same profile can be @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2018/multi-dimensional-transactions-and-rollbacks-oh-my/, set up anywhere and anytime}, with just the commit information. See the section on @ref{Reproducible profiles}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2504
+msgid "Easier upgrades and maintenance: Multiple profiles make it easy to keep package listings at hand and make upgrades completely frictionless."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2507
+msgid "Concretely, here follows some typical profiles:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2511
+msgid "The dependencies of a project you are working on."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2514
+msgid "Your favourite programming language libraries."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2517
+msgid "Laptop-specific programs (like @samp{powertop}) that you don't need on a desktop."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2521
+msgid "@TeX{}live (this one can be really useful when you need to install just one package for this one document you've just received over email)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2524
+msgid "Games."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2527
+msgid "Let's dive in the set up!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2528 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2529
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Basic setup with manifests"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2533
+msgid "A Guix profile can be set up @emph{via} a so-called @emph{manifest specification} that looks like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2543
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" '(\"package-1\"\n"
+" ;; Version 1.3 of package-2.\n"
+" \"package-2@@1.3\"\n"
+" ;; The \"lib\" output of package-3.\n"
+" \"package-3:lib\"\n"
+" ; ...\n"
+" \"package-N\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2547
+msgid "@pxref{Invoking guix package,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}, for the syntax details."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2549
+msgid "We can create a manifest specification per profile and install them this way:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2554
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project # if it does not exist yet\n"
+"guix package --manifest=/path/to/guix-my-project-manifest.scm --profile=\"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2558
+msgid "Here we set an arbitrary variable @samp{GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES} to point to the directory where we will store our profiles in the rest of this article."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2564
+msgid "Placing all your profiles in a single directory, with each profile getting its own sub-directory, is somewhat cleaner. This way, each sub-directory will contain all the symlinks for precisely one profile. Besides, ``looping over profiles'' becomes obvious from any programming language (e.g.@: a shell script) by simply looping over the sub-directories of @samp{$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2566
+msgid "Note that it's also possible to loop over the output of"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2569
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package --list-profiles\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2572
+msgid "although you'll probably have to filter out @file{~/.config/guix/current}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2574
+msgid "To enable all profiles on login, add this to your @file{~/.bash_profile} (or similar):"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2584
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in $GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES/*; do\n"
+" profile=$i/$(basename \"$i\")\n"
+" if [ -f \"$profile\"/etc/profile ]; then\n"
+" GUIX_PROFILE=\"$profile\"\n"
+" . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile\n"
+" fi\n"
+" unset profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2589
+msgid "Note to Guix System users: the above reflects how your default profile @file{~/.guix-profile} is activated from @file{/etc/profile}, that latter being loaded by @file{~/.bashrc} by default."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2591
+msgid "You can obviously choose to only enable a subset of them:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2601
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for i in \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project-1 \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project-2; do\n"
+" profile=$i/$(basename \"$i\")\n"
+" if [ -f \"$profile\"/etc/profile ]; then\n"
+" GUIX_PROFILE=\"$profile\"\n"
+" . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile\n"
+" fi\n"
+" unset profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2605
+msgid "When a profile is off, it's straightforward to enable it for an individual shell without \"polluting\" the rest of the user session:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2608
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "GUIX_PROFILE=\"path/to/my-project\" ; . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2615
+msgid "The key to enabling a profile is to @emph{source} its @samp{etc/profile} file. This file contains shell code that exports the right environment variables necessary to activate the software contained in the profile. It is built automatically by Guix and meant to be sourced. It contains the same variables you would get if you ran:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2618
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package --search-paths=prefix --profile=$my_profile\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2622
+msgid "Once again, see (@pxref{Invoking guix package,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}) for the command line options."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2624
+msgid "To upgrade a profile, simply install the manifest again:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2627
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package -m /path/to/guix-my-project-manifest.scm -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2633
+msgid "To upgrade all profiles, it's easy enough to loop over them. For instance, assuming your manifest specifications are stored in @file{~/.guix-manifests/guix-$profile-manifest.scm}, with @samp{$profile} being the name of the profile (e.g.@: \"project1\"), you could do the following in Bourne shell:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2638
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"for profile in \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/*; do\n"
+" guix package --profile=\"$profile\" --manifest=\"$HOME/.guix-manifests/guix-$profile-manifest.scm\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2641
+msgid "Each profile has its own generations:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2644
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project --list-generations\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2647
+msgid "You can roll-back to any generation of a given profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2650
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix package -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project --switch-generations=17\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2654
+msgid "Finally, if you want to switch to a profile without inheriting from the current environment, you can activate it from an empty shell:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2658
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"env -i $(which bash) --login --noprofile --norc\n"
+". my-project/etc/profile\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2660 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2661
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Required packages"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2666
+msgid "Activating a profile essentially boils down to exporting a bunch of environmental variables. This is the role of the @samp{etc/profile} within the profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: emph{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2669
+msgid "Note: Only the environmental variables of the packages that consume them will be set."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2673
+msgid "For instance, @samp{MANPATH} won't be set if there is no consumer application for man pages within the profile. So if you need to transparently access man pages once the profile is loaded, you've got two options:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2677
+msgid "Either export the variable manually, e.g."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2679
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "export MANPATH=/path/to/profile$@{MANPATH:+:@}$MANPATH\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2683
+msgid "Or include @samp{man-db} to the profile manifest."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2687
+msgid "The same is true for @samp{INFOPATH} (you can install @samp{info-reader}), @samp{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} (install @samp{pkg-config}), etc."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2688 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2689
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Default profile"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2692
+msgid "What about the default profile that Guix keeps in @file{~/.guix-profile}?"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2695
+msgid "You can assign it the role you want. Typically you would install the manifest of the packages you want to use all the time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2699
+msgid "Alternatively, you could keep it ``manifest-less'' for throw-away packages that you would just use for a couple of days. This way makes it convenient to run"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2703
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"guix install package-foo\n"
+"guix upgrade package-bar\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2706
+msgid "without having to specify the path to a profile."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2707 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2708
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "The benefits of manifests"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2712
+msgid "Manifests are a convenient way to keep your package lists around and, say, to synchronize them across multiple machines using a version control system."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2716
+msgid "A common complaint about manifests is that they can be slow to install when they contain large number of packages. This is especially cumbersome when you just want get an upgrade for one package within a big manifest."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2721
+msgid "This is one more reason to use multiple profiles, which happen to be just perfect to break down manifests into multiple sets of semantically connected packages. Using multiple, small profiles provides more flexibility and usability."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2723
+msgid "Manifests come with multiple benefits. In particular, they ease maintenance:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2731
+msgid "When a profile is set up from a manifest, the manifest itself is self-sufficient to keep a ``package listing'' around and reinstall the profile later or on a different system. For ad-hoc profiles, we would need to generate a manifest specification manually and maintain the package versions for the packages that don't use the default version."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2736
+msgid "@code{guix package --upgrade} always tries to update the packages that have propagated inputs, even if there is nothing to do. Guix manifests remove this problem."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2742
+msgid "When partially upgrading a profile, conflicts may arise (due to diverging dependencies between the updated and the non-updated packages) and they can be annoying to resolve manually. Manifests remove this problem altogether since all packages are always upgraded at once."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2748
+msgid "As mentioned above, manifests allow for reproducible profiles, while the imperative @code{guix install}, @code{guix upgrade}, etc. do not, since they produce different profiles every time even when they hold the same packages. See @uref{https://issues.guix.gnu.org/issue/33285, the related discussion on the matter}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2756
+msgid "Manifest specifications are usable by other @samp{guix} commands. For example, you can run @code{guix weather -m manifest.scm} to see how many substitutes are available, which can help you decide whether you want to try upgrading today or wait a while. Another example: you can run @code{guix pack -m manifest.scm} to create a pack containing all the packages in the manifest (and their transitive references)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2760
+msgid "Finally, manifests have a Scheme representation, the @samp{<manifest>} record type. They can be manipulated in Scheme and passed to the various Guix @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Api, APIs}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2768
+msgid "It's important to understand that while manifests can be used to declare profiles, they are not strictly equivalent: profiles have the side effect that they ``pin'' packages in the store, which prevents them from being garbage-collected (@pxref{Invoking guix gc,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}) and ensures that they will still be available at any point in the future."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2770
+msgid "Let's take an example:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2776
+msgid "We have an environment for hacking on a project for which there isn't a Guix package yet. We build the environment using a manifest, and then run @code{guix environment -m manifest.scm}. So far so good."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2782
+msgid "Many weeks pass and we have run a couple of @code{guix pull} in the mean time. Maybe a dependency from our manifest has been updated; or we may have run @code{guix gc} and some packages needed by our manifest have been garbage-collected."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2787
+msgid "Eventually, we set to work on that project again, so we run @code{guix environment -m manifest.scm}. But now we have to wait for Guix to build and install stuff!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2793
+msgid "Ideally, we could spare the rebuild time. And indeed we can, all we need is to install the manifest to a profile and use @code{GUIX_PROFILE=/the/profile; . \"$GUIX_PROFILE\"/etc/profile} as explained above: this guarantees that our hacking environment will be available at all times."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2796
+msgid "@emph{Security warning:} While keeping old profiles around can be convenient, keep in mind that outdated packages may not have received the latest security fixes."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2797 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2798
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Reproducible profiles"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2801
+msgid "To reproduce a profile bit-for-bit, we need two pieces of information:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2805
+msgid "a manifest,"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2807
+msgid "a Guix channel specification."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2811
+msgid "Indeed, manifests alone might not be enough: different Guix versions (or different channels) can produce different outputs for a given manifest."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2815
+msgid "You can output the Guix channel specification with @samp{guix describe --format=channels}. Save this to a file, say @samp{channel-specs.scm}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2818
+msgid "On another computer, you can use the channel specification file and the manifest to reproduce the exact same profile:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2822
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2825
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir \"$GUIX_EXTRA\"/my-project\n"
+"guix pull --channels=channel-specs.scm --profile \"$GUIX_EXTRA/my-project/guix\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2828
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"mkdir -p \"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES/my-project\"\n"
+"\"$GUIX_EXTRA\"/my-project/guix/bin/guix package --manifest=/path/to/guix-my-project-manifest.scm --profile=\"$GUIX_EXTRA_PROFILES\"/my-project/my-project\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2832
+msgid "It's safe to delete the Guix channel profile you've just installed with the channel specification, the project profile does not depend on it."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2839
+msgid "Guix provides multiple tools to manage environment. This chapter demonstrate such utilities."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2842 guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2845
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Guix environment via direnv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2842
+msgid "Setup Guix environment with direnv"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2850
+msgid "Guix provides a @samp{direnv} package, which could extend shell after directory change. This tool could be used to prepare a pure Guix environment."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2856
+msgid "The following example provides a shell function for @file{~/.direnvrc} file, which could be used from Guix Git repository in @file{~/src/guix/.envrc} file to setup a build environment similar to described in @pxref{Building from Git,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2858
+msgid "Create a @file{~/.direnvrc} with a Bash code:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2876
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# Thanks <https://github.com/direnv/direnv/issues/73#issuecomment-152284914>\n"
+" local name=$1\n"
+" local alias_dir=$PWD/.direnv/aliases\n"
+" mkdir -p \"$alias_dir\"\n"
+" PATH_add \"$alias_dir\"\n"
+" local target=\"$alias_dir/$name\"\n"
+" if declare -f \"$name\" >/dev/null; then\n"
+" echo \"#!$SHELL\" > \"$target\"\n"
+" declare -f \"$name\" >> \"$target\" 2>/dev/null\n"
+" # Notice that we add shell variables to the function trigger.\n"
+" echo \"$name \\$*\" >> \"$target\"\n"
+" chmod +x \"$target\"\n"
+" fi\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2881
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Set GitHub token.\n"
+" export GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN=\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2884
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Unset 'GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH'.\n"
+" export GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH=\"\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2893
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Recreate a garbage collector root.\n"
+" gcroots=\"$HOME/.config/guix/gcroots\"\n"
+" mkdir -p \"$gcroots\"\n"
+" gcroot=\"$gcroots/guix\"\n"
+" if [ -L \"$gcroot\" ]\n"
+" then\n"
+" rm -v \"$gcroot\"\n"
+" fi\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2908
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Miscellaneous packages.\n"
+" direnv\n"
+" git\n"
+" git:send-email\n"
+" git-cal\n"
+" gnupg\n"
+" guile-colorized\n"
+" guile-readline\n"
+" less\n"
+" ncurses\n"
+" openssh\n"
+" xdot\n"
+" )\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2911
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Environment packages.\n"
+" PACKAGES=(help2man guile-sqlite3 guile-gcrypt)\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2914
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Thanks <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2016-09/msg00859.html>\n"
+" eval \"$(guix environment --search-paths --root=\"$gcroot\" --pure guix --ad-hoc $@{PACKAGES[@@]@} $@{PACKAGES_MAINTENANCE[@@]@} \"$@@\")\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2921
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Predefine configure flags.\n"
+" configure()\n"
+" @{\n"
+" ./configure --localstatedir=/var --prefix=\n"
+" @}\n"
+" export_function configure\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2932
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Run make and optionally build something.\n"
+" build()\n"
+" @{\n"
+" make -j 2\n"
+" if [ $# -gt 0 ]\n"
+" then\n"
+" ./pre-inst-env guix build \"$@@\"\n"
+" fi\n"
+" @}\n"
+" export_function build\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2939
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Predefine push Git command.\n"
+" push()\n"
+" @{\n"
+" git push --set-upstream origin\n"
+" @}\n"
+" export_function push\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2942
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" clear # Clean up the screen.\n"
+" git-cal --author='Your Name' # Show contributions calendar.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2950
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" # Show commands help.\n"
+" echo \"\n"
+"build build a package or just a project if no argument provided\n"
+"configure run ./configure with predefined parameters\n"
+"push push to upstream Git repository\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2954
+msgid "Every project containing @file{.envrc} with a string @code{use guix} will have predefined environment variables and procedures."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2956
+msgid "Run @command{direnv allow} to setup the environment for the first time."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2968
+msgid "Guix is based on the @uref{https://nixos.org/nix/, Nix package manager}, which was designed and implemented by Eelco Dolstra, with contributions from other people (see the @file{nix/AUTHORS} file in Guix.) Nix pioneered functional package management, and promoted unprecedented features, such as transactional package upgrades and rollbacks, per-user profiles, and referentially transparent build processes. Without this work, Guix would not exist."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2971
+msgid "The Nix-based software distributions, Nixpkgs and NixOS, have also been an inspiration for Guix."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2977
+msgid "GNU@tie{}Guix itself is a collective work with contributions from a number of people. See the @file{AUTHORS} file in Guix for more information on these fine people. The @file{THANKS} file lists people who have helped by reporting bugs, taking care of the infrastructure, providing artwork and themes, making suggestions, and more---thank you!"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2980
+msgid "This document includes adapted sections from articles that have previously been published on the Guix blog at @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/blog}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2985
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "license, GNU Free Documentation License"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: include
+#: guix-git/doc/guix-cookbook.texi:2986
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "fdl-1.3.texi"
+msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-manual.de.po b/po/doc/guix-manual.de.po
index 47e1fb14a0..a20ab60f35 100644
--- a/po/doc/guix-manual.de.po
+++ b/po/doc/guix-manual.de.po
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: guix-manual 1.2.0-pre3\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-guix@gnu.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-12-21 15:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-08 18:36+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-02-15 15:18+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-25 14:02+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Florian Pelz <pelzflorian@pelzflorian.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/documentation-manual/de/>\n"
"Language: de\n"
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ msgid "The latest and greatest."
msgstr "Das Neueste und Beste."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:161
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:162
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:192
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:193
#, no-wrap
msgid "Running Guix Before It Is Installed"
msgstr "Guix vor der Installation ausführen"
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ msgid "Hacker tricks."
msgstr "Hacker-Tricks."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:235
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:236
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:284
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:285
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Perfect Setup"
msgstr "Perfekt eingerichtet"
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ msgid "The right tools."
msgstr "Die richtigen Werkzeuge."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:326
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:327
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:375
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:376
#, no-wrap
msgid "Packaging Guidelines"
msgstr "Paketrichtlinien"
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ msgid "Growing the distribution."
msgstr "Die Distribution wachsen lassen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:890
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:891
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:939
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:940
#, no-wrap
msgid "Coding Style"
msgstr "Programmierstil"
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ msgid "Hygiene of the contributor."
msgstr "Wie Mitwirkende hygienisch arbeiten."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:989
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:990
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1032
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1033
#, no-wrap
msgid "Submitting Patches"
msgstr "Einreichen von Patches"
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ msgid "Share your work."
msgstr "Teilen Sie Ihre Arbeit."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1270
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1271
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1317
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1318
#, no-wrap
msgid "Tracking Bugs and Patches"
msgstr "Überblick über gemeldete Fehler und Patches"
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ msgid "Keeping it all organized."
msgstr "Die Ordnung bewahren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1385
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1386
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1432
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1433
#, no-wrap
msgid "Commit Access"
msgstr "Commit-Zugriff"
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ msgid "Pushing to the official repository."
msgstr "Auf die offiziellen Repositorys pushen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1611
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1612
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1663
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1664
#, no-wrap
msgid "Updating the Guix Package"
msgstr "Das Guix-Paket aktualisieren"
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ msgid "Updating the Guix package definition."
msgstr "Die Paketdefinition für Guix erneuern."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1652
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1653
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:33 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1704
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1705
#, no-wrap
msgid "Translating Guix"
msgstr "Guix übersetzen."
@@ -294,125 +294,183 @@ msgstr "guix shell -D guix help2man git strace --pure\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:103
-msgid "Run @command{./bootstrap} to generate the build system infrastructure using Autoconf and Automake. If you get an error like this one:"
-msgstr "Führen Sie @command{./bootstrap} aus, um die Infrastruktur des Erstellungssystems mit Autoconf und Automake zu erzeugen. Möglicherweise erhalten Sie eine Fehlermeldung wie diese:"
+msgid "From there you can generate the build system infrastructure using Autoconf and Automake:"
+msgstr "Damit können Sie die Infrastruktur des Erstellungssystems mit Autoconf und Automake erzeugen."
#. type: example
#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:106
#, no-wrap
+msgid "./bootstrap\n"
+msgstr "./bootstrap\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:109
+msgid "If you get an error like this one:"
+msgstr "Möglicherweise erhalten Sie eine Fehlermeldung wie diese:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:112
+#, no-wrap
msgid "configure.ac:46: error: possibly undefined macro: PKG_CHECK_MODULES\n"
msgstr "configure.ac:46: error: possibly undefined macro: PKG_CHECK_MODULES\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:115
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:121
msgid "it probably means that Autoconf couldn’t find @file{pkg.m4}, which is provided by pkg-config. Make sure that @file{pkg.m4} is available. The same holds for the @file{guile.m4} set of macros provided by Guile. For instance, if you installed Automake in @file{/usr/local}, it wouldn’t look for @file{.m4} files in @file{/usr/share}. In that case, you have to invoke the following command:"
msgstr "Das bedeutet wahrscheinlich, dass Autoconf @file{pkg.m4} nicht finden konnte, welches von pkg-config bereitgestellt wird. Stellen Sie sicher, dass @file{pkg.m4} verfügbar ist. Gleiches gilt für den von Guile bereitgestellten Makrosatz @file{guile.m4}. Wenn Sie beispielsweise Automake in @file{/usr/local} installiert haben, würde in @file{/usr/share} nicht nach @file{.m4}-Dateien geschaut. In einem solchen Fall müssen Sie folgenden Befehl aufrufen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:118
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:124
#, no-wrap
msgid "export ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal\n"
msgstr "export ACLOCAL_PATH=/usr/share/aclocal\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:122
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:128
msgid "@xref{Macro Search Path,,, automake, The GNU Automake Manual}, for more information."
msgstr "In @ref{Macro Search Path,,, automake, The GNU Automake Manual} finden Sie weitere Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:129
-msgid "Then, run @command{./configure --localstatedir=@var{directory}}, where @var{directory} is the @code{localstatedir} value used by your current installation (@pxref{The Store}, for information about this), usually @file{/var}. Note that you will probably not run @command{make install} at the end (you don't have to) but it's still important to pass the right @code{localstatedir}."
-msgstr "Dann führen Sie wie gewohnt @command{./configure --localstatedir=@var{Verzeichnis}} aus, wobei @var{Verzeichnis} der von Ihrer aktuellen Installation verwendete @code{localstatedir}-Wert ist (weitere Informationen siehe @ref{The Store}); im Normalfall geben Sie @file{/var} an. Denken Sie daran, dass Sie am Ende wahrscheinlich @emph{nicht} @command{make install} ausführen möchten (müssen Sie auch nicht), aber es ist dennoch wichtig, die richtige @code{localstatedir} zu übergeben."
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:130
+msgid "Then, run:"
+msgstr "Anschließend führen Sie dies aus:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:133
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "./configure --localstatedir=/var\n"
+msgstr "./configure --localstatedir=/var\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:140
+msgid "... where @file{/var} is the normal @code{localstatedir} value (@pxref{The Store}, for information about this). Note that you will probably not run @command{make install} at the end (you don't have to) but it's still important to pass the right @code{localstatedir}."
+msgstr "Dabei ist @file{/var} der normale @code{localstatedir}-Wert (weitere Informationen siehe @ref{The Store}). Denken Sie daran, dass Sie am Ende wahrscheinlich @emph{nicht} @command{make install} ausführen möchten (müssen Sie auch nicht), aber es ist dennoch wichtig, die richtige @code{localstatedir} zu übergeben."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:143
+msgid "Finally, you can build Guix and, if you feel so inclined, run the tests (@pxref{Running the Test Suite}):"
+msgstr "Schließlich können Sie Guix erstellen und, wenn Sie möchten, die Tests ausführen (siehe @ref{Running the Test Suite}):"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:147
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"make check\n"
+msgstr ""
+"make check\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:134
-msgid "Finally, you have to invoke @code{make && make check} to build Guix and run the tests (@pxref{Running the Test Suite}). If anything fails, take a look at installation instructions (@pxref{Installation}) or send a message to the @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, mailing list}."
-msgstr "Zum Schluss müssen Sie @code{make && make check} aufrufen, um Guix zu erstellen und die Tests auszuführen (siehe @ref{Running the Test Suite}). Falls etwas fehlschlägt, werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Installationsanweisungen (siehe @ref{Installation}) oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an die @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, Mailingliste}."
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:153
+msgid "If anything fails, take a look at installation instructions (@pxref{Installation}) or send a message to the @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, mailing list}."
+msgstr "Falls etwas fehlschlägt, werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Installationsanweisungen (siehe @ref{Installation}) oder senden Sie eine E-Mail an die @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org, Mailingliste}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:137
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:156
msgid "From there on, you can authenticate all the commits included in your checkout by running:"
msgstr "Von da an können Sie alle Commits in Ihrem Checkout authentifizieren, indem Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:140
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "make authenticate\n"
msgstr "make authenticate\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:143
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:162
msgid "The first run takes a couple of minutes, but subsequent runs are faster."
msgstr "Die erste Ausführung dauert ein paar Minuten, aber nachfolgende Ausführungen gehen schneller."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:149
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:168
msgid "Or, when your configuration for your local Git repository doesn't match the default one, you can provide the reference for the @code{keyring} branch through the variable @code{GUIX_GIT_KEYRING}. The following example assumes that you have a Git remote called @samp{myremote} pointing to the official repository:"
msgstr "Für den Fall, dass die Konfiguration Ihres lokal verfügbaren Git-Repositorys nicht der voreingestellten entspricht, können Sie die Referenz für den @code{keyring}-Branch über die Variable @code{GUIX_GIT_KEYRING} angeben. Im folgenden Beispiel nehmen wir an, Sie haben ein Remote-Repository namens @samp{myremote} eingerichtet, das auf das offizielle Guix-Repository verweist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:152
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "make authenticate GUIX_GIT_KEYRING=myremote/keyring\n"
msgstr "make authenticate GUIX_GIT_KEYRING=myremote/keyring\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:154 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1463
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:594 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:643
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:833 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1813
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2060 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2244
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2465 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2677
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3807 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4548
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4562 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4644
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4874 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5615
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6082 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6333
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6454 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6482
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6535 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9391
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9461 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11198
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11238 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11512
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11524 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14000
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14631 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15521
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16507 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19140
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19310 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27188
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30914 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34669
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34903 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35073
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35232 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35334
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35435 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35738
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36971
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37006 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37056
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37143 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37564
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:173 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:605 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:844 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2093 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2498 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3841 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4600 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4912 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6141 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6398
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6519 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6600 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9809 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11616 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11930 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14461 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15999 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19627 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27621 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35222 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35626 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35892 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36005 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37500 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37610 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37748 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38237
#, no-wrap
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Anmerkung"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:158
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:177
msgid "You are advised to run @command{make authenticate} after every @command{git pull} invocation. This ensures you keep receiving valid changes to the repository."
msgstr "Wir raten Ihnen dazu, nach jedem Aufruf von @command{git pull} auch @command{make authenticate} auszuführen. Das stellt sicher, dass Sie weiterhin nur gültige Änderungen in Ihr Repository übernehmen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:168
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:181
+msgid "After updating the repository, @command{make} might fail with an error similar to the following example:"
+msgstr "Wenn Sie das Repository einmal aktualisieren, kann es passieren, dass @command{make} mit einer Fehlermeldung ähnlich wie dieser fehlschlägt:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:185
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"error: failed to load 'gnu/packages/dunst.scm':\n"
+"ice-9/eval.scm:293:34: In procedure abi-check: #<record-type <origin>>: record ABI mismatch; recompilation needed\n"
+msgstr ""
+"error: failed to load 'gnu/packages/dunst.scm':\n"
+"ice-9/eval.scm:293:34: In procedure abi-check: #<record-type <origin>>: record ABI mismatch; recompilation needed\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:191
+msgid "This means that one of the record types that Guix defines (in this example, the @code{origin} record) has changed, and all of guix needs to be recompiled to take that change into account. To do so, run @command{make clean-go} followed by @command{make}."
+msgstr "Das bedeutet, dass sich einer der in Guix definierten Verbundstypen (in diesem Beispiel der @code{origin}-Verbundstyp) geändert hat und alle Teile von Guix für diese Änderung neu kompiliert werden müssen. Um das zu veranlassen, führen Sie @command{make clean-go} aus, gefolgt von @command{make}."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:199
msgid "In order to keep a sane working environment, you will find it useful to test the changes made in your local source tree checkout without actually installing them. So that you can distinguish between your ``end-user'' hat and your ``motley'' costume."
msgstr "Um eine gesunde Arbeitsumgebung zu erhalten, ist es hilfreich, die im lokalen Quellbaum vorgenommenen Änderungen zunächst zu testen, ohne sie tatsächlich zu installieren. So können Sie zwischen Ihrem Endnutzer-„Straßenanzug“ und Ihrem „Faschingskostüm“ unterscheiden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:179
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:210
msgid "To that end, all the command-line tools can be used even if you have not run @code{make install}. To do that, you first need to have an environment with all the dependencies available (@pxref{Building from Git}), and then simply prefix each command with @command{./pre-inst-env} (the @file{pre-inst-env} script lives in the top build tree of Guix; it is generated by running @command{./bootstrap} followed by @command{./configure}). As an example, here is how you would build the @code{hello} package as defined in your working tree (this assumes @command{guix-daemon} is already running on your system; it's OK if it's a different version):"
msgstr "Zu diesem Zweck können alle Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge auch schon benutzt werden, ohne dass Sie @code{make install} laufen lassen. Dazu müssen Sie sich in einer Umgebung befinden, in der alle Abhängigkeiten von Guix verfügbar sind (siehe @ref{Building from Git}) und darin einfach vor jeden Befehl @command{./pre-inst-env} schreiben (das Skript @file{pre-inst-env} befindet sich auf oberster Ebene im Verzeichnis, wo Guix erstellt wird; es wird durch Ausführung von @command{./bootstrap} gefolgt von @command{./configure} erzeugt). Zum Beispiel würden Sie so das Paket @code{hello} erstellen lassen, so wie es in der gegenwärtigen Kopie des Guix-Quellbaums definiert wurde (es wird angenommen, dass @command{guix-daemon} auf Ihrem System bereits läuft, auch wenn es eine andere Version ist):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:182
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:213
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ ./pre-inst-env guix build hello\n"
msgstr "$ ./pre-inst-env guix build hello\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:186
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:217
msgid "Similarly, an example for a Guile session using the Guix modules:"
msgstr "Entsprechend würden Sie dies eingeben, um eine Guile-Sitzung zu öffnen, die die Guix-Module benutzt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:189
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ ./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (guix utils)) (pk (%current-system))'\n"
@@ -422,30 +480,30 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:191
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:222
#, no-wrap
msgid ";;; (\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
msgstr ";;; (\"x86_64-linux\")\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:194
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:225
#, no-wrap
msgid "REPL"
msgstr "REPL"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:195
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:226
#, no-wrap
msgid "read-eval-print loop"
msgstr "Lese-Auswerten-Schreiben-Schleife"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:198
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:229
msgid "@dots{} and for a REPL (@pxref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, Guile Reference Manual}):"
msgstr "…@: und auf einer REPL (siehe @ref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, Guile-Referenzhandbuch}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:213
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:244
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ ./pre-inst-env guile\n"
@@ -477,44 +535,69 @@ msgstr ""
"$1 = 361\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:221
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:252
msgid "If you are hacking on the daemon and its supporting code or if @command{guix-daemon} is not already running on your system, you can launch it straight from the build tree@footnote{The @option{-E} flag to @command{sudo} guarantees that @code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} is correctly set such that @command{guix-daemon} and the tools it uses can find the Guile modules they need.}:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie am Daemon und damit zu tun habendem Code hacken oder wenn @command{guix-daemon} nicht bereits auf Ihrem System läuft, können Sie ihn direkt aus dem Verzeichnis heraus starten, wo Sie Guix erstellen lassen@footnote{Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{-E} von @command{sudo} stellt sicher, dass @code{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} richtig gesetzt wird, damit @command{guix-daemon} und die davon benutzten Werkzeuge die von ihnen benötigten Guile-Module finden können.}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:224
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:255
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ sudo -E ./pre-inst-env guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild\n"
msgstr "$ sudo -E ./pre-inst-env guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:228
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:259
msgid "The @command{pre-inst-env} script sets up all the environment variables necessary to support this, including @env{PATH} and @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}."
msgstr "Das @command{pre-inst-env}-Skript richtet alle Umgebungsvariablen ein, die nötig sind, um dies zu ermöglichen, einschließlich @env{PATH} und @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:233
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:264
msgid "Note that @command{./pre-inst-env guix pull} does @emph{not} upgrade the local source tree; it simply updates the @file{~/.config/guix/current} symlink (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). Run @command{git pull} instead if you want to upgrade your local source tree."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass @command{./pre-inst-env guix pull} den lokalen Quellbaum @emph{nicht} aktualisiert; es aktualisiert lediglich die symbolische Verknüpfung @file{~/.config/guix/current} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}). Um Ihren lokalen Quellbaum zu aktualisieren, müssen Sie stattdessen @command{git pull} benutzen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:243
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:268
+msgid "Sometimes, especially if you have recently updated your repository, running @command{./pre-inst-env} will print a message similar to the following example:"
+msgstr "Manchmal, insbesondere wenn Sie das Repository aktualisiert haben, wird beim Ausführen mit @command{./pre-inst-env} eine Nachricht ähnlich wie in diesem Beispiel erscheinen:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:272
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+";;; note: source file /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.scm\n"
+";;; newer than compiled /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.go\n"
+msgstr ""
+";;; note: source file /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.scm\n"
+";;; newer than compiled /home/user/projects/guix/guix/progress.go\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:278
+msgid "This is only a note and you can safely ignore it. You can get rid of the message by running @command{make -j4}. Until you do, Guile will run slightly slower because it will interpret the code instead of using prepared Guile object (@file{.go}) files."
+msgstr "Es handelt sich lediglich um einen Hinweis und Sie können ihn getrost ignorieren. Los werden Sie die Nachricht, indem Sie @command{make -j4} ausführen. Bis dahin läuft Guile etwas langsamer als sonst, weil es den Quellcode interpretieren muss und nicht auf vorbereitete Guile-Objekt-Dateien (@file{.go}) zurückgreifen kann."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:283
+msgid "You can run @command{make} automatically as you work using @command{watchexec} from the @code{watchexec} package. For example, to build again each time you update a package file, you can run @samp{watchexec -w gnu/packages make -j4}."
+msgstr "Sie können @command{make} automatisch ausführen lassen, während Sie am Code arbeiten, nämlich mit @command{watchexec} aus dem Paket @code{watchexec}. Um zum Beispiel jedes Mal neu zu erstellen, wenn Sie etwas an einer Paketdatei ändern, führen Sie @samp{watchexec -w gnu/packages make -j4} aus."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:292
msgid "The Perfect Setup to hack on Guix is basically the perfect setup used for Guile hacking (@pxref{Using Guile in Emacs,,, guile, Guile Reference Manual}). First, you need more than an editor, you need @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs, Emacs}, empowered by the wonderful @url{https://nongnu.org/geiser/, Geiser}. To set that up, run:"
msgstr "Um perfekt für das Hacken an Guix eingerichtet zu sein, brauchen Sie an sich dasselbe wie um perfekt für das Hacken mit Guile (siehe @ref{Using Guile in Emacs,,, guile, Guile-Referenzhandbuch}). Zunächst brauchen Sie mehr als ein Textverarbeitungsprogramm, Sie brauchen @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs, Emacs} zusammen mit den vom wunderbaren @url{https://nongnu.org/geiser/, Geiser} verliehenen Kräften. Um diese zu installieren, können Sie Folgendes ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:246
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:295
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package -i emacs guile emacs-geiser emacs-geiser-guile\n"
msgstr "guix package -i emacs guile emacs-geiser emacs-geiser-guile\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:255
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:304
msgid "Geiser allows for interactive and incremental development from within Emacs: code compilation and evaluation from within buffers, access to on-line documentation (docstrings), context-sensitive completion, @kbd{M-.} to jump to an object definition, a REPL to try out your code, and more (@pxref{Introduction,,, geiser, Geiser User Manual}). For convenient Guix development, make sure to augment Guile’s load path so that it finds source files from your checkout:"
msgstr "Geiser ermöglicht interaktive und inkrementelle Entwicklung aus Emacs heraus: Code kann in Puffern kompiliert und ausgewertet werden. Zugang zu Online-Dokumentation (Docstrings) steht ebenso zur Verfügung wie kontextabhängige Vervollständigung, @kbd{M-.} um zu einer Objektdefinition zu springen, eine REPL, um Ihren Code auszuprobieren, und mehr (siehe @ref{Introduction,,, geiser, Geiser User Manual}). Zur bequemen Guix-Entwicklung sollten Sie Guiles Ladepfad so ergänzen, dass die Quelldateien in Ihrem Checkout gefunden werden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:260
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:309
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; @r{Assuming the Guix checkout is in ~/src/guix.}\n"
@@ -526,35 +609,35 @@ msgstr ""
" (add-to-list 'geiser-guile-load-path \"~/src/guix\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:268
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:317
msgid "To actually edit the code, Emacs already has a neat Scheme mode. But in addition to that, you must not miss @url{https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit, Paredit}. It provides facilities to directly operate on the syntax tree, such as raising an s-expression or wrapping it, swallowing or rejecting the following s-expression, etc."
msgstr "Um den Code tatsächlich zu bearbeiten, bietet Emacs schon einen netten Scheme-Modus. Aber Sie dürfen auch @url{https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit, Paredit} nicht verpassen. Es bietet Hilfsmittel, um direkt mit dem Syntaxbaum zu arbeiten, und kann so zum Beispiel einen S-Ausdruck hochheben oder ihn umhüllen, ihn verschlucken oder den nachfolgenden S-Ausdruck verwerfen, etc."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:269
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:318
#, no-wrap
msgid "code snippets"
msgstr "Code-Schnipsel"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:270
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:319
#, no-wrap
msgid "templates"
msgstr "Vorlagen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:271
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:320
#, no-wrap
msgid "reducing boilerplate"
msgstr "Tipparbeit sparen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:278
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:327
msgid "We also provide templates for common git commit messages and package definitions in the @file{etc/snippets} directory. These templates can be used with @url{https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet/, YASnippet} to expand short trigger strings to interactive text snippets. You may want to add the snippets directory to the @var{yas-snippet-dirs} variable in Emacs."
msgstr "Wir bieten auch Vorlagen für häufige Git-Commit-Nachrichten und Paketdefinitionen im Verzeichnis @file{etc/snippets}. Diese Vorlagen können mit @url{https://joaotavora.github.io/yasnippet/, YASnippet} zusammen benutzt werden, um kurze Auslöse-Zeichenketten zu interaktiven Textschnipseln umzuschreiben. Vielleicht möchten Sie das Schnipselverzeichnis zu Ihrer @var{yas-snippet-dirs}-Variablen in Emacs hinzufügen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:283
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:332
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; @r{Assuming the Guix checkout is in ~/src/guix.}\n"
@@ -566,40 +649,40 @@ msgstr ""
" (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs \"~/src/guix/etc/snippets\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:291
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:340
msgid "The commit message snippets depend on @url{https://magit.vc/, Magit} to display staged files. When editing a commit message type @code{add} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a commit message template for adding a package; type @code{update} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a template for updating a package; type @code{https} followed by @kbd{TAB} to insert a template for changing the home page URI of a package to HTTPS."
msgstr "Die Schnipsel für Commit-Nachrichten setzen @url{https://magit.vc/, Magit} voraus, um zum Commit vorgemerkte Dateien anzuzeigen. Wenn Sie eine Commit-Nachricht bearbeiten, können Sie @code{add} gefolgt von @kbd{TAB} eintippen, um eine Commit-Nachrichten-Vorlage für das Hinzufügen eines Pakets zu erhalten; tippen Sie @code{update} gefolgt von @kbd{TAB} ein, um eine Vorlage zum Aktualisieren eines Pakets zu bekommen; tippen Sie @code{https} gefolgt von @kbd{TAB} ein, um eine Vorlage zum Ändern der Homepage-URI eines Pakets auf HTTPS einzufügen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:297
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:346
msgid "The main snippet for @code{scheme-mode} is triggered by typing @code{package...} followed by @kbd{TAB}. This snippet also inserts the trigger string @code{origin...}, which can be expanded further. The @code{origin} snippet in turn may insert other trigger strings ending on @code{...}, which also can be expanded further."
msgstr "Das Hauptschnipsel für @code{scheme-mode} wird ausgelöst, indem Sie @code{package...} gefolgt von @kbd{TAB} eintippen. Dieses Snippet fügt auch die Auslöse-Zeichenkette @code{origin...} ein, die danach weiter umgeschrieben werden kann. Das @code{origin}-Schnipsel kann wiederum andere Auslöse-Zeichenketten einfügen, die alle auf @code{...} enden, was selbst wieder weiter umgeschrieben werden kann."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:298
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:347
#, no-wrap
msgid "insert or update copyright"
msgstr "Copyright einfügen oder aktualisieren"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:299
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:348
#, no-wrap
msgid "M-x guix-copyright"
msgstr "M-x guix-copyright"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:300
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:349
#, no-wrap
msgid "M-x copyright-update"
msgstr "M-x copyright-update"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:304
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:353
msgid "We additionally provide insertion and automatic update of a copyright in @file{etc/copyright.el}. You may want to set your full name, mail, and load a file."
msgstr "Außerden stellen wir automatisches Einfügen und Aktualisieren von Urheberrechtsinformationen („Copyright“) über @file{etc/copyright.el} zur Verfügung. Dazu müssten Sie Ihren vollständigen Namen mit E-Mail-Adresse festlegen und eine Datei laden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:310
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:359
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(setq user-full-name \"Alice Doe\")\n"
@@ -613,17 +696,17 @@ msgstr ""
"(load-file \"~/src/guix/etc/copyright.el\")\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:313
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:362
msgid "To insert a copyright at the current line invoke @code{M-x guix-copyright}."
msgstr "Um an der aktuellen Zeile Copyright-Informationen einzufügen, rufen Sie @code{M-x guix-copyright} auf."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:315
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:364
msgid "To update a copyright you need to specify a @code{copyright-names-regexp}."
msgstr "Um Copyright-Informationen aktualisieren zu können, müssen Sie einen regulären Ausdruck @code{copyright-names-regexp} angeben."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:319
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:368
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(setq copyright-names-regexp\n"
@@ -633,281 +716,281 @@ msgstr ""
" (format \"%s <%s>\" user-full-name user-mail-address))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:325
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:374
msgid "You can check if your copyright is up to date by evaluating @code{M-x copyright-update}. If you want to do it automatically after each buffer save then add @code{(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'copyright-update)} in Emacs."
msgstr "Sie können prüfen, ob Ihre Urheberrechtsinformationen aktuell sind, indem Sie @code{M-x copyright-update} auswerten. Wenn Sie möchten, dass dies automatisch nach jedem Speichern des Puffers geschieht, fügen Sie @code{(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'copyright-update)} in Emacs hinzu."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:329
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:378
#, no-wrap
msgid "packages, creating"
msgstr "Pakete definieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:333
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:382
msgid "The GNU distribution is nascent and may well lack some of your favorite packages. This section describes how you can help make the distribution grow."
msgstr "Die GNU-Distribution ist noch sehr jung und einige Ihrer Lieblingspakete könnten noch fehlen. Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie Sie dabei helfen können, die Distribution wachsen zu lassen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:341
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:390
msgid "Free software packages are usually distributed in the form of @dfn{source code tarballs}---typically @file{tar.gz} files that contain all the source files. Adding a package to the distribution means essentially two things: adding a @dfn{recipe} that describes how to build the package, including a list of other packages required to build it, and adding @dfn{package metadata} along with that recipe, such as a description and licensing information."
msgstr "Pakete mit freier Software werden normalerweise in Form von @dfn{Tarballs mit dem Quellcode} angeboten@tie{}— typischerweise in @file{tar.gz}-Archivdateien, in denen alle Quelldateien enthalten sind. Ein Paket zur Distribution hinzuzufügen, bedeutet also zweierlei Dinge: Zum einen fügt man ein @dfn{Rezept} ein, das beschreibt, wie das Paket erstellt werden kann, einschließlich einer Liste von anderen Paketen, die für diese Erstellung gebraucht werden, zum anderen fügt man @dfn{Paketmetadaten} zum Rezept hinzu, wie zum Beispiel eine Beschreibung und Lizenzinformationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:350
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:399
msgid "In Guix all this information is embodied in @dfn{package definitions}. Package definitions provide a high-level view of the package. They are written using the syntax of the Scheme programming language; in fact, for each package we define a variable bound to the package definition, and export that variable from a module (@pxref{Package Modules}). However, in-depth Scheme knowledge is @emph{not} a prerequisite for creating packages. For more information on package definitions, @pxref{Defining Packages}."
msgstr "In Guix sind all diese Informationen ein Teil der @dfn{Paketdefinitionen}. In Paketdefinitionen hat man eine abstrahierte, hochsprachliche Sicht auf das Paket. Sie werden in der Syntax der Scheme-Programmiersprache verfasst; tatsächlich definieren wir für jedes Paket eine Variable und binden diese an dessen Definition, um die Variable anschließend aus einem Modul heraus zu exportieren (siehe @ref{Package Modules}). Allerdings ist @emph{kein} tiefgehendes Wissen über Scheme erforderlich, um Pakete zu erstellen. Mehr Informationen über Paketdefinitionen finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Defining Packages}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:356
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:405
msgid "Once a package definition is in place, stored in a file in the Guix source tree, it can be tested using the @command{guix build} command (@pxref{Invoking guix build}). For example, assuming the new package is called @code{gnew}, you may run this command from the Guix build tree (@pxref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed}):"
msgstr "Eine fertige Paketdefinition kann, nachdem sie in eine Datei im Quell-Verzeichnisbaum von Guix eingesetzt wurde, mit Hilfe des Befehls @command{guix build} getestet werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build}). Wenn das Paket zum Beispiel den Namen @code{gnew} trägt, können Sie folgenden Befehl aus dem Erstellungs-Verzeichnisbaum von Guix heraus ausführen (siehe @ref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:359
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:408
#, no-wrap
msgid "./pre-inst-env guix build gnew --keep-failed\n"
msgstr "./pre-inst-env guix build gnew --keep-failed\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:365
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:414
msgid "Using @code{--keep-failed} makes it easier to debug build failures since it provides access to the failed build tree. Another useful command-line option when debugging is @code{--log-file}, to access the build log."
msgstr "Wenn Sie @code{--keep-failed} benutzen, ist es leichter, fehlgeschlagene Erstellungen zu untersuchen, weil dann der Verzeichnisbaum der fehlgeschlagenen Erstellung zugänglich bleibt. Eine andere nützliche Befehlszeilenoption bei der Fehlersuche ist @code{--log-file}, womit das Erstellungsprotokoll eingesehen werden kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:370
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:419
msgid "If the package is unknown to the @command{guix} command, it may be that the source file contains a syntax error, or lacks a @code{define-public} clause to export the package variable. To figure it out, you may load the module from Guile to get more information about the actual error:"
msgstr "Wenn der @command{guix}-Befehl das Paket nicht erkennt, kann es daran liegen, dass die Quelldatei einen Syntaxfehler hat oder ihr eine @code{define-public}-Klausel fehlt, die die Paketvariable exportiert. Um das herauszufinden, können Sie das Modul aus Guile heraus laden, um mehr Informationen über den tatsächlichen Fehler zu bekommen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:373
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:422
#, no-wrap
msgid "./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (gnu packages gnew))'\n"
msgstr "./pre-inst-env guile -c '(use-modules (gnu packages gnew))'\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:380
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:429
msgid "Once your package builds correctly, please send us a patch (@pxref{Submitting Patches}). Well, if you need help, we will be happy to help you too. Once the patch is committed in the Guix repository, the new package automatically gets built on the supported platforms by @url{https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}, our continuous integration system}."
msgstr "Sobald Ihr Paket erfolgreich erstellt werden kann, schicken Sie uns bitte einen Patch (siehe @ref{Submitting Patches}). Wenn Sie dabei Hilfe brauchen sollten, helfen wir gerne. Ab dem Zeitpunkt, zu dem der Patch als Commit ins Guix-Repository eingepflegt wurde, wird das neue Paket automatisch durch @url{https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}, unser System zur Kontinuierlichen Integration} auf allen unterstützten Plattformen erstellt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:381
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:430
#, no-wrap
msgid "substituter"
msgstr "Substituierer"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:388
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:437
msgid "Users can obtain the new package definition simply by running @command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). When @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} is done building the package, installing the package automatically downloads binaries from there (@pxref{Substitutes}). The only place where human intervention is needed is to review and apply the patch."
msgstr "Benutzern steht die neue Paketdefinition zur Verfügung, nachdem sie das nächste Mal @command{guix pull} ausgeführt haben (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}). Wenn @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} selbst damit fertig ist, das Paket zu erstellen, werden bei der Installation automatisch Binärdateien von dort heruntergeladen (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Menschliches Eingreifen muss nur stattfinden, um den Patch zu überprüfen und anzuwenden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:404
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:405
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:453
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Software Freedom"
msgstr "Software-Freiheit"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "What may go into the distribution."
msgstr "Was in die Distribution aufgenommen werden darf."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:432
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:433
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:481
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:482
#, no-wrap
msgid "Package Naming"
msgstr "Paketbenennung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "What's in a name?"
msgstr "Was macht einen Namen aus?"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:465
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:466
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:514
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:515
#, no-wrap
msgid "Version Numbers"
msgstr "Versionsnummern"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "When the name is not enough."
msgstr "Wenn der Name noch nicht genug ist."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:572
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:573
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:621
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:622
#, no-wrap
msgid "Synopses and Descriptions"
msgstr "Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Helping users find the right package."
msgstr "Den Nutzern helfen, das richtige Paket zu finden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:651
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:652
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:700
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:701
#, no-wrap
msgid "Snippets versus Phases"
msgstr "„Snippets“ oder Phasen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Whether to use a snippet, or a build phase."
msgstr "Benutzt man Code-Schnipsel oder eine Erstellungsphase?"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:666
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:667 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1995
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:715
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:716 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2028
#, no-wrap
msgid "Emacs Packages"
msgstr "Emacs-Pakete"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Your Elisp fix."
msgstr "Für Ihren Elisp-Bedarf."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:706
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:707
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:755
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:756
#, no-wrap
msgid "Python Modules"
msgstr "Python-Module"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "A touch of British comedy."
msgstr "Ein Touch britischer Comedy."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:782
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:783
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:831
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:832
#, no-wrap
msgid "Perl Modules"
msgstr "Perl-Module"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Little pearls."
msgstr "Kleine Perlen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:798
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:799
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:847
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:848
#, no-wrap
msgid "Java Packages"
msgstr "Java-Pakete"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Coffee break."
msgstr "Kaffeepause."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:818
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:819
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:867
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:868
#, no-wrap
msgid "Rust Crates"
msgstr "Rust-Crates"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Beware of oxidation."
msgstr "Umgang mit Oxidation."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:852
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:853
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:901
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Schriftarten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:402
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:451
msgid "Fond of fonts."
msgstr "Schriften verschriftlicht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:408
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:457
#, no-wrap
msgid "free software"
msgstr "freie Software"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:416
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:465
msgid "The GNU operating system has been developed so that users can have freedom in their computing. GNU is @dfn{free software}, meaning that users have the @url{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html,four essential freedoms}: to run the program, to study and change the program in source code form, to redistribute exact copies, and to distribute modified versions. Packages found in the GNU distribution provide only software that conveys these four freedoms."
msgstr "Das GNU-Betriebssystem wurde entwickelt, um Menschen Freiheit zu ermöglichen, wie sie ihre Rechengeräte benutzen. GNU ist @dfn{freie Software}, was bedeutet, dass Benutzer die @url{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.de.html,vier wesentlichen Freiheiten} haben: das Programm auszuführen, es zu untersuchen, das Programm in Form seines Quellcodes anzupassen und exakte Kopien ebenso wie modifizierte Versionen davon an andere weiterzugeben. Die Pakete, die Sie in der GNU-Distribution finden, stellen ausschließlich solche Software zur Verfügung, die Ihnen diese vier Freiheiten gewährt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:422
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:471
msgid "In addition, the GNU distribution follow the @url{https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html,free software distribution guidelines}. Among other things, these guidelines reject non-free firmware, recommendations of non-free software, and discuss ways to deal with trademarks and patents."
msgstr "Außerdem befolgt die GNU-Distribution die @url{https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.de.html,Richtlinien für freie Systemverteilungen}. Unter anderem werden unfreie Firmware sowie Empfehlungen von unfreier Software abgelehnt und Möglichkeiten zum Umgang mit Markenzeichen und Patenten werden diskutiert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:430
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:479
msgid "Some otherwise free upstream package sources contain a small and optional subset that violates the above guidelines, for instance because this subset is itself non-free code. When that happens, the offending items are removed with appropriate patches or code snippets in the @code{origin} form of the package (@pxref{Defining Packages}). This way, @code{guix build --source} returns the ``freed'' source rather than the unmodified upstream source."
msgstr "Ansonsten freier Paketquellcode von manchen Anbietern enthält einen kleinen und optionalen Teil, der diese Richtlinien verletzt. Zum Beispiel kann dieser Teil selbst unfreier Code sein. Wenn das vorkommt, wird der sie verletzende Teil mit angemessenen Patches oder Code-Schnipseln innerhalb der @code{origin}-Form des Pakets entfernt (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Dadurch liefert Ihnen @code{guix build --source} nur den „befreiten“ Quellcode und nicht den unmodifizierten Quellcode des Anbieters."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:435
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:484
#, no-wrap
msgid "package name"
msgstr "Paketname"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:443
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:492
msgid "A package actually has two names associated with it. First, there is the name of the @emph{Scheme variable}, the one following @code{define-public}. By this name, the package can be made known in the Scheme code, for instance as input to another package. Second, there is the string in the @code{name} field of a package definition. This name is used by package management commands such as @command{guix package} and @command{guix build}."
msgstr "Tatsächlich sind mit jedem Paket zwei Namen assoziiert: Zum einen gibt es den Namen der @emph{Scheme-Variablen}, der direkt nach @code{define-public} im Code steht. Mit diesem Namen kann das Paket im Scheme-Code nutzbar gemacht und zum Beispiel als Eingabe eines anderen Pakets benannt werden. Zum anderen gibt es die Zeichenkette im @code{name}-Feld einer Paketdefinition. Dieser Name wird von Paketverwaltungsbefehlen wie @command{guix package} und @command{guix build} benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:448
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:497
msgid "Both are usually the same and correspond to the lowercase conversion of the project name chosen upstream, with underscores replaced with hyphens. For instance, GNUnet is available as @code{gnunet}, and SDL_net as @code{sdl-net}."
msgstr "Meistens sind die beiden identisch und ergeben sich aus einer Umwandlung des vom Anbieter verwendeten Projektnamens in Kleinbuchstaben, bei der Unterstriche durch Bindestriche ersetzt werden. Zum Beispiel wird GNUnet unter dem Paketnamen @code{gnunet} angeboten und SDL_net als @code{sdl-net}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:456
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:505
msgid "A noteworthy exception to this rule is when the project name is only a single character, or if an older maintained project with the same name already exists---regardless of whether it has already been packaged for Guix. Use common sense to make such names unambiguous and meaningful. For example, Guix's package for the shell called ``s'' upstream is @code{s-shell} and @emph{not} @code{s}. Feel free to ask your fellow hackers for inspiration."
msgstr "Es gibt eine nennenswerte Ausnahme zu dieser Regel, nämlich wenn der Projektname nur ein einzelnes Zeichen ist oder auch wenn es bereits ein älteres, aktives Projekt mit demselben Namen gibt, egal ob es schon für Guix verpackt wurde. Lassen Sie Ihren gesunden Menschenverstand einen eindeutigen und sprechenden Namen auswählen. Zum Beispiel wurde die Shell, die bei ihrem Anbieter „s“ heißt, @code{s-shell} genannt und @emph{nicht} @code{s}. Sie sind eingeladen, Ihre Hackerkollegen um Inspiration zu bitten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:461
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:510
msgid "We do not add @code{lib} prefixes for library packages, unless these are already part of the official project name. But @pxref{Python Modules} and @ref{Perl Modules} for special rules concerning modules for the Python and Perl languages."
msgstr "An Bibliothekspakete hängen wir vorne kein @code{lib} als Präfix an, solange es nicht Teil des offiziellen Projektnamens ist. Beachten Sie aber die Abschnitte @ref{Python Modules} und @ref{Perl Modules}, in denen Sonderregeln für Module der Programmiersprachen Python und Perl beschrieben sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:463
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:512
msgid "Font package names are handled differently, @pxref{Fonts}."
msgstr "Auch Pakete mit Schriftarten werden anders behandelt, siehe @ref{Fonts}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:468
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:517
#, no-wrap
msgid "package version"
msgstr "Paketversion"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:477
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:526
msgid "We usually package only the latest version of a given free software project. But sometimes, for instance for incompatible library versions, two (or more) versions of the same package are needed. These require different Scheme variable names. We use the name as defined in @ref{Package Naming} for the most recent version; previous versions use the same name, suffixed by @code{-} and the smallest prefix of the version number that may distinguish the two versions."
msgstr "Normalerweise stellen wir nur für die neueste Version eines Freie-Software-Projekts ein Paket bereit. Manchmal gibt es allerdings Fälle wie zum Beispiel untereinander inkompatible Bibliotheksversionen, so dass zwei (oder mehr) Versionen desselben Pakets angeboten werden müssen. In diesem Fall müssen wir verschiedene Scheme-Variablennamen benutzen. Wir benutzen dann für die neueste Version den Namen, wie er im Abschnitt @ref{Package Naming} festgelegt wird, und geben vorherigen Versionen denselben Namen mit einem zusätzlichen Suffix aus @code{-} gefolgt vom kürzesten Präfix der Versionsnummer, mit dem noch immer zwei Versionen unterschieden werden können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:480
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:529
msgid "The name inside the package definition is the same for all versions of a package and does not contain any version number."
msgstr "Der Name innerhalb der Paketdefinition ist hingegen derselbe für alle Versionen eines Pakets und enthält keine Versionsnummer."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:482
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:531
msgid "For instance, the versions 2.24.20 and 3.9.12 of GTK+ may be packaged as follows:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel können für GTK in den Versionen 2.24.20 und 3.9.12 Pakete wie folgt geschrieben werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:494
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:543
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public gtk+\n"
@@ -933,12 +1016,12 @@ msgstr ""
" …))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:496
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:545
msgid "If we also wanted GTK+ 3.8.2, this would be packaged as"
msgstr "Wenn wir auch GTK 3.8.2 wollten, würden wir das Paket schreiben als"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:502
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:551
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public gtk+-3.8\n"
@@ -954,23 +1037,23 @@ msgstr ""
" …))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:506
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:555
#, no-wrap
msgid "version number, for VCS snapshots"
msgstr "Versionsnummer, bei Snapshots aus Versionskontrolle"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:512
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:561
msgid "Occasionally, we package snapshots of upstream's version control system (VCS) instead of formal releases. This should remain exceptional, because it is up to upstream developers to clarify what the stable release is. Yet, it is sometimes necessary. So, what should we put in the @code{version} field?"
msgstr "Gelegentlich fügen wir auch Pakete für Snapshots aus dem Versionskontrollsystem des Anbieters statt formaler Veröffentlichungen zur Distribution hinzu. Das sollte die Ausnahme bleiben, weil die Entwickler selbst klarstellen sollten, welche Version als die stabile Veröffentlichung gelten sollte, ab und zu ist es jedoch notwendig. Was also sollten wir dann im @code{version}-Feld eintragen?"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:520
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:569
msgid "Clearly, we need to make the commit identifier of the VCS snapshot visible in the version string, but we also need to make sure that the version string is monotonically increasing so that @command{guix package --upgrade} can determine which version is newer. Since commit identifiers, notably with Git, are not monotonically increasing, we add a revision number that we increase each time we upgrade to a newer snapshot. The resulting version string looks like this:"
msgstr "Offensichtlich muss der Bezeichner des Commits, den wir als Snapshot aus dem Versionskontrollsystem nehmen, in der Versionszeichenkette zu erkennen sein, aber wir müssen auch sicherstellen, dass die Version monoton steigend ist, damit @command{guix package --upgrade} feststellen kann, welche Version die neuere ist. Weil Commit-Bezeichner, insbesondere bei Git, nicht monoton steigen, müssen wir eine Revisionsnummer hinzufügen, die wir jedes Mal erhöhen, wenn wir das Paket auf einen neueren Snapshot aktualisieren. Die sich ergebende Versionszeichenkette sieht dann so aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:529
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:578
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -990,12 +1073,12 @@ msgstr ""
"die neueste Version, die der Anbieter veröffentlicht hat\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:539
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:588
msgid "It is a good idea to strip commit identifiers in the @code{version} field to, say, 7 digits. It avoids an aesthetic annoyance (assuming aesthetics have a role to play here) as well as problems related to OS limits such as the maximum shebang length (127 bytes for the Linux kernel). There are helper functions for doing this for packages using @code{git-fetch} or @code{hg-fetch} (see below). It is best to use the full commit identifiers in @code{origin}s, though, to avoid ambiguities. A typical package definition may look like this:"
msgstr "Es ist eine gute Idee, die Commit-Bezeichner im @code{version}-Feld auf, sagen wir, 7 Ziffern zu beschränken. Das sieht besser aus (wenn das hier eine Rolle spielen sollte) und vermeidet Probleme, die mit der maximalen Länge von Shebangs zu tun haben (127 Bytes beim Linux-Kernel). Bei Paketen, die @code{git-fetch} oder @code{hg-fetch} benutzen, können Sie dafür Hilfsfunktionen nutzen (siehe unten). Am besten benutzen Sie in @code{origin}s jedoch den vollständigen Commit-Bezeichner, um Mehrdeutigkeiten zu vermeiden. Eine typische Paketdefinition könnte so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:556
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:605
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define my-package\n"
@@ -1029,18 +1112,18 @@ msgstr ""
" )))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:558
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:607
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} git-version @var{VERSION} @var{REVISION} @var{COMMIT}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} git-version @var{VERSION} @var{REVISION} @var{COMMIT}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:560
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:609
msgid "Return the version string for packages using @code{git-fetch}."
msgstr "Liefert die Zeichenkette für die Version bei Paketen, die @code{git-fetch} benutzen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:564
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:613
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(git-version \"0.2.3\" \"0\" \"93818c936ee7e2f1ba1b315578bde363a7d43d05\")\n"
@@ -1050,71 +1133,71 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} \"0.2.3-0.93818c9\"\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:567
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:616
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} hg-version @var{VERSION} @var{REVISION} @var{CHANGESET}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} hg-version @var{VERSION} @var{REVISION} @var{ÄNDERUNGSSATZ}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:570
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:619
msgid "Return the version string for packages using @code{hg-fetch}. It works in the same way as @code{git-version}."
msgstr "Liefert die Zeichenkette für die Version bei Paketen, die @code{hg-fetch} benutzen.<"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:575
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:624
#, no-wrap
msgid "package description"
msgstr "Paketbeschreibung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:576
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:625
#, no-wrap
msgid "package synopsis"
msgstr "Paketzusammenfassung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:583
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:632
msgid "As we have seen before, each package in GNU@tie{}Guix includes a synopsis and a description (@pxref{Defining Packages}). Synopses and descriptions are important: They are what @command{guix package --search} searches, and a crucial piece of information to help users determine whether a given package suits their needs. Consequently, packagers should pay attention to what goes into them."
msgstr "Wie wir bereits gesehen haben, enthält jedes Paket in GNU@tie{}Guix eine (im Code englischsprachige) Zusammenfassung (englisch: Synopsis) und eine Beschreibung (englisch: Description; siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen sind wichtig: Sie werden mit @command{guix package --search} durchsucht und stellen eine entscheidende Informationsquelle für Nutzer dar, die entscheiden wollen, ob das Paket Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht, daher sollten Paketentwickler achtgeben, was sie dort eintragen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:591
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:640
msgid "Synopses must start with a capital letter and must not end with a period. They must not start with ``a'' or ``the'', which usually does not bring anything; for instance, prefer ``File-frobbing tool'' over ``A tool that frobs files''. The synopsis should say what the package is---e.g., ``Core GNU utilities (file, text, shell)''---or what it is used for---e.g., the synopsis for GNU@tie{}grep is ``Print lines matching a pattern''."
msgstr "Zusammenfassungen müssen mit einem Großbuchstaben beginnen und dürfen nicht mit einem Punkt enden. Sie dürfen nicht mit den Artikeln „a“ oder „the“ beginnen, die meistens ohnehin nichts zum Verständnis beitragen. Zum Beispiel sollte „File-frobbing tool“ gegenüber „A tool that frobs files“ vorgezogen werden. Die Zusammenfassung sollte aussagen, um was es sich beim Paket handelt@tie{}— z.B.@: „Core GNU utilities (file, text, shell)“@tie{}—, oder aussagen, wofür es benutzt wird@tie{}— z.B.@: ist die Zusammenfassung für GNU@tie{}grep „Print lines matching a pattern“."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:601
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:650
msgid "Keep in mind that the synopsis must be meaningful for a very wide audience. For example, ``Manipulate alignments in the SAM format'' might make sense for a seasoned bioinformatics researcher, but might be fairly unhelpful or even misleading to a non-specialized audience. It is a good idea to come up with a synopsis that gives an idea of the application domain of the package. In this example, this might give something like ``Manipulate nucleotide sequence alignments'', which hopefully gives the user a better idea of whether this is what they are looking for."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass die Zusammenfassung für eine sehr große Leserschaft einen Sinn ergeben muss. Zum Beispiel würde „Manipulate alignments in the SAM format“ vielleicht von einem erfahrenen Forscher in der Bioinformatik verstanden, könnte für die Nicht-Spezialisten in Guix’ Zielgruppe aber wenig hilfreich sein oder würde diesen sogar eine falsche Vorstellung geben. Es ist eine gute Idee, sich eine Zusammenfassung zu überlegen, die eine Vorstellung von der Anwendungsdomäne des Pakets vermittelt. Im Beispiel hier würden sich die Nutzer mit „Manipulate nucleotide sequence alignments“ hoffentlich ein besseres Bild davon machen können, ob das Paket ist, wonach sie suchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:609
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:658
msgid "Descriptions should take between five and ten lines. Use full sentences, and avoid using acronyms without first introducing them. Please avoid marketing phrases such as ``world-leading'', ``industrial-strength'', and ``next-generation'', and avoid superlatives like ``the most advanced''---they are not helpful to users looking for a package and may even sound suspicious. Instead, try to be factual, mentioning use cases and features."
msgstr "Beschreibungen sollten zwischen fünf und zehn Zeilen lang sein. Benutzen Sie vollständige Sätze und vermeiden Sie Abkürzungen, die Sie nicht zuvor eingeführt haben. Vermeiden Sie bitte Marketing-Phrasen wie „world-leading“ („weltweit führend“), „industrial-strength“ („industrietauglich“) und „next-generation“ („der nächsten Generation“) ebenso wie Superlative wie „the most advanced“ („das fortgeschrittenste“)@tie{}— davon haben Nutzer nichts, wenn sie ein Paket suchen, und es könnte sogar verdächtig klingen. Versuchen Sie stattdessen, bei den Fakten zu bleiben und dabei Anwendungszwecke und Funktionalitäten zu erwähnen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:610
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:659
#, no-wrap
msgid "Texinfo markup, in package descriptions"
msgstr "Texinfo-Auszeichnungen, in Paketbeschreibungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:619
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:668
msgid "Descriptions can include Texinfo markup, which is useful to introduce ornaments such as @code{@@code} or @code{@@dfn}, bullet lists, or hyperlinks (@pxref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). However you should be careful when using some characters for example @samp{@@} and curly braces which are the basic special characters in Texinfo (@pxref{Special Characters,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). User interfaces such as @command{guix package --show} take care of rendering it appropriately."
msgstr "Beschreibungen können wie bei Texinfo ausgezeichneten Text enthalten. Das bedeutet, Text kann Verzierungen wie @code{@@code} oder @code{@@dfn}, Auflistungen oder Hyperlinks enthalten (siehe @ref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). Sie sollten allerdings vorsichtig sein, wenn Sie bestimmte Zeichen wie @samp{@@} und geschweifte Klammern schreiben, weil es sich dabei um die grundlegenden Sonderzeichen in Texinfo handelt (siehe @ref{Special Characters,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). Benutzungsschnittstellen wie @command{guix package --show} kümmern sich darum, solche Auszeichnungen angemessen darzustellen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:625
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:674
msgid "Synopses and descriptions are translated by volunteers @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/packages, at Weblate} so that as many users as possible can read them in their native language. User interfaces search them and display them in the language specified by the current locale."
msgstr "Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen werden von Freiwilligen @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/packages, bei Weblate} übersetzt, damit so viele Nutzer wie möglich sie in ihrer Muttersprache lesen können. Mit Schnittstellen für Benutzer können sie in der von der aktuell eingestellten Locale festgelegten Sprache durchsucht und angezeigt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:630
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:679
msgid "To allow @command{xgettext} to extract them as translatable strings, synopses and descriptions @emph{must be literal strings}. This means that you cannot use @code{string-append} or @code{format} to construct these strings:"
msgstr "Damit @command{xgettext} sie als übersetzbare Zeichenketten extrahieren kann, @emph{müssen} Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen einfache Zeichenketten-Literale sein. Das bedeutet, dass Sie diese Zeichenketten nicht mit Prozeduren wie @code{string-append} oder @code{format} konstruieren können:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:636
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:685
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -1128,12 +1211,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (description (string-append \"This is \" \"*not*\" \" translatable.\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:644
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:693
msgid "Translation is a lot of work so, as a packager, please pay even more attention to your synopses and descriptions as every change may entail additional work for translators. In order to help them, it is possible to make recommendations or instructions visible to them by inserting special comments like this (@pxref{xgettext Invocation,,, gettext, GNU Gettext}):"
msgstr "Übersetzen ist viel Arbeit, also passen Sie als Paketentwickler bitte umso mehr auf, wenn Sie Ihre Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen formulieren, weil jede Änderung zusätzliche Arbeit für Übersetzer bedeutet. Um den Übersetzern zu helfen, können Sie Empfehlungen und Anweisungen für diese sichtbar machen, indem Sie spezielle Kommentare wie in diesem Beispiel einfügen (siehe @ref{xgettext Invocation,,, gettext, GNU Gettext}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:649
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:698
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; TRANSLATORS: \"X11 resize-and-rotate\" should not be translated.\n"
@@ -1145,440 +1228,439 @@ msgstr ""
"for the X11 resize-and-rotate (RandR) extension. …\")\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:654
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:703
#, no-wrap
msgid "snippets, when to use"
msgstr "snippet-Feld, wann man es benutzt"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:665
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:714
msgid "The boundary between using an origin snippet versus a build phase to modify the sources of a package can be elusive. Origin snippets are typically used to remove unwanted files such as bundled libraries, nonfree sources, or to apply simple substitutions. The source derived from an origin should produce a source that can be used to build the package on any system that the upstream package supports (i.e., act as the corresponding source). In particular, origin snippets must not embed store items in the sources; such patching should rather be done using build phases. Refer to the @code{origin} record documentation for more information (@pxref{origin Reference})."
msgstr "Die Grenze, wann man Code-Schnipsel im @code{origin}-„@code{snippet}“-Feld gegenüber einer Erstellungsphase für Änderungen an den Quelldateien eines Pakets bevorzugen sollte, ist fließend. Schnipsel im Paketursprung werden meistens dazu benutzt, unerwünschte Dateien wie z.B.@: gebündelte Bibliotheken oder unfreie Quelldateien zu entfernen, oder um einfache Textersetzungen durchzuführen. Die Quelle, die sich aus einem Paketursprung ableitet, sollte Quellcode erzeugen, um das Paket auf jedem vom Anbieter unterstützten System zu erstellen (d.h.@: um als dessen „corresponding source“, „korrespondierender Quelltext“, herzuhalten). Insbesondere dürfen Snippets im Paketursprung keine Store-Objekte in den Quelldateien einbetten; solche Anpassungen sollten besser in Erstellungsphasen stattfinden. Schauen Sie in die Dokumentation des @code{origin}-Verbundsobjekts für weitere Informationen (siehe @ref{origin Reference})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:669
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:718
#, no-wrap
msgid "emacs, packaging"
msgstr "emacs, Pakete dafür schreiben"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:670
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:719
#, no-wrap
msgid "elisp, packaging"
msgstr "elisp, Pakete dafür schreiben"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:682
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:731
msgid "Emacs packages should preferably use the Emacs build system (@pxref{emacs-build-system}), for uniformity and the benefits provided by its build phases, such as the auto-generation of the autoloads file and the byte compilation of the sources. Because there is no standardized way to run a test suite for Emacs packages, tests are disabled by default. When a test suite is available, it should be enabled by setting the @code{#:tests?} argument to @code{#true}. By default, the command to run the test is @command{make check}, but any command can be specified via the @code{#:test-command} argument. The @code{#:test-command} argument expects a list containing a command and its arguments, to be invoked during the @code{check} phase."
msgstr "Für Emacs-Pakete sollte man bevorzugt das Emacs-Erstellungssystem benutzen (siehe @ref{emacs-build-system}), wegen der Einheitlichkeit und der Vorteile durch seine Erstellungsphasen. Dazu gehören das automatische Erzeugen der Autoloads-Datei und das Kompilieren des Quellcodes zu Bytecode (Byte Compilation). Weil es keinen Standard gibt, wie ein Testkatalog eines Emacs-Pakets ausgeführt wird, sind Tests nach Vorgabe abgeschaltet. Wenn es einen Testkatalog gibt, sollte er aktiviert werden, indem Sie das Argument @code{#:tests?} auf @code{#true} setzen. Vorgegeben ist, die Tests mit dem Befehl @command{make check} auszuführen, aber mit dem Argument @code{#:test-command} kann ein beliebiger anderer Befehl festgelegt werden. Für das Argument @code{#:test-command} wird eine Liste aus dem Befehl und den Argumenten an den Befehl erwartet. Er wird während der @code{check}-Phase aufgerufen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:687
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:736
msgid "The Elisp dependencies of Emacs packages are typically provided as @code{propagated-inputs} when required at run time. As for other packages, build or test dependencies should be specified as @code{native-inputs}."
msgstr "Die Elisp-Abhängigkeiten von Emacs-Paketen werden typischerweise als @code{propagated-inputs} bereitgestellt, wenn sie zur Laufzeit benötigt werden. Wie bei anderen Paketen sollten Abhängigkeiten zum Erstellen oder Testen als @code{native-inputs} angegeben werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:696
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:745
msgid "Emacs packages sometimes depend on resources directories that should be installed along the Elisp files. The @code{#:include} argument can be used for that purpose, by specifying a list of regexps to match. The best practice when using the @code{#:include} argument is to extend rather than override its default value (accessible via the @code{%default-include} variable). As an example, a yasnippet extension package typically include a @file{snippets} directory, which could be copied to the installation directory using:"
msgstr "Manchmal hängen Emacs-Pakete von Ressourcenverzeichnissen ab, die zusammen mit den Elisp-Dateien installiert werden sollten. Diese lassen sich mit dem Argument @code{#:include} kennzeichnen, indem eine Liste dazu passender regulärer Ausdrücke angegeben wird. Idealerweise ergänzen Sie den Vorgabewert des @code{#:include}-Arguments (aus der Variablen @code{%default-include}), statt ihn zu ersetzen. Zum Beispiel enthält ein yasnippet-Erweiterungspaket typischerweise ein @file{snippets}-Verzeichnis, das wie folgt in das Installationsverzeichnis kopiert werden könnte:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:699
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:748
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:include (cons \"^snippets/\" %default-include)\n"
msgstr "#:include (cons \"^snippets/\" %default-include)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:705
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:754
msgid "When encountering problems, it is wise to check for the presence of the @code{Package-Requires} extension header in the package main source file, and whether any dependencies and their versions listed therein are satisfied."
msgstr "Wenn Sie auf Probleme stoßen, ist es ratsam, auf eine Kopfzeile @code{Package-Requires} in der Hauptquellcodedatei des Pakets zu achten, ob allen Abhängigkeiten und deren dort gelisteten Versionen genügt wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:709
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:758
#, no-wrap
msgid "python"
msgstr "python"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:715
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:764
msgid "We currently package Python 2 and Python 3, under the Scheme variable names @code{python-2} and @code{python} as explained in @ref{Version Numbers}. To avoid confusion and naming clashes with other programming languages, it seems desirable that the name of a package for a Python module contains the word @code{python}."
msgstr "Zurzeit stellen wir ein Paket für Python 2 und eines für Python 3 jeweils über die Scheme-Variablen mit den Namen @code{python-2} und @code{python} zur Verfügung, entsprechend der Erklärungen im Abschnitt @ref{Version Numbers}. Um Verwirrungen und Namenskollisionen mit anderen Programmiersprachen zu vermeiden, erscheint es als wünschenswert, dass der Name eines Pakets für ein Python-Modul auch das Wort @code{python} enthält."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:722
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:771
msgid "Some modules are compatible with only one version of Python, others with both. If the package Foo is compiled with Python 3, we name it @code{python-foo}. If it is compiled with Python 2, we name it @code{python2-foo}. Packages should be added when they are necessary; we don't add Python 2 variants of the package unless we are going to use them."
msgstr "Manche Module sind nur mit einer Version von Python kompatibel, andere mit beiden. Wenn das Paket Foo mit Python 3 kompiliert wird, geben wir ihm den Namen @code{python-foo}. Wenn es mit Python 2 kompiliert wird, wählen wir den Namen @code{python2-foo}. Pakete sollten dann hinzugefügt werden, wenn sie gebraucht werden. Wir erstellen keine Python-2-Varianten von Paketen, wenn wir sie nicht benutzen wollen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:728
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:777
msgid "If a project already contains the word @code{python}, we drop this; for instance, the module python-dateutil is packaged under the names @code{python-dateutil} and @code{python2-dateutil}. If the project name starts with @code{py} (e.g.@: @code{pytz}), we keep it and prefix it as described above."
msgstr "Wenn ein Projekt bereits das Wort @code{python} im Namen hat, lassen wir es weg; zum Beispiel ist das Modul python-dateutil unter den Namen @code{python-dateutil} und @code{python2-dateutil} verfügbar. Wenn der Projektname mit @code{py} beginnt (z.B.@: @code{pytz}), behalten wir ihn bei und stellen das oben beschriebene Präfix voran."
#. type: subsubsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:729
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:778
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specifying Dependencies"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten angeben"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:730
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:779
#, no-wrap
msgid "inputs, for Python packages"
msgstr "Eingaben, für Python-Pakete"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:735
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:784
msgid "Dependency information for Python packages is usually available in the package source tree, with varying degrees of accuracy: in the @file{setup.py} file, in @file{requirements.txt}, or in @file{tox.ini}."
msgstr "Informationen über Abhängigkeiten von Python-Paketen, welche mal mehr und mal weniger stimmen, finden sich normalerweise im Verzeichnisbaum des Paketquellcodes: in der Datei @file{setup.py}, in @file{requirements.txt} oder in @file{tox.ini}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:741
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:790
msgid "Your mission, when writing a recipe for a Python package, is to map these dependencies to the appropriate type of ``input'' (@pxref{package Reference, inputs}). Although the @code{pypi} importer normally does a good job (@pxref{Invoking guix import}), you may want to check the following check list to determine which dependency goes where."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Rezept für ein Python-Paket schreiben, lautet Ihr Auftrag, diese Abhängigkeiten auf angemessene Arten von „Eingaben“ abzubilden (siehe @ref{package Reference, Eingaben}). Obwohl der @code{pypi}-Importer hier normalerweise eine gute Arbeit leistet (siehe @ref{Invoking guix import}), könnten Sie die folgende Prüfliste durchgehen wollen, um zu bestimmen, wo welche Abhängigkeit eingeordnet werden sollte."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:749
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:798
msgid "We currently package Python 2 with @code{setuptools} and @code{pip} installed like Python 3.4 has per default. Thus you don't need to specify either of these as an input. @command{guix lint} will warn you if you do."
msgstr "Derzeit ist unser Python-2-Paket so geschrieben, dass es @code{setuptools} und @code{pip} installiert, wie es auch in den Vorgaben zu Python 3.4 gemacht wird. Sie müssen also keines der beiden als Eingabe angeben. Wenn Sie es doch tun, wird @command{guix lint} Sie darauf mit einer Warnung aufmerksam machen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:755
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:804
msgid "Python dependencies required at run time go into @code{propagated-inputs}. They are typically defined with the @code{install_requires} keyword in @file{setup.py}, or in the @file{requirements.txt} file."
msgstr "Python-Abhängigkeiten, die zur Laufzeit gebraucht werden, stehen im @code{propagated-inputs}-Feld. Solche werden typischerweise mit dem Schlüsselwort @code{install_requires} in @file{setup.py} oder in der Datei @file{requirements.txt} definiert."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:763
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:812
msgid "Python packages required only at build time---e.g., those listed with the @code{setup_requires} keyword in @file{setup.py}---or only for testing---e.g., those in @code{tests_require}---go into @code{native-inputs}. The rationale is that (1) they do not need to be propagated because they are not needed at run time, and (2) in a cross-compilation context, it's the ``native'' input that we'd want."
msgstr "Python-Pakete, die nur zur Erstellungszeit gebraucht werden@tie{}— z.B.@: jene, die mit dem Schlüsselwort @code{setup_requires} in @file{setup.py} aufgeführt sind@tie{}— oder die nur zum Testen gebraucht werden@tie{}— also die in @code{tests_require}@tie{}—, stehen in @code{native-inputs}. Die Begründung ist, dass (1) sie nicht propagiert werden müssen, weil sie zur Laufzeit nicht gebraucht werden, und (2) wir beim Cross-Kompilieren die „native“ Eingabe des Wirtssystems wollen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:767
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:816
msgid "Examples are the @code{pytest}, @code{mock}, and @code{nose} test frameworks. Of course if any of these packages is also required at run-time, it needs to go to @code{propagated-inputs}."
msgstr "Beispiele sind die Testrahmen @code{pytest}, @code{mock} und @code{nose}. Wenn natürlich irgendeines dieser Pakete auch zur Laufzeit benötigt wird, muss es doch in @code{propagated-inputs} stehen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:772
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:821
msgid "Anything that does not fall in the previous categories goes to @code{inputs}, for example programs or C libraries required for building Python packages containing C extensions."
msgstr "Alles, was nicht in die bisher genannten Kategorien fällt, steht in @code{inputs}, zum Beispiel Programme oder C-Bibliotheken, die zur Erstellung von Python-Paketen mit enthaltenen C-Erweiterungen gebraucht werden."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:778
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:827
msgid "If a Python package has optional dependencies (@code{extras_require}), it is up to you to decide whether to add them or not, based on their usefulness/overhead ratio (@pxref{Submitting Patches, @command{guix size}})."
msgstr "Wenn ein Python-Paket optionale Abhängigkeiten hat (@code{extras_require}), ist es Ihnen überlassen, sie hinzuzufügen oder nicht hinzuzufügen, je nachdem wie es um deren Verhältnis von Nützlichkeit zu anderen Nachteilen steht (siehe @ref{Submitting Patches, @command{guix size}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:785
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:834
#, no-wrap
msgid "perl"
msgstr "perl"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:796
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:845
msgid "Perl programs standing for themselves are named as any other package, using the lowercase upstream name. For Perl packages containing a single class, we use the lowercase class name, replace all occurrences of @code{::} by dashes and prepend the prefix @code{perl-}. So the class @code{XML::Parser} becomes @code{perl-xml-parser}. Modules containing several classes keep their lowercase upstream name and are also prepended by @code{perl-}. Such modules tend to have the word @code{perl} somewhere in their name, which gets dropped in favor of the prefix. For instance, @code{libwww-perl} becomes @code{perl-libwww}."
msgstr "Eigenständige Perl-Programme bekommen einen Namen wie jedes andere Paket, unter Nutzung des Namens beim Anbieter in Kleinbuchstaben. Für Perl-Pakete, die eine einzelne Klasse enthalten, ersetzen wir alle Vorkommen von @code{::} durch Striche und hängen davor das Präfix @code{perl-} an. Die Klasse @code{XML::Parser} wird also zu @code{perl-xml-parser}. Module, die mehrere Klassen beinhalten, behalten ihren Namen beim Anbieter, in Kleinbuchstaben gesetzt, und auch an sie wird vorne das Präfix @code{perl-} angehängt. Es gibt die Tendenz, solche Module mit dem Wort @code{perl} irgendwo im Namen zu versehen, das wird zu Gunsten des Präfixes weggelassen. Zum Beispiel wird aus @code{libwww-perl} bei uns @code{perl-libwww}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:801
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:850
#, no-wrap
msgid "java"
msgstr "java"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:804
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:853
msgid "Java programs standing for themselves are named as any other package, using the lowercase upstream name."
msgstr "Eigenständige Java-Programme werden wie jedes andere Paket benannt, d.h.@: mit ihrem in Kleinbuchstaben geschriebenen Namen beim Anbieter."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:810
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:859
msgid "To avoid confusion and naming clashes with other programming languages, it is desirable that the name of a package for a Java package is prefixed with @code{java-}. If a project already contains the word @code{java}, we drop this; for instance, the package @code{ngsjava} is packaged under the name @code{java-ngs}."
msgstr "Um Verwirrungen und Namenskollisionen mit anderen Programmiersprachen zu vermeiden, ist es wünschenswert, dass dem Namem eines Pakets zu einem Java-Paket das Präfix @code{java-} vorangestellt wird. Wenn ein Projekt bereits das Wort @code{java} im Namen trägt, lassen wir es weg; zum Beispiel befindet sich das Java-Paket @code{ngsjava} in einem Paket namens @code{java-ngs}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:816
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:865
msgid "For Java packages containing a single class or a small class hierarchy, we use the lowercase class name, replace all occurrences of @code{.} by dashes and prepend the prefix @code{java-}. So the class @code{apache.commons.cli} becomes package @code{java-apache-commons-cli}."
msgstr "Bei Java-Paketen, die eine einzelne Klasse oder eine kleine Klassenhierarchie enthalten, benutzen wir den Klassennamen in Kleinbuchstaben und ersetzen dabei alle Vorkommen von @code{.} durch Striche und setzen das Präfix @code{java-} davor. Die Klasse @code{apache.commons.cli} wird also zum Paket @code{java-apache-commons-cli}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:821
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:870
#, no-wrap
msgid "rust"
msgstr "rust"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:824
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:873
msgid "Rust programs standing for themselves are named as any other package, using the lowercase upstream name."
msgstr "Eigenständige Rust-Programme werden wie jedes andere Paket benannt, d.h.@: mit ihrem in Kleinbuchstaben geschriebenen Namen beim Anbieter."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:828
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:877
msgid "To prevent namespace collisions we prefix all other Rust packages with the @code{rust-} prefix. The name should be changed to lowercase as appropriate and dashes should remain in place."
msgstr "Um Namensraumkollisionen vorzubeugen, versehen wir alle anderen Rust-Pakete mit dem Präfix @code{rust-}. Der Name sollte wie sonst in Kleinbuchstaben geschrieben werden und Bindestriche dort bleiben, wo sie sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:834
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:883
msgid "In the rust ecosystem it is common for multiple incompatible versions of a package to be used at any given time, so all package definitions should have a versioned suffix. The versioned suffix is the left-most non-zero digit (and any leading zeros, of course). This follows the ``caret'' version scheme intended by Cargo. Examples@: @code{rust-clap-2}, @code{rust-rand-0.6}."
msgstr "Im Rust-Ökosystem werden oft mehrere inkompatible Versionen desselben Pakets gleichzeitig benutzt, daher sollte allen Paketdefinitionen ein die Version angebendes Suffix gegeben werden. Das Versionssuffix besteht aus der am weitesten links stehenden Ziffer, die @emph{nicht} null ist (natürlich mit allen führenden Nullen). Dabei folgen wir dem von Cargo gewollten „Caret“-Versionsschema. Beispiele: @code{rust-clap-2}, @code{rust-rand-0.6}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:844
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:893
msgid "Because of the difficulty in reusing rust packages as pre-compiled inputs for other packages the Cargo build system (@pxref{Build Systems, @code{cargo-build-system}}) presents the @code{#:cargo-inputs} and @code{cargo-development-inputs} keywords as build system arguments. It would be helpful to think of these as similar to @code{propagated-inputs} and @code{native-inputs}. Rust @code{dependencies} and @code{build-dependencies} should go in @code{#:cargo-inputs}, and @code{dev-dependencies} should go in @code{#:cargo-development-inputs}. If a Rust package links to other libraries then the standard placement in @code{inputs} and the like should be used."
msgstr "Weil die Verwendung von Rust-Paketen als vorab kompilierte Eingaben für andere Pakete besondere Schwierigkeiten macht, gibt es im Cargo-Erstellungssystem (siehe @ref{Build Systems, @code{cargo-build-system}}) die Schlüsselwörter @code{#:cargo-inputs} und @code{#:cargo-development-inputs} als Argumente an das Erstellungssystem. Es ist hilfreich, sie sich ähnlich wie @code{propagated-inputs} und @code{native-inputs} vorzustellen. Was in Rust @code{dependencies} und @code{build-dependencies} sind, sollte unter @code{#:cargo-inputs} aufgeführt werden, während @code{dev-dependencies} zu den @code{#:cargo-development-inputs} gehören. Wenn ein Rust-Paket andere Bibliotheken einbindet, gilt die normale Einordnung in @code{inputs} usw.@: wie anderswo auch."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:850
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:899
msgid "Care should be taken to ensure the correct version of dependencies are used; to this end we try to refrain from skipping the tests or using @code{#:skip-build?} when possible. Of course this is not always possible, as the package may be developed for a different Operating System, depend on features from the Nightly Rust compiler, or the test suite may have atrophied since it was released."
msgstr "Man sollte aufpassen, dass man die richtige Version von Abhängigkeiten benutzt. Deswegen versuchen wir, Tests nicht mit @code{#:skip-build?} zu überspringen, wenn es möglich ist. Natürlich geht das nicht immer, vielleicht weil das Paket für ein anderes Betriebssystem entwickelt wurde, Funktionalitäten der allerneuesten „Nightly“-Version des Rust-Compilers voraussetzt oder weil der Testkatalog seit seiner Veröffentlichung verkümmert ist."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:855 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1930
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:904 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1963
#, no-wrap
msgid "fonts"
msgstr "Schriftarten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:861
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:910
msgid "For fonts that are in general not installed by a user for typesetting purposes, or that are distributed as part of a larger software package, we rely on the general packaging rules for software; for instance, this applies to the fonts delivered as part of the X.Org system or fonts that are part of TeX Live."
msgstr "Wenn Schriftarten in der Regel nicht von Nutzern zur Textbearbeitung installiert werden oder als Teil eines größeren Software-Pakets mitgeliefert werden, gelten dafür die allgemeinen Paketrichtlinien für Software. Zum Beispiel trifft das auf als Teil des X.Org-Systems ausgelieferte Schriftarten zu, oder auf Schriftarten, die ein Teil von TeX Live sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:865
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:914
msgid "To make it easier for a user to search for fonts, names for other packages containing only fonts are constructed as follows, independently of the upstream package name."
msgstr "Damit es Nutzer leichter haben, nach Schriftarten zu suchen, konstruieren wir die Namen von anderen Paketen, die nur Schriftarten enthalten, nach dem folgenden Schema, egal was der Paketname beim Anbieter ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:873
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:922
msgid "The name of a package containing only one font family starts with @code{font-}; it is followed by the foundry name and a dash @code{-} if the foundry is known, and the font family name, in which spaces are replaced by dashes (and as usual, all upper case letters are transformed to lower case). For example, the Gentium font family by SIL is packaged under the name @code{font-sil-gentium}."
msgstr "Der Name eines Pakets, das nur eine Schriftfamilie enthält, beginnt mit @code{font-}. Darauf folgt der Name des Schriftenherstellers und ein Strich @code{-}, sofern bekannt ist, wer der Schriftenhersteller ist, und dann der Name der Schriftfamilie, in dem Leerzeichen durch Striche ersetzt werden (und wie immer mit Großbuchstaben statt Kleinbuchstaben). Zum Beispiel befindet sich die von SIL hergestellte Gentium-Schriftfamilie im Paket mit dem Namen @code{font-sil-gentium}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:882
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:931
msgid "For a package containing several font families, the name of the collection is used in the place of the font family name. For instance, the Liberation fonts consist of three families, Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif and Liberation Mono. These could be packaged separately under the names @code{font-liberation-sans} and so on; but as they are distributed together under a common name, we prefer to package them together as @code{font-liberation}."
msgstr "Wenn ein Paket mehrere Schriftfamilien enthält, wird der Name der Sammlung anstelle des Schriftfamiliennamens benutzt. Zum Beispiel umfassen die Liberation-Schriftarten drei Familien: Liberation Sans, Liberation Serif und Liberation Mono. Man könnte sie getrennt voneinander mit den Namen @code{font-liberation-sans} und so weiter in Pakete einteilen. Da sie aber unter einem gemeinsamen Namen angeboten werden, packen wir sie lieber zusammen in ein Paket mit dem Namen @code{font-liberation}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:888
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:937
msgid "In the case where several formats of the same font family or font collection are packaged separately, a short form of the format, prepended by a dash, is added to the package name. We use @code{-ttf} for TrueType fonts, @code{-otf} for OpenType fonts and @code{-type1} for PostScript Type 1 fonts."
msgstr "Für den Fall, dass mehrere Formate derselben Schriftfamilie oder Schriftartensammlung in separate Pakete kommen, wird ein Kurzname für das Format mit einem Strich vorne zum Paketnamen hinzugefügt. Wir benutzen @code{-ttf} für TrueType-Schriftarten, @code{-otf} für OpenType-Schriftarten und @code{-type1} für PostScript-Typ-1-Schriftarten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:896
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:945
msgid "In general our code follows the GNU Coding Standards (@pxref{Top,,, standards, GNU Coding Standards}). However, they do not say much about Scheme, so here are some additional rules."
msgstr "Im Allgemeinen folgt unser Code den GNU Coding Standards (siehe @ref{Top,,, standards, GNU Coding Standards}). Da diese aber nicht viel über Scheme zu sagen haben, folgen hier einige zusätzliche Regeln."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:904
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:905
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:953
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:954
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming Paradigm"
msgstr "Programmierparadigmen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951
msgid "How to compose your elements."
msgstr "Wie Sie Ihre Elemente zusammenstellen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:911
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:912
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:960
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:961
#, no-wrap
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Module"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951
msgid "Where to store your code?"
msgstr "Wo Sie Ihren Code unterbringen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:922
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:923
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:971
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:972
#, no-wrap
msgid "Data Types and Pattern Matching"
msgstr "Datentypen und Mustervergleich"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951
msgid "Implementing data structures."
msgstr "Implementierung von Datenstrukturen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:937
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:938
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:986
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:987
#, no-wrap
msgid "Formatting Code"
msgstr "Formatierung von Code"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:902
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:951
msgid "Writing conventions."
msgstr "Schreibkonventionen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:910
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:959
msgid "Scheme code in Guix is written in a purely functional style. One exception is code that involves input/output, and procedures that implement low-level concepts, such as the @code{memoize} procedure."
msgstr "Scheme-Code wird in Guix auf rein funktionale Weise geschrieben. Eine Ausnahme ist Code, der mit Ein- und Ausgabe zu tun hat, und Prozeduren, die grundlegende Konzepte implementieren, wie zum Beispiel die Prozedur @code{memoize}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:918
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:967
msgid "Guile modules that are meant to be used on the builder side must live in the @code{(guix build @dots{})} name space. They must not refer to other Guix or GNU modules. However, it is OK for a ``host-side'' module to use a build-side module."
msgstr "Guile-Module, die beim Erstellen nutzbar sein sollen, müssen im Namensraum @code{(guix build …)} leben. Sie dürfen auf keine anderen Guix- oder GNU-Module Bezug nehmen. Jedoch ist es in Ordnung, wenn ein „wirtsseitiges“ Modul ein erstellungsseitiges Modul benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:921
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:970
msgid "Modules that deal with the broader GNU system should be in the @code{(gnu @dots{})} name space rather than @code{(guix @dots{})}."
msgstr "Module, die mit dem weiteren GNU-System zu tun haben, sollten im Namensraum @code{(gnu …)} und nicht in @code{(guix …)} stehen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:930
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:979
msgid "The tendency in classical Lisp is to use lists to represent everything, and then to browse them ``by hand'' using @code{car}, @code{cdr}, @code{cadr}, and co. There are several problems with that style, notably the fact that it is hard to read, error-prone, and a hindrance to proper type error reports."
msgstr "Im klassischen Lisp gibt es die Tendenz, Listen zur Darstellung von allem zu benutzen, und diese dann „händisch“ zu durchlaufen mit @code{car}, @code{cdr}, @code{cadr} und so weiter. Dieser Stil ist aus verschiedenen Gründen problematisch, insbesondere wegen der Tatsache, dass er schwer zu lesen, schnell fehlerbehaftet und ein Hindernis beim Melden von Typfehlern ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:936
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:985
msgid "Guix code should define appropriate data types (for instance, using @code{define-record-type*}) rather than abuse lists. In addition, it should use pattern matching, via Guile’s @code{(ice-9 match)} module, especially when matching lists (@pxref{Pattern Matching,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Guix-Code sollte angemessene Datentypen definieren (zum Beispiel mit @code{define-record-type*}) statt Listen zu missbrauchen. Außerdem sollte er das @code{(ice-9 match)}-Modul von Guile zum Mustervergleich benutzen, besonders mit Listen (siehe @ref{Pattern Matching,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:940
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:989
#, no-wrap
msgid "formatting code"
msgstr "Formatierung von Code"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:941
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:990
#, no-wrap
msgid "coding style"
msgstr "Code-Stil"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:948
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:997
msgid "When writing Scheme code, we follow common wisdom among Scheme programmers. In general, we follow the @url{https://mumble.net/~campbell/scheme/style.txt, Riastradh's Lisp Style Rules}. This document happens to describe the conventions mostly used in Guile’s code too. It is very thoughtful and well written, so please do read it."
msgstr "Beim Schreiben von Scheme-Code halten wir uns an die üblichen Gepflogenheiten unter Scheme-Programmierern. Im Allgemeinen bedeutet das, dass wir uns an @url{https://mumble.net/~campbell/scheme/style.txt, Riastradh's Lisp Style Rules} halten. Es hat sich ergeben, dass dieses Dokument auch die Konventionen beschreibt, die im Code von Guile hauptsächlich verwendet werden. Es ist gut durchdacht und schön geschrieben, also lesen Sie es bitte."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:955
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1004
msgid "Some special forms introduced in Guix, such as the @code{substitute*} macro, have special indentation rules. These are defined in the @file{.dir-locals.el} file, which Emacs automatically uses. Also note that Emacs-Guix provides @code{guix-devel-mode} mode that indents and highlights Guix code properly (@pxref{Development,,, emacs-guix, The Emacs-Guix Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Ein paar in Guix eingeführte Sonderformen, wie zum Beispiel das @code{substitute*}-Makro, haben abweichende Regeln für die Einrückung. Diese sind in der Datei @file{.dir-locals.el} definiert, die Emacs automatisch benutzt. Beachten Sie auch, dass Emacs-Guix einen Modus namens @code{guix-devel-mode} bereitstellt, der Guix-Code richtig einrückt und hervorhebt (siehe @ref{Development,,, emacs-guix, Referenzhandbuch von Emacs-Guix})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:956
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1005
#, no-wrap
msgid "indentation, of code"
msgstr "Einrückung, Code-"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:957
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1006
#, no-wrap
msgid "formatting, of code"
msgstr "Formatierung, Code-"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:960
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1009
msgid "If you do not use Emacs, please make sure to let your editor knows these rules. To automatically indent a package definition, you can also run:"
msgstr "Falls Sie nicht Emacs verwenden, sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass Ihr Editor diese Regeln kennt. Um eine Paketdefinition automatisch einzurücken, können Sie auch Folgendes ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:963
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1012
#, no-wrap
-msgid "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/packages/@var{file}.scm @var{package}\n"
-msgstr "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/packages/@var{Datei}.scm @var{Paket}\n"
+msgid "./pre-inst-env guix style @var{package}\n"
+msgstr "./pre-inst-env guix style @var{Paket}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:969
-msgid "This automatically indents the definition of @var{package} in @file{gnu/packages/@var{file}.scm} by running Emacs in batch mode. To indent a whole file, omit the second argument:"
-msgstr "Dadurch wird die Definition von @var{Paket} in @file{gnu/packages/@var{Datei}.scm} automatisch eingerückt, indem Emacs im Batch-Modus läuft. Um die Einrückung in einer gesamten Datei vorzunehmen, lassen Sie das zweite Argument weg:"
-#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:972
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/services/@var{file}.scm\n"
-msgstr "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/services/@var{Datei}.scm\n"
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1016
+msgid "@xref{Invoking guix style}, for more information."
+msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix style} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:974
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1017
#, no-wrap
msgid "Vim, Scheme code editing"
msgstr "Vim, zum Editieren von Scheme-Code"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:980
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1023
msgid "If you are editing code with Vim, we recommend that you run @code{:set autoindent} so that your code is automatically indented as you type. Additionally, @uref{https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3998, @code{paredit.vim}} may help you deal with all these parentheses."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Code mit Vim bearbeiten, empfehlen wir, dass Sie @code{:set autoindent} ausführen, damit Ihr Code automatisch eingerückt wird, während Sie ihn schreiben. Außerdem könnte Ihnen @uref{https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3998, @code{paredit.vim}} dabei helfen, mit all diesen Klammern fertigzuwerden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:984
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1027
msgid "We require all top-level procedures to carry a docstring. This requirement can be relaxed for simple private procedures in the @code{(guix build @dots{})} name space, though."
msgstr "Wir fordern von allen Prozeduren auf oberster Ebene, dass sie über einen Docstring verfügen. Diese Voraussetzung kann jedoch bei einfachen, privaten Prozeduren im Namensraum @code{(guix build …)} aufgeweicht werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:987
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1030
msgid "Procedures should not have more than four positional parameters. Use keyword parameters for procedures that take more than four parameters."
msgstr "Prozeduren sollten nicht mehr als vier positionsbestimmte Parameter haben. Benutzen Sie Schlüsselwort-Parameter für Prozeduren, die mehr als vier Parameter entgegennehmen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1001
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1044
msgid "Development is done using the Git distributed version control system. Thus, access to the repository is not strictly necessary. We welcome contributions in the form of patches as produced by @code{git format-patch} sent to the @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} mailing list (@pxref{submitting patches,, Submitting patches to a project, git, Git User Manual}). Contributors are encouraged to take a moment to set some Git repository options (@pxref{Configuring Git}) first, which can improve the readability of patches. Seasoned Guix developers may also want to look at the section on commit access (@pxref{Commit Access})."
msgstr "Die Entwicklung wird mit Hilfe des verteilten Versionskontrollsystems Git durchgeführt. Daher ist eine ständige Verbindung zum Repository nicht unbedingt erforderlich. Wir begrüßen Beiträge in Form von Patches, die mittels @code{git format-patch} erstellt und an die Mailingliste @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} geschickt werden (siehe @ref{submitting patches,, Submitting patches to a project, git, Git-Benutzerhandbuch}). In diesem Fall möchten wir Ihnen nahelegen, zunächst einige Git-Repository-Optionen festzulegen (@pxref{Configuring Git}), damit Ihr Patch leichter lesbar wird. Erfahrene Guix-Entwickler möchten vielleicht auch einen Blick auf den Abschnitt über Commit-Zugriff werfen (siehe @ref{Commit Access})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1008
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1051
msgid "This mailing list is backed by a Debbugs instance, which allows us to keep track of submissions (@pxref{Tracking Bugs and Patches}). Each message sent to that mailing list gets a new tracking number assigned; people can then follow up on the submission by sending email to @code{@var{NNN}@@debbugs.gnu.org}, where @var{NNN} is the tracking number (@pxref{Sending a Patch Series})."
msgstr "Diese Mailing-Liste setzt auf einer Debbugs-Instanz auf, wodurch wir den Überblick über Eingereichtes behalten können (siehe @ref{Tracking Bugs and Patches}). Jede an diese Mailing-Liste gesendete Nachricht bekommt eine neue Folgenummer zugewiesen, so dass man eine Folge-E-Mail zur Einreichung an @code{@var{NNN}@@debbugs.gnu.org} senden kann, wobei @var{NNN} für die Folgenummer steht (siehe @ref{Sending a Patch Series})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1012
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1055
msgid "Please write commit logs in the ChangeLog format (@pxref{Change Logs,,, standards, GNU Coding Standards}); you can check the commit history for examples."
msgstr "Bitte schreiben Sie Commit-Logs im ChangeLog-Format (siehe @ref{Change Logs,,, standards, GNU Coding Standards}); dazu finden Sie Beispiele unter den bisherigen Commits."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1015
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1058
msgid "Before submitting a patch that adds or modifies a package definition, please run through this check list:"
msgstr "Bevor Sie einen Patch einreichen, der eine Paketdefinition hinzufügt oder verändert, gehen Sie bitte diese Prüfliste durch:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1017 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1223
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1060 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1270
#, no-wrap
msgid "git format-patch"
msgstr "git format-patch"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1018
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1061
#, no-wrap
msgid "git-format-patch"
msgstr "git-format-patch"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1025
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1068
msgid "When generating your patches with @code{git format-patch} or @code{git send-email}, we recommend using the option @code{--base=}, perhaps with the value @code{auto}. This option adds a note to the patch stating which commit the patch is based on. This helps reviewers understand how to apply and review your patches."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Ihre Patches mit @code{git format-patch} oder @code{git send-email} erzeugen, empfehlen wir, die Befehlszeilenoption @code{--base=} mitzugeben; als ihren Wert geben Sie wahrscheinlich @code{auto} an. Mit dieser Option wird eine Bemerkung zum Patch hinzugefügt, die angibt, auf welchem Commit der Patch basiert. Damit fällt das Überprüfen und Anwenden Ihrer Patches leichter."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1031
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1074
msgid "If the authors of the packaged software provide a cryptographic signature for the release tarball, make an effort to verify the authenticity of the archive. For a detached GPG signature file this would be done with the @code{gpg --verify} command."
msgstr "Wenn die Autoren der verpackten Software eine kryptografische Signatur bzw. Beglaubigung für den Tarball der Veröffentlichung anbieten, so machen Sie sich bitte die Mühe, die Echtheit des Archivs zu überprüfen. Für eine abgetrennte GPG-Signaturdatei würden Sie das mit dem Befehl @code{gpg --verify} tun."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1035
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1078
msgid "Take some time to provide an adequate synopsis and description for the package. @xref{Synopses and Descriptions}, for some guidelines."
msgstr "Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, eine passende Zusammenfassung und Beschreibung für das Paket zu verfassen. Unter @ref{Synopses and Descriptions} finden Sie dazu einige Richtlinien."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1040
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1083
msgid "Run @code{guix lint @var{package}}, where @var{package} is the name of the new or modified package, and fix any errors it reports (@pxref{Invoking guix lint})."
msgstr "Verwenden Sie @code{guix lint @var{Paket}}, wobei @var{Paket} das neue oder geänderte Paket bezeichnet, und beheben Sie alle gemeldeten Fehler (siehe @ref{Invoking guix lint})."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1044
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1087
+msgid "Run @code{guix style @var{package}} to format the new package definition according to the project's conventions (@pxref{Invoking guix style})."
+msgstr "Verwenden Sie @code{guix style @var{Paket}}, um die neue Paketdefinition gemäß den Konventionen des Guix-Projekts zu formatieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix style})."
+#. type: enumerate
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1091
msgid "Make sure the package builds on your platform, using @code{guix build @var{package}}."
msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Paket auf Ihrer Plattform erstellt werden kann, indem Sie @code{guix build @var{Paket}} ausführen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1052
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1099
msgid "We recommend you also try building the package on other supported platforms. As you may not have access to actual hardware platforms, we recommend using the @code{qemu-binfmt-service-type} to emulate them. In order to enable it, add the @code{virtualization} service module and the following service to the list of services in your @code{operating-system} configuration:"
msgstr "Wir empfehlen, dass Sie auch versuchen, das Paket auf anderen unterstützten Plattformen zu erstellen. Da Sie vielleicht keinen Zugang zu echter Hardware für diese Plattformen haben, empfehlen wir, den @code{qemu-binfmt-service-type} zu benutzen, um sie zu emulieren. Um ihn zu aktivieren, fügen Sie @code{virtualization} zu @code{use-service-modules} und den folgenden Dienst in die Liste der Dienste („services“) in Ihrer @code{operating-system}-Konfiguration ein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1057
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1104
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service qemu-binfmt-service-type\n"
@@ -1590,17 +1672,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms \"arm\" \"aarch64\"))))\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1060
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1107
msgid "Then reconfigure your system."
msgstr "Rekonfigurieren Sie anschließend Ihr System."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1065
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1112
msgid "You can then build packages for different platforms by specifying the @code{--system} option. For example, to build the \"hello\" package for the armhf or aarch64 architectures, you would run the following commands, respectively:"
msgstr "Sie können Pakete für andere Plattformen erstellen lassen, indem Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @code{--system} angeben. Um zum Beispiel das Paket „hello“ für die Architekturen armhf oder aarch64 erstellen zu lassen, würden Sie jeweils die folgenden Befehle angeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1068
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1115
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build --system=armhf-linux --rounds=2 hello\n"
@@ -1610,232 +1692,232 @@ msgstr ""
"guix build --system=aarch64-linux --rounds=2 hello\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1071
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1118
#, no-wrap
msgid "bundling"
msgstr "gebündelt"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1074
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1121
msgid "Make sure the package does not use bundled copies of software already available as separate packages."
msgstr "Achten Sie darauf, dass im Paket keine Software gebündelt mitgeliefert wird, die bereits in separaten Paketen zur Verfügung steht."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1083
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1130
msgid "Sometimes, packages include copies of the source code of their dependencies as a convenience for users. However, as a distribution, we want to make sure that such packages end up using the copy we already have in the distribution, if there is one. This improves resource usage (the dependency is built and stored only once), and allows the distribution to make transverse changes such as applying security updates for a given software package in a single place and have them affect the whole system---something that bundled copies prevent."
msgstr "Manchmal enthalten Pakete Kopien des Quellcodes ihrer Abhängigkeiten, um Nutzern die Installation zu erleichtern. Als eine Distribution wollen wir jedoch sicherstellen, dass solche Pakete die schon in der Distribution verfügbare Fassung benutzen, sofern es eine gibt. Dadurch wird sowohl der Ressourcenverbrauch optimiert (die Abhängigkeit wird so nur einmal erstellt und gespeichert) als auch der Distribution die Möglichkeit gegeben, ergänzende Änderungen durchzuführen, um beispielsweise Sicherheitsaktualisierungen für ein bestimmtes Paket an nur einem Ort einzuspielen, die aber das gesamte System betreffen@tie{}— gebündelt mitgelieferte Kopien würden dies verhindern."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1092
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1139
msgid "Take a look at the profile reported by @command{guix size} (@pxref{Invoking guix size}). This will allow you to notice references to other packages unwillingly retained. It may also help determine whether to split the package (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}), and which optional dependencies should be used. In particular, avoid adding @code{texlive} as a dependency: because of its extreme size, use the @code{texlive-tiny} package or @code{texlive-union} procedure instead."
msgstr "Schauen Sie sich das von @command{guix size} ausgegebene Profil an (siehe @ref{Invoking guix size}). Dadurch können Sie Referenzen auf andere Pakete finden, die ungewollt vorhanden sind. Dies kann auch dabei helfen, zu entscheiden, ob das Paket aufgespalten werden sollte (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}) und welche optionalen Abhängigkeiten verwendet werden sollten. Dabei sollten Sie es wegen seiner enormen Größe insbesondere vermeiden, @code{texlive} als eine Abhängigkeit hinzuzufügen; benutzen Sie stattdessen das Paket @code{texlive-tiny} oder die Prozedur @code{texlive-union}."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1097
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1144
msgid "For important changes, check that dependent packages (if applicable) are not affected by the change; @code{guix refresh --list-dependent @var{package}} will help you do that (@pxref{Invoking guix refresh})."
msgstr "Achten Sie bei wichtigen Änderungen darauf, dass abhängige Pakete (falls vorhanden) nicht von der Änderung beeinträchtigt werden; @code{guix refresh --list-dependent @var{Paket}} hilft Ihnen dabei (siehe @ref{Invoking guix refresh})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1099
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1146
#, no-wrap
msgid "branching strategy"
msgstr "Branching-Strategie"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1100
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1147
#, no-wrap
msgid "rebuild scheduling strategy"
msgstr "Neuerstellungs-Zeitplan"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1103
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1150
msgid "Depending on the number of dependent packages and thus the amount of rebuilding induced, commits go to different branches, along these lines:"
msgstr "Je nachdem, wie viele abhängige Pakete es gibt, und entsprechend wie viele Neuerstellungen dadurch nötig würden, finden Commits auf anderen Branches statt, nach ungefähr diesen Regeln:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1105
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1152
#, no-wrap
msgid "300 dependent packages or less"
msgstr "300 abhängige Pakete oder weniger"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1107
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1154
msgid "@code{master} branch (non-disruptive changes)."
msgstr "@code{master}-Branch (störfreie Änderungen)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1108
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1155
#, no-wrap
msgid "between 300 and 1,800 dependent packages"
msgstr "zwischen 300 und 1.800 abhängige Pakete"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1114
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1161
msgid "@code{staging} branch (non-disruptive changes). This branch is intended to be merged in @code{master} every 6 weeks or so. Topical changes (e.g., an update of the GNOME stack) can instead go to a specific branch (say, @code{gnome-updates}). This branch is not expected to be buildable or usable until late in its development process."
msgstr "@code{staging}-Branch (störfreie Änderungen). Dieser Branch wird circa alle 6@tie{}Wochen mit @code{master} zusammengeführt. Themenbezogene Änderungen (z.B.@: eine Aktualisierung der GNOME-Plattform) können stattdessen auch auf einem eigenen Branch umgesetzt werden (wie @code{gnome-updates}). Dieser Branch ist erst spät im Entwicklungsprozess nutzbar."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1115
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1162
#, no-wrap
msgid "more than 1,800 dependent packages"
msgstr "mehr als 1.800 abhängige Pakete"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1120
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1167
msgid "@code{core-updates} branch (may include major and potentially disruptive changes). This branch is intended to be merged in @code{master} every 6 months or so. This branch is not expected to be buildable or usable until late in its development process."
msgstr "@code{core-updates}-Branch (kann auch größere und womöglich andere Software beeinträchtigende Änderungen umfassen). Dieser Branch wird planmäßig in @code{master} alle 6 Monate oder so gemerget. Dieser Branch ist erst spät im Entwicklungsprozess nutzbar."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1127
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1174
msgid "All these branches are @uref{https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}, tracked by our build farm} and merged into @code{master} once everything has been successfully built. This allows us to fix issues before they hit users, and to reduce the window during which pre-built binaries are not available."
msgstr "All diese Branches werden kontinuierlich @uref{https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}, auf unserer Erstellungsfarm} erstellt und in @code{master} gemerget, sobald alles erfolgreich erstellt worden ist. Dadurch können wir Probleme beheben, bevor sie bei Nutzern auftreten, und zudem das Zeitfenster, während dessen noch keine vorerstellten Binärdateien verfügbar sind, verkürzen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1136
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1183
msgid "When we decide to start building the @code{staging} or @code{core-updates} branches, they will be forked and renamed with the suffix @code{-frozen}, at which time only bug fixes may be pushed to the frozen branches. The @code{core-updates} and @code{staging} branches will remain open to accept patches for the next cycle. Please ask on the mailing list or IRC if unsure where to place a patch."
msgstr "Sobald wir uns dazu entscheiden, einen der Branches @code{staging} oder @code{core-updates} zu erstellen, spalten wir einen neuen Branch davon ab und hängen an seinen Namen das Suffix @code{-frozen} an. Auf einen „frozen“-Branch dürfen dann nur noch Fehlerbehebungen gepusht werden. Die Branches @code{core-updates} und @code{staging} bleiben offen; dorthin gehen Patches für den nächsten Durchlauf. Bitte fragen Sie auf der Mailing-Liste oder im IRC nach, wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, wohin ein Patch gehört."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1138
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1185
#, no-wrap
msgid "determinism, of build processes"
msgstr "Determinismus, von Erstellungsprozessen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1139
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1186
#, no-wrap
msgid "reproducible builds, checking"
msgstr "Reproduzierbare Erstellungen, Überprüfung"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1143
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1190
msgid "Check whether the package's build process is deterministic. This typically means checking whether an independent build of the package yields the exact same result that you obtained, bit for bit."
msgstr "Überprüfen Sie, ob der Erstellungsprozess deterministisch ist. Dazu prüfen Sie typischerweise, ob eine unabhängige Erstellung des Pakets genau dasselbe Ergebnis wie Ihre Erstellung hat, Bit für Bit."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1146
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1193
msgid "A simple way to do that is by building the same package several times in a row on your machine (@pxref{Invoking guix build}):"
msgstr "Dies können Sie leicht tun, indem Sie dasselbe Paket mehrere Male hintereinander auf Ihrer Maschine erstellen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1149
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1196
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build --rounds=2 my-package\n"
msgstr "guix build --rounds=2 mein-paket\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1153
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1200
msgid "This is enough to catch a class of common non-determinism issues, such as timestamps or randomly-generated output in the build result."
msgstr "Dies reicht aus, um eine ganze Klasse häufiger Ursachen von Nichtdeterminismus zu finden, wie zum Beispiel Zeitstempel oder zufallsgenerierte Ausgaben im Ergebnis der Erstellung."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1163
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1210
msgid "Another option is to use @command{guix challenge} (@pxref{Invoking guix challenge}). You may run it once the package has been committed and built by @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} to check whether it obtains the same result as you did. Better yet: Find another machine that can build it and run @command{guix publish}. Since the remote build machine is likely different from yours, this can catch non-determinism issues related to the hardware---e.g., use of different instruction set extensions---or to the operating system kernel---e.g., reliance on @code{uname} or @file{/proc} files."
msgstr "Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, @command{guix challenge} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix challenge}) zu benutzen. Sie können es ausführen, sobald ein Paket commitet und von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} erstellt wurde, um zu sehen, ob dort dasselbe Ergebnis wie bei Ihnen geliefert wurde. Noch besser: Finden Sie eine andere Maschine, die das Paket erstellen kann, und führen Sie @command{guix publish} aus. Da sich die entfernte Erstellungsmaschine wahrscheinlich von Ihrer unterscheidet, können Sie auf diese Weise Probleme durch Nichtdeterminismus erkennen, die mit der Hardware zu tun haben@tie{}— zum Beispiel die Nutzung anderer Befehlssatzerweiterungen@tie{}— oder mit dem Betriebssystem-Kernel@tie{}— zum Beispiel, indem @code{uname} oder @file{/proc}-Dateien verwendet werden."
# Hier gehe ich mal davon aus, dass Dokumentation generell zuerst in Englisch geschrieben wird, daher, werden solche Begriffe auch hier nicht übersetzt.
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1169
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1216
msgid "When writing documentation, please use gender-neutral wording when referring to people, such as @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they, singular ``they''@comma{} ``their''@comma{} ``them''}, and so forth."
msgstr "Beim Schreiben von Dokumentation achten Sie bitte auf eine geschlechtsneutrale Wortwahl, wenn Sie sich auf Personen beziehen, wie @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they, „they“@comma{} „their“@comma{} „them“ im Singular} und so weiter."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1173
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1220
msgid "Verify that your patch contains only one set of related changes. Bundling unrelated changes together makes reviewing harder and slower."
msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Patch nur einen Satz zusammengehöriger Änderungen umfasst. Das Zusammenfassen nicht zusammengehöriger Änderungen erschwert und bremst das Durchsehen Ihres Patches."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1176
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1223
msgid "Examples of unrelated changes include the addition of several packages, or a package update along with fixes to that package."
msgstr "Beispiele für nicht zusammengehörige Änderungen sind das Hinzufügen mehrerer Pakete auf einmal, oder das Aktualisieren eines Pakets auf eine neue Version zusammen mit Fehlerbehebungen für das Paket."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1181
-msgid "Please follow our code formatting rules, possibly running the @command{etc/indent-code.el} script to do that automatically for you (@pxref{Formatting Code})."
-msgstr "Bitte befolgen Sie unsere Richtlinien für die Code-Formatierung, womöglich wollen Sie dies automatisch tun lassen durch das Skript @command{etc/indent-code.el} (siehe @ref{Formatting Code})."
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1228
+msgid "Please follow our code formatting rules, possibly running @command{guix style} script to do that automatically for you (@pxref{Formatting Code})."
+msgstr "Bitte befolgen Sie unsere Richtlinien für die Code-Formatierung; womöglich wollen Sie dies automatisch tun lassen durch das Skript @command{guix style} (siehe @ref{Formatting Code})."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1189
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1236
msgid "When possible, use mirrors in the source URL (@pxref{Invoking guix download}). Use reliable URLs, not generated ones. For instance, GitHub archives are not necessarily identical from one generation to the next, so in this case it's often better to clone the repository. Don't use the @command{name} field in the URL: it is not very useful and if the name changes, the URL will probably be wrong."
msgstr "Benutzen Sie, wenn möglich, Spiegelserver (Mirrors) in der Quell-URL (siehe @ref{Invoking guix download}). Verwenden Sie verlässliche URLs, keine automatisch generierten. Zum Beispiel sind Archive von GitHub nicht immer identisch von einer Generation auf die nächste, daher ist es in diesem Fall besser, als Quelle einen Klon des Repositorys zu verwenden. Benutzen Sie @emph{nicht} das @command{name}-Feld beim Angeben der URL; er hilft nicht wirklich und wenn sich der Name ändert, stimmt die URL nicht mehr."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1193
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1240
msgid "Check if Guix builds (@pxref{Building from Git}) and address the warnings, especially those about use of undefined symbols."
msgstr "Überprüfen Sie, ob Guix erstellt werden kann (siehe @ref{Building from Git}) und kümmern Sie sich um die Warnungen, besonders um solche über nicht definierte Symbole."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1196
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1243
msgid "Make sure your changes do not break Guix and simulate a @code{guix pull} with:"
msgstr "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Änderungen Guix nicht beeinträchtigen, und simulieren Sie eine Ausführung von @code{guix pull} über den Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1198
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1245
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pull --url=/path/to/your/checkout --profile=/tmp/guix.master\n"
msgstr "guix pull --url=/pfad/zu/ihrem/checkout --profile=/tmp/guix.master\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1211
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1258
msgid "When posting a patch to the mailing list, use @samp{[PATCH] @dots{}} as a subject, if your patch is to be applied on a branch other than @code{master}, say @code{core-updates}, specify it in the subject like @samp{[PATCH core-updates] @dots{}}. You may use your email client or the @command{git send-email} command (@pxref{Sending a Patch Series}). We prefer to get patches in plain text messages, either inline or as MIME attachments. You are advised to pay attention if your email client changes anything like line breaks or indentation which could potentially break the patches."
msgstr "Bitte benutzen Sie @samp{[PATCH] …} als Betreff, wenn Sie einen Patch an die Mailing-Liste schicken. Soll Ihr Patch auf einen anderen Branch als @code{master} angewandt werden, z.B.@: @code{core-updates}, geben Sie dies im Betreff an als @samp{[PATCH core-updates] …}. Sie können dazu Ihr E-Mail-Programm oder den Befehl @command{git send-email} benutzen (siehe @ref{Sending a Patch Series}). Wir bevorzugen es, Patches als reine Textnachrichten zu erhalten, entweder eingebettet (inline) oder als MIME-Anhänge. Sie sind dazu angehalten, zu überprüfen, ob Ihr Mail-Programm solche Dinge wie Zeilenumbrüche oder die Einrückung verändert, wodurch die Patches womöglich nicht mehr funktionieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1216
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1263
msgid "Expect some delay when you submit your very first patch to @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org}. You have to wait until you get an acknowledgement with the assigned tracking number. Future acknowledgements should not be delayed."
msgstr "Rechnen Sie damit, dass es etwas dauert, bis Ihr erster Patch an @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} zu sehen ist. Sie werden warten müssen, bis Sie eine Bestätigung mit der zugewiesenen Folgenummer bekommen. Spätere Bestätigungen sollten sofort kommen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1219
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1266
msgid "When a bug is resolved, please close the thread by sending an email to @email{@var{NNN}-done@@debbugs.gnu.org}."
msgstr "Wenn dadurch ein Fehler behoben wurde, schließen Sie bitte den Thread, indem Sie eine E-Mail an @email{@var{NNN}-done@@debbugs.gnu.org} senden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1220 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1221
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1267 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1268
#, no-wrap
msgid "Configuring Git"
msgstr "Git einrichten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1222
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1269
#, no-wrap
msgid "git configuration"
msgstr "Git-Konfiguration"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1224 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1259
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1271 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1306
#, no-wrap
msgid "git send-email"
msgstr "git send-email"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1232
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1279
msgid "If you have not done so already, you may wish to set a name and email that will be associated with your commits (@pxref{telling git your name, , Telling Git your name, git, Git User Manual}). If you wish to use a different name or email just for commits in this repository, you can use @command{git config --local}, or edit @file{.git/config} in the repository instead of @file{~/.gitconfig}."
msgstr "Wenn es noch nicht geschehen ist, wollen Sie vielleicht den Namen und die E-Mail-Adresse festlegen, mit der Ihre Commits ausgestellt werden (siehe @ref{telling git your name, , Telling Git your name, git, Git-Benutzerhandbuch}). Wenn Sie einen anderen Namen oder eine andere E-Mail-Adresse nur für Commits in diesem Repository verwenden möchten, können Sie @command{git config --local} benutzen oder Änderungen in der Datei @file{.git/config} im Repository statt in @file{~/.gitconfig} durchführen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1238
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1285
msgid "We provide some default settings in @file{etc/git/gitconfig} which modify how patches are generated, making them easier to read and apply. These settings can be applied by manually copying them to @file{.git/config} in your checkout, or by telling Git to include the whole file:"
msgstr "Wir stellen einige Standardeinstellungen in @file{etc/git/gitconfig} zur Verfügung, die ändern, wie Patches erzeugt werden, damit sie leichter zu lesen und anzuwenden sind. Sie können die Einstellungen von Hand übernehmen, indem Sie sie in die Datei @file{.git/config} in Ihrem Checkout kopieren, oder Git anweisen, die ganze Datei per @code{include}-Direktive zu laden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1241
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1288
#, no-wrap
msgid "git config --local include.path ../etc/git/gitconfig\n"
msgstr "git config --local include.path ../etc/git/gitconfig\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1245
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1292
msgid "From then on, any changes to @file{etc/git/gitconfig} would automatically take effect."
msgstr "Von da an werden sich jegliche Änderungen an @file{etc/git/gitconfig} automatisch auswirken."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1250
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1297
msgid "Since the first patch in a series must be sent separately (@pxref{Sending a Patch Series}), it can also be helpful to tell @command{git format-patch} to handle the e-mail threading instead of @command{git send-email}:"
msgstr "Weil der erste Patch in einer Patch-Reihe getrennt versandt werden muss (siehe @ref{Sending a Patch Series}), kann es helfen, @command{git format-patch} statt @command{git send-email} mit der Nachrichtenverkettung zu beauftragen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1254
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1301
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"git config --local format.thread shallow\n"
@@ -1845,184 +1927,184 @@ msgstr ""
"git config --local sendemail.thread no\n"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1256 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1258
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1303 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1305
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sending a Patch Series"
msgstr "Senden einer Patch-Reihe"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1258
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1305
#, no-wrap
msgid "patch series"
msgstr "Patch-Reihe"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1269
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1316
msgid "When sending a patch series (e.g., using @code{git send-email}), please first send one message to @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org}, and then send subsequent patches to @email{@var{NNN}@@debbugs.gnu.org} to make sure they are kept together. See @uref{https://debbugs.gnu.org/Advanced.html, the Debbugs documentation} for more information. You can install @command{git send-email} with @command{guix install git:send-email}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie eine Patch-Reihe senden (z.B.@: mit @code{git send-email}), schicken Sie bitte als Erstes eine Nachricht an @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} und dann nachfolgende Patches an @email{@var{NNN}@@debbugs.gnu.org}, um sicherzustellen, dass sie zusammen bearbeitet werden. Siehe @uref{https://debbugs.gnu.org/Advanced.html, die Debbugs-Dokumentation} für weitere Informationen. Sie können @command{git send-email} mit dem Befehl @command{guix install git:send-email} installieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1275
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1322
msgid "This section describes how the Guix project tracks its bug reports and patch submissions."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie das Guix-Projekt Fehlerberichte und eingereichte Patches verwaltet."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1280 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1282
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1283
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1327 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1329
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1330
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Issue Tracker"
msgstr "Der Issue-Tracker"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1280
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1327
msgid "The official bug and patch tracker."
msgstr "Die offizielle Übersicht über Bugs und Patches."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1280 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1296
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1297
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1327 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1343
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1344
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debbugs User Interfaces"
msgstr "Debbugs-Benutzerschnittstellen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1280
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1327
msgid "Ways to interact with Debbugs."
msgstr "Möglichkeiten, mit Debbugs umzugehen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1280 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1336
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1337
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1327 guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1383
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1384
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debbugs Usertags"
msgstr "Debbugs-Usertags"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1280
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1327
msgid "Tag reports with custom labels."
msgstr "Meldungen mit eigenen Kennzeichen versehen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1285
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1332
#, no-wrap
msgid "bug reports, tracking"
msgstr "Bug-Meldungen, Überblick"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1286
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1333
#, no-wrap
msgid "patch submissions, tracking"
msgstr "Patch-Einreichungen, Überblick"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1287
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1334
#, no-wrap
msgid "issue tracking"
msgstr "gemeldete Fehler überblicken"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1288
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1335
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debbugs, issue tracking system"
msgstr "Debbugs, System zum Überblicken gemeldeter Fehler"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1295
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1342
msgid "Bug reports and patch submissions are currently tracked using the Debbugs instance at @uref{https://bugs.gnu.org}. Bug reports are filed against the @code{guix} ``package'' (in Debbugs parlance), by sending email to @email{bug-guix@@gnu.org}, while patch submissions are filed against the @code{guix-patches} package by sending email to @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} (@pxref{Submitting Patches})."
msgstr "Einen Überblick über gemeldete Fehler („Bugs“) und eingereichte Patches finden Sie derzeit auf der Debbugs-Instanz unter @uref{https://bugs.gnu.org}. Fehler werden für das „Paket“ (so sagt man im Sprachgebrauch von Debbugs) namens @code{guix} gemeldet, indem Sie eine E-Mail an @email{bug-guix@@gnu.org} schicken. Dagegen werden Patches für das Paket @code{guix-patches} eingereicht, indem Sie eine E-Mail an @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} schicken (siehe @ref{Submitting Patches})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1301
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1348
msgid "A web interface (actually @emph{two} web interfaces!) are available to browse issues:"
msgstr "Ihnen steht eine Weboberfläche (tatsächlich sogar @emph{zwei} Weboberflächen!) zur Verfügung, um die Fehlerdatenbank zu durchsuchen:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1310
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1357
msgid "@url{https://issues.guix.gnu.org} provides a pleasant interface@footnote{The web interface at @url{https://issues.guix.gnu.org} is powered by Mumi, a nice piece of software written in Guile, and you can help! See @url{https://git.elephly.net/gitweb.cgi?p=software/mumi.git}.} to browse bug reports and patches, and to participate in discussions;"
msgstr "@url{https://issues.guix.gnu.org} erlaubt es Ihnen, über eine hübsche Schnittstelle @footnote{Die Weboberfläche unter @url{https://issues.guix.gnu.org} läuft über das Programm Mumi, ein schönes Stück in Guile geschriebene Software, bei der Sie uns helfen können! Siehe @url{https://git.elephly.net/gitweb.cgi?p=software/mumi.git}.} eingesendete Fehlerberichte („Bug Reports“) und Patches einzusehen und an Diskussionen teilzunehmen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1312
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1359
msgid "@url{https://bugs.gnu.org/guix} lists bug reports;"
msgstr "Auf @url{https://bugs.gnu.org/guix} werden gemeldete Fehler aufgeführt,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1314
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1361
msgid "@url{https://bugs.gnu.org/guix-patches} lists patch submissions."
msgstr "auf @url{https://bugs.gnu.org/guix-patches} eingereichte Patches."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1319
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1366
msgid "To view discussions related to issue number @var{n}, go to @indicateurl{https://issues.guix.gnu.org/@var{n}} or @indicateurl{https://bugs.gnu.org/@var{n}}."
msgstr "Um Diskussionen zum Fehler mit Fehlernummer @var{n} einzusehen, schauen Sie auf @indicateurl{https://issues.guix.gnu.org/@var{n}} oder @indicateurl{https://bugs.gnu.org/@var{n}}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1322
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1369
msgid "If you use Emacs, you may find it more convenient to interact with issues using @file{debbugs.el}, which you can install with:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Emacs benutzen, finden Sie es vielleicht bequemer, sich durch Nutzung von @file{debbugs.el} mit Fehlern zu befassen, was Sie mit folgendem Befehl installieren können:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1325
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1372
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install emacs-debbugs\n"
msgstr "guix install emacs-debbugs\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1328
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1375
msgid "For example, to list all open issues on @code{guix-patches}, hit:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel alle noch ausstehenden, „offenen“ Fehler bezüglich @code{guix-patches} anzusehen, geben Sie dies ein:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1331
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1378
#, no-wrap
msgid "@kbd{C-u} @kbd{M-x} debbugs-gnu @kbd{RET} @kbd{RET} guix-patches @kbd{RET} n y\n"
msgstr "@kbd{C-u} @kbd{M-x} debbugs-gnu @kbd{RET} @kbd{RET} guix-patches @kbd{RET} n y\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1335
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1382
msgid "@xref{Top,,, debbugs-ug, Debbugs User Guide}, for more information on this nifty tool!"
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Top,,, debbugs-ug, Debbugs User Guide} für weitere Informationen zu diesem raffinierten Werkzeug."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1339
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1386
#, no-wrap
msgid "usertags, for debbugs"
msgstr "Usertags, für Debbugs"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1340
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1387
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debbugs usertags"
msgstr "Debbugs-Usertags"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1346
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1393
msgid "Debbugs provides a feature called @dfn{usertags} that allows any user to tag any bug with an arbitrary label. Bugs can be searched by usertag, so this is a handy way to organize bugs@footnote{The list of usertags is public information, and anyone can modify any user's list of usertags, so keep that in mind if you choose to use this feature.}."
msgstr "Debbugs bietet die Möglichkeit, sogenannte @dfn{Usertags} zu vergeben, d.h.@: jeder Benutzer kann jedem Fehlerbericht beliebige Kennzeichnungen zuweisen. Die gemeldeten Fehler können anhand der Usertags gesucht werden, deshalb lassen sich die Meldungen so gut organisieren@footnote{Die Liste der Usertags ist öffentlich zugänglich und jeder kann die Usertag-Liste jedes anderen Nutzers ändern. Sie sollten daran denken, wenn Sie diese Funktionalität gebrauchen möchten.}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1352
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1399
msgid "For example, to view all the bug reports (or patches, in the case of @code{guix-patches}) tagged with the usertag @code{powerpc64le-linux} for the user @code{guix}, open a URL like the following in a web browser: @url{https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=powerpc64le-linux;users=guix}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie sich zum Beispiel alle Fehlerberichte (oder Patches, wenn Sie @code{guix-patches} betrachten) mit dem Usertag @code{powerpc64le-linux} für Benutzer @code{guix} ansehen möchten, öffnen Sie eine URL wie die folgende in einem Webbrowser: @url{https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=powerpc64le-linux;users=guix}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1356
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1403
msgid "For more information on how to use usertags, please refer to the documentation for Debbugs or the documentation for whatever tool you use to interact with Debbugs."
msgstr "Mehr Informationen, wie Sie Usertags benutzen können, finden Sie in der Dokumentation von Debbugs bzw.@: wenn Sie ein externes Programm benutzen, um mit Debbugs zu interagieren, in der Dokumentation dieses Programms."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1361
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1408
msgid "In Guix, we are experimenting with usertags to keep track of architecture-specific issues. To facilitate collaboration, all our usertags are associated with the single user @code{guix}. The following usertags currently exist for that user:"
msgstr "In Guix experimentieren wir damit, Usertags zum Beobachten von Fehlern zu verwenden, die nur bestimmte Architekturen betreffen. Zur leichteren Zusammenarbeit verbinden wir all unsere Usertags einzig mit dem Benutzer @code{guix}. Für diesen Benutzer gibt es zurzeit folgende Usertags:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1364 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:556
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1411 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:557
#, no-wrap
msgid "powerpc64le-linux"
msgstr "powerpc64le-linux"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1372
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1419
msgid "The purpose of this usertag is to make it easy to find the issues that matter most for the @code{powerpc64le-linux} system type. Please assign this usertag to bugs or patches that affect @code{powerpc64le-linux} but not other system types. In addition, you may use it to identify issues that for some reason are particularly important for the @code{powerpc64le-linux} system type, even if the issue affects other system types, too."
msgstr "Mit diesem Usertag wollen wir es leichter machen, die Fehler zu finden, die für den Systemtyp @code{powerpc64le-linux} am wichtigsten sind. Bitte weisen Sie ihn solchen Bugs oder Patches zu, die nur @code{powerpc64le-linux} und keine anderen Systemtypen betreffen. Des Weiteren können Sie damit Probleme kennzeichnen, die für den Systemtyp @code{powerpc64le-linux} besonders bedeutsam sind, selbst wenn das Problem sich auch bei anderen Systemtypen zeigt."
@@ -2030,134 +2112,134 @@ msgstr "Mit diesem Usertag wollen wir es leichter machen, die Fehler zu finden,
#. type: item
#. #-#-#-#-# guix.pot (guix manual checkout) #-#-#-#-#
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1373 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3070
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4771
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1420 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4809
#, no-wrap
msgid "reproducibility"
msgstr "Reproduzierbarkeit"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1377
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1424
msgid "For issues related to reproducibility. For example, it would be appropriate to assign this usertag to a bug report for a package that fails to build reproducibly."
msgstr "Verwenden Sie den Usertag @code{reproducibility} für Fehler in der Reproduzierbarkeit einer Erstellung. Es wäre zum Beispiel angemessen, den Usertag für einen Fehlerbericht zu einem Paket zuzuweisen, das nicht reproduzierbar erstellt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1384
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1431
msgid "If you're a committer and you want to add a usertag, just start using it with the @code{guix} user. If the usertag proves useful to you, consider updating this section of the manual so that others will know what your usertag means."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Commit-Zugriff haben und einen neuen Usertag verwenden möchten, dann fangen Sie einfach an, ihn mit dem Benutzer @code{guix} zu benutzen. Erweist sich der Usertag für Sie als nützlich, sollten Sie vielleicht diesen Handbuchabschnitt ergänzen, um andere in Kenntnis zu setzen, was Ihr Usertag bedeutet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1388
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1435
#, no-wrap
msgid "commit access, for developers"
msgstr "Commit-Zugriff, für Entwickler"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1394
-msgid "Everyone can contribute to Guix without having commit access (@pxref{Submitting Patches}). However, for frequent contributors, having write access to the repository can be convenient. Commit access should not be thought of as a ``badge of honor'' but rather as a responsibility a contributor is willing to take to help the project."
-msgstr "Jeder kann bei Guix mitmachen, auch ohne Commit-Zugriff zu haben (siehe @ref{Submitting Patches}). Für Leute, die häufig zu Guix beitragen, kann es jedoch praktischer sein, Schreibzugriff auf das Repository zu haben. Dieser Commit-Zugriff sollte nicht als Auszeichnung verstanden werden, sondern als Verantwortung, die ein Mitwirkender auf sich nimmt, um dem Projekt zu helfen."
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1446
+msgid "Everyone can contribute to Guix without having commit access (@pxref{Submitting Patches}). However, for frequent contributors, having write access to the repository can be convenient. As a rule of thumb, a contributor should have accumulated fifty (50) reviewed commits to be considered as a committer and have sustained their activity in the project for at least 6 months. This ensures enough interactions with the contributor, which is essential for mentoring and assessing whether they are ready to become a committer. Commit access should not be thought of as a ``badge of honor'' but rather as a responsibility a contributor is willing to take to help the project."
+msgstr "Jeder kann bei Guix mitmachen, auch ohne Commit-Zugriff zu haben (siehe @ref{Submitting Patches}). Für Leute, die häufig zu Guix beitragen, kann es jedoch praktischer sein, Schreibzugriff auf das Repository zu haben. Als Daumenregel sollte ein Mitwirkender 50-mal überprüfte Commits eingebracht haben, um als Commiter zu gelten, und schon mindestens 6 Monate im Projekt aktiv sein. Dadurch gab es genug Zusammenarbeit, um Mitwirkende einzuarbeiten und einzuschätzen, ob sie so weit sind, Commiter zu werden. Dieser Commit-Zugriff sollte nicht als Auszeichnung verstanden werden, sondern als Verantwortung, die ein Mitwirkender auf sich nimmt, um dem Projekt zu helfen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1398
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1450
msgid "The following sections explain how to get commit access, how to be ready to push commits, and the policies and community expectations for commits pushed upstream."
msgstr "Im folgenden Abschnitt wird beschrieben, wie jemand Commit-Zugriff bekommt, was man tun muss, bevor man zum ersten Mal einen Commit pusht, und welche Richtlinien und Erwartungen die Gemeinschaft an Commits richtet, die auf das offizielle Repository gepusht werden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1399
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1451
#, no-wrap
msgid "Applying for Commit Access"
msgstr "Um Commit-Zugriff bewerben"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1403
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1455
msgid "When you deem it necessary, consider applying for commit access by following these steps:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie es für angemessen halten, dann sollten Sie in Erwägung ziehen, sich wie folgt um Commit-Zugriff zu bewerben:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1412
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1464
msgid "Find three committers who would vouch for you. You can view the list of committers at @url{https://savannah.gnu.org/project/memberlist.php?group=guix}. Each of them should email a statement to @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org} (a private alias for the collective of maintainers), signed with their OpenPGP key."
msgstr "Finden Sie drei Commiter, die für Sie eintreten. Sie können die Liste der Commiter unter @url{https://savannah.gnu.org/project/memberlist.php?group=guix} finden. Jeder von ihnen sollte eine entsprechende Erklärung per E-Mail an @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org} schicken (eine private Alias-Adresse für das Kollektiv aus allen Betreuern bzw.@: Maintainern), die jeweils mit ihrem OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert wurde."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1418
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1470
msgid "Committers are expected to have had some interactions with you as a contributor and to be able to judge whether you are sufficiently familiar with the project's practices. It is @emph{not} a judgment on the value of your work, so a refusal should rather be interpreted as ``let's try again later''."
msgstr "Von den Commitern wird erwartet, dass sie bereits mit Ihnen als Mitwirkendem zu tun hatten und beurteilen können, ob Sie mit den Richtlinien des Projekts hinreichend vertraut sind. Dabei geht es @emph{nicht} darum, wie wertvoll Ihre Beiträge sind, daher sollte eine Ablehnung mehr als „schauen wir später nochmal“ verstanden werden."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1425
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1477
msgid "Send @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org} a message stating your intent, listing the three committers who support your application, signed with the OpenPGP key you will use to sign commits, and giving its fingerprint (see below). See @uref{https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/}, for an introduction to public-key cryptography with GnuPG."
msgstr "Senden Sie eine Nachricht an @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org}, in der Sie Ihre Bereitschaft darlegen und die Namen der drei Commiter nennen, die Ihre Bewerbung unterstützen. Die Nachricht sollte mit dem OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert sein, mit dem Sie später auch Ihre Commits signieren, und Sie sollten den Fingerabdruck hinterlegen (siehe unten). Siehe @uref{https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/de/} für eine Einführung in asymmetrische Kryptografie („Public-Key“) mit GnuPG."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1431
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1483
msgid "Set up GnuPG such that it never uses the SHA1 hash algorithm for digital signatures, which is known to be unsafe since 2019, for instance by adding the following line to @file{~/.gnupg/gpg.conf} (@pxref{GPG Esoteric Options,,, gnupg, The GNU Privacy Guard Manual}):"
msgstr "Richten Sie GnuPG so ein, dass es niemals den SHA1-Hashalgorithmus für digitale Signaturen verwendet, der seit 2019 bekanntlich unsicher ist. Fügen Sie dazu zum Beispiel folgende Zeile in @file{~/.gnupg/gpg.conf} ein (siehe @ref{GPG Esoteric Options,,, gnupg, The GNU Privacy Guard Manual}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1434
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1486
#, no-wrap
msgid "digest-algo sha512\n"
msgstr "digest-algo sha512\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1439
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1491
msgid "Maintainers ultimately decide whether to grant you commit access, usually following your referrals' recommendation."
msgstr "Betreuer entscheiden letztendlich darüber, ob Ihnen Commit-Zugriff gegeben wird, folgen dabei aber normalerweise der Empfehlung Ihrer Fürsprecher."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1441
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1493
#, no-wrap
msgid "OpenPGP, signed commits"
msgstr "OpenPGP, signierte Commits"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1446
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1498
msgid "If and once you've been given access, please send a message to @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} to say so, again signed with the OpenPGP key you will use to sign commits (do that before pushing your first commit). That way, everyone can notice and ensure you control that OpenPGP key."
msgstr "Wenn und sobald Ihnen Zugriff gewährt wurde, senden Sie bitte eine Nachricht an @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}, um dies bekanntzugeben, die Sie erneut mit dem OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert haben, mit dem Sie Commits signieren (tun Sie das, bevor Sie Ihren ersten Commit pushen). Auf diese Weise kann jeder Ihren Beitritt mitbekommen und nachprüfen, dass dieser OpenPGP-Schlüssel wirklich Ihnen gehört."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1447 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17972
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1499 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18459
#, no-wrap
msgid "Important"
msgstr "Wichtig"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1449
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1501
msgid "Before you can push for the first time, maintainers must:"
msgstr "Bevor Sie zum ersten Mal pushen dürfen, müssen die Betreuer:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1453
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1505
msgid "add your OpenPGP key to the @code{keyring} branch;"
msgstr "Ihren OpenPGP-Schlüssel zum @code{keyring}-Branch hinzugefügt haben,"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1456
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1508
msgid "add your OpenPGP fingerprint to the @file{.guix-authorizations} file of the branch(es) you will commit to."
msgstr "Ihren OpenPGP-Fingerabdruck in die Datei @file{.guix-authorizations} derjenigen Branches eingetragen haben, auf die Sie commiten möchten."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1461
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1513
msgid "Make sure to read the rest of this section and... profit!"
msgstr "Wenn Sie den Rest dieses Abschnitts jetzt auch noch lesen, steht Ihrer Karriere nichts mehr im Weg!"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1467
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1519
msgid "Maintainers are happy to give commit access to people who have been contributing for some time and have a track record---don't be shy and don't underestimate your work!"
msgstr "Betreuer geben gerne anderen Leuten Commit-Zugriff, die schon einige Zeit dabei waren und ihre Eignung unter Beweis gestellt haben. Seien Sie nicht schüchtern und unterschätzen Sie Ihre Arbeit nicht!"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1471
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1523
msgid "However, note that the project is working towards a more automated patch review and merging system, which, as a consequence, may lead us to have fewer people with commit access to the main repository. Stay tuned!"
msgstr "Sie sollten sich bewusst sein, dass unser Projekt auf ein besser automatisiertes System hinarbeitet, um Patches zu überprüfen und zu mergen. Als Folge davon werden wir vielleicht weniger Leuten Commit-Zugriff auf das Haupt-Repository geben. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1478
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1530
msgid "All commits that are pushed to the central repository on Savannah must be signed with an OpenPGP key, and the public key should be uploaded to your user account on Savannah and to public key servers, such as @code{keys.openpgp.org}. To configure Git to automatically sign commits, run:"
msgstr "Alle Commits, die auf das zentrale Repository auf Savannah gepusht werden, müssen mit einem OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert worden sein, und diesen öffentlichen Schlüssel sollten Sie auf Ihr Benutzerkonto auf Savannah und auf öffentliche Schlüsselserver wie @code{keys.openpgp.org} hochladen. Um Git so zu konfigurieren, dass es Commits automatisch signiert, führen Sie diese Befehle aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1481
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1533
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"git config commit.gpgsign true\n"
@@ -2167,7 +2249,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1484
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1536
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Substitute the fingerprint of your public PGP key.\n"
@@ -2177,347 +2259,347 @@ msgstr ""
"git config user.signingkey CABBA6EA1DC0FF33\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1489
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1541
msgid "You can prevent yourself from accidentally pushing unsigned commits to Savannah by using the pre-push Git hook located at @file{etc/git/pre-push}:"
msgstr "Sie können als Vorsichtsmaßnahme, um @emph{nicht} versehentlich unsignierte Commits auf Savannah zu pushen, den Pre-Push-Git-Hook benutzen, der sich unter @file{etc/git/pre-push} befindet:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1492
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1544
#, no-wrap
msgid "cp etc/git/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push\n"
msgstr "cp etc/git/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push\n"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1494
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1546
#, no-wrap
msgid "Commit Policy"
msgstr "Commit-Richtlinie"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1499
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1551
msgid "If you get commit access, please make sure to follow the policy below (discussions of the policy can take place on @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org})."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Commit-Zugriff erhalten, passen Sie bitte auf, dass Sie der folgenden Richtlinie folgen (Diskussionen über die Richtlinie können wir auf @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} führen)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1504
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1556
msgid "Non-trivial patches should always be posted to @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} (trivial patches include fixing typos, etc.). This mailing list fills the patch-tracking database (@pxref{Tracking Bugs and Patches})."
msgstr "Nichttriviale Patches sollten immer zuerst an @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} geschickt werden (zu den trivialen Patches gehört zum Beispiel das Beheben von Schreibfehlern usw.). Was an diese Mailing-Liste geschickt wird, steht danach in der Patch-Datenbank (siehe @ref{Tracking Bugs and Patches})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1513
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1565
msgid "For patches that just add a new package, and a simple one, it's OK to commit, if you're confident (which means you successfully built it in a chroot setup, and have done a reasonable copyright and license auditing). Likewise for package upgrades, except upgrades that trigger a lot of rebuilds (for example, upgrading GnuTLS or GLib). We have a mailing list for commit notifications (@email{guix-commits@@gnu.org}), so people can notice. Before pushing your changes, make sure to run @code{git pull --rebase}."
msgstr "Bei Patches, die nur ein einziges neues Paket hinzufügen, das auch noch einfach ist, ist es in Ordnung, sie zu commiten, wenn Sie von von ihnen überzeugt sind (das bedeutet, Sie sollten es in einer chroot-Umgebung erstellt haben und Urheberrecht und Lizenzen mit angemessener Gründlichkeit geprüft haben). Für Paketaktualisierungen gilt dasselbe, außer die Aktualisierung hat viele Neuerstellungen zur Folge (wenn Sie zum Beispiel GnuTLS oder GLib aktualisieren). Wir haben eine Mailing-Liste für Commit-Benachrichtigungen (@email{guix-commits@@gnu.org}), damit andere sie bemerken. Bevor Sie Ihre Änderungen pushen, führen Sie @code{git pull --rebase} aus."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1518
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1570
msgid "When pushing a commit on behalf of somebody else, please add a @code{Signed-off-by} line at the end of the commit log message---e.g., with @command{git am --signoff}. This improves tracking of who did what."
msgstr "Wenn Sie einen Commit für jemand anderen pushen, fügen Sie bitte eine @code{Signed-off-by}-Zeile am Ende der Commit-Log-Nachricht hinzu@tie{}— z.B.@: mit @command{git am --signoff}. Dadurch lässt es sich leichter überblicken, wer was getan hat."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1522
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1574
msgid "When adding channel news entries (@pxref{Channels, Writing Channel News}), make sure they are well-formed by running the following command right before pushing:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Kanalneuigkeiten hinzufügen (siehe @ref{Channels, Kanalneuigkeiten verfassen}), dann sollten Sie prüfen, dass diese wohlgeformt sind, indem Sie den folgenden Befehl direkt vor dem Pushen ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1525
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1577
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check-channel-news\n"
msgstr "make check-channel-news\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1531
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1583
msgid "For anything else, please post to @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} and leave time for a review, without committing anything (@pxref{Submitting Patches}). If you didn’t receive any reply after two weeks, and if you're confident, it's OK to commit."
msgstr "Alles andere schicken Sie bitte an @email{guix-patches@@gnu.org} und warten eine Weile, ohne etwas zu commiten, damit andere Zeit haben, sich die Änderungen anzuschauen (siehe @ref{Submitting Patches}). Wenn Sie nach zwei Wochen keine Antwort erhalten haben und von den Änderungen überzeugt sind, ist es in Ordnung, sie zu commiten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1534
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1586
msgid "That last part is subject to being adjusted, allowing individuals to commit directly on non-controversial changes on parts they’re familiar with."
msgstr "Die letzten Anweisungen werden wir vielleicht noch ändern, damit man unstrittige Änderungen direkt commiten kann, wenn man mit von Änderungen betroffenen Teilen vertraut ist."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1535
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1587
#, no-wrap
msgid "Addressing Issues"
msgstr "Mit Fehlern umgehen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1546
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1598
msgid "Peer review (@pxref{Submitting Patches}) and tools such as @command{guix lint} (@pxref{Invoking guix lint}) and the test suite (@pxref{Running the Test Suite}) should catch issues before they are pushed. Yet, commits that ``break'' functionality might occasionally go through. When that happens, there are two priorities: mitigating the impact, and understanding what happened to reduce the chance of similar incidents in the future. The responsibility for both these things primarily lies with those involved, but like everything this is a group effort."
msgstr "Durch Begutachten der von anderen eingereichten Patches („Peer-Review“, siehe @ref{Submitting Patches}) und durch Werkzeuge wie @command{guix lint} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix lint}) und den Testkatalog (siehe @ref{Running the Test Suite}) sollten Sie Fehler finden können, ehe sie gepusht wurden. Trotz allem kann es gelegentlich vorkommen, dass nicht bemerkt wird, wenn nach einem Commit etwas in Guix nicht mehr funktioniert. Wenn das passiert, haben zwei Dinge Vorrang: Schadensbegrenzung und Verstehen, was passiert ist, damit es nicht wieder zu vergleichbaren Fehlern kommt. Die Verantwortung dafür tragen in erster Linie die Beteiligten, aber wie bei allem anderen handelt es sich um eine Aufgabe der Gruppe."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1551
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1603
msgid "Some issues can directly affect all users---for instance because they make @command{guix pull} fail or break core functionality, because they break major packages (at build time or run time), or because they introduce known security vulnerabilities."
msgstr "Manche Fehler können sofort alle Nutzer betreffen, etwa wenn @command{guix pull} dadurch nicht mehr funktioniert oder Kernfunktionen von Guix ausfallen, wenn wichtige Pakete nicht mehr funktionieren (zur Erstellungs- oder zur Laufzeit) oder wenn bekannte Sicherheitslücken eingeführt werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1552
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1604
#, no-wrap
msgid "reverting commits"
msgstr "Revert von Commits"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1558
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1610
msgid "The people involved in authoring, reviewing, and pushing such commit(s) should be at the forefront to mitigate their impact in a timely fashion: by pushing a followup commit to fix it (if possible), or by reverting it to leave time to come up with a proper fix, and by communicating with other developers about the problem."
msgstr "Die am Verfassen, Begutachten und Pushen von Commits Beteiligten sollten zu den ersten gehören, die für zeitnahe Schadensbegrenzung sorgen, indem sie mit einem nachfolgenden Commit („Follow-up“) den Fehler falls möglich beseitigen oder den vorherigen Commit rückgängig machen („Revert“), damit Zeit ist, das Problem auf ordentliche Weise zu beheben. Auch sollten sie das Problem mit anderen Entwicklern bereden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1564
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1616
msgid "If these persons are unavailable to address the issue in time, other committers are entitled to revert the commit(s), explaining in the commit log and on the mailing list what the problem was, with the goal of leaving time to the original committer, reviewer(s), and author(s) to propose a way forward."
msgstr "Wenn diese Personen nicht verfügbar sind, um den Fehler zeitnah zu beheben, steht es anderen Commitern zu, deren Commit(s) zu reverten und im Commit-Log und auf der Mailingliste zu erklären, was das Problem war. Ziel ist, dem oder den ursprünglichen Commiter(n), Begutachter(n) und Autoren mit mehr Zeit Gelegenheit zu geben, einen Vorschlag zum weiteren Vorgehen zu machen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1573
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1625
msgid "Once the problem has been dealt with, it is the responsibility of those involved to make sure the situation is understood. If you are working to understand what happened, focus on gathering information and avoid assigning any blame. Do ask those involved to describe what happened, do not ask them to explain the situation---this would implicitly blame them, which is unhelpful. Accountability comes from a consensus about the problem, learning from it and improving processes so that it's less likely to reoccur."
msgstr "Wenn das Problem erledigt wurde, müssen die Beteiligten ein Verständnis für die Situation sicherstellen. Während Sie sich um Verständnis bemühen, legen Sie den Fokus auf das Sammeln von Informationen und vermeiden Sie Schuldzuweisungen. Lassen Sie die Beteiligten beschreiben, was passiert ist, aber bitten Sie sie nicht, die Situation zu erklären, weil ihnen das implizit Schuld zuspricht, was nicht hilfreich ist. Verantwortung ergibt sich aus Einigkeit über das Problem, dass man daraus lernt und die Prozesse verbessert, damit es nicht wieder vorkommt."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1574
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1626
#, no-wrap
msgid "Commit Revocation"
msgstr "Entzug des Commit-Zugriffs"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1581
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1633
msgid "In order to reduce the possibility of mistakes, committers will have their Savannah account removed from the Guix Savannah project and their key removed from @file{.guix-authorizations} after 12 months of inactivity; they can ask to regain commit access by emailing the maintainers, without going through the vouching process."
msgstr "Damit es weniger wahrscheinlich ist, dass Fehler passieren, werden wir das Savannah-Konto von Commitern nach 12 Monaten der Inaktivität aus dem Guix-Projekt bei Savannah löschen und ihren Schlüssel aus @file{.guix-authorizations} entfernen. Solche Commiter können den Betreuern eine E-Mail schicken, um ohne einen Durchlauf des Fürsprecherprozesses wieder Commit-Zugriff zu bekommen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1591
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1643
msgid "Maintainers@footnote{See @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/en/about} for the current list of maintainers. You can email them privately at @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org}.} may also revoke an individual's commit rights, as a last resort, if cooperation with the rest of the community has caused too much friction---even within the bounds of the project's code of conduct (@pxref{Contributing}). They would only do so after public or private discussion with the individual and a clear notice. Examples of behavior that hinders cooperation and could lead to such a decision include:"
msgstr "Betreuer@footnote{Siehe @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/en/about} für eine Liste der Betreuer. Sie können ihnen eine private E-Mail schicken an @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org}.} dürfen als letzten Ausweg auch jemandem die Commit-Berechtigung entziehen, wenn die Zusammenarbeit mit der übrigen Gemeinde zu viel Reibung erzeugt hat@tie{}— selbst wenn sich alles im Rahmen der Verhaltensregeln abgespielt hat (siehe @ref{Contributing}). Davon machen Betreuer nur Gebrauch nach öffentlichen oder privaten Diskussionen mit der betroffenen Person und nach eindeutiger Ankündigung. Beispiele für Verhalten, das die Zusammenarbeit behindert und zu so einer Entscheidung führen könnte, sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1593
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1645
#, no-wrap
msgid "repeated violation of the commit policy stated above;"
msgstr "wiederholte Verletzung der oben beschriebenen Commit-Richtlinie,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1594
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1646
#, no-wrap
msgid "repeated failure to take peer criticism into account;"
msgstr "wiederholtes Ignorieren von Kritik anderer Entwickler,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1595
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1647
#, no-wrap
msgid "breaching trust through a series of grave incidents."
msgstr "verletztes Vertrauen durch mehrere schwere Vorkommnisse in Folge."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1602
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1654
msgid "When maintainers resort to such a decision, they notify developers on @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}; inquiries may be sent to @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org}. Depending on the situation, the individual may still be welcome to contribute."
msgstr "Wenn Betreuer diesen Entschluss treffen, benachrichtigen sie die Entwickler auf @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}; Anfragen können an @email{guix-maintainers@@gnu.org} gesendet werden. Abhängig von der Situation wird ein Mitwirken der Betroffenen trotzdem weiterhin gerne gesehen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1603
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1655
#, no-wrap
msgid "Helping Out"
msgstr "Aushelfen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1610
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1662
msgid "One last thing: the project keeps moving forward because committers not only push their own awesome changes, but also offer some of their time @emph{reviewing} and pushing other people's changes. As a committer, you're welcome to use your expertise and commit rights to help other contributors, too!"
msgstr "Eine Sache noch: Das Projekt entwickelt sich nicht nur deswegen schnell, weil Commiter ihre eigenen tollen Änderungen pushen, sondern auch, weil sie sich Zeit nehmen, die Änderungen anderer Leute in „Reviews“ zu @emph{überprüfen} und zu pushen. Als Commiter begrüßen wir es, wenn Sie Ihre Expertise und Commit-Rechte dafür einsetzen, auch anderen Mitwirkenden zu helfen!"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1614
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1666
#, no-wrap
msgid "update-guix-package, updating the guix package"
msgstr "update-guix-package, Guix-Paket aktualisieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1620
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1672
msgid "It is sometimes desirable to update the @code{guix} package itself (the package defined in @code{(gnu packages package-management)}), for example to make new daemon features available for use by the @code{guix-service-type} service type. In order to simplify this task, the following command can be used:"
msgstr "Manchmal möchte man die für das Paket @code{guix} (wie es in @code{(gnu packages package-management)} definiert ist) verwendete Version auf eine neuere Version aktualisieren, zum Beispiel um neue Funktionalitäten des Daemons dem Diensttyp @code{guix-service-type} zugänglich zu machen. Um diese Arbeit zu erleichtern, kann folgender Befehl benutzt werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1623
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1675
#, no-wrap
msgid "make update-guix-package\n"
msgstr "make update-guix-package\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1630
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1682
msgid "The @code{update-guix-package} make target will use the last known @emph{commit} corresponding to @code{HEAD} in your Guix checkout, compute the hash of the Guix sources corresponding to that commit and update the @code{commit}, @code{revision} and hash of the @code{guix} package definition."
msgstr "Das make-Ziel @code{update-guix-package} wird den neuesten bekannten @emph{Commit}, also den, der @code{HEAD} in Ihrem Guix-Checkout entspricht, verwenden, den Hash des zugehörigen Quellbaums berechnen und die Einträge für @code{commit}, @code{revision} und den Hash in der Paketdefinition von @code{guix} anpassen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1634
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1686
msgid "To validate that the updated @code{guix} package hashes are correct and that it can be built successfully, the following command can be run from the directory of your Guix checkout:"
msgstr "Um zu prüfen, dass das aktualisierte @code{guix}-Paket die richtigen Hashes benutzt und erfolgreich erstellt werden kann, können Sie den folgenden Befehl aus dem Verzeichnis Ihres Guix-Checkouts heraus ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1637
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1689
#, no-wrap
msgid "./pre-inst-env guix build guix\n"
msgstr "./pre-inst-env guix build guix\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1642
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1694
msgid "To guard against accidentally updating the @code{guix} package to a commit that others can't refer to, a check is made that the commit used has already been pushed to the Savannah-hosted Guix git repository."
msgstr "Als Schutz vor einer versehentlichen Aktualisierung des @code{guix}-Pakets auf einen Commit, den andere Leute gar nicht haben, wird dabei geprüft, ob der benutzte Commit bereits im bei Savannah angebotenen Guix-Git-Repository vorliegt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1647
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1699
msgid "This check can be disabled, @emph{at your own peril}, by setting the @code{GUIX_ALLOW_ME_TO_USE_PRIVATE_COMMIT} environment variable. When this variable is set, the updated package source is also added to the store. This is used as part of the release process of Guix."
msgstr "Diese Prüfung können Sie @emph{auf eigene Gefahr hin} abschalten, indem Sie die Umgebungsvariable @code{GUIX_ALLOW_ME_TO_USE_PRIVATE_COMMIT} setzen. Wenn diese Variable gesetzt ist, wird der aktualisierte Paketquellcode außerdem in den Store eingefügt. Dies stellt einen Teil des Prozesses zur Veröffentlichung neuer Versionen von Guix dar."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1648
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1700
#, no-wrap
msgid "translation"
msgstr "Übersetzung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1649
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1701
#, no-wrap
msgid "l10n"
msgstr "l10n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1650
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1702
#, no-wrap
msgid "i18n"
msgstr "i18n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1651
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1703
#, no-wrap
msgid "native language support"
msgstr "Native Language Support"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1661
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1713
msgid "Writing code and packages is not the only way to provide a meaningful contribution to Guix. Translating to a language you speak is another example of a valuable contribution you can make. This section is designed to describe the translation process. It gives you advice on how you can get involved, what can be translated, what mistakes you should avoid and what we can do to help you!"
msgstr "Softwareentwicklung und Paketierung sind nicht die einzigen Möglichkeiten, um bedeutsam zu Guix beizutragen. Übersetzungen in andere Sprachen sind auch ein wertvoller Beitrag. In diesem Abschnitt ist der Übersetzungsprozess beschrieben, mit Hinweisen dazu wie du mitmachen kannst, was übersetzt werden kann, welche Fehler du vermeiden solltest und wie wir dich unterstützen können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1667
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1719
msgid "Guix is a big project that has multiple components that can be translated. We coordinate the translation effort on a @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/,Weblate instance} hosted by our friends at Fedora. You will need an account to submit translations."
msgstr "Guix ist ein großes Projekt und hat mehrere Komponenten, die übersetzt werden können. Wir koordinieren die Arbeit an der Übersetzung auf einer @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/,Weblate-Instanz}, die von unseren Freunden bei Fedora zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Sie brauchen dort ein Konto, um Übersetzungen einzureichen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1674
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1726
msgid "Some of the software packaged in Guix also contain translations. We do not host a translation platform for them. If you want to translate a package provided by Guix, you should contact their developers or find the information on their website. As an example, you can find the homepage of the @code{hello} package by typing @code{guix show hello}. On the ``homepage'' line, you will see @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/} as the homepage."
msgstr "Manche mit Guix auslieferbaren Pakete verfügen auch über Übersetzungen. An deren Übersetzungsplattform sind wir nicht beteiligt. Wenn Sie ein in Guix angebotenes Paket übersetzen möchten, sollten Sie mit dessen Entwicklern in Kontakt treten oder auf deren Webauftritt nach Informationen suchen. Sie können die Homepage zum Beispiel des @code{hello}-Pakets finden, indem Sie @code{guix show hello} ausführen. Auf der Zeile „homepage“ sehen Sie, dass @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/hello/} die Homepage ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1679
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1731
msgid "Many GNU and non-GNU packages can be translated on the @uref{https://translationproject.org,Translation Project}. Some projects with multiple components have their own platform. For instance, GNOME has its own platform, @uref{https://l10n.gnome.org/,Damned Lies}."
msgstr "Viele GNU-Pakete und Nicht-GNU-Pakete können beim @uref{https://translationproject.org,Translation Project} übersetzt werden. Manche Projekte, die aus mehreren Komponenten bestehen, haben ihre eigene Plattform. Zum Beispiel hat GNOME die Übersetzungsplattform @uref{https://l10n.gnome.org/,Damned Lies}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1681
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1733
msgid "Guix has five components hosted on Weblate."
msgstr "Guix hat fünf Komponenten, die auf Weblate übersetzt werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1683
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1735
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guix} contains all the strings from the Guix software (the"
msgstr "@code{guix} umfasst alle Zeichenketten der Guix-Software (also das"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1685
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1737
msgid "guided system installer, the package manager, etc), excluding packages."
msgstr "geführte Installationsprogramm, die Paketverwaltung etc.) außer den Paketen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1685
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1737
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{packages} contains the synopsis (single-sentence description"
msgstr "@code{packages} enthält die Zusammenfassungen (einzeilige Kurzbeschreibung)"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1687
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1739
msgid "of a package) and description (longer description) of packages in Guix."
msgstr "und die ausführlicheren Beschreibungen der Pakete in Guix."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1687
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1739
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{website} contains the official Guix website, except for"
msgstr "@code{website} enthält den offiziellen Webauftritt von Guix außer"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1689
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1741
msgid "blog posts and multimedia content."
msgstr "Blogeinträgen und Multimedia."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1689
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1741
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{documentation-manual} corresponds to this manual."
msgstr "@code{documentation-manual} entspricht diesem Handbuch."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1690
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1742
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{documentation-cookbook} is the component for the cookbook."
msgstr "@code{documentation-cookbook} ist die Komponente für das Kochbuch."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1693
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1745
#, no-wrap
msgid "General Directions"
msgstr "Wie Sie allgemein vorgehen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1701
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1753
msgid "Once you get an account, you should be able to select a component from @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/,the guix project}, and select a language. If your language does not appear in the list, go to the bottom and click on the ``Start new translation'' button. Select the language you want to translate to from the list, to start your new translation."
msgstr "Sobald Sie ein Konto haben, sollten Sie eine Komponente des @uref{https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/guix/,Guix-Projekts} und eine Sprache auswählen können. Wenn Ihre Sprache in der Liste fehlt, gehen Sie ans Ende und klicken Sie auf den „Neue Übersetzung starten“-Knopf. Nachdem Sie die Sprache, in die Sie übersetzen möchten, ausgewählt haben, wird eine neue Übersetzung angelegt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1706
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1758
msgid "Like lots of other free software packages, Guix uses @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext,GNU Gettext} for its translations, with which translatable strings are extracted from the source code to so-called PO files."
msgstr "Wie zahlreiche andere Freie-Software-Pakete benutzt Guix @uref{https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext,GNU Gettext} für seine Übersetzungen. Damit werden übersetzbare Zeichenketten aus dem Quellcode in sogenannte PO-Dateien extrahiert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1717
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1769
msgid "Even though PO files are text files, changes should not be made with a text editor but with PO editing software. Weblate integrates PO editing functionality. Alternatively, translators can use any of various free-software tools for filling in translations, of which @uref{https://poedit.net/,Poedit} is one example, and (after logging in) @uref{https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/files.html,upload} the changed file. There is also a special @uref{https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PoMode,PO editing mode} for users of GNU Emacs. Over time translators find out what software they are happy with and what features they need."
msgstr "Obwohl es sich bei PO-Dateien um Textdateien handelt, sollten Änderungen nicht mit einem Texteditor vorgenommen werden, sondern mit Software eigens zum Bearbeiten von PO-Dateien. In Weblate sind PO-Bearbeitungsfunktionen integriert. Alternativ haben Übersetzer die Wahl zwischen vielen Freie-Software-Werkzeugen zum Eintragen von Übersetzungen; ein Beispiel ist @uref{https://poedit.net/,Poedit}. Nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben, @uref{https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/user/files.html,laden} Sie die geänderte Datei in Weblate hoch. Es gibt auch einen speziellen @uref{https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PoMode,PO-Bearbeitungsmodus} für Nutzer von GNU Emacs. Mit der Zeit finden Übersetzer heraus, welche Software sie bevorzugen und welche die Funktionen bietet, die sie brauchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1722
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1774
msgid "On Weblate, you will find various links to the editor, that will show various subsets (or all) of the strings. Have a look around and at the @uref{https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/,documentation} to familiarize yourself with the platform."
msgstr "In Weblate finden Sie an vielen Stellen Verweise auf den Editor, um Teilmengen der Zeichenketten oder alle davon zu übersetzen. Sehen Sie sich um und werfen Sie einen Blick auf Weblates @uref{https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/,Dokumentation}, um sich mit der Plattform vertraut zu machen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1723
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1775
#, no-wrap
msgid "Translation Components"
msgstr "Übersetzungskomponenten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1728
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1780
msgid "In this section, we provide more detailed guidance on the translation process, as well as details on what you should or should not do. When in doubt, please contact us, we will be happy to help!"
msgstr "In diesem Abschnitt erklären wir den Übersetzungsprozess genau und geben Details, was Sie tun sollten und was nicht. Im Zweifelsfall kontaktieren Sie uns bitte; wir helfen gerne!"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1730 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9420
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1782 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9838
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix"
msgstr "guix"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1735
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1787
msgid "Guix is written in the Guile programming language, and some strings contain special formatting that is interpreted by Guile. These special formatting should be highlighted by Weblate. They start with @code{~} followed by one or more characters."
msgstr "Guix ist in der Programmiersprache Guile geschrieben und manche Zeichenketten enthalten besondere Formatzeichen, die von Guile interpretiert werden. Weblate sollte diese besonderen Formatzeichen hervorheben. Sie beginnen mit @code{~} gefolgt von einem oder mehreren Zeichen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1744
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1796
msgid "When printing the string, Guile replaces the special formatting symbols with actual values. For instance, the string @samp{ambiguous package specification `~a'} would be substituted to contain said package specification instead of @code{~a}. To properly translate this string, you must keep the formatting code in your translation, although you can place it where it makes sense in your language. For instance, the French translation says @samp{spécification du paquet « ~a » ambiguë} because the adjective needs to be placed in the end of the sentence."
msgstr "Beim Anzeigen der Zeichenkette ersetzt Guile die speziellen Formatierungsmuster durch echte Werte. Zum Beispiel würde in die Zeichenkette @samp{ambiguous package specification `~a'} die Paketspezifikation anstelle von @code{~a} eingesetzt. Um die Zeichenkette richtig zu übersetzen, müssen Sie den Formatierungscode in Ihrer Übersetzung erhalten, aber Sie können ihn an die in Ihrer Sprache passenden Stelle in der Übersetzung verlegen. Die französische Übersetzung ist zum Beispiel @samp{spécification du paquet « ~a » ambiguë}, weil das Adjektiv dort ans Ende vom Satz gehört."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1748
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1800
msgid "If there are multiple formatting symbols, make sure to respect the order. Guile does not know in which order you intended the string to be read, so it will substitute the symbols in the same order as the English sentence."
msgstr "Wenn mehrere Formatsymbole vorkommen, sollten Sie darauf achten, die Reihenfolge beizubehalten. Guile weiß nicht, in welcher Reihenfolge die eingesetzten Symbole auftauchen sollen, also setzt es sie in derselben Abfolge wie im englischen Satz ein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1756
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1808
msgid "As an example, you cannot translate @samp{package '~a' has been superseded by '~a'} by @samp{'~a' superseeds package '~a'}, because the meaning would be reversed. If @var{foo} is superseded by @var{bar}, the translation would read @samp{'foo' superseeds package 'bar'}. To work around this problem, it is possible to use more advanced formatting to select a given piece of data, instead of following the default English order. @xref{Formatted Output,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for more information on formatting in Guile."
msgstr "Es geht zum Beispiel @emph{nicht}, den Satz @samp{package '~a' has been superseded by '~a'} wie @samp{'~a' superseeds package '~a'} zu übersetzen, weil die Bedeutung umgekehrt wäre. Wenn @var{foo} durch @var{bar} abgelöst wird, würde die Übersetzung behaupten, @samp{„foo“ löst Paket „bar“ ab}. Um dieses Problem zu umgehen, ist es möglich, fortgeschrittene Formatierung einzusetzen, mit der ein bestimmtes Datum ausgewählt wird statt der englischen Reihenfolge zu folgen. Siehe @ref{Formatted Output,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} für weitere Informationen zu formatierter Ausgabe in Guile."
@@ -2525,98 +2607,98 @@ msgstr "Es geht zum Beispiel @emph{nicht}, den Satz @samp{package '~a' has been
#. type: item
#. #-#-#-#-# guix.pot (guix manual checkout) #-#-#-#-#
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1757 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2988
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1809 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3021
#, no-wrap
msgid "packages"
msgstr "Pakete"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1762
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1814
msgid "Package descriptions occasionally contain Texinfo markup (@pxref{Synopses and Descriptions}). Texinfo markup looks like @samp{@@code@{rm -rf@}}, @samp{@@emph@{important@}}, etc. When translating, please leave markup as is."
msgstr "Manchmal trifft man in einer Paketbeschreibung auf in Texinfo-Markup ausgezeichnete Wörter (siehe @ref{Synopses and Descriptions}). Texinfo-Auszeichnungen sehen aus wie @samp{@@code@{rm -rf@}}, @samp{@@emph@{important@}} usw. Wenn Sie übersetzen, belassen Sie Auszeichnungen bitte, wie sie sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1771
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1823
msgid "The characters after ``@@'' form the name of the markup, and the text between ``@{'' and ``@}'' is its content. In general, you should not translate the content of markup like @code{@@code}, as it contains literal code that do not change with language. You can translate the content of formatting markup such as @code{@@emph}, @code{@@i}, @code{@@itemize}, @code{@@item}. However, do not translate the name of the markup, or it will not be recognized. Do not translate the word after @code{@@end}, it is the name of the markup that is closed at this position (e.g.@: @code{@@itemize ... @@end itemize})."
msgstr "Die „@@“ nachfolgenden Zeichen bilden den Namen der Auszeichnung und der Text zwischen „@{“ und „@}“ ist deren Inhalt. Im Allgemeinen sollten Sie @emph{nicht} den Inhalt von Auszeichnungen wie @code{@@code} übersetzen, weil Code wortwörtlich so aussehen muss und sich @emph{nicht} mit der Sprache ändert. Dagegen können Sie den Inhalt von zur Formatierung dienenden Auszeichnungen wie @code{@@emph}, @code{@@i}, @code{@@itemize}, @code{@@item} durchaus ändern. Übersetzen Sie aber @emph{nicht} den Namen der Auszeichnung, sonst wird sie nicht erkannt. Übersetzen Sie @emph{nicht} das auf @code{@@end} folgende Wort, denn es ist der Name der Auszeichnung, die an dieser Position geschlossen wird (z.B.@: @code{@@itemize … @@end itemize})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1772
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1824
#, no-wrap
msgid "documentation-manual and documentation-cookbook"
msgstr "documentation-manual und documentation-cookbook"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1776
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1828
msgid "The first step to ensure a successful translation of the manual is to find and translate the following strings @emph{first}:"
msgstr "Der erste Schritt für eine erfolgreiche Übersetzung des Handbuchs ist, folgende Zeichenketten @emph{als Erstes} zu finden und zu übersetzen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1778
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1830
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{version.texi}: Translate this string as @code{version-xx.texi},"
msgstr "@code{version.texi}: Übersetzen Sie diese Zeichenkette mit @code{version-xx.texi}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1781
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1833
msgid "where @code{xx} is your language code (the one shown in the URL on weblate)."
msgstr "wobei @code{xx} Ihr Sprachcode ist (wie er in der URL auf Weblate steht)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1781
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1833
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{contributing.texi}: Translate this string as"
msgstr "@code{contributing.texi}: Übersetzen Sie diese Zeichenkette mit"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1783
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1835
msgid "@code{contributing.xx.texi}, where @code{xx} is the same language code."
msgstr "@code{contributing.xx.texi}, wobei @code{xx} derselbe Sprachcode ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1783
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1835
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{Top}: Do not translate this string, it is important for Texinfo."
msgstr "@code{Top}: Übersetzen Sie diese Zeichenkette @emph{nicht}; sie ist wichtig für Texinfo."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1786
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1838
msgid "If you translate it, the document will be empty (missing a Top node). Please look for it, and register @code{Top} as its translation."
msgstr "Würden Sie sie übersetzen, würde das Dokument leer (weil ein Top-Knoten fehlt). Bitte suchen Sie die Zeichenkette und tragen Sie @code{Top} als Übersetzung ein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1791
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1843
msgid "Translating these strings first ensure we can include your translation in the guix repository without breaking the make process or the @command{guix pull} machinery."
msgstr "Wenn diese Zeichenketten als erste ausgefüllt wurden, ist gewährleistet, dass wir die Übersetzung ins Guix-Repository übernehmen können, ohne dass der make-Vorgang oder die Maschinerie hinter @command{guix pull} zusammenbricht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1798
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1850
msgid "The manual and the cookbook both use Texinfo. As for @code{packages}, please keep Texinfo markup as is. There are more possible markup types in the manual than in the package descriptions. In general, do not translate the content of @code{@@code}, @code{@@file}, @code{@@var}, @code{@@value}, etc. You should translate the content of formatting markup such as @code{@@emph}, @code{@@i}, etc."
msgstr "Das Handbuch und das Kochbuch verwenden beide Texinfo. Wie bei @code{packages} belassen Sie Texinfo-Auszeichnungen bitte so, wie sie sind. Im Handbuch gibt es mehr mögliche Auszeichnungstypen als in den Paketbeschreibungen. Im Allgemeinen sollten Sie den Inhalt von @code{@@code}, @code{@@file}, @code{@@var}, @code{@@value} usw.@: @emph{nicht} übersetzen. Sie sollten aber den Inhalt von Formatierungsauszeichnungen wie @code{@@emph}, @code{@@i} usw.@: übersetzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1806
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1858
msgid "The manual contains sections that can be referred to by name by @code{@@ref}, @code{@@xref} and @code{@@pxref}. We have a mechanism in place so you do not have to translate their content. If you keep the English title, we will automatically replace it with your translation of that title. This ensures that Texinfo will always be able to find the node. If you decide to change the translation of the title, the references will automatically be updated and you will not have to update them all yourself."
msgstr "Das Handbuch enthält Abschnitte, auf die man anhand ihres Namens mit @code{@@ref}, @code{@@xref} und @code{@@pxref} verweisen kann. Wir haben einen Mechanismus eingebaut, damit Sie deren Inhalt @emph{nicht} übersetzen müssen. Lassen Sie einfach den englischen Titel stehen, dann werden wir ihn automatisch durch Ihre Übersetzung des Titels ersetzen. So wird garantiert, dass Texinfo den Knoten auf jeden Fall finden kann. Wenn Sie später die Übersetzung ändern, ändern sich die Verweise darauf automatisch mit und Sie müssen sie nicht alle selbst anpassen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1816
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1868
msgid "When translating references from the cookbook to the manual, you need to replace the name of the manual and the name of the section. For instance, to translate @code{@@pxref@{Defining Packages,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual@}}, you would replace @code{Defining Packages} with the title of that section in the translated manual @emph{only} if that title is translated. If the title is not translated in your language yet, do not translate it here, or the link will be broken. Replace @code{guix} with @code{guix.xx} where @code{xx} is your language code. @code{GNU Guix Reference Manual} is the text of the link. You can translate it however you wish."
msgstr "Nur wenn Sie Verweise vom Kochbuch auf das Handbuch übersetzen, dann müssen Sie den Namen des Handbuchs und den Namen des Abschnitts ersetzen. Zum Beispiel übersetzen Sie @code{@@pxref@{Defining Packages,,, guix, GNU Guix Reference Manual@}}, indem Sie @code{Defining Packages} durch den Titel dieses Abschnittes im übersetzten Handbuch ersetzen, aber @emph{nur dann}, wenn der Titel bereits übersetzt wurde. Wenn er nicht übersetzt wurde, dann übersetzen Sie ihn auch hier @emph{nicht}, sonst funktioniert der Verweis nicht. Schreiben Sie @code{guix.xx} statt @code{guix}, wobei @code{xx} Ihr Sprachcode ist. Bei @code{GNU Guix Reference Manual} handelt es sich um den Text, mit dem der Verweis angezeigt wird. Übersetzen Sie ihn wie immer Sie mögen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1817
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1869
#, no-wrap
msgid "website"
msgstr "website"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1824
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1876
msgid "The website pages are written using SXML, an s-expression version of HTML, the basic language of the web. We have a process to extract translatable strings from the source, and replace complex s-expressions with a more familiar XML markup, where each markup is numbered. Translators can arbitrarily change the ordering, as in the following example."
msgstr "Die Seiten des Webauftritts sind in SXML geschrieben, einer Version von HTML, der Grundlage des Webs, aber mit S-Ausdrücken. Wir haben einen Prozess, um übersetzbare Zeichenketten aus dem Quellcode zu extrahieren und komplexe S-Ausdrücke als vertrautere XML-Auszeichnungen darzustellen. Dabei werden die Auszeichnungen nummeriert. Übersetzer können deren Reihenfolge nach Belieben ändern, wie im folgenden Beispiel zu sehen ist."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1831
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1883
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#. TRANSLATORS: Defining Packages is a section name\n"
@@ -2632,138 +2714,138 @@ msgstr ""
"msgstr \"Pakete werden als reine <2>Guile</2>-Module <1>definiert<1.1>de</1.1><1.2>Pakete-definieren.html</1.2></1>.\"\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1834
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1886
msgid "Note that you need to include the same markups. You cannot skip any."
msgstr "Allerdings müssen Sie dieselben Auszeichnungen verwenden. Sie können keine weglassen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1842
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1894
msgid "In case you make a mistake, the component might fail to build properly with your language, or even make guix pull fail. To prevent that, we have a process in place to check the content of the files before pushing to our repository. We will not be able to update the translation for your language in Guix, so we will notify you (through weblate and/or by email) so you get a chance to fix the issue."
msgstr "Wenn Ihnen ein Fehler unterläuft, kann die Komponente in Ihrer Sprache womöglich @emph{nicht} erstellt werden oder guix pull kann sogar fehlschlagen. Um dies zu verhindern, haben wir einen Prozess, um den Inhalt der Dateien vor einem Push auf das Repository zu überprüfen. In so einem Fall werden wir die Übersetzung für Ihre Sprache @emph{nicht} aktualisieren können und werden Sie deshalb benachrichtigen (über Weblate und/oder eine E-Mail), damit Sie die Möglichkeit bekommen, das Problem zu beheben."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1843
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1895
#, no-wrap
msgid "Outside of Weblate"
msgstr "Abseits von Weblate"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1846
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1898
msgid "Currently, some parts of Guix cannot be translated on Weblate, help wanted!"
msgstr "Momentan können manche Teile von Guix noch nicht mit Weblate übersetzt werden. Wir freuen uns über Hilfe!"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1848
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1900
#, no-wrap
msgid "@command{guix pull} news can be translated in @file{news.scm}, but is not"
msgstr "Bei @command{guix pull} angezeigte Neuigkeiten können in @file{news.scm}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1854
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1906
msgid "available from Weblate. If you want to provide a translation, you can prepare a patch as described above, or simply send us your translation with the name of the news entry you translated and your language. @xref{Writing Channel News}, for more information about channel news."
msgstr "übersetzt werden, jedoch @emph{nicht} über Weblate. Wenn Sie eine Übersetzung bereitstellen wollen, können Sie uns einen Patch wie oben beschrieben schicken oder uns einfach die Übersetzung zusammen mit Ihrer Sprache und dem Namen des Neuigkeiteneintrags, den Sie übersetzt haben, zukommen lassen. Siehe @ref{Writing Channel News} für weitere Informationen zu Neuigkeiten über Kanäle."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1854
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1906
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix blog posts cannot currently be translated."
msgstr "Blogeinträge zu Guix können derzeit @emph{nicht} übersetzt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1855
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1907
#, no-wrap
msgid "The installer script (for foreign distributions) is entirely in English."
msgstr "Das Installations-Skript (für Fremddistributionen) gibt es nur auf Englisch."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1856
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1908
#, no-wrap
msgid "Some of the libraries Guix uses cannot be translated or are translated"
msgstr "Manche der Bibliotheken, die Guix benutzt, können @emph{nicht} übersetzt"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1858
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1910
msgid "outside of the Guix project. Guile itself is not internationalized."
msgstr "werden oder sie werden außerhalb von Guix übersetzt. Guile selbst ist @emph{nicht} internationalisiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1858
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1910
#, no-wrap
msgid "Other manuals linked from this manual or the cookbook might not be"
msgstr "Andere Handbücher, auf die vom Handbuch oder Kochbuch aus verwiesen"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1860
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1912
msgid "translated."
msgstr "wird, sind oft @emph{nicht} übersetzt."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1862
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1914
#, no-wrap
msgid "Translation Infrastructure"
msgstr "Übersetzungsinfrastruktur"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1873
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1925
msgid "Weblate is backed by a git repository from which it discovers new strings to translate and pushes new and updated translations. Normally, it would be enough to give it commit access to our repositories. However, we decided to use a separate repository for two reasons. First, we would have to give Weblate commit access and authorize its signing key, but we do not trust it in the same way we trust guix developers, especially since we do not manage the instance ourselves. Second, if translators mess something up, it can break the generation of the website and/or guix pull for all our users, independently of their language."
msgstr "Hinter Weblate steht ein Git-Repository, aus dem die Weblate-Instanz neue zu übersetzende Zeichenketten bezieht und in das sie die neuen und aktualisierten Übersetzungen pusht. Normalerweise würde es ausreichen, Weblate Commit-Zugriff auf unsere Repositorys zu geben, aber wir haben uns aus zwei Gründen dagegen entschieden. Erstens müssten wir sonst Weblate Commit-Zugriff geben und seinen Signierschlüssel autorisieren, aber wir haben in Weblate nicht auf gleiche Art Vertrauen wie in die Guix-Entwickler, besonders weil wir die Instanz nicht selbst verwalten. Zweitens könnten durch ein Missgeschick der Übersetzer dann das Erzeugen des Webauftritts und/oder guix-pull-Aufrufe für all unsere Nutzer aufhören zu funktionieren, ganz gleich was deren Spracheinstellungen sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1877
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1929
msgid "For these reasons, we use a dedicated repository to host translations, and we synchronize it with our guix and artworks repositories after checking no issue was introduced in the translation."
msgstr "Daher haben wir ein separates Repository für die Übersetzungen, das wir mit unseren guix- und guix-artwork-Repositorys abgleichen, nachdem wir geprüft haben, dass es durch die Übersetzung zu keinem Fehler kommt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1883
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1935
msgid "Developers can download the latest PO files from weblate in the Guix repository by running the @command{make download-po} command. It will automatically download the latest files from weblate, reformat them to a canonical form, and check they do not contain issues. The manual needs to be built again to check for additional issues that might crash Texinfo."
msgstr "Entwickler können die neuesten PO-Dateien von Weblate in ihr Guix-Repository laden, indem sie den Befehl @command{make download-po} ausführen. Er wird die neuesten Dateien von Weblate automatisch herunterladen, in eine kanonische Form bringen und überprüfen, dass sie keine Fehler verursachen. Das Handbuch muss neu erstellt werden, um sicherzugehen, dass keine neuen Probleme zum Absturz von Texinfo führen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1887
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1939
msgid "Before pushing new translation files, developers should add them to the make machinery so the translations are actually available. The process differs for the various components."
msgstr "Bevor sie neue Übersetzungsdateien pushen, sollten Entwickler achtgeben, dass jene Dateien eingetragen sind, damit die Make-Maschinerie die Übersetzungen auch tatsächlich bereitstellt. Der Prozess dafür unterscheidet sich je nach Komponente."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1889
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1941
#, no-wrap
msgid "New po files for the @code{guix} and @code{packages} components must"
msgstr "Neue PO-Dateien für die Komponenten @code{guix} und @code{packages}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1892
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1944
msgid "be registered by adding the new language to @file{po/guix/LINGUAS} or @file{po/packages/LINGUAS}."
msgstr "müssen registriert werden, indem man die neue Sprache in @file{po/guix/LINGUAS} oder @file{po/packages/LINGUAS} hinzufügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1892
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1944
#, no-wrap
msgid "New po files for the @code{documentation-manual} component must be"
msgstr "Neue PO-Dateien für die Komponente @code{documentation-manual} müssen"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1898
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1950
msgid "registered by adding the file name to @code{DOC_PO_FILES} in @file{po/doc/local.mk}, the generated @file{%D%/guix.xx.texi} manual to @code{info_TEXINFOS} in @file{doc/local.mk} and the generated @file{%D%/guix.xx.texi} and @file{%D%/contributing.xx.texi} to @code{TRANSLATED_INFO} also in @file{doc/local.mk}."
msgstr "registriert werden, indem man deren Dateinamen zu @code{DOC_PO_FILES} in @file{po/doc/local.mk} hinzufügt, die erzeugte Handbuchdatei @file{%D%/guix.xx.texi} zu @code{info_TEXINFOS} in @file{doc/local.mk} hinzufügt und sowohl die erzeugte @file{%D%/guix.xx.texi} als auch @file{%D%/contributing.xx.texi} zu @code{TRANSLATED_INFO} auch wieder in @file{doc/local.mk} hinzufügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1898
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1950
#, no-wrap
msgid "New po files for the @code{documentation-cookbook} component must be"
msgstr "Neue PO-Dateien für die Komponente @code{documentation-cookbook} müssen"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1904
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1956
msgid "registered by adding the file name to @code{DOC_COOKBOOK_PO_FILES} in @file{po/doc/local.mk}, the generated @file{%D%/guix-cookbook.xx.texi} manual to @code{info_TEXINFOS} in @file{doc/local.mk} and the generated @file{%D%/guix-cookbook.xx.texi} to @code{TRANSLATED_INFO} also in @file{doc/local.mk}."
msgstr "registriert werden, indem man deren Dateinamen zu @code{DOC_COOKBOOK_PO_FILES} in @file{po/doc/local.mk} hinzufügt, die erzeugte Handbuchdatei @file{%D%/guix-cookbook.xx.texi} zu @code{info_TEXINFOS} in @file{doc/local.mk} hinzufügt und die erzeugte @file{%D%/guix-cookbook.xx.texi} zu @code{TRANSLATED_INFO} auch wieder in @file{doc/local.mk} hinzufügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1904
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1956
#, no-wrap
msgid "New po files for the @code{website} component must be added to the"
msgstr "Neue PO-Dateien für die Komponente @code{website} müssen zum Repository"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1909
+#: guix-git/doc/contributing.texi:1961
msgid "@code{guix-artwork} repository, in @file{website/po/}. @file{website/po/LINGUAS} and @file{website/po/ietf-tags.scm} must be updated accordingly (see @file{website/i18n-howto.txt} for more information on the process)."
msgstr "@code{guix-artwork} ins dortige Verzeichnis @file{website/po/} hinzugefügt werden. @file{website/po/LINGUAS} und @file{website/po/ietf-tags.scm} müssen entsprechend aktualisiert werden (siehe @file{website/i18n-howto.txt} für Details zum Prozess)."
@@ -2789,10 +2871,8 @@ msgstr "version-de.texi"
#. type: copying
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:103
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Copyright @copyright{} 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2016 Andreas Enge@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013 Nikita Karetnikov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014, 2015, 2016 Alex Kost@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014 Pierre-Antoine Rault@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Leo Famulari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Ben Woodcroft@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Chris Marusich@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nikita Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Christopher Baines@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2021 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Arun Isaac@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2021 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019, 2020 Florian Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Alex Vong@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Josh Holland@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020 Diego Nicola Barbato@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ivan Petkov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Kyle Andrews@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Alex Griffin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Liliana Marie Prikler@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021 Simon Tournier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Wiktor Żelazny@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Damien Cassou@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jakub Kądziołka@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jack Hill@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Naga Malleswari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 R Veera Kumar@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Pierre Langlois@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 pinoaffe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 raingloom@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Daniel Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 John Soo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jonathan Brielmaier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Edgar Vincent@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Maxime Devos@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 B. Wilson@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Xinglu Chen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Raghav Gururajan@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Domagoj Stolfa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Hui Lu@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 pukkamustard@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Alice Brenon@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Andrew Tropin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Sarah Morgensen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@*"
-msgid "Copyright @copyright{} 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2016 Andreas Enge@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013 Nikita Karetnikov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014, 2015, 2016 Alex Kost@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014 Pierre-Antoine Rault@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Leo Famulari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Ben Woodcroft@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Chris Marusich@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nikita Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Christopher Baines@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2021 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017–2022 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Arun Isaac@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2021 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019, 2020 Florian Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Alex Vong@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Josh Holland@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020 Diego Nicola Barbato@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ivan Petkov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Kyle Andrews@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Alex Griffin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Liliana Marie Prikler@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021 Simon Tournier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Wiktor Żelazny@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Damien Cassou@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jakub Kądziołka@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jack Hill@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Naga Malleswari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 R Veera Kumar@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Pierre Langlois@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 pinoaffe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 raingloom@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Daniel Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 John Soo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jonathan Brielmaier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Edgar Vincent@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Maxime Devos@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 B. Wilson@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Xinglu Chen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Raghav Gururajan@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Domagoj Stolfa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Hui Lu@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 pukkamustard@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Alice Brenon@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Andrew Tropin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Sarah Morgensen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@*"
-msgstr "Copyright @copyright{} 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ludovic Courtès@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2016 Andreas Enge@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013 Nikita Karetnikov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014, 2015, 2016 Alex Kost@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014 Pierre-Antoine Rault@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Leo Famulari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Ben Woodcroft@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Chris Marusich@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nikita Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Christopher Baines@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2021 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Marius Bakke@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Arun Isaac@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2021 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019, 2020 Florian Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Alex Vong@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Josh Holland@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020 Diego Nicola Barbato@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ivan Petkov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Kyle Andrews@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Alex Griffin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021 Guillaume Le Vaillant@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Liliana Marie Prikler@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021 Simon Tournier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Wiktor Żelazny@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Damien Cassou@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jakub Kądziołka@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jack Hill@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Naga Malleswari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 R Veera Kumar@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Pierre Langlois@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 pinoaffe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 raingloom@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Daniel Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 John Soo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jonathan Brielmaier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Edgar Vincent@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Maxime Devos@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 B. Wilson@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Xinglu Chen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Raghav Gururajan@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Domagoj Stolfa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Hui Lu@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 pukkamustard@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Alice Brenon@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Andrew Tropin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Sarah Morgensen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@*"
+msgid "Copyright @copyright{} 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2016 Andreas Enge@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013 Nikita Karetnikov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014, 2015, 2016 Alex Kost@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014 Pierre-Antoine Rault@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Leo Famulari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Ben Woodcroft@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Chris Marusich@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nikita Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Christopher Baines@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2021 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Marius Bakke@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017–2022 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Arun Isaac@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2021 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019, 2020 Florian Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Alex Vong@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Josh Holland@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020 Diego Nicola Barbato@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ivan Petkov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Kyle Andrews@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Alex Griffin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Liliana Marie Prikler@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Simon Tournier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Wiktor Żelazny@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Damien Cassou@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jakub Kądziołka@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jack Hill@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Naga Malleswari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 R Veera Kumar@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Pierre Langlois@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 pinoaffe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 raingloom@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Daniel Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 John Soo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jonathan Brielmaier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Edgar Vincent@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Maxime Devos@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 B. Wilson@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Xinglu Chen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Raghav Gururajan@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Domagoj Stolfa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Hui Lu@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 pukkamustard@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Alice Brenon@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Andrew Tropin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Sarah Morgensen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@*"
+msgstr "Copyright @copyright{} 2012-2022 Ludovic Courtès@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2016 Andreas Enge@* Copyright @copyright{} 2013 Nikita Karetnikov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014, 2015, 2016 Alex Kost@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2014 Pierre-Antoine Rault@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015 Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Leo Famulari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Ricardo Wurmus@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Ben Woodcroft@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 Chris Marusich@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Efraim Flashner@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 John Darrington@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017 Nikita Gillmann@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Jan Nieuwenhuizen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Julien Lepiller@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016 Alex ter Weele@* Copyright @copyright{} 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Christopher Baines@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019 Clément Lassieur@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021 Mathieu Othacehe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Federico Beffa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018 Carlo Zancanaro@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Thomas Danckaert@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 humanitiesNerd@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2021 Christine Lemmer-Webber@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Marius Bakke@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020 Hartmut Goebel@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 Maxim Cournoyer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017–2022 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 George Clemmer@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 Andy Wingo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Arun Isaac@* Copyright @copyright{} 2017 nee@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Rutger Helling@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2021 Oleg Pykhalov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Mike Gerwitz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Pierre-Antoine Rouby@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019 Gábor Boskovits@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018, 2019, 2020 Florian Pelz@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Laura Lazzati@* Copyright @copyright{} 2018 Alex Vong@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Josh Holland@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020 Diego Nicola Barbato@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Ivan Petkov@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Jakob L. Kreuze@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Kyle Andrews@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019 Alex Griffin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Guillaume Le Vaillant@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Liliana Marie Prikler@* Copyright @copyright{} 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Simon Tournier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Wiktor Żelazny@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Damien Cassou@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jakub Kądziołka@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jack Hill@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Naga Malleswari@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Brice Waegeneire@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 R Veera Kumar@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Pierre Langlois@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 pinoaffe@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 André Batista@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020, 2021 Alexandru-Sergiu Marton@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 raingloom@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Daniel Brooks@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 John Soo@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Jonathan Brielmaier@* Copyright @copyright{} 2020 Edgar Vincent@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Maxime Devos@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 B. Wilson@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Xinglu Chen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Raghav Gururajan@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Domagoj Stolfa@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Hui Lu@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 pukkamustard@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Alice Brenon@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Andrew Tropin@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Sarah Morgensen@* Copyright @copyright{} 2021 Josselin Poiret@*"
#. type: copying
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:110
@@ -2952,7 +3032,7 @@ msgstr "Dieses Handbuch ist auch auf Englisch (siehe @ref{Top,,, guix, GNU Guix
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:192
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:402 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:403 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:404
#, no-wrap
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Einführung"
@@ -2964,7 +3044,7 @@ msgstr "Was ist Guix überhaupt?"
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:197
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:589 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:600 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:601
#, no-wrap
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Installation"
@@ -2976,7 +3056,7 @@ msgstr "Guix installieren."
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:213
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2049 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2082 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
#, no-wrap
msgid "System Installation"
msgstr "Systeminstallation"
@@ -2987,8 +3067,8 @@ msgid "Installing the whole operating system."
msgstr "Das ganze Betriebssystem installieren."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2777
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2811
#, no-wrap
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Einstieg in Guix"
@@ -3000,7 +3080,7 @@ msgstr "Ihre ersten Schritte."
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:230
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2985 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3018 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3019
#, no-wrap
msgid "Package Management"
msgstr "Paketverwaltung"
@@ -3012,7 +3092,7 @@ msgstr "Pakete installieren, aktualisieren usw."
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:253
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5053 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5091 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5092
#, no-wrap
msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Kanäle"
@@ -3024,7 +3104,7 @@ msgstr "Die Paketsammlung anpassen."
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:267
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5581 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5621 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5622
#, no-wrap
msgid "Development"
msgstr "Entwicklung"
@@ -3036,7 +3116,7 @@ msgstr "Von Guix unterstützte Softwareentwicklung."
#. type: chapter
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:275
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6799 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6864 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6865
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming Interface"
msgstr "Programmierschnittstelle"
@@ -3047,8 +3127,8 @@ msgid "Using Guix in Scheme."
msgstr "Guix in Scheme verwenden."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:294
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10774 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11192 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11193
#, no-wrap
msgid "Utilities"
msgstr "Zubehör"
@@ -3059,8 +3139,8 @@ msgid "Package management commands."
msgstr "Befehle zur Paketverwaltung."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:320
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14278 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14739 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14740
#, no-wrap
msgid "System Configuration"
msgstr "Systemkonfiguration"
@@ -3071,8 +3151,8 @@ msgid "Configuring the operating system."
msgstr "Das Betriebssystem konfigurieren."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36881
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37486
#, no-wrap
msgid "Home Configuration"
msgstr "Persönliche Konfiguration"
@@ -3083,8 +3163,8 @@ msgid "Configuring the home environment."
msgstr "Persönliche Home-Umgebungen konfigurieren."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37721
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38405
#, no-wrap
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Dokumentation"
@@ -3095,8 +3175,8 @@ msgid "Browsing software user manuals."
msgstr "Wie man Nutzerhandbücher von Software liest."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:389
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37787 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38470 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38471
#, no-wrap
msgid "Installing Debugging Files"
msgstr "Dateien zur Fehlersuche installieren"
@@ -3107,8 +3187,8 @@ msgid "Feeding the debugger."
msgstr "Den Debugger füttern."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37942
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38626
#, no-wrap
msgid "Security Updates"
msgstr "Sicherheitsaktualisierungen"
@@ -3119,8 +3199,8 @@ msgid "Deploying security fixes quickly."
msgstr "Sicherheits-Patches schnell einspielen."
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:394
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38057 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38740 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38741
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bootstrapping"
msgstr "Bootstrapping"
@@ -3131,7 +3211,7 @@ msgid "GNU/Linux built from scratch."
msgstr "GNU/Linux von Grund auf selbst erstellen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39032
#, no-wrap
msgid "Porting"
msgstr "Portierung"
@@ -3147,8 +3227,8 @@ msgid "Your help needed!"
msgstr "Ihre Hilfe ist nötig!"
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38397
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38398
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39081
#, no-wrap
msgid "Acknowledgments"
msgstr "Danksagungen"
@@ -3159,8 +3239,8 @@ msgid "Thanks!"
msgstr "Danke!"
#. type: appendix
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38419
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39103
#, no-wrap
msgid "GNU Free Documentation License"
msgstr "GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation"
@@ -3171,8 +3251,8 @@ msgid "The license of this manual."
msgstr "Die Lizenz dieses Handbuchs."
#. type: unnumbered
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38425
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38426
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39109
#, no-wrap
msgid "Concept Index"
msgstr "Konzeptverzeichnis"
@@ -3183,8 +3263,8 @@ msgid "Concepts."
msgstr "Konzepte."
#. type: unnumbered
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38429
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39113
#, no-wrap
msgid "Programming Index"
msgstr "Programmierverzeichnis"
@@ -3200,2131 +3280,2154 @@ msgid "--- The Detailed Node Listing ---"
msgstr "--- Detaillierte Liste der Knoten ---"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:429
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:431 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:432 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:433
#, no-wrap
msgid "Managing Software the Guix Way"
msgstr "Auf Guix-Art Software verwalten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:430
msgid "What's special."
msgstr "Was Guix besonders macht."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:429
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:486 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:487 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:488
#, no-wrap
msgid "GNU Distribution"
msgstr "GNU-Distribution"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:195 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:430
msgid "The packages and tools."
msgstr "Die Pakete und Werkzeuge."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:631 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:642 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:643
#, no-wrap
msgid "Binary Installation"
msgstr "Aus Binärdatei installieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Getting Guix running in no time!"
msgstr "Guix installieren ohne Zeit zu verlieren!"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:871 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:882 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:883
#, no-wrap
msgid "Requirements"
msgstr "Voraussetzungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Software needed to build and run Guix."
msgstr "Zum Erstellen und Benutzen von Guix nötige Software."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:957 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:969 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:970
#, no-wrap
msgid "Running the Test Suite"
msgstr "Den Testkatalog laufen lassen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Testing Guix."
msgstr "Guix testen."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:207
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1054
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1067
#, no-wrap
msgid "Setting Up the Daemon"
msgstr "Den Daemon einrichten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Preparing the build daemon's environment."
msgstr "Die Umgebung des Erstellungs-Daemons vorbereiten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1542
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix-daemon"
msgstr "Aufruf des guix-daemon"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Running the build daemon."
msgstr "Den Erstellungs-Daemon laufen lassen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1827 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1844 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1845
#, no-wrap
msgid "Application Setup"
msgstr "Anwendungen einrichten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Application-specific setup."
msgstr "Anwendungsspezifische Einstellungen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2012 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2045 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2046
#, no-wrap
msgid "Upgrading Guix"
msgstr "Aktualisieren von Guix"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:640
msgid "Upgrading Guix and its build daemon."
msgstr "Guix und seinen Erstellungs-Daemon aktualisieren."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1074
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1076 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1088 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1089
#, no-wrap
msgid "Build Environment Setup"
msgstr "Einrichten der Erstellungsumgebung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1086
msgid "Preparing the isolated build environment."
msgstr "Die isolierte Umgebung zum Erstellen herrichten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1074
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1212
#, no-wrap
msgid "Daemon Offload Setup"
msgstr "Auslagern des Daemons einrichten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1086
msgid "Offloading builds to remote machines."
msgstr "Erstellungen auf entfernte Maschinen auslagern."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1074
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1434 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1435
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1451 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1452
#, no-wrap
msgid "SELinux Support"
msgstr "SELinux-Unterstützung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1086
msgid "Using an SELinux policy for the daemon."
msgstr "Wie man eine SELinux-Richtlinie für den Daemon einrichtet."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1470
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2085
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2119
#, no-wrap
msgid "Limitations"
msgstr "Einschränkungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "What you can expect."
msgstr "Was Sie erwarten dürfen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2111 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2144 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2145
#, no-wrap
msgid "Hardware Considerations"
msgstr "Hardware-Überlegungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "Supported hardware."
msgstr "Unterstützte Hardware."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2146 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2179 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2180
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB Stick and DVD Installation"
msgstr "Installation von USB-Stick oder DVD"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "Preparing the installation medium."
msgstr "Das Installationsmedium vorbereiten."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2227 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2260 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2261
#, no-wrap
msgid "Preparing for Installation"
msgstr "Vor der Installation"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "Networking, partitioning, etc."
msgstr "Netzwerkanbindung, Partitionierung usw."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2250 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2283 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2284
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guided Graphical Installation"
msgstr "Geführte grafische Installation"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "Easy graphical installation."
msgstr "Leichte grafische Installation."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:225
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2281
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2315
#, no-wrap
msgid "Manual Installation"
msgstr "Manuelle Installation"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "Manual installation for wizards."
msgstr "Manuelle Installation für Zauberer."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2660 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2661
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2693 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2694
#, no-wrap
msgid "After System Installation"
msgstr "Nach der Systeminstallation"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "When installation succeeded."
msgstr "Wenn die Installation erfolgreich war."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2727
#, no-wrap
msgid "Installing Guix in a VM"
msgstr "Guix in einer VM installieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "Guix System playground."
msgstr "Ein „Guix System“-Spielplatz."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2745 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2778 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2779
#, no-wrap
msgid "Building the Installation Image"
msgstr "Ein Abbild zur Installation erstellen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2116
msgid "How this comes to be."
msgstr "Wie ein solches entsteht."
# Commas in node names would prevent the terminal info viewer from following links.
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2299
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2334
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard Layout and Networking and Partitioning"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung und Netzwerkanbindung und Partitionierung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2332
msgid "Initial setup."
msgstr "Vorab."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2299
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2571 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2604 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2605
#, no-wrap
msgid "Proceeding with the Installation"
msgstr "Fortfahren mit der Installation"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2332
msgid "Installing."
msgstr "Installieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3019 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3052 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3053
#, no-wrap
msgid "Features"
msgstr "Funktionalitäten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "How Guix will make your life brighter."
msgstr "Wie Guix Ihr Leben schöner machen wird."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3142
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix package"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix package"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Package installation, removal, etc."
msgstr "Pakete installieren, entfernen usw."
#. type: section
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:243
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3738
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3773
#, no-wrap
msgid "Substitutes"
msgstr "Substitute"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Downloading pre-built binaries."
msgstr "Vorerstelle Binärdateien herunterladen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4074 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4108 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4109
#, no-wrap
msgid "Packages with Multiple Outputs"
msgstr "Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Single source package, multiple outputs."
msgstr "Ein Quellpaket, mehrere Ausgaben."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4162
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix gc"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix gc"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Running the garbage collector."
msgstr "Den Müllsammler laufen lassen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4372
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix pull"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix pull"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Fetching the latest Guix and distribution."
msgstr "Das neueste Guix samt Distribution laden."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4623
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix time-machine"
msgstr "Aufruf von time-machine"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Running an older revision of Guix."
msgstr "Alte Guix-Versionen verwenden."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4640 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4678 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4679
#, no-wrap
msgid "Inferiors"
msgstr "Untergeordnete"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Interacting with another revision of Guix."
msgstr "Mit einer anderen Version von Guix interagieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4806
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix describe"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix describe"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Display information about your Guix revision."
msgstr "Informationen über Ihre Guix-Version anzeigen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4901
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix archive"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix archive"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3050
msgid "Exporting and importing store files."
msgstr "Import und Export von Store-Dateien."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3764 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3798 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3799
#, no-wrap
msgid "Official Substitute Servers"
msgstr "Offizielle Substitut-Server"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "One particular source of substitutes."
msgstr "Eine besondere Quelle von Substituten."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3794 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3828 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3829
#, no-wrap
msgid "Substitute Server Authorization"
msgstr "Substitut-Server autorisieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "How to enable or disable substitutes."
msgstr "Wie man Substitute an- und abschaltet."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3864 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3898 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3899
#, no-wrap
msgid "Getting Substitutes from Other Servers"
msgstr "Substitute von anderen Servern holen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "Substitute diversity."
msgstr "Substitutevielfalt."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3969 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4003 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4004
#, no-wrap
msgid "Substitute Authentication"
msgstr "Substitutauthentifizierung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "How Guix verifies substitutes."
msgstr "Wie Guix Substitute verifiziert."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4004 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4038 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4039
#, no-wrap
msgid "Proxy Settings"
msgstr "Proxy-Einstellungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "How to get substitutes via proxy."
msgstr "Wie Sie Substitute über einen Proxy beziehen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4016 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4050 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4051
#, no-wrap
msgid "Substitution Failure"
msgstr "Fehler bei der Substitution"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "What happens when substitution fails."
msgstr "Was passiert, wenn die Substitution fehlschlägt."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4044 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4078 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4079
#, no-wrap
msgid "On Trusting Binaries"
msgstr "Vom Vertrauen gegenüber Binärdateien"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:251 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3796
msgid "How can you trust that binary blob?"
msgstr "Wie können Sie diesem binären Blob trauen?"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5086 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5124 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5125
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specifying Additional Channels"
msgstr "Weitere Kanäle angeben"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Extending the package collection."
msgstr "Die Paketsammlung erweitern."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5136 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5174 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5175
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using a Custom Guix Channel"
msgstr "Eigenen Guix-Kanal benutzen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Using a customized Guix."
msgstr "Ein angepasstes Guix benutzen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5158 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5196 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5197
#, no-wrap
msgid "Replicating Guix"
msgstr "Guix nachbilden"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Running the @emph{exact same} Guix."
msgstr "Haargenau dasselbe Guix bekommen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5199 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5237 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5238
#, no-wrap
msgid "Channel Authentication"
msgstr "Kanalauthentifizierung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "How Guix verifies what it fetches."
msgstr "Wie Guix seine Aktualisierung verifiziert."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5239 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5277 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5278
#, no-wrap
msgid "Channels with Substitutes"
msgstr "Kanäle mit Substituten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Using channels with available substitutes."
msgstr "Kanäle nutzen, für die es Substitute gibt."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5264 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5302 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5303
#, no-wrap
msgid "Creating a Channel"
msgstr "Einen Kanal erstellen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "How to write your custom channel."
msgstr "Wie Sie Ihren eigenen Kanal schreiben."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5331 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5369 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5370
#, no-wrap
msgid "Package Modules in a Sub-directory"
msgstr "Paketmodule in einem Unterverzeichnis"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Specifying the channel's package modules location."
msgstr "Den Ort der Paketmodule des Kanals angeben."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5345 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5383 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5384
#, no-wrap
msgid "Declaring Channel Dependencies"
msgstr "Kanalabhängigkeiten deklarieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "How to depend on other channels."
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten von anderen Kanälen festlegen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5425 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5426
#, no-wrap
msgid "Specifying Channel Authorizations"
msgstr "Weitere Kanalautorisierungen angeben"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Defining channel authors authorizations."
msgstr "Autorisierungen von Kanalautoren definieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5488 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5528 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5529
#, no-wrap
msgid "Primary URL"
msgstr "Primäre URL"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Distinguishing mirror to original."
msgstr "Spiegelserver vom Original unterscheiden."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5551 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5552
#, no-wrap
msgid "Writing Channel News"
msgstr "Kanalneuigkeiten verfassen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5122
msgid "Communicating information to channel's users."
msgstr "Den Kanalnutzern Informationen mitteilen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5643
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix shell"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix shell"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
msgid "Spawning one-off software environments."
msgstr "Software-Umgebungen für den Moment."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6015
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix environment"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix environment"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
msgid "Setting up development environments."
msgstr "Entwicklungsumgebungen einrichten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6390
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix pack"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix pack"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
msgid "Creating software bundles."
msgstr "Software-Bündel erstellen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6711 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6776 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6777
#, no-wrap
msgid "The GCC toolchain"
msgstr "GCC-Toolchain"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
msgid "Working with languages supported by GCC."
msgstr "Arbeiten mit vom GCC unterstützten Sprachen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6802
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix git authenticate"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix git authenticate"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5641
msgid "Authenticating Git repositories."
msgstr "Git-Repositorys authentifizieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6841 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6907 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6908
#, no-wrap
msgid "Package Modules"
msgstr "Paketmodule"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Packages from the programmer's viewpoint."
msgstr "Pakete aus Sicht des Programmierers."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:289
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6903
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6970
#, no-wrap
msgid "Defining Packages"
msgstr "Pakete definieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Defining new packages."
msgstr "Wie Sie neue Pakete definieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7554 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7634 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7635
#, no-wrap
msgid "Defining Package Variants"
msgstr "Paketvarianten definieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Customizing packages."
msgstr "Pakete anpassen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7821 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7901 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7902
#, no-wrap
msgid "Build Systems"
msgstr "Erstellungssysteme"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Specifying how packages are built."
msgstr "Angeben, wie Pakete erstellt werden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8861 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8862
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8940 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9449
#, no-wrap
msgid "Build Phases"
msgstr "Erstellungsphasen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Phases of the build process of a package."
msgstr "Die Phasen im Erstellungsprozess eines Pakets."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9055 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9138 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9139
#, no-wrap
msgid "Build Utilities"
msgstr "Werkzeuge zur Erstellung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Helpers for your package definitions and more."
msgstr "Helferlein für Ihre Paketdefinitionen und anderes."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9369 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9608 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9609
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Search Paths"
+msgstr "Suchpfade"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+msgid "Declaring search path environment variables."
+msgstr "Umgebungsvariable mit Suchpfaden deklarieren."
+#. type: section
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9787 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9788
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Store"
msgstr "Der Store"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Manipulating the package store."
msgstr "Den Paket-Store verändern."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9522 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9940 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9941
#, no-wrap
msgid "Derivations"
msgstr "Ableitungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Low-level interface to package derivations."
msgstr "Systemnahe Schnittstelle für Paketableitungen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9716 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10134 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10135
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Store Monad"
msgstr "Die Store-Monade"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Purely functional interface to the store."
msgstr "Rein funktionale Schnittstelle zum Store."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10035 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10453 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10454
#, no-wrap
msgid "G-Expressions"
msgstr "G-Ausdrücke"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Manipulating build expressions."
msgstr "Erstellungsausdrücke verarbeiten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11092
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix repl"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix repl"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:288
msgid "Programming Guix in Guile."
msgstr "Guix in Guile programmieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:292 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7100
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:293 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7169
#, no-wrap
msgid "package Reference"
msgstr "„package“-Referenz"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:292 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:293 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7166
msgid "The package data type."
msgstr "Der Datentyp für Pakete."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:292 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7100
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:293 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7442
#, no-wrap
msgid "origin Reference"
msgstr "„origin“-Referenz"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:292 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:293 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7166
msgid "The origin data type."
msgstr "Datentyp für Paketursprünge."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11219
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix build"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix build"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Building packages from the command line."
msgstr "Pakete aus der Befehlszeile heraus erstellen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12117
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix edit"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix edit"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Editing package definitions."
msgstr "Paketdefinitionen bearbeiten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12147
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix download"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix download"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Downloading a file and printing its hash."
msgstr "Eine Datei herunterladen und ihre Hash-Prüfsumme ausgeben."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11787
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12205
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix hash"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix hash"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Computing the cryptographic hash of a file."
msgstr "Die kryptografische Prüfsumme einer Datei berechnen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12296
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix import"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix import"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Importing package definitions."
msgstr "Paketdefinitionen importieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12831
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix refresh"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix refresh"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Updating package definitions."
msgstr "Paketdefinitionen aktualisieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13203
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix style"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix style"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Styling package definitions."
msgstr "Paketdefinitionen umgestalten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13341
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix lint"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix lint"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Finding errors in package definitions."
msgstr "Fehler in Paketdefinitionen finden."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13517
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix size"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix size"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Profiling disk usage."
msgstr "Plattenplatzverbrauch profilieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13661
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix graph"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix graph"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Visualizing the graph of packages."
msgstr "Den Paketgraphen visualisieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13481
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13942
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix publish"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix publish"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Sharing substitutes."
msgstr "Substitute teilen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14211
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix challenge"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix challenge"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Challenging substitute servers."
msgstr "Die Substitut-Server anfechten."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14394
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix copy"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix copy"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Copying to and from a remote store."
msgstr "Mit einem entfernten Store Dateien austauschen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14457
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix container"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix container"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Process isolation."
msgstr "Prozesse isolieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14511
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix weather"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix weather"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Assessing substitute availability."
msgstr "Die Verfügbarkeit von Substituten einschätzen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14641
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix processes"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix processes"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:311 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11217
msgid "Listing client processes."
msgstr "Auflisten der Client-Prozesse"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:313 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:314 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix build}"
msgstr "Aufruf von @command{guix build}"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10855 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11273 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11274
#, no-wrap
msgid "Common Build Options"
msgstr "Gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
msgid "Build options for most commands."
msgstr "Erstellungsoptionen für die meisten Befehle."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11010 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11428 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11429
#, no-wrap
msgid "Package Transformation Options"
msgstr "Paketumwandlungsoptionen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
msgid "Creating variants of packages."
msgstr "Varianten von Paketen erzeugen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11381 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11799 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11800
#, no-wrap
msgid "Additional Build Options"
msgstr "Zusätzliche Erstellungsoptionen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
msgid "Options specific to 'guix build'."
msgstr "Optionen spezifisch für „guix build“."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11619 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12037 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12038
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debugging Build Failures"
msgstr "Fehlschläge beim Erstellen untersuchen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
msgid "Real life packaging experience."
msgstr "Praxiserfahrung bei der Paketerstellung."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14324 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14785 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14786
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using the Configuration System"
msgstr "Das Konfigurationssystem nutzen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Customizing your GNU system."
msgstr "Ihr GNU-System anpassen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15036
#, no-wrap
msgid "operating-system Reference"
msgstr "„operating-system“-Referenz"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Detail of operating-system declarations."
msgstr "Details der Betriebssystem-Deklarationen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14798 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15259 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15260
#, no-wrap
msgid "File Systems"
msgstr "Dateisysteme"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Configuring file system mounts."
msgstr "Die Dateisystemeinbindungen konfigurieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15151 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15612 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15613
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mapped Devices"
msgstr "Zugeordnete Geräte"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Block device extra processing."
msgstr "Näheres zu blockorientierten Speichermedien."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15300 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15761 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15762
#, no-wrap
msgid "Swap Space"
msgstr "Swap-Speicher"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Backing RAM with disk space."
msgstr "Arbeitsspeicher auslagern."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15400 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15878 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15879
#, no-wrap
msgid "User Accounts"
msgstr "Benutzerkonten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Specifying user accounts."
msgstr "Benutzerkonten festlegen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2308
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15581
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16060
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard Layout"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "How the system interprets key strokes."
msgstr "Wie das System Tastendrücke interpretiert."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1835
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15727
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16206
#, no-wrap
msgid "Locales"
msgstr "Locales"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Language and cultural convention settings."
msgstr "Sprache und kulturelle Konventionen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:345
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15867
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16346
#, no-wrap
msgid "Services"
msgstr "Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Specifying system services."
msgstr "Systemdienste festlegen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34056 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34607 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34608
#, no-wrap
msgid "Setuid Programs"
msgstr "Setuid-Programme"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Programs running with root privileges."
msgstr "Mit Administratorrechten startende Programme."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1984
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34140
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34694
#, no-wrap
msgid "X.509 Certificates"
msgstr "X.509-Zertifikate"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Authenticating HTTPS servers."
msgstr "HTTPS-Server authentifizieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1878
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34203
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34757
#, no-wrap
msgid "Name Service Switch"
msgstr "Name Service Switch"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Configuring libc's name service switch."
msgstr "Den Name Service Switch von libc konfigurieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34341 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34894 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34895
#, no-wrap
msgid "Initial RAM Disk"
msgstr "Initiale RAM-Disk"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Linux-Libre bootstrapping."
msgstr "Linux-libre hochfahren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34536 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35089 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35090
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bootloader Configuration"
msgstr "Bootloader-Konfiguration"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Configuring the boot loader."
msgstr "Den Bootloader konfigurieren."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35387
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix system"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix system"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Instantiating a system configuration."
msgstr "Instanziierung einer Systemkonfiguration."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35995
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix deploy"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix deploy"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Deploying a system configuration to a remote host."
msgstr "Eine Systemkonfiguration auf einen entfernten Rechner aufspielen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36235
#, no-wrap
msgid "Running Guix in a VM"
msgstr "Guix in einer VM starten"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "How to run Guix System in a virtual machine."
msgstr "Wie man „Guix System“ in einer virtuellen Maschine startet."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:381
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35765
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36370
#, no-wrap
msgid "Defining Services"
msgstr "Dienste definieren"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14783
msgid "Adding new service definitions."
msgstr "Neue Dienstdefinitionen hinzufügen."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:342
msgid "Home Environment Configuration"
msgstr "Konfiguration Persönlicher Umgebungen"
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:343 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:344 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38168
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking guix home"
msgstr "Aufruf von guix home"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:344
msgid "Instantiating a home environment configuration."
msgstr "Eine Konfiguration der Persönlichen Umgebung instanziieren."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15953 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16431 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16432
#, no-wrap
msgid "Base Services"
msgstr "Basisdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Essential system services."
msgstr "Essenzielle Systemdienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16880 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17367 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17368
#, no-wrap
msgid "Scheduled Job Execution"
msgstr "Geplante Auftragsausführung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "The mcron service."
msgstr "Der mcron-Dienst."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17030 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17517 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17518
#, no-wrap
msgid "Log Rotation"
msgstr "Log-Rotation"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "The rottlog service."
msgstr "Der rottlog-Dienst."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17143 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17630 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17631
#, no-wrap
msgid "Networking Setup"
msgstr "Netzwerkeinrichtung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Setting up network interfaces."
msgstr "Netzwerkschnittstellen verbinden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17561 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18048 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18049
#, no-wrap
msgid "Networking Services"
msgstr "Netzwerkdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Firewall, SSH daemon, etc."
msgstr "Firewall, SSH-Daemon etc."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19020 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19507 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19508
#, no-wrap
msgid "Unattended Upgrades"
msgstr "Unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Automated system upgrades."
msgstr "Automatische Systemaktualisierungen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19158 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19645 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19646
#, no-wrap
msgid "X Window"
msgstr "X Window"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Graphical display."
msgstr "Grafische Anzeige."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19556 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20043 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20044
#, no-wrap
msgid "Printing Services"
msgstr "Druckdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Local and remote printer support."
msgstr "Unterstützung für lokale und entfernte Drucker."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20409 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20897
#, no-wrap
msgid "Desktop Services"
msgstr "Desktop-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "D-Bus and desktop services."
msgstr "D-Bus- und Desktop-Dienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20928 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21415 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21416
#, no-wrap
msgid "Sound Services"
msgstr "Tondienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "ALSA and Pulseaudio services."
msgstr "Dienste für ALSA und Pulseaudio."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21068 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21588 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21589
#, no-wrap
msgid "Database Services"
msgstr "Datenbankdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "SQL databases, key-value stores, etc."
msgstr "SQL-Datenbanken, Schlüssel-Wert-Speicher etc."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21403 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21923 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21924
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mail Services"
msgstr "Mail-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and all that."
msgstr "IMAP, POP3, SMTP und so weiter."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23262 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23782 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23783
#, no-wrap
msgid "Messaging Services"
msgstr "Kurznachrichtendienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Messaging services."
msgstr "Dienste für Kurznachrichten."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23765 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24285 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24286
#, no-wrap
msgid "Telephony Services"
msgstr "Telefondienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Telephony services."
msgstr "Telefoniedienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24996 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25516 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25517
#, no-wrap
msgid "Monitoring Services"
msgstr "Systemüberwachungsdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Monitoring services."
msgstr "Dienste zur Systemüberwachung."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25507 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25937 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25938
#, no-wrap
msgid "Kerberos Services"
msgstr "Kerberos-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Kerberos services."
msgstr "Kerberos-Dienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25633 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26063 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26064
#, no-wrap
msgid "LDAP Services"
msgstr "LDAP-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "LDAP services."
msgstr "LDAP-Dienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26112 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26542 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26543
#, no-wrap
msgid "Web Services"
msgstr "Web-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Web servers."
msgstr "Web-Server."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27320 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27753 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27754
#, no-wrap
msgid "Certificate Services"
msgstr "Zertifikatsdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "TLS certificates via Let's Encrypt."
msgstr "TLS-Zertifikate via Let’s Encrypt."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27501 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27934 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27935
#, no-wrap
msgid "DNS Services"
msgstr "DNS-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "DNS daemons."
msgstr "DNS-Daemons."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28246 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28679 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28680
#, no-wrap
msgid "VPN Services"
msgstr "VPN-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "VPN daemons."
msgstr "VPN-Daemons."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28758 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29191 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29192
#, no-wrap
msgid "Network File System"
msgstr "Network File System"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "NFS related services."
msgstr "Dienste mit Bezug zum Netzwerkdateisystem."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28954 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29388
#, no-wrap
msgid "Continuous Integration"
msgstr "Kontinuierliche Integration"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Cuirass and Laminar services."
msgstr "Cuirass- und Laminar-Dienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29240 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29673 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29674
#, no-wrap
msgid "Power Management Services"
msgstr "Dienste zur Stromverbrauchsverwaltung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Extending battery life."
msgstr "Den Akku schonen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29774 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30235 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30236
#, no-wrap
msgid "Audio Services"
msgstr "Audio-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "The MPD."
msgstr "Der MPD."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29893 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30354 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30355
#, no-wrap
msgid "Virtualization Services"
msgstr "Virtualisierungsdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Virtualization services."
msgstr "Dienste für virtuelle Maschinen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31561 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32026 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32027
#, no-wrap
msgid "Version Control Services"
msgstr "Versionskontrolldienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Providing remote access to Git repositories."
msgstr "Entfernten Zugang zu Git-Repositorys bieten."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32897 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33362 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33363
#, no-wrap
msgid "Game Services"
msgstr "Spieldienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Game servers."
msgstr "Spielserver."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32929 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33394 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33395
#, no-wrap
msgid "PAM Mount Service"
msgstr "PAM-Einbindedienst"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Service to mount volumes when logging in."
msgstr "Dienst, um Datenträger beim Anmelden einzubinden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33012 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33477 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33478
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix Services"
msgstr "Guix-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Services relating specifically to Guix."
msgstr "Dienste, die speziell mit Guix zu tun haben."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33290 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33841 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33842
#, no-wrap
msgid "Linux Services"
msgstr "Linux-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Services tied to the Linux kernel."
msgstr "Dienste nur für Systeme mit Linux-Kernel."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33517 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34068 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34069
#, no-wrap
msgid "Hurd Services"
msgstr "Hurd-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Services specific for a Hurd System."
msgstr "Dienste, die nur Hurd-Systeme betreffen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33559 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34110 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34111
#, no-wrap
msgid "Miscellaneous Services"
msgstr "Verschiedene Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:380 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "Other services."
msgstr "Andere Dienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35780 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36384 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36385
#, no-wrap
msgid "Service Composition"
msgstr "Dienstkompositionen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
msgid "The model for composing services."
msgstr "Wie Dienste zusammengestellt werden."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35836 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36440 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36441
#, no-wrap
msgid "Service Types and Services"
msgstr "Diensttypen und Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
msgid "Types and services."
msgstr "Typen und Dienste."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35973 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36577 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36578
#, no-wrap
msgid "Service Reference"
msgstr "Service-Referenz"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
msgid "API reference."
msgstr "Referenz zur Programmierschnittstelle."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36292 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36897
#, no-wrap
msgid "Shepherd Services"
msgstr "Shepherd-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
msgid "A particular type of service."
msgstr "Eine spezielle Art von Dienst."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37115 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37116
#, no-wrap
msgid "Complex Configurations"
msgstr "Komplizierte Konfigurationen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:387 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:388 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36382
msgid "Defining bindings for complex configurations."
msgstr "Die Anbindungen für komplizierte Konfigurationen definieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:392 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37804
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37806 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:393 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38489 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38490
#, no-wrap
msgid "Separate Debug Info"
msgstr "Fehlersuchinformationen abtrennen"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:392 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:393 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38487
msgid "Installing 'debug' outputs."
msgstr "‚debug‘-Ausgaben installieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:392 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37804
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37879 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:393 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38562 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38563
#, no-wrap
msgid "Rebuilding Debug Info"
msgstr "Fehlersuchinformationen erneuern"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:392 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:393 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38487
msgid "Building missing debug info."
msgstr "Fehlende Informationen zur Fehlersuche erstellen."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:397 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38096
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:398 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38781
#, no-wrap
msgid "Reduced Binary Seed Bootstrap"
msgstr "Bootstrapping mit kleinerem Seed"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:397 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:398 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38779
msgid "A Bootstrap worthy of GNU."
msgstr "Ein Bootstrapping, wie GNU es verdient."
# Commas in node names would prevent the terminal info viewer from following links.
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:397 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38096
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38173 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:398 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38856 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38857
#, no-wrap
msgid "Preparing to Use the Bootstrap Binaries"
msgstr "Vorbereitung zur Verwendung der Bootstrap-Binärdateien"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:397 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:398 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38779
msgid "Building that what matters most."
msgstr "Das Allerwichtigste erstellen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:406
#, no-wrap
msgid "purpose"
msgstr "Zweck"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:414
msgid "GNU Guix@footnote{``Guix'' is pronounced like ``geeks'', or ``ɡiːks'' using the international phonetic alphabet (IPA).} is a package management tool for and distribution of the GNU system. Guix makes it easy for unprivileged users to install, upgrade, or remove software packages, to roll back to a previous package set, to build packages from source, and generally assists with the creation and maintenance of software environments."
msgstr "GNU Guix@footnote{„Guix“ wird wie „geeks“ ausgesprochen, also als „ɡiːks“ in der Notation des Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabets (IPA).} ist ein Werkzeug zur Verwaltung von Softwarepaketen für das GNU-System und eine Distribution (eine „Verteilung“) desselbigen GNU-Systems. Guix macht es @emph{nicht} mit besonderen Berechtigungen ausgestatteten, „unprivilegierten“ Nutzern leicht, Softwarepakete zu installieren, zu aktualisieren oder zu entfernen, zu einem vorherigen Satz von Paketen zurückzuwechseln, Pakete aus ihrem Quellcode heraus zu erstellen und hilft allgemein bei der Erzeugung und Wartung von Software-Umgebungen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:414 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:415 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:490
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix System"
msgstr "Guix System"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:416
#, no-wrap
msgid "GuixSD, now Guix System"
msgstr "GuixSD, was jetzt Guix System heißt"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:417
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix System Distribution, now Guix System"
msgstr "Guix System Distribution, welche jetzt Guix System heißt"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:426
msgid "You can install GNU@tie{}Guix on top of an existing GNU/Linux system where it complements the available tools without interference (@pxref{Installation}), or you can use it as a standalone operating system distribution, @dfn{Guix@tie{}System}@footnote{We used to refer to Guix System as ``Guix System Distribution'' or ``GuixSD''. We now consider it makes more sense to group everything under the ``Guix'' banner since, after all, Guix System is readily available through the @command{guix system} command, even if you're using a different distro underneath!}. @xref{GNU Distribution}."
msgstr "Sie können GNU@tie{}Guix auf ein bestehendes GNU/Linux-System aufsetzen, wo es die bereits verfügbaren Werkzeuge ergänzt, ohne zu stören (siehe @ref{Installation}), oder Sie können es als eine eigenständige Betriebssystem-Distribution namens @dfn{Guix@tie{}System} verwenden@footnote{Der Name @dfn{Guix@tie{}System} wird auf englische Weise ausgesprochen. Früher hatten wir „Guix System“ als „Guix System Distribution“ bezeichnet und mit „GuixSD“ abgekürzt. Wir denken mittlerweile aber, dass es sinnvoller ist, alles unter der Fahne von Guix zu gruppieren, weil schließlich „Guix System“ auch über den Befehl @command{guix system} verfügbar ist, selbst wenn Sie Guix auf einer fremden Distribution benutzen!}. Siehe @ref{GNU Distribution}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:435
#, no-wrap
msgid "user interfaces"
msgstr "Benutzeroberflächen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:441
msgid "Guix provides a command-line package management interface (@pxref{Package Management}), tools to help with software development (@pxref{Development}), command-line utilities for more advanced usage (@pxref{Utilities}), as well as Scheme programming interfaces (@pxref{Programming Interface})."
msgstr "Guix bietet eine befehlszeilenbasierte Paketverwaltungsschnittstelle (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}), Werkzeuge als Hilfestellung bei der Software-Entwicklung (siehe @ref{Development}), Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge für fortgeschrittenere Nutzung (siehe @ref{Utilities}) sowie Schnittstellen zur Programmierung in Scheme (siehe @ref{Programming Interface})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:441
#, no-wrap
msgid "build daemon"
msgstr "Erstellungs-Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:445
msgid "Its @dfn{build daemon} is responsible for building packages on behalf of users (@pxref{Setting Up the Daemon}) and for downloading pre-built binaries from authorized sources (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Der @dfn{Erstellungs-Daemon} ist für das Erstellen von Paketen im Auftrag von Nutzern verantwortlich (siehe @ref{Setting Up the Daemon}) und für das Herunterladen vorerstellter Binärdateien aus autorisierten Quellen (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:446
#, no-wrap
msgid "extensibility of the distribution"
msgstr "Erweiterbarkeit der Distribution"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:446 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:447 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6929
#, no-wrap
msgid "customization, of packages"
msgstr "Anpassung, von Paketen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:456
msgid "Guix includes package definitions for many GNU and non-GNU packages, all of which @uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, respect the user's computing freedom}. It is @emph{extensible}: users can write their own package definitions (@pxref{Defining Packages}) and make them available as independent package modules (@pxref{Package Modules}). It is also @emph{customizable}: users can @emph{derive} specialized package definitions from existing ones, including from the command line (@pxref{Package Transformation Options})."
msgstr "Guix enthält Paketdefinitionen für viele Pakete, manche aus GNU und andere nicht aus GNU, die alle @uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, die Freiheit des Computernutzers respektieren}. Es ist @emph{erweiterbar}: Nutzer können ihre eigenen Paketdefinitionen schreiben (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}) und sie als unabhängige Paketmodule verfügbar machen (siehe @ref{Package Modules}). Es ist auch @emph{anpassbar}: Nutzer können spezialisierte Paketdefinitionen aus bestehenden @emph{ableiten}, auch von der Befehlszeile (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:457
#, no-wrap
msgid "functional package management"
msgstr "funktionale Paketverwaltung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:458
#, no-wrap
msgid "isolation"
msgstr "Isolierung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:473
msgid "Under the hood, Guix implements the @dfn{functional package management} discipline pioneered by Nix (@pxref{Acknowledgments}). In Guix, the package build and installation process is seen as a @emph{function}, in the mathematical sense. That function takes inputs, such as build scripts, a compiler, and libraries, and returns an installed package. As a pure function, its result depends solely on its inputs---for instance, it cannot refer to software or scripts that were not explicitly passed as inputs. A build function always produces the same result when passed a given set of inputs. It cannot alter the environment of the running system in any way; for instance, it cannot create, modify, or delete files outside of its build and installation directories. This is achieved by running build processes in isolated environments (or @dfn{containers}), where only their explicit inputs are visible."
msgstr "Intern implementiert Guix die Disziplin der @dfn{funktionalen Paketverwaltung}, zu der Nix schon die Pionierarbeit geleistet hat (siehe @ref{Acknowledgments}). In Guix wird der Prozess, ein Paket zu erstellen und zu installieren, als eine @emph{Funktion} im mathematischen Sinn aufgefasst. Diese Funktion hat Eingaben, wie zum Beispiel Erstellungs-Skripts, einen Compiler und Bibliotheken, und liefert ein installiertes Paket. Als eine reine Funktion hängt sein Ergebnis allein von seinen Eingaben ab@tie{}— zum Beispiel kann er nicht auf Software oder Skripts Bezug nehmen, die nicht ausdrücklich als Eingaben übergeben wurden. Eine Erstellungsfunktion führt immer zum selben Ergebnis, wenn ihr die gleiche Menge an Eingaben übergeben wurde. Sie kann die Umgebung des laufenden Systems auf keine Weise beeinflussen, zum Beispiel kann sie keine Dateien außerhalb ihrer Erstellungs- und Installationsverzeichnisse verändern. Um dies zu erreichen, laufen Erstellungsprozesse in isolierten Umgebungen (sogenannte @dfn{Container}), wo nur ausdrückliche Eingaben sichtbar sind."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:473 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:474 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9790
#, no-wrap
msgid "store"
msgstr "Store"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:481
msgid "The result of package build functions is @dfn{cached} in the file system, in a special directory called @dfn{the store} (@pxref{The Store}). Each package is installed in a directory of its own in the store---by default under @file{/gnu/store}. The directory name contains a hash of all the inputs used to build that package; thus, changing an input yields a different directory name."
msgstr "Das Ergebnis von Paketerstellungsfunktionen wird im Dateisystem @dfn{zwischengespeichert} in einem besonderen Verzeichnis, was als @dfn{der Store} bezeichnet wird (siehe @ref{The Store}). Jedes Paket wird in sein eigenes Verzeichnis im Store installiert@tie{}— standardmäßig ist er unter @file{/gnu/store} zu finden. Der Verzeichnisname enthält einen Hash aller Eingaben, anhand derer das Paket erzeugt wurde, somit hat das Ändern einer Eingabe einen völlig anderen Verzeichnisnamen zur Folge."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:485
msgid "This approach is the foundation for the salient features of Guix: support for transactional package upgrade and rollback, per-user installation, and garbage collection of packages (@pxref{Features})."
msgstr "Dieses Vorgehen ist die Grundlage für die Guix auszeichnenden Funktionalitäten: Unterstützung transaktionsbasierter Paketaktualisierungen und -rücksetzungen, Installation von Paketen für jeden Nutzer sowie Garbage Collection für Pakete (siehe @ref{Features})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:500
msgid "Guix comes with a distribution of the GNU system consisting entirely of free software@footnote{The term ``free'' here refers to the @url{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html,freedom provided to users of that software}.}. The distribution can be installed on its own (@pxref{System Installation}), but it is also possible to install Guix as a package manager on top of an installed GNU/Linux system (@pxref{Installation}). When we need to distinguish between the two, we refer to the standalone distribution as Guix@tie{}System."
msgstr "Mit Guix kommt eine Distribution des GNU-Systems, die nur aus freier Software@footnote{Die Bezeichnung „frei“ steht hier für die @url{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html,Freiheiten@comma{} die Nutzern der Software geboten werden}.} besteht. Die Distribution kann für sich allein installiert werden (siehe @ref{System Installation}), aber Guix kann auch auf einem bestehenden GNU/Linux-System installiert werden. Wenn wir die Anwendungsfälle unterscheiden möchten, bezeichnen wir die alleinstehende Distribution als „Guix@tie{}System“ (mit englischer Aussprache)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:506
msgid "The distribution provides core GNU packages such as GNU libc, GCC, and Binutils, as well as many GNU and non-GNU applications. The complete list of available packages can be browsed @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/packages,on-line} or by running @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}):"
msgstr "Die Distribution stellt den Kern der GNU-Pakete, also insbesondere GNU libc, GCC und Binutils, sowie zahlreiche zum GNU-Projekt gehörende und nicht dazu gehörende Anwendungen zur Verfügung. Die vollständige Liste verfügbarer Pakete können Sie @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/packages,online} einsehen, oder indem Sie @command{guix package} ausführen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:509
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package --list-available\n"
msgstr "guix package --list-available\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:515
msgid "Our goal is to provide a practical 100% free software distribution of Linux-based and other variants of GNU, with a focus on the promotion and tight integration of GNU components, and an emphasis on programs and tools that help users exert that freedom."
msgstr "Unser Ziel ist, eine zu 100% freie Software-Distribution von Linux-basierten und von anderen GNU-Varianten anzubieten, mit dem Fokus darauf, das GNU-Projekt und die enge Zusammenarbeit seiner Bestandteile zu befördern, sowie die Programme und Werkzeuge hervorzuheben, die die Nutzer dabei unterstützen, von dieser Freiheit Gebrauch zu machen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:517
msgid "Packages are currently available on the following platforms:"
msgstr "Pakete sind zurzeit auf folgenden Plattformen verfügbar:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:519 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:520 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2188
#, no-wrap
msgid "x86_64-linux"
msgstr "x86_64-linux"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:522
msgid "Intel/AMD @code{x86_64} architecture, Linux-Libre kernel."
msgstr "Intel/AMD-@code{x86_64}-Architektur, Linux-Libre als Kernel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:522 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:523 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2191
#, no-wrap
msgid "i686-linux"
msgstr "i686-linux"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:525
msgid "Intel 32-bit architecture (IA32), Linux-Libre kernel."
msgstr "Intel-32-Bit-Architektur (IA-32), Linux-Libre als Kernel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:526
#, no-wrap
msgid "armhf-linux"
msgstr "armhf-linux"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:530
msgid "ARMv7-A architecture with hard float, Thumb-2 and NEON, using the EABI hard-float application binary interface (ABI), and Linux-Libre kernel."
msgstr "ARMv7-A-Architektur mit „hard float“, Thumb-2 und NEON, für die EABI „hard-float application binary interface“, mit Linux-Libre als Kernel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:531
#, no-wrap
msgid "aarch64-linux"
msgstr "aarch64-linux"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:533
msgid "little-endian 64-bit ARMv8-A processors, Linux-Libre kernel."
msgstr "64-Bit-ARMv8-A-Prozessoren, little-endian, mit Linux-Libre als Kernel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:534
#, no-wrap
msgid "i586-gnu"
msgstr "i586-gnu"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:537
msgid "@uref{https://hurd.gnu.org, GNU/Hurd} on the Intel 32-bit architecture (IA32)."
msgstr "@uref{https://hurd.gnu.org, GNU/Hurd} auf der Intel-32-Bit-Architektur (IA32)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:543
msgid "This configuration is experimental and under development. The easiest way for you to give it a try is by setting up an instance of @code{hurd-vm-service-type} on your GNU/Linux machine (@pxref{transparent-emulation-qemu, @code{hurd-vm-service-type}}). @xref{Contributing}, on how to help!"
msgstr "Diese Konfiguration ist experimentell und befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung. Wenn Sie sie ausprobieren möchten, ist es am einfachsten, eine Instanz des Diensttyps @code{hurd-vm-service-type} auf Ihrer GNU/Linux-Maschine einzurichten (siehe @ref{transparent-emulation-qemu, @code{hurd-vm-service-type}}). Siehe auch @ref{Contributing} für Informationen, wie Sie helfen können!"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:544
#, no-wrap
msgid "mips64el-linux (unsupported)"
msgstr "mips64el-linux (eingeschränkte Unterstützung)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:550
msgid "little-endian 64-bit MIPS processors, specifically the Loongson series, n32 ABI, and Linux-Libre kernel. This configuration is no longer fully supported; in particular, there is no ongoing work to ensure that this architecture still works. Should someone decide they wish to revive this architecture then the code is still available."
msgstr "64-Bit-MIPS-Prozessoren, little-endian, speziell die Loongson-Reihe, n32-ABI, mit Linux-Libre als Kernel. Diese Konfiguration wird nicht länger in vollem Umfang unterstützt; insbesondere gibt es @emph{keine} laufenden Bemühungen, die Funktionsfähigkeit dieser Architektur sicherzustellen. Wenn sich jemand findet, der diese Architektur wiederbeleben will, dann ist der Code dafür noch verfügbar."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:551
#, no-wrap
msgid "powerpc-linux (unsupported)"
msgstr "powerpc-linux (eingeschränkte Unterstützung)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:556
msgid "big-endian 32-bit PowerPC processors, specifically the PowerPC G4 with AltiVec support, and Linux-Libre kernel. This configuration is not fully supported and there is no ongoing work to ensure this architecture works."
msgstr "32-Bit-PowerPC-Prozessoren, big-endian, speziell der PowerPC G4 mit AltiVec, mit Linux-Libre als Kernel. Diese Konfiguration wird @emph{nicht} in vollem Umfang unterstützt und es gibt @emph{keine} laufenden Bemühungen, die Funktionsfähigkeit dieser Architektur sicherzustellen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:567
msgid "little-endian 64-bit Power ISA processors, Linux-Libre kernel. This includes POWER9 systems such as the @uref{https://www.fsf.org/news/talos-ii-mainboard-and-talos-ii-lite-mainboard-now-fsf-certified-to-respect-your-freedom, RYF Talos II mainboard}. This platform is available as a \"technology preview\": although it is supported, substitutes are not yet available from the build farm (@pxref{Substitutes}), and some packages may fail to build (@pxref{Tracking Bugs and Patches}). That said, the Guix community is actively working on improving this support, and now is a great time to try it and get involved!"
msgstr "64-Bit-Prozessoren mit Power-Befehlssatz, little-endian, mit Linux-Libre als Kernel. Dazu gehören POWER9-Systeme wie die @uref{https://www.fsf.org/news/talos-ii-mainboard-and-talos-ii-lite-mainboard-now-fsf-certified-to-respect-your-freedom, RYF-zertifizierte Talos-II-Hauptplatine}. Bei der Plattform handelt es sich um eine „Technologievorschau“; obwohl sie unterstützt wird, gibt es noch keine Substitute von der Erstellungsfarm (siehe @ref{Substitutes}) und bei manchen Paketen könnte die Erstellung fehlschlagen (siehe @ref{Tracking Bugs and Patches}). Dennoch arbeitet die Guix-Gemeinde aktiv daran, diese Unterstützung auszubauen, und jetzt ist eine gute Gelegenheit, sie auszuprobieren und mitzumachen!"
-#. type: Plain text
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:568
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "riscv64-linux"
+msgstr "riscv64-linux"
+#. type: table
#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:576
+msgid "little-endian 64-bit RISC-V processors, specifically RV64GC, and Linux-Libre kernel. This playform is available as a \"technology preview\": although it is supported, substitutes are not yet available from the build farm (@pxref{Substitutes}), and some packages may fail to build (@pxref{Tracking Bugs and Patches}). That said, the Guix community is actively working on improving this support, and now is a great time to try it and get involved!"
+msgstr "64-Bit-Prozessoren mit RISC-V-Befehlssatz, little-endian, speziell der RV64GC, mit Linux-Libre als Kernel. Bei der Plattform handelt es sich um eine „Technologievorschau“; obwohl sie unterstützt wird, gibt es noch keine Substitute von der Erstellungsfarm (siehe @ref{Substitutes}) und bei manchen Paketen könnte die Erstellung fehlschlagen (siehe @ref{Tracking Bugs and Patches}). Dennoch arbeitet die Guix-Gemeinde aktiv daran, diese Unterstützung auszubauen, und jetzt ist eine gute Gelegenheit, sie auszuprobieren und mitzumachen!"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:586
msgid "With Guix@tie{}System, you @emph{declare} all aspects of the operating system configuration and Guix takes care of instantiating the configuration in a transactional, reproducible, and stateless fashion (@pxref{System Configuration}). Guix System uses the Linux-libre kernel, the Shepherd initialization system (@pxref{Introduction,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}), the well-known GNU utilities and tool chain, as well as the graphical environment or system services of your choice."
msgstr "Mit Guix@tie{}System @emph{deklarieren} Sie alle Aspekte der Betriebssystemkonfiguration und Guix kümmert sich darum, die Konfiguration auf transaktionsbasierte, reproduzierbare und zustandslose Weise zu instanziieren (siehe @ref{System Configuration}). Guix System benutzt den Kernel Linux-libre, das Shepherd-Initialisierungssystem (siehe @ref{Introduction,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}), die wohlbekannten GNU-Werkzeuge mit der zugehörigen Werkzeugkette sowie die grafische Umgebung und Systemdienste Ihrer Wahl."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:579
-msgid "Guix System is available on all the above platforms except @code{mips64el-linux} and @code{powerpc64le-linux}."
-msgstr "Guix System ist auf allen oben genannten Plattformen außer @code{mips64el-linux} und @code{powerpc64le-linux} verfügbar."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:590
+msgid "Guix System is available on all the above platforms except @code{mips64el-linux}, @code{powerpc-linux}, @code{powerpc64le-linux} and @code{riscv64-linux}."
+msgstr "Guix System ist auf allen oben genannten Plattformen außer @code{mips64el-linux}, @code{powerpc-linux}, @code{powerpc64le-linux} und @code{riscv64-linux} verfügbar."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:594
msgid "For information on porting to other architectures or kernels, @pxref{Porting}."
msgstr "Informationen, wie auf andere Architekturen oder Kernels portiert werden kann, finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Porting}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:597
msgid "Building this distribution is a cooperative effort, and you are invited to join! @xref{Contributing}, for information about how you can help."
msgstr "Diese Distribution aufzubauen basiert auf Kooperation, und Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, dabei mitzumachen! Im Abschnitt @ref{Contributing} stehen weitere Informationen, wie Sie uns helfen können."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:603
#, no-wrap
msgid "installing Guix"
msgstr "Guix installieren"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:615
msgid "We recommend the use of this @uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh, shell installer script} to install Guix on top of a running GNU/Linux system, thereafter called a @dfn{foreign distro}.@footnote{This section is concerned with the installation of the package manager, which can be done on top of a running GNU/Linux system. If, instead, you want to install the complete GNU operating system, @pxref{System Installation}.} The script automates the download, installation, and initial configuration of Guix. It should be run as the root user."
msgstr "Wir empfehlen, dieses @uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh, Shell-basierte Installationsskript} zu benutzen, um Guix auf ein bestehendes GNU/Linux-System zu installieren@tie{}— im Folgenden als @dfn{Fremddistribution} bezeichnet.@footnote{Dieser Abschnitt bezieht sich auf die Installation des Paketverwaltungswerkzeugs, das auf ein bestehendes GNU/Linux-System aufsetzend installiert werden kann. Wenn Sie stattdessen das vollständige GNU-Betriebssystem installieren möchten, lesen Sie @ref{System Installation}.} Das Skript automatisiert das Herunterladen, das Installieren und die anfängliche Konfiguration von Guix. Es sollte als der Administratornutzer „root“ ausgeführt werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:606 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:617 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1847
#, no-wrap
msgid "foreign distro"
msgstr "Fremddistribution"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:618
#, no-wrap
msgid "directories related to foreign distro"
msgstr "Verzeichnisse auf einer Fremddistribution"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:623
msgid "When installed on a foreign distro, GNU@tie{}Guix complements the available tools without interference. Its data lives exclusively in two directories, usually @file{/gnu/store} and @file{/var/guix}; other files on your system, such as @file{/etc}, are left untouched."
msgstr "Wenn es auf einer Fremddistribution installiert wird, ergänzt GNU@tie{}Guix die verfügbaren Werkzeuge, ohne dass sie sich gegenseitig stören. Guix’ Daten befinden sich ausschließlich in zwei Verzeichnissen, üblicherweise @file{/gnu/store} und @file{/var/guix}; andere Dateien auf Ihrem System wie @file{/etc} bleiben unberührt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:626
msgid "Once installed, Guix can be updated by running @command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull})."
msgstr "Sobald es installiert ist, kann Guix durch Ausführen von @command{guix pull} aktualisiert werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:631
msgid "If you prefer to perform the installation steps manually or want to tweak them, you may find the following subsections useful. They describe the software requirements of Guix, as well as how to install it manually and get ready to use it."
msgstr "Sollten Sie es vorziehen, die Installationsschritte manuell durchzuführen, oder falls Sie Anpassungen daran vornehmen möchten, könnten sich die folgenden Unterabschnitte als nützlich erweisen. Diese beschreiben die Software-Voraussetzungen von Guix und wie man es manuell installiert, so dass man es benutzen kann."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:645
#, no-wrap
msgid "installing Guix from binaries"
msgstr "Guix aus Binärdateien installieren"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:646
#, no-wrap
msgid "installer script"
msgstr "Installations-Skript"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:652
msgid "This section describes how to install Guix on an arbitrary system from a self-contained tarball providing binaries for Guix and for all its dependencies. This is often quicker than installing from source, which is described in the next sections. The only requirement is to have GNU@tie{}tar and Xz."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie sich Guix auf einem beliebigen System aus einem alle Komponenten umfassenden Tarball installieren lässt, der Binärdateien für Guix und all seine Abhängigkeiten liefert. Dies geht in der Regel schneller, als Guix aus seinen Quelldateien zu installieren, was in den nächsten Abschnitten beschrieben wird. Vorausgesetzt wird hier lediglich, dass GNU@tie{}tar und Xz verfügbar sind."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:660
msgid "We recommend the use of this @uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh, shell installer script}. The script automates the download, installation, and initial configuration steps described below. It should be run as the root user. As root, you can thus run this:"
msgstr "Wir empfehlen, dass Sie dieses @uref{https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/plain/etc/guix-install.sh, Installations-Skript für die Shell} verwenden, welches Guix automatisch herunterlädt, installiert und eine erste Konfiguration von Guix mit sich bringt. Es sollte als der Administratornutzer (als „root“) ausgeführt werden."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:666
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"cd /tmp\n"
@@ -5338,33 +5441,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:670
msgid "When you're done, @pxref{Application Setup} for extra configuration you might need, and @ref{Getting Started} for your first steps!"
msgstr "Wenn Sie das erledigt haben, werfen Sie einen Blick auf @ref{Application Setup} für weitere Einstellungen, die Sie vielleicht vornehmen möchten, und lesen Sie die ersten Schritte im @ref{Getting Started}, um loszulegen!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:673
msgid "Installing goes along these lines:"
msgstr "Die Installation läuft so ab:"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:676
#, no-wrap
msgid "downloading Guix binary"
msgstr "Guix-Binärdatei herunterladen"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:671
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:682
msgid "Download the binary tarball from @indicateurl{@value{BASE-URL}/guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.tar.xz}, where @code{x86_64-linux} can be replaced with @code{i686-linux} for an @code{i686} (32-bits) machine already running the kernel Linux, and so on (@pxref{GNU Distribution})."
msgstr "Laden Sie den binären Tarball von @indicateurl{@value{BASE-URL}/guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.tar.xz} herunte. Falls Sie Guix auf einer Maschine mit @code{i686}-Architektur (32@tie{}Bit) einrichten, auf der bereits der Linux-Kernel läuft, ersetzen Sie @code{x86_64-linux} durch @code{i686-linux} oder entsprechend für andere Maschinen (siehe @ref{GNU Distribution})."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:686
msgid "Make sure to download the associated @file{.sig} file and to verify the authenticity of the tarball against it, along these lines:"
msgstr "Achten Sie darauf, auch die zugehörige @file{.sig}-Datei herunterzuladen und verifizieren Sie damit die Authentizität des Tarballs, ungefähr so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget @value{BASE-URL}/guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.tar.xz.sig\n"
@@ -5374,12 +5477,12 @@ msgstr ""
"$ gpg --verify guix-binary-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.tar.xz.sig\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:683 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:694 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2206
msgid "If that command fails because you do not have the required public key, then run this command to import it:"
msgstr "Falls dieser Befehl fehlschlägt, weil Sie nicht über den nötigen öffentlichen Schlüssel verfügen, können Sie ihn mit diesem Befehl importieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:698
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget '@value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-URL}' \\\n"
@@ -5389,22 +5492,22 @@ msgstr ""
" -qO - | gpg --import -\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:691 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:702 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2214
msgid "and rerun the @code{gpg --verify} command."
msgstr "und den Befehl @code{gpg --verify} erneut ausführen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:694 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:705 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2217
msgid "Take note that a warning like ``This key is not certified with a trusted signature!'' is normal."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass eine Warnung wie „Dieser Schlüssel trägt keine vertrauenswürdige Signatur!“ normal ist."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:711
msgid "Now, you need to become the @code{root} user. Depending on your distribution, you may have to run @code{su -} or @code{sudo -i}. As @code{root}, run:"
msgstr "Nun müssen Sie zum Administratornutzer @code{root} wechseln. Abhängig von Ihrer Distribution müssen Sie dazu etwa @code{su -} oder @code{sudo -i} ausführen. Danach führen Sie als @code{root}-Nutzer aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:717
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# cd /tmp\n"
@@ -5418,27 +5521,27 @@ msgstr ""
"# mv var/guix /var/ && mv gnu /\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:722
msgid "This creates @file{/gnu/store} (@pxref{The Store}) and @file{/var/guix}. The latter contains a ready-to-use profile for @code{root} (see next step)."
msgstr "Dadurch wird @file{/gnu/store} (siehe @ref{The Store}) und @file{/var/guix} erzeugt. Letzteres enthält ein fertiges Guix-Profil für den Administratornutzer @code{root} (wie im nächsten Schritt beschrieben)."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:725
msgid "Do @emph{not} unpack the tarball on a working Guix system since that would overwrite its own essential files."
msgstr "Entpacken Sie den Tarball @emph{nicht} auf einem schon funktionierenden Guix-System, denn es würde seine eigenen essenziellen Dateien überschreiben."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:735
msgid "The @option{--warning=no-timestamp} option makes sure GNU@tie{}tar does not emit warnings about ``implausibly old time stamps'' (such warnings were triggered by GNU@tie{}tar 1.26 and older; recent versions are fine). They stem from the fact that all the files in the archive have their modification time set to 1 (which means January 1st, 1970). This is done on purpose to make sure the archive content is independent of its creation time, thus making it reproducible."
msgstr "Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--warning=no-timestamp} stellt sicher, dass GNU@tie{}tar nicht vor „unplausibel alten Zeitstempeln“ warnt (solche Warnungen traten bei GNU@tie{}tar 1.26 und älter auf, neue Versionen machen keine Probleme). Sie treten auf, weil alle Dateien im Archiv als Änderungszeitpunkt 1 eingetragen bekommen haben (das bezeichnet den 1. Januar 1970). Das ist Absicht, damit der Inhalt des Archivs nicht davon abhängt, wann es erstellt wurde, und es somit reproduzierbar wird."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:739
msgid "Make the profile available under @file{~root/.config/guix/current}, which is where @command{guix pull} will install updates (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}):"
msgstr "Machen Sie das Profil als @file{~root/.config/guix/current} verfügbar, wo @command{guix pull} es aktualisieren kann (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:744
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# mkdir -p ~root/.config/guix\n"
@@ -5450,12 +5553,12 @@ msgstr ""
" ~root/.config/guix/current\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:748
msgid "Source @file{etc/profile} to augment @env{PATH} and other relevant environment variables:"
msgstr "„Sourcen“ Sie @file{etc/profile}, um @env{PATH} und andere relevante Umgebungsvariable zu ergänzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:752
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# GUIX_PROFILE=\"`echo ~root`/.config/guix/current\" ; \\\n"
@@ -5465,22 +5568,22 @@ msgstr ""
" source $GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:757
msgid "Create the group and user accounts for build users as explained below (@pxref{Build Environment Setup})."
msgstr "Erzeugen Sie Nutzergruppe und Nutzerkonten für die Erstellungs-Benutzer wie folgt (siehe @ref{Build Environment Setup})."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:760
msgid "Run the daemon, and set it to automatically start on boot."
msgstr "Führen Sie den Daemon aus, und lassen Sie ihn automatisch bei jedem Hochfahren starten."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:763
msgid "If your host distro uses the systemd init system, this can be achieved with these commands:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre Wirts-Distribution systemd als „init“-System verwendet, können Sie das mit folgenden Befehlen veranlassen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:776
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/systemd/system/gnu-store.mount \\\n"
@@ -5494,12 +5597,12 @@ msgstr ""
"# systemctl enable --now gnu-store.mount guix-daemon\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:779
msgid "You may also want to arrange for @command{guix gc} to run periodically:"
msgstr "Außerdem, wenn Sie möchten, dass regelmäßig @command{guix gc} durchgeführt wird:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:785
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# cp ~root/.config/guix/current/lib/systemd/system/guix-gc.service \\\n"
@@ -5513,17 +5616,17 @@ msgstr ""
"# systemctl enable --now guix-gc.timer\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:789
msgid "You may want to edit @file{guix-gc.service} to adjust the command line options to fit your needs (@pxref{Invoking guix gc})."
msgstr "Vielleicht möchten Sie die in @file{guix-gc.service} verwendeten Befehlszeilenoptionen an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:780 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:791 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14201
msgid "If your host distro uses the Upstart init system:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre Wirts-Distribution als „init“-System Upstart verwendet:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:797
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# initctl reload-configuration\n"
@@ -5537,12 +5640,12 @@ msgstr ""
"# start guix-daemon\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:800
msgid "Otherwise, you can still start the daemon manually with:"
msgstr "Andernfalls können Sie den Daemon immer noch manuell starten, mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:804
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ~root/.config/guix/current/bin/guix-daemon \\\n"
@@ -5552,12 +5655,12 @@ msgstr ""
" --build-users-group=guixbuild\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:809
msgid "Make the @command{guix} command available to other users on the machine, for instance with:"
msgstr "Stellen Sie den @command{guix}-Befehl auch anderen Nutzern Ihrer Maschine zur Verfügung, zum Beispiel so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:814
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# mkdir -p /usr/local/bin\n"
@@ -5569,12 +5672,12 @@ msgstr ""
"# ln -s /var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/current-guix/bin/guix\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:818
msgid "It is also a good idea to make the Info version of this manual available there:"
msgstr "Es ist auch eine gute Idee, die Info-Version dieses Handbuchs ebenso verfügbar zu machen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:824
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# mkdir -p /usr/local/share/info\n"
@@ -5588,24 +5691,24 @@ msgstr ""
" do ln -s $i ; done\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:830
msgid "That way, assuming @file{/usr/local/share/info} is in the search path, running @command{info guix} will open this manual (@pxref{Other Info Directories,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}, for more details on changing the Info search path)."
msgstr "Auf diese Art wird, unter der Annahme, dass bei Ihnen @file{/usr/local/share/info} im Suchpfad eingetragen ist, das Ausführen von @command{info guix.de} dieses Handbuch öffnen (siehe @ref{Other Info Directories,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo} hat weitere Details, wie Sie den Info-Suchpfad ändern können)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:821 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3798
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:832 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16976
#, no-wrap
msgid "substitutes, authorization thereof"
msgstr "Substitute, deren Autorisierung"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:836
msgid "To use substitutes from @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}}, @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} or a mirror (@pxref{Substitutes}), authorize them:"
msgstr "Um Substitute von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}}, @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} oder einem Spiegelserver davon zu benutzen (siehe @ref{Substitutes}), müssen sie erst autorisiert werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:842
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# guix archive --authorize < \\\n"
@@ -5619,49 +5722,49 @@ msgstr ""
" ~root/.config/guix/current/share/guix/@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}.pub\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:849
msgid "If you do not enable substitutes, Guix will end up building @emph{everything} from source on your machine, making each installation and upgrade very expensive. @xref{On Trusting Binaries}, for a discussion of reasons why one might want do disable substitutes."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Substitute abgeschaltet lassen, muss Guix @emph{alles} auf Ihrem Rechner aus dem Quellcode heraus erstellen, wodurch jede Installation und jede Aktualisierung sehr aufwendig wird. Siehe @ref{On Trusting Binaries} für eine Erörterung, aus welchen Gründen man Substitute abschalten wollen könnte."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:854
msgid "Each user may need to perform a few additional steps to make their Guix environment ready for use, @pxref{Application Setup}."
msgstr "Alle Nutzer müssen womöglich ein paar zusätzliche Schritte ausführen, damit ihre Guix-Umgebung genutzt werden kann, siehe @ref{Application Setup}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:857
msgid "Voilà, the installation is complete!"
msgstr "Voilà, die Installation ist fertig!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:860
msgid "You can confirm that Guix is working by installing a sample package into the root profile:"
msgstr "Sie können nachprüfen, dass Guix funktioniert, indem Sie ein Beispielpaket in das root-Profil installieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:863
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix install hello\n"
msgstr "# guix install hello\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:867
msgid "The binary installation tarball can be (re)produced and verified simply by running the following command in the Guix source tree:"
msgstr "Der Tarball zur Installation aus einer Binärdatei kann einfach durch Ausführung des folgenden Befehls im Guix-Quellbaum (re-)produziert und verifiziert werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:870
#, no-wrap
msgid "make guix-binary.@var{system}.tar.xz\n"
msgstr "make guix-binary.@var{System}.tar.xz\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:874
msgid "...@: which, in turn, runs:"
msgstr "…@: was wiederum dies ausführt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:878
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix pack -s @var{system} --localstatedir \\\n"
@@ -5671,223 +5774,228 @@ msgstr ""
" --profile-name=current-guix guix\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:881
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix pack}, for more info on this handy tool."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix pack} für weitere Informationen zu diesem praktischen Werkzeug."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:889
msgid "This section lists requirements when building Guix from source. The build procedure for Guix is the same as for other GNU software, and is not covered here. Please see the files @file{README} and @file{INSTALL} in the Guix source tree for additional details."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt listet Voraussetzungen auf, um Guix aus seinem Quellcode zu erstellen. Der Erstellungsprozess für Guix ist derselbe wie für andere GNU-Software und wird hier nicht beschrieben. Bitte lesen Sie die Dateien @file{README} und @file{INSTALL} im Guix-Quellbaum, um weitere Details zu erfahren."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:890
#, no-wrap
msgid "official website"
msgstr "Offizieller Webauftritt"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:893
msgid "GNU Guix is available for download from its website at @url{https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/}."
msgstr "GNU Guix kann von seinem Webauftritt unter @url{http://www.gnu.org/software/guix/} heruntergeladen werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:895
msgid "GNU Guix depends on the following packages:"
msgstr "GNU Guix hat folgende Pakete als Abhängigkeiten:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:897
#, no-wrap
-msgid "@url{https://gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, version 3.0.x;"
+msgid "@url{https://gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, version 3.0.x,"
msgstr "@url{https://gnu.org/software/guile/, GNU Guile}, Version 3.0.x,"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:899
+msgid "version 3.0.3 or later;"
+msgstr "Version 3.0.3 oder neuer,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:899
#, no-wrap
msgid "@url{https://notabug.org/cwebber/guile-gcrypt, Guile-Gcrypt}, version"
msgstr "@url{https://notabug.org/cwebber/guile-gcrypt, Guile-Gcrypt}, Version"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:901
msgid "0.1.0 or later;"
msgstr "0.1.0 oder neuer,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:893
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:905
msgid "@uref{https://gnutls.org/, GnuTLS}, specifically its Guile bindings (@pxref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,, gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile});"
msgstr "@uref{https://gnutls.org/, GnuTLS}, im Speziellen dessen Anbindungen für Guile (siehe @ref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,, gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile}),"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:908
msgid "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3}, version 0.1.0 or later;"
msgstr "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3, Guile-SQLite3}, Version 0.1.0 oder neuer,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:908
#, no-wrap
msgid "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-zlib/guile-zlib, Guile-zlib},"
msgstr "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-zlib/guile-zlib, Guile-zlib},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:910
msgid "version 0.1.0 or later;"
msgstr "Version 0.1.0 oder neuer,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:910
#, no-wrap
msgid "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-lzlib/guile-lzlib, Guile-lzlib};"
msgstr "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-lzlib/guile-lzlib, Guile-lzlib},"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:911
#, no-wrap
msgid "@uref{https://www.nongnu.org/guile-avahi/, Guile-Avahi};"
msgstr "@uref{https://www.nongnu.org/guile-avahi/, Guile-Avahi},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:915
msgid "@uref{https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git, Guile-Git}, version 0.5.0 or later;"
msgstr "@uref{https://gitlab.com/guile-git/guile-git, Guile-Git}, Version 0.5.0 oder neuer,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:915
#, no-wrap
msgid "@uref{https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/guile-json/, Guile-JSON}"
msgstr "@uref{https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/guile-json/, Guile-JSON}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:917
msgid "4.3.0 or later;"
msgstr "4.3.0 oder später,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:917
#, no-wrap
msgid "@url{https://www.gnu.org/software/make/, GNU Make}."
msgstr "@url{https://www.gnu.org/software/make/, GNU Make}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:921
msgid "The following dependencies are optional:"
msgstr "Folgende Abhängigkeiten sind optional:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:929
msgid "Support for build offloading (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup}) and @command{guix copy} (@pxref{Invoking guix copy}) depends on @uref{https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh, Guile-SSH}, version 0.13.0 or later."
msgstr "Unterstützung für das Auslagern von Erstellungen (siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup}) und @command{guix copy} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix copy}) hängt von @uref{https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh, Guile-SSH}, Version 0.13.0 oder neuer, ab."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:934
msgid "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-zstd/guile-zstd, Guile-zstd}, for zstd compression and decompression in @command{guix publish} and for substitutes (@pxref{Invoking guix publish})."
msgstr "@uref{https://notabug.org/guile-zstd/guile-zstd, Guile-zstd}, für die Kompression und Dekompression mit zstd in @command{guix publish} und für Substitute (siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:938
msgid "@uref{https://ngyro.com/software/guile-semver.html, Guile-Semver} for the @code{crate} importer (@pxref{Invoking guix import})."
msgstr "@uref{https://ngyro.com/software/guile-semver.html, Guile-Semver} für den @code{crate}-Importer (siehe @ref{Invoking guix import})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:943
msgid "@uref{https://www.nongnu.org/guile-lib/doc/ref/htmlprag/, Guile-Lib} for the @code{go} importer (@pxref{Invoking guix import}) and for some of the ``updaters'' (@pxref{Invoking guix refresh})."
msgstr "@uref{https://www.nongnu.org/guile-lib/doc/ref/htmlprag/, Guile-Lib} für den @code{go}-Importer (siehe @ref{Invoking guix import}) und für einige der Aktualisierungsprogramme (siehe @ref{Invoking guix refresh})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:947
msgid "When @url{http://www.bzip.org, libbz2} is available, @command{guix-daemon} can use it to compress build logs."
msgstr "Wenn @url{http://www.bzip.org, libbz2} verfügbar ist, kann @command{guix-daemon} damit Erstellungsprotokolle komprimieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:951
msgid "Unless @option{--disable-daemon} was passed to @command{configure}, the following packages are also needed:"
msgstr "Sofern nicht @option{--disable-daemon} beim Aufruf von @command{configure} übergeben wurde, benötigen Sie auch folgende Pakete:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:953
#, no-wrap
msgid "@url{https://gnupg.org/, GNU libgcrypt};"
msgstr "@url{https://gnupg.org/, GNU libgcrypt},"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:954
#, no-wrap
msgid "@url{https://sqlite.org, SQLite 3};"
msgstr "@url{https://sqlite.org, SQLite 3},"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:955
#, no-wrap
msgid "@url{https://gcc.gnu.org, GCC's g++}, with support for the"
msgstr "@url{https://gcc.gnu.org, GCC's g++} mit Unterstützung für den"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:957
msgid "C++11 standard."
msgstr "C++11-Standard."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:959
#, no-wrap
msgid "state directory"
msgstr "Zustandsverzeichnis"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:968
msgid "When configuring Guix on a system that already has a Guix installation, be sure to specify the same state directory as the existing installation using the @option{--localstatedir} option of the @command{configure} script (@pxref{Directory Variables, @code{localstatedir},, standards, GNU Coding Standards}). Usually, this @var{localstatedir} option is set to the value @file{/var}. The @command{configure} script protects against unintended misconfiguration of @var{localstatedir} so you do not inadvertently corrupt your store (@pxref{The Store})."
msgstr "Sollten Sie Guix auf einem System konfigurieren, auf dem Guix bereits installiert ist, dann stellen Sie sicher, dasselbe Zustandsverzeichnis wie für die bestehende Installation zu verwenden. Benutzen Sie dazu die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--localstatedir} des @command{configure}-Skripts (siehe @ref{Directory Variables, @code{localstatedir},, standards, GNU Coding Standards}). Die @var{localstatedir}-Option wird normalerweise auf den Wert @file{/var} festgelegt. Das @command{configure}-Skript schützt vor ungewollter Fehlkonfiguration der @var{localstatedir}, damit Sie nicht versehentlich Ihren Store verfälschen (siehe @ref{The Store})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:972
#, no-wrap
msgid "test suite"
msgstr "Testkatalog"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:978
msgid "After a successful @command{configure} and @code{make} run, it is a good idea to run the test suite. It can help catch issues with the setup or environment, or bugs in Guix itself---and really, reporting test failures is a good way to help improve the software. To run the test suite, type:"
msgstr "Nachdem @command{configure} und @code{make} erfolgreich durchgelaufen sind, ist es ratsam, den Testkatalog auszuführen. Er kann dabei helfen, Probleme mit der Einrichtung oder Systemumgebung zu finden, oder auch Probleme in Guix selbst@tie{}— und Testfehler zu melden ist eine wirklich gute Art und Weise, bei der Verbesserung von Guix mitzuhelfen. Um den Testkatalog auszuführen, geben Sie Folgendes ein:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:981
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check\n"
msgstr "make check\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:988
msgid "Test cases can run in parallel: you can use the @code{-j} option of GNU@tie{}make to speed things up. The first run may take a few minutes on a recent machine; subsequent runs will be faster because the store that is created for test purposes will already have various things in cache."
msgstr "Testfälle können parallel ausgeführt werden. Sie können die Befehlszeiltenoption @code{-j} von GNU@tie{}make benutzen, damit es schneller geht. Der erste Durchlauf kann auf neuen Maschinen ein paar Minuten dauern, nachfolgende Ausführungen werden schneller sein, weil der für die Tests erstellte Store schon einige Dinge zwischengespeichert haben wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:991
msgid "It is also possible to run a subset of the tests by defining the @code{TESTS} makefile variable as in this example:"
msgstr "Es ist auch möglich, eine Teilmenge der Tests laufen zu lassen, indem Sie die @code{TESTS}-Variable des Makefiles ähnlich wie in diesem Beispiel definieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:994
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check TESTS=\"tests/store.scm tests/cpio.scm\"\n"
msgstr "make check TESTS=\"tests/store.scm tests/cpio.scm\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:999
msgid "By default, tests results are displayed at a file level. In order to see the details of every individual test cases, it is possible to define the @code{SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS} makefile variable as in this example:"
msgstr "Standardmäßig werden Testergebnisse pro Datei angezeigt. Um die Details jedes einzelnen Testfalls zu sehen, können Sie wie in diesem Beispiel die @code{SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS}-Variable des Makefiles definieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:990
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1002
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check TESTS=\"tests/base64.scm\" SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--brief=no\"\n"
msgstr "make check TESTS=\"tests/base64.scm\" SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--brief=no\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1010
msgid "The underlying SRFI 64 custom Automake test driver used for the 'check' test suite (located at @file{build-aux/test-driver.scm}) also allows selecting which test cases to run at a finer level, via its @option{--select} and @option{--exclude} options. Here's an example, to run all the test cases from the @file{tests/packages.scm} test file whose names start with ``transaction-upgrade-entry'':"
msgstr "Mit dem eigens geschriebenen SRFI-64-Testtreiber für Automake, über den der „@code{check}“-Testkatalog läuft (zu finden in @file{build-aux/test-driver.scm}), können auch die Testfälle genauer ausgewählt werden, die ausgeführt werden sollen. Dazu dienen dessen Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{--select} und @option{--exclude}. Hier ist ein Beispiel, um alle Testfälle aus der Testdatei @file{tests/packages.scm} auszuführen, deren Name mit „transaction-upgrade-entry“ beginnt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1014
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"export SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--select=^transaction-upgrade-entry\"\n"
@@ -5897,114 +6005,114 @@ msgstr ""
"make check TESTS=\"tests/packages.scm\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1020
msgid "Those wishing to inspect the results of failed tests directly from the command line can add the @option{--errors-only=yes} option to the @code{SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS} makefile variable and set the @code{VERBOSE} Automake makefile variable, as in:"
msgstr "Möchte man die Ergebnisse fehlgeschlagener Tests direkt über die Befehlszeile einsehen, fügt man die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--errors-only=yes} in die Makefile-Variable @code{SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS} ein und setzt Automakes Makefile-Variable @code{VERBOSE}, etwa so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1023
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--brief=no --errors-only=yes\" VERBOSE=1\n"
msgstr "make check SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--brief=no --errors-only=yes\" VERBOSE=1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1028
msgid "The @option{--show-duration=yes} option can be used to print the duration of the individual test cases, when used in combination with @option{--brief=no}:"
msgstr "Sie können die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--show-duration=yes} benutzen, damit ausgegeben wird, wie lange jeder einzelne Testfall gebraucht hat, in Kombination mit @option{--brief=no}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1031
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--brief=no --show-duration=yes\"\n"
msgstr "make check SCM_LOG_DRIVER_FLAGS=\"--brief=no --show-duration=yes\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1035
msgid "@xref{Parallel Test Harness,,,automake,GNU Automake} for more information about the Automake Parallel Test Harness."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Parallel Test Harness,,,automake,GNU Automake} für mehr Informationen über den parallelen Testrahmen von Automake."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1040
msgid "Upon failure, please email @email{bug-guix@@gnu.org} and attach the @file{test-suite.log} file. Please specify the Guix version being used as well as version numbers of the dependencies (@pxref{Requirements}) in your message."
msgstr "Kommt es zum Fehlschlag, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an @email{bug-guix@@gnu.org} und fügen Sie die Datei @file{test-suite.log} als Anhang bei. Bitte geben Sie dabei in Ihrer Nachricht die benutzte Version von Guix an sowie die Versionsnummern der Abhängigkeiten (siehe @ref{Requirements})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1044
msgid "Guix also comes with a whole-system test suite that tests complete Guix System instances. It can only run on systems where Guix is already installed, using:"
msgstr "Guix wird auch mit einem Testkatalog für das ganze System ausgeliefert, der vollständige Instanzen des „Guix System“-Betriebssystems testet. Er kann nur auf Systemen benutzt werden, auf denen Guix bereits installiert ist, mit folgendem Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1047
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check-system\n"
msgstr "make check-system\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1051
msgid "or, again, by defining @code{TESTS} to select a subset of tests to run:"
msgstr "Oder, auch hier, indem Sie @code{TESTS} definieren, um eine Teilmenge der auszuführenden Tests anzugeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1054
#, no-wrap
msgid "make check-system TESTS=\"basic mcron\"\n"
msgstr "make check-system TESTS=\"basic mcron\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1062
msgid "These system tests are defined in the @code{(gnu tests @dots{})} modules. They work by running the operating systems under test with lightweight instrumentation in a virtual machine (VM). They can be computationally intensive or rather cheap, depending on whether substitutes are available for their dependencies (@pxref{Substitutes}). Some of them require a lot of storage space to hold VM images."
msgstr "Diese Systemtests sind in den @code{(gnu tests …)}-Modulen definiert. Sie funktionieren, indem Sie das getestete Betriebssystem mitsamt schlichter Instrumentierung in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) ausführen. Die Tests können aufwendige Berechnungen durchführen oder sie günstig umgehen, je nachdem, ob für ihre Abhängigkeiten Substitute zur Verfügung stehen (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Manche von ihnen nehmen viel Speicherplatz in Anspruch, um die VM-Abbilder zu speichern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1065
msgid "Again in case of test failures, please send @email{bug-guix@@gnu.org} all the details."
msgstr "Auch hier gilt: Falls Testfehler auftreten, senden Sie bitte alle Details an @email{bug-guix@@gnu.org}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1069
#, no-wrap
msgid "daemon"
msgstr "Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1077
msgid "Operations such as building a package or running the garbage collector are all performed by a specialized process, the @dfn{build daemon}, on behalf of clients. Only the daemon may access the store and its associated database. Thus, any operation that manipulates the store goes through the daemon. For instance, command-line tools such as @command{guix package} and @command{guix build} communicate with the daemon (@i{via} remote procedure calls) to instruct it what to do."
msgstr "Operationen wie das Erstellen eines Pakets oder Laufenlassen des Müllsammlers werden alle durch einen spezialisierten Prozess durchgeführt, den @dfn{Erstellungs-Daemon}, im Auftrag seiner Kunden (den Clients). Nur der Daemon darf auf den Store und seine zugehörige Datenbank zugreifen. Daher wird jede den Store verändernde Operation durch den Daemon durchgeführt. Zum Beispiel kommunizieren Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge wie @command{guix package} und @command{guix build} mit dem Daemon (mittels entfernter Prozeduraufrufe), um ihm Anweisungen zu geben, was er tun soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1081
msgid "The following sections explain how to prepare the build daemon's environment. See also @ref{Substitutes}, for information on how to allow the daemon to download pre-built binaries."
msgstr "Folgende Abschnitte beschreiben, wie Sie die Umgebung des Erstellungs-Daemons ausstatten sollten. Siehe auch @ref{Substitutes} für Informationen darüber, wie Sie es dem Daemon ermöglichen, vorerstellte Binärdateien herunterzuladen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1079 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1091 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1559
#, no-wrap
msgid "build environment"
msgstr "Erstellungsumgebung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1099
msgid "In a standard multi-user setup, Guix and its daemon---the @command{guix-daemon} program---are installed by the system administrator; @file{/gnu/store} is owned by @code{root} and @command{guix-daemon} runs as @code{root}. Unprivileged users may use Guix tools to build packages or otherwise access the store, and the daemon will do it on their behalf, ensuring that the store is kept in a consistent state, and allowing built packages to be shared among users."
msgstr "In einem normalen Mehrbenutzersystem werden Guix und sein Daemon@tie{}— das Programm @command{guix-daemon}@tie{}— vom Systemadministrator installiert; @file{/gnu/store} gehört @code{root} und @command{guix-daemon} läuft als @code{root}. Nicht mit erweiterten Rechten ausgestattete Nutzer können Guix-Werkzeuge benutzen, um Pakete zu erstellen oder anderweitig auf den Store zuzugreifen, und der Daemon wird dies für sie erledigen und dabei sicherstellen, dass der Store in einem konsistenten Zustand verbleibt und sich die Nutzer erstellte Pakete teilen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1100
#, no-wrap
msgid "build users"
msgstr "Erstellungsbenutzer"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1111
msgid "When @command{guix-daemon} runs as @code{root}, you may not want package build processes themselves to run as @code{root} too, for obvious security reasons. To avoid that, a special pool of @dfn{build users} should be created for use by build processes started by the daemon. These build users need not have a shell and a home directory: they will just be used when the daemon drops @code{root} privileges in build processes. Having several such users allows the daemon to launch distinct build processes under separate UIDs, which guarantees that they do not interfere with each other---an essential feature since builds are regarded as pure functions (@pxref{Introduction})."
msgstr "Wenn @command{guix-daemon} als Administratornutzer @code{root} läuft, wollen Sie aber vielleicht dennoch nicht, dass Paketerstellungsprozesse auch als @code{root} ablaufen, aus offensichtlichen Sicherheitsgründen. Um dies zu vermeiden, sollte ein besonderer Pool aus @dfn{Erstellungsbenutzern} geschaffen werden, damit vom Daemon gestartete Erstellungsprozesse ihn benutzen. Diese Erstellungsbenutzer müssen weder eine Shell noch ein Persönliches Verzeichnis zugewiesen bekommen, sie werden lediglich benutzt, wenn der Daemon @code{root}-Rechte in Erstellungsprozessen ablegt. Mehrere solche Benutzer zu haben, ermöglicht es dem Daemon, verschiedene Erstellungsprozessen unter verschiedenen Benutzeridentifikatoren (UIDs) zu starten, was garantiert, dass sie einander nicht stören@tie{}— eine essenzielle Funktionalität, da Erstellungen als reine Funktionen angesehen werden (siehe @ref{Introduction})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1114
msgid "On a GNU/Linux system, a build user pool may be created like this (using Bash syntax and the @code{shadow} commands):"
msgstr "Auf einem GNU/Linux-System kann ein Pool von Erstellungsbenutzern wie folgt erzeugt werden (mit Bash-Syntax und den Befehlen von @code{shadow}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1126
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# groupadd --system guixbuild\n"
@@ -6026,139 +6134,144 @@ msgstr ""
" done\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1136
msgid "The number of build users determines how many build jobs may run in parallel, as specified by the @option{--max-jobs} option (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--max-jobs}}). To use @command{guix system vm} and related commands, you may need to add the build users to the @code{kvm} group so they can access @file{/dev/kvm}, using @code{-G guixbuild,kvm} instead of @code{-G guixbuild} (@pxref{Invoking guix system})."
msgstr "Die Anzahl der Erstellungsbenutzer entscheidet, wie viele Erstellungsaufträge parallel ausgeführt werden können, wie es mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--max-jobs} vorgegeben werden kann (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--max-jobs}}). Um @command{guix system vm} und ähnliche Befehle nutzen zu können, müssen Sie die Erstellungsbenutzer unter Umständen zur @code{kvm}-Benutzergruppe hinzufügen, damit sie Zugriff auf @file{/dev/kvm} haben, mit @code{-G guixbuild,kvm} statt @code{-G guixbuild} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1145
msgid "The @code{guix-daemon} program may then be run as @code{root} with the following command@footnote{If your machine uses the systemd init system, dropping the @file{@var{prefix}/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service} file in @file{/etc/systemd/system} will ensure that @command{guix-daemon} is automatically started. Similarly, if your machine uses the Upstart init system, drop the @file{@var{prefix}/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf} file in @file{/etc/init}.}:"
msgstr "Das Programm @code{guix-daemon} kann mit dem folgenden Befehl als @code{root} gestartet werden@footnote{Wenn Ihre Maschine systemd als „init“-System verwendet, genügt es, die Datei @file{@var{prefix}/lib/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service} in @file{/etc/systemd/system} zu platzieren, damit @command{guix-daemon} automatisch gestartet wird. Ebenso können Sie, wenn Ihre Maschine Upstart als „init“-System benutzt, die Datei @file{@var{prefix}/lib/upstart/system/guix-daemon.conf} in @file{/etc/init} platzieren.}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1136 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1148 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1552
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild\n"
msgstr "# guix-daemon --build-users-group=guixbuild\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1138 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1150 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1557
#, no-wrap
msgid "chroot"
msgstr "chroot"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1155
msgid "This way, the daemon starts build processes in a chroot, under one of the @code{guixbuilder} users. On GNU/Linux, by default, the chroot environment contains nothing but:"
msgstr "Auf diese Weise startet der Daemon Erstellungsprozesse in einem chroot als einer der @code{guixbuilder}-Benutzer. Auf GNU/Linux enthält die chroot-Umgebung standardmäßig nichts außer:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1163
msgid "a minimal @code{/dev} directory, created mostly independently from the host @code{/dev}@footnote{``Mostly'', because while the set of files that appear in the chroot's @code{/dev} is fixed, most of these files can only be created if the host has them.};"
msgstr "einem minimalen @code{/dev}-Verzeichnis, was größtenteils vom @code{/dev} des Wirtssystems unabhängig erstellt wurde@footnote{„Größtenteils“, denn obwohl die Menge an Dateien, die im @code{/dev} des chroots vorkommen, fest ist, können die meisten dieser Dateien nur dann erstellt werden, wenn das Wirtssystem sie auch hat.},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1167
msgid "the @code{/proc} directory; it only shows the processes of the container since a separate PID name space is used;"
msgstr "dem @code{/proc}-Verzeichnis, es zeigt nur die Prozesse des Containers, weil ein separater Namensraum für Prozess-IDs (PIDs) benutzt wird,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1171
msgid "@file{/etc/passwd} with an entry for the current user and an entry for user @file{nobody};"
msgstr "@file{/etc/passwd} mit einem Eintrag für den aktuellen Benutzer und einem Eintrag für den Benutzer @file{nobody},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1174
msgid "@file{/etc/group} with an entry for the user's group;"
msgstr "@file{/etc/group} mit einem Eintrag für die Gruppe des Benutzers,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1178
msgid "@file{/etc/hosts} with an entry that maps @code{localhost} to @code{};"
msgstr "@file{/etc/hosts} mit einem Eintrag, der @code{localhost} auf @code{} abbildet,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1181
msgid "a writable @file{/tmp} directory."
msgstr "einem @file{/tmp}-Verzeichnis mit Schreibrechten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1187
+msgid "The chroot does not contain a @file{/home} directory, and the @env{HOME} environment variable is set to the non-existent @file{/homeless-shelter}. This helps to highlight inappropriate uses of @env{HOME} in the build scripts of packages."
+msgstr "Im chroot ist kein @file{/home}-Verzeichnis enthalten und die Umgebungsvariable @env{HOME} ist auf das @emph{nicht} existierende Verzeichnis @file{/homeless-shelter} festgelegt. Dadurch fallen unangemessene Verwendungen von @env{HOME} in den Erstellungs-Skripts von Paketen auf."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1195
msgid "You can influence the directory where the daemon stores build trees @i{via} the @env{TMPDIR} environment variable. However, the build tree within the chroot is always called @file{/tmp/guix-build-@var{name}.drv-0}, where @var{name} is the derivation name---e.g., @code{coreutils-8.24}. This way, the value of @env{TMPDIR} does not leak inside build environments, which avoids discrepancies in cases where build processes capture the name of their build tree."
msgstr "Sie können beeinflussen, in welchem Verzeichnis der Daemon Verzeichnisbäume zur Erstellung unterbringt, indem sie den Wert der Umgebungsvariablen @env{TMPDIR} ändern. Allerdings heißt innerhalb des chroots der Erstellungsbaum immer @file{/tmp/guix-build-@var{Name}.drv-0}, wobei @var{Name} der Ableitungsname ist@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{coreutils-8.24}. Dadurch hat der Wert von @env{TMPDIR} keinen Einfluss auf die Erstellungsumgebung, wodurch Unterschiede vermieden werden, falls Erstellungsprozesse den Namen ihres Erstellungsbaumes einfangen."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1179 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1196 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4041
#, no-wrap
msgid "http_proxy"
msgstr "http_proxy"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1180 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1197 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4042
#, no-wrap
msgid "https_proxy"
msgstr "https_proxy"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1202
msgid "The daemon also honors the @env{http_proxy} and @env{https_proxy} environment variables for HTTP and HTTPS downloads it performs, be it for fixed-output derivations (@pxref{Derivations}) or for substitutes (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Der Daemon befolgt außerdem den Wert der Umgebungsvariablen @env{http_proxy} und @env{https_proxy} für von ihm durchgeführte HTTP- und HTTPS-Downloads, sei es für Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe (siehe @ref{Derivations}) oder für Substitute (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1210
msgid "If you are installing Guix as an unprivileged user, it is still possible to run @command{guix-daemon} provided you pass @option{--disable-chroot}. However, build processes will not be isolated from one another, and not from the rest of the system. Thus, build processes may interfere with each other, and may access programs, libraries, and other files available on the system---making it much harder to view them as @emph{pure} functions."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix als ein Benutzer ohne erweiterte Rechte installieren, ist es dennoch möglich, @command{guix-daemon} auszuführen, sofern Sie @option{--disable-chroot} übergeben. Allerdings können Erstellungsprozesse dann nicht voneinander und vom Rest des Systems isoliert werden. Daher können sich Erstellungsprozesse gegenseitig stören und auf Programme, Bibliotheken und andere Dateien zugreifen, die dem restlichen System zur Verfügung stehen@tie{}— was es deutlich schwerer macht, sie als @emph{reine} Funktionen aufzufassen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1213
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using the Offload Facility"
msgstr "Nutzung der Auslagerungsfunktionalität"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1198 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1215 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1618
#, no-wrap
msgid "offloading"
msgstr "auslagern"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1216
#, no-wrap
msgid "build hook"
msgstr "Build-Hook"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1235
msgid "When desired, the build daemon can @dfn{offload} derivation builds to other machines running Guix, using the @code{offload} @dfn{build hook}@footnote{This feature is available only when @uref{https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh, Guile-SSH} is present.}. When that feature is enabled, a list of user-specified build machines is read from @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm}; every time a build is requested, for instance via @code{guix build}, the daemon attempts to offload it to one of the machines that satisfy the constraints of the derivation, in particular its system types---e.g., @code{x86_64-linux}. A single machine can have multiple system types, either because its architecture natively supports it, via emulation (@pxref{transparent-emulation-qemu, Transparent Emulation with QEMU}), or both. Missing prerequisites for the build are copied over SSH to the target machine, which then proceeds with the build; upon success the output(s) of the build are copied back to the initial machine. The offload facility comes with a basic scheduler that attempts to select the best machine. The best machine is chosen among the available machines based on criteria such as:"
msgstr "Wenn erwünscht, kann der Erstellungs-Daemon Ableitungserstellungen auf andere Maschinen @dfn{auslagern}, auf denen Guix läuft, mit Hilfe des @code{offload}-@dfn{Build-Hooks}@footnote{Diese Funktionalität ist nur verfügbar, wenn @uref{https://github.com/artyom-poptsov/guile-ssh, Guile-SSH} vorhanden ist.}. Wenn diese Funktionalität aktiviert ist, wird eine nutzerspezifizierte Liste von Erstellungsmaschinen aus @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} gelesen. Wann immer eine Erstellung angefragt wird, zum Beispiel durch @code{guix build}, versucht der Daemon, sie an eine der Erstellungsmaschinen auszulagern, die die Einschränkungen der Ableitung erfüllen, insbesondere ihre Systemtypen@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{x86_64-linux}. Eine einzelne Maschine kann mehrere Systemtypen haben, entweder weil ihre Architektur eine native Unterstützung vorsieht, weil Emulation eingerichtet wurde (siehe @ref{transparent-emulation-qemu, Transparente Emulation mit QEMU}) oder beides. Fehlende Voraussetzungen für die Erstellung werden über SSH auf die Zielmaschine kopiert, welche dann mit der Erstellung weitermacht. Hat sie Erfolg damit, so werden die Ausgabe oder Ausgaben der Erstellung zurück auf die ursprüngliche Maschine kopiert. Die Auslagerungsfunktion verfügt über einen einfachen Planungsalgorithmus (einen Scheduler), mit dem versucht wird, die jeweils beste Maschine auszuwählen. Unter den verfügbaren wird die beste Maschine nach Kriterien wie diesen ausgewählt:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1241
msgid "The availability of a build slot. A build machine can have as many build slots (connections) as the value of the @code{parallel-builds} field of its @code{build-machine} object."
msgstr "Ob Zeitfenster für Erstellungen frei sind („build slots“). Eine Erstellungsmaschine kann so viele Erstellungszeitfenster (Verbindungen) unterhalten wie es dem Wert des @code{parallel-builds}-Feldes des @code{build-machine}-Objekts entspricht."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1245
msgid "Its relative speed, as defined via the @code{speed} field of its @code{build-machine} object."
msgstr "Was ihre relative Geschwindigkeit ist, gemäß ihrer Definition im @code{speed}-Feld ihres @code{build-machine}-Objekts."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1250
msgid "Its load. The normalized machine load must be lower than a threshold value, configurable via the @code{overload-threshold} field of its @code{build-machine} object."
msgstr "Ihrer Auslastung („load“). Die normalisierte Auslastung der Maschine darf einen Schwellwert nicht überschreiten. Dieser ist über das @code{overload-threshold}-Feld ihres @code{build-machine}-Objekts einstellbar."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1253
msgid "Disk space availability. More than a 100 MiB must be available."
msgstr "Verfügbarem Speicherplatz auf ihrem Datenträger. Es müssen mehr als 100@tie{}MiB verfügbar sein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1256
msgid "The @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} file typically looks like this:"
msgstr "Die Datei @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} sieht normalerweise so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1264
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (build-machine\n"
@@ -6178,16 +6291,8 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1253
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(list (build-machine\n"
-#| " (name \"eightysix.example.org\")\n"
-#| " (systems (list \"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\"))\n"
-#| " (host-key \"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nza@dots{}\")\n"
-#| " (user \"bob\")\n"
-#| " (speed 2.)) ;incredibly fast!\n"
-#| "\n"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1270
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (build-machine\n"
" (name \"armeight.example.org\")\n"
@@ -6196,116 +6301,118 @@ msgid ""
" (user \"alice\")\n"
msgstr ""
-"(list (build-machine\n"
-" (name \"eightysix.example.org\")\n"
-" (systems (list \"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\"))\n"
-" (host-key \"ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nza…\")\n"
-" (user \"bob\")\n"
-" (speed 2.)) ;unglaublich schnell!\n"
+" (build-machine\n"
+" (name \"armeight.example.org\")\n"
+" (systems (list \"aarch64-linux\"))\n"
+" (host-key \"ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza@dots{}\")\n"
+" (user \"alice\")\n"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1274
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Remember 'guix offload' is spawned by\n"
" ;; 'guix-daemon' as root.\n"
" (private-key \"/root/.ssh/identity-for-guix\")))\n"
msgstr ""
+" ;; Weil 'guix offload' vom 'guix-daemon' als\n"
+" ;; Administratornutzer root gestartet wird.\n"
+" (private-key \"/root/.ssh/identität-für-guix\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1280
msgid "In the example above we specify a list of two build machines, one for the @code{x86_64} and @code{i686} architectures and one for the @code{aarch64} architecture."
msgstr "Im obigen Beispiel geben wir eine Liste mit zwei Erstellungsmaschinen vor, eine für die @code{x86_64}- und @code{i686}-Architektur und eine für die @code{aarch64}-Architektur."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1289
msgid "In fact, this file is---not surprisingly!---a Scheme file that is evaluated when the @code{offload} hook is started. Its return value must be a list of @code{build-machine} objects. While this example shows a fixed list of build machines, one could imagine, say, using DNS-SD to return a list of potential build machines discovered in the local network (@pxref{Introduction, Guile-Avahi,, guile-avahi, Using Avahi in Guile Scheme Programs}). The @code{build-machine} data type is detailed below."
msgstr "Tatsächlich ist diese Datei@tie{}— wenig überraschend!@tie{}— eine Scheme-Datei, die ausgewertet wird, wenn der @code{offload}-Hook gestartet wird. Der Wert, den sie zurückliefert, muss eine Liste von @code{build-machine}-Objekten sein. Obwohl dieses Beispiel eine feste Liste von Erstellungsmaschinen zeigt, könnte man auch auf die Idee kommen, etwa mit DNS-SD eine Liste möglicher im lokalen Netzwerk entdeckter Erstellungsmaschinen zu liefern (siehe @ref{Introduction, Guile-Avahi,, guile-avahi, Using Avahi in Guile Scheme Programs}). Der Datentyp @code{build-machine} wird im Folgenden weiter ausgeführt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1290
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} build-machine"
msgstr "{Datentyp} build-machine"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1293
msgid "This data type represents build machines to which the daemon may offload builds. The important fields are:"
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert Erstellungsmaschinen, an die der Daemon Erstellungen auslagern darf. Die wichtigen Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1279 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7113
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15446 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15545
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15786 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17314
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17935 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18209
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21269 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24179
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25568 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26180
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26533 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26574
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28735 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31072
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31092 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33766
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34320
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36095 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1296 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15924 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16264 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18422 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21789 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25998 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26964 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29168 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31557 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34334 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36699 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37026
#, no-wrap
msgid "name"
msgstr "name"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1298
msgid "The host name of the remote machine."
msgstr "Der Rechnername (d.h.@: der Hostname) der entfernten Maschine."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1299
#, no-wrap
msgid "systems"
msgstr "systems"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1285
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1302
msgid "The system types the remote machine supports---e.g., @code{(list \"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\")}."
msgstr "Die Systemtypen, die die entfernte Maschine unterstützt@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{(list \"x86_64-linux\" \"i686-linux\")}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1286 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1303 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18432
#, no-wrap
msgid "user"
msgstr "user"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1307
msgid "The user account to use when connecting to the remote machine over SSH. Note that the SSH key pair must @emph{not} be passphrase-protected, to allow non-interactive logins."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem eine Verbindung zur entfernten Maschine über SSH aufgebaut werden soll. Beachten Sie, dass das SSH-Schlüsselpaar @emph{nicht} durch eine Passphrase geschützt sein darf, damit nicht-interaktive Anmeldungen möglich sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1308
#, no-wrap
msgid "host-key"
msgstr "host-key"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1312
msgid "This must be the machine's SSH @dfn{public host key} in OpenSSH format. This is used to authenticate the machine when we connect to it. It is a long string that looks like this:"
msgstr "Dies muss der @dfn{öffentliche SSH-Rechnerschlüssel} („Host Key“) der Maschine im OpenSSH-Format sein. Er wird benutzt, um die Identität der Maschine zu prüfen, wenn wir uns mit ihr verbinden. Er ist eine lange Zeichenkette, die ungefähr so aussieht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1315
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC@dots{}mde+UhL hint@@example.org\n"
msgstr "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC…mde+UhL hint@@example.org\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1320
msgid "If the machine is running the OpenSSH daemon, @command{sshd}, the host key can be found in a file such as @file{/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub}."
msgstr "Wenn auf der Maschine der OpenSSH-Daemon, @command{sshd}, läuft, ist der Rechnerschlüssel in einer Datei wie @file{/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub} zu finden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1325
msgid "If the machine is running the SSH daemon of GNU@tie{}lsh, @command{lshd}, the host key is in @file{/etc/lsh/host-key.pub} or a similar file. It can be converted to the OpenSSH format using @command{lsh-export-key} (@pxref{Converting keys,,, lsh, LSH Manual}):"
msgstr "Wenn auf der Maschine der SSH-Daemon von GNU@tie{}lsh, nämlich @command{lshd}, läuft, befindet sich der Rechnerschlüssel in @file{/etc/lsh/host-key.pub} oder einer ähnlichen Datei. Er kann ins OpenSSH-Format umgewandelt werden durch @command{lsh-export-key} (siehe @ref{Converting keys,,, lsh, LSH Manual}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1329
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ lsh-export-key --openssh < /etc/lsh/host-key.pub\n"
@@ -6315,674 +6422,674 @@ msgstr ""
"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAAEOp8FoQAAAQEAs1eB46LV…\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1334
msgid "A number of optional fields may be specified:"
msgstr "Eine Reihe optionaler Felder kann festgelegt werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1320 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1337 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36175
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{22})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{22})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1339
msgid "Port number of SSH server on the machine."
msgstr "Portnummer des SSH-Servers auf der Maschine."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1340
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{private-key} (default: @file{~root/.ssh/id_rsa})"
msgstr "@code{private-key} (Vorgabe: @file{~root/.ssh/id_rsa})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1343
msgid "The SSH private key file to use when connecting to the machine, in OpenSSH format. This key must not be protected with a passphrase."
msgstr "Die Datei mit dem privaten SSH-Schlüssel, der beim Verbinden zur Maschine genutzt werden soll, im OpenSSH-Format. Dieser Schlüssel darf nicht mit einer Passphrase geschützt sein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1346
msgid "Note that the default value is the private key @emph{of the root account}. Make sure it exists if you use the default."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass als Vorgabewert der private Schlüssel @emph{des root-Benutzers} genommen wird. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass er existiert, wenn Sie die Standardeinstellung verwenden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1347
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{compression} (default: @code{\"zlib@@openssh.com,zlib\"})"
msgstr "@code{compression} (Vorgabe: @code{\"zlib@@openssh.com,zlib\"})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1348
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{compression-level} (default: @code{3})"
msgstr "@code{compression-level} (Vorgabe: @code{3})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1350
msgid "The SSH-level compression methods and compression level requested."
msgstr "Die Kompressionsmethoden auf SSH-Ebene und das angefragte Kompressionsniveau."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1353
msgid "Note that offloading relies on SSH compression to reduce bandwidth usage when transferring files to and from build machines."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass Auslagerungen SSH-Kompression benötigen, um beim Übertragen von Dateien an Erstellungsmaschinen und zurück weniger Bandbreite zu benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1354
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{daemon-socket} (default: @code{\"/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket\"})"
msgstr "@code{daemon-socket} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1357
msgid "File name of the Unix-domain socket @command{guix-daemon} is listening to on that machine."
msgstr "Dateiname des Unix-Sockets, auf dem @command{guix-daemon} auf der Maschine lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1358
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{overload-threshold} (default: @code{0.6})"
msgstr "@code{overload-threshold} (Vorgabe: @code{0.6})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1364
msgid "The load threshold above which a potential offload machine is disregarded by the offload scheduler. The value roughly translates to the total processor usage of the build machine, ranging from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%). It can also be disabled by setting @code{overload-threshold} to @code{#f}."
msgstr "Der Schwellwert für die Auslastung (englisch „load“), ab der eine potentielle Auslagerungsmaschine für den Auslagerungsplaner nicht mehr in Betracht kommt. Der Wert entspricht grob der gesamten Prozessornutzung der Erstellungsmaschine. Er reicht von 0.0 (0%) bis 1.0 (100%). Wenn er ignoriert werden soll, dann setzen Sie @code{overload-threshold} auf @code{#f}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1365
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{parallel-builds} (default: @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{parallel-builds} (Vorgabe: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1367
msgid "The number of builds that may run in parallel on the machine."
msgstr "Die Anzahl der Erstellungen, die auf der Maschine parallel ausgeführt werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1368
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{speed} (default: @code{1.0})"
msgstr "@code{speed} (Vorgabe: @code{1.0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1371
msgid "A ``relative speed factor''. The offload scheduler will tend to prefer machines with a higher speed factor."
msgstr "Ein „relativer Geschwindigkeitsfaktor“. Der Auslagerungsplaner gibt tendenziell Maschinen mit höherem Geschwindigkeitsfaktor den Vorrang."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1372
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{features} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{features} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1377
msgid "A list of strings denoting specific features supported by the machine. An example is @code{\"kvm\"} for machines that have the KVM Linux modules and corresponding hardware support. Derivations can request features by name, and they will be scheduled on matching build machines."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Zeichenketten, die besondere von der Maschine unterstützte Funktionalitäten bezeichnen. Ein Beispiel ist @code{\"kvm\"} für Maschinen, die über die KVM-Linux-Module zusammen mit entsprechender Hardware-Unterstützung verfügen. Ableitungen können Funktionalitäten dem Namen nach anfragen und werden dann auf passenden Erstellungsmaschinen eingeplant."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1383
msgid "The @command{guix} command must be in the search path on the build machines. You can check whether this is the case by running:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @code{guix} muss sich im Suchpfad der Erstellungsmaschinen befinden. Um dies nachzuprüfen, können Sie Folgendes ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1386
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh build-machine guix repl --version\n"
msgstr "ssh build-machine guix repl --version\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1393
msgid "There is one last thing to do once @file{machines.scm} is in place. As explained above, when offloading, files are transferred back and forth between the machine stores. For this to work, you first need to generate a key pair on each machine to allow the daemon to export signed archives of files from the store (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}):"
msgstr "Es gibt noch eine weitere Sache zu tun, sobald @file{machines.scm} eingerichtet ist. Wie zuvor erklärt, werden beim Auslagern Dateien zwischen den Stores der Maschinen hin- und hergeschickt. Damit das funktioniert, müssen Sie als Erstes ein Schlüsselpaar auf jeder Maschine erzeugen, damit der Daemon signierte Archive mit den Dateien aus dem Store versenden kann (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1396 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36079
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix archive --generate-key\n"
msgstr "# guix archive --generate-key\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1401
msgid "Each build machine must authorize the key of the master machine so that it accepts store items it receives from the master:"
msgstr "Jede Erstellungsmaschine muss den Schlüssel der Hauptmaschine autorisieren, damit diese Store-Objekte von der Hauptmaschine empfangen kann:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1404
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix archive --authorize < master-public-key.txt\n"
msgstr "# guix archive --authorize < öffentlicher-schlüssel-hauptmaschine.txt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1408
msgid "Likewise, the master machine must authorize the key of each build machine."
msgstr "Andersherum muss auch die Hauptmaschine den jeweiligen Schlüssel jeder Erstellungsmaschine autorisieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1414
msgid "All the fuss with keys is here to express pairwise mutual trust relations between the master and the build machines. Concretely, when the master receives files from a build machine (and @i{vice versa}), its build daemon can make sure they are genuine, have not been tampered with, and that they are signed by an authorized key."
msgstr "Der ganze Umstand mit den Schlüsseln soll ausdrücken, dass sich Haupt- und Erstellungsmaschinen paarweise gegenseitig vertrauen. Konkret kann der Erstellungs-Daemon auf der Hauptmaschine die Unverfälschtheit von den Erstellungsmaschinen empfangener Dateien gewährleisten (und umgekehrt), und auch dass sie nicht sabotiert wurden und mit einem autorisierten Schlüssel signiert wurden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1398
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1415
#, no-wrap
msgid "offload test"
msgstr "Auslagerung testen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1418
msgid "To test whether your setup is operational, run this command on the master node:"
msgstr "Um zu testen, ob Ihr System funktioniert, führen Sie diesen Befehl auf der Hauptmaschine aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1421
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix offload test\n"
msgstr "# guix offload test\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1427
msgid "This will attempt to connect to each of the build machines specified in @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm}, make sure Guix is available on each machine, attempt to export to the machine and import from it, and report any error in the process."
msgstr "Dadurch wird versucht, zu jeder Erstellungsmaschine eine Verbindung herzustellen, die in @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} angegeben wurde, sichergestellt, dass auf jeder Guix nutzbar ist, und jeweils versucht, etwas auf die Erstellungsmaschine zu exportieren und von dort zu importieren. Dabei auftretende Fehler werden gemeldet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1430
msgid "If you want to test a different machine file, just specify it on the command line:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie stattdessen eine andere Maschinendatei verwenden möchten, geben Sie diese einfach auf der Befehlszeile an:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1433
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix offload test machines-qualif.scm\n"
msgstr "# guix offload test maschinen-qualif.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1437
msgid "Last, you can test the subset of the machines whose name matches a regular expression like this:"
msgstr "Letztendlich können Sie hiermit nur die Teilmenge der Maschinen testen, deren Name zu einem regulären Ausdruck passt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1440
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix offload test machines.scm '\\.gnu\\.org$'\n"
msgstr "# guix offload test maschinen.scm '\\.gnu\\.org$'\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1442
#, no-wrap
msgid "offload status"
msgstr "Auslagerungs-Lagebericht"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1445
msgid "To display the current load of all build hosts, run this command on the main node:"
msgstr "Um die momentane Auslastung aller Erstellungsrechner anzuzeigen, führen Sie diesen Befehl auf dem Hauptknoten aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1448
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix offload status\n"
msgstr "# guix offload status\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1454
#, no-wrap
msgid "SELinux, daemon policy"
msgstr "SELinux, Policy für den Daemon"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1455
#, no-wrap
msgid "mandatory access control, SELinux"
msgstr "Mandatory Access Control, SELinux"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1456
#, no-wrap
msgid "security, guix-daemon"
msgstr "Sicherheit, des guix-daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1462
msgid "Guix includes an SELinux policy file at @file{etc/guix-daemon.cil} that can be installed on a system where SELinux is enabled, in order to label Guix files and to specify the expected behavior of the daemon. Since Guix System does not provide an SELinux base policy, the daemon policy cannot be used on Guix System."
msgstr "Guix enthält eine SELinux-Richtliniendatei („Policy“) unter @file{etc/guix-daemon.cil}, die auf einem System installiert werden kann, auf dem SELinux aktiviert ist, damit Guix-Dateien gekennzeichnet sind und um das erwartete Verhalten des Daemons anzugeben. Da Guix System keine Grundrichtlinie („Base Policy“) für SELinux bietet, kann diese Richtlinie für den Daemon auf Guix System nicht benutzt werden."
#. type: subsubsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1463
#, no-wrap
msgid "Installing the SELinux policy"
msgstr "Installieren der SELinux-Policy"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1464
#, no-wrap
msgid "SELinux, policy installation"
msgstr "SELinux, Policy installieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1466
msgid "To install the policy run this command as root:"
msgstr "Um die Richtlinie (Policy) zu installieren, führen Sie folgenden Befehl mit Administratorrechten aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1469
#, no-wrap
msgid "semodule -i etc/guix-daemon.cil\n"
msgstr "semodule -i etc/guix-daemon.cil\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1473
msgid "Then relabel the file system with @code{restorecon} or by a different mechanism provided by your system."
msgstr "Kennzeichnen Sie dann das Dateisystem neu mit @code{restorecon} oder einem anderen, von Ihrem System angebotenen Mechanismus."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1478
msgid "Once the policy is installed, the file system has been relabeled, and the daemon has been restarted, it should be running in the @code{guix_daemon_t} context. You can confirm this with the following command:"
msgstr "Sobald die Richtlinie installiert ist, das Dateisystem neu gekennzeichnet wurde und der Daemon neugestartet wurde, sollte er im Kontext @code{guix_daemon_t} laufen. Sie können dies mit dem folgenden Befehl nachprüfen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1481
#, no-wrap
msgid "ps -Zax | grep guix-daemon\n"
msgstr "ps -Zax | grep guix-daemon\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1486
msgid "Monitor the SELinux log files as you run a command like @code{guix build hello} to convince yourself that SELinux permits all necessary operations."
msgstr "Beobachten Sie die Protokolldateien von SELinux, wenn Sie einen Befehl wie @code{guix build hello} ausführen, um sich zu überzeugen, dass SELinux alle notwendigen Operationen gestattet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1488
#, no-wrap
msgid "SELinux, limitations"
msgstr "SELinux, Einschränkungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1493
msgid "This policy is not perfect. Here is a list of limitations or quirks that should be considered when deploying the provided SELinux policy for the Guix daemon."
msgstr "Diese Richtlinie ist nicht perfekt. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Liste von Einschränkungen oder merkwürdigen Verhaltensweisen, die bedacht werden sollten, wenn man die mitgelieferte SELinux-Richtlinie für den Guix-Daemon einspielt."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1500
msgid "@code{guix_daemon_socket_t} isn’t actually used. None of the socket operations involve contexts that have anything to do with @code{guix_daemon_socket_t}. It doesn’t hurt to have this unused label, but it would be preferable to define socket rules for only this label."
msgstr "@code{guix_daemon_socket_t} wird nicht wirklich benutzt. Keine der Socket-Operationen benutzt Kontexte, die irgendetwas mit @code{guix_daemon_socket_t} zu tun haben. Es schadet nicht, diese ungenutzte Kennzeichnung zu haben, aber es wäre besser, für die Kennzeichnung auch Socket-Regeln festzulegen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1511
msgid "@code{guix gc} cannot access arbitrary links to profiles. By design, the file label of the destination of a symlink is independent of the file label of the link itself. Although all profiles under $localstatedir are labelled, the links to these profiles inherit the label of the directory they are in. For links in the user’s home directory this will be @code{user_home_t}. But for links from the root user’s home directory, or @file{/tmp}, or the HTTP server’s working directory, etc, this won’t work. @code{guix gc} would be prevented from reading and following these links."
msgstr "@code{guix gc} kann nicht auf beliebige Verknüpfungen zu Profilen zugreifen. Die Kennzeichnung des Ziels einer symbolischen Verknüpfung ist notwendigerweise unabhängig von der Dateikennzeichnung der Verknüpfung. Obwohl alle Profile unter $localstatedir gekennzeichnet sind, erben die Verknüpfungen auf diese Profile die Kennzeichnung desjenigen Verzeichnisses, in dem sie sich befinden. Für Verknüpfungen im Persönlichen Verzeichnis des Benutzers ist das @code{user_home_t}, aber Verknüpfungen aus dem Persönlichen Verzeichnis des Administratornutzers, oder @file{/tmp}, oder das Arbeitsverzeichnis des HTTP-Servers, etc., funktioniert das nicht. @code{guix gc} würde es nicht gestattet, diese Verknüpfungen auszulesen oder zu verfolgen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1516
msgid "The daemon’s feature to listen for TCP connections might no longer work. This might require extra rules, because SELinux treats network sockets differently from files."
msgstr "Die vom Daemon gebotene Funktionalität, auf TCP-Verbindungen zu lauschen, könnte nicht mehr funktionieren. Dies könnte zusätzliche Regeln brauchen, weil SELinux Netzwerk-Sockets anders behandelt als Dateien."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1527
msgid "Currently all files with a name matching the regular expression @code{/gnu/store/.+-(guix-.+|profile)/bin/guix-daemon} are assigned the label @code{guix_daemon_exec_t}; this means that @emph{any} file with that name in any profile would be permitted to run in the @code{guix_daemon_t} domain. This is not ideal. An attacker could build a package that provides this executable and convince a user to install and run it, which lifts it into the @code{guix_daemon_t} domain. At that point SELinux could not prevent it from accessing files that are allowed for processes in that domain."
msgstr "Derzeit wird allen Dateien mit einem Namen, der zum regulären Ausdruck @code{/gnu/store/.+-(guix-.+|profile)/bin/guix-daemon} passt, die Kennzeichnung @code{guix_daemon_exec_t} zugewiesen, wodurch @emph{jeder beliebigen} Datei mit diesem Namen in irgendeinem Profil gestattet wäre, in der Domäne @code{guix_daemon_t} ausgeführt zu werden. Das ist nicht ideal. Ein Angreifer könnte ein Paket erstellen, dass solch eine ausführbare Datei enthält, und den Nutzer überzeugen, es zu installieren und auszuführen. Dadurch käme es in die Domäne @code{guix_daemon_t}. Ab diesem Punkt könnte SELinux nicht mehr verhindern, dass es auf Dateien zugreift, auf die Prozesse in dieser Domäne zugreifen dürfen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1532
msgid "You will need to relabel the store directory after all upgrades to @file{guix-daemon}, such as after running @code{guix pull}. Assuming the store is in @file{/gnu}, you can do this with @code{restorecon -vR /gnu}, or by other means provided by your operating system."
msgstr "Nach jeder Aktualisierung des @file{guix-daemon}, z.B.@: nachdem Sie @code{guix pull} ausgeführt haben, müssen Sie das Store-Verzeichnis neu kennzeichnen. Angenommen, der Store befindet sich unter @file{/gnu}, dann können Sie das mit @code{restorecon -vR /gnu} bewerkstelligen oder durch andere Mittel, die Ihr Betriebssystem Ihnen zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1540
msgid "We could generate a much more restrictive policy at installation time, so that only the @emph{exact} file name of the currently installed @code{guix-daemon} executable would be labelled with @code{guix_daemon_exec_t}, instead of using a broad regular expression. The downside is that root would have to install or upgrade the policy at installation time whenever the Guix package that provides the effectively running @code{guix-daemon} executable is upgraded."
msgstr "Wir könnten zum Zeitpunkt der Installation eine wesentlich restriktivere Richtlinie generieren, für die nur @emph{genau derselbe} Dateiname des gerade installierten @code{guix-daemon}-Programms als @code{guix_daemon_exec_t} gekennzeichnet würde, statt einen vieles umfassenden regulären Ausdruck zu benutzen. Aber dann müsste der Administratornutzer zum Zeitpunkt der Installation jedes Mal die Richtlinie installieren oder aktualisieren müssen, sobald das Guix-Paket aktualisiert wird, dass das tatsächlich in Benutzung befindliche @code{guix-daemon}-Programm enthält."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1543
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix-daemon}"
msgstr "Aufruf von @command{guix-daemon}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1549
msgid "The @command{guix-daemon} program implements all the functionality to access the store. This includes launching build processes, running the garbage collector, querying the availability of a build result, etc. It is normally run as @code{root} like this:"
msgstr "Das Programm @command{guix-daemon} implementiert alle Funktionalitäten, um auf den Store zuzugreifen. Dazu gehört das Starten von Erstellungsprozessen, das Ausführen des Müllsammlers, das Abfragen, ob ein Erstellungsergebnis verfügbar ist, etc. Normalerweise wird er so als Administratornutzer (@code{root}) gestartet:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1556
msgid "For details on how to set it up, @pxref{Setting Up the Daemon}."
msgstr "Details, wie Sie ihn einrichten, finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Setting Up the Daemon}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1558
#, no-wrap
msgid "container, build environment"
msgstr "Container, Erstellungsumgebung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1543 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3071
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3988 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1560 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4022 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14214
#, no-wrap
msgid "reproducible builds"
msgstr "Reproduzierbare Erstellungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1572
msgid "By default, @command{guix-daemon} launches build processes under different UIDs, taken from the build group specified with @option{--build-users-group}. In addition, each build process is run in a chroot environment that only contains the subset of the store that the build process depends on, as specified by its derivation (@pxref{Programming Interface, derivation}), plus a set of specific system directories. By default, the latter contains @file{/dev} and @file{/dev/pts}. Furthermore, on GNU/Linux, the build environment is a @dfn{container}: in addition to having its own file system tree, it has a separate mount name space, its own PID name space, network name space, etc. This helps achieve reproducible builds (@pxref{Features})."
msgstr "Standardmäßig führt @command{guix-daemon} Erstellungsprozesse mit unterschiedlichen UIDs aus, die aus der Erstellungsgruppe stammen, deren Name mit @option{--build-users-group} übergeben wurde. Außerdem läuft jeder Erstellungsprozess in einer chroot-Umgebung, die nur die Teilmenge des Stores enthält, von der der Erstellungsprozess abhängt, entsprechend seiner Ableitung (siehe @ref{Programming Interface, Ableitungen}), und ein paar bestimmte Systemverzeichnisse, darunter standardmäßig auch @file{/dev} und @file{/dev/pts}. Zudem ist die Erstellungsumgebung auf GNU/Linux eine isolierte Umgebung, d.h.@: ein @dfn{Container}: Nicht nur hat sie ihren eigenen Dateisystembaum, sie hat auch einen separaten Namensraum zum Einhängen von Dateisystemen, ihren eigenen Namensraum für PIDs, für Netzwerke, etc. Dies hilft dabei, reproduzierbare Erstellungen zu garantieren (siehe @ref{Features})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1578
msgid "When the daemon performs a build on behalf of the user, it creates a build directory under @file{/tmp} or under the directory specified by its @env{TMPDIR} environment variable. This directory is shared with the container for the duration of the build, though within the container, the build tree is always called @file{/tmp/guix-build-@var{name}.drv-0}."
msgstr "Wenn der Daemon im Auftrag des Nutzers eine Erstellung durchführt, erzeugt er ein Erstellungsverzeichnis, entweder in @file{/tmp} oder im Verzeichnis, das durch die Umgebungsvariable @env{TMPDIR} angegeben wurde. Dieses Verzeichnis wird mit dem Container geteilt, solange die Erstellung noch läuft, allerdings trägt es im Container stattdessen immer den Namen „/tmp/guix-build-NAME.drv-0“."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1582
msgid "The build directory is automatically deleted upon completion, unless the build failed and the client specified @option{--keep-failed} (@pxref{Common Build Options, @option{--keep-failed}})."
msgstr "Nach Abschluss der Erstellung wird das Erstellungsverzeichnis automatisch entfernt, außer wenn die Erstellung fehlgeschlagen ist und der Client @option{--keep-failed} angegeben hat (siehe @ref{Common Build Options, @option{--keep-failed}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1588
msgid "The daemon listens for connections and spawns one sub-process for each session started by a client (one of the @command{guix} sub-commands). The @command{guix processes} command allows you to get an overview of the activity on your system by viewing each of the active sessions and clients. @xref{Invoking guix processes}, for more information."
msgstr "Der Daemon lauscht auf Verbindungen und erstellt jeweils einen Unterprozess für jede von einem Client begonnene Sitzung (d.h.@: von einem der @command{guix}-Unterbefehle). Der Befehl @command{guix processes} zeigt Ihnen eine Übersicht solcher Systemaktivitäten; damit werden Ihnen alle aktiven Sitzungen und Clients gezeigt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter @ref{Invoking guix processes}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1590
msgid "The following command-line options are supported:"
msgstr "Die folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen werden unterstützt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1592
#, no-wrap
msgid "--build-users-group=@var{group}"
msgstr "--build-users-group=@var{Gruppe}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1595
msgid "Take users from @var{group} to run build processes (@pxref{Setting Up the Daemon, build users})."
msgstr "Verwende die Benutzerkonten aus der @var{Gruppe}, um Erstellungsprozesse auszuführen (siehe @ref{Setting Up the Daemon, Erstellungsbenutzer})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1579 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1596 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11333
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-substitutes"
msgstr "--no-substitutes"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1580 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3083
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1597 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3775
#, no-wrap
msgid "substitutes"
msgstr "Substitute"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1584 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1601 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11337
msgid "Do not use substitutes for build products. That is, always build things locally instead of allowing downloads of pre-built binaries (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Benutze keine Substitute für Erstellungsergebnisse. Das heißt, dass alle Objekte lokal erstellt werden müssen, und kein Herunterladen von vorab erstellten Binärdateien erlaubt ist (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1605
msgid "When the daemon runs with @option{--no-substitutes}, clients can still explicitly enable substitution @i{via} the @code{set-build-options} remote procedure call (@pxref{The Store})."
msgstr "Wenn der Daemon mit @option{--no-substitutes} ausgeführt wird, können Clients trotzdem Substitute explizit aktivieren über den entfernten Prozeduraufruf @code{set-build-options} (siehe @ref{The Store})."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1607
msgid "daemon-substitute-urls"
msgstr "daemon-substitute-urls"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1590 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10902
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13160 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13899
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1607 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11320
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13621 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14585
#, no-wrap
msgid "--substitute-urls=@var{urls}"
msgstr "--substitute-urls=@var{URLs}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1611
msgid "Consider @var{urls} the default whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs. When this option is omitted, @indicateurl{@value{SUBSTITUTE-URLS}} is used."
msgstr "@var{URLs} als standardmäßige, leerzeichengetrennte Liste der Quell-URLs für Substitute benutzen. Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption @emph{nicht} angegeben wird, wird @indicateurl{@value{SUBSTITUTE-URLS}} verwendet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1614
msgid "This means that substitutes may be downloaded from @var{urls}, as long as they are signed by a trusted signature (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Das hat zur Folge, dass Substitute von den @var{URLs} heruntergeladen werden können, solange sie mit einer Signatur versehen sind, der vertraut wird (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1617
msgid "@xref{Getting Substitutes from Other Servers}, for more information on how to configure the daemon to get substitutes from other servers."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Getting Substitutes from Other Servers} für weitere Informationen, wie der Daemon konfiguriert werden kann, um Substitute von anderen Servern zu beziehen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1602 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1619 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11356
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-offload"
msgstr "--no-offload"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1606 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1623 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11360
msgid "Do not use offload builds to other machines (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup}). That is, always build things locally instead of offloading builds to remote machines."
msgstr "Nicht versuchen, an andere Maschinen ausgelagerte Erstellungen zu benutzen (siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup}). Somit wird lokal erstellt, statt Erstellungen auf entfernte Maschinen auszulagern."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1624
#, no-wrap
msgid "--cache-failures"
msgstr "--cache-failures"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1626
msgid "Cache build failures. By default, only successful builds are cached."
msgstr "Fehler bei der Erstellung zwischenspeichern. Normalerweise werden nur erfolgreiche Erstellungen gespeichert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1631
msgid "When this option is used, @command{guix gc --list-failures} can be used to query the set of store items marked as failed; @command{guix gc --clear-failures} removes store items from the set of cached failures. @xref{Invoking guix gc}."
msgstr "Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption benutzt wird, kann @command{guix gc --list-failures} benutzt werden, um die Menge an Store-Objekten abzufragen, die als Fehlschläge markiert sind; @command{guix gc --clear-failures} entfernt Store-Objekte aus der Menge zwischengespeicherter Fehlschläge. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1615 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1632 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11386
#, no-wrap
msgid "--cores=@var{n}"
msgstr "--cores=@var{n}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1616 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1633 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11387
#, no-wrap
msgid "-c @var{n}"
msgstr "-c @var{n}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1636
msgid "Use @var{n} CPU cores to build each derivation; @code{0} means as many as available."
msgstr "@var{n} CPU-Kerne zum Erstellen jeder Ableitung benutzen; @code{0} heißt, so viele wie verfügbar sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1640
msgid "The default value is @code{0}, but it may be overridden by clients, such as the @option{--cores} option of @command{guix build} (@pxref{Invoking guix build})."
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert ist @code{0}, jeder Client kann jedoch eine abweichende Anzahl vorgeben, zum Beispiel mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--cores} von @command{guix build} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1627
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1644
msgid "The effect is to define the @env{NIX_BUILD_CORES} environment variable in the build process, which can then use it to exploit internal parallelism---for instance, by running @code{make -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES}."
msgstr "Dadurch wird die Umgebungsvariable @env{NIX_BUILD_CORES} im Erstellungsprozess definiert, welcher sie benutzen kann, um intern parallele Ausführungen zuzulassen@tie{}— zum Beispiel durch Nutzung von @code{make -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1628 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1645 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11391
#, no-wrap
msgid "--max-jobs=@var{n}"
msgstr "--max-jobs=@var{n}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1629 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1646 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11392
#, no-wrap
msgid "-M @var{n}"
msgstr "-M @var{n}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1651
msgid "Allow at most @var{n} build jobs in parallel. The default value is @code{1}. Setting it to @code{0} means that no builds will be performed locally; instead, the daemon will offload builds (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup}), or simply fail."
msgstr "Höchstenss @var{n} Erstellungsaufträge parallel bearbeiten. Der Vorgabewert liegt bei @code{1}. Wird er auf @code{0} gesetzt, werden keine Erstellungen lokal durchgeführt, stattdessen lagert der Daemon sie nur aus (siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup}) oder sie schlagen einfach fehl."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1635 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1652 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11361
#, no-wrap
msgid "--max-silent-time=@var{seconds}"
msgstr "--max-silent-time=@var{Sekunden}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1638 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1655 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11364
msgid "When the build or substitution process remains silent for more than @var{seconds}, terminate it and report a build failure."
msgstr "Wenn der Erstellungs- oder Substitutionsprozess länger als @var{Sekunden}-lang keine Ausgabe erzeugt, wird er abgebrochen und ein Fehler beim Erstellen gemeldet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1640 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1657 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1666
msgid "The default value is @code{0}, which disables the timeout."
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert ist @code{0}, was bedeutet, dass es keine Zeitbeschränkung gibt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1660
msgid "The value specified here can be overridden by clients (@pxref{Common Build Options, @option{--max-silent-time}})."
msgstr "Clients können einen anderen Wert als den hier angegebenen verwenden lassen (siehe @ref{Common Build Options, @option{--max-silent-time}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1644 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1661 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11368
#, no-wrap
msgid "--timeout=@var{seconds}"
msgstr "--timeout=@var{Sekunden}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1647 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1664 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11371
msgid "Likewise, when the build or substitution process lasts for more than @var{seconds}, terminate it and report a build failure."
msgstr "Entsprechend wird hier der Erstellungs- oder Substitutionsprozess abgebrochen und als Fehlschlag gemeldet, wenn er mehr als @var{Sekunden}-lang dauert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1669
msgid "The value specified here can be overridden by clients (@pxref{Common Build Options, @option{--timeout}})."
msgstr "Clients können einen anderen Wert verwenden lassen (siehe @ref{Common Build Options, @option{--timeout}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1670
#, no-wrap
msgid "--rounds=@var{N}"
msgstr "--rounds=@var{N}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1675
msgid "Build each derivation @var{n} times in a row, and raise an error if consecutive build results are not bit-for-bit identical. Note that this setting can be overridden by clients such as @command{guix build} (@pxref{Invoking guix build})."
msgstr "Jede Ableitung @var{n}-mal hintereinander erstellen und einen Fehler melden, wenn nacheinander ausgewertete Erstellungsergebnisse nicht Bit für Bit identisch sind. Beachten Sie, dass Clients wie @command{guix build} einen anderen Wert verwenden lassen können (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1662 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10937
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1679 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11979
msgid "When used in conjunction with @option{--keep-failed}, the differing output is kept in the store, under @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-check}. This makes it easy to look for differences between the two results."
msgstr "Wenn dies zusammen mit @option{--keep-failed} benutzt wird, bleiben die sich unterscheidenden Ausgaben im Store unter dem Namen @file{/gnu/store/…-check}. Dadurch können Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Ergebnissen leicht erkannt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1680
#, no-wrap
msgid "--debug"
msgstr "--debug"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1682
msgid "Produce debugging output."
msgstr "Informationen zur Fehlersuche ausgeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1686
msgid "This is useful to debug daemon start-up issues, but then it may be overridden by clients, for example the @option{--verbosity} option of @command{guix build} (@pxref{Invoking guix build})."
msgstr "Dies ist nützlich, um Probleme beim Starten des Daemons nachzuvollziehen; Clients könn aber auch ein abweichenden Wert verwenden lassen, zum Beispiel mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--verbosity} von @command{guix build} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1687
#, no-wrap
msgid "--chroot-directory=@var{dir}"
msgstr "--chroot-directory=@var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1689
msgid "Add @var{dir} to the build chroot."
msgstr "Füge das @var{Verzeichnis} zum chroot von Erstellungen hinzu."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1695
msgid "Doing this may change the result of build processes---for instance if they use optional dependencies found in @var{dir} when it is available, and not otherwise. For that reason, it is not recommended to do so. Instead, make sure that each derivation declares all the inputs that it needs."
msgstr "Dadurch kann sich das Ergebnis von Erstellungsprozessen ändern@tie{}— zum Beispiel, wenn diese optionale Abhängigkeiten aus dem @var{Verzeichnis} verwenden, wenn sie verfügbar sind, und nicht, wenn es fehlt. Deshalb ist es nicht empfohlen, dass Sie diese Befehlszeilenoption verwenden, besser sollten Sie dafür sorgen, dass jede Ableitung alle von ihr benötigten Eingabgen deklariert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1696
#, no-wrap
msgid "--disable-chroot"
msgstr "--disable-chroot"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1698
msgid "Disable chroot builds."
msgstr "Erstellungen ohne chroot durchführen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1703
msgid "Using this option is not recommended since, again, it would allow build processes to gain access to undeclared dependencies. It is necessary, though, when @command{guix-daemon} is running under an unprivileged user account."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption zu benutzen, wird nicht empfohlen, denn auch dadurch bekämen Erstellungsprozesse Zugriff auf nicht deklarierte Abhängigkeiten. Sie ist allerdings unvermeidlich, wenn @command{guix-daemon} auf einem Benutzerkonto ohne ausreichende Berechtigungen ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1704
#, no-wrap
msgid "--log-compression=@var{type}"
msgstr "--log-compression=@var{Typ}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1707
msgid "Compress build logs according to @var{type}, one of @code{gzip}, @code{bzip2}, or @code{none}."
msgstr "Erstellungsprotokolle werden entsprechend dem @var{Typ} komprimiert, der entweder @code{gzip}, @code{bzip2} oder @code{none} (für keine Kompression) sein muss."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1694
-msgid "Unless @option{--lose-logs} is used, all the build logs are kept in the @var{localstatedir}. To save space, the daemon automatically compresses them with Bzip2 by default."
-msgstr "Sofern nicht @option{--lose-logs} angegeben wurde, werden alle Erstellungsprotokolle in der @var{localstatedir} gespeichert. Um Platz zu sparen, komprimiert sie der Daemon standardmäßig automatisch mit Bzip2."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1711
+msgid "Unless @option{--lose-logs} is used, all the build logs are kept in the @var{localstatedir}. To save space, the daemon automatically compresses them with gzip by default."
+msgstr "Sofern nicht @option{--lose-logs} angegeben wurde, werden alle Erstellungsprotokolle in der @var{localstatedir} gespeichert. Um Platz zu sparen, komprimiert sie der Daemon standardmäßig automatisch mit gzip."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1712
#, no-wrap
msgid "--discover[=yes|no]"
msgstr "--discover[=yes|no]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1698 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1715 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17045
msgid "Whether to discover substitute servers on the local network using mDNS and DNS-SD."
msgstr "Ob im lokalen Netzwerk laufende Substitutserver mit mDNS und DNS-SD ermittelt werden sollen oder nicht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1718
msgid "This feature is still experimental. However, here are a few considerations."
msgstr "Diese Funktionalität ist noch experimentell. Trotzdem sollten Sie bedenken:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1722
msgid "It might be faster/less expensive than fetching from remote servers;"
msgstr "Es könnte schneller bzw.@: günstiger sein, als Substitute von entfernten Servern zu beziehen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1725
msgid "There are no security risks, only genuine substitutes will be used (@pxref{Substitute Authentication});"
msgstr "Es gibt keine Sicherheitsrisiken, weil nur echte Substitute benutzt werden können (siehe @ref{Substitute Authentication})."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1729
msgid "An attacker advertising @command{guix publish} on your LAN cannot serve you malicious binaries, but they can learn what software you’re installing;"
msgstr "Wenn ein Angreifer Ihnen sein @command{guix publish} in Ihrem LAN mitteilt, kann er Ihnen keine bösartigen Programmdateien unterjubeln, aber er kann lernen, welche Software Sie installieren."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1732
msgid "Servers may serve substitute over HTTP, unencrypted, so anyone on the LAN can see what software you’re installing."
msgstr "Server können Ihnen Substitute über unverschlüsseltes HTTP anbieten, wodurch auch jeder andere in Ihrem LAN vielleicht mitschneiden könnte, welche Software Sie installieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1736
msgid "It is also possible to enable or disable substitute server discovery at run-time by running:"
msgstr "Das Erkennen von Substitutservern können Sie auch nachträglich zur Laufzeit an- oder abschalten („on“ oder „off“), indem Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1740
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"herd discover guix-daemon on\n"
@@ -6992,237 +7099,237 @@ msgstr ""
"herd discover guix-daemon off\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1742
#, no-wrap
msgid "--disable-deduplication"
msgstr "--disable-deduplication"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1726 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1743 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4360
#, no-wrap
msgid "deduplication"
msgstr "Deduplizieren"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1745
msgid "Disable automatic file ``deduplication'' in the store."
msgstr "Automatische Dateien-„Deduplizierung“ im Store ausschalten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1752
msgid "By default, files added to the store are automatically ``deduplicated'': if a newly added file is identical to another one found in the store, the daemon makes the new file a hard link to the other file. This can noticeably reduce disk usage, at the expense of slightly increased input/output load at the end of a build process. This option disables this optimization."
msgstr "Standardmäßig werden zum Store hinzugefügte Objekte automatisch „dedupliziert“: Wenn eine neue Datei mit einer anderen im Store übereinstimmt, wird die neue Datei stattdessen als harte Verknüpfung auf die andere Datei angelegt. Dies reduziert den Speicherverbrauch auf der Platte merklich, jedoch steigt andererseits die Auslastung bei der Ein-/Ausgabe im Erstellungsprozess geringfügig. Durch diese Option wird keine solche Optimierung durchgeführt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1753
#, no-wrap
msgid "--gc-keep-outputs[=yes|no]"
msgstr "--gc-keep-outputs[=yes|no]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1756
msgid "Tell whether the garbage collector (GC) must keep outputs of live derivations."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob der Müllsammler (Garbage Collector, GC) die Ausgaben lebendiger Ableitungen behalten muss („yes“) oder nicht („no“)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1740 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1757 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4173
#, no-wrap
msgid "GC roots"
msgstr "GC-Wurzeln"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1741 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1758 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4174
#, no-wrap
msgid "garbage collector roots"
msgstr "Müllsammlerwurzeln"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1764
msgid "When set to @code{yes}, the GC will keep the outputs of any live derivation available in the store---the @file{.drv} files. The default is @code{no}, meaning that derivation outputs are kept only if they are reachable from a GC root. @xref{Invoking guix gc}, for more on GC roots."
msgstr "Für @code{yes} behält der Müllsammler die Ausgaben aller lebendigen Ableitungen im Store@tie{}— die @file{.drv}-Dateien. Der Vorgabewert ist aber @code{no}, so dass Ableitungsausgaben nur vorgehalten werden, wenn sie von einer Müllsammlerwurzel aus erreichbar sind. Siehe den Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix gc} für weitere Informationen zu Müllsammlerwurzeln."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1765
#, no-wrap
msgid "--gc-keep-derivations[=yes|no]"
msgstr "--gc-keep-derivations[=yes|no]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1768
msgid "Tell whether the garbage collector (GC) must keep derivations corresponding to live outputs."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob der Müllsammler (GC) Ableitungen behalten muss („yes“), wenn sie lebendige Ausgaben haben, oder nicht („no“)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1774
msgid "When set to @code{yes}, as is the case by default, the GC keeps derivations---i.e., @file{.drv} files---as long as at least one of their outputs is live. This allows users to keep track of the origins of items in their store. Setting it to @code{no} saves a bit of disk space."
msgstr "Für @code{yes}, den Vorgabewert, behält der Müllsammler Ableitungen@tie{}— z.B.@: @file{.drv}-Dateien@tie{}—, solange zumindest eine ihrer Ausgaben lebendig ist. Dadurch können Nutzer den Ursprung der Dateien in ihrem Store nachvollziehen. Setzt man den Wert auf @code{no}, wird ein bisschen weniger Speicher auf der Platte verbraucht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1783
msgid "In this way, setting @option{--gc-keep-derivations} to @code{yes} causes liveness to flow from outputs to derivations, and setting @option{--gc-keep-outputs} to @code{yes} causes liveness to flow from derivations to outputs. When both are set to @code{yes}, the effect is to keep all the build prerequisites (the sources, compiler, libraries, and other build-time tools) of live objects in the store, regardless of whether these prerequisites are reachable from a GC root. This is convenient for developers since it saves rebuilds or downloads."
msgstr "Auf diese Weise überträgt sich, wenn @option{--gc-keep-derivations} auf @code{yes} steht, die Lebendigkeit von Ausgaben auf Ableitungen, und wenn @option{--gc-keep-outputs} auf @code{yes} steht, die Lebendigkeit von Ableitungen auf Ausgaben. Stehen beide auf @code{yes}, bleiben so alle Erstellungsvoraussetzungen wie Quelldateien, Compiler, Bibliotheken und andere Erstellungswerkzeuge lebendiger Objekte im Store erhalten, ob sie von einer Müllsammlerwurzel aus erreichbar sind oder nicht. Entwickler können sich so erneute Erstellungen oder erneutes Herunterladen sparen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1784
#, no-wrap
msgid "--impersonate-linux-2.6"
msgstr "--impersonate-linux-2.6"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1787
msgid "On Linux-based systems, impersonate Linux 2.6. This means that the kernel's @command{uname} system call will report 2.6 as the release number."
msgstr "Auf Linux-basierten Systemen wird hiermit vorgetäuscht, dass es sich um Linux 2.6 handeln würde, indem der Kernel für einen @command{uname}-Systemaufruf als Version der Veröffentlichung mit 2.6 antwortet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1790
msgid "This might be helpful to build programs that (usually wrongfully) depend on the kernel version number."
msgstr "Dies kann hilfreich sein, um Programme zu erstellen, die (normalerweise zu Unrecht) von der Kernel-Versionsnummer abhängen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1791
#, no-wrap
msgid "--lose-logs"
msgstr "--lose-logs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1794
msgid "Do not keep build logs. By default they are kept under @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/log}."
msgstr "Keine Protokolle der Erstellungen vorhalten. Normalerweise würden solche in @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/log} gespeichert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1778 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4567
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5846 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6229
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6629 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11505
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13452
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14129 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34442
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1795 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5881 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6694 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13648 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14590 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35809
#, no-wrap
msgid "--system=@var{system}"
msgstr "--system=@var{System}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1799
msgid "Assume @var{system} as the current system type. By default it is the architecture/kernel pair found at configure time, such as @code{x86_64-linux}."
msgstr "Verwende @var{System} als aktuellen Systemtyp. Standardmäßig ist dies das Paar aus Befehlssatz und Kernel, welches beim Aufruf von @code{configure} erkannt wurde, wie zum Beispiel @code{x86_64-linux}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1800 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11165
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen=@var{endpoint}"
msgstr "--listen=@var{Endpunkt}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1805
msgid "Listen for connections on @var{endpoint}. @var{endpoint} is interpreted as the file name of a Unix-domain socket if it starts with @code{/} (slash sign). Otherwise, @var{endpoint} is interpreted as a host name or host name and port to listen to. Here are a few examples:"
msgstr "Lausche am @var{Endpunkt} auf Verbindungen. Dabei wird der @var{Endpunkt} als Dateiname eines Unix-Sockets verstanden, wenn er mit einem @code{/} (Schrägstrich) beginnt. Andernfalls wird der @var{Endpunkt} als Rechnername (d.h.@: Hostname) oder als Rechnername-Port-Paar verstanden, auf dem gelauscht wird. Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1807
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen=/gnu/var/daemon"
msgstr "--listen=/gnu/var/daemon"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1810
msgid "Listen for connections on the @file{/gnu/var/daemon} Unix-domain socket, creating it if needed."
msgstr "Lausche auf Verbindungen am Unix-Socket @file{/gnu/var/daemon}, falls nötig wird er dazu erstellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1811
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen=localhost"
msgstr "--listen=localhost"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1795 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1812 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9839
#, no-wrap
msgid "daemon, remote access"
msgstr "Daemon, Fernzugriff"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1796 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1813 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9840
#, no-wrap
msgid "remote access to the daemon"
msgstr "Fernzugriff auf den Daemon"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1797 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1814 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9841
#, no-wrap
msgid "daemon, cluster setup"
msgstr "Daemon, Einrichten auf Clustern"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1798 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1815 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9842
#, no-wrap
msgid "clusters, daemon setup"
msgstr "Cluster, Einrichtung des Daemons"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1818
msgid "Listen for TCP connections on the network interface corresponding to @code{localhost}, on port 44146."
msgstr "Lausche auf TCP-Verbindungen an der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die @code{localhost} entspricht, auf Port 44146."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1819
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen="
msgstr "--listen="
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1822
msgid "Listen for TCP connections on the network interface corresponding to @code{}, on port 1234."
msgstr "Lausche auf TCP-Verbindungen an der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die @code{} entspricht, auf Port 1234."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1829
msgid "This option can be repeated multiple times, in which case @command{guix-daemon} accepts connections on all the specified endpoints. Users can tell client commands what endpoint to connect to by setting the @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET} environment variable (@pxref{The Store, @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET}})."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann mehrmals wiederholt werden. In diesem Fall akzeptiert @command{guix-daemon} Verbindungen auf allen angegebenen Endpunkten. Benutzer können bei Client-Befehlen angeben, mit welchem Endpunkt sie sich verbinden möchten, indem sie die Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET} festlegen (siehe @ref{The Store, @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET}})."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1836
msgid "The daemon protocol is @emph{unauthenticated and unencrypted}. Using @option{--listen=@var{host}} is suitable on local networks, such as clusters, where only trusted nodes may connect to the build daemon. In other cases where remote access to the daemon is needed, we recommend using Unix-domain sockets along with SSH."
msgstr "Das Daemon-Protokoll ist @emph{weder authentifiziert noch verschlüsselt}. Die Benutzung von @option{--listen=@var{Rechner}} eignet sich für lokale Netzwerke, wie z.B.@: in Rechen-Clustern, wo sich nur solche Knoten mit dem Daemon verbinden, denen man vertraut. In Situationen, wo ein Fernzugriff auf den Daemon durchgeführt wird, empfehlen wir, über Unix-Sockets in Verbindung mit SSH zuzugreifen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1841
msgid "When @option{--listen} is omitted, @command{guix-daemon} listens for connections on the Unix-domain socket located at @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/daemon-socket/socket}."
msgstr "Wird @option{--listen} nicht angegeben, lauscht @command{guix-daemon} auf Verbindungen auf dem Unix-Socket, der sich unter @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/daemon-socket/socket} befindet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1851
msgid "When using Guix on top of GNU/Linux distribution other than Guix System---a so-called @dfn{foreign distro}---a few additional steps are needed to get everything in place. Here are some of them."
msgstr "Läuft Guix aufgesetzt auf einer GNU/Linux-Distribution außer Guix System@tie{}— einer sogenannten @dfn{Fremddistribution}@tie{}—, so sind ein paar zusätzliche Schritte bei der Einrichtung nötig. Hier finden Sie manche davon."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1855
msgid "locales-and-locpath"
msgstr "locales-and-locpath"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1855
#, no-wrap
msgid "locales, when not on Guix System"
msgstr "Locales, nicht auf Guix System"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1839 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1856 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16248
#, no-wrap
msgid "LOCPATH"
msgstr "LOCPATH"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1857
#, no-wrap
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1845
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1862
msgid "Packages installed @i{via} Guix will not use the locale data of the host system. Instead, you must first install one of the locale packages available with Guix and then define the @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} environment variable:"
msgstr "Über Guix installierte Pakete benutzen nicht die Daten zu Regions- und Spracheinstellungen (Locales) des Wirtssystems. Stattdessen müssen Sie erst eines der Locale-Pakete installieren, die für Guix verfügbar sind, und dann den Wert Ihrer Umgebungsvariablen @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} passend festlegen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1866
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix install glibc-locales\n"
@@ -7232,132 +7339,156 @@ msgstr ""
"$ export GUIX_LOCPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/locale\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1855
-msgid "Note that the @code{glibc-locales} package contains data for all the locales supported by the GNU@tie{}libc and weighs in at around 917@tie{}MiB@. Alternatively, the @code{glibc-utf8-locales} is smaller but limited to a few UTF-8 locales."
-msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass das Paket @code{glibc-locales} Daten für alle von GNU@tie{}libc unterstützten Locales enthält und deswegen um die 917@tie{}MiB wiegt. Alternativ gibt es auch @code{glibc-utf8-locales}, was kleiner, aber auf ein paar UTF-8-Locales beschränkt ist."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1878
+msgid "Note that the @code{glibc-locales} package contains data for all the locales supported by the GNU@tie{}libc and weighs in at around 930@tie{}MiB@footnote{The size of the @code{glibc-locales} package is reduced down to about 213@tie{}MiB with store deduplication and further down to about 67@tie{}MiB when using a zstd-compressed Btrfs file system.}. If you only need a few locales, you can define your custom locales package via the @code{make-glibc-utf8-locales} procedure from the @code{(gnu packages base)} module. The following example defines a package containing the various Canadian UTF-8 locales known to the GNU@tie{}libc, that weighs around 14@tie{}MiB:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1881
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid ""
+#| "(use-modules (gnu packages))\n"
+#| "\n"
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (gnu packages base))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(use-modules (gnu packages))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1887
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(define my-glibc-locales\n"
+" (make-glibc-utf8-locales\n"
+" glibc\n"
+" #:locales (list \"en_CA\" \"fr_CA\" \"ik_CA\" \"iu_CA\" \"shs_CA\")\n"
+" #:name \"glibc-canadian-utf8-locales\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1892
msgid "The @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} variable plays a role similar to @env{LOCPATH} (@pxref{Locale Names, @env{LOCPATH},, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). There are two important differences though:"
msgstr "Die Variable @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} spielt eine ähnliche Rolle wie @env{LOCPATH} (siehe @ref{Locale Names, @env{LOCPATH},, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Es gibt jedoch zwei wichtige Unterschiede:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1866
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1899
msgid "@env{GUIX_LOCPATH} is honored only by the libc in Guix, and not by the libc provided by foreign distros. Thus, using @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} allows you to make sure the programs of the foreign distro will not end up loading incompatible locale data."
msgstr "@env{GUIX_LOCPATH} wird nur von der libc in Guix beachtet und nicht der von Fremddistributionen bereitgestellten libc. Mit @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} können Sie daher sicherstellen, dass die Programme der Fremddistribution keine inkompatiblen Locale-Daten von Guix laden."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1906
msgid "libc suffixes each entry of @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} with @code{/X.Y}, where @code{X.Y} is the libc version---e.g., @code{2.22}. This means that, should your Guix profile contain a mixture of programs linked against different libc version, each libc version will only try to load locale data in the right format."
msgstr "libc hängt an jeden @env{GUIX_LOCPATH}-Eintrag @code{/X.Y} an, wobei @code{X.Y} die Version von libc ist@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{2.22}. Sollte Ihr Guix-Profil eine Mischung aus Programmen enthalten, die an verschiedene libc-Versionen gebunden sind, wird jede nur die Locale-Daten im richtigen Format zu laden versuchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1910
msgid "This is important because the locale data format used by different libc versions may be incompatible."
msgstr "Das ist wichtig, weil das Locale-Datenformat verschiedener libc-Versionen inkompatibel sein könnte."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1913
#, no-wrap
msgid "name service switch, glibc"
msgstr "Name Service Switch, glibc"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1914
#, no-wrap
msgid "NSS (name service switch), glibc"
msgstr "NSS (Name Service Switch), glibc"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1915
#, no-wrap
msgid "nscd (name service caching daemon)"
msgstr "nscd (Name Service Caching Daemon)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1916
#, no-wrap
msgid "name service caching daemon (nscd)"
msgstr "Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1923
msgid "When using Guix on a foreign distro, we @emph{strongly recommend} that the system run the GNU C library's @dfn{name service cache daemon}, @command{nscd}, which should be listening on the @file{/var/run/nscd/socket} socket. Failing to do that, applications installed with Guix may fail to look up host names or user accounts, or may even crash. The next paragraphs explain why."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix auf einer Fremddistribution verwenden, @emph{empfehlen wir stärkstens}, dass Sie den @dfn{Name Service Cache Daemon} der GNU-C-Bibliothek, @command{nscd}, laufen lassen, welcher auf dem Socket @file{/var/run/nscd/socket} lauschen sollte. Wenn Sie das nicht tun, könnten mit Guix installierte Anwendungen Probleme beim Auflösen von Hostnamen (d.h.@: Rechnernamen) oder Benutzerkonten haben, oder sogar abstürzen. Die nächsten Absätze erklären warum."
#. type: file{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1924
#, no-wrap
msgid "nsswitch.conf"
msgstr "nsswitch.conf"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1929
msgid "The GNU C library implements a @dfn{name service switch} (NSS), which is an extensible mechanism for ``name lookups'' in general: host name resolution, user accounts, and more (@pxref{Name Service Switch,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Die GNU-C-Bibliothek implementiert einen @dfn{Name Service Switch} (NSS), welcher einen erweiterbaren Mechanismus zur allgemeinen „Namensauflösung“ darstellt: Hostnamensauflösung, Benutzerkonten und weiteres (siehe @ref{Name Service Switch,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1930
#, no-wrap
msgid "Network information service (NIS)"
msgstr "Network Information Service (NIS)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1931
#, no-wrap
msgid "NIS (Network information service)"
msgstr "NIS (Network Information Service)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1940
msgid "Being extensible, the NSS supports @dfn{plugins}, which provide new name lookup implementations: for example, the @code{nss-mdns} plugin allow resolution of @code{.local} host names, the @code{nis} plugin allows user account lookup using the Network information service (NIS), and so on. These extra ``lookup services'' are configured system-wide in @file{/etc/nsswitch.conf}, and all the programs running on the system honor those settings (@pxref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, The GNU C Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Für die Erweiterbarkeit unterstützt der NSS @dfn{Plugins}, welche neue Implementierungen zur Namensauflösung bieten: Zum Beispiel ermöglicht das Plugin @code{nss-mdns} die Namensauflösung für @code{.local}-Hostnamen, das Plugin @code{nis} gestattet die Auflösung von Benutzerkonten über den Network Information Service (NIS) und so weiter. Diese zusätzlichen „Auflösungsdienste“ werden systemweit konfiguriert in @file{/etc/nsswitch.conf} und alle auf dem System laufenden Programme halten sich an diese Einstellungen (siehe @ref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, GNU-C-Referenzhandbuch})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1950
msgid "When they perform a name lookup---for instance by calling the @code{getaddrinfo} function in C---applications first try to connect to the nscd; on success, nscd performs name lookups on their behalf. If the nscd is not running, then they perform the name lookup by themselves, by loading the name lookup services into their own address space and running it. These name lookup services---the @file{libnss_*.so} files---are @code{dlopen}'d, but they may come from the host system's C library, rather than from the C library the application is linked against (the C library coming from Guix)."
msgstr "Wenn sie eine Namensauflösung durchführen@tie{}— zum Beispiel, indem sie die @code{getaddrinfo}-Funktion in C aufrufen@tie{}—, versuchen die Anwendungen als Erstes, sich mit dem nscd zu verbinden; ist dies erfolgreich, führt nscd für sie die weiteren Namensauflösungen durch. Falls nscd nicht läuft, führen sie selbst die Namensauflösungen durch, indem sie die Namensauflösungsdienste in ihren eigenen Adressraum laden und ausführen. Diese Namensauflösungsdienste@tie{}— die @file{libnss_*.so}-Dateien@tie{}— werden mit @code{dlopen} geladen, aber sie kommen von der C-Bibliothek des Wirtssystems und nicht von der C-Bibliothek, an die die Anwendung gebunden wurde (also der C-Bibliothek von Guix)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1955
msgid "And this is where the problem is: if your application is linked against Guix's C library (say, glibc 2.24) and tries to load NSS plugins from another C library (say, @code{libnss_mdns.so} for glibc 2.22), it will likely crash or have its name lookups fail unexpectedly."
msgstr "Und hier kommt es zum Problem: Wenn die Anwendung an die C-Bibliothek von Guix (etwa glibc 2.24) gebunden wurde und die NSS-Plugins von einer anderen C-Bibliothek (etwa @code{libnss_mdns.so} für glibc 2.22) zu laden versucht, wird sie vermutlich abstürzen oder die Namensauflösungen werden unerwartet fehlschlagen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1960
msgid "Running @command{nscd} on the system, among other advantages, eliminates this binary incompatibility problem because those @code{libnss_*.so} files are loaded in the @command{nscd} process, not in applications themselves."
msgstr "Durch das Ausführen von @command{nscd} auf dem System wird, neben anderen Vorteilen, dieses Problem der binären Inkompatibilität vermieden, weil diese @code{libnss_*.so}-Dateien vom @command{nscd}-Prozess geladen werden, nicht in den Anwendungen selbst."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1961
#, no-wrap
msgid "X11 Fonts"
msgstr "X11-Schriftarten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1971
msgid "The majority of graphical applications use Fontconfig to locate and load fonts and perform X11-client-side rendering. The @code{fontconfig} package in Guix looks for fonts in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile} by default. Thus, to allow graphical applications installed with Guix to display fonts, you have to install fonts with Guix as well. Essential font packages include @code{font-ghostscript}, @code{font-dejavu}, and @code{font-gnu-freefont}."
msgstr "Die Mehrheit der grafischen Anwendungen benutzen Fontconfig zum Finden und Laden von Schriftarten und für die Darstellung im X11-Client. Im Paket @code{fontconfig} in Guix werden Schriftarten standardmäßig in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile} gesucht. Um es grafischen Anwendungen, die mit Guix installiert wurden, zu ermöglichen, Schriftarten anzuzeigen, müssen Sie die Schriftarten auch mit Guix installieren. Essenzielle Pakete für Schriftarten sind unter anderem @code{font-ghostscript}, @code{font-dejavu} und @code{font-gnu-freefont}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1972
#, no-wrap
msgid "fc-cache"
msgstr "fc-cache"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1973
#, no-wrap
msgid "font cache"
msgstr "Font-Cache"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1977
msgid "Once you have installed or removed fonts, or when you notice an application that does not find fonts, you may need to install Fontconfig and to force an update of its font cache by running:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie Schriftarten installiert oder wieder entfernt haben oder wenn Ihnen auffällt, dass eine Anwendung Schriftarten nicht finden kann, dann müssen Sie vielleicht Fontconfig installieren und den folgenden Befehl ausführen, damit dessen Zwischenspeicher für Schriftarten aktualisiert wird:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1981
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix install fontconfig\n"
@@ -7367,266 +7498,266 @@ msgstr ""
"fc-cache -rv\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1989
msgid "To display text written in Chinese languages, Japanese, or Korean in graphical applications, consider installing @code{font-adobe-source-han-sans} or @code{font-wqy-zenhei}. The former has multiple outputs, one per language family (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). For instance, the following command installs fonts for Chinese languages:"
msgstr "Um auf Chinesisch, Japanisch oder Koreanisch verfassten Text in grafischen Anwendungen anzeigen zu können, möchten Sie vielleicht @code{font-adobe-source-han-sans} oder @code{font-wqy-zenhei} installieren. Ersteres hat mehrere Ausgaben, für jede Sprachfamilie eine (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Zum Beispiel installiert folgender Befehl Schriftarten für chinesische Sprachen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1992
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install font-adobe-source-han-sans:cn\n"
msgstr "guix install font-adobe-source-han-sans:cn\n"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1994
#, no-wrap
msgid "xterm"
msgstr "xterm"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1998
msgid "Older programs such as @command{xterm} do not use Fontconfig and instead rely on server-side font rendering. Such programs require to specify a full name of a font using XLFD (X Logical Font Description), like this:"
msgstr "Ältere Programme wie @command{xterm} benutzen kein Fontconfig, sondern X-Server-seitige Schriftartendarstellung. Solche Programme setzen voraus, dass der volle Name einer Schriftart mit XLFD (X Logical Font Description) angegeben wird, z.B.@: so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2001
#, no-wrap
msgid "-*-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-1\n"
msgstr "-*-dejavu sans-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2005
msgid "To be able to use such full names for the TrueType fonts installed in your Guix profile, you need to extend the font path of the X server:"
msgstr "Um solche vollen Namen für die in Ihrem Guix-Profil installierten TrueType-Schriftarten zu verwenden, müssen Sie den Pfad für Schriftarten (Font Path) des X-Servers anpassen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2010
#, no-wrap
msgid "xset +fp $(dirname $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts/truetype/fonts.dir))\n"
msgstr "xset +fp $(dirname $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile/share/fonts/truetype/fonts.dir))\n"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2012
#, no-wrap
msgid "xlsfonts"
msgstr "xlsfonts"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2015
msgid "After that, you can run @code{xlsfonts} (from @code{xlsfonts} package) to make sure your TrueType fonts are listed there."
msgstr "Danach können Sie den Befehl @code{xlsfonts} ausführen (aus dem Paket @code{xlsfonts}), um sicherzustellen, dass dort Ihre TrueType-Schriftarten aufgeführt sind."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1986 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2019 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34714
#, no-wrap
msgid "nss-certs"
msgstr "nss-certs"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2022
msgid "The @code{nss-certs} package provides X.509 certificates, which allow programs to authenticate Web servers accessed over HTTPS."
msgstr "Das Paket @code{nss-certs} bietet X.509-Zertifikate, womit Programme die Identität von Web-Servern authentifizieren können, auf die über HTTPS zugegriffen wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2027
msgid "When using Guix on a foreign distro, you can install this package and define the relevant environment variables so that packages know where to look for certificates. @xref{X.509 Certificates}, for detailed information."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix auf einer Fremddistribution verwenden, können Sie dieses Paket installieren und die relevanten Umgebungsvariablen festlegen, damit Pakete wissen, wo sie Zertifikate finden. Unter @ref{X.509 Certificates} stehen genaue Informationen."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:1997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2030
#, no-wrap
msgid "emacs"
msgstr "emacs"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2036
msgid "When you install Emacs packages with Guix, the Elisp files are placed under the @file{share/emacs/site-lisp/} directory of the profile in which they are installed. The Elisp libraries are made available to Emacs through the @env{EMACSLOADPATH} environment variable, which is set when installing Emacs itself."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Emacs-Pakete mit Guix installieren, werden die Elisp-Dateien innerhalb des Verzeichnisses @file{share/emacs/site-lisp/} in demjenigen Profil platziert, wohin sie installiert werden. Die Elisp-Bibliotheken werden in Emacs über die @env{EMACSLOADPATH}-Umgebungsvariable verfügbar gemacht, die durch die Installation von Emacs eingerichtet wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2043
msgid "Additionally, autoload definitions are automatically evaluated at the initialization of Emacs, by the Guix-specific @code{guix-emacs-autoload-packages} procedure. If, for some reason, you want to avoid auto-loading the Emacs packages installed with Guix, you can do so by running Emacs with the @option{--no-site-file} option (@pxref{Init File,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
msgstr "Bei der Initialisierung von Emacs werden „Autoload“-Definitionen automatisch über die Guix-spezifische Prozedur @code{guix-emacs-autoload-packages} ausgewertet. Wenn Sie aber aus irgendeinem Grund die mit Guix installierten Pakete nicht automatisch laden lassen möchten, können Sie Emacs mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-site-file} starten (siehe @ref{Init File,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2048
#, no-wrap
msgid "Upgrading Guix, on a foreign distro"
msgstr "Aktualisieren von Guix, auf einer Fremddistribution"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2051
msgid "To upgrade Guix, run:"
msgstr "Um Guix zu aktualisieren, führen Sie aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2021 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2054 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2912
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pull\n"
msgstr "guix pull\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2057
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix pull}, for more information."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2058
#, no-wrap
msgid "upgrading Guix for the root user, on a foreign distro"
msgstr "Aktualisieren von Guix für den root-Administratornutzer, auf einer Fremddistribution"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2059
#, no-wrap
msgid "upgrading the Guix daemon, on a foreign distro"
msgstr "Aktualisieren des Guix-Daemon, auf einer Fremddistribution"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2060
#, no-wrap
msgid "@command{guix pull} for the root user, on a foreign distro"
msgstr "@command{guix pull} für den root-Administratornutzer, auf einer Fremddistribution"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2063
msgid "On a foreign distro, you can upgrade the build daemon by running:"
msgstr "Auf einer Fremddistribution können Sie den Erstellungsdaemon aktualisieren, indem Sie diesen Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2066
#, no-wrap
msgid "sudo -i guix pull\n"
msgstr "sudo -i guix pull\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2071
msgid "followed by (assuming your distro uses the systemd service management tool):"
msgstr "gefolgt von diesem ausführen (unter der Annahme, dass Ihre Distribution zur Dienstverwaltung das systemd-Werkzeug benutzt):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2074
#, no-wrap
msgid "systemctl restart guix-daemon.service\n"
msgstr "systemctl restart guix-daemon.service\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2078
msgid "On Guix System, upgrading the daemon is achieved by reconfiguring the system (@pxref{Invoking guix system, @code{guix system reconfigure}})."
msgstr "Auf Guix System wird der Daemon aktualisiert, indem Sie das System rekonfigurieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system, @code{guix system reconfigure}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2085
#, no-wrap
msgid "installing Guix System"
msgstr "Installieren von Guix System"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2086
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix System, installation"
msgstr "Guix System, Installation"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2091
msgid "This section explains how to install Guix System on a machine. Guix, as a package manager, can also be installed on top of a running GNU/Linux system, @pxref{Installation}."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie Sie „Guix System“ auf einer Maschine installieren. Guix kann auch als Paketverwaltungswerkzeug ein bestehendes GNU/Linux-System ergänzen, mehr dazu finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Installation}."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2100
msgid "You are reading this documentation with an Info reader. For details on how to use it, hit the @key{RET} key (``return'' or ``enter'') on the link that follows: @pxref{Top, Info reader,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}. Hit @kbd{l} afterwards to come back here."
msgstr "Sie lesen diese Dokumentation mit einem Info-Betrachter. Details, wie Sie ihn bedienen, erfahren Sie, indem Sie die Eingabetaste (auch „Return“ oder „Enter“ genannt) auf folgender Verknüpfung drücken: @ref{Top, Info-Betrachter,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}. Drücken Sie danach @kbd{l}, um hierher zurückzukommen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2103
msgid "Alternatively, run @command{info info} in another tty to keep the manual available."
msgstr "Führen Sie alternativ @command{info info} auf einer anderen Konsole (tty) aus, um dieses Handbuch offen zu lassen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2124
msgid "We consider Guix System to be ready for a wide range of ``desktop'' and server use cases. The reliability guarantees it provides---transactional upgrades and rollbacks, reproducibility---make it a solid foundation."
msgstr "Wir denken, dass Guix System für viele Anwendungszwecke von Heim- und Bürorechnern bis hin zu Servern geeignet ist. Die Verlässlichkeitsgarantien, die es einem bietet@tie{}— transaktionelle Aktualisierungen und Rücksetzungen, Reproduzierbarkeit@tie{}— machen es zu einer soliden Grundlage."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2127
msgid "Nevertheless, before you proceed with the installation, be aware of the following noteworthy limitations applicable to version @value{VERSION}:"
msgstr "Bevor Sie mit der Installation fortfahren, sollten Sie dennoch die folgenden merklichen Einschränkungen der Version @value{VERSION} beachten:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2132
msgid "More and more system services are provided (@pxref{Services}), but some may be missing."
msgstr "Immer mehr Systemdienste sind verfügbar (siehe @ref{Services}), aber manche könnten noch fehlen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2137
msgid "GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, and Enlightenment are available (@pxref{Desktop Services}), as well as a number of X11 window managers. However, KDE is currently missing."
msgstr "GNOME, Xfce, LXDE und Enlightenment stehen zur Verfügung (siehe @ref{Desktop Services}), ebenso eine Reihe von X11-Fensterverwaltungsprogrammen, allerdings fehlt KDE zurzeit noch."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2142
msgid "More than a disclaimer, this is an invitation to report issues (and success stories!), and to join us in improving it. @xref{Contributing}, for more info."
msgstr "Dies soll allerdings nicht nur ein Hinweis sein, sondern auch als Einladung aufgefasst werden, uns Fehler (und Erfolgsgeschichten!) zu melden und bei uns mitzumachen, um Guix zu verbessern. Siehe den Abschnitt @ref{Contributing}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2147
#, no-wrap
msgid "hardware support on Guix System"
msgstr "Hardwareunterstützung von Guix System"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2156
msgid "GNU@tie{}Guix focuses on respecting the user's computing freedom. It builds around the kernel Linux-libre, which means that only hardware for which free software drivers and firmware exist is supported. Nowadays, a wide range of off-the-shelf hardware is supported on GNU/Linux-libre---from keyboards to graphics cards to scanners and Ethernet controllers. Unfortunately, there are still areas where hardware vendors deny users control over their own computing, and such hardware is not supported on Guix System."
msgstr "GNU@tie{}Guix legt den Fokus darauf, die Freiheit des Nutzers auf seinem Rechner zu respektieren. Es baut auf Linux-libre als Kernel auf, wodurch nur Hardware unterstützt wird, für die Treiber und Firmware existieren, die freie Software sind. Heutzutage wird ein großer Teil der handelsüblichen Hardware von GNU/Linux-libre unterstützt@tie{}— von Tastaturen bis hin zu Grafikkarten, Scannern und Ethernet-Adaptern. Leider gibt es noch Bereiche, wo die Hardwareanbieter ihren Nutzern die Kontrolle über ihren eigenen Rechner verweigern. Solche Hardware wird von Guix System nicht unterstützt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2157
#, no-wrap
msgid "WiFi, hardware support"
msgstr "WLAN, Hardware-Unterstützung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2166
msgid "One of the main areas where free drivers or firmware are lacking is WiFi devices. WiFi devices known to work include those using Atheros chips (AR9271 and AR7010), which corresponds to the @code{ath9k} Linux-libre driver, and those using Broadcom/AirForce chips (BCM43xx with Wireless-Core Revision 5), which corresponds to the @code{b43-open} Linux-libre driver. Free firmware exists for both and is available out-of-the-box on Guix System, as part of @code{%base-firmware} (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{firmware}})."
msgstr "Einer der wichtigsten Bereiche, wo es an freien Treibern und freier Firmware mangelt, sind WLAN-Geräte. WLAN-Geräte, von denen wir wissen, dass sie funktionieren, sind unter anderem solche, die die Atheros-Chips AR9271 und AR7010 verbauen, welche der Linux-libre-Treiber @code{ath9k} unterstützt, und die, die Broadcom/AirForce-Chips BCM43xx (mit Wireless-Core Revision 5) verbauen, welche der Linux-libre-Treiber @code{b43-open} unterstützt. Freie Firmware gibt es für beide und sie wird von Haus aus mit Guix System als ein Teil von @code{%base-firmware} mitgeliefert (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{firmware}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2167
#, no-wrap
msgid "RYF, Respects Your Freedom"
msgstr "RYF, Respects Your Freedom"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2173
msgid "The @uref{https://www.fsf.org/, Free Software Foundation} runs @uref{https://www.fsf.org/ryf, @dfn{Respects Your Freedom}} (RYF), a certification program for hardware products that respect your freedom and your privacy and ensure that you have control over your device. We encourage you to check the list of RYF-certified devices."
msgstr "Die @uref{https://www.fsf.org/, Free Software Foundation} betreibt @uref{https://www.fsf.org/ryf, @dfn{Respects Your Freedom}} (RYF), ein Zertifizierungsprogramm für Hardware-Produkte, die Ihre Freiheit respektieren, Datenschutz gewährleisten und sicherstellen, dass Sie die Kontrolle über Ihr Gerät haben. Wir ermutigen Sie dazu, die Liste RYF-zertifizierter Geräte zu beachten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2177
msgid "Another useful resource is the @uref{https://www.h-node.org/, H-Node} web site. It contains a catalog of hardware devices with information about their support in GNU/Linux."
msgstr "Eine weitere nützliche Ressource ist die Website @uref{https://h-node.org/home/index/de, H-Node}. Dort steht ein Katalog von Hardware-Geräten mit Informationen darüber, wie gut sie von GNU/Linux unterstützt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2186
msgid "An ISO-9660 installation image that can be written to a USB stick or burnt to a DVD can be downloaded from @indicateurl{@value{BASE-URL}/guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso}, where you can replace @code{x86_64-linux} with one of:"
msgstr "Sie können ein ISO-9660-Installationsabbild von @indicateurl{@value{BASE-URL}/guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso} herunterladen, dass Sie auf einen USB-Stick aufspielen oder auf eine DVD brennen können, wobei Sie anstelle von @code{x86_64-linux} eines der folgenden schreiben können:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2190
msgid "for a GNU/Linux system on Intel/AMD-compatible 64-bit CPUs;"
msgstr "für ein GNU/Linux-System auf Intel/AMD-kompatiblen 64-Bit-Prozessoren,"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2193
msgid "for a 32-bit GNU/Linux system on Intel-compatible CPUs."
msgstr "für ein 32-Bit-GNU/Linux-System auf Intel-kompatiblen Prozessoren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2198
msgid "Make sure to download the associated @file{.sig} file and to verify the authenticity of the image against it, along these lines:"
msgstr "Laden Sie auch die entsprechende @file{.sig}-Datei herunter und verifizieren Sie damit die Authentizität Ihres Abbilds, indem Sie diese Befehle eingeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2202
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget @value{BASE-URL}/guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso.sig\n"
@@ -7636,7 +7767,7 @@ msgstr ""
"$ gpg --verify guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso.sig\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2210
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-URL} \\\n"
@@ -7646,23 +7777,23 @@ msgstr ""
" -qO - | gpg --import -\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2222
msgid "This image contains the tools necessary for an installation. It is meant to be copied @emph{as is} to a large-enough USB stick or DVD."
msgstr "Dieses Abbild enthält die Werkzeuge, die Sie zur Installation brauchen. Es ist dafür gedacht, @emph{so wie es ist} auf einen hinreichend großen USB-Stick oder eine DVD kopiert zu werden."
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2223
#, no-wrap
msgid "Copying to a USB Stick"
msgstr "Kopieren auf einen USB-Stick"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2228
msgid "Insert a USB stick of 1@tie{}GiB or more into your machine, and determine its device name. Assuming that the USB stick is known as @file{/dev/sdX}, copy the image with:"
msgstr "Stecken Sie einen USB-Stick in Ihren Rechner ein, der mindestens 1@tie{}GiB groß ist, und bestimmen Sie seinen Gerätenamen. Ist der Gerätename des USB-Sticks @file{/dev/sdX}, dann kopieren Sie das Abbild mit dem Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2232
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"dd if=guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress\n"
@@ -7672,238 +7803,238 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2235
msgid "Access to @file{/dev/sdX} usually requires root privileges."
msgstr "Sie benötigen in der Regel Administratorrechte, um auf @file{/dev/sdX} zuzugreifen."
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2236
#, no-wrap
msgid "Burning on a DVD"
msgstr "Auf eine DVD brennen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2208
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2241
msgid "Insert a blank DVD into your machine, and determine its device name. Assuming that the DVD drive is known as @file{/dev/srX}, copy the image with:"
msgstr "Legen Sie eine unbespielte DVD in Ihren Rechner ein und bestimmen Sie ihren Gerätenamen. Angenommen der Name des DVD-Laufwerks ist @file{/dev/srX}, kopieren Sie das Abbild mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2244
#, no-wrap
msgid "growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/srX=guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso\n"
msgstr "growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/srX=guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.iso\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2247
msgid "Access to @file{/dev/srX} usually requires root privileges."
msgstr "Der Zugriff auf @file{/dev/srX} setzt in der Regel Administratorrechte voraus."
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2248
#, no-wrap
msgid "Booting"
msgstr "Das System starten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2255
msgid "Once this is done, you should be able to reboot the system and boot from the USB stick or DVD@. The latter usually requires you to get in the BIOS or UEFI boot menu, where you can choose to boot from the USB stick. In order to boot from Libreboot, switch to the command mode by pressing the @kbd{c} key and type @command{search_grub usb}."
msgstr "Sobald das erledigt ist, sollten Sie Ihr System neu starten und es vom USB-Stick oder der DVD hochfahren („booten“) können. Dazu müssen Sie wahrscheinlich beim Starten des Rechners in das BIOS- oder UEFI-Boot-Menü gehen, von wo aus Sie auswählen können, dass vom USB-Stick gebootet werden soll. Um aus Libreboot heraus zu booten, wechseln Sie in den Befehlsmodus, indem Sie die @kbd{c}-Taste drücken, und geben Sie @command{search_grub usb} ein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2258
msgid "@xref{Installing Guix in a VM}, if, instead, you would like to install Guix System in a virtual machine (VM)."
msgstr "Lesen Sie den Abschnitt @ref{Installing Guix in a VM}, wenn Sie Guix System stattdessen in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) installieren möchten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2268
msgid "Once you have booted, you can use the guided graphical installer, which makes it easy to get started (@pxref{Guided Graphical Installation}). Alternatively, if you are already familiar with GNU/Linux and if you want more control than what the graphical installer provides, you can choose the ``manual'' installation process (@pxref{Manual Installation})."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Ihren Rechner gebootet haben, können Sie sich vom grafischen Installationsprogramm durch den Installationsvorgang führen lassen, was den Einstieg leicht macht (siehe @ref{Guided Graphical Installation}). Alternativ können Sie sich auch für einen „manuellen“ Installationsvorgang entscheiden, wenn Sie bereits mit GNU/Linux vertraut sind und mehr Kontrolle haben möchten, als sie das grafische Installationsprogramm bietet (siehe @ref{Manual Installation})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2276
msgid "The graphical installer is available on TTY1. You can obtain root shells on TTYs 3 to 6 by hitting @kbd{ctrl-alt-f3}, @kbd{ctrl-alt-f4}, etc. TTY2 shows this documentation and you can reach it with @kbd{ctrl-alt-f2}. Documentation is browsable using the Info reader commands (@pxref{Top,,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}). The installation system runs the GPM mouse daemon, which allows you to select text with the left mouse button and to paste it with the middle button."
msgstr "Das grafische Installationsprogramm steht Ihnen auf TTY1 zur Verfügung. Auf den TTYs 3 bis 6 können Sie vor sich eine Eingabeaufforderung für den Administratornutzer „root“ sehen, nachdem Sie @kbd{strg-alt-f3}, @kbd{strg-alt-f4} usw.@: gedrückt haben. TTY2 zeigt Ihnen dieses Handbuch, das Sie über die Tastenkombination @kbd{strg-alt-f2} erreichen. In dieser Dokumentation können Sie mit den Steuerungsbefehlen Ihres Info-Betrachters blättern (siehe @ref{Top,,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}). Auf dem Installationssystem läuft der GPM-Maus-Daemon, wodurch Sie Text mit der linken Maustaste markieren und ihn mit der mittleren Maustaste einfügen können."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2281
msgid "Installation requires access to the Internet so that any missing dependencies of your system configuration can be downloaded. See the ``Networking'' section below."
msgstr "Für die Installation benötigen Sie Zugang zum Internet, damit fehlende Abhängigkeiten Ihrer Systemkonfiguration heruntergeladen werden können. Im Abschnitt „Netzwerkkonfiguration“ weiter unten finden Sie mehr Informationen dazu."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2288
msgid "The graphical installer is a text-based user interface. It will guide you, with dialog boxes, through the steps needed to install GNU@tie{}Guix System."
msgstr "Das grafische Installationsprogramm ist mit einer textbasierten Benutzeroberfläche ausgestattet. Es kann Sie mit Dialogfeldern durch die Schritte führen, mit denen Sie GNU@tie{}Guix System installieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2293
msgid "The first dialog boxes allow you to set up the system as you use it during the installation: you can choose the language, keyboard layout, and set up networking, which will be used during the installation. The image below shows the networking dialog."
msgstr "Die ersten Dialogfelder ermöglichen es Ihnen, das System aufzusetzen, wie Sie es bei der Installation benutzen: Sie können die Sprache und Tastaturbelegung festlegen und die Netzwerkanbindung einrichten, die während der Installation benutzt wird. Das folgende Bild zeigt den Dialog zur Einrichtung der Netzwerkanbindung."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2295
msgid "@image{images/installer-network,5in,, networking setup with the graphical installer}"
msgstr "@image{images/installer-network,5in,, Netzwerkanbindung einrichten mit dem grafischen Installationsprogramm}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2300
msgid "Later steps allow you to partition your hard disk, as shown in the image below, to choose whether or not to use encrypted file systems, to enter the host name and root password, and to create an additional account, among other things."
msgstr "Mit den danach kommenden Schritten können Sie Ihre Festplatte partitionieren, wie im folgenden Bild gezeigt, und auswählen, ob Ihre Dateisysteme verschlüsselt werden sollen oder nicht. Sie können Ihren Rechnernamen und das Administratorpasswort (das „root“-Passwort) festlegen und ein Benutzerkonto einrichten, und noch mehr."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2302
msgid "@image{images/installer-partitions,5in,, partitioning with the graphical installer}"
msgstr "@image{images/installer-partitions,5in,, Partitionieren mit dem grafischen Installationsprogramm}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2305
msgid "Note that, at any time, the installer allows you to exit the current installation step and resume at a previous step, as show in the image below."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass Sie mit dem Installationsprogramm jederzeit den aktuellen Installationsschritt verlassen und zu einem vorherigen Schritt zurückkehren können, wie Sie im folgenden Bild sehen können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2307
msgid "@image{images/installer-resume,5in,, resuming the installation process}"
msgstr "@image{images/installer-resume,5in,, Mit einem Installationsschritt fortfahren}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2312
msgid "Once you're done, the installer produces an operating system configuration and displays it (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}). At that point you can hit ``OK'' and installation will proceed. On success, you can reboot into the new system and enjoy. @xref{After System Installation}, for what's next!"
msgstr "Sobald Sie fertig sind, erzeugt das Installationsprogramm eine Betriebssystemkonfiguration und zeigt sie an (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}). Zu diesem Zeitpunkt können Sie auf „OK“ drücken und die Installation wird losgehen. Ist sie erfolgreich, können Sie neu starten und Ihr neues System genießen. Siehe @ref{After System Installation} für Informationen, wie es weitergeht!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2322
msgid "This section describes how you would ``manually'' install GNU@tie{}Guix System on your machine. This option requires familiarity with GNU/Linux, with the shell, and with common administration tools. If you think this is not for you, consider using the guided graphical installer (@pxref{Guided Graphical Installation})."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie Sie GNU@tie{}Guix System auf manuelle Weise auf Ihrer Maschine installieren. Diese Alternative setzt voraus, dass Sie bereits mit GNU/Linux, der Shell und üblichen Administrationswerkzeugen vertraut sind. Wenn Sie glauben, dass das nichts für Sie ist, dann möchten Sie vielleicht das geführte grafische Installationsprogramm benutzen (siehe @ref{Guided Graphical Installation})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2328
msgid "The installation system provides root shells on TTYs 3 to 6; press @kbd{ctrl-alt-f3}, @kbd{ctrl-alt-f4}, and so on to reach them. It includes many common tools needed to install the system. But it is also a full-blown Guix System, which means that you can install additional packages, should you need it, using @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Das Installationssystem macht Eingabeaufforderungen auf den TTYs 3 bis 6 zugänglich, auf denen Sie als Administratornutzer Befehle eingeben können; Sie erreichen diese, indem Sie die Tastenkombinationen @kbd{strg-alt-f3}, @kbd{strg-alt-f4} und so weiter benutzen. Es enthält viele übliche Werkzeuge, mit denen Sie diese Aufgabe bewältigen können. Da es sich auch um ein vollständiges „Guix System“-System handelt, können Sie aber auch andere Pakete mit dem Befehl @command{guix package} nachinstallieren, wenn Sie sie brauchen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2335
#, no-wrap
msgid "Keyboard Layout, Networking, and Partitioning"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung, Netzwerkanbindung und Partitionierung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2340
msgid "Before you can install the system, you may want to adjust the keyboard layout, set up networking, and partition your target hard disk. This section will guide you through this."
msgstr "Bevor Sie das System installieren können, wollen Sie vielleicht die Tastaturbelegung ändern, eine Netzwerkverbindung herstellen und die Zielfestplatte partitionieren. Dieser Abschnitt wird Sie durch diese Schritte führen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2310 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2343 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16062
#, no-wrap
msgid "keyboard layout"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2347
msgid "The installation image uses the US qwerty keyboard layout. If you want to change it, you can use the @command{loadkeys} command. For example, the following command selects the Dvorak keyboard layout:"
msgstr "Das Installationsabbild verwendet die US-amerikanische QWERTY-Tastaturbelegung. Wenn Sie dies ändern möchten, können Sie den @command{loadkeys}-Befehl benutzen. Mit folgendem Befehl würden Sie zum Beispiel die Dvorak-Tastaturbelegung auswählen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2350
#, no-wrap
msgid "loadkeys dvorak\n"
msgstr "loadkeys dvorak\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2355
msgid "See the files under @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/keymaps} for a list of available keyboard layouts. Run @command{man loadkeys} for more information."
msgstr "Schauen Sie sich an, welche Dateien im Verzeichnis @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/keymaps} stehen, um eine Liste verfügbarer Tastaturbelegungen zu sehen. Wenn Sie mehr Informationen brauchen, führen Sie @command{man loadkeys} aus."
#. type: subsubsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2356
#, no-wrap
msgid "Networking"
msgstr "Netzwerkkonfiguration"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2359
msgid "Run the following command to see what your network interfaces are called:"
msgstr "Führen Sie folgenden Befehl aus, um zu sehen, wie Ihre Netzwerkschnittstellen benannt sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2362
#, no-wrap
msgid "ifconfig -a\n"
msgstr "ifconfig -a\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2333 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2366 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2388
msgid "@dots{} or, using the GNU/Linux-specific @command{ip} command:"
msgstr "…@: oder mit dem GNU/Linux-eigenen @command{ip}-Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2369
#, no-wrap
msgid "ip address\n"
msgstr "ip address\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2376
msgid "Wired interfaces have a name starting with @samp{e}; for example, the interface corresponding to the first on-board Ethernet controller is called @samp{eno1}. Wireless interfaces have a name starting with @samp{w}, like @samp{w1p2s0}."
msgstr "Der Name kabelgebundener Schnittstellen (engl. Interfaces) beginnt mit dem Buchstaben @samp{e}, zum Beispiel heißt die dem ersten fest eingebauten Ethernet-Adapter entsprechende Schnittstelle @samp{eno1}. Drahtlose Schnittstellen werden mit einem Namen bezeichnet, der mit dem Buchstaben @samp{w} beginnt, etwa @samp{w1p2s0}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2378
#, no-wrap
msgid "Wired connection"
msgstr "Kabelverbindung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2381
msgid "To configure a wired network run the following command, substituting @var{interface} with the name of the wired interface you want to use."
msgstr "Um ein kabelgebundenes Netzwerk einzurichten, führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, wobei Sie statt @var{Schnittstelle} den Namen der kabelgebundenen Schnittstelle eintippen, die Sie benutzen möchten."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2384
#, no-wrap
msgid "ifconfig @var{interface} up\n"
msgstr "ifconfig @var{Schnittstelle} up\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2391
#, no-wrap
msgid "ip link set @var{interface} up\n"
msgstr "ip link set @var{Schnittstelle} up\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2393
#, no-wrap
msgid "Wireless connection"
msgstr "Drahtlose Verbindung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2361 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2394 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17971
#, no-wrap
msgid "wireless"
msgstr "WLAN"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2362 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2395 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17972
#, no-wrap
msgid "WiFi"
msgstr "WiFi"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2400
msgid "To configure wireless networking, you can create a configuration file for the @command{wpa_supplicant} configuration tool (its location is not important) using one of the available text editors such as @command{nano}:"
msgstr "Um Drahtlosnetzwerke einzurichten, können Sie eine Konfigurationsdatei für das Konfigurationswerkzeug des @command{wpa_supplicant} schreiben (wo Sie sie speichern, ist nicht wichtig), indem Sie eines der verfügbaren Textbearbeitungsprogramme wie etwa @command{nano} benutzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2403
#, no-wrap
msgid "nano wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
msgstr "nano wpa_supplicant.conf\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2408
msgid "As an example, the following stanza can go to this file and will work for many wireless networks, provided you give the actual SSID and passphrase for the network you are connecting to:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel können Sie die folgende Formulierung in der Datei speichern, die für viele Drahtlosnetzwerke funktioniert, sofern Sie die richtige SSID und Passphrase für das Netzwerk eingeben, mit dem Sie sich verbinden möchten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2415
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -7919,229 +8050,229 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2420
msgid "Start the wireless service and run it in the background with the following command (substitute @var{interface} with the name of the network interface you want to use):"
msgstr "Starten Sie den Dienst für Drahtlosnetzwerke und lassen Sie ihn im Hintergrund laufen, indem Sie folgenden Befehl eintippen (ersetzen Sie dabei @var{Schnittstelle} durch den Namen der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die Sie benutzen möchten):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2423
#, no-wrap
msgid "wpa_supplicant -c wpa_supplicant.conf -i @var{interface} -B\n"
msgstr "wpa_supplicant -c wpa_supplicant.conf -i @var{Schnittstelle} -B\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2426
msgid "Run @command{man wpa_supplicant} for more information."
msgstr "Führen Sie @command{man wpa_supplicant} aus, um mehr Informationen zu erhalten."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2428
#, no-wrap
msgid "DHCP"
msgstr "DHCP"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2398
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2431
msgid "At this point, you need to acquire an IP address. On a network where IP addresses are automatically assigned @i{via} DHCP, you can run:"
msgstr "Zu diesem Zeitpunkt müssen Sie sich eine IP-Adresse beschaffen. Auf einem Netzwerk, wo IP-Adressen automatisch @i{via} DHCP zugewiesen werden, können Sie das hier ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2434
#, no-wrap
msgid "dhclient -v @var{interface}\n"
msgstr "dhclient -v @var{Schnittstelle}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2437
msgid "Try to ping a server to see if networking is up and running:"
msgstr "Versuchen Sie, einen Server zu pingen, um zu prüfen, ob sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind und alles richtig funktioniert:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2440
#, no-wrap
msgid "ping -c 3 gnu.org\n"
msgstr "ping -c 3 gnu.org\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2444
msgid "Setting up network access is almost always a requirement because the image does not contain all the software and tools that may be needed."
msgstr "Einen Internetzugang herzustellen, ist in jedem Fall nötig, weil das Abbild nicht alle Software und Werkzeuge enthält, die nötig sein könnten."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2445
#, no-wrap
msgid "proxy, during system installation"
msgstr "Proxy, bei der Systeminstallation"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2448
msgid "If you need HTTP and HTTPS access to go through a proxy, run the following command:"
msgstr "Wenn HTTP- und HTTPS-Zugriffe bei Ihnen über einen Proxy laufen sollen, führen Sie folgenden Befehl aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2451
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon @var{URL}\n"
msgstr "herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon @var{URL}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2456
msgid "where @var{URL} is the proxy URL, for example @code{http://example.org:8118}."
msgstr "Dabei ist @var{URL} die URL des Proxys, zum Beispiel @code{http://example.org:8118}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2457
#, no-wrap
msgid "installing over SSH"
msgstr "Über SSH installieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2460
msgid "If you want to, you can continue the installation remotely by starting an SSH server:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie die weitere Installation auch per Fernwartung durchführen, indem Sie einen SSH-Server starten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2463
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd start ssh-daemon\n"
msgstr "herd start ssh-daemon\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2467
msgid "Make sure to either set a password with @command{passwd}, or configure OpenSSH public key authentication before logging in."
msgstr "Vergewissern Sie sich vorher, dass Sie entweder ein Passwort mit @command{passwd} festgelegt haben, oder dass Sie für OpenSSH eine Authentifizierung über öffentliche Schlüssel eingerichtet haben, bevor Sie sich anmelden."
#. type: subsubsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2435
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2468
#, no-wrap
msgid "Disk Partitioning"
msgstr "Plattenpartitionierung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2472
msgid "Unless this has already been done, the next step is to partition, and then format the target partition(s)."
msgstr "Sofern nicht bereits geschehen, ist der nächste Schritt, zu partitionieren und dann die Zielpartition zu formatieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2477
msgid "The installation image includes several partitioning tools, including Parted (@pxref{Overview,,, parted, GNU Parted User Manual}), @command{fdisk}, and @command{cfdisk}. Run it and set up your disk with the partition layout you want:"
msgstr "Auf dem Installationsabbild sind mehrere Partitionierungswerkzeuge zu finden, einschließlich (siehe @ref{Overview,,, parted, GNU Parted User Manual}), @command{fdisk} und @command{cfdisk}. Starten Sie eines davon und partitionieren Sie Ihre Festplatte oder sonstigen Massenspeicher, wie Sie möchten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2480
#, no-wrap
msgid "cfdisk\n"
msgstr "cfdisk\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2486
msgid "If your disk uses the GUID Partition Table (GPT) format and you plan to install BIOS-based GRUB (which is the default), make sure a BIOS Boot Partition is available (@pxref{BIOS installation,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Wenn Ihre Platte mit einer „GUID Partition Table“ (GPT) formatiert ist, und Sie vorhaben, die BIOS-basierte Variante des GRUB-Bootloaders zu installieren (was der Vorgabe entspricht), stellen Sie sicher, dass eine Partition als BIOS-Boot-Partition ausgewiesen ist (siehe @ref{BIOS installation,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2487
#, no-wrap
msgid "EFI, installation"
msgstr "EFI, Installation"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2488
#, no-wrap
msgid "UEFI, installation"
msgstr "UEFI, Installation"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2489
#, no-wrap
msgid "ESP, EFI system partition"
msgstr "ESP, EFI-Systempartition"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2460
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2493
msgid "If you instead wish to use EFI-based GRUB, a FAT32 @dfn{EFI System Partition} (ESP) is required. This partition can be mounted at @file{/boot/efi} for instance and must have the @code{esp} flag set. E.g., for @command{parted}:"
msgstr "Falls Sie stattdessen einen EFI-basierten GRUB installieren möchten, muss auf der Platte eine FAT32-formatierte @dfn{EFI-Systempartition} (ESP) vorhanden sein. Diese Partition kann unter dem Pfad @file{/boot/efi} eingebunden („gemountet“) werden und die @code{esp}-Flag der Partition muss gesetzt sein. Dazu würden Sie beispielsweise in @command{parted} eintippen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2496
#, no-wrap
msgid "parted /dev/sda set 1 esp on\n"
msgstr "parted /dev/sda set 1 esp on\n"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2466 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2499 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35133
#, no-wrap
msgid "grub-bootloader"
msgstr "grub-bootloader"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2467 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2500 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35127
#, no-wrap
msgid "grub-efi-bootloader"
msgstr "grub-efi-bootloader"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2507
msgid "Unsure whether to use EFI- or BIOS-based GRUB? If the directory @file{/sys/firmware/efi} exists in the installation image, then you should probably perform an EFI installation, using @code{grub-efi-bootloader}. Otherwise you should use the BIOS-based GRUB, known as @code{grub-bootloader}. @xref{Bootloader Configuration}, for more info on bootloaders."
msgstr "Falls Sie nicht wissen, ob Sie einen EFI- oder BIOS-basierten GRUB installieren möchten: Wenn bei Ihnen das Verzeichnis @file{/sys/firmware/efi} im Dateisystem existiert, möchten Sie vermutlich eine EFI-Installation durchführen, wozu Sie in Ihrer Konfiguration @code{grub-efi-bootloader} benutzen. Ansonsten sollten Sie den BIOS-basierten GRUB benutzen, der mit @code{grub-bootloader} bezeichnet wird. Siehe @ref{Bootloader Configuration}, wenn Sie mehr Informationen über Bootloader brauchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2515
msgid "Once you are done partitioning the target hard disk drive, you have to create a file system on the relevant partition(s)@footnote{Currently Guix System only supports ext4, btrfs, JFS, F2FS, and XFS file systems. In particular, code that reads file system UUIDs and labels only works for these file system types.}. For the ESP, if you have one and assuming it is @file{/dev/sda1}, run:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie die Platte fertig partitioniert haben, auf die Sie installieren möchten, müssen Sie ein Dateisystem auf Ihrer oder Ihren für Guix System vorgesehenen Partition(en) erzeugen@footnote{Derzeit unterstützt Guix System nur die Dateisystemtypen ext4, btrfs, JFS, F2FS und XFS@. Insbesondere funktioniert Guix-Code, der Dateisystem-UUIDs und -Bezeichnungen ausliest, nur auf diesen Dateisystemtypen.}. Wenn Sie eine ESP brauchen und dafür die Partition @file{/dev/sda1} vorgesehen haben, müssen Sie diesen Befehl ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2518
#, no-wrap
msgid "mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1\n"
msgstr "mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2525
msgid "For the root file system, ext4 is the most widely used format. Other file systems, such as Btrfs, support compression, which is reported to nicely complement file deduplication that the daemon performs independently of the file system (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, deduplication})."
msgstr "Für das Wurzeldateisystem ist ext4 das am häufigsten genutzte Format. Andere Dateisysteme, wie Btrfs, unterstützen Kompression, wovon berichtet wird, es habe sich als sinnvolle Ergänzung zur Dateideduplikation erwiesen, die der Daemon unabhängig vom Dateisystem bietet (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, Deduplizieren})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2532
msgid "Preferably, assign file systems a label so that you can easily and reliably refer to them in @code{file-system} declarations (@pxref{File Systems}). This is typically done using the @code{-L} option of @command{mkfs.ext4} and related commands. So, assuming the target root partition lives at @file{/dev/sda2}, a file system with the label @code{my-root} can be created with:"
msgstr "Geben Sie Ihren Dateisystemen auch besser eine Bezeichnung („Label“), damit Sie sie zuverlässig wiedererkennen und später in den @code{file-system}-Deklarationen darauf Bezug nehmen können (siehe @ref{File Systems}). Dazu benutzen Sie typischerweise die Befehlszeilenoption @code{-L} des Befehls @command{mkfs.ext4} oder entsprechende Optionen für andere Befehle. Wenn wir also annehmen, dass @file{/dev/sda2} die Partition ist, auf der Ihr Wurzeldateisystem (englisch „root“) wohnen soll, können Sie dort mit diesem Befehl ein Dateisystem mit der Bezeichnung @code{my-root} erstellen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2535
#, no-wrap
msgid "mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/sda2\n"
msgstr "mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/sda2\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2504 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2537 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14936
#, no-wrap
msgid "encrypted disk"
msgstr "verschlüsselte Partition"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2542
msgid "If you are instead planning to encrypt the root partition, you can use the Cryptsetup/LUKS utilities to do that (see @inlinefmtifelse{html, @uref{https://linux.die.net/man/8/cryptsetup, @code{man cryptsetup}}, @code{man cryptsetup}} for more information)."
msgstr "Falls Sie aber vorhaben, die Partition mit dem Wurzeldateisystem zu verschlüsseln, können Sie dazu die Cryptsetup-/LUKS-Werkzeuge verwenden (siehe @inlinefmtifelse{html, @uref{https://linux.die.net/man/8/cryptsetup, @code{man cryptsetup}}, @code{man cryptsetup}}, um mehr darüber zu erfahren)."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2510 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5280
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6489 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14601
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21013 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2543 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6554 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21500 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21507
#, no-wrap
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2550
msgid "Note that GRUB can unlock LUKS2 devices since version 2.06, but only supports the PBKDF2 key derivation function, which is not the default for @command{cryptsetup luksFormat}. You can check which key derivation function is being used by a device by running @command{cryptsetup luksDump @var{device}}, and looking for the PBKDF field of your keyslots."
msgstr "GRUB kann seit Version 2.06 LUKS2-Geräte entsperren, aber nur die Schlüsselableitungsfunktion PBKDF2 wird unterstützt, was @emph{nicht} die Voreinstellung von @command{cryptsetup luksFormat} ist. Sie können die eingesetzte Schlüsselableitungsfunktion eines Geräts anzeigen lassen, indem Sie @command{cryptsetup luksDump @var{Gerät}} ausführen, und nachsehen, ob dort ein PBKDF-Feld in Ihren Schlüsselfächern („Keyslots“) zu finden ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2555
msgid "Assuming you want to store the root partition on @file{/dev/sda2}, the command sequence to format it as a LUKS2 partition would be along these lines:"
msgstr "Angenommen Sie wollen die Partition für das Wurzeldateisystem verschlüsselt auf @file{/dev/sda2} installieren, dann brauchen Sie eine Befehlsfolge ähnlich wie diese, um sie als LUKS2-Partition zu formatieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2560
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks2 --pbkdf pbkdf2 /dev/sda2\n"
@@ -8153,28 +8284,28 @@ msgstr ""
"mkfs.ext4 -L my-root /dev/mapper/my-partition\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2565
msgid "Once that is done, mount the target file system under @file{/mnt} with a command like (again, assuming @code{my-root} is the label of the root file system):"
msgstr "Sobald das erledigt ist, binden Sie dieses Dateisystem als Installationsziel mit dem Einhängepunkt @file{/mnt} ein, wozu Sie einen Befehl wie hier eintippen (auch hier unter der Annahme, dass @code{my-root} die Bezeichnung des künftigen Wurzeldateisystems ist):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2568
#, no-wrap
msgid "mount LABEL=my-root /mnt\n"
msgstr "mount LABEL=my-root /mnt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2574
msgid "Also mount any other file systems you would like to use on the target system relative to this path. If you have opted for @file{/boot/efi} as an EFI mount point for example, mount it at @file{/mnt/boot/efi} now so it is found by @code{guix system init} afterwards."
msgstr "Binden Sie auch alle anderen Dateisysteme ein, die Sie auf dem Zielsystem benutzen möchten, mit Einhängepunkten relativ zu diesem Pfad. Wenn Sie sich zum Beispiel für einen Einhängepunkt @file{/boot/efi} für die EFI-Systempartition entschieden haben, binden Sie sie jetzt als @file{/mnt/boot/efi} ein, damit @code{guix system init} sie später findet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2578
msgid "Finally, if you plan to use one or more swap partitions (@pxref{Swap Space}), make sure to initialize them with @command{mkswap}. Assuming you have one swap partition on @file{/dev/sda3}, you would run:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie zudem auch vorhaben, eine oder mehrere Swap-Partitionen zu benutzen (siehe @ref{Swap Space}), initialisieren Sie diese nun mit @command{mkswap}. Angenommen Sie haben eine Swap-Partition auf @file{/dev/sda3}, dann würde der Befehl so lauten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2582
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"mkswap /dev/sda3\n"
@@ -8184,12 +8315,12 @@ msgstr ""
"swapon /dev/sda3\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2590
msgid "Alternatively, you may use a swap file. For example, assuming that in the new system you want to use the file @file{/swapfile} as a swap file, you would run@footnote{This example will work for many types of file systems (e.g., ext4). However, for copy-on-write file systems (e.g., btrfs), the required steps may be different. For details, see the manual pages for @command{mkswap} and @command{swapon}.}:"
msgstr "Alternativ können Sie eine Swap-Datei benutzen. Angenommen, Sie wollten die Datei @file{/swapdatei} im neuen System als eine Swapdatei benutzen, dann müssten Sie Folgendes ausführen@footnote{Dieses Beispiel wird auf vielen Arten von Dateisystemen funktionieren (z.B.@: auf ext4). Auf Dateisystemen mit Copy-on-Write (wie z.B.@: btrfs) können sich die nötigen Schritte unterscheiden. Details finden Sie in der Dokumentation auf den Handbuchseiten von @command{mkswap} und @command{swapon}.}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2598
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# This is 10 GiB of swap space. Adjust \"count\" to change the size.\n"
@@ -8207,38 +8338,38 @@ msgstr ""
"swapon /mnt/swapfile\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2603
msgid "Note that if you have encrypted the root partition and created a swap file in its file system as described above, then the encryption also protects the swap file, just like any other file in that file system."
msgstr "Bedenken Sie, dass, wenn Sie die Partition für das Wurzeldateisystem („root“) verschlüsselt und eine Swap-Datei in diesem Dateisystem wie oben beschrieben erstellt haben, die Verschlüsselung auch die Swap-Datei schützt, genau wie jede andere Datei in dem Dateisystem."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2609
msgid "With the target partitions ready and the target root mounted on @file{/mnt}, we're ready to go. First, run:"
msgstr "Wenn die Partitionen des Installationsziels bereit sind und dessen Wurzeldateisystem unter @file{/mnt} eingebunden wurde, kann es losgehen mit der Installation. Führen Sie zuerst aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2612
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd start cow-store /mnt\n"
msgstr "herd start cow-store /mnt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2619
msgid "This makes @file{/gnu/store} copy-on-write, such that packages added to it during the installation phase are written to the target disk on @file{/mnt} rather than kept in memory. This is necessary because the first phase of the @command{guix system init} command (see below) entails downloads or builds to @file{/gnu/store} which, initially, is an in-memory file system."
msgstr "Dadurch wird @file{/gnu/store} copy-on-write, d.h.@: dorthin von Guix erstellte Pakete werden in ihrer Installationsphase auf dem unter @file{/mnt} befindlichen Zieldateisystem gespeichert, statt den Arbeitsspeicher auszulasten. Das ist nötig, weil die erste Phase des Befehls @command{guix system init} (siehe unten) viele Dateien nach @file{/gnu/store} herunterlädt oder sie erstellt, Änderungen am @file{/gnu/store} aber bis dahin wie das übrige Installationssystem nur im Arbeitsspeicher gelagert werden konnten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2630
msgid "Next, you have to edit a file and provide the declaration of the operating system to be installed. To that end, the installation system comes with three text editors. We recommend GNU nano (@pxref{Top,,, nano, GNU nano Manual}), which supports syntax highlighting and parentheses matching; other editors include mg (an Emacs clone), and nvi (a clone of the original BSD @command{vi} editor). We strongly recommend storing that file on the target root file system, say, as @file{/mnt/etc/config.scm}. Failing to do that, you will have lost your configuration file once you have rebooted into the newly-installed system."
msgstr "Als Nächstes müssen Sie eine Datei bearbeiten und dort eine Deklaration des Betriebssystems, das Sie installieren möchten, hineinschreiben. Zu diesem Zweck sind im Installationssystem drei Texteditoren enthalten. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie GNU nano benutzen (siehe @ref{Top,,, nano, GNU nano Manual}), welcher Syntax und zueinander gehörende Klammern hervorheben kann. Andere mitgelieferte Texteditoren, die Sie benutzen können, sind mg (ein Emacs-Klon) und nvi (ein Klon des ursprünglichen @command{vi}-Editors von BSD). Wir empfehlen sehr, dass Sie diese Datei im Zieldateisystem der Installation speichern, etwa als @file{/mnt/etc/config.scm}, weil Sie Ihre Konfigurationsdatei im frisch installierten System noch brauchen werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2637
msgid "@xref{Using the Configuration System}, for an overview of the configuration file. The example configurations discussed in that section are available under @file{/etc/configuration} in the installation image. Thus, to get started with a system configuration providing a graphical display server (a ``desktop'' system), you can run something along these lines:"
msgstr "Der Abschnitt @ref{Using the Configuration System} gibt einen Überblick über die Konfigurationsdatei. Die in dem Abschnitt diskutierten Beispielkonfigurationen sind im Installationsabbild im Verzeichnis @file{/etc/configuration} zu finden. Um also mit einer Systemkonfiguration anzufangen, die einen grafischen Anzeigeserver (einen „Display-Server“ zum Darstellen einer „Desktop“-Arbeitsumgebung) bietet, könnten Sie so etwas ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2642
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# mkdir /mnt/etc\n"
@@ -8250,53 +8381,53 @@ msgstr ""
"# nano /mnt/etc/config.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2646
msgid "You should pay attention to what your configuration file contains, and in particular:"
msgstr "Achten Sie darauf, was in Ihrer Konfigurationsdatei steht, und besonders auf Folgendes:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2658
msgid "Make sure the @code{bootloader-configuration} form refers to the targets you want to install GRUB on. It should mention @code{grub-bootloader} if you are installing GRUB in the legacy way, or @code{grub-efi-bootloader} for newer UEFI systems. For legacy systems, the @code{targets} field contain the names of the devices, like @code{(list \"/dev/sda\")}; for UEFI systems it names the paths to mounted EFI partitions, like @code{(list \"/boot/efi\")}; do make sure the paths are currently mounted and a @code{file-system} entry is specified in your configuration."
msgstr "Ihre @code{bootloader-configuration}-Form muss sich auf die Ziele beziehen, auf die Sie GRUB installieren möchten. Sie sollte genau dann @code{grub-bootloader} nennen, wenn Sie GRUB im alten BIOS-Modus installieren, und für neuere UEFI-Systeme sollten Sie @code{grub-efi-bootloader} nennen. Bei Altsystemen bezeichnet das @code{targets}-Feld die Geräte wie @code{(list \"/dev/sda\")}, bei UEFI-Systemen bezeichnet es die Pfade zu eingebundenen EFI-Partitionen (ESP) wie @code{(list \"/boot/efi\")}; stellen Sie sicher, dass die Pfade tatsächlich dort eingebunden sind und ein @code{file-system}-Eintrag dafür in Ihrer Konfiguration festgelegt wurde."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2664
msgid "Be sure that your file system labels match the value of their respective @code{device} fields in your @code{file-system} configuration, assuming your @code{file-system} configuration uses the @code{file-system-label} procedure in its @code{device} field."
msgstr "Dateisystembezeichnungen müssen mit den jeweiligen @code{device}-Feldern in Ihrer @code{file-system}-Konfiguration übereinstimmen, sofern Sie in Ihrer @code{file-system}-Konfiguration die Prozedur @code{file-system-label} für ihre @code{device}-Felder benutzen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2668
msgid "If there are encrypted or RAID partitions, make sure to add a @code{mapped-devices} field to describe them (@pxref{Mapped Devices})."
msgstr "Gibt es verschlüsselte Partitionen oder RAID-Partitionen, dann müssen sie im @code{mapped-devices}-Feld genannt werden (siehe @ref{Mapped Devices})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2673
msgid "Once you are done preparing the configuration file, the new system must be initialized (remember that the target root file system is mounted under @file{/mnt}):"
msgstr "Wenn Sie damit fertig sind, Ihre Konfigurationsdatei vorzubereiten, können Sie das neue System initialisieren (denken Sie daran, dass zukünftige Wurzeldateisystem muss unter @file{/mnt} wie bereits beschrieben eingebunden sein):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2676
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt\n"
msgstr "guix system init /mnt/etc/config.scm /mnt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2683
msgid "This copies all the necessary files and installs GRUB on @file{/dev/sdX}, unless you pass the @option{--no-bootloader} option. For more information, @pxref{Invoking guix system}. This command may trigger downloads or builds of missing packages, which can take some time."
msgstr "Dies kopiert alle notwendigen Dateien und installiert GRUB auf @file{/dev/sdX}, sofern Sie nicht noch die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-bootloader} benutzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix system}. Der Befehl kann das Herunterladen oder Erstellen fehlender Softwarepakete auslösen, was einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2691
msgid "Once that command has completed---and hopefully succeeded!---you can run @command{reboot} and boot into the new system. The @code{root} password in the new system is initially empty; other users' passwords need to be initialized by running the @command{passwd} command as @code{root}, unless your configuration specifies otherwise (@pxref{user-account-password, user account passwords}). @xref{After System Installation}, for what's next!"
msgstr "Sobald der Befehl erfolgreich@tie{}— hoffentlich!@tie{}— durchgelaufen ist, können Sie mit dem Befehl @command{reboot} das neue System booten lassen. Der Administratornutzer @code{root} hat im neuen System zunächst ein leeres Passwort, und Passwörter der anderen Nutzer müssen Sie später setzen, indem Sie den Befehl @command{passwd} als @code{root} ausführen, außer Ihre Konfiguration enthält schon Passwörter (siehe @ref{user-account-password, Passwörter für Benutzerkonten}). Siehe @ref{After System Installation} für Informationen, wie es weiter geht!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2698
msgid "Success, you've now booted into Guix System! From then on, you can update the system whenever you want by running, say:"
msgstr "Sie haben es geschafft: Sie haben Guix System erfolgreich gebootet! Von jetzt an können Sie Guix System aktualisieren, wann Sie möchten, indem Sie zum Beispiel das hier ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2702
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix pull\n"
@@ -8306,93 +8437,93 @@ msgstr ""
"sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2708
msgid "This builds a new system generation with the latest packages and services (@pxref{Invoking guix system}). We recommend doing that regularly so that your system includes the latest security updates (@pxref{Security Updates})."
msgstr "Dadurch wird eine neue Systemgeneration aus den neuesten Paketen und Diensten erstellt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system}). Wir empfehlen, diese Schritte regelmäßig zu wiederholen, damit Ihr System die aktuellen Sicherheitsaktualisierungen benutzt (siehe @ref{Security Updates})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2711
#, no-wrap
msgid "sudo vs. @command{guix pull}"
msgstr "sudo, Wirkung auf @command{guix pull}"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2715
msgid "Note that @command{sudo guix} runs your user's @command{guix} command and @emph{not} root's, because @command{sudo} leaves @env{PATH} unchanged. To explicitly run root's @command{guix}, type @command{sudo -i guix @dots{}}."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass bei Nutzung von @command{sudo guix} der @command{guix}-Befehl des aktiven Benutzers ausgeführt wird und @emph{nicht} der des Administratornutzers „root“, weil @command{sudo} die Umgebungsvariable @env{PATH} unverändert lässt. Um ausdrücklich das @command{guix}-Programm des Administrators aufzurufen, müssen Sie @command{sudo -i guix …} eintippen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2720
msgid "The difference matters here, because @command{guix pull} updates the @command{guix} command and package definitions only for the user it is run as. This means that if you choose to use @command{guix system reconfigure} in root's login shell, you'll need to @command{guix pull} separately."
msgstr "Das macht hier einen Unterschied, weil @command{guix pull} den @command{guix}-Befehl und Paketdefinitionen nur für dasjenige Benutzerkonto aktualisiert, mit dem es ausgeführt wird. Würden Sie stattdessen in der Login-Shell des „root“-Nutzers @command{guix system reconfigure} ausführen, müssten Sie auch für ihn @command{guix pull} ausführen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2725
msgid "Now, @pxref{Getting Started}, and join us on @code{#guix} on the Libera Chat IRC network or on @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} to share your experience!"
msgstr "Werfen Sie nun einen Blick auf @ref{Getting Started} und besuchen Sie uns auf @code{#guix} auf dem Libera-Chat-IRC-Netzwerk oder auf der Mailing-Liste @file{guix-devel@@gnu.org}, um uns Rückmeldung zu geben!"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2728
#, no-wrap
msgid "Installing Guix in a Virtual Machine"
msgstr "Guix in einer virtuellen Maschine installieren"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2730
#, no-wrap
msgid "virtual machine, Guix System installation"
msgstr "virtuelle Maschine, Guix System installieren"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2731
#, no-wrap
msgid "virtual private server (VPS)"
msgstr "Virtual Private Server (VPS)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2732
#, no-wrap
msgid "VPS (virtual private server)"
msgstr "VPS (Virtual Private Server)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2736
msgid "If you'd like to install Guix System in a virtual machine (VM) or on a virtual private server (VPS) rather than on your beloved machine, this section is for you."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix System auf einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) oder einem „Virtual Private Server“ (VPS) statt auf Ihrer echten Maschine installieren möchten, ist dieser Abschnitt hier richtig für Sie."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2739
msgid "To boot a @uref{https://qemu.org/,QEMU} VM for installing Guix System in a disk image, follow these steps:"
msgstr "Um eine virtuelle Maschine für @uref{https://qemu.org/,QEMU} aufzusetzen, mit der Sie Guix System in ein „Disk-Image“ installieren können (also in eine Datei mit einem Abbild eines Plattenspeichers), gehen Sie so vor:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2744
msgid "First, retrieve and decompress the Guix system installation image as described previously (@pxref{USB Stick and DVD Installation})."
msgstr "Zunächst laden Sie das Installationsabbild des Guix-Systems wie zuvor beschrieben herunter und entpacken es (siehe @ref{USB Stick and DVD Installation})."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2748
msgid "Create a disk image that will hold the installed system. To make a qcow2-formatted disk image, use the @command{qemu-img} command:"
msgstr "Legen Sie nun ein Disk-Image an, das das System nach der Installation enthalten soll. Um ein qcow2-formatiertes Disk-Image zu erstellen, benutzen Sie den Befehl @command{qemu-img}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2751
#, no-wrap
msgid "qemu-img create -f qcow2 guix-system.img 50G\n"
msgstr "qemu-img create -f qcow2 guix-system.img 50G\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2755
msgid "The resulting file will be much smaller than 50 GB (typically less than 1 MB), but it will grow as the virtualized storage device is filled up."
msgstr "Die Datei, die Sie herausbekommen, wird wesentlich kleiner als 50 GB sein (typischerweise kleiner als 1 MB), vergrößert sich aber, wenn der virtualisierte Speicher gefüllt wird."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2758
msgid "Boot the USB installation image in an VM:"
msgstr "Starten Sie das USB-Installationsabbild auf einer virtuellen Maschine:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2764
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -smp 1 -enable-kvm \\\n"
@@ -8406,115 +8537,115 @@ msgstr ""
" -drive media=cdrom,file=guix-system-install-@value{VERSION}.@var{System}.iso\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2768
msgid "@code{-enable-kvm} is optional, but significantly improves performance, @pxref{Running Guix in a VM}."
msgstr "@code{-enable-kvm} ist optional, verbessert die Rechenleistung aber erheblich, siehe @ref{Running Guix in a VM}."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2772
msgid "You're now root in the VM, proceed with the installation process. @xref{Preparing for Installation}, and follow the instructions."
msgstr "Sie sind nun in der virtuellen Maschine als Administratornutzer @code{root} angemeldet und können mit der Installation wie gewohnt fortfahren. Folgen Sie der Anleitung im Abschnitt @ref{Preparing for Installation}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2777
msgid "Once installation is complete, you can boot the system that's on your @file{guix-system.img} image. @xref{Running Guix in a VM}, for how to do that."
msgstr "Wurde die Installation abgeschlossen, können Sie das System starten, das sich nun als Abbild in der Datei @file{guix-system.img} befindet. Der Abschnitt @ref{Running Guix in a VM} erklärt, wie Sie das tun können."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2781
#, no-wrap
msgid "installation image"
msgstr "Installationsabbild"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2784
msgid "The installation image described above was built using the @command{guix system} command, specifically:"
msgstr "Das oben beschriebene Installationsabbild wurde mit dem Befehl @command{guix system} erstellt, genauer gesagt mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2787
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system image -t iso9660 gnu/system/install.scm\n"
msgstr "guix system image -t iso9660 gnu/system/install.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2792
msgid "Have a look at @file{gnu/system/install.scm} in the source tree, and see also @ref{Invoking guix system} for more information about the installation image."
msgstr "Die Datei @file{gnu/system/install.scm} finden Sie im Quellbaum von Guix. Schauen Sie sich die Datei und auch den Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix system} an, um mehr Informationen über das Installationsabbild zu erhalten."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2793
#, no-wrap
msgid "Building the Installation Image for ARM Boards"
msgstr "Abbild zur Installation für ARM-Rechner erstellen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2797
msgid "Many ARM boards require a specific variant of the @uref{https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/, U-Boot} bootloader."
msgstr "Viele ARM-Chips funktionieren nur mit ihrer eigenen speziellen Variante des @uref{https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/, U-Boot-Bootloaders}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2801
msgid "If you build a disk image and the bootloader is not available otherwise (on another boot drive etc), it's advisable to build an image that includes the bootloader, specifically:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Disk-Image erstellen und der Bootloader nicht anderweitig schon installiert ist (auf einem anderen Laufwerk), ist es ratsam, ein Disk-Image zu erstellen, was den Bootloader enthält, mit dem Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2804
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system image --system=armhf-linux -e '((@@ (gnu system install) os-with-u-boot) (@@ (gnu system install) installation-os) \"A20-OLinuXino-Lime2\")'\n"
msgstr "guix system image --system=armhf-linux -e '((@@ (gnu system install) os-with-u-boot) (@@ (gnu system install) installation-os) \"A20-OLinuXino-Lime2\")'\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2808
msgid "@code{A20-OLinuXino-Lime2} is the name of the board. If you specify an invalid board, a list of possible boards will be printed."
msgstr "@code{A20-OLinuXino-Lime2} ist der Name des Chips. Wenn Sie einen ungültigen Namen eingeben, wird eine Liste möglicher Chip-Namen ausgegeben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2818
msgid "Presumably, you've reached this section because either you have installed Guix on top of another distribution (@pxref{Installation}), or you've installed the standalone Guix System (@pxref{System Installation}). It's time for you to get started using Guix and this section aims to help you do that and give you a feel of what it's like."
msgstr "Wenn Sie in diesem Abschnitt angekommen sind, haben Sie vermutlich zuvor entweder Guix auf einer fremden Distribution installiert (siehe @ref{Installation}) oder Sie haben das eigenständige „Guix System“ installiert (siehe @ref{System Installation}). Nun wird es Zeit für Sie, Guix kennenzulernen. Darum soll es in diesem Abschnitt gehen. Wir möchten Ihnen ein Gefühl vermitteln, wie sich Guix anfühlt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2822
msgid "Guix is about installing software, so probably the first thing you'll want to do is to actually look for software. Let's say you're looking for a text editor, you can run:"
msgstr "Bei Guix geht es darum, Software zu installieren, also wollen Sie vermutlich zunächst Software finden, die Sie haben möchten. Sagen wir, Sie suchen ein Programm zur Textverarbeitung. Dann führen Sie diesen Befehl aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2825
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix search text editor\n"
msgstr "guix search text editor\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2832
msgid "This command shows you a number of matching @dfn{packages}, each time showing the package's name, version, a description, and additional info. Once you've found out the one you want to use, let's say Emacs (ah ha!), you can go ahead and install it (run this command as a regular user, @emph{no need for root privileges}!):"
msgstr "Durch diesen Befehl stoßen Sie auf eine Reihe passender @dfn{Pakete}. Für jedes werden Ihnen der Name des Pakets, seine Version, eine Beschreibung und weitere Informationen angezeigt. Sobald Sie das Paket gefunden haben, dass Sie benutzen möchten, sagen wir mal Emacs (aha!), dann können Sie weitermachen und es installieren (führen Sie diesen Befehl als normaler Benutzer aus, @emph{Guix braucht hierfür keine Administratorrechte}!):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2835
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install emacs\n"
msgstr "guix install emacs\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2804 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3116
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2837 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3201
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile"
msgstr "Profil"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2845
msgid "You've installed your first package, congrats! The package is now visible in your default @dfn{profile}, @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}---a profile is a directory containing installed packages. In the process, you've probably noticed that Guix downloaded pre-built binaries; or, if you explicitly chose to @emph{not} use pre-built binaries, then probably Guix is still building software (@pxref{Substitutes}, for more info)."
msgstr "Sie haben soeben Ihr erstes Paket installiert, Glückwunsch! Das Paket ist nun Teil Ihres voreingestellten Profils in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}@tie{}— ein @dfn{Profil} ist ein Verzeichnis, das installierte Pakete enthält. Während Sie das getan haben, ist Ihnen wahrscheinlich aufgefallen, dass Guix vorerstellte Programmbinärdateien herunterlädt, statt sie auf Ihrem Rechner zu kompilieren, außer wenn Sie diese Funktionalität vorher ausdrücklich @emph{abgeschaltet} haben. In diesem Fall ist Guix wahrscheinlich noch immer mit der Erstellung beschäftigt. Siehe @ref{Substitutes} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2848
msgid "Unless you're using Guix System, the @command{guix install} command must have printed this hint:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie @emph{nicht} Guix System benutzen, wird der Befehl @command{guix install} diesen Hinweis ausgegeben haben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2851
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"hint: Consider setting the necessary environment variables by running:\n"
@@ -8525,7 +8656,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2854
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" GUIX_PROFILE=\"$HOME/.guix-profile\"\n"
@@ -8537,77 +8668,77 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2856
#, no-wrap
msgid "Alternately, see `guix package --search-paths -p \"$HOME/.guix-profile\"'.\n"
msgstr "Sie können sie auch mit `guix package --search-paths -p \"$HOME/.guix-profile\"' nachlesen.\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2870
msgid "Indeed, you must now tell your shell where @command{emacs} and other programs installed with Guix are to be found. Pasting the two lines above will do just that: it will add @code{$HOME/.guix-profile/bin}---which is where the installed package is---to the @code{PATH} environment variable. You can paste these two lines in your shell so they take effect right away, but more importantly you should add them to @file{~/.bash_profile} (or equivalent file if you do not use Bash) so that environment variables are set next time you spawn a shell. You only need to do this once and other search paths environment variables will be taken care of similarly---e.g., if you eventually install @code{python} and Python libraries, @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} will be defined."
msgstr "Tatsächlich ist es erforderlich, dass Sie Ihrer Shell erst einmal mitteilen, wo sich @command{emacs} und andere mit Guix installierte Programme befinden. Wenn Sie die obigen zwei Zeilen in die Shell einfügen, wird genau das bewerkstelligt: @code{$HOME/.guix-profile/bin}@tie{}— wo sich das installierte Paket befindet@tie{}— wird in die @code{PATH}-Umgebungsvariable eingefügt. Sie können diese zwei Zeilen in Ihre Shell hineinkopieren, damit sie sich sofort auswirken, aber wichtiger ist, dass Sie sie in @file{~/.bash_profile} kopieren (oder eine äquivalente Datei, wenn Sie @emph{nicht} Bash benutzen), damit die Umgebungsvariablen nächstes Mal gesetzt sind, wenn Sie wieder eine Shell öffnen. Das müssen Sie nur einmal machen und es sorgt auch bei anderen Umgebungsvariablen mit Suchpfaden dafür, dass die installierte Software gefunden wird. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel @code{python} und Bibliotheken für Python installieren, wird @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} definiert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2873
msgid "You can go on installing packages at your will. To list installed packages, run:"
msgstr "Sie können nun weitere Pakete installieren, wann immer Sie möchten. Um die installierten Pakete aufzulisten, führen Sie dies aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2876
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package --list-installed\n"
msgstr "guix package --list-installed\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2881
msgid "To remove a package, you would unsurprisingly run @command{guix remove}. A distinguishing feature is the ability to @dfn{roll back} any operation you made---installation, removal, upgrade---by simply typing:"
msgstr "Um ein Paket wieder zu entfernen, benutzen Sie wenig überraschend @command{guix remove}. Guix hebt sich von anderen Paketverwaltern darin ab, dass Sie jede Operation, die Sie durchgeführt haben, auch wieder @dfn{zurücksetzen} können, egal ob @code{install}, @code{remove} oder @code{upgrade}, indem Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2884
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package --roll-back\n"
msgstr "guix package --roll-back\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2889
msgid "This is because each operation is in fact a @dfn{transaction} that creates a new @dfn{generation}. These generations and the difference between them can be displayed by running:"
msgstr "Das geht deshalb, weil jede Operation eigentlich als @dfn{Transaktion} durchgeführt wird, die eine neue @dfn{Generation} erstellt. Über folgenden Befehl bekommen Sie diese Generationen und den Unterschied zwischen ihnen angezeigt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2892
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package --list-generations\n"
msgstr "guix package --list-generations\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2895
msgid "Now you know the basics of package management!"
msgstr "Jetzt kennen Sie die Grundlagen der Paketverwaltung!"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2863 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2955
#, no-wrap
msgid "Going further"
msgstr "Vertiefung"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2904
msgid "@xref{Package Management}, for more about package management. You may like @dfn{declarative} package management with @command{guix package --manifest}, managing separate @dfn{profiles} with @option{--profile}, deleting old generations, collecting garbage, and other nifty features that will come in handy as you become more familiar with Guix. If you are a developer, @pxref{Development} for additional tools. And if you're curious, @pxref{Features}, to peek under the hood."
msgstr "Lesen Sie den Abschnitt zur @ref{Package Management} für mehr Informationen dazu. Vielleicht gefällt Ihnen @dfn{deklarative} Paketverwaltung mit @command{guix package --manifest}, die Verwaltung separater @dfn{Profile} mit @option{--profile}, das Löschen alter Generationen und das „Müllsammeln“ (Garbage Collection) sowie andere raffinierte Funktionalitäten, die sich als nützlich erweisen werden, wenn Sie sich länger mit Guix befassen. Wenn Sie Software entwickeln, lernen Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Development} hilfreiche Werkzeuge kennen. Und wenn Sie neugierig sind, wird Ihnen im Abschnitt @ref{Features} ein Überblick gegeben, wie und nach welchen Prinzipien Guix aufgebaut ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2909
msgid "Once you've installed a set of packages, you will want to periodically @emph{upgrade} them to the latest and greatest version. To do that, you will first pull the latest revision of Guix and its package collection:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie eine Reihe von Paketen installiert haben, werden Sie diese regelmäßig auf deren neueste und beste Version @emph{aktualisieren} wollen. Dazu ist es erforderlich, dass Sie zunächst die neueste Version von Guix und seiner Paketsammlung mit einem „Pull“ laden:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2919
msgid "The end result is a new @command{guix} command, under @file{~/.config/guix/current/bin}. Unless you're on Guix System, the first time you run @command{guix pull}, be sure to follow the hint that the command prints and, similar to what we saw above, paste these two lines in your terminal and @file{.bash_profile}:"
msgstr "Das Endergebnis ist ein neuer @command{guix}-Befehl innerhalb von @file{~/.config/guix/current/bin}. Sofern Sie nicht Guix System benutzen, sollten Sie dem Hinweis Folge leisten, den Sie bei der ersten Ausführung von @command{guix pull} angezeigt bekommen, d.h.@: ähnlich wie oben beschrieben, fügen Sie diese zwei Zeilen in Ihr Terminal und Ihre @file{.bash_profile} ein:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2923
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -8617,336 +8748,336 @@ msgstr ""
". \"$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2927
msgid "You must also instruct your shell to point to this new @command{guix}:"
msgstr "Ebenso müssen Sie Ihre Shell auf diesen neuen @command{guix}-Befehl hinweisen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2930
#, no-wrap
msgid "hash guix\n"
msgstr "hash guix\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2934
msgid "At this point, you're running a brand new Guix. You can thus go ahead and actually upgrade all the packages you previously installed:"
msgstr "Wenn das geschafft ist, benutzen Sie ein brandneues Guix. Jetzt können Sie damit fortfahren, alle zuvor installierten Pakete zu aktualisieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2937
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix upgrade\n"
msgstr "guix upgrade\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2943
msgid "As you run this command, you will see that binaries are downloaded (or perhaps some packages are built), and eventually you end up with the upgraded packages. Should one of these upgraded packages not be to your liking, remember you can always roll back!"
msgstr "Während dieser Befehl ausgeführt wird, werden Sie sehen, dass Binärdateien heruntergeladen werden (vielleicht müssen manche Pakete auch auf Ihrem Rechner erstellt werden). Letztendlich stehen Ihnen die aktualisierten Pakete zur Verfügung. Falls eine der Aktualisierungen nicht Ihren Wünschen entspricht, haben Sie immer auch die Möglichkeit, sie auf den alten Stand zurückzusetzen!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2946
msgid "You can display the exact revision of Guix you're currently using by running:"
msgstr "Sie können sich anzeigen lassen, welche Version von Guix Sie genau verwenden, indem Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2949
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix describe\n"
msgstr "guix describe\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2954
msgid "The information it displays is @emph{all it takes to reproduce the exact same Guix}, be it at a different point in time or on a different machine."
msgstr "Die angezeigten Informationen sind @emph{alles, was nötig ist, um genau dasselbe Guix zu installieren}. Damit können Sie zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt oder auf einer anderen Maschine genau dieselbe Software nachbilden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2960
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix pull}, for more information. @xref{Channels}, on how to specify additional @dfn{channels} to pull packages from, how to replicate Guix, and more. You may also find @command{time-machine} handy (@pxref{Invoking guix time-machine})."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull} für weitere Informationen. Siehe @ref{Channels} für Erklärungen, wie man zusätzliche @dfn{Kanäle} als Paketquellen angibt, wie man Guix nachbilden kann, und mehr. Vielleicht hilft Ihnen auch die @command{time-machine}-Funktion (siehe @ref{Invoking guix time-machine})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2965
msgid "If you installed Guix System, one of the first things you'll want to do is to upgrade your system. Once you've run @command{guix pull} to get the latest Guix, you can upgrade the system like this:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix System installieren, dürfte eines der ersten Dinge, das Sie tun wollen, eine Aktualisierung Ihres Systems sein. Sobald Sie @command{guix pull} ausgeführt haben, können Sie mit diesem Befehl das System aktualisieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2968
#, no-wrap
msgid "sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm\n"
msgstr "sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2977
msgid "Upon completion, the system runs the latest versions of its software packages. When you eventually reboot, you'll notice a sub-menu in the bootloader that reads ``Old system generations'': it's what allows you to boot @emph{an older generation of your system}, should the latest generation be ``broken'' or otherwise unsatisfying. Just like for packages, you can always @emph{roll back} to a previous generation @emph{of the whole system}:"
msgstr "Nach Abschluss läuft auf dem System die neueste Version seiner Software-Pakete. Sobald Sie den Rechner neu starten, wird Ihnen ein Untermenü im Bootloader auffallen, das mit „Old system generations“ bezeichnet wird. Über dieses können Sie @emph{eine ältere Generation Ihres Systems} starten, falls die neueste Generation auf irgendeine Weise „kaputt“ ist oder auf andere Weise nicht Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Genau wie bei Paketen können Sie jederzeit @emph{das gesamte System} auf eine vorherige Generation @emph{zurücksetzen}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2980
#, no-wrap
msgid "sudo guix system roll-back\n"
msgstr "sudo guix system roll-back\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2987
msgid "There are many things you'll probably want to tweak on your system: adding new user accounts, adding new system services, fiddling with the configuration of those services, etc. The system configuration is @emph{entirely} described in the @file{/etc/config.scm} file. @xref{Using the Configuration System}, to learn how to change it."
msgstr "Es gibt viele Feineinstellungen, die Sie an Ihrem System wahrscheinlich vornehmen möchten. Vielleicht möchten Sie neue Benutzerkonten oder neue Systemdienste hinzufügen, mit anderen Konfigurationen solcher Dienste experimentieren oder Ähnliches. Die @emph{gesamte} Systemkonfiguration wird durch die Datei @file{/etc/config.scm} beschrieben. Siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}, wo erklärt wird, wie man sie ändert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2989
msgid "Now you know enough to get started!"
msgstr "Jetzt wissen Sie genug, um anzufangen!"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2990
#, no-wrap
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Weitere Ressourcen"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2993
msgid "The rest of this manual provides a reference for all things Guix. Here are some additional resources you may find useful:"
msgstr "Der Rest dieses Handbuchs stellt eine Referenz für alles rund um Guix dar. Hier sind ein paar andere Ressourcen, die sich als nützlich erweisen könnten:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2998
msgid "@xref{Top,,, guix-cookbook, The GNU Guix Cookbook}, for a list of ``how-to'' style of recipes for a variety of applications."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Top,,, guix-cookbook, das GNU-Guix-Kochbuch} für eine Liste von anleitungsartigen Rezepten zu einer Vielzahl von Anwendungszwecken."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3003
msgid "The @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/guix-refcard.pdf, GNU Guix Reference Card} lists in two pages most of the commands and options you'll ever need."
msgstr "In der @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/guix-refcard.pdf, GNU Guix Reference Card} sind in zwei Seiten die meisten Befehle und Befehlszeilenoptionen aufgeführt, die Sie jemals brauchen werden."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3008
msgid "The web site contains @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/en/videos/, instructional videos} covering topics such as everyday use of Guix, how to get help, and how to become a contributor."
msgstr "Auf dem Webauftritt gibt es @uref{https://guix.gnu.org/de/videos/, Lehrvideos} zu Themen wie der alltäglichen Nutzung von Guix, wo man Hilfe bekommt und wie man mitmachen kann."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3012
msgid "@xref{Documentation}, to learn how to access documentation on your computer."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Documentation}, um zu erfahren, wie Sie von Ihrem Rechner aus auf Dokumentation von Software zugreifen können."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3015
msgid "We hope you will enjoy Guix as much as the community enjoys building it!"
msgstr "Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen Guix genauso viel Spaß bereitet wie der Guix-Gemeinde bei seiner Entwicklung!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:2993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3026
msgid "The purpose of GNU Guix is to allow users to easily install, upgrade, and remove software packages, without having to know about their build procedures or dependencies. Guix also goes beyond this obvious set of features."
msgstr "Der Zweck von GNU Guix ist, Benutzern die leichte Installation, Aktualisierung und Entfernung von Software-Paketen zu ermöglichen, ohne dass sie ihre Erstellungsprozeduren oder Abhängigkeiten kennen müssen. Guix kann natürlich noch mehr als diese offensichtlichen Funktionalitäten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3034
msgid "This chapter describes the main features of Guix, as well as the package management tools it provides. Along with the command-line interface described below (@pxref{Invoking guix package, @code{guix package}}), you may also use the Emacs-Guix interface (@pxref{Top,,, emacs-guix, The Emacs-Guix Reference Manual}), after installing @code{emacs-guix} package (run @kbd{M-x guix-help} command to start with it):"
msgstr "Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die Hauptfunktionalitäten von Guix, sowie die von Guix angebotenen Paketverwaltungswerkzeuge. Zusätzlich zu den im Folgenden beschriebenen Befehlszeilen-Benutzerschnittstellen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package, @code{guix package}}) können Sie auch mit der Emacs-Guix-Schnittstelle (siehe @ref{Top,,, emacs-guix, Referenzhandbuch von Emacs-Guix}) arbeiten, nachdem Sie das Paket @code{emacs-guix} installiert haben (führen Sie zum Einstieg in Emacs-Guix den Emacs-Befehl @kbd{M-x guix-help} aus):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3004
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3037
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install emacs-guix\n"
msgstr "guix install emacs-guix\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3058
msgid "Here we assume you've already made your first steps with Guix (@pxref{Getting Started}) and would like to get an overview about what's going on under the hood."
msgstr "Wir nehmen hier an, dass Sie schon Ihre ersten Erfahrungen mit Guix gemacht haben (siehe @ref{Getting Started}) und gerne einen Überblick darüber bekommen würden, wie Guix im Detail funktioniert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3062
msgid "When using Guix, each package ends up in the @dfn{package store}, in its own directory---something that resembles @file{/gnu/store/xxx-package-1.2}, where @code{xxx} is a base32 string."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix benutzen, landet jedes Paket schließlich im @dfn{Paket-Store} in seinem eigenen Verzeichnis@tie{}— der Name ist ähnlich wie @file{/gnu/store/xxx-package-1.2}, wobei @code{xxx} eine Zeichenkette in Base32-Darstellung ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3067
msgid "Instead of referring to these directories, users have their own @dfn{profile}, which points to the packages that they actually want to use. These profiles are stored within each user's home directory, at @code{$HOME/.guix-profile}."
msgstr "Statt diese Verzeichnisse direkt anzugeben, haben Nutzer ihr eigenes @dfn{Profil}, welches auf diejenigen Pakete zeigt, die sie tatsächlich benutzen wollen. Diese Profile sind im Persönlichen Verzeichnis des jeweiligen Nutzers gespeichert als @code{$HOME/.guix-profile}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3075
msgid "For example, @code{alice} installs GCC 4.7.2. As a result, @file{/home/alice/.guix-profile/bin/gcc} points to @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-4.7.2/bin/gcc}. Now, on the same machine, @code{bob} had already installed GCC 4.8.0. The profile of @code{bob} simply continues to point to @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-4.8.0/bin/gcc}---i.e., both versions of GCC coexist on the same system without any interference."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel installiert @code{alice} GCC 4.7.2. Dadurch zeigt dann @file{/home/alice/.guix-profile/bin/gcc} auf @file{/gnu/store/…-gcc-4.7.2/bin/gcc}. Auf demselben Rechner hat @code{bob} bereits GCC 4.8.0 installiert. Das Profil von @code{bob} zeigt dann einfach weiterhin auf @file{/gnu/store/…-gcc-4.8.0/bin/gcc}@tie{}— d.h.@: beide Versionen von GCC koexistieren auf demselben System, ohne sich zu stören."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3079
msgid "The @command{guix package} command is the central tool to manage packages (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). It operates on the per-user profiles, and can be used @emph{with normal user privileges}."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix package} ist das zentrale Werkzeug, um Pakete zu verwalten (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). Es arbeitet auf dem eigenen Profil jedes Nutzers und kann @emph{mit normalen Benutzerrechten} ausgeführt werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3047 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3080 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3163
#, no-wrap
msgid "transactions"
msgstr "Transaktionen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3087
msgid "The command provides the obvious install, remove, and upgrade operations. Each invocation is actually a @emph{transaction}: either the specified operation succeeds, or nothing happens. Thus, if the @command{guix package} process is terminated during the transaction, or if a power outage occurs during the transaction, then the user's profile remains in its previous state, and remains usable."
msgstr "Der Befehl stellt die offensichtlichen Installations-, Entfernungs- und Aktualisierungsoperationen zur Verfügung. Jeder Aufruf ist tatsächlich eine eigene @emph{Transaktion}: Entweder die angegebene Operation wird erfolgreich durchgeführt, oder gar nichts passiert. Wenn also der Prozess von @command{guix package} während der Transaktion beendet wird, oder es zum Stromausfall während der Transaktion kommt, dann bleibt der alte, nutzbare Zustands des Nutzerprofils erhalten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3095
msgid "In addition, any package transaction may be @emph{rolled back}. So, if, for example, an upgrade installs a new version of a package that turns out to have a serious bug, users may roll back to the previous instance of their profile, which was known to work well. Similarly, the global system configuration on Guix is subject to transactional upgrades and roll-back (@pxref{Using the Configuration System})."
msgstr "Zudem kann jede Pakettransaktion @emph{zurückgesetzt} werden (Rollback). Wird also zum Beispiel durch eine Aktualisierung eine neue Version eines Pakets installiert, die einen schwerwiegenden Fehler zur Folge hat, können Nutzer ihr Profil einfach auf die vorherige Profilinstanz zurücksetzen, von der sie wissen, dass sie gut lief. Ebenso unterliegt bei Guix auch die globale Systemkonfiguration transaktionellen Aktualisierungen und Rücksetzungen (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3102
msgid "All packages in the package store may be @emph{garbage-collected}. Guix can determine which packages are still referenced by user profiles, and remove those that are provably no longer referenced (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}). Users may also explicitly remove old generations of their profile so that the packages they refer to can be collected."
msgstr "Alle Pakete im Paket-Store können vom @emph{Müllsammler} (Garbage Collector) gelöscht werden. Guix ist in der Lage, festzustellen, welche Pakete noch durch Benutzerprofile referenziert werden, und entfernt nur diese, die nachweislich nicht mehr referenziert werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}). Benutzer können auch ausdrücklich alte Generationen ihres Profils löschen, damit die zugehörigen Pakete vom Müllsammler gelöscht werden können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3082
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3115
msgid "Guix takes a @dfn{purely functional} approach to package management, as described in the introduction (@pxref{Introduction}). Each @file{/gnu/store} package directory name contains a hash of all the inputs that were used to build that package---compiler, libraries, build scripts, etc. This direct correspondence allows users to make sure a given package installation matches the current state of their distribution. It also helps maximize @dfn{build reproducibility}: thanks to the isolated build environments that are used, a given build is likely to yield bit-identical files when performed on different machines (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, container})."
msgstr "Guix verfolgt einen @dfn{rein funktionalen} Ansatz bei der Paketverwaltung, wie er in der Einleitung beschrieben wurde (siehe @ref{Introduction}). Jedes Paketverzeichnis im @file{/gnu/store} hat einen Hash all seiner bei der Erstellung benutzten Eingaben im Namen@tie{}— Compiler, Bibliotheken, Erstellungs-Skripts etc. Diese direkte Entsprechung ermöglicht es Benutzern, eine Paketinstallation zu benutzen, die sicher dem aktuellen Stand ihrer Distribution entspricht. Sie hilft auch dabei, die @dfn{Reproduzierbarkeit der Erstellungen} zu maximieren: Dank den isolierten Erstellungsumgebungen, die benutzt werden, resultiert eine Erstellung wahrscheinlich in bitweise identischen Dateien, auch wenn sie auf unterschiedlichen Maschinen durchgeführt wird (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, Container})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3126
msgid "This foundation allows Guix to support @dfn{transparent binary/source deployment}. When a pre-built binary for a @file{/gnu/store} item is available from an external source---a @dfn{substitute}, Guix just downloads it and unpacks it; otherwise, it builds the package from source, locally (@pxref{Substitutes}). Because build results are usually bit-for-bit reproducible, users do not have to trust servers that provide substitutes: they can force a local build and @emph{challenge} providers (@pxref{Invoking guix challenge})."
msgstr "Auf dieser Grundlage kann Guix @dfn{transparent Binär- oder Quelldateien ausliefern}. Wenn eine vorerstellte Binärdatei für ein @file{/gnu/store}-Objekt von einer externen Quelle verfügbar ist@tie{}— ein @dfn{Substitut}@tie{}—, lädt Guix sie einfach herunter und entpackt sie, andernfalls erstellt Guix das Paket lokal aus seinem Quellcode (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Weil Erstellungsergebnisse normalerweise Bit für Bit reproduzierbar sind, müssen die Nutzer den Servern, die Substitute anbieten, nicht blind vertrauen; sie können eine lokale Erstellung erzwingen und Substitute @emph{anfechten} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix challenge})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3132
msgid "Control over the build environment is a feature that is also useful for developers. The @command{guix shell} command allows developers of a package to quickly set up the right development environment for their package, without having to manually install the dependencies of the package into their profile (@pxref{Invoking guix shell})."
msgstr "Kontrolle über die Erstellungsumgebung ist eine auch für Entwickler nützliche Funktionalität. Der Befehl @command{guix shell} ermöglicht es Entwicklern eines Pakets, schnell die richtige Entwicklungsumgebung für ihr Paket einzurichten, ohne manuell die Abhängigkeiten des Pakets in ihr Profil installieren zu müssen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3133
#, no-wrap
msgid "replication, of software environments"
msgstr "Nachbildung, von Software-Umgebungen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3134
#, no-wrap
msgid "provenance tracking, of software artifacts"
msgstr "Provenienzverfolgung, von Software-Artefakten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3141
msgid "All of Guix and its package definitions is version-controlled, and @command{guix pull} allows you to ``travel in time'' on the history of Guix itself (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). This makes it possible to replicate a Guix instance on a different machine or at a later point in time, which in turn allows you to @emph{replicate complete software environments}, while retaining precise @dfn{provenance tracking} of the software."
msgstr "Ganz Guix und all seine Paketdefinitionen stehen unter Versionskontrolle und @command{guix pull} macht es möglich, auf dem Verlauf der Entwicklung von Guix selbst „in der Zeit zu reisen“ (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}). Dadurch kann eine Instanz von Guix auf einer anderen Maschine oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt genau nachgebildet werden, wodurch auch @emph{vollständige Software-Umgebungen gänzlich nachgebildet} werden können, mit genauer @dfn{Provenienzverfolgung}, wo diese Software herkommt."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3143
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix package}"
msgstr "@command{guix package} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3145
#, no-wrap
msgid "installing packages"
msgstr "Installieren von Paketen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3146
#, no-wrap
msgid "removing packages"
msgstr "Entfernen von Paketen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3147
#, no-wrap
msgid "package installation"
msgstr "Paketinstallation"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3148
#, no-wrap
msgid "package removal"
msgstr "Paketentfernung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3158
msgid "The @command{guix package} command is the tool that allows users to install, upgrade, and remove packages, as well as rolling back to previous configurations. These operations work on a user @dfn{profile}---a directory of installed packages. Each user has a default profile in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}. The command operates only on the user's own profile, and works with normal user privileges (@pxref{Features}). Its syntax is:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix package} ist ein Werkzeug, womit Nutzer Pakete installieren, aktualisieren, entfernen und auf vorherige Konfigurationen zurücksetzen können. Diese Operationen arbeiten auf einem @dfn{Benutzerprofil}, d.h.@: einem Verzeichnis, das installierte Pakete enthält. Jeder Benutzer verfügt über ein Standardprofil in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}. Dabei wird nur das eigene Profil des Nutzers verwendet, und es funktioniert mit normalen Benutzerrechten, ohne Administratorrechte (siehe @ref{Funktionalitäten}). Die Syntax ist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3161
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package @var{options}\n"
msgstr "guix package @var{Optionen}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3168
msgid "Primarily, @var{options} specifies the operations to be performed during the transaction. Upon completion, a new profile is created, but previous @dfn{generations} of the profile remain available, should the user want to roll back."
msgstr "In erster Linie geben die @var{Optionen} an, welche Operationen in der Transaktion durchgeführt werden sollen. Nach Abschluss wird ein neues Profil erzeugt, aber vorherige @dfn{Generationen} des Profils bleiben verfügbar, falls der Benutzer auf sie zurückwechseln will."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3171
msgid "For example, to remove @code{lua} and install @code{guile} and @code{guile-cairo} in a single transaction:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel @code{lua} zu entfernen und @code{guile} und @code{guile-cairo} in einer einzigen Transaktion zu installieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3174
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix package -r lua -i guile guile-cairo\n"
msgstr "guix package -r lua -i guile guile-cairo\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3176
#, no-wrap
msgid "aliases, for @command{guix package}"
msgstr "Alias-Namen für @command{guix package}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3145
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3178
msgid "For your convenience, we also provide the following aliases:"
msgstr "Um es Ihnen einfacher zu machen, bieten wir auch die folgenden Alias-Namen an:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3182
msgid "@command{guix search} is an alias for @command{guix package -s},"
msgstr "@command{guix search} ist eine andere Schreibweise für @command{guix package -s},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3184
msgid "@command{guix install} is an alias for @command{guix package -i},"
msgstr "@command{guix install} ist eine andere Schreibweise für @command{guix package -i},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3186
msgid "@command{guix remove} is an alias for @command{guix package -r},"
msgstr "@command{guix remove} ist eine andere Schreibweise für @command{guix package -r},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3188
msgid "@command{guix upgrade} is an alias for @command{guix package -u},"
msgstr "@command{guix upgrade} ist eine andere Schreibweise für @command{guix package -u}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3190
msgid "and @command{guix show} is an alias for @command{guix package --show=}."
msgstr "und @command{guix show} ist eine andere Schreibweise für @command{guix package --show=}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3195
msgid "These aliases are less expressive than @command{guix package} and provide fewer options, so in some cases you'll probably want to use @command{guix package} directly."
msgstr "Diese Alias-Namen sind weniger ausdrucksstark als @command{guix package} und stellen weniger Befehlszeilenoptionen bereit, deswegen werden Sie vermutlich manchmal @command{guix package} direkt benutzen wollen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3200
msgid "@command{guix package} also supports a @dfn{declarative approach} whereby the user specifies the exact set of packages to be available and passes it @i{via} the @option{--manifest} option (@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}})."
msgstr "@command{guix package} unterstützt auch ein @dfn{deklaratives Vorgehen}, wobei der Nutzer die genaue Menge an Paketen, die verfügbar sein sollen, festlegt und über die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--manifest} übergibt (siehe @ref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3207
msgid "For each user, a symlink to the user's default profile is automatically created in @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}. This symlink always points to the current generation of the user's default profile. Thus, users can add @file{$HOME/.guix-profile/bin} to their @env{PATH} environment variable, and so on."
msgstr "Für jeden Benutzer wird automatisch eine symbolische Verknüpfung zu seinem Standardprofil angelegt als @file{$HOME/.guix-profile}. Diese symbolische Verknüpfung zeigt immer auf die aktuelle Generation des Standardprofils des Benutzers. Somit können Nutzer @file{$HOME/.guix-profile/bin} z.B.@: zu ihrer Umgebungsvariablen @env{PATH} hinzufügen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3174 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3207 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3451
#, no-wrap
msgid "search paths"
msgstr "Suchpfade"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3212
msgid "If you are not using Guix System, consider adding the following lines to your @file{~/.bash_profile} (@pxref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}) so that newly-spawned shells get all the right environment variable definitions:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie @emph{nicht} Guix System benutzen, sollten Sie in Betracht ziehen, folgende Zeilen zu Ihrem @file{~/.bash_profile} hinzuzufügen (siehe @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Bash}), damit in neu erzeugten Shells alle Umgebungsvariablen richtig definiert werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"GUIX_PROFILE=\"$HOME/.guix-profile\" ; \\\n"
@@ -8956,298 +9087,298 @@ msgstr ""
"source \"$GUIX_PROFILE/etc/profile\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3194
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3227
msgid "In a multi-user setup, user profiles are stored in a place registered as a @dfn{garbage-collector root}, which @file{$HOME/.guix-profile} points to (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}). That directory is normally @code{@var{localstatedir}/guix/profiles/per-user/@var{user}}, where @var{localstatedir} is the value passed to @code{configure} as @option{--localstatedir}, and @var{user} is the user name. The @file{per-user} directory is created when @command{guix-daemon} is started, and the @var{user} sub-directory is created by @command{guix package}."
msgstr "Ist Ihr System für mehrere Nutzer eingerichtet, werden Nutzerprofile an einem Ort gespeichert, der als @dfn{Müllsammlerwurzel} registriert ist, auf die @file{$HOME/.guix-profile} zeigt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}). Dieses Verzeichnis ist normalerweise @code{@var{localstatedir}/guix/profiles/per-user/@var{Benutzer}}, wobei @var{localstatedir} der an @code{configure} als @option{--localstatedir} übergebene Wert ist und @var{Benutzer} für den jeweiligen Benutzernamen steht. Das @file{per-user}-Verzeichnis wird erstellt, wenn @command{guix-daemon} gestartet wird, und das Unterverzeichnis @var{Benutzer} wird durch @command{guix package} erstellt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3229
msgid "The @var{options} can be among the following:"
msgstr "Als @var{Optionen} kann vorkommen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3232
#, no-wrap
msgid "--install=@var{package} @dots{}"
msgstr "--install=@var{Paket} …"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3233
#, no-wrap
msgid "-i @var{package} @dots{}"
msgstr "-i @var{Paket} …"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3235
msgid "Install the specified @var{package}s."
msgstr "Die angegebenen @var{Paket}e installieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3240
msgid "Each @var{package} may specify either a simple package name, such as @code{guile}, or a package name followed by an at-sign and version number, such as @code{guile@@1.8.8} or simply @code{guile@@1.8} (in the latter case, the newest version prefixed by @code{1.8} is selected)."
msgstr "Jedes @var{Paket} kann entweder einfach durch seinen Paketnamen aufgeführt werden, wie @code{guile}, oder als Paketname gefolgt von einem At-Zeichen @@ und einer Versionsnummer, wie @code{guile@@1.8.8} oder auch nur @code{guile@@1.8} (in letzterem Fall wird die neueste Version mit Präfix @code{1.8} ausgewählt.)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3248
msgid "If no version number is specified, the newest available version will be selected. In addition, @var{package} may contain a colon, followed by the name of one of the outputs of the package, as in @code{gcc:doc} or @code{binutils@@2.22:lib} (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Packages with a corresponding name (and optionally version) are searched for among the GNU distribution modules (@pxref{Package Modules})."
msgstr "Wird keine Versionsnummer angegeben, wird die neueste verfügbare Version ausgewählt. Zudem kann im @var{Paket} ein Doppelpunkt auftauchen, gefolgt vom Namen einer der Ausgaben des Pakets, wie @code{gcc:doc} oder @code{binutils@@2.22:lib} (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Pakete mit zugehörigem Namen (und optional der Version) werden unter den Modulen der GNU-Distribution gesucht (siehe @ref{Package Modules})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3249
#, no-wrap
msgid "propagated inputs"
msgstr "propagierte Eingaben"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3255
msgid "Sometimes packages have @dfn{propagated inputs}: these are dependencies that automatically get installed along with the required package (@pxref{package-propagated-inputs, @code{propagated-inputs} in @code{package} objects}, for information about propagated inputs in package definitions)."
msgstr "Manchmal haben Pakete @dfn{propagierte Eingaben}: Als solche werden Abhängigkeiten bezeichnet, die automatisch zusammen mit dem angeforderten Paket installiert werden (im Abschnitt @ref{package-propagated-inputs, @code{propagated-inputs} in @code{package}-Objekten} sind weitere Informationen über propagierte Eingaben in Paketdefinitionen zu finden)."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3262
msgid "package-cmd-propagated-inputs"
msgstr "package-cmd-propagated-inputs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3262
msgid "An example is the GNU MPC library: its C header files refer to those of the GNU MPFR library, which in turn refer to those of the GMP library. Thus, when installing MPC, the MPFR and GMP libraries also get installed in the profile; removing MPC also removes MPFR and GMP---unless they had also been explicitly installed by the user."
msgstr "Ein Beispiel ist die GNU-MPC-Bibliothek: Ihre C-Headerdateien verweisen auf die der GNU-MPFR-Bibliothek, welche wiederum auf die der GMP-Bibliothek verweisen. Wenn also MPC installiert wird, werden auch die MPFR- und GMP-Bibliotheken in das Profil installiert; entfernt man MPC, werden auch MPFR und GMP entfernt@tie{}— außer sie wurden noch auf andere Art ausdrücklich vom Nutzer installiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3267
msgid "Besides, packages sometimes rely on the definition of environment variables for their search paths (see explanation of @option{--search-paths} below). Any missing or possibly incorrect environment variable definitions are reported here."
msgstr "Abgesehen davon setzen Pakete manchmal die Definition von Umgebungsvariablen für ihre Suchpfade voraus (siehe die Erklärung von @option{--search-paths} weiter unten). Alle fehlenden oder womöglich falschen Definitionen von Umgebungsvariablen werden hierbei gemeldet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3268
#, no-wrap
msgid "--install-from-expression=@var{exp}"
msgstr "--install-from-expression=@var{Ausdruck}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3269
#, no-wrap
msgid "-e @var{exp}"
msgstr "-e @var{Ausdruck}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3271
msgid "Install the package @var{exp} evaluates to."
msgstr "Das Paket installieren, zu dem der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3276
msgid "@var{exp} must be a Scheme expression that evaluates to a @code{<package>} object. This option is notably useful to disambiguate between same-named variants of a package, with expressions such as @code{(@@ (gnu packages base) guile-final)}."
msgstr "Beim @var{Ausdruck} muss es sich um einen Scheme-Ausdruck handeln, der zu einem @code{<package>}-Objekt ausgewertet wird. Diese Option ist besonders nützlich, um zwischen gleichnamigen Varianten eines Pakets zu unterscheiden, durch Ausdrücke wie @code{(@@ (gnu packages base) guile-final)}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3280
msgid "Note that this option installs the first output of the specified package, which may be insufficient when needing a specific output of a multiple-output package."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass mit dieser Option die erste Ausgabe des angegebenen Pakets installiert wird, was unzureichend sein kann, wenn eine bestimmte Ausgabe eines Pakets mit mehreren Ausgaben gewünscht ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3281
#, no-wrap
msgid "--install-from-file=@var{file}"
msgstr "--install-from-file=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3249 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5781
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3282 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11814
#, no-wrap
msgid "-f @var{file}"
msgstr "-f @var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3284
msgid "Install the package that the code within @var{file} evaluates to."
msgstr "Das Paket installieren, zu dem der Code in der @var{Datei} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3254 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5787
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6221
msgid "As an example, @var{file} might contain a definition like this (@pxref{Defining Packages}):"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel könnte die @var{Datei} eine Definition wie diese enthalten (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}):"
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3256 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3289 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11822
#, no-wrap
msgid "package-hello.scm"
msgstr "package-hello.scm"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3296
msgid "Developers may find it useful to include such a @file{guix.scm} file in the root of their project source tree that can be used to test development snapshots and create reproducible development environments (@pxref{Invoking guix shell})."
msgstr "Entwickler könnten es für nützlich erachten, eine solche @file{guix.scm}-Datei im Quellbaum ihres Projekts abzulegen, mit der Zwischenstände der Entwicklung getestet und reproduzierbare Erstellungsumgebungen aufgebaut werden können (siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3301
msgid "The @var{file} may also contain a JSON representation of one or more package definitions. Running @code{guix package -f} on @file{hello.json} with the following contents would result in installing the package @code{greeter} after building @code{myhello}:"
msgstr "Es ist auch möglich, eine @var{Datei} mit einer JSON-Repräsentation von einer oder mehr Paketdefinitionen anzugeben. Wenn Sie @code{guix package -f} auf @file{hello.json} mit folgendem Inhalt ausführen würden, würde das Paket @code{greeter} installiert, nachdem @code{myhello} erstellt wurde:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3271 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3304 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11832
#, no-wrap
msgid "@verbatiminclude package-hello.json\n"
msgstr "@verbatiminclude package-hello.json\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3306
#, no-wrap
msgid "--remove=@var{package} @dots{}"
msgstr "--remove=@var{Paket} …"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3307
#, no-wrap
msgid "-r @var{package} @dots{}"
msgstr "-r @var{Paket} …"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3309
msgid "Remove the specified @var{package}s."
msgstr "Die angegebenen @var{Paket}e entfernen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3314
msgid "As for @option{--install}, each @var{package} may specify a version number and/or output name in addition to the package name. For instance, @samp{-r glibc:debug} would remove the @code{debug} output of @code{glibc}."
msgstr "Wie auch bei @option{--install} kann jedes @var{Paket} neben dem Paketnamen auch eine Versionsnummer und/oder eine Ausgabe benennen. Zum Beispiel würde @samp{-r glibc:debug} die @code{debug}-Ausgabe von @code{glibc} aus dem Profil entfernen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3315
#, no-wrap
msgid "--upgrade[=@var{regexp} @dots{}]"
msgstr "--upgrade[=@var{Regexp} …]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3316
#, no-wrap
msgid "-u [@var{regexp} @dots{}]"
msgstr "-u [@var{Regexp} …]"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3317
#, no-wrap
msgid "upgrading packages"
msgstr "Pakete aktualisieren"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3321
msgid "Upgrade all the installed packages. If one or more @var{regexp}s are specified, upgrade only installed packages whose name matches a @var{regexp}. Also see the @option{--do-not-upgrade} option below."
msgstr "Alle installierten Pakete aktualisieren. Wenn einer oder mehr reguläre Ausdrücke (Regexps) angegeben wurden, werden nur diejenigen installierten Pakete aktualisiert, deren Name zu einer der @var{Regexp}s passt. Siehe auch weiter unten die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--do-not-upgrade}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3326
msgid "Note that this upgrades package to the latest version of packages found in the distribution currently installed. To update your distribution, you should regularly run @command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass das Paket so auf die neueste Version unter den Paketen gebracht wird, die in der aktuell installierten Distribution vorliegen. Um jedoch Ihre Distribution zu aktualisieren, sollten Sie regelmäßig @command{guix pull} ausführen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3327
#, no-wrap
msgid "package transformations, upgrades"
msgstr "Paketumwandlungen, Aktualisierung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3332
msgid "When upgrading, package transformations that were originally applied when creating the profile are automatically re-applied (@pxref{Package Transformation Options}). For example, assume you first installed Emacs from the tip of its development branch with:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Ihre Pakete aktualisieren, werden die bei der Erstellung des vorherigen Profils angewandten Paketumwandlungen automatisch erneut angwandt (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options}). Nehmen wir zum Beispiel an, Sie haben zuerst Emacs von der Spitze seines Entwicklungs-Branches installiert:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3335
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install emacs-next --with-branch=emacs-next=master\n"
msgstr "guix install emacs-next --with-branch=emacs-next=master\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3340
msgid "Next time you run @command{guix upgrade}, Guix will again pull the tip of the Emacs development branch and build @code{emacs-next} from that checkout."
msgstr "Wenn Sie das nächste Mal @command{guix upgrade} ausführen, lädt Guix von neuem die Spitze des Emacs-Entwicklungsbranches, um aus diesem Checkout @code{emacs-next} zu erstellen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3345
msgid "Note that transformation options such as @option{--with-branch} and @option{--with-source} depend on external state; it is up to you to ensure that they work as expected. You can also discard a transformations that apply to a package by running:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass Umwandlungsoptionen wie @option{--with-branch} und @option{--with-source} von externem Zustand abhängen. Es liegt an Ihnen, sicherzustellen, dass sie wie erwartet funktionieren. Sie können auf Pakete angewandte Umwandlungen auch weglassen, indem Sie das ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3348
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install @var{package}\n"
msgstr "guix install @var{Paket}\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3350
#, no-wrap
msgid "--do-not-upgrade[=@var{regexp} @dots{}]"
msgstr "--do-not-upgrade[=@var{Regexp} …]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3355
msgid "When used together with the @option{--upgrade} option, do @emph{not} upgrade any packages whose name matches a @var{regexp}. For example, to upgrade all packages in the current profile except those containing the substring ``emacs'':"
msgstr "In Verbindung mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--upgrade}, führe @emph{keine} Aktualisierung von Paketen durch, deren Name zum regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passt. Um zum Beispiel alle Pakete im aktuellen Profil zu aktualisieren mit Ausnahme derer, die „emacs“ im Namen haben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3358
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix package --upgrade . --do-not-upgrade emacs\n"
msgstr "$ guix package --upgrade . --do-not-upgrade emacs\n"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3360
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile-manifest"
msgstr "profile-manifest"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3327 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5799
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6167 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6615
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12535 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3360 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6226 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12954 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14596
#, no-wrap
msgid "--manifest=@var{file}"
msgstr "--manifest=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3328 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5800
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6168 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6616
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3361 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6227 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12955
#, no-wrap
msgid "-m @var{file}"
msgstr "-m @var{Datei}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3362
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile declaration"
msgstr "Profildeklaration"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3363
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile manifest"
msgstr "Profilmanifest"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3367
msgid "Create a new generation of the profile from the manifest object returned by the Scheme code in @var{file}. This option can be repeated several times, in which case the manifests are concatenated."
msgstr "Erstellt eine neue Generation des Profils aus dem vom Scheme-Code in @var{Datei} gelieferten Manifest-Objekt. Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption mehrmals wiederholt angegeben wird, werden die Manifeste aneinandergehängt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3373
msgid "This allows you to @emph{declare} the profile's contents rather than constructing it through a sequence of @option{--install} and similar commands. The advantage is that @var{file} can be put under version control, copied to different machines to reproduce the same profile, and so on."
msgstr "Dadurch könnrn Sie den Inhalt des Profils @emph{deklarieren}, statt ihn durch eine Folge von Befehlen wie @option{--install} u.Ä. zu generieren. Der Vorteil ist, dass die @var{Datei} unter Versionskontrolle gestellt werden kann, auf andere Maschinen zum Reproduzieren desselben Profils kopiert werden kann und Ähnliches."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3377
msgid "@var{file} must return a @dfn{manifest} object, which is roughly a list of packages:"
msgstr "Der Code in der @var{Datei} muss ein @dfn{Manifest}-Objekt liefern, was ungefähr einer Liste von Paketen entspricht:"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3378
#, no-wrap
msgid "packages->manifest"
msgstr "packages->manifest"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3381
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-package-modules guile emacs)\n"
@@ -9257,7 +9388,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3387
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -9273,18 +9404,18 @@ msgstr ""
" (list guile-2.0 \"debug\")))\n"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3389
#, no-wrap
msgid "specifications->manifest"
msgstr "specifications->manifest"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3396
msgid "In this example we have to know which modules define the @code{emacs} and @code{guile-2.0} variables to provide the right @code{use-package-modules} line, which can be cumbersome. We can instead provide regular package specifications and let @code{specifications->manifest} look up the corresponding package objects, like this:"
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel müssen wir wissen, welche Module die Variablen @code{emacs} und @code{guile-2.0} definieren, um die richtige Angabe mit @code{use-package-modules} machen zu können, was umständlich sein kann. Wir können auch normale Paketnamen angeben und sie durch @code{specifications->manifest} zu den entsprechenden Paketobjekten auflösen, zum Beispiel so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3400
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -9294,150 +9425,150 @@ msgstr ""
" '(\"emacs\" \"guile@@2.2\" \"guile@@2.2:debug\"))\n"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3402
#, no-wrap
msgid "package->development-manifest"
msgstr "package->development-manifest"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3405
msgid "You might also want to create a manifest for all the dependencies of a package, rather than the package itself:"
msgstr "Vielleicht brauchen Sie einmal ein Manifest für alle Abhängigkeiten eines Pakets und nicht das eigentliche Paket:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3408
#, no-wrap
msgid "(package->development-manifest (specification->package \"emacs\"))\n"
msgstr "(package->development-manifest (specification->package \"emacs\"))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3412
msgid "The example above gives you all the software required to develop Emacs, similar to what @command{guix environment emacs} provides."
msgstr "Obiges Beispiel gibt Ihnen alle Software, die Sie für die Entwicklung von Emacs brauchen, ähnlich wie @command{guix environment emacs}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3415
msgid "@xref{export-manifest, @option{--export-manifest}}, to learn how to obtain a manifest file from an existing profile."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{export-manifest, @option{--export-manifest}}, um zu erfahren, wie Sie aus einem bestehenden Profil eine Manifestdatei erzeugen können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3383 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3416 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4530
#, no-wrap
msgid "--roll-back"
msgstr "--roll-back"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3384 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4493
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35006 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3417 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35559 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38314
#, no-wrap
msgid "rolling back"
msgstr "rücksetzen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3385 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3418 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4532
#, no-wrap
msgid "undoing transactions"
msgstr "Zurücksetzen von Transaktionen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3386 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3419 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4533
#, no-wrap
msgid "transactions, undoing"
msgstr "Transaktionen, zurücksetzen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3422
msgid "Roll back to the previous @dfn{generation} of the profile---i.e., undo the last transaction."
msgstr "Wechselt zur vorherigen @dfn{Generation} des Profils zurück@tie{}— d.h.@: macht die letzte Transaktion rückgängig."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3425
msgid "When combined with options such as @option{--install}, roll back occurs before any other actions."
msgstr "In Verbindung mit Befehlszeilenoptionen wie @option{--install} wird zuerst zurückgesetzt, bevor andere Aktionen durchgeführt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3429
msgid "When rolling back from the first generation that actually contains installed packages, the profile is made to point to the @dfn{zeroth generation}, which contains no files apart from its own metadata."
msgstr "Ein Rücksetzen der ersten Generation, die installierte Pakete enthält, wechselt das Profil zur @dfn{nullten Generation}, die keinerlei Dateien enthält, abgesehen von Metadaten über sich selbst."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3433
msgid "After having rolled back, installing, removing, or upgrading packages overwrites previous future generations. Thus, the history of the generations in a profile is always linear."
msgstr "Nach dem Zurücksetzen überschreibt das Installieren, Entfernen oder Aktualisieren von Paketen vormals zukünftige Generationen, d.h.@: der Verlauf der Generationen eines Profils ist immer linear."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3401 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3434 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4537
#, no-wrap
msgid "--switch-generation=@var{pattern}"
msgstr "--switch-generation=@var{Muster}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3402 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3435 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4538
#, no-wrap
msgid "-S @var{pattern}"
msgstr "-S @var{Muster}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3403 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3635
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4501 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3436 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4539 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35517
#, no-wrap
msgid "generations"
msgstr "Generationen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3405 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3438 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4541
msgid "Switch to a particular generation defined by @var{pattern}."
msgstr "Wechselt zu der bestimmten Generation, die durch das @var{Muster} bezeichnet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3411 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3444 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4547
msgid "@var{pattern} may be either a generation number or a number prefixed with ``+'' or ``-''. The latter means: move forward/backward by a specified number of generations. For example, if you want to return to the latest generation after @option{--roll-back}, use @option{--switch-generation=+1}."
msgstr "Als @var{Muster} kann entweder die Nummer einer Generation oder eine Nummer mit vorangestelltem „+“ oder „-“ dienen. Letzteres springt die angegebene Anzahl an Generationen vor oder zurück. Zum Beispiel kehrt @option{--switch-generation=+1} nach einem Zurücksetzen wieder zur neueren Generation zurück."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3449
msgid "The difference between @option{--roll-back} and @option{--switch-generation=-1} is that @option{--switch-generation} will not make a zeroth generation, so if a specified generation does not exist, the current generation will not be changed."
msgstr "Der Unterschied zwischen @option{--roll-back} und @option{--switch-generation=-1} ist, dass @option{--switch-generation} keine nullte Generation erzeugen wird; existiert die angegebene Generation nicht, bleibt schlicht die aktuelle Generation erhalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3450
#, no-wrap
msgid "--search-paths[=@var{kind}]"
msgstr "--search-paths[=@var{Art}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3456
msgid "Report environment variable definitions, in Bash syntax, that may be needed in order to use the set of installed packages. These environment variables are used to specify @dfn{search paths} for files used by some of the installed packages."
msgstr "Führe die Definitionen von Umgebungsvariablen auf, in Bash-Syntax, die nötig sein könnten, um alle installierten Pakete nutzen zu können. Diese Umgebungsvariablen werden benutzt, um die @dfn{Suchpfade} für Dateien festzulegen, die von einigen installierten Paketen benutzt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3431
-msgid "For example, GCC needs the @env{CPATH} and @env{LIBRARY_PATH} environment variables to be defined so it can look for headers and libraries in the user's profile (@pxref{Environment Variables,,, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)}). If GCC and, say, the C library are installed in the profile, then @option{--search-paths} will suggest setting these variables to @file{@var{profile}/include} and @file{@var{profile}/lib}, respectively."
-msgstr "Zum Beispiel braucht GCC die Umgebungsvariablen @env{CPATH} und @env{LIBRARY_PATH}, um zu wissen, wo sich im Benutzerprofil Header und Bibliotheken befinden (siehe @ref{Environment Variables,,, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)}). Wenn GCC und, sagen wir, die C-Bibliothek im Profil installiert sind, schlägt @option{--search-paths} also vor, diese Variablen jeweils auf @file{@var{profile}/include} und @file{@var{profile}/lib} verweisen zu lassen."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3465
+msgid "For example, GCC needs the @env{CPATH} and @env{LIBRARY_PATH} environment variables to be defined so it can look for headers and libraries in the user's profile (@pxref{Environment Variables,,, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)}). If GCC and, say, the C library are installed in the profile, then @option{--search-paths} will suggest setting these variables to @file{@var{profile}/include} and @file{@var{profile}/lib}, respectively (@pxref{Search Paths}, for info on search path specifications associated with packages.)"
+msgstr "Zum Beispiel braucht GCC die Umgebungsvariablen @env{CPATH} und @env{LIBRARY_PATH}, um zu wissen, wo sich im Benutzerprofil Header und Bibliotheken befinden (siehe @ref{Environment Variables,,, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)}). Wenn GCC und, sagen wir, die C-Bibliothek im Profil installiert sind, schlägt @option{--search-paths} also vor, diese Variablen jeweils auf @file{@var{profile}/include} und @file{@var{profile}/lib} verweisen zu lassen (siehe @ref{Search Paths} für Informationen, wie Paketen Suchpfadspezifikationen zugeordnet werden)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3468
msgid "The typical use case is to define these environment variables in the shell:"
msgstr "Die typische Nutzung ist, in der Shell diese Variablen zu definieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3471
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ eval `guix package --search-paths`\n"
msgstr "$ eval `guix package --search-paths`\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3477
msgid "@var{kind} may be one of @code{exact}, @code{prefix}, or @code{suffix}, meaning that the returned environment variable definitions will either be exact settings, or prefixes or suffixes of the current value of these variables. When omitted, @var{kind} defaults to @code{exact}."
msgstr "Als @var{Art} kann entweder @code{exact}, @code{prefix} oder @code{suffix} gewählt werden, wodurch die gelieferten Definitionen der Umgebungsvariablen entweder exakt die Einstellungen für Guix meldet, oder sie als Präfix oder Suffix an den aktuellen Wert dieser Variablen anhängt. Gibt man keine @var{Art} an, wird der Vorgabewert @code{exact} verwendet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3480
msgid "This option can also be used to compute the @emph{combined} search paths of several profiles. Consider this example:"
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann auch benutzt werden, um die @emph{kombinierten} Suchpfade mehrerer Profile zu berechnen. Betrachten Sie dieses Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3485
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix package -p foo -i guile\n"
@@ -9449,42 +9580,44 @@ msgstr ""
"$ guix package -p foo -p bar --search-paths\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3490
msgid "The last command above reports about the @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} variable, even though, taken individually, neither @file{foo} nor @file{bar} would lead to that recommendation."
msgstr "Der letzte Befehl oben meldet auch die Definition der Umgebungsvariablen @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}, obwohl für sich genommen weder @file{foo} noch @file{bar} zu dieser Empfehlung führen würden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3492
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile, choosing"
msgstr "Profil, auswählen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3459 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4529
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3493 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6262
#, no-wrap
msgid "--profile=@var{profile}"
msgstr "--profile=@var{Profil}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3460 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4530
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3494 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4897 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6263
#, no-wrap
msgid "-p @var{profile}"
msgstr "-p @var{Profil}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3496
msgid "Use @var{profile} instead of the user's default profile."
msgstr "Auf @var{Profil} anstelle des Standardprofils des Benutzers arbeiten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3501
msgid "@var{profile} must be the name of a file that will be created upon completion. Concretely, @var{profile} will be a mere symbolic link (``symlink'') pointing to the actual profile where packages are installed:"
msgstr "Als @var{Profil} muss der Name einer Datei angegeben werden, die dann nach Abschluss der Transaktion erzeugt wird. Konkret wird @var{Profil} nur zu einer symbolischen Verknüpfung („Symlink“) auf das eigentliche Profil gemacht, in das Pakete installiert werden."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3507
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix install hello -p ~/code/my-profile\n"
@@ -9498,29 +9631,29 @@ msgstr ""
"Hallo, Welt!\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3511
msgid "All it takes to get rid of the profile is to remove this symlink and its siblings that point to specific generations:"
msgstr "Um das Profil loszuwerden, genügt es, die symbolische Verknüpfung und damit einhergehende Verknüpfungen, die auf bestimmte Generationen verweisen, zu entfernen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3514
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ rm ~/code/my-profile ~/code/my-profile-*-link\n"
msgstr "$ rm ~/code/mein-profil ~/code/mein-profil-*-link\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3516
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-profiles"
msgstr "--list-profiles"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3518
msgid "List all the user's profiles:"
msgstr "Alle Profile des Benutzers auflisten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3525
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix package --list-profiles\n"
@@ -9536,96 +9669,96 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3528
msgid "When running as root, list all the profiles of all the users."
msgstr "Wird es als Administratornutzer „root“ ausgeführt, werden die Profile aller Benutzer aufgelistet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3529
#, no-wrap
msgid "collisions, in a profile"
msgstr "Kollisionen, in einem Profil"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3530
#, no-wrap
msgid "colliding packages in profiles"
msgstr "Paketkollisionen in Profilen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3531
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile collisions"
msgstr "Profilkollisionen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3532
#, no-wrap
msgid "--allow-collisions"
msgstr "--allow-collisions"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3534
msgid "Allow colliding packages in the new profile. Use at your own risk!"
msgstr "Kollidierende Pakete im neuen Profil zulassen. Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3538
msgid "By default, @command{guix package} reports as an error @dfn{collisions} in the profile. Collisions happen when two or more different versions or variants of a given package end up in the profile."
msgstr "Standardmäßig wird @command{guix package} @dfn{Kollisionen} als Fehler auffassen und melden. Zu Kollisionen kommt es, wenn zwei oder mehr verschiedene Versionen oder Varianten desselben Pakets im Profil landen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3505 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4572
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3539 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6766
#, no-wrap
msgid "--bootstrap"
msgstr "--bootstrap"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3542
msgid "Use the bootstrap Guile to build the profile. This option is only useful to distribution developers."
msgstr "Erstellt das Profil mit dem Bootstrap-Guile. Diese Option ist nur für Entwickler der Distribution nützlich."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3548
msgid "In addition to these actions, @command{guix package} supports the following options to query the current state of a profile, or the availability of packages:"
msgstr "Zusätzlich zu diesen Aktionen unterstützt @command{guix package} folgende Befehlszeilenoptionen, um den momentanen Zustand eines Profils oder die Verfügbarkeit von Paketen nachzulesen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3551
#, no-wrap
msgid "--search=@var{regexp}"
msgstr "--search=@var{Regexp}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3552
#, no-wrap
msgid "-s @var{regexp}"
msgstr "-s @var{Regexp}"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3554
msgid "guix-search"
msgstr "guix-search"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3554
#, no-wrap
msgid "searching for packages"
msgstr "Suche nach Paketen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3560
msgid "List the available packages whose name, synopsis, or description matches @var{regexp} (in a case-insensitive fashion), sorted by relevance. Print all the metadata of matching packages in @code{recutils} format (@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils manual})."
msgstr "Führt alle verfügbaren Pakete auf, deren Name, Zusammenfassung oder Beschreibung zum regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passt, ohne Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu unterscheiden und sortiert nach ihrer Relevanz. Alle Metadaten passender Pakete werden im @code{recutils}-Format geliefert (siehe @ref{Top, GNU-recutils-Datenbanken,, recutils, GNU recutils manual})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3563
msgid "This allows specific fields to be extracted using the @command{recsel} command, for instance:"
msgstr "So können bestimmte Felder mit dem Befehl @command{recsel} extrahiert werden, zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3569
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix package -s malloc | recsel -p name,version,relevance\n"
@@ -9641,7 +9774,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3573
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: glibc\n"
@@ -9655,7 +9788,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3577
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: libgc\n"
@@ -9667,12 +9800,12 @@ msgstr ""
"relevance: 1\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3581
msgid "Similarly, to show the name of all the packages available under the terms of the GNU@tie{}LGPL version 3:"
msgstr "Ebenso kann der Name aller zu den Bedingungen der GNU@tie{}LGPL, Version 3, verfügbaren Pakete ermittelt werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3585
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix package -s \"\" | recsel -p name -e 'license ~ \"LGPL 3\"'\n"
@@ -9684,7 +9817,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3588
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: gmp\n"
@@ -9694,12 +9827,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3594
msgid "It is also possible to refine search results using several @code{-s} flags to @command{guix package}, or several arguments to @command{guix search}. For example, the following command returns a list of board games (this time using the @command{guix search} alias):"
msgstr "Es ist auch möglich, Suchergebnisse näher einzuschränken, indem Sie @code{-s} mehrmals an @command{guix package} übergeben, oder mehrere Argumente an @command{guix search} übergeben. Zum Beispiel liefert folgender Befehl eines Liste von Brettspielen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3599
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix search '\\<board\\>' game | recsel -p name\n"
@@ -9711,17 +9844,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3605
msgid "If we were to omit @code{-s game}, we would also get software packages that deal with printed circuit boards; removing the angle brackets around @code{board} would further add packages that have to do with keyboards."
msgstr "Würden wir @code{-s game} weglassen, bekämen wir auch Software-Pakete aufgelistet, die mit „printed circuit boards“ (elektronischen Leiterplatten) zu tun haben; ohne die spitzen Klammern um @code{board} bekämen wir auch Pakete, die mit „keyboards“ (Tastaturen, oder musikalischen Keyboard) zu tun haben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3609
msgid "And now for a more elaborate example. The following command searches for cryptographic libraries, filters out Haskell, Perl, Python, and Ruby libraries, and prints the name and synopsis of the matching packages:"
msgstr "Es ist Zeit für ein komplexeres Beispiel. Folgender Befehl sucht kryptografische Bibliotheken, filtert Haskell-, Perl-, Python- und Ruby-Bibliotheken heraus und gibt Namen und Zusammenfassung passender Pakete aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3613
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix search crypto library | \\\n"
@@ -9731,23 +9864,23 @@ msgstr ""
" recsel -e '! (name ~ \"^(ghc|perl|python|ruby)\")' -p name,synopsis\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3618
msgid "@xref{Selection Expressions,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}, for more information on @dfn{selection expressions} for @code{recsel -e}."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Selection Expressions,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}, es enthält weitere Informationen über @dfn{Auswahlausdrücke} mit @code{recsel -e}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3619
#, no-wrap
msgid "--show=@var{package}"
msgstr "--show=@var{Paket}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3623
msgid "Show details about @var{package}, taken from the list of available packages, in @code{recutils} format (@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils manual})."
msgstr "Zeigt Details über das @var{Paket} aus der Liste verfügbarer Pakete, im @code{recutils}-Format (siehe @ref{Top, GNU-recutils-Datenbanken,, recutils, GNU recutils manual})."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3628
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix package --show=guile | recsel -p name,version\n"
@@ -9761,7 +9894,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3631
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: guile\n"
@@ -9773,7 +9906,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3635
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: guile\n"
@@ -9785,12 +9918,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3639
msgid "You may also specify the full name of a package to only get details about a specific version of it (this time using the @command{guix show} alias):"
msgstr "Sie können auch den vollständigen Namen eines Pakets angeben, um Details nur über diese Version angezeigt zu bekommen (diesmal benutzen wir die andere Schreibweise @command{guix show}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3643
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix show guile@@3.0.5 | recsel -p name,version\n"
@@ -9802,297 +9935,297 @@ msgstr ""
"version: 3.0.5\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3645
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-installed[=@var{regexp}]"
msgstr "--list-installed[=@var{Regexp}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3646
#, no-wrap
msgid "-I [@var{regexp}]"
msgstr "-I [@var{Regexp}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3650
msgid "List the currently installed packages in the specified profile, with the most recently installed packages shown last. When @var{regexp} is specified, list only installed packages whose name matches @var{regexp}."
msgstr "Listet die derzeit installierten Pakete im angegebenen Profil auf, die zuletzt installierten Pakete zuletzt. Wenn ein regulärer Ausdruck @var{Regexp} angegeben wird, werden nur installierte Pakete aufgeführt, deren Name zu @var{Regexp} passt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3656
msgid "For each installed package, print the following items, separated by tabs: the package name, its version string, the part of the package that is installed (for instance, @code{out} for the default output, @code{include} for its headers, etc.), and the path of this package in the store."
msgstr "Zu jedem installierten Paket werden folgende Informationen angezeigt, durch Tabulatorzeichen getrennt: der Paketname, die Version als Zeichenkette, welche Teile des Pakets installiert sind (zum Beispiel @code{out}, wenn die Standard-Paketausgabe installiert ist, @code{include}, wenn seine Header installiert sind, usw.)@: und an welchem Pfad das Paket im Store zu finden ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3657
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-available[=@var{regexp}]"
msgstr "--list-available[=@var{Regexp}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3658
#, no-wrap
msgid "-A [@var{regexp}]"
msgstr "-A [@var{Regexp}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3662
msgid "List packages currently available in the distribution for this system (@pxref{GNU Distribution}). When @var{regexp} is specified, list only available packages whose name matches @var{regexp}."
msgstr "Listet Pakete auf, die in der aktuell installierten Distribution dieses Systems verfügbar sind (siehe @ref{GNU Distribution}). Wenn ein regulärer Ausdruck @var{Regexp} angegeben wird, werden nur Pakete aufgeführt, deren Name zum regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3666
msgid "For each package, print the following items separated by tabs: its name, its version string, the parts of the package (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}), and the source location of its definition."
msgstr "Zu jedem Paket werden folgende Informationen getrennt durch Tabulatorzeichen ausgegeben: der Name, die Version als Zeichenkette, die Teile des Programms (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}) und die Stelle im Quellcode, an der das Paket definiert ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3633 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3667 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4513
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-generations[=@var{pattern}]"
msgstr "--list-generations[=@var{Muster}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3634 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3668 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4514
#, no-wrap
msgid "-l [@var{pattern}]"
msgstr "-l [@var{Muster}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3674
msgid "Return a list of generations along with their creation dates; for each generation, show the installed packages, with the most recently installed packages shown last. Note that the zeroth generation is never shown."
msgstr "Liefert eine Liste der Generationen zusammen mit dem Datum, an dem sie erzeugt wurden; zu jeder Generation werden zudem die installierten Pakete angezeigt, zuletzt installierte Pakete zuletzt. Beachten Sie, dass die nullte Generation niemals angezeigt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3679
msgid "For each installed package, print the following items, separated by tabs: the name of a package, its version string, the part of the package that is installed (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}), and the location of this package in the store."
msgstr "Zu jedem installierten Paket werden folgende Informationen durch Tabulatorzeichen getrennt angezeigt: der Name des Pakets, die Version als Zeichenkette, welcher Teil des Pakets installiert ist (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}) und an welcher Stelle sich das Paket im Store befindet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3682
msgid "When @var{pattern} is used, the command returns only matching generations. Valid patterns include:"
msgstr "Wenn ein @var{Muster} angegeben wird, liefert der Befehl nur dazu passende Generationen. Gültige Muster sind zum Beispiel:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3684
#, no-wrap
msgid "@emph{Integers and comma-separated integers}. Both patterns denote"
msgstr "@emph{Ganze Zahlen und kommagetrennte ganze Zahlen}. Beide Muster bezeichnen"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3687
msgid "generation numbers. For instance, @option{--list-generations=1} returns the first one."
msgstr "Generationsnummern. Zum Beispiel liefert @option{--list-generations=1} die erste Generation."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3690
msgid "And @option{--list-generations=1,8,2} outputs three generations in the specified order. Neither spaces nor trailing commas are allowed."
msgstr "Durch @option{--list-generations=1,8,2} werden drei Generationen in der angegebenen Reihenfolge angezeigt. Weder Leerzeichen noch ein Komma am Schluss der Liste ist erlaubt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3691
#, no-wrap
msgid "@emph{Ranges}. @option{--list-generations=2..9} prints the"
msgstr "@emph{Bereiche}. @option{--list-generations=2..9} gibt die"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3694
msgid "specified generations and everything in between. Note that the start of a range must be smaller than its end."
msgstr "angegebenen Generationen und alles dazwischen aus. Beachten Sie, dass der Bereichsanfang eine kleinere Zahl als das Bereichsende sein muss."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3698
msgid "It is also possible to omit the endpoint. For example, @option{--list-generations=2..}, returns all generations starting from the second one."
msgstr "Sie können auch kein Bereichsende angeben, zum Beispiel liefert @option{--list-generations=2..} alle Generationen ab der zweiten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3699
#, no-wrap
msgid "@emph{Durations}. You can also get the last @emph{N}@tie{}days, weeks,"
msgstr "@emph{Zeitdauern}. Sie können auch die letzten @emph{N}@tie{}Tage, Wochen"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3703
msgid "or months by passing an integer along with the first letter of the duration. For example, @option{--list-generations=20d} lists generations that are up to 20 days old."
msgstr "oder Monate angeben, indem Sie eine ganze Zahl gefolgt von jeweils „d“, „w“ oder „m“ angeben (dem ersten Buchstaben der Maßeinheit der Dauer im Englischen). Zum Beispiel listet @option{--list-generations=20d} die Generationen auf, die höchstens 20 Tage alt sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3671 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3705 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4548
#, no-wrap
msgid "--delete-generations[=@var{pattern}]"
msgstr "--delete-generations[=@var{Muster}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3672 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3706 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4549
#, no-wrap
msgid "-d [@var{pattern}]"
msgstr "-d [@var{Muster}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3675 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3709 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4552
msgid "When @var{pattern} is omitted, delete all generations except the current one."
msgstr "Wird kein @var{Muster} angegeben, werden alle Generationen außer der aktuellen entfernt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3681 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3715 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4558
msgid "This command accepts the same patterns as @option{--list-generations}. When @var{pattern} is specified, delete the matching generations. When @var{pattern} specifies a duration, generations @emph{older} than the specified duration match. For instance, @option{--delete-generations=1m} deletes generations that are more than one month old."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl akzeptiert dieselben Muster wie @option{--list-generations}. Wenn ein @var{Muster} angegeben wird, werden die passenden Generationen gelöscht. Wenn das @var{Muster} für eine Zeitdauer steht, werden diejenigen Generationen gelöscht, die @emph{älter} als die angegebene Dauer sind. Zum Beispiel löscht @option{--delete-generations=1m} die Generationen, die mehr als einen Monat alt sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3718
msgid "If the current generation matches, it is @emph{not} deleted. Also, the zeroth generation is never deleted."
msgstr "Falls die aktuelle Generation zum Muster passt, wird sie @emph{nicht} gelöscht. Auch die nullte Generation wird niemals gelöscht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3687 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3721 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4563
msgid "Note that deleting generations prevents rolling back to them. Consequently, this command must be used with care."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass Sie auf gelöschte Generationen nicht zurückwechseln können. Dieser Befehl sollte also nur mit Vorsicht benutzt werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3722
#, no-wrap
msgid "manifest, exporting"
msgstr "Manifest, exportieren"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3724
msgid "export-manifest"
msgstr "export-manifest"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3724
#, no-wrap
msgid "--export-manifest"
msgstr "--export-manifest"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3727
msgid "Write to standard output a manifest suitable for @option{--manifest} corresponding to the chosen profile(s)."
msgstr "Auf die Standardausgabe ein Manifest ausgeben, das mit @option{--manifest} genutzt werden kann und dem/den gewählten Profil(en) entspricht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3731
msgid "This option is meant to help you migrate from the ``imperative'' operating mode---running @command{guix install}, @command{guix upgrade}, etc.---to the declarative mode that @option{--manifest} offers."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption erleichtert Ihnen den Wechsel vom „imperativen“ Betriebsmodus, wo Sie immer wieder @command{guix install}, @command{guix upgrade} etc.@: ausführen, zum deklarativen Modus, der mit @option{--manifest} zur Verfügung steht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3736
msgid "Be aware that the resulting manifest @emph{approximates} what your profile actually contains; for instance, depending on how your profile was created, it can refer to packages or package versions that are not exactly what you specified."
msgstr "Seien Sie sich bewusst, dass das erzeugte Manifest nur eine @emph{Annäherung} des Inhalts Ihres Profils ist. Je nachdem, wie Ihr Profil erzeugt wurde, kann es auf andere Pakete oder Paketversionen verweisen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3741
msgid "Keep in mind that a manifest is purely symbolic: it only contains package names and possibly versions, and their meaning varies over time. If you wish to ``pin'' channels to the revisions that were used to build the profile(s), see @option{--export-channels} below."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass ein Manifest rein symbolisch ist; es enthält nur die Namen und vielleicht Versionen der Pakete, aber die Bedeutung davon wandelt sich mit der Zeit. Wenn Sie wollen, dass die Pakete aus immer derselben Kanalversion stammen, mit der das Profil oder die Profile erstellt wurden, siehe @option{--export-channels} unten."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3742
#, no-wrap
msgid "pinning, channel revisions of a profile"
msgstr "immer dieselbe Version verwenden, bei Kanälen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3743
#, no-wrap
msgid "--export-channels"
msgstr "--export-channels"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3747
msgid "Write to standard output the list of channels used by the chosen profile(s), in a format suitable for @command{guix pull --channels} or @command{guix time-machine --channels} (@pxref{Channels})."
msgstr "Auf die Standardausgabe die Liste der Kanäle schreiben, die das gewählte Profil benutzt bzw.@: die die gewählten Profile benutzen. Das Format der Kanalspezifikation ist für @command{guix pull --channels} und @command{guix time-machine --channels} geeignet (siehe @ref{Channels})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3751
msgid "Together with @option{--export-manifest}, this option provides information allowing you to replicate the current profile (@pxref{Replicating Guix})."
msgstr "Zusammen mit @option{--export-manifest} macht diese Befehlszeilenoption Informationen verfügbar, um das aktuelle Profil nachzubilden (siehe @ref{Replicating Guix})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3759
msgid "However, note that the output of this command @emph{approximates} what was actually used to build this profile. In particular, a single profile might have been built from several different revisions of the same channel. In that case, @option{--export-manifest} chooses the last one and writes the list of other revisions in a comment. If you really need to pick packages from different channel revisions, you can use inferiors in your manifest to do so (@pxref{Inferiors})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie jedoch, dass die Ausgabe dieses Befehls nur eine @emph{Annäherung} dessen ist, woraus ein Profil tatsächlich erstellt wurde. Insbesondere kann ein Profil aus mehreren Versionen desselben Kanals aufgebaut worden sein. In diesem Fall wählt @option{--export-manifest} die neueste aus und schreibt die anderen Versionen in einem Kommentar dazu. Wenn Sie wirklich Pakete aus unterschiedlichen Kanalversionen zu nehmen brauchen, können Sie dazu in Ihrem Manifest Untergeordnete angeben (siehe @ref{Inferiors})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3764
msgid "Together with @option{--export-manifest}, this is a good starting point if you are willing to migrate from the ``imperative'' model to the fully declarative model consisting of a manifest file along with a channels file pinning the exact channel revision(s) you want."
msgstr "Dies stellt zusammen mit @option{--export-manifest} eine gute Gelegenheit dar, wenn Sie bereit sind, vom „imperativen“ Modell auf das vollständig deklarative Modell zu wechseln, wo Sie eine Manifestdatei zusammen mit einer Kanaldatei benutzen, die ganz genau festlegt, welche Kanalversion(en) Sie wollen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3771
msgid "Finally, since @command{guix package} may actually start build processes, it supports all the common build options (@pxref{Common Build Options}). It also supports package transformation options, such as @option{--with-source}, and preserves them across upgrades (@pxref{Package Transformation Options})."
msgstr "Zu guter Letzt können Sie, da @command{guix package} Erstellungsprozesse zu starten vermag, auch alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen (siehe @ref{Common Build Options}) verwenden. Auch Paketumwandlungsoptionen wie @option{--with-source} sind möglich und bleiben über Aktualisierungen hinweg erhalten (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3776
#, no-wrap
msgid "pre-built binaries"
msgstr "vorerstellte Binärdateien"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3782
msgid "Guix supports transparent source/binary deployment, which means that it can either build things locally, or download pre-built items from a server, or both. We call these pre-built items @dfn{substitutes}---they are substitutes for local build results. In many cases, downloading a substitute is much faster than building things locally."
msgstr "Guix kann transparent Binär- oder Quelldateien ausliefern. Das heißt, Dinge können sowohl lokal erstellt, als auch als vorerstellte Objekte von einem Server heruntergeladen werden, oder beides gemischt. Wir bezeichnen diese vorerstellten Objekte als @dfn{Substitute}@tie{}— sie substituieren lokale Erstellungsergebnisse. In vielen Fällen geht das Herunterladen eines Substituts wesentlich schneller, als Dinge lokal zu erstellen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3787
msgid "Substitutes can be anything resulting from a derivation build (@pxref{Derivations}). Of course, in the common case, they are pre-built package binaries, but source tarballs, for instance, which also result from derivation builds, can be available as substitutes."
msgstr "Substitute können alles sein, was das Ergebnis einer Ableitungserstellung ist (siehe @ref{Derivations}). Natürlich sind sie üblicherweise vorerstellte Paket-Binärdateien, aber wenn zum Beispiel ein Quell-Tarball das Ergebnis einer Ableitungserstellung ist, kann auch er als Substitut verfügbar sein."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3801
#, no-wrap
msgid "build farm"
msgstr "Erstellungsfarm"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3812
msgid "@code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} and @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} are both front-ends to official build farms that build packages from Guix continuously for some architectures, and make them available as substitutes. These are the default source of substitutes; which can be overridden by passing the @option{--substitute-urls} option either to @command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{daemon-substitute-urls,, @code{guix-daemon --substitute-urls}}) or to client tools such as @command{guix package} (@pxref{client-substitute-urls,, client @option{--substitute-urls} option})."
msgstr "@code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} sind jeweils Fassaden für offizielle Erstellungsfarmen („Build Farms“), die kontinuierlich Guix-Pakete für einige Prozessorarchitekturen erstellen und sie als Substitute zur Verfügung stellen. Sie sind die standardmäßige Quelle von Substituten; durch Übergeben der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--substitute-urls} an entweder den @command{guix-daemon} (siehe @ref{daemon-substitute-urls,, @code{guix-daemon --substitute-urls}}) oder Client-Werkzeuge wie @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{client-substitute-urls,, die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--substitute-urls} beim Client}) kann eine abweichende Einstellung benutzt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3818
msgid "Substitute URLs can be either HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS is recommended because communications are encrypted; conversely, using HTTP makes all communications visible to an eavesdropper, who could use the information gathered to determine, for instance, whether your system has unpatched security vulnerabilities."
msgstr "Substitut-URLs können entweder HTTP oder HTTPS sein. HTTPS wird empfohlen, weil die Kommunikation verschlüsselt ist; umgekehrt kann bei HTTP die Kommunikation belauscht werden, wodurch der Angreifer zum Beispiel erfahren könnte, ob Ihr System über noch nicht behobene Sicherheitsschwachstellen verfügt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3827
msgid "Substitutes from the official build farms are enabled by default when using Guix System (@pxref{GNU Distribution}). However, they are disabled by default when using Guix on a foreign distribution, unless you have explicitly enabled them via one of the recommended installation steps (@pxref{Installation}). The following paragraphs describe how to enable or disable substitutes for the official build farm; the same procedure can also be used to enable substitutes for any other substitute server."
msgstr "Substitute von den offiziellen Erstellungsfarmen sind standardmäßig erlaubt, wenn Sie Guix System verwenden (siehe @ref{GNU Distribution}). Auf Fremddistributionen sind sie allerdings standardmäßig ausgeschaltet, solange Sie sie nicht ausdrücklich in einem der empfohlenen Installationsschritte erlaubt haben (siehe @ref{Installation}). Die folgenden Absätze beschreiben, wie Sie Substitute für die offizielle Erstellungsfarm an- oder ausschalten; dieselbe Prozedur kann auch benutzt werden, um Substitute für einen beliebigen anderen Substitutserver zu erlauben."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3831
#, no-wrap
msgid "security"
msgstr "Sicherheit"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3833
#, no-wrap
msgid "access control list (ACL), for substitutes"
msgstr "Access Control List (ACL), für Substitute"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3834
#, no-wrap
msgid "ACL (access control list), for substitutes"
msgstr "ACL (Access Control List), für Substitute"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3840
msgid "To allow Guix to download substitutes from @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}}, @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} or a mirror, you must add the relevant public key to the access control list (ACL) of archive imports, using the @command{guix archive} command (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}). Doing so implies that you trust the substitute server to not be compromised and to serve genuine substitutes."
msgstr "Um es Guix zu gestatten, Substitute von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}}, @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} oder einem Spiegelserver herunterzuladen, müssen Sie die zugehörigen öffentlichen Schlüssel zur Access Control List (ACL, Zugriffssteuerungsliste) für Archivimporte hinzufügen, mit Hilfe des Befehls @command{guix archive} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}). Dies impliziert, dass Sie darauf vertrauen, dass der Substitutserver nicht kompromittiert wurde und unverfälschte Substitute liefert."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3845
msgid "If you are using Guix System, you can skip this section: Guix System authorizes substitutes from @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} and @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} by default."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix System benutzen, können Sie diesen Abschnitt hier überspringen, denn Guix System ist so voreingestellt, Substitute von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} zu autorisieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3853
msgid "The public keys for each of the project maintained substitute servers are installed along with Guix, in @code{@var{prefix}/share/guix/}, where @var{prefix} is the installation prefix of Guix. If you installed Guix from source, make sure you checked the GPG signature of @file{guix-@value{VERSION}.tar.gz}, which contains this public key file. Then, you can run something like this:"
msgstr "Der öffentliche Schlüssel für jeden vom Guix-Projekt verwalteten Substitutserver wird zusammen mit Guix installiert, in das Verzeichnis @code{@var{prefix}/share/guix/}, wobei @var{prefix} das bei der Installation angegebene Präfix von Guix ist. Wenn Sie Guix aus seinem Quellcode heraus installieren, sollten Sie sichergehen, dass Sie die GPG-Signatur (auch „Beglaubigung“ genannt) von @file{guix-@value{VERSION}.tar.gz} prüfen, worin sich dieser öffentliche Schlüssel befindet. Dann können Sie so etwas wie hier ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3857
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# guix archive --authorize < @var{prefix}/share/guix/@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}.pub\n"
@@ -10102,12 +10235,12 @@ msgstr ""
"# guix archive --authorize < @var{prefix}/share/guix/@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}.pub\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3861
msgid "Once this is in place, the output of a command like @code{guix build} should change from something like:"
msgstr "Sobald es eingerichtet wurde, sollte sich die Ausgabe eines Befehls wie @code{guix build} von so etwas:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3870
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build emacs --dry-run\n"
@@ -10127,12 +10260,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3874
msgid "to something like:"
msgstr "in so etwas verwandeln:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3883
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build emacs --dry-run\n"
@@ -10152,49 +10285,49 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3890
msgid "The text changed from ``The following derivations would be built'' to ``112.3 MB would be downloaded''. This indicates that substitutes from the configured substitute servers are usable and will be downloaded, when possible, for future builds."
msgstr "Der Text hat sich von „Folgende Ableitungen würden erstellt“ zu „112.3 MB würden heruntergeladen“ geändert. Das zeigt an, dass Substitute von den festgelegten Substitutservern nutzbar sind und für zukünftige Erstellungen heruntergeladen werden, wann immer es möglich ist."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3891
#, no-wrap
msgid "substitutes, how to disable"
msgstr "Substitute, wie man sie ausschaltet"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3897
msgid "The substitute mechanism can be disabled globally by running @code{guix-daemon} with @option{--no-substitutes} (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon}). It can also be disabled temporarily by passing the @option{--no-substitutes} option to @command{guix package}, @command{guix build}, and other command-line tools."
msgstr "Der Substitutsmechanismus kann global ausgeschaltet werden, indem Sie dem @code{guix-daemon} beim Starten die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-substitutes} übergeben (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon}). Er kann auch temporär ausgeschaltet werden, indem Sie @option{--no-substitutes} an @command{guix package}, @command{guix build} und andere Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge übergeben."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3901
#, no-wrap
msgid "substitute servers, adding more"
msgstr "Substitut-Server, weitere hinzufügen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3908
msgid "Guix can look up and fetch substitutes from several servers. This is useful when you are using packages from additional channels for which the official server does not have substitutes but another server provides them. Another situation where this is useful is when you would prefer to download from your organization's substitute server, resorting to the official server only as a fallback or dismissing it altogether."
msgstr "Guix kann auf unterschiedlichen Servern nach Substituten schauen und sie von dort laden. Das lohnt sich, wenn Sie Pakete von zusätzlichen Kanälen laden, für die es auf dem offiziellen Server keine Substitute gibt, auf einem anderen aber schon. Eine andere Situation, wo es sich anbietet, ist, wenn Sie Substitute lieber vom Substitutserver beziehen, der zu Ihrer Organisation gehört, und den offiziellen Server nur im Ausnahmefall einsetzen oder ganz weglassen möchten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3913
msgid "You can give Guix a list of substitute server URLs and it will check them in the specified order. You also need to explicitly authorize the public keys of substitute servers to instruct Guix to accept the substitutes they sign."
msgstr "Sie können Guix eine Liste von URLs der Substitutserver mitgeben, damit es sie in der angegebenen Reihenfolge anfragt. Außerdem müssen Sie die öffentlichen Schlüssel der Substitutserver ausdrücklich autorisieren, damit Guix von ihnen signierte Substitute annimmt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3920
msgid "On Guix System, this is achieved by modifying the configuration of the @code{guix} service. Since the @code{guix} service is part of the default lists of services, @code{%base-services} and @code{%desktop-services}, you can use @code{modify-services} to change its configuration and add the URLs and substitute keys that you want (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}})."
msgstr "Auf Guix System ginge dies vonstatten, indem Sie die Konfiguration des @code{guix}-Dienstes modifizieren. Weil der @code{guix}-Dienst zu der Liste der vorgegebenen Dienste gehört, sowohl für @code{%base-services} als auch für @code{%desktop-services}, können Sie dessen Konfiguration mit @code{modify-services} ändern und dort die URLs und Substitutschlüssel eintragen, die Sie möchten (siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3926
msgid "As an example, suppose you want to fetch substitutes from @code{guix.example.org} and to authorize the signing key of that server, in addition to the default @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} and @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}}. The resulting operating system configuration will look something like:"
msgstr "Ein Beispiel: Nehmen wir an, Sie möchten Substitute zusätzlich zu den vorgegebenen @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} auch von @code{guix.example.org} beziehen und den Signierschlüssel dieses Servers autorisieren. Die Betriebssystemkonfiguration, die sich damit ergibt, wird ungefähr so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3943
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -10230,12 +10363,12 @@ msgstr ""
" %default-authorized-guix-keys)))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3950
msgid "This assumes that the file @file{key.pub} contains the signing key of @code{guix.example.org}. With this change in place in your operating system configuration file (say @file{/etc/config.scm}), you can reconfigure and restart the @code{guix-daemon} service or reboot so the changes take effect:"
msgstr "Dabei gehen wir davon aus, dass der Signierschlüssel von @code{guix.example.org} in der Datei @file{key.pub} steht. Sobald Sie diese Änderung an der Datei mit Ihrer Betriebssystemkonfiguration vorgenommen haben (etwa @file{/etc/config.scm}), können Sie rekonfigurieren und den @code{guix-daemon}-Dienst (oder den ganzen Rechner) neu starten, damit die Änderung in Kraft tritt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3954
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ sudo guix system reconfigure /etc/config.scm\n"
@@ -10245,28 +10378,28 @@ msgstr ""
"$ sudo herd restart guix-daemon\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3958
msgid "If you're running Guix on a ``foreign distro'', you would instead take the following steps to get substitutes from additional servers:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Guix auf einer „Fremddistribution“ laufen lassen, würden Sie stattdessen nach den folgenden Schritten vorgehen, um Substitute von zusätzlichen Servern zu bekommen:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3967
msgid "Edit the service configuration file for @code{guix-daemon}; when using systemd, this is normally @file{/etc/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service}. Add the @option{--substitute-urls} option on the @command{guix-daemon} command line and list the URLs of interest (@pxref{daemon-substitute-urls, @code{guix-daemon --substitute-urls}}):"
msgstr "Bearbeiten Sie die Konfigurationsdatei für den @code{guix-daemon}; wenn Sie systemd benutzen, wäre das normalerweise @file{/etc/systemd/system/guix-daemon.service}. Schreiben Sie in die Konfigurationsdatei die Option @option{--substitute-urls} zur @command{guix-daemon}-Befehlszeile dazu und listen Sie dabei die gewünschten URLs auf (siehe @ref{daemon-substitute-urls, @code{guix-daemon --substitute-urls}}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3970
#, no-wrap
msgid "@dots{} --substitute-urls='https://guix.example.org @value{SUBSTITUTE-URLS}'\n"
msgstr "… --substitute-urls='https://guix.example.org @value{SUBSTITUTE-URLS}'\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3974
msgid "Restart the daemon. For systemd, it goes like this:"
msgstr "Starten Sie den Daemon neu. Bei systemd geht das so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3978
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"systemctl daemon-reload\n"
@@ -10276,651 +10409,651 @@ msgstr ""
"systemctl restart guix-daemon.service\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3982
msgid "Authorize the key of the new server (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}):"
msgstr "Autorisieren Sie den Schlüssel des neuen Servers (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3985
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix archive --authorize < key.pub\n"
msgstr "guix archive --authorize < key.pub\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3989
msgid "Again this assumes @file{key.pub} contains the public key that @code{guix.example.org} uses to sign substitutes."
msgstr "Wir nehmen auch hier an, dass @file{key.pub} den öffentlichen Schlüssel enthält, mit dem @code{guix.example.org} Substitute signiert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3998
msgid "Now you're all set! Substitutes will be preferably taken from @code{https://guix.example.org}, using @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} then @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} as fallback options. Of course you can list as many substitute servers as you like, with the caveat that substitute lookup can be slowed down if too many servers need to be contacted."
msgstr "Und wir sind fertig! Substitute werden bevorzugt von @code{https://guix.example.org} bezogen und @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und dann @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} bleiben notfalls als Reserve. Natürlich können Sie so viele Substitutserver auflisten, wie Sie wollen, allerdings kann das Erfragen von Substituten etwas länger dauern, wenn zu viele Server kontaktiert werden müssen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4002
msgid "Note that there are also situations where one may want to add the URL of a substitute server @emph{without} authorizing its key. @xref{Substitute Authentication}, to understand this fine point."
msgstr "Aber bedenken Sie, es gibt auch Situationen, wo man nur die URL eines Substitutservers hinzufügen will, @emph{ohne} den Schlüssel zu autorisieren. Siehe @ref{Substitute Authentication}, um diese bestimmten Gründe zu verstehen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4006
#, no-wrap
msgid "digital signatures"
msgstr "digitale Signaturen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4010
msgid "Guix detects and raises an error when attempting to use a substitute that has been tampered with. Likewise, it ignores substitutes that are not signed, or that are not signed by one of the keys listed in the ACL."
msgstr "Guix erkennt, wenn ein verfälschtes Substitut benutzt würde, und meldet einen Fehler. Ebenso werden Substitute ignoriert, die nich signiert sind, oder nicht mit einem in der ACL aufgelisteten Schlüssel signiert sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4016
msgid "There is one exception though: if an unauthorized server provides substitutes that are @emph{bit-for-bit identical} to those provided by an authorized server, then the unauthorized server becomes eligible for downloads. For example, assume we have chosen two substitute servers with this option:"
msgstr "Es gibt nur eine Ausnahme: Wenn ein unautorisierter Server Substitute anbietet, die @emph{Bit für Bit identisch} mit denen von einem autorisierten Server sind, können sie auch vom unautorisierten Server heruntergeladen werden. Zum Beispiel, angenommen wir haben zwei Substitutserver mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption ausgewählt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4019
#, no-wrap
msgid "--substitute-urls=\"https://a.example.org https://b.example.org\"\n"
msgstr "--substitute-urls=\"https://a.example.org https://b.example.org\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:3996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4030
msgid "If the ACL contains only the key for @samp{b.example.org}, and if @samp{a.example.org} happens to serve the @emph{exact same} substitutes, then Guix will download substitutes from @samp{a.example.org} because it comes first in the list and can be considered a mirror of @samp{b.example.org}. In practice, independent build machines usually produce the same binaries, thanks to bit-reproducible builds (see below)."
msgstr "Wenn in der ACL nur der Schlüssel für @samp{b.example.org} aufgeführt wurde, aber @samp{a.example.org} @emph{exakt dieselben} Substitute anbietet, wird Guix auch Substitute von @samp{a.example.org} herunterladen, weil es in der Liste zuerst kommt und als Spiegelserver für @samp{b.example.org} aufgefasst werden kann. In der Praxis haben unabhängige Maschinen bei der Erstellung normalerweise dieselben Binärdateien als Ergebnis, dank bit-reproduzierbaren Erstellungen (siehe unten)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4037
msgid "When using HTTPS, the server's X.509 certificate is @emph{not} validated (in other words, the server is not authenticated), contrary to what HTTPS clients such as Web browsers usually do. This is because Guix authenticates substitute information itself, as explained above, which is what we care about (whereas X.509 certificates are about authenticating bindings between domain names and public keys)."
msgstr "Wenn Sie HTTPS benutzen, wird das X.509-Zertifikat des Servers @emph{nicht} validiert (mit anderen Worten, die Identität des Servers wird nicht authentifiziert), entgegen dem, was HTTPS-Clients wie Web-Browser normalerweise tun. Da Guix Substitutinformationen selbst überprüft, wie oben erklärt, wäre es unnötig (wohingegen mit X.509-Zertifikaten geprüft wird, ob ein Domain-Name zu öffentlichen Schlüsseln passt)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4049
msgid "Substitutes are downloaded over HTTP or HTTPS@. The @env{http_proxy} and @env{https_proxy} environment variables can be set in the environment of @command{guix-daemon} and are honored for downloads of substitutes. Note that the value of those environment variables in the environment where @command{guix build}, @command{guix package}, and other client commands are run has @emph{absolutely no effect}."
msgstr "Substitute werden über HTTP oder HTTPS heruntergeladen. Die Umgebungsvariablen @env{http_proxy} und @env{https_proxy} können in der Umgebung von @command{guix-daemon} definiert werden und wirken sich dann auf das Herunterladen von Substituten aus. Beachten Sie, dass der Wert dieser Variablen in der Umgebung, in der @command{guix build}, @command{guix package} und andere Client-Befehle ausgeführt werden, @emph{keine Rolle spielt}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4058
msgid "Even when a substitute for a derivation is available, sometimes the substitution attempt will fail. This can happen for a variety of reasons: the substitute server might be offline, the substitute may recently have been deleted, the connection might have been interrupted, etc."
msgstr "Selbst wenn ein Substitut für eine Ableitung verfügbar ist, schlägt die versuchte Substitution manchmal fehl. Das kann aus vielen Gründen geschehen: die Substitutserver könnten offline sein, das Substitut könnte kürzlich gelöscht worden sein, die Netzwerkverbindung könnte unterbrochen worden sein, usw."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4072
msgid "When substitutes are enabled and a substitute for a derivation is available, but the substitution attempt fails, Guix will attempt to build the derivation locally depending on whether or not @option{--fallback} was given (@pxref{fallback-option,, common build option @option{--fallback}}). Specifically, if @option{--fallback} was omitted, then no local build will be performed, and the derivation is considered to have failed. However, if @option{--fallback} was given, then Guix will attempt to build the derivation locally, and the success or failure of the derivation depends on the success or failure of the local build. Note that when substitutes are disabled or no substitute is available for the derivation in question, a local build will @emph{always} be performed, regardless of whether or not @option{--fallback} was given."
msgstr "Wenn Substitute aktiviert sind und ein Substitut für eine Ableitung zwar verfügbar ist, aber die versuchte Substitution fehlschlägt, kann Guix versuchen, die Ableitung lokal zu erstellen, je nachdem, ob @option{--fallback} übergeben wurde (siehe @ref{fallback-option,, common build option @option{--fallback}}). Genauer gesagt, wird keine lokale Erstellung durchgeführt, solange kein @option{--fallback} angegeben wurde, und die Ableitung wird als Fehlschlag angesehen. Wenn @option{--fallback} übergeben wurde, wird Guix versuchen, die Ableitung lokal zu erstellen, und ob die Ableitung erfolgreich ist oder nicht, hängt davon ab, ob die lokale Erstellung erfolgreich ist oder nicht. Beachten Sie, dass, falls Substitute ausgeschaltet oder erst gar kein Substitut verfügbar ist, @emph{immer} eine lokale Erstellung durchgeführt wird, egal ob @option{--fallback} übergeben wurde oder nicht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4077
msgid "To get an idea of how many substitutes are available right now, you can try running the @command{guix weather} command (@pxref{Invoking guix weather}). This command provides statistics on the substitutes provided by a server."
msgstr "Um eine Vorstellung zu bekommen, wie viele Substitute gerade verfügbar sind, können Sie den Befehl @command{guix weather} benutzen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix weather}). Dieser Befehl zeigt Statistiken darüber an, wie es um die von einem Server verfügbaren Substitute steht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4081
#, no-wrap
msgid "trust, of pre-built binaries"
msgstr "Vertrauen, gegenüber vorerstellten Binärdateien"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4091
msgid "Today, each individual's control over their own computing is at the mercy of institutions, corporations, and groups with enough power and determination to subvert the computing infrastructure and exploit its weaknesses. While using substitutes can be convenient, we encourage users to also build on their own, or even run their own build farm, such that the project run substitute servers are less of an interesting target. One way to help is by publishing the software you build using @command{guix publish} so that others have one more choice of server to download substitutes from (@pxref{Invoking guix publish})."
msgstr "Derzeit hängt die Kontrolle jedes Individuums über seine Rechner von Institutionen, Unternehmen und solchen Gruppierungen ab, die über genug Macht und Entschlusskraft verfügen, die Rechnerinfrastruktur zu sabotieren und ihre Schwachstellen auszunutzen. Auch wenn es bequem ist, Substitute zu benutzen, ermuntern wir Nutzer, auch selbst Erstellungen durchzuführen oder gar ihre eigene Erstellungsfarm zu betreiben, damit die vom Guix-Projekt betriebenen Substitutserver ein weniger interessantes Ziel werden. Eine Art, uns zu helfen, ist, die von Ihnen erstellte Software mit dem Befehl @command{guix publish} zu veröffentlichen, damit andere eine größere Auswahl haben, von welchem Server sie Substitute beziehen möchten (siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4103
msgid "Guix has the foundations to maximize build reproducibility (@pxref{Features}). In most cases, independent builds of a given package or derivation should yield bit-identical results. Thus, through a diverse set of independent package builds, we can strengthen the integrity of our systems. The @command{guix challenge} command aims to help users assess substitute servers, and to assist developers in finding out about non-deterministic package builds (@pxref{Invoking guix challenge}). Similarly, the @option{--check} option of @command{guix build} allows users to check whether previously-installed substitutes are genuine by rebuilding them locally (@pxref{build-check, @command{guix build --check}})."
msgstr "Guix hat die richtigen Grundlagen, um die Reproduzierbarkeit von Erstellungen zu maximieren (siehe @ref{Features}). In den meisten Fällen sollten unabhängige Erstellungen eines bestimmten Pakets zu bitweise identischen Ergebnissen führen. Wir können also mit Hilfe einer vielschichtigen Menge an unabhängigen Paketerstellungen die Integrität unseres Systems besser gewährleisten. Der Befehl @command{guix challenge} hat das Ziel, Nutzern zu ermöglichen, Substitutserver zu beurteilen, und Entwickler dabei zu unterstützen, nichtdeterministische Paketerstellungen zu finden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix challenge}). Ebenso ermöglicht es die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--check} von @command{guix build}, dass Nutzer bereits installierte Substitute auf Unverfälschtheit zu prüfen, indem sie durch lokales Erstellen nachgebildet werden (siehe @ref{build-check, @command{guix build --check}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4107
msgid "In the future, we want Guix to have support to publish and retrieve binaries to/from other users, in a peer-to-peer fashion. If you would like to discuss this project, join us on @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}."
msgstr "In Zukunft wollen wir, dass Sie mit Guix Binärdateien von Netzwerkteilnehmer zu Netzwerkteilnehmer („peer-to-peer“) veröffentlichen und empfangen können. Wenn Sie mit uns dieses Projekt diskutieren möchten, kommen Sie auf unsere Mailing-Liste @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4111
#, no-wrap
msgid "multiple-output packages"
msgstr "mehrere Ausgaben, bei Paketen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4078
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4112
#, no-wrap
msgid "package outputs"
msgstr "Paketausgaben"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4113
#, no-wrap
msgid "outputs"
msgstr "Ausgaben"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4123
msgid "Often, packages defined in Guix have a single @dfn{output}---i.e., the source package leads to exactly one directory in the store. When running @command{guix install glibc}, one installs the default output of the GNU libc package; the default output is called @code{out}, but its name can be omitted as shown in this command. In this particular case, the default output of @code{glibc} contains all the C header files, shared libraries, static libraries, Info documentation, and other supporting files."
msgstr "Oft haben in Guix definierte Pakete eine einzige @dfn{Ausgabe}@tie{}— d.h.@: aus dem Quellpaket entsteht genau ein Verzeichnis im Store. Wenn Sie @command{guix install glibc} ausführen, wird die Standard-Paketausgabe des GNU-libc-Pakets installiert; die Standardausgabe wird @code{out} genannt, aber ihr Name kann weggelassen werden, wie Sie am obigen Befehl sehen. In diesem speziellen Fall enthält die Standard-Paketausgabe von @code{glibc} alle C-Headerdateien, gemeinsamen Bibliotheken („Shared Libraries“), statischen Bibliotheken („Static Libraries“), Dokumentation für Info sowie andere zusätzliche Dateien."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4131
msgid "Sometimes it is more appropriate to separate the various types of files produced from a single source package into separate outputs. For instance, the GLib C library (used by GTK+ and related packages) installs more than 20 MiB of reference documentation as HTML pages. To save space for users who do not need it, the documentation goes to a separate output, called @code{doc}. To install the main GLib output, which contains everything but the documentation, one would run:"
msgstr "Manchmal ist es besser, die verschiedenen Arten von Dateien, die aus einem einzelnen Quellpaket hervorgehen, in getrennte Ausgaben zu unterteilen. Zum Beispiel installiert die GLib-C-Bibliothek (die von GTK und damit zusammenhängenden Paketen benutzt wird) mehr als 20 MiB an HTML-Seiten mit Referenzdokumentation. Um den Nutzern, die das nicht brauchen, Platz zu sparen, wird die Dokumentation in einer separaten Ausgabe abgelegt, genannt @code{doc}. Um also die Hauptausgabe von GLib zu installieren, zu der alles außer der Dokumentation gehört, ist der Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4134
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install glib\n"
msgstr "guix install glib\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4102 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36368
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4136 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37029
#, no-wrap
msgid "documentation"
msgstr "documentation"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4138
msgid "The command to install its documentation is:"
msgstr "Der Befehl, um die Dokumentation zu installieren, ist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4141
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install glib:doc\n"
msgstr "guix install glib:doc\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4152
msgid "Some packages install programs with different ``dependency footprints''. For instance, the WordNet package installs both command-line tools and graphical user interfaces (GUIs). The former depend solely on the C library, whereas the latter depend on Tcl/Tk and the underlying X libraries. In this case, we leave the command-line tools in the default output, whereas the GUIs are in a separate output. This allows users who do not need the GUIs to save space. The @command{guix size} command can help find out about such situations (@pxref{Invoking guix size}). @command{guix graph} can also be helpful (@pxref{Invoking guix graph})."
msgstr "Manche Pakete installieren Programme mit unterschiedlich großem „Abhängigkeiten-Fußabdruck“. Zum Beispiel installiert das Paket WordNet sowohl Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge als auch grafische Benutzerschnittstellen (GUIs). Erstere hängen nur von der C-Bibliothek ab, während Letztere auch von Tcl/Tk und den zu Grunde liegenden X-Bibliotheken abhängen. Jedenfalls belassen wir deshalb die Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge in der Standard-Paketausgabe, während sich die GUIs in einer separaten Ausgabe befinden. So können Benutzer, die die GUIs nicht brauchen, Platz sparen. Der Befehl @command{guix size} kann dabei helfen, solche Situationen zu erkennen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix size}). @command{guix graph} kann auch helfen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4160
msgid "There are several such multiple-output packages in the GNU distribution. Other conventional output names include @code{lib} for libraries and possibly header files, @code{bin} for stand-alone programs, and @code{debug} for debugging information (@pxref{Installing Debugging Files}). The outputs of a packages are listed in the third column of the output of @command{guix package --list-available} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "In der GNU-Distribution gibt es viele solche Pakete mit mehreren Ausgaben. Andere Konventionen für Ausgabenamen sind zum Beispiel @code{lib} für Bibliotheken und eventuell auch ihre Header-Dateien,, @code{bin} für eigenständige Programme und @code{debug} für Informationen zur Fehlerbehandlung (siehe @ref{Installing Debugging Files}). Die Ausgaben eines Pakets stehen in der dritten Spalte der Anzeige von @command{guix package --list-available} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4163
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix gc}"
msgstr "@command{guix gc} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4165
#, no-wrap
msgid "garbage collector"
msgstr "Müllsammler"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4166
#, no-wrap
msgid "disk space"
msgstr "Plattenspeicher"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4172
msgid "Packages that are installed, but not used, may be @dfn{garbage-collected}. The @command{guix gc} command allows users to explicitly run the garbage collector to reclaim space from the @file{/gnu/store} directory. It is the @emph{only} way to remove files from @file{/gnu/store}---removing files or directories manually may break it beyond repair!"
msgstr "Pakete, die zwar installiert sind, aber nicht benutzt werden, können vom @dfn{Müllsammler} entfernt werden. Mit dem Befehl @command{guix gc} können Benutzer den Müllsammler ausdrücklich aufrufen, um Speicher im Verzeichnis @file{/gnu/store} freizugeben. Dies ist der @emph{einzige} Weg, Dateien aus @file{/gnu/store} zu entfernen@tie{}— das manuelle Entfernen von Dateien kann den Store irreparabel beschädigen!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4183
msgid "The garbage collector has a set of known @dfn{roots}: any file under @file{/gnu/store} reachable from a root is considered @dfn{live} and cannot be deleted; any other file is considered @dfn{dead} and may be deleted. The set of garbage collector roots (``GC roots'' for short) includes default user profiles; by default, the symlinks under @file{/var/guix/gcroots} represent these GC roots. New GC roots can be added with @command{guix build --root}, for example (@pxref{Invoking guix build}). The @command{guix gc --list-roots} command lists them."
msgstr "Der Müllsammler kennt eine Reihe von @dfn{Wurzeln}: Jede Datei in @file{/gnu/store}, die von einer Wurzel aus erreichbar ist, gilt als @dfn{lebendig} und kann nicht entfernt werden; jede andere Datei gilt als @dfn{tot} und ist ein Kandidat, gelöscht zu werden. Die Menge der Müllsammlerwurzeln (kurz auch „GC-Wurzeln“, von englisch „Garbage Collector“) umfasst Standard-Benutzerprofile; standardmäßig werden diese Müllsammlerwurzeln durch symbolische Verknüpfungen in @file{/var/guix/gcroots} dargestellt. Neue Müllsammlerwurzeln können zum Beispiel mit @command{guix build --root} festgelegt werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build}). Der Befehl @command{guix gc --list-roots} listet sie auf."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4189
msgid "Prior to running @code{guix gc --collect-garbage} to make space, it is often useful to remove old generations from user profiles; that way, old package builds referenced by those generations can be reclaimed. This is achieved by running @code{guix package --delete-generations} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Bevor Sie mit @code{guix gc --collect-garbage} Speicher freimachen, wollen Sie vielleicht alte Generationen von Benutzerprofilen löschen, damit alte Paketerstellungen von diesen Generationen entfernt werden können. Führen Sie dazu @code{guix package --delete-generations} aus (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4193
msgid "Our recommendation is to run a garbage collection periodically, or when you are short on disk space. For instance, to guarantee that at least 5@tie{}GB are available on your disk, simply run:"
msgstr "Unsere Empfehlung ist, dass Sie den Müllsammler regelmäßig laufen lassen und wenn Sie wenig freien Speicherplatz zur Verfügung haben. Um zum Beispiel sicherzustellen, dass Sie mindestens 5@tie{}GB auf Ihrer Platte zur Verfügung haben, benutzen Sie einfach:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4196
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix gc -F 5G\n"
msgstr "guix gc -F 5G\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4205
msgid "It is perfectly safe to run as a non-interactive periodic job (@pxref{Scheduled Job Execution}, for how to set up such a job). Running @command{guix gc} with no arguments will collect as much garbage as it can, but that is often inconvenient: you may find yourself having to rebuild or re-download software that is ``dead'' from the GC viewpoint but that is necessary to build other pieces of software---e.g., the compiler tool chain."
msgstr "Es ist völlig sicher, dafür eine nicht interaktive, regelmäßige Auftragsausführung vorzugeben (siehe @ref{Scheduled Job Execution} für eine Erklärung, wie man das tun kann). @command{guix gc} ohne Befehlszeilenargumente auszuführen, lässt so viel Müll wie möglich sammeln, aber das ist oft nicht, was man will, denn so muss man unter Umständen Software erneut erstellen oder erneut herunterladen, weil der Müllsammler sie als „tot“ ansieht, sie aber zur Erstellung anderer Software wieder gebraucht wird@tie{}— das trifft zum Beispiel auf die Compiler-Toolchain zu."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4211
msgid "The @command{guix gc} command has three modes of operation: it can be used to garbage-collect any dead files (the default), to delete specific files (the @option{--delete} option), to print garbage-collector information, or for more advanced queries. The garbage collection options are as follows:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix gc} hat drei Arbeitsmodi: Er kann benutzt werden, um als Müllsammler tote Dateien zu entfernen (das Standardverhalten), um ganz bestimmte, angegebene Datein zu löschen (mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--delete}), um Müllsammlerinformationen auszugeben oder fortgeschrittenere Anfragen zu verarbeiten. Die Müllsammler-Befehlszeilenoptionen sind wie folgt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4213
#, no-wrap
msgid "--collect-garbage[=@var{min}]"
msgstr "--collect-garbage[=@var{Minimum}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4214
#, no-wrap
msgid "-C [@var{min}]"
msgstr "-C [@var{Minimum}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4218
msgid "Collect garbage---i.e., unreachable @file{/gnu/store} files and sub-directories. This is the default operation when no option is specified."
msgstr "Lässt Müll sammeln@tie{}— z.B.@: nicht erreichbare Dateien in @file{/gnu/store} und seinen Unterverzeichnissen. Wird keine andere Befehlszeilenoption angegeben, wird standardmäßig diese durchgeführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4223
msgid "When @var{min} is given, stop once @var{min} bytes have been collected. @var{min} may be a number of bytes, or it may include a unit as a suffix, such as @code{MiB} for mebibytes and @code{GB} for gigabytes (@pxref{Block size, size specifications,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils})."
msgstr "Wenn ein @var{Minimum} angegeben wurde, hört der Müllsammler auf, sobald @var{Minimum} Bytes gesammelt wurden. Das @var{Minimum} kann die Anzahl der Bytes bezeichnen oder mit einer Einheit als Suffix versehen sein, wie etwa @code{MiB} für Mebibytes und @code{GB} für Gigabytes (siehe @ref{Block size, Größenangaben,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4225
msgid "When @var{min} is omitted, collect all the garbage."
msgstr "Wird kein @var{Minimum} angegeben, sammelt der Müllsammler allen Müll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4192
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4226
#, no-wrap
msgid "--free-space=@var{free}"
msgstr "--free-space=@var{Menge}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4227
#, no-wrap
msgid "-F @var{free}"
msgstr "-F @var{Menge}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4231
msgid "Collect garbage until @var{free} space is available under @file{/gnu/store}, if possible; @var{free} denotes storage space, such as @code{500MiB}, as described above."
msgstr "Sammelt Müll, bis die angegebene @var{Menge} an freiem Speicher in @file{/gnu/store} zur Verfügung steht, falls möglich; die @var{Menge} ist eine Speichergröße wie @code{500MiB}, wie oben beschrieben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4234
msgid "When @var{free} or more is already available in @file{/gnu/store}, do nothing and exit immediately."
msgstr "Wenn die angegebene @var{Menge} oder mehr bereits in @file{/gnu/store} frei verfügbar ist, passiert nichts."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4235
#, no-wrap
msgid "--delete-generations[=@var{duration}]"
msgstr "--delete-generations[=@var{Dauer}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4236
#, no-wrap
msgid "-d [@var{duration}]"
msgstr "-d [@var{Dauer}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4240
msgid "Before starting the garbage collection process, delete all the generations older than @var{duration}, for all the user profiles; when run as root, this applies to all the profiles @emph{of all the users}."
msgstr "Bevor der Müllsammelvorgang beginnt, werden hiermit alle Generationen von allen Benutzerprofilen gelöscht, die älter sind als die angegebene @var{Dauer}; wird es als Administratornutzer „root“ ausgeführt, geschieht dies mit den Profilen @emph{von allen Benutzern}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4244
msgid "For example, this command deletes all the generations of all your profiles that are older than 2 months (except generations that are current), and then proceeds to free space until at least 10 GiB are available:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel löscht der folgende Befehl alle Generationen Ihrer Profile, die älter als zwei Monate sind (ausgenommen die momentanen Generationen), und schmeißt dann den Müllsammler an, um Platz freizuräumen, bis mindestens 10 GiB verfügbar sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4247
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix gc -d 2m -F 10G\n"
msgstr "guix gc -d 2m -F 10G\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4249
#, no-wrap
msgid "--delete"
msgstr "--delete"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4216 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4250 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5780
#, no-wrap
msgid "-D"
msgstr "-D"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4254
msgid "Attempt to delete all the store files and directories specified as arguments. This fails if some of the files are not in the store, or if they are still live."
msgstr "Versucht, alle als Argumente angegebenen Dateien oder Verzeichnisse im Store zu löschen. Dies schlägt fehl, wenn manche der Dateien oder Verzeichnisse nicht im Store oder noch immer lebendig sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4255
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-failures"
msgstr "--list-failures"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4257
msgid "List store items corresponding to cached build failures."
msgstr "Store-Objekte auflisten, die zwischengespeicherten Erstellungsfehlern entsprechen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4261
msgid "This prints nothing unless the daemon was started with @option{--cache-failures} (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--cache-failures}})."
msgstr "Hierbei wird nichts ausgegeben, sofern der Daemon nicht mit @option{--cache-failures} gestartet wurde (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--cache-failures}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4262
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-roots"
msgstr "--list-roots"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4265
msgid "List the GC roots owned by the user; when run as root, list @emph{all} the GC roots."
msgstr "Die Müllsammlerwurzeln auflisten, die dem Nutzer gehören. Wird der Befehl als Administratornutzer ausgeführt, werden @emph{alle} Müllsammlerwurzeln aufgelistet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4266
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-busy"
msgstr "--list-busy"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4269
msgid "List store items in use by currently running processes. These store items are effectively considered GC roots: they cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Solche Store-Objekte auflisten, die von aktuell laufenden Prozessen benutzt werden. Diese Store-Objekte werden praktisch wie Müllsammlerwurzeln behandelt; sie können nicht gelöscht werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4270
#, no-wrap
msgid "--clear-failures"
msgstr "--clear-failures"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4272
msgid "Remove the specified store items from the failed-build cache."
msgstr "Die angegebenen Store-Objekte aus dem Zwischenspeicher für fehlgeschlagene Erstellungen entfernen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4275
msgid "Again, this option only makes sense when the daemon is started with @option{--cache-failures}. Otherwise, it does nothing."
msgstr "Auch diese Option macht nur Sinn, wenn der Daemon mit @option{--cache-failures} gestartet wurde. Andernfalls passiert nichts."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4276
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-dead"
msgstr "--list-dead"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4279
msgid "Show the list of dead files and directories still present in the store---i.e., files and directories no longer reachable from any root."
msgstr "Zeigt die Liste toter Dateien und Verzeichnisse an, die sich noch im Store befinden@tie{}— das heißt, Dateien, die von keiner Wurzel mehr erreichbar sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4280
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-live"
msgstr "--list-live"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4282
msgid "Show the list of live store files and directories."
msgstr "Zeige die Liste lebendiger Store-Dateien und -Verzeichnisse."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4286
msgid "In addition, the references among existing store files can be queried:"
msgstr "Außerdem können Referenzen unter bestehenden Store-Dateien gefunden werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4289
#, no-wrap
msgid "--references"
msgstr "--references"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4290
#, no-wrap
msgid "--referrers"
msgstr "--referrers"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4257 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4291 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13666
#, no-wrap
msgid "package dependencies"
msgstr "Paketabhängigkeiten"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4294
msgid "List the references (respectively, the referrers) of store files given as arguments."
msgstr "Listet die referenzierten bzw. sie referenzierenden Objekte der angegebenen Store-Dateien auf."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4295
#, no-wrap
msgid "--requisites"
msgstr "--requisites"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4262 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4296 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6566
#, no-wrap
msgid "-R"
msgstr "-R"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4263 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13061
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13089 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13550 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13631
#, no-wrap
msgid "closure"
msgstr "Abschluss"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4302
msgid "List the requisites of the store files passed as arguments. Requisites include the store files themselves, their references, and the references of these, recursively. In other words, the returned list is the @dfn{transitive closure} of the store files."
msgstr "Listet alle Voraussetzungen der als Argumente übergebenen Store-Dateien auf. Voraussetzungen sind die Store-Dateien selbst, ihre Referenzen sowie die Referenzen davon, rekursiv. Mit anderen Worten, die zurückgelieferte Liste ist der @dfn{transitive Abschluss} dieser Store-Dateien."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4306
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix size}, for a tool to profile the size of the closure of an element. @xref{Invoking guix graph}, for a tool to visualize the graph of references."
msgstr "Der Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix size} erklärt ein Werkzeug, um den Speicherbedarf des Abschlusses eines Elements zu ermitteln. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph} für ein Werkzeug, um den Referenzgraphen zu veranschaulichen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4307
#, no-wrap
msgid "--derivers"
msgstr "--derivers"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4274 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6815
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12917 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4308 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13378 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13775
#, no-wrap
msgid "derivation"
msgstr "derivation"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4311
msgid "Return the derivation(s) leading to the given store items (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Liefert die Ableitung(en), die zu den angegebenen Store-Objekten führen (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4313
msgid "For example, this command:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel liefert dieser Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4316
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix gc --derivers $(guix package -I ^emacs$ | cut -f4)\n"
msgstr "guix gc --derivers $(guix package -I ^emacs$ | cut -f4)\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4321
msgid "returns the @file{.drv} file(s) leading to the @code{emacs} package installed in your profile."
msgstr "die @file{.drv}-Datei(en), die zum in Ihrem Profil installierten @code{emacs}-Paket führen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4325
msgid "Note that there may be zero matching @file{.drv} files, for instance because these files have been garbage-collected. There can also be more than one matching @file{.drv} due to fixed-output derivations."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass es auch sein kann, dass keine passenden @file{.drv}-Dateien existieren, zum Beispiel wenn diese Dateien bereits dem Müllsammler zum Opfer gefallen sind. Es kann auch passieren, dass es mehr als eine passende @file{.drv} gibt, bei Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4329
msgid "Lastly, the following options allow you to check the integrity of the store and to control disk usage."
msgstr "Zuletzt können Sie mit folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen die Integrität des Stores prüfen und den Plattenspeicherverbrauch im Zaum halten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4332
#, no-wrap
msgid "--verify[=@var{options}]"
msgstr "--verify[=@var{Optionen}]"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4333
#, no-wrap
msgid "integrity, of the store"
msgstr "Integrität, des Stores"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4334
#, no-wrap
msgid "integrity checking"
msgstr "Integritätsprüfung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4336
msgid "Verify the integrity of the store."
msgstr "Die Integrität des Stores verifizieren"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4339
msgid "By default, make sure that all the store items marked as valid in the database of the daemon actually exist in @file{/gnu/store}."
msgstr "Standardmäßig wird sichergestellt, dass alle Store-Objekte, die in der Datenbank des Daemons als gültig markiert wurden, auch tatsächlich in @file{/gnu/store} existieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4342
msgid "When provided, @var{options} must be a comma-separated list containing one or more of @code{contents} and @code{repair}."
msgstr "Wenn angegeben, müssen die @var{Optionen} eine kommagetrennte Liste aus mindestens einem der Worte @code{contents} und @code{repair} sein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4348
msgid "When passing @option{--verify=contents}, the daemon computes the content hash of each store item and compares it against its hash in the database. Hash mismatches are reported as data corruptions. Because it traverses @emph{all the files in the store}, this command can take a long time, especially on systems with a slow disk drive."
msgstr "Wenn Sie @option{--verify=contents} übergeben, berechnet der Daemon den Hash des Inhalts jedes Store-Objekts und vergleicht ihn mit dem Hash in der Datenbank. Sind die Hashes ungleich, wird eine Datenbeschädigung gemeldet. Weil dabei @emph{alle Dateien im Store} durchlaufen werden, kann der Befehl viel Zeit brauchen, besonders auf Systemen mit langsamer Platte."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4349
#, no-wrap
msgid "repairing the store"
msgstr "Store, reparieren"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4316 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4350 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11982
#, no-wrap
msgid "corruption, recovering from"
msgstr "Datenbeschädigung, Behebung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4358
msgid "Using @option{--verify=repair} or @option{--verify=contents,repair} causes the daemon to try to repair corrupt store items by fetching substitutes for them (@pxref{Substitutes}). Because repairing is not atomic, and thus potentially dangerous, it is available only to the system administrator. A lightweight alternative, when you know exactly which items in the store are corrupt, is @command{guix build --repair} (@pxref{Invoking guix build})."
msgstr "Mit @option{--verify=repair} oder @option{--verify=contents,repair} versucht der Daemon, beschädigte Store-Objekte zu reparieren, indem er Substitute für selbige herunterlädt (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Weil die Reparatur nicht atomar und daher womöglich riskant ist, kann nur der Systemadministrator den Befehl benutzen. Eine weniger aufwendige Alternative, wenn Sie wissen, welches Objekt beschädigt ist, ist, @command{guix build --repair} zu benutzen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4359
#, no-wrap
msgid "--optimize"
msgstr "--optimize"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4363
msgid "Optimize the store by hard-linking identical files---this is @dfn{deduplication}."
msgstr "Den Store durch Nutzung harter Verknüpfungen für identische Dateien optimieren@tie{}— mit anderen Worten wird der Store @dfn{dedupliziert}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4335
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4369
msgid "The daemon performs deduplication after each successful build or archive import, unless it was started with @option{--disable-deduplication} (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--disable-deduplication}}). Thus, this option is primarily useful when the daemon was running with @option{--disable-deduplication}."
msgstr "Der Daemon führt Deduplizierung automatisch nach jeder erfolgreichen Erstellung und jedem Importieren eines Archivs durch, sofern er nicht mit @option{--disable-deduplication} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--disable-deduplication}}) gestartet wurde. Diese Befehlszeilenoption brauchen Sie also in erster Linie dann, wenn der Daemon zuvor mit @option{--disable-deduplication} gestartet worden ist."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4373
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix pull}"
msgstr "@command{guix pull} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4375
#, no-wrap
msgid "upgrading Guix"
msgstr "Aktualisieren von Guix"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4376
#, no-wrap
msgid "updating Guix"
msgstr "Updaten von Guix"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4377
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pull"
msgstr "guix pull"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4378
#, no-wrap
msgid "pull"
msgstr "pull"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4379
#, no-wrap
msgid "security, @command{guix pull}"
msgstr "Sicherheit, bei @command{guix pull}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4380
#, no-wrap
msgid "authenticity, of code obtained with @command{guix pull}"
msgstr "Authentizität, bei mit @command{guix pull} bezogenem Code"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4390
msgid "Packages are installed or upgraded to the latest version available in the distribution currently available on your local machine. To update that distribution, along with the Guix tools, you must run @command{guix pull}: the command downloads the latest Guix source code and package descriptions, and deploys it. Source code is downloaded from a @uref{https://git-scm.com, Git} repository, by default the official GNU@tie{}Guix repository, though this can be customized. @command{guix pull} ensures that the code it downloads is @emph{authentic} by verifying that commits are signed by Guix developers."
msgstr "Nach der Installation oder Aktualisierung wird stets die neueste Version von Paketen verwendet, die in der aktuell installierten Distribution verfügbar ist. Um die Distribution und die Guix-Werkzeuge zu aktualisieren, führen Sie @command{guix pull} aus. Der Befehl lädt den neuesten Guix-Quellcode einschließlich Paketbeschreibungen herunter und installiert ihn. Quellcode wird aus einem @uref{https://git-scm.com, Git-Repository} geladen, standardmäßig dem offiziellen Repository von GNU@tie{}Guix, was Sie aber auch ändern können. @command{guix pull} stellt sicher, dass der heruntergeladene Code @emph{authentisch} ist, indem es überprüft, dass die Commits durch Guix-Entwickler signiert worden sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4393
msgid "Specifically, @command{guix pull} downloads code from the @dfn{channels} (@pxref{Channels}) specified by one of the followings, in this order:"
msgstr "Genauer gesagt lädt @command{guix pull} Code von den @dfn{Kanälen} herunter (siehe @ref{Channels}), die an einer der folgenden Stellen, in dieser Reihenfolge, angegeben wurden:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4397
msgid "the @option{--channels} option;"
msgstr "die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--channels},"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4399
msgid "the user's @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} file;"
msgstr "die Datei @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} des Benutzers,"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4401
msgid "the system-wide @file{/etc/guix/channels.scm} file;"
msgstr "die systemweite @file{/etc/guix/channels.scm}-Datei,"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4404
msgid "the built-in default channels specified in the @code{%default-channels} variable."
msgstr "die eingebauten vorgegebenen Kanäle, wie sie in der Variablen @code{%default-channels} festgelegt sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4411
msgid "On completion, @command{guix package} will use packages and package versions from this just-retrieved copy of Guix. Not only that, but all the Guix commands and Scheme modules will also be taken from that latest version. New @command{guix} sub-commands added by the update also become available."
msgstr "Danach wird @command{guix package} Pakete und ihre Versionen entsprechend der gerade heruntergeladenen Kopie von Guix benutzen. Nicht nur das, auch alle Guix-Befehle und Scheme-Module werden aus der neuesten Version von Guix kommen. Neue @command{guix}-Unterbefehle, die durch die Aktualisierung hinzugekommen sind, werden also auch verfügbar."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4383
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4417
msgid "Any user can update their Guix copy using @command{guix pull}, and the effect is limited to the user who ran @command{guix pull}. For instance, when user @code{root} runs @command{guix pull}, this has no effect on the version of Guix that user @code{alice} sees, and vice versa."
msgstr "Jeder Nutzer kann seine Kopie von Guix mittels @command{guix pull} aktualisieren, wodurch sich nur für den Nutzer etwas verändert, der @command{guix pull} ausgeführt hat. Wenn also zum Beispiel der Administratornutzer @code{root} den Befehl @command{guix pull} ausführt, hat das keine Auswirkungen auf die für den Benutzer @code{alice} sichtbare Guix-Version, und umgekehrt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4423
msgid "The result of running @command{guix pull} is a @dfn{profile} available under @file{~/.config/guix/current} containing the latest Guix. Thus, make sure to add it to the beginning of your search path so that you use the latest version, and similarly for the Info manual (@pxref{Documentation}):"
msgstr "Das Ergebnis von @command{guix pull} ist ein als @file{~/.config/guix/current} verfügbares @dfn{Profil} mit dem neuesten Guix. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es am Anfang Ihres Suchpfades steht, damit Sie auch wirklich das neueste Guix und sein Info-Handbuch sehen (siehe @ref{Documentation}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4427
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"export PATH=\"$HOME/.config/guix/current/bin:$PATH\"\n"
@@ -10930,12 +11063,12 @@ msgstr ""
"export INFOPATH=\"$HOME/.config/guix/current/share/info:$INFOPATH\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4431
msgid "The @option{--list-generations} or @option{-l} option lists past generations produced by @command{guix pull}, along with details about their provenance:"
msgstr "Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--list-generations} oder kurz @option{-l} listet ältere von @command{guix pull} erzeugte Generationen auf, zusammen mit Informationen zu deren Provenienz."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4439
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix pull -l\n"
@@ -10947,15 +11080,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"$ guix pull -l\n"
-"Generation 1\tJun 10 2018 00:18:18\n"
+"Generation 1\t10. Juni 2018 00:18:18\n"
" guix 65956ad\n"
-" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
-" branch: origin/master\n"
-" commit: 65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe\n"
+" Repository-URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+" Branch: origin/master\n"
+" Commit: 65956ad3526ba09e1f7a40722c96c6ef7c0936fe\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4445
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Generation 2\tJun 11 2018 11:02:49\n"
@@ -10963,25 +11096,17 @@ msgid ""
" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
" branch: origin/master\n"
" commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d\n"
-" 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink\n"
-" 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,\n"
-" guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,\n"
-" heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4\n"
msgstr ""
-"Generation 2\tJun 11 2018 11:02:49\n"
+"Generation 2\t11. Juni 2018 11:02:49\n"
" guix e0cc7f6\n"
-" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
-" branch: origin/master\n"
-" commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d\n"
-" 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink\n"
-" 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,\n"
-" guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,\n"
-" heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4\n"
+" Repository-URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+" Branch: origin/master\n"
+" Commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4451
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Generation 3\tJun 13 2018 23:31:07\t(current)\n"
@@ -10989,29 +11114,25 @@ msgid ""
" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
" branch: origin/master\n"
" commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c\n"
-" 28 new packages: emacs-helm-ls-git, emacs-helm-mu, @dots{}\n"
-" 69 packages upgraded: borg@@1.1.6, cheese@@3.28.0, @dots{}\n"
msgstr ""
-"Generation 3\tJun 13 2018 23:31:07\t(current)\n"
+"Generation 3\t13. Juni 2018 23:31:07\t(aktuell)\n"
" guix 844cc1c\n"
-" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
-" branch: origin/master\n"
-" commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c\n"
-" 28 new packages: emacs-helm-ls-git, emacs-helm-mu, …\n"
-" 69 packages upgraded: borg@@1.1.6, cheese@@3.28.0, …\n"
+" Repository-URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+" Branch: origin/master\n"
+" Commit: 844cc1c8f394f03b404c5bb3aee086922373490c\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4455
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix describe, @command{guix describe}}, for other ways to describe the current status of Guix."
msgstr "Im Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix describe, @command{guix describe}} werden andere Möglichkeiten erklärt, sich den momentanen Zustand von Guix beschreiben zu lassen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4460
msgid "This @code{~/.config/guix/current} profile works exactly like the profiles created by @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). That is, you can list generations, roll back to the previous generation---i.e., the previous Guix---and so on:"
msgstr "Das Profil @code{~/.config/guix/current} verhält sich genau wie die durch @command{guix package} erzeugten Profile (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). Das bedeutet, Sie können seine Generationen auflisten und es auf die vorherige Generation@tie{}— also das vorherige Guix@tie{}— zurücksetzen und so weiter:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4466
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix pull --roll-back\n"
@@ -11025,12 +11146,12 @@ msgstr ""
"/var/guix/profiles/per-user/charlie/current-guix-1-link wird gelöscht\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4470
msgid "You can also use @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}) to manage the profile by naming it explicitly:"
msgstr "Sie können auch @command{guix package} benutzen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}), um das Profil zu verwalten, indem Sie es explizit angeben.:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4475
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix package -p ~/.config/guix/current --roll-back\n"
@@ -11044,354 +11165,373 @@ msgstr ""
"deleting /var/guix/profiles/per-user/charlie/current-guix-1-link\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4479
msgid "The @command{guix pull} command is usually invoked with no arguments, but it supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix pull} wird in der Regel ohne Befehlszeilenargumente aufgerufen, aber er versteht auch folgende Befehlszeilenoptionen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4453 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4481 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4649
#, no-wrap
msgid "--url=@var{url}"
msgstr "--url=@var{URL}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4454 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4482 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4650
#, no-wrap
msgid "--commit=@var{commit}"
msgstr "--commit=@var{Commit}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4455 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4483 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4651
#, no-wrap
msgid "--branch=@var{branch}"
msgstr "--branch=@var{Branch}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4487
msgid "Download code for the @code{guix} channel from the specified @var{url}, at the given @var{commit} (a valid Git commit ID represented as a hexadecimal string), or @var{branch}."
msgstr "Code wird für den @code{guix}-Kanal von der angegebenen @var{URL} für den angegebenen @var{Commit} (eine gültige Commit-ID, dargestellt als hexadezimale Zeichenkette) oder @var{Branch} heruntergeladen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4460 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4488 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5095
#, no-wrap
msgid "@file{channels.scm}, configuration file"
msgstr "@file{channels.scm}, Konfigurationsdatei"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4461 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4489 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5096
#, no-wrap
msgid "configuration file for channels"
msgstr "Konfigurationsdatei für Kanäle"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4493
msgid "These options are provided for convenience, but you can also specify your configuration in the @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} file or using the @option{--channels} option (see below)."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoptionen sind manchmal bequemer, aber Sie können Ihre Konfiguration auch in der Datei @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} oder über die Option @option{--channels} angeben (siehe unten)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4466 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4494 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4656
#, no-wrap
msgid "--channels=@var{file}"
msgstr "--channels=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4467 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4495 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4657
#, no-wrap
msgid "-C @var{file}"
msgstr "-C @var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4501
msgid "Read the list of channels from @var{file} instead of @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} or @file{/etc/guix/channels.scm}. @var{file} must contain Scheme code that evaluates to a list of channel objects. @xref{Channels}, for more information."
msgstr "Die Liste der Kanäle aus der angegebenen @var{Datei} statt aus @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} oder aus @file{/etc/guix/channels.scm} auslesen. Die @var{Datei} muss Scheme-Code enthalten, der zu einer Liste von Kanalobjekten ausgewertet wird. Siehe @ref{Channels} für nähere Informationen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4502
#, no-wrap
msgid "channel news"
msgstr "Neuigkeiten über Kanäle"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4503
#, no-wrap
msgid "--news"
msgstr "--news"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4476 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5864
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6247 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4504 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35862
#, no-wrap
msgid "-N"
msgstr "-N"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4480
-msgid "Display the list of packages added or upgraded since the previous generation, as well as, occasionally, news written by channel authors for their users (@pxref{Channels, Writing Channel News})."
-msgstr "Die Liste anzeigen, welche Pakete seit der vorherigen Generation hinzugefügt oder aktualisiert wurden, und gelegentlich auch, welche Neuigkeiten die Kanalautoren für ihre Nutzer geschrieben haben (siehe @ref{Channels, Kanalneuigkeiten verfassen})."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4509
+msgid "Display news written by channel authors for their users for changes made since the previous generation (@pxref{Channels, Writing Channel News}). When @option{--details} is passed, additionally display new and upgraded packages."
+msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4484
-msgid "The package information is the same as displayed upon @command{guix pull} completion, but without ellipses; it is also similar to the output of @command{guix pull -l} for the last generation (see below)."
-msgstr "Die Paketinformationen sind dieselben, die auch nach Abschluss von @command{guix pull} angezeigt werden, aber ohne Auslassungen; sie ähnelt auch der Ausgabe von @command{guix pull -l} für die neueste Generation (siehe unten)."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4512
+msgid "You can view that information for previous generations with @command{guix pull -l}."
+msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4519
msgid "List all the generations of @file{~/.config/guix/current} or, if @var{pattern} is provided, the subset of generations that match @var{pattern}. The syntax of @var{pattern} is the same as with @code{guix package --list-generations} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Alle Generationen von @file{~/.config/guix/current} bzw., wenn ein @var{Muster} angegeben wird, die dazu passenden Generationen auflisten. Die Syntax für das @var{Muster} ist dieselbe wie bei @code{guix package --list-generations} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4524
+msgid "By default, this prints information about the channels used in each revision as well as the corresponding news entries. If you pass @option{--details}, it will also print the list of packages added and upgraded in each generation compared to the previous one."
+msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung werden Informationen über die benutzten Kanäle in der jeweiligen Version sowie die zugehörigen Neuigkeiten ausgegeben. Wenn Sie @option{--details} übergeben, wird außerdem die Liste der neu hinzugefügten oder aktualisierten Pakete in jeder Generation verglichen mit der vorigen angezeigt."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4525
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "--details"
+msgstr "--details"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4529
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Instruct @option{--list-generations} to display more information about the differences between subsequent generations---see above."
+msgid "Instruct @option{--list-generations} or @option{--news} to display more information about the differences between subsequent generations---see above."
+msgstr "Bei @option{--list-generations} wird Guix angewiesen, mehr Informationen über die Unterschiede zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Generationen anzuzeigen@tie{}— siehe oben."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4536
msgid "Roll back to the previous @dfn{generation} of @file{~/.config/guix/current}---i.e., undo the last transaction."
msgstr "Zur vorherigen @dfn{Generation} von @file{~/.config/guix/current} zurückwechseln@tie{}— d.h.@: die letzte Transaktion rückgängig machen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4560
msgid "If the current generation matches, it is @emph{not} deleted."
msgstr "Falls die aktuelle Generation zum Muster passt, wird sie @emph{nicht} gelöscht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4566
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix describe}, for a way to display information about the current generation only."
msgstr "Im Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix describe, @command{guix describe}} wird eine Möglichkeit erklärt, sich Informationen nur über die aktuelle Generation anzeigen zu lassen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4570
msgid "Use @var{profile} instead of @file{~/.config/guix/current}."
msgstr "Auf @var{Profil} anstelle von @file{~/.config/guix/current} arbeiten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4533 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10893
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4571 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13266
#, no-wrap
msgid "--dry-run"
msgstr "--dry-run"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4534 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10894
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12837 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4572 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13267 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13504
#, no-wrap
msgid "-n"
msgstr "-n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4575
msgid "Show which channel commit(s) would be used and what would be built or substituted but do not actually do it."
msgstr "Anzeigen, welche(r) Commit(s) für die Kanäle benutzt würde(n) und was jeweils erstellt oder substituiert würde, ohne es tatsächlich durchzuführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4538 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4576 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38392
#, no-wrap
msgid "--allow-downgrades"
msgstr "--allow-downgrades"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4579
msgid "Allow pulling older or unrelated revisions of channels than those currently in use."
msgstr "Beziehen einer älteren oder mit der bisheriger Version eines Kanals @emph{nicht} zusammenhängenden Version zulassen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4580
#, no-wrap
msgid "downgrade attacks, protection against"
msgstr "Downgrade Attacks, Schutz davor"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4585
msgid "By default, @command{guix pull} protects against so-called ``downgrade attacks'' whereby the Git repository of a channel would be reset to an earlier or unrelated revision of itself, potentially leading you to install older, known-vulnerable versions of software packages."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung schützt @command{guix pull} den Nutzer vor Herabstufungsangriffen („Downgrade Attacks“). Damit werden Versuche bezeichnet, jemanden eine frühere oder unzusammenhängende Version des Git-Repositorys eines Kanals benutzen zu lassen, wodurch diese Person dazu gebracht werden kann, ältere Versionen von Softwarepaketen mit bekannten Schwachstellen zu installieren."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4551 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4589 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35895
msgid "Make sure you understand its security implications before using @option{--allow-downgrades}."
msgstr "Sie sollten verstehen, was es für die Sicherheit Ihres Rechners bedeutet, ehe Sie @option{--allow-downgrades} benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4591
#, no-wrap
msgid "--disable-authentication"
msgstr "--disable-authentication"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4593
msgid "Allow pulling channel code without authenticating it."
msgstr "Beziehen von Kanalcode ohne Authentifizierung zulassen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4556 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4594 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5241
#, no-wrap
msgid "authentication, of channel code"
msgstr "Authentifizieren, des Codes eines Kanals"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4599
msgid "By default, @command{guix pull} authenticates code downloaded from channels by verifying that its commits are signed by authorized developers, and raises an error if this is not the case. This option instructs it to not perform any such verification."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung wird durch @command{guix pull} von Kanälen heruntergeladener Code darauf überprüft, dass deren Commits durch autorisierte Entwickler signiert worden sind; andernfalls wird ein Fehler gemeldet. Mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption können Sie anweisen, keine solche Verifikation durchzuführen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4603
msgid "Make sure you understand its security implications before using @option{--disable-authentication}."
msgstr "Sie sollten verstehen, was es für die Sicherheit Ihres Rechners bedeutet, ehe Sie @option{--disable-authentication} benutzen."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4568 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5847
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6230 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6630
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11506 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13188
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13453 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14130
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4606 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6295 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11924 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13914 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14591
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35810
#, no-wrap
msgid "-s @var{system}"
msgstr "-s @var{System}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4571 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4609 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6698
msgid "Attempt to build for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}---instead of the system type of the build host."
msgstr "Versuchen, für die angegebene Art von @var{System} geeignete Binärdateien zu erstellen@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{i686-linux}@tie{}— statt für die Art von System, das die Erstellung durchführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4613
msgid "Use the bootstrap Guile to build the latest Guix. This option is only useful to Guix developers."
msgstr "Das neueste Guix mit dem Bootstrap-Guile erstellen. Diese Befehlszeilenoption ist nur für Guix-Entwickler von Nutzen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4619
msgid "The @dfn{channel} mechanism allows you to instruct @command{guix pull} which repository and branch to pull from, as well as @emph{additional} repositories containing package modules that should be deployed. @xref{Channels}, for more information."
msgstr "Mit Hilfe von @dfn{Kanälen} können Sie @command{guix pull} anweisen, von welchem Repository und welchem Branch Guix aktualisiert werden soll, sowie von welchen @emph{weiteren} Repositorys Paketmodule bezogen werden sollen. Im Abschnitt @ref{Channels} finden Sie nähere Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4622
msgid "In addition, @command{guix pull} supports all the common build options (@pxref{Common Build Options})."
msgstr "Außerdem unterstützt @command{guix pull} alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen (siehe @ref{Common Build Options})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4624
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix time-machine}"
msgstr "@command{guix time-machine} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4626
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix time-machine"
msgstr "guix time-machine"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4589 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4627 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5199
#, no-wrap
msgid "pinning, channels"
msgstr "Festsetzen, bei Kanälen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4590 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4772
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4628 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5200
#, no-wrap
msgid "replicating Guix"
msgstr "Nachbilden von Guix"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4591 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4629 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5201
#, no-wrap
msgid "reproducibility, of Guix"
msgstr "Reproduzierbarkeit von Guix"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4599
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4637
msgid "The @command{guix time-machine} command provides access to other revisions of Guix, for example to install older versions of packages, or to reproduce a computation in an identical environment. The revision of Guix to be used is defined by a commit or by a channel description file created by @command{guix describe} (@pxref{Invoking guix describe})."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix time-machine} erleichtert den Zugang zu anderen Versionen von Guix. Damit können ältere Versionen von Paketen installiert werden oder eine Berechnung in einer identischen Umgebung reproduziert werden. Die zu benutzende Guix-Version wird über eine Commit-Angabe oder eine Kanalbeschreibungsdatei, wie sie durch @command{guix describe} erzeugt werden kann, festgelegt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix describe})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4601 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5623
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5974 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6753
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10689 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10813
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11797 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11892
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12825 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13018
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13884
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13973 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14012
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4639 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6033 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11107 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12215 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13252 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13972 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14434 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14570
msgid "The general syntax is:"
msgstr "Die allgemeine Syntax lautet:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4642
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix time-machine @var{options}@dots{} -- @var{command} @var {arg}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix time-machine @var{Optionen}…@: -- @var{Befehl} @var {Argument}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4647
msgid "where @var{command} and @var{arg}@dots{} are passed unmodified to the @command{guix} command of the specified revision. The @var{options} that define this revision are the same as for @command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}):"
msgstr "Dabei werden der @var{Befehl} und jedes @var{Argument}…@: unverändert an den @command{guix}-Befehl der angegebenen Version übergeben. Die @var{Optionen}, die die Version definieren, sind dieselben wie bei @command{guix pull} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}):"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4655
msgid "Use the @code{guix} channel from the specified @var{url}, at the given @var{commit} (a valid Git commit ID represented as a hexadecimal string), or @var{branch}."
msgstr "Den @code{guix}-Kanal von der angegebenen @var{URL} benutzen, für den angegebenen @var{Commit} (eine gültige Commit-ID, dargestellt als hexadezimale Zeichenkette) oder @var{Branch}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4661
msgid "Read the list of channels from @var{file}. @var{file} must contain Scheme code that evaluates to a list of channel objects. @xref{Channels} for more information."
msgstr "Die Liste der Kanäle aus der angegebenen @var{Datei} auslesen. Die @var{Datei} muss Scheme-Code enthalten, der zu einer Liste von Kanalobjekten ausgewertet wird. Siehe @ref{Channels} für nähere Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4627
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4665
msgid "As for @command{guix pull}, the absence of any options means that the latest commit on the master branch will be used. The command"
msgstr "Wie bei @command{guix pull} wird in Ermangelung anderer Optionen der letzte Commit auf dem master-Branch benutzt. Mit dem Befehl"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4668
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix time-machine -- build hello\n"
msgstr "guix time-machine -- build hello\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4673
msgid "will thus build the package @code{hello} as defined in the master branch, which is in general a newer revision of Guix than you have installed. Time travel works in both directions!"
msgstr "wird dementsprechend das Paket @code{hello} erstellt, so wie es auf dem master-Branch definiert ist, was in der Regel einer neueren Guix-Version entspricht als der, die Sie installiert haben. Zeitreisen funktionieren also in beide Richtungen!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4677
msgid "Note that @command{guix time-machine} can trigger builds of channels and their dependencies, and these are controlled by the standard build options (@pxref{Common Build Options})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass durch @command{guix time-machine} Erstellungen von Kanälen und deren Abhängigkeiten ausgelöst werden können, welche durch die gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen gesteuert werden können (siehe @ref{Common Build Options})."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4685
msgid "The functionality described here is a ``technology preview'' as of version @value{VERSION}. As such, the interface is subject to change."
msgstr "Die hier beschriebenen Funktionalitäten sind in der Version @value{VERSION} bloß eine „Technologie-Vorschau“, daher kann sich die Schnittstelle in Zukunft noch ändern."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4649 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4687 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11144
#, no-wrap
msgid "inferiors"
msgstr "Untergeordnete"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4688
#, no-wrap
msgid "composition of Guix revisions"
msgstr "Mischen von Guix-Versionen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4693
msgid "Sometimes you might need to mix packages from the revision of Guix you're currently running with packages available in a different revision of Guix. Guix @dfn{inferiors} allow you to achieve that by composing different Guix revisions in arbitrary ways."
msgstr "Manchmal könnten Sie Pakete aus der gerade laufenden Fassung von Guix mit denen mischen wollen, die in einer anderen Guix-Version verfügbar sind. Guix-@dfn{Untergeordnete} ermöglichen dies, indem Sie verschiedene Guix-Versionen beliebig mischen können."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4656 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4694 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4759
#, no-wrap
msgid "inferior packages"
msgstr "untergeordnete Pakete"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4700
msgid "Technically, an ``inferior'' is essentially a separate Guix process connected to your main Guix process through a REPL (@pxref{Invoking guix repl}). The @code{(guix inferior)} module allows you to create inferiors and to communicate with them. It also provides a high-level interface to browse and manipulate the packages that an inferior provides---@dfn{inferior packages}."
msgstr "Aus technischer Sicht ist ein „Untergeordneter“ im Kern ein separater Guix-Prozess, der über eine REPL (siehe @ref{Invoking guix repl}) mit Ihrem Haupt-Guix-Prozess verbunden ist. Das Modul @code{(guix inferior)} ermöglicht es Ihnen, Untergeordnete zu erstellen und mit ihnen zu kommunizieren. Dadurch steht Ihnen auch eine hochsprachliche Schnittstelle zur Verfügung, um die von einem Untergeordneten angebotenen Pakete zu durchsuchen und zu verändern@tie{}— @dfn{untergeordnete Pakete}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4710
msgid "When combined with channels (@pxref{Channels}), inferiors provide a simple way to interact with a separate revision of Guix. For example, let's assume you want to install in your profile the current @code{guile} package, along with the @code{guile-json} as it existed in an older revision of Guix---perhaps because the newer @code{guile-json} has an incompatible API and you want to run your code against the old API@. To do that, you could write a manifest for use by @code{guix package --manifest} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}); in that manifest, you would create an inferior for that old Guix revision you care about, and you would look up the @code{guile-json} package in the inferior:"
msgstr "In Kombination mit Kanälen (siehe @ref{Channels}) bieten Untergeordnete eine einfache Möglichkeit, mit einer anderen Version von Guix zu interagieren. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel an, Sie wollen das aktuelle @code{guile}-Paket in Ihr Profil installieren, zusammen mit dem @code{guile-json}, wie es in einer früheren Guix-Version existiert hat@tie{}— vielleicht weil das neuere @code{guile-json} eine inkompatible API hat und Sie daher Ihren Code mit der alten API benutzen möchten. Dazu könnten Sie ein Manifest für @code{guix package --manifest} schreiben (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}); in diesem Manifest würden Sie einen Untergeordneten für diese alte Guix-Version erzeugen, für die Sie sich interessieren, und aus diesem Untergeordneten das @code{guile-json}-Paket holen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4714
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix inferior) (guix channels)\n"
@@ -11403,7 +11543,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4723
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define channels\n"
@@ -11427,7 +11567,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4727
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define inferior\n"
@@ -11441,7 +11581,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4733
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Now create a manifest with the current \"guile\" package\n"
@@ -11457,186 +11597,186 @@ msgstr ""
" (specification->package \"guile\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4738
msgid "On its first run, @command{guix package --manifest} might have to build the channel you specified before it can create the inferior; subsequent runs will be much faster because the Guix revision will be cached."
msgstr "Bei seiner ersten Ausführung könnte für @command{guix package --manifest} erst der angegebene Kanal erstellt werden müssen, bevor der Untergeordnete erstellt werden kann; nachfolgende Durchläufe sind wesentlich schneller, weil diese Guix-Version bereits zwischengespeichert ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4741
msgid "The @code{(guix inferior)} module provides the following procedures to open an inferior:"
msgstr "Folgende Prozeduren werden im Modul @code{(guix inferior)} angeboten, um einen Untergeordneten zu öffnen:"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4742
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-for-channels @var{channels} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-for-channels @var{Kanäle} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4747
msgid "[#:cache-directory] [#:ttl] Return an inferior for @var{channels}, a list of channels. Use the cache at @var{cache-directory}, where entries can be reclaimed after @var{ttl} seconds. This procedure opens a new connection to the build daemon."
msgstr "[#:cache-directory] [#:ttl] Liefert einen Untergeordneten für die @var{Kanäle}, einer Liste von Kanälen. Dazu wird der Zwischenspeicher im Verzeichnis @var{cache-directory} benutzt, dessen Einträge nach @var{ttl} Sekunden gesammelt werden dürfen. Mit dieser Prozedur wird eine neue Verbindung zum Erstellungs-Daemon geöffnet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4750
msgid "As a side effect, this procedure may build or substitute binaries for @var{channels}, which can take time."
msgstr "Als Nebenwirkung erstellt oder substituiert diese Prozedur unter Umständen Binärdateien für die @var{Kanäle}, was einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen kann."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4752
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} open-inferior @var{directory} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} open-inferior @var{Verzeichnis} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4757
msgid "[#:command \"bin/guix\"] Open the inferior Guix in @var{directory}, running @code{@var{directory}/@var{command} repl} or equivalent. Return @code{#f} if the inferior could not be launched."
msgstr "[#:command \"bin/guix\"] Öffnet das untergeordnete Guix mit dem Befehl @var{command} im angegebenen @var{Verzeichnis} durch Ausführung von @code{@var{Verzeichnis}/@var{command} repl} oder entsprechend. Liefert @code{#f}, wenn der Untergeordnete nicht gestartet werden konnte."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4762
msgid "The procedures listed below allow you to obtain and manipulate inferior packages."
msgstr "Die im Folgenden aufgeführten Prozeduren ermöglichen es Ihnen, untergeordnete Pakete abzurufen und zu verändern."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4763
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-packages @var{inferior}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-packages @var{Untergeordneter}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4765
msgid "Return the list of packages known to @var{inferior}."
msgstr "Liefert die Liste der Pakete in @var{Untergeordneter}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4767
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lookup-inferior-packages @var{inferior} @var{name} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lookup-inferior-packages @var{Untergeordneter} @var{Name} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4772
msgid "[@var{version}] Return the sorted list of inferior packages matching @var{name} in @var{inferior}, with highest version numbers first. If @var{version} is true, return only packages with a version number prefixed by @var{version}."
msgstr "[@var{Version}] Liefert die sortierte Liste der untergeordneten Pakete in @var{Untergeordneter}, die zum Muster @var{Name} in @var{Untergeordneter} passen, dabei kommen höhere Versionsnummern zuerst. Wenn @var{Version} auf wahr gesetzt ist, werden nur Pakete geliefert, deren Versionsnummer mit dem Präfix @var{Version} beginnt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4774
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package? @var{obj}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package? @var{Objekt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4776
msgid "Return true if @var{obj} is an inferior package."
msgstr "Liefert wahr, wenn das @var{obj} ein Untergeordneter ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4778
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-name @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-name @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4779
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-version @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-version @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4780
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-synopsis @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-synopsis @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4781
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-description @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-description @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4782
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-home-page @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-home-page @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4783
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-location @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-location @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4784
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-inputs @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-inputs @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4785
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-native-inputs @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-native-inputs @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4786
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-propagated-inputs @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-propagated-inputs @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4787
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-transitive-propagated-inputs @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-transitive-propagated-inputs @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4788
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-native-search-paths @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-native-search-paths @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4789
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-transitive-native-search-paths @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-transitive-native-search-paths @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4790
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} inferior-package-search-paths @var{package}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} inferior-package-search-paths @var{Paket}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4795
msgid "These procedures are the counterpart of package record accessors (@pxref{package Reference}). Most of them work by querying the inferior @var{package} comes from, so the inferior must still be live when you call these procedures."
msgstr "Diese Prozeduren sind das Gegenstück zu den Zugriffsmethoden des Verbunds „package“ für Pakete (siehe @ref{package Reference}). Die meisten davon funktionieren durch eine Abfrage auf dem Untergeordneten, von dem das @var{Paket} kommt, weshalb der Untergeordnete noch lebendig sein muss, wenn Sie diese Prozeduren aufrufen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4805
msgid "Inferior packages can be used transparently like any other package or file-like object in G-expressions (@pxref{G-Expressions}). They are also transparently handled by the @code{packages->manifest} procedure, which is commonly used in manifests (@pxref{Invoking guix package, the @option{--manifest} option of @command{guix package}}). Thus you can insert an inferior package pretty much anywhere you would insert a regular package: in manifests, in the @code{packages} field of your @code{operating-system} declaration, and so on."
msgstr "Untergeordnete Pakete können transparent wie jedes andere Paket oder dateiartige Objekt in G-Ausdrücken verwendet werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}). Sie werden auch transparent wie reguläre Pakete von der Prozedur @code{packages->manifest} behandelt, welche oft in Manifesten benutzt wird (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package, die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--manifest} von @command{guix package}}). Somit können Sie ein untergeordnetes Paket ziemlich überall dort verwenden, wo Sie ein reguläres Paket einfügen würden: in Manifesten, im Feld @code{packages} Ihrer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration und so weiter."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4807
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix describe}"
msgstr "@command{guix describe} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4818
msgid "Often you may want to answer questions like: ``Which revision of Guix am I using?'' or ``Which channels am I using?'' This is useful information in many situations: if you want to @emph{replicate} an environment on a different machine or user account, if you want to report a bug or to determine what change in the channels you are using caused it, or if you want to record your system state for reproducibility purposes. The @command{guix describe} command answers these questions."
msgstr "Sie könnten sich des Öfteren Fragen stellen wie: „Welche Version von Guix benutze ich gerade?“ oder „Welche Kanäle benutze ich?“ Diese Informationen sind in vielen Situationen nützlich: wenn Sie eine Umgebung auf einer anderen Maschine oder mit einem anderen Benutzerkonto @emph{nachbilden} möchten, wenn Sie einen Fehler melden möchten, wenn Sie festzustellen versuchen, welche Änderung an den von Ihnen verwendeten Kanälen diesen Fehler verursacht hat, oder wenn Sie Ihren Systemzustand zum Zweck der Reproduzierbarkeit festhalten möchten. Der Befehl @command{guix describe} gibt Ihnen Antwort auf diese Fragen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4822
msgid "When run from a @command{guix pull}ed @command{guix}, @command{guix describe} displays the channel(s) that it was built from, including their repository URL and commit IDs (@pxref{Channels}):"
msgstr "Wenn Sie ihn aus einem mit @command{guix pull} bezogenen @command{guix} heraus ausführen, zeigt Ihnen @command{guix describe} die Kanäle an, aus denen es erstellt wurde, jeweils mitsamt ihrer Repository-URL und Commit-ID (siehe @ref{Channels}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4830
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix describe\n"
@@ -11647,24 +11787,24 @@ msgid ""
" commit: e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727\n"
msgstr ""
"$ guix describe\n"
-"Generation 10\tSep 03 2018 17:32:44\t(current)\n"
+"Generation 10\t03. September 2018 17:32:44\t(aktuell)\n"
" guix e0fa68c\n"
-" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
-" branch: master\n"
-" commit: e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727\n"
+" Repository-URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+" Branch: master\n"
+" Commit: e0fa68c7718fffd33d81af415279d6ddb518f727\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4839
msgid "If you're familiar with the Git version control system, this is similar in spirit to @command{git describe}; the output is also similar to that of @command{guix pull --list-generations}, but limited to the current generation (@pxref{Invoking guix pull, the @option{--list-generations} option}). Because the Git commit ID shown above unambiguously refers to a snapshot of Guix, this information is all it takes to describe the revision of Guix you're using, and also to replicate it."
msgstr "Wenn Sie mit dem Versionskontrollsystem Git vertraut sind, erkennen Sie vielleicht die Ähnlichkeit zu @command{git describe}; die Ausgabe ähnelt auch der von @command{guix pull --list-generations} eingeschränkt auf die aktuelle Generation (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull, die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--list-generations}}). Weil die oben gezeigte Git-Commit-ID eindeutig eine bestimmte Version von Guix bezeichnet, genügt diese Information, um die von Ihnen benutzte Version von Guix zu beschreiben, und auch, um sie nachzubilden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4842
msgid "To make it easier to replicate Guix, @command{guix describe} can also be asked to return a list of channels instead of the human-readable description above:"
msgstr "Damit es leichter ist, Guix nachzubilden, kann Ihnen @command{guix describe} auch eine Liste der Kanäle statt einer menschenlesbaren Beschreibung wie oben liefern:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4855
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix describe -f channels\n"
@@ -11692,190 +11832,190 @@ msgstr ""
" \"BBB0 2DDF 2CEA F6A8 0D1D E643 A2A0 6DF2 A33A 54FA\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4864
msgid "You can save this to a file and feed it to @command{guix pull -C} on some other machine or at a later point in time, which will instantiate @emph{this exact Guix revision} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull, the @option{-C} option}). From there on, since you're able to deploy the same revision of Guix, you can just as well @emph{replicate a complete software environment}. We humbly think that this is @emph{awesome}, and we hope you'll like it too!"
msgstr "Sie können die Ausgabe in einer Datei speichern, die Sie an @command{guix pull -C} auf einer anderen Maschine oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt übergeben, wodurch dann eine Instanz @emph{von genau derselben Guix-Version} installiert wird (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull, die Befehlszeilenoption @option{-C}}). Daraufhin können Sie, weil Sie jederzeit dieselbe Version von Guix installieren können, auch gleich @emph{eine vollständige Softwareumgebung genau nachbilden}. Wir halten das trotz aller Bescheidenheit für @emph{klasse} und hoffen, dass Ihnen das auch gefällt!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4829
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4867
msgid "The details of the options supported by @command{guix describe} are as follows:"
msgstr "Die genauen Befehlszeilenoptionen, die @command{guix describe} unterstützt, lauten wie folgt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4831 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6431
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4869 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14703
#, no-wrap
msgid "--format=@var{format}"
msgstr "--format=@var{Format}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4832 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6432
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4870 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14704
#, no-wrap
msgid "-f @var{format}"
msgstr "-f @var{Format}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4834 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4872 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14706
msgid "Produce output in the specified @var{format}, one of:"
msgstr "Die Ausgabe im angegebenen @var{Format} generieren, was eines der Folgenden sein muss:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4874
#, no-wrap
msgid "human"
msgstr "human"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4876
msgid "produce human-readable output;"
msgstr "für menschenlesbare Ausgabe,"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4838 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4876 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5094
#, no-wrap
msgid "channels"
msgstr "Kanäle"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4880
msgid "produce a list of channel specifications that can be passed to @command{guix pull -C} or installed as @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull});"
msgstr "eine Liste von Kanalspezifikationen erzeugen, die an @command{guix pull -C} übergeben werden oder als @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} eingesetzt werden können (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}),"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4880
#, no-wrap
msgid "channels-sans-intro"
msgstr "channels-sans-intro"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4886
msgid "like @code{channels}, but omit the @code{introduction} field; use it to produce a channel specification suitable for Guix version 1.1.0 or earlier---the @code{introduction} field has to do with channel authentication (@pxref{Channels, Channel Authentication}) and is not supported by these older versions;"
msgstr "verhält sich wie @code{channels}, aber ohne das @code{introduction}-Feld; benutzen Sie es, um eine Kanalspezifikation zu erzeugen, die für die Guix-Version 1.1.0 oder früher geeignet ist@tie{}— das @code{introduction}-Feld ist für Kanalauthentifizierung gedacht (siehe @ref{Channels, Kanalauthentifizierung}), die von diesen älteren Versionen nicht unterstützt wird,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4848 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4886 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12528
#, no-wrap
msgid "json"
msgstr "json"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4887
#, no-wrap
msgid "JSON"
msgstr "JSON"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4889
msgid "produce a list of channel specifications in JSON format;"
msgstr "generiert eine Liste von Kanalspezifikationen im JSON-Format,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4851 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4889 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14708
#, no-wrap
msgid "recutils"
msgstr "recutils"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4891
msgid "produce a list of channel specifications in Recutils format."
msgstr "generiert eine Liste von Kanalspezifikationen im Recutils-Format."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4893
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-formats"
msgstr "--list-formats"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4895
msgid "Display available formats for @option{--format} option."
msgstr "Verfügbare Formate für die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--format} anzeigen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4899
msgid "Display information about @var{profile}."
msgstr "Informationen über das @var{Profil} anzeigen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4902
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix archive}"
msgstr "@command{guix archive} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4866
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4904
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix archive"
msgstr "guix archive"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4905
#, no-wrap
msgid "archive"
msgstr "Archivdateien"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4911
msgid "The @command{guix archive} command allows users to @dfn{export} files from the store into a single archive, and to later @dfn{import} them on a machine that runs Guix. In particular, it allows store files to be transferred from one machine to the store on another machine."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix archive} ermöglicht es Nutzern, Dateien im Store in eine einzelne Archivdatei zu @dfn{exportieren} und diese später auf einer Maschine, auf der Guix läuft, zu @dfn{importieren}. Insbesondere können so Store-Objekte von einer Maschine in den Store einer anderen Maschine übertragen werden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4915
msgid "If you're looking for a way to produce archives in a format suitable for tools other than Guix, @pxref{Invoking guix pack}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, Archivdateien für andere Werkzeuge als Guix zu erstellen, finden Sie Informationen dazu im Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix pack}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4917
#, no-wrap
msgid "exporting store items"
msgstr "Store-Objekte exportieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4919
msgid "To export store files as an archive to standard output, run:"
msgstr "Führen Sie Folgendes aus, um Store-Dateien als ein Archiv auf die Standardausgabe zu exportieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4922
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix archive --export @var{options} @var{specifications}...\n"
msgstr "guix archive --export @var{Optionen} @var{Spezifikationen}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4929
msgid "@var{specifications} may be either store file names or package specifications, as for @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). For instance, the following command creates an archive containing the @code{gui} output of the @code{git} package and the main output of @code{emacs}:"
msgstr "@var{Spezifikationen} sind dabei entweder die Namen von Store-Dateien oder Paketspezifikationen wie bei @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). Zum Beispiel erzeugt der folgende Befehl ein Archiv der @code{gui}-Ausgabe des Pakets @code{git} sowie die Hauptausgabe von @code{emacs}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4932
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix archive --export git:gui /gnu/store/...-emacs-24.3 > great.nar\n"
msgstr "guix archive --export git:gui /gnu/store/…-emacs-24.3 > groß.nar\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4937
msgid "If the specified packages are not built yet, @command{guix archive} automatically builds them. The build process may be controlled with the common build options (@pxref{Common Build Options})."
msgstr "Wenn die angegebenen Pakete noch nicht erstellt worden sind, werden sie durch @command{guix archive} automatisch erstellt. Der Erstellungsprozess kann durch die gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen gesteuert werden (siehe @ref{Common Build Options})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4940
msgid "To transfer the @code{emacs} package to a machine connected over SSH, one would run:"
msgstr "Um das @code{emacs}-Paket auf eine über SSH verbundene Maschine zu übertragen, würde man dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4943
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix archive --export -r emacs | ssh the-machine guix archive --import\n"
msgstr "guix archive --export -r emacs | ssh die-maschine guix archive --import\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4948
msgid "Similarly, a complete user profile may be transferred from one machine to another like this:"
msgstr "Auf gleiche Art kann auch ein vollständiges Benutzerprofil von einer Maschine auf eine andere übertragen werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4952
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix archive --export -r $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile) | \\\n"
@@ -11885,187 +12025,187 @@ msgstr ""
" ssh die-maschine guix archive --import\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4962
msgid "However, note that, in both examples, all of @code{emacs} and the profile as well as all of their dependencies are transferred (due to @option{-r}), regardless of what is already available in the store on the target machine. The @option{--missing} option can help figure out which items are missing from the target store. The @command{guix copy} command simplifies and optimizes this whole process, so this is probably what you should use in this case (@pxref{Invoking guix copy})."
msgstr "Jedoch sollten Sie in beiden Beispielen beachten, dass alles, was zu @code{emacs}, dem Profil oder deren Abhängigkeiten (wegen @option{-r}) gehört, übertragen wird, egal ob es schon im Store der Zielmaschine vorhanden ist oder nicht. Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--missing} lässt sich herausfinden, welche Objekte im Ziel-Store noch fehlen. Der Befehl @command{guix copy} vereinfacht und optimiert diesen gesamten Prozess, ist also, was Sie in diesem Fall wahrscheinlich eher benutzen wollten (siehe @ref{Invoking guix copy})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4963
#, no-wrap
msgid "nar, archive format"
msgstr "Nar, Archivformat"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4964
#, no-wrap
msgid "normalized archive (nar)"
msgstr "Normalisiertes Archiv (Nar)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4965
#, no-wrap
msgid "nar bundle, archive format"
msgstr "Nar-Bündel, Archivformat"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4970
msgid "Each store item is written in the @dfn{normalized archive} or @dfn{nar} format (described below), and the output of @command{guix archive --export} (and input of @command{guix archive --import}) is a @dfn{nar bundle}."
msgstr "Dabei wird jedes Store-Objekt als „normalisiertes Archiv“, kurz „Nar“, formatiert (was im Folgenden beschrieben wird) und die Ausgabe von @command{guix archive --export} (bzw.@: die Eingabe von @command{guix archive --import}) ist ein @dfn{Nar-Bündel}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4980
msgid "The nar format is comparable in spirit to `tar', but with differences that make it more appropriate for our purposes. First, rather than recording all Unix metadata for each file, the nar format only mentions the file type (regular, directory, or symbolic link); Unix permissions and owner/group are dismissed. Second, the order in which directory entries are stored always follows the order of file names according to the C locale collation order. This makes archive production fully deterministic."
msgstr "Das Nar-Format folgt einem ähnlichen Gedanken wie beim „tar“-Format, unterscheidet sich aber auf eine für unsere Zwecke geeignetere Weise. Erstens werden im Nar-Format nicht sämtliche Unix-Metadaten aller Dateien aufgenommen, sondern nur der Dateityp (ob es sich um eine reguläre Datei, ein Verzeichnis oder eine symbolische Verknüpfung handelt). Unix-Dateiberechtigungen sowie Besitzer und Gruppe werden nicht gespeichert. Zweitens entspricht die Reihenfolge, in der der Inhalt von Verzeichnissen abgelegt wird, immer der Reihenfolge, in der die Dateinamen gemäß der C-Locale sortiert würden. Dadurch wird die Erstellung von Archivdateien völlig deterministisch."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4984
msgid "That nar bundle format is essentially the concatenation of zero or more nars along with metadata for each store item it contains: its file name, references, corresponding derivation, and a digital signature."
msgstr "Das Nar-Bündel-Format setzt sich im Prinzip aus null oder mehr aneinandergehängten Nars zusammen mit Metadaten für jedes enthaltene Store-Objekt, nämlich dessen Dateinamen, Referenzen, der zugehörigen Ableitung sowie einer digitalen Signatur."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4990
msgid "When exporting, the daemon digitally signs the contents of the archive, and that digital signature is appended. When importing, the daemon verifies the signature and rejects the import in case of an invalid signature or if the signing key is not authorized."
msgstr "Beim Exportieren versieht der Daemon den Inhalt des Archivs mit einer digitalen Signatur, auch Beglaubigung genannt. Diese digitale Signatur wird an das Archiv angehängt. Beim Importieren verifiziert der Daemon die Signatur und lehnt den Import ab, falls die Signatur ungültig oder der Signierschlüssel nicht autorisiert ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4992
msgid "The main options are:"
msgstr "Die wichtigsten Befehlszeilenoptionen sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4994
#, no-wrap
msgid "--export"
msgstr "--export"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4997
msgid "Export the specified store files or packages (see below). Write the resulting archive to the standard output."
msgstr "Exportiert die angegebenen Store-Dateien oder Pakete (siehe unten) und schreibt das resultierende Archiv auf die Standardausgabe."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5000
msgid "Dependencies are @emph{not} included in the output, unless @option{--recursive} is passed."
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten @emph{fehlen} in der Ausgabe, außer wenn @option{--recursive} angegeben wurde."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4963 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11830
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11956 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11981
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12013 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12184
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12225 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12276
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12301 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12317
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12365 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5001 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12375 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12432 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12644 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12720 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12784 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12820
#, no-wrap
msgid "-r"
msgstr "-r"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4964 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11829
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11955 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11980
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12012 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12183
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12224 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12275
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12300 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12316
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12364 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12400
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5002 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12374 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12431 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12643 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12719 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12868
#, no-wrap
msgid "--recursive"
msgstr "--recursive"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5007
msgid "When combined with @option{--export}, this instructs @command{guix archive} to include dependencies of the given items in the archive. Thus, the resulting archive is self-contained: it contains the closure of the exported store items."
msgstr "Zusammen mit @option{--export} wird @command{guix archive} hiermit angewiesen, Abhängigkeiten der angegebenen Objekte auch ins Archiv aufzunehmen. Das resultierende Archiv ist somit eigenständig; es enthält den Abschluss der exportierten Store-Objekte."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5008
#, no-wrap
msgid "--import"
msgstr "--import"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5013
msgid "Read an archive from the standard input, and import the files listed therein into the store. Abort if the archive has an invalid digital signature, or if it is signed by a public key not among the authorized keys (see @option{--authorize} below)."
msgstr "Ein Archiv von der Standardeingabe lesen und darin enthaltende Dateien in den Store importieren. Der Import bricht ab, wenn das Archiv keine gültige digitale Signatur hat oder wenn es von einem öffentlichen Schlüssel signiert wurde, der keiner der autorisierten Schlüssel ist (siehe @option{--authorize} weiter unten)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5014
#, no-wrap
msgid "--missing"
msgstr "--missing"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5018
msgid "Read a list of store file names from the standard input, one per line, and write on the standard output the subset of these files missing from the store."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Store-Dateinamen von der Standardeingabe lesen, je ein Name pro Zeile, und auf die Standardausgabe die Teilmenge dieser Dateien schreiben, die noch nicht im Store vorliegt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5019
#, no-wrap
msgid "--generate-key[=@var{parameters}]"
msgstr "--generate-key[=@var{Parameter}]"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5020
#, no-wrap
msgid "signing, archives"
msgstr "Signieren, von Archiven"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5027
msgid "Generate a new key pair for the daemon. This is a prerequisite before archives can be exported with @option{--export}. This operation is usually instantaneous but it can take time if the system's entropy pool needs to be refilled. On Guix System, @code{guix-service-type} takes care of generating this key pair the first boot."
msgstr "Ein neues Schlüsselpaar für den Daemon erzeugen. Dies ist erforderlich, damit Archive mit @option{--export} exportiert werden können. Normalerweise wird diese Option sofort umgesetzt, jedoch kann sie, wenn erst der Entropie-Pool neu gefüllt werden muss, einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Auf Guix System kümmert sich der @code{guix-service-type} darum, dass beim ersten Systemstart das Schlüsselpaar erzeugt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:4999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5037
msgid "The generated key pair is typically stored under @file{/etc/guix}, in @file{signing-key.pub} (public key) and @file{signing-key.sec} (private key, which must be kept secret). When @var{parameters} is omitted, an ECDSA key using the Ed25519 curve is generated, or, for Libgcrypt versions before 1.6.0, it is a 4096-bit RSA key. Alternatively, @var{parameters} can specify @code{genkey} parameters suitable for Libgcrypt (@pxref{General public-key related Functions, @code{gcry_pk_genkey},, gcrypt, The Libgcrypt Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Das erzeugte Schlüsselpaar wird typischerweise unter @file{/etc/guix} gespeichert, in den Dateien @file{signing-key.pub} (für den öffentlichen Schlüssel) und @file{signing-key.sec} (für den privaten Schlüssel, der geheim gehalten werden muss). Wurden keine @var{Parameters} angegeben, wird ein ECDSA-Schlüssel unter Verwendung der Kurve Ed25519 erzeugt, oder, falls die Libgcrypt-Version älter als 1.6.0 ist, ein 4096-Bit-RSA-Schlüssel. Sonst geben die @var{Parameter} für Libgcrypt geeignete Parameter für @code{genkey} an (siehe @ref{General public-key related Functions, @code{gcry_pk_genkey},, gcrypt, Referenzhandbuch von Libgcrypt})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5038
#, no-wrap
msgid "--authorize"
msgstr "--authorize"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5039
#, no-wrap
msgid "authorizing, archives"
msgstr "Autorisieren, von Archiven"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5043
msgid "Authorize imports signed by the public key passed on standard input. The public key must be in ``s-expression advanced format''---i.e., the same format as the @file{signing-key.pub} file."
msgstr "Mit dem auf der Standardeingabe übergebenen öffentlichen Schlüssel signierte Importe autorisieren. Der öffentliche Schlüssel muss als „advanced“-formatierter S-Ausdruck gespeichert sein, d.h.@: im selben Format wie die Datei @file{signing-key.pub}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5050
msgid "The list of authorized keys is kept in the human-editable file @file{/etc/guix/acl}. The file contains @url{https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/Sexp.txt, ``advanced-format s-expressions''} and is structured as an access-control list in the @url{https://theworld.com/~cme/spki.txt, Simple Public-Key Infrastructure (SPKI)}."
msgstr "Die Liste autorisierter Schlüssel wird in der Datei @file{/etc/guix/acl} gespeichert, die auch von Hand bearbeitet werden kann. Die Datei enthält @url{https://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/Sexp.txt, „advanced“-formatierte S-Ausdrücke} und ist als eine Access Control List für die @url{https://theworld.com/~cme/spki.txt, Simple Public-Key Infrastructure (SPKI)} aufgebaut."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5051
#, no-wrap
msgid "--extract=@var{directory}"
msgstr "--extract=@var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5052
#, no-wrap
msgid "-x @var{directory}"
msgstr "-x @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5056
msgid "Read a single-item archive as served by substitute servers (@pxref{Substitutes}) and extract it to @var{directory}. This is a low-level operation needed in only very narrow use cases; see below."
msgstr "Ein Archiv mit einem einzelnen Objekt lesen, wie es von Substitutservern geliefert wird (siehe @ref{Substitutes}), und ins @var{Verzeichnis} entpacken. Dies ist eine systemnahe Operation, die man nur selten direkt benutzt; siehe unten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5059
msgid "For example, the following command extracts the substitute for Emacs served by @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} to @file{/tmp/emacs}:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel entpackt folgender Befehl das Substitut für Emacs, wie es von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} geliefert wird, nach @file{/tmp/emacs}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5064
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget -O - \\\n"
@@ -12077,35 +12217,35 @@ msgstr ""
" | gunzip | guix archive -x /tmp/emacs\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5071
msgid "Single-item archives are different from multiple-item archives produced by @command{guix archive --export}; they contain a single store item, and they do @emph{not} embed a signature. Thus this operation does @emph{no} signature verification and its output should be considered unsafe."
msgstr "Archive mit nur einem einzelnen Objekt unterscheiden sich von Archiven für mehrere Dateien, wie sie @command{guix archive --export} erzeugt; sie enthalten nur ein einzelnes Store-Objekt und @emph{keine} eingebettete Signatur. Beim Entpacken findet also @emph{keine} Signaturprüfung statt und ihrer Ausgabe sollte so erst einmal nicht vertraut werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5075
msgid "The primary purpose of this operation is to facilitate inspection of archive contents coming from possibly untrusted substitute servers (@pxref{Invoking guix challenge})."
msgstr "Der eigentliche Zweck dieser Operation ist, die Inspektion von Archivinhalten von Substitutservern möglich zu machen, auch wenn diesen unter Umständen nicht vertraut wird (siehe @ref{Invoking guix challenge})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5076
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list"
msgstr "--list"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5039 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12171
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5077 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12637
#, no-wrap
msgid "-t"
msgstr "-t"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5081
msgid "Read a single-item archive as served by substitute servers (@pxref{Substitutes}) and print the list of files it contains, as in this example:"
msgstr "Ein Archiv mit einem einzelnen Objekt lesen, wie es von Substitutservern geliefert wird (siehe @ref{Substitutes}), und die Dateien darin ausgeben, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5086
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget -O - \\\n"
@@ -12117,47 +12257,47 @@ msgstr ""
" | lzip -d | guix archive -t\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5097
#, no-wrap
msgid "@command{guix pull}, configuration file"
msgstr "@command{guix pull}, Konfigurationsdatei"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5098
#, no-wrap
msgid "configuration of @command{guix pull}"
msgstr "Konfiguration von @command{guix pull}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5071
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5109
msgid "Guix and its package collection are updated by running @command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). By default @command{guix pull} downloads and deploys Guix itself from the official GNU@tie{}Guix repository. This can be customized by defining @dfn{channels} in the @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} file. A channel specifies a URL and branch of a Git repository to be deployed, and @command{guix pull} can be instructed to pull from one or more channels. In other words, channels can be used to @emph{customize} and to @emph{extend} Guix, as we will see below. Guix is able to take into account security concerns and deal with authenticated updates."
msgstr "Guix und die Sammlung darin verfügbarer Pakete können Sie durch Ausführen von @command{guix pull} aktualisieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}). Standardmäßig lädt @command{guix pull} Guix selbst vom offiziellen Repository von GNU@tie{}Guix herunter und installiert es. Diesen Vorgang können Sie anpassen, indem Sie @dfn{Kanäle} in der Datei @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} angeben. Ein Kanal enthält eine Angabe einer URL und eines Branches eines zu installierenden Git-Repositorys. Sie können @command{guix pull} veranlassen, die Aktualisierungen von einem oder mehreren Kanälen zu beziehen. Mit anderen Worten können Kanäle benutzt werden, um Guix @emph{anzupassen} und zu @emph{erweitern}, wie wir im Folgenden sehen werden. Guix ist in der Lage, dabei Sicherheitsbedenken zu berücksichtigen und Aktualisierungen zu authentifizieren."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5127
#, no-wrap
msgid "extending the package collection (channels)"
msgstr "Paketsammlung erweitern (Kanäle)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5128
#, no-wrap
msgid "variant packages (channels)"
msgstr "Paketvarianten (Kanäle)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5132
msgid "You can specify @emph{additional channels} to pull from. To use a channel, write @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} to instruct @command{guix pull} to pull from it @emph{in addition} to the default Guix channel(s):"
msgstr "Sie können auch @emph{weitere Kanäle} als Bezugsquelle angeben. Um einen Kanal zu benutzen, tragen Sie ihn in @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} ein, damit @command{guix pull} diesen Kanal @emph{zusätzlich} zu den standardmäßigen Guix-Kanälen als Paketquelle verwendet:"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5133
#, no-wrap
msgid "%default-channels"
msgstr "%default-channels"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5140
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Add variant packages to those Guix provides.\n"
@@ -12173,12 +12313,12 @@ msgstr ""
" %default-channels)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5150
msgid "Note that the snippet above is (as always!)@: Scheme code; we use @code{cons} to add a channel the list of channels that the variable @code{%default-channels} is bound to (@pxref{Pairs, @code{cons} and lists,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). With this file in place, @command{guix pull} builds not only Guix but also the package modules from your own repository. The result in @file{~/.config/guix/current} is the union of Guix with your own package modules:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass der obige Schnipsel (wie immer!)@: Scheme-Code ist; mit @code{cons} fügen wir einen Kanal zur Liste der Kanäle hinzu, an die die Variable @code{%default-channels} gebunden ist (siehe @ref{Pairs, @code{cons} and lists,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Mit diesem Dateiinhalt wird @command{guix pull} nun nicht mehr nur Guix, sondern auch die Paketmodule aus Ihrem Repository erstellen. Das Ergebnis in @file{~/.config/guix/current} ist so die Vereinigung von Guix und Ihren eigenen Paketmodulen."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5165
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix pull --list-generations\n"
@@ -12197,30 +12337,30 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"$ guix pull --list-generations\n"
-"Generation 19\tAug 27 2018 16:20:48\n"
+"Generation 19\t27. August 2018 16:20:48\n"
" guix d894ab8\n"
-" repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
-" branch: master\n"
-" commit: d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300\n"
+" Repository-URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+" Branch: master\n"
+" Commit: d894ab8e9bfabcefa6c49d9ba2e834dd5a73a300\n"
" paketvarianten dd3df5e\n"
-" repository URL: https://example.org/variant-packages.git\n"
-" branch: master\n"
-" commit: dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb\n"
-" 11 new packages: gimp-variante, emacs-variante-mit-coolen-features, …\n"
-" 4 packages upgraded: emacs-racket-mode@@0.0.2-2.1b78827, …\n"
+" Repository-URL: https://example.org/variant-packages.git\n"
+" Branch: master\n"
+" Commit: dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb\n"
+" 11 neue Pakete: gimp-variante, emacs-variante-mit-coolen-features, …\n"
+" 4 Pakete aktualisiert: emacs-racket-mode@@0.0.2-2.1b78827, …\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5173
msgid "The output of @command{guix pull} above shows that Generation@tie{}19 includes both Guix and packages from the @code{variant-personal-packages} channel. Among the new and upgraded packages that are listed, some like @code{variant-gimp} and @code{variant-emacs-with-cool-features} might come from @code{variant-packages}, while others come from the Guix default channel."
msgstr "Obige Ausgabe von @command{guix pull} zeigt an, dass Generation@tie{}19 sowohl Guix als auch Pakete aus dem Kanal @code{paketvarianten} enthält. Unter den aufgeführten neuen und aktualisierten Paketen kommen vielleicht manche wie @code{gimp-variante} und @code{emacs-variante-mit-coolen-features} aus @code{paketvarianten}, während andere aus dem Standard-Guix-Kanal kommen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5182
msgid "The channel called @code{guix} specifies where Guix itself---its command-line tools as well as its package collection---should be downloaded. For instance, suppose you want to update from another copy of the Guix repository at @code{example.org}, and specifically the @code{super-hacks} branch, you can write in @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} this specification:"
msgstr "Der Kanal namens @code{guix} gibt an, wovon Guix selbst@tie{}— seine Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge und seine Paketsammlung@tie{}— heruntergeladen werden sollen. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel mit einer anderen Kopie des Guix-Repositorys arbeiten möchten und diese auf @code{example.org} zu finden ist, und zwar im Branch namens @code{super-hacks}, dann schreiben Sie folgende Spezifikation in @code{~/.config/guix/channels.scm}:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5189
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Tell 'guix pull' to use another repo.\n"
@@ -12236,17 +12376,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (branch \"super-hacks\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5195
msgid "From there on, @command{guix pull} will fetch code from the @code{super-hacks} branch of the repository at @code{example.org}. The authentication concern is addressed below ((@pxref{Channel Authentication})."
msgstr "Ab dann wird @command{guix pull} seinen Code vom Branch @code{super-hacks} des Repositorys auf @code{example.org} beziehen. Wie man dessen Autorisierung bewerkstelligt, können Sie im Folgenden lesen (siehe @ref{Channel Authentication})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5206
msgid "The @command{guix pull --list-generations} output above shows precisely which commits were used to build this instance of Guix. We can thus replicate it, say, on another machine, by providing a channel specification in @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} that is ``pinned'' to these commits:"
msgstr "Die Ausgabe von @command{guix pull --list-generations} oben zeigt genau, aus welchen Commits diese Guix-Instanz erstellt wurde. Wir können Guix so zum Beispiel auf einer anderen Maschine nachbilden, indem wir eine Kanalspezifikation in @file{~/.config/guix/channels.scm} angeben, die auf diese Commits „festgesetzt“ ist."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5217
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Deploy specific commits of my channels of interest.\n"
@@ -12270,37 +12410,37 @@ msgstr ""
" (commit \"dd3df5e2c8818760a8fc0bd699e55d3b69fef2bb\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5224
msgid "The @command{guix describe --format=channels} command can even generate this list of channels directly (@pxref{Invoking guix describe}). The resulting file can be used with the -C options of @command{guix pull} (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}) or @command{guix time-machine} (@pxref{Invoking guix time-machine})."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix describe --format=channels} kann diese Kanalliste sogar direkt erzeugen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix describe}). Die erzeugte Datei kann mit den @code{-C} genannten Befehlszeilenoptionen von @command{guix pull} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}) oder von @command{guix time-machine} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix time-machine}) benutzt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5231
msgid "At this point the two machines run the @emph{exact same Guix}, with access to the @emph{exact same packages}. The output of @command{guix build gimp} on one machine will be exactly the same, bit for bit, as the output of the same command on the other machine. It also means both machines have access to all the source code of Guix and, transitively, to all the source code of every package it defines."
msgstr "Somit läuft auf beiden Maschinen @emph{genau dasselbe Guix} und es hat Zugang zu @emph{genau denselben Paketen}. Die Ausgabe von @command{guix build gimp} auf der einen Maschine wird Bit für Bit genau dieselbe wie die desselben Befehls auf der anderen Maschine sein. Das bedeutet auch, dass beide Maschinen Zugang zum gesamten Quellcode von Guix und daher auch transitiv Zugang zum Quellcode jedes davon definierten Pakets haben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5236
msgid "This gives you super powers, allowing you to track the provenance of binary artifacts with very fine grain, and to reproduce software environments at will---some sort of ``meta reproducibility'' capabilities, if you will. @xref{Inferiors}, for another way to take advantage of these super powers."
msgstr "Das verleiht Ihnen Superkräfte, mit denen Sie die Provenienz binärer Artefakte sehr feinkörnig nachverfolgen können und Software-Umgebungen nach Belieben nachbilden können. Sie können es als eine Art Fähigkeit zur „Meta-Reproduzierbarkeit“ auffassen, wenn Sie möchten. Der Abschnitt @ref{Inferiors} beschreibt eine weitere Möglichkeit, diese Superkräfte zu nutzen."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5241
msgid "channel-authentication"
msgstr "channel-authentication"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5247
msgid "The @command{guix pull} and @command{guix time-machine} commands @dfn{authenticate} the code retrieved from channels: they make sure each commit that is fetched is signed by an authorized developer. The goal is to protect from unauthorized modifications to the channel that would lead users to run malicious code."
msgstr "Die Befehle @command{guix pull} und @command{guix time-machine} @dfn{authentifizieren} den von Kanälen bezogenen Code. Es wird geprüft, dass jeder geladene Commit von einem autorisierten Entwickler signiert wurde. Das Ziel ist, Sie vor unautorisierten Änderungen am Kanal, die Nutzer bösartigen Code ausführen lassen, zu schützen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5252
msgid "As a user, you must provide a @dfn{channel introduction} in your channels file so that Guix knows how to authenticate its first commit. A channel specification, including its introduction, looks something along these lines:"
msgstr "Als Nutzer müssen Sie eine @dfn{Kanaleinführung} („Channel Introduction“) in Ihrer Kanaldatei angeben, damit Guix weiß, wie der erste Commit authentifiziert werden kann. Eine Kanalspezifikation, zusammen mit seiner Einführung, sieht in etwa so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5262
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12322,27 +12462,27 @@ msgstr ""
" \"CABB A931 C0FF EEC6 900D 0CFB 090B 1199 3D9A EBB5\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5268
msgid "The specification above shows the name and URL of the channel. The call to @code{make-channel-introduction} above specifies that authentication of this channel starts at commit @code{6f0d8cc@dots{}}, which is signed by the OpenPGP key with fingerprint @code{CABB A931@dots{}}."
msgstr "Obige Spezifikation zeigt den Namen und die URL des Kanals. Der Aufruf von @code{make-channel-introduction}, den Sie oben sehen, gibt an, dass die Authentifizierung dieses Kanals bei Commit @code{6f0d8cc…} beginnt, welcher mit dem OpenPGP-Schlüssel mit Fingerabdruck @code{CABB A931…} signiert ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5274
msgid "For the main channel, called @code{guix}, you automatically get that information from your Guix installation. For other channels, include the channel introduction provided by the channel authors in your @file{channels.scm} file. Make sure you retrieve the channel introduction from a trusted source since that is the root of your trust."
msgstr "Für den Hauptkanal mit Namen @code{guix} bekommen Sie diese Informationen automatisch mit Ihrer Guix-Installation. Für andere Kanäle tragen Sie die Kanaleinführung, die Ihnen die Kanalautoren mitteilen, in die Datei @file{channels.scm} ein. Achten Sie dabei darauf, die Kanaleinführung von einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle zu bekommen, denn sie stellt die Wurzel all Ihren Vertrauens dar."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5276
msgid "If you're curious about the authentication mechanics, read on!"
msgstr "Wenn Sie neugierig sind, wie die Authentifizierung funktioniert, lesen Sie weiter!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5287
msgid "When running @command{guix pull}, Guix will first compile the definitions of every available package. This is an expensive operation for which substitutes (@pxref{Substitutes}) may be available. The following snippet in @file{channels.scm} will ensure that @command{guix pull} uses the latest commit with available substitutes for the package definitions: this is done by querying the continuous integration server at @url{https://ci.guix.gnu.org}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie @command{guix pull} ausführen, wird Guix als Erstes die Definition jedes verfügbaren Pakets kompilieren. Das ist eine teure Operation, für die es aber Substitute geben könnte (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Mit dem folgenden Schnipsel in @file{channels.scm} wird sichergestellt, dass @command{guix pull} den neuesten Commit benutzt, für den bereits Substitute für die Paketdefinitionen vorliegen. Dazu wird der Server für Kontinuierliche Integration auf @url{https://ci.guix.gnu.org} angefragt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5290
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix ci))\n"
@@ -12352,7 +12492,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5294
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (channel-with-substitutes-available\n"
@@ -12364,75 +12504,75 @@ msgstr ""
" \"https://ci.guix.gnu.org\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5301
msgid "Note that this does not mean that all the packages that you will install after running @command{guix pull} will have available substitutes. It only ensures that @command{guix pull} will not try to compile package definitions. This is particularly useful when using machines with limited resources."
msgstr "Beachten Sie: Das heißt @emph{nicht}, dass für alle Pakete, die Sie installieren werden, nachdem Sie @command{guix pull} durchgeführt haben, bereits Substitute vorliegen. Es wird nur sichergestellt, dass @command{guix pull} keine Paketdefinitionen zu kompilieren versucht. Das hilft besonders auf Maschinen mit eingeschränkten Rechenressourcen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5305
#, no-wrap
msgid "personal packages (channels)"
msgstr "Eigene Pakete (Kanäle)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5306
#, no-wrap
msgid "channels, for personal packages"
msgstr "Kanäle, für eigene Pakete"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5314
msgid "Let's say you have a bunch of custom package variants or personal packages that you think would make little sense to contribute to the Guix project, but would like to have these packages transparently available to you at the command line. You would first write modules containing those package definitions (@pxref{Package Modules}), maintain them in a Git repository, and then you and anyone else can use it as an additional channel to get packages from. Neat, no?"
msgstr "Sagen wir, Sie haben ein paar eigene Paketvarianten oder persönliche Pakete, von denen Sie meinen, dass sie @emph{nicht} geeignet sind, ins Guix-Projekt selbst aufgenommen zu werden, die Ihnen aber dennoch wie andere Pakete auf der Befehlszeile zur Verfügung stehen sollen. Dann würden Sie zunächst Module mit diesen Paketdefinitionen schreiben (siehe @ref{Package Modules}) und diese dann in einem Git-Repository verwalten, welches Sie selbst oder jeder andere dann als zusätzlichen Kanal eintragen können, von dem Pakete geladen werden. Klingt gut, oder?"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5322
msgid "Before you, dear user, shout---``woow this is @emph{soooo coool}!''---and publish your personal channel to the world, we would like to share a few words of caution:"
msgstr "Bevor Sie, verehrter Nutzer, ausrufen: „Wow, das ist @emph{soooo coool}!“, und Ihren eigenen Kanal der Welt zur Verfügung stellen, möchten wir Ihnen auch ein paar Worte der Warnung mit auf den Weg geben:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5330
msgid "Before publishing a channel, please consider contributing your package definitions to Guix proper (@pxref{Contributing}). Guix as a project is open to free software of all sorts, and packages in Guix proper are readily available to all Guix users and benefit from the project's quality assurance process."
msgstr "Bevor Sie einen Kanal veröffentlichen, überlegen Sie sich bitte erst, ob Sie die Pakete nicht besser zum eigentlichen Guix-Projekt beisteuern (siehe @ref{Contributing}). Das Guix-Projekt ist gegenüber allen Arten freier Software offen und zum eigentlichen Guix gehörende Pakete stehen allen Guix-Nutzern zur Verfügung, außerdem profitieren sie von Guix’ Qualitätssicherungsprozess."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5339
msgid "When you maintain package definitions outside Guix, we, Guix developers, consider that @emph{the compatibility burden is on you}. Remember that package modules and package definitions are just Scheme code that uses various programming interfaces (APIs). We want to remain free to change these APIs to keep improving Guix, possibly in ways that break your channel. We never change APIs gratuitously, but we will @emph{not} commit to freezing APIs either."
msgstr "Wenn Sie Paketdefinitionen außerhalb von Guix betreuen, sehen wir Guix-Entwickler es als @emph{Ihre Aufgabe an, deren Kompatibilität sicherzstellen}. Bedenken Sie, dass Paketmodule und Paketdefinitionen nur Scheme-Code sind, der verschiedene Programmierschnittstellen (APIs) benutzt. Wir nehmen uns das Recht heraus, diese APIs jederzeit zu ändern, damit wir Guix besser machen können, womöglich auf eine Art, wodurch Ihr Kanal nicht mehr funktioniert. Wir ändern APIs nie einfach so, werden aber auch @emph{nicht} versprechen, APIs nicht zu verändern."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5343
msgid "Corollary: if you're using an external channel and that channel breaks, please @emph{report the issue to the channel authors}, not to the Guix project."
msgstr "Das bedeutet auch, dass Sie, wenn Sie einen externen Kanal verwenden und dieser kaputt geht, Sie dies bitte @emph{den Autoren des Kanals} und nicht dem Guix-Projekt melden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5350
msgid "You've been warned! Having said this, we believe external channels are a practical way to exert your freedom to augment Guix' package collection and to share your improvements, which are basic tenets of @uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, free software}. Please email us at @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} if you'd like to discuss this."
msgstr "Wir haben Sie gewarnt! Allerdings denken wir auch, dass externe Kanäle eine praktische Möglichkeit sind, die Paketsammlung von Guix zu ergänzen und Ihre Verbesserungen mit anderen zu teilen, wie es dem Grundgedanken @uref{https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html, freier Software} entspricht. Bitte schicken Sie eine E-Mail an @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}, wenn Sie dies diskutieren möchten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5362
msgid "To create a channel, create a Git repository containing your own package modules and make it available. The repository can contain anything, but a useful channel will contain Guile modules that export packages. Once you start using a channel, Guix will behave as if the root directory of that channel's Git repository has been added to the Guile load path (@pxref{Load Paths,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). For example, if your channel contains a file at @file{my-packages/my-tools.scm} that defines a Guile module, then the module will be available under the name @code{(my-packages my-tools)}, and you will be able to use it like any other module (@pxref{Modules,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Um einen Kanal zu erzeugen, müssen Sie ein Git-Repository mit Ihren eigenen Paketmodulen erzeugen und den Zugriff darauf ermöglichen. Das Repository kann beliebigen Inhalt haben, aber wenn es ein nützlicher Kanal sein soll, muss es Guile-Module enthalten, die Pakete exportieren. Sobald Sie anfangen, einen Kanal zu benutzen, verhält sich Guix, als wäre das Wurzelverzeichnis des Git-Repositorys des Kanals in Guiles Ladepfad enthalten (siehe @ref{Load Paths,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Wenn Ihr Kanal also zum Beispiel eine Datei als @file{my-packages/my-tools.scm} enthält, die ein Guile-Modul definiert, dann wird das Modul unter dem Namen @code{(my-packages my-tools)} verfügbar sein und Sie werden es wie jedes andere Modul benutzen können (siehe @ref{Modules,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5367
msgid "As a channel author, consider bundling authentication material with your channel so that users can authenticate it. @xref{Channel Authentication}, and @ref{Specifying Channel Authorizations}, for info on how to do it."
msgstr "Als Kanalautor möchten Sie vielleicht Materialien mitliefern, damit dessen Nutzer ihn authentifizieren können. Siehe @ref{Channel Authentication} und @ref{Specifying Channel Authorizations} für Informationen, wie das geht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5372
#, no-wrap
msgid "subdirectory, channels"
msgstr "Unterverzeichnis, Kanäle"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5376
msgid "As a channel author, you may want to keep your channel modules in a sub-directory. If your modules are in the sub-directory @file{guix}, you must add a meta-data file @file{.guix-channel} that contains:"
msgstr "Als Kanalautor möchten Sie vielleicht Ihre Kanalmodule in einem Unterverzeichnis anlegen. Wenn sich Ihre Module im Unterverzeichnis @file{guix} befinden, müssen Sie eine Datei @file{.guix-channel} mit Metadaten einfügen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5381
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12444,29 +12584,29 @@ msgstr ""
" (directory \"guix\"))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5386
#, no-wrap
msgid "dependencies, channels"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten, bei Kanälen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5387
#, no-wrap
msgid "meta-data, channels"
msgstr "Metadaten, bei Kanälen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5392
msgid "Channel authors may decide to augment a package collection provided by other channels. They can declare their channel to be dependent on other channels in a meta-data file @file{.guix-channel}, which is to be placed in the root of the channel repository."
msgstr "Kanalautoren können auch beschließen, die Paketsammlung von anderen Kanälen zu erweitern. Dazu können sie in einer Metadatendatei @file{.guix-channel} deklarieren, dass ihr Kanal von anderen Kanälen abhängt. Diese Datei muss im Wurzelverzeichnis des Kanal-Repositorys platziert werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5394
msgid "The meta-data file should contain a simple S-expression like this:"
msgstr "Die Metadatendatei sollte einen einfachen S-Ausdruck wie diesen enthalten:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5402
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12486,7 +12626,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5414
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; The 'introduction' bit below is optional: you would\n"
@@ -12515,33 +12655,33 @@ msgstr ""
" (branch \"testing\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5420
msgid "In the above example this channel is declared to depend on two other channels, which will both be fetched automatically. The modules provided by the channel will be compiled in an environment where the modules of all these declared channels are available."
msgstr "Im Beispiel oben wird deklariert, dass dieser Kanal von zwei anderen Kanälen abhängt, die beide automatisch geladen werden. Die vom Kanal angebotenen Module werden in einer Umgebung kompiliert, in der die Module all dieser deklarierten Kanäle verfügbar sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5424
msgid "For the sake of reliability and maintainability, you should avoid dependencies on channels that you don't control, and you should aim to keep the number of dependencies to a minimum."
msgstr "Um Verlässlichkeit und Wartbarkeit zu gewährleisten, sollten Sie darauf verzichten, eine Abhängigkeit von Kanälen herzustellen, die Sie nicht kontrollieren, außerdem sollten Sie sich auf eine möglichst kleine Anzahl von Abhängigkeiten beschränken."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5428
#, no-wrap
msgid "channel authorizations"
msgstr "Kanalautorisierungen"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5442
msgid "channel-authorizations"
msgstr "channel-authorizations"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5442
msgid "As we saw above, Guix ensures the source code it pulls from channels comes from authorized developers. As a channel author, you need to specify the list of authorized developers in the @file{.guix-authorizations} file in the channel's Git repository. The authentication rule is simple: each commit must be signed by a key listed in the @file{.guix-authorizations} file of its parent commit(s)@footnote{Git commits form a @dfn{directed acyclic graph} (DAG). Each commit can have zero or more parents; ``regular'' commits have one parent and merge commits have two parent commits. Read @uref{https://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/, @i{Git for Computer Scientists}} for a great overview.} The @file{.guix-authorizations} file looks like this:"
msgstr "Wie wir oben gesehen haben, wird durch Guix sichergestellt, dass von Kanälen geladener Code von autorisierten Entwicklern stammt. Als Kanalautor müssen Sie die Liste der autorisierten Entwickler in der Datei @file{.guix-authorizations} im Git-Repository des Kanals festlegen. Die Regeln für die Authentifizierung sind einfach: Jeder Commit muss mit einem Schlüssel signiert sein, der in der Datei @file{.guix-authorizations} seines bzw.@: seiner Elterncommits steht@footnote{Git-Commits bilden einen @dfn{gerichteten azyklischen Graphen} (englisch „directed acyclic graph“, kurz DAG). Jeder Commit kann null oder mehr Eltern haben; in der Regel haben Commits einen Elterncommit, Mergecommits haben zwei. Lesen Sie @uref{https://eagain.net/articles/git-for-computer-scientists/, @i{Git for Computer Scientists}} für eine gelungene Übersicht.} Die Datei @file{.guix-authorizations} sieht so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5445
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Example '.guix-authorizations' file.\n"
@@ -12551,7 +12691,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5448
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12563,7 +12703,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5455
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ((\"AD17 A21E F8AE D8F1 CC02 DBD9 F8AE D8F1 765C 61E3\"\n"
@@ -12581,33 +12721,33 @@ msgstr ""
" (name \"charlie\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5459
msgid "Each fingerprint is followed by optional key/value pairs, as in the example above. Currently these key/value pairs are ignored."
msgstr "Auf jeden Fingerabdruck folgen optional Schlüssel-/Wert-Paare wie im obigen Beispiel. Derzeit werden diese Schlüssel-/Wert-Paare ignoriert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5426
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5464
msgid "This authentication rule creates a chicken-and-egg issue: how do we authenticate the first commit? Related to that: how do we deal with channels whose repository history contains unsigned commits and lack @file{.guix-authorizations}? And how do we fork existing channels?"
msgstr "Diese Authentifizierungsregel hat ein Henne-Ei-Problem zur Folge: Wie authentifizieren wir den ersten Commit? Und damit zusammenhängend: Was tun wir, wenn die Historie eines Kanal-Repositorys @emph{nicht} signierte Commits enthält und eine @file{.guix-authorizations}-Datei fehlt? Und wie legen wir eine Abspaltung („Fork“) existierender Kanäle an?"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5465
#, no-wrap
msgid "channel introduction"
msgstr "Kanaleinführung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5434
-msgid "Channel introductions answer these questions by describing the first commit of a channel that should be authenticated. The first time a channel is fetched with @command{guix pull} or @command{guix time-machine}, the command looks up the introductory commit and verifies that it is signed by the specified OpenPGP key. From then on, it authenticates commits according to the rule above."
-msgstr "Kanaleinführungen beantworten diese Fragen, indem sie den ersten Commit eines Kanals angeben, der authentifiziert werden soll. Das erste Mal, wenn ein Kanal durch @command{guix pull} oder @command{guix time-machine} geladen wird, wird nachgeschaut, was der einführende Commit ist und ob er mit dem angegebenen OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert wurde. Von da an werden Commits gemäß obiger Regel authentifiziert."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5474
+msgid "Channel introductions answer these questions by describing the first commit of a channel that should be authenticated. The first time a channel is fetched with @command{guix pull} or @command{guix time-machine}, the command looks up the introductory commit and verifies that it is signed by the specified OpenPGP key. From then on, it authenticates commits according to the rule above. Authentication fails if the target commit is neither a descendant nor an ancestor of the introductory commit."
+msgstr "Kanaleinführungen beantworten diese Fragen, indem sie den ersten Commit eines Kanals angeben, der authentifiziert werden soll. Das erste Mal, wenn ein Kanal durch @command{guix pull} oder @command{guix time-machine} geladen wird, wird nachgeschaut, was der einführende Commit ist und ob er mit dem angegebenen OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert wurde. Von da an werden Commits gemäß obiger Regel authentifiziert. Damit die Authentifizierung erfolgreich ist, muss der Ziel-Commit entweder Nachkomme oder Vorgänger des einführenden Commits sein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5481
msgid "Additionally, your channel must provide all the OpenPGP keys that were ever mentioned in @file{.guix-authorizations}, stored as @file{.key} files, which can be either binary or ``ASCII-armored''. By default, those @file{.key} files are searched for in the branch named @code{keyring} but you can specify a different branch name in @code{.guix-channel} like so:"
msgstr "Außerdem muss Ihr Kanal alle OpenPGP-Schlüssel zur Verfügung stellen, die jemals in @file{.guix-authorizations} erwähnt wurden, gespeichert in Form von @file{.key}-Dateien, entweder als Binärdateien oder mit „ASCII-Hülle“. Nach Vorgabe wird nach diesen @file{.key}-Dateien im Branch namens @code{keyring} gesucht, aber Sie können wie hier einen anderen Branchnamen in @code{.guix-channel} angeben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5486
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12619,59 +12759,59 @@ msgstr ""
" (keyring-reference \"my-keyring-branch\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5490
msgid "To summarize, as the author of a channel, there are three things you have to do to allow users to authenticate your code:"
msgstr "Zusammenfassen haben Kanalautoren drei Dinge zu tun, damit Nutzer deren Code authentifizieren können:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5496
msgid "Export the OpenPGP keys of past and present committers with @command{gpg --export} and store them in @file{.key} files, by default in a branch named @code{keyring} (we recommend making it an @dfn{orphan branch})."
msgstr "Exportieren Sie die OpenPGP-Schlüssel früherer und aktueller Commiter mittels @command{gpg --export} und speichern Sie sie in @file{.key}-Dateien, nach Vorgabe gespeichert in einem Branch namens @code{keyring} (wir empfehlen, dass Sie diesen als einen @dfn{verwaisten Branch}, d.h.@: einen „Orphan Branch“, anlegen)."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5501
msgid "Introduce an initial @file{.guix-authorizations} in the channel's repository. Do that in a signed commit (@pxref{Commit Access}, for information on how to sign Git commits.)"
msgstr "Sie müssen eine anfängliche @file{.guix-authorizations}-Datei im Kanalrepository platzieren. Der Commit dazu muss signiert sein (siehe @ref{Commit Access} für Informationen, wie Sie Git-Commits signieren)."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5507
msgid "Advertise the channel introduction, for instance on your channel's web page. The channel introduction, as we saw above, is the commit/key pair---i.e., the commit that introduced @file{.guix-authorizations}, and the fingerprint of the OpenPGP used to sign it."
msgstr "Sie müssen veröffentlichen, wie die Kanaleinführung aussieht, zum Beispiel auf der Webseite des Kanals. Die Kanaleinführung besteht, wie wir oben gesehen haben, aus einem Paar aus Commit und Schlüssel@tie{}— für denjenigen Commit, der @file{.guix-authorizations} hinzugefügt hat, mit dem Fingerabdruck des OpenPGP-Schlüssels, mit dem er signiert wurde."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5512
msgid "Before pushing to your public Git repository, you can run @command{guix git-authenticate} to verify that you did sign all the commits you are about to push with an authorized key:"
msgstr "Bevor Sie auf Ihr öffentliches Git-Repository pushen, können Sie @command{guix git-authenticate} ausführen, um zu überprüfen, dass Sie alle Commits, die Sie pushen würden, mit einem autorisierten Schlüssel signiert haben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5515
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix git authenticate @var{commit} @var{signer}\n"
msgstr "guix git authenticate @var{Commit} @var{Unterzeichner}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5520
msgid "where @var{commit} and @var{signer} are your channel introduction. @xref{Invoking guix git authenticate}, for details."
msgstr "Dabei sind @var{Commit} und @var{Unterzeichner} Ihre Kanaleinführung. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix git authenticate} für die Details."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5527
msgid "Publishing a signed channel requires discipline: any mistake, such as an unsigned commit or a commit signed by an unauthorized key, will prevent users from pulling from your channel---well, that's the whole point of authentication! Pay attention to merges in particular: merge commits are considered authentic if and only if they are signed by a key present in the @file{.guix-authorizations} file of @emph{both} branches."
msgstr "Um einen signierten Kanal anzubieten, ist Disziplin vonnöten: Jeder Fehler, wie z.B.@: ein unsignierter Commit oder ein mit einem unautorisierten Schlüssel signierter Commit, verhindert, das Nutzer den Kanal benutzen können@tie{}— naja, das ist ja auch der Zweck der Authentifizierung! Passen Sie besonders bei Merges auf: Merge-Commits werden dann und nur dann als authentisch angesehen, wenn sie mit einem Schlüssel aus der @file{.guix-authorizations}-Datei @emph{beider} Branches signiert wurden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5531
#, no-wrap
msgid "primary URL, channels"
msgstr "primäre URL, bei Kanälen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5534
msgid "Channel authors can indicate the primary URL of their channel's Git repository in the @file{.guix-channel} file, like so:"
msgstr "Kanalautoren können die primäre URL des Git-Repositorys ihres Kanals in der Datei @file{.guix-channel} hinterlegen, etwa so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5539
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12683,38 +12823,38 @@ msgstr ""
" (url \"https://example.org/guix.git\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5546
msgid "This allows @command{guix pull} to determine whether it is pulling code from a mirror of the channel; when that is the case, it warns the user that the mirror might be stale and displays the primary URL@. That way, users cannot be tricked into fetching code from a stale mirror that does not receive security updates."
msgstr "Dadurch kann der Befehl @command{guix pull} feststellen, ob er Code von einem Spiegelserver des Kanals lädt. In diesem Fall wird der Benutzer davor gewarnt, dass Spiegelserver veraltete Versionen anbieten könnten, und die eigentliche, primäre URL anzeigen. Auf diese Weise wird verhindert, dass Nutzer manipuliert werden, Code von einem veralteten Spiegelserver zu benutzen, der keine Sicherheitsaktualisierungen bekommt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5550
msgid "This feature only makes sense for authenticated repositories, such as the official @code{guix} channel, for which @command{guix pull} ensures the code it fetches is authentic."
msgstr "Diese Funktionalität ergibt nur bei authentifizierbaren Repositorys Sinn, wie zum Beispiel dem offiziellen @code{guix}-Kanal, für den @command{guix pull} sicherstellt, dass geladener Code authentisch ist."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5554
#, no-wrap
msgid "news, for channels"
msgstr "Neuigkeiten, bei Kanälen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5558
msgid "Channel authors may occasionally want to communicate to their users information about important changes in the channel. You'd send them all an email, but that's not convenient."
msgstr "Kanalautoren möchten ihren Nutzern vielleicht manchmal Informationen über wichtige Änderungen im Kanal zukommen lassen. Man könnte allen eine E-Mail schicken, aber das wäre unbequem."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5563
msgid "Instead, channels can provide a @dfn{news file}; when the channel users run @command{guix pull}, that news file is automatically read and @command{guix pull --news} can display the announcements that correspond to the new commits that have been pulled, if any."
msgstr "Stattdessen können Kanäle eine Datei mit Neuigkeiten („News File“) anbieten: Wenn die Kanalnutzer @command{guix pull} ausführen, wird diese Datei automatisch ausgelesen. Mit @command{guix pull --news} kann man sich die Ankündigungen anzeigen lassen, die den neu gepullten Commits entsprechen, falls es welche gibt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5566
msgid "To do that, channel authors must first declare the name of the news file in their @file{.guix-channel} file:"
msgstr "Dazu müssen Kanalautoren zunächst den Namen der Datei mit Neuigkeiten in der Datei @file{.guix-channel} nennen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5571
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12726,12 +12866,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (news-file \"etc/news.txt\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5575
msgid "The news file itself, @file{etc/news.txt} in this example, must look something like this:"
msgstr "Die Datei mit Neuigkeiten, @file{etc/news.txt} in diesem Beispiel, muss selbst etwa so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5588
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -12759,164 +12899,164 @@ msgstr ""
" (body (en \"Don't miss the @@code@{hello@} package!\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5595
msgid "While the news file is using the Scheme syntax, avoid naming it with a @file{.scm} extension or else it will get picked up when building the channel and yield an error since it is not a valid module. Alternatively, you can move the channel module to a subdirectory and store the news file in another directory."
msgstr "Obwohl die Datei für Neuigkeiten Scheme-Syntax verwendet, sollten Sie ihr keinen Dateinamen mit der Endung @file{.scm} geben, sonst wird sie bei der Erstellung des Kanals miteinbezogen und dann zu einem Fehler führen, weil es sich bei ihr um kein gültiges Modul handelt. Alternativ können Sie auch das Kanalmodul in einem Unterverzeichnis platzieren und die Datei für Neuigkeiten in einem Verzeichnis außerhalb platzieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5600
msgid "The file consists of a list of @dfn{news entries}. Each entry is associated with a commit or tag: it describes changes made in this commit, possibly in preceding commits as well. Users see entries only the first time they obtain the commit the entry refers to."
msgstr "Die Datei setzt sich aus einer Liste von Einträgen mit Neuigkeiten („News Entries“) zusammen. Jeder Eintrag ist mit einem Commit oder einem Tag assoziiert und beschreibt die Änderungen, die in diesem oder auch vorangehenden Commits gemacht wurden. Benutzer sehen die Einträge nur beim erstmaligen Übernehmen des Commits, auf den sich der jeweilige Eintrag bezieht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5606
msgid "The @code{title} field should be a one-line summary while @code{body} can be arbitrarily long, and both can contain Texinfo markup (@pxref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). Both the title and body are a list of language tag/message tuples, which allows @command{guix pull} to display news in the language that corresponds to the user's locale."
msgstr "Das @code{title}-Feld sollte eine einzeilige Zusammenfassung sein, während @code{body} beliebig lang sein kann. Beide können Texinfo-Auszeichnungen enthalten (siehe @ref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). Sowohl @code{title} als auch @code{body} sind dabei eine Liste aus Tupeln mit jeweils Sprachcode und Mitteilung, wodurch @command{guix pull} Neuigkeiten in derjenigen Sprache anzeigen kann, die der vom Nutzer eingestellten Locale entspricht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5612
msgid "If you want to translate news using a gettext-based workflow, you can extract translatable strings with @command{xgettext} (@pxref{xgettext Invocation,,, gettext, GNU Gettext Utilities}). For example, assuming you write news entries in English first, the command below creates a PO file containing the strings to translate:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Neuigkeiten mit einem gettext-basierten Arbeitsablauf übersetzen möchten, können Sie übersetzbare Zeichenketten mit @command{xgettext} extrahieren (siehe @ref{xgettext Invocation,,, gettext, GNU Gettext Utilities}). Unter der Annahme, dass Sie Einträge zu Neuigkeiten zunächst auf Englisch verfassen, können Sie mit diesem Befehl eine PO-Datei erzeugen, die die zu übersetzenden Zeichenketten enthält:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5615
#, no-wrap
msgid "xgettext -o news.po -l scheme -ken etc/news.txt\n"
msgstr "xgettext -o news.po -l scheme -ken etc/news.txt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5619
msgid "To sum up, yes, you could use your channel as a blog. But beware, this is @emph{not quite} what your users might expect."
msgstr "Kurz gesagt, ja, Sie können Ihren Kanal sogar als Blog missbrauchen. Aber das ist @emph{nicht ganz}, was Ihre Nutzer erwarten dürften."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5624
#, no-wrap
msgid "software development"
msgstr "Softwareentwicklung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5628
msgid "If you are a software developer, Guix provides tools that you should find helpful---independently of the language you're developing in. This is what this chapter is about."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Software-Entwickler sind, gibt Ihnen Guix Werkzeuge an die Hand, die Sie für hilfreich erachten dürften@tie{}— ganz unabhängig davon, in welcher Sprache Sie entwickeln. Darum soll es in diesem Kapitel gehen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5634
msgid "The @command{guix shell} command provides a convenient way to set up one-off software environments, be it for development purposes or to run a command without installing it in your profile. The @command{guix pack} command allows you to create @dfn{application bundles} that can be easily distributed to users who do not run Guix."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix shell} stellt eine bequeme Möglichkeit dar, Umgebungen für einmalige Nutzungen zu erschaffen, etwa zur Entwicklung an einem Programm oder um einen Befehl auszuführen, den Sie nicht in Ihr Profil installieren möchten. Der Befehl @command{guix pack} macht es Ihnen möglich, @dfn{Anwendungsbündel} zu erstellen, die leicht an Nutzer verteilt werden können, die kein Guix benutzen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5644
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix shell}"
msgstr "@command{guix shell} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5606
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5646
#, no-wrap
msgid "reproducible build environments"
msgstr "reproduzierbare Erstellungsumgebungen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5647
#, no-wrap
msgid "development environments"
msgstr "Entwicklungsumgebungen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5648
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment"
msgstr "guix environment"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5649
#, no-wrap
msgid "environment, package build environment"
msgstr "Umgebung, Paketerstellungsumgebung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5654
msgid "The purpose of @command{guix shell} is to make it easy to create one-off software environments, without changing one's profile. It is typically used to create development environments; it is also a convenient way to run applications without ``polluting'' your profile."
msgstr "Der Zweck von @command{guix shell} ist, dass Sie Software-Umgebungen für außergewöhnliche Fälle einfach aufsetzen können, ohne dass Sie Ihr Profil ändern müssen. Normalerweise braucht man so etwas für Entwicklungsumgebungen, aber auch wenn Sie Anwendungen ausführen wollen, ohne Ihr Profil mit ihnen zu verunreinigen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5660
msgid "The @command{guix shell} command was recently introduced to supersede @command{guix environment} (@pxref{Invoking guix environment}). If you are familiar with @command{guix environment}, you will notice that it is similar but also---we hope!---more convenient."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix shell} wurde erst kürzlich eingeführt als Neuauflage von @command{guix environment} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix environment}). Wenn Sie mit @command{guix environment} vertraut sind, werden Sie die Ähnlichkeit bemerken, aber wir hoffen, der neue Befehl erweist sich als praktischer."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5666
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell [@var{options}] [@var{package}@dots{}]\n"
msgstr "guix shell [@var{Optionen}] [@var{Pakete}…]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5671
msgid "The following example creates an environment containing Python and NumPy, building or downloading any missing package, and runs the @command{python3} command in that environment:"
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine Umgebung erzeugen lassen, die Python und NumPy enthält,@tie{}— jedes dazu fehlende Paket wird erstellt oder heruntergeladen@tie{}—, und in der Umgebung dann @command{python3} ausführen."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5674
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell python python-numpy -- python3\n"
msgstr "guix shell python python-numpy -- python3\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5679
msgid "Development environments can be created as in the example below, which spawns an interactive shell containing all the dependencies and environment variables needed to work on Inkscape:"
msgstr "Entwicklungsumgebungen erzeugen Sie wie im folgenden Beispiel, wo eine interaktive Shell gestartet wird, in der alle Abhängigkeiten und Variable vorliegen, die zur Arbeit an Inkscape nötig sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5682
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell --development inkscape\n"
msgstr "guix shell --development inkscape\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5688
msgid "Exiting the shell places the user back in the original environment before @command{guix shell} was invoked. The next garbage collection (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}) may clean up packages that were installed in the environment and that are no longer used outside of it."
msgstr "Sobald er die Shell beendet, findet sich der Benutzer in der ursprünglichen Umgebung wieder, in der er sich vor dem Aufruf von @command{guix shell} befand. Beim nächsten Durchlauf des Müllsammlers (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}) dürfen Pakete von der Platte gelöscht werden, die innerhalb der Umgebung installiert worden sind und außerhalb nicht länger benutzt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5695
msgid "As an added convenience, when running from a directory that contains a @file{manifest.scm} or a @file{guix.scm} file (in this order), possibly in a parent directory, @command{guix shell} automatically loads the file---provided the directory is listed in @file{~/.config/guix/shell-authorized-directories}, and only for interactive use:"
msgstr "Um die Nutzung zu vereinfachen, wird @command{guix shell}, wenn Sie es aus einem Verzeichnis heraus ausführen, das eine Datei @file{manifest.scm} oder eine Datei @file{guix.scm} enthält (in dieser Reihenfolge) oder wo ein übergeordnetes Verzeichnis diese enthält, die Datei automatisch laden@tie{}— sofern das Verzeichnis in @file{~/.config/guix/shell-authorized-directories} aufgeführt ist und @command{guix shell} interaktiv aufgerufen wurde:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5698
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell\n"
msgstr "guix shell\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5702
msgid "This provides an easy way to define, share, and enter development environments."
msgstr "Dadurch wird es leichter, Entwicklungsumgebungen zu definieren, zu teilen und zu betreten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5713
msgid "By default, the shell session or command runs in an @emph{augmented} environment, where the new packages are added to search path environment variables such as @code{PATH}. You can, instead, choose to create an @emph{isolated} environment containing nothing but the packages you asked for. Passing the @option{--pure} option clears environment variable definitions found in the parent environment@footnote{Be sure to use the @option{--check} option the first time you use @command{guix shell} interactively to make sure the shell does not undo the effect of @option{--pure}.}; passing @option{--container} goes one step further by spawning a @dfn{container} isolated from the rest of the system:"
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist, dass für die Shell-Sitzung bzw.@: den Befehl eine @emph{ergänzte} Umgebung aufgebaut wird, in der die neuen Pakete zu Suchpfad-Umgebungsvariablen wie @code{PATH} hinzugefügt werden. Sie können stattdessen auch beschließen, eine @emph{isolierte} Umgebung anzufordern mit nichts als den Paketen, die Sie angegeben haben. Wenn Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--pure} angeben, werden alle Definitionen von Umgebungsvariablen aus der Elternumgebung gelöscht@footnote{Denken Sie daran, wenn Sie das erste Mal @command{guix shell} interaktiv benutzen, mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--check} zu prüfen, dass die Shell-Einstellungen die Wirkung von @option{--pure} nicht wieder zurücknehmen.}. Wenn Sie @option{--container} angeben, wird die Shell darüber hinaus in einem @dfn{Container} vom restlichen System isoliert:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5716
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell --container emacs gcc-toolchain\n"
msgstr "guix shell --container emacs gcc-toolchain\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5724
msgid "The command above spawns an interactive shell in a container where nothing but @code{emacs}, @code{gcc-toolchain}, and their dependencies is available. The container lacks network access and shares no files other than the current working directory with the surrounding environment. This is useful to prevent access to system-wide resources such as @file{/usr/bin} on foreign distros."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl startet eine interaktive Shell in einem Container, der den Zugriff auf alles außer @code{emacs}, @code{gcc-toolchain} und deren Abhängigkeiten unterbindet. Im Container haben Sie keinen Netzwerkzugriff und es werden außer dem aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis keine Dateien mit der äußeren Umgebung geteilt. Das dient dazu, den Zugriff auf systemweite Ressourcen zu verhindern, wie @file{/usr/bin} auf Fremddistributionen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5731
msgid "This @option{--container} option can also prove useful if you wish to run a security-sensitive application, such as a web browser, in an isolated environment. For example, the command below launches Ungoogled-Chromium in an isolated environment, this time sharing network access with the host and preserving its @code{DISPLAY} environment variable, but without even sharing the current directory:"
msgstr "Diese @option{--container}-Befehlszeilenoption kann sich aber auch als nützlich erweisen, um Anwendungen mit hohem Sicherheitsrisiko wie z.B.@: Webbrowser in eine isolierte Umgebung eingesperrt auszuführen. Folgender Befehl startet zum Beispiel Ungoogled-Chromium in einer isolierten Umgebung. Dabei wird der Netzwerkzugriff des Wirtssystems geteilt und die Umgebungsvariable @code{DISPLAY} bleibt erhalten, aber @emph{nicht} einmal das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis wird geteilt zugänglich gemacht."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5735
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix shell --container --network --no-cwd ungoogled-chromium \\\n"
@@ -12926,18 +13066,18 @@ msgstr ""
" --preserve='^DISPLAY$' -- chromium\n"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5697 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5737 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6067
#, no-wrap
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5743
msgid "@command{guix shell} defines the @env{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} variable in the shell it spawns; its value is the file name of the profile of this environment. This allows users to, say, define a specific prompt for development environments in their @file{.bashrc} (@pxref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}):"
msgstr "@command{guix shell} definiert die Variable @env{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} in der neu erzeugten Shell. Ihr Wert ist der Dateiname des Profils dieser neuen Umgebung. Das könnten Nutzer verwenden, um zum Beispiel eine besondere Prompt als Eingabeaufforderung für Entwicklungsumgebungen in ihrer @file{.bashrc} festzulegen (siehe @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Bash}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5709 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5749 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6079
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"if [ -n \"$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT\" ]\n"
@@ -12951,213 +13091,202 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5713 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5753 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6083
msgid "...@: or to browse the profile:"
msgstr "…@: oder um ihr Profil durchzusehen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5716 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5756 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6086
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ ls \"$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/bin\"\n"
msgstr "$ ls \"$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/bin\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5719 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5759 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6162
msgid "The available options are summarized below."
msgstr "Im Folgenden werden die verfügbaren Befehlszeilenoptionen zusammengefasst."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5721 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6105
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5761 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11964
#, no-wrap
msgid "--check"
msgstr "--check"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5766
msgid "Set up the environment and check whether the shell would clobber environment variables. It's a good idea to use this option the first time you run @command{guix shell} for an interactive session to make sure your setup is correct."
msgstr "Hiermit wird die Umgebung angelegt und gemeldet, ob die Shell Umgebungsvariable überschreiben würde. Es ist eine gute Idee, diese Befehlszeilenoption anzugeben, wenn Sie zum ersten Mal @command{guix shell} zum Starten einer interaktiven Sitzung einsetzen, um sicherzugehen, dass Ihre Shell richtig eingestellt ist."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5770
msgid "For example, if the shell modifies the @env{PATH} environment variable, report it since you would get a different environment than what you asked for."
msgstr "Wenn die Shell zum Beispiel den Wert der Umgebungsvariablen @env{PATH} ändert, meldet dies @option{--check}, weil Sie dadurch nicht die Umgebung bekämen, die Sie angefordert haben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5778
msgid "Such problems usually indicate that the shell startup files are unexpectedly modifying those environment variables. For example, if you are using Bash, make sure that environment variables are set or modified in @file{~/.bash_profile} and @emph{not} in @file{~/.bashrc}---the former is sourced only by log-in shells. @xref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}, for details on Bash start-up files."
msgstr "In der Regel sind solche Probleme ein Zeichen dafür, dass Dateien, die beim Start der Shell geladen werden, die Umgebungsvariablen unerwartet verändern. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Bash benutzen, vergewissern Sie sich, dass Umgebungsvariable in @file{~/.bash_profile} festgelegt oder geändert werden, @emph{nicht} in @file{~/.bashrc}@tie{}— erstere Datei wird nur von Login-Shells mit „source“ geladen. Siehe @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Bash} für Details über beim Starten von Bash gelesene Dateien."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5779
#, no-wrap
msgid "--development"
msgstr "--development"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5786
msgid "Cause @command{guix shell} to include in the environment the dependencies of the following package rather than the package itself. This can be combined with other packages. For instance, the command below starts an interactive shell containing the build-time dependencies of GNU@tie{}Guile, plus Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool:"
msgstr "Lässt @command{guix shell} die Abhängigkeiten des danach angegebenen Pakets anstelle des Pakets in die Umgebung aufnehmen. Es kann mit anderen Paketen kombiniert werden. Zum Beispiel wird mit folgendem Befehl eine interaktive Shell gestartet, die die zum Erstellen nötigen Abhängigkeiten von GNU@tie{}Guile sowie Autoconf, Automake und Libtool enthält:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5789
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell -D guile autoconf automake libtool\n"
msgstr "guix shell -D guile autoconf automake libtool\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5751 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6126
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6607 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11421
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12494 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12845
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13442 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35243
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5791 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6672 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12913 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13903 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38386
#, no-wrap
msgid "--expression=@var{expr}"
msgstr "--expression=@var{Ausdruck}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5752 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6127
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6608 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11422
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12495 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12846
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13443 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35244
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5792 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6673 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12914 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13904 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38387
#, no-wrap
msgid "-e @var{expr}"
msgstr "-e @var{Ausdruck}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5755 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5795 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6189
msgid "Create an environment for the package or list of packages that @var{expr} evaluates to."
msgstr "Eine Umgebung für das Paket oder die Liste von Paketen erzeugen, zu der der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5757 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6132
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5797 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13310
msgid "For example, running:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel startet dies:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5800
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell -D -e '(@@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'\n"
msgstr "guix shell -D -e '(@@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5764 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5804 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6198
msgid "starts a shell with the environment for this specific variant of the PETSc package."
msgstr "eine Shell mit der Umgebung für eben diese bestimmte Variante des Pakets PETSc."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5766 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5806 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6200
msgid "Running:"
msgstr "Wenn man dies ausführt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5809
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell -e '(@@ (gnu) %base-packages)'\n"
msgstr "guix shell -e '(@@ (gnu) %base-packages)'\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5772 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5812 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6206
msgid "starts a shell with all the base system packages available."
msgstr "bekommt man eine Shell, in der alle Basis-Pakete verfügbar sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5775 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5815 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6209
msgid "The above commands only use the default output of the given packages. To select other outputs, two element tuples can be specified:"
msgstr "Die obigen Befehle benutzen nur die Standard-Ausgabe des jeweiligen Pakets. Um andere Ausgaben auszuwählen, können zweielementige Tupel spezifiziert werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5818
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell -e '(list (@@ (gnu packages bash) bash) \"include\")'\n"
msgstr "guix shell -e '(list (@@ (gnu packages bash) bash) \"include\")'\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5780 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5820 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11813
#, no-wrap
msgid "--file=@var{file}"
msgstr "--file=@var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5824
msgid "Create an environment containing the package or list of packages that the code within @var{file} evaluates to."
msgstr "Eine Umgebung erstellen mit dem Paket oder der Liste von Paketen, zu der der Code in der @var{Datei} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5790 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5830 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6224
#, no-wrap
msgid "@verbatiminclude environment-gdb.scm\n"
msgstr "@verbatiminclude environment-gdb.scm\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5834
msgid "With the file above, you can enter a development environment for GDB by running:"
msgstr "Mit so einer Datei können Sie eine Entwicklungsumgebung für GDB betreten, indem Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5837
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell -D -f gdb-devel.scm\n"
msgstr "guix shell -D -f gdb-devel.scm\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5804 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5844 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6231
msgid "Create an environment for the packages contained in the manifest object returned by the Scheme code in @var{file}. This option can be repeated several times, in which case the manifests are concatenated."
msgstr "Eine Umgebung für die Pakete erzeugen, die im Manifest-Objekt enthalten sind, das vom Scheme-Code in der @var{Datei} geliefert wird. Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption mehrmals wiederholt angegeben wird, werden die Manifeste aneinandergehängt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5808 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5848 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6235
msgid "This is similar to the same-named option in @command{guix package} (@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) and uses the same manifest files."
msgstr "Dies verhält sich ähnlich wie die gleichnamige Option des Befehls @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) und benutzt auch dieselben Manifestdateien."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5809
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "--rebuild-cache"
-msgstr "--rebuild-cache"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5814
-msgid "When using @option{--manifest}, @option{--file}, or when invoked without arguments, @command{guix shell} caches the environment so that subsequent uses are instantaneous. The cache is invalidated anytime the file is modified."
-msgstr "Wenn Sie eine der Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{--manifest} oder @option{--file} angeben oder wenn Sie @command{guix shell} ohne weitere Argumente aufrufen, wird die Umgebung von @command{guix shell} zwischengespeichert, damit weitere Aufrufe sie ohne Verzögerung verwenden können. Wenn die Datei abgeändert wurde, wird der Zwischenspeicher ungültig."
-#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5819
-msgid "The @option{--rebuild-cache} forces the cached environment to be refreshed even if the file has not changed. This is useful if the @command{guix.scm} or @command{manifest.scm} has external dependencies, or if its behavior depends, say, on environment variables."
-msgstr "Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--rebuild-cache} wird die zwischengespeicherte Umgebung auch dann erneuert, wenn die Datei unverändert geblieben ist. Sie können @option{--rebuild-cache} verwenden, wenn @command{guix.scm} oder @command{manifest.scm} auf externe Abhängigkeiten verweist oder eine andere Umgebung ergeben sollte, wenn sich zum Beispiel Umgebungsvariable geändert haben."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5854 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6267
+msgid "Create an environment containing the packages installed in @var{profile}. Use @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}) to create and manage profiles."
+msgstr "Eine Umgebung mit den Paketen erzeugen, die im @var{Profil} installiert sind. Benutzen Sie @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}), um Profile anzulegen und zu verwalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5820 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5855 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6268
#, no-wrap
msgid "--pure"
msgstr "--pure"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5824 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5859 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6272
msgid "Unset existing environment variables when building the new environment, except those specified with @option{--preserve} (see below). This has the effect of creating an environment in which search paths only contain package inputs."
msgstr "Bestehende Umgebungsvariable deaktivieren, wenn die neue Umgebung erzeugt wird, mit Ausnahme der mit @option{--preserve} angegebenen Variablen (siehe unten). Dies bewirkt, dass eine Umgebung erzeugt wird, in der die Suchpfade nur Paketeingaben nennen und sonst nichts."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5825 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6208
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5860 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6273
#, no-wrap
msgid "--preserve=@var{regexp}"
msgstr "--preserve=@var{Regexp}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5826 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5861 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6274
#, no-wrap
msgid "-E @var{regexp}"
msgstr "-E @var{Regexp}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5831 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5866 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6279
msgid "When used alongside @option{--pure}, preserve the environment variables matching @var{regexp}---in other words, put them on a ``white list'' of environment variables that must be preserved. This option can be repeated several times."
msgstr "Wenn das hier zusammen mit @option{--pure} angegeben wird, bleiben die zum regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} passenden Umgebungsvariablen erhalten@tie{}— mit anderen Worten werden sie auf eine „weiße Liste“ von Umgebungsvariablen gesetzt, die erhalten bleiben müssen. Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann mehrmals wiederholt werden."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5870
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix shell --pure --preserve=^SLURM openmpi @dots{} \\\n"
@@ -13167,116 +13296,116 @@ msgstr ""
" -- mpirun …\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5841 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5876 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6289
msgid "This example runs @command{mpirun} in a context where the only environment variables defined are @env{PATH}, environment variables whose name starts with @samp{SLURM}, as well as the usual ``precious'' variables (@env{HOME}, @env{USER}, etc.)."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird @command{mpirun} in einem Kontext ausgeführt, in dem die einzig definierten Umgebungsvariablen @env{PATH} und solche sind, deren Name mit @samp{SLURM} beginnt, sowie die üblichen besonders „kostbaren“ Variablen (@env{HOME}, @env{USER}, etc.)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5842 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5877 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6290
#, no-wrap
msgid "--search-paths"
msgstr "--search-paths"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5845 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5880 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6293
msgid "Display the environment variable definitions that make up the environment."
msgstr "Die Umgebungsvariablendefinitionen anzeigen, aus denen die Umgebung besteht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5849 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5884 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6297
msgid "Attempt to build for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}."
msgstr "Versuchen, für das angegebene @var{System} zu erstellen@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{i686-linux}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5850 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5885 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6298
#, no-wrap
msgid "--container"
msgstr "--container"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5851 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5886 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6299
#, no-wrap
msgid "-C"
msgstr "-C"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5852 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6069
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6235 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13998
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5887 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6300 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35769
#, no-wrap
msgid "container"
msgstr "container"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5858 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5893 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6306
msgid "Run @var{command} within an isolated container. The current working directory outside the container is mapped inside the container. Additionally, unless overridden with @option{--user}, a dummy home directory is created that matches the current user's home directory, and @file{/etc/passwd} is configured accordingly."
msgstr "Den @var{Befehl} in einer isolierten Umgebung (einem sogenannten „Container“) ausführen. Das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis außerhalb des Containers wird in den Container zugeordnet. Zusätzlich wird, wenn es mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--user} nicht anders spezifiziert wurde, ein stellvertretendes persönliches Verzeichnis erzeugt, dessen Inhalt der des wirklichen persönlichen Verzeichnisses ist, sowie eine passend konfigurierte Datei @file{/etc/passwd}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5862 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5897 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6310
msgid "The spawned process runs as the current user outside the container. Inside the container, it has the same UID and GID as the current user, unless @option{--user} is passed (see below)."
msgstr "Der erzeugte Prozess läuft außerhalb des Containers als der momentane Nutzer. Innerhalb des Containers hat er dieselbe UID und GID wie der momentane Nutzer, außer die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--user} wird übergeben (siehe unten)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5863 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6246
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5898 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35861
#, no-wrap
msgid "--network"
msgstr "--network"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5868 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5903 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6316
msgid "For containers, share the network namespace with the host system. Containers created without this flag only have access to the loopback device."
msgstr "Bei isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) wird hiermit der Netzwerk-Namensraum mit dem des Wirtssystems geteilt. Container, die ohne diese Befehlszeilenoption erzeugt wurden, haben nur Zugriff auf das Loopback-Gerät."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5869 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5904 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6317
#, no-wrap
msgid "--link-profile"
msgstr "--link-profile"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5870 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5905 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6318
#, no-wrap
msgid "-P"
msgstr "-P"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5913
msgid "For containers, link the environment profile to @file{~/.guix-profile} within the container and set @code{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} to that. This is equivalent to making @file{~/.guix-profile} a symlink to the actual profile within the container. Linking will fail and abort the environment if the directory already exists, which will certainly be the case if @command{guix shell} was invoked in the user's home directory."
msgstr "Bei isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) wird das Umgebungsprofil im Container als @file{~/.guix-profile} verknüpft und @file{~/.guix-profile} dann in @code{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} gespeichert. Das ist äquivalent dazu, @file{~/.guix-profile} im Container zu einer symbolischen Verknüpfung auf das tatsächliche Profil zu machen. Wenn das Verzeichnis bereits existiert, schlägt das Verknüpfen fehl und die Umgebung wird nicht hergestellt. Dieser Fehler wird immer eintreten, wenn @command{guix shell} im persönlichen Verzeichnis des Benutzers aufgerufen wurde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5884 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5919 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6332
msgid "Certain packages are configured to look in @file{~/.guix-profile} for configuration files and data;@footnote{For example, the @code{fontconfig} package inspects @file{~/.guix-profile/share/fonts} for additional fonts.} @option{--link-profile} allows these programs to behave as expected within the environment."
msgstr "Bestimmte Pakete sind so eingerichtet, dass sie in @file{~/.guix-profile} nach Konfigurationsdateien und Daten suchen,@footnote{Zum Beispiel inspiziert das Paket @code{fontconfig} das Verzeichnis @file{~/.guix-profile/share/fonts}, um zusätzliche Schriftarten zu finden.} weshalb @option{--link-profile} benutzt werden kann, damit sich diese Programme auch in der isolierten Umgebung wie erwartet verhalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5885 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6268
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5920 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14036
#, no-wrap
msgid "--user=@var{user}"
msgstr "--user=@var{Benutzer}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5886 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6269
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5921 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14037
#, no-wrap
msgid "-u @var{user}"
msgstr "-u @var{Benutzer}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5893 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5928 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6341
msgid "For containers, use the username @var{user} in place of the current user. The generated @file{/etc/passwd} entry within the container will contain the name @var{user}, the home directory will be @file{/home/@var{user}}, and no user GECOS data will be copied. Furthermore, the UID and GID inside the container are 1000. @var{user} need not exist on the system."
msgstr "Bei isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) wird der Benutzername @var{Benutzer} anstelle des aktuellen Benutzers benutzt. Der erzeugte Eintrag in @file{/etc/passwd} im Container wird also den Namen @var{Benutzer} enthalten und das persönliche Verzeichnis wird den Namen @file{/home/BENUTZER} tragen; keine GECOS-Daten über den Nutzer werden in die Umgebung übernommen. Des Weiteren sind UID und GID innerhalb der isolierten Umgebung auf 1000 gesetzt. @var{Benutzer} muss auf dem System nicht existieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5898 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5933 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6346
msgid "Additionally, any shared or exposed path (see @option{--share} and @option{--expose} respectively) whose target is within the current user's home directory will be remapped relative to @file{/home/USER}; this includes the automatic mapping of the current working directory."
msgstr "Zusätzlich werden alle geteilten oder exponierten Pfade (siehe jeweils @option{--share} und @option{--expose}), deren Ziel innerhalb des persönlichen Verzeichnisses des aktuellen Benutzers liegt, relativ zu @file{/home/BENUTZER} erscheinen, einschließlich der automatischen Zuordnung des aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnisses."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5940
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# will expose paths as /home/foo/wd, /home/foo/test, and /home/foo/target\n"
@@ -13292,229 +13421,267 @@ msgstr ""
" --expose=/tmp/target=$HOME/target\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5910 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5945 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6358
msgid "While this will limit the leaking of user identity through home paths and each of the user fields, this is only one useful component of a broader privacy/anonymity solution---not one in and of itself."
msgstr "Obwohl dies das Datenleck von Nutzerdaten durch Pfade im persönlichen Verzeichnis und die Benutzereinträge begrenzt, kann dies nur als Teil einer größeren Lösung für Datenschutz und Anonymität sinnvoll eingesetzt werden. Es sollte nicht für sich allein dazu eingesetzt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5911 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5946 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6359
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-cwd"
msgstr "--no-cwd"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5918 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5953 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6366
msgid "For containers, the default behavior is to share the current working directory with the isolated container and immediately change to that directory within the container. If this is undesirable, @option{--no-cwd} will cause the current working directory to @emph{not} be automatically shared and will change to the user's home directory within the container instead. See also @option{--user}."
msgstr "In isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) ist das vorgegebene Verhalten, das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis mit dem isolierten Container zu teilen und in der Umgebung sofort in dieses Verzeichnis zu wechseln. Wenn das nicht gewünscht wird, kann das Angeben von @option{--no-cwd} dafür sorgen, dass das Arbeitsverzeichnis @emph{nicht} automatisch geteilt wird und stattdessen in das Persönliche Verzeichnis („Home“-Verzeichnis) gewechselt wird. Siehe auch @option{--user}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5919 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5954 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6367
#, no-wrap
msgid "--expose=@var{source}[=@var{target}]"
msgstr "--expose=@var{Quelle}[=@var{Ziel}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5920 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5955 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6368
#, no-wrap
msgid "--share=@var{source}[=@var{target}]"
msgstr "--share=@var{Quelle}[=@var{Ziel}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5926 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5961 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6374
msgid "For containers, @option{--expose} (resp. @option{--share}) exposes the file system @var{source} from the host system as the read-only (resp. writable) file system @var{target} within the container. If @var{target} is not specified, @var{source} is used as the target mount point in the container."
msgstr "Bei isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) wird das Dateisystem unter @var{Quelle} vom Wirtssystem als Nur-Lese-Dateisystem @var{Ziel} (bzw.@: für @option{--share} auch mit Schreibrechten) im Container zugänglich gemacht. Wenn kein @var{Ziel} angegeben wurde, wird die @var{Quelle} auch als Ziel-Einhängepunkt in der isolierten Umgebung benutzt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5930 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5965 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6378
msgid "The example below spawns a Guile REPL in a container in which the user's home directory is accessible read-only via the @file{/exchange} directory:"
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird eine Guile-REPL in einer isolierten Umgebung gestartet, in der das persönliche Verzeichnis des Benutzers als Verzeichnis @file{/austausch} nur für Lesezugriffe zugänglich gemacht wurde:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5968
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell --container --expose=$HOME=/exchange guile -- guile\n"
msgstr "guix shell --container --expose=$HOME=/austausch guile -- guile\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5935 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6110
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6675 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11575
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5970
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "--rebuild-cache"
+msgstr "--rebuild-cache"
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5971
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "caching, of profiles"
+msgstr "Zwischenspeichern, von Profilen"
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5972
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "caching, in @command{guix shell}"
+msgstr "Zwischenspeichern, bei @command{guix shell}"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5978
+msgid "In most cases, @command{guix shell} caches the environment so that subsequent uses are instantaneous. Least-recently used cache entries are periodically removed. The cache is also invalidated, when using @option{--file} or @option{--manifest}, anytime the corresponding file is modified."
+msgstr "In der Regel wird @command{guix shell} die Umgebung zwischenspeichern, damit weitere Aufrufe sie ohne Verzögerung verwenden können. Am längsten @emph{nicht} verwendete („least recently used“) Einträge im Zwischenspeicher werden bei @command{guix shell} regelmäßig entfernt. Auch wenn Sie @option{--file} oder @option{--manifest} nutzen, wird der Zwischenspeicher ungültig, sobald die entsprechende Datei geändert wurde."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5984
+msgid "The @option{--rebuild-cache} forces the cached environment to be refreshed. This is useful when using @option{--file} or @option{--manifest} and the @command{guix.scm} or @command{manifest.scm} file has external dependencies, or if its behavior depends, say, on environment variables."
+msgstr "Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--rebuild-cache} wird die zwischengespeicherte Umgebung erneuert. Sie können @option{--rebuild-cache} verwenden, wenn Sie @option{--file} oder @option{--manifest} nutzen und die Datei @command{guix.scm} oder @command{manifest.scm} auf externe Abhängigkeiten verweist oder eine andere Umgebung ergeben sollte, wenn sich zum Beispiel Umgebungsvariable geändert haben."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5985 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6740 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35866
#, no-wrap
msgid "--root=@var{file}"
msgstr "--root=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5936 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6111
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6676 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11576
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5986 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6741 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35867
#, no-wrap
msgid "-r @var{file}"
msgstr "-r @var{Datei}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5937 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5987 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6171
#, no-wrap
msgid "persistent environment"
msgstr "persistente Umgebung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5938 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5988 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6172
#, no-wrap
msgid "garbage collector root, for environments"
msgstr "Müllsammlerwurzel, für Umgebungen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5941 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5991 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6175
msgid "Make @var{file} a symlink to the profile for this environment, and register it as a garbage collector root."
msgstr "Die @var{Datei} zu einer symbolischen Verknüpfung auf das Profil dieser Umgebung machen und als eine Müllsammlerwurzel registrieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5944 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5994 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6178
msgid "This is useful if you want to protect your environment from garbage collection, to make it ``persistent''."
msgstr "Das ist nützlich, um seine Umgebung vor dem Müllsammler zu schützen und sie „persistent“ zu machen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5950
-msgid "When this option is omitted, the environment is protected from garbage collection only for the duration of the @command{guix shell} session. This means that next time you recreate the same environment, you could have to rebuild or re-download packages. @xref{Invoking guix gc}, for more on GC roots."
-msgstr "Wird diese Option weggelassen, ist die Umgebung nur, solange die Sitzung von @command{guix shell} besteht, vor dem Müllsammler sicher. Das bedeutet, wenn Sie das nächste Mal dieselbe Umgebung neu erzeugen, müssen Sie vielleicht Pakete neu erstellen oder neu herunterladen. @ref{Invoking guix gc} hat mehr Informationen über Müllsammlerwurzeln."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6000
+msgid "When this option is omitted, @command{guix shell} caches profiles so that subsequent uses of the same environment are instantaneous---this is comparable to using @option{--root} except that @command{guix shell} takes care of periodically removing the least-recently used garbage collector roots."
+msgstr "Wenn diese Option weggelassen wird, wird das Profil von @command{guix shell} zwischengespeichert, damit weitere Aufrufe es ohne Verzögerung verwenden können. Das ist vergleichbar damit, wenn Sie @option{--root} angeben, jedoch wird @command{guix shell} die am längsten @emph{nicht} verwendeten Müllsammlerwurzeln („least recently used“) regelmäßig entfernt."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6007
+msgid "In some cases, @command{guix shell} does not cache profiles---e.g., if transformation options such as @option{--with-latest} are used. In those cases, the environment is protected from garbage collection only for the duration of the @command{guix shell} session. This means that next time you recreate the same environment, you could have to rebuild or re-download packages."
+msgstr "In manchen Fällen wird @command{guix shell} keinen Zwischenspeicher für die Profile anlegen, z.B.@: wenn Umwandlungsoptionen wie @option{--with-latest} angegeben wurde. Das bedeutet, die Umgebung ist nur, solange die Sitzung von @command{guix shell} besteht, vor dem Müllsammler sicher. Dann müssen Sie, wenn Sie das nächste Mal dieselbe Umgebung neu erzeugen, vielleicht Pakete neu erstellen oder neu herunterladen."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6009
+msgid "@xref{Invoking guix gc}, for more on GC roots."
+msgstr "@ref{Invoking guix gc} hat mehr Informationen über Müllsammlerwurzeln."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6014
msgid "@command{guix shell} also supports all of the common build options that @command{guix build} supports (@pxref{Common Build Options}) as well as package transformation options (@pxref{Package Transformation Options})."
msgstr "@command{guix shell} unterstützt auch alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen, die von @command{guix build} unterstützt werden (siehe @ref{Common Build Options}), und die Paketumwandlungsoptionen (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6016
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix environment}"
msgstr "@command{guix environment} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6020
msgid "The purpose of @command{guix environment} is to assist in creating development environments."
msgstr "Der Zweck von @command{guix environment} ist es, dass Sie Entwicklungsumgebungen leicht anlegen können."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6021
#, no-wrap
msgid "Deprecation warning"
msgstr "Diese Funktionalität wird demnächst verschwinden"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6025
msgid "The @command{guix environment} command is deprecated in favor of @command{guix shell}, which performs similar functions but is more convenient to use. @xref{Invoking guix shell}."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix environment} gilt als veraltet. Stattdessen sollten Sie @command{guix shell} benutzen, was einen ähnlichen Zweck erfüllt, aber leichter zu benutzen ist. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell}."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6030
msgid "Being deprecated, @command{guix environment} is slated for eventual removal, but the Guix project is committed to keeping it until May 1st, 2023. Please get in touch with us at @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} if you would like to discuss it."
msgstr "Veraltet heißt, @command{guix environment} wird letztendlich entfernt, aber das Guix-Projekt wird gewährleisten, dass @command{guix environment} bis zum 1.@: Mai 2023 verfügbar bleibt. Reden Sie mit uns unter @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}, wenn Sie dabei mitdiskutieren möchten!"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6036
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment @var{options} @var{package}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix environment @var{Optionen} @var{Paket}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6040
msgid "The following example spawns a new shell set up for the development of GNU@tie{}Guile:"
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel zeigt, wie eine neue Shell gestartet wird, auf der alles für die Entwicklung von GNU@tie{}Guile eingerichtet ist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:5984
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6043
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment guile\n"
msgstr "guix environment guile\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6060
msgid "If the needed dependencies are not built yet, @command{guix environment} automatically builds them. The environment of the new shell is an augmented version of the environment that @command{guix environment} was run in. It contains the necessary search paths for building the given package added to the existing environment variables. To create a ``pure'' environment, in which the original environment variables have been unset, use the @option{--pure} option@footnote{Users sometimes wrongfully augment environment variables such as @env{PATH} in their @file{~/.bashrc} file. As a consequence, when @command{guix environment} launches it, Bash may read @file{~/.bashrc}, thereby introducing ``impurities'' in these environment variables. It is an error to define such environment variables in @file{.bashrc}; instead, they should be defined in @file{.bash_profile}, which is sourced only by log-in shells. @xref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}, for details on Bash start-up files.}."
msgstr "Wenn benötigte Abhängigkeiten noch nicht erstellt worden sind, wird @command{guix environment} sie automatisch erstellen lassen. Die Umgebung der neuen Shell ist eine ergänzte Version der Umgebung, in der @command{guix environment} ausgeführt wurde. Sie enthält neben den existierenden Umgebungsvariablen auch die nötigen Suchpfade, um das angegebene Paket erstellen zu können. Um eine „reine“ Umgebung zu erstellen, in der die ursprünglichen Umgebungsvariablen nicht mehr vorkommen, kann die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--pure} benutzt werden@footnote{Manchmal ergänzen Nutzer fälschlicherweise Umgebungsvariable wie @env{PATH} in ihrer @file{~/.bashrc}-Datei. Das hat zur Folge, dass wenn @command{guix environment} Bash startet, selbige @file{~/.bashrc} von Bash gelesen wird und die neuen Umgebungen somit „verunreinigt“. Es ist ein Fehler, solche Umgebungsvariable in @file{.bashrc} zu definieren, stattdessen sollten sie in @file{.bash_profile} geschrieben werden, was nur von Login-Shells mit „source“ geladen wird. Siehe @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Bash} für Details über beim Starten von Bash gelesene Dateien}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6066
msgid "Exiting from a Guix environment is the same as exiting from the shell, and will place the user back in the old environment before @command{guix environment} was invoked. The next garbage collection (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}) will clean up packages that were installed from within the environment and are no longer used outside of it."
msgstr "Eine Guix-Umgebung zu verlassen ist gleichbedeutend mit dem Verlassen der Shell; danach findet sich der Benutzer in der alten Umgebung wieder, in der er sich vor dem Aufruf von @command{guix environment} befand. Beim nächsten Durchlauf des Müllsammlers (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}) werden Pakete von der Platte gelöscht, die innerhalb der Umgebung installiert worden sind und außerhalb nicht länger benutzt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6073
msgid "@command{guix environment} defines the @env{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} variable in the shell it spawns; its value is the file name of the profile of this environment. This allows users to, say, define a specific prompt for development environments in their @file{.bashrc} (@pxref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}):"
msgstr "@command{guix environment} definiert die Variable @env{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} in der neu erzeugten Shell. Ihr Wert ist der Dateiname des Profils dieser neuen Umgebung. Das könnten Nutzer verwenden, um zum Beispiel eine besondere Prompt als Eingabeaufforderung für Entwicklungsumgebungen in ihrer @file{.bashrc} festzulegen (siehe @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Bash}):"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6092
msgid "Additionally, more than one package may be specified, in which case the union of the inputs for the given packages are used. For example, the command below spawns a shell where all of the dependencies of both Guile and Emacs are available:"
msgstr "Des Weiteren kann mehr als ein Paket angegeben werden. In diesem Fall wird die Vereinigung der Eingaben der jeweiligen Pakete zugänglich gemacht. Zum Beispiel erzeugt der folgende Befehl eine Shell, in der alle Abhängigkeiten von sowohl Guile als auch Emacs verfügbar sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6095
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment guile emacs\n"
msgstr "guix environment guile emacs\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6100
msgid "Sometimes an interactive shell session is not desired. An arbitrary command may be invoked by placing the @code{--} token to separate the command from the rest of the arguments:"
msgstr "Manchmal will man keine interaktive Shell-Sitzung. Ein beliebiger Befehl kann aufgerufen werden, indem Sie nach Angabe der Pakete noch @code{--} vor den gewünschten Befehl schreiben, um ihn von den übrigen Argumenten abzutrennen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6103
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment guile -- make -j4\n"
msgstr "guix environment guile -- make -j4\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6109
msgid "In other situations, it is more convenient to specify the list of packages needed in the environment. For example, the following command runs @command{python} from an environment containing Python@tie{}3 and NumPy:"
msgstr "In anderen Situationen ist es bequemer, aufzulisten, welche Pakete in der Umgebung benötigt werden. Zum Beispiel führt der folgende Befehl @command{python} aus einer Umgebung heraus aus, in der Python@tie{}3 und NumPy enthalten sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6112
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --ad-hoc python-numpy python -- python3\n"
msgstr "guix environment --ad-hoc python-numpy python -- python3\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6123
msgid "Furthermore, one might want the dependencies of a package and also some additional packages that are not build-time or runtime dependencies, but are useful when developing nonetheless. Because of this, the @option{--ad-hoc} flag is positional. Packages appearing before @option{--ad-hoc} are interpreted as packages whose dependencies will be added to the environment. Packages appearing after are interpreted as packages that will be added to the environment directly. For example, the following command creates a Guix development environment that additionally includes Git and strace:"
msgstr "Man kann auch sowohl die Abhängigkeiten eines Pakets haben wollen, als auch ein paar zusätzliche Pakete, die nicht Erstellungs- oder Laufzeitabhängigkeiten davon sind, aber trotzdem bei der Entwicklung nützlich sind. Deshalb hängt die Wirkung von der Position der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--ad-hoc} ab. Pakete, die links von @option{--ad-hoc} stehen, werden als Pakete interpretiert, deren Abhängigkeiten zur Umgebung hinzugefügt werden. Pakete, die rechts stehen, werden selbst zur Umgebung hinzugefügt. Zum Beispiel erzeugt der folgende Befehl eine Guix-Entwicklungsumgebung, die zusätzlich Git und strace umfasst:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6126
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --pure guix --ad-hoc git strace\n"
msgstr "guix environment --pure guix --ad-hoc git strace\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6136
msgid "Sometimes it is desirable to isolate the environment as much as possible, for maximal purity and reproducibility. In particular, when using Guix on a host distro that is not Guix System, it is desirable to prevent access to @file{/usr/bin} and other system-wide resources from the development environment. For example, the following command spawns a Guile REPL in a ``container'' where only the store and the current working directory are mounted:"
msgstr "Manchmal ist es wünschenswert, die Umgebung so viel wie möglich zu isolieren, um maximale Reinheit und Reproduzierbarkeit zu bekommen. Insbesondere ist es wünschenswert, den Zugriff auf @file{/usr/bin} und andere Systemressourcen aus der Entwicklungsumgebung heraus zu verhindern, wenn man Guix auf einer fremden Wirtsdistribution benutzt, die nicht Guix System ist. Zum Beispiel startet der folgende Befehl eine Guile-REPL in einer isolierten Umgebung, einem sogenannten „Container“, in der nur der Store und das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis eingebunden sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6139
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --ad-hoc --container guile -- guile\n"
msgstr "guix environment --ad-hoc --container guile -- guile\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6143
msgid "The @option{--container} option requires Linux-libre 3.19 or newer."
msgstr "Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--container} funktioniert nur mit Linux-libre 3.19 oder neuer."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6145
#, no-wrap
msgid "certificates"
msgstr "Zertifikate"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6152
msgid "Another typical use case for containers is to run security-sensitive applications such as a web browser. To run Eolie, we must expose and share some files and directories; we include @code{nss-certs} and expose @file{/etc/ssl/certs/} for HTTPS authentication; finally we preserve the @env{DISPLAY} environment variable since containerized graphical applications won't display without it."
msgstr "Ein weiterer typischer Anwendungsfall für Container ist, gegenüber Sicherheitslücken anfällige Anwendungen auszuführen, z.B.@: Webbrowser. Um Eolie auszuführen, müssen wir den Zugriff auf manche Dateien und Verzeichnisse über @option{--expose} und @option{--share} gewähren. Wir lassen @code{nss-certs} bereitstellen und machen @file{/etc/ssl/certs/} für die HTTPS-Authentifizierung sichtbar. Zu guter Letzt behalten wir die @env{DISPLAY}-Umgebungsvariable bei, weil isolierte grafische Anwendungen ohne sie nicht angezeigt werden können."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6159
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix environment --preserve='^DISPLAY$' --container --network \\\n"
@@ -13530,89 +13697,89 @@ msgstr ""
" --ad-hoc eolie nss-certs dbus -- eolie\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6168
msgid "Set up the environment and check whether the shell would clobber environment variables. @xref{Invoking guix shell, @option{--check}}, for more info."
msgstr "Hiermit wird die Umgebung angelegt und gemeldet, ob die Shell Umgebungsvariable überschreiben würde. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell, @option{--check}} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6184
msgid "When this option is omitted, the environment is protected from garbage collection only for the duration of the @command{guix environment} session. This means that next time you recreate the same environment, you could have to rebuild or re-download packages. @xref{Invoking guix gc}, for more on GC roots."
msgstr "Wird diese Option weggelassen, ist die Umgebung nur, solange die Sitzung von @command{guix environment} besteht, vor dem Müllsammler sicher. Das bedeutet, wenn Sie das nächste Mal dieselbe Umgebung neu erzeugen, müssen Sie vielleicht Pakete neu erstellen oder neu herunterladen. @ref{Invoking guix gc} hat mehr Informationen über Müllsammlerwurzeln."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6194
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment -e '(@@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'\n"
msgstr "guix environment -e '(@@ (gnu packages maths) petsc-openmpi)'\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6203
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(@@ (gnu) %base-packages)'\n"
msgstr "guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(@@ (gnu) %base-packages)'\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6212
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(list (@@ (gnu packages bash) bash) \"include\")'\n"
msgstr "guix environment --ad-hoc -e '(list (@@ (gnu packages bash) bash) \"include\")'\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6214
#, no-wrap
msgid "--load=@var{file}"
msgstr "--load=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6215
#, no-wrap
msgid "-l @var{file}"
msgstr "-l @var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6218
msgid "Create an environment for the package or list of packages that the code within @var{file} evaluates to."
msgstr "Eine Umgebung erstellen für das Paket oder die Liste von Paketen, zu der der Code in der @var{Datei} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6236
#, no-wrap
msgid "--ad-hoc"
msgstr "--ad-hoc"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6241
msgid "Include all specified packages in the resulting environment, as if an @i{ad hoc} package were defined with them as inputs. This option is useful for quickly creating an environment without having to write a package expression to contain the desired inputs."
msgstr "Alle angegebenen Pakete in der resultierenden Umgebung einschließen, als wären sie Eingaben eines @i{ad hoc} definierten Pakets. Diese Befehlszeilenoption ist nützlich, um schnell Umgebungen aufzusetzen, ohne dafür einen Paketausdruck schreiben zu müssen, der die gewünschten Eingaben enthält."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6243
msgid "For instance, the command:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird mit diesem Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6246
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --ad-hoc guile guile-sdl -- guile\n"
msgstr "guix environment --ad-hoc guile guile-sdl -- guile\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6250
msgid "runs @command{guile} in an environment where Guile and Guile-SDL are available."
msgstr "@command{guile} in einer Umgebung ausgeführt, in der sowohl Guile als auch Guile-SDL zur Verfügung stehen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6255
msgid "Note that this example implicitly asks for the default output of @code{guile} and @code{guile-sdl}, but it is possible to ask for a specific output---e.g., @code{glib:bin} asks for the @code{bin} output of @code{glib} (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass in diesem Beispiel implizit die vorgegebene Ausgabe von @code{guile} und @code{guile-sdl} verwendet wird, es aber auch möglich ist, eine bestimmte Ausgabe auszuwählen@tie{}— z.B.@: wird mit @code{glib:bin} die Ausgabe @code{bin} von @code{glib} gewählt (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6261
msgid "This option may be composed with the default behavior of @command{guix environment}. Packages appearing before @option{--ad-hoc} are interpreted as packages whose dependencies will be added to the environment, the default behavior. Packages appearing after are interpreted as packages that will be added to the environment directly."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann mit dem standardmäßigen Verhalten von @command{guix environment} verbunden werden. Pakete, die vor @option{--ad-hoc} aufgeführt werden, werden als Pakete interpretiert, deren Abhängigkeiten zur Umgebung hinzugefügt werden, was dem standardmäßigen Verhalten entspricht. Pakete, die danach aufgeführt werden, werden selbst zur Umgebung hinzugefügt."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6283
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix environment --pure --preserve=^SLURM --ad-hoc openmpi @dots{} \\\n"
@@ -13622,12 +13789,12 @@ msgstr ""
" -- mpirun …\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6326
msgid "For containers, link the environment profile to @file{~/.guix-profile} within the container and set @code{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} to that. This is equivalent to making @file{~/.guix-profile} a symlink to the actual profile within the container. Linking will fail and abort the environment if the directory already exists, which will certainly be the case if @command{guix environment} was invoked in the user's home directory."
msgstr "Bei isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) wird das Umgebungsprofil im Container als @file{~/.guix-profile} verknüpft und @file{~/.guix-profile} dann in @code{GUIX_ENVIRONMENT} gespeichert. Das ist äquivalent dazu, @file{~/.guix-profile} im Container zu einer symbolischen Verknüpfung auf das tatsächliche Profil zu machen. Wenn das Verzeichnis bereits existiert, schlägt das Verknüpfen fehl und die Umgebung wird nicht hergestellt. Dieser Fehler wird immer eintreten, wenn @command{guix environment} im persönlichen Verzeichnis des Benutzers aufgerufen wurde."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6353
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# will expose paths as /home/foo/wd, /home/foo/test, and /home/foo/target\n"
@@ -13643,68 +13810,68 @@ msgstr ""
" --expose=/tmp/target=$HOME/target\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6381
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix environment --container --expose=$HOME=/exchange --ad-hoc guile -- guile\n"
msgstr "guix environment --container --expose=$HOME=/austausch --ad-hoc guile -- guile\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6389
msgid "@command{guix environment} also supports all of the common build options that @command{guix build} supports (@pxref{Common Build Options}) as well as package transformation options (@pxref{Package Transformation Options})."
msgstr "@command{guix environment} unterstützt auch alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen, die von @command{guix build} unterstützt werden (siehe @ref{Common Build Options}), und die Paketumwandlungsoptionen (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6391
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix pack}"
msgstr "@command{guix pack} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6397
msgid "Occasionally you want to pass software to people who are not (yet!) lucky enough to be using Guix. You'd tell them to run @command{guix package -i @var{something}}, but that's not possible in this case. This is where @command{guix pack} comes in."
msgstr "Manchmal möchten Sie Software an Leute weitergeben, die (noch!) nicht das Glück haben, Guix zu benutzen. Mit Guix würden sie nur @command{guix package -i @var{irgendetwas}} einzutippen brauchen, aber wenn sie kein Guix haben, muss es anders gehen. Hier kommt @command{guix pack} ins Spiel."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6402
msgid "If you are looking for ways to exchange binaries among machines that already run Guix, @pxref{Invoking guix copy}, @ref{Invoking guix publish}, and @ref{Invoking guix archive}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie aber nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, Binärdateien unter Maschinen auszutauschen, auf denen Guix bereits läuft, sollten Sie einen Blick auf die Abschnitte @ref{Invoking guix copy}, @ref{Invoking guix publish} und @ref{Invoking guix archive} werfen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6404
#, no-wrap
msgid "pack"
msgstr "Pack"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6405
#, no-wrap
msgid "bundle"
msgstr "Bündel"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6406
#, no-wrap
msgid "application bundle"
msgstr "Anwendungsbündel"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6407
#, no-wrap
msgid "software bundle"
msgstr "Software-Bündel"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6416
msgid "The @command{guix pack} command creates a shrink-wrapped @dfn{pack} or @dfn{software bundle}: it creates a tarball or some other archive containing the binaries of the software you're interested in, and all its dependencies. The resulting archive can be used on any machine that does not have Guix, and people can run the exact same binaries as those you have with Guix. The pack itself is created in a bit-reproducible fashion, so anyone can verify that it really contains the build results that you pretend to be shipping."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix pack} erzeugt ein gut verpacktes @dfn{Software-Bündel}: Konkret wird dadurch ein Tarball oder eine andere Art von Archiv mit den Binärdateien der Software erzeugt, die Sie sich gewünscht haben, zusammen mit all ihren Abhängigkeiten. Der resultierende Archiv kann auch auf jeder Maschine genutzt werden, die kein Guix hat, und jeder kann damit genau dieselben Binärdateien benutzen, die Ihnen unter Guix zur Verfügung stehen. Das Bündel wird dabei auf eine Bit für Bit reproduzierbare Art erzeugt, damit auch jeder nachprüfen kann, dass darin wirklich diejenigen Binärdateien enthalten sind, von denen Sie es behaupten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6419
msgid "For example, to create a bundle containing Guile, Emacs, Geiser, and all their dependencies, you can run:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel ein Bündel mit Guile, Emacs, Geiser und all ihren Abhängigkeiten zu erzeugen, führen Sie diesen Befehl aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6424
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix pack guile emacs emacs-geiser\n"
@@ -13716,61 +13883,61 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6432
msgid "The result here is a tarball containing a @file{/gnu/store} directory with all the relevant packages. The resulting tarball contains a @dfn{profile} with the three packages of interest; the profile is the same as would be created by @command{guix package -i}. It is this mechanism that is used to create Guix's own standalone binary tarball (@pxref{Binary Installation})."
msgstr "Als Ergebnis erhalten Sie einen Tarball mit einem Verzeichnis @file{/gnu/store}, worin sich alles relevanten Pakete befinden. Der resultierende Tarball enthält auch ein @dfn{Profil} mit den drei angegebenen Paketen; es ist dieselbe Art von Profil, die auch @command{guix package -i} erzeugen würde. Mit diesem Mechanismus wird auch der binäre Tarball zur Installation von Guix erzeugt (siehe @ref{Binary Installation})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6437
msgid "Users of this pack would have to run @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/bin/guile} to run Guile, which you may find inconvenient. To work around it, you can create, say, a @file{/opt/gnu/bin} symlink to the profile:"
msgstr "Benutzer des Bündels müssten dann aber zum Beispiel @file{/gnu/store/…-profile/bin/guile} eintippen, um Guile auszuführen, was Ihnen zu unbequem sein könnte. Ein Ausweg wäre, dass Sie etwa eine symbolische Verknüpfung @file{/opt/gnu/bin} auf das Profil anlegen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6440
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -S /opt/gnu/bin=bin guile emacs emacs-geiser\n"
msgstr "guix pack -S /opt/gnu/bin=bin guile emacs emacs-geiser\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6444
msgid "That way, users can happily type @file{/opt/gnu/bin/guile} and enjoy."
msgstr "Benutzer müssten dann nur noch @file{/opt/gnu/bin/guile} eintippen, um Guile zu genießen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6445
#, no-wrap
msgid "relocatable binaries, with @command{guix pack}"
msgstr "verschiebliche Binärdateien, mit @command{guix pack}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6453
msgid "What if the recipient of your pack does not have root privileges on their machine, and thus cannot unpack it in the root file system? In that case, you will want to use the @option{--relocatable} option (see below). This option produces @dfn{relocatable binaries}, meaning they they can be placed anywhere in the file system hierarchy: in the example above, users can unpack your tarball in their home directory and directly run @file{./opt/gnu/bin/guile}."
msgstr "Doch was ist, wenn die Empfängerin Ihres Bündels keine Administratorrechte auf ihrer Maschine hat, das Bündel also nicht ins Wurzelverzeichnis ihres Dateisystems entpacken kann? Dann möchten Sie vielleicht die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--relocatable} benutzen (siehe weiter unten). Mit dieser Option werden @dfn{verschiebliche Binärdateien} erzeugt, die auch in einem beliebigen anderen Verzeichnis in der Dateisystemhierarchie abgelegt und von dort ausgeführt werden können. Man könnte sagen, sie sind pfad-agnostisch. In obigem Beispiel würden Benutzer Ihren Tarball in ihr Persönliches Verzeichnis (das „Home“-Verzeichnis) entpacken und von dort den Befehl @file{./opt/gnu/bin/guile} ausführen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6454
#, no-wrap
msgid "Docker, build an image with guix pack"
msgstr "Docker, ein Abbild erstellen mit guix pack"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6457
msgid "Alternatively, you can produce a pack in the Docker image format using the following command:"
msgstr "Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, das Bündel im Format eines Docker-Abbilds (englisch Docker-Image) zu erzeugen. Das geht mit dem folgenden Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6460
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -f docker -S /bin=bin guile guile-readline\n"
msgstr "guix pack -f docker -S /bin=bin guile guile-readline\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6465
msgid "The result is a tarball that can be passed to the @command{docker load} command, followed by @code{docker run}:"
msgstr "Das Ergebnis ist ein Tarball, der dem Befehl @command{docker load} übergeben werden kann, gefolgt von @code{docker run}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6469
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"docker load < @var{file}\n"
@@ -13780,169 +13947,169 @@ msgstr ""
"docker run -ti guile-guile-readline /bin/guile\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6476
msgid "where @var{file} is the image returned by @var{guix pack}, and @code{guile-guile-readline} is its ``image tag''. See the @uref{https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/load/, Docker documentation} for more information."
msgstr "Dabei steht @var{Datei} für das durch @var{guix pack} gelieferte Abbild und @code{guile-guile-readline} für den „Image-Tag“, der diesem zugewiesen wurde. In der @uref{https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/load/, Dokumentation von Docker} finden Sie nähere Informationen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6477
#, no-wrap
msgid "Singularity, build an image with guix pack"
msgstr "Singularity, ein Abbild erstellen mit guix pack"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6478
#, no-wrap
msgid "SquashFS, build an image with guix pack"
msgstr "SquashFS, ein Abbild erstellen mit guix pack"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6481
msgid "Yet another option is to produce a SquashFS image with the following command:"
msgstr "Und noch eine weitere Möglichkeit ist, dass Sie ein SquashFS-Abbild mit folgendem Befehl erzeugen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6484
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -f squashfs bash guile emacs emacs-geiser\n"
msgstr "guix pack -f squashfs bash guile emacs emacs-geiser\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6492
msgid "The result is a SquashFS file system image that can either be mounted or directly be used as a file system container image with the @uref{https://www.sylabs.io/docs/, Singularity container execution environment}, using commands like @command{singularity shell} or @command{singularity exec}."
msgstr "Das Ergebnis ist ein SquashFS-Dateisystemabbild, dass entweder als Dateisystem eingebunden oder mit Hilfe der @uref{https://www.sylabs.io/docs/, Singularity-Container-Ausführungsumgebung} als Dateisystemcontainer benutzt werden kann, mit Befehlen wie @command{singularity shell} oder @command{singularity exec}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6494
msgid "Several command-line options allow you to customize your pack:"
msgstr "Es gibt mehrere Befehlszeilenoptionen, mit denen Sie Ihr Bündel anpassen können:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6499
msgid "Produce a pack in the given @var{format}."
msgstr "Generiert ein Bündel im angegebenen @var{Format}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6501
msgid "The available formats are:"
msgstr "Die verfügbaren Formate sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6503
#, no-wrap
msgid "tarball"
msgstr "tarball"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6506
msgid "This is the default format. It produces a tarball containing all the specified binaries and symlinks."
msgstr "Das standardmäßig benutzte Format. Damit wird ein Tarball generiert, der alle angegebenen Binärdateien und symbolischen Verknüpfungen enthält."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6507
#, no-wrap
msgid "docker"
msgstr "docker"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6513
msgid "This produces a tarball that follows the @uref{https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md, Docker Image Specification}. The ``repository name'' as it appears in the output of the @command{docker images} command is computed from package names passed on the command line or in the manifest file."
msgstr "Generiert einen Tarball gemäß der @uref{https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/image/spec/v1.2.md, Spezifikation für Docker-Abbilder}. Der „Repository-Name“, wie er in der Ausgabe des Befehls @command{docker images} erscheint, wird anhand der Paketnamen berechnet, die auf der Befehlszeile oder in der Manifest-Datei angegeben wurden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6514
#, no-wrap
msgid "squashfs"
msgstr "squashfs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6518
msgid "This produces a SquashFS image containing all the specified binaries and symlinks, as well as empty mount points for virtual file systems like procfs."
msgstr "Generiert ein SquashFS-Abbild, das alle angegebenen Binärdateien und symbolischen Verknüpfungen enthält, sowie leere Einhängepunkte für virtuelle Dateisysteme wie procfs."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6524
msgid "Singularity @emph{requires} you to provide @file{/bin/sh} in the image. For that reason, @command{guix pack -f squashfs} always implies @code{-S /bin=bin}. Thus, your @command{guix pack} invocation must always start with something like:"
msgstr "Für Singularity @emph{müssen} Sie eine @file{/bin/sh} in das Abbild aufnehmen. Aus diesem Grund gilt für @command{guix pack -f squashfs} implizit immer auch @code{-S /bin=bin}. Daher muss Ihr Aufruf von @command{guix pack} immer ungefähr so beginnen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6527
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -f squashfs bash @dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix pack -f squashfs bash …\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6532
msgid "If you forget the @code{bash} (or similar) package, @command{singularity run} and @command{singularity exec} will fail with an unhelpful ``no such file or directory'' message."
msgstr "Wenn Sie vergessen, das @code{bash}-Paket (oder etwas Ähnliches) zu bündeln, werden @command{singularity run} und @command{singularity exec} mit der wenig hilfreichen Meldung „Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden“ scheitern."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6534
#, no-wrap
msgid "deb"
msgstr "deb"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6542
msgid "This produces a Debian archive (a package with the @samp{.deb} file extension) containing all the specified binaries and symbolic links, that can be installed on top of any dpkg-based GNU(/Linux) distribution. Advanced options can be revealed via the @option{--help-deb-format} option. They allow embedding control files for more fine-grained control, such as activating specific triggers or providing a maintainer configure script to run arbitrary setup code upon installation."
msgstr "Hiermit wird ein Debian-Archiv erzeugt (ein Paket mit der Dateinamenserweiterung „@code{.deb}“), in dem alle angegebenen Binärdateien und symbolischen Verknüpfungen enthalten sind. Es kann auf jeder dpkg-basierten GNU(/Linux)-Distribution installiert werden. Fortgeschrittene Optionen werden Ihnen angezeigt, wenn Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--help-deb-format} angeben. Mit jenen können Control-Dateien hinzugefügt werden für eine genaue Steuerung z.B.@: welche bestimmten Trigger aktiviert werden oder um mit einem Betreuerskript beliebigen Konfigurations-Code einzufügen, der bei Installation ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6545
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -f deb -C xz -S /usr/bin/hello=bin/hello hello\n"
msgstr "guix pack -f deb -C xz -S /usr/bin/hello=bin/hello hello\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6552
msgid "Because archives produced with @command{guix pack} contain a collection of store items and because each @command{dpkg} package must not have conflicting files, in practice that means you likely won't be able to install more than one such archive on a given system."
msgstr "Weil in den mit @command{guix pack} erzeugten Archiven eine Ansammlung von Store-Objekten enthalten ist und weil in jedem @command{dpkg}-Paket keine im Konflikt stehenden Dateien enthalten sein dürfen, können Sie @i{de facto} wahrscheinlich nur ein einziges mit @command{guix pack} erzeugtes „@code{.deb}“-Archiv je System installieren."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6560
msgid "@command{dpkg} will assume ownership of any files contained in the pack that it does @emph{not} know about. It is unwise to install Guix-produced @samp{.deb} files on a system where @file{/gnu/store} is shared by other software, such as a Guix installation or other, non-deb packs."
msgstr "@command{dpkg} übernimmt die Zuständigkeit für alle Dateien, die im Bündel enthalten sind, auch wenn es die Dateien @emph{nicht} kennt. Es ist unklug, mit Guix erzeugte „@code{.deb}“-Dateien auf einem System zu installieren, auf dem @file{/gnu/store} bereits von anderer Software verwendet wird, also wenn z.B.@: Guix bereits installiert ist oder andere Nicht-@code{deb}-Bündel installiert sind."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6564
#, no-wrap
msgid "relocatable binaries"
msgstr "verschiebliche Binärdateien"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6565
#, no-wrap
msgid "--relocatable"
msgstr "--relocatable"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6569
msgid "Produce @dfn{relocatable binaries}---i.e., binaries that can be placed anywhere in the file system hierarchy and run from there."
msgstr "Erzeugt @dfn{verschiebliche Binärdateien}@tie{}— also pfad-agnostische, „portable“ Binärdateien, die an einer beliebigen Stelle in der Dateisystemhierarchie platziert und von dort ausgeführt werden können."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6577
msgid "When this option is passed once, the resulting binaries require support for @dfn{user namespaces} in the kernel Linux; when passed @emph{twice}@footnote{Here's a trick to memorize it: @code{-RR}, which adds PRoot support, can be thought of as the abbreviation of ``Really Relocatable''. Neat, isn't it?}, relocatable binaries fall to back to other techniques if user namespaces are unavailable, and essentially work anywhere---see below for the implications."
msgstr "Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption einmal übergeben wird, funktionieren die erzeugten Binärdateien nur dann, wenn @dfn{Benutzernamensräume} des Linux-Kernels unterstützt werden. Wenn sie @emph{zweimal}@footnote{Es gibt einen Trick, wie Sie sich das merken können: @code{-RR}, womit PRoot-Unterstützung hinzugefügt wird, kann man sich als Abkürzung für „Rundum Relocatable“ oder englisch „Really Relocatable“ vorstellen. Ist das nicht prima?} übergeben wird, laufen die Binärdateien notfalls mit anderen Methoden, wenn keine Benutzernamensräume zur Verfügung stehen, funktionieren also ziemlich überall@tie{}— siehe unten für die Auswirkungen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6579
msgid "For example, if you create a pack containing Bash with:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel können Sie ein Bash enthalltendes Bündel erzeugen mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6582
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -RR -S /mybin=bin bash\n"
msgstr "guix pack -RR -S /meine-bin=bin bash\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6587
msgid "...@: you can copy that pack to a machine that lacks Guix, and from your home directory as a normal user, run:"
msgstr "…@: Sie können dieses dann auf eine Maschine ohne Guix kopieren und als normaler Nutzer aus Ihrem Persönlichen Verzeichnis (auch „Home“-Verzeichnis genannt) dann ausführen mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6591
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"tar xf pack.tar.gz\n"
@@ -13952,121 +14119,121 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6599
msgid "In that shell, if you type @code{ls /gnu/store}, you'll notice that @file{/gnu/store} shows up and contains all the dependencies of @code{bash}, even though the machine actually lacks @file{/gnu/store} altogether! That is probably the simplest way to deploy Guix-built software on a non-Guix machine."
msgstr "Wenn Sie in der so gestarteten Shell dann @code{ls /gnu/store} eintippen, sehen Sie, dass Ihnen angezeigt wird, in @file{/gnu/store} befänden sich alle Abhängigkeiten von @code{bash}, obwohl auf der Maschine überhaupt kein Verzeichnis @file{/gnu/store} existiert! Dies ist vermutlich die einfachste Art, mit Guix erstellte Software für eine Maschine ohne Guix auszuliefern."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6605
msgid "By default, relocatable binaries rely on the @dfn{user namespace} feature of the kernel Linux, which allows unprivileged users to mount or change root. Old versions of Linux did not support it, and some GNU/Linux distributions turn it off."
msgstr "Wenn die Voreinstellung verwendet wird, funktionieren verschiebliche Binärdateien nur mit @dfn{Benutzernamensräumen} (englisch @dfn{User namespaces}), einer Funktionalität des Linux-Kernels, mit der Benutzer ohne besondere Berechtigungen Dateisysteme einbinden (englisch „mount“) oder die Wurzel des Dateisystems wechseln können („change root“, kurz „chroot“). Alte Versionen von Linux haben diese Funktionalität noch nicht unterstützt und manche Distributionen von GNU/Linux schalten sie ab."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6611
msgid "To produce relocatable binaries that work even in the absence of user namespaces, pass @option{--relocatable} or @option{-R} @emph{twice}. In that case, binaries will try user namespace support and fall back to another @dfn{execution engine} if user namespaces are not supported. The following execution engines are supported:"
msgstr "Um verschiebliche Binärdateien zu erzeugen, die auch ohne Benutzernamensräume funktionieren, können Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--relocatable} oder @option{-R} @emph{zweimal} angeben. In diesem Fall werden die Binärdateien zuerst überprüfen, ob Benutzernamensräume unterstützt werden, und sonst notfalls einen anderen @dfn{Ausführungstreiber} benutzen, um das Programm auszuführen, wenn Benutzernamensräume nicht unterstützt werden. Folgende Ausführungstreiber werden unterstützt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6548 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6613 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17858
#, no-wrap
msgid "default"
msgstr "default"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6616
msgid "Try user namespaces and fall back to PRoot if user namespaces are not supported (see below)."
msgstr "Es wird versucht, Benutzernamensräume zu verwenden. Sind Benutzernamensräume nicht verfügbar (siehe unten), wird auf PRoot zurückgegriffen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6617
#, no-wrap
msgid "performance"
msgstr "performance"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6620
msgid "Try user namespaces and fall back to Fakechroot if user namespaces are not supported (see below)."
msgstr "Es wird versucht, Benutzernamensräume zu verwenden. Sind Benutzernamensräume nicht verfügbar (siehe unten), wird auf Fakechroot zurückgegriffen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6621
#, no-wrap
msgid "userns"
msgstr "userns"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6624
msgid "Run the program through user namespaces and abort if they are not supported."
msgstr "Das Programm wird mit Hilfe von Benutzernamensräumen ausgeführt. Wenn sie nicht unterstützt werden, bricht das Programm ab."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6625
#, no-wrap
msgid "proot"
msgstr "proot"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6632
msgid "Run through PRoot. The @uref{https://proot-me.github.io/, PRoot} program provides the necessary support for file system virtualization. It achieves that by using the @code{ptrace} system call on the running program. This approach has the advantage to work without requiring special kernel support, but it incurs run-time overhead every time a system call is made."
msgstr "Durch PRoot ausführen. Das Programm @uref{https://proot-me.github.io/, PRoot} bietet auch Unterstützung für Dateisystemvirtualisierung, indem der Systemaufruf @code{ptrace} auf das laufende Programm angewendet wird. Dieser Ansatz funktioniert auch ohne besondere Kernel-Unterstützung, aber das Programm braucht mehr Zeit, um selbst Systemaufrufe durchzuführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6633
#, no-wrap
msgid "fakechroot"
msgstr "fakechroot"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6641
msgid "Run through Fakechroot. @uref{https://github.com/dex4er/fakechroot/, Fakechroot} virtualizes file system accesses by intercepting calls to C library functions such as @code{open}, @code{stat}, @code{exec}, and so on. Unlike PRoot, it incurs very little overhead. However, it does not always work: for example, some file system accesses made from within the C library are not intercepted, and file system accesses made @i{via} direct syscalls are not intercepted either, leading to erratic behavior."
msgstr "Durch Fakechroot laufen lassen. @uref{https://github.com/dex4er/fakechroot/, Fakechroot} virtualisiert Dateisystemzugriffe, indem Aufrufe von Funktionen der C-Bibliothek wie @code{open}, @code{stat}, @code{exec} und so weiter abgefangen werden. Anders als bei PRoot entsteht dabei kaum Mehraufwand. Jedoch funktioniert das nicht immer, zum Beispiel werden manche Dateisystemzugriffe aus der C-Bibliothek heraus @emph{nicht} abgefangen, ebenso wenig wie Dateisystemaufrufe über direkte Systemaufrufe, was zu fehlerbehaftetem Verhalten führt."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6643
#, no-wrap
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6647
msgid "When running a wrapped program, you can explicitly request one of the execution engines listed above by setting the @env{GUIX_EXECUTION_ENGINE} environment variable accordingly."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein verpacktes Programm ausführen, können Sie einen der oben angeführten Ausführungstreiber ausdrücklich anfordern, indem Sie die Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_EXECUTION_ENGINE} entsprechend festlegen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6649
#, no-wrap
msgid "entry point, for Docker images"
msgstr "Einsprungpunkt, für Docker-Abbilder"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6650
#, no-wrap
msgid "--entry-point=@var{command}"
msgstr "--entry-point=@var{Befehl}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6655
msgid "Use @var{command} as the @dfn{entry point} of the resulting pack, if the pack format supports it---currently @code{docker} and @code{squashfs} (Singularity) support it. @var{command} must be relative to the profile contained in the pack."
msgstr "Den @var{Befehl} als den @dfn{Einsprungpunkt} des erzeugten Bündels verwenden, wenn das Bündelformat einen solchen unterstützt@tie{}— derzeit tun das @code{docker} und @code{squashfs} (Singularity). Der @var{Befehl} wird relativ zum Profil ausgeführt, das sich im Bündel befindet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6659
msgid "The entry point specifies the command that tools like @code{docker run} or @code{singularity run} automatically start by default. For example, you can do:"
msgstr "Der Einsprungpunkt gibt den Befehl an, der mit @code{docker run} oder @code{singularity run} beim Start nach Voreinstellung automatisch ausgeführt wird. Zum Beispiel können Sie das hier benutzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6662
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix pack -f docker --entry-point=bin/guile guile\n"
msgstr "guix pack -f docker --entry-point=bin/guile guile\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6666
msgid "The resulting pack can easily be loaded and @code{docker run} with no extra arguments will spawn @code{bin/guile}:"
msgstr "Dann kann das erzeugte Bündel mit z.B.@: @code{docker run} ohne weitere Befehlszeilenargumente einfach geladen und ausgeführt werden, um @code{bin/guile} zu starten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6670
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"docker load -i pack.tar.gz\n"
@@ -14076,398 +14243,398 @@ msgstr ""
"docker run @var{Abbild-ID}\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6610 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12497
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6675 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13906
msgid "Consider the package @var{expr} evaluates to."
msgstr "Als Paket benutzen, wozu der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6679
msgid "This has the same purpose as the same-named option in @command{guix build} (@pxref{Additional Build Options, @option{--expression} in @command{guix build}})."
msgstr "Der Zweck hiervon ist derselbe wie bei der gleichnamigen Befehlszeilenoption in @command{guix build} (siehe @ref{Additional Build Options, @option{--expression} in @command{guix build}})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6685
msgid "Use the packages contained in the manifest object returned by the Scheme code in @var{file}. This option can be repeated several times, in which case the manifests are concatenated."
msgstr "Die Pakete benutzen, die im Manifest-Objekt aufgeführt sind, das vom Scheme-Code in der angegebenen @var{Datei} geliefert wird. Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption mehrmals wiederholt angegeben wird, werden die Manifeste aneinandergehängt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6693
msgid "This has a similar purpose as the same-named option in @command{guix package} (@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) and uses the same manifest files. It allows you to define a collection of packages once and use it both for creating profiles and for creating archives for use on machines that do not have Guix installed. Note that you can specify @emph{either} a manifest file @emph{or} a list of packages, but not both."
msgstr "Dies hat einen ähnlichen Zweck wie die gleichnamige Befehlszeilenoption in @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) und benutzt dieselben Regeln für Manifest-Dateien. Damit können Sie eine Reihe von Paketen einmal definieren und dann sowohl zum Erzeugen von Profilesn als auch zum Erzeugen von Archiven benutzen, letztere für Maschinen, auf denen Guix nicht installiert ist. Beachten Sie, dass Sie @emph{entweder} eine Manifest-Datei @emph{oder} eine Liste von Paketen angeben können, aber nicht beides."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6634 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6699 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11957
#, no-wrap
msgid "--target=@var{triplet}"
msgstr "--target=@var{Tripel}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6635 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7080
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6700 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11958
#, no-wrap
msgid "cross-compilation"
msgstr "Cross-Kompilieren"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6704
msgid "Cross-build for @var{triplet}, which must be a valid GNU triplet, such as @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} (@pxref{Specifying target triplets, GNU configuration triplets,, autoconf, Autoconf})."
msgstr "Lässt für das angegebene @var{Tripel} cross-erstellen, dieses muss ein gültiges GNU-Tripel wie z.B.@: @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} sein (siehe @ref{Specifying target triplets, GNU-Konfigurationstripel,, autoconf, Autoconf})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6705
#, no-wrap
msgid "--compression=@var{tool}"
msgstr "--compression=@var{Werkzeug}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6706
#, no-wrap
msgid "-C @var{tool}"
msgstr "-C @var{Werkzeug}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6710
msgid "Compress the resulting tarball using @var{tool}---one of @code{gzip}, @code{zstd}, @code{bzip2}, @code{xz}, @code{lzip}, or @code{none} for no compression."
msgstr "Komprimiert den resultierenden Tarball mit dem angegebenen @var{Werkzeug}@tie{}— dieses kann @code{gzip}, @code{zstd}, @code{bzip2}, @code{xz}, @code{lzip} oder @code{none} für keine Kompression sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6711
#, no-wrap
msgid "--symlink=@var{spec}"
msgstr "--symlink=@var{Spezifikation}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6712
#, no-wrap
msgid "-S @var{spec}"
msgstr "-S @var{Spezifikation}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6715
msgid "Add the symlinks specified by @var{spec} to the pack. This option can appear several times."
msgstr "Fügt die in der @var{Spezifikation} festgelegten symbolischen Verknüpfungen zum Bündel hinzu. Diese Befehlszeilenoption darf mehrmals vorkommen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6719
msgid "@var{spec} has the form @code{@var{source}=@var{target}}, where @var{source} is the symlink that will be created and @var{target} is the symlink target."
msgstr "Die @var{Spezifikation} muss von der Form @code{@var{Quellort}=@var{Zielort}} sein, wobei der @var{Quellort} der Ort der symbolischen Verknüpfung, die erstellt wird, und @var{Zielort} das Ziel der symbolischen Verknüpfung ist."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6722
msgid "For instance, @code{-S /opt/gnu/bin=bin} creates a @file{/opt/gnu/bin} symlink pointing to the @file{bin} sub-directory of the profile."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird mit @code{-S /opt/gnu/bin=bin} eine symbolische Verknüpfung @file{/opt/gnu/bin} auf das Unterverzeichnis @file{bin} im Profil erzeugt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6658 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6723 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35820
#, no-wrap
msgid "--save-provenance"
msgstr "--save-provenance"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6727
msgid "Save provenance information for the packages passed on the command line. Provenance information includes the URL and commit of the channels in use (@pxref{Channels})."
msgstr "Provenienzinformationen für die auf der Befehlszeile übergebenen Pakete speichern. Zu den Provenienzinformationen gehören die URL und der Commit jedes benutzten Kanals (siehe @ref{Channels})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6733
msgid "Provenance information is saved in the @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/manifest} file in the pack, along with the usual package metadata---the name and version of each package, their propagated inputs, and so on. It is useful information to the recipient of the pack, who then knows how the pack was (supposedly) obtained."
msgstr "Provenienzinformationen werden in der Datei @file{/gnu/store/…-profile/manifest} im Bündel zusammen mit den üblichen Paketmetadaten abgespeichert@tie{}— also Name und Version jedes Pakets, welche Eingaben dabei propagiert werden und so weiter. Die Informationen nützen den Empfängern des Bündels, weil sie dann wissen, woraus das Bündel (angeblich) besteht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6739
msgid "This option is not enabled by default because, like timestamps, provenance information contributes nothing to the build process. In other words, there is an infinity of channel URLs and commit IDs that can lead to the same pack. Recording such ``silent'' metadata in the output thus potentially breaks the source-to-binary bitwise reproducibility property."
msgstr "Der Vorgabe nach wird diese Befehlszeilenoption @emph{nicht} verwendet, weil Provenienzinformationen genau wie Zeitstempel nichts zum Erstellungsprozess beitragen. Mit anderen Worten gibt es unendlich viele Kanal-URLs und Commit-IDs, aus denen dasselbe Bündel stammen könnte. Wenn solche „stillen“ Metadaten Teil des Ausgabe sind, dann wird also die bitweise Reproduzierbarkeit von Quellcode zu Binärdateien eingeschränkt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6742
#, no-wrap
msgid "garbage collector root, for packs"
msgstr "Müllsammlerwurzel, für Bündel"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6745
msgid "Make @var{file} a symlink to the resulting pack, and register it as a garbage collector root."
msgstr "Die @var{Datei} zu einer symbolischen Verknüpfung auf das erzeugte Bündel machen und als Müllsammlerwurzel registrieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6746
#, no-wrap
msgid "--localstatedir"
msgstr "--localstatedir"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6747
#, no-wrap
msgid "--profile-name=@var{name}"
msgstr "--profile-name=@var{Name}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6752
msgid "Include the ``local state directory'', @file{/var/guix}, in the resulting pack, and notably the @file{/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/@var{name}} profile---by default @var{name} is @code{guix-profile}, which corresponds to @file{~root/.guix-profile}."
msgstr "Das „lokale Zustandsverzeichnis“ @file{/var/guix} ins resultierende Bündel aufnehmen, speziell auch das Profil @file{/var/guix/profiles/per-user/root/@var{Name}}@tie{}— der vorgegebene @var{Name} ist @code{guix-profile}, was @file{~root/.guix-profile} entspricht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6758
msgid "@file{/var/guix} contains the store database (@pxref{The Store}) as well as garbage-collector roots (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}). Providing it in the pack means that the store is ``complete'' and manageable by Guix; not providing it pack means that the store is ``dead'': items cannot be added to it or removed from it after extraction of the pack."
msgstr "@file{/var/guix} enthält die Store-Datenbank (siehe @ref{The Store}) sowie die Müllsammlerwurzeln (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}). Es ins Bündel aufzunehmen, bedeutet, dass der enthaltene Store „vollständig“ ist und von Guix verwaltet werden kann, andernfalls wäre der Store im Bündel „tot“ und nach dem Auspacken des Bündels könnte Guix keine Objekte mehr dort hinzufügen oder entfernen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6761
msgid "One use case for this is the Guix self-contained binary tarball (@pxref{Binary Installation})."
msgstr "Ein Anwendungsfall hierfür ist der eigenständige, alle Komponenten umfassende binäre Tarball von Guix (siehe @ref{Binary Installation})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6697 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6762 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35814
#, no-wrap
msgid "--derivation"
msgstr "--derivation"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6698 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11571
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6763 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35815
#, no-wrap
msgid "-d"
msgstr "-d"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6765
msgid "Print the name of the derivation that builds the pack."
msgstr "Den Namen der Ableitung ausgeben, die das Bündel erstellt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6769
msgid "Use the bootstrap binaries to build the pack. This option is only useful to Guix developers."
msgstr "Mit den Bootstrap-Binärdateien das Bündel erstellen. Diese Option ist nur für Guix-Entwickler nützlich."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6774
msgid "In addition, @command{guix pack} supports all the common build options (@pxref{Common Build Options}) and all the package transformation options (@pxref{Package Transformation Options})."
msgstr "Außerdem unterstützt @command{guix pack} alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen (siehe @ref{Common Build Options}) und alle Paketumwandlungsoptionen (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6779
#, no-wrap
msgid "GCC"
msgstr "GCC"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6780
#, no-wrap
msgid "ld-wrapper"
msgstr "ld-wrapper"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6781
#, no-wrap
msgid "linker wrapper"
msgstr "Wrapper für den Binder/Linker"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6782
#, no-wrap
msgid "toolchain, for C development"
msgstr "Toolchain, für die Entwicklung mit C"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6783
#, no-wrap
msgid "toolchain, for Fortran development"
msgstr "Toolchain, für die Entwicklung mit Fortran"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6790
msgid "If you need a complete toolchain for compiling and linking C or C++ source code, use the @code{gcc-toolchain} package. This package provides a complete GCC toolchain for C/C++ development, including GCC itself, the GNU C Library (headers and binaries, plus debugging symbols in the @code{debug} output), Binutils, and a linker wrapper."
msgstr "Wenn Sie einen vollständigen Werkzeugsatz zum Kompilieren und Binden von Quellcode in C oder C++ brauchen, werden Sie das Paket @code{gcc-toolchain} haben wollen. Das Paket bietet eine vollständige GCC-Toolchain für die Entwicklung mit C/C++, einschließlich GCC selbst, der GNU-C-Bibliothek (Header-Dateien und Binärdateien samt Symbolen zur Fehlersuche/Debugging in der @code{debug}-Ausgabe), Binutils und einen Wrapper für den Binder/Linker."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6796
msgid "The wrapper's purpose is to inspect the @code{-L} and @code{-l} switches passed to the linker, add corresponding @code{-rpath} arguments, and invoke the actual linker with this new set of arguments. You can instruct the wrapper to refuse to link against libraries not in the store by setting the @env{GUIX_LD_WRAPPER_ALLOW_IMPURITIES} environment variable to @code{no}."
msgstr "Der Zweck des Wrappers ist, die an den Binder übergebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen mit @code{-L} und @code{-l} zu überprüfen und jeweils passende Argumente mit @code{-rpath} anzufügen, womit dann der echte Binder aufgerufen wird. Standardmäßig weigert sich der Binder-Wrapper, mit Bibliotheken außerhalb des Stores zu binden, um „Reinheit“ zu gewährleisten. Das kann aber stören, wenn man die Toolchain benutzt, um mit lokalen Bibliotheken zu binden. Um Referenzen auf Bibliotheken außerhalb des Stores zu erlauben, müssen Sie die Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_LD_WRAPPER_ALLOW_IMPURITIES} setzen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6800
msgid "The package @code{gfortran-toolchain} provides a complete GCC toolchain for Fortran development. For other languages, please use @samp{guix search gcc toolchain} (@pxref{guix-search,, Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Das Paket @code{gfortran-toolchain} stellt eine vollständige GCC-Toolchain für die Entwicklung mit Fortran zur Verfügung. Pakete für die Entwicklung mit anderen Sprachen suchen Sie bitte mit @samp{guix search gcc toolchain} (siehe @ref{guix-search,, Invoking guix package})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6803
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix git authenticate}"
msgstr "@command{guix git authenticate} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6811
msgid "The @command{guix git authenticate} command authenticates a Git checkout following the same rule as for channels (@pxref{channel-authentication, channel authentication}). That is, starting from a given commit, it ensures that all subsequent commits are signed by an OpenPGP key whose fingerprint appears in the @file{.guix-authorizations} file of its parent commit(s)."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix git authenticate} authentifiziert ein Git-Checkout nach derselben Regel wie für Kanäle (siehe @ref{channel-authentication, Kanalauthentifizierung}). Das bedeutet, dass angefangen beim angegebenen Commit sichergestellt wird, dass alle nachfolgenden Commits mit einem OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert worden sind, dessen Fingerabdruck in der @file{.guix-authorizations}-Datei seines bzw.@: seiner jeweiligen Elterncommits aufgeführt ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6816
msgid "You will find this command useful if you maintain a channel. But in fact, this authentication mechanism is useful in a broader context, so you might want to use it for Git repositories that have nothing to do with Guix."
msgstr "Sie werden diesen Befehl zu schätzen wissen, wenn Sie einen Kanal betreuen. Tatsächlich ist dieser Authentifizierungsmechanismus aber auch bei weiteren Dingen nützlich; vielleicht möchten Sie ihn für Git-Repositorys einsetzen, die gar nichts mit Guix zu tun haben?"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6821
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix git authenticate @var{commit} @var{signer} [@var{options}@dots{}]\n"
msgstr "guix git authenticate @var{Commit} @var{Unterzeichner} [@var{Optionen}…]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6830
msgid "By default, this command authenticates the Git checkout in the current directory; it outputs nothing and exits with exit code zero on success and non-zero on failure. @var{commit} above denotes the first commit where authentication takes place, and @var{signer} is the OpenPGP fingerprint of public key used to sign @var{commit}. Together, they form a ``channel introduction'' (@pxref{channel-authentication, channel introduction}). The options below allow you to fine-tune the process."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe wird mit diesem Befehl das Git-Checkout im aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis authentifiziert. Es wird bei Erfolg nichts ausgegeben und der Exit-Status null zurückgeliefert; bei einem Fehler wird ein von null verschiedener Exit-Status zurückgeliefert. @var{Commit} gibt den ersten Commit an, der authentifiziert wird, und @var{Unterzeichner} ist der OpenPGP-Fingerabdruck des öffentlichen Schlüssels, mit dem der @var{Commit} signiert wurde. Zusammen bilden sie eine „Kanaleinführung“ (siehe @ref{channel-authentication, Kanaleinführung}). Mit den unten aufgeführten Befehlszeilenoptionen können Sie Feineinstellungen am Prozess vornehmen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6832
#, no-wrap
msgid "--repository=@var{directory}"
msgstr "--repository=@var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6833
#, no-wrap
msgid "-r @var{directory}"
msgstr "-r @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6836
msgid "Open the Git repository in @var{directory} instead of the current directory."
msgstr "Das Git-Repository im @var{Verzeichnis} statt im aktuellen Verzeichnis öffnen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6837
#, no-wrap
msgid "--keyring=@var{reference}"
msgstr "--keyring=@var{Referenz}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6838
#, no-wrap
msgid "-k @var{reference}"
msgstr "-k @var{Referenz}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6844
msgid "Load OpenPGP keyring from @var{reference}, the reference of a branch such as @code{origin/keyring} or @code{my-keyring}. The branch must contain OpenPGP public keys in @file{.key} files, either in binary form or ``ASCII-armored''. By default the keyring is loaded from the branch named @code{keyring}."
msgstr "Den OpenPGP-Schlüsselbund („Keyring“) von der angegebenen @var{Referenz} laden, einem Verweis auf einen Branch wie @code{origin/keyring} oder @code{my-keyring}. Der Branch muss öffentliche Schlüssel im OpenPGP-Format in @file{.key}-Dateien enthalten, entweder als Binärdateien oder mit „ASCII-Hülle“. Nach Vorgabe wird der Schlüsselbund von einem Branch namens @code{keyring} geladen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6845
#, no-wrap
msgid "--stats"
msgstr "--stats"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6847
msgid "Display commit signing statistics upon completion."
msgstr "Nach Abschluss Statistiken über die signierten Commits anzeigen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6848
#, no-wrap
msgid "--cache-key=@var{key}"
msgstr "--cache-key=@var{Schlüssel}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6787
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6852
msgid "Previously-authenticated commits are cached in a file under @file{~/.cache/guix/authentication}. This option forces the cache to be stored in file @var{key} in that directory."
msgstr "Bereits authentifizierte Commits werden in einer Datei unter @file{~/.cache/guix/authentication} zwischengespeichert. Diese Option erzwingt, dass der Speicher innerhalb dieses Verzeichnisses in der Datei @var{Schlüssel} angelegt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6853
#, no-wrap
msgid "--historical-authorizations=@var{file}"
msgstr "--historical-authorizations=@var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6860
msgid "By default, any commit whose parent commit(s) lack the @file{.guix-authorizations} file is considered inauthentic. In contrast, this option considers the authorizations in @var{file} for any commit that lacks @file{.guix-authorizations}. The format of @var{file} is the same as that of @file{.guix-authorizations} (@pxref{channel-authorizations, @file{.guix-authorizations} format})."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe wird jeder Commit, dessen Elterncommit(s) die Datei @file{.guix-authorizations} fehlt, als gefälscht angesehen. Mit dieser Option werden dagegen die Autorisierungen in der @var{Datei} für jeden Commit ohne @file{.guix-authorizations} verwendet. Das Format der @var{Datei} ist dasselbe wie bei @file{.guix-authorizations} (siehe @ref{channel-authorizations, Format von @file{.guix-authorizations}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6873
msgid "GNU Guix provides several Scheme programming interfaces (APIs) to define, build, and query packages. The first interface allows users to write high-level package definitions. These definitions refer to familiar packaging concepts, such as the name and version of a package, its build system, and its dependencies. These definitions can then be turned into concrete build actions."
msgstr "GNU Guix bietet mehrere Programmierschnittstellen (APIs) in der Programmiersprache Scheme an, mit denen Software-Pakete definiert, erstellt und gesucht werden können. Die erste Schnittstelle erlaubt es Nutzern, ihre eigenen Paketdefinitionen in einer Hochsprache zu schreiben. Diese Definitionen nehmen Bezug auf geläufige Konzepte der Paketverwaltung, wie den Namen und die Version eines Pakets, sein Erstellungssystem (Build System) und seine Abhängigkeiten (Dependencies). Diese Definitionen können dann in konkrete Erstellungsaktionen umgewandelt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6879
msgid "Build actions are performed by the Guix daemon, on behalf of users. In a standard setup, the daemon has write access to the store---the @file{/gnu/store} directory---whereas users do not. The recommended setup also has the daemon perform builds in chroots, under specific build users, to minimize interference with the rest of the system."
msgstr "Erstellungsaktionen werden vom Guix-Daemon für dessen Nutzer durchgeführt. Bei einer normalen Konfiguration hat der Daemon Schreibzugriff auf den Store, also das Verzeichnis @file{/gnu/store}, Nutzer hingegen nicht. Die empfohlene Konfiguration lässt den Daemon die Erstellungen in chroot-Umgebungen durchführen, mit eigenen Benutzerkonten für „Erstellungsbenutzer“, um gegenseitige Beeinflussung der Erstellung und des übrigen Systems zu minimieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6888
msgid "Lower-level APIs are available to interact with the daemon and the store. To instruct the daemon to perform a build action, users actually provide it with a @dfn{derivation}. A derivation is a low-level representation of the build actions to be taken, and the environment in which they should occur---derivations are to package definitions what assembly is to C programs. The term ``derivation'' comes from the fact that build results @emph{derive} from them."
msgstr "Systemnahe APIs stehen zur Verfügung, um mit dem Daemon und dem Store zu interagieren. Um den Daemon anzuweisen, eine Erstellungsaktion durchzuführen, versorgen ihn Nutzer jeweils mit einer @dfn{Ableitung}. Eine Ableitung ist, wie durchzuführende Erstellungsaktionen, sowie die Umgebungen, in denen sie durchzuführen sind, in Guix eigentlich intern dargestellt werden. Ableitungen verhalten sich zu Paketdefinitionen vergleichbar mit Assembler-Code zu C-Programmen. Der Begriff „Ableitung“ kommt daher, dass Erstellungsergebnisse daraus @emph{abgeleitet} werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6891
msgid "This chapter describes all these APIs in turn, starting from high-level package definitions."
msgstr "Dieses Kapitel beschreibt der Reihe nach all diese Programmierschnittstellen (APIs), angefangen mit hochsprachlichen Paketdefinitionen."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6905
msgid "Programming Guix in Guile"
msgstr "Guix in Guile programmieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6921
msgid "From a programming viewpoint, the package definitions of the GNU distribution are provided by Guile modules in the @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} name space@footnote{Note that packages under the @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} module name space are not necessarily ``GNU packages''. This module naming scheme follows the usual Guile module naming convention: @code{gnu} means that these modules are distributed as part of the GNU system, and @code{packages} identifies modules that define packages.} (@pxref{Modules, Guile modules,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). For instance, the @code{(gnu packages emacs)} module exports a variable named @code{emacs}, which is bound to a @code{<package>} object (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "Aus Programmierersicht werden die Paketdefinitionen der GNU-Distribution als Guile-Module in Namensräumen wie @code{(gnu packages …)} sichtbar gemacht@footnote{Beachten Sie, dass Pakete unter dem Modulnamensraum @code{(gnu packages …)} nicht notwendigerweise auch „GNU-Pakete“ sind. Dieses Schema für die Benennung von Modulen folgt lediglich den üblichen Guile-Konventionen: @code{gnu} bedeutet, dass die Module als Teil des GNU-Systems ausgeliefert werden, und @code{packages} gruppiert Module mit Paketdefinitionen.} (siehe @ref{Modules, Guile-Module,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Zum Beispiel exportiert das Modul @code{(gnu packages emacs)} eine Variable namens @code{emacs}, die an ein @code{<package>}-Objekt gebunden ist (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6928
msgid "The @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} module name space is automatically scanned for packages by the command-line tools. For instance, when running @code{guix install emacs}, all the @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} modules are scanned until one that exports a package object whose name is @code{emacs} is found. This package search facility is implemented in the @code{(gnu packages)} module."
msgstr "Der Modulnamensraum @code{(gnu packages …)} wird von Befehlszeilenwerkzeugen automatisch nach Paketen durchsucht. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel @code{guix install emacs} ausführen, werden alle @code{(gnu packages …)}-Module durchlaufen, bis eines gefunden wird, das ein Paketobjekt mit dem Namen @code{emacs} exportiert. Diese Paketsuchfunktion ist im Modul @code{(gnu packages)} implementiert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6930
#, no-wrap
msgid "package module search path"
msgstr "Paketmodulsuchpfad"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6939
msgid "Users can store package definitions in modules with different names---e.g., @code{(my-packages emacs)}@footnote{Note that the file name and module name must match. For instance, the @code{(my-packages emacs)} module must be stored in a @file{my-packages/emacs.scm} file relative to the load path specified with @option{--load-path} or @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}. @xref{Modules and the File System,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for details.}. There are two ways to make these package definitions visible to the user interfaces:"
msgstr "Benutzer können Paketdefinitionen auch in Modulen mit anderen Namen unterbringen@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{(my-packages emacs)}@footnote{Beachten Sie, dass Dateiname und Modulname übereinstimmen müssen. Zum Beispiel muss das Modul @code{(my-packages emacs)} in einer Datei @file{my-packages/emacs.scm} relativ zum mit @option{--load-path} oder @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} angegebenen Ladepfad stehen. Siehe @ref{Modules and the File System,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} für Details.}. Es gibt zwei Arten, solche Paketdefinitionen für die Benutzungsschnittstelle sichtbar zu machen:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6946
msgid "By adding the directory containing your package modules to the search path with the @code{-L} flag of @command{guix package} and other commands (@pxref{Common Build Options}), or by setting the @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} environment variable described below."
msgstr "Eine Möglichkeit ist, das Verzeichnis, in dem Ihre Paketmodule stehen, mit der Befehlszeilenoption @code{-L} von @command{guix package} und anderen Befehlen (siehe @ref{Common Build Options}) oder durch Setzen der unten beschriebenen Umgebungsvariablen @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} zum Suchpfad hinzuzufügen."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6952
msgid "By defining a @dfn{channel} and configuring @command{guix pull} so that it pulls from it. A channel is essentially a Git repository containing package modules. @xref{Channels}, for more information on how to define and use channels."
msgstr "Die andere Möglichkeit ist, einen @dfn{Kanal} zu definieren und @command{guix pull} so zu konfigurieren, dass es davon seine Module bezieht. Ein Kanal ist im Kern nur ein Git-Repository, in welchem Paketmodule liegen. Siehe @ref{Channels} für mehr Informationen, wie Kanäle definiert und benutzt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6955
msgid "@env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} works similarly to other search path variables:"
msgstr "@env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} funktioniert ähnlich wie andere Variable mit Suchpfaden:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6956
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Environment Variable} GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH"
msgstr "{Umgebungsvariable} GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6960
msgid "This is a colon-separated list of directories to search for additional package modules. Directories listed in this variable take precedence over the own modules of the distribution."
msgstr "Dies ist eine doppelpunktgetrennte Liste von Verzeichnissen, die nach zusätzlichen Paketmodulen durchsucht werden. In dieser Variablen aufgelistete Verzeichnisse haben Vorrang vor den Modulen, die zur Distribution gehören."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6968
msgid "The distribution is fully @dfn{bootstrapped} and @dfn{self-contained}: each package is built based solely on other packages in the distribution. The root of this dependency graph is a small set of @dfn{bootstrap binaries}, provided by the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module. For more information on bootstrapping, @pxref{Bootstrapping}."
msgstr "Die Distribution wird komplett von Grund auf initialisiert@tie{}— man sagt zur Initialisierung auch @dfn{Bootstrapping}@tie{}— und sie ist @dfn{eigenständig} („self-contained“): Jedes Paket wird nur auf Basis von anderen Paketen in der Distribution erstellt. Die Wurzel dieses Abhängigkeitsgraphen ist ein kleiner Satz von Initialisierungsbinärdateien, den @dfn{Bootstrap-Binärdateien}, die im Modul @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} verfügbar gemacht werden. Für mehr Informationen über Bootstrapping, siehe @ref{Bootstrapping}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6976
msgid "The high-level interface to package definitions is implemented in the @code{(guix packages)} and @code{(guix build-system)} modules. As an example, the package definition, or @dfn{recipe}, for the GNU Hello package looks like this:"
msgstr "Mit den Modulen @code{(guix packages)} und @code{(guix build-system)} können Paketdefinitionen auf einer hohen Abstraktionsebene geschrieben werden. Zum Beispiel sieht die Paketdefinition bzw. das @dfn{Rezept} für das Paket von GNU Hello so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6918
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6984
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-module (gnu packages hello)\n"
@@ -14487,7 +14654,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7003
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public hello\n"
@@ -14529,327 +14696,327 @@ msgstr ""
" (license gpl3+)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7013
msgid "Without being a Scheme expert, the reader may have guessed the meaning of the various fields here. This expression binds the variable @code{hello} to a @code{<package>} object, which is essentially a record (@pxref{SRFI-9, Scheme records,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). This package object can be inspected using procedures found in the @code{(guix packages)} module; for instance, @code{(package-name hello)} returns---surprise!---@code{\"hello\"}."
msgstr "Auch ohne ein Experte in Scheme zu sein, könnten Leser erraten haben, was die verschiedenen Felder dabei bedeuten. Dieser Ausdruck bindet die Variable @code{hello} an ein @code{<package>}-Objekt, was an sich nur ein Verbund (Record) ist (siehe @ref{SRFI-9, Scheme-Verbünde,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Die Felder dieses Paket-Objekts lassen sich mit den Prozeduren aus dem Modul @code{(guix packages)} auslesen, zum Beispiel liefert @code{(package-name hello)}@tie{}— Überraschung!@tie{}— @code{\"hello\"}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7017
msgid "With luck, you may be able to import part or all of the definition of the package you are interested in from another repository, using the @code{guix import} command (@pxref{Invoking guix import})."
msgstr "Mit etwas Glück können Sie die Definition vielleicht teilweise oder sogar ganz aus einer anderen Paketsammlung importieren, indem Sie den Befehl @code{guix import} verwenden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix import})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7023
msgid "In the example above, @code{hello} is defined in a module of its own, @code{(gnu packages hello)}. Technically, this is not strictly necessary, but it is convenient to do so: all the packages defined in modules under @code{(gnu packages @dots{})} are automatically known to the command-line tools (@pxref{Package Modules})."
msgstr "In obigem Beispiel wurde @code{hello} in einem eigenen Modul ganz für sich alleine definiert, und zwar @code{(gnu packages hello)}. Technisch gesehen muss es nicht unbedingt in einem solchen Modul definiert werden, aber es ist bequem, denn alle Module unter @code{(gnu packages …)} werden automatisch von den Befehlszeilenwerkzeugen gefunden (siehe @ref{Package Modules})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7025
msgid "There are a few points worth noting in the above package definition:"
msgstr "Ein paar Dinge sind noch erwähnenswert in der obigen Paketdefinition:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7032
msgid "The @code{source} field of the package is an @code{<origin>} object (@pxref{origin Reference}, for the complete reference). Here, the @code{url-fetch} method from @code{(guix download)} is used, meaning that the source is a file to be downloaded over FTP or HTTP."
msgstr "Das @code{source}-Feld für die Quelle des Pakets ist ein @code{<origin>}-Objekt, was den Paketursprung angibt (siehe @ref{origin Reference} für eine vollständige Referenz). Hier wird dafür die Methode @code{url-fetch} aus dem Modul @code{(guix download)} benutzt, d.h.@: die Quelle ist eine Datei, die über FTP oder HTTP heruntergeladen werden soll."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7035
msgid "The @code{mirror://gnu} prefix instructs @code{url-fetch} to use one of the GNU mirrors defined in @code{(guix download)}."
msgstr "Das Präfix @code{mirror://gnu} lässt @code{url-fetch} einen der GNU-Spiegelserver benutzen, die in @code{(guix download)} definiert sind."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7042
msgid "The @code{sha256} field specifies the expected SHA256 hash of the file being downloaded. It is mandatory, and allows Guix to check the integrity of the file. The @code{(base32 @dots{})} form introduces the base32 representation of the hash. You can obtain this information with @code{guix download} (@pxref{Invoking guix download}) and @code{guix hash} (@pxref{Invoking guix hash})."
msgstr "Das Feld @code{sha256} legt den erwarteten SHA256-Hashwert der herunterzuladenden Datei fest. Ihn anzugeben ist Pflicht und er ermöglicht es Guix, die Integrität der Datei zu überprüfen. Die Form @code{(base32 …)} geht der base32-Darstellung des Hash-Wertes voraus. Sie finden die base32-Darstellung mit Hilfe der Befehle @code{guix download} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix download}) und @code{guix hash} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix hash})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7043
#, no-wrap
msgid "patches"
msgstr "Patches"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7047
msgid "When needed, the @code{origin} form can also have a @code{patches} field listing patches to be applied, and a @code{snippet} field giving a Scheme expression to modify the source code."
msgstr "Wenn nötig kann in der @code{origin}-Form auch ein @code{patches}-Feld stehen, wo anzuwendende Patches aufgeführt werden, sowie ein @code{snippet}-Feld mit einem Scheme-Ausdruck mit den Anweisungen, wie der Quellcode zu modifizieren ist."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7049
#, no-wrap
msgid "GNU Build System"
msgstr "GNU-Erstellungssystem"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7055
msgid "The @code{build-system} field specifies the procedure to build the package (@pxref{Build Systems}). Here, @code{gnu-build-system} represents the familiar GNU Build System, where packages may be configured, built, and installed with the usual @code{./configure && make && make check && make install} command sequence."
msgstr "Das Feld @code{build-system} legt fest, mit welcher Prozedur das Paket erstellt werden soll (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). In diesem Beispiel steht @code{gnu-build-system} für das wohlbekannte GNU-Erstellungssystem, wo Pakete mit der üblichen Befehlsfolge @code{./configure && make && make check && make install} konfiguriert, erstellt und installiert werden."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7059
msgid "When you start packaging non-trivial software, you may need tools to manipulate those build phases, manipulate files, and so on. @xref{Build Utilities}, for more on this."
msgstr "Sobald Sie anfangen, Pakete für nichttriviale Software zu schreiben, könnten Sie Werkzeuge benötigen, um jene Erstellungsphasen abzuändern, Dateien zu verändern oder Ähnliches. Siehe @ref{Build Utilities} für mehr Informationen dazu."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:6999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7065
msgid "The @code{arguments} field specifies options for the build system (@pxref{Build Systems}). Here it is interpreted by @code{gnu-build-system} as a request run @file{configure} with the @option{--enable-silent-rules} flag."
msgstr "Das Feld @code{arguments} gibt an, welche Optionen dem Erstellungssystem mitgegeben werden sollen (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). In diesem Fall interpretiert @code{gnu-build-system} diese als Auftrag, @file{configure} mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--enable-silent-rules} auszuführen."
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7000 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7066 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7069
#, no-wrap
msgid "quote"
msgstr "quote"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7067
#, no-wrap
msgid "quoting"
msgstr "Maskierung"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7068
#, no-wrap
msgid "'"
msgstr "'"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7004
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7070
#, no-wrap
msgid "backquote (quasiquote)"
msgstr "Backquote (Quasimaskierung)"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7071
#, no-wrap
msgid "`"
msgstr "`"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7072
#, no-wrap
msgid "quasiquote"
msgstr "quasiquote"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7073
#, no-wrap
msgid "comma (unquote)"
msgstr "Komma (Demaskierung)"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7074
#, no-wrap
msgid ","
msgstr ","
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7009
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7075
#, no-wrap
msgid "unquote"
msgstr "unquote"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7085
msgid "What about these quote (@code{'}) characters? They are Scheme syntax to introduce a literal list; @code{'} is synonymous with @code{quote}. Sometimes you'll also see @code{`} (a backquote, synonymous with @code{quasiquote}) and @code{,} (a comma, synonymous with @code{unquote}). @xref{Expression Syntax, quoting,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for details. Here the value of the @code{arguments} field is a list of arguments passed to the build system down the road, as with @code{apply} (@pxref{Fly Evaluation, @code{apply},, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Was hat es mit diesen einfachen Anführungszeichen (@code{'}) auf sich? Sie gehören zur Syntax von Scheme und führen eine wörtlich zu interpretierende Datenliste ein; dies nennt sich Maskierung oder Quotierung. @code{'} ist synonym mit @code{quote}. Ihnen könnte auch @code{`} begegnen (ein Backquote, stattdessen kann man auch das längere Synonym @code{quasiquote} schreiben); damit können wir eine wörtlich als Daten interpretierte Liste einführen, aber bei dieser „Quasimaskierung“ kann @code{,} (ein Komma, oder dessen Synonym @code{unquote}) benutzt werden, um den ausgewerteten Wert eines Ausdrucks in diese Liste einzufügen. @ref{Expression Syntax, Quotierung,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} enthält weitere Details. Hierbei ist also der Wert des @code{arguments}-Feldes eine Liste von Argumenten, die an das Erstellungssystem weitergereicht werden, wie bei @code{apply} (siehe @ref{Fly Evaluation, @code{apply},, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7091
msgid "The hash-colon (@code{#:}) sequence defines a Scheme @dfn{keyword} (@pxref{Keywords,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}), and @code{#:configure-flags} is a keyword used to pass a keyword argument to the build system (@pxref{Coding With Keywords,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Ein Doppelkreuz gefolgt von einem Doppelpunkt (@code{#:}) definiert ein Scheme-@dfn{Schlüsselwort} (siehe @ref{Keywords,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) und @code{#:configure-flags} ist ein Schlüsselwort, um eine Befehlszeilenoption an das Erstellungssystem mitzugeben (siehe @ref{Coding With Keywords,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7097
msgid "The @code{inputs} field specifies inputs to the build process---i.e., build-time or run-time dependencies of the package. Here, we add an input, a reference to the @code{gawk} variable; @code{gawk} is itself bound to a @code{<package>} object."
msgstr "Das Feld @code{inputs} legt Eingaben an den Erstellungsprozess fest@tie{}— d.h.@: Abhängigkeiten des Pakets zur Erstellungs- oder Laufzeit. Hier fügen wir eine Eingabe hinzu, eine Referenz auf die Variable @code{gawk}; @var{gawk} ist auch selbst wiederum an ein @code{<package>}-Objekt als Variablenwert gebunden."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7101
msgid "Note that GCC, Coreutils, Bash, and other essential tools do not need to be specified as inputs here. Instead, @code{gnu-build-system} takes care of ensuring that they are present (@pxref{Build Systems})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass GCC, Coreutils, Bash und andere essenzielle Werkzeuge hier nicht als Eingaben aufgeführt werden müssen. Stattdessen sorgt schon @code{gnu-build-system} dafür, dass diese vorhanden sein müssen (siehe @ref{Build Systems})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7105
msgid "However, any other dependencies need to be specified in the @code{inputs} field. Any dependency not specified here will simply be unavailable to the build process, possibly leading to a build failure."
msgstr "Sämtliche anderen Abhängigkeiten müssen aber im @code{inputs}-Feld aufgezählt werden. Jede hier nicht angegebene Abhängigkeit wird während des Erstellungsprozesses schlicht nicht verfügbar sein, woraus ein Erstellungsfehler resultieren kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7108
msgid "@xref{package Reference}, for a full description of possible fields."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{package Reference} für eine umfassende Beschreibung aller erlaubten Felder."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7119
msgid "Once a package definition is in place, the package may actually be built using the @code{guix build} command-line tool (@pxref{Invoking guix build}), troubleshooting any build failures you encounter (@pxref{Debugging Build Failures}). You can easily jump back to the package definition using the @command{guix edit} command (@pxref{Invoking guix edit}). @xref{Packaging Guidelines}, for more information on how to test package definitions, and @ref{Invoking guix lint}, for information on how to check a definition for style conformance."
msgstr "Sobald eine Paketdefinition eingesetzt wurde, können Sie das Paket mit Hilfe des Befehlszeilenwerkzeugs @code{guix build} dann auch tatsächlich erstellen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build}) und dabei jegliche Erstellungsfehler, auf die Sie stoßen, beseitigen (siehe @ref{Debugging Build Failures}). Sie können den Befehl @command{guix edit} benutzen, um leicht zur Paketdefinition zurückzuspringen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix edit}). Unter @ref{Packaging Guidelines} finden Sie mehr Informationen darüber, wie Sie Paketdefinitionen testen, und unter @ref{Invoking guix lint} finden Sie Informationen, wie Sie prüfen, ob eine Definition alle Stilkonventionen einhält."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7119
#, no-wrap
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7123
msgid "Lastly, @pxref{Channels}, for information on how to extend the distribution by adding your own package definitions in a ``channel''."
msgstr "Zuletzt finden Sie unter @ref{Channels} Informationen, wie Sie die Distribution um Ihre eigenen Pakete in einem „Kanal“ erweitern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7127
msgid "Finally, updating the package definition to a new upstream version can be partly automated by the @command{guix refresh} command (@pxref{Invoking guix refresh})."
msgstr "Zu all dem sei auch erwähnt, dass Sie das Aktualisieren einer Paketdefinition auf eine vom Anbieter neu veröffentlichte Version mit dem Befehl @command{guix refresh} teilweise automatisieren können (siehe @ref{Invoking guix refresh})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7133
msgid "Behind the scenes, a derivation corresponding to the @code{<package>} object is first computed by the @code{package-derivation} procedure. That derivation is stored in a @file{.drv} file under @file{/gnu/store}. The build actions it prescribes may then be realized by using the @code{build-derivations} procedure (@pxref{The Store})."
msgstr "Hinter den Kulissen wird die einem @code{<package>}-Objekt entsprechende Ableitung zuerst durch @code{package-derivation} berechnet. Diese Ableitung wird in der @file{.drv}-Datei unter @file{/gnu/store} gespeichert. Die von ihr vorgeschriebenen Erstellungsaktionen können dann durch die Prozedur @code{build-derivations} umgesetzt werden (siehe @ref{The Store})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7134
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-derivation @var{store} @var{package} [@var{system}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-derivation @var{Store} @var{Paket} [@var{System}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7071
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7137
msgid "Return the @code{<derivation>} object of @var{package} for @var{system} (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Das @code{<derivation>}-Objekt zum @var{Paket} für das angegebene @var{System} liefern (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7143
msgid "@var{package} must be a valid @code{<package>} object, and @var{system} must be a string denoting the target system type---e.g., @code{\"x86_64-linux\"} for an x86_64 Linux-based GNU system. @var{store} must be a connection to the daemon, which operates on the store (@pxref{The Store})."
msgstr "Als @var{Paket} muss ein gültiges @code{<package>}-Objekt angegeben werden und das @var{System} muss eine Zeichenkette sein, die das Zielsystem angibt@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"x86_64-linux\"} für ein auf x86_64 laufendes, Linux-basiertes GNU-System. @var{Store} muss eine Verbindung zum Daemon sein, der die Operationen auf dem Store durchführt (siehe @ref{The Store})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7149
msgid "Similarly, it is possible to compute a derivation that cross-builds a package for some other system:"
msgstr "Auf ähnliche Weise kann eine Ableitung berechnet werden, die ein Paket für ein anderes System cross-erstellt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7150
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-cross-derivation @var{store} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-cross-derivation @var{Store} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7154
msgid "@var{package} @var{target} [@var{system}] Return the @code{<derivation>} object of @var{package} cross-built from @var{system} to @var{target}."
msgstr "@var{Paket} @var{Ziel} [@var{System}] Liefert das @code{<derivation>}-Objekt, um das @var{Paket} zu cross-erstellen vom @var{System} aus für das @var{Ziel}-System."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7158
msgid "@var{target} must be a valid GNU triplet denoting the target hardware and operating system, such as @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} (@pxref{Specifying Target Triplets,,, autoconf, Autoconf})."
msgstr "Als @var{Ziel} muss ein gültiges GNU-Tripel angegeben werden, was die Ziel-Hardware und das zugehörige Betriebssystem beschreibt, wie z.B.@: @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} (siehe @ref{Specifying Target Triplets,,, autoconf, Autoconf})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7162
msgid "Once you have package definitions, you can easily define @emph{variants} of those packages. @xref{Defining Package Variants}, for more on that."
msgstr "Wenn Sie einmal Paketdefinitionen fertig verfasst haben, können Sie leicht @emph{Varianten} derselben Pakete definieren. Siehe @ref{Defining Package Variants} für mehr Informationen dazu."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7170
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} Reference"
msgstr "@code{package}-Referenz"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7174
msgid "This section summarizes all the options available in @code{package} declarations (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt fasst alle in @code{package}-Deklarationen zur Verfügung stehenden Optionen zusammen (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7175
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} package"
msgstr "{Datentyp} package"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7177
msgid "This is the data type representing a package recipe."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp steht für ein Paketrezept."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7181
msgid "The name of the package, as a string."
msgstr "Der Name des Pakets als Zeichenkette."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7182
#, no-wrap
msgid "version"
msgstr "version"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7185
msgid "The version of the package, as a string. @xref{Version Numbers}, for guidelines."
msgstr "Die Version des Pakets als Zeichenkette. Siehe @ref{Version Numbers}, wo erklärt wird, worauf Sie achten müssen."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7120 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12900
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15181 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7186 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15642 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16268
#, no-wrap
msgid "source"
msgstr "source"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7193
msgid "An object telling how the source code for the package should be acquired. Most of the time, this is an @code{origin} object, which denotes a file fetched from the Internet (@pxref{origin Reference}). It can also be any other ``file-like'' object such as a @code{local-file}, which denotes a file from the local file system (@pxref{G-Expressions, @code{local-file}})."
msgstr "Ein Objekt, das beschreibt, wie der Quellcode des Pakets bezogen werden soll. Meistens ist es ein @code{origin}-Objekt, welches für eine aus dem Internet heruntergeladene Datei steht (siehe @ref{origin Reference}). Es kann aber auch ein beliebiges anderes „dateiähnliches“ Objekt sein, wie z.B.@: ein @code{local-file}, was eine Datei im lokalen Dateisystem bezeichnet (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, @code{local-file}})."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7194
#, no-wrap
msgid "build-system"
msgstr "build-system"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7197
msgid "The build system that should be used to build the package (@pxref{Build Systems})."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem, mit dem das Paket erstellt werden soll (siehe @ref{Build Systems})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7132 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7198 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18440
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{arguments} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{arguments} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7201
msgid "The arguments that should be passed to the build system. This is a list, typically containing sequential keyword-value pairs."
msgstr "Die Argumente, die an das Erstellungssystem übergeben werden sollen. Dies ist eine Liste, typischerweise eine Reihe von Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7202
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{inputs} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{inputs} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7203
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{native-inputs} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{native-inputs} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7204
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{propagated-inputs} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{propagated-inputs} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7205
#, no-wrap
msgid "inputs, of packages"
msgstr "Eingaben, von Paketen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7212
msgid "These fields list dependencies of the package. Each element of these lists is either a package, origin, or other ``file-like object'' (@pxref{G-Expressions}); to specify the output of that file-like object that should be used, pass a two-element list where the second element is the output (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}, for more on package outputs). For example, the list below specifies three inputs:"
msgstr "In diesen Feldern wird eine Liste der Abhängigkeiten des Pakets aufgeführt. Dabei ist jedes Listenelement ein „package“-, „origin“- oder sonstiges dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}). Um die zu benutzende Ausgabe zu benennen, übergeben Sie eine zweielementige Liste mit der Ausgabe als zweitem Element (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs} für mehr Informationen zu Paketausgaben). Im folgenden Beispiel etwa werden drei Eingaben festgelegt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7216
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list libffi libunistring\n"
@@ -14859,23 +15026,23 @@ msgstr ""
" `(,glib \"bin\")) ;Ausgabe \"bin\" von GLib\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7220
msgid "In the example above, the @code{\"out\"} output of @code{libffi} and @code{libunistring} is used."
msgstr "Im obigen Beispiel wird die Ausgabe @code{\"out\"} für @code{libffi} und @code{libunistring} benutzt."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7221
#, no-wrap
msgid "Compatibility Note"
msgstr "Anmerkung zur Kompatibilität"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7228
msgid "Until version 1.3.0, input lists were a list of tuples, where each tuple has a label for the input (a string) as its first element, a package, origin, or derivation as its second element, and optionally the name of the output thereof that should be used, which defaults to @code{\"out\"}. For example, the list below is equivalent to the one above, but using the @dfn{old input style}:"
msgstr "Bis Version 1.3.0 waren Eingabelisten noch Listen von Tupeln, wobei jedes Tupel eine Bezeichnung für die Eingabe (als Zeichenkette) als erstes Element, dann ein „package“-, „origin“- oder „derivation“-Objekt (Paket, Ursprung oder Ableitung) als zweites Element und optional die Benennung der davon zu benutzenden Ausgabe umfasste; letztere hatte als Vorgabewert @code{\"out\"}. Im folgenden Beispiel wird dasselbe wie oben angegeben, aber im @dfn{alten Stil für Eingaben}:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7234
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Old input style (deprecated).\n"
@@ -14889,176 +15056,186 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"glib:bin\" ,glib \"bin\")) ;Ausgabe \"bin\" von GLib\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7240
msgid "This style is now deprecated; it is still supported but support will be removed in a future version. It should not be used for new package definitions. @xref{Invoking guix style}, on how to migrate to the new style."
msgstr "Dieser Stil gilt als veraltet. Er wird bislang unterstützt, aber er wird in einer zukünftigen Version entfernt werden. Man sollte ihn nicht für neue Paketdefinitionen gebrauchen. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix style} für eine Erklärung, wie Sie zum neuen Stil migrieren."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7242
#, no-wrap
msgid "cross compilation, package dependencies"
msgstr "Cross-Kompilieren, Paketabhängigkeiten"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7248
msgid "The distinction between @code{native-inputs} and @code{inputs} is necessary when considering cross-compilation. When cross-compiling, dependencies listed in @code{inputs} are built for the @emph{target} architecture; conversely, dependencies listed in @code{native-inputs} are built for the architecture of the @emph{build} machine."
msgstr "Die Unterscheidung zwischen @code{native-inputs} und @code{inputs} ist wichtig, damit Cross-Kompilieren möglich ist. Beim Cross-Kompilieren werden als @code{inputs} aufgeführte Abhängigkeiten für die Ziel-Prozessorarchitektur (@emph{target}) erstellt, andersherum werden als @code{native-inputs} aufgeführte Abhängigkeiten für die Prozessorarchitektur der erstellenden Maschine (@emph{build}) erstellt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7253
msgid "@code{native-inputs} is typically used to list tools needed at build time, but not at run time, such as Autoconf, Automake, pkg-config, Gettext, or Bison. @command{guix lint} can report likely mistakes in this area (@pxref{Invoking guix lint})."
msgstr "@code{native-inputs} listet typischerweise die Werkzeuge auf, die während der Erstellung gebraucht werden, aber nicht zur Laufzeit des Programms gebraucht werden. Beispiele sind Autoconf, Automake, pkg-config, Gettext oder Bison. @command{guix lint} kann melden, ob wahrscheinlich Fehler in der Auflistung sind (siehe @ref{Invoking guix lint})."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7261
msgid "package-propagated-inputs"
msgstr "package-propagated-inputs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7261
msgid "Lastly, @code{propagated-inputs} is similar to @code{inputs}, but the specified packages will be automatically installed to profiles (@pxref{Features, the role of profiles in Guix}) alongside the package they belong to (@pxref{package-cmd-propagated-inputs, @command{guix package}}, for information on how @command{guix package} deals with propagated inputs)."
msgstr "Schließlich ist @code{propagated-inputs} ähnlich wie @code{inputs}, aber die angegebenen Pakete werden automatisch mit ins Profil installiert (siehe @ref{Features, die Rolle von Profilen in Guix}), wenn das Paket installiert wird, zu dem sie gehören (siehe @ref{package-cmd-propagated-inputs, @command{guix package}} für Informationen darüber, wie @command{guix package} mit propagierten Eingaben umgeht)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7265
msgid "For example this is necessary when packaging a C/C++ library that needs headers of another library to compile, or when a pkg-config file refers to another one @i{via} its @code{Requires} field."
msgstr "Dies ist zum Beispiel nötig, wenn Sie ein Paket für eine C-/C++-Bibliothek schreiben, die Header-Dateien einer anderen Bibliothek braucht, um mit ihr kompilieren zu können, oder wenn sich eine pkg-config-Datei auf eine andere über ihren @code{Requires}-Eintrag bezieht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7272
msgid "Another example where @code{propagated-inputs} is useful is for languages that lack a facility to record the run-time search path akin to the @code{RUNPATH} of ELF files; this includes Guile, Python, Perl, and more. When packaging libraries written in those languages, ensure they can find library code they depend on at run time by listing run-time dependencies in @code{propagated-inputs} rather than @code{inputs}."
msgstr "Noch ein Beispiel, wo @code{propagated-inputs} nützlich ist, sind Sprachen, die den Laufzeit-Suchpfad @emph{nicht} zusammen mit dem Programm abspeichern (@emph{nicht} wie etwa im @code{RUNPATH} bei ELF-Dateien), also Sprachen wie Guile, Python, Perl und weitere. Wenn Sie ein Paket für eine in solchen Sprachen geschriebene Bibliothek schreiben, dann sorgen Sie dafür, dass es zur Laufzeit den von ihr benötigten Code finden kann, indem Sie ihre Laufzeit-Abhängigkeiten in @code{propagated-inputs} statt in @code{inputs} aufführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7273
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{outputs} (default: @code{'(\"out\")})"
msgstr "@code{outputs} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"out\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7276
msgid "The list of output names of the package. @xref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}, for typical uses of additional outputs."
msgstr "Die Liste der Benennungen der Ausgaben des Pakets. Der Abschnitt @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs} beschreibt übliche Nutzungen zusätzlicher Ausgaben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7277
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{native-search-paths} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{native-search-paths} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7278
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{search-paths} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{search-paths} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7215
-msgid "A list of @code{search-path-specification} objects describing search-path environment variables honored by the package."
-msgstr "Eine Liste von @code{search-path-specification}-Objekten, die Umgebungsvariable für von diesem Paket beachtete Suchpfade („search paths“) beschreiben."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7282
+msgid "A list of @code{search-path-specification} objects describing search-path environment variables honored by the package. @xref{Search Paths}, for more on search path specifications."
+msgstr "Eine Liste von @code{search-path-specification}-Objekten, die Umgebungsvariable für von diesem Paket beachtete Suchpfade („search paths“) beschreiben. Siehe @ref{Search Paths}, wenn Sie mehr über Suchpfadspezifikationen erfahren möchten."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7288
+msgid "As for inputs, the distinction between @code{native-search-paths} and @code{search-paths} only matters when cross-compiling. In a cross-compilation context, @code{native-search-paths} applies exclusively to native inputs whereas @code{search-paths} applies only to host inputs."
+msgstr "Wie auch bei Eingaben wird zwischen @code{native-search-paths} und @code{search-paths} nur dann ein Unterschied gemacht, wenn Sie cross-kompilieren. Beim Cross-Kompilieren bezieht sich @code{native-search-paths} ausschließlich auf native Eingaben, wohingegen sich die @code{search-paths} ausschließlich auf Eingaben für den „Host“ genannten Rechner beziehen."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7295
+msgid "Packages such as cross-compilers care about target inputs---for instance, our (modified) GCC cross-compiler has @env{CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH} in @code{search-paths}, which allows it to pick @file{.h} files for the target system and @emph{not} those of native inputs. For the majority of packages though, only @code{native-search-paths} makes sense."
+msgstr "Für Pakete wie z.B.@: Cross-Compiler sind die Ziel-Eingaben wichtig, z.B.@: hat unser (angepasster) GCC-Cross-Compiler einen Eintrag für @env{CROSS_C_INCLUDE_PATH} in @code{search-paths}, damit er @file{.h}-Dateien für das Zielsystem auswählt und @emph{nicht} die aus nativen Eingaben. Für die meisten Pakete ist aber einzig @code{native-search-paths} von Bedeutung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7296
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{replacement} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{replacement} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7300
msgid "This must be either @code{#f} or a package object that will be used as a @dfn{replacement} for this package. @xref{Security Updates, grafts}, for details."
msgstr "Dies muss entweder @code{#f} oder ein package-Objekt sein, das als Ersatz (@dfn{replacement}) dieses Pakets benutzt werden soll. Im Abschnitt zu @ref{Security Updates, Veredelungen} wird dies erklärt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7221 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7301 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13353
#, no-wrap
msgid "synopsis"
msgstr "synopsis"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7303
msgid "A one-line description of the package."
msgstr "Eine einzeilige Beschreibung des Pakets."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7224 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12893
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35959 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7304 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36563 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36723
#, no-wrap
msgid "description"
msgstr "description"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7306
msgid "A more elaborate description of the package."
msgstr "Eine ausführlichere Beschreibung des Pakets."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7307
#, no-wrap
msgid "license"
msgstr "license"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7308
#, no-wrap
msgid "license, of packages"
msgstr "Lizenz, von Paketen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7311
msgid "The license of the package; a value from @code{(guix licenses)}, or a list of such values."
msgstr "Die Lizenz des Pakets; benutzt werden kann ein Wert aus dem Modul @code{(guix licenses)} oder eine Liste solcher Werte."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7232 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13362
#, no-wrap
msgid "home-page"
msgstr "home-page"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7314
msgid "The URL to the home-page of the package, as a string."
msgstr "Die URL, die die Homepage des Pakets angibt, als Zeichenkette."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7315
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{supported-systems} (default: @code{%supported-systems})"
msgstr "@code{supported-systems} (Vorgabe: @code{%supported-systems})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7318
msgid "The list of systems supported by the package, as strings of the form @code{architecture-kernel}, for example @code{\"x86_64-linux\"}."
msgstr "Die Liste der vom Paket unterstützten Systeme als Zeichenketten der Form @code{Architektur-Kernel}, zum Beispiel @code{\"x86_64-linux\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7319
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{location} (default: source location of the @code{package} form)"
msgstr "@code{location} (Vorgabe: die Stelle im Quellcode, wo die @code{package}-Form steht)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7323
msgid "The source location of the package. It is useful to override this when inheriting from another package, in which case this field is not automatically corrected."
msgstr "Wo im Quellcode das Paket definiert wurde. Es ist sinnvoll, dieses Feld manuell zuzuweisen, wenn das Paket von einem anderen Paket erbt, weil dann dieses Feld nicht automatisch berichtigt wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7326
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} this-package"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} this-package"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7329
msgid "When used in the @emph{lexical scope} of a package field definition, this identifier resolves to the package being defined."
msgstr "Wenn dies im @emph{lexikalischen Geltungsbereich} der Definition eines Feldes im Paket steht, bezieht sich dieser Bezeichner auf das Paket, das gerade definiert wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7332
msgid "The example below shows how to add a package as a native input of itself when cross-compiling:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man ein Paket als native Eingabe von sich selbst beim Cross-Kompilieren deklariert:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7337
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -15072,7 +15249,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7343
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; When cross-compiled, Guile, for example, depends on\n"
@@ -15089,51 +15266,51 @@ msgstr ""
" '())))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7346
msgid "It is an error to refer to @code{this-package} outside a package definition."
msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler, außerhalb einer Paketdefinition auf @code{this-package} zu verweisen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7350
msgid "The following helper procedures are provided to help deal with package inputs."
msgstr "Die folgenden Hilfsprozeduren sind für den Umgang mit Paketeingaben gedacht."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7351
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lookup-package-input @var{package} @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lookup-package-input @var{Paket} @var{Name}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7352
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lookup-package-native-input @var{package} @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lookup-package-native-input @var{Paket} @var{Name}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7353
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lookup-package-propagated-input @var{package} @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lookup-package-propagated-input @var{Paket} @var{Name}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7354
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lookup-package-direct-input @var{package} @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lookup-package-direct-input @var{Paket} @var{Name}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7357
msgid "Look up @var{name} among @var{package}'s inputs (or native, propagated, or direct inputs). Return it if found, @code{#f} otherwise."
msgstr "@var{Name} unter den (nativen, propagierten, direkten) Eingaben von @var{Paket} suchen und die Eingabe zurückliefern, wenn sie gefunden wird, ansonsten @code{#f}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7360
msgid "@var{name} is the name of a package depended on. Here's how you might use it:"
msgstr "@var{Name} ist der Name eines Pakets, von dem eine Abhängigkeit besteht. So benutzen Sie die Prozeduren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7363
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix packages) (gnu packages base))\n"
@@ -15143,7 +15320,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7366
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(lookup-package-direct-input coreutils \"gmp\")\n"
@@ -15153,45 +15330,45 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} #<package gmp@@6.2.1 …>\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7370
msgid "In this example we obtain the @code{gmp} package that is among the direct inputs of @code{coreutils}."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel erhalten wir das @code{gmp}-Paket, das zu den direkten Eingaben von @code{coreutils} gehört."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7372
#, no-wrap
msgid "development inputs, of a package"
msgstr "Entwicklungseingaben, von Paketen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7373
#, no-wrap
msgid "implicit inputs, of a package"
msgstr "implizite Eingaben, von Paketen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7378
msgid "Sometimes you will want to obtain the list of inputs needed to @emph{develop} a package---all the inputs that are visible when the package is compiled. This is what the @code{package-development-inputs} procedure returns."
msgstr "Manchmal werden Sie die Liste der zur Entwicklung an einem Paket nötigen Eingaben brauchen, d.h.@: alle Eingaben, die beim Kompilieren des Pakets sichtbar gemacht werden. Diese Liste wird von der Prozedur @code{package-development-inputs} geliefert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7379
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-development-inputs @var{package} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-development-inputs @var{Paket} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7386
msgid "[@var{system}] [#:target #f] Return the list of inputs required by @var{package} for development purposes on @var{system}. When @var{target} is true, return the inputs needed to cross-compile @var{package} from @var{system} to @var{triplet}, where @var{triplet} is a triplet such as @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"}."
msgstr "[@var{System}] [#:target #f] Liefert die Liste derjenigen Eingaben, die das @var{Paket} zu Entwicklungszwecken für @var{System} braucht. Wenn @var{target} wahr ist, muss dafür ein Ziel wie das GNU-Tripel @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} übergeben werden, damit die Eingaben zum Cross-Kompilieren von @var{Paket} zurückgeliefert werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7390
msgid "Note that the result includes both explicit inputs and implicit inputs---inputs automatically added by the build system (@pxref{Build Systems}). Let us take the @code{hello} package to illustrate that:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass dazu sowohl explizite als auch implizite Eingaben gehören. Mit impliziten Eingaben meinen wir solche, die vom Erstellungssystem automatisch hinzugefügt werden (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). Nehmen wir das Paket @code{hello} zur Illustration:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7393
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages base) (guix packages))\n"
@@ -15201,7 +15378,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7396
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -15213,7 +15390,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7399
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(package-direct-inputs hello)\n"
@@ -15225,7 +15402,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7402
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(package-development-inputs hello)\n"
@@ -15235,39 +15412,39 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} ((\"source\" …) (\"tar\" #<package tar@@1.32 …>) …)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7411
msgid "In this example, @code{package-direct-inputs} returns the empty list, because @code{hello} has zero explicit dependencies. Conversely, @code{package-development-inputs} includes inputs implicitly added by @code{gnu-build-system} that are required to build @code{hello}: tar, gzip, GCC, libc, Bash, and more. To visualize it, @command{guix graph hello} would show you explicit inputs, whereas @command{guix graph -t bag hello} would include implicit inputs (@pxref{Invoking guix graph})."
msgstr "Für dieses Beispiel liefert @code{package-direct-inputs} die leere Liste zurück, weil @code{hello} keinerlei explizite Abhängigkeiten hat. Zu @code{package-development-inputs} gehören auch durch @code{gnu-build-system} implizit hinzugefügte Eingaben, die für die Erstellung von @code{hello} gebraucht werden, nämlich tar, gzip, GCC, libc, Bash und weitere. Wenn Sie sich das anschauen wollen, zeigt Ihnen @command{guix graph hello} die expliziten Eingaben, dagegen zeigt @command{guix graph -t bag hello} auch die impliziten Eingaben (siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7417
msgid "Because packages are regular Scheme objects that capture a complete dependency graph and associated build procedures, it is often useful to write procedures that take a package and return a modified version thereof according to some parameters. Below are a few examples."
msgstr "Weil Pakete herkömmliche Scheme-Objekte sind, die einen vollständigen Abhängigkeitsgraphen und die zugehörigen Erstellungsprozeduren umfassen, bietet es sich oftmals an, Prozeduren zu schreiben, die ein Paket entgegennehmen und in Abhängigkeit bestimmter Parameter eine abgeänderte Fassung desselben zurückliefern. Es folgen einige Beispiele."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7418
#, no-wrap
msgid "tool chain, choosing a package's tool chain"
msgstr "Toolchain, für ein Paket auswählen"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7419
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-with-c-toolchain @var{package} @var{toolchain}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-with-c-toolchain @var{Paket} @var{Toolchain}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7424
msgid "Return a variant of @var{package} that uses @var{toolchain} instead of the default GNU C/C++ toolchain. @var{toolchain} must be a list of inputs (label/package tuples) providing equivalent functionality, such as the @code{gcc-toolchain} package."
msgstr "Liefert eine Variante des @var{Paket}s, die die angegebene @var{Toolchain} anstelle der vorgegebenen GNU-C/C++-Toolchain benutzt. Als @var{Toolchain} muss eine Liste von Eingaben (als Tupel aus Bezeichnung und bezeichnetem Paket) angegeben werden, die eine gleichartige Funktion erfüllen, wie zum Beispiel das Paket @code{gcc-toolchain}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7428
msgid "The example below returns a variant of the @code{hello} package built with GCC@tie{}10.x and the rest of the GNU tool chain (Binutils and the GNU C Library) instead of the default tool chain:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel liefert eine Variante des Pakets @code{hello}, die mit GCC@tie{}10.x und den übrigen Komponenten der GNU-Toolchain (Binutils und GNU-C-Bibliothek) erstellt wurde statt mit der vorgegebenen Toolchain:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7432
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(let ((toolchain (specification->package \"gcc-toolchain@@10\")))\n"
@@ -15277,197 +15454,197 @@ msgstr ""
" (package-with-c-toolchain hello `((\"toolchain\" ,toolchain))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7440
msgid "The build tool chain is part of the @dfn{implicit inputs} of packages---it's usually not listed as part of the various ``inputs'' fields and is instead pulled in by the build system. Consequently, this procedure works by changing the build system of @var{package} so that it pulls in @var{toolchain} instead of the defaults. @ref{Build Systems}, for more on build systems."
msgstr "Die Erstellungs-Toolchain gehört zu den @dfn{impliziten Eingaben} von Paketen@tie{}— sie wird normalerweise nicht ausdrücklich unter den verschiedenen „inputs“-Feldern mit verschiedenen Arten von Eingaben aufgeführt, stattdessen kommt sie über das Erstellungssystem dazu. Daher funktioniert diese Prozedur intern so, dass sie das Erstellungssystem des @var{Paket}s verändert, damit es die ausgewählte @var{Toolchain} statt der vorgegebenen benutzt. Siehe @ref{Build Systems} für weitere Informationen zu Erstellungssystemen."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7443
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{origin} Reference"
msgstr "@code{origin}-Referenz"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7451
msgid "This section documents @dfn{origins}. An @code{origin} declaration specifies data that must be ``produced''---downloaded, usually---and whose content hash is known in advance. Origins are primarily used to represent the source code of packages (@pxref{Defining Packages}). For that reason, the @code{origin} form allows you to declare patches to apply to the original source code as well as code snippets to modify it."
msgstr "In diesem Abschnitt werden Paketursprünge@tie{}— englisch @dfn{Origins}@tie{}— beschrieben. Eine @code{origin}-Deklaration legt Daten fest, die „produziert“ werden müssen@tie{}— normalerweise heißt das heruntergeladen. Die Hash-Prüfsumme von deren Inhalt muss dabei im Voraus bekannt sein. Ursprünge werden in erster Linie benutzt, um den Quellcode von Paketen zu repräsentieren (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Aus diesem Grund können Sie mit der @code{origin}-Form Patches angeben, die auf den ursprünglichen Quellcode angewandt werden sollen, oder auch Schnipsel von Code, der Veränderungen daran vornimmt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7452
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} origin"
msgstr "{Datentyp} origin"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7454
msgid "This is the data type representing a source code origin."
msgstr "Mit diesem Datentyp wird ein Ursprung, von dem Quellcode geladen werden kann, beschrieben."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7376 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7456 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26983
#, no-wrap
msgid "uri"
msgstr "uri"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7461
msgid "An object containing the URI of the source. The object type depends on the @code{method} (see below). For example, when using the @var{url-fetch} method of @code{(guix download)}, the valid @code{uri} values are: a URL represented as a string, or a list thereof."
msgstr "Ein Objekt, was die URI des Quellcodes enthält. Der Objekttyp hängt von der @code{Methode} ab (siehe unten). Zum Beispiel sind, wenn die @var{url-fetch}-Methode aus @code{(guix download)} benutzt wird, die gültigen Werte für @code{uri}: eine URL dargestellt als Zeichenkette oder eine Liste solcher URLs."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7462
#, no-wrap
msgid "fixed-output derivations, for download"
msgstr "Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe, zum Herunterladen"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7383
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7463
#, no-wrap
msgid "method"
msgstr "method"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7470
msgid "A monadic procedure that handles the given URI@. The procedure must accept at least three arguments: the value of the @code{uri} field and the hash algorithm and hash value specified by the @code{hash} field. It must return a store item or a derivation in the store monad (@pxref{The Store Monad}); most methods return a fixed-output derivation (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Eine monadische Prozedur, um die angegebene URL zu benutzen. Die Prozedur muss mindestens drei Argumente akzeptieren: den Wert des @code{uri}-Feldes, den Hash-Algorithmus und den Hash-Wert, der im @code{hash}-Feld angegeben wird. Sie muss ein Store-Objekt oder eine Ableitung in der Store-Monade liefern (siehe @ref{The Store Monad}). Die meisten Methoden liefern eine Ableitung mit fester Ausgabe (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7474
msgid "Commonly used methods include @code{url-fetch}, which fetches data from a URL, and @code{git-fetch}, which fetches data from a Git repository (see below)."
msgstr "Zu den häufig benutzten Methoden gehören @code{url-fetch}, das Daten von einer URL lädt, und @code{git-fetch}, das Daten aus einem Git-Repository lädt (siehe unten)."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7475
#, no-wrap
msgid "sha256"
msgstr "sha256"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7479
msgid "A bytevector containing the SHA-256 hash of the source. This is equivalent to providing a @code{content-hash} SHA256 object in the @code{hash} field described below."
msgstr "Ein Byte-Vektor mit dem SHA-256-Hash des Quellcodes. Seine Funktion ist dieselbe wie das Angeben eines @code{content-hash}-SHA256-Objekts im weiter unten beschriebenen @code{hash}-Feld."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7480
#, no-wrap
msgid "hash"
msgstr "hash"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7483
msgid "The @code{content-hash} object of the source---see below for how to use @code{content-hash}."
msgstr "Das @code{content-hash}-Objekt des Quellcodes. Siehe unten für eine Erklärung, wie Sie @code{content-hash} benutzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7487
msgid "You can obtain this information using @code{guix download} (@pxref{Invoking guix download}) or @code{guix hash} (@pxref{Invoking guix hash})."
msgstr "Diese Informationen liefert Ihnen der Befehl @code{guix download} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix download}) oder @code{guix hash} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix hash})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7488
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{file-name} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{file-name} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7494
msgid "The file name under which the source code should be saved. When this is @code{#f}, a sensible default value will be used in most cases. In case the source is fetched from a URL, the file name from the URL will be used. For version control checkouts, it is recommended to provide the file name explicitly because the default is not very descriptive."
msgstr "Der Dateiname, unter dem der Quellcode abgespeichert werden soll. Wenn er auf @code{#f} steht, wird ein vernünftiger Name automatisch gewählt. Falls der Quellcode von einer URL geladen wird, wird der Dateiname aus der URL genommen. Wenn der Quellcode von einem Versionskontrollsystem bezogen wird, empfiehlt es sich, den Dateinamen ausdrücklich anzugeben, weil dann keine sprechende Benennung automatisch gefunden werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7495
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{patches} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{patches} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7498
msgid "A list of file names, origins, or file-like objects (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) pointing to patches to be applied to the source."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Dateinamen, Ursprüngen oder dateiähnlichen Objekten (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}) mit Patches, welche auf den Quellcode anzuwenden sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7502
msgid "This list of patches must be unconditional. In particular, it cannot depend on the value of @code{%current-system} or @code{%current-target-system}."
msgstr "Die Liste von Patches kann nicht von Parametern der Erstellung abhängen. Insbesondere kann sie nicht vom Wert von @code{%current-system} oder @code{%current-target-system} abḧängen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7503
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{snippet} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{snippet} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7507
msgid "A G-expression (@pxref{G-Expressions}) or S-expression that will be run in the source directory. This is a convenient way to modify the source, sometimes more convenient than a patch."
msgstr "Ein im Quellcode-Verzeichnis auszuführender G-Ausdruck (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}) oder S-Ausdruck. Hiermit kann der Quellcode bequem modifiziert werden, manchmal ist dies bequemer als mit einem Patch."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7508
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{patch-flags} (default: @code{'(\"-p1\")})"
msgstr "@code{patch-flags} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"-p1\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7511
msgid "A list of command-line flags that should be passed to the @code{patch} command."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Befehlszeilenoptionen, die dem @code{patch}-Befehl übergeben werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7512
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{patch-inputs} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{patch-inputs} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7516
msgid "Input packages or derivations to the patching process. When this is @code{#f}, the usual set of inputs necessary for patching are provided, such as GNU@tie{}Patch."
msgstr "Eingabepakete oder -ableitungen für den Patch-Prozess. Bei @code{#f} werden die üblichen Patcheingaben wie GNU@tie{}Patch bereitgestellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7437 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7517 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26855
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{modules} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{modules} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7520
msgid "A list of Guile modules that should be loaded during the patching process and while running the code in the @code{snippet} field."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Guile-Modulen, die während des Patch-Prozesses und während der Ausführung des @code{snippet}-Felds geladen sein sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7521
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{patch-guile} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{patch-guile} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7524
msgid "The Guile package that should be used in the patching process. When this is @code{#f}, a sensible default is used."
msgstr "Welches Guile-Paket für den Patch-Prozess benutzt werden soll. Bei @code{#f} wird ein vernünftiger Vorgabewert angenommen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7527
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} content-hash @var{value} [@var{algorithm}]"
msgstr "{Datentyp} content-hash @var{Wert} [@var{Algorithmus}]"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7531
msgid "Construct a content hash object for the given @var{algorithm}, and with @var{value} as its hash value. When @var{algorithm} is omitted, assume it is @code{sha256}."
msgstr "Erzeugt ein Inhaltshash-Objekt für den gegebenen @var{Algorithmus} und benutzt dabei den @var{Wert} als dessen Hashwert. Wenn kein @var{Algorithmus} angegeben wird, wird @code{sha256} angenommen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7534
msgid "@var{value} can be a literal string, in which case it is base32-decoded, or it can be a bytevector."
msgstr "Als @var{Wert} kann ein Zeichenketten-Literal, was base32-dekodiert wird, oder ein Byte-Vektor angegeben werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7536
msgid "The following forms are all equivalent:"
msgstr "Folgende Formen sind äquivalent:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7545
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(content-hash \"05zxkyz9bv3j9h0xyid1rhvh3klhsmrpkf3bcs6frvlgyr2gwilj\")\n"
@@ -15487,103 +15664,103 @@ msgstr ""
" sha256)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7550
msgid "Technically, @code{content-hash} is currently implemented as a macro. It performs sanity checks at macro-expansion time, when possible, such as ensuring that @var{value} has the right size for @var{algorithm}."
msgstr "Als interne Implementierung wird für @code{content-hash} derzeit ein Makro benutzt. Es überprüft, wenn möglich, zum Zeitpunkt der Makroumschreibung, ob die Angaben in Ordnung sind, z.B.@: ob der @var{Wert} die richtige Größe für den angegebenen @var{Algorithmus} hat."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7556
msgid "As we have seen above, how exactly the data an origin refers to is retrieved is determined by its @code{method} field. The @code{(guix download)} module provides the most common method, @code{url-fetch}, described below."
msgstr "Wie wir oben gesehen haben, hängt es von der im @code{method}-Feld angegebenen Methode ab, wie die in einem Paketursprung verwiesenen Daten geladen werden. Das Modul @code{(guix download)} stellt die am häufigsten benutzte Methode zur Verfügung, nämlich @code{url-fetch}, die im Folgenden beschrieben wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7557
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} url-fetch @var{url} @var{hash-algo} @var{hash} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} url-fetch @var{URL} @var{Hash-Algo} @var{Hash} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7565
msgid "[name] [#:executable? #f] Return a fixed-output derivation that fetches data from @var{url} (a string, or a list of strings denoting alternate URLs), which is expected to have hash @var{hash} of type @var{hash-algo} (a symbol). By default, the file name is the base name of URL; optionally, @var{name} can specify a different file name. When @var{executable?} is true, make the downloaded file executable."
msgstr "[name] [#:executable? #f] Liefert eine Ableitung mit fester Ausgabe, die Daten von der @var{URL} lädt (einer Zeichenkette oder Liste von Zeichenketten für alternativ mögliche URLs). Es wird erwartet, dass die Daten @var{Hash} als Prüfsumme haben, gemäß dem Algorithmus, der in @var{Hash-Algo} (einem Symbol) angegebenen wurde. Nach Vorgabe ergibt sich der Dateiname aus dem Basisnamen der URL; optional kann in @var{name} ein anderslautender Name festgelegt werden. Wenn @var{executable?} wahr ist, wird die heruntergeladene Datei als ausführbar markiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7568
msgid "When one of the URL starts with @code{mirror://}, then its host part is interpreted as the name of a mirror scheme, taken from @file{%mirror-file}."
msgstr "Wenn eine der URL mit @code{mirror://} beginnt, wird der „Host Part“ an deren Anfang als Name eines Spiegelserver-Schemas aufgefasst, wie es in @file{%mirror-file} steht."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7571
msgid "Alternatively, when URL starts with @code{file://}, return the corresponding file name in the store."
msgstr "Alternativ wird, wenn die URL mit @code{file://} beginnt, der zugehörige Dateiname in den Store eingefügt und zurückgeliefert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7577
msgid "Likewise, the @code{(guix git-download)} module defines the @code{git-fetch} origin method, which fetches data from a Git version control repository, and the @code{git-reference} data type to describe the repository and revision to fetch."
msgstr "Ebenso ist im Modul @code{(guix git-download)} die @code{git-fetch}-Methode für Paketursprünge definiert. Sie lädt Daten aus einem Repository des Versionskontrollsystems Git. Der Datentyp @code{git-reference} beschreibt dabei das Repository und den daraus zu ladenden Commit."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7578
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} git-fetch @var{ref} @var{hash-algo} @var{hash}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} git-fetch @var{Ref} @var{Hash-Algo} @var{Hash}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7583
msgid "Return a fixed-output derivation that fetches @var{ref}, a @code{<git-reference>} object. The output is expected to have recursive hash @var{hash} of type @var{hash-algo} (a symbol). Use @var{name} as the file name, or a generic name if @code{#f}."
msgstr "Liefert eine Ableitung mit fester Ausgabe, die @var{Ref} lädt, ein @code{<git-reference>}-Objekt. Es wird erwartet, dass die Ausgabe rekursiv die Prüfsumme @var{Hash} aufweist (ein „rekursiver Hash“) gemäß dem Typ @var{Hash-Algo} (einem Symbol). Als Dateiname wird @var{name} verwendet, oder ein generischer Name, falls @var{name} @code{#f} ist."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7585
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} git-reference"
msgstr "{Datentyp} git-reference"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7588
msgid "This data type represents a Git reference for @code{git-fetch} to retrieve."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp steht für eine Git-Referenz, die @code{git-fetch} laden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7510 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7590 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24706
#, no-wrap
msgid "url"
msgstr "url"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7592
msgid "The URL of the Git repository to clone."
msgstr "Die URL des zu klonenden Git-Repositorys."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7593
#, no-wrap
msgid "commit"
msgstr "commit"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7598
msgid "This string denotes either the commit to fetch (a hexadecimal string), or the tag to fetch. You can also use a ``short'' commit ID or a @command{git describe} style identifier such as @code{v1.0.1-10-g58d7909c97}."
msgstr "Diese Zeichenkette gibt entweder den zu ladenden Commit an (als Zeichenkette aus Hexadezimalzeichen) oder sie entspricht dem zu ladenden Tag. Sie können auch eine „kurze“ Commit-Zeichenkette oder einen Bezeichner wie von @command{git describe}, z.B.@: @code{v1.0.1-10-g58d7909c97}, verwenden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7599
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{recursive?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{recursive?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7601
msgid "This Boolean indicates whether to recursively fetch Git sub-modules."
msgstr "Dieser boolesche Wert gibt an, ob Git-Submodule rekursiv geladen werden sollen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7605
msgid "The example below denotes the @code{v2.10} tag of the GNU@tie{}Hello repository:"
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird der Tag @code{v2.10} des Repositorys für GNU@tie{}Hello bezeichnet:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7610
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -15595,12 +15772,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (commit \"v2.10\"))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7614
msgid "This is equivalent to the reference below, which explicitly names the commit:"
msgstr "Das ist äquivalent zu folgender Referenz, wo der Commit ausdrücklich benannt wird:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7619
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -15612,56 +15789,56 @@ msgstr ""
" (commit \"dc7dc56a00e48fe6f231a58f6537139fe2908fb9\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7625
msgid "For Mercurial repositories, the module @code{(guix hg-download)} defines the @code{hg-fetch} origin method and @code{hg-reference} data type for support of the Mercurial version control system."
msgstr "Bei Mercurial-Repositorys finden Sie im Modul @code{(guix hg-download)} Definitionen für die Methode @code{hg-fetch} für Paketursprünge sowie den Datentyp @code{hg-reference}. Mit ihnen wird das Versionskontrollsystem Mercurial unterstützt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7626
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} hg-fetch @var{ref} @var{hash-algo} @var{hash} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} hg-fetch @var{Ref} @var{Hash-Algo} @var{Hash} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7632
msgid "[name] Return a fixed-output derivation that fetches @var{ref}, a @code{<hg-reference>} object. The output is expected to have recursive hash @var{hash} of type @var{hash-algo} (a symbol). Use @var{name} as the file name, or a generic name if @code{#false}."
msgstr "[Name] Liefert eine Ableitung mit fester Ausgabe, die @var{Ref} lädt, ein @code{<hg-reference>}-Objekt. Es wird erwartet, dass die Ausgabe rekursiv die Prüfsumme @var{Hash} aufweist (ein „rekursiver Hash“) gemäß dem Typ @var{Hash-Algo} (einem Symbol). Als Dateiname wird @var{Name} verwendet, oder ein generischer Name, falls @var{Name} @code{#false} ist."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7637
#, no-wrap
msgid "customizing packages"
msgstr "Pakete anpassen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7638
#, no-wrap
msgid "variants, of packages"
msgstr "Varianten, von Paketen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7648
msgid "One of the nice things with Guix is that, given a package definition, you can easily @emph{derive} variants of that package---for a different upstream version, with different dependencies, different compilation options, and so on. Some of these custom packages can be defined straight from the command line (@pxref{Package Transformation Options}). This section describes how to define package variants in code. This can be useful in ``manifests'' (@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) and in your own package collection (@pxref{Creating a Channel}), among others!"
msgstr "Eine der schönen Sachen an Guix ist, dass Sie aus einer Paketdefinition leicht Varianten desselben Pakets @emph{ableiten} können@tie{}— solche, die vom Anbieter eine andere Paketversion nehmen, als im Guix-Repository angegeben, solche mit anderen Abhängigkeiten, anders gearteten Compiler-Optionen und mehr. Manche dieser eigenen Pakete lassen sich direkt aus der Befehlszeile definieren (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options}). Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie man Paketvarianten mit Code definiert. Das kann in „Manifesten“ nützlich sein (siehe @ref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}}) und in Ihrer eigenen Paketsammlung (siehe @ref{Creating a Channel}), unter anderem!"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7569
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7649
#, no-wrap
msgid "inherit, for package definitions"
msgstr "inherit, für Paketdefinitionen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7656
msgid "As discussed earlier, packages are first-class objects in the Scheme language. The @code{(guix packages)} module provides the @code{package} construct to define new package objects (@pxref{package Reference}). The easiest way to define a package variant is using the @code{inherit} keyword together with @code{package}. This allows you to inherit from a package definition while overriding the fields you want."
msgstr "Wie zuvor erörtert, sind Pakete Objekte erster Klasse in der Scheme-Sprache. Das Modul @code{(guix packages)} stellt das @code{package}-Konstrukt zur Verfügung, mit dem neue Paketobjekte definiert werden können (siehe @ref{package Reference}). Am einfachsten ist es, eine Paketvariante zu definieren, indem Sie das @code{inherit}-Schlüsselwort mit einem @code{package}-Objekt verwenden. Dadurch können Sie die Felder einer Paketdefinition erben lassen, aber die Felder selbst festlegen, die Sie festlegen möchten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7661
msgid "For example, given the @code{hello} variable, which contains a definition for the current version of GNU@tie{}Hello, here's how you would define a variant for version 2.2 (released in 2006, it's vintage!):"
msgstr "Betrachten wir zum Beispiel die Variable @code{hello}, die eine Definition für die aktuelle Version von GNU@tie{}Hello enthält. So können Sie eine Variante für Version 2.2 definieren (welche 2006 veröffentlicht wurde@tie{}— ein guter Jahrgang!):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7664
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages base)) ;for 'hello'\n"
@@ -15671,7 +15848,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7676
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define hello-2.2\n"
@@ -15699,17 +15876,17 @@ msgstr ""
" \"0lappv4slgb5spyqbh6yl5r013zv72yqg2pcl30mginf3wdqd8k9\"))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7685
msgid "The example above corresponds to what the @option{--with-source} package transformation option does. Essentially @code{hello-2.2} preserves all the fields of @code{hello}, except @code{version} and @code{source}, which it overrides. Note that the original @code{hello} variable is still there, in the @code{(gnu packages base)} module, unchanged. When you define a custom package like this, you are really @emph{adding} a new package definition; the original one remains available."
msgstr "Das obige Beispiel entspricht dem, was Sie mit der Paketumwandlungsoption @option{--with-source} erreichen können. Im Kern erhält @code{hello-2.2} alle Felder von @code{hello} mit Ausnahme von @code{version} und @code{source}, die ersetzt werden (die beiden unterliegen einem „Override“). Beachten Sie, dass es die ursprüngliche @code{hello}-Variable weiterhin gibt, sie bleibt unverändert in dem Modul @code{(gnu packages base)}. Wenn Sie auf diese Weise ein eigenes Paket definieren, fügen Sie tatsächlich eine neue Paketdefinition hinzu; das Original bleibt erhalten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7691
msgid "You can just as well define variants with a different set of dependencies than the original package. For example, the default @code{gdb} package depends on @code{guile}, but since that is an optional dependency, you can define a variant that removes that dependency like so:"
msgstr "Genauso gut können Sie Varianten mit einer anderen Menge von Abhängigkeiten als im ursprünglichen Paket definieren. Zum Beispiel hängt das vorgegebene @code{gdb}-Paket von @code{guile} ab, aber weil es eine optionale Abhängigkeit ist, können Sie eine Variante definieren, die jene Abhängigkeit entfernt, etwa so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7694
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages gdb)) ;for 'gdb'\n"
@@ -15719,7 +15896,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7700
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define gdb-sans-guile\n"
@@ -15735,68 +15912,61 @@ msgstr ""
" (delete \"guile\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7706
msgid "The @code{modify-inputs} form above removes the @code{\"guile\"} package from the @code{inputs} field of @code{gdb}. The @code{modify-inputs} macro is a helper that can prove useful anytime you want to remove, add, or replace package inputs."
msgstr "Mit obiger @code{modify-inputs}-Form wird das @code{\"guile\"}-Paket aus den Eingaben im @code{inputs}-Feld von @code{gdb} entfernt. Das @code{modify-inputs}-Makro hilft Ihnen, wann immer Sie etwas aus den Paketeingaben entfernen, hinzufügen oder ersetzen möchten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7627
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7707
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} modify-inputs @var{inputs} @var{clauses}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} modify-inputs @var{Eingaben} @var{Klauseln}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7631
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Modify the given package inputs, as returned by @code{package-inputs} & co., according to the given clauses. The example below removes the GMP and ACL inputs of Coreutils and adds libcap to the back of the input list:"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7711
msgid "Modify the given package inputs, as returned by @code{package-inputs} & co., according to the given clauses. Each clause must have one of the following forms:"
-msgstr "Ändert die übergebenen Paketeingaben, die @code{package-inputs} & Co. liefern können, entsprechend der angegebenen Klauseln. Mit folgendem Beispiel werden die Eingaben GMP und ACL unter denen von Coreutils weggelassen und libcap wird zum Schluss hinzugefügt:"
+msgstr "Ändert die übergebenen Paketeingaben, die @code{package-inputs} & Co.@: liefern können, entsprechend der angegebenen Klauseln. Jede Klausel muss eine der folgenden Formen aufweisen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7633
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid "(delete @var{type})\n"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7713
+#, no-wrap
msgid "(delete @var{name}@dots{})"
-msgstr "(delete @var{Diensttyp})\n"
+msgstr "(delete @var{Name}…)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7715
msgid "Delete from the inputs packages with the given @var{name}s (strings)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Die Pakete mit den angegebenen @var{Name}n (als Zeichenketten) aus den Eingaben entfernen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7636
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid "-i @var{package} @dots{}"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7716
+#, no-wrap
msgid "(append @var{package}@dots{})"
-msgstr "-i @var{Paket} …"
+msgstr "(append @var{Paket}…)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7718
msgid "Add @var{package}s to the end of the input list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jedes @var{Paket} am Ende der Eingabenliste anhängen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7639
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid "-r @var{package} @dots{}"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7719
+#, no-wrap
msgid "(prepend @var{package}@dots{})"
-msgstr "-r @var{Paket} …"
+msgstr "(prepend @var{Paket}…)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7721
msgid "Add @var{package}s to the front of the input list."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Jedes @var{Paket} vorne an die Eingabenliste anstellen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7645
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "Modify the given package inputs, as returned by @code{package-inputs} & co., according to the given clauses. The example below removes the GMP and ACL inputs of Coreutils and adds libcap to the back of the input list:"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7725
msgid "The example below removes the GMP and ACL inputs of Coreutils and adds libcap to the back of the input list:"
-msgstr "Ändert die übergebenen Paketeingaben, die @code{package-inputs} & Co. liefern können, entsprechend der angegebenen Klauseln. Mit folgendem Beispiel werden die Eingaben GMP und ACL unter denen von Coreutils weggelassen und libcap wird zum Schluss hinzugefügt:"
+msgstr "Mit folgendem Beispiel werden die Eingaben GMP und ACL unter denen von Coreutils weggelassen und libcap wird zum Schluss hinzugefügt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7730
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(modify-inputs (package-inputs coreutils)\n"
@@ -15808,12 +15978,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (append libcap))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7734
msgid "The example below replaces the @code{guile} package from the inputs of @code{guile-redis} with @code{guile-2.2}:"
msgstr "Mit folgendem Beispiel wird das @code{guile}-Paket unter den Eingaben von @code{guile-redis} weggelassen und stattdessen wird @code{guile-2.2} verwendet:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7738
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(modify-inputs (package-inputs guile-redis)\n"
@@ -15823,17 +15993,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (replace \"guile\" guile-2.2))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7742
msgid "The last type of clause is @code{prepend}, to add inputs to the front of the list."
msgstr "Die letzte Art Klausel ist @code{prepend}, was bedeutet, dass Eingaben vorne an die Liste angehängt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7671
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7751
msgid "In some cases, you may find it useful to write functions (``procedures'', in Scheme parlance) that return a package based on some parameters. For example, consider the @code{luasocket} library for the Lua programming language. We want to create @code{luasocket} packages for major versions of Lua. One way to do that is to define a procedure that takes a Lua package and returns a @code{luasocket} package that depends on it:"
msgstr "Manchmal bietet es sich an, Funktionen (also „Prozeduren“, wie Scheme-Anwender sagen) zu schreiben, die ein Paket abhängig von bestimmten Parametern zurückliefern. Als Beispiel betrachten wir die @code{luasocket}-Bibliothek für die Programmiersprache Lua. Wir möchten @code{luasocket}-Pakete für die hauptsächlichen Versionen von Lua verfügbar machen. Eine Möglichkeit, das zu erreichen, ist, eine Prozedur zu definieren, die ein Lua-Paket nimmt und ein von diesem abhängiges @code{luasocket}-Paket liefert."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7761
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (make-lua-socket name lua)\n"
@@ -15857,7 +16027,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7764
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public lua5.1-socket\n"
@@ -15869,7 +16039,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7767
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public lua5.2-socket\n"
@@ -15879,34 +16049,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (make-lua-socket \"lua5.2-socket\" lua-5.2))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7775
msgid "Here we have defined packages @code{lua5.1-socket} and @code{lua5.2-socket} by calling @code{make-lua-socket} with different arguments. @xref{Procedures,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for more info on procedures. Having top-level public definitions for these two packages means that they can be referred to from the command line (@pxref{Package Modules})."
msgstr "Damit haben wir Pakete @code{lua5.1-socket} und @code{lua5.2-socket} definiert, indem wir @code{make-lua-socket} mit verschiedenen Argumenten aufgerufen haben. Siehe @ref{Procedures,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Guile} für mehr Informationen über Prozeduren. Weil wir mit @code{define-public} öffentlich sichtbare Definitionen auf oberster Ebene („top-level“) für diese beiden Pakete angegeben haben, kann man sie von der Befehlszeile aus benutzen (siehe @ref{Package Modules})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7776
#, no-wrap
msgid "package transformations"
msgstr "Paketumwandlungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7781
msgid "These are pretty simple package variants. As a convenience, the @code{(guix transformations)} module provides a high-level interface that directly maps to the more sophisticated package transformation options (@pxref{Package Transformation Options}):"
msgstr "Bei diesen handelt es sich um sehr einfache Paketvarianten. Bequemer ist es dann, mit dem Modul @code{(guix transformations)} eine hochsprachliche Schnittstelle einzusetzen, die auf die komplexeren Paketumwandlungsoptionen direkt abbildet (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options}):"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7782
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} options->transformation @var{opts}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} options->transformation @var{Optionen}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7786
msgid "Return a procedure that, when passed an object to build (package, derivation, etc.), applies the transformations specified by @var{opts} and returns the resulting objects. @var{opts} must be a list of symbol/string pairs such as:"
msgstr "Liefert eine Prozedur, die gegeben ein zu erstellendes Objekt (ein Paket, eine Ableitung oder Ähnliches) die durch @var{Optionen} festgelegten Umwandlungen daran umsetzt und die sich ergebenden Objekte zurückliefert. @var{Optionen} muss eine Liste von Paaren aus Symbol und Zeichenkette sein wie:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7790
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"((with-branch . \"guile-gcrypt=master\")\n"
@@ -15916,17 +16086,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (without-tests . \"libgcrypt\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7794
msgid "Each symbol names a transformation and the corresponding string is an argument to that transformation."
msgstr "Jedes Symbol benennt eine Umwandlung. Die entsprechende Zeichenkette ist ein Argument an diese Umwandlung."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7797
msgid "For instance, a manifest equivalent to this command:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wäre ein gleichwertiges Manifest zu diesem Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7802
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build guix \\\n"
@@ -15938,12 +16108,12 @@ msgstr ""
" --with-debug-info=zlib\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7806
msgid "... would look like this:"
msgstr "… dieses hier:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7809
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix transformations))\n"
@@ -15953,7 +16123,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7815
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define transform\n"
@@ -15971,7 +16141,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7818
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -15981,50 +16151,50 @@ msgstr ""
" (list (transform (specification->package \"guix\"))))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7820
#, no-wrap
msgid "input rewriting"
msgstr "Eingaben umschreiben"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7821
#, no-wrap
msgid "dependency graph rewriting"
msgstr "Abhängigkeitsgraphen umschreiben"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7828
msgid "The @code{options->transformation} procedure is convenient, but it's perhaps also not as flexible as you may like. How is it implemented? The astute reader probably noticed that most package transformation options go beyond the superficial changes shown in the first examples of this section: they involve @dfn{input rewriting}, whereby the dependency graph of a package is rewritten by replacing specific inputs by others."
msgstr "Die Prozedur @code{options->transformation} lässt sich einfach benutzen, ist aber vielleicht nicht so flexibel, wie Sie es sich wünschen. Wie sieht ihre Implementierung aus? Aufmerksamen Lesern mag aufgefallen sein, dass die meisten Paketumwandlungen die oberflächlichen Änderungen aus den ersten Beispielen in diesem Abschnitt übersteigen: Sie @dfn{schreiben Eingaben um}, was im Abhängigkeitsgraphen bestimmte Eingaben durch andere ersetzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7832
msgid "Dependency graph rewriting, for the purposes of swapping packages in the graph, is what the @code{package-input-rewriting} procedure in @code{(guix packages)} implements."
msgstr "Das Umschreiben des Abhängigkeitsgraphen, damit Pakete im Graphen ausgetauscht werden, ist in der Prozedur @code{package-input-rewriting} aus @code{(guix packages)} implementiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7833
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-input-rewriting @var{replacements} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-input-rewriting @var{Ersetzungen} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7840
msgid "[@var{rewrite-name}] [#:deep? #t] Return a procedure that, when passed a package, replaces its direct and indirect dependencies, including implicit inputs when @var{deep?} is true, according to @var{replacements}. @var{replacements} is a list of package pairs; the first element of each pair is the package to replace, and the second one is the replacement."
msgstr "[@var{umgeschriebener-Name}] [#:deep? #t] Eine Prozedur liefern, die für ein ihr übergebenes Paket dessen direkte und indirekte Abhängigkeit gemäß den @var{Ersetzungen} umschreibt, einschließlich ihrer impliziten Eingaben, wenn @var{deep?} wahr ist. @var{Ersetzungen} ist eine Liste von Paketpaaren; das erste Element eines Paares ist das zu ersetzende Paket und das zweite ist, wodurch es ersetzt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7843
msgid "Optionally, @var{rewrite-name} is a one-argument procedure that takes the name of a package and returns its new name after rewrite."
msgstr "Optional kann als @var{umgeschriebener-Name} eine ein Argument nehmende Prozedur angegeben werden, die einen Paketnamen nimmt und den Namen nach dem Umschreiben zurückliefert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7767 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7847 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11634
msgid "Consider this example:"
msgstr "Betrachten Sie dieses Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7853
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define libressl-instead-of-openssl\n"
@@ -16040,7 +16210,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7856
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define git-with-libressl\n"
@@ -16050,33 +16220,33 @@ msgstr ""
" (libressl-statt-openssl git))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7864
msgid "Here we first define a rewriting procedure that replaces @var{openssl} with @var{libressl}. Then we use it to define a @dfn{variant} of the @var{git} package that uses @var{libressl} instead of @var{openssl}. This is exactly what the @option{--with-input} command-line option does (@pxref{Package Transformation Options, @option{--with-input}})."
msgstr "Hier definieren wir zuerst eine Umschreibeprozedur, die @var{openssl} durch @var{libressl} ersetzt. Dann definieren wir damit eine @dfn{Variante} des @var{git}-Pakets, die @var{libressl} statt @var{openssl} benutzt. Das ist genau, was auch die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--with-input} tut (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options, @option{--with-input}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7787
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7867
msgid "The following variant of @code{package-input-rewriting} can match packages to be replaced by name rather than by identity."
msgstr "Die folgende Variante von @code{package-input-rewriting} kann für die Ersetzung passende Pakete anhand ihres Namens finden, statt zu prüfen, ob der Wert identisch ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7868
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-input-rewriting/spec @var{replacements} [#:deep? #t]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-input-rewriting/spec @var{Ersetzungen} [#:deep? #t]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7875
msgid "Return a procedure that, given a package, applies the given @var{replacements} to all the package graph, including implicit inputs unless @var{deep?} is false. @var{replacements} is a list of spec/procedures pair; each spec is a package specification such as @code{\"gcc\"} or @code{\"guile@@2\"}, and each procedure takes a matching package and returns a replacement for that package."
msgstr "Liefert eine Prozedur, die für ein gegebenes Paket die angegebenen @var{Ersetzungen} auf dessen gesamten Paketgraphen anwendet (einschließlich impliziter Eingaben, außer wenn @var{deep?} falsch ist). @var{Ersetzungen} muss dabei eine Liste von Paaren aus je einer Spezifikation und Prozedur sein. Dabei ist jede Spezifikation eine Paketspezifikation wie @code{\"gcc\"} oder @code{\"guile@@2\"} und jede Prozedur nimmt ein passendes Paket und liefert dafür einen Ersatz für das Paket."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7878
msgid "The example above could be rewritten this way:"
msgstr "Das obige Beispiel könnte auch so geschrieben werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7883
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define libressl-instead-of-openssl\n"
@@ -16088,872 +16258,872 @@ msgstr ""
" (package-input-rewriting/spec `((\"openssl\" . ,(const libressl)))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7888
msgid "The key difference here is that, this time, packages are matched by spec and not by identity. In other words, any package in the graph that is called @code{openssl} will be replaced."
msgstr "Der Hauptunterschied ist hier, dass diesmal Pakete zur Spezifikation passen müssen und nicht deren Wert identisch sein muss, damit sie ersetzt werden. Mit anderen Worten wird jedes Paket im Graphen ersetzt, das @code{openssl} heißt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7892
msgid "A more generic procedure to rewrite a package dependency graph is @code{package-mapping}: it supports arbitrary changes to nodes in the graph."
msgstr "Eine allgemeiner anwendbare Prozedur, um den Abhängigkeitsgraphen eines Pakets umzuschreiben, ist @code{package-mapping}. Sie unterstützt beliebige Änderungen an den Knoten des Graphen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7893
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-mapping @var{proc} [@var{cut?}] [#:deep? #f]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-mapping @var{Prozedur} [@var{Schnitt?}] [#:deep? #f]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7898
msgid "Return a procedure that, given a package, applies @var{proc} to all the packages depended on and returns the resulting package. The procedure stops recursion when @var{cut?} returns true for a given package. When @var{deep?} is true, @var{proc} is applied to implicit inputs as well."
msgstr "Liefert eine Prozedur, die, wenn ihr ein Paket übergeben wird, die an @code{package-mapping} übergebene @var{Prozedur} auf alle vom Paket abhängigen Pakete anwendet. Die Prozedur liefert das resultierende Paket. Wenn @var{Schnitt?} für ein Paket davon einen wahren Wert liefert, findet kein rekursiver Abstieg in dessen Abhängigkeiten statt. Steht @var{deep?} auf wahr, wird die @var{Prozedur} auch auf implizite Eingaben angewandt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7904
#, no-wrap
msgid "build system"
msgstr "Erstellungssystem"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7829
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7909
msgid "Each package definition specifies a @dfn{build system} and arguments for that build system (@pxref{Defining Packages}). This @code{build-system} field represents the build procedure of the package, as well as implicit dependencies of that build procedure."
msgstr "Jede Paketdefinition legt ein @dfn{Erstellungssystem} („build system“) sowie dessen Argumente fest (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Das @code{build-system}-Feld steht für die Erstellungsprozedur des Pakets sowie für weitere implizite Eingaben für die Erstellungsprozedur."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7913
msgid "Build systems are @code{<build-system>} objects. The interface to create and manipulate them is provided by the @code{(guix build-system)} module, and actual build systems are exported by specific modules."
msgstr "Erstellungssysteme sind @code{<build-system>}-Objekte. Die Schnittstelle, um solche zu erzeugen und zu verändern, ist im Modul @code{(guix build-system)} zu finden, und die eigentlichen Erstellungssysteme werden jeweils von ihren eigenen Modulen exportiert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7914
#, no-wrap
msgid "bag (low-level package representation)"
msgstr "Bag (systemnahe Paketrepräsentation)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7924
msgid "Under the hood, build systems first compile package objects to @dfn{bags}. A @dfn{bag} is like a package, but with less ornamentation---in other words, a bag is a lower-level representation of a package, which includes all the inputs of that package, including some that were implicitly added by the build system. This intermediate representation is then compiled to a derivation (@pxref{Derivations}). The @code{package-with-c-toolchain} is an example of a way to change the implicit inputs that a package's build system pulls in (@pxref{package Reference, @code{package-with-c-toolchain}})."
msgstr "Intern funktionieren Erstellungssysteme, indem erst Paketobjekte zu @dfn{Bags} kompiliert werden. Eine Bag (deutsch: Beutel, Sack) ist wie ein Paket, aber mit weniger Zierrat@tie{}— anders gesagt ist eine Bag eine systemnähere Darstellung eines Pakets, die sämtliche Eingaben des Pakets einschließlich vom Erstellungssystem hinzugefügter Eingaben enthält. Diese Zwischendarstellung wird dann zur eigentlichen Ableitung kompiliert (siehe @ref{Derivations}). Die Prozedur @code{package-with-c-toolchain} ist zum Beispiel eine Möglichkeit, wie die durch das Erstellungssystem hinzugenommenen impliziten Eingaben abgeändert werden können (siehe @ref{package Reference, @code{package-with-c-toolchain}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7932
msgid "Build systems accept an optional list of @dfn{arguments}. In package definitions, these are passed @i{via} the @code{arguments} field (@pxref{Defining Packages}). They are typically keyword arguments (@pxref{Optional Arguments, keyword arguments in Guile,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). The value of these arguments is usually evaluated in the @dfn{build stratum}---i.e., by a Guile process launched by the daemon (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Erstellungssysteme akzeptieren optional eine Liste von @dfn{Argumenten}. In Paketdefinitionen werden diese über das @code{arguments}-Feld übergeben (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Sie sind in der Regel Schlüsselwort-Argumente (siehe @ref{Optional Arguments, Schlüsselwort-Argumente in Guile,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Der Wert dieser Argumente wird normalerweise vom Erstellungssystem in der @dfn{Erstellungsschicht} ausgewertet, d.h.@: von einem durch den Daemon gestarteten Guile-Prozess (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7936
msgid "The main build system is @code{gnu-build-system}, which implements the standard build procedure for GNU and many other packages. It is provided by the @code{(guix build-system gnu)} module."
msgstr "Das häufigste Erstellungssystem ist @code{gnu-build-system}, was die übliche Erstellungsprozedur für GNU-Pakete und viele andere Pakete darstellt. Es wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system gnu)} bereitgestellt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7937
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gnu-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gnu-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7941
msgid "@code{gnu-build-system} represents the GNU Build System, and variants thereof (@pxref{Configuration, configuration and makefile conventions,, standards, GNU Coding Standards})."
msgstr "@code{gnu-build-system} steht für das GNU-Erstellungssystem und Varianten desselben (siehe @ref{Configuration, Konfiguration und Makefile-Konventionen,, standards, GNU Coding Standards})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7862 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8812
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7942 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9451
#, no-wrap
msgid "build phases"
msgstr "Erstellungsphasen"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7869
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7949
msgid "In a nutshell, packages using it are configured, built, and installed with the usual @code{./configure && make && make check && make install} command sequence. In practice, a few additional steps are often needed. All these steps are split up in separate @dfn{phases}. @xref{Build Phases}, for more info on build phases and ways to customize them."
msgstr "Kurz gefasst werden Pakete, die es benutzen, konfiguriert, erstellt und installiert mit der üblichen Befehlsfolge @code{./configure && make && make check && make install}. In der Praxis braucht man oft noch ein paar weitere Schritte. Alle Schritte sind in voneinander getrennte @dfn{Phasen} unterteilt. Siehe @ref{Build Phases} für mehr Informationen zu Erstellungsphasen und wie man sie anpassen kann."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7956
msgid "In addition, this build system ensures that the ``standard'' environment for GNU packages is available. This includes tools such as GCC, libc, Coreutils, Bash, Make, Diffutils, grep, and sed (see the @code{(guix build-system gnu)} module for a complete list). We call these the @dfn{implicit inputs} of a package, because package definitions do not have to mention them."
msgstr "Zusätzlich stellt dieses Erstellungssystem sicher, dass die „Standard“-Umgebung für GNU-Pakete zur Verfügung steht. Diese umfasst Werkzeuge wie GCC, libc, Coreutils, Bash, Make, Diffutils, grep und sed (siehe das Modul @code{(guix build-system gnu)} für eine vollständige Liste). Wir bezeichnen sie als @dfn{implizite Eingaben} eines Pakets, weil Paketdefinitionen sie nicht aufführen müssen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7960
msgid "This build system supports a number of keyword arguments, which can be passed @i{via} the @code{arguments} field of a package. Here are some of the main parameters:"
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem unterstützt eine Reihe von Schlüsselwortargumenten, die über das @code{arguments}-Feld eines Pakets übergeben werden können. Hier sind einige der wichtigen Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7962
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:phases"
msgstr "#:phases"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7965
msgid "This argument specifies build-side code that evaluates to an alist of build phases. @xref{Build Phases}, for more information."
msgstr "Mit diesem Argument wird erstellungsseitiger Code angegeben, der zu einer assoziativen Liste von Erstellungsphasen ausgewertet wird. Siehe @ref{Build Phases} für nähere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7966
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:configure-flags"
msgstr "#:configure-flags"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7969
msgid "This is a list of flags (strings) passed to the @command{configure} script. @xref{Defining Packages}, for an example."
msgstr "Diese Liste von Befehlszeilenoptionen (als Zeichenketten) werden dem @command{configure}-Skript übergeben. Siehe @ref{Defining Packages} für ein Beispiel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7970
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:make-flags"
msgstr "#:make-flags"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7974
msgid "This list of strings contains flags passed as arguments to @command{make} invocations in the @code{build}, @code{check}, and @code{install} phases."
msgstr "Diese Zeichenkettenliste enthält Befehlszeilenoptionen, die als Argumente an @command{make}-Aufrufe in den Phasen @code{build}, @code{check} und @code{install} übergeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7975
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:out-of-source?"
msgstr "#:out-of-source?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7978
msgid "This Boolean, @code{#f} by default, indicates whether to run builds in a build directory separate from the source tree."
msgstr "Dieser Boolesche Ausdruck, nach Vorgabe steht er auf @code{#f}, zeigt an, ob Erstellungen in einem gesonderten Erstellungsverzeichnis abseits des Quellbaums ausgeführt werden sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7983
msgid "When it is true, the @code{configure} phase creates a separate build directory, changes to that directory, and runs the @code{configure} script from there. This is useful for packages that require it, such as @code{glibc}."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr steht, wird in der @code{configure}-Phase eigens ein Erstellungsverzeichnis angelegt, dorthin gewechselt und das @code{configure}-Skript von dort ausgeführt. Das ist nützlich bei Paketen, die so etwas voraussetzen, wie @code{glibc}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7984
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:tests?"
msgstr "#:tests?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7987
msgid "This Boolean, @code{#t} by default, indicates whether the @code{check} phase should run the package's test suite."
msgstr "Dieser Boolesche Ausdruck, nach Vorgabe steht er auf @code{#t}, zeigt an, ob in der @code{check}-Phase der Testkatalog des Pakets ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7988
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:test-target"
msgstr "#:test-target"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7991
msgid "This string, @code{\"check\"} by default, gives the name of the makefile target used by the @code{check} phase."
msgstr "In dieser Zeichenkette, nach Vorgabe @code{\"check\"}, wird der Name des Makefile-Ziels angegeben, das die @code{check}-Phase benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7992
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:parallel-build?"
msgstr "#:parallel-build?"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7993
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:parallel-tests?"
msgstr "#:parallel-tests?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8000
msgid "These Boolean values specify whether to build, respectively run the test suite, in parallel, with the @code{-j} flag of @command{make}. When they are true, @code{make} is passed @code{-j@var{n}}, where @var{n} is the number specified as the @option{--cores} option of @command{guix-daemon} or that of the @command{guix} client command (@pxref{Common Build Options, @option{--cores}})."
msgstr "Mit diesen Booleschen Werten wird festgelegt, ob die Erstellung respektive der Testkatalog parallel ausgeführt werden soll, indem die Befehlszeilenoption @code{-j} an @command{make} übergeben wird. Wenn die Werte wahr sind, wird an @code{make} die Option @code{-j@var{n}} übergeben, wobei @var{n} die Zahl ist, die in der @option{--cores}-Befehlszeilenoption an @command{guix-daemon} oder an den @command{guix}-Clientbefehl übergeben wurde (siehe @ref{Common Build Options, @option{--cores}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8001
#, no-wrap
msgid "RUNPATH, validation"
msgstr "RUNPATH, Validierung"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8002
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:validate-runpath?"
msgstr "#:validate-runpath?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8006
msgid "This Boolean, @code{#t} by default, determines whether to ``validate'' the @code{RUNPATH} of ELF binaries (@code{.so} shared libraries as well as executables) previously installed by the @code{install} phase."
msgstr "Dieser Boolesche Ausdruck, nach Vorgabe @code{#t}, bestimmt, ob der in ELF-Binärdateien, die in der @code{install}-Phase installiert worden sind, eingetragene @code{RUNPATH} „validiert“ werden soll. ELF-Binärdateien sind gemeinsame Bibliotheken („Shared Libraries“ mit Dateiendung @code{.so}) sowie ausführbare Dateien."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8014
msgid "This validation step consists in making sure that all the shared libraries needed by an ELF binary, which are listed as @code{DT_NEEDED} entries in its @code{PT_DYNAMIC} segment, appear in the @code{DT_RUNPATH} entry of that binary. In other words, it ensures that running or using those binaries will not result in a ``file not found'' error at run time. @xref{Options, @option{-rpath},, ld, The GNU Linker}, for more information on @code{RUNPATH}."
msgstr "Die Validierung besteht darin, sicherzustellen, dass jede gemeinsame Bibliothek, die von einer ELF-Binärdatei gebraucht wird (sie sind in @code{DT_NEEDED}-Einträgen im @code{PT_DYNAMIC}-Segment der ELF-Datei aufgeführt), im @code{DT_RUNPATH}-Eintrag der Datei gefunden wird. Mit anderen Worten wird gewährleistet, dass es beim Ausführen oder Benutzen einer solchen Binärdatei nicht zur Laufzeit zu einem Fehler kommt, eine Datei würde nicht gefunden. Siehe @ref{Options, @option{-rpath},, ld, The GNU Linker} für mehr Informationen zum @code{RUNPATH}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8015
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:substitutable?"
msgstr "#:substitutable?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8019
msgid "This Boolean, @code{#t} by default, tells whether the package outputs should be substitutable---i.e., whether users should be able to obtain substitutes for them instead of building locally (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Dieser Boolesche Ausdruck, nach Vorgabe @code{#t}, sagt aus, ob Paketausgaben substituierbar sein sollen, d.h.@: ob Benutzer Substitute dafür beziehen können sollen statt sie lokal erstellen zu müssen (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8020
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:allowed-references"
msgstr "#:allowed-references"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8021
#, no-wrap
msgid "#:disallowed-references"
msgstr "#:disallowed-references"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8026
msgid "When true, these arguments must be a list of dependencies that must not appear among the references of the build results. If, upon build completion, some of these references are retained, the build process fails."
msgstr "Wenn für diese Argumente ein wahrer Wert angegeben wird, muss er einer Liste von Abhängigkeiten entsprechen, die @emph{nicht} unter den Referenzen der Erstellungsergebnisse vorkommen dürfen. Wenn nach dem Ende der Erstellung eine solche Referenz noch vorhanden ist, schlägt der Erstellungsvorgang fehl."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8031
msgid "This is useful to ensure that a package does not erroneously keep a reference to some of it build-time inputs, in cases where doing so would, for example, unnecessarily increase its size (@pxref{Invoking guix size})."
msgstr "Sie eignen sich, um zu garantieren, dass ein Paket nicht fälschlich seine Abhängigkeiten aus der Erstellungszeit weiter referenziert, wenn das, zum Beispiel, die Größe unnötig in die Höhe treiben würde."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8034
msgid "Most other build systems support these keyword arguments."
msgstr "Auch die meisten anderen Erstellungssysteme unterstützen diese Schlüsselwortargumente."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8041
msgid "Other @code{<build-system>} objects are defined to support other conventions and tools used by free software packages. They inherit most of @code{gnu-build-system}, and differ mainly in the set of inputs implicitly added to the build process, and in the list of phases executed. Some of these build systems are listed below."
msgstr "Andere @code{<build-system>}-Objekte werden definiert, um andere Konventionen und Werkzeuge von Paketen für freie Software zu unterstützen. Die anderen Erstellungssysteme erben den Großteil vom @code{gnu-build-system} und unterscheiden sich hauptsächlich darin, welche Eingaben dem Erstellungsprozess implizit hinzugefügt werden und welche Liste von Phasen durchlaufen wird. Manche dieser Erstellungssysteme sind im Folgenden aufgeführt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8042
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ant-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ant-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8046
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ant)}. It implements the build procedure for Java packages that can be built with @url{https://ant.apache.org/, Ant build tool}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system ant)} exportiert. Sie implementiert die Erstellungsprozedur für Java-Pakete, die mit dem @url{https://ant.apache.org/, Ant build tool} erstellt werden können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8051
msgid "It adds both @code{ant} and the @dfn{Java Development Kit} (JDK) as provided by the @code{icedtea} package to the set of inputs. Different packages can be specified with the @code{#:ant} and @code{#:jdk} parameters, respectively."
msgstr "Sowohl @code{ant} als auch der @dfn{Java Development Kit} (JDK), wie er vom Paket @code{icedtea} bereitgestellt wird, werden zu den Eingaben hinzugefügt. Wenn andere Pakete dafür benutzt werden sollen, können sie jeweils mit den Parametern @code{#:ant} und @code{#:jdk} festgelegt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8057
msgid "When the original package does not provide a suitable Ant build file, the parameter @code{#:jar-name} can be used to generate a minimal Ant build file @file{build.xml} with tasks to build the specified jar archive. In this case the parameter @code{#:source-dir} can be used to specify the source sub-directory, defaulting to ``src''."
msgstr "Falls das ursprüngliche Paket über keine nutzbare Ant-Erstellungsdatei („Ant-Buildfile“) verfügt, kann aus der Angabe im Parameter @code{#:jar-name} eine minimale Ant-Erstellungsdatei @file{build.xml} erzeugt werden, in der die für die Erstellung durchzuführenden Aufgaben (Tasks) für die Erstellung des angegebenen Jar-Archivs stehen. In diesem Fall kann der Parameter @code{#:source-dir} benutzt werden, um das Unterverzeichnis mit dem Quellcode anzugeben; sein Vorgabewert ist „src“."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8065
msgid "The @code{#:main-class} parameter can be used with the minimal ant buildfile to specify the main class of the resulting jar. This makes the jar file executable. The @code{#:test-include} parameter can be used to specify the list of junit tests to run. It defaults to @code{(list \"**/*Test.java\")}. The @code{#:test-exclude} can be used to disable some tests. It defaults to @code{(list \"**/Abstract*.java\")}, because abstract classes cannot be run as tests."
msgstr "Der Parameter @code{#:main-class} kann mit einer minimalen Ant-Erstellungsdatei benutzt werden, um die Hauptklasse des resultierenden Jar-Archivs anzugeben. Dies ist nötig, wenn die Jar-Datei ausführbar sein soll. Mit dem Parameter @code{#:test-include} kann eine Liste angegeben werden, welche Junit-Tests auszuführen sind. Der Vorgabewert ist @code{(list \"**/*Test.java\")}. Mit @code{#:test-exclude} kann ein Teil der Testdateien ignoriert werden. Der Vorgabewert ist @code{(list \"**/Abstract*.java\")}, weil abstrakte Klassen keine ausführbaren Tests enthalten können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8069
msgid "The parameter @code{#:build-target} can be used to specify the Ant task that should be run during the @code{build} phase. By default the ``jar'' task will be run."
msgstr "Der Parameter @code{#:build-target} kann benutzt werden, um die Ant-Aufgabe (Task) anzugeben, die während der @code{build}-Phase ausgeführt werden soll. Vorgabe ist, dass die Aufgabe (Task) „jar“ ausgeführt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7992
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8072
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} android-ndk-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} android-ndk-build-system"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8073
#, no-wrap
msgid "Android distribution"
msgstr "Android-Distribution"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8074
#, no-wrap
msgid "Android NDK build system"
msgstr "Android-NDK-Erstellungssystem"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:7998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8078
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system android-ndk)}. It implements a build procedure for Android NDK (native development kit) packages using a Guix-specific build process."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird von @code{(guix build-system android-ndk)} exportiert. Sie implementiert eine Erstellungsprozedur für das Android NDK (Native Development Kit) benutzende Pakete mit einem Guix-spezifischen Erstellungsprozess."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8082
msgid "The build system assumes that packages install their public interface (header) files to the subdirectory @file{include} of the @code{out} output and their libraries to the subdirectory @file{lib} the @code{out} output."
msgstr "Für das Erstellungssystem wird angenommen, dass Pakete die zu ihrer öffentlichen Schnittstelle gehörenden Header-Dateien im Unterverzeichnis @file{include} der Ausgabe @code{out} und ihre Bibliotheken im Unterverzeichnis @file{lib} der Ausgabe @code{out} platzieren."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8085
msgid "It's also assumed that the union of all the dependencies of a package has no conflicting files."
msgstr "Ebenso wird angenommen, dass es keine im Konflikt stehenden Dateien unter der Vereinigung aller Abhängigkeiten gibt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8088
msgid "For the time being, cross-compilation is not supported - so right now the libraries and header files are assumed to be host tools."
msgstr "Derzeit wird Cross-Kompilieren hierfür nicht unterstützt, also wird dabei vorausgesetzt, dass Bibliotheken und Header-Dateien dieselben wie im Wirtssystem sind."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8091
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} asdf-build-system/source"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} asdf-build-system/source"
#. type: defvrx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8092
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} asdf-build-system/sbcl"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} asdf-build-system/sbcl"
#. type: defvrx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8093
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} asdf-build-system/ecl"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} asdf-build-system/ecl"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8099
msgid "These variables, exported by @code{(guix build-system asdf)}, implement build procedures for Common Lisp packages using @url{https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/, ``ASDF''}. ASDF is a system definition facility for Common Lisp programs and libraries."
msgstr "Diese Variablen, die vom Modul @code{(guix build-system asdf)} exportiert werden, implementieren Erstellungsprozeduren für Common-Lisp-Pakete, welche @url{https://common-lisp.net/project/asdf/, „ASDF“} benutzen. ASDF dient der Systemdefinition für Common-Lisp-Programme und -Bibliotheken."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8106
msgid "The @code{asdf-build-system/source} system installs the packages in source form, and can be loaded using any common lisp implementation, via ASDF@. The others, such as @code{asdf-build-system/sbcl}, install binary systems in the format which a particular implementation understands. These build systems can also be used to produce executable programs, or lisp images which contain a set of packages pre-loaded."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem @code{asdf-build-system/source} installiert die Pakete in Quellcode-Form und kann @i{via} ASDF mit jeder Common-Lisp-Implementierung geladen werden. Die anderen Erstellungssysteme wie @code{asdf-build-system/sbcl} installieren binäre Systeme in dem Format, das von einer bestimmten Implementierung verstanden wird. Diese Erstellungssysteme können auch benutzt werden, um ausführbare Programme zu erzeugen oder um Lisp-Abbilder mit einem vorab geladenen Satz von Paketen zu erzeugen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8110
msgid "The build system uses naming conventions. For binary packages, the package name should be prefixed with the lisp implementation, such as @code{sbcl-} for @code{asdf-build-system/sbcl}."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem benutzt gewisse Namenskonventionen. Bei Binärpaketen sollte dem Paketnamen die Lispimplementierung als Präfix vorangehen, z.B.@: @code{sbcl-} für @code{asdf-build-system/sbcl}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8114
msgid "Additionally, the corresponding source package should be labeled using the same convention as python packages (see @ref{Python Modules}), using the @code{cl-} prefix."
msgstr "Zudem sollte das entsprechende Quellcode-Paket mit der Konvention wie bei Python-Paketen (siehe @ref{Python Modules}) ein @code{cl-} als Präfix bekommen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8122
msgid "In order to create executable programs and images, the build-side procedures @code{build-program} and @code{build-image} can be used. They should be called in a build phase after the @code{create-asdf-configuration} phase, so that the system which was just built can be used within the resulting image. @code{build-program} requires a list of Common Lisp expressions to be passed as the @code{#:entry-program} argument."
msgstr "Um ausführbare Programme und Abbilder zu erzeugen, können die erstellungsseitigen Prozeduren @code{build-program} und @code{build-image} benutzt werden. Sie sollten in einer Erstellungsphase nach der @code{create-asdf-configuration}-Phase aufgerufen werden, damit das gerade erstellte System Teil des resultierenden Abbilds sein kann. An @code{build-program} muss eine Liste von Common-Lisp-Ausdrücken über das Argument @code{#:entry-program} übergeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8131
msgid "By default, all the @file{.asd} files present in the sources are read to find system definitions. The @code{#:asd-files} parameter can be used to specify the list of @file{.asd} files to read. Furthermore, if the package defines a system for its tests in a separate file, it will be loaded before the tests are run if it is specified by the @code{#:test-asd-file} parameter. If it is not set, the files @code{<system>-tests.asd}, @code{<system>-test.asd}, @code{tests.asd}, and @code{test.asd} will be tried if they exist."
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist, alle @file{.asd}-Dateien im Quellverzeichnis zu lesen, um zu ermitteln, welche Systeme definiert sind. Mit dem Parameter @code{#:asd-files} kann die Liste zu lesender @file{.asd}-Dateien festgelegt werden. Außerdem wird bei Paketen, für deren Tests ein System in einer separaten Datei definiert wurde, dieses System geladen, bevor die Tests ablaufen, wenn es im Parameter @code{#:test-asd-file} steht. Ist dafür kein Wert gesetzt, werden die Dateien @code{<system>-tests.asd}, @code{<system>-test.asd}, @code{tests.asd} und @code{test.asd} durchsucht, wenn sie existieren."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8136
msgid "If for some reason the package must be named in a different way than the naming conventions suggest, or if several systems must be compiled, the @code{#:asd-systems} parameter can be used to specify the list of system names."
msgstr "Wenn aus irgendeinem Grund der Paketname nicht den Namenskonventionen folgen kann oder wenn mehrere Systeme kompiliert werden, kann der Parameter @code{#:asd-systems} benutzt werden, um die Liste der Systemnamen anzugeben."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8139
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} cargo-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} cargo-build-system"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8140
#, no-wrap
msgid "Rust programming language"
msgstr "Rust-Programmiersprache"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8141
#, no-wrap
msgid "Cargo (Rust build system)"
msgstr "Cargo (Rust-Erstellungssystem)"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8145
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system cargo)}. It supports builds of packages using Cargo, the build tool of the @uref{https://www.rust-lang.org, Rust programming language}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system cargo)} exportiert. Damit können Pakete mit Cargo erstellt werden, dem Erstellungswerkzeug der @uref{https://www.rust-lang.org, Rust-Programmiersprache}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8148
msgid "It adds @code{rustc} and @code{cargo} to the set of inputs. A different Rust package can be specified with the @code{#:rust} parameter."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem fügt @code{rustc} und @code{cargo} zu den Eingaben hinzu. Ein anderes Rust-Paket kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:rust} angegeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8078
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8158
msgid "Regular cargo dependencies should be added to the package definition similarly to other packages; those needed only at build time to native-inputs, others to inputs. If you need to add source-only crates then you should add them to via the @code{#:cargo-inputs} parameter as a list of name and spec pairs, where the spec can be a package or a source definition. Note that the spec must evaluate to a path to a gzipped tarball which includes a @code{Cargo.toml} file at its root, or it will be ignored. Similarly, cargo dev-dependencies should be added to the package definition via the @code{#:cargo-development-inputs} parameter."
msgstr "Normale cargo-Abhängigkeiten sollten so wie bei anderen Paketen in die Paketdefinition eingetragen werden; wenn sie nur zur Erstellungszeit gebraucht werden, gehören sie in @code{native-inputs}, sonst in @code{inputs}. Wenn die Abhängigkeiten Crates sind, die nur als Quellcode vorliegen, sollten sie zusätzlich über den Parameter @code{#:cargo-inputs} als eine Liste von Paaren aus Name und Spezifikation hinzugefügt, wobei als Spezifikation ein Paket oder eine Quellcode-Definition angegeben werden kann. Beachten Sie, dass die Spezifikation zu einem mit gzip komprimierten Tarball ausgewertet werden muss, der eine Datei @code{Cargo.toml} in seinem Wurzelverzeichnis enthält, ansonsten wird sie ignoriert. Analog sollten solche Abhängigkeiten, die in cargo als „dev-dependencies“ deklariert werden, zur Paketdefinition über den Parameter @code{#:cargo-development-inputs} hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8168
msgid "In its @code{configure} phase, this build system will make any source inputs specified in the @code{#:cargo-inputs} and @code{#:cargo-development-inputs} parameters available to cargo. It will also remove an included @code{Cargo.lock} file to be recreated by @code{cargo} during the @code{build} phase. The @code{package} phase will run @code{cargo package} to create a source crate for future use. The @code{install} phase installs the binaries defined by the crate. Unless @code{install-source? #f} is defined it will also install a source crate repository of itself and unpacked sources, to ease in future hacking on rust packages."
msgstr "In seiner @code{configure}-Phase sorgt dieses Erstellungssystem dafür, dass cargo alle Quellcodeeingaben zur Verfügung stehen, die in den Parametern @code{#:cargo-inputs} und @code{#:cargo-development-inputs} angegeben wurden. Außerdem wird eine enthaltene @code{Cargo.lock}-Datei entfernt, damit @code{cargo} selbige während der @code{build}-Phase neu erzeugt. Die @code{package}-Phase führt @code{cargo package} aus, um eine Quellcode-Crate zur späteren Nutzung zu erzeugen. Die @code{install}-Phase installiert die in der Crate definierten Binärdateien. Wenn @emph{nicht} @code{install-source? #f} definiert ist, werden auch ein Verzeichnis mit dem eigenen Quellcode in einer Crate und auch der unverpackte Quellcode installiert, damit es leichter ist, später an Rust-Paketen zu hacken."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8170
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} chicken-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} chicken-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8175
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system chicken)}. It builds @uref{https://call-cc.org/, CHICKEN Scheme} modules, also called ``eggs'' or ``extensions''. CHICKEN generates C source code, which then gets compiled by a C compiler, in this case GCC."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird von @code{(guix build-system chicken)} exportiert. Mit ihr werden Module von @uref{https://call-cc.org/, CHICKEN Scheme} kompiliert. Sie sind auch bekannt als „Eggs“ oder als „Erweiterungen“. CHICKEN erzeugt C-Quellcode, der dann von einem C-Compiler kompiliert wird; in diesem Fall vom GCC."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8178
msgid "This build system adds @code{chicken} to the package inputs, as well as the packages of @code{gnu-build-system}."
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem fügt @code{chicken} neben den Paketen des @code{gnu-build-system} zu den Paketeingaben hinzu."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8182
msgid "The build system can't (yet) deduce the egg's name automatically, so just like with @code{go-build-system} and its @code{#:import-path}, you should define @code{#:egg-name} in the package's @code{arguments} field."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem kann den Namen des Eggs (noch) nicht automatisch herausfinden, also müssen Sie, ähnlich wie beim @code{#:import-path} des @code{go-build-system}, im @code{arguments}-Feld des Pakets den @code{#:egg-name} festlegen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8184
msgid "For example, if you are packaging the @code{srfi-1} egg:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel würden Sie so vorgehen, um ein Paket für das Egg @code{srfi-1} zu schreiben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8187
#, no-wrap
msgid "(arguments '(#:egg-name \"srfi-1\"))\n"
msgstr "(arguments '(#:egg-name \"srfi-1\"))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8192
msgid "Egg dependencies must be defined in @code{propagated-inputs}, not @code{inputs} because CHICKEN doesn't embed absolute references in compiled eggs. Test dependencies should go to @code{native-inputs}, as usual."
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten von Eggs müssen in @code{propagated-inputs} genannt werden und @emph{nicht} in @code{inputs}, weil CHICKEN keine absoluten Referenzen in kompilierte Eggs einbettet. Abhängigkeiten für Tests sollten wie üblich in @code{native-inputs} stehen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8194
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} copy-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} copy-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8198
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system copy)}. It supports builds of simple packages that don't require much compiling, mostly just moving files around."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system copy)} exportiert. Damit können einfache Pakete erstellt werden, für die nur wenig kompiliert werden muss, sondern in erster Linie Dateien kopiert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8203
msgid "It adds much of the @code{gnu-build-system} packages to the set of inputs. Because of this, the @code{copy-build-system} does not require all the boilerplate code often needed for the @code{trivial-build-system}."
msgstr "Dadurch wird ein Großteil der @code{gnu-build-system} zur Menge der Paketeingaben hinzugefügt. Deswegen kann man bei Nutzung des @code{copy-build-system} auf große Teile des Codes verzichten, der beim @code{trivial-build-system} anfallen würde."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8208
msgid "To further simplify the file installation process, an @code{#:install-plan} argument is exposed to let the packager specify which files go where. The install plan is a list of @code{(@var{source} @var{target} [@var{filters}])}. @var{filters} are optional."
msgstr "Um den Dateiinstallationsvorgang weiter zu vereinfachen, wird ein Argument @code{#:install-plan} zur Verfügung gestellt, mit dem der Paketautor angeben kann, welche Dateien wohin gehören. Der Installationsplan ist eine Liste aus @code{(@var{Quelle} @var{Ziel} [@var{Filter}])}. Die @var{Filter} sind optional."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8210
#, no-wrap
msgid "When @var{source} matches a file or directory without trailing slash, install it to @var{target}."
msgstr "Wenn die @var{Quelle} einer Datei oder einem Verzeichnis ohne Schrägstrich am Ende entspricht, wird sie nach @var{Ziel} installiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8212
#, no-wrap
msgid "If @var{target} has a trailing slash, install @var{source} basename beneath @var{target}."
msgstr "Hat das @var{Ziel} einen Schrägstrich am Ende, wird mit dem Basisnamen der @var{Quelle} innerhalb von @var{Ziel} installiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8213
#, no-wrap
msgid "Otherwise install @var{source} as @var{target}."
msgstr "Andernfalls wird die @var{Quelle} als @var{Ziel} installiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8216
#, no-wrap
msgid "When @var{source} is a directory with a trailing slash, or when @var{filters} are used,"
msgstr "Falls es sich bei der @var{Quelle} um ein Verzeichnis mit Schrägstrich am Ende handelt oder wenn @var{Filter} benutzt werden,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8219
msgid "the trailing slash of @var{target} is implied with the same meaning as above."
msgstr "so ist der Schrägstrich am Ende von @var{Ziel} mit der Bedeutung wie oben implizit."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8220
#, no-wrap
msgid "Without @var{filters}, install the full @var{source} @emph{content} to @var{target}."
msgstr "Ohne Angabe von @var{Filter}n wird der gesamte @emph{Inhalt} der @var{Quelle} nach @var{Ziel} installiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8221
#, no-wrap
msgid "With @var{filters} among @code{#:include}, @code{#:include-regexp}, @code{#:exclude},"
msgstr "Werden @var{Filter} als @code{#:include}, @code{#:include-regexp}, @code{#:exclude}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8224
msgid "@code{#:exclude-regexp}, only select files are installed depending on the filters. Each filters is specified by a list of strings."
msgstr "oder @code{#:exclude-regexp} aufgeführt, werden je nach Filter nur die ausgewählten Dateien installiert. Jeder Filter wird als Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8145
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8225
#, no-wrap
msgid "With @code{#:include}, install all the files which the path suffix matches"
msgstr "Bei @code{#:include} werden all die Dateien installiert, deren Pfad als Suffix"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8227
msgid "at least one of the elements in the given list."
msgstr "zu mindestens einem der Elemente der angegebenen Liste passt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8227
#, no-wrap
msgid "With @code{#:include-regexp}, install all the files which the"
msgstr "Bei @code{#:include-regexp} werden all die Dateien installiert, deren"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8230
msgid "subpaths match at least one of the regular expressions in the given list."
msgstr "Unterpfad zu mindestens einem der regulären Ausdrücke in der angegebenen Liste passt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8230
#, no-wrap
msgid "The @code{#:exclude} and @code{#:exclude-regexp} filters"
msgstr "Die Filter @code{#:exclude} und @code{#:exclude-regexp}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8235
msgid "are the complement of their inclusion counterpart. Without @code{#:include} flags, install all files but those matching the exclusion filters. If both inclusions and exclusions are specified, the exclusions are done on top of the inclusions."
msgstr "bewirken das Gegenteil ihrer Include-Entsprechungen. Ohne @code{#:include}-Angaben werden alle Dateien außer den zu den Exclude-Filtern passenden installiert. Werden sowohl @code{#:include} als auch @code{#:exclude} angegeben, werden zuerst die @code{#:include}-Angaben beachtet und danach wird durch @code{#:exclude} gefiltert."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8239
msgid "In all cases, the paths relative to @var{source} are preserved within @var{target}."
msgstr "In jedem Fall bleiben die Pfade relativ zur @var{Quelle} innerhalb des @var{Ziel}s erhalten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8242
msgid "Examples:"
msgstr "Beispiele:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8244
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{(\"foo/bar\" \"share/my-app/\")}: Install @file{bar} to @file{share/my-app/bar}."
msgstr "@code{(\"foo/bar\" \"share/my-app/\")}: Installiert @file{bar} nach @file{share/my-app/bar}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8245
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{(\"foo/bar\" \"share/my-app/baz\")}: Install @file{bar} to @file{share/my-app/baz}."
msgstr "@code{(\"foo/bar\" \"share/my-app/baz\")}: Installiert @file{bar} nach @file{share/my-app/baz}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8246
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{(\"foo/\" \"share/my-app\")}: Install the content of @file{foo} inside @file{share/my-app},"
msgstr "@code{(\"foo/\" \"share/my-app\")}: Installiert den Inhalt von @file{foo} innerhalb von @file{share/my-app}."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8248
msgid "e.g., install @file{foo/sub/file} to @file{share/my-app/sub/file}."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird @file{foo/sub/datei} nach @file{share/my-app/sub/datei} installiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8248
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{(\"foo/\" \"share/my-app\" #:include (\"sub/file\"))}: Install only @file{foo/sub/file} to"
msgstr "@code{(\"foo/\" \"share/my-app\" #:include (\"sub/datei\"))}: Installiert nur @file{foo/sub/datei}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8250
msgid "@file{share/my-app/sub/file}."
msgstr "nach @file{share/my-app/sub/datei}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8250
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{(\"foo/sub\" \"share/my-app\" #:include (\"file\"))}: Install @file{foo/sub/file} to"
msgstr "@code{(\"foo/sub\" \"share/my-app\" #:include (\"datei\"))}: Installiert @file{foo/sub/datei}"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8252
msgid "@file{share/my-app/file}."
msgstr "nach @file{share/my-app/datei}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8256
#, no-wrap
msgid "Clojure (programming language)"
msgstr "Clojure (Programmiersprache)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8257
#, no-wrap
msgid "simple Clojure build system"
msgstr "einfaches Clojure-Erstellungssystem"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8258
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} clojure-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} clojure-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8263
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system clojure)}. It implements a simple build procedure for @uref{https://clojure.org/, Clojure} packages using plain old @code{compile} in Clojure. Cross-compilation is not supported yet."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird durch das Modul @code{(guix build-system clojure)} exportiert. Sie implementiert eine einfache Erstellungsprozedur für in @uref{https://clojure.org/, Clojure} geschriebene Pakete mit dem guten alten @code{compile} in Clojure. Cross-Kompilieren wird noch nicht unterstützt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8267
msgid "It adds @code{clojure}, @code{icedtea} and @code{zip} to the set of inputs. Different packages can be specified with the @code{#:clojure}, @code{#:jdk} and @code{#:zip} parameters, respectively."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem fügt @code{clojure}, @code{icedtea} und @code{zip} zu den Eingaben hinzu. Sollen stattdessen andere Pakete benutzt werden, können diese jeweils mit den Parametern @code{#:clojure}, @code{#:jdk} und @code{#:zip} spezifiziert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8273
msgid "A list of source directories, test directories and jar names can be specified with the @code{#:source-dirs}, @code{#:test-dirs} and @code{#:jar-names} parameters, respectively. Compile directory and main class can be specified with the @code{#:compile-dir} and @code{#:main-class} parameters, respectively. Other parameters are documented below."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Quellcode-Verzeichnisse, Test-Verzeichnisse und Namen der Jar-Dateien können jeweils über die Parameter @code{#:source-dirs}, @code{#:test-dirs} und @code{#:jar-names} angegeben werden. Das Verzeichnis, in das kompiliert wird, sowie die Hauptklasse können jeweils mit den Parametern @code{#:compile-dir} und @code{#:main-class} angegeben werden. Andere Parameter sind im Folgenden dokumentiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8276
msgid "This build system is an extension of @code{ant-build-system}, but with the following phases changed:"
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem ist eine Erweiterung des @code{ant-build-system}, bei der aber die folgenden Phasen geändert wurden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8199 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8773
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8822 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8891
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35042 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8279 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8901 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35595 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38341
#, no-wrap
msgid "build"
msgstr "build"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8208
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8288
msgid "This phase calls @code{compile} in Clojure to compile source files and runs @command{jar} to create jars from both source files and compiled files according to the include list and exclude list specified in @code{#:aot-include} and @code{#:aot-exclude}, respectively. The exclude list has priority over the include list. These lists consist of symbols representing Clojure libraries or the special keyword @code{#:all} representing all Clojure libraries found under the source directories. The parameter @code{#:omit-source?} decides if source should be included into the jars."
msgstr "Diese Phase ruft @code{compile} in Clojure auf, um Quelldateien zu kompilieren, und führt @command{jar} aus, um Jar-Dateien aus sowohl Quelldateien als auch kompilierten Dateien zu erzeugen, entsprechend der jeweils in @code{#:aot-include} und @code{#:aot-exclude} festgelegten Listen aus in der Menge der Quelldateien eingeschlossenen und ausgeschlossenen Bibliotheken. Die Ausschlussliste hat Vorrang vor der Einschlussliste. Diese Listen setzen sich aus Symbolen zusammen, die für Clojure-Bibliotheken stehen oder dem Schlüsselwort @code{#:all} entsprechen, was für alle im Quellverzeichis gefundenen Clojure-Bibliotheken steht. Der Parameter @code{#:omit-source?} entscheidet, ob Quelldateien in die Jar-Archive aufgenommen werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8209 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8777
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8289 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8979
#, no-wrap
msgid "check"
msgstr "check"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8296
msgid "This phase runs tests according to the include list and exclude list specified in @code{#:test-include} and @code{#:test-exclude}, respectively. Their meanings are analogous to that of @code{#:aot-include} and @code{#:aot-exclude}, except that the special keyword @code{#:all} now stands for all Clojure libraries found under the test directories. The parameter @code{#:tests?} decides if tests should be run."
msgstr "In dieser Phase werden Tests auf die durch Einschluss- und Ausschlussliste @code{#:test-include} bzw. @code{#:test-exclude} angegebenen Dateien ausgeführt. Deren Bedeutung ist analog zu @code{#:aot-include} und @code{#:aot-exclude}, außer dass das besondere Schlüsselwort @code{#:all} jetzt für alle Clojure-Bibliotheken in den Test-Verzeichnissen steht. Der Parameter @code{#:tests?} entscheidet, ob Tests ausgeführt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8217 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8783
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8826 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8905 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8985
#, no-wrap
msgid "install"
msgstr "install"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8299
msgid "This phase installs all jars built previously."
msgstr "In dieser Phase werden alle zuvor erstellten Jar-Dateien installiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8302
msgid "Apart from the above, this build system also contains an additional phase:"
msgstr "Zusätzlich zu den bereits angegebenen enthält dieses Erstellungssystem noch eine weitere Phase."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8305
#, no-wrap
msgid "install-doc"
msgstr "install-doc"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8310
msgid "This phase installs all top-level files with base name matching @code{%doc-regex}. A different regex can be specified with the @code{#:doc-regex} parameter. All files (recursively) inside the documentation directories specified in @code{#:doc-dirs} are installed as well."
msgstr "Diese Phase installiert alle Dateien auf oberster Ebene, deren Basisnamen ohne Verzeichnisangabe zu @code{%doc-regex} passen. Ein anderer regulärer Ausdruck kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:doc-regex} verwendet werden. All die so gefundenen oder (rekursiv) in den mit @code{#:doc-dirs} angegebenen Dokumentationsverzeichnissen liegenden Dateien werden installiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8313
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} cmake-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} cmake-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8317
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system cmake)}. It implements the build procedure for packages using the @url{https://www.cmake.org, CMake build tool}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird von @code{(guix build-system cmake)} exportiert. Sie implementiert die Erstellungsprozedur für Pakete, die das @url{https://www.cmake.org, CMake-Erstellungswerkzeug} benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8321
msgid "It automatically adds the @code{cmake} package to the set of inputs. Which package is used can be specified with the @code{#:cmake} parameter."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem fügt automatisch das Paket @code{cmake} zu den Eingaben hinzu. Welches Paket benutzt wird, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:cmake} geändert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8328
msgid "The @code{#:configure-flags} parameter is taken as a list of flags passed to the @command{cmake} command. The @code{#:build-type} parameter specifies in abstract terms the flags passed to the compiler; it defaults to @code{\"RelWithDebInfo\"} (short for ``release mode with debugging information''), which roughly means that code is compiled with @code{-O2 -g}, as is the case for Autoconf-based packages by default."
msgstr "Der Parameter @code{#:configure-flags} wird als Liste von Befehlszeilenoptionen aufgefasst, die an den Befehl @command{cmake} übergeben werden. Der Parameter @code{#:build-type} abstrahiert, welche Befehlszeilenoptionen dem Compiler übergeben werden; der Vorgabewert ist @code{\"RelWithDebInfo\"} (kurz für „release mode with debugging information“), d.h.@: kompiliert wird für eine Produktionsumgebung und Informationen zur Fehlerbehebung liegen bei, was ungefähr @code{-O2 -g} entspricht, wie bei der Vorgabe für Autoconf-basierte Pakete."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8330
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} dune-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} dune-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8337
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system dune)}. It supports builds of packages using @uref{https://dune.build/, Dune}, a build tool for the OCaml programming language. It is implemented as an extension of the @code{ocaml-build-system} which is described below. As such, the @code{#:ocaml} and @code{#:findlib} parameters can be passed to this build system."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system dune)} exportiert. Sie unterstützt es, Pakete mit @uref{https://dune.build/, Dune} zu erstellen, einem Erstellungswerkzeug für die Programmiersprache OCaml, und ist als Erweiterung des unten beschriebenen OCaml-Erstellungssystems @code{ocaml-build-system} implementiert. Als solche können auch die Parameter @code{#:ocaml} und @code{#:findlib} an dieses Erstellungssystem übergeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8341
msgid "It automatically adds the @code{dune} package to the set of inputs. Which package is used can be specified with the @code{#:dune} parameter."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem fügt automatisch das Paket @code{dune} zu den Eingaben hinzu. Welches Paket benutzt wird, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:dune} geändert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8345
msgid "There is no @code{configure} phase because dune packages typically don't need to be configured. The @code{#:build-flags} parameter is taken as a list of flags passed to the @code{dune} command during the build."
msgstr "Es gibt keine @code{configure}-Phase, weil dune-Pakete typischerweise nicht konfiguriert werden müssen. Vom Parameter @code{#:build-flags} wird erwartet, dass es sich um eine Liste von Befehlszeilenoptionen handelt, die zur Erstellung an den @code{dune}-Befehl übergeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8349
msgid "The @code{#:jbuild?} parameter can be passed to use the @code{jbuild} command instead of the more recent @code{dune} command while building a package. Its default value is @code{#f}."
msgstr "Der Parameter @code{#:jbuild?} kann übergeben werden, um den Befehl @code{jbuild} anstelle des neueren @code{dune}-Befehls aufzurufen, um das Paket zu erstellen. Der Vorgabewert ist @code{#f}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8354
msgid "The @code{#:package} parameter can be passed to specify a package name, which is useful when a package contains multiple packages and you want to build only one of them. This is equivalent to passing the @code{-p} argument to @code{dune}."
msgstr "Mit dem Parameter @code{#:package} kann ein Paketname angegeben werden, wenn im Paket mehrere Pakete enthalten sind und nur eines davon erstellt werden soll. Es ist äquivalent dazu, die Befehlszeilenoption @code{-p} an @code{dune} zu übergeben."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8357
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} go-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} go-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8362
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system go)}. It implements a build procedure for Go packages using the standard @url{https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Compile_packages_and_dependencies, Go build mechanisms}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system go)} exportiert. Mit ihr ist eine Erstellungsprozedur für Go-Pakete implementiert, die dem normalen @url{https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Compile_packages_and_dependencies, Go-Erstellungsmechanismus} entspricht."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8373
msgid "The user is expected to provide a value for the key @code{#:import-path} and, in some cases, @code{#:unpack-path}. The @url{https://golang.org/doc/code.html#ImportPaths, import path} corresponds to the file system path expected by the package's build scripts and any referring packages, and provides a unique way to refer to a Go package. It is typically based on a combination of the package source code's remote URI and file system hierarchy structure. In some cases, you will need to unpack the package's source code to a different directory structure than the one indicated by the import path, and @code{#:unpack-path} should be used in such cases."
msgstr "Beim Aufruf wird ein Wert für den Schlüssel @code{#:import-path} und manchmal auch für @code{#:unpack-path} erwartet. Der @url{https://golang.org/doc/code.html#ImportPaths, „import path“} entspricht dem Dateisystempfad, den die Erstellungsskripts des Pakets und darauf Bezug nehmende Pakete erwarten; durch ihn wird ein Go-Paket eindeutig bezeichnet. Typischerweise setzt er sich aus einer Kombination der entfernten URI des Paketquellcodes und der Dateisystemhierarchie zusammen. Manchmal ist es nötig, den Paketquellcode in ein anderes als das vom „import path“ bezeichnete Verzeichnis zu entpacken; diese andere Verzeichnisstruktur sollte dann als @code{#:unpack-path} angegeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8378
msgid "Packages that provide Go libraries should install their source code into the built output. The key @code{#:install-source?}, which defaults to @code{#t}, controls whether or not the source code is installed. It can be set to @code{#f} for packages that only provide executable files."
msgstr "Pakete, die Go-Bibliotheken zur Verfügung stellen, sollten ihren Quellcode auch in die Erstellungsausgabe installieren. Der Schlüssel @code{#:install-source?}, sein Vorgabewert ist @code{#t}, steuert, ob Quellcode installiert wird. Bei Paketen, die nur ausführbare Dateien liefern, kann der Wert auf @code{#f} gesetzt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8385
msgid "Packages can be cross-built, and if a specific architecture or operating system is desired then the keywords @code{#:goarch} and @code{#:goos} can be used to force the package to be built for that architecture and operating system. The combinations known to Go can be found @url{\"https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment\", in their documentation}."
msgstr "Cross-Erstellungen von Paketen sind möglich. Wenn für eine bestimmte Architektur oder ein bestimmtes Betriebssystem erstellt werden muss, kann man mit den Schlüsselwörtern @code{#:goarch} und @code{#:goos} erzwingen, dass das Paket für diese Architektur und dieses Betriebssystem erstellt wird. Die für Go nutzbaren Kombinationen sind @url{\"https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment\", in der Go-Dokumentation} nachlesbar."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8387
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} glib-or-gtk-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} glib-or-gtk-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8390
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system glib-or-gtk)}. It is intended for use with packages making use of GLib or GTK+."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system glib-or-gtk)} exportiert. Sie ist für Pakete gedacht, die GLib oder GTK benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8393
msgid "This build system adds the following two phases to the ones defined by @code{gnu-build-system}:"
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem fügt die folgenden zwei Phasen zu denen von @code{gnu-build-system} hinzu:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8315 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8395 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8878
#, no-wrap
msgid "glib-or-gtk-wrap"
msgstr "glib-or-gtk-wrap"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8402
msgid "The phase @code{glib-or-gtk-wrap} ensures that programs in @file{bin/} are able to find GLib ``schemas'' and @uref{https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-running.html, GTK+ modules}. This is achieved by wrapping the programs in launch scripts that appropriately set the @env{XDG_DATA_DIRS} and @env{GTK_PATH} environment variables."
msgstr "Die Phase @code{glib-or-gtk-wrap} stellt sicher, dass Programme in @file{bin/} in der Lage sind, GLib-„Schemata“ und @uref{https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-running.html, GTK-Module} zu finden. Dazu wird für das Programm ein Wrapper-Skript erzeugt, dass das eigentliche Programm mit den richtigen Werten für die Umgebungsvariablen @env{XDG_DATA_DIRS} und @env{GTK_PATH} aufruft."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8409
msgid "It is possible to exclude specific package outputs from that wrapping process by listing their names in the @code{#:glib-or-gtk-wrap-excluded-outputs} parameter. This is useful when an output is known not to contain any GLib or GTK+ binaries, and where wrapping would gratuitously add a dependency of that output on GLib and GTK+."
msgstr "Es ist möglich, bestimmte Paketausgaben von diesem Wrapping-Prozess auszunehmen, indem Sie eine Liste ihrer Namen im Parameter @code{#:glib-or-gtk-wrap-excluded-outputs} angeben. Das ist nützlich, wenn man von einer Ausgabe weiß, dass sie keine Binärdateien enthält, die GLib oder GTK benutzen, und diese Ausgabe durch das Wrappen ohne Not eine weitere Abhängigkeit von GLib und GTK bekäme."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8330 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8410 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8882
#, no-wrap
msgid "glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas"
msgstr "glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8418
msgid "The phase @code{glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas} makes sure that all @uref{https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/glib-compile-schemas.html, GSettings schemas} of GLib are compiled. Compilation is performed by the @command{glib-compile-schemas} program. It is provided by the package @code{glib:bin} which is automatically imported by the build system. The @code{glib} package providing @command{glib-compile-schemas} can be specified with the @code{#:glib} parameter."
msgstr "Mit der Phase @code{glib-or-gtk-compile-schemas} wird sichergestellt, dass alle @uref{https://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/glib-compile-schemas.html, GSettings-Schemata} für GLib kompiliert werden. Dazu wird das Programm @command{glib-compile-schemas} ausgeführt. Es kommt aus dem Paket @code{glib:bin}, was automatisch vom Erstellungssystem importiert wird. Welches @code{glib}-Paket dieses @command{glib-compile-schemas} bereitstellt, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:glib} spezifiziert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8421
msgid "Both phases are executed after the @code{install} phase."
msgstr "Beide Phasen finden nach der @code{install}-Phase statt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8423
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guile-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guile-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8430
msgid "This build system is for Guile packages that consist exclusively of Scheme code and that are so lean that they don't even have a makefile, let alone a @file{configure} script. It compiles Scheme code using @command{guild compile} (@pxref{Compilation,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) and installs the @file{.scm} and @file{.go} files in the right place. It also installs documentation."
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem ist für Guile-Pakete gedacht, die nur aus Scheme-Code bestehen und so schlicht sind, dass sie nicht einmal ein Makefile und erst recht keinen @file{configure}-Skript enthalten. Hierzu wird Scheme-Code mit @command{guild compile} kompiliert (siehe @ref{Compilation,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) und die @file{.scm}- und @file{.go}-Dateien an den richtigen Pfad installiert. Auch Dokumentation wird installiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8433
msgid "This build system supports cross-compilation by using the @option{--target} option of @samp{guild compile}."
msgstr "Das Erstellungssystem unterstützt Cross-Kompilieren durch die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--target} für @samp{guild compile}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8436
msgid "Packages built with @code{guile-build-system} must provide a Guile package in their @code{native-inputs} field."
msgstr "Mit @code{guile-build-system} erstellte Pakete müssen ein Guile-Paket in ihrem @code{native-inputs}-Feld aufführen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8438
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} julia-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} julia-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8445
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system julia)}. It implements the build procedure used by @uref{https://julialang.org/, julia} packages, which essentially is similar to running @samp{julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(package)'} in an environment where @env{JULIA_LOAD_PATH} contains the paths to all Julia package inputs. Tests are run by calling @code{/test/runtests.jl}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system julia)} exportiert. Sie entspricht einer Implementierung der durch @uref{https://julialang.org/, Julia-Pakete} genutzten Erstellungsprozedur und verhält sich im Prinzip so, wie wenn man @samp{julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(paket)'} in einer Umgebung ausführt, in der die Umgebungsvariable @env{JULIA_LOAD_PATH} die Pfade aller Julia-Pakete unter den Paketeingaben enthält. Tests werden durch Aufruf von @code{/test/runtests.jl} ausgeführt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8369
-msgid "The Julia package name is read from the file @file{Project.toml}. This value can be overridden by passing the argument @code{#:julia-package-name} (which must be correctly capitalized)."
-msgstr "Der Name des Julia-Pakets wird aus der Datei @file{Project.toml} ausgelesen. Durch Angabe des Arguments @code{#:julia-package-name} kann ein anderer Wert verwendet werden (die Groß-/Kleinschreibung muss stimmen)."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8450
+msgid "The Julia package name and uuid is read from the file @file{Project.toml}. These values can be overridden by passing the argument @code{#:julia-package-name} (which must be correctly capitalized) or @code{#:julia-package-uuid}."
+msgstr "Der Name des Julia-Pakets und seine UUID werden aus der Datei @file{Project.toml} ausgelesen. Durch Angabe des Arguments @code{#:julia-package-name} (die Groß-/Kleinschreibung muss stimmen) bzw.@: durch @code{#:julia-package-uuid} können andere Werte verwendet werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8454
msgid "Julia packages usually manage their binary dependencies via @code{JLLWrappers.jl}, a Julia package that creates a module (named after the wrapped library followed by @code{_jll.jl}."
msgstr "Julia-Pakete verwalten ihre Abhängigkeiten zu Binärdateien für gewöhnlich mittels @code{JLLWrappers.jl}, einem Julia-Paket, das ein Modul erzeugt (benannt nach der Bibliothek, die zugänglich gemacht wird, gefolgt von @code{_jll.jl})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8459
msgid "To add the binary path @code{_jll.jl} packages, you need to patch the files under @file{src/wrappers/}, replacing the call to the macro @code{JLLWrappers.@@generate_wrapper_header}, adding as a second argument containing the store path the binary."
msgstr "Um die @code{_jll.jl}-Pakete mit den Pfaden zu Binärdateien hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie die Dateien in @file{src/wrappers/} patchen, um dem Aufruf an das Makro @code{JLLWrappers.@@generate_wrapper_header} noch ein zweites Argument mit dem Store-Pfad der Binärdatei mitzugeben."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8463
msgid "As an example, in the MbedTLS Julia package, we add a build phase (@pxref{Build Phases}) to insert the absolute file name of the wrapped MbedTLS package:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel fügen wir für das MbedTLS-Julia-Paket eine Erstellungsphase hinzu (siehe @ref{Build Phases}), in der der absolute Dateiname des zugänglich gemachten MbedTLS-Pakets hinzugefügt wird:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8475
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(add-after 'unpack 'override-binary-path\n"
@@ -16980,655 +17150,666 @@ msgstr ""
" (find-files \"src/wrappers/\" \"\\\\.jl$\"))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8402
-msgid "Some older packages that aren't using @file{Package.toml} yet, will require this file to be created, too. The function @code{julia-create-package-toml} helps creating the file. You need to pass the outputs and the source of the package, its name (the same as the @code{file-name} parameter), the package uuid, the package version, and a list of dependencies specified by their name and their uuid."
-msgstr "Für manche ältere Pakete, die noch keine @file{Package.toml} benutzen, muss auch diese Datei erstellt werden. Die Funktion @code{julia-create-package-toml} hilft dabei. Sie müssen ihr nur die Ausgaben und die Quelle des Pakets übergeben sowie seinen Namen (derselbe wie beim Parameter @code{file-name}), die Paket-UUID, die Paketversion und eine Liste von Abhängigkeiten, jeweils angegeben über ihren Namen und ihre UUID."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8481
+msgid "Some older packages that aren't using @file{Project.toml} yet, will require this file to be created, too. It is internally done if the arguments @code{#:julia-package-name} and @code{#:julia-package-uuid} are provided."
+msgstr "Für manche ältere Pakete, die noch keine @file{Project.toml} benutzen, muss auch diese Datei erstellt werden. Das geht intern vonstatten, sofern die Argumente @code{#:julia-package-name} und @code{#:julia-package-uuid} übergeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8483
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} maven-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} maven-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8490
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system maven)}. It implements a build procedure for @uref{https://maven.apache.org, Maven} packages. Maven is a dependency and lifecycle management tool for Java. A user of Maven specifies dependencies and plugins in a @file{pom.xml} file that Maven reads. When Maven does not have one of the dependencies or plugins in its repository, it will download them and use them to build the package."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system maven)} exportiert. Darin wird eine Erstellungsprozedur für @uref{https://maven.apache.org, Maven-Pakete} implementiert. Maven ist ein Werkzeug zur Verwaltung der Abhängigkeiten und des „Lebenszyklus“ eines Java-Projekts. Um Maven zu benutzen, werden Abhängigkeiten und Plugins in einer Datei @file{pom.xml} angegeben, die Maven ausliest. Wenn Maven Abhängigkeiten oder Plugins fehlen, lädt es sie herunter und erstellt damit das Paket."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8500
msgid "The maven build system ensures that maven will not try to download any dependency by running in offline mode. Maven will fail if a dependency is missing. Before running Maven, the @file{pom.xml} (and subprojects) are modified to specify the version of dependencies and plugins that match the versions available in the guix build environment. Dependencies and plugins must be installed in the fake maven repository at @file{lib/m2}, and are symlinked into a proper repository before maven is run. Maven is instructed to use that repository for the build and installs built artifacts there. Changed files are copied to the @file{lib/m2} directory of the package output."
msgstr "Durch Guix’ Maven-Erstellungssystem wird gewährleistet, dass Maven im Offline-Modus läuft und somit nicht versucht, Abhängigkeiten herunterzuladen. Maven wird in einen Fehler laufen, wenn eine Abhängigkeit fehlt. Bevor Maven ausgeführt wird, wird der Inhalt der @file{pom.xml} (auch in Unterprojekten) so verändert, dass darin die diejenige Version von Abhängigkeiten und Plugins aufgeführt wird, die in Guix’ Erstellungsumgebung vorliegt. Abhängigkeiten und Plugins müssen in das vorgetäuschte Maven-Repository unter @file{lib/m2} installiert werden; bevor Maven ausgeführt wird, werden symbolische Verknüpfungen in ein echtes Repository hergestellt. Maven wird angewiesen, dieses Repository für die Erstellung zu verwenden und installiert erstellte Artefakte dorthin. Geänderte Dateien werden ins Verzeichnis @file{lib/m2} der Paketausgabe kopiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8503
msgid "You can specify a @file{pom.xml} file with the @code{#:pom-file} argument, or let the build system use the default @file{pom.xml} file in the sources."
msgstr "Sie können eine @file{pom.xml}-Datei über das Argument @code{#:pom-file} festlegen oder die vom Erstellungssystem vorgegebene @file{pom.xml}-Datei im Quellverzeichnis verwenden lassen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8509
msgid "In case you need to specify a dependency's version manually, you can use the @code{#:local-packages} argument. It takes an association list where the key is the groupId of the package and its value is an association list where the key is the artifactId of the package and its value is the version you want to override in the @file{pom.xml}."
msgstr "Sollten Sie die Version einer Abhängigkeit manuell angeben müssen, können Sie dafür das Argument @code{#:local-packages} benutzen. Es nimmt eine assoziative Liste entgegen, deren Schlüssel jeweils die @code{groupId} des Pakets und deren Wert eine assoziative Liste ist, deren Schlüssel wiederum die @code{artifactId} des Pakets und deren Wert die einzusetzende Version in @file{pom.xml} ist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8515
msgid "Some packages use dependencies or plugins that are not useful at runtime nor at build time in Guix. You can alter the @file{pom.xml} file to remove them using the @code{#:exclude} argument. Its value is an association list where the key is the groupId of the plugin or dependency you want to remove, and the value is a list of artifactId you want to remove."
msgstr "Manche Pakete haben Abhängigkeiten oder Plugins, die weder zur Laufzeit noch zur Erstellungszeit in Guix sinnvoll sind. Sie können sie entfernen, indem Sie das @code{#:exclude}-Argument verwenden, um die @file{pom.xml}-Datei zu bearbeiten. Sein Wert ist eine assoziative Liste, deren Schlüssel die @code{groupId} des Plugins oder der Abhängigkeit ist, die Sie entfernen möchten, und deren Wert eine Liste von zu entfernenden @code{artifactId}-Vorkommen angibt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8518
msgid "You can override the default @code{jdk} and @code{maven} packages with the corresponding argument, @code{#:jdk} and @code{#:maven}."
msgstr "Sie können statt der vorgegebenen @code{jdk}- und @code{maven}-Pakete andere Pakete mit dem entsprechenden Argument, @code{#:jdk} bzw.@: @code{#:maven}, verwenden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8523
msgid "The @code{#:maven-plugins} argument is a list of maven plugins used during the build, with the same format as the @code{inputs} fields of the package declaration. Its default value is @code{(default-maven-plugins)} which is also exported."
msgstr "Mit dem Argument @code{#:maven-plugins} geben Sie eine Liste von Maven-Plugins zur Nutzung während der Erstellung an, im gleichen Format wie das @code{inputs}-Feld der Paketdeklaration. Der Vorgabewert ist @code{(default-maven-plugins)}; diese Variable wird exportiert, falls Sie sie benutzen möchten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8525
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} minetest-mod-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} minetest-mod-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8531
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system minetest)}. It implements a build procedure for @uref{https://www.minetest.net, Minetest} mods, which consists of copying Lua code, images and other resources to the location Minetest searches for mods. The build system also minimises PNG images and verifies that Minetest can load the mod without errors."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system minetest)} exportiert. Mit ihr ist ein Erstellungssystem für Mods für @uref{https://www.minetest.net, Minetest} implementiert, was bedeutet, Lua-Code, Bilder und andere Ressourcen an den Ort zu kopieren, wo Minetest nach Mods sucht. Das Erstellungssystem verkleinert auch PNG-Bilder und prüft, dass Minetest die Mod fehlerfrei laden kann."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8533
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} minify-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} minify-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8536
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system minify)}. It implements a minification procedure for simple JavaScript packages."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system minify)} exportiert. Sie implementiert eine Prozedur zur Minifikation einfacher JavaScript-Pakete."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8542
msgid "It adds @code{uglify-js} to the set of inputs and uses it to compress all JavaScript files in the @file{src} directory. A different minifier package can be specified with the @code{#:uglify-js} parameter, but it is expected that the package writes the minified code to the standard output."
msgstr "Es fügt @code{uglify-js} zur Menge der Eingaben hinzu und komprimiert damit alle JavaScript-Dateien im @file{src}-Verzeichnis. Ein anderes Programm zur Minifikation kann verwendet werden, indem es mit dem Parameter @code{#:uglify-js} angegeben wird; es wird erwartet, dass das angegebene Paket den minifizierten Code auf der Standardausgabe ausgibt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8546
msgid "When the input JavaScript files are not all located in the @file{src} directory, the parameter @code{#:javascript-files} can be used to specify a list of file names to feed to the minifier."
msgstr "Wenn die Eingabe-JavaScript-Dateien nicht alle im @file{src}-Verzeichnis liegen, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:javascript-files} eine Liste der Dateinamen übergeben werden, auf die das Minifikationsprogramm aufgerufen wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8548
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ocaml-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ocaml-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8554
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ocaml)}. It implements a build procedure for @uref{https://ocaml.org, OCaml} packages, which consists of choosing the correct set of commands to run for each package. OCaml packages can expect many different commands to be run. This build system will try some of them."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system ocaml)} exportiert. Mit ihr ist ein Erstellungssystem für @uref{https://ocaml.org, OCaml-Pakete} implementiert, was bedeutet, dass es die richtigen auszuführenden Befehle für das jeweilige Paket auswählt. OCaml-Pakete können sehr unterschiedliche Befehle erwarten. Dieses Erstellungssystem probiert manche davon durch."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8564
msgid "When the package has a @file{setup.ml} file present at the top-level, it will run @code{ocaml setup.ml -configure}, @code{ocaml setup.ml -build} and @code{ocaml setup.ml -install}. The build system will assume that this file was generated by @uref{http://oasis.forge.ocamlcore.org/, OASIS} and will take care of setting the prefix and enabling tests if they are not disabled. You can pass configure and build flags with the @code{#:configure-flags} and @code{#:build-flags}. The @code{#:test-flags} key can be passed to change the set of flags used to enable tests. The @code{#:use-make?} key can be used to bypass this system in the build and install phases."
msgstr "Wenn im Paket eine Datei @file{setup.ml} auf oberster Ebene vorhanden ist, wird @code{ocaml setup.ml -configure}, @code{ocaml setup.ml -build} und @code{ocaml setup.ml -install} ausgeführt. Das Erstellungssystem wird annehmen, dass die Datei durch @uref{http://oasis.forge.ocamlcore.org/, OASIS} erzeugt wurde, und wird das Präfix setzen und Tests aktivieren, wenn diese nicht abgeschaltet wurden. Sie können Befehlszeilenoptionen zum Konfigurieren und Erstellen mit den Parametern @code{#:configure-flags} und @code{#:build-flags} übergeben. Der Schlüssel @code{#:test-flags} kann übergeben werden, um die Befehlszeilenoptionen zu ändern, mit denen die Tests aktiviert werden. Mit dem Parameter @code{#:use-make?} kann dieses Erstellungssystem für die build- und install-Phasen abgeschaltet werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8569
msgid "When the package has a @file{configure} file, it is assumed that it is a hand-made configure script that requires a different argument format than in the @code{gnu-build-system}. You can add more flags with the @code{#:configure-flags} key."
msgstr "Verfügt das Paket über eine @file{configure}-Datei, wird angenommen, dass diese von Hand geschrieben wurde mit einem anderen Format für Argumente als bei einem Skript des @code{gnu-build-system}. Sie können weitere Befehlszeilenoptionen mit dem Schlüssel @code{#:configure-flags} hinzufügen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8573
msgid "When the package has a @file{Makefile} file (or @code{#:use-make?} is @code{#t}), it will be used and more flags can be passed to the build and install phases with the @code{#:make-flags} key."
msgstr "Falls dem Paket ein @file{Makefile} beiliegt (oder @code{#:use-make?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt wurde), wird dieses benutzt und weitere Befehlszeilenoptionen können mit dem Schlüssel @code{#:make-flags} zu den build- und install-Phasen hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8581
msgid "Finally, some packages do not have these files and use a somewhat standard location for its build system. In that case, the build system will run @code{ocaml pkg/pkg.ml} or @code{ocaml pkg/build.ml} and take care of providing the path to the required findlib module. Additional flags can be passed via the @code{#:build-flags} key. Install is taken care of by @command{opam-installer}. In this case, the @code{opam} package must be added to the @code{native-inputs} field of the package definition."
msgstr "Letztlich gibt es in manchen Pakete keine solchen Dateien, sie halten sich aber an bestimmte Konventionen, wo ihr eigenes Erstellungssystem zu finden ist. In diesem Fall führt Guix’ OCaml-Erstellungssystem @code{ocaml pkg/pkg.ml} oder @code{ocaml pkg/build.ml} aus und kümmert sich darum, dass der Pfad zu dem benötigten findlib-Modul passt. Weitere Befehlszeilenoptionen können über den Schlüssel @code{#:build-flags} übergeben werden. Um die Installation kümmert sich @command{opam-installer}. In diesem Fall muss das @code{opam}-Paket im @code{native-inputs}-Feld der Paketdefinition stehen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8589
msgid "Note that most OCaml packages assume they will be installed in the same directory as OCaml, which is not what we want in guix. In particular, they will install @file{.so} files in their module's directory, which is usually fine because it is in the OCaml compiler directory. In guix though, these libraries cannot be found and we use @env{CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}. This variable points to @file{lib/ocaml/site-lib/stubslibs} and this is where @file{.so} libraries should be installed."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass die meisten OCaml-Pakete davon ausgehen, dass sie in dasselbe Verzeichnis wie OCaml selbst installiert werden, was wir in Guix aber nicht so haben wollen. Solche Pakete installieren ihre @file{.so}-Dateien in das Verzeichnis ihres Moduls, was für die meisten anderen Einrichtungen funktioniert, weil es im OCaml-Compilerverzeichnis liegt. Jedoch können so in Guix die Bibliotheken nicht gefunden werden, deswegen benutzen wir @env{CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH}. Diese Umgebungsvariable zeigt auf @file{lib/ocaml/site-lib/stubslibs} und dorthin sollten @file{.so}-Bibliotheken installiert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8591
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} python-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} python-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8596
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system python)}. It implements the more or less standard build procedure used by Python packages, which consists in running @code{python setup.py build} and then @code{python setup.py install --prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system python)} exportiert. Sie implementiert mehr oder weniger die konventionelle Erstellungsprozedur, wie sie für Python-Pakete üblich ist, d.h.@: erst wird @code{python setup.py build} ausgeführt und dann @code{python setup.py install --prefix=/gnu/store/…}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8601
msgid "For packages that install stand-alone Python programs under @code{bin/}, it takes care of wrapping these programs so that their @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} environment variable points to all the Python libraries they depend on."
msgstr "Für Pakete, die eigenständige Python-Programme nach @code{bin/} installieren, sorgt dieses Erstellungssystem dafür, dass die Programme in ein Wrapper-Skript verpackt werden, welches die eigentlichen Programme mit einer Umgebungsvariablen @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} aufruft, die alle Python-Bibliotheken auflistet, von denen die Programme abhängen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8607
msgid "Which Python package is used to perform the build can be specified with the @code{#:python} parameter. This is a useful way to force a package to be built for a specific version of the Python interpreter, which might be necessary if the package is only compatible with a single interpreter version."
msgstr "Welches Python-Paket benutzt wird, um die Erstellung durchzuführen, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:python} bestimmt werden. Das ist nützlich, wenn wir erzwingen wollen, dass ein Paket mit einer bestimmten Version des Python-Interpretierers arbeitet. Das kann nötig sein, wenn das Programm nur mit einer einzigen Interpretiererversion kompatibel ist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8612
msgid "By default guix calls @code{setup.py} under control of @code{setuptools}, much like @command{pip} does. Some packages are not compatible with setuptools (and pip), thus you can disable this by setting the @code{#:use-setuptools?} parameter to @code{#f}."
msgstr "Standardmäßig ruft Guix @code{setup.py} auf, was zu @code{setuptools} gehört, ähnlich wie es auch @command{pip} tut. Manche Pakete sind mit setuptools (und pip) inkompatibel, deswegen können Sie diese Einstellung abschalten, indem Sie den Parameter @code{#:use-setuptools?} auf @code{#f} setzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8618
msgid "If a @code{\"python\"} output is available, the package is installed into it instead of the default @code{\"out\"} output. This is useful for packages that include a Python package as only a part of the software, and thus want to combine the phases of @code{python-build-system} with another build system. Python bindings are a common usecase."
msgstr "Wenn eine der Ausgaben @code{\"python\"} heißt, wird das Paket dort hinein installiert und @emph{nicht} in die vorgegebene Ausgabe @code{\"out\"}. Das ist für Pakete gedacht, bei denen ein Python-Paket nur einen Teil der Software ausmacht, man also die Phasen des @code{python-build-system} mit einem anderen Erstellungssystem zusammen verwenden wollen könnte. Oft kann man das bei Anbindungen für Python gebrauchen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8621
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} perl-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} perl-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8633
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system perl)}. It implements the standard build procedure for Perl packages, which either consists in running @code{perl Build.PL --prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}}, followed by @code{Build} and @code{Build install}; or in running @code{perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/gnu/store/@dots{}}, followed by @code{make} and @code{make install}, depending on which of @code{Build.PL} or @code{Makefile.PL} is present in the package distribution. Preference is given to the former if both @code{Build.PL} and @code{Makefile.PL} exist in the package distribution. This preference can be reversed by specifying @code{#t} for the @code{#:make-maker?} parameter."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system perl)} exportiert. Mit ihr wird die Standard-Erstellungsprozedur für Perl-Pakete implementiert, welche entweder darin besteht, @code{perl Build.PL --prefix=/gnu/store/…} gefolgt von @code{Build} und @code{Build install} auszuführen, oder @code{perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/gnu/store/…} gefolgt von @code{make} und @code{make install} auszuführen, je nachdem, ob eine Datei @code{Build.PL} oder eine Datei @code{Makefile.PL} in der Paketdistribution vorliegt. Den Vorrang hat erstere, wenn sowohl @code{Build.PL} als auch @code{Makefile.PL} in der Paketdistribution existieren. Der Vorrang kann umgekehrt werden, indem @code{#t} für den Parameter @code{#:make-maker?} angegeben wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8637
msgid "The initial @code{perl Makefile.PL} or @code{perl Build.PL} invocation passes flags specified by the @code{#:make-maker-flags} or @code{#:module-build-flags} parameter, respectively."
msgstr "Der erste Aufruf von @code{perl Makefile.PL} oder @code{perl Build.PL} übergibt die im Parameter @code{#:make-maker-flags} bzw. @code{#:module-build-flags} angegebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen, je nachdem, was verwendet wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8639
msgid "Which Perl package is used can be specified with @code{#:perl}."
msgstr "Welches Perl-Paket dafür benutzt wird, kann mit @code{#:perl} angegeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8641
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} renpy-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} renpy-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8645
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system renpy)}. It implements the more or less standard build procedure used by Ren'py games, which consists of loading @code{#:game} once, thereby creating bytecode for it."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system renpy)} exportiert. Sie implementiert mehr oder weniger die herkömmliche Erstellungsprozedur, die für Ren’py-Spiele benutzt wird. Das bedeutet, das @code{#:game} wird einmal geladen, wodurch Bytecode dafür erzeugt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8569
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8648
msgid "It further creates a wrapper script in @code{bin/} and a desktop entry in @code{share/applications}, both of which can be used to launch the game."
msgstr "Des Weiteren wird ein Wrapper-Skript in @code{bin/} und eine *.desktop-Datei in @code{share/applications} erzeugt. Mit beiden davon kann man das Spiel starten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8652
msgid "Which Ren'py package is used can be specified with @code{#:renpy}. Games can also be installed in outputs other than ``out'' by using @code{#:output}."
msgstr "Welches Ren’py-Paket benutzt wird, gibt man mit @code{#:renpy} an. Spiele können auch in andere Ausgaben als in „out“ installiert werden, indem man @code{#:output} benutzt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8654
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} qt-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} qt-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8657
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system qt)}. It is intended for use with applications using Qt or KDE."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system qt)} exportiert. Sie ist für Anwendungen gedacht, die Qt oder KDE benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8660
msgid "This build system adds the following two phases to the ones defined by @code{cmake-build-system}:"
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem fügt die folgenden zwei Phasen zu denen von @code{cmake-build-system} hinzu:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8662
#, no-wrap
msgid "check-setup"
msgstr "check-setup"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8669
msgid "The phase @code{check-setup} prepares the environment for running the checks as commonly used by Qt test programs. For now this only sets some environment variables: @code{QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen}, @code{DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=0} and @code{CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1}."
msgstr "Die Phase @code{check-setup} bereitet die Umgebung für Überprüfungen vor, wie sie von Qt-Test-Programmen üblicherweise benutzt werden. Zurzeit werden nur manche Umgebungsvariable gesetzt: @code{QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen}, @code{DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=0} und @code{CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8672
msgid "This phase is added before the @code{check} phase. It's a separate phase to ease adjusting if necessary."
msgstr "Diese Phase wird vor der @code{check}-Phase hinzugefügt. Es handelt sich um eine eigene Phase, die nach Bedarf angepasst werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8673
#, no-wrap
msgid "qt-wrap"
msgstr "qt-wrap"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8679
msgid "The phase @code{qt-wrap} searches for Qt5 plugin paths, QML paths and some XDG in the inputs and output. In case some path is found, all programs in the output's @file{bin/}, @file{sbin/}, @file{libexec/} and @file{lib/libexec/} directories are wrapped in scripts defining the necessary environment variables."
msgstr "In der Phase @code{qt-wrap} wird nach Qt5-Plugin-Pfaden, QML-Pfaden und manchen XDG-Daten in den Ein- und Ausgaben gesucht. Wenn solch ein Pfad gefunden wird, werden für alle Programme in den Verzeichnissen @file{bin/}, @file{sbin/}, @file{libexec/} und @file{lib/libexec/} in der Ausgabe Wrapper-Skripte erzeugt, die die nötigen Umgebungsvariablen definieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8606
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8685
msgid "It is possible to exclude specific package outputs from that wrapping process by listing their names in the @code{#:qt-wrap-excluded-outputs} parameter. This is useful when an output is known not to contain any Qt binaries, and where wrapping would gratuitously add a dependency of that output on Qt, KDE, or such."
msgstr "Es ist möglich, bestimmte Paketausgaben von diesem Wrapping-Prozess auszunehmen, indem Sie eine Liste ihrer Namen im Parameter @code{#:qt-wrap-excluded-outputs} angeben. Das ist nützlich, wenn man von einer Ausgabe weiß, dass sie keine Qt-Binärdateien enthält, und diese Ausgabe durch das Wrappen ohne Not eine weitere Abhängigkeit von Qt, KDE oder Ähnlichem bekäme."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8687
msgid "This phase is added after the @code{install} phase."
msgstr "Diese Phase wird nach der @code{install}-Phase hinzugefügt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8690
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} r-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} r-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8698
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system r)}. It implements the build procedure used by @uref{https://r-project.org, R} packages, which essentially is little more than running @samp{R CMD INSTALL --library=/gnu/store/@dots{}} in an environment where @env{R_LIBS_SITE} contains the paths to all R package inputs. Tests are run after installation using the R function @code{tools::testInstalledPackage}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system r)} exportiert. Sie entspricht einer Implementierung der durch @uref{https://r-project.org, R-Pakete} genutzten Erstellungsprozedur, die wenig mehr tut, als @samp{R CMD INSTALL --library=/gnu/store/…} in einer Umgebung auszuführen, in der die Umgebungsvariable @env{R_LIBS_SITE} die Pfade aller R-Pakete unter den Paketeingaben enthält. Tests werden nach der Installation mit der R-Funktion @code{tools::testInstalledPackage} ausgeführt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8621
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8700
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} rakudo-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} rakudo-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8708
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system rakudo)}. It implements the build procedure used by @uref{https://rakudo.org/, Rakudo} for @uref{https://perl6.org/, Perl6} packages. It installs the package to @code{/gnu/store/@dots{}/NAME-VERSION/share/perl6} and installs the binaries, library files and the resources, as well as wrap the files under the @code{bin/} directory. Tests can be skipped by passing @code{#f} to the @code{tests?} parameter."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system rakudo)} exportiert. Sie implementiert die Erstellungsprozedur, die von @uref{https://rakudo.org/, Rakudo} für @uref{https://perl6.org/, Perl6-Pakete} benutzt wird. Pakete werden ins Verzeichnis @code{/gnu/store/…/NAME-VERSION/share/perl6} abgelegt und Binärdateien, Bibliotheksdateien und Ressourcen werden installiert, zudem werden die Dateien im Verzeichnis @code{bin/} in Wrapper-Skripte verpackt. Tests können übersprungen werden, indem man @code{#f} im Parameter @code{tests?} übergibt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8716
msgid "Which rakudo package is used can be specified with @code{rakudo}. Which perl6-tap-harness package used for the tests can be specified with @code{#:prove6} or removed by passing @code{#f} to the @code{with-prove6?} parameter. Which perl6-zef package used for tests and installing can be specified with @code{#:zef} or removed by passing @code{#f} to the @code{with-zef?} parameter."
msgstr "Welches rakudo-Paket benutzt werden soll, kann mit dem Parameter @code{rakudo} angegeben werden. Das perl6-tap-harness-Paket, das für die Tests benutzt wird, kann mit @code{#:prove6} ausgewählt werden; es kann auch entfernt werden, indem man @code{#f} für den Parameter @code{with-prove6?} übergibt. Welches perl6-zef-Paket für Tests und Installation verwendet wird, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:zef} angegeben werden; es kann auch entfernt werden, indem man @code{#f} für den Parameter @code{with-zef?} übergibt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8718
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} texlive-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} texlive-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8723
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system texlive)}. It is used to build TeX packages in batch mode with a specified engine. The build system sets the @env{TEXINPUTS} variable to find all TeX source files in the inputs."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system texlive)} exportiert. Mit ihr werden TeX-Pakete in Stapelverarbeitung („batch mode“) mit der angegebenen Engine erstellt. Das Erstellungssystem setzt die Variable @env{TEXINPUTS} so, dass alle TeX-Quelldateien unter den Eingaben gefunden werden können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8732
msgid "By default it runs @code{luatex} on all files ending on @code{ins}. A different engine and format can be specified with the @code{#:tex-format} argument. Different build targets can be specified with the @code{#:build-targets} argument, which expects a list of file names. The build system adds only @code{texlive-bin} and @code{texlive-latex-base} (both from @code{(gnu packages tex}) to the inputs. Both can be overridden with the arguments @code{#:texlive-bin} and @code{#:texlive-latex-base}, respectively."
msgstr "Standardmäßig wird @code{luatex} auf allen Dateien mit der Dateiendung @code{ins} ausgeführt. Eine andere Engine oder ein anderes Format kann mit dem Argument @code{#:tex-format} angegeben werden. Verschiedene Erstellungsziele können mit dem Argument @code{#:build-targets} festgelegt werden, das eine Liste von Dateinamen erwartet. Das Erstellungssystem fügt nur @code{texlive-bin} und @code{texlive-latex-base} zu den Eingaben hinzu (beide kommen aus dem Modul @code{(gnu packages tex}). Für beide kann das zu benutzende Paket jeweils mit den Argumenten @code{#:texlive-bin} oder @code{#:texlive-latex-base} geändert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8735
msgid "The @code{#:tex-directory} parameter tells the build system where to install the built files under the texmf tree."
msgstr "Der Parameter @code{#:tex-directory} sagt dem Erstellungssystem, wohin die installierten Dateien im texmf-Verzeichnisbaum installiert werden sollen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8737
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ruby-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ruby-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8741
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system ruby)}. It implements the RubyGems build procedure used by Ruby packages, which involves running @code{gem build} followed by @code{gem install}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system ruby)} exportiert. Sie steht für eine Implementierung der RubyGems-Erstellungsprozedur, die für Ruby-Pakete benutzt wird, wobei @code{gem build} gefolgt von @code{gem install} ausgeführt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8749
msgid "The @code{source} field of a package that uses this build system typically references a gem archive, since this is the format that Ruby developers use when releasing their software. The build system unpacks the gem archive, potentially patches the source, runs the test suite, repackages the gem, and installs it. Additionally, directories and tarballs may be referenced to allow building unreleased gems from Git or a traditional source release tarball."
msgstr "Das @code{source}-Feld eines Pakets, das dieses Erstellungssystem benutzt, verweist typischerweise auf ein Gem-Archiv, weil Ruby-Entwickler dieses Format benutzen, wenn sie ihre Software veröffentlichen. Das Erstellungssystem entpackt das Gem-Archiv, spielt eventuell Patches für den Quellcode ein, führt die Tests aus, verpackt alles wieder in ein Gem-Archiv und installiert dieses. Neben Gem-Archiven darf das Feld auch auf Verzeichnisse und Tarballs verweisen, damit es auch möglich ist, unveröffentlichte Gems aus einem Git-Repository oder traditionelle Quellcode-Veröffentlichungen zu benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8753
msgid "Which Ruby package is used can be specified with the @code{#:ruby} parameter. A list of additional flags to be passed to the @command{gem} command can be specified with the @code{#:gem-flags} parameter."
msgstr "Welches Ruby-Paket benutzt werden soll, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:ruby} festgelegt werden. Eine Liste zusätzlicher Befehlszeilenoptionen für den Aufruf des @command{gem}-Befehls kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:gem-flags} angegeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8755
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} waf-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} waf-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8761
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system waf)}. It implements a build procedure around the @code{waf} script. The common phases---@code{configure}, @code{build}, and @code{install}---are implemented by passing their names as arguments to the @code{waf} script."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird durch das Modul @code{(guix build-system waf)} exportiert. Damit ist eine Erstellungsprozedur rund um das @code{waf}-Skript implementiert. Die üblichen Phasen@tie{}— @code{configure}, @code{build} und @code{install}@tie{}— sind implementiert, indem deren Namen als Argumente an das @code{waf}-Skript übergeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8765
msgid "The @code{waf} script is executed by the Python interpreter. Which Python package is used to run the script can be specified with the @code{#:python} parameter."
msgstr "Das @code{waf}-Skript wird vom Python-Interpetierer ausgeführt. Mit welchem Python-Paket das Skript ausgeführt werden soll, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:python} angegeben werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8767
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} scons-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} scons-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8773
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system scons)}. It implements the build procedure used by the SCons software construction tool. This build system runs @code{scons} to build the package, @code{scons test} to run tests, and then @code{scons install} to install the package."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system scons)} exportiert. Sie steht für eine Implementierung der Erstellungsprozedur, die das SCons-Softwarekonstruktionswerkzeug („software construction tool“) benutzt. Das Erstellungssystem führt @code{scons} aus, um das Paket zu erstellen, führt mit @code{scons test} Tests aus und benutzt @code{scons install}, um das Paket zu installieren."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8780
msgid "Additional flags to be passed to @code{scons} can be specified with the @code{#:scons-flags} parameter. The default build and install targets can be overridden with @code{#:build-targets} and @code{#:install-targets} respectively. The version of Python used to run SCons can be specified by selecting the appropriate SCons package with the @code{#:scons} parameter."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Optionen, die an @code{scons} übergeben werden sollen, können mit dem Parameter @code{#:scons-flags} angegeben werden. Die voreingestellten Erstellungs- und Installationsziele können jeweils durch @code{#:build-targets} und @code{#:install-targets} ersetzt werden. Die Python-Version, die benutzt werden soll, um SCons auszuführen, kann festgelegt werden, indem das passende SCons-Paket mit dem Parameter @code{#:scons} ausgewählt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8782
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} haskell-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} haskell-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8796
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system haskell)}. It implements the Cabal build procedure used by Haskell packages, which involves running @code{runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}} and @code{runhaskell Setup.hs build}. Instead of installing the package by running @code{runhaskell Setup.hs install}, to avoid trying to register libraries in the read-only compiler store directory, the build system uses @code{runhaskell Setup.hs copy}, followed by @code{runhaskell Setup.hs register}. In addition, the build system generates the package documentation by running @code{runhaskell Setup.hs haddock}, unless @code{#:haddock? #f} is passed. Optional Haddock parameters can be passed with the help of the @code{#:haddock-flags} parameter. If the file @code{Setup.hs} is not found, the build system looks for @code{Setup.lhs} instead."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system haskell)} exportiert. Sie bietet Zugang zur Cabal-Erstellungsprozedur, die von Haskell-Paketen benutzt wird, was bedeutet, @code{runhaskell Setup.hs configure --prefix=/gnu/store/…} und @code{runhaskell Setup.hs build} auszuführen. Statt das Paket mit dem Befehl @code{runhaskell Setup.hs install} zu installieren, benutzt das Erstellungssystem @code{runhaskell Setup.hs copy} gefolgt von @code{runhaskell Setup.hs register}, um keine Bibliotheken im Store-Verzeichnis des Compilers zu speichern, auf dem keine Schreibberechtigung besteht. Zusätzlich generiert das Erstellungssystem Dokumentation durch Ausführen von @code{runhaskell Setup.hs haddock}, außer @code{#:haddock? #f} wurde übergeben. Optional können an Haddock Parameter mit Hilfe des Parameters @code{#:haddock-flags} übergeben werden. Wird die Datei @code{Setup.hs} nicht gefunden, sucht das Erstellungssystem stattdessen nach @code{Setup.lhs}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8720
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8799
msgid "Which Haskell compiler is used can be specified with the @code{#:haskell} parameter which defaults to @code{ghc}."
msgstr "Welcher Haskell-Compiler benutzt werden soll, kann über den @code{#:haskell}-Parameter angegeben werden. Als Vorgabewert verwendet er @code{ghc}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8801
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} dub-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} dub-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8806
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system dub)}. It implements the Dub build procedure used by D packages, which involves running @code{dub build} and @code{dub run}. Installation is done by copying the files manually."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system dub)} exportiert. Sie verweist auf eine Implementierung des Dub-Erstellungssystems, das von D-Paketen benutzt wird. Dabei werden @code{dub build} und @code{dub run} ausgeführt. Die Installation wird durch manuelles Kopieren der Dateien durchgeführt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8809
msgid "Which D compiler is used can be specified with the @code{#:ldc} parameter which defaults to @code{ldc}."
msgstr "Welcher D-Compiler benutzt wird, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:ldc} festgelegt werden, was als Vorgabewert @code{ldc} benutzt."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8812
msgid "emacs-build-system"
msgstr "emacs-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8812
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} emacs-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} emacs-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8816
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system emacs)}. It implements an installation procedure similar to the packaging system of Emacs itself (@pxref{Packages,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system emacs)} exportiert. Darin wird eine Installationsprozedur ähnlich der des Paketsystems von Emacs selbst implementiert (siehe @ref{Packages,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8822
msgid "It first creates the @code{@code{package}-autoloads.el} file, then it byte compiles all Emacs Lisp files. Differently from the Emacs packaging system, the Info documentation files are moved to the standard documentation directory and the @file{dir} file is deleted. The Elisp package files are installed directly under @file{share/emacs/site-lisp}."
msgstr "Zunächst wird eine Datei @code{@code{Paket}-autoloads.el} erzeugt, dann werden alle Emacs-Lisp-Dateien zu Bytecode kompiliert. Anders als beim Emacs-Paketsystem werden die Info-Dokumentationsdateien in das Standardverzeichnis für Dokumentation verschoben und die Datei @file{dir} gelöscht. Die Dateien des Elisp-Pakets werden direkt in @file{share/emacs/site-lisp} installiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8824
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} font-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} font-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8830
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system font)}. It implements an installation procedure for font packages where upstream provides pre-compiled TrueType, OpenType, etc.@: font files that merely need to be copied into place. It copies font files to standard locations in the output directory."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system font)} exportiert. Mit ihr steht eine Installationsprozedur für Schriftarten-Pakete zur Verfügung für vom Anbieter vorkompilierte TrueType-, OpenType- und andere Schriftartendateien, die nur an die richtige Stelle kopiert werden müssen. Dieses Erstellungssystem kopiert die Schriftartendateien an den Konventionen folgende Orte im Ausgabeverzeichnis."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8832
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} meson-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} meson-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8836
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system meson)}. It implements the build procedure for packages that use @url{https://mesonbuild.com, Meson} as their build system."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system meson)} exportiert. Sie enthält die Erstellungsprozedur für Pakete, die @url{https://mesonbuild.com, Meson} als ihr Erstellungssystem benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8840
msgid "It adds both Meson and @uref{https://ninja-build.org/, Ninja} to the set of inputs, and they can be changed with the parameters @code{#:meson} and @code{#:ninja} if needed."
msgstr "Mit ihr werden sowohl Meson als auch @uref{https://ninja-build.org/, Ninja} zur Menge der Eingaben hinzugefügt; die Pakete dafür können mit den Parametern @code{#:meson} und @code{#:ninja} geändert werden, wenn nötig."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8843
msgid "This build system is an extension of @code{gnu-build-system}, but with the following phases changed to some specific for Meson:"
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem ist eine Erweiterung für das @code{gnu-build-system}, aber mit Änderungen an den folgenden Phasen, die Meson-spezifisch sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8767 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8818
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8846 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8969
#, no-wrap
msgid "configure"
msgstr "configure"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8851
msgid "The phase runs @code{meson} with the flags specified in @code{#:configure-flags}. The flag @option{--buildtype} is always set to @code{debugoptimized} unless something else is specified in @code{#:build-type}."
msgstr "Diese Phase führt den @code{meson}-Befehl mit den in @code{#:configure-flags} angegebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen aus. Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--build-type} wird immer auf @code{debugoptimized} gesetzt, solange nichts anderes mit dem Parameter @code{#:build-type} angegeben wurde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8855
msgid "The phase runs @code{ninja} to build the package in parallel by default, but this can be changed with @code{#:parallel-build?}."
msgstr "Diese Phase ruft @code{ninja} auf, um das Paket standardmäßig parallel zu erstellen. Die Vorgabeeinstellung, dass parallel erstellt wird, kann verändert werden durch Setzen von @code{#:parallel-build?}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8861
msgid "The phase runs @samp{meson test} with a base set of options that cannot be overridden. This base set of options can be extended via the @code{#:test-options} argument, for example to select or skip a specific test suite."
msgstr "Die Phase führt @samp{meson test} mit einer unveränderlichen Grundmenge von Optionen aus. Diese Grundmenge können Sie mit dem Argument @code{#:test-options} erweitern, um zum Beispiel einen bestimmten Testkatalog auszuwählen oder zu überspringen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8864
msgid "The phase runs @code{ninja install} and can not be changed."
msgstr "Diese Phase führt @code{ninja install} aus und kann nicht verändert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8867
msgid "Apart from that, the build system also adds the following phases:"
msgstr "Dazu fügt das Erstellungssystem noch folgende neue Phasen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8791
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8870
#, no-wrap
msgid "fix-runpath"
msgstr "fix-runpath"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8877
msgid "This phase ensures that all binaries can find the libraries they need. It searches for required libraries in subdirectories of the package being built, and adds those to @code{RUNPATH} where needed. It also removes references to libraries left over from the build phase by @code{meson}, such as test dependencies, that aren't actually required for the program to run."
msgstr "In dieser Phase wird sichergestellt, dass alle Binärdateien die von ihnen benötigten Bibliotheken finden können. Die benötigten Bibliotheken werden in den Unterverzeichnissen des Pakets, das erstellt wird, gesucht, und zum @code{RUNPATH} hinzugefügt, wann immer es nötig ist. Auch werden diejenigen Referenzen zu Bibliotheken aus der Erstellungsphase wieder entfernt, die bei @code{meson} hinzugefügt wurden, aber eigentlich zur Laufzeit nicht gebraucht werden, wie Abhängigkeiten nur für Tests."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8802 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8881 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8885
msgid "This phase is the phase provided by @code{glib-or-gtk-build-system}, and it is not enabled by default. It can be enabled with @code{#:glib-or-gtk?}."
msgstr "Diese Phase ist dieselbe, die auch im @code{glib-or-gtk-build-system} zur Verfügung gestellt wird, und mit Vorgabeeinstellungen wird sie nicht durchlaufen. Wenn sie gebraucht wird, kann sie mit dem Parameter @code{#:glib-or-gtk?} aktiviert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8888
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} linux-module-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} linux-module-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8890
msgid "@code{linux-module-build-system} allows building Linux kernel modules."
msgstr "Mit @code{linux-module-build-system} können Linux-Kernelmodule erstellt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8894
msgid "This build system is an extension of @code{gnu-build-system}, but with the following phases changed:"
msgstr "Dieses Erstellungssystem ist eine Erweiterung des @code{gnu-build-system}, bei der aber die folgenden Phasen geändert wurden:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8900
msgid "This phase configures the environment so that the Linux kernel's Makefile can be used to build the external kernel module."
msgstr "Diese Phase konfiguriert die Umgebung so, dass das externe Kernel-Modul durch das Makefile des Linux-Kernels erstellt werden kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8904
msgid "This phase uses the Linux kernel's Makefile in order to build the external kernel module."
msgstr "Diese Phase benutzt das Makefile des Linux-Kernels, um das externe Kernel-Modul zu erstellen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8829
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8908
msgid "This phase uses the Linux kernel's Makefile in order to install the external kernel module."
msgstr "Diese Phase benutzt das Makefile des Linux-Kernels zur Installation des externen Kernel-Moduls."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8913
msgid "It is possible and useful to specify the Linux kernel to use for building the module (in the @code{arguments} form of a package using the @code{linux-module-build-system}, use the key @code{#:linux} to specify it)."
msgstr "Es ist möglich und hilfreich, den für die Erstellung des Moduls zu benutzenden Linux-Kernel anzugeben (in der @code{arguments}-Form eines Pakets, dass das @code{linux-module-build-system} als Erstellungssystem benutzt, wird dazu der Schlüssel @code{#:linux} benutzt)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8915
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} node-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} node-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8920
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system node)}. It implements the build procedure used by @uref{https://nodejs.org, Node.js}, which implements an approximation of the @code{npm install} command, followed by an @code{npm test} command."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system node)} exportiert. Sie stellt eine Implementierung der Erstellungsprozedur von @uref{https://nodejs.org, Node.js} dar, die annäherungsweise der Funktion des Befehls @code{npm install} gefolgt vom Befehl @code{npm test} entspricht."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8845
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8924
msgid "Which Node.js package is used to interpret the @code{npm} commands can be specified with the @code{#:node} parameter which defaults to @code{node}."
msgstr "Welches Node.js-Paket zur Interpretation der @code{npm}-Befehle benutzt wird, kann mit dem Parameter @code{#:node} angegeben werden. Dessen Vorgabewert ist @code{node}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8930
msgid "Lastly, for packages that do not need anything as sophisticated, a ``trivial'' build system is provided. It is trivial in the sense that it provides basically no support: it does not pull any implicit inputs, and does not have a notion of build phases."
msgstr "Letztlich gibt es für die Pakete, die bei weitem nichts so komplexes brauchen, ein „triviales“ Erstellungssystem. Es ist in dem Sinn trivial, dass es praktisch keine Hilfestellungen gibt: Es fügt keine impliziten Eingaben hinzu und hat kein Konzept von Erstellungsphasen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8931
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} trivial-build-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} trivial-build-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8933
msgid "This variable is exported by @code{(guix build-system trivial)}."
msgstr "Diese Variable wird vom Modul @code{(guix build-system trivial)} exportiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8938
msgid "This build system requires a @code{#:builder} argument. This argument must be a Scheme expression that builds the package output(s)---as with @code{build-expression->derivation} (@pxref{Derivations, @code{build-expression->derivation}})."
msgstr "Diesem Erstellungssystem muss im Argument @code{#:builder} ein Scheme-Ausdruck übergeben werden, der die Paketausgabe(n) erstellt@tie{}— wie bei @code{build-expression->derivation} (siehe @ref{Derivations, @code{build-expression->derivation}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8943
#, no-wrap
msgid "build phases, for packages"
msgstr "Erstellungsphasen, bei Paketen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8949
msgid "Almost all package build systems implement a notion @dfn{build phases}: a sequence of actions that the build system executes, when you build the package, leading to the installed byproducts in the store. A notable exception is the ``bare-bones'' @code{trivial-build-system} (@pxref{Build Systems})."
msgstr "Fast alle Erstellungssysteme für Pakete implementieren ein Konzept von @dfn{Erstellungsphasen}: einer Abfolge von Aktionen, die vom Erstellungssystem ausgeführt werden, wenn Sie das Paket erstellen. Dabei fallen in den Store installierte Nebenerzeugnisse an. Eine Ausnahme ist der Erwähnung wert: das magere @code{trivial-build-system} (siehe @ref{Build Systems})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8953
msgid "As discussed in the previous section, those build systems provide a standard list of phases. For @code{gnu-build-system}, the main build phases are the following:"
msgstr "Wie im letzten Abschnitt erläutert, stellen diese Erstellungssysteme eine standardisierte Liste von Phasen zur Verfügung. Für @code{gnu-build-system} sind dies die hauptsächlichen Erstellungsphasen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8955
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "set-paths"
+msgstr "set-paths"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8958
+msgid "Define search path environment variables for all the input packages, including @env{PATH} (@pxref{Search Paths})."
+msgstr "Suchpfade in Umgebungsvariablen definieren. Dies geschieht für alle Eingabepakete. @env{PATH} wird so auch festgelegt. Siehe @ref{Search Paths}."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8959
#, no-wrap
msgid "unpack"
msgstr "unpack"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8963
msgid "Unpack the source tarball, and change the current directory to the extracted source tree. If the source is actually a directory, copy it to the build tree, and enter that directory."
msgstr "Den Quell-Tarball entpacken und das Arbeitsverzeichnis wechseln in den entpackten Quellbaum. Wenn die Quelle bereits ein Verzeichnis ist, wird es in den Quellbaum kopiert und dorthin gewechselt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8964
#, no-wrap
msgid "patch-source-shebangs"
msgstr "patch-source-shebangs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8968
msgid "Patch shebangs encountered in source files so they refer to the right store file names. For instance, this changes @code{#!/bin/sh} to @code{#!/gnu/store/@dots{}-bash-4.3/bin/sh}."
msgstr "„Shebangs“ in Quelldateien beheben, damit Sie sich auf die richtigen Store-Dateipfade beziehen. Zum Beispiel könnte @code{#!/bin/sh} zu @code{#!/gnu/store/…-bash-4.3/bin/sh} geändert werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8973
msgid "Run the @file{configure} script with a number of default options, such as @option{--prefix=/gnu/store/@dots{}}, as well as the options specified by the @code{#:configure-flags} argument."
msgstr "Das Skript @file{configure} mit einigen vorgegebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen ausführen, wie z.B.@: mit @option{--prefix=/gnu/store/…}, sowie mit den im @code{#:configure-flags}-Argument angegebenen Optionen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8978
msgid "Run @code{make} with the list of flags specified with @code{#:make-flags}. If the @code{#:parallel-build?} argument is true (the default), build with @code{make -j}."
msgstr "@code{make} ausführen mit den Optionen aus der Liste in @code{#:make-flags}. Wenn das Argument @code{#:parallel-build?} auf wahr gesetzt ist (was der Vorgabewert ist), wird @code{make -j} zum Erstellen ausgeführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8984
msgid "Run @code{make check}, or some other target specified with @code{#:test-target}, unless @code{#:tests? #f} is passed. If the @code{#:parallel-tests?} argument is true (the default), run @code{make check -j}."
msgstr "@code{make check} (oder statt @code{check} ein anderes bei @code{#:test-target} angegebenes Ziel) ausführen, außer falls @code{#:tests? #f} gesetzt ist. Wenn das Argument @code{#:parallel-tests?} auf wahr gesetzt ist (der Vorgabewert), führe @code{make check -j} aus."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8987
msgid "Run @code{make install} with the flags listed in @code{#:make-flags}."
msgstr "@code{make install} mit den in @code{#:make-flags} aufgelisteten Optionen ausführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8988
#, no-wrap
msgid "patch-shebangs"
msgstr "patch-shebangs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8990
msgid "Patch shebangs on the installed executable files."
msgstr "Shebangs in den installierten ausführbaren Dateien beheben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8991
#, no-wrap
msgid "strip"
msgstr "strip"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8995
msgid "Strip debugging symbols from ELF files (unless @code{#:strip-binaries?} is false), copying them to the @code{debug} output when available (@pxref{Installing Debugging Files})."
msgstr "Symbole zur Fehlerbehebung aus ELF-Dateien entfernen (außer @code{#:strip-binaries?} ist auf falsch gesetzt) und in die @code{debug}-Ausgabe kopieren, falls diese verfügbar ist (siehe @ref{Installing Debugging Files})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9004
msgid "Other build systems have similar phases, with some variations. For example, @code{cmake-build-system} has same-named phases but its @code{configure} phases runs @code{cmake} instead of @code{./configure}. Others, such as @code{python-build-system}, have a wholly different list of standard phases. All this code runs on the @dfn{build side}: it is evaluated when you actually build the package, in a dedicated build process spawned by the build daemon (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon})."
msgstr "Andere Erstellungssysteme haben ähnliche, aber etwas unterschiedliche Phasen. Zum Beispiel hat das @code{cmake-build-system} gleichnamige Phasen, aber seine @code{configure}-Phase führt @command{cmake} statt @command{./configure} aus. Andere Erstellungssysteme wie z.B.@: @code{python-build-system} haben eine völlig andere Liste von Standardphasen. Dieser gesamte Code läuft @dfn{erstellungsseitig}: Er wird dann ausgewertet, wenn Sie das Paket wirklich erstellen, in einem eigenen Erstellungprozess nur dafür, den der Erstellungs-Daemon erzeugt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9011
msgid "Build phases are represented as association lists or ``alists'' (@pxref{Association Lists,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) where each key is a symbol for the name of the phase and the associated value is a procedure that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments. By convention, those procedures receive information about the build in the form of @dfn{keyword parameters}, which they can use or ignore."
msgstr "Erstellungsphasen werden durch assoziative Listen (kurz „Alists“) repräsentiert (siehe @ref{Association Lists,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) wo jeder Schlüssel ein Symbol für den Namen der Phase ist und der assoziierte Wert eine Prozedur ist, die eine beliebige Anzahl von Argumenten nimmt. Nach Konvention empfangen diese Prozeduren dadurch Informationen über die Erstellung in Form von @dfn{Schlüsselwort-Parametern}, die darin benutzt oder ignoriert werden können."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9012
#, no-wrap
msgid "%standard-phases"
msgstr "%standard-phases"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9018
msgid "For example, here is how @code{(guix build gnu-build-system)} defines @code{%standard-phases}, the variable holding its alist of build phases@footnote{We present a simplified view of those build phases, but do take a look at @code{(guix build gnu-build-system)} to see all the details!}:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel werden die @code{%standard-phases}, das ist die Variable mit der Alist der Erstellungsphasen, in @code{(guix build gnu-build-system)} so definiert@footnote{Wir stellen hier nur eine vereinfachte Sicht auf diese Erstellungsphasen vor. Wenn Sie alle Details wollen, schauen Sie sich @code{(guix build gnu-build-system)} an!}:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9021
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The build phases of 'gnu-build-system'.\n"
@@ -17638,7 +17819,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9025
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define* (unpack #:key source #:allow-other-keys)\n"
@@ -17652,7 +17833,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9031
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define* (configure #:key outputs #:allow-other-keys)\n"
@@ -17670,7 +17851,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9035
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define* (build #:allow-other-keys)\n"
@@ -17684,7 +17865,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9042
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define* (check #:key (test-target \"check\") (tests? #true)\n"
@@ -17704,7 +17885,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9046
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define* (install #:allow-other-keys)\n"
@@ -17718,7 +17899,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9055
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %standard-phases\n"
@@ -17740,38 +17921,38 @@ msgstr ""
" (cons 'install install)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9065
msgid "This shows how @code{%standard-phases} is defined as a list of symbol/procedure pairs (@pxref{Pairs,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). The first pair associates the @code{unpack} procedure with the @code{unpack} symbol---a name; the second pair defines the @code{configure} phase similarly, and so on. When building a package that uses @code{gnu-build-system} with its default list of phases, those phases are executed sequentially. You can see the name of each phase started and completed in the build log of packages that you build."
msgstr "Hier sieht man wie @code{%standard-phases} als eine Liste von Paaren aus Symbol und Prozedur (siehe @ref{Pairs,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) definiert ist. Das erste Paar assoziiert die @code{unpack}-Prozedur mit dem @code{unpack}-Symbol@tie{}— es gibt einen Namen an. Das zweite Paar definiert die @code{configure}-Phase auf ähnliche Weise, ebenso die anderen. Wenn ein Paket erstellt wird, das @code{gnu-build-system} benutzt, werden diese Phasen der Reihe nach ausgeführt. Sie können beim Erstellen von Paketen im Erstellungsprotokoll den Namen jeder gestarteten und abgeschlossenen Phase sehen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:8988
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9071
msgid "Let's now look at the procedures themselves. Each one is defined with @code{define*}: @code{#:key} lists keyword parameters the procedure accepts, possibly with a default value, and @code{#:allow-other-keys} specifies that other keyword parameters are ignored (@pxref{Optional Arguments,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Schauen wir uns jetzt die Prozeduren selbst an. Jede davon wird mit @code{define*} definiert, dadurch können bei @code{#:key} die Schlüsselwortparameter aufgelistet werden, die die Prozedur annimmt, wenn gewünscht auch zusammen mit einem Vorgabewert, und durch @code{#:allow-other-keys} wird veranlasst, dass andere Schlüsselwortparameter ignoriert werden (siehe @ref{Optional Arguments,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9004
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9087
msgid "The @code{unpack} procedure honors the @code{source} parameter, which the build system uses to pass the file name of the source tarball (or version control checkout), and it ignores other parameters. The @code{configure} phase only cares about the @code{outputs} parameter, an alist mapping package output names to their store file name (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). It extracts the file name of for @code{out}, the default output, and passes it to @command{./configure} as the installation prefix, meaning that @command{make install} will eventually copy all the files in that directory (@pxref{Configuration, configuration and makefile conventions,, standards, GNU Coding Standards}). @code{build} and @code{install} ignore all their arguments. @code{check} honors the @code{test-target} argument, which specifies the name of the Makefile target to run tests; it prints a message and skips tests when @code{tests?} is false."
msgstr "Die @code{unpack}-Prozedur berücksichtigt den @code{source}-Parameter; das Erstellungssystem benutzt ihn, um den Dateinamen des Quell-Tarballs (oder des Checkouts aus einer Versionskontrolle) zu finden. Die anderen Parameter ignoriert sie. Die @code{configure}-Phase interessiert sich nur für den @code{outputs}-Parameter, eine Alist, die die Namen von Paketausgaben auf ihre Dateinamen im Store abbildet (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Sie extrahiert den Dateinamen für @code{out}, die Standardausgabe, und gibt ihn an @command{./configure} als das Installationspräfix weiter, wodurch @command{make install} zum Schluss alle Dateien in dieses Verzeichnis kopieren wird (siehe @ref{Configuration, configuration and makefile conventions,, standards, GNU Coding Standards}). @code{build} und @code{install} ignorieren all ihre Argumente. @code{check} berücksichtigt das Argument @code{test-target}, worin der Name des Makefile-Ziels angegeben wird, um die Tests auszuführen. Es wird stattdessen eine Nachricht angezeigt und die Tests übersprungen, wenn @code{tests?} falsch ist."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9088
#, no-wrap
msgid "build phases, customizing"
msgstr "Erstellungsphasen, Anpassen der"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9097
msgid "The list of phases used for a particular package can be changed with the @code{#:phases} parameter of the build system. Changing the set of build phases boils down to building a new alist of phases based on the @code{%standard-phases} alist described above. This can be done with standard alist procedures such as @code{alist-delete} (@pxref{SRFI-1 Association Lists,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}); however, it is more convenient to do so with @code{modify-phases} (@pxref{Build Utilities, @code{modify-phases}})."
msgstr "Die Liste der Phasen, die für ein bestimmtes Paket benutzt werden, kann über den @code{#:phases}-Parameter an das Erstellungssystem geändert werden. Das Ändern des Satzes von Erstellungsphasen funktioniert so, dass eine neue Alist von Phasen aus der oben beschriebenen @code{%standard-phases}-Alist heraus erzeugt wird. Dazu können die Standardprozeduren zur Bearbeitung von assoziativen Listen wie @code{alist-delete} benutzt werden (siehe @ref{SRFI-1 Association Lists,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}), aber es ist bequemer, dafür die Prozedur @code{modify-phases} zu benutzen (siehe @ref{Build Utilities, @code{modify-phases}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9102
msgid "Here is an example of a package definition that removes the @code{configure} phase of @code{%standard-phases} and inserts a new phase before the @code{build} phase, called @code{set-prefix-in-makefile}:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine Paketdefinition, die die @code{configure}-Phase aus @code{%standard-phases} entfernt und eine neue Phase vor der @code{build}-Phase namens @code{set-prefix-in-makefile} einfügt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9122
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public example\n"
@@ -17813,44 +17994,44 @@ msgstr ""
" #true))))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9128
msgid "The new phase that is inserted is written as an anonymous procedure, introduced with @code{lambda*}; it honors the @code{outputs} parameter we have seen before. @xref{Build Utilities}, for more about the helpers used by this phase, and for more examples of @code{modify-phases}."
msgstr "Die neu eingefügte Phase wurde als anonyme Prozedur geschrieben. Solche namenlosen Prozeduren schreibt man mit @code{lambda*}. Oben berücksichtigt sie den @code{outputs}-Parameter, den wir zuvor gesehen haben. Siehe @ref{Build Utilities} für mehr Informationen über die in dieser Phase benutzten Hilfsmittel und für mehr Beispiele zu @code{modify-phases}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9046 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9129 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10464
#, no-wrap
msgid "code staging"
msgstr "Code-Staging"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9047 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9130 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10465
#, no-wrap
msgid "staging, of code"
msgstr "Staging, von Code"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9137
msgid "Keep in mind that build phases are code evaluated at the time the package is actually built. This explains why the whole @code{modify-phases} expression above is quoted (it comes after the @code{'} or apostrophe): it is @dfn{staged} for later execution. @xref{G-Expressions}, for an explanation of code staging and the @dfn{code strata} involved."
msgstr "Sie sollten im Kopf behalten, dass Erstellungsphasen aus Code bestehen, der erst dann ausgewertet wird, wenn das Paket erstellt wird. Das ist der Grund, warum der gesamte @code{modify-phases}-Ausdruck oben quotiert wird. Quotiert heißt, er steht nach einem @code{'} oder Apostrophenzeichen: Er wird nicht sofort als Code ausgewertet, sondern nur zur späteren Ausführung vorgemerkt (wir sagen @dfn{staged}, siehe @ref{G-Expressions} für eine Erläuterung von Code-Staging und den beteiligten @dfn{Code-Schichten} (oder „Strata“)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9147
msgid "As soon as you start writing non-trivial package definitions (@pxref{Defining Packages}) or other build actions (@pxref{G-Expressions}), you will likely start looking for helpers for ``shell-like'' actions---creating directories, copying and deleting files recursively, manipulating build phases, and so on. The @code{(guix build utils)} module provides such utility procedures."
msgstr "Sobald Sie anfangen, nichttriviale Paketdefinitionen (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}) oder andere Erstellungsaktionen (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}) zu schreiben, würden Sie sich wahrscheinlich darüber freuen, Helferlein für „Shell-artige“ Aktionen vordefiniert zu bekommen, also Code, den Sie benutzen können, um Verzeichnisse anzulegen, Dateien rekursiv zu kopieren oder zu löschen, Erstellungsphasen anzupassen und Ähnliches. Das Modul @code{(guix build utils)} macht solche nützlichen Werkzeugprozeduren verfügbar."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9151
msgid "Most build systems load @code{(guix build utils)} (@pxref{Build Systems}). Thus, when writing custom build phases for your package definitions, you can usually assume those procedures are in scope."
msgstr "Die meisten Erstellungssysteme laden @code{(guix build utils)} (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). Wenn Sie also eigene Erstellungsphasen für Ihre Paketdefinitionen schreiben, können Sie in den meisten Fällen annehmen, dass diese Prozeduren bei der Auswertung sichtbar sein werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9156
msgid "When writing G-expressions, you can import @code{(guix build utils)} on the ``build side'' using @code{with-imported-modules} and then put it in scope with the @code{use-modules} form (@pxref{Using Guile Modules,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}):"
msgstr "Beim Schreiben von G-Ausdrücken können Sie auf der „Erstellungsseite“ @code{(guix build utils)} mit @code{with-imported-modules} importieren und anschließend mit der @code{use-modules}-Form sichtbar machen (siehe @ref{Using Guile Modules,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9163
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(with-imported-modules '((guix build utils)) ;import it\n"
@@ -17868,7 +18049,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9166
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Happily use its 'mkdir-p' procedure.\n"
@@ -17878,245 +18059,239 @@ msgstr ""
" (mkdir-p (string-append #$output \"/a/b/c\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9170
msgid "The remainder of this section is the reference for most of the utility procedures provided by @code{(guix build utils)}."
msgstr "Der Rest dieses Abschnitts stellt eine Referenz der meisten Werkzeugprozeduren dar, die @code{(guix build utils)} anbietet."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9173
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dealing with Store File Names"
msgstr "Umgehen mit Store-Dateinamen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9176
msgid "This section documents procedures that deal with store file names."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt dokumentiert Prozeduren, die sich mit Dateinamen von Store-Objekten befassen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9177
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} %store-directory"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} %store-directory"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9179
msgid "Return the directory name of the store."
msgstr "Liefert den Verzeichnisnamen des Stores."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9181
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} store-file-name? @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} store-file-name? @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9183
msgid "Return true if @var{file} is in the store."
msgstr "Liefert wahr zurück, wenn sich @var{Datei} innerhalb des Stores befindet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9185
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} strip-store-file-name @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} strip-store-file-name @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9188
msgid "Strip the @file{/gnu/store} and hash from @var{file}, a store file name. The result is typically a @code{\"@var{package}-@var{version}\"} string."
msgstr "Liefert den Namen der @var{Datei}, die im Store liegt, ohne den Anfang @file{/gnu/store} und ohne die Prüfsumme am Namensanfang. Als Ergebnis ergibt sich typischerweise eine Zeichenkette aus @code{\"@var{Paket}-@var{Version}\"}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9190
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} package-name->name+version @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} package-name->name+version @var{Name}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9195
msgid "Given @var{name}, a package name like @code{\"foo-0.9.1b\"}, return two values: @code{\"foo\"} and @code{\"0.9.1b\"}. When the version part is unavailable, @var{name} and @code{#f} are returned. The first hyphen followed by a digit is considered to introduce the version part."
msgstr "Liefert für den Paket-@var{Name}n (so etwas wie @code{\"foo-0.9.1b\"}) zwei Werte zurück: zum einen @code{\"foo\"} und zum anderen @code{\"0.9.1b\"}. Wenn der Teil mit der Version fehlt, werden der @var{Name} und @code{#f} zurückgeliefert. Am ersten Bindestrich, auf den eine Ziffer folgt, wird der Versionsteil abgetrennt."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9197
#, no-wrap
msgid "File Types"
msgstr "Dateitypen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9200
msgid "The procedures below deal with files and file types."
msgstr "Bei den folgenden Prozeduren geht es um Dateien und Dateitypen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9201
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} directory-exists? @var{dir}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} directory-exists? @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9203
msgid "Return @code{#t} if @var{dir} exists and is a directory."
msgstr "Liefert @code{#t}, wenn das @var{Verzeichnis} existiert und ein Verzeichnis ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9205
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} executable-file? @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} executable-file? @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9207
msgid "Return @code{#t} if @var{file} exists and is executable."
msgstr "Liefert @code{#t}, wenn die @var{Datei} existiert und ausführbar ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9209
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} symbolic-link? @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} symbolic-link? @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9211
msgid "Return @code{#t} if @var{file} is a symbolic link (aka. a ``symlink'')."
msgstr "Liefert @code{#t}, wenn die @var{Datei} eine symbolische Verknüpfung ist (auch bekannt als „Symlink“)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9213
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} elf-file? @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} elf-file? @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9214
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} ar-file? @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} ar-file? @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9215
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} gzip-file? @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} gzip-file? @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9218
msgid "Return @code{#t} if @var{file} is, respectively, an ELF file, an @code{ar} archive (such as a @file{.a} static library), or a gzip file."
msgstr "Liefert @code{#t}, wenn die @var{Datei} jeweils eine ELF-Datei, ein @code{ar}-Archiv (etwa eine statische Bibliothek mit @file{.a}) oder eine gzip-Datei ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9220
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} reset-gzip-timestamp @var{file} [#:keep-mtime? #t]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} reset-gzip-timestamp @var{Datei} [#:keep-mtime? #t]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9224
msgid "If @var{file} is a gzip file, reset its embedded timestamp (as with @command{gzip --no-name}) and return true. Otherwise return @code{#f}. When @var{keep-mtime?} is true, preserve @var{file}'s modification time."
msgstr "Wenn die @var{Datei} eine gzip-Datei ist, wird ihr eingebetteter Zeitstempel zurückgesetzt (wie bei @command{gzip --no-name}) und wahr geliefert. Ansonsten wird @code{#f} geliefert. Wenn @var{keep-mtime?} wahr ist, wird der Zeitstempel der letzten Modifikation von @var{Datei} beibehalten."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9226
#, no-wrap
msgid "File Manipulation"
msgstr "Änderungen an Dateien"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9233
msgid "The following procedures and macros help create, modify, and delete files. They provide functionality comparable to common shell utilities such as @command{mkdir -p}, @command{cp -r}, @command{rm -r}, and @command{sed}. They complement Guile's extensive, but low-level, file system interface (@pxref{POSIX,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Die folgenden Prozeduren und Makros helfen beim Erstellen, Ändern und Löschen von Dateien. Sie machen Funktionen ähnlich zu Shell-Werkzeugen wie @command{mkdir -p}, @command{cp -r}, @command{rm -r} und @command{sed} verfügbar. Sie ergänzen Guiles ausgiebige aber kleinschrittige Dateisystemschnittstelle (siehe @ref{POSIX,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9234
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} with-directory-excursion @var{directory} @var{body}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} with-directory-excursion @var{Verzeichnis} @var{Rumpf}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9236
msgid "Run @var{body} with @var{directory} as the process's current directory."
msgstr "Den @var{Rumpf} ausführen mit dem @var{Verzeichnis} als aktuellem Verzeichnis des Prozesses."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9243
msgid "Essentially, this macro changes the current directory to @var{directory} before evaluating @var{body}, using @code{chdir} (@pxref{Processes,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). It changes back to the initial directory when the dynamic extent of @var{body} is left, be it @i{via} normal procedure return or @i{via} a non-local exit such as an exception."
msgstr "Im Grunde ändert das Makro das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis auf @var{Verzeichnis} bevor der @var{Rumpf} ausgewertet wird, mittels @code{chdir} (siehe @ref{Processes,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Wenn der dynamische Bereich von @var{Rumpf} wieder verlassen wird, wechselt es wieder ins anfängliche Verzeichnis zurück, egal ob der @var{Rumpf} durch normales Zurückliefern eines Ergebnisses oder durch einen nichtlokalen Sprung wie etwa eine Ausnahme verlassen wurde."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9245
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} mkdir-p @var{dir}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} mkdir-p @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9247
msgid "Create directory @var{dir} and all its ancestors."
msgstr "Das @var{Verzeichnis} und all seine Vorgänger erstellen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9249
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} install-file @var{file} @var{directory}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} install-file @var{Datei} @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9252
msgid "Create @var{directory} if it does not exist and copy @var{file} in there under the same name."
msgstr "@var{Verzeichnis} erstellen, wenn es noch nicht existiert, und die @var{Datei} mit ihrem Namen dorthin kopieren."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9254
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} make-file-writable @var{file}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} make-file-writable @var{Datei}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9256
msgid "Make @var{file} writable for its owner."
msgstr "Dem Besitzer der @var{Datei} Schreibberechtigung darauf erteilen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9258
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} copy-recursively @var{source} @var{destination} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} copy-recursively @var{Quelle} @var{Zielort} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9267
msgid "[#:log (current-output-port)] [#:follow-symlinks? #f] @ [#:copy-file copy-file] [#:keep-mtime? #f] [#:keep-permissions? #t] Copy @var{source} directory to @var{destination}. Follow symlinks if @var{follow-symlinks?} is true; otherwise, just preserve them. Call @var{copy-file} to copy regular files. When @var{keep-mtime?} is true, keep the modification time of the files in @var{source} on those of @var{destination}. When @var{keep-permissions?} is true, preserve file permissions. Write verbose output to the @var{log} port."
msgstr "[#:log (current-output-port)] [#:follow-symlinks? #f] @ [#:copy-file copy-file] [#:keep-mtime? #f] [#:keep-permissions? #t] Das Verzeichnis @var{Quelle} rekursiv an den @var{Zielort} kopieren. Wenn @var{follow-symlinks?} wahr ist, folgt die Rekursion symbolischen Verknüpfungen, ansonsten werden die Verknüpfungen als solche beibehalten. Zum Kopieren regulärer Dateien wird @var{copy-file} aufgerufen. Wenn @var{keep-mtime?} wahr ist, bleibt der Zeitstempel der letzten Änderung an den Dateien in @var{Quelle} dabei bei denen am @var{Zielort} erhalten. Wenn @var{keep-permissions?} wahr ist, bleiben Dateiberechtigungen erhalten. Ein ausführliches Protokoll wird in den bei @var{log} angegebenen Port geschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9269
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} delete-file-recursively @var{dir} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} delete-file-recursively @var{Verzeichnis} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9274
msgid "[#:follow-mounts? #f] Delete @var{dir} recursively, like @command{rm -rf}, without following symlinks. Don't follow mount points either, unless @var{follow-mounts?} is true. Report but ignore errors."
msgstr "[#:follow-mounts? #f] Das @var{Verzeichnis} rekursiv löschen, wie bei @command{rm -rf}, ohne symbolischen Verknüpfungen zu folgen. Auch Einhängepunkten wird @emph{nicht} gefolgt, außer falls @var{follow-mounts?} wahr ist. Fehler dabei werden angezeigt aber ignoriert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9276
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} substitute* @var{file} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} substitute* @var{Datei} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9281
msgid "((@var{regexp} @var{match-var}@dots{}) @var{body}@dots{}) @dots{} Substitute @var{regexp} in @var{file} by the string returned by @var{body}. @var{body} is evaluated with each @var{match-var} bound to the corresponding positional regexp sub-expression. For example:"
msgstr "((@var{Regexp} @var{Muster-Variable}@dots{}) @var{Rumpf}…) … Den regulären Ausdruck @var{Regexp} in der @var{Datei} durch die durch @var{Rumpf} berechnete Zeichenkette ersetzen. Bei der Auswertung von @var{Rumpf} wird jede @var{Muster-Variable} an den Teilausdruck an der entsprechenden Position der Regexp gebunden. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9205
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(substitute* file\n"
-#| " ((\"hello\")\n"
-#| " \"good morning\\n\")\n"
-#| " ((\"foo([a-z]+)bar(.*)$\" all letters end)\n"
-#| " (string-append \"baz\" letter end)))\n"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9288
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(substitute* file\n"
" ((\"hello\")\n"
@@ -18131,71 +18306,71 @@ msgstr ""
" (string-append \"baz\" Buchstaben Ende)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9294
msgid "Here, anytime a line of @var{file} contains @code{hello}, it is replaced by @code{good morning}. Anytime a line of @var{file} matches the second regexp, @code{all} is bound to the complete match, @code{letters} is bound to the first sub-expression, and @code{end} is bound to the last one."
msgstr "Jedes Mal, wenn eine Zeile in der @var{Datei} den Text @code{Hallo} enthält, wird dieser durch @code{Guten Morgen} ersetzt. Jedes Mal, wenn eine Zeile zum zweiten regulären Ausdruck passt, wird @code{alles} an die vollständige Übereinstimmung gebunden, @code{Buchstaben} wird an den ersten Teilausdruck gebunden und @code{Ende} an den letzten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9297
msgid "When one of the @var{match-var} is @code{_}, no variable is bound to the corresponding match substring."
msgstr "Wird für eine @var{Muster-Variable} nur @code{_} geschrieben, so wird keine Variable an die Teilzeichenkette an der entsprechenden Position im Muster gebunden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9300
msgid "Alternatively, @var{file} may be a list of file names, in which case they are all subject to the substitutions."
msgstr "Alternativ kann statt einer @var{Datei} auch eine Liste von Dateinamen angegeben werden. In diesem Fall wird jede davon den Substitutionen unterzogen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9303
msgid "Be careful about using @code{$} to match the end of a line; by itself it won't match the terminating newline of a line."
msgstr "Seien Sie vorsichtig bei der Nutzung von @code{$}, um auf das Ende einer Zeile zu passen. @code{$} passt nämlich @emph{nicht} auf den Zeilenumbruch am Ende einer Zeile."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9305
#, no-wrap
msgid "File Search"
msgstr "Dateien suchen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9307
#, no-wrap
msgid "file, searching"
msgstr "Dateien, suchen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9309
msgid "This section documents procedures to search and filter files."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt Prozeduren, um Dateien zu suchen und zu filtern."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9310
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} file-name-predicate @var{regexp}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} file-name-predicate @var{Regexp}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9313
msgid "Return a predicate that returns true when passed a file name whose base name matches @var{regexp}."
msgstr "Liefert ein Prädikat, das gegeben einen Dateinamen, dessen Basisnamen auf @var{Regexp} passt, wahr liefert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9315
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} find-files @var{dir} [@var{pred}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} find-files @var{Verzeichnis} [@var{Prädikat}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9326
msgid "[#:stat lstat] [#:directories? #f] [#:fail-on-error? #f] Return the lexicographically sorted list of files under @var{dir} for which @var{pred} returns true. @var{pred} is passed two arguments: the absolute file name, and its stat buffer; the default predicate always returns true. @var{pred} can also be a regular expression, in which case it is equivalent to @code{(file-name-predicate @var{pred})}. @var{stat} is used to obtain file information; using @code{lstat} means that symlinks are not followed. If @var{directories?} is true, then directories will also be included. If @var{fail-on-error?} is true, raise an exception upon error."
msgstr "[#:stat lstat] [#:directories? #f] [#:fail-on-error? #f] Liefert die lexikografisch sortierte Liste der Dateien innerhalb @var{Verzeichnis}, für die das @var{Prädikat} wahr liefert. An @var{Prädikat} werden zwei Argumente übergeben: Der absolute Dateiname und der zugehörige Stat-Puffer. Das vorgegebene Prädikat liefert immer wahr. Als @var{Prädikat} kann auch ein regulärer Ausdruck benutzt werden; in diesem Fall ist er äquivalent zu @code{(file-name-predicate @var{Prädikat})}. Mit @var{stat} werden Informationen über die Datei ermittelt; wenn dafür @code{lstat} benutzt wird, bedeutet das, dass symbolische Verknüpfungen nicht verfolgt werden. Wenn @var{directories?} wahr ist, dann werden auch Verzeichnisse aufgezählt. Wenn @var{fail-on-error?} wahr ist, dann wird bei einem Fehler eine Ausnahme ausgelöst."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9330
msgid "Here are a few examples where we assume that the current directory is the root of the Guix source tree:"
msgstr "Nun folgen ein paar Beispiele, wobei wir annehmen, dass das aktuelle Verzeichnis der Wurzel des Guix-Quellbaums entspricht."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9335
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; List all the regular files in the current directory.\n"
@@ -18209,7 +18384,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9339
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; List all the .scm files under gnu/services.\n"
@@ -18223,7 +18398,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9343
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; List ar files in the current directory.\n"
@@ -18235,45 +18410,45 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} (\"./libformat.a\" \"./libstore.a\" …)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9345
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} which @var{program}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} which @var{Programm}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9348
msgid "Return the complete file name for @var{program} as found in @code{$PATH}, or @code{#f} if @var{program} could not be found."
msgstr "Liefert den vollständigen Dateinamen für das @var{Programm}, der in @code{$PATH} gesucht wird, oder @code{#f}, wenn das @var{Programm} nicht gefunden werden konnte."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9350
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} search-input-file @var{inputs} @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} search-input-file @var{Eingaben} @var{Name}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9351
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} search-input-directory @var{inputs} @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} search-input-directory @var{Eingaben} @var{Name}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9356
msgid "Return the complete file name for @var{name} as found in @var{inputs}; @code{search-input-file} searches for a regular file and @code{search-input-directory} searches for a directory. If @var{name} could not be found, an exception is raised."
msgstr "Liefert den vollständigen Dateinamen von @var{Name}, das in allen @var{Eingaben} gesucht wird. @code{search-input-file} sucht nach einer regulären Datei, während @code{search-input-directory} nach einem Verzeichnis sucht. Wenn der @var{Name} nicht vorkommt, wird eine Ausnahme ausgelöst."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9360
msgid "Here, @var{inputs} must be an association list like @code{inputs} and @code{native-inputs} as available to build phases (@pxref{Build Phases})."
msgstr "Hierbei muss für @var{Eingaben} eine assoziative Liste wie @code{inputs} oder @code{native-inputs} übergeben werden, die für Erstellungsphasen zur Verfügung steht (siehe @ref{Build Phases})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9364
msgid "Here is a (simplified) example of how @code{search-input-file} is used in a build phase of the @code{wireguard-tools} package:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein (vereinfachtes) Beispiel, wie @code{search-input-file} in einer Erstellungsphase des @code{wireguard-tools}-Pakets benutzt wird:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9373
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(add-after 'install 'wrap-wg-quick\n"
@@ -18292,35 +18467,234 @@ msgstr ""
" #:sh (search-input-file inputs \"bin/bash\")\n"
" `(\"PATH\" \":\" prefix ,(list coreutils))))))\n"
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9375
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Program Invocation"
+msgstr "Programme aufrufen"
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9377
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "program invocation, from Scheme"
+msgstr "Aufruf von Programmen, aus Scheme"
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9378
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "invoking programs, from Scheme"
+msgstr "Programme aufrufen, aus Scheme"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9382
+msgid "You'll find handy procedures to spawn processes in this module, essentially convenient wrappers around Guile's @code{system*} (@pxref{Processes, @code{system*},, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
+msgstr "Im Modul finden Sie Prozeduren, die geeignet sind, Prozesse zu erzeugen. Hauptsächlich handelt es sich um praktische Wrapper für Guiles @code{system*} (siehe @ref{Processes, @code{system*},, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9383
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke @var{program} @var{args}@dots{}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke @var{Programm} @var{Argumente}…"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9387
+msgid "Invoke @var{program} with the given @var{args}. Raise an @code{&invoke-error} exception if the exit code is non-zero; otherwise return @code{#t}."
+msgstr "@var{Programm} mit @var{Argumente} aufrufen. Es wird eine @code{&invoke-error}-Ausnahme ausgelöst, wenn der Exit-Code ungleich null ist, ansonsten wird @code{#t} zurückgeliefert."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9391
+msgid "The advantage compared to @code{system*} is that you do not need to check the return value. This reduces boilerplate in shell-script-like snippets for instance in package build phases."
+msgstr "Der Vorteil gegenüber @code{system*} ist, dass Sie den Rückgabewert nicht zu überprüfen brauchen. So vermeiden Sie umständlichen Code in Shell-Skript-haften Schnipseln etwa in Erstellungsphasen von Paketen."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9393
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke-error? @var{c}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke-error? @var{c}"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9395
+msgid "Return true if @var{c} is an @code{&invoke-error} condition."
+msgstr "Liefert wahr, wenn @var{c} ein @code{&invoke-error}-Zustand ist."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9397
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke-error-program @var{c}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke-error-program @var{c}"
+#. type: deffnx
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9398
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke-error-arguments @var{c}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke-error-arguments @var{c}"
+#. type: deffnx
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9399
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke-error-exit-status @var{c}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke-error-exit-status @var{c}"
+#. type: deffnx
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9400
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke-error-term-signal @var{c}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke-error-term-signal @var{c}"
+#. type: deffnx
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9401
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke-error-stop-signal @var{c}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke-error-stop-signal @var{c}"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9403
+msgid "Access specific fields of @var{c}, an @code{&invoke-error} condition."
+msgstr "Auf bestimmte Felder von @var{c} zugreifen, einem @code{&invoke-error}-Zustand."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9405
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} report-invoke-error @var{c} [@var{port}]"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} report-invoke-error @var{c} [@var{Port}]"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9408
+msgid "Report to @var{port} (by default the current error port) about @var{c}, an @code{&invoke-error} condition, in a human-friendly way."
+msgstr "Auf @var{Port} (nach Vorgabe der @code{current-error-port}) eine Meldung für @var{c}, einem @code{&invoke-error}-Zustand, menschenlesbar ausgeben."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9410
+msgid "Typical usage would look like this:"
+msgstr "Normalerweise würden Sie das so benutzen:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9414
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (srfi srfi-34) ;for 'guard'\n"
+" (guix build utils))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(use-modules (srfi srfi-34) ;für 'guard'\n"
+" (guix build utils))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9418
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(guard (c ((invoke-error? c)\n"
+" (report-invoke-error c)))\n"
+" (invoke \"date\" \"--imaginary-option\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(guard (c ((invoke-error? c)\n"
+" (report-invoke-error c)))\n"
+" (invoke \"date\" \"--imaginary-option\"))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9420
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@print{} command \"date\" \"--imaginary-option\" failed with status 1\n"
+msgstr "@print{} command \"date\" \"--imaginary-option\" failed with status 1\n"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9423
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} invoke/quiet @var{program} @var{args}@dots{}"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} invoke/quiet @var{Programm} @var{Argumente}…"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9429
+msgid "Invoke @var{program} with @var{args} and capture @var{program}'s standard output and standard error. If @var{program} succeeds, print nothing and return the unspecified value; otherwise, raise a @code{&message} error condition that includes the status code and the output of @var{program}."
+msgstr "@var{Programm} mit @var{Argumente} aufrufen und dabei die Standardausgabe und Standardfehlerausgabe von @var{Programm} einfangen. Wenn @var{Programm} erfolgreich ausgeführt wird, wird @emph{nichts} ausgegeben und der unbestimmte Wert @code{*unspecified*} zurückgeliefert. Andernfalls wird ein @code{&message}-Fehlerzustand ausgelöst, der den Status-Code und die Ausgabe von @var{Programm} enthält."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9431
+msgid "Here's an example:"
+msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9436
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(use-modules (srfi srfi-34) ;for 'guard'\n"
+" (srfi srfi-35) ;for 'message-condition?'\n"
+" (guix build utils))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(use-modules (srfi srfi-34) ;für 'guard'\n"
+" (srfi srfi-35) ;für 'message-condition?'\n"
+" (guix build utils))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9441
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(guard (c ((message-condition? c)\n"
+" (display (condition-message c))))\n"
+" (invoke/quiet \"date\") ;all is fine\n"
+" (invoke/quiet \"date\" \"--imaginary-option\"))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(guard (c ((message-condition? c)\n"
+" (display (condition-message c))))\n"
+" (invoke/quiet \"date\") ;alles in Ordnung\n"
+" (invoke/quiet \"date\" \"--imaginary-option\"))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9443
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"@print{} 'date --imaginary-option' exited with status 1; output follows:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"@print{} 'date --imaginary-option' exited with status 1; output follows:\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9446
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" date: unrecognized option '--imaginary-option'\n"
+" Try 'date --help' for more information.\n"
+msgstr ""
+" date: Unbekannte Option »--imaginary-option«\n"
+" „date --help“ liefert weitere Informationen.\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9458
msgid "The @code{(guix build utils)} also contains tools to manipulate build phases as used by build systems (@pxref{Build Systems}). Build phases are represented as association lists or ``alists'' (@pxref{Association Lists,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) where each key is a symbol naming the phase and the associated value is a procedure (@pxref{Build Phases})."
msgstr "@code{(guix build utils)} enthält auch Werkzeuge, um die von Erstellungssystemen benutzten Erstellungsphasen zu verändern (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). Erstellungsphasen werden durch assoziative Listen oder „Alists“ repräsentiert (siehe @ref{Association Lists,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}), wo jeder Schlüssel ein Symbol ist, das den Namen der Phase angibt, und der assoziierte Wert eine Prozedur ist (siehe @ref{Build Phases})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9462
msgid "Guile core and the @code{(srfi srfi-1)} module both provide tools to manipulate alists. The @code{(guix build utils)} module complements those with tools written with build phases in mind."
msgstr "Die zum Kern von Guile („Guile core“) gehörenden Prozeduren und das Modul @code{(srfi srfi-1)} stellen beide Werkzeuge zum Bearbeiten von Alists zur Verfügung. Das Modul @code{(guix build utils)} ergänzt sie um Werkzeuge, die speziell für Erstellungsphasen gedacht sind."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9463
#, no-wrap
msgid "build phases, modifying"
msgstr "Erstellungsphasen, Ändern von"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9464
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} modify-phases @var{phases} @var{clause}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} modify-phases @var{Phasen} @var{Klausel}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9467
msgid "Modify @var{phases} sequentially as per each @var{clause}, which may have one of the following forms:"
msgstr "Die @var{Phasen} der Reihe nach entsprechend jeder @var{Klausel} ändern. Die Klauseln dürfen eine der folgenden Formen haben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9473
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(delete @var{old-phase-name})\n"
@@ -18334,17 +18708,17 @@ msgstr ""
"(add-after @var{alter-Phasenname} @var{neuer-Phasenname} @var{neue-Phase})\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9320
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9477
msgid "Where every @var{phase-name} above is an expression evaluating to a symbol, and @var{new-phase} an expression evaluating to a procedure."
msgstr "Jeder @var{Phasenname} oben ist ein Ausdruck, der zu einem Symbol auswertet, und @var{neue-Phase} ist ein Ausdruck, der zu einer Prozedur auswertet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9488
msgid "The example below is taken from the definition of the @code{grep} package. It adds a phase to run after the @code{install} phase, called @code{fix-egrep-and-fgrep}. That phase is a procedure (@code{lambda*} is for anonymous procedures) that takes a @code{#:outputs} keyword argument and ignores extra keyword arguments (@pxref{Optional Arguments,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for more on @code{lambda*} and optional and keyword arguments.) The phase uses @code{substitute*} to modify the installed @file{egrep} and @file{fgrep} scripts so that they refer to @code{grep} by its absolute file name:"
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel stammt aus der Definition des @code{grep}-Pakets. Es fügt eine neue Phase namens @code{egrep-und-fgrep-korrigieren} hinzu, die auf die @code{install}-Phase folgen soll. Diese Phase ist eine Prozedur (@code{lambda*} bedeutet, sie ist eine Prozedur ohne eigenen Namen), die ein Schlüsselwort @code{#:outputs} bekommt und die restlichen Schlüsselwortargumente ignoriert (siehe @ref{Optional Arguments,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} für mehr Informationen zu @code{lambda*} und optionalen sowie Schlüsselwort-Argumenten). In der Phase wird @code{substitute*} benutzt, um die installierten Skripte @file{egrep} und @file{fgrep} so zu verändern, dass sie @code{grep} anhand seines absoluten Dateinamens aufrufen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9501
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
@@ -18357,8 +18731,7 @@ msgid ""
" (substitute* (list (string-append bin \"/egrep\")\n"
" (string-append bin \"/fgrep\"))\n"
" ((\"^exec grep\")\n"
-" (string-append \"exec \" bin \"/grep\")))\n"
-" #t))))\n"
+" (string-append \"exec \" bin \"/grep\")))))))\n"
msgstr ""
"(modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
" (add-after 'install 'egrep-und-fgrep-korrigieren\n"
@@ -18370,16 +18743,15 @@ msgstr ""
" (substitute* (list (string-append bin \"/egrep\")\n"
" (string-append bin \"/fgrep\"))\n"
" ((\"^exec grep\")\n"
-" (string-append \"exec \" bin \"/grep\")))\n"
-" #t))))\n"
+" (string-append \"exec \" bin \"/grep\")))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9508
msgid "In the example below, phases are modified in two ways: the standard @code{configure} phase is deleted, presumably because the package does not have a @file{configure} script or anything similar, and the default @code{install} phase is replaced by one that manually copies the executable files to be installed:"
msgstr "In dem Beispiel, das nun folgt, werden Phasen auf zweierlei Art geändert: Die Standard-@code{configure}-Phase wird gelöscht, meistens weil das Paket über kein @file{configure}-Skript oder etwas Ähnliches verfügt, und die vorgegebene @code{install}-Phase wird durch eine ersetzt, in der die zu installierenden ausführbaren Dateien manuell kopiert werden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9520
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
@@ -18391,8 +18763,7 @@ msgid ""
" (let ((bin (string-append (assoc-ref outputs \"out\")\n"
" \"/bin\")))\n"
" (install-file \"footswitch\" bin)\n"
-" (install-file \"scythe\" bin)\n"
-" #t))))\n"
+" (install-file \"scythe\" bin)))))\n"
msgstr ""
"(modify-phases %standard-phases\n"
" (delete 'configure) ;kein 'configure'-Skript\n"
@@ -18403,381 +18774,772 @@ msgstr ""
" (let ((bin (string-append (assoc-ref outputs \"out\")\n"
" \"/bin\")))\n"
" (install-file \"footswitch\" bin)\n"
-" (install-file \"scythe\" bin)\n"
-" #t))))\n"
+" (install-file \"scythe\" bin)))))\n"
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9524
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Wrappers"
+msgstr "Wrapper"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9526
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "program wrappers"
+msgstr "Programme wrappen"
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9527
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "wrapping programs"
+msgstr "Wrappen, von Programmen"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9533
+msgid "It is not unusual for a command to require certain environment variables to be set for proper functioning, typically search paths (@pxref{Search Paths}). Failing to do that, the command might fail to find files or other commands it relies on, or it might pick the ``wrong'' ones---depending on the environment in which it runs. Examples include:"
+msgstr "Es kommt vor, dass Befehle nur richtig funktionieren, wenn bestimmte Umgebungsvariable festgelegt sind. Meistens geht es dabei um Suchpfade (siehe @ref{Search Paths}). Wenn man sie nicht zuweist, finden die Programme vielleicht benötigte Dateien oder andere Befehle @emph{nicht} oder sie nehmen die „falschen“, je nachdem, in welcher Umgebung man sie ausführt. Einige Beispiele:"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9537
+msgid "a shell script that assumes all the commands it uses are in @env{PATH};"
+msgstr "ein Shell-Skript, wo erwartet wird, dass die darin benutzten Befehle in @env{PATH} zu finden sind,"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9541
+msgid "a Guile program that assumes all its modules are in @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} and @env{GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH};"
+msgstr "ein Guile-Programm, wo erwartet wird, dass dessen Module in @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} und @env{GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH} liegen,"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9545
+msgid "a Qt application that expects to find certain plugins in @env{QT_PLUGIN_PATH}."
+msgstr "eine Qt-Anwendung, für die bestimmte Plugins in @env{QT_PLUGIN_PATH} erwartet werden."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9553
+msgid "For a package writer, the goal is to make sure commands always work the same rather than depend on some external settings. One way to achieve that is to @dfn{wrap} commands in a thin script that sets those environment variables, thereby ensuring that those run-time dependencies are always found. The wrapper would be used to set @env{PATH}, @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH}, or @env{QT_PLUGIN_PATH} in the examples above."
+msgstr "Das Ziel einer Paketautorin ist, dass Befehle immer auf gleiche Weise funktionieren statt von externen Einstellungen abhängig zu sein. Eine Möglichkeit, das zu bewerkstelligen, ist, Befehle in ein dünnes @dfn{Wrapper}-Skript einzukleiden, welches diese Umgebungsvariablen festlegt und so dafür sorgt, dass solche Laufzeitabhängigkeiten sicherlich gefunden werden. Der Wrapper würde in den obigen Beispielen also benutzt, um @env{PATH}, @env{GUILE_LOAD_PATH} oder @env{QT_PLUGIN_PATH} festzulegen."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9556
+msgid "To ease that task, the @code{(guix build utils)} module provides a couple of helpers to wrap commands."
+msgstr "Das Wrappen wird erleichtert durch ein paar Hilfsprozeduren im Modul @code{(guix build utils)}, mit denen Sie Befehle wrappen können."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9557
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} wrap-program @var{program} @"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} wrap-program @var{Programm} @"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9560
+msgid "[#:sh @var{sh}] [#:rest @var{variables}] Make a wrapper for @var{program}. @var{variables} should look like this:"
+msgstr "[#:sh @var{sh}] [#:rest @var{Variable}] Einen Wrapper für @var{Programm} anlegen. Die Liste @var{Variable} sollte so aussehen:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9563
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "'(@var{variable} @var{delimiter} @var{position} @var{list-of-directories})\n"
+msgstr "'(@var{Variable} @var{Trennzeichen} @var{Position} @var{Liste-von-Verzeichnissen})\n"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9567
+msgid "where @var{delimiter} is optional. @code{:} will be used if @var{delimiter} is not given."
+msgstr "Das @var{Trennzeichen} ist optional. Wenn Sie keines angeben, wird @code{:} genommen."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9569
+msgid "For example, this call:"
+msgstr "Zum Beispiel kopiert dieser Aufruf:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9575
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(wrap-program \"foo\"\n"
+" '(\"PATH\" \":\" = (\"/gnu/.../bar/bin\"))\n"
+" '(\"CERT_PATH\" suffix (\"/gnu/.../baz/certs\"\n"
+" \"/qux/certs\")))\n"
+msgstr ""
+"(wrap-program \"foo\"\n"
+" '(\"PATH\" \":\" = (\"/gnu/…/bar/bin\"))\n"
+" '(\"CERT_PATH\" suffix (\"/gnu/…/baz/certs\"\n"
+" \"/qux/certs\")))\n"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9579
+msgid "will copy @file{foo} to @file{.foo-real} and create the file @file{foo} with the following contents:"
+msgstr "@file{foo} nach @file{.foo-real} und erzeugt die Datei @file{foo} mit folgendem Inhalt:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9585
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"export PATH=\"/gnu/.../bar/bin\"\n"
+"export CERT_PATH=\"$CERT_PATH$@{CERT_PATH:+:@}/gnu/.../baz/certs:/qux/certs\"\n"
+"exec -a $0 location/of/.foo-real \"$@@\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+"export PATH=\"/gnu/…/bar/bin\"\n"
+"export CERT_PATH=\"$CERT_PATH$@{CERT_PATH:+:@}/gnu/…/baz/certs:/qux/certs\"\n"
+"exec -a $0 ort/mit/.foo-real \"$@@\"\n"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9590
+msgid "If @var{program} has previously been wrapped by @code{wrap-program}, the wrapper is extended with definitions for @var{variables}. If it is not, @var{sh} will be used as the interpreter."
+msgstr "Wenn @var{Programm} bereits mit @code{wrap-program} gewrappt wurde, wird sein bestehender Wrapper um die Definitionen jeder Variable in der @var{Variable}-Liste ergänzt. Ansonsten wird ein Wrapper mit @var{sh} als Interpretierer angelegt."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9592
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} wrap-script @var{program} @"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} wrap-script @var{Programm} @"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9600
+msgid "[#:guile @var{guile}] [#:rest @var{variables}] Wrap the script @var{program} such that @var{variables} are set first. The format of @var{variables} is the same as in the @code{wrap-program} procedure. This procedure differs from @code{wrap-program} in that it does not create a separate shell script. Instead, @var{program} is modified directly by prepending a Guile script, which is interpreted as a comment in the script's language."
+msgstr "[#:guile @var{guile}] [#:rest @var{Variable}] Das Skript @var{Programm} in einen Wrapper wickeln, damit @var{Variable} vorher festgelegt werden. Das Format für @var{Variable} ist genau wie bei der Prozedur @code{wrap-program}. Der Unterschied zu @code{wrap-program} ist, dass kein getrenntes Shell-Skript erzeugt wird, sondern das @var{Programm} selbst abgeändert wird, indem zu Beginn von @var{Programm} ein Guile-Skript platziert wird. In der Sprache des Skripts wird das Guile-Skript als Kommentar interpretiert."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9603
+msgid "Special encoding comments as supported by Python are recreated on the second line."
+msgstr "Besondere Kommentare zur Kodierung der Datei, wie es sie bei Python geben kann, werden auf der zweiten Zeile neu erzeugt."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9606
+msgid "Note that this procedure can only be used once per file as Guile scripts are not supported."
+msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass diese Prozedur auf dieselbe Datei nur einmal angewandt werden kann, denn sie auf Guile-Skripts loszulassen wird @emph{nicht} unterstützt."
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9611
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "search path"
+msgstr "Suchpfad"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9618
+msgid "Many programs and libraries look for input data in a @dfn{search path}, a list of directories: shells like Bash look for executables in the command search path, a C compiler looks for @file{.h} files in its header search path, the Python interpreter looks for @file{.py} files in its search path, the spell checker has a search path for dictionaries, and so on."
+msgstr "Zahlreiche Programme und Bibliotheken suchen nach Eingabedaten in einem @dfn{Suchpfad}, d.h.@: einer Liste von Verzeichnissen: Shells wie Bash suchen ausführbare Dateien im Befehls-Suchpfad, ein C-Compiler sucht @file{.h}-Dateien in seinem Header-Suchpfad, der Python-Interpretierer sucht @file{.py}-Dateien in seinem Suchpfad, der Rechtschreibprüfer hat einen Suchpfad für Wörterbücher und so weiter."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9626
+msgid "Search paths can usually be defined or overridden @i{via} environment variables (@pxref{Environment Variables,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). For example, the search paths mentioned above can be changed by defining the @env{PATH}, @env{C_INCLUDE_PATH}, @env{PYTHONPATH} (or @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH}), and @env{DICPATH} environment variables---you know, all these something-PATH variables that you need to get right or things ``won't be found''."
+msgstr "Suchpfade kann man für gewöhnlich über Umgebungsvariable festlegen (siehe @ref{Environment Variables,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Zum Beispiel ändern Sie die oben genannten Suchpfade, indem Sie den Wert der Umgebungsvariablen @env{PATH}, @env{C_INCLUDE_PATH}, @env{PYTHONPATH} (oder @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH}) und @env{DICPATH} festlegen@tie{}— Sie wissen schon, diese Variablen, die auf @env{PATH} enden und wenn Sie etwas daran falsch machen werden Dinge „nicht gefunden“."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9636
+msgid "You may have noticed from the command line that Guix ``knows'' which search path environment variables should be defined, and how. When you install packages in your default profile, the file @file{~/.guix-profile/etc/profile} is created, which you can ``source'' from the shell to set those variables. Likewise, if you ask @command{guix shell} to create an environment containing Python and NumPy, a Python library, and if you pass it the @option{--search-paths} option, it will tell you about @env{PATH} and @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} (@pxref{Invoking guix shell}):"
+msgstr "Vielleicht ist Ihnen auf der Befehlszeile aufgefallen, dass Guix Bescheid weiß, welche Umgebungsvariablen definiert sein müssen und wie. Wenn Sie Pakete in Ihr Standardprofil installieren, wird die Datei @file{~/.guix-profile/etc/profile} angelegt, die Sie mit @command{source} in Ihre Shell übernehmen können, damit die Variablen richtig festgelegt sind. Genauso werden Ihnen, wenn Sie mit @command{guix shell} eine Umgebung mit Python und der Python-Bibliothek NumPy erzeugen lassen und die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--search-paths} angeben, die Variablen @env{PATH} und @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} gezeigt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell}):"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9641
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix shell python python-numpy --pure --search-paths\n"
+"export PATH=\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/bin\"\n"
+"export GUIX_PYTHONPATH=\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/lib/python3.9/site-packages\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+"$ guix shell python python-numpy --pure --search-paths\n"
+"export PATH=\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/bin\"\n"
+"export GUIX_PYTHONPATH=\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/lib/python3.9/site-packages\"\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9645
+msgid "When you omit @option{--search-paths}, it defines these environment variables right away, such that Python can readily find NumPy:"
+msgstr "Wenn Sie @option{--search-paths} weglassen, werden diese Umgebungsvariablen direkt festgelegt, so dass Python NumPy vorfinden kann:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9654
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix shell python python-numpy -- python3\n"
+"Python 3.9.6 (default, Jan 1 1970, 00:00:01)\n"
+"[GCC 10.3.0] on linux\n"
+"Type \"help\", \"copyright\", \"credits\" or \"license\" for more information.\n"
+">>> import numpy\n"
+">>> numpy.version.version\n"
+msgstr ""
+"$ guix shell python python-numpy -- python3\n"
+"Python 3.9.6 (default, Jan 1 1970, 00:00:01)\n"
+"[GCC 10.3.0] on linux\n"
+"Type \"help\", \"copyright\", \"credits\" or \"license\" for more information.\n"
+">>> import numpy\n"
+">>> numpy.version.version\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9659
+msgid "For this to work, the definition of the @code{python} package @emph{declares} the search path it cares about and its associated environment variable, @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH}. It looks like this:"
+msgstr "Damit das funktioniert, wurden in der Definition des @code{python}-Pakets der dafür nötige Suchpfad und die zugehörige Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} @emph{deklariert}. Das sieht so aus:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9669
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (name \"python\")\n"
+" (version \"3.9.9\")\n"
+" ;; some fields omitted...\n"
+" (native-search-paths\n"
+" (list (search-path-specification\n"
+" (variable \"GUIX_PYTHONPATH\")\n"
+" (files (list \"lib/python/3.9/site-packages\"))))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+" (name \"python\")\n"
+" (version \"3.9.9\")\n"
+" ;; davor stehen andere Felder …\n"
+" (native-search-paths\n"
+" (list (search-path-specification\n"
+" (variable \"GUIX_PYTHONPATH\")\n"
+" (files (list \"lib/python/3.9/site-packages\"))))))\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9684
+msgid "What this @code{native-search-paths} field says is that, when the @code{python} package is used, the @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} environment variable must be defined to include all the @file{lib/python/3.9/site-packages} sub-directories encountered in its environment. (The @code{native-} bit means that, if we are in a cross-compilation environment, only native inputs may be added to the search path; @pxref{package Reference, @code{search-paths}}.) In the NumPy example above, the profile where @code{python} appears contains exactly one such sub-directory, and @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} is set to that. When there are several @file{lib/python/3.9/site-packages}---this is the case in package build environments---they are all added to @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH}, separated by colons (@code{:})."
+msgstr "Die Aussage hinter dem @code{native-search-paths}-Feld ist, dass wenn das @code{python}-Paket benutzt wird, die Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} so definiert wird, dass alle Unterverzeichnisse @file{lib/python/3.9/site-packages} in seiner Umgebung enthalten sind. (Mit @code{native-} meinen wir, dass in einer Umgebung zur Cross-Kompilierung nur native Eingaben zum Suchpfad hinzugefügt werden dürfen; siehe @ref{package Reference, @code{search-paths}}.) In unserem NumPy-Beispiel oben enthält das Profil, in dem @code{python} auftaucht, genau ein solches Unterverzeichnis, auf das @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} festgelegt wird. Wenn es mehrere @file{lib/python/3.9/site-packages} gibt@tie{}— etwa wenn wir über Erstellungsumgebungen reden@tie{}—, dann werden alle durch Doppelpunkte (@code{:}) getrennt zu @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} hinzugefügt."
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9691
+msgid "Notice that @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} is specified as part of the definition of the @code{python} package, and @emph{not} as part of that of @code{python-numpy}. This is because this environment variable ``belongs'' to Python, not NumPy: Python actually reads the value of that variable and honors it."
+msgstr "Wir weisen darauf hin, dass @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} als Teil der Definition des @code{python}-Pakets spezifiziert wird und @emph{nicht} als Teil von @code{python-numpy}. Der Grund ist, dass diese Umgebungsvariable zu Python „gehört“ und nicht zu NumPy: Python ist es, das den Wert der Variablen ausliest und befolgt."
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9695
+msgid "Corollary: if you create a profile that does not contain @code{python}, @code{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} will @emph{not} be defined, even if it contains packages that provide @file{.py} files:"
+msgstr "Daraus folgt, dass wenn Sie ein Profil ohne @code{python} erzeugen, @code{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} @emph{nicht} definiert wird, selbst wenn @file{.py}-Dateien zum Profil gehören:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9699
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"$ guix shell python-numpy --search-paths --pure\n"
+"export PATH=\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/bin\"\n"
+msgstr ""
+"$ guix shell python-numpy --search-paths --pure\n"
+"export PATH=\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile/bin\"\n"
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9703
+msgid "This makes a lot of sense if we look at this profile in isolation: no software in this profile would read @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH}."
+msgstr "Das ist logisch, wenn wir das Profil alleine betrachten: Keine Software im Profil würde @env{GUIX_PYTHONPATH} auslesen."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9713
+msgid "Of course, there are many variations on that theme: some packages honor more than one search path, some use separators other than colon, some accumulate several directories in their search path, and so on. A more complex example is the search path of libxml2: the value of the @env{XML_CATALOG_FILES} environment variable is space-separated, it must contain a list of @file{catalog.xml} files (not directories), which are to be found in @file{xml} sub-directories---nothing less. The search path specification looks like this:"
+msgstr "Selbstverständlich gibt es mehr als nur eine Sorte Suchpfad: Es gibt Pakete, die mehrere Suchpfade berücksichtigen, solche mit anderen Trennzeichen als dem Doppelpunkt, solche, die im Suchpfad gleich mehrere Verzeichnisse aufnehmen, und so weiter. Ein weiterführendes Beispiel ist der Suchpfad von libxml2: Der Wert der Umgebungsvariablen @env{XML_CATALOG_FILES} wird durch Leerzeichen getrennt, er muss eine Liste von @file{catalog.xml}-Dateien (keinen Verzeichnissen) fassen und diese sind in @file{xml}-Unterverzeichnissen zu finden@tie{}— ganz schön anspruchsvoll. Die Suchpfadspezifikation dazu sieht so aus:"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9725
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (name \"libxml2\")\n"
+" ;; some fields omitted\n"
+" (native-search-paths\n"
+" (list (search-path-specification\n"
+" (variable \"XML_CATALOG_FILES\")\n"
+" (separator \" \")\n"
+" (files '(\"xml\"))\n"
+" (file-pattern \"^catalog\\\\.xml$\")\n"
+" (file-type 'regular)))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+" (name \"libxml2\")\n"
+" ;; davor stehen andere Felder …\n"
+" (native-search-paths\n"
+" (list (search-path-specification\n"
+" (variable \"XML_CATALOG_FILES\")\n"
+" (separator \" \")\n"
+" (files '(\"xml\"))\n"
+" (file-pattern \"^catalog\\\\.xml$\")\n"
+" (file-type 'regular)))))\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9728
+msgid "Worry not, search path specifications are usually not this tricky."
+msgstr "Keine Angst; die meisten Suchpfadspezifikationen sind einfacher."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9732
+msgid "The @code{(guix search-paths)} module defines the data type of search path specifications and a number of helper procedures. Below is the reference of search path specifications."
+msgstr "Im Modul @code{(guix search-paths)} wird der Datentyp für Suchpfadspezifikationen definiert sowie eine Reihe von Hilfsprozeduren. Es folgt nun die Referenz der Suchpfadspezifikationen."
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9733
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Data Type} search-path-specification"
+msgstr "{Datentyp} search-path-specification"
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9735
+msgid "The data type for search path specifications."
+msgstr "Der Datentyp für Suchpfadspezifikationen."
+#. type: code{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9737
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "variable"
+msgstr "variable"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9739
+msgid "The name of the environment variable for this search path (a string)."
+msgstr "Welchen Namen die Umgebungsvariable für diesen Suchpfad trägt (als Zeichenkette)."
+#. type: code{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9740 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17607
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "files"
+msgstr "files"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9743
+msgid "The list of sub-directories (strings) that should be added to the search path."
+msgstr "Eine Liste der Unterverzeichnisse, die zum Suchpfad hinzugefügt werden sollen."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9744
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{separator} (default: @code{\":\"})"
+msgstr "@code{separator} (Vorgabe: @code{\":\"})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9746
+msgid "The string used to separate search path components."
+msgstr "Die Zeichenkette, wodurch Komponenten des Suchpfads voneinander getrennt werden."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9754
+msgid "As a special case, a @code{separator} value of @code{#f} specifies a ``single-component search path''---in other words, a search path that cannot contain more than one element. This is useful in some cases, such as the @code{SSL_CERT_DIR} variable (honored by OpenSSL, cURL, and a few other packages) or the @code{ASPELL_DICT_DIR} variable (honored by the GNU Aspell spell checker), both of which must point to a single directory."
+msgstr "Für den Sonderfall, dass für @code{separator} der Wert @code{#f} gewählt wird, handelt es sich um einen „Suchpfad mit nur einer Komponente“, mit anderen Worten einen Suchpfad, der höchstens ein Element enthalten darf. Das ist für Fälle gedacht wie die @code{SSL_CERT_DIR}-Variable (die OpenSSL, cURL und ein paar andere Pakete beachten) oder die @code{ASPELL_DICT_DIR}-Variable (auf die das Rechtschreibprüfprogramm GNU@tie{}Aspell achtet), welche beide auf ein einzelnes Verzeichnis zeigen müssen."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9755
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{file-type} (default: @code{'directory})"
+msgstr "@code{file-type} (Vorgabe: @code{'directory})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9759
+msgid "The type of file being matched---@code{'directory} or @code{'regular}, though it can be any symbol returned by @code{stat:type} (@pxref{File System, @code{stat},, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
+msgstr "Welche Art von Datei passt@tie{}— hier kann @code{'directory} (für Verzeichnisse) oder @code{'regular} (für reguläre Dateien) angegeben werden, aber auch jedes andere Symbol, was @code{stat:type} zurückliefern kann (siehe @ref{File System, @code{stat},, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9762
+msgid "In the libxml2 example above, we would match regular files; in the Python example, we would match directories."
+msgstr "Im libxml2-Beispiel oben sind es reguläre Dateien, die wir suchen, dagegen würde beim Python-Beispiel nach Verzeichnissen gesucht."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9763
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{file-pattern} (default: @code{#f})"
+msgstr "@code{file-pattern} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9767
+msgid "This must be either @code{#f} or a regular expression specifying files to be matched @emph{within} the sub-directories specified by the @code{files} field."
+msgstr "Das hier muss entweder @code{#f} oder ein regulärer Ausdruck sein, der angibt, welche Dateien @emph{innerhalb} der mit dem Feld @code{files} angegebenen Unterverzeichnisse darauf passen."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9769
+msgid "Again, the libxml2 example shows a situation where this is needed."
+msgstr "Auch hier sehen Sie im libxml2-Beispiel eine Situation, wo dies gebraucht wird."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9775
+msgid "How do you turn search path specifications on one hand and a bunch of directories on the other hand in a set of environment variable definitions? That's the job of @code{evaluate-search-paths}."
+msgstr "Wie macht man aus Suchpfadspezifikationen einerseits und einem Haufen Verzeichnisse andererseits nun eine Menge von Definitionen für Umgebungsvariable? Das ist die Aufgabe von @code{evaluate-search-paths}."
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9776
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme Procedure} evaluate-search-paths @var{search-paths} @"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} evaluate-search-paths @var{Suchpfade} @"
+#. type: deffn
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9782
+msgid "@var{directories} [@var{getenv}] Evaluate @var{search-paths}, a list of search-path specifications, for @var{directories}, a list of directory names, and return a list of specification/value pairs. Use @var{getenv} to determine the current settings and report only settings not already effective."
+msgstr "@var{Verzeichnisse} [@var{getenv}] Die @var{Suchpfade} auswerten. Sie werden als Liste von Suchpfadspezifikationen übergeben und untersucht werden @var{Verzeichnisse}, eine Liste von Verzeichnisnamen. Das Ergebnis wird als Liste von Paaren aus Spezifikation und Wert zurückgeliefert. Wenn Sie @var{getenv} angeben, werden darüber die momentanen Festlegungen erfasst und nur die @emph{nicht} bereits gültigen gemeldet."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9786
+msgid "The @code{(guix profiles)} provides a higher-level helper procedure, @code{load-profile}, that sets the environment variables of a profile."
+msgstr "Das Modul @code{(guix profiles)} enthält eine zugeschnittenere Hilfsprozedur @code{load-profile}, mit der Umgebungsvariable eines Profils festgelegt werden."
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9791
#, no-wrap
msgid "store items"
msgstr "Store-Objekte"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9792
#, no-wrap
msgid "store paths"
msgstr "Store-Pfade"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9803
msgid "Conceptually, the @dfn{store} is the place where derivations that have been built successfully are stored---by default, @file{/gnu/store}. Sub-directories in the store are referred to as @dfn{store items} or sometimes @dfn{store paths}. The store has an associated database that contains information such as the store paths referred to by each store path, and the list of @emph{valid} store items---results of successful builds. This database resides in @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/db}, where @var{localstatedir} is the state directory specified @i{via} @option{--localstatedir} at configure time, usually @file{/var}."
msgstr "Konzeptionell ist der @dfn{Store} der Ort, wo Ableitungen nach erfolgreicher Erstellung gespeichert werden@tie{}— standardmäßig finden Sie ihn in @file{/gnu/store}. Unterverzeichnisse im Store werden @dfn{Store-Objekte} oder manchmal auch @dfn{Store-Pfade} genannt. Mit dem Store ist eine Datenbank assoziiert, die Informationen enthält wie zum Beispiel, welche Store-Pfade jeder Store-Pfad jeweils referenziert, und eine Liste, welche Store-Objekte @emph{gültig} sind, also Ergebnisse erfolgreicher Erstellungen sind. Die Datenbank befindet sich in @file{@var{localstatedir}/guix/db}, wobei @var{localstatedir} das mit @option{--localstatedir} bei der Ausführung von „configure“ angegebene Zustandsverzeichnis ist, normalerweise @file{/var}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9808
msgid "The store is @emph{always} accessed by the daemon on behalf of its clients (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon}). To manipulate the store, clients connect to the daemon over a Unix-domain socket, send requests to it, and read the result---these are remote procedure calls, or RPCs."
msgstr "Auf den Store wird @emph{nur} durch den Daemon im Auftrag seiner Clients zugegriffen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon}). Um den Store zu verändern, verbinden sich Clients über einen Unix-Socket mit dem Daemon, senden ihm entsprechende Anfragen und lesen dann dessen Antwort@tie{}— so etwas nennt sich entfernter Prozeduraufruf (englisch „Remote Procedure Call“ oder kurz RPC)."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9813
msgid "Users must @emph{never} modify files under @file{/gnu/store} directly. This would lead to inconsistencies and break the immutability assumptions of Guix's functional model (@pxref{Introduction})."
msgstr "Benutzer dürfen @emph{niemals} Dateien in @file{/gnu/store} direkt verändern, sonst wären diese nicht mehr konsistent und die Grundannahmen im funktionalen Modell von Guix, dass die Objekte unveränderlich sind, wären dahin (siehe @ref{Introduction})."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9817
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix gc, @command{guix gc --verify}}, for information on how to check the integrity of the store and attempt recovery from accidental modifications."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc, @command{guix gc --verify}} für Informationen, wie die Integrität des Stores überprüft und nach versehentlichen Veränderungen unter Umständen wiederhergestellt werden kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9824
msgid "The @code{(guix store)} module provides procedures to connect to the daemon, and to perform RPCs. These are described below. By default, @code{open-connection}, and thus all the @command{guix} commands, connect to the local daemon or to the URI specified by the @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET} environment variable."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(guix store)} bietet Prozeduren an, um sich mit dem Daemon zu verbinden und entfernte Prozeduraufrufe durchzuführen. Diese werden im Folgenden beschrieben. Das vorgegebene Verhalten von @code{open-connection}, und daher allen @command{guix}-Befehlen, ist, sich mit dem lokalen Daemon oder dem an der in der Umgebungsvariablen @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET} angegeben URL zu verbinden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9825
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Environment Variable} GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET"
msgstr "{Umgebungsvariable} GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9830
msgid "When set, the value of this variable should be a file name or a URI designating the daemon endpoint. When it is a file name, it denotes a Unix-domain socket to connect to. In addition to file names, the supported URI schemes are:"
msgstr "Ist diese Variable gesetzt, dann sollte ihr Wert ein Dateipfad oder eine URI sein, worüber man sich mit dem Daemon verbinden kann. Ist der Wert der Pfad zu einer Datei, bezeichnet dieser einen Unix-Socket, mit dem eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll. Ist er eine URI, so werden folgende URI-Schemata unterstützt:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9414 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9832 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26613
#, no-wrap
msgid "file"
msgstr "file"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9833
#, no-wrap
msgid "unix"
msgstr "unix"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9837
msgid "These are for Unix-domain sockets. @code{file:///var/guix/daemon-socket/socket} is equivalent to @file{/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket}."
msgstr "Für Unix-Sockets. @code{file:///var/guix/daemon-socket/socket} kann gleichbedeutend auch als @file{/var/guix/daemon-socket/socket} angegeben werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9846
msgid "These URIs denote connections over TCP/IP, without encryption nor authentication of the remote host. The URI must specify the host name and optionally a port number (by default port 44146 is used):"
msgstr "Solche URIs benennen Verbindungen über TCP/IP ohne Verschlüsselung oder Authentifizierung des entfernten Rechners. Die URI muss den Hostnamen, also den Rechnernamen des entfernten Rechners, und optional eine Portnummer angeben (sonst wird als Vorgabe der Port 44146 benutzt):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9849
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix://master.guix.example.org:1234\n"
msgstr "guix://master.guix.example.org:1234\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9854
msgid "This setup is suitable on local networks, such as clusters, where only trusted nodes may connect to the build daemon at @code{master.guix.example.org}."
msgstr "Diese Konfiguration ist für lokale Netzwerke wie etwa in Rechen-Clustern geeignet, wo sich nur vertrauenswürdige Knoten mit dem Erstellungs-Daemon z.B.@: unter @code{master.guix.example.org} verbinden können."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9858
msgid "The @option{--listen} option of @command{guix-daemon} can be used to instruct it to listen for TCP connections (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--listen}})."
msgstr "Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--listen} von @command{guix-daemon} kann benutzt werden, damit er auf TCP-Verbindungen lauscht (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--listen}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9859
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh"
msgstr "ssh"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9860
#, no-wrap
msgid "SSH access to build daemons"
msgstr "SSH-Zugriff auf Erstellungs-Daemons"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9866
msgid "These URIs allow you to connect to a remote daemon over SSH@. This feature requires Guile-SSH (@pxref{Requirements}) and a working @command{guile} binary in @env{PATH} on the destination machine. It supports public key and GSSAPI authentication. A typical URL might look like this:"
msgstr "Mit solchen URIs kann eine Verbindung zu einem entfernten Daemon über SSH hergestellt werden. Diese Funktionalität setzt Guile-SSH voraus (siehe @ref{Requirements}) sowie eine funktionierende @command{guile}-Binärdatei, deren Ort im @env{PATH} der Zielmaschine eingetragen ist. Authentisierung über einen öffentlichen Schlüssel oder GSSAPI ist möglich. Eine typische URL sieht so aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9869
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh://charlie@@guix.example.org:22\n"
msgstr "ssh://charlie@@guix.example.org:22\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9873
msgid "As for @command{guix copy}, the usual OpenSSH client configuration files are honored (@pxref{Invoking guix copy})."
msgstr "Was @command{guix copy} betrifft, richtet es sich nach den üblichen OpenSSH-Client-Konfigurationsdateien (siehe @ref{Invoking guix copy})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9876
msgid "Additional URI schemes may be supported in the future."
msgstr "In Zukunft könnten weitere URI-Schemata unterstützt werden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9883
msgid "The ability to connect to remote build daemons is considered experimental as of @value{VERSION}. Please get in touch with us to share any problems or suggestions you may have (@pxref{Contributing})."
msgstr "Die Fähigkeit, sich mit entfernten Erstellungs-Daemons zu verbinden, sehen wir als experimentell an, Stand @value{VERSION}. Bitte diskutieren Sie mit uns jegliche Probleme oder Vorschläge, die Sie haben könnten (siehe @ref{Contributing})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9886
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} open-connection [@var{uri}] [#:reserve-space? #t]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} open-connection [@var{Uri}] [#:reserve-space? #t]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9891
msgid "Connect to the daemon over the Unix-domain socket at @var{uri} (a string). When @var{reserve-space?} is true, instruct it to reserve a little bit of extra space on the file system so that the garbage collector can still operate should the disk become full. Return a server object."
msgstr "Sich mit dem Daemon über den Unix-Socket an @var{Uri} verbinden (einer Zeichenkette). Wenn @var{reserve-space?} wahr ist, lässt ihn das etwas zusätzlichen Speicher im Dateisystem reservieren, damit der Müllsammler auch dann noch funktioniert, wenn die Platte zu voll wird. Liefert ein Server-Objekt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9894
msgid "@var{file} defaults to @code{%default-socket-path}, which is the normal location given the options that were passed to @command{configure}."
msgstr "@var{Uri} nimmt standardmäßig den Wert von @code{%default-socket-path} an, was dem bei der Installation mit dem Aufruf von @command{configure} ausgewählten Vorgabeort entspricht, gemäß den Befehlszeilenoptionen, mit denen @command{configure} aufgerufen wurde."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9896
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} close-connection @var{server}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} close-connection @var{Server}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9898
msgid "Close the connection to @var{server}."
msgstr "Die Verbindung zum @var{Server} trennen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9900
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} current-build-output-port"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} current-build-output-port"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9903
msgid "This variable is bound to a SRFI-39 parameter, which refers to the port where build and error logs sent by the daemon should be written."
msgstr "Diese Variable ist an einen SRFI-39-Parameter gebunden, der auf den Scheme-Port verweist, an den vom Daemon empfangene Erstellungsprotokolle und Fehlerprotokolle geschrieben werden sollen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9907
msgid "Procedures that make RPCs all take a server object as their first argument."
msgstr "Prozeduren, die entfernte Prozeduraufrufe durchführen, nehmen immer ein Server-Objekt als ihr erstes Argument."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9908
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} valid-path? @var{server} @var{path}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} valid-path? @var{Server} @var{Pfad}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9909
#, no-wrap
msgid "invalid store items"
msgstr "ungültige Store-Objekte"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9914
msgid "Return @code{#t} when @var{path} designates a valid store item and @code{#f} otherwise (an invalid item may exist on disk but still be invalid, for instance because it is the result of an aborted or failed build)."
msgstr "Liefert @code{#t}, wenn der @var{Pfad} ein gültiges Store-Objekt benennt, und sonst @code{#f} (ein ungültiges Objekt kann auf der Platte gespeichert sein, tatsächlich aber ungültig sein, zum Beispiel weil es das Ergebnis einer abgebrochenen oder fehlgeschlagenen Erstellung ist)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9917
msgid "A @code{&store-protocol-error} condition is raised if @var{path} is not prefixed by the store directory (@file{/gnu/store})."
msgstr "Ein @code{&store-protocol-error}-Fehlerzustand wird ausgelöst, wenn der @var{Pfad} nicht mit dem Store-Verzeichnis als Präfix beginnt (@file{/gnu/store})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9919
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} add-text-to-store @var{server} @var{name} @var{text} [@var{references}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} add-text-to-store @var{Server} @var{Name} @var{Text} [@var{Referenzen}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9923
msgid "Add @var{text} under file @var{name} in the store, and return its store path. @var{references} is the list of store paths referred to by the resulting store path."
msgstr "Den @var{Text} im Store in einer Datei namens @var{Name} ablegen und ihren Store-Pfad zurückliefern. @var{Referenzen} ist die Liste der Store-Pfade, die der Store-Pfad dann referenzieren soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9925
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} build-derivations @var{store} @var{derivations} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} build-derivations @var{Store} @var{Ableitungen} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9930
msgid "[@var{mode}] Build @var{derivations}, a list of @code{<derivation>} objects, @file{.drv} file names, or derivation/output pairs, using the specified @var{mode}---@code{(build-mode normal)} by default."
msgstr "[@var{Modus}] Die @var{Ableitungen} erstellen (eine Liste von @code{<derivation>}-Objekten, @file{.drv}-Dateinamen oder Paaren aus je Ableitung und Ausgabe. Dabei gilt der angegebene @var{Modus}@tie{}— vorgegeben ist @code{(build-mode normal)}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9936
msgid "Note that the @code{(guix monads)} module provides a monad as well as monadic versions of the above procedures, with the goal of making it more convenient to work with code that accesses the store (@pxref{The Store Monad})."
msgstr "Es sei erwähnt, dass im Modul @code{(guix monads)} eine Monade sowie monadische Versionen obiger Prozeduren angeboten werden, damit an Code, der auf den Store zugreift, bequemer gearbeitet werden kann (siehe @ref{The Store Monad})."
#. type: i{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9939
msgid "This section is currently incomplete."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt ist im Moment noch unvollständig."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9943
#, no-wrap
msgid "derivations"
msgstr "Ableitungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9947
msgid "Low-level build actions and the environment in which they are performed are represented by @dfn{derivations}. A derivation contains the following pieces of information:"
msgstr "Systemnahe Erstellungsaktionen sowie die Umgebung, in der selbige durchzuführen sind, werden durch @dfn{Ableitungen} dargestellt. Eine Ableitung enthält folgende Informationen:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9952
msgid "The outputs of the derivation---derivations produce at least one file or directory in the store, but may produce more."
msgstr "Die Ausgaben, die die Ableitung hat. Ableitungen erzeugen mindestens eine Datei bzw. ein Verzeichnis im Store, können aber auch mehrere erzeugen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9954
#, no-wrap
msgid "build-time dependencies"
msgstr "Erstellungszeitabhängigkeiten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9955
#, no-wrap
msgid "dependencies, build-time"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten zur Erstellungszeit"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9959
msgid "The inputs of the derivations---i.e., its build-time dependencies---which may be other derivations or plain files in the store (patches, build scripts, etc.)."
msgstr "Die Eingaben der Ableitung, also Abhängigkeiten zur Zeit ihrer Erstellung, die entweder andere Ableitungen oder einfache Dateien im Store sind (wie Patches, Erstellungsskripts usw.)."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9962
msgid "The system type targeted by the derivation---e.g., @code{x86_64-linux}."
msgstr "Das System, wofür mit der Ableitung erstellt wird, also ihr Ziel@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{x86_64-linux}."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9966
msgid "The file name of a build script in the store, along with the arguments to be passed."
msgstr "Der Dateiname eines Erstellungsskripts im Store, zusammen mit den Argumenten, mit denen es aufgerufen werden soll."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9969
msgid "A list of environment variables to be defined."
msgstr "Eine Liste zu definierender Umgebungsvariabler."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9972
#, no-wrap
msgid "derivation path"
msgstr "Ableitungspfad"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9980
msgid "Derivations allow clients of the daemon to communicate build actions to the store. They exist in two forms: as an in-memory representation, both on the client- and daemon-side, and as files in the store whose name end in @file{.drv}---these files are referred to as @dfn{derivation paths}. Derivations paths can be passed to the @code{build-derivations} procedure to perform the build actions they prescribe (@pxref{The Store})."
msgstr "Ableitungen ermöglichen es den Clients des Daemons, diesem Erstellungsaktionen für den Store mitzuteilen. Es gibt davon zwei Arten, sowohl Darstellungen im Arbeitsspeicher jeweils für Client und Daemon, als auch Dateien im Store, deren Namen auf @file{.drv} enden@tie{}— diese Dateien werden als @dfn{Ableitungspfade} bezeichnet. Ableitungspfade können an die Prozedur @code{build-derivations} übergeben werden, damit die darin niedergeschriebenen Erstellungsaktionen durchgeführt werden (siehe @ref{The Store})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9981
#, no-wrap
msgid "fixed-output derivations"
msgstr "Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9988
msgid "Operations such as file downloads and version-control checkouts for which the expected content hash is known in advance are modeled as @dfn{fixed-output derivations}. Unlike regular derivations, the outputs of a fixed-output derivation are independent of its inputs---e.g., a source code download produces the same result regardless of the download method and tools being used."
msgstr "Operationen wie das Herunterladen von Dateien und Checkouts von unter Versionskontrolle stehenden Quelldateien, bei denen der Hash des Inhalts im Voraus bekannt ist, werden als @dfn{Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe} modelliert. Anders als reguläre Ableitungen sind die Ausgaben von Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe unabhängig von ihren Eingaben@tie{}— z.B.@: liefert das Herunterladen desselben Quellcodes dasselbe Ergebnis unabhängig davon, mit welcher Methode und welchen Werkzeugen er heruntergeladen wurde."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9571 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9989 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13802
#, no-wrap
msgid "references"
msgstr "references"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9990
#, no-wrap
msgid "run-time dependencies"
msgstr "Laufzeitabhängigkeiten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9991
#, no-wrap
msgid "dependencies, run-time"
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten, zur Laufzeit"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9998
msgid "The outputs of derivations---i.e., the build results---have a set of @dfn{references}, as reported by the @code{references} RPC or the @command{guix gc --references} command (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}). References are the set of run-time dependencies of the build results. References are a subset of the inputs of the derivation; this subset is automatically computed by the build daemon by scanning all the files in the outputs."
msgstr "Den Ausgaben von Ableitungen@tie{}— d.h.@: Erstellungergebnissen@tie{}— ist eine Liste von @dfn{Referenzen} zugeordnet, die auch der entfernte Prozeduraufruf @code{references} oder der Befehl @command{guix gc --references} liefert (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}). Referenzen sind die Menge der Laufzeitabhängigkeiten von Erstellungsergebnissen. Referenzen sind eine Teilmenge der Eingaben von Ableitungen; die Teilmenge wird automatisch ermittelt, indem der Erstellungsdaemon alle Dateien unter den Ausgaben nach Referenzen durchsucht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10003
msgid "The @code{(guix derivations)} module provides a representation of derivations as Scheme objects, along with procedures to create and otherwise manipulate derivations. The lowest-level primitive to create a derivation is the @code{derivation} procedure:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(guix derivations)} stellt eine Repräsentation von Ableitungen als Scheme-Objekte zur Verfügung, zusammen mit Prozeduren, um Ableitungen zu erzeugen und zu manipulieren. Die am wenigsten abstrahierte Methode, eine Ableitung zu erzeugen, ist mit der Prozedur @code{derivation}:"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10004
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} derivation @var{store} @var{name} @var{builder} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} derivation @var{Store} @var{Name} @var{Ersteller} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10013
msgid "@var{args} [#:outputs '(\"out\")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:inputs '()] [#:env-vars '()] @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:references-graphs #f] @ [#:allowed-references #f] [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] [#:local-build? #f] @ [#:substitutable? #t] [#:properties '()] Build a derivation with the given arguments, and return the resulting @code{<derivation>} object."
msgstr "@var{Argumente} [#:outputs '(\"out\")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:inputs '()] [#:env-vars '()] @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:references-graphs #f] @ [#:allowed-references #f] [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] [#:local-build? #f] @ [#:substitutable? #t] [#:properties '()] Eine Ableitungen mit den @var{Argumente}n erstellen und das resultierende @code{<derivation>}-Objekt liefern."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10020
msgid "When @var{hash} and @var{hash-algo} are given, a @dfn{fixed-output derivation} is created---i.e., one whose result is known in advance, such as a file download. If, in addition, @var{recursive?} is true, then that fixed output may be an executable file or a directory and @var{hash} must be the hash of an archive containing this output."
msgstr "Wurden @var{hash} und @var{hash-algo} angegeben, wird eine @dfn{Ableitung mit fester Ausgabe} erzeugt@tie{}— d.h.@: eine, deren Ausgabe schon im Voraus bekannt ist, wie z.B.@: beim Herunterladen einer Datei. Wenn des Weiteren auch @var{recursive?} wahr ist, darf die Ableitung mit fester Ausgabe eine ausführbare Datei oder ein Verzeichnis sein und @var{hash} muss die Prüfsumme eines Archivs mit dieser Ausgabe sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10025
msgid "When @var{references-graphs} is true, it must be a list of file name/store path pairs. In that case, the reference graph of each store path is exported in the build environment in the corresponding file, in a simple text format."
msgstr "Ist @var{references-graphs} wahr, dann muss es eine Liste von Paaren aus je einem Dateinamen und einem Store-Pfad sein. In diesem Fall wird der Referenzengraph jedes Store-Pfads in einer Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen in der Erstellungsumgebung zugänglich gemacht, in einem einfachen Text-Format."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10030
msgid "When @var{allowed-references} is true, it must be a list of store items or outputs that the derivation's output may refer to. Likewise, @var{disallowed-references}, if true, must be a list of things the outputs may @emph{not} refer to."
msgstr "Ist @var{allowed-references} ein wahr, muss es eine Liste von Store-Objekten oder Ausgaben sein, die die Ausgabe der Ableitung referenzieren darf. Ebenso muss @var{disallowed-references}, wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, eine Liste von Dingen bezeichnen, die die Ausgaben @emph{nicht} referenzieren dürfen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10037
msgid "When @var{leaked-env-vars} is true, it must be a list of strings denoting environment variables that are allowed to ``leak'' from the daemon's environment to the build environment. This is only applicable to fixed-output derivations---i.e., when @var{hash} is true. The main use is to allow variables such as @code{http_proxy} to be passed to derivations that download files."
msgstr "Ist @var{leaked-env-vars} wahr, muss es eine Liste von Zeichenketten sein, die Umgebungsvariable benennen, die aus der Umgebung des Daemons in die Erstellungsumgebung überlaufen@tie{}— ein „Leck“, englisch „leak“. Dies kann nur in Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe benutzt werden, also wenn @var{hash} wahr ist. So ein Leck kann zum Beispiel benutzt werden, um Variable wie @code{http_proxy} an Ableitungen zu übergeben, die darüber Dateien herunterladen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10042
msgid "When @var{local-build?} is true, declare that the derivation is not a good candidate for offloading and should rather be built locally (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup}). This is the case for small derivations where the costs of data transfers would outweigh the benefits."
msgstr "Ist @var{local-build?} wahr, wird die Ableitung als schlechter Kandidat für das Auslagern deklariert, der besser lokal erstellt werden sollte (siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup}). Dies betrifft kleine Ableitungen, wo das Übertragen der Daten aufwendiger als ihre Erstellung ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10047
msgid "When @var{substitutable?} is false, declare that substitutes of the derivation's output should not be used (@pxref{Substitutes}). This is useful, for instance, when building packages that capture details of the host CPU instruction set."
msgstr "Ist @var{substitutable?} falsch, wird deklariert, dass für die Ausgabe der Ableitung keine Substitute benutzt werden sollen (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Das ist nützlich, wenn Pakete erstellt werden, die Details über den Prozessorbefehlssatz des Wirtssystems auslesen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10050
msgid "@var{properties} must be an association list describing ``properties'' of the derivation. It is kept as-is, uninterpreted, in the derivation."
msgstr "@var{properties} muss eine assoziative Liste enthalten, die „Eigenschaften“ der Ableitungen beschreibt. Sie wird genau so, wie sie ist, in der Ableitung gespeichert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10056
msgid "Here's an example with a shell script as its builder, assuming @var{store} is an open connection to the daemon, and @var{bash} points to a Bash executable in the store:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel mit einem Shell-Skript, das als Ersteller benutzt wird. Es wird angenommen, dass @var{Store} eine offene Verbindung zum Daemon ist und @var{bash} auf eine ausführbare Bash im Store verweist:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10061
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix utils)\n"
@@ -18791,7 +19553,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10070
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(let ((builder ; add the Bash script to the store\n"
@@ -18813,48 +19575,48 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} #<derivation /gnu/store/…-foo.drv => /gnu/store/…-foo>\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10077
msgid "As can be guessed, this primitive is cumbersome to use directly. A better approach is to write build scripts in Scheme, of course! The best course of action for that is to write the build code as a ``G-expression'', and to pass it to @code{gexp->derivation}. For more information, @pxref{G-Expressions}."
msgstr "Wie man sehen kann, ist es umständlich, diese grundlegende Methode direkt zu benutzen. Natürlich ist es besser, Erstellungsskripts in Scheme zu schreiben! Am besten schreibt man den Erstellungscode als „G-Ausdruck“ und übergibt ihn an @code{gexp->derivation}. Mehr Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{G-Expressions}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10082
msgid "Once upon a time, @code{gexp->derivation} did not exist and constructing derivations with build code written in Scheme was achieved with @code{build-expression->derivation}, documented below. This procedure is now deprecated in favor of the much nicer @code{gexp->derivation}."
msgstr "Doch es gab einmal eine Zeit, zu der @code{gexp->derivation} noch nicht existiert hatte und wo das Zusammenstellen von Ableitungen mit Scheme-Erstellungscode noch mit @code{build-expression->derivation} bewerkstelligt wurde, was im Folgenden beschrieben wird. Diese Prozedur gilt als veraltet und man sollte nunmehr die viel schönere Prozedur @code{gexp->derivation} benutzen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10083
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} build-expression->derivation @var{store} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} build-expression->derivation @var{Store} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10099
msgid "@var{name} @var{exp} @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:inputs '()] @ [#:outputs '(\"out\")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @ [#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f] @ [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] [#:guile-for-build #f] Return a derivation that executes Scheme expression @var{exp} as a builder for derivation @var{name}. @var{inputs} must be a list of @code{(name drv-path sub-drv)} tuples; when @var{sub-drv} is omitted, @code{\"out\"} is assumed. @var{modules} is a list of names of Guile modules from the current search path to be copied in the store, compiled, and made available in the load path during the execution of @var{exp}---e.g., @code{((guix build utils) (guix build gnu-build-system))}."
msgstr "@var{Name} @var{Ausdruck} @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:inputs '()] @ [#:outputs '(\"out\")] [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @ [#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f] @ [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] [#:guile-for-build #f] Liefert eine Ableitung, die den Scheme-Ausdruck @var{Ausdruck} als Ersteller einer Ableitung namens @var{Name} ausführt. @var{inputs} muss die Liste der Eingaben enthalten, jeweils als Tupel @code{(Name Ableitungspfad Unterableitung)}; wird keine @var{Unterableitung} angegeben, wird @code{\"out\"} angenommen. @var{Module} ist eine Liste der Namen von Guile-Modulen im momentanen Suchpfad, die in den Store kopiert, kompiliert und zur Verfügung gestellt werden, wenn der @var{Ausdruck} ausgeführt wird@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{((guix build utils) (guix build gnu-build-system))}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10107
msgid "@var{exp} is evaluated in an environment where @code{%outputs} is bound to a list of output/path pairs, and where @code{%build-inputs} is bound to a list of string/output-path pairs made from @var{inputs}. Optionally, @var{env-vars} is a list of string pairs specifying the name and value of environment variables visible to the builder. The builder terminates by passing the result of @var{exp} to @code{exit}; thus, when @var{exp} returns @code{#f}, the build is considered to have failed."
msgstr "Der @var{Ausdruck} wird in einer Umgebung ausgewertet, in der @code{%outputs} an eine Liste von Ausgabe-/Pfad-Paaren gebunden wurde und in der @code{%build-inputs} an eine Liste von Zeichenkette-/Ausgabepfad-Paaren gebunden wurde, die aus den @var{inputs}-Eingaben konstruiert worden ist. Optional kann in @var{env-vars} eine Liste von Paaren aus Zeichenketten stehen, die Name und Wert von für den Ersteller sichtbaren Umgebungsvariablen angeben. Der Ersteller terminiert, indem er @code{exit} mit dem Ergebnis des @var{Ausdruck}s aufruft; wenn also der @var{Ausdruck} den Wert @code{#f} liefert, wird angenommen, dass die Erstellung fehlgeschlagen ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10111
msgid "@var{exp} is built using @var{guile-for-build} (a derivation). When @var{guile-for-build} is omitted or is @code{#f}, the value of the @code{%guile-for-build} fluid is used instead."
msgstr "@var{Ausdruck} wird mit einer Ableitung @var{guile-for-build} erstellt. Wird kein @var{guile-for-build} angegeben oder steht es auf @code{#f}, wird stattdessen der Wert der Fluiden @code{%guile-for-build} benutzt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10116
msgid "See the @code{derivation} procedure for the meaning of @var{references-graphs}, @var{allowed-references}, @var{disallowed-references}, @var{local-build?}, and @var{substitutable?}."
msgstr "Siehe die Erklärungen zur Prozedur @code{derivation} für die Bedeutung von @var{references-graphs}, @var{allowed-references}, @var{disallowed-references}, @var{local-build?} und @var{substitutable?}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10121
msgid "Here's an example of a single-output derivation that creates a directory containing one file:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel einer Ableitung mit nur einer Ausgabe, die ein Verzeichnis erzeugt, in dem eine einzelne Datei enthalten ist:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10129
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(let ((builder '(let ((out (assoc-ref %outputs \"out\")))\n"
@@ -18875,51 +19637,51 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10131
#, no-wrap
msgid "@result{} #<derivation /gnu/store/@dots{}-goo.drv => @dots{}>\n"
msgstr "@result{} #<derivation /gnu/store/…-goo.drv => …>\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10137
#, no-wrap
msgid "monad"
msgstr "Monade"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10143
msgid "The procedures that operate on the store described in the previous sections all take an open connection to the build daemon as their first argument. Although the underlying model is functional, they either have side effects or depend on the current state of the store."
msgstr "Die auf dem Store arbeitenden Prozeduren, die in den vorigen Abschnitten beschrieben wurden, nehmen alle eine offene Verbindung zum Erstellungs-Daemon als ihr erstes Argument entgegen. Obwohl das ihnen zu Grunde liegende Modell funktional ist, weisen sie doch alle Nebenwirkungen auf oder hängen vom momentanen Zustand des Stores ab."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10149
msgid "The former is inconvenient: the connection to the build daemon has to be carried around in all those functions, making it impossible to compose functions that do not take that parameter with functions that do. The latter can be problematic: since store operations have side effects and/or depend on external state, they have to be properly sequenced."
msgstr "Ersteres ist umständlich, weil die Verbindung zum Erstellungs-Daemon zwischen all diesen Funktionen durchgereicht werden muss, so dass eine Komposition mit Funktionen ohne diesen Parameter unmöglich wird. Letzteres kann problematisch sein, weil Operationen auf dem Store Nebenwirkungen und/oder Abhängigkeiten von externem Zustand haben und ihre Ausführungsreihenfolge deswegen eine Rolle spielt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10150
#, no-wrap
msgid "monadic values"
msgstr "monadische Werte"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10151
#, no-wrap
msgid "monadic functions"
msgstr "monadische Funktionen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10161
msgid "This is where the @code{(guix monads)} module comes in. This module provides a framework for working with @dfn{monads}, and a particularly useful monad for our uses, the @dfn{store monad}. Monads are a construct that allows two things: associating ``context'' with values (in our case, the context is the store), and building sequences of computations (here computations include accesses to the store). Values in a monad---values that carry this additional context---are called @dfn{monadic values}; procedures that return such values are called @dfn{monadic procedures}."
msgstr "Hier kommt das Modul @code{(guix monads)} ins Spiel. Im Rahmen dieses Moduls können @dfn{Monaden} benutzt werden und dazu gehört insbesondere eine für unsere Zwecke sehr nützliche Monade, die @dfn{Store-Monade}. Monaden sind ein Konstrukt, mit dem zwei Dinge möglich sind: eine Assoziation von Werten mit einem „Kontext“ (in unserem Fall ist das die Verbindung zum Store) und das Festlegen einer Reihenfolge für Berechnungen (hiermit sind auch Zugriffe auf den Store gemeint). Werte in einer Monade@tie{}— solche, die mit weiterem Kontext assoziiert sind@tie{}— werden @dfn{monadische Werte} genannt; Prozeduren, die solche Werte liefern, heißen @dfn{monadische Prozeduren}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10163
msgid "Consider this ``normal'' procedure:"
msgstr "Betrachten Sie folgende „normale“ Prozedur:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10172
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (sh-symlink store)\n"
@@ -18940,12 +19702,12 @@ msgstr ""
" `(symlink ,sh %output))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10176
msgid "Using @code{(guix monads)} and @code{(guix gexp)}, it may be rewritten as a monadic function:"
msgstr "Unter Verwendung von @code{(guix monads)} und @code{(guix gexp)} lässt sie sich als monadische Funktion aufschreiben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10184
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (sh-symlink)\n"
@@ -18963,17 +19725,17 @@ msgstr ""
" #$output))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10191
msgid "There are several things to note in the second version: the @code{store} parameter is now implicit and is ``threaded'' in the calls to the @code{package->derivation} and @code{gexp->derivation} monadic procedures, and the monadic value returned by @code{package->derivation} is @dfn{bound} using @code{mlet} instead of plain @code{let}."
msgstr "An der zweiten Version lassen sich mehrere Dinge beobachten: Der Parameter @code{Store} ist jetzt implizit geworden und wurde in die Aufrufe der monadischen Prozeduren @code{package->derivation} und @code{gexp->derivation} „eingefädelt“ und der von @code{package->derivation} gelieferte monadische Wert wurde mit @code{mlet} statt einem einfachen @code{let} @dfn{gebunden}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10195
msgid "As it turns out, the call to @code{package->derivation} can even be omitted since it will take place implicitly, as we will see later (@pxref{G-Expressions}):"
msgstr "Wie sich herausstellt, muss man den Aufruf von @code{package->derivation} nicht einmal aufschreiben, weil er implizit geschieht, wie wir später sehen werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10201
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (sh-symlink)\n"
@@ -18987,12 +19749,12 @@ msgstr ""
" #$output)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10210
msgid "Calling the monadic @code{sh-symlink} has no effect. As someone once said, ``you exit a monad like you exit a building on fire: by running''. So, to exit the monad and get the desired effect, one must use @code{run-with-store}:"
msgstr "Die monadische @code{sh-symlink} einfach aufzurufen, bewirkt nichts. Wie jemand einst sagte: „Mit einer Monade geht man um, wie mit Gefangenen, gegen die man keine Beweise hat: Man muss sie laufen lassen.“ Um also aus der Monade auszubrechen und die gewünschte Wirkung zu erzielen, muss man @code{run-with-store} benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10214
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(run-with-store (open-connection) (sh-symlink))\n"
@@ -19002,12 +19764,12 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} /gnu/store/…-sh-symlink\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10220
msgid "Note that the @code{(guix monad-repl)} module extends the Guile REPL with new ``meta-commands'' to make it easier to deal with monadic procedures: @code{run-in-store}, and @code{enter-store-monad}. The former is used to ``run'' a single monadic value through the store:"
msgstr "Erwähnenswert ist, dass das Modul @code{(guix monad-repl)} die REPL von Guile um neue „Meta-Befehle“ erweitert, mit denen es leichter ist, mit monadischen Prozeduren umzugehen: @code{run-in-store} und @code{enter-store-monad}. Mit Ersterer wird ein einzelner monadischer Wert durch den Store „laufen gelassen“:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10224
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"scheme@@(guile-user)> ,run-in-store (package->derivation hello)\n"
@@ -19017,12 +19779,12 @@ msgstr ""
"$1 = #<derivation /gnu/store/…-hello-2.9.drv => …>\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10228
msgid "The latter enters a recursive REPL, where all the return values are automatically run through the store:"
msgstr "Mit Letzterer wird rekursiv eine weitere REPL betreten, in der alle Rückgabewerte automatisch durch den Store laufen gelassen werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10237
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"scheme@@(guile-user)> ,enter-store-monad\n"
@@ -19042,50 +19804,50 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10242
msgid "Note that non-monadic values cannot be returned in the @code{store-monad} REPL."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass in einer @code{store-monad}-REPL keine nicht-monadischen Werte zurückgeliefert werden können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10245
msgid "The main syntactic forms to deal with monads in general are provided by the @code{(guix monads)} module and are described below."
msgstr "Die wichtigsten syntaktischen Formen, um mit Monaden im Allgemeinen umzugehen, werden im Modul @code{(guix monads)} bereitgestellt und sind im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10246
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} with-monad @var{monad} @var{body} ..."
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} with-monad @var{Monade} @var{Rumpf} ..."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10249
msgid "Evaluate any @code{>>=} or @code{return} forms in @var{body} as being in @var{monad}."
msgstr "Alle @code{>>=}- oder @code{return}-Formen im @var{Rumpf} in der @var{Monade} auswerten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10251
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} return @var{val}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} return @var{Wert}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10253
msgid "Return a monadic value that encapsulates @var{val}."
msgstr "Einen monadischen Wert liefern, der den übergebenen @var{Wert} kapselt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10255
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} >>= @var{mval} @var{mproc} ..."
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} >>= @var{mWert} @var{mProz} ..."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10262
msgid "@dfn{Bind} monadic value @var{mval}, passing its ``contents'' to monadic procedures @var{mproc}@dots{}@footnote{This operation is commonly referred to as ``bind'', but that name denotes an unrelated procedure in Guile. Thus we use this somewhat cryptic symbol inherited from the Haskell language.}. There can be one @var{mproc} or several of them, as in this example:"
msgstr "Den monadischen Wert @var{mWert} @dfn{binden}, wobei sein „Inhalt“ an die monadischen Prozeduren @var{mProz}…@: übergeben wird@footnote{Diese Operation wird gemeinhin „bind“ genannt, aber mit diesem Begriff wird in Guile eine völlig andere Prozedur bezeichnet, die nichts damit zu tun hat. Also benutzen wir dieses etwas kryptische Symbol als Erbe der Haskell-Programmiersprache.}. Es kann eine einzelne @var{mProz} oder mehrere davon geben, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10270
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -19105,7 +19867,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10273
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"@result{} 4\n"
@@ -19115,99 +19877,99 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} irgendein-Zustand\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10276
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} mlet @var{monad} ((@var{var} @var{mval}) ...) @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} mlet @var{Monade} ((@var{Variable} @var{mWert}) ...) @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10278
msgid "@var{body} ..."
msgstr "@var{Rumpf} ..."
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10278
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} mlet* @var{monad} ((@var{var} @var{mval}) ...) @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} mlet* @var{Monade} ((@var{Variable} @var{mWert}) ...) @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10290
msgid "@var{body} ... Bind the variables @var{var} to the monadic values @var{mval} in @var{body}, which is a sequence of expressions. As with the bind operator, this can be thought of as ``unpacking'' the raw, non-monadic value ``contained'' in @var{mval} and making @var{var} refer to that raw, non-monadic value within the scope of the @var{body}. The form (@var{var} -> @var{val}) binds @var{var} to the ``normal'' value @var{val}, as per @code{let}. The binding operations occur in sequence from left to right. The last expression of @var{body} must be a monadic expression, and its result will become the result of the @code{mlet} or @code{mlet*} when run in the @var{monad}."
msgstr "@var{Rumpf} ... Die @var{Variable}n an die monadischen Werte @var{mWert} im @var{Rumpf} binden, der eine Folge von Ausdrücken ist. Wie beim bind-Operator kann man es sich vorstellen als „Auspacken“ des rohen, nicht-monadischen Werts, der im @var{mWert} steckt, wobei anschließend dieser rohe, nicht-monadische Wert im Sichtbarkeitsbereich des @var{Rumpf}s von der @var{Variable}n bezeichnet wird. Die Form (@var{Variable} -> @var{Wert}) bindet die @var{Variable} an den „normalen“ @var{Wert}, wie es @code{let} tun würde. Die Bindungsoperation geschieht in der Reihenfolge von links nach rechts. Der letzte Ausdruck des @var{Rumpfs} muss ein monadischer Ausdruck sein und dessen Ergebnis wird das Ergebnis von @code{mlet} oder @code{mlet*} werden, wenn es durch die @var{Monad} laufen gelassen wurde."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9875
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10293
msgid "@code{mlet*} is to @code{mlet} what @code{let*} is to @code{let} (@pxref{Local Bindings,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual})."
msgstr "@code{mlet*} verhält sich gegenüber @code{mlet} wie @code{let*} gegenüber @code{let} (siehe @ref{Local Bindings,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10295
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme System} mbegin @var{monad} @var{mexp} ..."
msgstr "{Scheme-System} mbegin @var{Monade} @var{mAusdruck} ..."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10299
msgid "Bind @var{mexp} and the following monadic expressions in sequence, returning the result of the last expression. Every expression in the sequence must be a monadic expression."
msgstr "Der Reihe nach den @var{mAusdruck} und die nachfolgenden monadischen Ausdrücke binden und als Ergebnis das des letzten Ausdrucks liefern. Jeder Ausdruck in der Abfolge muss ein monadischer Ausdruck sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10303
msgid "This is akin to @code{mlet}, except that the return values of the monadic expressions are ignored. In that sense, it is analogous to @code{begin}, but applied to monadic expressions."
msgstr "Dies verhält sich ähnlich wie @code{mlet}, außer dass die Rückgabewerte der monadischen Prozeduren ignoriert werden. In diesem Sinn verhält es sich analog zu @code{begin}, nur auf monadischen Ausdrücken."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10305
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme System} mwhen @var{condition} @var{mexp0} @var{mexp*} ..."
msgstr "{Scheme-System} mwhen @var{Bedingung} @var{mAusdr0} @var{mAusdr*} ..."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10310
msgid "When @var{condition} is true, evaluate the sequence of monadic expressions @var{mexp0}..@var{mexp*} as in an @code{mbegin}. When @var{condition} is false, return @code{*unspecified*} in the current monad. Every expression in the sequence must be a monadic expression."
msgstr "Wenn die @var{Bedingung} wahr ist, wird die Folge monadischer Ausdrücke @var{mAusdr0}..@var{mAusdr*} wie bei @code{mbegin} ausgewertet. Wenn die @var{Bedingung} falsch ist, wird @code{*unspecified*} („unbestimmt“) in der momentanen Monade zurückgeliefert. Jeder Ausdruck in der Folge muss ein monadischer Ausdruck sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10312
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme System} munless @var{condition} @var{mexp0} @var{mexp*} ..."
msgstr "{Scheme-System} munless @var{Bedingung} @var{mAusdr0} @var{mAusdr*} ..."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10317
msgid "When @var{condition} is false, evaluate the sequence of monadic expressions @var{mexp0}..@var{mexp*} as in an @code{mbegin}. When @var{condition} is true, return @code{*unspecified*} in the current monad. Every expression in the sequence must be a monadic expression."
msgstr "Wenn die @var{Bedingung} falsch ist, wird die Folge monadischer Ausdrücke @var{mAusdr0}..@var{mAusdr*} wie bei @code{mbegin} ausgewertet. Wenn die @var{Bedingung} wahr ist, wird @code{*unspecified*} („unbestimmt“) in der momentanen Monade zurückgeliefert. Jeder Ausdruck in der Folge muss ein monadischer Ausdruck sein."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10319
#, no-wrap
msgid "state monad"
msgstr "Zustandsmonade"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10323
msgid "The @code{(guix monads)} module provides the @dfn{state monad}, which allows an additional value---the state---to be @emph{threaded} through monadic procedure calls."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(guix monads)} macht die @dfn{Zustandsmonade} (englisch „state monad“) verfügbar, mit der ein zusätzlicher Wert@tie{}— der Zustand@tie{}— durch die monadischen Prozeduraufrufe @emph{gefädelt} werden kann."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10324
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %state-monad"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %state-monad"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10327
msgid "The state monad. Procedures in the state monad can access and change the state that is threaded."
msgstr "Die Zustandsmonade. Prozeduren in der Zustandsmonade können auf den gefädelten Zustand zugreifen und ihn verändern."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10331
msgid "Consider the example below. The @code{square} procedure returns a value in the state monad. It returns the square of its argument, but also increments the current state value:"
msgstr "Betrachten Sie das folgende Beispiel. Die Prozedur @code{Quadrat} liefert einen Wert in der Zustandsmonade zurück. Sie liefert das Quadrat ihres Arguments, aber sie inkrementiert auch den momentanen Zustandswert:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10338
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (square x)\n"
@@ -19225,7 +19987,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10342
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(run-with-state (sequence %state-monad (map square (iota 3))) 0)\n"
@@ -19237,147 +19999,147 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} 3\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10346
msgid "When ``run'' through @code{%state-monad}, we obtain that additional state value, which is the number of @code{square} calls."
msgstr "Wird das „durch“ die Zustandsmonade @code{%state-monad} laufen gelassen, erhalten wir jenen zusätzlichen Zustandswert, der der Anzahl der Aufrufe von @code{Quadrat} entspricht."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10348
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} current-state"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} current-state"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10350
msgid "Return the current state as a monadic value."
msgstr "Liefert den momentanen Zustand als einen monadischen Wert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10352
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} set-current-state @var{value}"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} set-current-state @var{Wert}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10355
msgid "Set the current state to @var{value} and return the previous state as a monadic value."
msgstr "Setzt den momentanen Zustand auf @var{Wert} und liefert den vorherigen Zustand als einen monadischen Wert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10357
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} state-push @var{value}"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} state-push @var{Wert}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10360
msgid "Push @var{value} to the current state, which is assumed to be a list, and return the previous state as a monadic value."
msgstr "Hängt den @var{Wert} vorne an den momentanen Zustand an, der eine Liste sein muss. Liefert den vorherigen Zustand als monadischen Wert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10362
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} state-pop"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} state-pop"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10365
msgid "Pop a value from the current state and return it as a monadic value. The state is assumed to be a list."
msgstr "Entfernt einen Wert vorne vom momentanen Zustand und liefert ihn als monadischen Wert zurück. Dabei wird angenommen, dass es sich beim Zustand um eine Liste handelt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10367
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} run-with-state @var{mval} [@var{state}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} run-with-state @var{mWert} [@var{Zustand}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10370
msgid "Run monadic value @var{mval} starting with @var{state} as the initial state. Return two values: the resulting value, and the resulting state."
msgstr "Den monadischen Wert @var{mWert} mit @var{Zustand} als initialem Zustand laufen lassen. Dies liefert zwei Werte: den Ergebniswert und den Ergebniszustand."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10374
msgid "The main interface to the store monad, provided by the @code{(guix store)} module, is as follows."
msgstr "Die zentrale Schnittstelle zur Store-Monade, wie sie vom Modul @code{(guix store)} angeboten wird, ist die Folgende:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10375
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %store-monad"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %store-monad"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10377
msgid "The store monad---an alias for @code{%state-monad}."
msgstr "Die Store-Monade@tie{}— ein anderer Name für @code{%state-monad}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10381
msgid "Values in the store monad encapsulate accesses to the store. When its effect is needed, a value of the store monad must be ``evaluated'' by passing it to the @code{run-with-store} procedure (see below)."
msgstr "Werte in der Store-Monade kapseln Zugriffe auf den Store. Sobald ihre Wirkung gebraucht wird, muss ein Wert der Store-Monade „ausgewertet“ werden, indem er an die Prozedur @code{run-with-store} übergeben wird (siehe unten)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10383
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} run-with-store @var{store} @var{mval} [#:guile-for-build] [#:system (%current-system)]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} run-with-store @var{Store} @var{mWert} [#:guile-for-build] [#:system (%current-system)]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10386
msgid "Run @var{mval}, a monadic value in the store monad, in @var{store}, an open store connection."
msgstr "Den @var{mWert}, einen monadischen Wert in der Store-Monade, in der offenen Verbindung @var{Store} laufen lassen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10388
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} text-file @var{name} @var{text} [@var{references}]"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} text-file @var{Name} @var{Text} [@var{Referenzen}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10392
msgid "Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file containing @var{text}, a string. @var{references} is a list of store items that the resulting text file refers to; it defaults to the empty list."
msgstr "Als monadischen Wert den absoluten Dateinamen im Store für eine Datei liefern, deren Inhalt der der Zeichenkette @var{Text} ist. @var{Referenzen} ist dabei eine Liste von Store-Objekten, die die Ergebnis-Textdatei referenzieren wird; der Vorgabewert ist die leere Liste."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10394
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} binary-file @var{name} @var{data} [@var{references}]"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} binary-file @var{Name} @var{Daten} [@var{Referenzen}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10398
msgid "Return as a monadic value the absolute file name in the store of the file containing @var{data}, a bytevector. @var{references} is a list of store items that the resulting binary file refers to; it defaults to the empty list."
msgstr "Den absoluten Dateinamen im Store als monadischen Wert für eine Datei liefern, deren Inhalt der des Byte-Vektors @var{Daten} ist. @var{Referenzen} ist dabei eine Liste von Store-Objekten, die die Ergebnis-Binärdatei referenzieren wird; der Vorgabewert ist die leere Liste."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10400
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} interned-file @var{file} [@var{name}] @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} interned-file @var{Datei} [@var{Name}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10405
msgid "[#:recursive? #t] [#:select? (const #t)] Return the name of @var{file} once interned in the store. Use @var{name} as its store name, or the basename of @var{file} if @var{name} is omitted."
msgstr "[#:recursive? #t] [#:select? (const #t)] Liefert den Namen der @var{Datei}, nachdem sie in den Store interniert wurde. Dabei wird der @var{Name} als ihr Store-Name verwendet, oder, wenn kein @var{Name} angegeben wurde, der Basisname der @var{Datei}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9991 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10409 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10832
msgid "When @var{recursive?} is true, the contents of @var{file} are added recursively; if @var{file} designates a flat file and @var{recursive?} is true, its contents are added, and its permission bits are kept."
msgstr "Ist @var{recursive?} wahr, werden in der @var{Datei} enthaltene Dateien rekursiv hinzugefügt; ist die @var{Datei} eine flache Datei und @var{recursive?} ist wahr, wird ihr Inhalt in den Store eingelagert und ihre Berechtigungs-Bits übernommen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9996 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10414 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10837
msgid "When @var{recursive?} is true, call @code{(@var{select?} @var{file} @var{stat})} for each directory entry, where @var{file} is the entry's absolute file name and @var{stat} is the result of @code{lstat}; exclude entries for which @var{select?} does not return true."
msgstr "Steht @var{recursive?} auf wahr, wird @code{(@var{select?} @var{Datei} @var{Stat})} für jeden Verzeichniseintrag aufgerufen, wobei @var{Datei} der absolute Dateiname und @var{Stat} das Ergebnis von @code{lstat} ist, außer auf den Einträgen, wo @var{select?} keinen wahren Wert liefert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:9998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10416
msgid "The example below adds a file to the store, under two different names:"
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel fügt eine Datei unter zwei verschiedenen Namen in den Store ein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10004
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10422
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(run-with-store (open-connection)\n"
@@ -19393,120 +20155,120 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10424
#, no-wrap
msgid "@result{} (\"/gnu/store/rwm@dots{}-README\" \"/gnu/store/44i@dots{}-LEGU-MIN\")\n"
msgstr "@result{} (\"/gnu/store/rwm…-README\" \"/gnu/store/44i…-LEGU-MIN\")\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10430
msgid "The @code{(guix packages)} module exports the following package-related monadic procedures:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(guix packages)} exportiert die folgenden paketbezogenen monadischen Prozeduren:"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10431
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} package-file @var{package} [@var{file}] @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} package-file @var{Paket} [@var{Datei}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10439
msgid "[#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] @ [#:output \"out\"] Return as a monadic value in the absolute file name of @var{file} within the @var{output} directory of @var{package}. When @var{file} is omitted, return the name of the @var{output} directory of @var{package}. When @var{target} is true, use it as a cross-compilation target triplet."
msgstr "[#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] @ [#:output \"out\"] Liefert als monadischen Wert den absoluten Dateinamen der @var{Datei} innerhalb des Ausgabeverzeichnisses @var{output} des @var{Paket}s. Wird keine @var{Datei} angegeben, wird der Name des Ausgabeverzeichnisses @var{output} für das @var{Paket} zurückgeliefert. Ist @var{target} wahr, wird sein Wert als das Zielsystem bezeichnendes Tripel zum Cross-Kompilieren benutzt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10443
msgid "Note that this procedure does @emph{not} build @var{package}. Thus, the result might or might not designate an existing file. We recommend not using this procedure unless you know what you are doing."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass durch diese Prozedur das @var{Paket} @emph{nicht} erstellt wird, also muss ihr Ergebnis keine bereits existierende Datei bezeichnen, kann aber. Wir empfehlen, diese Prozedur nur dann zu benutzen, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10445
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} package->derivation @var{package} [@var{system}]"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} package->derivation @var{Paket} [@var{System}]"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10446
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} package->cross-derivation @var{package} @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} package->cross-derivation @var{Paket} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10450
msgid "@var{target} [@var{system}] Monadic version of @code{package-derivation} and @code{package-cross-derivation} (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "@var{Ziel} [@var{System}] Monadische Version von @code{package-derivation} und @code{package-cross-derivation} (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10456
#, no-wrap
msgid "G-expression"
msgstr "G-Ausdruck"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10457
#, no-wrap
msgid "build code quoting"
msgstr "Erstellungscode maskieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10463
msgid "So we have ``derivations'', which represent a sequence of build actions to be performed to produce an item in the store (@pxref{Derivations}). These build actions are performed when asking the daemon to actually build the derivations; they are run by the daemon in a container (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon})."
msgstr "Es gibt also „Ableitungen“, die eine Abfolge von Erstellungsaktionen repräsentieren, die durchgeführt werden müssen, um ein Objekt im Store zu erzeugen (siehe @ref{Derivations}). Diese Erstellungsaktionen werden durchgeführt, nachdem der Daemon gebeten wurde, die Ableitungen tatsächlich zu erstellen; dann führt der Daemon sie in einer isolierten Umgebung (einem sogenannten Container) aus (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10466
#, no-wrap
msgid "strata of code"
msgstr "Schichten von Code"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10478
msgid "It should come as no surprise that we like to write these build actions in Scheme. When we do that, we end up with two @dfn{strata} of Scheme code@footnote{The term @dfn{stratum} in this context was coined by Manuel Serrano et al.@: in the context of their work on Hop. Oleg Kiselyov, who has written insightful @url{http://okmij.org/ftp/meta-programming/#meta-scheme, essays and code on this topic}, refers to this kind of code generation as @dfn{staging}.}: the ``host code''---code that defines packages, talks to the daemon, etc.---and the ``build code''---code that actually performs build actions, such as making directories, invoking @command{make}, and so on (@pxref{Build Phases})."
msgstr "Wenig überraschend ist, dass wir diese Erstellungsaktionen gerne in Scheme schreiben würden. Wenn wir das tun, bekommen wir zwei verschiedene @dfn{Schichten} von Scheme-Code@footnote{Der Begriff @dfn{Schicht}, englisch Stratum, wurde in diesem Kontext von Manuel Serrano et al.@: in ihrer Arbeit an Hop geprägt. Oleg Kiselyov, der aufschlussreiche @url{http://okmij.org/ftp/meta-programming/#meta-scheme, Essays und Code zu diesem Thema} geschrieben hat, nennt diese Art der Code-Generierung @dfn{Staging}, deutsch etwa Inszenierung bzw.@: Aufführung.}: den „wirtsseitigen Code“ („host code“)@tie{}— also Code, der Pakete definiert, mit dem Daemon kommuniziert etc.@:@tie{}— und den „erstellungsseitigen Code“ („build code“)@tie{}— also Code, der die Erstellungsaktionen auch wirklich umsetzt, indem Dateien erstellt werden, @command{make} aufgerufen wird und so weiter (siehe @ref{Build Phases})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10485
msgid "To describe a derivation and its build actions, one typically needs to embed build code inside host code. It boils down to manipulating build code as data, and the homoiconicity of Scheme---code has a direct representation as data---comes in handy for that. But we need more than the normal @code{quasiquote} mechanism in Scheme to construct build expressions."
msgstr "Um eine Ableitung und ihre Erstellungsaktionen zu beschreiben, muss man normalerweise erstellungsseitigen Code im wirtsseitigen Code einbetten. Das bedeutet, man behandelt den erstellungsseitigen Code als Daten, was wegen der Homoikonizität von Scheme@tie{}— dass Code genauso als Daten repräsentiert werden kann@tie{}— sehr praktisch ist. Doch brauchen wir hier mehr als nur den normalen Quasimaskierungsmechanismus mit @code{quasiquote} in Scheme, wenn wir Erstellungsausdrücke konstruieren möchten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10494
msgid "The @code{(guix gexp)} module implements @dfn{G-expressions}, a form of S-expressions adapted to build expressions. G-expressions, or @dfn{gexps}, consist essentially of three syntactic forms: @code{gexp}, @code{ungexp}, and @code{ungexp-splicing} (or simply: @code{#~}, @code{#$}, and @code{#$@@}), which are comparable to @code{quasiquote}, @code{unquote}, and @code{unquote-splicing}, respectively (@pxref{Expression Syntax, @code{quasiquote},, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). However, there are major differences:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(guix gexp)} implementiert @dfn{G-Ausdrücke}, eine Form von S-Ausdrücken, die zu Erstellungsausdrücken angepasst wurden. G-Ausdrücke (englisch „G-expressions“, kurz @dfn{Gexps}) setzen sich grundlegend aus drei syntaktischen Formen zusammen: @code{gexp}, @code{ungexp} und @code{ungexp-splicing} (alternativ einfach: @code{#~}, @code{#$} und @code{#$@@}), die jeweils mit @code{quasiquote}, @code{unquote} und @code{unquote-splicing} vergleichbar sind (siehe @ref{Expression Syntax, @code{quasiquote},, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Es gibt aber auch erhebliche Unterschiede:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10499
msgid "Gexps are meant to be written to a file and run or manipulated by other processes."
msgstr "G-Ausdrücke sind dafür gedacht, in eine Datei geschrieben zu werden, wo sie von anderen Prozessen ausgeführt oder manipuliert werden können."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10504
msgid "When a high-level object such as a package or derivation is unquoted inside a gexp, the result is as if its output file name had been introduced."
msgstr "Wenn ein abstraktes Objekt wie ein Paket oder eine Ableitung innerhalb eines G-Ausdrucks demaskiert wird, ist das Ergebnis davon dasselbe, wie wenn dessen Ausgabedateiname genannt worden wäre."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10509
msgid "Gexps carry information about the packages or derivations they refer to, and these dependencies are automatically added as inputs to the build processes that use them."
msgstr "G-Ausdrücke tragen Informationen über die Pakete oder Ableitungen mit sich, auf die sie sich beziehen, und diese Abhängigkeiten werden automatisch zu den sie benutzenden Erstellungsprozessen als Eingaben hinzugefügt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10093 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11068
#, no-wrap
msgid "lowering, of high-level objects in gexps"
msgstr "Herunterbrechen, von abstrakten Objekten in G-Ausdrücken"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10521
msgid "This mechanism is not limited to package and derivation objects: @dfn{compilers} able to ``lower'' other high-level objects to derivations or files in the store can be defined, such that these objects can also be inserted into gexps. For example, a useful type of high-level objects that can be inserted in a gexp is ``file-like objects'', which make it easy to add files to the store and to refer to them in derivations and such (see @code{local-file} and @code{plain-file} below)."
msgstr "Dieser Mechanismus ist nicht auf Pakete und Ableitung beschränkt: Es können @dfn{Compiler} definiert werden, die weitere abstrakte, hochsprachliche Objekte auf Ableitungen oder Dateien im Store „herunterbrechen“, womit diese Objekte dann auch in G-Ausdrücken eingefügt werden können. Zum Beispiel sind „dateiartige Objekte“ ein nützlicher Typ solcher abstrakter Objekte. Mit ihnen können Dateien leicht in den Store eingefügt und von Ableitungen und anderem referenziert werden (siehe unten @code{local-file} und @code{plain-file})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10523
msgid "To illustrate the idea, here is an example of a gexp:"
msgstr "Zur Veranschaulichung dieser Idee soll uns dieses Beispiel eines G-Ausdrucks dienen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10531
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define build-exp\n"
@@ -19524,34 +20286,34 @@ msgstr ""
" \"list-files\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10536
msgid "This gexp can be passed to @code{gexp->derivation}; we obtain a derivation that builds a directory containing exactly one symlink to @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.22/bin/ls}:"
msgstr "Indem wir diesen G-Ausdruck an @code{gexp->derivation} übergeben, bekommen wir eine Ableitung, die ein Verzeichnis mit genau einer symbolischen Verknüpfung auf @file{/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22/bin/ls} erstellt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10539
#, no-wrap
msgid "(gexp->derivation \"the-thing\" build-exp)\n"
msgstr "(gexp->derivation \"das-ding\" build-exp)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10547
msgid "As one would expect, the @code{\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.22\"} string is substituted to the reference to the @var{coreutils} package in the actual build code, and @var{coreutils} is automatically made an input to the derivation. Likewise, @code{#$output} (equivalent to @code{(ungexp output)}) is replaced by a string containing the directory name of the output of the derivation."
msgstr "Wie man es erwarten würde, wird die Zeichenkette @code{\"/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22\"} anstelle der Referenzen auf das Paket @var{coreutils} im eigentlichen Erstellungscode eingefügt und @var{coreutils} automatisch zu einer Eingabe der Ableitung gemacht. Genauso wird auch @code{#$output} (was äquivalent zur Schreibweise @code{(ungexp output)} ist) ersetzt durch eine Zeichenkette mit dem Namen der Ausgabe der Ableitung."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10548
#, no-wrap
msgid "cross compilation"
msgstr "Cross-Kompilieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10554
msgid "In a cross-compilation context, it is useful to distinguish between references to the @emph{native} build of a package---that can run on the host---versus references to cross builds of a package. To that end, the @code{#+} plays the same role as @code{#$}, but is a reference to a native package build:"
msgstr "Im Kontext der Cross-Kompilierung bietet es sich an, zwischen Referenzen auf die @emph{native} Erstellung eines Pakets@tie{}— also der, die auf dem Wirtssystem ausgeführt werden kann@tie{}— und Referenzen auf Cross-Erstellungen eines Pakets zu unterscheiden. Hierfür spielt @code{#+} dieselbe Rolle wie @code{#$}, steht aber für eine Referenz auf eine native Paketerstellung."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10565
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(gexp->derivation \"vi\"\n"
@@ -19575,29 +20337,29 @@ msgstr ""
" #:target \"aarch64-linux-gnu\")\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10571
msgid "In the example above, the native build of @var{coreutils} is used, so that @command{ln} can actually run on the host; but then the cross-compiled build of @var{emacs} is referenced."
msgstr "Im obigen Beispiel wird die native Erstellung der @var{coreutils} benutzt, damit @command{ln} tatsächlich auf dem Wirtssystem ausgeführt werden kann, aber danach die cross-kompilierte Erstellung von @var{emacs} referenziert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10572
#, no-wrap
msgid "imported modules, for gexps"
msgstr "importierte Module, in G-Ausdrücken"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10573
#, no-wrap
msgid "with-imported-modules"
msgstr "with-imported-modules"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10578
msgid "Another gexp feature is @dfn{imported modules}: sometimes you want to be able to use certain Guile modules from the ``host environment'' in the gexp, so those modules should be imported in the ``build environment''. The @code{with-imported-modules} form allows you to express that:"
msgstr "Eine weitere Funktionalität von G-Ausdrücken stellen @dfn{importierte Module} dar. Manchmal will man bestimmte Guile-Module von der „wirtsseitigen Umgebung“ im G-Ausdruck benutzen können, deswegen sollten diese Module in die „erstellungsseitige Umgebung“ importiert werden. Die @code{with-imported-modules}-Form macht das möglich:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10589
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(let ((build (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils))\n"
@@ -19621,29 +20383,29 @@ msgstr ""
" #t)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10595
msgid "In this example, the @code{(guix build utils)} module is automatically pulled into the isolated build environment of our gexp, such that @code{(use-modules (guix build utils))} works as expected."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird das Modul @code{(guix build utils)} automatisch in die isolierte Erstellungsumgebung unseres G-Ausdrucks geholt, so dass @code{(use-modules (guix build utils))} wie erwartet funktioniert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10596
#, no-wrap
msgid "module closure"
msgstr "Modulabschluss"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10597
#, no-wrap
msgid "source-module-closure"
msgstr "source-module-closure"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10604
msgid "Usually you want the @emph{closure} of the module to be imported---i.e., the module itself and all the modules it depends on---rather than just the module; failing to do that, attempts to use the module will fail because of missing dependent modules. The @code{source-module-closure} procedure computes the closure of a module by looking at its source file headers, which comes in handy in this case:"
msgstr "Normalerweise möchten Sie, dass der @emph{Abschluss} eines Moduls importiert wird@tie{}— also das Modul und alle Module, von denen es abhängt@tie{}— statt nur das Modul selbst. Ansonsten scheitern Versuche, das Modul zu benutzen, weil seine Modulabhängigkeiten fehlen. Die Prozedur @code{source-module-closure} berechnet den Abschluss eines Moduls, indem es den Kopf seiner Quelldatei analysiert, deswegen schafft die Prozedur hier Abhilfe:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10607
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix modules)) ;for 'source-module-closure'\n"
@@ -19653,7 +20415,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10616
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(with-imported-modules (source-module-closure\n"
@@ -19675,24 +20437,24 @@ msgstr ""
" …)))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10618
#, no-wrap
msgid "extensions, for gexps"
msgstr "Erweiterungen, für G-Ausdrücke"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10619
#, no-wrap
msgid "with-extensions"
msgstr "with-extensions"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10624
msgid "In the same vein, sometimes you want to import not just pure-Scheme modules, but also ``extensions'' such as Guile bindings to C libraries or other ``full-blown'' packages. Say you need the @code{guile-json} package available on the build side, here's how you would do it:"
msgstr "Auf die gleiche Art können Sie auch vorgehen, wenn Sie nicht bloß reine Scheme-Module importieren möchten, sondern auch „Erweiterungen“ wie Guile-Anbindungen von C-Bibliotheken oder andere „vollumfängliche“ Pakete. Sagen wir, Sie bräuchten das Paket @code{guile-json} auf der Erstellungsseite, dann könnten Sie es hiermit bekommen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10627
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages guile)) ;for 'guile-json'\n"
@@ -19702,7 +20464,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10633
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(with-extensions (list guile-json)\n"
@@ -19718,184 +20480,184 @@ msgstr ""
" …)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10636
msgid "The syntactic form to construct gexps is summarized below."
msgstr "Die syntaktische Form, in der G-Ausdrücke konstruiert werden, ist im Folgenden zusammengefasst."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10637
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} #~@var{exp}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} #~@var{Ausdruck}"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10638
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} (gexp @var{exp})"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} (gexp @var{Ausdruck})"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10641
msgid "Return a G-expression containing @var{exp}. @var{exp} may contain one or more of the following forms:"
msgstr "Liefert einen G-Ausdruck, der den @var{Ausdruck} enthält. Der @var{Ausdruck} kann eine oder mehrere der folgenden Formen enthalten:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10643
#, no-wrap
msgid "#$@var{obj}"
msgstr "#$@var{Objekt}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10644
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp @var{obj})"
msgstr "(ungexp @var{Objekt})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10649
msgid "Introduce a reference to @var{obj}. @var{obj} may have one of the supported types, for example a package or a derivation, in which case the @code{ungexp} form is replaced by its output file name---e.g., @code{\"/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.22}."
msgstr "Eine Referenz auf das @var{Objekt} einführen. Das @var{Objekt} kann einen der unterstützten Typen haben, zum Beispiel ein Paket oder eine Ableitung, so dass die @code{ungexp}-Form durch deren Ausgabedateiname ersetzt wird@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10652
msgid "If @var{obj} is a list, it is traversed and references to supported objects are substituted similarly."
msgstr "Wenn das @var{Objekt} eine Liste ist, wird diese durchlaufen und alle unterstützten Objekte darin auf diese Weise ersetzt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10655
msgid "If @var{obj} is another gexp, its contents are inserted and its dependencies are added to those of the containing gexp."
msgstr "Wenn das @var{Objekt} ein anderer G-Ausdruck ist, wird sein Inhalt eingefügt und seine Abhängigkeiten zu denen des äußeren G-Ausdrucks hinzugefügt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10657
msgid "If @var{obj} is another kind of object, it is inserted as is."
msgstr "Wenn das @var{Objekt} eine andere Art von Objekt ist, wird es so wie es ist eingefügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10658
#, no-wrap
msgid "#$@var{obj}:@var{output}"
msgstr "#$@var{Objekt}:@var{Ausgabe}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10659
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp @var{obj} @var{output})"
msgstr "(ungexp @var{Objekt} @var{Ausgabe})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10663
msgid "This is like the form above, but referring explicitly to the @var{output} of @var{obj}---this is useful when @var{obj} produces multiple outputs (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs})."
msgstr "Dies verhält sich wie die Form oben, bezieht sich aber ausdrücklich auf die angegebene @var{Ausgabe} des @var{Objekt}s@tie{}— dies ist nützlich, wenn das @var{Objekt} mehrere Ausgaben generiert (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10664
#, no-wrap
msgid "#+@var{obj}"
msgstr "#+@var{Objekt}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10665
#, no-wrap
msgid "#+@var{obj}:output"
msgstr "#+@var{Objekt}:@var{Ausgabe}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10666
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp-native @var{obj})"
msgstr "(ungexp-native @var{Objekt})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10667
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp-native @var{obj} @var{output})"
msgstr "(ungexp-native @var{Objekt} @var{Ausgabe})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10670
msgid "Same as @code{ungexp}, but produces a reference to the @emph{native} build of @var{obj} when used in a cross compilation context."
msgstr "Das Gleiche wie @code{ungexp}, jedoch wird im Kontext einer Cross-Kompilierung eine Referenz auf die @emph{native} Erstellung des @var{Objekt}s eingefügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10671
#, no-wrap
msgid "#$output[:@var{output}]"
msgstr "#$output[:@var{Ausgabe}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10672
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp output [@var{output}])"
msgstr "(ungexp output [@var{Ausgabe}])"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10675
msgid "Insert a reference to derivation output @var{output}, or to the main output when @var{output} is omitted."
msgstr "Fügt eine Referenz auf die angegebene @var{Ausgabe} dieser Ableitung ein, oder auf die Hauptausgabe, wenn keine @var{Ausgabe} angegeben wurde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10677
msgid "This only makes sense for gexps passed to @code{gexp->derivation}."
msgstr "Dies ist nur bei G-Ausdrücken sinnvoll, die an @code{gexp->derivation} übergeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10678
#, no-wrap
msgid "#$@@@var{lst}"
msgstr "#$@@@var{Liste}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10679
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp-splicing @var{lst})"
msgstr "(ungexp-splicing @var{Liste})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10682
msgid "Like the above, but splices the contents of @var{lst} inside the containing list."
msgstr "Das Gleiche wie oben, jedoch wird nur der Inhalt der @var{Liste} in die äußere Liste eingespleißt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10683
#, no-wrap
msgid "#+@@@var{lst}"
msgstr "#+@@@var{Liste}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10684
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ungexp-native-splicing @var{lst})"
msgstr "(ungexp-native-splicing @var{Liste})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10687
msgid "Like the above, but refers to native builds of the objects listed in @var{lst}."
msgstr "Das Gleiche, aber referenziert werden native Erstellungen der Objekte in der @var{Liste}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10692
msgid "G-expressions created by @code{gexp} or @code{#~} are run-time objects of the @code{gexp?} type (see below)."
msgstr "G-Ausdrücke, die mit @code{gexp} oder @code{#~} erzeugt wurden, sind zur Laufzeit Objekte vom Typ @code{gexp?} (siehe unten)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10694
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} with-imported-modules @var{modules} @var{body}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} with-imported-modules @var{Module} @var{Rumpf}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10697
msgid "Mark the gexps defined in @var{body}@dots{} as requiring @var{modules} in their execution environment."
msgstr "Markiert die in @var{Rumpf}…@: definierten G-Ausdrücke, dass sie in ihrer Ausführungsumgebung die angegebenen @var{Module} brauchen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10701
msgid "Each item in @var{modules} can be the name of a module, such as @code{(guix build utils)}, or it can be a module name, followed by an arrow, followed by a file-like object:"
msgstr "Jedes Objekt unter den @var{Module}n kann der Name eines Moduls wie @code{(guix build utils)} sein, oder es kann nacheinander ein Modulname, ein Pfeil und ein dateiartiges Objekt sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10707
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"`((guix build utils)\n"
@@ -19909,80 +20671,80 @@ msgstr ""
" #~(define-module …))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10712
msgid "In the example above, the first two modules are taken from the search path, and the last one is created from the given file-like object."
msgstr "Im Beispiel oben werden die ersten beiden Module vom Suchpfad genommen und das letzte aus dem angegebenen dateiartigen Objekt erzeugt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10716
msgid "This form has @emph{lexical} scope: it has an effect on the gexps directly defined in @var{body}@dots{}, but not on those defined, say, in procedures called from @var{body}@dots{}."
msgstr "Diese Form hat einen @emph{lexikalischen} Sichtbarkeitsbereich: Sie wirkt sich auf die direkt in @var{Rumpf}…@: definierten G-Ausdrücke aus, aber nicht auf jene, die, sagen wir, in aus @var{Rumpf}…@: heraus aufgerufenen Prozeduren definiert wurden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10718
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} with-extensions @var{extensions} @var{body}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} with-extensions @var{Erweiterungen} @var{Rumpf}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10723
msgid "Mark the gexps defined in @var{body}@dots{} as requiring @var{extensions} in their build and execution environment. @var{extensions} is typically a list of package objects such as those defined in the @code{(gnu packages guile)} module."
msgstr "Markiert die in @var{Rumpf}…@: definierten G-Ausdrücke, dass sie @var{Erweiterungen} in ihrer Erstellungs- und Ausführungsumgebung benötigen. @var{Erweiterungen} sind typischerweise eine Liste von Paketobjekten wie zum Beispiel die im Modul @code{(gnu packages guile)} definierten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10728
msgid "Concretely, the packages listed in @var{extensions} are added to the load path while compiling imported modules in @var{body}@dots{}; they are also added to the load path of the gexp returned by @var{body}@dots{}."
msgstr "Konkret werden die unter den @var{Erweiterungen} aufgeführten Pakete zum Ladepfad hinzugefügt, während die in @var{Rumpf}…@: aufgeführten importierten Module kompiliert werden und sie werden auch zum Ladepfad des von @var{Rumpf}…@: gelieferten G-Ausdrucks hinzugefügt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10730
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} gexp? @var{obj}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} gexp? @var{Objekt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10732
msgid "Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} is a G-expression."
msgstr "Liefert @code{#t}, wenn das @var{Objekt} ein G-Ausdruck ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10320
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10738
msgid "G-expressions are meant to be written to disk, either as code building some derivation, or as plain files in the store. The monadic procedures below allow you to do that (@pxref{The Store Monad}, for more information about monads)."
msgstr "G-Ausdrücke sind dazu gedacht, auf die Platte geschrieben zu werden, entweder als Code, der eine Ableitung erstellt, oder als einfache Dateien im Store. Die monadischen Prozeduren unten ermöglichen Ihnen das (siehe @ref{The Store Monad}, wenn Sie mehr Informationen über Monaden suchen)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10739
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} gexp->derivation @var{name} @var{exp} @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} gexp->derivation @var{Name} @var{Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10757
msgid "[#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] [#:graft? #t] @ [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @ [#:module-path @code{%load-path}] @ [#:effective-version \"2.2\"] @ [#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f] @ [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] @ [#:script-name (string-append @var{name} \"-builder\")] @ [#:deprecation-warnings #f] @ [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] @ [#:properties '()] [#:guile-for-build #f] Return a derivation @var{name} that runs @var{exp} (a gexp) with @var{guile-for-build} (a derivation) on @var{system}; @var{exp} is stored in a file called @var{script-name}. When @var{target} is true, it is used as the cross-compilation target triplet for packages referred to by @var{exp}."
msgstr "[#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] [#:graft? #t] @ [#:hash #f] [#:hash-algo #f] @ [#:recursive? #f] [#:env-vars '()] [#:modules '()] @ [#:module-path @code{%load-path}] @ [#:effective-version \"2.2\"] @ [#:references-graphs #f] [#:allowed-references #f] @ [#:disallowed-references #f] @ [#:leaked-env-vars #f] @ [#:script-name (string-append @var{Name} \"-builder\")] @ [#:deprecation-warnings #f] @ [#:local-build? #f] [#:substitutable? #t] @ [#:properties '()] [#:guile-for-build #f] Liefert eine Ableitung unter dem @var{Name}n, die jeden @var{Ausdruck} (ein G-Ausdruck) mit @var{guile-for-build} (eine Ableitung) für das @var{System} erstellt; der @var{Ausdruck} wird dabei in einer Datei namens @var{script-name} gespeichert. Wenn „@var{target}“ wahr ist, wird es beim Cross-Kompilieren als Zieltripel für mit @var{Ausdruck} bezeichnete Pakete benutzt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10765
msgid "@var{modules} is deprecated in favor of @code{with-imported-modules}. Its meaning is to make @var{modules} available in the evaluation context of @var{exp}; @var{modules} is a list of names of Guile modules searched in @var{module-path} to be copied in the store, compiled, and made available in the load path during the execution of @var{exp}---e.g., @code{((guix build utils) (guix build gnu-build-system))}."
msgstr "@var{modules} gilt als veraltet; stattdessen sollte @code{with-imported-modules} benutzt werden. Die Bedeutung ist, dass die @var{Module} im Ausführungskontext des @var{Ausdruck}s verfügbar gemacht werden; @var{modules} ist dabei eine Liste von Namen von Guile-Modulen, die im Modulpfad @var{module-path} gesucht werden, um sie in den Store zu kopieren, zu kompilieren und im Ladepfad während der Ausführung des @var{Ausdruck}s verfügbar zu machen@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{((guix build utils) (guix build gnu-build-system))}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10768
msgid "@var{effective-version} determines the string to use when adding extensions of @var{exp} (see @code{with-extensions}) to the search path---e.g., @code{\"2.2\"}."
msgstr "@var{effective-version} bestimmt, unter welcher Zeichenkette die Erweiterungen des @var{Ausdruck}s zum Suchpfad hinzugefügt werden (siehe @code{with-extensions})@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"2.2\"}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10771
msgid "@var{graft?} determines whether packages referred to by @var{exp} should be grafted when applicable."
msgstr "@var{graft?} bestimmt, ob vom @var{Ausdruck} benannte Pakete veredelt werden sollen, falls Veredelungen zur Verfügung stehen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10774
msgid "When @var{references-graphs} is true, it must be a list of tuples of one of the following forms:"
msgstr "Ist @var{references-graphs} wahr, muss es eine Liste von Tupeln in einer der folgenden Formen sein:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10781
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(@var{file-name} @var{package})\n"
@@ -19998,38 +20760,38 @@ msgstr ""
"(@var{Dateiname} @var{Store-Objekt})\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10787
msgid "The right-hand-side of each element of @var{references-graphs} is automatically made an input of the build process of @var{exp}. In the build environment, each @var{file-name} contains the reference graph of the corresponding item, in a simple text format."
msgstr "Bei jedem Element von @var{references-graphs} wird das rechts Stehende automatisch zu einer Eingabe des Erstellungsprozesses vom @var{Ausdruck} gemacht. In der Erstellungsumgebung enthält das, was mit @var{Dateiname} bezeichnet wird, den Referenzgraphen des entsprechenden Objekts in einem einfachen Textformat."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10793
msgid "@var{allowed-references} must be either @code{#f} or a list of output names and packages. In the latter case, the list denotes store items that the result is allowed to refer to. Any reference to another store item will lead to a build error. Similarly for @var{disallowed-references}, which can list items that must not be referenced by the outputs."
msgstr "@var{allowed-references} muss entweder @code{#f} oder eine Liste von Ausgabenamen und Paketen sein. Eine solche Liste benennt Store-Objekte, die das Ergebnis referenzieren darf. Jede Referenz auf ein nicht dort aufgeführtes Store-Objekt löst einen Erstellungsfehler aus. Genauso funktioniert @var{disallowed-references}, was eine Liste von Objekten sein kann, die von den Ausgaben nicht referenziert werden dürfen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10796
msgid "@var{deprecation-warnings} determines whether to show deprecation warnings while compiling modules. It can be @code{#f}, @code{#t}, or @code{'detailed}."
msgstr "@var{deprecation-warnings} bestimmt, ob beim Kompilieren von Modulen Warnungen angezeigt werden sollen, wenn auf als veraltet markierten Code zugegriffen wird. @var{deprecation-warnings} kann @code{#f}, @code{#t} oder @code{'detailed} (detailliert) sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10798
msgid "The other arguments are as for @code{derivation} (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Die anderen Argumente verhalten sich wie bei @code{derivation} (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10800
#, no-wrap
msgid "file-like objects"
msgstr "dateiartige Objekte"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10805
msgid "The @code{local-file}, @code{plain-file}, @code{computed-file}, @code{program-file}, and @code{scheme-file} procedures below return @dfn{file-like objects}. That is, when unquoted in a G-expression, these objects lead to a file in the store. Consider this G-expression:"
msgstr "Die im Folgenden erklärten Prozeduren @code{local-file}, @code{plain-file}, @code{computed-file}, @code{program-file} und @code{scheme-file} liefern @dfn{dateiartige Objekte}. Das bedeutet, dass diese Objekte, wenn sie in einem G-Ausdruck demaskiert werden, zu einer Datei im Store führen. Betrachten Sie zum Beispiel diesen G-Ausdruck:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10809
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#~(system* #$(file-append glibc \"/sbin/nscd\") \"-f\"\n"
@@ -20039,76 +20801,76 @@ msgstr ""
" #$(local-file \"/tmp/my-nscd.conf\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10818
msgid "The effect here is to ``intern'' @file{/tmp/my-nscd.conf} by copying it to the store. Once expanded, for instance @i{via} @code{gexp->derivation}, the G-expression refers to that copy under @file{/gnu/store}; thus, modifying or removing the file in @file{/tmp} does not have any effect on what the G-expression does. @code{plain-file} can be used similarly; it differs in that the file content is directly passed as a string."
msgstr "Der Effekt hiervon ist, dass @file{/tmp/my-nscd.conf} „interniert“ wird, indem es in den Store kopiert wird. Sobald er umgeschrieben wurde, zum Beispiel über @code{gexp->derivation}, referenziert der G-Ausdruck diese Kopie im @file{/gnu/store}. Die Datei in @file{/tmp} zu bearbeiten oder zu löschen, hat dann keinen Effekt mehr darauf, was der G-Ausdruck tut. @code{plain-file} kann in ähnlicher Weise benutzt werden, es unterscheidet sich aber darin, dass dort der Prozedur der Inhalt der Datei als eine Zeichenkette übergeben wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10819
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} local-file @var{file} [@var{name}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} local-file @var{Datei} [@var{Name}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10828
msgid "[#:recursive? #f] [#:select? (const #t)] Return an object representing local file @var{file} to add to the store; this object can be used in a gexp. If @var{file} is a literal string denoting a relative file name, it is looked up relative to the source file where it appears; if @var{file} is not a literal string, it is looked up relative to the current working directory at run time. @var{file} will be added to the store under @var{name}--by default the base name of @var{file}."
msgstr "[#:recursive? #f] [#:select? (const #t)] Liefert ein Objekt, dass die lokale Datei @var{Datei} repräsentiert und sie zum Store hinzufügen lässt; dieses Objekt kann in einem G-Ausdruck benutzt werden. Wurde für die @var{Datei} ein relativer Dateiname als literaler Ausdruck angegeben, wird sie relativ zur Quelldatei gesucht, in der diese Form steht. Wurde die @var{Datei} @emph{nicht} als literale Zeichenkette angegeben, wird sie zur Laufzeit relativ zum aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis gesucht. Die @var{Datei} wird unter dem angegebenen @var{Name}n im Store abgelegt@tie{}— als Vorgabe wird dabei der Basisname der @var{Datei} genommen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10840
msgid "This is the declarative counterpart of the @code{interned-file} monadic procedure (@pxref{The Store Monad, @code{interned-file}})."
msgstr "Dies ist das deklarative Gegenstück zur monadischen Prozedur @code{interned-file} (siehe @ref{The Store Monad, @code{interned-file}})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10842
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} plain-file @var{name} @var{content}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} plain-file @var{Name} @var{Inhalt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10845
msgid "Return an object representing a text file called @var{name} with the given @var{content} (a string or a bytevector) to be added to the store."
msgstr "Liefert ein Objekt, das eine Textdatei mit dem angegebenen @var{Name}n repräsentiert, die den angegebenen @var{Inhalt} hat (eine Zeichenkette oder ein Bytevektor), welche zum Store hinzugefügt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10847
msgid "This is the declarative counterpart of @code{text-file}."
msgstr "Dies ist das deklarative Gegenstück zu @code{text-file}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10849
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} computed-file @var{name} @var{gexp} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} computed-file @var{Name} @var{G-Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10856
msgid "[#:local-build? #t] [#:options '()] Return an object representing the store item @var{name}, a file or directory computed by @var{gexp}. When @var{local-build?} is true (the default), the derivation is built locally. @var{options} is a list of additional arguments to pass to @code{gexp->derivation}."
msgstr "[#:local-build? #t] [#:options '()] Liefert ein Objekt, das das Store-Objekt mit dem @var{Name}n repräsentiert, eine Datei oder ein Verzeichnis, das vom @var{G-Ausdruck} berechnet wurde. Wenn @var{local-build?} auf wahr steht (wie vorgegeben), wird auf der lokalen Maschine erstellt. @var{options} ist eine Liste zusätzlicher Argumente, die an @code{gexp->derivation} übergeben werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10858
msgid "This is the declarative counterpart of @code{gexp->derivation}."
msgstr "Dies ist das deklarative Gegenstück zu @code{gexp->derivation}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10860
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} gexp->script @var{name} @var{exp} @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} gexp->script @var{Name} @var{Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10866
msgid "[#:guile (default-guile)] [#:module-path %load-path] @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] Return an executable script @var{name} that runs @var{exp} using @var{guile}, with @var{exp}'s imported modules in its search path. Look up @var{exp}'s modules in @var{module-path}."
msgstr "[#:guile (default-guile)] [#:module-path %load-path] @ [#:system (%current-system)] [#:target #f] Liefert ein ausführbares Skript namens @var{Name}, das den @var{Ausdruck} mit dem angegebenen @var{guile} ausführt, wobei vom @var{Ausdruck} importierte Module in seinem Suchpfad stehen. Die Module des @var{Ausdruck}s werden dazu im Modulpfad @var{module-path} gesucht."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10869
msgid "The example below builds a script that simply invokes the @command{ls} command:"
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel erstellt ein Skript, das einfach nur den Befehl @command{ls} ausführt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10872
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix gexp) (gnu packages base))\n"
@@ -20118,7 +20880,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10876
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(gexp->script \"list-files\"\n"
@@ -20130,12 +20892,12 @@ msgstr ""
" \"ls\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10881
msgid "When ``running'' it through the store (@pxref{The Store Monad, @code{run-with-store}}), we obtain a derivation that produces an executable file @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-list-files} along these lines:"
msgstr "Lässt man es durch den Store „laufen“ (siehe @ref{The Store Monad, @code{run-with-store}}), erhalten wir eine Ableitung, die eine ausführbare Datei @file{/gnu/store/…-list-files} generiert, ungefähr so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10886
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/gnu/store/@dots{}-guile-2.0.11/bin/guile -ds\n"
@@ -20147,76 +20909,76 @@ msgstr ""
"(execl \"/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.22\"/bin/ls\" \"ls\")\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10889
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} program-file @var{name} @var{exp} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} program-file @var{Name} @var{G-Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10894
msgid "[#:guile #f] [#:module-path %load-path] Return an object representing the executable store item @var{name} that runs @var{gexp}. @var{guile} is the Guile package used to execute that script. Imported modules of @var{gexp} are looked up in @var{module-path}."
msgstr "[#:guile #f] [#:module-path %load-path] Liefert ein Objekt, das eine ausführbare Store-Datei @var{Name} repräsentiert, die den @var{G-Ausdruck} ausführt. @var{guile} ist das zu verwendende Guile-Paket, mit dem das Skript ausgeführt werden kann. Importierte Module des @var{G-Ausdruck}s werden im Modulpfad @var{module-path} gesucht."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10896
msgid "This is the declarative counterpart of @code{gexp->script}."
msgstr "Dies ist das deklarative Gegenstück zu @code{gexp->script}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10898
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} gexp->file @var{name} @var{exp} @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} gexp->file @var{Name} @var{G-Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10905
msgid "[#:set-load-path? #t] [#:module-path %load-path] @ [#:splice? #f] @ [#:guile (default-guile)] Return a derivation that builds a file @var{name} containing @var{exp}. When @var{splice?} is true, @var{exp} is considered to be a list of expressions that will be spliced in the resulting file."
msgstr "[#:set-load-path? #t] [#:module-path %load-path] @ [#:splice? #f] @ [#:guile (default-guile)] Liefert eine Ableitung, die eine Datei @var{Name} erstellen wird, deren Inhalt der @var{G-Ausdruck} ist. Ist @var{splice?} wahr, dann wird @var{G-Ausdruck} stattdessen als eine Liste von mehreren G-Ausdrücken behandelt, die alle in die resultierende Datei gespleißt werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10910
msgid "When @var{set-load-path?} is true, emit code in the resulting file to set @code{%load-path} and @code{%load-compiled-path} to honor @var{exp}'s imported modules. Look up @var{exp}'s modules in @var{module-path}."
msgstr "Ist @var{set-load-path?} wahr, wird in die resultierende Datei Code hinzugefügt, der den Ladepfad @code{%load-path} und den Ladepfad für kompilierte Dateien @code{%load-compiled-path} festlegt, die für die importierten Module des @var{G-Ausdruck}s nötig sind. Die Module des @var{G-Ausdruck}s werden im Modulpfad @var{module-path} gesucht."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10913
msgid "The resulting file holds references to all the dependencies of @var{exp} or a subset thereof."
msgstr "Die resultierende Datei referenziert alle Abhängigkeiten des @var{G-Ausdruck}s oder eine Teilmenge davon."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10915
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} scheme-file @var{name} @var{exp} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} scheme-file @var{Name} @var{Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10919
msgid "[#:splice? #f] [#:set-load-path? #t] Return an object representing the Scheme file @var{name} that contains @var{exp}."
msgstr "[#:splice? #f] [#:set-load-path? #t] Liefert ein Objekt, das die Scheme-Datei @var{Name} mit dem @var{G-Ausdruck} als Inhalt repräsentiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10921
msgid "This is the declarative counterpart of @code{gexp->file}."
msgstr "Dies ist das deklarative Gegenstück zu @code{gexp->file}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10923
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} text-file* @var{name} @var{text} @dots{}"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} text-file* @var{Name} @var{Text} …"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10929
msgid "Return as a monadic value a derivation that builds a text file containing all of @var{text}. @var{text} may list, in addition to strings, objects of any type that can be used in a gexp: packages, derivations, local file objects, etc. The resulting store file holds references to all these."
msgstr "Liefert eine Ableitung als monadischen Wert, welche eine Textdatei erstellt, in der der gesamte @var{Text} enthalten ist. @var{Text} kann eine Folge nicht nur von Zeichenketten, sondern auch Objekten beliebigen Typs sein, die in einem G-Ausdruck benutzt werden können, also Paketen, Ableitungen, Objekte lokaler Dateien und so weiter. Die resultierende Store-Datei referenziert alle davon."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10934
msgid "This variant should be preferred over @code{text-file} anytime the file to create will reference items from the store. This is typically the case when building a configuration file that embeds store file names, like this:"
msgstr "Diese Variante sollte gegenüber @code{text-file} bevorzugt verwendet werden, wann immer die zu erstellende Datei Objekte im Store referenzieren wird. Typischerweise ist das der Fall, wenn eine Konfigurationsdatei erstellt wird, die Namen von Store-Dateien enthält, so wie hier:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10942
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (profile.sh)\n"
@@ -20234,23 +20996,23 @@ msgstr ""
" grep \"/bin:\" sed \"/bin\\n\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10947
msgid "In this example, the resulting @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-profile.sh} file will reference @var{coreutils}, @var{grep}, and @var{sed}, thereby preventing them from being garbage-collected during its lifetime."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird die resultierende Datei @file{/gnu/store/…-profile.sh} sowohl @var{coreutils}, @var{grep} als auch @var{sed} referenzieren, so dass der Müllsammler diese nicht löscht, während die resultierende Datei noch lebendig ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10949
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} mixed-text-file @var{name} @var{text} @dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} mixed-text-file @var{Name} @var{Text} …"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10953
msgid "Return an object representing store file @var{name} containing @var{text}. @var{text} is a sequence of strings and file-like objects, as in:"
msgstr "Liefert ein Objekt, was die Store-Datei @var{Name} repräsentiert, die @var{Text} enthält. @var{Text} ist dabei eine Folge von Zeichenketten und dateiartigen Objekten wie zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10957
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(mixed-text-file \"profile\"\n"
@@ -20260,23 +21022,23 @@ msgstr ""
" \"export PATH=\" coreutils \"/bin:\" grep \"/bin\")\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10960
msgid "This is the declarative counterpart of @code{text-file*}."
msgstr "Dies ist das deklarative Gegenstück zu @code{text-file*}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10962
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} file-union @var{name} @var{files}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} file-union @var{Name} @var{Dateien}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10967
msgid "Return a @code{<computed-file>} that builds a directory containing all of @var{files}. Each item in @var{files} must be a two-element list where the first element is the file name to use in the new directory, and the second element is a gexp denoting the target file. Here's an example:"
msgstr "Liefert ein @code{<computed-file>}, das ein Verzeichnis mit allen @var{Dateien} enthält. Jedes Objekt in @var{Dateien} muss eine zweielementige Liste sein, deren erstes Element der im neuen Verzeichnis zu benutzende Dateiname ist und deren zweites Element ein G-Ausdruck ist, der die Zieldatei benennt. Hier ist ein Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10974
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(file-union \"etc\"\n"
@@ -20292,50 +21054,50 @@ msgstr ""
" \"alias ls='ls --color=auto'\"))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10977
msgid "This yields an @code{etc} directory containing these two files."
msgstr "Dies liefert ein Verzeichnis @code{etc}, das zwei Dateien enthält."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10979
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} directory-union @var{name} @var{things}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} directory-union @var{Name} @var{Dinge}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10982
msgid "Return a directory that is the union of @var{things}, where @var{things} is a list of file-like objects denoting directories. For example:"
msgstr "Liefert ein Verzeichnis, was die Vereinigung (englisch „Union“) der @var{Dinge} darstellt, wobei @var{Dinge} eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte sein muss, die Verzeichnisse bezeichnen. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10985
#, no-wrap
msgid "(directory-union \"guile+emacs\" (list guile emacs))\n"
msgstr "(directory-union \"guile+emacs\" (list guile emacs))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10988
msgid "yields a directory that is the union of the @code{guile} and @code{emacs} packages."
msgstr "Das liefert ein Verzeichnis, welches die Vereinigung der Pakete @code{guile} und @code{emacs} ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10990
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} file-append @var{obj} @var{suffix} @dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} file-append @var{Objekt} @var{Suffix} …"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10994
msgid "Return a file-like object that expands to the concatenation of @var{obj} and @var{suffix}, where @var{obj} is a lowerable object and each @var{suffix} is a string."
msgstr "Liefert ein dateiartiges Objekt, das zur Aneinanderreihung von @var{Objekt} und @var{Suffix} umgeschrieben wird, wobei das @var{Objekt} ein herunterbrechbares Objekt und jedes @var{Suffix} eine Zeichenkette sein muss."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10996
msgid "As an example, consider this gexp:"
msgstr "Betrachten Sie zum Beispiel diesen G-Ausdruck:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11001
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(gexp->script \"run-uname\"\n"
@@ -20347,12 +21109,12 @@ msgstr ""
" \"/bin/uname\")))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11004
msgid "The same effect could be achieved with:"
msgstr "Denselben Effekt könnte man erreichen mit:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10591
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11009
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(gexp->script \"run-uname\"\n"
@@ -20364,39 +21126,39 @@ msgstr ""
" \"/bin/uname\")))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11015
msgid "There is one difference though: in the @code{file-append} case, the resulting script contains the absolute file name as a string, whereas in the second case, the resulting script contains a @code{(string-append @dots{})} expression to construct the file name @emph{at run time}."
msgstr "Es gibt jedoch einen Unterschied, nämlich enthält das resultierende Skript bei @code{file-append} tatsächlich den absoluten Dateinamen als Zeichenkette, während im anderen Fall das resultierende Skript einen Ausdruck @code{(string-append …)} enthält, der den Dateinamen erst @emph{zur Laufzeit} zusammensetzt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10599
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11017
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} let-system @var{system} @var{body}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} let-system @var{System} @var{Rumpf}…"
#. type: deffnx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11018
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} let-system (@var{system} @var{target}) @var{body}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} let-system (@var{System} @var{Zielsystem}) @var{Rumpf}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11021
msgid "Bind @var{system} to the currently targeted system---e.g., @code{\"x86_64-linux\"}---within @var{body}."
msgstr "@var{System} an das System binden, für das momentan erstellt wird@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"x86_64-linux\"}@tie{}—, während der @var{Rumpf} ausgeführt wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11026
msgid "In the second case, additionally bind @var{target} to the current cross-compilation target---a GNU triplet such as @code{\"arm-linux-gnueabihf\"}---or @code{#f} if we are not cross-compiling."
msgstr "In der zweiten Form wird zusätzlich das @var{Ziel} an das aktuelle Ziel („Target“) bei der Cross-Kompilierung gebunden. Dabei handelt es sich um ein GNU-Tripel wie z.B.@: @code{\"arm-linux-gnueabihf\"}@tie{}— oder um @code{#f}, wenn nicht cross-kompiliert wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11029
msgid "@code{let-system} is useful in the occasional case where the object spliced into the gexp depends on the target system, as in this example:"
msgstr "@code{let-system} zu benutzen, bietet sich dann an, wenn einmal das in den G-Ausdruck gespleißte Objekt vom Zielsystem abhängen sollte, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11040
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -20420,23 +21182,23 @@ msgstr ""
" \"-net\" \"user\" #$image)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11043
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} with-parameters ((@var{parameter} @var{value}) @dots{}) @var{exp}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} with-parameters ((@var{Parameter} @var{Wert}) …) @var{Ausdruck}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11049
msgid "This macro is similar to the @code{parameterize} form for dynamically-bound @dfn{parameters} (@pxref{Parameters,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). The key difference is that it takes effect when the file-like object returned by @var{exp} is lowered to a derivation or store item."
msgstr "Mit diesem Makro verhält es sich ähnlich wie mit der @code{parameterize}-Form für dynamisch gebundene @dfn{Parameter} (siehe @ref{Parameters,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Der Hauptunterschied ist, dass es sich erst auswirkt, wenn das vom @var{Ausdruck} zurückgelieferte dateiartige Objekt auf eine Ableitung oder ein Store-Objekt heruntergebrochen wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11052
msgid "A typical use of @code{with-parameters} is to force the system in effect for a given object:"
msgstr "Eine typische Anwendung von @code{with-parameters} ist, den für ein bestimmtes Objekt geltenden Systemtyp zwingend festzulegen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11056
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(with-parameters ((%current-system \"i686-linux\"))\n"
@@ -20446,94 +21208,94 @@ msgstr ""
" coreutils)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11060
msgid "The example above returns an object that corresponds to the i686 build of Coreutils, regardless of the current value of @code{%current-system}."
msgstr "Obiges Beispiel liefert ein Objekt, das der Erstellung von Coreutils für die i686-Architektur entspricht, egal was der aktuelle Wert von @code{%current-system} ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11067
msgid "Of course, in addition to gexps embedded in ``host'' code, there are also modules containing build tools. To make it clear that they are meant to be used in the build stratum, these modules are kept in the @code{(guix build @dots{})} name space."
msgstr "Natürlich gibt es zusätzlich zu in „wirtsseitigem“ Code eingebetteten G-Ausdrücken auch Module mit „erstellungsseitig“ nutzbaren Werkzeugen. Um klarzustellen, dass sie dafür gedacht sind, in der Erstellungsschicht benutzt zu werden, bleiben diese Module im Namensraum @code{(guix build …)}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11073
msgid "Internally, high-level objects are @dfn{lowered}, using their compiler, to either derivations or store items. For instance, lowering a package yields a derivation, and lowering a @code{plain-file} yields a store item. This is achieved using the @code{lower-object} monadic procedure."
msgstr "Intern werden hochsprachliche, abstrakte Objekte mit ihrem Compiler entweder zu Ableitungen oder zu Store-Objekten @dfn{heruntergebrochen}. Wird zum Beispiel ein Paket heruntergebrochen, bekommt man eine Ableitung, während ein @code{plain-file} zu einem Store-Objekt heruntergebrochen wird. Das wird mit der monadischen Prozedur @code{lower-object} bewerkstelligt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11074
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} lower-object @var{obj} [@var{system}] @"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} lower-object @var{Objekt} [@var{System}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11080
msgid "[#:target #f] Return as a value in @code{%store-monad} the derivation or store item corresponding to @var{obj} for @var{system}, cross-compiling for @var{target} if @var{target} is true. @var{obj} must be an object that has an associated gexp compiler, such as a @code{<package>}."
msgstr "[#:target #f] Liefert die Ableitung oder das Store-Objekt, das dem @var{Objekt} für @var{System} als Wert in der Store-Monade @code{%store-monad} entspricht, cross-kompiliert für das Zieltripel @var{target}, wenn @var{target} wahr ist. Das @var{Objekt} muss ein Objekt sein, für das es einen mit ihm assoziierten G-Ausdruck-Compiler gibt, wie zum Beispiel ein @code{<package>}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11082
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Procedure} gexp->approximate-sexp @var{gexp}"
msgstr "{Prozedur} gexp->approximate-sexp @var{G-Ausdruck}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11090
msgid "Sometimes, it may be useful to convert a G-exp into a S-exp. For example, some linters (@pxref{Invoking guix lint}) peek into the build phases of a package to detect potential problems. This conversion can be achieved with this procedure. However, some information can be lost in the process. More specifically, lowerable objects will be silently replaced with some arbitrary object -- currently the list @code{(*approximate*)}, but this may change."
msgstr "Es kann gelegentlich nützlich sein, einen G-Ausdruck in einen S-Ausdruck umzuwandeln, weil zum Beispiel manche Prüfer (siehe @ref{Invoking guix lint}) einen Blick auf die Erstellungsphasen eines Pakets werfen, um mögliche Fehler zu finden. Diese Umwandlung können Sie mit dieser Prozedur bewerkstelligen. Allerdings kann dabei manche Information verloren gehen. Genauer gesagt werden herunterbrechbare Objekte stillschweigend durch ein beliebiges Objekt ersetzt. Zurzeit ist dieses beliebige Objekt die Liste @code{(*approximate*)}, aber verlassen Sie sich nicht darauf, dass es so bleibt."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11093
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix repl}"
msgstr "@command{guix repl} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11095
#, no-wrap
msgid "REPL, read-eval-print loop, script"
msgstr "REPL (Lese-Auswerten-Schreiben-Schleife) und Skripts"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11105
msgid "The @command{guix repl} command makes it easier to program Guix in Guile by launching a Guile @dfn{read-eval-print loop} (REPL) for interactive programming (@pxref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}), or by running Guile scripts (@pxref{Running Guile Scripts,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). Compared to just launching the @command{guile} command, @command{guix repl} guarantees that all the Guix modules and all its dependencies are available in the search path."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix repl} erleichtert es, Guix von Guile aus zu programmieren. Dazu startet er eine Guile-REPL (@dfn{Read-Eval-Print Loop}, kurz REPL, deutsch Lese-Auswerten-Schreiben-Schleife) zur interaktiven Programmierung (siehe @ref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) oder er führt Guile-Skripts aus (siehe @ref{Running Guile Scripts,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Im Vergleich dazu, einfach den Befehl @command{guile} aufzurufen, garantiert @command{guix repl}, dass alle Guix-Module und deren Abhängigkeiten im Suchpfad verfügbar sind."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11110
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix repl @var{options} [@var{file} @var{args}]\n"
msgstr "guix repl @var{Optionen} [@var{Datei} @var{Argumente}]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11114
msgid "When a @var{file} argument is provided, @var{file} is executed as a Guile scripts:"
msgstr "Wird ein @var{Datei}-Argument angegeben, wird die angegebene @var{Datei} als Guile-Skript ausgeführt."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11117
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix repl my-script.scm\n"
msgstr "guix repl my-script.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11121
msgid "To pass arguments to the script, use @code{--} to prevent them from being interpreted as arguments to @command{guix repl} itself:"
msgstr "Um Argumente an das Skript zu übergeben, geben Sie davor @code{--} an, damit Sie nicht als Argumente an @command{guix repl} verstanden werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11124
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix repl -- my-script.scm --input=foo.txt\n"
msgstr "guix repl -- my-script.scm --input=foo.txt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11129
msgid "To make a script executable directly from the shell, using the guix executable that is on the user's search path, add the following two lines at the top of the script:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie möchten, dass ein Skript direkt aus der Shell heraus ausgeführt werden kann und diejenige ausführbare Datei von Guix benutzt wird, die sich im Suchpfad des Benutzers befindet, dann fügen Sie die folgenden zwei Zeilen ganz oben ins Skript ein."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11133
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"@code{#!/usr/bin/env -S guix repl --}\n"
@@ -20543,12 +21305,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11136
msgid "Without a file name argument, a Guile REPL is started:"
msgstr "Ohne einen Dateinamen als Argument wird eine Guile-REPL gestartet:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11142
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix repl\n"
@@ -20562,169 +21324,169 @@ msgstr ""
"$1 = #<package coreutils@@8.29 gnu/packages/base.scm:327 3e28300>\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11149
msgid "In addition, @command{guix repl} implements a simple machine-readable REPL protocol for use by @code{(guix inferior)}, a facility to interact with @dfn{inferiors}, separate processes running a potentially different revision of Guix."
msgstr "@command{guix repl} implementiert zusätzlich ein einfaches maschinenlesbares Protokoll für die REPL, das von @code{(guix inferior)} benutzt wird, um mit @dfn{Untergeordneten} zu interagieren, also mit getrennten Prozessen einer womöglich anderen Version von Guix."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11151
msgid "The available options are as follows:"
msgstr "Folgende @var{Optionen} gibt es:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10735 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11153 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13872
#, no-wrap
msgid "--type=@var{type}"
msgstr "--type=@var{Typ}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10736 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13412
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11154 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35839
#, no-wrap
msgid "-t @var{type}"
msgstr "-t @var{Typ}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11156
msgid "Start a REPL of the given @var{TYPE}, which can be one of the following:"
msgstr "Startet eine REPL des angegebenen @var{Typ}s, der einer der Folgenden sein darf:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11158
#, no-wrap
msgid "guile"
msgstr "guile"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11160
msgid "This is default, and it spawns a standard full-featured Guile REPL."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung, mit der eine normale, voll funktionsfähige Guile-REPL gestartet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11160
#, no-wrap
msgid "machine"
msgstr "machine"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11163
msgid "Spawn a REPL that uses the machine-readable protocol. This is the protocol that the @code{(guix inferior)} module speaks."
msgstr "Startet eine REPL, die ein maschinenlesbares Protokoll benutzt. Dieses Protokoll wird vom Modul @code{(guix inferior)} gesprochen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11169
msgid "By default, @command{guix repl} reads from standard input and writes to standard output. When this option is passed, it will instead listen for connections on @var{endpoint}. Here are examples of valid options:"
msgstr "Der Vorgabe nach würde @command{guix repl} von der Standardeingabe lesen und auf die Standardausgabe schreiben. Wird diese Befehlszeilenoption angegeben, lauscht die REPL stattdessen auf dem @var{Endpunkt} auf Verbindungen. Hier sind Beispiele gültiger Befehlszeilenoptionen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11171
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen=tcp:37146"
msgstr "--listen=tcp:37146"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11173
msgid "Accept connections on localhost on port 37146."
msgstr "Verbindungen mit dem „localhost“ auf Port 37146 akzeptieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11174
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen=unix:/tmp/socket"
msgstr "--listen=unix:/tmp/socket"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11176
msgid "Accept connections on the Unix-domain socket @file{/tmp/socket}."
msgstr "Verbindungen zum Unix-Socket @file{/tmp/socket} akzeptieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10760 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10865
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12763 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12840
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13046 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13191
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11178 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13507 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13920
#, no-wrap
msgid "--load-path=@var{directory}"
msgstr "--load-path=@var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10761 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10866
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12841 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13047
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13192 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13460
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11179 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13301 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13653 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13921
#, no-wrap
msgid "-L @var{directory}"
msgstr "-L @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10764 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10869
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12766 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12844
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13050 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13195
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13185 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13924
msgid "Add @var{directory} to the front of the package module search path (@pxref{Package Modules})."
msgstr "Das @var{Verzeichnis} vorne an den Suchpfad für Paketmodule anfügen (siehe @ref{Package Modules})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11185
msgid "This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the script or REPL."
msgstr "Damit können Nutzer dafür sorgen, dass ihre eigenen selbstdefinierten Pakete für Skript oder REPL sichtbar sind."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10768 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11186 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11808
#, no-wrap
msgid "-q"
msgstr "-q"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11189
msgid "Inhibit loading of the @file{~/.guile} file. By default, that configuration file is loaded when spawning a @code{guile} REPL."
msgstr "Das Laden der @file{~/.guile}-Datei unterdrücken. Nach Voreinstellung würde diese Konfigurationsdatei beim Erzeugen einer REPL für @code{guile} geladen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11199
msgid "This section describes Guix command-line utilities. Some of them are primarily targeted at developers and users who write new package definitions, while others are more generally useful. They complement the Scheme programming interface of Guix in a convenient way."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt die Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge von Guix. Manche davon richten sich hauptsächlich an Entwickler und solche Nutzer, die neue Paketdefinitionen schreiben, andere sind auch für ein breiteres Publikum nützlich. Sie ergänzen die Scheme-Programmierschnittstelle um bequeme Befehle."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11222
#, no-wrap
msgid "package building"
msgstr "Paketerstellung"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11223
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build"
msgstr "guix build"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11229
msgid "The @command{guix build} command builds packages or derivations and their dependencies, and prints the resulting store paths. Note that it does not modify the user's profile---this is the job of the @command{guix package} command (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). Thus, it is mainly useful for distribution developers."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix build} lässt Pakete oder Ableitungen samt ihrer Abhängigkeiten erstellen und gibt die resultierenden Pfade im Store aus. Beachten Sie, dass das Nutzerprofil dadurch nicht modifiziert wird@tie{}— eine solche Installation bewirkt der Befehl @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). @command{guix build} wird also hauptsächlich von Entwicklern der Distribution benutzt."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11234
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build @var{options} @var{package-or-derivation}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix build @var{Optionen} @var{Paket-oder-Ableitung}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11239
msgid "As an example, the following command builds the latest versions of Emacs and of Guile, displays their build logs, and finally displays the resulting directories:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird mit folgendem Befehl die neueste Version von Emacs und von Guile erstellt, das zugehörige Erstellungsprotokoll angezeigt und letztendlich werden die resultierenden Verzeichnisse ausgegeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11242
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build emacs guile\n"
msgstr "guix build emacs guile\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11245
msgid "Similarly, the following command builds all the available packages:"
msgstr "Folgender Befehl erstellt alle Pakete, die zur Verfügung stehen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11249
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build --quiet --keep-going \\\n"
@@ -20734,321 +21496,321 @@ msgstr ""
" $(guix package -A | awk '@{ print $1 \"@@\" $2 @}')\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11257
msgid "@var{package-or-derivation} may be either the name of a package found in the software distribution such as @code{coreutils} or @code{coreutils@@8.20}, or a derivation such as @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.19.drv}. In the former case, a package with the corresponding name (and optionally version) is searched for among the GNU distribution modules (@pxref{Package Modules})."
msgstr "Als @var{Paket-oder-Ableitung} muss entweder der Name eines in der Software-Distribution zu findenden Pakets, wie etwa @code{coreutils} oder @code{coreutils@@8.20}, oder eine Ableitung wie @file{/gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.19.drv} sein. Im ersten Fall wird nach einem Paket mit entsprechendem Namen (und optional der entsprechenden Version) in den Modulen der GNU-Distribution gesucht (siehe @ref{Package Modules})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11262
msgid "Alternatively, the @option{--expression} option may be used to specify a Scheme expression that evaluates to a package; this is useful when disambiguating among several same-named packages or package variants is needed."
msgstr "Alternativ kann die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--expression} benutzt werden, um einen Scheme-Ausdruck anzugeben, der zu einem Paket ausgewertet wird; dies ist nützlich, wenn zwischen mehreren gleichnamigen Paketen oder Paket-Varianten unterschieden werden muss."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11265
msgid "There may be zero or more @var{options}. The available options are described in the subsections below."
msgstr "Null oder mehr @var{Optionen} können angegeben werden. Zur Verfügung stehen die in den folgenden Unterabschnitten beschriebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11280
msgid "A number of options that control the build process are common to @command{guix build} and other commands that can spawn builds, such as @command{guix package} or @command{guix archive}. These are the following:"
msgstr "Einige dieser Befehlszeilenoptionen zur Steuerung des Erstellungsprozess haben @command{guix build} und andere Befehle, mit denen Erstellungen ausgelöst werden können, wie @command{guix package} oder @command{guix archive}, gemeinsam. Das sind folgende:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10872 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12769
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13053 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13198
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11290 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13514 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13927
msgid "This allows users to define their own packages and make them visible to the command-line tools."
msgstr "Damit können Nutzer dafür sorgen, dass ihre eigenen selbstdefinierten Pakete für die Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge sichtbar sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11291
#, no-wrap
msgid "--keep-failed"
msgstr "--keep-failed"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11292
#, no-wrap
msgid "-K"
msgstr "-K"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11298
msgid "Keep the build tree of failed builds. Thus, if a build fails, its build tree is kept under @file{/tmp}, in a directory whose name is shown at the end of the build log. This is useful when debugging build issues. @xref{Debugging Build Failures}, for tips and tricks on how to debug build issues."
msgstr "Den Verzeichnisbaum, in dem fehlgeschlagene Erstellungen durchgeführt wurden, behalten. Wenn also eine Erstellung fehlschlägt, bleibt ihr Erstellungsbaum in @file{/tmp} erhalten. Der Name dieses Unterverzeichnisses wird am Ende dem Erstellungsprotokolls ausgegeben. Dies hilft bei der Suche nach Fehlern in Erstellungen. Der Abschnitt @ref{Debugging Build Failures} zeigt Ihnen Hinweise und Tricks, wie Erstellungsfehler untersucht werden können."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11302
msgid "This option implies @option{--no-offload}, and it has no effect when connecting to a remote daemon with a @code{guix://} URI (@pxref{The Store, the @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET} variable})."
msgstr "Diese Option impliziert @option{--no-offload} und sie hat keine Auswirkungen, wenn eine Verbindung zu einem entfernten Daemon über eine @code{guix://}-URI verwendet wurde (siehe @ref{The Store, die @env{GUIX_DAEMON_SOCKET}-Variable})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11303
#, no-wrap
msgid "--keep-going"
msgstr "--keep-going"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11304
#, no-wrap
msgid "-k"
msgstr "-k"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11307
msgid "Keep going when some of the derivations fail to build; return only once all the builds have either completed or failed."
msgstr "Weitermachen, auch wenn ein Teil der Erstellungen fehlschlägt. Das bedeutet, dass der Befehl erst terminiert, wenn alle Erstellungen erfolgreich oder mit Fehler durchgeführt wurden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11310
msgid "The default behavior is to stop as soon as one of the specified derivations has failed."
msgstr "Das normale Verhalten ist, abzubrechen, sobald eine der angegebenen Ableitungen fehlschlägt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11314
msgid "Do not build the derivations."
msgstr "Die Ableitungen nicht erstellen."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11316
msgid "fallback-option"
msgstr "fallback-option"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11316
#, no-wrap
msgid "--fallback"
msgstr "--fallback"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11319
msgid "When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages locally (@pxref{Substitution Failure})."
msgstr "Wenn das Substituieren vorerstellter Binärdateien fehlschlägt, diese ersatzweise lokal selbst erstellen (siehe @ref{Substitution Failure})."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11325
msgid "client-substitute-urls"
msgstr "client-substitute-urls"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11325
msgid "Consider @var{urls} the whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs, overriding the default list of URLs of @command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{daemon-substitute-urls,, @command{guix-daemon} URLs})."
msgstr "Die @var{urls} als durch Leerraumzeichen getrennte Liste von Quell-URLs für Substitute anstelle der vorgegebenen URL-Liste für den @command{guix-daemon} verwenden (siehe @ref{daemon-substitute-urls,, @command{guix-daemon} URLs})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11329
msgid "This means that substitutes may be downloaded from @var{urls}, provided they are signed by a key authorized by the system administrator (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Das heißt, die Substitute dürfen von den @var{urls} heruntergeladen werden, sofern sie mit einem durch den Systemadministrator autorisierten Schlüssel signiert worden sind (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11332
msgid "When @var{urls} is the empty string, substitutes are effectively disabled."
msgstr "Wenn als @var{urls} eine leere Zeichenkette angegeben wurde, verhält es sich, als wären Substitute abgeschaltet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11338
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-grafts"
msgstr "--no-grafts"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11342
msgid "Do not ``graft'' packages. In practice, this means that package updates available as grafts are not applied. @xref{Security Updates}, for more information on grafts."
msgstr "Pakete nicht „veredeln“ (engl. „graft“). Praktisch heißt das, dass als Veredelungen verfügbare Paketaktualisierungen nicht angewandt werden. Der Abschnitt @ref{Security Updates} hat weitere Informationen zu Veredelungen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11343
#, no-wrap
msgid "--rounds=@var{n}"
msgstr "--rounds=@var{n}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11346
msgid "Build each derivation @var{n} times in a row, and raise an error if consecutive build results are not bit-for-bit identical."
msgstr "Jede Ableitung @var{n}-mal nacheinander erstellen und einen Fehler melden, wenn die aufeinanderfolgenden Erstellungsergebnisse nicht Bit für Bit identisch sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11351
msgid "This is a useful way to detect non-deterministic builds processes. Non-deterministic build processes are a problem because they make it practically impossible for users to @emph{verify} whether third-party binaries are genuine. @xref{Invoking guix challenge}, for more."
msgstr "Das ist eine nützliche Methode, um nicht-deterministische Erstellungsprozesse zu erkennen. Nicht-deterministische Erstellungsprozesse sind ein Problem, weil Nutzer dadurch praktisch nicht @emph{verifizieren} können, ob von Drittanbietern bereitgestellte Binärdateien unverfälscht sind. Der Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix challenge} erklärt dies genauer."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11367
msgid "By default, the daemon's setting is honored (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--max-silent-time}})."
msgstr "Standardmäßig wird die Einstellung für den Daemon benutzt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--max-silent-time}})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11374
msgid "By default, the daemon's setting is honored (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--timeout}})."
msgstr "Standardmäßig wird die Einstellung für den Daemon benutzt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--timeout}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11377
#, no-wrap
msgid "verbosity, of the command-line tools"
msgstr "Ausführlichkeit der Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11378
#, no-wrap
msgid "build logs, verbosity"
msgstr "Erstellungsprotokolle, Ausführlichkeit"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11379
#, no-wrap
msgid "-v @var{level}"
msgstr "-v @var{Stufe}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11380
#, no-wrap
msgid "--verbosity=@var{level}"
msgstr "--verbosity=@var{Stufe}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10967
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11385
msgid "Use the given verbosity @var{level}, an integer. Choosing 0 means that no output is produced, 1 is for quiet output; 2 is similar to 1 but it additionally displays download URLs; 3 shows all the build log output on standard error."
msgstr "Die angegebene Ausführlichkeitsstufe verwenden. Als @var{Stufe} muss eine ganze Zahl angegeben werden. Wird 0 gewählt, wird keine Ausgabe zur Fehlersuche angezeigt, 1 bedeutet eine knappe Ausgabe, 2 ist wie 1, aber zeigt zusätzlich an, von welcher URL heruntergeladen wird, und 3 lässt alle Erstellungsprotokollausgaben auf die Standardfehlerausgabe schreiben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11390
msgid "Allow the use of up to @var{n} CPU cores for the build. The special value @code{0} means to use as many CPU cores as available."
msgstr "Die Nutzung von bis zu @var{n} Prozessorkernen für die Erstellungen gestatten. Der besondere Wert @code{0} bedeutet, dass so viele wie möglich benutzt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10978
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11396
msgid "Allow at most @var{n} build jobs in parallel. @xref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--max-jobs}}, for details about this option and the equivalent @command{guix-daemon} option."
msgstr "Höchstens @var{n} gleichzeitige Erstellungsaufträge erlauben. Im Abschnitt @ref{Invoking guix-daemon, @option{--max-jobs}} finden Sie Details zu dieser Option und der äquivalenten Option des @command{guix-daemon}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11397
#, no-wrap
msgid "--debug=@var{level}"
msgstr "--debug=@var{Stufe}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11401
msgid "Produce debugging output coming from the build daemon. @var{level} must be an integer between 0 and 5; higher means more verbose output. Setting a level of 4 or more may be helpful when debugging setup issues with the build daemon."
msgstr "Ein Protokoll zur Fehlersuche ausgeben, das vom Erstellungsdaemon kommt. Als @var{Stufe} muss eine ganze Zahl zwischen 0 und 5 angegeben werden; höhere Zahlen stehen für ausführlichere Ausgaben. Stufe 4 oder höher zu wählen, kann bei der Suche nach Fehlern, wie der Erstellungs-Daemon eingerichtet ist, helfen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10990
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11408
msgid "Behind the scenes, @command{guix build} is essentially an interface to the @code{package-derivation} procedure of the @code{(guix packages)} module, and to the @code{build-derivations} procedure of the @code{(guix derivations)} module."
msgstr "Intern ist @command{guix build} im Kern eine Schnittstelle zur Prozedur @code{package-derivation} aus dem Modul @code{(guix packages)} und zu der Prozedur @code{build-derivations} des Moduls @code{(guix derivations)}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11412
msgid "In addition to options explicitly passed on the command line, @command{guix build} and other @command{guix} commands that support building honor the @env{GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS} environment variable."
msgstr "Neben auf der Befehlszeile übergebenen Optionen beachten @command{guix build} und andere @command{guix}-Befehle, die Erstellungen durchführen lassen, die Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:10995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11413
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Environment Variable} GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS"
msgstr "{Umgebungsvariable} GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11418
msgid "Users can define this variable to a list of command line options that will automatically be used by @command{guix build} and other @command{guix} commands that can perform builds, as in the example below:"
msgstr "Nutzer können diese Variable auf eine Liste von Befehlszeilenoptionen definieren, die automatisch von @command{guix build} und anderen @command{guix}-Befehlen, die Erstellungen durchführen lassen, benutzt wird, wie in folgendem Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11421
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ export GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"--no-substitutes -c 2 -L /foo/bar\"\n"
msgstr "$ export GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"--no-substitutes -c 2 -L /foo/bar\"\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11425
msgid "These options are parsed independently, and the result is appended to the parsed command-line options."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoptionen werden unabhängig von den auf der Befehlszeile übergebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen grammatikalisch analysiert und das Ergebnis an die bereits analysierten auf der Befehlszeile übergebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen angehängt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11431
#, no-wrap
msgid "package variants"
msgstr "Paketvarianten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11439
msgid "Another set of command-line options supported by @command{guix build} and also @command{guix package} are @dfn{package transformation options}. These are options that make it possible to define @dfn{package variants}---for instance, packages built from different source code. This is a convenient way to create customized packages on the fly without having to type in the definitions of package variants (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "Eine weitere Gruppe von Befehlszeilenoptionen, die @command{guix build} und auch @command{guix package} unterstützen, sind @dfn{Paketumwandlungsoptionen}. Diese Optionen ermöglichen es, @dfn{Paketvarianten} zu definieren@tie{}— zum Beispiel können Pakete aus einem anderen Quellcode als normalerweise erstellt werden. Damit ist es leicht, angepasste Pakete schnell zu erstellen, ohne die vollständigen Definitionen von Paketvarianten einzutippen (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11443
msgid "Package transformation options are preserved across upgrades: @command{guix upgrade} attempts to apply transformation options initially used when creating the profile to the upgraded packages."
msgstr "Paketumwandlungsoptionen bleiben über Aktualisierungen hinweg erhalten: @command{guix upgrade} versucht, Umwandlungsoptionen, die vorher zur Erstellung des Profils benutzt wurden, auf die aktualisierten Pakete anzuwenden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11448
msgid "The available options are listed below. Most commands support them and also support a @option{--help-transform} option that lists all the available options and a synopsis (these options are not shown in the @option{--help} output for brevity)."
msgstr "Im Folgenden finden Sie die verfügbaren Befehlszeilenoptionen. Die meisten Befehle unterstützen sie ebenso wie eine Option @option{--help-transform}, mit der all die verfügbaren Optionen und je eine Kurzbeschreibung dazu angezeigt werden. (Diese Optionen werden der Kürze wegen nicht in der Ausgabe von @option{--help} aufgeführt.)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11451
#, no-wrap
msgid "performance, tuning code"
msgstr "Rechenleistung, Codeoptimierung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11452
#, no-wrap
msgid "optimization, of package code"
msgstr "Optimierung, von Paketcode"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11453
#, no-wrap
msgid "tuning, of package code"
msgstr "Tuning, von Paketcode"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11454
#, no-wrap
msgid "SIMD support"
msgstr "SIMD-Unterstützung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11455
#, no-wrap
msgid "tunable packages"
msgstr "tunebare Pakete"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11456
#, no-wrap
msgid "package multi-versioning"
msgstr "Paket-Multiversionierung"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11457
#, no-wrap
msgid "--tune[=@var{cpu}]"
msgstr "--tune[=@var{CPU}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11461
msgid "Use versions of the packages marked as ``tunable'' optimized for @var{cpu}. When @var{cpu} is @code{native}, or when it is omitted, tune for the CPU on which the @command{guix} command is running."
msgstr "Die optimierte Version als „tunebar“ markierter Pakete benutzen. @var{CPU} gibt die Prozessorarchitektur an, für die optimiert werden soll. Wenn als @var{CPU} die Bezeichnung @code{native} angegeben wird oder nichts angegeben wird, wird für den Prozessor optimiert, auf dem der Befehl @command{guix} läuft."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11467
msgid "Valid @var{cpu} names are those recognized by the underlying compiler, by default the GNU Compiler Collection. On x86_64 processors, this includes CPU names such as @code{nehalem}, @code{haswell}, and @code{skylake} (@pxref{x86 Options, @code{-march},, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)})."
msgstr "Gültige Namen für @var{CPU} sind genau die, die vom zugrunde liegenden Compiler erkannt werden. Vorgegeben ist, dass als Compiler die GNU Compiler Collection benutzt wird. Auf x86_64-Prozessoren gehören @code{nehalem}, @code{haswell}, und @code{skylake} zu den CPU-Namen (siehe @ref{x86 Options, @code{-march},, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11474
msgid "As new generations of CPUs come out, they augment the standard instruction set architecture (ISA) with additional instructions, in particular instructions for single-instruction/multiple-data (SIMD) parallel processing. For example, while Core2 and Skylake CPUs both implement the x86_64 ISA, only the latter supports AVX2 SIMD instructions."
msgstr "Mit dem Erscheinen neuer Generationen von Prozessoren wächst der Standardbefehlssatz (die „Instruction Set Architecture“, ISA) um neue Befehle an, insbesondere wenn es um Befehle zur Parallelverarbeitung geht („Single-Instruction/Multiple-Data“, SIMD). Zum Beispiel implementieren sowohl die Core2- als auch die Skylake-Prozessoren den x86_64-Befehlssatz, jedoch können nur letztere AVX2-SIMD-Befehle ausführen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11481
msgid "The primary gain one can expect from @option{--tune} is for programs that can make use of those SIMD capabilities @emph{and} that do not already have a mechanism to select the right optimized code at run time. Packages that have the @code{tunable?} property set are considered @dfn{tunable packages} by the @option{--tune} option; a package definition with the property set looks like this:"
msgstr "Der Mehrwert, den @option{--tune} bringt, besteht in erster Linie bei Programmen, für die SIMD-Fähigkeiten geeignet wären @emph{und} die über keinen Mechanismus verfügen, zur Laufzeit die geeigneten Codeoptimierungen zuzuschalten. Pakete, bei denen die Eigenschaft @code{tunable?} angegeben wurde, werden bei der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--tune} als @dfn{tunebare Pakete} optimiert. Eine Paketdefinition, bei der diese Eigenschaft hinterlegt wurde, sieht so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11486
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -21062,7 +21824,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11490
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; This package may benefit from SIMD extensions so\n"
@@ -21074,87 +21836,87 @@ msgstr ""
" (properties '((tunable? . #t))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11495
msgid "Other packages are not considered tunable. This allows Guix to use generic binaries in the cases where tuning for a specific CPU is unlikely to provide any gain."
msgstr "Andere Pakete werden als @emph{nicht} tunebar aufgefasst. Dadurch kann Guix allgemeine Binärdateien verwenden, wenn sich die Optimierung für einen bestimmten Prozessor wahrscheinlich @emph{nicht} lohnt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11501
msgid "Tuned packages are built with @code{-march=@var{CPU}}; under the hood, the @option{-march} option is passed to the actual wrapper by a compiler wrapper. Since the build machine may not be able to run code for the target CPU micro-architecture, the test suite is not run when building a tuned package."
msgstr "Bei der Erstellung tunebarer Pakete wird @code{-march=@var{CPU}} übergeben. Intern wird die Befehlszeilenoption @option{-march} durch einen Compiler-Wrapper an den eigentlichen Wrapper übergeben. Weil die Erstellungsmaschine den Code für die Mikroarchitektur vielleicht gar nicht ausführen kann, wird der Testkatalog bei der Erstellung tunebarer Pakete übersprungen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11505
msgid "To reduce rebuilds to the minimum, tuned packages are @emph{grafted} onto packages that depend on them (@pxref{Security Updates, grafts}). Thus, using @option{--no-grafts} cancels the effect of @option{--tune}."
msgstr "Damit weniger Neuerstellungen erforderlich sind, werden die von tunebaren Paketen abhängigen Pakete mit den optimierten Paketen @emph{veredelt} (siehe @ref{Security Updates, Veredelungen}). Wenn Sie @option{--no-grafts} übergeben, wirkt @option{--tune} deshalb @emph{nicht} mehr."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11511
msgid "We call this technique @dfn{package multi-versioning}: several variants of tunable packages may be built, one for each CPU variant. It is the coarse-grain counterpart of @dfn{function multi-versioning} as implemented by the GNU tool chain (@pxref{Function Multiversioning,,, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)})."
msgstr "Wir geben dieser Technik den Namen @dfn{Paket-Multiversionierung}: Mehrere Varianten des tunebaren Pakets können erstellt werden; eine für jede Prozessorvariante. Das ist die grobkörnige Entsprechung der @dfn{Funktions-Multiversionierung}, die in der GNU-Toolchain zu finden ist (siehe @ref{Function Multiversioning,,, gcc, Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11512
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-source=@var{source}"
msgstr "--with-source=@var{Quelle}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11513
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-source=@var{package}=@var{source}"
msgstr "--with-source=@var{Paket}=@var{Quelle}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11514
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-source=@var{package}@@@var{version}=@var{source}"
msgstr "--with-source=@var{Paket}@@@var{Version}=@var{Quelle}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11519
msgid "Use @var{source} as the source of @var{package}, and @var{version} as its version number. @var{source} must be a file name or a URL, as for @command{guix download} (@pxref{Invoking guix download})."
msgstr "Den Paketquellcode für das @var{Paket} von der angegebenen @var{Quelle} holen und die @var{Version} als seine Versionsnummer verwenden. Die @var{Quelle} muss ein Dateiname oder eine URL sein wie bei @command{guix download} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix download})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11525
msgid "When @var{package} is omitted, it is taken to be the package name specified on the command line that matches the base of @var{source}---e.g., if @var{source} is @code{/src/guile-2.0.10.tar.gz}, the corresponding package is @code{guile}."
msgstr "Wird kein @var{Paket} angegeben, wird als Paketname derjenige auf der Befehlszeile angegebene Paketname angenommen, der zur Basis am Ende der @var{Quelle} passt@tie{}— wenn z.B.@: als @var{Quelle} die Datei @code{/src/guile-2.0.10.tar.gz} angegeben wurde, entspricht das dem @code{guile}-Paket."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11528
msgid "Likewise, when @var{version} is omitted, the version string is inferred from @var{source}; in the previous example, it is @code{2.0.10}."
msgstr "Ebenso wird, wenn keine @var{Version} angegeben wurde, die Version als Zeichenkette aus der @var{Quelle} abgeleitet; im vorherigen Beispiel wäre sie @code{2.0.10}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11533
msgid "This option allows users to try out versions of packages other than the one provided by the distribution. The example below downloads @file{ed-1.7.tar.gz} from a GNU mirror and uses that as the source for the @code{ed} package:"
msgstr "Mit dieser Option können Nutzer versuchen, eine andere Version ihres Pakets auszuprobieren, als die in der Distribution enthaltene Version. Folgendes Beispiel lädt @file{ed-1.7.tar.gz} von einem GNU-Spiegelserver herunter und benutzt es als Quelle für das @code{ed}-Paket:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11536
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build ed --with-source=mirror://gnu/ed/ed-1.7.tar.gz\n"
msgstr "guix build ed --with-source=mirror://gnu/ed/ed-1.7.tar.gz\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11540
msgid "As a developer, @option{--with-source} makes it easy to test release candidates:"
msgstr "Für Entwickler wird es einem durch @option{--with-source} leicht gemacht, „Release Candidates“, also Vorabversionen, zu testen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11543
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build guile --with-source=../guile-\n"
msgstr "guix build guile --with-source=../guile-\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11546
msgid "@dots{} or to build from a checkout in a pristine environment:"
msgstr "…@: oder ein Checkout eines versionskontrollierten Repositorys in einer isolierten Umgebung zu erstellen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11550
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/guix.git\n"
@@ -21164,126 +21926,126 @@ msgstr ""
"$ guix build guix --with-source=guix@@1.0=./guix\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11552
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-input=@var{package}=@var{replacement}"
msgstr "--with-input=@var{Paket}=@var{Ersatz}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11557
msgid "Replace dependency on @var{package} by a dependency on @var{replacement}. @var{package} must be a package name, and @var{replacement} must be a package specification such as @code{guile} or @code{guile@@1.8}."
msgstr "Abhängigkeiten vom @var{Paket} durch eine Abhängigkeit vom @var{Ersatz}-Paket ersetzen. Als @var{Paket} muss ein Paketname angegeben werden und als @var{Ersatz} eine Paketspezifikation wie @code{guile} oder @code{guile@@1.8}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11561
msgid "For instance, the following command builds Guix, but replaces its dependency on the current stable version of Guile with a dependency on the legacy version of Guile, @code{guile@@2.0}:"
msgstr "Mit folgendem Befehl wird zum Beispiel Guix erstellt, aber statt der aktuellen stabilen Guile-Version hängt es von der alten Guile-Version @code{guile@@2.0} ab:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11564
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build --with-input=guile=guile@@2.0 guix\n"
msgstr "guix build --with-input=guile=guile@@2.0 guix\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11569
msgid "This is a recursive, deep replacement. So in this example, both @code{guix} and its dependency @code{guile-json} (which also depends on @code{guile}) get rebuilt against @code{guile@@2.0}."
msgstr "Die Ersetzung ist rekursiv und umfassend. In diesem Beispiel würde nicht nur @code{guix}, sondern auch seine Abhängigkeit @code{guile-json} (was auch von @code{guile} abhängt) für @code{guile@@2.0} neu erstellt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11572
msgid "This is implemented using the @code{package-input-rewriting} Scheme procedure (@pxref{Defining Packages, @code{package-input-rewriting}})."
msgstr "Implementiert wird das alles mit der Scheme-Prozedur @code{package-input-rewriting} (siehe @ref{Defining Packages, @code{package-input-rewriting}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11573
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-graft=@var{package}=@var{replacement}"
msgstr "--with-graft=@var{Paket}=@var{Ersatz}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11579
msgid "This is similar to @option{--with-input} but with an important difference: instead of rebuilding the whole dependency chain, @var{replacement} is built and then @dfn{grafted} onto the binaries that were initially referring to @var{package}. @xref{Security Updates}, for more information on grafts."
msgstr "Dies verhält sich ähnlich wie mit @option{--with-input}, aber mit dem wichtigen Unterschied, dass nicht die gesamte Abhängigkeitskette neu erstellt wird, sondern das @var{Ersatz}-Paket erstellt und die ursprünglichen Binärdateien, die auf das @var{Paket} verwiesen haben, damit @dfn{veredelt} werden. Im Abschnitt @ref{Security Updates} finden Sie weitere Informationen über Veredelungen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11583
msgid "For example, the command below grafts version 3.5.4 of GnuTLS onto Wget and all its dependencies, replacing references to the version of GnuTLS they currently refer to:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel veredelt folgender Befehl Wget und alle Abhängigkeiten davon mit der Version 3.5.4 von GnuTLS, indem Verweise auf die ursprünglich verwendete GnuTLS-Version ersetzt werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11586
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build --with-graft=gnutls=gnutls@@3.5.4 wget\n"
msgstr "guix build --with-graft=gnutls=gnutls@@3.5.4 wget\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11595
msgid "This has the advantage of being much faster than rebuilding everything. But there is a caveat: it works if and only if @var{package} and @var{replacement} are strictly compatible---for example, if they provide a library, the application binary interface (ABI) of those libraries must be compatible. If @var{replacement} is somehow incompatible with @var{package}, then the resulting package may be unusable. Use with care!"
msgstr "Das hat den Vorteil, dass es viel schneller geht, als alles neu zu erstellen. Die Sache hat aber einen Haken: Veredelung funktioniert nur, wenn das @var{Paket} und sein @var{Ersatz} miteinander streng kompatibel sind@tie{}— zum Beispiel muss, wenn diese eine Programmbibliothek zur Verfügung stellen, deren Binärschnittstelle („Application Binary Interface“, kurz ABI) kompatibel sein. Wenn das @var{Ersatz}-Paket auf irgendeine Art inkompatibel mit dem @var{Paket} ist, könnte das Ergebnispaket unbrauchbar sein. Vorsicht ist also geboten!"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11178 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11596 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38565
#, no-wrap
msgid "debugging info, rebuilding"
msgstr "Dateien zur Fehlersuche, neu erstellen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11597
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-debug-info=@var{package}"
msgstr "--with-debug-info=@var{Paket}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11602
msgid "Build @var{package} in a way that preserves its debugging info and graft it onto packages that depend on it. This is useful if @var{package} does not already provide debugging info as a @code{debug} output (@pxref{Installing Debugging Files})."
msgstr "Das @var{Paket} auf eine Weise erstellen, die Informationen zur Fehlersuche enthält, und von ihm abhängige Pakete damit veredeln. Das ist nützlich, wenn das @var{Paket} noch keine Fehlersuchinformationen als installierbare @code{debug}-Ausgabe enthält (siehe @ref{Installing Debugging Files})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11608
msgid "For example, suppose you're experiencing a crash in Inkscape and would like to see what's up in GLib, a library deep down in Inkscape's dependency graph. GLib lacks a @code{debug} output, so debugging is tough. Fortunately, you rebuild GLib with debugging info and tack it on Inkscape:"
msgstr "Als Beispiel nehmen wir an, Inkscape stürzt bei Ihnen ab und Sie möchten wissen, was dabei in GLib passiert. Die GLib-Bibliothek liegt tief im Abhängigkeitsgraphen von Inkscape und verfügt nicht über eine @code{debug}-Ausgabe; das erschwert die Fehlersuche. Glücklicherweise können Sie GLib mit Informationen zur Fehlersuche neu erstellen und an Inkscape anheften:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11193 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11611 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38596
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install inkscape --with-debug-info=glib\n"
msgstr "guix install inkscape --with-debug-info=glib\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11615
msgid "Only GLib needs to be recompiled so this takes a reasonable amount of time. @xref{Installing Debugging Files}, for more info."
msgstr "Nur GLib muss neu kompiliert werden, was in vernünftiger Zeit möglich ist. Siehe @ref{Installing Debugging Files} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11621
msgid "Under the hood, this option works by passing the @samp{#:strip-binaries? #f} to the build system of the package of interest (@pxref{Build Systems}). Most build systems support that option but some do not. In that case, an error is raised."
msgstr "Intern funktioniert diese Option, indem @samp{#:strip-binaries? #f} an das Erstellungssystem des betreffenden Pakets übergeben wird (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). Die meisten Erstellungssysteme unterstützen diese Option, manche aber nicht. In diesem Fall wird ein Fehler gemeldet."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11625
msgid "Likewise, if a C/C++ package is built without @code{-g} (which is rarely the case), debugging info will remain unavailable even when @code{#:strip-binaries?} is false."
msgstr "Auch wenn ein in C/C++ geschriebenes Paket ohne @code{-g} erstellt wird (was selten der Fall ist), werden Informationen zur Fehlersuche weiterhin fehlen, obwohl @code{#:strip-binaries?} auf falsch steht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11627
#, no-wrap
msgid "tool chain, changing the build tool chain of a package"
msgstr "Toolchain, die Erstellungs-Toolchain eines Pakets ändern"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11628
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-c-toolchain=@var{package}=@var{toolchain}"
msgstr "--with-c-toolchain=@var{Paket}=@var{Toolchain}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11632
msgid "This option changes the compilation of @var{package} and everything that depends on it so that they get built with @var{toolchain} instead of the default GNU tool chain for C/C++."
msgstr "Mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption wird die Kompilierung des @var{Paket}s und aller davon abhängigen Objekte angepasst, so dass mit der @var{Toolchain} statt der vorgegebenen GNU-Toolchain für C/C++ erstellt wird."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11639
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build octave-cli \\\n"
@@ -21295,17 +22057,17 @@ msgstr ""
" --with-c-toolchain=fftwf=gcc-toolchain@@10\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11646
msgid "The command above builds a variant of the @code{fftw} and @code{fftwf} packages using version 10 of @code{gcc-toolchain} instead of the default tool chain, and then builds a variant of the GNU@tie{}Octave command-line interface using them. GNU@tie{}Octave itself is also built with @code{gcc-toolchain@@10}."
msgstr "Mit dem obigen Befehl wird eine Variante der Pakete @code{fftw} und @code{fftwf} mit Version@tie{}10 der @code{gcc-toolchain} anstelle der vorgegebenen Toolchain erstellt, um damit anschließend eine diese benutzende Variante des GNU-Octave-Befehlszeilenprogramms zu erstellen. Auch GNU@tie{}Octave selbst wird mit @code{gcc-toolchain@@10} erstellt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11650
msgid "This other example builds the Hardware Locality (@code{hwloc}) library and its dependents up to @code{intel-mpi-benchmarks} with the Clang C compiler:"
msgstr "Das zweite Beispiel bewirkt eine Erstellung der „Hardware Locality“-Bibliothek (@code{hwloc}) sowie ihrer abhängigen Objekte bis einschließlich @code{intel-mpi-benchmarks} mit dem Clang-C-Compiler:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11654
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build --with-c-toolchain=hwloc=clang-toolchain \\\n"
@@ -21315,40 +22077,40 @@ msgstr ""
" intel-mpi-benchmarks\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11663
msgid "There can be application binary interface (ABI) incompatibilities among tool chains. This is particularly true of the C++ standard library and run-time support libraries such as that of OpenMP@. By rebuilding all dependents with the same tool chain, @option{--with-c-toolchain} minimizes the risks of incompatibility but cannot entirely eliminate them. Choose @var{package} wisely."
msgstr "Es kann vorkommen, dass die Anwendungsbinärschnittstellen („Application Binary Interfaces“, kurz ABIs) der Toolchains inkompatibel sind. Das tritt vor allem bei der C++-Standardbibliothek und Bibliotheken zur Laufzeitunterstützung wie denen von OpenMP auf. Indem alle abhängigen Objekte mit derselben Toolchain erstellt werden, minimiert @option{--with-c-toolchain} das Risiko, dass es zu Inkompatibilitäten kommt, aber es kann nicht ganz ausgeschlossen werden. Bedenken Sie, für welches @var{Paket} Sie dies benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11665
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-git-url=@var{package}=@var{url}"
msgstr "--with-git-url=@var{Paket}=@var{URL}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11666
#, no-wrap
msgid "Git, using the latest commit"
msgstr "Git, den neuesten Commit benutzen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11667
#, no-wrap
msgid "latest commit, building"
msgstr "neuester Commit, davon erstellen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11671
msgid "Build @var{package} from the latest commit of the @code{master} branch of the Git repository at @var{url}. Git sub-modules of the repository are fetched, recursively."
msgstr "Das @var{Paket} aus dem neuesten Commit im @code{master}-Branch des unter der @var{URL} befindlichen Git-Repositorys erstellen. Git-Submodule des Repositorys werden dabei rekursiv geladen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11674
msgid "For example, the following command builds the NumPy Python library against the latest commit of the master branch of Python itself:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel erstellt der folgende Befehl die NumPy-Python-Bibliothek unter Verwendung des neuesten Commits von Python auf dessen „master“-Branch."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11678
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build python-numpy \\\n"
@@ -21358,318 +22120,318 @@ msgstr ""
" --with-git-url=python=https://github.com/python/cpython\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11682
msgid "This option can also be combined with @option{--with-branch} or @option{--with-commit} (see below)."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann auch mit @option{--with-branch} oder @option{--with-commit} kombiniert werden (siehe unten)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11683 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29390
#, no-wrap
msgid "continuous integration"
msgstr "Kontinuierliche Integration"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11689
msgid "Obviously, since it uses the latest commit of the given branch, the result of such a command varies over time. Nevertheless it is a convenient way to rebuild entire software stacks against the latest commit of one or more packages. This is particularly useful in the context of continuous integration (CI)."
msgstr "Da es den neuesten Commit auf dem verwendeten Branch benutzt, ändert sich das Ergebnis natürlich mit der Zeit. Nichtsdestoweniger ist es eine bequeme Möglichkeit, ganze Softwarestapel auf dem neuesten Commit von einem oder mehr Paketen aufbauen zu lassen. Es ist besonders nützlich im Kontext Kontinuierlicher Integration (englisch „Continuous Integration“, kurz CI)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11693
msgid "Checkouts are kept in a cache under @file{~/.cache/guix/checkouts} to speed up consecutive accesses to the same repository. You may want to clean it up once in a while to save disk space."
msgstr "Checkouts bleiben zwischengespeichert als @file{~/.cache/guix/checkouts}, damit danach schneller auf dasselbe Repository zugegriffen werden kann. Eventuell möchten Sie das Verzeichnis ab und zu bereinigen, um Plattenplatz zu sparen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11694
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-branch=@var{package}=@var{branch}"
msgstr "--with-branch=@var{Paket}=@var{Branch}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11700
msgid "Build @var{package} from the latest commit of @var{branch}. If the @code{source} field of @var{package} is an origin with the @code{git-fetch} method (@pxref{origin Reference}) or a @code{git-checkout} object, the repository URL is taken from that @code{source}. Otherwise you have to use @option{--with-git-url} to specify the URL of the Git repository."
msgstr "Das @var{Paket} aus dem neuesten Commit auf dem @var{Branch} erstellen. Wenn das @code{source}-Feld des @var{Paket}s ein origin-Objekt mit der Methode @code{git-fetch} (siehe @ref{origin Reference}) oder ein @code{git-checkout}-Objekt ist, wird die URL des Repositorys vom @code{source}-Feld genommen. Andernfalls müssen Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--with-git-url} benutzen, um die URL des Git-Repositorys anzugeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11705
msgid "For instance, the following command builds @code{guile-sqlite3} from the latest commit of its @code{master} branch, and then builds @code{guix} (which depends on it) and @code{cuirass} (which depends on @code{guix}) against this specific @code{guile-sqlite3} build:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird mit dem folgenden Befehl @code{guile-sqlite3} aus dem neuesten Commit seines @code{master}-Branches erstellt und anschließend @code{guix} (was von @code{guile-sqlite3} abhängt) und @code{cuirass} (was von @code{guix} abhängt) unter Nutzung genau dieser @code{guile-sqlite3}-Erstellung erstellt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11708
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build --with-branch=guile-sqlite3=master cuirass\n"
msgstr "guix build --with-branch=guile-sqlite3=master cuirass\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11710
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-commit=@var{package}=@var{commit}"
msgstr "--with-commit=@var{Paket}=@var{Commit}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11715
msgid "This is similar to @option{--with-branch}, except that it builds from @var{commit} rather than the tip of a branch. @var{commit} must be a valid Git commit SHA1 identifier, a tag, or a @command{git describe} style identifier such as @code{1.0-3-gabc123}."
msgstr "Dies verhält sich ähnlich wie @option{--with-branch}, außer dass es den angegebenen @var{Commit} benutzt statt die Spitze eines angegebenen Branches. Als @var{Commit} muss ein gültiger SHA1-Bezeichner, ein Tag oder ein Bezeichner wie von @command{git describe} (wie @code{1.0-3-gabc123}) für einen Git-Commit angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11716
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-patch=@var{package}=@var{file}"
msgstr "--with-patch=@var{Paket}=@var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11723
msgid "Add @var{file} to the list of patches applied to @var{package}, where @var{package} is a spec such as @code{python@@3.8} or @code{glibc}. @var{file} must contain a patch; it is applied with the flags specified in the @code{origin} of @var{package} (@pxref{origin Reference}), which by default includes @code{-p1} (@pxref{patch Directories,,, diffutils, Comparing and Merging Files})."
msgstr "Die @var{Datei} zur Liste der auf das @var{Paket} anzuwendenden Patches hinzufügen. Als @var{Paket} muss eine Spezifikation wie @code{python@@3.8} oder @code{glibc} benutzt werden. In der @var{Datei} muss ein Patch enthalten sein; er wird mit den im Ursprung (@code{origin}) des @var{Paket}s angegebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen angewandt (siehe @ref{origin Reference}). Die vorgegebenen Optionen enthalten @code{-p1} (siehe @ref{patch Directories,,, diffutils, Comparing and Merging Files})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11726
msgid "As an example, the command below rebuilds Coreutils with the GNU C Library (glibc) patched with the given patch:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird mit dem folgenden Befehl für die Neuerstellung von Coreutils die GNU-C-Bibliothek (glibc) wie angegeben gepatcht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11729
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build coreutils --with-patch=glibc=./glibc-frob.patch\n"
msgstr "guix build coreutils --with-patch=glibc=./glibc-frob.patch\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11733
msgid "In this example, glibc itself as well as everything that leads to Coreutils in the dependency graph is rebuilt."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird glibc selbst und alles, was im Abhängigkeitsgraphen auf dem Weg zu Coreutils liegt, neu erstellt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11734
#, no-wrap
msgid "upstream, latest version"
msgstr "Anbieter von Paketen (Upstream), neueste Version"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11735
#, no-wrap
msgid "--with-latest=@var{package}"
msgstr "--with-latest=@var{Paket}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11740
msgid "So you like living on the bleeding edge? This option is for you! It replaces occurrences of @var{package} in the dependency graph with its latest upstream version, as reported by @command{guix refresh} (@pxref{Invoking guix refresh})."
msgstr "Sie hätten gerne das Neueste vom Neuen? Dann ist diese Befehlszeilenoption das Richtige für Sie! Damit wird jedes Vorkommen von @var{Paket} im Abhängigkeitsgraphen durch dessen neueste angebotene Version ersetzt, wie sie auch von @command{guix refresh} gemeldet würde (siehe @ref{Invoking guix refresh})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11744
msgid "It does so by determining the latest upstream release of @var{package} (if possible), downloading it, and authenticating it @emph{if} it comes with an OpenPGP signature."
msgstr "Dazu wird die neueste angebotene Version des @var{Paket}s ermittelt (wenn möglich), heruntergeladen und, @emph{wenn} eine OpenPGP-Signatur mit dabei ist, es damit authentifiziert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11747
msgid "As an example, the command below builds Guix against the latest version of Guile-JSON:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel wird durch folgenden Befehl Guix mit der neuesten Version von Guile-JSON erstellt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11750
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build guix --with-latest=guile-json\n"
msgstr "guix build guix --with-latest=guile-json\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11759
msgid "There are limitations. First, in cases where the tool cannot or does not know how to authenticate source code, you are at risk of running malicious code; a warning is emitted in this case. Second, this option simply changes the source used in the existing package definitions, which is not always sufficient: there might be additional dependencies that need to be added, patches to apply, and more generally the quality assurance work that Guix developers normally do will be missing."
msgstr "Es gibt jedoch Einschränkungen. Erstens gehen Sie in dem Fall, dass das Werkzeug nicht in der Lage ist oder nicht weiß, wie es den Quellcode authentifiziert, das Risiko ein, dass bösartiger Code ausgeführt wird; Ihnen wird dann eine Warnung angezeigt. Zweitens wird mit dieser Option einfach der Quellcode ausgetauscht und die übrige Paketdefinition bleibt erhalten. Manchmal reicht das nicht; es könnte sein, dass neue Abhängigkeiten hinzugefügt oder neue Patches angewandt werden müssen oder dass ganz allgemein Arbeiten zur Qualitätssicherung, die Guix-Entwickler normalerweise leisten, fehlen werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11764
msgid "You've been warned! In all the other cases, it's a snappy way to stay on top. We encourage you to submit patches updating the actual package definitions once you have successfully tested an upgrade (@pxref{Contributing})."
msgstr "Sie sind gewarnt worden! Wenn aber kein Problem auftritt, können Sie das Paket zackig auf den neuesten Stand bringen. Wir ermutigen Sie dazu, Patches einzureichen, die die eigentliche Paketdefinition aktualisieren, sobald Sie die neue Version erfolgreich getestet haben (siehe @ref{Contributing})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11765
#, no-wrap
msgid "test suite, skipping"
msgstr "Testkatalog, überspringen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11766
#, no-wrap
msgid "--without-tests=@var{package}"
msgstr "--without-tests=@var{Paket}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11772
msgid "Build @var{package} without running its tests. This can be useful in situations where you want to skip the lengthy test suite of a intermediate package, or if a package's test suite fails in a non-deterministic fashion. It should be used with care because running the test suite is a good way to ensure a package is working as intended."
msgstr "Das @var{Paket} erstellen, ohne seine Tests zu durchlaufen. Das erweist sich als nützlich, wenn Sie Testkataloge überspringen möchten, die viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, oder wenn der Testkatalog eines Pakets nichtdeterministisch fehlschlägt. Dies sollte mit Bedacht eingesetzt werden, denn das Ausführen des Testkatalogs sichert zu, dass ein Paket wie gewollt funktioniert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11776
msgid "Turning off tests leads to a different store item. Consequently, when using this option, anything that depends on @var{package} must be rebuilt, as in this example:"
msgstr "Wenn die Tests abgeschaltet werden, ergibt sich ein anderes Store-Objekt. Dadurch muss, wenn diese Option benutzt wird, auch alles, was vom Paket abhängt, neu erstellt werden, wie Sie in diesem Beispiel sehen können:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11779
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install --without-tests=python python-notebook\n"
msgstr "guix install --without-tests=python python-notebook\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11785
msgid "The command above installs @code{python-notebook} on top of @code{python} built without running its test suite. To do so, it also rebuilds everything that depends on @code{python}, including @code{python-notebook} itself."
msgstr "Mit obigem Befehl wird @code{python-notebook} für ein @code{python} installiert, dessen Testkatalog nicht ausgeführt wurde. Dazu wird auch alles neu erstellt, was von @code{python} abhängt, einschließlich @code{python-notebook}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11791
msgid "Internally, @option{--without-tests} relies on changing the @code{#:tests?} option of a package's @code{check} phase (@pxref{Build Systems}). Note that some packages use a customized @code{check} phase that does not respect a @code{#:tests? #f} setting. Therefore, @option{--without-tests} has no effect on these packages."
msgstr "Intern funktioniert @option{--without-tests}, indem es die Option @code{#:tests?} der @code{check}-Phase eines Pakets abändert (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). Beachten Sie, dass manche Pakete eine angepasste @code{check}-Phase benutzen, die eine Einstellung wie @code{#:tests? #f} nicht berücksichtigt. Deshalb wirkt sich @option{--without-tests} auf diese Pakete nicht aus."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11798
msgid "Wondering how to achieve the same effect using Scheme code, for example in your manifest, or how to write your own package transformation? @xref{Defining Package Variants}, for an overview of the programming interfaces available."
msgstr "Sie fragen sich sicher, wie Sie dieselbe Wirkung mit Scheme-Code erzielen können, zum Beispiel wenn Sie Ihr Manifest oder eine eigene Paketumwandlung schreiben? Siehe @ref{Defining Package Variants} für eine Übersicht über verfügbare Programmierschnittstellen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11804
msgid "The command-line options presented below are specific to @command{guix build}."
msgstr "Die unten aufgeführten Befehlszeilenoptionen funktionieren nur mit @command{guix build}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11807
#, no-wrap
msgid "--quiet"
msgstr "--quiet"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11812
msgid "Build quietly, without displaying the build log; this is equivalent to @option{--verbosity=0}. Upon completion, the build log is kept in @file{/var} (or similar) and can always be retrieved using the @option{--log-file} option."
msgstr "Schweigend erstellen, ohne das Erstellungsprotokoll anzuzeigen@tie{}— dies ist äquivalent zu @option{--verbosity=0}. Nach Abschluss der Erstellung ist das Protokoll in @file{/var} (oder einem entsprechenden Ort) einsehbar und kann jederzeit mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--log-file} gefunden werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11817
msgid "Build the package, derivation, or other file-like object that the code within @var{file} evaluates to (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects})."
msgstr "Das Paket, die Ableitung oder das dateiähnliche Objekt erstellen, zu dem der Code in der @var{Datei} ausgewertet wird (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11820
msgid "As an example, @var{file} might contain a package definition like this (@pxref{Defining Packages}):"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel könnte in der @var{Datei} so eine Paketdefinition stehen (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}):"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11829
msgid "The @var{file} may also contain a JSON representation of one or more package definitions. Running @code{guix build -f} on @file{hello.json} with the following contents would result in building the packages @code{myhello} and @code{greeter}:"
msgstr "Die @var{Datei} darf auch eine JSON-Darstellung von einer oder mehreren Paketdefinitionen sein. Wenn wir @code{guix build -f} auf einer @file{hello.json}-Datei mit dem folgenden Inhalt ausführen würden, würden die Pakete @code{myhello} und @code{greeter} erstellt werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11834
#, no-wrap
msgid "--manifest=@var{manifest}"
msgstr "--manifest=@var{Manifest}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11835
#, no-wrap
msgid "-m @var{manifest}"
msgstr "-m @var{Manifest}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11838
msgid "Build all packages listed in the given @var{manifest} (@pxref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}})."
msgstr "Alle Pakete erstellen, die im angegebenen @var{Manifest} stehen (siehe @ref{profile-manifest, @option{--manifest}})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11842
msgid "Build the package or derivation @var{expr} evaluates to."
msgstr "Das Paket oder die Ableitung erstellen, zu der der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11846
msgid "For example, @var{expr} may be @code{(@@ (gnu packages guile) guile-1.8)}, which unambiguously designates this specific variant of version 1.8 of Guile."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel kann der @var{Ausdruck} @code{(@@ (gnu packages guile) guile-1.8)} sein, was diese bestimmte Variante der Version 1.8 von Guile eindeutig bezeichnet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11850
msgid "Alternatively, @var{expr} may be a G-expression, in which case it is used as a build program passed to @code{gexp->derivation} (@pxref{G-Expressions})."
msgstr "Alternativ kann der @var{Ausdruck} ein G-Ausdruck sein. In diesem Fall wird er als Erstellungsprogramm an @code{gexp->derivation} übergeben (siehe @ref{G-Expressions})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11854
msgid "Lastly, @var{expr} may refer to a zero-argument monadic procedure (@pxref{The Store Monad}). The procedure must return a derivation as a monadic value, which is then passed through @code{run-with-store}."
msgstr "Zudem kann der @var{Ausdruck} eine monadische Prozedur mit null Argumenten bezeichnen (siehe @ref{The Store Monad}). Die Prozedur muss eine Ableitung als monadischen Wert zurückliefern, die dann durch @code{run-with-store} laufen gelassen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11855
#, no-wrap
msgid "--source"
msgstr "--source"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11438 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11856
#, no-wrap
msgid "-S"
msgstr "-S"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11859
msgid "Build the source derivations of the packages, rather than the packages themselves."
msgstr "Die Quellcode-Ableitung der Pakete statt die Pakete selbst erstellen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11863
msgid "For instance, @code{guix build -S gcc} returns something like @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2}, which is the GCC source tarball."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel liefert @code{guix build -S gcc} etwas in der Art von @file{/gnu/store/…-gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2}, also den Tarball mit dem GCC-Quellcode."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11867
msgid "The returned source tarball is the result of applying any patches and code snippets specified in the package @code{origin} (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "Der gelieferte Quell-Tarball ist das Ergebnis davon, alle Patches und Code-Schnipsel aufzuspielen, die im @code{origin}-Objekt des Pakets festgelegt wurden (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11868
#, no-wrap
msgid "source, verification"
msgstr "Quellcode, überprüfen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11874
msgid "As with other derivations, the result of building a source derivation can be verified using the @option{--check} option (@pxref{build-check}). This is useful to validate that a (potentially already built or substituted, thus cached) package source matches against its declared hash."
msgstr "Wie andere Arten von Ableitung kann auch das Ergebnis einer Quellcode-Ableitung mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--check} geprüft werden (siehe @ref{build-check}). Das ist nützlich, um zu überprüfen, ob ein (vielleicht bereits erstellter oder substituierter, also zwischengespeicherter) Paketquellcode zu ihrer deklarierten Hash-Prüfsumme passt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11879
msgid "Note that @command{guix build -S} compiles the sources only of the specified packages. They do not include the sources of statically linked dependencies and by themselves are insufficient for reproducing the packages."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass @command{guix build -S} nur für die angegebenen Pakete den Quellcode herunterlädt. Dazu gehört @emph{nicht} der Quellcode statisch gebundener Abhängigkeiten und der Quellcode alleine reicht nicht aus, um die Pakete zu reproduzieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11880
#, no-wrap
msgid "--sources"
msgstr "--sources"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11887
msgid "Fetch and return the source of @var{package-or-derivation} and all their dependencies, recursively. This is a handy way to obtain a local copy of all the source code needed to build @var{packages}, allowing you to eventually build them even without network access. It is an extension of the @option{--source} option and can accept one of the following optional argument values:"
msgstr "Den Quellcode für @var{Paket-oder-Ableitung} und alle Abhängigkeiten davon rekursiv herunterladen und zurückliefern. Dies ist eine praktische Methode, eine lokale Kopie des gesamten Quellcodes zu beziehen, der nötig ist, um die Pakete zu erstellen, damit Sie diese später auch ohne Netzwerkzugang erstellen lassen können. Es handelt sich um eine Erweiterung der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--source}, die jeden der folgenden Argumentwerte akzeptiert:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11471 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11889 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13713
#, no-wrap
msgid "package"
msgstr "package"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11892
msgid "This value causes the @option{--sources} option to behave in the same way as the @option{--source} option."
msgstr "Mit diesem Wert verhält sich die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--sources} auf genau die gleiche Weise wie die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--source}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11475 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11893 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20169
#, no-wrap
msgid "all"
msgstr "all"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11896
msgid "Build the source derivations of all packages, including any source that might be listed as @code{inputs}. This is the default value."
msgstr "Erstellt die Quellcode-Ableitungen aller Pakete einschließlich allen Quellcodes, der als Teil der Eingaben im @code{inputs}-Feld aufgelistet ist. Dies ist der vorgegebene Wert, wenn sonst keiner angegeben wird."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11902
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build --sources tzdata\n"
@@ -21683,18 +22445,18 @@ msgstr ""
" /gnu/store/…-tzcode2015b.tar.gz.drv\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11904
#, no-wrap
msgid "transitive"
msgstr "transitive"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11908
msgid "Build the source derivations of all packages, as well of all transitive inputs to the packages. This can be used e.g.@: to prefetch package source for later offline building."
msgstr "Die Quellcode-Ableitungen aller Pakete sowie aller transitiven Eingaben der Pakete erstellen. Damit kann z.B.@: Paket-Quellcode vorab heruntergeladen und später offline erstellt werden."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11919
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build --sources=transitive tzdata\n"
@@ -21718,146 +22480,146 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11929
msgid "Attempt to build for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}---instead of the system type of the build host. The @command{guix build} command allows you to repeat this option several times, in which case it builds for all the specified systems; other commands ignore extraneous @option{-s} options."
msgstr "Versuchen, für das angegebene @var{System}@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{i686-linux}@tie{}— statt für denselben Systemtyp wie auf dem Wirtssystem zu erstellen. Beim Befehl @command{guix build} können Sie diese Befehlszeilenoption mehrmals wiederholen, wodurch für jedes angegebene System eine Erstellung durchgeführt wird; andere Befehle ignorieren überzählige @option{-s}-Befehlszeilenoptionen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11934
msgid "The @option{--system} flag is for @emph{native} compilation and must not be confused with cross-compilation. See @option{--target} below for information on cross-compilation."
msgstr "Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--system} dient der @emph{nativen} Kompilierung (nicht zu verwechseln mit Cross-Kompilierung). Siehe @option{--target} unten für Informationen zur Cross-Kompilierung."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11941
msgid "An example use of this is on Linux-based systems, which can emulate different personalities. For instance, passing @option{--system=i686-linux} on an @code{x86_64-linux} system or @option{--system=armhf-linux} on an @code{aarch64-linux} system allows you to build packages in a complete 32-bit environment."
msgstr "Ein Beispiel sind Linux-basierte Systeme, die verschiedene Persönlichkeiten emulieren können. Zum Beispiel können Sie @option{--system=i686-linux} auf einem @code{x86_64-linux}-System oder @option{--system=armhf-linux} auf einem @code{aarch64-linux}-System angeben, um Pakete in einer vollständigen 32-Bit-Umgebung zu erstellen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11946
msgid "Building for an @code{armhf-linux} system is unconditionally enabled on @code{aarch64-linux} machines, although certain aarch64 chipsets do not allow for this functionality, notably the ThunderX."
msgstr "Das Erstellen für ein @code{armhf-linux}-System ist ungeprüft auf allen @code{aarch64-linux}-Maschinen aktiviert, obwohl bestimmte aarch64-Chipsätze diese Funktionalität nicht unterstützen, darunter auch ThunderX."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11952
msgid "Similarly, when transparent emulation with QEMU and @code{binfmt_misc} is enabled (@pxref{Virtualization Services, @code{qemu-binfmt-service-type}}), you can build for any system for which a QEMU @code{binfmt_misc} handler is installed."
msgstr "Ebenso können Sie, wenn transparente Emulation mit QEMU und @code{binfmt_misc} aktiviert sind (siehe @ref{Virtualization Services, @code{qemu-binfmt-service-type}}), für jedes System Erstellungen durchführen, für das ein QEMU-@code{binfmt_misc}-Handler installiert ist."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11956
msgid "Builds for a system other than that of the machine you are using can also be offloaded to a remote machine of the right architecture. @xref{Daemon Offload Setup}, for more information on offloading."
msgstr "Erstellungen für ein anderes System, das nicht dem System der Maschine, die Sie benutzen, entspricht, können auch auf eine entfernte Maschine mit der richtigen Architektur ausgelagert werden. Siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup} für mehr Informationen über das Auslagern."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11962
msgid "Cross-build for @var{triplet}, which must be a valid GNU triplet, such as @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} (@pxref{Specifying Target Triplets, GNU configuration triplets,, autoconf, Autoconf})."
msgstr "Lässt für das angegebene @var{Tripel} cross-erstellen. Dieses muss ein gültiges GNU-Tripel wie z.B.@: @code{\"aarch64-linux-gnu\"} sein (siehe @ref{Specifying Target Triplets, GNU-Konfigurationstripel,, autoconf, Autoconf})."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11964
msgid "build-check"
msgstr "build-check"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11965
#, no-wrap
msgid "determinism, checking"
msgstr "Determinismus, Überprüfung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11966
#, no-wrap
msgid "reproducibility, checking"
msgstr "Reproduzierbarkeit, Überprüfung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11970
msgid "Rebuild @var{package-or-derivation}, which are already available in the store, and raise an error if the build results are not bit-for-bit identical."
msgstr "@var{Paket-oder-Ableitung} erneut erstellen, wenn diese bereits im Store verfügbar ist, und einen Fehler melden, wenn die Erstellungsergebnisse nicht Bit für Bit identisch sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11975
msgid "This mechanism allows you to check whether previously installed substitutes are genuine (@pxref{Substitutes}), or whether the build result of a package is deterministic. @xref{Invoking guix challenge}, for more background information and tools."
msgstr "Mit diesem Mechanismus können Sie überprüfen, ob zuvor installierte Substitute unverfälscht sind (siehe @ref{Substitutes}) oder auch ob das Erstellungsergebnis eines Pakets deterministisch ist. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix challenge} für mehr Hintergrundinformationen und Werkzeuge."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11980
#, no-wrap
msgid "--repair"
msgstr "--repair"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11981
#, no-wrap
msgid "repairing store items"
msgstr "Reparieren von Store-Objekten"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11985
msgid "Attempt to repair the specified store items, if they are corrupt, by re-downloading or rebuilding them."
msgstr "Versuchen, die angegebenen Store-Objekte zu reparieren, wenn sie beschädigt sind, indem sie neu heruntergeladen oder neu erstellt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11569
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11987
msgid "This operation is not atomic and thus restricted to @code{root}."
msgstr "Diese Operation ist nicht atomar und nur der Administratornutzer @code{root} kann sie verwenden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11988
#, no-wrap
msgid "--derivations"
msgstr "--derivations"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11992
msgid "Return the derivation paths, not the output paths, of the given packages."
msgstr "Liefert die Ableitungspfade und @emph{nicht} die Ausgabepfade für die angegebenen Pakete."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11577
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11995
#, no-wrap
msgid "GC roots, adding"
msgstr "GC-Wurzeln, Hinzufügen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11996
#, no-wrap
msgid "garbage collector roots, adding"
msgstr "Müllsammlerwurzeln, Hinzufügen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11581 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11999 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35870
msgid "Make @var{file} a symlink to the result, and register it as a garbage collector root."
msgstr "Die @var{Datei} zu einer symbolischen Verknüpfung auf das Ergebnis machen und als Müllsammlerwurzel registrieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12005
msgid "Consequently, the results of this @command{guix build} invocation are protected from garbage collection until @var{file} is removed. When that option is omitted, build results are eligible for garbage collection as soon as the build completes. @xref{Invoking guix gc}, for more on GC roots."
msgstr "Dadurch wird das Ergebnis dieses Aufrufs von @command{guix build} vor dem Müllsammler geschützt, bis die @var{Datei} gelöscht wird. Wird diese Befehlszeilenoption @emph{nicht} angegeben, können Erstellungsergebnisse vom Müllsammler geholt werden, sobald die Erstellung abgeschlossen ist. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc} für mehr Informationen zu Müllsammlerwurzeln."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12006
#, no-wrap
msgid "--log-file"
msgstr "--log-file"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12007
#, no-wrap
msgid "build logs, access"
msgstr "Erstellungsprotokolle, Zugriff"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12011
msgid "Return the build log file names or URLs for the given @var{package-or-derivation}, or raise an error if build logs are missing."
msgstr "Liefert die Dateinamen oder URLs der Erstellungsprotokolle für das angegebene @var{Paket-oder-Ableitung} oder meldet einen Fehler, falls Protokolldateien fehlen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12014
msgid "This works regardless of how packages or derivations are specified. For instance, the following invocations are equivalent:"
msgstr "Dies funktioniert, egal wie die Pakete oder Ableitungen angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel sind folgende Aufrufe alle äquivalent:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12020
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix build --log-file $(guix build -d guile)\n"
@@ -21871,17 +22633,17 @@ msgstr ""
"guix build --log-file -e '(@@ (gnu packages guile) guile-2.0)'\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12025
msgid "If a log is unavailable locally, and unless @option{--no-substitutes} is passed, the command looks for a corresponding log on one of the substitute servers (as specified with @option{--substitute-urls})."
msgstr "Wenn ein Protokoll lokal nicht verfügbar ist und sofern @option{--no-substitutes} nicht übergeben wurde, sucht der Befehl nach einem entsprechenden Protokoll auf einem der Substitutserver (die mit @option{--substitute-urls} angegeben werden können)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12028
msgid "So for instance, imagine you want to see the build log of GDB on MIPS, but you are actually on an @code{x86_64} machine:"
msgstr "Stellen Sie sich zum Beispiel vor, sie wollten das Erstellungsprotokoll von GDB auf einem MIPS-System sehen, benutzen aber selbst eine @code{x86_64}-Maschine:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12032
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build --log-file gdb -s aarch64-linux\n"
@@ -21891,33 +22653,33 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12035
msgid "You can freely access a huge library of build logs!"
msgstr "So haben Sie umsonst Zugriff auf eine riesige Bibliothek von Erstellungsprotokollen!"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12040
#, no-wrap
msgid "build failures, debugging"
msgstr "Erstellungsfehler, Fehlersuche"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12046
msgid "When defining a new package (@pxref{Defining Packages}), you will probably find yourself spending some time debugging and tweaking the build until it succeeds. To do that, you need to operate the build commands yourself in an environment as close as possible to the one the build daemon uses."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein neues Paket definieren (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}), werden Sie sich vermutlich einige Zeit mit der Fehlersuche beschäftigen und die Erstellung so lange anpassen, bis sie funktioniert. Dazu müssen Sie die Erstellungsbefehle selbst in einer Umgebung benutzen, die der, die der Erstellungsdaemon aufbaut, so ähnlich wie möglich ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12051
msgid "To that end, the first thing to do is to use the @option{--keep-failed} or @option{-K} option of @command{guix build}, which will keep the failed build tree in @file{/tmp} or whatever directory you specified as @env{TMPDIR} (@pxref{Common Build Options, @option{--keep-failed}})."
msgstr "Das Erste, was Sie dafür tun müssen, ist die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--keep-failed} oder @option{-K} von @command{guix build} einzusetzen, wodurch Verzeichnisbäume fehlgeschlagener Erstellungen in @file{/tmp} oder dem von Ihnen als @env{TMPDIR} ausgewiesenen Verzeichnis erhalten und nicht gelöscht werden (siehe @ref{Common Build Options, @option{--keep-failed}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12057
msgid "From there on, you can @command{cd} to the failed build tree and source the @file{environment-variables} file, which contains all the environment variable definitions that were in place when the build failed. So let's say you're debugging a build failure in package @code{foo}; a typical session would look like this:"
msgstr "Im Anschluss können Sie mit @command{cd} in die Verzeichnisse dieses fehlgeschlagenen Erstellungsbaums wechseln und mit @command{source} dessen @file{environment-variables}-Datei laden, die alle Umgebungsvariablendefinitionen enthält, die zum Zeitpunkt des Fehlschlags der Erstellung galten. Sagen wir, Sie suchen Fehler in einem Paket @code{foo}, dann würde eine typische Sitzung so aussehen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12064
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build foo -K\n"
@@ -21933,22 +22695,22 @@ msgstr ""
"$ cd foo-1.2\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12068
msgid "Now, you can invoke commands as if you were the daemon (almost) and troubleshoot your build process."
msgstr "Nun können Sie Befehle (fast) so aufrufen, als wären Sie der Daemon, und Fehlerursachen in Ihrem Erstellungsprozess ermitteln."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12074
msgid "Sometimes it happens that, for example, a package's tests pass when you run them manually but they fail when the daemon runs them. This can happen because the daemon runs builds in containers where, unlike in our environment above, network access is missing, @file{/bin/sh} does not exist, etc. (@pxref{Build Environment Setup})."
msgstr "Manchmal passiert es, dass zum Beispiel die Tests eines Pakets erfolgreich sind, wenn Sie sie manuell aufrufen, aber scheitern, wenn der Daemon sie ausführt. Das kann passieren, weil der Daemon Erstellungen in isolierten Umgebungen („Containern“) durchführt, wo, anders als in der obigen Umgebung, kein Netzwerkzugang möglich ist, @file{/bin/sh} nicht exisiert usw.@: (siehe @ref{Build Environment Setup})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12077
msgid "In such cases, you may need to run inspect the build process from within a container similar to the one the build daemon creates:"
msgstr "In solchen Fällen müssen Sie den Erstellungsprozess womöglich aus einer zu der des Daemons ähnlichen isolierten Umgebung heraus ausprobieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12085
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix build -K foo\n"
@@ -21966,711 +22728,717 @@ msgstr ""
"[env]# cd foo-1.2\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12094
msgid "Here, @command{guix shell -C} creates a container and spawns a new shell in it (@pxref{Invoking guix shell}). The @command{strace gdb} part adds the @command{strace} and @command{gdb} commands to the container, which you may find handy while debugging. The @option{--no-grafts} option makes sure we get the exact same environment, with ungrafted packages (@pxref{Security Updates}, for more info on grafts)."
msgstr "Hierbei erzeugt @command{guix shell -C} eine isolierte Umgebung und öffnet darin eine Shell (siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell}). Der Teil mit @command{strace gdb} fügt die Befehle @command{strace} und @command{gdb} zur isolierten Umgebung hinzu, die Sie gut gebrauchen können, während Sie Fehler suchen. Wegen der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-grafts} bekommen Sie haargenau dieselbe Umgebung ohne veredelte Pakete (siehe @ref{Security Updates} für mehr Informationen zu Veredelungen)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12097
msgid "To get closer to a container like that used by the build daemon, we can remove @file{/bin/sh}:"
msgstr "Um der isolierten Umgebung des Erstellungsdaemons noch näher zu kommen, können wir @file{/bin/sh} entfernen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12100
#, no-wrap
msgid "[env]# rm /bin/sh\n"
msgstr "[env]# rm /bin/sh\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12104
msgid "(Don't worry, this is harmless: this is all happening in the throw-away container created by @command{guix shell}.)"
msgstr "(Keine Sorge, das ist harmlos: All dies passiert nur in der zuvor von @command{guix shell} erzeugten Wegwerf-Umgebung.)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12107
msgid "The @command{strace} command is probably not in the search path, but we can run:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{strace} befindet sich wahrscheinlich nicht in Ihrem Suchpfad, aber wir können ihn so benutzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12110
#, no-wrap
msgid "[env]# $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/bin/strace -f -o log make check\n"
msgstr "[env]# $GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/bin/strace -f -o log make check\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12115
msgid "In this way, not only you will have reproduced the environment variables the daemon uses, you will also be running the build process in a container similar to the one the daemon uses."
msgstr "Auf diese Weise haben Sie nicht nur die Umgebungsvariablen, die der Daemon benutzt, nachgebildet, sondern lassen auch den Erstellungsprozess in einer isolierten Umgebung ähnlich der des Daemons laufen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12118
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix edit}"
msgstr "@command{guix edit} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12120
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix edit"
msgstr "guix edit"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12121
#, no-wrap
msgid "package definition, editing"
msgstr "Paketdefinition, Bearbeiten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12126
msgid "So many packages, so many source files! The @command{guix edit} command facilitates the life of users and packagers by pointing their editor at the source file containing the definition of the specified packages. For instance:"
msgstr "So viele Pakete, so viele Quelldateien! Der Befehl @command{guix edit} erleichtert das Leben von sowohl Nutzern als auch Paketentwicklern, indem er Ihren Editor anweist, die Quelldatei mit der Definition des jeweiligen Pakets zu bearbeiten. Zum Beispiel startet dies:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12129
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix edit gcc@@4.9 vim\n"
msgstr "guix edit gcc@@4.9 vim\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12135
msgid "launches the program specified in the @env{VISUAL} or in the @env{EDITOR} environment variable to view the recipe of GCC@tie{}4.9.3 and that of Vim."
msgstr "das mit der Umgebungsvariablen @env{VISUAL} oder @env{EDITOR} angegebene Programm und lässt es das Rezept von GCC@tie{}4.9.3 und von Vim anzeigen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12141
msgid "If you are using a Guix Git checkout (@pxref{Building from Git}), or have created your own packages on @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} (@pxref{Package Modules}), you will be able to edit the package recipes. In other cases, you will be able to examine the read-only recipes for packages currently in the store."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Git-Checkout von Guix benutzen (siehe @ref{Building from Git}) oder Ihre eigenen Pakete im @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} erstellt haben (siehe @ref{Package Modules}), werden Sie damit die Paketrezepte auch bearbeiten können. Andernfalls werden Sie zumindest in die Lage versetzt, die nur lesbaren Rezepte für sich im Moment im Store befindliche Pakete zu untersuchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12146
msgid "Instead of @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH}, the command-line option @option{--load-path=@var{directory}} (or in short @option{-L @var{directory}}) allows you to add @var{directory} to the front of the package module search path and so make your own packages visible."
msgstr "Statt @env{GUIX_PACKAGE_PATH} zu benutzen, können Sie mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--load-path=@var{Verzeichnis}} (oder kurz @option{-L @var{Verzeichnis}}) das @var{Verzeichnis} vorne an den Paketmodul-Suchpfad anhängen und so Ihre eigenen Pakete sichtbar machen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12148
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix download}"
msgstr "@command{guix download} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12150
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix download"
msgstr "guix download"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12151
#, no-wrap
msgid "downloading package sources"
msgstr "Paketquellcode herunterladen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12158
msgid "When writing a package definition, developers typically need to download a source tarball, compute its SHA256 hash, and write that hash in the package definition (@pxref{Defining Packages}). The @command{guix download} tool helps with this task: it downloads a file from the given URI, adds it to the store, and prints both its file name in the store and its SHA256 hash."
msgstr "Wenn Entwickler einer Paketdefinition selbige schreiben, müssen diese normalerweise einen Quellcode-Tarball herunterladen, seinen SHA256-Hash als Prüfsumme berechnen und diese in der Paketdefinition eintragen (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Das Werkzeug @command{guix download} hilft bei dieser Aufgabe: Damit wird eine Datei von der angegebenen URI heruntergeladen, in den Store eingelagert und sowohl ihr Dateiname im Store als auch ihr SHA256-Hash als Prüfsumme angezeigt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12165
msgid "The fact that the downloaded file is added to the store saves bandwidth: when the developer eventually tries to build the newly defined package with @command{guix build}, the source tarball will not have to be downloaded again because it is already in the store. It is also a convenient way to temporarily stash files, which may be deleted eventually (@pxref{Invoking guix gc})."
msgstr "Dadurch, dass die heruntergeladene Datei in den Store eingefügt wird, wird Bandbreite gespart: Wenn der Entwickler schließlich versucht, das neu definierte Paket mit @command{guix build} zu erstellen, muss der Quell-Tarball nicht erneut heruntergeladen werden, weil er sich bereits im Store befindet. Es ist auch eine bequeme Methode, Dateien temporär aufzubewahren, die letztlich irgendwann gelöscht werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12173
msgid "The @command{guix download} command supports the same URIs as used in package definitions. In particular, it supports @code{mirror://} URIs. @code{https} URIs (HTTP over TLS) are supported @emph{provided} the Guile bindings for GnuTLS are available in the user's environment; when they are not available, an error is raised. @xref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,, gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile}, for more information."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix download} unterstützt dieselben URIs, die in Paketdefinitionen verwendet werden. Insbesondere unterstützt er @code{mirror://}-URIs. @code{https}-URIs (HTTP über TLS) werden unterstützt, @emph{vorausgesetzt} die Guile-Anbindungen für GnuTLS sind in der Umgebung des Benutzers verfügbar; wenn nicht, wird ein Fehler gemeldet. Siehe @ref{Guile Preparations, how to install the GnuTLS bindings for Guile,, gnutls-guile, GnuTLS-Guile}, hat mehr Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12178
msgid "@command{guix download} verifies HTTPS server certificates by loading the certificates of X.509 authorities from the directory pointed to by the @env{SSL_CERT_DIR} environment variable (@pxref{X.509 Certificates}), unless @option{--no-check-certificate} is used."
msgstr "Mit @command{guix download} werden HTTPS-Serverzertifikate verifiziert, indem die Zertifikate der X.509-Autoritäten in das durch die Umgebungsvariable @env{SSL_CERT_DIR} bezeichnete Verzeichnis heruntergeladen werden (siehe @ref{X.509 Certificates}), außer @option{--no-check-certificate} wird benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11762 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12180 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14026
msgid "The following options are available:"
msgstr "Folgende Befehlszeilenoptionen stehen zur Verfügung:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11764 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12226
#, no-wrap
msgid "--hash=@var{algorithm}"
msgstr "--hash=@var{Algorithmus}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11765 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12183 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12227
#, no-wrap
msgid "-H @var{algorithm}"
msgstr "-H @var{Algorithmus}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12186
msgid "Compute a hash using the specified @var{algorithm}. @xref{Invoking guix hash}, for more information."
msgstr "Einen Hash mit dem angegebenen @var{Algorithmus} berechnen. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix hash} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11769 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12236
#, no-wrap
msgid "--format=@var{fmt}"
msgstr "--format=@var{Format}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11770 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12188 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12237
#, no-wrap
msgid "-f @var{fmt}"
msgstr "-f @var{Format}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12191
msgid "Write the hash in the format specified by @var{fmt}. For more information on the valid values for @var{fmt}, @pxref{Invoking guix hash}."
msgstr "Die Hash-Prüfsumme im angegebenen @var{Format} ausgeben. Für weitere Informationen, was gültige Werte für das @var{Format} sind, siehe @ref{Invoking guix hash}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12192
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-check-certificate"
msgstr "--no-check-certificate"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12194
msgid "Do not validate the X.509 certificates of HTTPS servers."
msgstr "X.509-Zertifikate von HTTPS-Servern @emph{nicht} validieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12198
msgid "When using this option, you have @emph{absolutely no guarantee} that you are communicating with the authentic server responsible for the given URL, which makes you vulnerable to ``man-in-the-middle'' attacks."
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Befehlszeilenoption benutzen, haben Sie @emph{keinerlei Garantie}, dass Sie tatsächlich mit dem authentischen Server, der für die angegebene URL verantwortlich ist, kommunizieren. Das macht Sie anfällig gegen sogenannte „Man-in-the-Middle“-Angriffe."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12199
#, no-wrap
msgid "--output=@var{file}"
msgstr "--output=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12200
#, no-wrap
msgid "-o @var{file}"
msgstr "-o @var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12203
msgid "Save the downloaded file to @var{file} instead of adding it to the store."
msgstr "Die heruntergeladene Datei @emph{nicht} in den Store, sondern in die angegebene @var{Datei} abspeichern."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12206
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix hash}"
msgstr "@command{guix hash} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12208
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix hash"
msgstr "guix hash"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12213
msgid "The @command{guix hash} command computes the hash of a file. It is primarily a convenience tool for anyone contributing to the distribution: it computes the cryptographic hash of one or more files, which can be used in the definition of a package (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix hash} berechnet den Hash einer oder mehrerer Datei. Er ist primär ein Werkzeug, dass es bequemer macht, etwas zur Distribution beizusteuern: Damit wird die kryptografische Hash-Prüfsumme berechnet, die bei der Definition eines Pakets benutzt werden kann (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12218
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix hash @var{option} @var{file} ...\n"
msgstr "guix hash @var{Option} @var{Datei} ...\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12223
msgid "When @var{file} is @code{-} (a hyphen), @command{guix hash} computes the hash of data read from standard input. @command{guix hash} has the following options:"
msgstr "Wird als @var{Datei} ein Bindestrich @code{-} angegeben, berechnet @command{guix hash} den Hash der von der Standardeingabe gelesenen Daten. @command{guix hash} unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12230
msgid "Compute a hash using the specified @var{algorithm}, @code{sha256} by default."
msgstr "Mit dem angegebenen @var{Algorithmus} einen Hash berechnen. Die Vorgabe ist, @code{sha256} zu benutzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11817
-msgid "@var{algorithm} must the name of a cryptographic hash algorithm supported by Libgcrypt @i{via} Guile-Gcrypt---e.g., @code{sha512} or @code{sha3-256} (@pxref{Hash Functions,,, guile-gcrypt, Guile-Gcrypt Reference Manual})."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12235
+msgid "@var{algorithm} must be the name of a cryptographic hash algorithm supported by Libgcrypt @i{via} Guile-Gcrypt---e.g., @code{sha512} or @code{sha3-256} (@pxref{Hash Functions,,, guile-gcrypt, Guile-Gcrypt Reference Manual})."
msgstr "@var{Algorithmus} muss der Name eines durch Libgcrypt über Guile-Gcrypt zur Verfügung gestellten kryptografischen Hashalgorithmus sein, z.B.@: @code{sha512} oder @code{sha3-256} (siehe @ref{Hash Functions,,, guile-gcrypt, Referenzhandbuch zu Guile-Gcrypt})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12239
msgid "Write the hash in the format specified by @var{fmt}."
msgstr "Gibt die Prüfsumme im angegebenen @var{Format} aus."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12242
msgid "Supported formats: @code{base64}, @code{nix-base32}, @code{base32}, @code{base16} (@code{hex} and @code{hexadecimal} can be used as well)."
msgstr "Unterstützte Formate: @code{base64}, @code{nix-base32}, @code{base32}, @code{base16} (@code{hex} und @code{hexadecimal} können auch benutzt werden)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12246
msgid "If the @option{--format} option is not specified, @command{guix hash} will output the hash in @code{nix-base32}. This representation is used in the definitions of packages."
msgstr "Wird keine Befehlszeilenoption @option{--format} angegeben, wird @command{guix hash} die Prüfsumme im @code{nix-base32}-Format ausgeben. Diese Darstellung wird bei der Definition von Paketen benutzt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11833
-msgid "This option is deprecated in favor of @option{--serializer}. It is a legacy alias for @var{type} sets to @code{nar}."
-msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption ist veraltet. Benutzen Sie @option{--serializer=nar}. Sie ist bloß ein alternativer Name dafür."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12252
+msgid "The @option{--recursive} option is deprecated in favor of @option{--serializer=nar} (see below); @option{-r} remains accepted as a convenient shorthand."
+msgstr "Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--recursive} ist veraltet. Benutzen Sie @option{--serializer=nar} (siehe unten). @option{-r} bleibt als bequeme Kurzschreibweise erhalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12253
#, no-wrap
msgid "--serializer=@var{type}"
msgstr "--serializer=@var{Typ}"
+#. type: itemx
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12254
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "-S @var{type}"
+msgstr "-S @var{Typ}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12256
msgid "Compute the hash on @var{file} using @var{type} serialization."
msgstr "Die Prüfsumme der @var{Datei} auf die durch @var{Typ} angegebene Art berechnen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12258
msgid "@var{type} may be one of the following:"
msgstr "Als @var{Typ} können Sie einen hiervon benutzen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11841 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13918
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17405 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12260 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17892 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20166
#, no-wrap
msgid "none"
msgstr "none"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12262
msgid "This is the default: it computes the hash of a file's contents."
msgstr "Dies entspricht der Vorgabe: Die Prüfsumme des Inhalts der Datei wird berechnet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12263
#, no-wrap
msgid "nar"
msgstr "nar"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11854
-msgid "Compute the hash of a ``normalized archive'' (or ``nar'') containing @var{file}, including its children if it is a directory. Some of the metadata of @var{file} is part of the archive; for instance, when @var{file} is a regular file, the hash is different depending on whether @var{file} is executable or not. Metadata such as time stamps has no impact on the hash (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}, for more info on the nar format)."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12273
+msgid "Compute the hash of a ``normalized archive'' (or ``nar'') containing @var{file}, including its children if it is a directory. Some of the metadata of @var{file} is part of the archive; for instance, when @var{file} is a regular file, the hash is different depending on whether @var{file} is executable or not. Metadata such as time stamps have no impact on the hash (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}, for more info on the nar format)."
msgstr "In diesem Fall wird die Prüfsumme eines Normalisierten Archivs (kurz „Nar“) berechnet, das die @var{Datei} enthält, und auch ihre Kinder, wenn es sich um ein Verzeichnis handelt. Einige der Metadaten der @var{Datei} sind Teil dieses Archivs. Zum Beispiel unterscheidet sich die berechnete Prüfsumme, wenn die @var{Datei} eine reguläre Datei ist, je nachdem, ob die @var{Datei} ausführbar ist oder nicht. Metadaten wie der Zeitstempel haben keinen Einfluss auf die Prüfsumme (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}, für mehr Informationen über das Nar-Format)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12274
#, no-wrap
msgid "git"
msgstr "git"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11858
-msgid "Compute the has of the file or directory as a Git ``tree'', following the same method as the Git version control system."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12277
+msgid "Compute the hash of the file or directory as a Git ``tree'', following the same method as the Git version control system."
msgstr "Die Prüfsumme der Datei oder des Verzeichnisses als Git-Baumstruktur berechnen, nach derselben Methode wie beim Git-Versionskontrollsystem."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12279
#, no-wrap
msgid "--exclude-vcs"
msgstr "--exclude-vcs"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11861 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12280 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13499
#, no-wrap
msgid "-x"
msgstr "-x"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12283
msgid "When combined with @option{--recursive}, exclude version control system directories (@file{.bzr}, @file{.git}, @file{.hg}, etc.)."
msgstr "Wenn dies zusammen mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--recursive} angegeben wird, werden Verzeichnisse zur Versionskontrolle (@file{.bzr}, @file{.git}, @file{.hg}, etc.)@: vom Archiv ausgenommen."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12284
#, no-wrap
msgid "git-fetch"
msgstr "git-fetch"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11869
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12288
msgid "As an example, here is how you would compute the hash of a Git checkout, which is useful when using the @code{git-fetch} method (@pxref{origin Reference}):"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel würden Sie auf diese Art die Prüfsumme eines Git-Checkouts berechnen, was nützlich ist, wenn Sie die Prüfsumme für die Methode @code{git-fetch} benutzen (siehe @ref{origin Reference}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12293
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ git clone http://example.org/foo.git\n"
"$ cd foo\n"
-"$ guix hash -rx .\n"
+"$ guix hash -x --serializer=nar .\n"
msgstr ""
"$ git clone http://example.org/foo.git\n"
"$ cd foo\n"
-"$ guix hash -rx .\n"
+"$ guix hash -x --serializer=nar .\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11878 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12302
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix import}"
msgstr "@command{guix import} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12299
#, no-wrap
msgid "importing packages"
msgstr "Pakete importieren"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12300
#, no-wrap
msgid "package import"
msgstr "Paketimport"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12301
#, no-wrap
msgid "package conversion"
msgstr "Pakete an Guix anpassen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12309
msgid "The @command{guix import} command is useful for people who would like to add a package to the distribution with as little work as possible---a legitimate demand. The command knows of a few repositories from which it can ``import'' package metadata. The result is a package definition, or a template thereof, in the format we know (@pxref{Defining Packages})."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix import} ist für Leute hilfreich, die ein Paket gerne mit so wenig Arbeit wie möglich zur Distribution hinzufügen würden@tie{}— ein legitimer Anspruch. Der Befehl kennt ein paar Sammlungen, aus denen mit ihm Paketmetadaten „importiert“ werden können. Das Ergebnis ist eine Paketdefinition oder eine Vorlage dafür in dem uns bekannten Format (siehe @ref{Defining Packages})."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12314
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import @var{importer} @var{options}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix import @var{Importer} @var{Optionen}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12319
msgid "@var{importer} specifies the source from which to import package metadata, and @var{options} specifies a package identifier and other options specific to @var{importer}."
msgstr "Der @var{Importer} gibt die Quelle an, aus der Paketmetadaten importiert werden, und die @var{Optionen} geben eine Paketbezeichnung und andere vom @var{Importer} abhängige Daten an."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12323
msgid "Some of the importers rely on the ability to run the @command{gpgv} command. For these, GnuPG must be installed and in @code{$PATH}; run @code{guix install gnupg} if needed."
msgstr "Manche Importer setzen voraus, dass der Befehl @command{gpgv} ausgeführt werden kann. Sie funktionieren nur, wenn GnuPG installiert und im @code{$PATH} enthalten ist; falls nötig können Sie @code{guix install gnupg} ausführen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12325
msgid "Currently, the available ``importers'' are:"
msgstr "Derzeit sind folgende „Importer“ verfügbar:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11908 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12327 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12965
#, no-wrap
msgid "gnu"
msgstr "gnu"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12331
msgid "Import metadata for the given GNU package. This provides a template for the latest version of that GNU package, including the hash of its source tarball, and its canonical synopsis and description."
msgstr "Metadaten für das angegebene GNU-Paket importieren. Damit wird eine Vorlage für die neueste Version dieses GNU-Pakets zur Verfügung gestellt, einschließlich der Prüfsumme seines Quellcode-Tarballs, seiner kanonischen Zusammenfassung und seiner Beschreibung."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12334
msgid "Additional information such as the package dependencies and its license needs to be figured out manually."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen wie Paketabhängigkeiten und seine Lizenz müssen noch manuell ermittelt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11918
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12337
msgid "For example, the following command returns a package definition for GNU@tie{}Hello:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel liefert der folgende Befehl eine Paketdefinition für GNU@tie{}Hello:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12340
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import gnu hello\n"
msgstr "guix import gnu hello\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11924 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12165
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12215 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12343 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12634 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12663
msgid "Specific command-line options are:"
msgstr "Speziell für diesen Importer stehen noch folgende Befehlszeilenoptionen zur Verfügung:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11926 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12345 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13162
#, no-wrap
msgid "--key-download=@var{policy}"
msgstr "--key-download=@var{Richtlinie}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12349
msgid "As for @command{guix refresh}, specify the policy to handle missing OpenPGP keys when verifying the package signature. @xref{Invoking guix refresh, @option{--key-download}}."
msgstr "Die Richtlinie zum Umgang mit fehlenden OpenPGP-Schlüsseln beim Verifizieren der Paketsignatur (auch „Beglaubigung“ genannt) festlegen, wie bei @command{guix refresh}. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix refresh, @option{--key-download}}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11932 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11933
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12351 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12989
#, no-wrap
msgid "pypi"
msgstr "pypi"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12359
msgid "Import metadata from the @uref{https://pypi.python.org/, Python Package Index}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted description available at @code{pypi.python.org} and usually includes all the relevant information, including package dependencies. For maximum efficiency, it is recommended to install the @command{unzip} utility, so that the importer can unzip Python wheels and gather data from them."
msgstr "Metadaten aus dem @uref{https://pypi.python.org/, Python Package Index} importieren. Informationen stammen aus der JSON-formatierten Beschreibung, die unter @code{pypi.python.org} verfügbar ist, und enthalten meistens alle relevanten Informationen einschließlich der Abhängigkeiten des Pakets. Für maximale Effizienz wird empfohlen, das Hilfsprogramm @command{unzip} zu installieren, damit der Importer „Python Wheels“ entpacken und daraus Daten beziehen kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12362
msgid "The command below imports metadata for the latest version of the @code{itsdangerous} Python package:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für die neueste Version des Python-Pakets namens @code{itsdangerous}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12365
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import pypi itsdangerous\n"
msgstr "guix import pypi itsdangerous\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11949 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12052
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12368 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12812
msgid "You can also ask for a specific version:"
msgstr "Sie können auch um eine bestimmte Version bitten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12371
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import pypi itsdangerous@@1.1.0\n"
msgstr "guix import pypi itsdangerous@@1.1.0\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11960 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11985
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12017 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12188
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12229 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12280
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12305 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12321
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12369 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12436 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12648 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12724 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12788 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12824
msgid "Traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix."
msgstr "Den Abhängigkeitsgraphen des angegebenen Pakets beim Anbieter rekursiv durchlaufen und Paketausdrücke für alle solchen Pakete erzeugen, die es in Guix noch nicht gibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11962 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11963
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12381 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12991
#, no-wrap
msgid "gem"
msgstr "gem"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12391
msgid "Import metadata from @uref{https://rubygems.org/, RubyGems}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted description available at @code{rubygems.org} and includes most relevant information, including runtime dependencies. There are some caveats, however. The metadata doesn't distinguish between synopses and descriptions, so the same string is used for both fields. Additionally, the details of non-Ruby dependencies required to build native extensions is unavailable and left as an exercise to the packager."
msgstr "Metadaten von @uref{https://rubygems.org/, RubyGems} importieren. Informationen kommen aus der JSON-formatierten Beschreibung, die auf @code{rubygems.org} verfügbar ist, und enthält die relevantesten Informationen einschließlich der Laufzeitabhängigkeiten. Dies hat aber auch Schattenseiten@tie{}— die Metadaten unterscheiden nicht zwischen Zusammenfassungen und Beschreibungen, daher wird dieselbe Zeichenkette für beides eingesetzt. Zudem fehlen Informationen zu nicht in Ruby geschriebenen Abhängigkeiten, die benötigt werden, um native Erweiterungen zu in Ruby geschriebenem Code zu erstellen. Diese herauszufinden bleibt dem Paketentwickler überlassen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12393
msgid "The command below imports metadata for the @code{rails} Ruby package:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten aus dem Ruby-Paket @code{rails}."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12396
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import gem rails\n"
msgstr "guix import gem rails\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11987 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11988
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12406 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12407
#, no-wrap
msgid "minetest"
msgstr "minetest"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12408
#, no-wrap
msgid "ContentDB"
msgstr "ContentDB"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:11998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12417
msgid "Import metadata from @uref{https://content.minetest.net, ContentDB}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted metadata provided through @uref{https://content.minetest.net/help/api/, ContentDB's API} and includes most relevant information, including dependencies. There are some caveats, however. The license information is often incomplete. The commit hash is sometimes missing. The descriptions are in the Markdown format, but Guix uses Texinfo instead. Texture packs and subgames are unsupported."
msgstr "Importiert Metadaten aus der @uref{https://content.minetest.net, ContentDB}. Informationen werden aus den JSON-formatierten Metadaten genommen, die über die @uref{https://content.minetest.net/help/api/, Programmierschnittstelle („API“) von ContentDB} angeboten werden, und enthalten die relevantesten Informationen wie zum Beispiel Abhängigkeiten. Allerdings passt das Ergebnis nicht ganz. Lizenzinformationen sind oft unvollständig. Der Commit-Hash fehlt manchmal. Die importierten Beschreibungen sind in Markdown formatiert, aber Guix braucht stattdessen Texinfo-Auszeichnungen. Texturpakete und Teilspiele werden nicht unterstützt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12419
msgid "The command below imports metadata for the Mesecons mod by Jeija:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für die Mesecons-Mod von Jeija:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12422
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import minetest Jeija/mesecons\n"
msgstr "guix import minetest Jeija/mesecons\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12425
msgid "The author name can also be left out:"
msgstr "Man muss den Autorennamen nicht angeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12009
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12428
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import minetest mesecons\n"
msgstr "guix import minetest mesecons\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12019 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12438 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12987
#, no-wrap
msgid "cpan"
msgstr "cpan"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12439
#, no-wrap
msgid "CPAN"
msgstr "CPAN"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12447
msgid "Import metadata from @uref{https://www.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN}. Information is taken from the JSON-formatted metadata provided through @uref{https://fastapi.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN's API} and includes most relevant information, such as module dependencies. License information should be checked closely. If Perl is available in the store, then the @code{corelist} utility will be used to filter core modules out of the list of dependencies."
msgstr "Importiert Metadaten von @uref{https://www.metacpan.org/, MetaCPAN}. Informationen werden aus den JSON-formatierten Metadaten genommen, die über die @uref{https://fastapi.metacpan.org/, Programmierschnittstelle („API“) von MetaCPAN} angeboten werden, und enthalten die relevantesten Informationen wie zum Beispiel Modulabhängigkeiten. Lizenzinformationen sollten genau nachgeprüft werden. Wenn Perl im Store verfügbar ist, wird das Werkzeug @code{corelist} benutzt, um Kernmodule in der Abhängigkeitsliste wegzulassen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12450
msgid "The command command below imports metadata for the Acme::Boolean Perl module:"
msgstr "Folgender Befehl importiert Metadaten für das Perl-Modul Acme::Boolean:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12453
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import cpan Acme::Boolean\n"
msgstr "guix import cpan Acme::Boolean\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12036 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12455 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12983
#, no-wrap
msgid "cran"
msgstr "cran"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12456
#, no-wrap
msgid "CRAN"
msgstr "CRAN"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12457
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bioconductor"
msgstr "Bioconductor"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12461
msgid "Import metadata from @uref{https://cran.r-project.org/, CRAN}, the central repository for the @uref{https://r-project.org, GNU@tie{}R statistical and graphical environment}."
msgstr "Metadaten aus dem @uref{https://cran.r-project.org/, CRAN} importieren, der zentralen Sammlung für die @uref{https://r-project.org, statistische und grafische Umgebung GNU@tie{}R}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12463
msgid "Information is extracted from the @file{DESCRIPTION} file of the package."
msgstr "Informationen werden aus der Datei namens @file{DESCRIPTION} des Pakets extrahiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12465
msgid "The command command below imports metadata for the Cairo R package:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für das Cairo-R-Paket:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12468
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import cran Cairo\n"
msgstr "guix import cran Cairo\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12474
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import cran rasterVis@@0.50.3\n"
msgstr "guix import cran rasterVis@@0.50.3\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12479
msgid "When @option{--recursive} is added, the importer will traverse the dependency graph of the given upstream package recursively and generate package expressions for all those packages that are not yet in Guix."
msgstr "Wird zudem @option{--recursive} angegeben, wird der Importer den Abhängigkeitsgraphen des angegebenen Pakets beim Anbieter rekursiv durchlaufen und Paketausdrücke für all die Pakete erzeugen, die noch nicht Teil von Guix sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12486
msgid "When @option{--style=specification} is added, the importer will generate package definitions whose inputs are package specifications instead of references to package variables. This is useful when generated package definitions are to be appended to existing user modules, as the list of used package modules need not be changed. The default is @option{--style=variable}."
msgstr "Wird @option{--style=specification} angegeben, wird der Importer Paketdefinitionen erzeugen, deren Eingaben als Paketspezifikationen statt als Referenzen auf Paketvariable vorliegen. Das ist nützlich, wenn die erzeugten Paketdefinitionen in bestehende, nutzereigene Module eingefügt werden, weil dann die Liste der benutzten Paketmodule nicht angepasst werden muss. Die Vorgabe ist @option{--style=variable}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12491
msgid "When @option{--archive=bioconductor} is added, metadata is imported from @uref{https://www.bioconductor.org/, Bioconductor}, a repository of R packages for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data in bioinformatics."
msgstr "Wird @option{--archive=bioconductor} angegeben, werden Metadaten vom @uref{https://www.bioconductor.org/, Bioconductor} importiert, einer Sammlung von R-Paketen zur Analyse und zum Verständnis von großen Mengen genetischer Daten in der Bioinformatik."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12494
msgid "Information is extracted from the @file{DESCRIPTION} file contained in the package archive."
msgstr "Informationen werden aus der Datei namens @file{DESCRIPTION} im Archiv des Pakets extrahiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12496
msgid "The command below imports metadata for the GenomicRanges R package:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für das R-Paket GenomicRanges:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12499
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import cran --archive=bioconductor GenomicRanges\n"
msgstr "guix import cran --archive=bioconductor GenomicRanges\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12504
msgid "Finally, you can also import R packages that have not yet been published on CRAN or Bioconductor as long as they are in a git repository. Use @option{--archive=git} followed by the URL of the git repository:"
msgstr "Schließlich können Sie auch solche R-Pakete importieren, die noch nicht auf CRAN oder im Bioconductor veröffentlicht wurden, solange sie in einem Git-Repository stehen. Benutzen Sie @option{--archive=git} gefolgt von der URL des Git-Repositorys."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12507
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import cran --archive=git https://github.com/immunogenomics/harmony\n"
msgstr "guix import cran --archive=git https://github.com/immunogenomics/harmony\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12509
#, no-wrap
msgid "texlive"
msgstr "texlive"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12510
#, no-wrap
msgid "TeX Live"
msgstr "TeX Live"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12511
#, no-wrap
msgid "CTAN"
msgstr "CTAN"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12515
msgid "Import TeX package information from the TeX Live package database for TeX packages that are part of the @uref{https://www.tug.org/texlive/, TeX Live distribution}."
msgstr "Informationen über TeX-Pakete, die Teil der @uref{https://www.tug.org/texlive/, TeX-Live-Distribution} sind, aus der Datenbank von TeX Live importieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12520
msgid "Information about the package is obtained from the TeX Live package database, a plain text file that is included in the @code{texlive-bin} package. The source code is downloaded from possibly multiple locations in the SVN repository of the Tex Live project."
msgstr "Paketinformationen werden der Paketdatenbank von TeX Live entnommen. Bei ihr handelt es sich um eine reine Textdatei, die im @code{texlive-bin}-Paket enthalten ist. Der Quellcode wird von unter Umständen mehreren Stellen im SVN-Repository des TeX-Live-Projekts heruntergeladen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12523
msgid "The command command below imports metadata for the @code{fontspec} TeX package:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für das TeX-Paket @code{fontspec}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12526
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import texlive fontspec\n"
msgstr "guix import texlive fontspec\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12529
#, no-wrap
msgid "JSON, import"
msgstr "JSON, Import"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12532
msgid "Import package metadata from a local JSON file. Consider the following example package definition in JSON format:"
msgstr "Paketmetadaten aus einer lokalen JSON-Datei importieren. Betrachten Sie folgende Beispiel-Paketdefinition im JSON-Format:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12545
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -22698,17 +23466,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12551
msgid "The field names are the same as for the @code{<package>} record (@xref{Defining Packages}). References to other packages are provided as JSON lists of quoted package specification strings such as @code{guile} or @code{guile@@2.0}."
msgstr "Die Felder sind genauso benannt wie bei einem @code{<package>}-Verbundstyp (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Referenzen zu anderen Paketen stehen darin als JSON-Liste von mit Anführungszeichen quotierten Zeichenketten wie @code{guile} oder @code{guile@@2.0}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12554
msgid "The importer also supports a more explicit source definition using the common fields for @code{<origin>} records:"
msgstr "Der Importer unterstützt auch eine ausdrücklichere Definition der Quelldateien mit den üblichen Feldern eines @code{<origin>}-Verbunds:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12567
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -22736,382 +23504,382 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12571
msgid "The command below reads metadata from the JSON file @code{hello.json} and outputs a package expression:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl liest Metadaten aus der JSON-Datei @code{hello.json} und gibt einen Paketausdruck aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12574
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import json hello.json\n"
msgstr "guix import json hello.json\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12157 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12158
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12576 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12577
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12995
#, no-wrap
msgid "hackage"
msgstr "hackage"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12582
msgid "Import metadata from the Haskell community's central package archive @uref{https://hackage.haskell.org/, Hackage}. Information is taken from Cabal files and includes all the relevant information, including package dependencies."
msgstr "Metadaten aus @uref{https://hackage.haskell.org/, Hackage}, dem zentralen Paketarchiv der Haskell-Gemeinde, importieren. Informationen werden aus Cabal-Dateien ausgelesen. Darin sind alle relevanten Informationen einschließlich der Paketabhängigkeiten enthalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12586
#, no-wrap
msgid "--stdin"
msgstr "--stdin"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12587
#, no-wrap
msgid "-s"
msgstr "-s"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12589
msgid "Read a Cabal file from standard input."
msgstr "Eine Cabal-Datei von der Standardeingabe lesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12170 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12589 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12636
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-test-dependencies"
msgstr "--no-test-dependencies"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12173 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12592 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12639
msgid "Do not include dependencies required only by the test suites."
msgstr "Keine Abhängigkeiten übernehmen, die nur von Testkatalogen benötigt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12592
#, no-wrap
msgid "--cabal-environment=@var{alist}"
msgstr "--cabal-environment=@var{Aliste}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12593
#, no-wrap
msgid "-e @var{alist}"
msgstr "-e @var{Aliste}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12602
msgid "@var{alist} is a Scheme alist defining the environment in which the Cabal conditionals are evaluated. The accepted keys are: @code{os}, @code{arch}, @code{impl} and a string representing the name of a flag. The value associated with a flag has to be either the symbol @code{true} or @code{false}. The value associated with other keys has to conform to the Cabal file format definition. The default value associated with the keys @code{os}, @code{arch} and @code{impl} is @samp{linux}, @samp{x86_64} and @samp{ghc}, respectively."
msgstr "@var{Aliste} muss eine assoziative Liste der Scheme-Programmiersprache sein, die die Umgebung definiert, in der bedingte Ausdrücke von Cabal ausgewertet werden. Dabei werden folgende Schlüssel akzeptiert: @code{os}, @code{arch}, @code{impl} und eine Zeichenkette, die dem Namen einer Option (einer „Flag“) entspricht. Der mit einer „Flag“ assoziierte Wert muss entweder das Symbol @code{true} oder @code{false} sein. Der anderen Schlüsseln zugeordnete Wert muss mit der Definition des Cabal-Dateiformats konform sein. Der vorgegebene Wert zu den Schlüsseln @code{os}, @code{arch} and @code{impl} ist jeweils @samp{linux}, @samp{x86_64} bzw. @samp{ghc}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12612
msgid "The command below imports metadata for the latest version of the HTTP Haskell package without including test dependencies and specifying the value of the flag @samp{network-uri} as @code{false}:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für die neuste Version des Haskell-„HTTP“-Pakets, ohne Testabhängigkeiten zu übernehmen und bei Übergabe von @code{false} als Wert der Flag @samp{network-uri}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12615
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import hackage -t -e \"'((\\\"network-uri\\\" . false))\" HTTP\n"
msgstr "guix import hackage -t -e \"'((\\\"network-uri\\\" . false))\" HTTP\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12619
msgid "A specific package version may optionally be specified by following the package name by an at-sign and a version number as in the following example:"
msgstr "Eine ganz bestimmte Paketversion kann optional ausgewählt werden, indem man nach dem Paketnamen anschließend ein At-Zeichen und eine Versionsnummer angibt wie in folgendem Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12622
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import hackage mtl@@\n"
msgstr "guix import hackage mtl@@\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12205 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12206
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12624 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12997
#, no-wrap
msgid "stackage"
msgstr "stackage"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12632
msgid "The @code{stackage} importer is a wrapper around the @code{hackage} one. It takes a package name, looks up the package version included in a long-term support (LTS) @uref{https://www.stackage.org, Stackage} release and uses the @code{hackage} importer to retrieve its metadata. Note that it is up to you to select an LTS release compatible with the GHC compiler used by Guix."
msgstr "Der @code{stackage}-Importer ist ein Wrapper um den @code{hackage}-Importer. Er nimmt einen Paketnamen und schaut dafür die Paketversion nach, die Teil einer @uref{https://www.stackage.org, Stackage-Veröffentlichung} mit Langzeitunterstützung (englisch „Long-Term Support“, kurz LTS) ist, deren Metadaten er dann mit dem @code{hackage}-Importer bezieht. Beachten Sie, dass es Ihre Aufgabe ist, eine LTS-Veröffentlichung auszuwählen, die mit dem von Guix benutzten GHC-Compiler kompatibel ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12639
#, no-wrap
msgid "--lts-version=@var{version}"
msgstr "--lts-version=@var{Version}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12640
#, no-wrap
msgid "-l @var{version}"
msgstr "-l @var{Version}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12643
msgid "@var{version} is the desired LTS release version. If omitted the latest release is used."
msgstr "@var{Version} ist die gewünschte Version der LTS-Veröffentlichung. Wird keine angegeben, wird die neueste benutzt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12652
msgid "The command below imports metadata for the HTTP Haskell package included in the LTS Stackage release version 7.18:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl importiert Metadaten für dasjenige Haskell-„HTTP“-Paket, das in der LTS-Stackage-Veröffentlichung mit Version 7.18 vorkommt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12655
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import stackage --lts-version=7.18 HTTP\n"
msgstr "guix import stackage --lts-version=7.18 HTTP\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12238 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12239
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12657 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12981
#, no-wrap
msgid "elpa"
msgstr "elpa"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12661
msgid "Import metadata from an Emacs Lisp Package Archive (ELPA) package repository (@pxref{Packages,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
msgstr "Metadaten aus der Paketsammlung „Emacs Lisp Package Archive“ (ELPA) importieren (siehe @ref{Packages,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12665
#, no-wrap
msgid "--archive=@var{repo}"
msgstr "--archive=@var{Repo}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12666
#, no-wrap
msgid "-a @var{repo}"
msgstr "-a @var{Repo}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12670
msgid "@var{repo} identifies the archive repository from which to retrieve the information. Currently the supported repositories and their identifiers are:"
msgstr "Mit @var{Repo} wird die Archiv-Sammlung (ein „Repository“) bezeichnet, von dem die Informationen bezogen werden sollen. Derzeit sind die unterstützten Repositorys und ihre Bezeichnungen folgende:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12674
msgid "@uref{https://elpa.gnu.org/packages, GNU}, selected by the @code{gnu} identifier. This is the default."
msgstr "@uref{https://elpa.gnu.org/packages, GNU}, bezeichnet mit @code{gnu}. Dies ist die Vorgabe."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12680
msgid "Packages from @code{elpa.gnu.org} are signed with one of the keys contained in the GnuPG keyring at @file{share/emacs/25.1/etc/package-keyring.gpg} (or similar) in the @code{emacs} package (@pxref{Package Installation, ELPA package signatures,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
msgstr "Pakete aus @code{elpa.gnu.org} wurden mit einem der Schlüssel im GnuPG-Schlüsselbund in @file{share/emacs/25.1/etc/package-keyring.gpg} (oder einem ähnlichen Pfad) des @code{emacs}-Pakets signiert (siehe @ref{Package Installation, ELPA-Paketsignaturen,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12684
msgid "@uref{https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/, NonGNU}, selected by the @code{nongnu} identifier."
msgstr "@uref{https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/, NonGNU}, bezeichnet mit @code{nongnu}."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12688
msgid "@uref{https://stable.melpa.org/packages, MELPA-Stable}, selected by the @code{melpa-stable} identifier."
msgstr "@uref{https://stable.melpa.org/packages, MELPA-Stable}, bezeichnet mit @code{melpa-stable}."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12692
msgid "@uref{https://melpa.org/packages, MELPA}, selected by the @code{melpa} identifier."
msgstr "@uref{https://melpa.org/packages, MELPA}, bezeichnet mit @code{melpa}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12282 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12283
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12701 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12999
#, no-wrap
msgid "crate"
msgstr "crate"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12705
msgid "Import metadata from the crates.io Rust package repository @uref{https://crates.io, crates.io}, as in this example:"
msgstr "Metadaten aus der Paketsammlung crates.io für Rust importieren @uref{https://crates.io, crates.io}, wie Sie in diesem Beispiel sehen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12708
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import crate blake2-rfc\n"
msgstr "guix import crate blake2-rfc\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12711
msgid "The crate importer also allows you to specify a version string:"
msgstr "Mit dem Crate-Importer können Sie auch eine Version als Zeichenkette angeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12714
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import crate constant-time-eq@@0.1.0\n"
msgstr "guix import crate constant-time-eq@@0.1.0\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12298 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12314
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12362 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12717 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12781 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12818
msgid "Additional options include:"
msgstr "Zu den zusätzlichen Optionen gehören:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12726
#, no-wrap
msgid "opam"
msgstr "opam"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12727
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPAM"
msgstr "OPAM"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12728
#, no-wrap
msgid "OCaml"
msgstr "OCaml"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12731
msgid "Import metadata from the @uref{https://opam.ocaml.org/, OPAM} package repository used by the OCaml community."
msgstr "Metadaten aus der Paketsammlung @uref{https://opam.ocaml.org/, OPAM} der OCaml-Gemeinde importieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12740
#, no-wrap
msgid "--repo"
msgstr "--repo"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12744
msgid "By default, packages are searched in the official OPAM repository. This option, which can be used more than once, lets you add other repositories which will be searched for packages. It accepts as valid arguments:"
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist, nach Paketen im offiziellen OPAM-Repository zu suchen. Mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption, die mehr als einmal angegeben werden kann, können Sie andere Repositorys hinzufügen, in denen nach Paketen gesucht wird. Als gültige Argumente akzeptiert werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12746
#, no-wrap
msgid "the name of a known repository - can be one of @code{opam},"
msgstr "der Name eines bekannten Repositorys, entweder @code{opam},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12749
msgid "@code{coq} (equivalent to @code{coq-released}), @code{coq-core-dev}, @code{coq-extra-dev} or @code{grew}."
msgstr "@code{coq} (äquivalent zu @code{coq-released}), @code{coq-core-dev}, @code{coq-extra-dev} oder @code{grew}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12749
#, no-wrap
msgid "the URL of a repository as expected by the"
msgstr "die URL eines Repository, wie sie der Befehl"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12753
msgid "@code{opam repository add} command (for instance, the URL equivalent of the above @code{opam} name would be @uref{https://opam.ocaml.org})."
msgstr "@code{opam repository add} erfordert (zum Beispiel wäre @uref{https://opam.ocaml.org} die URL, die dem Namen @code{opam} oben entspricht)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12753
#, no-wrap
msgid "the path to a local copy of a repository (a directory containing a"
msgstr "den Pfad zur lokalen Kopie eines Repositorys (ein Verzeichnis mit"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12755
msgid "@file{packages/} sub-directory)."
msgstr "einem Unterverzeichnis @file{packages/})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12760
msgid "Repositories are assumed to be passed to this option by order of preference. The additional repositories will not replace the default @code{opam} repository, which is always kept as a fallback."
msgstr "Die an diese Befehlszeilenoption übergebenen Repositorys sind in der Reihenfolge Ihrer Präferenz anzugeben. Die zusätzlich angegebenen Repositorys ersetzen @emph{nicht} das voreingestellte Repository @code{opam}; es bleibt immer als letzte Möglichkeit stehen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12765
msgid "Also, please note that versions are not compared across repositories. The first repository (from left to right) that has at least one version of a given package will prevail over any others, and the version imported will be the latest one found @emph{in this repository only}."
msgstr "Beachten Sie ebenso, dass Versionsnummern mehrerer Repositorys @emph{nicht} verglichen werden, sondern einfach das Paket aus dem ersten Repository (von links nach rechts), das mindestens eine Version des angeforderten Pakets enthält, genommen wird und die importierte Version der neuesten @emph{aus nur diesem Repository} entspricht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12349 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12768 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12769
#, no-wrap
msgid "go"
msgstr "go"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12772
msgid "Import metadata for a Go module using @uref{https://proxy.golang.org, proxy.golang.org}."
msgstr "Metadaten für ein Go-Modul von @uref{https://proxy.golang.org, proxy.golang.org} importieren."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12775
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import go gopkg.in/yaml.v2\n"
msgstr "guix import go gopkg.in/yaml.v2\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12779
msgid "It is possible to use a package specification with a @code{@@VERSION} suffix to import a specific version."
msgstr "Es ist möglich, bei der Paketspezifikation ein Suffix @code{@@VERSION} anzugeben, um diese bestimmte Version zu importieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12788
#, no-wrap
msgid "--pin-versions"
msgstr "--pin-versions"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12796
msgid "When using this option, the importer preserves the exact versions of the Go modules dependencies instead of using their latest available versions. This can be useful when attempting to import packages that recursively depend on former versions of themselves to build. When using this mode, the symbol of the package is made by appending the version to its name, so that multiple versions of the same package can coexist."
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Option verwenden, behält der Importer genau diese Version der Go-Modul-Abhängigkeiten bei, statt die neuesten verfügbaren Versionen zu benutzen. Das kann hilfreich sein, wenn Sie versuchen, Pakete zu importieren, die für deren Erstellung rekursiv von alten Versionen ihrer selbst abhängen. Wenn Sie diesen Modus nutzen, wird das Symbol für das Paket durch Anhängen der Versionsnummer an seinen Namen gebildet, damit mehrere Versionen desselben Pakets gleichzeitig existieren können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12380
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12798 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12979
#, no-wrap
msgid "egg"
msgstr "egg"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12806
msgid "Import metadata for @uref{https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggs, CHICKEN eggs}. The information is taken from @file{PACKAGE.egg} files found in the @uref{git://code.call-cc.org/eggs-5-all, eggs-5-all} Git repository. However, it does not provide all the information that we need, there is no ``description'' field, and the licenses used are not always precise (BSD is often used instead of BSD-N)."
msgstr "Metadaten für @uref{https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggs, CHICKEN-Eggs} importieren. Die Informationen werden aus den @file{PAKET.egg}-Dateien genommen, die im Git-Repository @uref{git://code.call-cc.org/eggs-5-all, eggs-5-all} stehen. Jedoch gibt es dort nicht alle Informationen, die wir brauchen: Ein Feld für die Beschreibung (@code{description}) fehlt und die benutzten Lizenzen sind ungenau (oft wird BSD angegeben statt BSD-N)."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12809
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import egg sourcehut\n"
msgstr "guix import egg sourcehut\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12815
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix import egg arrays@@1.0\n"
msgstr "guix import egg arrays@@1.0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12830
msgid "The structure of the @command{guix import} code is modular. It would be useful to have more importers for other package formats, and your help is welcome here (@pxref{Contributing})."
msgstr "@command{guix import} verfügt über eine modulare Code-Struktur. Mehr Importer für andere Paketformate zu haben, wäre nützlich, und Ihre Hilfe ist hierbei gerne gesehen (siehe @ref{Contributing})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12832
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix refresh}"
msgstr "@command{guix refresh} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12834
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix refresh"
msgstr "guix refresh"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12842
msgid "The primary audience of the @command{guix refresh} command is packagers. As a user, you may be interested in the @option{--with-latest} option, which can bring you package update superpowers built upon @command{guix refresh} (@pxref{Package Transformation Options, @option{--with-latest}}). By default, @command{guix refresh} reports any packages provided by the distribution that are outdated compared to the latest upstream version, like this:"
msgstr "Die Zielgruppe des Befehls @command{guix refresh} zum Auffrischen von Paketen sind in erster Linie Paketautoren. Als Nutzer könnten Sie an der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--with-latest} Interesse haben, die auf @command{guix refresh} aufbaut, um Ihnen Superkräfte bei der Paketaktualisierung zu verleihen (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options, @option{--with-latest}}). Nach Vorgabe werden mit @command{guix refresh} alle Pakete in der Distribution gemeldet, die nicht der neuesten Version des Anbieters entsprechen, indem Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12847
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix refresh\n"
@@ -23123,12 +23891,12 @@ msgstr ""
"gnu/packages/glib.scm:77:12: glib would be upgraded from 2.34.3 to 2.37.0\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12851
msgid "Alternatively, one can specify packages to consider, in which case a warning is emitted for packages that lack an updater:"
msgstr "Alternativ können die zu betrachtenden Pakete dabei angegeben werden, was zur Ausgabe einer Warnung führt, wenn es für Pakete kein Aktualisierungsprogramm gibt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12856
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix refresh coreutils guile guile-ssh\n"
@@ -23140,17 +23908,17 @@ msgstr ""
"gnu/packages/guile.scm:136:12: guile would be upgraded from 2.0.12 to 2.0.13\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12865
msgid "@command{guix refresh} browses the upstream repository of each package and determines the highest version number of the releases therein. The command knows how to update specific types of packages: GNU packages, ELPA packages, etc.---see the documentation for @option{--type} below. There are many packages, though, for which it lacks a method to determine whether a new upstream release is available. However, the mechanism is extensible, so feel free to get in touch with us to add a new method!"
msgstr "@command{guix refresh} durchsucht die Paketsammlung beim Anbieter jedes Pakets und bestimmt, was die höchste Versionsnummer ist, zu der es dort eine Veröffentlichung gibt. Zum Befehl gehören Aktualisierungsprogramme, mit denen bestimmte Typen von Paketen automatisch aktualisiert werden können: GNU-Pakete, ELPA-Pakete usw.@:@tie{}— siehe die Dokumentation von @option{--type} unten. Es gibt jedoch auch viele Pakete, für die noch keine Methode enthalten ist, um das Vorhandensein einer neuen Veröffentlichung zu prüfen. Der Mechanismus ist aber erweiterbar, also können Sie gerne mit uns in Kontakt treten, wenn Sie eine neue Methode hinzufügen möchten!"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12870
msgid "Consider the packages specified, and all the packages upon which they depend."
msgstr "Hiermit werden die angegebenen Pakete betrachtet und außerdem alle Pakete, von denen sie abhängen."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12878
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix refresh --recursive coreutils\n"
@@ -23168,12 +23936,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12886
msgid "Sometimes the upstream name differs from the package name used in Guix, and @command{guix refresh} needs a little help. Most updaters honor the @code{upstream-name} property in package definitions, which can be used to that effect:"
msgstr "Manchmal unterscheidet sich der vom Anbieter benutzte Name von dem Paketnamen, der in Guix verwendet wird, so dass @command{guix refresh} etwas Unterstützung braucht. Die meisten Aktualisierungsprogramme folgen der Eigenschaft @code{upstream-name} in Paketdefinitionen, die diese Unterstützung bieten kann."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12893
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-public network-manager\n"
@@ -23189,325 +23957,325 @@ msgstr ""
" (properties '((upstream-name . \"NetworkManager\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12902
msgid "When passed @option{--update}, it modifies distribution source files to update the version numbers and source tarball hashes of those package recipes (@pxref{Defining Packages}). This is achieved by downloading each package's latest source tarball and its associated OpenPGP signature, authenticating the downloaded tarball against its signature using @command{gpgv}, and finally computing its hash---note that GnuPG must be installed and in @code{$PATH}; run @code{guix install gnupg} if needed."
msgstr "Wenn @option{--update} übergeben wird, werden die Quelldateien der Distribution verändert, so dass für diese Paketrezepte die aktuelle Version und die aktuelle Hash-Prüfsumme des Quellcode-Tarballs eingetragen wird (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Dazu werden der neueste Quellcode-Tarball jedes Pakets sowie die jeweils zugehörige OpenPGP-Signatur heruntergeladen; mit Letzterer wird der heruntergeladene Tarball gegen seine Signatur mit @command{gpgv} authentifiziert und schließlich dessen Hash berechnet. Beachten Sie, dass GnuPG dazu installiert sein und in @code{$PATH} vorkommen muss. Falls dies nicht der Fall ist, führen Sie @code{guix install gnupg} aus."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12908
msgid "When the public key used to sign the tarball is missing from the user's keyring, an attempt is made to automatically retrieve it from a public key server; when this is successful, the key is added to the user's keyring; otherwise, @command{guix refresh} reports an error."
msgstr "Wenn der öffentliche Schlüssel, mit dem der Tarball signiert wurde, im Schlüsselbund des Benutzers fehlt, wird versucht, ihn automatisch von einem Schlüssel-Server zu holen. Wenn das klappt, wird der Schlüssel zum Schlüsselbund des Benutzers hinzugefügt, ansonsten meldet @command{guix refresh} einen Fehler."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12910
msgid "The following options are supported:"
msgstr "Die folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen werden unterstützt:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12499 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12918 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13908
msgid "This is useful to precisely refer to a package, as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist nützlich, um genau ein bestimmtes Paket zu referenzieren, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12921
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix refresh -l -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) glibc-final)'\n"
msgstr "guix refresh -l -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) glibc-final)'\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12925
msgid "This command lists the dependents of the ``final'' libc (essentially all the packages)."
msgstr "Dieser Befehls listet auf, was alles von der „endgültigen“ Erstellung von libc abhängt (praktisch alle Pakete)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12926
#, no-wrap
msgid "--update"
msgstr "--update"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12927
#, no-wrap
msgid "-u"
msgstr "-u"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12931
msgid "Update distribution source files (package recipes) in place. This is usually run from a checkout of the Guix source tree (@pxref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed}):"
msgstr "Die Quelldateien der Distribution (die Paketrezepte) werden direkt „in place“ verändert. Normalerweise führen Sie dies aus einem Checkout des Guix-Quellbaums heraus aus (siehe @ref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12934
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -s non-core -u\n"
msgstr "$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -s non-core -u\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12937
msgid "@xref{Defining Packages}, for more information on package definitions."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Defining Packages} für mehr Informationen zu Paketdefinitionen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12938
#, no-wrap
msgid "--select=[@var{subset}]"
msgstr "--select=[@var{Teilmenge}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12939
#, no-wrap
msgid "-s @var{subset}"
msgstr "-s @var{Teilmenge}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12942
msgid "Select all the packages in @var{subset}, one of @code{core} or @code{non-core}."
msgstr "Wählt alle Pakete aus der @var{Teilmenge} aus, die entweder @code{core} oder @code{non-core} sein muss."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12949
msgid "The @code{core} subset refers to all the packages at the core of the distribution---i.e., packages that are used to build ``everything else''. This includes GCC, libc, Binutils, Bash, etc. Usually, changing one of these packages in the distribution entails a rebuild of all the others. Thus, such updates are an inconvenience to users in terms of build time or bandwidth used to achieve the upgrade."
msgstr "Die @code{core}-Teilmenge bezieht sich auf alle Pakete, die den Kern der Distribution ausmachen, d.h.@: Pakete, aus denen heraus „alles andere“ erstellt wird. Dazu gehören GCC, libc, Binutils, Bash und so weiter. In der Regel ist die Folge einer Änderung an einem dieser Pakete in der Distribution, dass alle anderen neu erstellt werden müssen. Daher sind solche Änderungen unangenehm für Nutzer, weil sie einiges an Erstellungszeit oder Bandbreite investieren müssen, um die Aktualisierung abzuschließen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12953
msgid "The @code{non-core} subset refers to the remaining packages. It is typically useful in cases where an update of the core packages would be inconvenient."
msgstr "Die @code{non-core}-Teilmenge bezieht sich auf die übrigen Pakete. Sie wird typischerweise dann benutzt, wenn eine Aktualisierung der Kernpakete zu viele Umstände machen würde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12958
msgid "Select all the packages from the manifest in @var{file}. This is useful to check if any packages of the user manifest can be updated."
msgstr "Wählt alle Pakete im in der @var{Datei} stehenden Manifest aus. Das ist nützlich, um zu überprüfen, welche Pakete aus dem Manifest des Nutzers aktualisiert werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12959
#, no-wrap
msgid "--type=@var{updater}"
msgstr "--type=@var{Aktualisierungsprogramm}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12960
#, no-wrap
msgid "-t @var{updater}"
msgstr "-t @var{Aktualisierungsprogramm}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12963
msgid "Select only packages handled by @var{updater} (may be a comma-separated list of updaters). Currently, @var{updater} may be one of:"
msgstr "Nur solche Pakete auswählen, die vom angegebenen @var{Aktualisierungsprogramm} behandelt werden. Es darf auch eine kommagetrennte Liste mehrerer Aktualisierungsprogramme angegeben werden. Zurzeit kann als @var{Aktualisierungsprogramm} eines der folgenden angegeben werden:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12967
msgid "the updater for GNU packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für GNU-Pakete,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12967
#, no-wrap
msgid "savannah"
msgstr "savannah"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12969
msgid "the updater for packages hosted at @uref{https://savannah.gnu.org, Savannah};"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm auf @uref{https://savannah.gnu.org, Savannah} angebotener Pakete,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12969
#, no-wrap
msgid "sourceforge"
msgstr "sourceforge"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12971
msgid "the updater for packages hosted at @uref{https://sourceforge.net, SourceForge};"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm auf @uref{https://sourceforge.net, SourceForge} angebotener Pakete,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12971
#, no-wrap
msgid "gnome"
msgstr "gnome"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12973
msgid "the updater for GNOME packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für GNOME-Pakete,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12973
#, no-wrap
msgid "kde"
msgstr "kde"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12975
msgid "the updater for KDE packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für KDE-Pakete,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12975
#, no-wrap
msgid "xorg"
msgstr "xorg"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12977
msgid "the updater for X.org packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für X.org-Pakete,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12977
#, no-wrap
msgid "kernel.org"
msgstr "kernel.org"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12979
msgid "the updater for packages hosted on kernel.org;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm auf kernel.org angebotener Pakete,"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12981
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggs/, Egg} packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://wiki.call-cc.org/eggs/, Egg-Pakete},"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12983
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://elpa.gnu.org/, ELPA} packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://elpa.gnu.org/, ELPA-Pakete},"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12985
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://cran.r-project.org/, CRAN} packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://cran.r-project.org/, CRAN-Pakete},"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12985
#, no-wrap
msgid "bioconductor"
msgstr "bioconductor"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12987
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://www.bioconductor.org/, Bioconductor} R packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für R-Pakete vom @uref{https://www.bioconductor.org/, Bioconductor},"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12989
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://www.cpan.org/, CPAN} packages;"
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://www.cpan.org/, CPAN-Pakete},"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12991
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://pypi.python.org, PyPI} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://pypi.python.org, PyPI-Pakete},"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12993
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://rubygems.org, RubyGems} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://rubygems.org, RubyGems-Pakete}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12993
#, no-wrap
msgid "github"
msgstr "github"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12995
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://github.com, GitHub} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://github.com, GitHub-Pakete}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12997
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://hackage.haskell.org, Hackage} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://hackage.haskell.org, Hackage-Pakete}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12999
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://www.stackage.org, Stackage} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://www.stackage.org, Stackage-Pakete}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13001
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://crates.io, Crates} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://crates.io, Crates-Pakete}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13001
#, no-wrap
msgid "launchpad"
msgstr "launchpad"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13003
msgid "the updater for @uref{https://launchpad.net, Launchpad} packages."
msgstr "Aktualisierungsprogramm für @uref{https://launchpad.net, Launchpad}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13003
#, no-wrap
msgid "generic-html"
msgstr "generic-html"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13006
msgid "a generic updater that crawls the HTML page where the source tarball of the package is hosted, when applicable."
msgstr "allgemeines Aktualisierungsprogramm, das mit einem Webcrawler die HTML-Seite, auf der der Quell-Tarball des Pakets angeboten wird, falls vorhanden, durchsucht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13007
#, no-wrap
msgid "generic-git"
msgstr "generic-git"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13012
msgid "a generic updater for packages hosted on Git repositories. It tries to be smart about parsing Git tag names, but if it is not able to parse the tag name and compare tags correctly, users can define the following properties for a package."
msgstr "allgemeines Aktualisierungsprogramm, das auf in Git-Repositorys angebotene Pakete anwendbar ist. Es wird versucht, Versionen anhand der Namen von Git-Tags zu erkennen, aber wenn Tag-Namen nicht korrekt zerteilt und verglichen werden, können Anwender die folgenden Eigenschaften im Paket festlegen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13014
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{release-tag-prefix}: a regular expression for matching a prefix of"
msgstr "@code{release-tag-prefix}: einen regulären Ausdruck, der zum Präfix des"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12597 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13016 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13019
msgid "the tag name."
msgstr "Tag-Namens passt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13017
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{release-tag-suffix}: a regular expression for matching a suffix of"
msgstr "@code{release-tag-suffix}: einen regulären Ausdruck, der zum Suffix des"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13020
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{release-tag-version-delimiter}: a string used as the delimiter in"
msgstr "@code{release-tag-version-delimiter}: eine Zeichenkette, die im"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13022
msgid "the tag name for separating the numbers of the version."
msgstr "Tag-Namen die Zahlen trennt, aus denen sich die Version zusammensetzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13023
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{accept-pre-releases}: by default, the updater will ignore"
msgstr "@code{accept-pre-releases}: ob Vorabveröffentlichungen berücksichtigt"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13026
msgid "pre-releases; to make it also look for pre-releases, set the this property to @code{#t}."
msgstr "werden sollen. Vorgegeben ist, sie zu ignorieren. Setzen Sie dies auf @code{#t}, um sie hinzuzunehmen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13037
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -23527,12 +24295,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (release-tag-version-delimiter . \":\"))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13044
msgid "For instance, the following command only checks for updates of Emacs packages hosted at @code{elpa.gnu.org} and for updates of CRAN packages:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel prüft folgender Befehl nur auf mögliche Aktualisierungen von auf @code{elpa.gnu.org} angebotenen Emacs-Paketen und von CRAN-Paketen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13049
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix refresh --type=elpa,cran\n"
@@ -23544,45 +24312,45 @@ msgstr ""
"gnu/packages/emacs.scm:856:13: emacs-auctex would be upgraded from 11.88.6 to 11.88.9\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13051
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-updaters"
msgstr "--list-updaters"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13052
#, no-wrap
msgid "-L"
msgstr "-L"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13054
msgid "List available updaters and exit (see @option{--type} above)."
msgstr "Eine Liste verfügbarer Aktualisierungsprogramme anzeigen und terminieren (siehe @option{--type} oben)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13057
msgid "For each updater, display the fraction of packages it covers; at the end, display the fraction of packages covered by all these updaters."
msgstr "Für jedes Aktualisierungsprogramm den Anteil der davon betroffenen Pakete anzeigen; zum Schluss wird der Gesamtanteil von irgendeinem Aktualisierungsprogramm betroffener Pakete angezeigt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13061
msgid "In addition, @command{guix refresh} can be passed one or more package names, as in this example:"
msgstr "An @command{guix refresh} können auch ein oder mehrere Paketnamen übergeben werden wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13064
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -u emacs idutils gcc@@4.8\n"
msgstr "$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -u emacs idutils gcc@@4.8\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13071
msgid "The command above specifically updates the @code{emacs} and @code{idutils} packages. The @option{--select} option would have no effect in this case. You might also want to update definitions that correspond to the packages installed in your profile:"
msgstr "Der Befehl oben aktualisiert speziell das @code{emacs}- und das @code{idutils}-Paket. Eine Befehlszeilenoption @option{--select} hätte dann keine Wirkung. Vielleicht möchten Sie auch die Definitionen zu den in Ihr Profil installierten Paketen aktualisieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13075
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ ./pre-inst-env guix refresh -u \\\n"
@@ -23592,39 +24360,39 @@ msgstr ""
" $(guix package --list-installed | cut -f1)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13081
msgid "When considering whether to upgrade a package, it is sometimes convenient to know which packages would be affected by the upgrade and should be checked for compatibility. For this the following option may be used when passing @command{guix refresh} one or more package names:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie sich fragen, ob ein Paket aktualisiert werden sollte oder nicht, kann es helfen, sich anzuschauen, welche Pakete von der Aktualisierung betroffen wären und auf Kompatibilität hin geprüft werden sollten. Dazu kann die folgende Befehlszeilenoption zusammen mit einem oder mehreren Paketnamen an @command{guix refresh} übergeben werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13084
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-dependent"
msgstr "--list-dependent"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12666 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13085 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13489
#, no-wrap
msgid "-l"
msgstr "-l"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13088
msgid "List top-level dependent packages that would need to be rebuilt as a result of upgrading one or more packages."
msgstr "Auflisten, welche abhängigen Pakete auf oberster Ebene neu erstellt werden müssten, wenn eines oder mehrere Pakete aktualisiert würden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13092
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix graph, the @code{reverse-package} type of @command{guix graph}}, for information on how to visualize the list of dependents of a package."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph, den @code{reverse-package}-Typ von @command{guix graph}} für Informationen dazu, wie Sie die Liste der Abhängigen eines Pakets visualisieren können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13098
msgid "Be aware that the @option{--list-dependent} option only @emph{approximates} the rebuilds that would be required as a result of an upgrade. More rebuilds might be required under some circumstances."
msgstr "Bedenken Sie, dass die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--list-dependent} das Ausmaß der nach einer Aktualisierungen benötigten Neuerstellungen nur @emph{annähert}. Es könnten auch unter Umständen mehr Neuerstellungen anfallen."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13103
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix refresh --list-dependent flex\n"
@@ -23636,23 +24404,23 @@ msgstr ""
"hop@@2.4.0 emacs-geiser@@0.13 notmuch@@0.18 mu@@ cflow@@1.4 idutils@@4.6 …\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13107
msgid "The command above lists a set of packages that could be built to check for compatibility with an upgraded @code{flex} package."
msgstr "Der oben stehende Befehl gibt einen Satz von Paketen aus, die Sie erstellen wollen könnten, um die Kompatibilität einer Aktualisierung des @code{flex}-Pakets beurteilen zu können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13110
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-transitive"
msgstr "--list-transitive"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13112
msgid "List all the packages which one or more packages depend upon."
msgstr "Die Pakete auflisten, von denen eines oder mehrere Pakete abhängen."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13117
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix refresh --list-transitive flex\n"
@@ -23664,60 +24432,60 @@ msgstr ""
"bison@@3.0.5 indent@@2.2.10 tar@@1.30 gzip@@1.9 bzip2@@1.0.6 xz@@5.2.4 file@@5.33 …\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13123
msgid "The command above lists a set of packages which, when changed, would cause @code{flex} to be rebuilt."
msgstr "Der oben stehende Befehl gibt einen Satz von Paketen aus, die, wenn sie geändert würden, eine Neuerstellung des @code{flex}-Pakets auslösen würden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13125
msgid "The following options can be used to customize GnuPG operation:"
msgstr "Mit den folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen können Sie das Verhalten von GnuPG anpassen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13128
#, no-wrap
msgid "--gpg=@var{command}"
msgstr "--gpg=@var{Befehl}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13131
msgid "Use @var{command} as the GnuPG 2.x command. @var{command} is searched for in @code{$PATH}."
msgstr "Den @var{Befehl} als GnuPG-2.x-Befehl einsetzen. Der @var{Befehl} wird im @code{$PATH} gesucht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13132
#, no-wrap
msgid "--keyring=@var{file}"
msgstr "--keyring=@var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13138
msgid "Use @var{file} as the keyring for upstream keys. @var{file} must be in the @dfn{keybox format}. Keybox files usually have a name ending in @file{.kbx} and the GNU@tie{}Privacy Guard (GPG) can manipulate these files (@pxref{kbxutil, @command{kbxutil},, gnupg, Using the GNU Privacy Guard}, for information on a tool to manipulate keybox files)."
msgstr "Die @var{Datei} als Schlüsselbund mit Anbieterschlüsseln verwenden. Die @var{Datei} muss im @dfn{Keybox-Format} vorliegen. Keybox-Dateien haben normalerweise einen Namen, der auf @file{.kbx} endet. Sie können mit Hilfe von GNU@tie{}Privacy Guard (GPG) bearbeitet werden (siehe @ref{kbxutil, @command{kbxutil},, gnupg, Using the GNU Privacy Guard} für Informationen über ein Werkzeug zum Bearbeiten von Keybox-Dateien)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13144
msgid "When this option is omitted, @command{guix refresh} uses @file{~/.config/guix/upstream/trustedkeys.kbx} as the keyring for upstream signing keys. OpenPGP signatures are checked against keys from this keyring; missing keys are downloaded to this keyring as well (see @option{--key-download} below)."
msgstr "Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption nicht angegeben wird, benutzt @command{guix refresh} die Keybox-Datei @file{~/.config/guix/upstream/trustedkeys.kbx} als Schlüsselbund für Signierschlüssel von Anbietern. OpenPGP-Signaturen werden mit Schlüsseln aus diesem Schlüsselbund überprüft; fehlende Schlüssel werden auch in diesen Schlüsselbund heruntergeladen (siehe @option{--key-download} unten)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13147
msgid "You can export keys from your default GPG keyring into a keybox file using commands like this one:"
msgstr "Sie können Schlüssel aus Ihrem normalerweise benutzten GPG-Schlüsselbund in eine Keybox-Datei exportieren, indem Sie Befehle wie diesen benutzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13150
#, no-wrap
msgid "gpg --export rms@@gnu.org | kbxutil --import-openpgp >> mykeyring.kbx\n"
msgstr "gpg --export rms@@gnu.org | kbxutil --import-openpgp >> mykeyring.kbx\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13153
msgid "Likewise, you can fetch keys to a specific keybox file like this:"
msgstr "Ebenso können Sie wie folgt Schlüssel in eine bestimmte Keybox-Datei herunterladen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13157
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring mykeyring.kbx \\\n"
@@ -23727,83 +24495,93 @@ msgstr ""
" --recv-keys @value{OPENPGP-SIGNING-KEY-ID}\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13161
msgid "@xref{GPG Configuration Options, @option{--keyring},, gnupg, Using the GNU Privacy Guard}, for more information on GPG's @option{--keyring} option."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{GPG Configuration Options, @option{--keyring},, gnupg, Using the GNU Privacy Guard} für mehr Informationen zur Befehlszeilenoption @option{--keyring} von GPG."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13165
msgid "Handle missing OpenPGP keys according to @var{policy}, which may be one of:"
msgstr "Fehlende OpenPGP-Schlüssel gemäß dieser @var{Richtlinie} behandeln, für die eine der Folgenden angegeben werden kann:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12748 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12871
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13167 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22769
#, no-wrap
msgid "always"
msgstr "always"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13170
msgid "Always download missing OpenPGP keys from the key server, and add them to the user's GnuPG keyring."
msgstr "Immer fehlende OpenPGP-Schlüssel herunterladen und zum GnuPG-Schlüsselbund des Nutzers hinzufügen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12752 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13171 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22771
#, no-wrap
msgid "never"
msgstr "never"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13173
msgid "Never try to download missing OpenPGP keys. Instead just bail out."
msgstr "Niemals fehlende OpenPGP-Schlüssel herunterladen, sondern einfach abbrechen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13174
#, no-wrap
msgid "interactive"
msgstr "interactive"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13177
msgid "When a package signed with an unknown OpenPGP key is encountered, ask the user whether to download it or not. This is the default behavior."
msgstr "Ist ein Paket mit einem unbekannten OpenPGP-Schlüssel signiert, wird der Nutzer gefragt, ob der Schlüssel heruntergeladen werden soll oder nicht. Dies entspricht dem vorgegebenen Verhalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13179
#, no-wrap
msgid "--key-server=@var{host}"
msgstr "--key-server=@var{Host}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13181
msgid "Use @var{host} as the OpenPGP key server when importing a public key."
msgstr "Den mit @var{Host} bezeichneten Rechner als Schlüsselserver für OpenPGP benutzen, wenn ein öffentlicher Schlüssel importiert wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13201
msgid "The @code{github} updater uses the @uref{https://developer.github.com/v3/, GitHub API} to query for new releases. When used repeatedly e.g.@: when refreshing all packages, GitHub will eventually refuse to answer any further API requests. By default 60 API requests per hour are allowed, and a full refresh on all GitHub packages in Guix requires more than this. Authentication with GitHub through the use of an API token alleviates these limits. To use an API token, set the environment variable @env{GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN} to a token procured from @uref{https://github.com/settings/tokens} or otherwise."
msgstr "Das @code{github}-Aktualisierungsprogramm benutzt die @uref{https://developer.github.com/v3/, GitHub-Programmierschnittstelle} (die „Github-API“), um Informationen über neue Veröffentlichungen einzuholen. Geschieht dies oft, z.B.@: beim Auffrischen aller Pakete, so wird GitHub irgendwann aufhören, weitere API-Anfragen zu beantworten. Normalerweise sind 60 API-Anfragen pro Stunde erlaubt, für eine vollständige Auffrischung aller GitHub-Pakete in Guix werden aber mehr benötigt. Wenn Sie sich bei GitHub mit Ihrem eigenen API-Token authentisieren, gelten weniger einschränkende Grenzwerte. Um einen API-Token zu benutzen, setzen Sie die Umgebungsvariable @env{GUIX_GITHUB_TOKEN} auf einen von @uref{https://github.com/settings/tokens} oder anderweitig bezogenen API-Token."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13204
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix style}"
msgstr "@command{guix style} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12791
-msgid "The @command{guix style} command helps packagers style their package definitions according to the latest fashionable trends. The command currently focuses on one aspect: the style of package inputs. It may eventually be extended to handle other stylistic matters."
-msgstr "Mit dem Befehl @command{guix style} können Paketentwickler Ihre Paketdefinitionen entsprechend der aktuell modischen Trends umgestalten. Im Moment liegt der Fokus des Befehls auf einem Aspekt, nämlich dem Stil der Paketeingaben. Später wird der Befehl vielleicht um andere stilistische Fragen erweitert."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13209
+msgid "The @command{guix style} command helps packagers style their package definitions according to the latest fashionable trends. The command currently provides the following styling rules:"
+msgstr "Mit dem Befehl @command{guix style} können Paketentwickler Ihre Paketdefinitionen entsprechend der aktuell modischen Trends umgestalten. Im Moment werden Regeln für die folgenden Stilfragen angeboten:"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13214
+msgid "formatting package definitions according to the project's conventions (@pxref{Formatting Code});"
+msgstr "Den Stil der Paketeingaben nach den Projektkonventionen auszurichten (siehe @ref{Formatting Code}), sowie"
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13217
+msgid "rewriting package inputs to the ``new style'', as explained below."
+msgstr "Paketeingaben in den „neuen Stil“ umzuschreiben, wie unten erklärt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13223
msgid "The way package inputs are written is going through a transition (@pxref{package Reference}, for more on package inputs). Until version 1.3.0, package inputs were written using the ``old style'', where each input was given an explicit label, most of the time the package name:"
msgstr "Zurzeit läuft eine Umstellung der Notation, wie Paketeingaben aufgeschrieben werden (siehe @ref{package Reference}, für weitere Informationen zu Paketeingaben). Bis Version 1.3.0 wurden Paketeingaben im „alten Stil“ verfasst, d.h.@: man schrieb zu jeder Eingabe ausdrücklich eine Bezeichnung dazu, in der Regel der Paketname:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13230
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -23819,12 +24597,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"libffi\" ,libffi))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13234
msgid "Today, the old style is deprecated and the preferred style looks like this:"
msgstr "Der alte Stil gilt heute als veraltet. Der bevorzugte Stil sieht so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13240
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -23838,267 +24616,328 @@ msgstr ""
" (inputs (list libunistring libffi)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13245
msgid "Likewise, uses of @code{alist-delete} and friends to manipulate inputs is now deprecated in favor of @code{modify-inputs} (@pxref{Defining Package Variants}, for more info on @code{modify-inputs})."
msgstr "Ebenso gilt als veraltet, Eingaben mit @code{alist-delete} und seinen Freunden zu verarbeiten; bevorzugt wird @code{modify-inputs} (siehe @ref{Defining Package Variants} für weitere Informationen zu @code{modify-inputs})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12823
-msgid "In the vast majority of cases, this is a purely mechanical change on the surface syntax that does not even incur a package rebuild. Running @command{guix style} can do that for you, whether you're working on packages in Guix proper or in an external channel."
-msgstr "In den allermeisten Fällen ist das eine rein mechanische Änderung der oberflächlichen Syntax und die Pakete müssen dazu nicht einmal neu erstellt werden. Diese kann @command{guix style} für Sie übernehmen, egal ob Sie an Paketen innerhalb des eigentlichen Guix oder in einem externen Kanal arbeiten."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13250
+msgid "In the vast majority of cases, this is a purely mechanical change on the surface syntax that does not even incur a package rebuild. Running @command{guix style -S inputs} can do that for you, whether you're working on packages in Guix proper or in an external channel."
+msgstr "In den allermeisten Fällen ist das eine rein mechanische Änderung der oberflächlichen Syntax und die Pakete müssen dazu nicht einmal neu erstellt werden. Diese kann @command{guix style -S inputs} für Sie übernehmen, egal ob Sie an Paketen innerhalb des eigentlichen Guix oder in einem externen Kanal arbeiten."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13255
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix style [@var{options}] @var{package}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix style [@var{Optionen}] @var{Paket}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12834
-msgid "This causes @command{guix style} to analyze and rewrite the definition of @var{package}@dots{}. It does so in a conservative way: preserving comments and bailing out if it cannot make sense of the code that appears in an inputs field. The available options are listed below."
-msgstr "Damit wird sich @command{guix style} der Analyse und Umschreibung der Definition von @var{Paket}… annehmen. Das geschieht auf konservative Art: Kommentare bleiben erhalten und wenn es den Code in einem @code{inputs}-Feld @emph{nicht} erfassen kann, gibt @command{guix style} auf. Folgende Befehlszeilenoptionen sind verfügbar."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13262
+msgid "This causes @command{guix style} to analyze and rewrite the definition of @var{package}@dots{} or, when @var{package} is omitted, of @emph{all} the packages. The @option{--styling} or @option{-S} option allows you to select the style rule, the default rule being @code{format}---see below."
+msgstr "Damit wird sich @command{guix style} der Analyse und Umschreibung der Definition von @var{Paket}… annehmen. Wenn Sie kein @var{Paket} angeben, nimmt es sich @emph{alle} Pakete vor. Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--styling} oder @option{-S} können Sie auswählen, nach welcher Stilregel @command{guix style} vorgeht. Vorgegeben ist die @code{format}-Regel, siehe unten."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13264 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14583
+msgid "The available options are listed below."
+msgstr "Die verfügbaren Befehlszeilenoptionen folgen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13269
msgid "Show source file locations that would be edited but do not modify them."
msgstr "Anzeigen, welche Stellen im Quellcode verändert würden, sie jedoch nicht verändern."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13270
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "--styling=@var{rule}"
+msgstr "--styling=@var{Regel}"
+#. type: itemx
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13271
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "-S @var{rule}"
+msgstr "-S @var{Regel}"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13273
+msgid "Apply @var{rule}, one of the following styling rules:"
+msgstr "Die @var{Regel} anwenden, die eine der folgenden Stilregeln sein muss:"
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13275
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "format"
+msgstr "format"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13280
+msgid "Format the given package definition(s)---this is the default styling rule. For example, a packager running Guix on a checkout (@pxref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed}) might want to reformat the definition of the Coreutils package like so:"
+msgstr "Die angegebene Paketdefinition bzw.@: mehrere Paketdefinitionen formatieren. Das ist die voreingestellte Stilregel. Wenn zum Beispiel eine Paketautorin, die Guix aus einem Checkout heraus ausführt (siehe @ref{Running Guix Before It Is Installed}), die Definition des Coreutils-Pakets formatieren wollte, würde sie das machen:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13283
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "./pre-inst-env guix style coreutils\n"
+msgstr "./pre-inst-env guix style coreutils\n"
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13285
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "inputs"
+msgstr "inputs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13289
+msgid "Rewrite package inputs to the ``new style'', as described above. This is how you would rewrite inputs of package @code{whatnot} in your own channel:"
+msgstr "Paketeingaben in den oben beschriebenen „neuen Stil“ umschreiben. Hiermit würden Sie die Eingaben des Pakets @code{oderso} in Ihrem eigenen Kanal umschreiben:"
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13292
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix style -L ~/my/channel -S inputs whatnot\n"
+msgstr "guix style -L ~/eigener/kanal -S inputs oderso\n"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13298
+msgid "Rewriting is done in a conservative way: preserving comments and bailing out if it cannot make sense of the code that appears in an inputs field. The @option{--input-simplification} option described below provides fine-grain control over when inputs should be simplified."
+msgstr "Die Umschreibung geschieht auf konservative Art: Kommentare bleiben erhalten und wenn es den Code in einem @code{inputs}-Feld @emph{nicht} erfassen kann, gibt @command{guix style} auf. Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--input-simplification} ermöglicht, genau zu bestimmen, unter welchen Voraussetzungen Eingaben vereinfacht werden sollen."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13308
msgid "Style the package @var{expr} evaluates to."
msgstr "Das Paket umgestalten, zu dem der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13313
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix style -e '(@@ (gnu packages gcc) gcc-5)'\n"
msgstr "guix style -e '(@@ (gnu packages gcc) gcc-5)'\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13316
msgid "styles the @code{gcc-5} package definition."
msgstr "ändert den Stil der Paketdefinition für @code{gcc-5}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13317
#, no-wrap
msgid "--input-simplification=@var{policy}"
msgstr "--input-simplification=@var{Richtlinie}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12861
-msgid "Specify the package input simplification policy for cases where an input label does not match the corresponding package name. @var{policy} may be one of the following:"
-msgstr "Hiermit geben Sie die Richtlinie zur Vereinfachung der Paketeingaben für die Fälle an, wenn eine Eingabenbezeichnung nicht zum damit assoziierten Paketnamen passt. Die @var{Richtlinie} kann eine der folgenden sein:"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13322
+msgid "When using the @code{inputs} styling rule, with @samp{-S inputs}, this option specifies the package input simplification policy for cases where an input label does not match the corresponding package name. @var{policy} may be one of the following:"
+msgstr "Wenn Sie die Stilregel @code{inputs} verwenden, als @samp{-S inputs}, geben Sie hiermit die Richtlinie zur Vereinfachung der Paketeingaben für die Fälle an, wenn eine Eingabenbezeichnung nicht zum damit assoziierten Paketnamen passt. Die @var{Richtlinie} kann eine der folgenden sein:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13324
#, no-wrap
msgid "silent"
msgstr "silent"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12866
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13327
msgid "Simplify inputs only when the change is ``silent'', meaning that the package does not need to be rebuilt (its derivation is unchanged)."
msgstr "Die Eingaben nur vereinfachen, wenn die Änderung unmerklich sind, in dem Sinne, dass das Paket nicht aufs Neue erstellt werden muss (seine Ableitung also dieselbe bleibt)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13328
#, no-wrap
msgid "safe"
msgstr "safe"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13331
msgid "Simplify inputs only when that is ``safe'' to do: the package might need to be rebuilt, but the change is known to have no observable effect."
msgstr "Die Eingaben nur vereinfachen, wenn dies keine Probleme mit sich bringt. Hier darf das Paket neu erstellt werden müssen, aber die Änderung daran hat keine beobachtbaren Auswirkungen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13335
msgid "Simplify inputs even when input labels do not match package names, and even if that might have an observable effect."
msgstr "Die Eingaben selbst dann vereinfachen, wenn die Eingabebezeichnungen @emph{nicht} zu den Paketnamen passen, obwohl das Auswirkungen haben könnte."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13339
msgid "The default is @code{silent}, meaning that input simplifications do not trigger any package rebuild."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @code{silent}, also nur unmerkliche Vereinfachungen, die keine Neuerstellung auslösen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13342
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix lint}"
msgstr "@command{guix lint} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13344
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix lint"
msgstr "guix lint"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13345
#, no-wrap
msgid "package, checking for errors"
msgstr "Pakete, auf Fehler prüfen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13351
msgid "The @command{guix lint} command is meant to help package developers avoid common errors and use a consistent style. It runs a number of checks on a given set of packages in order to find common mistakes in their definitions. Available @dfn{checkers} include (see @option{--list-checkers} for a complete list):"
msgstr "Den Befehl @command{guix lint} gibt es, um Paketentwicklern beim Vermeiden häufiger Fehler und bei der Einhaltung eines konsistenten Code-Stils zu helfen. Er führt eine Reihe von Prüfungen auf einer angegebenen Menge von Paketen durch, um in deren Definition häufige Fehler aufzuspüren. Zu den verfügbaren @dfn{Prüfern} gehören (siehe @option{--list-checkers} für eine vollständige Liste):"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13357
msgid "Validate certain typographical and stylistic rules about package descriptions and synopses."
msgstr "Überprüfen, ob bestimmte typografische und stilistische Regeln in Paketbeschreibungen und -zusammenfassungen eingehalten wurden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13358
#, no-wrap
msgid "inputs-should-be-native"
msgstr "inputs-should-be-native"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13360
msgid "Identify inputs that should most likely be native inputs."
msgstr "Eingaben identifizieren, die wahrscheinlich native Eingaben sein sollten."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13363
#, no-wrap
msgid "mirror-url"
msgstr "mirror-url"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13364
#, no-wrap
msgid "github-url"
msgstr "github-url"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13365
#, no-wrap
msgid "source-file-name"
msgstr "source-file-name"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13372
msgid "Probe @code{home-page} and @code{source} URLs and report those that are invalid. Suggest a @code{mirror://} URL when applicable. If the @code{source} URL redirects to a GitHub URL, recommend usage of the GitHub URL@. Check that the source file name is meaningful, e.g.@: is not just a version number or ``git-checkout'', without a declared @code{file-name} (@pxref{origin Reference})."
msgstr "Die URLs für die Felder @code{home-page} und @code{source} anrufen und nicht erreichbare URLs melden. Wenn passend, wird eine @code{mirror://}-URL vorgeschlagen. Wenn die Quell-URL auf eine GitHub-URL weiterleitet, wird eine Empfehlung ausgegeben, direkt letztere zu verwenden. Es wird geprüft, dass der Quell-Dateiname aussagekräftig ist, dass er also z.B.@: nicht nur aus einer Versionsnummer besteht oder als „git-checkout“ angegeben wurde, ohne dass ein @code{Dateiname} deklariert wurde (siehe @ref{origin Reference})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13373
#, no-wrap
msgid "source-unstable-tarball"
msgstr "source-unstable-tarball"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13377
msgid "Parse the @code{source} URL to determine if a tarball from GitHub is autogenerated or if it is a release tarball. Unfortunately GitHub's autogenerated tarballs are sometimes regenerated."
msgstr "Analysiert die @code{source}-URL, um zu bestimmen, ob der Tarball von GitHub automatisch generiert wurde oder zu einer Veröffentlichung gehört. Leider werden GitHubs automatisch generierte Tarballs manchmal neu generiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13381
msgid "Check that the derivation of the given packages can be successfully computed for all the supported systems (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Prüft, ob die Ableitung der angegebenen Pakete auf allen unterstützten Systmen erfolgreich berechnet werden kann (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13382
#, no-wrap
msgid "profile-collisions"
msgstr "profile-collisions"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13388
msgid "Check whether installing the given packages in a profile would lead to collisions. Collisions occur when several packages with the same name but a different version or a different store file name are propagated. @xref{package Reference, @code{propagated-inputs}}, for more information on propagated inputs."
msgstr "Prüft, ob die Installation der angegebenen Pakete in ein Profil zu Kollisionen führen würde. Kollisionen treten auf, wenn mehrere Pakete mit demselben Namen aber anderer Versionsnummer oder anderem Store-Dateinamen propagiert werden. Siehe @ref{package Reference, @code{propagated-inputs}} für weitere Informationen zu propagierten Eingaben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13389
#, no-wrap
msgid "archival"
msgstr "archival"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13390
#, no-wrap
msgid "Software Heritage, source code archive"
msgstr "Software Heritage, Quellcode-Archiv"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13391
#, no-wrap
msgid "archival of source code, Software Heritage"
msgstr "Archivierung von Quellcode, Software Heritage"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13394
msgid "Checks whether the package's source code is archived at @uref{https://www.softwareheritage.org, Software Heritage}."
msgstr "Überprüft, ob der Quellcode des Pakets bei der @uref{https://www.softwareheritage.org, Software Heritage} archiviert ist."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13402
msgid "When the source code that is not archived comes from a version-control system (VCS)---e.g., it's obtained with @code{git-fetch}, send Software Heritage a ``save'' request so that it eventually archives it. This ensures that the source will remain available in the long term, and that Guix can fall back to Software Heritage should the source code disappear from its original host. The status of recent ``save'' requests can be @uref{https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/#requests, viewed on-line}."
msgstr "Wenn der noch nicht archivierte Quellcode aus einem Versionskontrollsystem („Version Control System“, VCS) stammt, wenn er also z.B.@: mit @code{git-fetch} bezogen wird, wird eine Anfrage an Software Heritage gestellt, diesen zu speichern („Save“), damit sie ihn irgendwann in deren Archiv aufnehmen. So wird gewährleistet, dass der Quellcode langfristig verfügbar bleibt und Guix notfalls auf Software Heritage zurückgreifen kann, falls der Quellcode bei seinem ursprünglichen Anbieter verschwindet. Der Status kürzlicher Archivierungsanfragen kann @uref{https://archive.softwareheritage.org/save/#requests, online eingesehen werden}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13407
msgid "When source code is a tarball obtained with @code{url-fetch}, simply print a message when it is not archived. As of this writing, Software Heritage does not allow requests to save arbitrary tarballs; we are working on ways to ensure that non-VCS source code is also archived."
msgstr "Wenn der Quellcode in Form eines über @code{url-fetch} zu beziehenden Tarballs vorliegt, wird bloß eine Nachricht ausgegeben, wenn er nicht archiviert ist. Zum Zeitpunkt, wo dies geschrieben wurde, ermöglicht Software Heritage keine Anfragen, beliebige Tarballs zu archivieren; wir arbeiten an Möglichkeiten wie auch @emph{nicht} versionskontrollierter Quellcode archiviert werden kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13413
msgid "Software Heritage @uref{https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/#rate-limiting, limits the request rate per IP address}. When the limit is reached, @command{guix lint} prints a message and the @code{archival} checker stops doing anything until that limit has been reset."
msgstr "Software Heritage @uref{https://archive.softwareheritage.org/api/#rate-limiting, beschränkt}, wie schnell dieselbe IP-Adresse Anfragen stellen kann. Ist das Limit erreicht, gibt @command{guix lint} eine Mitteilung aus und der @code{archival}-Prüfer steht so lange still, bis die Beschränkung wieder zurückgesetzt wurde."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13414
#, no-wrap
msgid "cve"
msgstr "cve"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12954 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13415 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38629
#, no-wrap
msgid "security vulnerabilities"
msgstr "Sicherheitslücken"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13416
#, no-wrap
msgid "CVE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures"
msgstr "CVE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13421
msgid "Report known vulnerabilities found in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) databases of the current and past year @uref{https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/data-feeds, published by the US NIST}."
msgstr "Bekannte Sicherheitslücken melden, die in den Datenbanken der „Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures“ (CVE) aus diesem und dem letzten Jahr vorkommen, @uref{https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/data-feeds, wie sie von der US-amerikanischen NIST veröffentlicht werden}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13423
msgid "To view information about a particular vulnerability, visit pages such as:"
msgstr "Um Informationen über eine bestimmte Sicherheitslücke angezeigt zu bekommen, besuchen Sie Webseiten wie:"
#. type: indicateurl{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13427
msgid "https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-YYYY-ABCD"
msgstr "https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-YYYY-ABCD"
#. type: indicateurl{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13429
msgid "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-YYYY-ABCD"
msgstr "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-YYYY-ABCD"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13434
msgid "where @code{CVE-YYYY-ABCD} is the CVE identifier---e.g., @code{CVE-2015-7554}."
msgstr "wobei Sie statt @code{CVE-YYYY-ABCD} die CVE-Kennnummer angeben@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{CVE-2015-7554}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12978
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13439
msgid "Package developers can specify in package recipes the @uref{https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe,Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)} name and version of the package when they differ from the name or version that Guix uses, as in this example:"
msgstr "Paketentwickler können in ihren Paketrezepten den Namen und die Version des Pakets in der @uref{https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe,Common Platform Enumeration (CPE)} angeben, falls sich diese von dem in Guix benutzten Namen und der Version unterscheiden, zum Beispiel so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13447
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -24116,12 +24955,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (cpe-version . \"2.3\"))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:12993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13454
msgid "Some entries in the CVE database do not specify which version of a package they apply to, and would thus ``stick around'' forever. Package developers who found CVE alerts and verified they can be ignored can declare them as in this example:"
msgstr "Manche Einträge in der CVE-Datenbank geben die Version des Pakets nicht an, auf das sie sich beziehen, und würden daher bis in alle Ewigkeit Warnungen auslösen. Paketentwickler, die CVE-Warnmeldungen gefunden und geprüft haben, dass diese ignoriert werden können, können sie wie in diesem Beispiel deklarieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13464
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -24144,124 +24983,124 @@ msgstr ""
" \"CVE-2011-5244\")))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13466
#, no-wrap
msgid "formatting"
msgstr "formatting"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13469
msgid "Warn about obvious source code formatting issues: trailing white space, use of tabulations, etc."
msgstr "Offensichtliche Fehler bei der Formatierung von Quellcode melden, z.B.@: Leerraum-Zeichen am Zeilenende oder Nutzung von Tabulatorzeichen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13009
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13470
#, no-wrap
msgid "input-labels"
msgstr "input-labels"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13476
msgid "Report old-style input labels that do not match the name of the corresponding package. This aims to help migrate from the ``old input style''. @xref{package Reference}, for more information on package inputs and input styles. @xref{Invoking guix style}, on how to migrate to the new style."
msgstr "Eingabebezeichnungen im alten Stil melden, die nicht dem Namen des damit assoziierten Pakets entsprechen. Diese Funktionalität soll bei der Migration weg vom „alten Eingabenstil“ helfen. Siehe @ref{package Reference}, um mehr Informationen über Paketeingaben und Eingabenstile zu bekommen. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix style} für Informationen, wie Sie zum neuen Stil migrieren können."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13482
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix lint @var{options} @var{package}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix lint @var{Optionen} @var{Pakete}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13486
msgid "If no package is given on the command line, then all packages are checked. The @var{options} may be zero or more of the following:"
msgstr "Wird kein Paket auf der Befehlszeile angegeben, dann werden alle Pakete geprüft, die es gibt. Als @var{Optionen} können null oder mehr der folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen übergeben werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13488
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-checkers"
msgstr "--list-checkers"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13492
msgid "List and describe all the available checkers that will be run on packages and exit."
msgstr "Alle verfügbaren Prüfer für die Pakete auflisten und beschreiben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13493
#, no-wrap
msgid "--checkers"
msgstr "--checkers"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13494
#, no-wrap
msgid "-c"
msgstr "-c"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13497
msgid "Only enable the checkers specified in a comma-separated list using the names returned by @option{--list-checkers}."
msgstr "Nur die Prüfer aktivieren, die hiernach in einer kommagetrennten Liste aus von @option{--list-checkers} aufgeführten Prüfern vorkommen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13498
#, no-wrap
msgid "--exclude"
msgstr "--exclude"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13502
msgid "Only disable the checkers specified in a comma-separated list using the names returned by @option{--list-checkers}."
msgstr "Nur die Prüfer deaktivieren, die hiernach in einer kommagetrennten Liste aus von @option{--list-checkers} aufgeführten Prüfern vorkommen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13503
#, no-wrap
msgid "--no-network"
msgstr "--no-network"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13506
msgid "Only enable the checkers that do not depend on Internet access."
msgstr "Nur die Prüfer aktivieren, die keinen Internetzugang benötigen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13518
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix size}"
msgstr "@command{guix size} aufrufen"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13059 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13520 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36228
#, no-wrap
msgid "size"
msgstr "Größe"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13521
#, no-wrap
msgid "package size"
msgstr "Paketgröße"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13523
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix size"
msgstr "guix size"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13530
msgid "The @command{guix size} command helps package developers profile the disk usage of packages. It is easy to overlook the impact of an additional dependency added to a package, or the impact of using a single output for a package that could easily be split (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Such are the typical issues that @command{guix size} can highlight."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix size} hilft Paketentwicklern dabei, den Plattenplatzverbrauch von Paketen zu profilieren. Es ist leicht, die Auswirkungen zu unterschätzen, die das Hinzufügen zusätzlicher Abhängigkeiten zu einem Paket hat oder die das Verwenden einer einzelnen Ausgabe für ein leicht aufteilbares Paket ausmacht (siehe @ref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Das sind typische Probleme, auf die @command{guix size} aufmerksam machen kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13535
msgid "The command can be passed one or more package specifications such as @code{gcc@@4.8} or @code{guile:debug}, or a file name in the store. Consider this example:"
msgstr "Dem Befehl können eine oder mehrere Paketspezifikationen wie @code{gcc@@4.8} oder @code{guile:debug} übergeben werden, oder ein Dateiname im Store. Betrachten Sie dieses Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13548
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix size coreutils\n"
@@ -24289,54 +25128,54 @@ msgstr ""
"Gesamt: 78.9 MiB\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13554
msgid "The store items listed here constitute the @dfn{transitive closure} of Coreutils---i.e., Coreutils and all its dependencies, recursively---as would be returned by:"
msgstr "Die hier aufgelisteten Store-Objekte bilden den @dfn{transitiven Abschluss} der Coreutils@tie{}— d.h.@: die Coreutils und all ihre Abhängigkeiten und deren Abhängigkeiten, rekursiv@tie{}—, wie sie hiervon angezeigt würden:<f"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13557
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix gc -R /gnu/store/@dots{}-coreutils-8.23\n"
msgstr "$ guix gc -R /gnu/store/…-coreutils-8.23\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13565
msgid "Here the output shows three columns next to store items. The first column, labeled ``total'', shows the size in mebibytes (MiB) of the closure of the store item---that is, its own size plus the size of all its dependencies. The next column, labeled ``self'', shows the size of the item itself. The last column shows the ratio of the size of the item itself to the space occupied by all the items listed here."
msgstr "Hier zeigt die Ausgabe neben den Store-Objekten noch drei Spalten. Die erste Spalte namens „Gesamt“ gibt wieder, wie viele Mebibytes (MiB) der Abschluss des Store-Objekts groß ist@tie{}— das heißt, dessen eigene Größe plus die Größe all seiner Abhängigkeiten. Die nächste Spalte, bezeichnet mit „Selbst“, zeigt die Größe nur dieses Objekts an. Die letzte Spalte zeigt das Verhältnis der Größe des Objekts zur Gesamtgröße aller hier aufgelisteten Objekte an."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13571
msgid "In this example, we see that the closure of Coreutils weighs in at 79@tie{}MiB, most of which is taken by libc and GCC's run-time support libraries. (That libc and GCC's libraries represent a large fraction of the closure is not a problem @i{per se} because they are always available on the system anyway.)"
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel sehen wir, dass der Abschluss der Coreutils 79@tie{}MiB schwer ist, wovon das meiste durch libc und die Bibliotheken zur Laufzeitunterstützung von GCC ausgemacht wird. (Dass libc und die Bibliotheken vom GCC einen großen Anteil am Abschluss ausmachen, ist aber an sich noch kein Problem, weil es Bibliotheken sind, die auf dem System sowieso immer verfügbar sein müssen.)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13574
msgid "Since the command also accepts store file names, assessing the size of a build result is straightforward:"
msgstr "Weil der Befehl auch Namen von Store-Dateien akzeptiert, kann man damit auch die Größe eines Erstellungsergebnisses ermitteln:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13577
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix size $(guix system build config.scm)\n"
msgstr "guix size $(guix system build config.scm)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13587
msgid "When the package(s) passed to @command{guix size} are available in the store@footnote{More precisely, @command{guix size} looks for the @emph{ungrafted} variant of the given package(s), as returned by @code{guix build @var{package} --no-grafts}. @xref{Security Updates}, for information on grafts.}, @command{guix size} queries the daemon to determine its dependencies, and measures its size in the store, similar to @command{du -ms --apparent-size} (@pxref{du invocation,,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils})."
msgstr "Wenn das oder die Paket(e), die an @command{guix size} übergeben wurden, im Store verfügbar sind@footnote{Genauer gesagt braucht @command{guix size} die @emph{nicht veredelte} Variante des angegebenen Pakets bzw. der Pakete, wie @code{guix build @var{Paket} --no-grafts} sie liefert. Siehe @ref{Security Updates} für Informationen über Veredelungen.}, beauftragen Sie mit @command{guix size} den Daemon, die Abhängigkeiten davon zu bestimmen und deren Größe im Store zu messen, ähnlich wie es mit @command{du -ms --apparent-size} geschehen würde (siehe @ref{du invocation,,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13592
msgid "When the given packages are @emph{not} in the store, @command{guix size} reports information based on the available substitutes (@pxref{Substitutes}). This makes it possible it to profile disk usage of store items that are not even on disk, only available remotely."
msgstr "Wenn die übergebenen Pakete @emph{nicht} im Store liegen, erstattet @command{guix size} Bericht mit Informationen, die aus verfügbaren Substituten herausgelesen werden (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Dadurch kann die Plattenausnutzung von Store-Objekten profiliert werden, die gar nicht auf der Platte liegen und nur auf entfernten Rechnern vorhanden sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13594
msgid "You can also specify several package names:"
msgstr "Sie können auch mehrere Paketnamen angeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13604
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix size coreutils grep sed bash\n"
@@ -24358,365 +25197,365 @@ msgstr ""
"Gesamt: 102.3 MiB\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13610
msgid "In this example we see that the combination of the four packages takes 102.3@tie{}MiB in total, which is much less than the sum of each closure since they have a lot of dependencies in common."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel sehen wir, dass die Kombination der vier Pakete insgesamt 102,3@tie{}MiB Platz verbraucht, was wesentlich weniger als die Summe der einzelnen Abschlüsse ist, weil diese viele Abhängigkeiten gemeinsam verwenden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13616
msgid "When looking at the profile returned by @command{guix size}, you may find yourself wondering why a given package shows up in the profile at all. To understand it, you can use @command{guix graph --path -t references} to display the shortest path between the two packages (@pxref{Invoking guix graph})."
msgstr "Wenn Sie sich das von @command{guix size} gelieferte Profil anschauen, fragen Sie sich vielleicht, warum ein bestimmtes Paket überhaupt darin auftaucht. Den Grund erfahren Sie, wenn Sie @command{guix graph --path -t references} benutzen, um sich den kürzesten Pfad zwischen zwei Paketen anzeigen zu lassen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13618
msgid "The available options are:"
msgstr "Die verfügbaren Befehlszeilenoptionen sind:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13624
msgid "Use substitute information from @var{urls}. @xref{client-substitute-urls, the same option for @code{guix build}}."
msgstr "Substitutinformationen von den @var{URLs} benutzen. Siehe @ref{client-substitute-urls, dieselbe Option bei @code{guix build}}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13625
#, no-wrap
msgid "--sort=@var{key}"
msgstr "--sort=@var{Schlüssel}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13627
msgid "Sort lines according to @var{key}, one of the following options:"
msgstr "Zeilen anhand des @var{Schlüssel}s sortieren, der eine der folgenden Alternativen sein muss:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13629
#, no-wrap
msgid "self"
msgstr "self"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13631
msgid "the size of each item (the default);"
msgstr "die Größe jedes Objekts (die Vorgabe),"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13633
msgid "the total size of the item's closure."
msgstr "die Gesamtgröße des Abschlusses des Objekts."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13635
#, no-wrap
msgid "--map-file=@var{file}"
msgstr "--map-file=@var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13637
msgid "Write a graphical map of disk usage in PNG format to @var{file}."
msgstr "Eine grafische Darstellung des Plattenplatzverbrauchs als eine PNG-formatierte Karte in die @var{Datei} schreiben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13639
msgid "For the example above, the map looks like this:"
msgstr "Für das Beispiel oben sieht die Karte so aus:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13642
msgid "@image{images/coreutils-size-map,5in,, map of Coreutils disk usage produced by @command{guix size}}"
msgstr "@image{images/coreutils-size-map,5in,, Karte der Plattenausnutzung der Coreutils, erzeugt mit @command{guix size}}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13647
msgid "This option requires that @uref{https://wingolog.org/software/guile-charting/, Guile-Charting} be installed and visible in Guile's module search path. When that is not the case, @command{guix size} fails as it tries to load it."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption setzt voraus, dass @uref{https://wingolog.org/software/guile-charting/, Guile-Charting} installiert und im Suchpfad für Guile-Module sichtbar ist. Falls nicht, schlägt @command{guix size} beim Versuch fehl, dieses Modul zu laden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13651
msgid "Consider packages for @var{system}---e.g., @code{x86_64-linux}."
msgstr "Pakete für dieses @var{System} betrachten@tie{}— z.B.@: für @code{x86_64-linux}."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13662
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix graph}"
msgstr "@command{guix graph} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13664
#, no-wrap
msgid "DAG"
msgstr "DAG"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13665
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph"
msgstr "guix graph"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13680
msgid "Packages and their dependencies form a @dfn{graph}, specifically a directed acyclic graph (DAG). It can quickly become difficult to have a mental model of the package DAG, so the @command{guix graph} command provides a visual representation of the DAG@. By default, @command{guix graph} emits a DAG representation in the input format of @uref{https://www.graphviz.org/, Graphviz}, so its output can be passed directly to the @command{dot} command of Graphviz. It can also emit an HTML page with embedded JavaScript code to display a ``chord diagram'' in a Web browser, using the @uref{https://d3js.org/, d3.js} library, or emit Cypher queries to construct a graph in a graph database supporting the @uref{https://www.opencypher.org/, openCypher} query language. With @option{--path}, it simply displays the shortest path between two packages. The general syntax is:"
msgstr "Pakete und ihre Abhängigkeiten bilden einen @dfn{Graphen}, genauer gesagt einen gerichteten azyklischen Graphen (englisch „Directed Acyclic Graph“, kurz DAG). Es kann schnell schwierig werden, ein Modell eines Paket-DAGs vor dem geistigen Auge zu behalten, weshalb der Befehl @command{guix graph} eine visuelle Darstellung des DAGs bietet. Das vorgegebene Verhalten von @command{guix graph} ist, eine DAG-Darstellung im Eingabeformat von @uref{https://www.graphviz.org/, Graphviz} auszugeben, damit die Ausgabe direkt an den Befehl @command{dot} aus Graphviz weitergeleitet werden kann. Es kann aber auch eine HTML-Seite mit eingebettetem JavaScript-Code ausgegeben werden, um ein Sehnendiagramm (englisch „Chord Diagram“) in einem Web-Browser anzuzeigen, mit Hilfe der Bibliothek @uref{https://d3js.org/, d3.js}, oder es können Cypher-Anfragen ausgegeben werden, mit denen eine die Anfragesprache @uref{https://www.opencypher.org/, openCypher} unterstützende Graph-Datenbank einen Graphen konstruieren kann. Wenn Sie @option{--path} angeben, zeigt Guix Ihnen einfach nur den kürzesten Pfad zwischen zwei Paketen an. Die allgemeine Syntax ist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13683
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph @var{options} @var{package}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix graph @var{Optionen} @var{Pakete}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13688
msgid "For example, the following command generates a PDF file representing the package DAG for the GNU@tie{}Core Utilities, showing its build-time dependencies:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel erzeugt der folgende Befehl eine PDF-Datei, die den Paket-DAG für die GNU@tie{}Core Utilities darstellt, welcher ihre Abhängigkeiten zur Erstellungszeit anzeigt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13691
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf\n"
msgstr "guix graph coreutils | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13694
msgid "The output looks like this:"
msgstr "Die Ausgabe sieht so aus:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13696
msgid "@image{images/coreutils-graph,2in,,Dependency graph of the GNU Coreutils}"
msgstr "@image{images/coreutils-graph,2in,,Abhängigkeitsgraph der GNU Coreutils}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13698
msgid "Nice little graph, no?"
msgstr "Ein netter, kleiner Graph, oder?"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13701
msgid "You may find it more pleasant to navigate the graph interactively with @command{xdot} (from the @code{xdot} package):"
msgstr "Vielleicht ist es Ihnen aber lieber, den Graphen interaktiv mit dem @command{xdot}-Programm anzuschauen (aus dem Paket @code{xdot}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13704
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph coreutils | xdot -\n"
msgstr "guix graph coreutils | xdot -\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13711
msgid "But there is more than one graph! The one above is concise: it is the graph of package objects, omitting implicit inputs such as GCC, libc, grep, etc. It is often useful to have such a concise graph, but sometimes one may want to see more details. @command{guix graph} supports several types of graphs, allowing you to choose the level of detail:"
msgstr "Aber es gibt mehr als eine Art von Graph! Der Graph oben ist kurz und knapp: Es ist der Graph der Paketobjekte, ohne implizite Eingaben wie GCC, libc, grep und so weiter. Oft möchte man einen knappen Graphen sehen, aber manchmal will man auch mehr Details sehen. @command{guix graph} unterstützt mehrere Typen von Graphen; Sie können den Detailgrad auswählen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13717
msgid "This is the default type used in the example above. It shows the DAG of package objects, excluding implicit dependencies. It is concise, but filters out many details."
msgstr "Der vorgegebene Typ aus dem Beispiel oben. Er zeigt den DAG der Paketobjekte ohne implizite Abhängigkeiten. Er ist knapp, filtert aber viele Details heraus."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13718
#, no-wrap
msgid "reverse-package"
msgstr "reverse-package"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13720
msgid "This shows the @emph{reverse} DAG of packages. For example:"
msgstr "Dies zeigt den @emph{umgekehrten} DAG der Pakete. Zum Beispiel liefert"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13723
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph --type=reverse-package ocaml\n"
msgstr "guix graph --type=reverse-package ocaml\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13728
msgid "...@: yields the graph of packages that @emph{explicitly} depend on OCaml (if you are also interested in cases where OCaml is an implicit dependency, see @code{reverse-bag} below)."
msgstr "…@: den Graphen der Pakete, die @emph{explizit} von OCaml abhängen (wenn Sie auch an Fällen interessiert sind, bei denen OCaml eine implizite Abhängigkeit ist, siehe @code{reverse-bag} weiter unten)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13733
msgid "Note that for core packages this can yield huge graphs. If all you want is to know the number of packages that depend on a given package, use @command{guix refresh --list-dependent} (@pxref{Invoking guix refresh, @option{--list-dependent}})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass für Kernpakete damit gigantische Graphen entstehen können. Wenn Sie nur die Anzahl der Pakete wissen wollen, die von einem gegebenen Paket abhängen, benutzen Sie @command{guix refresh --list-dependent} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix refresh, @option{--list-dependent}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13734
#, no-wrap
msgid "bag-emerged"
msgstr "bag-emerged"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13736
msgid "This is the package DAG, @emph{including} implicit inputs."
msgstr "Dies ist der Paket-DAG @emph{einschließlich} impliziter Eingaben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13738
msgid "For instance, the following command:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel liefert der folgende Befehl"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13741
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph --type=bag-emerged coreutils\n"
msgstr "guix graph --type=bag-emerged coreutils\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13744
msgid "...@: yields this bigger graph:"
msgstr "…@: diesen größeren Graphen:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13285
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13746
msgid "@image{images/coreutils-bag-graph,,5in,Detailed dependency graph of the GNU Coreutils}"
msgstr "@image{images/coreutils-bag-graph,,5in,Detaillierter Abhängigkeitsgraph der GNU Coreutils}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13749
msgid "At the bottom of the graph, we see all the implicit inputs of @var{gnu-build-system} (@pxref{Build Systems, @code{gnu-build-system}})."
msgstr "Am unteren Rand des Graphen sehen wir alle impliziten Eingaben des @var{gnu-build-system} (siehe @ref{Build Systems, @code{gnu-build-system}})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13753
msgid "Now, note that the dependencies of these implicit inputs---that is, the @dfn{bootstrap dependencies} (@pxref{Bootstrapping})---are not shown here, for conciseness."
msgstr "Beachten Sie dabei aber, dass auch hier die Abhängigkeiten dieser impliziten Eingaben@tie{}— d.h.@: die @dfn{Bootstrap-Abhängigkeiten} (siehe @ref{Bootstrapping})@tie{}— nicht gezeigt werden, damit der Graph knapper bleibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13754
#, no-wrap
msgid "bag"
msgstr "bag"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13757
msgid "Similar to @code{bag-emerged}, but this time including all the bootstrap dependencies."
msgstr "Ähnlich wie @code{bag-emerged}, aber diesmal mit allen Bootstrap-Abhängigkeiten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13758
#, no-wrap
msgid "bag-with-origins"
msgstr "bag-with-origins"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13760
msgid "Similar to @code{bag}, but also showing origins and their dependencies."
msgstr "Ähnlich wie @code{bag}, aber auch mit den Ursprüngen und deren Abhängigkeiten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13761
#, no-wrap
msgid "reverse-bag"
msgstr "reverse-bag"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13764
msgid "This shows the @emph{reverse} DAG of packages. Unlike @code{reverse-package}, it also takes implicit dependencies into account. For example:"
msgstr "Dies zeigt den @emph{umgekehrten} DAG der Pakete. Anders als @code{reverse-package} werden auch implizite Abhängigkeiten berücksichtigt. Zum Beispiel liefert"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13767
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph -t reverse-bag dune\n"
msgstr "guix graph -t reverse-bag dune\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13774
msgid "...@: yields the graph of all packages that depend on Dune, directly or indirectly. Since Dune is an @emph{implicit} dependency of many packages @i{via} @code{dune-build-system}, this shows a large number of packages, whereas @code{reverse-package} would show very few if any."
msgstr "…@: den Graphen aller Pakete, die von Dune direkt oder indirekt abhängen. Weil Dune eine @emph{implizite} Abhängigkeit von vielen Paketen über das @code{dune-build-system} ist, zeigt er eine große Zahl von Paketen, während bei @code{reverse-package} nur sehr wenige bis gar keine zu sehen sind."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13780
msgid "This is the most detailed representation: It shows the DAG of derivations (@pxref{Derivations}) and plain store items. Compared to the above representation, many additional nodes are visible, including build scripts, patches, Guile modules, etc."
msgstr "Diese Darstellung ist am detailliertesten: Sie zeigt den DAG der Ableitungen (siehe @ref{Derivations}) und der einfachen Store-Objekte. Verglichen mit obiger Darstellung sieht man viele zusätzliche Knoten einschließlich Erstellungs-Skripts, Patches, Guile-Module usw."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13783
msgid "For this type of graph, it is also possible to pass a @file{.drv} file name instead of a package name, as in:"
msgstr "Für diesen Typ Graph kann auch der Name einer @file{.drv}-Datei anstelle eines Paketnamens angegeben werden, etwa so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13786
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph -t derivation $(guix system build -d my-config.scm)\n"
msgstr "guix graph -t derivation $(guix system build -d my-config.scm)\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13788
#, no-wrap
msgid "module"
msgstr "Modul"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13792
msgid "This is the graph of @dfn{package modules} (@pxref{Package Modules}). For example, the following command shows the graph for the package module that defines the @code{guile} package:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Graph der @dfn{Paketmodule} (siehe @ref{Package Modules}). Zum Beispiel zeigt der folgende Befehl den Graphen für das Paketmodul an, das das @code{guile}-Paket definiert:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13795
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph -t module guile | xdot -\n"
msgstr "guix graph -t module guile | xdot -\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13800
msgid "All the types above correspond to @emph{build-time dependencies}. The following graph type represents the @emph{run-time dependencies}:"
msgstr "Alle oben genannten Typen entsprechen @emph{Abhängigkeiten zur Erstellungszeit}. Der folgende Graphtyp repräsentiert die @emph{Abhängigkeiten zur Laufzeit}:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13805
msgid "This is the graph of @dfn{references} of a package output, as returned by @command{guix gc --references} (@pxref{Invoking guix gc})."
msgstr "Dies ist der Graph der @dfn{Referenzen} einer Paketausgabe, wie @command{guix gc --references} sie liefert (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13808
msgid "If the given package output is not available in the store, @command{guix graph} attempts to obtain dependency information from substitutes."
msgstr "Wenn die angegebene Paketausgabe im Store nicht verfügbar ist, versucht @command{guix graph}, die Abhängigkeitsinformationen aus Substituten zu holen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13812
msgid "Here you can also pass a store file name instead of a package name. For example, the command below produces the reference graph of your profile (which can be big!):"
msgstr "Hierbei können Sie auch einen Store-Dateinamen statt eines Paketnamens angeben. Zum Beispiel generiert der Befehl unten den Referenzgraphen Ihres Profils (der sehr groß werden kann!):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13815
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph -t references $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile)\n"
msgstr "guix graph -t references $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile)\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13817
#, no-wrap
msgid "referrers"
msgstr "referrers"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13820
msgid "This is the graph of the @dfn{referrers} of a store item, as returned by @command{guix gc --referrers} (@pxref{Invoking guix gc})."
msgstr "Dies ist der Graph der ein Store-Objekt @dfn{referenzierenden} Objekte, wie @command{guix gc --referrers} sie liefern würde (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13826
msgid "This relies exclusively on local information from your store. For instance, let us suppose that the current Inkscape is available in 10 profiles on your machine; @command{guix graph -t referrers inkscape} will show a graph rooted at Inkscape and with those 10 profiles linked to it."
msgstr "Er basiert ausschließlich auf lokalen Informationen aus Ihrem Store. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel an, dass das aktuelle Inkscape in 10 Profilen verfügbar ist, dann wird @command{guix graph -t referrers inkscape} einen Graph zeigen, der bei Inkscape gewurzelt ist und Kanten zu diesen 10 Profilen hat."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13829
msgid "It can help determine what is preventing a store item from being garbage collected."
msgstr "Ein solcher Graph kann dabei helfen, herauszufinden, weshalb ein Store-Objekt nicht vom Müllsammler abgeholt werden kann."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13832
#, no-wrap
msgid "shortest path, between packages"
msgstr "kürzester Pfad, zwischen Paketen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13839
msgid "Often, the graph of the package you are interested in does not fit on your screen, and anyway all you want to know is @emph{why} that package actually depends on some seemingly unrelated package. The @option{--path} option instructs @command{guix graph} to display the shortest path between two packages (or derivations, or store items, etc.):"
msgstr "Oftmals passt der Graph des Pakets, für das Sie sich interessieren, nicht auf Ihren Bildschirm, und überhaupt möchten Sie ja nur wissen, @emph{warum} das Paket von einem anderen abhängt, das scheinbar nichts damit zu tun hat. Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--path} weist @command{guix graph} an, den kürzesten Pfad zwischen zwei Paketen (oder Ableitungen, Store-Objekten etc.)@: anzuzeigen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13853
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix graph --path emacs libunistring\n"
@@ -24746,88 +25585,88 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13861
msgid "Sometimes you still want to visualize the graph but would like to trim it so it can actually be displayed. One way to do it is via the @option{--max-depth} (or @option{-M}) option, which lets you specify the maximum depth of the graph. In the example below, we visualize only @code{libreoffice} and the nodes whose distance to @code{libreoffice} is at most 2:"
msgstr "Manchmal eignet es sich, den angezeigten Graphen abzuschneiden, damit er ordentlich dargestellt werden kann. Eine Möglihkeit ist, mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--max-depth} (kurz @option{-M}) die maximale Tiefe des Graphen festzulegen. Im folgenden Beispiel wird nur @code{libreoffice} und diejenigen Knoten dargestellt, deren Distanz zu @code{libreoffice} höchstens 2 beträgt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13864
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph -M 2 libreoffice | xdot -f fdp -\n"
msgstr "guix graph -M 2 libreoffice | xdot -f fdp -\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13868
msgid "Mind you, that's still a big ball of spaghetti, but at least @command{dot} can render it quickly and it can be browsed somewhat."
msgstr "Dabei bleibt zwar immer noch ein gewaltiges Spaghettiknäuel übrig, aber zumindest kann das @command{dot}-Programm daraus schnell eine halbwegs lesbare Darstellung erzeugen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13870
msgid "The available options are the following:"
msgstr "Folgendes sind die verfügbaren Befehlszeilenoptionen:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13876
msgid "Produce a graph output of @var{type}, where @var{type} must be one of the values listed above."
msgstr "Eine Graph-Ausgabe dieses @var{Typ}s generieren. Dieser @var{Typ} muss einer der oben genannten Werte sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13877
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-types"
msgstr "--list-types"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13879
msgid "List the supported graph types."
msgstr "Die unterstützten Graph-Typen auflisten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13880
#, no-wrap
msgid "--backend=@var{backend}"
msgstr "--backend=@var{Backend}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13881
#, no-wrap
msgid "-b @var{backend}"
msgstr "-b @var{Backend}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13883
msgid "Produce a graph using the selected @var{backend}."
msgstr "Einen Graph mit Hilfe des ausgewählten @var{Backend}s generieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13884
#, no-wrap
msgid "--list-backends"
msgstr "--list-backends"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13886
msgid "List the supported graph backends."
msgstr "Die unterstützten Graph-Backends auflisten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13888
msgid "Currently, the available backends are Graphviz and d3.js."
msgstr "Derzeit sind die verfügbaren Backends Graphviz und d3.js."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13889
#, no-wrap
msgid "--path"
msgstr "--path"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13433
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13894
msgid "Display the shortest path between two nodes of the type specified by @option{--type}. The example below shows the shortest path between @code{libreoffice} and @code{llvm} according to the references of @code{libreoffice}:"
msgstr "Den kürzesten Pfad zwischen zwei Knoten anzeigen, die den mit @option{--type} angegebenen Typ aufweisen. Im Beispiel unten wird der kürzeste Pfad zwischen @code{libreoffice} und @code{llvm} anhand der Referenzen von @code{libreoffice} angezeigt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13901
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix graph --path -t references libreoffice llvm\n"
@@ -24843,398 +25682,398 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13911
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) gnu-make-final)'\n"
msgstr "guix graph -e '(@@@@ (gnu packages commencement) gnu-make-final)'\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13916
msgid "Display the graph for @var{system}---e.g., @code{i686-linux}."
msgstr "Den Graphen für das @var{System} anzeigen@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{i686-linux}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13919
msgid "The package dependency graph is largely architecture-independent, but there are some architecture-dependent bits that this option allows you to visualize."
msgstr "Der Abhängigkeitsgraph ist größtenteils von der Systemarchitektur unabhängig, aber ein paar architekturabhängige Teile können Ihnen mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption visualisiert werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13935
msgid "On top of that, @command{guix graph} supports all the usual package transformation options (@pxref{Package Transformation Options}). This makes it easy to view the effect of a graph-rewriting transformation such as @option{--with-input}. For example, the command below outputs the graph of @code{git} once @code{openssl} has been replaced by @code{libressl} everywhere in the graph:"
msgstr "Hinzu kommt, dass @command{guix graph} auch all die üblichen Paketumwandlungsoptionen unterstützt (siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options}). Somit ist es kein Problem, die Folgen einer den Paketgraphen umschreibenden Umwandlung wie @option{--with-input} zu erkennen. Zum Beispiel gibt der folgende Befehl den Graphen von @code{git} aus, nachdem @code{openssl} an allen Stellen im Graphen durch @code{libressl} ersetzt wurde:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13938
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix graph git --with-input=openssl=libressl\n"
msgstr "guix graph git --with-input=openssl=libressl\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13941
msgid "So many possibilities, so much fun!"
msgstr "Ihrem Vergnügen sind keine Grenzen gesetzt!"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13943
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix publish}"
msgstr "@command{guix publish} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13945
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix publish"
msgstr "guix publish"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13949
msgid "The purpose of @command{guix publish} is to enable users to easily share their store with others, who can then use it as a substitute server (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Der Zweck von @command{guix publish} ist, es Nutzern zu ermöglichen, ihren Store auf einfache Weise mit anderen zu teilen, die ihn dann als Substitutserver einsetzen können (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13955
msgid "When @command{guix publish} runs, it spawns an HTTP server which allows anyone with network access to obtain substitutes from it. This means that any machine running Guix can also act as if it were a build farm, since the HTTP interface is compatible with Cuirass, the software behind the @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} build farm."
msgstr "Wenn @command{guix publish} ausgeführt wird, wird dadurch ein HTTP-Server gestartet, so dass jeder mit Netzwerkzugang davon Substitute beziehen kann. Das bedeutet, dass jede Maschine, auf der Guix läuft, auch als Erstellungsfarm fungieren kann, weil die HTTP-Schnittstelle mit Cuirass, der Software, mit der die offizielle Erstellungsfarm @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} betrieben wird, kompatibel ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13961
msgid "For security, each substitute is signed, allowing recipients to check their authenticity and integrity (@pxref{Substitutes}). Because @command{guix publish} uses the signing key of the system, which is only readable by the system administrator, it must be started as root; the @option{--user} option makes it drop root privileges early on."
msgstr "Um Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, wird jedes Substitut signiert, so dass Empfänger dessen Authentizität und Integrität nachprüfen können (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Weil @command{guix publish} den Signierschlüssel des Systems benutzt, der nur vom Systemadministrator gelesen werden kann, muss es als der Administratornutzer „root“ gestartet werden. Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--user} werden Administratorrechte bald nach dem Start wieder abgelegt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13965
msgid "The signing key pair must be generated before @command{guix publish} is launched, using @command{guix archive --generate-key} (@pxref{Invoking guix archive})."
msgstr "Das Schlüsselpaar zum Signieren muss erzeugt werden, bevor @command{guix publish} gestartet wird. Dazu können Sie @command{guix archive --generate-key} ausführen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13970
msgid "When the @option{--advertise} option is passed, the server advertises its availability on the local network using multicast DNS (mDNS) and DNS service discovery (DNS-SD), currently @i{via} Guile-Avahi (@pxref{Top,,, guile-avahi, Using Avahi in Guile Scheme Programs})."
msgstr "Wird die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--advertise} übergeben, teilt der Server anderen Rechnern im lokalen Netzwerk seine Verfügbarkeit mit, über Multicast-DNS (mDNS) und DNS-Service-Discovery (DNS-SD), zurzeit mittels Guile-Avahi (siehe @ref{Top,,, guile-avahi, Using Avahi in Guile Scheme Programs})."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13975
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix publish @var{options}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix publish @var{Optionen}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13979
msgid "Running @command{guix publish} without any additional arguments will spawn an HTTP server on port 8080:"
msgstr "Wird @command{guix publish} ohne weitere Argumente ausgeführt, wird damit ein HTTP-Server gestartet, der auf Port 8080 lauscht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13982
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix publish\n"
msgstr "guix publish\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13986
msgid "Once a publishing server has been authorized, the daemon may download substitutes from it. @xref{Getting Substitutes from Other Servers}."
msgstr "Sobald ein Server zum Veröffentlichen autorisiert wurde, kann der Daemon davon Substitute herunterladen. Siehe @ref{Getting Substitutes from Other Servers}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13994
msgid "By default, @command{guix publish} compresses archives on the fly as it serves them. This ``on-the-fly'' mode is convenient in that it requires no setup and is immediately available. However, when serving lots of clients, we recommend using the @option{--cache} option, which enables caching of the archives before they are sent to clients---see below for details. The @command{guix weather} command provides a handy way to check what a server provides (@pxref{Invoking guix weather})."
msgstr "Nach den Voreinstellungen komprimiert @command{guix publish} Archive erst dann, wenn sie angefragt werden. Dieser „dynamische“ Modus bietet sich an, weil so nichts weiter eingerichtet werden muss und er direkt verfügbar ist. Wenn Sie allerdings viele Clients bedienen wollen, empfehlen wir, dass Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--cache} benutzen, die das Zwischenspeichern der komprimierten Archive aktiviert, bevor diese an die Clients geschickt werden@tie{}— siehe unten für Details. Mit dem Befehl @command{guix weather} haben Sie eine praktische Methode zur Hand, zu überprüfen, was so ein Server anbietet (siehe @ref{Invoking guix weather})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14001
msgid "As a bonus, @command{guix publish} also serves as a content-addressed mirror for source files referenced in @code{origin} records (@pxref{origin Reference}). For instance, assuming @command{guix publish} is running on @code{example.org}, the following URL returns the raw @file{hello-2.10.tar.gz} file with the given SHA256 hash (represented in @code{nix-base32} format, @pxref{Invoking guix hash}):"
msgstr "Als Bonus dient @command{guix publish} auch als inhaltsadressierbarer Spiegelserver für Quelldateien, die in @code{origin}-Verbundsobjekten eingetragen sind (siehe @ref{origin Reference}). Wenn wir zum Beispiel annehmen, dass @command{guix publish} auf @code{example.org} läuft, liefert folgende URL die rohe @file{hello-2.10.tar.gz}-Datei mit dem angegebenen SHA256-Hash als ihre Prüfsumme (dargestellt im @code{nix-base32}-Format, siehe @ref{Invoking guix hash}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14004
#, no-wrap
msgid "http://example.org/file/hello-2.10.tar.gz/sha256/0ssi1@dots{}ndq1i\n"
msgstr "http://example.org/file/hello-2.10.tar.gz/sha256/0ssi1…ndq1i\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14008
msgid "Obviously, these URLs only work for files that are in the store; in other cases, they return 404 (``Not Found'')."
msgstr "Offensichtlich funktionieren diese URLs nur mit solchen Dateien, die auch im Store vorliegen; in anderen Fällen werden sie 404 („Nicht gefunden“) zurückliefern."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14009
#, no-wrap
msgid "build logs, publication"
msgstr "Erstellungsprotokolle, Veröffentlichen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14011
msgid "Build logs are available from @code{/log} URLs like:"
msgstr "Erstellungsprotokolle sind unter @code{/log}-URLs abrufbar:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14014
#, no-wrap
msgid "http://example.org/log/gwspk@dots{}-guile-2.2.3\n"
msgstr "http://example.org/log/gwspk…-guile-2.2.3\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14024
msgid "When @command{guix-daemon} is configured to save compressed build logs, as is the case by default (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon}), @code{/log} URLs return the compressed log as-is, with an appropriate @code{Content-Type} and/or @code{Content-Encoding} header. We recommend running @command{guix-daemon} with @option{--log-compression=gzip} since Web browsers can automatically decompress it, which is not the case with Bzip2 compression."
msgstr "Ist der @command{guix-daemon} so eingestellt, dass er Erstellungsprotokolle komprimiert abspeichert, wie es voreingestellt ist (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon}), liefern @code{/log}-URLs das unveränderte komprimierte Protokoll, mit einer entsprechenden @code{Content-Type}- und/oder @code{Content-Encoding}-Kopfzeile. Wir empfehlen dabei, dass Sie den @command{guix-daemon} mit @option{--log-compression=gzip} ausführen, weil Web-Browser dieses Format automatisch dekomprimieren können, was bei Bzip2-Kompression nicht der Fall ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14028
#, no-wrap
msgid "--port=@var{port}"
msgstr "--port=@var{Port}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14029
#, no-wrap
msgid "-p @var{port}"
msgstr "-p @var{Port}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14031
msgid "Listen for HTTP requests on @var{port}."
msgstr "Auf HTTP-Anfragen auf diesem @var{Port} lauschen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14032
#, no-wrap
msgid "--listen=@var{host}"
msgstr "--listen=@var{Host}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14035
msgid "Listen on the network interface for @var{host}. The default is to accept connections from any interface."
msgstr "Auf der Netzwerkschnittstelle für den angegebenen @var{Host}, also der angegebenen Rechneradresse, lauschen. Vorgegeben ist, Verbindungen mit jeder Schnittstelle zu akzeptieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14040
msgid "Change privileges to @var{user} as soon as possible---i.e., once the server socket is open and the signing key has been read."
msgstr "So früh wie möglich alle über die Berechtigungen des @var{Benutzer}s hinausgehenden Berechtigungen ablegen@tie{}— d.h.@: sobald der Server-Socket geöffnet und der Signierschlüssel gelesen wurde."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14041
#, no-wrap
msgid "--compression[=@var{method}[:@var{level}]]"
msgstr "--compression[=@var{Methode}[:@var{Stufe}]]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14042
#, no-wrap
msgid "-C [@var{method}[:@var{level}]]"
msgstr "-C [@var{Methode}[:@var{Stufe}]]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14046
msgid "Compress data using the given @var{method} and @var{level}. @var{method} is one of @code{lzip}, @code{zstd}, and @code{gzip}; when @var{method} is omitted, @code{gzip} is used."
msgstr "Daten auf der angegebenen Kompressions-@var{Stufe} mit der angegebenen @var{Methode} komprimieren. Als @var{Methode} kann entweder @code{lzip}, @code{zstd} oder @code{gzip} angegeben werden. Wird keine @var{Methode} angegeben, wird @code{gzip} benutzt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14050
msgid "When @var{level} is zero, disable compression. The range 1 to 9 corresponds to different compression levels: 1 is the fastest, and 9 is the best (CPU-intensive). The default is 3."
msgstr "Daten auf der angegebenen Kompressions-@var{Stufe} komprimieren. Wird als @var{Stufe} null angegeben, wird Kompression deaktiviert. Der Bereich von 1 bis 9 entspricht unterschiedlichen Kompressionsstufen: 1 ist am schnellsten, während 9 am besten komprimiert (aber den Prozessor mehr auslastet). Der Vorgabewert ist 3."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14057
msgid "Usually, @code{lzip} compresses noticeably better than @code{gzip} for a small increase in CPU usage; see @uref{https://nongnu.org/lzip/lzip_benchmark.html,benchmarks on the lzip Web page}. However, @code{lzip} achieves low decompression throughput (on the order of 50@tie{}MiB/s on modern hardware), which can be a bottleneck for someone who downloads over a fast network connection."
msgstr "Normalerweise ist die Kompression mit @code{lzip} wesentlich besser als bei @code{gzip}, dafür wird der Prozessor geringfügig stärker ausgelastet; siehe @uref{https://nongnu.org/lzip/lzip_benchmark.html,Vergleichswerte auf dem Webauftritt von lzip}. @code{lzip} erreicht jedoch nur einen niedrigen Durchsatz bei der Dekompression (in der Größenordnung von 50@tie{}MiB/s auf moderner Hardware), was einen Engpass beim Herunterladen über schnelle Netzwerkverbindungen darstellen kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14061
msgid "The compression ratio of @code{zstd} is between that of @code{lzip} and that of @code{gzip}; its main advantage is a @uref{https://facebook.github.io/zstd/,high decompression speed}."
msgstr "Das Kompressionsverhältnis von @code{zstd} liegt zwischen dem von @code{lzip} und dem von @code{gzip}; sein größter Vorteil ist eine @uref{https://facebook.github.io/zstd/,hohe Geschwindigkeit bei der Dekompression}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14070
msgid "Unless @option{--cache} is used, compression occurs on the fly and the compressed streams are not cached. Thus, to reduce load on the machine that runs @command{guix publish}, it may be a good idea to choose a low compression level, to run @command{guix publish} behind a caching proxy, or to use @option{--cache}. Using @option{--cache} has the advantage that it allows @command{guix publish} to add @code{Content-Length} HTTP header to its responses."
msgstr "Wenn @option{--cache} nicht übergeben wird, werden Daten dynamisch immer erst dann komprimiert, wenn sie abgeschickt werden; komprimierte Datenströme landen in keinem Zwischenspeicher. Um also die Auslastung der Maschine, auf der @command{guix publish} läuft, zu reduzieren, kann es eine gute Idee sein, eine niedrige Kompressionsstufe zu wählen, @command{guix publish} einen Proxy mit Zwischenspeicher (einen „Caching Proxy“) voranzuschalten, oder @option{--cache} zu benutzen. @option{--cache} zu benutzen, hat den Vorteil, dass @command{guix publish} damit eine @code{Content-Length}-HTTP-Kopfzeile seinen Antworten beifügen kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14075
msgid "This option can be repeated, in which case every substitute gets compressed using all the selected methods, and all of them are advertised. This is useful when users may not support all the compression methods: they can select the one they support."
msgstr "Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption mehrfach angegeben wird, wird jedes Substitut mit allen ausgewählten Methoden komprimiert und jede davon wird bei Anfragen mitgeteilt. Das ist nützlich, weil Benutzer, bei denen nicht alle Kompressionsmethoden unterstützt werden, die passende wählen können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14076
#, no-wrap
msgid "--cache=@var{directory}"
msgstr "--cache=@var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14077
#, no-wrap
msgid "-c @var{directory}"
msgstr "-c @var{Verzeichnis}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14080
msgid "Cache archives and meta-data (@code{.narinfo} URLs) to @var{directory} and only serve archives that are in cache."
msgstr "Archive und Metadaten (@code{.narinfo}-URLs) in das @var{Verzeichnis} zwischenspeichern und nur solche Archive versenden, die im Zwischenspeicher vorliegen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13627
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14088
msgid "When this option is omitted, archives and meta-data are created on-the-fly. This can reduce the available bandwidth, especially when compression is enabled, since this may become CPU-bound. Another drawback of the default mode is that the length of archives is not known in advance, so @command{guix publish} does not add a @code{Content-Length} HTTP header to its responses, which in turn prevents clients from knowing the amount of data being downloaded."
msgstr "Wird diese Befehlszeilenoption weggelassen, dann werden Archive und Metadaten „dynamisch“ erst auf eine Anfrage hin erzeugt. Dadurch kann die verfügbare Bandbreite reduziert werden, besonders wenn Kompression aktiviert ist, weil die Operation dann durch die Prozessorleistung beschränkt sein kann. Noch ein Nachteil des voreingestellten Modus ist, dass die Länge der Archive nicht im Voraus bekannt ist, @command{guix publish} also keine @code{Content-Length}-HTTP-Kopfzeile an seine Antworten anfügt, wodurch Clients nicht wissen können, welche Datenmenge noch heruntergeladen werden muss."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14096
msgid "Conversely, when @option{--cache} is used, the first request for a store item (@i{via} a @code{.narinfo} URL) triggers a background process to @dfn{bake} the archive---computing its @code{.narinfo} and compressing the archive, if needed. Once the archive is cached in @var{directory}, subsequent requests succeed and are served directly from the cache, which guarantees that clients get the best possible bandwidth."
msgstr "Im Gegensatz dazu löst, wenn @option{--cache} benutzt wird, die erste Anfrage nach einem Store-Objekt (über dessen @code{.narinfo}-URL) den Start eines Hintergrundprozesses aus, der das Archiv in den Zwischenspeicher einlagert (auf Englisch sagen wir „bake the archive“), d.h.@: seine @code{.narinfo} wird berechnet und das Archiv, falls nötig, komprimiert. Sobald das Archiv im @var{Verzeichnis} zwischengespeichert wurde, werden nachfolgende Anfragen erfolgreich sein und direkt aus dem Zwischenspeicher bedient, der garantiert, dass Clients optimale Bandbreite genießen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14103
msgid "That first @code{.narinfo} request nonetheless returns 200, provided the requested store item is ``small enough'', below the cache bypass threshold---see @option{--cache-bypass-threshold} below. That way, clients do not have to wait until the archive is baked. For larger store items, the first @code{.narinfo} request returns 404, meaning that clients have to wait until the archive is baked."
msgstr "Die erste Anfrage nach einer @code{.narinfo} wird trotzdem 200 zurückliefern, wenn das angefragte Store-Objekt „klein genug“ ist, also kleiner als der Schwellwert für die Zwischenspeicherumgehung, siehe @option{--cache-bypass-threshold} unten. So müssen Clients nicht darauf warten, dass das Archiv eingelagert wurde. Bei größeren Store-Objekten liefert die erste @code{.narinfo}-Anfrage 404 zurück, was bedeutet, dass Clients warten müssen, bis das Archiv eingelagert wurde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14107
msgid "The ``baking'' process is performed by worker threads. By default, one thread per CPU core is created, but this can be customized. See @option{--workers} below."
msgstr "Der Prozess zum Einlagern wird durch Worker-Threads umgesetzt. Der Vorgabe entsprechend wird dazu pro Prozessorkern ein Thread erzeugt, aber dieses Verhalten kann angepasst werden. Siehe @option{--workers} weiter unten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14110
msgid "When @option{--ttl} is used, cached entries are automatically deleted when they have expired."
msgstr "Wird @option{--ttl} verwendet, werden zwischengespeicherte Einträge automatisch gelöscht, sobald die dabei angegebene Zeit abgelaufen ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14111
#, no-wrap
msgid "--workers=@var{N}"
msgstr "--workers=@var{N}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14114
msgid "When @option{--cache} is used, request the allocation of @var{N} worker threads to ``bake'' archives."
msgstr "Wird @option{--cache} benutzt, wird die Reservierung von @var{N} Worker-Threads angefragt, um Archive einzulagern."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14115
#, no-wrap
msgid "--ttl=@var{ttl}"
msgstr "--ttl=@var{ttl}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14119 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33828
msgid "Produce @code{Cache-Control} HTTP headers that advertise a time-to-live (TTL) of @var{ttl}. @var{ttl} must denote a duration: @code{5d} means 5 days, @code{1m} means 1 month, and so on."
msgstr "@code{Cache-Control}-HTTP-Kopfzeilen erzeugen, die eine Time-to-live (TTL) von @var{ttl} signalisieren. Für @var{ttl} muss eine Dauer (mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben der Maßeinheit der Dauer im Englischen) angegeben werden: @code{5d} bedeutet 5 Tage, @code{1m} bedeutet 1 Monat und so weiter."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14124
msgid "This allows the user's Guix to keep substitute information in cache for @var{ttl}. However, note that @code{guix publish} does not itself guarantee that the store items it provides will indeed remain available for as long as @var{ttl}."
msgstr "Das ermöglicht es Guix, Substitutinformationen @var{ttl} lang zwischenzuspeichern. Beachten Sie allerdings, dass @code{guix publish} selbst @emph{nicht} garantiert, dass die davon angebotenen Store-Objekte so lange verfügbar bleiben, wie es die @var{ttl} vorsieht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14128
msgid "Additionally, when @option{--cache} is used, cached entries that have not been accessed for @var{ttl} and that no longer have a corresponding item in the store, may be deleted."
msgstr "Des Weiteren können bei Nutzung von @option{--cache} die zwischengespeicherten Einträge gelöscht werden, wenn auf sie @var{ttl} lang nicht zugegriffen wurde und kein ihnen entsprechendes Objekt mehr im Store existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14129
#, no-wrap
msgid "--negative-ttl=@var{ttl}"
msgstr "--negative-ttl=@var{ttl}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14134 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33837
msgid "Similarly produce @code{Cache-Control} HTTP headers to advertise the time-to-live (TTL) of @emph{negative} lookups---missing store items, for which the HTTP 404 code is returned. By default, no negative TTL is advertised."
msgstr "Eben solche @code{Cache-Control}-HTTP-Kopfzeilen für erfolglose (negative) Suchen erzeugen, um eine Time-to-live (TTL) zu signalisieren, wenn Store-Objekte fehlen und mit dem HTTP-Status-Code 404 geantwortet wird. Nach Vorgabe wird für negative Antworten @emph{keine} TTL signalisiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14138
msgid "This parameter can help adjust server load and substitute latency by instructing cooperating clients to be more or less patient when a store item is missing."
msgstr "Dieser Parameter kann helfen, die Last auf dem Server und die Verzögerung zu regulieren, weil folgsame Clients angewiesen werden, für diese Zeit geduldig zu warten, wenn ein Store-Objekt fehlt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14139
#, no-wrap
msgid "--cache-bypass-threshold=@var{size}"
msgstr "--cache-bypass-threshold=@var{Größe}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14144
msgid "When used in conjunction with @option{--cache}, store items smaller than @var{size} are immediately available, even when they are not yet in cache. @var{size} is a size in bytes, or it can be suffixed by @code{M} for megabytes and so on. The default is @code{10M}."
msgstr "Wird dies in Verbindung mit @option{--cache} angegeben, werden Store-Objekte kleiner als die @var{Größe} sofort verfügbar sein, obwohl sie noch nicht in den Zwischenspeicher eingelagert wurden. Die @var{Größe} gibt die Größe in Bytes an oder ist mit einem Suffix @code{M} für Megabyte und so weiter versehen. Die Vorgabe ist @code{10M}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14149
msgid "``Cache bypass'' allows you to reduce the publication delay for clients at the expense of possibly additional I/O and CPU use on the server side: depending on the client access patterns, those store items can end up being baked several times until a copy is available in cache."
msgstr "Durch diese „Zwischenspeicherumgehung“ lässt sich die Verzögerung bis zur Veröffentlichung an Clients reduzieren, auf Kosten zusätzlicher Ein-/Ausgaben und CPU-Auslastung für den Server. Je nachdem, welche Zugriffsmuster Clients haben, werden diese Store-Objekte vielleicht mehrfach zur Einlagerung vorbereitet, ehe eine Kopie davon im Zwischenspeicher verfügbar wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14153
msgid "Increasing the threshold may be useful for sites that have few users, or to guarantee that users get substitutes even for store items that are not popular."
msgstr "Wenn ein Anbieter nur wenige Nutzer unterhält, kann es helfen, den Schwellwert zu erhöhen, oder auch wenn garantiert werden soll, dass es auch für wenig beliebte Store-Objekte Substitute gibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14154
#, no-wrap
msgid "--nar-path=@var{path}"
msgstr "--nar-path=@var{Pfad}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14157
msgid "Use @var{path} as the prefix for the URLs of ``nar'' files (@pxref{Invoking guix archive, normalized archives})."
msgstr "Den @var{Pfad} als Präfix für die URLs von „nar“-Dateien benutzen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive, Normalisierte Archive})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14161
msgid "By default, nars are served at a URL such as @code{/nar/gzip/@dots{}-coreutils-8.25}. This option allows you to change the @code{/nar} part to @var{path}."
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist, dass Nars unter einer URL mit @code{/nar/gzip/…-coreutils-8.25} angeboten werden. Mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption können Sie den @code{/nar}-Teil durch den angegebenen @var{Pfad} ersetzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14162
#, no-wrap
msgid "--public-key=@var{file}"
msgstr "--public-key=@var{Datei}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14163
#, no-wrap
msgid "--private-key=@var{file}"
msgstr "--private-key=@var{Datei}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13705 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29141
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14166 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29611
msgid "Use the specific @var{file}s as the public/private key pair used to sign the store items being published."
msgstr "Die angegebenen @var{Datei}en als das Paar aus öffentlichem und privatem Schlüssel zum Signieren veröffentlichter Store-Objekte benutzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14173
msgid "The files must correspond to the same key pair (the private key is used for signing and the public key is merely advertised in the signature metadata). They must contain keys in the canonical s-expression format as produced by @command{guix archive --generate-key} (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}). By default, @file{/etc/guix/signing-key.pub} and @file{/etc/guix/signing-key.sec} are used."
msgstr "Die Dateien müssen demselben Schlüsselpaar entsprechen (der private Schlüssel wird zum Signieren benutzt, der öffentliche Schlüssel wird lediglich in den Metadaten der Signatur aufgeführt). Die Dateien müssen Schlüssel im kanonischen („canonical“) S-Ausdruck-Format enthalten, wie es von @command{guix archive --generate-key} erzeugt wird (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}). Vorgegeben ist, dass @file{/etc/guix/signing-key.pub} und @file{/etc/guix/signing-key.sec} benutzt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14174
#, no-wrap
msgid "--repl[=@var{port}]"
msgstr "--repl[=@var{Port}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14175
#, no-wrap
msgid "-r [@var{port}]"
msgstr "-r [@var{Port}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14179
msgid "Spawn a Guile REPL server (@pxref{REPL Servers,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}) on @var{port} (37146 by default). This is used primarily for debugging a running @command{guix publish} server."
msgstr "Einen Guile-REPL-Server (siehe @ref{REPL Servers,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) auf diesem @var{Port} starten (37146 ist voreingestellt). Dies kann zur Fehlersuche auf einem laufenden „@command{guix publish}“-Server benutzt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14185
msgid "Enabling @command{guix publish} on Guix System is a one-liner: just instantiate a @code{guix-publish-service-type} service in the @code{services} field of the @code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{guix-publish-service-type, @code{guix-publish-service-type}})."
msgstr "@command{guix publish} auf einem „Guix System“-System zu aktivieren ist ein Einzeiler: Instanziieren Sie einfach einen @code{guix-publish-service-type}-Dienst im @code{services}-Feld Ihres @code{operating-system}-Objekts zur Betriebssystemdeklaration (siehe @ref{guix-publish-service-type, @code{guix-publish-service-type}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14188
msgid "If you are instead running Guix on a ``foreign distro'', follow these instructions:"
msgstr "Falls Sie Guix aber auf einer „Fremddistribution“ laufen lassen, folgen Sie folgenden Anweisungen:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14192
msgid "If your host distro uses the systemd init system:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre Wirtsdistribution systemd als „init“-System benutzt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14197
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ln -s ~root/.guix-profile/lib/systemd/system/guix-publish.service \\\n"
@@ -25246,7 +26085,7 @@ msgstr ""
"# systemctl start guix-publish && systemctl enable guix-publish\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# ln -s ~root/.guix-profile/lib/upstart/system/guix-publish.conf /etc/init/\n"
@@ -25256,56 +26095,56 @@ msgstr ""
"# start guix-publish\n"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14209
msgid "Otherwise, proceed similarly with your distro's init system."
msgstr "Verfahren Sie andernfalls auf die gleiche Art für das „init“-System, das Ihre Distribution verwendet."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14212
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix challenge}"
msgstr "@command{guix challenge} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14215
#, no-wrap
msgid "verifiable builds"
msgstr "verifizierbare Erstellungen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14216
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix challenge"
msgstr "guix challenge"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14217
#, no-wrap
msgid "challenge"
msgstr "Anfechten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14222
msgid "Do the binaries provided by this server really correspond to the source code it claims to build? Is a package build process deterministic? These are the questions the @command{guix challenge} command attempts to answer."
msgstr "Entsprechen die von diesem Server gelieferten Binärdateien tatsächlich dem Quellcode, aus dem sie angeblich erzeugt wurden? Ist ein Paketerstellungsprozess deterministisch? Diese Fragen versucht @command{guix challenge} zu beantworten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14230
msgid "The former is obviously an important question: Before using a substitute server (@pxref{Substitutes}), one had better @emph{verify} that it provides the right binaries, and thus @emph{challenge} it. The latter is what enables the former: If package builds are deterministic, then independent builds of the package should yield the exact same result, bit for bit; if a server provides a binary different from the one obtained locally, it may be either corrupt or malicious."
msgstr "Die erste Frage ist offensichtlich wichtig: Bevor man einen Substitutserver benutzt (siehe @ref{Substitutes}), @emph{verifiziert} man besser, dass er die richtigen Binärdateien liefert, d.h.@: man @emph{fechtet sie an}. Die letzte Frage macht die erste möglich: Wenn Paketerstellungen deterministisch sind, müssten voneinander unabhängige Erstellungen genau dasselbe Ergebnis liefern, Bit für Bit; wenn ein Server mit einer anderen Binärdatei als der lokal erstellten Binärdatei antwortet, ist diese entweder beschädigt oder bösartig."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14239
msgid "We know that the hash that shows up in @file{/gnu/store} file names is the hash of all the inputs of the process that built the file or directory---compilers, libraries, build scripts, etc. (@pxref{Introduction}). Assuming deterministic build processes, one store file name should map to exactly one build output. @command{guix challenge} checks whether there is, indeed, a single mapping by comparing the build outputs of several independent builds of any given store item."
msgstr "Wir wissen, dass die in @file{/gnu/store}-Dateinamen auftauchende Hash-Prüfsumme der Hash aller Eingaben des Prozesses ist, mit dem die Datei oder das Verzeichnis erstellt wurde@tie{}— Compiler, Bibliotheken, Erstellungsskripts und so weiter (siehe @ref{Introduction}). Wenn wir von deterministischen Erstellungen ausgehen, sollte ein Store-Dateiname also auf genau eine Erstellungsausgabe abgebildet werden. Mit @command{guix challenge} prüft man, ob es tatsächlich eine eindeutige Abbildung gibt, indem die Erstellungsausgaben mehrerer unabhängiger Erstellungen jedes angegebenen Store-Objekts verglichen werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14241
msgid "The command output looks like this:"
msgstr "Die Ausgabe des Befehls sieht so aus:"
#. type: smallexample
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14253
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix challenge --substitute-urls=\"https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1} https://guix.example.org\"\n"
@@ -25333,7 +26172,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: smallexample
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14260
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"/gnu/store/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 contents differ:\n"
@@ -25353,7 +26192,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: smallexample
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14267
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"/gnu/store/@dots{}-pius-2.1.1 contents differ:\n"
@@ -25373,7 +26212,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: smallexample
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14269
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -25383,7 +26222,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: smallexample
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14274
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"6,406 store items were analyzed:\n"
@@ -25397,28 +26236,28 @@ msgstr ""
" @tie{}— 1,132 (17.7%) blieben ergebnislos\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14282
msgid "In this example, @command{guix challenge} first scans the store to determine the set of locally-built derivations---as opposed to store items that were downloaded from a substitute server---and then queries all the substitute servers. It then reports those store items for which the servers obtained a result different from the local build."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird mit @command{guix challenge} zuerst die Menge lokal erstellter Ableitungen im Store ermittelt@tie{}— im Gegensatz zu von einem Substitserver heruntergeladenen Store-Objekten@tie{}— und dann werden alle Substitutserver angefragt. Diejenigen Store-Objekte, bei denen der Server ein anderes Ergebnis berechnet hat als die lokale Erstellung, werden gemeldet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14283
#, no-wrap
msgid "non-determinism, in package builds"
msgstr "Nichtdeterminismus, in Paketerstellungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14294
msgid "As an example, @code{guix.example.org} always gets a different answer. Conversely, @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} agrees with local builds, except in the case of Git. This might indicate that the build process of Git is non-deterministic, meaning that its output varies as a function of various things that Guix does not fully control, in spite of building packages in isolated environments (@pxref{Features}). Most common sources of non-determinism include the addition of timestamps in build results, the inclusion of random numbers, and directory listings sorted by inode number. See @uref{https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/}, for more information."
msgstr "Nehmen wir zum Beispiel an, @code{guix.example.org} gibt uns immer eine verschiedene Antwort, aber @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} stimmt mit lokalen Erstellungen überein, @emph{außer} im Fall von Git. Das könnte ein Hinweis sein, dass der Erstellungsprozess von Git nichtdeterministisch ist; das bedeutet, seine Ausgabe variiert abhängig von verschiedenen Umständen, die Guix nicht vollends kontrollieren kann, obwohl es Pakete in isolierten Umgebungen erstellt (siehe @ref{Features}). Zu den häufigsten Quellen von Nichtdeterminismus gehören das Einsetzen von Zeitstempeln innerhalb der Erstellungsgebnisse, das Einsetzen von Zufallszahlen und von Auflistungen eines Verzeichnisinhalts sortiert nach der Inode-Nummer. Siehe @uref{https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14297
msgid "To find out what is wrong with this Git binary, the easiest approach is to run:"
msgstr "Um herauszufinden, was mit dieser Git-Binärdatei nicht stimmt, ist es am leichtesten, einfach diesen Befehl auszuführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14302
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix challenge git \\\n"
@@ -25430,17 +26269,17 @@ msgstr ""
" --substitute-urls=\"https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1} https://guix.example.org\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13845
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14306
msgid "This automatically invokes @command{diffoscope}, which displays detailed information about files that differ."
msgstr "Dadurch wird @command{diffoscope} automatisch aufgerufen, um detaillierte Informationen über sich unterscheidende Dateien anzuzeigen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14309
msgid "Alternatively, we can do something along these lines (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}):"
msgstr "Alternativ können wir so etwas machen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14314
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ wget -q -O - https://@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}/nar/lzip/@dots{}-git-2.5.0 \\\n"
@@ -25452,160 +26291,160 @@ msgstr ""
"$ diff -ur --no-dereference /gnu/store/…-git.2.5.0 /tmp/git\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14323
msgid "This command shows the difference between the files resulting from the local build, and the files resulting from the build on @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} (@pxref{Overview, Comparing and Merging Files,, diffutils, Comparing and Merging Files}). The @command{diff} command works great for text files. When binary files differ, a better option is @uref{https://diffoscope.org/, Diffoscope}, a tool that helps visualize differences for all kinds of files."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen den Dateien, die sich aus der lokalen Erstellung ergeben, und den Dateien, die sich aus der Erstellung auf @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} ergeben (siehe @ref{Overview, Dateien vergleichen und zusammenführen,, diffutils, Comparing and Merging Files}). Der Befehl @command{diff} funktioniert großartig für Textdateien. Wenn sich Binärdateien unterscheiden, ist @uref{https://diffoscope.org/, Diffoscope} die bessere Wahl: Es ist ein hilfreiches Werkzeug, das Unterschiede in allen Arten von Dateien visualisiert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14331
msgid "Once you have done that work, you can tell whether the differences are due to a non-deterministic build process or to a malicious server. We try hard to remove sources of non-determinism in packages to make it easier to verify substitutes, but of course, this is a process that involves not just Guix, but a large part of the free software community. In the meantime, @command{guix challenge} is one tool to help address the problem."
msgstr "Sobald Sie mit dieser Arbeit fertig sind, können Sie erkennen, ob die Unterschiede aufgrund eines nichtdeterministischen Erstellungsprozesses oder wegen einem bösartigen Server zustande kommen. Wir geben uns Mühe, Quellen von Nichtdeterminismus in Paketen zu entfernen, damit Substitute leichter verifiziert werden können, aber natürlich ist an diesem Prozess nicht nur Guix, sondern ein großer Teil der Freie-Software-Gemeinschaft beteiligt. In der Zwischenzeit ist @command{guix challenge} eines der Werkzeuge, die das Problem anzugehen helfen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14335
msgid "If you are writing packages for Guix, you are encouraged to check whether @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} and other substitute servers obtain the same build result as you did with:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Paket für Guix schreiben, ermutigen wir Sie, zu überprüfen, ob @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und andere Substitutserver dasselbe Erstellungsergebnis bekommen, das Sie bekommen haben. Das geht so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14338
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix challenge @var{package}\n"
msgstr "$ guix challenge @var{Paket}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14343
msgid "where @var{package} is a package specification such as @code{guile@@2.0} or @code{glibc:debug}."
msgstr "Dabei wird mit @var{Paket} eine Paketspezifikation wie @code{guile@@2.0} oder @code{glibc:debug} bezeichnet."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14348
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix challenge @var{options} [@var{packages}@dots{}]\n"
msgstr "guix challenge @var{Optionen} [@var{Pakete}…]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14355
msgid "When a difference is found between the hash of a locally-built item and that of a server-provided substitute, or among substitutes provided by different servers, the command displays it as in the example above and its exit code is 2 (other non-zero exit codes denote other kinds of errors)."
msgstr "Wird ein Unterschied zwischen der Hash-Prüfsumme des lokal erstellten Objekts und dem vom Server gelieferten Substitut festgestellt, oder zwischen den Substituten von unterschiedlichen Servern, dann wird der Befehl dies wie im obigen Beispiel anzeigen und mit dem Exit-Code 2 terminieren (andere Exit-Codes außer null stehen für andere Arten von Fehlern)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14357
msgid "The one option that matters is:"
msgstr "Die eine, wichtige Befehlszeilenoption ist:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14363
msgid "Consider @var{urls} the whitespace-separated list of substitute source URLs to compare to."
msgstr "Die @var{URLs} als durch Leerraumzeichen getrennte Liste von Substitut-Quell-URLs benutzen. mit denen verglichen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14364
#, no-wrap
msgid "--diff=@var{mode}"
msgstr "--diff=@var{Modus}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14366
msgid "Upon mismatches, show differences according to @var{mode}, one of:"
msgstr "Wenn sich Dateien unterscheiden, diese Unterschiede entsprechend dem @var{Modus} anzeigen. Dieser kann einer der folgenden sein:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14368
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{simple} (the default)"
msgstr "@code{simple} (die Vorgabe)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14370
msgid "Show the list of files that differ."
msgstr "Zeige die Liste sich unterscheidender Dateien."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14371
#, no-wrap
msgid "diffoscope"
msgstr "diffoscope"
#. type: var{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14372
#, no-wrap
msgid "command"
msgstr "Befehl"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14375
msgid "Invoke @uref{https://diffoscope.org/, Diffoscope}, passing it two directories whose contents do not match."
msgstr "@uref{https://diffoscope.org/, Diffoscope} aufrufen und ihm zwei Verzeichnisse mit verschiedenem Inhalt übergeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14378
msgid "When @var{command} is an absolute file name, run @var{command} instead of Diffoscope."
msgstr "Wenn der @var{Befehl} ein absoluter Dateiname ist, wird der @var{Befehl} anstelle von Diffoscope ausgeführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14381
msgid "Do not show further details about the differences."
msgstr "Keine näheren Details zu Unterschieden anzeigen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14386
msgid "Thus, unless @option{--diff=none} is passed, @command{guix challenge} downloads the store items from the given substitute servers so that it can compare them."
msgstr "Solange kein @option{--diff=none} angegeben wird, werden durch @command{guix challenge} also Store-Objekte von den festgelegten Substitutservern heruntergeladen, damit diese verglichen werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14387
#, no-wrap
msgid "--verbose"
msgstr "--verbose"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14388
#, no-wrap
msgid "-v"
msgstr "-v"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14391
msgid "Show details about matches (identical contents) in addition to information about mismatches."
msgstr "Details auch zu Übereinstimmungen (deren Inhalt identisch ist) ausgeben, zusätzlich zu Informationen über Unterschiede."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14395
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix copy}"
msgstr "@command{guix copy} aufrufen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14397
#, no-wrap
msgid "copy, of store items, over SSH"
msgstr "Kopieren, von Store-Objekten, über SSH"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14398
#, no-wrap
msgid "SSH, copy of store items"
msgstr "SSH, Kopieren von Store-Objekten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14399
#, no-wrap
msgid "sharing store items across machines"
msgstr "Store-Objekte zwischen Maschinen teilen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14400
#, no-wrap
msgid "transferring store items across machines"
msgstr "Übertragen von Store-Objekten zwischen Maschinen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14407
msgid "The @command{guix copy} command copies items from the store of one machine to that of another machine over a secure shell (SSH) connection@footnote{This command is available only when Guile-SSH was found. @xref{Requirements}, for details.}. For example, the following command copies the @code{coreutils} package, the user's profile, and all their dependencies over to @var{host}, logged in as @var{user}:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix copy} kopiert Objekte aus dem Store einer Maschine in den Store einer anderen Maschine mittels einer Secure-Shell-Verbindung (kurz SSH-Verbindung)@footnote{Dieser Befehl steht nur dann zur Verfügung, wenn Guile-SSH gefunden werden kann. Siehe @ref{Requirements} für Details.}. Zum Beispiel kopiert der folgende Befehl das Paket @code{coreutils}, das Profil des Benutzers und all deren Abhängigkeiten auf den anderen @var{Rechner}, dazu meldet sich Guix als @var{Benutzer} an:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14411
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix copy --to=@var{user}@@@var{host} \\\n"
@@ -25615,192 +26454,192 @@ msgstr ""
" coreutils $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14415
msgid "If some of the items to be copied are already present on @var{host}, they are not actually sent."
msgstr "Wenn manche der zu kopierenden Objekte schon auf dem anderen @var{Rechner} vorliegen, werden sie tatsächlich @emph{nicht} übertragen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14418
msgid "The command below retrieves @code{libreoffice} and @code{gimp} from @var{host}, assuming they are available there:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl bezieht @code{libreoffice} und @code{gimp} von dem @var{Rechner}, vorausgesetzt sie sind dort verfügbar:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14421
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix copy --from=@var{host} libreoffice gimp\n"
msgstr "guix copy --from=@var{host} libreoffice gimp\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14426
msgid "The SSH connection is established using the Guile-SSH client, which is compatible with OpenSSH: it honors @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} and @file{~/.ssh/config}, and uses the SSH agent for authentication."
msgstr "Die SSH-Verbindung wird mit dem Guile-SSH-Client hergestellt, der mit OpenSSH kompatibel ist: Er berücksichtigt @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} und @file{~/.ssh/config} und verwendet den SSH-Agenten zur Authentifizierung."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14432
msgid "The key used to sign items that are sent must be accepted by the remote machine. Likewise, the key used by the remote machine to sign items you are retrieving must be in @file{/etc/guix/acl} so it is accepted by your own daemon. @xref{Invoking guix archive}, for more information about store item authentication."
msgstr "Der Schlüssel, mit dem gesendete Objekte signiert sind, muss von der entfernten Maschine akzeptiert werden. Ebenso muss der Schlüssel, mit dem die Objekte signiert sind, die Sie von der entfernten Maschine empfangen, in Ihrer Datei @file{/etc/guix/acl} eingetragen sein, damit Ihr Daemon sie akzeptiert. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive} für mehr Informationen über die Authentifizierung von Store-Objekten."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14437
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix copy [--to=@var{spec}|--from=@var{spec}] @var{items}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix copy [--to=@var{Spezifikation}|--from=@var{Spezifikation}] @var{Objekte}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14440
msgid "You must always specify one of the following options:"
msgstr "Sie müssen immer eine der folgenden Befehlszeilenoptionen angeben:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14442
#, no-wrap
msgid "--to=@var{spec}"
msgstr "--to=@var{Spezifikation}"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14443
#, no-wrap
msgid "--from=@var{spec}"
msgstr "--from=@var{Spezifikation}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14447
msgid "Specify the host to send to or receive from. @var{spec} must be an SSH spec such as @code{example.org}, @code{charlie@@example.org}, or @code{charlie@@example.org:2222}."
msgstr "Gibt den Rechner (den „Host“) an, an den oder von dem gesendet bzw. empfangen wird. Die @var{Spezifikation} muss eine SSH-Spezifikation sein wie @code{example.org}, @code{charlie@@example.org} oder @code{charlie@@example.org:2222}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13990
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14451
msgid "The @var{items} can be either package names, such as @code{gimp}, or store items, such as @file{/gnu/store/@dots{}-idutils-4.6}."
msgstr "Die @var{Objekte} können entweder Paketnamen wie @code{gimp} oder Store-Objekte wie @file{/gnu/store/…-idutils-4.6} sein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14455
msgid "When specifying the name of a package to send, it is first built if needed, unless @option{--dry-run} was specified. Common build options are supported (@pxref{Common Build Options})."
msgstr "Wenn ein zu sendendes Paket mit Namen angegeben wird, wird es erst erstellt, falls es nicht im Store vorliegt, außer @option{--dry-run} wurde angegeben wurde. Alle gemeinsamen Erstellungsoptionen werden unterstützt (siehe @ref{Common Build Options})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14458
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix container}"
msgstr "@command{guix container} aufrufen"
#. type: command{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:13999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14460
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix container"
msgstr "guix container"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14464
msgid "As of version @value{VERSION}, this tool is experimental. The interface is subject to radical change in the future."
msgstr "Dieses Werkzeug ist noch experimentell, Stand Version @value{VERSION}. Die Schnittstelle wird sich in Zukunft grundlegend verändern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14471
msgid "The purpose of @command{guix container} is to manipulate processes running within an isolated environment, commonly known as a ``container'', typically created by the @command{guix shell} (@pxref{Invoking guix shell}) and @command{guix system container} (@pxref{Invoking guix system}) commands."
msgstr "Der Zweck von @command{guix container} ist, in einer isolierten Umgebung (gemeinhin als „Container“ bezeichnet) laufende Prozesse zu manipulieren, die typischerweise durch die Befehle @command{guix shell} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix shell}) und @command{guix system container} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system}) erzeugt werden."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14476
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix container @var{action} @var{options}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix container @var{Aktion} @var{Optionen}…\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14480
msgid "@var{action} specifies the operation to perform with a container, and @var{options} specifies the context-specific arguments for the action."
msgstr "Mit @var{Aktion} wird die Operation angegeben, die in der isolierten Umgebung durchgeführt werden soll, und mit @var{Optionen} werden die kontextabhängigen Argumente an die Aktion angegeben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14482
msgid "The following actions are available:"
msgstr "Folgende Aktionen sind verfügbar:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14484
#, no-wrap
msgid "exec"
msgstr "exec"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14486
msgid "Execute a command within the context of a running container."
msgstr "Führt einen Befehl im Kontext der laufenden isolierten Umgebung aus."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14488
msgid "The syntax is:"
msgstr "Die Syntax ist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14491
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix container exec @var{pid} @var{program} @var{arguments}@dots{}\n"
msgstr "guix container exec @var{PID} @var{Programm} @var{Argumente}…\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14497
msgid "@var{pid} specifies the process ID of the running container. @var{program} specifies an executable file name within the root file system of the container. @var{arguments} are the additional options that will be passed to @var{program}."
msgstr "@var{PID} gibt die Prozess-ID der laufenden isolierten Umgebung an. Als @var{Programm} muss eine ausführbare Datei im Wurzeldateisystem der isolierten Umgebung angegeben werden. Die @var{Argumente} sind die zusätzlichen Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an das @var{Programm} übergeben werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14501
msgid "The following command launches an interactive login shell inside a Guix system container, started by @command{guix system container}, and whose process ID is 9001:"
msgstr "Der folgende Befehl startet eine interaktive Login-Shell innerhalb einer isolierten Guix-Systemumgebung, gestartet durch @command{guix system container}, dessen Prozess-ID 9001 ist:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14504
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix container exec 9001 /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login\n"
msgstr "guix container exec 9001 /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14508
msgid "Note that the @var{pid} cannot be the parent process of a container. It must be PID 1 of the container or one of its child processes."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass die @var{PID} nicht der Elternprozess der isolierten Umgebung sein darf, sondern PID 1 in der isolierten Umgebung oder einer seiner Kindprozesse sein muss."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14512
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix weather}"
msgstr "@command{guix weather} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14521
msgid "Occasionally you're grumpy because substitutes are lacking and you end up building packages by yourself (@pxref{Substitutes}). The @command{guix weather} command reports on substitute availability on the specified servers so you can have an idea of whether you'll be grumpy today. It can sometimes be useful info as a user, but it is primarily useful to people running @command{guix publish} (@pxref{Invoking guix publish})."
msgstr "Manchmal werden Sie schlecht gelaunt sein, weil es zu wenige Substitute gibt und die Pakete bei Ihnen selbst erstellt werden müssen (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Der Befehl @command{guix weather} zeigt einen Bericht über die Verfügbarkeit von Substituten auf den angegebenen Servern an, damit Sie sich eine Vorstellung davon machen können, wie es heute um Ihre Laune bestellt sein wird. Manchmal bekommt man als Nutzer so hilfreiche Informationen, aber in erster Linie nützt der Befehl den Leuten, die @command{guix publish} benutzen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14522
#, no-wrap
msgid "statistics, for substitutes"
msgstr "Statistik, für Substitute"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14523
#, no-wrap
msgid "availability of substitutes"
msgstr "Verfügbarkeit von Substituten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14524
#, no-wrap
msgid "substitute availability"
msgstr "Substitutverfügbarkeit"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14525
#, no-wrap
msgid "weather, substitute availability"
msgstr "Wetter, Substitutverfügbarkeit"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14527
msgid "Here's a sample run:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für einen Aufruf davon:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14078
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14539
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix weather --substitute-urls=https://guix.example.org\n"
@@ -25828,7 +26667,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14549
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" 9.8% (342 out of 3,470) of the missing items are queued\n"
@@ -25852,76 +26691,71 @@ msgstr ""
" aarch64-linux: 6,41 Erstellungen pro Stunde\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14551
#, no-wrap
msgid "continuous integration, statistics"
msgstr "Kontinuierliche Integration, Statistik"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14562
msgid "As you can see, it reports the fraction of all the packages for which substitutes are available on the server---regardless of whether substitutes are enabled, and regardless of whether this server's signing key is authorized. It also reports the size of the compressed archives (``nars'') provided by the server, the size the corresponding store items occupy in the store (assuming deduplication is turned off), and the server's throughput. The second part gives continuous integration (CI) statistics, if the server supports it. In addition, using the @option{--coverage} option, @command{guix weather} can list ``important'' package substitutes missing on the server (see below)."
msgstr "Wie Sie sehen können, wird der Anteil unter allen Paketen angezeigt, für die auf dem Server Substitute verfügbar sind@tie{}— unabhängig davon, ob Substitute aktiviert sind, und unabhängig davon, ob der Signierschlüssel des Servers autorisiert ist. Es wird auch über die Größe der komprimierten Archive (die „Nars“) berichtet, die vom Server angeboten werden, sowie über die Größe, die die zugehörigen Store-Objekte im Store belegen würden (unter der Annahme, dass Deduplizierung abgeschaltet ist) und über den Durchsatz des Servers. Der zweite Teil sind Statistiken zur Kontinuierlichen Integration (englisch „Continuous Integration“, kurz CI), wenn der Server dies unterstützt. Des Weiteren kann @command{guix weather}, wenn es mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--coverage} aufgerufen wird, „wichtige“ Paketsubstitute, die auf dem Server fehlen, auflisten (siehe unten)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14568
msgid "To achieve that, @command{guix weather} queries over HTTP(S) meta-data (@dfn{narinfos}) for all the relevant store items. Like @command{guix challenge}, it ignores signatures on those substitutes, which is innocuous since the command only gathers statistics and cannot install those substitutes."
msgstr "Dazu werden mit @command{guix weather} Anfragen über HTTP(S) zu Metadaten (@dfn{Narinfos}) für alle relevanten Store-Objekte gestellt. Wie @command{guix challenge} werden die Signaturen auf den Substituten ignoriert, was harmlos ist, weil der Befehl nur Statistiken sammelt und keine Substitute installieren kann."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14573
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix weather @var{options}@dots{} [@var{packages}@dots{}]\n"
msgstr "guix weather @var{Optionen}…@: [@var{Pakete}…]\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14581
msgid "When @var{packages} is omitted, @command{guix weather} checks the availability of substitutes for @emph{all} the packages, or for those specified with @option{--manifest}; otherwise it only considers the specified packages. It is also possible to query specific system types with @option{--system}. @command{guix weather} exits with a non-zero code when the fraction of available substitutes is below 100%."
msgstr "Wenn keine @var{Pakete} angegeben werden, prüft @command{guix weather} für @emph{alle} Pakete bzw.@: für die Pakete mit @option{--manifest} angegebenen Manifest, ob Substitute zur Verfügung stehen. Ansonsten wird es nur für die angegebenen Pakete geprüft. Es ist auch möglich, die Suche mit @option{--system} auf bestimmte Systemtypen einzuschränken. Der Rückgabewert von @command{guix weather} ist @emph{nicht} null, wenn weniger als 100% Substitute verfügbar sind."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14122
-msgid "The available options are listed below."
-msgstr "Die verfügbaren Befehlszeilenoptionen folgen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14589
msgid "@var{urls} is the space-separated list of substitute server URLs to query. When this option is omitted, the default set of substitute servers is queried."
msgstr "@var{URLs} ist eine leerzeichengetrennte Liste anzufragender Substitutserver-URLs. Wird diese Befehlszeilenoption weggelassen, wird die vorgegebene Menge an Substitutservern angefragt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14595
msgid "Query substitutes for @var{system}---e.g., @code{aarch64-linux}. This option can be repeated, in which case @command{guix weather} will query substitutes for several system types."
msgstr "Substitute für das @var{System} anfragen@tie{}— z.B.@: für @code{aarch64-linux}. Diese Befehlszeilenoption kann mehrmals angegeben werden, wodurch @command{guix weather} die Substitute für mehrere Systemtypen anfragt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14601
msgid "Instead of querying substitutes for all the packages, only ask for those specified in @var{file}. @var{file} must contain a @dfn{manifest}, as with the @code{-m} option of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Anstatt die Substitute für alle Pakete anzufragen, werden nur die in der @var{Datei} angegebenen Pakete erfragt. Die @var{Datei} muss ein @dfn{Manifest} enthalten, wie bei der Befehlszeilenoption @code{-m} von @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14604
msgid "This option can be repeated several times, in which case the manifests are concatenated."
msgstr "Wenn diese Befehlszeilenoption mehrmals wiederholt angegeben wird, werden die Manifeste aneinandergehängt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14605
#, no-wrap
msgid "--coverage[=@var{count}]"
msgstr "--coverage[=@var{Anzahl}]"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14145
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14606
#, no-wrap
msgid "-c [@var{count}]"
msgstr "-c [@var{Anzahl}]"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14612
msgid "Report on substitute coverage for packages: list packages with at least @var{count} dependents (zero by default) for which substitutes are unavailable. Dependent packages themselves are not listed: if @var{b} depends on @var{a} and @var{a} has no substitutes, only @var{a} is listed, even though @var{b} usually lacks substitutes as well. The result looks like this:"
msgstr "Einen Bericht über die Substitutabdeckung für Pakete ausgeben, d.h.@: Pakete mit mindestens @var{Anzahl}-vielen Abhängigen (voreingestellt mindestens null) anzeigen, für die keine Substitute verfügbar sind. Die abhängigen Pakete werden selbst nicht aufgeführt: Wenn @var{b} von @var{a} abhängt und Substitute für @var{a} fehlen, wird nur @var{a} aufgeführt, obwohl dann in der Regel auch die Substitute für @var{b} fehlen. Das Ergebnis sieht so aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14626
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix weather --substitute-urls=@value{SUBSTITUTE-URLS} -c 10\n"
@@ -25951,39 +26785,39 @@ msgstr ""
" …\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14632
msgid "What this example shows is that @code{kcoreaddons} and presumably the 58 packages that depend on it have no substitutes at @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}}; likewise for @code{qgpgme} and the 46 packages that depend on it."
msgstr "Was man hier in diesem Beispiel sehen kann, ist, dass es für @code{kcoreaddons} und vermutlich die 58 Pakete, die davon abhängen, auf @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} keine Substitute gibt; Gleiches gilt für @code{qgpgme} und die 46 Pakete, die davon abhängen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14636
msgid "If you are a Guix developer, or if you are taking care of this build farm, you'll probably want to have a closer look at these packages: they may simply fail to build."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein Guix-Entwickler sind oder sich um diese Erstellungsfarm kümmern, wollen Sie sich diese Pakete vielleicht genauer anschauen. Es kann sein, dass sie schlicht nie erfolgreich erstellt werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14637
#, no-wrap
msgid "--display-missing"
msgstr "--display-missing"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14639
msgid "Display the list of store items for which substitutes are missing."
msgstr "Eine Liste derjenigen Store-Objekte anzeigen, für die @emph{keine} Substitute verfügbar sind."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14642
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @command{guix processes}"
msgstr "@command{guix processes} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14650
msgid "The @command{guix processes} command can be useful to developers and system administrators, especially on multi-user machines and on build farms: it lists the current sessions (connections to the daemon), as well as information about the processes involved@footnote{Remote sessions, when @command{guix-daemon} is started with @option{--listen} specifying a TCP endpoint, are @emph{not} listed.}. Here's an example of the information it returns:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix processes} kann sich für Entwickler und Systemadministratoren als nützlich erweisen, besonders auf Maschinen mit mehreren Nutzern und auf Erstellungsfarmen. Damit werden die aktuellen Sitzungen (also Verbindungen zum Daemon) sowie Informationen über die beteiligten Prozesse aufgelistet@footnote{Entfernte Sitzungen, wenn @command{guix-daemon} mit @option{--listen} unter Angabe eines TCP-Endpunkts gestartet wurde, werden @emph{nicht} aufgelistet.}. Hier ist ein Beispiel für die davon gelieferten Informationen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14656
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ sudo guix processes\n"
@@ -25999,7 +26833,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14660
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"SessionPID: 19402\n"
@@ -26013,7 +26847,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14673
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"SessionPID: 19444\n"
@@ -26043,22 +26877,22 @@ msgstr ""
"ChildCommand: guix offload x86_64-linux 7200 1 28800\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14680
msgid "In this example we see that @command{guix-daemon} has three clients: @command{guix environment}, @command{guix publish}, and the Cuirass continuous integration tool; their process identifier (PID) is given by the @code{ClientPID} field. The @code{SessionPID} field gives the PID of the @command{guix-daemon} sub-process of this particular session."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel sehen wir, dass @command{guix-daemon} drei Clients hat: @command{guix environment}, @command{guix publish} und das Werkzeug Cuirass zur Kontinuierlichen Integration. Deren Prozesskennung (PID) ist jeweils im @code{ClientPID}-Feld zu sehen. Das Feld @code{SessionPID} zeigt die PID des @command{guix-daemon}-Unterprozesses dieser bestimmten Sitzung."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14687
msgid "The @code{LockHeld} fields show which store items are currently locked by this session, which corresponds to store items being built or substituted (the @code{LockHeld} field is not displayed when @command{guix processes} is not running as root). Last, by looking at the @code{ChildPID} and @code{ChildCommand} fields, we understand that these three builds are being offloaded (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup})."
msgstr "Das Feld @code{LockHeld} zeigt an, welche Store-Objekte derzeit durch die Sitzung gesperrt sind, d.h.@: welche Store-Objekte zurzeit erstellt oder substituiert werden (das @code{LockHeld}-Feld wird nicht angezeigt, wenn @command{guix processes} nicht als Administratornutzer root ausgeführt wird). Letztlich sehen wir an den Feldern @code{ChildPID} und @code{ChildCommand} oben, dass diese drei Erstellungen hier ausgelagert (englisch „offloaded“) werden (siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14692
msgid "The output is in Recutils format so we can use the handy @command{recsel} command to select sessions of interest (@pxref{Selection Expressions,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}). As an example, the command shows the command line and PID of the client that triggered the build of a Perl package:"
msgstr "Die Ausgabe ist im Recutils-Format, damit wir den praktischen @command{recsel}-Befehl benutzen können, um uns interessierende Sitzungen auszuwählen (siehe @ref{Selection Expressions,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}). Zum Beispiel zeigt dieser Befehl die Befehlszeile und PID des Clients an, der die Erstellung des Perl-Pakets ausgelöst hat:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14698
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ sudo guix processes | \\\n"
@@ -26072,28 +26906,28 @@ msgstr ""
"ClientCommand: cuirass --cache-directory /var/cache/cuirass …\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14701
msgid "Additional options are listed below."
msgstr "Weitere Befehlszeilenoptionen folgen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14711
msgid "The default option. It outputs a set of Session recutils records that include each @code{ChildProcess} as a field."
msgstr "Diese Option entspricht der Vorgabe. Sitzungen werden als „Session“-Datensätze im recutils-Format ausgegeben; dabei steht jeweils ein Feld @code{ChildProcess} für jeden Kindprozess."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14712
#, no-wrap
msgid "normalized"
msgstr "normalized"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14719
msgid "Normalize the output records into record sets (@pxref{Record Sets,,, recutils, GNU recutils manual}). Normalizing into record sets allows joins across record types. The example below lists the PID of each @code{ChildProcess} and the associated PID for @code{Session} that spawned the @code{ChildProcess} where the @code{Session} was started using @command{guix build}."
msgstr "Normalisiert die ausgegebenen Datensätze nach Typ (als „Record Sets“, siehe @ref{Record Sets,,, recutils, Handbuch von GNU recutils}). Dadurch, dass die Datensatztypen in der Ausgabe stehen, wird eine Verknüpfung („Join“) zwischen den Datensatztypen möglich. Im folgenden Beispiel würde die PID jedes Kindprozesses (mit Typ @code{ChildProcess}) mit der PID der ihn erzeugt habenden Sitzung (Typ @code{Session}) angezeigt, vorausgesetzt die Sitzung wurde mit @command{guix build} gestartet."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14729
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix processes --format=normalized | \\\n"
@@ -26117,7 +26951,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14732
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"PID: 4554\n"
@@ -26129,7 +26963,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14735
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"PID: 4646\n"
@@ -26139,90 +26973,90 @@ msgstr ""
"Session_PID: 4278\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14742
#, no-wrap
msgid "system configuration"
msgstr "Systemkonfiguration"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14748
msgid "Guix System supports a consistent whole-system configuration mechanism. By that we mean that all aspects of the global system configuration---such as the available system services, timezone and locale settings, user accounts---are declared in a single place. Such a @dfn{system configuration} can be @dfn{instantiated}---i.e., effected."
msgstr "Guix System unterstützt einen Mechanismus zur konsistenten Konfiguration des gesamten Systems. Damit meinen wir, dass alle Aspekte der globalen Systemkonfiguration an einem Ort stehen, d.h.@: die zur Verfügung gestellten Systemdienste, die Zeitzone und Einstellungen zur Locale (also die Anpassung an regionale Gepflogenheiten und Sprachen) sowie Benutzerkonten. Sie alle werden an derselben Stelle deklariert. So eine @dfn{Systemkonfiguration} kann @dfn{instanziiert}, also umgesetzt, werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14758
msgid "One of the advantages of putting all the system configuration under the control of Guix is that it supports transactional system upgrades, and makes it possible to roll back to a previous system instantiation, should something go wrong with the new one (@pxref{Features}). Another advantage is that it makes it easy to replicate the exact same configuration across different machines, or at different points in time, without having to resort to additional administration tools layered on top of the own tools of the system."
msgstr "Einer der Vorteile, die ganze Systemkonfiguration unter die Kontrolle von Guix zu stellen, ist, dass so transaktionelle Systemaktualisierungen möglich werden und dass diese rückgängig gemacht werden können, wenn das aktualisierte System nicht richtig funktioniert (siehe @ref{Features}). Ein anderer Vorteil ist, dass dieselbe Systemkonfiguration leicht auf einer anderen Maschine oder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt benutzt werden kann, ohne dazu eine weitere Schicht administrativer Werkzeuge über den systemeigenen Werkzeugen einsetzen zu müssen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14763
msgid "This section describes this mechanism. First we focus on the system administrator's viewpoint---explaining how the system is configured and instantiated. Then we show how this mechanism can be extended, for instance to support new system services."
msgstr "In diesem Abschnitt wird dieser Mechanismus beschrieben. Zunächst betrachten wir ihn aus der Perspektive eines Administrators. Dabei wird erklärt, wie das System konfiguriert und instanziiert werden kann. Dann folgt eine Demonstration, wie der Mechanismus erweitert werden kann, etwa um neue Systemdienste zu unterstützen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14793
msgid "The operating system is configured by providing an @code{operating-system} declaration in a file that can then be passed to the @command{guix system} command (@pxref{Invoking guix system}). A simple setup, with the default system services, the default Linux-Libre kernel, initial RAM disk, and boot loader looks like this:"
msgstr "Das Betriebssystem können Sie konfigurieren, indem Sie eine @code{operating-system}-Deklaration in einer Datei speichern, die Sie dann dem Befehl @command{guix system} übergeben (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system}). Eine einfache Konfiguration mit den vorgegebenen Systemdiensten und dem vorgegebenen Linux-Libre als Kernel und mit einer initialen RAM-Disk und einem Bootloader sieht so aus:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14333 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14794 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36147
#, no-wrap
msgid "operating-system"
msgstr "operating-system"
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14335
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14796
#, no-wrap
msgid "os-config-bare-bones.texi"
msgstr "os-config-bare-bones.texi"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14803
msgid "This example should be self-describing. Some of the fields defined above, such as @code{host-name} and @code{bootloader}, are mandatory. Others, such as @code{packages} and @code{services}, can be omitted, in which case they get a default value."
msgstr "Dieses Beispiel sollte selbsterklärend sein. Manche der Felder oben, wie etwa @code{host-name} und @code{bootloader}, müssen angegeben werden. Andere sind optional, wie etwa @code{packages} und @code{services}, sind optional; werden sie nicht angegeben, nehmen sie einen Vorgabewert an."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14808
msgid "Below we discuss the effect of some of the most important fields (@pxref{operating-system Reference}, for details about all the available fields), and how to @dfn{instantiate} the operating system using @command{guix system}."
msgstr "Im Folgenden werden die Effekte von einigen der wichtigsten Feldern erläutert (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference} für Details zu allen verfügbaren Feldern), dann wird beschrieben, wie man das Betriebssystem mit @command{guix system} @dfn{instanziieren} kann."
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14809
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bootloader"
msgstr "Bootloader"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14811
#, no-wrap
msgid "legacy boot, on Intel machines"
msgstr "Legacy-Boot, auf Intel-Maschinen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14812
#, no-wrap
msgid "BIOS boot, on Intel machines"
msgstr "BIOS-Boot, auf Intel-Maschinen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14813
#, no-wrap
msgid "UEFI boot"
msgstr "UEFI-Boot"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14814
#, no-wrap
msgid "EFI boot"
msgstr "EFI-Boot"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14820
msgid "The @code{bootloader} field describes the method that will be used to boot your system. Machines based on Intel processors can boot in ``legacy'' BIOS mode, as in the example above. However, more recent machines rely instead on the @dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI) to boot. In that case, the @code{bootloader} field should contain something along these lines:"
msgstr "Das @code{bootloader}-Feld beschreibt, mit welcher Methode Ihr System „gebootet“ werden soll. Maschinen, die auf Intel-Prozessoren basieren, können im alten „Legacy“-BIOS-Modus gebootet werden, wie es im obigen Beispiel der Fall wäre. Neuere Maschinen benutzen stattdessen das @dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI) zum Booten. In diesem Fall sollte das @code{bootloader}-Feld in etwa so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14825
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -26234,29 +27068,29 @@ msgstr ""
" (targets '(\"/boot/efi\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14829
msgid "@xref{Bootloader Configuration}, for more information on the available configuration options."
msgstr "Siehe den Abschnitt @ref{Bootloader Configuration} für weitere Informationen zu den verfügbaren Konfigurationsoptionen."
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14830
#, no-wrap
msgid "Globally-Visible Packages"
msgstr "global sichtbare Pakete"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14832
#, no-wrap
msgid "%base-packages"
msgstr "%base-packages"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14845
msgid "The @code{packages} field lists packages that will be globally visible on the system, for all user accounts---i.e., in every user's @env{PATH} environment variable---in addition to the per-user profiles (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). The @code{%base-packages} variable provides all the tools one would expect for basic user and administrator tasks---including the GNU Core Utilities, the GNU Networking Utilities, the @command{mg} lightweight text editor, @command{find}, @command{grep}, etc. The example above adds GNU@tie{}Screen to those, taken from the @code{(gnu packages screen)} module (@pxref{Package Modules}). The @code{(list package output)} syntax can be used to add a specific output of a package:"
msgstr "Im Feld @code{packages} werden Pakete aufgeführt, die auf dem System für alle Benutzerkonten global sichtbar sein sollen, d.h.@: in der @env{PATH}-Umgebungsvariablen jedes Nutzers, zusätzlich zu den nutzereigenen Profilen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). Die Variable @code{%base-packages} bietet alle Werkzeuge, die man für grundlegende Nutzer- und Administratortätigkeiten erwarten würde, einschließlich der GNU Core Utilities, der GNU Networking Utilities, des leichtgewichtigen Texteditors @command{mg}, @command{find}, @command{grep} und so weiter. Obiges Beispiel fügt zu diesen noch das Programm GNU@tie{}Screen hinzu, welches aus dem Modul @code{(gnu packages screen)} genommen wird (siehe @ref{Package Modules}). Die Syntax @code{(list package output)} kann benutzt werden, um eine bestimmte Ausgabe eines Pakets auszuwählen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14849
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages))\n"
@@ -26268,7 +27102,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14854
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -26282,18 +27116,18 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-packages)))\n"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14856
#, no-wrap
msgid "specification->package"
msgstr "specification->package"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14865
msgid "Referring to packages by variable name, like @code{isc-bind} above, has the advantage of being unambiguous; it also allows typos and such to be diagnosed right away as ``unbound variables''. The downside is that one needs to know which module defines which package, and to augment the @code{use-package-modules} line accordingly. To avoid that, one can use the @code{specification->package} procedure of the @code{(gnu packages)} module, which returns the best package for a given name or name and version:"
msgstr "Sich auf Pakete anhand ihres Variablennamens zu beziehen, wie oben bei @code{isc-bind}, hat den Vorteil, dass der Name eindeutig ist; Tippfehler werden direkt als „unbound variables“ gemeldet. Der Nachteil ist, dass man wissen muss, in welchem Modul ein Paket definiert wird, um die Zeile mit @code{use-package-modules} entsprechend zu ergänzen. Um dies zu vermeiden, kann man auch die Prozedur @code{specification->package} aus dem Modul @code{(gnu packages)} aufrufen, welche das einem angegebenen Namen oder Name-Versions-Paar zu Grunde liegende Paket liefert:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14868
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages))\n"
@@ -26303,7 +27137,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14874
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -26319,58 +27153,58 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-packages)))\n"
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14876
#, no-wrap
msgid "System Services"
msgstr "Systemdienste"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14417 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34307
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14878 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36387
#, no-wrap
msgid "services"
msgstr "services"
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14879
#, no-wrap
msgid "%base-services"
msgstr "%base-services"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14889
msgid "The @code{services} field lists @dfn{system services} to be made available when the system starts (@pxref{Services}). The @code{operating-system} declaration above specifies that, in addition to the basic services, we want the OpenSSH secure shell daemon listening on port 2222 (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). Under the hood, @code{openssh-service-type} arranges so that @command{sshd} is started with the right command-line options, possibly with supporting configuration files generated as needed (@pxref{Defining Services})."
msgstr "Das Feld @code{services} listet @dfn{Systemdienste} auf, die zur Verfügung stehen sollen, wenn das System startet (siehe @ref{Services}). Die @code{operating-system}-Deklaration oben legt fest, dass wir neben den grundlegenden Basis-Diensten auch wollen, dass der OpenSSH-Secure-Shell-Daemon auf Port 2222 lauscht (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). Intern sorgt der @code{openssh-service-type} dafür, dass @code{sshd} mit den richtigen Befehlszeilenoptionen aufgerufen wird, je nach Systemkonfiguration werden auch für dessen Betrieb nötige Konfigurationsdateien erstellt (siehe @ref{Defining Services})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14890
#, no-wrap
msgid "customization, of services"
msgstr "Anpassung, von Diensten"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14891
#, no-wrap
msgid "modify-services"
msgstr "modify-services"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14895
msgid "Occasionally, instead of using the base services as is, you will want to customize them. To do this, use @code{modify-services} (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}) to modify the list."
msgstr "Gelegentlich werden Sie die Basis-Dienste nicht einfach so, wie sie sind, benutzen, sondern anpassen wollen. Benutzen Sie @code{modify-services} (siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}), um die Liste der Basis-Dienste zu modifizieren."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14901
msgid "auto-login to TTY"
msgstr "auto-login to TTY"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14901
msgid "For example, suppose you want to modify @code{guix-daemon} and Mingetty (the console log-in) in the @code{%base-services} list (@pxref{Base Services, @code{%base-services}}). To do that, you can write the following in your operating system declaration:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie zum Beispiel @code{guix-daemon} und Mingetty (das Programm, womit Sie sich auf der Konsole anmelden) in der @code{%base-services}-Liste modifizieren möchten (siehe @ref{Base Services, @code{%base-services}}), schreiben Sie das Folgende in Ihre Betriebssystemdeklaration:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14918
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %my-services\n"
@@ -26386,7 +27220,7 @@ msgid ""
" (mingetty-service-type config =>\n"
" (mingetty-configuration\n"
" (inherit config)\n"
-" ;; Automatially log in as \"guest\".\n"
+" ;; Automatically log in as \"guest\".\n"
" (auto-login \"guest\")))))\n"
msgstr ""
@@ -26408,7 +27242,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14922
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -26420,49 +27254,49 @@ msgstr ""
" (services %my-services))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14935
msgid "This changes the configuration---i.e., the service parameters---of the @code{guix-service-type} instance, and that of all the @code{mingetty-service-type} instances in the @code{%base-services} list (@pxref{Auto-Login to a Specific TTY, see the cookbook for how to auto-login one user to a specific TTY,, guix-cookbook, GNU Guix Cookbook})). Observe how this is accomplished: first, we arrange for the original configuration to be bound to the identifier @code{config} in the @var{body}, and then we write the @var{body} so that it evaluates to the desired configuration. In particular, notice how we use @code{inherit} to create a new configuration which has the same values as the old configuration, but with a few modifications."
msgstr "Dadurch ändert sich die Konfiguration@tie{}— d.h.@: die Dienst-Parameter@tie{}— der @code{guix-service-type}-Instanz und die aller @code{mingetty-service-type}-Instanzen in der @code{%base-services}-Liste (siehe @ref{Automatisch an virtueller Konsole anmelden, das Kochbuch,, guix-cookbook.de, GNU Guix Cookbook} für eine Anleitung, wie man damit ein Benutzerkonto automatisch auf nur einem TTY anmelden ließe). Das funktioniert so: Zunächst arrangieren wir, dass die ursprüngliche Konfiguration an den Bezeichner @code{config} im @var{Rumpf} gebunden wird, dann schreiben wir den @var{Rumpf}, damit er zur gewünschten Konfiguration ausgewertet wird. Beachten Sie insbesondere, wie wir mit @code{inherit} eine neue Konfiguration erzeugen, die dieselben Werte wie die alte Konfiguration hat, aber mit ein paar Modifikationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14481
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14942
msgid "The configuration for a typical ``desktop'' usage, with an encrypted root partition, a swap file on the root partition, the X11 display server, GNOME and Xfce (users can choose which of these desktop environments to use at the log-in screen by pressing @kbd{F1}), network management, power management, and more, would look like this:"
msgstr "Die Konfiguration für typische Nutzung auf Heim- und Arbeitsrechnern, mit einer verschlüsselten Partition für das Wurzeldateisystem, darauf einer Swap-Datei, einem X11-Anzeigeserver, GNOME und Xfce (Benutzer können im Anmeldebildschirm auswählen, welche dieser Arbeitsumgebungen sie möchten, indem sie die Taste @kbd{F1} drücken), Netzwerkverwaltung, Verwaltungswerkzeugen für den Energieverbrauch, und Weiteres, würde so aussehen:"
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14944
#, no-wrap
msgid "os-config-desktop.texi"
msgstr "os-config-desktop.texi"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14949
msgid "A graphical system with a choice of lightweight window managers instead of full-blown desktop environments would look like this:"
msgstr "Ein grafisches System mit einer Auswahl an leichtgewichtigen Fenster-Managern statt voll ausgestatteten Arbeitsumgebungen würde so aussehen:"
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14951
#, no-wrap
msgid "os-config-lightweight-desktop.texi"
msgstr "os-config-lightweight-desktop.texi"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14957
msgid "This example refers to the @file{/boot/efi} file system by its UUID, @code{1234-ABCD}. Replace this UUID with the right UUID on your system, as returned by the @command{blkid} command."
msgstr "Dieses Beispiel bezieht sich auf das Dateisystem hinter @file{/boot/efi} über dessen UUID, @code{1234-ABCD}. Schreiben Sie statt dieser UUID die richtige UUID für Ihr System, wie sie der Befehl @command{blkid} liefert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14961
msgid "@xref{Desktop Services}, for the exact list of services provided by @code{%desktop-services}. @xref{X.509 Certificates}, for background information about the @code{nss-certs} package that is used here."
msgstr "Im Abschnitt @ref{Desktop Services} finden Sie eine genaue Liste der unter @code{%desktop-services} angebotenen Dienste. Der Abschnitt @ref{X.509 Certificates} hat Hintergrundinformationen über das @code{nss-certs}-Paket, das hier benutzt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14968
msgid "Again, @code{%desktop-services} is just a list of service objects. If you want to remove services from there, you can do so using the procedures for list filtering (@pxref{SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). For instance, the following expression returns a list that contains all the services in @code{%desktop-services} minus the Avahi service:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass @code{%desktop-services} nur eine Liste von die Dienste repräsentierenden service-Objekten ist. Wenn Sie Dienste daraus entfernen möchten, können Sie dazu die Prozeduren zum Filtern von Listen benutzen (siehe @ref{SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Beispielsweise liefert der folgende Ausdruck eine Liste mit allen Diensten von @code{%desktop-services} außer dem Avahi-Dienst."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14973
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(remove (lambda (service)\n"
@@ -26474,12 +27308,12 @@ msgstr ""
" %desktop-services)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14976
msgid "Alternatively, the @code{modify-services} macro can be used:"
msgstr "Alternativ können Sie das Makro @code{modify-services} benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14980
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(modify-services %desktop-services\n"
@@ -26489,356 +27323,356 @@ msgstr ""
" (delete avahi-service-type))\n"
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14983
#, no-wrap
msgid "Instantiating the System"
msgstr "Das System instanziieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14990
msgid "Assuming the @code{operating-system} declaration is stored in the @file{my-system-config.scm} file, the @command{guix system reconfigure my-system-config.scm} command instantiates that configuration, and makes it the default GRUB boot entry (@pxref{Invoking guix system})."
msgstr "Angenommen, Sie haben die @code{operating-system}-Deklaration in einer Datei @file{my-system-config.scm} gespeichert, dann instanziiert der Befehl @command{guix system reconfigure my-system-config.scm} diese Konfiguration und macht sie zum voreingestellten GRUB-Boot-Eintrag (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14998
msgid "The normal way to change the system configuration is by updating this file and re-running @command{guix system reconfigure}. One should never have to touch files in @file{/etc} or to run commands that modify the system state such as @command{useradd} or @command{grub-install}. In fact, you must avoid that since that would not only void your warranty but also prevent you from rolling back to previous versions of your system, should you ever need to."
msgstr "Der normale Weg, die Systemkonfiguration nachträglich zu ändern, ist, die Datei zu aktualisieren und @command{guix system reconfigure} erneut auszuführen. Man sollte nie die Dateien in @file{/etc} bearbeiten oder den Systemzustand mit Befehlen wie @command{useradd} oder @command{grub-install} verändern. Tatsächlich müssen Sie das ausdrücklich vermeiden, sonst verfällt nicht nur Ihre Garantie, sondern Sie können Ihr System auch nicht mehr auf eine alte Version des Systems zurücksetzen, falls das jemals notwendig wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14999
#, no-wrap
msgid "roll-back, of the operating system"
msgstr "Zurücksetzen, des Betriebssystems"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15009
msgid "Speaking of roll-back, each time you run @command{guix system reconfigure}, a new @dfn{generation} of the system is created---without modifying or deleting previous generations. Old system generations get an entry in the bootloader boot menu, allowing you to boot them in case something went wrong with the latest generation. Reassuring, no? The @command{guix system list-generations} command lists the system generations available on disk. It is also possible to roll back the system via the commands @command{guix system roll-back} and @command{guix system switch-generation}."
msgstr "Zurücksetzen bezieht sich hierbei darauf, dass jedes Mal, wenn Sie @command{guix system reconfigure} ausführen, eine neue @dfn{Generation} des Systems erzeugt wird@tie{}— ohne vorherige Generationen zu verändern. Alte Systemgenerationen bekommen einen Eintrag im Boot-Menü des Bootloaders, womit Sie alte Generationen beim Starten des Rechners auswählen können, wenn mit der neuesten Generation etwas nicht stimmt. Eine beruhigende Vorstellung, oder? Der Befehl @command{guix system list-generations} führt die auf der Platte verfügbaren Systemgenerationen auf. Es ist auch möglich, das System mit den Befehlen @command{guix system roll-back} und @command{guix system switch-generation} zurückzusetzen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15015
msgid "Although the @command{guix system reconfigure} command will not modify previous generations, you must take care when the current generation is not the latest (e.g., after invoking @command{guix system roll-back}), since the operation might overwrite a later generation (@pxref{Invoking guix system})."
msgstr "Obwohl der Befehl @command{guix system reconfigure} vorherige Generationen nicht verändern wird, müssen Sie achtgeben, dass wenn die momentan aktuelle Generation nicht die neueste ist (z.B.@: nach einem Aufruf von @command{guix system roll-back}), weil @command{guix system reconfigure} alle neueren Generationen überschreibt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system})."
#. type: unnumberedsubsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15016
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Programming Interface"
msgstr "Die Programmierschnittstelle"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15021
msgid "At the Scheme level, the bulk of an @code{operating-system} declaration is instantiated with the following monadic procedure (@pxref{The Store Monad}):"
msgstr "Auf der Ebene von Scheme wird der Großteil der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration mit der folgenden monadischen Prozedur instanziiert (siehe @ref{The Store Monad}):"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15022
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Monadic Procedure} operating-system-derivation os"
msgstr "{Monadische Prozedur} operating-system-derivation os"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15025
msgid "Return a derivation that builds @var{os}, an @code{operating-system} object (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Liefert eine Ableitung, mit der ein @code{operating-system}-Objekt @var{os} erstellt wird (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15029
msgid "The output of the derivation is a single directory that refers to all the packages, configuration files, and other supporting files needed to instantiate @var{os}."
msgstr "Die Ausgabe der Ableitung ist ein einzelnes Verzeichnis mit Verweisen auf alle Pakete, Konfigurationsdateien und andere unterstützenden Dateien, die nötig sind, um @var{os} zu instanziieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15034
msgid "This procedure is provided by the @code{(gnu system)} module. Along with @code{(gnu services)} (@pxref{Services}), this module contains the guts of Guix System. Make sure to visit it!"
msgstr "Diese Prozedur wird vom Modul @code{(gnu system)} angeboten. Zusammen mit @code{(gnu services)} (siehe @ref{Services}) deckt dieses Modul den Kern von „Guix System“ ab. Schauen Sie es sich mal an!"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15037
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{operating-system} Reference"
msgstr "@code{operating-system}-Referenz"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15042
msgid "This section summarizes all the options available in @code{operating-system} declarations (@pxref{Using the Configuration System})."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt fasst alle Optionen zusammen, die für @code{operating-system}-Deklarationen zur Verfügung stehen (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15043
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} operating-system"
msgstr "{Datentyp} operating-system"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15047
msgid "This is the data type representing an operating system configuration. By that, we mean all the global system configuration, not per-user configuration (@pxref{Using the Configuration System})."
msgstr "Der die Betriebssystemkonfiguration repräsentierende Datentyp. Damit meinen wir die globale Konfiguration des Systems und nicht die, die sich nur auf einzelne Nutzer bezieht (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15049
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kernel} (default: @code{linux-libre})"
msgstr "@code{kernel} (Vorgabe: @code{linux-libre})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15054
msgid "The package object of the operating system kernel to use@footnote{Currently only the Linux-libre kernel is fully supported. Using GNU@tie{}mach with the GNU@tie{}Hurd is experimental and only available when building a virtual machine disk image.}."
msgstr "Das Paket für den zu nutzenden Betriebssystem-Kernel als „package“-Objekt@footnote{Derzeit wird nur der Kernel Linux-libre vollständig unterstützt. Die Nutzung von GNU@tie{}mach mit GNU@tie{}Hurd ist experimentell und steht nur zur Erstellung eines Disk-Image für virtuelle Maschinen bereit.}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14594 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15055 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31198
#, no-wrap
msgid "hurd"
msgstr "hurd"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15056
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hurd} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{hurd} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15061
msgid "The package object of the Hurd to be started by the kernel. When this field is set, produce a GNU/Hurd operating system. In that case, @code{kernel} must also be set to the @code{gnumach} package---the microkernel the Hurd runs on."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt derjenigen Hurd, die der Kernel starten soll. Wenn dieses Feld gesetzt ist, wird ein GNU/Hurd-Betriebssystem erzeugt. In diesem Fall muss als @code{kernel} das @code{gnumach}-Paket (das ist der Microkernel, auf dem Hurd läuft) ausgewählt sein."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15064
msgid "This feature is experimental and only supported for disk images."
msgstr "Diese Funktionalität ist experimentell und wird nur für Disk-Images unterstützt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15066
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kernel-loadable-modules} (default: '())"
msgstr "@code{kernel-loadable-modules} (Vorgabe: '())"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15069
msgid "A list of objects (usually packages) to collect loadable kernel modules from--e.g. @code{(list ddcci-driver-linux)}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Objekten (normalerweise Pakete), aus denen Kernel-Module geladen werden können, zum Beispiel @code{(list ddcci-driver-linux)}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15070
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kernel-arguments} (default: @code{%default-kernel-arguments})"
msgstr "@code{kernel-arguments} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-kernel-arguments})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15073
msgid "List of strings or gexps representing additional arguments to pass on the command-line of the kernel---e.g., @code{(\"console=ttyS0\")}."
msgstr "Eine Liste aus Zeichenketten oder G-Ausdrücken, die für zusätzliche Argumente an den Kernel stehen, die ihm auf seiner Befehlszeile übergeben werden@tie{}— wie z.B.@: @code{(\"console=ttyS0\")}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14613 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34539
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15074 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35111
#, no-wrap
msgid "bootloader"
msgstr "bootloader"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15076
msgid "The system bootloader configuration object. @xref{Bootloader Configuration}."
msgstr "Das Konfigurationsobjekt für den Bootloader, mit dem das System gestartet wird. Siehe @ref{Bootloader Configuration}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14616 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15077 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35285
#, no-wrap
msgid "label"
msgstr "label"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15080
msgid "This is the label (a string) as it appears in the bootloader's menu entry. The default label includes the kernel name and version."
msgstr "Diese Bezeichnung (eine Zeichenkette) wird für den Menüeintrag im Bootloader verwendet. Die Vorgabe ist eine Bezeichnung, die den Namen des Kernels und seine Version enthält."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14620 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16318
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19503 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15081 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19990 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35215
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keyboard-layout} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{keyboard-layout} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15086
msgid "This field specifies the keyboard layout to use in the console. It can be either @code{#f}, in which case the default keyboard layout is used (usually US English), or a @code{<keyboard-layout>} record. @xref{Keyboard Layout}, for more information."
msgstr "Dieses Feld gibt an, welche Tastaturbelegung auf der Konsole benutzt werden soll. Es kann entweder auf @code{#f} gesetzt sein, damit die voreingestellte Tastaturbelegung benutzt wird (in der Regel ist diese „US English“), oder ein @code{<keyboard-layout>}-Verbundsobjekt sein. Siehe @ref{Keyboard Layout} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15091
msgid "This keyboard layout is in effect as soon as the kernel has booted. For instance, it is the keyboard layout in effect when you type a passphrase if your root file system is on a @code{luks-device-mapping} mapped device (@pxref{Mapped Devices})."
msgstr "Diese Tastaturbelegung wird benutzt, sobald der Kernel gebootet wurde. Diese Tastaturbelegung wird zum Beispiel auch verwendet, wenn Sie eine Passphrase eintippen, falls sich Ihr Wurzeldateisystem auf einem mit @code{luks-device-mapping} zugeordneten Gerät befindet (siehe @ref{Mapped Devices})."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15098
msgid "This does @emph{not} specify the keyboard layout used by the bootloader, nor that used by the graphical display server. @xref{Bootloader Configuration}, for information on how to specify the bootloader's keyboard layout. @xref{X Window}, for information on how to specify the keyboard layout used by the X Window System."
msgstr "Damit wird @emph{nicht} angegeben, welche Tastaturbelegung der Bootloader benutzt, und auch nicht, welche der grafische Anzeigeserver verwendet. Siehe @ref{Bootloader Configuration} für Informationen darüber, wie Sie die Tastaturbelegung des Bootloaders angeben können. Siehe @ref{X Window} für Informationen darüber, wie Sie die Tastaturbelegung angeben können, die das X-Fenstersystem verwendet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15100
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{initrd-modules} (default: @code{%base-initrd-modules})"
msgstr "@code{initrd-modules} (Vorgabe: @code{%base-initrd-modules})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14640 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34344
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15101 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35020
#, no-wrap
msgid "initrd"
msgstr "initrd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14641 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34345
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15102 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35021
#, no-wrap
msgid "initial RAM disk"
msgstr "initiale RAM-Disk"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15105
msgid "The list of Linux kernel modules that need to be available in the initial RAM disk. @xref{Initial RAM Disk}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Linux-Kernel-Module, die in der initialen RAM-Disk zur Verfügung stehen sollen. Siehe @ref{Initial RAM Disk}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15106
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{initrd} (default: @code{base-initrd})"
msgstr "@code{initrd} (Vorgabe: @code{base-initrd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15110
msgid "A procedure that returns an initial RAM disk for the Linux kernel. This field is provided to support low-level customization and should rarely be needed for casual use. @xref{Initial RAM Disk}."
msgstr "Eine Prozedur, die eine initiale RAM-Disk für den Linux-Kernel liefert. Dieses Feld gibt es, damit auch sehr systemnahe Anpassungen vorgenommen werden können, aber für die normale Nutzung sollten Sie es kaum brauchen. Siehe @ref{Initial RAM Disk}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15111
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{firmware} (default: @code{%base-firmware})"
msgstr "@code{firmware} (Vorgabe: @code{%base-firmware})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15112
#, no-wrap
msgid "firmware"
msgstr "Firmware"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15114
msgid "List of firmware packages loadable by the operating system kernel."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Firmware-Pakete, die vom Betriebssystem-Kernel geladen werden können."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15119
msgid "The default includes firmware needed for Atheros- and Broadcom-based WiFi devices (Linux-libre modules @code{ath9k} and @code{b43-open}, respectively). @xref{Hardware Considerations}, for more info on supported hardware."
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist, dass für Atheros- und Broadcom-basierte WLAN-Geräte nötige Firmware geladen werden kann (genauer jeweils die Linux-libre-Module @code{ath9k} und @code{b43-open}). Siehe den Abschnitt @ref{Hardware Considerations} für mehr Informationen zu unterstützter Hardware."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14659 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15120 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36166
#, no-wrap
msgid "host-name"
msgstr "host-name"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14661
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15122
msgid "The host name."
msgstr "Der Rechnername."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15123
#, no-wrap
msgid "hosts-file"
msgstr "hosts-file"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15124
#, no-wrap
msgid "hosts file"
msgstr "hosts-Datei"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15129
msgid "A file-like object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) for use as @file{/etc/hosts} (@pxref{Host Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). The default is a file with entries for @code{localhost} and @var{host-name}."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}), das für @file{/etc/hosts} benutzt werden soll (siehe @ref{Host Names,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Der Vorgabewert ist eine Datei mit Einträgen für @code{localhost} und @var{host-name}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15130
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mapped-devices} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{mapped-devices} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14671
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15132
msgid "A list of mapped devices. @xref{Mapped Devices}."
msgstr "Eine Liste zugeordneter Geräte („mapped devices“). Siehe @ref{Mapped Devices}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15133
#, no-wrap
msgid "file-systems"
msgstr "file-systems"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15135
msgid "A list of file systems. @xref{File Systems}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Dateisystemen. Siehe @ref{File Systems}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15136
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{swap-devices} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{swap-devices} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15137
#, no-wrap
msgid "swap devices"
msgstr "Swap-Geräte"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15139
msgid "A list of swap spaces. @xref{Swap Space}."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Swap-Speicher. Siehe @ref{Swap Space}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15140
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{users} (default: @code{%base-user-accounts})"
msgstr "@code{users} (Vorgabe: @code{%base-user-accounts})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15141
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{groups} (default: @code{%base-groups})"
msgstr "@code{groups} (Vorgabe: @code{%base-groups})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15143
msgid "List of user accounts and groups. @xref{User Accounts}."
msgstr "Liste der Benutzerkonten und Benutzergruppen. Siehe @ref{User Accounts}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15146
msgid "If the @code{users} list lacks a user account with UID@tie{}0, a ``root'' account with UID@tie{}0 is automatically added."
msgstr "Wenn in der @code{users}-Liste kein Benutzerkonto mit der UID-Kennung@tie{}0 aufgeführt wird, wird automatisch für den Administrator ein „root“-Benutzerkonto mit UID-Kennung@tie{}0 hinzugefügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15147
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{skeletons} (default: @code{(default-skeletons)})"
msgstr "@code{skeletons} (Vorgabe: @code{(default-skeletons)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15151
msgid "A list of target file name/file-like object tuples (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}). These are the skeleton files that will be added to the home directory of newly-created user accounts."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Tupeln aus je einem Ziel-Dateinamen und einem dateiähnlichen Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}). Diese Objekte werden als Skeleton-Dateien im Persönlichen Verzeichnis („Home“-Verzeichnis) jedes neuen Benutzerkontos angelegt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15153
msgid "For instance, a valid value may look like this:"
msgstr "Ein gültiger Wert könnte zum Beispiel so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15159
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"`((\".bashrc\" ,(plain-file \"bashrc\" \"echo Hello\\n\"))\n"
@@ -26852,29 +27686,29 @@ msgstr ""
" (activate-readline)\")))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15161
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{issue} (default: @code{%default-issue})"
msgstr "@code{issue} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-issue})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15164
msgid "A string denoting the contents of the @file{/etc/issue} file, which is displayed when users log in on a text console."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die als Inhalt der Datei @file{/etc/issue} verwendet werden soll, der jedes Mal angezeigt wird, wenn sich ein Nutzer auf einer Textkonsole anmeldet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15165
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{packages} (default: @code{%base-packages})"
msgstr "@code{packages} (Vorgabe: @code{%base-packages})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15169
msgid "A list of packages to be installed in the global profile, which is accessible at @file{/run/current-system/profile}. Each element is either a package variable or a package/output tuple. Here's a simple example of both:"
msgstr "Eine Liste von Paketen, die ins globale Profil installiert werden sollen, welches unter @file{/run/current-system/profile} zu finden ist. Jedes Element ist entweder eine Paketvariable oder ein Tupel aus einem Paket und dessen gewünschter Ausgabe. Hier ist ein Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15174
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(cons* git ; the default \"out\" output\n"
@@ -26886,172 +27720,172 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-packages) ; die normale Paketmenge\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15179
msgid "The default set includes core utilities and it is good practice to install non-core utilities in user profiles (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Die vorgegebene Paketmenge umfasst zum Kern des Systems gehörende Werkzeuge („core utilities“). Es ist empfehlenswert, nicht zum Kern gehörende Werkzeuge („non-core“) stattdessen in Nutzerprofile zu installieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15180
#, no-wrap
msgid "timezone"
msgstr "timezone"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15182
msgid "A timezone identifying string---e.g., @code{\"Europe/Paris\"}."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die die Zeitzone bezeichnet, wie z.B.@: @code{\"Europe/Berlin\"}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15186
msgid "You can run the @command{tzselect} command to find out which timezone string corresponds to your region. Choosing an invalid timezone name causes @command{guix system} to fail."
msgstr "Mit dem Befehl @command{tzselect} können Sie herausfinden, welche Zeichenkette der Zeitzone Ihrer Region entspricht. Wenn Sie eine ungültige Zeichenkette angeben, schlägt @command{guix system} fehl."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14726 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21635
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{locale} (default: @code{\"en_US.utf8\"})"
msgstr "@code{locale} (Vorgabe: @code{\"en_US.utf8\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15190
msgid "The name of the default locale (@pxref{Locale Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). @xref{Locales}, for more information."
msgstr "Der Name der als Voreinstellung zu verwendenden Locale (siehe @ref{Locale Names,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Siehe @ref{Locales} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15191
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{locale-definitions} (default: @code{%default-locale-definitions})"
msgstr "@code{locale-definitions} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-locale-definitions})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15194
msgid "The list of locale definitions to be compiled and that may be used at run time. @xref{Locales}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Locale-Definitionen, die kompiliert werden sollen und dann im laufenden System benutzt werden können. Siehe @ref{Locales}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15195
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{locale-libcs} (default: @code{(list @var{glibc})})"
msgstr "@code{locale-libcs} (Vorgabe: @code{(list @var{glibc})})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15199
msgid "The list of GNU@tie{}libc packages whose locale data and tools are used to build the locale definitions. @xref{Locales}, for compatibility considerations that justify this option."
msgstr "Die Liste der GNU-libc-Pakete, deren Locale-Daten und -Werkzeuge zum Erzeugen der Locale-Definitionen verwendet werden sollen. Siehe @ref{Locales} für eine Erläuterung der Kompatibilitätsauswirkungen, deretwegen man diese Option benutzen wollen könnte."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15200
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name-service-switch} (default: @code{%default-nss})"
msgstr "@code{name-service-switch} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-nss})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15204
msgid "Configuration of the libc name service switch (NSS)---a @code{<name-service-switch>} object. @xref{Name Service Switch}, for details."
msgstr "Die Konfiguration des Name Service Switch (NSS) der libc@tie{}— ein @code{<name-service-switch>}-Objekt. Siehe @ref{Name Service Switch} für Details."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15205
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{services} (default: @code{%base-services})"
msgstr "@code{services} (Vorgabe: @code{%base-services})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15207
msgid "A list of service objects denoting system services. @xref{Services}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von „service“-Objekten, die die Systemdienste repräsentieren. Siehe @ref{Services}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15208
#, no-wrap
msgid "essential services"
msgstr "essenzielle Dienste"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15209
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{essential-services} (default: ...)"
msgstr "@code{essential-services} (Vorgabe: …)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15214
msgid "The list of ``essential services''---i.e., things like instances of @code{system-service-type} and @code{host-name-service-type} (@pxref{Service Reference}), which are derived from the operating system definition itself. As a user you should @emph{never} need to touch this field."
msgstr "Die Liste „essenzieller Dienste“@tie{}— d.h.@: Dinge wie Instanzen von @code{system-service-type} und @code{host-name-service-type} (siehe @ref{Service Reference}), die aus der Betriebssystemdefinition an sich abgeleitet werden. Als normaler Benutzer sollten Sie dieses Feld @emph{niemals} ändern müssen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15215
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pam-services} (default: @code{(base-pam-services)})"
msgstr "@code{pam-services} (Vorgabe: @code{(base-pam-services)})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15216
#, no-wrap
msgid "PAM"
msgstr "PAM"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15217
#, no-wrap
msgid "pluggable authentication modules"
msgstr "Pluggable Authentication Modules"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15220
msgid "Linux @dfn{pluggable authentication module} (PAM) services."
msgstr "Dienste für @dfn{Pluggable Authentication Modules} (PAM) von Linux."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15221
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{setuid-programs} (default: @code{%setuid-programs})"
msgstr "@code{setuid-programs} (Vorgabe: @code{%setuid-programs})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15224
msgid "List of @code{<setuid-program>}. @xref{Setuid Programs}, for more information."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @code{<setuid-program>}-Objekten. Siehe @ref{Setuid Programs}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15225
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sudoers-file} (default: @code{%sudoers-specification})"
msgstr "@code{sudoers-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%sudoers-specification})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15226
#, no-wrap
msgid "sudoers file"
msgstr "sudoers-Datei"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15229
msgid "The contents of the @file{/etc/sudoers} file as a file-like object (@pxref{G-Expressions, @code{local-file} and @code{plain-file}})."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der Datei @file{/etc/sudoers} als ein dateiähnliches Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, @code{local-file} und @code{plain-file}})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15234
msgid "This file specifies which users can use the @command{sudo} command, what they are allowed to do, and what privileges they may gain. The default is that only @code{root} and members of the @code{wheel} group may use @code{sudo}."
msgstr "Diese Datei gibt an, welche Nutzer den Befehl @command{sudo} benutzen dürfen, was sie damit tun und welche Berechtigungen sie so erhalten können. Die Vorgabe ist, dass nur der Administratornutzer @code{root} und Mitglieder der Benutzergruppe @code{wheel} den @code{sudo}-Befehl verwenden dürfen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15237
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} this-operating-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} this-operating-system"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15240
msgid "When used in the @emph{lexical scope} of an operating system field definition, this identifier resolves to the operating system being defined."
msgstr "Wenn dies im @emph{lexikalischen Geltungsbereich} der Definition eines Feldes im Betriebssystem steht, bezieht sich dieser Bezeichner auf das Betriebssystem, das gerade definiert wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15243
msgid "The example below shows how to refer to the operating system being defined in the definition of the @code{label} field:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man auf das Betriebssystem, das gerade definiert wird, verweist, während man die Definition des @code{label}-Felds schreibt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14785 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15246 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19198
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu) (guix))\n"
@@ -27061,7 +27895,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15251
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27075,17 +27909,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (operating-system-kernel this-operating-system))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15255
msgid "It is an error to refer to @code{this-operating-system} outside an operating system definition."
msgstr "Es ist ein Fehler, außerhalb einer Betriebssystemdefinition auf @code{this-operating-system} zu verweisen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15266
msgid "The list of file systems to be mounted is specified in the @code{file-systems} field of the operating system declaration (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}). Each file system is declared using the @code{file-system} form, like this:"
msgstr "Die Liste der Dateisysteme, die eingebunden werden sollen, steht im @code{file-systems}-Feld der Betriebssystemdeklaration (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}). Jedes Dateisystem wird mit der @code{file-system}-Form deklariert, etwa so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15272
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27099,68 +27933,68 @@ msgstr ""
" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15276
msgid "As usual, some of the fields are mandatory---those shown in the example above---while others can be omitted. These are described below."
msgstr "Wie immer müssen manche Felder angegeben werden@tie{}— die, die im Beispiel oben stehen@tie{}—, während andere optional sind. Die Felder werden nun beschrieben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15277
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} file-system"
msgstr "{Datentyp} file-system"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15280
msgid "Objects of this type represent file systems to be mounted. They contain the following members:"
msgstr "Objekte dieses Typs repräsentieren einzubindende Dateisysteme. Sie weisen folgende Komponenten auf:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14821 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15201
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15282 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17804
#, no-wrap
msgid "type"
msgstr "type"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15285
msgid "This is a string specifying the type of the file system---e.g., @code{\"ext4\"}."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die den Typ des Dateisystems spezifiziert, z.B.@: @code{\"ext4\"}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15286
#, no-wrap
msgid "mount-point"
msgstr "mount-point"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15288
msgid "This designates the place where the file system is to be mounted."
msgstr "Der Einhängepunkt, d.h.@: der Pfad, an dem das Dateisystem eingebunden werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14828 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15289 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17754
#, no-wrap
msgid "device"
msgstr "device"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15299
msgid "This names the ``source'' of the file system. It can be one of three things: a file system label, a file system UUID, or the name of a @file{/dev} node. Labels and UUIDs offer a way to refer to file systems without having to hard-code their actual device name@footnote{Note that, while it is tempting to use @file{/dev/disk/by-uuid} and similar device names to achieve the same result, this is not recommended: These special device nodes are created by the udev daemon and may be unavailable at the time the device is mounted.}."
msgstr "Hiermit wird die „Quelle“ des Dateisystems bezeichnet. Sie kann eines von drei Dingen sein: die Bezeichnung („Labels“) eines Dateisystems, die UUID-Kennung des Dateisystems oder der Name eines @file{/dev}-Knotens. Mit Bezeichnungen und UUIDs können Sie Dateisysteme benennen, ohne den Gerätenamen festzuschreiben@footnote{Beachten Sie: Obwohl es verführerisch ist, mit @file{/dev/disk/by-uuid} und ähnlichen Gerätenamen dasselbe Resultat bekommen zu wollen, raten wir davon ab: Diese speziellen Geräte werden erst vom udev-Daemon erzeugt und sind, wenn die Geräte eingebunden werden, vielleicht noch nicht verfügbar.}."
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15300
#, no-wrap
msgid "file-system-label"
msgstr "file-system-label"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15305
msgid "File system labels are created using the @code{file-system-label} procedure, UUIDs are created using @code{uuid}, and @file{/dev} node are plain strings. Here's an example of a file system referred to by its label, as shown by the @command{e2label} command:"
msgstr "Dateisystem-Bezeichnungen („Labels“) werden mit der Prozedur @code{file-system-label} erzeugt und UUID-Kennungen werden mit @code{uuid} erzeugt, während Knoten in @file{/dev} mit ihrem Pfad als einfache Zeichenketten aufgeführt werden. Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie wir ein Dateisystem anhand seiner Bezeichnung aufführen, wie sie vom Befehl @command{e2label} angezeigt wird:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15311
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27174,19 +28008,19 @@ msgstr ""
" (device (file-system-label \"my-home\")))\n"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14852 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33130
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15313 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33611
#, no-wrap
msgid "uuid"
msgstr "uuid"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15321
msgid "UUIDs are converted from their string representation (as shown by the @command{tune2fs -l} command) using the @code{uuid} form@footnote{The @code{uuid} form expects 16-byte UUIDs as defined in @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122, RFC@tie{}4122}. This is the form of UUID used by the ext2 family of file systems and others, but it is different from ``UUIDs'' found in FAT file systems, for instance.}, like this:"
msgstr "UUID-Kennungen werden mit der @code{uuid}-Form von ihrer Darstellung als Zeichenkette (wie sie vom Befehl @command{tune2fs -l} angezeigt wird) konvertiert@footnote{Die @code{uuid}-Form nimmt 16-Byte-UUIDs entgegen, wie sie in @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122, RFC@tie{}4122} definiert sind. Diese Form der UUID wird unter anderem von der ext2-Familie von Dateisystemen verwendet, sie unterscheidet sich jedoch zum Beispiel von den „UUID“ genannten Kennungen, wie man sie bei FAT-Dateisystemen findet.} wie hier:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14866
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15327
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27200,168 +28034,168 @@ msgstr ""
" (device (uuid \"4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb\")))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15335
msgid "When the source of a file system is a mapped device (@pxref{Mapped Devices}), its @code{device} field @emph{must} refer to the mapped device name---e.g., @file{\"/dev/mapper/root-partition\"}. This is required so that the system knows that mounting the file system depends on having the corresponding device mapping established."
msgstr "Wenn die Quelle eines Dateisystems ein zugeordnetes Gerät (siehe @ref{Mapped Devices}) ist, @emph{muss} sich das @code{device}-Feld auf den zugeordneten Gerätenamen beziehen@tie{}— z.B.@: @file{\"/dev/mapper/root-partition\"}. Das ist nötig, damit das System weiß, dass das Einbinden des Dateisystems davon abhängt, die entsprechende Gerätezuordnung hergestellt zu haben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14875
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15336
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{flags} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{flags} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15346
msgid "This is a list of symbols denoting mount flags. Recognized flags include @code{read-only}, @code{bind-mount}, @code{no-dev} (disallow access to special files), @code{no-suid} (ignore setuid and setgid bits), @code{no-atime} (do not update file access times), @code{strict-atime} (update file access time), @code{lazy-time} (only update time on the in-memory version of the file inode), and @code{no-exec} (disallow program execution). @xref{Mount-Unmount-Remount,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}, for more information on these flags."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Symbolen, die Einbinde-Flags („mount flags“) bezeichnen. Erkannt werden unter anderem @code{read-only}, @code{bind-mount}, @code{no-dev} (Zugang zu besonderen Dateien verweigern), @code{no-suid} (setuid- und setgid-Bits ignorieren), @code{no-atime} (Dateizugriffs-Zeitstempel @emph{nicht} aktualisieren), @code{strict-atime} (Dateizugriffs-Zeitstempel immer aktualisieren), @code{lazy-time} (Zeitstempel nur auf zwischengespeicherten Datei-Inodes im Arbeitsspeicher aktualisieren) und @code{no-exec} (Programmausführungen verweigern). Siehe @ref{Mount-Unmount-Remount,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek} für mehr Informationen zu diesen Einbinde-Optionen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15347
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{options} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{options} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15356
msgid "This is either @code{#f}, or a string denoting mount options passed to the file system driver. @xref{Mount-Unmount-Remount,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}, for details and run @command{man 8 mount} for options for various file systems. Note that the @code{file-system-options->alist} and @code{alist->file-system-options} procedures from @code{(gnu system file-systems)} can be used to convert file system options given as an association list to the string representation, and vice-versa."
msgstr "Entweder @code{#f} oder eine Zeichenkette mit Einbinde-Optionen („mount options“), die an den Dateisystemtreiber übergeben werden. Siehe @ref{Mount-Unmount-Remount,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek} für Details; führen Sie @command{man 8 mount} aus, um die Einbinde-Optionen verschiedener Dateisysteme zu sehen. Beachten Sie, dass die Prozeduren @code{file-system-options->alist} und @code{alist->file-system-options} aus @code{(gnu system file-systems)} benutzt werden können, um als assoziative Liste dargestellte Dateisystemoptionen in eine Darstellung als Zeichenkette umzuwandeln und umgekehrt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15357
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mount?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{mount?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15362
msgid "This value indicates whether to automatically mount the file system when the system is brought up. When set to @code{#f}, the file system gets an entry in @file{/etc/fstab} (read by the @command{mount} command) but is not automatically mounted."
msgstr "Dieser Wert zeigt an, ob das Dateisystem automatisch eingebunden werden soll, wenn das System gestartet wird. Ist der Wert @code{#f}, dann erhält das Dateisystem nur einen Eintrag in der Datei @file{/etc/fstab} (welche vom @command{mount}-Befehl zum Einbinden gelesen wird), es wird aber nicht automatisch eingebunden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15363
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{needed-for-boot?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{needed-for-boot?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15368
msgid "This Boolean value indicates whether the file system is needed when booting. If that is true, then the file system is mounted when the initial RAM disk (initrd) is loaded. This is always the case, for instance, for the root file system."
msgstr "Dieser boolesche Wert gibt an, ob das Dateisystem zum Hochfahren des Systems notwendig ist. In diesem Fall wird das Dateisystem eingebunden, wenn die initiale RAM-Disk (initrd) geladen wird. Für zum Beispiel das Wurzeldateisystem ist dies ohnehin immer der Fall."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15369
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{check?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{check?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15373
msgid "This Boolean indicates whether the file system should be checked for errors before being mounted. How and when this happens can be further adjusted with the following options."
msgstr "Dieser boolesche Wert sagt aus, ob das Dateisystem vor dem Einbinden auf Fehler hin geprüft werden soll. Feineinstellungen, wie und wann geprüft wird, sind mit den folgenden Optionen möglich."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15374
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{skip-check-if-clean?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{skip-check-if-clean?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14918
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15379
msgid "When true, this Boolean indicates that a file system check triggered by @code{check?} may exit early if the file system is marked as ``clean'', meaning that it was previously correctly unmounted and should not contain errors."
msgstr "Wenn es wahr ist, zeigt dieser Boolesche Ausdruck an, ob eine durch @code{check?} ausgelöste Dateisystemüberprüfung direkt abbrechen darf, wenn das Dateisystem als in Ordnung („clean“) markiert ist, also zuvor korrekt ausgehangen wurde, so dass es keine Fehler enthalten dürfte."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15383
msgid "Setting this to false will always force a full consistency check when @code{check?} is true. This may take a very long time and is not recommended on healthy systems---in fact, it may reduce reliability!"
msgstr "Wenn Sie es auf falsch setzen, wird eine vollständige Konsistenzprüfung bei jedem Start erzwungen, wenn @code{check?} auf wahr gesetzt ist. Das kann sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Auf gesunden Systemen lassen Sie es besser eingeschaltet, sonst kann die Verlässlichkeit sogar abnehmen!"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15387
msgid "Conversely, some primitive file systems like @code{fat} do not keep track of clean shutdowns and will perform a full scan regardless of the value of this option."
msgstr "Andererseits speichern Dateisysteme wie @code{fat} @emph{nicht}, ob der Rechner ordentlich heruntergefahren wurde, deswegen wird diese Option für sie ignoriert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15388
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{repair} (default: @code{'preen})"
msgstr "@code{repair} (Vorgabe: @code{'preen})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15391
msgid "When @code{check?} finds errors, it can (try to) repair them and continue booting. This option controls when and how to do so."
msgstr "Wenn durch @code{check?} Fehler festgestellt wurden, kann es versuchen, das Dateisystem zu reparieren, und das System danach normal starten. Mit dieser Option legen Sie fest, wann und wie repariert werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15395
msgid "If false, try not to modify the file system at all. Checking certain file systems like @code{jfs} may still write to the device to replay the journal. No repairs will be attempted."
msgstr "Wenn es falsch ist, wird das Dateisystem möglichst unverändert gelassen. Beim Überprüfen mancher Dateisysteme wie @code{jfs} können trotzdem Schreibzugriffe auf das Gerät stattfinden, um die Aufzeichnungen über Operationen (das „Journal“) zu wiederholen. Es wird @emph{keine} Reparatur versucht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15398
msgid "If @code{#t}, try to repair any errors found and assume ``yes'' to all questions. This will fix the most errors, but may be risky."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird versucht, alle gefundenen Fehler zu beheben. Auf alle Rückfragen wird mit „yes“ geantwortet. Dadurch werden die meisten Fehler behoben, aber es kann schiefgehen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15402
msgid "If @code{'preen}, repair only errors that are safe to fix without human interaction. What that means is left up to the developers of each file system and may be equivalent to ``none'' or ``all''."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{'preen} ist, werden nur solche Fehler behoben, wo auch ohne menschliche Aufsicht nichts Schlimmes passieren kann. Was das genau heißt, bleibt den Entwicklern des jeweiligen Dateisystems überlassen. Es kann auf dasselbe hinauslaufen wie keine oder alle Fehler zu beheben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15403
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{create-mount-point?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{create-mount-point?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15405
msgid "When true, the mount point is created if it does not exist yet."
msgstr "Steht dies auf wahr, wird der Einhängepunkt vor dem Einbinden erstellt, wenn er noch nicht existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15406
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mount-may-fail?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{mount-may-fail?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15411
msgid "When true, this indicates that mounting this file system can fail but that should not be considered an error. This is useful in unusual cases; an example of this is @code{efivarfs}, a file system that can only be mounted on EFI/UEFI systems."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr steht, bedeutet es, dass das Einbinden dieses Dateisystems scheitern kann, dies aber nicht als Fehler aufgefasst werden soll. Das braucht man in besonderen Fällen, zum Beispiel wird es für @code{efivarfs} benutzt, einem Dateisystem, das nur auf EFI-/UEFI-Systemen eingebunden werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14951 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15412 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15808
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dependencies} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{dependencies} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15416
msgid "This is a list of @code{<file-system>} or @code{<mapped-device>} objects representing file systems that must be mounted or mapped devices that must be opened before (and unmounted or closed after) this one."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von @code{<file-system>}- oder @code{<mapped-device>}-Objekten, die Dateisysteme repräsentieren, die vor diesem Dateisystem eingebunden oder zugeordnet werden müssen (und nach diesem ausgehängt oder geschlossen werden müssen)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15420
msgid "As an example, consider a hierarchy of mounts: @file{/sys/fs/cgroup} is a dependency of @file{/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu} and @file{/sys/fs/cgroup/memory}."
msgstr "Betrachten Sie zum Beispiel eine Hierarchie von Einbindungen: @file{/sys/fs/cgroup} ist eine Abhängigkeit von @file{/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu} und @file{/sys/fs/cgroup/memory}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15423
msgid "Another example is a file system that depends on a mapped device, for example for an encrypted partition (@pxref{Mapped Devices})."
msgstr "Ein weiteres Beispiel ist ein Dateisystem, was von einem zugeordneten Gerät abhängt, zum Beispiel zur Verschlüsselung einer Partition (siehe @ref{Mapped Devices})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15426
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} file-system-label @var{str}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} file-system-label @var{Zeichenkette}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15429
msgid "This procedure returns an opaque file system label from @var{str}, a string:"
msgstr "Diese Prozedur kapselt die @var{Zeichenkette} in einer opaken Dateisystembezeichnung:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15433
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(file-system-label \"home\")\n"
@@ -27371,104 +28205,104 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} #<file-system-label \"home\">\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15437
msgid "File system labels are used to refer to file systems by label rather than by device name. See above for examples."
msgstr "Mit Dateisystembezeichnungen werden Dateisysteme anhand ihrer Bezeichnung („Label“) statt ihres Gerätenamens („Device Name“) identifiziert. Siehe die Beispiele oben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15441
msgid "The @code{(gnu system file-systems)} exports the following useful variables."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu system file-systems)} exportiert die folgenden nützlichen Variablen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15442
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %base-file-systems"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %base-file-systems"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15447
msgid "These are essential file systems that are required on normal systems, such as @code{%pseudo-terminal-file-system} and @code{%immutable-store} (see below). Operating system declarations should always contain at least these."
msgstr "Hiermit werden essenzielle Dateisysteme bezeichnet, die für normale Systeme unverzichtbar sind, wie zum Beispiel @code{%pseudo-terminal-file-system} und @code{%immutable-store} (siehe unten). Betriebssystemdeklaration sollten auf jeden Fall mindestens diese enthalten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14988
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15449
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %pseudo-terminal-file-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %pseudo-terminal-file-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15455
msgid "This is the file system to be mounted as @file{/dev/pts}. It supports @dfn{pseudo-terminals} created @i{via} @code{openpty} and similar functions (@pxref{Pseudo-Terminals,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). Pseudo-terminals are used by terminal emulators such as @command{xterm}."
msgstr "Das als @file{/dev/pts} einzubindende Dateisystem. Es unterstützt über @code{openpty} und ähnliche Funktionen erstellte @dfn{Pseudo-Terminals} (siehe @ref{Pseudo-Terminals,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Pseudo-Terminals werden von Terminal-Emulatoren wie @command{xterm} benutzt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:14996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15457
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %shared-memory-file-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %shared-memory-file-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15461
msgid "This file system is mounted as @file{/dev/shm} and is used to support memory sharing across processes (@pxref{Memory-mapped I/O, @code{shm_open},, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Dieses Dateisystem wird als @file{/dev/shm} eingebunden, um Speicher zwischen Prozessen teilen zu können (siehe @ref{Memory-mapped I/O, @code{shm_open},, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15463
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %immutable-store"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %immutable-store"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15468
msgid "This file system performs a read-only ``bind mount'' of @file{/gnu/store}, making it read-only for all the users including @code{root}. This prevents against accidental modification by software running as @code{root} or by system administrators."
msgstr "Dieses Dateisystem vollzieht eine Verzeichniseinbindung („bind mount“) des @file{/gnu/store}, um ihn für alle Nutzer einschließlich des Administratornutzers @code{root} nur lesbar zu machen, d.h.@: Schreibrechte zu entziehen. Dadurch kann als @code{root} ausgeführte Software, oder der Systemadministrator, nicht aus Versehen den Store modifizieren."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15471
msgid "The daemon itself is still able to write to the store: it remounts it read-write in its own ``name space.''"
msgstr "Der Daemon kann weiterhin in den Store schreiben, indem er ihn selbst mit Schreibrechten in seinem eigenen „Namensraum“ einbindet."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15473
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %binary-format-file-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %binary-format-file-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15477
msgid "The @code{binfmt_misc} file system, which allows handling of arbitrary executable file types to be delegated to user space. This requires the @code{binfmt.ko} kernel module to be loaded."
msgstr "Das @code{binfmt_misc}-Dateisystem, durch das beliebige Dateitypen als ausführbare Dateien auf der Anwendungsebene (dem User Space) zugänglich gemacht werden können. Es setzt voraus, dass das Kernel-Modul @code{binfmt.ko} geladen wurde."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15479
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %fuse-control-file-system"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %fuse-control-file-system"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15483
msgid "The @code{fusectl} file system, which allows unprivileged users to mount and unmount user-space FUSE file systems. This requires the @code{fuse.ko} kernel module to be loaded."
msgstr "Das @code{fusectl}-Dateisystem, womit „unprivilegierte“ Nutzer ohne besondere Berechtigungen im User Space FUSE-Dateisysteme einbinden und aushängen können. Dazu muss das Kernel-Modul @code{fuse.ko} geladen sein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15487
msgid "The @code{(gnu system uuid)} module provides tools to deal with file system ``unique identifiers'' (UUIDs)."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu system uuid)} stellt Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um mit eindeutigen Identifikatoren für Dateisysteme umzugehen (sogenannten „Unique Identifiers“, UUIDs)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15488
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} uuid @var{str} [@var{type}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} uuid @var{Zeichenkette} [@var{Typ}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15491
msgid "Return an opaque UUID (unique identifier) object of the given @var{type} (a symbol) by parsing @var{str} (a string):"
msgstr "Liefert eine eindeutige UUID (Unique Identifier) als opakes Objekt des angegebenen @var{Typ}s (ein Symbol), indem die @var{Zeichenkette} verarbeitet wird:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15495
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(uuid \"4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb\")\n"
@@ -27480,7 +28314,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15498
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(uuid \"1234-ABCD\" 'fat)\n"
@@ -27490,33 +28324,33 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} #<<uuid> type: fat bv: …>\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15502
msgid "@var{type} may be one of @code{dce}, @code{iso9660}, @code{fat}, @code{ntfs}, or one of the commonly found synonyms for these."
msgstr "Als @var{Typ} kann entweder @code{dce}, @code{iso9660}, @code{fat}, @code{ntfs} oder eines der üblichen Synonyme dafür angegeben werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15505
msgid "UUIDs are another way to unambiguously refer to file systems in operating system configuration. See the examples above."
msgstr "UUIDs bieten eine andere Möglichkeit, sich in der Betriebssystemkonfiguration ohne Mehrdeutigkeiten auf eines der Dateisysteme zu beziehen. Siehe die Beispiele oben."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15047 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15508 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15509
#, no-wrap
msgid "Btrfs file system"
msgstr "Btrfs-Dateisystem"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15515
msgid "The Btrfs has special features, such as subvolumes, that merit being explained in more details. The following section attempts to cover basic as well as complex uses of a Btrfs file system with the Guix System."
msgstr "Das Btrfs-Dateisystem bietet besondere Funktionalitäten, wie z.B.@: Unterlaufwerke („Subvolumes“), die eine detailliertere Erklärung verdienen. Im folgenden Abschnitt wird versucht, grundlegende sowie komplexe Anwendungsmöglichkeiten eines Btrfs-Dateisystem für Guix System abzudecken."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15518
msgid "In its simplest usage, a Btrfs file system can be described, for example, by:"
msgstr "Im einfachsten Fall kann ein Btrfs-Dateisystem durch einen Ausdruck wie hier beschrieben werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15524
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27530,12 +28364,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (device (file-system-label \"my-home\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15530
msgid "The example below is more complex, as it makes use of a Btrfs subvolume, named @code{rootfs}. The parent Btrfs file system is labeled @code{my-btrfs-pool}, and is located on an encrypted device (hence the dependency on @code{mapped-devices}):"
msgstr "Nun folgt ein komplexeres Beispiel, bei dem ein Btrfs-Unterlaufwerk namens @code{rootfs} benutzt wird. Dessen Eltern-Btrfs-Dateisystem wird mit @code{my-btrfs-pool} bezeichnet und befindet sich auf einem verschlüsselten Gerät (daher die Abhängigkeit von @code{mapped-devices}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15538
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27553,17 +28387,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (dependencies mapped-devices))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15549
msgid "Some bootloaders, for example GRUB, only mount a Btrfs partition at its top level during the early boot, and rely on their configuration to refer to the correct subvolume path within that top level. The bootloaders operating in this way typically produce their configuration on a running system where the Btrfs partitions are already mounted and where the subvolume information is readily available. As an example, @command{grub-mkconfig}, the configuration generator command shipped with GRUB, reads @file{/proc/self/mountinfo} to determine the top-level path of a subvolume."
msgstr "Manche Bootloader, wie zum Beispiel GRUB, binden von einer Btrfs-Partition zuerst beim frühen Boot („early boot“) nur die oberste Ebene ein und verlassen sich darauf, dass ihre Konfiguration den korrekten Pfad samt Unterlaufwerk innerhalb dieser obersten Ebene enthält. Auf diese Weise arbeitende Bootloader erzeugen ihre Konfiguration normalerweise auf einem laufenden System, auf dem die Btrfs-Partitionen bereits eingebunden sind und die Informationen über die Unterlaufwerke zur Verfügung stehen. Zum Beispiel liest @command{grub-mkconfig}, der bei GRUB mitgelieferte Befehl zur Erzeugung von Konfigurationsdateien, aus @file{/proc/self/mountinfo}, um festzustellen, was auf oberster Ebene der Pfad zum Unterlaufwerk ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15557
msgid "The Guix System produces a bootloader configuration using the operating system configuration as its sole input; it is therefore necessary to extract the subvolume name on which @file{/gnu/store} lives (if any) from that operating system configuration. To better illustrate, consider a subvolume named 'rootfs' which contains the root file system data. In such situation, the GRUB bootloader would only see the top level of the root Btrfs partition, e.g.:"
msgstr "Guix System hingegen erzeugt eine Bootloader-Konfiguration mit der Betriebssystemkonfiguration als einzige Eingabe. Daher muss der Name des Unterlaufwerks, auf dem sich @file{/gnu/store} befindet (falls Sie eines benutzen) aus derselben Betriebssystemkonfiguration kommen. Um das besser zu veranschaulichen, betrachten Sie ein Unterlaufwerk namens „rootfs“, das die Daten des Wurzeldateisystems speichert. In einer solchen Situation würde der GRUB-Bootloader nur die oberste Ebene der Wurzel-Btrfs-Partition sehen, z.B.:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15564
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"/ (top level)\n"
@@ -27579,17 +28413,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15569
msgid "Thus, the subvolume name must be prepended to the @file{/gnu/store} path of the kernel, initrd binaries and any other files referred to in the GRUB configuration that must be found during the early boot."
msgstr "Deswegen muss der Name des Unterlaufwerks dem @file{/gnu/store}-Pfad des Kernels, der initrd und jeder anderen Datei vorangestellt werden, die die GRUB-Konfiguration referenziert und während des frühen Boots gefunden werden können muss."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15572
msgid "The next example shows a nested hierarchy of subvolumes and directories:"
msgstr "Das nächste Beispiel zeigt eine verschachtelte Hierarchie aus Unterlaufwerken und Verzeichnissen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15579
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"/ (top level)\n"
@@ -27605,17 +28439,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15586
msgid "This scenario would work without mounting the 'store' subvolume. Mounting 'rootfs' is sufficient, since the subvolume name matches its intended mount point in the file system hierarchy. Alternatively, the 'store' subvolume could be referred to by setting the @code{subvol} option to either @code{/rootfs/gnu/store} or @code{rootfs/gnu/store}."
msgstr "Dieses Szenario würde ohne Einbinden des „store“-Unterlaufwerks funktionieren. „rootfs“ genügt, weil der Name des Unterlaufwerks dem dafür vorgesehenen Einhängepunkt in der Dateisystemhierarchie entspricht. Alternativ könnte man das „store“-Unterlaufwerk durch Festlegen der @code{subvol}-Option auf entweder @code{/rootfs/gnu/store} oder @code{rootfs/gnu/store} verwenden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15588
msgid "Finally, a more contrived example of nested subvolumes:"
msgstr "Abschließend folgt ein ausgeklügelteres Beispiel verschachtelter Unterlaufwerke:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15595
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"/ (top level)\n"
@@ -27631,12 +28465,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15602
msgid "Here, the 'guix-store' subvolume doesn't match its intended mount point, so it is necessary to mount it. The subvolume must be fully specified, by passing its file name to the @code{subvol} option. To illustrate, the 'guix-store' subvolume could be mounted on @file{/gnu/store} by using a file system declaration such as:"
msgstr "Hier stimmt das „guix-store“-Unterlaufwerk nicht mit dem vorgesehenen Einhängepunkt überein, daher muss es eingebunden werden. Das Unterlaufwerk muss vollständig spezifiziert werden, indem sein Dateiname an die @code{subvol}-Option übergeben wird. Eine Möglichkeit wäre, das „guix-store“-Unterlaufwerk als @file{/gnu/store} über eine solche Dateisystemdeklaration einzubinden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15610
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27654,128 +28488,128 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15615
#, no-wrap
msgid "device mapping"
msgstr "Gerätezuordnung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15616
#, no-wrap
msgid "mapped devices"
msgstr "zugeordnete Geräte"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15633
msgid "The Linux kernel has a notion of @dfn{device mapping}: a block device, such as a hard disk partition, can be @dfn{mapped} into another device, usually in @code{/dev/mapper/}, with additional processing over the data that flows through it@footnote{Note that the GNU@tie{}Hurd makes no difference between the concept of a ``mapped device'' and that of a file system: both boil down to @emph{translating} input/output operations made on a file to operations on its backing store. Thus, the Hurd implements mapped devices, like file systems, using the generic @dfn{translator} mechanism (@pxref{Translators,,, hurd, The GNU Hurd Reference Manual}).}. A typical example is encryption device mapping: all writes to the mapped device are encrypted, and all reads are deciphered, transparently. Guix extends this notion by considering any device or set of devices that are @dfn{transformed} in some way to create a new device; for instance, RAID devices are obtained by @dfn{assembling} several other devices, such as hard disks or partitions, into a new one that behaves as one partition."
msgstr "Der Linux-Kernel unterstützt das Konzept der @dfn{Gerätezuordnung}: Ein blockorientiertes Gerät wie eine Festplattenpartition kann einem neuen Gerät @dfn{zugeordnet} werden, gewöhnlich unter @code{/dev/mapper/}, wobei das neue Gerät durchlaufende Daten zusätzlicher Verarbeitung unterzogen werden@footnote{Beachten Sie, dass mit GNU@tie{}Hurd kein Unterschied zwischen dem Konzept eines „zugeordneten Geräts“ und dem eines Dateisystems besteht: Dort werden bei beiden Ein- und Ausgabeoperationen auf eine Datei in Operationen auf dessen Hintergrundspeicher @emph{übersetzt}. Hurd implementiert zugeordnete Geräte genau wie Dateisysteme mit dem generischen @dfn{Übersetzer}-Mechanismus (siehe @ref{Translators,,, hurd, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Hurd}).}. Ein typisches Beispiel ist eine Gerätezuordnung zur Verschlüsselung: Jeder Schreibzugriff auf das zugeordnete Gerät wird transparent verschlüsselt und jeder Lesezugriff ebenso entschlüsselt. Guix erweitert dieses Konzept, indem es darunter jedes Gerät und jede Menge von Geräten versteht, die auf irgendeine Weise @dfn{umgewandelt} wird, um ein neues Gerät zu bilden; zum Beispiel entstehen auch RAID-Geräte aus einem @dfn{Verbund} mehrerer anderer Geräte, wie etwa Festplatten oder Partition zu einem einzelnen Gerät, das sich wie eine Partition verhält."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15636
msgid "Mapped devices are declared using the @code{mapped-device} form, defined as follows; for examples, see below."
msgstr "Zugeordnete Geräte werden mittels einer @code{mapped-device}-Form deklariert, die wie folgt definiert ist; Beispiele folgen weiter unten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15637
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mapped-device"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mapped-device"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15640
msgid "Objects of this type represent device mappings that will be made when the system boots up."
msgstr "Objekte dieses Typs repräsentieren Gerätezuordnungen, die gemacht werden, wenn das System hochfährt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15647
msgid "This is either a string specifying the name of the block device to be mapped, such as @code{\"/dev/sda3\"}, or a list of such strings when several devices need to be assembled for creating a new one. In case of LVM this is a string specifying name of the volume group to be mapped."
msgstr "Es handelt sich entweder um eine Zeichenkette, die den Namen eines zuzuordnenden blockorientierten Geräts angibt, wie @code{\"/dev/sda3\"}, oder um eine Liste solcher Zeichenketten, sofern mehrere Geräts zu einem neuen Gerät verbunden werden. Im Fall von LVM ist es eine Zeichenkette, die den Namen der zuzuordnenden Datenträgergruppe (Volume Group) angibt."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15648 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15803
#, no-wrap
msgid "target"
msgstr "target"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15657
msgid "This string specifies the name of the resulting mapped device. For kernel mappers such as encrypted devices of type @code{luks-device-mapping}, specifying @code{\"my-partition\"} leads to the creation of the @code{\"/dev/mapper/my-partition\"} device. For RAID devices of type @code{raid-device-mapping}, the full device name such as @code{\"/dev/md0\"} needs to be given. LVM logical volumes of type @code{lvm-device-mapping} need to be specified as @code{\"VGNAME-LVNAME\"}."
msgstr "Diese Zeichenkette gibt den Namen des neuen zugeordneten Geräts an. Bei Kernel-Zuordnern, wie verschlüsselten Geräten vom Typ @code{luks-device-mapping}, wird durch Angabe von @code{\"my-partition\"} ein Gerät @code{\"/dev/mapper/my-partition\"} erzeugt. Bei RAID-Geräten vom Typ @code{raid-device-mapping} muss der Gerätename als voller Pfad wie zum Beispiel @code{\"/dev/md0\"} angegeben werden. Logische Datenträger von LVM („LVM logical volumes“) vom Typ @code{lvm-device-mapping} müssen angegeben werden als @code{\"DATENTRÄGERGRUPPENNAME-LOGISCHERDATENTRÄGERNAME\"}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15197 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15658 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35187
#, no-wrap
msgid "targets"
msgstr "targets"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15661
msgid "This list of strings specifies names of the resulting mapped devices in case there are several. The format is identical to @var{target}."
msgstr "Diese Liste von Zeichenketten gibt die Namen der neuen zugeordneten Geräte an, wenn es mehrere davon gibt. Das Format ist mit @var{target} identisch."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15665
msgid "This must be a @code{mapped-device-kind} object, which specifies how @var{source} is mapped to @var{target}."
msgstr "Dies muss ein @code{mapped-device-kind}-Objekt sein, das angibt, wie die Quelle @var{source} dem Ziel @var{target} zugeordnet wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15668
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} luks-device-mapping"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} luks-device-mapping"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15672
msgid "This defines LUKS block device encryption using the @command{cryptsetup} command from the package with the same name. It relies on the @code{dm-crypt} Linux kernel module."
msgstr "Hiermit wird ein blockorientiertes Gerät mit LUKS verschlüsselt, mit Hilfe des Befehls @command{cryptsetup} aus dem gleichnamigen Paket. Dazu wird das Linux-Kernel-Modul @code{dm-crypt} vorausgesetzt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15674
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} raid-device-mapping"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} raid-device-mapping"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15679
msgid "This defines a RAID device, which is assembled using the @code{mdadm} command from the package with the same name. It requires a Linux kernel module for the appropriate RAID level to be loaded, such as @code{raid456} for RAID-4, RAID-5 or RAID-6, or @code{raid10} for RAID-10."
msgstr "Dies definiert ein RAID-Gerät, das mit dem Befehl @code{mdadm} aus dem gleichnamigen Paket als Verbund zusammengestellt wird. Es setzt voraus, dass das Linux-Kernel-Modul für das entsprechende RAID-Level geladen ist, z.B.@: @code{raid456} für RAID-4, RAID-5 oder RAID-6, oder @code{raid10} für RAID-10."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15681
#, no-wrap
msgid "LVM, logical volume manager"
msgstr "LVM, Logical Volume Manager (Verwaltung logischer Datenträger)"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15682
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} lvm-device-mapping"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} lvm-device-mapping"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15687
msgid "This defines one or more logical volumes for the Linux @uref{https://www.sourceware.org/lvm2/, Logical Volume Manager (LVM)}. The volume group is activated by the @command{vgchange} command from the @code{lvm2} package."
msgstr "Hiermit wird ein oder mehrere logische Datenträger („Logical Volumes“) für den @uref{https://www.sourceware.org/lvm2/, Logical Volume Manager (LVM)} für Linux definiert. Die Datenträgergruppe („Volume Group“) wird durch den Befehl @command{vgchange} aus dem @code{lvm2}-Paket aktiviert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15689
#, no-wrap
msgid "disk encryption"
msgstr "Laufwerksverschlüsselung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15690
#, no-wrap
msgid "LUKS"
msgstr "LUKS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15698
msgid "The following example specifies a mapping from @file{/dev/sda3} to @file{/dev/mapper/home} using LUKS---the @url{https://gitlab.com/cryptsetup/cryptsetup,Linux Unified Key Setup}, a standard mechanism for disk encryption. The @file{/dev/mapper/home} device can then be used as the @code{device} of a @code{file-system} declaration (@pxref{File Systems})."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel gibt eine Zuordnung von @file{/dev/sda3} auf @file{/dev/mapper/home} mit LUKS an@tie{}— dem @url{https://gitlab.com/cryptsetup/cryptsetup,Linux Unified Key Setup}, einem Standardmechanismus zur Plattenverschlüsselung. Das Gerät @file{/dev/mapper/home} kann dann als @code{device} einer @code{file-system}-Deklaration benutzt werden (siehe @ref{File Systems})."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15704
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27789,23 +28623,23 @@ msgstr ""
" (type luks-device-mapping))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15709
msgid "Alternatively, to become independent of device numbering, one may obtain the LUKS UUID (@dfn{unique identifier}) of the source device by a command like:"
msgstr "Um nicht davon abhängig zu sein, wie Ihre Geräte nummeriert werden, können Sie auch die LUKS-UUID (@dfn{unique identifier}, d.h.@: den eindeutigen Bezeichner) des Quellgeräts auf der Befehlszeile ermitteln:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15712
#, no-wrap
msgid "cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sda3\n"
msgstr "cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/sda3\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15715
msgid "and use it as follows:"
msgstr "und wie folgt benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15721
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27819,23 +28653,23 @@ msgstr ""
" (type luks-device-mapping))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15723
#, no-wrap
msgid "swap encryption"
msgstr "Swap-Verschlüsselung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15730
msgid "It is also desirable to encrypt swap space, since swap space may contain sensitive data. One way to accomplish that is to use a swap file in a file system on a device mapped via LUKS encryption. In this way, the swap file is encrypted because the entire device is encrypted. @xref{Swap Space}, or @xref{Preparing for Installation,,Disk Partitioning}, for an example."
msgstr "Es ist auch wünschenswert, Swap-Speicher zu verschlüsseln, da in den Swap-Speicher sensible Daten ausgelagert werden können. Eine Möglichkeit ist, eine Swap-Datei auf einem mit LUKS-Verschlüsselung zugeordneten Dateisystem zu verwenden. Dann wird die Swap-Datei verschlüsselt, weil das ganze Gerät verschlüsselt wird. Ein Beispiel finden Sie im Abschnitt @ref{Swap Space} oder im Abschnitt @ref{Preparing for Installation,,Disk Partitioning}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15733
msgid "A RAID device formed of the partitions @file{/dev/sda1} and @file{/dev/sdb1} may be declared as follows:"
msgstr "Ein RAID-Gerät als Verbund der Partitionen @file{/dev/sda1} und @file{/dev/sdb1} kann wie folgt deklariert werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15739
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27849,17 +28683,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (type raid-device-mapping))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15285
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15746
msgid "The @file{/dev/md0} device can then be used as the @code{device} of a @code{file-system} declaration (@pxref{File Systems}). Note that the RAID level need not be given; it is chosen during the initial creation and formatting of the RAID device and is determined automatically later."
msgstr "Das Gerät @file{/dev/md0} kann als @code{device} in einer @code{file-system}-Deklaration dienen (siehe @ref{File Systems}). Beachten Sie, dass das RAID-Level dabei nicht angegeben werden muss; es wird während der initialen Erstellung und Formatierung des RAID-Geräts festgelegt und später automatisch bestimmt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15749
msgid "LVM logical volumes ``alpha'' and ``beta'' from volume group ``vg0'' can be declared as follows:"
msgstr "Logische Datenträger von LVM namens „alpha“ und „beta“ aus der Datenträgergruppe (Volume Group) „vg0“ können wie folgt deklariert werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15755
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -27873,159 +28707,196 @@ msgstr ""
" (type lvm-device-mapping))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15760
msgid "Devices @file{/dev/mapper/vg0-alpha} and @file{/dev/mapper/vg0-beta} can then be used as the @code{device} of a @code{file-system} declaration (@pxref{File Systems})."
msgstr "Die Geräte @file{/dev/mapper/vg0-alpha} und @file{/dev/mapper/vg0-beta} können dann im @code{device}-Feld einer @code{file-system}-Deklaration verwendet werden (siehe @ref{File Systems})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15763
#, no-wrap
msgid "swap space"
msgstr "Swap-Speicher"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15773
msgid "Swap space, as it is commonly called, is a disk area specifically designated for paging: the process in charge of memory management (the Linux kernel or Hurd's default pager) can decide that some memory pages stored in RAM which belong to a running program but are unused should be stored on disk instead. It unloads those from the RAM, freeing up precious fast memory, and writes them to the swap space. If the program tries to access that very page, the memory management process loads it back into memory for the program to use."
msgstr "Swap-Speicher, wie man ihn oft nennt, ist ein Bereich auf der Platte, wohin Speicherseiten verdrängt werden können. Als Seitenaustausch (englisch „Paging“) bezeichnet man das Verfahren, wie der für die Speicherverwaltung zuständige Prozess (d.h.@: der Linux-Kernel oder der „Default Pager“ in Hurd) entscheiden kann, manche Speicherseiten aus dem Arbeitsspeicher (RAM), die einem laufenden Prozess zugewiesen sind, ohne gerade benutzt zu werden, stattdessen auf der Platte zu speichern. Dadurch wird Arbeitsspeicher frei, wodurch mehr wertvoller schneller Speicher verfügbar wird; die Daten darin werden in den Swap-Speicher ausgelagert. Wenn das Programm auf eben diese Speicherseite zuzugreifen versucht, lädt der Speicherverwaltungsprozess die Daten zurück in den Speicher, damit das Programm sie benutzen kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15779
msgid "A common misconception about swap is that it is only useful when small amounts of RAM are available to the system. However, it should be noted that kernels often use all available RAM for disk access caching to make I/O faster, and thus paging out unused portions of program memory will expand the RAM available for such caching."
msgstr "Häufig begegnet man der falschen Vorstellung, Swap nütze nur dann etwas, wenn das System wenig Arbeitsspeicher zur Verfügung hat. Doch benutzen Kernels oft allen Arbeitsspeicher als Zwischenspeicher für Plattenzugriffe, um Ein- und Ausgaben zu beschleunigen. Deswegen steht durch den Austausch ungenutzter Teile des Arbeitsspeichers mehr RAM für diese Art von Caching zur Verfügung."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15783
msgid "For a more detailed description of how memory is managed from the viewpoint of a monolithic kernel, @xref{Memory Concepts,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie genauer wissen wollen, wie Arbeitsspeicher aus Sicht eines monolithisch aufgebauten Kernels verwaltet wird, siehe @ref{Memory Concepts, Speicherkonzepte,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15792
msgid "The Linux kernel has support for swap partitions and swap files: the former uses a whole disk partition for paging, whereas the second uses a file on a file system for that (the file system driver needs to support it). On a comparable setup, both have the same performance, so one should consider ease of use when deciding between them. Partitions are ``simpler'' and do not need file system support, but need to be allocated at disk formatting time (logical volumes notwithstanding), whereas files can be allocated and deallocated at any time."
msgstr "Der Linux-Kernel unterstützt Swap-Partitionen und Swap-Dateien: Erstere reservieren eine ganze Plattenpartition für den Seitenaustausch, wohingegen Zweitere dafür eine Datei aus dem Dateisystem einsetzen (der Dateisystemtreiber muss sie unterstützen). Auf vergleichbaren Systemen haben beide die gleiche Leistung, also sollte man sich für das entscheiden, was es einem leichter macht. Partitionen sind „einfacher“ und brauchen keine Unterstützung durch das Dateisystem, aber man muss sie schon beim Formatieren der Platte zuweisen (außer man nutzt logische Datenträger). Dateien hingegen kann man jederzeit anlegen oder löschen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15797
msgid "Note that swap space is not zeroed on shutdown, so sensitive data (such as passwords) may linger on it if it was paged out. As such, you should consider having your swap reside on an encrypted device (@pxref{Mapped Devices})."
msgstr "Vorsicht, Swap-Speicher wird beim Herunterfahren nicht genullt. Sensible Daten (wie Passwörter) können sich darin befinden, wenn deren Speicherseiten verdrängt wurden. Daher sollten Sie in Betracht ziehen, Ihren Swap-Speicher auf ein verschlüsseltes Gerät zu legen (siehe @ref{Mapped Devices})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15798
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} swap-space"
msgstr "{Datentyp} swap-space"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15801
msgid "Objects of this type represent swap spaces. They contain the following members:"
msgstr "Objekte dieses Typs repräsentieren Swap-Speicher. Sie weisen folgende Komponenten auf:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15807
msgid "The device or file to use, either a UUID, a @code{file-system-label} or a string, as in the definition of a @code{file-system} (@pxref{File Systems})."
msgstr "Welches Gerät oder welche Datei verwendet werden soll, angegeben entweder über die UUID, über ein @code{file-system-label}-Objekt mit der Bezeichnung oder über eine Zeichenkette wie in der Definition eines @code{file-system}-Objekts für ein Dateisystem (siehe @ref{File Systems})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15814
msgid "A list of @code{file-system} or @code{mapped-device} objects, upon which the availability of the space depends. Note that just like for @code{file-system} objects, dependencies which are needed for boot and mounted in early userspace are not managed by the Shepherd, and so automatically filtered out for you."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @code{file-system}-Objekten oder @code{mapped-device}-Objekten, die vorausgesetzt werden, damit der Speicher verfügbar ist. Achtung: Genau wie bei @code{file-system}-Objekten gilt auch für die Abhängigkeiten im @code{dependencies}-Feld, dass zum Hochfahren des Systems notwendige Abhängigkeiten, die beim Start der Anwendungsebene („User Space“) eingebunden werden, nicht durch Shepherd verwaltet werden, sondern weggefiltert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15815
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{priority} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{priority} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15822
msgid "Only supported by the Linux kernel. Either @code{#f} to disable swap priority, or an integer between 0 and 32767. The kernel will first use swap spaces of higher priority when paging, and use same priority spaces on a round-robin basis. The kernel will use swap spaces without a set priority after prioritized spaces, and in the order that they appeared in (not round-robin)."
msgstr "Wird nur beim Linux-Kernel unterstützt. Entweder @code{#f}, damit @emph{keine} Priorität festgelegt wird, oder eine ganze Zahl zwischen 0 und 32767. Der Kernel wird erst den Swap-Speicher mit der höheren Priorität für den Seitenaustausch benutzen und bei gleicher Priorität im Rundlauf wechseln („Round-Robin-Verfahren“). Swap-Speicher ohne festgelegte Priorität wird später als priorisierter verwendet, in der angegebenen Reihenfolge ohne Round Robin."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15823
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{discard?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{discard?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15827
msgid "Only supported by the Linux kernel. When true, the kernel will notify the disk controller of discarded pages, for example with the TRIM operation on Solid State Drives."
msgstr "Wird nur beim Linux-Kernel unterstützt. Wenn es wahr ist, benachrichtigt der Kernel die Steuereinheit (Controller) der Platte, welche Seiten verworfen wurden, zum Beispiel mit der TRIM-Operation auf SSD-Speicher."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15832
msgid "Here are some examples:"
msgstr "Hier sind einige Beispiele:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15835
#, no-wrap
msgid "(swap-space (target (uuid \"4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb\")))\n"
msgstr "(swap-space (target (uuid \"4dab5feb-d176-45de-b287-9b0a6e4c01cb\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15840
msgid "Use the swap partition with the given UUID@. You can learn the UUID of a Linux swap partition by running @command{swaplabel @var{device}}, where @var{device} is the @file{/dev} file name of that partition."
msgstr "Die Swap-Partition mit der angegebenen UUID verwenden. Sie können die UUID einer Linux-Swap-Partition erfahren, indem Sie @command{swaplabel @var{Gerät}} ausführen, wobei @var{Gerät} der Dateiname unter @file{/dev} für die Partition ist."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15845
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (target (file-system-label \"swap\"))\n"
-" (dependencies (list lvm-device)))\n"
+" (dependencies mapped-devices))\n"
msgstr ""
" (target (file-system-label \"swap\"))\n"
-" (dependencies (list lvm-device)))\n"
+" (dependencies mapped-devices))\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15851
+msgid "Use the partition with label @code{swap}, which can be found after all the @var{mapped-devices} mapped devices have been opened. Again, the @command{swaplabel} command allows you to view and change the label of a Linux swap partition."
+msgstr "Die Swap-Partition mit der Bezeichnung @code{swap} verwenden. Die Bezeichnung können Sie finden, nachdem all die zugeordneten Geräte aus @var{mapped-devices} geöffnet wurden. Auch hier können Sie mittels @command{swaplabel}-Befehls die Bezeichnung einer Linux-Swap-Partition einsehen und ändern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15390
-msgid "Use the partition with label @code{swap}, which can be found after the @var{lvm-device} mapped device has been opened. Again, the @command{swaplabel} command allows you to view and change the label of a Linux swap partition."
-msgstr "Die Swap-Partition mit der Bezeichnung @code{swap} verwenden. Die Bezeichnung können Sie finden, nachdem das @var{lvm-device}-Gerät geöffnet wurde. Auch hier können Sie mittels @command{swaplabel}-Befehls die Bezeichnung einer Linux-Swap-Partition einsehen und ändern."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15854
+msgid "Here's a more involved example with the corresponding @code{file-systems} part of an @code{operating-system} declaration."
+msgstr "Nun folgt ein anspruchsvolleres Beispiel. Sie sehen auch den entsprechenden Teil zu @code{file-systems} aus der Deklaration eines @code{operating-system}."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15865
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" (target \"/btrfs/swapfile\")\n"
-" (dependencies (list btrfs-fs)))\n"
+" (list (file-system\n"
+" (device (file-system-label \"root\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
+" (file-system\n"
+" (device (file-system-label \"btrfs\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/btrfs\")\n"
+" (type \"btrfs\"))))\n"
msgstr ""
-" (target \"/btrfs/swapfile\")\n"
-" (dependencies (list btrfs-fs)))\n"
+" (list (file-system\n"
+" (device (file-system-label \"root\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/\")\n"
+" (type \"ext4\"))\n"
+" (file-system\n"
+" (device (file-system-label \"btrfs\"))\n"
+" (mount-point \"/btrfs\")\n"
+" (type \"btrfs\"))))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15872
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (list\n"
+" (swap-space\n"
+" (target \"/btrfs/swapfile\")\n"
+" (dependencies (filter (file-system-mount-point-predicate \"/btrfs\")\n"
+" file-systems)))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+" (list\n"
+" (swap-space\n"
+" (target \"/btrfs/swapfile\")\n"
+" (dependencies (filter (file-system-mount-point-predicate \"/btrfs\")\n"
+" file-systems)))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15399
-msgid "Use the file @file{/btrfs/swapfile} as swap space, which is present on the @var{btrfs-fs} filesystem."
-msgstr "Die Datei @file{/btrfs/swapfile} als Swap-Speicher benutzen, die auf dem Dateisystem @var{btrfs-fs} liegt."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15877
+msgid "Use the file @file{/btrfs/swapfile} as swap space, which depends on the file system mounted at @file{/btrfs}. Note how we use Guile's filter to select the file system in an elegant fashion!"
+msgstr "Die Datei @file{/btrfs/swapfile} als Swap-Speicher benutzen, die abhängig ist von dem als @file{/btrfs} eingebundenen Dateisystem. Sie sehen, wie wir mit Guiles @code{filter}-Prozedur das Dateisystem auf elegante Weise auswählen!"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15881
#, no-wrap
msgid "users"
msgstr "Benutzer"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15882
#, no-wrap
msgid "accounts"
msgstr "Konten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15883
#, no-wrap
msgid "user accounts"
msgstr "Benutzerkonten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15887
msgid "User accounts and groups are entirely managed through the @code{operating-system} declaration. They are specified with the @code{user-account} and @code{user-group} forms:"
msgstr "Benutzerkonten und Gruppen werden allein durch die @code{operating-system}-Deklaration des Betriebssystems verwaltet. Sie werden mit den @code{user-account}- und @code{user-group}-Formen angegeben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15897
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -28047,12 +28918,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (comment \"Bobs Schwester\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15901
msgid "Here's a user account that uses a different shell and a custom home directory (the default would be @file{\"/home/bob\"}):"
msgstr "Hier sehen Sie ein Benutzerkonto, das eine andere Shell und ein geändertes Persönliches Verzeichnis benutzt (die Vorgabe wäre @file{\"/home/bob\"}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15909
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -28070,171 +28941,171 @@ msgstr ""
" (home-directory \"/home/robert\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15918
msgid "When booting or upon completion of @command{guix system reconfigure}, the system ensures that only the user accounts and groups specified in the @code{operating-system} declaration exist, and with the specified properties. Thus, account or group creations or modifications made by directly invoking commands such as @command{useradd} are lost upon reconfiguration or reboot. This ensures that the system remains exactly as declared."
msgstr "Beim Hochfahren oder nach Abschluss von @command{guix system reconfigure} stellt das System sicher, dass nur die in der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration angegebenen Benutzerkonten und Gruppen existieren, mit genau den angegebenen Eigenschaften. Daher gehen durch direkten Aufruf von Befehlen wie @command{useradd} erwirkte Erstellungen oder Modifikationen von Konten oder Gruppen verloren, sobald rekonfiguriert oder neugestartet wird. So wird sichergestellt, dass das System genau so funktioniert, wie es deklariert wurde."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15919
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} user-account"
msgstr "{Datentyp} user-account"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15922
msgid "Objects of this type represent user accounts. The following members may be specified:"
msgstr "Objekte dieses Typs repräsentieren Benutzerkonten. Darin können folgende Komponenten aufgeführt werden:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15926
msgid "The name of the user account."
msgstr "Der Name des Benutzerkontos."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15449 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15927 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34851
#, no-wrap
msgid "group"
msgstr "group"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15450 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15928 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16012
#, no-wrap
msgid "groups"
msgstr "Gruppen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15931
msgid "This is the name (a string) or identifier (a number) of the user group this account belongs to."
msgstr "Dies ist der Name (als Zeichenkette) oder die Bezeichnung (als Zahl) der Benutzergruppe, zu der dieses Konto gehört."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15932
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{supplementary-groups} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{supplementary-groups} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15935
msgid "Optionally, this can be defined as a list of group names that this account belongs to."
msgstr "Dies kann optional als Liste von Gruppennamen angegeben werden, zu denen dieses Konto auch gehört."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15936
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{uid} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{uid} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15940
msgid "This is the user ID for this account (a number), or @code{#f}. In the latter case, a number is automatically chosen by the system when the account is created."
msgstr "Dies ist entweder der Benutzeridentifikator dieses Kontos (seine „User ID“) als Zahl oder @code{#f}. Bei Letzterem wird vom System automatisch eine Zahl gewählt, wenn das Benutzerkonto erstellt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15463 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15941 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18704
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{comment} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{comment} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15943
msgid "A comment about the account, such as the account owner's full name."
msgstr "Ein Kommentar zu dem Konto, wie etwa der vollständige Name des Kontoinhabers."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15948
msgid "Note that, for non-system accounts, users are free to change their real name as it appears in @file{/etc/passwd} using the @command{chfn} command. When they do, their choice prevails over the system administrator's choice; reconfiguring does @emph{not} change their name."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass Benutzer den für ihr Benutzerkonto hinterlegten echten Namen beliebig ändern können, @emph{außer} es handelt sich um „System“-Benutzerkonten. Den in @file{/etc/passwd} gespeicherten Namen können sie mit dem Befehl @command{chfn} ändern. Wenn sie das tun, hat der gewählte Name Vorrang vor dem vom Systemadministrator auserkorenen Namen. Rekonfigurieren ändert den Namen @emph{nicht}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15949
#, no-wrap
msgid "home-directory"
msgstr "home-directory"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
msgid "This is the name of the home directory for the account."
msgstr "Der Name des Persönlichen Verzeichnisses („Home“-Verzeichnis) für dieses Konto."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15952
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{create-home-directory?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{create-home-directory?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15955
msgid "Indicates whether the home directory of this account should be created if it does not exist yet."
msgstr "Zeigt an, ob das Persönliche Verzeichnis für das Konto automatisch erstellt werden soll, falls es noch nicht existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15956
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{shell} (default: Bash)"
msgstr "@code{shell} (Vorgabe: Bash)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15960
msgid "This is a G-expression denoting the file name of a program to be used as the shell (@pxref{G-Expressions}). For example, you would refer to the Bash executable like this:"
msgstr "Ein G-Ausdruck, der den Dateinamen des Programms angibt, das dem Benutzer als Shell dienen soll (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}). Auf die Programmdatei der Bash-Shell würden Sie zum Beispiel so verweisen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15963
#, no-wrap
msgid "(file-append bash \"/bin/bash\")\n"
msgstr "(file-append bash \"/bin/bash\")\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15967
msgid "... and to the Zsh executable like that:"
msgstr "…@: und so auf die Programmdatei von Zsh:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15970
#, no-wrap
msgid "(file-append zsh \"/bin/zsh\")\n"
msgstr "(file-append zsh \"/bin/zsh\")\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15494 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15972 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16030
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{system?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{system?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15976
msgid "This Boolean value indicates whether the account is a ``system'' account. System accounts are sometimes treated specially; for instance, graphical login managers do not list them."
msgstr "Dieser boolesche Wert zeigt an, ob das Konto ein „System“-Benutzerkonto ist. Systemkonten werden manchmal anders behandelt, zum Beispiel werden sie auf grafischen Anmeldebildschirmen nicht aufgeführt."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15978
msgid "user-account-password"
msgstr "user-account-password"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15978
#, no-wrap
msgid "password, for user accounts"
msgstr "Passwort, für Benutzerkonten"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15501 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15979 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16034
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{password} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{password} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15985
msgid "You would normally leave this field to @code{#f}, initialize user passwords as @code{root} with the @command{passwd} command, and then let users change it with @command{passwd}. Passwords set with @command{passwd} are of course preserved across reboot and reconfiguration."
msgstr "Normalerweise lassen Sie dieses Feld auf @code{#f} und initialisieren Benutzerpasswörter als @code{root} mit dem @command{passwd}-Befehl. Die Benutzer lässt man ihr eigenes Passwort dann mit @command{passwd} ändern. Mit @command{passwd} festgelegte Passwörter bleiben natürlich beim Neustarten und beim Rekonfigurieren erhalten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15989
msgid "If you @emph{do} want to set an initial password for an account, then this field must contain the encrypted password, as a string. You can use the @code{crypt} procedure for this purpose:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie aber @emph{doch} ein anfängliches Passwort für ein Konto voreinstellen möchten, muss dieses Feld hier das verschlüsselte Passwort als Zeichenkette enthalten. Sie können dazu die Prozedur @code{crypt} benutzen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15994
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -28248,7 +29119,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15997
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Specify a SHA-512-hashed initial password.\n"
@@ -28258,171 +29129,171 @@ msgstr ""
" (password (crypt \"InitialPassword!\" \"$6$abc\")))\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16003
msgid "The hash of this initial password will be available in a file in @file{/gnu/store}, readable by all the users, so this method must be used with care."
msgstr "Der Hash dieses initialen Passworts wird in einer Datei im @file{/gnu/store} abgelegt, auf die alle Benutzer Lesezugriff haben, daher ist Vorsicht geboten, wenn Sie diese Methode verwenden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16008
msgid "@xref{Passphrase Storage,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}, for more information on password encryption, and @ref{Encryption,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for information on Guile's @code{crypt} procedure."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Passphrase Storage,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek} für weitere Informationen über Passwortverschlüsselung und @ref{Encryption,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} für Informationen über die Prozedur @code{crypt} in Guile."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16014
msgid "User group declarations are even simpler:"
msgstr "Benutzergruppen-Deklarationen sind noch einfacher aufgebaut:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16017
#, no-wrap
msgid "(user-group (name \"students\"))\n"
msgstr "(user-group (name \"students\"))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16019
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} user-group"
msgstr "{Datentyp} user-group"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16021
msgid "This type is for, well, user groups. There are just a few fields:"
msgstr "Dieser Typ gibt, nun ja, eine Benutzergruppe an. Es gibt darin nur ein paar Felder:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16025
msgid "The name of the group."
msgstr "Der Name der Gruppe."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15548 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16026 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31284
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{id} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{id} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16029
msgid "The group identifier (a number). If @code{#f}, a new number is automatically allocated when the group is created."
msgstr "Der Gruppenbezeichner (eine Zahl). Wird er als @code{#f} angegeben, wird automatisch eine neue Zahl reserviert, wenn die Gruppe erstellt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16033
msgid "This Boolean value indicates whether the group is a ``system'' group. System groups have low numerical IDs."
msgstr "Dieser boolesche Wert gibt an, ob es sich um eine „System“-Gruppe handelt. Systemgruppen sind solche mit einer kleinen Zahl als Bezeichner."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16037
msgid "What, user groups can have a password? Well, apparently yes. Unless @code{#f}, this field specifies the password of the group."
msgstr "Wie, Benutzergruppen können ein Passwort haben? Nun ja, anscheinend schon. Wenn es nicht auf @code{#f} steht, gibt dieses Feld das Passwort der Gruppe an."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16043
msgid "For convenience, a variable lists all the basic user groups one may expect:"
msgstr "Um Ihnen das Leben zu erleichtern, gibt es eine Variable, worin alle grundlegenden Benutzergruppen aufgeführt sind, die man erwarten könnte:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16044
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %base-groups"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %base-groups"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16049
msgid "This is the list of basic user groups that users and/or packages expect to be present on the system. This includes groups such as ``root'', ``wheel'', and ``users'', as well as groups used to control access to specific devices such as ``audio'', ``disk'', and ``cdrom''."
msgstr "Die Liste von Basis-Benutzergruppen, von denen Benutzer und/oder Pakete erwarten könnten, dass sie auf dem System existieren. Dazu gehören Gruppen wie „root“, „wheel“ und „users“, sowie Gruppen, um den Zugriff auf bestimmte Geräte einzuschränken, wie „audio“, „disk“ und „cdrom“."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16051
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %base-user-accounts"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %base-user-accounts"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16054
msgid "This is the list of basic system accounts that programs may expect to find on a GNU/Linux system, such as the ``nobody'' account."
msgstr "Diese Liste enthält Basis-Systembenutzerkonten, von denen Programme erwarten können, dass sie auf einem GNU/Linux-System existieren, wie das Konto „nobody“."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16057
msgid "Note that the ``root'' account is not included here. It is a special-case and is automatically added whether or not it is specified."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass das Konto „root“ für den Administratornutzer nicht dazugehört. Es ist ein Sonderfall und wird automatisch erzeugt, egal ob es spezifiziert wurde oder nicht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16063
#, no-wrap
msgid "keymap"
msgstr "Keymap"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16071
msgid "To specify what each key of your keyboard does, you need to tell the operating system what @dfn{keyboard layout} you want to use. The default, when nothing is specified, is the US English QWERTY layout for 105-key PC keyboards. However, German speakers will usually prefer the German QWERTZ layout, French speakers will want the AZERTY layout, and so on; hackers might prefer Dvorak or bépo, and they might even want to further customize the effect of some of the keys. This section explains how to get that done."
msgstr "Um anzugeben, was jede Taste auf Ihrer Tastatur tut, müssen Sie angeben, welche @dfn{Tastaturbelegung} das Betriebssystem benutzen soll. Wenn nichts angegeben wird, ist die „US English“-QWERTY-Tastaturbelegung für PC-Tastaturen mit 105 Tasten voreingestellt. Allerdings bevorzugen Deutsch sprechende Nutzer meistens die deutsche QWERTZ-Tastaturbelegung, Französisch sprechende haben lieber die AZERTY-Belegung und so weiter; Hacker wollen vielleicht Dvorak oder Bépo als Tastaturbelegung benutzen oder sogar eigene Anpassungen bei manchen Tasten vornehmen. Dieser Abschnitt erklärt, wie das geht."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16072
#, no-wrap
msgid "keyboard layout, definition"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung, Definition"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16074
msgid "There are three components that will want to know about your keyboard layout:"
msgstr "Die Informationen über Ihre Tastaturbelegung werden an drei Stellen gebraucht:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16081
msgid "The @emph{bootloader} may want to know what keyboard layout you want to use (@pxref{Bootloader Configuration, @code{keyboard-layout}}). This is useful if you want, for instance, to make sure that you can type the passphrase of your encrypted root partition using the right layout."
msgstr "Der @emph{Bootloader} muss auslesen können, welche Tastaturbelegung Sie benutzen möchten (siehe @ref{Bootloader Configuration, @code{keyboard-layout}}). Das ist praktisch, wenn Sie zum Beispiel die Passphrase Ihrer verschlüsselten Wurzelpartition mit der richtigen Tastaturbelegung eintippen wollen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16086
msgid "The @emph{operating system kernel}, Linux, will need that so that the console is properly configured (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{keyboard-layout}})."
msgstr "Der @emph{Kernel des Betriebssystems}, Linux, braucht die Information, damit die Konsole richtig eingestellt ist (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{keyboard-layout}})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16090
msgid "The @emph{graphical display server}, usually Xorg, also has its own idea of the keyboard layout (@pxref{X Window, @code{keyboard-layout}})."
msgstr "Der @emph{grafische Anzeigeserver}, meistens ist das Xorg, hat auch seine eigene Konfiguration der Tastaturbelegung (siehe @ref{X Window, @code{keyboard-layout}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16094
msgid "Guix allows you to configure all three separately but, fortunately, it allows you to share the same keyboard layout for all three components."
msgstr "Mit Guix können Sie alle drei Komponenten separat konfigurieren, aber zum Glück können Sie damit auch dieselbe Konfiguration der Tastaturbelegung für alle drei benutzen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16095
#, no-wrap
msgid "XKB, keyboard layouts"
msgstr "XKB, Tastaturbelegungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16103
msgid "Keyboard layouts are represented by records created by the @code{keyboard-layout} procedure of @code{(gnu system keyboard)}. Following the X Keyboard extension (XKB), each layout has four attributes: a name (often a language code such as ``fi'' for Finnish or ``jp'' for Japanese), an optional variant name, an optional keyboard model name, and a possibly empty list of additional options. In most cases the layout name is all you care about."
msgstr "Tastaturbelegungen werden durch Verbundsobjekte repräsentiert, die mit der Prozedur @code{keyboard-layout} aus dem Modul @code{(gnu system keyboard)} angelegt werden. Entsprechend der „X-Keyboard“-Erweiterung (XKB) verfügt jede Tastaturbelegung über vier Attribute: einen Namen (oft ist das ein Sprachkürzel wie „fi“ für Finnisch oder „jp“ für Japanisch), ein optionaler Variantenname, ein optionaler Tastaturmodellname und eine möglicherweise leere Liste zusätzlicher Optionen. In den meisten Fällen interessiert Sie nur der Name der Tastaturbelegung."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16104
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} keyboard-layout @var{name} [@var{variant}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} keyboard-layout @var{Name} [@var{Variante}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16107
msgid "[#:model] [#:options '()] Return a new keyboard layout with the given @var{name} and @var{variant}."
msgstr "[#:model] [#:options '()] Liefert eine neue Tastaturbelegung mit dem angegebenen @var{Name}n in der @var{Variante}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16111
msgid "@var{name} must be a string such as @code{\"fr\"}; @var{variant} must be a string such as @code{\"bepo\"} or @code{\"nodeadkeys\"}. See the @code{xkeyboard-config} package for valid options."
msgstr "Der @var{Name} muss eine Zeichenkette wie @code{\"fr\"} sein und die @var{Variante} eine Zeichenkette wie @code{\"bepo\"} oder @code{\"nodeadkeys\"}. Siehe das Paket @code{xkeyboard-config} für Informationen, welche Optionen gültig sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16114
msgid "Here are a few examples:"
msgstr "Hier sind ein paar Beispiele:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16119
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The German QWERTZ layout. Here we assume a standard\n"
@@ -28436,7 +29307,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16122
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The bépo variant of the French layout.\n"
@@ -28448,7 +29319,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16125
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The Catalan layout.\n"
@@ -28460,7 +29331,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16128
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Arabic layout with \"Alt-Shift\" to switch to US layout.\n"
@@ -28472,7 +29343,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16135
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The Latin American Spanish layout. In addition, the\n"
@@ -28493,7 +29364,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16138
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The Russian layout for a ThinkPad keyboard.\n"
@@ -28505,7 +29376,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16143
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The \"US international\" layout, which is the US layout plus\n"
@@ -28519,29 +29390,29 @@ msgstr ""
"(keyboard-layout \"us\" \"intl\" #:model \"macbook78\")\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16147
msgid "See the @file{share/X11/xkb} directory of the @code{xkeyboard-config} package for a complete list of supported layouts, variants, and models."
msgstr "Im Verzeichnis @file{share/X11/xkb} des @code{xkeyboard-config}-Pakets finden Sie eine vollständige Liste der unterstützten Tastaturbelegungen, Varianten und Modelle."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16148
#, no-wrap
msgid "keyboard layout, configuration"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung, Konfiguration"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16152
msgid "Let's say you want your system to use the Turkish keyboard layout throughout your system---bootloader, console, and Xorg. Here's what your system configuration would look like:"
msgstr "Sagen wir, Sie würden gerne die türkische Tastaturbelegung für Ihr gesamtes System@tie{}— Bootloader, Konsole und Xorg@tie{}— verwenden. Dann würde Ihre Systemkonfiguration so aussehen:"
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16153
#, no-wrap
msgid "set-xorg-configuration"
msgstr "set-xorg-configuration"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16157
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Using the Turkish layout for the bootloader, the console,\n"
@@ -28553,7 +29424,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16169
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -28581,76 +29452,76 @@ msgstr ""
" %desktop-services)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16176
msgid "In the example above, for GRUB and for Xorg, we just refer to the @code{keyboard-layout} field defined above, but we could just as well refer to a different layout. The @code{set-xorg-configuration} procedure communicates the desired Xorg configuration to the graphical log-in manager, by default GDM."
msgstr "Im obigen Beispiel beziehen wir uns für GRUB und Xorg einfach auf das @code{keyboard-layout}-Feld, was wir darüber definiert haben, wir könnten aber auch eine andere Tastaturbelegung angeben. Die Prozedur @code{set-xorg-configuration} kommuniziert an die grafische Anmeldeverwaltung (d.h.@: nach Vorgabe an GDM), welche Xorg-Konfiguration verwendet werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16179
msgid "We've discussed how to specify the @emph{default} keyboard layout of your system when it starts, but you can also adjust it at run time:"
msgstr "Wir haben uns bisher damit auseinandergesetzt, wie die @emph{Voreinstellung} für die Tastaturbelegung ausgewählt werden kann, die das System annimmt, wenn es startet, aber zur Laufzeit kann sie geändert werden:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16184
msgid "If you're using GNOME, its settings panel has a ``Region & Language'' entry where you can select one or more keyboard layouts."
msgstr "Wenn Sie GNOME benutzen, können Sie in den Einstellungen dazu einen Eintrag „Region und Sprache“ finden, in dem Sie eine oder mehrere Tastaturbelegungen auswählen können."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16189
msgid "Under Xorg, the @command{setxkbmap} command (from the same-named package) allows you to change the current layout. For example, this is how you would change the layout to US Dvorak:"
msgstr "Unter Xorg können Sie den Befehl @command{setxkbmap} (aus dem gleichnamigen Paket) zum Anpassen der momentan aktiven Tastaturbelegung benutzen. Zum Beispiel würden Sie so die Belegung auf US Dvorak wechseln:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16192
#, no-wrap
msgid "setxkbmap us dvorak\n"
msgstr "setxkbmap us dvorak\n"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16199
msgid "The @code{loadkeys} command changes the keyboard layout in effect in the Linux console. However, note that @code{loadkeys} does @emph{not} use the XKB keyboard layout categorization described above. The command below loads the French bépo layout:"
msgstr "Mit dem Befehl @code{loadkeys} ändern Sie die für die Linux-Konsole geltende Tastaturbelegung. Allerdings ist zu beachten, dass @code{loadkeys} @emph{nicht} die Kategorisierung der Tastaturbelegungen von XKB benutzt. Der Befehl, um die französische Bépo-Belegung zu laden, wäre folgender:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16202
#, no-wrap
msgid "loadkeys fr-bepo\n"
msgstr "loadkeys fr-bepo\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16208
#, no-wrap
msgid "locale"
msgstr "Locale"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16215
msgid "A @dfn{locale} defines cultural conventions for a particular language and region of the world (@pxref{Locales,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). Each locale has a name that typically has the form @code{@var{language}_@var{territory}.@var{codeset}}---e.g., @code{fr_LU.utf8} designates the locale for the French language, with cultural conventions from Luxembourg, and using the UTF-8 encoding."
msgstr "Eine @dfn{Locale} legt die kulturellen Konventionen einer bestimmten Sprache und Region auf der Welt fest (siehe @ref{Locales,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Jede Locale hat einen Namen, der typischerweise von der Form @code{@var{Sprache}_@var{Gebiet}.@var{Kodierung}}@tie{}— z.B.@: benennt @code{fr_LU.utf8} die Locale für französische Sprache mit den kulturellen Konventionen aus Luxemburg unter Verwendung der UTF-8-Kodierung."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16216
#, no-wrap
msgid "locale definition"
msgstr "Locale-Definition"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16220
msgid "Usually, you will want to specify the default locale for the machine using the @code{locale} field of the @code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{locale}})."
msgstr "Normalerweise werden Sie eine standardmäßig zu verwendende Locale für die Maschine vorgeben wollen, indem Sie das @code{locale}-Feld der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration verwenden (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{locale}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16229
msgid "The selected locale is automatically added to the @dfn{locale definitions} known to the system if needed, with its codeset inferred from its name---e.g., @code{bo_CN.utf8} will be assumed to use the @code{UTF-8} codeset. Additional locale definitions can be specified in the @code{locale-definitions} slot of @code{operating-system}---this is useful, for instance, if the codeset could not be inferred from the locale name. The default set of locale definitions includes some widely used locales, but not all the available locales, in order to save space."
msgstr "Die ausgewählte Locale wird automatisch zu den dem System bekannten @dfn{Locale-Definitionen} hinzugefügt, falls nötig, und ihre Kodierung wird aus dem Namen hergeleitet@tie{}— z.B.@: wird angenommen, dass @code{bo_CN.utf8} als Kodierung @code{UTF-8} verwendet. Zusätzliche Locale-Definitionen können im Feld @code{locale-definitions} vom @code{operating-system} festgelegt werden@tie{}— das ist zum Beispiel dann nützlich, wenn die Kodierung nicht aus dem Locale-Namen hergeleitet werden konnte. Die vorgegebene Menge an Locale-Definitionen enthält manche weit verbreiteten Locales, aber um Platz zu sparen, nicht alle verfügbaren Locales."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16232
msgid "For instance, to add the North Frisian locale for Germany, the value of that field may be:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel die nordfriesische Locale für Deutschland hinzuzufügen, könnte der Wert des Feldes wie folgt aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16237
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(cons (locale-definition\n"
@@ -28662,12 +29533,12 @@ msgstr ""
" %default-locale-definitions)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16241
msgid "Likewise, to save space, one might want @code{locale-definitions} to list only the locales that are actually used, as in:"
msgstr "Um Platz zu sparen, könnte man auch wollen, dass @code{locale-definitions} nur die tatsächlich benutzen Locales aufführt, wie etwa:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16246
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (locale-definition\n"
@@ -28679,114 +29550,114 @@ msgstr ""
" (charset \"EUC-JP\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16255
msgid "The compiled locale definitions are available at @file{/run/current-system/locale/X.Y}, where @code{X.Y} is the libc version, which is the default location where the GNU@tie{}libc provided by Guix looks for locale data. This can be overridden using the @env{LOCPATH} environment variable (@pxref{locales-and-locpath, @env{LOCPATH} and locale packages})."
msgstr "Die kompilierten Locale-Definitionen sind unter @file{/run/current-system/locale/X.Y} verfügbar, wobei @code{X.Y} die Version von libc bezeichnet. Dies entspricht dem Pfad, an dem eine von Guix ausgelieferte GNU@tie{}libc standardmäßig nach Locale-Daten sucht. Er kann überschrieben werden durch die Umgebungsvariable @env{LOCPATH} (siehe @ref{locales-and-locpath, @env{LOCPATH} und Locale-Pakete})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16258
msgid "The @code{locale-definition} form is provided by the @code{(gnu system locale)} module. Details are given below."
msgstr "Die @code{locale-definition}-Form wird vom Modul @code{(gnu system locale)} zur Verfügung gestellt. Details folgen unten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16259
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} locale-definition"
msgstr "{Datentyp} locale-definition"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16261
msgid "This is the data type of a locale definition."
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp einer Locale-Definition."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16267
msgid "The name of the locale. @xref{Locale Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}, for more information on locale names."
msgstr "Der Name der Locale. Siehe @ref{Locale Names,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek} für mehr Informationen zu Locale-Namen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16271
msgid "The name of the source for that locale. This is typically the @code{@var{language}_@var{territory}} part of the locale name."
msgstr "Der Name der Quelle der Locale. Typischerweise ist das der Teil @code{@var{Sprache}_@var{Gebiet}} des Locale-Namens."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16272
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{charset} (default: @code{\"UTF-8\"})"
msgstr "@code{charset} (Vorgabe: @code{\"UTF-8\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16276
msgid "The ``character set'' or ``code set'' for that locale, @uref{https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets, as defined by IANA}."
msgstr "Der „Zeichensatz“ oder das „Code set“, d.h.@: die Kodierung dieser Locale, @uref{https://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets, wie die IANA sie definiert}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16280
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-locale-definitions"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-locale-definitions"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16284
msgid "A list of commonly used UTF-8 locales, used as the default value of the @code{locale-definitions} field of @code{operating-system} declarations."
msgstr "Eine Liste häufig benutzter UTF-8-Locales, die als Vorgabewert des @code{locale-definitions}-Feldes in @code{operating-system}-Deklarationen benutzt wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16285
#, no-wrap
msgid "locale name"
msgstr "Locale-Name"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16286
#, no-wrap
msgid "normalized codeset in locale names"
msgstr "Normalisiertes Codeset in Locale-Namen"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16292
msgid "These locale definitions use the @dfn{normalized codeset} for the part that follows the dot in the name (@pxref{Using gettextized software, normalized codeset,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). So for instance it has @code{uk_UA.utf8} but @emph{not}, say, @code{uk_UA.UTF-8}."
msgstr "Diese Locale-Definitionen benutzen das @dfn{normalisierte Codeset} für den Teil des Namens, der nach dem Punkt steht (siehe @ref{Using gettextized software, normalisiertes Codeset,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Zum Beispiel ist @code{uk_UA.utf8} enthalten, dagegen ist etwa @code{uk_UA.UTF-8} darin @emph{nicht} enthalten."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16294
#, no-wrap
msgid "Locale Data Compatibility Considerations"
msgstr "Kompatibilität der Locale-Daten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16296
#, no-wrap
msgid "incompatibility, of locale data"
msgstr "Inkompatibilität, von Locale-Daten"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16303
msgid "@code{operating-system} declarations provide a @code{locale-libcs} field to specify the GNU@tie{}libc packages that are used to compile locale declarations (@pxref{operating-system Reference}). ``Why would I care?'', you may ask. Well, it turns out that the binary format of locale data is occasionally incompatible from one libc version to another."
msgstr "@code{operating-system}-Deklarationen verfügen über ein @code{locale-libcs}-Feld, um die GNU@tie{}libc-Pakete anzugeben, die zum Kompilieren von Locale-Deklarationen verwendet werden sollen (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference}). „Was interessiert mich das?“, könnten Sie fragen. Naja, leider ist das binäre Format der Locale-Daten von einer libc-Version auf die nächste manchmal nicht miteinander kompatibel."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16315
msgid "For instance, a program linked against libc version 2.21 is unable to read locale data produced with libc 2.22; worse, that program @emph{aborts} instead of simply ignoring the incompatible locale data@footnote{Versions 2.23 and later of GNU@tie{}libc will simply skip the incompatible locale data, which is already an improvement.}. Similarly, a program linked against libc 2.22 can read most, but not all, of the locale data from libc 2.21 (specifically, @env{LC_COLLATE} data is incompatible); thus calls to @code{setlocale} may fail, but programs will not abort."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel kann ein an die libc-Version 2.21 gebundenes Programm keine mit libc 2.22 erzeugten Locale-Daten lesen; schlimmer noch, das Programm @emph{terminiert} statt einfach die inkompatiblen Locale-Daten zu ignorieren@footnote{Versionen 2.23 von GNU@tie{}libc und neuere werden inkompatible Locale-Daten nur mehr überspringen, was schon einmal eine Verbesserung ist.}. Ähnlich kann ein an libc 2.22 gebundenes Programm die meisten, aber nicht alle, Locale-Daten von libc 2.21 lesen (Daten zu @env{LC_COLLATE} sind aber zum Beispiel inkompatibel); somit schlagen Aufrufe von @code{setlocale} vielleicht fehl, aber das Programm läuft weiter."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16320
msgid "The ``problem'' with Guix is that users have a lot of freedom: They can choose whether and when to upgrade software in their profiles, and might be using a libc version different from the one the system administrator used to build the system-wide locale data."
msgstr "Das „Problem“ mit Guix ist, dass Nutzer viel Freiheit genießen: Sie können wählen, ob und wann sie die Software in ihren Profilen aktualisieren und benutzen vielleicht eine andere libc-Version als sie der Systemadministrator benutzt hat, um die systemweiten Locale-Daten zu erstellen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16324
msgid "Fortunately, unprivileged users can also install their own locale data and define @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} accordingly (@pxref{locales-and-locpath, @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} and locale packages})."
msgstr "Glücklicherweise können „unprivilegierte“ Nutzer ohne zusätzliche Berechtigungen dann zumindest ihre eigenen Locale-Daten installieren und @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} entsprechend definieren (siehe @ref{locales-and-locpath, @env{GUIX_LOCPATH} und Locale-Pakete})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16331
msgid "Still, it is best if the system-wide locale data at @file{/run/current-system/locale} is built for all the libc versions actually in use on the system, so that all the programs can access it---this is especially crucial on a multi-user system. To do that, the administrator can specify several libc packages in the @code{locale-libcs} field of @code{operating-system}:"
msgstr "Trotzdem ist es am besten, wenn die systemweiten Locale-Daten unter @file{/run/current-system/locale} für alle libc-Versionen erstellt werden, die auf dem System noch benutzt werden, damit alle Programme auf sie zugreifen können@tie{}— was auf einem Mehrbenutzersystem ganz besonders wichtig ist. Dazu kann der Administrator des Systems mehrere libc-Pakete im @code{locale-libcs}-Feld vom @code{operating-system} angeben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16334
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-package-modules base)\n"
@@ -28796,7 +29667,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16338
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -28808,39 +29679,39 @@ msgstr ""
" (locale-libcs (list glibc-2.21 (canonical-package glibc))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16343
msgid "This example would lead to a system containing locale definitions for both libc 2.21 and the current version of libc in @file{/run/current-system/locale}."
msgstr "Mit diesem Beispiel ergäbe sich ein System, was Locale-Definitionen sowohl für libc 2.21 als auch die aktuelle Version von libc in @file{/run/current-system/locale} hat."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16348
#, no-wrap
msgid "system services"
msgstr "Systemdienste"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16354
msgid "An important part of preparing an @code{operating-system} declaration is listing @dfn{system services} and their configuration (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}). System services are typically daemons launched when the system boots, or other actions needed at that time---e.g., configuring network access."
msgstr "Ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Schreibens einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration ist das Auflisten der @dfn{Systemdienste} und ihrer Konfiguration (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}). Systemdienste sind typischerweise im Hintergrund laufende Daemon-Programme, die beim Hochfahren des Systems gestartet werden, oder andere Aktionen, die zu dieser Zeit durchgeführt werden müssen@tie{}— wie das Konfigurieren des Netzwerkzugangs."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16361
msgid "Guix has a broad definition of ``service'' (@pxref{Service Composition}), but many services are managed by the GNU@tie{}Shepherd (@pxref{Shepherd Services}). On a running system, the @command{herd} command allows you to list the available services, show their status, start and stop them, or do other specific operations (@pxref{Jump Start,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). For example:"
msgstr "Guix hat eine weit gefasste Definition, was ein „Dienst“ ist (siehe @ref{Service Composition}), aber viele Dienste sind solche, die von GNU@tie{}Shepherd verwaltet werden (siehe @ref{Shepherd Services}). Auf einem laufenden System kann der @command{herd}-Befehl benutzt werden, um verfügbare Dienste aufzulisten, ihren Status anzuzeigen, sie zu starten und zu stoppen oder andere angebotene Operationen durchzuführen (siehe @ref{Jump Start,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16364
#, no-wrap
msgid "# herd status\n"
msgstr "# herd status\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16369
msgid "The above command, run as @code{root}, lists the currently defined services. The @command{herd doc} command shows a synopsis of the given service and its associated actions:"
msgstr "Dieser Befehl, durchgeführt als @code{root}, listet die momentan definierten Dienste auf. Der Befehl @command{herd doc} fasst kurz zusammen, was ein gegebener Dienst ist und welche Aktionen mit ihm assoziiert sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16373
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd doc nscd\n"
@@ -28852,7 +29723,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16376
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd doc nscd action invalidate\n"
@@ -28862,12 +29733,12 @@ msgstr ""
"invalidate: Invalidate the given cache--e.g., 'hosts' for host name lookups.\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16381
msgid "The @command{start}, @command{stop}, and @command{restart} sub-commands have the effect you would expect. For instance, the commands below stop the nscd service and restart the Xorg display server:"
msgstr "Die Unterbefehle @command{start}, @command{stop} und @command{restart} haben die Wirkung, die man erwarten würde. Zum Beispiel kann mit folgenden Befehlen der nscd-Dienst angehalten und der Xorg-Anzeigeserver neu gestartet werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16388
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd stop nscd\n"
@@ -28883,45 +29754,45 @@ msgstr ""
"Service xorg-server has been started.\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16393
msgid "The following sections document the available services, starting with the core services, that may be used in an @code{operating-system} declaration."
msgstr "Die folgenden Abschnitte dokumentieren die verfügbaren Dienste, die in einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration benutzt werden können, angefangen mit den Diensten im Kern des Systems („core services“)"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24198
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24719
#, no-wrap
msgid "File-Sharing Services"
msgstr "Dateientauschdienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
msgid "File-sharing services."
msgstr "File Sharing."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16437
msgid "The @code{(gnu services base)} module provides definitions for the basic services that one expects from the system. The services exported by this module are listed below."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services base)} stellt Definitionen für Basis-Dienste zur Verfügung, von denen man erwartet, dass das System sie anbietet. Im Folgenden sind die von diesem Modul exportierten Dienste aufgeführt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16438
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %base-services"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %base-services"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16444
msgid "This variable contains a list of basic services (@pxref{Service Types and Services}, for more information on service objects) one would expect from the system: a login service (mingetty) on each tty, syslogd, the libc name service cache daemon (nscd), the udev device manager, and more."
msgstr "Diese Variable enthält eine Liste von Basis-Diensten, die man auf einem System vorzufinden erwartet (siehe @ref{Service Types and Services} für weitere Informationen zu Dienstobjekten): ein Anmeldungsdienst (mingetty) auf jeder Konsole (jedem „tty“), syslogd, den Name Service Cache Daemon (nscd) von libc, die udev-Geräteverwaltung und weitere."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16449
msgid "This is the default value of the @code{services} field of @code{operating-system} declarations. Usually, when customizing a system, you will want to append services to @code{%base-services}, like this:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Vorgabewert für das @code{services}-Feld für die Dienste von @code{operating-system}-Deklarationen. Normalerweise werden Sie, wenn Sie ein Betriebssystem anpassen, Dienste an die @code{%base-services}-Liste anhängen, wie hier gezeigt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16454
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(append (list (service avahi-service-type)\n"
@@ -28933,58 +29804,58 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16457
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} special-files-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} special-files-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16460
msgid "This is the service that sets up ``special files'' such as @file{/bin/sh}; an instance of it is part of @code{%base-services}."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst richtet „besondere Dateien“ wie @file{/bin/sh} ein; eine Instanz des Dienstes ist Teil der @code{%base-services}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16464
msgid "The value associated with @code{special-files-service-type} services must be a list of tuples where the first element is the ``special file'' and the second element is its target. By default it is:"
msgstr "Der mit @code{special-files-service-type}-Diensten assoziierte Wert muss eine Liste von Tupeln sein, deren erstes Element eine „besondere Datei“ und deren zweites Element deren Zielpfad ist. Der Vorgabewert ist:"
#. type: file{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16465
#, no-wrap
msgid "/bin/sh"
msgstr "/bin/sh"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15988
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16466
#, no-wrap
msgid "@file{sh}, in @file{/bin}"
msgstr "@file{sh}, in @file{/bin}"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15991
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16469
#, no-wrap
msgid "`((\"/bin/sh\" ,(file-append bash \"/bin/sh\")))\n"
msgstr "`((\"/bin/sh\" ,(file-append bash \"/bin/sh\")))\n"
#. type: file{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16471
#, no-wrap
msgid "/usr/bin/env"
msgstr "/usr/bin/env"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16472
#, no-wrap
msgid "@file{env}, in @file{/usr/bin}"
msgstr "@file{env}, in @file{/usr/bin}"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:15997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16475
msgid "If you want to add, say, @code{/usr/bin/env} to your system, you can change it to:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie zum Beispiel auch @code{/usr/bin/env} zu Ihrem System hinzufügen möchten, können Sie den Wert ändern auf:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16479
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"`((\"/bin/sh\" ,(file-append bash \"/bin/sh\"))\n"
@@ -28994,28 +29865,28 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"/usr/bin/env\" ,(file-append coreutils \"/bin/env\")))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16486
msgid "Since this is part of @code{%base-services}, you can use @code{modify-services} to customize the set of special files (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}). But the simple way to add a special file is @i{via} the @code{extra-special-file} procedure (see below)."
msgstr "Da dieser Dienst Teil der @code{%base-services} ist, können Sie @code{modify-services} benutzen, um die Liste besonderer Dateien abzuändern (siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}). Die leichte Alternative, um eine besondere Datei hinzuzufügen, ist über die Prozedur @code{extra-special-file} (siehe unten)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16488
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} extra-special-file @var{file} @var{target}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} extra-special-file @var{Datei} @var{Ziel}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16490
msgid "Use @var{target} as the ``special file'' @var{file}."
msgstr "Das @var{Ziel} als „besondere Datei“ @var{Datei} verwenden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16494
msgid "For example, adding the following lines to the @code{services} field of your operating system declaration leads to a @file{/usr/bin/env} symlink:"
msgstr "Beispielsweise können Sie die folgenden Zeilen in das @code{services}-Feld Ihrer Betriebssystemdeklaration einfügen für eine symbolische Verknüpfung @file{/usr/bin/env}:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16498
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(extra-special-file \"/usr/bin/env\"\n"
@@ -29025,29 +29896,29 @@ msgstr ""
" (file-append coreutils \"/bin/env\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16501
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} host-name-service @var{name}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} host-name-service @var{Name}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16503
msgid "Return a service that sets the host name to @var{name}."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den Rechnernamen (den „Host“-Namen des Rechners) als @var{Name} festlegt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16505
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} console-font-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} console-font-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16510
msgid "Install the given fonts on the specified ttys (fonts are per virtual console on the kernel Linux). The value of this service is a list of tty/font pairs. The font can be the name of a font provided by the @code{kbd} package or any valid argument to @command{setfont}, as in this example:"
msgstr "Installiert die angegebenen Schriftarten auf den festgelegten TTYs (auf dem Linux-Kernel werden Schriftarten für jede virtuelle Konsole einzeln festgelegt). Als Wert nimmt dieser Dienst eine Liste von Paaren aus TTY und Schriftart. Als Schriftart kann der Name einer vom @code{kbd}-Paket zur Verfügung gestellten Schriftart oder ein beliebiges gültiges Argument für @command{setfont} dienen. Ein Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16519
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"`((\"tty1\" . \"LatGrkCyr-8x16\")\n"
@@ -29067,1109 +29938,1121 @@ msgstr ""
" \"/share/consolefonts/ter-132n\"))) ; für HiDPI\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16522
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} login-service @var{config}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} login-service @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16526
msgid "Return a service to run login according to @var{config}, a @code{<login-configuration>} object, which specifies the message of the day, among other things."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der die Benutzeranmeldung möglich macht. Dazu verwendet er die angegebene @var{Konfiguration}, ein @code{<login-configuration>}-Objekt, das unter anderem die beim Anmelden angezeigte Mitteilung des Tages („Message of the Day“) festlegt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16528
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} login-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} login-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16530
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of login."
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp, der die Anmeldekonfiguration repräsentiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16533
#, no-wrap
msgid "motd"
msgstr "motd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16534
#, no-wrap
msgid "message of the day"
msgstr "Message of the Day"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16536
msgid "A file-like object containing the ``message of the day''."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt, das die „Message of the Day“ enthält."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16059 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16537 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19767
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-empty-passwords?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{allow-empty-passwords?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16540
msgid "Allow empty passwords by default so that first-time users can log in when the 'root' account has just been created."
msgstr "Leere Passwörter standardmäßig zulassen, damit sich neue Anwender anmelden können, direkt nachdem das Benutzerkonto „root“ für den Administrator angelegt wurde."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16544
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} mingetty-service @var{config}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} mingetty-service @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16548
msgid "Return a service to run mingetty according to @var{config}, a @code{<mingetty-configuration>} object, which specifies the tty to run, among other things."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der mingetty nach den Vorgaben der @var{Konfiguration} ausführt, einem @code{<mingetty-configuration>}-Objekt, das unter anderem die Konsole (das „tty“) festlegt, auf der mingetty laufen soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16550
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mingetty-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mingetty-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16553
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of Mingetty, which provides the default implementation of virtual console log-in."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration von Mingetty, der vorgegebenen Implementierung zur Anmeldung auf einer virtuellen Konsole."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16078 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16117
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16556 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34101
#, no-wrap
msgid "tty"
msgstr "tty"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16558
msgid "The name of the console this Mingetty runs on---e.g., @code{\"tty1\"}."
msgstr "Der Name der Konsole, auf der diese Mingetty-Instanz läuft@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"tty1\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16081 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16146
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16559 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16787
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{auto-login} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16563
msgid "When true, this field must be a string denoting the user name under which the system automatically logs in. When it is @code{#f}, a user name and password must be entered to log in."
msgstr "Steht dieses Feld auf wahr, muss es eine Zeichenkette sein, die den Benutzernamen angibt, als der man vom System automatisch angemeldet wird. Ist es @code{#f}, so muss zur Anmeldung ein Benutzername und ein Passwort eingegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16564
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-program} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{login-program} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16568
msgid "This must be either @code{#f}, in which case the default log-in program is used (@command{login} from the Shadow tool suite), or a gexp denoting the name of the log-in program."
msgstr "Dies muss entweder @code{#f} sein, dann wird das voreingestellte Anmeldeprogramm benutzt (@command{login} aus dem Shadow-Werkzeugsatz) oder der Name des Anmeldeprogramms als G-Ausdruck."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16569
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-pause?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{login-pause?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16572
msgid "When set to @code{#t} in conjunction with @var{auto-login}, the user will have to press a key before the log-in shell is launched."
msgstr "Ist es auf @code{#t} gesetzt, sorgt es in Verbindung mit @var{auto-login} dafür, dass der Benutzer eine Taste drücken muss, ehe eine Login-Shell gestartet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16573
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{clear-on-logout?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{clear-on-logout?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16575
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, the screen will be cleared after logout."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird der Bildschirm nach der Abmeldung @emph{nicht} gelöscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16576
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mingetty} (default: @var{mingetty})"
msgstr "@code{mingetty} (Vorgabe: @var{mingetty})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16578
msgid "The Mingetty package to use."
msgstr "Welches Mingetty-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16582
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} agetty-service @var{config}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} agetty-service @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16586
msgid "Return a service to run agetty according to @var{config}, an @code{<agetty-configuration>} object, which specifies the tty to run, among other things."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, um agetty entsprechend der @var{Konfiguration} auszuführen, welche ein @code{<agetty-configuration>}-Objekt sein muss, das unter anderem festlegt, auf welchem tty es laufen soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16588
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} agetty-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} agetty-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16592
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of agetty, which implements virtual and serial console log-in. See the @code{agetty(8)} man page for more information."
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von agetty repräsentiert, was Anmeldungen auf einer virtuellen oder seriellen Konsole implementiert. Siehe die Handbuchseite @code{agetty(8)} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16599
msgid "The name of the console this agetty runs on, as a string---e.g., @code{\"ttyS0\"}. This argument is optional, it will default to a reasonable default serial port used by the kernel Linux."
msgstr "Der Name der Konsole, auf der diese Instanz von agetty läuft, als Zeichenkette@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"ttyS0\"}. Dieses Argument ist optional, sein Vorgabewert ist eine vernünftige Wahl unter den seriellen Schnittstellen, auf deren Benutzung der Linux-Kernel eingestellt ist."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16603
msgid "For this, if there is a value for an option @code{agetty.tty} in the kernel command line, agetty will extract the device name of the serial port from it and use that."
msgstr "Hierzu wird, wenn in der Kernel-Befehlszeile ein Wert für eine Option namens @code{agetty.tty} festgelegt wurde, der Gerätename daraus für agetty extrahiert und benutzt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16607
msgid "If not and if there is a value for an option @code{console} with a tty in the Linux command line, agetty will extract the device name of the serial port from it and use that."
msgstr "Andernfalls wird agetty, falls auf der Kernel-Befehlszeile eine Option @code{console} mit einem tty vorkommt, den daraus extrahierten Gerätenamen der seriellen Schnittstelle benutzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16611
msgid "In both cases, agetty will leave the other serial device settings (baud rate etc.)@: alone---in the hope that Linux pinned them to the correct values."
msgstr "In beiden Fällen wird agetty nichts an den anderen Einstellungen für serielle Geräte verändern (Baud-Rate etc.), in der Hoffnung, dass Linux sie auf die korrekten Werte festgelegt hat."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16134 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16612 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34262
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{baud-rate} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{baud-rate} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16615
msgid "A string containing a comma-separated list of one or more baud rates, in descending order."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die aus einer kommagetrennten Liste von einer oder mehreren Baud-Raten besteht, absteigend sortiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16616
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{term} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{term} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16619
msgid "A string containing the value used for the @env{TERM} environment variable."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die den Wert enthält, der für die Umgebungsvariable @env{TERM} benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16620
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{eight-bits?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{eight-bits?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16145
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16623
msgid "When @code{#t}, the tty is assumed to be 8-bit clean, and parity detection is disabled."
msgstr "Steht dies auf @code{#t}, wird angenommen, dass das tty 8-Bit-korrekt ist, so dass die Paritätserkennung abgeschaltet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16149 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16627 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16790
msgid "When passed a login name, as a string, the specified user will be logged in automatically without prompting for their login name or password."
msgstr "Wird hier ein Anmeldename als eine Zeichenkette übergeben, wird der angegebene Nutzer automatisch angemeldet, ohne nach einem Anmeldenamen oder Passwort zu fragen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16628
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-reset?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-reset?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16630
msgid "When @code{#t}, don't reset terminal cflags (control modes)."
msgstr "Steht dies auf @code{#t}, werden die Cflags des Terminals (d.h.@: dessen Steuermodi) nicht zurückgesetzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16631
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{host} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16634
msgid "This accepts a string containing the ``login_host'', which will be written into the @file{/var/run/utmpx} file."
msgstr "Dies akzeptiert eine Zeichenkette mit dem einzutragenden Anmeldungs-Rechnernamen („login_host“), der in die Datei @file{/var/run/utmpx} geschrieben wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16635
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{remote?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{remote?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16639
msgid "When set to @code{#t} in conjunction with @var{host}, this will add an @code{-r} fakehost option to the command line of the login program specified in @var{login-program}."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird in Verbindung mit @var{host} eine Befehlszeilenoption @code{-r} für einen falschen Rechnernamen („Fakehost“) in der Befehlszeile des mit @var{login-program} angegebenen Anmeldeprogramms übergeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16640
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{flow-control?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{flow-control?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16642
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, enable hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird Hardware-Flusssteuerung (RTS/CTS) aktiviert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16643
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-issue?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-issue?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16646
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, the contents of the @file{/etc/issue} file will not be displayed before presenting the login prompt."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird der Inhalt der Datei @file{/etc/issue} @emph{nicht} angezeigt, bevor die Anmeldeaufforderung zu sehen ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16647
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{init-string} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{init-string} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16650
msgid "This accepts a string that will be sent to the tty or modem before sending anything else. It can be used to initialize a modem."
msgstr "Dies akzeptiert eine Zeichenkette, die zum tty oder zum Modem zuerst vor allem anderen gesendet wird. Es kann benutzt werden, um ein Modem zu initialisieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16651
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-clear?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-clear?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16654
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, agetty will not clear the screen before showing the login prompt."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird agetty den Bildschirm @emph{nicht} löschen, bevor es die Anmeldeaufforderung anzeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16655
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-program} (default: (file-append shadow \"/bin/login\"))"
msgstr "@code{login-program} (Vorgabe: (file-append shadow \"/bin/login\"))"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16659
msgid "This must be either a gexp denoting the name of a log-in program, or unset, in which case the default value is the @command{login} from the Shadow tool suite."
msgstr "Hier muss entweder ein G-Ausdruck mit dem Namen eines Anmeldeprogramms übergeben werden, oder dieses Feld wird nicht gesetzt, so dass als Vorgabewert das Programm @command{login} aus dem Shadow-Werkzeugsatz verwendet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16660
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{local-line} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{local-line} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16664
msgid "Control the CLOCAL line flag. This accepts one of three symbols as arguments, @code{'auto}, @code{'always}, or @code{'never}. If @code{#f}, the default value chosen by agetty is @code{'auto}."
msgstr "Steuert den Leitungsschalter CLOCAL@. Hierfür wird eines von drei Symbolen als Argument akzeptiert, @code{'auto}, @code{'always} oder @code{'never}. Für @code{#f} wählt agetty als Vorgabewert @code{'auto}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16665
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extract-baud?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{extract-baud?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16668
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, instruct agetty to try to extract the baud rate from the status messages produced by certain types of modems."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, so wird agetty angewiesen, die Baud-Rate aus den Statusmeldungen mancher Arten von Modem abzulesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16669
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{skip-login?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{skip-login?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16673
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, do not prompt the user for a login name. This can be used with @var{login-program} field to use non-standard login systems."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird der Benutzer nicht aufgefordert, einen Anmeldenamen einzugeben. Dies kann zusammen mit dem @var{login-program}-Feld benutzt werden, um nicht standardkonforme Anmeldesysteme zu benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16674
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-newline?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-newline?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16677
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, do not print a newline before printing the @file{/etc/issue} file."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird @emph{kein} Zeilenumbruch ausgegeben, bevor die Datei @file{/etc/issue} ausgegeben wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16679
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-options} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{login-options} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16684
msgid "This option accepts a string containing options that are passed to the login program. When used with the @var{login-program}, be aware that a malicious user could try to enter a login name containing embedded options that could be parsed by the login program."
msgstr "Dieses Feld akzeptiert eine Zeichenkette mit den Befehlszeilenoptionen für das Anmeldeprogramm. Beachten Sie, dass bei einem selbst gewählten @var{login-program} ein böswilliger Nutzer versuchen könnte, als Anmeldenamen etwas mit eingebetteten Befehlszeilenoptionen anzugeben, die vom Anmeldeprogramm interpretiert werden könnten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16685
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-pause} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{login-pause} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16689
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, wait for any key before showing the login prompt. This can be used in conjunction with @var{auto-login} to save memory by lazily spawning shells."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird auf das Drücken einer beliebigen Taste gewartet, bevor die Anmeldeaufforderung angezeigt wird. Hiermit kann in Verbindung mit @var{auto-login} weniger Speicher verbraucht werden, indem man Shells erst erzeugt, wenn sie benötigt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16690
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{chroot} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{chroot} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16693
msgid "Change root to the specified directory. This option accepts a directory path as a string."
msgstr "Wechselt die Wurzel des Dateisystems auf das angegebene Verzeichnis. Dieses Feld akzeptiert einen Verzeichnispfad als Zeichenkette."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16694
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hangup?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{hangup?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16697
msgid "Use the Linux system call @code{vhangup} to do a virtual hangup of the specified terminal."
msgstr "Mit dem Linux-Systemaufruf @code{vhangup} auf dem angegebenen Terminal virtuell auflegen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16698
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keep-baud?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{keep-baud?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16702
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, try to keep the existing baud rate. The baud rates from @var{baud-rate} are used when agetty receives a @key{BREAK} character."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird versucht, die bestehende Baud-Rate beizubehalten. Die Baud-Raten aus dem Feld @var{baud-rate} werden benutzt, wenn agetty ein @key{BREAK}-Zeichen empfängt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16703
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{timeout} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{timeout} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16706
msgid "When set to an integer value, terminate if no user name could be read within @var{timeout} seconds."
msgstr "Ist dies auf einen ganzzahligen Wert gesetzt, wird terminiert, falls kein Benutzername innerhalb von @var{timeout} Sekunden eingelesen werden konnte."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16707
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{detect-case?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{detect-case?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16713
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, turn on support for detecting an uppercase-only terminal. This setting will detect a login name containing only uppercase letters as indicating an uppercase-only terminal and turn on some upper-to-lower case conversions. Note that this will not support Unicode characters."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird Unterstützung für die Erkennung von Terminals aktiviert, die nur Großschreibung beherrschen. Mit dieser Einstellung wird, wenn ein Anmeldename nur aus Großbuchstaben besteht, dieser als Anzeichen dafür aufgefasst, dass das Terminal nur Großbuchstaben beherrscht, und einige Umwandlungen von Groß- in Kleinbuchstaben aktiviert. Beachten Sie, dass dabei @emph{keine} Unicode-Zeichen unterstützt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16714
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wait-cr?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{wait-cr?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16719
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, wait for the user or modem to send a carriage-return or linefeed character before displaying @file{/etc/issue} or login prompt. This is typically used with the @var{init-string} option."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird gewartet, bis der Benutzer oder das Modem einen Wagenrücklauf („Carriage Return“) oder einen Zeilenvorschub („Linefeed“) absendet, ehe @file{/etc/issue} oder eine Anmeldeaufforderung angezeigt wird. Dies wird typischerweise zusammen mit dem Feld @var{init-string} benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16720
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-hints?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-hints?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16723
msgid "When set to @code{#t}, do not print hints about Num, Caps, and Scroll locks."
msgstr "Ist es auf @code{#t} gesetzt, werden @emph{keine} Hinweise zu den Feststelltasten Num-Taste, Umschaltsperre („Caps Lock“) und Rollen-Taste („Scroll Lock“) angezeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16724
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-hostname?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-hostname?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16727
msgid "By default, the hostname is printed. When this option is set to @code{#t}, no hostname will be shown at all."
msgstr "Das vorgegebene Verhalten ist, den Rechnernamen auszugeben. Ist dieses Feld auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird überhaupt kein Rechnername angezeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16728
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{long-hostname?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{long-hostname?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16732
msgid "By default, the hostname is only printed until the first dot. When this option is set to @code{#t}, the fully qualified hostname by @code{gethostname} or @code{getaddrinfo} is shown."
msgstr "Das vorgegebene Verhalten ist, den Rechnernamen nur bis zu seinem ersten Punkt anzuzeigen. Ist dieses Feld auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird der vollständige Rechnername (der „Fully Qualified Hostname“), wie ihn @code{gethostname} oder @code{getaddrinfo} liefern, angezeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16733
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{erase-characters} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{erase-characters} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16736
msgid "This option accepts a string of additional characters that should be interpreted as backspace when the user types their login name."
msgstr "Dieses Feld akzeptiert eine Zeichenkette aus Zeichen, die auch als Rücktaste (zum Löschen) interpretiert werden sollen, wenn der Benutzer seinen Anmeldenamen eintippt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16737
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kill-characters} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{kill-characters} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16741
msgid "This option accepts a string that should be interpreted to mean ``ignore all previous characters'' (also called a ``kill'' character) when the user types their login name."
msgstr "Dieses Feld akzeptiert eine Zeichenkette aus Zeichen, deren Eingabe als „ignoriere alle vorherigen Zeichen“ interpretiert werden soll (auch „Kill“-Zeichen genannt), wenn der Benutzer seinen Anmeldenamen eintippt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16742
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{chdir} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{chdir} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16745
msgid "This option accepts, as a string, a directory path that will be changed to before login."
msgstr "Dieses Feld akzeptiert eine Zeichenkette, die einen Verzeichnispfad angibt, zu dem vor der Anmeldung gewechselt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16746
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{delay} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{delay} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16749
msgid "This options accepts, as an integer, the number of seconds to sleep before opening the tty and displaying the login prompt."
msgstr "Dieses Feld akzeptiert eine ganze Zahl mit der Anzahl Sekunden, die gewartet werden soll, bis ein tty geöffnet und die Anmeldeaufforderung angezeigt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16750
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nice} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{nice} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16753
msgid "This option accepts, as an integer, the nice value with which to run the @command{login} program."
msgstr "Dieses Feld akzeptiert eine ganze Zahl mit dem „nice“-Wert, mit dem das Anmeldeprogramm ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16276 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16564
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17478 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25181
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26658 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29074
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29869 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31622
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16754 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17965 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27089 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30330 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34602
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-options} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{extra-options} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16757
msgid "This option provides an ``escape hatch'' for the user to provide arbitrary command-line arguments to @command{agetty} as a list of strings."
msgstr "Dieses Feld ist ein „Notausstieg“, mit dem Nutzer beliebige Befehlszeilenoptionen direkt an @command{agetty} übergeben können. Diese müssen hier als eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16758
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{requirement} (default: @code{'()})"
+msgid "@code{shepherd-requirement} (default: @code{'()})"
+msgstr "@code{requirement} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16761
+msgid "The option can be used to provides extra shepherd requirements (for example @code{'syslogd}) to the respective @code{'term-}* shepherd service."
+msgstr ""
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16765
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} kmscon-service-type @var{config}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} kmscon-service-type @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16769
msgid "Return a service to run @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/kmscon,kmscon} according to @var{config}, a @code{<kmscon-configuration>} object, which specifies the tty to run, among other things."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, um @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/kmscon,kmscon} entsprechend der @var{Konfiguration} auszuführen. Diese ist ein @code{<kmscon-configuration>}-Objekt, das unter anderem angibt, auf welchem tty es ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16771
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} kmscon-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} kmscon-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16774
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of Kmscon, which implements virtual console log-in."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration von Kmscon, die das Anmelden auf virtuellen Konsolen ermöglicht."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16777
#, no-wrap
msgid "virtual-terminal"
msgstr "virtual-terminal"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16779
msgid "The name of the console this Kmscon runs on---e.g., @code{\"tty1\"}."
msgstr "Der Name der Konsole, auf der diese Kmscon läuft@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"tty1\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16780
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-program} (default: @code{#~(string-append #$shadow \"/bin/login\")})"
msgstr "@code{login-program} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$shadow \"/bin/login\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16783
msgid "A gexp denoting the name of the log-in program. The default log-in program is @command{login} from the Shadow tool suite."
msgstr "Ein G-Ausdruck, der den Namen des Anmeldeprogramms angibt. Als Vorgabe wird das Anmeldeprogramm @command{login} aus dem Shadow-Werkzeugsatz verwendet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16784
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{login-arguments} (default: @code{'(\"-p\")})"
msgstr "@code{login-arguments} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"-p\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16786
msgid "A list of arguments to pass to @command{login}."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Argumente, die an @command{login} übergeben werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16791
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hardware-acceleration?} (default: #f)"
msgstr "@code{hardware-acceleration?} (Vorgabe: #f)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16793
msgid "Whether to use hardware acceleration."
msgstr "Ob Hardware-Beschleunigung verwendet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16794
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{font-engine} (default: @code{\"pango\"})"
msgstr "@code{font-engine} (Vorgabe: @code{\"pango\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16796
msgid "Font engine used in Kmscon."
msgstr "Welcher Schriftartentreiber in Kmscon benutzt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16797
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{font-size} (default: @code{12})"
msgstr "@code{font-size} (Vorgabe: @code{12})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16799
msgid "Font size used in Kmscon."
msgstr "Welche Schriftgröße in Kmscon benutzt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16803
msgid "If this is @code{#f}, Kmscon uses the default keyboard layout---usually US English (``qwerty'') for a 105-key PC keyboard."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, benutzt Kmscon die voreingestellte Tastaturbelegung, also normalerweise US English („QWERTY“) für eine PC-Tastatur mit 105 Tasten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16807
msgid "Otherwise this must be a @code{keyboard-layout} object specifying the keyboard layout. @xref{Keyboard Layout}, for more information on how to specify the keyboard layout."
msgstr "Andernfalls muss hier ein @code{keyboard-layout}-Objekt stehen, das angibt, welche Tastaturbelegung aktiv sein soll. Siehe @ref{Keyboard Layout} für mehr Informationen, wie die Tastaturbelegung angegeben werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16808
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kmscon} (default: @var{kmscon})"
msgstr "@code{kmscon} (Vorgabe: @var{kmscon})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16810
msgid "The Kmscon package to use."
msgstr "Das Kmscon-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16814
#, no-wrap
msgid "name service cache daemon"
msgstr "Name Service Cache Daemon"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16815
#, no-wrap
msgid "nscd"
msgstr "nscd"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16816
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} nscd-service [@var{config}] [#:glibc glibc] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} nscd-service [@var{Konfiguration}] [#:glibc glibc] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16821
msgid "[#:name-services '()] Return a service that runs the libc name service cache daemon (nscd) with the given @var{config}---an @code{<nscd-configuration>} object. @xref{Name Service Switch}, for an example."
msgstr "[#:name-services '()] Liefert einen Dienst, der den Name Service Cache Daemon (nscd) von libc mit der angegebenen @var{Konfiguration} ausführt@tie{}— diese muss ein @code{<nscd-configuration>}-Objekt sein. Siehe @ref{Name Service Switch} für ein Beispiel."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16823
msgid "For convenience, the Shepherd service for nscd provides the following actions:"
msgstr "Der Einfachheit halber bietet der Shepherd-Dienst für nscd die folgenden Aktionen an:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16825
#, no-wrap
msgid "invalidate"
msgstr "invalidate"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16826
#, no-wrap
msgid "cache invalidation, nscd"
msgstr "Zwischenspeicher ungültig machen, nscd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16827
#, no-wrap
msgid "nscd, cache invalidation"
msgstr "nscd, Ungültigmachen des Zwischenspeichers"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16829
msgid "This invalidate the given cache. For instance, running:"
msgstr "Dies macht den angegebenen Zwischenspeicher ungültig. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16832
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd invalidate nscd hosts\n"
msgstr "herd invalidate nscd hosts\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16836
msgid "invalidates the host name lookup cache of nscd."
msgstr "ausführen, wird der Zwischenspeicher für die Auflösung von Rechnernamen (von „Host“-Namen) des nscd ungültig."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16837
#, no-wrap
msgid "statistics"
msgstr "statistics"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16840
msgid "Running @command{herd statistics nscd} displays information about nscd usage and caches."
msgstr "Wenn Sie @command{herd statistics nscd} ausführen, werden Ihnen Informationen angezeigt, welche Ihnen Informationen über den nscd-Zustand und die Zwischenspeicher angezeigt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16844
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %nscd-default-configuration"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %nscd-default-configuration"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16848
msgid "This is the default @code{<nscd-configuration>} value (see below) used by @code{nscd-service}. It uses the caches defined by @code{%nscd-default-caches}; see below."
msgstr "Dies ist der vorgegebene Wert für die @code{<nscd-configuration>} (siehe unten), die @code{nscd-service} benutzt. Die Konfiguration benutzt die Zwischenspeicher, die in @code{%nscd-default-caches} definiert sind; siehe unten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16850
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nscd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nscd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16853
msgid "This is the data type representing the name service cache daemon (nscd) configuration."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des Name Service Caching Daemon (kurz „nscd“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16856
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name-services} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{name-services} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16859
msgid "List of packages denoting @dfn{name services} that must be visible to the nscd---e.g., @code{(list @var{nss-mdns})}."
msgstr "Liste von Paketen, die @dfn{Namensdienste} bezeichnen, die für den nscd sichtbar sein müssen, z.B.@: @code{(list @var{nss-mdns})}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16860
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{glibc} (default: @var{glibc})"
msgstr "@code{glibc} (Vorgabe: @var{glibc})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16863
msgid "Package object denoting the GNU C Library providing the @command{nscd} command."
msgstr "Ein Paket-Objekt, das die GNU-C-Bibliothek angibt, woraus der @command{nscd}-Befehl genommen werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16864
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/nscd.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/nscd.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16867
msgid "Name of the nscd log file. This is where debugging output goes when @code{debug-level} is strictly positive."
msgstr "Name der nscd-Protokolldatei. Hierhin werden Ausgaben zur Fehlersuche geschrieben, falls @code{debug-level} echt positiv ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16868
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{debug-level} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{debug-level} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16871
msgid "Integer denoting the debugging levels. Higher numbers mean that more debugging output is logged."
msgstr "Eine ganze Zahl, die den Detailgrad der Ausgabe zur Fehlersuche angibt. Größere Zahlen bewirken eine ausführlichere Ausgabe."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16872
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{caches} (default: @code{%nscd-default-caches})"
msgstr "@code{caches} (Vorgabe: @code{%nscd-default-caches})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16875
msgid "List of @code{<nscd-cache>} objects denoting things to be cached; see below."
msgstr "Liste der @code{<nscd-cache>}-Objekte, die repräsentieren, was alles zwischengespeichert werden soll; siehe unten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16879
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nscd-cache"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nscd-cache"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16881
msgid "Data type representing a cache database of nscd and its parameters."
msgstr "Ein Datentyp, der eine Zwischenspeicher-Datenbank von nscd mitsamt ihren Parametern definiert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16402 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21071
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16884 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21591
#, no-wrap
msgid "database"
msgstr "Datenbank"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16889
msgid "This is a symbol representing the name of the database to be cached. Valid values are @code{passwd}, @code{group}, @code{hosts}, and @code{services}, which designate the corresponding NSS database (@pxref{NSS Basics,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Dies ist ein Symbol, was den Namen der Datenbank repräsentiert, die zwischengespeichert werden soll. Gültige Werte sind @code{passwd}, @code{group}, @code{hosts} und @code{services}, womit jeweils die entsprechende NSS-Datenbank bezeichnet wird (siehe @ref{NSS Basics,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek})."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16890
#, no-wrap
msgid "positive-time-to-live"
msgstr "positive-time-to-live"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16891
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{negative-time-to-live} (default: @code{20})"
msgstr "@code{negative-time-to-live} (Vorgabe: @code{20})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16894
msgid "A number representing the number of seconds during which a positive or negative lookup result remains in cache."
msgstr "Eine Zahl, die für die Anzahl an Sekunden steht, die ein erfolgreiches (positives) oder erfolgloses (negatives) Nachschlageresultat im Zwischenspeicher verbleibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16895
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{check-files?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{check-files?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16898
msgid "Whether to check for updates of the files corresponding to @var{database}."
msgstr "Ob auf Änderungen an den der @var{database} entsprechenden Dateien reagiert werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16902
msgid "For instance, when @var{database} is @code{hosts}, setting this flag instructs nscd to check for updates in @file{/etc/hosts} and to take them into account."
msgstr "Wenn @var{database} zum Beispiel @code{hosts} ist, wird, wenn dieses Feld gesetzt ist, nscd Änderungen an @file{/etc/hosts} beobachten und berücksichtigen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16903
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{persistent?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{persistent?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16905
msgid "Whether the cache should be stored persistently on disk."
msgstr "Ob der Zwischenspeicher dauerhaft auf der Platte gespeichert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16906
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{shared?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{shared?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16426
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16908
msgid "Whether the cache should be shared among users."
msgstr "Ob der Zwischenspeicher zwischen den Nutzern geteilt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16909
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-database-size} (default: 32@tie{}MiB)"
msgstr "@code{max-database-size} (Vorgabe: 32@tie{}MiB)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16911
msgid "Maximum size in bytes of the database cache."
msgstr "Die Maximalgröße des Datenbank-Zwischenspeichers in Bytes."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16918
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %nscd-default-caches"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %nscd-default-caches"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16921
msgid "List of @code{<nscd-cache>} objects used by default by @code{nscd-configuration} (see above)."
msgstr "Liste von @code{<nscd-cache>}-Objekten, die von der vorgegebenen @code{nscd-configuration} benutzt werden (siehe oben)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16927
msgid "It enables persistent and aggressive caching of service and host name lookups. The latter provides better host name lookup performance, resilience in the face of unreliable name servers, and also better privacy---often the result of host name lookups is in local cache, so external name servers do not even need to be queried."
msgstr "Damit wird dauerhaftes und aggressives Zwischenspeichern beim Nachschlagen von Dienst- und Rechnernamen („Host“-Namen) aktiviert. Letzteres verbessert die Leistungsfähigkeit beim Nachschlagen von Rechnernamen, sorgt für mehr Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber unverlässlichen Namens-Servern und bietet außerdem einen besseren Datenschutz@tie{}— oftmals befindet sich das Ergebnis einer Anfrage nach einem Rechnernamen bereits im lokalen Zwischenspeicher und externe Namens-Server müssen nicht miteinbezogen werden."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16930
msgid "syslog-configuration-type"
msgstr "syslog-configuration-type"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16448 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16930 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16946
#, no-wrap
msgid "syslog"
msgstr "syslog"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16449 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16931 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17522
#, no-wrap
msgid "logging"
msgstr "Protokollierung"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16932
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} syslog-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} syslog-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16934
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the syslog daemon."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des syslog-Daemons."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16936
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{syslogd} (default: @code{#~(string-append #$inetutils \"/libexec/syslogd\")})"
msgstr "@code{syslogd} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$inetutils \"/libexec/syslogd\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16938
msgid "The syslog daemon to use."
msgstr "Welcher Syslog-Daemon benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16939
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-syslog.conf})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-syslog.conf})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16941
msgid "The syslog configuration file to use."
msgstr "Die zu benutzende syslog-Konfigurationsdatei."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16946
msgid "syslog-service"
msgstr "syslog-service"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16947
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} syslog-service @var{config}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} syslog-service @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16949
msgid "Return a service that runs a syslog daemon according to @var{config}."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der einen syslog-Daemon entsprechend der @var{Konfiguration} ausführt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16952
msgid "@xref{syslogd invocation,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils}, for more information on the configuration file syntax."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{syslogd invocation,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} für weitere Informationen über die Syntax der Konfiguration."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16954
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guix-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guix-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16958
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs the build daemon, @command{guix-daemon} (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon}). Its value must be a @code{guix-configuration} record as described below."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ für den Dienst, der den Erstellungs-Daemon @command{guix-daemon} ausführt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon}). Als Wert muss ein @code{guix-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt verwendet werden, wie unten beschrieben."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16961
msgid "guix-configuration-type"
msgstr "guix-configuration-type"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16961
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16964
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the Guix build daemon. @xref{Invoking guix-daemon}, for more information."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des Erstellungs-Daemons von Guix. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16966
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guix} (default: @var{guix})"
msgstr "@code{guix} (Vorgabe: @var{guix})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16486 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16968 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17245
msgid "The Guix package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Guix-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16969
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{build-group} (default: @code{\"guixbuild\"})"
msgstr "@code{build-group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guixbuild\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16971
msgid "Name of the group for build user accounts."
msgstr "Der Name der Gruppe, zu der die Erstellungs-Benutzerkonten gehören."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16972
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{build-accounts} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{build-accounts} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16974
msgid "Number of build user accounts to create."
msgstr "Die Anzahl zu erzeugender Erstellungs-Benutzerkonten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16493
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16975
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{authorize-key?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{authorize-key?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16982
msgid "Whether to authorize the substitute keys listed in @code{authorized-keys}---by default that of @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} and @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "Ob die unter @code{authorized-keys} aufgelisteten Substitutschlüssel autorisiert werden sollen@tie{}— vorgegeben ist, den von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} zu autorisieren (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16988
msgid "When @code{authorize-key?} is true, @file{/etc/guix/acl} cannot be changed by invoking @command{guix archive --authorize}. You must instead adjust @code{guix-configuration} as you wish and reconfigure the system. This ensures that your operating system configuration file is self-contained."
msgstr "Wenn @code{authorize-key?} wahr ist, kann @file{/etc/guix/acl} durch einen Aufruf von @command{guix archive --authorize} @emph{nicht} verändert werden. Sie müssen stattdessen die @code{guix-configuration} wie gewünscht anpassen und das System rekonfigurieren. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die Betriebssystemkonfigurationsdatei eigenständig ist."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16995
msgid "When booting or reconfiguring to a system where @code{authorize-key?} is true, the existing @file{/etc/guix/acl} file is backed up as @file{/etc/guix/acl.bak} if it was determined to be a manually modified file. This is to facilitate migration from earlier versions, which allowed for in-place modifications to @file{/etc/guix/acl}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie ein System mit auf wahr gesetztem @code{authorize-key?} starten oder dahin rekonfigurieren, wird eine Sicherungskopie der bestehenden @file{/etc/guix/acl} als @file{/etc/guix/acl.bak} angelegt, wenn festgestellt wurde, dass jemand die Datei von Hand verändert hatte. Das passiert, um die Migration von früheren Versionen zu erleichtern, als eine direkte Modifikation der Datei @file{/etc/guix/acl}, „in place“, noch möglich war."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16997
#, no-wrap
msgid "%default-authorized-guix-keys"
msgstr "%default-authorized-guix-keys"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16998
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{authorized-keys} (default: @code{%default-authorized-guix-keys})"
msgstr "@code{authorized-keys} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-authorized-guix-keys})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17004
msgid "The list of authorized key files for archive imports, as a list of string-valued gexps (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}). By default, it contains that of @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} and @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} (@pxref{Substitutes}). See @code{substitute-urls} below for an example on how to change it."
msgstr "Die Liste der Dateien mit autorisierten Schlüsseln, d.h.@: eine Liste von Zeichenketten als G-Ausdrücke (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}). Der vorgegebene Inhalt ist der Schlüssel von @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} und @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-2}} (siehe @ref{Substitutes}). Siehe im Folgenden @code{substitute-urls} für ein Beispiel, wie Sie sie ändern können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17005
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{use-substitutes?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{use-substitutes?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17007
msgid "Whether to use substitutes."
msgstr "Ob Substitute benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16526 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17008 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29604
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{substitute-urls} (default: @code{%default-substitute-urls})"
msgstr "@code{substitute-urls} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-substitute-urls})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16528 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17010 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29606
msgid "The list of URLs where to look for substitutes by default."
msgstr "Die Liste der URLs, auf denen nach Substituten gesucht wird, wenn nicht anders angegeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17017
msgid "Suppose you would like to fetch substitutes from @code{guix.example.org} in addition to @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}}. You will need to do two things: (1) add @code{guix.example.org} to @code{substitute-urls}, and (2) authorize its signing key, having done appropriate checks (@pxref{Substitute Server Authorization}). The configuration below does exactly that:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie zum Beispiel gerne Substitute von @code{guix.example.org} zusätzlich zu @code{@value{SUBSTITUTE-SERVER-1}} laden würden, müssen Sie zwei Dinge tun: Erstens @code{guix.example.org} zu den @code{substitute-urls} hinzufügen und zweitens dessen Signierschlüssel autorisieren, nachdem Sie ihn hinreichend geprüft haben (siehe @ref{Substitute Server Authorization}). Mit der Konfiguration unten wird das erledigt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17026
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -30189,150 +31072,150 @@ msgstr ""
" %default-authorized-guix-keys)))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17031
msgid "This example assumes that the file @file{./guix.example.org-key.pub} contains the public key that @code{guix.example.org} uses to sign substitutes."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird angenommen, dass die Datei @file{./guix.example.org-key.pub} den öffentlichen Schlüssel enthält, mit dem auf @code{guix.example.org} Substitute signiert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17032
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-silent-time} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{max-silent-time} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17033
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{timeout} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{timeout} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17037
msgid "The number of seconds of silence and the number of seconds of activity, respectively, after which a build process times out. A value of zero disables the timeout."
msgstr "Die Anzahl an Sekunden, die jeweils nichts in die Ausgabe geschrieben werden darf bzw. die es insgesamt dauern darf, bis ein Erstellungsprozess abgebrochen wird. Beim Wert null wird nie abgebrochen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17038
#, no-wrap
-msgid "@code{log-compression} (default: @code{'bzip2})"
-msgstr "@code{log-compression} (Vorgabe: @code{'bzip2})"
+msgid "@code{log-compression} (default: @code{'gzip})"
+msgstr "@code{log-compression} (Vorgabe: @code{'gzip})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17041
msgid "The type of compression used for build logs---one of @code{gzip}, @code{bzip2}, or @code{none}."
msgstr "Die für Erstellungsprotokolle zu benutzende Kompressionsmethode@tie{}— entweder @code{gzip}, @code{bzip2} oder @code{none}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17042
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{discover?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{discover?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17048
msgid "List of extra command-line options for @command{guix-daemon}."
msgstr "Eine Liste zusätzlicher Befehlszeilenoptionen zu @command{guix-daemon}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17049
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/guix-daemon.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/guix-daemon.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17052
msgid "File where @command{guix-daemon}'s standard output and standard error are written."
msgstr "Die Datei, in die die Standardausgabe und die Standardfehlerausgabe von @command{guix-daemon} geschrieben werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17053
#, no-wrap
msgid "HTTP proxy, for @code{guix-daemon}"
msgstr "HTTP-Proxy, für @code{guix-daemon}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17054
#, no-wrap
msgid "proxy, for @code{guix-daemon} HTTP access"
msgstr "Proxy, für HTTP-Zugriffe durch @code{guix-daemon}"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17055
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{http-proxy} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{http-proxy} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17058
msgid "The URL of the HTTP and HTTPS proxy used for downloading fixed-output derivations and substitutes."
msgstr "Die URL des für das Herunterladen von Ableitungen mit fester Ausgabe und von Substituten zu verwendenden HTTP- und HTTPS-Proxys."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17061
msgid "It is also possible to change the daemon's proxy at run time through the @code{set-http-proxy} action, which restarts it:"
msgstr "Sie können den für den Daemon benutzten Proxy auch zur Laufzeit ändern, indem Sie die @code{set-http-proxy}-Aktion aufrufen, wodurch er neu gestartet wird."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17064
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon http://localhost:8118\n"
msgstr "herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon http://localhost:8118\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17067
msgid "To clear the proxy settings, run:"
msgstr "Um die Proxy-Einstellungen zu löschen, führen Sie dies aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17070
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon\n"
msgstr "herd set-http-proxy guix-daemon\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17072
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tmpdir} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tmpdir} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17074
msgid "A directory path where the @command{guix-daemon} will perform builds."
msgstr "Ein Verzeichnispfad, der angibt, wo @command{guix-daemon} seine Erstellungen durchführt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17078
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} udev-service [#:udev @var{eudev} #:rules @code{'()}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} udev-service [#:udev @var{eudev} #:rules @code{'()}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17084
msgid "Run @var{udev}, which populates the @file{/dev} directory dynamically. udev rules can be provided as a list of files through the @var{rules} variable. The procedures @code{udev-rule}, @code{udev-rules-service} and @code{file->udev-rule} from @code{(gnu services base)} simplify the creation of such rule files."
msgstr "Führt @var{udev} aus, was zur Laufzeit Gerätedateien ins Verzeichnis @file{/dev} einfügt. udev-Regeln können über die @var{rules}-Variable als eine Liste von Dateien übergeben werden. Die Prozeduren @code{udev-rule}, @code{udev-rules-service} und @code{file->udev-rule} aus @code{(gnu services base)} vereinfachen die Erstellung einer solchen Regeldatei."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17087
msgid "The @command{herd rules udev} command, as root, returns the name of the directory containing all the active udev rules."
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{herd rules udev} liefert, wenn er als Administratornutzer „root“ ausgeführt wird, Namen und Verzeichnis von allen aktiven udev-Regeln."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17089
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} udev-rule [@var{file-name} @var{contents}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} udev-rule [@var{Dateiname} @var{Inhalt}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17092
msgid "Return a udev-rule file named @var{file-name} containing the rules defined by the @var{contents} literal."
msgstr "Liefert eine udev-Regeldatei mit dem angegebenen @var{Dateiname}n, in der die vom Literal @var{Inhalt} definierten Regeln stehen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17096
msgid "In the following example, a rule for a USB device is defined to be stored in the file @file{90-usb-thing.rules}. The rule runs a script upon detecting a USB device with a given product identifier."
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird eine Regel für ein USB-Gerät definiert und in der Datei @file{90-usb-ding.rules} gespeichert. Mit der Regel wird ein Skript ausgeführt, sobald ein USB-Gerät mit der angegebenen Produktkennung erkannt wird."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17104
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %example-udev-rule\n"
@@ -30350,23 +31233,23 @@ msgstr ""
" \"RUN+=\\\"/pfad/zum/skript\\\"\")))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17107
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} udev-rules-service [@var{name} @var{rules}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} udev-rules-service [@var{Name} @var{Regeln}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17114
msgid "[#:groups @var{groups}] Return a service that extends @code{udev-service-type } with @var{rules} and @code{account-service-type} with @var{groups} as system groups. This works by creating a singleton service type @code{@var{name}-udev-rules}, of which the returned service is an instance."
msgstr "[#:groups @var{Gruppen}] Liefert einen Dienst, der den Dienst vom Typ @code{udev-service-type} um die @var{Regeln} erweitert und den Dienst vom Typ @code{account-service-type} um die @var{Gruppen} in Form von Systembenutzergruppen. Dazu wird ein Diensttyp @code{@var{name}-udev-rules} für den einmaligen Gebrauch erzeugt, den der zurückgelieferte Dienst instanziiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17117
msgid "Here we show how it can be used to extend @code{udev-service-type} with the previously defined rule @code{%example-udev-rule}."
msgstr "Hier zeigen wir, wie damit @code{udev-service-type} um die vorher definierte Regel @code{%beispiel-udev-rule} erweitert werden kann."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17124
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -30382,23 +31265,23 @@ msgstr ""
" %desktop-services)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17127
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} file->udev-rule [@var{file-name} @var{file}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} file->udev-rule [@var{Dateiname} @var{Datei}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17130
msgid "Return a udev file named @var{file-name} containing the rules defined within @var{file}, a file-like object."
msgstr "Liefert eine udev-Datei mit dem angegebenen @var{Dateiname}n, in der alle in der @var{Datei}, einem dateiartigen Objekt, definierten Regeln stehen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17132
msgid "The following example showcases how we can use an existing rule file."
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel stellt dar, wie wir eine bestehende Regeldatei verwenden können."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17137
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix download) ;for url-fetch\n"
@@ -30412,7 +31295,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16666
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17148
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %android-udev-rules\n"
@@ -30438,17 +31321,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (base32 \"0lmmagpyb6xsq6zcr2w1cyx9qmjqmajkvrdbhjx32gqf1d9is003\"))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17157
msgid "Additionally, Guix package definitions can be included in @var{rules} in order to extend the udev rules with the definitions found under their @file{lib/udev/rules.d} sub-directory. In lieu of the previous @var{file->udev-rule} example, we could have used the @var{android-udev-rules} package which exists in Guix in the @code{(gnu packages android)} module."
msgstr "Zusätzlich können Guix-Paketdefinitionen unter den @var{rules} aufgeführt werden, um die udev-Regeln um diejenigen Definitionen zu ergänzen, die im Unterverzeichnis @file{lib/udev/rules.d} des jeweiligen Pakets aufgeführt sind. Statt des bisherigen Beispiels zu @var{file->udev-rule} hätten wir also auch das Paket @var{android-udev-rules} benutzen können, das in Guix im Modul @code{(gnu packages android)} vorhanden ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17166
msgid "The following example shows how to use the @var{android-udev-rules} package so that the Android tool @command{adb} can detect devices without root privileges. It also details how to create the @code{adbusers} group, which is required for the proper functioning of the rules defined within the @code{android-udev-rules} package. To create such a group, we must define it both as part of the @code{supplementary-groups} of our @code{user-account} declaration, as well as in the @var{groups} of the @code{udev-rules-service} procedure."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeit, wie dieses Paket @code{android-udev-rules} benutzt werden kann, damit das „Android-Tool“ @command{adb} Geräte erkennen kann, ohne dafür Administratorrechte vorauszusetzen. Man sieht hier auch, wie die Benutzergruppe @code{adbusers} erstellt werden kann, die existieren muss, damit die im Paket @code{android-udev-rules} definierten Regeln richtig funktionieren. Um so eine Benutzergruppe zu erzeugen, müssen wir sie sowohl unter den @code{supplementary-groups} unserer @code{user-account}-Deklaration aufführen, als auch sie im @code{groups}-Feld der @code{udev-rules-service}-Prozedur aufführen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17171
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu packages android) ;for android-udev-rules\n"
@@ -30462,7 +31345,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17184
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -30492,328 +31375,339 @@ msgstr ""
" %desktop-services)))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17186
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} urandom-seed-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} urandom-seed-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17191
msgid "Save some entropy in @code{%random-seed-file} to seed @file{/dev/urandom} when rebooting. It also tries to seed @file{/dev/urandom} from @file{/dev/hwrng} while booting, if @file{/dev/hwrng} exists and is readable."
msgstr "Etwas Entropie in der Datei @code{%random-seed-file} aufsparen, die als Startwert (als sogenannter „Seed“) für @file{/dev/urandom} dienen kann, nachdem das System neu gestartet wurde. Es wird auch versucht, @file{/dev/urandom} beim Hochfahren mit Werten aus @file{/dev/hwrng} zu starten, falls @file{/dev/hwrng} existiert und lesbar ist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17193
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %random-seed-file"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %random-seed-file"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17197
msgid "This is the name of the file where some random bytes are saved by @var{urandom-seed-service} to seed @file{/dev/urandom} when rebooting. It defaults to @file{/var/lib/random-seed}."
msgstr "Der Name der Datei, in der einige zufällige Bytes vom @var{urandom-seed-service} abgespeichert werden, um sie nach einem Neustart von dort als Startwert für @file{/dev/urandom} auslesen zu können. Als Vorgabe wird @file{/var/lib/random-seed} verwendet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17199
#, no-wrap
msgid "mouse"
msgstr "Maus"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17200
#, no-wrap
msgid "gpm"
msgstr "gpm"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17201
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gpm-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gpm-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17206
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs GPM, the @dfn{general-purpose mouse daemon}, which provides mouse support to the Linux console. GPM allows users to use the mouse in the console, notably to select, copy, and paste text."
msgstr "Dieser Typ wird für den Dienst verwendet, der GPM ausführt, den @dfn{General-Purpose Mouse Daemon}, welcher zur Linux-Konsole Mausunterstützung hinzufügt. GPM ermöglicht es seinen Benutzern, auch in der Konsole die Maus zu benutzen und damit etwa Text auszuwählen, zu kopieren und einzufügen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17209
msgid "The value for services of this type must be a @code{gpm-configuration} (see below). This service is not part of @code{%base-services}."
msgstr "Der Wert für Dienste dieses Typs muss eine @code{gpm-configuration} sein (siehe unten). Dieser Dienst gehört @emph{nicht} zu den @code{%base-services}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17211
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gpm-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gpm-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17213
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of GPM."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration von GPM."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17215
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{options} (default: @code{%default-gpm-options})"
msgstr "@code{options} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-gpm-options})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17220
msgid "Command-line options passed to @command{gpm}. The default set of options instruct @command{gpm} to listen to mouse events on @file{/dev/input/mice}. @xref{Command Line,,, gpm, gpm manual}, for more information."
msgstr "Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an @command{gpm} übergeben werden. Die vorgegebenen Optionen weisen @command{gpm} an, auf Maus-Ereignisse auf der Datei @file{/dev/input/mice} zu lauschen. Siehe @ref{Command Line,,, gpm, gpm manual} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17221
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gpm} (default: @code{gpm})"
msgstr "@code{gpm} (Vorgabe: @code{gpm})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17223
msgid "The GPM package to use."
msgstr "Das GPM-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17228
msgid "guix-publish-service-type"
msgstr "guix-publish-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17228
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guix-publish-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guix-publish-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17232
msgid "This is the service type for @command{guix publish} (@pxref{Invoking guix publish}). Its value must be a @code{guix-publish-configuration} object, as described below."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für @command{guix publish} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish}). Sein Wert muss ein @code{guix-publish-configuration}-Objekt sein, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17236
msgid "This assumes that @file{/etc/guix} already contains a signing key pair as created by @command{guix archive --generate-key} (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}). If that is not the case, the service will fail to start."
msgstr "Hierbei wird angenommen, dass @file{/etc/guix} bereits ein mit @command{guix archive --generate-key} erzeugtes Schlüsselpaar zum Signieren enthält (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}). Falls nicht, wird der Dienst beim Starten fehlschlagen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17238
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-publish-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-publish-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17241
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the @code{guix publish} service."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des „@code{guix publish}“-Dienstes repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17243
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guix} (default: @code{guix})"
msgstr "@code{guix} (Vorgabe: @code{guix})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16764 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17246 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31942
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{80})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{80})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17248
msgid "The TCP port to listen for connections."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem auf Verbindungen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16767 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29054
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17249 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33323
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host} (default: @code{\"localhost\"})"
msgstr "@code{host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"localhost\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17252
msgid "The host (and thus, network interface) to listen to. Use @code{\"\"} to listen on all the network interfaces."
msgstr "Unter welcher Rechneradresse (welchem „Host“, also welcher Netzwerkschnittstelle) auf Verbindungen gelauscht wird. Benutzen Sie @code{\"\"}, wenn auf allen verfügbaren Netzwerkschnittstellen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17253
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{advertise?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{advertise?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17256
msgid "When true, advertise the service on the local network @i{via} the DNS-SD protocol, using Avahi."
msgstr "Steht dies auf wahr, wird anderen Rechnern im lokalen Netzwerk über das Protokoll DNS-SD unter Verwendung von Avahi mitgeteilt, dass dieser Dienst zur Verfügung steht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17260
msgid "This allows neighboring Guix devices with discovery on (see @code{guix-configuration} above) to discover this @command{guix publish} instance and to automatically download substitutes from it."
msgstr "Dadurch können in der Nähe befindliche Guix-Maschinen mit eingeschalteter Ermittlung (siehe oben die @code{guix-configuration}) diese Instanz von @command{guix publish} entdecken und Substitute darüber beziehen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17261
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{compression} (default: @code{'((\"gzip\" 3) (\"zstd\" 3))})"
msgstr "@code{compression} (Vorgabe: @code{'((\"gzip\" 3) (\"zstd\" 3))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17265
msgid "This is a list of compression method/level tuple used when compressing substitutes. For example, to compress all substitutes with @emph{both} lzip at level 7 and gzip at level 9, write:"
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von Tupeln aus Kompressionsmethode und -stufe, die zur Kompression von Substituten benutzt werden. Um zum Beispiel alle Substitute mit @emph{beiden}, sowohl lzip auf Stufe 7 und gzip auf Stufe 9, zu komprimieren, schreiben Sie:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17268
#, no-wrap
msgid "'((\"lzip\" 7) (\"gzip\" 9))\n"
msgstr "'((\"lzip\" 7) (\"gzip\" 9))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17274
msgid "Level 9 achieves the best compression ratio at the expense of increased CPU usage, whereas level 1 achieves fast compression. @xref{Invoking guix publish}, for more information on the available compression methods and the tradeoffs involved."
msgstr "Auf Stufe 9 ist das Kompressionsverhältnis am besten, auf Kosten von hoher Prozessorauslastung, während auf Stufe 1 eine schnelle Kompression erreicht wird. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish} für weitere Informationen zu den verfügbaren Kompressionsmethoden und ihren jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteilen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17276
msgid "An empty list disables compression altogether."
msgstr "Wird eine leere Liste angegeben, wird Kompression abgeschaltet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17277
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nar-path} (default: @code{\"nar\"})"
msgstr "@code{nar-path} (Vorgabe: @code{\"nar\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17280
msgid "The URL path at which ``nars'' can be fetched. @xref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--nar-path}}, for details."
msgstr "Der URL-Pfad, unter dem „Nars“ zum Herunterladen angeboten werden. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--nar-path}} für Details."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17281
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cache} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{cache} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17287
msgid "When it is @code{#f}, disable caching and instead generate archives on demand. Otherwise, this should be the name of a directory---e.g., @code{\"/var/cache/guix/publish\"}---where @command{guix publish} caches archives and meta-data ready to be sent. @xref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--cache}}, for more information on the tradeoffs involved."
msgstr "Wenn dies @code{#f} ist, werden Archive nicht zwischengespeichert, sondern erst bei einer Anfrage erzeugt. Andernfalls sollte dies der Name eines Verzeichnisses sein@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"/var/cache/guix/publish\"}@tie{}—, in das @command{guix publish} fertige Archive und Metadaten zwischenspeichern soll. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--cache}} für weitere Informationen über die jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteile."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17288
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{workers} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{workers} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17292
msgid "When it is an integer, this is the number of worker threads used for caching; when @code{#f}, the number of processors is used. @xref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--workers}}, for more information."
msgstr "Ist dies eine ganze Zahl, gibt es die Anzahl der Worker-Threads an, die zum Zwischenspeichern benutzt werden; ist es @code{#f}, werden so viele benutzt, wie es Prozessoren gibt. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--workers}} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17293
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cache-bypass-threshold} (default: 10 MiB)"
msgstr "@code{cache-bypass-threshold} (Vorgabe: 10 MiB)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17298
msgid "When @code{cache} is true, this is the maximum size in bytes of a store item for which @command{guix publish} may bypass its cache in case of a cache miss. @xref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--cache-bypass-threshold}}, for more information."
msgstr "Wenn @code{cache} wahr ist, ist dies die Maximalgröße in Bytes, die ein Store-Objekt haben darf, damit @command{guix publish} den Zwischenspeicher umgehen darf, falls eine Suche darin mit negativem Ergebnis ausfällt („Cache Miss“). Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--cache-bypass-threshold}} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17299 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33824
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ttl} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ttl} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17303
msgid "When it is an integer, this denotes the @dfn{time-to-live} in seconds of the published archives. @xref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--ttl}}, for more information."
msgstr "Wenn dies eine ganze Zahl ist, bezeichnet sie die @dfn{Time-to-live} als die Anzahl der Sekunden, die heruntergeladene veröffentlichte Archive zwischengespeichert werden dürfen. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--ttl}} für mehr Informationen."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17304 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33832
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{negative-ttl} (default: @code{#f})"
+msgstr "@code{negative-ttl} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17308
+msgid "When it is an integer, this denotes the @dfn{time-to-live} in seconds for the negative lookups. @xref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--negative-ttl}}, for more information."
+msgstr "Wenn dies eine ganze Zahl ist, bezeichnet sie die @dfn{Time-to-live} für erfolglose (negative) Suchen, als Anzahl der Sekunden. Siehe @ref{Invoking guix publish, @option{--negative-ttl}} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17312
msgid "rngd-service"
msgstr "rngd-service"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17312
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} rngd-service [#:rng-tools @var{rng-tools}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} rngd-service [#:rng-tools @var{rng-tools}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17317
msgid "[#:device \"/dev/hwrng\"] Return a service that runs the @command{rngd} program from @var{rng-tools} to add @var{device} to the kernel's entropy pool. The service will fail if @var{device} does not exist."
msgstr "[#:device \"/dev/hwrng\"] Liefert einen Dienst, der das @command{rngd}-Programm aus den @var{rng-tools} benutzt, um das mit @var{device} bezeichnete Gerät zum Entropie-Pool des Kernels hinzuzufügen. Dieser Dienst wird fehlschlagen, falls das mit @var{device} bezeichnete Gerät nicht existiert."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17320
msgid "pam-limits-service"
msgstr "pam-limits-service"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17320
#, no-wrap
msgid "session limits"
msgstr "Sitzungs-Limits"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17321
#, no-wrap
msgid "ulimit"
msgstr "ulimit"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17322
#, no-wrap
msgid "priority"
msgstr "Priorität"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17323
#, no-wrap
msgid "realtime"
msgstr "Echtzeit"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17324
#, no-wrap
msgid "jackd"
msgstr "jackd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17325
#, no-wrap
msgid "nofile"
msgstr "nofile"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17326
#, no-wrap
msgid "open file descriptors"
msgstr "offene Dateideskriptoren"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17327
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} pam-limits-service [#:limits @code{'()}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} pam-limits-service [#:limits @code{'()}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17334
msgid "Return a service that installs a configuration file for the @uref{http://linux-pam.org/Linux-PAM-html/sag-pam_limits.html, @code{pam_limits} module}. The procedure optionally takes a list of @code{pam-limits-entry} values, which can be used to specify @code{ulimit} limits and @code{nice} priority limits to user sessions."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der eine Konfigurationsdatei für das @uref{http://linux-pam.org/Linux-PAM-html/sag-pam_limits.html, @code{pam_limits}-Modul} installiert. Diese Prozedur nimmt optional eine Liste von @code{pam-limits-entry}-Werten entgegen, die benutzt werden können, um @code{ulimit}-Limits und @code{nice}-Prioritäten für Benutzersitzungen festzulegen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17337
msgid "The following limits definition sets two hard and soft limits for all login sessions of users in the @code{realtime} group:"
msgstr "Die folgenden Limit-Definitionen setzen zwei harte und weiche Limits für alle Anmeldesitzungen für Benutzer in der @code{realtime}-Gruppe."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17343
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -30827,17 +31721,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (pam-limits-entry \"@@realtime\" 'both 'memlock 'unlimited)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17349
msgid "The first entry increases the maximum realtime priority for non-privileged processes; the second entry lifts any restriction of the maximum address space that can be locked in memory. These settings are commonly used for real-time audio systems."
msgstr "Der erste Eintrag erhöht die maximale Echtzeit-Priorität für unprivilegierte Prozesse ohne zusätzliche Berechtigungen; der zweite Eintrag hebt jegliche Einschränkungen des maximalen Adressbereichs auf, der im Speicher reserviert werden darf. Diese Einstellungen werden in dieser Form oft für Echtzeit-Audio-Systeme verwendet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17352
msgid "Another useful example is raising the maximum number of open file descriptors that can be used:"
msgstr "Ein weiteres nützliches Beispiel stellt das Erhöhen der Begrenzung dar, wie viele geöffnete Dateideskriptoren auf einmal benutzt werden können:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17357
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -30849,40 +31743,40 @@ msgstr ""
" (pam-limits-entry \"*\" 'both 'nofile 100000)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17365
msgid "In the above example, the asterisk means the limit should apply to any user. It is important to ensure the chosen value doesn't exceed the maximum system value visible in the @file{/proc/sys/fs/file-max} file, else the users would be prevented from login in. For more information about the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) limits, refer to the @samp{pam_limits} man page from the @code{linux-pam} package."
msgstr "Im Beispiel oben steht das Sternchen dafür, dass die Beschränkung für alle Benutzer gelten soll. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie darauf achten, dass der Wert @emph{nicht} größer als der Höchstwert des Systems ist, der in der Datei @file{/proc/sys/fs/file-max} zu finden ist, denn sonst könnten sich Benutzer @emph{nicht} mehr anmelden. Weitere Informationen über Schranken im Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) bekommen Sie, wenn Sie die Handbuchseite im @code{linux-pam}-Paket lesen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16883 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17370 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38012
#, no-wrap
msgid "cron"
msgstr "cron"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16884 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17371 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38013
#, no-wrap
msgid "mcron"
msgstr "mcron"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16885 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17372 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38014
#, no-wrap
msgid "scheduling jobs"
msgstr "Planen von Aufträgen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17379
msgid "The @code{(gnu services mcron)} module provides an interface to GNU@tie{}mcron, a daemon to run jobs at scheduled times (@pxref{Top,,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}). GNU@tie{}mcron is similar to the traditional Unix @command{cron} daemon; the main difference is that it is implemented in Guile Scheme, which provides a lot of flexibility when specifying the scheduling of jobs and their actions."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services mcron)} enthält eine Schnittstelle zu GNU@tie{}mcron, einem Daemon, der gemäß einem vorher festgelegten Zeitplan Aufträge (sogenannte „Jobs“) ausführt (siehe @ref{Top,,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}). GNU@tie{}mcron ist ähnlich zum traditionellen @command{cron}-Daemon aus Unix; der größte Unterschied ist, dass mcron in Guile Scheme implementiert ist, wodurch einem viel Flexibilität bei der Spezifikation von Aufträgen und ihren Aktionen offen steht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17387
msgid "The example below defines an operating system that runs the @command{updatedb} (@pxref{Invoking updatedb,,, find, Finding Files}) and the @command{guix gc} commands (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}) daily, as well as the @command{mkid} command on behalf of an unprivileged user (@pxref{mkid invocation,,, idutils, ID Database Utilities}). It uses gexps to introduce job definitions that are passed to mcron (@pxref{G-Expressions})."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel definiert ein Betriebssystem, das täglich die Befehle @command{updatedb} (siehe @ref{Invoking updatedb,,, find, Finding Files}) und @command{guix gc} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}) ausführt sowie den Befehl @command{mkid} im Namen eines „unprivilegierten“ Nutzers ohne besondere Berechtigungen laufen lässt (siehe @ref{mkid invocation,,, idutils, ID Database Utilities}). Zum Anlegen von Auftragsdefinitionen benutzt es G-Ausdrücke, die dann an mcron übergeben werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions})."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17391
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix) (gnu) (gnu services mcron))\n"
@@ -30894,7 +31788,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17401
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define updatedb-job\n"
@@ -30920,7 +31814,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17407
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define garbage-collector-job\n"
@@ -30938,7 +31832,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17414
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define idutils-job\n"
@@ -30959,7 +31853,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17417
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -30971,7 +31865,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17427
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; %BASE-SERVICES already includes an instance of\n"
@@ -30995,23 +31889,23 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17429
#, no-wrap
msgid "Tip"
msgstr "Tipp"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17435
msgid "When providing the action of a job specification as a procedure, you should provide an explicit name for the job via the optional 3rd argument as done in the @code{updatedb-job} example above. Otherwise, the job would appear as ``Lambda function'' in the output of @command{herd schedule mcron}, which is not nearly descriptive enough!"
msgstr "Wenn Sie die Aktion einer Auftragsspezifikation als eine Prozedur angeben, sollten Sie ausdrücklich einen Namen für den Auftrag im dritten Argument angeben, wie oben im Beispiel zum @code{updatedb-job} gezeigt. Andernfalls wird für den Auftrag nur „Lambda function“ in der Ausgabe von @command{herd schedule mcron} angezeigt, was viel zu wenig Aussagekraft hat!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17442
msgid "For more complex jobs defined in Scheme where you need control over the top level, for instance to introduce a @code{use-modules} form, you can move your code to a separate program using the @code{program-file} procedure of the @code{(guix gexp)} module (@pxref{G-Expressions}). The example below illustrates that."
msgstr "Wenn Sie einen komplexeren Auftrag mit Scheme-Code auf oberster Ebene festlegen möchten, um zum Beispiel eine @code{use-modules}-Form einzuführen, können Sie Ihren Code in ein separates Programm verschieben, indem Sie die Prozedur @code{program-file} aus dem Modul @code{(guix gexp)} benutzen (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}). Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht dies."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17458
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %battery-alert-job\n"
@@ -31046,7 +31940,7 @@ msgstr ""
" (srfi srfi-2))\n"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17460
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (define %min-level 20)\n"
@@ -31054,7 +31948,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr " (define %min-niveau 20)\n"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16984
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17471
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (setenv \"LC_ALL\" \"C\") ;ensure English output\n"
@@ -31080,106 +31974,106 @@ msgstr ""
" (invoke #$(file-append beep \"/bin/beep\") \"-r5\")))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17476
msgid "@xref{Guile Syntax, mcron job specifications,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}, for more information on mcron job specifications. Below is the reference of the mcron service."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Guile Syntax, mcron-Auftragsspezifikationen,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron} für weitere Informationen zu mcron-Auftragsspezifikationen. Nun folgt die Referenz des mcron-Dienstes."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16992
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17479
msgid "On a running system, you can use the @code{schedule} action of the service to visualize the mcron jobs that will be executed next:"
msgstr "Wenn das System läuft, können Sie mit der Aktion @code{schedule} des Dienstes visualisieren lassen, welche mcron-Aufträge als Nächstes ausgeführt werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:16995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17482
#, no-wrap
msgid "# herd schedule mcron\n"
msgstr "# herd schedule mcron\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17487
msgid "The example above lists the next five tasks that will be executed, but you can also specify the number of tasks to display:"
msgstr "Das vorangehende Beispiel listet die nächsten fünf Aufgaben auf, die ausgeführt werden, aber Sie können auch angeben, wie viele Aufgaben angezeigt werden sollen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17490
#, no-wrap
msgid "# herd schedule mcron 10\n"
msgstr "# herd schedule mcron 10\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17492
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} mcron-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} mcron-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17495
msgid "This is the type of the @code{mcron} service, whose value is an @code{mcron-configuration} object."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des @code{mcron}-Dienstes. Als Wert verwendet er ein @code{mcron-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17013 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17500 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38033
msgid "This service type can be the target of a service extension that provides additional job specifications (@pxref{Service Composition}). In other words, it is possible to define services that provide additional mcron jobs to run."
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp kann als Ziel einer Diensterweiterung verwendet werden, die ihn mit zusätzlichen Auftragsspezifikationen versorgt (siehe @ref{Service Composition}). Mit anderen Worten ist es möglich, Dienste zu definieren, die weitere mcron-Aufträge ausführen lassen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17502
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mcron-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mcron-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17017 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17504 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38037
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of mcron."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von mcron repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17019 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17506 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38039
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mcron} (default: @var{mcron})"
msgstr "@code{mcron} (Vorgabe: @var{mcron})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17021 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17508 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38041
msgid "The mcron package to use."
msgstr "Welches mcron-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17022 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17091
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17509 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38042
#, no-wrap
msgid "jobs"
msgstr "jobs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17026 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17513 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38046
msgid "This is a list of gexps (@pxref{G-Expressions}), where each gexp corresponds to an mcron job specification (@pxref{Syntax, mcron job specifications,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron})."
msgstr "Dies muss eine Liste von G-Ausdrücken sein (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}), die jeweils einer mcron-Auftragsspezifikation (der Spezifikation eines „Jobs“) entsprechen (siehe @ref{Syntax, mcron-Auftragsspezifikationen,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17520
#, no-wrap
msgid "rottlog"
msgstr "rottlog"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17521
#, no-wrap
msgid "log rotation"
msgstr "Log-Rotation"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17528
msgid "Log files such as those found in @file{/var/log} tend to grow endlessly, so it's a good idea to @dfn{rotate} them once in a while---i.e., archive their contents in separate files, possibly compressed. The @code{(gnu services admin)} module provides an interface to GNU@tie{}Rot[t]log, a log rotation tool (@pxref{Top,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual})."
msgstr "Protokolldateien wie die in @file{/var/log} neigen dazu, bis ins Unendliche zu wachsen, deshalb ist es eine gute Idee, sie von Zeit zu Zeit zu @dfn{rotieren}@tie{}— d.h.@: ihren Inhalt in separaten Dateien zu archivieren, welche optional auch komprimiert werden. Das Modul @code{(gnu services admin)} stellt eine Schnittstelle zu GNU@tie{}Rot[t]log bereit, einem Werkzeug, um Protokolldateien („Log“-Dateien) zu rotieren (siehe @ref{Top,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17534
msgid "This service is part of @code{%base-services}, and thus enabled by default, with the default settings, for commonly encountered log files. The example below shows how to extend it with an additional @dfn{rotation}, should you need to do that (usually, services that produce log files already take care of that):"
msgstr "Dieser Dienst ist Teil der @code{%base-services} und daher standardmäßig mit seinen Vorgabeeinstellungen für übliche Log-Dateien aktiv. Das Beispiel unten zeigt, wie Sie ihn um eine weitere @dfn{rotation} erweitern können, wenn dies nötig wird (normalerweise kümmern sich darum schon die Dienste, die die Log-Dateien erzeugen):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17538
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (guix) (gnu))\n"
@@ -31191,7 +32085,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17542
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define my-log-files\n"
@@ -31205,7 +32099,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17551
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -31227,93 +32121,93 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17553
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} rottlog-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} rottlog-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17556
msgid "This is the type of the Rottlog service, whose value is a @code{rottlog-configuration} object."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Rottlog-Dienstes, dessen Wert ein @code{rottlog-configuration}-Objekt ist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17559
msgid "Other services can extend this one with new @code{log-rotation} objects (see below), thereby augmenting the set of files to be rotated."
msgstr "Andere Dienste können diesen Dienst um neue @code{log-rotation}-Objekte erweitern (siehe unten), wodurch die Auswahl an zu rotierenden Dateien ausgeweitet wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17562
msgid "This service type can define mcron jobs (@pxref{Scheduled Job Execution}) to run the rottlog service."
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp kann mcron-Aufträge definieren (siehe @ref{Scheduled Job Execution}), die den rottlog-Dienst ausführen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17564
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} rottlog-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} rottlog-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17566
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of rottlog."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von rottlog repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17568
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rottlog} (default: @code{rottlog})"
msgstr "@code{rottlog} (Vorgabe: @code{rottlog})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17570
msgid "The Rottlog package to use."
msgstr "Das Rottlog-Paket, das verwendet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17571
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rc-file} (default: @code{(file-append rottlog \"/etc/rc\")})"
msgstr "@code{rc-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(file-append rottlog \"/etc/rc\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17574
msgid "The Rottlog configuration file to use (@pxref{Mandatory RC Variables,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual})."
msgstr "Die zu benutzende Rottlog-Konfigurationsdatei (siehe @ref{Mandatory RC Variables,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17575
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rotations} (default: @code{%default-rotations})"
msgstr "@code{rotations} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-rotations})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17577
msgid "A list of @code{log-rotation} objects as defined below."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @code{log-rotation}-Objekten, wie wir sie weiter unten definieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17581
msgid "This is a list of gexps where each gexp corresponds to an mcron job specification (@pxref{Scheduled Job Execution})."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von G-Ausdrücken. Jeder G-Ausdruck darin entspricht einer mcron-Auftragsspezifikation (siehe @ref{Scheduled Job Execution})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17584
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} log-rotation"
msgstr "{Datentyp} log-rotation"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17586
msgid "Data type representing the rotation of a group of log files."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Rotation einer Gruppe von Protokolldateien repräsentiert."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17590
msgid "Taking an example from the Rottlog manual (@pxref{Period Related File Examples,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual}), a log rotation might be defined like this:"
msgstr "Um ein Beispiel aus dem Rottlog-Handbuch (siehe @ref{Period Related File Examples,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]log Manual}) aufzugreifen: Eine Log-Rotation kann auf folgende Art definiert werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17599
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -31333,121 +32227,115 @@ msgstr ""
" \"nocompress\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17602
msgid "The list of fields is as follows:"
msgstr "Die Liste der Felder ist folgendermaßen aufgebaut:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17604
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{frequency} (default: @code{'weekly})"
msgstr "@code{frequency} (Vorgabe: @code{'weekly})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17606
msgid "The log rotation frequency, a symbol."
msgstr "Die Häufigkeit der Log-Rotation, dargestellt als englischsprachiges Symbol."
-#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17120
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "files"
-msgstr "files"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17609
msgid "The list of files or file glob patterns to rotate."
msgstr "Die Liste der Dateien oder Glob-Muster für Dateien, die rotiert werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17610
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{options} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{options} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17613
msgid "The list of rottlog options for this rotation (@pxref{Configuration parameters,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]lg Manual})."
msgstr "Die Liste der Rottlog-Optionen für diese Rotation (siehe @ref{Configuration parameters,,, rottlog, GNU Rot[t]lg Manual})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17614
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{post-rotate} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{post-rotate} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17616
msgid "Either @code{#f} or a gexp to execute once the rotation has completed."
msgstr "Entweder @code{#f} oder ein G-Ausdruck, der nach Abschluss der Rotation einmal ausgeführt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17619
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-rotations"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-rotations"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17622
msgid "Specifies weekly rotation of @code{%rotated-files} and of @file{/var/log/guix-daemon.log}."
msgstr "Gibt wöchentliche Rotationen der @code{%rotated-files} und von @file{/var/log/guix-daemon.log} an."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17624
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %rotated-files"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %rotated-files"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17628
msgid "The list of syslog-controlled files to be rotated. By default it is: @code{'(\"/var/log/messages\" \"/var/log/secure\" \"/var/log/debug\" \\ \"/var/log/maillog\")}."
msgstr "Die Liste der von Syslog verwalteten Dateien, die rotiert werden sollen. Vorgegeben ist @code{'(\"/var/log/messages\" \"/var/log/secure\" \"/var/log/debug\" \"/var/log/maillog\")}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17641
msgid "The @code{(gnu services networking)} module provides services to configure network interfaces and set up networking on your machine. Those services provide different ways for you to set up your machine: by declaring a static network configuration, by running a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, or by running daemons such as NetworkManager and Connman that automate the whole process, automatically adapt to connectivity changes, and provide a high-level user interface."
msgstr "Durch das Modul @code{(gnu services networking)} werden Dienste zum Konfigurieren der Netzwerkschnittstellen und zum Einrichten der Netzwerkverbindung Ihrer Maschine bereitgestellt. Die Dienste decken unterschiedliche Arten ab, wie Sie Ihre Maschine einrichten können: Sie können eine statische Netzwerkkonfiguration einrichten, einen Client für das Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) benutzen oder Daemons wie NetworkManager oder Connman einsetzen, mit denen der gesamte Vorgang automatisch abläuft, automatisch auf Änderungen an der Verbindung reagiert wird und eine abstrahierte Benutzerschnittstelle bereitgestellt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17647
msgid "On a laptop, NetworkManager and Connman are by far the most convenient options, which is why the default desktop services include NetworkManager (@pxref{Desktop Services, @code{%desktop-services}}). For a server, or for a virtual machine or a container, static network configuration or a simple DHCP client are often more appropriate."
msgstr "Auf einem Laptop sind NetworkManager und Connman bei weitem die komfortabelsten Optionen, darum enthalten die vorgegebenen Dienste für Desktop-Arbeitsumgebungen NetworkManager (siehe @ref{Desktop Services, @code{%desktop-services}}). Für einen Server, eine virtuelle Maschine oder einen Container sind eine statische Netzwerkkonfiguration oder ein schlichter DHCP-Client meist angemessener."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17650
msgid "This section describes the various network setup services available, starting with static network configuration."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt die verschiedenen Dienste zur Netzwerkeinrichtung, die Ihnen zur Verfügung stehen, angefangen bei der statischen Netzwerkkonfiguration."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17651
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} static-networking-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} static-networking-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17656
msgid "This is the type for statically-configured network interfaces. Its value must be a list of @code{static-networking} records. Each of them declares a set of @dfn{addresses}, @dfn{routes}, and @dfn{links}, as show below."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für statisch konfigurierte Netzwerkschnittstellen. Sein Wert muss eine Liste von @code{static-networking}-Verbundsobjekten sein. Jedes deklariert eine Menge von Adressen, Routen und Links, wie im Folgenden gezeigt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17657
#, no-wrap
msgid "network interface controller (NIC)"
msgstr "Netzwerkadapter (NIC)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17658
#, no-wrap
msgid "NIC, networking interface controller"
msgstr "Netzwerkkarte (NIC)"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17661
msgid "Here is the simplest configuration, with only one network interface controller (NIC) and only IPv4 connectivity:"
msgstr "Hier sehen Sie die einfachst mögliche Konfiguration, die nur über eine einzelne Netzwerkkarte („Network Interface Controller“, NIC) eine Verbindung nur für IPv4 herstellt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17675
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Static networking for one NIC, IPv4-only.\n"
@@ -31477,28 +32365,28 @@ msgstr ""
" (name-servers '(\"\")))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17684
msgid "The snippet above can be added to the @code{services} field of your operating system configuration (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}). It will configure your machine to have as its IP address, with a 24-bit netmask for the local network---meaning that any 10.0.2.@var{x} address is on the local area network (LAN). Traffic to addresses outside the local network is routed @i{via} Host names are resolved by sending domain name system (DNS) queries to"
msgstr "Obiges Code-Schnipsel kann ins @code{services}-Feld Ihrer Betriebssystemkonfiguration eingetragen werden (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}), um Ihre Maschine mit als ihre IP-Adresse zu versorgen mit einer 24-Bit-Netzmaske für das lokale Netzwerk@tie{}— also dass jede 10.0.2.@var{x}-Adresse im lokalen Netzwerk (LAN) ist. Kommunikation mit Adressen außerhalb des lokalen Netzwerks wird über geleitet. Rechnernamen werden über Anfragen ans Domain Name System (DNS) an aufgelöst."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17686
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} static-networking"
msgstr "{Datentyp} static-networking"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17688
msgid "This is the data type representing a static network configuration."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert eine statische Netzwerkkonfiguration."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17692
msgid "As an example, here is how you would declare the configuration of a machine with a single network interface controller (NIC) available as @code{eno1}, and with one IPv4 and one IPv6 address:"
msgstr "Folgendes Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie die Konfiguration einer Maschine deklarieren, die nur über eine einzelne Netzwerkkarte („Network Interface Controller“, NIC), die als @code{eno1} verfügbar ist, über eine IPv4-Adresse und eine IPv6-Adresse verbunden ist:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17709
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Network configuration for one NIC, IPv4 + IPv6.\n"
@@ -31534,12 +32422,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (name-servers '(\"\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17715
msgid "If you are familiar with the @command{ip} command of the @uref{https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/networking/iproute2, @code{iproute2} package} found on Linux-based systems, the declaration above is equivalent to typing:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie mit dem Befehl @command{ip} aus dem @uref{https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/networking/iproute2, @code{iproute2}-Paket} von Linux-basierten Systemen vertraut sind, sei erwähnt, dass obige Deklaration gleichbedeutend damit ist, wenn Sie dies eingeben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17721
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"ip address add dev eno1\n"
@@ -31553,353 +32441,353 @@ msgstr ""
"ip route add default via inet6 2020:321:4567:42::1\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17726
msgid "Run @command{man 8 ip} for more info. Venerable GNU/Linux users will certainly know how to do it with @command{ifconfig} and @command{route}, but we'll spare you that."
msgstr "Führen Sie für mehr Informationen @command{man 8 ip} aus. Alteingesessene GNU/Linux-Nutzer werden sicherlich wissen, wie sie das mit @command{ifconfig} und @command{route} machen, aber wir ersparen es Ihnen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17728
msgid "The available fields of this data type are as follows:"
msgstr "Für den Datentyp stehen folgende Felder zur Verfügung:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17730
#, no-wrap
msgid "addresses"
msgstr "addresses"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17731
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{links} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{links} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17732
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{routes} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{routes} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17735
msgid "The list of @code{network-address}, @code{network-link}, and @code{network-route} records for this network (see below)."
msgstr "Die Liste der @code{network-address}-, @code{network-link}- und @code{network-route}-Verbundsobjekte für dieses Netzwerk (siehe unten)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17736
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name-servers} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{name-servers} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17739
msgid "The list of IP addresses (strings) of domain name servers. These IP addresses go to @file{/etc/resolv.conf}."
msgstr "Die Liste der IP-Adressen (als Zeichenketten) der DNS-Server. Diese IP-Adressen werden in @file{/etc/resolv.conf} geschrieben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17740
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{provision} (default: @code{'(networking)})"
msgstr "@code{provision} (Vorgabe: @code{'(networking)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17743
msgid "If true, this should be a list of symbols for the Shepherd service corresponding to this network configuration."
msgstr "Wenn dies ein wahrer Wert ist, bezeichnet dies die Liste von Symbolen für den Shepherd-Dienst, der dieser Netzwerkkonfiguration entspricht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17744
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{requirement} (default @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{requirement} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17746
msgid "The list of Shepherd services depended on."
msgstr "Die Liste der Shepherd-Dienste, von denen dieser abhängt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17749
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} network-address"
msgstr "{Datentyp} network-address"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17752
msgid "This is the data type representing the IP address of a network interface."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die IP-Adresse einer Netzwerkschnittstelle."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17757
msgid "The name of the network interface for this address---e.g., @code{\"eno1\"}."
msgstr "Der Name der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die für diese Adresse benutzt wird@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"eno1\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17758
#, no-wrap
msgid "value"
msgstr "value"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17762
msgid "The actual IP address and network mask, in @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR#CIDR_notation, @acronym{CIDR, Classless Inter-Domain Routing} notation}, as a string."
msgstr "Die eigentliche IP-Adresse und Netzwerkmaske in @uref{https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing, CIDR-Notation} als Zeichenkette."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17766
msgid "For example, @code{\"\"} denotes IPv4 address on a 24-bit sub-network---all 10.0.2.@var{x} addresses are on the same local network."
msgstr "Zum Beispiel bezeichnet @code{\"\"} die IPv4-Adresse auf einem Subnetzwerk, dessen erste 24 Bit gleich sind@tie{}— alle 10.0.2.@var{x}-Adressen befinden sich im selben lokalen Netzwerk"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17767
#, no-wrap
msgid "ipv6?"
msgstr "ipv6?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17770
msgid "Whether @code{value} denotes an IPv6 address. By default this is automatically determined."
msgstr "Ob mit @code{value} eine IPv6-Adresse angegeben wird. Vorgegeben ist, dies automatisch festzustellen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17773
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} network-route"
msgstr "{Datentyp} network-route"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17775
msgid "This is the data type representing a network route."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp steht für eine Netzwerkroute."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17777
#, no-wrap
msgid "destination"
msgstr "destination"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17780
msgid "The route destination (a string), either an IP address or @code{\"default\"} to denote the default route."
msgstr "Das Ziel der Route (als Zeichenkette) entweder mit einer IP-Adresse oder @code{\"default\"} zum Einstellen der Vorgaberoute."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17781
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{source} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{source} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17783
msgid "The route source."
msgstr "Die Quelle der Route."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17784 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35314
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{device} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{device} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17786
msgid "The device used for this route---e.g., @code{\"eno2\"}."
msgstr "Welches Gerät für diese Route benutzt wird@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"eno2\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17787
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipv6?} (default: auto)"
msgstr "@code{ipv6?} (Vorgabe: automatisch)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17790
msgid "Whether this is an IPv6 route. By default this is automatically determined based on @code{destination} or @code{gateway}."
msgstr "Ob es sich um eine IPv6-Route handelt. Das vorgegebene Verhalten ist, dies automatisch anhand des Eintrags in @code{destination} oder @code{gateway} zu bestimmen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17791
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gateway} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{gateway} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17793
msgid "IP address (a string) through which traffic is routed."
msgstr "Die IP-Adresse des Netzwerkzugangs (als Zeichenkette), über die der Netzwerkverkehr geleitet wird."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17796
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} network-link"
msgstr "{Datentyp} network-link"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17799
msgid "Data type for a network link (@pxref{Link,,, guile-netlink, Guile-Netlink Manual})."
msgstr "Der Datentyp für einen Netzwerk-Link (siehe @ref{Link,,, guile-netlink, Guile-Netlink-Handbuch})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17803
msgid "The name of the link---e.g., @code{\"v0p0\"}."
msgstr "Der Name des Links@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"v0p0\"}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17806
msgid "A symbol denoting the type of the link---e.g., @code{'veth}."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die für den Typ des Links steht@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{'veth}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17320
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17807
#, no-wrap
msgid "arguments"
msgstr "arguments"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17809
msgid "List of arguments for this type of link."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Argumente für diesen Link-Typ."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17812
#, no-wrap
msgid "loopback device"
msgstr "Loopback-Gerät"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17813
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %loopback-static-networking"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %loopback-static-networking"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17817
msgid "This is the @code{static-networking} record representing the ``loopback device'', @code{lo}, for IP addresses and ::1, and providing the @code{loopback} Shepherd service."
msgstr "Dies ist das @code{static-networking}-Verbundsobjekt, das für das „Loopback-Gerät“ @code{lo} steht, mit IP-Adressen und ::1, was den Shepherd-Dienst @code{loopback} zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17819
#, no-wrap
msgid "networking, with QEMU"
msgstr "Netzwerkanbindung, für QEMU"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17820
#, no-wrap
msgid "QEMU, networking"
msgstr "QEMU, Netzwerkanbindung"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17821
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %qemu-static-networking"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %qemu-static-networking"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17825
msgid "This is the @code{static-networking} record representing network setup when using QEMU's user-mode network stack on @code{eth0} (@pxref{Using the user mode network stack,,, QEMU, QEMU Documentation})."
msgstr "Dies ist das @code{static-networking}-Verbundsobjekt, das für eine Netzwerkeinrichtung mit QEMUs als Nutzer ausgeführtem Netzwerkstapel („User-Mode Network Stack“) auf dem Gerät @code{eth0} steht (siehe @ref{Using the user mode network stack,,, QEMU, QEMU Documentation})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17827
#, no-wrap
msgid "DHCP, networking service"
msgstr "DHCP, Netzwerkdienst"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17828
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} dhcp-client-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} dhcp-client-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17832
msgid "This is the type of services that run @var{dhcp}, a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) client, on all the non-loopback network interfaces. Its value is the DHCP client package to use, @code{isc-dhcp} by default."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Dienst, der @var{dhcp} ausführt, einen Client für das „Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol“ (DHCP), der auf allen Netzwerkschnittstellen außer „loopback“ läuft. Sein Wert ist das zu verwendende DHCP-Client-Paket; vorgegeben ist @code{isc-dhcp}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17834
#, no-wrap
msgid "NetworkManager"
msgstr "NetworkManager"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17836
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} network-manager-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} network-manager-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17841
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager, NetworkManager} service. The value for this service type is a @code{network-manager-configuration} record."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager, NetworkManager-Dienst}. Der Wert dieses Diensttyps ist ein @code{network-manager-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17357 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17509
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17844 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18025
msgid "This service is part of @code{%desktop-services} (@pxref{Desktop Services})."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst gehört zu den @code{%desktop-services} (siehe @ref{Desktop Services})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17846
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} network-manager-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} network-manager-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17848
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of NetworkManager."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von NetworkManager repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17850
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{network-manager} (default: @code{network-manager})"
msgstr "@code{network-manager} (Vorgabe: @code{network-manager})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17852
msgid "The NetworkManager package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende NetworkManager-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17853
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dns} (default: @code{\"default\"})"
msgstr "@code{dns} (Vorgabe: @code{\"default\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17856
msgid "Processing mode for DNS, which affects how NetworkManager uses the @code{resolv.conf} configuration file."
msgstr "Der Verarbeitungsmodus für DNS-Anfragen. Er hat Einfluss darauf, wie NetworkManager mit der Konfigurationsdatei @code{resolv.conf} verfährt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17861
msgid "NetworkManager will update @code{resolv.conf} to reflect the nameservers provided by currently active connections."
msgstr "NetworkManager aktualisiert @code{resolv.conf}, damit sie die Nameserver enthält, die von zurzeit aktiven Verbindungen benutzt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17862
#, no-wrap
msgid "dnsmasq"
msgstr "dnsmasq"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17866
msgid "NetworkManager will run @code{dnsmasq} as a local caching nameserver, using a @dfn{conditional forwarding} configuration if you are connected to a VPN, and then update @code{resolv.conf} to point to the local nameserver."
msgstr "NetworkManager führt @code{dnsmasq} als lokal zwischenspeichernden Nameserver aus und aktualisiert @code{resolv.conf} so, dass es auf den lokalen Nameserver verweist. Falls Sie mit einem VPN verbunden sind, wird dafür eine getrennte DNS-Auflösung verwendet („Conditional Forwarding“)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17872
msgid "With this setting, you can share your network connection. For example when you want to share your network connection to another laptop @i{via} an Ethernet cable, you can open @command{nm-connection-editor} and configure the Wired connection's method for IPv4 and IPv6 to be ``Shared to other computers'' and reestablish the connection (or reboot)."
msgstr "Mit dieser Einstellung können Sie Ihre Netzwerkverbindung teilen. Wenn Sie sie zum Beispiel mit einem anderen Laptop über ein Ethernet-Kabel teilen möchten, können Sie @command{nm-connection-editor} öffnen und die Methode der Ethernet-Verbindung für IPv4 und IPv6 auf „Gemeinsam mit anderen Rechnern“ stellen und daraufhin die Verbindung neu herstellen (oder Ihren Rechner neu starten)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17879
msgid "You can also set up a @dfn{host-to-guest connection} to QEMU VMs (@pxref{Installing Guix in a VM}). With a host-to-guest connection, you can e.g.@: access a Web server running on the VM (@pxref{Web Services}) from a Web browser on your host system, or connect to the VM @i{via} SSH (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). To set up a host-to-guest connection, run this command once:"
msgstr "Sie können so auch eine Verbindung vom Wirts- zum Gastsystem in virtuellen Maschinen mit QEMU (siehe @ref{Installing Guix in a VM}) herstellen, d.h.@: eine „Host-to-Guest Connection“). Mit einer solchen Wirt-nach-Gast-Verbindung können Sie z.B.@: von einem Webbrowser auf Ihrem Wirtssystem auf einen Web-Server zugreifen, der auf der VM läuft (siehe @ref{Web Services}). Sie können sich damit auch über SSH mit der virtuellen Maschine verbinden (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). Um eine Wirt-nach-Gast-Verbindung einzurichten, führen Sie einmal diesen Befehl aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17886
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"nmcli connection add type tun \\\n"
@@ -31915,50 +32803,50 @@ msgstr ""
" ipv4.addresses\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17891
msgid "Then each time you launch your QEMU VM (@pxref{Running Guix in a VM}), pass @option{-nic tap,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no} to @command{qemu-system-...}."
msgstr "Danach geben Sie bei jedem Start Ihrer virtuellen QEMU-Maschine (siehe @ref{Running Guix in a VM}) die Befehlszeilenoption @option{-nic tap,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no} an @command{qemu-system-…} mit."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17894
msgid "NetworkManager will not modify @code{resolv.conf}."
msgstr "NetworkManager verändert @code{resolv.conf} nicht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17896
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{vpn-plugins} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{vpn-plugins} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17900
msgid "This is the list of available plugins for virtual private networks (VPNs). An example of this is the @code{network-manager-openvpn} package, which allows NetworkManager to manage VPNs @i{via} OpenVPN."
msgstr "Dies ist die Liste der verfügbaren Plugins für virtuelle private Netzwerke (VPN). Zum Beispiel kann das Paket @code{network-manager-openvpn} angegeben werden, womit NetworkManager virtuelle private Netzwerke mit OpenVPN verwalten kann."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17904
#, no-wrap
msgid "Connman"
msgstr "Connman"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17905
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} connman-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} connman-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17908
msgid "This is the service type to run @url{https://01.org/connman,Connman}, a network connection manager."
msgstr "Mit diesem Diensttyp wird @url{https://01.org/connman,Connman} ausgeführt, ein Programm zum Verwalten von Netzwerkverbindungen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17911
msgid "Its value must be an @code{connman-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Sein Wert muss ein @code{connman-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie im folgenden Beispiel sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17916
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service connman-service-type\n"
@@ -31970,311 +32858,311 @@ msgstr ""
" (disable-vpn? #t)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17919
msgid "See below for details about @code{connman-configuration}."
msgstr "Weiter unten werden Details der @code{connman-configuration} erklärt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17921
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} connman-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} connman-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17923
msgid "Data Type representing the configuration of connman."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Connman repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17925
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{connman} (default: @var{connman})"
msgstr "@code{connman} (Vorgabe: @var{connman})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17927
msgid "The connman package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Connman-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17928
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{disable-vpn?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{disable-vpn?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17930
msgid "When true, disable connman's vpn plugin."
msgstr "Falls dies auf wahr gesetzt ist, wird Connmans VPN-Plugin deaktiviert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17933
#, no-wrap
msgid "WPA Supplicant"
msgstr "WPA-Supplikant"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17934
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} wpa-supplicant-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} wpa-supplicant-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17938
msgid "This is the service type to run @url{https://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/,WPA supplicant}, an authentication daemon required to authenticate against encrypted WiFi or ethernet networks."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp, um @url{https://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/,WPA Supplicant} auszuführen. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Authentisierungsdaemon, der notwendig ist, um sich gegenüber verschlüsselten WLAN- oder Ethernet-Netzwerken zu authentisieren."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17940
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} wpa-supplicant-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} wpa-supplicant-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17942
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of WPA Supplicant."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration des WPA-Supplikanten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17457 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17944 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33410
msgid "It takes the following parameters:"
msgstr "Sie hat folgende Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17946
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wpa-supplicant} (default: @code{wpa-supplicant})"
msgstr "@code{wpa-supplicant} (Vorgabe: @code{wpa-supplicant})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17948
msgid "The WPA Supplicant package to use."
msgstr "Das WPA-Supplicant-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17949
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{requirement} (default: @code{'(user-processes loopback syslogd)}"
msgstr "@code{requirement} (Vorgabe: @code{'(user-processes loopback syslogd)}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17951
msgid "List of services that should be started before WPA Supplicant starts."
msgstr "Die Liste der Dienste, die vor dem WPA-Supplikanten bereits gestartet sein sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17952
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dbus?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{dbus?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17954
msgid "Whether to listen for requests on D-Bus."
msgstr "Ob auf Anfragen auf D-Bus gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17955
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid\"})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17957
msgid "Where to store the PID file."
msgstr "Wo die PID-Datei abgelegt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17471 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31246
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17958 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31853
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interface} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{interface} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17961
msgid "If this is set, it must specify the name of a network interface that WPA supplicant will control."
msgstr "Wenn dieses Feld gesetzt ist, muss es den Namen einer Netzwerkschnittstelle angeben, die von WPA Supplicant verwaltet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17475 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17591
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17962 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18078
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23399
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17964
msgid "Optional configuration file to use."
msgstr "Optionale Konfigurationsdatei."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17967
msgid "List of additional command-line arguments to pass to the daemon."
msgstr "Liste zusätzlicher Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an den Daemon übergeben werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17970
#, no-wrap
msgid "wicd"
msgstr "wicd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17973
#, no-wrap
msgid "network management"
msgstr "Netzwerkverwaltung"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17974
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} wicd-service [#:wicd @var{wicd}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} wicd-service [#:wicd @var{wicd}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17977
msgid "Return a service that runs @url{https://launchpad.net/wicd,Wicd}, a network management daemon that aims to simplify wired and wireless networking."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der @url{https://launchpad.net/wicd,Wicd} ausführt, einen Netzwerkverwaltungsdaemon, um ein einfacheres Einrichten kabelgebundener und drahtloser Netzwerkanbindungen zu ermöglichen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17982
msgid "This service adds the @var{wicd} package to the global profile, providing several commands to interact with the daemon and configure networking: @command{wicd-client}, a graphical user interface, and the @command{wicd-cli} and @command{wicd-curses} user interfaces."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst fügt das @var{wicd}-Paket zum globalen Profil hinzu und stellt dadurch mehrere Befehle zur Verfügung, um mit dem Daemon zu interagieren und Netzwerke einzurichten: @command{wicd-client}, eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche, und die Benutzungsschnittstellen @command{wicd-cli} und @command{wicd-curses}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17984
#, no-wrap
msgid "ModemManager"
msgstr "ModemManager"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17987
msgid "Some networking devices such as modems require special care, and this is what the services below focus on."
msgstr "Manche Netzwerkgeräte wie Modems brauchen eine besondere Behandlung, worauf die folgenden Dienste abzielen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17988
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} modem-manager-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} modem-manager-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17993
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/ModemManager, ModemManager} service. The value for this service type is a @code{modem-manager-configuration} record."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/ModemManager, ModemManager-Dienst}. Der Wert dieses Diensttyps ist ein @code{modem-manager-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17998
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} modem-manager-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} modem-manager-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18000
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of ModemManager."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration vom ModemManager."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18002
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{modem-manager} (default: @code{modem-manager})"
msgstr "@code{modem-manager} (Vorgabe: @code{modem-manager})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18004
msgid "The ModemManager package to use."
msgstr "Das ModemManager-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18008
#, no-wrap
msgid "USB_ModeSwitch"
msgstr "USB_ModeSwitch"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18009
#, no-wrap
msgid "Modeswitching"
msgstr "Modeswitching"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18011
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} usb-modeswitch-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} usb-modeswitch-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18016
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/, USB_ModeSwitch} service. The value for this service type is a @code{usb-modeswitch-configuration} record."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/, USB_ModeSwitch-Dienst}. Der Wert dieses Diensttyps ist ein @code{usb-modeswitch-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18022
msgid "When plugged in, some USB modems (and other USB devices) initially present themselves as a read-only storage medium and not as a modem. They need to be @dfn{modeswitched} before they are usable. The USB_ModeSwitch service type installs udev rules to automatically modeswitch these devices when they are plugged in."
msgstr "Wenn sie eingesteckt werden, geben sich manche USB-Modems (und andere USB-Geräte) zunächst als Nur-Lese-Speichermedien und nicht als Modem aus. Sie müssen erst einem Moduswechsel („Modeswitching“) unterzogen werden, bevor sie benutzt werden können. Der USB_ModeSwitch-Diensttyp installiert udev-Regeln, um bei diesen Geräten automatisch ein Modeswitching durchzuführen, wenn sie eingesteckt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18027
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} usb-modeswitch-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} usb-modeswitch-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18029
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of USB_ModeSwitch."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von USB_ModeSwitch repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18031
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{usb-modeswitch} (default: @code{usb-modeswitch})"
msgstr "@code{usb-modeswitch} (Vorgabe: @code{usb-modeswitch})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18033
msgid "The USB_ModeSwitch package providing the binaries for modeswitching."
msgstr "Das USB_ModeSwitch-Paket, das die Programmdateien für das Modeswitching enthält."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18034
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{usb-modeswitch-data} (default: @code{usb-modeswitch-data})"
msgstr "@code{usb-modeswitch-data} (Vorgabe: @code{usb-modeswitch-data})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18037
msgid "The package providing the device data and udev rules file used by USB_ModeSwitch."
msgstr "Das Paket, in dem die Gerätedaten und die udev-Regeldatei stehen, die USB_ModeSwitch benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18038
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{#~(string-append #$usb-modeswitch:dispatcher \"/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf\")})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$usb-modeswitch:dispatcher \"/etc/usb_modeswitch.conf\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18043
msgid "Which config file to use for the USB_ModeSwitch dispatcher. By default the config file shipped with USB_ModeSwitch is used which disables logging to @file{/var/log} among other default settings. If set to @code{#f}, no config file is used."
msgstr "Welche Konfigurationsdatei das USB_ModeSwitch-Aufrufprogramm („Dispatcher“) benutzt. Nach Vorgabe wird die mit USB_ModeSwitch ausgelieferte Konfigurationsdatei benutzt, die neben anderen Voreinstellungen die Protokollierung nach @file{/var/log} abschaltet. Wenn @code{#f} festgelegt wird, wird keine Konfigurationsdatei benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18057
msgid "The @code{(gnu services networking)} module discussed in the previous section provides services for more advanced setups: providing a DHCP service for others to use, filtering packets with iptables or nftables, running a WiFi access point with @command{hostapd}, running the @command{inetd} ``superdaemon'', and more. This section describes those."
msgstr "Das im vorherigen Abschnitt besprochene Modul @code{(gnu services networking)} stellt auch Dienste für fortgeschrittene Netzwerkeinrichtungen zur Verfügung, etwa um einen DHCP-Dienst für andere anzubieten, Pakete mit iptables oder nftables zu filtern, einen WLAN-Zugangspunkt mit @command{hostapd} verfügbar zu machen, den „Superdaemon“ @command{inetd} auszuführen und noch mehr. In diesem Abschnitt werden sie beschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18058
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} dhcpd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} dhcpd-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18062
msgid "This type defines a service that runs a DHCP daemon. To create a service of this type, you must supply a @code{<dhcpd-configuration>}. For example:"
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp definiert einen Dienst, der einen DHCP-Daemon ausführt. Um einen Dienst zu diesem Typ anzugeben, müssen Sie eine @code{<dhcpd-configuration>} bereitstellen. Zum Beispiel so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18068
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service dhcpd-service-type\n"
@@ -32288,96 +33176,96 @@ msgstr ""
" (interfaces '(\"enp0s25\"))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18071
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} dhcpd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} dhcpd-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18073
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{isc-dhcp})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{isc-dhcp})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17591
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18078
msgid "The package that provides the DHCP daemon. This package is expected to provide the daemon at @file{sbin/dhcpd} relative to its output directory. The default package is the @uref{https://www.isc.org/products/DHCP, ISC's DHCP server}."
msgstr "Das Paket, das den DHCP-Daemon zur Verfügung stellt. Von diesem Paket wird erwartet, dass es den Daemon unter dem Pfad @file{sbin/dhcpd} relativ zum Verzeichnis der Paketausgabe bereitstellt. Das vorgegebene Paket ist @uref{https://www.isc.org/products/DHCP, der DHCP-Server vom ISC}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18083
msgid "The configuration file to use. This is required. It will be passed to @code{dhcpd} via its @code{-cf} option. This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}). See @code{man dhcpd.conf} for details on the configuration file syntax."
msgstr "Die Konfigurationsdatei, die benutzt werden soll. Sie @emph{muss} angegeben werden und wird an @code{dhcpd} mittels seiner Befehlszeilenoption @code{-cf} übergeben. Ein beliebiges „dateiartiges“ Objekt kann dafür angegeben werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}). Siehe @code{man dhcpd.conf} für Details, welcher Syntax die Konfigurationsdatei genügen muss."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18083
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{version} (default: @code{\"4\"})"
msgstr "@code{version} (Vorgabe: @code{\"4\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18088
msgid "The DHCP version to use. The ISC DHCP server supports the values ``4'', ``6'', and ``4o6''. These correspond to the @code{dhcpd} program options @code{-4}, @code{-6}, and @code{-4o6}. See @code{man dhcpd} for details."
msgstr "Die DHCP-Version, die benutzt werden soll. Der ISC-DHCP-Server unterstützt die Werte „4“, „6“ und „4o6“. Das Feld entspricht den Befehlszeilenoptionen @code{-4}, @code{-6} und @code{-4o6} von @code{dhcpd}. Siehe @code{man dhcpd} für Details."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18088
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{run-directory} (default: @code{\"/run/dhcpd\"})"
msgstr "@code{run-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/run/dhcpd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18091
msgid "The run directory to use. At service activation time, this directory will be created if it does not exist."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende Laufzeit-Verzeichnis („run“-Verzeichnis). Wenn der Dienst aktiviert wird, wird dieses Verzeichnis erzeugt, wenn es noch nicht existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18091
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/run/dhcpd/dhcpd.pid\"})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/run/dhcpd/dhcpd.pid\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18094
msgid "The PID file to use. This corresponds to the @code{-pf} option of @code{dhcpd}. See @code{man dhcpd} for details."
msgstr "Die zu benutzende PID-Datei. Dieses Feld entspricht der Befehlszeilenoption @code{-pf} von @code{dhcpd}. Siehe @code{man dhcpd} für Details."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18094
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interfaces} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{interfaces} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18100
msgid "The names of the network interfaces on which dhcpd should listen for broadcasts. If this list is not empty, then its elements (which must be strings) will be appended to the @code{dhcpd} invocation when starting the daemon. It may not be necessary to explicitly specify any interfaces here; see @code{man dhcpd} for details."
msgstr "Die Namen der Netzwerkschnittstelle, auf der dhcpd auf Broadcast-Nachrichten lauscht. Wenn diese Liste nicht leer ist, werden ihre Elemente (diese müssen Zeichenketten sein) an den @code{dhcpd}-Aufruf beim Starten des Daemons angehängt. Es ist unter Umständen @emph{nicht} nötig, hier Schnittstellen ausdrücklich anzugeben; siehe @code{man dhcpd} für Details."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18103
#, no-wrap
msgid "hostapd service, for Wi-Fi access points"
msgstr "hostapd-Dienst, für WLAN-Zugangspunkte (Access Points)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18104
#, no-wrap
msgid "Wi-Fi access points, hostapd service"
msgstr "WLAN-Zugangspunkte (Access Points), hostapd-Dienst"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18105
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} hostapd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} hostapd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18110
msgid "This is the service type to run the @uref{https://w1.fi/hostapd/, hostapd} daemon to set up WiFi (IEEE 802.11) access points and authentication servers. Its associated value must be a @code{hostapd-configuration} as shown below:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://w1.fi/hostapd/, hostapd-Daemon}, mit dem ein WLAN-Zugangspunkt (ein „Access Point“ gemäß IEEE 802.11) und Authentifizierungsserver eingerichtet werden kann. Sein zugewiesener Wert muss eine @code{hostapd-configuration} sein wie im folgenden Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18118
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Use wlan1 to run the access point for \"My Network\".\n"
@@ -32395,129 +33283,129 @@ msgstr ""
" (channel 12)))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18121
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} hostapd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} hostapd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18124
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the hostapd service, with the following fields:"
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des hostapd-Dienstes. Er hat folgende Felder:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18126
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{hostapd})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{hostapd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18128
msgid "The hostapd package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende hostapd-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18129
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interface} (default: @code{\"wlan0\"})"
msgstr "@code{interface} (Vorgabe: @code{\"wlan0\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18131
msgid "The network interface to run the WiFi access point."
msgstr "Die Netzwerkschnittstelle, auf der der WLAN-Zugangspunkt betrieben wird."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18132
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssid"
msgstr "ssid"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18135
msgid "The SSID (@dfn{service set identifier}), a string that identifies this network."
msgstr "Die SSID (@dfn{Service Set Identifier}), eine das Netzwerk identifizierende Zeichenkette."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18136
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{broadcast-ssid?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{broadcast-ssid?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18138
msgid "Whether to broadcast this SSID."
msgstr "Ob diese SSID allgemein sichtbar sein soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18139
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{channel} (default: @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{channel} (Vorlage: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18141
msgid "The WiFi channel to use."
msgstr "Der zu verwendende WLAN-Kanal."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18142
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{driver} (default: @code{\"nl80211\"})"
msgstr "@code{driver} (Vorgabe: @code{\"nl80211\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18146
msgid "The driver interface type. @code{\"nl80211\"} is used with all Linux mac80211 drivers. Use @code{\"none\"} if building hostapd as a standalone RADIUS server that does # not control any wireless/wired driver."
msgstr "Über welchen Schnittstellentyp der Treiber angesprochen wird. @code{\"nl80211\"} wird von allen Linux-mac80211-Treibern benutzt. Schreiben Sie @code{\"none\"}, wenn hostapd für einen eigenständigen RADIUS-Server erstellt wird, der keine Draht- oder Drahtlosverbindung steuert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17660 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23728
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18147 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27238
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-settings} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{extra-settings} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18151
msgid "Extra settings to append as-is to the hostapd configuration file. See @uref{https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/hostapd/hostapd.conf} for the configuration file reference."
msgstr "Weitere Einstellungen, die wie sie sind an die Konfigurationsdatei von hostapd angehängt werden. Siehe @uref{https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/hostapd/hostapd.conf} für eine Referenz der Konfigurationsdatei."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18154
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} simulated-wifi-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} simulated-wifi-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18161
msgid "This is the type of a service to simulate WiFi networking, which can be useful in virtual machines for testing purposes. The service loads the Linux kernel @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/mac80211_hwsim/mac80211_hwsim.html, @code{mac80211_hwsim} module} and starts hostapd to create a pseudo WiFi network that can be seen on @code{wlan0}, by default."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für einen Dienst, um ein WLAN-Netzwerk zu simulieren. Das kann auf virtuellen Maschinen zu Testzwecken eingesetzt werden. Der Dienst lädt das @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/mac80211_hwsim/mac80211_hwsim.html, @code{mac80211_hwsim}-Modul} in den Linux-Kernel und startet hostapd, um ein Pseudo-WLAN-Netzwerk vorzutäuschen, das nach Vorgabe als @code{wlan0} sichtbar ist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18163
msgid "The service's value is a @code{hostapd-configuration} record."
msgstr "Der Wert des Dienstes ist ein @code{hostapd-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18166
#, no-wrap
msgid "iptables"
msgstr "iptables"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18167
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} iptables-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} iptables-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18173
msgid "This is the service type to set up an iptables configuration. iptables is a packet filtering framework supported by the Linux kernel. This service supports configuring iptables for both IPv4 and IPv6. A simple example configuration rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh port 22 is shown below."
msgstr "Mit diesem Diensttyp wird eine iptables-Konfiguration eingerichtet. iptables ist ein Rahmen für Netzwerkpaketfilter, der vom Linux-Kernel unterstützt wird. Der Dienst unterstützt die Konfiguration von iptables für sowohl IPv4 als auch IPv6. Eine einfache Beispielkonfiguration, die alle eingehenden Verbindungen verweigert, die nicht an den SSH-Port 22 gehen, können Sie hier sehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18195
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service iptables-service-type\n"
@@ -32563,241 +33451,241 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18198
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} iptables-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} iptables-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18200
msgid "The data type representing the configuration of iptables."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die iptables-Konfiguration."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18202
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{iptables} (default: @code{iptables})"
msgstr "@code{iptables} (Vorgabe: @code{iptables})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18205
msgid "The iptables package that provides @code{iptables-restore} and @code{ip6tables-restore}."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende iptables-Paket, das @code{iptables-restore} und @code{ip6tables-restore} zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18205
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipv4-rules} (default: @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})"
msgstr "@code{ipv4-rules} (Vorgabe: @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18209
msgid "The iptables rules to use. It will be passed to @code{iptables-restore}. This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects})."
msgstr "Die zu benutzenden iptables-Regeln. Diese werden an @code{iptables-restore} übergeben. Als Regeln kann jedes „dateiartige“ Objekt angegeben werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18209
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipv6-rules} (default: @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})"
msgstr "@code{ipv6-rules} (Vorgabe: @code{%iptables-accept-all-rules})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18213
msgid "The ip6tables rules to use. It will be passed to @code{ip6tables-restore}. This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects})."
msgstr "Die zu benutzenden ip6tables-Regeln. Diese werden an @code{ip6tables-restore} übergeben. Als Regeln kann jedes „dateiartige“ Objekt angegeben werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18216
#, no-wrap
msgid "nftables"
msgstr "nftables"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18217
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} nftables-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} nftables-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18225
msgid "This is the service type to set up a nftables configuration. nftables is a netfilter project that aims to replace the existing iptables, ip6tables, arptables and ebtables framework. It provides a new packet filtering framework, a new user-space utility @command{nft}, and a compatibility layer for iptables. This service comes with a default ruleset @code{%default-nftables-ruleset} that rejecting all incoming connections except those to the ssh port 22. To use it, simply write:"
msgstr "Dieser Dienst richtet eine Konfiguration von nftables ein. nftables ist als Projekt ein Teil von Netfilter mit dem Ziel, den bestehenden Aufbau aus iptables, ip6tables, arptables und ebtables zu ersetzen. Es stellt einen neuen Rahmen für Netzwerkpaketfilter bereit sowie ein neues Werkzeug @command{nft} auf Anwendungsebene und eine Kompatibilitätsschicht für iptables. Dieser Dienst wird zusammen mit @code{%default-nftables-ruleset} ausgeliefert, einem vorgegebenen Satz von Regeln, der alle eingehenden Verbindungen außer auf dem SSH-Port 22 ablehnt. Um ihn zu benutzen, schreiben Sie einfach:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18228
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service nftables-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service nftables-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18231
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nftables-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nftables-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18233
msgid "The data type representing the configuration of nftables."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die nftables-Konfiguration repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18235
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{nftables})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{nftables})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18237
msgid "The nftables package that provides @command{nft}."
msgstr "Das nftables-Paket, das @command{nft} zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18237
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ruleset} (default: @code{%default-nftables-ruleset})"
msgstr "@code{ruleset} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-nftables-ruleset})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18240
msgid "The nftables ruleset to use. This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects})."
msgstr "Die zu benutzenden nftables-Regeln. Als Regeln kann jedes „dateiartige“ Objekt angegeben werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18243
#, no-wrap
msgid "NTP (Network Time Protocol), service"
msgstr "NTP (Network Time Protocol), Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18244
#, no-wrap
msgid "ntpd, service for the Network Time Protocol daemon"
msgstr "ntpd, Dienst für den Network-Time-Protocol-Daemon"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18245
#, no-wrap
msgid "real time clock"
msgstr "Echtzeituhr"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18246
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ntp-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ntp-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18250
msgid "This is the type of the service running the @uref{https://www.ntp.org, Network Time Protocol (NTP)} daemon, @command{ntpd}. The daemon will keep the system clock synchronized with that of the specified NTP servers."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, der den @command{ntpd}-Daemon für das @uref{https://www.ntp.org, Network Time Protocol}, kurz NTP, ausführt. Mit diesem Daemon wird die Systemuhr mit der Uhr auf den angegebenen NTP-Servern synchronisiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18253
msgid "The value of this service is an @code{ntpd-configuration} object, as described below."
msgstr "Der Wert dieses Dienstes ist ein @code{ntpd-configuration}-Objekt, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18255
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ntp-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ntp-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18257
msgid "This is the data type for the NTP service configuration."
msgstr "Der Datentyp für die Dienstkonfiguration des NTP-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18259
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{servers} (default: @code{%ntp-servers})"
msgstr "@code{servers} (Vorgabe: @code{%ntp-servers})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18263
msgid "This is the list of servers (@code{<ntp-server>} records) with which @command{ntpd} will be synchronized. See the @code{ntp-server} data type definition below."
msgstr "Dies ist die Liste der Server (@code{<ntp-server>}-Verbundsobjekte), mit denen @command{ntpd} synchronisiert wird. Siehe die Definition des @code{ntp-server}-Datentyps weiter unten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18264
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-large-adjustment?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{allow-large-adjustment?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18267
msgid "This determines whether @command{ntpd} is allowed to make an initial adjustment of more than 1,000 seconds."
msgstr "Hiermit wird festgelegt, ob @command{ntpd} die Uhr beim ersten Umstellen um mehr als 1.000 Sekunden ändern darf."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18268
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ntp} (default: @code{ntp})"
msgstr "@code{ntp} (Vorgabe: @code{ntp})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18270
msgid "The NTP package to use."
msgstr "Das NTP-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18273
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %ntp-servers"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %ntp-servers"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18276
msgid "List of host names used as the default NTP servers. These are servers of the @uref{https://www.ntppool.org/en/, NTP Pool Project}."
msgstr "Liste der Rechnernamen („Host“-Namen), die als vorgegebene NTP-Server benutzt werden. Dabei handelt es sich um die Server des @uref{https://www.ntppool.org/en/, NTP Pool Project}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17791
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18278
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ntp-server"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ntp-server"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18280
msgid "The data type representing the configuration of a NTP server."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines NTP-Servers repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18282
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{type} (default: @code{'server})"
msgstr "@code{type} (Vorgabe: @code{'server})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18285
msgid "The type of the NTP server, given as a symbol. One of @code{'pool}, @code{'server}, @code{'peer}, @code{'broadcast} or @code{'manycastclient}."
msgstr "Die Art des NTP-Servers als Symbol, entweder @code{'pool}, @code{'server}, @code{'peer}, @code{'broadcast} oder @code{'manycastclient}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18286
#, no-wrap
msgid "address"
msgstr "address"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18288
msgid "The address of the server, as a string."
msgstr "Die Adresse des Servers als Zeichenkette."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17802 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33774
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18289 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34345
#, no-wrap
msgid "options"
msgstr "options"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18294
msgid "NTPD options to use with that specific server, given as a list of option names and/or of option names and values tuples. The following example define a server to use with the options @option{iburst} and @option{prefer}, as well as @option{version} 3 and a @option{maxpoll} time of 16 seconds."
msgstr "NTPD-Optionen, die für diesen bestimmten Server gelten sollen, angegeben als Liste von Optionsnamen und/oder Tupeln aus je Optionsname und -wert. Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein Server definiert, der die Optionen @option{iburst} und @option{prefer} sowie @option{version} 3 und eine @option{maxpoll}-Zeit von 16 Sekunden benutzen soll."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18300
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -32811,24 +33699,24 @@ msgstr ""
" (options `(iburst (version 3) (maxpoll 16) prefer))))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18304
#, no-wrap
msgid "OpenNTPD"
msgstr "OpenNTPD"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18305
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} openntpd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} openntpd-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18309
msgid "Run the @command{ntpd}, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon, as implemented by @uref{http://www.openntpd.org, OpenNTPD}. The daemon will keep the system clock synchronized with that of the given servers."
msgstr "Hiermit wird @command{ntpd}, der Network-Time-Protocol-Daemon (NTP-Daemon), ausgeführt, in seiner @uref{http://www.openntpd.org, OpenNTPD-Implementierung}. Der Daemon sorgt dafür, dass die Systemuhr mit den Uhren der eingestellten Server synchron bleibt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18318
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -32850,134 +33738,134 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18322
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %openntpd-servers"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %openntpd-servers"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18325
msgid "This variable is a list of the server addresses defined in @code{%ntp-servers}."
msgstr "Diese Variable bezeichnet eine Liste von Serveradressen, die in @code{%ntp-servers} definiert sind."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18327
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} openntpd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} openntpd-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18329
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{openntpd} (default: @code{(file-append openntpd \"/sbin/ntpd\")})"
msgstr "@code{openntpd} (Vorgabe: @code{(file-append openntpd \"/sbin/ntpd\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18331
msgid "The openntpd executable to use."
msgstr "Das openntpd-Programm, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18331
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen-on} (default: @code{'(\"\" \"::1\")})"
msgstr "@code{listen-on} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"\" \"::1\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18333
msgid "A list of local IP addresses or hostnames the ntpd daemon should listen on."
msgstr "Eine Liste von lokalen IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen („Host“-Namen), auf denen der ntpd-Daemon lauschen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18333
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{query-from} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{query-from} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18335
msgid "A list of local IP address the ntpd daemon should use for outgoing queries."
msgstr "Eine Liste von lokalen IP-Adressen, die der ntpd-Daemon für ausgehende Anfragen benutzen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18335
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sensor} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{sensor} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18340
msgid "Specify a list of timedelta sensor devices ntpd should use. @code{ntpd} will listen to each sensor that actually exists and ignore non-existent ones. See @uref{https://man.openbsd.org/ntpd.conf, upstream documentation} for more information."
msgstr "Hiermit geben Sie eine Liste von Zeitdifferenz-Sensorgeräten an, die ntpd benutzen soll. @code{ntpd} wird auf jeden Sensor lauschen, der auch tatsächlich existiert, und solche, die nicht existieren, ignorieren. Siehe die @uref{https://man.openbsd.org/ntpd.conf, Dokumentation beim Anbieter} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18340
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{server} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18342
msgid "Specify a list of IP addresses or hostnames of NTP servers to synchronize to."
msgstr "Hiermit geben Sie eine Liste von IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen von NTP-Servern an, mit denen synchronisiert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18342
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{servers} (default: @code{%openntp-servers})"
msgstr "@code{servers} (Vorgabe: @code{%openntp-servers})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18344
msgid "Specify a list of IP addresses or hostnames of NTP pools to synchronize to."
msgstr "Hiermit geben Sie eine Liste von IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen von NTP-Pools an, mit denen synchronisiert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18344
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{constraint-from} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{constraint-from} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18351
msgid "@code{ntpd} can be configured to query the ‘Date’ from trusted HTTPS servers via TLS. This time information is not used for precision but acts as an authenticated constraint, thereby reducing the impact of unauthenticated NTP man-in-the-middle attacks. Specify a list of URLs, IP addresses or hostnames of HTTPS servers to provide a constraint."
msgstr "@code{ntpd} kann so eingestellt werden, dass es das Datum aus der „Date“-Kopfzeile bei mit TLS übermittelten Anfragen an HTTPS-Server, denen vertraut wird, ausliest. Diese Zeitinformation wird nicht für Genauigkeit benutzt, sondern um mit authentifizierten Informationen die Auswirkungen eines Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffs auf unauthentifizierte NTP-Kommunikation einzuschränken. Geben Sie hierzu eine Liste von URLs, IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen („Host“-Namen) von HTTPS-Servern an, um eine solche Beschränkung („Constraint“) einzurichten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18351
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{constraints-from} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{constraints-from} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18355
msgid "As with constraint from, specify a list of URLs, IP addresses or hostnames of HTTPS servers to provide a constraint. Should the hostname resolve to multiple IP addresses, @code{ntpd} will calculate a median constraint from all of them."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{constraint-from} geben Sie auch hier eine Liste von URLs, IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen von HTTPS-Servern an, um eine Beschränkung einzurichten. Falls der Rechnername zu mehreren IP-Adressen aufgelöst wird, berechnet @code{ntpd} den Median von allen als Beschränkung."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18358
#, no-wrap
msgid "inetd"
msgstr "inetd"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18359
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme variable} inetd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} inetd-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18364
msgid "This service runs the @command{inetd} (@pxref{inetd invocation,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils}) daemon. @command{inetd} listens for connections on internet sockets, and lazily starts the specified server program when a connection is made on one of these sockets."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst führt den @command{inetd}-Daemon aus (siehe @ref{inetd invocation,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils}). @command{inetd} lauscht auf Verbindungen mit Internet-Sockets und startet bei Bedarf das entsprechende Server-Programm, sobald eine Verbindung mit einem dieser Sockets hergestellt wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18370
msgid "The value of this service is an @code{inetd-configuration} object. The following example configures the @command{inetd} daemon to provide the built-in @command{echo} service, as well as an smtp service which forwards smtp traffic over ssh to a server @code{smtp-server} behind a gateway @code{hostname}:"
msgstr "Der Wert dieses Dienstes ist ein @code{inetd-configuration}-Objekt. Im folgenden Beispiel wird der @command{inetd}-Daemon konfiguriert, um den eingebauten @command{echo}-Dienst sowie einen SMTP-Dienst anzubieten, wobei letzterer SMTP-Kommunikation über SSH an einen Server @code{smtp-server} über einen vom @code{rechnername}n bezeichneten Zugang („Gateway“) weiterleitet:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18393
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -33025,463 +33913,465 @@ msgstr ""
" \"-W\" \"smtp-server:25\" \"benutzer@@rechnername\")))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18396
msgid "See below for more details about @code{inetd-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe unten für mehr Details über @code{inetd-configuration}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18398
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} inetd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} inetd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18400
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{inetd}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{inetd} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18402
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{program} (default: @code{(file-append inetutils \"/libexec/inetd\")})"
msgstr "@code{program} (Vorgabe: @code{(file-append inetutils \"/libexec/inetd\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18404
msgid "The @command{inetd} executable to use."
msgstr "Das @command{inetd}-Programm, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17918 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18405 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28088
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{entries} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{entries} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18408
msgid "A list of @command{inetd} service entries. Each entry should be created by the @code{inetd-entry} constructor."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @command{inetd}-Diensteinträgen. Jeder Eintrag sollte von einem @code{inetd-entry}-Konstruktor erzeugt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18411
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} inetd-entry"
msgstr "{Datentyp} inetd-entry"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18415
msgid "Data type representing an entry in the @command{inetd} configuration. Each entry corresponds to a socket where @command{inetd} will listen for requests."
msgstr "Datentyp, der einen Eintrag in der @command{inetd}-Konfiguration repräsentiert. Jeder Eintrag entspricht einem Socket, auf dem @command{inetd} auf Anfragen lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18417
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{node} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{node} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18422
msgid "Optional string, a comma-separated list of local addresses @command{inetd} should use when listening for this service. @xref{Configuration file,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} for a complete description of all options."
msgstr "Optional sollte hier als Zeichenkette eine kommagetrennte Liste lokaler Adressen angegeben werden, die @command{inetd} benutzen soll, wenn er stellvertretend für den angegebenen Dienst lauscht. Siehe @ref{Configuration file,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} für eine vollständige Beschreibung aller Optionen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18424
msgid "A string, the name must correspond to an entry in @code{/etc/services}."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette. Dieser Name muss einem Eintrag in @code{/etc/services} entsprechen."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18424
#, no-wrap
msgid "socket-type"
msgstr "socket-type"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18427
msgid "One of @code{'stream}, @code{'dgram}, @code{'raw}, @code{'rdm} or @code{'seqpacket}."
msgstr "Entweder @code{'stream}, @code{'dgram}, @code{'raw}, @code{'rdm} oder @code{'seqpacket}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18427
#, no-wrap
msgid "protocol"
msgstr "protocol"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18429
msgid "A string, must correspond to an entry in @code{/etc/protocols}."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die einem Eintrag in @code{/etc/protocols} entsprechen muss."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18429
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wait?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{wait?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18432
msgid "Whether @command{inetd} should wait for the server to exit before listening to new service requests."
msgstr "Ob @command{inetd} warten soll, bis der Server beendet ist, bevor es wieder auf neue Anfragen an den Dienst lauscht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18437
msgid "A string containing the user (and, optionally, group) name of the user as whom the server should run. The group name can be specified in a suffix, separated by a colon or period, i.e.@: @code{\"user\"}, @code{\"user:group\"} or @code{\"user.group\"}."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette mit dem Benutzernamen (und optional dem Gruppennamen) des Benutzers, als der dieser Server ausgeführt werden soll. Der Gruppenname kann als Suffix angegeben werden, getrennt durch einen Doppelpunkt oder Punkt, d.h.@: @code{\"benutzer\"}, @code{\"benutzer:gruppe\"} oder @code{\"benutzer.gruppe\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18437
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{program} (default: @code{\"internal\"})"
msgstr "@code{program} (Vorgabe: @code{\"internal\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18440
msgid "The server program which will serve the requests, or @code{\"internal\"} if @command{inetd} should use a built-in service."
msgstr "Das Serverprogramm, das die Anfragen bedienen soll, oder @code{\"internal\"}, wenn @command{inetd} einen eingebauten Dienst verwenden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18445
msgid "A list strings or file-like objects, which are the server program's arguments, starting with the zeroth argument, i.e.@: the name of the program itself. For @command{inetd}'s internal services, this entry must be @code{'()} or @code{'(\"internal\")}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Zeichenketten oder dateiartigen Objekten, die dem Serverprogramm als Argumente übergeben werden, angefangen mit dem nullten Argument, d.h.@: dem Namen selbigen Serverprogramms. Bei in @command{inetd} eingebauten Diensten muss dieser Eintrag auf @code{'()} oder @code{'(\"internal\")} gesetzt sein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18449
msgid "@xref{Configuration file,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} for a more detailed discussion of each configuration field."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Configuration file,,, inetutils, GNU Inetutils} für eine mehr ins Detail gehende Erörterung jedes Konfigurationsfeldes."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18451
#, no-wrap
msgid "opendht, distributed hash table network service"
msgstr "opendht, Netzwerkdienst für eine verteilte Hashtabelle (Distributed Hash Table)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18452
#, no-wrap
msgid "dhtproxy, for use with jami"
msgstr "dhtproxy, Nutzung mit Jami"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18453
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} opendht-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} opendht-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18458
msgid "This is the type of the service running a @uref{https://opendht.net, OpenDHT} node, @command{dhtnode}. The daemon can be used to host your own proxy service to the distributed hash table (DHT), for example to connect to with Jami, among other applications."
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp dient dazu, einen @uref{https://opendht.net, OpenDHT-Knoten}, @command{dhtnode}, zu betreiben. Mit dem Daemon kann ein eigener Proxy-Dienst für die verteilte Hashtabelle (Distributed Hash Table, DHT) angeboten werden, den man in Jami und anderen Anwendungen angeben kann, damit sie sich darüber verbinden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18468
msgid "When using the OpenDHT proxy server, the IP addresses it ``sees'' from the clients should be addresses reachable from other peers. In practice this means that a publicly reachable address is best suited for a proxy server, outside of your private network. For example, hosting the proxy server on a IPv4 private local network and exposing it via port forwarding could work for external peers, but peers local to the proxy would have their private addresses shared with the external peers, leading to connectivity problems."
msgstr "Wenn Sie den OpenDHT-Proxy-Server nutzen, sollten die für ihn „sichtbaren“ IP-Adressen der Clients auch anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern gegenüber erreichbar sein. In der Praxis ist es am besten, den Proxy-Server auf einem Rechner mit öffentlich zugänglicher IP-Adresse außerhalb Ihres privaten Netzwerks zu betreiben. Wenn Sie den Proxy-Server zum Beispiel im privaten lokalen Netzwerk mit IPv4 zugänglich machen würden und dann mittels Portweiterleitung für die Außenwelt zugänglich machten, funktioniert das vielleicht bei externen Netzwerkteilnehmern, aber für die Geräte im lokalen Netzwerk des Proxys würde anderen OpenDHT-Knoten nur deren private Adresse mitgeteilt, womit sie keine Verbindung aufbauen können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18472
msgid "The value of this service is a @code{opendht-configuration} object, as described below."
msgstr "Der Wert dieses Dienstes ist ein @code{opendht-configuration}-Objekt, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18474
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} opendht-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} opendht-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18476
msgid "This is the data type for the OpenDHT service configuration."
msgstr "Der Datentyp für die Dienstkonfiguration des OpenDHT-Dienstes."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18481
msgid "Available @code{opendht-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{opendht-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18482
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} package opendht"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ opendht"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:17997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18484
msgid "The @code{opendht} package to use."
msgstr "Zu benutzendes @code{opendht}-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18487
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} boolean peer-discovery?"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck peer-discovery?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18489
msgid "Whether to enable the multicast local peer discovery mechanism."
msgstr "Ob sich der Knoten am Multicast-Mechanismus zum Finden lokaler Netzwerkteilnehmer beteiligen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18004 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18012
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18020 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19712
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19788 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19830
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19850 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19856
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19872 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19960
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20048 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20361
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20374 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21492
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22970 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23076
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23141 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23150
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24383 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24427
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24444 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24452
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24467 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24485
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24509 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24562
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24695 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24729
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24765 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24781
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24809 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24870
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24953 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28367
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28381 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28403
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28522 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28536
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28557 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28578
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28585 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28630
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28637 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29426
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29440 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29612
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29657 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29744
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29946 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29979
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30119 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30130
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30381 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31900
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31909 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31917
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31925 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31941
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31957 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31965
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31973 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31982
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31991 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32007
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32071 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32177
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32185 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32193
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32218 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32272
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32320 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32521
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18491 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18507 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20275 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20337 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20359 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20535 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20861 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23490 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23661 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24903 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24964 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24987 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25029 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25082
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25215 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25285 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25329 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25473 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28814 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28955 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28990 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29018 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29070 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29873 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30118 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30407 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30580 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30591
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30842 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32374 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32390 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32422 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32438 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32456 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32536 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32650 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32683 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32785 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32993
msgid "Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18494
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-logging?"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-logging?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18497
msgid "Whether to enable logging messages to syslog. It is disabled by default as it is rather verbose."
msgstr "Ob Protokollnachrichten über syslog geschrieben werden sollen. Weil es so ausführlich ist, ist es nach Vorgabe deaktiviert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18502
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} boolean debug?"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck debug?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18505
msgid "Whether to enable debug-level logging messages. This has no effect if logging is disabled."
msgstr "Ob Protokollnachrichten der Fehlersuch-Ausführlichkeitsstufe aktiviert werden sollen. Diese Option wirkt sich @emph{nicht} aus, wenn Protokollierung ganz abgeschaltet ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18510
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} maybe-string bootstrap-host"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette bootstrap-host"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18516
msgid "The node host name that is used to make the first connection to the network. A specific port value can be provided by appending the @code{:PORT} suffix. By default, it uses the Jami bootstrap nodes, but any host can be specified here. It's also possible to disable bootsrapping by setting this to the @code{'disabled} symbol."
msgstr "Der Rechnername des Knotens, über den eine erste Verbindung ins OpenDHT-Netzwerk aufgebaut wird. Es kann eine bestimmte Portnummer angegeben werden, indem als Suffix @code{:PORT} angehängt wird. Vorgegeben ist, den Bootstrap-Knoten von Jami zu benutzen, aber man kann jeden Rechnernamen eines Knotens angeben. Es ist auch möglich, Bootstrapping zu deaktivieren, indem man dies auf das Symbol @code{'disabled} festlegt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18518
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"bootstrap.jami.net:4222\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"bootstrap.jami.net:4222\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18521
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} maybe-number port"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18524
msgid "The UDP port to bind to. When set to @code{'disabled}, an available port is automatically selected."
msgstr "An welchen UDP-Port sich der OpenDHT-Knoten binden soll. Wird @code{'disabled} angegeben, wird ein verfügbarer Port automatisch ausgewählt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18526
msgid "Defaults to @samp{4222}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{4222}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18529
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} maybe-number proxy-server-port"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl proxy-server-port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18531
msgid "Spawn a proxy server listening on the specified port."
msgstr "Einen Proxy-Server auf dem angegebenen Port lauschen lassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18046 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18053
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24391 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24435
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24648 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24704
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24878 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24889
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24962 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25687
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25730 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25738
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25746 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25754
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25763 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25771
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25778 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25786
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25794 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25804
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25811 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25835
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25843 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25869
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25878 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25887
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+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25482 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26117
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+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26440 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26461 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26481 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26499 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26519 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29772 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29786 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29800 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29815 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29830 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29844 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29881 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29926 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29957 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29972 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30008 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30022 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30175 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30197 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32946 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32962 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32978
msgid "Defaults to @samp{disabled}."
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert ist @samp{disabled} (d.h.@: deaktiviert)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18536
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opendht-configuration} parameter} maybe-number proxy-server-port-tls"
msgstr "{@code{opendht-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl proxy-server-port-tls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18538
msgid "Spawn a proxy server listening to TLS connections on the specified port."
msgstr "Einen Proxy-Server auf dem angegebenen Port auf TLS-Verbindungen lauschen lassen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18544
#, no-wrap
msgid "Tor"
msgstr "Tor"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18545
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} tor-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} tor-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18550
msgid "This is the type for a service that runs the @uref{https://torproject.org, Tor} anonymous networking daemon. The service is configured using a @code{<tor-configuration>} record. By default, the Tor daemon runs as the @code{tor} unprivileged user, which is a member of the @code{tor} group."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Dienst, der den @uref{https://torproject.org, Tor-Daemon} für anonyme Netzwerkrouten ausführt. Der Dienst benutzt für seine Konfiguration ein @code{<tor-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt. Vorgegeben ist, dass der Tor-Daemon als „unprivilegierter“ Nutzer @code{tor} ausgeführt wird, einem Mitglied der @code{tor}-Benutzergruppe ohne besondere Berechtigungen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18553
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} tor-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} tor-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18555
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tor} (default: @code{tor})"
msgstr "@code{tor} (Vorgabe: @code{tor})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18560
msgid "The package that provides the Tor daemon. This package is expected to provide the daemon at @file{bin/tor} relative to its output directory. The default package is the @uref{https://www.torproject.org, Tor Project's} implementation."
msgstr "Das Paket, das den Tor-Daemon zur Verfügung stellt. Von diesem Paket wird erwartet, dass es den Daemon unter dem Pfad @file{bin/tor} relativ zum Ausgabeverzeichnis verfügbar macht. Das vorgegebene Paket ist die Implementierung des @uref{https://www.torproject.org, Tor-Projekts}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18561
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{(plain-file \"empty\" \"\")})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(plain-file \"empty\" \"\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18567
msgid "The configuration file to use. It will be appended to a default configuration file, and the final configuration file will be passed to @code{tor} via its @code{-f} option. This may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}). See @code{man tor} for details on the configuration file syntax."
msgstr "Die Konfigurationsdatei, die benutzt werden soll. Sie wird an eine vorgegebene Konfigurationsdatei angehängt und die sich daraus ergebende Konfigurationsdatei wird dann an @code{tor} über dessen Befehlszeilenoption @code{-f} übergeben. Hier kann jedes „dateiartige“ Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}) angegeben werden. Siehe @code{man tor} für Details zur Syntax der Konfigurationsdatei."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18568
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hidden-services} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{hidden-services} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18574
msgid "The list of @code{<hidden-service>} records to use. For any hidden service you include in this list, appropriate configuration to enable the hidden service will be automatically added to the default configuration file. You may conveniently create @code{<hidden-service>} records using the @code{tor-hidden-service} procedure described below."
msgstr "Die Liste der zu benutzenden „versteckten Dienste“ als @code{<hidden-service>}-Verbundsobjekte. Für jeden versteckten Dienst, den Sie in dieser Liste eintragen, werden automatisch entsprechende Einstellungen zur vorgefertigten Konfigurationsdatei hinzugefügt. Sie können @code{<hidden-service>}-Verbundsobjekte bequem mit der unten beschriebenen Prozedur @code{tor-hidden-service} erzeugen lassen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18575
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socks-socket-type} (default: @code{'tcp})"
msgstr "@code{socks-socket-type} (Vorgabe: @code{'tcp})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18582
msgid "The default socket type that Tor should use for its SOCKS socket. This must be either @code{'tcp} or @code{'unix}. If it is @code{'tcp}, then by default Tor will listen on TCP port 9050 on the loopback interface (i.e., localhost). If it is @code{'unix}, then Tor will listen on the UNIX domain socket @file{/var/run/tor/socks-sock}, which will be made writable by members of the @code{tor} group."
msgstr "Welche Art von Socket Tor für seinen SOCKS-Socket in der Voreinstellung benutzen soll. Dafür muss entweder @code{'tcp} oder @code{'unix} angegeben werden. Für @code{'tcp} wird Tor nach Voreinstellung auf dem TCP-Port 9050 auf der loopback-Schnittstelle (d.h.@: localhost) lauschen. Für @code{'unix} wird Tor auf dem UNIX-Socket @file{/var/run/tor/socks-sock} lauschen, auf den Mitglieder der @code{tor}-Benutzergruppe Schreibberechtigung erhalten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18587
msgid "If you want to customize the SOCKS socket in more detail, leave @code{socks-socket-type} at its default value of @code{'tcp} and use @code{config-file} to override the default by providing your own @code{SocksPort} option."
msgstr "Wenn Sie detailliertere Anpassungen am SOCKS-Socket vornehmen wollen, belassen Sie @code{socks-socket-type} bei seinem vorgegebenen Wert @code{'tcp} und benutzen Sie @code{config-file}, um diese Voreinstellung mit Ihrer eigenen @code{SocksPort}-Option zu überspielen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18588
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{control-socket?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{control-socket?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18594
msgid "Whether or not to provide a ``control socket'' by which Tor can be controlled to, for instance, dynamically instantiate tor onion services. If @code{#t}, Tor will listen for control commands on the UNIX domain socket @file{/var/run/tor/control-sock}, which will be made writable by members of the @code{tor} group."
msgstr "Ob ein „Steuerungs-Socket“ bereitgestellt werden soll, über den Tor angesteuert werden kann, um zum Beispiel Onion-Dienste zur Laufzeit zu instanziieren. Wird hier @code{#t} angegeben, nimmt Tor Steuerungsbefehle auf dem Unix-Socket @file{/var/run/tor/control-sock} entgegen, auf den Mitglieder der @code{tor}-Benutzergruppe Schreibzugriff bekommen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18598
#, no-wrap
msgid "hidden service"
msgstr "versteckter Dienst"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18599
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} tor-hidden-service @var{name} @var{mapping}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} tor-hidden-service @var{Name} @var{Zuordnung}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18602
msgid "Define a new Tor @dfn{hidden service} called @var{name} and implementing @var{mapping}. @var{mapping} is a list of port/host tuples, such as:"
msgstr "Hiermit wird ein neuer @dfn{versteckter Dienst} von Tor mit diesem @var{Name}n definiert, der die @var{Zuordnung} herstellt. Die @var{Zuordnung} ist eine Liste von Port-/Rechner-Tupeln wie hier:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18606
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" '((22 \"\")\n"
@@ -33491,43 +34381,43 @@ msgstr ""
" (80 \"\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18610
msgid "In this example, port 22 of the hidden service is mapped to local port 22, and port 80 is mapped to local port 8080."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel wird Port 22 des versteckten Dienstes an den ihm zugeordneten lokalen Port 22 weitergeleitet und Port 80 wird an den lokalen Port 8080 weitergeleitet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18614
msgid "This creates a @file{/var/lib/tor/hidden-services/@var{name}} directory, where the @file{hostname} file contains the @code{.onion} host name for the hidden service."
msgstr "Dadurch wird ein Verzeichnis @file{/var/lib/tor/hidden-services/@var{Name}} erstellt, worin sich in der Datei @file{hostname} der @code{.onion}-Rechnername („Host“-Name) des versteckten Dienstes befindet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18617
msgid "See @uref{https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.en, the Tor project's documentation} for more information."
msgstr "Siehe @uref{https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-hidden-service.html.en, die Dokumentation des Tor-Projekts} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18620
msgid "The @code{(gnu services rsync)} module provides the following services:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services rsync)} bietet die folgenden Dienste an:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18624
msgid "You might want an rsync daemon if you have files that you want available so anyone (or just yourself) can download existing files or upload new files."
msgstr "Sie könnten einen rsync-Daemon einsetzen wollen, um Dateien verfügbar zu machen, damit jeder (oder nur Sie) bestehende Dateien herunterladen oder neue Dateien hochladen kann."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18625
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} rsync-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} rsync-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18629
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://rsync.samba.org, rsync} daemon, The value for this service type is a @command{rsync-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://rsync.samba.org, rsync-Daemon}, er benutzt ein @command{rsync-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18642
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Export two directories over rsync. By default rsync listens on\n"
@@ -33555,236 +34445,236 @@ msgstr ""
" (file-name \"/home/charlie/filme\"))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18645
msgid "See below for details about @code{rsync-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe unten für Details zur @code{rsync-configuration}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18647
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} rsync-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} rsync-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18649
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{rsync-service}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration für den @code{rsync-service} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18651
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{rsync})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{rsync})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18653
msgid "@code{rsync} package to use."
msgstr "Zu benutzendes @code{rsync}-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18167 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18654 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31945
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{address} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{address} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18657
msgid "IP address on which @command{rsync} listens for incoming connections. If unspecified, it defaults to listening on all available addresses."
msgstr "Auf welcher IP-Adresse @command{rsync} auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht. Wird nichts angegeben, wird auf allen verfügbaren Adressen gelauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18658
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port-number} (default: @code{873})"
msgstr "@code{port-number} (Vorgabe: @code{873})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18662
msgid "TCP port on which @command{rsync} listens for incoming connections. If port is less than @code{1024} @command{rsync} needs to be started as the @code{root} user and group."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem @command{rsync} auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht. Wenn die Portnummer kleiner als @code{1024} ist, muss @command{rsync} als Administratornutzer @code{root} und auch mit dieser Benutzergruppe gestartet werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18663
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.pid\"})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.pid\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18665
msgid "Name of the file where @command{rsync} writes its PID."
msgstr "Der Name der Datei, in die @command{rsync} seine PID schreibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18666
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{lock-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock\"})"
msgstr "@code{lock-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18668
msgid "Name of the file where @command{rsync} writes its lock file."
msgstr "Der Name der Datei, die @command{rsync} als seine Sperrdatei verwendet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18669
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/rsyncd.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/rsyncd.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18671
msgid "Name of the file where @command{rsync} writes its log file."
msgstr "Der Name der Datei, in die @command{rsync} seine Protokolle schreibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18185 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18672 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36176
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"root\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"root\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18674
msgid "Owner of the @code{rsync} process."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, dem der @code{rsync}-Prozess gehören soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18675
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"root\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"root\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18677
msgid "Group of the @code{rsync} process."
msgstr "Die Benutzergruppe des @code{rsync}-Prozesses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18678
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{uid} (default: @code{\"rsyncd\"})"
msgstr "@code{uid} (Vorgabe: @code{\"rsyncd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18194
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18681
msgid "User name or user ID that file transfers to and from that module should take place as when the daemon was run as @code{root}."
msgstr "Der Benutzername oder der Benutzeridentifikator (d.h.@: die „User-ID“), mit dem Dateiübertragungen zum und vom Modul stattfinden sollen, wenn der Daemon als Administratornutzer @code{root} läuft."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18682
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gid} (default: @code{\"rsyncd\"})"
msgstr "@code{gid} (Vorgabe: @code{\"rsyncd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18197 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18684 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19163
msgid "Group name or group ID that will be used when accessing the module."
msgstr "Benutzergruppenname oder Gruppenidentifikator („Group-ID“), mit dem auf das Modul zugegriffen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18198 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18685 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36982
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{modules} (default: @code{%default-modules})"
msgstr "@code{modules} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-modules})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18688
msgid "List of ``modules''---i.e., directories exported over rsync. Each element must be a @code{rsync-module} record, as described below."
msgstr "Liste von „Modulen“@tie{}— d.h.@: Verzeichnissen, die mit rsync exportiert werden. Jedes Element muss ein @code{rsync-module}-Verbund sein, wie nun beschrieben wird."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18691
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} rsync-module"
msgstr "{Datentyp} rsync-module"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18694
msgid "This is the data type for rsync ``modules''. A module is a directory exported over the rsync protocol. The available fields are as follows:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp für rsync-„Module“. Ein Modul ist ein Verzeichnis, das über das rsync-Protokoll exportiert wird. Die verfügbaren Felder sind wie folgt:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18700
msgid "The module name. This is the name that shows up in URLs. For example, if the module is called @code{music}, the corresponding URL will be @code{rsync://host.example.org/music}."
msgstr "Der Modulname. Dieser ist der Name, der in URLs benutzt wird. Zum Beispiel, wenn das Modul @code{musik} heißt, wird die entsprechende URL @code{rsync://host.example.org/musik} sein."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18701
#, no-wrap
msgid "file-name"
msgstr "file-name"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18703
msgid "Name of the directory being exported."
msgstr "Der Name des Verzeichnisses, das exportiert wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18707
msgid "Comment associated with the module. Client user interfaces may display it when they obtain the list of available modules."
msgstr "Kommentar, der mit dem Modul verbunden ist. Clientbenutzerschnittstellen dürfen das anzeigen, wenn sie die Liste der verfügbaren Module bekommen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18708
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{read-only?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{read-only?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18712
msgid "Whether or not client will be able to upload files. If this is false, the uploads will be authorized if permissions on the daemon side permit it."
msgstr "Ob der Client Dateien hochladen können soll. Wenn dies falsch ist, wird das Hochladen autorisiert werden, wenn die Berechtigungen dort, wo der Daemon läuft, es erlauben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18713
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{chroot?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{chroot?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18717
msgid "When this is true, the rsync daemon changes root to the module's directory before starting file transfers with the client. This improves security, but requires rsync to run as root."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr steht, wechselt der rsync-Daemon das Wurzelverzeichnis in das Verzeichnis des Moduls, bevor er Dateiübertragungen mit dem Client unternimmt. Das ist besser für die Sicherheit, aber es geht nur, wenn rsync als Administratornutzer root läuft."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18718
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{timeout} (default: @code{300})"
msgstr "@code{timeout} (Vorgabe: @code{300})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18721
msgid "Idle time in seconds after which the daemon closes a connection with the client."
msgstr "Wie viele Sekunden ein Prozess untätig bleiben darf, bis eine Verbindung zum Client getrennt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18725
msgid "The @code{(gnu services syncthing)} module provides the following services:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services syncthing)} bietet die folgenden Dienste an:"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18725
#, no-wrap
msgid "syncthing"
msgstr "syncthing"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18730
msgid "You might want a syncthing daemon if you have files between two or more computers and want to sync them in real time, safely protected from prying eyes."
msgstr "Sie könnten einen syncthing-Daemon benutzen wollen, wenn Sie Dateien auf zwei oder mehr Rechnern haben und diese in Echtzeit synchronisieren wollen, geschützt vor neugierigen Blicken."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18731
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} syncthing-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} syncthing-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18735
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://syncthing.net/, syncthing} daemon, The value for this service type is a @command{syncthing-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://syncthing.net/, syncthing-Daemon}, er benutzt ein @command{syncthing-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18739
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service syncthing-service-type\n"
@@ -33794,160 +34684,160 @@ msgstr ""
" (syncthing-configuration (user \"alice\")))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18742
msgid "See below for details about @code{syncthing-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe unten für Details zur @code{syncthing-configuration}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18743
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} syncthing-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} syncthing-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18745
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{syncthing-service-type}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration für den @code{syncthing-service-type} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18747
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{syncthing} (default: @var{syncthing})"
msgstr "@code{syncthing} (Vorgabe: @var{syncthing})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18749
msgid "@code{syncthing} package to use."
msgstr "Zu benutzendes @code{syncthing}-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18750
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{arguments} (default: @var{'()})"
msgstr "@code{arguments} (Vorgabe: @var{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18752
msgid "List of command-line arguments passing to @code{syncthing} binary."
msgstr "Liste der Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an das @code{syncthing}-Programm übergeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18753
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{logflags} (default: @var{0})"
msgstr "@code{logflags} (Vorgabe: @var{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18756
msgid "Sum of logging flags, see @uref{https://docs.syncthing.net/users/syncthing.html#cmdoption-logflags, Syncthing documentation logflags}."
msgstr "Die Summe aus den Protokollierungsoptionen, siehe die @uref{https://docs.syncthing.net/users/syncthing.html#cmdoption-logflags, Dokumentation von Syncthing zu logflags}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18757
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18760
msgid "The user as which the Syncthing service is to be run. This assumes that the specified user exists."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem der Syncthing-Dienst ausgeführt wird. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass der angegebene Benutzer existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18761
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @var{\"users\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @var{\"users\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18764
msgid "The group as which the Syncthing service is to be run. This assumes that the specified group exists."
msgstr "Die Gruppe, mit der der Syncthing-Dienst ausgeführt wird. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass die angegebene Gruppe existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18765
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{home} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{home} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18768
msgid "Common configuration and data directory. The default configuration directory is @file{$HOME} of the specified Syncthing @code{user}."
msgstr "Das gemeinsame Verzeichnis für sowohl Konfiguration als auch Daten. In der Vorgabeeinstellung würde das in @file{$HOME} gespeicherte Verzeichnis das Konfigurationsverzeichnis des mit @code{user} festgelegten Syncthing-Nutzers."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18774
msgid "Furthermore, @code{(gnu services ssh)} provides the following services."
msgstr "Des Weiteren bietet das Modul @code{(gnu services ssh)} die folgenden Dienste an."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18287 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18326
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18774 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36319
#, no-wrap
msgid "SSH"
msgstr "SSH"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18327
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18775 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36320
#, no-wrap
msgid "SSH server"
msgstr "SSH-Server"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18777
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lsh-service [#:host-key \"/etc/lsh/host-key\"] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lsh-service [#:host-key \"/etc/lsh/host-key\"] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18786
msgid "[#:daemonic? #t] [#:interfaces '()] [#:port-number 22] @ [#:allow-empty-passwords? #f] [#:root-login? #f] @ [#:syslog-output? #t] [#:x11-forwarding? #t] @ [#:tcp/ip-forwarding? #t] [#:password-authentication? #t] @ [#:public-key-authentication? #t] [#:initialize? #t] Run the @command{lshd} program from @var{lsh} to listen on port @var{port-number}. @var{host-key} must designate a file containing the host key, and readable only by root."
msgstr "[#:daemonic? #t] [#:interfaces '()] [#:port-number 22] @ [#:allow-empty-passwords? #f] [#:root-login? #f] @ [#:syslog-output? #t] [#:x11-forwarding? #t] @ [#:tcp/ip-forwarding? #t] [#:password-authentication? #t] @ [#:public-key-authentication? #t] [#:initialize? #t] Das @command{lshd}-Programm auf dem @var{lsh}-Paket so ausführen, dass es auf dem Port mit Portnummer @var{port-number} lauscht. @var{host-key} muss eine Datei angeben, die den Rechnerschlüssel enthält, die nur für den Administratornutzer lesbar sein darf."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18792
msgid "When @var{daemonic?} is true, @command{lshd} will detach from the controlling terminal and log its output to syslogd, unless one sets @var{syslog-output?} to false. Obviously, it also makes lsh-service depend on existence of syslogd service. When @var{pid-file?} is true, @command{lshd} writes its PID to the file called @var{pid-file}."
msgstr "Wenn @var{daemonic?} wahr ist, entkoppelt sich @command{lshd} vom Terminal, auf dem er läuft, und schickt seine Protokolle an syslogd, außer @var{syslog-output?} ist auf falsch gesetzt. Selbstverständlich hängt der lsh-service dann auch von der Existenz eines syslogd-Dienstes ab. Wenn @var{pid-file?} wahr ist, schreibt @command{lshd} seine PID in die Datei namens @var{pid-file}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18796
msgid "When @var{initialize?} is true, automatically create the seed and host key upon service activation if they do not exist yet. This may take long and require interaction."
msgstr "Wenn @var{initialize?} wahr ist, wird der Startwert zur Verschlüsselung ebenso wie der Rechnerschlüssel bei der Dienstaktivierung erstellt, falls sie noch nicht existieren. Das kann lange dauern und Anwenderinteraktion kann dabei erforderlich sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18801
msgid "When @var{initialize?} is false, it is up to the user to initialize the randomness generator (@pxref{lsh-make-seed,,, lsh, LSH Manual}), and to create a key pair with the private key stored in file @var{host-key} (@pxref{lshd basics,,, lsh, LSH Manual})."
msgstr "Wenn @var{initialize?} falsch ist, bleibt es dem Nutzer überlassen, den Zufallsgenerator zu initialisieren (siehe @ref{lsh-make-seed,,, lsh, LSH Manual}) und ein Schlüsselpaar zu erzeugen, dessen privater Schlüssel in der mit @var{host-key} angegebenen Datei steht (siehe @ref{lshd basics,,, lsh, LSH Manual})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18805
msgid "When @var{interfaces} is empty, lshd listens for connections on all the network interfaces; otherwise, @var{interfaces} must be a list of host names or addresses."
msgstr "Wenn @var{interfaces} leer ist, lauscht lshd an allen Netzwerkschnittstellen auf Verbindungen, andernfalls muss @var{interfaces} eine Liste von Rechnernamen („Host“-Namen) oder Adressen bezeichnen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18809
msgid "@var{allow-empty-passwords?} specifies whether to accept log-ins with empty passwords, and @var{root-login?} specifies whether to accept log-ins as root."
msgstr "@var{allow-empty-passwords?} gibt an, ob Anmeldungen mit leeren Passwörtern akzeptiert werden sollen, und @var{root-login?} gibt an, ob Anmeldungen als Administratornutzer „root“ akzeptiert werden sollen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18811
msgid "The other options should be self-descriptive."
msgstr "Die anderen Felder sollten selbsterklärend sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18815
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} openssh-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} openssh-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18819
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{http://www.openssh.org, OpenSSH} secure shell daemon, @command{sshd}. Its value must be an @code{openssh-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{http://www.openssh.org, OpenSSH-Secure-Shell-Daemon}, @command{sshd}. Sein Wert muss ein @code{openssh-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18828
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service openssh-service-type\n"
@@ -33967,17 +34857,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"bob\" ,(local-file \"bob.pub\"))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18831
msgid "See below for details about @code{openssh-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe unten für Details zur @code{openssh-configuration}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18834
msgid "This service can be extended with extra authorized keys, as in this example:"
msgstr "Dieser Dienst kann mit weiteren autorisierten Schlüsseln erweitert werden, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18839
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service-extension openssh-service-type\n"
@@ -33989,203 +34879,203 @@ msgstr ""
" ,(local-file \"charlie.pub\")))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18842
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} openssh-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} openssh-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18844
msgid "This is the configuration record for OpenSSH's @command{sshd}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Verbundstyp für die Konfiguration von OpenSSHs @command{sshd}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18846
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{openssh} (default @var{openssh})"
msgstr "@code{openssh} (Vorgabe: @var{openssh})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18848
msgid "The Openssh package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende OpenSSH-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18849
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/sshd.pid\"})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/sshd.pid\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18851
msgid "Name of the file where @command{sshd} writes its PID."
msgstr "Der Name der Datei, in die @command{sshd} seine PID schreibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18852
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port-number} (default: @code{22})"
msgstr "@code{port-number} (Vorgabe: @code{22})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18854
msgid "TCP port on which @command{sshd} listens for incoming connections."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem @command{sshd} auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18855
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{permit-root-login} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{permit-root-login} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18860
msgid "This field determines whether and when to allow logins as root. If @code{#f}, root logins are disallowed; if @code{#t}, they are allowed. If it's the symbol @code{'prohibit-password}, then root logins are permitted but not with password-based authentication."
msgstr "Dieses Feld bestimmt, ob und wann Anmeldungen als Administratornutzer „root“ erlaubt sind. Wenn es @code{#f} ist, sind Anmeldungen als Administrator gesperrt, bei @code{#t} sind sie erlaubt. Wird hier das Symbol @code{'prohibit-password} angegeben, dann sind Anmeldungen als Administrator erlaubt, aber nur, wenn keine passwortbasierte Authentifizierung verwendet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18374 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18861 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19022
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-empty-passwords?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{allow-empty-passwords?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18864
msgid "When true, users with empty passwords may log in. When false, they may not."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr gesetzt ist, können sich Nutzer, deren Passwort leer ist, anmelden. Ist es falsch, können sie es nicht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18378 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18865 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19025
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{password-authentication?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{password-authentication?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18868
msgid "When true, users may log in with their password. When false, they have other authentication methods."
msgstr "Wenn dies wahr ist, können sich Benutzer mit ihrem Passwort anmelden. Wenn es falsch ist, müssen sie andere Authentisierungsmethoden benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18869
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{public-key-authentication?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{public-key-authentication?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18872
msgid "When true, users may log in using public key authentication. When false, users have to use other authentication method."
msgstr "Wenn dies wahr ist, können Benutzer zur Anmeldung mit ihrem öffentlichen Schlüssel authentifiziert werden. Wenn es falsch ist, müssen sie andere Authentisierungsmethoden benutzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18875
msgid "Authorized public keys are stored in @file{~/.ssh/authorized_keys}. This is used only by protocol version 2."
msgstr "Autorisierte öffentliche Schlüssel werden in @file{~/.ssh/authorized_keys} gespeichert. Dies wird nur für Protokollversion 2 benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18876
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{x11-forwarding?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{x11-forwarding?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18880
msgid "When true, forwarding of X11 graphical client connections is enabled---in other words, @command{ssh} options @option{-X} and @option{-Y} will work."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr gesetzt ist, ist das Weiterleiten von Verbindungen an grafische X11-Clients erlaubt@tie{}— mit anderen Worten funktionieren dann die @command{ssh}-Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{-X} und @option{-Y}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18881
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-agent-forwarding?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{allow-agent-forwarding?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18883
msgid "Whether to allow agent forwarding."
msgstr "Ob Weiterleitung an den SSH-Agenten zugelassen werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18884
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-tcp-forwarding?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{allow-tcp-forwarding?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18886
msgid "Whether to allow TCP forwarding."
msgstr "Ob Weiterleitung von TCP-Kommunikation zugelassen werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18887
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gateway-ports?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{gateway-ports?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18889
msgid "Whether to allow gateway ports."
msgstr "Ob Ports als Zugang für eingehende Verbindungen („Gateway-Ports“) weitergeleitet werden dürfen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18890
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{challenge-response-authentication?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{challenge-response-authentication?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18893
msgid "Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed (e.g.@: via PAM)."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob „Challenge-Response“-Authentifizierung zugelassen wird (z.B.@: über PAM)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18894
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{use-pam?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{use-pam?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18900
msgid "Enables the Pluggable Authentication Module interface. If set to @code{#t}, this will enable PAM authentication using @code{challenge-response-authentication?} and @code{password-authentication?}, in addition to PAM account and session module processing for all authentication types."
msgstr "Aktiviert die Pluggable-Authentication-Module-Schnittstelle. Wenn es auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird dadurch PAM-Authentisierung über @code{challenge-response-authentication?} und @code{password-authentication?} aktiviert, zusätzlich zur Verarbeitung von PAM-Konten und Sitzungsmodulen für alle Authentisierungsarten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18905
msgid "Because PAM challenge response authentication usually serves an equivalent role to password authentication, you should disable either @code{challenge-response-authentication?} or @code{password-authentication?}."
msgstr "Weil PAM-Challenge-Response-Authentisierung oft für dieselben Zwecke wie Passwortauthentisierung eingesetzt wird, sollten Sie entweder @code{challenge-response-authentication?} oder @code{password-authentication?} deaktivieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18906
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{print-last-log?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{print-last-log?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18909
msgid "Specifies whether @command{sshd} should print the date and time of the last user login when a user logs in interactively."
msgstr "Hiermit wird angegeben, ob @command{sshd} Datum und Uhrzeit der letzten Anmeldung anzeigen soll, wenn sich ein Benutzer interaktiv anmeldet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18910
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{subsystems} (default: @code{'((\"sftp\" \"internal-sftp\"))})"
msgstr "@code{subsystems} (Vorgabe: @code{'((\"sftp\" \"internal-sftp\"))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18912
msgid "Configures external subsystems (e.g.@: file transfer daemon)."
msgstr "Hiermit werden externe Subsysteme konfiguriert (z.B.@: ein Dateiübertragungsdaemon)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18916
msgid "This is a list of two-element lists, each of which containing the subsystem name and a command (with optional arguments) to execute upon subsystem request."
msgstr "Diese werden als Liste von zweielementigen Listen angegeben, von denen jede den Namen des Subsystems und einen Befehl (mit optionalen Befehlszeilenargumenten) benennt, der bei einer Anfrage an das Subsystem ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18919
msgid "The command @command{internal-sftp} implements an in-process SFTP server. Alternatively, one can specify the @command{sftp-server} command:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{internal-sftp} implementiert einen SFTP-Server im selben Prozess. Alternativ kann man den @command{sftp-server}-Befehl angeben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18924
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service openssh-service-type\n"
@@ -34199,28 +35089,28 @@ msgstr ""
" `((\"sftp\" ,(file-append openssh \"/libexec/sftp-server\"))))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18926
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{accepted-environment} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{accepted-environment} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18928
msgid "List of strings describing which environment variables may be exported."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Zeichenketten, die die Umgebungsvariablen benennen, die exportiert werden dürfen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18931
msgid "Each string gets on its own line. See the @code{AcceptEnv} option in @code{man sshd_config}."
msgstr "Jede Zeichenkette wird zu einer eigenen Zeile in der Konfigurationsdatei. Siehe die Option @code{AcceptEnv} in @code{man sshd_config}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18936
msgid "This example allows ssh-clients to export the @env{COLORTERM} variable. It is set by terminal emulators, which support colors. You can use it in your shell's resource file to enable colors for the prompt and commands if this variable is set."
msgstr "Mit diesem Beispiel können SSH-Clients die Umgebungsvariable @env{COLORTERM} exportieren. Sie wird von Terminal-Emulatoren gesetzt, die Farben unterstützen. Sie können Sie in der Ressourcendatei Ihrer Shell benutzen, um Farben in der Eingabeaufforderung und in Befehlen zu aktivieren, wenn diese Variable gesetzt ist."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18941
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service openssh-service-type\n"
@@ -34232,30 +35122,30 @@ msgstr ""
" (accepted-environment '(\"COLORTERM\"))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18943
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{authorized-keys} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{authorized-keys} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18944
#, no-wrap
msgid "authorized keys, SSH"
msgstr "Autorisierte Schlüssel, SSH"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18945
#, no-wrap
msgid "SSH authorized keys"
msgstr "SSH, autorisierte Schlüssel"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18949
msgid "This is the list of authorized keys. Each element of the list is a user name followed by one or more file-like objects that represent SSH public keys. For example:"
msgstr "Dies ist die Liste der autorisierten Schlüssel. Jedes Element der Liste ist ein Benutzername gefolgt von einem oder mehr dateiartigen Objekten, die öffentliche SSH-Schlüssel repräsentieren. Zum Beispiel werden mit"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18956
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -34271,45 +35161,45 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"root\" ,(local-file \"rekado.pub\") ,(local-file \"chris.pub\")))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18961
msgid "registers the specified public keys for user accounts @code{rekado}, @code{chris}, and @code{root}."
msgstr "die angegebenen öffentlichen Schlüssel für die Benutzerkonten @code{rekado}, @code{chris} und @code{root} registriert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18964
msgid "Additional authorized keys can be specified @i{via} @code{service-extension}."
msgstr "Weitere autorisierte Schlüssel können als @code{service-extension} hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18967
msgid "Note that this does @emph{not} interfere with the use of @file{~/.ssh/authorized_keys}."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass das hier neben @file{~/.ssh/authorized_keys} @emph{ohne} sich zu stören benutzt werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18481 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18968 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19399
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-level} (default: @code{'info})"
msgstr "@code{log-level} (Vorgabe: @code{'info})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18972
msgid "This is a symbol specifying the logging level: @code{quiet}, @code{fatal}, @code{error}, @code{info}, @code{verbose}, @code{debug}, etc. See the man page for @file{sshd_config} for the full list of level names."
msgstr "Dieses Symbol gibt die Stufe der Protokollierung an: @code{quiet} (schweigsam), @code{fatal}, @code{error}, @code{info}, @code{verbose} (ausführlich), @code{debug} (Fehlersuche) etc. Siehe die Handbuchseite für @file{sshd_config} für die vollständige Liste der Stufenbezeichnungen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18486 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21328
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18973 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26899
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-content} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{extra-content} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18978
msgid "This field can be used to append arbitrary text to the configuration file. It is especially useful for elaborate configurations that cannot be expressed otherwise. This configuration, for example, would generally disable root logins, but permit them from one specific IP address:"
msgstr "Dieses Feld kann benutzt werden, um beliebigen Text an die Konfigurationsdatei anzuhängen. Es ist besonders bei ausgeklügelten Konfigurationen nützlich, die anders nicht ausgedrückt werden können. Zum Beispiel würden mit dieser Konfiguration Anmeldungen als Administratornutzer „root“ grundsätzlich untersagt, lediglich für eine bestimmte IP-Adresse wären sie zugelassen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18984
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -34323,23 +35213,23 @@ msgstr ""
" PermitRootLogin yes\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18989
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} dropbear-service [@var{config}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} dropbear-service [@var{Konfiguration}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18993
msgid "Run the @uref{https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html,Dropbear SSH daemon} with the given @var{config}, a @code{<dropbear-configuration>} object."
msgstr "Den @uref{https://matt.ucc.asn.au/dropbear/dropbear.html,Dropbear-SSH-Daemon} mit der angegebenen @var{Konfiguration} ausführen, einem @code{<dropbear-configuration>}-Objekt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18996
msgid "For example, to specify a Dropbear service listening on port 1234, add this call to the operating system's @code{services} field:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie zum Beispiel einen Dropbear-Dienst angeben möchten, der auf Port 1234 lauscht, dann fügen Sie diesen Aufruf ins @code{services}-Feld des Betriebssystems ein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19000
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(dropbear-service (dropbear-configuration\n"
@@ -34349,110 +35239,110 @@ msgstr ""
" (port-number 1234)))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19003
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} dropbear-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} dropbear-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19005
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of a Dropbear SSH daemon."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration eines Dropbear-SSH-Daemons."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19007
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dropbear} (default: @var{dropbear})"
msgstr "@code{dropbear} (Vorgabe: @var{dropbear})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19009
msgid "The Dropbear package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende Dropbear-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19010
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port-number} (default: 22)"
msgstr "@code{port-number} (Vorgabe: 22)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19012
msgid "The TCP port where the daemon waits for incoming connections."
msgstr "Die Portnummer des TCP-Ports, auf dem der Daemon auf eingehende Verbindungen wartet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19013
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{syslog-output?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{syslog-output?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19015
msgid "Whether to enable syslog output."
msgstr "Ob eine Ausgabe für Syslog aktiviert sein soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19016
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/dropbear.pid\"})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/dropbear.pid\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19018
msgid "File name of the daemon's PID file."
msgstr "Der Dateiname der PID-Datei des Daemons."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19019
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{root-login?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{root-login?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19021
msgid "Whether to allow @code{root} logins."
msgstr "Ob Anmeldungen als Administratornutzer @code{root} möglich sein sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19024
msgid "Whether to allow empty passwords."
msgstr "Ob leere Passwörter zugelassen sein sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19027
msgid "Whether to enable password-based authentication."
msgstr "Ob passwortbasierte Authentisierung zugelassen sein soll."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19030
#, no-wrap
msgid "AutoSSH"
msgstr "AutoSSH"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19031
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} autossh-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} autossh-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19039
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://www.harding.motd.ca/autossh, AutoSSH} program that runs a copy of @command{ssh} and monitors it, restarting it as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic. AutoSSH can be run manually from the command-line by passing arguments to the binary @command{autossh} from the package @code{autossh}, but it can also be run as a Guix service. This latter use case is documented here."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für das @uref{https://www.harding.motd.ca/autossh, AutoSSH-Programm}, das eine Kopie von @command{ssh} ausführt und diese überwacht. Bei Bedarf wird sie neugestartet, für den Fall, dass sie abstürzt oder keine Kommunikation mehr verarbeitet. AutoSSH kann von Hand aus der Befehlszeile heraus aufgerufen werden, indem man Argumente an die Binärdatei @command{autossh} aus dem Paket @code{autossh} übergibt, aber es kann auch als ein Guix-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Letzteres wird hier beschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19043
msgid "AutoSSH can be used to forward local traffic to a remote machine using an SSH tunnel, and it respects the @file{~/.ssh/config} of the user it is run as."
msgstr "AutoSSH kann benutzt werden, um an den lokalen Rechner gerichtete Kommunikation an eine entfernte Maschine über einen SSH-Tunnel weiterzuleiten. Dabei gilt die @file{~/.ssh/config}-Datei des AutoSSH ausführenden Benutzers."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19048
msgid "For example, to specify a service running autossh as the user @code{pino} and forwarding all local connections to port @code{8081} to @code{remote:8081} using an SSH tunnel, add this call to the operating system's @code{services} field:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel einen Dienst anzugeben, der autossh mit dem Benutzerkonto @code{pino} ausführt und alle lokalen Verbindungen auf Port @code{8081} an @code{entfernt:8081} über einen SSH-Tunnel durchzureichen, fügen Sie folgenden Aufruf in das @code{services}-Feld des Betriebssystems ein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19054
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service autossh-service-type\n"
@@ -34466,139 +35356,139 @@ msgstr ""
" (ssh-options (list \"-T\" \"-N\" \"-L\" \"8081:localhost:8081\" \"entfernt.net\"))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19057
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} autossh-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} autossh-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19059
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of an AutoSSH service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des AutoSSH-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19062
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default @code{\"autossh\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"autossh\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19065
msgid "The user as which the AutoSSH service is to be run. This assumes that the specified user exists."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem der AutoSSH-Dienst ausgeführt wird. Es wird vorausgesetzt, dass der angegebene Benutzer existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19066
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{poll} (default @code{600})"
msgstr "@code{poll} (Vorgabe: @code{600})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19068
msgid "Specifies the connection poll time in seconds."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie oft die Verbindung geprüft wird („Poll Time“), in Sekunden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19069
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{first-poll} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{first-poll} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19075
msgid "Specifies how many seconds AutoSSH waits before the first connection test. After this first test, polling is resumed at the pace defined in @code{poll}. When set to @code{#f}, the first poll is not treated specially and will also use the connection poll specified in @code{poll}."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie viele Sekunden AutoSSH vor der ersten Verbindungsprüfung abwartet. Nach dieser ersten Prüfung werden weitere Prüfungen mit der in @code{poll} angegebenen Regelmäßigkeit durchgeführt. Wenn dies auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, erfährt die erste Verbindungsprüfung keine Sonderbehandlung, sondern benutzt die gleichen Zeitabstände, die auch mit @code{poll} festgelegt wurden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19076
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gate-time} (default @code{30})"
msgstr "@code{gate-time} (Vorgabe: @code{30})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19079
msgid "Specifies how many seconds an SSH connection must be active before it is considered successful."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie viele Sekunden lang eine SSH-Verbindung aktiv sein muss, bis sie als erfolgreich angesehen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19080
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-level} (default @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{log-level} (Vorgabe: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19083
msgid "The log level, corresponding to the levels used by syslog---so @code{0} is the most silent while @code{7} is the chattiest."
msgstr "Die Protokollierungsstufe. Sie entspricht den bei Syslog verwendeten Stufen, d.h.@: @code{0} verschweigt die meisten Ausgaben, während @code{7} die gesprächigste Stufe ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19084
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-start} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{max-start} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19087
msgid "The maximum number of times SSH may be (re)started before AutoSSH exits. When set to @code{#f}, no maximum is configured and AutoSSH may restart indefinitely."
msgstr "Wie oft SSH (neu) gestartet werden darf, bevor AutoSSH aufgibt und sich beendet. Steht dies auf @code{#f}, gibt es keine Begrenzung und AutoSSH kann endlos neu starten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19088
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{message} (default @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{message} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19090
msgid "The message to append to the echo message sent when testing connections."
msgstr "Welche Nachricht beim Prüfen von Verbindungen an die zurückkommende Echo-Nachricht angehängt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19091
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default @code{\"0\"})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{\"0\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19101
msgid "The ports used for monitoring the connection. When set to @code{\"0\"}, monitoring is disabled. When set to @code{\"@var{n}\"} where @var{n} is a positive integer, ports @var{n} and @var{n}+1 are used for monitoring the connection, such that port @var{n} is the base monitoring port and @code{n+1} is the echo port. When set to @code{\"@var{n}:@var{m}\"} where @var{n} and @var{m} are positive integers, the ports @var{n} and @var{m} are used for monitoring the connection, such that port @var{n} is the base monitoring port and @var{m} is the echo port."
msgstr "Welche Ports zum Überprüfen der Verbindung benutzt werden. Steht dies auf @code{\"0\"}, werden keine Überprüfungen durchgeführt. Steht es auf @code{\"@var{n}\"} für eine positive ganze Zahl @var{n}, werden die Ports @var{n} und @var{n}+1 zum Überwachen der Verbindung eingesetzt, wobei auf Port @var{n} Daten dafür gesendet werden und Port @code{n+1} deren Echo empfangen soll. Steht es auf @code{\"@var{n}:@var{m}\"} für positive ganze Zahlen @var{n} und @var{m}, werden Ports @var{n} und @var{m} zur Überprüfung eingesetzt, wozu Port @var{n} zum Senden der Prüfdaten eingesetzt wird und Port @var{m} das Echo empfängt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19102
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssh-options} (default @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{ssh-options} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19106
msgid "The list of command-line arguments to pass to @command{ssh} when it is run. Options @option{-f} and @option{-M} are reserved for AutoSSH and may cause undefined behaviour."
msgstr "Die Liste der Befehlszeilenargumente, die an @command{ssh} weitergegeben werden sollen, wenn es ausgeführt wird. Die Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{-f} und @option{-M} sind AutoSSH vorbehalten; sie anzugeben, führt zu undefiniertem Verhalten."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19110
#, no-wrap
msgid "WebSSH"
msgstr "WebSSH"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19111
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} webssh-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} webssh-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19117
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://webssh.huashengdun.org/, WebSSH} program that runs a web SSH client. WebSSH can be run manually from the command-line by passing arguments to the binary @command{wssh} from the package @code{webssh}, but it can also be run as a Guix service. This latter use case is documented here."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für das Programm @uref{@uref{https://webssh.huashengdun.org/, WebSSH}}, das einen webbasierten SSH-Client ausführt. WebSSH kann von Hand aus der Befehlszeile heraus aufgerufen werden, indem man Argumente an die Binärdatei @command{wssh} aus dem Paket @code{webssh} übergibt, aber es kann auch als ein Guix-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Letzteres wird hier beschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19123
msgid "For example, to specify a service running WebSSH on loopback interface on port @code{8888} with reject policy with a list of allowed to connection hosts, and NGINX as a reverse-proxy to this service listening for HTTPS connection, add this call to the operating system's @code{services} field:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel einen Dienst anzugeben, der WebSSH an der Loopback-Schnittstelle auf Port @code{8888} ausführt, wobei die Richtlinie ist, dass Verbindungen abgelehnt werden außer zu einer Liste von erlaubten Rechnern, und eine auf HTTPS-Verbindungen lauschende NGINX als inversen Proxy dafür fungieren zu lassen, fügen Sie folgende Aufrufe in das @code{services}-Feld des Betriebssystems ein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19131
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service webssh-service-type\n"
@@ -34618,7 +35508,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19147
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service nginx-service-type\n"
@@ -34654,128 +35544,128 @@ msgstr ""
" (nginx-server-configuration-locations %webssh-configuration-nginx))))))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19150
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} webssh-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} webssh-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19152
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{webssh-service}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration für den Dienst @code{webssh-service}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19154
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{webssh})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{webssh})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19156
msgid "@code{webssh} package to use."
msgstr "Zu benutzendes @code{webssh}-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19157
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user-name} (default: @var{\"webssh\"})"
msgstr "@code{user-name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"webssh\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19160
msgid "User name or user ID that file transfers to and from that module should take place."
msgstr "Der Benutzername oder der Benutzeridentifikator (d.h.@: die „User-ID“), mit dem Dateiübertragungen zum und vom Modul stattfinden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19161
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group-name} (default: @var{\"webssh\"})"
msgstr "@code{group-name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"webssh\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19164
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{address} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{address} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19166
msgid "IP address on which @command{webssh} listens for incoming connections."
msgstr "Die IP-Adresse, auf der @command{webssh} auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19167
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @var{8888})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8888})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19169
msgid "TCP port on which @command{webssh} listens for incoming connections."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem @command{webssh} auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19170
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{policy} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{policy} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19172
msgid "Connection policy. @var{reject} policy requires to specify @var{known-hosts}."
msgstr "Die Verbindungsrichtlinie @code{reject} setzt voraus, dass erlaubte Rechner in @var{known-hosts} eingetragen werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19173
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{known-hosts} (default: @var{'()})"
msgstr "@code{known-hosts} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19175
msgid "List of hosts which allowed for SSH connection from @command{webssh}."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Rechner, die für eine SSH-Verbindung aus @command{webssh} zugelassen sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19176
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @file{\"/var/log/webssh.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @file{\"/var/log/webssh.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19178
msgid "Name of the file where @command{webssh} writes its log file."
msgstr "Der Name der Datei, in die @command{webssh} seine Protokolle schreibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19179
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-level} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{log-level} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19181
msgid "Logging level."
msgstr "Das Protokollierungsniveau."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19185
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %facebook-host-aliases"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %facebook-host-aliases"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19191
msgid "This variable contains a string for use in @file{/etc/hosts} (@pxref{Host Names,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). Each line contains a entry that maps a known server name of the Facebook on-line service---e.g., @code{www.facebook.com}---to the local host---@code{} or its IPv6 equivalent, @code{::1}."
msgstr "Diese Variable enthält eine Zeichenkette, die Sie für @file{/etc/hosts} benutzen können (siehe @ref{Host Names,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Jede Zeile enthält einen Eintrag, der einen bekannten Servernamen des Facebook-Online-Dienstes@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{www.facebook.com}@tie{}— an den lokalen Rechner umleitet@tie{}— also an @code{} oder dessen IPv6-Gegenstück @code{::1}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19195
msgid "This variable is typically used in the @code{hosts-file} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @file{/etc/hosts}}):"
msgstr "Normalerweise wird diese Variable im Feld @code{hosts-file} einer @code{operating-system}-Betriebssystemdeklaration benutzt (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @file{/etc/hosts}}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19208
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -34801,176 +35691,176 @@ msgstr ""
" %facebook-host-aliases))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19212
msgid "This mechanism can prevent programs running locally, such as Web browsers, from accessing Facebook."
msgstr "Dieser Mechanismus kann verhindern, dass lokal laufende Programme, wie z.B.@: Web-Browser, auf Facebook zugreifen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19215
msgid "The @code{(gnu services avahi)} provides the following definition."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services avahi)} stellt die folgende Definition zur Verfügung."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19216
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} avahi-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} avahi-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19221
msgid "This is the service that runs @command{avahi-daemon}, a system-wide mDNS/DNS-SD responder that allows for service discovery and ``zero-configuration'' host name lookups (see @uref{https://avahi.org/}). Its value must be an @code{avahi-configuration} record---see below."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst führt den @command{avahi-daemon} aus, einen systemweiten mDNS-/DNS-SD-Anbieter, mit dem im lokalen Netzwerk befindliche Geräte erkannt werden können („Service Discovery“) und Rechnernamen selbstständig aufgelöst werden können („Zero-Configuration“) (siehe @uref{https://avahi.org/}). Sein Wert muss ein @code{avahi-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein@tie{}— siehe unten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19226
msgid "This service extends the name service cache daemon (nscd) so that it can resolve @code{.local} host names using @uref{https://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/, nss-mdns}. @xref{Name Service Switch}, for information on host name resolution."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst erweitert den Name Service Cache Daemon (nscd), damit er @code{.local}-Rechnernamen mit @uref{https://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/, nss-mdns} auflösen kann. Siehe @ref{Name Service Switch} für Informationen zur Auflösung von Rechnernamen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19229
msgid "Additionally, add the @var{avahi} package to the system profile so that commands such as @command{avahi-browse} are directly usable."
msgstr "Des Weiteren wird das @var{avahi}-Paket zum Systemprofil hinzugefügt, damit Befehle wie @command{avahi-browse} einfach benutzt werden können."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19231
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} avahi-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} avahi-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19233
msgid "Data type representation the configuration for Avahi."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration von Avahi."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19236
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host-name} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{host-name} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19239
msgid "If different from @code{#f}, use that as the host name to publish for this machine; otherwise, use the machine's actual host name."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf etwas anderes als @code{#f} gesetzt ist, wird es anderen als Rechnername für diese Maschine mitgeteilt, andernfalls wird der tatsächliche Rechnername anderen mitgeteilt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18753 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19240 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29565
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{publish?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{publish?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19243
msgid "When true, allow host names and services to be published (broadcast) over the network."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, dürfen Rechnernamen und Avahi-Dienste über das Netzwerk mitgeteilt werden (als Broadcast)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19244
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{publish-workstation?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{publish-workstation?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19248
msgid "When true, @command{avahi-daemon} publishes the machine's host name and IP address via mDNS on the local network. To view the host names published on your local network, you can run:"
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, teilt @command{avahi-daemon} den Rechnernamen dieser Maschine und die IP-Adresse über mDNS auf dem lokalen Netzwerk öffentlich mit. Um die auf Ihrem lokalen Netzwerk mitgeteilten Rechnernamen zu sehen, können Sie das hier ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19251
#, no-wrap
msgid "avahi-browse _workstation._tcp\n"
msgstr "avahi-browse _workstation._tcp\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19253
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wide-area?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{wide-area?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19255
msgid "When true, DNS-SD over unicast DNS is enabled."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr gesetzt ist, ist DNS-SD über „Unicast DNS“ aktiviert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19256
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipv4?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{ipv4?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19257
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipv6?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{ipv6?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19259
msgid "These fields determine whether to use IPv4/IPv6 sockets."
msgstr "Mit diesen Feldern wird festgelegt, ob IPv4-/IPv6-Sockets verwendet werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19260
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{domains-to-browse} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{domains-to-browse} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19262
msgid "This is a list of domains to browse."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von Domänen, die durchsucht werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19265
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} openvswitch-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} openvswitch-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19269
msgid "This is the type of the @uref{https://www.openvswitch.org, Open vSwitch} service, whose value should be an @code{openvswitch-configuration} object."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des @uref{https://www.openvswitch.org, Open-vSwitch-Dienstes}, der als Wert ein @code{openvswitch-configuration}-Objekt hat."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19271
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} openvswitch-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} openvswitch-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19275
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of Open vSwitch, a multilayer virtual switch which is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Open vSwitch repräsentiert, einem auf mehreren Schichten arbeitenden („multilayer“) virtuellen Switch, der für massenhafte Netzwerkautomatisierung durch programmatische Erweiterungen eingesetzt werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19277
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{openvswitch})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{openvswitch})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19279
msgid "Package object of the Open vSwitch."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt vom Open vSwitch."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19283
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} pagekite-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} pagekite-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19288
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://pagekite.net, PageKite} service, a tunneling solution for making localhost servers publicly visible, even from behind restrictive firewalls or NAT without forwarded ports. The value for this service type is a @code{pagekite-configuration} record."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://memcached.org/, PageKite-Dienst}, einem Angebot zur getunnelten Netzwerkumleitung, womit bloß auf localhost lauschende Server öffentlich erreichbar gemacht werden können. Mit PageKite werden die Server für andere erreichbar, selbst wenn Ihre Maschine nur über eine restriktive Firewall oder eine Netzwerkadressübersetzung („Network Address Translation“, NAT) ohne Portweiterleitung mit dem Internet verbunden ist. Der Wert dieses Dienstes ist ein @code{pagekite-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19290
msgid "Here's an example exposing the local HTTP and SSH daemons:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel, wodurch die lokal laufenden HTTP- und SSH-Daemons zugänglich gemacht werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19297
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service pagekite-service-type\n"
@@ -34986,110 +35876,110 @@ msgstr ""
" (extra-file \"/etc/pagekite.rc\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19300
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} pagekite-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} pagekite-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19302
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of PageKite."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von PageKite repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19304
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{pagekite})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{pagekite})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19306
msgid "Package object of PageKite."
msgstr "Paketobjekt von PageKite."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19307
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kitename} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{kitename} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19309
msgid "PageKite name for authenticating to the frontend server."
msgstr "PageKite-Name, um sich gegenüber dem Vordergrundserver zu authentisieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19310
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kitesecret} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{kitesecret} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19313
msgid "Shared secret for authenticating to the frontend server. You should probably put this inside @code{extra-file} instead."
msgstr "Das gemeinsame Geheimnis, das eine Authentisierung gegenüber dem Vordergrundserver ermöglicht. Wahrscheinlich sollten Sie es besser als Teil von @code{extra-file} angeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19314
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{frontend} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{frontend} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19317
msgid "Connect to the named PageKite frontend server instead of the @uref{https://pagekite.net,,pagekite.net} service."
msgstr "Eine Verbindung zum angegebenen PageKite-Vordergrundserver herstellen statt zu dem Dienst von @uref{https://pagekite.net,,pagekite.net}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19318
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kites} (default: @code{'(\"http:@@kitename:localhost:80:@@kitesecret\")})"
msgstr "@code{kites} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"http:@@kitename:localhost:80:@@kitesecret\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19321
msgid "List of service kites to use. Exposes HTTP on port 80 by default. The format is @code{proto:kitename:host:port:secret}."
msgstr "Die Liste der zu benutzenden „Kites“ für Dienste. Nach Vorgabe wird der HTTP-Server auf Port 80 nach außen hin zugänglich gemacht. Dienste sind im Format @code{protokoll:kitename:rechnername:port:geheimnis} anzugeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19322
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-file} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{extra-file} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19325
msgid "Extra configuration file to read, which you are expected to create manually. Use this to add additional options and manage shared secrets out-of-band."
msgstr "Eine Konfigurationsdatei, die zusätzlich eingelesen werden soll. Es wird erwartet, dass Sie diese manuell erstellen. Benutzen Sie sie, wenn Sie zusätzliche Optionen angeben möchten und um gemeinsame Geheimnisse abseits von Guix’ Zuständigkeitsbereich zu verwalten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19329
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} yggdrasil-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} yggdrasil-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19333
msgid "The service type for connecting to the @uref{https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/, Yggdrasil network}, an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp, um eine Verbindung mit dem @uref{https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/, Yggdrasil-Netzwerk} herzustellen, einer frühen Implementierungsstufe eines völlig Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselten IPv6-Netzwerks."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19340
msgid "Yggdrasil provides name-independent routing with cryptographically generated addresses. Static addressing means you can keep the same address as long as you want, even if you move to a new location, or generate a new address (by generating new keys) whenever you want. @uref{https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/2018/07/28/addressing.html}"
msgstr "Die Wegfindung im Yggdrasil-Netzwerk verläuft unabhängig vom Namen der Netzwerkknoten („Name-independent Routing“) und verwendet kryptografisch erzeugte Adressen. Durch die statische Adressierung können Sie dieselbe Adresse so lange weiterbenutzen, wie Sie möchten, selbst wenn Sie sich an einem anderen Ort befinden als vorher, und Sie können auch, wann immer Sie möchten, eine neue Adresse erzeugen (durch Erzeugung neuer Schlüssel). Siehe @uref{https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/2018/07/28/addressing.html}"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19344
msgid "Pass it a value of @code{yggdrasil-configuration} to connect it to public peers and/or local peers."
msgstr "Übergeben Sie einen Wert vom Typ @code{yggdrasil-configuration}, um ihn eine Verbindung zu öffentlichen und/oder lokalen Netzwerkteilnehmern („Peers“) herstellen zu lassen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19348
msgid "Here is an example using public peers and a static address. The static signing and encryption keys are defined in @file{/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf} (the default value for @code{config-file})."
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für die Nutzung mit öffentlichen Peers und einer statischen Adresse. Die statischen Schlüssel zum Signieren und Verschlüsseln werden in @file{/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf} definiert (dies ist die Vorgabe für @code{config-file})."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19360
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; part of the operating-system declaration\n"
@@ -35115,7 +36005,7 @@ msgstr ""
" ))\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19367
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# sample content for /etc/yggdrasil-private.conf\n"
@@ -35134,7 +36024,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19370
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" # Your private encryption key. DO NOT share this with anyone!\n"
@@ -35146,7 +36036,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19374
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" # Your public signing key. You should not ordinarily need to share\n"
@@ -35160,7 +36050,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19378
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" # Your private signing key. DO NOT share this with anyone!\n"
@@ -35172,124 +36062,124 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19381
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} yggdrasil-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} yggdrasil-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19383
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of Yggdrasil."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration von Yggdrasil."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19385
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{yggdrasil})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{yggdrasil})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19387
msgid "Package object of Yggdrasil."
msgstr "Paketobjekt von Yggdrasil."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19388
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{json-config} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{json-config} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19394
msgid "Contents of @file{/etc/yggdrasil.conf}. Will be merged with @file{/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf}. Note that these settings are stored in the Guix store, which is readable to all users. @strong{Do not store your private keys in it}. See the output of @code{yggdrasil -genconf} for a quick overview of valid keys and their default values."
msgstr "Der Inhalt von @file{/etc/yggdrasil.conf}. Er wird mit @file{/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf} zusammengelegt. Beachten Sie, dass diese Einstellungen im Guix-Store gespeichert werden, auf den alle Nutzer Zugriff haben. @strong{Speichern Sie dort nicht Ihre privaten Schlüssel}. Siehe die Ausgabe von @code{yggdrasil -genconf} für eine kurze Übersicht über gültige Schlüssel und ihre Vorgabewerte."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19395
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{autoconf?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{autoconf?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19398
msgid "Whether to use automatic mode. Enabling it makes Yggdrasil use adynamic IP and peer with IPv6 neighbors."
msgstr "Ob der automatische Modus benutzt werden soll. Ihn zu aktivieren, bedeutet, dass Yggdrasil eine dynamische IP-Adresse benutzt und sich mit IPv6-Nachbarn verbindet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19401
msgid "How much detail to include in logs. Use @code{'debug} for more detail."
msgstr "Wie detailliert die Protokolle sein sollen. Schreiben Sie @code{'debug} für einen höheren Detailgrad."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19402
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-to} (default: @code{'stdout})"
msgstr "@code{log-to} (Vorgabe: @code{'stdout})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19406
msgid "Where to send logs. By default, the service logs standard output to @file{/var/log/yggdrasil.log}. The alternative is @code{'syslog}, which sends output to the running syslog service."
msgstr "Wohin Protokolle geschickt werden. Die Vorgabe ist, dass der Dienst ein Protokoll seiner Standardausgabe in @file{/var/log/yggdrasil.log} schreibt. Die Alternative ist @code{'syslog}, wodurch die Ausgabe an den laufenden syslog-Dienst geschickt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19407
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{\"/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf\"})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/etc/yggdrasil-private.conf\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19414
msgid "What HJSON file to load sensitive data from. This is where private keys should be stored, which are necessary to specify if you don't want a randomized address after each restart. Use @code{#f} to disable. Options defined in this file take precedence over @code{json-config}. Use the output of @code{yggdrasil -genconf} as a starting point. To configure a static address, delete everything except these options:"
msgstr "Wo die HJSON-Datei liegt, aus der sensible Daten geladen werden. Hier sollten private Schlüssel gespeichert werden, wodurch nicht nach jedem Neustart eine zufällige Adresse benutzt wird. Verwenden Sie @code{#f} zum Deaktivieren. In dieser Datei festgelegte Optionen haben Vorrang vor @code{json-config}. Tragen Sie anfangs die Ausgabe von @code{yggdrasil -genconf} ein. Um eine statische Adresse zu benutzen, löschen Sie alles außer den folgenden Optionen:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19416
#, no-wrap
msgid "EncryptionPublicKey"
msgstr "EncryptionPublicKey"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19417
#, no-wrap
msgid "EncryptionPrivateKey"
msgstr "EncryptionPrivateKey"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19418
#, no-wrap
msgid "SigningPublicKey"
msgstr "SigningPublicKey"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19419
#, no-wrap
msgid "SigningPrivateKey"
msgstr "SigningPrivateKey"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19424
#, no-wrap
msgid "IPFS"
msgstr "IPFS"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19425
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ipfs-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ipfs-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19429
msgid "The service type for connecting to the @uref{https://ipfs.io,IPFS network}, a global, versioned, peer-to-peer file system. Pass it a @code{ipfs-configuration} to change the ports used for the gateway and API."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp, um sich mit dem @uref{https://ipfs.io,IPFS-Netzwerk} zu verbinden, einem weltweiten, versionierten, von einem Netzwerkteilnehmer zum anderen („peer-to-peer“) verteilten Dateisystem. Geben Sie ein @code{ipfs-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt an, um die für den Netzwerkzugang (Gateway) und die Anwendungsschnittstelle (API) verwendeten Ports zu ändern."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19431
msgid "Here's an example configuration, using some non-standard ports:"
msgstr "Hier ist eine Beispielkonfiguration, um nicht standardmäßige Ports einzusetzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19437
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service ipfs-service-type\n"
@@ -35303,68 +36193,68 @@ msgstr ""
" (api \"/ip4/\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19440
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ipfs-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ipfs-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19442
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of IPFS."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration des IPFS."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19444
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{go-ipfs})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{go-ipfs})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19446
msgid "Package object of IPFS."
msgstr "Paketobjekt von IPFS."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19447
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gateway} (default: @code{\"/ip4/\"})"
msgstr "@code{gateway} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/ip4/\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19449
msgid "Address of the gateway, in ‘multiaddress’ format."
msgstr "Die Adresse des Netzwerkzugangs im Format einer Multiadresse („multiaddress“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19450
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{api} (default: @code{\"/ip4/\"})"
msgstr "@code{api} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/ip4/\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19452
msgid "Address of the API endpoint, in ‘multiaddress’ format."
msgstr "Die Adresse des API-Endpunkts im Format einer Multiadresse („multiaddress“)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19455
#, no-wrap
msgid "keepalived"
msgstr "keepalived"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19456
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} keepalived-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} keepalived-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19461
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://www.keepalived.org/, Keepalived} routing software, @command{keepalived}. Its value must be an @code{keepalived-configuration} record as in this example for master machine:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für die Software @uref{https://www.keepalived.org/, Keepalived} für virtuelle Router, @command{keepalived}. Sein Wert muss ein @code{keepalived-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein, wie in diesem Beispiel für die Maschine erster Wahl (Master):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19466
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service keepalived-service-type\n"
@@ -35376,12 +36266,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"keepalived-master.conf\"))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19469
msgid "where @file{keepalived-master.conf}:"
msgstr "Dabei enthält @file{keepalived-master.conf}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19481
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"vrrp_instance my-group @{\n"
@@ -35407,12 +36297,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:18997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19484
msgid "and for backup machine:"
msgstr "Für die Ersatzmaschine (Backup):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19489
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service keepalived-service-type\n"
@@ -35424,12 +36314,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"keepalived-backup.conf\"))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19492
msgid "where @file{keepalived-backup.conf}:"
msgstr "Dort enthält @file{keepalived-backup.conf}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19504
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"vrrp_instance my-group @{\n"
@@ -35455,135 +36345,135 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19510
#, no-wrap
msgid "unattended upgrades"
msgstr "unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19511
#, no-wrap
msgid "upgrades, unattended"
msgstr "Aktualisierungen, unbeaufsichtigt"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19516
msgid "Guix provides a service to perform @emph{unattended upgrades}: periodically, the system automatically reconfigures itself from the latest Guix. Guix System has several properties that make unattended upgrades safe:"
msgstr "Guix stellt einen Dienst zum Durchführen @emph{unbeaufsichtigter Aktualisierungen} zur Verfügung: Das System rekonfiguriert sich selbst in regelmäßigen Abständen mit der neuesten Version von Guix. Guix System verfügt über mehrere Eigenschaften, durch die unbeaufsichtigtes Aktualisieren zu einer sicheren Angelegenheit wird:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19521
msgid "upgrades are transactional (either the upgrade succeeds or it fails, but you cannot end up with an ``in-between'' system state);"
msgstr "Aktualisierungen sind transaktionell: Entweder ist die Aktualisierung erfolgreich oder sie schlägt fehl, aber Sie können sich nicht in einem Systemzustand „dazwischen“ wiederfinden."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19525
msgid "the upgrade log is kept---you can view it with @command{guix system list-generations}---and you can roll back to any previous generation, should the upgraded system fail to behave as intended;"
msgstr "Ein Protokoll über die Aktualisierungen liegt vor@tie{}— Sie können es mit @command{guix system list-generations} einsehen@tie{}— und Rücksetzungen auf vorherige Generationen sind möglich, für den Fall, dass das System nach der Aktualisierung nicht mehr funktioniert oder sich nicht wie gewollt verhält."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19528
msgid "channel code is authenticated so you know you can only run genuine code (@pxref{Channels});"
msgstr "Der Code für Kanäle wird authentifiziert, wodurch Sie sich sicher sein können, dass Sie nur unverfälschten Code ausführen (siehe @ref{Channels})."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19531
msgid "@command{guix system reconfigure} prevents downgrades, which makes it immune to @dfn{downgrade attacks}."
msgstr "@command{guix system reconfigure} verweigert ein Herabstufen auf alte Versionen; das macht @dfn{Herabstufungsangriffe} („Downgrade Attacks“) unmöglich."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19536
msgid "To set up unattended upgrades, add an instance of @code{unattended-upgrade-service-type} like the one below to the list of your operating system services:"
msgstr "Um unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen einzurichten, fügen Sie eine Instanz des Diensttyps @code{unattended-upgrade-service-type} wie im folgenden Beispiel zur Liste Ihrer Betriebssystemdienste hinzu:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19539
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service unattended-upgrade-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service unattended-upgrade-service-type)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19546
msgid "The defaults above set up weekly upgrades: every Sunday at midnight. You do not need to provide the operating system configuration file: it uses @file{/run/current-system/configuration.scm}, which ensures it always uses your latest configuration---@pxref{provenance-service-type}, for more information about this file."
msgstr "Durch die Vorgabeeinstellungen hat dies wöchentliche Aktualisierungen zur Folge, jeden Sonntag um Mitternacht. Sie müssen keine Betriebssystemkonfigurationsdatei angeben: @file{/run/current-system/configuration.scm} wird benutzt, wodurch immer Ihre letzte Konfiguration weiter verwendet wird@tie{}— siehe den @ref{provenance-service-type} für mehr Informationen über diese Datei."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19552
msgid "There are several things that can be configured, in particular the periodicity and services (daemons) to be restarted upon completion. When the upgrade is successful, the service takes care of deleting system generations older that some threshold, as per @command{guix system delete-generations}. See the reference below for details."
msgstr "Mehrere Dinge können konfiguriert werden, insbesondere die Zeitabstände zwischen Aktualisierungen und die Dienste (also die Daemons), die nach Abschluss neu gestartet werden sollen. Wenn die Aktualisierung erfolgreich ist, dann stellt das System sicher, dass Systemgenerationen mit einem Alter größer als ein festgelegter Schwellwert gelöscht werden, wie bei @command{guix system delete-generations}. Siehe die folgende Referenz der Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten für Näheres."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19556
msgid "To ensure that upgrades are actually happening, you can run @command{guix system describe}. To investigate upgrade failures, visit the unattended upgrade log file (see below)."
msgstr "Um sicherzugehen, dass unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen auch tatsächlich durchgeführt werden, können Sie @command{guix system describe} ausführen. Um Fehlschläge zu untersuchen, schauen Sie in die Protokolldatei für unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen (siehe unten)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19557
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} unattended-upgrade-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} unattended-upgrade-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19561
msgid "This is the service type for unattended upgrades. It sets up an mcron job (@pxref{Scheduled Job Execution}) that runs @command{guix system reconfigure} from the latest version of the specified channels."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen. Damit wird ein mcron-Auftrag eingerichtet (siehe @ref{Scheduled Job Execution}), der @command{guix system reconfigure} mit der neuesten Version der angegebenen Kanäle ausführt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19564
msgid "Its value must be a @code{unattended-upgrade-configuration} record (see below)."
msgstr "Sein Wert muss ein @code{unattended-upgrade-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein (siehe unten)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19566
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} unattended-upgrade-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} unattended-upgrade-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19082
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19569
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the unattended upgrade service. The following fields are available:"
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des Dienstes für unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen. Folgende Felder stehen zur Verfügung:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19571
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{schedule} (default: @code{\"30 01 * * 0\"})"
msgstr "@code{schedule} (Vorgabe: @code{\"30 01 * * 0\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19575
msgid "This is the schedule of upgrades, expressed as a gexp containing an mcron job schedule (@pxref{Guile Syntax, mcron job specifications,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron})."
msgstr "Dies ist der Aktualisierungsplan, ausgedrückt als ein G-Ausdruck mit einem mcron-Auftragsplan (siehe @ref{Guile Syntax, mcron-Auftragsspezifikationen,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19576
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{channels} (default: @code{#~%default-channels})"
msgstr "@code{channels} (Vorgabe: @code{#~%default-channels})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19580
msgid "This gexp specifies the channels to use for the upgrade (@pxref{Channels}). By default, the tip of the official @code{guix} channel is used."
msgstr "Dieser G-Ausdruck gibt an, welche Kanäle für die Aktualisierung benutzt werden sollen (siehe @ref{Channels}). Nach Vorgabe wird die Spitze des offiziellen @code{guix}-Kanals benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19581
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{operating-system-file} (default: @code{\"/run/current-system/configuration.scm\"})"
msgstr "@code{operating-system-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/run/current-system/configuration.scm\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19584
msgid "This field specifies the operating system configuration file to use. The default is to reuse the config file of the current configuration."
msgstr "Dieses Feld gibt an, welche Betriebssystemkonfigurationsdatei verwendet werden soll. Nach Vorgabe wird die Konfigurationsdatei der aktuellen Konfiguration wiederverwendet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19590
msgid "There are cases, though, where referring to @file{/run/current-system/configuration.scm} is not enough, for instance because that file refers to extra files (SSH public keys, extra configuration files, etc.) @i{via} @code{local-file} and similar constructs. For those cases, we recommend something along these lines:"
msgstr "Es gibt jedoch Fälle, wo es nicht ausreicht, auf @file{/run/current-system/configuration.scm} zu verweisen, zum Beispiel weil sich diese mit @code{local-file} oder Ähnlichem auf weitere Dateien wie öffentliche SSH-Schlüssel, andere Konfigurationsdateien usw.@: bezieht. Dann empfehlen wir, etwas wie hier zu schreiben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19596
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -35597,312 +36487,312 @@ msgstr ""
" \"/config.scm\")))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19603
msgid "The effect here is to import all of the current directory into the store, and to refer to @file{config.scm} within that directory. Therefore, uses of @code{local-file} within @file{config.scm} will work as expected. @xref{G-Expressions}, for information about @code{local-file} and @code{file-append}."
msgstr "Das bewirkt, dass das ganze aktuelle Verzeichnis in den Store importiert wird und Bezug auf die @file{config.scm} darin genommen wird. So funktioniert die Nutzung von @code{local-file} in @file{config.scm} wie erwartet. Siehe @ref{G-Expressions} für Informationen zu @code{local-file} und @code{file-append}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19604
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{services-to-restart} (default: @code{'(mcron)})"
msgstr "@code{services-to-restart} (Vorgabe: @code{'(mcron)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19607
msgid "This field specifies the Shepherd services to restart when the upgrade completes."
msgstr "Dieses Feld gibt die Shepherd-Dienste an, die nach Abschluss der Aktualisierung neu gestartet werden sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19614
msgid "Those services are restarted right away upon completion, as with @command{herd restart}, which ensures that the latest version is running---remember that by default @command{guix system reconfigure} only restarts services that are not currently running, which is conservative: it minimizes disruption but leaves outdated services running."
msgstr "Die Dienste werden direkt nach Abschluss neu gestartet, so wie es @command{herd restart} tun würde. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass die neueste Version läuft@tie{}— bedenken Sie, dass @command{guix system reconfigure} nach Vorgabe nur diejenigen Dienste neu startet, die zurzeit nicht laufen, was einem konservativen Verhalten entspricht: Störungen werden minimiert, aber veraltete Dienste laufen weiter."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19618
msgid "Use @command{herd status} to find out candidates for restarting. @xref{Services}, for general information about services. Common services to restart would include @code{ntpd} and @code{ssh-daemon}."
msgstr "Führen Sie @command{herd status} aus, um herauszufinden, welche Dienste Sie neu starten lassen können. Siehe @ref{Services} für allgemeine Informationen über Dienste. Oft würde man Dienste wie unter anderem @code{ntpd} und @code{ssh-daemon} neu starten lassen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19621
msgid "By default, the @code{mcron} service is restarted. This ensures that the latest version of the unattended upgrade job will be used next time."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe wird nur der @code{mcron}-Dienst neu gestartet. Dadurch wird beim nächsten Mal sicherlich die neueste Version des Auftrags für unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19622
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{system-expiration} (default: @code{(* 3 30 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{system-expiration} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 3 30 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19626
msgid "This is the expiration time in seconds for system generations. System generations older that this amount of time are deleted with @command{guix system delete-generations} when an upgrade completes."
msgstr "Nach wie vielen Sekunden Systemgenerationen auslaufen. Systemgenerationen, die dieses Alter überschritten haben, werden über @command{guix system delete-generations} gelöscht, nachdem eine Aktualisierung abgeschlossen wurde."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19631
msgid "The unattended upgrade service does not run the garbage collector. You will probably want to set up your own mcron job to run @command{guix gc} periodically."
msgstr "Der Dienst für unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen lässt jedoch den Müllsammler nicht laufen. Sie möchten wahrscheinlich Ihren eigenen mcron-Auftrag einrichten, der regelmäßig @command{guix gc} ausführt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19633
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{maximum-duration} (default: @code{3600})"
msgstr "@code{maximum-duration} (Vorgabe: @code{3600})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19636
msgid "Maximum duration in seconds for the upgrade; past that time, the upgrade aborts."
msgstr "Wie viele Sekunden eine Aktualisierung höchstens dauern darf. Nach dieser Zeit wird die Aktualisierung abgebrochen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19639
msgid "This is primarily useful to ensure the upgrade does not end up rebuilding or re-downloading ``the world''."
msgstr "Diese Begrenzung dient vor allem dazu, zu verhindern, dass „die ganze Welt“ neu erstellt oder neu heruntergeladen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19640
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/unattended-upgrade.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/unattended-upgrade.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19642
msgid "File where unattended upgrades are logged."
msgstr "Die Datei, in die über unbeaufsichtigte Aktualisierungen Protokoll geführt wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19648
#, no-wrap
msgid "X11"
msgstr "X11"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19649
#, no-wrap
msgid "X Window System"
msgstr "X Window System"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19163 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19650 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19923
#, no-wrap
msgid "login manager"
msgstr "Anmeldeverwaltung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19655
msgid "Support for the X Window graphical display system---specifically Xorg---is provided by the @code{(gnu services xorg)} module. Note that there is no @code{xorg-service} procedure. Instead, the X server is started by the @dfn{login manager}, by default the GNOME Display Manager (GDM)."
msgstr "Unterstützung für das grafische Anzeigesystem X Window@tie{}— insbesondere Xorg@tie{}— wird vom Modul @code{(gnu services xorg)} zur Verfügung gestellt. Beachten Sie, dass es @emph{keine} @code{xorg-service}-Prozedur gibt, sondern der X-Server durch eine Software zur @dfn{Anmeldeverwaltung} gestartet wird (ein „Login Manager“). Vorgegeben ist, dass zur Anzeigenverwaltung der GNOME Display Manager (GDM) benutzt wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19656
#, no-wrap
msgid "GDM"
msgstr "GDM"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19657
#, no-wrap
msgid "GNOME, login manager"
msgstr "GNOME, Anmeldeverwaltung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19661
msgid "GDM of course allows users to log in into window managers and desktop environments other than GNOME; for those using GNOME, GDM is required for features such as automatic screen locking."
msgstr "GDM ermöglicht es seinen Nutzern natürlich auch, sich bei anderen Fensterverwaltungssystemen und Arbeitsumgebungen als GNOME anzumelden. Wer GNOME benutzt, kann Funktionalitäten wie eine automatische Bildschirmsperre nur verwenden, wenn die Anmeldung über GDM läuft."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19662
#, no-wrap
msgid "window manager"
msgstr "Fensterverwaltung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19667
msgid "To use X11, you must install at least one @dfn{window manager}---for example the @code{windowmaker} or @code{openbox} packages---preferably by adding it to the @code{packages} field of your operating system definition (@pxref{operating-system Reference, system-wide packages})."
msgstr "Um X11 zu benutzen, müssen Sie ein Programme zur @dfn{Fensterverwaltung} („Window-Manager“) oder mehrere davon installieren@tie{}— zum Beispiel die Pakete @code{windowmaker} oder @code{openbox}@tie{}—, vorzugsweise indem Sie sie in das @code{packages}-Feld Ihrer Betriebssystemdefinition eintragen (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, global sichtbare Pakete})."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19673
msgid "wayland-gdm"
msgstr "wayland-gdm"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19673
msgid "GDM also supports Wayland: it can itself use Wayland instead of X11 for its user interface, and it can also start Wayland sessions. The former is required for the latter, to enable, set @code{wayland?} to @code{#t} in @code{gdm-configuration}."
msgstr "GDM hat auch Unterstützung für Wayland: Es kann selbst als Wayland-Client gestartet werden und Wayland-Sitzungen starten. Ersteres ist auch die Voraussetzung für Letzteres. Um den Wayland-Modus zu aktivieren, setzen Sie @code{wayland?} auf @code{#t} in der @code{gdm-configuration}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19674
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gdm-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gdm-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19192
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19679
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GDM/, GNOME Desktop Manager} (GDM), a program that manages graphical display servers and handles graphical user logins. Its value must be a @code{gdm-configuration} (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GDM/, GNOME Desktop Manager}, GDM, ein Programm zur Verwaltung grafischer Anzeigeserver, das grafische Benutzeranmeldungen durchführt. Sein Wert muss eine @code{gdm-configuration} sein (siehe unten)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19680
#, no-wrap
msgid "session types"
msgstr "Sitzungstypen"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19688
msgid "GDM looks for @dfn{session types} described by the @file{.desktop} files in @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions} (for X11 sessions) and @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions} (for Wayland sessions) and allows users to choose a session from the log-in screen. Packages such as @code{gnome}, @code{xfce}, @code{i3} and @code{sway} provide @file{.desktop} files; adding them to the system-wide set of packages automatically makes them available at the log-in screen."
msgstr "GDM liest die in den @file{.desktop}-Dateien in @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions} (bei X11-Sitzungen) und nach @file{/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions} (bei Wayland-Sitzungen) befindlichen @dfn{Sitzungstypen} ein und stellt diese seinen Nutzern zur Auswahl auf dem Anmeldebildschirm. Pakete wie @code{gnome}, @code{xfce}, @code{i3} und @code{sway} stellen @file{.desktop}-Dateien bereit; wenn diese Pakete zu den systemweit verfügbaren Paketen hinzugefügt werden, werden diese automatisch auf dem Anmeldebildschirm angezeigt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19692
msgid "In addition, @file{~/.xsession} files are honored. When available, @file{~/.xsession} must be an executable that starts a window manager and/or other X clients."
msgstr "Des Weiteren werden @file{~/.xsession}-Dateien berücksichtigt. Wenn es vorhanden ist, muss @file{~/.xsession} eine ausführbare Datei sein, die ein Programm zur Fensterverwaltung und/oder andere X-Clients startet."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19694
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gdm-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gdm-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19209 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19696 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19778
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{auto-login?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19697
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-user} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{default-user} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19699
msgid "When @code{auto-login?} is false, GDM presents a log-in screen."
msgstr "Wenn @code{auto-login?} falsch ist, zeigt GDM einen Anmeldebildschirm an."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19702
msgid "When @code{auto-login?} is true, GDM logs in directly as @code{default-user}."
msgstr "Wenn @code{auto-login?} wahr ist, meldet GDM automatisch den in @code{default-user} angegebenen voreingestellten Benutzer an."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19216 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25077
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26786 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31266
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31295 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31324
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31351 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31406
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31431 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31458
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31484 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19703 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27217 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31760 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31816 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31949 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31991
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{debug?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{debug?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19705
msgid "When true, GDM writes debug messages to its log."
msgstr "Wenn es wahr ist, schreibt GDM Informationen zur Fehlersuche in sein Protokoll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19706
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gnome-shell-assets} (default: ...)"
msgstr "@code{gnome-shell-assets} (Vorgabe: …)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19708
msgid "List of GNOME Shell assets needed by GDM: icon theme, fonts, etc."
msgstr "Liste der GNOME-Shell-„Assets“, die GDM benötigt, d.h.@: Symbolthema, Schriftarten etc."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19709
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xorg-configuration} (default: @code{(xorg-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{xorg-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(xorg-configuration)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19224 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19318
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19711 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19889
msgid "Configuration of the Xorg graphical server."
msgstr "Xorg-Server für grafische Oberflächen konfigurieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19712
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xsession} (default: @code{(xinitrc)})"
msgstr "@code{xsession} (Vorgabe: @code{(xinitrc)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19227 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19714 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19904
msgid "Script to run before starting a X session."
msgstr "Das Skript, das vor dem Starten einer X-Sitzung ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19715
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dbus-daemon} (default: @code{dbus-daemon-wrapper})"
msgstr "@code{dbus-daemon} (Vorgabe: @code{dbus-daemon-wrapper})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19717
msgid "File name of the @code{dbus-daemon} executable."
msgstr "Der Dateiname der ausführbaren Datei des @code{dbus-daemon}-Programms."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19718
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gdm} (default: @code{gdm})"
msgstr "@code{gdm} (Vorgabe: @code{gdm})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19720
msgid "The GDM package to use."
msgstr "Das GDM-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19721
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wayland?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{wayland?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19723
msgid "When true, enables Wayland in GDM, necessary to use Wayland sessions."
msgstr "Wenn es wahr ist, wird Wayland in GDM aktiviert. Das ist nötig, um Wayland-Sitzungen zu benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19724
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wayland-session} (default: @code{gdm-wayland-session-wrapper})"
msgstr "@code{wayland-session} (Vorgabe: @code{gdm-wayland-session-wrapper})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19727
msgid "The Wayland session wrapper to use, needed to setup the environment."
msgstr "Das Wrapper-Skript für Wayland-Sitzungen, was benutzt werden soll. Es ist notwendig, um die Umgebung zu starten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19730
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} slim-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} slim-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19732
msgid "This is the type for the SLiM graphical login manager for X11."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für die schlanke grafische Anmeldungsverwaltung SLiM für X11."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19736
msgid "Like GDM, SLiM looks for session types described by @file{.desktop} files and allows users to choose a session from the log-in screen using @kbd{F1}. It also honors @file{~/.xsession} files."
msgstr "Wie GDM liest SLiM die in @file{.desktop}-Dateien beschriebenen Sitzungstypen aus und ermöglicht es Nutzern, eine Sitzung darunter im Anmeldebildschirm durch Drücken von @kbd{F1} auszuwählen. Auch @file{~/.xsession}-Dateien können benutzt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19743
msgid "Unlike GDM, SLiM does not spawn the user session on a different VT after logging in, which means that you can only start one graphical session. If you want to be able to run multiple graphical sessions at the same time you have to add multiple SLiM services to your system services. The following example shows how to replace the default GDM service with two SLiM services on tty7 and tty8."
msgstr "Anders als GDM wird durch SLiM die Benutzersitzung nicht auf einem anderen virtuellen Terminal gestartet, nachdem man sich anmeldet. Die Folge davon ist, dass man nur eine einzige grafische Sitzung starten kann. Wenn Sie mehrere, gleichzeitig laufende grafische Sitzungen starten können möchten, müssen Sie mehrere SLiM-Dienste zu ihren Systemdiensten hinzufügen. Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie den vorgegebenen GDM-Dienst durch zwei SLiM-Dienste auf tty7 und tty8 ersetzen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19748
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu services)\n"
@@ -35916,7 +36806,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19759
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -35942,491 +36832,491 @@ msgstr ""
" (delete gdm-service-type)))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19763
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} slim-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} slim-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19765
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @code{slim-service-type}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @code{slim-service-type} repräsentiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19769
msgid "Whether to allow logins with empty passwords."
msgstr "Ob Anmeldungen mit leeren Passwörtern möglich sein sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19770
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gnupg?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{gnupg?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19777
msgid "If enabled, @code{pam-gnupg} will attempt to automatically unlock the user's GPG keys with the login password via @code{gpg-agent}. The keygrips of all keys to be unlocked should be written to @file{~/.pam-gnupg}, and can be queried with @code{gpg -K --with-keygrip}. Presetting passphrases must be enabled by adding @code{allow-preset-passphrase} in @file{~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf}."
msgstr "Wenn dies aktiviert ist, wird durch @code{pam-gnupg} automatisch versucht, die GPG-Schlüssel des Nutzers über @code{gpg-agent} mit dem Anmeldepasswort zu entsperren. Für jeden Schlüssel, der entsperrt werden soll, müssen Sie den Keygrip, der den Schlüssel bezeichnet, in @file{~/.pam-gnupg} schreiben; er kann mit @code{gpg -K --with-keygrip} erfragt werden. Damit das funktioniert, müssen Sie Presetting von Passphrasen aktivieren, indem Sie @code{allow-preset-passphrase} in @file{~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf} hinzufügen."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19779
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-user} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{default-user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19781
msgid "When @code{auto-login?} is false, SLiM presents a log-in screen."
msgstr "Wenn @code{auto-login?} falsch ist, zeigt SLiM einen Anmeldebildschirm an."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19784
msgid "When @code{auto-login?} is true, SLiM logs in directly as @code{default-user}."
msgstr "Wenn @code{auto-login?} wahr ist, meldet SLiM automatisch den in @code{default-user} angegebenen voreingestellten Benutzer an."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19785
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{theme} (default: @code{%default-slim-theme})"
msgstr "@code{theme} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-slim-theme})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19786
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{theme-name} (default: @code{%default-slim-theme-name})"
msgstr "@code{theme-name} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-slim-theme-name})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19788
msgid "The graphical theme to use and its name."
msgstr "Das grafische Thema, was benutzt werden soll, mit seinem Namen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19789
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login-session} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{auto-login-session} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19792
msgid "If true, this must be the name of the executable to start as the default session---e.g., @code{(file-append windowmaker \"/bin/windowmaker\")}."
msgstr "Wenn es wahr ist, muss es den Namen der ausführbaren Datei angeben, die als voreingestellte Sitzung gestartet werden soll@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{(file-append windowmaker \"/bin/windowmaker\")}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19796
msgid "If false, a session described by one of the available @file{.desktop} files in @code{/run/current-system/profile} and @code{~/.guix-profile} will be used."
msgstr "Wenn es falsch ist, wird eine von einer der @file{.desktop}-Dateien in @code{/run/current-system/profile} und @code{~/.guix-profile} beschriebenen Sitzungen benutzt."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19801
msgid "You must install at least one window manager in the system profile or in your user profile. Failing to do that, if @code{auto-login-session} is false, you will be unable to log in."
msgstr "Sie müssen mindestens ein Fensterverwaltungsprogramm in das Systemprofil oder Ihr Benutzerprofil installieren, ansonsten können Sie sich, sofern @code{auto-login-session} falsch ist, nicht anmelden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19316 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19803 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19887
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xorg-configuration} (default @code{(xorg-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{xorg-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(xorg-configuration)})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19806
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{display} (default @code{\":0\"})"
msgstr "@code{display} (Vorgabe: @code{\":0\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19808
msgid "The display on which to start the Xorg graphical server."
msgstr "Die Anzeige, auf welcher der Xorg-Server für grafische Oberflächen gestartet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19809
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{vt} (default @code{\"vt7\"})"
msgstr "@code{vt} (Vorgabe: @code{\"vt7\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19811
msgid "The VT on which to start the Xorg graphical server."
msgstr "Das virtuelle Terminal, auf dem der Xorg-Server für grafische Oberflächen gestartet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19812
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xauth} (default: @code{xauth})"
msgstr "@code{xauth} (Vorgabe: @code{xauth})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19814
msgid "The XAuth package to use."
msgstr "Das XAuth-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19815
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{shepherd} (default: @code{shepherd})"
msgstr "@code{shepherd} (Vorgabe: @code{shepherd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19818
msgid "The Shepherd package used when invoking @command{halt} and @command{reboot}."
msgstr "Das Shepherd-Paket, das benutzt wird, wenn @command{halt} und @command{reboot} aufgerufen werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19819
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sessreg} (default: @code{sessreg})"
msgstr "@code{sessreg} (Vorgabe: @code{sessreg})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19821
msgid "The sessreg package used in order to register the session."
msgstr "Das sessreg-Paket, das zum Registrieren der Sitzung benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19335
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19822
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{slim} (default: @code{slim})"
msgstr "@code{slim} (Vorgabe: @code{slim})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19824
msgid "The SLiM package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende SLiM-Paket."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19827
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-theme"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-theme"
#. type: defvrx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19828
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-theme-name"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-theme-name"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19830
msgid "The default SLiM theme and its name."
msgstr "Das vorgegebene Thema für das Aussehen von SLiM mit seinem Namen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19346 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19833 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19940
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} sddm-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} sddm-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19835
msgid "This is the data type representing the SDDM service configuration."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des SDDM-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19837
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{display-server} (default: \"x11\")"
msgstr "@code{display-server} (Vorgabe: \"x11\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19840
msgid "Select display server to use for the greeter. Valid values are @samp{\"x11\"} or @samp{\"wayland\"}."
msgstr "Einen Anzeigeserver auswählen, der für den Anmeldebildschirm verwendet werden soll. Zulässige Werte sind @samp{\"x11\"} oder @samp{\"wayland\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19841
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{numlock} (default: \"on\")"
msgstr "@code{numlock} (Vorgabe: \"on\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19843
msgid "Valid values are @samp{\"on\"}, @samp{\"off\"} or @samp{\"none\"}."
msgstr "Gültige Werte sind @samp{\"on\"}, @samp{\"off\"} oder @samp{\"none\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19844
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{halt-command} (default @code{#~(string-apppend #$shepherd \"/sbin/halt\")})"
msgstr "@code{halt-command} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-apppend #$shepherd \"/sbin/halt\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19846
msgid "Command to run when halting."
msgstr "Der Befehl, der zum Anhalten des Systems ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19847
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{reboot-command} (default @code{#~(string-append #$shepherd \"/sbin/reboot\")})"
msgstr "@code{reboot-command} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$shepherd \"/sbin/reboot\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19849
msgid "Command to run when rebooting."
msgstr "Der Befehl, der zum Neustarten des Systems ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19850
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{theme} (default \"maldives\")"
msgstr "@code{theme} (Vorgabe: \"maldives\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19853
msgid "Theme to use. Default themes provided by SDDM are @samp{\"elarun\"}, @samp{\"maldives\"} or @samp{\"maya\"}."
msgstr "Welches Thema für das Aussehen benutzt werden soll. Mit SDDM mitgelieferte Themen sind @samp{\"elarun\"}, @samp{\"maldives\"} und @samp{\"maya\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19854
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{themes-directory} (default \"/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/themes\")"
msgstr "@code{themes-directory} (Vorgabe: \"/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/themes\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19856
msgid "Directory to look for themes."
msgstr "Verzeichnis, wo Themen gefunden werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19857
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{faces-directory} (default \"/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/faces\")"
msgstr "@code{faces-directory} (Vorgabe: \"/run/current-system/profile/share/sddm/faces\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19859
msgid "Directory to look for faces."
msgstr "Verzeichnis, wo Avatarbilder gefunden werden können.<"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19860
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-path} (default \"/run/current-system/profile/bin\")"
msgstr "@code{default-path} (Vorgabe: \"/run/current-system/profile/bin\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19862
msgid "Default PATH to use."
msgstr "Welcher PATH voreingestellt sein soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19863
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{minimum-uid} (default: 1000)"
msgstr "@code{minimum-uid} (Vorgabe: 1000)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19865
msgid "Minimum UID displayed in SDDM and allowed for log-in."
msgstr "Der kleinste Benutzeridentifikator (UID), mit dem Benutzer in SDDM angezeigt werden und sich anmelden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19866
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{maximum-uid} (default: 2000)"
msgstr "@code{maximum-uid} (Vorgabe: 2000)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19868
msgid "Maximum UID to display in SDDM."
msgstr "Der größte Benutzeridentifikator (UID), mit dem Benutzer in SDDM angezeigt werden.<"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19869
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{remember-last-user?} (default #t)"
msgstr "@code{remember-last-user?} (Vorgabe: #t)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19871
msgid "Remember last user."
msgstr "Den zuletzt ausgewählten Benutzer voreinstellen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19872
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{remember-last-session?} (default #t)"
msgstr "@code{remember-last-session?} (Vorgabe: #t)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19874
msgid "Remember last session."
msgstr "Die zuletzt ausgewählte Sitzung voreinstellen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19875
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hide-users} (default \"\")"
msgstr "@code{hide-users} (Vorgabe: \"\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19877
msgid "Usernames to hide from SDDM greeter."
msgstr "Benutzernamen, die in SDDM @emph{nicht} sichtbar sein sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19878
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hide-shells} (default @code{#~(string-append #$shadow \"/sbin/nologin\")})"
msgstr "@code{hide-shells} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$shadow \"/sbin/nologin\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19880
msgid "Users with shells listed will be hidden from the SDDM greeter."
msgstr "Benutzerkonten, für die als Shell eine davon eingestellt ist, wird SDDM @emph{nicht} anzeigen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19881
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{session-command} (default @code{#~(string-append #$sddm \"/share/sddm/scripts/wayland-session\")})"
msgstr "@code{session-command} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$sddm \"/share/sddm/scripts/wayland-session\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19883
msgid "Script to run before starting a wayland session."
msgstr "Das Skript, das vor dem Starten einer Wayland-Sitzung ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19884
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sessions-directory} (default \"/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions\")"
msgstr "@code{sessions-directory} (Vorgabe: \"/run/current-system/profile/share/wayland-sessions\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19886
msgid "Directory to look for desktop files starting wayland sessions."
msgstr "Verzeichnis, das nach .desktop-Dateien zum Starten von Wayland-Sitzungen durchsucht wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19890
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xauth-path} (default @code{#~(string-append #$xauth \"/bin/xauth\")})"
msgstr "@code{xauth-path} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$xauth \"/bin/xauth\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19892
msgid "Path to xauth."
msgstr "Pfad von xauth."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19893
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xephyr-path} (default @code{#~(string-append #$xorg-server \"/bin/Xephyr\")})"
msgstr "@code{xephyr-path} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$xorg-server \"/bin/Xephyr\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19895
msgid "Path to Xephyr."
msgstr "Pfad von Xephyr."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19896
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xdisplay-start} (default @code{#~(string-append #$sddm \"/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup\")})"
msgstr "@code{xdisplay-start} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$sddm \"/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19898
msgid "Script to run after starting xorg-server."
msgstr "Skript, das nach dem Starten vom Xorg-Server ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19899
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xdisplay-stop} (default @code{#~(string-append #$sddm \"/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop\")})"
msgstr "@code{xdisplay-stop} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(string-append #$sddm \"/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19901
msgid "Script to run before stopping xorg-server."
msgstr "Skript, das vor dem Stoppen vom Xorg-Server ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19902
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xsession-command} (default: @code{xinitrc})"
msgstr "@code{xsession-command} (Vorgabe: @code{xinitrc})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19905
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xsessions-directory} (default: \"/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions\")"
msgstr "@code{xsessions-directory} (Vorgabe: \"/run/current-system/profile/share/xsessions\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19907
msgid "Directory to look for desktop files starting X sessions."
msgstr "Verzeichnis, das nach .desktop-Dateien zum Starten von X-Sitzungen durchsucht wird.<"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19908
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{minimum-vt} (default: 7)"
msgstr "@code{minimum-vt} (Vorgabe: 7)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19910
msgid "Minimum VT to use."
msgstr "Das kleinste virtuelle Terminal, das benutzt werden darf."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19911
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login-user} (default \"\")"
msgstr "@code{auto-login-user} (Vorgabe: \"\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19426
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19913
msgid "User to use for auto-login."
msgstr "Benutzer, der bei automatischer Anmeldung angemeldet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19914
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login-session} (default \"\")"
msgstr "@code{auto-login-session} (Vorgabe: \"\")"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19916
msgid "Desktop file to use for auto-login."
msgstr "Desktop-Datei für die automatische Anmeldung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19917
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{relogin?} (default #f)"
msgstr "@code{relogin?} (Vorgabe: #f)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19919
msgid "Relogin after logout."
msgstr "Ob nach dem Abmelden neu angemeldet werden soll."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19924
#, no-wrap
msgid "X11 login"
msgstr "X11-Anmeldung"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19925
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} sddm-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} sddm-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19929
msgid "This is the type of the service to run the @uref{https://github.com/sddm/sddm,SDDM display manager}. Its value must be a @code{sddm-configuration} record (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, mit dem der @uref{https://github.com/sddm/sddm,SDDM-Anzeigeserver} gestartet wird. Sein Wert muss ein @code{sddm-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein (siehe unten)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19931
msgid "Here's an example use:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für seine Verwendung:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19937
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service sddm-service-type\n"
@@ -36440,265 +37330,265 @@ msgstr ""
" (auto-login-session \"xfce.desktop\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19943
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the SDDM login manager. The available fields are:"
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration der SDDM-Anmeldeverwaltung. Die verfügbaren Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19945
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sddm} (default: @code{sddm})"
msgstr "@code{sddm} (Vorgabe: @code{sddm})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19460
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19947
msgid "The SDDM package to use."
msgstr "Das SDDM-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19948
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{display-server} (default: @code{\"x11\"})"
msgstr "@code{display-server} (Vorgabe: @code{\"x11\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19950
msgid "This must be either @code{\"x11\"} or @code{\"wayland\"}."
msgstr "Hier muss entweder @code{\"x11\"} oder @code{\"wayland\"} angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19953
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login-user} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{auto-login-user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19956
msgid "If non-empty, this is the user account under which to log in automatically."
msgstr "Wenn es nicht leer ist, enthält dieses Feld das Benutzerkonto, mit dem man automatisch angemeldet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19957
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-login-session} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{auto-login-session} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19960
msgid "If non-empty, this is the @file{.desktop} file name to use as the auto-login session."
msgstr "Wenn es nicht leer ist, gibt dieses Feld den Namen der @file{.desktop}-Datei an, die bei automatischer Anmeldung für die Sitzung verwendet wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19963
#, no-wrap
msgid "Xorg, configuration"
msgstr "Xorg, Konfiguration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19964
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} xorg-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} xorg-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19969
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the Xorg graphical display server. Note that there is no Xorg service; instead, the X server is started by a ``display manager'' such as GDM, SDDM, and SLiM@. Thus, the configuration of these display managers aggregates an @code{xorg-configuration} record."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des grafischen Anzeigeservers Xorg. Beachten Sie, dass es keinen Xorg-Dienst gibt, sondern der X-Server von einer „Anzeigenverwaltung“ wie GDM, SDDM oder SLiM gestartet wird. Deswegen wird aus der Konfiguration dieser Anzeigenverwaltungen ein @code{xorg-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt konstruiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19971
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{modules} (default: @code{%default-xorg-modules})"
msgstr "@code{modules} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-xorg-modules})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19974
msgid "This is a list of @dfn{module packages} loaded by the Xorg server---e.g., @code{xf86-video-vesa}, @code{xf86-input-keyboard}, and so on."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von @dfn{Modulpaketen}, die vom Xorg-Server geladen werden@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{xf86-video-vesa}, @code{xf86-input-keyboard} und so weiter."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19975
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{fonts} (default: @code{%default-xorg-fonts})"
msgstr "@code{fonts} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-xorg-fonts})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19977
msgid "This is a list of font directories to add to the server's @dfn{font path}."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von Verzeichnissen mit Schriftarten, die zum Schriftartensuchpfad („Font Path“) des Servers hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19978
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{drivers} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{drivers} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19982
msgid "This must be either the empty list, in which case Xorg chooses a graphics driver automatically, or a list of driver names that will be tried in this order---e.g., @code{(\"modesetting\" \"vesa\")}."
msgstr "Dies muss entweder die leere Liste sein@tie{}— in diesem Fall wird durch Xorg automatisch ein Grafiktreiber ausgewählt@tie{}— oder eine Liste von Treibernamen, die in dieser Reihenfolge durchprobiert werden@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{(\"modesetting\" \"vesa\")}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19983
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{resolutions} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{resolutions} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19987
msgid "When @code{resolutions} is the empty list, Xorg chooses an appropriate screen resolution. Otherwise, it must be a list of resolutions---e.g., @code{((1024 768) (640 480))}."
msgstr "Wenn @code{resolutions} die leere Liste ist, wird automatisch durch Xorg eine passende Bildschirmauflösung gewählt. Andernfalls muss hier eine Liste von Bildschirmauflösungen angegeben werden@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{((1024 768) (640 480))}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19988
#, no-wrap
msgid "keyboard layout, for Xorg"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung, für Xorg"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19989
#, no-wrap
msgid "keymap, for Xorg"
msgstr "Keymap, für Xorg"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19993
msgid "If this is @code{#f}, Xorg uses the default keyboard layout---usually US English (``qwerty'') for a 105-key PC keyboard."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, benutzt Xorg die voreingestellte Tastaturbelegung, also normalerweise US English („QWERTY“) für eine PC-Tastatur mit 105 Tasten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19997
msgid "Otherwise this must be a @code{keyboard-layout} object specifying the keyboard layout in use when Xorg is running. @xref{Keyboard Layout}, for more information on how to specify the keyboard layout."
msgstr "Andernfalls muss hier ein @code{keyboard-layout}-Objekt stehen, das angibt, welche Tastaturbelegung aktiv sein soll, während Xorg läuft. Siehe @ref{Keyboard Layout} für mehr Informationen, wie die Tastaturbelegung angegeben werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21223
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19998 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34597
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-config} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{extra-config} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19514 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20001 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34601
msgid "This is a list of strings or objects appended to the configuration file. It is used to pass extra text to be added verbatim to the configuration file."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von Zeichenketten oder Objekten, die an die Konfigurationsdatei angehängt werden. Mit ihnen wird zusätzlicher Text wortwörtlich zur Konfigurationsdatei hinzugefügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20002
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server} (default: @code{xorg-server})"
msgstr "@code{server} (Vorgabe: @code{xorg-server})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20004
msgid "This is the package providing the Xorg server."
msgstr "Dieses Paket stellt den Xorg-Server zur Verfügung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20005
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-arguments} (default: @code{%default-xorg-server-arguments})"
msgstr "@code{server-arguments} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-xorg-server-arguments})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20008
msgid "This is the list of command-line arguments to pass to the X server. The default is @code{-nolisten tcp}."
msgstr "Dies ist die Liste der Befehlszeilenargumente, die an den X-Server übergeben werden. Die Vorgabe ist @code{-nolisten tcp}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20011
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} set-xorg-configuration @var{config} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} set-xorg-configuration @var{Konfiguration} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20015
msgid "[@var{login-manager-service-type}] Tell the log-in manager (of type @var{login-manager-service-type}) to use @var{config}, an @code{<xorg-configuration>} record."
msgstr "[@var{login-manager-service-type}] Benennt, welche @var{Konfiguration} die Anmeldeverwaltung (vom Typ @var{login-manager-service-type}) benutzen soll, als ein @code{<xorg-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20019
msgid "Since the Xorg configuration is embedded in the log-in manager's configuration---e.g., @code{gdm-configuration}---this procedure provides a shorthand to set the Xorg configuration."
msgstr "Da die Xorg-Konfiguration in die Konfiguration der Anmeldeverwaltung eingebettet ist@tie{}— z.B.@: in einer @code{gdm-configuration}@tie{}—, bietet diese Prozedur eine Kurzschreibweise zum Ändern der Xorg-Konfiguration."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20021
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} xorg-start-command [@var{config}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} xorg-start-command [@var{Konfiguration}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20025
msgid "Return a @code{startx} script in which the modules, fonts, etc. specified in @var{config}, are available. The result should be used in place of @code{startx}."
msgstr "Hier wird ein @code{startx}-Skript geliefert, in welchem die Module, Schriftarten usw.@: verfügbar sind, die in der @var{Konfiguration} angegeben wurden. Das Ergebnis soll anstelle von @code{startx} benutzt werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20027
msgid "Usually the X server is started by a login manager."
msgstr "Normalerweise wird der X-Server von der Anmeldeverwaltung gestartet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20030
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} screen-locker-service @var{package} [@var{program}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} screen-locker-service @var{Paket} [@var{Programm}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20034
msgid "Add @var{package}, a package for a screen locker or screen saver whose command is @var{program}, to the set of setuid programs and add a PAM entry for it. For example:"
msgstr "Das @var{Paket} zur Menge der setuid-Programme hinzufügen, worin sich ein Programm zum Sperren des Bildschirms oder ein Bildschirmschoner befinden muss, der mit dem Befehl @var{Programm} gestartet wird, und einen PAM-Eintrag dafür hinzufügen. Zum Beispiel macht"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20037
#, no-wrap
msgid "(screen-locker-service xlockmore \"xlock\")\n"
msgstr "(screen-locker-service xlockmore \"xlock\")\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20040
msgid "makes the good ol' XlockMore usable."
msgstr "das gute alte XlockMore benutzbar."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20046
#, no-wrap
msgid "printer support with CUPS"
msgstr "Druckerunterstützung mit CUPS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20050
msgid "The @code{(gnu services cups)} module provides a Guix service definition for the CUPS printing service. To add printer support to a Guix system, add a @code{cups-service} to the operating system definition:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services cups)} stellt eine Guix-Dienstdefinition für den CUPS-Druckdienst zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie Druckerunterstützung zu einem Guix-System hinzufügen möchten, dann fügen Sie einen @code{cups-service}-Dienst in die Betriebssystemdefinition ein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20051
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} cups-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} cups-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20055
msgid "The service type for the CUPS print server. Its value should be a valid CUPS configuration (see below). To use the default settings, simply write:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für den CUPS-Druckserver. Als Wert muss eine gültige CUPS-Konfiguration angegeben werden (siehe unten). Um die Voreinstellungen zu verwenden, schreiben Sie einfach nur:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20057
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service cups-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service cups-service-type)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20067
msgid "The CUPS configuration controls the basic things about your CUPS installation: what interfaces it listens on, what to do if a print job fails, how much logging to do, and so on. To actually add a printer, you have to visit the @url{http://localhost:631} URL, or use a tool such as GNOME's printer configuration services. By default, configuring a CUPS service will generate a self-signed certificate if needed, for secure connections to the print server."
msgstr "Mit der CUPS-Konfiguration stellen Sie die grundlegenden Merkmale Ihrer CUPS-Installation ein: Auf welcher Schnittstelle sie lauscht, wie mit einem fehlgeschlagenen Druckauftrag umzugehen ist, wie viel in Protokolle geschrieben werden soll und so weiter. Um einen Drucker hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie jedoch die URL @url{http://localhost:631} besuchen oder ein Werkzeug wie die Druckereinstellungsdienste von GNOME benutzen. Die Vorgabe ist, dass beim Konfigurieren eines CUPS-Dienstes ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat erzeugt wird, um sichere Verbindungen mit dem Druckserver zu ermöglichen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20073
msgid "Suppose you want to enable the Web interface of CUPS and also add support for Epson printers @i{via} the @code{epson-inkjet-printer-escpr} package and for HP printers @i{via} the @code{hplip-minimal} package. You can do that directly, like this (you need to use the @code{(gnu packages cups)} module):"
msgstr "Nehmen wir an, Sie wollen die Weboberfläche von CUPS aktivieren und Unterstützung für Epson-Drucker über das @code{epson-inkjet-printer-escpr}-Paket und für HP-Drucker über das @code{hplip-minimal}-Paket aktivieren. Sie können das auf diese Weise gleich machen (dazu müssen Sie vorher angeben, dass das Modul @code{(gnu packages cups)} benutzt werden soll):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20080
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service cups-service-type\n"
@@ -36714,1584 +37604,1578 @@ msgstr ""
" (list cups-filters epson-inkjet-printer-escpr hplip-minimal))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20085
msgid "Note: If you wish to use the Qt5 based GUI which comes with the hplip package then it is suggested that you install the @code{hplip} package, either in your OS configuration file or as your user."
msgstr "Anmerkung: Wenn Sie die Qt5-basierte grafische Benutzeroberfläche benutzen möchten, die dem hplip-Paket beiliegt, sollten Sie das @code{hplip}-Paket installieren, entweder in die Konfigurationsdatei Ihres Betriebssystems oder für Ihr Benutzerkonto."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20092
msgid "The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, @samp{string-list foo} indicates that the @code{foo} parameter should be specified as a list of strings. There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old @code{cupsd.conf} file that you want to port over from some other system; see the end for more details."
msgstr "Im Folgenden sehen Sie die verfügbaren Konfigurationsparameter. Vor jeder Parameterdefinition wird ihr Typ angegeben, zum Beispiel steht @samp{Zeichenketten-Liste foo} für einen Parameter @code{foo}, der als Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden muss. Sie können die Konfiguration aber auch in einer einzigen Zeichenkette angeben, wenn Sie eine alte @code{cupsd.conf}-Datei von einem anderen System weiterbenutzen möchten; siehe das Abschnittsende für mehr Details."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20103
msgid "Available @code{cups-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Die verfügbaren @code{cups-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20104
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} package cups"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ cups"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19619 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20106 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20874
msgid "The CUPS package."
msgstr "Das CUPS-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19621
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20108
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} package-list extensions (default: @code{(list brlaser cups-filters epson-inkjet-printer-escpr foomatic-filters hplip-minimal splix)})"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} „package“-Liste extensions (Vorgabe: @code{(list brlaser cups-filters epson-inkjet-printer-escpr foomatic-filters hplip-minimal splix)})"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20110
msgid "Drivers and other extensions to the CUPS package."
msgstr "Treiber und andere Erweiterungen für das CUPS-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20112
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} files-configuration files-configuration"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} „files-configuration“ files-configuration"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20115
msgid "Configuration of where to write logs, what directories to use for print spools, and related privileged configuration parameters."
msgstr "Konfiguration, wo Protokolle abgelegt werden sollen, welche Verzeichnisse für Druckspoolerwarteschlangen benutzt werden sollen und ähnliche Berechtigungen erfordernde Konfigurationsparameter."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20117
msgid "Available @code{files-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare Felder einer @code{files-configuration} sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20118
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} log-location access-log"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Protokollpfad access-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20126
msgid "Defines the access log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables access log generation. The value @code{stderr} causes log entries to be sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value @code{syslog} causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The server name may be included in filenames using the string @code{%s}, as in @code{/var/log/cups/%s-access_log}."
msgstr "Hiermit wird der Dateiname des Zugriffsprotokolls („Access Log“) festgelegt. Wenn ein leerer Name angegeben wird, wird kein Protokoll erzeugt. Der Wert @code{stderr} lässt Protokolleinträge in die Standardfehlerdatei schreiben, wenn das Druckplanungsprogramm im Vordergrund läuft, oder an den Systemprotokolldaemon (also Syslog), wenn es im Hintergrund läuft. Der Wert @code{syslog} bewirkt, dass Protokolleinträge an den Systemprotokolldaemon geschickt werden. Der Servername darf in Dateinamen als die Zeichenkette @code{%s} angegeben werden, so kann etwa @code{/var/log/cups/%s-access_log} angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20128
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/cups/access_log\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/cups/access_log\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20130
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name cache-dir"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname cache-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20132
msgid "Where CUPS should cache data."
msgstr "Wo CUPS zwischengespeicherte Daten ablegen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20134
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/cache/cups\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/cache/cups\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20136
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string config-file-perm"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette config-file-perm"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20139
msgid "Specifies the permissions for all configuration files that the scheduler writes."
msgstr "Gibt die Berechtigungen für alle Konfigurationsdateien an, die das Planungsprogramm schreibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20145
msgid "Note that the permissions for the printers.conf file are currently masked to only allow access from the scheduler user (typically root). This is done because printer device URIs sometimes contain sensitive authentication information that should not be generally known on the system. There is no way to disable this security feature."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass auf die Berechtigungen der Datei printers.conf eine Maske gelegt wird, wodurch Zugriffe nur durch das planende Benutzerkonto erlaubt werden (in der Regel der Administratornutzer „root“). Der Grund dafür ist, dass Druckergeräte-URIs manchmal sensible Authentisierungsdaten enthalten, die nicht allgemein auf dem System bekannt sein sollten. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, diese Sicherheitsmaßnahme abzuschalten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20147
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"0640\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"0640\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20149
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} log-location error-log"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Protokollpfad error-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20157
msgid "Defines the error log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables error log generation. The value @code{stderr} causes log entries to be sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value @code{syslog} causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The server name may be included in filenames using the string @code{%s}, as in @code{/var/log/cups/%s-error_log}."
msgstr "Hiermit wird der Dateiname des Fehlerprotokolls („Error Log“) festgelegt. Wenn ein leerer Name angegeben wird, wird kein Fehlerprotokoll erzeugt. Der Wert @code{stderr} lässt Protokolleinträge in die Standardfehlerdatei schreiben, wenn das Planungsprogramm im Vordergrund läuft, oder an den Systemprotokolldaemon (also Syslog), wenn es im Hintergrund läuft. Der Wert @code{syslog} bewirkt, dass Protokolleinträge an den Systemprotokolldaemon geschickt werden. Der Servername darf in Dateinamen als die Zeichenkette @code{%s} angegeben werden, so kann etwa @code{/var/log/cups/%s-error_log} angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20159
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/cups/error_log\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/cups/error_log\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20161
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string fatal-errors"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette fatal-errors"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20164
msgid "Specifies which errors are fatal, causing the scheduler to exit. The kind strings are:"
msgstr "Gibt an, bei welchen Fehlern das Druckplanungsprogramm terminieren soll. Die Zeichenketten für die Arten sind:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20168
msgid "No errors are fatal."
msgstr "Keine Fehler führen zur Beendigung."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20171
msgid "All of the errors below are fatal."
msgstr "Jeder der im Folgenden aufgeführten Fehler terminiert den Druckplaner."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20172
#, no-wrap
msgid "browse"
msgstr "browse"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20175
msgid "Browsing initialization errors are fatal, for example failed connections to the DNS-SD daemon."
msgstr "Fehler bei der Suche während der Initialisierung terminieren den Druckplaner, zum Beispiel wenn keine Verbindung zum DNS-SD-Daemon aufgebaut werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20176
#, no-wrap
msgid "config"
msgstr "config"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20178
msgid "Configuration file syntax errors are fatal."
msgstr "Syntaxfehler in der Konfigurationsdatei terminieren den Druckplaner."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20179
#, no-wrap
msgid "listen"
msgstr "listen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20182
msgid "Listen or Port errors are fatal, except for IPv6 failures on the loopback or @code{any} addresses."
msgstr "Fehler beim Lauschen oder Portfehler (entsprechend der Direktiven „Listen“ oder „Port“) terminieren den Druckplaner; ausgenommen sind Fehler bei IPv6 auf Loopback- oder @code{any}-Adressen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20183
#, no-wrap
msgid "log"
msgstr "log"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20185
msgid "Log file creation or write errors are fatal."
msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen von Protokolldateien terminieren den Druckplaner."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20186
#, no-wrap
msgid "permissions"
msgstr "permissions"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20189
msgid "Bad startup file permissions are fatal, for example shared TLS certificate and key files with world-read permissions."
msgstr "Falsche Zugriffsberechtigungen auf zum Starten benötigten Dateien terminieren den Druckplaner, zum Beispiel wenn auf gemeinsame TLS-Zertifikats- und Schlüsseldateien von allen lesend zugegriffen werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20192
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"all -browse\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"all -browse\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20194
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} boolean file-device?"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck file-device?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20197
msgid "Specifies whether the file pseudo-device can be used for new printer queues. The URI @uref{file:///dev/null} is always allowed."
msgstr "Gibt an, welches Pseudogerät für neue Druckerwarteschlangen benutzt werden kann. Die URI @uref{file:///dev/null} wird immer zugelassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20201
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string group"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20204
msgid "Specifies the group name or ID that will be used when executing external programs."
msgstr "Gibt Namen oder Identifikator der Benutzergruppe an, die zum Ausführen von externen Programmen verwendet wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19719 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20206 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20292
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"lp\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"lp\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20208
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string log-file-group"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-file-group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20210
msgid "Specifies the group name or ID that will be used for log files."
msgstr "Gibt Namen oder Identifikator der Benutzergruppe an, mit der Protokolldateien gespeichert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20212
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"lpadmin\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"lpadmin\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20214
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string log-file-perm"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-file-perm"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20216
msgid "Specifies the permissions for all log files that the scheduler writes."
msgstr "Gibt die Berechtigungen für alle Protokolldateien an, die das Planungsprogramm schreibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20218
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"0644\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"0644\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20220
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} log-location page-log"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} log-location page-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20228
msgid "Defines the page log filename. Specifying a blank filename disables page log generation. The value @code{stderr} causes log entries to be sent to the standard error file when the scheduler is running in the foreground, or to the system log daemon when run in the background. The value @code{syslog} causes log entries to be sent to the system log daemon. The server name may be included in filenames using the string @code{%s}, as in @code{/var/log/cups/%s-page_log}."
msgstr "Hiermit wird der Dateiname des Seitenprotokolls („Page Log“) festgelegt. Wenn ein leerer Name angegeben wird, wird kein Seitenprotokoll erzeugt. Der Wert @code{stderr} lässt Protokolleinträge in die Standardfehlerdatei schreiben, wenn das Planungsprogramm im Vordergrund läuft, oder an den Systemprotokolldaemon (also Syslog), wenn es im Hintergrund läuft. Der Wert @code{syslog} bewirkt, dass Protokolleinträge an den Systemprotokolldaemon geschickt werden. Der Servername darf in Dateinamen als die Zeichenkette @code{%s} angegeben werden, so kann etwa @code{/var/log/cups/%s-page_log} angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20230
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/cups/page_log\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/cups/page_log\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20232
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string remote-root"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette remote-root"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20235
msgid "Specifies the username that is associated with unauthenticated accesses by clients claiming to be the root user. The default is @code{remroot}."
msgstr "Gibt den Benutzernamen an, der für unauthentifizierte Zugriffe durch Clients verwendet wird, die sich als der Administratornutzer „root“ anmelden. Vorgegeben ist @code{remroot}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20237
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"remroot\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"remroot\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20239
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name request-root"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname request-root"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20242
msgid "Specifies the directory that contains print jobs and other HTTP request data."
msgstr "Gibt das Verzeichnis an, in dem Druckaufträge und andere Daten zu HTTP-Anfragen abgelegt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20244
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/spool/cups\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/spool/cups\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20246
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} sandboxing sandboxing"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Isolierung sandboxing"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20251
msgid "Specifies the level of security sandboxing that is applied to print filters, backends, and other child processes of the scheduler; either @code{relaxed} or @code{strict}. This directive is currently only used/supported on macOS."
msgstr "Gibt die Stufe der Sicherheitsisolierung („Sandboxing“) an, die auf Druckfilter, Hintergrundsysteme (Backends) und andere Kindprozesse des Planungsprogramms angewandt wird; entweder @code{relaxed} („locker“) oder @code{strict} („strikt“). Diese Direktive wird zurzeit nur auf macOS benutzt/unterstützt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20253
msgid "Defaults to @samp{strict}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{strict}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20255
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name server-keychain"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname server-keychain"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20260
msgid "Specifies the location of TLS certificates and private keys. CUPS will look for public and private keys in this directory: @file{.crt} files for PEM-encoded certificates and corresponding @file{.key} files for PEM-encoded private keys."
msgstr "Gibt an, wo TLS-Zertifikate und private Schlüssel gespeichert sind. CUPS wird in diesem Verzeichnis öffentliche und private Schlüssel suchen: @file{.crt}-Dateien für PEM-kodierte Zertifikate und zugehörige @file{.key}-Dateien für PEM-kodierte private Schlüssel."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20262
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/cups/ssl\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/cups/ssl\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20264
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name server-root"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname server-root"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20266
msgid "Specifies the directory containing the server configuration files."
msgstr "Gibt das Verzeichnis an, das die Serverkonfigurationsdateien enthält."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20268
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/cups\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/cups\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20270
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} boolean sync-on-close?"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck sync-on-close?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20273
msgid "Specifies whether the scheduler calls fsync(2) after writing configuration or state files."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob das Planungsprogramm fsync(2) aufrufen soll, nachdem es in Konfigurations- oder Zustandsdateien geschrieben hat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20277
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list system-group"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste system-group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20279
msgid "Specifies the group(s) to use for @code{@@SYSTEM} group authentication."
msgstr "Gibt die Benutzergruppe(n) an, die als die @code{@@SYSTEM}-Gruppen für die Authentisierung benutzt werden können."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20281
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} file-name temp-dir"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname temp-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20283
msgid "Specifies the directory where temporary files are stored."
msgstr "Gibt das Verzeichnis an, in das temporäre Dateien gespeichert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20285
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/spool/cups/tmp\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/spool/cups/tmp\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20287
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string user"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20290
msgid "Specifies the user name or ID that is used when running external programs."
msgstr "Gibt den Benutzernamen oder -identifikator an, mit dessen Benutzerkonto externe Programme ausgeführt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20294
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{files-configuration} parameter} string set-env"
msgstr "{@code{files-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette set-env"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20296
msgid "Set the specified environment variable to be passed to child processes."
msgstr "Legt die angegebene Umgebungsvariable auf einen Wert (englisch „Value“) fest, die an Kindprozesse übergeben wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20298
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"variable value\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"variable value\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20301
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} access-log-level access-log-level"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zugriffsprotokollstufe access-log-level"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20308
msgid "Specifies the logging level for the AccessLog file. The @code{config} level logs when printers and classes are added, deleted, or modified and when configuration files are accessed or updated. The @code{actions} level logs when print jobs are submitted, held, released, modified, or canceled, and any of the conditions for @code{config}. The @code{all} level logs all requests."
msgstr "Gibt an, mit welcher Detailstufe das Protokoll in der AccessLog-Datei geführt wird. Bei der Stufe @code{config} wird protokolliert, wenn Drucker und Klassen hinzugefügt, entfernt oder verändert werden, und wenn auf Konfigurationsdateien zugegriffen oder sie aktualisiert werden. Bei der Stufe @code{actions} wird protokolliert, wenn Druckaufträge eingereicht, gehalten, freigegeben, geändert oder abgebrochen werden sowie alles, was bei @code{config} Protokollierung auslöst. Bei der Stufe @code{all} wird jede Anfrage protokolliert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20310
msgid "Defaults to @samp{actions}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{actions}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20312
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean auto-purge-jobs?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auto-purge-jobs?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20315
msgid "Specifies whether to purge job history data automatically when it is no longer required for quotas."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob Daten über den Auftragsverlauf automatisch gelöscht werden sollen, wenn Sie nicht mehr zur Berechnung von Druckkontingenten benötigt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20319
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} comma-separated-string-list browse-dns-sd-sub-types"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Kommagetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste browse-dns-sd-sub-types"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20323
msgid "Specifies a list of DNS-SD sub-types to advertise for each shared printer. For example, @samp{\"_cups\" \"_print\"} will tell network clients that both CUPS sharing and IPP Everywhere are supported."
msgstr "Gibt eine Liste von DNS-SD-Subtypen an, die anderen für jeden geteilten Drucker mitgeteilt werden sollen. Zum Beispiel wird bei @samp{\"_cups\" \"_print\"} den Netzwerk-Clients mitgeteilt, dass sowohl Teilen zwischen CUPS als auch IPP Everywhere unterstützt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20325
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"_cups\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"_cups\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20327
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} browse-local-protocols browse-local-protocols"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Protokolle-zur-lokalen-Suche browse-local-protocols"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20329
msgid "Specifies which protocols to use for local printer sharing."
msgstr "Gibt an, welche Protokolle zum lokalen Teilen („Freigeben“) von Druckern benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20331
msgid "Defaults to @samp{dnssd}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{dnssd}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20333
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean browse-web-if?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck browse-web-if?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20335
msgid "Specifies whether the CUPS web interface is advertised."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob die Weboberfläche von CUPS anderen mitgeteilt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20339
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean browsing?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck browsing?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20341
msgid "Specifies whether shared printers are advertised."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob geteilte Drucker bei Druckersuchen mitgeteilt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20345
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string classification"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette classification"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20350
msgid "Specifies the security classification of the server. Any valid banner name can be used, including @samp{\"classified\"}, @samp{\"confidential\"}, @samp{\"secret\"}, @samp{\"topsecret\"}, and @samp{\"unclassified\"}, or the banner can be omitted to disable secure printing functions."
msgstr "Gibt die Geheimhaltungsstufe des Servers an. Jeder gültige Deckblattname („Banner“-Name) kann benutzt werden, einschließlich @samp{\"classified\"}, @samp{\"confidential\"}, @samp{\"secret\"}, @samp{\"topsecret\"} und @samp{\"unclassified\"}. Wird kein Deckblatt angegeben, werden Funktionen für sicheres Drucken abgeschaltet."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19865 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20196
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22180 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22192
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22220 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22977
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22991 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22998
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23005 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23035
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23133 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25252
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25278 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25314
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25360 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25379
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25418 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25477
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25487 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30085
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30093 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30101
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30109 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30388
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31743 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31751
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31759 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31867
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31892 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32023
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32031 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32039
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32047 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32055
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32063 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32086
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32094 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32146
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32162 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32170
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32209 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32232
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32254 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32261
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32296 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32304
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32328 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32360
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32389 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32396
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32403 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32411
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32425 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32434
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32444 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32451
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32458 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32465
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32536 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32543
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32550 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32559
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32575 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32582
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32589 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32596
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32604 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20352 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22700 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22740 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23525 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23653 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30554 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30570 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32208 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32224 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32357 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32496 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32512 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32528 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32559 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32627 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32674 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32719 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32761 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32793 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32854 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32868 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32890 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32909 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32923 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33001 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33015 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33040 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33054 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33069 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33077
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20354
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean classify-override?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck classify-override?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20357
msgid "Specifies whether users may override the classification (cover page) of individual print jobs using the @code{job-sheets} option."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob Nutzer bei einzelnen Druckaufträgen eine andere als die voreingestellte Geheimhaltungsstufe (für das Deckblatt) vorgeben können, indem sie die Option @code{job-sheets} einstellen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20361
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} default-auth-type default-auth-type"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Voreingestelle-Authentifizierungsart default-auth-type"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20363
msgid "Specifies the default type of authentication to use."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie man nach Voreinstellung authentifiziert wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20365
msgid "Defaults to @samp{Basic}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{Basic}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20367
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} default-encryption default-encryption"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Voreingestellte-Verschlüsselung default-encryption"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20369
msgid "Specifies whether encryption will be used for authenticated requests."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob für authentifizierte Anfragen Verschlüsselung benutzt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20371
msgid "Defaults to @samp{Required}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{Required}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20373
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string default-language"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette default-language"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19888
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20375
msgid "Specifies the default language to use for text and web content."
msgstr "Gibt an, welche Sprache für Text und Weboberfläche voreingestellt benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20377
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"en\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"en\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20379
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string default-paper-size"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette default-paper-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20384
msgid "Specifies the default paper size for new print queues. @samp{\"Auto\"} uses a locale-specific default, while @samp{\"None\"} specifies there is no default paper size. Specific size names are typically @samp{\"Letter\"} or @samp{\"A4\"}."
msgstr "Gibt das voreingestellte Papierformat für neue Druckwarteschlangen an. Bei @samp{\"Auto\"} wird eine der Locale entsprechende Voreinstellung gewählt, während bei @samp{\"None\"} kein Papierformat voreingestellt ist. Verfügbare Formatbezeichnungen sind typischerweise @samp{\"Letter\"} oder @samp{\"A4\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20386
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"Auto\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"Auto\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20388
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string default-policy"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette default-policy"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20390
msgid "Specifies the default access policy to use."
msgstr "Gibt die voreingestellte Zugriffsrichtlinie an, die benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20392
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"default\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"default\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20394
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean default-shared?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck default-shared?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20396
msgid "Specifies whether local printers are shared by default."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob lokale Drucker nach Voreinstellung geteilt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19911 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19991
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20281 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23067
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23118 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23125
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24407 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24595
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24712 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24748
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24799 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24818
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24828 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24838
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24897 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24919
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24944 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24970
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24988 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28180
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28208 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28344
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28351 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28359
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28396 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28410
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28499 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28506
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28514 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29293
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29433 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29619
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29626 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29648
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29687 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29707
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29721 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29934
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31845 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31933
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31949 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20398 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20768 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23638 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24927 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25232 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25348 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25417 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25464 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25508 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28641 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28784 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28829 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28932 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28947 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29866 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30087 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30148 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32310 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32398
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32414 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32464
msgid "Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20400
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer dirty-clean-interval"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl dirty-clean-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20404
msgid "Specifies the delay for updating of configuration and state files, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the update to happen as soon as possible, typically within a few milliseconds."
msgstr "Gibt an, mit welcher Verzögerung Konfigurations- und Zustandsdateien aktualisiert werden sollen. Der Wert 0 lässt die Aktualisierung so bald wie möglich stattfinden, in der Regel nach ein paar Millisekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19919 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19967
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19976 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20288
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24757 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20406 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20463 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25277 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25310
msgid "Defaults to @samp{30}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{30}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20408
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} error-policy error-policy"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Fehlerrichtlinie error-policy"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20414
msgid "Specifies what to do when an error occurs. Possible values are @code{abort-job}, which will discard the failed print job; @code{retry-job}, which will retry the job at a later time; @code{retry-current-job}, which retries the failed job immediately; and @code{stop-printer}, which stops the printer."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie beim Auftreten eines Fehlers verfahren werden soll. Mögliche Werte sind @code{abort-job}, wodurch der fehlgeschlagene Druckauftrag verworfen wird, @code{retry-job}, wodurch der Druckauftrag später erneut versucht wird, @code{retry-current-job}, wodurch der fehlgeschlagene Druckauftrag sofort erneut versucht wird, und @code{stop-printer}, wodurch der Drucker angehalten wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20416
msgid "Defaults to @samp{stop-printer}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{stop-printer}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20418
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer filter-limit"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl filter-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20426
msgid "Specifies the maximum cost of filters that are run concurrently, which can be used to minimize disk, memory, and CPU resource problems. A limit of 0 disables filter limiting. An average print to a non-PostScript printer needs a filter limit of about 200. A PostScript printer needs about half that (100). Setting the limit below these thresholds will effectively limit the scheduler to printing a single job at any time."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalkosten von Filtern an, die nebenläufig ausgeführt werden, wodurch Probleme durch Platten-, Arbeitsspeicher- und Prozessorressourcennutzung minimiert werden können. Eine Beschränkung von 0 deaktiviert die Filterbeschränkung. Ein durchschnittlicher Druck mit einem Nicht-PostScript-Drucker erfordert eine Filterbeschränkung von mindestens ungefähr 200. Ein PostScript-Drucker erfordert eine halb so hohe Filterbeschränkung (100). Wird die Beschränkung unterhalb dieser Schwellwerte angesetzt, kann das Planungsprogramm effektiv nur noch einen einzelnen Druckauftrag gleichzeitig abarbeiten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19941 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19949
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19998 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20114
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20128 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20135
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21622 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21638
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22295 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22307
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23086 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23095
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23103 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23111
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29309 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29634
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31838 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32138
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20428 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20485 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20615 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22142 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22815 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23606 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23623 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29742 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32303 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32777
msgid "Defaults to @samp{0}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20430
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer filter-nice"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl filter-nice"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20434
msgid "Specifies the scheduling priority of filters that are run to print a job. The nice value ranges from 0, the highest priority, to 19, the lowest priority."
msgstr "Gibt die Planungspriorität von Filtern an, die zum Drucken eines Druckauftrags ausgeführt werden. Der nice-Wert kann zwischen 0, der höchsten Priorität, und 19, der niedrigsten Priorität, liegen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20438
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} host-name-lookups host-name-lookups"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Rechnernamensauflösungen host-name-lookups"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20445
msgid "Specifies whether to do reverse lookups on connecting clients. The @code{double} setting causes @code{cupsd} to verify that the hostname resolved from the address matches one of the addresses returned for that hostname. Double lookups also prevent clients with unregistered addresses from connecting to your server. Only set this option to @code{#t} or @code{double} if absolutely required."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob inverse Namensauflösungen („Reverse Lookups“) bei sich verbindenden Clients durchgeführt werden sollen. Die Einstellung @code{double} lässt @code{cupsd} verifizieren, dass der anhand der Adresse aufgelöste Rechnername zu einer der für den Rechnernamen zurückgelieferten Adressen passt. „Double“-Namensauflösungen verhindern auch, dass sich Clients mit unregistrierten Adressen mit Ihrem Server verbinden können. Setzen Sie diese Option nur dann auf @code{#t} oder @code{double}, wenn es unbedingt notwendig ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20449
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer job-kill-delay"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl job-kill-delay"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20452
msgid "Specifies the number of seconds to wait before killing the filters and backend associated with a canceled or held job."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl an Sekunden an, wie lange vor dem Abwürgen der mit einem abgebrochenen oder gehaltenen Druckauftrag assoziierten Filter- und Hintergrundprozesse (dem „Backend“) gewartet wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20456
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer job-retry-interval"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl job-retry-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20461
msgid "Specifies the interval between retries of jobs in seconds. This is typically used for fax queues but can also be used with normal print queues whose error policy is @code{retry-job} or @code{retry-current-job}."
msgstr "Gibt das Zeitintervall zwischen erneuten Versuchen von Druckaufträgen in Sekunden an. Dies wird in der Regel für Fax-Warteschlangen benutzt, kann aber auch für normale Druckwarteschlangen benutzt werden, deren Fehlerrichtlinie @code{retry-job} oder @code{retry-current-job} ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19978
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20465
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer job-retry-limit"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl job-retry-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20470
msgid "Specifies the number of retries that are done for jobs. This is typically used for fax queues but can also be used with normal print queues whose error policy is @code{retry-job} or @code{retry-current-job}."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl an, wie oft ein Druckauftrag erneut versucht wird. Dies wird in der Regel für Fax-Warteschlangen benutzt, kann aber auch für normale Druckwarteschlangen benutzt werden, deren Fehlerrichtlinie @code{retry-job} oder @code{retry-current-job} ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19985 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24721
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30186 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30206
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30222 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30236
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30243 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30250
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30257 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30417
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30433 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30440
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30447 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30458
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31790 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31798
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31806 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20472 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30647 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30683 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30704 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30718 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30894 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30908 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32255 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32271 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32295
msgid "Defaults to @samp{5}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{5}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20474
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean keep-alive?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck keep-alive?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20476
msgid "Specifies whether to support HTTP keep-alive connections."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob HTTP-„keep-alive“ für Verbindungen unterstützt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20480
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer limit-request-body"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl limit-request-body"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:19996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20483
msgid "Specifies the maximum size of print files, IPP requests, and HTML form data. A limit of 0 disables the limit check."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalgröße von zu druckenden Dateien, IPP-Anfragen und HTML-Formulardaten an. Eine Beschränkung von 0 deaktiviert die Beschränkung."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20487
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} multiline-string-list listen"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Mehrzeilige-Zeichenketten-Liste listen"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20494
msgid "Listens on the specified interfaces for connections. Valid values are of the form @var{address}:@var{port}, where @var{address} is either an IPv6 address enclosed in brackets, an IPv4 address, or @code{*} to indicate all addresses. Values can also be file names of local UNIX domain sockets. The Listen directive is similar to the Port directive but allows you to restrict access to specific interfaces or networks."
msgstr "Lauscht auf den angegebenen Schnittstellen auf Verbindungen. Gültige Werte haben die Form @var{Adresse}:@var{Port}, wobei die @var{Adresse} entweder eine von eckigen Klammern umschlossene IPv6-Adresse, eine IPv4-Adresse oder @code{*} ist; letztere steht für alle Adressen. Werte können auch Dateinamen lokaler UNIX-Sockets sein. Die Listen-Direktive ähnelt der Port-Direktive, macht es aber möglich, den Zugriff für bestimmte Schnittstellen oder Netzwerke einzuschränken."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20009
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20496
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer listen-back-log"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl listen-back-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20503
msgid "Specifies the number of pending connections that will be allowed. This normally only affects very busy servers that have reached the MaxClients limit, but can also be triggered by large numbers of simultaneous connections. When the limit is reached, the operating system will refuse additional connections until the scheduler can accept the pending ones."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl ausstehender Verbindungen an, die möglich sein soll. Normalerweise betrifft dies nur sehr ausgelastete Server, die die MaxClients-Beschränkung erreicht haben. Es kann aber auch eine Rolle spielen, wenn versucht wird, gleichzeitig sehr viele Verbindungen herzustellen. Wenn die Beschränkung erreicht wird, sperrt das Betriebssystem den Aufbau weiterer Verbindungen, bis das Druckplanungsprogramm die ausstehenden akzeptieren konnte."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20505
msgid "Defaults to @samp{128}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{128}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20507
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} location-access-control-list location-access-controls"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} „location-access-controls“-Liste location-access-controls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20509
msgid "Specifies a set of additional access controls."
msgstr "Gibt eine Liste zusätzlicher Zugriffssteuerungen („Access Controls“) an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20511
msgid "Available @code{location-access-controls} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{location-access-controls}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20512
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{location-access-controls} parameter} file-name path"
msgstr "{@code{location-access-controls}-Parameter} Dateiname path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20514
msgid "Specifies the URI path to which the access control applies."
msgstr "Gibt den URI-Pfad an, für den die Zugriffssteuerung gilt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20516
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{location-access-controls} parameter} access-control-list access-controls"
msgstr "{@code{location-access-controls}-Parameter} Zugriffssteuerungs-Liste access-controls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20519
msgid "Access controls for all access to this path, in the same format as the @code{access-controls} of @code{operation-access-control}."
msgstr "Zugriffssteuerungen für jeden Zugriff auf diesen Pfad, im selben Format wie die @code{access-controls} bei @code{operation-access-control}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20034 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20040
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20054 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20061
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20203 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20262
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20340 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20354
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21502 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21511
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22781 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22984
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23012 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23042
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23157 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23170
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23177 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24927
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25426
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25853 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25861
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26106 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28239
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28417 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28616
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30077 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30137
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30145 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31853
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31860 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32202
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32280 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32374
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32382 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32418
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32568 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32619
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20521 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20541 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20690 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20827 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22022 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23301 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23532 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23677 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23697 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26283 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26536 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28850 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30538 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30606 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32325 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32745 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32847 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33033 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33093
msgid "Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20523
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{location-access-controls} parameter} method-access-control-list method-access-controls"
msgstr "{@code{location-access-controls}-Parameter} „method-access-controls“-Liste method-access-controls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20525
msgid "Access controls for method-specific access to this path."
msgstr "Zugriffssteuerungen für methodenspezifische Zugriffe auf diesen Pfad."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20529
msgid "Available @code{method-access-controls} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{method-access-controls}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20530
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{method-access-controls} parameter} boolean reverse?"
msgstr "{@code{method-access-controls}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck reverse?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20533
msgid "If @code{#t}, apply access controls to all methods except the listed methods. Otherwise apply to only the listed methods."
msgstr "Falls dies @code{#t} ist, gelten die Zugriffssteuerungen für alle Methoden außer den aufgelisteten Methoden. Andernfalls gelten sie nur für die aufgelisteten Methoden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20537
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{method-access-controls} parameter} method-list methods"
msgstr "{@code{method-access-controls}-Parameter} Methoden-Liste methods"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20539
msgid "Methods to which this access control applies."
msgstr "Methoden, für die diese Zugriffssteuerung gilt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20543
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{method-access-controls} parameter} access-control-list access-controls"
msgstr "{@code{method-access-controls}-Parameter} Zugriffssteuerungs-Liste access-controls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20546
msgid "Access control directives, as a list of strings. Each string should be one directive, such as @samp{\"Order allow,deny\"}."
msgstr "Zugriffssteuerungsdirektiven als eine Liste von Zeichenketten. Jede Zeichenkette steht für eine Direktive wie z.B.@: @samp{\"Order allow,deny\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20552
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer log-debug-history"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl log-debug-history"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20556
msgid "Specifies the number of debugging messages that are retained for logging if an error occurs in a print job. Debug messages are logged regardless of the LogLevel setting."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl der Nachrichten zur Fehlersuche an, die für Protokolle vorgehalten werden, wenn ein Fehler in einem Druckauftrag auftritt. Nachrichten zur Fehlersuche werden unabhängig von der LogLevel-Einstellung protokolliert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20071 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20092
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20099 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22541
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24459 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24474
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20558 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20586 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24979 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29034
msgid "Defaults to @samp{100}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{100}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20560
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} log-level log-level"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Protokollstufe log-level"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20563
msgid "Specifies the level of logging for the ErrorLog file. The value @code{none} stops all logging while @code{debug2} logs everything."
msgstr "Gibt die Stufe der Protokollierung in die ErrorLog-Datei an. Der Wert @code{none} stoppt alle Protokollierung, während @code{debug2} alles protokollieren lässt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20078 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20565 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25456
msgid "Defaults to @samp{info}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{info}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20567
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} log-time-format log-time-format"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Protokollzeitformat log-time-format"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20570
msgid "Specifies the format of the date and time in the log files. The value @code{standard} logs whole seconds while @code{usecs} logs microseconds."
msgstr "Gibt das Format von Datum und Uhrzeit in Protokolldateien an. Der Wert @code{standard} lässt ganze Sekunden ins Protokoll schreiben, während bei @code{usecs} Mikrosekunden protokolliert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20572
msgid "Defaults to @samp{standard}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{standard}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20574
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-clients"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20577
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed by the scheduler."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalzahl gleichzeitig bedienter Clients an, die vom Planer zugelassen werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20581
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-clients-per-host"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-clients-per-host"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20584
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous clients that are allowed from a single address."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Clients von derselben Adresse an, die zugelassen werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20588
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-copies"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-copies"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20591
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of copies that a user can print of each job."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalzahl der Kopien an, die ein Nutzer vom selben Druckauftrag ausdrucken lassen kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20593
msgid "Defaults to @samp{9999}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{9999}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20595
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-hold-time"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-hold-time"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20599
msgid "Specifies the maximum time a job may remain in the @code{indefinite} hold state before it is canceled. A value of 0 disables cancellation of held jobs."
msgstr "Gibt die maximale Zeitdauer an, die ein Druckauftrag im Haltezustand @code{indefinite} bleiben darf, bevor er abgebrochen wird. Ein Wert von 0 deaktiviert ein Abbrechen gehaltener Druckaufträge."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20603
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-jobs"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-jobs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20606
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited number of jobs."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Druckaufträge an, die noch zugelassen wird. Wenn Sie es auf 0 setzen, wird die Anzahl Druckaufträge @emph{nicht} beschränkt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20608
msgid "Defaults to @samp{500}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{500}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20610
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-jobs-per-printer"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-jobs-per-printer"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20613
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed per printer. A value of 0 allows up to MaxJobs jobs per printer."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Druckaufträge an, die pro Drucker zugelassen werden. Ein Wert von 0 lässt bis zu MaxJobs-viele Druckaufträge pro Drucker zu."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20617
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-jobs-per-user"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-jobs-per-user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20620
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous jobs that are allowed per user. A value of 0 allows up to MaxJobs jobs per user."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Druckaufträge an, die pro Benutzer zugelassen werden. Ein Wert von 0 lässt bis zu MaxJobs-viele Druckaufträge pro Benutzer zu."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20624
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-job-time"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-job-time"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20627
msgid "Specifies the maximum time a job may take to print before it is canceled, in seconds. Set to 0 to disable cancellation of ``stuck'' jobs."
msgstr "Gibt die maximale Anzahl an, wie oft das Drucken eines Druckauftrags versucht werden kann, bis er abgebrochen wird, in Sekunden. Wenn Sie es auf 0 setzen, wird das Abbrechen „feststeckender“ Druckaufträge deaktiviert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20629
msgid "Defaults to @samp{10800}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{10800}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20631
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-log-size"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-log-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20634
msgid "Specifies the maximum size of the log files before they are rotated, in bytes. The value 0 disables log rotation."
msgstr "Gibt die Maximalgröße der Protokolldateien an, bevor sie rotiert werden, in Bytes. Beim Wert 0 wird Protokollrotation deaktiviert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20636
msgid "Defaults to @samp{1048576}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1048576}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20638
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer multiple-operation-timeout"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl multiple-operation-timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20641
msgid "Specifies the maximum amount of time to allow between files in a multiple file print job, in seconds."
msgstr "Gibt die maximale Zeitdauer an, wie lange es zwischen Dateien in einem Druckauftrag mit mehreren Dateien dauern darf, in Sekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20156 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20643 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20854
msgid "Defaults to @samp{900}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{900}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20645
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string page-log-format"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette page-log-format"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20650
msgid "Specifies the format of PageLog lines. Sequences beginning with percent (@samp{%}) characters are replaced with the corresponding information, while all other characters are copied literally. The following percent sequences are recognized:"
msgstr "Gibt das Format der Zeilen im PageLog-Seitenprotokoll an. Folgen, die mit Prozentzeichen (@samp{%}) beginnen, werden durch die jeweils zugehörigen Informationen ersetzt, während alle anderen Zeichen wortwörtlich übernommen werden. Die folgenden Prozentfolgen werden erkannt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20652
#, no-wrap
msgid "%%"
msgstr "%%"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20654
msgid "insert a single percent character"
msgstr "ein einzelnes Prozentzeichen einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20655
#, no-wrap
msgid "%@{name@}"
msgstr "%@{name@}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20657
msgid "insert the value of the specified IPP attribute"
msgstr "den Wert des angegebenen IPP-Attributs einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20658
#, no-wrap
msgid "%C"
msgstr "%C"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20660
msgid "insert the number of copies for the current page"
msgstr "die Anzahl der Kopien der aktuellen Seite einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20661
#, no-wrap
msgid "%P"
msgstr "%P"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20663
msgid "insert the current page number"
msgstr "die aktuelle Seitenzahl einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20664
#, no-wrap
msgid "%T"
msgstr "%T"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20666
msgid "insert the current date and time in common log format"
msgstr "das aktuelle Datum und Uhrzeit im allgemeinen Protokollformat einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20667
#, no-wrap
msgid "%j"
msgstr "%j"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20669
msgid "insert the job ID"
msgstr "den Druckauftragsidentifikator („Job-ID“) einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20183 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20670 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22660
#, no-wrap
msgid "%p"
msgstr "%p"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20672
msgid "insert the printer name"
msgstr "den Druckernamen einfügen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20186 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20673 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22683
#, no-wrap
msgid "%u"
msgstr "%u"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20675
msgid "insert the username"
msgstr "den Benutzernamen einfügen"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20194
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20681
msgid "A value of the empty string disables page logging. The string @code{%p %u %j %T %P %C %@{job-billing@} %@{job-originating-host-name@} %@{job-name@} %@{media@} %@{sides@}} creates a page log with the standard items."
msgstr "Wird die leere Zeichenkette als Wert angegeben, wird Seitenprotokollierung abgeschaltet. Die Zeichenkette @code{%p %u %j %T %P %C %@{job-billing@} %@{job-originating-host-name@} %@{job-name@} %@{media@} %@{sides@}} erzeugt ein Seitenprotokoll mit den üblichen Elementen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20685
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} environment-variables environment-variables"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Umgebungsvariable environment-variables"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20688
msgid "Passes the specified environment variable(s) to child processes; a list of strings."
msgstr "Übergibt die angegebene(n) Umgebungsvariable(n) an Kindprozesse, als Liste von Zeichenketten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20692
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} policy-configuration-list policies"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} „policy-configuration“-Liste policies"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20694
msgid "Specifies named access control policies."
msgstr "Gibt die benannten Zugriffssteuerungsrichtlinien an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20696
msgid "Available @code{policy-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{policy-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20697
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{policy-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20699
msgid "Name of the policy."
msgstr "Der Name der Richtlinie."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20701
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string job-private-access"
msgstr "{@code{policy-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette job-private-access"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20711
msgid "Specifies an access list for a job's private values. @code{@@ACL} maps to the printer's requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied values. @code{@@OWNER} maps to the job's owner. @code{@@SYSTEM} maps to the groups listed for the @code{system-group} field of the @code{files-configuration}, which is reified into the @code{cups-files.conf(5)} file. Other possible elements of the access list include specific user names, and @code{@@@var{group}} to indicate members of a specific group. The access list may also be simply @code{all} or @code{default}."
msgstr "Gibt eine Zugriffsliste der privaten Werte eines Druckauftrags an. @code{@@ACL} wird auf die Werte von requesting-user-name-allowed oder requesting-user-name-denied des Druckers abgebildet. @code{@@OWNER} wird auf den Besitzer des Druckauftrags abgebildet. @code{@@SYSTEM} wird auf die Gruppen abgebildet, die im @code{system-group}-Feld der @code{files-configuration} aufgelistet sind, aus der die Datei @code{cups-files.conf(5)} erzeugt wird. Zu den anderen möglichen Elementen der Zugriffsliste gehören Namen bestimmer Benutzerkonten und @code{@@@var{Benutzergruppe}}, was für Mitglieder einer bestimmten Benutzergruppe steht. Die Zugriffsliste kann auch einfach als @code{all} oder @code{default} festgelegt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20226 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20713 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20735
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"@@OWNER @@SYSTEM\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"@@OWNER @@SYSTEM\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20715
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string job-private-values"
msgstr "{@code{policy-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette job-private-values"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20231 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20718 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20740
msgid "Specifies the list of job values to make private, or @code{all}, @code{default}, or @code{none}."
msgstr "Gibt die Liste der Druckauftragswerte an, die geschützt werden sollten, oder @code{all}, @code{default} oder @code{none}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20721
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"job-name job-originating-host-name job-originating-user-name phone\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"job-name job-originating-host-name job-originating-user-name phone\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20723
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string subscription-private-access"
msgstr "{@code{policy-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette subscription-private-access"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20733
msgid "Specifies an access list for a subscription's private values. @code{@@ACL} maps to the printer's requesting-user-name-allowed or requesting-user-name-denied values. @code{@@OWNER} maps to the job's owner. @code{@@SYSTEM} maps to the groups listed for the @code{system-group} field of the @code{files-configuration}, which is reified into the @code{cups-files.conf(5)} file. Other possible elements of the access list include specific user names, and @code{@@@var{group}} to indicate members of a specific group. The access list may also be simply @code{all} or @code{default}."
msgstr "Gibt eine Zugriffsliste für die privaten Werte eines Abonnements an. @code{@@ACL} wird auf die Werte von requesting-user-name-allowed oder requesting-user-name-denied des Druckers abgebildet. @code{@@OWNER} wird auf den Besitzer des Druckauftrags abgebildet. @code{@@SYSTEM} wird auf die Gruppen abgebildet, die im @code{system-group}-Feld der @code{files-configuration} aufgelistet sind, aus der die Datei @code{cups-files.conf(5)} erzeugt wird. Zu den anderen möglichen Elementen der Zugriffsliste gehören Namen bestimmer Benutzerkonten und @code{@@@var{Benutzergruppe}}, was für Mitglieder einer bestimmten Benutzergruppe steht. Die Zugriffsliste kann auch einfach als @code{all} oder @code{default} festgelegt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20737
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{policy-configuration} parameter} string subscription-private-values"
msgstr "{@code{policy-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette subscription-private-values"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20743
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"notify-events notify-pull-method notify-recipient-uri notify-subscriber-user-name notify-user-data\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"notify-events notify-pull-method notify-recipient-uri notify-subscriber-user-name notify-user-data\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20745
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{policy-configuration} parameter} operation-access-control-list access-controls"
msgstr "{@code{policy-configuration}-Parameter} „operation-access-controls“-Liste access-controls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20747
msgid "Access control by IPP operation."
msgstr "Zugriffssteuerung durch IPP-Betrieb."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20752
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean-or-non-negative-integer preserve-job-files"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck-oder-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl preserve-job-files"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20757
msgid "Specifies whether job files (documents) are preserved after a job is printed. If a numeric value is specified, job files are preserved for the indicated number of seconds after printing. Otherwise a boolean value applies indefinitely."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob die Dateien eines Druckauftrags (Dokumente) erhalten bleiben, nachdem ein Druckauftrag ausgedruckt wurde. Wenn eine Zahl angegeben wird, bleiben die Dateien des Druckauftrags für die angegebene Zahl von Sekunden nach dem Drucken erhalten. Ein boolescher Wert bestimmt ansonsten, ob sie auf unbestimmte Zeit erhalten bleiben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20759
msgid "Defaults to @samp{86400}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{86400}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20761
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean-or-non-negative-integer preserve-job-history"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck-oder-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl preserve-job-history"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20766
msgid "Specifies whether the job history is preserved after a job is printed. If a numeric value is specified, the job history is preserved for the indicated number of seconds after printing. If @code{#t}, the job history is preserved until the MaxJobs limit is reached."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob der Druckauftragsverlauf nach dem Drucken eines Druckauftrags erhalten bleibt. Wenn eine Zahl angegeben wird, bleibt der Druckauftragsverlauf für die angegebene Zahl von Sekunden nach dem Drucken erhalten. Bei @code{#t} bleibt der Druckauftragsverlauf so lange erhalten, bis die MaxJobs-Beschränkung erreicht wurde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20770
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer reload-timeout"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl reload-timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20773
msgid "Specifies the amount of time to wait for job completion before restarting the scheduler."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie lange vor dem Neustart des Planungsprogramms auf den Abschluss eines Druckauftrages gewartet wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20777
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string rip-cache"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette rip-cache"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20780
msgid "Specifies the maximum amount of memory to use when converting documents into bitmaps for a printer."
msgstr "Gibt die maximale Menge an genutztem Arbeitsspeicher für das Konvertieren von Dokumenten in eine Rastergrafik (eine „Bitmap“) für einen Drucker an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20782
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"128m\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"128m\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20784
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string server-admin"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette server-admin"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20786
msgid "Specifies the email address of the server administrator."
msgstr "Gibt die E-Mail-Adresse des Serveradministrators an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20788
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"root@@localhost.localdomain\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"root@@localhost.localdomain\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20790
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} host-name-list-or-* server-alias"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Rechnernamens-Liste-oder-* server-alias"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20798
msgid "The ServerAlias directive is used for HTTP Host header validation when clients connect to the scheduler from external interfaces. Using the special name @code{*} can expose your system to known browser-based DNS rebinding attacks, even when accessing sites through a firewall. If the auto-discovery of alternate names does not work, we recommend listing each alternate name with a ServerAlias directive instead of using @code{*}."
msgstr "Die ServerAlias-Direktive wird zur Prüfung der HTTP-Host-Kopfzeile benutzt, wenn sich Clients mit dem Planungsprogramm über externe Schnittstellen verbinden. Wenn der besondere Name @code{*} benutzt wird, könnte Ihr System möglicherweise bekannten browserbasierten DNS-Rebinding-Angriffen ausgesetzt werden, selbst wenn auf die Angebote nur über eine Firewall zugegriffen wird. Wenn alternative Namen nicht automatisch erkannt werden, empfehlen wir, jeden alternativen Namen in der ServerAlias-Direktive aufzulisten, statt @code{*} zu benutzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20800
msgid "Defaults to @samp{*}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{*}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20802
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} string server-name"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette server-name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20804
msgid "Specifies the fully-qualified host name of the server."
msgstr "Gibt den vollständigen Rechnernamen („Fully-Qualified Host Name“) des Servers an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25449
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20806
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"localhost\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"localhost\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20808
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} server-tokens server-tokens"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Server-Tokens server-tokens"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20816
msgid "Specifies what information is included in the Server header of HTTP responses. @code{None} disables the Server header. @code{ProductOnly} reports @code{CUPS}. @code{Major} reports @code{CUPS 2}. @code{Minor} reports @code{CUPS 2.0}. @code{Minimal} reports @code{CUPS 2.0.0}. @code{OS} reports @code{CUPS 2.0.0 (@var{uname})} where @var{uname} is the output of the @code{uname} command. @code{Full} reports @code{CUPS 2.0.0 (@var{uname}) IPP/2.0}."
msgstr "Gibt an, welche Informationen in der Server-Kopfzeile von HTTP-Antworten vorkommen. @code{None} deaktiviert die Server-Kopfzeile. @code{ProductOnly} liefert @code{CUPS}. @code{Major} liefert @code{CUPS 2}. @code{Minor} liefert @code{CUPS 2.0}. @code{Minimal} liefert @code{CUPS 2.0.0}. @code{OS} liefert @code{CUPS 2.0.0 (@var{uname})}, wobei @var{uname} die Ausgabe des Befehls @code{uname} ist. @code{Full} liefert @code{CUPS 2.0.0 (@var{uname}) IPP/2.0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20818
msgid "Defaults to @samp{Minimal}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{Minimal}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20820
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} multiline-string-list ssl-listen"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Mehrzeilige-Zeichenketten-Liste ssl-listen"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20825
msgid "Listens on the specified interfaces for encrypted connections. Valid values are of the form @var{address}:@var{port}, where @var{address} is either an IPv6 address enclosed in brackets, an IPv4 address, or @code{*} to indicate all addresses."
msgstr "Lauscht auf den angegebenen Schnittstellen auf verschlüsselte Verbindungen. Gültige Werte haben die Form @var{Adresse}:@var{Port}, wobei die @var{Adresse} entweder eine von eckigen Klammern umschlossene IPv6-Adresse, eine IPv4-Adresse oder @code{*} ist; letztere steht für alle Adressen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20829
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} ssl-options ssl-options"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} SSL-Optionen ssl-options"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20839
msgid "Sets encryption options. By default, CUPS only supports encryption using TLS v1.0 or higher using known secure cipher suites. Security is reduced when @code{Allow} options are used, and enhanced when @code{Deny} options are used. The @code{AllowRC4} option enables the 128-bit RC4 cipher suites, which are required for some older clients. The @code{AllowSSL3} option enables SSL v3.0, which is required for some older clients that do not support TLS v1.0. The @code{DenyCBC} option disables all CBC cipher suites. The @code{DenyTLS1.0} option disables TLS v1.0 support - this sets the minimum protocol version to TLS v1.1."
msgstr "Legt Verschlüsselungsoptionen fest. Nach Vorgabe unterstützt CUPS nur Verschlüsselung mit TLS v1.0 oder höher mit bekannten, sicheren „Cipher Suites“. Es ist weniger sicher, Optionen mit @code{Allow} („erlauben“) zu verwenden, und es erhöht die Sicherheit, Optionen mit @code{Deny} („verweigern“) zu benutzen. Die Option @code{AllowRC4} aktiviert die 128-Bit-RC4-Cipher-Suites, die manche alten Clients brauchen. Die Option @code{AllowSSL3} aktiviert SSL v3.0, das manche alte Clients brauchen, die TLS v1.0 nicht implementieren. Die Option @code{DenyCBC} deaktiviert alle CBC-Cipher-Suites. Die Option @code{DenyTLS1.0} deaktiviert Unterstützung für TLS v1.0@tie{}— dadurch wird TLS v1.1 zur kleinsten noch unterstützten Protokollversion."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20843
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean strict-conformance?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck strict-conformance?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20846
msgid "Specifies whether the scheduler requires clients to strictly adhere to the IPP specifications."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob das Druckplanungsprogramm von Clients fordert, dass sie sich strikt an die IPP-Spezifikationen halten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20850
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer timeout"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20852
msgid "Specifies the HTTP request timeout, in seconds."
msgstr "Gibt die Zeitbeschränkung für HTTP-Anfragen an, in Sekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20857
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} boolean web-interface?"
msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck web-interface?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20859
msgid "Specifies whether the web interface is enabled."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob die Weboberfläche zur Verfügung gestellt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20869
msgid "At this point you're probably thinking ``oh dear, Guix manual, I like you but you can stop already with the configuration options''. Indeed. However, one more point: it could be that you have an existing @code{cupsd.conf} that you want to use. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-cups-configuration} as the configuration of a @code{cups-service-type}."
msgstr "Mittlerweile denken Sie wahrscheinlich: „Ich bitte dich, Guix-Handbuch, ich mag dich, aber kannst du jetzt bitte mit den Konfigurationsoptionen aufhören?“ Damit hätten Sie recht. Allerdings sollte ein weitere Punkt noch erwähnt werden: Vielleicht haben Sie eine bestehende @code{cupsd.conf}, die Sie verwenden möchten. In diesem Fall können Sie eine @code{opaque-cups-configuration} als die Konfiguration eines @code{cups-service-type} übergeben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20871
msgid "Available @code{opaque-cups-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{opaque-cups-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20872
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-cups-configuration} parameter} package cups"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-cups-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ cups"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20876
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-cups-configuration} parameter} string cupsd.conf"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette cupsd.conf"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20878
msgid "The contents of the @code{cupsd.conf}, as a string."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der Datei @code{cupsd.conf} als eine Zeichenkette."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20880
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-cups-configuration} parameter} string cups-files.conf"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-cups-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette cups-files.conf"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20882
msgid "The contents of the @code{cups-files.conf} file, as a string."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der Datei @code{cups-files.conf} als eine Zeichenkette."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20887
msgid "For example, if your @code{cupsd.conf} and @code{cups-files.conf} are in strings of the same name, you could instantiate a CUPS service like this:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre @code{cupsd.conf} und @code{cups-files.conf} zum Beispiel in Zeichenketten mit dem entsprechenden Namen definiert sind, könnten Sie auf diese Weise einen CUPS-Dienst instanziieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20893
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service cups-service-type\n"
@@ -38305,238 +39189,238 @@ msgstr ""
" (cups-files.conf cups-files.conf)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20904
msgid "The @code{(gnu services desktop)} module provides services that are usually useful in the context of a ``desktop'' setup---that is, on a machine running a graphical display server, possibly with graphical user interfaces, etc. It also defines services that provide specific desktop environments like GNOME, Xfce or MATE."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services desktop)} stellt Dienste zur Verfügung, die meistens bei „Desktop“-Einrichtungen für grafische Nutzung praktisch sind@tie{}— also auf einer Maschine mit einem grafischem Anzeigeserver, vielleicht mit einer grafischen Benutzeroberfläche, usw. Im Modul werden auch Dienste definiert, die bestimmte Arbeitsumgebungen wie GNOME, Xfce oder MATE bereitstellen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20908
msgid "To simplify things, the module defines a variable containing the set of services that users typically expect on a machine with a graphical environment and networking:"
msgstr "Um es einfacher zu machen, definiert das Modul auch eine Variable mit denjenigen Diensten, die man auf einer Maschine mit einer grafischen Umgebung und Netzwerkunterstützung erwarten würde:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20909
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %desktop-services"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %desktop-services"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20912
msgid "This is a list of services that builds upon @code{%base-services} and adds or adjusts services for a typical ``desktop'' setup."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von Diensten, die @code{%base-services} ergänzt und weitere Dienste hinzufügt oder bestehende anpasst, um für eine normale „Desktop“-Nutzung geeignet zu sein."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20923
msgid "In particular, it adds a graphical login manager (@pxref{X Window, @code{gdm-service-type}}), screen lockers, a network management tool (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{network-manager-service-type}}) with modem support (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{modem-manager-service-type}}), energy and color management services, the @code{elogind} login and seat manager, the Polkit privilege service, the GeoClue location service, the AccountsService daemon that allows authorized users change system passwords, an NTP client (@pxref{Networking Services}), the Avahi daemon, and has the name service switch service configured to be able to use @code{nss-mdns} (@pxref{Name Service Switch, mDNS})."
msgstr "Insbesondere wird eine grafische Anmeldeverwaltung hinzugefügt (siehe @ref{X Window, @code{gdm-service-type}}), ebenso Programme zur Bildschirmsperre, ein Werkzeug zur Netzwerkverwaltung (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{network-manager-service-type}}) mit Unterstützung für Modems (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{modem-manager-service-type}}), Energieverbrauchs- und Farbverwaltungsdienste, Anmeldungs- und Sitzungsverwaltung über @code{elogind}, der Berechtigungsdienst Polkit, der Ortungsdienst GeoClue, der AccountsService-Daemon, mit dem autorisierte Benutzer Systempasswörter ändern können, ein NTP-Client (siehe @ref{Networking Services}) und der Avahi-Daemon. Außerdem wird der Name Service Switch konfiguriert, damit er @code{nss-mdns} benutzt (siehe @ref{Name Service Switch, mDNS})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20928
msgid "The @code{%desktop-services} variable can be used as the @code{services} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{services}})."
msgstr "Die @code{%desktop-services}-Variable kann als das @code{services}-Feld einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration genutzt werden (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{services}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20951
msgid "Additionally, the @code{gnome-desktop-service-type}, @code{xfce-desktop-service}, @code{mate-desktop-service-type}, @code{lxqt-desktop-service-type} and @code{enlightenment-desktop-service-type} procedures can add GNOME, Xfce, MATE and/or Enlightenment to a system. To ``add GNOME'' means that system-level services like the backlight adjustment helpers and the power management utilities are added to the system, extending @code{polkit} and @code{dbus} appropriately, allowing GNOME to operate with elevated privileges on a limited number of special-purpose system interfaces. Additionally, adding a service made by @code{gnome-desktop-service-type} adds the GNOME metapackage to the system profile. Likewise, adding the Xfce service not only adds the @code{xfce} metapackage to the system profile, but it also gives the Thunar file manager the ability to open a ``root-mode'' file management window, if the user authenticates using the administrator's password via the standard polkit graphical interface. To ``add MATE'' means that @code{polkit} and @code{dbus} are extended appropriately, allowing MATE to operate with elevated privileges on a limited number of special-purpose system interfaces. Additionally, adding a service of type @code{mate-desktop-service-type} adds the MATE metapackage to the system profile. ``Adding Enlightenment'' means that @code{dbus} is extended appropriately, and several of Enlightenment's binaries are set as setuid, allowing Enlightenment's screen locker and other functionality to work as expected."
msgstr "Daneben können die Prozeduren @code{gnome-desktop-service-type}, @code{xfce-desktop-service}, @code{mate-desktop-service-type}, @code{lxqt-desktop-service-type} und @code{enlightenment-desktop-service-type} jeweils GNOME, Xfce, MATE und/oder Enlightenment zu einem System hinzufügen. „GNOME hinzufügen“ bedeutet, dass Dienste auf Systemebene wie z.B.@: Hilfsprogramme zur Anpassung der Hintergrundbeleuchtung und des Energieverbrauchs zum System hinzugefügt werden und @code{polkit} und @code{dbus} entsprechend erweitert werden, wodurch GNOME mit erhöhten Berechtigungen auf eine begrenzte Zahl von speziellen Systemschnittstellen zugreifen kann. Zusätzlich bedeutet das Hinzufügen eines durch @code{gnome-desktop-service-type} erzeugten Dienstes, dass das GNOME-Metapaket ins Systemprofil eingefügt wird. Genauso wird beim Einfügen des Xfce-Dienstes nicht nur das @code{xfce}-Metapaket zum Systemprofil hinzugefügt, sondern dem Thunar-Dateiverwaltungsprogramm wird auch die Berechtigung gegeben, ein Fenster mit Administratorrechten zu öffnen, wenn der Benutzer sich mit dem Administratorpasswort über die standardmäßige grafische Oberfläche von Polkit authentisiert. „MATE hinzufügen“ bedeutet, dass @code{polkit} und @code{dbus} entsprechend erweitert werden, wodurch MATE mit erhöhten Berechtigungen auf eine begrenzte Zahl von speziellen Systemschnittstellen zugreifen kann. Zusätzlich bedeutet das Hinzufügen eines durch @code{mate-desktop-service-type} erzeugten Dienstes, dass das MATE-Metapaket ins Systemprofil eingefügt wird. „Enlightenment hinzufügen“ bedeutet, dass @code{dbus} entsprechend erweitert wird und mehrere Binärdateien von Enlightenment als setuid eingerichtet werden, wodurch das Programm zum Sperren des Bildschirms und andere Funktionen von Enlightenment wie erwartet funktionieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20961
msgid "The desktop environments in Guix use the Xorg display server by default. If you'd like to use the newer display server protocol called Wayland, you need to enable Wayland support in GDM (@pxref{wayland-gdm}). Another solution is to use the @code{sddm-service} instead of GDM as the graphical login manager. You should then select the ``GNOME (Wayland)'' session in SDDM@. Alternatively you can also try starting GNOME on Wayland manually from a TTY with the command ``XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec dbus-run-session gnome-session``. Currently only GNOME has support for Wayland."
msgstr "Die Arbeitsumgebungen in Guix benutzen standardmäßig den Xorg-Anzeigeserver. Falls Sie das neuere Anzeigeserverprotokoll namens Wayland benutzen möchten, müssen Sie die Wayland-Unterstützung in GDM aktivieren (siehe @ref{wayland-gdm}). Alternativ können Sie den Dienst @code{sddm-service} anstelle von GDM für die grafische Anmeldeverwaltung einrichten. Dann sollten Sie in SDDM die Sitzung „GNOME (Wayland)“ auswählen. Alternativ können Sie auch versuchen, GNOME mit Wayland manuell aus einer Konsole (TTY) mit dem Befehl „XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec dbus-run-session gnome-session“ zu starten. Derzeit wird Wayland nur von GNOME unterstützt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20962
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gnome-desktop-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gnome-desktop-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20966
msgid "This is the type of the service that adds the @uref{https://www.gnome.org, GNOME} desktop environment. Its value is a @code{gnome-desktop-configuration} object (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, der die @uref{https://www.gnome.org, GNOME-Arbeitsumgebung} bereitstellt. Sein Wert ist ein @code{gnome-desktop-configuration}-Objekt (siehe unten)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20969
msgid "This service adds the @code{gnome} package to the system profile, and extends polkit with the actions from @code{gnome-settings-daemon}."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst fügt das @code{gnome}-Paket zum Systemprofil hinzu und erweitert Polkit um die von @code{gnome-settings-daemon} benötigten Aktionen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20971
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gnome-desktop-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gnome-desktop-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20973
msgid "Configuration record for the GNOME desktop environment."
msgstr "Verbundsobjekt für die Konfiguration der GNOME-Arbeitsumgebung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20975
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gnome} (default: @code{gnome})"
msgstr "@code{gnome} (Vorgabe: @code{gnome})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20977
msgid "The GNOME package to use."
msgstr "Welches GNOME-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20493
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20980
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} xfce-desktop-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} xfce-desktop-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20984
msgid "This is the type of a service to run the @uref{Xfce, https://xfce.org/} desktop environment. Its value is an @code{xfce-desktop-configuration} object (see below)."
msgstr "Der Typ des Dienstes, um die @uref{https://xfce.org/, Xfce-Arbeitsumgebung} auszuführen. Sein Wert ist ein @code{xfce-desktop-configuration}-Objekt (siehe unten)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20989
msgid "This service adds the @code{xfce} package to the system profile, and extends polkit with the ability for @code{thunar} to manipulate the file system as root from within a user session, after the user has authenticated with the administrator's password."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst fügt das Paket @code{xfce} zum Systemprofil hinzu und erweitert Polkit, damit @code{thunar} befähigt wird, das Dateisystem aus einer Benutzersitzung heraus mit Administratorrechten zu bearbeiten, nachdem sich der Benutzer mit dem Administratorpasswort authentisiert hat."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20995
msgid "Note that @code{xfce4-panel} and its plugin packages should be installed in the same profile to ensure compatibility. When using this service, you should add extra plugins (@code{xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin}, @code{xfce4-weather-plugin}, etc.) to the @code{packages} field of your @code{operating-system}."
msgstr "Bedenken Sie, dass @code{xfce4-panel} und seine Plugin-Pakete in dasselbe Profil installiert werden sollten, um sicherzugehen, dass sie kompatibel sind. Wenn Sie diesen Dienst benutzen, sollten Sie zusätzliche Plugins (@code{xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin}, @code{xfce4-weather-plugin} usw.) ins @code{packages}-Feld Ihres @code{operating-system} eintragen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20997
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} xfce-desktop-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} xfce-desktop-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20999
msgid "Configuration record for the Xfce desktop environment."
msgstr "Verbundstyp für Einstellungen zur Xfce-Arbeitsumgebung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21001
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xfce} (default: @code{xfce})"
msgstr "@code{xfce} (Vorgabe: @code{xfce})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21003
msgid "The Xfce package to use."
msgstr "Das Xfce-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21006
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} mate-desktop-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} mate-desktop-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21010
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs the @uref{https://mate-desktop.org/, MATE desktop environment}. Its value is a @code{mate-desktop-configuration} object (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, um die @uref{https://mate-desktop.org/, MATE-Arbeitsumgebung} auszuführen. Sein Wert ist ein @code{mate-desktop-configuration}-Objekt (siehe unten)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21014
msgid "This service adds the @code{mate} package to the system profile, and extends polkit with the actions from @code{mate-settings-daemon}."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst fügt das Paket @code{mate} ins Systemprofil ein und erweitert Polkit um die Aktionen aus dem @code{mate-settings-daemon}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21016
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mate-desktop-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mate-desktop-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21018
msgid "Configuration record for the MATE desktop environment."
msgstr "Verbundstyp für die Einstellungen der MATE-Arbeitsumgebung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21020
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mate} (default: @code{mate})"
msgstr "@code{mate} (Vorgabe: @code{mate})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21022
msgid "The MATE package to use."
msgstr "Das MATE-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21025
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} lxqt-desktop-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} lxqt-desktop-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21029
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs the @uref{https://lxqt-project.org, LXQt desktop environment}. Its value is a @code{lxqt-desktop-configuration} object (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, um die @uref{https://lxqt-project.org, LXQt-Arbeitsumgebung} auszuführen. Sein Wert ist ein @code{lxqt-desktop-configuration}-Objekt (siehe unten)."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21032
msgid "This service adds the @code{lxqt} package to the system profile."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst fügt das Paket @code{lxqt} ins Systemprofil ein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21034
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} lxqt-desktop-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} lxqt-desktop-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21036
msgid "Configuration record for the LXQt desktop environment."
msgstr "Verbundstyp für Einstellungen zur LXQt-Arbeitsumgebung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21038
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{lxqt} (default: @code{lxqt})"
msgstr "@code{lxqt} (Vorgabe: @code{lxqt})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21040
msgid "The LXQT package to use."
msgstr "Das LXQT-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21043
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} enlightenment-desktop-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} enlightenment-desktop-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21046
msgid "Return a service that adds the @code{enlightenment} package to the system profile, and extends dbus with actions from @code{efl}."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der das @code{enlightenment}-Paket zum Systemprofil hinzufügt und D-Bus mit den Aktionen aus @code{efl} erweitert."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21048
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} enlightenment-desktop-service-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} enlightenment-desktop-service-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21050
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enlightenment} (default: @code{enlightenment})"
msgstr "@code{enlightenment} (Vorgabe: @code{enlightenment})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21052
msgid "The enlightenment package to use."
msgstr "Das Enlightenment-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21060
msgid "Because the GNOME, Xfce and MATE desktop services pull in so many packages, the default @code{%desktop-services} variable doesn't include any of them by default. To add GNOME, Xfce or MATE, just @code{cons} them onto @code{%desktop-services} in the @code{services} field of your @code{operating-system}:"
msgstr "Weil die Desktopdienste GNOME, Xfce und MATE so viele Pakete ins System mitnehmen, gehören diese nicht zu den Vorgaben in der @code{%desktop-services}-Variablen. Um GNOME, Xfce oder MATE hinzuzufügen, benutzen Sie einfach @code{cons} zum Anhängen an die @code{%desktop-services} im @code{services}-Feld Ihrer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21071
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
@@ -38560,576 +39444,576 @@ msgstr ""
" …)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21075
msgid "These desktop environments will then be available as options in the graphical login window."
msgstr "Diese Arbeitsumgebungen stehen dann im grafischen Anmeldefenster zur Auswahl."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21079
msgid "The actual service definitions included in @code{%desktop-services} and provided by @code{(gnu services dbus)} and @code{(gnu services desktop)} are described below."
msgstr "Die eigentlichen Dienstdefinitionen, die in @code{%desktop-services} stehen und durch @code{(gnu services dbus)} und @code{(gnu services desktop)} zur Verfügung gestellt werden, werden im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21080
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} dbus-service [#:dbus @var{dbus}] [#:services '()]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} dbus-service [#:dbus @var{dbus}] [#:services '()]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21083
msgid "Return a service that runs the ``system bus'', using @var{dbus}, with support for @var{services}."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den „Systembus“ mit @var{dbus} ausführt, mit Unterstützung für die als @var{services} übergebenen Dienste."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21087
msgid "@uref{https://dbus.freedesktop.org/, D-Bus} is an inter-process communication facility. Its system bus is used to allow system services to communicate and to be notified of system-wide events."
msgstr "@uref{https://dbus.freedesktop.org/, D-Bus} ist eine Einrichtung zur Interprozesskommunikation. Deren Systembus wird benutzt, damit Systemdienste miteinander kommunizieren können und damit sie bei systemweiten Ereignissen benachrichtigt werden können."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21092
msgid "@var{services} must be a list of packages that provide an @file{etc/dbus-1/system.d} directory containing additional D-Bus configuration and policy files. For example, to allow avahi-daemon to use the system bus, @var{services} must be equal to @code{(list avahi)}."
msgstr "Als @var{services} muss eine Liste von Paketen übergeben werden, die ein Verzeichnis @file{etc/dbus-1/system.d} mit zusätzlichen D-Bus-Konfigurations- und Richtliniendateien enthalten. Damit zum Beispiel der Avahi-Daemon den Systembus benutzen kann, muss @var{services} gleich @code{(list avahi)} sein."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21094
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} elogind-service [#:config @var{config}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} elogind-service [#:config @var{Konfiguration}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21100
msgid "Return a service that runs the @code{elogind} login and seat management daemon. @uref{https://github.com/elogind/elogind, Elogind} exposes a D-Bus interface that can be used to know which users are logged in, know what kind of sessions they have open, suspend the system, inhibit system suspend, reboot the system, and other tasks."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den Anmelde- und Sitzungsdaemon @code{elogind} ausführt. @uref{https://github.com/elogind/elogind, Elogind} stellt eine D-Bus-Schnittstelle bereit, über die ausgelesen werden kann, welche Benutzer angemeldet sind und welche Sitzungen sie geöffnet haben, und außerdem das System in Bereitschaft versetzt werden kann, der Bereitschaftsmodus unterdrückt werden kann, das System neu gestartet werden kann und anderes."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21104
msgid "Elogind handles most system-level power events for a computer, for example suspending the system when a lid is closed, or shutting it down when the power button is pressed."
msgstr "Die meisten Energieereignisse auf Systemebene in einem Rechner werden von elogind behandelt, wie etwa ein Versetzen des Systems in Bereitschaft, wenn der Rechner zugeklappt wird, oder ein Herunterfahren beim Drücken des Stromschalters."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21109
msgid "The @var{config} keyword argument specifies the configuration for elogind, and should be the result of an @code{(elogind-configuration (@var{parameter} @var{value})...)} invocation. Available parameters and their default values are:"
msgstr "Das @var{config}-Schlüsselwort gibt die Konfiguration für elogind an und sollte das Ergebnis eines Aufrufs von @code{(elogind-configuration (@var{Parameter} @var{Wert})...)} sein. Verfügbare Parameter und ihre Vorgabewerte sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21111
#, no-wrap
msgid "kill-user-processes?"
msgstr "kill-user-processes?"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20626 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20646
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20648 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20650
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21113 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21135 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21149
msgid "#f"
msgstr "#f"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21113
#, no-wrap
msgid "kill-only-users"
msgstr "kill-only-users"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20628 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21115 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21155
msgid "()"
msgstr "()"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21115
#, no-wrap
msgid "kill-exclude-users"
msgstr "kill-exclude-users"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21117
msgid "(\"root\")"
msgstr "(\"root\")"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21117
#, no-wrap
msgid "inhibit-delay-max-seconds"
msgstr "inhibit-delay-max-seconds"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21119
msgid "5"
msgstr "5"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21119
#, no-wrap
msgid "handle-power-key"
msgstr "handle-power-key"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21121
msgid "poweroff"
msgstr "poweroff"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21121
#, no-wrap
msgid "handle-suspend-key"
msgstr "handle-suspend-key"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20636 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21123 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21127
msgid "suspend"
msgstr "suspend"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21123
#, no-wrap
msgid "handle-hibernate-key"
msgstr "handle-hibernate-key"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21125
msgid "hibernate"
msgstr "hibernate"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21125
#, no-wrap
msgid "handle-lid-switch"
msgstr "handle-lid-switch"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21127
#, no-wrap
msgid "handle-lid-switch-docked"
msgstr "handle-lid-switch-docked"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20642 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20644
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21129 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21143
msgid "ignore"
msgstr "ignore"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21129
#, no-wrap
msgid "handle-lid-switch-external-power"
msgstr "handle-lid-switch-external-power"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21131
#, no-wrap
msgid "power-key-ignore-inhibited?"
msgstr "power-key-ignore-inhibited?"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21133
#, no-wrap
msgid "suspend-key-ignore-inhibited?"
msgstr "suspend-key-ignore-inhibited?"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21135
#, no-wrap
msgid "hibernate-key-ignore-inhibited?"
msgstr "hibernate-key-ignore-inhibited?"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21137
#, no-wrap
msgid "lid-switch-ignore-inhibited?"
msgstr "lid-switch-ignore-inhibited?"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20652 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21139 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21151
msgid "#t"
msgstr "#t"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21139
#, no-wrap
msgid "holdoff-timeout-seconds"
msgstr "holdoff-timeout-seconds"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21141
msgid "30"
msgstr "30"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21141
#, no-wrap
msgid "idle-action"
msgstr "idle-action"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21143
#, no-wrap
msgid "idle-action-seconds"
msgstr "idle-action-seconds"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21145
msgid "(* 30 60)"
msgstr "(* 30 60)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21145
#, no-wrap
msgid "runtime-directory-size-percent"
msgstr "runtime-directory-size-percent"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21147
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21147
#, no-wrap
msgid "runtime-directory-size"
msgstr "runtime-directory-size"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21149
#, no-wrap
msgid "remove-ipc?"
msgstr "remove-ipc?"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21151
#, no-wrap
msgid "suspend-state"
msgstr "suspend-state"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20666
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21153
msgid "(\"mem\" \"standby\" \"freeze\")"
msgstr "(\"mem\" \"standby\" \"freeze\")"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20666
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21153
#, no-wrap
msgid "suspend-mode"
msgstr "suspend-mode"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21155
#, no-wrap
msgid "hibernate-state"
msgstr "hibernate-state"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20670 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21157 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21161
msgid "(\"disk\")"
msgstr "(\"disk\")"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21157
#, no-wrap
msgid "hibernate-mode"
msgstr "hibernate-mode"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21159
msgid "(\"platform\" \"shutdown\")"
msgstr "(\"platform\" \"shutdown\")"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21159
#, no-wrap
msgid "hybrid-sleep-state"
msgstr "hybrid-sleep-state"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21161
#, no-wrap
msgid "hybrid-sleep-mode"
msgstr "hybrid-sleep-mode"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21163
msgid "(\"suspend\" \"platform\" \"shutdown\")"
msgstr "(\"suspend\" \"platform\" \"shutdown\")"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21166
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} accountsservice-service @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} accountsservice-service @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21174
msgid "[#:accountsservice @var{accountsservice}] Return a service that runs AccountsService, a system service that can list available accounts, change their passwords, and so on. AccountsService integrates with PolicyKit to enable unprivileged users to acquire the capability to modify their system configuration. @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/AccountsService/, the accountsservice web site} for more information."
msgstr "[#:accountsservice @var{accountsservice}] Liefert einen Dienst, der AccountsService ausführt. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Systemdienst, mit dem verfügbare Benutzerkonten aufgelistet und deren Passwörter geändert werden können, und Ähnliches. AccountsService arbeitet mit PolicyKit zusammen, um es Benutzern ohne besondere Berechtigungen zu ermöglichen, ihre Systemkonfiguration zu ändern. Siehe @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/AccountsService/, den Webauftritt von AccountsService} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21177
msgid "The @var{accountsservice} keyword argument is the @code{accountsservice} package to expose as a service."
msgstr "Das Schlüsselwortargument @var{accountsservice} gibt das @code{accountsservice}-Paket an, das als Dienst verfügbar gemacht wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21179
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} polkit-service @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} polkit-service @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21188
msgid "[#:polkit @var{polkit}] Return a service that runs the @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/polkit/, Polkit privilege management service}, which allows system administrators to grant access to privileged operations in a structured way. By querying the Polkit service, a privileged system component can know when it should grant additional capabilities to ordinary users. For example, an ordinary user can be granted the capability to suspend the system if the user is logged in locally."
msgstr "[#:polkit @var{polkit}] Liefert einen Dienst, der @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/polkit/, Polkit als Dienst zur Verwaltung von Berechtigungen} ausführt, wodurch Systemadministratoren auf strukturierte Weise den Zugang zu „privilegierten“ Operationen gewähren können, die erweiterte Berechtigungen erfordern. Indem der Polkit-Dienst angefragt wird, kann eine mit Berechtigungen ausgestattete Systemkomponente die Information erhalten, ob normalen Benutzern Berechtigungen gewährt werden dürfen. Zum Beispiel kann einer normalen Nutzerin die Berechtigung gegeben werden, das System in den Bereitschaftsmodus zu versetzen, unter der Voraussetzung, dass sie lokal vor Ort angemeldet ist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21190
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} polkit-wheel-service"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} polkit-wheel-service"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21195
msgid "Service that adds the @code{wheel} group as admins to the Polkit service. This makes it so that users in the @code{wheel} group are queried for their own passwords when performing administrative actions instead of @code{root}'s, similar to the behaviour used by @code{sudo}."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst richtet die @code{wheel}-Benutzergruppe als Administratoren für den Polkit-Dienst ein. Der Zweck davon ist, dass Benutzer in der @code{wheel}-Benutzergruppe nach ihren eigenen Passwörtern gefragt werden statt dem Passwort des Administratornutzers @code{root}, wenn sie administrative Tätigkeiten durchführen, ähnlich dem, wie sich @code{sudo} verhält."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21197
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} upower-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} upower-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21201
msgid "Service that runs @uref{https://upower.freedesktop.org/, @command{upowerd}}, a system-wide monitor for power consumption and battery levels, with the given configuration settings."
msgstr "Typ des Dienstes, der @uref{https://upower.freedesktop.org/, @command{upowerd}} ausführt, ein Programm zur systemweiten Überwachung des Energieverbrauchs und der Akkuladung. Er hat die angegebenen Konfigurationseinstellungen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21204
msgid "It implements the @code{org.freedesktop.UPower} D-Bus interface, and is notably used by GNOME."
msgstr "Er implementiert die D-Bus-Schnittstelle @code{org.freedesktop.UPower}. Insbesondere wird UPower auch von GNOME benutzt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21206
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} upower-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} upower-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21208
msgid "Data type representation the configuration for UPower."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration von UPower."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21211
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{upower} (default: @var{upower})"
msgstr "@code{upower} (Vorgabe: @var{upower})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21213
msgid "Package to use for @code{upower}."
msgstr "Das Paket, das für @code{upower} benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21214
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{watts-up-pro?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{watts-up-pro?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21216
msgid "Enable the Watts Up Pro device."
msgstr "Aktiviert das Watts-Up-Pro-Gerät."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21217
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{poll-batteries?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{poll-batteries?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21219
msgid "Enable polling the kernel for battery level changes."
msgstr "Aktiviert das regelmäßige Abfragen des Kernels bezüglich Änderungen am Stand der Akku-Ladung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21220
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ignore-lid?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ignore-lid?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21222
msgid "Ignore the lid state, this can be useful if it's incorrect on a device."
msgstr "Ignorieren, ob der Rechner zugeklappt ist. Das kann gewünscht sein, wenn Auf- und Zuklappen nicht richtig erkannt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21223
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{use-percentage-for-policy?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{use-percentage-for-policy?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21226
msgid "Whether battery percentage based policy should be used. The default is to use the time left, change to @code{#t} to use the percentage."
msgstr "Ob sich die Richtlinie am Akku-Ladestand in Prozent orientieren soll. Die Vorgabe ist, sich an der verbleibenden Zeit zu orientieren. Wenn Sie sie auf @code{#t} ändern, dient der Prozentstand als Orientierung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21227
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{percentage-low} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{percentage-low} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21230
msgid "When @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} is @code{#t}, this sets the percentage at which the battery is considered low."
msgstr "Wenn @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird hiermit der Prozentstand festgelegt, ab dem der Akku-Ladestand als niedrig gilt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21231
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{percentage-critical} (default: @code{3})"
msgstr "@code{percentage-critical} (Vorgabe: @code{3})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21234
msgid "When @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} is @code{#t}, this sets the percentage at which the battery is considered critical."
msgstr "Wenn @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird hiermit der Prozentstand festgelegt, ab dem der Akku-Ladestand als kritisch gilt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21235
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{percentage-action} (default: @code{2})"
msgstr "@code{percentage-action} (Vorgabe: @code{2})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21238
msgid "When @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} is @code{#t}, this sets the percentage at which action will be taken."
msgstr "Wenn @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird hiermit der Prozentstand festgelegt, ab dem Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21239
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{time-low} (default: @code{1200})"
msgstr "@code{time-low} (Vorgabe: @code{1200})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21242
msgid "When @code{use-time-for-policy?} is @code{#f}, this sets the time remaining in seconds at which the battery is considered low."
msgstr "Wenn @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, wird hiermit die verbleibende Zeit in Sekunden festgelegt, ab der der Akku-Ladestand als niedrig gilt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21243
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{time-critical} (default: @code{300})"
msgstr "@code{time-critical} (Vorgabe: @code{300})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21246
msgid "When @code{use-time-for-policy?} is @code{#f}, this sets the time remaining in seconds at which the battery is considered critical."
msgstr "Wenn @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, wird hiermit die verbleibende Zeit in Sekunden festgelegt, ab der der Akku-Ladestand als kritisch gilt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21247
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{time-action} (default: @code{120})"
msgstr "@code{time-action} (Vorgabe: @code{120})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21250
msgid "When @code{use-time-for-policy?} is @code{#f}, this sets the time remaining in seconds at which action will be taken."
msgstr "Wenn @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, wird hiermit die verbleibende Zeit in Sekunden festgelegt, ab der Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21251
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{critical-power-action} (default: @code{'hybrid-sleep})"
msgstr "@code{critical-power-action} (Vorgabe: @code{'hybrid-sleep})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21254
msgid "The action taken when @code{percentage-action} or @code{time-action} is reached (depending on the configuration of @code{use-percentage-for-policy?})."
msgstr "Welche Maßnahme eingeleitet wird, wenn die @code{percentage-action} oder @code{time-action} erreicht wurde (je nachdem, wie @code{use-percentage-for-policy?} eingestellt wurde)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21256
msgid "Possible values are:"
msgstr "Mögliche Werte sind:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21260
msgid "'power-off"
msgstr "'power-off"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21263
msgid "'hibernate"
msgstr "'hibernate"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21266
msgid "@code{'hybrid-sleep}."
msgstr "@code{'hybrid-sleep}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21271
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} udisks-service [#:udisks @var{udisks}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} udisks-service [#:udisks @var{udisks}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21281
msgid "Return a service for @uref{https://udisks.freedesktop.org/docs/latest/, UDisks}, a @dfn{disk management} daemon that provides user interfaces with notifications and ways to mount/unmount disks. Programs that talk to UDisks include the @command{udisksctl} command, part of UDisks, and GNOME Disks. Note that Udisks relies on the @command{mount} command, so it will only be able to use the file-system utilities installed in the system profile. For example if you want to be able to mount NTFS file-systems in read and write fashion, you'll need to have @code{ntfs-3g} installed system-wide."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst für @uref{https://udisks.freedesktop.org/docs/latest/, UDisks}, einen Daemon zur @dfn{Datenträgerverwaltung}, der Benutzeroberflächen mit Benachrichtigungen und Möglichkeiten zum Einbinden und Aushängen von Datenträgern versorgt. Zu den Programmen, die mit UDisks kommunizieren, gehört der Befehl @command{udisksctl}, der Teil von UDisks ist, sowie GNOME Disks. Beachten Sie, dass Udisks über den Befehl @command{mount} funktioniert; man kann damit also nur die Dateisystemwerkzeuge benutzen, die ins Systemprofil installiert sind. Wenn Sie also NTFS-Dateisysteme zum Lesen und Schreiben öffnen können möchten, müssen Sie @code{ntfs-3g} systemweit installiert haben."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21283
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} colord-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} colord-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21290
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs @command{colord}, a system service with a D-Bus interface to manage the color profiles of input and output devices such as screens and scanners. It is notably used by the GNOME Color Manager graphical tool. See @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/, the colord web site} for more information."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, der @command{colord} ausführt. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Systemdienst mit einer D-Bus-Schnittstelle, um die Farbprofile von Ein- und Ausgabegeräten wie Bildschirmen oder Scannern zu verwalten. Insbesondere wird colord vom grafischen GNOME-Farbverwaltungswerkzeug benutzt. Siehe @uref{https://www.freedesktop.org/software/colord/, den Webauftritt von colord} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21292
#, no-wrap
msgid "scanner access"
msgstr "Scanner, Zugriff auf"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21293
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} sane-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} sane-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21299
msgid "This service provides access to scanners @i{via} @uref{http://www.sane-project.org, SANE} by installing the necessary udev rules. It is included in @code{%desktop-services} (@pxref{Desktop Services}) and relies by default on @code{sane-backends-minimal} package (see below) for hardware support."
msgstr "Mit diesem Dienst wird Zugriff auf Scanner über @uref{http://www.sane-project.org, SANE} möglich, indem er die nötigen udev-Regeln installiert. Er ist Teil von @code{%desktop-services} (siehe @ref{Desktop Services}) und verwendet in den Vorgabeeinstellungen das Paket @code{sane-backends-minimal} (siehe unten) für die Hardwareunterstützung."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21301
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} sane-backends-minimal"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} sane-backends-minimal"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21304
msgid "The default package which the @code{sane-service-type} installs. It supports many recent scanners."
msgstr "Das vorgegebene Paket, das durch den @code{sane-service-type} installiert wird. Es unterstützt viele aktuelle Scanner."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21306
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} sane-backends"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} sane-backends"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21313
msgid "This package includes support for all scanners that @code{sane-backends-minimal} supports, plus older Hewlett-Packard scanners supported by @code{hplip} package. In order to use this on a system which relies on @code{%desktop-services}, you may use @code{modify-services} (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}) as illustrated below:"
msgstr "Dieses Paket bietet Unterstützung für alle Scanner, die @code{sane-backends-minimal} unterstützt, und außerdem für ältere Hewlett-Packard-Scanner, die das Paket @code{hplip} unterstützt. Um es auf einem System zu benutzen, das auf den @code{%desktop-services} aufbaut, können Sie @code{modify-services} benutzen (siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}), etwa so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21322
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
@@ -39151,7 +40035,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21327
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %my-desktop-services\n"
@@ -39168,7 +40052,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21331
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -39180,214 +40064,214 @@ msgstr ""
" (services %my-desktop-services))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21334
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} geoclue-application name [#:allowed? #t] [#:system? #f] [#:users '()]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} geoclue-application Name [#:allowed? #t] [#:system? #f] [#:users '()]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21343
msgid "Return a configuration allowing an application to access GeoClue location data. @var{name} is the Desktop ID of the application, without the @code{.desktop} part. If @var{allowed?} is true, the application will have access to location information by default. The boolean @var{system?} value indicates whether an application is a system component or not. Finally @var{users} is a list of UIDs of all users for which this application is allowed location info access. An empty users list means that all users are allowed."
msgstr "Liefert eine Konfiguration, mit der eine Anwendung auf Ortungsdaten von GeoClue zugreifen kann. Als @var{Name} wird die Desktop-ID der Anwendung angegeben, ohne die Pfadkomponente mit @code{.desktop}-Endung. Wenn @var{allowed?} wahr ist, hat die Anwendung standardmäßig Zugriff auf Ortungsinformationen. Der boolesche Wert @var{system?} zeigt an, ob die Anwendung eine Systemkomponente ist oder nicht. Zum Schluss wird für @var{users} eine Liste von Benutzeridentifikatoren (UIDs) aller Benutzerkonten angegeben, für die diese Anwendung Zugriff auf Ortungsinformationen gewährt bekommt. Eine leere Benutzerliste bedeutet, dass dies für alle Benutzer gewährt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21345
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %standard-geoclue-applications"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %standard-geoclue-applications"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21352
msgid "The standard list of well-known GeoClue application configurations, granting authority to the GNOME date-and-time utility to ask for the current location in order to set the time zone, and allowing the IceCat and Epiphany web browsers to request location information. IceCat and Epiphany both query the user before allowing a web page to know the user's location."
msgstr "Die Standardliste wohlbekannter GeoClue-Anwendungskonfigurationen, mit der das GNOME-Werkzeug für Datum und Uhrzeit die Berechtigung bekommt, den aktuellen Ort abzufragen, um die Zeitzone festzulegen, und die Webbrowser IceCat und Epiphany Ortsinformationen abfragen dürfen. IceCat und Epiphany fragen beide zuerst beim Benutzer nach, bevor sie einer Webseite gestatten, den Ort des Benutzer abzufragen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21354
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} geoclue-service [#:colord @var{colord}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} geoclue-service [#:colord @var{colord}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21367
msgid "[#:whitelist '()] @ [#:wifi-geolocation-url \"https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key=geoclue\"] @ [#:submit-data? #f] [#:wifi-submission-url \"https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/submit?key=geoclue\"] @ [#:submission-nick \"geoclue\"] @ [#:applications %standard-geoclue-applications] Return a service that runs the GeoClue location service. This service provides a D-Bus interface to allow applications to request access to a user's physical location, and optionally to add information to online location databases. See @uref{https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/GeoClue/, the GeoClue web site} for more information."
msgstr "[#:whitelist '()] @ [#:wifi-geolocation-url \"https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key=geoclue\"] @ [#:submit-data? #f] [#:wifi-submission-url \"https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/submit?key=geoclue\"] @ [#:submission-nick \"geoclue\"] @ [#:applications %standard-geoclue-applications] Liefert einen Dienst, der den Ortungsdienst GeoClue ausführt. Dieser Dienst bietet eine D-Bus-Schnittstelle an, mit der Anwendungen Zugriff auf den physischen Ort eines Benutzers anfragen können, und optional Informationen in Online-Ortsdatenbanken eintragen können. Siehe @uref{https://wiki.freedesktop.org/www/Software/GeoClue/, den Webauftritt von GeoClue} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21369
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} bluetooth-service [#:bluez @var{bluez}] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} bluetooth-service [#:bluez @var{bluez}] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21376
msgid "[@w{#:auto-enable? #f}] Return a service that runs the @command{bluetoothd} daemon, which manages all the Bluetooth devices and provides a number of D-Bus interfaces. When AUTO-ENABLE? is true, the bluetooth controller is powered automatically at boot, which can be useful when using a bluetooth keyboard or mouse."
msgstr "[@w{#:auto-enable? #f}] Liefert einen Dienst, der den @command{bluetoothd}-Daemon ausführt, welcher alle Bluetooth-Geräte verwaltet, und eine Reihe von D-Bus-Schnittstellen zur Verfügung stellt. Wenn AUTO-ENABLE? wahr ist, wird die Bluetooth-Steuerung automatisch beim Hochfahren gestartet, was sich als nützlich erweisen kann, wenn man eine Bluetooth-Tastatur oder -Maus benutzt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21378
msgid "Users need to be in the @code{lp} group to access the D-Bus service."
msgstr "Benutzer müssen zur @code{lp}-Benutzergruppe gehören, damit sie Zugriff auf den D-Bus-Dienst bekommen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20893
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21380
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gnome-keyring-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gnome-keyring-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21384
msgid "This is the type of the service that adds the @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring, GNOME Keyring}. Its value is a @code{gnome-keyring-configuration} object (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes, der den @uref{https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring, GNOME-Schlüsselbund} bereitstellt. Sein Wert ist ein @code{gnome-keyring-configuration}-Objekt (siehe unten)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21388
msgid "This service adds the @code{gnome-keyring} package to the system profile and extends PAM with entries using @code{pam_gnome_keyring.so}, unlocking a user's login keyring when they log in or setting its password with passwd."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst fügt das @code{gnome-keyring}-Paket zum Systemprofil hinzu und erweitert PAM um Einträge zur Nutzung von @code{pam_gnome_keyring.so}, wodurch der Schlüsselbund von Nutzern entsperrt wird, wenn sie sich anmelden, und passwd auch das Passwort des Schlüsselbunds festlegt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21390
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gnome-keyring-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gnome-keyring-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21392
msgid "Configuration record for the GNOME Keyring service."
msgstr "Verbundsobjekt für die Konfiguration des GNOME-Schlüsselbunddienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21394
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keyring} (default: @code{gnome-keyring})"
msgstr "@code{keyring} (Vorgabe: @code{gnome-keyring})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21396
msgid "The GNOME keyring package to use."
msgstr "Welches GNOME-Schlüsselbund-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21397
#, no-wrap
msgid "pam-services"
msgstr "pam-services"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21402
msgid "A list of @code{(@var{service} . @var{kind})} pairs denoting PAM services to extend, where @var{service} is the name of an existing service to extend and @var{kind} is one of @code{login} or @code{passwd}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Paaren aus @code{(@var{Dienst} . @var{Typ})}, die zu erweiternde PAM-Dienste bezeichnen. Dabei steht @var{Dienst} für den Namen eines bestehenden Dienstes, der erweitert werden soll, und als @var{Typ} kann @code{login} oder @code{passwd} angegeben werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21408
msgid "If @code{login} is given, it adds an optional @code{pam_gnome_keyring.so} to the auth block without arguments and to the session block with @code{auto_start}. If @code{passwd} is given, it adds an optional @code{pam_gnome_keyring.so} to the password block without arguments."
msgstr "Wenn @code{login} angegeben wird, wird ein optionales @code{pam_gnome_keyring.so} zum Auth-Block ohne Argumente und zum Session-Block mit @code{auto_start} hinzugefügt. Wenn @code{passwd} angegeben wird, wird ein optionales @code{pam_gnome_keyring.so} zum Password-Block ohne Argumente hinzugefügt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21411
msgid "By default, this field contains ``gdm-password'' with the value @code{login} and ``passwd'' is with the value @code{passwd}."
msgstr "Der vorgegebene Inhalt ist „gdm-password“ mit dem Wert @code{login} und „passwd“ mit dem Wert @code{passwd}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21418
#, no-wrap
msgid "sound support"
msgstr "Sound-Unterstützung"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21419
#, no-wrap
msgid "ALSA"
msgstr "ALSA"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21420
#, no-wrap
msgid "PulseAudio, sound support"
msgstr "PulseAudio, Sound-Unterstützung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21425
msgid "The @code{(gnu services sound)} module provides a service to configure the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) system, which makes PulseAudio the preferred ALSA output driver."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services sound)} stellt einen Dienst zur Verfügung, um das Advanced-Linux-Sound-Architecture-System (ALSA) zu konfigurieren, so dass PulseAudio als bevorzugter ALSA-Ausgabetreiber benutzt wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21426
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} alsa-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} alsa-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21431
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://alsa-project.org/, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture} (ALSA) system, which generates the @file{/etc/asound.conf} configuration file. The value for this type is a @command{alsa-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Typ des Dienstes für das als @uref{https://alsa-project.org/, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)} bekannte System, das die Konfigurationsdatei @file{/etc/asound.conf} erzeugt. Der Wert für diesen Diensttyp ist ein @command{alsa-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21434
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service alsa-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service alsa-service-type)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21437
msgid "See below for details about @code{alsa-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe die folgenden Details zur @code{alsa-configuration}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21439
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} alsa-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} alsa-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21441
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{alsa-service}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration für den Dienst @code{alsa-service}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21443
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{alsa-plugins} (default: @var{alsa-plugins})"
msgstr "@code{alsa-plugins} (Vorgabe: @var{alsa-plugins})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21445
msgid "@code{alsa-plugins} package to use."
msgstr "@code{alsa-plugins}-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21446
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pulseaudio?} (default: @var{#t})"
msgstr "@code{pulseaudio?} (Vorgabe: @var{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21449
msgid "Whether ALSA applications should transparently be made to use the @uref{https://www.pulseaudio.org/, PulseAudio} sound server."
msgstr "Ob ALSA-Anwendungen transparent den @uref{https://www.pulseaudio.org/, PulseAudio-Audioserver} benutzen sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21453
msgid "Using PulseAudio allows you to run several sound-producing applications at the same time and to individual control them @i{via} @command{pavucontrol}, among other things."
msgstr "Wenn PulseAudio benutzt wird, können Sie gleichzeitig mehrere Anwendungen mit Tonausgabe ausführen und sie unter anderem mit @command{pavucontrol} einzeln einstellen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20967
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21454
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-options} (default: @var{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{extra-options} (Vorgabe: @var{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21456
msgid "String to append to the @file{/etc/asound.conf} file."
msgstr "Die Zeichenkette, die an die Datei @file{/etc/asound.conf} angehängt werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21462
msgid "Individual users who want to override the system configuration of ALSA can do it with the @file{~/.asoundrc} file:"
msgstr "Wenn einzelne Benutzer von ALSAs Systemkonfiguration abweichende Einstellungen vornehmen möchten, können Sie das mit der Konfigurationsdatei @file{~/.asoundrc} tun:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21468
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# In guix, we have to specify the absolute path for plugins.\n"
@@ -39403,7 +40287,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20990
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21477
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Routing ALSA to jack:\n"
@@ -39427,7 +40311,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:20996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21483
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" capture_ports @{\n"
@@ -39445,7 +40329,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21490
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"pcm.!default @{\n"
@@ -39463,104 +40347,140 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21494
msgid "See @uref{https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc} for the details."
msgstr "Siehe @uref{https://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc} für die Details."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21495
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} pulseaudio-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} pulseaudio-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21499
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://www.pulseaudio.org/, PulseAudio} sound server. It exists to allow system overrides of the default settings via @code{pulseaudio-configuration}, see below."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @url{https://www.pulseaudio.org/, PulseAudio-Soundserver}. Mit ihm können die Voreinstellungen systemweit abgeändert werden. Dazu benutzen Sie eine @code{pulseaudio-configuration}, siehe unten."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21505
msgid "This service overrides per-user configuration files. If you want PulseAudio to honor configuration files in @file{~/.config/pulse} you have to unset the environment variables @env{PULSE_CONFIG} and @env{PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG} in your @file{~/.bash_profile}."
msgstr "Durch diesen Dienst werden Einstellungen vorgenommen, die Vorrang vor den Konfigurationsdateien des Benutzers haben. Wenn PulseAudio Konfigurationsdateien in @file{~/.config/pulse} beachten soll, müssen Sie die Umgebungsvariablen @env{PULSE_CONFIG} und @env{PULSE_CLIENTCONFIG} in Ihrer @file{~/.bash_profile} deaktivieren."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21513
msgid "This service on its own does not ensure, that the @code{pulseaudio} package exists on your machine. It merely adds configuration files for it, as detailed below. In the (admittedly unlikely) case, that you find yourself without a @code{pulseaudio} package, consider enabling it through the @code{alsa-service-type} above."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst sorgt alleine noch nicht dafür, dass auf ihrer Maschine das @code{pulseaudio}-Paket vorliegt. Er fügt bloß Konfigurationsdateien dafür hinzu, wie im Folgenden beschrieben. Für den (zugegebenermaßen unwahrscheinlichen) Fall, dass Ihnen ein @code{pulseaudio}-Paket fehlt, möchten Sie es vielleicht durch den oben genannten @code{alsa-service-type} aktivieren."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21516
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} pulseaudio-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} pulseaudio-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21518
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{pulseaudio-service}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration für den Dienst @code{pulseaudio-service}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21520
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{client-conf} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{client-conf} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21038
-msgid "List of settings to set in @file{client.conf}. Accepts a list of strings or a symbol-value pairs. A string will be inserted as-is with a newline added. A pair will be formatted as ``key = value'', again with a newline added."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21525
+msgid "List of settings to set in @file{client.conf}. Accepts a list of strings or symbol-value pairs. A string will be inserted as-is with a newline added. A pair will be formatted as ``key = value'', again with a newline added."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Einstellungen, die in @file{client.conf} vorgenommen werden. Hierfür wird eine Liste von entweder Zeichenketten oder Symbol-Wert-Paaren akzeptiert. Eine Zeichenkette wird so, wie sie ist, eingefügt, mit einem Zeilenumbruch danach. Ein Paar wird als „Schlüssel = Wert“ formatiert, auch hier gefolgt von einem Zeilenumbruch."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21526
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{daemon-conf} (default: @code{'((flat-volumes . no))})"
msgstr "@code{daemon-conf} (Vorgabe: @code{'((flat-volumes . no))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21529
msgid "List of settings to set in @file{daemon.conf}, formatted just like @var{client-conf}."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Einstellungen, die in @file{daemon.conf} vorgenommen werden, im gleichen Format wie @var{client-conf}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21530
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{script-file} (default: @code{(file-append pulseaudio \"/etc/pulse/default.pa\")})"
msgstr "@code{script-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(file-append pulseaudio \"/etc/pulse/default.pa\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21045
-msgid "Script file to use as @file{default.pa}."
-msgstr "Welche Skriptdatei als @file{default.pa} verwendet werden soll."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21535
+msgid "Script file to use as @file{default.pa}. In case the @code{extra-script-files} field below is used, an @code{.include} directive pointing to @file{/etc/pulse/default.pa.d} is appended to the provided script."
+msgstr ""
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21536
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{extra-options} (default: @code{'()})"
+msgid "@code{extra-script-files} (default: @code{'())})"
+msgstr "@code{extra-options} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21543
+msgid "A list of file-like objects defining extra PulseAudio scripts to run at the initialization of the @command{pulseaudio} daemon, after the main @code{script-file}. The scripts are deployed to the @file{/etc/pulse/default.pa.d} directory; they should have the @samp{.pa} file name extension. For a reference of the available commands, refer to @command{man pulse-cli-syntax}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21544
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{system-script-file} (default: @code{(file-append pulseaudio \"/etc/pulse/system.pa\")})"
msgstr "@code{system-script-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(file-append pulseaudio \"/etc/pulse/system.pa\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21546
msgid "Script file to use as @file{system.pa}."
msgstr "Welche Skriptdatei als @file{system.pa} verwendet werden soll."
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21551
+msgid "The example below sets the default PulseAudio card profile, the default sink and the default source to use for a old SoundBlaster Audigy sound card:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21560
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" (extra-script-files\n"
+" (list (plain-file \"audigy.pa\"\n"
+" (string-append \"\\\n"
+"set-card-profile alsa_card.pci-0000_01_01.0 \\\n"
+" output:analog-surround-40+input:analog-mono\n"
+"set-default-source alsa_input.pci-0000_01_01.0.analog-mono\n"
+"set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_01_01.0.analog-surround-40\\n\")))))\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21568
+msgid "Note that @code{pulseaudio-service-type} is part of @code{%desktop-services}; if your operating system declaration was derived from one of the desktop templates, you'll want to adjust the above example to modify the existing @code{pulseaudio-service-type} via @code{modify-services} (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}}), instead of defining a new one."
+msgstr ""
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21571
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ladspa-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ladspa-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21574
msgid "This service sets the @var{LADSPA_PATH} variable, so that programs, which respect it, e.g. PulseAudio, can load LADSPA plugins."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für den Dienst, der die @var{LADSPA_PATH}-Variable festlegt, damit sie beachtende Programme, z.B.@: PulseAudio, LADSPA-Plugins laden können."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21577
msgid "The following example will setup the service to enable modules from the @code{swh-plugins} package:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel wird den Dienst so einrichten, dass Module aus dem @code{swh-plugins}-Paket aktiviert werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21581
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service ladspa-service-type\n"
@@ -39570,34 +40490,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (ladspa-configuration (plugins (list swh-plugins))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21585
msgid "See @uref{http://plugin.org.uk/ladspa-swh/docs/ladspa-swh.html} for the details."
msgstr "Siehe @uref{http://plugin.org.uk/ladspa-swh/docs/ladspa-swh.html} für die Details."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21592
#, no-wrap
msgid "SQL"
msgstr "SQL"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21594
msgid "The @code{(gnu services databases)} module provides the following services."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services databases)} stellt die folgenden Dienste zur Verfügung."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21595
#, no-wrap
msgid "PostgreSQL"
msgstr "PostgreSQL"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21599
msgid "The following example describes a PostgreSQL service with the default configuration."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt einen PostgreSQL-Dienst in seiner Vorgabekonfiguration."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21604
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service postgresql-service-type\n"
@@ -39609,17 +40529,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (postgresql postgresql-10)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21610
msgid "If the services fails to start, it may be due to an incompatible cluster already present in @var{data-directory}. Adjust it (or, if you don't need the cluster anymore, delete @var{data-directory}), then restart the service."
msgstr "Wenn diese Dienste nicht starten können, ist vielleicht bereits ein inkompatibler Datenbankverbund („Cluster“) in @var{data-directory} vorhanden. Ändern Sie dann den Wert dafür (oder falls Sie den Verbund nicht mehr brauchen, löschen Sie @var{data-directory} einfach) und starten Sie den Dienst neu."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21617
msgid "Peer authentication is used by default and the @code{postgres} user account has no shell, which prevents the direct execution of @code{psql} commands as this user. To use @code{psql}, you can temporarily log in as @code{postgres} using a shell, create a PostgreSQL superuser with the same name as one of the system users and then create the associated database."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung müssen sich normale Benutzerkonten des Guix-Systems, die mit PostgreSQL kommunizieren, sogenannte „Peers“, zunächst authentifizieren. Allerdings ist für das @code{postgres}-Benutzerkonto keine Shell eingestellt, wodurch keine @code{psql}-Befehle durch diesen Benutzer ausgeführt werden können. Um @code{psql} benutzen zu können, können Sie sich vorläufig als der @code{postgres}-Nutzer unter Angabe einer Shell anmelden, ein Konto für einen PostgreSQL-Administrator (einen „Superuser“) mit demselben Namen wie einer der Benutzer des Systems einrichten und dann die zugehörige Datenbank erstellen."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21622
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"sudo -u postgres -s /bin/sh\n"
@@ -39631,101 +40551,101 @@ msgstr ""
"createdb $BENUTZER_ANMELDENAME # muss angepasst werden\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21624
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} postgresql-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} postgresql-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21627
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for the @code{postgresql-service-type}."
msgstr "Der Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration für den @code{postgresql-service-type}."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21629
#, no-wrap
msgid "postgresql"
msgstr "postgresql"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21631
msgid "PostgreSQL package to use for the service."
msgstr "Das PostgreSQL-Paket, was für diesen Dienst benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21632
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{5432})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{5432})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21634
msgid "Port on which PostgreSQL should listen."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem PostgreSQL lauschen soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21637
msgid "Locale to use as the default when creating the database cluster."
msgstr "Welche Regions- und Spracheinstellung („Locale“) beim Erstellen des Datenbankverbunds voreingestellt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21638
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{(postgresql-config-file)})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(postgresql-config-file)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21642
msgid "The configuration file to use when running PostgreSQL@. The default behaviour uses the postgresql-config-file record with the default values for the fields."
msgstr "Aus welcher Konfigurationsdatei die Laufzeitkonfiguration von PostgreSQL geladen werden soll. Vorgegeben ist, die Einstellungen aus einem postgresql-config-file-Verbundsobjekt mit Vorgabewerten zu nehmen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21643
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/log/postgresql\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/postgresql\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21647
msgid "The directory where @command{pg_ctl} output will be written in a file named @code{\"pg_ctl.log\"}. This file can be useful to debug PostgreSQL configuration errors for instance."
msgstr "In welchem Verzeichnis die Ausgabe von @command{pg_ctl} in eine Datei namens @code{\"pg_ctl.log\"} geschrieben wird. Diese Datei kann zum Beispiel dabei helfen, Fehler in der Konfiguration von PostgreSQL zu finden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21648
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{data-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/postgresql/data\"})"
msgstr "@code{data-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/postgresql/data\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21650
msgid "Directory in which to store the data."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem die Daten gespeichert werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21651
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extension-packages} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{extension-packages} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21652
#, no-wrap
msgid "postgresql extension-packages"
msgstr "PostgreSQL-Erweiterungspakete"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21657
msgid "Additional extensions are loaded from packages listed in @var{extension-packages}. Extensions are available at runtime. For instance, to create a geographic database using the @code{postgis} extension, a user can configure the postgresql-service as in this example:"
msgstr "Zusätzliche Erweiterungen werden aus den unter @var{extension-packages} aufgeführten Paketen geladen. Erweiterungen sind zur Laufzeit verfügbar. Zum Beispiel kann ein Nutzer den postgresql-service-Dienst wie in diesem Beispiel konfigurieren, um eine geografische Datenbank mit Hilfe der @code{postgis}-Erweiterung zu erzeugen:"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21658
#, no-wrap
msgid "postgis"
msgstr "postgis"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21661
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-package-modules databases geo)\n"
@@ -39735,7 +40655,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21674
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -39765,12 +40685,12 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21678
msgid "Then the extension becomes visible and you can initialise an empty geographic database in this way:"
msgstr "Dann wird die Erweiterung sichtbar und Sie können eine leere geografische Datenbak auf diese Weise initialisieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21685
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"psql -U postgres\n"
@@ -39786,23 +40706,23 @@ msgstr ""
"> create extension postgis_topology;\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21690
msgid "There is no need to add this field for contrib extensions such as hstore or dblink as they are already loadable by postgresql. This field is only required to add extensions provided by other packages."
msgstr "Es ist nicht notwendig, dieses Feld für contrib-Erweiterungen wie hstore oder dblink hinzuzufügen, weil sie bereits durch postgresql geladen werden können. Dieses Feld wird nur benötigt, um Erweiterungen hinzuzufügen, die von anderen Paketen zur Verfügung gestellt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21694
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} postgresql-config-file"
msgstr "{Datentyp} postgresql-config-file"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21700
msgid "Data type representing the PostgreSQL configuration file. As shown in the following example, this can be used to customize the configuration of PostgreSQL@. Note that you can use any G-expression or filename in place of this record, if you already have a configuration file you'd like to use for example."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfigurationsdatei von PostgreSQL repräsentiert. Wie im folgenden Beispiel gezeigt, kann er benutzt werden, um die Konfiguration von PostgreSQL anzupassen. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass Sie jeden beliebigen G-Ausdruck oder Dateinamen anstelle dieses Verbunds angeben können, etwa wenn Sie lieber eine bestehende Konfigurationsdatei benutzen möchten."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21720
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service postgresql-service-type\n"
@@ -39844,77 +40764,77 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"log_directory\" \"/var/log/postgresql\")))))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21723
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-destination} (default: @code{\"syslog\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-destination} (Vorgabe: @code{\"syslog\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21726
msgid "The logging method to use for PostgreSQL@. Multiple values are accepted, separated by commas."
msgstr "Welche Protokollierungsmethode für PostgreSQL benutzt werden soll. Hier können mehrere Werte kommagetrennt angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21727
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hba-file} (default: @code{%default-postgres-hba})"
msgstr "@code{hba-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-postgres-hba})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21730
msgid "Filename or G-expression for the host-based authentication configuration."
msgstr "Ein Dateiname oder G-Ausdruck für die Konfiguration der Authentifizierung durch den Server („Host-based Authentication“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21731
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ident-file} (default: @code{%default-postgres-ident})"
msgstr "@code{ident-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-postgres-ident})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21733
msgid "Filename or G-expression for the user name mapping configuration."
msgstr "Ein Dateiname oder G-Ausdruck für die Konfiguration der Benutzernamensabbildung („User name mapping“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21734
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socket-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/run/postgresql\"})"
msgstr "@code{socket-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/postgresql\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21739
msgid "Specifies the directory of the Unix-domain socket(s) on which PostgreSQL is to listen for connections from client applications. If set to @code{\"\"} PostgreSQL does not listen on any Unix-domain sockets, in which case only TCP/IP sockets can be used to connect to the server."
msgstr "Gibt an, in welchem Verzeichnis der oder die Unix-Socket(s) zu finden sind, auf denen PostgreSQL auf Verbindungen von Client-Anwendungen lauscht. Ist dies auf @code{\"\"} gesetzt, so lauscht PostgreSQL auf gar keinem Unix-Socket, so dass Verbindungen zum Server nur mit TCP/IP-Sockets aufgebaut werden können."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21742
msgid "By default, the @code{#false} value means the PostgreSQL default value will be used, which is currently @samp{/tmp}."
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert @code{#false} bedeutet, dass der voreingestellte Wert von PostgreSQL benutzt wird. Derzeit ist die Voreinstellung @samp{/tmp}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21747
msgid "List of additional keys and values to include in the PostgreSQL config file. Each entry in the list should be a list where the first element is the key, and the remaining elements are the values."
msgstr "Eine Liste zusätzlicher Schlüssel-Wert-Kombinationen, die in die PostgreSQL-Konfigurationsdatei aufgenommen werden sollen. Jeder Eintrag in der Liste muss eine Liste von Listen sein, deren erstes Element dem Schlüssel entspricht und deren übrige Elemente die Werte angeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21753
msgid "The values can be numbers, booleans or strings and will be mapped to PostgreSQL parameters types @code{Boolean}, @code{String}, @code{Numeric}, @code{Numeric with Unit} and @code{Enumerated} described @uref{https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/config-setting.html, here}."
msgstr "Als Werte können Zahlen, Boolesche Ausdrücke oder Zeichenketten dienen. Sie werden auf die Parametertypen von PostgreSQL, @code{Boolean}, @code{String}, @code{Numeric}, @code{Numeric with Unit} und @code{Enumerated}, abgebildet, die @uref{https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/config-setting.html, hier} beschrieben werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21757
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} postgresql-role-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} postgresql-role-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21760
msgid "This service allows to create PostgreSQL roles and databases after PostgreSQL service start. Here is an example of its use."
msgstr "Mit diesem Dienst können PostgreSQL-Rollen und -Datenbanken erzeugt werden, nachdem der PostgreSQL-Dienst gestartet worden ist. Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie man ihn benutzt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21768
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service postgresql-role-service-type\n"
@@ -39932,12 +40852,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (create-database? #t))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21772
msgid "This service can be extended with extra roles, as in this example:"
msgstr "Dieser Dienst kann mit weiteren Rollen erweitert werden, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21778
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service-extension postgresql-role-service-type\n"
@@ -39951,398 +40871,398 @@ msgstr ""
" (create-database? #t))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21781
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} postgresql-role"
msgstr "{Datentyp} postgresql-role"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21787
msgid "PostgreSQL manages database access permissions using the concept of roles. A role can be thought of as either a database user, or a group of database users, depending on how the role is set up. Roles can own database objects (for example, tables) and can assign privileges on those objects to other roles to control who has access to which objects."
msgstr "PostgreSQL verwaltet Zugriffsrechte auf Datenbanken mit dem Rollenkonzept. Eine Rolle kann als entweder ein Datenbanknutzer oder eine Gruppe von Datenbanknutzern verstanden werden, je nachdem, wie die Rolle eingerichtet wurde. Rollen können Eigentümer von Datenbankobjekten sein (zum Beispiel von Tabellen) und sie können anderen Rollen Berechtigungen auf diese Objekte zuweisen oder steuern, wer auf welche Objekte Zugriff hat."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21791
msgid "The role name."
msgstr "Der Rollenname."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21792
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{permissions} (default: @code{'(createdb login)})"
msgstr "@code{permissions} (Vorgabe: @code{'(createdb login)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21796
msgid "The role permissions list. Supported permissions are @code{bypassrls}, @code{createdb}, @code{createrole}, @code{login}, @code{replication} and @code{superuser}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Berechtigungen der Rolle. Unterstützte Berechtigungen sind @code{bypassrls}, @code{createdb}, @code{createrole}, @code{login}, @code{replication} und @code{superuser}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21797
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{create-database?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{create-database?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21799
msgid "Whether to create a database with the same name as the role."
msgstr "Ob eine Datenbank mit demselben Namen wie die Rolle erzeugt werden soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21803
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} postgresql-role-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} postgresql-role-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21806
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @var{postgresql-role-service-type}."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @var{postgresql-role-service-type} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21808
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host} (default: @code{\"/var/run/postgresql\"})"
msgstr "@code{host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/postgresql\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21810
msgid "The PostgreSQL host to connect to."
msgstr "Mit welchem PostgreSQL-Host eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21811
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log} (default: @code{\"/var/log/postgresql_roles.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/postgresql_roles.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21813
msgid "File name of the log file."
msgstr "Der Dateiname der Protokolldatei."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21814
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{roles} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{roles} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21816
msgid "The initial PostgreSQL roles to create."
msgstr "Welche PostgreSQL-Rollen von Anfang an erzeugt werden sollen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21819
#, no-wrap
msgid "MariaDB/MySQL"
msgstr "MariaDB/MySQL"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21821
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} mysql-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} mysql-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21825
msgid "This is the service type for a MySQL or MariaDB database server. Its value is a @code{mysql-configuration} object that specifies which package to use, as well as various settings for the @command{mysqld} daemon."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für einen Datenbankserver zu MySQL oder MariaDB@. Sein Wert ist ein @code{mysql-configuration}-Objekt, das das zu nutzende Paket sowie verschiedene Einstellungen für den @command{mysqld}-Daemon festlegt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21827
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mysql-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mysql-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21829
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @var{mysql-service-type}."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @var{mysql-service-type} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21831
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mysql} (default: @var{mariadb})"
msgstr "@code{mysql} (Vorgabe: @var{mariadb})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21834
msgid "Package object of the MySQL database server, can be either @var{mariadb} or @var{mysql}."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt des MySQL-Datenbankservers; es kann entweder @var{mariadb} oder @var{mysql} sein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21837
msgid "For MySQL, a temporary root password will be displayed at activation time. For MariaDB, the root password is empty."
msgstr "Für MySQL wird bei der Aktivierung des Dienstes ein temporäres Administratorpasswort („root“-Passwort) angezeigt. Für MariaDB ist das „root“-Passwort leer."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21838 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25658
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bind-address} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{bind-address} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21841
msgid "The IP on which to listen for network connections. Use @code{\"\"} to bind to all available network interfaces."
msgstr "Auf welcher IP-Adresse auf Verbindungen gelauscht wird. Benutzen Sie @code{\"\"}, wenn sich der Server an alle verfügbaren Netzwerkschnittstellen binden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21842
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{3306})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{3306})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21844
msgid "TCP port on which the database server listens for incoming connections."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem der Datenbankserver auf eingehende Verbindungen lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21845
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socket} (default: @code{\"/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock\"})"
msgstr "@code{socket} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21847
msgid "Socket file to use for local (non-network) connections."
msgstr "Welche Socket-Datei für lokale Verbindungen (die also nicht über ein Netzwerk laufen) benutzt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21850
msgid "Additional settings for the @file{my.cnf} configuration file."
msgstr "Weitere Einstellungen für die Konfigurationsdatei @file{my.cnf}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21851
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-environment} (default: @code{#~'()})"
msgstr "@code{extra-environment} (Vorgabe: @code{#~'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21853
msgid "List of environment variables passed to the @command{mysqld} process."
msgstr "Welche Liste von Umgebungsvariablen dem @command{mysqld}-Prozess mitgegeben wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21854
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-upgrade?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{auto-upgrade?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21859
msgid "Whether to automatically run @command{mysql_upgrade} after starting the service. This is necessary to upgrade the @dfn{system schema} after ``major'' updates (such as switching from MariaDB 10.4 to 10.5), but can be disabled if you would rather do that manually."
msgstr "Ob nach dem Starten des Dienstes @command{mysql_upgrade} automatisch ausgeführt werden soll. Das ist nötig, um das @dfn{Systemschema} nach „großen“ Aktualisierungen auf den neuen Stand zu bringen (etwa beim Umstieg von MariaDB 10.4 auf 10.5), aber Sie können es abschalten, wenn Sie das lieber manuell vornehmen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21343
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21863
#, no-wrap
msgid "Memcached"
msgstr "Memcached"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21865
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} memcached-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} memcached-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21869
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://memcached.org/, Memcached} service, which provides a distributed in memory cache. The value for the service type is a @code{memcached-configuration} object."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://memcached.org/, Memcached-Dienst}, der einen verteilten Zwischenspeicher im Arbeitsspeicher (einen „In-Memory-Cache“) zur Verfügung stellt. Der Wert dieses Dienstes ist ein @code{memcached-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21873
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service memcached-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service memcached-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21875
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} memcached-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} memcached-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21877
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of memcached."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von memcached repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21879
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{memcached} (default: @code{memcached})"
msgstr "@code{memcached} (Vorgabe: @code{memcached})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21881
msgid "The Memcached package to use."
msgstr "Das Memcached-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21882
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interfaces} (default: @code{'(\"\")})"
msgstr "@code{interfaces} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21884
msgid "Network interfaces on which to listen."
msgstr "Auf welchen Netzwerkschnittstellen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21885
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tcp-port} (default: @code{11211})"
msgstr "@code{tcp-port} (Vorgabe: @code{11211})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21887
msgid "Port on which to accept connections."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem Verbindungen akzeptiert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21888
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{udp-port} (default: @code{11211})"
msgstr "@code{udp-port} (Vorgabe: @code{11211})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21891
msgid "Port on which to accept UDP connections on, a value of 0 will disable listening on a UDP socket."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem UDP-Verbindungen akzeptiert werden. Ist der Wert 0, wird @emph{nicht} auf einem UDP-Socket gelauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21892
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{additional-options} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{additional-options} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21894
msgid "Additional command line options to pass to @code{memcached}."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an @code{memcached} übergeben werden."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21897
#, no-wrap
msgid "Redis"
msgstr "Redis"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21899
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} redis-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} redis-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21902
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://redis.io/, Redis} key/value store, whose value is a @code{redis-configuration} object."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Schlüssel-/Wert-Speicher @uref{https://redis.io/, Redis}, dessen Wert ein @code{redis-configuration}-Objekt ist."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21904
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} redis-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} redis-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21906
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of redis."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von redis repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21908
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{redis} (default: @code{redis})"
msgstr "@code{redis} (Vorgabe: @code{redis})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21910
msgid "The Redis package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende Redis-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21911
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bind} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{bind} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21913
msgid "Network interface on which to listen."
msgstr "Die Netzwerkschnittstelle, auf der gelauscht wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21914
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{6379})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{6379})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21917
msgid "Port on which to accept connections on, a value of 0 will disable listening on a TCP socket."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem Verbindungen akzeptiert werden. Ist der Wert 0, wird das Lauschen auf einem TCP-Socket deaktiviert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21398
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21918
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{working-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/redis\"})"
msgstr "@code{working-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/redis\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21920
msgid "Directory in which to store the database and related files."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem die Datenbank und damit zu tun habende Dateien gespeichert werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21926
#, no-wrap
msgid "mail"
msgstr "Mail"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21927
#, no-wrap
msgid "email"
msgstr "email"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21932
msgid "The @code{(gnu services mail)} module provides Guix service definitions for email services: IMAP, POP3, and LMTP servers, as well as mail transport agents (MTAs). Lots of acronyms! These services are detailed in the subsections below."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services mail)} stellt Guix-Dienstdefinitionen für E-Mail-Dienste zur Verfügung: IMAP-, POP3- und LMTP-Server sowie Mail Transport Agents (MTAs). Jede Menge Akronyme! Auf diese Dienste wird in den folgenden Unterabschnitten im Detail eingegangen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21933
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dovecot Service"
msgstr "Dovecot-Dienst"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21935
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} dovecot-service [#:config (dovecot-configuration)]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} dovecot-service [#:config (dovecot-configuration)]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21937
msgid "Return a service that runs the Dovecot IMAP/POP3/LMTP mail server."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den IMAP-/POP3-/LMTP-Mailserver Dovecot ausführt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21947
msgid "By default, Dovecot does not need much configuration; the default configuration object created by @code{(dovecot-configuration)} will suffice if your mail is delivered to @code{~/Maildir}. A self-signed certificate will be generated for TLS-protected connections, though Dovecot will also listen on cleartext ports by default. There are a number of options, though, which mail administrators might need to change, and as is the case with other services, Guix allows the system administrator to specify these parameters via a uniform Scheme interface."
msgstr "Normalerweise muss für Dovecot nicht viel eingestellt werden; das vorgegebene Konfigurationsobjekt, das mit @code{(dovecot-configuration)} erzeugt wird, wird genügen, wenn Ihre Mails in @code{~/Maildir} gespeichert werden. Ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat wird für durch TLS geschützte Verbindungen generiert, aber Dovecot lauscht nach Vorgabe auch auf unverschlüsselten Ports. Es gibt jedoch eine Reihe von Optionen, die Mail-Administratoren unter Umständen ändern müssen, was Guix@tie{}— wie auch bei anderen Diensten@tie{}— mit einer einheitlichen Scheme-Schnittstelle möglich macht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21950
msgid "For example, to specify that mail is located at @code{maildir~/.mail}, one would instantiate the Dovecot service like this:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel anzugeben, dass sich Mails in @code{maildir~/.mail} befinden, würde man den Dovecot-Dienst wie folgt instanziieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21435
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21955
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(dovecot-service #:config\n"
@@ -40354,2433 +41274,2433 @@ msgstr ""
" (mail-location \"maildir:~/.mail\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21963
msgid "The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, @samp{string-list foo} indicates that the @code{foo} parameter should be specified as a list of strings. There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old @code{dovecot.conf} file that you want to port over from some other system; see the end for more details."
msgstr "Im Folgenden sehen Sie die verfügbaren Konfigurationsparameter. Jeder Parameterdefinition ist ihr Typ vorangestellt; zum Beispiel bedeutet @samp{Zeichenketten-Liste foo}, dass der Parameter @code{foo} als eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden sollte. Es ist auch möglich, die Konfiguration als Zeichenkette anzugeben, wenn Sie eine alte @code{dovecot.conf}-Datei haben, die Sie von einem anderen System übernehmen möchten; am Ende finden Sie mehr Details dazu."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21973
msgid "Available @code{dovecot-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{dovecot-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21974
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} package dovecot"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ dovecot"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21456 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21976 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23325
msgid "The dovecot package."
msgstr "Das Dovecot-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21978
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} comma-separated-string-list listen"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Kommagetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste listen"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21984
msgid "A list of IPs or hosts where to listen for connections. @samp{*} listens on all IPv4 interfaces, @samp{::} listens on all IPv6 interfaces. If you want to specify non-default ports or anything more complex, customize the address and port fields of the @samp{inet-listener} of the specific services you are interested in."
msgstr "Eine Liste der IPs oder der Rechnernamen („Hosts“), auf denen auf Verbindungen gelauscht wird. @samp{*} bedeutet, auf allen IPv4-Schnittstellen zu lauschen; @samp{::} lässt auf allen IPv6-Schnittstellen lauschen. Wenn Sie nicht der Vorgabe entsprechende Ports oder komplexere Einstellungen festlegen möchten, sollten Sie die Adress- und Portfelder des @samp{inet-listener} beim jeweiligen Dienst anpassen, für den Sie sich interessieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21986
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} protocol-configuration-list protocols"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „protocol-configuration“-Liste protocols"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21989
msgid "List of protocols we want to serve. Available protocols include @samp{imap}, @samp{pop3}, and @samp{lmtp}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Protokolle, die angeboten werden sollen. Zu den verfügbaren Protokollen gehören @samp{imap}, @samp{pop3} und @samp{lmtp}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21991
msgid "Available @code{protocol-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{protocol-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21992
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21994
msgid "The name of the protocol."
msgstr "Der Name des Protokolls."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21996
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} string auth-socket-path"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-socket-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22000
msgid "UNIX socket path to the master authentication server to find users. This is used by imap (for shared users) and lda. It defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb\"}."
msgstr "Der Pfad des UNIX-Sockets zum Hauptauthentifizierungsserver, um Benutzer zu finden. Er wird von imap (für geteilte Benutzer) und lda benutzt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22002
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} boolean imap-metadata?"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck imap-metadata?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22007
msgid "Whether to enable the @code{IMAP METADATA} extension as defined in @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5464,RFC@tie{}5464}, which provides a means for clients to set and retrieve per-mailbox, per-user metadata and annotations over IMAP."
msgstr "Ob die Erweiterung @code{IMAP METADATA}, definiert in @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5464,RFC@tie{}5464}, aktiviert werden soll, mit der Clients einem Postfach („Mailbox“) Metadaten und Annotationen über IMAP zuweisen und sie abfragen können."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22010
msgid "If this is @samp{#t}, you must also specify a dictionary @i{via} the @code{mail-attribute-dict} setting."
msgstr "Wenn dies @samp{#t} ist, müssen Sie auch über das Feld @code{mail-attribute-dict} das zu nutzende Dictionary (eine Schlüssel-Wert-Datenbank) angeben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22015
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list managesieve-notify-capabilities"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste managesieve-notify-capabilities"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22020
msgid "Which NOTIFY capabilities to report to clients that first connect to the ManageSieve service, before authentication. These may differ from the capabilities offered to authenticated users. If this field is left empty, report what the Sieve interpreter supports by default."
msgstr "Welche NOTIFY-Capabilitys an Clients gemeldet werden, die sich mit dem ManageSieve-Dienst verbinden, bevor sie sich authentisiert haben. Sie dürfen sich von den Capabilitys unterscheiden, die angemeldeten Nutzern angeboten werden. Wenn dieses Feld leer gelassen wird, wird nach Vorgabe alles angegeben, was der Sieve-Interpretierer unterstützt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22024
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list managesieve-sieve-capability"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste managesieve-sieve-capability"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22029
msgid "Which SIEVE capabilities to report to clients that first connect to the ManageSieve service, before authentication. These may differ from the capabilities offered to authenticated users. If this field is left empty, report what the Sieve interpreter supports by default."
msgstr "Welche SIEVE-Capabilitys an Clients gemeldet werden, die sich mit dem ManageSieve-Dienst verbinden, bevor sie sich authentisiert haben. Sie dürfen sich von den Capabilitys unterscheiden, die angemeldeten Nutzern angeboten werden. Wenn dieses Feld leer gelassen wird, wird nach Vorgabe alles angegeben, was der Sieve-Interpretierer unterstützt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22034
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mail-plugins"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste mail-plugins"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22036
msgid "Space separated list of plugins to load."
msgstr "Leerzeichengetrennte Liste der zu ladenden Plugins."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22038
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{protocol-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-max-userip-connections"
msgstr "{@code{protocol-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl mail-max-userip-connections"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22042
msgid "Maximum number of IMAP connections allowed for a user from each IP address. NOTE: The username is compared case-sensitively. Defaults to @samp{10}."
msgstr "Die Maximalzahl der IMAP-Verbindungen, die jeder Nutzer von derselben IP-Adresse aus benutzen kann. @emph{Anmerkung}: Beim Vergleichen des Benutzernamens wird Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{10}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22046
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} service-configuration-list services"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „service-configuration“-Liste services"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22050
msgid "List of services to enable. Available services include @samp{imap}, @samp{imap-login}, @samp{pop3}, @samp{pop3-login}, @samp{auth}, and @samp{lmtp}."
msgstr "Die Liste der zu aktivierenden Dienste. Zu den verfügbaren Diensten gehören @samp{imap}, @samp{imap-login}, @samp{pop3}, @samp{pop3-login}, @samp{auth} und @samp{lmtp}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22052
msgid "Available @code{service-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{service-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22053
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} string kind"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette kind"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22058
msgid "The service kind. Valid values include @code{director}, @code{imap-login}, @code{pop3-login}, @code{lmtp}, @code{imap}, @code{pop3}, @code{auth}, @code{auth-worker}, @code{dict}, @code{tcpwrap}, @code{quota-warning}, or anything else."
msgstr "Die Dienstart (englisch „kind“). Zu den gültigen Werten gehören @code{director}, @code{imap-login}, @code{pop3-login}, @code{lmtp}, @code{imap}, @code{pop3}, @code{auth}, @code{auth-worker}, @code{dict}, @code{tcpwrap}, @code{quota-warning} oder alles andere."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22060
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} listener-configuration-list listeners"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} „listener-configuration“-Liste listeners"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22065
msgid "Listeners for the service. A listener is either a @code{unix-listener-configuration}, a @code{fifo-listener-configuration}, or an @code{inet-listener-configuration}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "„Listener“ für den Dienst, also Lauscher auf neue Verbindungen. Als Listener kann entweder eine @code{unix-listener-configuration}, eine @code{fifo-listener-configuration} oder eine @code{inet-listener-configuration} angegeben werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22067
msgid "Available @code{unix-listener-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{unix-listener-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22068
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string path"
msgstr "{@code{unix-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21551 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22071 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22094
msgid "Path to the file, relative to @code{base-dir} field. This is also used as the section name."
msgstr "Der Pfad zur Datei, relativ zum Feld @code{base-dir}. Er wird auch als der Abschnittsname verwendet."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22073
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string mode"
msgstr "{@code{unix-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mode"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21556 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22076 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22099
msgid "The access mode for the socket. Defaults to @samp{\"0600\"}."
msgstr "Der Zugriffsmodus des Sockets. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"0600\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22078
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string user"
msgstr "{@code{unix-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21561 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22081 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22104
msgid "The user to own the socket. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Der Benutzer, dem der Socket gehört. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22083
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{unix-listener-configuration} parameter} string group"
msgstr "{@code{unix-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21566 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22086 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22109
msgid "The group to own the socket. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Gruppe, der der Socket gehört. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22090
msgid "Available @code{fifo-listener-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{fifo-listener-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22091
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string path"
msgstr "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22096
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string mode"
msgstr "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mode"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22101
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string user"
msgstr "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22106
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration} parameter} string group"
msgstr "{@code{fifo-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22113
msgid "Available @code{inet-listener-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{inet-listener-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22114
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} string protocol"
msgstr "{@code{inet-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette protocol"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22116
msgid "The protocol to listen for."
msgstr "Das Protokoll, auf das gelauscht wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22118
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} string address"
msgstr "{@code{inet-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette address"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22121
msgid "The address on which to listen, or empty for all addresses. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Adresse, auf der gelauscht wird. Bleibt das Feld leer, wird auf allen Adressen gelauscht. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22123
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer port"
msgstr "{@code{inet-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22125
msgid "The port on which to listen."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22127
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{inet-listener-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl?"
msgstr "{@code{inet-listener-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck ssl?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22131
msgid "Whether to use SSL for this service; @samp{yes}, @samp{no}, or @samp{required}. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob für diesen Dienst SSL benutzt werden kann: @samp{yes} für ja, @samp{no} für nein oder @samp{required} für „verpflichtend“. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22135
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer client-limit"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl client-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22140
msgid "Maximum number of simultaneous client connections per process. Once this number of connections is received, the next incoming connection will prompt Dovecot to spawn another process. If set to 0, @code{default-client-limit} is used instead."
msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl gleichzeitiger Verbindungen mit Clients pro Prozess. Sobald diese Anzahl von Verbindungen eingegangen ist, bewirkt das Eingehen der nächsten Verbindung, dass Dovecot einen weiteren Prozess startet. Ist sie auf 0 gesetzt, benutzt Dovecot stattdessen @code{default-client-limit}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22145
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer service-count"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl service-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22150
msgid "Number of connections to handle before starting a new process. Typically the only useful values are 0 (unlimited) or 1. 1 is more secure, but 0 is faster. <doc/wiki/LoginProcess.txt>. Defaults to @samp{1}."
msgstr "Die Anzahl Verbindungen, die behandelt werden, bevor ein neuer Prozess gestartet wird. Typischerweise sind die einzig sinnvollen Werte 0 (unbeschränkt) oder 1. 1 ist sicherer, aber 0 ist schneller. Siehe <doc/wiki/LoginProcess.txt>. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22153
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer process-limit"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl process-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22156
msgid "Maximum number of processes that can exist for this service. If set to 0, @code{default-process-limit} is used instead."
msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl von Prozessen, die für diesen Dienst existieren können. Wenn sie auf 0 gesetzt ist, benutzt Dovecot stattdessen @code{default-process-limit}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22161
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer process-min-avail"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl process-min-avail"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22164
msgid "Number of processes to always keep waiting for more connections. Defaults to @samp{0}."
msgstr "Die Anzahl der Prozesse, mit denen immer auf neue Verbindungen gewartet wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22166
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{service-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer vsz-limit"
msgstr "{@code{service-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl vsz-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22170
msgid "If you set @samp{service-count 0}, you probably need to grow this. Defaults to @samp{256000000}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie @samp{service-count 0} festlegen, müssen Sie hierfür wahrscheinlich eine größere Zahl wählen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{256000000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22174
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} dict-configuration dict"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} dict-configuration dict"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22177
msgid "Dict configuration, as created by the @code{dict-configuration} constructor."
msgstr "Die Wörterbuchkonfiguration, wie sie der @code{dict-configuration}-Konstruktor erzeugt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22179
msgid "Available @code{dict-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{dict-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22180
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dict-configuration} parameter} free-form-fields entries"
msgstr "{@code{dict-configuration}-Parameter} Formlose-Felder entries"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22183
msgid "A list of key-value pairs that this dict should hold. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren, die in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sein sollen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22187
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} passdb-configuration-list passdbs"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „passdb-configuration“-Liste passdbs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22190
msgid "A list of passdb configurations, each one created by the @code{passdb-configuration} constructor."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Passwortdatenbankkonfigurationen, die jeweils mit dem @code{passdb-configuration}-Konstruktor erzeugt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22192
msgid "Available @code{passdb-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{passdb-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22193
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{passdb-configuration} parameter} string driver"
msgstr "{@code{passdb-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette driver"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22198
msgid "The driver that the passdb should use. Valid values include @samp{pam}, @samp{passwd}, @samp{shadow}, @samp{bsdauth}, and @samp{static}. Defaults to @samp{\"pam\"}."
msgstr "Der Treiber, den die Passwortdatenbank benutzen soll. Zu den gültigen Werten gehören @samp{pam}, @samp{passwd}, @samp{shadow}, @samp{bsdauth} und @samp{static}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"pam\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22200
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{passdb-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list args"
msgstr "{@code{passdb-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste args"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22203
msgid "Space separated list of arguments to the passdb driver. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Leerzeichengetrennte Liste der Argumente an den Passwortdatenbanktreiber. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22207
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} userdb-configuration-list userdbs"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „userdb-configuration“-Liste userdbs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22210
msgid "List of userdb configurations, each one created by the @code{userdb-configuration} constructor."
msgstr "Liste der Benutzerdatenbankkonfigurationen, die jeweils mit dem @code{userdb-configuration}-Konstruktor erzeugt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22212
msgid "Available @code{userdb-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{userdb-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22213
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{userdb-configuration} parameter} string driver"
msgstr "{@code{userdb-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette driver"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22217
msgid "The driver that the userdb should use. Valid values include @samp{passwd} and @samp{static}. Defaults to @samp{\"passwd\"}."
msgstr "Der Treiber, den die Benutzerdatenbank benutzen soll. Zu den gültigen Werten gehören @samp{passwd} und @samp{static}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"passwd\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22219
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{userdb-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list args"
msgstr "{@code{userdb-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste args"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22222
msgid "Space separated list of arguments to the userdb driver. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Leerzeichengetrennte Liste der Argumente an den Benutzerdatenbanktreiber. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22224
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{userdb-configuration} parameter} free-form-args override-fields"
msgstr "{@code{userdb-configuration}-Parameter} Formlose-Argumente override-fields"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22227
msgid "Override fields from passwd. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Einträge, die Vorrang vor den Feldern aus passwd haben. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22231
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} plugin-configuration plugin-configuration"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „plugin-configuration“ plugin-configuration"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22234
msgid "Plug-in configuration, created by the @code{plugin-configuration} constructor."
msgstr "Die Plugin-Konfiguration, die vom @code{plugin-configuration}-Konstruktor erzeugt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22236
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} list-of-namespace-configuration namespaces"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „namespace-configuration“-Liste namespaces"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22239
msgid "List of namespaces. Each item in the list is created by the @code{namespace-configuration} constructor."
msgstr "Liste der Namensräume. Jedes Objekt in der Liste wird durch den @code{namespace-configuration}-Konstruktor erzeugt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22241
msgid "Available @code{namespace-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{namespace-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22242
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22244
msgid "Name for this namespace."
msgstr "Der Name dieses Namensraums."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22246
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string type"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette type"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22249
msgid "Namespace type: @samp{private}, @samp{shared} or @samp{public}. Defaults to @samp{\"private\"}."
msgstr "Namensraum-Typ: @samp{private}, @samp{shared} oder @samp{public}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"private\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22251
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string separator"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette separator"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22257
msgid "Hierarchy separator to use. You should use the same separator for all namespaces or some clients get confused. @samp{/} is usually a good one. The default however depends on the underlying mail storage format. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Welche Trennzeichen in der Hierarchie von Namensräumen benutzt werden sollen. Sie sollten denselben Trenner für alle Namensräume benutzen, sonst führt es zu Verwirrung bei manchen Clients. Meistens ist @samp{/} eine gute Wahl, die Voreinstellung ist allerdings abhängig vom darunterliegenden Mail-Speicher-Format. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22259
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string prefix"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette prefix"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22263
msgid "Prefix required to access this namespace. This needs to be different for all namespaces. For example @samp{Public/}. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Das Präfix, das für Zugang auf diesen Namensraum angegeben werden muss. Es muss für jeden Namensraum ein anderes gewählt werden. Ein Beispiel ist @samp{Public/}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22265
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} string location"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette location"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22269
msgid "Physical location of the mailbox. This is in the same format as mail_location, which is also the default for it. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Der physische Ort, an dem sich dieses Postfach („Mailbox“) befindet. Das Format ist dasselbe wie beim Mail-Ort („mail location“), der auch als Voreinstellung hierfür benutzt wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22271
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean inbox?"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck inbox?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22275
msgid "There can be only one INBOX, and this setting defines which namespace has it. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Es kann nur eine INBOX geben; hiermit wird festgelegt, zu welchem Namensraum sie gehört. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22277
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean hidden?"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck hidden?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22285
msgid "If namespace is hidden, it's not advertised to clients via NAMESPACE extension. You'll most likely also want to set @samp{list? #f}. This is mostly useful when converting from another server with different namespaces which you want to deprecate but still keep working. For example you can create hidden namespaces with prefixes @samp{~/mail/}, @samp{~%u/mail/} and @samp{mail/}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Wenn der Namensraum versteckt ist, wird er Clients gegenüber @emph{nicht} über die NAMESPACE-Erweiterung mitgeteilt. Wahrscheinlich möchten Sie auch @samp{list? #f} festlegen. Das ist in erster Linie dann nützlich, wenn Sie von einem anderen Server mit anderen Namensräumen umziehen, die Sie ersetzen möchten, die aber trotzdem noch weiterhin funktionieren sollen. Zum Beispiel können Sie versteckte Namensräume mit Präfixen @samp{~/mail/}, @samp{~%u/mail/} und @samp{mail/} anlegen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22287
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean list?"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck list?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22293
msgid "Show the mailboxes under this namespace with the LIST command. This makes the namespace visible for clients that do not support the NAMESPACE extension. The special @code{children} value lists child mailboxes, but hides the namespace prefix. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob die Postfächer („Mailboxes“) unter diesem Namensraum mit dem LIST-Befehl angezeigt werden können. Dadurch wird der Namensraum für Clients sichtbar, die die NAMESPACE-Erweiterung nicht unterstützen. Mit dem besonderen Wert @code{children} werden auch Kind-Postfächer aufgelistet, aber das Namensraumpräfix verborgen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22295
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} boolean subscriptions?"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck subscriptions?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22300
msgid "Namespace handles its own subscriptions. If set to @code{#f}, the parent namespace handles them. The empty prefix should always have this as @code{#t}). Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Die Abonnements werden im Namensraum selbst behandelt. Wenn es auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, werden sie im Elternnamensraum behandelt. Das leere Präfix sollte hier immer @code{#t} haben. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22302
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{namespace-configuration} parameter} mailbox-configuration-list mailboxes"
msgstr "{@code{namespace-configuration}-Parameter} „mailbox-configuration“-Liste mailboxes"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22305
msgid "List of predefined mailboxes in this namespace. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der in diesem Namensraum vordefinierten Postfächer. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21787
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22307
msgid "Available @code{mailbox-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{mailbox-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22308
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{mailbox-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{mailbox-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22310
msgid "Name for this mailbox."
msgstr "Der Name dieses Postfachs (dieser „Mailbox“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22312
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{mailbox-configuration} parameter} string auto"
msgstr "{@code{mailbox-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auto"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22316
msgid "@samp{create} will automatically create this mailbox. @samp{subscribe} will both create and subscribe to the mailbox. Defaults to @samp{\"no\"}."
msgstr "Bei @samp{create} wird dieses Postfach automatisch erzeugt. Bei @samp{subscribe} wird dieses Postfach sowohl automatisch erzeugt als auch automatisch abonniert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"no\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22318
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{mailbox-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list special-use"
msgstr "{@code{mailbox-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste special-use"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22323
msgid "List of IMAP @code{SPECIAL-USE} attributes as specified by RFC 6154. Valid values are @code{\\All}, @code{\\Archive}, @code{\\Drafts}, @code{\\Flagged}, @code{\\Junk}, @code{\\Sent}, and @code{\\Trash}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Liste der @code{SPECIAL-USE}-Attribute von IMAP, wie sie im RFC 6154 festgelegt wurden. Gültige Werte sind @code{\\All}, @code{\\Archive}, @code{\\Drafts}, @code{\\Flagged}, @code{\\Junk}, @code{\\Sent} und @code{\\Trash}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22329
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name base-dir"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname base-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22332
msgid "Base directory where to store runtime data. Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/dovecot/\"}."
msgstr "Das Basisverzeichnis, in dem Laufzeitdaten gespeichert werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/dovecot/\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22334
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string login-greeting"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette login-greeting"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22337
msgid "Greeting message for clients. Defaults to @samp{\"Dovecot ready.\"}."
msgstr "Begrüßungsnachricht für Clients. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"Dovecot ready.\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22339
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-trusted-networks"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste login-trusted-networks"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22346
msgid "List of trusted network ranges. Connections from these IPs are allowed to override their IP addresses and ports (for logging and for authentication checks). @samp{disable-plaintext-auth} is also ignored for these networks. Typically you would specify your IMAP proxy servers here. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Netzwerkbereiche, denen vertraut wird. Für Verbindungen von diesen IP-Adressen können abweichende IP-Adressen und Ports angegeben werden (zur Protokollierung und zur Authentifizierung). @samp{disable-plaintext-auth} wird für diese Netzwerke außerdem ignoriert. Normalerweise würden Sie hier Ihre IMAP-Proxy-Server eintragen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22348
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-access-sockets"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste login-access-sockets"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22351
msgid "List of login access check sockets (e.g.@: tcpwrap). Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Sockets zur Zugriffsprüfung beim Anmelden (z.B.@: tcpwrap). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22353
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean verbose-proctitle?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck verbose-proctitle?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22359
msgid "Show more verbose process titles (in ps). Currently shows user name and IP address. Useful for seeing who is actually using the IMAP processes (e.g.@: shared mailboxes or if the same uid is used for multiple accounts). Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ausführlichere Prozessnamen anzeigen (mit „ps“). Nach Voreinstellung werden Benutzername und IP-Adresse angezeigt. Die Einstellung ist nützlich, wenn man sehen können will, wer tatsächlich IMAP-Prozesse benutzt (z.B.@: gemeinsam genutzte Postfächer oder wenn derselbe Benutzeridentifikator/„UID“ für mehrere Konten benutzt wird). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22361
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean shutdown-clients?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck shutdown-clients?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22367
msgid "Should all processes be killed when Dovecot master process shuts down. Setting this to @code{#f} means that Dovecot can be upgraded without forcing existing client connections to close (although that could also be a problem if the upgrade is e.g.@: due to a security fix). Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob alle Prozesse abgewürgt werden sollen, wenn der Haupt-Dovecot-Prozess terminiert. Ist dies auf @code{#f} gesetzt, kann Dovecot aktualisiert werden, ohne dass bestehende Client-Verbindungen zwangsweise geschlossen werden (jedoch kann das problematisch sein, wenn die Aktualisierung z.B.@: eine Sicherheitslücke schließen soll). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22369
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer doveadm-worker-count"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl doveadm-worker-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22373
msgid "If non-zero, run mail commands via this many connections to doveadm server, instead of running them directly in the same process. Defaults to @samp{0}."
msgstr "Ist dies @emph{nicht} null, werden Mail-Befehle über die angegebene Anzahl von Verbindungen an den doveadm-Server geschickt, statt sie direkt im selben Prozess auszuführen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22375
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string doveadm-socket-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette doveadm-socket-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22378
msgid "UNIX socket or host:port used for connecting to doveadm server. Defaults to @samp{\"doveadm-server\"}."
msgstr "Der UNIX-Socket oder das „Host:Port“-Paar, mit dem Verbindungen zum doveadm-Server hergestellt werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"doveadm-server\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22380
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list import-environment"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste import-environment"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22384
msgid "List of environment variables that are preserved on Dovecot startup and passed down to all of its child processes. You can also give key=value pairs to always set specific settings."
msgstr "Die Liste der Umgebungsvariablen, die beim Starten von Dovecot erhalten bleiben und allen Kindprozessen davon mitgegeben werden. Sie können auch „Schlüssel=Wert“-Paare angeben, um wie immer bestimmte Zuweisungen festzulegen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21866
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22386
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean disable-plaintext-auth?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck disable-plaintext-auth?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22393
msgid "Disable LOGIN command and all other plaintext authentications unless SSL/TLS is used (LOGINDISABLED capability). Note that if the remote IP matches the local IP (i.e.@: you're connecting from the same computer), the connection is considered secure and plaintext authentication is allowed. See also ssl=required setting. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Deaktiviert den LOGIN-Befehl und alle anderen Klartext-Authentisierungsverfahren, solange kein SSL/TLS benutzt wird (die LOGINDISABLED-Capability). Beachten Sie, dass, wenn die entfernte IP-Adresse mit der lokalen IP-Adresse identisch ist (Sie sich also vom selben Rechner aus verbinden), die Verbindung als sicher aufgefasst und Klartext-Authentisierung möglich ist. Siehe auch die „ssl=required“-Einstellung. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21875
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22395
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer auth-cache-size"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl auth-cache-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21880
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22400
msgid "Authentication cache size (e.g.@: @samp{#e10e6}). 0 means it's disabled. Note that bsdauth, PAM and vpopmail require @samp{cache-key} to be set for caching to be used. Defaults to @samp{0}."
msgstr "Die Größe des Zwischenspeichers für Authentifizierungen (z.B.@: @samp{#e10e6}). Bei 0 ist er deaktiviert. Beachten Sie, dass für bsdauth, PAM und vpopmail die Einstellung @samp{cache-key} festgelegt sein muss, damit ein Zwischenspeicher benutzt wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22402
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-cache-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-cache-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22410
msgid "Time to live for cached data. After TTL expires the cached record is no longer used, *except* if the main database lookup returns internal failure. We also try to handle password changes automatically: If user's previous authentication was successful, but this one wasn't, the cache isn't used. For now this works only with plaintext authentication. Defaults to @samp{\"1 hour\"}."
msgstr "Wie lange Daten im Zwischenspeicher gültig bleiben („Time to live“). Nachdem die TTL ausläuft, wird der zwischengespeicherte Eintrag nicht mehr benutzt, @emph{außer} wenn eine Auflösung über die Hauptdatenbank zu einem internen Fehler führt. Dovecot versucht zudem, Passwortänderungen automatisch zu behandeln: Wenn die letzte Authentisierung erfolgreich war, diese jetzt aber nicht, wird der Zwischenspeicher @emph{nicht} benutzt. Derzeit funktioniert dies nur bei Klartext-Authentisierung. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"1 hour\"} für 1 Stunde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22412
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-cache-negative-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-cache-negative-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22416
msgid "TTL for negative hits (user not found, password mismatch). 0 disables caching them completely. Defaults to @samp{\"1 hour\"}."
msgstr "TTL beim Zwischenspeichern negativer Ergebnisse („negative Hits“, z.B.@: wenn der Benutzer nicht gefunden wurde oder das Passwort nicht stimmt). 0 deaktiviert das Zwischenspeichern davon vollständig. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"1 hour\"} für 1 Stunde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22418
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list auth-realms"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste auth-realms"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22424
msgid "List of realms for SASL authentication mechanisms that need them. You can leave it empty if you don't want to support multiple realms. Many clients simply use the first one listed here, so keep the default realm first. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Administrationsbereiche („Realms“) für SASL-Authentisierungsmechanismen, die solche benötigen. Sie können dieses Feld leer lassen, wenn Sie @emph{keine} Unterstützung für mehrere Administrationsbereiche wollen. Viele Clients benutzen den ersten hier aufgelisteten Administrationsbereich, also sollte der als Voreinstellung gewünschte Bereich vorne stehen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22426
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-default-realm"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-default-realm"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22431
msgid "Default realm/domain to use if none was specified. This is used for both SASL realms and appending @@domain to username in plaintext logins. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Der voreingestellte Administrationsbereich bzw.@: die Domain, falls keiner angegeben wurde. Dies wird sowohl für SASL-Administrationsbereiche als auch zum Anhängen von @@domain an den Benutzernamen bei Klartextanmeldungen benutzt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22433
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-chars"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-username-chars"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22440
msgid "List of allowed characters in username. If the user-given username contains a character not listed in here, the login automatically fails. This is just an extra check to make sure user can't exploit any potential quote escaping vulnerabilities with SQL/LDAP databases. If you want to allow all characters, set this value to empty. Defaults to @samp{\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890.-_@@\"}."
msgstr "Die Liste der in Benutzernamen zulässigen Zeichen. Wenn der vom Benutzer angegebene Benutzername ein hier nicht aufgelistetes Zeichen enthält, wird die Authentisierung automatisch abgelehnt. Dies dient bloß als eine weitere Überprüfung, um zu gewährleisten, dass mögliche Schwachstellen bei der Maskierung von Anführungszeichen in SQL-/LDAP-Datenbanken nicht ausgenutzt werden können. Wenn Sie alle Zeichen zulassen möchten, setzen Sie dieses Feld auf eine leere Zeichenkette. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890.-_@@\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22442
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-translation"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-username-translation"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22448
msgid "Username character translations before it's looked up from databases. The value contains series of from -> to characters. For example @samp{#@@/@@} means that @samp{#} and @samp{/} characters are translated to @samp{@@}. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Wie Zeichen in Benutzernamen ersetzt werden sollen, bevor der Name mit Datenbanken aufgelöst wird. Der Wert besteht aus einer Reihe von Angaben, welches Zeichen durch welches zu ersetzen ist. Zum Beispiel werden für @samp{#@@/@@} die Zeichen @samp{#} und @samp{/} beide durch @samp{@@} ersetzt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22450
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-username-format"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-username-format"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22457
msgid "Username formatting before it's looked up from databases. You can use the standard variables here, e.g.@: %Lu would lowercase the username, %n would drop away the domain if it was given, or @samp{%n-AT-%d} would change the @samp{@@} into @samp{-AT-}. This translation is done after @samp{auth-username-translation} changes. Defaults to @samp{\"%Lu\"}."
msgstr "Formatierungsanweisungen, die auf jeden Benutzernamen angewandt werden, bevor er mit einer Datenbank aufgelöst wird. Sie können hierzu die Standardvariablen verwenden, z.B.@: würde %Lu den Benutzernamen in Kleinbuchstaben umschreiben („lowercase“), %n würde den Domainnamen weglassen, wenn einer angegeben wurde, und @samp{%n-AT-%d} würde alle @samp{@@} durch @samp{-AT-} ersetzen. Diese Übersetzung wird durchgeführt, nachdem die Änderungen aus @samp{auth-username-translation} angewandt wurden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"%Lu\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22459
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-master-user-separator"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-master-user-separator"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22467
msgid "If you want to allow master users to log in by specifying the master username within the normal username string (i.e.@: not using SASL mechanism's support for it), you can specify the separator character here. The format is then <username><separator><master username>. UW-IMAP uses @samp{*} as the separator, so that could be a good choice. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie es für „Master“-Benutzer erlauben möchten, sich durch Angeben des Master-Benutzernamens als Teil einer normalen Benutzernamens-Zeichenkette als jemand anders anzumelden (also ohne Verwendung der Unterstützung davon durch den SASL-Mechanismus), können Sie hier die Trennzeichen dazwischen angeben. Das Format ist dann <Benutzername><Trenner><Master-Benutzername>. UW-IMAP benutzt @samp{*} als Trennzeichen, also könnte das eine gute Wahl sein. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22469
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-anonymous-username"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-anonymous-username"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22473
msgid "Username to use for users logging in with ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism. Defaults to @samp{\"anonymous\"}."
msgstr "Der Benutzername, der verwendet wird, wenn sich Benutzer mit dem SASL-Mechanismus „ANONYMOUS“ anmelden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"anonymous\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22475
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer auth-worker-max-count"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl auth-worker-max-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22480
msgid "Maximum number of dovecot-auth worker processes. They're used to execute blocking passdb and userdb queries (e.g.@: MySQL and PAM). They're automatically created and destroyed as needed. Defaults to @samp{30}."
msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl von dovecot-auth-Arbeiterprozessen. Diese werden benutzt, um blockierende Anfragen an die Passwortdatenbank („passdb“) und an die Benutzerdatenbank („userdb“) zu stellen (z.B.@: MySQL und PAM). Sie werden automatisch erzeugt und gelöscht, je nachdem, wann sie gebraucht werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{30}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22482
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-gssapi-hostname"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-gssapi-hostname"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21967
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22487
msgid "Host name to use in GSSAPI principal names. The default is to use the name returned by gethostname(). Use @samp{$ALL} (with quotes) to allow all keytab entries. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Der Rechnername, der in GSSAPI-Prinzipalnamen benutzt wird. Nach Voreinstellung wird der durch gethostname() zurückgelieferte Name verwendet. Benutzen Sie @samp{$ALL} (mit Anführungszeichen), damit alle Einträge in der Schlüsseltabelle („Keytab“) akzeptiert werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22489
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-krb5-keytab"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-krb5-keytab"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22495
msgid "Kerberos keytab to use for the GSSAPI mechanism. Will use the system default (usually @file{/etc/krb5.keytab}) if not specified. You may need to change the auth service to run as root to be able to read this file. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Kerberos-Schlüsseltabelle („Keytab“), die für den GSSAPI-Mechanismus benutzt werden soll. Wenn sie nicht angegeben wird, wird die Voreinstellung des Systems benutzt (in der Regel @file{/etc/krb5.keytab}). Eventuell müssen Sie den Auth-Dienst als Administratornutzer „root“ ausführen lassen, um Lesezugriffe auf diese Datei zu ermöglichen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22497
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-use-winbind?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auth-use-winbind?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22502
msgid "Do NTLM and GSS-SPNEGO authentication using Samba's winbind daemon and @samp{ntlm-auth} helper. <doc/wiki/Authentication/Mechanisms/Winbind.txt>. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "NTLM-Authentifizierung und GSS-SPNEGO-Authentifizierung mit dem winbind-Daemon und dem @samp{ntlm-auth}-Hilfsprogramm von Samba durchführen. Siehe <doc/wiki/Authentication/Mechanisms/Winbind.txt>. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21984
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22504
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name auth-winbind-helper-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname auth-winbind-helper-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22507
msgid "Path for Samba's @samp{ntlm-auth} helper binary. Defaults to @samp{\"/usr/bin/ntlm_auth\"}."
msgstr "Der Pfad zur Binärdatei @samp{ntlm-auth} von Samba. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/usr/bin/ntlm_auth\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22509
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-failure-delay"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-failure-delay"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21992
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22512
msgid "Time to delay before replying to failed authentications. Defaults to @samp{\"2 secs\"}."
msgstr "Die Zeit, wie lange vor der Antwort auf eine fehlgeschlagene Authentisierung gewartet wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"2 secs\"} für 2 Sekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22514
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-ssl-require-client-cert?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auth-ssl-require-client-cert?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:21998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22518
msgid "Require a valid SSL client certificate or the authentication fails. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Es wird ein gültiges SSL-Client-Zertifikat verlangt, andernfalls schlägt die Authentisierung fehl. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22520
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-ssl-username-from-cert?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auth-ssl-username-from-cert?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22525
msgid "Take the username from client's SSL certificate, using @code{X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID()} which returns the subject's DN's CommonName. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob der Benutzername aus dem SSL-Zertifikat des Clients ausgelesen werden soll, indem @code{X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID()} benutzt wird, um den Distinguished Name („DN“) als Gebräuchlicher Name („CommonName“) des Zertifikatinhabers („Subject“) auszulesen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22527
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list auth-mechanisms"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste auth-mechanisms"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22533
msgid "List of wanted authentication mechanisms. Supported mechanisms are: @samp{plain}, @samp{login}, @samp{digest-md5}, @samp{cram-md5}, @samp{ntlm}, @samp{rpa}, @samp{apop}, @samp{anonymous}, @samp{gssapi}, @samp{otp}, @samp{skey}, and @samp{gss-spnego}. NOTE: See also @samp{disable-plaintext-auth} setting."
msgstr "Die Liste der erwünschten Authentisierungsmechanismen. Unterstützte Mechanismen sind: @samp{plain}, @samp{login}, @samp{digest-md5}, @samp{cram-md5}, @samp{ntlm}, @samp{rpa}, @samp{apop}, @samp{anonymous}, @samp{gssapi}, @samp{otp}, @samp{skey} und @samp{gss-spnego}. @emph{Anmerkung}: Siehe auch die Einstellung zu @samp{disable-plaintext-auth}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22535
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list director-servers"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste director-servers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22540
msgid "List of IPs or hostnames to all director servers, including ourself. Ports can be specified as ip:port. The default port is the same as what director service's @samp{inet-listener} is using. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen („Hostnames“) für alle Direktorserver, einschließlich dieses Servers selbst. Ports können wie in „IP:Port“ angegeben werden. Der voreingestellte Port ist derselbe wie der, der beim @samp{inet-listener} des Direktordienstes benutzt wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22542
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list director-mail-servers"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste director-mail-servers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22546
msgid "List of IPs or hostnames to all backend mail servers. Ranges are allowed too, like Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen („Hostnames“), um alle Hintergrund-Mailserver zu erreichen. Auch Bereiche können angegeben werden, wie Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22548
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string director-user-expire"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette director-user-expire"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22552
msgid "How long to redirect users to a specific server after it no longer has any connections. Defaults to @samp{\"15 min\"}."
msgstr "Wie lange Benutzer zum selben Server weitergeleitet werden, sobald dieser keine Verbindungen mehr hat. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"15 min\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22554
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string director-username-hash"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette director-username-hash"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22559
msgid "How the username is translated before being hashed. Useful values include %Ln if user can log in with or without @@domain, %Ld if mailboxes are shared within domain. Defaults to @samp{\"%Lu\"}."
msgstr "Wie der Benutzername umgeschrieben wird, bevor er gehasht wird. Zu den sinnvollen Werten gehören %Ln, wenn der Nutzer sich mit oder ohne @@domain anmelden kann, oder %Ld, wenn Postfächer innerhalb der Domain gemeinsam genutzt werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"%Lu\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22561
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string log-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22565
msgid "Log file to use for error messages. @samp{syslog} logs to syslog, @samp{/dev/stderr} logs to stderr. Defaults to @samp{\"syslog\"}."
msgstr "Die Protokolldatei, die für Fehlermeldungen benutzt werden soll. Bei @samp{syslog} wird das Protokoll an syslog geschrieben, bei @samp{/dev/stderr} an die Standardfehlerausgabe. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"syslog\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22567
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string info-log-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette info-log-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22571
msgid "Log file to use for informational messages. Defaults to @samp{log-path}. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Protokolldatei, die für Informationsmeldungen benutzt werden soll. Die Voreinstellung ist @samp{log-path}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22573
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string debug-log-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette debug-log-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22577
msgid "Log file to use for debug messages. Defaults to @samp{info-log-path}. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Protokolldatei, die für Meldungen zur Fehlersuche benutzt werden soll. Die Voreinstellung ist @samp{info-log-path}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22579
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string syslog-facility"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette syslog-facility"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22584
msgid "Syslog facility to use if you're logging to syslog. Usually if you don't want to use @samp{mail}, you'll use local0..local7. Also other standard facilities are supported. Defaults to @samp{\"mail\"}."
msgstr "Als welche Syslog-Einrichtung Protokolle an Syslog übermittelt werden sollen. Falls Sie @samp{mail} hierbei @emph{nicht} benutzen wollen, eignen sich normalerweise local0–local7. Andere Standardeinrichtungen werden auch unterstützt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"mail\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22586
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-verbose?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auth-verbose?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22590
msgid "Log unsuccessful authentication attempts and the reasons why they failed. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob gescheiterte Anmeldeversuche und die Gründe, warum diese nicht erfolgreich waren, protokolliert werden sollen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22592
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string auth-verbose-passwords"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-verbose-passwords"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22599
msgid "In case of password mismatches, log the attempted password. Valid values are no, plain and sha1. sha1 can be useful for detecting brute force password attempts vs. user simply trying the same password over and over again. You can also truncate the value to n chars by appending \":n\" (e.g.@: sha1:6). Defaults to @samp{\"no\"}."
msgstr "Ob bei falschen Passwörtern das versuchte falsche Passwort ins Protokoll geschrieben werden soll. Gültige Werte sind \"no\" („nein“), \"plain\" (als Klartext) und \"sha1\". Den SHA1-Hash zu speichern kann nützlich sein, um zu erkennen, wenn jemand versucht, sehr viele Passwörter durchzuprobieren (ein „Brute-Force“-Angriff) oder ob Benutzer einfach nur dasselbe Passwort immer wieder probieren. Sie können auch nur die ersten n Zeichen des Wertes protokollieren, indem Sie \":n\" anhängen (z.B.@: sha1:6). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"no\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22601
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-debug?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auth-debug?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22605
msgid "Even more verbose logging for debugging purposes. Shows for example SQL queries. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob zur Fehlersuche noch ausführlichere Protokolle geschrieben werden sollen. Zum Beispiel werden SQL-Anfragen protokolliert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22607
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean auth-debug-passwords?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck auth-debug-passwords?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22612
msgid "In case of password mismatches, log the passwords and used scheme so the problem can be debugged. Enabling this also enables @samp{auth-debug}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob bei falschen Passwörtern das versuchte falsche Passwort und das benutzte Passwortschema ins Protokoll geschrieben werden soll, damit das Problem untersucht werden kann. Wenn dies aktiviert wird, wird auch @samp{auth-debug} aktiviert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22614
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-debug?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mail-debug?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22618
msgid "Enable mail process debugging. This can help you figure out why Dovecot isn't finding your mails. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob die Fehlersuche beim Mail-Prozess ermöglicht werden soll. Dies kann Ihnen dabei helfen, herauszufinden, warum Dovecot Ihre E-Mails nicht findet. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22620
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean verbose-ssl?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck verbose-ssl?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22623
msgid "Show protocol level SSL errors. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "SSL-Fehler auf Protokollebene anzeigen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22625
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string log-timestamp"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-timestamp"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22629
msgid "Prefix for each line written to log file. % codes are in strftime(3) format. Defaults to @samp{\"\\\"%b %d %H:%M:%S \\\"\"}."
msgstr "Das Präfix für jede Zeile, die ins Protokoll geschrieben wird. %-Codes sind im Format von strftime(3). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\\\"%b %d %H:%M:%S \\\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22631
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list login-log-format-elements"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste login-log-format-elements"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22635
msgid "List of elements we want to log. The elements which have a non-empty variable value are joined together to form a comma-separated string."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Elemente, die protokolliert werden sollen. Die Elemente, deren Variablenwerte nicht leer sind, werden zu einer kommagetrennten Zeichenkette zusammengefügt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22637
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string login-log-format"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette login-log-format"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22641
msgid "Login log format. %s contains @samp{login-log-format-elements} string, %$ contains the data we want to log. Defaults to @samp{\"%$: %s\"}."
msgstr "Das Format des Anmeldeprogramms. %s umfasst die Zeichenkette @samp{login-log-format-elements}, %$ enthält die Daten, die man protokollieren lassen möchte. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"%$: %s\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22643
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-log-prefix"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-log-prefix"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22647
msgid "Log prefix for mail processes. See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for list of possible variables you can use. Defaults to @samp{\"\\\"%s(%u)<%@{pid@}><%@{session@}>: \\\"\"}."
msgstr "Das Präfix, das Protokollen für Mailprozesse vorangestellt wird. Siehe doc/wiki/Variables.txt für eine Liste der benutzbaren Variablen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\\\"%s(%u)<%@{pid@}><%@{session@}>: \\\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22649
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string deliver-log-format"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette deliver-log-format"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22651
msgid "Format to use for logging mail deliveries. You can use variables:"
msgstr "Welches Format zur Protokollierung von Mailzustellungen verwendet werden soll. Sie können die folgenden Variablen benutzen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22652
#, no-wrap
msgid "%$"
msgstr "%$"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22654
msgid "Delivery status message (e.g.@: @samp{saved to INBOX})"
msgstr "Zustellungsstatusnachricht (z.B.@: @samp{saved to INBOX})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22654
#, no-wrap
msgid "%m"
msgstr "%m"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22656
msgid "Message-ID"
msgstr "Nachrichtenidentifikator („Message-ID“)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22136 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22656 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23199
#, no-wrap
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22658
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Betreff („Subject“)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22658
#, no-wrap
msgid "%f"
msgstr "%f"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22660
msgid "From address"
msgstr "Absendeadresse („From“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22662
msgid "Physical size"
msgstr "Physische Größe"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22662
#, no-wrap
msgid "%w"
msgstr "%w"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22664
msgid "Virtual size."
msgstr "Virtuelle Größe."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22666
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"msgid=%m: %$\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"msgid=%m: %$\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22668
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-location"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-location"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22673
msgid "Location for users' mailboxes. The default is empty, which means that Dovecot tries to find the mailboxes automatically. This won't work if the user doesn't yet have any mail, so you should explicitly tell Dovecot the full location."
msgstr "Wo die Postfächer (die „Mailboxes“) der Benutzer gespeichert sind. Die Vorgabe ist die leere Zeichenkette, was bedeutet, dass Dovecot die Postfächer automatisch zu finden versucht. Das funktioniert nur, wenn der Nutzer bereits E-Mails gespeichert hat, also sollten Sie Dovecot den vollständigen Pfad mitteilen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22679
msgid "If you're using mbox, giving a path to the INBOX file (e.g.@: @file{/var/mail/%u}) isn't enough. You'll also need to tell Dovecot where the other mailboxes are kept. This is called the @emph{root mail directory}, and it must be the first path given in the @samp{mail-location} setting."
msgstr "Wenn Sie das mbox-Format benutzen, genügt es @emph{nicht}, den Pfad zur INBOX-Datei (z.B.@: @file{/var/mail/%u}) anzugeben. Sie müssen Dovecot @emph{auch} mitteilen, wo die anderen Postfächer gespeichert sind. Dieses Verzeichnis nennt sich @emph{Wurzelmailverzeichnis} („Root Mail Directory“) und es muss als erster Pfad in der @samp{mail-location}-Einstellung angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22681
msgid "There are a few special variables you can use, e.g.:"
msgstr "Es gibt ein paar besondere Variable, die Sie verwenden können, z.B.:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22685
msgid "username"
msgstr "Benutzername"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22165 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22685 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23195
#, no-wrap
msgid "%n"
msgstr "%n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22687
msgid "user part in user@@domain, same as %u if there's no domain"
msgstr "Benutzerteil in Benutzer@@Domain; sonst dasselbe wie %u, wenn es keine Domain gibt"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22687
#, no-wrap
msgid "%d"
msgstr "%d"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22689
msgid "domain part in user@@domain, empty if there's no domain"
msgstr "Domainteil in Benutzer@@Domain; sonst leer, wenn es keine Domain gibt"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22689
#, no-wrap
msgid "%h"
msgstr "%h"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22691
msgid "home director"
msgstr "Persönliches Verzeichnis"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22694
msgid "See doc/wiki/Variables.txt for full list. Some examples:"
msgstr "Siehe doc/wiki/Variables.txt für die vollständige Liste. Einige Beispiele:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22695
#, no-wrap
msgid "maildir:~/Maildir"
msgstr "maildir:~/Maildir"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22696
#, no-wrap
msgid "mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u"
msgstr "mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22697
#, no-wrap
msgid "mbox:/var/mail/%d/%1n/%n:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%1n/%"
msgstr "mbox:/var/mail/%d/%1n/%n:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%1n/%"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22702
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-uid"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-uid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22707
msgid "System user and group used to access mails. If you use multiple, userdb can override these by returning uid or gid fields. You can use either numbers or names. <doc/wiki/UserIds.txt>. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Systembenutzer und -gruppe, die benutzt werden sollen, um auf Mails zuzugreifen. Wenn Sie mehrere Benutzerkonten verwenden, kann auch die Benutzerdatenbank „userdb“ vorrangig verwendet werden, indem sie zu Benutzer- oder Gruppenidentifikatoren (UIDs und GIDs) auflöst. Sie können hier Zahlen oder Namen angeben. Siehe <doc/wiki/UserIds.txt>. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22709
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-gid"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-gid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22194
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22714
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-privileged-group"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-privileged-group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22720
msgid "Group to enable temporarily for privileged operations. Currently this is used only with INBOX when either its initial creation or dotlocking fails. Typically this is set to @samp{\"mail\"} to give access to @file{/var/mail}. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Benutzergruppe, die zwischenzeitlich benutzt wird, um Operationen mit besonderen Berechtigungen auszuführen. Derzeit wird dies nur mit dem INBOX-Postfach benutzt, wenn dessen anfängliche Erzeugung oder Sperrung per „Dotlocking“-Datei fehlschlägt. Typischerweise wird es auf @samp{\"mail\"} gesetzt, damit Zugriffe auf @file{/var/mail} möglich sind. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22722
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-access-groups"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-access-groups"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22730
msgid "Grant access to these supplementary groups for mail processes. Typically these are used to set up access to shared mailboxes. Note that it may be dangerous to set these if users can create symlinks (e.g.@: if @samp{mail} group is set here, @code{ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var} could allow a user to delete others' mailboxes, or @code{ln -s /secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox} would allow reading it). Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Mail-Prozessen Zugriff auf diese zusätzlichen Benutzergruppen gewähren. Typischerweise werden sie benutzt, um gemeinsam genutzte Postfächer („Mailboxes“) so einzurichten, dass alle aus der Gruppe zugreifen können. Beachten Sie, dass es gefährlich sein kann, dies zu erlauben, wenn Benutzer symbolische Verknüpfungen einrichten können (z.B.@: kann jeder, wenn hier die @samp{mail}-Gruppe festgelegt wurde, @code{ln -s /var/mail ~/mail/var} benutzen, um die Postfächer der anderen zu löschen, oder @code{ln -s /secret/shared/box ~/mail/mybox}, um sie zu lesen). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22732
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attribute-dict"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-attribute-dict"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22735
msgid "The location of a dictionary used to store @code{IMAP METADATA} as defined by @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5464, RFC@tie{}5464}."
msgstr "Der Ort, wo ein Dictionary (eine Schlüssel-Wert-Datenbank) zu finden ist, mit dem IMAP-Metadaten gespeichert werden, entsprechend deren Definition im @uref{https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5464, RFC@tie{}5464}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22738
msgid "The IMAP METADATA commands are available only if the ``imap'' protocol configuration's @code{imap-metadata?} field is @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Die IMAP-METADATA-Befehle stehen nur zur Verfügung, wenn in der Protokollkonfiguration von „imap“ das Feld @code{imap-metadata?} auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22743
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-full-filesystem-access?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mail-full-filesystem-access?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22749
msgid "Allow full file system access to clients. There's no access checks other than what the operating system does for the active UID/GID@. It works with both maildir and mboxes, allowing you to prefix mailboxes names with e.g.@: @file{/path/} or @file{~user/}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Clients vollen Dateisystemzugriff gestatten. Damit gibt es keine Zugriffsüberprüfungen mehr, abgesehen von denen, die das Betriebssystem für die aktiven Benutzer- und Gruppenidentifikatoren (UID und GID) durchführt. Es ist sowohl für maildir- als auch mbox-Formate verwendbar und Sie können dadurch für Namen von Postfächern („Mailboxes“) Präfixe wie z.B.@: @file{/pfad/} oder @file{~benutzer/} wählen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22751
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mmap-disable?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mmap-disable?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22755
msgid "Don't use @code{mmap()} at all. This is required if you store indexes to shared file systems (NFS or clustered file system). Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Überhaupt kein @code{mmap()} benutzen. Das ist erforderlich, wenn Sie Indexe auf geteilten Dateisystemen speichern (wie NFS oder Cluster-Dateisystemen). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22757
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean dotlock-use-excl?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck dotlock-use-excl?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22762
msgid "Rely on @samp{O_EXCL} to work when creating dotlock files. NFS supports @samp{O_EXCL} since version 3, so this should be safe to use nowadays by default. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob sich Dovecot darauf verlassen kann, dass @samp{O_EXCL} funktioniert, wenn es Sperrdateien als „Dotlock“ erstellt. NFS unterstützt @samp{O_EXCL} seit Version 3, also sollte es heutzutage kein Problem mehr sein, dies als Voreinstellung zu benutzen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22764
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-fsync"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-fsync"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22766
msgid "When to use fsync() or fdatasync() calls:"
msgstr "Wann fsync() oder fdatasync() aufgerufen werden soll:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22767
#, no-wrap
msgid "optimized"
msgstr "optimized"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22769
msgid "Whenever necessary to avoid losing important data"
msgstr "Wann immer es nötig ist, um keine wichtigen Daten zu verlieren"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22771
msgid "Useful with e.g.@: NFS when @code{write()}s are delayed"
msgstr "Praktisch bei z.B.@: NFS, wenn Schreibzugriffe mit @code{write()} verzögert sind"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22773
msgid "Never use it (best performance, but crashes can lose data)."
msgstr "Niemals benutzen (ist am schnellsten, aber Abstürze können zu Datenverlusten führen)"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22775
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"optimized\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"optimized\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22777
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-nfs-storage?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mail-nfs-storage?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22782
msgid "Mail storage exists in NFS@. Set this to yes to make Dovecot flush NFS caches whenever needed. If you're using only a single mail server this isn't needed. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Mails werden in NFS gespeichert. Setzen Sie dies auf ja, damit Dovecot NFS-Zwischenspeicher zurückschreiben kann, wann immer es nötig ist. Wenn Sie nur einen einzigen Mail-Server benutzen, brauchen Sie es @emph{nicht}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22784
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-nfs-index?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mail-nfs-index?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22788
msgid "Mail index files also exist in NFS@. Setting this to yes requires @samp{mmap-disable? #t} and @samp{fsync-disable? #f}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob die Index-Dateien für Mails auch in NFS gespeichert sind. Wenn dies auf ja gesetzt ist, muss @samp{mmap-disable? #t} und @samp{fsync-disable? #f} gesetzt sein. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22790
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string lock-method"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette lock-method"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22796
msgid "Locking method for index files. Alternatives are fcntl, flock and dotlock. Dotlocking uses some tricks which may create more disk I/O than other locking methods. NFS users: flock doesn't work, remember to change @samp{mmap-disable}. Defaults to @samp{\"fcntl\"}."
msgstr "Die Sperrmethode für Indexdateien. Die Alternativen sind fcntl, flock und dotlock. Bei Dotlocking werden ein paar Tricks benutzt, die mehr Plattenein- und -ausgaben als andere Sperrmethoden zur Folge haben. Für NFS-Benutzer gilt: flock funktioniert nicht, also denken Sie bitte daran, @samp{mmap-disable} zu ändern. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"fcntl\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22798
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name mail-temp-dir"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname mail-temp-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22802
msgid "Directory in which LDA/LMTP temporarily stores incoming mails >128 kB. Defaults to @samp{\"/tmp\"}."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem LDA/LMTP zwischenzeitlich eingehende E-Mails >128 kB speichert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/tmp\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22804
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer first-valid-uid"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl first-valid-uid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22810
msgid "Valid UID range for users. This is mostly to make sure that users can't log in as daemons or other system users. Note that denying root logins is hardcoded to dovecot binary and can't be done even if @samp{first-valid-uid} is set to 0. Defaults to @samp{500}."
msgstr "Der Bereich, in dem die Benutzerkennungen („UIDs“) von sich bei Dovecot anmeldenden Benutzern liegen müssen. Das dient hauptsächlich dazu, sicherzustellen, dass sich Anwender nicht mit den Benutzerkonten von Daemons oder sonstigen Systembenutzerkonten anmelden können. Beachten Sie, dass eine Anmeldung als Administrator „root“ grundsätzlich vom Code des Dovecot-Programms verboten wird und selbst dann @emph{nicht} möglich ist, wenn Sie @samp{first-valid-uid} auf 0 setzen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{500}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22812
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer last-valid-uid"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl last-valid-uid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22817
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer first-valid-gid"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl first-valid-gid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22822
msgid "Valid GID range for users. Users having non-valid GID as primary group ID aren't allowed to log in. If user belongs to supplementary groups with non-valid GIDs, those groups are not set. Defaults to @samp{1}."
msgstr "Der Bereich, in dem die Gruppenkennungen („GIDs“) von sich bei Dovecot anmeldenden Benutzern liegen müssen. Benutzerkonten, deren primäre Gruppe keine gültige GID hat, können sich nicht anmelden. Wenn das Benutzerkonto zu zusätzlichen Gruppen mit ungültiger GID gehört, werden diese Gruppen-Berechtigungen von Dovecot wieder abgegeben. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22824
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer last-valid-gid"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl last-valid-gid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22829
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-max-keyword-length"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl mail-max-keyword-length"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22833
msgid "Maximum allowed length for mail keyword name. It's only forced when trying to create new keywords. Defaults to @samp{50}."
msgstr "Die maximale zulässige Länge eines Mail-Schlüsselwort-Namens. Sie wirkt sich nur aus, wenn Sie neue Schlüsselwörter anzulegen versuchen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{50}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22835
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} colon-separated-file-name-list valid-chroot-dirs"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Doppelpunktgetrennte-Dateinamen-Liste valid-chroot-dirs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22845
msgid "List of directories under which chrooting is allowed for mail processes (i.e.@: @file{/var/mail} will allow chrooting to @file{/var/mail/foo/bar} too). This setting doesn't affect @samp{login-chroot} @samp{mail-chroot} or auth chroot settings. If this setting is empty, @samp{/./} in home dirs are ignored. WARNING: Never add directories here which local users can modify, that may lead to root exploit. Usually this should be done only if you don't allow shell access for users. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Verzeichnisse, in die Mail-Prozesse per „chroot“ das Wurzelverzeichnis wechseln können (d.h.@: für @file{/var/mail} wird auch ein chroot nach @file{/var/mail/foo/bar} möglich). Diese Einstellung hat keinen Einfluss auf @samp{login-chroot}, @samp{mail-chroot} oder Authentifizierungs-„chroot“-Einstellungen. Wenn diese Einstellung leer gelassen wird, werden chroots per @samp{/./} in Persönlichen Verzeichnissen ignoriert. @emph{Warnung}: Fügen Sie niemals Verzeichnisse hinzu, die lokale Benutzer verändern können, weil diese dann eventuell über eine Rechteausweitung Administratorrechte an sich reißen können. In der Regel sollte man ein solches Verzeichnis nur eintragen, wenn Nutzer keinen Shell-Zugriff erhalten können. Siehe <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22847
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-chroot"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-chroot"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22856
msgid "Default chroot directory for mail processes. This can be overridden for specific users in user database by giving @samp{/./} in user's home directory (e.g.@: @samp{/home/./user} chroots into @file{/home}). Note that usually there is no real need to do chrooting, Dovecot doesn't allow users to access files outside their mail directory anyway. If your home directories are prefixed with the chroot directory, append @samp{/.} to @samp{mail-chroot}. <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Das voreingestellte „chroot“-Verzeichnis für Mail-Prozesse. Es kann für einzelne Nutzer in der Benutzerdatenbank außer Kraft gesetzt werden, indem @samp{/./} als Teil der Angabe zum Persönlichen Verzeichnis des Benutzers verwendet wird (z.B.@: lässt @samp{/home/./benutzer} das Wurzelverzeichnis per „chroot“ nach @file{/home} wechseln). Beachten Sie, dass es in der Regel @emph{nicht} unbedingt notwendig ist, Chrooting zu betreiben, weil Dovecot es Benutzern ohnehin nicht erlaubt, auf Dateien außerhalb ihres Mail-Verzeichnisses zuzugreifen. Wenn Ihren Persönlichen Verzeichnissen das Chroot-Verzeichnis vorangestellt ist, sollten Sie @samp{/.}@: an @samp{mail-chroot} anhängen. Siehe <doc/wiki/Chrooting.txt>. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22858
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name auth-socket-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname auth-socket-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22862
msgid "UNIX socket path to master authentication server to find users. This is used by imap (for shared users) and lda. Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb\"}."
msgstr "Der UNIX-Socket-Pfad, unter dem der Hauptauthentifizierungsserver zu finden ist, mit dem Nutzer gefunden werden können. Er wird von IMAP (für gemeinsame Benutzerkonten) und von LDA benutzt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22864
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name mail-plugin-dir"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname mail-plugin-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22867
msgid "Directory where to look up mail plugins. Defaults to @samp{\"/usr/lib/dovecot\"}."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem Mailplugins zu finden sind. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/usr/lib/dovecot\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22869
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mail-plugins"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste mail-plugins"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22873
msgid "List of plugins to load for all services. Plugins specific to IMAP, LDA, etc.@: are added to this list in their own .conf files. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Plugins, die für alle Dienste geladen werden sollen. Plugins, die nur für IMAP, LDA, etc.@: gedacht sind, werden in ihren eigenen .conf-Dateien zu dieser Liste hinzugefügt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22875
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-cache-min-mail-count"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl mail-cache-min-mail-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22880
msgid "The minimum number of mails in a mailbox before updates are done to cache file. This allows optimizing Dovecot's behavior to do less disk writes at the cost of more disk reads. Defaults to @samp{0}."
msgstr "Die kleinste Anzahl an Mails in einem Postfach, bevor Aktualisierungen an der Zwischenspeicherdatei vorgenommen werden. Damit kann das Verhalten von Dovecot optimiert werden, um weniger Schreibzugriffe auf die Platte durchzuführen, wofür allerdings mehr Lesezugriffe notwendig werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22882
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mailbox-idle-check-interval"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mailbox-idle-check-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22889
msgid "When IDLE command is running, mailbox is checked once in a while to see if there are any new mails or other changes. This setting defines the minimum time to wait between those checks. Dovecot can also use dnotify, inotify and kqueue to find out immediately when changes occur. Defaults to @samp{\"30 secs\"}."
msgstr "Während der IDLE-Befehl läuft, wird ab und zu im Postfach (der „Mailbox“) nachgeschaut, ob es neue Mails oder andere Änderungen gibt. Mit dieser Einstellung wird festgelegt, wie lange zwischen diesen Überprüfungen höchstens gewartet wird. Dovecot kann auch dnotify, inotify und kqueue benutzen, um sofort über Änderungen informiert zu werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"30 secs\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22891
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mail-save-crlf?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mail-save-crlf?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22898
msgid "Save mails with CR+LF instead of plain LF@. This makes sending those mails take less CPU, especially with sendfile() syscall with Linux and FreeBSD@. But it also creates a bit more disk I/O which may just make it slower. Also note that if other software reads the mboxes/maildirs, they may handle the extra CRs wrong and cause problems. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob Mails mit CR+LF-Kodierung für Zeilenumbrüche statt einfacher LF gespeichert werden sollen. Dadurch wird das Versenden dieser Mails den Prozessor weniger beanspruchen, dies gilt besonders für den Systemaufruf sendfile() unter Linux und FreeBSD@. Allerdings werden auch ein bisschen mehr Ein- und Ausgaben auf der Platte notwendig, wodurch es insgesamt langsamer werden könnte. Beachten Sie außerdem, dass andere Software, die die mboxes/maildirs ausliest, mit den CRs falsch umgehen und Probleme verursachen könnte. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22900
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean maildir-stat-dirs?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck maildir-stat-dirs?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22908
msgid "By default LIST command returns all entries in maildir beginning with a dot. Enabling this option makes Dovecot return only entries which are directories. This is done by stat()ing each entry, so it causes more disk I/O. (For systems setting struct @samp{dirent->d_type} this check is free and it's done always regardless of this setting). Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung liefert der LIST-Befehl alle Einträge im Mailverzeichnis („Maildir“), die mit einem Punkt beginnen. Wenn diese Option aktiviert wird, liefert Dovecot nur solche Einträge, die für Verzeichnisse stehen. Dazu wird auf jedem Eintrag stat() aufgerufen, wodurch mehr Ein- und Ausgaben auf der Platte anfallen. (Bei Systemen, die einen Struktureintrag @samp{dirent->d_type} machen, ist diese Überprüfung unnötig, daher werden dort nur Verzeichnisse geliefert, egal was hier eingestellt ist.) Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22910
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean maildir-copy-with-hardlinks?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck maildir-copy-with-hardlinks?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22915
msgid "When copying a message, do it with hard links whenever possible. This makes the performance much better, and it's unlikely to have any side effects. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob zum Kopieren einer Nachricht statt einer Kopie so weit möglich harte Verknüpfungen („Hard Links“) verwendet werden sollen. Dadurch wird das System wesentlich weniger ausgelastet und Nebenwirkungen sind unwahrscheinlich. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22917
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean maildir-very-dirty-syncs?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck maildir-very-dirty-syncs?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22922
msgid "Assume Dovecot is the only MUA accessing Maildir: Scan cur/ directory only when its mtime changes unexpectedly or when we can't find the mail otherwise. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob Dovecot annehmen darf, dass es der einzige MUA ist, der auf Maildir zugreift. Dann wird das cur/-Verzeichnis nur bei unerwarteten Änderungen an seiner mtime durchsucht oder wenn die Mail sonst nicht gefunden werden kann. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22924
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mbox-read-locks"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste mbox-read-locks"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22927
msgid "Which locking methods to use for locking mbox. There are four available:"
msgstr "Welche Sperrmethoden zum Sperren des mbox-Postfachs (der „Mailbox“) benutzt werden. Es stehen vier Methoden zur Auswahl:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22929
#, no-wrap
msgid "dotlock"
msgstr "dotlock"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22933
msgid "Create <mailbox>.lock file. This is the oldest and most NFS-safe solution. If you want to use /var/mail/ like directory, the users will need write access to that directory."
msgstr "Hier wird eine Datei namens <Postfach>.lock erzeugt. Es handelt sich um die älteste und am ehesten mit NFS verwendbare Lösung. Wenn Sie ein Verzeichnis wie /var/mail/ benutzen, müssen die Benutzer Schreibzugriff darauf haben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22933
#, no-wrap
msgid "dotlock-try"
msgstr "dotlock-try"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22936
msgid "Same as dotlock, but if it fails because of permissions or because there isn't enough disk space, just skip it."
msgstr "Genau wie dotlock, aber wenn es mangels Berechtigungen fehlschlägt oder nicht genug Plattenplatz verfügbar ist, wird einfach nicht gesperrt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22936
#, no-wrap
msgid "fcntl"
msgstr "fcntl"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22938
msgid "Use this if possible. Works with NFS too if lockd is used."
msgstr "Benutzen Sie diese Einstellung wenn möglich. Sie funktioniert auch mit NFS, sofern lockd benutzt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22938
#, no-wrap
msgid "flock"
msgstr "flock"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22420 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22940 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22942
msgid "May not exist in all systems. Doesn't work with NFS."
msgstr "Existiert vielleicht nicht auf allen Systemen. Funktioniert nicht mit NFS."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22940
#, no-wrap
msgid "lockf"
msgstr "lockf"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22948
msgid "You can use multiple locking methods; if you do the order they're declared in is important to avoid deadlocks if other MTAs/MUAs are using multiple locking methods as well. Some operating systems don't allow using some of them simultaneously."
msgstr "Sie können mehrere Sperrmethoden angeben; wenn ja, dann ist deren Reihenfolge entscheidend, um Verklemmungen („Deadlocks“) zu vermeiden, wenn andere MTAs/MUAs auch mehrere Sperrmethoden benutzen. Manche Betriebssysteme erlauben es nicht, manche davon gleichzeitig zu benutzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22950
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list mbox-write-locks"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste mbox-write-locks"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22954
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mbox-lock-timeout"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mbox-lock-timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22957
msgid "Maximum time to wait for lock (all of them) before aborting. Defaults to @samp{\"5 mins\"}."
msgstr "Wie lange höchstens auf Sperren (irgendeiner Art) gewartet wird, bevor abgebrochen wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"5 mins\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22439
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22959
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mbox-dotlock-change-timeout"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mbox-dotlock-change-timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22963
msgid "If dotlock exists but the mailbox isn't modified in any way, override the lock file after this much time. Defaults to @samp{\"2 mins\"}."
msgstr "Wenn eine Dotlock-Sperrdatei existiert, das Postfach (die „Mailbox“) aber auf keine Weise geändert wurde, wird die Sperrdatei nach der hier angegebenen Zeit außer Kraft gesetzt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"2 mins\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22965
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mbox-dirty-syncs?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mbox-dirty-syncs?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22976
msgid "When mbox changes unexpectedly we have to fully read it to find out what changed. If the mbox is large this can take a long time. Since the change is usually just a newly appended mail, it'd be faster to simply read the new mails. If this setting is enabled, Dovecot does this but still safely fallbacks to re-reading the whole mbox file whenever something in mbox isn't how it's expected to be. The only real downside to this setting is that if some other MUA changes message flags, Dovecot doesn't notice it immediately. Note that a full sync is done with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE and CHECK commands. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Wenn sich das mbox-Postfach unerwartet ändert, müssen wir es gänzlich neu einlesen, um herauszufinden, was sich geändert hat. Wenn die mbox groß ist, kann das viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Weil es sich bei der Änderung meistens nur um eine neu angefügte Mail handelt, wäre es schneller, nur die neuen Mails zu lesen. Wenn diese Einstellung hier aktiviert ist, arbeitet Dovecot nach dem eben beschriebenen Prinzip, liest aber doch die ganze mbox-Datei neu ein, sobald es etwas nicht wie erwartet vorfindet. Der einzige wirkliche Nachteil bei dieser Einstellung ist, dass es Dovecot nicht sofort erkennt, wenn ein anderer MUA die Statusindikatoren („Flags“) ändert. Beachten Sie, dass eine komplette Synchronisation bei den Befehlen SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE und CHECK durchgeführt wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22978
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mbox-very-dirty-syncs?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mbox-very-dirty-syncs?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22983
msgid "Like @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}, but don't do full syncs even with SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE or CHECK commands. If this is set, @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs} is ignored. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Wie @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs}, aber ohne dass komplette Synchronisationen selbst bei den Befehlen SELECT, EXAMINE, EXPUNGE oder CHECK durchgeführt werden. Wenn dies hier aktiviert ist, wird @samp{mbox-dirty-syncs} ignoriert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22985
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mbox-lazy-writes?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mbox-lazy-writes?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22991
msgid "Delay writing mbox headers until doing a full write sync (EXPUNGE and CHECK commands and when closing the mailbox). This is especially useful for POP3 where clients often delete all mails. The downside is that our changes aren't immediately visible to other MUAs. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob das Schreiben von mbox-Kopfzeilen hinausgezögert wird, bis eine komplette Schreibsynchronisation durchgeführt wird (bei den Befehlen EXPUNGE und CHECK, und beim Schließen des Postfachs, d.h.@: der „Mailbox“). Das wird besonders nützlich, wenn Clients POP3 verwenden, wo es oft vorkommt, dass die Clients alle Mails löschen. Der Nachteil ist, dass Dovecots Änderungen nicht sofort für andere MUAs sichtbar werden. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22993
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mbox-min-index-size"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl mbox-min-index-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22998
msgid "If mbox size is smaller than this (e.g.@: 100k), don't write index files. If an index file already exists it's still read, just not updated. Defaults to @samp{0}."
msgstr "Wenn die Größe des mbox-Postfaches kleiner als die angegebene Größe (z.B.@: 100k) ist, werden keine Index-Dateien geschrieben. Wenn bereits eine Index-Datei existiert, wird sie weiterhin gelesen und nur nicht aktualisiert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23000
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mdbox-rotate-size"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl mdbox-rotate-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23003
msgid "Maximum dbox file size until it's rotated. Defaults to @samp{10000000}."
msgstr "Die maximale Größe der dbox-Datei, bis sie rotiert wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{10000000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23005
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mdbox-rotate-interval"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mdbox-rotate-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23010
msgid "Maximum dbox file age until it's rotated. Typically in days. Day begins from midnight, so 1d = today, 2d = yesterday, etc. 0 = check disabled. Defaults to @samp{\"1d\"}."
msgstr "Das maximale Alter der dbox-Datei, bis sie rotiert wird. Typischerweise wird es in Tagen angegeben. Der Tag beginnt um Mitternacht, also steht 1d für heute, 2d für gestern, etc. 0 heißt, die Überprüfung ist abgeschaltet. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"1d\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23012
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean mdbox-preallocate-space?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mdbox-preallocate-space?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23017
msgid "When creating new mdbox files, immediately preallocate their size to @samp{mdbox-rotate-size}. This setting currently works only in Linux with some file systems (ext4, xfs). Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob beim Erstellen neuer mdbox-Postfachdateien gleich am Anfang eine Datei der Größe @samp{mdbox-rotate-size} vorab angelegt werden soll. Diese Einstellung funktioniert derzeit nur mit Linux auf manchen Dateisystemen (ext4, xfs). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23019
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attachment-dir"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-attachment-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23023
msgid "sdbox and mdbox support saving mail attachments to external files, which also allows single instance storage for them. Other backends don't support this for now."
msgstr "Postfächer in den Formaten sdbox und mdbox unterstützen es, Mail-Anhänge in externen Dateien zu speichern, wodurch sie mit Einzelinstanz-Speicherung („Single-Instance Storage“) dedupliziert werden können. Andere Hintergrundsysteme („Backends“) bieten dafür noch keine Unterstützung."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23025
msgid "WARNING: This feature hasn't been tested much yet. Use at your own risk."
msgstr "@emph{Warnung}: Diese Funktionalität wurde noch nicht ausgiebig getestet. Benutzen Sie sie auf eigene Gefahr."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23028
msgid "Directory root where to store mail attachments. Disabled, if empty. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Das Wurzelverzeichnis, in dem Mail-Anhänge gespeichert werden. Wenn es leer gelassen wird, ist es deaktiviert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23030
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer mail-attachment-min-size"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl mail-attachment-min-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23035
msgid "Attachments smaller than this aren't saved externally. It's also possible to write a plugin to disable saving specific attachments externally. Defaults to @samp{128000}."
msgstr "Anhänge, die kleiner sind als hier angegeben, werden @emph{nicht} extern gespeichert. Es ist auch möglich, ein Plugin zu schreiben, das externes Speichern bestimmter Anhänge deaktiviert. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{128000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23037
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attachment-fs"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-attachment-fs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23039
msgid "File system backend to use for saving attachments:"
msgstr "Ein Dateisystemhintergrundprogramm, mit dem Anhänge gespeichert werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23040
#, no-wrap
msgid "posix"
msgstr "posix"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23042
msgid "No SiS done by Dovecot (but this might help FS's own deduplication)"
msgstr "Dovecot führt keine Einzelinstanzspeicherung durch (aber das Dateisystem kann so leichter selbst deduplizieren)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23042
#, no-wrap
msgid "sis posix"
msgstr "sis posix"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23044
msgid "SiS with immediate byte-by-byte comparison during saving"
msgstr "Einzelinstanzspeicherung wird durch einen sofortigen Byte-für-Byte-Vergleich beim Speichern umgesetzt"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23044
#, no-wrap
msgid "sis-queue posix"
msgstr "sis-queue posix"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23046
msgid "SiS with delayed comparison and deduplication."
msgstr "Einzelinstanzspeicherung mit verzögertem Vergleich und Deduplizierung."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23048
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"sis posix\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"sis posix\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23050
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string mail-attachment-hash"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-attachment-hash"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23056
msgid "Hash format to use in attachment filenames. You can add any text and variables: @code{%@{md4@}}, @code{%@{md5@}}, @code{%@{sha1@}}, @code{%@{sha256@}}, @code{%@{sha512@}}, @code{%@{size@}}. Variables can be truncated, e.g.@: @code{%@{sha256:80@}} returns only first 80 bits. Defaults to @samp{\"%@{sha1@}\"}."
msgstr "Welches Hash-Format die Dateinamen von Anhängen bestimmt. Sie können beliebigen Text und Variable beifügen: @code{%@{md4@}}, @code{%@{md5@}}, @code{%@{sha1@}}, @code{%@{sha256@}}, @code{%@{sha512@}}, @code{%@{size@}}. Es können auch nur Teile der Variablen benutzt werden, z.B.@: liefert @code{%@{sha256:80@}} nur die ersten 80 Bits. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"%@{sha1@}\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23058
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer default-process-limit"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl default-process-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23063
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer default-client-limit"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl default-client-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22546 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23066 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30632
msgid "Defaults to @samp{1000}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23068
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer default-vsz-limit"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl default-vsz-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23073
msgid "Default VSZ (virtual memory size) limit for service processes. This is mainly intended to catch and kill processes that leak memory before they eat up everything. Defaults to @samp{256000000}."
msgstr "Die vorgegebene Beschränkung der VSZ („Virtual Memory Size“, virtuelle Speichergröße) für Dienstprozesse. Dies ist hauptsächlich dafür gedacht, Prozessen, die ein Speicherleck aufweisen, rechtzeitig Einhalt zu gebieten und sie abzuwürgen, bevor sie allen Speicher aufbrauchen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{256000000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23075
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string default-login-user"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette default-login-user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23080
msgid "Login user is internally used by login processes. This is the most untrusted user in Dovecot system. It shouldn't have access to anything at all. Defaults to @samp{\"dovenull\"}."
msgstr "Der Anmeldebenutzer, der intern von Anmeldeprozessen benutzt wird. Der Anmeldebenutzer ist derjenige Benutzer im Dovecot-System, dem am wenigsten Vertrauen zugeschrieben wird. Er sollte auf überhaupt nichts Zugriff haben. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"dovenull\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23082
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string default-internal-user"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette default-internal-user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23087
msgid "Internal user is used by unprivileged processes. It should be separate from login user, so that login processes can't disturb other processes. Defaults to @samp{\"dovecot\"}."
msgstr "Der interne Benutzer, der von Prozessen ohne besondere Berechtigungen benutzt wird. Er sollte sich vom Anmeldebenutzer unterscheiden, damit Anmeldeprozesse keine anderen Prozesse stören können. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"dovecot\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22569
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23089
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23092
msgid "SSL/TLS support: yes, no, required. <doc/wiki/SSL.txt>. Defaults to @samp{\"required\"}."
msgstr "SSL/TLS-Unterstützung: yes für ja, no für nein, oder required, wenn SSL/TLS verpflichtend benutzt werden muss. Siehe <doc/wiki/SSL.txt>. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"required\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23094
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-cert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22577
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23097
msgid "PEM encoded X.509 SSL/TLS certificate (public key). Defaults to @samp{\"</etc/dovecot/default.pem\"}."
msgstr "Das PEM-kodierte X.509-SSL/TLS-Zertifikat (der öffentliche Schlüssel). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"</etc/dovecot/default.pem\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23099
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-key"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-key"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23104
msgid "PEM encoded SSL/TLS private key. The key is opened before dropping root privileges, so keep the key file unreadable by anyone but root. Defaults to @samp{\"</etc/dovecot/private/default.pem\"}."
msgstr "Der PEM-kodierte private Schlüssel für SSL/TLS@. Der Schlüssel wird geöffnet, bevor Administratorrechte abgegeben werden, damit niemand außer dem Administratornutzer „root“ Lesezugriff auf die Schlüsseldatei hat. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"</etc/dovecot/private/default.pem\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23106
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-key-password"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-key-password"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23112
msgid "If key file is password protected, give the password here. Alternatively give it when starting dovecot with -p parameter. Since this file is often world-readable, you may want to place this setting instead to a different. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Wenn die Schlüsseldatei passwortgeschützt ist, geben Sie hier das Passwort an. Alternativ können Sie es angeben, wenn sie Dovecot starten, indem Sie es mit dem Parameter -p übergeben. Da die Konfigurationsdatei oftmals allgemein lesbar ist, möchten Sie es vielleicht in einer anderen Datei ablegen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23114
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-ca"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-ca"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23120
msgid "PEM encoded trusted certificate authority. Set this only if you intend to use @samp{ssl-verify-client-cert? #t}. The file should contain the CA certificate(s) followed by the matching CRL(s). (e.g.@: @samp{ssl-ca </etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem}). Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die PEM-kodierte Zertifikatsautorität, die als vertrauenswürdig eingestuft wird. Legen Sie sie nur dann fest, wenn Sie @samp{ssl-verify-client-cert? #t} setzen möchten. Die Datei sollte das oder die Zertifikat(e) der Zertifikatsautorität („Certificate Authority“, kurz CA) enthalten, gefolgt von den entsprechenden Zertifikatsperrlisten (CRLs), z.B.@: @samp{ssl-ca </etc/ssl/certs/ca.pem}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23122
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl-require-crl?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck ssl-require-crl?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23125
msgid "Require that CRL check succeeds for client certificates. Defaults to @samp{#t}."
msgstr "Ob die Prüfung der Client-Zertifikate gegen die Zertifikatsperrlisten (CRLs) erfolgreich sein muss. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#t}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23127
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl-verify-client-cert?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck ssl-verify-client-cert?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23131
msgid "Request client to send a certificate. If you also want to require it, set @samp{auth-ssl-require-client-cert? #t} in auth section. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob der Client gebeten wird, ein Zertifikat zu schicken. Wenn Sie es auch verpflichtend machen wollen, setzen Sie @samp{auth-ssl-require-client-cert? #t} im Autorisierungsabschnitt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23133
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert-username-field"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-cert-username-field"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23138
msgid "Which field from certificate to use for username. commonName and x500UniqueIdentifier are the usual choices. You'll also need to set @samp{auth-ssl-username-from-cert? #t}. Defaults to @samp{\"commonName\"}."
msgstr "Welches Feld im Zertifikat den Benutzernamen angibt. In der Regel wählt man den Gebräuchlichen Namen „commonName“ oder den Eindeutigen Identifikator „x500UniqueIdentifier“ als Benutzernamen, wenn man Client-Zertifikate benutzt. Sie müssen dann auch @samp{auth-ssl-username-from-cert? #t} setzen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"commonName\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23140
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-min-protocol"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-min-protocol"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23143
msgid "Minimum SSL protocol version to accept. Defaults to @samp{\"TLSv1\"}."
msgstr "Die kleinste Version des SSL-Protokolls, die noch akzeptiert werden soll. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"TLSv1\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23145
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cipher-list"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-cipher-list"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23148
msgid "SSL ciphers to use. Defaults to @samp{\"ALL:!kRSA:!SRP:!kDHd:!DSS:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!3DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4:!ADH:!LOW@@STRENGTH\"}."
msgstr "Welche SSL-Ciphers benutzt werden dürfen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"ALL:!kRSA:!SRP:!kDHd:!DSS:!aNULL:!eNULL:!EXPORT:!DES:!3DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4:!ADH:!LOW@@STRENGTH\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23150
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string ssl-crypto-device"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-crypto-device"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23153
msgid "SSL crypto device to use, for valid values run \"openssl engine\". Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Das SSL-Verschlüsselungsgerät („Crypto Device“), das benutzt werden soll. Gültige Werte bekommen Sie gezeigt, wenn Sie „openssl engine“ ausführen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23155
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string postmaster-address"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette postmaster-address"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23159
msgid "Address to use when sending rejection mails. %d expands to recipient domain. Defaults to @samp{\"postmaster@@%d\"}."
msgstr "An welche Adresse Mails versandt werden sollen, die über die Zurückweisung einer Mail informieren. %d wird zur Domain des Empfängers umgeschrieben. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"postmaster@@%d\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23161
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string hostname"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette hostname"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23165
msgid "Hostname to use in various parts of sent mails (e.g.@: in Message-Id) and in LMTP replies. Default is the system's real hostname@@domain. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Der Rechnername, der an mehreren Stellen in versandten E-Mails (z.B.@: im Nachrichtenidentifikator „Message-Id“) und in LMTP-Antworten benutzt wird. Die Voreinstellung entspricht dem wirklichen Rechnernamen des Systems. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23167
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean quota-full-tempfail?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck quota-full-tempfail?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23171
msgid "If user is over quota, return with temporary failure instead of bouncing the mail. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob bei einem Nutzer, der sein Kontingent überschreitet, ein temporärer Fehler gemeldet werden soll, statt Nachrichten zurück zu versenden (zu „bouncen“). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23173
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} file-name sendmail-path"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname sendmail-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23176
msgid "Binary to use for sending mails. Defaults to @samp{\"/usr/sbin/sendmail\"}."
msgstr "Welche Binärdatei zum Versenden von Mails benutzt werden soll. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/usr/sbin/sendmail\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23178
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string submission-host"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette submission-host"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23182
msgid "If non-empty, send mails via this SMTP host[:port] instead of sendmail. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Wenn dieses Feld nicht leer ist, werden Mails an den SMTP-Server auf dem angegebenen „Rechner[:Port]“ statt an sendmail geschickt. Die Vothabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23184
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string rejection-subject"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette rejection-subject"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23188
msgid "Subject: header to use for rejection mails. You can use the same variables as for @samp{rejection-reason} below. Defaults to @samp{\"Rejected: %s\"}."
msgstr "Die Betreffkopfzeile („Subject:“), die für Mails benutzt werden soll, die über die Zurückweisung einer Mail informieren. Sie können dieselben Variablen wie beim hierunter beschriebenen Zurückweisungsgrund @samp{rejection-reason} benutzen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"Rejected: %s\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23190
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string rejection-reason"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette rejection-reason"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23193
msgid "Human readable error message for rejection mails. You can use variables:"
msgstr "Die menschenlesbare Fehlermeldung in Mails, die über die Zurückweisung einer Mail informieren. Sie können diese Variablen benutzen:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23197
msgid "CRLF"
msgstr "CRLF-Zeilenumbruch"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23197
#, no-wrap
msgid "%r"
msgstr "%r"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23199
msgid "reason"
msgstr "Begründung („Reason“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23201
msgid "original subject"
msgstr "Ursprünglicher Betreff („Subject“)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23201
#, no-wrap
msgid "%t"
msgstr "%t"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23203
msgid "recipient"
msgstr "Empfänger („To“)"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23205
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"Your message to <%t> was automatically rejected:%n%r\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"Your message to <%t> was automatically rejected:%n%r\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23207
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string recipient-delimiter"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette recipient-delimiter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23211
msgid "Delimiter character between local-part and detail in email address. Defaults to @samp{\"+\"}."
msgstr "Trennzeichen zwischen dem eigentlichen Lokalteil („local-part“) und Detailangaben in der E-Mail-Adresse. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"+\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23213
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string lda-original-recipient-header"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette lda-original-recipient-header"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23219
msgid "Header where the original recipient address (SMTP's RCPT TO: address) is taken from if not available elsewhere. With dovecot-lda -a parameter overrides this. A commonly used header for this is X-Original-To. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Aus welcher Kopfzeile die Adresse des Ursprünglichen Empfängers (SMTPs „RCPT TO:“-Adresse) genommen wird, wenn sie nicht anderweitig eingetragen ist. Wird die Befehlszeilenoption @option{-a} von dovecot-lda angegeben, hat sie Vorrang vor diesem Feld. Oft wird die Kopfzeile X-Original-To hierfür verwendet. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23221
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean lda-mailbox-autocreate?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck lda-mailbox-autocreate?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23225
msgid "Should saving a mail to a nonexistent mailbox automatically create it?. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob ein nicht existierendes Postfach (eine „Mailbox“) automatisch erzeugt werden soll, wenn eine Mail darin abgespeichert wird. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23227
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} boolean lda-mailbox-autosubscribe?"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck lda-mailbox-autosubscribe?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23231
msgid "Should automatically created mailboxes be also automatically subscribed?. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob automatisch erzeugte Postfächer („Mailboxes“) auch automatisch abonniert werden sollen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23233
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer imap-max-line-length"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl imap-max-line-length"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23239
msgid "Maximum IMAP command line length. Some clients generate very long command lines with huge mailboxes, so you may need to raise this if you get \"Too long argument\" or \"IMAP command line too large\" errors often. Defaults to @samp{64000}."
msgstr "Die maximale Länge einer IMAP-Befehlszeile. Manche Clients erzeugen sehr lange Befehlszeilen bei riesigen Postfächern, daher müssen Sie diesen Wert gegebenenfalls anheben, wenn Sie Fehlermeldungen wie „Too long argument“ oder „IMAP command line too large“ häufig sehen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{64000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23241
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-logout-format"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette imap-logout-format"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23243
msgid "IMAP logout format string:"
msgstr "Formatzeichenkette für das Abmelden bei IMAP:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23244
#, no-wrap
msgid "%i"
msgstr "%i"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23246
msgid "total number of bytes read from client"
msgstr "Gesamtzahl vom Client empfangener Bytes"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23246
#, no-wrap
msgid "%o"
msgstr "%o"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23248
msgid "total number of bytes sent to client."
msgstr "Gesamtzahl zum Client versandter Bytes"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23251
msgid "See @file{doc/wiki/Variables.txt} for a list of all the variables you can use. Defaults to @samp{\"in=%i out=%o deleted=%@{deleted@} expunged=%@{expunged@} trashed=%@{trashed@} hdr_count=%@{fetch_hdr_count@} hdr_bytes=%@{fetch_hdr_bytes@} body_count=%@{fetch_body_count@} body_bytes=%@{fetch_body_bytes@}\"}."
msgstr "Siehe @file{doc/wiki/Variables.txt} für eine Liste aller Variablen, die Sie benutzen können. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"in=%i out=%o deleted=%@{deleted@} expunged=%@{expunged@} trashed=%@{trashed@} hdr_count=%@{fetch_hdr_count@} hdr_bytes=%@{fetch_hdr_bytes@} body_count=%@{fetch_body_count@} body_bytes=%@{fetch_body_bytes@}\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23253
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-capability"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette imap-capability"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23257
msgid "Override the IMAP CAPABILITY response. If the value begins with '+', add the given capabilities on top of the defaults (e.g.@: +XFOO XBAR). Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Ersetzt die Antworten auf IMAP-CAPABILITY-Anfragen. Wenn der Wert mit „+“ beginnt, werden die angegebenen Capabilitys zu den voreingestellten hinzugefügt (z.B.@: +XFOO XBAR). Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23259
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-idle-notify-interval"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette imap-idle-notify-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23263
msgid "How long to wait between \"OK Still here\" notifications when client is IDLEing. Defaults to @samp{\"2 mins\"}."
msgstr "Wie lange zwischen „OK Still here“-Benachrichtigungen gewartet wird, wenn der Client auf IDLE steht. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"2 mins\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23265
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-id-send"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette imap-id-send"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23271
msgid "ID field names and values to send to clients. Using * as the value makes Dovecot use the default value. The following fields have default values currently: name, version, os, os-version, support-url, support-email. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "ID-Feldnamen und -werte, die an Clients versandt werden sollen. Wenn * als der Wert angegeben wird, benutzt Dovecot dafür den voreingestellten Wert. Die folgenden Felder verfügen derzeit über voreingestellte Werte: name, version, os, os-version, support-url, support-email. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23273
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-id-log"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette imap-id-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23276
msgid "ID fields sent by client to log. * means everything. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Welche vom Client übermittelten ID-Felder protokolliert werden. * bedeutet alle. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23278
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list imap-client-workarounds"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste imap-client-workarounds"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23280
msgid "Workarounds for various client bugs:"
msgstr "Maßnahmen, um verschiedene Fehler in Clients zu umgehen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23282
#, no-wrap
msgid "delay-newmail"
msgstr "delay-newmail"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23289
msgid "Send EXISTS/RECENT new mail notifications only when replying to NOOP and CHECK commands. Some clients ignore them otherwise, for example OSX Mail (<v2.1). Outlook Express breaks more badly though, without this it may show user \"Message no longer in server\" errors. Note that OE6 still breaks even with this workaround if synchronization is set to \"Headers Only\"."
msgstr "Benachrichtigungen über neue Mails mit EXISTS/RECENT nur als Antwort auf NOOP- und CHECK-Befehle versenden. Manche Clients ignorieren diese ansonsten, zum Beispiel OSX Mail (<v2.1). Outlook Express verhält sich noch problematischer, denn ohne diese Maßnahme können dem Anwender Fehlermeldungen wie „Die Nachricht steht nicht mehr auf dem Server zur Verfügung“ („Message no longer in server“) angezeigt werden. Beachten Sie, dass OE6 auch mit dieser Maßnahme immer noch Probleme macht, wenn die Synchronisation auf „nur Kopfzeilen“ („Headers Only“) eingestellt ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23290
#, no-wrap
msgid "tb-extra-mailbox-sep"
msgstr "tb-extra-mailbox-sep"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23294
msgid "Thunderbird gets somehow confused with LAYOUT=fs (mbox and dbox) and adds extra @samp{/} suffixes to mailbox names. This option causes Dovecot to ignore the extra @samp{/} instead of treating it as invalid mailbox name."
msgstr "Thunderbird kommt aus irgendeinem Grund durcheinander bei LAYOUT=fs (mbox und dbox) und fügt überzählige @samp{/}-Suffixe an Postfachnamen („Mailbox“-Namen) an. Mit dieser Maßnahme ignoriert Dovecot zusätzliche @samp{/}, statt sie als ungültige Postfachnamen zu behandeln."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23295
#, no-wrap
msgid "tb-lsub-flags"
msgstr "tb-lsub-flags"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23299
msgid "Show \\Noselect flags for LSUB replies with LAYOUT=fs (e.g.@: mbox). This makes Thunderbird realize they aren't selectable and show them greyed out, instead of only later giving \"not selectable\" popup error."
msgstr "Ob \\Noselect-Flags für LSUB-Antworten mit LAYOUT=fs (z.B.@: mbox) geliefert werden. Dadurch merkt Thunderbird, dass man Postfächer nicht auswählen kann, und zeigt sie ausgegraut an, statt erst nach einiger Zeit eine Fehlermeldung einzublenden, sie seien nicht auswählbar."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23303
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{dovecot-configuration} parameter} string imap-urlauth-host"
msgstr "{@code{dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette imap-urlauth-host"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23306
msgid "Host allowed in URLAUTH URLs sent by client. \"*\" allows all. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Welcher Rechner in vom Client übermittelten URLAUTH-URLs zugelassen wird. Bei „*“ wird jeder zugelassen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23314
msgid "Whew! Lots of configuration options. The nice thing about it though is that Guix has a complete interface to Dovecot's configuration language. This allows not only a nice way to declare configurations, but also offers reflective capabilities as well: users can write code to inspect and transform configurations from within Scheme."
msgstr "Uff! Das waren viele Konfigurationsoptionen. Das Schöne daran ist aber, dass Guix eine vollständige Schnittstelle für alles bietet, was man in Dovecots Konfigurationssprache ausdrücken kann. Damit können Sie Konfigurationen nicht nur auf schöne Art aufschreiben, sondern kann auch reflektiven Code schreiben, der Konfigurationen aus Scheme heraus auslesen und umschreiben kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23320
msgid "However, it could be that you just want to get a @code{dovecot.conf} up and running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} as the @code{#:config} parameter to @code{dovecot-service}. As its name indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities."
msgstr "Vielleicht haben Sie aber auch einfach schon eine @code{dovecot.conf}, die Sie mit Guix zum Laufen bringen möchten. In diesem Fall können Sie eine @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} im @code{#:config}-Parameter an @code{dovecot-service} übergeben. Wie der Name schon sagt, bietet eine opake Konfiguration keinerlei Unterstützung für Reflexion."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23322
msgid "Available @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{opaque-dovecot-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23323
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} parameter} package dovecot"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ dovecot"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23327
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration} parameter} string string"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-dovecot-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette string"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23329
msgid "The contents of the @code{dovecot.conf}, as a string."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der @code{dovecot.conf} als eine Zeichenkette."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23333
msgid "For example, if your @code{dovecot.conf} is just the empty string, you could instantiate a dovecot service like this:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre @code{dovecot.conf} zum Beispiel nur aus der leeren Zeichenkette bestünde, könnten Sie einen Dovecot-Dienst wie folgt instanziieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23338
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(dovecot-service #:config\n"
@@ -42792,24 +43712,24 @@ msgstr ""
" (string \"\")))\n"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23340
#, no-wrap
msgid "OpenSMTPD Service"
msgstr "OpenSMTPD-Dienst"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23342
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} opensmtpd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} opensmtpd-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23346
msgid "This is the type of the @uref{https://www.opensmtpd.org, OpenSMTPD} service, whose value should be an @code{opensmtpd-configuration} object as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des @uref{https://www.opensmtpd.org, OpenSMTPD-Dienstes}, dessen Wert ein @code{opensmtpd-configuration}-Objekt sein sollte, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23351
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service opensmtpd-service-type\n"
@@ -42821,75 +43741,75 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"./my-smtpd.conf\"))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23354
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} opensmtpd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} opensmtpd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23356
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of opensmtpd."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von opensmtpd repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23358
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{opensmtpd})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{opensmtpd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23360
msgid "Package object of the OpenSMTPD SMTP server."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt des SMTP-Servers OpenSMTPD."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23361
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-opensmtpd-file})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-opensmtpd-file})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23366
msgid "File-like object of the OpenSMTPD configuration file to use. By default it listens on the loopback network interface, and allows for mail from users and daemons on the local machine, as well as permitting email to remote servers. Run @command{man smtpd.conf} for more information."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt der OpenSMTPD-Konfigurationsdatei, die benutzt werden soll. Nach Vorgabe lauscht OpenSMTPD auf der Loopback-Netzwerkschnittstelle und ist so eingerichtet, dass Mail von Nutzern und Daemons auf der lokalen Maschine sowie E-Mails an entfernte Server versandt werden können. Führen Sie @command{man smtpd.conf} aus, wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23370
#, no-wrap
msgid "Exim Service"
msgstr "Exim-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23372
#, no-wrap
msgid "mail transfer agent (MTA)"
msgstr "Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23373
#, no-wrap
msgid "MTA (mail transfer agent)"
msgstr "MTA (Mail Transfer Agent)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23374
#, no-wrap
msgid "SMTP"
msgstr "SMTP"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23376
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} exim-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} exim-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23380
msgid "This is the type of the @uref{https://exim.org, Exim} mail transfer agent (MTA), whose value should be an @code{exim-configuration} object as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) namens @uref{https://exim.org, Exim}, dessen Wert ein @code{exim-configuration}-Objekt sein sollte, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23385
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service exim-service-type\n"
@@ -42901,551 +43821,551 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"./my-exim.conf\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23391
msgid "In order to use an @code{exim-service-type} service you must also have a @code{mail-aliases-service-type} service present in your @code{operating-system} (even if it has no aliases)."
msgstr "Um einen Dienst vom Typ @code{exim-service-type} zu benutzen, müssen Sie auch einen Dienst @code{mail-aliases-service-type} in Ihrer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration stehen haben (selbst wenn darin keine Alias-Namen eingerichtet sind)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23392
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} exim-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} exim-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23394
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of exim."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Exim repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23396
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{exim})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{exim})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23398
msgid "Package object of the Exim server."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt des Exim-Servers."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23405
msgid "File-like object of the Exim configuration file to use. If its value is @code{#f} then use the default configuration file from the package provided in @code{package}. The resulting configuration file is loaded after setting the @code{exim_user} and @code{exim_group} configuration variables."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt der Exim-Konfigurationsdatei. Wenn sein Wert @code{#f} ist, wird die vorgegebene Konfigurationsdatei aus dem als @code{package} angegebenen Paket benutzt. Die sich ergebende Konfigurationsdatei wird geladen, nachdem die Konfigurationsvariablen @code{exim_user} und @code{exim_group} gesetzt wurden."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23409
#, no-wrap
msgid "Getmail service"
msgstr "Getmail-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23411
#, no-wrap
msgid "IMAP"
msgstr "IMAP"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23412
#, no-wrap
msgid "POP"
msgstr "POP"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23414
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} getmail-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} getmail-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23417
msgid "This is the type of the @uref{http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/, Getmail} mail retriever, whose value should be an @code{getmail-configuration}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Mail-Retrievers @uref{http://pyropus.ca/software/getmail/, Getmail}, der als Wert ein @code{getmail-configuration}-Objekt hat."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23420
msgid "Available @code{getmail-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{getmail-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23421
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} symbol name"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23423
msgid "A symbol to identify the getmail service."
msgstr "Ein Symbol, das den getmail-Dienst identifiziert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23425
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"unset\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"unset\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23428
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} package package"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ package"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23430
msgid "The getmail package to use."
msgstr "Das getmail-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23433
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} string user"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23435
msgid "The user to run getmail as."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem getmail ausgeführt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22917 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23437 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23444
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"getmail\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"getmail\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23440
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} string group"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23442
msgid "The group to run getmail as."
msgstr "Die Benutzergruppe, mit der getmail ausgeführt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23447
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} string directory"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette directory"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23449
msgid "The getmail directory to use."
msgstr "Welches getmail-Verzeichnis benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23451
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/lib/getmail/default\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/lib/getmail/default\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23454
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} getmail-configuration-file rcfile"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} „getmail-configuration-file“ rcfile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23456
msgid "The getmail configuration file to use."
msgstr "Die zu benutzende getmail-Konfigurationsdatei."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23458
msgid "Available @code{getmail-configuration-file} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{getmail-configuration-file}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23459
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration-file} parameter} getmail-retriever-configuration retriever"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration-file}-Parameter} „getmail-retriever-configuration“ retriever"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23461
msgid "What mail account to retrieve mail from, and how to access that account."
msgstr "Von welchem E-Mail-Konto Mails bezogen werden sollen und wie auf dieses zugegriffen werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23463
msgid "Available @code{getmail-retriever-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23464
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string type"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette type"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23467
msgid "The type of mail retriever to use. Valid values include @samp{passwd} and @samp{static}."
msgstr "Welche Art von Mail-Retriever benutzt werden soll. Zu den gültigen Werten gehören @samp{passwd} und @samp{static}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23469
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23472
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string server"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette server"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22954 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23474 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23481
msgid "Username to login to the mail server with."
msgstr "Der Benutzername, mit dem man sich beim Mailserver anmeldet."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22956 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22963
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23476 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23547
msgid "Defaults to @samp{unset}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{unset}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23479
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string username"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette username"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23486
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer port"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23488
msgid "Port number to connect to."
msgstr "Die Portnummer, mit der eine Verbindung hergestellt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23493
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string password"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette password"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22975 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23495 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23502
msgid "Override fields from passwd."
msgstr "Einträge, die Vorrang vor den Feldern aus passwd haben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23500
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} list password-command"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Liste password-command"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23507
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string keyfile"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette keyfile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23509
msgid "PEM-formatted key file to use for the TLS negotiation."
msgstr "Der Schlüssel im PEM-Format, der für das Aufbauen der TLS-Verbindung genutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23514
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string certfile"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette certfile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:22996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23516
msgid "PEM-formatted certificate file to use for the TLS negotiation."
msgstr "Die Zertifikatsdatei im PEM-Format, die für das Aufbauen der TLS-Verbindung genutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23521
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} string ca-certs"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ca-certs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23523
msgid "CA certificates to use."
msgstr "Welche Zertifikate von Zertifikatsautoritäten („CA Certificates“) benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23528
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration} parameter} parameter-alist extra-parameters"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Parameter} Parameter-Assoziative-Liste extra-parameters"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23530
msgid "Extra retriever parameters."
msgstr "Weitere Parameter für den Retriever."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23537
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration-file} parameter} getmail-destination-configuration destination"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration-file}-Parameter} „getmail-destination-configuration“ destination"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23539
msgid "What to do with retrieved messages."
msgstr "Was mit geholten Nachrichten geschehen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23541
msgid "Available @code{getmail-destination-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{getmail-destination-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23542
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-destination-configuration} parameter} string type"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-destination-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette type"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23545
msgid "The type of mail destination. Valid values include @samp{Maildir}, @samp{Mboxrd} and @samp{MDA_external}."
msgstr "Die Art des Empfängers der Mail. Zu den gültigen Werten gehören @samp{Maildir}, @samp{Mboxrd} und @samp{MDA_external}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23550
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-destination-configuration} parameter} string-or-filelike path"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-destination-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette-oder-Dateiartiges-Objekt path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23553
msgid "The path option for the mail destination. The behaviour depends on the chosen type."
msgstr "Entspricht der path-Option für den Mailempfänger („Destination“). Was hiermit bewirkt wird, hängt von der gewählten Empfängerart ab."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23558
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-destination-configuration} parameter} parameter-alist extra-parameters"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-destination-configuration}-Parameter} Parameter-Assoziative-Liste extra-parameters"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23560
msgid "Extra destination parameters"
msgstr "Weitere Empfängerparameter."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23567
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration-file} parameter} getmail-options-configuration options"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration-file}-Parameter} „getmail-options-configuration“ options"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23569
msgid "Configure getmail."
msgstr "getmail konfigurieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23571
msgid "Available @code{getmail-options-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{getmail-options-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23572
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer verbose"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl verbose"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23577
msgid "If set to @samp{0}, getmail will only print warnings and errors. A value of @samp{1} means that messages will be printed about retrieving and deleting messages. If set to @samp{2}, getmail will print messages about each of its actions."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @samp{0} gesetzt ist, wird getmail nur Warnungen und Fehler ausgeben. Ein Wert von @samp{1} bedeutet, dass Meldungen über das Holen und Löschen von Nachrichten ausgegeben werden. Wenn es auf @samp{2} gesetzt ist, wird getmail Meldungen über jede durchgeführte Aktion ausgeben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23059 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29641
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30229 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23579 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30690 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30835
msgid "Defaults to @samp{1}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23582
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} boolean read-all"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck read-all"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23585
msgid "If true, getmail will retrieve all available messages. Otherwise it will only retrieve messages it hasn't seen previously."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, wird getmail alle verfügbaren Nachrichten holen. Andernfalls wird es nur solche Nachrichten holen, die es nicht bereits gesehen hat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23590
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} boolean delete"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck delete"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23594
msgid "If set to true, messages will be deleted from the server after retrieving and successfully delivering them. Otherwise, messages will be left on the server."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, werden Mitteilungen vom Server gelöscht, nachdem sie erfolgreich geholt und zugestellt wurden. Andernfalls werden Nachrichten auf dem Server gelassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23599
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer delete-after"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl delete-after"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23604
msgid "Getmail will delete messages this number of days after seeing them, if they have been delivered. This means messages will be left on the server this number of days after delivering them. A value of @samp{0} disabled this feature."
msgstr "Getmail wird nach der hier angegebenen Anzahl von Tagen Nachrichten löschen, die es gesehen hat, wenn sie zugestellt wurden. Dadurch werden Nachrichten diese Anzahl von Tagen lang auf dem Server gelassen, nachdem sie zugestellt wurden. Ein Wert von @samp{0} deaktiviert diese Funktionalität."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23609
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer delete-bigger-than"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl delete-bigger-than"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23613
msgid "Delete messages larger than this of bytes after retrieving them, even if the delete and delete-after options are disabled. A value of @samp{0} disables this feature."
msgstr "Nachrichten, die größer als die angegebene Anzahl von Bytes sind, nach dem Holen löschen, selbst wenn die Optionen delete und delete-after abgeschaltet sind. Ein Wert von @samp{0} deaktiviert diese Funktionalität."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23618
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-bytes-per-session"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-bytes-per-session"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23621
msgid "Retrieve messages totalling up to this number of bytes before closing the session with the server. A value of @samp{0} disables this feature."
msgstr "Nachrichten, die höchstens die angegebene Anzahl von Bytes groß sind, vor dem Beenden der Serversitzung von dort holen. Ein Wert von @samp{0} deaktiviert diese Funktionalität."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23626
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-message-size"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-message-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23629
msgid "Don't retrieve messages larger than this number of bytes. A value of @samp{0} disables this feature."
msgstr "@emph{Keine} Nachrichten holen, deren Größe die angegebene Anzahl von Bytes überschreitet. Ein Wert von @samp{0} deaktiviert diese Funktionalität."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23634
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} boolean delivered-to"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck delivered-to"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23636
msgid "If true, getmail will add a Delivered-To header to messages."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr gesetzt ist, fügt getmail eine Delivered-To-Kopfzeile an die Nachrichten an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23641
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} boolean received"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck received"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23643
msgid "If set, getmail adds a Received header to the messages."
msgstr "Wenn dies gesetzt ist, fügt getmail eine Received-Kopfzeile an die Nachrichten an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23648
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} string message-log"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette message-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23651
msgid "Getmail will record a log of its actions to the named file. A value of @samp{\"\"} disables this feature."
msgstr "Getmail wird seine Aktionen in die genannte Datei protokollieren. Wenn als Wert @samp{\"\"} angegeben wird, wird diese Funktionalität deaktiviert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23656
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} boolean message-log-syslog"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck message-log-syslog"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23659
msgid "If true, getmail will record a log of its actions using the system logger."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, wird getmail ein Protokoll seiner Aktionen an den Systemprotokolldienst übergeben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23664
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} boolean message-log-verbose"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck message-log-verbose"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23668
msgid "If true, getmail will log information about messages not retrieved and the reason for not retrieving them, as well as starting and ending information lines."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr gesetzt ist, wird getmail Informationen über @emph{nicht} geholte Nachrichten und den jeweiligen Grund dafür sowie Anfang und Ende des Holvorgangs in Informationszeilen protokollieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23673
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-options-configuration} parameter} parameter-alist extra-parameters"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-options-configuration}-Parameter} Parameter-Assoziative-Liste extra-parameters"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23675
msgid "Extra options to include."
msgstr "Weitere geltende Optionen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23684
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} list idle"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} Liste idle"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23688
msgid "A list of mailboxes that getmail should wait on the server for new mail notifications. This depends on the server supporting the IDLE extension."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Postfächer, für die getmail beim Server auf Benachrichtigungen wegen neuer Mails warten soll. Diese Funktionalität setzt voraus, dass der Server die IDLE-Erweiterung unterstützt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23693
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{getmail-configuration} parameter} list environment-variables"
msgstr "{@code{getmail-configuration}-Parameter} Liste environment-variables"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23695
msgid "Environment variables to set for getmail."
msgstr "Umgebungsvariable, die für getmail gelten sollen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23700
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mail Aliases Service"
msgstr "Dienst für Mail-Alias-Namen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23702
#, no-wrap
msgid "email aliases"
msgstr "E-Mail-Alias-Namen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23703
#, no-wrap
msgid "aliases, for email addresses"
msgstr "Alias-Namen, für E-Mail-Adressen"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23705
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} mail-aliases-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} mail-aliases-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23708
msgid "This is the type of the service which provides @code{/etc/aliases}, specifying how to deliver mail to users on this system."
msgstr "Das ist der Typ des Dienstes, der @code{/etc/aliases} zur Verfügung stellt, wo festgelegt wird, wie Mail-Nachrichten an Benutzer des Systems geliefert werden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23713
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service mail-aliases-service-type\n"
@@ -43457,34 +44377,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"bob\" \"bob@@example.com\" \"bob@@example2.com\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23721
msgid "The configuration for a @code{mail-aliases-service-type} service is an association list denoting how to deliver mail that comes to this system. Each entry is of the form @code{(alias addresses ...)}, with @code{alias} specifying the local alias and @code{addresses} specifying where to deliver this user's mail."
msgstr "Die Konfiguration für einen Dienst vom Typ @code{mail-aliases-service-type} ist eine assoziative Liste, die angibt, wie beim System ankommende Mail-Nachrichten zuzustellen sind. Jeder Eintrag hat die Form @code{(Alias Adressen ...)}, wobei das @code{Alias} den lokalen Alias-Namen angibt und @code{Adressen} angibt, wo die Mail-Nachrichten für diesen Benutzer ankommen sollen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23727
msgid "The aliases aren't required to exist as users on the local system. In the above example, there doesn't need to be a @code{postmaster} entry in the @code{operating-system}'s @code{user-accounts} in order to deliver the @code{postmaster} mail to @code{bob} (which subsequently would deliver mail to @code{bob@@example.com} and @code{bob@@example2.com})."
msgstr "Die Alias-Namen müssen nicht als Benutzerkonten auf dem lokalen System existieren. Im Beispiel oben muss es also keinen Eintrag für @code{postmaster} unter den @code{user-accounts} in der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration geben, um die @code{postmaster}-Mails an @code{bob} weiterzuleiten (von wo diese dann an @code{bob@@example.com} und @code{bob@@example2.com} weitergeschickt würden)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23208 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23728 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23729
#, no-wrap
msgid "GNU Mailutils IMAP4 Daemon"
msgstr "GNU-Mailutils-IMAP4-Daemon"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23731
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} imap4d-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} imap4d-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23735
msgid "This is the type of the GNU Mailutils IMAP4 Daemon (@pxref{imap4d,,, mailutils, GNU Mailutils Manual}), whose value should be an @code{imap4d-configuration} object as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den IMAP4-Daemon aus den GNU Mailutils (siehe @ref{imap4d,,, mailutils, GNU Mailutils Manual}), dessen Wert ein @code{imap4d-configuration}-Objekt sein sollte, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23740
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service imap4d-service-type\n"
@@ -43496,142 +44416,142 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"imap4d.conf\"))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23743
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} imap4d-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} imap4d-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23745
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{imap4d}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{imap4d} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23747
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{mailutils})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{mailutils})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23749
msgid "The package that provides @command{imap4d}."
msgstr "Das Paket, das @command{imap4d} zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23750
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-imap4d-config-file})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-imap4d-config-file})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23754
msgid "File-like object of the configuration file to use, by default it will listen on TCP port 143 of @code{localhost}. @xref{Conf-imap4d,,, mailutils, GNU Mailutils Manual}, for details."
msgstr "Dateiartiges Objekt der zu nutzenden Konfigurationsdatei. Nach Vorgabe lauscht IMAP4D auf TCP-Port 143 vom lokalen Rechner @code{localhost}. Siehe @ref{Conf-imap4d,,, mailutils, GNU Mailutils Manual} für Details."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23758
#, no-wrap
msgid "Radicale Service"
msgstr "Radicale-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23759
#, no-wrap
msgid "CalDAV"
msgstr "CalDAV"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23760
#, no-wrap
msgid "CardDAV"
msgstr "CardDAV"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23762
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} radicale-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} radicale-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23765
msgid "This is the type of the @uref{https://radicale.org, Radicale} CalDAV/CardDAV server whose value should be a @code{radicale-configuration}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des CalDAV- und CardDAV-Servers @uref{https://radicale.org, Radicale}, der als Wert ein @code{radicale-configuration}-Objekt hat."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23767
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} radicale-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} radicale-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23769
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{radicale}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{radicale} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23771
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{radicale})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{radicale})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23773
msgid "The package that provides @command{radicale}."
msgstr "Das Paket, das @command{radicale} zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23774
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-radicale-config-file})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-radicale-config-file})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23778
msgid "File-like object of the configuration file to use, by default it will listen on TCP port 5232 of @code{localhost} and use the @code{htpasswd} file at @file{/var/lib/radicale/users} with no (@code{plain}) encryption."
msgstr "Dateiartiges Objekt der zu nutzenden Konfigurationsdatei. Nach Vorgabe lauscht Radicale auf TCP-Port 5232 vom lokalen Rechner @code{localhost} und benutzt die @code{htpasswd}-Datei unter @file{/var/lib/radicale/users} mit Passwörtern im Klartext („plain“)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23785
#, no-wrap
msgid "messaging"
msgstr "Messaging"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23786
#, no-wrap
msgid "jabber"
msgstr "Jabber"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23787
#, no-wrap
msgid "XMPP"
msgstr "XMPP"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23791
msgid "The @code{(gnu services messaging)} module provides Guix service definitions for messaging services. Currently it provides the following services:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services messaging)} stellt Guix-Dienstdefinitionen für Kurznachrichtendienste, d.h.@: „Instant Messaging“, zur Verfügung. Zurzeit werden folgende Dienste unterstützt:"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23792
#, no-wrap
msgid "Prosody Service"
msgstr "Prosody-Dienst"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23794
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} prosody-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} prosody-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23798
msgid "This is the type for the @uref{https://prosody.im, Prosody XMPP communication server}. Its value must be a @code{prosody-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://prosody.im, XMPP-Kommunikationsserver Prosody}. Sein Wert muss ein @code{prosody-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23813
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service prosody-service-type\n"
@@ -43663,691 +44583,691 @@ msgstr ""
" (domain \"example.net\"))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23816
msgid "See below for details about @code{prosody-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe im Folgenden Details über die @code{prosody-configuration}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23822
msgid "By default, Prosody does not need much configuration. Only one @code{virtualhosts} field is needed: it specifies the domain you wish Prosody to serve."
msgstr "Prosody kann mit den Vorgabeeinstellungen ohne viel weitere Konfiguration benutzt werden. Nur ein @code{virtualhosts}-Feld wird gebraucht: Es legt die Domain fest, um die sich Prosody kümmert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23825
msgid "You can perform various sanity checks on the generated configuration with the @code{prosodyctl check} command."
msgstr "Sie können die Korrektheit der generierten Konfigurationsdatei überprüfen, indem Sie den Befehl @code{prosodyctl check} ausführen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23829
msgid "Prosodyctl will also help you to import certificates from the @code{letsencrypt} directory so that the @code{prosody} user can access them. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/letsencrypt}."
msgstr "Prosodyctl hilft auch dabei, Zertifikate aus dem @code{letsencrypt}-Verzeichnis zu importieren, so dass das @code{prosody}-Benutzerkonto auf sie Zugriff hat. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/letsencrypt}."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23832
#, no-wrap
msgid "prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/letsencrypt/live\n"
msgstr "prosodyctl --root cert import /etc/letsencrypt/live\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23839
msgid "The available configuration parameters follow. Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, @samp{string-list foo} indicates that the @code{foo} parameter should be specified as a list of strings. Types starting with @code{maybe-} denote parameters that won't show up in @code{prosody.cfg.lua} when their value is @code{'disabled}."
msgstr "Im Folgenden finden Sie die verfügbaren Konfigurationsparameter. Jeder Parameterdefinition ist ihr Typ vorangestellt; zum Beispiel bedeutet @samp{Zeichenketten-Liste foo}, dass der Parameter @code{foo} als Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden sollte. Typangaben, die mit @code{Vielleicht-} beginnen, stehen für Parameter, die in @code{prosody.cfg.lua} nicht vorkommen, falls deren Wert als @code{'disabled} („deaktiviert“) angegeben wurde."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23843
msgid "There is also a way to specify the configuration as a string, if you have an old @code{prosody.cfg.lua} file that you want to port over from some other system; see the end for more details."
msgstr "Sie können die Konfiguration auch als eine Zeichenkette festlegen, wenn Sie über eine alte @code{prosody.cfg.lua}-Datei verfügen, die Sie von einem anderen System übernehmen möchten; siehe das Ende dieses Abschnitts für Details."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23846
msgid "The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) or a file name."
msgstr "Der Typ @code{Dateiobjekt} bezeichnet hierbei entweder ein dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}) oder einen Dateinamen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23856
msgid "Available @code{prosody-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{prosody-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23857
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} package prosody"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ prosody"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23859
msgid "The Prosody package."
msgstr "Das Prosody-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23861
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-name data-path"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname data-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23865
msgid "Location of the Prosody data storage directory. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure}. Defaults to @samp{\"/var/lib/prosody\"}."
msgstr "Der Ort, wo sich Prosodys Verzeichnis zum Speichern von Daten befinden soll. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/lib/prosody\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23867
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-object-list plugin-paths"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt-Liste plugin-paths"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23871
msgid "Additional plugin directories. They are searched in all the specified paths in order. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/plugins_directory}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Plugin-Verzeichnisse. Plugins werden der Reihe nach in allen festgelegten Pfaden gesucht. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/plugins_directory}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23873
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-name certificates"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname certificates"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23878
msgid "Every virtual host and component needs a certificate so that clients and servers can securely verify its identity. Prosody will automatically load certificates/keys from the directory specified here. Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/prosody/certs\"}."
msgstr "Jeder virtuellte Rechner und jede Komponente braucht ein Zertifikat, mit dem Clients und Server ihre Identität sicher verifizieren können. Prosody lädt automatisch Zertifikate bzw.@: Schlüssel aus dem hier angegebenen Verzeichnis. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/prosody/certs\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23880
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list admins"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste admins"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23886
msgid "This is a list of accounts that are admins for the server. Note that you must create the accounts separately. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/admins} and @url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Example: @code{(admins '(\"user1@@example.com\" \"user2@@example.net\"))} Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste der Benutzerkonten, die auf diesem Server Administratoren sind. Beachten Sie, dass Sie die Benutzerkonten noch separat als Nutzer erzeugen lassen müssen. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/admins} and @url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Ein Beispiel: @code{(admins '(\"user1@@example.com\" \"user2@@example.net\"))} Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23888
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean use-libevent?"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck use-libevent?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23892
msgid "Enable use of libevent for better performance under high load. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/libevent}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Die Nutzung von libevent aktivieren, damit bessere Leistungsfähigkeit auch unter hoher Last gewährleistet wird. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/libevent}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23894
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} module-list modules-enabled"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Modul-Liste modules-enabled"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23900
msgid "This is the list of modules Prosody will load on startup. It looks for @code{mod_modulename.lua} in the plugins folder, so make sure that exists too. Documentation on modules can be found at: @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules}. Defaults to @samp{(\"roster\" \"saslauth\" \"tls\" \"dialback\" \"disco\" \"carbons\" \"private\" \"blocklist\" \"vcard\" \"version\" \"uptime\" \"time\" \"ping\" \"pep\" \"register\" \"admin_adhoc\")}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Module, die Prosody beim Starten lädt. Es sucht nach @code{mod_modulename.lua} im Plugin-Verzeichnis, also sollten Sie sicherstellen, dass es dort auch existiert. Dokumentation über Module können Sie hier finden: @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"roster\" \"saslauth\" \"tls\" \"dialback\" \"disco\" \"carbons\" \"private\" \"blocklist\" \"vcard\" \"version\" \"uptime\" \"time\" \"ping\" \"pep\" \"register\" \"admin_adhoc\")}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23902
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list modules-disabled"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste modules-disabled"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23906
msgid "@samp{\"offline\"}, @samp{\"c2s\"} and @samp{\"s2s\"} are auto-loaded, but should you want to disable them then add them to this list. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "@samp{\"offline\"}, @samp{\"c2s\"} und @samp{\"s2s\"} werden automatisch geladen, aber wenn Sie sie deaktivieren möchten, tragen Sie sie einfach in die Liste ein. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23908
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-object groups-file"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt groups-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23913
msgid "Path to a text file where the shared groups are defined. If this path is empty then @samp{mod_groups} does nothing. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_groups}. Defaults to @samp{\"/var/lib/prosody/sharedgroups.txt\"}."
msgstr "Der Pfad zu einer Textdatei, in der gemeinsame Gruppen definiert werden. Wenn dieser Pfad leer ist, dann tut @samp{mod_groups} nichts. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_groups}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/lib/prosody/sharedgroups.txt\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23915
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean allow-registration?"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck allow-registration?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23919
msgid "Disable account creation by default, for security. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob nach Voreinstellung @emph{keine} neuen Benutzerkonten angelegt werden können, aus Sicherheitsgründen. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23921
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-ssl-configuration ssl"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-„ssl-configuration“ ssl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23926
msgid "These are the SSL/TLS-related settings. Most of them are disabled so to use Prosody's defaults. If you do not completely understand these options, do not add them to your config, it is easy to lower the security of your server using them. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/advanced_ssl_config}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Teil der Einstellungen, der mit SSL/TLS zu tun hat. Der Großteil davon ist deaktiviert, damit die Voreinstellungen von Prosody verwendet werden. Wenn Sie diese Optionen hier nicht völlig verstehen, sollten Sie sie @emph{nicht} in Ihrer Konfiguration verwenden. Es passiert leicht, dass Sie die Sicherheit Ihres Servers absenken, indem Sie sie falsch benutzen. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/advanced_ssl_config}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23928
msgid "Available @code{ssl-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{ssl-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23929
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string protocol"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette protocol"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23411
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23931
msgid "This determines what handshake to use."
msgstr "Dadurch wird entschieden, was für ein Handshake benutzt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23933
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-name key"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Dateiname key"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23935
msgid "Path to your private key file."
msgstr "Der Pfad zur Datei mit Ihrem privaten Schlüssel."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23937
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-name certificate"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Dateiname certificate"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23939
msgid "Path to your certificate file."
msgstr "Der Pfad zur Datei mit Ihrem Zertifikat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23941
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} file-object capath"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt capath"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23945
msgid "Path to directory containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to trust when verifying the certificates of remote servers. Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}."
msgstr "Der Pfad zum Verzeichnis, das die Wurzelzertifikate enthält, die Prosody zur Verifikation der Zertifikate entfernter Server benutzen soll. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23947
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-object cafile"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Dateiobjekt cafile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23950
msgid "Path to a file containing root certificates that you wish Prosody to trust. Similar to @code{capath} but with all certificates concatenated together."
msgstr "Der Pfad zu einer Datei, in der Wurzelzertifikate enthalten sind, denen Prosody vertrauen soll. Er verhält sich ähnlich wie @code{capath}, aber alle Zertifikate stehen hintereinander in der Datei."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23952
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string-list verify"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenketten-Liste verify"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23435
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23955
msgid "A list of verification options (these mostly map to OpenSSL's @code{set_verify()} flags)."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Verifikationsoptionen. (Die meisten bilden auf die @code{set_verify()}-Flags von OpenSSL ab.)"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23957
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string-list options"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenketten-Liste options"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23961
msgid "A list of general options relating to SSL/TLS@. These map to OpenSSL's @code{set_options()}. For a full list of options available in LuaSec, see the LuaSec source."
msgstr "Eine Liste allgemeiner Optionen, die mit SSL/TLS zu tun haben. Diese bilden auf OpenSSLs @code{set_options()} ab. Eine vollständige Liste der in LuaSec verfügbaren Optionen finden Sie im Quellcode von LuaSec."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23963
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer depth"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl depth"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23966
msgid "How long a chain of certificate authorities to check when looking for a trusted root certificate."
msgstr "Wie lange eine Kette von Zertifikatsautoritäten („Certificate Authorities“) nach einem passenden Wurzelzertifikat durchsucht wird, dem vertraut wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23968
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string ciphers"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette ciphers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23971
msgid "An OpenSSL cipher string. This selects what ciphers Prosody will offer to clients, and in what order."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette mit OpenSSL-Ciphers. Damit wird ausgewählt, welche Ciphers Prosody seinen Clients anbietet, und in welcher Reihenfolge."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23973
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-name dhparam"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Dateiname dhparam"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23977
msgid "A path to a file containing parameters for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. You can create such a file with: @code{openssl dhparam -out /etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048}"
msgstr "Ein Pfad zu einer Datei, in der Parameter für Diffie-Hellman-Schlüsselaustausche stehen. Sie können so eine Datei mit diesem Befehl erzeugen: @code{openssl dhparam -out /etc/prosody/certs/dh-2048.pem 2048}"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23979
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string curve"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette curve"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23982
msgid "Curve for Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman. Prosody's default is @samp{\"secp384r1\"}."
msgstr "Die Kurve, die für Diffie-Hellman mit elliptischen Kurven verwendet werden soll. Prosodys Voreinstellung ist @samp{\"secp384r1\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23984
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string-list verifyext"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenketten-Liste verifyext"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23986
msgid "A list of ``extra'' verification options."
msgstr "Eine Liste von zusätzlichen Verifikationsoptionen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23988
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ssl-configuration} parameter} maybe-string password"
msgstr "{@code{ssl-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette password"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23990
msgid "Password for encrypted private keys."
msgstr "Das Passwort fÜr verschlüsselte private Schlüssel."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23994
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean c2s-require-encryption?"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck c2s-require-encryption?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23998
msgid "Whether to force all client-to-server connections to be encrypted or not. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob alle Verbindungen von Client zu Server zwangsweise verschlüsselt sein müssen. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23480
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24000
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list disable-sasl-mechanisms"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste disable-sasl-mechanisms"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24004
msgid "Set of mechanisms that will never be offered. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_saslauth}. Defaults to @samp{(\"DIGEST-MD5\")}."
msgstr "Welche Mechanismen angeboten werden. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_saslauth}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"DIGEST-MD5\")}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24006
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean s2s-require-encryption?"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck s2s-require-encryption?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24010
msgid "Whether to force all server-to-server connections to be encrypted or not. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob alle Verbindungen von Server zu Server zwangsweise verschlüsselt sein müssen. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_tls}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24012
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} boolean s2s-secure-auth?"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck s2s-secure-auth?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24018
msgid "Whether to require encryption and certificate authentication. This provides ideal security, but requires servers you communicate with to support encryption AND present valid, trusted certificates. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Ob Verschlüsselung und Zertifikatsauthentifizierung verpflichtend durchgeführt werden müssen. Das bietet das ideale Maß an Sicherheit, jedoch müssen dann auch die Server, mit denen Sie kommunizieren, Verschlüsselung unterstützen @emph{und} gültige Zertifikate vorweisen, denen Sie auch vertrauen. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24020
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list s2s-insecure-domains"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste s2s-insecure-domains"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24026
msgid "Many servers don't support encryption or have invalid or self-signed certificates. You can list domains here that will not be required to authenticate using certificates. They will be authenticated using DNS@. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Viele Server bieten keine Unterstützung für Verschlüsselung oder ihre Zertifikate sind ungültig oder selbstsigniert. Hier können Sie Domains eintragen, die von der Pflicht zur Authentisierung mit Zertifikaten ausgenommen werden. Diese werden dann über DNS authentifiziert. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24028
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string-list s2s-secure-domains"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste s2s-secure-domains"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24033
msgid "Even if you leave @code{s2s-secure-auth?} disabled, you can still require valid certificates for some domains by specifying a list here. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Selbst wenn Sie @code{s2s-secure-auth?} deaktiviert lassen, können Sie noch immer gültige Zertifikate bei manchen Domains verlangen, indem Sie diese hier auflisten. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24035
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string authentication"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette authentication"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23523
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24043
msgid "Select the authentication backend to use. The default provider stores passwords in plaintext and uses Prosody's configured data storage to store the authentication data. If you do not trust your server please see @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_auth_internal_hashed} for information about using the hashed backend. See also @url{https://prosody.im/doc/authentication} Defaults to @samp{\"internal_plain\"}."
msgstr "Wählen Sie aus, welcher Hintergrunddienst („Provider“) zur Authentifizierung benutzt werden soll. Das vorgegebene System speichert Passwörter im Klartext ab und benutzt dafür den in Prosody eingestellten Datenspeicher, um Authentifizierungsdaten zu speichern. Wenn Sie Ihrem Server kein Vertrauen entgegenbringen, siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_auth_internal_hashed} für Informationen, wie Sie den gehashten Hintergrunddienst benutzen. Siehe auch @url{https://prosody.im/doc/authentication}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"internal_plain\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24045
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-string log"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24049
msgid "Set logging options. Advanced logging configuration is not yet supported by the Prosody service. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/logging}. Defaults to @samp{\"*syslog\"}."
msgstr "Hiermit werden die Protokollierungsoptionen festgelegt. Fortgeschrittene Protokollierungskonfigurationen werden vom Prosody-Dienst noch nicht unterstützt. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/logging}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"*syslog\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24051
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} file-name pidfile"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiname pidfile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24054
msgid "File to write pid in. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_posix}. Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/prosody/prosody.pid\"}."
msgstr "Die Datei, in der Prosodys Prozessidentifikator („PID“) abgelegt wird. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_posix}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/prosody/prosody.pid\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24056
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer http-max-content-size"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl http-max-content-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24058
msgid "Maximum allowed size of the HTTP body (in bytes)."
msgstr "Die maximal zulässige Größe des HTTP-Rumpfs (in Bytes)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24060
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-string http-external-url"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette http-external-url"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24065
msgid "Some modules expose their own URL in various ways. This URL is built from the protocol, host and port used. If Prosody sits behind a proxy, the public URL will be @code{http-external-url} instead. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/http#external_url}."
msgstr "Manche Module machen auf verschiedene Arten ihre eigene URL verfügbar. Diese URL setzt sich aus dem benutzten Protokoll, Rechnernamen und Port zusammen. Wenn Prosody hinter einem Proxy ausgeführt wird, ist die öffentliche URL stattdessen die @code{http-external-url}. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/http#external_url}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24067
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} virtualhost-configuration-list virtualhosts"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} „virtualhost-configuration“-Liste virtualhosts"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24072
msgid "A host in Prosody is a domain on which user accounts can be created. For example if you want your users to have addresses like @samp{\"john.smith@@example.com\"} then you need to add a host @samp{\"example.com\"}. All options in this list will apply only to this host."
msgstr "Der Name eines Rechners („Host“) in Prosody bezeichnet eine Domain, auf der Benutzerkonten angelegt werden können. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel möchten, dass Nutzer Adressen haben wie @samp{\"john.smith@@example.com\"}, dann müssen Sie einen Rechnernamen @samp{\"example.com\"} hinzufügen. Alle Optionen in dieser Liste gelten nur für diesen Rechnernamen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24078
msgid "Note: the name @emph{virtual} host is used in configuration to avoid confusion with the actual physical host that Prosody is installed on. A single Prosody instance can serve many domains, each one defined as a VirtualHost entry in Prosody's configuration. Conversely a server that hosts a single domain would have just one VirtualHost entry."
msgstr "Beachten Sie: Die Bezeichnung @emph{virtueller} Rechnername wird in der Konfiguration verwendet, damit es nicht zu Verwechslungen mit dem tatsächlichen physischen Rechner kommt, auf dem Prosody installiert ist. Eine einzelne Prosody-Instanz kann mehrere Domains bedienen, jede definiert mit ihrem eigenen VirtualHost-Eintrag in der Konfiguration von Prosody. Im Gegensatz dazu hätte ein Server, der nur eine Domain anbietet, nur einen einzigen VirtualHost-Eintrag."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24080
msgid "See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure#virtual_host_settings}."
msgstr "Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/configure#virtual_host_settings}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24082
msgid "Available @code{virtualhost-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{virtualhost-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23564 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23586
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24084 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24159
msgid "all these @code{prosody-configuration} fields: @code{admins}, @code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled}, @code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl}, @code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms}, @code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?}, @code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains}, @code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size}, @code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, plus:"
msgstr "Alle folgenden Felder, wie sie auch die @code{prosody-configuration} hat: @code{admins}, @code{use-libevent?}, @code{modules-enabled}, @code{modules-disabled}, @code{groups-file}, @code{allow-registration?}, @code{ssl}, @code{c2s-require-encryption?}, @code{disable-sasl-mechanisms}, @code{s2s-require-encryption?}, @code{s2s-secure-auth?}, @code{s2s-insecure-domains}, @code{s2s-secure-domains}, @code{authentication}, @code{log}, @code{http-max-content-size}, @code{http-external-url}, @code{raw-content}, und außerdem:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24084
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtualhost-configuration} parameter} string domain"
msgstr "{@code{virtualhost-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette domain"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24086
msgid "Domain you wish Prosody to serve."
msgstr "Die Domain, auf der man Prosody erreichen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24090
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} int-component-configuration-list int-components"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} „int-component-configuration“-Liste int-components"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24095
msgid "Components are extra services on a server which are available to clients, usually on a subdomain of the main server (such as @samp{\"mycomponent.example.com\"}). Example components might be chatroom servers, user directories, or gateways to other protocols."
msgstr "Komponenten sind zusätzliche Dienste auf einem Server, die Clients zur Verfügung stehen. Sie sind normalerweise auf einer Subdomain des Hauptservers verfügbar (wie zum Beispiel @samp{\"mycomponent.example.com\"}). Beispiele für Komponenten könnten Server für Chaträume, Benutzerverzeichnisse oder Zugänge („Gateways“) zu anderen Protokollen sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24099
msgid "Internal components are implemented with Prosody-specific plugins. To add an internal component, you simply fill the hostname field, and the plugin you wish to use for the component."
msgstr "Interne Komponenten werden über Prosody-spezifische Plugins implementiert. Um eine interne Komponente hinzuzufügen, tragen Sie einfach das @code{hostname}-Feld für den Rechnernamen und die Plugins ein, die Sie für die Komponente benutzen möchten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24102
msgid "See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24104
msgid "Available @code{int-component-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{int-component-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24106
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{int-component-configuration} parameter} string hostname"
msgstr "{@code{int-component-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette hostname"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23588 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24108 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24165
msgid "Hostname of the component."
msgstr "Der Rechnername für diese Komponente."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24110
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{int-component-configuration} parameter} string plugin"
msgstr "{@code{int-component-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette plugin"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24112
msgid "Plugin you wish to use for the component."
msgstr "Das Plugin, das Sie für diese Komponente benutzen möchten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24114
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{int-component-configuration} parameter} maybe-mod-muc-configuration mod-muc"
msgstr "{@code{int-component-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-„mod-muc-configuration“ mod-muc"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24117
msgid "Multi-user chat (MUC) is Prosody's module for allowing you to create hosted chatrooms/conferences for XMPP users."
msgstr "Multi-User Chat (MUC) ist der Name von Prosodys Modul, womit Sie Chaträume/Konferenzen für XMPP-Benutzer anbieten lassen können."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24121
msgid "General information on setting up and using multi-user chatrooms can be found in the ``Chatrooms'' documentation (@url{https://prosody.im/doc/chatrooms}), which you should read if you are new to XMPP chatrooms."
msgstr "Allgemeine Informationen über das Einrichten und Benutzen von Multi-User-Chaträumen können Sie in der Dokumentation über Chaträume finden (@url{https://prosody.im/doc/chatrooms}), die Sie lesen sollten, wenn Ihnen XMPP-Chaträume neu sind."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24123
msgid "See also @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_muc}."
msgstr "Siehe auch @url{https://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_muc}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24125
msgid "Available @code{mod-muc-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{mod-muc-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23606
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24126
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{mod-muc-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24129
msgid "The name to return in service discovery responses. Defaults to @samp{\"Prosody Chatrooms\"}."
msgstr "Der Name, der in Antworten auf die Diensteermittlung benutzt. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"Prosody Chatrooms\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24131
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} string-or-boolean restrict-room-creation"
msgstr "{@code{mod-muc-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette-oder-Boolescher-Ausdruck restrict-room-creation"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24138
msgid "If @samp{#t}, this will only allow admins to create new chatrooms. Otherwise anyone can create a room. The value @samp{\"local\"} restricts room creation to users on the service's parent domain. E.g.@: @samp{user@@example.com} can create rooms on @samp{rooms.example.com}. The value @samp{\"admin\"} restricts to service administrators only. Defaults to @samp{#f}."
msgstr "Für @samp{#t} können nur Administratoren neue Chaträume anlegen. Andernfalls kann jeder einen Raum anlegen. Der Wert @samp{\"local\"} schränkt das Anlegen neuer Räume auf solche Nutzer ein, die zur Eltern-Domain des Dienstes gehören. Z.B.@: kann @samp{user@@example.com} Räume auf @samp{rooms.example.com} anlegen. Für den Wert @samp{\"admin\"} können nur Dienstadministratoren Chaträume anlegen. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{#f}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23620
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24140
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{mod-muc-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-history-messages"
msgstr "{@code{mod-muc-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-history-messages"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24144
msgid "Maximum number of history messages that will be sent to the member that has just joined the room. Defaults to @samp{20}."
msgstr "Die Maximalzahl der Nachrichten aus dem Chat-Verlauf, die an ein Mitglied nachversandt werden, das gerade erst dem Raum beigetreten ist. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{20}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24150
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} ext-component-configuration-list ext-components"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} „ext-component-configuration“-Liste ext-components"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24155
msgid "External components use XEP-0114, which most standalone components support. To add an external component, you simply fill the hostname field. See @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Defaults to @samp{()}."
msgstr "Externe Komponenten benutzen XEP-0114, das von den meisten eigenständigen Komponenten unterstützt wird. Um eine externe Komponente hinzuzufügen, tragen Sie einfach den Rechnernamen ins @code{hostname}-Feld ein. Siehe @url{https://prosody.im/doc/components}. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{()}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24157
msgid "Available @code{ext-component-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{ext-component-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24159
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ext-component-configuration} parameter} string component-secret"
msgstr "{@code{ext-component-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette component-secret"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24161
msgid "Password which the component will use to log in."
msgstr "Das Passwort, das die Komponente für die Anmeldung benutzt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24163
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ext-component-configuration} parameter} string hostname"
msgstr "{@code{ext-component-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette hostname"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24169
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer-list component-ports"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl-Liste component-ports"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24172
msgid "Port(s) Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to @samp{(5347)}."
msgstr "Der/Die Port(s), wo Prosody auf Verbindungen zu Komponenten lauscht. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(5347)}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24174
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} string component-interface"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette component-interface"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24177
msgid "Interface Prosody listens on for component connections. Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Schnittstelle, auf der Prosody auf Verbindungen zu Komponenten lauscht. Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24179
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{prosody-configuration} parameter} maybe-raw-content raw-content"
msgstr "{@code{prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Roher-Inhalt raw-content"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23661
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24181
msgid "Raw content that will be added to the configuration file."
msgstr "„Roher Inhalt“, der so, wie er ist, an die Konfigurationsdatei angefügt wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24189
msgid "It could be that you just want to get a @code{prosody.cfg.lua} up and running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-prosody-configuration} record as the value of @code{prosody-service-type}. As its name indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities. Available @code{opaque-prosody-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Möglicherweise möchten Sie einfach nur eine bestehende @code{prosody.cfg.lua} zum Laufen bringen. In diesem Fall können Sie ein @code{opaque-prosody-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt als der Wert des @code{prosody-service-type} übergeben. Wie der Name schon sagt, bietet eine opake Konfiguration keinerlei Unterstützung für Reflexion. Verfügbare @code{opaque-prosody-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24190
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-prosody-configuration} parameter} package prosody"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-prosody-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ prosody"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24192
msgid "The prosody package."
msgstr "Das Prosody-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24194
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-prosody-configuration} parameter} string prosody.cfg.lua"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-prosody-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette prosody.cfg.lua"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24196
msgid "The contents of the @code{prosody.cfg.lua} to use."
msgstr "Der Inhalt, der als @code{prosody.cfg.lua} benutzt werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24200
msgid "For example, if your @code{prosody.cfg.lua} is just the empty string, you could instantiate a prosody service like this:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre @code{prosody.cfg.lua} zum Beispiel nur aus der leeren Zeichenkette bestünde, könnten Sie einen Prosody-Dienst wie folgt instanziieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24205
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service prosody-service-type\n"
@@ -44359,212 +45279,212 @@ msgstr ""
" (prosody.cfg.lua \"\")))\n"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24209
#, no-wrap
msgid "BitlBee Service"
msgstr "BitlBee-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23691 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24211 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24255
#, no-wrap
msgid "IRC (Internet Relay Chat)"
msgstr "IRC (Internet Relay Chat)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24212
#, no-wrap
msgid "IRC gateway"
msgstr "IRC-Zugang („Gateway“)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24215
msgid "@url{https://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} is a gateway that provides an IRC interface to a variety of messaging protocols such as XMPP."
msgstr "@url{https://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} ist ein Zugang („Gateway“), der eine IRC-Schnittstelle für verschiedene Kurznachrichtenprotokolle wie XMPP verfügbar macht."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24216
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} bitlbee-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} bitlbee-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24220
msgid "This is the service type for the @url{https://bitlbee.org,BitlBee} IRC gateway daemon. Its value is a @code{bitlbee-configuration} (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @url{https://bitlbee.org,BitlBee-IRC-Zugangsdaemon} (englisch „IRC Gateway Daemon“). Sein Wert ist eine @code{bitlbee-configuration} (siehe unten)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24223
msgid "To have BitlBee listen on port 6667 on localhost, add this line to your services:"
msgstr "Damit BitlBee auf Port 6667 vom lokalen Rechner („localhost“) lauscht, fügen Sie diese Zeile zu Ihrem „services“-Feld hinzu:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24226
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service bitlbee-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service bitlbee-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24229
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} bitlbee-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} bitlbee-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24231
msgid "This is the configuration for BitlBee, with the following fields:"
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration für BitlBee. Sie hat folgende Felder:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24233
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interface} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{interface} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24234
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{6667})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{6667})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24237
msgid "Listen on the network interface corresponding to the IP address specified in @var{interface}, on @var{port}."
msgstr "Lauscht auf der Netzwerkschnittstelle, die der als @var{interface} angegebenen IP-Adresse entspricht, auf dem angegebenen @var{port}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24241
msgid "When @var{interface} is @code{}, only local clients can connect; when it is @code{}, connections can come from any networking interface."
msgstr "Wenn als @var{interface} @code{} angegeben wurde, können sich nur lokale Clients verbinden; bei @code{} können die Verbindungen von jeder Netzwerkschnittstelle aus hergestellt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24242
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bitlbee} (default: @code{bitlbee})"
msgstr "@code{bitlbee} (Vorgabe: @code{bitlbee})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24244
msgid "The BitlBee package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende BitlBee-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24245
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{plugins} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{plugins} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24247
msgid "List of plugin packages to use---e.g., @code{bitlbee-discord}."
msgstr "Die Liste zu verwendender Plugin-Pakete@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{bitlbee-discord}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24250
msgid "Configuration snippet added as-is to the BitlBee configuration file."
msgstr "Ein Konfigurationsschnipsel, das wortwörtlich in die BitlBee-Konfigurationsdatei eingefügt wird."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24253
#, no-wrap
msgid "Quassel Service"
msgstr "Quassel-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24259
msgid "@url{https://quassel-irc.org/,Quassel} is a distributed IRC client, meaning that one or more clients can attach to and detach from the central core."
msgstr "@url{https://quassel-irc.org/,Quassel} ist ein verteilter IRC-Client, was bedeutet, dass sich ein oder mehr Clients mit dem zentralen Kern verbinden und die Verbindung wieder trennen können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24260
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} quassel-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} quassel-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24264
msgid "This is the service type for the @url{https://quassel-irc.org/,Quassel} IRC backend daemon. Its value is a @code{quassel-configuration} (see below)."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Daemon zum IRC-Hintergrundsystem („Backend“) @url{https://quassel-irc.org/,Quassel}. Sein Wert ist eine @code{quassel-configuration} (siehe unten)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24266
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} quassel-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} quassel-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24268
msgid "This is the configuration for Quassel, with the following fields:"
msgstr "Die Konfiguration für Quassel mit den folgenden Feldern:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24270
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{quassel} (default: @code{quassel})"
msgstr "@code{quassel} (Vorgabe: @code{quassel})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24272
msgid "The Quassel package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Quassel-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24273
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interface} (default: @code{\"::,\"})"
msgstr "@code{interface} (Vorgabe: @code{\"::,\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24274
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{4242})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{4242})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24278
msgid "Listen on the network interface(s) corresponding to the IPv4 or IPv6 interfaces specified in the comma delimited @var{interface}, on @var{port}."
msgstr "Lauscht auf der/den Netzwerkschnittstelle(n), die den in der kommagetrennten @var{interface}-Liste festgelegten IPv4- oder IPv6-Schnittstellen entsprechen, auf dem angegebenen @var{port}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24279
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{loglevel} (default: @code{\"Info\"})"
msgstr "@code{loglevel} (Vorgabe: @code{\"Info\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24282
msgid "The level of logging desired. Accepted values are Debug, Info, Warning and Error."
msgstr "Die gewünschte Detailstufe der Protokollierung. Akzeptiert werden die Werte Debug (ausführlich zur Fehlersuche), Info, Warning (nur Warnungen und Fehler) und Error (nur Fehler)."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24288
#, no-wrap
msgid "telephony, services"
msgstr "Telefonie, Dienste"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24292
msgid "The @code{(gnu services telephony)} module contains Guix service definitions for telephony services. Currently it provides the following services:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services telephony)} stellt Guix-Dienstdefinitionen für Telefoniedienste zur Verfügung. Zurzeit werden folgende Dienste unterstützt:"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24293
#, no-wrap
msgid "Jami"
msgstr "Jami"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24295
#, no-wrap
msgid "jami, service"
msgstr "Jami, Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24301
msgid "This section describes how to configure a Jami server that can be used to host video (or audio) conferences, among other uses. The following example demonstrates how to specify Jami account archives (backups) to be provisioned automatically:"
msgstr "In diesem Abschnitt wird beschrieben, wie Sie einen Server für Jami einrichten, mit dem Video- oder Audiokonferenzen bereitgestellt werden können, neben anderen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie Jami-Kontenarchive (Sicherungskopien) automatisch eingerichtet werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24310
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service jami-service-type\n"
@@ -44584,22 +45504,22 @@ msgstr ""
" (archive \"/etc/jami/unverschlüsseltes-konto-2.gz\"))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24315
msgid "When the accounts field is specified, the Jami account files of the service found under @file{/var/lib/jami} are recreated every time the service starts."
msgstr "Wenn etwas für das @code{accounts}-Feld angegeben wird, werden die Jami-Kontendateien des Dienstes unter @file{/var/lib/jami} bei jedem Neustart des Dienstes neu erzeugt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23800
-msgid "Jami accounts and their corresponding backup archives can be generated using either the @code{jami-qt} or @code{jami-gnome} Jami clients. The accounts should not be password-protected, but it is wise to ensure their files are only readable by @samp{root}."
-msgstr "Jami-Konten und die zugehörigen Archive mit Sicherungskopien können sowohl mit dem Jami-Client @code{jami-qt} als auch mit dem Client @code{jami-gnome} angelegt werden. Die Konten sollten @emph{nicht} mit einem Passwort geschützt werden, aber es ist ratsam, sie nur für den Administratornutzer @samp{root} lesbar zu machen."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24320
+msgid "Jami accounts and their corresponding backup archives can be generated using the @code{jami} or @code{jami-gnome} Jami clients. The accounts should not be password-protected, but it is wise to ensure their files are only readable by @samp{root}."
+msgstr "Jami-Konten und die zugehörigen Archive mit Sicherungskopien können mit dem Jami-Client @code{jami} oder auch mit dem Client @code{jami-gnome} angelegt werden. Die Konten sollten @emph{nicht} mit einem Passwort geschützt werden, aber es ist ratsam, sie nur für den Administratornutzer @samp{root} lesbar zu machen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24323
msgid "The next example shows how to declare that only some contacts should be allowed to communicate with a given account:"
msgstr "Im nächsten Beispiel sehen Sie, wie deklariert wird, dass nur manche Kontakte mit einem bestimmten Konto kommunizieren dürfen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24335
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service jami-service-type\n"
@@ -44625,17 +45545,17 @@ msgstr ""
" \"2dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f\")))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24341
msgid "In this mode, only the declared @code{allowed-contacts} can initiate communication with the Jami account. This can be used, for example, with rendezvous point accounts to create a private video conferencing space."
msgstr "In diesem Modus können nur die als @code{allowed-contacts} deklarierten Kontakte eine Kommunikation mit diesem Jami-Konto einleiten. So etwas kann zum Beispiel benutzt werden, um Konten als „Treffpunkt“ zur Erstellung von privaten Videokonferenzräumen einzurichten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24344
msgid "To put the system administrator in full control of the conferences hosted on their system, the Jami service supports the following actions:"
msgstr "Um dem Systemadministrator die volle Kontrolle über von deren System angebotene Konferenzen zu geben, unterstützt der Jami-Dienst die folgenden Aktionen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24356
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd doc jami list-actions\n"
@@ -44661,17 +45581,17 @@ msgstr ""
" disable-account)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24363
msgid "The above actions aim to provide the most valuable actions for moderation purposes, not to cover the whole Jami API. Users wanting to interact with the Jami daemon from Guile may be interested in experimenting with the @code{(gnu build jami-service)} module, which powers the above Shepherd actions."
msgstr "Das Ziel ist, mit den obigen Aktionen die für die Moderation wertvollsten Aktionen zur Verfügung zu stellen; wir versuchen @emph{nicht}, die gesamte Programmierschnittstelle von Jami abzudecken. Benutzer, die aus Guile heraus mit dem Jami-Daemon interagieren möchten, interessieren sich vielleicht für das Modul @code{(gnu build jami-service)}, womit die obigen Shepherd-Aktionen implementiert wurden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24369
msgid "The @code{add-moderator} and @code{ban-contact} actions accept a contact @emph{fingerprint} (40 characters long hash) as first argument and an account fingerprint or username as second argument:"
msgstr "Die Aktionen @code{add-moderator} und @code{ban-contact} nehmen den @emph{Fingerabdruck} (einen 40-zeichigen Hash) als erstes Argument und einen Konto-Fingerabdruck oder Benutzernamen als zweites Argument an."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24373
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd add-moderator jami 1dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f \\\n"
@@ -44683,7 +45603,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24377
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd list-moderators jami\n"
@@ -44697,12 +45617,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24382
msgid "In the case of @code{ban-contact}, the second username argument is optional; when omitted, the account is banned from all Jami accounts:"
msgstr "Im Fall von @code{ban-contact} ist das zweite Benutzernamen-Argument optional; wenn Sie es weglassen, wird das Konto gegenüber allen Jami-Konten gesperrt."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24385
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd ban-contact jami 1dbcb0f5f37324228235564b79f2b9737e9a008f\n"
@@ -44712,7 +45632,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23869
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24389
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd list-banned-contacts jami\n"
@@ -44726,17 +45646,17 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24393
msgid "Banned contacts are also stripped from their moderation privileges."
msgstr "Gesperrten Kontakten werden auch ihre Moderatorrechte entzogen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24398
msgid "The @code{disable-account} action allows to completely disconnect an account from the network, making it unreachable, while @code{enable-account} does the inverse. They accept a single account username or fingerprint as first argument:"
msgstr "Die Aktion @code{disable-account} ermöglicht es, ein Konto gänzlich vom Netzwerk abzutrennen, also unerreichbar zu machen. Dagegen bewirkt @code{enable-account} das Gegenteil. Sie nehmen einen einzelnen Kontobenutzernamen oder -fingerabdruck als erstes Argument:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24401
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd disable-account jami f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199\n"
@@ -44746,7 +45666,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24405
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd list-accounts jami\n"
@@ -44760,12 +45680,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24416
msgid "The @code{list-account-details} action prints the detailed parameters of each accounts in the Recutils format, which means the @command{recsel} command can be used to select accounts of interest (@pxref{Selection Expressions,,,recutils, GNU recutils manual}). Note that period characters (@samp{.}) found in the account parameter keys are mapped to underscores (@samp{_}) in the output, to meet the requirements of the Recutils format. The following example shows how to print the account fingerprints for all accounts operating in the rendezvous point mode:"
msgstr "Die Aktion @code{list-account-details} zeigt die Parameter jedes Kontos ausführlich im Recutils-Format an, d.h.@: der Befehl @command{recsel} kann benutzt werden, um die relevanten Konten auszuwählen (siehe @ref{Selection Expressions,,,recutils, Handbuch der GNU recutils}). Beachten Sie, dass anstelle der Punkt-Zeichen (@samp{.}) in den Schlüsseln der Kontoparameter Unterstriche (@samp{_}) angezeigt werden, um den Anforderungen des Recutils-Formats zu genügen. Folgendes Beispiel zeigt, wie man den Fingerabdruck jedes im Treffpunktmodus befindlichen Kontos angezeigt bekommt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24421
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd list-account-details jami | \\\n"
@@ -44777,221 +45697,221 @@ msgstr ""
"Account_username: f3345f2775ddfe07a4b0d95daea111d15fbc1199\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24424
msgid "The remaining actions should be self-explanatory."
msgstr "Die anderen Aktionen sollten selbsterklärend sein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24426
msgid "The complete set of available configuration options is detailed below."
msgstr "Nun folgt eine vollständige Übersicht über die verfügbaren Konfigurationsoptionen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24430
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} jami-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} jami-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24432
msgid "Available @code{jami-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{jami-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24434
#, no-wrap
-msgid "@code{jamid} (default: @code{libring}) (type: package)"
-msgstr "@code{jamid} (Vorgabe: @code{libring}) (Typ: „package“)"
+msgid "@code{jamid} (default: @code{libjami}) (type: package)"
+msgstr "@code{jamid} (Vorgabe: @code{libjami}) (Typ: „package“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24436
msgid "The Jami daemon package to use."
msgstr "Das Jami-Daemon-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24437
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dbus} (default: @code{dbus}) (type: package)"
msgstr "@code{dbus} (Vorgabe: @code{dbus}) (Typ: „package“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24439
msgid "The D-Bus package to use to start the required D-Bus session."
msgstr "Das D-Bus-Paket, mit dem die benötigte D-Bus-Sitzung gestartet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24440
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nss-certs} (default: @code{nss-certs}) (type: package)"
msgstr "@code{nss-certs} (Vorgabe: @code{nss-certs}) (Typ: „package“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24442
msgid "The nss-certs package to use to provide TLS certificates."
msgstr "Das nss-certs-Paket, was die TLS-Zertifikate bereitstellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24443
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enable-logging?} (default: @code{#t}) (type: boolean)"
msgstr "@code{enable-logging?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24445
msgid "Whether to enable logging to syslog."
msgstr "Ob Protokollierung in Syslog aktiviert sein soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24446
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{debug?} (default: @code{#f}) (type: boolean)"
msgstr "@code{debug?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24448
msgid "Whether to enable debug level messages."
msgstr "Ob Meldungen der Fehlersuch-Ausführlichkeitsstufe aktiviert sein sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24449
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-answer?} (default: @code{#f}) (type: boolean)"
msgstr "@code{auto-answer?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24451
msgid "Whether to force automatic answer to incoming calls."
msgstr "Ob Anrufe erzwungen automatisch entgegengenommen werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24452
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{accounts} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-jami-account-list)"
msgstr "@code{accounts} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-„jami-account“-Liste)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24457
msgid "A list of Jami accounts to be (re-)provisioned every time the Jami daemon service starts. When providing this field, the account directories under @file{/var/lib/jami/} are recreated every time the service starts, ensuring a consistent state."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Jami-Konten, die jedes Mal (neu) eingerichtet werden, wenn der Jami-Daemon-Dienst startet. Wenn Sie dieses Feld angeben, werden die Kontoverzeichnisse unter @file{/var/lib/jami/} bei jedem Start des Dienstes aufs Neue erzeugt, was einen konsistenten Zustand gewährleistet."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24463
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} jami-account"
msgstr "{Datentyp} jami-account"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24465
msgid "Available @code{jami-account} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{jami-account}-Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24467
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{archive} (type: string-or-computed-file)"
msgstr "@code{archive} (Typ: Zeichenkette-oder-„computed-file“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24473
msgid "The account archive (backup) file name of the account. This is used to provision the account when the service starts. The account archive should @emph{not} be encrypted. It is highly recommended to make it readable only to the @samp{root} user (i.e., not in the store), to guard against leaking the secret key material of the Jami account it contains."
msgstr "Der Dateiname des Kontenarchivs mit den Sicherungskopien des Kontos. Damit werden die Konten neu eingerichtet, sobald der Dienst startet. Das Kontenarchiv muss @emph{unverschlüsselt} sein. Es wird dringend empfohlen, diese Dateien nur für den Administratornutzer @samp{root} lesbar zu machen (sie also @emph{nicht} im Store zu speichern), damit die darin enthaltenen geheimen Schlüssel des Jami-Kontos nicht bekannt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24474
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allowed-contacts} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-account-fingerprint-list)"
msgstr "@code{allowed-contacts} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Kontofingerabdruck-Liste)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24481
msgid "The list of allowed contacts for the account, entered as their 40 characters long fingerprint. Messages or calls from accounts not in that list will be rejected. When unspecified, the configuration of the account archive is used as-is with respect to contacts and public inbound calls/messaging allowance, which typically defaults to allow any contact to communicate with the account."
msgstr "Die Liste der erlaubten Kontakte des Kontos in Form deren 40@tie{}Zeichen langen Fingerabdrucks. Nachrichten und eingehende Anrufe von Konten, die in der Liste fehlen, werden abgewiesen. Wenn keine Liste angegeben wird, wird die gesamte Konfiguration des Kontenarchivs als Kontakte und für öffentliche eingehende Anrufe und Nachrichten zugelassen, was normalerweise bedeutet, dass jeder Kontakt mit dem Konto kommunizieren kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24482
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{moderators} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-account-fingerprint-list)"
msgstr "@code{moderators} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Kontofingerabdruck-Liste)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24488
msgid "The list of contacts that should have moderation privileges (to ban, mute, etc. other users) in rendezvous conferences, entered as their 40 characters long fingerprint. When unspecified, the configuration of the account archive is used as-is with respect to moderation, which typically defaults to allow anyone to moderate."
msgstr "Die Liste der Kontakte, die Moderationsrecht (andere Nutzer sperren, stummschalten usw.) in Treffpunkt-Konferenzen („Rendezvous“) haben. Kontakte werden in Form ihres 40@tie{}Zeichen langen Fingerabdrucks angegeben. Wird nichts festgelegt, werden Moderationsrechte an die gesamte Konfiguration des Kontenarchivs übertragen, was normalerweise bedeutet, dass jeder die Moderatorrolle einnehmen kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24489
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rendezvous-point?} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-boolean)"
msgstr "@code{rendezvous-point?} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24493
msgid "Whether the account should operate in the rendezvous mode. In this mode, all the incoming audio/video calls are mixed into a conference. When left unspecified, the value from the account archive prevails."
msgstr "Ob das Konto im Treffpunktmodus (Rendezvous-Modus) arbeiten soll. In diesem Modus werden alle eingehenden Audio-/Videoanrufe in eine Konferenz gemischt. Wenn nichts angegeben wird, gilt der Wert im Kontenarchiv."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24494
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{peer-discovery?} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-boolean)"
msgstr "@code{peer-discovery?} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24500
msgid "Whether peer discovery should be enabled. Peer discovery is used to discover other OpenDHT nodes on the local network, which can be useful to maintain communication between devices on such network even when the connection to the the Internet has been lost. When left unspecified, the value from the account archive prevails."
msgstr "Ob sich der Jami-Daemon am Multicast-Mechanismus zum Finden lokaler Netzwerkteilnehmer beteiligen soll. Damit werden andere OpenDHT-Knoten im lokalen Netzwerk erkannt, wodurch die Kommunikation zwischen Geräten in einem solchen Netzwerk aufrechterhalten werden kann, selbst wenn die Internetverbindung verloren geht. Wenn nichts angegeben wird, gilt der Wert im Kontenarchiv."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24501
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bootstrap-hostnames} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string-list)"
msgstr "@code{bootstrap-hostnames} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Zeichenketten-Liste)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24505
msgid "A list of hostnames or IPs pointing to OpenDHT nodes, that should be used to initially join the OpenDHT network. When left unspecified, the value from the account archive prevails."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Rechnernamen oder IP-Adressen, die auf OpenDHT-Knoten verweisen, über die beim Start eine Verbindung zum OpenDHT-Netzwerk aufgebaut wird. Wenn nichts angegeben wird, gilt der Wert im Kontenarchiv."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24506
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name-server-uri} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
msgstr "@code{name-server-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Zeichenkette)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24509
msgid "The URI of the name server to use, that can be used to retrieve the account fingerprint for a registered username."
msgstr "Die URI des zu nutzenden Namens-Servers, mit dem der Konto-Fingerabdruck eines registrierten Nutzers erfragt werden kann."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23994 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24514 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24516
#, no-wrap
msgid "Murmur (VoIP server)"
msgstr "Murmur (VoIP-Internettelefonie-Server)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:23997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24517
#, no-wrap
msgid "VoIP server"
msgstr "Internettelefonie-Server (VoIP)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24521
msgid "This section describes how to set up and run a Murmur server. Murmur is the server of the @uref{https://mumble.info, Mumble} voice-over-IP (VoIP) suite."
msgstr "Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt, wie Sie einen Murmur-Server einrichten und ausführen. Murmur ist der Server zur Internettelefonie-Suite @uref{https://mumble.info, Mumble} für „Voice over IP“ (VoIP)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24522
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} murmur-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} murmur-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24525
msgid "The service type for the Murmur server. An example configuration can look like this:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für den Murmur-Server. Eine Beispielkonfiguration kann so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24534
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service murmur-service-type\n"
@@ -45011,498 +45931,498 @@ msgstr ""
" (ssl-key \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/mumble.example.com/privkey.pem\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24538
msgid "After reconfiguring your system, you can manually set the murmur @code{SuperUser} password with the command that is printed during the activation phase."
msgstr "Nachdem Sie Ihr System rekonfiguriert haben, können Sie das Passwort des Murmur-Administratornutzers @code{SuperUser} mit Hilfe des Befehls von Hand festlegen, der Ihnen in Murmurs Aktivierungsphase angezeigt wird."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24547
msgid "It is recommended to register a normal Mumble user account and grant it admin or moderator rights. You can use the @code{mumble} client to login as new normal user, register yourself, and log out. For the next step login with the name @code{SuperUser} use the @code{SuperUser} password that you set previously, and grant your newly registered mumble user administrator or moderator rights and create some channels."
msgstr "Es wird empfohlen, ein normales Mumble-Benutzerkonto zu registrieren und mit Administrator- oder Moderatorrechten auszustatten. Sie können auch das Clientprogramm @code{mumble} benutzen, um sich als neuer normaler Benutzer anzumelden und zu registrieren, und sich dann abmelden. Im nächsten Schritt melden Sie sich mit dem Benutzernamen @code{SuperUser} mit dem vorher festgelegten @code{SuperUser}-Passwort an und statten Ihren registrierten Mumble-Benutzer mit Administrator- oder Moderatorrechten aus oder erzeugen ein paar Kanäle."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24549
msgid "Available @code{murmur-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{murmur-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24551
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{mumble})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{mumble})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24553
msgid "Package that contains @code{bin/murmurd}."
msgstr "Das Paket, das @code{bin/murmurd} enthält."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24554
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"murmur\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"murmur\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24556
msgid "User who will run the Murmur server."
msgstr "Der Benutzer, der den Murmur-Server ausführt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24557
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"murmur\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"murmur\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24559
msgid "Group of the user who will run the murmur server."
msgstr "Die Gruppe des Benutzers, der den Murmur-Server ausführt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24560
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{64738})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{64738})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24562
msgid "Port on which the server will listen."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem der Server lauschen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24563
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{welcome-text} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{welcome-text} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24565
msgid "Welcome text sent to clients when they connect."
msgstr "Der Willkommenstext, der an Clients geschickt wird, sobald sie eine Verbindung aufgebaut haben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24566
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-password} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{server-password} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24568
msgid "Password the clients have to enter in order to connect."
msgstr "Das Passwort, das Clients eingeben müssen, um sich verbinden zu können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24569
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-users} (default: @code{100})"
msgstr "@code{max-users} (Vorgabe: @code{100})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24571
msgid "Maximum of users that can be connected to the server at once."
msgstr "Die Maximalzahl von Nutzern, die gleichzeitig mit dem Server verbunden sein können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24572
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-user-bandwidth} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{max-user-bandwidth} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24574
msgid "Maximum voice traffic a user can send per second."
msgstr "Wie viele Stimmdaten ein Benutzer pro Sekunde versenden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24575
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{database-file} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/murmur/db.sqlite\"})"
msgstr "@code{database-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/murmur/db.sqlite\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24578
msgid "File name of the sqlite database. The service's user will become the owner of the directory."
msgstr "Der Dateiname der SQLite-Datenbank. Das Benutzerkonto für den Dienst wird Besitzer des Verzeichnisses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24579
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/murmur/murmur.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/murmur/murmur.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24582
msgid "File name of the log file. The service's user will become the owner of the directory."
msgstr "Der Dateiname der Protokolldatei. Das Benutzerkonto für den Dienst wird Besitzer des Verzeichnisses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24583
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{autoban-attempts} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{autoban-attempts} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24586
msgid "Maximum number of logins a user can make in @code{autoban-timeframe} without getting auto banned for @code{autoban-time}."
msgstr "Wie oft sich ein Benutzer innerhalb des in @code{autoban-timeframe} angegebenen Zeitrahmens verbinden kann, ohne automatisch für die in @code{autoban-time} angegebene Zeit vom Server verbannt zu werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24587
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{autoban-timeframe} (default: @code{120})"
msgstr "@code{autoban-timeframe} (Vorgabe: @code{120})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24589
msgid "Timeframe for autoban in seconds."
msgstr "Der Zeitrahmen für automatisches Bannen in Sekunden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24590
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{autoban-time} (default: @code{300})"
msgstr "@code{autoban-time} (Vorgabe: @code{300})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24593
msgid "Amount of time in seconds for which a client gets banned when violating the autoban limits."
msgstr "Wie lange in Sekunden ein Client gebannt wird, wenn er die Autobann-Beschränkungen überschreitet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24594
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{opus-threshold} (default: @code{100})"
msgstr "@code{opus-threshold} (Vorgabe: @code{100})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24597
msgid "Percentage of clients that need to support opus before switching over to opus audio codec."
msgstr "Der Prozentanteil der Clients, die Opus unterstützen müssen, bevor der Opus-Audiocodec verwendet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24078
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24598
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{channel-nesting-limit} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{channel-nesting-limit} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24600
msgid "How deep channels can be nested at maximum."
msgstr "Wie tief Kanäle höchstens ineinander verschachtelt sein können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24601
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{channelname-regex} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{channelname-regex} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24603
msgid "A string in form of a Qt regular expression that channel names must conform to."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette in Form eines regulären Ausdrucks von Qt, zu dem Kanalnamen passen müssen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24604
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{username-regex} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{username-regex} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24606
msgid "A string in form of a Qt regular expression that user names must conform to."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette in Form eines regulären Ausdrucks von Qt, zu dem Nutzernamen passen müssen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24607
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{text-message-length} (default: @code{5000})"
msgstr "@code{text-message-length} (Vorgabe: @code{5000})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24609
msgid "Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one text chat message."
msgstr "Wie viele Bytes ein Benutzer höchstens in einer Textchatnachricht verschicken kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24610
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{image-message-length} (default: @code{(* 128 1024)})"
msgstr "@code{image-message-length} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 128 1024)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24612
msgid "Maximum size in bytes that a user can send in one image message."
msgstr "Wie viele Bytes ein Benutzer höchstens in einer Bildnachricht verschicken kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24613
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cert-required?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{cert-required?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24616
msgid "If it is set to @code{#t} clients that use weak password authentication will not be accepted. Users must have completed the certificate wizard to join."
msgstr "Falls dies auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, werden Clients abgelehnt, die sich bloß mit Passwörtern authentisieren. Benutzer müssen den Zertifikatsassistenten abgeschlossen haben, bevor sie sich verbinden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24617
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{remember-channel?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{remember-channel?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24620
msgid "Should murmur remember the last channel each user was in when they disconnected and put them into the remembered channel when they rejoin."
msgstr "Ob sich Murmur für jeden Nutzer den Kanal merken soll, auf dem er sich zuletzt befunden hat, als er die Verbindung getrennt hat, so dass er wieder auf dem gemerkten Kanal landet, wenn er dem Server wieder beitritt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24621
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-html?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{allow-html?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24103
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24623
msgid "Should html be allowed in text messages, user comments, and channel descriptions."
msgstr "Ob HTML in Textnachrichten, Nutzerkommentaren und Kanalbeschreibungen zugelassen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24624
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-ping?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{allow-ping?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24628
msgid "Setting to true exposes the current user count, the maximum user count, and the server's maximum bandwidth per client to unauthenticated users. In the Mumble client, this information is shown in the Connect dialog."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr gesetzt ist, wird an nicht angemeldete Anwender die momentane Benutzerzahl, die maximale Benutzerzahl und die maximale Bandbreite pro Benutzer übermittelt. Im Mumble-Client werden diese Informationen im Verbinden-Dialog angezeigt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24630
msgid "Disabling this setting will prevent public listing of the server."
msgstr "Wenn diese Einstellung deaktiviert ist, wird der Server nicht in der öffentlichen Serverliste aufgeführt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24631
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bonjour?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{bonjour?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24633
msgid "Should the server advertise itself in the local network through the bonjour protocol."
msgstr "Ob der Server im lokalen Netzwerk anderen über das Bonjour-Protokoll mitgeteilt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24634
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{send-version?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{send-version?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24636
msgid "Should the murmur server version be exposed in ping requests."
msgstr "Ob die Murmur-Serverversion Clients gegenüber in Ping-Anfragen mitgeteilt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24637
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-days} (default: @code{31})"
msgstr "@code{log-days} (Vorgabe: @code{31})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24641
msgid "Murmur also stores logs in the database, which are accessible via RPC. The default is 31 days of months, but you can set this setting to 0 to keep logs forever, or -1 to disable logging to the database."
msgstr "Murmur führt in der Datenbank Protokolle, auf die über entfernte Prozeduraufrufe („Remote Procedure Calls“, kurz RPC) zugegriffen werden kann. Nach Vorgabe bleiben diese 31 Tage lang erhalten, aber sie können diese Einstellung auf 0 setzen, damit sie ewig gespeichert werden, oder auf -1, um @emph{keine} Protokolle in die Datenbank zu schreiben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24642
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{obfuscate-ips?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{obfuscate-ips?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24644
msgid "Should logged ips be obfuscated to protect the privacy of users."
msgstr "Ob IP-Adressen in Protokollen anonymisiert werden sollen, um die Privatsphäre von Nutzern zu schützen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24645
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-cert} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-cert} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24647
msgid "File name of the SSL/TLS certificate used for encrypted connections."
msgstr "Der Dateiname des SSL-/TLS-Zertifikats, das für verschlüsselte Verbindungen benutzt werden soll."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24650
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ssl-cert \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem\")\n"
msgstr "(ssl-cert \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/fullchain.pem\")\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24651
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-key} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-key} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24653
msgid "Filepath to the ssl private key used for encrypted connections."
msgstr "Dateipfad zum privaten Schlüssel für SSL, was für verschlüsselte Verbindungen benutzt wird."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24655
#, no-wrap
msgid "(ssl-key \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem\")\n"
msgstr "(ssl-key \"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem\")\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24657
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-dh-params} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-dh-params} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24662
msgid "File name of a PEM-encoded file with Diffie-Hellman parameters for the SSL/TLS encryption. Alternatively you set it to @code{\"@@ffdhe2048\"}, @code{\"@@ffdhe3072\"}, @code{\"@@ffdhe4096\"}, @code{\"@@ffdhe6144\"} or @code{\"@@ffdhe8192\"} to use bundled parameters from RFC 7919."
msgstr "Dateiname einer PEM-kodierten Datei mit Diffie-Hellman-Parametern für die SSL-/TLS-Verschlüsselung. Alternativ setzen Sie ihn auf @code{\"@@ffdhe2048\"}, @code{\"@@ffdhe3072\"}, @code{\"@@ffdhe4096\"}, @code{\"@@ffdhe6144\"} oder @code{\"@@ffdhe8192\"}, wodurch die mitgelieferten Parameter aus RFC 7919 genutzt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24663
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-ciphers} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-ciphers} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24666
msgid "The @code{ssl-ciphers} option chooses the cipher suites to make available for use in SSL/TLS."
msgstr "Die Option @code{ssl-ciphers} wählt aus, welche Cipher-Suites zur Verwendung in SSL/TLS verfügbar sein sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24670
msgid "This option is specified using @uref{https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html#CIPHER-LIST-FORMAT, OpenSSL cipher list notation}."
msgstr "Diese Option wird in der @uref{https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html#CIPHER-LIST-FORMAT, OpenSSL-Notation für Cipher-Listen} angegeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24675
msgid "It is recommended that you try your cipher string using 'openssl ciphers <string>' before setting it here, to get a feel for which cipher suites you will get. After setting this option, it is recommend that you inspect your Murmur log to ensure that Murmur is using the cipher suites that you expected it to."
msgstr "Es wird empfohlen, dass Sie Ihre Cipher-Zeichenkette mit „openssl ciphers <Zeichenkette>“ prüfen, bevor Sie sie hier einsetzen, um ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen, was für eine Cipher-Suite sie damit bekommen. Nachdem Sie diese Option festgelegt haben, wird empfohlen, dass Sie Ihr Murmur-Protokoll durchsehen und sicherstellen, dass Murmur auch wirklich die Cipher-Suites benutzt, die Sie erwarten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24679
msgid "Note: Changing this option may impact the backwards compatibility of your Murmur server, and can remove the ability for older Mumble clients to be able to connect to it."
msgstr "Beachten Sie: Änderungen hieran können die Rückwärtskompatibilität Ihres Murmur-Servers beeinträchtigen; dadurch kann es für ältere Mumblie-Clients unmöglich werden, sich damit zu verbinden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24680
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{public-registration} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{public-registration} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24682
msgid "Must be a @code{<murmur-public-registration-configuration>} record or @code{#f}."
msgstr "Hier muss ein @code{<murmur-public-registration-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt oder @code{#f} angegeben werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24687
msgid "You can optionally register your server in the public server list that the @code{mumble} client shows on startup. You cannot register your server if you have set a @code{server-password}, or set @code{allow-ping} to @code{#f}."
msgstr "Sie können Ihren Server optional in die öffentliche Serverliste eintragen lassen, die der Mumble-Client @code{mumble} beim Start anzeigt. Sie können Ihren Server nicht registrieren, wenn Sie ein @code{server-password} festgelegt oder @code{allow-ping} auf @code{#f} gesetzt haben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24689
msgid "It might take a few hours until it shows up in the public list."
msgstr "Es könnte ein paar Stunden dauern, bis er in der öffentlichen Liste zu finden ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24170 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24690 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26837
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{file} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{file} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24692
msgid "Optional alternative override for this configuration."
msgstr "Optional kann hier eine vorrangig benutzte alternative Konfiguration festgelegt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24695
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} murmur-public-registration-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} murmur-public-registration-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24697
msgid "Configuration for public registration of a murmur service."
msgstr "Konfiguration für das öffentliche Registrieren eines Murmur-Dienstes."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24701
msgid "This is a display name for your server. Not to be confused with the hostname."
msgstr "Dies ist ein Anzeigename für Ihren Server. Er ist nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Rechnernamen („Hostname“)."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24182 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33135
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24702 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34857
#, no-wrap
msgid "password"
msgstr "password"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24705
msgid "A password to identify your registration. Subsequent updates will need the same password. Don't lose your password."
msgstr "Ein Passwort, um Ihre Registrierung zu identifizieren. Nachfolgende Aktualisierungen müssen dasselbe Passwort benutzen. Verlieren Sie Ihr Passwort nicht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24709
msgid "This should be a @code{http://} or @code{https://} link to your web site."
msgstr "Dies sollte ein Link mit @code{http://} oder @code{https://} auf Ihren Webauftritt sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24190 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24710 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27725
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hostname} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{hostname} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24713
msgid "By default your server will be listed by its IP address. If it is set your server will be linked by this host name instead."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe wird Ihr Server über seine IP-Adresse aufgeführt. Wenn dies gesetzt ist, wird er stattdessen mit diesem Rechnernamen verknüpft."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24723
msgid "The @code{(gnu services file-sharing)} module provides services that assist with transferring files over peer-to-peer file-sharing networks."
msgstr "Im Modul @code{(gnu services file-sharing)} werden Dienste bereitgestellt, die beim Übertragen von Dateien zwischen Netzwerkteilnehmern untereinander helfen („peer-to-peer“)."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24724
#, no-wrap
msgid "Transmission Daemon Service"
msgstr "Transmission-Daemon-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24732
msgid "@uref{https://transmissionbt.com/, Transmission} is a flexible BitTorrent client that offers a variety of graphical and command-line interfaces. A @code{transmission-daemon-service-type} service provides Transmission's headless variant, @command{transmission-daemon}, as a system service, allowing users to share files via BitTorrent even when they are not logged in."
msgstr "@uref{https://transmissionbt.com/, Transmission} ist ein vielseitiger BitTorrent-Client, der eine Vielzahl grafischer und befehlszeilenbasierter Benutzeroberflächen bereitstellt. Ein Dienst vom Typ @code{transmission-daemon-service-type} macht die Variante für die Nutzung ohne Oberfläche zugänglich, nämlich @command{transmission-daemon}, als ein Systemdienst, mit dem Benutzer Dateien über BitTorrent teilen können, selbst wenn sie gerade nicht angemeldet sind."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24733
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} transmission-daemon-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} transmission-daemon-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24737
msgid "The service type for the Transmission Daemon BitTorrent client. Its value must be a @code{transmission-daemon-configuration} object as in this example:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für den BitTorrent-Client „Transmission Daemon“. Sein Wert muss ein @code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24748
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service transmission-daemon-service-type\n"
@@ -45529,7 +46449,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24753
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Accept requests from this and other hosts on the\n"
@@ -45545,7 +46465,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24757
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Limit bandwidth use during work hours\n"
@@ -45559,7 +46479,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24764
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (alt-speed-time-enabled? #t)\n"
@@ -45577,49 +46497,49 @@ msgstr ""
" (+ (* 60 (+ 12 5)) 30)))) ; 5:30 nachmittags@tie{}/ abends\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24777
msgid "Once the service is started, users can interact with the daemon through its Web interface (at @code{http://localhost:9091/}) or by using the @command{transmission-remote} command-line tool, available in the @code{transmission} package. (Emacs users may want to also consider the @code{emacs-transmission} package.) Both communicate with the daemon through its remote procedure call (RPC) interface, which by default is available to all users on the system; you may wish to change this by assigning values to the @code{rpc-authentication-required?}, @code{rpc-username} and @code{rpc-password} settings, as shown in the example above and documented further below."
msgstr "Sobald der Dienst gestartet wurde, können Benutzer mit dem Daemon über seine Webschnittstelle interagieren (auf @code{http://localhost:9091/}) oder indem sie das Werkzeug @command{transmission-remote} auf der Befehlszeile aufrufen. Es ist Teil des Pakets @code{transmission}. (Emacs-Nutzer möchten vielleicht einen Blick auf das Paket @code{emacs-transmission} werfen.) Beide kommunizieren mit dem Daemon über seine Schnittstelle für entfernte Prozeduraufrufe (Remote Procedure Calls, RPC), was nach Vorgabe jedem Nutzer auf dem System zur Verfügung steht. Sie könnten das ändern wollen, indem Sie die Einstellungen @code{rpc-authentication-required?}, @code{rpc-username} und @code{rpc-password} anpassen, wie oben gezeigt und im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24785
msgid "The value for @code{rpc-password} must be a password hash of the type generated and used by Transmission clients. This can be copied verbatim from an existing @file{settings.json} file, if another Transmission client is already being used. Otherwise, the @code{transmission-password-hash} and @code{transmission-random-salt} procedures provided by this module can be used to obtain a suitable hash value."
msgstr "Als Wert für @code{rpc-password} muss ein Passwort in der Art angegeben werden, die Transmission-Clients erzeugen und nutzen. Sie können es aus einer bestehenden Datei @file{settings.json} exakt kopieren, wenn bereits ein anderer Transmission-Client benutzt wurde. Andernfalls können Sie mit den Prozeduren @code{transmission-password-hash} und @code{transmission-random-salt} aus diesem Modul einen geeigneten Hash-Wert bestimmen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24786
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} transmission-password-hash @var{password} @var{salt}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} transmission-password-hash @var{Passwort} @var{Salt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24790
msgid "Returns a string containing the result of hashing @var{password} together with @var{salt}, in the format recognized by Transmission clients for their @code{rpc-password} configuration setting."
msgstr "Liefert eine Zeichenkette mit dem Hash von @var{Passwort} zusammen mit dem @var{Salt} in dem Format, das Clients für Transmission für deren @code{rpc-password}-Einstellung erkennen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24794
msgid "@var{salt} must be an eight-character string. The @code{transmission-random-salt} procedure can be used to generate a suitable salt value at random."
msgstr "Das @var{Salt} muss eine acht Zeichen lange Zeichenkette sein. Die Prozedur @code{transmission-random-salt} kann benutzt werden, um einen geeigneten Salt-Wert zufällig zu erzeugen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24796
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} transmission-random-salt"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} transmission-random-salt"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24800
msgid "Returns a string containing a random, eight-character salt value of the type generated and used by Transmission clients, suitable for passing to the @code{transmission-password-hash} procedure."
msgstr "Liefert eine Zeichenkette mit einem zufälligen, acht Zeichen langen Salt-Wert von der Art, wie sie Clients für Transmission erzeugen und benutzen. Sie ist dafür geeignet, an die Prozedur @code{transmission-password-hash} übergeben zu werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24806
msgid "These procedures are accessible from within a Guile REPL started with the @command{guix repl} command (@pxref{Invoking guix repl}). This is useful for obtaining a random salt value to provide as the second parameter to `transmission-password-hash`, as in this example session:"
msgstr "Diese Prozeduren sind aus einer über den Befehl @command{guix repl} gestarteten Guile-REPL heraus zugänglich (siehe @ref{Invoking guix repl}). Sie eignen sich dafür, einen zufälligen Salt-Wert zu bekommen, der als der zweite Parameter an „transmission-password-hash“ übergeben werden kann. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24812
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix repl\n"
@@ -45633,12 +46553,12 @@ msgstr ""
"$1 = \"uKd1uMs9\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24815
msgid "Alternatively, a complete password hash can generated in a single step:"
msgstr "Alternativ kann ein vollständiger Passwort-Hash in einem einzigen Schritt erzeugt werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24820
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"scheme@@(guix-user)> (transmission-password-hash \"transmission\"\n"
@@ -45650,480 +46570,480 @@ msgstr ""
"$2 = \"@{c8bbc6d1740cd8dc819a6e25563b67812c1c19c9VtFPfdsX\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24825
msgid "The resulting string can be used as-is for the value of @code{rpc-password}, allowing the password to be kept hidden even in the operating-system configuration."
msgstr "Die sich ergebende Zeichenkette kann so, wie sie ist, als der Wert von @code{rpc-password} eingesetzt werden. Dadurch kann das Passwort geheim gehalten werden, selbst in einer Betriebssystemkonfiguration."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24834
msgid "Torrent files downloaded by the daemon are directly accessible only to users in the ``transmission'' user group, who receive read-only access to the directory specified by the @code{download-dir} configuration setting (and also the directory specified by @code{incomplete-dir}, if @code{incomplete-dir-enabled?} is @code{#t}). Downloaded files can be moved to another directory or deleted altogether using @command{transmission-remote} with its @code{--move} and @code{--remove-and-delete} options."
msgstr "Vom Daemon heruntergeladene Torrent-Dateien sind nur für die Benutzer in der Benutzergruppe „transmission“ direkt zugänglich. Sie haben auf das in der Einstellung @code{download-dir} angegebene Verzeichnis nur Lesezugriff (und auf das in @code{incomplete-dir} angegebene Verzeichnis, sofern @code{incomplete-dir-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist). Heruntergeladene Dateien können in beliebige Verzeichnisse verschoben oder ganz gelöscht werden, indem Sie @command{transmission-remote} mit den Befehlszeilenoptionen @code{--move} zum Verschieben und @code{--remove-and-delete} zum Löschen benutzen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24841
msgid "If the @code{watch-dir-enabled?} setting is set to @code{#t}, users in the ``transmission'' group are able also to place @file{.torrent} files in the directory specified by @code{watch-dir} to have the corresponding torrents added by the daemon. (The @code{trash-original-torrent-files?} setting controls whether the daemon deletes these files after processing them.)"
msgstr "Wenn die Einstellung @code{watch-dir-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, haben die Benutzer in der Gruppe „transmission“ auch die Möglichkeit, @file{.torrent}-Dateien in dem über @code{watch-dir} angegebenen Verzeichnis zu platzieren. Dadurch fügt der Daemon die entsprechenden Torrents hinzu. (Mit der Einstellung @code{trash-original-torrent-files?} wird festgelegt, ob der Daemon diese Dateien löschen soll, wenn er mit ihnen fertig ist.)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24846
msgid "Some of the daemon's configuration settings can be changed temporarily by @command{transmission-remote} and similar tools. To undo these changes, use the service's @code{reload} action to have the daemon reload its settings from disk:"
msgstr "Manche der Einstellungen des Daemons können zeitweilig über @command{transmission-remote} und ähnliche Werkzeuge geändert werden. Sie können solche Änderungen rückgängig machen, indem Sie die @code{reload}-Aktion des Dienstes aufrufen. Dann lädt der Daemon seine Einstellungen neu von der Platte:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24849
#, no-wrap
msgid "# herd reload transmission-daemon\n"
msgstr "# herd reload transmission-daemon\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24853
msgid "The full set of available configuration settings is defined by the @code{transmission-daemon-configuration} data type."
msgstr "Die vollständige Menge der Einstellmöglichkeiten finden Sie in der Definition des Datentyps @code{transmission-daemon-configuration}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24854
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} transmission-daemon-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} transmission-daemon-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24858
msgid "The data type representing configuration settings for Transmission Daemon. These correspond directly to the settings recognized by Transmission clients in their @file{settings.json} file."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Einstellungen für den Transmission-Daemon. Sie entsprechen direkt den Einstellungen, die Clients für Transmission aus deren Datei @file{settings.json} erkennen können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24872
msgid "Available @code{transmission-daemon-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24873
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} package transmission"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ transmission"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24875
msgid "The Transmission package to use."
msgstr "Das Transmission-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24878
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer stop-wait-period"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl stop-wait-period"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24884
msgid "The period, in seconds, to wait when stopping the service for @command{transmission-daemon} to exit before killing its process. This allows the daemon time to complete its housekeeping and send a final update to trackers as it shuts down. On slow hosts, or hosts with a slow network connection, this value may need to be increased."
msgstr "Wie viele Sekunden gewartet werden soll, wenn der Dienst für @command{transmission-daemon} gestoppt wird, bis dieser sich beendet, bevor sein Prozess zwangsweise abgewürgt wird. Dadurch wird dem Daemon etwas Zeit gegeben, seine Daten in Ordnung zu bringen und seinen Trackern ein letztes Mal Bescheid zu geben, wenn er herunterfährt. Auf langsamen Rechnern oder Rechnern mit einer langsamen Netzwerkanbindung könnte es besser sein, diesen Wert zu erhöhen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24366 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24738
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32101 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32336
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32344 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24886 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32566 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32809 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32817
msgid "Defaults to @samp{10}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{10}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24889
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string download-dir"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette download-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24891
msgid "The directory to which torrent files are downloaded."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, wohin Torrent-Dateien heruntergeladen werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24893
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24896
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean incomplete-dir-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck incomplete-dir-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24901
msgid "If @code{#t}, files will be held in @code{incomplete-dir} while their torrent is being downloaded, then moved to @code{download-dir} once the torrent is complete. Otherwise, files for all torrents (including those still being downloaded) will be placed in @code{download-dir}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden Dateien in @code{incomplete-dir} zwischengespeichert, während ihr Torrent heruntergeladen wird, und nach Abschluss des Torrents nach @code{download-dir} verschoben. Andernfalls werden Dateien für alle Torrents gleich in @code{download-dir} gespeichert (einschließlich derer, bei denen das Herunterladen noch im Gange ist)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24906
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-string incomplete-dir"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette incomplete-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24909
msgid "The directory in which files from incompletely downloaded torrents will be held when @code{incomplete-dir-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "In welchem Verzeichnis die Dateien bei noch nicht abgeschlossenem Herunterladen zwischengespeichert werden, falls @code{incomplete-dir-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24914
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} umask umask"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} umask umask"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24917
msgid "The file mode creation mask used for downloaded files. (See the @command{umask} man page for more information.)"
msgstr "Die Dateimodusmaske, mit der heruntergeladene Dateien erzeugt werden. (Siehe die Handbuchseite von @command{umask} für mehr Informationen.)"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24919
msgid "Defaults to @samp{18}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{18}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24922
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean rename-partial-files?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck rename-partial-files?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24925
msgid "When @code{#t}, ``.part'' is appended to the name of partially downloaded files."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird an die Namen teilweise heruntergeladener Dateien „.part“ angehängt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24930
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} preallocation-mode preallocation"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zuweisungsmodus preallocation"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24935
msgid "The mode by which space should be preallocated for downloaded files, one of @code{none}, @code{fast} (or @code{sparse}) and @code{full}. Specifying @code{full} will minimize disk fragmentation at a cost to file-creation speed."
msgstr "Auf welche Art vorab Speicher für heruntergeladene Dateien zugewiesen werden soll. Entweder @code{none} (gar nicht), @code{fast} (schnell) bzw.@: gleichbedeutend @code{sparse} (dünnbesetzt/kompakt) oder @code{full} (gänzlich). Bei @code{full} fragmentiert die Platte am wenigsten, aber es dauert länger, die Datei zu erzeugen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24937
msgid "Defaults to @samp{fast}."
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist @samp{fast}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24940
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean watch-dir-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck watch-dir-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24945
msgid "If @code{#t}, the directory specified by @code{watch-dir} will be watched for new @file{.torrent} files and the torrents they describe added automatically (and the original files removed, if @code{trash-original-torrent-files?} is @code{#t})."
msgstr "Ist es @code{#t}, wird das in @code{watch-dir} angegebene Verzeichnis beobachtet, ob dort neue @file{.torrent}-Dateien eingefügt werden. Die darin beschriebenen Torrents werden automatisch hinzugefügt (und die ursprünglichen Dateien werden entfernt, wenn @code{trash-original-torrent-files?} auf @code{#t} steht)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24950
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-string watch-dir"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette watch-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24433
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24953
msgid "The directory to be watched for @file{.torrent} files indicating new torrents to be added, when @code{watch-dir-enabled} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Welches Verzeichnis beobachtet wird, ob dort neue @file{.torrent}-Dateien eingefügt werden, die neu hinzuzufügende Torrents anzeigen, falls @code{watch-dir-enabled} auf @code{#t} steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24958
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean trash-original-torrent-files?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck trash-original-torrent-files?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24962
msgid "When @code{#t}, @file{.torrent} files will be deleted from the watch directory once their torrent has been added (see @code{watch-directory-enabled?})."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden @file{.torrent}-Dateien aus dem beobachteten Verzeichnis gelöscht, sobald ihr Torrent hinzugefügt worden ist (siehe @code{watch-directory-enabled?})."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24967
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean speed-limit-down-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck speed-limit-down-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24970
msgid "When @code{#t}, the daemon's download speed will be limited to the rate specified by @code{speed-limit-down}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit beim Herunterladen durch den Daemon durch die in @code{speed-limit-down} angegebene Rate beschränkt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24975
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer speed-limit-down"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl speed-limit-down"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24977
msgid "The default global-maximum download speed, in kilobytes per second."
msgstr "Die standardmäßige globale Höchstgeschwindigkeit für das Herunterladen, in Kilobyte pro Sekunde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24462
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24982
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean speed-limit-up-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck speed-limit-up-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24985
msgid "When @code{#t}, the daemon's upload speed will be limited to the rate specified by @code{speed-limit-up}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird die Geschwindigkeit des Daemons beim Hochladen durch die in @code{speed-limit-up} eingestellte Rate beschränkt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24990
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer speed-limit-up"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl speed-limit-up"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24992
msgid "The default global-maximum upload speed, in kilobytes per second."
msgstr "Die standardmäßige globale Höchstgeschwindigkeit für das Hochladen, in Kilobyte pro Sekunde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24477
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24997
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean alt-speed-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck alt-speed-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25003
msgid "When @code{#t}, the alternate speed limits @code{alt-speed-down} and @code{alt-speed-up} are used (in place of @code{speed-limit-down} and @code{speed-limit-up}, if they are enabled) to constrain the daemon's bandwidth usage. This can be scheduled to occur automatically at certain times during the week; see @code{alt-speed-time-enabled?}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, gelten die alternativen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten @code{alt-speed-down} und @code{alt-speed-up} (statt @code{speed-limit-down} und @code{speed-limit-up}, wenn sie aktiviert sind), um die Bandbreitennutzung des Daemons einzuschränken. Sie können einen Plan festlegen, zu welchen Zeiten in der Woche sie automatisch aktiviert werden; siehe @code{alt-speed-time-enabled?}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25008
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer alt-speed-down"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl alt-speed-down"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25010
msgid "The alternate global-maximum download speed, in kilobytes per second."
msgstr "Die alternative globale Höchstgeschwindigkeit für das Herunterladen, in Kilobyte pro Sekunde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24492 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24499
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24671 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32108
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25012 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25191 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32588
msgid "Defaults to @samp{50}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{50}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25015
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer alt-speed-up"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl alt-speed-up"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25017
msgid "The alternate global-maximum upload speed, in kilobytes per second."
msgstr "Die alternative globale Höchstgeschwindigkeit für das Hochladen, in Kilobyte pro Sekunde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25022
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean alt-speed-time-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck alt-speed-time-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25027
msgid "When @code{#t}, the alternate speed limits @code{alt-speed-down} and @code{alt-speed-up} will be enabled automatically during the periods specified by @code{alt-speed-time-day}, @code{alt-speed-time-begin} and @code{alt-time-speed-end}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden die alternativen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten @code{alt-speed-down} und @code{alt-speed-up} automatisch während bestimmter Zeitperioden aktiviert, entsprechend der Einstellungen für @code{alt-speed-time-day}, @code{alt-speed-time-begin} und @code{alt-speed-time-end}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25032
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} day-list alt-speed-time-day"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Tage-Liste alt-speed-time-day"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25037
msgid "The days of the week on which the alternate-speed schedule should be used, specified either as a list of days (@code{sunday}, @code{monday}, and so on) or using one of the symbols @code{weekdays}, @code{weekends} or @code{all}."
msgstr "An welchen Wochentagen die alternative Höchstgeschwindigkeitsplanung benutzt werden soll. Anzugeben ist entweder eine Liste der englischen Namen der Wochentage (@code{sunday}, @code{monday} und so weiter) oder eines der Symbole @code{weekdays} (unter der Woche), @code{weekends} (an Wochenenden) oder @code{all}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25039
msgid "Defaults to @samp{all}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{all}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25042
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer alt-speed-time-begin"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl alt-speed-time-begin"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25045
msgid "The time of day at which to enable the alternate speed limits, expressed as a number of minutes since midnight."
msgstr "Zu welcher Uhrzeit die alternativen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten in Kraft treten, als Anzahl der Minuten seit Mitternacht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25047
msgid "Defaults to @samp{540}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{540}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25050
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer alt-speed-time-end"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl alt-speed-time-end"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25053
msgid "The time of day at which to disable the alternate speed limits, expressed as a number of minutes since midnight."
msgstr "Ab welcher Uhrzeit die alternativen Höchstgeschwindigkeiten nicht mehr gelten, als Anzahl der Minuten seit Mitternacht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25055
msgid "Defaults to @samp{1020}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1020}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25058
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string bind-address-ipv4"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette bind-address-ipv4"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25061
msgid "The IP address at which to listen for peer connections, or ``'' to listen at all available IP addresses."
msgstr "Auf welcher IP-Adresse auf Verbindungen von anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern (Peers) gelauscht wird. Benutzen Sie „@code{}“, wenn auf allen verfügbaren IP-Adressen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24543 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24846
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25063 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30430
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25066
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string bind-address-ipv6"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette bind-address-ipv6"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25069
msgid "The IPv6 address at which to listen for peer connections, or ``::'' to listen at all available IPv6 addresses."
msgstr "Auf welcher IPv6-Adresse auf Verbindungen von anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern (Peers) gelauscht wird. Benutzen Sie „@code{::}“, wenn auf allen verfügbaren IPv6-Adressen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25071
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"::\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"::\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25074
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean peer-port-random-on-start?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck peer-port-random-on-start?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25080
msgid "If @code{#t}, when the daemon starts it will select a port at random on which to listen for peer connections, from the range specified (inclusively) by @code{peer-port-random-low} and @code{peer-port-random-high}. Otherwise, it listens on the port specified by @code{peer-port}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wählt der Daemon bei seinem Start einen Port mit zufälliger Portnummer, auf dem er auf Verbindungen durch andere Netzwerkteilnehmer lauscht. Die Nummer liegt zwischen (einschließlich) den Angaben in @code{peer-port-random-low} und @code{peer-port-random-high}. Ansonsten wird er auf dem in @code{peer-port} angegebenen Port lauschen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25085
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} port-number peer-port-random-low"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Portnummer peer-port-random-low"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25088
msgid "The lowest selectable port number when @code{peer-port-random-on-start?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Die niedrigste Portnummer, die ausgewählt werden kann, wenn @code{peer-port-random-on-start?} auf @code{#t} steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25090
msgid "Defaults to @samp{49152}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{49152}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25093
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} port-number peer-port-random-high"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Portnummer peer-port-random-high"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25096
msgid "The highest selectable port number when @code{peer-port-random-on-start} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Die höchste Portnummer, die ausgewählt werden kann, wenn @code{peer-port-random-on-start?} auf @code{#t} steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25098
msgid "Defaults to @samp{65535}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{65535}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25101
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} port-number peer-port"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Portnummer peer-port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25104
msgid "The port on which to listen for peer connections when @code{peer-port-random-on-start?} is @code{#f}."
msgstr "Auf welchem Port auf Verbindungsversuche anderer Netzwerkteilnehmer gelauscht wird, wenn @code{peer-port-random-on-start?} auf @code{#f} steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25106
msgid "Defaults to @samp{51413}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{51413}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25109
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean port-forwarding-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck port-forwarding-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25113
msgid "If @code{#t}, the daemon will attempt to configure port-forwarding on an upstream gateway automatically using @acronym{UPnP} and @acronym{NAT-PMP}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon versuchen, eine Weiterleitung benötigter Ports beim Internetzugang (Gateway), an dem der Rechner angeschlossen ist, automatisch über UPnP und NAT-PMP einzurichten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25118
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} encryption-mode encryption"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Verschlüsselungsmodus encryption"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25123
msgid "The encryption preference for peer connections, one of @code{prefer-unencrypted-connections}, @code{prefer-encrypted-connections} or @code{require-encrypted-connections}."
msgstr "Ob Verbindungen zu anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern (Peers) verschlüsselt werden sollen; entweder @code{prefer-unencrypted-connections} (unverschlüsselte Verbindungen bevorzugen), @code{prefer-encrypted-connections} (verschlüsselte Verbindungen bevorzugen) oder @code{require-encrypted-connections} (nur verschlüsselte Verbindungen benutzen)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25125
msgid "Defaults to @samp{prefer-encrypted-connections}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{prefer-encrypted-connections}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25128
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-string peer-congestion-algorithm"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette peer-congestion-algorithm"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25133
msgid "The TCP congestion-control algorithm to use for peer connections, specified using a string recognized by the operating system in calls to @code{setsockopt} (or set to @code{disabled}, in which case the operating-system default is used)."
msgstr "Der Algorithmus zur TCP-Staukontrolle, der für Verbindungen zu anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern (Peers) verwendet werden soll. Anzugeben ist eine Zeichenkette, die das Betriebssystem für Aufrufe an @code{setsockopt} zulässt (oder @code{disabled}, damit die Voreinstellung des Betriebssystems angewandt wird)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25142
msgid "Note that on GNU/Linux systems, the kernel must be configured to allow processes to use a congestion-control algorithm not in the default set; otherwise, it will deny these requests with ``Operation not permitted''. To see which algorithms are available on your system and which are currently permitted for use, look at the contents of the files @file{tcp_available_congestion_control} and @file{tcp_allowed_congestion_control} in the @file{/proc/sys/net/ipv4} directory."
msgstr "Es ist anzumerken, dass der Kernel auf GNU/Linux-Systemen so konfiguriert werden muss, dass Prozesse zur Nutzung eines nicht standardmäßigen Algorithmus zur Staukontrolle berechtigt sind, andernfalls wird er solche Anfragen mit „Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt“ ablehnen. Um die auf Ihrem System verfügbaren und zur Nutzung freigegebenen Algorithmen zu sehen, schauen Sie sich den Inhalt der Dateien @file{tcp_available_congestion_control} und @file{tcp_allowed_congestion_control} im Verzeichnis @file{/proc/sys/net/ipv4} an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25150
msgid "As an example, to have Transmission Daemon use @uref{http://www-ece.rice.edu/networks/TCP-LP/,the TCP Low Priority congestion-control algorithm}, you'll need to modify your kernel configuration to build in support for the algorithm, then update your operating-system configuration to allow its use by adding a @code{sysctl-service-type} service (or updating the existing one's configuration) with lines like the following:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie zum Beispiel den Transmission-Daemon zusammen mit dem @uref{http://www-ece.rice.edu/networks/TCP-LP/,TCP-LP-Algorithmus} („TCP Low Priority“) zur Staukontrolle benutzen möchten, müssen Sie Ihre Kernelkonfiguration anpassen, damit Unterstützung für den Algorithmus eingebaut wird. Anschließend müssen Sie Ihre Betriebssystemkonfiguration anpassen, um dessen Nutzung zu erlauben, indem Sie einen Dienst des Typs @code{sysctl-service-type} hinzufügen (bzw.@: die Konfiguration des bestehenden Dienstes anpassen). Fügen Sie Zeilen ähnlich der folgenden hinzu:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25157
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service sysctl-service-type\n"
@@ -46139,529 +47059,529 @@ msgstr ""
" \"reno cubic lp\"))))\n"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25160
msgid "The Transmission Daemon configuration can then be updated with"
msgstr "Dann können Sie die Konfiguration des Transmission-Daemons aktualisieren zu"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25163
#, no-wrap
msgid "(peer-congestion-algorithm \"lp\")\n"
msgstr "(peer-congestion-algorithm \"lp\")\n"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25166
msgid "and the system reconfigured to have the changes take effect."
msgstr "und das System rekonfigurieren, damit die Änderungen in Kraft treten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25171
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} tcp-type-of-service peer-socket-tos"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} TCP-Type-Of-Service peer-socket-tos"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25175
msgid "The type of service to request in outgoing @acronym{TCP} packets, one of @code{default}, @code{low-cost}, @code{throughput}, @code{low-delay} and @code{reliability}."
msgstr "Welcher Type-Of-Service in ausgehenden TCP-Paketen angefragt werden soll; entweder @code{default}, @code{low-cost}, @code{throughput}, @code{low-delay} oder @code{reliability}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25177
msgid "Defaults to @samp{default}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{default}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25180
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer peer-limit-global"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl peer-limit-global"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25182
msgid "The global limit on the number of connected peers."
msgstr "Die globale Höchstgrenze für die Anzahl verbundener Netzwerkteilnehmer (Peers)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25184
msgid "Defaults to @samp{200}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{200}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25187
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer peer-limit-per-torrent"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl peer-limit-per-torrent"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25189
msgid "The per-torrent limit on the number of connected peers."
msgstr "Die Höchstgrenze pro Torrent für die Anzahl verbundener Netzwerkteilnehmer (Peers)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25194
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer upload-slots-per-torrent"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl upload-slots-per-torrent"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25197
msgid "The maximum number of peers to which the daemon will upload data simultaneously for each torrent."
msgstr "An wie viele Netzwerkteilnehmer der Daemon höchstens für denselben Torrent gleichzeitig Daten hochlädt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25199
msgid "Defaults to @samp{14}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{14}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25202
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer peer-id-ttl-hours"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl peer-id-ttl-hours"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25205
msgid "The maximum lifespan, in hours, of the peer ID associated with each public torrent before it is regenerated."
msgstr "Wie viele Stunden die jedem öffentlichen Torrent zugewiesene Peer-ID höchstens benutzt wird, bevor sie neu erzeugt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25207
msgid "Defaults to @samp{6}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{6}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25210
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean blocklist-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck blocklist-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25213
msgid "When @code{#t}, the daemon will ignore peers mentioned in the blocklist it has most recently downloaded from @code{blocklist-url}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon in der Sperrliste vorkommende Netzwerkteilnehmer ignorieren. Die Sperrliste lädt er von der @code{blocklist-url} herunter."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25218
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-string blocklist-url"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette blocklist-url"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25222
msgid "The URL of a peer blocklist (in @acronym{P2P}-plaintext or eMule @file{.dat} format) to be periodically downloaded and applied when @code{blocklist-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Die URL zu einer Filterliste zu sperrender Netzwerkteilnehmer (Peers) im P2P-Plaintext-Format oder im eMule-@file{.dat}-Format. Sie wird regelmäßig neu heruntergeladen und angewandt, wenn @code{blocklist-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25227
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean download-queue-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck download-queue-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25230
msgid "If @code{#t}, the daemon will be limited to downloading at most @code{download-queue-size} non-stalled torrents simultaneously."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon höchstens @code{download-queue-size} @emph{nicht} stillstehende Torrents gleichzeitig herunterladen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25235
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer download-queue-size"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl download-queue-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25239
msgid "The size of the daemon's download queue, which limits the number of non-stalled torrents it will download at any one time when @code{download-queue-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Die Größe der Warteschlange herunterzuladender Torrents. Sie ist die Höchstzahl @emph{nicht} stillstehender Torrents, die gleichzeitig heruntergeladen werden, wenn @code{download-queue-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25244
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean seed-queue-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck seed-queue-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25247
msgid "If @code{#t}, the daemon will be limited to seeding at most @code{seed-queue-size} non-stalled torrents simultaneously."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon höchstens @code{seed-queue-size} @emph{nicht} stillstehende Torrents gleichzeitig verteilen („seeden“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25252
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer seed-queue-size"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl seed-queue-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25256
msgid "The size of the daemon's seed queue, which limits the number of non-stalled torrents it will seed at any one time when @code{seed-queue-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Die Größe der Warteschlange zu verteilender Torrents. Sie ist die Höchstzahl @emph{nicht} stillstehender Torrents, die gleichzeitig verteilt werden, wenn @code{seed-queue-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25261
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean queue-stalled-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck queue-stalled-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25266
msgid "When @code{#t}, the daemon will consider torrents for which it has not shared data in the past @code{queue-stalled-minutes} minutes to be stalled and not count them against its @code{download-queue-size} and @code{seed-queue-size} limits."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon solche Torrents als stillstehend erachten, für die er in den letzten @code{queue-stalled-minutes} Minuten @emph{keine} Daten geteilt hat, und diese bei Beachtung der Beschränkungen in @code{download-queue-size} und @code{seed-queue-size} @emph{nicht} berücksichtigen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25271
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer queue-stalled-minutes"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl queue-stalled-minutes"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25275
msgid "The maximum period, in minutes, a torrent may be idle before it is considered to be stalled, when @code{queue-stalled-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Für wie viele Minuten ein Torrent höchstens inaktiv sein darf, bevor er als stillstehend gilt, sofern @code{queue-stalled-enabled?} auf @code{#t} steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25280
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean ratio-limit-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck ratio-limit-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25283
msgid "When @code{#t}, a torrent being seeded will automatically be paused once it reaches the ratio specified by @code{ratio-limit}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden Torrents, die verteilt („geseedet“) werden, automatisch pausiert, sobald das in @code{ratio-limit} festgelegte Verhältnis erreicht ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25288
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-rational ratio-limit"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-rationale-Zahl ratio-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25291
msgid "The ratio at which a torrent being seeded will be paused, when @code{ratio-limit-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Das Verhältnis, ab dem ein Torrent, der verteilt wird, pausiert wird, wenn @code{ratio-limit-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25293
msgid "Defaults to @samp{2.0}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{2.0}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25296
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean idle-seeding-limit-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck idle-seeding-limit-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25299
msgid "When @code{#t}, a torrent being seeded will automatically be paused once it has been idle for @code{idle-seeding-limit} minutes."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden Torrents, die verteilt werden, automatisch pausiert, sobald sie für @code{idle-seeding-limit} Minuten inaktiv waren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25304
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer idle-seeding-limit"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl idle-seeding-limit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25308
msgid "The maximum period, in minutes, a torrent being seeded may be idle before it is paused, when @code{idle-seeding-limit-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Wie viele Minuten ein Torrent, der verteilt wird, höchstens inaktiv sein darf, bevor er pausiert wird, wenn @code{idle-seeding-limit-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25313
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean dht-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck dht-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25317
msgid "Enable @uref{http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html,the distributed hash table (@acronym{DHT}) protocol}, which supports the use of trackerless torrents."
msgstr "Das @uref{http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0005.html,DHT-Protokoll} zum Einsatz einer verteilten Hashtabelle (Distributed Hash Table, DHT) zur Unterstützung trackerloser Torrents aktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25322
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean lpd-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck lpd-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25327
msgid "Enable @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Peer_Discovery,local peer discovery} (@acronym{LPD}), which allows the discovery of peers on the local network and may reduce the amount of data sent over the public Internet."
msgstr "@uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Peer_Discovery,Local Peer Discovery} (LPD) aktivieren, d.h.@: Netzwerkteilnehmer im lokalen Netz werden ermittelt, wodurch vielleicht weniger Daten über das öffentliche Internet gesendet werden müssen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25332
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean pex-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck pex-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25336
msgid "Enable @uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_exchange,peer exchange} (@acronym{PEX}), which reduces the daemon's reliance on external trackers and may improve its performance."
msgstr "@uref{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_exchange,Peer Exchange} (PEX) aktivieren, wodurch der Daemon weniger von externen Trackern abhängt und vielleicht schneller ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25341
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean utp-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck utp-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25346
msgid "Enable @uref{http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0029.html,the micro transport protocol} (@acronym{uTP}), which aims to reduce the impact of BitTorrent traffic on other users of the local network while maintaining full utilization of the available bandwidth."
msgstr "Das @uref{http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0029.html,Mikro-Transport-Protokoll} (uTP) aktivieren, damit BitTorrent-Datenverkehr andere Netzwerknutzungen im lokalen Netzwerk weniger beeinträchtigt, die verfügbare Bandbreite aber möglichst voll ausgeschöpft wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25351
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean rpc-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck rpc-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25356
msgid "If @code{#t}, enable the remote procedure call (@acronym{RPC}) interface, which allows remote control of the daemon via its Web interface, the @command{transmission-remote} command-line client, and similar tools."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird die Fernsteuerung des Daemons über die Schnittstelle entfernter Prozeduraufrufe (Remote Procedure Call, RPC) zugelassen. Dadurch kann man ihn über seine Weboberfläche, über den Befehlszeilen-Client @command{transmission-remote} oder über ähnliche Werkzeuge steuern."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25361
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string rpc-bind-address"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette rpc-bind-address"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25364
msgid "The IP address at which to listen for @acronym{RPC} connections, or ``'' to listen at all available IP addresses."
msgstr "Auf welcher IP-Adresse auf RPC-Verbindungen gelauscht wird. Benutzen Sie „@code{}“, wenn auf allen verfügbaren IP-Adressen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25369
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} port-number rpc-port"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Portnummer rpc-port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25371
msgid "The port on which to listen for @acronym{RPC} connections."
msgstr "Auf welchem Port auf RPC-Verbindungen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25373
msgid "Defaults to @samp{9091}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{9091}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25376
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string rpc-url"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette rpc-url"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25378
msgid "The path prefix to use in the @acronym{RPC}-endpoint @acronym{URL}."
msgstr "Das Präfix für die Pfade in den URLs des RPC-Endpunkts."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25380
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/transmission/\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/transmission/\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25383
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean rpc-authentication-required?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck rpc-authentication-required?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25388
msgid "When @code{#t}, clients must authenticate (see @code{rpc-username} and @code{rpc-password}) when using the @acronym{RPC} interface. Note this has the side effect of disabling host-name whitelisting (see @code{rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, müssen sich Clients bei der RPC-Schnittstelle authentifizieren (siehe @code{rpc-username} und @code{rpc-password}). Anzumerken ist, dass dann die Liste erlaubter Rechnernamen ignoriert wird (siehe @code{rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25393
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-string rpc-username"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette rpc-username"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25396
msgid "The username required by clients to access the @acronym{RPC} interface when @code{rpc-authentication-required?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Welchen Benutzernamen Clients verwenden müssen, um über die RPC-Schnittstelle zugreifen zu dürfen, wenn @code{rpc-authentication-required?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25401
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-transmission-password-hash rpc-password"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Transmissionpasswort-Hash rpc-password"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25407
msgid "The password required by clients to access the @acronym{RPC} interface when @code{rpc-authentication-required?} is @code{#t}. This must be specified using a password hash in the format recognized by Transmission clients, either copied from an existing @file{settings.json} file or generated using the @code{transmission-password-hash} procedure."
msgstr "Welches Passwort Clients brauchen, um über die RPC-Schnittstelle zugreifen zu dürfen, wenn @code{rpc-authentication-required?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist. Es muss als Passwort-Hash im von Transmission-Clients erkannten Format angegeben werden. Kopieren Sie es entweder aus einer bestehenden @file{settings.json}-Datei oder lassen Sie es mit der Prozedur @code{transmission-password-hash} erzeugen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25412
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean rpc-whitelist-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck rpc-whitelist-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25415
msgid "When @code{#t}, @acronym{RPC} requests will be accepted only when they originate from an address specified in @code{rpc-whitelist}."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden RPC-Anfragen nur dann akzeptiert, wenn sie von einer in @code{rpc-whitelist} angegebenen Adresse kommen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25420
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string-list rpc-whitelist"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste rpc-whitelist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25424
msgid "The list of IP and IPv6 addresses from which @acronym{RPC} requests will be accepted when @code{rpc-whitelist-enabled?} is @code{#t}. Wildcards may be specified using @samp{*}."
msgstr "Die Liste der IP- und IPv6-Adressen, von denen RPC-Anfragen angenommen werden, wenn @code{rpc-whitelist-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist. Hierbei kann @samp{*} als Platzhalter verwendet werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25426
msgid "Defaults to @samp{(\"\" \"::1\")}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"\" \"::1\")}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25429
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25434
msgid "When @code{#t}, @acronym{RPC} requests will be accepted only when they are addressed to a host named in @code{rpc-host-whitelist}. Note that requests to ``localhost'' or ``localhost.'', or to a numeric address, are always accepted regardless of these settings."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden RPC-Anfragen nur dann angenommen, wenn sie an einen Rechnernamen aus der Liste @code{rpc-host-whitelist} adressiert sind. Allerdings werden Anfragen an „localhost“ oder „localhost.“ oder eine numerische Adresse immer angenommen, egal was hier eingestellt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25437
msgid "Note also this functionality is disabled when @code{rpc-authentication-required?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Anzumerken ist, dass diese Funktionalität ignoriert wird, wenn @code{rpc-authentication-required?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25442
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} string-list rpc-host-whitelist"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenketten-Liste rpc-host-whitelist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25445
msgid "The list of host names recognized by the @acronym{RPC} server when @code{rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Rechnernamen, auf die der RPC-Server reagiert, wenn @code{rpc-host-whitelist-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25450
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} message-level message-level"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Meldungsstufe message-level"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25454
msgid "The minimum severity level of messages to be logged (to @file{/var/log/transmission.log}) by the daemon, one of @code{none} (no logging), @code{error}, @code{info} and @code{debug}."
msgstr "Ab welcher Schwerestufe der Daemon Meldungen ins Protokoll (in @file{/var/log/transmission.log}) aufnimmt, entweder @code{none} (gar nicht), @code{error} (nur Fehler), @code{info} oder @code{debug}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25459
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean start-added-torrents?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck start-added-torrents?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25462
msgid "When @code{#t}, torrents are started as soon as they are added; otherwise, they are added in ``paused'' state."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, werden Torrents gestartet, sobald sie hinzugefügt wurden, ansonsten sind sie nach dem Hinzufügen im pausierten Zustand."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25467
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean script-torrent-done-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck script-torrent-done-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25471
msgid "When @code{#t}, the script specified by @code{script-torrent-done-filename} will be invoked each time a torrent completes."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird immer dann, wenn ein Torrent abgeschlossen wurde, das durch @code{script-torrent-done-filename} angegebene Skript aufgerufen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25476
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} maybe-file-object script-torrent-done-filename"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Dateiobjekt script-torrent-done-filename"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25480
msgid "A file name or file-like object specifying a script to run each time a torrent completes, when @code{script-torrent-done-enabled?} is @code{#t}."
msgstr "Ein Dateiname oder ein dateiartiges Objekt eines Skripts, das nach Abschluss eines Torrents aufgerufen werden soll, wenn @code{script-torrent-done-enabled?} auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25485
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean scrape-paused-torrents-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck scrape-paused-torrents-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25488
msgid "When @code{#t}, the daemon will scrape trackers for a torrent even when the torrent is paused."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon selbst dann auf Trackern nach einem Torrent suchen, wenn der Torrent pausiert ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25493
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer cache-size-mb"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cache-size-mb"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25497
msgid "The amount of memory, in megabytes, to allocate for the daemon's in-memory cache. A larger value may increase performance by reducing the frequency of disk I/O."
msgstr "Wie viele Megabyte Speicher für den im Arbeitsspeicher liegenden Zwischenspeicher des Daemons reserviert werden sollen. Ein größerer Wert kann eine höhere Leistung bedeuten, indem weniger oft auf die Platte zugegriffen werden muss."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25499
msgid "Defaults to @samp{4}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{4}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25502
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration} parameter} boolean prefetch-enabled?"
msgstr "{@code{transmission-daemon-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck prefetch-enabled?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25506
msgid "When @code{#t}, the daemon will try to improve I/O performance by hinting to the operating system which data is likely to be read next from disk to satisfy requests from peers."
msgstr "Wenn es @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon versuchen, die Ein-/Ausgabeleistung zu verbessern, indem er dem Betriebssystem Hinweise gibt, auf welche Daten er wahrscheinlich als Nächstes zugreift, um den Anfragen anderer Netzwerkteilnehmer nachzukommen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:24999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25519
#, no-wrap
msgid "Tailon Service"
msgstr "Tailon-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25523
msgid "@uref{https://tailon.readthedocs.io/, Tailon} is a web application for viewing and searching log files."
msgstr "@uref{https://tailon.readthedocs.io/, Tailon} ist eine Web-Anwendung, um Protokolldateien zu betrachten und zu durchsuchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25526
msgid "The following example will configure the service with default values. By default, Tailon can be accessed on port 8080 (@code{http://localhost:8080})."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie den Dienst mit den Vorgabewerten konfigurieren. Nach Vorgabe kann auf Tailon auf Port 8080 zugegriffen werden (@code{http://localhost:8080})."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25009
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25529
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service tailon-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service tailon-service-type)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25533
msgid "The following example customises more of the Tailon configuration, adding @command{sed} to the list of allowed commands."
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel werden mehr Anpassungen an der Tailon-Konfiguration vorgenommen: @command{sed} gehört dort auch zur Liste der erlaubten Befehle dazu."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25540
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service tailon-service-type\n"
@@ -46677,34 +47597,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (allowed-commands '(\"tail\" \"grep\" \"awk\" \"sed\"))))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25543
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} tailon-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} tailon-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25546
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of Tailon. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Tailon repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25548
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{(tailon-configuration-file)})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(tailon-configuration-file)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25552
msgid "The configuration file to use for Tailon. This can be set to a @dfn{tailon-configuration-file} record value, or any gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions})."
msgstr "Die Konfigurationsdatei, die für Tailon benutzt werden soll. Als Wert kann ein @dfn{tailon-configuration-file}-Verbundsobjekt oder ein beliebiger G-Ausdruck dienen (siehe @ref{G-Expressions})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25555
msgid "For example, to instead use a local file, the @code{local-file} function can be used:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel stattdessen eine lokale Datei zu benutzen, kann von der Funktion @code{local-file} Gebrauch gemacht werden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25560
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service tailon-service-type\n"
@@ -46716,144 +47636,144 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"./my-tailon.conf\"))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25562
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{tailon})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{tailon})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25564
msgid "The tailon package to use."
msgstr "Das tailon-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25568
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} tailon-configuration-file"
msgstr "{Datentyp} tailon-configuration-file"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25571
msgid "Data type representing the configuration options for Tailon. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfigurationsoptionen für Tailon repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25573
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{files} (default: @code{(list \"/var/log\")})"
msgstr "@code{files} (Vorgabe: @code{(list \"/var/log\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25578
msgid "List of files to display. The list can include strings for a single file or directory, or a list, where the first item is the name of a subsection, and the remaining items are the files or directories in that subsection."
msgstr "Die Liste der anzuzeigenden Dateien. In der Liste dürfen Zeichenketten stehen, die jeweils für eine einzelne Datei oder ein Verzeichnis stehen, oder auch Listen, deren erstes Element den Namen eines Unterbereichs angibt und deren übrige Elemente die Dateien oder Verzeichnisse in diesem Unterbereich benennen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25579
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bind} (default: @code{\"localhost:8080\"})"
msgstr "@code{bind} (Vorgabe: @code{\"localhost:8080\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25581
msgid "Address and port to which Tailon should bind on."
msgstr "Adresse und Port, an die sich Tailon binden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25582
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{relative-root} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{relative-root} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25584
msgid "URL path to use for Tailon, set to @code{#f} to not use a path."
msgstr "Welcher URL-Pfad für Tailon benutzt werden soll. Wenn Sie hierfür @code{#f} angeben, wird kein Pfad benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25585
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-transfers?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{allow-transfers?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25587
msgid "Allow downloading the log files in the web interface."
msgstr "Ob es möglich sein soll, die Protokolldateien über die Weboberfläche herunterzuladen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25588
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{follow-names?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{follow-names?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25590
msgid "Allow tailing of not-yet existent files."
msgstr "Ob noch nicht existierende Dateien „getailt“ werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25071
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25591
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tail-lines} (default: @code{200})"
msgstr "@code{tail-lines} (Vorgabe: @code{200})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25593
msgid "Number of lines to read initially from each file."
msgstr "Wie viele Zeilen am Anfang aus jeder Datei gelesen werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25594
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allowed-commands} (default: @code{(list \"tail\" \"grep\" \"awk\")})"
msgstr "@code{allowed-commands} (Vorgabe: @code{(list \"tail\" \"grep\" \"awk\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25596
msgid "Commands to allow running. By default, @code{sed} is disabled."
msgstr "Welche Befehle ausgeführt werden dürfen. Nach Vorgabe wird @code{sed} @emph{nicht} erlaubt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25599
msgid "Set @code{debug?} to @code{#t} to show debug messages."
msgstr "Legen Sie @code{debug?} als @code{#t} fest, um Nachrichten zur Fehlersuche anzuzeigen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25600
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wrap-lines} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{wrap-lines} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25604
msgid "Initial line wrapping state in the web interface. Set to @code{#t} to initially wrap lines (the default), or to @code{#f} to initially not wrap lines."
msgstr "Ob lange Zeilen nach der Anfangseinstellung in der Weboberfläche umgebrochen werden sollen. Setzen Sie es auf @code{#t}, werden Zeilen in der Anfangseinstellung umgebrochen (die Vorgabe), bei @code{#f} werden sie anfänglich nicht umgebrochen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25605
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{http-auth} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{http-auth} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25609
msgid "HTTP authentication type to use. Set to @code{#f} to disable authentication (the default). Supported values are @code{\"digest\"} or @code{\"basic\"}."
msgstr "Welcher HTTP-Authentifizierungstyp benutzt werden soll. Setzen Sie dies auf @code{#f}, damit sich Benutzer nicht authentisieren müssen (die Vorgabe). Unterstützte Werte sind @code{\"digest\"} oder @code{\"basic\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25610
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{users} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{users} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25615
msgid "If HTTP authentication is enabled (see @code{http-auth}), access will be restricted to the credentials provided here. To configure users, use a list of pairs, where the first element of the pair is the username, and the 2nd element of the pair is the password."
msgstr "Wenn HTTP-Authentifizierung aktiviert ist (siehe @code{http-auth}), wird der Zugriff nur gewährt, nachdem die hier angegebenen Zugangsinformationen eingegeben wurden. Um Nutzer hinzuzufügen, geben Sie hier eine Liste von Paaren an, deren erstes Element jeweils der Benutzername und deren zweites Element das Passwort ist."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25621
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -46867,35 +47787,35 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"benutzer2\" . \"passwort2\"))))\n"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25627
#, no-wrap
msgid "Darkstat Service"
msgstr "Darkstat-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25628
#, no-wrap
msgid "darkstat"
msgstr "darkstat"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25631
msgid "Darkstat is a packet sniffer that captures network traffic, calculates statistics about usage, and serves reports over HTTP."
msgstr "Darkstat ist ein Netzwerkanalyseprogramm, das Pakete im Datenverkehr aufzeichnet, Statistiken zur Netzwerknutzung berechnet und über HTTP Berichte dazu bereitstellt."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25632
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} darkstat-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} darkstat-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25637
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://unix4lyfe.org/darkstat/, darkstat} service, its value must be a @code{darkstat-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://unix4lyfe.org/darkstat/, darkstat-Dienst}. Sein Wert muss ein @code{darkstat-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25642
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service darkstat-service-type\n"
@@ -46907,715 +47827,640 @@ msgstr ""
" (interface \"eno1\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25645
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} darkstat-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} darkstat-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25647
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{darkstat}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{darkstat} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25649
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{darkstat})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{darkstat})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25651
msgid "The darkstat package to use."
msgstr "Welches darkstat-Paket verwendet werden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25652
#, no-wrap
msgid "interface"
msgstr "interface"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25654
msgid "Capture traffic on the specified network interface."
msgstr "Datenverkehr an der angegebenen Netzwerkschnittstelle mitschneiden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25655
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{\"667\"})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{\"667\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25657
msgid "Bind the web interface to the specified port."
msgstr "Bindet die Weboberfläche an den angegebenen Port."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25140 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25660 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25696
msgid "Bind the web interface to the specified address."
msgstr "Bindet die Weboberfläche an die angegebene Adresse."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25661
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{base} (default: @code{\"/\"})"
msgstr "@code{base} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25664
msgid "Specify the path of the base URL@. This can be useful if @command{darkstat} is accessed via a reverse proxy."
msgstr "Geben Sie den Pfad der Basis-URL an. Das kann nützlich sein, wenn auf @command{darkstat} über einen inversen Proxy („Reverse Proxy“) zugegriffen wird."
-#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25148
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Prometheus Node Exporter Service"
-msgstr "Prometheus-Node-Exporter-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25669 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25670
#, no-wrap
msgid "prometheus-node-exporter"
msgstr "prometheus-node-exporter"
+#. type: subsubheading
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25669
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Prometheus Node Exporter Service"
+msgstr "Prometheus-Node-Exporter-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25676
msgid "The Prometheus ``node exporter'' makes hardware and operating system statistics provided by the Linux kernel available for the Prometheus monitoring system. This service should be deployed on all physical nodes and virtual machines, where monitoring these statistics is desirable."
msgstr "Der Prometheus-„Node-Exporter“ stellt Statistiken über Hardware und Betriebssystem für das Prometheus-Systemüberwachungssystem bereit, die vom Linux-Kernel geliefert werden. Dieser Dienst sollte auf allen physischen Netzwerkknoten und virtuellen Maschinen installiert werden, für die eine Überwachung ihrer Statistiken gewünscht wird."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25677
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme variable} prometheus-node-exporter-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} prometheus-node-exporter-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25681
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter/, prometheus-node-exporter} service, its value must be a @code{prometheus-node-exporter-configuration}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter/, „prometheus-node-exporter“-Dienst}. Sein Wert muss ein @code{prometheus-node-exporter-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25684
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25687
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} prometheus-node-exporter-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} prometheus-node-exporter-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25689
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{node_exporter}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration von @command{node_exporter}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25691
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25693
msgid "The prometheus-node-exporter package to use."
msgstr "Das Paket für den prometheus-node-exporter, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25694
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{web-listen-address} (default: @code{\":9100\"})"
msgstr "@code{web-listen-address} (Vorgabe: @code{\":9100\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25697
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{textfile-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter\"})"
msgstr "@code{textfile-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25701
msgid "This directory can be used to export metrics specific to this machine. Files containing metrics in the text format, with the filename ending in @code{.prom} should be placed in this directory."
msgstr "In dieses Verzeichnis können maschinenspezifische Metriken exportiert werden. Hier hinein sollten Dateien mit Metriken im Textformat platziert werden, die die Dateiendung @code{.prom} haben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25704
msgid "Extra options to pass to the Prometheus node exporter."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an den prometheus-node-exporter übergeben werden sollen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25708
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zabbix server"
msgstr "Zabbix-Server"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25709
#, no-wrap
msgid "zabbix zabbix-server"
msgstr "Zabbix, Zabbix-Server"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25191
-msgid "Zabbix provides monitoring metrics, among others network utilization, CPU load and disk space consumption:"
-msgstr "Zabbix stellt Metriken zur Systemüberwachung zur Verfügung, unter anderem die Netzwerk- und Prozessorauslastung sowie den Plattenplatzverbrauch, und bietet dabei:"
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25193
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "High performance, high capacity (able to monitor hundreds of thousands of devices)."
-msgstr "Hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und hohe Kapazität (hunderttausende Geräte können überwacht werden)."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25194
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Auto-discovery of servers and network devices and interfaces."
-msgstr "Automatische Erkennung von Servern, Netzwerkgeräten und -schnittstellen."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25195
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Low-level discovery, allows to automatically start monitoring new items, file systems or network interfaces among others."
-msgstr "Systemnahe Erkennung, wodurch automatisch mit der Überwachung neuer Objekte, Dateisysteme, Netzwerkschnittstellen und anderer Dinge begonnen werden kann."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25196
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Distributed monitoring with centralized web administration."
-msgstr "Verteilte Überwachung mit zentralisierter Web-Administrierbarkeit."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25714
+msgid "Zabbix is a high performance monitoring system that can collect data from a variety of sources and provide the results in a web-based interface. Alerting and reporting is built-in, as well as @dfn{templates} for common operating system metrics such as network utilization, CPU load, and disk space consumption."
+msgstr "Zabbix ist ein hochleistungsfähiges Überwachungssystem, mit dem Daten von vielen Quellen gesammelt in einer Web-Oberfläche zur Schau gestellt werden. Alarm- und Berichtsfunktionen sind eingebaut; auch gibt es @dfn{Vorlagen} für gängige Betriebssystemmetriken, unter anderem die Netzwerk- und Prozessorauslastung sowie den Plattenplatzverbrauch."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25197
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "Native high performance agents."
-msgstr "Native Hochleistungsagenten."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25721
+msgid "This service provides the central Zabbix monitoring service; you also need @ref{zabbix-front-end,@code{zabbix-front-end-service-type}} to configure Zabbix and display results, and optionally @ref{zabbix-agent, @code{zabbix-agent-service-type}} on machines that should be monitored (other data sources are supported, such as @ref{prometheus-node-exporter, Prometheus Node Exporter})."
+msgstr "In diesem Diensttyp steckt das zentrale Überwachungssystem von Zabbix. Zudem brauchen Sie @ref{zabbix-front-end,@code{zabbix-front-end-service-type}}, um Zabbix zu konfigurieren und Ergebnisse anzuzeigen, und vielleicht @ref{zabbix-agent, @code{zabbix-agent-service-type}} auf den zu überwachenden Maschinen (auch andere Datenquellen werden unterstützt wie etwa @ref{prometheus-node-exporter, Prometheus Node Exporter})."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25198
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25722
#, no-wrap
-msgid "SLA, and ITIL KPI metrics on reporting."
-msgstr "Berichte zum SLA und über ITIL-KPI-Metriken."
+msgid "{Scheme variable} zabbix-server-service-type"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} zabbix-server-service-type"
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25199
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "High-level (business) view of monitored resources through user-defined visual console screens and dashboards."
-msgstr "Überblickssicht (geschäftlich) auf die überwachten Ressourcen über benutzerdefinierte visuelle Konsolenbildschirme und Dashboards."
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25725
+msgid "This is the service type for the Zabbix server service. Its value must be a @code{zabbix-server-configuration} record, shown below."
+msgstr "Der Diensttyp des Zabbix-Server-Dienstes. Sein Wert muss ein @code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein. Folgendes ist enthalten."
-#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25200
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25729
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Remote command execution through Zabbix proxies."
-msgstr "Entfernte Befehlsausführung über Zabbix-Proxys."
+msgid "{Data Type} zabbix-server-configuration"
+msgstr "{Datentyp} zabbix-server-configuration"
-#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25206
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25731
msgid "Available @code{zabbix-server-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Felder sind:"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25207
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25733 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25896
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} package zabbix-server"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ zabbix-server"
+msgid "@code{zabbix-server} (default: @code{zabbix-server}) (type: file-like)"
+msgstr "@code{zabbix-server} (Vorgabe: @code{zabbix-server}) (Typ: dateiartig)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25209
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25735
msgid "The zabbix-server package."
msgstr "Das zabbix-server-Paket."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25212
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25736 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25822
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string user"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
+msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25214
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25738
msgid "User who will run the Zabbix server."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem der Zabbix-Server ausgeführt wird."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25216 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25223
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25237 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25244
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25345 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25352
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25463 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25470
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"zabbix\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"zabbix\"}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25219
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25739 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25825
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} group group"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Gruppe group"
+msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (type: group)"
+msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (Typ: Gruppe)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25221
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25741
msgid "Group who will run the Zabbix server."
msgstr "Die Gruppe, mit der der Zabbix-Server ausgeführt wird."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25226
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25742
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-host"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-host"
+msgid "@code{db-host} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{db-host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25228 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25447
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25744 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25906
msgid "Database host name."
msgstr "Rechnername der Datenbank."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25230
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25233
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25745 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25910
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-name"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-name"
+msgid "@code{db-name} (default: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{db-name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25235 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25461
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25747 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25912
msgid "Database name."
msgstr "Datenbankname."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25240
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25748 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25913
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-user"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-user"
+msgid "@code{db-user} (default: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{db-user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"zabbix\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25242 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25468
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25750 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25915
msgid "Database user."
msgstr "Benutzerkonto der Datenbank."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25247
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25751 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25916
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-password"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-password"
+msgid "@code{db-password} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{db-password} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25250
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25754
msgid "Database password. Please, use @code{include-files} with @code{DBPassword=SECRET} inside a specified file instead."
msgstr "Das Datenbankpasswort. Bitte benutzen Sie stattdessen @code{include-files} mit @code{DBPassword=SECRET} in einer angegebenen Datei."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25255
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25755 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25907
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} number db-port"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl db-port"
+msgid "@code{db-port} (default: @code{5432}) (type: number)"
+msgstr "@code{db-port} (Vorgabe: @code{5432}) (Typ: Zahl)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25257 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25454
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25757 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25909
msgid "Database port."
msgstr "Datenbank-Portnummer."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25259 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25456
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{5432}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{5432}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25262
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25758 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25832
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string log-type"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-type"
+msgid "@code{log-type} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{log-type} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25264 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25365
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25760 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25834
msgid "Specifies where log messages are written to:"
msgstr "Gibt an, wohin Protokollnachrichten geschrieben werden."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25268 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25763 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25838
+#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{system} - syslog."
msgstr "@code{system} - Syslog."
-#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25271 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25372
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25765
+#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{file} - file specified with @code{log-file} parameter."
msgstr "@code{file} - Die im @code{log-file}-Parameter angegebene Datei."
-#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25274 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25375
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25767 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25842
+#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{console} - standard output."
msgstr "@code{console} - Standardausgabe."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25281
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25771
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string log-file"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-file"
+msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/zabbix/server.log\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/zabbix/server.log\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25283 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25384
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25773 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25848
msgid "Log file name for @code{log-type} @code{file} parameter."
msgstr "Protokolldateiname für den @code{file}-Parameter von @code{log-type}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25285
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/server.log\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/server.log\"}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25288
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25774
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string pid-file"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid-file"
+msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25290 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25391
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25776 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25851
msgid "Name of PID file."
msgstr "Name der PID-Datei."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25292
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid\"}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25295
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25777
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string ssl-ca-location"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-ca-location"
+msgid "@code{ssl-ca-location} (default: @code{\"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{ssl-ca-location} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25298
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25780
msgid "The location of certificate authority (CA) files for SSL server certificate verification."
msgstr "Der Ort mit den Dateien über die Zertifikatsautoritäten (Certificate Authoritys, CAs) zur Prüfung der SSL-Serverzertifikate."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25300
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25303
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25781
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert-location"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-cert-location"
+msgid "@code{ssl-cert-location} (default: @code{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{ssl-cert-location} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25305
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25783
msgid "Location of SSL client certificates."
msgstr "Der Ort mit den SSL-Client-Zertifikaten."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25307
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25310
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25784 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25862
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string extra-options"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette extra-options"
+msgid "@code{extra-options} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: extra-options)"
+msgstr "@code{extra-options} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"}) (Typ: Zusatzoptionen)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25312 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25416
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25786 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25864
msgid "Extra options will be appended to Zabbix server configuration file."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Optionen werden an die Zabbix-Server-Konfigurationsdatei angehängt."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25317
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25787 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25865
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} include-files include-files"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Einzubindende-Dateien include-files"
+msgid "@code{include-files} (default: @code{()}) (type: include-files)"
+msgstr "@code{include-files} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Einzubindende-Dateien)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25320 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25424
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25790 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25868
msgid "You may include individual files or all files in a directory in the configuration file."
msgstr "Sie können einzelne Dateien oder alle Dateien in einem Verzeichnis in die Konfigurationsdatei einbinden."
+#. type: anchor{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25799
+msgid "zabbix-agent"
+msgstr "zabbix-agent"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25799
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zabbix agent"
msgstr "Zabbix-Agent"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25800
#, no-wrap
msgid "zabbix zabbix-agent"
msgstr "Zabbix, Zabbix-Agent"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25331
-msgid "Zabbix agent gathers information for Zabbix server."
-msgstr "Der Zabbix-Agent sammelt Informationen für den Zabbix-Server."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25807
+msgid "The Zabbix agent gathers information about the running system for the Zabbix monitoring server. It has a variety of built-in checks, and can be extended with custom @uref{https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/current/en/manual/config/items/userparameters, @dfn{user parameters}}."
+msgstr "Der Zabbix-Agent sammelt Informationen über das laufende System zur Überwachung mit dem Zabbix-Server. Einige Überprüfungen sind von vornherein verfügbar; eigene können Sie über @uref{https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/current/en/manual/config/items/userparameters, @dfn{Benutzerparameter}} hinzufügen."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25335
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25808
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Scheme variable} zabbix-agent-service-type"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} zabbix-agent-service-type"
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25811
+msgid "This is the service type for the Zabbix agent service. Its value must be a @code{zabbix-agent-configuration} record, shown below."
+msgstr "Der Diensttyp des Zabbix-Agent-Dienstes. Sein Wert muss ein @code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein. Folgendes ist enthalten."
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25815
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{Data Type} zabbix-agent-configuration"
+msgstr "{Datentyp} zabbix-agent-configuration"
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25817
msgid "Available @code{zabbix-agent-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Felder sind:"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25336
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25819
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} package zabbix-agent"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ zabbix-agent"
+msgid "@code{zabbix-agent} (default: @code{zabbix-agentd}) (type: file-like)"
+msgstr "@code{zabbix-agent} (Vorgabe: @code{zabbix-agentd}) (Typ: dateiartig)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25338
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25821
msgid "The zabbix-agent package."
msgstr "Das zabbix-agent-Paket."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25341
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string user"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25343
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25824
msgid "User who will run the Zabbix agent."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem der Zabbix-Agent ausgeführt wird."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25348
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} group group"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Gruppe group"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25350
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25827
msgid "Group who will run the Zabbix agent."
msgstr "Die Gruppe, mit der der Zabbix-Agent ausgeführt wird."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25355
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25828
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string hostname"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette hostname"
+msgid "@code{hostname} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{hostname} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25358
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25831
msgid "Unique, case sensitive hostname which is required for active checks and must match hostname as configured on the server."
msgstr "Der eindeutige Rechnername in richtiger Groß-/Kleinschreibung, der für aktive Überprüfungen benötigt wird und dem im Server eingestellten Rechnernamen entsprechen muss."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25363
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string log-type"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-type"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25382
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25839
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string log-file"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-file"
+msgid "@code{file} - file specified with"
+msgstr "@code{file} - Die Datei aus dem"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25386
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log\"}."
+#. type: itemize
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25841
+msgid "@code{log-file} parameter."
+msgstr "@code{log-file}-Parameter."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25389
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25846
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string pid-file"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid-file"
+msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25393
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid\"}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid\"}."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25849
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25396
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25852
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} list server"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Liste server"
+msgid "@code{server} (default: @code{(\"\")}) (type: list)"
+msgstr "@code{server} (Vorgabe: @code{(\"\")}) (Typ: Liste)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25400
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25856
msgid "List of IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or hostnames of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies. Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here."
msgstr "Die Liste der IP-Adressen, optional in CIDR-Notation angegeben, oder die Rechnernamen von Zabbix-Servern und Zabbix-Proxys. Eingehende Verbindungen werden nur dann angenommen, wenn sie von hier angegebenen Rechnern stammen."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25402 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25411
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{(\"\")}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"\")}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25405
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25857
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} list server-active"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Liste server-active"
+msgid "@code{server-active} (default: @code{(\"\")}) (type: list)"
+msgstr "@code{server-active} (Vorgabe: @code{(\"\")}) (Typ: Liste)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25409
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25861
msgid "List of IP:port (or hostname:port) pairs of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies for active checks. If port is not specified, default port is used. If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled."
msgstr "Die Liste aus IP:Port-Paaren (oder Rechnername:Port-Paaren) von Zabbix-Servern und Zabbix-Proxys für aktive Überprüfungen. Wenn kein Port angegeben wurde, wird der Vorgabeport benutzt. Wenn dieser Parameter @emph{nicht} angegeben wird, werden aktive Überprüfungen deaktiviert."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25414
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string extra-options"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette extra-options"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25421
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} include-files include-files"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Einzubindende-Dateien include-files"
+#. type: anchor{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25877
+msgid "zabbix-front-end"
+msgstr "zabbix-front-end"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25877
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zabbix front-end"
msgstr "Zabbix-Frontend"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25878
#, no-wrap
msgid "zabbix zabbix-front-end"
msgstr "Zabbix, Zabbix-Frontend"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25435
-msgid "This service provides a WEB interface to Zabbix server."
-msgstr "Dieser Dienst stellt eine Weboberfläche als Vordergrundsystem (@dfn{Frontend}) für den Zabbix-Server zur Verfügung."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25884
+msgid "The Zabbix front-end provides a web interface to Zabbix. It does not need to run on the same machine as the Zabbix server. This service works by extending the @ref{PHP-FPM} and @ref{NGINX} services with the configuration necessary for loading the Zabbix user interface."
+msgstr "Mit dem Zabbix-Frontend wird eine Weboberfläche als Vordergrundsystem (@dfn{Frontend}) für Zabbix bereitgestellt. Es kann auch auf einer anderen Maschine als der Zabbix-Server laufen. Dieser Diensttyp beruht darauf, die Dienste für @ref{PHP-FPM} und @ref{NGINX} mit der nötigen Konfiguration zum Laden der Zabbix-Benutzeroberfläche zu erweitern."
-#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25439
-msgid "Available @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} fields are:"
-msgstr "Verfügbare @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Felder sind:"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25440
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25885
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} nginx-server-configuration-list nginx"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} „nginx-server-configuration“-Liste nginx"
+msgid "{Scheme variable} zabbix-front-end-service-type"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} zabbix-front-end-service-type"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25442 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31735
-msgid "NGINX configuration."
-msgstr "NGINX-Konfiguration."
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25888
+msgid "This is the service type for the Zabbix web frontend. Its value must be a @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} record, shown below."
+msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp stellt das Zabbix-Web-Frontend als Vordergrundsystem zur Verfügung. Sein Wert muss ein @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein wie hier gezeigt."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25445
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25892
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-host"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-host"
+msgid "{Data Type} zabbix-front-end-configuration"
+msgstr "{Datentyp} zabbix-front-end-configuration"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25452
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} number db-port"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl db-port"
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25894
+msgid "Available @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} fields are:"
+msgstr "Verfügbare @code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Felder sind:"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25459
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-name"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-name"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25898
+msgid "The Zabbix server package to use."
+msgstr "Das zabbix-server-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25466
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25899
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-user"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-user"
+msgid "@code{nginx} (default: @code{()}) (type: list)"
+msgstr "@code{nginx} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Liste)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25473
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25903
+msgid "List of @ref{nginx-server-configuration,@code{nginx-server-configuration}} blocks for the Zabbix front-end. When empty, a default that listens on port 80 is used."
+msgstr "Liste von @ref{nginx-server-configuration,@code{nginx-server-configuration}}-Blöcken für das Zabbix-Frontend. Wenn es leer gelassen wird, lässt die Vorgabeeinstellung auf Port 80 lauschen."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25904
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-password"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-password"
+msgid "@code{db-host} (default: @code{\"localhost\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{db-host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"localhost\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25475
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25918
msgid "Database password. Please, use @code{db-secret-file} instead."
msgstr "Das Datenbankpasswort. Bitte benutzen Sie stattdessen @code{db-secret-file}."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25480
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25919
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-secret-file"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-secret-file"
+msgid "@code{db-secret-file} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{db-secret-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25485
-msgid "Secret file containing the credentials for the Zabbix front-end. The value must be a local file name, not a G-expression. You are expected to create this file manually. Its contents will be copied into @file{zabbix.conf.php} as the value of @code{$DB['PASSWORD']}."
-msgstr "In welcher Datei die geheimen Anmeldedaten für das Vordergrundsystem von Zabbix stehen. Als Wert muss ein lokaler Dateiname angegeben werden und @emph{kein} G-Ausdruck. Es wird erwartet, dass Sie diese Datei manuell erstellen. Ihr Inhalt wird als Wert von @code{$DB['PASSWORD']} in die @file{zabbix.conf.php} kopiert."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25923
+msgid "Secret file which will be appended to @file{zabbix.conf.php} file. This file contains credentials for use by Zabbix front-end. You are expected to create it manually."
+msgstr "Die Datei mit den Geheimnis-Informationen, die an die @file{zabbix.conf.php}-Datei angehängt wird. Diese Datei enthält Zugangsdaten für die Nutzung durch das Zabbix-Frontend. Es wird von Ihnen erwartet, dass Sie sie manuell erzeugen."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25490
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25924
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string zabbix-host"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette zabbix-host"
+msgid "@code{zabbix-host} (default: @code{\"localhost\"}) (type: string)"
+msgstr "@code{zabbix-host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"localhost\"}) (Typ: Zeichenkette)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25492
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25926
msgid "Zabbix server hostname."
msgstr "Zabbix-Server-Rechnername."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25497
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25927
#, no-wrap
-msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} number zabbix-port"
-msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl zabbix-port"
+msgid "@code{zabbix-port} (default: @code{10051}) (type: number)"
+msgstr "@code{zabbix-port} (Vorgabe: @code{10051}) (Typ: Zahl)"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25499
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25929
msgid "Zabbix server port."
msgstr "Zabbix-Server-Port."
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25501
-msgid "Defaults to @samp{10051}."
-msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{10051}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25939
#, no-wrap
msgid "Kerberos"
msgstr "Kerberos"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25943
msgid "The @code{(gnu services kerberos)} module provides services relating to the authentication protocol @dfn{Kerberos}."
msgstr "Das @code{(gnu services kerberos)}-Modul stellt Dienste zur Verfügung, die mit dem Authentifizierungsprotokoll @dfn{Kerberos} zu tun haben."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25944
#, no-wrap
msgid "Krb5 Service"
msgstr "Krb5-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25951
msgid "Programs using a Kerberos client library normally expect a configuration file in @file{/etc/krb5.conf}. This service generates such a file from a definition provided in the operating system declaration. It does not cause any daemon to be started."
msgstr "Programme, die eine Kerberos-Clientbibliothek benutzen, erwarten meist, dass sich eine Konfigurationsdatei in @file{/etc/krb5.conf} befindet. Dieser Dienst erzeugt eine solche Datei aus einer Definition, die in der Betriebssystemdeklaration angegebenen wurde. Durch ihn wird kein Daemon gestartet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25955
msgid "No ``keytab'' files are provided by this service---you must explicitly create them. This service is known to work with the MIT client library, @code{mit-krb5}. Other implementations have not been tested."
msgstr "Keine „Schlüsseltabellen“-Dateien werden durch diesen Dienst zur Verfügung gestellt@tie{}— Sie müssen sie ausdrücklich selbst anlegen. Dieser Dienst funktioniert bekanntermaßen mit der MIT-Clientbibliothek @code{mit-krb5}. Andere Implementierungen wurden nicht getestet."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25956
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} krb5-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} krb5-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25958
msgid "A service type for Kerberos 5 clients."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für Kerberos-5-Clients."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25962
msgid "Here is an example of its use:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie man ihn benutzt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25976
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service krb5-service-type\n"
@@ -47647,206 +48492,206 @@ msgstr ""
" (kdc \"keys.argrx.edu\"))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25980
msgid "This example provides a Kerberos@tie{}5 client configuration which:"
msgstr "Dieses Beispiel stellt eine Client-Konfiguration für Kerberos@tie{}5 zur Verfügung, mit der:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25981
#, no-wrap
msgid "Recognizes two realms, @i{viz:} ``EXAMPLE.COM'' and ``ARGRX.EDU'', both"
msgstr "Zwei Administrationsbereiche erkannt werden, nämlich: „EXAMPLE.COM“"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25983
msgid "of which have distinct administration servers and key distribution centers;"
msgstr "und „ARGRX.EDU“, die beide verschiedene Administrationsserver und Schlüsselverteilungszentren haben,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25983
#, no-wrap
msgid "Will default to the realm ``EXAMPLE.COM'' if the realm is not explicitly"
msgstr "als Vorgabe der Administrationsbereich „EXAMPLE.COM“ verwendet wird,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25985
msgid "specified by clients;"
msgstr "falls der Administrationsbereich von Clients nicht ausdrücklich angegeben wurde, und"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25985
#, no-wrap
msgid "Accepts services which only support encryption types known to be weak."
msgstr "auch Dienste angenommen werden, die nur Verschlüsselungstypen unterstützen, die bekanntermaßen schwach sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25993
msgid "The @code{krb5-realm} and @code{krb5-configuration} types have many fields. Only the most commonly used ones are described here. For a full list, and more detailed explanation of each, see the MIT @uref{https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-devel/doc/admin/conf_files/krb5_conf.html,,krb5.conf} documentation."
msgstr "Die Typen @code{krb5-realm} und @code{krb5-configuration} haben viele Felder. Hier werden nur die am häufigsten benutzten beschrieben. Eine vollständige Liste und jeweils detailliertere Erklärungen finden Sie in der Dokumentation von @uref{https://web.mit.edu/kerberos/krb5-devel/doc/admin/conf_files/krb5_conf.html,,krb5.conf} vom MIT."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25995
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} krb5-realm"
msgstr "{Datentyp} krb5-realm"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25996
#, no-wrap
msgid "realm, kerberos"
msgstr "Administrationsbereich, Kerberos"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26002
msgid "This field is a string identifying the name of the realm. A common convention is to use the fully qualified DNS name of your organization, converted to upper case."
msgstr "Dieses Feld enthält eine Zeichenkette, die den Namen des Administrationsbereichs bezeichnet. Üblich ist, den vollständigen DNS-Namen („Fully Qualified DNS Name“) Ihrer Organisation nur in Großbuchstaben zu benutzen."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26003
#, no-wrap
msgid "admin-server"
msgstr "admin-server"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26006
msgid "This field is a string identifying the host where the administration server is running."
msgstr "Dieses Feld enthält eine Zeichenkette, die den Rechner benennt, auf dem der Administrationsserver läuft."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25577
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26007
#, no-wrap
msgid "kdc"
msgstr "kdc"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26010
msgid "This field is a string identifying the key distribution center for the realm."
msgstr "Dieses Feld enthält eine Zeichenkette, die das Schlüsselverteilungszentrum für den Administrationsbereich angibt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26013
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} krb5-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} krb5-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26016
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-weak-crypto?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{allow-weak-crypto?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26019
msgid "If this flag is @code{#t} then services which only offer encryption algorithms known to be weak will be accepted."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, werden auch Dienste akzeptiert, die nur Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen anbieten, die bekanntermaßen schwach sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26020
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-realm} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{default-realm} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26027
msgid "This field should be a string identifying the default Kerberos realm for the client. You should set this field to the name of your Kerberos realm. If this value is @code{#f} then a realm must be specified with every Kerberos principal when invoking programs such as @command{kinit}."
msgstr "Dieses Feld sollte eine Zeichenkette enthalten, die den voreingestellten Kerberos-Administrationsbereich für den Client angibt. Sie sollten in diesem Feld den Namen Ihres Kerberos-Administrationsbereichs eintragen. Wenn der Wert @code{#f} ist, dann muss ein Administrationsbereich mit jedem Kerberos-Prinzipal zusammen angegeben werden, wenn Programme wie @command{kinit} aufgerufen werden."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26028
#, no-wrap
msgid "realms"
msgstr "realms"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26033
msgid "This should be a non-empty list of @code{krb5-realm} objects, which clients may access. Normally, one of them will have a @code{name} field matching the @code{default-realm} field."
msgstr "Hierin sollte eine nichtleere Liste von je einem @code{krb5-realm}-Objekt pro Administrationsbereich stehen, auf den Clients zugreifen können. Normalerweise hat einer davon ein @code{name}-Feld, das mit dem @code{default-realm}-Feld übereinstimmt."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26037
#, no-wrap
msgid "PAM krb5 Service"
msgstr "PAM-krb5-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26038
#, no-wrap
msgid "pam-krb5"
msgstr "pam-krb5"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26044
msgid "The @code{pam-krb5} service allows for login authentication and password management via Kerberos. You will need this service if you want PAM enabled applications to authenticate users using Kerberos."
msgstr "Der @code{pam-krb5}-Dienst ermöglicht es, bei der Anmeldung und Passwortverwaltung Benutzer über Kerberos zu authentifizieren. Sie brauchen diesen Dienst, damit Anwendungen, die PAM benutzen können, Nutzer über Kerberos authentifizieren können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26045
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} pam-krb5-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} pam-krb5-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26047
msgid "A service type for the Kerberos 5 PAM module."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für das PAM-Modul zu Kerberos@tie{}5."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26049
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} pam-krb5-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} pam-krb5-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26052
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the Kerberos 5 PAM module. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des PAM-Moduls für Kerberos 5 repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26053
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pam-krb5} (default: @code{pam-krb5})"
msgstr "@code{pam-krb5} (Vorgabe: @code{pam-krb5})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26055
msgid "The pam-krb5 package to use."
msgstr "Das pam-krb5-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26056
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{minimum-uid} (default: @code{1000})"
msgstr "@code{minimum-uid} (Vorgabe: @code{1000})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26059
msgid "The smallest user ID for which Kerberos authentications should be attempted. Local accounts with lower values will silently fail to authenticate."
msgstr "Der kleinste Benutzeridentifikator (UID), für den Authentifizierung über Kerberos versucht werden soll. Lokale Benutzerkonten mit niedrigeren Zahlwerten können sich nicht authentisieren und bekommen dazu keine Meldung angezeigt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26065
#, no-wrap
msgid "LDAP"
msgstr "LDAP"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26066
#, no-wrap
msgid "nslcd, LDAP service"
msgstr "nslcd, LDAP-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26073
msgid "The @code{(gnu services authentication)} module provides the @code{nslcd-service-type}, which can be used to authenticate against an LDAP server. In addition to configuring the service itself, you may want to add @code{ldap} as a name service to the Name Service Switch. @xref{Name Service Switch} for detailed information."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services authentication)} stellt den Diensttyp @code{nslcd-service-type} zur Verfügung, mit dem sich Benutzer gegenüber einem LDAP-Server authentisieren können. Sie möchten dabei wahrscheinlich nicht nur den Dienst konfigurieren, sondern auch @code{ldap} als einen Namensdienst („Name Service“) für den Name Service Switch hinzufügen. Siehe @ref{Name Service Switch} für Details."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26077
msgid "Here is a simple operating system declaration with a default configuration of the @code{nslcd-service-type} and a Name Service Switch configuration that consults the @code{ldap} name service last:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine einfache Betriebssystemdeklaration mit einer der Vorgabe entsprechenden Konfiguration des @code{nslcd-service-type} und einer Konfiguration des Name Service Switch, die den @code{ldap}-Namensdienst zuletzt prüft:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26100
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-service-modules authentication)\n"
@@ -47894,643 +48739,643 @@ msgstr ""
" (gshadow services)))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26105
msgid "Available @code{nslcd-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{nslcd-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26106
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} package nss-pam-ldapd"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ nss-pam-ldapd"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26108
msgid "The @code{nss-pam-ldapd} package to use."
msgstr "Das @code{nss-pam-ldapd}-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26111
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number threads"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl threads"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26115
msgid "The number of threads to start that can handle requests and perform LDAP queries. Each thread opens a separate connection to the LDAP server. The default is to start 5 threads."
msgstr "Die Anzahl zu startender Threads, die Anfragen bearbeiten und LDAP-Abfragen durchführen können. Jeder Thread öffnet eine separate Verbindung zum LDAP-Server. Die Vorgabe ist, 5 Threads zu starten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26120
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} string uid"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette uid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26122
msgid "This specifies the user id with which the daemon should be run."
msgstr "Gibt den Benutzeridentifikator an, unter dem der Daemon ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25694 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26124 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26131
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"nslcd\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"nslcd\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26127
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} string gid"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette gid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26129
msgid "This specifies the group id with which the daemon should be run."
msgstr "Gibt den Gruppenidentifikator an, unter dem der Daemon ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26134
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} log-option log"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Protokolleinstellung log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26142
msgid "This option controls the way logging is done via a list containing SCHEME and LEVEL@. The SCHEME argument may either be the symbols @samp{none} or @samp{syslog}, or an absolute file name. The LEVEL argument is optional and specifies the log level. The log level may be one of the following symbols: @samp{crit}, @samp{error}, @samp{warning}, @samp{notice}, @samp{info} or @samp{debug}. All messages with the specified log level or higher are logged."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung steuert über eine Liste aus SCHEMA und STUFE, wie protokolliert wird. Als SCHEMA-Argument darf entweder eines der Symbole @samp{none} (keines) oder @samp{syslog} angegeben werden oder ein absoluter Dateiname. Das Argument STUFE ist optional und legt die Protokollierungsstufe fest. Die Protokollierungsstufe kann als eines der folgenden Symbole angegeben werden: @samp{crit} (kritisch), @samp{error} (Fehler), @samp{warning} (Warnung), @samp{notice} (Benachrichtigung), @samp{info} (Information) oder @samp{debug} (Fehlersuche). Alle Mitteilungen mit der angegebenen Protokollierungsstufe oder einer höheren werden protokolliert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26144
msgid "Defaults to @samp{(\"/var/log/nslcd\" info)}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"/var/log/nslcd\" info)}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26147
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} list uri"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Liste uri"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25720
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26150
msgid "The list of LDAP server URIs. Normally, only the first server will be used with the following servers as fall-back."
msgstr "Die Liste der LDAP-Server-URIs. Normalerweise wird nur der erste Server benutzt; nachfolgende Server dienen als Ersatz."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26152
msgid "Defaults to @samp{(\"ldap://localhost:389/\")}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"ldap://localhost:389/\")}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26155
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string ldap-version"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette ldap-version"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26158
msgid "The version of the LDAP protocol to use. The default is to use the maximum version supported by the LDAP library."
msgstr "Die zu benutzende Version des LDAP-Protokolls. Nach Vorgabe wird die höchste Version benutzt, die von der LDAP-Bibliothek unterstützt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26163
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string binddn"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette binddn"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26166
msgid "Specifies the distinguished name with which to bind to the directory server for lookups. The default is to bind anonymously."
msgstr "Gibt den „Distinguished Name“ an, der an den Verzeichnisserver („Directory Server“) gebunden wird, um Einträge aufzulösen. Nach Vorgabe wird anonym gebunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26171
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string bindpw"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette bindpw"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26174
msgid "Specifies the credentials with which to bind. This option is only applicable when used with binddn."
msgstr "Gibt die Zugangsinformationen an, mit denen gebunden wird. Diese Einstellung ist nur dann wirksam, wenn sie mit binddn benutzt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26179
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string rootpwmoddn"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette rootpwmoddn"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26182
msgid "Specifies the distinguished name to use when the root user tries to modify a user's password using the PAM module."
msgstr "Gibt den „Distinguished Name“ an, der benutzt wird, wenn der Administratornutzer „root“ versucht, das Passwort eines Benutzers mit Hilfe des PAM-Moduls zu verändern."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26187
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string rootpwmodpw"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette rootpwmodpw"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26191
msgid "Specifies the credentials with which to bind if the root user tries to change a user's password. This option is only applicable when used with rootpwmoddn"
msgstr "Gibt die Zugangsinformationen an, die benutzt werden, wenn der Administratornutzer „root“ versucht, das Passwort eines Benutzers zu verändern. Diese Einstellung ist nur dann wirksam, wenn sie mit rootpwmoddn benutzt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26196
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string sasl-mech"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette sasl-mech"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26199
msgid "Specifies the SASL mechanism to be used when performing SASL authentication."
msgstr "Gibt an, welcher SASL-Mechanismus benutzt werden soll, um Authentifizierung über SASL durchzuführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26204
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string sasl-realm"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette sasl-realm"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26206
msgid "Specifies the SASL realm to be used when performing SASL authentication."
msgstr "Gibt den SASL-Administrationsbereich an, um Authentifizierungen über SASL durchzuführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26211
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string sasl-authcid"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette sasl-authcid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26214
msgid "Specifies the authentication identity to be used when performing SASL authentication."
msgstr "Gibt die Authentisierungsidentität an, um Authentifizierungen über SASL durchzuführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26219
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string sasl-authzid"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette sasl-authzid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26222
msgid "Specifies the authorization identity to be used when performing SASL authentication."
msgstr "Gibt die Autorisierungsidentität an, um Authentifizierungen über SASL durchzuführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26227
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean sasl-canonicalize?"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck sasl-canonicalize?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26232
msgid "Determines whether the LDAP server host name should be canonicalised. If this is enabled the LDAP library will do a reverse host name lookup. By default, it is left up to the LDAP library whether this check is performed or not."
msgstr "Legt fest, ob der kanonische Rechnername („Hostname“) des LDAP-Servers ermittelt werden soll. Wenn ja, wird die LDAP-Bibliothek eine inverse Auflösung („Reverse Lookup“) des Rechnernamens durchführen. Die Vorgabe ist, es der LDAP-Bibliothek zu überlassen, ob eine solche Überprüfung durchgeführt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26237
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string krb5-ccname"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette krb5-ccname"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26239
msgid "Set the name for the GSS-API Kerberos credentials cache."
msgstr "Legt den Namen für den Zwischenspeicher der GSS-API-Kerberos-Zugangsdaten fest."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26244
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} string base"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette base"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26246
msgid "The directory search base."
msgstr "Basis für die Verzeichnissuche."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26248
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"dc=example,dc=com\"}."
msgstr "Vorgegeben ist @samp{\"dc=example,dc=com\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26251
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} scope-option scope"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Suchbereichs-Einstellung scope"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26255
msgid "Specifies the search scope (subtree, onelevel, base or children). The default scope is subtree; base scope is almost never useful for name service lookups; children scope is not supported on all servers."
msgstr "Legt den Suchbereich fest als subtree (Teilbaum), onelevel (eine Ebene), base (Basis) oder children (Kinder). Die Vorgabe für den Suchbereich ist subtree; base ist fast nie geeignet für Namensdienstauflösungen; children wird nicht auf allen Servern unterstützt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26257
msgid "Defaults to @samp{(subtree)}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(subtree)}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26260
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-deref-option deref"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Deref-Einstellung deref"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26263
msgid "Specifies the policy for dereferencing aliases. The default policy is to never dereference aliases."
msgstr "Legt die Richtlinie für das Dereferenzieren von Alias-Namen fest. Die vorgegebene Richtlinie ist, Alias-Namen niemals zu dereferenzieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26268
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean referrals"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck referrals"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26271
msgid "Specifies whether automatic referral chasing should be enabled. The default behaviour is to chase referrals."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob Verweise („Referrals“) automatisch verfolgt werden sollen. Das vorgegebene Verhalten ist, sie zu verfolgen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26276
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} list-of-map-entries maps"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Liste-von-Abbildungseinträgen maps"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26281
msgid "This option allows for custom attributes to be looked up instead of the default RFC 2307 attributes. It is a list of maps, each consisting of the name of a map, the RFC 2307 attribute to match and the query expression for the attribute as it is available in the directory."
msgstr "Diese Option ermöglicht es, eigene Attribute bei der Auflösung anstelle der vorgegebenen RFC-2307-Attribute zu verwenden. Es ist eine Liste von Abbildungen („Maps“), von denen jede aus dem Namen der Abbildung, dem abzubildenden RFC-2307-Attribut und einem Anfrageausdruck besteht, mit dem es anhand des Verzeichnisses aufgelöst wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26286
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} list-of-filter-entries filters"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Liste-von-Filtereinträgen filters"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26289
msgid "A list of filters consisting of the name of a map to which the filter applies and an LDAP search filter expression."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Filtern, von denen jeder aus dem Namen einer Abbildung, auf die sich der Filter auswirkt, und einem LDAP-Suchfilter-Ausdruck besteht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26294
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number bind-timelimit"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl bind-timelimit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26297
msgid "Specifies the time limit in seconds to use when connecting to the directory server. The default value is 10 seconds."
msgstr "Gibt die Zeitbeschränkung in Sekunden an, wie lange eine Verbindung zum Verzeichnisserver dauern darf. Die Vorgabe ist 10 Sekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26302
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number timelimit"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl timelimit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26306
msgid "Specifies the time limit (in seconds) to wait for a response from the LDAP server. A value of zero, which is the default, is to wait indefinitely for searches to be completed."
msgstr "Gibt die Zeitbeschränkung (in Sekunden) an, wie lange auf eine Antwort vom LDAP-Server gewartet wird. Ein Wert von null, was die Vorgabe ist, bewirkt, dass beliebig lange gewartet wird, bis Suchen abgeschlossen sind."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26311
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number idle-timelimit"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl idle-timelimit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26315
msgid "Specifies the period if inactivity (in seconds) after which the con‐ nection to the LDAP server will be closed. The default is not to time out connections."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie lange bei Inaktivität gewartet wird (in Sekunden), bis die Verbindung zum LDAP-Server geschlossen wird. Die Vorgabe ist, dass es zu keiner Zeitüberschreitung bei Verbindungen kommen kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26320
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number reconnect-sleeptime"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl reconnect-sleeptime"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26324
msgid "Specifies the number of seconds to sleep when connecting to all LDAP servers fails. By default one second is waited between the first failure and the first retry."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl an Sekunden an, wie lange „schlafend“ gewartet wird, wenn zu @emph{keinem} LDAP-Server eine Verbindung hergestellt werden kann. Die Vorgabe ist, zwischen dem ersten Fehlversuch und dem ersten neuen Versuch 1@tie{}Sekunde zu warten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26329
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number reconnect-retrytime"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl reconnect-retrytime"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26333
msgid "Specifies the time after which the LDAP server is considered to be permanently unavailable. Once this time is reached retries will be done only once per this time period. The default value is 10 seconds."
msgstr "Gibt an, nach wie viel Zeit der LDAP-Server als dauerhaft nicht verfügbar angesehen wird. Sobald dieser Fall eintritt, wird eine Verbindungsaufnahme nur noch einmal pro weiterem Ablauf dieser Zeitperiode versucht. Der Vorgabewert beträgt 10@tie{}Sekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26338
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-ssl-option ssl"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-SSL-Einstellung ssl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26342
msgid "Specifies whether to use SSL/TLS or not (the default is not to). If 'start-tls is specified then StartTLS is used rather than raw LDAP over SSL."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob SSL/TLS benutzt werden soll oder nicht (die Vorgabe ist, es @emph{nicht} zu benutzen). Wenn 'start-tls angegeben wird, dann wird StartTLS statt schlichtem LDAP über SSL benutzt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26347
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-tls-reqcert-option tls-reqcert"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-„tls-reqcert“-Einstellung tls-reqcert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26350
msgid "Specifies what checks to perform on a server-supplied certificate. The meaning of the values is described in the ldap.conf(5) manual page."
msgstr "Gibt an, welche Überprüfungen auf einem vom Server empfangenen Zertifikat durchgeführt werden sollen. Die Bedeutung der Werte wird auf der Handbuchseite zu ldap.conf(5) beschrieben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26355
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string tls-cacertdir"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette tls-cacertdir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26358
msgid "Specifies the directory containing X.509 certificates for peer authen‐ tication. This parameter is ignored when using GnuTLS."
msgstr "Gibt das Verzeichnis an, das X.509-Zertifikate zur Authentifikation von Kommunikationspartnern enthält. Dieser Parameter wird ignoriert, wenn Sie GnuTLS benutzen lassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26363
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string tls-cacertfile"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette tls-cacertfile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26365
msgid "Specifies the path to the X.509 certificate for peer authentication."
msgstr "Gibt den Dateipfad zu dem X.509-Zertifikat zur Authentifikation von Kommunikationspartnern an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26370
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string tls-randfile"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette tls-randfile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26373
msgid "Specifies the path to an entropy source. This parameter is ignored when using GnuTLS."
msgstr "Gibt den Pfad zu einer Entropiequelle an. Dieser Parameter wird ignoriert, wenn Sie GnuTLS benutzen lassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26378
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string tls-ciphers"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette tls-ciphers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26380
msgid "Specifies the ciphers to use for TLS as a string."
msgstr "Gibt als eine Zeichenkette an, welche Ciphers für TLS benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26385
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string tls-cert"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette tls-cert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26388
msgid "Specifies the path to the file containing the local certificate for client TLS authentication."
msgstr "Gibt den Pfad zu der Datei an, die das lokale Zertifikat zur TLS-Authentisierung als Client enthält."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26393
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string tls-key"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette tls-key"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26396
msgid "Specifies the path to the file containing the private key for client TLS authentication."
msgstr "Gibt den Pfad zu der Datei an, die den privaten Schlüssel zur TLS-Authentisierung als Client enthält."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26401
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number pagesize"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl pagesize"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26405
msgid "Set this to a number greater than 0 to request paged results from the LDAP server in accordance with RFC2696. The default (0) is to not request paged results."
msgstr "Geben Sie hier eine Zahl größer als 0 an, um beim LDAP-Server seitenweise Antworten anzufordern, entsprechend RFC2696. Die Vorgabe (0) fordert alle Ergebnisse auf einmal an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26410
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-ignore-users-option nss-initgroups-ignoreusers"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-„ignore-users“-Einstellung nss-initgroups-ignoreusers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25984
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26414
msgid "This option prevents group membership lookups through LDAP for the specified users. Alternatively, the value 'all-local may be used. With that value nslcd builds a full list of non-LDAP users on startup."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung verhindert, dass für die angegebenen Benutzer die Gruppenmitgliedschaft über LDAP aufgelöst wird. Alternativ kann der Wert 'all-local verwendet werden. Für diesen Wert erzeugt nslcd eine vollständige Liste aller Nicht-LDAP-Benutzer, wenn es startet."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26419
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number nss-min-uid"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl nss-min-uid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25992
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26422
msgid "This option ensures that LDAP users with a numeric user id lower than the specified value are ignored."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung lässt sicherstellen, dass LDAP-Benutzer, deren numerischer Benutzeridentifikator kleiner als der angegebene Wert ist, ignoriert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:25997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26427
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number nss-uid-offset"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl nss-uid-offset"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26430
msgid "This option specifies an offset that is added to all LDAP numeric user ids. This can be used to avoid user id collisions with local users."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung gibt einen Versatz an, der auf den numerischen Benutzeridentifikator jedes LDAP-Nutzers aufaddiert wird. Damit können Konflikte zwischen den Benutzeridentifikatoren lokaler Benutzerkonten und LDAP vermieden werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26435
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-number nss-gid-offset"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zahl nss-gid-offset"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26438
msgid "This option specifies an offset that is added to all LDAP numeric group ids. This can be used to avoid user id collisions with local groups."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung gibt einen Versatz an, der auf den numerischen Gruppenidentifikator jedes LDAP-Nutzers aufaddiert wird. Damit können Konflikte zwischen den Gruppenidentifikatoren lokaler Gruppen und LDAP vermieden werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26443
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean nss-nested-groups"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck nss-nested-groups"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26449
msgid "If this option is set, the member attribute of a group may point to another group. Members of nested groups are also returned in the higher level group and parent groups are returned when finding groups for a specific user. The default is not to perform extra searches for nested groups."
msgstr "Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, können die Attribute einer Gruppe auch wieder Verweise auf eine andere Gruppe sein. Attribute darin verschachtelter („nested“) Gruppen werden für die Gruppe auf höherer Ebene ebenfalls zurückgeliefert und Elterngruppen werden zurückgeliefert, wenn nach den Gruppen eines bestimmten Nutzers gesucht wird. Die Vorgabe ist, keine zusätzlichen Suchen nach verschachtelten Gruppen durchzuführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26454
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean nss-getgrent-skipmembers"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck nss-getgrent-skipmembers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26459
msgid "If this option is set, the group member list is not retrieved when looking up groups. Lookups for finding which groups a user belongs to will remain functional so the user will likely still get the correct groups assigned on login."
msgstr "Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, wird die Liste der Gruppenmitglieder beim Auflösen von Gruppen nicht angefragt. Zu welchen Gruppen ein Benutzer gehört, kann weiterhin angefragt werden, damit dem Benutzer bei der Anmeldung wahrscheinlich dennoch die richtigen Gruppen zugeordnet werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26464
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean nss-disable-enumeration"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck nss-disable-enumeration"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26470
msgid "If this option is set, functions which cause all user/group entries to be loaded from the directory will not succeed in doing so. This can dramatically reduce LDAP server load in situations where there are a great number of users and/or groups. This option is not recommended for most configurations."
msgstr "Wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist, scheitern Funktionen, die alle Benutzer-/Gruppeneinträge aus dem Verzeichnis zu laden versuchen. Dadurch kann die Auslastung von LDAP-Servern wesentlich reduziert werden, wenn es eine große Anzahl von Benutzern und/oder Gruppen gibt. Diese Einstellung wird für die meisten Konfigurationen @emph{nicht} empfohlen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26475
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string validnames"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette validnames"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26479
msgid "This option can be used to specify how user and group names are verified within the system. This pattern is used to check all user and group names that are requested and returned from LDAP."
msgstr "Mit dieser Einstellung kann festgelegt werden, wie Benutzer- und Gruppennamen vom System geprüft werden. Das angegebene Muster wird zur Prüfung aller Benutzer- und Gruppennamen benutzt, die über LDAP angefragt und zurückgeliefert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26484
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean ignorecase"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck ignorecase"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26489
msgid "This specifies whether or not to perform searches using case-insensitive matching. Enabling this could open up the system to authorization bypass vulnerabilities and introduce nscd cache poisoning vulnerabilities which allow denial of service."
msgstr "Hiermit wird festgelegt, ob bei Suchen nach passenden Einträgen @emph{nicht} auf Groß- und Kleinschreibung geachtet wird. Wenn Sie dies aktivieren, könnte es zu Sicherheitslücken kommen, mit denen Autorisierungen umgangen („Authorization Bypass“) oder der nscd-Zwischenspeicher vergiftet werden kann („Cache Poisoning“), was gezielte Überlastungen ermöglichen würde („Denial of Service“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26494
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean pam-authc-ppolicy"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck pam-authc-ppolicy"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26497
msgid "This option specifies whether password policy controls are requested and handled from the LDAP server when performing user authentication."
msgstr "Mit dieser Einstellung wird festgelegt, ob Passwortrichtliniensteuerung vom LDAP-Server angefragt und behandelt wird, wenn Nutzer authentifiziert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26502
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string pam-authc-search"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette pam-authc-search"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26078
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26508
msgid "By default nslcd performs an LDAP search with the user's credentials after BIND (authentication) to ensure that the BIND operation was successful. The default search is a simple check to see if the user's DN exists. A search filter can be specified that will be used instead. It should return at least one entry."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe führt nslcd eine LDAP-Suche nach jeder BIND-Operation (zur Authentisierung) durch, um sicherzustellen, dass die BIND-Operation erfolgreich durchgeführt wurde. Die vorgegebene Suche ist eine einfache Überprüfung, ob der DN eines Benutzers existiert. Hier kann ein Suchfilter angegeben werden, der stattdessen benutzt werden soll. Er sollte mindestens einen Eintrag liefern."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26513
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string pam-authz-search"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette pam-authz-search"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26517
msgid "This option allows flexible fine tuning of the authorisation check that should be performed. The search filter specified is executed and if any entries match, access is granted, otherwise access is denied."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung ermöglicht flexible Feineinstellungen an der durchzuführenden Autorisierungsprüfung. Der angegebene Suchfilter wird ausgeführt, woraufhin Zugriff gewährt wird, wenn mindestens ein Eintrag passt, andernfall wird der Zugriff verweigert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26522
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} maybe-string pam-password-prohibit-message"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette pam-password-prohibit-message"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26527
msgid "If this option is set password modification using pam_ldap will be denied and the specified message will be presented to the user instead. The message can be used to direct the user to an alternative means of changing their password."
msgstr "Wenn diese Einstellung festgelegt wurde, werden Passwortänderungen über pam_ldap abgelehnt und dem Anwender wird stattdessen die festgelegte Nachricht gezeigt. Die Nachricht kann benutzt werden, um den Anwender auf alternative Methoden aufmerksam zu machen, wie er sein Passwort ändern kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26532
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{nslcd-configuration} parameter} list pam-services"
msgstr "{@code{nslcd-configuration}-Parameter} Liste pam-services"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26534
msgid "List of pam service names for which LDAP authentication should suffice."
msgstr "Die Liste der PAM-Dienstnamen, für die eine LDAP-Authentisierung als ausreichend gilt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26545
#, no-wrap
msgid "web"
msgstr "Web"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26546
#, no-wrap
msgid "www"
msgstr "WWW"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26547
#, no-wrap
msgid "HTTP"
msgstr "HTTP"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26550
msgid "The @code{(gnu services web)} module provides the Apache HTTP Server, the nginx web server, and also a fastcgi wrapper daemon."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services web)} stellt den Apache-HTTP-Server, den nginx-Webserver und auch einen fastcgi-Wrapperdienst bereit."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26551
#, no-wrap
msgid "Apache HTTP Server"
msgstr "Apache-HTTP-Server"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26553
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} httpd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} httpd-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26557
msgid "Service type for the @uref{https://httpd.apache.org/,Apache HTTP} server (@dfn{httpd}). The value for this service type is a @code{httpd-configuration} record."
msgstr "Diensttyp für den @uref{https://httpd.apache.org/,Apache-HTTP-Server} @dfn{httpd}. Der Wert dieses Diensttyps ist ein @code{httpd-configuration}-Verbund."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26129 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26559 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26741
msgid "A simple example configuration is given below."
msgstr "Es folgt ein einfaches Beispiel der Konfiguration."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26567
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service httpd-service-type\n"
@@ -48548,12 +49393,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (document-root \"/srv/http/www.example.com\")))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26571
msgid "Other services can also extend the @code{httpd-service-type} to add to the configuration."
msgstr "Andere Dienste können den @code{httpd-service-type} auch erweitern, um etwas zur Konfiguration hinzuzufügen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26150 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26580 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26720
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(simple-service 'www.example.com-server httpd-service-type\n"
@@ -48573,115 +49418,115 @@ msgstr ""
" \"\\n\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26586
msgid "The details for the @code{httpd-configuration}, @code{httpd-module}, @code{httpd-config-file} and @code{httpd-virtualhost} record types are given below."
msgstr "Nun folgt eine Beschreibung der Verbundstypen @code{httpd-configuration}, @code{httpd-module}, @code{httpd-config-file} und @code{httpd-virtualhost}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26587
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} httpd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} httpd-configuration"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26589
msgid "This data type represents the configuration for the httpd service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des httpd-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26591
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{httpd})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{httpd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26593
msgid "The httpd package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende httpd-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26164 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26594 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26683
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{\"/var/run/httpd\"})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/httpd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26596
msgid "The pid file used by the shepherd-service."
msgstr "Die vom Shepherd-Dienst benutzte PID-Datei."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26597
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config} (default: @code{(httpd-config-file)})"
msgstr "@code{config} (Vorgabe: @code{(httpd-config-file)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26602
msgid "The configuration file to use with the httpd service. The default value is a @code{httpd-config-file} record, but this can also be a different G-expression that generates a file, for example a @code{plain-file}. A file outside of the store can also be specified through a string."
msgstr "Die vom httpd-Dienst zu benutzende Konfigurationsdatei. Vorgegeben ist ein @code{httpd-config-file}-Verbundsobjekt, aber als Wert kann auch ein anderer G-Ausdruck benutzt werden, der eine Datei erzeugt, zum Beispiel ein @code{plain-file}. Es kann auch eine Datei außerhalb des Stores mit einer Zeichenkette angegeben werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26606
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} httpd-module"
msgstr "{Datentyp} httpd-module"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26608
msgid "This data type represents a module for the httpd service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp steht für ein Modul des httpd-Dienstes."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26612
msgid "The name of the module."
msgstr "Der Name des Moduls."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26618
msgid "The file for the module. This can be relative to the httpd package being used, the absolute location of a file, or a G-expression for a file within the store, for example @code{(file-append mod-wsgi \"/modules/mod_wsgi.so\")}."
msgstr "Die Datei, in der das Modul steht. Sie kann relativ zum benutzten httpd-Paket oder als absoluter Pfad einer Datei oder als ein G-Ausdruck für eine Datei im Store angegeben werden, zum Beispiel @code{(file-append mod-wsgi \"/modules/mod_wsgi.so\")}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26192
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26622
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-httpd-modules"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-httpd-modules"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26194
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26624
msgid "A default list of @code{httpd-module} objects."
msgstr "Eine vorgegebene Liste von @code{httpd-module}-Objekten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26626
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} httpd-config-file"
msgstr "{Datentyp} httpd-config-file"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26628
msgid "This data type represents a configuration file for the httpd service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert eine Konfigurationsdatei für den httpd-Dienst."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26630
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{modules} (default: @code{%default-httpd-modules})"
msgstr "@code{modules} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-httpd-modules})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26203
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26633
msgid "The modules to load. Additional modules can be added here, or loaded by additional configuration."
msgstr "Welche Module geladen werden sollen. Zusätzliche Module können hier eingetragen werden oder durch eine zusätzliche Konfigurationsangabe geladen werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26636
msgid "For example, in order to handle requests for PHP files, you can use Apache’s @code{mod_proxy_fcgi} module along with @code{php-fpm-service-type}:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel Anfragen nach PHP-Dateien zu behandeln, können Sie das Modul @code{mod_proxy_fcgi} von Apache zusammen mit @code{php-fpm-service-type} benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26658
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service httpd-service-type\n"
@@ -48727,165 +49572,165 @@ msgstr ""
" (socket-group \"httpd\")))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26660
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-root} (default: @code{httpd})"
msgstr "@code{server-root} (Vorgabe: @code{httpd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26664
msgid "The @code{ServerRoot} in the configuration file, defaults to the httpd package. Directives including @code{Include} and @code{LoadModule} are taken as relative to the server root."
msgstr "Die @code{ServerRoot} in der Konfigurationsdatei, vorgegeben ist das httpd-Paket. Direktiven wie @code{Include} und @code{LoadModule} werden relativ zur ServerRoot interpretiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26665
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-name} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{server-name} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26669
msgid "The @code{ServerName} in the configuration file, used to specify the request scheme, hostname and port that the server uses to identify itself."
msgstr "Der @code{ServerName} in der Konfigurationsdatei, mit dem das Anfrageschema (Request Scheme), der Rechnername (Hostname) und Port angegeben wird, mit denen sich der Server identifiziert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26673
msgid "This doesn't need to be set in the server config, and can be specified in virtual hosts. The default is @code{#f} to not specify a @code{ServerName}."
msgstr "Es muss nicht als Teil der Server-Konfiguration festgelegt werden, sondern kann auch in virtuellen Rechnern (Virtual Hosts) festgelegt werden. Vorgegeben ist @code{#f}, wodurch kein @code{ServerName} festgelegt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26674
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{document-root} (default: @code{\"/srv/http\"})"
msgstr "@code{document-root} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/srv/http\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26676
msgid "The @code{DocumentRoot} from which files will be served."
msgstr "Das @code{DocumentRoot}-Verzeichnis, in dem sich die Dateien befinden, die man vom Server abrufen kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26247
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26677
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen} (default: @code{'(\"80\")})"
msgstr "@code{listen} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"80\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26682
msgid "The list of values for the @code{Listen} directives in the config file. The value should be a list of strings, when each string can specify the port number to listen on, and optionally the IP address and protocol to use."
msgstr "Die Liste der Werte für die @code{Listen}-Direktive in der Konfigurationsdatei. Als Wert sollte eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden, die jeweils die Portnummer, auf der gelauscht wird, und optional auch die zu benutzende IP-Adresse und das Protokoll angeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26687
msgid "The @code{PidFile} to use. This should match the @code{pid-file} set in the @code{httpd-configuration} so that the Shepherd service is configured correctly."
msgstr "Hiermit wird die PID-Datei als @code{PidFile}-Direktive angegeben. Der Wert sollte mit der @code{pid-file}-Datei in der @code{httpd-configuration} übereinstimmen, damit der Shepherd-Dienst richtig konfiguriert ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26688
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{error-log} (default: @code{\"/var/log/httpd/error_log\"})"
msgstr "@code{error-log} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/httpd/error_log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26690
msgid "The @code{ErrorLog} to which the server will log errors."
msgstr "Der Ort, an den der Server mit der @code{ErrorLog}-Direktive Fehlerprotokolle schreibt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26261 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26691 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27254
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"httpd\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"httpd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26693
msgid "The @code{User} which the server will answer requests as."
msgstr "Der Benutzer, als der der Server durch die @code{User}-Direktive Anfragen beantwortet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26694
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"httpd\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"httpd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26696
msgid "The @code{Group} which the server will answer requests as."
msgstr "Die Gruppe, mit der der Server durch die @code{Group}-Direktive Anfragen beantwortet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26697
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-config} (default: @code{(list \"TypesConfig etc/httpd/mime.types\")})"
msgstr "@code{extra-config} (Vorgabe: @code{(list \"TypesConfig etc/httpd/mime.types\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26700
msgid "A flat list of strings and G-expressions which will be added to the end of the configuration file."
msgstr "Eine flache Liste von Zeichenketten und G-Ausdrücken, die am Ende der Konfigurationsdatei hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26703
msgid "Any values which the service is extended with will be appended to this list."
msgstr "Alle Werte, mit denen dieser Dienst erweitert wird, werden an die Liste angehängt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26707
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} httpd-virtualhost"
msgstr "{Datentyp} httpd-virtualhost"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26709
msgid "This data type represents a virtualhost configuration block for the httpd service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert einen Konfigurationsblock für einen virtuellen Rechner (Virtual Host) des httpd-Dienstes."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26711
msgid "These should be added to the extra-config for the httpd-service."
msgstr "Sie sollten zur zusätzlichen Konfiguration extra-config des httpd-Dienstes hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26723
#, no-wrap
msgid "addresses-and-ports"
msgstr "addresses-and-ports"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26725
msgid "The addresses and ports for the @code{VirtualHost} directive."
msgstr "Adressen und Ports für die @code{VirtualHost}-Direktive."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26726
#, no-wrap
msgid "contents"
msgstr "contents"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26729
msgid "The contents of the @code{VirtualHost} directive, this should be a list of strings and G-expressions."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der @code{VirtualHost}-Direktive. Er sollte als Liste von Zeichenketten und G-Ausdrücken angegeben werden."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26734
#, no-wrap
msgid "NGINX"
msgstr "NGINX"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26736
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} nginx-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} nginx-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26739
msgid "Service type for the @uref{https://nginx.org/,NGinx} web server. The value for this service type is a @code{<nginx-configuration>} record."
msgstr "Diensttyp für den @uref{https://nginx.org/,NGinx-Webserver}. Der Wert des Dienstes ist ein @code{<nginx-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26749 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26803
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service nginx-service-type\n"
@@ -48903,12 +49748,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (root \"/srv/http/www.example.com\"))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26754
msgid "In addition to adding server blocks to the service configuration directly, this service can be extended by other services to add server blocks, as in this example:"
msgstr "Außer durch direktes Hinzufügen von Server-Blöcken zur Dienstkonfiguration kann der Dienst auch durch andere Dienste erweitert werden, um Server-Blöcke hinzuzufügen, wie man im folgenden Beispiel sieht:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26760
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(simple-service 'my-extra-server nginx-service-type\n"
@@ -48922,88 +49767,88 @@ msgstr ""
" (try-files (list \"$uri\" \"$uri/index.html\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26771
msgid "At startup, @command{nginx} has not yet read its configuration file, so it uses a default file to log error messages. If it fails to load its configuration file, that is where error messages are logged. After the configuration file is loaded, the default error log file changes as per configuration. In our case, startup error messages can be found in @file{/var/run/nginx/logs/error.log}, and after configuration in @file{/var/log/nginx/error.log}. The second location can be changed with the @var{log-directory} configuration option."
msgstr "Beim Starten hat @command{nginx} seine Konfigurationsdatei noch nicht gelesen und benutzt eine vorgegebene Datei, um Fehlermeldungen zu protokollieren. Wenn er seine Konfigurationsdatei nicht laden kann, landen Fehlermeldungen also dort. Nachdem die Konfigurationsdatei geladen ist, werden Fehlerprotokolle nach Voreinstellung in die Datei geschrieben, die in der Konfiguration angegeben ist. In unserem Fall können Sie Fehlermeldungen beim Starten in @file{/var/run/nginx/logs/error.log} finden und nachdem die Konfiguration eingelesen wurde, finden Sie sie in @file{/var/log/nginx/error.log}. Letzterer Ort kann mit der Konfigurationsoption @var{log-directory} geändert werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26772
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nginx-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nginx-configuration"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26776
msgid "This data type represents the configuration for NGinx. Some configuration can be done through this and the other provided record types, or alternatively, a config file can be provided."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration von NGinx. Ein Teil der Konfiguration kann hierüber und über die anderen zu Ihrer Verfügung stehenden Verbundstypen geschehen, alternativ können Sie eine Konfigurationsdatei mitgeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26778
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nginx} (default: @code{nginx})"
msgstr "@code{nginx} (Vorgabe: @code{nginx})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26780
msgid "The nginx package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende nginx-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26781
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/log/nginx\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/nginx\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26783
msgid "The directory to which NGinx will write log files."
msgstr "In welches Verzeichnis NGinx Protokolldateien schreiben wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26784
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{run-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/run/nginx\"})"
msgstr "@code{run-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/nginx\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26787
msgid "The directory in which NGinx will create a pid file, and write temporary files."
msgstr "In welchem Verzeichnis NGinx eine PID-Datei anlegen und temporäre Dateien ablegen wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26788
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-blocks} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{server-blocks} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26792
msgid "A list of @dfn{server blocks} to create in the generated configuration file, the elements should be of type @code{<nginx-server-configuration>}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @dfn{Server-Blöcken}, die in der erzeugten Konfigurationsdatei stehen sollen. Die Elemente davon sollten den Typ @code{<nginx-server-configuration>} haben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26796
msgid "The following example would setup NGinx to serve @code{www.example.com} from the @code{/srv/http/www.example.com} directory, without using HTTPS."
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wäre NGinx so eingerichtet, dass Anfragen an @code{www.example.com} mit Dateien aus dem Verzeichnis @code{/srv/http/www.example.com} beantwortet werden, ohne HTTPS zu benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26805
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{upstream-blocks} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{upstream-blocks} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26809
msgid "A list of @dfn{upstream blocks} to create in the generated configuration file, the elements should be of type @code{<nginx-upstream-configuration>}."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @dfn{Upstream-Blöcken}, die in der erzeugten Konfigurationsdatei stehen sollen. Ihre Elemente sollten den Typ @code{<nginx-upstream-configuration>} haben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26816
msgid "Configuring upstreams through the @code{upstream-blocks} can be useful when combined with @code{locations} in the @code{<nginx-server-configuration>} records. The following example creates a server configuration with one location configuration, that will proxy requests to a upstream configuration, which will handle requests with two servers."
msgstr "Upstreams als @code{upstream-blocks} zu konfigurieren, kann hilfreich sein, wenn es mit @code{locations} in @code{<nginx-server-configuration>} verbunden wird. Das folgende Beispiel erzeugt eine Server-Konfiguration mit einer Location-Konfiguration, bei der Anfragen als Proxy entsprechend einer Upstream-Konfiguration weitergeleitet werden, wodurch zwei Server diese beantworten können."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26835
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -49043,44 +49888,44 @@ msgstr ""
" \"server2.example.com\")))))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26843
msgid "If a configuration @var{file} is provided, this will be used, rather than generating a configuration file from the provided @code{log-directory}, @code{run-directory}, @code{server-blocks} and @code{upstream-blocks}. For proper operation, these arguments should match what is in @var{file} to ensure that the directories are created when the service is activated."
msgstr "Wenn eine Konfigurationsdatei als @var{file} angegeben wird, dann wird diese benutzt und @emph{keine} Konfigurationsdatei anhand der angegebenen @code{log-directory}, @code{run-directory}, @code{server-blocks} und @code{upstream-blocks} erzeugt. Trotzdem sollten diese Argumente bei einer richtigen Konfiguration mit denen in der Datei @var{file} übereinstimmen, damit die Verzeichnisse bei Aktivierung des Dienstes erzeugt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26847
msgid "This can be useful if you have an existing configuration file, or it's not possible to do what is required through the other parts of the nginx-configuration record."
msgstr "Das kann nützlich sein, wenn Sie schon eine bestehende Konfigurationsdatei haben oder das, was Sie brauchen, nicht mit anderen Teilen eines nginx-configuration-Verbundsobjekts umgesetzt werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26848
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-names-hash-bucket-size} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{server-names-hash-bucket-size} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26851
msgid "Bucket size for the server names hash tables, defaults to @code{#f} to use the size of the processors cache line."
msgstr "Größe der Behälter (englisch „Buckets“) für die Hashtabelle der Servernamen; vorgegeben ist @code{#f}, wodurch die Größe der Cache-Lines des Prozessors verwendet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26852
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-names-hash-bucket-max-size} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{server-names-hash-bucket-max-size} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26854
msgid "Maximum bucket size for the server names hash tables."
msgstr "Maximale Behältergröße für die Hashtabelle der Servernamen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26858
msgid "List of nginx dynamic modules to load. This should be a list of file names of loadable modules, as in this example:"
msgstr "Die Liste zu ladender dynamisch gebundener Module für nginx. Die dynamischen Module sollten als Liste von Dateinamen ladbarer Module angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26866
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -49098,18 +49943,18 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26868
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{lua-package-path} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{lua-package-path} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26871
msgid "List of nginx lua packages to load. This should be a list of package names of loadable lua modules, as in this example:"
msgstr "Die Liste zu ladender nginx-Lua-Pakete. Hier sollte eine Liste von Paketnamen ladbarer Lua-Module angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26878
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(lua-package-path (list lua-resty-core\n"
@@ -49125,35 +49970,35 @@ msgstr ""
" lua-resty-shell))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26880
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{lua-package-cpath} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{lua-package-cpath} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26883
msgid "List of nginx lua C packages to load. This should be a list of package names of loadable lua C modules, as in this example:"
msgstr "Die Liste zu ladender nginx-Lua-C-Pakete. Hier sollte eine Liste von Paketnamen ladbarer Lua-C-Module angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26886
#, no-wrap
msgid "(lua-package-cpath (list lua-resty-signal))\n"
msgstr "(lua-package-cpath (list lua-resty-signal))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26888
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{global-directives} (default: @code{'((events . ()))})"
msgstr "@code{global-directives} (Vorgabe: @code{'((events . ()))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26891
msgid "Association list of global directives for the top level of the nginx configuration. Values may themselves be association lists."
msgstr "Assoziative Liste von globalen Direktiven für die oberste Ebene der nginx-Konfiguration. Als Werte können wiederum assoziative Listen angegeben werden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26897
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -49167,312 +50012,317 @@ msgstr ""
" (events . ((worker_connections . 1024)))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26902
msgid "Extra content for the @code{http} block. Should be string or a string valued G-expression."
msgstr "Zusätzlicher Inhalt des @code{http}-Blocks. Er sollte eine Zeichenkette oder ein zeichenkettenwertiger G-Ausdruck."
+#. type: anchor{#1}
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26907
+msgid "nginx-server-configuration"
+msgstr "nginx-server-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26907
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nginx-server-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nginx-server-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26910
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of an nginx server block. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines nginx-Serverblocks repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26481
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26912
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen} (default: @code{'(\"80\" \"443 ssl\")})"
msgstr "@code{listen} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"80\" \"443 ssl\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26917
msgid "Each @code{listen} directive sets the address and port for IP, or the path for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. Both address and port, or only address or only port can be specified. An address may also be a hostname, for example:"
msgstr "Jede @code{listen}-Direktive legt Adresse und Port für eine IP fest oder gibt einen Unix-Socket an, auf dem der Server Anfragen beantwortet. Es können entweder sowohl Adresse als auch Port oder nur die Adresse oder nur der Port angegeben werden. Als Adresse kann auch ein Rechnername („Hostname“) angegeben werden, zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26920
#, no-wrap
msgid "'(\"\" \"\" \"8000\" \"*:8000\" \"localhost:8000\")\n"
msgstr "'(\"\" \"\" \"8000\" \"*:8000\" \"localhost:8000\")\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26922
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-name} (default: @code{(list 'default)})"
msgstr "@code{server-name} (Vorgabe: @code{(list 'default)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26925
msgid "A list of server names this server represents. @code{'default} represents the default server for connections matching no other server."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Servernamen, die dieser Server repräsentiert. @code{'default} repräsentiert den voreingestellten Server, der für Verbindungen verwendet wird, die zu keinem anderen Server passen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26926
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{root} (default: @code{\"/srv/http\"})"
msgstr "@code{root} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/srv/http\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26928
msgid "Root of the website nginx will serve."
msgstr "Wurzelverzeichnis des Webauftritts, der über nginx abgerufen werden kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26929
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{locations} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{locations} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26933
msgid "A list of @dfn{nginx-location-configuration} or @dfn{nginx-named-location-configuration} records to use within this server block."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @dfn{nginx-location-configuration}- oder @dfn{nginx-named-location-configuration}-Verbundsobjekten, die innerhalb des Serverblocks benutzt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26934
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{index} (default: @code{(list \"index.html\")})"
msgstr "@code{index} (Vorgabe: @code{(list \"index.html\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26937
msgid "Index files to look for when clients ask for a directory. If it cannot be found, Nginx will send the list of files in the directory."
msgstr "Index-Dateien, mit denen Anfragen nach einem Verzeichnis beantwortet werden. Wenn @emph{keine} davon gefunden wird, antwortet Nginx mit der Liste der Dateien im Verzeichnis."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26938
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{try-files} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{try-files} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26941
msgid "A list of files whose existence is checked in the specified order. @code{nginx} will use the first file it finds to process the request."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Dateien, bei denen in der angegebenen Reihenfolge geprüft wird, ob sie existieren. @code{nginx} beantwortet die Anfrage mit der ersten Datei, die es findet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26942
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-certificate} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-certificate} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26945
msgid "Where to find the certificate for secure connections. Set it to @code{#f} if you don't have a certificate or you don't want to use HTTPS."
msgstr "Wo das Zertifikat für sichere Verbindungen gespeichert ist. Sie sollten es auf @code{#f} setzen, wenn Sie kein Zertifikat haben oder kein HTTPS benutzen möchten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26946
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-certificate-key} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-certificate-key} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26949
msgid "Where to find the private key for secure connections. Set it to @code{#f} if you don't have a key or you don't want to use HTTPS."
msgstr "Wo der private Schlüssel für sichere Verbindungen gespeichert ist. Sie sollten ihn auf @code{#f} setzen, wenn Sie keinen Schlüssel haben oder kein HTTPS benutzen möchten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26950
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server-tokens?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{server-tokens?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26952
msgid "Whether the server should add its configuration to response."
msgstr "Ob der Server Informationen über seine Konfiguration bei Antworten beilegen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26953
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{raw-content} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{raw-content} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26955
msgid "A list of raw lines added to the server block."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Zeilen, die unverändert in den Serverblock eingefügt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26959
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nginx-upstream-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nginx-upstream-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26962
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of an nginx @code{upstream} block. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines nginx-@code{upstream}-Blocks repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat folgende Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26966
msgid "Name for this group of servers."
msgstr "Der Name dieser Servergruppe."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26967
#, no-wrap
msgid "servers"
msgstr "servers"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26974
msgid "Specify the addresses of the servers in the group. The address can be specified as a IP address (e.g.@: @samp{}), domain name (e.g.@: @samp{backend1.example.com}) or a path to a UNIX socket using the prefix @samp{unix:}. For addresses using an IP address or domain name, the default port is 80, and a different port can be specified explicitly."
msgstr "Gibt die Adressen der Server in der Gruppe an. Die Adresse kann als IP-Adresse (z.B.@: @samp{}), Domänenname (z.B.@: @samp{backend1.example.com}) oder als Pfad eines Unix-Sockets mit dem vorangestellten Präfix @samp{unix:} angegeben werden. Wenn Adressen eine IP-Adresse oder einen Domänennamen benutzen, ist der voreingestellte Port 80, aber ein abweichender Port kann auch explizit angegeben werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26978
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nginx-location-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nginx-location-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26981
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of an nginx @code{location} block. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines nginx-@code{location}-Blocks angibt. Der Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26985
msgid "URI which this location block matches."
msgstr "Die URI, die auf diesen Block passt."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26987
msgid "nginx-location-configuration body"
msgstr "nginx-location-configuration body"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26556 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26577
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26987 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27008
#, no-wrap
msgid "body"
msgstr "body"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26994
msgid "Body of the location block, specified as a list of strings. This can contain many configuration directives. For example, to pass requests to a upstream server group defined using an @code{nginx-upstream-configuration} block, the following directive would be specified in the body @samp{(list \"proxy_pass http://upstream-name;\")}."
msgstr "Der Rumpf des location-Blocks, der als eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden muss. Er kann viele Konfigurationsdirektiven enthalten, zum Beispiel können Anfragen an eine Upstream-Servergruppe weitergeleitet werden, die mit einem @code{nginx-upstream-configuration}-Block angegeben wurde, indem diese Direktive im Rumpf angegeben wird: @samp{(list \"proxy_pass http://upstream-name;\")}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26998
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nginx-named-location-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nginx-named-location-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27003
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of an nginx named location block. Named location blocks are used for request redirection, and not used for regular request processing. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration eines mit Namen versehenen nginx-location-Blocks („Named Location Block“). Ein mit Namen versehener location-Block wird zur Umleitung von Anfragen benutzt und nicht für die normale Anfrageverarbeitung. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27007
msgid "Name to identify this location block."
msgstr "Der Name, mit dem dieser location-Block identifiziert wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27013
msgid "@xref{nginx-location-configuration body}, as the body for named location blocks can be used in a similar way to the @code{nginx-location-configuration body}. One restriction is that the body of a named location block cannot contain location blocks."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{nginx-location-configuration body}, weil der Rumpf („Body“) eines mit Namen versehenen location-Blocks wie ein @code{nginx-location-configuration body} benutzt werden kann. Eine Einschränkung ist, dass der Rumpf eines mit Namen versehenen location-Blocks keine location-Blöcke enthalten kann."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27017
#, no-wrap
msgid "Varnish Cache"
msgstr "Varnish Cache"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27018
#, no-wrap
msgid "Varnish"
msgstr "Varnish"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27023
msgid "Varnish is a fast cache server that sits in between web applications and end users. It proxies requests from clients and caches the accessed URLs such that multiple requests for the same resource only creates one request to the back-end."
msgstr "Varnish ist ein schneller zwischenspeichernder Server, der zwischen Web-Anwendungen und deren Endbenutzern sitzt. Er leitet Anfragen von Clients weiter und lagert die URLs, auf die zugegriffen wird, in einen Zwischenspeicher ein, damit bei mehreren Anfragen auf dieselbe Ressource nur eine Anfrage an die Hintergrundanwendung gestellt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27024
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} varnish-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} varnish-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27026
msgid "Service type for the Varnish daemon."
msgstr "Diensttyp für den Varnish-Daemon."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27028
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} varnish-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} varnish-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27031
msgid "Data type representing the @code{varnish} service configuration. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @code{varnish}-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27033
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{varnish})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{varnish})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27035
msgid "The Varnish package to use."
msgstr "Das Varnish-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27036
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name} (default: @code{\"default\"})"
msgstr "@code{name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"default\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27041
msgid "A name for this Varnish instance. Varnish will create a directory in @file{/var/varnish/} with this name and keep temporary files there. If the name starts with a forward slash, it is interpreted as an absolute directory name."
msgstr "Ein Name für diese Varnish-Instanz. Varnish wird ein Verzeichnis in @file{/var/varnish/} mit diesem Namen erzeugen und dort temporäre Dateien speichern. Wenn der Name mit einem Schrägstrich beginnt, wird er als absoluter Verzeichnispfad interpretiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26613
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27044
msgid "Pass the @code{-n} argument to other Varnish programs to connect to the named instance, e.g.@: @command{varnishncsa -n default}."
msgstr "Übergeben Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @code{-n} an andere Varnish-Programme, um sich mit der Instanz diesen Namens zu verbinden, z.B.@: @command{varnishncsa -n default}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27045
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{backend} (default: @code{\"localhost:8080\"})"
msgstr "@code{backend} (Vorgabe: @code{\"localhost:8080\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27047
msgid "The backend to use. This option has no effect if @code{vcl} is set."
msgstr "Welcher Hintergrunddienst benutzt werden soll. Diese Option wird ignoriert, wenn @code{vcl} gesetzt ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27048
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{vcl} (default: #f)"
msgstr "@code{vcl} (Vorgabe: #f)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27053
msgid "The @dfn{VCL} (Varnish Configuration Language) program to run. If this is @code{#f}, Varnish will proxy @code{backend} using the default configuration. Otherwise this must be a file-like object with valid VCL syntax."
msgstr "Das @dfn{VCL}-Programm (in der Varnish Configuration Language), das ausgeführt werden soll. Ist dies auf @code{#f} gesetzt, fungiert Varnish als Proxy für den Hintergrunddienst @code{backend} mit der voreingestellten Konfiguration. Andernfalls muss dies ein dateiartiges Objekt mit gültiger VCL-Syntax sein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27057
msgid "For example, to mirror @url{https://www.gnu.org,www.gnu.org} with VCL you can do something along these lines:"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel mit VCL einen Spiegelserver für @url{https://www.gnu.org,www.gnu.org} einzurichten, können Sie so etwas benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27063
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %gnu-mirror\n"
@@ -49488,7 +50338,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27071
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -49508,82 +50358,82 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27075
msgid "The configuration of an already running Varnish instance can be inspected and changed using the @command{varnishadm} program."
msgstr "Die Konfiguration einer bereits laufenden Varnish-Instanz kann mit dem Programm @command{varnishadm} eingesehen und verändert werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27079
msgid "Consult the @url{https://varnish-cache.org/docs/,Varnish User Guide} and @url{https://book.varnish-software.com/4.0/,Varnish Book} for comprehensive documentation on Varnish and its configuration language."
msgstr "Ziehen Sie die @url{https://varnish-cache.org/docs/,Varnish User Guide} und das @url{https://book.varnish-software.com/4.0/,Varnish Book} zu Rate, wenn Sie eine umfassende Dokumentation zu Varnish und seiner Konfigurationssprache suchen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27080
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen} (default: @code{'(\"localhost:80\")})"
msgstr "@code{listen} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"localhost:80\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27082
msgid "List of addresses Varnish will listen on."
msgstr "Liste der Adressen, auf denen Varnish lauschen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27083
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{storage} (default: @code{'(\"malloc,128m\")})"
msgstr "@code{storage} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"malloc,128m\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27085
msgid "List of storage backends that will be available in VCL."
msgstr "Liste der Speicher-Hintergrunddienste („Storage Backends“), die von der VCL aus benutzt werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27086
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{parameters} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{parameters} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27088
msgid "List of run-time parameters in the form @code{'((\"parameter\" . \"value\"))}."
msgstr "Liste der Laufzeitparameter von der Form @code{'((\"Parameter\" . \"Wert\"))}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27091
msgid "Additional arguments to pass to the @command{varnishd} process."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Argumente, die an den @command{varnishd}-Prozess übergeben werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26664 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27095 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27096
#, no-wrap
msgid "Patchwork"
msgstr "Patchwork"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27099
msgid "Patchwork is a patch tracking system. It can collect patches sent to a mailing list, and display them in a web interface."
msgstr "Patchwork ist ein System, um eingereichten Patches zu folgen. Es kann an eine Mailing-Liste geschickte Patches sammeln und auf einer Web-Oberfläche anzeigen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27100
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} patchwork-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} patchwork-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26671
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27102
msgid "Service type for Patchwork."
msgstr "Diensttyp für Patchwork."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27106
msgid "The following example is an example of a minimal service for Patchwork, for the @code{patchwork.example.com} domain."
msgstr "Es folgt ein Minimalbeispiel für einen Patchwork-Dienst, der auf der Domain @code{patchwork.example.com} läuft."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27126
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service patchwork-service-type\n"
@@ -49627,806 +50477,812 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27132
msgid "There are three records for configuring the Patchwork service. The @code{<patchwork-configuration>} relates to the configuration for Patchwork within the HTTPD service."
msgstr "Der Patchwork-Dienst wird über drei Verbundsobjekte konfiguriert. Die @code{<patchwork-configuration>} hat mit der Konfiguration von Patchwork innerhalb des HTTPD-Dienstes zu tun."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27136
msgid "The @code{settings-module} field within the @code{<patchwork-configuration>} record can be populated with the @code{<patchwork-settings-module>} record, which describes a settings module that is generated within the Guix store."
msgstr "Das @code{settings-module}-Feld innerhalb des @code{<patchwork-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekts kann mit einem @code{<patchwork-settings-module>}-Verbundsobjekt ausgefüllt werden, das ein im Guix-Store angelegtes Einstellungsmodul beschreibt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27140
msgid "For the @code{database-configuration} field within the @code{<patchwork-settings-module>}, the @code{<patchwork-database-configuration>} must be used."
msgstr "Für das @code{database-configuration}-Feld innerhalb des @code{<patchwork-settings-module>} muss eine @code{<patchwork-database-configuration>} benutzt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27141
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} patchwork-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} patchwork-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27144
msgid "Data type representing the Patchwork service configuration. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Patchwork-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27146
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{patchwork} (default: @code{patchwork})"
msgstr "@code{patchwork} (Vorgabe: @code{patchwork})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27148
msgid "The Patchwork package to use."
msgstr "Welches Patchwork-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27149
#, no-wrap
msgid "domain"
msgstr "domain"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27152
msgid "The domain to use for Patchwork, this is used in the HTTPD service virtual host."
msgstr "Welche Domain für Patchwork benutzt werden soll. Sie findet Verwendung in Patchworks virtuellen Rechner („Virtual Host“) für den HTTPD-Dienst."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27153
#, no-wrap
msgid "settings-module"
msgstr "settings-module"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27159
msgid "The settings module to use for Patchwork. As a Django application, Patchwork is configured with a Python module containing the settings. This can either be an instance of the @code{<patchwork-settings-module>} record, any other record that represents the settings in the store, or a directory outside of the store."
msgstr "Das durch Patchwork benutzte Einstellungsmodul. Als eine Django-Anwendung wird Patchwork mit einem Python-Modul konfiguriert, das die Einstellungen speichert. Es kann entweder eine Instanz des @code{<patchwork-settings-module>}-Verbundstyps sein, ein beliebiges anderes Verbundsobjekt sein, das die Einstellungen im Store repräsentiert, oder ein Verzeichnis außerhalb des Stores."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27160
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{static-path} (default: @code{\"/static/\"})"
msgstr "@code{static-path} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/static/\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27162
msgid "The path under which the HTTPD service should serve the static files."
msgstr "Der Pfad, auf dem der HTTPD-Dienst die statischen Dateien anbieten soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27163
#, no-wrap
msgid "getmail-retriever-config"
msgstr "getmail-retriever-config"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27167
msgid "The getmail-retriever-configuration record value to use with Patchwork. Getmail will be configured with this value, the messages will be delivered to Patchwork."
msgstr "Das durch Patchwork benutzte getmail-retriever-configuration-Verbundsobjekt. Getmail wird mit diesem Wert konfiguriert. Die Mitteilungen werden mit Patchwork als Empfänger zugestellt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27171
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} patchwork-settings-module"
msgstr "{Datentyp} patchwork-settings-module"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27176
msgid "Data type representing a settings module for Patchwork. Some of these settings relate directly to Patchwork, but others relate to Django, the web framework used by Patchwork, or the Django Rest Framework library. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der das Einstellungsmodul für Patchwork repräsentiert. Manche dieser Einstellungen haben direkt mit Patchwork zu tun, andere beziehen sich auf Django, dem Web-Framework auf dem Patchwork aufsetzt, oder dessen Django-Rest-Framework-Bibliothek. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27178
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{database-configuration} (default: @code{(patchwork-database-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{database-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(patchwork-database-configuration)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27181
msgid "The database connection settings used for Patchwork. See the @code{<patchwork-database-configuration>} record type for more information."
msgstr "Die für Patchwork benutzten Datenbankverbindungseinstellungen. Siehe den @code{<patchwork-database-configuration>}-Verbundstyp für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27182
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{secret-key-file} (default: @code{\"/etc/patchwork/django-secret-key\"})"
msgstr "@code{secret-key-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/etc/patchwork/django-secret-key\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27185
msgid "Patchwork, as a Django web application uses a secret key for cryptographically signing values. This file should contain a unique unpredictable value."
msgstr "Patchwork benutzt als eine Django-Webanwendung einen geheimen Schlüssel, um Werte kryptographisch zu signieren. Diese Datei sollte einen einzigartigen, unvorhersehbaren Wert enthalten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27188
msgid "If this file does not exist, it will be created and populated with a random value by the patchwork-setup shepherd service."
msgstr "Wenn diese Datei nicht existiert, wird sie erzeugt und ein zufälliger Wert wird durch den Shepherd-Dienst für patchwork-setup hineingeschrieben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27190
msgid "This setting relates to Django."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung bezieht sich auf Django."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27191
#, no-wrap
msgid "allowed-hosts"
msgstr "allowed-hosts"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27194
msgid "A list of valid hosts for this Patchwork service. This should at least include the domain specified in the @code{<patchwork-configuration>} record."
msgstr "Eine Liste zulässiger Netzwerkschnittstellen (Hosts), auf denen dieser Patchwork-Dienst antwortet. Sie sollte wenigstens die im @code{<patchwork-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt genannte Domain enthalten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26765 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26779
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26785 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26791
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27196 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27216 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27222
msgid "This is a Django setting."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Django-Einstellung."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27197
#, no-wrap
msgid "default-from-email"
msgstr "default-from-email"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27199
msgid "The email address from which Patchwork should send email by default."
msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adresse, von der aus Patchwork nach Voreinstellung E-Mails verschicken soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26770 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26796
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26801 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27201 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27232 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27237
msgid "This is a Patchwork setting."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Patchwork-Einstellung."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27202
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{static-url} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{static-url} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27205
msgid "The URL to use when serving static assets. It can be part of a URL, or a full URL, but must end in a @code{/}."
msgstr "Die URL, über die statische Dokumente angeboten werden. Es kann eine teilweise URL oder eine vollständige URL angegeben werden, aber sie muss auf @code{/} enden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27208
msgid "If the default value is used, the @code{static-path} value from the @code{<patchwork-configuration>} record will be used."
msgstr "Wenn der Vorgabewert benutzt wird, wird der @code{static-path}-Wert aus dem @code{<patchwork-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27211
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{admins} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{admins} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27214
msgid "Email addresses to send the details of errors that occur. Each value should be a list containing two elements, the name and then the email address."
msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adressen, an die Details zu auftretenden Fehlern versendet werden. Jeder Wert sollte eine zweielementige Liste mit dem Namen und der E-Mail-Adresse sein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27220
msgid "Whether to run Patchwork in debug mode. If set to @code{#t}, detailed error messages will be shown."
msgstr "Ob Patchwork im Fehlersuchmodus („Debug Mode“) ausgeführt werden soll. Wenn dies auf @code{#t} steht, werden detaillierte Fehlermeldungen angezeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26792
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27223
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enable-rest-api?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{enable-rest-api?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27225
msgid "Whether to enable the Patchwork REST API."
msgstr "Ob Patchworks REST-Programmschnittstelle („REST-API“) aktiviert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27228
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enable-xmlrpc?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{enable-xmlrpc?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27230
msgid "Whether to enable the XML RPC API."
msgstr "Ob die XML-Programmschnittstelle für entfernte Prozeduraufrufe („XML-RPC-API“) aktiviert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27233
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{force-https-links?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{force-https-links?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27235
msgid "Whether to use HTTPS links on Patchwork pages."
msgstr "Ob auf den Webseiten von Patchwork die Verweise auf andere Seiten HTTPS verwenden sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27240
msgid "Extra code to place at the end of the Patchwork settings module."
msgstr "Zusätzlicher Code, der am Ende des Patchwork-Einstellungsmoduls platziert werden soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27244
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} patchwork-database-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} patchwork-database-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27246
msgid "Data type representing the database configuration for Patchwork."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Datenbankkonfiguration für Patchwork repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27248
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{engine} (default: @code{\"django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2\"})"
msgstr "@code{engine} (Vorgabe: @code{\"django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27250
msgid "The database engine to use."
msgstr "Welcher Datenbanktreiber („Engine“) benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27251
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name} (default: @code{\"patchwork\"})"
msgstr "@code{name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"patchwork\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27253
msgid "The name of the database to use."
msgstr "Der Name der zu benutzenden Datenbank."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27256
msgid "The user to connect to the database as."
msgstr "Der Benutzer, als der sich Patchwork mit der Datenbank verbindet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27257
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{password} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{password} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27259
msgid "The password to use when connecting to the database."
msgstr "Das Passwort, das zum Herstellen einer Verbindung zur Datenbank verwendet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26829
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27260
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27262
msgid "The host to make the database connection to."
msgstr "Der Rechner, mit dem die Datenbankverbindung hergestellt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27263
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27265
msgid "The port on which to connect to the database."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem sich Patchwork mit der Datenbank verbindet."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27269
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mumi"
msgstr "Mumi"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27271
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mumi, Debbugs Web interface"
msgstr "Mumi, Weboberfläche für Debbugs"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27272
#, no-wrap
msgid "Debbugs, Mumi Web interface"
msgstr "Debbugs, Mumi-Weboberfläche"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27277
msgid "@uref{https://git.elephly.net/gitweb.cgi?p=software/mumi.git, Mumi} is a Web interface to the Debbugs bug tracker, by default for @uref{https://bugs.gnu.org, the GNU instance}. Mumi is a Web server, but it also fetches and indexes mail retrieved from Debbugs."
msgstr "@uref{https://git.elephly.net/gitweb.cgi?p=software/mumi.git, Mumi} ist eine Weboberfläche für Debbugs, einem System, um Fehlerberichte zu verwalten. Nach Vorgabe zeigt es @uref{https://bugs.gnu.org, die bei GNU angebotene Debbugs-Instanz}. Mumi ist ein Web-Server, er lädt aber auch E-Mails von Debbugs herunter und indiziert diese."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27278
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} mumi-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} mumi-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27280
msgid "This is the service type for Mumi."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für Mumi."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27282
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mumi-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mumi-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27285
msgid "Data type representing the Mumi service configuration. This type has the following fields:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Mumi-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Felder:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27287
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mumi} (default: @code{mumi})"
msgstr "@code{mumi} (Vorgabe: @code{mumi})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27289
msgid "The Mumi package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Mumi-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27290
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mailer?} (default: @code{#true})"
msgstr "@code{mailer?} (Vorgabe: @code{#true})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27292
msgid "Whether to enable or disable the mailer component."
msgstr "Ob die Komponente zum Mailversand aktiviert sein soll oder nicht."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27293
#, no-wrap
msgid "mumi-configuration-sender"
msgstr "mumi-configuration-sender"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27295
msgid "The email address used as the sender for comments."
msgstr "Die E-Mail-Adresse, die bei Kommentaren als Absender angegeben wird."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27296
#, no-wrap
msgid "mumi-configuration-smtp"
msgstr "mumi-configuration-smtp"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27301
msgid "A URI to configure the SMTP settings for Mailutils. This could be something like @code{sendmail:///path/to/bin/msmtp} or any other URI supported by Mailutils. @xref{SMTP Mailboxes, SMTP Mailboxes,, mailutils, GNU@tie{}Mailutils}."
msgstr "Eine URI, um die SMTP-Einstellungen für Mailutils einzurichten. Hierfür könnte etwas wie @code{sendmail:///path/to/bin/msmtp} angegeben werden, oder eine beliebige andere URI, die von Mailutils unterstützt wird. Siehe @ref{SMTP Mailboxes, SMTP-Postfächer,, mailutils, GNU@tie{}Mailutils}."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26875
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27306
#, no-wrap
msgid "FastCGI"
msgstr "FastCGI"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27307
#, no-wrap
msgid "fastcgi"
msgstr "fastcgi"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27308
#, no-wrap
msgid "fcgiwrap"
msgstr "fcgiwrap"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27315
msgid "FastCGI is an interface between the front-end and the back-end of a web service. It is a somewhat legacy facility; new web services should generally just talk HTTP between the front-end and the back-end. However there are a number of back-end services such as PHP or the optimized HTTP Git repository access that use FastCGI, so we have support for it in Guix."
msgstr "FastCGI ist eine Schnittstelle zwischen den Anwendungen im Vordergrund („Front-End“) und Hintergrund („Back-End“) eines Webdienstes. Die Rolle, die es ausübt, ist nicht mehr ganz aktuell, weil neue Webdienste im Allgemeinen einfach über HTTP zwischen Vorder- und Hintergrund kommunizieren sollten. Allerdings gibt es eine Menge von Hintergrunddiensten wie PHP oder den optimierten Git-Repository-Zugang über HTTP, welche FastCGI benutzen, also wird es auch in Guix unterstützt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27322
msgid "To use FastCGI, you configure the front-end web server (e.g., nginx) to dispatch some subset of its requests to the fastcgi backend, which listens on a local TCP or UNIX socket. There is an intermediary @code{fcgiwrap} program that sits between the actual backend process and the web server. The front-end indicates which backend program to run, passing that information to the @code{fcgiwrap} process."
msgstr "Um FastCGI zu benutzen, konfigurieren Sie den Webserver im Vordergrund (z.B.@: nginx) so, dass er eine Teilmenge der Anfragen an die fastcgi-Hintergrundanwendung weiterleitet, dass auf einem lokalen TCP- oder Unix-Socket lauscht. Ein dazwischenliegendes @code{fcgiwrap}-Programm sitzt zwischen dem eigentlichen Hintergrundprozess und dem Webserver. Vom Vordergrund wird angezeigt, welches Hintergrundprogramm ausgeführt werden soll. Diese Informationen werden an den @code{fcgiwrap}-Prozess übermittelt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27323
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} fcgiwrap-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} fcgiwrap-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27325
msgid "A service type for the @code{fcgiwrap} FastCGI proxy."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für den @code{fcgiwrap}-FastCGI-Proxy."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27327
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} fcgiwrap-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} fcgiwrap-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27330
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the @code{fcgiwrap} service. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @code{fcgiwrap}-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27331
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{fcgiwrap})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{fcgiwrap})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27333
msgid "The fcgiwrap package to use."
msgstr "Welches fcgiwrap-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27334
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socket} (default: @code{tcp:})"
msgstr "@code{socket} (Vorgabe: @code{tcp:})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27340
msgid "The socket on which the @code{fcgiwrap} process should listen, as a string. Valid @var{socket} values include @code{unix:@var{/path/to/unix/socket}}, @code{tcp:@var{dot.ted.qu.ad}:@var{port}} and @code{tcp6:[@var{ipv6_addr}]:port}."
msgstr "Der Socket, auf dem der @code{fcgiwrap}-Prozess lauschen soll, als eine Zeichenkette. Gültige Werte für @var{socket} wären unter anderem @code{unix:@var{/pfad/zum/unix/socket}}, @code{tcp:@var{vier.teile.gepunkt.et}:@var{Port}} und @code{tcp6:[@var{IPv6-Adresse}]:Port}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27341
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{fcgiwrap})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{fcgiwrap})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27342
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{fcgiwrap})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{fcgiwrap})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27347
msgid "The user and group names, as strings, under which to run the @code{fcgiwrap} process. The @code{fastcgi} service will ensure that if the user asks for the specific user or group names @code{fcgiwrap} that the corresponding user and/or group is present on the system."
msgstr "Die Benutzerkonten- und Gruppennamen als Zeichenketten, unter denen der @code{fcgiwrap}-Prozess ausgeführt werden soll. Der @code{fastcgi}-Dienst wird sicherstellen, dass, wenn der Nutzer den Benutzer- oder Gruppennamen @code{fcgiwrap} verlangt, der entsprechende Benutzer und/oder Gruppe auch auf dem System existiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27354
msgid "It is possible to configure a FastCGI-backed web service to pass HTTP authentication information from the front-end to the back-end, and to allow @code{fcgiwrap} to run the back-end process as a corresponding local user. To enable this capability on the back-end, run @code{fcgiwrap} as the @code{root} user and group. Note that this capability also has to be configured on the front-end as well."
msgstr "Es ist möglich, einen FastCGI-gestützten Webdienst so zu konfigurieren, dass er HTTP-Authentisierungsinformationen vom Vordergrundserver an das Hintergrundsystem weiterreicht und es @code{fcgiwrap} möglich macht, den Hintergrundprozess als ein entsprechender lokaler Nutzer auszuführen. Um dem Hintergrundsystem diese Funktionalität anzubieten, lassen Sie @code{fcgiwrap} als der Administratornutzer @code{root} mit selbiger Gruppe ausführen. Beachten Sie, dass die Funktionalität auch auf dem Vordergrundsystem erst eingerichtet werden muss."
+#. type: subsubheading
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27358
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "PHP-FPM"
+msgstr "PHP-FPM"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27359
#, no-wrap
msgid "php-fpm"
msgstr "php-fpm"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27362
msgid "PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size."
msgstr "PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) ist eine alternative PHP-FastCGI-Implementierung, die über einige zusätzliche Funktionalitäten verfügt, die für Webauftritte jeder Größe nützlich sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27364
msgid "These features include:"
msgstr "Zu diesen Funktionalitäten gehören:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27365
#, no-wrap
msgid "Adaptive process spawning"
msgstr "Prozesserzeugung nach Bedarf"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27366
#, no-wrap
msgid "Basic statistics (similar to Apache's mod_status)"
msgstr "Grundlegende Statistiken (ähnlich wie Apaches mod_status)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27367
#, no-wrap
msgid "Advanced process management with graceful stop/start"
msgstr "Fortschrittliche Prozessverwaltung mit sanftem Stoppen und Starten"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27368
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ability to start workers with different uid/gid/chroot/environment"
msgstr "Die Möglichkeit, Arbeiter-Threads mit verschiedenen UIDs, GIDs, Chroot- oder Umgebungseinstellungen zu starten"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27370
msgid "and different php.ini (replaces safe_mode)"
msgstr "und mit verschiedener php.ini (als Ersatz für safe_mode)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27370
#, no-wrap
msgid "Stdout & stderr logging"
msgstr "Protokollierung der Standard- und Standardfehlerausgabe"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27371
#, no-wrap
msgid "Emergency restart in case of accidental opcode cache destruction"
msgstr "Neustart im Notfall einer ungewollten Zerstörung des Befehlscode-Zwischenspeichers"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27372
#, no-wrap
msgid "Accelerated upload support"
msgstr "Unterstützung für beschleunigtes Hochladen"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27373
#, no-wrap
msgid "Support for a \"slowlog\""
msgstr "Unterstützung für „langsames Protokollieren“ („slowlog“)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27374
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enhancements to FastCGI, such as fastcgi_finish_request() -"
msgstr "Verbesserungen gegenüber FastCGI, wie z.B.@: fastcgi_finish_request()@tie{}—"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27377
msgid "a special function to finish request & flush all data while continuing to do something time-consuming (video converting, stats processing, etc.)"
msgstr "eine besondere Funktion, um eine Anfrage fertig abzuarbeiten und alle Daten zu Ende zu verarbeiten, während etwas Zeitintensives abläuft (Videokonvertierung, Statistikverarbeitung usw.)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27379
msgid "...@: and much more."
msgstr "…@: und vieles mehr."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27380
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} php-fpm-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} php-fpm-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27382
msgid "A Service type for @code{php-fpm}."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für @code{php-fpm}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27384
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} php-fpm-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} php-fpm-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27386
msgid "Data Type for php-fpm service configuration."
msgstr "Datentyp für die Konfiguration des php-fpm-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27387
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{php} (default: @code{php})"
msgstr "@code{php} (Vorgabe: @code{php})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27389
msgid "The php package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende PHP-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27389
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socket} (default: @code{(string-append \"/var/run/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.sock\")})"
msgstr "@code{socket} (Vorgabe: @code{(string-append \"/var/run/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.sock\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27391
msgid "The address on which to accept FastCGI requests. Valid syntaxes are:"
msgstr "Die Adresse, auf der FastCGI-Anfragen angenommen werden. Gültige Syntax hierfür ist:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27392
#, no-wrap
msgid "\"ip.add.re.ss:port\""
msgstr "\"ip.ad.res.se:Port\""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27394
msgid "Listen on a TCP socket to a specific address on a specific port."
msgstr "Lässt auf einem TCP-Socket auf der angegebenen Adresse auf dem angegebenen Port lauschen."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27394
#, no-wrap
msgid "\"port\""
msgstr "\"port\""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27396
msgid "Listen on a TCP socket to all addresses on a specific port."
msgstr "Lässt auf einem TCP-Socket auf allen Adressen auf dem angegebenen Port lauschen."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27396
#, no-wrap
msgid "\"/path/to/unix/socket\""
msgstr "\"/pfad/zum/unix/socket\""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27398
msgid "Listen on a unix socket."
msgstr "Lässt auf einem Unix-Socket lauschen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26967
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27400
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{php-fpm})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{php-fpm})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27402
msgid "User who will own the php worker processes."
msgstr "Der Benutzer, dem die PHP-Arbeiterprozesse gehören werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27402
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{php-fpm})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{php-fpm})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27404
msgid "Group of the worker processes."
msgstr "Die Gruppe für die Arbeiterprozesse."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26971
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27404
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socket-user} (default: @code{php-fpm})"
msgstr "@code{socket-user} (Vorgabe: @code{php-fpm})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27406
msgid "User who can speak to the php-fpm socket."
msgstr "Der Benutzer, der mit dem php-fpm-Socket kommunizieren kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27406
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{socket-group} (default: @code{nginx})"
msgstr "@code{socket-group} (Vorgabe: @code{nginx})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27408
msgid "Group that can speak to the php-fpm socket."
msgstr "Die Gruppe, die mit dem php-fpm-Socket kommunizieren kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27408
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pid-file} (default: @code{(string-append \"/var/run/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.pid\")})"
msgstr "@code{pid-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(string-append \"/var/run/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.pid\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26978
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27411
msgid "The process id of the php-fpm process is written to this file once the service has started."
msgstr "Der Prozessidentifikator des php-fpm-Prozesses wird in diese Datei geschrieben, sobald der Dienst gestartet wurde."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26978
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27411
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{(string-append \"/var/log/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.log\")})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{(string-append \"/var/log/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.log\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27413
msgid "Log for the php-fpm master process."
msgstr "Wohin das Protokoll für den php-fpm-Hauptprozess geschrieben wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27413
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{process-manager} (default: @code{(php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{process-manager} (Vorgabe: @code{(php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27416
msgid "Detailed settings for the php-fpm process manager. Must be one of:"
msgstr "Detaillierte Einstellungen für die php-fpm-Prozessverwaltung. Sie müssen eines der Folgenden sein:"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26984
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27417
#, no-wrap
msgid "<php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration>"
msgstr "<php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration>"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27418
#, no-wrap
msgid "<php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration>"
msgstr "<php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration>"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26986
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27419
#, no-wrap
msgid "<php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration>"
msgstr "<php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration>"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26988
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27421
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{display-errors} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{display-errors} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27426
msgid "Determines whether php errors and warning should be sent to clients and displayed in their browsers. This is useful for local php development, but a security risk for public sites, as error messages can reveal passwords and personal data."
msgstr "Legt fest, ob PHP-Fehler und Warnungen an Clients geschickt und in ihren Browsern angezeigt werden. Dies ist nützlich für lokale PHP-Entwicklung, aber ein Sicherheitsrisiko für öffentliche Webauftritte, weil Fehlermeldungen Passwörter und Passwortdaten offenlegen können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27426
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{timezone} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{timezone} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27428
msgid "Specifies @code{php_admin_value[date.timezone]} parameter."
msgstr "Legt den Parameter @code{php_admin_value[date.timezone]} fest."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27428
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{workers-logfile} (default @code{(string-append \"/var/log/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.www.log\")})"
msgstr "@code{workers-logfile} (Vorgabe: @code{(string-append \"/var/log/php\" (version-major (package-version php)) \"-fpm.www.log\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27431
msgid "This file will log the @code{stderr} outputs of php worker processes. Can be set to @code{#f} to disable logging."
msgstr "In dieser Datei werden @code{stderr}-Ausgaben von PHP-Arbeiterprozessen protokolliert. Das Feld kann auf @code{#f} gesetzt werden, damit nicht protokolliert wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:26998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27431
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{file} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{file} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27434
msgid "An optional override of the whole configuration. You can use the @code{mixed-text-file} function or an absolute filepath for it."
msgstr "Optional kann hier ein vorrangig benutzter Ersatz für die gesamte Konfigurationsdatei angegeben werden. Sie können dafür die @code{mixed-text-file}-Funktion oder einen absoluten Dateipfad verwenden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27434
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{php-ini-file} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{php-ini-file} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27438
msgid "An optional override of the default php settings. It may be any ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}). You can use the @code{mixed-text-file} function or an absolute filepath for it."
msgstr "Hier können optional die PHP-Voreinstellungen geändert werden. Geben Sie dazu eine beliebige Art von „dateiartigem“ Objekt an (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}). Sie können dafür die @code{mixed-text-file}-Funktion oder einen absoluten Dateipfad verwenden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27009
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27442
msgid "For local development it is useful to set a higher timeout and memory limit for spawned php processes. This be accomplished with the following operating system configuration snippet:"
msgstr "Bei der Entwicklung mit dem lokalen Rechner bietet es sich an, die Zeit- und Speicherbegrenzung erzeugter PHP-Prozesse anzuheben. Benutzen Sie dazu folgndes Code-Schnipsel in Ihrer Betriebssystemkonfiguration:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27447
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %local-php-ini\n"
@@ -50442,7 +51298,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27454
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -50460,118 +51316,118 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27459
msgid "Consult the @url{https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php,core php.ini directives} for comprehensive documentation on the acceptable @file{php.ini} directives."
msgstr "Umfassende Dokumentation dazu, welche Direktiven Sie in der @file{php.ini} verwenden dürfen, sollten Sie unter den @url{https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php,php.ini-Kerndirektiven} nachschlagen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27462
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data type} php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} php-fpm-dynamic-process-manager-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27466
msgid "Data Type for the @code{dynamic} php-fpm process manager. With the @code{dynamic} process manager, spare worker processes are kept around based on its configured limits."
msgstr "Datentyp für die @emph{dynamische} Prozessverwaltung durch php-fpm. Bei der @emph{dynamischen} Prozessverwaltung bleiben Arbeiterprozesse nach Abschluss ihrer Aufgabe weiterhin erhalten, solange die konfigurierten Beschränkungen eingehalten werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27034 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27050
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27467 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27493
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-children} (default: @code{5})"
msgstr "@code{max-children} (Vorgabe: @code{5})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27036 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27052
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27469 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27495
msgid "Maximum of worker processes."
msgstr "Die maximale Anzahl an Arbeiterprozessen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27469
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{start-servers} (default: @code{2})"
msgstr "@code{start-servers} (Vorgabe: @code{2})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27471
msgid "How many worker processes should be started on start-up."
msgstr "Wie viele Arbeiterprozesse gleich zu Beginn gestartet werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27471
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{min-spare-servers} (default: @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{min-spare-servers} (Vorgabe: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27473
msgid "How many spare worker processes should be kept around at minimum."
msgstr "Wie viele untätige Arbeiterprozesse mindestens weiterhin vorgehalten bleiben sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27473
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-spare-servers} (default: @code{3})"
msgstr "@code{max-spare-servers} (Vorgabe: @code{3})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27475
msgid "How many spare worker processes should be kept around at maximum."
msgstr "Wie viele untätige Arbeiterprozesse höchstens weiterhin vorgehalten bleiben sollen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27478
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data type} php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} php-fpm-static-process-manager-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27482
msgid "Data Type for the @code{static} php-fpm process manager. With the @code{static} process manager, an unchanging number of worker processes are created."
msgstr "Datentyp für die @emph{statische} Prozessverwaltung durch php-fpm. Bei der @emph{statischen} Prozessverwaltung wird eine unveränderliche Anzahl an Arbeiterprozessen erzeugt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27488
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data type} php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} php-fpm-on-demand-process-manager-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27492
msgid "Data Type for the @code{on-demand} php-fpm process manager. With the @code{on-demand} process manager, worker processes are only created as requests arrive."
msgstr "Datentyp für die Prozessverwaltung @emph{nach Bedarf} durch php-fpm. Bei der Prozessverwaltung @emph{nach Bedarf} werden Arbeiterprozesse erst erzeugt, wenn Anfragen vorliegen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27495
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{process-idle-timeout} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{process-idle-timeout} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27497
msgid "The time in seconds after which a process with no requests is killed."
msgstr "Die Zeit in Sekunden, nach der ein Prozess ohne Anfragen abgewürgt wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27501
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} nginx-php-location @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} nginx-php-location @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27507
msgid "[#:nginx-package nginx] @ [socket (string-append \"/var/run/php\" @ (version-major (package-version php)) @ \"-fpm.sock\")] A helper function to quickly add php to an @code{nginx-server-configuration}."
msgstr "[#:nginx-package nginx] @ [socket (string-append \"/var/run/php\" @ (version-major (package-version php)) @ \"-fpm.sock\")] Eine Hilfsfunktion, mit der in kurzer Zeit PHP zu einer @code{nginx-server-configuration} hinzugefügt werden kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27510
msgid "A simple services setup for nginx with php can look like this:"
msgstr "Eine einfache Art, die Dienste für nginx mit PHP einzurichten, kann so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27523
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(services (cons* (service dhcp-client-service-type)\n"
@@ -50601,34 +51457,34 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27525
#, no-wrap
msgid "cat-avatar-generator"
msgstr "cat-avatar-generator"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27529
msgid "The cat avatar generator is a simple service to demonstrate the use of php-fpm in @code{Nginx}. It is used to generate cat avatar from a seed, for instance the hash of a user's email address."
msgstr "Der Cat Avatar Generator („Katzenavatargenerator“) ist ein einfacher Dienst, um die Nutzung von php-fpm in @code{Nginx} zu demonstrieren. Mit ihm können Katzenavatarbilder aus einem Startwert („Seed“) heraus erzeugt werden, zum Beispiel aus dem Hash der E-Mail-Adresse eines Benutzers."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27530
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} cat-avatar-generator-service @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} cat-avatar-generator-service @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27538
msgid "[#:cache-dir \"/var/cache/cat-avatar-generator\"] @ [#:package cat-avatar-generator] @ [#:configuration (nginx-server-configuration)] Returns an nginx-server-configuration that inherits @code{configuration}. It extends the nginx configuration to add a server block that serves @code{package}, a version of cat-avatar-generator. During execution, cat-avatar-generator will be able to use @code{cache-dir} as its cache directory."
msgstr "[#:cache-dir \"/var/cache/cat-avatar-generator\"] @ [#:package cat-avatar-generator] @ [#:configuration (nginx-server-configuration)] Liefert ein nginx-server-configuration-Objekt, das von der in @code{configuration} angegebenen Konfiguration erbt. Es erweitert die Nginx-Konfiguration, indem es einen Server-Block hinzufügt, der die in @code{package} angegebene Version vom cat-avatar-generator anbietet. Bei der Ausführung wird dem cat-avatar-generator Zugriff auf sein in @code{cache-dir} angegebenes Zwischenspeicherverzeichnis gewährt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27541
msgid "A simple setup for cat-avatar-generator can look like this:"
msgstr "Eine einfache Konfiguration des cat-avatar-generator kann so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27548
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(services (cons* (cat-avatar-generator-service\n"
@@ -50646,177 +51502,177 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services))\n"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27550
#, no-wrap
msgid "Hpcguix-web"
msgstr "Hpcguix-web"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27552
#, no-wrap
msgid "hpcguix-web"
msgstr "hpcguix-web"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27557
msgid "The @uref{https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/, hpcguix-web} program is a customizable web interface to browse Guix packages, initially designed for users of high-performance computing (HPC) clusters."
msgstr "Das Programm @uref{https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/, hpcguix-web} ist eine anpassbare Weboberfläche, um Guix-Pakete zu suchen. Am Anfang war es für Nutzer von Hochleistungs-Rechenclustern gedacht („High-Performance Computing“, kurz HPC)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27558
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} hpcguix-web-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} hpcguix-web-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27560
msgid "The service type for @code{hpcguix-web}."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für @code{hpcguix-web}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27562
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} hpcguix-web-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} hpcguix-web-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27564
msgid "Data type for the hpcguix-web service configuration."
msgstr "Datentyp für die Konfiguration des hpcguix-web-Dienstes."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27566
#, no-wrap
msgid "specs"
msgstr "specs"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27569
msgid "A gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}) specifying the hpcguix-web service configuration. The main items available in this spec are:"
msgstr "Ein G-Ausdruck (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}), der die Konfiguration des hpcguix-web-Dienstes festlegt. In dieser Spezifikation („Spec“) sollten vor allem diese Sachen angegeben werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27571
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{title-prefix} (default: @code{\"hpcguix | \"})"
msgstr "@code{title-prefix} (Vorgabe: @code{\"hpcguix | \"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27573
msgid "The page title prefix."
msgstr "Das Präfix der Webseitentitel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27574
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guix-command} (default: @code{\"guix\"})"
msgstr "@code{guix-command} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27576
msgid "The @command{guix} command."
msgstr "Der @command{guix}-Befehl."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27577
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package-filter-proc} (default: @code{(const #t)})"
msgstr "@code{package-filter-proc} (Vorgabe: @code{(const #t)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27579
msgid "A procedure specifying how to filter packages that are displayed."
msgstr "Eine Prozedur, die festlegt, wie anzuzeigende Pakete gefiltert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27580
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package-page-extension-proc} (default: @code{(const '())})"
msgstr "@code{package-page-extension-proc} (Vorgabe: @code{(const '())})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27582
msgid "Extension package for @code{hpcguix-web}."
msgstr "Erweiterungspaket für @code{hpcguix-web}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27583
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{menu} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{menu} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27585
msgid "Additional entry in page @code{menu}."
msgstr "Zusätzlicher Eintrag auf der Menüseite."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27586
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{channels} (default: @code{%default-channels})"
msgstr "@code{channels} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-channels})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27588
msgid "List of channels from which the package list is built (@pxref{Channels})."
msgstr "Liste der Kanäle, aus denen die Paketliste erstellt wird (siehe @ref{Channels})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27589
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package-list-expiration} (default: @code{(* 12 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{package-list-expiration} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 12 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27592
msgid "The expiration time, in seconds, after which the package list is rebuilt from the latest instances of the given channels."
msgstr "Nach wie viel Zeit in Sekunden die Paketliste aus den neuesten Instanzen der angegebenen Kanäle neu erzeugt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27597
msgid "See the hpcguix-web repository for a @uref{https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/blob/master/hpcweb-configuration.scm, complete example}."
msgstr "Siehe das Repository von hpcguix-web für ein @uref{https://github.com/UMCUGenetics/hpcguix-web/blob/master/hpcweb-configuration.scm, vollständiges Beispiel}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27598
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{hpcguix-web})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{hpcguix-web})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27600
msgid "The hpcguix-web package to use."
msgstr "Das hpcguix-web-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27601
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{address} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{address} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27603
msgid "The IP address to listen to."
msgstr "Die IP-Adresse, auf die gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27604
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{5000})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{5000})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27606
msgid "The port number to listen to."
msgstr "Die Portnummer, auf der gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27610
msgid "A typical hpcguix-web service declaration looks like this:"
msgstr "Eine typische Deklaration eines hpcguix-web-Dienstes sieht so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27619
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service hpcguix-web-service-type\n"
@@ -50836,39 +51692,39 @@ msgstr ""
" (menu '((\"/about\" \"ABOUT\"))))))))\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27626
msgid "The hpcguix-web service periodically updates the package list it publishes by pulling channels from Git. To that end, it needs to access X.509 certificates so that it can authenticate Git servers when communicating over HTTPS, and it assumes that @file{/etc/ssl/certs} contains those certificates."
msgstr "Der hpcguix-web-Dienst aktualisiert die Liste der Pakete, die er veröffentlicht, periodisch, indem er die Kanäle über einen Git-„Pull“ lädt. Dazu muss er auf X.509-Zertifikate zugreifen, damit Git-Server authentifiziert werden können, wenn mit diesen über HTTPS kommuniziert wird, wofür der Dienst davon ausgeht, dass sich jene Zertifikate in @file{/etc/ssl/certs} befinden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27630
msgid "Thus, make sure to add @code{nss-certs} or another certificate package to the @code{packages} field of your configuration. @ref{X.509 Certificates}, for more information on X.509 certificates."
msgstr "Stellen Sie also sicher, dass @code{nss-certs} oder ein anderes Zertifikatspaket im @code{packages}-Feld ihrer Konfiguration steht. Siehe @ref{X.509 Certificates} für weitere Informationen zu X.509-Zertifikaten."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27199 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27632 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27634
#, no-wrap
msgid "gmnisrv"
msgstr "gmnisrv"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27637
msgid "The @uref{https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gmnisrv, gmnisrv} program is a simple @uref{https://gemini.circumlunar.space/, Gemini} protocol server."
msgstr "Das Programm @uref{https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/gmnisrv, gmnisrv} ist ein einfacher Server für das @uref{https://gemini.circumlunar.space/, Gemini-Protokoll}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27638
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gmnisrv-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gmnisrv-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27208
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27641
msgid "This is the type of the gmnisrv service, whose value should be a @code{gmnisrv-configuration} object, as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des gmnisrv-Dienstes, dessen Wert ein @code{gmnisrv-configuration}-Objekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein sollte:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27646
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service gmnisrv-service-type\n"
@@ -50880,68 +51736,68 @@ msgstr ""
" (config-file (local-file \"./my-gmnisrv.ini\"))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27649
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gmnisrv-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gmnisrv-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27651
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of gmnisrv."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von gmnisrv repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27653
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{gmnisrv})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{gmnisrv})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27655
msgid "Package object of the gmnisrv server."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt des gmnisrv-Servers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27656
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config-file} (default: @code{%default-gmnisrv-config-file})"
msgstr "@code{config-file} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-gmnisrv-config-file})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27662
msgid "File-like object of the gmnisrv configuration file to use. The default configuration listens on port 1965 and serves files from @file{/srv/gemini}. Certificates are stored in @file{/var/lib/gemini/certs}. For more information, run @command{man gmnisrv} and @command{man gmnisrv.ini}."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt mit der zu nutzenden gmnisrv-Konfigurationsdatei. Die Vorgabekonfiguration lauscht auf Port 1965 und bietet die Dateien in @file{/srv/gemini} an. Zertifikate werden in @file{/var/lib/gemini/certs} gespeichert. Führen Sie für mehr Informationen @command{man gmnisrv} und @command{man gmnisrv.ini} aus."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27666
#, no-wrap
msgid "Agate"
msgstr "Agate"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27668
#, no-wrap
msgid "agate"
msgstr "agate"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27673
msgid "The @uref{gemini://qwertqwefsday.eu/agate.gmi, Agate} (@uref{https://github.com/mbrubeck/agate, GitHub page over HTTPS}) program is a simple @uref{https://gemini.circumlunar.space/, Gemini} protocol server written in Rust."
msgstr "Das Programm @uref{gemini://qwertqwefsday.eu/agate.gmi, Agate} (@uref{https://github.com/mbrubeck/agate, GitHub-Seite über HTTPS}) ist ein einfacher Server für das @uref{https://gemini.circumlunar.space/, Gemini-Protokoll}, der in Rust geschrieben ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27674
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} agate-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} agate-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27677
msgid "This is the type of the agate service, whose value should be an @code{agate-service-type} object, as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des agate-Dienstes, dessen Wert ein @code{agate-configuration}-Objekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein sollte:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27684
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service agate-service-type\n"
@@ -50957,17 +51813,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (key \"/srv/key.rsa\")))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27689
msgid "The example above represents the minimal tweaking necessary to get Agate up and running. Specifying the path to the certificate and key is always necessary, as the Gemini protocol requires TLS by default."
msgstr "Das obige Beispiel steht für die minimalen Abänderungen, um Agate lauffähig zu machen. Den Pfad zum Zertifikat und zum Schlüssel anzugeben, ist auf jeden Fall nötig, denn das Gemini-Protokoll setzt standardmäßig TLS voraus."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27692
msgid "To obtain a certificate and a key, you could, for example, use OpenSSL, running a command similar to the following example:"
msgstr "Um ein Zertifikat und einen Schlüssel zu bekommen, können Sie zum Beispiel OpenSSL benutzen. Das ginge mit einem Befehl ähnlich zu diesem Beispiel hier:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27696
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.rsa -out cert.pem \\\n"
@@ -50977,220 +51833,220 @@ msgstr ""
" -days 3650 -nodes -subj \"/CN=beispiel.com\"\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27701
msgid "Of course, you'll have to replace @i{example.com} with your own domain name, and then point the Agate configuration towards the path of the generated key and certificate."
msgstr "Natürlich müssen Sie statt @i{beispiel.com} Ihren eigenen Domainnamen angeben und dann die Konfiguration von Agate auf den Pfad des damit erzeugten Schlüssels und Zertifikats verweisen lassen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27704
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} agate-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} agate-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27706
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of Agate."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Agate repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27708
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{agate})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{agate})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27710
msgid "The package object of the Agate server."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt des Agate-Servers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27711
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{content} (default: @file{\"/srv/gemini\"})"
msgstr "@code{content} (Vorgabe: @file{\"/srv/gemini\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27713
msgid "The directory from which Agate will serve files."
msgstr "Aus welchem Verzeichnis Agate Dateien anbieten soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27714
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cert} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{cert} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27717
msgid "The path to the TLS certificate PEM file to be used for encrypted connections. Must be filled in with a value from the user."
msgstr "Der Pfad zur PEM-Datei mit dem TLS-Zertifikat, das verschlüsselte Verbindungen ermöglicht. Hier muss ein Wert angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27285 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27718 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28154
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{key} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{key} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27721
msgid "The path to the PKCS8 private key file to be used for encrypted connections. Must be filled in with a value from the user."
msgstr "Dateipfad zur Datei mit dem privaten PKCS8-Schlüssel, der für verschlüsselte Verbindungen benutzt wird. Hier muss ein Wert angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27722
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{addr} (default: @code{'(\"\" \"[::]:1965\")})"
msgstr "@code{addr} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"\" \"[::]:1965\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27724
msgid "A list of the addresses to listen on."
msgstr "Liste der Adressen, auf denen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27727
msgid "The domain name of this Gemini server. Optional."
msgstr "Der Domainname dieses Gemini-Servers. Optional."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27728
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{lang} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{lang} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27730
msgid "RFC 4646 language code(s) for text/gemini documents. Optional."
msgstr "RFC-4646-Sprachcode(s) für Dokumente des Typs text/gemini. Optional."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27731
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{silent?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{silent?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27733
msgid "Set to @code{#t} to disable logging output."
msgstr "Setzen Sie dies auf @code{#t}, um Protokollausgaben auszuschalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27734
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{serve-secret?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{serve-secret?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27737
msgid "Set to @code{#t} to serve secret files (files/directories starting with a dot)."
msgstr "Setzen Sie dies auf @code{#t}, um geheime Dateien (mit einem Punkt beginnende Dateien und Verzeichnisse) anzubieten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27738
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-ip?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{log-ip?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27740
msgid "Whether or not to output IP addresses when logging."
msgstr "Ob in die Protokolle auch IP-Adressen geschrieben werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27741
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"agate\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"agate\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27743
msgid "Owner of the @code{agate} process."
msgstr "Besitzer des @code{agate}-Prozesses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27744
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"agate\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"agate\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27746
msgid "Owner's group of the @code{agate} process."
msgstr "Gruppe des Besitzers des @code{agate}-Prozesses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27747
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @file{\"/var/log/agate.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @file{\"/var/log/agate.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27749
msgid "The file which should store the logging output of Agate."
msgstr "Die Datei, in die die Protokollierung von Agate ausgegeben werden soll."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27756
#, no-wrap
msgid "Web"
msgstr "Web"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27757
#, no-wrap
msgid "HTTP, HTTPS"
msgstr "HTTP, HTTPS"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27758
#, no-wrap
msgid "Let's Encrypt"
msgstr "Let's Encrypt"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27759
#, no-wrap
msgid "TLS certificates"
msgstr "TLS-Zertifikate"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27766
msgid "The @code{(gnu services certbot)} module provides a service to automatically obtain a valid TLS certificate from the Let's Encrypt certificate authority. These certificates can then be used to serve content securely over HTTPS or other TLS-based protocols, with the knowledge that the client will be able to verify the server's authenticity."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services certbot)} stellt einen Dienst zur Verfügung, um automatisch ein gültiges TLS-Zertifikat von der Zertifikatsautorität Let’s Encrypt zu beziehen. Mit diesen Zertifikaten können Informationen sicher über HTTPS oder andere TLS-basierte Protokolle übertragen werden, im Wissen, dass der Client die Authentizität des Servers überprüfen wird können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27778
msgid "@url{https://letsencrypt.org/, Let's Encrypt} provides the @code{certbot} tool to automate the certification process. This tool first securely generates a key on the server. It then makes a request to the Let's Encrypt certificate authority (CA) to sign the key. The CA checks that the request originates from the host in question by using a challenge-response protocol, requiring the server to provide its response over HTTP@. If that protocol completes successfully, the CA signs the key, resulting in a certificate. That certificate is valid for a limited period of time, and therefore to continue to provide TLS services, the server needs to periodically ask the CA to renew its signature."
msgstr "@url{https://letsencrypt.org/, Let’s Encrypt} macht das @code{certbot}-Werkzeug verfügbar, mit dem der Zertifizierungsvorgang automatisiert werden kann. Das Werkzeug erzeugt zunächst auf sichere Weise einen Schlüssel auf dem Server und stellt dann eine Anfrage an die Let’s-Encrypt-Zertifikatsautorität („Certificate Authority“, kurz CA), den Schlüssel zu signieren. Die Zertifikatsautorität prüft mit einem Challenge-Response-Protokoll, dass die Anfrage auch wirklich vom fraglichen Rechner (auch „Host“ genannt) kommt, wozu der Server über HTTP seine Antwort geben muss. Wenn dieses Protokoll erfolgreich befolgt wurde, signiert die Zertifikatsautorität den Schlüssel, woraus sich ein Zertifikat ergibt. Dieses Zertifikat ist eine begrenzte Zeit lang gültig, daher muss der Server für eine andauernde Bereitstellung von TLS-Leistungen immer wieder neu der Zertifikatsautorität eine Bitte um die Erneuerung der Signatur zukommen lassen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27785
msgid "The certbot service automates this process: the initial key generation, the initial certification request to the Let's Encrypt service, the web server challenge/response integration, writing the certificate to disk, the automated periodic renewals, and the deployment tasks associated with the renewal (e.g.@: reloading services, copying keys with different permissions)."
msgstr "Mit dem certbot-Dienst wird dieser Prozess automatisiert. Er sorgt dafür, dass am Anfang Schlüssel erzeugt werden und eine erste Zertifizierungsanfrage an den Dienst von Let’s Encrypt gestellt wird. Weiterhin ist das Challenge-/Response-Verfahren per Web-Server integriert. Das Zertifikat wird auf die Platte geschrieben und automatisch periodisch erneuert und bei der Erneuerung anfallende Aufgaben werden erledigt (z.B.@: das Neuladen von Diensten und das Kopieren von Schlüsseln mit entsprechenden Berechtigungen)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27791
msgid "Certbot is run twice a day, at a random minute within the hour. It won't do anything until your certificates are due for renewal or revoked, but running it regularly would give your service a chance of staying online in case a Let's Encrypt-initiated revocation happened for some reason."
msgstr "Certbot wird zweimal täglich zu einer zufälligen Minute der Stunde ausgeführt. Es tut so lange nichts, bis eine Erneuerung Ihrer Zertifikate fällig wird oder sie gesperrt wurden, durch regelmäßige Ausführung bekommen Sie aber die Chance, dass Ihr Server am Netz bleibt, wenn Let’s Encrypt eine Sperrung aus irgendeinem Grund anordnet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27795
msgid "By using this service, you agree to the ACME Subscriber Agreement, which can be found there: @url{https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory}."
msgstr "Durch die Nutzung dieses Dienstes stimmen Sie dem „ACME Subscriber Agreement“ zu, das Sie hier finden:: @url{https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27796
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} certbot-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} certbot-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27799
msgid "A service type for the @code{certbot} Let's Encrypt client. Its value must be a @code{certbot-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für den @code{certbot}-Client für Let’s Encrypt. Sein Wert muss ein @code{certbot-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27806
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %nginx-deploy-hook\n"
@@ -51208,7 +52064,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27817
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service certbot-service-type\n"
@@ -51234,241 +52090,241 @@ msgstr ""
" (domains '(\"bar.example.net\")))))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27820
msgid "See below for details about @code{certbot-configuration}."
msgstr "Siehe unten für Details zur @code{certbot-configuration}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27822
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} certbot-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} certbot-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27825
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the @code{certbot} service. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @code{certbot}-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27827
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{certbot})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{certbot})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27829
msgid "The certbot package to use."
msgstr "Das certbot-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27830
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{webroot} (default: @code{/var/www})"
msgstr "@code{webroot} (Vorgabe: @code{/var/www})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27833
msgid "The directory from which to serve the Let's Encrypt challenge/response files."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, aus dem heraus die Dateien für den Challenge-/Response-Prozess von Let’s Encrypt angeboten werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27834
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{certificates} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{certificates} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27838
msgid "A list of @code{certificates-configuration}s for which to generate certificates and request signatures. Each certificate has a @code{name} and several @code{domains}."
msgstr "Eine Liste der @code{certificates-configuration}-Objekte, für die Zertifikate und Anfragesignaturen erzeugt werden. Für jedes Zertifikat gibt es einen @code{name}-Eintrag und mehrere @code{domains}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27839
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{email} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{email} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27843
msgid "Optional email address used for registration and recovery contact. Setting this is encouraged as it allows you to receive important notifications about the account and issued certificates."
msgstr "Optional die E-Mail-Adresse, die als Kontakt für die Registrierung und das Wiedererlangen dienen soll. Es wird empfohlen, sie anzugeben, weil Sie darüber wichtige Mitteilungen über Ihr Konto und ausgestellte Zertifikate mitbekommen können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27411 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27844 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29591
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{server} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{server} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27847
msgid "Optional URL of ACME server. Setting this overrides certbot's default, which is the Let's Encrypt server."
msgstr "Optional eine andere URL des ACME-Servers. Wenn sie festgelegt wird, ersetzt sie die Voreinstellung von Certbot, nämlich die URL des Let’s-Encrypt-Servers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27848
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rsa-key-size} (default: @code{2048})"
msgstr "@code{rsa-key-size} (Vorgabe: @code{2048})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27850
msgid "Size of the RSA key."
msgstr "Wie groß der RSA-Schlüssel sein soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27851
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-location} (default: @i{see below})"
msgstr "@code{default-location} (Vorgabe: @i{siehe unten})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27860
msgid "The default @code{nginx-location-configuration}. Because @code{certbot} needs to be able to serve challenges and responses, it needs to be able to run a web server. It does so by extending the @code{nginx} web service with an @code{nginx-server-configuration} listening on the @var{domains} on port 80, and which has a @code{nginx-location-configuration} for the @code{/.well-known/} URI path subspace used by Let's Encrypt. @xref{Web Services}, for more on these nginx configuration data types."
msgstr "Die vorgegebene @code{nginx-location-configuration}. Weil @code{certbot} „Challenges“ und „Responses“ anbieten muss, muss durch ihn ein Web-Server ausgeführt werden können. Das tut er, indem er den @code{nginx}-Webdienst mit einer @code{nginx-server-configuration} erweitert, die auf den @var{domains} auf Port 80 lauscht und eine @code{nginx-location-configuration} für den URI-Pfad-Teilraum @code{/.well-known/} umfasst, der von Let’s Encrypt benutzt wird. Siehe @ref{Web Services} für mehr Informationen über diese nginx-Konfigurationsdatentypen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27864
msgid "Requests to other URL paths will be matched by the @code{default-location}, which if present is added to all @code{nginx-server-configuration}s."
msgstr "Anfragen an andere URL-Pfade werden mit der @code{default-location} abgeglichen. Wenn sie angegeben wurde, wird sie zu jeder @code{nginx-server-configuration} hinzugefügt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27435
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27868
msgid "By default, the @code{default-location} will issue a redirect from @code{http://@var{domain}/...} to @code{https://@var{domain}/...}, leaving you to define what to serve on your site via @code{https}."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe stellt die @code{default-location} eine Weiterleitung von @code{http://@var{domain}/…} nach @code{https://@var{domain}/…} her. Sie müssen dann nur noch festlegen, was Sie auf Ihrem Webauftritt über @code{https} anbieten wollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27870
msgid "Pass @code{#f} to not issue a default location."
msgstr "Übergeben Sie @code{#f}, um keine @code{default-location} vorzugeben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27873
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} certificate-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} certificate-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27876
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of a certificate. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines Zertifikats repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27878
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name} (default: @i{see below})"
msgstr "@code{name} (Vorgabe: @i{siehe unten})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27882
msgid "This name is used by Certbot for housekeeping and in file paths; it doesn't affect the content of the certificate itself. To see certificate names, run @code{certbot certificates}."
msgstr "Dieser Name wird vom Certbot intern zum Aufräumen und in Dateipfaden benutzt; er hat keinen Einfluss auf den Inhalt des erzeugten Zertifikats. Um Zertifikatsnamen einzusehen, führen Sie @code{certbot certificates} aus."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27884
msgid "Its default is the first provided domain."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist die erste angegebene Domain."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27885
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{domains} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{domains} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27455
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27888
msgid "The first domain provided will be the subject CN of the certificate, and all domains will be Subject Alternative Names on the certificate."
msgstr "Die erste angegebene Domain wird als Name des Zertifikatseigentümers („Subject CN“) benutzt und alle Domains werden als alternative Namen („Subject Alternative Names“) auf dem Zertifikat stehen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27889
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{challenge} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{challenge} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27896
msgid "The challenge type that has to be run by certbot. If @code{#f} is specified, default to the HTTP challenge. If a value is specified, defaults to the manual plugin (see @code{authentication-hook}, @code{cleanup-hook} and the documentation at @url{https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#hooks}), and gives Let's Encrypt permission to log the public IP address of the requesting machine."
msgstr "Welche Art von Challenge durch den Certbot ausgeführt wird. Wenn @code{#f} angegeben wird, wird die HTTP-Challenge voreingestellt. Wenn ein Wert angegeben wird, wird das Plugin benutzt, das auch bei manuellen Ausführungen benutzt wird (siehe @code{authentication-hook}, @code{cleanup-hook} und die Dokumentation unter @url{https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#hooks}), und Let’s Encrypt wird dazu berechtigt, die öffentliche IP-Adresse der anfordernden Maschine in seinem Protokoll zu speichern."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27897
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{csr} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{csr} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27904
msgid "File name of Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in DER or PEM format. If @code{#f} is specified, this argument will not be passed to certbot. If a value is specified, certbot will use it to obtain a certificate, instead of using a self-generated CSR. The domain-name(s) mentioned in @code{domains}, must be consistent with the domain-name(s) mentioned in CSR file."
msgstr "Der Dateiname der Zertifizierungsanfrage („Certificate Signing Request“, CSR) im DER- oder PEM-Format. Wenn @code{#f} angegeben wird, wird kein solches Argument an den Certbot übermittelt. Wenn ein Wert angegeben wird, wird der Certbot ihn anstelle einer selbsterstellten CSR verwenden. Die in @code{domains} genannten Domänen müssen dabei konsistent sein mit denen, die in der CSR-Datei aufgeführt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27905
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{authentication-hook} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{authentication-hook} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27911
msgid "Command to be run in a shell once for each certificate challenge to be answered. For this command, the shell variable @code{$CERTBOT_DOMAIN} will contain the domain being authenticated, @code{$CERTBOT_VALIDATION} contains the validation string and @code{$CERTBOT_TOKEN} contains the file name of the resource requested when performing an HTTP-01 challenge."
msgstr "Welcher Befehl in einer Shell zum Antworten auf eine Zertifikats-„Challenge“ einmalig ausgeführt wird. Für diesen Befehl wird die Shell-Variable @code{$CERTBOT_DOMAIN} die Domain enthalten, für die sich der Certbot authentisiert, @code{$CERTBOT_VALIDATION} enthält die Validierungs-Zeichenkette und @code{$CERTBOT_TOKEN} enthält den Dateinamen der bei einer HTTP-01-Challenge angefragten Ressource."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27912
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cleanup-hook} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{cleanup-hook} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27485
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27918
msgid "Command to be run in a shell once for each certificate challenge that have been answered by the @code{auth-hook}. For this command, the shell variables available in the @code{auth-hook} script are still available, and additionally @code{$CERTBOT_AUTH_OUTPUT} will contain the standard output of the @code{auth-hook} script."
msgstr "Welcher Befehl in einer Shell für jede Zertifikat-„Challenge“ einmalig ausgeführt wird, die vom @code{auth-hook} beantwortet wurde. Für diesen Befehl bleiben die Shell-Variablen weiterhin verfügbar, die im @code{auth-hook}-Skript zur Verfügung standen, und außerdem wird @code{$CERTBOT_AUTH_OUTPUT} die Standardausgabe des @code{auth-hook}-Skripts enthalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27919
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{deploy-hook} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{deploy-hook} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27927
msgid "Command to be run in a shell once for each successfully issued certificate. For this command, the shell variable @code{$RENEWED_LINEAGE} will point to the config live subdirectory (for example, @samp{\"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com\"}) containing the new certificates and keys; the shell variable @code{$RENEWED_DOMAINS} will contain a space-delimited list of renewed certificate domains (for example, @samp{\"example.com www.example.com\"}."
msgstr "Welcher Befehl in einer Shell für jedes erfolgreich ausgestellte Zertifikat einmalig ausgeführt wird. Bei diesem Befehl wird die Shell-Variable @code{$RENEWED_LINEAGE} auf das Unterverzeichnis für die aktuelle Konfiguration zeigen (zum Beispiel @samp{\"/etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com\"}), in dem sich die neuen Zertifikate und Schlüssel befinden. Die Shell-Variable @code{$RENEWED_DOMAINS} wird eine leerzeichengetrennte Liste der erneuerten Zertifikatsdomänen enthalten (zum Beispiel @samp{\"example.com www.example.com\"}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27934
msgid "For each @code{certificate-configuration}, the certificate is saved to @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/fullchain.pem} and the key is saved to @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/privkey.pem}."
msgstr "Für jede @code{certificate-configuration} wird das Zertifikat in @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/fullchain.pem} und der Schlüssel in @code{/etc/letsencrypt/live/@var{name}/privkey.pem} gespeichert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27936
#, no-wrap
msgid "DNS (domain name system)"
msgstr "DNS (Domain Name System)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27937
#, no-wrap
msgid "domain name system (DNS)"
msgstr "Domain Name System (DNS)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27945
msgid "The @code{(gnu services dns)} module provides services related to the @dfn{domain name system} (DNS). It provides a server service for hosting an @emph{authoritative} DNS server for multiple zones, slave or master. This service uses @uref{https://www.knot-dns.cz/, Knot DNS}. And also a caching and forwarding DNS server for the LAN, which uses @uref{http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html, dnsmasq}."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services dns)} stellt Dienste zur Verfügung, die mit dem @dfn{Domain Name System} (DNS) zu tun haben. Es bietet einen Server-Dienst an, mit dem ein @emph{autoritativer} DNS-Server für mehrere Zonen betrieben werden kann, jeweils als untergeordneter „Slave“ oder als „Master“. Dieser Dienst benutzt @uref{https://www.knot-dns.cz/, Knot DNS}. Außerdem wird ein zwischenspeichernder und weiterleitender DNS-Server für das LAN bereitgestellt, der @uref{http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc.html, dnsmasq} benutzt."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27946
#, no-wrap
msgid "Knot Service"
msgstr "Knot-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27950
msgid "An example configuration of an authoritative server for two zones, one master and one slave, is:"
msgstr "Eine Beispielkonfiguration eines autoritativen Servers für zwei Zonen, eine „Master“, eine „Slave“, wäre:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27957
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-zone-entries example.org.zone\n"
@@ -51486,7 +52342,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27964
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define master-zone\n"
@@ -51506,7 +52362,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27970
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define slave-zone\n"
@@ -51524,7 +52380,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27975
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define plop-master\n"
@@ -51540,7 +52396,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27984
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -51562,857 +52418,857 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27986
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} knot-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} knot-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27988
msgid "This is the type for the Knot DNS server."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Knot-DNS-Server."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27996
msgid "Knot DNS is an authoritative DNS server, meaning that it can serve multiple zones, that is to say domain names you would buy from a registrar. This server is not a resolver, meaning that it can only resolve names for which it is authoritative. This server can be configured to serve zones as a master server or a slave server as a per-zone basis. Slave zones will get their data from masters, and will serve it as an authoritative server. From the point of view of a resolver, there is no difference between master and slave."
msgstr "Knot DNS ist ein autoritativer DNS-Server, das heißt, er kann mehrere Zonen bedienen, also mehrere Domainnamen, die Sie von einem Registrar kaufen würden. Dieser Server ist kein „Resolver“, er dient also nur zur Auflösung von Namen, für die er autoritativ ist. Dieser Server kann so konfiguriert werden, dass er Zonen als „Master“-Server oder als „Slave“-Server bereitstellt, je nachdem, wie er für die jeweilige Zone eingestellt ist. Server für „Slave“-Zonen erhalten ihre Daten von „Master“-Servern und stellen mit ihnen einen autoritativen Server zur Verfügung. Für einen „Resolver“ macht es keinen Unterschied, ob er Namen auflöst, indem er einen „Master“ oder einen „Slave“ danach fragt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27998
msgid "The following data types are used to configure the Knot DNS server:"
msgstr "Die folgenden Datentypen werden benutzt, um den Knot-DNS-Server zu konfigurieren:"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28000
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-key-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-key-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28003
msgid "Data type representing a key. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der einen Schlüssel repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27572 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27592
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27707 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27733
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28005 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28140 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28201
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{id} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{id} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27575 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28008 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28028
msgid "An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this key. IDs must be unique and must not be empty."
msgstr "Ein Identifikator, mit dem sich andere Konfigurationsfelder auf diesen Schlüssel beziehen können. IDs müssen eindeutig sein und dürfen @emph{nicht} leer sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28009
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{algorithm} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{algorithm} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28013
msgid "The algorithm to use. Choose between @code{#f}, @code{'hmac-md5}, @code{'hmac-sha1}, @code{'hmac-sha224}, @code{'hmac-sha256}, @code{'hmac-sha384} and @code{'hmac-sha512}."
msgstr "Der Algorithmus, der benutzt werden soll. Wählen Sie zwischen @code{#f}, @code{'hmac-md5}, @code{'hmac-sha1}, @code{'hmac-sha224}, @code{'hmac-sha256}, @code{'hmac-sha384} und @code{'hmac-sha512}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28014
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{secret} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{secret} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28016
msgid "The secret key itself."
msgstr "Was dabei der geheime Schlüssel sein soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28020
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-acl-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-acl-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28023
msgid "Data type representing an Access Control List (ACL) configuration. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration einer Zugriffssteuerungsliste („Access Control List“, ACL) repräsentiert. Dieser Typ hat die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27596 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28029 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28144
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{address} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{address} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28033
msgid "An ordered list of IP addresses, network subnets, or network ranges represented with strings. The query must match one of them. Empty value means that address match is not required."
msgstr "Eine geordnete Liste aus IP-Adresse, Netzwerk-Subnetzen oder Netzwerkbereichen, die jeweils als Zeichenketten angegeben werden. Die Anfrage muss zu einem davon passen. Ein leerer Wert bedeutet, dass die Adresse nicht passen muss."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28034
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{key} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{key} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28038
msgid "An ordered list of references to keys represented with strings. The string must match a key ID defined in a @code{knot-key-configuration}. No key means that a key is not require to match that ACL."
msgstr "Eine geordnete Liste von Referenzen auf Schlüssel, die jeweils als Zeichenketten angegeben werden. Die Zeichenkette muss zu einem Schlüsselidentifikator passen, der in einem der @code{knot-key-configuration}-Objekte definiert wurde. Wenn kein Schlüssel angegeben wird, bedeutet das, dass kein Schlüssel zu dieser Zugriffssteuerungsliste passen muss."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27606
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28039
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{action} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{action} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28043
msgid "An ordered list of actions that are permitted or forbidden by this ACL@. Possible values are lists of zero or more elements from @code{'transfer}, @code{'notify} and @code{'update}."
msgstr "Eine geordete Liste der Aktionen, die von dieser Zugriffssteuerungsliste zugelassen oder gesperrt werden. Mögliche Werte sind Listen aus null oder mehr Elementen, die jeweils @code{'transfer}, @code{'notify} oder @code{'update} sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28044
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{deny?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{deny?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28047
msgid "When true, the ACL defines restrictions. Listed actions are forbidden. When false, listed actions are allowed."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr steht, werden mit der Zugriffssteuerungsliste Einschränkungen festgelegt, d.h.@: aufgelistet Aktionen werden gesperrt. Steht es auf falsch, werden aufgelistete Aktionen zugelassen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28051
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} zone-entry"
msgstr "{Datentyp} zone-entry"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27621
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28054
msgid "Data type representing a record entry in a zone file. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der einen Eintrag in einer Zonendatei repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28056
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name} (default: @code{\"@@\"})"
msgstr "@code{name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"@@\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28062
msgid "The name of the record. @code{\"@@\"} refers to the origin of the zone. Names are relative to the origin of the zone. For example, in the @code{example.org} zone, @code{\"ns.example.org\"} actually refers to @code{ns.example.org.example.org}. Names ending with a dot are absolute, which means that @code{\"ns.example.org.\"} refers to @code{ns.example.org}."
msgstr "Der Name des Eintrags. @code{\"@@\"} bezieht sich auf den Ursprung der Zone. Namen sind relativ zum Ursprung der Zone. Zum Beispiel bezieht sich in einer Zone @code{example.org} der Eintrag @code{\"ns.example.org\"} tatsächlich auf @code{ns.example.org.example.org}. Namen, die auf einen Punkt enden, sind absolut. Das bedeutet, dass sich @code{\"ns.example.org.\"} auf @code{ns.example.org} bezieht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27630
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28063
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ttl} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{ttl} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28065
msgid "The Time-To-Live (TTL) of this record. If not set, the default TTL is used."
msgstr "Wie lange dieser Eintrag zwischengespeichert werden darf, d.h.@: seine „Time-To-Live“ (TTL). Ist sie nicht festgelegt, wird die voreingestellte TTL benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28066
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{class} (default: @code{\"IN\"})"
msgstr "@code{class} (Vorgabe: @code{\"IN\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28069
msgid "The class of the record. Knot currently supports only @code{\"IN\"} and partially @code{\"CH\"}."
msgstr "Welche Klasse der Eintrag hat. Derzeit unterstützt Knot nur @code{\"IN\"} und teilweise @code{\"CH\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28070
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{type} (default: @code{\"A\"})"
msgstr "@code{type} (Vorgabe: @code{\"A\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28074
msgid "The type of the record. Common types include A (IPv4 address), AAAA (IPv6 address), NS (Name Server) and MX (Mail eXchange). Many other types are defined."
msgstr "Der Typ des Eintrags. Zu den üblichen Typen gehören A (für eine IPv4-Adresse), AAAA (für eine IPv6-Adresse), NS (der Namens-Server) und MX („Mail eXchange“ für E-Mails). Viele andere Typen sind auch definiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28075
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{data} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{data} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28079
msgid "The data contained in the record. For instance an IP address associated with an A record, or a domain name associated with an NS record. Remember that domain names are relative to the origin unless they end with a dot."
msgstr "Die Daten, die im Eintrag stehen, zum Beispiel eine IP-Adresse bei einem A-Eintrag oder ein Domain-Name bei einem NS-Eintrag. Bedenken Sie, dass Domain-Namen relativ zum Ursprung angegeben werden, außer wenn sie auf einen Punkt enden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28083
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} zone-file"
msgstr "{Datentyp} zone-file"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28086
msgid "Data type representing the content of a zone file. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der den Inhalt einer Zonendatei repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28095
msgid "The list of entries. The SOA record is taken care of, so you don't need to put it in the list of entries. This list should probably contain an entry for your primary authoritative DNS server. Other than using a list of entries directly, you can use @code{define-zone-entries} to define a object containing the list of entries more easily, that you can later pass to the @code{entries} field of the @code{zone-file}."
msgstr "Die Liste der Einträge. Für den SOA-Eintrag wird automatisch gesorgt, also müssen Sie ihn nicht zur Liste der Einträge hinzufügen. In der Liste sollte vermutlich ein Eintrag für Ihren primären autoritativen DNS-Server stehen. Abgesehen vom direkten Aufzählen der Einträge können Sie @code{define-zone-entries} verwenden, um ein Objekt zu definieren, worin eine Liste von Einträgen leichter angegeben werden kann, und was sie dann im @code{entries}-Feld des @code{zone-file} angeben können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28096
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{origin} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{origin} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28098
msgid "The name of your zone. This parameter cannot be empty."
msgstr "Der Name Ihrer Zone. Dieser Parameter darf nicht leer sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27666
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28099
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ns} (default: @code{\"ns\"})"
msgstr "@code{ns} (Vorgabe: @code{\"ns\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27671
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28104
msgid "The domain of your primary authoritative DNS server. The name is relative to the origin, unless it ends with a dot. It is mandatory that this primary DNS server corresponds to an NS record in the zone and that it is associated to an IP address in the list of entries."
msgstr "Die Domain Ihres primären autoritativen DNS-Servers. Der Name wird relativ zum Ursprung angegeben, außer wenn er auf einen Punkt endet. Dieser primäre DNS-Server @emph{muss} verpflichtend einem NS-Eintrag in der Zone entsprechen, dem eine IP-Adresse in der Liste der Einträge zugeordnet werden muss."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28105
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mail} (default: @code{\"hostmaster\"})"
msgstr "@code{mail} (Vorgabe: @code{\"hostmaster\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28108
msgid "An email address people can contact you at, as the owner of the zone. This is translated as @code{<mail>@@<origin>}."
msgstr "Eine E-Mail-Adresse, unter der man Sie als für diese Zone Verantwortlichen („Besitzer“/„Owner“) kontaktieren kann. Sie wird zu @code{<mail>@@<origin>} umgeschrieben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28109
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{serial} (default: @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{serial} (Vorgabe: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27680
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28113
msgid "The serial number of the zone. As this is used to keep track of changes by both slaves and resolvers, it is mandatory that it @emph{never} decreases. Always increment it when you make a change in your zone."
msgstr "Die Seriennummer der Zone. Da sie von sowohl „Slaves“ als auch „Resolvern“ benutzt wird, um bei Änderungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, ist es notwendig, dass sie @emph{niemals} kleiner gemacht wird. Erhöhen Sie sie, wann immer Sie eine Änderung an Ihrer Zone durchführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28114
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{refresh} (default: @code{(* 2 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{refresh} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 2 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28118
msgid "The frequency at which slaves will do a zone transfer. This value is a number of seconds. It can be computed by multiplications or with @code{(string->duration)}."
msgstr "Die Häufigkeit, wie oft Slaves eine Zonenübertragung („Zone Transfer“) durchführen. Als Wert wird eine Anzahl von Sekunden angegeben. Sie kann über eine Multiplikation oder mit @code{(string->duration)} angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28119
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{retry} (default: @code{(* 15 60)})"
msgstr "@code{retry} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 15 60)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28122
msgid "The period after which a slave will retry to contact its master when it fails to do so a first time."
msgstr "Nach welcher Zeitperiode ein Slave versuchen wird, Kontakt mit seinem Master aufzunehmen, wenn er ihn beim ersten Mal nicht erreichen kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28123
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{expiry} (default: @code{(* 14 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{expiry} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 14 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28127
msgid "Default TTL of records. Existing records are considered correct for at most this amount of time. After this period, resolvers will invalidate their cache and check again that it still exists."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung, welche TTL für Einträge verwendet werden soll. Bestehende Einträge werden für höchstens diese Zeitspanne als korrekt angesehen. Nach Ablauf dieser Zeitspanne werden „Resolver“ ihren Zwischenspeicher als ungültig markieren und erneut prüfen, ob der Eintrag noch existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28128
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nx} (default: @code{3600})"
msgstr "@code{nx} (Vorgabe: @code{3600})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28131
msgid "Default TTL of inexistent records. This delay is usually short because you want your new domains to reach everyone quickly."
msgstr "Die voreingestellte TTL der @emph{nicht} existierenden Einträge. Sie stellt normalerweise eine kurze Verzögerung dar, weil Sie möchten, dass neue Domains für jeden schnell erkannt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28135
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-remote-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-remote-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28138
msgid "Data type representing a remote configuration. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines entfernten Servers („Remote“) repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28143
msgid "An identifier for other configuration fields to refer to this remote. IDs must be unique and must not be empty."
msgstr "Ein Identifikator, mit dem man sich in anderen Konfigurationsfeldern auf diesen entfernten Server („Remote“) beziehen kann. IDs müssen eindeutig sein und dürfen @emph{nicht} leer sein."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28148
msgid "An ordered list of destination IP addresses. Addresses are tried in sequence. An optional port can be given with the @@ separator. For instance: @code{(list \"\" \"\")}. Default port is 53."
msgstr "Eine geordnete Liste der Empfänger-IP-Adressen. Adressen werden der Reihe nach durchprobiert. Optional kann eine Portnummer nach dem Trennzeichen @@ angegeben werden, zum Beispiel als @code{(list \"\" \"\")}. Die Vorgabe ist 53."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28149
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{via} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{via} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27720
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28153
msgid "An ordered list of source IP addresses. An empty list will have Knot choose an appropriate source IP@. An optional port can be given with the @@ separator. The default is to choose at random."
msgstr "Eine geordnete Liste der Quell-IP-Adressen. Eine leere Liste wird Knot eine sinnvolle Quell-IP-Adresse auswählen lassen. Optional kann eine Portnummer nach dem Trennzeichen @@ angegeben werden. Die Vorgabe wird zufällig ausgewählt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28157
msgid "A reference to a key, that is a string containing the identifier of a key defined in a @code{knot-key-configuration} field."
msgstr "Ein Verweis auf einen Schlüssel („Key“), also eine Zeichenkette, die den Identifikator eines Schlüssels enthält, der in einem @code{knot-key-configuration}-Feld festgelegt wurde."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28161
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-keystore-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-keystore-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28164
msgid "Data type representing a keystore to hold dnssec keys. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der einen Schlüsselspeicher („Keystore“) repräsentiert, um DNSSEC-Schlüssel zu fassen. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28168
msgid "The id of the keystore. It must not be empty."
msgstr "Der Identifikator des Schlüsselspeichers. Er darf nicht leer gelassen werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28169
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{backend} (default: @code{'pem})"
msgstr "@code{backend} (Vorgabe: @code{'pem})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28171
msgid "The backend to store the keys in. Can be @code{'pem} or @code{'pkcs11}."
msgstr "Die Art von Hintergrundspeicher, in dem Schlüssel eingetragen werden. Sie kann @code{'pem} oder @code{'pkcs11} sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28172
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{config} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/knot/keys/keys\"})"
msgstr "@code{config} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/knot/keys/keys\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28176
msgid "The configuration string of the backend. An example for the PKCS#11 is: @code{\"pkcs11:token=knot;pin-value=1234 /gnu/store/.../lib/pkcs11/libsofthsm2.so\"}. For the pem backend, the string represents a path in the file system."
msgstr "Die Zeichenkette mit der Konfiguration des Hintergrundspeichers. Ein Beispiel für die PKCS#11 ist @code{\"pkcs11:token=knot;pin-value=1234 /gnu/store/…/lib/pkcs11/libsofthsm2.so\"}. Für pem als Hintergrundspeicher repräsentiert die Zeichenkette einen Pfad im Dateisystem."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28180
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-policy-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-policy-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28184
msgid "Data type representing a dnssec policy. Knot DNS is able to automatically sign your zones. It can either generate and manage your keys automatically or use keys that you generate."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die DNSSEC-Richtlinie repräsentiert. Knot DNS kann Ihre Zonen automatisch signieren. Der Dienst kann Ihre Schlüssel automatisch erzeugen und verwalten oder Schlüssel benutzen, die Sie selbst erzeugen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28191
msgid "Dnssec is usually implemented using two keys: a Key Signing Key (KSK) that is used to sign the second, and a Zone Signing Key (ZSK) that is used to sign the zone. In order to be trusted, the KSK needs to be present in the parent zone (usually a top-level domain). If your registrar supports dnssec, you will have to send them your KSK's hash so they can add a DS record in their zone. This is not automated and need to be done each time you change your KSK."
msgstr "DNSSEC wird in der Regel mit zwei Schlüsseln implementiert: Ein Schlüssel, mit dem Schlüssel signiert werden („Key Signing Key“, KSK), signiert den zweiten Schlüssel, einen Schlüssel, der Zonen signiert („Zone Signing Key“, ZSK), mit dem die Zone signiert wird. Damit er als vertrauenswürdig angesehen wird, muss der KSK in der Elternzone stehen (meistens ist das eine Top-Level-Domain). Wenn Ihr Registrar DNSSEC unterstützt, müssen Sie ihm den Hash Ihres KSK übermitteln, damit er einen DS-Eintrag für Ihre Zone hinzufügen kann. Das passiert nicht automatisch und muss jedes Mal wiederholt werden, wenn Sie Ihren KSK ändern."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28197
msgid "The policy also defines the lifetime of keys. Usually, ZSK can be changed easily and use weaker cryptographic functions (they use lower parameters) in order to sign records quickly, so they are changed often. The KSK however requires manual interaction with the registrar, so they are changed less often and use stronger parameters because they sign only one record."
msgstr "Die Richtlinie legt auch fest, wie lange Ihre Schlüssel gültig bleiben. Normalerweise kann der ZSK leicht geändert werden und benutzt kryptografisch schwächere Funktionen (also niedrigere Parameter), damit Einträge schnell signiert werden können, wodurch man sie oft verändern kann. Der KSK setzt jedoch eine manuelle Interaktion mit dem Registrar voraus, also werden sie weniger oft geändert und verwenden stärkere Parameter, weil mit ihnen nur ein einziger Eintrag signiert wird."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28199
msgid "This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28203
msgid "The id of the policy. It must not be empty."
msgstr "Der Identifikator der Richtlinie. Er darf nicht leer sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28204
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keystore} (default: @code{\"default\"})"
msgstr "@code{keystore} (Vorgabe: @code{\"default\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28209
msgid "A reference to a keystore, that is a string containing the identifier of a keystore defined in a @code{knot-keystore-configuration} field. The @code{\"default\"} identifier means the default keystore (a kasp database that was setup by this service)."
msgstr "Eine Referenz auf einen Schlüsselspeicher („Keystore“), also eine Zeichenkette, die den Identifikator eines Schlüsselspeichers enthält, der in einem @code{knot-keystore-configuration}-Feld gespeichert ist. Der Identifikator @code{\"default\"} sorgt dafür, dass der vorgegebene Schlüsselspeicher verwendet wird (eine KASP-Datenbank, die durch diesen Dienst eingerichtet wurde)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28210
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{manual?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{manual?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28212
msgid "Whether the key management is manual or automatic."
msgstr "Ob Schlüssel manuell verwaltet werden sollen; andernfalls werden sie automatisch verwaltet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28213
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{single-type-signing?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{single-type-signing?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28215
msgid "When @code{#t}, use the Single-Type Signing Scheme."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#t} steht, werden dieselben Schlüssel als KSK und ZSK verwendet („Single-Type Signing Scheme“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28216
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{algorithm} (default: @code{\"ecdsap256sha256\"})"
msgstr "@code{algorithm} (Vorgabe: @code{\"ecdsap256sha256\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28218
msgid "An algorithm of signing keys and issued signatures."
msgstr "Ein Algorithmus für zum Signieren verwendete Schlüssel und ausgestellte Signaturen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28219
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ksk-size} (default: @code{256})"
msgstr "@code{ksk-size} (Vorgabe: @code{256})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28222
msgid "The length of the KSK@. Note that this value is correct for the default algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms."
msgstr "Die Länge des KSK@. Beachten Sie, dass dieser Wert für den vorgegebenen Algorithmus korrekt ist, aber für andere Algorithmen @emph{nicht} sicher wäre."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28223
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zsk-size} (default: @code{256})"
msgstr "@code{zsk-size} (Vorgabe: @code{256})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28226
msgid "The length of the ZSK@. Note that this value is correct for the default algorithm, but would be unsecure for other algorithms."
msgstr "Die Länge des ZSK@. Beachten Sie, dass dieser Wert für den vorgegebenen Algorithmus korrekt ist, aber für andere Algorithmen @emph{nicht} sicher wäre."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28227
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dnskey-ttl} (default: @code{'default})"
msgstr "@code{dnskey-ttl} (Vorgabe: @code{'default})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28230
msgid "The TTL value for DNSKEY records added into zone apex. The special @code{'default} value means same as the zone SOA TTL."
msgstr "Der TTL-Wert für DNSKEY-Einträge, die die Wurzel der Zone betreffen. Der besondere Wert @code{'default} bedeutet, dass dieselbe TTL wie für den SOA-Eintrag der Zone verwendet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28231
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zsk-lifetime} (default: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{zsk-lifetime} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28233
msgid "The period between ZSK publication and the next rollover initiation."
msgstr "Die Zeitspanne zwischen der Veröffentlichung eines ZSK und dem Anfang des nächsten Schlüsselübergangs („Key Rollover“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28234
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{propagation-delay} (default: @code{(* 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{propagation-delay} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28237
msgid "An extra delay added for each key rollover step. This value should be high enough to cover propagation of data from the master server to all slaves."
msgstr "Eine zusätzliche Verlängerung, die bei jedem Schritt im Schlüsselübergang („Key Rollover“) gewartet wird. Dieser Wert sollte hoch genug sein, damit in dieser Zeit Daten vom Master-Server alle Slaves erreichen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28238
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rrsig-lifetime} (default: @code{(* 14 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{rrsig-lifetime} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 14 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28240
msgid "A validity period of newly issued signatures."
msgstr "Wie lange neu ausgestellte Signaturen gültig bleiben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28241
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rrsig-refresh} (default: @code{(* 7 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{rrsig-refresh} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 7 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28243
msgid "A period how long before a signature expiration the signature will be refreshed."
msgstr "Wie lange im Voraus vor einem Auslaufen der Signatur diese Signatur erneuert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28244
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nsec3?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{nsec3?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28246
msgid "When @code{#t}, NSEC3 will be used instead of NSEC."
msgstr "Ist es auf @code{#t} gesetzt, wird NSEC3 statt NSEC benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28247
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nsec3-iterations} (default: @code{5})"
msgstr "@code{nsec3-iterations} (Vorgabe: @code{5})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28249
msgid "The number of additional times the hashing is performed."
msgstr "Wie oft zusätzlich gehasht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28250
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nsec3-salt-length} (default: @code{8})"
msgstr "@code{nsec3-salt-length} (Vorgabe: @code{8})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28253
msgid "The length of a salt field in octets, which is appended to the original owner name before hashing."
msgstr "Wie lange das kryptografische „Salt“ sein soll, als Anzahl von Oktetten. Es wird vor dem Hashen an den Namen des ursprünglichen Besitzers angehängt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28254
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nsec3-salt-lifetime} (default: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{nsec3-salt-lifetime} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 30 24 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28256
msgid "The validity period of newly issued salt field."
msgstr "Wie lange das neu ausgestellte Salt-Feld gültig bleiben soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28260
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-zone-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-zone-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28263
msgid "Data type representing a zone served by Knot. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der eine durch Knot verfügbar gemachte Zone repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28265
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{domain} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{domain} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28267
msgid "The domain served by this configuration. It must not be empty."
msgstr "Die Domain, die durch diese Konfiguration zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Sie darf nicht leer sein."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28268
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{file} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28271
msgid "The file where this zone is saved. This parameter is ignored by master zones. Empty means default location that depends on the domain name."
msgstr "Die Datei, in der diese Zone abgespeichert wird. Dieser Parameter wird bei Master-Zonen ignoriert. Bleibt er leer, wird die vom Domain-Namen abhängige Voreinstellung benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28272
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zone} (default: @code{(zone-file)})"
msgstr "@code{zone} (Vorgabe: @code{(zone-file)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28275
msgid "The content of the zone file. This parameter is ignored by slave zones. It must contain a zone-file record."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der Zonendatei. Dieser Parameter wird bei Slave-Zonen ignoriert. Er muss ein Verbundsobjekt vom Typ @code{zone-file} enthalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28276
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{master} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{master} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28279
msgid "A list of master remotes. When empty, this zone is a master. When set, this zone is a slave. This is a list of remotes identifiers."
msgstr "Eine Liste von als „Master“ geltenden entfernten Servern. Ist sie leer, ist diese Zone ein Master, sonst ein Slave. Es handelt sich um eine Liste von Identifikatoren entfernter Server („Remotes“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28280
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ddns-master} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ddns-master} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28283
msgid "The main master. When empty, it defaults to the first master in the list of masters."
msgstr "Der vorrangige „Master“. Ist dies leer, wird hierfür der erste Master aus der Liste der Master benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28284
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{notify} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{notify} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28286
msgid "A list of slave remote identifiers."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Identifikatoren von entfernten Slave-Servern („Remotes“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28287
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{acl} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{acl} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28289
msgid "A list of acl identifiers."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Identifikatoren von Zugriffssteuerungslisten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28290
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{semantic-checks?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{semantic-checks?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28292
msgid "When set, this adds more semantic checks to the zone."
msgstr "Wenn dies festgelegt ist, werden für die Zone mehr semantische Überprüfungen durchgeführt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28293
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zonefile-sync} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{zonefile-sync} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28296
msgid "The delay between a modification in memory and on disk. 0 means immediate synchronization."
msgstr "Wie lange nach einer Änderung der im Arbeitsspeicher zwischengespeicherten Daten gewartet wird, bis die Daten auf die Platte geschrieben werden. Bei 0 werden sie sofort synchronisiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28297
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zonefile-load} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{zonefile-load} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28300
msgid "The way the zone file contents are applied during zone load. Possible values are:"
msgstr "Wie die in der Zonendatei gespeicherten Daten benutzt werden, wenn die Zone geladen wird. Mögliche Werte sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27869
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28302
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{#f} for using the default value from Knot,"
msgstr "@code{#f} sorgt dafür, dass nach der Voreinstellung von Knot verfahren wird,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28303
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{'none} for not using the zone file at all,"
msgstr "@code{'none} bewirkt, dass die Zonendatei überhaupt nicht benutzt wird,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28304
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{'difference} for computing the difference between already available"
msgstr "@code{'difference} lässt den Unterschied zwischen den bereits vorliegenden"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28306
msgid "contents and zone contents and applying it to the current zone contents,"
msgstr "Daten und dem gespeicherten Inhalt der Zone berechnen, welcher dann zum vorliegenden Zoneninhalt hinzugenommen wird,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28306
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{'difference-no-serial} for the same as @code{'difference}, but"
msgstr "@code{'difference-no-serial} für dasselbe wie bei @code{'difference},"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28309
msgid "ignoring the SOA serial in the zone file, while the server takes care of it automatically."
msgstr "aber die SOA-Seriennummer in der Zonendatei wird ignoriert und der Server kümmert sich automatisch darum."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28309
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{'whole} for loading zone contents from the zone file."
msgstr "@code{'whole} lässt den ganzen Inhalt der Zone aus der Zonendatei auslesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28312
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{journal-content} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{journal-content} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27884
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28317
msgid "The way the journal is used to store zone and its changes. Possible values are @code{'none} to not use it at all, @code{'changes} to store changes and @code{'all} to store contents. @code{#f} does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used."
msgstr "Wie in den Aufzeichnungen die Zone und Änderungen daran gespeichert werden sollen. Mögliche Werte sind @code{'none}, um keine Aufzeichnungen zu führen, @code{'changes}, um Änderungen zu speichern, und @code{'all}, wodurch der gesamte Inhalt gespeichert wird. Für @code{#f} wird dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, so dass der in Knot voreingestellte Wert benutzt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28318
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-journal-usage} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{max-journal-usage} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27888
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28321
msgid "The maximum size for the journal on disk. @code{#f} does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used."
msgstr "Die maximale Größe, die Aufzeichnungen für die Wiederherstellbarkeit („Journal“) auf der Platte einnehmen können. Für @code{#f} wird dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, so dass der in Knot voreingestellte Wert benutzt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28322
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-journal-depth} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{max-journal-depth} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28325
msgid "The maximum size of the history. @code{#f} does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used."
msgstr "Wie viele Aufzeichnungen höchstens im Änderungsverlauf gespeichert werden. Für @code{#f} wird dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, so dass der in Knot voreingestellte Wert benutzt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27893
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28326
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-zone-size} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{max-zone-size} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27897
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28330
msgid "The maximum size of the zone file. This limit is enforced for incoming transfer and updates. @code{#f} does not set this option, so the default value from Knot is used."
msgstr "Die maximale Größe der Zonendatei. Diese Beschränkung wird auf eingehende Übertragungen und Aktualisierungen angewandt. Für @code{#f} wird dieser Wert nicht gesetzt, so dass der in Knot voreingestellte Wert benutzt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28331
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dnssec-policy} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{dnssec-policy} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28335
msgid "A reference to a @code{knot-policy-configuration} record, or the special name @code{\"default\"}. If the value is @code{#f}, there is no dnssec signing on this zone."
msgstr "Ein Verweis auf ein @code{knot-policy-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt oder der besondere Name @code{\"default\"}, um die Voreinstellung von Knot zu verwenden. Wenn dies als der Wert @code{#f} angegeben wurde, findet in dieser Zone kein Signieren mit DNSSEC statt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28336
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{serial-policy} (default: @code{'increment})"
msgstr "@code{serial-policy} (Vorgabe: @code{'increment})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28338
msgid "A policy between @code{'increment} and @code{'unixtime}."
msgstr "Eine Richtlinie; entweder @code{'increment} (Seriennummer hochzählen) oder @code{'unixtime} (Unix-Zeitstempel verwenden)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28342
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28345
msgid "Data type representing the Knot configuration. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Knot repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28347
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{knot} (default: @code{knot})"
msgstr "@code{knot} (Vorgabe: @code{knot})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28349
msgid "The Knot package."
msgstr "Das Knot-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27917
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28350
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{run-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/run/knot\"})"
msgstr "@code{run-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/run/knot\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28352
msgid "The run directory. This directory will be used for pid file and sockets."
msgstr "Das Laufzeit-Verzeichnis („run“-Verzeichnis). In diesem Verzeichnis werden die PID-Datei mit dem Prozessidentifikator und Sockets gespeichert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28353
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{includes} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{includes} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28356
msgid "A list of strings or file-like objects denoting other files that must be included at the top of the configuration file."
msgstr "Eine flache Liste von Zeichenketten oder dateiartigen Objekten, die oben in der Konfigurationsdatei eingebunden werden müssen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28357
#, no-wrap
msgid "secrets, Knot service"
msgstr "Geheimnisse, Knot-Dienst"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28363
msgid "This can be used to manage secrets out-of-band. For example, secret keys may be stored in an out-of-band file not managed by Guix, and thus not visible in @file{/gnu/store}---e.g., you could store secret key configuration in @file{/etc/knot/secrets.conf} and add this file to the @code{includes} list."
msgstr "Hiermit können Geheimnisse abseits von Guix’ Zuständigkeitsbereich gespeichert werden. Zum Beispiel können Sie geheime Schlüssel so in einer externen Datei speichern, die nicht von Guix verwaltet und daher auch nicht von jedem in @file{/gnu/store} ausgelesen werden kann@tie{}— Sie können etwa Ihre geheime Schlüsselkonfiguration in @file{/etc/knot/secrets.conf} speichern und diese Datei dann zu Ihrer @code{includes}-Liste hinzufügen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28368
msgid "One can generate a secret tsig key (for nsupdate and zone transfers with the keymgr command from the knot package. Note that the package is not automatically installed by the service. The following example shows how to generate a new tsig key:"
msgstr "Sie können mit dem Schlüsselverwaltungsprogramm @code{keymgr} aus dem Knot-Paket einen geheimen TSIG-Schlüssel erzeugen lassen (für @code{nsupdate} und Zonentransfers). Beachten Sie, dass das Paket @emph{nicht} automatisch durch den Dienst installiert wird. Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man einen neuen TSIG-Schlüssel erzeugen lässt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28372
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"keymgr -t mysecret > /etc/knot/secrets.conf\n"
@@ -52422,106 +53278,106 @@ msgstr ""
"chmod 600 /etc/knot/secrets.conf\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28378
msgid "Also note that the generated key will be named @var{mysecret}, so it is the name that needs to be used in the @var{key} field of the @code{knot-acl-configuration} record and in other places that need to refer to that key."
msgstr "Außerdem sollten Sie bedenken, dass der erzeugte Schlüssel den Namen @var{meingeheimnis} bekommt, dieser Name also auch im @var{key}-Feld des @code{knot-acl-configuration}-Verbundsobjekts und an anderen Stellen verwendet werden muss, wo auf den Schlüssel verwiesen wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28380
msgid "It can also be used to add configuration not supported by this interface."
msgstr "Sie können die @code{includes} auch benutzen, um von der Guix-Schnittstelle nicht unterstützte Einstellungen festzulegen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28381
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen-v4} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{listen-v4} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27950 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28383 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28386
msgid "An ip address on which to listen."
msgstr "Eine IP-Adresse, auf der gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27951
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28384
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen-v6} (default: @code{\"::\"})"
msgstr "@code{listen-v6} (Vorgabe: @code{\"::\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28387
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen-port} (default: @code{53})"
msgstr "@code{listen-port} (Vorgabe: @code{53})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28389
msgid "A port on which to listen."
msgstr "Ein Port, auf dem gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28390
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keys} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{keys} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27959
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28392
msgid "The list of knot-key-configuration used by this configuration."
msgstr "Die Liste der @code{knot-key-configuration}-Objekte, die von dieser Konfiguration benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28393
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{acls} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{acls} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28395
msgid "The list of knot-acl-configuration used by this configuration."
msgstr "Die Liste der @code{knot-acl-configuration}-Objekte, die von dieser Konfiguration benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28396
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{remotes} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{remotes} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28398
msgid "The list of knot-remote-configuration used by this configuration."
msgstr "Die Liste der @code{knot-remote-configuration}-Objekte, die von dieser Konfiguration benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28399
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zones} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{zones} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28401
msgid "The list of knot-zone-configuration used by this configuration."
msgstr "Die Liste der @code{knot-zone-configuration}-Objekte, die von dieser Konfiguration benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28405
#, no-wrap
msgid "Knot Resolver Service"
msgstr "Knot-Resolver-Dienst"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28407
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} knot-resolver-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} knot-resolver-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28410
msgid "This is the type of the knot resolver service, whose value should be an @code{knot-resolver-configuration} object as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Knot-Resolver-Dienstes, dessen Wert ein @code{knot-resolver-configuration}-Objekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein sollte:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28420
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service knot-resolver-service-type\n"
@@ -52543,73 +53399,73 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27990
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28423
msgid "For more information, refer its @url{https://knot-resolver.readthedocs.org/en/stable/daemon.html#configuration, manual}."
msgstr "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in seinem @url{https://knot-resolver.readthedocs.org/en/stable/daemon.html#configuration, Handbuch}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27992
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28425
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} knot-resolver-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} knot-resolver-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28427
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of knot-resolver."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von knot-resolver repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28429
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{knot-resolver})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{knot-resolver})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28431
msgid "Package object of the knot DNS resolver."
msgstr "Das Paketobjekt des Knot-DNS-Resolvers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:27999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28432
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kresd-config-file} (default: %kresd.conf)"
msgstr "@code{kresd-config-file} (Vorgabe: %kresd.conf)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28435
msgid "File-like object of the kresd configuration file to use, by default it will listen on @code{} and @code{::1}."
msgstr "Dateiartiges Objekt der zu nutzenden kresd-Konfigurationsdatei. Nach Vorgabe lauscht der Knot-Resolver auf @code{} und @code{::1}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28003
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28436
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{garbage-collection-interval} (default: 1000)"
msgstr "@code{garbage-collection-interval} (Vorgabe: 1000)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28438
msgid "Number of milliseconds for @code{kres-cache-gc} to periodically trim the cache."
msgstr "Wie viele Millisekunden @code{kres-cache-gc} zwischen Bereinigungen seines Zwischenspeichers wartet."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28443
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dnsmasq Service"
msgstr "Dnsmasq-Dienst"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28445
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} dnsmasq-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} dnsmasq-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28448
msgid "This is the type of the dnsmasq service, whose value should be an @code{dnsmasq-configuration} object as in this example:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des dnsmasq-Dienstes, dessen Wert ein @code{dnsmasq-configuration}-Objekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein sollte:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28454
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service dnsmasq-service-type\n"
@@ -52623,122 +53479,122 @@ msgstr ""
" (servers '(\"\"))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28457
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} dnsmasq-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} dnsmasq-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28459
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of dnsmasq."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die dnsmasq-Konfiguration."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28461
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{dnsmasq})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{dnsmasq})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28463
msgid "Package object of the dnsmasq server."
msgstr "Paketobjekt des dnsmasq-Servers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28464
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-hosts?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-hosts?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28466
msgid "When true, don't read the hostnames in /etc/hosts."
msgstr "Ist es auf wahr gesetzt, werden keine Rechnernamen („Hostnames“) aus /etc/hosts ausgelesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28467
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{53})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{53})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28470
msgid "The port to listen on. Setting this to zero completely disables DNS responses, leaving only DHCP and/or TFTP functions."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem gelauscht werden soll. Wird dies auf null gesetzt, werden keinerlei DNS-Anfragen beantwortet und es bleiben nur DHCP- und/oder TFTP-Funktionen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28471
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{local-service?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{local-service?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28474
msgid "Accept DNS queries only from hosts whose address is on a local subnet, ie a subnet for which an interface exists on the server."
msgstr "DNS-Anfragen nur von Rechnern akzeptieren, deren Adresse auf einem lokalen Subnetz liegt, d.h.@: einem Subnetz, für dem auf dem Server eine Schnittstelle existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28475
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen-addresses} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{listen-addresses} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28477
msgid "Listen on the given IP addresses."
msgstr "Lässt auf den angegebenen IP-Adressen lauschen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28478
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{resolv-file} (default: @code{\"/etc/resolv.conf\"})"
msgstr "@code{resolv-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/etc/resolv.conf\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28480
msgid "The file to read the IP address of the upstream nameservers from."
msgstr "Aus welcher Datei die IP-Adresse der zu verwendenden Namensserver gelesen werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28481
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-resolv?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-resolv?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28483
msgid "When true, don't read @var{resolv-file}."
msgstr "Wenn es auf wahr steht, wird das @var{resolv-file} nicht gelesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28484
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{servers} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{servers} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28486
msgid "Specify IP address of upstream servers directly."
msgstr "Geben Sie die IP-Adresse von anzufragenden Servern direkt an."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28487
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{addresses} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{addresses} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28491
msgid "For each entry, specify an IP address to return for any host in the given domains. Queries in the domains are never forwarded and always replied to with the specified IP address."
msgstr "Geben Sie in jedem Eintrag eine IP-Adresse an, die für jeden Rechner mit einer der angegebenen Domains zurückgeliefert werden soll. Anfragen nach den Domains werden niemals weitergegeben, sondern werden immer mit der festgelegten IP-Adresse beantwortet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28493
msgid "This is useful for redirecting hosts locally, for example:"
msgstr "Dies ist nützlich, um für Rechnernamen lokale Umleitungen einzurichten, wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28502
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service dnsmasq-service-type\n"
@@ -52758,1007 +53614,1007 @@ msgstr ""
" \"/subdomain.example.org/\"))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28505
msgid "Note that rules in @file{/etc/hosts} take precedence over this."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass die Regeln in @file{/etc/hosts} Vorrang haben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28506
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cache-size} (default: @code{150})"
msgstr "@code{cache-size} (Vorgabe: @code{150})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28509
msgid "Set the size of dnsmasq's cache. Setting the cache size to zero disables caching."
msgstr "Bestimmt die Größe des Zwischenspeichers von dnsmasq. Wird die Zwischenspeichergröße auf null festgelegt, wird kein Zwischenspeicher benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28510
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{negative-cache?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{negative-cache?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28512
msgid "When false, disable negative caching."
msgstr "Ist dies auf falsch gesetzt, werden Negativergebnisse nicht zwischengespeichert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28513
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-enable?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-enable?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28082
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28515
msgid "Whether to enable the built-in TFTP server."
msgstr "Ob der eingebaute TFTP-Server aktiviert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28516
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-no-fail?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-no-fail?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28518
msgid "If true, does not fail dnsmasq if the TFTP server could not start up."
msgstr "Wenn dies wahr ist und der TFTP-Server nicht gestartet werden kann, gilt dnsmasq trotzdem @emph{nicht} als fehlgeschlagen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28519
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-single-port?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-single-port?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28521
msgid "Whether to use only one single port for TFTP."
msgstr "Ob nur ein einzelner Port für TFTP benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28522
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-secure?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-secure?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28524
msgid "If true, only files owned by the user running the dnsmasq process are accessible."
msgstr "Wenn dies wahr ist, kann nur auf solche Dateien zugegriffen werden, die dem Benutzerkonto gehören, das den dnsmasq-Prozess ausführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28528
msgid "If dnsmasq is being run as root, different rules apply: @code{tftp-secure?} has no effect, but only files which have the world-readable bit set are accessible."
msgstr "Wird dnsmasq durch den Administratornutzer root ausgeführt, gelten andere Regeln: @code{tftp-secure?} wirkt sich nicht aus, aber es kann nur auf Dateien zugegriffen werden, auf die jeder Benutzer zugreifen darf (das „world-readable bit“ ist gesetzt)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28529
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-max} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-max} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28531
msgid "If set, sets the maximal number of concurrent connections allowed."
msgstr "Wenn dies gesetzt ist, gibt es die Maximalzahl gleichzeitig zugelassener Verbindungen an."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28532
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-mtu} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-mtu} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28534
msgid "If set, sets the MTU for TFTP packets to that value."
msgstr "Wenn es gesetzt ist, gibt es die MTU für TFTP-Pakete an, also die Maximalgröße für Netzwerkschnittstellen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28535
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-no-blocksize?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-no-blocksize?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28537
msgid "If true, stops the TFTP server from negotiating the blocksize with a client."
msgstr "Steht es auf wahr, wird der TFTP-Server die Blockgröße @emph{nicht} mit dem Client aushandeln."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28538
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-lowercase?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-lowercase?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28540
msgid "Whether to convert all filenames in TFTP requests to lowercase."
msgstr "Ob alle Dateinamen in TFTP-Anfragen in Kleinbuchstaben umgesetzt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28541
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-port-range} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-port-range} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28544
msgid "If set, fixes the dynamical ports (one per client) to the given range (@code{\"<start>,<end>\"})."
msgstr "Wenn es gesetzt ist, wird jeder dynamische Port (einer pro Client) aus dem angegebenen Bereich (@code{\"<von>,<bis>\"}) genommen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28545
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-root} (default: @code{/var/empty,lo})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-root} (Vorgabe: @code{/var/empty,lo})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28552
msgid "Look for files to transfer using TFTP relative to the given directory. When this is set, TFTP paths which include @samp{..} are rejected, to stop clients getting outside the specified root. Absolute paths (starting with @samp{/}) are allowed, but they must be within the TFTP-root. If the optional interface argument is given, the directory is only used for TFTP requests via that interface."
msgstr "Relativ zu welchem Verzeichnis die Dateien für die Übertragung per TFTP gesucht werden. Wenn dies gesetzt ist, werden TFTP-Pfade, die @samp{..} enthalten, abgelehnt, damit Clients keinen Zugriff auf Dateien außerhalb des angegebenen Wurzelverzeichnisses haben. Absolute Pfade (solche, die mit @samp{/} beginnen) sind erlaubt, aber sie müssen in der TFTP-Root liegen. Wenn das optionale Argument @code{interface} angegeben wird, wird das Verzeichnis nur für TFTP-Anfragen über diese Schnittstelle benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28553
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tftp-unique-root} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{tftp-unique-root} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28558
msgid "If set, add the IP or hardware address of the TFTP client as a path component on the end of the TFTP-root. Only valid if a TFTP root is set and the directory exists. Defaults to adding IP address (in standard dotted-quad format)."
msgstr "Wenn es gesetzt ist, wird entsprechend die IP- oder Hardware-Adresse des TFTP-Clients als eine Pfadkomponente ans Ende der TFTP-Root angehängt. Das ist nur gültig, wenn eine TFTP-Root gesetzt ist und das Verzeichnis existiert. Die Voreinstellung ist, die IP-Adresse anzuhängen (wie üblich als punktgetrenntes Quadrupel)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28567
msgid "For instance, if @option{--tftp-root} is @samp{/tftp} and client @samp{} requests file @file{myfile} then the effective path will be @file{/tftp/} if @file{/tftp/} exists or @file{/tftp/myfile} otherwise. When @samp{=mac} is specified it will append the MAC address instead, using lowercase zero padded digits separated by dashes, e.g.: @samp{01-02-03-04-aa-bb}. Note that resolving MAC addresses is only possible if the client is in the local network or obtained a DHCP lease from dnsmasq."
msgstr "Ist zum Beispiel @code{tftp-root} @samp{/tftp} und fragt Client @samp{} die Datei @file{meinedatei} an, dann wird effektiv als Pfad @file{/tftp/} abgerufen, wenn @file{/tftp/} existiert, oder @file{/tftp/meinedatei} andernfalls. Wird @samp{=mac} angegeben, wird stattdessen die MAC-Adresse angehängt (in Kleinbuchstaben und durch Striche getrennt, aufgefüllt mit der Ziffer null), z.B.@: @samp{01-02-03-04-aa-bb}. Beachten Sie, dass MAC-Adressen nur aufgelöst werden können, wenn sich der Client im lokalen Netzwerk befindet oder von dnsmasq eine Adresse per DHCP zugewiesen bekommen hat."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28571
#, no-wrap
msgid "ddclient Service"
msgstr "ddclient-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28573
#, no-wrap
msgid "ddclient"
msgstr "ddclient"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28577
msgid "The ddclient service described below runs the ddclient daemon, which takes care of automatically updating DNS entries for service providers such as @uref{https://dyn.com/dns/, Dyn}."
msgstr "Der im Folgenden beschriebene ddclient-Dienst führt den ddclient-Daemon aus, der dafür sorgt, dass DNS-Einträge für Dienstanbieter wie @uref{https://dyn.com/dns/, Dyn} automatisch aktualisiert werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28580
msgid "The following example show instantiates the service with its default configuration:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man den Dienst mit seiner Vorgabekonfiguration instanziiert:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28583
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service ddclient-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service ddclient-service-type)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28159
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28592
msgid "Note that ddclient needs to access credentials that are stored in a @dfn{secret file}, by default @file{/etc/ddclient/secrets} (see @code{secret-file} below). You are expected to create this file manually, in an ``out-of-band'' fashion (you @emph{could} make this file part of the service configuration, for instance by using @code{plain-file}, but it will be world-readable @i{via} @file{/gnu/store}). See the examples in the @file{share/ddclient} directory of the @code{ddclient} package."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass der ddclient auf Zugangsdaten zugreifen muss, die in einer @dfn{Geheimnisdatei} („Secret File“) stehen; nach Vorgabe wird sie in @file{/etc/ddclient/secrets} gesucht (siehe @code{secret-file} unten). Es wird erwartet, dass Sie diese Datei manuell erstellen, ohne Guix dafür zu benutzen (theoretisch @emph{könnten} Sie die Datei zu einem Teil Ihrer Dienstkonfiguration machen, indem Sie z.B.@: @code{plain-file} benutzen, aber dann könnte jeder über @file{/gnu/store} ihren Inhalt einsehen). Siehe die Beispiele im Verzeichnis @file{share/ddclient} des @code{ddclient}-Pakets."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28596
msgid "Available @code{ddclient-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{ddclient-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28597
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} package ddclient"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ ddclient"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28166
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28599
msgid "The ddclient package."
msgstr "Das ddclient-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28602
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} integer daemon"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl daemon"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28604
msgid "The period after which ddclient will retry to check IP and domain name."
msgstr "Nach wie viel Zeit ddclient erneut versuchen wird, IP und Domain-Namen zu überprüfen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28606
msgid "Defaults to @samp{300}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{300}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28176
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28609
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} boolean syslog"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck syslog"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28611
msgid "Use syslog for the output."
msgstr "Ob die Ausgabe an Syslog gehen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28616
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string mail"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28618
msgid "Mail to user."
msgstr "An welchen Benutzer Mitteilungen gemailt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28187 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28194
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28620 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28627
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30457
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"root\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"root\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28623
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string mail-failure"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mail-failure"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28192
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28625
msgid "Mail failed update to user."
msgstr "Den Nutzer per Mail bei fehlgeschlagenen Aktualisierungen benachrichtigen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28630
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string pid"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28632
msgid "The ddclient PID file."
msgstr "PID-Datei für den ddclient."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28634
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28637
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} boolean ssl"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck ssl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28639
msgid "Enable SSL support."
msgstr "SSL-Unterstützung aktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28644
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string user"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28647
msgid "Specifies the user name or ID that is used when running ddclient program."
msgstr "Gibt den Namen oder Identifikator des Benutzerkontos an, unter dem das ddclient-Programm laufen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28216 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28649 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28656
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"ddclient\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"ddclient\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28652
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string group"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28654
msgid "Group of the user who will run the ddclient program."
msgstr "Die Gruppe des Benutzers, mit dem das ddclient-Programm läuft."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28659
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} string secret-file"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette secret-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28663
msgid "Secret file which will be appended to @file{ddclient.conf} file. This file contains credentials for use by ddclient. You are expected to create it manually."
msgstr "Die Geheimnisdatei („Secret File“), die an die erzeugte @file{ddclient.conf}-Datei angehängt wird. Diese Datei enthält die Zugangsdaten, die ddclient benutzen soll. Es wird erwartet, dass Sie sie manuell erzeugen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28665
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/ddclient/secrets.conf\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/ddclient/secrets.conf\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28668
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{ddclient-configuration} parameter} list extra-options"
msgstr "{@code{ddclient-configuration}-Parameter} Liste extra-options"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28670
msgid "Extra options will be appended to @file{ddclient.conf} file."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Einstellungsoptionen, die an die @file{ddclient.conf}-Datei angehängt werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28681
#, no-wrap
msgid "VPN (virtual private network)"
msgstr "VPN (Virtual Private Network)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28682
#, no-wrap
msgid "virtual private network (VPN)"
msgstr "Virtual Private Network (VPN)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28686
msgid "The @code{(gnu services vpn)} module provides services related to @dfn{virtual private networks} (VPNs)."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services vpn)} stellt Dienste zur Verfügung, die mit @dfn{Virtual Private Networks} (VPNs) zu tun haben."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28687
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bitmask"
msgstr "Bitmask"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28689
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} bitmask-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} bitmask-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28694
msgid "A service type for the @uref{https://bitmask.net, Bitmask} VPN client. It makes the client available in the system and loads its polkit policy. Please note that the client expects an active polkit-agent, which is either run by your desktop-environment or should be run manually."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für den VPN-Client @uref{https://bitmask.net, Bitmask}. Damit wird der Client systemweit verfügbar gemacht und dessen Polkit-Richtlinie geladen. Beachten Sie, dass der Client nur mit einem laufenden polkit-agent funktioniert, der entweder von Ihrer „Desktop“-Arbeitsumgebung oder von Ihnen manuell gestartet wird."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28696
#, no-wrap
msgid "OpenVPN"
msgstr "OpenVPN"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28700
msgid "It provides a @emph{client} service for your machine to connect to a VPN, and a @emph{server} service for your machine to host a VPN@."
msgstr "Hiermit wird ein @emph{Client}-Dienst angeboten, mit dem sich Ihre Maschine mit einem VPN verbinden kann, sowie ein @emph{Server}-Dienst, mit dem Sie auf Ihrer Maschine ein VPN betreiben können."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28701
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} openvpn-client-service @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} openvpn-client-service @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28703
msgid "[#:config (openvpn-client-configuration)]"
msgstr "[#:config (openvpn-client-configuration)]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28705
msgid "Return a service that runs @command{openvpn}, a VPN daemon, as a client."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den VPN-Daemon @command{openvpn} als Client ausführt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28707
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} openvpn-server-service @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} openvpn-server-service @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28709
msgid "[#:config (openvpn-server-configuration)]"
msgstr "[#:config (openvpn-server-configuration)]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28711
msgid "Return a service that runs @command{openvpn}, a VPN daemon, as a server."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den VPN-Daemon @command{openvpn} als Server ausführt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28713
msgid "Both can be run simultaneously."
msgstr "Beide können zeitgleich laufen gelassen werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28285
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28718
msgid "Available @code{openvpn-client-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28719
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} package openvpn"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ openvpn"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28288 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28721 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28876
msgid "The OpenVPN package."
msgstr "Das OpenVPN-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28724
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} string pid-file"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28293 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28726 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28881
msgid "The OpenVPN pid file."
msgstr "Die Datei für den Prozessidentifikator („PID“) von OpenVPN."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28295 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28728 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28883
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/openvpn/openvpn.pid\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/openvpn/openvpn.pid\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28731
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} proto proto"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Protokoll proto"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28301 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28734 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28889
msgid "The protocol (UDP or TCP) used to open a channel between clients and servers."
msgstr "Das Protokoll (UDP oder TCP), das benutzt werden soll, um einen Kommunikationskanal zwischen Clients und Servern herzustellen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28303 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28736 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28891
msgid "Defaults to @samp{udp}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{udp}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28739
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} dev dev"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Gerät dev"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28308 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28741 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28896
msgid "The device type used to represent the VPN connection."
msgstr "Der Gerätetyp, mit dem die VPN-Verbindung repräsentiert werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28310 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28743 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28898
msgid "Defaults to @samp{tun}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{tun}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28316 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28749 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28904
msgid "If you do not have some of these files (eg.@: you use a username and password), you can disable any of the following three fields by setting it to @code{'disabled}."
msgstr "Wenn Ihnen einige dieser Dateien fehlen (etwa weil Sie stattdessen Benutzername und Passwort benutzen), dann können Sie jedes der folgenden drei Felder unterdrücken, indem Sie dafür @code{'disabled} angeben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28317
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28750
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} maybe-string ca"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette ca"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28752 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28907
msgid "The certificate authority to check connections against."
msgstr "Die Zertifikatsautorität, mit der Verbindungen geprüft werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28321 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28754 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28909
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/ca.crt\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/ca.crt\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28757
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} maybe-string cert"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette cert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28327 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28760 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28915
msgid "The certificate of the machine the daemon is running on. It should be signed by the authority given in @code{ca}."
msgstr "Das Zertifikat der Maschine, auf der der Daemon läuft. Es sollte von der in @code{ca} angegebenen Zertifikatsautorität signiert sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28329 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28762 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28917
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/client.crt\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/client.crt\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28765
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} maybe-string key"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette key"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28335 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28768 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28923
msgid "The key of the machine the daemon is running on. It must be the key whose certificate is @code{cert}."
msgstr "Der Schlüssel der Maschine, auf der der Daemon läuft. Er muss der Schlüssel zum in @code{cert} angegebenen Zertifikat sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28337 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28770 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28925
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/client.key\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/client.key\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28773
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean comp-lzo?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck comp-lzo?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28342 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28497
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28775 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28930
msgid "Whether to use the lzo compression algorithm."
msgstr "Ob der Kompressionsalgorithmus lzo benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28780
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-key?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck persist-key?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28349 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28782 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28937
msgid "Don't re-read key files across SIGUSR1 or --ping-restart."
msgstr "Die Schlüsseldateien nach Auftreten von SIGUSR1 oder --ping-restart @emph{nicht} erneut einlesen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28787
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-tun?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck persist-tun?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28357 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28790 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28945
msgid "Don't close and reopen TUN/TAP device or run up/down scripts across SIGUSR1 or --ping-restart restarts."
msgstr "Nach dem Auftreten von SIGUSR1 oder --ping-restart TUN/TAP-Geräte @emph{nicht} schließen und wieder öffnen und auch keine Start-/Stop-Skripte ausführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28795
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} boolean fast-io?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck fast-io?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28365 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28798 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28953
msgid "(Experimental) Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP I/O writes by avoiding a call to poll/epoll/select prior to the write operation."
msgstr "(Experimentell) Schreibzugriffe durch Datenverkehr bei TUN/TAP/UDP optimieren, indem ein Aufruf von poll/epoll/select vor der Schreiboperation eingespart wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28802
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} number verbosity"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl verbosity"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28371 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28804 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28959
msgid "Verbosity level."
msgstr "Ausführlichkeitsstufe."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28373 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28528
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30264 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28806 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30725 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30953
msgid "Defaults to @samp{3}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{3}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28809
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} tls-auth-client tls-auth"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} „tls-auth“-Clienteinstellung tls-auth"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28379 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28812 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28967
msgid "Add an additional layer of HMAC authentication on top of the TLS control channel to protect against DoS attacks."
msgstr "Eine weitere HMAC-Authentifizierung zusätzlich zum TLS-Steuerungskanal einsetzen, um das System vor gezielten Überlastungsangriffen („Denial of Service“) zu schützen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28817
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} maybe-string auth-user-pass"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette auth-user-pass"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28821
msgid "Authenticate with server using username/password. The option is a file containing username/password on 2 lines. Do not use a file-like object as it would be added to the store and readable by any user."
msgstr "Beim Server eine Authentisierung über Benutzername/Passwort durchführen. Die Option nimmt eine Datei, welche Benutzername und Passwort auf zwei Zeilen enthält. Benutzen Sie dafür @emph{kein} dateiartiges Objekt, weil es in den Store eingelagert würde, wo es jeder Benutzer einsehen könnte."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28823
msgid "Defaults to @samp{'disabled}."
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert ist @samp{'disabled} (d.h.@: deaktiviert)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28825
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} key-usage verify-key-usage?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Schlüsselprüfung verify-key-usage?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28827
msgid "Whether to check the server certificate has server usage extension."
msgstr "Ob sichergestellt werden soll, dass das Server-Zertifikat auch über eine Erweiterung („Extension“) verfügt, dass es für die Nutzung als Server gültig ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28832
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} bind bind?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} bind bind?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28834
msgid "Bind to a specific local port number."
msgstr "Ob an immer dieselbe, feste lokale Portnummer gebunden wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28839
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} resolv-retry resolv-retry?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} Erneut-Auflösen resolv-retry?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28841
msgid "Retry resolving server address."
msgstr "Ob, wenn die Server-Adresse nicht aufgelöst werden konnte, die Auflösung erneut versucht wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28846
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration} parameter} openvpn-remote-list remote"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-client-configuration}-Parameter} „openvpn-remote-configuration“-Liste remote"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28848
msgid "A list of remote servers to connect to."
msgstr "Eine Liste entfernter Server, mit denen eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28852
msgid "Available @code{openvpn-remote-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{openvpn-remote-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28853
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-remote-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-remote-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28855
msgid "Server name."
msgstr "Der Servername."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28857
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"my-server\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"my-server\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28860
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-remote-configuration} parameter} number port"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-remote-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28862
msgid "Port number the server listens to."
msgstr "Die Portnummer, auf der der Server lauscht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28431 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28864 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28976
msgid "Defaults to @samp{1194}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1194}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28873
msgid "Available @code{openvpn-server-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28874
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} package openvpn"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ openvpn"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28879
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string pid-file"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28886
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} proto proto"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Protokoll proto"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28894
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} dev dev"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Gerät dev"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28905
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} maybe-string ca"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette ca"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28912
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} maybe-string cert"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette cert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28920
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} maybe-string key"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette key"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28928
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean comp-lzo?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck comp-lzo?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28935
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-key?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck persist-key?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28942
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean persist-tun?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck persist-tun?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28950
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean fast-io?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck fast-io?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28957
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} number verbosity"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl verbosity"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28964
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} tls-auth-server tls-auth"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} „tls-auth“-Servereinstellung tls-auth"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28972
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} number port"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28974
msgid "Specifies the port number on which the server listens."
msgstr "Gibt die Portnummer an, auf der der Server lauscht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28979
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} ip-mask server"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} IP-und-Maske server"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28981
msgid "An ip and mask specifying the subnet inside the virtual network."
msgstr "Eine IP-Adresse gefolgt von deren Maske, die das Subnetz im virtuellen Netzwerk angibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28983
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28986
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} cidr6 server-ipv6"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} cidr6 server-ipv6"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28988
msgid "A CIDR notation specifying the IPv6 subnet inside the virtual network."
msgstr "Eine CIDR-Notation, mit der das IPv6-Subnetz im virtuellen Netzwerk angegeben wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28993
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string dh"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette dh"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28995
msgid "The Diffie-Hellman parameters file."
msgstr "Die Datei mit den Diffie-Hellman-Parametern."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28997
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29000
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string ifconfig-pool-persist"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ifconfig-pool-persist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28569
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29002
msgid "The file that records client IPs."
msgstr "Die Datei, in der Client-IPs eingetragen werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29004
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29007
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} gateway redirect-gateway?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zugang redirect-gateway?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29009
msgid "When true, the server will act as a gateway for its clients."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr steht, fungiert der Server als Zugang („Gateway“) für seine Clients."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29014
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} boolean client-to-client?"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck client-to-client?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29016
msgid "When true, clients are allowed to talk to each other inside the VPN."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf wahr steht, ist es zugelassen, dass Clients untereinander innerhalb des VPNs kommunizieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29021
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} keepalive keepalive"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Aufrechterhaltung keepalive"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29027
msgid "Causes ping-like messages to be sent back and forth over the link so that each side knows when the other side has gone down. @code{keepalive} requires a pair. The first element is the period of the ping sending, and the second element is the timeout before considering the other side down."
msgstr "Lässt ping-artige Nachrichtigen in beide Richtungen über die Leitung übertragen, damit beide Seiten bemerken, wenn der Kommunikationspartner offline geht. Für @code{keepalive} muss ein Paar angegeben werden. Das erste Element ist die Periode, nach der das Pingsignal wieder gesendet werden soll, und das zweite ist eine Zeitbegrenzung, in der eines ankommen muss, damit die andere Seite nicht als offline gilt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29030
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} number max-clients"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl max-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28599
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29032
msgid "The maximum number of clients."
msgstr "Wie viele Clients es höchstens geben kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29037
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} string status"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette status"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29040
msgid "The status file. This file shows a small report on current connection. It is truncated and rewritten every minute."
msgstr "Die Datei für einen Zustandsbericht („Status File“). Diese Datei enthält einen kurzen Bericht über die momentane Verbindung. Sie wird jede Minute gekürzt und neu geschrieben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29042
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/openvpn/status\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/openvpn/status\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29045
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration} parameter} openvpn-ccd-list client-config-dir"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-server-configuration}-Parameter} „openvpn-ccd-configuration“-Liste client-config-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29047
msgid "The list of configuration for some clients."
msgstr "Die Liste der Konfigurationen für einige Clients."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29051
msgid "Available @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29052
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} parameter} string name"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28621
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29054
msgid "Client name."
msgstr "Der Client-Name."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29056
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"client\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"client\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29059
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} parameter} ip-mask iroute"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}-Parameter} IP-und-Maske iroute"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29061
msgid "Client own network"
msgstr "Das eigene Netzwerk des Clients."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29066
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration} parameter} ip-mask ifconfig-push"
msgstr "{@code{openvpn-ccd-configuration}-Parameter} IP-und-Maske ifconfig-push"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29068
msgid "Client VPN IP."
msgstr "VPN-IP-Adresse des Clients."
#. type: subheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29077
#, no-wrap
msgid "strongSwan"
msgstr "strongSwan"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29081
msgid "Currently, the strongSwan service only provides legacy-style configuration with @file{ipsec.conf} and @file{ipsec.secrets} files."
msgstr "Derzeit unterstützt der strongSwan-Dienst nur die alte Art der Konfiguration über die Dateien @file{ipsec.conf} und @file{ipsec.secrets}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29082
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} strongswan-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} strongswan-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29086
msgid "A service type for configuring strongSwan for IPsec @acronym{VPN, Virtual Private Networking}. Its value must be a @code{strongswan-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp, um mit strongSwan @acronym{VPN, Virtual Private Networking} über IPsec einzurichten. Als Wert muss ein @code{strongswan-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt angegeben werden, wie im folgenden Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29092
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service strongswan-service-type\n"
@@ -53772,68 +54628,68 @@ msgstr ""
" (ipsec-secrets \"/etc/ipsec.secrets\")))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29096
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} strongswan-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} strongswan-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29098
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the StrongSwan service."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des strongSwan-Dienstes repräsentiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29100
#, no-wrap
msgid "strongswan"
msgstr "strongswan"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29102
msgid "The strongSwan package to use for this service."
msgstr "Das strongSwan-Paket, was für diesen Dienst benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29103
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipsec-conf} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ipsec-conf} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29106
msgid "The file name of your @file{ipsec.conf}. If not @code{#f}, then this and @code{ipsec-secrets} must both be strings."
msgstr "Der Dateiname Ihrer @file{ipsec.conf}. Wenn es wahr ist, muss hierfür und für @code{ipsec-secrets} jeweils eine Zeichenkette angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29107
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ipsec-secrets} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ipsec-secrets} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29110
msgid "The file name of your @file{ipsec.secrets}. If not @code{#f}, then this and @code{ipsec-conf} must both be strings."
msgstr "Der Dateiname Ihrer @file{ipsec.secrets}. Wenn es wahr ist, muss hierfür und für @code{ipsec-conf} jeweils eine Zeichenkette angegeben werden."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29114
#, no-wrap
msgid "Wireguard"
msgstr "Wireguard"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29116
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} wireguard-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} wireguard-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29119
msgid "A service type for a Wireguard tunnel interface. Its value must be a @code{wireguard-configuration} record as in this example:"
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für eine Schnittstelle über einen Wireguard-Tunnel. Sein Wert muss ein @code{wireguard-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt wie in diesem Beispiel sein:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29130
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service wireguard-service-type\n"
@@ -53857,250 +54713,250 @@ msgstr ""
" (allowed-ips '(\"\")))))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29134
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} wireguard-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} wireguard-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29136
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the Wireguard service."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Wireguard-Dienstes repräsentiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29138
#, no-wrap
msgid "wireguard"
msgstr "wireguard"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29140
msgid "The wireguard package to use for this service."
msgstr "Das Wireguard-Paket, was für diesen Dienst benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29141
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interface} (default: @code{\"wg0\"})"
msgstr "@code{interface} (Vorgabe: @code{\"wg0\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29143
msgid "The interface name for the VPN."
msgstr "Der Name der VPN-Schnittstelle."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29144
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{addresses} (default: @code{'(\"\")})"
msgstr "@code{addresses} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29146
msgid "The IP addresses to be assigned to the above interface."
msgstr "Welche IP-Adressen obiger Schnittstelle zugeordnet werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29147
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{51820})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{51820})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29149
msgid "The port on which to listen for incoming connections."
msgstr "Auf welchem Port auf eingehende Verbindungen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29150
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dns} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{dns} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29152
msgid "The DNS server(s) to announce to VPN clients via DHCP."
msgstr "Die DNS-Server, die den VPN-Clients per DHCP mitgeteilt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28720
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29153
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{private-key} (default: @code{\"/etc/wireguard/private.key\"})"
msgstr "@code{private-key} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/etc/wireguard/private.key\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29156
msgid "The private key file for the interface. It is automatically generated if the file does not exist."
msgstr "Die Datei mit dem privaten Schlüssel für die Schnittstelle. Wenn die angegebene Datei nicht existiert, wird sie automatisch erzeugt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29157
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{peers} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{peers} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29160
msgid "The authorized peers on this interface. This is a list of @var{wireguard-peer} records."
msgstr "Die zugelassenen Netzwerkteilnehmer auf dieser Schnittstelle. Dies ist eine Liste von @var{wireguard-peer}-Verbundsobjekten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29164
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} wireguard-peer"
msgstr "{Datentyp} wireguard-peer"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29166
msgid "Data type representing a Wireguard peer attached to a given interface."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen an die angegebene Schnittstelle angeschlossenen Netzwerkteilnehmer („Peer“) repräsentiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29170
msgid "The peer name."
msgstr "Die Bezeichnung für den Netzwerkteilnehmer."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29171
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{endpoint} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{endpoint} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29174
msgid "The optional endpoint for the peer, such as @code{\"demo.wireguard.com:51820\"}."
msgstr "Optional der Endpunkt des Netzwerkteilnehmers, etwa @code{\"demo.wireguard.com:51820\"}."
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28742 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29137
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29174 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29175 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29607 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34858
#, no-wrap
msgid "public-key"
msgstr "public-key"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29177
msgid "The peer public-key represented as a base64 string."
msgstr "Der öffentliche Schlüssel des Netzwerkteilnehmers, dargestellt als eine base64-kodierte Zeichenkette."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29178
#, no-wrap
msgid "allowed-ips"
msgstr "allowed-ips"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29181
msgid "A list of IP addresses from which incoming traffic for this peer is allowed and to which incoming traffic for this peer is directed."
msgstr "Eine Liste der IP-Adressen, von denen für diesen Netzwerkteilnehmer eingehende Kommunikation zugelassen wird und an die ausgehende Kommunikation für diesen Netzwerkteilnehmer gerichtet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29182
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keep-alive} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{keep-alive} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29187
msgid "An optional time interval in seconds. A packet will be sent to the server endpoint once per time interval. This helps receiving incoming connections from this peer when you are behind a NAT or a firewall."
msgstr "Optional ein Zeitintervall in Sekunden. Einmal pro Zeitintervall wird ein Paket an den Serverendpunkt geschickt. Das hilft beim Empfangen eingehender Verbindungen von diesem Netzwerkteilnehmer, wenn Sie nur über eine Netzwerkadressübersetzung („NAT“) oder hinter einer Firewall erreichbar sind."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29193
#, no-wrap
msgid "NFS"
msgstr "NFS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29198
msgid "The @code{(gnu services nfs)} module provides the following services, which are most commonly used in relation to mounting or exporting directory trees as @dfn{network file systems} (NFS)."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services nfs)} stellt die folgenden Dienste zur Verfügung, die meistens dazu benutzt werden, Verzeichnisbäume als Netzwerkdateisysteme, englisch @dfn{Network File Systems} (NFS), einzubinden oder an andere zu exportieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29202
msgid "While it is possible to use the individual components that together make up a Network File System service, we recommended to configure an NFS server with the @code{nfs-service-type}."
msgstr "Obwohl man auch die einzelnen Komponenten eines Network-File-System-Dienstes separat einrichten kann, raten wir dazu, einen NFS-Server mittels @code{nfs-service-type} zu konfigurieren."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29203
#, no-wrap
msgid "NFS Service"
msgstr "NFS-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29204
#, no-wrap
msgid "NFS, server"
msgstr "NFS, Server"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29209
msgid "The NFS service takes care of setting up all NFS component services, kernel configuration file systems, and installs configuration files in the locations that NFS expects."
msgstr "Der NFS-Dienst sorgt dafür, dass alle NFS-Komponentendienste, die Konfiguration des NFS-Kernels und Dateisysteme eingerichtet werden, und er installiert an den von NFS erwarteten Orten Konfigurationsdateien."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29210
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} nfs-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} nfs-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29212
msgid "A service type for a complete NFS server."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für einen vollständigen NFS-Server."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29214
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nfs-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nfs-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29217
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the NFS service and all of its subsystems."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des NFS-Dienstes und all seiner Subsysteme."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29219
msgid "It has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Er hat folgende Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28787 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28912
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29220 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29370
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nfs-utils} (default: @code{nfs-utils})"
msgstr "@code{nfs-utils} (Vorgabe: @code{nfs-utils})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29222
msgid "The nfs-utils package to use."
msgstr "Das nfs-utils-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29223
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nfs-versions} (default: @code{'(\"4.2\" \"4.1\" \"4.0\")})"
msgstr "@code{nfs-versions} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"4.2\" \"4.1\" \"4.0\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29226
msgid "If a list of string values is provided, the @command{rpc.nfsd} daemon will be limited to supporting the given versions of the NFS protocol."
msgstr "Wenn eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben wird, beschränkt sich der @command{rpc.nfsd}-Daemon auf die Unterstützung der angegebenen Versionen des NFS-Protokolls."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28794
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29227
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{exports} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{exports} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29232
msgid "This is a list of directories the NFS server should export. Each entry is a list consisting of two elements: a directory name and a string containing all options. This is an example in which the directory @file{/export} is served to all NFS clients as a read-only share:"
msgstr "Diese Liste von Verzeichnissen soll der NFS-Server exportieren. Jeder Eintrag ist eine Liste, die zwei Elemente enthält: den Namen eines Verzeichnisses und eine Zeichenkette mit allen Optionen. Ein Beispiel, wo das Verzeichnis @file{/export} an alle NFS-Clients nur mit Lesezugriff freigegeben wird, sieht so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29238
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -54114,384 +54970,384 @@ msgstr ""
" \"*(ro,insecure,no_subtree_check,crossmnt,fsid=0)\"))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29240
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rpcmountd-port} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{rpcmountd-port} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29242
msgid "The network port that the @command{rpc.mountd} daemon should use."
msgstr "Welchen Netzwerk-Port der @command{rpc.mountd}-Daemon benutzen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29243
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rpcstatd-port} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{rpcstatd-port} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29245
msgid "The network port that the @command{rpc.statd} daemon should use."
msgstr "Welchen Netzwerk-Port der @command{rpc.statd}-Daemon benutzen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28813 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29246 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29294
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rpcbind} (default: @code{rpcbind})"
msgstr "@code{rpcbind} (Vorgabe: @code{rpcbind})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28815 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29248 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29296
msgid "The rpcbind package to use."
msgstr "Das rpcbind-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29249
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{idmap-domain} (default: @code{\"localdomain\"})"
msgstr "@code{idmap-domain} (Vorgabe: @code{\"localdomain\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29251
msgid "The local NFSv4 domain name."
msgstr "Der lokale NFSv4-Domainname."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29252
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nfsd-port} (default: @code{2049})"
msgstr "@code{nfsd-port} (Vorgabe: @code{2049})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29254
msgid "The network port that the @command{nfsd} daemon should use."
msgstr "Welchen Netzwerk-Port der @command{nfsd}-Daemon benutzen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29255
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nfsd-threads} (default: @code{8})"
msgstr "@code{nfsd-threads} (Vorgabe: @code{8})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29257
msgid "The number of threads used by the @command{nfsd} daemon."
msgstr "Wie viele Threads der @command{rpc.statd}-Daemon benutzen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29258
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nfsd-tcp?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{nfsd-tcp?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29260
msgid "Whether the @command{nfsd} daemon should listen on a TCP socket."
msgstr "Ob der @command{nfsd}-Daemon auf einem TCP-Socket lauschen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29261
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nfsd-udp?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{nfsd-udp?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29263
msgid "Whether the @command{nfsd} daemon should listen on a UDP socket."
msgstr "Ob der @command{nfsd}-Daemon auf einem UDP-Socket lauschen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28831 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28915
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29264 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29373
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pipefs-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs\"})"
msgstr "@code{pipefs-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28833 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28917
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28942
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29266 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29375
msgid "The directory where the pipefs file system is mounted."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, unter dem das Pipefs-Dateisystem eingebunden wurde."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29267
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{debug} (default: @code{'()\"})"
msgstr "@code{debug} (Vorgabe: @code{'()\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29271
msgid "A list of subsystems for which debugging output should be enabled. This is a list of symbols. Any of these symbols are valid: @code{nfsd}, @code{nfs}, @code{rpc}, @code{idmap}, @code{statd}, or @code{mountd}."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Subsysteme, für die Informationen zur Fehlersuche bereitgestellt werden sollen, als Liste von Symbolen. Jedes der folgenden Symbole ist gültig: @code{nfsd}, @code{nfs}, @code{rpc}, @code{idmap}, @code{statd} oder @code{mountd}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29276
msgid "If you don't need a complete NFS service or prefer to build it yourself you can use the individual component services that are documented below."
msgstr "Wenn Sie keinen vollständigen NFS-Dienst benötigen oder ihn selbst einrichten wollen, können Sie stattdessen die im Folgenden dokumentierten Komponentendienste benutzen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29277
#, no-wrap
msgid "RPC Bind Service"
msgstr "RPC-Bind-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28845
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29278
#, no-wrap
msgid "rpcbind"
msgstr "rpcbind"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29284
msgid "The RPC Bind service provides a facility to map program numbers into universal addresses. Many NFS related services use this facility. Hence it is automatically started when a dependent service starts."
msgstr "Mit dem RPC-Bind-Dienst können Programmnummern auf universelle Adressen abgebildet werden. Viele Dienste, die mit dem NFS zu tun haben, benutzen diese Funktion, daher wird sie automatisch gestartet, sobald ein davon abhängiger Dienst startet."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29285
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} rpcbind-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} rpcbind-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29287
msgid "A service type for the RPC portmapper daemon."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für den RPC-Portplaner-Daemon („Portmapper“)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29290
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} rpcbind-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} rpcbind-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29293
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the RPC Bind Service. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des RPC-Bind-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29297
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{warm-start?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{warm-start?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29301
msgid "If this parameter is @code{#t}, then the daemon will read a state file on startup thus reloading state information saved by a previous instance."
msgstr "Wenn dieser Parameter @code{#t} ist, wird der Daemon beim Starten eine Zustandsdatei („State File“) lesen, aus der er die von der vorherigen Instanz gespeicherten Zustandsinformationen wiederherstellt."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29305
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pipefs Pseudo File System"
msgstr "Pipefs-Pseudodateisystem"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29306
#, no-wrap
msgid "pipefs"
msgstr "pipefs"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29307
#, no-wrap
msgid "rpc_pipefs"
msgstr "rpc_pipefs"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29311
msgid "The pipefs file system is used to transfer NFS related data between the kernel and user space programs."
msgstr "Mit dem Pipefs-Dateisystem können NFS-bezogene Daten zwischen dem Kernel und Programmen auf der Anwendungsebene (dem „User Space“) übertragen werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29312
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} pipefs-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} pipefs-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29314
msgid "A service type for the pipefs pseudo file system."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für das Pseudodateisystem „Pipefs“."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29316
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} pipefs-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} pipefs-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29319
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the pipefs pseudo file system service. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Pipefs-Pseudodateisystemdienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29320
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mount-point} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs\"})"
msgstr "@code{mount-point} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29322
msgid "The directory to which the file system is to be attached."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, unter dem das Dateisystem eingebunden werden soll."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28893
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29326
#, no-wrap
msgid "GSS Daemon Service"
msgstr "GSS-Daemon-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28894
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29327
#, no-wrap
msgid "GSSD"
msgstr "GSSD"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29328
#, no-wrap
msgid "GSS"
msgstr "GSS"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28896
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29329
#, no-wrap
msgid "global security system"
msgstr "Global Security System"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29336
msgid "The @dfn{global security system} (GSS) daemon provides strong security for RPC based protocols. Before exchanging RPC requests an RPC client must establish a security context. Typically this is done using the Kerberos command @command{kinit} or automatically at login time using PAM services (@pxref{Kerberos Services})."
msgstr "Der Daemon des @dfn{Global Security System} (GSS) ermöglicht starke Informationssicherheit für RPC-basierte Protokolle. Vor dem Austausch von Anfragen über entfernte Prozeduraufrufe („Remote Procedure Calls“, kurz RPC) muss ein RPC-Client einen Sicherheitskontext („Security Context“) herstellen. Typischerweise wird dazu der @command{kinit}-Befehl von Kerberos benutzt, oder er wird automatisch bei der Anmeldung über PAM-Dienste hergestellt (siehe @ref{Kerberos Services})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29337
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} gss-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} gss-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29339
msgid "A service type for the Global Security System (GSS) daemon."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für den Daemon des Global Security System (GSS)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29341
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gss-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gss-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28911
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29344
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the GSS daemon service. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des GSS-Daemon-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29347
msgid "The package in which the @command{rpc.gssd} command is to be found."
msgstr "Das Paket, in dem der Befehl @command{rpc.gssd} gesucht werden soll."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29355
#, no-wrap
msgid "IDMAP Daemon Service"
msgstr "IDMAP-Daemon-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29356
#, no-wrap
msgid "idmapd"
msgstr "idmapd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29357
#, no-wrap
msgid "name mapper"
msgstr "Name-Mapper"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29361
msgid "The idmap daemon service provides mapping between user IDs and user names. Typically it is required in order to access file systems mounted via NFSv4."
msgstr "Der idmap-Daemon-Dienst ermöglicht eine Abbildung zwischen Benutzeridentifikatoren und Benutzernamen. Er wird in der Regel dafür benötigt, auf über NFSv4 eingebundene Dateisysteme zuzugreifen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29362
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} idmap-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} idmap-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29364
msgid "A service type for the Identity Mapper (IDMAP) daemon."
msgstr "Ein Diensttyp für den Identity-Mapper-Daemon (IDMAP)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29366
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} idmap-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} idmap-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29369
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the IDMAP daemon service. This type has the following parameters:"
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des IDMAP-Daemon-Dienstes repräsentiert. Dieser Typ verfügt über die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29372
msgid "The package in which the @command{rpc.idmapd} command is to be found."
msgstr "Das Paket, in dem der Befehl @command{rpc.idmapd} gesucht werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29376
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{domain} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{domain} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29380
msgid "The local NFSv4 domain name. This must be a string or @code{#f}. If it is @code{#f} then the daemon will use the host's fully qualified domain name."
msgstr "Der lokale NFSv4-Domain-Name. Für ihn muss eine Zeichenkette oder @code{#f} angegeben werden. Wenn @code{#f} angegeben wird, benutzt der Daemon den vollständigen Domain-Namen („Fully Qualified Domain Name“) des Rechners."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29381
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{verbosity} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{verbosity} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29383
msgid "The verbosity level of the daemon."
msgstr "Die Ausführlichkeitsstufe des Daemons."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29394
msgid "@uref{https://guix.gnu.org/cuirass/, Cuirass} is a continuous integration tool for Guix. It can be used both for development and for providing substitutes to others (@pxref{Substitutes})."
msgstr "@uref{https://guix.gnu.org/cuirass/, Cuirass} ist ein Werkzeug zur kontinuierlichen Integration für Guix. Es kann sowohl bei der Entwicklung helfen als auch beim Anbieten von Substituten für andere (siehe @ref{Substitutes})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29396
msgid "The @code{(gnu services cuirass)} module provides the following service."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services cuirass)} stellt den folgenden Dienst zur Verfügung:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29397
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} cuirass-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} cuirass-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28967
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29400
msgid "The type of the Cuirass service. Its value must be a @code{cuirass-configuration} object, as described below."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp des Cuirass-Dienstes. Sein Wert muss ein @code{cuirass-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29405
msgid "To add build jobs, you have to set the @code{specifications} field of the configuration. For instance, the following example will build all the packages provided by the @code{my-channel} channel."
msgstr "Um Erstellungsaufträge („Build Jobs“) hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie sie im @code{specifications}-Feld der Konfiguration eintragen. Mit dem folgenden Beispiel würden alle Pakete aus dem Kanal @code{my-channel} erstellt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29416
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %cuirass-specs\n"
@@ -54517,7 +55373,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28987 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29420 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29434
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service cuirass-service-type\n"
@@ -54529,12 +55385,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (specifications %cuirass-specs)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28991
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29424
msgid "To build the @code{linux-libre} package defined by the default Guix channel, one can use the following configuration."
msgstr "Um das Paket @code{linux-libre}, das im vorgegebenen Guix-Kanal definiert ist, zu erstellen, schreibe man die folgende Konfiguration."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:28997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29430
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %cuirass-specs\n"
@@ -54550,572 +55406,572 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29439
msgid "The other configuration possibilities, as well as the specification record itself are described in the Cuirass manual (@pxref{Specifications,,, cuirass, Cuirass})."
msgstr "Für eine Beschreibung der anderen Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten und des Spezifikations-Verbundsobjektes selbst, siehe das @ref{Specifications,,, cuirass, Handbuch zu Cuirass}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29443
msgid "While information related to build jobs is located directly in the specifications, global settings for the @command{cuirass} process are accessible in other @code{cuirass-configuration} fields."
msgstr "Die Informationen, die sich auf Erstellungsaufträge beziehen, werden direkt in deren Spezifikation festgelegt, aber globale Einstellungen des @command{cuirass}-Prozesses sind über andere Felder der @code{cuirass-configuration} zugänglich."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29444
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} cuirass-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} cuirass-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29446
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of Cuirass."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Cuirass repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29015 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29448 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29585
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cuirass} (default: @code{cuirass})"
msgstr "@code{cuirass} (Vorgabe: @code{cuirass})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29017 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29450 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29587
msgid "The Cuirass package to use."
msgstr "Das Cuirass-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29451
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29020 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29124
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29453 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29600
msgid "Location of the log file."
msgstr "An welchen Ort die Protokolldatei geschrieben wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29454
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{web-log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass-web.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{web-log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass-web.log\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29456
msgid "Location of the log file used by the web interface."
msgstr "An welchem Ort die Protokolldatei der Weboberfläche gespeichert wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29024
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29457
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cache-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/cache/cuirass\"})"
msgstr "@code{cache-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/cache/cuirass\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29459
msgid "Location of the repository cache."
msgstr "Ort, wo Repositorys zwischengespeichert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29460
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"cuirass\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"cuirass\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29462
msgid "Owner of the @code{cuirass} process."
msgstr "Besitzer des @code{cuirass}-Prozesses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29030
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29463
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"cuirass\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"cuirass\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29465
msgid "Owner's group of the @code{cuirass} process."
msgstr "Gruppe des Besitzers des @code{cuirass}-Prozesses."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29466
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interval} (default: @code{60})"
msgstr "@code{interval} (Vorgabe: @code{60})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29469
msgid "Number of seconds between the poll of the repositories followed by the Cuirass jobs."
msgstr "Anzahl der Sekunden, bevor ein Repository wieder neu geladen wird und danach Cuirass-Aufträge behandelt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29470
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{parameters} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{parameters} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29473
msgid "Read parameters from the given @var{parameters} file. The supported parameters are described here (@pxref{Parameters,,, cuirass, Cuirass})."
msgstr "Parameter aus der angegebenen Parameterdatei lesen. Die unterstützten Parameter werden im @ref{Parameters,,, cuirass, Cuirass-Handbuch} beschrieben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29474
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{remote-server} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{remote-server} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29477
msgid "A @code{cuirass-remote-server-configuration} record to use the build remote mechanism or @code{#f} to use the default build mechanism."
msgstr "Ein @code{cuirass-remote-server-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt, um den Mechanismus für entfernte Erstellungen zu benutzen, oder @code{#f}, um den voreingestellten Erstellungsmechanismus zu benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29478
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{database} (default: @code{\"dbname=cuirass host=/var/run/postgresql\"})"
msgstr "@code{database} (Vorgabe: @code{\"dbname=cuirass host=/var/run/postgresql\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29483
msgid "Use @var{database} as the database containing the jobs and the past build results. Since Cuirass uses PostgreSQL as a database engine, @var{database} must be a string such as @code{\"dbname=cuirass host=localhost\"}."
msgstr "@var{database} als die Datenbank mit den Aufträgen und bisherigen Erstellungsergebnissen benutzen. Weil Cuirass als Datenbanktreiber PostgreSQL benutzt, muss @var{database} eine Zeichenkette sein wie @code{\"dbname=cuirass host=localhost\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29484
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{8081})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8081})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29486
msgid "Port number used by the HTTP server."
msgstr "Portnummer, die vom HTTP-Server benutzt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29057
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29490
msgid "Listen on the network interface for @var{host}. The default is to accept connections from localhost."
msgstr "Auf der Netzwerkschnittstelle für den Rechnernamen @var{host} lauschen. Nach Vorgabe werden Verbindungen vom lokalen Rechner @code{localhost} akzeptiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29491
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{specifications} (default: @code{#~'()})"
msgstr "@code{specifications} (Vorgabe: @code{#~'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29495
msgid "A gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}) that evaluates to a list of specifications records. The specification record is described in the Cuirass manual (@pxref{Specifications,,, cuirass, Cuirass})."
msgstr "Ein G-Ausdruck (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}), der zu einer Liste von Spezifikations-Verbundsobjekten ausgewertet wird. Spezifikations-Verbundsobjekte werden im @ref{Specifications,,, cuirass, Cuirass-Handbuch} beschrieben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29496
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{use-substitutes?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{use-substitutes?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29499
msgid "This allows using substitutes to avoid building every dependencies of a job from source."
msgstr "Hierdurch wird zugelassen, Substitute zu benutzen, damit @emph{nicht} jede Abhängigkeit eines Auftrags erst aus ihrem Quellcode heraus erstellt werden muss."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29067 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29500 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36940
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{one-shot?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{one-shot?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29502
msgid "Only evaluate specifications and build derivations once."
msgstr "Spezifikationen nur einmal auswerten und Ableitungen nur einmal erstellen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29503
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{fallback?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{fallback?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29073
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29506
msgid "When substituting a pre-built binary fails, fall back to building packages locally."
msgstr "Pakete lokal erstellen, wenn das Substituieren einer vorerstellten Binärdatei fehlschlägt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29509
msgid "Extra options to pass when running the Cuirass processes."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen, die beim Ausführen des Cuirass-Prozesses mitgegeben werden sollen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29513
#, no-wrap
msgid "remote build"
msgstr "entfernte Erstellung"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29514
#, no-wrap
msgid "Cuirass remote building"
msgstr "Cuirass, entfernte Erstellung mit"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29084
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29517
msgid "Cuirass supports two mechanisms to build derivations."
msgstr "Cuirass kennt zwei Mechanismen, wie damit Ableitungen erstellt werden können."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29086
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29519
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using the local Guix daemon."
msgstr "Den lokalen Guix-Daemon benutzen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29523
msgid "This is the default build mechanism. Once the build jobs are evaluated, they are sent to the local Guix daemon. Cuirass then listens to the Guix daemon output to detect the various build events."
msgstr "Dies ist der voreingestellte Erstellungsmechanismus. Sobald Erstellungsaufträge ausgewertet wurden, werden sie an den Guix-Daemon auf dem lokalen Rechner geschickt. Cuirass lauscht dann auf die Ausgabe des Guix-Daemons, um die verschiedenen Ereignisse bei der Erstellung zu erkennen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29524
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using the remote build mechanism."
msgstr "Den Mechanismus für entfernte Erstellungen benutzen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29528
msgid "The build jobs are not submitted to the local Guix daemon. Instead, a remote server dispatches build requests to the connect remote workers, according to the build priorities."
msgstr "Die Erstellungsaufträge werden @emph{nicht} beim lokalen Guix-Daemon eingereicht. Stattdessen teilt ein entfernter Server die Erstellungsanfragen den verbundenen entfernten Arbeitermaschinen zu, entsprechend ihren Erstellungsprioritäten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29535
msgid "To enable this build mode a @code{cuirass-remote-server-configuration} record must be passed as @code{remote-server} argument of the @code{cuirass-configuration} record. The @code{cuirass-remote-server-configuration} record is described below."
msgstr "Um diesen Erstellungsmodus zu aktivieren, übergeben Sie ein @code{cuirass-remote-server-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt für das Argument @code{remote-server} des @code{cuirass-configuration}-Verbundsobjektes. Der @code{cuirass-remote-server-configuration}-Verbund wird im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29540
msgid "This build mode scales way better than the default build mode. This is the build mode that is used on the GNU Guix build farm at @url{https://ci.guix.gnu.org}. It should be preferred when using Cuirass to build large amount of packages."
msgstr "Dieser Erstellungsmodus skaliert wesentlich besser als der Vorgabemodus. Mit diesem Erstellungsmodus wird auch die Erstellungfarm von GNU Guix auf @url{https://ci.guix.gnu.org} betrieben. Er sollte dann bevorzugt werden, wenn Sie mit Cuirass eine große Anzahl von Paketen erstellen möchten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29541
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} cuirass-remote-server-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} cuirass-remote-server-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29543
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the Cuirass remote-server."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Cuirass-„remote-server“-Prozesses repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29545
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{backend-port} (default: @code{5555})"
msgstr "@code{backend-port} (Vorgabe: @code{5555})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29548
msgid "The TCP port for communicating with @code{remote-worker} processes using ZMQ. It defaults to @code{5555}."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, um mit @code{remote-worker}-Prozessen mit ZMQ zu kommunizieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29549
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-port} (default: @code{5556})"
msgstr "@code{log-port} (Vorgabe: @code{5556})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29551
msgid "The TCP port of the log server. It defaults to @code{5556}."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port des Protokollservers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29119
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29552
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{publish-port} (default: @code{5557})"
msgstr "@code{publish-port} (Vorgabe: @code{5557})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29554
msgid "The TCP port of the publish server. It defaults to @code{5557}."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port des „Publish“-Servers, um Substitute mit anderen zu teilen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29555
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass-remote-server.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass-remote-server.log\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29558
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cache} (default: @code{\"/var/cache/cuirass/remote\"})"
msgstr "@code{cache} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/cache/cuirass/remote\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29560
msgid "Use @var{cache} directory to cache build log files."
msgstr "Im @var{cache}-Verzeichnis Erstellungsprotokolldateien speichern."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29561
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{trigger-url} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{trigger-url} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29564
msgid "Once a substitute is successfully fetched, trigger substitute baking at @var{trigger-url}."
msgstr "Sobald ein Substitut erfolgreich heruntergeladen wurde, wird dessen Einlagerung als Narinfo („bake the substitute“) auf @var{trigger-url} direkt ausgelöst."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29569
msgid "If set to false, do not start a publish server and ignore the @code{publish-port} argument. This can be useful if there is already a standalone publish server standing next to the remote server."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf falsch gesetzt ist, wird kein „Publish“-Server gestartet und das @code{publish-port}-Argument ignoriert. Verwenden Sie es, wenn bereits ein eigenständiger „Publish“-Server für den „remote-server“ läuft."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29138 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29571 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29608
#, no-wrap
msgid "private-key"
msgstr "private-key"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29580
msgid "At least one remote worker must also be started on any machine of the local network to actually perform the builds and report their status."
msgstr "Mindestens eine entfernte Arbeitermaschine („remote worker“) muss auf irgendeiner Maschine im lokalen Netzwerk gestartet werden, damit tatsächlich Erstellungen durchgeführt werden und deren Status gemeldet wird."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29581
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} cuirass-remote-worker-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} cuirass-remote-worker-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29583
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the Cuirass remote-worker."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Cuirass-„remote-worker“-Prozesses repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29588
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{workers} (default: @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{workers} (Vorgabe: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29590
msgid "Start @var{workers} parallel workers."
msgstr "@var{workers}-viele parallele Arbeiterprozesse starten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29594
msgid "Do not use Avahi discovery and connect to the given @code{server} IP address instead."
msgstr "Keine Maschinen über Avahi ermitteln, sondern stattdessen eine Verbindung zum Server unter der in @code{server} angegebenen IP-Adresse aufbauen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29595
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{systems} (default: @code{(list (%current-system))})"
msgstr "@code{systems} (Vorgabe: @code{(list (%current-system))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29597
msgid "Only request builds for the given @var{systems}."
msgstr "Nur Erstellungen für die in @var{systems} angegebenen Systeme anfragen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29598
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass-remote-worker.log\"})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/log/cuirass-remote-worker.log\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29601
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{publish-port} (default: @code{5558})"
msgstr "@code{publish-port} (Vorgabe: @code{5558})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29603
msgid "The TCP port of the publish server. It defaults to @code{5558}."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port des „Publish“-Servers, um Substitute mit anderen zu teilen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29615
#, no-wrap
msgid "Laminar"
msgstr "Laminar"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29620
msgid "@uref{https://laminar.ohwg.net/, Laminar} is a lightweight and modular Continuous Integration service. It doesn't have a configuration web UI instead uses version-controllable configuration files and scripts."
msgstr "@uref{https://laminar.ohwg.net/, Laminar} ist ein sparsamer und modularer Dienst zur Kontinuierlichen Integration. Statt einer Weboberfläche zur Konfiguration werden versionskontrollierte Konfigurationsdateien und Skripte verwendet."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29623
msgid "Laminar encourages the use of existing tools such as bash and cron instead of reinventing them."
msgstr "Laminar ermutigt dazu, bestehende Werkzeuge wie bash und cron zu benutzen statt das Rad neu zu erfinden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29624
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} laminar-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} laminar-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29194
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29627
msgid "The type of the Laminar service. Its value must be a @code{laminar-configuration} object, as described below."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp des Laminar-Dienstes. Sein Wert muss ein @code{laminar-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29631
msgid "All configuration values have defaults, a minimal configuration to get Laminar running is shown below. By default, the web interface is available on port 8080."
msgstr "Alle Konfigurationswerte haben bereits vorgegebene Einstellungen. Eine minimale Konfiguration, um Laminar aufzusetzen, sehen Sie unten. Nach Vorgabe läuft die Weboberfläche auf Port 8080."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29634
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service laminar-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service laminar-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29637
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} laminar-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} laminar-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29639
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of Laminar."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Laminar repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29208
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29641
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{laminar} (default: @code{laminar})"
msgstr "@code{laminar} (Vorgabe: @code{laminar})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29643
msgid "The Laminar package to use."
msgstr "Das Laminar-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29644
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{home-directory} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/laminar\"})"
msgstr "@code{home-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/laminar\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29646
msgid "The directory for job configurations and run directories."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis mit Auftragskonfigurationen und Verzeichnissen, in denen Aufträge ausgeführt werden („run“-Verzeichnissen)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29647
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bind-http} (default: @code{\"*:8080\"})"
msgstr "@code{bind-http} (Vorgabe: @code{\"*:8080\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29650
msgid "The interface/port or unix socket on which laminard should listen for incoming connections to the web frontend."
msgstr "Die Netzwerkschnittstelle mit Port oder der Unix-Socket, wo laminard auf eingehende Verbindungen zur Web-Oberfläche lauschen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29651
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bind-rpc} (default: @code{\"unix-abstract:laminar\"})"
msgstr "@code{bind-rpc} (Vorgabe: @code{\"unix-abstract:laminar\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29654
msgid "The interface/port or unix socket on which laminard should listen for incoming commands such as build triggers."
msgstr "Die Netzwerkschnittstelle mit Port oder der Unix-Socket, wo laminard auf eingehende Befehle z.B.@: zum Auslösen einer Erstellung lauschen soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29655
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{title} (default: @code{\"Laminar\"})"
msgstr "@code{title} (Vorgabe: @code{\"Laminar\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29657
msgid "The page title to show in the web frontend."
msgstr "Der Seitentitel, der auf der Web-Oberfläche angezeigt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29658
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{keep-rundirs} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{keep-rundirs} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29662
msgid "Set to an integer defining how many rundirs to keep per job. The lowest-numbered ones will be deleted. The default is 0, meaning all run dirs will be immediately deleted."
msgstr "Setzen Sie dies auf eine ganze Zahl, die festlegt, wie viele Ausführungsverzeichnisse pro Auftrag vorgehalten werden. Die mit der niedrigsten Nummer werden gelöscht. Die Vorgabe ist 0, d.h.@: alle Ausführungsverzeichnisse werden sofort gelöscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29663
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{archive-url} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{archive-url} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29666
msgid "The web frontend served by laminard will use this URL to form links to artefacts archived jobs."
msgstr "Die von laminard angebotene Weboberfläche wird aus dieser URL die Verweise auf Artefakte archivierter Aufträge zusammensetzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29667
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{base-url} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{base-url} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29669
msgid "Base URL to use for links to laminar itself."
msgstr "Was Laminar in Verweisen auf eigene Seiten als Basis-URL verwenden soll."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29676
#, no-wrap
msgid "tlp"
msgstr "TLP"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29677
#, no-wrap
msgid "power management with TLP"
msgstr "Stromverbrauch mit TLP verwalten"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29678
#, no-wrap
msgid "TLP daemon"
msgstr "TLP-Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29682
msgid "The @code{(gnu services pm)} module provides a Guix service definition for the Linux power management tool TLP."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services pm)} stellt eine Guix-Dienstdefinition für das Linux-Werkzeug TLP zur Stromverbrauchsverwaltung zur Verfügung."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29688
msgid "TLP enables various powersaving modes in userspace and kernel. Contrary to @code{upower-service}, it is not a passive, monitoring tool, as it will apply custom settings each time a new power source is detected. More information can be found at @uref{https://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html, TLP home page}."
msgstr "TLP macht mehrere Stromspar-Modi auf Anwendungsebene („User Space“) und im Kernel verfügbar. Im Gegensatz zum @code{upower-service} handelt es sich um kein passives Werkzeug zur Überwachung, sondern TLP passt selbst jedes Mal Einstellungen an, wenn eine neue Stromquelle erkannt wird. Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf der @uref{https://linrunner.de/en/tlp/tlp.html, TLP-Homepage}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29256
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29689
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} tlp-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} tlp-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29693
msgid "The service type for the TLP tool. The default settings are optimised for battery life on most systems, but you can tweak them to your heart's content by adding a valid @code{tlp-configuration}:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für das TLP-Werkzeug. In der Vorgabeeinstellung wird die Akkulaufzeit für die meisten Systeme optimiert, aber Sie können sie nach Belieben anpassen, indem Sie eine gültige @code{tlp-configuration} hinzufügen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29698
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service tlp-service-type\n"
@@ -55129,889 +55985,933 @@ msgstr ""
" (sched-powersave-on-bat? #t)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29706
msgid "Each parameter definition is preceded by its type; for example, @samp{boolean foo} indicates that the @code{foo} parameter should be specified as a boolean. Types starting with @code{maybe-} denote parameters that won't show up in TLP config file when their value is @code{'disabled}."
msgstr "Im Folgenden ist jeder Parameterdefinition ihr Typ vorangestellt. Zum Beispiel bedeutet @samp{Boolescher-Ausdruck foo}, dass der Parameter @code{foo} als boolescher Ausdruck festgelegt werden sollte. Typen, die mit @code{Vielleicht-} beginnen, bezeichnen Parameter, die nicht in der TLP-Konfigurationsdatei vorkommen, wenn @code{'disabled} als ihr Wert angegeben wurde."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29716
msgid "Available @code{tlp-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{tlp-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29717
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} package tlp"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ tlp"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29719
msgid "The TLP package."
msgstr "Das TLP-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29722
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean tlp-enable?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck tlp-enable?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29724
msgid "Set to true if you wish to enable TLP."
msgstr "Setzen Sie dies auf wahr, wenn Sie TLP aktivieren möchten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29729
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string tlp-default-mode"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette tlp-default-mode"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29732
msgid "Default mode when no power supply can be detected. Alternatives are AC and BAT."
msgstr "Der vorgegebene Modus, wenn keine Stromversorgung gefunden werden kann. Angegeben werden können AC (am Stromnetz) und BAT (Batterie/Akku)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29734
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"AC\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"AC\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29737
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl disk-idle-secs-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29740
msgid "Number of seconds Linux kernel has to wait after the disk goes idle, before syncing on AC."
msgstr "Die Anzahl an Sekunden, die der Linux-Kernel warten muss, bis er sich mit dem Plattenspeicher synchronisiert, wenn die Stromversorgung auf AC steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29745
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer disk-idle-secs-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl disk-idle-secs-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29747
msgid "Same as @code{disk-idle-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{disk-idle-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29749
msgid "Defaults to @samp{2}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{2}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29752
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-lost-work-secs-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29321
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29754
msgid "Dirty pages flushing periodicity, expressed in seconds."
msgstr "Periodizität, mit der im Zwischenspeicher geänderte Speicherseiten („Dirty Pages“) synchronisiert werden („Cache Flush“), ausgedrückt in Sekunden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29323 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29546
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31814 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29756 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29979
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32279 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32287
msgid "Defaults to @samp{15}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{15}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29759
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer max-lost-work-secs-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl max-lost-work-secs-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29761
msgid "Same as @code{max-lost-work-secs-on-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{max-lost-work-secs-on-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29763
msgid "Defaults to @samp{60}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{60}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29766
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29770
msgid "CPU frequency scaling governor on AC mode. With intel_pstate driver, alternatives are powersave and performance. With acpi-cpufreq driver, alternatives are ondemand, powersave, performance and conservative."
msgstr "Regulator der Frequenzskalierung der CPUs („Frequency Scaling Governor“) im AC-Modus. Beim intel_pstate-Treiber stehen powersave (stromsparend) und performance (leistungsfähig) zur Auswahl. Beim acpi-cpufreq-Treiber stehen ondemand, powersave, performance und conservative zur Auswahl."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29775
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list cpu-scaling-governor-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste cpu-scaling-governor-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29777
msgid "Same as @code{cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{cpu-scaling-governor-on-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29782
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29784
msgid "Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on AC."
msgstr "Legt die minimale verfügbare Frequenz für den Skalierungsregulator im AC-Modus fest."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29789
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29791
msgid "Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on AC."
msgstr "Legt die maximale verfügbare Frequenz für den Skalierungsregulator im AC-Modus fest."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29796
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-scaling-min-freq-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29798
msgid "Set the min available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT."
msgstr "Legt die minimale verfügbare Frequenz für den Skalierungsregulator im BAT-Modus fest."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29803
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-scaling-max-freq-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29805
msgid "Set the max available frequency for the scaling governor on BAT."
msgstr "Legt die maximale verfügbare Frequenz für den Skalierungsregulator im BAT-Modus fest."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29810
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-min-perf-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29813
msgid "Limit the min P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance."
msgstr "Beschränkt den minimalen Leistungszustand („P-State“), um die Stromverteilung („Power Dissipation“) der CPU im AC-Modus zu regulieren. Werte können als Prozentsatz bezüglich der verfügbaren Leistung angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29818
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-max-perf-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29821
msgid "Limit the max P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU, in AC mode. Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance."
msgstr "Beschränkt den maximalen Leistungszustand („P-State“), um die Stromverteilung („Power Dissipation“) der CPU im AC-Modus zu regulieren. Werte können als Prozentsatz bezüglich der verfügbaren Leistung angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29826
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-min-perf-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-min-perf-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29828
msgid "Same as @code{cpu-min-perf-on-ac} on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{cpu-min-perf-on-ac} im BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29833
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer cpu-max-perf-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl cpu-max-perf-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29835
msgid "Same as @code{cpu-max-perf-on-ac} on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{cpu-max-perf-on-ac} im BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29840
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-ac?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck cpu-boost-on-ac?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29842
msgid "Enable CPU turbo boost feature on AC mode."
msgstr "Die CPU-Turbo-Boost-Funktionen im AC-Modus aktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29847
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean cpu-boost-on-bat?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck cpu-boost-on-bat?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29849
msgid "Same as @code{cpu-boost-on-ac?} on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{cpu-boost-on-ac?} im BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29854
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean sched-powersave-on-ac?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck sched-powersave-on-ac?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29857
msgid "Allow Linux kernel to minimize the number of CPU cores/hyper-threads used under light load conditions."
msgstr "Dem Linux-Kernel erlauben, die Anzahl benutzter CPU-Kerne und Hyperthreads anzupassen, wenn er unter leichter Last steht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29862
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean sched-powersave-on-bat?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck sched-powersave-on-bat?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29864
msgid "Same as @code{sched-powersave-on-ac?} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{sched-powersave-on-ac?}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29869
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean nmi-watchdog?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck nmi-watchdog?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29871
msgid "Enable Linux kernel NMI watchdog."
msgstr "Ob die rechtzeitige Behandlung nichtmaskierbarer Unterbrechungen durch den „NMI-Watchdog“ des Linux-Kernels überprüft werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29876
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string phc-controls"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette phc-controls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29879
msgid "For Linux kernels with PHC patch applied, change CPU voltages. An example value would be @samp{\"F:V F:V F:V F:V\"}."
msgstr "Auf Linux-Kernels, auf die der PHC-Patch angewandt wurde, wird hierdurch die Prozessorspannung angepasst. Ein Beispielwert wäre @samp{\"F:V F:V F:V F:V\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29884
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string energy-perf-policy-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette energy-perf-policy-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29887
msgid "Set CPU performance versus energy saving policy on AC@. Alternatives are performance, normal, powersave."
msgstr "Legt das Verhältnis von Prozessorleistung zu Stromsparsamkeit im AC-Modus fest. Angegeben werden können performance (hohe Leistung), normal, powersave (wenig Stromverbrauch)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29456 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29554
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29889 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30045
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"performance\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"performance\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29892
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string energy-perf-policy-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette energy-perf-policy-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29894
msgid "Same as @code{energy-perf-policy-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{energy-perf-policy-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29463 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29994
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"powersave\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"powersave\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29899
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list disks-devices"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste disks-devices"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29901
msgid "Hard disk devices."
msgstr "Festplattengeräte."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29904
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste disk-apm-level-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29906
msgid "Hard disk advanced power management level."
msgstr "Stufe für das „Advanced Power Management“ auf Festplatten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29909
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list disk-apm-level-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste disk-apm-level-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29911
msgid "Same as @code{disk-apm-bat} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{disk-apm-bat}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29481
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29914
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29917
msgid "Hard disk spin down timeout. One value has to be specified for each declared hard disk."
msgstr "Zeitspanne, bis die Festplatte inaktiv wird (ein „Spin-Down“). Für jede deklarierte Festplatte muss hier je ein Wert angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29489
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29922
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-spindown-timeout-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste disk-spindown-timeout-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29924
msgid "Same as @code{disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{disk-spindown-timeout-on-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29929
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list disk-iosched"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste disk-iosched"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29933
msgid "Select IO scheduler for disk devices. One value has to be specified for each declared hard disk. Example alternatives are cfq, deadline and noop."
msgstr "Ein-/Ausgaben-Planungsprogramm für Plattengeräte auswählen. Für jede deklarierte Festplatte muss ein Wert angegeben werden. Möglich sind zum Beispiel cfq, deadline und noop."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29938
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string sata-linkpwr-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette sata-linkpwr-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29941
msgid "SATA aggressive link power management (ALPM) level. Alternatives are min_power, medium_power, max_performance."
msgstr "Stufe des „Aggressive Link Power Management“ (ALPM) für SATA@. Angegeben werden können min_power (wenigster Stromverbrauch), medium_power (mittlerer Stromverbrauch), max_performance (maximale Leistung)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29943
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"max_performance\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"max_performance\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29946
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string sata-linkpwr-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette sata-linkpwr-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29948
msgid "Same as @code{sata-linkpwr-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{sata-linkpwr-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29950
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"min_power\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"min_power\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29953
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string sata-linkpwr-blacklist"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette sata-linkpwr-blacklist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29955
msgid "Exclude specified SATA host devices for link power management."
msgstr "Bestimmte SATA-Geräte („SATA-Host-Devices“) vom Link Power Management ausschließen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29960
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-An-Aus-Boolescher-Ausdruck ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29530
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29963
msgid "Enable Runtime Power Management for AHCI controller and disks on AC mode."
msgstr "Verwaltung des Stromverbrauchs zur Laufzeit für AHCI-Steuerungseinheiten („Controller“) und AHCI-Platten im AC-Modus aktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29968
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-on-off-boolean ahci-runtime-pm-on-bat?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-An-Aus-Boolescher-Ausdruck ahci-runtime-pm-on-bat?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29537
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29970
msgid "Same as @code{ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac} on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{ahci-runtime-pm-on-ac} im BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29975
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer ahci-runtime-pm-timeout"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl ahci-runtime-pm-timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29977
msgid "Seconds of inactivity before disk is suspended."
msgstr "Nach wie vielen Sekunden der Inaktivität die Platten in den Ruhezustand gehen („Suspended“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29982
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string pcie-aspm-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pcie-aspm-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29985
msgid "PCI Express Active State Power Management level. Alternatives are default, performance, powersave."
msgstr "Stufe des „PCI Express Active State Power Management“. Zur Auswahl stehen default (Voreinstellung), performance (hohe Leistung), powersave (wenig Stromverbrauch)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29990
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string pcie-aspm-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pcie-aspm-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29992
msgid "Same as @code{pcie-aspm-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{pcie-aspm-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29997
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer start-charge-thresh-bat0"
+msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl start-charge-thresh-bat0"
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29999
+msgid "Percentage when battery 0 should begin charging. Only supported on some laptops."
+msgstr "Ab welchem Prozentwert die Batterie 0 anfangen soll, zu laden. Wird nur auf manchen Laptops unterstützt."
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30004
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer stop-charge-thresh-bat0"
+msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl stop-charge-thresh-bat0"
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30006
+msgid "Percentage when battery 0 should stop charging. Only supported on some laptops."
+msgstr "Ab welchem Prozentwert die Batterie 0 aufhören soll, zu laden. Wird nur auf manchen Laptops unterstützt."
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30011
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer start-charge-thresh-bat1"
+msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl start-charge-thresh-bat1"
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30013
+msgid "Percentage when battery 1 should begin charging. Only supported on some laptops."
+msgstr "Ab welchem Prozentwert die Batterie 1 anfangen soll, zu laden. Wird nur auf manchen Laptops unterstützt."
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30018
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-non-negative-integer stop-charge-thresh-bat1"
+msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl stop-charge-thresh-bat1"
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30020
+msgid "Percentage when battery 1 should stop charging. Only supported on some laptops."
+msgstr "Ab welchem Prozentwert die Batterie 1 aufhören soll, zu laden. Wird nur auf manchen Laptops unterstützt."
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30025
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-power-profile-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette radeon-power-profile-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30028
msgid "Radeon graphics clock speed level. Alternatives are low, mid, high, auto, default."
msgstr "Taktgeschwindigkeitsstufe („Clock Speed Level“) für Radeon-Grafik. Zur Auswahl stehen low (niedrig), mid (mittel), high (hoch), auto (automatisch), default (Voreinstellung)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29569
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30030
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"high\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"high\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30033
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-power-profile-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette radeon-power-profile-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30035
msgid "Same as @code{radeon-power-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{radeon-power-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30037
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"low\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"low\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30040
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-state-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette radeon-dpm-state-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30043
msgid "Radeon dynamic power management method (DPM). Alternatives are battery, performance."
msgstr "Methode für die dynamische Energieverwaltung („Dynamic Power Management“, DPM) auf Radeon. Zur Auswahl stehen battery (Batterie), performance (Leistung)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30048
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-state-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette radeon-dpm-state-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30050
msgid "Same as @code{radeon-dpm-state-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{radeon-dpm-state-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29591
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30052
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"battery\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"battery\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30055
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30057
msgid "Radeon DPM performance level. Alternatives are auto, low, high."
msgstr "Leistungsstufe („Performance Level“) des Radeon-DPM@. Zur Auswahl stehen auto (automatisch), low (niedrig), high (hoch)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29598 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29605
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30059 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30140
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"auto\"}."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung ist @samp{\"auto\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29601
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30062
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette radeon-dpm-perf-level-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30064
msgid "Same as @code{radeon-dpm-perf-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{radeon-dpm-perf-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30069
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-ac?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} An-Aus-Boolescher-Ausdruck wifi-pwr-on-ac?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30071
msgid "Wifi power saving mode."
msgstr "WLAN-Stromsparmodus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30076
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} on-off-boolean wifi-pwr-on-bat?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} An-Aus-Boolescher-Ausdruck wifi-pwr-on-bat?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30078
msgid "Same as @code{wifi-power-ac?} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{wifi-power-ac?}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30083
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} y-n-boolean wol-disable?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Ja-Nein-Boolescher-Ausdruck wol-disable?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30085
msgid "Disable wake on LAN."
msgstr "Rechnerstart nach Netzwerkanforderung („Wake on LAN“) deaktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29629
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30090
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl sound-power-save-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30093
msgid "Timeout duration in seconds before activating audio power saving on Intel HDA and AC97 devices. A value of 0 disables power saving."
msgstr "Nach wie vielen Sekunden der Stromsparmodus für die Audioverarbeitung auf Intel-HDA- und AC97-Geräten aktiviert wird. Ein Wert von 0 deaktiviert den Stromsparmodus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30098
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} non-negative-integer sound-power-save-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Nichtnegative-ganze-Zahl sound-power-save-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30100
msgid "Same as @code{sound-powersave-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{sound-powersave-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30105
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} y-n-boolean sound-power-save-controller?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Ja-Nein-Boolescher-Ausdruck sound-power-save-controller?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30107
msgid "Disable controller in powersaving mode on Intel HDA devices."
msgstr "Steuerungseinheit („Controller“) im Stromsparmodus auf Intel-HDA-Geräten deaktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30112
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean bay-poweroff-on-bat?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck bay-poweroff-on-bat?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30116
msgid "Enable optical drive in UltraBay/MediaBay on BAT mode. Drive can be powered on again by releasing (and reinserting) the eject lever or by pressing the disc eject button on newer models."
msgstr "Optisches Laufwerk in einer UltraBay/MediaBay im BAT-Modus aktivieren. Laufwerke können erneut gestartet werden, indem Sie den Hebel zum Auswerfen lösen (und wieder einsetzen) oder, auf neueren Modellen, indem Sie den Knopf zum Auswerfen des eingelegten Datenträgers drücken."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30121
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string bay-device"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette bay-device"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30123
msgid "Name of the optical drive device to power off."
msgstr "Name des Geräts für das optische Laufwerk, das gestartet werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30125
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"sr0\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"sr0\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30128
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string runtime-pm-on-ac"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette runtime-pm-on-ac"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30131
msgid "Runtime Power Management for PCI(e) bus devices. Alternatives are on and auto."
msgstr "Laufzeitenergieverwaltung („Runtime Power Management“) von PCI(e)-Bus-Geräten. Zur Auswahl stehen on (angeschaltet) und auto (automatisch)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30133
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"on\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"on\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30136
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} string runtime-pm-on-bat"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette runtime-pm-on-bat"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30138
msgid "Same as @code{runtime-pm-ac} but on BAT mode."
msgstr "Wie @code{runtime-pm-ac}, aber für den BAT-Modus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30143
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean runtime-pm-all?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck runtime-pm-all?"
# TODO This option does not seem to exist anymore.
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30146
msgid "Runtime Power Management for all PCI(e) bus devices, except blacklisted ones."
msgstr ""
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30151
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-blacklist"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste runtime-pm-blacklist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30153
msgid "Exclude specified PCI(e) device addresses from Runtime Power Management."
msgstr "Die angegebenen PCI(e)-Geräteadressen von der Laufzeitenergieverwaltung („Runtime Power Management“) ausnehmen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30158
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} space-separated-string-list runtime-pm-driver-blacklist"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Leerzeichengetrennte-Zeichenketten-Liste runtime-pm-driver-blacklist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30161
msgid "Exclude PCI(e) devices assigned to the specified drivers from Runtime Power Management."
msgstr "PCI(e)-Geräte von der Laufzeitenergieverwaltung („Runtime Power Management“) ausnehmen, wenn sie den angegebenen Treibern zugeordnet sind."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30164
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean usb-autosuspend?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck usb-autosuspend?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30166
msgid "Enable USB autosuspend feature."
msgstr "USB-Geräte automatisch in den Ruhezustand versetzen („USB-Autosuspend“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30171
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string usb-blacklist"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette usb-blacklist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30173
msgid "Exclude specified devices from USB autosuspend."
msgstr "Die angegebenen Geräte vom USB-Autosuspend ausnehmen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30178
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean usb-blacklist-wwan?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck usb-blacklist-wwan?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30180
msgid "Exclude WWAN devices from USB autosuspend."
msgstr "WWAN-Geräte vom USB-Autosuspend ausnehmen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30185
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-string usb-whitelist"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Zeichenkette usb-whitelist"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30188
msgid "Include specified devices into USB autosuspend, even if they are already excluded by the driver or via @code{usb-blacklist-wwan?}."
msgstr "Für die angegebenen Geräte USB-Autosuspend aktivieren, selbst wenn Autosuspend durch den Treiber oder wegen @code{usb-blacklist-wwan?} deaktiviert werden würde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30193
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} maybe-boolean usb-autosuspend-disable-on-shutdown?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Boolescher-Ausdruck usb-autosuspend-disable-on-shutdown?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30195
msgid "Enable USB autosuspend before shutdown."
msgstr "USB-Autosuspend vor dem Herunterfahren aktivieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30200
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{tlp-configuration} parameter} boolean restore-device-state-on-startup?"
msgstr "{@code{tlp-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck restore-device-state-on-startup?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30203
msgid "Restore radio device state (bluetooth, wifi, wwan) from previous shutdown on system startup."
msgstr "Zustand von funkfähigen Geräten (Bluetooth, WLAN, WWAN) vom letzten Herunterfahren beim Hochfahren des Systems wiederherstellen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30208
#, no-wrap
msgid "thermald"
msgstr "thermald"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30209
#, no-wrap
msgid "CPU frequency scaling with thermald"
msgstr "CPU-Frequenzskalierung mit Thermald"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30210
#, no-wrap
msgid "Thermald daemon"
msgstr "Thermald-Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30214
msgid "The @code{(gnu services pm)} module provides an interface to thermald, a CPU frequency scaling service which helps prevent overheating."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services pm)} stellt eine Schnittstelle zu Thermald zur Verfügung, einem Dienst zur CPU-Frequenzskalierung („CPU Frequency Scaling“), mit dem Überhitzung verhindert wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30215
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} thermald-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} thermald-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30220
msgid "This is the service type for @uref{https://01.org/linux-thermal-daemon/, thermald}, the Linux Thermal Daemon, which is responsible for controlling the thermal state of processors and preventing overheating."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für @uref{https://01.org/linux-thermal-daemon/, Thermald}, den @dfn{Linux Thermal Daemon}, der für die Hitzeregulierung von Prozessoren zuständig ist. Er ändert deren thermischen Zustand („Thermal State“) und verhindert, dass sie überhitzen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30222
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} thermald-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} thermald-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30224
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @code{thermald-service-type}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @code{thermald-service-type} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30226
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ignore-cpuid-check?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ignore-cpuid-check?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30228
msgid "Ignore cpuid check for supported CPU models."
msgstr "Ergebnis der Prüfung per CPUID auf unterstützte Prozessormodelle ignorieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30229
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{thermald} (default: @var{thermald})"
msgstr "@code{thermald} (Vorgabe: @var{thermald})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30231
msgid "Package object of thermald."
msgstr "Paketobjekt von thermald."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30240
msgid "The @code{(gnu services audio)} module provides a service to start MPD (the Music Player Daemon)."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services audio)} stellt einen Dienst zur Verfügung, um MPD (den Music Player Daemon) zu starten."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30241
#, no-wrap
msgid "mpd"
msgstr "mpd"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30242
#, no-wrap
msgid "Music Player Daemon"
msgstr "Music Player Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30247
msgid "The Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a service that can play music while being controlled from the local machine or over the network by a variety of clients."
msgstr "Der Music Player Daemon (MPD) ist ein Dienst, der Musik abspielen kann und der dabei vom lokalen Rechner oder über das Netzwerk durch verschiedene Clients angesteuert werden kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30250
msgid "The following example shows how one might run @code{mpd} as user @code{\"bob\"} on port @code{6666}. It uses pulseaudio for output."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie man @code{mpd} als Benutzer @code{\"bob\"} auf Port @code{6666} ausführen könnte. Dabei wird Pulseaudio zur Ausgabe verwendet."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29795
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30256
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service mpd-service-type\n"
@@ -56025,215 +56925,215 @@ msgstr ""
" (port \"6666\")))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30258
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} mpd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} mpd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30260
msgid "The service type for @command{mpd}"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für @command{mpd}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30262
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mpd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mpd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30264
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{mpd}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{mpd} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30266
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"mpd\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"mpd\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30268
msgid "The user to run mpd as."
msgstr "Das Benutzerkonto, mit dem mpd ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29808
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30269
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{music-dir} (default: @code{\"~/Music\"})"
msgstr "@code{music-dir} (Vorgabe: @code{\"~/Music\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30271
msgid "The directory to scan for music files."
msgstr "Das Verzeichis, in dem nach Musikdateien gesucht wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30272
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{playlist-dir} (default: @code{\"~/.mpd/playlists\"})"
msgstr "@code{playlist-dir} (Vorgabe: @code{\"~/.mpd/playlists\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30274
msgid "The directory to store playlists."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, um Wiedergabelisten („Playlists“) zu speichern."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30275
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{db-file} (default: @code{\"~/.mpd/tag_cache\"})"
msgstr "@code{db-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"~/.mpd/tag_cache\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30277
msgid "The location of the music database."
msgstr "Der Ort, an dem die Musikdatenbank gespeichert wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30278
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{state-file} (default: @code{\"~/.mpd/state\"})"
msgstr "@code{state-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"~/.mpd/state\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30280
msgid "The location of the file that stores current MPD's state."
msgstr "Der Ort, an dem die Datei mit dem aktuellen Zustand von MPD gespeichert wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30281
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sticker-file} (default: @code{\"~/.mpd/sticker.sql\"})"
msgstr "@code{sticker-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"~/.mpd/sticker.sql\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29822
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30283
msgid "The location of the sticker database."
msgstr "Der Ort, an dem die Sticker-Datenbank gespeichert wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30284
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{\"6600\"})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{\"6600\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30286
msgid "The port to run mpd on."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem mpd ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30287
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{address} (default: @code{\"any\"})"
msgstr "@code{address} (Vorgabe: @code{\"any\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29829
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30290
msgid "The address that mpd will bind to. To use a Unix domain socket, an absolute path can be specified here."
msgstr "Die Adresse, an die sich mpd binden wird. Um einen Unix-Socket zu benutzen, kann hier ein absoluter Pfad angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29830
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30291
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{outputs} (default: @code{\"(list (mpd-output))\"})"
msgstr "@code{outputs} (Vorgabe: @code{\"(list (mpd-output))\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30293
msgid "The audio outputs that MPD can use. By default this is a single output using pulseaudio."
msgstr "Welche Tonausgaben MPD benutzen kann. Vorgegeben ist eine einzelne Ausgabe, die Pulseaudio benutzt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30297
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} mpd-output"
msgstr "{Datentyp} mpd-output"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30299
msgid "Data type representing an @command{mpd} audio output."
msgstr "Datentyp, der eine Tonausgabe von @command{mpd} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30301
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{name} (default: @code{\"MPD\"})"
msgstr "@code{name} (Vorgabe: @code{\"MPD\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30303
msgid "The name of the audio output."
msgstr "Der Name der Tonausgabe."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30304
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{type} (default: @code{\"pulse\"})"
msgstr "@code{type} (Vorgabe: @code{\"pulse\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29845
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30306
msgid "The type of audio output."
msgstr "Der Typ der Tonausgabe."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30307
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enabled?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{enabled?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30312
msgid "Specifies whether this audio output is enabled when MPD is started. By default, all audio outputs are enabled. This is just the default setting when there is no state file; with a state file, the previous state is restored."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob diese Tonausgabe aktiviert sein soll, wenn MPD gestartet wird. Vorgegeben ist, alle Tonausgaben zu aktivieren. Das entspricht der Voreinstellung, wenn keine Zustandsdatei existiert; mit Zustandsdatei wird der Zustand von früher wiederhergestellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30313
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{tags?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{tags?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30317
msgid "If set to @code{#f}, then MPD will not send tags to this output. This is only useful for output plugins that can receive tags, for example the @code{httpd} output plugin."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#f} steht, sendet MPD keine Tags an diese Ausgabe. Dies wird nur berücksichtigt, wenn das Ausgabe-Plugin Tags empfangen kann, wie beim @code{httpd}-Ausgabe-Plugin."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30318
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{always-on?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{always-on?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30322
msgid "If set to @code{#t}, then MPD attempts to keep this audio output always open. This may be useful for streaming servers, when you don’t want to disconnect all listeners even when playback is accidentally stopped."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#t} steht, versucht MPD, diese Tonausgabe immer offen zu lassen. Das kann bei Streaming-Servern helfen, wo man @emph{nicht} will, dass die Verbindung zu allen Zuhörern abbricht, nur weil das Abspielen aus irgendeinem Grund angehalten wurde."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30323
#, no-wrap
msgid "mixer-type"
msgstr "mixer-type"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30329
msgid "This field accepts a symbol that specifies which mixer should be used for this audio output: the @code{hardware} mixer, the @code{software} mixer, the @code{null} mixer (allows setting the volume, but with no effect; this can be used as a trick to implement an external mixer External Mixer) or no mixer (@code{none})."
msgstr "Für dieses Feld wird ein Symbol akzeptiert, das das für diese Tonausgabe zu benutzende Mischpult („Mixer“) bezeichnet. Zur Wahl stehen das @code{hardware}-Mischpult, das @code{software}-Mischpult, das @code{null}-Mischpult oder kein Mischpult (@code{none}). Mit dem @code{null}-Mischpult kann die Lautstärke eingestellt werden, aber ohne Auswirkung; das kann als Trick benutzt werden, um ein externes Mischpult zu implementieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30333
msgid "An association list of option symbols to string values to be appended to the audio output configuration."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste, die Optionssymbole auf Zeichenketten abbildet. Sie wird an die Tonausgabenkonfiguration angehängt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30339
msgid "The following example shows a configuration of @code{mpd} that provides an HTTP audio streaming output."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel zeigt eine Konfiguration von @code{mpd}, die eine HTTP-Audiostreaming-Tonausgabe anbietet."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30351
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service mpd-service-type\n"
@@ -56259,34 +57159,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (port . \"8080\"))))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29899
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30360
msgid "The @code{(gnu services virtualization)} module provides services for the libvirt and virtlog daemons, as well as other virtualization-related services."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services virtualization)} bietet Dienste für die Daemons von libvirt und virtlog, sowie andere virtualisierungsbezogene Dienste."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30361
#, no-wrap
msgid "Libvirt daemon"
msgstr "Libvirt-Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30366
msgid "@code{libvirtd} is the server side daemon component of the libvirt virtualization management system. This daemon runs on host servers and performs required management tasks for virtualized guests."
msgstr "@code{libvirtd} ist die serverseitige Daemon-Komponente des libvirt-Systems zur Virtualisierungsverwaltung. Dieser Daemon läuft auf als Wirt dienenden Servern und führt anfallende Verwaltungsaufgaben für virtualisierte Gäste durch."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30367
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} libvirt-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} libvirt-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30370
msgid "This is the type of the @uref{https://libvirt.org, libvirt daemon}. Its value must be a @code{libvirt-configuration}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des @uref{https://libvirt.org, libvirt-Daemons}. Sein Wert muss ein @code{libvirt-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt sein."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30376
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service libvirt-service-type\n"
@@ -56300,870 +57200,870 @@ msgstr ""
" (tls-port \"16555\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30381
msgid "Available @code{libvirt-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{libvirt-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30382
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} package libvirt"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ libvirt"
-#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29923
+#. type: deftypevar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30384 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30947
msgid "Libvirt package."
msgstr "Libvirt-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30387
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean listen-tls?"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck listen-tls?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30390
msgid "Flag listening for secure TLS connections on the public TCP/IP port. You must set @code{listen} for this to have any effect."
msgstr "Option zum Lauschen auf sichere TLS-Verbindungen über den öffentlichen TCP/IP-Port. @code{listen} muss gesetzt sein, damit dies eine Wirkung hat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29932
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30393
msgid "It is necessary to setup a CA and issue server certificates before using this capability."
msgstr "Bevor Sie diese Funktionalität nutzen können, muss eine Zertifikatsautorität eingerichtet worden sein und Server-Zertifikate ausgestellt worden sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30398
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean listen-tcp?"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck listen-tcp?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30401
msgid "Listen for unencrypted TCP connections on the public TCP/IP port. You must set @code{listen} for this to have any effect."
msgstr "Auf unverschlüsselte TCP-Verbindungen auf dem öffentlichen TCP/IP-Port lauschen. @code{listen} muss gesetzt sein, damit dies eine Wirkung hat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30405
msgid "Using the TCP socket requires SASL authentication by default. Only SASL mechanisms which support data encryption are allowed. This is DIGEST_MD5 and GSSAPI (Kerberos5)."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung kann auf dem TCP-Socket nur gelauscht werden, wenn SASL-Authentifizierung möglich ist. Nur solche SASL-Mechanismen, die Datenverschlüsselung unterstützen, sind zugelassen. Das sind DIGEST_MD5 und GSSAPI (Kerberos5)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30410
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string tls-port"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette tls-port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30413
msgid "Port for accepting secure TLS connections. This can be a port number, or service name."
msgstr "Der Port, um sichere TLS-Verbindungen zu akzeptieren. Dies kann eine Portnummer oder ein Dienstname sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30415
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"16514\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"16514\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30418
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string tcp-port"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette tcp-port"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30421
msgid "Port for accepting insecure TCP connections. This can be a port number, or service name."
msgstr "Der Port, um unsichere TCP-Verbindungen zu akzeptieren. Dies kann eine Portnummer oder ein Dienstname sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30423
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"16509\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"16509\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29965
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30426
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string listen-addr"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette listen-addr"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29967
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30428
msgid "IP address or hostname used for client connections."
msgstr "IP-Adresse oder Rechnername („Hostname“), der für von Clients ausgehende Verbindungen benutzt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30433
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean mdns-adv?"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck mdns-adv?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30435
msgid "Flag toggling mDNS advertisement of the libvirt service."
msgstr "Einstellung, ob der libvirt-Dienst mDNS-Mitteilungen sendet."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29977
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30438
msgid "Alternatively can disable for all services on a host by stopping the Avahi daemon."
msgstr "Dies kann alternativ für alle Dienste auf einem Rechner deaktiviert werden, indem man den Avahi-Daemon anhält."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30443
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string mdns-name"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette mdns-name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30446
msgid "Default mDNS advertisement name. This must be unique on the immediate broadcast network."
msgstr "Der voreingestellte Name in mDNS-Mitteilungen. Er muss auf dem direkten Broadcast-Netzwerk eindeutig sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30448
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"Virtualization Host <hostname>\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"Virtualization Host <Rechnername>\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29990
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30451
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-group"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette unix-sock-group"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30455
msgid "UNIX domain socket group ownership. This can be used to allow a 'trusted' set of users access to management capabilities without becoming root."
msgstr "Besitzergruppe des UNIX-Sockets. Diese Einstellung kann benutzt werden, um einer als vertrauenswürdig geltenden Gruppe von Benutzern Zugriff auf Verwaltungsfunktionen zu gewähren, ohne dass diese als Administratornutzer root ausgeführt werden müssen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:29999
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30460
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-ro-perms"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette unix-sock-ro-perms"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30463
msgid "UNIX socket permissions for the R/O socket. This is used for monitoring VM status only."
msgstr "UNIX-Socket-Berechtigungen für den Socket nur mit Lesezugriff („read only“). Dies wird nur zur Überwachung des Zustands der VM benutzt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30004 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30465 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30483
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"0777\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"0777\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30007
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30468
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-rw-perms"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette unix-sock-rw-perms"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30472
msgid "UNIX socket permissions for the R/W socket. Default allows only root. If PolicyKit is enabled on the socket, the default will change to allow everyone (eg, 0777)"
msgstr "UNIX-Socket-Berechtigungen für den Socket mit Schreib- und Lesezugriff („read/write“). Nach Vorgabe kann nur der Administratornutzer root zugreifen. Wenn auf dem Socket PolicyKit aktiviert ist, wird die Vorgabe geändert, dass jeder zugreifen kann (z.B.@: zu 0777)"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30474
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"0770\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"0770\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30477
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-admin-perms"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette unix-sock-admin-perms"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30481
msgid "UNIX socket permissions for the admin socket. Default allows only owner (root), do not change it unless you are sure to whom you are exposing the access to."
msgstr "UNIX-Socket-Berechtigungen für den Administrator-Socket. Nach Vorgabg hat nur der Besitzer (der Administratornutzer root) hierauf Zugriff; ändern Sie es nur, wenn Sie sicher wissen, wer dann alles Zugriff bekommt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30486
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string unix-sock-dir"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette unix-sock-dir"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30488
msgid "The directory in which sockets will be found/created."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem Sockets gefunden werden können bzw. erstellt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30490
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/libvirt\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/libvirt\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30493
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-unix-ro"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-unix-ro"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30496
msgid "Authentication scheme for UNIX read-only sockets. By default socket permissions allow anyone to connect"
msgstr "Authentifizierungsschema für nur lesbare UNIX-Sockets. Nach Vorgabe gestatten es die Socket-Berechtigungen jedem Nutzer, sich zu verbinden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30037 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30498 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30507
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"polkit\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"polkit\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30501
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-unix-rw"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-unix-rw"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30505
msgid "Authentication scheme for UNIX read-write sockets. By default socket permissions only allow root. If PolicyKit support was compiled into libvirt, the default will be to use 'polkit' auth."
msgstr "Authentifizierungsschema für UNIX-Sockets mit Schreib- und Lesezugriff. Nach Vorgabe erlauben die Socket-Berechtigungen nur dem Administratornutzer root Zugriff. Wenn libvirt mit Unterstützung für PolicyKit kompiliert wurde, ist die Vorgabe, Authentifizierung über „polkit“ durchzuführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30510
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-tcp"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-tcp"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30514
msgid "Authentication scheme for TCP sockets. If you don't enable SASL, then all TCP traffic is cleartext. Don't do this outside of a dev/test scenario."
msgstr "Authentifizierungsschema für TCP-Sockets. Wenn Sie SASL nicht aktivieren, dann wird alle TCP-Kommunikation im Klartext verschickt. Tun Sie dies @emph{nicht}, außer Sie benutzen libvirt nur als Entwickler oder zum Testen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30516
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"sasl\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"sasl\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30519
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string auth-tls"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette auth-tls"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30523
msgid "Authentication scheme for TLS sockets. TLS sockets already have encryption provided by the TLS layer, and limited authentication is done by certificates."
msgstr "Authentifizierungsschema für TLS-Sockets. Für TLS-Sockets wird bereits durch die TLS-Schicht Verschlüsselung bereitgestellt und eingeschränkte Authentifizierung wird über Zertifikate durchgeführt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30526
msgid "It is possible to make use of any SASL authentication mechanism as well, by using 'sasl' for this option"
msgstr "Es ist möglich, auch hier den SASL-Authentifizierungsmechanismus anzuwenden, indem Sie für diese Option „sasl“ eintragen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30528
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"none\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"none\"}, d.h.@: keine zusätzliche Authentifizierung."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30531
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-list access-drivers"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Optional-nichtleere-Liste access-drivers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30533
msgid "API access control scheme."
msgstr "Welche Schemata zur Zugriffskontrolle auf Programmierschnittstellen (APIs) benutzt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30536
msgid "By default an authenticated user is allowed access to all APIs. Access drivers can place restrictions on this."
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe kann ein authentifizierter Nutzer auf alle Programmierschnittstellen zugreifen. Zugriffstreiber können dies einschränken."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30541
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string key-file"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette key-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30544
msgid "Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no private key is loaded."
msgstr "Pfad zur Schlüsseldatei für den Server. Wenn er auf eine leere Zeichenkette gesetzt ist, dann wird kein privater Schlüssel geladen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30549
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string cert-file"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette cert-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30552
msgid "Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no certificate is loaded."
msgstr "Pfad zur Zertifikatsdatei für den Server. Wenn er auf eine leere Zeichenkette gesetzt ist, dann wird kein Zertifikat geladen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30096
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30557
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string ca-file"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ca-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30560
msgid "Server key file path. If set to an empty string, then no CA certificate is loaded."
msgstr "Pfad zur Datei mit dem Zertifikat der Zertifikatsautorität. Wenn er auf eine leere Zeichenkette gesetzt ist, dann wird kein Zertifikat der Zertifikatsautorität geladen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30565
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string crl-file"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette crl-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30568
msgid "Certificate revocation list path. If set to an empty string, then no CRL is loaded."
msgstr "Pfad zur Zertifikatssperrliste („Certificate Revocation List“). Wenn er auf eine leere Zeichenkette gesetzt ist, dann wird keine Zertifikatssperrliste geladen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30573
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean tls-no-sanity-cert"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck tls-no-sanity-cert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30575
msgid "Disable verification of our own server certificates."
msgstr "Keine Überprüfung unseres eigenen Serverzertifikats durchführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30578
msgid "When libvirtd starts it performs some sanity checks against its own certificates."
msgstr "Beim Start vom libvirtd prüft dieser, ob bei seinem eigenen Zertifikat alles in Ordnung ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30122
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30583
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean tls-no-verify-cert"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck tls-no-verify-cert"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30585
msgid "Disable verification of client certificates."
msgstr "Keine Überprüfung von Clientzertifikaten durchführen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30589
msgid "Client certificate verification is the primary authentication mechanism. Any client which does not present a certificate signed by the CA will be rejected."
msgstr "Die Überprüfung des Zertifikats eines Clients ist der primäre Authentifizierungsmechanismus. Jeder Client, der kein von der Zertifikatsautorität signiertes Zertifikat vorweist, wird abgelehnt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30594
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-list tls-allowed-dn-list"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Optional-nichtleere-Liste tls-allowed-dn-list"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30596
msgid "Whitelist of allowed x509 Distinguished Name."
msgstr "Liste der erlaubten Einträge für den „Distinguished Name“ bei x509."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30601
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-list sasl-allowed-usernames"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Optional-nichtleere-Liste sasl-allowed-usernames"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30604
msgid "Whitelist of allowed SASL usernames. The format for username depends on the SASL authentication mechanism."
msgstr "Liste der erlaubten Einträge für SASL-Benutzernamen. Wie Benutzernamen aussehen müssen, ist abhängig vom jeweiligen SASL-Mechanismus."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30609
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string tls-priority"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette tls-priority"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30613
msgid "Override the compile time default TLS priority string. The default is usually @samp{\"NORMAL\"} unless overridden at build time. Only set this is it is desired for libvirt to deviate from the global default settings."
msgstr "Dies wird vorrangig statt der beim Kompilieren voreingestellten TLS-Prioritätszeichenkette verwendet. Die Voreinstellung ist in der Regel @samp{\"NORMAL\"}, solange dies nicht bei der Erstellung geändert wurde. Ändern Sie dies nur, wenn die Einstellungen für libvirt von den globalen Voreinstellungen abweichen sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30615
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"NORMAL\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe @samp{\"NORMAL\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30618
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-clients"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30160 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30621 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31049
msgid "Maximum number of concurrent client connections to allow over all sockets combined."
msgstr "Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Client-Verbindungen, die für alle Sockets zusammen zugelassen werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30162
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30623
msgid "Defaults to @samp{5000}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{5000}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30626
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-queued-clients"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-queued-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30169
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30630
msgid "Maximum length of queue of connections waiting to be accepted by the daemon. Note, that some protocols supporting retransmission may obey this so that a later reattempt at connection succeeds."
msgstr "Maximale Länge der Warteschlange für Verbindungen, die darauf warten, vom Daemon angenommen zu werden. Beachten Sie, dass sich manche Protokolle, die Neuübertragung unterstützen, danach richten könnten, damit ein erneuter Verbindungsversuch angenommen wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30174
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30635
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-anonymous-clients"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-anonymous-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30638
msgid "Maximum length of queue of accepted but not yet authenticated clients. Set this to zero to turn this feature off"
msgstr "Maximale Länge der Warteschlange für Clients, die angenommen wurden, aber noch nicht authentifiziert wurden. Setzen Sie dies auf null, um diese Funktionalität abzuschalten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30179 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30197
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30640 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30674
msgid "Defaults to @samp{20}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{20}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30643
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer min-workers"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl min-workers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30645
msgid "Number of workers to start up initially."
msgstr "Anzahl an Arbeiter-Threads, die am Anfang gestartet werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30650
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-workers"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-workers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30652
msgid "Maximum number of worker threads."
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl an Arbeiter-Threads."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30656
msgid "If the number of active clients exceeds @code{min-workers}, then more threads are spawned, up to max_workers limit. Typically you'd want max_workers to equal maximum number of clients allowed."
msgstr "Wenn die Anzahl aktiver Clients die @code{min-workers} übersteigt, werden weitere Threads erzeugt, bis die max_workers-Beschränkung erreicht wurde. Typischerweise würden Sie für max_workers die maximale Anzahl zugelassener Clients angeben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30661
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer prio-workers"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl prio-workers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30665
msgid "Number of priority workers. If all workers from above pool are stuck, some calls marked as high priority (notably domainDestroy) can be executed in this pool."
msgstr "Die Anzahl priorisierter Arbeiter-Threads. Wenn alle Arbeiter aus diesem Pool festhängen, können manche, mit hoher Priorität versehene Aufrufe (speziell domainDestroy) in diesem Pool hier ausgeführt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30670
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-requests"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-requests"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30672
msgid "Total global limit on concurrent RPC calls."
msgstr "Wie viele nebenläufige RPC-Aufrufe global ausgeführt werden können."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30677
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer max-client-requests"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-client-requests"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30681
msgid "Limit on concurrent requests from a single client connection. To avoid one client monopolizing the server this should be a small fraction of the global max_requests and max_workers parameter."
msgstr "Wie viele nebenläufige Anfragen von einer einzelnen Client-Verbindung ausgehen können. Um zu verhindern, dass ein einzelner Client den gesamten Server für sich beansprucht, sollte der Wert hier nur einen kleinen Teil der globalen max_requests- und max_workers-Parameter ausmachen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30686
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-min-workers"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-min-workers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30688
msgid "Same as @code{min-workers} but for the admin interface."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{min-workers}, aber für die Administratorschnittstelle."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30693
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-workers"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-max-workers"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30695
msgid "Same as @code{max-workers} but for the admin interface."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{max-workers}, aber für die Administratorschnittstelle."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30700
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-clients"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-max-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30702
msgid "Same as @code{max-clients} but for the admin interface."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{max-clients}, aber für die Administratorschnittstelle."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30707
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-queued-clients"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-max-queued-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30248
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30709
msgid "Same as @code{max-queued-clients} but for the admin interface."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{max-queued-clients}, aber für die Administratorschnittstelle."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30714
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-max-client-requests"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-max-client-requests"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30716
msgid "Same as @code{max-client-requests} but for the admin interface."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{max-client-requests}, aber für die Administratorschnittstelle."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30721
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer log-level"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl log-level"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30262 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30723 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30951
msgid "Logging level. 4 errors, 3 warnings, 2 information, 1 debug."
msgstr "Protokollstufe. 4 für Fehler, 3 für Warnungen, 2 für Informationen, 1 zur Fehlersuche."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30267
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30728
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string log-filters"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-filters"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30269 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30493
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30730 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30958
msgid "Logging filters."
msgstr "Protokollfilter."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30733
msgid "A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category of logs. The format for a filter is one of:"
msgstr "Ein Filter ermöglicht es, für eine bestimmte Kategorie von Protokollen eine andere Protokollierungsstufe festzulegen. Filter müssen eines der folgenden Formate haben:"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30276 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30737 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30965
msgid "x:name"
msgstr "x:Name"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30279 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30740 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30968
msgid "x:+name"
msgstr "x:+Name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30751
msgid "where @code{name} is a string which is matched against the category given in the @code{VIR_LOG_INIT()} at the top of each libvirt source file, e.g., @samp{\"remote\"}, @samp{\"qemu\"}, or @samp{\"util.json\"} (the name in the filter can be a substring of the full category name, in order to match multiple similar categories), the optional @samp{\"+\"} prefix tells libvirt to log stack trace for each message matching name, and @code{x} is the minimal level where matching messages should be logged:"
msgstr "wobei @code{Name} eine Zeichenkette ist, die zu einer in der Umgebungsvariablen @code{VIR_LOG_INIT()} am Anfang jeder Quelldatei von libvirt angegebenen Kategorie passen muss, z.B.@: @samp{\"remote\"}, @samp{\"qemu\"} oder @samp{\"util.json\"} (der Name im Filter kann auch nur ein Teil des vollständigen Kategoriennamens sein, wodurch mehrere, ähnliche passende Kategoriennamen möglich sind). Das optionale Präfix „+“ bedeutet, dass libvirt eine Rückverfolgung (d.h.@: ein „Stack Trace“) für jede zum Namen passende Nachricht ins Protokoll schreiben soll. @code{x} benennt jeweils die kleinste Stufe, deren passende Nachrichten protokolliert werden sollen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30294 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30339
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30517 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30755 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30982 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31027
msgid "1: DEBUG"
msgstr "1: Fehlersuche („DEBUG“)"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30342
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30520 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30565
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30758 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30985 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31030
msgid "2: INFO"
msgstr "2: Informationen („INFO“)"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30300 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30345
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30523 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30761 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30988 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31033
msgid "3: WARNING"
msgstr "3: Warnungen („WARNING“)"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30303 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30348
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30526 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30764 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30991 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31036
msgid "4: ERROR"
msgstr "4: Fehler („ERROR“)"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30308 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30769 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30996
msgid "Multiple filters can be defined in a single filters statement, they just need to be separated by spaces."
msgstr "Mehrere Filter können in einer einzelnen Filteranweisung definiert werden; sie müssen nur durch Leerzeichen voneinander getrennt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30310 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30771 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30998
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"3:remote 4:event\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"3:remote 4:event\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30774
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string log-outputs"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-outputs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30315 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30776 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31003
msgid "Logging outputs."
msgstr "Ausgaben für die Protokollierung."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30779
msgid "An output is one of the places to save logging information. The format for an output can be:"
msgstr "Eine Ausgabe ist einer der Orte, wohin Informationen aus der Protokollierung gespeichert werden. Eine Ausgabe kann auf eine der folgenden Arten angegeben werden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30320 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30781 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31008
#, no-wrap
msgid "x:stderr"
msgstr "x:stderr"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30322 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31010
msgid "output goes to stderr"
msgstr "Protokolle werden auf der Standardausgabe („Stderr“) ausgegeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30323 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30784 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31011
#, no-wrap
msgid "x:syslog:name"
msgstr "x:syslog:Name"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30325 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30786 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31013
msgid "use syslog for the output and use the given name as the ident"
msgstr "Syslog wird zur Ausgabe benutzt. Der Name dient dabei als Identifikator für libvirt-Protokolle."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30326 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30787 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31014
#, no-wrap
msgid "x:file:file_path"
msgstr "x:file:Dateipfad"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30328 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30789 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31016
msgid "output to a file, with the given filepath"
msgstr "Protokolle werden in die Datei unter dem angegebenen Dateipfad ausgegeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30329 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30790 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31017
#, no-wrap
msgid "x:journald"
msgstr "x:journald"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30331 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30792 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31019
msgid "output to journald logging system"
msgstr "Die Ausgabe läuft über das journald-Protokollsystem."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30335 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30796 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31023
msgid "In all case the x prefix is the minimal level, acting as a filter"
msgstr "In allen Fällen steht das x vorne für die kleinste Stufe und wirkt als Filter."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30353 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30814 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31041
msgid "Multiple outputs can be defined, they just need to be separated by spaces."
msgstr "Mehrere Ausgaben können definiert werden, dazu müssen sie nur durch Leerzeichen getrennt hier angegeben werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30355 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30816 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31043
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"3:stderr\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"3:stderr\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30819
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer audit-level"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl audit-level"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30821
msgid "Allows usage of the auditing subsystem to be altered"
msgstr "Ermöglicht Anpassungen am Auditierungs-Subsystem."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30825
msgid "0: disable all auditing"
msgstr "0: Jegliche Auditierung deaktivieren."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30828
msgid "1: enable auditing, only if enabled on host"
msgstr "1: Auditierung nur aktivieren, wenn sie beim Wirtssystem aktiviert ist."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30831
msgid "2: enable auditing, and exit if disabled on host."
msgstr "2: Auditierung aktivieren. Beenden, wenn das Wirtssystem Auditierung deaktiviert hat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30838
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} boolean audit-logging"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck audit-logging"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30840
msgid "Send audit messages via libvirt logging infrastructure."
msgstr "Audit-Nachrichten über die Protokollinfrastruktur von libvirt versenden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30384
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30845
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} optional-string host-uuid"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Optional-nichtleere-Zeichenkette host-uuid"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30847
msgid "Host UUID@. UUID must not have all digits be the same."
msgstr "Für das Wirtssystem zu verwendende UUID@. Bei der UUID dürfen nicht alle Ziffern gleich sein."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30852
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} string host-uuid-source"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette host-uuid-source"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30854
msgid "Source to read host UUID."
msgstr "Die Quelle, von der die UUID des Wirtssystems genommen wird."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30858
msgid "@code{smbios}: fetch the UUID from @code{dmidecode -s system-uuid}"
msgstr "@code{smbios}: Die UUID von @code{dmidecode -s system-uuid} holen."
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30861
msgid "@code{machine-id}: fetch the UUID from @code{/etc/machine-id}"
msgstr "@code{machine-id}: Die UUID aus @code{/etc/machine-id} holen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30866
msgid "If @code{dmidecode} does not provide a valid UUID a temporary UUID will be generated."
msgstr "Falls @code{dmidecode} keine gültige UUID liefert, wird eine temporäre UUID generiert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30868
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"smbios\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"smbios\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30871
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer keepalive-interval"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl keepalive-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30415
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30876
msgid "A keepalive message is sent to a client after @code{keepalive_interval} seconds of inactivity to check if the client is still responding. If set to -1, libvirtd will never send keepalive requests; however clients can still send them and the daemon will send responses."
msgstr "Einem Client wird eine Nachricht zum Aufrechterhalten der Verbindung gesendet, nachdem @code{keepalive_interval} Sekunden lang keine Aktivität stattgefunden hat. Damit kann überprüft werden, ob der Client noch antwortet. Wird dieses Feld auf -1 gesetzt, wird libvirtd niemals Aufrechterhaltungsanfragen senden; Clients können diese aber weiterhin dem Daemon schicken und er wird auf diese antworten."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30881
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer keepalive-count"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl keepalive-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30885
msgid "Maximum number of keepalive messages that are allowed to be sent to the client without getting any response before the connection is considered broken."
msgstr "Wie viele Aufrechterhaltungsnachrichten höchstens zum Client geschickt werden dürfen, ohne dass eine Antwort zurückgekommen ist, bevor die Verbindung als abgebrochen gilt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30892
msgid "In other words, the connection is automatically closed approximately after @code{keepalive_interval * (keepalive_count + 1)} seconds since the last message received from the client. When @code{keepalive-count} is set to 0, connections will be automatically closed after @code{keepalive-interval} seconds of inactivity without sending any keepalive messages."
msgstr "Mit anderen Worten wird die Verbindung ungefähr dann automatisch geschlossen, wenn @code{keepalive_interval * (keepalive_count + 1)} Sekunden seit der letzten vom Client empfangenen Nachricht vergangen sind. Wenn @code{keepalive-count} auf 0 gesetzt ist, werden Verbindungen dann automatisch geschlossen, wenn @code{keepalive-interval} Sekunden der Inaktivität vorausgegangen sind, ohne dass eine Aufrechterhaltungsnachricht versandt wurde."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30897
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-keepalive-interval"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-keepalive-interval"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30438 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30899 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30906
msgid "Same as above but for admin interface."
msgstr "Wie oben, aber für die Administratorschnittstelle."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30904
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer admin-keepalive-count"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl admin-keepalive-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30911
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} integer ovs-timeout"
msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl ovs-timeout"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30913
msgid "Timeout for Open vSwitch calls."
msgstr "Zeitbeschränkung für Aufrufe über Open vSwitch."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30917
msgid "The @code{ovs-vsctl} utility is used for the configuration and its timeout option is set by default to 5 seconds to avoid potential infinite waits blocking libvirt."
msgstr "Das Werkzeug @code{ovs-vsctl} wird zur Konfiguration benutzt; die dort eingestellte Zeitbeschränkung ist nach Voreinstellung auf 5 Sekunden festgelegt, um zu verhindern, dass libvirt durch unbegrenztes Warten blockiert werden kann."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30924
#, no-wrap
msgid "Virtlog daemon"
msgstr "Virtlog-Daemon"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30927
msgid "The virtlogd service is a server side daemon component of libvirt that is used to manage logs from virtual machine consoles."
msgstr "Der virtlogd-Dienst ist eine serverseitige Daemon-Komponente von libvirt, die benutzt wird, um Protokolle der Konsolen von virtuellen Maschinen zu verwalten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30933
msgid "This daemon is not used directly by libvirt client applications, rather it is called on their behalf by @code{libvirtd}. By maintaining the logs in a standalone daemon, the main @code{libvirtd} daemon can be restarted without risk of losing logs. The @code{virtlogd} daemon has the ability to re-exec() itself upon receiving @code{SIGUSR1}, to allow live upgrades without downtime."
msgstr "Dieser Daemon wird von libvirt-Clientanwendungen nicht direkt benutzt, sondern wird an deren Stelle vom @code{libvirtd} aufgerufen. Indem die Protokolle in einem eigenständigen Daemon vorgehalten werden, kann der eigentliche @code{libvirtd}-Daemon neu gestartet werden, ohne dass man riskiert, Protokolle zu verlieren. Der @code{virtlogd}-Daemon hat die Fähigkeit, sich selbst erneut mit exec() zu starten, wenn er @code{SIGUSR1} empfängt, damit Aktualisierungen ohne Ausfall möglich sind."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30934
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} virtlog-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} virtlog-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30937
msgid "This is the type of the virtlog daemon. Its value must be a @code{virtlog-configuration}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des virtlog-Daemons. Sein Wert muss eine @code{virtlog-configuration} sein."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30481
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30942
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service virtlog-service-type\n"
@@ -57174,123 +58074,130 @@ msgstr ""
" (virtlog-configuration\n"
" (max-clients 1000)))\n"
+#. type: deftypevar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30945
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "{@code{libvirt-configuration} parameter} package libvirt"
+msgid "{@code{libvirt} parameter} package libvirt"
+msgstr "{@code{libvirt-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ libvirt"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30949
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer log-level"
msgstr "{@code{virtlog-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl log-level"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30491
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30956
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} string log-filters"
msgstr "{@code{virtlog-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-filters"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30961
msgid "A filter allows to select a different logging level for a given category of logs The format for a filter is one of:"
msgstr "Ein Filter ermöglicht es, für eine bestimmte Kategorie von Protokollen eine andere Protokollierungsstufe festzulegen. Filter müssen eines der folgenden Formate haben:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30978
msgid "where @code{name} is a string which is matched against the category given in the @code{VIR_LOG_INIT()} at the top of each libvirt source file, e.g., \"remote\", \"qemu\", or \"util.json\" (the name in the filter can be a substring of the full category name, in order to match multiple similar categories), the optional \"+\" prefix tells libvirt to log stack trace for each message matching name, and @code{x} is the minimal level where matching messages should be logged:"
msgstr "wobei @code{Name} eine Zeichenkette ist, die zu einer in der Umgebungsvariablen @code{VIR_LOG_INIT()} am Anfang jeder Quelldatei von libvirt angegebenen Kategorie passen muss, z.B.@: „remote“, „qemu“ oder „util.json“ (der Name im Filter kann auch nur ein Teil des vollständigen Kategoriennamens sein, wodurch mehrere, ähnliche passende Kategoriennamen möglich sind). Das optionale Präfix „+“ bedeutet, dass libvirt eine Rückverfolgung (d.h.@: ein „Stack Trace“) für jede zum Namen passende Nachricht ins Protokoll schreiben soll. @code{x} benennt jeweils die kleinste Stufe, deren passende Nachrichten protokolliert werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31001
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} string log-outputs"
msgstr "{@code{virtlog-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-outputs"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31006
msgid "An output is one of the places to save logging information The format for an output can be:"
msgstr "Als Ausgabe bezeichnen wir einen der Orte, an denen Protokollinformationen gespeichert werden. Eine Ausgabe wird auf eine der folgenden Arten angegeben:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31046
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer max-clients"
msgstr "{@code{virtlog-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-clients"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31051
msgid "Defaults to @samp{1024}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{1024}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31054
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer max-size"
msgstr "{@code{virtlog-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30591
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31056
msgid "Maximum file size before rolling over."
msgstr "Wie groß eine Protokolldatei werden darf, bevor eine neue begonnen wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30593
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31058
msgid "Defaults to @samp{2MB}"
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{2MB}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31061
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{virtlog-configuration} parameter} integer max-backups"
msgstr "{@code{virtlog-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-backups"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31063
msgid "Maximum number of backup files to keep."
msgstr "Wie viele Dateien mit Sicherungskopien gespeichert bleiben sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31065
msgid "Defaults to @samp{3}"
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{3}."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31069
msgid "transparent-emulation-qemu"
msgstr "transparent-emulation-qemu"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30604
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31069
#, no-wrap
msgid "Transparent Emulation with QEMU"
msgstr "Transparente Emulation mit QEMU"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30606 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31071 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31151
#, no-wrap
msgid "emulation"
msgstr "Emulation"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31072
#, no-wrap
msgid "binfmt_misc"
msgstr "binfmt_misc"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31080
msgid "@code{qemu-binfmt-service-type} provides support for transparent emulation of program binaries built for different architectures---e.g., it allows you to transparently execute an ARMv7 program on an x86_64 machine. It achieves this by combining the @uref{https://www.qemu.org, QEMU} emulator and the @code{binfmt_misc} feature of the kernel Linux. This feature only allows you to emulate GNU/Linux on a different architecture, but see below for GNU/Hurd support."
msgstr "Mit @code{qemu-binfmt-service-type} wird transparente Emulation von Programm-Binärdateien, die für unterschiedliche Architekturen erstellt wurden, ermöglicht. Z.B.@: können Sie ein ARMv7-Programm „einfach so“ transparent auf einer x86_64-Maschine ausführen. Dazu wird der @uref{https://www.qemu.org, QEMU-Emulator} mit der @code{binfmt_misc}-Funktionalität des Kernels Linux kombiniert. Mit dieser Funktionalität können Sie jedoch nur ein GNU/Linux-System, das auf einer anderen Architektur läuft, emulieren. Unterstützung für GNU/Hurd ist auch möglich, lesen Sie dazu unten weiter."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31081
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} qemu-binfmt-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} qemu-binfmt-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30621
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31086
msgid "This is the type of the QEMU/binfmt service for transparent emulation. Its value must be a @code{qemu-binfmt-configuration} object, which specifies the QEMU package to use as well as the architecture we want to emulated:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des QEMU/binfmt-Dienstes für transparente Emulation. Sein Wert muss ein @code{qemu-binfmt-configuration}-Objekt sein, das das QEMU-Paket angibt, das benutzt werden soll, sowie die Architektur, die wir emulieren möchten."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31091
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service qemu-binfmt-service-type\n"
@@ -57302,39 +58209,39 @@ msgstr ""
" (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms \"arm\" \"aarch64\"))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31097
msgid "In this example, we enable transparent emulation for the ARM and aarch64 platforms. Running @code{herd stop qemu-binfmt} turns it off, and running @code{herd start qemu-binfmt} turns it back on (@pxref{Invoking herd, the @command{herd} command,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel aktivieren wir transparente Emulation für die Plattformen ARM und aarch64. Wenn wir @code{herd stop qemu-binfmt} ausführen, wird diese abgeschaltet, und mit @code{herd start qemu-binfmt} wird sie wieder aktiv (siehe @ref{Invoking herd, den @command{herd}-Befehl,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31099
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} qemu-binfmt-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} qemu-binfmt-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31101
msgid "This is the configuration for the @code{qemu-binfmt} service."
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration des @code{qemu-binfmt}-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31103
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{platforms} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{platforms} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31106
msgid "The list of emulated QEMU platforms. Each item must be a @dfn{platform object} as returned by @code{lookup-qemu-platforms} (see below)."
msgstr "Die Liste der emulierten QEMU-Plattformen. Jeder Eintrag muss ein @dfn{Plattformobjekt} sein, wie @code{lookup-qemu-platforms} eines zurückliefert (siehe unten)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30644
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31109
msgid "For example, let's suppose you're on an x86_64 machine and you have this service:"
msgstr "Wenn wir zum Beispiel annehmen, Sie arbeiten auf einer x86_64-Maschine und haben diesen Dienst eingerichtet:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31114
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service qemu-binfmt-service-type\n"
@@ -57346,79 +58253,79 @@ msgstr ""
" (platforms (lookup-qemu-platforms \"arm\"))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31117
msgid "You can run:"
msgstr "Dann können Sie das hier ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31120
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build -s armhf-linux inkscape\n"
msgstr "guix build -s armhf-linux inkscape\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31127
msgid "and it will build Inkscape for ARMv7 @emph{as if it were a native build}, transparently using QEMU to emulate the ARMv7 CPU@. Pretty handy if you'd like to test a package build for an architecture you don't have access to!"
msgstr "und alles verhält sich so, als würden Sie Inkscape für ARMv7 @emph{wie „nativ“ auf einem ARM-Rechner erstellen}, wozu QEMU transparent benutzt wird, um den ARMv7-Prozessor zu emulieren. Das ist ganz schön praktisch, wenn Sie testen wollen, ob ein Paket für eine Architektur erstellt werden kann, die Ihnen nicht zur Verfügung steht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31128
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{qemu} (default: @code{qemu})"
msgstr "@code{qemu} (Vorgabe: @code{qemu})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30665 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30723
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31130 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31270
msgid "The QEMU package to use."
msgstr "Das QEMU-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31133
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lookup-qemu-platforms @var{platforms}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lookup-qemu-platforms @var{Plattformen}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31138
msgid "Return the list of QEMU platform objects corresponding to @var{platforms}@dots{}. @var{platforms} must be a list of strings corresponding to platform names, such as @code{\"arm\"}, @code{\"sparc\"}, @code{\"mips64el\"}, and so on."
msgstr "Liefert die Liste der QEMU-Plattformobjekte, die den @var{Plattformen}…@: entsprechen. @var{Plattformen} muss eine Liste von Zeichenketten sein, die den Namen der Plattformen entsprechen, wie z.B.@: @code{\"arm\"}, @code{\"sparc\"}, @code{\"mips64el\"} und so weiter."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31140
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} qemu-platform? @var{obj}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} qemu-platform? @var{Objekt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31142
msgid "Return true if @var{obj} is a platform object."
msgstr "Liefert wahr, wenn das @var{Objekt} ein Plattformobjekt ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31144
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} qemu-platform-name @var{platform}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} qemu-platform-name @var{Plattform}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31146
msgid "Return the name of @var{platform}---a string such as @code{\"arm\"}."
msgstr "Liefert den Namen der @var{Plattform}, also eine Zeichenkette wie z.B.@: @code{\"arm\"}."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30684
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31149
#, no-wrap
msgid "QEMU Guest Agent"
msgstr "QEMU Guest Agent"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31157
msgid "The QEMU guest agent provides control over the emulated system to the host. The @code{qemu-guest-agent} service runs the agent on Guix guests. To control the agent from the host, open a socket by invoking QEMU with the following arguments:"
msgstr "Mit dem QEMU Guest Agent kann das emulierte System vom Wirtssystem aus gesteuert werden. Der Dienst für den @code{qemu-guest-agent} führt den Agenten auf einem Guix-basierten Gastsystem aus. Um den Agenten vom Wirt aus zu steuern, öffnen Sie einen Socket, indem Sie QEMU mit folgenden Argumenten aufrufen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31164
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"qemu-system-x86_64 \\\n"
@@ -57434,12 +58341,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31168
msgid "This creates a socket at @file{/tmp/qga.sock} on the host. Once the guest agent is running, you can issue commands with @code{socat}:"
msgstr "Dadurch wird auf dem Wirtssystem ein Socket unter @file{/tmp/qga.sock} angelegt. Sobald der Guest Agent gestartet hat, können Sie mit @code{socat} Befehle erteilen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31173
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix shell socat -- socat unix-connect:/tmp/qga.sock stdio\n"
@@ -57451,74 +58358,74 @@ msgstr ""
"@{\"return\": @{\"host-name\": \"guix\"@}@}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31177
msgid "See @url{https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/GuestAgent,QEMU guest agent documentation} for more options and commands."
msgstr "Siehe die @url{https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/GuestAgent,Dokumentation zum QEMU Guest Agent} für mehr Optionen und Befehle."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31178
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} qemu-guest-agent-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} qemu-guest-agent-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31180
msgid "Service type for the QEMU guest agent service."
msgstr "Diensttyp des Dienstes für den QEMU Guest Agent."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31182
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} qemu-guest-agent-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} qemu-guest-agent-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31184
msgid "Configuration for the @code{qemu-guest-agent} service."
msgstr "Die Konfiguration des @code{qemu-guest-agent}-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30721 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31186 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31268
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{qemu} (default: @code{qemu-minimal})"
msgstr "@code{qemu} (Vorgabe: @code{qemu-minimal})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31189
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{device} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{device} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31192
msgid "File name of the device or socket the agent uses to communicate with the host. If empty, QEMU uses a default file name."
msgstr "Der Dateiname des Geräts bzw.@: Sockets, über das der Agent mit dem Wirtssystem kommuniziert. Wird nichts angegeben, verwendet QEMU einen voreingestellten Dateinamen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31196
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Hurd in a Virtual Machine"
msgstr "GNU@tie{}Hurd in einer virtuellen Maschine"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31199
#, no-wrap
msgid "the Hurd"
msgstr "Hurd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31200
#, no-wrap
msgid "childhurd"
msgstr "childhurd"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31208
msgid "Service @code{hurd-vm} provides support for running GNU/Hurd in a virtual machine (VM), a so-called @dfn{childhurd}. This service is meant to be used on GNU/Linux and the given GNU/Hurd operating system configuration is cross-compiled. The virtual machine is a Shepherd service that can be referred to by the names @code{hurd-vm} and @code{childhurd} and be controlled with commands such as:"
msgstr "Der @code{hurd-vm}-Dienst bietet Unterstützung, um GNU/Hurd in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) laufen zu lassen, als eine sogenannte „Kind-Hurd“, englisch @dfn{Childhurd}. Der Dienst ist für die Nutzung mit GNU/Linux-Systemen gedacht; die angegebene GNU/Hurd-Konfiguration wird cross-kompiliert. Die virtuelle Maschine läuft als ein Shepherd-Dienst, der durch Namen wie @code{hurd-vm} und @code{childhurd} bezeichnet wird und mit Befehlen wie den folgenden gesteuert werden kann:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31212
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"herd start hurd-vm\n"
@@ -57528,50 +58435,50 @@ msgstr ""
"herd stop childhurd\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31216
msgid "When the service is running, you can view its console by connecting to it with a VNC client, for example with:"
msgstr "Während der Dienst läuft, können Sie seine Konsole anzeigen lassen, indem Sie sich über einen VNC-Client mit ihm verbinden, z.B.@: durch den Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31219
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix shell tigervnc-client -- vncviewer localhost:5900\n"
msgstr "guix shell tigervnc-client -- vncviewer localhost:5900\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31225
msgid "The default configuration (see @code{hurd-vm-configuration} below) spawns a secure shell (SSH) server in your GNU/Hurd system, which QEMU (the virtual machine emulator) redirects to port 10222 on the host. Thus, you can connect over SSH to the childhurd with:"
msgstr "Die Vorgabekonfiguration (siehe @code{hurd-vm-configuration} unten) lässt einen Server für Secure Shell (SSH) in Ihrem GNU/Hurd-System laufen, welchen QEMU (der Emulator für virtuelle Maschinen) an Port 10222 des Wirtssystems weitergibt. So können Sie sich mit der Childhurd über SSH verbinden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30763
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31228
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh root@@localhost -p 10022\n"
msgstr "ssh root@@localhost -p 10022\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31237
msgid "The childhurd is volatile and stateless: it starts with a fresh root file system every time you restart it. By default though, all the files under @file{/etc/childhurd} on the host are copied as is to the root file system of the childhurd when it boots. This allows you to initialize ``secrets'' inside the VM: SSH host keys, authorized substitute keys, and so on---see the explanation of @code{secret-root} below."
msgstr "Die Childhurd ist flüchtig und zustandslos: Jedes Mal, wenn Sie sie neu starten, hat sie wieder ihr ursprüngliches Wurzeldateisystem. Nur die Dateien unter @file{/etc/childhurd} im Wirtssystem werden nach Vorgabe in das Wurzeldateisystem der Childhurd übernommen, wenn sie startet. So können Sie einen Startwert für „Geheimnisse“ in der VM angeben: SSH-Rechnerschlüssel („Host Keys“), Autorisierungsschlüssel für Substitute und so weiter@tie{}— siehe die Erklärung zu @code{secret-root} unten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31238
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} hurd-vm-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} hurd-vm-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31244
msgid "This is the type of the Hurd in a Virtual Machine service. Its value must be a @code{hurd-vm-configuration} object, which specifies the operating system (@pxref{operating-system Reference}) and the disk size for the Hurd Virtual Machine, the QEMU package to use as well as the options for running it."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp zum Hurd-in-einer-virtuellen-Maschine-Dienst. Dessen Wert muss ein @code{hurd-vm-configuration}-Objekt sein, das das Betriebssystem festlegt (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference}) und die Plattengröße für die virtuelle Hurd-Maschine, das zu nutzende QEMU-Paket sowie die Befehlszeilenoptionen, um sie auszuführen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31246
msgid "For example:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30787
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31252
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service hurd-vm-service-type\n"
@@ -57585,99 +58492,99 @@ msgstr ""
" (memory-size 1024))) ;1024MiB\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30791
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31256
msgid "would create a disk image big enough to build GNU@tie{}Hello, with some extra memory."
msgstr "würde zur Erzeugung eines Disk-Images führen, dessen Größe für die Erstellung von GNU@tie{}Hello ausreichend ist und das noch ein wenig zusätzlichen Arbeitsspeicher zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31258
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} hurd-vm-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} hurd-vm-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31261
msgid "The data type representing the configuration for @code{hurd-vm-service-type}."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des @code{hurd-vm-service-type} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31263
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{os} (default: @var{%hurd-vm-operating-system})"
msgstr "@code{os} (Vorgabe: @var{%hurd-vm-operating-system})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31267
msgid "The operating system to instantiate. This default is bare-bones with a permissive OpenSSH secure shell daemon listening on port 2222 (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}})."
msgstr "Welches Betriebssystem instanziiert werden soll. Nach Vorgabe wird ein minimales „Bare-Bones“-System mit uneingeschränktem OpenSSH-Secure-Shell-Daemon, der auf Port 2222 lauscht (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31271
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{image} (default: @var{hurd-vm-disk-image})"
msgstr "@code{image} (Vorgabe: @var{hurd-vm-disk-image})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31274
msgid "The procedure used to build the disk-image built from this configuration."
msgstr "Die Prozedur, um das Disk-Image aus dieser Konfiguration zu erstellen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31275
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{disk-size} (default: @code{'guess})"
msgstr "@code{disk-size} (Vorgabe: @code{'guess})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31277
msgid "The size of the disk image."
msgstr "Die Größe des Disk-Images."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31278
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{memory-size} (default: @code{512})"
msgstr "@code{memory-size} (Vorgabe: @code{512})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30815
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31280
msgid "The memory size of the Virtual Machine in mebibytes."
msgstr "Die Größe des Arbeitsspeichers der virtuellen Maschine in Mebibyte."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31281
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{options} (default: @code{'(\"--snapshot\")})"
msgstr "@code{options} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"--snapshot\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31283
msgid "The extra options for running QEMU."
msgstr "Weitere Befehlszeilenoptionen, mit denen QEMU ausgeführt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31288
msgid "If set, a non-zero positive integer used to parameterize Childhurd instances. It is appended to the service's name, e.g. @code{childhurd1}."
msgstr "Wenn das Feld gesetzt ist, muss es eine positive ganze Zahl größer null sein, womit Childhurd-Instanzen parametrisiert werden. Es wird an den Dienstnamen angehängt, z.B.@: @code{childhurd1}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31289
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{net-options} (default: @var{hurd-vm-net-options})"
msgstr "@code{net-options} (Vorgabe: @var{hurd-vm-net-options})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31291
msgid "The procedure used to produce the list of QEMU networking options."
msgstr "Die Prozedur, um die Liste der QEMU-Netzwerkoptionen zu erzeugen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31293
msgid "By default, it produces"
msgstr "Nach Vorgabe liefert sie"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31301
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"'(\"--device\" \"rtl8139,netdev=net0\"\n"
@@ -57695,12 +58602,12 @@ msgstr ""
" \"hostfwd=tcp:{vnc-port}-:5900\"))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30839
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31304
msgid "with forwarded ports:"
msgstr "mit Portweiterleitungen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31309
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"@var{secrets-port}: @code{(+ 11004 (* 1000 @var{ID}))}\n"
@@ -57712,28 +58619,28 @@ msgstr ""
"@var{vnc-port}: @code{(+ 15900 (* 1000 @var{ID}))}\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31311
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{secret-root} (default: @file{/etc/childhurd})"
msgstr "@code{secret-root} (Vorgabe: @file{/etc/childhurd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31316
msgid "The root directory with out-of-band secrets to be installed into the childhurd once it runs. Childhurds are volatile which means that on every startup, secrets such as the SSH host keys and Guix signing key are recreated."
msgstr "Das Wurzelverzeichnis von Geheimnissen, die auf der Childhurd „out of band“, d.h.@: abseits vom Zuständigkeitsbereich der Childhurd, installiert werden sollen, sobald sie gestartet wurde. Childhurds sind flüchtig, d.h.@: bei jedem Start würden Geheimnisse wie die SSH-Rechnerschlüssel und Signierschlüssel von Guix neu angelegt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31320
msgid "If the @file{/etc/childhurd} directory does not exist, the @code{secret-service} running in the Childhurd will be sent an empty list of secrets."
msgstr "Wenn das Verzeichnis @file{/etc/childhurd} @emph{nicht} existiert, wird dem im Childhurd laufenden @code{secret-service}-Dienst eine leere Liste von Geheimnissen geschickt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31323
msgid "By default, the service automatically populates @file{/etc/childhurd} with the following non-volatile secrets, unless they already exist:"
msgstr "Üblicherweise wird er benutzt, um in @file{\"/etc/childhurd\"} einen Dateibaum aus @emph{nicht} flüchtigen Geheimnissen einzufügen, wenn diese noch @emph{nicht} existieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31332
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -57753,34 +58660,34 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31336
msgid "These files are automatically sent to the guest Hurd VM when it boots, including permissions."
msgstr "Diese Dateien werden automatisch an die Gast-Hurd-VM geschickt, wenn sie bootet, einschließlich der Dateiberechtigungen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31337
#, no-wrap
msgid "childhurd, offloading"
msgstr "Childhurd, Auslagern auf"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30873
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31338
#, no-wrap
msgid "Hurd, offloading"
msgstr "Hurd, Auslagern auf"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31342
msgid "Having these files in place means that only a couple of things are missing to allow the host to offload @code{i586-gnu} builds to the childhurd:"
msgstr "Wenn diese Dateien platziert wurden, fehlen nur noch wenige Dinge, damit das Wirtssystem @code{i586-gnu}-Erstellungen auf die Childhurd auslagern kann:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31347
msgid "Authorizing the childhurd's key on the host so that the host accepts build results coming from the childhurd, which can be done like so:"
msgstr "Der Schlüssel der Childhurd muss auf dem Wirtssystem authentifiziert werden, damit das Wirtssystem von der Childhurd stammende Erstellungsergebnisse annimmt. Das geht so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31351
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix archive --authorize < \\\n"
@@ -57790,22 +58697,22 @@ msgstr ""
" /etc/childhurd/etc/guix/signing-key.pub\n"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30891
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31356
msgid "Adding the childhurd to @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} (@pxref{Daemon Offload Setup})."
msgstr "Die Childhurd muss zu @file{/etc/guix/machines.scm} hinzugefügt werden (siehe @ref{Daemon Offload Setup})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31360
msgid "We're working towards making that happen automatically---get in touch with us at @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} to discuss it!"
msgstr "Wir arbeiten daran, dass das automatisch passiert. Reden Sie mit uns unter @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}, wenn Sie dabei mitdiskutieren möchten!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31367
msgid "Note that by default the VM image is volatile, i.e., once stopped the contents are lost. If you want a stateful image instead, override the configuration's @code{image} and @code{options} without the @code{--snapshot} flag using something along these lines:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass nach Vorgabe ein flüchtiges Abbild für die virtuelle Maschine benutzt wird, also dessen Inhalt verloren geht, sobald sie gestoppt wurde. Wenn Sie stattdessen ein zustandsbehaftetes Abbild möchten, ändern Sie die Felder @code{image} und @code{options} in der Konfiguration, so dass keine @code{--snapshot}-Befehlszeilenoption übergeben wird, z.B.@: so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31373
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service hurd-vm-service-type\n"
@@ -57819,34 +58726,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (options '())))\n"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31375
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ganeti"
msgstr "Ganeti"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31377
#, no-wrap
msgid "ganeti"
msgstr "ganeti"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30919
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31384
msgid "This service is considered experimental. Configuration options may be changed in a backwards-incompatible manner, and not all features have been thorougly tested. Users of this service are encouraged to share their experience at @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst gilt als experimentell. Die Konfigurationsoptionen könnten in Zukunft noch auf eine Weise abgeändert werden, die keine Kompatibilität mit dem momentanen Verhalten gewährleistet, und nicht alle Funktionalitäten wurden gründlich getestet. Wenn Sie ihn benutzen, ermutigen wir Sie, Ihre Erfahrungen mit uns über @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org} zu teilen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31394
msgid "Ganeti is a virtual machine management system. It is designed to keep virtual machines running on a cluster of servers even in the event of hardware failures, and to make maintenance and recovery tasks easy. It consists of multiple services which are described later in this section. In addition to the Ganeti service, you will need the OpenSSH service (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}), and update the @file{/etc/hosts} file (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{hosts-file}}) with the cluster name and address (or use a DNS server)."
msgstr "Ganeti ist ein System zur Verwaltung virtueller Maschinen. Es ist dafür gedacht, virtuelle Maschinen auf einem Server-Cluster am Laufen zu halten, selbst wenn Hardware ausfällt, und deren Wartung und Wiederherstellung einfach zu machen. Es besteht aus mehreren Diensten, die später in diesem Abschnitt beschrieben werden. Zusätzlich zum Ganeti-Dienst brauchen Sie den OpenSSH-Dienst (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}) und müssen in die Datei @file{/etc/hosts} (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{hosts-file}}) den Namen des Clusters mit Adresse eintragen lassen (oder Sie verwenden einen eigenen DNS-Server)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31399
msgid "All nodes participating in a Ganeti cluster should have the same Ganeti and @file{/etc/hosts} configuration. Here is an example configuration for a Ganeti cluster node that supports multiple storage backends, and installs the @code{debootstrap} and @code{guix} @dfn{OS providers}:"
msgstr "Alle Knoten, die an einem Ganeti-Cluster teilnehmen, sollten dieselbe Konfiguration von Ganeti und @file{/etc/hosts} aufweisen. Hier ist eine Beispielkonfiguration für einen Ganeti-Clusterknoten, der mehrere Hintergrundsysteme für Speichergeräte unterstützt und die @dfn{Betriebssystemanbieter} („OS providers“) @code{debootstrap} sowie @code{guix} installiert hat:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31409
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-package-modules virtualization)\n"
@@ -57870,7 +58777,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31414
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ganeti.example.com\n"
@@ -57886,7 +58793,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31435
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Install QEMU so we can use KVM-based instances, and LVM, DRBD and Ceph\n"
@@ -57935,7 +58842,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31440
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Ganeti uses SSH to communicate between nodes.\n"
@@ -57951,7 +58858,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31450
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (service ganeti-service-type\n"
@@ -57977,120 +58884,120 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30993
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31458
msgid "Users are advised to read the @url{http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/master/html/admin.html,Ganeti administrators guide} to learn about the various cluster options and day-to-day operations. There is also a @url{https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2020/running-a-ganeti-cluster-on-guix/,blog post} describing how to configure and initialize a small cluster."
msgstr "Benutzern wird geraten, die @url{http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/master/html/admin.html,Anleitung für Ganeti-Administratoren} zu lesen, um die verschiedenen Optionen für Ganeti-Cluster und die häufigen Operationen zu erlernen. Es gibt auch einen @url{https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2020/running-a-ganeti-cluster-on-guix/,Blogeintrag}, der beschreibt, wie man einen kleinen Cluster konfiguriert und initialisiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31459
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:30997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31462
msgid "This is a service type that includes all the various services that Ganeti nodes should run."
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp umfasst all die verschiedenen Dienste, die auf Ganeti-Knoten ausgeführt werden sollen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31467
msgid "Its value is a @code{ganeti-configuration} object that defines the package to use for CLI operations, as well as configuration for the various daemons. Allowed file storage paths and available guest operating systems are also configured through this data type."
msgstr "Sein Wert ist ein @code{ganeti-configuration}-Objekt, das das Paket für den Betrieb über die Befehlszeile sowie die Konfiguration der einzelnen Daemons festlegt. Auch werden zulässige Pfade für die Speicherung in Dateien sowie verfügbare Gastbetriebssysteme über diesen Datentyp konfiguriert."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31004
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31469
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31471
msgid "The @code{ganeti} service takes the following configuration options:"
msgstr "Der @code{ganeti}-Dienst akzeptiert folgende Konfigurationsoptionen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31008 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31236
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31286 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31316
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31343 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31375
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31428 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31448
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31474 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31507
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31473 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31751 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31808 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31893 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31939 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32012
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ganeti} (default: @code{ganeti})"
msgstr "@code{ganeti} (Vorgabe: @code{ganeti})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31013
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31478
msgid "The @code{ganeti} package to use. It will be installed to the system profile and make @command{gnt-cluster}, @command{gnt-instance}, etc available. Note that the value specified here does not affect the other services as each refer to a specific @code{ganeti} package (see below)."
msgstr "Welches @code{ganeti}-Paket benutzt werden soll. Es wird ins Systemprofil installiert und macht die Befehlszeilenwerkzeuge @command{gnt-cluster}, @command{gnt-instance} usw.@: verfügbar. Beachten Sie, dass der hier angegebene Wert keinen Einfluss auf die anderen Dienste hat; jeder legt sein eigenes @code{ganeti}-Paket fest (siehe unten)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31479
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{noded-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-noded-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{noded-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-noded-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31480
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{confd-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-confd-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{confd-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-confd-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31481
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{wconfd-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-wconfd-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{wconfd-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-wconfd-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31482
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{luxid-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-luxid-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{luxid-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-luxid-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31483
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rapi-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-rapi-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{rapi-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-rapi-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31484
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{kvmd-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-kvmd-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{kvmd-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-kvmd-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31020
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31485
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mond-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-mond-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{mond-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-mond-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31486
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{metad-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-metad-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{metad-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-metad-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31487
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{watcher-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-watcher-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{watcher-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-watcher-configuration)})"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31023
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31488
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{cleaner-configuration} (default: @code{(ganeti-cleaner-configuration)})"
msgstr "@code{cleaner-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{(ganeti-cleaner-configuration)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31493
msgid "These options control the various daemons and cron jobs that are distributed with Ganeti. The possible values for these are described in detail below. To override a setting, you must use the configuration type for that service:"
msgstr "Mit diesen Optionen stellen Sie die verschiedenen Daemons und Cron-Aufträge ein, die mit Ganeti eingerichtet werden. Die möglichen Werte dafür werden im Folgenden genau beschrieben. Um eine Einstellung zu ändern, müssen Sie den Konfigurationstyp für den jeweiligen Dienst verwenden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31503
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service ganeti-service-type\n"
@@ -58112,34 +59019,34 @@ msgstr ""
" (rapi-ip \"\"))))\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31505
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{file-storage-paths} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{file-storage-paths} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31507
msgid "List of allowed directories for file storage backend."
msgstr "Liste zulässiger Verzeichnisse für das in Dateien speichernde Hintergrundsystem („File Storage Backend“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31043
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31508
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{os} (default: @code{%default-ganeti-os})"
msgstr "@code{os} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-ganeti-os})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31510
msgid "List of @code{<ganeti-os>} records."
msgstr "Liste von @code{<ganeti-os>}-Verbundsobjekten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31049
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31514
msgid "In essence @code{ganeti-service-type} is shorthand for declaring each service individually:"
msgstr "Im Kern ist @code{ganeti-service-type} eine Kurzform davon, jeden Dienst einzeln zu deklarieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31525
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service ganeti-noded-service-type)\n"
@@ -58163,297 +59070,297 @@ msgstr ""
"(service ganeti-cleaner-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31064
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31529
msgid "Plus a service extension for @code{etc-service-type} that configures the file storage backend and OS variants."
msgstr "Außerdem enthalten ist eine Diensterweiterung für den @code{etc-service-type}, der das Hintergrundsystem für die Speicherung in Dateien und die Betriebssystemvarianten festlegt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31067
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31532
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-os"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-os"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31535
msgid "This data type is suitable for passing to the @code{os} parameter of @code{ganeti-configuration}. It takes the following parameters:"
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp wird verwendet, um ihn an den @code{os}-Parameter der @code{ganeti-configuration} zu übergeben. Er umfasst die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31541
msgid "The name for this OS provider. It is only used to specify where the configuration ends up. Setting it to ``debootstrap'' will create @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap}."
msgstr "Der Name dieses Betriebssystemanbieters. Sein einziger Zweck ist, anzugeben, wohin die Konfigurationsdateien geschrieben werden. Wird „debootstrap“ angegeben, wird @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap} erstellt."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31542
#, no-wrap
msgid "extension"
msgstr "extension"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31545
msgid "The file extension for variants of this OS type. For example @file{.conf} or @file{.scm}."
msgstr "Welche Dateinamenserweiterung die Varianten dieser Art von Betriebssystem benutzen, zum Beispiel @file{.conf} oder @file{.scm}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31546
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{variants} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{variants} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31548
msgid "List of @code{ganeti-os-variant} objects for this OS."
msgstr "Die Liste der @code{ganeti-os-variant}-Objekte für dieses Betriebssystem."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31087
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31552
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-os-variant"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-os-variant"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31555
msgid "This is the data type for a Ganeti OS variant. It takes the following parameters:"
msgstr "Der Datentyp für eine Variante einer Art von Betriebssystem. Er nimmt die folgenden Parameter:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31559
msgid "The name of this variant."
msgstr "Der Name dieser Variante."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31095
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31560
#, no-wrap
msgid "configuration"
msgstr "configuration"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31562
msgid "A configuration file for this variant."
msgstr "Eine Konfigurationsdatei für diese Variante."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31565
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-debootstrap-hooks"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-debootstrap-hooks"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31567
msgid "This variable contains hooks to configure networking and the GRUB bootloader."
msgstr "Diese Variable enthält Anknüpfungspunkte („Hooks“), um das Netzwerk zu konfigurieren und den GRUB-Bootloader einzurichten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31569
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31571
msgid "This variable contains a list of packages suitable for a fully-virtualized guest."
msgstr "Diese Variable führt eine Liste von Paketen auf, die für ein gänzlich virtualisiertes Gastsystem sinnvoll sind."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31108
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31573
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} debootstrap-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} debootstrap-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31576
msgid "This data type creates configuration files suitable for the debootstrap OS provider."
msgstr "Mit diesem Datentyp werden Konfigurationsdateien erzeugt, die für den debootstrap-Betriebssystemanbieter geeignet sind."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31578
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hooks} (default: @code{%default-debootstrap-hooks})"
msgstr "@code{hooks} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-debootstrap-hooks})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31582
msgid "When not @code{#f}, this must be a G-expression that specifies a directory with scripts that will run when the OS is installed. It can also be a list of @code{(name . file-like)} pairs. For example:"
msgstr "Wenn es nicht auf @code{#f} steht, muss hier ein G-Ausdruck angegeben werden, der ein Verzeichnis mit Scripts (sogenannten „Hooks“, d.h.@: Anknüpfungspunkte) festlegt, welche bei der Installation des Betriebssystems ausgeführt werden. Es kann auch eine Liste von Paaren der Form @code{(Name . dateiartiges-Objekt)} angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31585
#, no-wrap
msgid "`((99-hello-world . ,(plain-file \"#!/bin/sh\\necho Hello, World\")))\n"
msgstr "`((99-hallo-welt . ,(plain-file \"#!/bin/sh\\necho Hallo Welt\")))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31590
msgid "That will create a directory with one executable named @code{99-hello-world} and run it every time this variant is installed. If set to @code{#f}, hooks in @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks} will be used, if any."
msgstr "Damit wird ein Verzeichnis mit einer ausführbaren Datei namens @code{99-hallo-welt} festgelegt, die jedes Mal ausgeführt wird, wenn diese Variante installiert wird. Wird hier @code{#f} angegeben, werden die in @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-debootstrap/hooks} vorgefundenen Anknüpfungspunkte benutzt, falls vorhanden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31590
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{proxy} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{proxy} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31592
msgid "Optional HTTP proxy to use."
msgstr "Optional; welcher HTTP-Proxy genutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31592 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33785
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{mirror} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{mirror} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31595
msgid "The Debian mirror. Typically something like @code{http://ftp.no.debian.org/debian}. The default varies depending on the distribution."
msgstr "Der Spiegelserver für Debian. Üblicherweise wird etwas wie @code{http://ftp.no.debian.org/debian} angegeben. Die Voreinstellung hängt von der Distribution ab."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31595
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{arch} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{arch} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31598
msgid "The dpkg architecture. Set to @code{armhf} to debootstrap an ARMv7 instance on an AArch64 host. Default is to use the current system architecture."
msgstr "Die dpkg-Architektur. Setzen Sie dies z.B.@: auf @code{armhf}, um eine ARMv7-Instanz auf einem AArch64-Wirtssystem @i{via} debootstrap einzurichten. Bei der Vorgabeeinstellung wird die aktuelle Systemarchitektur übernommen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31598
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{suite} (default: @code{\"stable\"})"
msgstr "@code{suite} (Vorgabe: @code{\"stable\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31601
msgid "When set, this must be a Debian distribution ``suite'' such as @code{buster} or @code{focal}. If set to @code{#f}, the default for the OS provider is used."
msgstr "Wenn dieses Feld gesetzt ist, muss dafür eine Debian-Distributions-„Suite“ wie @code{buster} oder @code{focal} angegeben werden. Steht es auf @code{#f}, wird die Voreinstellung für den Betriebssystemanbieter benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31601
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-pkgs} (default: @code{%default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs})"
msgstr "@code{extra-pkgs} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-debootstrap-extra-pkgs})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31604
msgid "List of extra packages that will get installed by dpkg in addition to the minimal system."
msgstr "Liste zusätzlicher Pakete, die durch dpkg zusätzlich zum minimalen System installiert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31604
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{components} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{components} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31607
msgid "When set, must be a list of Debian repository ``components''. For example @code{'(\"main\" \"contrib\")}."
msgstr "Ist dies gesetzt, muss es eine Liste von Bereichen eines Debian-Repositorys sein, etwa @code{'(\"main\" \"contrib\")}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31142
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31607
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{generate-cache?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{generate-cache?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31609
msgid "Whether to automatically cache the generated debootstrap archive."
msgstr "Ob das generierte debootstrap-Archiv automatisch zwischengespeichert werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31609
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{clean-cache} (default: @code{14})"
msgstr "@code{clean-cache} (Vorgabe: @code{14})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31612
msgid "Discard the cache after this amount of days. Use @code{#f} to never clear the cache."
msgstr "Nach wie vielen Tagen der Zwischenspeicher verworfen werden soll. Geben Sie @code{#f} an, damit der Zwischenspeicher niemals bereinigt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31147
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31612
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{partition-style} (default: @code{'msdos})"
msgstr "@code{partition-style} (Vorgabe: @code{'msdos})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31615
msgid "The type of partition to create. When set, it must be one of @code{'msdos}, @code{'none} or a string."
msgstr "Der Partitionstyp der anzulegenden Partition. Wenn er festgelegt ist, muss er entweder @code{'msdos} oder @code{'none} lauten oder eine Zeichenkette angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31615
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{partition-alignment} (default: @code{2048})"
msgstr "@code{partition-alignment} (Vorgabe: @code{2048})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31617
msgid "Alignment of the partition in sectors."
msgstr "Auf wie viele Sektoren die Partition ausgerichtet werden soll."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31620
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} debootstrap-variant @var{name} @var{configuration}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} debootstrap-variant @var{Name} @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31623
msgid "This is a helper procedure that creates a @code{ganeti-os-variant} record. It takes two parameters: a name and a @code{debootstrap-configuration} object."
msgstr "Diese Hilfsprozedur erzeugt ein @code{ganeti-os-variant}-Verbundsobjekt. Sie nimmt zwei Parameter entgegen: einen Namen und ein @code{debootstrap-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31625
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} debootstrap-os @var{variants}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} debootstrap-os @var{Varianten}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31628
msgid "This is a helper procedure that creates a @code{ganeti-os} record. It takes a list of variants created with @code{debootstrap-variant}."
msgstr "Diese Hilfsprozedur erzeugt ein @code{ganeti-os}-Verbundsobjekt. Sie nimmt eine Liste von mit @code{debootstrap-variant} erzeugten Varianten entgegen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31630
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} guix-variant @var{name} @var{configuration}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} guix-variant @var{Name} @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31170
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31635
msgid "This is a helper procedure that creates a @code{ganeti-os-variant} record for use with the Guix OS provider. It takes a name and a G-expression that returns a ``file-like'' (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) object containing a Guix System configuration."
msgstr "Diese Hilfsprozedur erzeugt ein @code{ganeti-os-variant}-Verbundsobjekt, das für den vorgegebenen Guix-Betriebssystemanbieter gedacht ist. Als Parameter anzugeben sind ein Name und ein G-Ausdruck, der ein „dateiartiges“ Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}) mit einer Konfiguration für Guix System liefert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31637
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} guix-os @var{variants}@dots{}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} guix-os @var{Varianten}…"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31640
msgid "This is a helper procedure that creates a @code{ganeti-os} record. It takes a list of variants produced by @code{guix-variant}."
msgstr "Diese Hilfsprozedur erzeugt ein @code{ganeti-os}-Verbundsobjekt. Sie nimmt eine Liste von durch @code{guix-variant} erzeugten Varianten entgegen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31642
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-debootstrap-variants"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-debootstrap-variants"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31181
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31646
msgid "This is a convenience variable to make the debootstrap provider work ``out of the box'' without users having to declare variants manually. It contains a single debootstrap variant with the default configuration:"
msgstr "Zur Erleichterung kann diese Variable benutzt werden, damit der debootstrap-Anbieter sofort funktioniert, ohne dass seine Nutzer Varianten selbst deklarieren müssen. Enthalten ist eine einzige debootstrap-Variante mit der Standardkonfiguration:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31186
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31651
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (debootstrap-variant\n"
@@ -58465,18 +59372,18 @@ msgstr ""
" (debootstrap-configuration)))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31654
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-guix-variants"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-guix-variants"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31658
msgid "This is a convenience variable to make the Guix OS provider work without additional configuration. It creates a virtual machine that has an SSH server, a serial console, and authorizes the Ganeti hosts SSH keys."
msgstr "Zur Erleichterung kann diese Variable benutzt werden, damit der Guix-Betriebssystemanbieter sofort und ohne weitere Konfiguration funktioniert. Damit wird eine virtuelle Maschine mit einem SSH-Server, einer seriellen Konsole und bereits autorisierten Ganeti-Wirts-SSH-Schlüsseln erzeugt."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31664
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (guix-variant\n"
@@ -58490,12 +59397,12 @@ msgstr ""
" \"/share/doc/ganeti-instance-guix/examples/dynamic.scm\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31670
msgid "Users can implement support for OS providers unbeknownst to Guix by extending the @code{ganeti-os} and @code{ganeti-os-variant} records appropriately. For example:"
msgstr "Benutzer können die Unterstützung für Guix @emph{nicht} bekannte Betriebssystemanbieter implementieren, indem sie entsprechende Erweiterungen für die @code{ganeti-os}- und @code{ganeti-os-variant}-Verbundstypen implementieren. Ein Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31679
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -58515,726 +59422,726 @@ msgstr ""
" (configuration (plain-file \"bar\" \"das genügt\"))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31684
msgid "That creates @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-custom/variants/foo.conf} which points to a file in the store with contents @code{this is fine}. It also creates @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-custom/variants/variants.list} with contents @code{foo}."
msgstr "Damit wird @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-eigenes-os/variants/foo.conf} erzeugt, das auf eine Datei im Store mit dem Inhalt @code{das genügt} verweist. Außerdem wird @file{/etc/ganeti/instance-eigenes-os/variants/variants.list} mit dem Inhalt @code{foo} erzeugt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31687
msgid "Obviously this may not work for all OS providers out there. If you find the interface limiting, please reach out to @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}."
msgstr "Natürlich kann man Betriebssystemanbieter finden, für die das nicht ausreicht. Wenn Sie sich durch die Schnittstelle in Ihren Möglichkeiten eingeschränkt fühlen, schreiben Sie bitte an @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31690
msgid "The rest of this section documents the various services that are included by @code{ganeti-service-type}."
msgstr "Der übrige Teil dieses Abschnitts beschreibt die verschiedenen Dienste, aus denen sich der @code{ganeti-service-type} zusammensetzt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31691
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-noded-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-noded-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31695
msgid "@command{ganeti-noded} is the daemon responsible for node-specific functions within the Ganeti system. The value of this service must be a @code{ganeti-noded-configuration} object."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-noded} ist der Daemon, der für knotenbezogene Funktionen des Ganeti-Systems da ist. Sein Wert muss ein @code{ganeti-noded-configuration}-Objekt sein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31697
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-noded-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-noded-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31699
msgid "This is the configuration for the @code{ganeti-noded} service."
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration des @code{ganeti-noded}-Dienstes für Ganetis Knoten-Daemon."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31238 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31288
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31318 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31345
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31377 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31430
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31450 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31476
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31703 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31783 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31842 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31915 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31974
msgid "The @code{ganeti} package to use for this service."
msgstr "Das @code{ganeti}-Paket, was für diesen Dienst benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31704
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{1811})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8081})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31241
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31706
msgid "The TCP port on which the node daemon listens for network requests."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem der Knoten-Daemon (@code{noded}) auf Netzwerkanfragen lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31242 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31292
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31384 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31707 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31849 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31919
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{address} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{address} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31710
msgid "The network address that the daemon will bind to. The default address means bind to all available addresses."
msgstr "An welche Netzwerkadresse sich der Daemon binden wird. Die Vorgabeeinstellung bedeutet, sich an alle verfügbaren Adressen zu binden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31714
msgid "When this is set, it must be a specific network interface (e.g.@: @code{eth0}) that the daemon will bind to."
msgstr "Wenn dieses Feld gesetzt ist, muss es eine bestimmte Netzwerkschnittstelle angeben (z.B.@: @code{eth0}), an die sich der Daemon binden wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31250 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31715 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31857
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-clients} (default: @code{20})"
msgstr "@code{max-clients} (Vorgabe: @code{20})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31719
msgid "This sets a limit on the maximum number of simultaneous client connections that the daemon will handle. Connections above this count are accepted, but no responses will be sent until enough connections have closed."
msgstr "Legt eine Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Client-Verbindungen fest, um die sich der Daemon kümmert. Darüber hinaus werden Verbindungen zwar akzeptiert, aber erst beantwortet, wenn genügend viele Verbindungen wieder geschlossen wurden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31255 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31720 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31862
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{ssl?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31724
msgid "Whether to use SSL/TLS to encrypt network communications. The certificate is automatically provisioned by the cluster and can be rotated with @command{gnt-cluster renew-crypto}."
msgstr "Ob SSL/TLS benutzt werden soll, um Netzwerkkommunikation zu verschlüsseln. Das Zertifikat wird automatisch vom Cluster eingespielt und kann über @command{gnt-cluster renew-crypto} rotiert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31260 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31400
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31725 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31865
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-key} (default: @file{\"/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem\"})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-key} (Vorgabe: @file{\"/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31262 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31727 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31867
msgid "This can be used to provide a specific encryption key for TLS communications."
msgstr "Hiermit kann ein bestimmter Schlüssel für mit TLS verschlüsselte Kommunikation festgelegt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31263 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31403
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31728 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31868
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ssl-cert} (default: @file{\"/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem\"})"
msgstr "@code{ssl-cert} (Vorgabe: @file{\"/var/lib/ganeti/server.pem\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31265 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31730 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31870
msgid "This can be used to provide a specific certificate for TLS communications."
msgstr "Hiermit kann ein bestimmtes Zertifikat für mit TLS verschlüsselte Kommunikation festgelegt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31269 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31734 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31874
msgid "When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes. Note that this will leak encryption details to the log files, use with caution."
msgstr "Steht dies auf wahr, führt der Daemon zum Zweck der Fehlersuche ausführlichere Protokolle. Beachten Sie, dass dadurch Details der Verschlüsselung in die Protokolldateien fließen können. Seien Sie vorsichtig!"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31738
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-confd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-confd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31744
msgid "@command{ganeti-confd} answers queries related to the configuration of a Ganeti cluster. The purpose of this daemon is to have a highly available and fast way to query cluster configuration values. It is automatically active on all @dfn{master candidates}. The value of this service must be a @code{ganeti-confd-configuration} object."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-confd} beantwortet Anfragen, die mit der Konfiguration eines Ganeti-Clusters zu tun haben. Der Zweck dieses Daemons ist, eine hochverfügbare und schnelle Methode zum Anfragen von Cluster-Konfigurationswerten zu bieten. Er wird automatisch auf allen Kandidaten für die Rolle des „Master“-Knotens aktiviert. Der Wert dieses Dienstes muss ein @code{ganeti-confd-configuration}-Objekt sein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31282
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31747
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-confd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-confd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31749
msgid "This is the configuration for the @code{ganeti-confd} service."
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration des @code{ganeti-confd}-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31754
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{1814})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8081})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31756
msgid "The UDP port on which to listen for network requests."
msgstr "Der UDP-Port, auf dem auf Netzwerkanfragen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31759
msgid "Network address that the daemon will bind to."
msgstr "An welche Netzwerkadresse sich der Daemon binden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31326
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31353 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31433
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31460 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31762 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31791
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31818 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31925 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31951
msgid "When true, the daemon performs additional logging for debugging purposes."
msgstr "Steht es auf wahr, wird der Daemon zum Zweck der Fehlersuche ausführlicher protokollieren."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31766
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-wconfd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-wconfd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31772
msgid "@command{ganeti-wconfd} is the daemon that has authoritative knowledge about the cluster configuration and is the only entity that can accept changes to it. All jobs that need to modify the configuration will do so by sending appropriate requests to this daemon. It only runs on the @dfn{master node} and will automatically disable itself on other nodes."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-wconfd} ist der Daemon, der mit autoritativem Wissen über die Cluster-Konfiguration ausgestattet ist, und die einzige Entität, die Änderungen daran akzeptieren kann. Alle Aufträge, die die Konfiguration ändern müssen, tun dies, indem sie entsprechende Anfragen an den Daemon stellen. Er läuft nur auf dem „Master“-Knoten und deaktiviert sich auf allen anderen Knoten automatisch."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31775
msgid "The value of this service must be a @code{ganeti-wconfd-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Wert dieses Dienstes muss ein @code{ganeti-wconfd-configuration}-Objekt sein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31312
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31777
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-wconfd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-wconfd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31779
msgid "This is the configuration for the @code{ganeti-wconfd} service."
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration des @code{ganeti-wconfd}-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31319 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31784 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31811
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{no-voting?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{no-voting?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31788
msgid "The daemon will refuse to start if the majority of cluster nodes does not agree that it is running on the master node. Set to @code{#t} to start even if a quorum can not be reached (dangerous, use with caution)."
msgstr "Der Daemon wird das Starten verweigern, sofern die Mehrheit der Knoten @emph{nicht} anerkennt, dass er auf dem Master-Knoten läuft. Setzen Sie dies auf @code{#t}, um ihn selbst dann zu starten, wenn sich keine Mehrheit dafür findet (das ist gefährlich; hoffentlich wissen Sie, was Sie tun)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31795
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-luxid-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-luxid-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31335
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31800
msgid "@command{ganeti-luxid} is a daemon used to answer queries related to the configuration and the current live state of a Ganeti cluster. Additionally, it is the authoritative daemon for the Ganeti job queue. Jobs can be submitted via this daemon and it schedules and starts them."
msgstr "Der Daemon @command{ganeti-luxid} ist dazu da, Anfragen zur Konfiguration und zum aktuellen Zustand des laufenden Ganeti-Clusters zu beantworten. Des Weiteren ist es der autoritative Daemon für Ganetis Auftragsliste. Aufträge können über diesen Daemon eingereicht werden und werden von ihm geplant und gestartet."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31802
msgid "It takes a @code{ganeti-luxid-configuration} object."
msgstr "Er nimmt ein @code{ganeti-luxid-configuration}-Objekt entgegen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31804
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-luxid-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-luxid-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31806
msgid "This is the configuration for the @code{ganeti-luxid} service."
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration des @code{ganeti-luxid}-Dienstes."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31815
msgid "The daemon will refuse to start if it cannot verify that the majority of cluster nodes believes that it is running on the master node. Set to @code{#t} to ignore such checks and start anyway (this can be dangerous)."
msgstr "Der Daemon verweigert das Starten, wenn er sich nicht sicher sein kann, dass die Mehrheit der Cluster-Knoten überzeugt ist, dass er auf dem Master-Knoten läuft. Setzen Sie dies auf @code{#t}, um solche Hinweise zu ignorieren (das kann gefährlich sein!)."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31822
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-rapi-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-rapi-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31826
msgid "@command{ganeti-rapi} provides a remote API for Ganeti clusters. It runs on the master node and can be used to perform cluster actions programmatically via a JSON-based RPC protocol."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-rapi} bietet eine Schnittstelle für entfernte Aufrufe (englisch @dfn{Remote API}) für Ganeti-Cluster. Sie läuft auf dem Master-Knoten und mit ihr können Aktionen auf dem Cluster programmatisch mittels eines JSON-basierten Protokolls für entfernte Prozeduraufrufe durchgeführt werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31832
msgid "Most query operations are allowed without authentication (unless @var{require-authentication?} is set), whereas write operations require explicit authorization via the @file{/var/lib/ganeti/rapi/users} file. See the @url{http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/master/html/rapi.html, Ganeti Remote API documentation} for more information."
msgstr "Die meisten Anfrageoperationen werden ohne Authentisierung zugelassen (außer wenn @var{require-authentication?} gesetzt ist), wohingegen Schreibzugriffe einer ausdrücklichen Authentisierung durch die Datei @file{/var/lib/ganeti/rapi/users} bedürfen. Siehe die @url{http://docs.ganeti.org/ganeti/master/html/rapi.html, Dokumentation der Ganeti Remote API} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31834
msgid "The value of this service must be a @code{ganeti-rapi-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Wert dieses Dienstes muss ein @code{ganeti-rapi-configuration}-Objekt sein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31836
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-rapi-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-rapi-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31838
msgid "This is the configuration for the @code{ganeti-rapi} service."
msgstr "Dies ist die Konfiguration des @code{ganeti-rapi}-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31843
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{require-authentication?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{require-authentication?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31845
msgid "Whether to require authentication even for read-only operations."
msgstr "Ob selbst für Nur-Lese-Operationen eine Authentisierung verlangt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31846
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{5080})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{5080})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31383
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31848
msgid "The TCP port on which to listen to API requests."
msgstr "Der TCP-Port, auf dem auf API-Anfragen gelauscht werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31852
msgid "The network address that the service will bind to. By default it listens on all configured addresses."
msgstr "An welche Netzwerkadresse sich der Dienst binden soll. Nach Vorgabe wird auf allen konfigurierten Adressen gelauscht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31391
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31856
msgid "When set, it must specify a specific network interface such as @code{eth0} that the daemon will bind to."
msgstr "Wenn dies gesetzt ist, muss es eine bestimmte Netzwerkschnittstelle angeben wie z.B.@: @code{eth0}, an die sich der Daemon binden wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31396
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31861
msgid "The maximum number of simultaneous client requests to handle. Further connections are allowed, but no responses are sent until enough connections have closed."
msgstr "Die Maximalzahl gleichzeitiger Verbindungen, um die sich der Dienst kümmern darf. Weitere Verbindungen sind möglich, über sie wird aber erst dann geantwortet, wenn genügend viele Verbindungen wieder geschlossen wurden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31864
msgid "Whether to use SSL/TLS encryption on the RAPI port."
msgstr "Ob SSL-/TLS-Verschlüsselung auf dem RAPI-Port eingesetzt werden soll."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31413
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31878
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-kvmd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-kvmd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31886
msgid "@command{ganeti-kvmd} is responsible for determining whether a given KVM instance was shut down by an administrator or a user. Normally Ganeti will restart an instance that was not stopped through Ganeti itself. If the cluster option @code{user_shutdown} is true, this daemon monitors the @code{QMP} socket provided by QEMU and listens for shutdown events, and marks the instance as @dfn{USER_down} instead of @dfn{ERROR_down} when it shuts down gracefully by itself."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-kvmd} ist dafür verantwortlich, festzustellen, wenn eine gegebene KVM-Instanz durch einen Administrator oder Nutzer geschlossen wurde. Normalerweise wird Ganeti Instanzen neu starten, die nicht über ihn selbst gestoppt wurden. Wenn die Cluster-Option @code{user_shutdown} wahr ist, beobachtet der Daemon den durch QEMU bereitgestellten @code{QMP}-Socket und lauscht auf Abschalteereignisse. Solche Instanzen werden von ihm als durch den Benutzer heruntergefahren (@dfn{USER_down}) markiert statt als durch Fehler beendet (@dfn{ERROR_down}), wenn sie von selbst ordnungsgemäß heruntergefahren sind."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31888
msgid "It takes a @code{ganeti-kvmd-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Dienst benutzt ein @code{ganeti-kvmd-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31425
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31890
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-kvmd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-kvmd-configuration"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31902
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-mond-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-mond-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31906
msgid "@command{ganeti-mond} is an optional daemon that provides Ganeti monitoring functionality. It is responsible for running data collectors and publish the collected information through a HTTP interface."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-mond} ist ein optionaler Daemon, mit dem Ganetis Überwachungsfunktionalität gewährleistet wird. Er ist dafür verantwortlich, Datensammler auszuführen und die gesammelten Informationen über eine HTTP-Schnittstelle bereitzustellen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31908
msgid "It takes a @code{ganeti-mond-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Dienst benutzt ein @code{ganeti-mond-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31910
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-mond-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-mond-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31451
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31916
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{1815})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{1815})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31453 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31918 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31944
msgid "The port on which the daemon will listen."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem der Daemon lauschen wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31922
msgid "The network address that the daemon will bind to. By default it binds to all available interfaces."
msgstr "Die Netzwerkadresse, an die sich der Daemon binden soll, nach Vorgabe an alle verfügbaren."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31464
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31929
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-metad-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-metad-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31932
msgid "@command{ganeti-metad} is an optional daemon that can be used to provide information about the cluster to instances or OS install scripts."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-metad} ist ein optionaler Daemon, der benutzt werden kann, um Informationen über den Cluster an Instanzen oder an Betriebssysteminstallationsskripte weiterzugeben."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31934
msgid "It takes a @code{ganeti-metad-configuration} object."
msgstr "Dazu nimmt er ein @code{ganeti-metad-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31936
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-metad-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-metad-configuration"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31948
msgid "If set, the daemon will bind to this address only. If left unset, the behavior depends on the cluster configuration."
msgstr "Wenn es gesetzt ist, wird sich der Daemon nur an diese Adresse binden. Ist es @emph{nicht} gesetzt, hängt das Verhalten von der Cluster-Konfiguration ab."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31955
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-watcher-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-watcher-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31963
msgid "@command{ganeti-watcher} is a script designed to run periodically and ensure the health of a cluster. It will automatically restart instances that have stopped without Ganeti's consent, and repairs DRBD links in case a node has rebooted. It also archives old cluster jobs and restarts Ganeti daemons that are not running. If the cluster parameter @code{ensure_node_health} is set, the watcher will also shutdown instances and DRBD devices if the node it is running on is declared offline by known master candidates."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-watcher} ist ein Skript, das dafür gedacht ist, regelmäßig ausgeführt zu werden und die Verfügbarkeit des Clusters sicherzustellen. Instanzen, die ohne Ganetis Zustimmung abgebrochen sind, werden durch es automatisch neu gestartet und DRBD-Verbindungen werden repariert, wenn ein Knoten neu gestartet wurde. Außerdem werden alte Cluster-Aufträge archiviert und nicht laufende Ganeti-Daemons erneut gestartet. Wenn der Cluster-Parameter @code{ensure_node_health} gesetzt ist, wird der Watcher auch Instanzen und DRBD-Geräte herunterfahren, wenn der Knoten zwar läuft, aber von bekannten Kandidaten auf die Rolle des Master-Knotens als offline deklariert wurde."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31965
msgid "It can be paused on all nodes with @command{gnt-cluster watcher pause}."
msgstr "Er kann mit @command{gnt-cluster watcher pause} auf allen Knoten pausiert werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31967
msgid "The service takes a @code{ganeti-watcher-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Dienst benutzt ein @code{ganeti-watcher-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31504
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31969
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-watcher-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-watcher-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31510
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31975
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{schedule} (default: @code{'(next-second-from (next-minute (range 0 60 5)))})"
msgstr "@code{schedule} (Vorgabe: @code{'(next-second-from (next-minute (range 0 60 5)))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31977
msgid "How often to run the script. The default is every five minutes."
msgstr "Wie oft das Skript ausgeführt werden soll. Nach Vorgabe läuft es alle fünf Minuten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31978
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rapi-ip} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{rapi-ip} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31981
msgid "This option needs to be specified only if the RAPI daemon is configured to use a particular interface or address. By default the cluster address is used."
msgstr "Diese Option muss nur dann angegeben werden, wenn der RAPI-Daemon so konfiguriert wurde, dass er eine bestimmte Schnittstelle oder Adresse verwenden soll. Nach Vorgabe wird die Adresse des Clusters verwendet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31982
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{job-age} (default: @code{(* 6 3600)})"
msgstr "@code{job-age} (Vorgabe: @code{(* 6 3600)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31985
msgid "Archive cluster jobs older than this age, specified in seconds. The default is 6 hours. This keeps @command{gnt-job list} manageable."
msgstr "Cluster-Aufträge archivieren, die älter als diese Anzahl Sekunden sind. Die Vorgabe beträgt 6@tie{}Stunden. Dadurch wird gewährleistet, dass man @command{gnt-job list} noch sinnvoll bedienen kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31521
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31986
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{verify-disks?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{verify-disks?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31525
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31990
msgid "If this is @code{#f}, the watcher will not try to repair broken DRBD links automatically. Administrators will need to use @command{gnt-cluster verify-disks} manually instead."
msgstr "Steht dies auf @code{#f}, wird der Watcher @emph{nicht} versuchen, fehlgeschlagene DRBD-Verbindungen automatisch zu reparieren. Administratoren müssen stattdessen @command{gnt-cluster verify-disks} manuell aufrufen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31993
msgid "When @code{#t}, the script performs additional logging for debugging purposes."
msgstr "Steht dies auf @code{#t}, so führt das Skript zum Zweck der Fehlersuche ausführlichere Protokolle."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31997
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} ganeti-cleaner-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ganeti-cleaner-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32005
msgid "@command{ganeti-cleaner} is a script designed to run periodically and remove old files from the cluster. This service type controls two @dfn{cron jobs}: one intended for the master node that permanently purges old cluster jobs, and one intended for every node that removes expired X509 certificates, keys, and outdated @command{ganeti-watcher} information. Like all Ganeti services, it is safe to include even on non-master nodes as it will disable itself as necessary."
msgstr "@command{ganeti-cleaner} ist ein Skript, das regelmaßig ausgeführt werden soll, um alte Dateien vom Cluster zu entfernen. Dieser Diensttyp steuert zwei @dfn{cron-Aufträge} (@dfn{cron jobs}): einer, um alte Cluster-Aufträge auf dem Master-Knoten andauernd zu löschen, und einer, der auf allen Knoten ausgelaufene X509-Zertifikate, -Schlüssel sowie veraltete Informationen des @command{ganeti-watcher} entfernt. Wie alle Ganeti-Dienste kann man ihn ohne Probleme auch auf Nicht-Master-Knoten in die Konfiguration mit aufnehmen, denn er deaktiviert sich selbst, wenn er nicht gebraucht wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32007
msgid "It takes a @code{ganeti-cleaner-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Dienst benutzt ein @code{ganeti-cleaner-configuration}-Objekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31544
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32009
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} ganeti-cleaner-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} ganeti-cleaner-configuration"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32014
msgid "The @code{ganeti} package to use for the @command{gnt-cleaner} command."
msgstr "Welches @code{ganeti}-Paket für den Befehl @command{gnt-cleaner} benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32015
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{master-schedule} (default: @code{\"45 1 * * *\"})"
msgstr "@code{master-schedule} (Vorgabe: @code{\"45 1 * * *\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32018
msgid "How often to run the master cleaning job. The default is once per day, at 01:45:00."
msgstr "Wie oft der Bereinigungsauftrag für den Master durchgeführt werden soll. Vorgegeben ist einmal täglich um 01:45:00 Uhr."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32019
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{node-schedule} (default: @code{\"45 2 * * *\"})"
msgstr "@code{node-schedule} (Vorgabe: @code{\"45 2 * * *\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32022
msgid "How often to run the node cleaning job. The default is once per day, at 02:45:00."
msgstr "Wie oft der Bereinigungsauftrag für Knoten durchgeführt werden soll. Vorgegeben ist einmal täglich um 02:45:00 Uhr."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32036
msgid "The @code{(gnu services version-control)} module provides a service to allow remote access to local Git repositories. There are three options: the @code{git-daemon-service}, which provides access to repositories via the @code{git://} unsecured TCP-based protocol, extending the @code{nginx} web server to proxy some requests to @code{git-http-backend}, or providing a web interface with @code{cgit-service-type}."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services version-control)} stellt einen Dienst zur Verfügung, der einen Fernzugriff auf lokale Git-Repositorys ermöglicht. Dafür gibt es drei Möglichkeiten: den @code{git-daemon-service}, der Zugang zu Repositorys über das ungesicherte, TCP-basierte @code{git://}-Protokoll gewährt, das Erweitern des @code{nginx}-Webservers, um ihn als Proxy für Anfragen an das @code{git-http-backend} einzusetzen, oder mit dem @code{cgit-service-type} eine Weboberfläche zur Verfügung zu stellen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31572
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32037
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} git-daemon-service [#:config (git-daemon-configuration)]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} git-daemon-service [#:config (git-daemon-configuration)]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31576
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32041
msgid "Return a service that runs @command{git daemon}, a simple TCP server to expose repositories over the Git protocol for anonymous access."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der @command{git daemon} ausführt. Der Befehl startet den Git-Daemon, einen einfachen TCP-Server, um Repositorys über das Git-Protokoll für anonymen Zugriff zugänglich zu machen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32047
msgid "The optional @var{config} argument should be a @code{<git-daemon-configuration>} object, by default it allows read-only access to exported@footnote{By creating the magic file @file{git-daemon-export-ok} in the repository directory.} repositories under @file{/srv/git}."
msgstr "Das optionale Argument @var{config} sollte ein @code{<git-daemon-configuration>}-Objekt sein. Nach Vorgabe wird Lese-Zugriff auf exportierte@footnote{Das geschieht, indem die magische Datei @file{git-daemon-export-ok} im Repository erzeugt wird.} Repositorys in @file{/srv/git} gewährt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32050
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} git-daemon-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} git-daemon-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32052
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{git-daemon-service}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration für @code{git-daemon-service} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32054
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{git})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{git})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31591 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32056 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32116
msgid "Package object of the Git distributed version control system."
msgstr "Paketobjekt des verteilten Versionskontrollsystems Git."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31592 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32057 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32120
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{export-all?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{export-all?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31595
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32060
msgid "Whether to allow access for all Git repositories, even if they do not have the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file."
msgstr "Ob Zugriff auf alle Git-Repositorys gewährt werden soll, selbst wenn keine @file{git-daemon-export-ok}-Datei in ihrem Verzeichnis gefunden wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32061
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{base-path} (default: @file{/srv/git})"
msgstr "@code{base-path} (Vorgabe: @file{/srv/git})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32067
msgid "Whether to remap all the path requests as relative to the given path. If you run @command{git daemon} with @code{(base-path \"/srv/git\")} on @samp{example.com}, then if you later try to pull @indicateurl{git://example.com/hello.git}, git daemon will interpret the path as @file{/srv/git/hello.git}."
msgstr "Ob alle Pfadanfragen behandelt werden sollen, als wären sie relativ zum angegebenen Pfad. Wenn Sie @command{git daemon} mit @code{(base-path \"/srv/git\")} auf @samp{example.com} ausführen und später versuchen, @indicateurl{git://example.com/hello.git} zu pullen, wird der Git-Daemon den Pfad als @file{/srv/git/hello.git} interpretieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32068
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user-path} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{user-path} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32076
msgid "Whether to allow @code{~user} notation to be used in requests. When specified with empty string, requests to @indicateurl{git://host/~alice/foo} is taken as a request to access @code{foo} repository in the home directory of user @code{alice}. If @code{(user-path \"@var{path}\")} is specified, the same request is taken as a request to access @file{@var{path}/foo} repository in the home directory of user @code{alice}."
msgstr "Ob die @code{~benutzerkonto}-Notation in Anfragen verwendet werden darf. Wird hier die leere Zeichenkette angegeben, werden Anfragen an @indicateurl{git://host/~alice/foo} als Anfragen verstanden, auf das @code{foo}-Repository im Persönlichen Verzeichnis des @code{alice}-Benutzerkontos verstanden. Wird @code{(user-path \"pfad\")} angegeben, wird dieselbe Anfrage als eine Anfrage verstanden, auf das @file{@var{pfad}/foo}-Repository im Persönlichen Verzeichnis des @code{alice}-Benutzerkontos zuzugreifen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32077
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{listen} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{listen} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32080
msgid "Whether to listen on specific IP addresses or hostnames, defaults to all."
msgstr "Ob auf bestimmte IP-Adressen oder Rechnernamen („Hostnames“) gelauscht werden soll. Vorgegeben ist auf allen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32081
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32083
msgid "Whether to listen on an alternative port, which defaults to 9418."
msgstr "Ob auf einer alternativen Portnummer gelauscht werden soll. Vorgegeben ist 9418."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32084
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{whitelist} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{whitelist} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31621
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32086
msgid "If not empty, only allow access to this list of directories."
msgstr "Wenn dies nicht leer gelassen wird, wird nur der Zugriff auf die aufgelisteten Verzeichnisse gewährt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32090
msgid "Extra options will be passed to @command{git daemon}, please run @command{man git-daemon} for more information."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen, die dem @command{git daemon} mitgegeben werden sollen. Bitte führen Sie @command{man git-daemon} aus, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32104
msgid "The @code{git://} protocol lacks authentication. When you pull from a repository fetched via @code{git://}, you don't know whether the data you receive was modified or is even coming from the specified host, and your connection is subject to eavesdropping. It's better to use an authenticated and encrypted transport, such as @code{https}. Although Git allows you to serve repositories using unsophisticated file-based web servers, there is a faster protocol implemented by the @code{git-http-backend} program. This program is the back-end of a proper Git web service. It is designed to sit behind a FastCGI proxy. @xref{Web Services}, for more on running the necessary @code{fcgiwrap} daemon."
msgstr "Zugriffe über das @code{git://}-Protokoll werden nicht authentifiziert. Wenn Sie von einem Repository pullen, dass Sie über @code{git://} geholt haben, wissen Sie nicht, ob die empfangenen Daten modifiziert wurden oder auch nur vom angegebenen Rechner kommen, und Ihre Verbindung kann abgehört werden. Es ist besser, eine authentifizierte und verschlüsselte Übertragungsart zu verwenden, zum Beispiel @code{https}. Obwohl Git es Ihnen ermöglicht, Repositorys über schlichte dateibasierte Webserver anzubieten, gibt es ein schnelleres Protokoll, das vom @code{git-http-backend}-Programm implementiert wird. Dieses Programm dient als Hintergrundsystem für einen ordentlichen Git-Webdienst. Es wurde so konstruiert, dass es über einen FastCGI-Proxy abrufbar ist. Siehe @ref{Web Services} für weitere Informationen, wie Sie den benötigten @code{fcgiwrap}-Daemon ausführen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31642
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32107
msgid "Guix has a separate configuration data type for serving Git repositories over HTTP."
msgstr "Guix hat einen separaten Konfigurationsdatentyp, um Git-Repositorys über HTTP anzubieten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32108
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} git-http-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} git-http-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32112
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for a future @code{git-http-service-type}; can currently be used to configure Nginx through @code{git-http-nginx-location-configuration}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der in Zukunft die Konfiguration eines @code{git-http-service-type} repräsentieren soll; zurzeit kann damit Nginx über @code{git-http-nginx-location-configuration} eingerichtet werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31649
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32114
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{git})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{git})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32117
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{git-root} (default: @file{/srv/git})"
msgstr "@code{git-root} (Vorgabe: @file{/srv/git})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31654
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32119
msgid "Directory containing the Git repositories to expose to the world."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, das die Git-Repositorys enthält, die der Allgemeinheit zugänglich gemacht werden sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32123
msgid "Whether to expose access for all Git repositories in @var{git-root}, even if they do not have the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file."
msgstr "Ob alle Git-Repositorys in @var{git-root} zugänglich gemacht werden sollen, selbst wenn keine @file{git-daemon-export-ok}-Datei in ihrem Verzeichnis gefunden wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32124
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{uri-path} (default: @samp{/git/})"
msgstr "@code{uri-path} (Vorgabe: @samp{/git/})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32129
msgid "Path prefix for Git access. With the default @samp{/git/} prefix, this will map @indicateurl{http://@var{server}/git/@var{repo}.git} to @file{/srv/git/@var{repo}.git}. Requests whose URI paths do not begin with this prefix are not passed on to this Git instance."
msgstr "Präfix für Pfade beim Git-Zugriff. Beim vorgegebenen Präfix @samp{/git/} wird @indicateurl{http://@var{server}/git/@var{repo}.git} auf @file{/srv/git/@var{repo}.git} abgebildet. Anfragen, deren URI-Pfade nicht mit dem Präfix beginnen, werden nicht an die Git-Instanz weitergereicht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32130
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{fcgiwrap-socket} (default: @code{})"
msgstr "@code{fcgiwrap-socket} (Vorgabe: @code{})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32133
msgid "The socket on which the @code{fcgiwrap} daemon is listening. @xref{Web Services}."
msgstr "Der Socket, auf dem der @code{fcgiwrap}-Daemon lauscht. Siehe @ref{Web Services}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32140
msgid "There is no @code{git-http-service-type}, currently; instead you can create an @code{nginx-location-configuration} from a @code{git-http-configuration} and then add that location to a web server."
msgstr "Es gibt zurzeit keinen @code{git-http-service-type}, stattdessen können Sie eine @code{nginx-location-configuration} aus einer @code{git-http-configuration} heraus erstellen und als Location zu einem Webserver hinzufügen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32141
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} git-http-nginx-location-configuration @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} git-http-nginx-location-configuration @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32146
msgid "[config=(git-http-configuration)] Compute an @code{nginx-location-configuration} that corresponds to the given Git http configuration. An example nginx service definition to serve the default @file{/srv/git} over HTTPS might be:"
msgstr "[config=(git-http-configuration)] Eine @code{nginx-location-configuration} berechnen, die der angegebenen Git-HTTP-Konfiguration entspricht. Ein Beispiel für eine nginx-Dienstdefinition, um das vorgegebene @file{/srv/git}-Verzeichnis über HTTPS anzubieten, könnte so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32163
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service nginx-service-type\n"
@@ -59270,1414 +60177,1419 @@ msgstr ""
" (git-http-configuration (uri-path \"/\"))))))))))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32170
msgid "This example assumes that you are using Let's Encrypt to get your TLS certificate. @xref{Certificate Services}. The default @code{certbot} service will redirect all HTTP traffic on @code{git.my-host.org} to HTTPS@. You will also need to add an @code{fcgiwrap} proxy to your system services. @xref{Web Services}."
msgstr "Für dieses Beispiel nehmen wir an, dass Sie Ihr TLS-Zertifikat über Let’s Encrypt beziehen. Siehe @ref{Certificate Services}. Der vorgegebene @code{certbot}-Dienst leitet alle HTTP-Anfragen nach @code{git.mein-rechner.org} auf HTTPS um. Zu Ihren Systemdiensten werden Sie auch einen @code{fcgiwrap}-Proxy hinzufügen müssen. Siehe @ref{Web Services}."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32172
#, no-wrap
msgid "Cgit Service"
msgstr "Cgit-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32174
#, no-wrap
msgid "Cgit service"
msgstr "Cgit-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32175
#, no-wrap
msgid "Git, web interface"
msgstr "Git, Weboberfläche"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32178
msgid "@uref{https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/, Cgit} is a web frontend for Git repositories written in C."
msgstr "@uref{https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/, Cgit} ist eine in C geschriebene Weboberfläche als Vordergrundsystem für Git-Repositorys."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32181
msgid "The following example will configure the service with default values. By default, Cgit can be accessed on port 80 (@code{http://localhost:80})."
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird der Dienst mit den vorgegebenen Werten eingerichtet. Nach Vorgabe kann auf Cgit auf Port 80 unter @code{http://localhost:80} zugegriffen werden."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32184
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service cgit-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service cgit-service-type)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32188
msgid "The @code{file-object} type designates either a file-like object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) or a string."
msgstr "Der Typ @code{Dateiobjekt} bezeichnet entweder ein dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}) oder eine Zeichenkette."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32192
msgid "Available @code{cgit-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{cgit-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32193
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} package package"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ package"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32195
msgid "The CGIT package."
msgstr "Das CGIT-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31733
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32198
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} nginx-server-configuration-list nginx"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} „nginx-server-configuration-list“ nginx"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32200
+msgid "NGINX configuration."
+msgstr "NGINX-Konfiguration."
+#. type: deftypevr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32203
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object about-filter"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt about-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31741
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32206
msgid "Specifies a command which will be invoked to format the content of about pages (both top-level and for each repository)."
msgstr "Gibt einen Befehl an, der zur Formatierung des Inhalts der Übersichtsseiten aufgerufen wird (sowohl auf oberster Ebene und für jedes Repository)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32211
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string agefile"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette agefile"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32214
msgid "Specifies a path, relative to each repository path, which can be used to specify the date and time of the youngest commit in the repository."
msgstr "Gibt einen Pfad relativ zu jedem Repository-Pfad an, unter dem eine Datei gespeichert sein kann, die Datum und Uhrzeit des jüngsten Commits im Repository angibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32219
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object auth-filter"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt auth-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32222
msgid "Specifies a command that will be invoked for authenticating repository access."
msgstr "Gibt einen Befehl an, der aufgerufen wird, um Benutzer zu authentifizieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32227
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string branch-sort"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette branch-sort"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32230
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{age}, enables date ordering in the branch ref list, and when set @samp{name} enables ordering by branch name."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{age} gesetzt wurde, wird die Liste der Branch-Referenzen nach Datum sortiert, und wenn sie auf @samp{name} gesetzt wurde, wird nach dem Branch-Namen sortiert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31767
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32232
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"name\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"name\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32235
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string cache-root"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette cache-root"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32237
msgid "Path used to store the cgit cache entries."
msgstr "Pfad, unter dem Cgit-Zwischenspeichereinträge abgelegt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31774
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32239
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/cache/cgit\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/cache/cgit\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31777
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32242
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-static-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-static-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32245
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of repository pages accessed with a fixed SHA1."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherungen für Repository-Seiten mit fester SHA1-Summe gültig bleiben, auf die zugegriffen wird („Time-to-live“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31782 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32247 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32690
msgid "Defaults to @samp{-1}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{-1}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32250
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-dynamic-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-dynamic-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31788
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32253
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of repository pages accessed without a fixed SHA1."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherungen für Repository-Seiten mit veränderlicher SHA1-Summe gültig bleiben, auf die zugegriffen wird.<"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32258
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-repo-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-repo-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32261
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of the repository summary page."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherungen für die Übersichtsseiten („summary“) von Repositorys gültig bleiben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31801
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32266
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-root-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-root-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32269
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of the repository index page."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherung der Seite mit dem Repository-Index gültig bleibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31809
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32274
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-scanrc-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-scanrc-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31812
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32277
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the result of scanning a path for Git repositories."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherung des Ergebnisses einer Suche in einem Pfad nach Git-Repositorys gültig bleibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32282
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-about-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-about-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32285
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of the repository about page."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherungen für die Beschreibungsseiten („about“) von Repositorys gültig bleiben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32290
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-snapshot-ttl"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-snapshot-ttl"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32293
msgid "Number which specifies the time-to-live, in minutes, for the cached version of snapshots."
msgstr "Zahl, die angibt, wie viele Minuten die Zwischenspeicherungen für die Snapshots von Repositorys gültig bleiben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32298
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer cache-size"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl cache-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32301
msgid "The maximum number of entries in the cgit cache. When set to @samp{0}, caching is disabled."
msgstr "Wie viele Einträge der Cgit-Zwischenspeicher höchstens haben kann. Wird @samp{0} festgelegt, wird @emph{nicht} zwischengespeichert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32306
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean case-sensitive-sort?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck case-sensitive-sort?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32308
msgid "Sort items in the repo list case sensitively."
msgstr "Ob beim Sortieren von Objekten in der Repository-Liste die Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachtet werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31848
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32313
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list clone-prefix"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Liste clone-prefix"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32316
msgid "List of common prefixes which, when combined with a repository URL, generates valid clone URLs for the repository."
msgstr "Liste gemeinsamer Präfixe, von denen ein Repository geklont werden kann. D.h.@: dass, wenn eines mit einer Repository-URL kombiniert wird, eine gültige URL zum Klonen des Repositorys entsteht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32321
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list clone-url"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Liste clone-url"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32323
msgid "List of @code{clone-url} templates."
msgstr "Liste von Schablonen, aus denen eine @code{clone-url} entsteht."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32328
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object commit-filter"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt commit-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32330
msgid "Command which will be invoked to format commit messages."
msgstr "Befehl, mit dem Commit-Nachrichten formatiert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31870
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32335
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string commit-sort"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette commit-sort"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31874 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32339 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32897
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{date}, enables strict date ordering in the commit log, and when set to @samp{topo} enables strict topological ordering."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option als @samp{date} festgelegt wird, wird das Commit-Log streng nach Datum geordnet. Wenn sie auf @samp{topo} gesetzt ist, wird es streng topologisch geordnet."
# TODO This does not make sense.
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32341
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"git log\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"git log\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31879
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32344
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object css"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt css"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32346
msgid "URL which specifies the css document to include in all cgit pages."
msgstr "URL, die angibt, welches CSS-Dokument von jeder Cgit-Seite eingebunden werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32348
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/share/cgit/cgit.css\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/share/cgit/cgit.css\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32351
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object email-filter"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt email-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32355
msgid "Specifies a command which will be invoked to format names and email address of committers, authors, and taggers, as represented in various places throughout the cgit interface."
msgstr "Gibt einen Befehl an, um die Namen und E-Mail-Adressen der Commiter, Autoren und Tagger zu formatieren, die an verschiedenen Stellen in der Oberfläche von Cgit vorkommen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32360
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean embedded?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck embedded?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32363
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit generate a HTML fragment suitable for embedding in other HTML pages."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, wird Cgit ein HTML-Fragment erzeugen, das für die Einbettung in andere HTML-Seiten geeignet ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31903
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32368
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-commit-graph?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-commit-graph?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31907
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32372
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit print an ASCII-art commit history graph to the left of the commit messages in the repository log page."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, wird Cgit den Graphen der Commit-Historie links von den Commit-Nachrichten auf den Commit-Log-Seiten mit ASCII-Zeichen darstellen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32377
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-filter-overrides?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-filter-overrides?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32380
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, allows all filter settings to be overridden in repository-specific cgitrc files."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, können alle Filtereinstellungen durch die cgitrc-Dateien für das jeweilige Repository geändert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32385
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-follow-links?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-follow-links?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32388
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, allows users to follow a file in the log view."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, können Benutzer in der Log-Ansicht einer Datei folgen („--follow“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32393
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-http-clone?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-http-clone?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32396
msgid "If set to @samp{#t}, cgit will act as an dumb HTTP endpoint for Git clones."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, kann Cgit als Endpunkt für eine Dumb-HTTP-Übertragung mit „git clone“ benutzt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32401
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-index-links?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-index-links?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32404
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit generate extra links \"summary\", \"commit\", \"tree\" for each repo in the repository index."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, legt Cgit für jedes Repository zusätzlich Hyperlinks „summary“, „commit“, „tree“ im Repository-Index an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32409
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-index-owner?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-index-owner?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32412
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit display the owner of each repo in the repository index."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, zeigt Cgit den Besitzer für jedes Repository im Repository-Index an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31952
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32417
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-log-filecount?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-log-filecount?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32420
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit print the number of modified files for each commit on the repository log page."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, zeigt Cgit für jeden Commit auf den Repository-Log-Seiten die geänderten Dateien an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32425
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-log-linecount?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-log-linecount?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32428
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit print the number of added and removed lines for each commit on the repository log page."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, zeigt Cgit für jeden Commit auf den Repository-Log-Seiten die Anzahl der hinzugefügten und entfernten Zeilen an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32433
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-remote-branches?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-remote-branches?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31971 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32495
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32436 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32960
msgid "Flag which, when set to @code{#t}, will make cgit display remote branches in the summary and refs views."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, zeigt Cgit unter den „summary“- und „ref“-Seiten entfernte Branches an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32441
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-subject-links?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-subject-links?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32445
msgid "Flag which, when set to @code{1}, will make cgit use the subject of the parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits in commit view."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, zeigt Cgit für Links auf Eltern-Commits die Betreffzeile des Eltern-Commits als Linktext in der Commit-Ansicht an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32450
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-html-serving?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-html-serving?"
# TODO This is not the description for this option.
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32454
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit use the subject of the parent commit as link text when generating links to parent commits in commit view."
msgstr ""
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32459
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-tree-linenumbers?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-tree-linenumbers?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:31997
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32462
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit generate linenumber links for plaintext blobs printed in the tree view."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, zeigt Cgit für jeden Blob aus reinem Text Links auf dessen Zeilennummern in der Baumansicht („tree“) an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32467
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean enable-git-config?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-git-config?"
# TODO This description seems to be wrong.
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32470
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#f}, will allow cgit to use Git config to set any repo specific settings."
msgstr ""
# TODO It seems this should not be a file-object.
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32475
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object favicon"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt favicon"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32477
msgid "URL used as link to a shortcut icon for cgit."
msgstr "URL, auf der ein Cgit-Symbol für die Anzeige in einem Webbrowser zu finden ist."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32479
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/favicon.ico\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/favicon.ico\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32482
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string footer"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette footer"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32486
msgid "The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim at the bottom of all pages (i.e.@: it replaces the standard \"generated by...\"@: message)."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der für diese Option angegebenen Datei wird wortwörtlich am Ende jeder Seite eingefügt (d.h.@: er ersetzt die vorgegebene Mitteilung „generated by …“)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32491
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string head-include"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette head-include"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32494
msgid "The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim in the HTML HEAD section on all pages."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der für diese Option angegebenen Datei wird wortwörtlich im HTML-HEAD-Bereich jeder Seite eingefügt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32499
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string header"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette header"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32502
msgid "The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim at the top of all pages."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der für diese Option angegebenen Datei wird wortwörtlich am Anfang jeder Seite eingefügt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32507
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object include"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt include"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32510
msgid "Name of a configfile to include before the rest of the current config- file is parsed."
msgstr "Der Name einer Konfigurationsdatei, deren Inhalt eingefügt werden soll, bevor die übrige hier angegebene Konfiguration eingelesen wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32515
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string index-header"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette index-header"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32518
msgid "The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim above the repository index."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der mit dieser Option angegebenen Datei wird wortwörtlich oberhalb des Repository-Index eingefügt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32058
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32523
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string index-info"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette index-info"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32526
msgid "The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim below the heading on the repository index page."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der mit dieser Option angegebenen Datei wird wortwörtlich unterhalb der Überschrift auf jeder Repository-Index-Seite eingefügt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32531
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean local-time?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck local-time?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32534
msgid "Flag which, if set to @samp{#t}, makes cgit print commit and tag times in the servers timezone."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, gibt Cgit die Zeitstempel von Commits und Tags in der Zeitzone des Servers an."
# TODO It seems this should not be a file-object.
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32074
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32539
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object logo"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt logo"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32542
msgid "URL which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo on all cgit pages."
msgstr "URL, unter der ein Bild zu finden ist, das auf allen Cgit-Seiten als Logo zu sehen sein wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32544
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/share/cgit/cgit.png\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/share/cgit/cgit.png\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32082
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32547
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string logo-link"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette logo-link"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32084 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32549 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33006
msgid "URL loaded when clicking on the cgit logo image."
msgstr "URL, die geladen wird, wenn jemand auf das Logo-Bild klickt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32554
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object owner-filter"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt owner-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32557
msgid "Command which will be invoked to format the Owner column of the main page."
msgstr "Befehl, der aufgerufen wird, um die Besitzerspalte auf der Hauptseite zu formatieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32562
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-atom-items"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-atom-items"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32564
msgid "Number of items to display in atom feeds view."
msgstr "Anzahl der Objekte, die in der Atom-Feed-Ansicht angezeigt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32569
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-commit-count"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-commit-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32571
msgid "Number of entries to list per page in \"log\" view."
msgstr "Anzahl der Einträge, die in der Log-Ansicht pro Seite angezeigt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32111
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32576
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-message-length"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-message-length"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32578
msgid "Number of commit message characters to display in \"log\" view."
msgstr "Anzahl der Zeichen, die in der Log-Ansicht von jeder Commit-Nachricht angezeigt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32115 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32580 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32596
msgid "Defaults to @samp{80}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{80}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32583
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-repo-count"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-repo-count"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32586
msgid "Specifies the number of entries to list per page on the repository index page."
msgstr "Gibt an, wie viele Einträge auf jeder Seite der Repository-Index-Seiten stehen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32591
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-repodesc-length"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-repodesc-length"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32129
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32594
msgid "Specifies the maximum number of repo description characters to display on the repository index page."
msgstr "Gibt die maximale Anzahl der Zeichen an, die von jeder Repository-Beschreibung auf den Repository-Index-Seiten angezeigt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32599
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer max-blob-size"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl max-blob-size"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32601
msgid "Specifies the maximum size of a blob to display HTML for in KBytes."
msgstr "Gibt die maximale Größe eines Blobs in Kilobytes an, für den HTML angezeigt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32606
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string max-stats"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette max-stats"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32609
msgid "Maximum statistics period. Valid values are @samp{week},@samp{month}, @samp{quarter} and @samp{year}."
msgstr "Maximaler Zeitraum für Statistiken. Gültige Werte sind @samp{week} (Woche), @samp{month} (Monat), @samp{quarter} (Quartal) und @samp{year} (Jahr)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32149
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32614
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} mimetype-alist mimetype"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Mimetype-Assoziative-Liste mimetype"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32616
msgid "Mimetype for the specified filename extension."
msgstr "Mimetype je für die angegebene Dateinamenserweiterung."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32155
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32620
msgid "Defaults to @samp{((gif \"image/gif\") (html \"text/html\") (jpg \"image/jpeg\") (jpeg \"image/jpeg\") (pdf \"application/pdf\") (png \"image/png\") (svg \"image/svg+xml\"))}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{((gif \"image/gif\") (html \"text/html\") (jpg \"image/jpeg\") (jpeg \"image/jpeg\") (pdf \"application/pdf\") (png \"image/png\") (svg \"image/svg+xml\"))}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32623
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object mimetype-file"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt mimetype-file"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32625
msgid "Specifies the file to use for automatic mimetype lookup."
msgstr "Gibt an, welche Datei zur automatischen Auflösung des Mimetypes benutzt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32165
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32630
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string module-link"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette module-link"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32633
msgid "Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule is printed in a directory listing."
msgstr "Text, der als Formatzeichenkette für einen Hyperlink benutzt wird, wenn in einer Verzeichnisauflistung ein Submodul ausgegeben wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32173
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32638
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean nocache?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck nocache?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32640
msgid "If set to the value @samp{#t} caching will be disabled."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, wird nicht zwischengespeichert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32645
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean noplainemail?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck noplainemail?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32648
msgid "If set to @samp{#t} showing full author email addresses will be disabled."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, werden keine vollen E-Mail-Adressen angezeigt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32653
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean noheader?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck noheader?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32656
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, will make cgit omit the standard header on all pages."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, wird Cgit die Standardseitenkopf auf allen Seiten weglassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32661
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} project-list project-list"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Projektliste project-list"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32200
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32665
msgid "A list of subdirectories inside of @code{repository-directory}, relative to it, that should loaded as Git repositories. An empty list means that all subdirectories will be loaded."
msgstr "Eine Liste der Unterverzeichnisse innerhalb des mit @code{repository-directory} festgelegten Verzeichnisses, relativ dazu angegeben, die als Git-Repositorys geladen werden sollen. Eine leere Liste bedeutet, dass alle Unterverzeichnisse geladen werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32670
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object readme"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt readme"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32672
msgid "Text which will be used as default value for @code{cgit-repo-readme}."
msgstr "Text, der als voreingestellter Wert für @code{cgit-repo-readme} benutzt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32212
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32677
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean remove-suffix?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck remove-suffix?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32681
msgid "If set to @code{#t} and @code{repository-directory} is enabled, if any repositories are found with a suffix of @code{.git}, this suffix will be removed for the URL and name."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist und @code{repository-directory} aktiviert ist, wird, wenn Repositorys mit einem Suffix von @code{.git} gefunden werden, dieses Suffix von der URL und dem Namen weggelassen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32686
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer renamelimit"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl renamelimit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32688
msgid "Maximum number of files to consider when detecting renames."
msgstr "Maximale Anzahl der Dateien, die bei der Erkennung von Umbenennungen berücksichtigt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32228
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32693
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string repository-sort"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette repository-sort"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32695
msgid "The way in which repositories in each section are sorted."
msgstr "Auf welche Art Repositorys in jedem Abschnitt sortiert werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32235
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32700
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} robots-list robots"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Robots-Liste robots"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32702
msgid "Text used as content for the @code{robots} meta-tag."
msgstr "Text, der als Inhalt des @code{robots}-Meta-Tags dienen soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32704
msgid "Defaults to @samp{(\"noindex\" \"nofollow\")}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"noindex\" \"nofollow\")}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32707
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string root-desc"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette root-desc"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32709
msgid "Text printed below the heading on the repository index page."
msgstr "Welcher Text unterhalb der Überschrift auf Repository-Index-Seiten ausgegeben wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32711
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"a fast webinterface for the git dscm\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"a fast webinterface for the git dscm\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32714
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string root-readme"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette root-readme"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32252
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32717
msgid "The content of the file specified with this option will be included verbatim below the ``about'' link on the repository index page."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der mit dieser Option angegebenen Datei wird wortwörtlich unter dem „about“-Link auf der Repository-Index-Seite angezeigt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32722
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string root-title"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette root-title"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32724
msgid "Text printed as heading on the repository index page."
msgstr "Welcher Text als Überschrift auf Repository-Index-Seiten ausgegeben werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32729
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean scan-hidden-path"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck scan-hidden-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32735
msgid "If set to @samp{#t} and repository-directory is enabled, repository-directory will recurse into directories whose name starts with a period. Otherwise, repository-directory will stay away from such directories, considered as ``hidden''. Note that this does not apply to the @file{.git} directory in non-bare repos."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist und repository-directory aktiviert ist, wird repository-directory in Verzeichnissen rekursiv schauen, deren Name mit einem Punkt beginnt. Ansonsten werden solche Verzeichnisse unter repository-directory als „versteckt“ betrachtet und ignoriert. Beachten Sie, dass dies keine Wirkung auf das @file{.git}-Verzeichnis in @emph{nicht} auf „bare“ gestellten Repositorys hat."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32740
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list snapshots"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Liste snapshots"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32743
msgid "Text which specifies the default set of snapshot formats that cgit generates links for."
msgstr "Dieser Text gibt an, für welche Snapshot-Formate Cgit Links erzeugt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32748
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} repository-directory repository-directory"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repository-Verzeichnis repository-directory"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32751
msgid "Name of the directory to scan for repositories (represents @code{scan-path})."
msgstr "Der Name des Verzeichnisses, in dem nach Repositorys gesucht wird (wird als @code{scan-path} in die Einstellungen übernommen)."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32753
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/srv/git\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/srv/git\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32291
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32756
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string section"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette section"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32294 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32759 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33075
msgid "The name of the current repository section - all repositories defined after this option will inherit the current section name."
msgstr "Der Name des aktuellen Abschnitts („section“) für Repositorys@tie{}— alle später definierten Repositorys werden den aktuellen Abschnittsnamen erben."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32764
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string section-sort"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette section-sort"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32767
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{1}, will sort the sections on the repository listing by name."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{#t} gesetzt wird, werden die Abschnitte in Repository-Auflistungen nach Namen sortiert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32772
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer section-from-path"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl section-from-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32775
msgid "A number which, if defined prior to repository-directory, specifies how many path elements from each repo path to use as a default section name."
msgstr "Wenn diese Zahl vor „repository-directory“ definiert wurde, gibt sie an, wie viele Pfadelemente jedes Repository-Pfads für den Abschnittsnamen voreingestellt verwendet werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32780
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} boolean side-by-side-diffs?"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Boolescher-Ausdruck side-by-side-diffs?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32783
msgid "If set to @samp{#t} shows side-by-side diffs instead of unidiffs per default."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @samp{#t} gesetzt ist, werden Diffs nach Voreinstellung in Nebeneinanderdarstellung („side by side“) statt als zusammengeführte „Unidiffs“ angezeigt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32788
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} file-object source-filter"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Dateiobjekt source-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32791
msgid "Specifies a command which will be invoked to format plaintext blobs in the tree view."
msgstr "Gibt einen Befehl an, der aufgerufen wird, um Klartext-Blobs in der Baumansicht („tree“) zu formatieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32796
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer summary-branches"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl summary-branches"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32799
msgid "Specifies the number of branches to display in the repository ``summary'' view."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl der Branches an, die in der „summary“-Ansicht eines Repositorys zu sehen sein sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32804
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer summary-log"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl summary-log"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32807
msgid "Specifies the number of log entries to display in the repository ``summary'' view."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl der Log-Einträge an, die in der „summary“-Ansicht eines Repositorys zu sehen sein sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32812
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} integer summary-tags"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Ganze-Zahl summary-tags"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32815
msgid "Specifies the number of tags to display in the repository ``summary'' view."
msgstr "Gibt die Anzahl in der „summary“-Ansicht eines Repositorys anzuzeigender Tags an."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32820
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string strict-export"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette strict-export"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32358
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32823
msgid "Filename which, if specified, needs to be present within the repository for cgit to allow access to that repository."
msgstr "Wenn dieser Dateiname angegeben wird, muss eine Datei diesen Namens in einem Repository enthalten sein, damit es angezeigt wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32828
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} string virtual-root"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette virtual-root"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32830
msgid "URL which, if specified, will be used as root for all cgit links."
msgstr "Wird diese URL angegeben, wird sie als Wurzel für alle Cgit-Links verwendet."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32832
msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/\"}."
msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/\"}."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32835
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} repository-cgit-configuration-list repositories"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} „repository-cgit-configuration“-Liste repositories"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32372
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32837
msgid "A list of @dfn{cgit-repo} records to use with config."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @dfn{cgit-repo}-Verbundsobjekten, die innerhalb der Konfiguration benutzt werden sollen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32841
msgid "Available @code{repository-cgit-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32842
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-list snapshots"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Liste snapshots"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32380
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32845
msgid "A mask of snapshot formats for this repo that cgit generates links for, restricted by the global @code{snapshots} setting."
msgstr "Eine Maske, die für dieses Repository auf die Snapshots gelegt wird, für die Cgit Links erzeugt. Dadurch kann die globale Einstellung @code{snapshots} eingeschränkt werden."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32385
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32850
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object source-filter"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt source-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32387
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32852
msgid "Override the default @code{source-filter}."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung für @code{source-filter} ersetzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32857
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string url"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette url"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32859
msgid "The relative URL used to access the repository."
msgstr "Die relative URL, mit der auf das Repository zugegriffen wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32864
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object about-filter"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt about-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32866
msgid "Override the default @code{about-filter}."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung für @code{about-filter} ersetzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32871
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string branch-sort"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette branch-sort"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32874
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{age}, enables date ordering in the branch ref list, and when set to @samp{name} enables ordering by branch name."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @samp{age} gesetzt wurde, wird die Liste der Branch-Referenzen nach Datum sortiert, und wenn sie auf @samp{name} gesetzt wurde, wird nach dem Branch-Namen sortiert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32879
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-list clone-url"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Liste clone-url"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32881
msgid "A list of URLs which can be used to clone repo."
msgstr "Eine Liste von URLs, von denen das Repository geklont werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32886
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object commit-filter"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt commit-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32888
msgid "Override the default @code{commit-filter}."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung für @code{commit-filter} ersetzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32428
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32893
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string commit-sort"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt commit-sort"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32437
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32902
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string defbranch"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette defbranch"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32907
msgid "The name of the default branch for this repository. If no such branch exists in the repository, the first branch name (when sorted) is used as default instead. By default branch pointed to by HEAD, or ``master'' if there is no suitable HEAD."
msgstr "Der Name des voreingestellten Branches dieses Repositorys. Wenn kein solcher Branch im Repository existiert, wird der erste Branchname in sortierter Reihenfolge voreingestellt. Nach Vorgabe wird der Branch voreingestellt, auf den HEAD zeigt, oder „master“, wenn es keinen passenden HEAD gibt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32912
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string desc"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette desc"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32914
msgid "The value to show as repository description."
msgstr "Der Wert, der als Repository-Beschreibung angezeigt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32919
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string homepage"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette homepage"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32456
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32921
msgid "The value to show as repository homepage."
msgstr "Der Wert, der als Repository-Homepage angezeigt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32926
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object email-filter"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt email-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32928
msgid "Override the default @code{email-filter}."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung für @code{email-filter} ersetzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32933
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-commit-graph?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-commit-graph?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32936
msgid "A flag which can be used to disable the global setting @code{enable-commit-graph?}."
msgstr "Eine Option, mit der die globale Einstellung für @code{enable-commit-graph?} deaktiviert werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32476
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32941
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-filecount?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-log-filecount?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32944
msgid "A flag which can be used to disable the global setting @code{enable-log-filecount?}."
msgstr "Eine Option, mit der die globale Einstellung für @code{enable-log-filecount?} deaktiviert werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32949
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-log-linecount?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-log-linecount?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32952
msgid "A flag which can be used to disable the global setting @code{enable-log-linecount?}."
msgstr "Eine Option, mit der die globale Einstellung für @code{enable-log-linecount?} deaktiviert werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32957
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-remote-branches?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-remote-branches?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32965
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-subject-links?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-subject-links?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32968
msgid "A flag which can be used to override the global setting @code{enable-subject-links?}."
msgstr "Eine Option, mit der die globale Einstellung für @code{enable-subject-links?} deaktiviert werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32508
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32973
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} maybe-repo-boolean enable-html-serving?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Vielleicht-Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck enable-html-serving?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32511
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32976
msgid "A flag which can be used to override the global setting @code{enable-html-serving?}."
msgstr "Eine Option, mit der die globale Einstellung für @code{enable-html-serving?} deaktiviert werden kann."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32516
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32981
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-boolean hide?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck hide?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32519
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32984
msgid "Flag which, when set to @code{#t}, hides the repository from the repository index."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird das Repository im Repository-Index verborgen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32989
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-boolean ignore?"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Boolescher-Ausdruck ignore?"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32991
msgid "Flag which, when set to @samp{#t}, ignores the repository."
msgstr "Wenn diese Option auf @code{#t} gesetzt ist, wird das Repository ignoriert."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32996
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object logo"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt logo"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32999
msgid "URL which specifies the source of an image which will be used as a logo on this repo’s pages."
msgstr "URL, unter der ein Bild zu finden ist, das auf allen Seiten dieses Repositorys als Logo zu sehen sein wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32539
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33004
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string logo-link"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette logo-link"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32546
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33011
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-file-object owner-filter"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Dateiobjekt owner-filter"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33013
msgid "Override the default @code{owner-filter}."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung für @code{owner-filter} ersetzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33018
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string module-link"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette module-link"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32557
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33022
msgid "Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule is printed in a directory listing. The arguments for the formatstring are the path and SHA1 of the submodule commit."
msgstr "Text, der als Formatzeichenkette für einen Hyperlink benutzt wird, wenn in einer Verzeichnisauflistung ein Submodul ausgegeben wird. Die Argumente für diese Formatzeichenkette sind Pfad und SHA1 des Submodul-Commits."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33027
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} module-link-path module-link-path"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} module-link-Pfad module-link-path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33031
msgid "Text which will be used as the formatstring for a hyperlink when a submodule with the specified subdirectory path is printed in a directory listing."
msgstr "Text, der als Formatzeichenkette für einen Hyperlink benutzt wird, wenn in einer Verzeichnisauflistung ein Submodul mit dem angegebenen Unterverzeichnispfad ausgegeben wird."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33036
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string max-stats"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette max-stats"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33038
msgid "Override the default maximum statistics period."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung für den maximalen Zeitraum für Statistiken ersetzen."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33043
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string name"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette name"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33045
msgid "The value to show as repository name."
msgstr "Welcher Wert als Repository-Name angezeigt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32585
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33050
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string owner"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette owner"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33052
msgid "A value used to identify the owner of the repository."
msgstr "Ein Wert, um den Besitzer des Repositorys zu identifizieren."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33057
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string path"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette path"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33059
msgid "An absolute path to the repository directory."
msgstr "Ein absoluter Pfad zum Repository-Verzeichnis."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32599
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33064
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string readme"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette readme"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33067
msgid "A path (relative to repo) which specifies a file to include verbatim as the ``About'' page for this repo."
msgstr "Ein Pfad (relativ zum Repository), der eine Datei angibt, deren Inhalt wortwörtlich auf der „About“-Seite dieses Repositorys eingefügt werden soll."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32607
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33072
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-string section"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Zeichenkette section"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33080
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration} parameter} repo-list extra-options"
msgstr "{@code{repository-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Repo-Liste extra-options"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32617 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33082 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33091
msgid "Extra options will be appended to cgitrc file."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Optionen werden an die cgitrc-Datei angehängt."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33089
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{cgit-configuration} parameter} list extra-options"
msgstr "{@code{cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Liste extra-options"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32638
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33103
msgid "However, it could be that you just want to get a @code{cgitrc} up and running. In that case, you can pass an @code{opaque-cgit-configuration} as a record to @code{cgit-service-type}. As its name indicates, an opaque configuration does not have easy reflective capabilities."
msgstr "Aber es könnte auch sein, dass Sie schon eine @code{cgitrc} haben und zum Laufen bringen wollen. In diesem Fall können Sie eine @code{opaque-cgit-configuration} als Verbundsobjekt an @code{cgit-service-type} übergeben. Wie der Name schon sagt, bietet eine opake Konfiguration keinerlei Unterstützung für Reflexion."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33105
msgid "Available @code{opaque-cgit-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{opaque-cgit-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32641
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33106
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-cgit-configuration} parameter} package cgit"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ cgit"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33108
msgid "The cgit package."
msgstr "Das cgit-Paket."
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33110
#, no-wrap
msgid "{@code{opaque-cgit-configuration} parameter} string string"
msgstr "{@code{opaque-cgit-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette string"
#. type: deftypevr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33112
msgid "The contents of the @code{cgitrc}, as a string."
msgstr "Der Inhalt für @code{cgitrc} als eine Zeichenkette."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33116
msgid "For example, if your @code{cgitrc} is just the empty string, you could instantiate a cgit service like this:"
msgstr "Wenn zum Beispiel Ihre @code{cgitrc} nur aus der leeren Zeichenkette bestehen soll, könnten Sie einen Cgit-Dienst auf diese Weise instanziieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33121
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service cgit-service-type\n"
@@ -60689,40 +61601,40 @@ msgstr ""
" (cgitrc \"\")))\n"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33123
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gitolite Service"
msgstr "Gitolite-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33125
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gitolite service"
msgstr "Gitolite-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32661
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33126
#, no-wrap
msgid "Git, hosting"
msgstr "Git, Server anbieten („hosten“)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32664
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33129
msgid "@uref{https://gitolite.com/gitolite/, Gitolite} is a tool for hosting Git repositories on a central server."
msgstr "@uref{https://gitolite.com/gitolite/, Gitolite} ist ein Werkzeug, um Git-Repositorys anderen auf einem zentralen Server anzubieten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32667
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33132
msgid "Gitolite can handle multiple repositories and users, and supports flexible configuration of the permissions for the users on the repositories."
msgstr "Gitolite kann mehrere Nutzer mit mehreren Repositorys bedienen und unterstützt flexible Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten der Berechtigungen der Repository-Nutzer."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33135
msgid "The following example will configure Gitolite using the default @code{git} user, and the provided SSH public key."
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel richtet Gitolite für den voreingestellten @code{git}-Benutzer und den angegebenen öffentlichen SSH-Schlüssel ein."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33142
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service gitolite-service-type\n"
@@ -60738,220 +61650,220 @@ msgstr ""
" \"ssh-rsa AAAA…@: guix@@example.com\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33147
msgid "Gitolite is configured through a special admin repository which you can clone, for example, if you setup Gitolite on @code{example.com}, you would run the following command to clone the admin repository."
msgstr "Sie konfigurieren Gitolite, indem Sie ein besonderes Admin-Repository anpassen. Sie können es zum Beispiel klonen, indem Sie, wenn Sie Gitolite auf @code{example.com} eingerichtet haben, den folgenden Befehl zum Klonen des Admin-Repositorys ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32685
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33150
#, no-wrap
msgid "git clone git@@example.com:gitolite-admin\n"
msgstr "git clone git@@example.com:gitolite-admin\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33156
msgid "When the Gitolite service is activated, the provided @code{admin-pubkey} will be inserted in to the @file{keydir} directory in the gitolite-admin repository. If this results in a change in the repository, it will be committed using the message ``gitolite setup by GNU Guix''."
msgstr "Wenn der Gitolite-Dienst aktiviert wird, wird der mitgegebene @code{admin-pubkey} ins @file{keydir}-Verzeichnis vom „gitolite-admin“-Repository eingefügt. Wenn sich dadurch das Repository ändert, wird die Änderung mit der Commit-Nachricht „gitolite setup by GNU Guix“ commitet."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33157
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gitolite-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gitolite-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33159
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{gitolite-service-type}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration vom @code{gitolite-service-type}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33161
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{gitolite})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{gitolite})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33163
msgid "Gitolite package to use."
msgstr "Welches Gitolite-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33164
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @var{git})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @var{git})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33167
msgid "User to use for Gitolite. This will be user that you use when accessing Gitolite over SSH."
msgstr "Welches Benutzerkonto für Gitolite benutzt werden soll. Mit diesem Benutzer werden Sie über SSH auf Gitolite zugreifen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33168
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @var{git})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @var{git})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33170
msgid "Group to use for Gitolite."
msgstr "Gruppe für Gitolite."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33171
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{home-directory} (default: @var{\"/var/lib/gitolite\"})"
msgstr "@code{home-directory} (Vorgabe: @var{\"/var/lib/gitolite\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33173
msgid "Directory in which to store the Gitolite configuration and repositories."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem die Gitolite-Konfiguration und Repositorys gespeichert werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33174
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{rc-file} (default: @var{(gitolite-rc-file)})"
msgstr "@code{rc-file} (Vorgabe: @var{(gitolite-rc-file)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33177
msgid "A ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}), representing the configuration for Gitolite."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}), das die Konfiguration für Gitolite repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33178
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{admin-pubkey} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{admin-pubkey} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33182
msgid "A ``file-like'' object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like objects}) used to setup Gitolite. This will be inserted in to the @file{keydir} directory within the gitolite-admin repository."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}), mit dem Gitolite eingerichtet werden kann. Er wird in das @file{keydir}-Verzeichnis im „gitolite-admin“-Repository eingefügt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32719
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33184
msgid "To specify the SSH key as a string, use the @code{plain-file} function."
msgstr "Um einen SSH-Schlüssel als Zeichenkette anzugeben, benutzen Sie die @code{plain-file}-Funktion."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32722
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33187
#, no-wrap
msgid "(plain-file \"yourname.pub\" \"ssh-rsa AAAA... guix@@example.com\")\n"
msgstr "(plain-file \"ihrname.pub\" \"ssh-rsa AAAA…@: guix@@example.com\")\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33192
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gitolite-rc-file"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gitolite-rc-file"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33194
msgid "Data type representing the Gitolite RC file."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Gitolie-RC-Datei."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32731
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33196
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{umask} (default: @code{#o0077})"
msgstr "@code{umask} (Vorgabe: @code{#o0077})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33199
msgid "This controls the permissions Gitolite sets on the repositories and their contents."
msgstr "Dies legt fest, welche Berechtigungen Gitolite an die Repositorys und deren Inhalt vergibt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32738
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33203
msgid "A value like @code{#o0027} will give read access to the group used by Gitolite (by default: @code{git}). This is necessary when using Gitolite with software like cgit or gitweb."
msgstr "Für einen Wert wie @code{#o0027} wird die Gruppe, die Gitolite benutzt (nach Vorgabe: @code{git}) Lesezugriff erhalten. Das ist nötig, wenn Sie Gitolite mit Software wie Cgit oder Gitweb kombinieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33204
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{unsafe-pattern} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{unsafe-pattern} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33209
msgid "An optional Perl regular expression for catching unsafe configurations in the configuration file. See @uref{https://gitolite.com/gitolite/git-config.html#compensating-for-unsafe_patt, Gitolite's documentation} for more information."
msgstr "Optional ein Perl-kompatibler regulärer Ausdruck, um unsichere Konfigurationen in der Konfigurationsdatei zu unterbinden. Siehe @uref{https://gitolite.com/gitolite/git-config.html#compensating-for-unsafe_patt, die Dokumentation von Gitolite} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33216
msgid "When the value is not @code{#f}, it should be a string containing a Perl regular expression, such as @samp{\"[`~#\\$\\&()|;<>]\"}, which is the default value used by gitolite. It rejects any special character in configuration that might be interpreted by a shell, which is useful when sharing the administration burden with other people that do not otherwise have shell access on the server."
msgstr "Wenn als Wert @emph{nicht} @code{#f} angegeben wird, muss es eine Zeichenkette mit einem Perl-kompatiblen regulären Ausdruck sein wie @samp{\"[`~#\\$\\&()|;<>]\"}, was der Voreinstellung von Gitolite entspricht. Damit wird unterbunden, jegliche Sonderzeichen in die Konfiguration zu schreiben, die von einer Shell interpretiert werden könnten, damit die Administration auch auf andere Leute übertragen werden kann, die sonst keinen Shell-Zugriff auf dem Server haben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33217
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{git-config-keys} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{git-config-keys} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32755
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33220
msgid "Gitolite allows you to set git config values using the @samp{config} keyword. This setting allows control over the config keys to accept."
msgstr "Mit Gitolite können Sie Werte für Git-Konfigurationen über das @samp{config}-Schlüsselwort festlegen. Mit dieser Einstellung können Sie steuern, welche Konfigurationsschlüssel akzeptiert werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33221
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{roles} (default: @code{'((\"READERS\" . 1) (\"WRITERS\" . ))})"
msgstr "@code{roles} (Vorgabe: @code{'((\"READERS\" . 1) (\"WRITERS\" . ))})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32758
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33223
msgid "Set the role names allowed to be used by users running the perms command."
msgstr "Legt fest, welche Rollennamen für Nutzer möglich sind, wenn Sie den Befehl perms ausführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33224
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enable} (default: @code{'(\"help\" \"desc\" \"info\" \"perms\" \"writable\" \"ssh-authkeys\" \"git-config\" \"daemon\" \"gitweb\")})"
msgstr "@code{enable} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"help\" \"desc\" \"info\" \"perms\" \"writable\" \"ssh-authkeys\" \"git-config\" \"daemon\" \"gitweb\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32761
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33226
msgid "This setting controls the commands and features to enable within Gitolite."
msgstr "Diese Einstellung legt die innerhalb von Gitolite zur Verfügung gestellten Befehle fest."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32766
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33231
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gitile Service"
msgstr "Gitile-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33233
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gitile service"
msgstr "Gitile-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33234
#, no-wrap
msgid "Git, forge"
msgstr "Git, Forge"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32772
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33237
msgid "@uref{https://git.lepiller.eu/gitile, Gitile} is a Git forge for viewing public git repository contents from a web browser."
msgstr "Mit @uref{https://git.lepiller.eu/gitile, Gitile} kann eine eigene Git-„Forge“ aufgesetzt werden, wo sich jeder über einen Web-Browser den Inhalt von Git-Repositorys ansehen kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33243
msgid "Gitile works best in collaboration with Gitolite, and will serve the public repositories from Gitolite by default. The service should listen only on a local port, and a webserver should be configured to serve static resources. The gitile service provides an easy way to extend the Nginx service for that purpose (@pxref{NGINX})."
msgstr "Am besten kombiniert man Gitile mit Gitolite, und Gitile bietet nach Voreinstellung die für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmten Repositorys von Gitolite an. Der Dienst sollte auf einem lokalen Port lauschen, und ein Webserver sollte eingerichtet werden, um Gitiles statische Ressourcen anzubieten. Für den Gitile-Dienst kann der Nginx-Dienst einfach zu diesem Zweck erweitert werden (siehe @ref{NGINX})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33247
msgid "The following example will configure Gitile to serve repositories from a custom location, with some default messages for the home page and the footers."
msgstr "Im Folgenden sehen Sie ein Beispiel, wie Gitile konfiguriert wird, um Repositorys von einem selbst ausgewählten Ort anzubieten, zusammen mit etwas Text für die Hauptseite und Fußzeilen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33270
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service gitile-service-type\n"
@@ -60999,12 +61911,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (git-root \"/var/lib/gitolite/repositories\")))))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33279
msgid "In addition to the configuration record, you should configure your git repositories to contain some optional information. First, your public repositories need to contain the @file{git-daemon-export-ok} magic file that allows Git to export the repository. Gitile uses the presence of this file to detect public repositories it should make accessible. To do so with Gitolite for instance, modify your @file{conf/gitolite.conf} to include this in the repositories you want to make public:"
msgstr "Neben dem Konfigurations-Verbundsobjekt sollten Sie auch bei Ihren Git-Repositorys ein paar optionale Informationen darüber eintragen. Zunächst werden Repositorys nur für die Allgemeinheit zugänglich, wenn sie die magische Datei @file{git-daemon-export-ok} enthalten. Gitile erkennt daran, welche Repositorys öffentlich sind und zugänglich gemacht werden sollen. Bei Gitolite heißt das zum Beispiel, Sie ändern Ihre @file{conf/gitolite.conf}, dass dort für die öffentlich zu machenden Repositorys Folgendes steht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32818
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33283
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"repo foo\n"
@@ -61014,12 +61926,12 @@ msgstr ""
" R = daemon\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33289
msgid "In addition, Gitile can read the repository configuration to display more information on the repository. Gitile uses the gitweb namespace for its configuration. As an example, you can use the following in your @file{conf/gitolite.conf}:"
msgstr "Zusätzlich kann Gitile aus der Repository-Konfiguration weitere Informationen über das Repository auslesen und anzeigen. Gitile verwendet für seine Konfiguration den gitweb-Namensraum. Zum Beispiel kann Ihre @file{conf/gitolite.conf} Folgendes enthalten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33296
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"repo foo\n"
@@ -61035,12 +61947,12 @@ msgstr ""
" config gitweb.synopsis = Eine kurze Beschreibung für die Hauptseite des Projekts\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32837
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33302
msgid "Do not forget to commit and push these changes once you are satisfied. You may need to change your gitolite configuration to allow the previous configuration options to be set. One way to do that is to add the following service definition:"
msgstr "Denken Sie daran, die Änderungen auch zu commiten und zu pushen, sobald Sie zufrieden sind. Vielleicht müssen Sie Ihre gitolite-Konfiguration anpassen, damit die genannten Konfigurationsoptionen zulässig sind. Eine Möglichkeit ist folgende Dienstdefinition:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33314
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service gitolite-service-type\n"
@@ -61066,243 +61978,243 @@ msgstr ""
" (unsafe-patt \"^$\")))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32851
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33316
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} gitile-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} gitile-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33318
msgid "Data type representing the configuration for @code{gitile-service-type}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration vom @code{gitile-service-type}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33320
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @var{gitile})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @var{gitile})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33322
msgid "Gitile package to use."
msgstr "Welches Gitile-Paket benutzt werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33325
msgid "The host on which gitile is listening."
msgstr "Der Rechnername, auf den Gitile lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33326
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{8080})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8080})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32863
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33328
msgid "The port on which gitile is listening."
msgstr "Der Port, auf dem Gitile lauscht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33329
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{database} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/gitile/gitile-db.sql\"})"
msgstr "@code{database} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/gitile/gitile-db.sql\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32866
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33331
msgid "The location of the database."
msgstr "Wo die Datenbank liegt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33332
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{repositories} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/gitolite/repositories\"})"
msgstr "@code{repositories} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/gitolite/repositories\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33336
msgid "The location of the repositories. Note that only public repositories will be shown by Gitile. To make a repository public, add an empty @file{git-daemon-export-ok} file at the root of that repository."
msgstr "Wo die Repositorys zu finden sind. Beachten Sie: Gitile zeigt nur öffentliche Repositorys an. Um ein Repository öffentlich zu machen, fügen Sie eine leere Datei @file{git-daemon-export-ok} in das Wurzelverzeichnis des Repositorys ein."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32872
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33337
#, no-wrap
msgid "base-git-url"
msgstr "base-git-url"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33339
msgid "The base git url that will be used to show clone commands."
msgstr "Die Basis-Git-URL, von der angezeigt wird, dass man Befehle zum Klonen darauf ausführen kann."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32875
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33340
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{index-title} (default: @code{\"Index\"})"
msgstr "@code{index-title} (Vorgabe: @code{\"Index\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33342
msgid "The page title for the index page that lists all the available repositories."
msgstr "Der Seitentitel der Index-Seite mit der Liste aller verfügbaren Repositorys."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33343
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{intro} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{intro} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33346
msgid "The intro content, as a list of sxml expressions. This is shown above the list of repositories, on the index page."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der Einführung als Liste von SXML-Ausdrücken. Sie wird über der Liste der Repositorys auf der Index-Seite angezeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33347
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{footer} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{footer} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32885
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33350
msgid "The footer content, as a list of sxml expressions. This is shown on every page served by Gitile."
msgstr "Der Inhalt der Fußzeile als Liste von SXML-Ausdrücken. Sie wird unter jeder von Gitile angebotenen Seite angezeigt."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33351
#, no-wrap
msgid "nginx-server-block"
msgstr "nginx-server-block"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33354
msgid "An nginx server block that will be extended and used as a reverse proxy by Gitile to serve its pages, and as a normal web server to serve its assets."
msgstr "Ein Server-Block für NGinx. NGinx wird durch Gitile erweitert und als inverser Proxy („Reverse Proxy“) verwendet, um dessen Seiten anzubieten, und es wird als einfacher Web-Server verwendet, um statische Dateien und Grafiken anzubieten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32893
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33358
msgid "You can use this block to add more custom URLs to your domain, such as a @code{/git/} URL for anonymous clones, or serving any other files you would like to serve."
msgstr "Über diesen Block können Sie weitere eigene URLs auf Ihrer Domain anbieten lassen wie z.B.@: eine @code{/git/}-URL zum „anonymen“ Klonen ohne Anmeldung oder sonstige Dateien, die Sie anbieten möchten."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33365
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Battle for Wesnoth Service"
msgstr "„The Battle for Wesnoth“-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33366
#, no-wrap
msgid "wesnothd"
msgstr "wesnothd"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32905
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33370
msgid "@uref{https://wesnoth.org, The Battle for Wesnoth} is a fantasy, turn based tactical strategy game, with several single player campaigns, and multiplayer games (both networked and local)."
msgstr "@uref{https://wesnoth.org, The Battle for Wesnoth} ist ein in einer Fantasy-Welt angesiedeltes, rundenbasiertes, taktisches Strategiespiel. Es verfügt über mehrere Einzelspielerkampagnen und Mehrspielerspiele (über das Netzwerk und lokal)."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33371
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} wesnothd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} wesnothd-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33375
msgid "Service type for the wesnothd service. Its value must be a @code{wesnothd-configuration} object. To run wesnothd in the default configuration, instantiate it as:"
msgstr "Diensttyp für den wesnothd-Dienst. Als Wert muss ein @code{wesnothd-configuration}-Objekt benutzt werden. Um wesnothd mit seiner Vorgabekonfiguration auszuführen, instanziieren Sie es als:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32913
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33378
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service wesnothd-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service wesnothd-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33381
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} wesnothd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} wesnothd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32918
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33383
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of @command{wesnothd}."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{wesnothd} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33385
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{wesnoth-server})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{wesnoth-server})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33387
msgid "The wesnoth server package to use."
msgstr "Das Paket, das für den Wesnoth-Server benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32923
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33388
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{15000})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{15000})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33390 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33781
msgid "The port to bind the server to."
msgstr "Der Port, an den der Server gebunden wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33396
#, no-wrap
msgid "pam-mount"
msgstr "pam-mount"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33401
msgid "The @code{(gnu services pam-mount)} module provides a service allowing users to mount volumes when they log in. It should be able to mount any volume format supported by the system."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services pam-mount)} stellt einen Dienst zur Verfügung, mit dem Benutzer Datenträger beim Anmelden einbinden können. Damit sollte es möglich sein, jedes vom System unterstützte Datenträgerformat einzubinden."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33402
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} pam-mount-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} pam-mount-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32939
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33404
msgid "Service type for PAM Mount support."
msgstr "Diensttyp für PAM-Einbindeunterstützung."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33406
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} pam-mount-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} pam-mount-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33408
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of PAM Mount."
msgstr "Datentyp, der die Konfiguration für PAM-Einbindungen („PAM Mount“) repräsentiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33412
#, no-wrap
msgid "rules"
msgstr "rules"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33415
msgid "The configuration rules that will be used to generate @file{/etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml}."
msgstr "Die Konfigurationsregeln, um @file{/etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml} zu erzeugen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33419
msgid "The configuration rules are SXML elements (@pxref{SXML,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}), and the default ones don't mount anything for anyone at login:"
msgstr "Die Konfigurationsregeln sind SXML-Elemente (siehe @ref{SXML,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}) und nach Vorgabe wird für niemanden etwas beim Anmelden eingebunden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33434
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"`((debug (@@ (enable \"0\")))\n"
@@ -61334,12 +62246,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (remove \"true\"))))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:32975
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33440
msgid "Some @code{volume} elements must be added to automatically mount volumes at login. Here's an example allowing the user @code{alice} to mount her encrypted @env{HOME} directory and allowing the user @code{bob} to mount the partition where he stores his data:"
msgstr "Es müssen @code{volume}-Elemente eingefügt werden, um Datenträger automatisch bei der Anmeldung einzubinden. Hier ist ein Beispiel, mit dem die Benutzerin @code{alice} ihr verschlüsseltes @env{HOME}-Verzeichnis einbinden kann, und der Benutzer @code{bob} die Partition einbinden kann, wo er seine Daten abspeichert."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33000
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33465
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define pam-mount-rules\n"
@@ -61393,7 +62305,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33004
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33469
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service pam-mount-service-type\n"
@@ -61405,770 +62317,933 @@ msgstr ""
" (rules pam-mount-rules)))\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33473
msgid "The complete list of possible options can be found in the man page for @uref{http://pam-mount.sourceforge.net/pam_mount.conf.5.html, pam_mount.conf}."
msgstr "Die vollständige Liste möglicher Optionen finden Sie in der Handbuchseite („man page“) für @uref{http://pam-mount.sourceforge.net/pam_mount.conf.5.html, pam_mount.conf}."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33480
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix Build Coordinator"
msgstr "Guix-Erstellungskoordinator"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33486
msgid "The @uref{https://git.cbaines.net/guix/build-coordinator/,Guix Build Coordinator} aids in distributing derivation builds among machines running an @dfn{agent}. The build daemon is still used to build the derivations, but the Guix Build Coordinator manages allocating builds and working with the results."
msgstr "Der @uref{https://git.cbaines.net/guix/build-coordinator/,Guix-Erstellungskoordinator} („Guix Build Coordinator“) hilft dabei, Erstellungen von Ableitungen auf Maschinen zu verteilen, auf denen ein @dfn{Agent} läuft. Der Erstellungs-Daemon wird weiterhin benutzt, um die Ableitungen zu erstellen, der Guix-Erstellungskoordinator verwaltet nur die Zuteilung der Erstellungen und den Umgang mit den Ergebnissen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33027
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33492
msgid "The Guix Build Coordinator consists of one @dfn{coordinator}, and one or more connected @dfn{agent} processes. The coordinator process handles clients submitting builds, and allocating builds to agents. The agent processes talk to a build daemon to actually perform the builds, then send the results back to the coordinator."
msgstr "Der Guix-Erstellungskoordinator setzt sich aus einem @dfn{Koordinator} und mindestens einem verbundenen @dfn{Agentenprozess} zusammen. Der Koordinatorprozess kümmert sich um Clients, die Erstellungen einreichen, und teilt Erstellungen den Agenten zu. Die Agentenprozesse kommunizieren mit einem Erstellungs-Daemon, welcher die Erstellungen eigentlich durchführt und die Ergebnisse an den Koordinator zurückgibt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33496
msgid "There is a script to run the coordinator component of the Guix Build Coordinator, but the Guix service uses a custom Guile script instead, to provide better integration with G-expressions used in the configuration."
msgstr "Es gibt ein Skript, um die Koordinatorkomponente des Guix-Erstellungskoordinators auszuführen, aber der Dienst für Guix benutzt stattdessen sein eigenes Guile-Skript, was in der Konfiguration benutzte G-Ausdrücke besser integriert."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33497
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guix-build-coordinator-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guix-build-coordinator-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33500
msgid "Service type for the Guix Build Coordinator. Its value must be a @code{guix-build-coordinator-configuration} object."
msgstr "Diensttyp für den Guix-Erstellungskoordinator. Sein Wert muss ein @code{guix-build-coordinator-configuration}-Objekt sein."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33502
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33504
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the Guix Build Coordinator."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Guix-Erstellungskoordinators repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33041 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33506 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33676
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{guix-build-coordinator})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{guix-build-coordinator})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33043 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33087
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33213
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33508 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33678
msgid "The Guix Build Coordinator package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Guix-Erstellungskoordinator-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33509
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33046 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33090
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33216 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33262
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33511 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33681 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33775
msgid "The system user to run the service as."
msgstr "Das Systembenutzerkonto, mit dem der Dienst ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33512
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33049 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33265
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33514 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33778
msgid "The system group to run the service as."
msgstr "Die Systembenutzergruppe, mit der der Dienst ausgeführt wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33515
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{database-uri-string} (default: @code{\"sqlite:///var/lib/guix-build-coordinator/guix_build_coordinator.db\"})"
msgstr "@code{database-uri-string} (Vorgabe: @code{\"sqlite:///var/lib/guix-build-coordinator/guix_build_coordinator.db\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33052
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33517
msgid "The URI to use for the database."
msgstr "Die URI für die Datenbank."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33518
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{agent-communication-uri} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{agent-communication-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33520
msgid "The URI describing how to listen to requests from agent processes."
msgstr "Die URI, die beschreibt, wie auf Anfragen von Agentenprozessen gelauscht wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33521
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{client-communication-uri} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{client-communication-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33060
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33525
msgid "The URI describing how to listen to requests from clients. The client API allows submitting builds and currently isn't authenticated, so take care when configuring this value."
msgstr "Die URI, die beschreibt, wie auf Anfragen von Clients gelauscht wird. Mit der Client-API können Erstellungen eingereicht werden und derzeit findet dabei keine Authentifizierung statt. Das sollten Sie bedenken, wenn Sie hieran Einstellungen vornehmen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33526
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allocation-strategy} (default: @code{#~basic-build-allocation-strategy})"
msgstr "@code{allocation-strategy} (Vorgabe: @code{#~basic-build-allocation-strategy})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33530
msgid "A G-expression for the allocation strategy to be used. This is a procedure that takes the datastore as an argument and populates the allocation plan in the database."
msgstr "Ein G-Ausdruck für die zu nutzende Zuteilungsstrategie. Angegeben wird eine Prozedur, die den Datenspeicher als Argument nimmt und in den Zuteilungsplan in der Datenbank einfügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33531
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hooks} (default: @var{'()})"
msgstr "@code{hooks} (Vorgabe: @var{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33534
msgid "An association list of hooks. These provide a way to execute arbitrary code upon certain events, like a build result being processed."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste mit Hooks. Mit ihnen kann infolge bestimmter Ereignisse beliebiger Code ausgeführt werden, z.B.@: wenn ein Erstellungsergebnis verarbeitet wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33535
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guile} (default: @code{guile-3.0-latest})"
msgstr "@code{guile} (Vorgabe: @code{guile-3.0-latest})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33537
msgid "The Guile package with which to run the Guix Build Coordinator."
msgstr "Mit welchem Guile-Paket der Guix-Erstellungskoordinator ausgeführt wird."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33541
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guix-build-coordinator-agent-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guix-build-coordinator-agent-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33544
msgid "Service type for a Guix Build Coordinator agent. Its value must be a @code{guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration} object."
msgstr "Diensttyp für einen Guix-Erstellungskoordinator-Agenten. Als Wert muss ein @code{guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration}-Objekt angegeben werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33546
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-agent-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33083
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33548
msgid "Data type representing the configuration a Guix Build Coordinator agent."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration eines Guix-Erstellungskoordinator-Agenten repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33550
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{guix-build-coordinator/agent-only})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{guix-build-coordinator/agent-only})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33553
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator-agent\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator-agent\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33556
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{coordinator} (default: @code{\"http://localhost:8745\"})"
msgstr "@code{coordinator} (Vorgabe: @code{\"http://localhost:8745\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33093 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33219
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33558 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33684
msgid "The URI to use when connecting to the coordinator."
msgstr "Das Passwort, das zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Koordinator verwendet werden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33559
#, no-wrap
msgid "authentication"
msgstr "authentication"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33562
msgid "Record describing how this agent should authenticate with the coordinator. Possible record types are described below."
msgstr "Ein Verbundsobjekt, das beschreibt, wie sich dieser Agent beim Koordinator authentisiert. Mögliche Verbundsfelder werden im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33098 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33563 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33685
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{systems} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{systems} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33566
msgid "The systems for which this agent should fetch builds. The agent process will use the current system it's running on as the default."
msgstr "Die Systeme, für die dieser Agent Erstellungen übernehmen soll. Voreingestellt verwendet der Agentenprozess den Systemtyp, auf dem er aktuell läuft."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33567
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-parallel-builds} (default: @code{1})"
msgstr "@code{max-parallel-builds} (Vorgabe: @code{1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33569
msgid "The number of builds to perform in parallel."
msgstr "Die Anzahl der Erstellungen, die parallel ausgeführt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33570
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{max-1min-load-average} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{max-1min-load-average} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33574
msgid "Load average value to look at when considering starting new builds, if the 1 minute load average exceeds this value, the agent will wait before starting new builds."
msgstr "Die durchschnittliche Last (Load Average), die bestimmt, ob der Koordinatoragent mit neuen Erstellungen beginnt. Wenn die Load Average über 1@tie{}Minute den angegebenen Wert übersteigt, wartet der Agent und beginnt keine zusätzlichen Erstellungen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33578
msgid "This will be unspecified if the value is @code{#f}, and the agent will use the number of cores reported by the system as the max 1 minute load average."
msgstr "Wenn als Wert @code{#f} angegeben wird, wird die Einstellung nicht festgelegt und der Agent verwendet die Anzahl der Kerne, die das System meldet, als maximaler Load Average über 1@tie{}Minute."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33579
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{derivation-substitute-urls} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{derivation-substitute-urls} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33582
msgid "URLs from which to attempt to fetch substitutes for derivations, if the derivations aren't already available."
msgstr "URLs, von denen versucht werden soll, Substitute für Ableitungen herunterzuladen, wenn die Ableitungen noch nicht vorliegen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33583
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{non-derivation-substitute-urls} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{non-derivation-substitute-urls} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33121
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33586
msgid "URLs from which to attempt to fetch substitutes for build inputs, if the input store items aren't already available."
msgstr "URLs, von denen versucht werden soll, Substitute für Erstellungseingaben herunterzuladen, wenn die Eingabe-Store-Objekte noch nicht vorliegen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33590
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-auth"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-auth"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33593
msgid "Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a UUID and password."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen Agenten repräsentiert, der sich bei einem Koordinator über eine UUID und ein Passwort authentisiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33134 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33599 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33615
msgid "The UUID of the agent. This should be generated by the coordinator process, stored in the coordinator database, and used by the intended agent."
msgstr "Die UUID des Agenten. Sie sollte durch den Koordinatorprozess erzeugt worden sein, in der Datenbank des Koordinators eingetragen sein und von dem Agenten benutzt werden, für den sie gedacht ist."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33137
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33602
msgid "The password to use when connecting to the coordinator."
msgstr "Das Passwort, das zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Koordinator verwendet werden soll."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33606
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-file-auth"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-agent-password-file-auth"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33609
msgid "Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a UUID and password read from a file."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen Agenten repräsentiert, der sich bei einem Koordinator über eine UUID und ein aus einer Datei gelesenes Passwort authentisiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33151
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33616
#, no-wrap
msgid "password-file"
msgstr "password-file"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33619
msgid "A file containing the password to use when connecting to the coordinator."
msgstr "Eine Datei mit dem Passwort, um sich mit dem Koordinator zu verbinden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33158
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33623
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33626
msgid "Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a dynamic auth token and agent name."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen Agenten repräsentiert, der sich bei einem Koordinator über einen dynamischen Authentisierungs-Token und den Agentennamen authentisiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33163 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33180
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33628 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33645
#, no-wrap
msgid "agent-name"
msgstr "agent-name"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33167 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33632 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33649
msgid "Name of an agent, this is used to match up to an existing entry in the database if there is one. When no existing entry is found, a new entry is automatically added."
msgstr "Der Name des Agenten. Er wird benutzt, um den passenden Eintrag in der Datenbank für ihn zu finden. Gibt es noch keinen Eintrag, wird automatisch einer hinzugefügt."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33633
#, no-wrap
msgid "token"
msgstr "token"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33171
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33636
msgid "Dynamic auth token, this is created and stored in the coordinator database, and is used by the agent to authenticate."
msgstr "Dynamischer Authentisierungs-Token. Er wird in der Datenbank des Koordinators erzeugt und vom Agenten zur Authentisierung benutzt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33640
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth-with-file"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-agent-dynamic-auth-with-file"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33643
msgid "Data type representing an agent authenticating with a coordinator via a dynamic auth token read from a file and agent name."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen Agenten repräsentiert, der sich bei einem Koordinator über einen aus einer Datei gelesenen dynamischen Authentisierungs-Token und den Agentennamen authentisiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33650
#, no-wrap
msgid "token-file"
msgstr "token-file"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33653
msgid "File containing the dynamic auth token, this is created and stored in the coordinator database, and is used by the agent to authenticate."
msgstr "Eine Datei, in der der dynamische Authentisierungs-Token enthalten ist. Er wird in der Datenbank des Koordinators erzeugt und vom Agenten zur Authentisierung benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33663
msgid "The Guix Build Coordinator package contains a script to query an instance of the Guix Data Service for derivations to build, and then submit builds for those derivations to the coordinator. The service type below assists in running this script. This is an additional tool that may be useful when building derivations contained within an instance of the Guix Data Service."
msgstr "Das Paket des Guix-Erstellungskoordinators enthält ein Skript, mit dem eine Instanz des Guix-Datendienstes („Guix Data Service“) nach zu erstellenden Ableitungen angefragt werden kann, woraufhin Erstellungen für selbige Ableitungen beim Koordinator eingereicht werden. Der folgende Diensttyp hilft dabei, dieses Skript einzusetzen. Es ist ein weiteres Werkzeug, das beim Erstellen von Ableitungen von Nutzen sein kann, die in einer Instanz des Guix-Datendienstes vorhanden sind."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33664
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33204
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33669
msgid "Service type for the guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-from-guix-data-service script. Its value must be a @code{guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-configuration} object."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für das Skript guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-from-guix-data-service. Als Wert muss ein @code{guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-configuration}-Objekt benutzt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33671
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33674
msgid "Data type representing the options to the queue builds from guix data service script."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Optionen an das Skript guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds-from-guix-data-service repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33679
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33682
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{coordinator} (default: @code{\"http://localhost:8746\"})"
msgstr "@code{coordinator} (Vorgabe: @code{\"http://localhost:8746\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33687
msgid "The systems for which to fetch derivations to build."
msgstr "Für welche Systeme zu erstellende Ableitungen übernommen werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33688
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{systems-and-targets} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{systems-and-targets} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33691
msgid "An association list of system and target pairs for which to fetch derivations to build."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste aus Paaren aus System und Zielplattform, für die zu erstellende Ableitungen übernommen werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33692
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guix-data-service} (default: @code{\"https://data.guix.gnu.org\"})"
msgstr "@code{guix-data-service} (Vorgabe: @code{\"https://data.guix.gnu.org\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33695
msgid "The Guix Data Service instance from which to query to find out about derivations to build."
msgstr "Die Instanz des Guix-Datendienstes, die nach zu erstellenden Ableitungen angefragt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33696
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{processed-commits-file} (default: @code{\"/var/cache/guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds/processed-commits\"})"
msgstr "@code{processed-commits-file} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/cache/guix-build-coordinator-queue-builds/processed-commits\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33699
msgid "A file to record which commits have been processed, to avoid needlessly processing them again if the service is restarted."
msgstr "Eine Datei, in die gespeichert wird, welche Commits bereits verarbeitet wurden, um sie nicht unnötig ein weiteres Mal zu verarbeiten, wenn der Dienst neu gestartet wird."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33238
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33703
#, no-wrap
msgid "Guix Data Service"
msgstr "Guix-Datendienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33707
msgid "The @uref{http://data.guix.gnu.org,Guix Data Service} processes, stores and provides data about GNU Guix. This includes information about packages, derivations and lint warnings."
msgstr "Der @uref{http://data.guix.gnu.org,Guix-Datendienst} („Guix Data Service“) verarbeitet und speichert Daten über GNU Guix und stellt diese zur Verfügung. Dazu gehören Informationen über Pakete, Ableitungen sowie durch Linting erkannte Paketfehler."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33710
msgid "The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, and available through a web interface."
msgstr "Die Daten werden in einer PostgreSQL-Datenbank gespeichert und stehen über eine Weboberfläche zur Verfügung."
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33711
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} guix-data-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} guix-data-service-type"
#. type: defvar
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33716
msgid "Service type for the Guix Data Service. Its value must be a @code{guix-data-service-configuration} object. The service optionally extends the getmail service, as the guix-commits mailing list is used to find out about changes in the Guix git repository."
msgstr "Diensttyp für den Guix-Datendienst. Sein Wert muss ein @code{guix-data-service-configuration}-Objekt sein. Der Dienst kann optional den getmail-Dienst erweitern und die guix-commits-Mailing-Liste benutzen, um bei Änderungen am Guix-Git-Repository auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33718
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} guix-data-service-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} guix-data-service-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33720 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33768
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the Guix Data Service."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Guix-Datendienstes repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33257
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33722
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{guix-data-service})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{guix-data-service})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33259
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33724
msgid "The Guix Data Service package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Guix-Datendienst-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33725
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"guix-data-service\"})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix-data-service\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33728
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"guix-data-service\"})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"guix-data-service\"})"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33731
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{8765})"
msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8765})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33733
msgid "The port to bind the web service to."
msgstr "Der Port, an den der Webdienst gebunden wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33734 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33782
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host} (default: @code{\"\"})"
msgstr "@code{host} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33736
msgid "The host to bind the web service to."
msgstr "Die Netzwerkschnittstelle („Host“), an die der Webdienst gebunden wird."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33737
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{getmail-idle-mailboxes} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{getmail-idle-mailboxes} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33740
msgid "If set, this is the list of mailboxes that the getmail service will be configured to listen to."
msgstr "Wenn es festgelegt ist, wird es als Liste der Postfächer („Mailboxes“) eingerichtet, die der getmail-Dienst beobachtet."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33276
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33741
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{commits-getmail-retriever-configuration} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{commits-getmail-retriever-configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33745
msgid "If set, this is the @code{getmail-retriever-configuration} object with which to configure getmail to fetch mail from the guix-commits mailing list."
msgstr "Wenn es festgelegt ist, bezeichnet dies das @code{getmail-retriever-configuration}-Objekt, mit dem getmail eingerichtet wird, um E-Mails von der „guix-commits“-Mailing-Liste zu beziehen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33281
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33746
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-options} (default: @var{'()})"
msgstr "@code{extra-options} (Vorgabe: @var{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33748
msgid "Extra command line options for @code{guix-data-service}."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen für @code{guix-data-service}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33284
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33749
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extra-process-jobs-options} (default: @var{'()})"
msgstr "@code{extra-process-jobs-options} (Vorgabe: @var{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33751
msgid "Extra command line options for @code{guix-data-service-process-jobs}."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen für @code{guix-data-service-process-jobs}."
+#. type: subsubheading
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33755
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Nar Herder"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33758
+msgid "The @uref{https://git.cbaines.net/guix/nar-herder/about/,Nar Herder} is a utility for managing a collection of nars."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33759
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "{Scheme Variable} ntp-service-type"
+msgid "{Scheme Variable} nar-herder-type"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} ntp-service-type"
+#. type: defvar
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33764
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Service type for the Guix Data Service. Its value must be a @code{guix-data-service-configuration} object. The service optionally extends the getmail service, as the guix-commits mailing list is used to find out about changes in the Guix git repository."
+msgid "Service type for the Guix Data Service. Its value must be a @code{nar-herder-configuration} object. The service optionally extends the getmail service, as the guix-commits mailing list is used to find out about changes in the Guix git repository."
+msgstr "Diensttyp für den Guix-Datendienst. Sein Wert muss ein @code{guix-data-service-configuration}-Objekt sein. Der Dienst kann optional den getmail-Dienst erweitern und die guix-commits-Mailing-Liste benutzen, um bei Änderungen am Guix-Git-Repository auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben."
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33766
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "{Data Type} inetd-configuration"
+msgid "{Data Type} nar-herder-configuration"
+msgstr "{Datentyp} inetd-configuration"
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33770
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{varnish})"
+msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{nar-herder})"
+msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{varnish})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33772
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The Hurd package to use."
+msgid "The Nar Herder package to use."
+msgstr "Das zu verwendende Hurd-Paket."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33773
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"httpd\"})"
+msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{\"nar-herder\"})"
+msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{\"httpd\"})"
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33776
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"httpd\"})"
+msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{\"nar-herder\"})"
+msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{\"httpd\"})"
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33779
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{8765})"
+msgid "@code{port} (default: @code{8734})"
+msgstr "@code{port} (Vorgabe: @code{8765})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33784
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The port to bind the server to."
+msgid "The host to bind the server to."
+msgstr "Der Port, an den der Server gebunden wird."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33789
+msgid "Optional URL of the other Nar Herder instance which should be mirrored. This means that this Nar Herder instance will download it's database, and keep it up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33790
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{database} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db\"})"
+msgid "@code{database} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder.db\"})"
+msgstr "@code{database} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db\"})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33795
+msgid "Location for the database. If this Nar Herder instance is mirroring another, the database will be downloaded if it doesn't exist. If this Nar Herder instance isn't mirroring another, an empty database will be created."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33796
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{database} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db\"})"
+msgid "@code{database-dump} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/nar-herder/nar_herder_dump.db\"})"
+msgstr "@code{database} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db\"})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33800
+msgid "Location of the database dump. This is created and regularly updated by taking a copy of the database. This is the version of the database that is available to download."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33801
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{source} (default: @code{#f})"
+msgid "@code{storage} (default: @code{#f})"
+msgstr "@code{source} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33803
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Directory in which to store the data."
+msgid "Optional location in which to store nars."
+msgstr "Das Verzeichnis, in dem die Daten gespeichert werden sollen."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33804
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{secret} (default: @code{\"\"})"
+msgid "@code{storage-limit} (default: @code{\"none\"})"
+msgstr "@code{secret} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33807
+msgid "Limit in bytes for the nars stored in the storage location. This can also be set to ``none'' so that there is no limit."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33810
+msgid "When the storage location exceeds this size, nars are removed according to the nar removal criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33811
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{server} (default: @code{'()})"
+msgid "@code{storage-nar-removal-criteria} (default: @code{'()})"
+msgstr "@code{server} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33814
+msgid "Criteria used to remove nars from the storage location. These are used in conjunction with the storage limit."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33819
+msgid "When the storage location exceeds the storage limit size, nars will be checked against the nar removal criteria and if any of the criteria match, they will be removed. This will continue until the storage location is below the storage limit size."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33823
+msgid "Each criteria is specified by a string, then an equals sign, then another string. Currently, only one criteria is supported, checking if a nar is stored on another Nar Herder instance."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33831
+msgid "This allows the user's Guix to keep substitute information in cache for @var{ttl}."
+msgstr ""
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33844
#, no-wrap
msgid "oom"
msgstr "OOM"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33845
#, no-wrap
msgid "out of memory killer"
msgstr "Out-Of-Memory-Killer"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33846
#, no-wrap
msgid "earlyoom"
msgstr "earlyoom"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33847
#, no-wrap
msgid "early out of memory daemon"
msgstr "Early-Out-Of-Memory-Daemon"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33848
#, no-wrap
msgid "Early OOM Service"
msgstr "Early-OOM-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33855
msgid "@uref{https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom,Early OOM}, also known as Earlyoom, is a minimalist out of memory (OOM) daemon that runs in user space and provides a more responsive and configurable alternative to the in-kernel OOM killer. It is useful to prevent the system from becoming unresponsive when it runs out of memory."
msgstr "@uref{https://github.com/rfjakob/earlyoom,Early OOM}, auch bekannt als Earlyoom, ist ein minimalistischer Out-Of-Memory-Daemon (OOM), um auf Anwendungsebene („User Space“) Programme abzuwürgen, wenn einem der freie Arbeitsspeicher ausgeht (ein „OOM-Killer“). Er stellt eine Alternative zum im Kernel eingebauten OOM-Killer dar, mit der das System in einem solchen Fall besser weiterhin auf Benutzereingaben reagieren kann und die konfigurierbarer ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33305
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33856
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} earlyoom-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} earlyoom-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33310
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33861
msgid "The service type for running @command{earlyoom}, the Early OOM daemon. Its value must be a @code{earlyoom-configuration} object, described below. The service can be instantiated in its default configuration with:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp, um @command{earlyoom}, den Early-OOM-Daemon, auszuführen. Als Wert muss ein @code{earlyoom-configuration}-Objekt angegeben werden, wie unten beschrieben. So kann der Dienst mit seiner Vorgabekonfiguration instanziieret werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33864
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service earlyoom-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service earlyoom-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33867
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} earlyoom-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} earlyoom-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33869
msgid "This is the configuration record for the @code{earlyoom-service-type}."
msgstr "Dies ist das Verbundsobjekt mit der Konfiguration des @code{earlyoom-service-type}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33320
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33871
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{earlyoom} (default: @var{earlyoom})"
msgstr "@code{earlyoom} (Vorgabe: @var{earlyoom})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33873
msgid "The Earlyoom package to use."
msgstr "Das Earlyoom-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33874
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{minimum-available-memory} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{minimum-available-memory} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33876
msgid "The threshold for the minimum @emph{available} memory, in percentages."
msgstr "Der Schwellwert, wie viel Arbeitsspeicher mindestens @emph{verfügbar} bleiben muss, in Prozent."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33877
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{minimum-free-swap} (default: @code{10})"
msgstr "@code{minimum-free-swap} (Vorgabe: @code{10})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33879
msgid "The threshold for the minimum free swap memory, in percentages."
msgstr "Der Schwellwert, wie viel Swap-Speicher mindestens frei bleiben muss, in Prozent."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33880
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{prefer-regexp} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{prefer-regexp} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33883
msgid "A regular expression (as a string) to match the names of the processes that should be preferably killed."
msgstr "Ein regulärer Ausdruck (als eine Zeichenkette), der auf die Namen jener Prozesse passt, die als Erste abgewürgt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33884
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{avoid-regexp} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{avoid-regexp} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33887
msgid "A regular expression (as a string) to match the names of the processes that should @emph{not} be killed."
msgstr "Ein regulärer Ausdruck (als eine Zeichenkette), der auf die Namen jener Prozesse passt, die @emph{nicht} abgewürgt werden sollen.<"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33888
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{memory-report-interval} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{memory-report-interval} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33891
msgid "The interval in seconds at which a memory report is printed. It is disabled by default."
msgstr "Das Intervall in Sekunden, in dem ein Bericht über den Speicher ausgegeben werden soll. Nach Vorgabe ist es deaktiviert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33892
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{ignore-positive-oom-score-adj?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{ignore-positive-oom-score-adj?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33895
msgid "A boolean indicating whether the positive adjustments set in @file{/proc/*/oom_score_adj} should be ignored."
msgstr "Ein boolescher Wert, der angibt, ob die in @file{/proc/*/oom_score_adj} festgelegten Anpassungen nach oben ignoriert werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33896
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{show-debug-messages?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{show-debug-messages?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33899
msgid "A boolean indicating whether debug messages should be printed. The logs are saved at @file{/var/log/earlyoom.log}."
msgstr "Ein boolescher Ausdruck, der angibt, ob Nachrichten zur Fehlersuche ausgegeben werden sollen. Die Protokolle werden unter @file{/var/log/earlyoom.log} gespeichert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33900
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{send-notification-command} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{send-notification-command} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33903
msgid "This can be used to provide a custom command used for sending notifications."
msgstr "Hiermit kann ein eigener Befehl eingestellt werden, um Benachrichtigungen zu senden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33906
#, no-wrap
msgid "modprobe"
msgstr "modprobe"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33356
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33907
#, no-wrap
msgid "kernel module loader"
msgstr "Kernelmodule laden"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33908
#, no-wrap
msgid "Kernel Module Loader Service"
msgstr "Kernelmodul-Ladedienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33363
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33914
msgid "The kernel module loader service allows one to load loadable kernel modules at boot. This is especially useful for modules that don't autoload and need to be manually loaded, as is the case with @code{ddcci}."
msgstr "Mit dem Kernelmodul-Ladedienst („Kernel Module Loader Service“) können Sie veranlassen, dass hinzuladbare Kernelmodule beim Systemstart geladen werden. Das bietet sich besonders für Module an, die nicht automatisch geladen werden („Autoload“), sondern manuell geladen werden müssen, wie es z.B.@: bei @code{ddcci} der Fall ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33915
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} kernel-module-loader-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} kernel-module-loader-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33921
msgid "The service type for loading loadable kernel modules at boot with @command{modprobe}. Its value must be a list of strings representing module names. For example loading the drivers provided by @code{ddcci-driver-linux}, in debugging mode by passing some module parameters, can be done as follow:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp, um hinzuladbare Kernelmodule beim Systemstart über @command{modprobe} zu laden. Als Wert muss eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden, die den Modulnamen entsprechen. Um zum Beispiel die durch @code{ddcci-driver-linux} zur Verfügung gestellten Treiber zu laden und dabei durch Übergabe bestimmter Parameter den Modus zur Fehlersuche zu aktivieren, können Sie Folgendes benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33375
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33926
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu) (gnu services))\n"
@@ -62182,7 +63257,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33379
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33930
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define ddcci-config\n"
@@ -62196,7 +63271,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33940
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -62220,411 +63295,411 @@ msgstr ""
" (kernel-loadable-modules (list ddcci-driver-linux)))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33943
#, no-wrap
msgid "rasdaemon"
msgstr "rasdaemon"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33944
#, no-wrap
msgid "Platform Reliability, Availability and Serviceability daemon"
msgstr "Daemon für Reliability, Availability und Serviceability"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33945
#, no-wrap
msgid "Rasdaemon Service"
msgstr "Rasdaemon-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33950
msgid "The Rasdaemon service provides a daemon which monitors platform @acronym{RAS, Reliability@comma{} Availability@comma{} and Serviceability} reports from Linux kernel trace events, logging them to syslogd."
msgstr "Mit dem Rasdaemon-Dienst steht Ihnen ein Daemon zur Verfügung, mit dem Trace-Ereignisse des Linux-Kernels bezüglich der Zuverlässigkeit (Reliability), Verfügbarkeit (Availability) und Wartbarkeit (Serviceability) der Plattform beobachtet werden. Sie werden in syslogd protokolliert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33953
msgid "Reliability, Availability and Serviceability is a concept used on servers meant to measure their robustness."
msgstr "Reliability, Availability, Serviceability ist ein Konzept auf Servern, um deren Robustheit zu messen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33956
msgid "@strong{Relability} is the probability that a system will produce correct outputs:"
msgstr "@strong{Relability} (Zuverlässigkeit) ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, mit der ein System korrekte Ausgaben liefert:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33958
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generally measured as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), and"
msgstr "Im Allgemeinen wird sie durch die Mittlere Betriebsdauer zwischen Ausfällen (Mean Time Between Failures, MTBF) beziffert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33408
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33959
#, no-wrap
msgid "Enhanced by features that help to avoid, detect and repair hardware"
msgstr "Sie wird besser, wenn Hardware-Fehler vermieden, erkannt oder"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33961
msgid "faults"
msgstr "repariert werden können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33965
msgid "@strong{Availability} is the probability that a system is operational at a given time:"
msgstr "@strong{Availability} (Verfügbarkeit) ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein System zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt betriebsbereit ist:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33967
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generally measured as a percentage of downtime per a period of time, and"
msgstr "Im Allgemeinen wird sie als Anteil der Ausfallzeit an der Gesamtzeit gemessen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33968
#, no-wrap
msgid "Often uses mechanisms to detect and correct hardware faults in runtime."
msgstr "Oft kommen hier Mechanismen zum Einsatz, um Hardware-Fehler im laufenden Betrieb zu erkennen und zu beheben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33973
msgid "@strong{Serviceability} is the simplicity and speed with which a system can be repaired or maintained:"
msgstr "@strong{Serviceability} (Wartbarkeit) bezeichnet, wie einfach und schnell ein System repariert und gepflegt werden kann:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33975
#, no-wrap
msgid "Generally measured on Mean Time Between Repair (MTBR)."
msgstr "Im Allgemeinen wird sie durch den Mittleren Abstand zwischen Reparaturen (Mean Time Between Repair, MTBR) gemessen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33980
msgid "Among the monitoring measures, the most usual ones include:"
msgstr "Zu den beobachtbaren Messwerten gehören für gewöhnlich:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33431
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33982
#, no-wrap
msgid "CPU – detect errors at instruction execution and at L1/L2/L3 caches;"
msgstr "Prozessor – Fehler erkennen bei der Befehlsausführung (Instruction Execution) und an den Prozessor-Caches (L1/L2/L3),"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33983
#, no-wrap
msgid "Memory – add error correction logic (ECC) to detect and correct errors;"
msgstr "Arbeitsspeicher – Fehlerbehebungslogik wie ECC einbauen, um Fehler zu erkennen und zu beheben,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33433
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33984
#, no-wrap
msgid "I/O – add CRC checksums for transferred data;"
msgstr "Ein-/Ausgabe – CRC-Prüfsummen für übertragene Daten einbauen,"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33985
#, no-wrap
msgid "Storage – RAID, journal file systems, checksums, Self-Monitoring,"
msgstr "Massenspeicher – RAID, Journaling in Dateisystemen, Prüfsummen,"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33987
msgid "Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART)."
msgstr "Selbstüberwachung, Technologien zur Analyse und Berichterstattung (SMART)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33442
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33993
msgid "By monitoring the number of occurrences of error detections, it is possible to identify if the probability of hardware errors is increasing, and, on such case, do a preventive maintenance to replace a degraded component while those errors are correctable."
msgstr "Durch das Beobachten, wie oft Fehler erkannt werden, kann bestimmt werden, ob die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Hardware-Fehlern zunimmt, und in diesem Fall kann ein vorsorglicher Austausch der schwächelnden Komponente vorgenommen werden, solange die Fehler leicht zu beheben sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33997
msgid "For detailed information about the types of error events gathered and how to make sense of them, see the kernel administrator's guide at @url{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/ras.html}."
msgstr "Genaue Informationen über die Arten der gesammelten Fehlerereignisse und was sie bedeuten finden Sie in der Anleitung für Kernel-Administratoren unter @url{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/ras.html}."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33998
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} rasdaemon-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} rasdaemon-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33450
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34001
msgid "Service type for the @command{rasdaemon} service. It accepts a @code{rasdaemon-configuration} object. Instantiating like"
msgstr "Diensttyp für den @command{rasdaemon}-Dienst. Als Wert nimmt er ein @code{rasdaemon-configuration}-Objekt. Sie instanziieren ihn so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34004
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service rasdaemon-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service rasdaemon-service-type)\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34008
msgid "will load with a default configuration, which monitors all events and logs to syslogd."
msgstr "Dadurch wird die Vorgabekonfiguration geladen, mit der alle Ereignisse beobachtet und mit syslogd protokolliert werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34010
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} rasdaemon-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} rasdaemon-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34012
msgid "The data type representing the configuration of @command{rasdaemon}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration von @command{rasdaemon}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34014
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{record?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{record?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34019
msgid "A boolean indicating whether to record the events in an SQLite database. This provides a more structured access to the information contained in the log file. The database location is hard-coded to @file{/var/lib/rasdaemon/ras-mc_event.db}."
msgstr "Ein Boolescher Ausdruck, der anzeigt, ob die Ereignisse in eine SQLite-Datenbank geschrieben werden. Dadurch wird ein strukturierterer Zugang zu den Informationen aus der Protokolldatei ermöglicht. Der Ort für die Datenbank ist fest einprogrammiert als @file{/var/lib/rasdaemon/ras-mc_event.db}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34023
#, no-wrap
msgid "zram"
msgstr "zram"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33473
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34024
#, no-wrap
msgid "compressed swap"
msgstr "komprimierter Swap-Speicher"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34025
#, no-wrap
msgid "Compressed RAM-based block devices"
msgstr "komprimierte Blockgeräte im Arbeitsspeicher („RAM“)"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34026
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zram Device Service"
msgstr "Dienst für Zram-Geräte"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33481
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34032
msgid "The Zram device service provides a compressed swap device in system memory. The Linux Kernel documentation has more information about @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/blockdev/zram.html,zram} devices."
msgstr "Der Dienst für Zram-Geräte macht ein komprimiertes Swap-Gerät im Arbeitsspeicher verfügbar. Mehr Informationen finden Sie in der Linux-Kernel-Dokumentation @uref{https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/blockdev/zram.html,über Zram-Geräte}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33482
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34033
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} zram-device-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} zram-device-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33486
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34037
msgid "This service creates the zram block device, formats it as swap and enables it as a swap device. The service's value is a @code{zram-device-configuration} record."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst erzeugt das Zram-Blockgerät, formatiert es als Swap-Speicher und aktiviert es als ein Swap-Gerät. Der Wert des Dienstes ist ein @code{zram-device-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34038
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} zram-device-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} zram-device-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34041
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration for the zram-device service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des zram-device-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33492
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34043
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{size} (default @code{\"1G\"})"
msgstr "@code{size} (Vorgabe: @code{\"1G\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34047
msgid "This is the amount of space you wish to provide for the zram device. It accepts a string and can be a number of bytes or use a suffix, eg.: @code{\"512M\"} or @code{1024000}."
msgstr "Wie viel Speicher Sie für das Zram-Gerät verfügbar machen möchten. Angegeben werden kann eine Zeichenkette oder eine Zahl mit der Anzahl Bytes oder mit einem Suffix, z.B.@: @code{\"512M\"} oder @code{1024000}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34047
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{compression-algorithm} (default @code{'lzo})"
msgstr "@code{compression-algorithm} (Vorgabe: @code{'lzo})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34051
msgid "This is the compression algorithm you wish to use. It is difficult to list all the possible compression options, but common ones supported by Guix's Linux Libre Kernel include @code{'lzo}, @code{'lz4} and @code{'zstd}."
msgstr "Welchen Kompressionsalgorithmus Sie verwenden möchten. Alle Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten lassen sich hier nicht aufzählen, aber der Linux-Libre-Kernel von Guix unterstützt unter anderem die häufig benutzten @code{'lzo}, @code{'lz4} und @code{'zstd}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34051
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{memory-limit} (default @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{memory-limit} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34058
msgid "This is the maximum amount of memory which the zram device can use. Setting it to '0' disables the limit. While it is generally expected that compression will be 2:1, it is possible that uncompressable data can be written to swap and this is a method to limit how much memory can be used. It accepts a string and can be a number of bytes or use a suffix, eg.: @code{\"2G\"}."
msgstr "Wie viel Arbeitsspeicher dem Zram-Gerät höchstens zur Verfügung steht. Wenn es auf 0 steht, entfällt die Beschränkung. Obwohl im Allgemeinen von einem Kompressionsverhältnis von 2:1 ausgegangen wird, kann es passieren, dass @emph{nicht} komprimierbare Daten den Swap-Speicher füllen. Mit diesem Feld kann das begrenzt werden. Es nimmt eine Zeichenkette oder eine Anzahl Bytes; ein Suffix kann angegeben werden, z.B.@: @code{\"2G\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34058
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{priority} (default @code{-1})"
msgstr "@code{priority} (Vorgabe: @code{-1})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33512
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34063
msgid "This is the priority of the swap device created from the zram device. @code{swapon} accepts values between -1 and 32767, with higher values indicating higher priority. Higher priority swap will generally be used first."
msgstr "Die Priorität des Swap-Geräts, das aus dem Zram-Gerät erzeugt wird. @code{swapon} akzeptiert Werte zwischen -1 und 32767, dabei stehen höhere Werte für eine höhere Priorität. Höher priorisierter Speicher wird in der Regel zuerst benutzt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34071
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} hurd-console-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} hurd-console-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33522
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34073
msgid "This service starts the fancy @code{VGA} console client on the Hurd."
msgstr "Diensttyp, mit dem der fantastische @code{VGA}-Konsolen-Client auf Hurd ausgeführt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33524
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34075
msgid "The service's value is a @code{hurd-console-configuration} record."
msgstr "Der Wert des Dienstes ist ein @code{hurd-console-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34077
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} hurd-console-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} hurd-console-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33529
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34080
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration for the hurd-console-service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des hurd-console-Dienstes."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33531 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34082 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34098
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{hurd} (default: @var{hurd})"
msgstr "@code{hurd} (Vorgabe: @var{hurd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33533 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34084 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34100
msgid "The Hurd package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Hurd-Paket."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33536
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34087
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} hurd-getty-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} hurd-getty-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34089
msgid "This service starts a tty using the Hurd @code{getty} program."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp, um ein TTY über Hurds @code{getty}-Programm zu starten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34091
msgid "The service's value is a @code{hurd-getty-configuration} record."
msgstr "Der Wert des Dienstes ist ein @code{hurd-getty-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34093
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} hurd-getty-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} hurd-getty-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33545
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34096
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration for the hurd-getty-service."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des hurd-getty-Dienstes."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34103
msgid "The name of the console this Getty runs on---e.g., @code{\"tty1\"}."
msgstr "Der Name der Konsole, auf der dieses Getty läuft@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"tty1\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34104
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{baud-rate} (default: @code{38400})"
msgstr "@code{baud-rate} (Vorgabe: @code{38400})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34106
msgid "An integer specifying the baud rate of the tty."
msgstr "Eine ganze Zahl, die die Baud-Rate des TTYs angibt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33562
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34113
#, no-wrap
msgid "fingerprint"
msgstr "Fingerabdruck"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33563
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34114
#, no-wrap
msgid "Fingerprint Service"
msgstr "Fingerabdrucklese-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34118
msgid "The @code{(gnu services authentication)} module provides a DBus service to read and identify fingerprints via a fingerprint sensor."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services authentication)} stellt einen DBus-Dienst zur Verfügung, mit dem Fingerabdrücke mit Hilfe eines Fingerabdrucksensors gelesen und identifiziert werden können."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34119
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} fprintd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} fprintd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33571
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34122
msgid "The service type for @command{fprintd}, which provides the fingerprint reading capability."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für @command{fprintd}, mit dem Fingerabdrücke gelesen werden können."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33574
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34125
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service fprintd-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service fprintd-service-type)\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33577
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34128
#, no-wrap
msgid "sysctl"
msgstr "sysctl"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34129
#, no-wrap
msgid "System Control Service"
msgstr "Systemsteuerungsdienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34133
msgid "The @code{(gnu services sysctl)} provides a service to configure kernel parameters at boot."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services sysctl)} stellt einen Dienst zur Verfügung, um Kernelparameter zur Boot-Zeit einzustellen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34134
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} sysctl-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} sysctl-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34138
msgid "The service type for @command{sysctl}, which modifies kernel parameters under @file{/proc/sys/}. To enable IPv4 forwarding, it can be instantiated as:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für @command{sysctl}, das Kernel-Parameter unter @file{/proc/sys/} anpasst. Um IPv4-Weiterleitung („Forwarding“) zu aktivieren, kann er auf diese Weise instanziiert werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34143
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service sysctl-service-type\n"
@@ -62636,12 +63711,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (settings '((\"net.ipv4.ip_forward\" . \"1\")))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33599
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34150
msgid "Since @code{sysctl-service-type} is used in the default lists of services, @code{%base-services} and @code{%desktop-services}, you can use @code{modify-services} to change its configuration and add the kernel parameters that you want (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}})."
msgstr "Weil @code{sysctl-service-type} in den Listen vorgegebener Dienste vorkommt, sowohl in @code{%base-services} als auch in @code{%desktop-services}, können Sie @code{modify-services} benutzen, um seine Konfiguration zu ändern und die Kernel-Parameter einzutragen, die Sie möchten (siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{modify-services}})."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33606
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34157
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(modify-services %base-services\n"
@@ -62657,463 +63732,463 @@ msgstr ""
" %default-sysctl-settings)))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33610
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34161
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} sysctl-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} sysctl-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34163
msgid "The data type representing the configuration of @command{sysctl}."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von @command{sysctl} repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34165
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sysctl} (default: @code{(file-append procps \"/sbin/sysctl\"})"
msgstr "@code{sysctl} (Vorgabe: @code{(file-append procps \"/sbin/sysctl\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34167
msgid "The @command{sysctl} executable to use."
msgstr "Die ausführbare Datei für @command{sysctl}, die benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34168
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{settings} (default: @code{%default-sysctl-settings})"
msgstr "@code{settings} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-sysctl-settings})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34170
msgid "An association list specifies kernel parameters and their values."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste, die Kernel-Parameter und ihre Werte festlegt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34173
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-sysctl-settings"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-sysctl-settings"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34176
msgid "An association list specifying the default @command{sysctl} parameters on Guix System."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste, die die vorgegebenen @command{sysctl}-Parameter auf Guix System enthält."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33627
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34178
#, no-wrap
msgid "pcscd"
msgstr "pcscd"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34179
#, no-wrap
msgid "PC/SC Smart Card Daemon Service"
msgstr "PC/SC-Smart-Card-Daemon-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33635
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34186
msgid "The @code{(gnu services security-token)} module provides the following service to run @command{pcscd}, the PC/SC Smart Card Daemon. @command{pcscd} is the daemon program for pcsc-lite and the MuscleCard framework. It is a resource manager that coordinates communications with smart card readers, smart cards and cryptographic tokens that are connected to the system."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services security-token)} stellt den folgenden Dienst zur Verfügung, um @command{pcscd} auszuführen, den PC/SC-Smart-Card-Daemon. @command{pcscd} ist das Daemonprogramm für die Rahmensysteme pcsc-lite und MuscleCard. Es handelt sich um einen Ressourcenverwaltungsdienst, der die Kommunikation mit Smart-Card-Lesegeräten, Smart Cards und kryptographischen Tokens steuert, die mit dem System verbunden sind."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34187
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} pcscd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} pcscd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34191
msgid "Service type for the @command{pcscd} service. Its value must be a @code{pcscd-configuration} object. To run pcscd in the default configuration, instantiate it as:"
msgstr "Diensttyp für den @command{pcscd}-Dienst. Als Wert muss ein @code{pcscd-configuration}-Objekt angegeben werden. Um pcscd mit seiner Vorgabekonfiguration auszuführen, instanziieren Sie ihn als:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33643
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34194
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service pcscd-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service pcscd-service-type)\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34197
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} pcscd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} pcscd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34199
msgid "The data type representing the configuration of @command{pcscd}."
msgstr "Repräsentiert die Konfiguration von @command{pcscd}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34201
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{pcsc-lite} (default: @code{pcsc-lite})"
msgstr "@code{pcsc-lite} (Vorgabe: @code{pcsc-lite})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34203
msgid "The pcsc-lite package that provides pcscd."
msgstr "Das „pcsc-lite“-Paket, das pcscd zur Verfügung stellt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34203
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{usb-drivers} (default: @code{(list ccid)})"
msgstr "@code{usb-drivers} (Vorgabe: @code{(list ccid)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34206
msgid "List of packages that provide USB drivers to pcscd. Drivers are expected to be under @file{pcsc/drivers} in the store directory of the package."
msgstr "Die Liste der Pakete, die USB-Treiber für pcscd zur Verfügung stellen. Es wird erwartet, dass sich Treiber unter @file{pcsc/drivers} innerhalb des Store-Verzeichnisses des Pakets befinden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34209
#, no-wrap
msgid "lirc"
msgstr "lirc"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34210
#, no-wrap
msgid "Lirc Service"
msgstr "Lirc-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33662
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34213
msgid "The @code{(gnu services lirc)} module provides the following service."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services lirc)} stellt den folgenden Dienst zur Verfügung."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34214
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} lirc-service [#:lirc lirc] @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} lirc-service [#:lirc lirc] @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34219
msgid "[#:device #f] [#:driver #f] [#:config-file #f] @ [#:extra-options '()] Return a service that runs @url{http://www.lirc.org,LIRC}, a daemon that decodes infrared signals from remote controls."
msgstr "[#:device #f] [#:driver #f] [#:config-file #f] @ [#:extra-options '()] Liefert einen Dienst, der @url{http://www.lirc.org,LIRC} ausführt, einen Dienst zum Dekodieren von Infrarot-Signalen aus Fernbedienungen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34223
msgid "Optionally, @var{device}, @var{driver} and @var{config-file} (configuration file name) may be specified. See @command{lircd} manual for details."
msgstr "Optional können @var{device} (Gerät), @var{driver} (Treiber) und @var{config-file} (Name der Konfigurationsdatei) festgelegt werden. Siehe das Handbuch von @command{lircd} für Details."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33675
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34226
msgid "Finally, @var{extra-options} is a list of additional command-line options passed to @command{lircd}."
msgstr "Schließlich enthält @var{extra-options} eine Liste zusätzlicher Befehlszeilenoptionen, die an @command{lircd} übergeben werden."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34228
#, no-wrap
msgid "spice"
msgstr "spice"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34229
#, no-wrap
msgid "Spice Service"
msgstr "Spice-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33681
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34232
msgid "The @code{(gnu services spice)} module provides the following service."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services spice)} stellt den folgenden Dienst bereit."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34233
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} spice-vdagent-service [#:spice-vdagent]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} spice-vdagent-service [#:spice-vdagent]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34237
msgid "Returns a service that runs @url{https://www.spice-space.org,VDAGENT}, a daemon that enables sharing the clipboard with a vm and setting the guest display resolution when the graphical console window resizes."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der @url{https://www.spice-space.org,VDAGENT} ausführt, einen Daemon, um die Zwischenablage mit einer virtuellen Maschine zu teilen und die Auflösung des Anzeigegeräts des Gastsystems umzustellen, wenn sich die Größe des grafischen Konsolenfensters ändert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33688
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34239
#, no-wrap
msgid "inputattach"
msgstr "inputattach"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34240
#, no-wrap
msgid "inputattach Service"
msgstr "inputattach-Dienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34242
#, no-wrap
msgid "tablet input, for Xorg"
msgstr "Tablett-Eingaben, für Xorg"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34243
#, no-wrap
msgid "touchscreen input, for Xorg"
msgstr "Tastbildschirm-Eingaben, für Xorg"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34247
msgid "The @uref{https://linuxwacom.github.io/, inputattach} service allows you to use input devices such as Wacom tablets, touchscreens, or joysticks with the Xorg display server."
msgstr "Der @uref{https://linuxwacom.github.io/, inputattach-Dienst} macht es Ihnen möglich, Eingabegeräte wie Wacom-Tabletts, Tastbildschirme („Touchscreens“) oder Joysticks mit dem Xorg-Anzeigeserver zu benutzen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33697
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34248
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} inputattach-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} inputattach-service-type"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34251
msgid "Type of a service that runs @command{inputattach} on a device and dispatches events from it."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für den Dienst, der @command{inputattach} auf einem Gerät ausführt und Ereignisse davon weiterleitet."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34253
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} inputattach-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} inputattach-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33704
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34255
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{device-type} (default: @code{\"wacom\"})"
msgstr "@code{device-type} (Vorgabe: @code{\"wacom\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33707
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34258
msgid "The type of device to connect to. Run @command{inputattach --help}, from the @code{inputattach} package, to see the list of supported device types."
msgstr "Der Typ des Geräts, mit dem eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll. Führen Sie @command{inputattach --help} aus dem @code{inputattach}-Paket aus, um eine Liste unterstützter Gerätetypen zu sehen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34259
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{device} (default: @code{\"/dev/ttyS0\"})"
msgstr "@code{device} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/dev/ttyS0\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34261
msgid "The device file to connect to the device."
msgstr "Die Gerätedatei, um sich mit dem Gerät zu verbinden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33714
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34265
msgid "Baud rate to use for the serial connection. Should be a number or @code{#f}."
msgstr "Welche Baudrate für die serielle Verbindung benutzt werden soll. Es sollte eine Zahl oder @code{#f} angegeben werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33715
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34266
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{log-file} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{log-file} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34268
msgid "If true, this must be the name of a file to log messages to."
msgstr "Wenn es wahr ist, muss es der Name einer Datei sein, in die Protokollnachrichten geschrieben werden sollen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33720
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34271
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dictionary Service"
msgstr "Wörterbuchdienst"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34272
#, no-wrap
msgid "dictionary"
msgstr "Wörterbuch"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34274
msgid "The @code{(gnu services dict)} module provides the following service:"
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services dict)} stellt den folgenden Dienst zur Verfügung:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34275
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} dicod-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} dicod-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34278
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs the @command{dicod} daemon, an implementation of DICT server (@pxref{Dicod,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für einen Dienst, der den @command{dicod}-Daemon ausführt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Implementierung eines DICT-Servers (siehe das @ref{Dicod,,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34280
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} dicod-service [#:config (dicod-configuration)]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} dicod-service [#:config (dicod-configuration)]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33732
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34283
msgid "Return a service that runs the @command{dicod} daemon, an implementation of DICT server (@pxref{Dicod,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den @command{dicod}-Daemon ausführt. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Implementierung eines DICT-Servers (siehe das @ref{Dicod,,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34287
msgid "The optional @var{config} argument specifies the configuration for @command{dicod}, which should be a @code{<dicod-configuration>} object, by default it serves the GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English."
msgstr "Das optionale Argument @var{config} gibt die Konfiguration für @command{dicod} an, welche ein @code{<dicod-configuration>}-Objekt sein sollte. Nach Vorgabe wird als Wörterbuch das „GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English“ angeboten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34291
msgid "You can add @command{open localhost} to your @file{~/.dico} file to make @code{localhost} the default server for @command{dico} client (@pxref{Initialization File,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Sie können in Ihre @file{~/.dico}-Datei @command{open localhost} eintragen, damit @code{localhost} zum voreingestellten Server des @command{dico}-Clients wird (siehe das @ref{Initialization File,,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33742
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34293
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} dicod-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} dicod-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33744
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34295
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of dicod."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von dicod repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33746
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34297
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{dico} (default: @var{dico})"
msgstr "@code{dico} (Vorgabe: @var{dico})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34299
msgid "Package object of the GNU Dico dictionary server."
msgstr "Paketobjekt des GNU-Dico-Wörterbuchservers."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33749
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34300
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{interfaces} (default: @var{'(\"localhost\")})"
msgstr "@code{interfaces} (Vorgabe: @var{'(\"localhost\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34304
msgid "This is the list of IP addresses and ports and possibly socket file names to listen to (@pxref{Server Settings, @code{listen} directive,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Hierfür muss die Liste der IP-Adressen, Ports und möglicherweise auch Socket-Dateinamen angegeben werden, auf die gelauscht werden soll (siehe @ref{Server Settings, @code{listen} directive,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34305
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{handlers} (default: @var{'()})"
msgstr "@code{handlers} (Vorgabe: @var{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34307
msgid "List of @code{<dicod-handler>} objects denoting handlers (module instances)."
msgstr "Liste der @code{<dicod-handler>}-Objekte, die Handler (Modulinstanzen) bezeichnen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34308
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{databases} (default: @var{(list %dicod-database:gcide)})"
msgstr "@code{databases} (Vorgabe: @var{(list %dicod-database:gcide)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34310
msgid "List of @code{<dicod-database>} objects denoting dictionaries to be served."
msgstr "Liste der @code{<dicod-database>}-Objekte, die anzubietende Wörterbücher bezeichnen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33762
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34313
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} dicod-handler"
msgstr "{Datentyp} dicod-handler"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34315
msgid "Data type representing a dictionary handler (module instance)."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen Wörterbuch-Handler (eine Modulinstanz) repräsentiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34319
msgid "Name of the handler (module instance)."
msgstr "Der Name des Handlers (der Modulinstanz)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34320
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{module} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{module} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33773
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34324
msgid "Name of the dicod module of the handler (instance). If it is @code{#f}, the module has the same name as the handler. (@pxref{Modules,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Der Name des dicod-Moduls (der Instanz) des Handlers. Wenn er @code{#f} ist, heißt das, das Modul hat denselben Namen wie der Handler (siehe @ref{Modules,,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34327
msgid "List of strings or gexps representing the arguments for the module handler"
msgstr "Liste der Zeichenketten oder G-Ausdrücke, die die Argumente für den Modul-Handler repräsentieren."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33779
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34330
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} dicod-database"
msgstr "{Datentyp} dicod-database"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33781
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34332
msgid "Data type representing a dictionary database."
msgstr "Datentyp, der eine Wörterbuchdatenbank repräsentiert."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34336
msgid "Name of the database, will be used in DICT commands."
msgstr "Der Name der Datenbank, der in DICT-Befehlen benutzt wird."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34337
#, no-wrap
msgid "handler"
msgstr "handler"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33789
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34340
msgid "Name of the dicod handler (module instance) used by this database (@pxref{Handlers,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Der Name des dicod-Handlers (der Modulinstanz), die von dieser Datenbank benutzt wird (siehe @ref{Handlers,,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34341
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{complex?} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{complex?} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34344
msgid "Whether the database configuration complex. The complex configuration will need a corresponding @code{<dicod-handler>} object, otherwise not."
msgstr "Ob die Datenbankkonfiguration komplex ist. In diesem Fall muss für die komplexe Konfiguration auch ein entsprechendes @code{<dicod-handler>}-Objekt existieren, ansonsten nicht."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34348
msgid "List of strings or gexps representing the arguments for the database (@pxref{Databases,,, dico, GNU Dico Manual})."
msgstr "Liste der Zeichenketten oder G-Ausdrücke, die die Argumente für die Datenbank repräsentiert (siehe @ref{Databases,,, dico, Handbuch von GNU Dico})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34351
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %dicod-database:gcide"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %dicod-database:gcide"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34354
msgid "A @code{<dicod-database>} object serving the GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English using the @code{gcide} package."
msgstr "Ein @code{<dicod-database>}-Objekt, um das „GNU Collaborative International Dictionary of English“ anzubieten. Dazu wird das @code{gcide}-Paket benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33806
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34357
msgid "The following is an example @code{dicod-service} configuration."
msgstr "Im Folgenden sehen Sie eine Beispielkonfiguration für einen @code{dicod-service}."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33821
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34372
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(dicod-service #:config\n"
@@ -63145,139 +64220,139 @@ msgstr ""
" %dicod-database:gcide))))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34374
#, no-wrap
msgid "Docker"
msgstr "Docker"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34375
#, no-wrap
msgid "Docker Service"
msgstr "Docker-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33827
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34378
msgid "The @code{(gnu services docker)} module provides the following services."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services docker)} stellt die folgenden Dienste zur Verfügung."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33828
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34379
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} docker-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} docker-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33833
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34384
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs @url{https://www.docker.com,Docker}, a daemon that can execute application bundles (sometimes referred to as ``containers'') in isolated environments."
-msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Dienstes, um @url{https://www.docker.com,Docker} auszuführen, einen Daemon, der Anwendungsbündel in isolierten Umgebungen ausführen kann (manchmal auch als „Container“ bezeichnet)."
+msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Dienstes, um @url{https://www.docker.com,Docker} auszuführen, einen Daemon, der Anwendungsbündel in „Containern“, d.h.@: isolierten Umgebungen, ausführen kann."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33836
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34387
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} docker-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} docker-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33838
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34389
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of Docker and Containerd."
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von Docker und Containerd repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34392
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{docker} (default: @code{docker})"
msgstr "@code{docker} (Vorgabe: @code{docker})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34394
msgid "The Docker daemon package to use."
msgstr "Das Docker-Daemon-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34395
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{docker-cli} (default: @code{docker-cli})"
msgstr "@code{docker-cli} (Vorgabe: @code{docker-cli})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33846
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34397
msgid "The Docker client package to use."
msgstr "Das Docker-Client-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34398
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{containerd} (default: @var{containerd})"
msgstr "@code{containerd} (Vorgabe: @var{containerd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34400
msgid "The Containerd package to use."
msgstr "Das Containerd-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33850
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34401
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{proxy} (default @var{docker-libnetwork-cmd-proxy})"
msgstr "@code{proxy} (Vorgabe: @var{docker-libnetwork-cmd-proxy})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34403
msgid "The Docker user-land networking proxy package to use."
msgstr "Das Paket des mit Benutzerrechten (im „User-Land“) ausgeführten Docker-Netzwerkproxys, das verwendet werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33853
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34404
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enable-proxy?} (default @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{enable-proxy?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34406
msgid "Enable or disable the use of the Docker user-land networking proxy."
msgstr "Den mit Benutzerrechten (im „User-Land“) ausgeführten Docker-Netzwerkproxy an- oder abschalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34407
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{debug?} (default @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{debug?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33858
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34409
msgid "Enable or disable debug output."
msgstr "Ausgaben zur Fehlersuche an- oder abschalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33859
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34410
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{enable-iptables?} (default @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{enable-iptables?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33861
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34412
msgid "Enable or disable the addition of iptables rules."
msgstr "Das Hinzufügen von iptables-Regeln durch Docker an- oder abschalten."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33862
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34413
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{environment-variables} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{environment-variables} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34415
msgid "List of environment variables to set for @command{dockerd}."
msgstr "Liste Umgebungsvariabler, mit denen @command{dockerd} gestartet wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33867
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34418
msgid "This must be a list of strings where each string has the form @samp{@var{key}=@var{value}} as in this example:"
msgstr "Hier muss eine Liste von Zeichenketten angegeben werden, die jeweils der Form @samp{@var{Schlüssel}=@var{Wert}} genügen wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34422
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list \"LANGUAGE=eo:ca:eu\"\n"
@@ -63287,196 +64362,196 @@ msgstr ""
" \"TMPDIR=/tmp/dockerd\")\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34427
#, no-wrap
msgid "Singularity, container service"
msgstr "Singularity, Dienst für Anwendungsbündel/Container"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33877
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34428
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} singularity-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} singularity-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34433
msgid "This is the type of the service that allows you to run @url{https://www.sylabs.io/singularity/, Singularity}, a Docker-style tool to create and run application bundles (aka. ``containers''). The value for this service is the Singularity package to use."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Dienst, mit dem Sie @url{https://www.sylabs.io/singularity/, Singularity} ausführen können, ein Docker-ähnliches Werkzeug, um Anwendungsbündel (auch bekannt als „Container“) auszuführen. Der Wert für diesen Dienst ist das Singularity-Paket, das benutzt werden soll."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33886
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34437
msgid "The service does not install a daemon; instead, it installs helper programs as setuid-root (@pxref{Setuid Programs}) such that unprivileged users can invoke @command{singularity run} and similar commands."
msgstr "Der Dienst installiert keinen Daemon, sondern er installiert Hilfsprogramme als setuid-root (siehe @ref{Setuid Programs}), damit auch „unprivilegierte“ Nutzer ohne besondere Berechtigungen @command{singularity run} und ähnliche Befehle ausführen können."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33888
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34439
#, no-wrap
msgid "Audit"
msgstr "Audit"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34440
#, no-wrap
msgid "Auditd Service"
msgstr "Auditd-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34443
msgid "The @code{(gnu services auditd)} module provides the following service."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services auditd)} stellt den folgenden Dienst zur Verfügung."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33893
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34444
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} auditd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} auditd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33898
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34449
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs @url{https://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/audit/,auditd}, a daemon that tracks security-relevant information on your system."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Dienstes, mit dem @url{https://people.redhat.com/sgrubb/audit/,auditd} ausgeführt wird, ein Daemon, der sicherheitsrelevante Informationen auf Ihrem System sammelt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34451
msgid "Examples of things that can be tracked:"
msgstr "Beispiele für Dinge, über die Informationen gesammelt werden sollen:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33904
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34455
msgid "File accesses"
msgstr "Dateizugriffe"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34457
msgid "System calls"
msgstr "Betriebssystemaufrufe („System Calls“)"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33908
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34459
msgid "Invoked commands"
msgstr "Aufgerufene Befehle"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34461
msgid "Failed login attempts"
msgstr "Fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34463
msgid "Firewall filtering"
msgstr "Filterung durch die Firewall"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33914
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34465
msgid "Network access"
msgstr "Netzwerkzugriff"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34476
msgid "@command{auditctl} from the @code{audit} package can be used in order to add or remove events to be tracked (until the next reboot). In order to permanently track events, put the command line arguments of auditctl into a file called @code{audit.rules} in the configuration directory (see below). @command{aureport} from the @code{audit} package can be used in order to view a report of all recorded events. The audit daemon by default logs into the file @file{/var/log/audit.log}."
msgstr "@command{auditctl} aus dem @code{audit}-Paket kann benutzt werden, um zu überwachende Ereignisse (bis zum nächsten Neustart) hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen. Um über Ereignisse dauerhaft Informationen sammeln zu lassen, schreiben Sie die Befehlszeilenargumente für auditctl in eine Datei namens @file{audit.rules} im Verzeichnis für Konfigurationen (siehe unten). @command{aureport} aus dem @code{audit}-Paket kann benutzt werden, um einen Bericht über alle aufgezeichneten Ereignisse anzuzeigen. Nach Vorgabe speichert der Audit-Daemon Protokolle in die Datei @file{/var/log/audit.log}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33928
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34479
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} auditd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} auditd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34481
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of auditd."
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von auditd repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33933
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34484
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{audit} (default: @code{audit})"
msgstr "@code{audit} (Vorgabe: @code{audit})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34486
msgid "The audit package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende audit-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34487
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{configuration-directory} (default: @code{%default-auditd-configuration-directory})"
msgstr "@code{configuration-directory} (Vorgabe: @code{%default-auditd-configuration-directory})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33940
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34491
msgid "The directory containing the configuration file for the audit package, which must be named @code{auditd.conf}, and optionally some audit rules to instantiate on startup."
msgstr "Das Verzeichnis mit der Konfigurationsdatei für das audit-Paket. Sie muss den Namen @code{auditd.conf} tragen und optional kann sie ein paar Audit-Regeln enthalten, die beim Start instanziiert werden sollen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34495
#, no-wrap
msgid "rshiny"
msgstr "rshiny"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34496
#, no-wrap
msgid "R-Shiny service"
msgstr "R-Shiny-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33948
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34499
msgid "The @code{(gnu services science)} module provides the following service."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services science)} stellt den folgenden Dienst bereit."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34500
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} rshiny-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} rshiny-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34505
msgid "This is a type of service which is used to run a webapp created with @code{r-shiny}. This service sets the @env{R_LIBS_USER} environment variable and runs the provided script to call @code{runApp}."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp eines Dienstes, um eine mit @code{r-shiny} erzeugte Web-Anwendung („Webapp“) auszuführen. Dieser Dienst legt die Umgebungsvariable @env{R_LIBS_USER} fest und führt das eingestellte Skript aus, um @code{runApp} aufzurufen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33955
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34506
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} rshiny-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} rshiny-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33957
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34508
msgid "This is the data type representing the configuration of rshiny."
msgstr "Dies ist der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration von rshiny repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33960
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34511
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{r-shiny})"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{r-shiny})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34513
msgid "The package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33963
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34514
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{binary} (defaunlt @code{\"rshiny\"})"
msgstr "@code{binary} (Vorgabe: @code{\"rshiny\"})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33966
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34517
msgid "The name of the binary or shell script located at @code{package/bin/} to run when the service is run."
msgstr "Der Name der Binärdatei oder des Shell-Skripts, das sich in @code{Paket/bin/} befindet und beim Starten des Dienstes ausgeführt werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33968
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34519
msgid "The common way to create this file is as follows:"
msgstr "Die übliche Art, diese Datei erzeugen zu lassen, ist folgende:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34536
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -63512,35 +64587,35 @@ msgstr ""
" Rbin targetdir))))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33991
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34542
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nix"
msgstr "Nix"
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33992
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34543
#, no-wrap
msgid "Nix service"
msgstr "Nix-Dienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34546
msgid "The @code{(gnu services nix)} module provides the following service."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services nix)} stellt den folgenden Dienst zur Verfügung:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:33996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34547
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} nix-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} nix-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34552
msgid "This is the type of the service that runs build daemon of the @url{https://nixos.org/nix/, Nix} package manager. Here is an example showing how to use it:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den Dienst, der den Erstellungs-Daemon der @url{https://nixos.org/nix/, Nix-Paketverwaltung} ausführt. Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie man ihn benutzt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34557
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu))\n"
@@ -63554,7 +64629,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34562
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -63570,7 +64645,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34565
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (services (append (list (service nix-service-type))\n"
@@ -63580,29 +64655,29 @@ msgstr ""
" %base-services)))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34568
msgid "After @command{guix system reconfigure} configure Nix for your user:"
msgstr "Nach @command{guix system reconfigure} können Sie Nix für Ihr Benutzerkonto konfigurieren:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34570
#, no-wrap
msgid "Add a Nix channel and update it. See"
msgstr "Fügen Sie einen Nix-Kanal ein und aktualisieren Sie ihn. Siehe"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34572
msgid "@url{https://nixos.org/nix/manual/, Nix Package Manager Guide}."
msgstr "@url{https://nixos.org/nix/manual/, Nix Package Manager Guide}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34573
#, no-wrap
msgid "Create a symlink to your profile and activate Nix profile:"
msgstr "Erzeugen Sie eine symbolische Verknüpfung zu Ihrem Profil und aktivieren Sie das Nix-Profil:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34579
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ ln -s \"/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/profile\" ~/.nix-profile\n"
@@ -63612,258 +64687,257 @@ msgstr ""
"$ source /run/current-system/profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34583
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} nix-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} nix-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34585
msgid "This data type represents the configuration of the Nix daemon."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration des Nix-Daemons."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34587
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{nix} (default: @code{nix})"
msgstr "@code{nix} (Vorgabe: @code{nix})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34038
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34589
msgid "The Nix package to use."
msgstr "Das zu verwendende Nix-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34590
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{sandbox} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{sandbox} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34592
msgid "Specifies whether builds are sandboxed by default."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob Erstellungen nach Voreinstellung in einer isolierten Umgebung („Sandbox“) durchgeführt werden sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34042
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34593
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{build-sandbox-items} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{build-sandbox-items} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34045
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34596
msgid "This is a list of strings or objects appended to the @code{build-sandbox-items} field of the configuration file."
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von Zeichenketten oder Objekten, die an das @code{build-sandbox-items}-Feld der Konfigurationsdatei angehängt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34604
msgid "Extra command line options for @code{nix-service-type}."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoptionen für @code{nix-service-type}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34610
#, no-wrap
msgid "setuid programs"
msgstr "setuid-Programme"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34620
msgid "Some programs need to run with ``root'' privileges, even when they are launched by unprivileged users. A notorious example is the @command{passwd} program, which users can run to change their password, and which needs to access the @file{/etc/passwd} and @file{/etc/shadow} files---something normally restricted to root, for obvious security reasons. To address that, these executables are @dfn{setuid-root}, meaning that they always run with root privileges (@pxref{How Change Persona,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}, for more info about the setuid mechanism)."
msgstr "Manche Programme müssen mit Administratorrechten (also den Berechtigungen des „root“-Benutzers) ausgeführt werden, selbst wenn Nutzer ohne besondere Berechtigungen sie starten. Ein bekanntes Beispiel ist das Programm @command{passwd}, womit Nutzer ihr Passwort ändern können, wozu das Programm auf die Dateien @file{/etc/passwd} und @file{/etc/shadow} zugreifen muss@tie{}— was normalerweise nur der „root“-Nutzer darf, aus offensichtlichen Gründen der Informationssicherheit. Deswegen sind diese ausführbaren Programmdateien @dfn{setuid-root}, d.h.@: sie laufen immer mit den Administratorrechten des root-Nutzers, egal wer sie startet (siehe @ref{How Change Persona,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek} für mehr Informationen über den setuid-Mechanismus)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34076
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34627
msgid "The store itself @emph{cannot} contain setuid programs: that would be a security issue since any user on the system can write derivations that populate the store (@pxref{The Store}). Thus, a different mechanism is used: instead of changing the setuid bit directly on files that are in the store, we let the system administrator @emph{declare} which programs should be setuid root."
msgstr "Der Store selbst kann @emph{keine} setuid-Programme enthalten: Das wäre eine Sicherheitslücke, weil dann jeder Nutzer auf dem System Ableitungen schreiben könnte, die in den Store solche Dateien einfügen würden (siehe @ref{The Store}). Wir benutzen also einen anderen Mechanismus: Statt auf den ausführbaren Dateien im Store selbst deren setuid-Bit zu setzen, lassen wir den Systemadministrator @emph{deklarieren}, welche Programme mit setuid-root gestartet werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34083
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "The @code{setuid-programs} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration contains a list of @code{<setuid-program>} denoting the names of programs to have a setuid or setgid bit set (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}). For instance, the @command{passwd} program, which is part of the Shadow package, with a setuid root can be designated like this:"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34634
msgid "The @code{setuid-programs} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration contains a list of @code{<setuid-program>} denoting the names of programs to have a setuid or setgid bit set (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}). For instance, the @command{mount.nfs} program, which is part of the nfs-utils package, with a setuid root can be designated like this:"
-msgstr "Das Feld @code{setuid-programs} einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration enthält eine Liste von @code{<setuid-program>}-Objekten, die die Namen der Programme angeben, deren setuid- oder setgid-Bits gesetzt werden sollen (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}). Zum Beispiel kann das Programm @command{passwd}, was Teil des Shadow-Pakets ist, so setuid-root werden:"
+msgstr "Das Feld @code{setuid-programs} einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration enthält eine Liste von @code{<setuid-program>}-Objekten, die die Namen der Programme angeben, deren setuid- oder setgid-Bits gesetzt werden sollen (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}). Zum Beispiel kann das Programm @command{mount.nfs}, was Teil des Pakets nfs-utils ist, so setuid-root werden:"
-#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34087
-#, fuzzy, no-wrap
-#| msgid ""
-#| "(setuid-program\n"
-#| " (program (file-append shadow \"/bin/passwd\")))\n"
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34638
+#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (program (file-append nfs-utils \"/sbin/mount.nfs\")))\n"
msgstr ""
-" (program (file-append shadow \"/bin/passwd\")))\n"
+" (program (file-append nfs-utils \"/sbin/mount.nfs\")))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34092
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "And then it can be added to your operating system declaration by appending it to @code{%setuid-programs} like this:"
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34643
msgid "And then, to make @command{mount.nfs} setuid on your system, add the previous example to your operating system declaration by appending it to @code{%setuid-programs} like this:"
-msgstr "Daraufhin tragen Sie es in Ihre Betriebssystemdeklaration ein, indem Sie es an @code{%setuid-programs} anhängen wie hier:"
+msgstr "Um @command{mount.nfs} also mit setuid auszuführen, tragen Sie das vorige Beispiel in Ihre Betriebssystemdeklaration ein, indem Sie es an @code{%setuid-programs} anhängen wie hier:"
-#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34098
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34651
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
-#| "(setuid-programs\n"
-#| " (append (list (setuid-program\n"
-#| " (program (file-append swaylock \"/bin/swaylock\"))))\n"
-#| " %setuid-programs))\n"
+#| "(operating-system\n"
+#| " ;; Some fields omitted...\n"
+#| " (setuid-programs\n"
+#| " (append (list (setuid-program\n"
+#| " (program (file-append nfs-utils \"/sbin/mount.nfs\")))\n"
+#| " %setuid-programs))))\n"
msgid ""
-" (append (list (setuid-program\n"
-" (program (file-append nfs-utils \"/sbin/mount.nfs\"))))\n"
-" %setuid-programs))\n"
+" ;; Some fields omitted...\n"
+" (setuid-programs\n"
+" (append (list (setuid-program\n"
+" (program (file-append nfs-utils \"/sbin/mount.nfs\"))))\n"
+" %setuid-programs)))\n"
msgstr ""
-" (append (list (setuid-program\n"
-" (program (file-append swaylock \"/bin/swaylock\"))))\n"
-" %setuid-programs))\n"
+" ;; Davor stehen andere Felder …\n"
+" (setuid-programs\n"
+" (append (list (setuid-program\n"
+" (program (file-append nfs-utils \"/sbin/mount.nfs\")))\n"
+" %setuid-programs))))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34653
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} setuid-program"
msgstr "{Datentyp} setuid-program"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34655
msgid "This data type represents a program with a setuid or setgid bit set."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp steht für ein Programm, bei dem das setuid- oder setgid-Bit gesetzt werden soll."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34104
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34657
#, no-wrap
msgid "program"
msgstr "program"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34659
msgid "A file-like object having its setuid and/or setgid bit set."
msgstr "Ein dateiartiges Objekt, dessen setuid- und/oder setgid-Bit gesetzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34660
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{setuid?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{setuid?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34662
msgid "Whether to set user setuid bit."
msgstr "Ob das setuid-Bit für den Benutzer gesetzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34663
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{setgid?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{setgid?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34665
msgid "Whether to set group setgid bit."
msgstr "Ob das setgid-Bit für die Benutzergruppe gesetzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34113
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34666
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{user} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{user} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34116
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34669
msgid "UID (integer) or user name (string) for the user owner of the program, defaults to root."
msgstr "Benutzeridentifikator (UID, als ganze Zahl) oder Benutzername (als Zeichenkette) des Benutzers, dem das Programm gehören soll, nach Vorgabe der Administratornutzer root."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34670
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{group} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{group} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34673
msgid "GID (integer) goup name (string) for the group owner of the program, defaults to root."
msgstr "GID (als ganze Zahl) oder Gruppenname (als Zeichenkette) der Benutzergruppe, der das Programm gehört, nach Vorgabe die Benutzergruppe root."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34126
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34679
msgid "A default set of setuid programs is defined by the @code{%setuid-programs} variable of the @code{(gnu system)} module."
msgstr "Eine vorgegebene Menge von setuid-Programmen wird durch die Variable @code{%setuid-programs} aus dem Modul @code{(gnu system)} definiert."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34127
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34680
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %setuid-programs"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %setuid-programs"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34683
msgid "A list of @code{<setuid-program>} denoting common programs that are setuid-root."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @code{<setuid-program>}-Objekten, die übliche Programme angeben, die setuid-root sein müssen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34686
msgid "The list includes commands such as @command{passwd}, @command{ping}, @command{su}, and @command{sudo}."
msgstr "Die Liste enthält Befehle wie @command{passwd}, @command{ping}, @command{su} und @command{sudo}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34139
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34692
msgid "Under the hood, the actual setuid programs are created in the @file{/run/setuid-programs} directory at system activation time. The files in this directory refer to the ``real'' binaries, which are in the store."
msgstr "Intern erzeugt Guix die eigentlichen setuid-Programme im Verzeichnis @file{/run/setuid-programs}, wenn das System aktiviert wird. Die Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis verweisen auf die „echten“ Binärdateien im Store."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34143
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34696
#, no-wrap
msgid "HTTPS, certificates"
msgstr "HTTPS, Zertifikate"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34144
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34697
#, no-wrap
msgid "X.509 certificates"
msgstr "X.509-Zertifikate"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34145
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34698
#, no-wrap
msgid "TLS"
msgstr "TLS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34152
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34705
msgid "Web servers available over HTTPS (that is, HTTP over the transport-layer security mechanism, TLS) send client programs an @dfn{X.509 certificate} that the client can then use to @emph{authenticate} the server. To do that, clients verify that the server's certificate is signed by a so-called @dfn{certificate authority} (CA). But to verify the CA's signature, clients must have first acquired the CA's certificate."
msgstr "Über HTTPS verfügbare Webserver (also HTTP mit gesicherter Transportschicht, englisch „Transport-Layer Security“, kurz TLS) senden Client-Programmen ein @dfn{X.509-Zertifikat}, mit dem der Client den Server dann @emph{authentifizieren} kann. Dazu verifiziert der Client, dass das Zertifikat des Servers von einer sogenannten Zertifizierungsstelle signiert wurde (@dfn{Certificate Authority}, kurz CA). Damit er aber die Signatur der Zertifizierungsstelle verifizieren kann, muss jeder Client das Zertifikat der Zertifizierungsstelle besitzen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34709
msgid "Web browsers such as GNU@tie{}IceCat include their own set of CA certificates, such that they are able to verify CA signatures out-of-the-box."
msgstr "Web-Browser wie GNU@tie{}IceCat liefern ihre eigenen CA-Zertifikate mit, damit sie von Haus aus Zertifikate verifizieren können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34713
msgid "However, most other programs that can talk HTTPS---@command{wget}, @command{git}, @command{w3m}, etc.---need to be told where CA certificates can be found."
msgstr "Den meisten anderen Programmen, die HTTPS sprechen können@tie{}— @command{wget}, @command{git}, @command{w3m} etc.@:@tie{}— muss allerdings erst mitgeteilt werden, wo die CA-Zertifikate installiert sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34720
msgid "In Guix, this is done by adding a package that provides certificates to the @code{packages} field of the @code{operating-system} declaration (@pxref{operating-system Reference}). Guix includes one such package, @code{nss-certs}, which is a set of CA certificates provided as part of Mozilla's Network Security Services."
msgstr "In Guix müssen Sie dazu ein Paket, das Zertifikate enthält, in das @code{packages}-Feld der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration des Betriebssystems hinzufügen (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference}). Guix liefert ein solches Paket mit, @code{nss-certs}, was als Teil von Mozillas „Network Security Services“ angeboten wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34725
msgid "Note that it is @emph{not} part of @code{%base-packages}, so you need to explicitly add it. The @file{/etc/ssl/certs} directory, which is where most applications and libraries look for certificates by default, points to the certificates installed globally."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass es @emph{nicht} zu den @code{%base-packages} gehört, Sie es also ausdrücklich hinzufügen müssen. Das Verzeichnis @file{/etc/ssl/certs}, wo die meisten Anwendungen und Bibliotheken ihren Voreinstellungen entsprechend nach Zertifikaten suchen, verweist auf die global installierten Zertifikate."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34182
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34735
msgid "Unprivileged users, including users of Guix on a foreign distro, can also install their own certificate package in their profile. A number of environment variables need to be defined so that applications and libraries know where to find them. Namely, the OpenSSL library honors the @env{SSL_CERT_DIR} and @env{SSL_CERT_FILE} variables. Some applications add their own environment variables; for instance, the Git version control system honors the certificate bundle pointed to by the @env{GIT_SSL_CAINFO} environment variable. Thus, you would typically run something like:"
msgstr "Unprivilegierte Benutzer, wie die, die Guix auf einer Fremddistribution benutzen, können sich auch lokal ihre eigenen Pakete mit Zertifikaten in ihr Profil installieren. Eine Reihe von Umgebungsvariablen muss dazu definiert werden, damit Anwendungen und Bibliotheken wissen, wo diese Zertifikate zu finden sind. Und zwar folgt die OpenSSL-Bibliothek den Umgebungsvariablen @env{SSL_CERT_DIR} und @env{SSL_CERT_FILE}, manche Anwendungen benutzen stattdessen aber ihre eigenen Umgebungsvariablen. Das Versionskontrollsystem Git liest den Ort zum Beispiel aus der Umgebungsvariablen @env{GIT_SSL_CAINFO} aus. Sie würden typischerweise also so etwas ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34741
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix install nss-certs\n"
@@ -63877,12 +64951,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34746
msgid "As another example, R requires the @env{CURL_CA_BUNDLE} environment variable to point to a certificate bundle, so you would have to run something like this:"
msgstr "Ein weiteres Beispiel ist R, was voraussetzt, dass die Umgebungsvariable @env{CURL_CA_BUNDLE} auf ein Zertifikatsbündel verweist, weshalb Sie etwas wie hier ausführen müssten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34750
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix install nss-certs\n"
@@ -63892,51 +64966,51 @@ msgstr ""
"export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=\"$HOME/.guix-profile/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34201
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34754
msgid "For other applications you may want to look up the required environment variable in the relevant documentation."
msgstr "Für andere Anwendungen möchten Sie die Namen der benötigten Umgebungsvariablen vielleicht in deren Dokumentation nachschlagen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34759
#, no-wrap
msgid "name service switch"
msgstr "Name Service Switch"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34207
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34760
#, no-wrap
msgid "NSS"
msgstr "NSS"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34769
msgid "The @code{(gnu system nss)} module provides bindings to the configuration file of the libc @dfn{name service switch} or @dfn{NSS} (@pxref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). In a nutshell, the NSS is a mechanism that allows libc to be extended with new ``name'' lookup methods for system databases, which includes host names, service names, user accounts, and more (@pxref{Name Service Switch, System Databases and Name Service Switch,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu system nss)} enthält Anbindungen für die Konfiguration des @dfn{Name Service Switch} (NSS) der libc (siehe @ref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Kurz gesagt ist der NSS ein Mechanismus, mit dem die libc um neue „Namens“-Auflösungsmethoden für Systemdatenbanken erweitert werden kann; dazu gehören Rechnernamen (auch bekannt als „Host“-Namen), Dienstnamen, Benutzerkonten und mehr (siehe @ref{Name Service Switch, Systemdatenbanken und der Name Service Switch,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34776
msgid "The NSS configuration specifies, for each system database, which lookup method is to be used, and how the various methods are chained together---for instance, under which circumstances NSS should try the next method in the list. The NSS configuration is given in the @code{name-service-switch} field of @code{operating-system} declarations (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{name-service-switch}})."
msgstr "Die NSS-Konfiguration legt für jede Systemdatenbank fest, mit welcher Methode der Name nachgeschlagen („aufgelöst“) werden kann und welche Methoden zusammenhängen@tie{}— z.B.@: unter welchen Umständen der NSS es mit der nächsten Methode auf seiner Liste versuchen sollte. Die NSS-Konfiguration wird im Feld @code{name-service-switch} von @code{operating-system}-Deklarationen angegeben (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{name-service-switch}})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34224
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34777
#, no-wrap
msgid "nss-mdns"
msgstr "nss-mdns"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34778
#, no-wrap
msgid ".local, host name lookup"
msgstr ".local, Rechnernamensauflösung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34783
msgid "As an example, the declaration below configures the NSS to use the @uref{https://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/, @code{nss-mdns} back-end}, which supports host name lookups over multicast DNS (mDNS) for host names ending in @code{.local}:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel konfigurieren die folgenden Deklarationen den NSS so, dass er das @uref{https://0pointer.de/lennart/projects/nss-mdns/, @code{nss-mdns}-Backend} benutzt, wodurch er auf @code{.local} endende Rechnernamen über Multicast-DNS (mDNS) auflöst:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34787
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -63948,7 +65022,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34792
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; If the above did not succeed, try\n"
@@ -63964,7 +65038,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34245
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34798
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; 'mdns_minimal' is authoritative for\n"
@@ -63984,7 +65058,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34802
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Then fall back to DNS.\n"
@@ -63998,7 +65072,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34253
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34806
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" ;; Finally, try with the \"full\" 'mdns'.\n"
@@ -64011,151 +65085,151 @@ msgstr ""
" (name \"mdns\")))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34811
msgid "Do not worry: the @code{%mdns-host-lookup-nss} variable (see below) contains this configuration, so you will not have to type it if all you want is to have @code{.local} host lookup working."
msgstr "Keine Sorge: Die Variable @code{%mdns-host-lookup-nss} (siehe unten) enthält diese Konfiguration bereits. Statt das alles selst einzutippen, können Sie sie benutzen, wenn alles, was Sie möchten, eine funktionierende Namensauflösung für @code{.local}-Rechner ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34819
msgid "Note that, in this case, in addition to setting the @code{name-service-switch} of the @code{operating-system} declaration, you also need to use @code{avahi-service-type} (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{avahi-service-type}}), or @code{%desktop-services}, which includes it (@pxref{Desktop Services}). Doing this makes @code{nss-mdns} accessible to the name service cache daemon (@pxref{Base Services, @code{nscd-service}})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie dabei, dass es zusätzlich zum Festlegen des @code{name-service-switch} in der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration auch erforderlich ist, den @code{avahi-service-type} zu benutzen (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{avahi-service-type}}). Es genügt auch, wenn Sie die @code{%desktop-services} benutzen, weil er darin enthalten ist (siehe @ref{Desktop Services}). Dadurch wird @code{nss-mdns} für den Name Service Cache Daemon nutzbar (siehe @ref{Base Services, @code{nscd-service}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34822
msgid "For convenience, the following variables provide typical NSS configurations."
msgstr "Um sich eine lange Konfiguration zu ersparen, können Sie auch einfach die folgenden Variablen für typische NSS-Konfigurationen benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34823
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %default-nss"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %default-nss"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34826
msgid "This is the default name service switch configuration, a @code{name-service-switch} object."
msgstr "Die vorgegebene Konfiguration des Name Service Switch als ein @code{name-service-switch}-Objekt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34275
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34828
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %mdns-host-lookup-nss"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %mdns-host-lookup-nss"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34278
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34831
msgid "This is the name service switch configuration with support for host name lookup over multicast DNS (mDNS) for host names ending in @code{.local}."
msgstr "Die Name-Service-Switch-Konfiguration mit Unterstützung für Rechnernamensauflösung über „Multicast DNS“ (mDNS) für auf @code{.local} endende Rechnernamen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34841
msgid "The reference for name service switch configuration is given below. It is a direct mapping of the configuration file format of the C library , so please refer to the C library manual for more information (@pxref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). Compared to the configuration file format of libc NSS, it has the advantage not only of adding this warm parenthetic feel that we like, but also static checks: you will know about syntax errors and typos as soon as you run @command{guix system}."
msgstr "Im Folgenden finden Sie eine Referenz, wie eine Name-Service-Switch-Konfiguration aussehen muss. Sie hat eine direkte Entsprechung zum Konfigurationsdateiformat der C-Bibliothek, lesen Sie weitere Informationen also bitte im Handbuch der C-Bibliothek nach (siehe @ref{NSS Configuration File,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Gegenüber dem Konfigurationsdateiformat des libc-NSS bekommen Sie mit unserer Syntax nicht nur ein warm umklammerndes Gefühl, sondern auch eine statische Analyse: Wenn Sie Syntax- und Schreibfehler machen, werden Sie darüber benachrichtigt, sobald Sie @command{guix system} aufrufen."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34842
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} name-service-switch"
msgstr "{Datentyp} name-service-switch"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34294
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34847
msgid "This is the data type representation the configuration of libc's name service switch (NSS). Each field below represents one of the supported system databases."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des Name Service Switch (NSS) der libc repräsentiert. Jedes im Folgenden aufgeführte Feld repräsentiert eine der unterstützten Systemdatenbanken."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34849
#, no-wrap
msgid "aliases"
msgstr "aliases"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34850
#, no-wrap
msgid "ethers"
msgstr "ethers"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34299
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34852
#, no-wrap
msgid "gshadow"
msgstr "gshadow"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34300
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34853
#, no-wrap
msgid "hosts"
msgstr "hosts"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34854
#, no-wrap
msgid "initgroups"
msgstr "initgroups"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34855
#, no-wrap
msgid "netgroup"
msgstr "netgroup"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34856
#, no-wrap
msgid "networks"
msgstr "networks"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34306
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34859
#, no-wrap
msgid "rpc"
msgstr "rpc"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34861
#, no-wrap
msgid "shadow"
msgstr "shadow"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34864
msgid "The system databases handled by the NSS@. Each of these fields must be a list of @code{<name-service>} objects (see below)."
msgstr "Das sind die Systemdatenbanken, um die sich NSS kümmern kann. Jedes dieser Felder muss eine Liste aus @code{<name-service>}-Objekten sein (siehe unten)."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34867
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} name-service"
msgstr "{Datentyp} name-service"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34318
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34871
msgid "This is the data type representing an actual name service and the associated lookup action."
msgstr "Der einen eigentlichen Namensdienst repräsentierende Datentyp zusammen mit der zugehörigen Auflösungsaktion."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34323
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34876
msgid "A string denoting the name service (@pxref{Services in the NSS configuration,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual})."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, die den Namensdienst bezeichnet (siehe @ref{Services in the NSS configuration,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34328
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34881
msgid "Note that name services listed here must be visible to nscd. This is achieved by passing the @code{#:name-services} argument to @code{nscd-service} the list of packages providing the needed name services (@pxref{Base Services, @code{nscd-service}})."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass hier aufgeführte Namensdienste für den nscd sichtbar sein müssen. Dazu übergeben Sie im Argument @code{#:name-services} des @code{nscd-service} die Liste der Pakete, die die entsprechenden Namensdienste anbieten (siehe @ref{Base Services, @code{nscd-service}})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34329
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34882
#, no-wrap
msgid "reaction"
msgstr "reaction"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34886
msgid "An action specified using the @code{lookup-specification} macro (@pxref{Actions in the NSS configuration,,, libc, The GNU C Library Reference Manual}). For example:"
msgstr "Eine mit Hilfe des Makros @code{lookup-specification} angegebene Aktion (siehe @ref{Actions in the NSS configuration,,, libc, Referenzhandbuch der GNU-C-Bibliothek}). Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34890
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(lookup-specification (unavailable => continue)\n"
@@ -64165,17 +65239,17 @@ msgstr ""
" (success => return))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34351
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34904
msgid "For bootstrapping purposes, the Linux-Libre kernel is passed an @dfn{initial RAM disk}, or @dfn{initrd}. An initrd contains a temporary root file system as well as an initialization script. The latter is responsible for mounting the real root file system, and for loading any kernel modules that may be needed to achieve that."
msgstr "Um ihn zu initialisieren (zu „bootstrappen“), wird für den Kernel Linux-Libre eine @dfn{initiale RAM-Disk} angegeben (kurz @dfn{initrd}). Eine initrd enthält ein temporäres Wurzeldateisystem sowie ein Skript zur Initialisierung. Letzteres ist dafür zuständig, das echte Wurzeldateisystem einzubinden und alle Kernel-Module zu laden, die dafür nötig sein könnten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34360
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34913
msgid "The @code{initrd-modules} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration allows you to specify Linux-libre kernel modules that must be available in the initrd. In particular, this is where you would list modules needed to actually drive the hard disk where your root partition is---although the default value of @code{initrd-modules} should cover most use cases. For example, assuming you need the @code{megaraid_sas} module in addition to the default modules to be able to access your root file system, you would write:"
msgstr "Mit dem Feld @code{initrd-modules} einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration können Sie angeben, welche Kernel-Module für Linux-libre in der initrd verfügbar sein müssen. Insbesondere müssen hier die Module aufgeführt werden, um die Festplatte zu betreiben, auf der sich Ihre Wurzelpartition befindet@tie{}— allerdings sollte der vorgegebene Wert der @code{initrd-modules} in dem meisten Fällen genügen. Wenn Sie aber zum Beispiel das Kernel-Modul @code{megaraid_sas} zusätzlich zu den vorgegebenen Modulen brauchen, um auf Ihr Wurzeldateisystem zugreifen zu können, würden Sie das so schreiben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34365
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34918
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -64187,28 +65261,28 @@ msgstr ""
" (initrd-modules (cons \"megaraid_sas\" %base-initrd-modules)))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34920
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %base-initrd-modules"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %base-initrd-modules"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34369
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34922
msgid "This is the list of kernel modules included in the initrd by default."
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert für die Liste der Kernel-Module, die in der initrd enthalten sein sollen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34930
msgid "Furthermore, if you need lower-level customization, the @code{initrd} field of an @code{operating-system} declaration allows you to specify which initrd you would like to use. The @code{(gnu system linux-initrd)} module provides three ways to build an initrd: the high-level @code{base-initrd} procedure and the low-level @code{raw-initrd} and @code{expression->initrd} procedures."
msgstr "Wenn Sie noch systemnähere Anpassungen durchführen wollen, können Sie im Feld @code{initrd} einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration angeben, was für eine Art von initrd Sie benutzen möchten. Das Modul @code{(gnu system linux-initrd)} enthält drei Arten, eine initrd zu erstellen: die abstrakte Prozedur @code{base-initrd} und die systemnahen Prozeduren @code{raw-initrd} und @code{expression->initrd}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34935
msgid "The @code{base-initrd} procedure is intended to cover most common uses. For example, if you want to add a bunch of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time, you can define the @code{initrd} field of the operating system declaration like this:"
msgstr "Mit der Prozedur @code{base-initrd} sollten Sie die häufigsten Anwendungszwecke abdecken können. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel ein paar Kernel-Module zur Boot-Zeit laden lassen möchten, können Sie das @code{initrd}-Feld auf diese Art definieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34390
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34943
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(initrd (lambda (file-systems . rest)\n"
@@ -64227,449 +65301,449 @@ msgstr ""
" rest)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34948
msgid "The @code{base-initrd} procedure also handles common use cases that involves using the system as a QEMU guest, or as a ``live'' system with volatile root file system."
msgstr "Die Prozedur @code{base-initrd} kann auch mit üblichen Anwendungszwecken umgehen, um das System als QEMU-Gastsystem zu betreiben oder als ein „Live“-System ohne ein dauerhaft gespeichertes Wurzeldateisystem."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34402
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34955
msgid "The @code{base-initrd} procedure is built from @code{raw-initrd} procedure. Unlike @code{base-initrd}, @code{raw-initrd} doesn't do anything high-level, such as trying to guess which kernel modules and packages should be included to the initrd. An example use of @code{raw-initrd} is when a user has a custom Linux kernel configuration and default kernel modules included by @code{base-initrd} are not available."
msgstr "Die Prozedur @code{base-initrd} baut auf der Prozedur @code{raw-initrd} auf. Anders als @code{base-initrd} hat @code{raw-initrd} keinerlei Zusatzfunktionalitäten: Es wird kein Versuch unternommen, für die initrd notwendige Kernel-Module und Pakete automatisch hinzuzunehmen. @code{raw-initrd} kann zum Beispiel benutzt werden, wenn ein Nutzer eine eigene Konfiguration des Linux-Kernels verwendet und die Standard-Kernel-Module, die mit @code{base-initrd} hinzugenommen würden, nicht verfügbar sind."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34960
msgid "The initial RAM disk produced by @code{base-initrd} or @code{raw-initrd} honors several options passed on the Linux kernel command line (that is, arguments passed @i{via} the @code{linux} command of GRUB, or the @code{-append} option of QEMU), notably:"
msgstr "Die initiale RAM-Disk, wie sie von @code{base-initrd} oder @code{raw-initrd} erzeugt wird, richtet sich nach verschiedenen Optionen, die auf der Kernel-Befehlszeile übergeben werden (also über GRUBs @code{linux}-Befehl oder die @code{-append}-Befehlszeilenoption von QEMU). Erwähnt werden sollten:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34962
#, no-wrap
msgid "--load=@var{boot}"
msgstr "--load=@var{boot}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34965
msgid "Tell the initial RAM disk to load @var{boot}, a file containing a Scheme program, once it has mounted the root file system."
msgstr "Die initiale RAM-Disk eine Datei @var{boot}, in der ein Scheme-Programm steht, laden lassen, nachdem das Wurzeldateisystem eingebunden wurde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34969
msgid "Guix uses this option to yield control to a boot program that runs the service activation programs and then spawns the GNU@tie{}Shepherd, the initialization system."
msgstr "Guix übergibt mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption die Kontrolle an ein Boot-Programm, das die Dienstaktivierungsprogramme ausführt und anschließend den GNU@tie{}Shepherd startet, das Initialisierungssystem („init“-System) von Guix System."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34970
#, no-wrap
msgid "--root=@var{root}"
msgstr "--root=@var{Wurzel}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34975
msgid "Mount @var{root} as the root file system. @var{root} can be a device name like @code{/dev/sda1}, a file system label, or a file system UUID. When unspecified, the device name from the root file system of the operating system declaration is used."
msgstr "Das mit @var{Wurzel} bezeichnete Dateisystem als Wurzeldateisystem einbinden. @var{Wurzel} kann ein Geratename wie @code{/dev/sda1}, eine Dateisystembezeichnung (d.h.@: ein Dateisystem-„Label“) oder eine Dateisystem-UUID sein. Wird nichts angegeben, wird der Gerätename aus dem Wurzeldateisystem der Betriebssystemdeklaration benutzt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34976
#, no-wrap
msgid "fsck.mode=@var{mode}"
msgstr "fsck.mode=@var{Modus}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34429
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34982
msgid "Whether to check the @var{root} file system for errors before mounting it. @var{mode} is one of @code{skip} (never check), @code{force} (always check), or @code{auto} to respect the root file-system object's 'check?' setting (@pxref{File Systems}) and run a full scan only if the file system was not cleanly shut down."
msgstr "Ob das mit @var{Wurzel} bezeichnete Dateisystem vor dem Einbinden auf Fehler geprüft werden soll. Als @var{Modus} geben Sie entweder @code{skip} (nie prüfen), @code{force} (immer prüfen) oder @code{auto} an. Bei @code{auto} wird die „check?“-Einstellung des Dateisystemobjekts für @var{Wurzel} verwendet (siehe @ref{File Systems}) und eine Dateisystemüberprüfung nur durchgeführt, wenn das Dateisystem nicht ordnungsgemäß heruntergefahren wurde."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34985
msgid "@code{auto} is the default if this option is not present or if @var{mode} is not one of the above."
msgstr "Die Voreinstellung ist @code{auto}, wenn diese Option nicht angegeben wird oder @var{Modus} keinem der genannten Werte entspricht."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34433
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34986
#, no-wrap
msgid "fsck.repair=@var{level}"
msgstr "fsck.repair=@var{Stufe}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34438
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34991
msgid "The level of repairs to perform automatically if errors are found in the @var{root} file system. @var{level} is one of @code{no} (do not write to @var{root} at all if possible), @code{yes} (repair as much as possible), or @code{preen} to repair problems considered safe to repair automatically."
msgstr "Die Stufe gibt an, wie erkannte Fehler im Wurzeldateisystem @var{Wurzel} automatisch repariert werden sollen. @var{Stufe} darf @code{no} sein (nichts an @var{Wurzel} ändern, wenn möglich), @code{yes} (so viele Fehler wie möglich beheben) oder @code{preen}. Letzteres repariert solche Probleme, wo die automatische Reparatur als unbedenklich eingeschätzt wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34441
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34994
msgid "@code{preen} is the default if this option is not present or if @var{level} is not one of the above."
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Option weglassen oder als @var{Stufe} keine der genannten angeben, wird als Voreinstellung so verfahren, als hätten Sie @code{preen} angegeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34998
msgid "Have @file{/run/booted-system} and @file{/run/current-system} point to @var{system}."
msgstr "@file{/run/booted-system} und @file{/run/current-system} auf das @var{System} zeigen lassen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34446
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34999
#, no-wrap
msgid "modprobe.blacklist=@var{modules}@dots{}"
msgstr "modprobe.blacklist=@var{Module}…"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35000
#, no-wrap
msgid "module, black-listing"
msgstr "Kernel-Module, Sperrliste"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34448
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35001
#, no-wrap
msgid "black list, of kernel modules"
msgstr "Sperrliste, von Kernel-Modulen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34453
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35006
msgid "Instruct the initial RAM disk as well as the @command{modprobe} command (from the kmod package) to refuse to load @var{modules}. @var{modules} must be a comma-separated list of module names---e.g., @code{usbkbd,9pnet}."
msgstr "Die initiale RAM-Disk sowie den Befehl @command{modprobe} (aus dem kmod-Paket) anweisen, das Laden der angegebenen @var{Module} zu verweigern. Als @var{Module} muss eine kommagetrennte Liste von Kernel-Modul-Namen angegeben werden@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{usbkbd,9pnet}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35007
#, no-wrap
msgid "--repl"
msgstr "--repl"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34460
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35013
msgid "Start a read-eval-print loop (REPL) from the initial RAM disk before it tries to load kernel modules and to mount the root file system. Our marketing team calls it @dfn{boot-to-Guile}. The Schemer in you will love it. @xref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for more information on Guile's REPL."
msgstr "Eine Lese-Auswerten-Schreiben-Schleife (englisch „Read-Eval-Print Loop“, kurz REPL) von der initialen RAM-Disk starten, bevor diese die Kernel-Module zu laden versucht und das Wurzeldateisystem einbindet. Unsere Marketingabteilung nennt das @dfn{boot-to-Guile}. Der Schemer in Ihnen wird das lieben. Siehe @ref{Using Guile Interactively,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} für mehr Informationen über die REPL von Guile."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34466
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35019
msgid "Now that you know all the features that initial RAM disks produced by @code{base-initrd} and @code{raw-initrd} provide, here is how to use it and customize it further."
msgstr "Jetzt wo Sie wissen, was für Funktionalitäten eine durch @code{base-initrd} und @code{raw-initrd} erzeugte initiale RAM-Disk so haben kann, möchten Sie vielleicht auch wissen, wie man sie benutzt und weiter anpasst:"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34469
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35022
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} raw-initrd @var{file-systems} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} raw-initrd @var{Dateisysteme} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34483
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35036
msgid "[#:linux-modules '()] [#:mapped-devices '()] @ [#:keyboard-layout #f] @ [#:helper-packages '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] Return a derivation that builds a raw initrd. @var{file-systems} is a list of file systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified on the kernel command line via @option{--root}. @var{linux-modules} is a list of kernel modules to be loaded at boot time. @var{mapped-devices} is a list of device mappings to realize before @var{file-systems} are mounted (@pxref{Mapped Devices}). @var{helper-packages} is a list of packages to be copied in the initrd. It may include @code{e2fsck/static} or other packages needed by the initrd to check the root file system."
msgstr "[#:linux-modules '()] [#:mapped-devices '()] @ [#:keyboard-layout #f] @ [#:helper-packages '()] [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] Liefert eine Ableitung, die eine rohe („raw“) initrd erstellt. @var{Dateisysteme} bezeichnet eine Liste von durch die initrd einzubindenden Dateisystemen, unter Umständen zusätzlich zum auf der Kernel-Befehlszeile mit @option{--root} angegebenen Wurzeldateisystem. @var{linux-modules} ist eine Liste von Kernel-Modulen, die zur Boot-Zeit geladen werden sollen. @var{mapped-devices} ist eine Liste von Gerätezuordnungen, die hergestellt sein müssen, bevor die unter @var{file-systems} aufgeführten Dateisysteme eingebunden werden (siehe @ref{Mapped Devices}). @var{helper-packages} ist eine Liste von Paketen, die in die initrd kopiert werden. Darunter kann @code{e2fsck/static} oder andere Pakete aufgeführt werden, mit denen durch die initrd das Wurzeldateisystem auf Fehler hin geprüft werden kann."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34489 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35042 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35066
msgid "When true, @var{keyboard-layout} is a @code{<keyboard-layout>} record denoting the desired console keyboard layout. This is done before @var{mapped-devices} are set up and before @var{file-systems} are mounted such that, should the user need to enter a passphrase or use the REPL, this happens using the intended keyboard layout."
msgstr "Ist es auf einen wahren Wert gesetzt, dann muss @var{keyboard-layout} eine Tastaturbelegung als @code{<keyboard-layout>}-Verbundsobjekt angeben, die die gewünschte Tastaturbelegung für die Konsole bezeichnet. Sie wird verwendet, noch bevor die Gerätezuordnungen in @var{mapped-devices} hergestellt werden und bevor die Dateisysteme in @var{file-systems} eingebunden werden, damit der Anwender dabei die gewollte Tastaturbelegung beim Eingeben einer Passphrase und bei der Nutzung einer REPL verwenden kann."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34493
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35046
msgid "When @var{qemu-networking?} is true, set up networking with the standard QEMU parameters. When @var{virtio?} is true, load additional modules so that the initrd can be used as a QEMU guest with para-virtualized I/O drivers."
msgstr "Wenn @var{qemu-networking?} wahr ist, wird eine Netzwerkverbindung mit den Standard-QEMU-Parametern hergestellt. Wenn @var{virtio?} wahr ist, werden zusätzliche Kernel-Module geladen, damit die initrd als ein QEMU-Gast paravirtualisierte Ein-/Ausgabetreiber benutzen kann."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35049
msgid "When @var{volatile-root?} is true, the root file system is writable but any changes to it are lost."
msgstr "Wenn @var{volatile-root?} wahr ist, ist Schreiben auf das Wurzeldateisystem möglich, aber Änderungen daran bleiben nicht erhalten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34498
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35051
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} base-initrd @var{file-systems} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} base-initrd @var{Dateisysteme} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35060
msgid "[#:mapped-devices '()] [#:keyboard-layout #f] @ [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] @ [#:linux-modules '()] Return as a file-like object a generic initrd, with kernel modules taken from @var{linux}. @var{file-systems} is a list of file-systems to be mounted by the initrd, possibly in addition to the root file system specified on the kernel command line via @option{--root}. @var{mapped-devices} is a list of device mappings to realize before @var{file-systems} are mounted."
msgstr "[#:mapped-devices '()] [#:keyboard-layout #f] @ [#:qemu-networking? #f] [#:volatile-root? #f] @ [#:linux-modules '()] Liefert eine allgemein anwendbare, generische initrd als dateiartiges Objekt mit den Kernel-Modulen aus @var{linux}. Die @var{file-systems} sind eine Liste von durch die initrd einzubindenden Dateisystemen, unter Umständen zusätzlich zum Wurzeldateisystem, das auf der Kernel-Befehlszeile mit @option{--root} angegeben wurde. Die @var{mapped-devices} sind eine Liste von Gerätezuordnungen, die hergestellt sein müssen, bevor die @var{file-systems} eingebunden werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34515
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35068
msgid "@var{qemu-networking?} and @var{volatile-root?} behaves as in @code{raw-initrd}."
msgstr "@var{qemu-networking?} und @var{volatile-root?} verhalten sich wie bei @code{raw-initrd}."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34520
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35073
msgid "The initrd is automatically populated with all the kernel modules necessary for @var{file-systems} and for the given options. Additional kernel modules can be listed in @var{linux-modules}. They will be added to the initrd, and loaded at boot time in the order in which they appear."
msgstr "In die initrd werden automatisch alle Kernel-Module eingefügt, die für die unter @var{file-systems} angegebenen Dateisysteme und die angegebenen Optionen nötig sind. Zusätzliche Kernel-Module können unter den @var{linux-modules} aufgeführt werden. Diese werden zur initrd hinzugefügt und zur Boot-Zeit in der Reihenfolge geladen, in der sie angegeben wurden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35080
msgid "Needless to say, the initrds we produce and use embed a statically-linked Guile, and the initialization program is a Guile program. That gives a lot of flexibility. The @code{expression->initrd} procedure builds such an initrd, given the program to run in that initrd."
msgstr "Selbstverständlich betten die hier erzeugten und benutzten initrds ein statisch gebundenes Guile ein und das Initialisierungsprogramm ist ein Guile-Programm. Dadurch haben wir viel Flexibilität. Die Prozedur @code{expression->initrd} erstellt eine solche initrd für ein an sie übergebenes Programm."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35081
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} expression->initrd @var{exp} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} expression->initrd @var{G-Ausdruck} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35087
msgid "[#:guile %guile-static-stripped] [#:name \"guile-initrd\"] Return as a file-like object a Linux initrd (a gzipped cpio archive) containing @var{guile} and that evaluates @var{exp}, a G-expression, upon booting. All the derivations referenced by @var{exp} are automatically copied to the initrd."
msgstr "[#:guile %guile-static-stripped] [#:name \"guile-initrd\"] Liefert eine Linux-initrd (d.h.@: ein gzip-komprimiertes cpio-Archiv) als dateiartiges Objekt, in dem @var{guile} enthalten ist, womit der @var{G-Ausdruck} nach dem Booten ausgewertet wird. Alle vom @var{G-Ausdruck} referenzierten Ableitungen werden automatisch in die initrd kopiert."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34540
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35093
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot loader"
msgstr "Bootloader"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35100
msgid "The operating system supports multiple bootloaders. The bootloader is configured using @code{bootloader-configuration} declaration. All the fields of this structure are bootloader agnostic except for one field, @code{bootloader} that indicates the bootloader to be configured and installed."
msgstr "Das Betriebssystem unterstützt mehrere Bootloader. Der gewünschte Bootloader wird mit der @code{bootloader-configuration}-Deklaration konfiguriert. Alle Felder dieser Struktur sind für alle Bootloader gleich außer dem einen Feld @code{bootloader}, das angibt, welcher Bootloader konfiguriert und installiert werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35105
msgid "Some of the bootloaders do not honor every field of @code{bootloader-configuration}. For instance, the extlinux bootloader does not support themes and thus ignores the @code{theme} field."
msgstr "Manche der Bootloader setzen nicht alle Felder einer @code{bootloader-configuration} um. Zum Beispiel ignoriert der extlinux-Bootloader das @code{theme}-Feld, weil er keine eigenen Themen unterstützt."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34553
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35106
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} bootloader-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} bootloader-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35108
msgid "The type of a bootloader configuration declaration."
msgstr "Der Typ der Deklaration einer Bootloader-Konfiguration."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35112
#, no-wrap
msgid "EFI, bootloader"
msgstr "EFI, Bootloader"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34560
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35113
#, no-wrap
msgid "UEFI, bootloader"
msgstr "UEFI, Bootloader"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34561
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35114
#, no-wrap
msgid "BIOS, bootloader"
msgstr "BIOS, Bootloader"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34566
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35119
msgid "The bootloader to use, as a @code{bootloader} object. For now @code{grub-bootloader}, @code{grub-efi-bootloader}, @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader}, @code{extlinux-bootloader} and @code{u-boot-bootloader} are supported."
msgstr "Der zu benutzende Bootloader als ein @code{bootloader}-Objekt. Zurzeit werden @code{grub-bootloader}, @code{grub-efi-bootloader}, @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader}, @code{extlinux-bootloader} und @code{u-boot-bootloader} unterstützt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35120
#, no-wrap
msgid "ARM, bootloaders"
msgstr "ARM, Bootloader"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35121
#, no-wrap
msgid "AArch64, bootloaders"
msgstr "AArch64, Bootloader"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35126
msgid "Available bootloaders are described in @code{(gnu bootloader @dots{})} modules. In particular, @code{(gnu bootloader u-boot)} contains definitions of bootloaders for a wide range of ARM and AArch64 systems, using the @uref{https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/, U-Boot bootloader}."
msgstr "Verfügbare Bootloader werden in den Modulen @code{(gnu bootloader …)} beschrieben. Insbesondere enthält @code{(gnu bootloader u-boot)} Definitionen für eine Vielzahl von ARM- und AArch64-Systemen, die den @uref{https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/, U-Boot-Bootloader} benutzen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34579
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35132
msgid "@code{grub-efi-bootloader} allows to boot on modern systems using the @dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI). This is what you should use if the installation image contains a @file{/sys/firmware/efi} directory when you boot it on your system."
msgstr "@code{grub-efi-bootloader} macht es möglich, auf modernen Systemen mit @dfn{Unified Extensible Firmware Interface} (UEFI) zu booten. Sie sollten das hier benutzen, wenn im Installationsabbild ein Verzeichnis @file{/sys/firmware/efi} vorhanden ist, wenn Sie davon auf Ihrem System booten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35136
msgid "@code{grub-bootloader} allows you to boot in particular Intel-based machines in ``legacy'' BIOS mode."
msgstr "Mit @code{grub-bootloader} können Sie vor allem auf Intel-basierten Maschinen im alten „Legacy“-BIOS-Modus booten."
#. type: vindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34584
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35137
#, no-wrap
msgid "grub-efi-netboot-bootloader"
msgstr "grub-efi-netboot-bootloader"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34588
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35141
msgid "@code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader} allows you to boot your system over network through TFTP@. In combination with an NFS root file system this allows you to build a diskless Guix system."
msgstr "Mit @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader} können Sie Ihr System @i{via} TFTP über das Netzwerk booten. Zusammen mit einem über NFS eingebundenen Wurzeldateisystem können Sie damit ein Guix-System ohne Plattenlaufwerk einrichten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34594
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35147
msgid "The installation of the @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader} generates the content of the TFTP root directory at @code{targets} (@pxref{Bootloader Configuration, @code{targets}}), to be served by a TFTP server. You may want to mount your TFTP server directories onto the @code{targets} to move the required files to the TFTP server automatically."
msgstr "Bei der Installation des @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader} wird der Inhalt der bei @code{targets} angegebenen TFTP-Wurzelverzeichnisse erzeugt (siehe @ref{Bootloader Configuration, @code{targets}}), so dass eines von einem TFTP-Server bereitgestellt werden kann. Vielleicht möchten Sie dazu Ihre TFTP-Serververzeichnisse zuvor als @code{targets} einbinden, damit die benötigten Dateien direkt auf den TFTP-Server aufgespielt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34603
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35156
msgid "If you plan to use an NFS root file system as well (actually if you mount the store from an NFS share), then the TFTP server needs to serve the file @file{/boot/grub/grub.cfg} and other files from the store (like GRUBs background image, the kernel (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{kernel}}) and the initrd (@pxref{operating-system Reference, @code{initrd}})), too. All these files from the store will be accessed by GRUB through TFTP with their normal store path, for example as @file{tftp://tftp-server/gnu/store/…-initrd/initrd.cpio.gz}."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie außerdem vorhaben, ein NFS-Wurzeldateisystem zu benutzen (eigentlich auch, wenn Sie bloß den Store von einer NFS-Freigabe laden möchten), dann muss der TFTP-Server auch die Datei @file{/boot/grub/grub.cfg} und die anderen Dateien vom Store zur Verfügung stellen, etwa GRUBs Hintergrundbild, den Kernel (siehe\n"
"@ref{operating-system Reference, @code{kernel}}) und auch die initrd (siehe @ref{operating-system Reference, @code{initrd}}). Auf all diese Store-Dateien greift GRUB @i{via} TFTP über ihren normalen Store-Pfad zu, z.B.@: über @file{tftp://tftp-server/gnu/store/…-initrd/initrd.cpio.gz}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34612
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35165
msgid "Two symlinks are created to make this possible. For each target in the @code{targets} field, the first symlink is @samp{target}@file{/efi/Guix/boot/grub/grub.cfg} pointing to @file{../../../boot/grub/grub.cfg}, where @samp{target} may be @file{/boot}. In this case the link is not leaving the served TFTP root directory, but otherwise it does. The second link is @samp{target}@file{/gnu/store} and points to @file{../gnu/store}. This link is leaving the served TFTP root directory."
msgstr "Um das möglich zu machen, erzeugt Guix zwei symbolische Verknüpfungen. Für jedes Ziel im Feld @code{targets} ist die erste Verknüpfung @samp{Ziel}@file{/efi/Guix/boot/grub/grub.cfg}, die auf @file{../../../boot/grub/grub.cfg} zeigt, wobei das @samp{Ziel} dem Pfad @file{/boot} entsprechen kann. In diesem Fall verlässt die Verknüpfung das zugänglich gemachte TFTP-Wurzelverzeichnis @emph{nicht}, in den anderen Fällen schon. Die zweite Verknüpfung ist @samp{Ziel}@file{/gnu/store} und zeigt auf @file{../gnu/store}. Diese Verknüpfung verlässt das zugänglich gemachte TFTP-Wurzelverzeichnis."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35171
msgid "The assumption behind all this is that you have an NFS server exporting the root file system for your Guix system, and additionally a TFTP server exporting your @code{targets} directories—usually a single @file{/boot}—from that same root file system for your Guix system. In this constellation the symlinks will work."
msgstr "Die Annahme hinter all dem ist, dass Sie einen NFS-Server haben, der das Wurzelverzeichnis für Ihr Guix-System exportiert, und außerdem einen TFTP-Server haben, der die als @code{targets} angegebenen Verzeichnisse liefert@tie{}— normalerweise ist das ein einzelnes Verzeichnis @file{/boot}@tie{}—, was in demselben Wurzelverzeichnis Ihres Guix-Systems gespeichert vorliegt. In dieser Konstellation werden die symbolischen Verknüpfungen funktionieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35176
msgid "For other constellations you will have to program your own bootloader installer, which then takes care to make necessary files from the store accessible through TFTP, for example by copying them into the TFTP root directory to your @code{targets}."
msgstr "Bei anderen Konstellationen werden Sie Ihre eigene Bootloader-Installationsprozedur programmieren müssen, die sich darum kümmert, die nötigen Dateien aus dem Store über TFTP zugänglich zu machen, zum Beispiel indem diese in das TFTP-Wurzeldateisystem unter jedem der @code{targets} kopiert werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35181
msgid "It is important to note that symlinks pointing outside the TFTP root directory may need to be allowed in the configuration of your TFTP server. Further the store link exposes the whole store through TFTP@. Both points need to be considered carefully for security aspects."
msgstr "Es ist wichtig, anzumerken, dass symbolische Verknüpfungen nach außerhalb des TFTP-Wurzelverzeichnisses vielleicht erst in der Konfiguration zugelassen werden müssen. Außerdem wird durch die Store-Verknüpfung der gesamte Store über TFTP offengelegt. Beides hat Auswirkungen auf die Informationssicherheit, welche Sie bedenken sollten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35186
msgid "Beside the @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader}, the already mentioned TFTP and NFS servers, you also need a properly configured DHCP server to make the booting over netboot possible. For all this we can currently only recommend you to look for instructions about @acronym{PXE, Preboot eXecution Environment}."
msgstr "Abgesehen vom @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader} und den bereits erwähnten TFTP- und NFS-Servern brauchen Sie auch einen passend eingerichteten DHCP-Server, der das Booten über das Netzwerk möglich macht. Derzeit können wir Ihnen bei all dem nur empfehlen, Anleitungen über die @acronym{PXE, Preboot eXecution Environment} ausfindig zu machen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35190
msgid "This is a list of strings denoting the targets onto which to install the bootloader."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Zeichenketten, die angibt, auf welche Ziele der Bootloader installiert werden soll."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35200
msgid "The interpretation of targets depends on the bootloader in question. For @code{grub-bootloader}, for example, they should be device names understood by the bootloader @command{installer} command, such as @code{/dev/sda} or @code{(hd0)} (@pxref{Invoking grub-install,,, grub, GNU GRUB Manual}). For @code{grub-efi-bootloader}, they should be mount points of the EFI file system, usually @file{/boot/efi}. For @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader}, @code{targets} should be the mount points corresponding to TFTP root directories served by your TFTP server."
msgstr "Was @code{targets} bedeutet, hängt vom jeweiligen Bootloader ab. Für @code{grub-bootloader} sollten hier zum Beispiel Gerätenamen angegeben werden, die vom @command{installer}-Befehl des Bootloaders verstanden werden, etwa @code{/dev/sda} oder @code{(hd0)} (siehe @ref{Invoking grub-install,,, grub, GNU GRUB Manual}). Für @code{grub-efi-bootloader} sollten die Einhängepunkte des EFI-Dateisystems angegeben werden, in der Regel @file{/boot/efi}. Für @code{grub-efi-netboot-bootloader} sollten @code{targets} der oder die Einhängepunkte sein, unter denen das TFTP-Wurzelverzeichnis Ihres TFTP-Servers erreichbar ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35201
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{menu-entries} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{menu-entries} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35205
msgid "A possibly empty list of @code{menu-entry} objects (see below), denoting entries to appear in the bootloader menu, in addition to the current system entry and the entry pointing to previous system generations."
msgstr "Eine möglicherweise leere Liste von @code{menu-entry}-Objekten (siehe unten), die für Menüeinträge stehen, die im Bootloader-Menü auftauchen sollen, zusätzlich zum aktuellen Systemeintrag und dem auf vorherige Systemgenerationen verweisenden Eintrag."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34653
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35206
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-entry} (default: @code{0})"
msgstr "@code{default-entry} (Vorgabe: @code{0})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35209
msgid "The index of the default boot menu entry. Index 0 is for the entry of the current system."
msgstr "Die Position des standardmäßig ausgewählten Bootmenü-Eintrags. An Position 0 steht der Eintrag der aktuellen Systemgeneration."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34657
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35210
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{timeout} (default: @code{5})"
msgstr "@code{timeout} (Vorgabe: @code{5})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34660
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35213
msgid "The number of seconds to wait for keyboard input before booting. Set to 0 to boot immediately, and to -1 to wait indefinitely."
msgstr "Wie viele Sekunden lang im Menü auf eine Tastatureingabe gewartet wird, bevor gebootet wird. 0 steht für sofortiges Booten, für -1 wird ohne Zeitbeschränkung gewartet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34661
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35214
#, no-wrap
msgid "keyboard layout, for the bootloader"
msgstr "Tastaturbelegung, beim Bootloader"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35218
msgid "If this is @code{#f}, the bootloader's menu (if any) uses the default keyboard layout, usually US@tie{}English (``qwerty'')."
msgstr "Wenn dies auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, verwendet das Menü des Bootloaders (falls vorhanden) die Vorgabe-Tastaturbelegung, normalerweise US@tie{}English („qwerty“)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35221
msgid "Otherwise, this must be a @code{keyboard-layout} object (@pxref{Keyboard Layout})."
msgstr "Andernfalls muss es ein @code{keyboard-layout}-Objekt sein (siehe @ref{Keyboard Layout})."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35225
msgid "This option is currently ignored by bootloaders other than @code{grub} and @code{grub-efi}."
msgstr "Dieses Feld wird derzeit von Bootloadern außer @code{grub} und @code{grub-efi} ignoriert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35227
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{theme} (default: @var{#f})"
msgstr "@code{theme} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34678
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35231
msgid "The bootloader theme object describing the theme to use. If no theme is provided, some bootloaders might use a default theme, that's true for GRUB."
msgstr "Ein Objekt für das im Bootloader anzuzeigende Thema. Wird kein Thema angegeben, benutzen manche Bootloader vielleicht ein voreingestelltes Thema; GRUB zumindest macht es so."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34679
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35232
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{terminal-outputs} (default: @code{'(gfxterm)})"
msgstr "@code{terminal-outputs} (Vorgabe: @code{'(gfxterm)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35239
msgid "The output terminals used for the bootloader boot menu, as a list of symbols. GRUB accepts the values: @code{console}, @code{serial}, @code{serial_@{0-3@}}, @code{gfxterm}, @code{vga_text}, @code{mda_text}, @code{morse}, and @code{pkmodem}. This field corresponds to the GRUB variable @code{GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT} (@pxref{Simple configuration,,, grub,GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Die Ausgabeterminals, die für das Boot-Menü des Bootloaders benutzt werden, als eine Liste von Symbolen. GRUB akzeptiert hier diese Werte: @code{console}, @code{serial}, @code{serial_@{0–3@}}, @code{gfxterm}, @code{vga_text}, @code{mda_text}, @code{morse} und @code{pkmodem}. Dieses Feld entspricht der GRUB-Variablen @code{GRUB_TERMINAL_OUTPUT} (siehe @ref{Simple configuration,,, grub,Handbuch von GNU GRUB})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35240
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{terminal-inputs} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{terminal-inputs} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34695
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35248
msgid "The input terminals used for the bootloader boot menu, as a list of symbols. For GRUB, the default is the native platform terminal as determined at run-time. GRUB accepts the values: @code{console}, @code{serial}, @code{serial_@{0-3@}}, @code{at_keyboard}, and @code{usb_keyboard}. This field corresponds to the GRUB variable @code{GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT} (@pxref{Simple configuration,,, grub,GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Die Eingabeterminals, die für das Boot-Menü des Bootloaders benutzt werden, als eine Liste von Symbolen. GRUB verwendet hier das zur Laufzeit bestimmte Standardterminal. GRUB akzeptiert sonst diese Werte: @code{console}, @code{serial}, @code{serial_@{0-3@}}, @code{at_keyboard} und @code{usb_keyboard}. Dieses Feld entspricht der GRUB-Variablen @code{GRUB_TERMINAL_INPUT} (siehe @ref{Simple configuration,,, grub,Handbuch von GNU GRUB})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34696
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35249
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{serial-unit} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{serial-unit} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35253
msgid "The serial unit used by the bootloader, as an integer from 0 to 3. For GRUB, it is chosen at run-time; currently GRUB chooses 0, which corresponds to COM1 (@pxref{Serial terminal,,, grub,GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Die serielle Einheit, die der Bootloader benutzt, als eine ganze Zahl zwischen 0 und 3, einschließlich. Für GRUB wird sie automatisch zur Laufzeit ausgewählt; derzeit wählt GRUB die 0 aus, die COM1 entspricht (siehe @ref{Serial terminal,,, grub,Handbuch von GNU GRUB})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34701
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35254
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{serial-speed} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{serial-speed} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35258
msgid "The speed of the serial interface, as an integer. For GRUB, the default value is chosen at run-time; currently GRUB chooses 9600@tie{}bps (@pxref{Serial terminal,,, grub,GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Die Geschwindigkeit der seriellen Schnittstelle als eine ganze Zahl. GRUB bestimmt den Wert standardmäßig zur Laufzeit; derzeit wählt GRUB 9600@tie{}bps (siehe @ref{Serial terminal,,, grub,Handbuch von GNU GRUB})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34709
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35262
#, no-wrap
msgid "dual boot"
msgstr "Dual-Boot"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35263
#, no-wrap
msgid "boot menu"
msgstr "Bootmenü"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35269
msgid "Should you want to list additional boot menu entries @i{via} the @code{menu-entries} field above, you will need to create them with the @code{menu-entry} form. For example, imagine you want to be able to boot another distro (hard to imagine!), you can define a menu entry along these lines:"
msgstr "Sollten Sie zusätzliche Bootmenü-Einträge über das oben beschriebene @code{menu-entries}-Feld hinzufügen möchten, müssen Sie diese mit der @code{menu-entry}-Form erzeugen. Stellen Sie sich zum Beispiel vor, Sie wollten noch eine andere Distribution booten können (schwer vorstellbar!), dann könnten Sie einen Menüeintrag wie den Folgenden definieren:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34723
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35276
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -64685,132 +65759,132 @@ msgstr ""
" (initrd \"/boot/old/initrd\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35279
msgid "Details below."
msgstr "Details finden Sie unten."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35280
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} menu-entry"
msgstr "{Datentyp} menu-entry"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35282
msgid "The type of an entry in the bootloader menu."
msgstr "Der Typ eines Eintrags im Bootloadermenü."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34734
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35287
msgid "The label to show in the menu---e.g., @code{\"GNU\"}."
msgstr "Die Beschriftung, die im Menü gezeigt werden soll@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{\"GNU\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35288
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{linux} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{linux} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35290
msgid "The Linux kernel image to boot, for example:"
msgstr "Das Linux-Kernel-Abbild, was gebootet werden soll, zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34740
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35293
#, no-wrap
msgid "(file-append linux-libre \"/bzImage\")\n"
msgstr "(file-append linux-libre \"/bzImage\")\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35298
msgid "For GRUB, it is also possible to specify a device explicitly in the file path using GRUB's device naming convention (@pxref{Naming convention,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}), for example:"
msgstr "Für GRUB kann hier auch ein Gerät ausdrücklich zum Dateipfad angegeben werden, unter Verwendung von GRUBs Konventionen zur Gerätebenennung (siehe @ref{Naming convention,,, grub, Handbuch von GNU GRUB}), zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34748
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35301
#, no-wrap
msgid "\"(hd0,msdos1)/boot/vmlinuz\"\n"
msgstr "\"(hd0,msdos1)/boot/vmlinuz\"\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34752
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35305
msgid "If the device is specified explicitly as above, then the @code{device} field is ignored entirely."
msgstr "Wenn das Gerät auf diese Weise ausdrücklich angegeben wird, wird das @code{device}-Feld gänzlich ignoriert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35306
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{linux-arguments} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{linux-arguments} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34756
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35309
msgid "The list of extra Linux kernel command-line arguments---e.g., @code{(\"console=ttyS0\")}."
msgstr "Die Liste zusätzlicher Linux-Kernel-Befehlszeilenargumente@tie{}— z.B.@: @code{(\"console=ttyS0\")}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35310
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{initrd} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{initrd} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35313
msgid "A G-Expression or string denoting the file name of the initial RAM disk to use (@pxref{G-Expressions})."
msgstr "Ein G-Ausdruck oder eine Zeichenkette, die den Dateinamen der initialen RAM-Disk angibt, die benutzt werden soll (siehe @ref{G-Expressions})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35317
msgid "The device where the kernel and initrd are to be found---i.e., for GRUB, @dfn{root} for this menu entry (@pxref{root,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Das Gerät, auf dem Kernel und initrd zu finden sind@tie{}— d.h.@: bei GRUB die Wurzel (@dfn{root}) dieses Menüeintrags (siehe @ref{root,,, grub, Handbuch von GNU GRUB})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34770
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35323
msgid "This may be a file system label (a string), a file system UUID (a bytevector, @pxref{File Systems}), or @code{#f}, in which case the bootloader will search the device containing the file specified by the @code{linux} field (@pxref{search,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}). It must @emph{not} be an OS device name such as @file{/dev/sda1}."
msgstr "Dies kann eine Dateisystembezeichnung (als Zeichenkette), eine Dateisystem-UUID (als Bytevektor, siehe @ref{File Systems}) oder @code{#f} sein, im letzten Fall wird der Bootloader auf dem Gerät suchen, das die vom @code{linux}-Feld benannte Datei enthält (siehe @ref{search,,, grub, Handbuch von GNU GRUB}). Ein vom Betriebssystem vergebener Gerätename wie @file{/dev/sda1} ist aber @emph{nicht} erlaubt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35324
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{multiboot-kernel} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{multiboot-kernel} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35328
msgid "The kernel to boot in Multiboot-mode (@pxref{multiboot,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}). When this field is set, a Multiboot menu-entry is generated. For example:"
msgstr "Der Kernel, der im Multiboot-Modus gebootet werden soll (siehe @ref{multiboot,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual}). Wenn dieses Feld gesetzt ist, wird ein Multiboot-Menüeintrag erzeugt. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35331
#, no-wrap
msgid "(file-append mach \"/boot/gnumach\")\n"
msgstr "(file-append mach \"/boot/gnumach\")\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34780
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35333
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{multiboot-arguments} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{multiboot-arguments} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34782
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35335
msgid "The list of extra command-line arguments for the multiboot-kernel."
msgstr "Liste zusätzlicher Befehlszeilenoptionen für den Multiboot-Kernel."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34783
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35336
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{multiboot-modules} (default: @code{()})"
msgstr "@code{multiboot-modules} (Vorgabe: @code{()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34785
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35338
msgid "The list of commands for loading Multiboot modules. For example:"
msgstr "Die Liste der Befehle zum Laden von Multiboot-Modulen. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34791
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35344
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (list (file-append hurd \"/hurd/ext2fs.static\") \"ext2fs\"\n"
@@ -64824,73 +65898,73 @@ msgstr ""
" …))\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34796 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34855
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35349 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35408
#, no-wrap
msgid "HDPI"
msgstr "HDPI"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34797 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35350 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35409
#, no-wrap
msgid "HiDPI"
msgstr "HiDPI"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34798 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34857
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35351 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35410
#, no-wrap
msgid "resolution"
msgstr "Auflösung"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34802
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35355
msgid "For now only GRUB has theme support. GRUB themes are created using the @code{grub-theme} form, which is not fully documented yet."
msgstr "Zurzeit lässt nur GRUB sein Aussehen durch Themen anpassen. GRUB-Themen werden mit der @code{grub-theme}-Form erzeugt, die hier noch nicht vollständig dokumentiert ist."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34803
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35356
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} grub-theme"
msgstr "{Datentyp} grub-theme"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34805
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35358
msgid "Data type representing the configuration of the GRUB theme."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der die Konfiguration des GRUB-Themas repräsentiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34807
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35360
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{gfxmode} (default: @code{'(\"auto\")})"
msgstr "@code{gfxmode} (Vorgabe: @code{'(\"auto\")})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35363
msgid "The GRUB @code{gfxmode} to set (a list of screen resolution strings, @pxref{gfxmode,,, grub, GNU GRUB manual})."
msgstr "Welcher @code{gfxmode} für GRUB eingestellt werden soll (als eine Liste von Zeichenketten mit Bildschirmauflösungen, siehe @ref{gfxmode,,, grub, Handbuch von GNU GRUB})."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34813
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35366
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} grub-theme"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} grub-theme"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35370
msgid "Return the default GRUB theme used by the operating system if no @code{theme} field is specified in @code{bootloader-configuration} record."
msgstr "Liefert das vorgegebene GRUB-Thema, das vom Betriebssystem benutzt wird, wenn kein @code{theme}-Feld im @code{bootloader-configuration}-Verbundsobjekt angegeben wurde."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34820
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35373
msgid "It comes with a fancy background image displaying the GNU and Guix logos."
msgstr "Es wird von einem feschen Hintergrundbild begleitet, das die Logos von GNU und Guix zeigt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34824
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35377
msgid "For example, to override the default resolution, you may use something like"
msgstr "Um zum Beispiel eine andere Auflösung als vorgegeben zu verwenden, würden Sie so etwas schreiben:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35385
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -64908,40 +65982,40 @@ msgstr ""
" (gfxmode '(\"1024x786x32\" \"auto\"))))))\n"
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35388
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @code{guix system}"
msgstr "@code{guix system} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35393
msgid "Once you have written an operating system declaration as seen in the previous section, it can be @dfn{instantiated} using the @command{guix system} command. The synopsis is:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie eine Betriebssystemdeklaration geschrieben haben, wie wir sie in den vorangehenden Abschnitten gesehen haben, kann diese @dfn{instanziiert} werden, indem Sie den Befehl @command{guix system} aufrufen. Zusammengefasst:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35396
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system @var{options}@dots{} @var{action} @var{file}\n"
msgstr "guix system @var{Optionen}…@: @var{Aktion} @var{Datei}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34849
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35402
msgid "@var{file} must be the name of a file containing an @code{operating-system} declaration. @var{action} specifies how the operating system is instantiated. Currently the following values are supported:"
msgstr "@var{Datei} muss der Name einer Datei sein, in der eine Betriebssystemdeklaration als @code{operating-system}-Objekt steht. @var{Aktion} gibt an, wie das Betriebssystem instanziiert wird. Derzeit werden folgende Werte dafür unterstützt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34851 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37496
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35404 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38186
#, no-wrap
msgid "search"
msgstr "search"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34854
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35407
msgid "Display available service type definitions that match the given regular expressions, sorted by relevance:"
msgstr "Verfügbare Diensttypendefinitionen anzeigen, die zum angegebenen regulären Ausdruck passen, sortiert nach Relevanz:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35429
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix system search console\n"
@@ -64983,7 +66057,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35435
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: mingetty\n"
@@ -65001,7 +66075,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34889
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35442
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: login\n"
@@ -65021,72 +66095,72 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34891 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37549
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35444 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38222
#, no-wrap
msgid "@dots{}\n"
msgstr "…\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34896 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37554
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35449
msgid "As for @command{guix package --search}, the result is written in @code{recutils} format, which makes it easy to filter the output (@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils manual})."
msgstr "Wie auch bei @command{guix package --search} wird das Ergebnis im @code{recutils}-Format geliefert, so dass es leicht ist, die Ausgabe zu filtern (siehe @ref{Top, GNU-recutils-Datenbanken,, recutils, Handbuch von GNU recutils})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34897 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35450 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38228
#, no-wrap
msgid "reconfigure"
msgstr "reconfigure"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34902
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35455
msgid "Build the operating system described in @var{file}, activate it, and switch to it@footnote{This action (and the related actions @code{switch-generation} and @code{roll-back}) are usable only on systems already running Guix System.}."
msgstr "Das in der @var{Datei} beschriebene Betriebssystem erstellen, aktivieren und zu ihm wechseln@footnote{Diese Aktion (und die dazu ähnlichen Aktionen @code{switch-generation} und @code{roll-back}) sind nur auf Systemen nutzbar, auf denen „Guix System“ bereits läuft.}."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35463
msgid "It is highly recommended to run @command{guix pull} once before you run @command{guix system reconfigure} for the first time (@pxref{Invoking guix pull}). Failing to do that you would see an older version of Guix once @command{reconfigure} has completed."
msgstr "Es ist sehr zu empfehlen, @command{guix pull} einmal auszuführen, bevor Sie @command{guix system reconfigure} zum ersten Mal aufrufen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull}). Wenn Sie das nicht tun, könnten Sie nach dem Abschluss von @command{reconfigure} eine ältere Version von Guix vorfinden, als Sie vorher hatten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34918
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35471
msgid "This effects all the configuration specified in @var{file}: user accounts, system services, global package list, setuid programs, etc. The command starts system services specified in @var{file} that are not currently running; if a service is currently running this command will arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g.@: by @code{herd stop X} or @code{herd restart X})."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl setzt die in der @var{Datei} festgelegte Konfiguration vollständig um: Benutzerkonten, Systemdienste, die Liste globaler Pakete, setuid-Programme und so weiter. Der Befehl startet die in der @var{Datei} angegebenen Systemdienste, die aktuell nicht laufen; bei aktuell laufenden Diensten wird sichergestellt, dass sie aktualisiert werden, sobald sie das nächste Mal angehalten wurden (z.B.@: durch @code{herd stop X} oder @code{herd restart X})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34924
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35477
msgid "This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than the current generation (as reported by @command{guix system list-generations}). If that generation already exists, it will be overwritten. This behavior mirrors that of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl erzeugt eine neue Generation, deren Nummer (wie @command{guix system list-generations} sie anzeigt) um eins größer als die der aktuellen Generation ist. Wenn die so nummerierte Generation bereits existiert, wird sie überschrieben. Dieses Verhalten entspricht dem von @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34929
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35482
msgid "It also adds a bootloader menu entry for the new OS configuration, ---unless @option{--no-bootloader} is passed. For GRUB, it moves entries for older configurations to a submenu, allowing you to choose an older system generation at boot time should you need it."
msgstr "Des Weiteren wird für den Bootloader ein Menüeintrag für die neue Betriebssystemkonfiguration hinzugefügt, außer die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-bootloader} wurde übergeben. Bei GRUB werden Einträge für ältere Konfigurationen in ein Untermenü verschoben, so dass Sie auch eine ältere Systemgeneration beim Booten noch hochfahren können, falls es notwendig wird."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34930 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35261
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36223
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35483 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35819
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36827
#, no-wrap
msgid "provenance tracking, of the operating system"
msgstr "Provenienzverfolgung, des Betriebssystems"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35488
msgid "Upon completion, the new system is deployed under @file{/run/current-system}. This directory contains @dfn{provenance meta-data}: the list of channels in use (@pxref{Channels}) and @var{file} itself, when available. You can view it by running:"
msgstr "Nach Abschluss wird das neue System unter @file{/run/current-system} verfügbar gemacht. Das Verzeichnis enthält @dfn{Provenienz-Metadaten}: Dazu gehören die Liste der Kanäle, die benutzt wurden (siehe @ref{Channels}) und die @var{Datei} selbst, wenn sie verfügbar ist. Sie können sie auf diese Weise ansehen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34938
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35491
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system describe\n"
msgstr "guix system describe\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35497
msgid "This information is useful should you later want to inspect how this particular generation was built. In fact, assuming @var{file} is self-contained, you can later rebuild generation @var{n} of your operating system with:"
msgstr "Diese Informationen sind nützlich, falls Sie später inspizieren möchten, wie diese spezielle Generation erstellt wurde. Falls die @var{Datei} eigenständig ist, also keine anderen Dateien zum Funktionieren braucht, dann können Sie tatsächlich die Generation @var{n} Ihres Betriebssystems später erneut erstellen mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35503
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix time-machine \\\n"
@@ -65100,233 +66174,238 @@ msgstr ""
" /var/guix/profiles/system-@var{n}-link/configuration.scm\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35509
msgid "You can think of it as some sort of built-in version control! Your system is not just a binary artifact: @emph{it carries its own source}. @xref{Service Reference, @code{provenance-service-type}}, for more information on provenance tracking."
msgstr "Sie können sich das als eine Art eingebaute Versionskontrolle vorstellen! Ihr System ist nicht nur ein binäres Erzeugnis: @emph{Es enthält seinen eigenen Quellcode}. Siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{provenance-service-type}} für mehr Informationen zur Provenienzverfolgung."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34962
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35515
msgid "By default, @command{reconfigure} @emph{prevents you from downgrading your system}, which could (re)introduce security vulnerabilities and also cause problems with ``stateful'' services such as database management systems. You can override that behavior by passing @option{--allow-downgrades}."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung können Sie durch @command{reconfigure} Ihr System @emph{nicht auf eine ältere Version aktualisieren} und somit herabstufen, denn dadurch könnten Sicherheitslücken eingeführt und Probleme mit „zustandsbehafteten“ Diensten wie z.B.@: Datenbankverwaltungssystemen ausgelöst werden. Sie können das Verhalten ändern, indem Sie @option{--allow-downgrades} übergeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34963 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35516 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38287
#, no-wrap
msgid "switch-generation"
msgstr "switch-generation"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35525
msgid "Switch to an existing system generation. This action atomically switches the system profile to the specified system generation. It also rearranges the system's existing bootloader menu entries. It makes the menu entry for the specified system generation the default, and it moves the entries for the other generations to a submenu, if supported by the bootloader being used. The next time the system boots, it will use the specified system generation."
msgstr "Zu einer bestehenden Systemgeneration wechseln. Diese Aktion wechselt das Systemprofil atomar auf die angegebene Systemgeneration. Hiermit werden auch die bestehenden Menüeinträge des Bootloaders umgeordnet. Der Menüeintrag für die angegebene Systemgeneration wird voreingestellt und die Einträge der anderen Generationen werden in ein Untermenü verschoben, sofern der verwendete Bootloader dies unterstützt. Das nächste Mal, wenn das System gestartet wird, wird die hier angegebene Systemgeneration hochgefahren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35529
msgid "The bootloader itself is not being reinstalled when using this command. Thus, the installed bootloader is used with an updated configuration file."
msgstr "Der Bootloader selbst wird durch diesen Befehl @emph{nicht} neu installiert. Es wird also lediglich der bereits installierte Bootloader mit einer neuen Konfigurationsdatei benutzt werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35533
msgid "The target generation can be specified explicitly by its generation number. For example, the following invocation would switch to system generation 7:"
msgstr "Die Zielgeneration kann ausdrücklich über ihre Generationsnummer angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel würde folgender Aufruf einen Wechsel zur Systemgeneration 7 bewirken:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35536
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system switch-generation 7\n"
msgstr "guix system switch-generation 7\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34991 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37633
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35544 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38306
msgid "The target generation can also be specified relative to the current generation with the form @code{+N} or @code{-N}, where @code{+3} means ``3 generations ahead of the current generation,'' and @code{-1} means ``1 generation prior to the current generation.'' When specifying a negative value such as @code{-1}, you must precede it with @code{--} to prevent it from being parsed as an option. For example:"
msgstr "Die Zielgeneration kann auch relativ zur aktuellen Generation angegeben werden, in der Form @code{+N} oder @code{-N}, wobei @code{+3} zum Beispiel „3 Generationen weiter als die aktuelle Generation“ bedeuten würde und @code{-1} „1 Generation vor der aktuellen Generation“ hieße. Wenn Sie einen negativen Wert wie @code{-1} angeben, müssen Sie @code{--} der Befehlszeilenoption voranstellen, damit die negative Zahl nicht selbst als Befehlszeilenoption aufgefasst wird. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:34994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35547
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system switch-generation -- -1\n"
msgstr "guix system switch-generation -- -1\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35555
msgid "Currently, the effect of invoking this action is @emph{only} to switch the system profile to an existing generation and rearrange the bootloader menu entries. To actually start using the target system generation, you must reboot after running this action. In the future, it will be updated to do the same things as @command{reconfigure}, like activating and deactivating services."
msgstr "Zurzeit bewirkt ein Aufruf dieser Aktion @emph{nur} einen Wechsel des Systemprofils auf eine bereits existierende Generation und ein Umordnen der Bootloader-Menüeinträge. Um die Ziel-Systemgeneration aber tatsächlich zu benutzen, müssen Sie Ihr System neu hochfahren, nachdem Sie diese Aktion ausgeführt haben. In einer zukünftigen Version von Guix wird diese Aktion einmal dieselben Dinge tun, wie @command{reconfigure}, also etwa Dienste aktivieren und deaktivieren."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35004 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37639
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35557 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38312
msgid "This action will fail if the specified generation does not exist."
msgstr "Diese Aktion schlägt fehl, wenn die angegebene Generation nicht existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35005 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35558 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38313
#, no-wrap
msgid "roll-back"
msgstr "roll-back"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35011
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35564
msgid "Switch to the preceding system generation. The next time the system boots, it will use the preceding system generation. This is the inverse of @command{reconfigure}, and it is exactly the same as invoking @command{switch-generation} with an argument of @code{-1}."
msgstr "Zur vorhergehenden Systemgeneration wechseln. Wenn das System das nächste Mal hochgefahren wird, wird es die vorhergehende Systemgeneration benutzen. Dies ist die Umkehrung von @command{reconfigure} und tut genau dasselbe wie @command{switch-generation} mit dem Argument @code{-1} aufzurufen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35568
msgid "Currently, as with @command{switch-generation}, you must reboot after running this action to actually start using the preceding system generation."
msgstr "Wie auch bei @command{switch-generation} müssen Sie derzeit, nachdem Sie diese Aktion aufgerufen haben, Ihr System neu starten, um die vorhergehende Systemgeneration auch tatsächlich zu benutzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35016 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37646
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35569 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38319
#, no-wrap
msgid "delete-generations"
msgstr "delete-generations"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35017
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35570
#, no-wrap
msgid "deleting system generations"
msgstr "Löschen von Systemgenerationen"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35018 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37648
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35571 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38321
#, no-wrap
msgid "saving space"
msgstr "Platz sparen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35575
msgid "Delete system generations, making them candidates for garbage collection (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}, for information on how to run the ``garbage collector'')."
msgstr "Systemgenerationen löschen, wodurch diese zu Kandidaten für den Müllsammler werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc} für Informationen, wie Sie den „Müllsammler“ laufen lassen)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35026
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35579
msgid "This works in the same way as @samp{guix package --delete-generations} (@pxref{Invoking guix package, @option{--delete-generations}}). With no arguments, all system generations but the current one are deleted:"
msgstr "Es funktioniert auf die gleiche Weise wie @samp{guix package --delete-generations} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package, @option{--delete-generations}}). Wenn keine Argumente angegeben werden, werden alle Systemgenerationen außer der aktuellen gelöscht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35029
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35582
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system delete-generations\n"
msgstr "guix system delete-generations\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35586
msgid "You can also select the generations you want to delete. The example below deletes all the system generations that are more than two months old:"
msgstr "Sie können auch eine Auswahl treffen, welche Generationen Sie löschen möchten. Das folgende Beispiel hat die Löschung aller Systemgenerationen zur Folge, die älter als zwei Monate sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35589
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system delete-generations 2m\n"
msgstr "guix system delete-generations 2m\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35041
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35594
msgid "Running this command automatically reinstalls the bootloader with an updated list of menu entries---e.g., the ``old generations'' sub-menu in GRUB no longer lists the generations that have been deleted."
msgstr "Wenn Sie diesen Befehl ausführen, wird automatisch der Bootloader mit einer aktualisierten Liste von Menüeinträgen neu erstellt@tie{}— z.B.@: werden im Untermenü für die „alten Generationen“ in GRUB die gelöschten Generationen nicht mehr aufgeführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35046
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35599
msgid "Build the derivation of the operating system, which includes all the configuration files and programs needed to boot and run the system. This action does not actually install anything."
msgstr "Die Ableitung des Betriebssystems erstellen, einschließlich aller Konfigurationsdateien und Programme, die zum Booten und Starten benötigt werden. Diese Aktion installiert jedoch nichts davon."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35600
#, no-wrap
msgid "init"
msgstr "init"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35604
msgid "Populate the given directory with all the files necessary to run the operating system specified in @var{file}. This is useful for first-time installations of Guix System. For instance:"
msgstr "In das angegebene Verzeichnis alle Dateien einfügen, um das in der @var{Datei} angegebene Betriebssystem starten zu können. Dies ist nützlich bei erstmaligen Installationen von „Guix System“. Zum Beispiel:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35607
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system init my-os-config.scm /mnt\n"
msgstr "guix system init my-os-config.scm /mnt\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35061
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35614
msgid "copies to @file{/mnt} all the store items required by the configuration specified in @file{my-os-config.scm}. This includes configuration files, packages, and so on. It also creates other essential files needed for the system to operate correctly---e.g., the @file{/etc}, @file{/var}, and @file{/run} directories, and the @file{/bin/sh} file."
msgstr "Hiermit werden alle Store-Objekte nach @file{/mnt} kopiert, die von der in @file{my-os-config.scm} angegebenen Konfiguration vorausgesetzt werden. Dazu gehören Konfigurationsdateien, Pakete und so weiter. Auch andere essenzielle Dateien, die auf dem System vorhanden sein müssen, damit es richtig funktioniert, werden erzeugt@tie{}— z.B.@: die Verzeichnisse @file{/etc}, @file{/var} und @file{/run} und die Datei @file{/bin/sh}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35065
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35618
msgid "This command also installs bootloader on the targets specified in @file{my-os-config}, unless the @option{--no-bootloader} option was passed."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl installiert auch den Bootloader auf jedem in @file{my-os-config} mit @code{targets} angegebenen Ziel, außer die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-bootloader} wurde übergeben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35066
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35619
#, no-wrap
msgid "vm"
msgstr "vm"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35067 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35634
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35620 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36238
#, no-wrap
msgid "virtual machine"
msgstr "virtuelle Maschine"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35068
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35621
#, no-wrap
msgid "VM"
msgstr "VM"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35625
msgid "guix system vm"
msgstr "guix system vm"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35625
msgid "Build a virtual machine (VM) that contains the operating system declared in @var{file}, and return a script to run that VM."
msgstr "Eine virtuelle Maschine (VM) erstellen, die das in der @var{Datei} deklarierte Betriebssystem enthält, und ein Skript liefern, das diese virtuelle Maschine startet."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35633
msgid "The @code{vm} action and others below can use KVM support in the Linux-libre kernel. Specifically, if the machine has hardware virtualization support, the corresponding KVM kernel module should be loaded, and the @file{/dev/kvm} device node must exist and be readable and writable by the user and by the build users of the daemon (@pxref{Build Environment Setup})."
msgstr "Die Aktion @code{vm} sowie solche, die weiter unten genannt werden, können KVM-Unterstützung im Kernel Linux-libre ausnutzen. Insbesondere sollte, wenn die Maschine Hardware-Virtualisierung unterstützt, das entsprechende KVM-Kernelmodul geladen sein und das Gerät @file{/dev/kvm} muss dann existieren und dem Benutzer und den Erstellungsbenutzern des Daemons müssen Berechtigungen zum Lesen und Schreiben darauf gegeben werden (siehe @ref{Build Environment Setup})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35085
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35638
msgid "Arguments given to the script are passed to QEMU as in the example below, which enables networking and requests 1@tie{}GiB of RAM for the emulated machine:"
msgstr "An das Skript übergebene Argumente werden an QEMU weitergereicht, wie Sie am folgenden Beispiel sehen können. Damit würde eine Netzwerkverbindung aktiviert und 1@tie{}GiB an RAM für die emulierte Maschine angefragt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35641
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ /gnu/store/@dots{}-run-vm.sh -m 1024 -smp 2 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci\n"
msgstr "$ /gnu/store/…-run-vm.sh -m 1024 -smp 2 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35091
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35644
msgid "It's possible to combine the two steps into one:"
msgstr "Beide Schritte können zu einem kombiniert werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35094
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35647
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ $(guix system vm my-config.scm) -m 1024 -smp 2 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci\n"
msgstr "$ $(guix system vm my-config.scm) -m 1024 -smp 2 -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35650
msgid "The VM shares its store with the host system."
msgstr "Die virtuelle Maschine verwendet denselben Store wie das Wirtssystem."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35102
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35655
+msgid "By default, the root file system of the VM is mounted volatile; the @option{--persistent} option can be provided to make it persistent instead. In that case, the VM disk-image file will be copied from the store to the @env{TMPDIR} directory to make it writable."
+msgstr "Vorgegeben ist, für die VM das Wurzeldateisystem als flüchtig („volatile“) einzubinden. Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--persistent} werden Änderungen stattdessen dauerhaft. In diesem Fall wird das Disk-Image der VM aus dem Store in das Verzeichnis @env{TMPDIR} kopiert, damit Schreibzugriff darauf besteht."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35660
msgid "Additional file systems can be shared between the host and the VM using the @option{--share} and @option{--expose} command-line options: the former specifies a directory to be shared with write access, while the latter provides read-only access to the shared directory."
msgstr "Mit den Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{--share} und @option{--expose} können weitere Dateisysteme zwischen dem Wirtssystem und der VM geteilt werden: Der erste Befehl gibt ein mit Schreibzugriff zu teilendes Verzeichnis an, während der letzte Befehl nur Lesezugriff auf das gemeinsame Verzeichnis gestattet."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35664
msgid "The example below creates a VM in which the user's home directory is accessible read-only, and where the @file{/exchange} directory is a read-write mapping of @file{$HOME/tmp} on the host:"
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird eine virtuelle Maschine erzeugt, die auf das Persönliche Verzeichnis des Benutzers nur Lesezugriff hat, wo das Verzeichnis @file{/austausch} aber mit Lese- und Schreibzugriff dem Verzeichnis @file{$HOME/tmp} auf dem Wirtssystem zugeordnet wurde:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35668
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix system vm my-config.scm \\\n"
@@ -65336,56 +66415,56 @@ msgstr ""
" --expose=$HOME --share=$HOME/tmp=/austausch\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35115
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35673
msgid "On GNU/Linux, the default is to boot directly to the kernel; this has the advantage of requiring only a very tiny root disk image since the store of the host can then be mounted."
msgstr "Für GNU/Linux ist das vorgegebene Verhalten, direkt in den Kernel zu booten, wodurch nur ein sehr winziges „Disk-Image“ (eine Datei mit einem Abbild des Plattenspeichers der virtuellen Maschine) für das Wurzeldateisystem nötig wird, weil der Store des Wirtssystems davon eingebunden werden kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35120
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35678
msgid "The @option{--full-boot} option forces a complete boot sequence, starting with the bootloader. This requires more disk space since a root image containing at least the kernel, initrd, and bootloader data files must be created."
msgstr "Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--full-boot} wird erzwungen, einen vollständigen Bootvorgang durchzuführen, angefangen mit dem Bootloader. Dadurch wird mehr Plattenplatz verbraucht, weil dazu ein Disk-Image mindestens mit dem Kernel, initrd und Bootloader-Datendateien erzeugt werden muss."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35681
msgid "The @option{--image-size} option can be used to specify the size of the image."
msgstr "Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--image-size} kann die Größe des Disk-Images angegeben werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35130
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35688
msgid "The @option{--no-graphic} option will instruct @command{guix system} to spawn a headless VM that will use the invoking tty for IO. Among other things, this enables copy-pasting, and scrollback. Use the @kbd{ctrl-a} prefix to issue QEMU commands; e.g. @kbd{ctrl-a h} prints a help, @kbd{ctrl-a x} quits the VM, and @kbd{ctrl-a c} switches between the QEMU monitor and the VM."
msgstr "Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-graphic} wird @command{guix system} angewiesen, eine VM ohne Oberfläche anzulegen, bei der die Konsole für Ein-/Ausgabe benutzt wird, über die die VM gestartet wurde. Unter anderem wird damit eine Zwischenablage zum Kopieren und Einfügen und ein Zeilenpuffer (Scrollback) angeboten. Wenn Sie @kbd{strg-a} zuvor drücken, können Sie QEMU-Befehle angeben, z.B. zeigt @kbd{strg-a h} eine Hilfe an und @kbd{strg-a x} beendet die VM; mit @kbd{strg-a c} wechseln Sie zwischen der QEMU-Anzeige und der VM."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35689
#, no-wrap
msgid "System images, creation in various formats"
msgstr "System-Disk-Images, Erstellung in verschiedenen Formaten"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35132
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35690
#, no-wrap
msgid "Creating system images in various formats"
msgstr "Erzeugen von System-Disk-Images in verschiedenen Formaten"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35133
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35691
#, no-wrap
msgid "image"
msgstr "image"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35134
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35692
#, no-wrap
msgid "image, creating disk images"
msgstr "image, Disk-Images erzeugen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35704
msgid "The @code{image} command can produce various image types. The image type can be selected using the @option{--image-type} option. It defaults to @code{efi-raw}. When its value is @code{iso9660}, the @option{--label} option can be used to specify a volume ID with @code{image}. By default, the root file system of a disk image is mounted non-volatile; the @option{--volatile} option can be provided to make it volatile instead. When using @code{image}, the bootloader installed on the generated image is taken from the provided @code{operating-system} definition. The following example demonstrates how to generate an image that uses the @code{grub-efi-bootloader} bootloader and boot it with QEMU:"
msgstr "Mit dem Befehl @code{image} können mehrere Abbildtypen erzeugt werden. Der Abbildtyp kann durch die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--image-type} ausgewählt werden. Vorgegeben ist @code{efi-raw}. Für den Wert @code{iso9660} kann mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--label} eine Datenträgerkennung („Volume ID“) angegeben werden. Nach Vorgabe wird das Wurzeldateisystem eines Abbilds als nicht-flüchtig eingebunden. Wenn die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--volatile} angegeben wird, dann sind Änderungen daran bloß flüchtig. Bei der Verwendung von @code{image} wird auf dem erzeugten Abbild derjenige Bootloader installiert, der in der @code{operating-system}-Definition angegeben wurde. Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie ein Abbild erzeugen, das als Bootloader @code{grub-efi-bootloader} benutzt, und es mit QEMU starten:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35154
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35712
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"image=$(guix system image --image-type=qcow2 \\\n"
@@ -65403,45 +66482,45 @@ msgstr ""
" -bios $(guix build ovmf)/share/firmware/ovmf_x64.bin\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35718
msgid "When using the @code{efi-raw} image type, a raw disk image is produced; it can be copied as is to a USB stick, for instance. Assuming @code{/dev/sdc} is the device corresponding to a USB stick, one can copy the image to it using the following command:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie den Abbildtyp @code{efi-raw} anfordern, wird ein rohes Disk-Image hergestellt; es kann zum Beispiel auf einen USB-Stick kopiert werden. Angenommen @code{/dev/sdc} ist das dem USB-Stick entsprechende Gerät, dann kann das Disk-Image mit dem folgenden Befehls darauf kopiert werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35721
#, no-wrap
msgid "# dd if=$(guix system image my-os.scm) of=/dev/sdc status=progress\n"
msgstr "# dd if=$(guix system image my-os.scm) of=/dev/sdc status=progress\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35167
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35725
msgid "The @code{--list-image-types} command lists all the available image types."
msgstr "Durch die Befehlszeilenoption @code{--list-image-types} werden alle verfügbaren Abbildtypen aufgelistet."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35726
#, no-wrap
msgid "creating virtual machine images"
msgstr "Abbilder für virtuelle Maschinen erzeugen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35177
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35735
msgid "When using the @code{qcow2} image type, the returned image is in qcow2 format, which the QEMU emulator can efficiently use. @xref{Running Guix in a VM}, for more information on how to run the image in a virtual machine. The @code{grub-bootloader} bootloader is always used independently of what is declared in the @code{operating-system} file passed as argument. This is to make it easier to work with QEMU, which uses the SeaBIOS BIOS by default, expecting a bootloader to be installed in the Master Boot Record (MBR)."
msgstr "Wenn Sie den Abbildtypen @code{qcow2} benutzen, wird ein Abbild im qcow2-Format geliefert, das vom QEMU-Emulator effizient benutzt werden kann. Siehe @ref{Running Guix in a VM} für weitere Informationen, wie Sie das Abbild in einer virtuellen Maschine ausführen. Als Bootloader wird immer @code{grub-bootloader} benutzt, egal was in der als Argument übergebenen @code{operating-system}-Datei deklariert wurde. Der Grund dafür ist, dass dieser besser mit QEMU funktioniert, das als BIOS nach Voreinstellung SeaBIOS benutzt, wo erwartet wird, dass ein Bootloader in den Master Boot Record (MBR) installiert wurde."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35736
#, no-wrap
msgid "docker-image, creating docker images"
msgstr "docker-image, Abbilder für Docker erzeugen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35742
msgid "When using the @code{docker} image type, a Docker image is produced. Guix builds the image from scratch, not from a pre-existing Docker base image. As a result, it contains @emph{exactly} what you define in the operating system configuration file. You can then load the image and launch a Docker container using commands like the following:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie den Abbildtyp @code{docker} anfordern, wird ein Abbild für Docker hergestellt. Guix erstellt das Abbild von Grund auf und @emph{nicht} aus einem vorerstellten Docker-Basisabbild heraus, daher enthält es @emph{exakt} das, was Sie in der Konfigurationsdatei für das Betriebssystem angegeben haben. Sie können das Abbild dann wie folgt laden und einen Docker-Container damit erzeugen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35747
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"image_id=\"$(docker load < guix-system-docker-image.tar.gz)\"\n"
@@ -65453,43 +66532,43 @@ msgstr ""
"docker start $container_id\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35754
msgid "This command starts a new Docker container from the specified image. It will boot the Guix system in the usual manner, which means it will start any services you have defined in the operating system configuration. You can get an interactive shell running in the container using @command{docker exec}:"
msgstr "Dieser Befehl startet einen neuen Docker-Container aus dem angegebenen Abbild. Damit wird das Guix-System auf die normale Weise hochgefahren, d.h.@: zunächst werden alle Dienste gestartet, die Sie in der Konfiguration des Betriebssystems angegeben haben. Sie können eine interaktive Shell in dieser isolierten Umgebung bekommen, indem Sie @command{docker exec} benutzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35199
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35757
#, no-wrap
msgid "docker exec -ti $container_id /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login\n"
msgstr "docker exec -ti $container_id /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35764
msgid "Depending on what you run in the Docker container, it may be necessary to give the container additional permissions. For example, if you intend to build software using Guix inside of the Docker container, you may need to pass the @option{--privileged} option to @code{docker create}."
msgstr "Je nachdem, was Sie im Docker-Container ausführen, kann es nötig sein, dass Sie ihn mit weitergehenden Berechtigungen ausstatten. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel Software mit Guix innerhalb des Docker-Containers erstellen wollen, müssen Sie an @code{docker create} die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--privileged} übergeben."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35768
msgid "Last, the @option{--network} option applies to @command{guix system docker-image}: it produces an image where network is supposedly shared with the host, and thus without services like nscd or NetworkManager."
msgstr "Zuletzt bewirkt die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--network}, dass durch @command{guix system docker-image} ein Abbild erzeugt wird, was sein Netzwerk mit dem Wirtssystem teilt und daher auf Dienste wie nscd oder NetworkManager verzichten sollte."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35218
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35776
msgid "Return a script to run the operating system declared in @var{file} within a container. Containers are a set of lightweight isolation mechanisms provided by the kernel Linux-libre. Containers are substantially less resource-demanding than full virtual machines since the kernel, shared objects, and other resources can be shared with the host system; this also means they provide thinner isolation."
msgstr "Liefert ein Skript, um das in der @var{Datei} deklarierte Betriebssystem in einem Container auszuführen. Mit Container wird hier eine Reihe ressourcenschonender Isolierungsmechanismen im Kernel Linux-libre bezeichnet. Container beanspruchen wesentlich weniger Ressourcen als vollumfängliche virtuelle Maschinen, weil der Kernel, Bibliotheken in gemeinsam nutzbaren Objektdateien („Shared Objects“) sowie andere Ressourcen mit dem Wirtssystem geteilt werden können. Damit ist also eine „dünnere“ Isolierung möglich."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35222
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35780
msgid "Currently, the script must be run as root in order to support more than a single user and group. The container shares its store with the host system."
msgstr "Zurzeit muss das Skript als Administratornutzer „root“ ausgeführt werden, damit darin mehr als nur ein einzelner Benutzer und eine Benutzergruppe unterstützt wird. Der Container teilt seinen Store mit dem Wirtssystem."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35226
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35784
msgid "As with the @code{vm} action (@pxref{guix system vm}), additional file systems to be shared between the host and container can be specified using the @option{--share} and @option{--expose} options:"
msgstr "Wie bei der Aktion @code{vm} (siehe @ref{guix system vm}) können zusätzlich weitere Dateisysteme zwischen Wirt und Container geteilt werden, indem man die Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{--share} und @option{--expose} verwendet:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35230
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35788
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix system container my-config.scm \\\n"
@@ -65499,319 +66578,329 @@ msgstr ""
" --expose=$HOME --share=$HOME/tmp=/austausch\n"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35234
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35792
msgid "This option requires Linux-libre 3.19 or newer."
msgstr "Diese Befehlszeilenoption funktioniert nur mit Linux-libre 3.19 oder neuer."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35241 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37710
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35799 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38383
msgid "@var{options} can contain any of the common build options (@pxref{Common Build Options}). In addition, @var{options} can contain one of the following:"
msgstr "Unter den @var{Optionen} können beliebige gemeinsame Erstellungsoptionen aufgeführt werden (siehe @ref{Common Build Options}). Des Weiteren kann als @var{Optionen} Folgendes angegeben werden:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35808
msgid "Consider the operating-system @var{expr} evaluates to. This is an alternative to specifying a file which evaluates to an operating system. This is used to generate the Guix system installer @pxref{Building the Installation Image})."
msgstr "Als Konfiguration des Betriebssystems das @code{operating-system}-Objekt betrachten, zu dem der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird. Dies ist eine Alternative dazu, die Konfiguration in einer Datei festzulegen. Hiermit wird auch das Installationsabbild des Guix-Systems erstellt, siehe @ref{Building the Installation Image})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35255
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35813
msgid "Attempt to build for @var{system} instead of the host system type. This works as per @command{guix build} (@pxref{Invoking guix build})."
msgstr "Versuchen, für das angegebene @var{System} statt für denselben Systemtyp wie auf dem Wirtssystem zu erstellen. Dies funktioniert wie bei @command{guix build} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix build})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35260
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35818
msgid "Return the derivation file name of the given operating system without building anything."
msgstr "Liefert den Namen der Ableitungsdatei für das angegebene Betriebssystem, ohne dazu etwas zu erstellen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35827
msgid "As discussed above, @command{guix system init} and @command{guix system reconfigure} always save provenance information @i{via} a dedicated service (@pxref{Service Reference, @code{provenance-service-type}}). However, other commands don't do that by default. If you wish to, say, create a virtual machine image that contains provenance information, you can run:"
msgstr "Wie zuvor erläutert, speichern @command{guix system init} und @command{guix system reconfigure} Provenienzinformationen immer über einen dedizierten Dienst (siehe @ref{Service Reference, @code{provenance-service-type}}). Andere Befehle tun das nach Voreinstellung jedoch @emph{nicht}. Wenn Sie zum Beispiel ein Abbild für eine virtuelle Maschine mitsamt Provenienzinformationen erzeugen möchten, können Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35272
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35830
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix system image -t qcow2 --save-provenance config.scm\n"
msgstr "guix system image -t qcow2 --save-provenance config.scm\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35279
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35837
msgid "That way, the resulting image will effectively ``embed its own source'' in the form of meta-data in @file{/run/current-system}. With that information, one can rebuild the image to make sure it really contains what it pretends to contain; or they could use that to derive a variant of the image."
msgstr "Auf diese Weise wird im erzeugten Abbild im Prinzip „sein eigener Quellcode eingebettet“, in Form von Metadaten in @file{/run/current-system}. Mit diesen Informationen kann man das Abbild neu erzeugen, um sicherzugehen, dass es tatsächlich das enthält, was davon behauptet wird. Man könnte damit auch eine Abwandlung des Abbilds erzeugen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35838
#, no-wrap
msgid "--image-type=@var{type}"
msgstr "--image-type=@var{Typ}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35283
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35841
msgid "For the @code{image} action, create an image with given @var{type}."
msgstr "Für die Aktion @code{image} wird ein Abbild des angegebenen @var{Typ}s erzeugt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35844
msgid "When this option is omitted, @command{guix system} uses the @code{efi-raw} image type."
msgstr "Wird diese Befehlszeilenoption nicht angegeben, so benutzt @command{guix system} den Abbildtyp @code{efi-raw}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35287
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35845
#, no-wrap
msgid "ISO-9660 format"
msgstr "ISO-9660-Format"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35846
#, no-wrap
msgid "CD image format"
msgstr "CD-Abbild-Format"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35847
#, no-wrap
msgid "DVD image format"
msgstr "DVD-Abbild-Format"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35850
msgid "@option{--image-type=iso9660} produces an ISO-9660 image, suitable for burning on CDs and DVDs."
msgstr "@option{--image-type=iso9660} erzeugt ein Abbild im Format ISO-9660, was für das Brennen auf CDs und DVDs geeignet ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35293
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35851
#, no-wrap
msgid "--image-size=@var{size}"
msgstr "--image-size=@var{Größe}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35298
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35856
msgid "For the @code{image} action, create an image of the given @var{size}. @var{size} may be a number of bytes, or it may include a unit as a suffix (@pxref{Block size, size specifications,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils})."
msgstr "Für die Aktion @code{image} wird hiermit festgelegt, dass ein Abbild der angegebenen @var{Größe} erstellt werden soll. Die @var{Größe} kann als Zahl die Anzahl Bytes angeben oder mit einer Einheit als Suffix versehen werden (siehe @ref{Block size, Größenangaben,, coreutils, GNU Coreutils})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35860
msgid "When this option is omitted, @command{guix system} computes an estimate of the image size as a function of the size of the system declared in @var{file}."
msgstr "Wird keine solche Befehlszeilenoption angegeben, berechnet @command{guix system} eine Schätzung der Abbildgröße anhand der Größe des in der @var{Datei} deklarierten Systems."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35307
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35865
msgid "For the @code{container} action, allow containers to access the host network, that is, do not create a network namespace."
msgstr "Für die Aktion @code{container} dürfen isolierte Umgebungen (auch bekannt als „Container“) auf das Wirtsnetzwerk zugreifen, d.h.@: es wird kein Netzwerknamensraum für sie erzeugt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35313
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35871
#, no-wrap
msgid "--skip-checks"
msgstr "--skip-checks"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35873
msgid "Skip pre-installation safety checks."
msgstr "Die Konfiguration @emph{nicht} vor der Installation zur Sicherheit auf Fehler prüfen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35880
msgid "By default, @command{guix system init} and @command{guix system reconfigure} perform safety checks: they make sure the file systems that appear in the @code{operating-system} declaration actually exist (@pxref{File Systems}), and that any Linux kernel modules that may be needed at boot time are listed in @code{initrd-modules} (@pxref{Initial RAM Disk}). Passing this option skips these tests altogether."
msgstr "Das vorgegebene Verhalten von @command{guix system init} und @command{guix system reconfigure} sieht vor, die Konfiguration zur Sicherheit auf Fehler hin zu überprüfen, die ihr Autor übersehen haben könnte: Es wird sichergestellt, dass die in der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration erwähnten Dateisysteme tatsächlich existieren (siehe @ref{File Systems}) und dass alle Linux-Kernelmodule, die beim Booten benötigt werden könnten, auch im @code{initrd-modules}-Feld aufgeführt sind (siehe @ref{Initial RAM Disk}). Mit dieser Befehlszeilenoption werden diese Tests allesamt übersprungen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35883
msgid "Instruct @command{guix system reconfigure} to allow system downgrades."
msgstr "An @command{guix system reconfigure} die Anweisung erteilen, Systemherabstufungen zuzulassen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35891
msgid "By default, @command{reconfigure} prevents you from downgrading your system. It achieves that by comparing the provenance info of your system (shown by @command{guix system describe}) with that of your @command{guix} command (shown by @command{guix describe}). If the commits for @command{guix} are not descendants of those used for your system, @command{guix system reconfigure} errors out. Passing @option{--allow-downgrades} allows you to bypass these checks."
msgstr "Nach Voreinstellung können Sie mit @command{reconfigure} Ihr System nicht auf eine ältere Version aktualisieren und somit herabstufen. Dazu werden die Provenienzinformationen Ihres Systems herangezogen (wie sie auch von @command{guix system describe} angezeigt werden) und mit denen aus Ihrem @command{guix}-Befehl verglichen (wie sie @command{guix describe} anzeigt). Wenn die Commits von @command{guix} nicht Nachfolger derer Ihres Systems sind, dann bricht @command{guix system reconfigure} mit einer Fehlermeldung ab. Wenn Sie @option{--allow-downgrades} übergeben, können Sie diese Sicherheitsüberprüfungen umgehen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35339
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35897
#, no-wrap
msgid "on-error"
msgstr "on-error"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35898
#, no-wrap
msgid "on-error strategy"
msgstr "on-error-Strategie"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35899
#, no-wrap
msgid "error strategy"
msgstr "Fehlerstrategie"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35900
#, no-wrap
msgid "--on-error=@var{strategy}"
msgstr "--on-error=@var{Strategie}"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35903
msgid "Apply @var{strategy} when an error occurs when reading @var{file}. @var{strategy} may be one of the following:"
msgstr "Beim Auftreten eines Fehlers beim Einlesen der @var{Datei} die angegebene @var{Strategie} verfolgen. Als @var{Strategie} dient eine der Folgenden:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35347
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35905
#, no-wrap
msgid "nothing-special"
msgstr "nothing-special"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35907
msgid "Report the error concisely and exit. This is the default strategy."
msgstr "Nichts besonderes; der Fehler wird kurz gemeldet und der Vorgang abgebrochen. Dies ist die vorgegebene Strategie."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35908
#, no-wrap
msgid "backtrace"
msgstr "backtrace"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35910
msgid "Likewise, but also display a backtrace."
msgstr "Ebenso, aber zusätzlich wird eine Rückverfolgung des Fehlers (ein „Backtrace“) angezeigt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35911
#, no-wrap
msgid "debug"
msgstr "debug"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35917
msgid "Report the error and enter Guile's debugger. From there, you can run commands such as @code{,bt} to get a backtrace, @code{,locals} to display local variable values, and more generally inspect the state of the program. @xref{Debug Commands,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}, for a list of available debugging commands."
msgstr "Nach dem Melden des Fehlers wird der Debugger von Guile zur Fehlersuche gestartet. Von dort können Sie Befehle ausführen, zum Beispiel können Sie sich mit @code{,bt} eine Rückverfolgung („Backtrace“) anzeigen lassen und mit @code{,locals} die Werte lokaler Variabler anzeigen lassen. Im Allgemeinen können Sie mit Befehlen den Zustand des Programms inspizieren. Siehe @ref{Debug Commands,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile} für eine Liste verfügbarer Befehle zur Fehlersuche."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35366
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35924
msgid "Once you have built, configured, re-configured, and re-re-configured your Guix installation, you may find it useful to list the operating system generations available on disk---and that you can choose from the bootloader boot menu:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie Ihre Guix-Installation erstellt, konfiguriert, neu konfiguriert und nochmals neu konfiguriert haben, finden Sie es vielleicht hilfreich, sich die auf der Platte verfügbaren@tie{}— und im Bootmenü des Bootloaders auswählbaren@tie{}— Systemgenerationen auflisten zu lassen:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35369 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35927 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38346
#, no-wrap
msgid "describe"
msgstr "describe"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35372
-msgid "Describe the current system generation: its file name, the kernel and bootloader used, etc., as well as provenance information when available."
-msgstr "Die aktuelle Systemgeneration beschreiben: ihren Dateinamen, den Kernel und den benutzten Bootloader etc.@: sowie Provenienzinformationen, falls verfügbar."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35930
+msgid "Describe the running system generation: its file name, the kernel and bootloader used, etc., as well as provenance information when available."
+msgstr "Die laufende Systemgeneration beschreiben: ihren Dateinamen, den Kernel und den benutzten Bootloader etc.@: sowie Provenienzinformationen, falls verfügbar."
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35937
+msgid "The @emph{running} system generation---referred to by @file{/run/current-system}---is not necessarily the @emph{current} system generation---referred to by @file{/var/guix/profiles/system}: it differs when, for instance, you chose from the bootloader menu to boot an older generation."
+msgstr "Mit der @emph{laufenden} Systemgeneration@tie{}— die, auf die @file{/run/current-system} verweist@tie{}— ist @emph{nicht} unbedingt die @emph{aktuelle} Systemgeneration gemeint, auf die @file{/var/guix/profiles/system} verweist: Sie unterscheiden sich, wenn Sie zum Beispiel im Bootloader-Menü eine ältere Generation starten lassen."
+#. type: quotation
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35941
+msgid "It can also differ from the @emph{booted} system generation---referred to by @file{/run/booted-system}---for instance because you reconfigured the system in the meantime."
+msgstr "Auch die @emph{gebootete} Systemgeneration@tie{}— auf die @file{/run/booted-system} verweist@tie{}— ist vielleicht eine andere, etwa wenn Sie das System in der Zwischenzeit rekonfiguriert haben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35373 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37677
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35943 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38350
#, no-wrap
msgid "list-generations"
msgstr "list-generations"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35378
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35948
msgid "List a summary of each generation of the operating system available on disk, in a human-readable way. This is similar to the @option{--list-generations} option of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Eine für Menschen verständliche Zusammenfassung jeder auf der Platte verfügbaren Generation des Betriebssystems ausgeben. Dies ähnelt der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--list-generations} von @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35383 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35953 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38360
msgid "Optionally, one can specify a pattern, with the same syntax that is used in @command{guix package --list-generations}, to restrict the list of generations displayed. For instance, the following command displays generations that are up to 10 days old:"
msgstr "Optional kann ein Muster angegeben werden, was dieselbe Syntax wie @command{guix package --list-generations} benutzt, um damit die Liste anzuzeigender Generationen einzuschränken. Zum Beispiel zeigt der folgende Befehl Generationen an, die bis zu 10 Tage alt sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35386
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35956
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix system list-generations 10d\n"
msgstr "$ guix system list-generations 10d\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35963
msgid "The @command{guix system} command has even more to offer! The following sub-commands allow you to visualize how your system services relate to each other:"
msgstr "Der Befehl @command{guix system} hat sogar noch mehr zu bieten! Mit folgenden Unterbefehlen wird Ihnen visualisiert, wie Ihre Systemdienste voneinander abhängen:"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35395
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35965
msgid "system-extension-graph"
msgstr "system-extension-graph"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35397
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35967
#, no-wrap
msgid "extension-graph"
msgstr "extension-graph"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35974
msgid "Emit to standard output the @dfn{service extension graph} of the operating system defined in @var{file} (@pxref{Service Composition}, for more information on service extensions). By default the output is in Dot/Graphviz format, but you can choose a different format with @option{--graph-backend}, as with @command{guix graph} (@pxref{Invoking guix graph, @option{--backend}}):"
msgstr "Auf die Standardausgabe den @dfn{Diensterweiterungsgraphen} des in der @var{Datei} definierten Betriebssystems ausgeben (siehe @ref{Service Composition} für mehr Informationen zu Diensterweiterungen). Vorgegeben ist, ihn im Dot-/Graphviz-Format auszugeben, aber Sie können ein anderes Format mit @option{--graph-backend} auswählen, genau wie bei @command{guix graph} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph, @option{--backend}}):"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35406
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35976
msgid "The command:"
msgstr "Der Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35409
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35979
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix system extension-graph @var{file} | xdot -\n"
msgstr "$ guix system extension-graph @var{Datei} | xdot -\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35412
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35982
msgid "shows the extension relations among services."
msgstr "zeigt die Erweiterungsrelation unter Diensten an."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35984
msgid "system-shepherd-graph"
msgstr "system-shepherd-graph"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35414
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35984
#, no-wrap
msgid "shepherd-graph"
msgstr "shepherd-graph"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35989
msgid "Emit to standard output the @dfn{dependency graph} of shepherd services of the operating system defined in @var{file}. @xref{Shepherd Services}, for more information and for an example graph."
msgstr "Auf die Standardausgabe den @dfn{Abhängigkeitsgraphen} der Shepherd-Dienste des in der @var{Datei} definierten Betriebssystems ausgeben. Siehe @ref{Shepherd Services} für mehr Informationen sowie einen Beispielgraphen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35992
msgid "Again, the default output format is Dot/Graphviz, but you can pass @option{--graph-backend} to select a different one."
msgstr "Auch hier wird nach Vorgabe die Ausgabe im Dot-/Graphviz-Format sein, aber Sie können ein anderes Format mit @option{--graph-backend} auswählen."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35426
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35996
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @code{guix deploy}"
msgstr "@command{guix deploy} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35434
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36004
msgid "We've already seen @code{operating-system} declarations used to manage a machine's configuration locally. Suppose you need to configure multiple machines, though---perhaps you're managing a service on the web that's comprised of several servers. @command{guix deploy} enables you to use those same @code{operating-system} declarations to manage multiple remote hosts at once as a logical ``deployment''."
msgstr "Wir haben bereits gesehen, wie die Konfiguration einer Maschine mit @code{operating-system}-Deklarationen lokal verwaltet werden kann. Doch was ist, wenn Sie mehrere Maschinen konfigurieren möchten? Vielleicht kümmern Sie sich um einen Dienst im Web, der über mehrere Server verteilt ist. Mit @command{guix deploy} können Sie ebensolche @code{operating-system}-Deklarationen verwenden, um mehrere entfernte Rechner („Hosts“) gleichzeitig in einer logischen Bereitstellung (einem „Deployment“) zu verwalten."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35439 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36900
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36009 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37504
msgid "The functionality described in this section is still under development and is subject to change. Get in touch with us on @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}!"
msgstr "Die in diesem Abschnitt beschriebenen Funktionalitäten befinden sich noch in der Entwicklung und können sich ändern. Kontaktieren Sie uns auf @email{guix-devel@@gnu.org}!"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35443
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36013
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix deploy @var{file}\n"
msgstr "guix deploy @var{Datei}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36017
msgid "Such an invocation will deploy the machines that the code within @var{file} evaluates to. As an example, @var{file} might contain a definition like this:"
msgstr "Mit einem solchen Aufruf werden diejenigen „Maschinen“ bereitgestellt, zu denen der Code in der @var{Datei} ausgewertet wird. Zum Beispiel könnte die @var{Datei} eine solche Definition enthalten:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36024
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; This is a Guix deployment of a \"bare bones\" setup, with\n"
@@ -65829,7 +66918,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35457
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36027
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-service-modules networking ssh)\n"
@@ -65841,7 +66930,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35478
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36048
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %system\n"
@@ -65889,7 +66978,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35488
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36058
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (machine\n"
@@ -65913,33 +67002,33 @@ msgstr ""
" (port 2222)))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36071
msgid "The file should evaluate to a list of @var{machine} objects. This example, upon being deployed, will create a new generation on the remote system realizing the @code{operating-system} declaration @code{%system}. @code{environment} and @code{configuration} specify how the machine should be provisioned---that is, how the computing resources should be created and managed. The above example does not create any resources, as a @code{'managed-host} is a machine that is already running the Guix system and available over the network. This is a particularly simple case; a more complex deployment may involve, for example, starting virtual machines through a Virtual Private Server (VPS) provider. In such a case, a different @var{environment} type would be used."
msgstr "Die Datei sollte zu einer Liste von @var{machine}-Objekten ausgewertet werden. Wenn dieses Beispiel aufgespielt wird, befindet sich danach eine neue Generation auf dem entfernten System, die der @code{operating-system}-Deklaration @code{%system} entspricht. Mit @code{environment} und @code{configuration} wird die Methode zur Belieferung der Maschine („Provisioning“) angegeben, d.h.@: wie sie angesteuert werden soll, um dort Rechenressourcen anzulegen und zu verwalten. Im obigen Beispiel werden keine Ressourcen angelegt, weil @code{'managed-host} für eine Maschine mit bereits laufendem Guix-System steht, auf die über das Netzwerk zugegriffen werden kann. Das ist ein besonders einfacher Fall; zu einer komplexeren Bereitstellung könnte das Starten virtueller Maschinen über einen Anbieter für „Virtual Private Servers“ (VPS) gehören. In einem solchen Fall würde eine andere Art von Umgebung als @var{environment} angegeben werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35506
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36076
msgid "Do note that you first need to generate a key pair on the coordinator machine to allow the daemon to export signed archives of files from the store (@pxref{Invoking guix archive}), though this step is automatic on Guix System:"
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass Sie zunächst ein Schlüsselpaar auf der Koordinatormaschine erzeugen lassen müssen, damit der Daemon signierte Archive mit Dateien aus dem Store exportieren kann (siehe @ref{Invoking guix archive}). Auf Guix System geschieht dies automatisch."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35514
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36084
msgid "Each target machine must authorize the key of the master machine so that it accepts store items it receives from the coordinator:"
msgstr "Jede Zielmaschine muss den Schlüssel der Hauptmaschine autorisieren, damit diese Store-Objekte von der Koordinatormaschine empfangen kann:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35517
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36087
#, no-wrap
msgid "# guix archive --authorize < coordinator-public-key.txt\n"
msgstr "# guix archive --authorize < öffentlicher-schlüssel-koordinatormaschine.txt\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35528
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36098
msgid "@code{user}, in this example, specifies the name of the user account to log in as to perform the deployment. Its default value is @code{root}, but root login over SSH may be forbidden in some cases. To work around this, @command{guix deploy} can log in as an unprivileged user and employ @code{sudo} to escalate privileges. This will only work if @code{sudo} is currently installed on the remote and can be invoked non-interactively as @code{user}. That is, the line in @code{sudoers} granting @code{user} the ability to use @code{sudo} must contain the @code{NOPASSWD} tag. This can be accomplished with the following operating system configuration snippet:"
msgstr "In dem Beispiel wird unter @code{user} der Name des Benutzerkontos angegeben, mit dem Sie sich zum Aufspielen auf der Maschine anmelden. Der Vorgabewert ist @code{root}, jedoch wird eine Anmeldung als root über SSH manchmal nicht zugelassen. Als Ausweg kann @command{guix deploy} Sie erst mit einem „unprivilegierten“ Benutzerkonto ohne besondere Berechtigungen anmelden, um danach automatisch mit @code{sudo} die Berechtigungen auszuweiten. Damit das funktioniert, muss @code{sudo} auf der entfernten Maschine installiert und durch das @code{user}-Konto ohne Nutzerinteraktion aufrufbar sein; mit anderen Worten muss die Zeile in @code{sudoers}, die das @code{user}-Benutzerkonto zum Aufruf von @code{sudo} berechtigt, mit dem @code{NOPASSWD}-Tag versehen sein. Dazu kann das folgende Schnipsel in die Betriebssystemkonfiguration eingefügt werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35532
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36102
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules ...\n"
@@ -65951,7 +67040,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35534
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36104
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define %user \"username\")\n"
@@ -65961,7 +67050,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35542
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36112
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -65983,235 +67072,284 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36117
msgid "For more information regarding the format of the @file{sudoers} file, consult @command{man sudoers}."
msgstr "Weitere Informationen über das Format der @file{sudoers}-Datei erhalten Sie, wenn Sie @command{man sudoers} ausführen."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36122
+msgid "Once you've deployed a system on a set of machines, you may find it useful to run a command on all of them. The @option{--execute} or @option{-x} option lets you do that; the example below runs @command{uname -a} on all the machines listed in the deployment file:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36125
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "guix deploy @var{file}\n"
+msgid "guix deploy @var{file} -x -- uname -a\n"
+msgstr "guix deploy @var{Datei}\n"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36129
+msgid "One thing you may often need to do after deployment is restart specific services on all the machines, which you can do like so:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: example
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36132
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "guix deploy @var{file} -x -- herd restart @var{service}\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36136
+msgid "The @command{guix deploy -x} command returns zero if and only if the command succeeded on all the machines."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36141
+msgid "Below are the data types you need to know about when writing a deployment file."
+msgstr ""
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35548
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36142
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} machine"
msgstr "{Datentyp} machine"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35551
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36145
msgid "This is the data type representing a single machine in a heterogeneous Guix deployment."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp steht für eine einzelne Maschine beim Bereitstellen auf mehrere verschiedene Maschinen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35555
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36149
msgid "The object of the operating system configuration to deploy."
msgstr "Das Objekt mit der aufzuspielenden Betriebssystemkonfiguration."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36150
#, no-wrap
msgid "environment"
msgstr "environment"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35558
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36152
msgid "An @code{environment-type} describing how the machine should be provisioned."
msgstr "Auf welcher Art von Umgebung die Maschine läuft. Der hier angegebene @code{environment-type} steht dafür, wie die Maschine beliefert wird („Provisioning“)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35559
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36153
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{configuration} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{configuration} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36158
msgid "An object describing the configuration for the machine's @code{environment}. If the @code{environment} has a default configuration, @code{#f} may be used. If @code{#f} is used for an environment with no default configuration, however, an error will be thrown."
msgstr "Dieses Objekt gibt die bestimmte Konfiguration der Umgebung (@code{environment}) der Maschine an. Falls es für diese Umgebung eine Vorgabekonfiguration gibt, kann auch @code{#f} benutzt werden. Wenn @code{#f} für eine Umgebung ohne Vorgabekonfiguration benutzt wird, wird ein Fehler ausgelöst."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35567
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36161
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} machine-ssh-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} machine-ssh-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35570
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36164
msgid "This is the data type representing the SSH client parameters for a machine with an @code{environment} of @code{managed-host-environment-type}."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die SSH-Client-Parameter einer Maschine, deren Umgebung (@code{environment}) vom Typ @code{managed-host-environment-type} ist."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36167
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{build-locally?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{build-locally?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36169
msgid "If false, system derivations will be built on the machine being deployed to."
msgstr "Wenn es falsch ist, werden Ableitungen für das System auf der Maschine erstellt, auf die es aufgespielt wird."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35575
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36169
#, no-wrap
msgid "system"
msgstr "system"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36172
msgid "The system type describing the architecture of the machine being deployed to---e.g., @code{\"x86_64-linux\"}."
msgstr "Der Systemtyp, der die Architektur der Maschine angibt, auf die aufgespielt wird@tie{}— z.B. @code{\"x86_64-linux\"}."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35578
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36172
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{authorize?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{authorize?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36175
msgid "If true, the coordinator's signing key will be added to the remote's ACL keyring."
msgstr "Wenn es wahr ist, wird der Signierschlüssel des Koordinators zum ACL-Schlüsselbund (der Access Control List, deutsch Zugriffssteuerungsliste) der entfernten Maschine hinzugefügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35583
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36177
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{identity} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{identity} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35586
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36180
msgid "If specified, the path to the SSH private key to use to authenticate with the remote host."
msgstr "Wenn dies angegeben wird, ist es der Pfad zum privaten SSH-Schlüssel, um sich beim entfernten Rechner zu authentisieren."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36181
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{host-key} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{host-key} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35589
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36183
msgid "This should be the SSH host key of the machine, which looks like this:"
msgstr "Hierfür sollte der SSH-Rechnerschlüssel der Maschine angegeben werden. Er sieht so aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35592
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36186
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz@dots{} root@@example.org\n"
msgstr "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3Nz…@: root@@example.org\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35597
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36191
msgid "When @code{host-key} is @code{#f}, the server is authenticated against the @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} file, just like the OpenSSH @command{ssh} client does."
msgstr "Wenn @code{#f} als @code{host-key} angegeben wird, wird der Server gegen die Datei @file{~/.ssh/known_hosts} geprüft, genau wie es der @command{ssh}-Client von OpenSSH tut."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36192
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{allow-downgrades?} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{allow-downgrades?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35600
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36194
msgid "Whether to allow potential downgrades."
msgstr "Ob mögliche Herabstufungen zugelassen werden sollen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35608
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36202
msgid "Like @command{guix system reconfigure}, @command{guix deploy} compares the channel commits currently deployed on the remote host (as returned by @command{guix system describe}) to those currently in use (as returned by @command{guix describe}) to determine whether commits currently in use are descendants of those deployed. When this is not the case and @code{allow-downgrades?} is false, it raises an error. This ensures you do not accidentally downgrade remote machines."
msgstr "Genau wie @command{guix system reconfigure} vergleicht auch @command{guix deploy} die Commits auf den momentan eingespielten Kanälen am entfernten Rechner (wie sie von @command{guix system describe} gemeldet werden) mit denen, die zurzeit verwendet werden (wie sie @command{guix describe} anzeigt), um festzustellen, ob aktuell verwendete Commits Nachfolger der aufgespielten sind. Ist das @emph{nicht} der Fall und steht @code{allow-downgrades?} auf falsch, wird ein Fehler gemeldet. Dadurch kann gewährleistet werden, dass Sie nicht aus Versehen die entfernte Maschine auf eine alte Version herabstufen."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36203
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "@code{safety-checks?} (default: @code{#t})"
+msgstr "@code{safety-checks?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36209
+msgid "Whether to perform ``safety checks'' before deployment. This includes verifying that devices and file systems referred to in the operating system configuration actually exist on the target machine, and making sure that Linux modules required to access storage devices at boot time are listed in the @code{initrd-modules} field of the operating system."
+msgstr "Ob „Sicherheitsüberprüfungen“ vor dem Aufspielen durchgeführt werden. Dazu gehört, zu prüfen, ob die Geräte und Dateisysteme in der Betriebssystemkonfiguration tatsächlich auf der Zielmaschine vorhanden sind und die Linux-Module, die gebrauchy werden, um auf Speichergeräte beim Booten zuzugreifen, auch im Feld @code{initrd-modules} des @code{operating-system} aufgelistet sind."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36212
+msgid "These safety checks ensure that you do not inadvertently deploy a system that would fail to boot. Be careful before turning them off!"
+msgstr "Durch die Sicherheitsüberprüfungen wird gewährleistet, dass Sie nicht aus Versehen ein System bereitstellen, dass gar nicht booten kann. Überlegen Sie sich gut, wenn Sie sie ausschalten!"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36215
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} digital-ocean-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} digital-ocean-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35614
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36218
msgid "This is the data type describing the Droplet that should be created for a machine with an @code{environment} of @code{digital-ocean-environment-type}."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp beschreibt das Droplet, das für eine Maschine erzeugt werden soll, deren Umgebung (@code{environment}) vom Typ @code{digital-ocean-environment-type} ist."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35616
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36220
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh-key"
msgstr "ssh-key"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36223
msgid "The path to the SSH private key to use to authenticate with the remote host. In the future, this field may not exist."
msgstr "Der Pfad zum privaten SSH-Schlüssel, um sich beim entfernten Rechner zu authentisieren. In Zukunft wird es dieses Feld vielleicht nicht mehr geben."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35619
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36223
#, no-wrap
msgid "tags"
msgstr "tags"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36226
msgid "A list of string ``tags'' that uniquely identify the machine. Must be given such that no two machines in the deployment have the same set of tags."
msgstr "Eine Liste von „Tags“ als Zeichenketten, die die Maschine eindeutig identifizieren. Sie müssen angegeben werden, damit keine zwei Maschinen in der Bereitstellung dieselbe Menge an Tags haben."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36226
#, no-wrap
msgid "region"
msgstr "region"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35624
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36228
msgid "A Digital Ocean region slug, such as @code{\"nyc3\"}."
msgstr "Ein Digital-Ocean-„Region Slug“ (Regionskürzel), zum Beispiel @code{\"nyc3\"}."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36230
msgid "A Digital Ocean size slug, such as @code{\"s-1vcpu-1gb\"}"
msgstr "Ein Digital-Ocean-„Size Slug“ (Größenkürzel), zum Beispiel @code{\"s-1vcpu-1gb\"}"
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35626
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36230
#, no-wrap
msgid "enable-ipv6?"
msgstr "enable-ipv6?"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35628
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36232
msgid "Whether or not the droplet should be created with IPv6 networking."
msgstr "Ob das Droplet mit IPv6-Netzanbindung erzeugt werden soll."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35632
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36236
#, no-wrap
msgid "Running Guix in a Virtual Machine"
msgstr "Guix in einer virtuellen Maschine betreiben"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36244
msgid "To run Guix in a virtual machine (VM), one can use the pre-built Guix VM image distributed at @url{@value{BASE-URL}/guix-system-vm-image-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.qcow2}. This image is a compressed image in QCOW format. You can pass it to an emulator such as @uref{https://qemu.org/, QEMU} (see below for details)."
msgstr "Um Guix in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) auszuführen, können Sie das vorerstellte Guix-VM-Abbild benutzen, das auf @url{@value{BASE-URL}/guix-system-vm-image-@value{VERSION}.x86_64-linux.qcow2} angeboten wird. Das Abbild ist ein komprimiertes Abbild im QCOW-Format. Sie können es an einen Emulator wie QEMU übergeben (siehe unten für Details)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36251
msgid "This image boots the Xfce graphical environment and it contains some commonly used tools. You can install more software in the image by running @command{guix package} in a terminal (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). You can also reconfigure the system based on its initial configuration file available as @file{/run/current-system/configuration.scm} (@pxref{Using the Configuration System})."
msgstr "Dieses Abbild startet eine grafische Xfce-Umgebung und enthält einige oft genutzte Werkzeuge. Sie können im Abbild mehr Software installieren, indem Sie @command{guix package} in einem Terminal ausführen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). Sie können das System im Abbild auch rekonfigurieren, basierend auf seiner anfänglichen Konfigurationsdatei, die als @file{/run/current-system/configuration.scm} verfügbar ist (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35650
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36254
msgid "Instead of using this pre-built image, one can also build their own image using @command{guix system image} (@pxref{Invoking guix system})."
msgstr "Statt dieses vorerstellte Abbild zu benutzen, können Sie auch Ihr eigenes Abbild erstellen, indem Sie @command{guix system image} benutzen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35651
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36255
#, no-wrap
msgid "QEMU"
msgstr "QEMU"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36262
msgid "If you built your own image, you must copy it out of the store (@pxref{The Store}) and give yourself permission to write to the copy before you can use it. When invoking QEMU, you must choose a system emulator that is suitable for your hardware platform. Here is a minimal QEMU invocation that will boot the result of @command{guix system image -t qcow2} on x86_64 hardware:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie Ihr eigenes Abbild erstellen haben lassen, müssen Sie es aus dem Store herauskopieren (siehe @ref{The Store}) und sich darauf Schreibberechtigung geben, um die Kopie benutzen zu können. Wenn Sie QEMU aufrufen, müssen Sie einen Systememulator angeben, der für Ihre Hardware-Plattform passend ist. Hier ist ein minimaler QEMU-Aufruf, der das Ergebnis von @command{guix system image -t qcow2} auf x86_64-Hardware bootet:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36269
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ qemu-system-x86_64 \\\n"
@@ -66227,137 +67365,137 @@ msgstr ""
" -drive if=none,file=/tmp/qemu-image,id=myhd\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35668
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36272
msgid "Here is what each of these options means:"
msgstr "Die Bedeutung jeder dieser Befehlszeilenoptionen ist folgende:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35670
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36274
#, no-wrap
msgid "qemu-system-x86_64"
msgstr "qemu-system-x86_64"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36277
msgid "This specifies the hardware platform to emulate. This should match the host."
msgstr "Hiermit wird die zu emulierende Hardware-Plattform angegeben. Sie sollte zum Wirtsrechner passen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35674
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36278
#, no-wrap
msgid "-nic user,model=virtio-net-pci"
msgstr "-nic user,model=virtio-net-pci"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36286
msgid "Enable the unprivileged user-mode network stack. The guest OS can access the host but not vice versa. This is the simplest way to get the guest OS online. @code{model} specifies which network device to emulate: @code{virtio-net-pci} is a special device made for virtualized operating systems and recommended for most uses. Assuming your hardware platform is x86_64, you can get a list of available NIC models by running @command{qemu-system-x86_64 -nic model=help}."
msgstr "Den als Nutzer ausgeführten Netzwerkstapel („User-Mode Network Stack“) ohne besondere Berechtigungen benutzen. Mit dieser Art von Netzwerkanbindung kann das Gast-Betriebssystem eine Verbindung zum Wirt aufbauen, aber nicht andersherum. Es ist die einfachste Art, das Gast-Betriebssystem mit dem Internet zu verbinden. Das @code{model} gibt das Modell eines zu emulierenden Netzwerkgeräts an: @code{virtio-net-pci} ist ein besonderes Gerät, das für virtualisierte Betriebssysteme gedacht ist und für die meisten Anwendungsfälle empfohlen wird. Falls Ihre Hardware-Plattform x86_64 ist, können Sie eine Liste verfügbarer Modelle von Netzwerkkarten (englisch „Network Interface Card“, kurz NIC) einsehen, indem Sie @command{qemu-system-x86_64 -net nic,model=help} ausführen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36287
#, no-wrap
msgid "-enable-kvm"
msgstr "-enable-kvm"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35687
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36291
msgid "If your system has hardware virtualization extensions, enabling the virtual machine support (KVM) of the Linux kernel will make things run faster."
msgstr "Wenn Ihr System über Erweiterungen zur Hardware-Virtualisierung verfügt, beschleunigt es die Dinge, wenn Sie die Virtualisierungsunterstützung „KVM“ des Linux-Kernels benutzen lassen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35689
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36293
#, no-wrap
msgid "-m 1024"
msgstr "-m 1024"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36296
msgid "RAM available to the guest OS, in mebibytes. Defaults to 128@tie{}MiB, which may be insufficient for some operations."
msgstr "Die Menge an Arbeitsspeicher (RAM), die dem Gastbetriebssystem zur Verfügung stehen soll, in Mebibytes. Vorgegeben wären 128@tie{}MiB, was für einige Operationen zu wenig sein könnte."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35693
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36297
#, no-wrap
msgid "-device virtio-blk,drive=myhd"
msgstr "-device virtio-blk,drive=myhd"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35698
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36302
msgid "Create a @code{virtio-blk} drive called ``myhd''. @code{virtio-blk} is a ``paravirtualization'' mechanism for block devices that allows QEMU to achieve better performance than if it were emulating a complete disk drive. See the QEMU and KVM documentation for more info."
msgstr "Ein @code{virtio-blk}-Laufwerk namens „myhd“ erzeugen. @code{virtio-blk} ist ein Mechanismus zur „Paravirtualisierung“ von Blockgeräten, wodurch QEMU diese effizienter benutzen kann, als wenn es ein Laufwerk vollständig emulieren würde. Siehe die Dokumentation von QEMU und KVM für mehr Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36303
#, no-wrap
msgid "-drive if=none,file=/tmp/qemu-image,id=myhd"
msgstr "-drive if=none,file=/tmp/qemu-image,id=myhd"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36306
msgid "Use our QCOW image, the @file{/tmp/qemu-image} file, as the backing store of the ``myhd'' drive."
msgstr "Unser QCOW-Abbild in der Datei @file{/tmp/qemu-image} soll als Inhalt des „myhd“-Laufwerks herhalten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35712
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36316
msgid "The default @command{run-vm.sh} script that is returned by an invocation of @command{guix system vm} does not add a @command{-nic user} flag by default. To get network access from within the vm add the @code{(dhcp-client-service)} to your system definition and start the VM using @command{$(guix system vm config.scm) -nic user}. An important caveat of using @command{-nic user} for networking is that @command{ping} will not work, because it uses the ICMP protocol. You'll have to use a different command to check for network connectivity, for example @command{guix download}."
msgstr "Das voreingestellte @command{run-vm.sh}-Skript, das durch einen Aufruf von @command{guix system vm} erzeugt wird, fügt keine Befehlszeilenoption @command{-nic user} an. Um innerhalb der virtuellen Maschine Netzwerkzugang zu haben, fügen Sie den @code{(dhcp-client-service)} zu Ihrer Systemdefinition hinzu und starten Sie die VM mit @command{$(guix system vm config.scm) -nic user}. Erwähnt werden sollte der Nachteil, dass bei Verwendung von @command{-nic user} zur Netzanbindung der @command{ping}-Befehl @emph{nicht} funktionieren wird, weil dieser das ICMP-Protokoll braucht. Sie werden also einen anderen Befehl benutzen müssen, um auszuprobieren, ob Sie mit dem Netzwerk verbunden sind, zum Beispiel @command{guix download}."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35713
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36317
#, no-wrap
msgid "Connecting Through SSH"
msgstr "Verbinden über SSH"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35721
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36325
msgid "To enable SSH inside a VM you need to add an SSH server like @code{openssh-service-type} to your VM (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). In addition you need to forward the SSH port, 22 by default, to the host. You can do this with"
msgstr "Um SSH in der virtuellen Maschine zu aktivieren, müssen Sie einen SSH-Server wie @code{openssh-service-type} zu ihr hinzufügen (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). Des Weiteren müssen Sie den SSH-Port für das Wirtssystem freigeben (standardmäßig hat er die Portnummer 22). Das geht zum Beispiel so:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36328
#, no-wrap
msgid "$(guix system vm config.scm) -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22\n"
msgstr "$(guix system vm config.scm) -nic user,model=virtio-net-pci,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36331
msgid "To connect to the VM you can run"
msgstr "Um sich mit der virtuellen Maschine zu verbinden, benutzen Sie diesen Befehl:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35730
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36334
#, no-wrap
msgid "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 10022 localhost\n"
msgstr "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 10022 localhost\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35737
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36341
msgid "The @command{-p} tells @command{ssh} the port you want to connect to. @command{-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null} prevents @command{ssh} from complaining every time you modify your @command{config.scm} file and the @command{-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no} prevents you from having to allow a connection to an unknown host every time you connect."
msgstr "Mit @command{-p} wird @command{ssh} der Port mitgeteilt, über den eine Verbindung hergestellt werden soll. @command{-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null} verhindert, dass @command{ssh} sich bei jeder Modifikation Ihrer @command{config.scm}-Datei beschwert, ein anderer bekannter Rechner sei erwartet worden, und @command{-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no} verhindert, dass Sie die Verbindung zu unbekannten Rechnern jedes Mal bestätigen müssen, wenn Sie sich verbinden."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36347
msgid "If you find the above @samp{hostfwd} example not to be working (e.g., your SSH client hangs attempting to connect to the mapped port of your VM), make sure that your Guix System VM has networking support, such as by using the @code{dhcp-client-service-type} service type."
msgstr "Wenn dieses Beispiel zu @samp{hostfwd} bei Ihnen nicht funktioniert (weil z.B.@: sich Ihr SSH-Client aufhängt, wenn Sie versuchen, sich mit dem zugeordneten Port auf Ihrer VM zu verbinden), dann überprüfen Sie nochmal, ob Ihre Guix-System-VM auch mit Netzwerkunterstützung konfiguriert wurde, also etwas wie der Diensttyp @code{dhcp-client-service-type} angegeben wurde."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35745
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36349
#, no-wrap
msgid "Using @command{virt-viewer} with Spice"
msgstr "@command{virt-viewer} mit Spice benutzen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35751
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36355
msgid "As an alternative to the default @command{qemu} graphical client you can use the @command{remote-viewer} from the @command{virt-viewer} package. To connect pass the @command{-spice port=5930,disable-ticketing} flag to @command{qemu}. See previous section for further information on how to do this."
msgstr "Eine Alternative zur grafischen Schnittstelle des standardmäßigen @command{qemu} ist, sich mit Hilfe des @command{remote-viewer} aus dem Paket @command{virt-viewer} zu verbinden. Um eine Verbindung herzustellen, übergeben Sie die Befehlszeilenoption @command{-spice port=5930,disable-ticketing} an @command{qemu}. Siehe den vorherigen Abschnitt für weitere Informationen, wie Sie das übergeben."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35754
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36358
msgid "Spice also allows you to do some nice stuff like share your clipboard with your VM@. To enable that you'll also have to pass the following flags to @command{qemu}:"
msgstr "Spice macht es auch möglich, ein paar nette Hilfestellungen zu benutzen, zum Beispiel können Sie Ihren Zwischenspeicher zum Kopieren und Einfügen (Ihr „Clipboard“) mit Ihrer virtuellen Maschine teilen. Um das zu aktivieren, werden Sie die folgenden Befehlszeilennoptionen zusätzlich an @command{qemu} übergeben müssen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35760
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36364
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"-device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,max_ports=16,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5\n"
@@ -66371,81 +67509,81 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35764
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36368
msgid "You'll also need to add the @code{(spice-vdagent-service)} to your system definition (@pxref{Miscellaneous Services, Spice service})."
msgstr "Sie werden auch den @code{(spice-vdagent-service)} zu Ihrer Systemdefinition hinzufügen müssen (siehe @ref{Miscellaneous Services, Spice-Dienst})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36375
msgid "The previous sections show the available services and how one can combine them in an @code{operating-system} declaration. But how do we define them in the first place? And what is a service anyway?"
msgstr "Der vorhergehende Abschnitt präsentiert die verfügbaren Dienste und wie man sie in einer @code{operating-system}-Deklaration kombiniert. Aber wie definieren wir solche Dienste eigentlich? Und was ist überhaupt ein Dienst?"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36388
#, no-wrap
msgid "daemons"
msgstr "Daemons"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35797
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36401
msgid "Here we define a @dfn{service} as, broadly, something that extends the functionality of the operating system. Often a service is a process---a @dfn{daemon}---started when the system boots: a secure shell server, a Web server, the Guix build daemon, etc. Sometimes a service is a daemon whose execution can be triggered by another daemon---e.g., an FTP server started by @command{inetd} or a D-Bus service activated by @command{dbus-daemon}. Occasionally, a service does not map to a daemon. For instance, the ``account'' service collects user accounts and makes sure they exist when the system runs; the ``udev'' service collects device management rules and makes them available to the eudev daemon; the @file{/etc} service populates the @file{/etc} directory of the system."
msgstr "Wir definieren hier einen @dfn{Dienst} (englisch „Service“) als, grob gesagt, etwas, das die Funktionalität des Betriebssystems erweitert. Oft ist ein Dienst ein Prozess@tie{}— ein sogenannter @dfn{Daemon}@tie{}—, der beim Hochfahren des Systems gestartet wird: ein Secure-Shell-Server, ein Web-Server, der Guix-Erstellungsdaemon usw. Manchmal ist ein Dienst ein Daemon, dessen Ausführung von einem anderen Daemon ausgelöst wird@tie{}— zum Beispiel wird ein FTP-Server von @command{inetd} gestartet oder ein D-Bus-Dienst durch @command{dbus-daemon} aktiviert. Manchmal entspricht ein Dienst aber auch keinem Daemon. Zum Beispiel nimmt sich der Benutzerkonten-Dienst („account service“) die Benutzerkonten und sorgt dafür, dass sie existieren, wenn das System läuft. Der „udev“-Dienst sammelt die Regeln zur Geräteverwaltung an und macht diese für den eudev-Daemon verfügbar. Der @file{/etc}-Dienst fügt Dateien in das Verzeichnis @file{/etc} des Systems ein."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35798
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36402
#, no-wrap
msgid "service extensions"
msgstr "Diensterweiterungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35810
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36414
msgid "Guix system services are connected by @dfn{extensions}. For instance, the secure shell service @emph{extends} the Shepherd---the initialization system, running as PID@tie{}1---by giving it the command lines to start and stop the secure shell daemon (@pxref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}); the UPower service extends the D-Bus service by passing it its @file{.service} specification, and extends the udev service by passing it device management rules (@pxref{Desktop Services, @code{upower-service}}); the Guix daemon service extends the Shepherd by passing it the command lines to start and stop the daemon, and extends the account service by passing it a list of required build user accounts (@pxref{Base Services})."
msgstr "Dienste des Guix-Systems werden durch @dfn{Erweiterungen} („Extensions“) miteinander verbunden. Zum Beispiel @emph{erweitert} der Secure-Shell-Dienst den Shepherd@tie{}— Shepherd ist das Initialisierungssystem (auch „init“-System genannt), was als PID@tie{}1 läuft@tie{}—, indem es ihm die Befehlszeilen zum Starten und Stoppen des Secure-Shell-Daemons übergibt (siehe @ref{Networking Services, @code{openssh-service-type}}). Der UPower-Dienst erweitert den D-Bus-Dienst, indem es ihm seine @file{.service}-Spezifikation übergibt, und erweitert den udev-Dienst, indem es ihm Geräteverwaltungsregeln übergibt (siehe @ref{Desktop Services, @code{upower-service}}). Der Guix-Daemon-Dienst erweitert den Shepherd, indem er ihm die Befehlszeilen zum Starten und Stoppen des Daemons übergibt, und er erweitert den Benutzerkontendienst („account service“), indem er ihm eine Liste der benötigten Erstellungsbenutzerkonten übergibt (siehe @ref{Base Services})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36418
msgid "All in all, services and their ``extends'' relations form a directed acyclic graph (DAG). If we represent services as boxes and extensions as arrows, a typical system might provide something like this:"
msgstr "Alles in allem bilden Dienste und ihre „Erweitert“-Relationen einen gerichteten azyklischen Graphen (englisch „Directed Acyclic Graph“, kurz DAG). Wenn wir Dienste als Kästen und Erweiterungen als Pfeile darstellen, könnte ein typisches System so etwas hier anbieten:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36420
msgid "@image{images/service-graph,,5in,Typical service extension graph.}"
msgstr "@image{images/service-graph,,5in,Typischer Diensterweiterungsgraph}"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35817
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36421
#, no-wrap
msgid "system service"
msgstr "Systemdienst"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35825
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36429
msgid "At the bottom, we see the @dfn{system service}, which produces the directory containing everything to run and boot the system, as returned by the @command{guix system build} command. @xref{Service Reference}, to learn about the other service types shown here. @xref{system-extension-graph, the @command{guix system extension-graph} command}, for information on how to generate this representation for a particular operating system definition."
msgstr "Ganz unten sehen wir den @dfn{Systemdienst}, der das Verzeichnis erzeugt, in dem alles zum Ausführen und Hochfahren enthalten ist, so wie es der Befehl @command{guix system build} liefert. Siehe @ref{Service Reference}, um mehr über die anderen hier gezeigten Diensttypen zu erfahren. Beim @ref{system-extension-graph, Befehl @command{guix system extension-graph}} finden Sie Informationen darüber, wie Sie diese Darstellung für eine Betriebssystemdefinition Ihrer Wahl generieren lassen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35826
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36430
#, no-wrap
msgid "service types"
msgstr "Diensttypen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35832
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36436
msgid "Technically, developers can define @dfn{service types} to express these relations. There can be any number of services of a given type on the system---for instance, a system running two instances of the GNU secure shell server (lsh) has two instances of @code{lsh-service-type}, with different parameters."
msgstr "Technisch funktioniert es so, dass Entwickler @dfn{Diensttypen} definieren können, um diese Beziehungen auszudrücken. Im System kann es beliebig viele Dienste zu jedem Typ geben@tie{}— zum Beispiel können auf einem System zwei Instanzen des GNU-Secure-Shell-Servers (lsh) laufen, mit zwei Instanzen des Diensttyps @code{lsh-service-type} mit je unterschiedlichen Parametern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35835
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36439
msgid "The following section describes the programming interface for service types and services."
msgstr "Der folgende Abschnitt beschreibt die Programmierschnittstelle für Diensttypen und Dienste."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35842
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36446
msgid "A @dfn{service type} is a node in the DAG described above. Let us start with a simple example, the service type for the Guix build daemon (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon}):"
msgstr "Ein @dfn{Diensttyp} („service type“) ist ein Knoten im oben beschriebenen ungerichteten azyklischen Graphen (DAG). Fangen wir an mit einem einfachen Beispiel: dem Diensttyp für den Guix-Erstellungsdaemon (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon}):"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36456
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define guix-service-type\n"
@@ -66467,75 +67605,75 @@ msgstr ""
" (default-value (guix-configuration))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35856
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36460
msgid "It defines three things:"
msgstr "Damit sind drei Dinge definiert:"
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36464
msgid "A name, whose sole purpose is to make inspection and debugging easier."
msgstr "Ein Name, der nur dazu da ist, dass man leichter die Abläufe verstehen und Fehler suchen kann."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35865
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36469
msgid "A list of @dfn{service extensions}, where each extension designates the target service type and a procedure that, given the parameters of the service, returns a list of objects to extend the service of that type."
msgstr "Eine Liste von @dfn{Diensterweiterungen} („service extensions“). Jede Erweiterung gibt den Ziel-Diensttyp an sowie eine Prozedur, die für gegebene Parameter für den Dienst eine Liste von Objekten zurückliefert, um den Dienst dieses Typs zu erweitern."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36472
msgid "Every service type has at least one service extension. The only exception is the @dfn{boot service type}, which is the ultimate service."
msgstr "Jeder Diensttyp benutzt mindestens eine Diensterweiterung. Die einzige Ausnahme ist der @dfn{boot service type}, der die Grundlage aller Dienste ist."
#. type: enumerate
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35871
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36475
msgid "Optionally, a default value for instances of this type."
msgstr "Optional kann ein Vorgabewert für Instanzen dieses Typs angegeben werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36478
msgid "In this example, @code{guix-service-type} extends three services:"
msgstr "In diesem Beispiel werden durch @code{guix-service-type} drei Dienste erweitert:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36480
#, no-wrap
msgid "shepherd-root-service-type"
msgstr "shepherd-root-service-type"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35881
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36485
msgid "The @code{guix-shepherd-service} procedure defines how the Shepherd service is extended. Namely, it returns a @code{<shepherd-service>} object that defines how @command{guix-daemon} is started and stopped (@pxref{Shepherd Services})."
msgstr "Die Prozedur @code{guix-shepherd-service} definiert, wie der Shepherd-Dienst erweitert wird, und zwar liefert sie ein @code{<shepherd-service>}-Objekt, womit definiert wird, wie der @command{guix-daemon} gestartet und gestoppt werden kann (siehe @ref{Shepherd Services})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35882
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36486
#, no-wrap
msgid "account-service-type"
msgstr "account-service-type"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35887
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36491
msgid "This extension for this service is computed by @code{guix-accounts}, which returns a list of @code{user-group} and @code{user-account} objects representing the build user accounts (@pxref{Invoking guix-daemon})."
msgstr "Diese Erweiterung des Dienstes wird durch @code{guix-accounts} berechnet, eine Prozedur, die eine Liste von @code{user-group}- und @code{user-account}-Objekten liefert, die die Erstellungsbenutzerkonten repräsentieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix-daemon})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35888
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36492
#, no-wrap
msgid "activation-service-type"
msgstr "activation-service-type"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35892
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36496
msgid "Here @code{guix-activation} is a procedure that returns a gexp, which is a code snippet to run at ``activation time''---e.g., when the service is booted."
msgstr "Hier ist @code{guix-activation} eine Prozedur, die einen G-Ausdruck liefert. Dieser ist ein Code-Schnipsel, das zur „Aktivierungszeit“ ausgeführt werden soll@tie{}— z.B.@: wenn der Dienst hochgefahren wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36499
msgid "A service of this type is instantiated like this:"
msgstr "Ein Dienst dieses Typs wird dann so instanziiert:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35901
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36505
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service guix-service-type\n"
@@ -66549,28 +67687,28 @@ msgstr ""
" (extra-options '(\"--gc-keep-derivations\"))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35909
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36513
msgid "The second argument to the @code{service} form is a value representing the parameters of this specific service instance. @xref{guix-configuration-type, @code{guix-configuration}}, for information about the @code{guix-configuration} data type. When the value is omitted, the default value specified by @code{guix-service-type} is used:"
msgstr "Das zweite Argument an die @code{service}-Form ist ein Wert, der die Parameter dieser bestimmten Dienstinstanz repräsentiert. Siehe @ref{guix-configuration-type, @code{guix-configuration}} für Informationen über den @code{guix-configuration}-Datentyp. Wird kein Wert angegeben, wird die Vorgabe verwendet, die im @code{guix-service-type} angegeben wurde:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36516
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service guix-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service guix-service-type)\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36520
msgid "@code{guix-service-type} is quite simple because it extends other services but is not extensible itself."
msgstr "@code{guix-service-type} ist ziemlich einfach, weil es andere Dienste erweitert, aber selbst nicht erweitert werden kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35920
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36524
msgid "The service type for an @emph{extensible} service looks like this:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp eines @emph{erweiterbaren} Dienstes sieht ungefähr so aus:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35927
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36531
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define udev-service-type\n"
@@ -66588,7 +67726,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35935
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36539
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
" (compose concatenate) ;concatenate the list of rules\n"
@@ -66608,96 +67746,96 @@ msgstr ""
" (rules (append initial-rules rules)))))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36545
msgid "This is the service type for the @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Eudev, eudev device management daemon}. Compared to the previous example, in addition to an extension of @code{shepherd-root-service-type}, we see two new fields:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Eudev, Geräteverwaltungsdaemon eudev}. Verglichen mit dem vorherigen Beispiel sehen wir neben einer Erweiterung des @code{shepherd-root-service-type} auch zwei neue Felder."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35943
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36547
#, no-wrap
msgid "compose"
msgstr "compose"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35946
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36550
msgid "This is the procedure to @dfn{compose} the list of extensions to services of this type."
msgstr "Die Prozedur, um die Liste der jeweiligen Erweiterungen für den Dienst dieses Typs zu einem Objekt zusammenzustellen (zu „komponieren“, englisch @dfn{compose})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35949
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36553
msgid "Services can extend the udev service by passing it lists of rules; we compose those extensions simply by concatenating them."
msgstr "Dienste können den udev-Dienst erweitern, indem sie eine Liste von Regeln („Rules“) an ihn übergeben; wir komponieren mehrere solche Erweiterungen, indem wir die Listen einfach zusammenfügen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35950
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36554
#, no-wrap
msgid "extend"
msgstr "extend"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36557
msgid "This procedure defines how the value of the service is @dfn{extended} with the composition of the extensions."
msgstr "Diese Prozedur definiert, wie der Wert des Dienstes um die Komposition mit Erweiterungen erweitert („extended“) werden kann."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35958
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36562
msgid "Udev extensions are composed into a list of rules, but the udev service value is itself a @code{<udev-configuration>} record. So here, we extend that record by appending the list of rules it contains to the list of contributed rules."
msgstr "Udev-Erweiterungen werden zu einer einzigen Liste von Regeln komponiert, aber der Wert des udev-Dienstes ist ein @code{<udev-configuration>}-Verbundsobjekt. Deshalb erweitern wir diesen Verbund, indem wir die Liste der von Erweiterungen beigetragenen Regeln an die im Verbund gespeicherte Liste der Regeln anhängen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36568
msgid "This is a string giving an overview of the service type. The string can contain Texinfo markup (@pxref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). The @command{guix system search} command searches these strings and displays them (@pxref{Invoking guix system})."
msgstr "Diese Zeichenkette gibt einen Überblick über den Systemtyp. Die Zeichenkette darf mit Texinfo ausgezeichnet werden (siehe @ref{Overview,,, texinfo, GNU Texinfo}). Der Befehl @command{guix system search} durchsucht diese Zeichenketten und zeigt sie an (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35969
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36573
msgid "There can be only one instance of an extensible service type such as @code{udev-service-type}. If there were more, the @code{service-extension} specifications would be ambiguous."
msgstr "Es kann nur eine Instanz eines erweiterbaren Diensttyps wie @code{udev-service-type} geben. Wenn es mehrere gäbe, wäre es mehrdeutig, welcher Dienst durch die @code{service-extension} erweitert werden soll."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35972
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36576
msgid "Still here? The next section provides a reference of the programming interface for services."
msgstr "Sind Sie noch da? Der nächste Abschnitt gibt Ihnen eine Referenz der Programmierschnittstelle für Dienste."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36584
msgid "We have seen an overview of service types (@pxref{Service Types and Services}). This section provides a reference on how to manipulate services and service types. This interface is provided by the @code{(gnu services)} module."
msgstr "Wir haben bereits einen Überblick über Diensttypen gesehen (siehe @ref{Service Types and Services}). Dieser Abschnitt hier stellt eine Referenz dar, wie Dienste und Diensttypen manipuliert werden können. Diese Schnittstelle wird vom Modul @code{(gnu services)} angeboten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35981
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36585
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} service @var{type} [@var{value}]"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} service @var{Typ} [@var{Wert}]"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35985
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36589
msgid "Return a new service of @var{type}, a @code{<service-type>} object (see below). @var{value} can be any object; it represents the parameters of this particular service instance."
msgstr "Liefert einen neuen Dienst des angegebenen @var{Typ}s. Der @var{Typ} muss als @code{<service-type>}-Objekt angegeben werden (siehe unten). Als @var{Wert} kann ein beliebiges Objekt angegeben werden, das die Parameter dieser bestimmten Instanz dieses Dienstes repräsentiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36593
msgid "When @var{value} is omitted, the default value specified by @var{type} is used; if @var{type} does not specify a default value, an error is raised."
msgstr "Wenn kein @var{Wert} angegeben wird, wird der vom @var{Typ} festgelegte Vorgabewert verwendet; verfügt der @var{Typ} über keinen Vorgabewert, dann wird ein Fehler gemeldet."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35991
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36595
msgid "For instance, this:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel bewirken Sie hiermit:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35994
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36598
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service openssh-service-type)\n"
msgstr "(service openssh-service-type)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:35998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36602
msgid "is equivalent to this:"
msgstr "dasselbe wie mit:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36002
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36606
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service openssh-service-type\n"
@@ -66707,50 +67845,50 @@ msgstr ""
" (openssh-configuration))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36610
msgid "In both cases the result is an instance of @code{openssh-service-type} with the default configuration."
msgstr "In beiden Fällen ist das Ergebnis eine Instanz von @code{openssh-service-type} mit der vorgegebenen Konfiguration."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36008
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36612
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} service? @var{obj}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} service? @var{Objekt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36010
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36614
msgid "Return true if @var{obj} is a service."
msgstr "Liefert wahr zurück, wenn das @var{Objekt} ein Dienst ist."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36616
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} service-kind @var{service}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} service-kind @var{Dienst}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36618
msgid "Return the type of @var{service}---i.e., a @code{<service-type>} object."
msgstr "Liefert den Typ des @var{Dienst}es@tie{}— d.h.@: ein @code{<service-type>}-Objekt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36016
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36620
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} service-value @var{service}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} service-value @var{Dienst}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36019
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36623
msgid "Return the value associated with @var{service}. It represents its parameters."
msgstr "Liefert den Wert, der mit dem @var{Dienst} assoziiert wurde. Er repräsentiert die Parameter des @var{Dienst}es."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36022
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36626
msgid "Here is an example of how a service is created and manipulated:"
msgstr "Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie ein Dienst erzeugt und manipuliert werden kann:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36031
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36635
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define s\n"
@@ -66772,7 +67910,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36034
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36638
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(service? s)\n"
@@ -66784,7 +67922,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36037
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36641
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(eq? (service-kind s) nginx-service-type)\n"
@@ -66794,210 +67932,210 @@ msgstr ""
"@result{} #t\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36651
msgid "The @code{modify-services} form provides a handy way to change the parameters of some of the services of a list such as @code{%base-services} (@pxref{Base Services, @code{%base-services}}). It evaluates to a list of services. Of course, you could always use standard list combinators such as @code{map} and @code{fold} to do that (@pxref{SRFI-1, List Library,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}); @code{modify-services} simply provides a more concise form for this common pattern."
msgstr "Die Form @code{modify-services} ist eine nützliche Methode, die Parameter von einigen der Dienste aus einer Liste wie @code{%base-services} abzuändern (siehe @ref{Base Services, @code{%base-services}}). Sie wird zu einer Liste von Diensten ausgewertet. Natürlich können Sie dazu auch die üblichen Listenkombinatoren wie @code{map} und @code{fold} benutzen (siehe @ref{SRFI-1, List Library,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}), @code{modify-services} soll dieses häufig benutzte Muster lediglich durch eine knappere Syntax unterstützen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36048
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36652
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} modify-services @var{services} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} modify-services @var{Dienste} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36654
msgid "(@var{type} @var{variable} => @var{body}) @dots{}"
msgstr "(@var{Typ} @var{Variable} => @var{Rumpf}) …"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36053
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36657
msgid "Modify the services listed in @var{services} according to the given clauses. Each clause has the form:"
msgstr "Passt die von @var{Dienste} bezeichnete Dienst-Liste entsprechend den angegebenen Klauseln an. Jede Klausel hat die Form:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36056
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36660
#, no-wrap
msgid "(@var{type} @var{variable} => @var{body})\n"
msgstr "(@var{Typ} @var{Variable} => @var{Rumpf})\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36667
msgid "where @var{type} is a service type---e.g., @code{guix-service-type}---and @var{variable} is an identifier that is bound within the @var{body} to the service parameters---e.g., a @code{guix-configuration} instance---of the original service of that @var{type}."
msgstr "wobei @var{Typ} einen Diensttyp („service type“) bezeichnet@tie{}— wie zum Beispiel @code{guix-service-type}@tie{}— und @var{Variable} ein Bezeichner ist, der im @var{Rumpf} an die Dienst-Parameter@tie{}— z.B.@: eine @code{guix-configuration}-Instanz@tie{}— des ursprünglichen Dienstes mit diesem @var{Typ} gebunden wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36070
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36674
msgid "The @var{body} should evaluate to the new service parameters, which will be used to configure the new service. This new service will replace the original in the resulting list. Because a service's service parameters are created using @code{define-record-type*}, you can write a succinct @var{body} that evaluates to the new service parameters by using the @code{inherit} feature that @code{define-record-type*} provides."
msgstr "Der @var{Rumpf} muss zu den neuen Dienst-Parametern ausgewertet werden, welche benutzt werden, um den neuen Dienst zu konfigurieren. Dieser neue Dienst wird das Original in der resultierenden Liste ersetzen. Weil die Dienstparameter eines Dienstes mit @code{define-record-type*} erzeugt werden, können Sie einen kurzen @var{Rumpf} schreiben, der zu den neuen Dienstparametern ausgewertet wird, indem Sie die Funktionalität namens @code{inherit} benutzen, die von @code{define-record-type*} bereitgestellt wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36676
msgid "Clauses can also have the following form:"
msgstr "Klauseln können auch die folgende Form annehmen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36075
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36679
#, no-wrap
msgid "(delete @var{type})\n"
msgstr "(delete @var{Diensttyp})\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36079
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36683
msgid "Such a clause removes all services of the given @var{type} from @var{services}."
msgstr "Mit so einer Klausel werden alle Dienste mit dem angegebenen @var{Diensttyp} aus der Liste der @var{Dienste} weggelassen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36081
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36685
msgid "@xref{Using the Configuration System}, for example usage."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System} für ein Anwendungsbeispiel."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36692
msgid "Next comes the programming interface for service types. This is something you want to know when writing new service definitions, but not necessarily when simply looking for ways to customize your @code{operating-system} declaration."
msgstr "Als Nächstes ist die Programmierschnittstelle für Diensttypen an der Reihe. Sie ist etwas, was Sie kennen werden wollen, wenn Sie neue Dienstdefinitionen schreiben, aber wenn Sie nur Ihre @code{operating-system}-Deklaration anpassen möchten, brauchen Sie diese Schnittstelle wahrscheinlich nicht."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36089
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36693
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} service-type"
msgstr "{Datentyp} service-type"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36090
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36694
#, no-wrap
msgid "service type"
msgstr "Diensttyp"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36093
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36697
msgid "This is the representation of a @dfn{service type} (@pxref{Service Types and Services})."
msgstr "Die Repräsentation eines @dfn{Diensttypen} (siehe @ref{Service Types and Services})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36701
msgid "This is a symbol, used only to simplify inspection and debugging."
msgstr "Dieses Symbol wird nur verwendet, um die Abläufe im System anzuzeigen und die Fehlersuche zu erleichtern."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36098
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36702
#, no-wrap
msgid "extensions"
msgstr "extensions"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36100
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36704
msgid "A non-empty list of @code{<service-extension>} objects (see below)."
msgstr "Eine nicht-leere Liste von @code{<service-extension>}-Objekten (siehe unten)."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36705
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{compose} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{compose} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36105
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36709
msgid "If this is @code{#f}, then the service type denotes services that cannot be extended---i.e., services that do not receive ``values'' from other services."
msgstr "Wenn es auf @code{#f} gesetzt ist, dann definiert der Diensttyp Dienste, die nicht erweitert werden können@tie{}— d.h.@: diese Dienste erhalten ihren Wert nicht von anderen Diensten."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36713
msgid "Otherwise, it must be a one-argument procedure. The procedure is called by @code{fold-services} and is passed a list of values collected from extensions. It may return any single value."
msgstr "Andernfalls muss es eine Prozedur sein, die ein einziges Argument entgegennimmt. Die Prozedur wird durch @code{fold-services} aufgerufen und ihr wird die Liste von aus den Erweiterungen angesammelten Werten übergeben. Sie gibt daraufhin einen einzelnen Wert zurück."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36110
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36714
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{extend} (default: @code{#f})"
msgstr "@code{extend} (Vorgabe: @code{#f})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36716
msgid "If this is @code{#f}, services of this type cannot be extended."
msgstr "Ist dies auf @code{#f} gesetzt, dann können Dienste dieses Typs nicht erweitert werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36722
msgid "Otherwise, it must be a two-argument procedure: @code{fold-services} calls it, passing it the initial value of the service as the first argument and the result of applying @code{compose} to the extension values as the second argument. It must return a value that is a valid parameter value for the service instance."
msgstr "Andernfalls muss es eine zwei Argumente nehmende Prozedur sein, die von @code{fold-services} mit dem anfänglichen Wert für den Dienst als erstes Argument und dem durch Anwendung von @code{compose} gelieferten Wert als zweites Argument aufgerufen wird. Als Ergebnis muss ein Wert geliefert werden, der einen zulässigen neuen Parameterwert für die Dienstinstanz darstellt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36124
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36728
msgid "This is a string, possibly using Texinfo markup, describing in a couple of sentences what the service is about. This string allows users to find about the service through @command{guix system search} (@pxref{Invoking guix system})."
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette, womöglich geschrieben als Texinfo-Markup, die in ein paar Sätzen beschreibt, wofür der Dienst gut ist. Diese Zeichenkette ermöglicht es Nutzern, mittels @command{guix system search} Informationen über den Dienst zu bekommen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36125
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36729
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{default-value} (default: @code{&no-default-value})"
msgstr "@code{default-value} (Vorgabe: @code{&no-default-value})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36732
msgid "The default value associated for instances of this service type. This allows users to use the @code{service} form without its second argument:"
msgstr "Der Vorgabewert, der für Instanzen dieses Diensttyps verwendet wird. Dadurch können Nutzer die @code{service}-Form ohne ihr zweites Argument benutzen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36735
#, no-wrap
msgid "(service @var{type})\n"
msgstr "(service @var{Diensttyp})\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36135
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36739
msgid "The returned service in this case has the default value specified by @var{type}."
msgstr "Der zurückgelieferte Dienst hat dann den durch den @var{Diensttyp} vorgegebenen Vorgabewert."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36138
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36742
msgid "@xref{Service Types and Services}, for examples."
msgstr "Siehe den Abschnitt @ref{Service Types and Services} für Beispiele."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36140
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36744
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} service-extension @var{target-type} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} service-extension @var{Zieltyp} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36750
msgid "@var{compute} Return a new extension for services of type @var{target-type}. @var{compute} must be a one-argument procedure: @code{fold-services} calls it, passing it the value associated with the service that provides the extension; it must return a valid value for the target service."
msgstr "@var{Berechner} Liefert eine neue Erweiterung für den Dienst mit dem @var{Zieltyp}. Als @var{Berechner} muss eine Prozedur angegeben werden, die ein einzelnes Argument nimmt: @code{fold-services} ruft sie auf und übergibt an sie den Wert des erweiternden Dienstes, sie muss dafür einen zulässigen Wert für den @var{Zieltyp} liefern."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36752
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} service-extension? @var{obj}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} service-extension? @var{Objekt}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36754
msgid "Return true if @var{obj} is a service extension."
msgstr "Liefert wahr zurück, wenn das @var{Objekt} eine Diensterweiterung ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36156
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36760
msgid "Occasionally, you might want to simply extend an existing service. This involves creating a new service type and specifying the extension of interest, which can be verbose; the @code{simple-service} procedure provides a shorthand for this."
msgstr "Manchmal wollen Sie vielleicht einfach nur einen bestehenden Dienst erweitern. Dazu müssten Sie einen neuen Diensttyp definieren und die Erweiterung definieren, für die Sie sich interessieren, was ganz schön wortreich werden kann. Mit der Prozedur @code{simple-service} können Sie es kürzer fassen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36157
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36761
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} simple-service @var{name} @var{target} @var{value}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} simple-service @var{Name} @var{Zieltyp} @var{Wert}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36765
msgid "Return a service that extends @var{target} with @var{value}. This works by creating a singleton service type @var{name}, of which the returned service is an instance."
msgstr "Liefert einen Dienst, der den Dienst mit dem @var{Zieltyp} um den @var{Wert} erweitert. Dazu wird ein Diensttyp mit dem @var{Name}n für den einmaligen Gebrauch erzeugt, den der zurückgelieferte Dienst instanziiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36768
msgid "For example, this extends mcron (@pxref{Scheduled Job Execution}) with an additional job:"
msgstr "Zum Beispiel kann mcron (siehe @ref{Scheduled Job Execution}) so um einen zusätzlichen Auftrag erweitert werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36772
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(simple-service 'my-mcron-job mcron-service-type\n"
@@ -67007,185 +68145,185 @@ msgstr ""
" #~(job '(next-hour (3)) \"guix gc -F 2G\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36178
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36782
msgid "At the core of the service abstraction lies the @code{fold-services} procedure, which is responsible for ``compiling'' a list of services down to a single directory that contains everything needed to boot and run the system---the directory shown by the @command{guix system build} command (@pxref{Invoking guix system}). In essence, it propagates service extensions down the service graph, updating each node parameters on the way, until it reaches the root node."
msgstr "Den Kern dieses abstrakten Modells für Dienste bildet die Prozedur @code{fold-services}, die für das „Kompilieren“ einer Liste von Diensten hin zu einem einzelnen Verzeichnis verantwortlich ist, in welchem alles enthalten ist, was Sie zum Booten und Hochfahren des Systems brauchen@tie{}— d.h.@: das Verzeichnis, das der Befehl @command{guix system build} anzeigt (siehe @ref{Invoking guix system}). Einfach ausgedrückt propagiert @code{fold-services} Diensterweiterungen durch den Dienstgraphen nach unten und aktualisiert dabei in jedem Knoten des Graphen dessen Parameter, bis nur noch der Wurzelknoten übrig bleibt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36783
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} fold-services @var{services} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} fold-services @var{Dienste} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36183
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36787
msgid "[#:target-type @var{system-service-type}] Fold @var{services} by propagating their extensions down to the root of type @var{target-type}; return the root service adjusted accordingly."
msgstr "[#:target-type @var{system-service-type}] Faltet die @var{Dienste} wie die funktionale Prozedur @code{fold} zu einem einzigen zusammen, indem ihre Erweiterungen nach unten propagiert werden, bis eine Wurzel vom @var{target-type} als Diensttyp erreicht wird; dieser so angepasste Wurzeldienst wird zurückgeliefert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36187
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36791
msgid "Lastly, the @code{(gnu services)} module also defines several essential service types, some of which are listed below."
msgstr "Als Letztes definiert das Modul @code{(gnu services)} noch mehrere essenzielle Diensttypen, von denen manche im Folgenden aufgelistet sind:"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36188
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36792
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} system-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} system-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36191
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36795
msgid "This is the root of the service graph. It produces the system directory as returned by the @command{guix system build} command."
msgstr "Die Wurzel des Dienstgraphen. Davon wird das Systemverzeichnis erzeugt, wie es vom Befehl @command{guix system build} zurückgeliefert wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36193
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36797
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} boot-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} boot-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36196
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36800
msgid "The type of the ``boot service'', which produces the @dfn{boot script}. The boot script is what the initial RAM disk runs when booting."
msgstr "Der Typ des „Boot-Dienstes“, der das @dfn{Boot-Skript} erzeugt. Das Boot-Skript ist das, was beim Booten durch die initiale RAM-Disk ausgeführt wird."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36198
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36802
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} etc-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} etc-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36806
msgid "The type of the @file{/etc} service. This service is used to create files under @file{/etc} and can be extended by passing it name/file tuples such as:"
msgstr "Der Typ des @file{/etc}-Dienstes. Dieser Dienst wird benutzt, um im @file{/etc}-Verzeichnis Dateien zu platzieren. Er kann erweitert werden, indem man Name-Datei-Tupel an ihn übergibt wie in diesem Beispiel:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36205
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36809
#, no-wrap
msgid "(list `(\"issue\" ,(plain-file \"issue\" \"Welcome!\\n\")))\n"
msgstr "(list `(\"issue\" ,(plain-file \"issue\" \"Willkommen!\\n\")))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36209
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36813
msgid "In this example, the effect would be to add an @file{/etc/issue} file pointing to the given file."
msgstr "Dieses Beispiel würde bewirken, dass eine Datei @file{/etc/issue} auf die angegebene Datei verweist."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36211
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36815
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} setuid-program-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} setuid-program-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36819
msgid "Type for the ``setuid-program service''. This service collects lists of executable file names, passed as gexps, and adds them to the set of setuid-root programs on the system (@pxref{Setuid Programs})."
msgstr "Der Typ des Dienstes für setuid-Programme, der eine Liste von ausführbaren Dateien ansammelt, die jeweils als G-Ausdrücke übergeben werden und dann zur Menge der setuid-gesetzten Programme auf dem System hinzugefügt werden (siehe @ref{Setuid Programs})."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36821
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} profile-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} profile-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36825
msgid "Type of the service that populates the @dfn{system profile}---i.e., the programs under @file{/run/current-system/profile}. Other services can extend it by passing it lists of packages to add to the system profile."
msgstr "Der Typ des Dienstes zum Einfügen von Dateien ins @dfn{Systemprofil}@tie{}— d.h.@: die Programme unter @file{/run/current-system/profile}. Andere Dienste können ihn erweitern, indem sie ihm Listen von ins Systemprofil zu installierenden Paketen übergeben."
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36829
msgid "provenance-service-type"
msgstr "provenance-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36225
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36829
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} provenance-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} provenance-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36833
msgid "This is the type of the service that records @dfn{provenance meta-data} in the system itself. It creates several files under @file{/run/current-system}:"
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Dienstes, um @dfn{Provenienz-Metadaten} zusammen mit dem eigentlichen System zu speichern. Dazu werden mehrere Dateien unter @file{/run/current-system} erstellt:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36231
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36835
#, no-wrap
msgid "channels.scm"
msgstr "channels.scm"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36236
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36840
msgid "This is a ``channel file'' that can be passed to @command{guix pull -C} or @command{guix time-machine -C}, and which describes the channels used to build the system, if that information was available (@pxref{Channels})."
msgstr "Sie ist eine „Kanaldatei“, wie sie an @command{guix pull -C} oder @command{guix time-machine -C} übergeben werden kann, die die zum Erstellen des Systems notwendigen Kanäle beschreibt, sofern diese Information zur Verfügung gestanden hat (siehe @ref{Channels})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36237
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36841
#, no-wrap
msgid "configuration.scm"
msgstr "configuration.scm"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36846
msgid "This is the file that was passed as the value for this @code{provenance-service-type} service. By default, @command{guix system reconfigure} automatically passes the OS configuration file it received on the command line."
msgstr "Jene Datei entspricht derjenigen, die als Wert für diesen @code{provenance-service-type}-Dienst mitgegeben wurde. Nach Vorgabe übergibt @command{guix system reconfigure} automatisch die Betriebssystemkonfigurationsdatei, die es auf der Befehlszeile bekommen hat."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36243
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36847
#, no-wrap
msgid "provenance"
msgstr "provenance"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36850
msgid "This contains the same information as the two other files but in a format that is more readily processable."
msgstr "Hierin sind dieselben Informationen enthalten, die auch in den anderen beiden Dateien stehen, aber in einem leichter zu verarbeitenden Format."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36250
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36854
msgid "In general, these two pieces of information (channels and configuration file) are enough to reproduce the operating system ``from source''."
msgstr "Im Allgemeinen genügen diese zwei Informationen (Kanäle und Konfigurationsdatei), um das Betriebssystem „aus seinem Quellcode heraus“ zu reproduzieren."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36251
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36855
#, no-wrap
msgid "Caveats"
msgstr "Einschränkungen"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36258
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36862
msgid "This information is necessary to rebuild your operating system, but it is not always sufficient. In particular, @file{configuration.scm} itself is insufficient if it is not self-contained---if it refers to external Guile modules or to extra files. If you want @file{configuration.scm} to be self-contained, we recommend that modules or files it refers to be part of a channel."
msgstr "Sie benötigen diese Informationen, um Ihr Betriebssystem erneut zu erstellen, aber sie alleine @emph{reichen nicht immer aus}. Insbesondere ist @file{configuration.scm} alleine nicht hinreichend, wenn es @emph{nicht} eigenständig ist, sondern auf externe Guile-Module oder andere Dateien verweist. Wenn Sie erreichen wollen, dass @file{configuration.scm} eigenständig wird, empfehlen wir, alle darin verwendeten Module oder Dateien zu Bestandteilen eines Kanals zu machen."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36870
msgid "Besides, provenance meta-data is ``silent'' in the sense that it does not change the bits contained in your system, @emph{except for the meta-data bits themselves}. Two different OS configurations or sets of channels can lead to the same system, bit-for-bit; when @code{provenance-service-type} is used, these two systems will have different meta-data and thus different store file names, which makes comparison less trivial."
msgstr "Übrigens sind Provenienzmetadaten „still“ in dem Sinn, dass ihr Vorhandensein nichts an den Bits ändert, die Ihr System ausmachen, @emph{abgesehen von den die Metadaten ausmachenden Bits}. Zwei verschiedene Betriebssystemkonfigurationen und Kanalangaben können also Bit für Bit dasselbe System erzeugen, aber wenn der @code{provenance-service-type} benutzt wird, enthalten die beiden Systeme trotzdem unterschiedliche Metadaten und damit nicht mehr den gleichen Dateinamen im Store, was es schwerer macht, ihre Gleichheit zu erkennen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36875
msgid "This service is automatically added to your operating system configuration when you use @command{guix system reconfigure}, @command{guix system init}, or @command{guix deploy}."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst wird automatisch zu Ihrer Betriebssystemkonfiguration hinzugefügt, wenn Sie @command{guix system reconfigure}, @command{guix system init} oder @command{guix deploy} benutzen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36273
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36877
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} linux-loadable-module-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} linux-loadable-module-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36277
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36881
msgid "Type of the service that collects lists of packages containing kernel-loadable modules, and adds them to the set of kernel-loadable modules."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp des Dienstes, der Listen von Paketen mit Kernel-Modulen, die der Kernel laden können soll, sammelt und dafür sorgt, dass der Kernel sie laden kann."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36884
msgid "This service type is intended to be extended by other service types, such as below:"
msgstr "Der Diensttyp ist dazu gedacht, von anderen Diensttypen erweitert zu werden, etwa so:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36890
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(simple-service 'installing-module\n"
@@ -67199,192 +68337,192 @@ msgstr ""
" module-to-install-2))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36894
msgid "This does not actually load modules at bootup, only adds it to the kernel profile so that it @emph{can} be loaded by other means."
msgstr "Die Module werden @emph{nicht} geladen. Sie werden nur zum Kernel-Profil hinzugefügt, damit sie mit anderen Werkzeugen überhaupt erst geladen werden @emph{können}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36295 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37447
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36899
#, no-wrap
msgid "shepherd services"
msgstr "Dienste, mit Shepherd"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36296
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36900
#, no-wrap
msgid "PID 1"
msgstr "PID 1"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36297
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36901
#, no-wrap
msgid "init system"
msgstr "init-System"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36303
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36907
msgid "The @code{(gnu services shepherd)} module provides a way to define services managed by the GNU@tie{}Shepherd, which is the initialization system---the first process that is started when the system boots, also known as PID@tie{}1 (@pxref{Introduction,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services shepherd)} gibt eine Methode an, mit der Dienste definiert werden können, die von GNU@tie{}Shepherd verwaltet werden, was das Initialisierungssystem (das „init“-System) ist@tie{}— es ist der erste Prozess, der gestartet wird, wenn das System gebootet wird, auch bekannt als PID@tie{}1 (siehe @ref{Introduction,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36913
msgid "Services in the Shepherd can depend on each other. For instance, the SSH daemon may need to be started after the syslog daemon has been started, which in turn can only happen once all the file systems have been mounted. The simple operating system defined earlier (@pxref{Using the Configuration System}) results in a service graph like this:"
msgstr "Dienste unter dem Shepherd können voneinander abhängen. Zum Beispiel kann es sein, dass der SSH-Daemon erst gestartet werden darf, nachdem der Syslog-Daemon gestartet wurde, welcher wiederum erst gestartet werden kann, sobald alle Dateisysteme eingebunden wurden. Das einfache Betriebssystem, dessen Definition wir zuvor gesehen haben (siehe @ref{Using the Configuration System}), ergibt folgenden Dienstgraphen:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36311
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36915
msgid "@image{images/shepherd-graph,,5in,Typical shepherd service graph.}"
msgstr "@image{images/shepherd-graph,,5in,Typischer Shepherd-Dienstgraph}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36919
msgid "You can actually generate such a graph for any operating system definition using the @command{guix system shepherd-graph} command (@pxref{system-shepherd-graph, @command{guix system shepherd-graph}})."
msgstr "Sie können so einen Graphen tatsächlich für jedes Betriebssystem erzeugen lassen, indem Sie den Befehl @command{guix system shepherd-graph} benutzen (siehe @ref{system-shepherd-graph, @command{guix system shepherd-graph}})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36319
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36923
msgid "The @code{%shepherd-root-service} is a service object representing PID@tie{}1, of type @code{shepherd-root-service-type}; it can be extended by passing it lists of @code{<shepherd-service>} objects."
msgstr "Der @code{%shepherd-root-service} ist ein Dienstobjekt, das diesen Prozess mit PID@tie{}1 repräsentiert. Der Dienst hat den Typ @code{shepherd-root-service-type}. Sie können ihn erweitern, indem Sie eine Liste von @code{<shepherd-service>}-Objekten an ihn übergeben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36320
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36924
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} shepherd-service"
msgstr "{Datentyp} shepherd-service"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36322
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36926
msgid "The data type representing a service managed by the Shepherd."
msgstr "Der Datentyp, der einen von Shepherd verwalteten Dienst repräsentiert."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36928
#, no-wrap
msgid "provision"
msgstr "provision"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36326
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36930
msgid "This is a list of symbols denoting what the service provides."
msgstr "Diese Liste von Symbolen gibt an, was vom Dienst angeboten wird."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36331
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36935
msgid "These are the names that may be passed to @command{herd start}, @command{herd status}, and similar commands (@pxref{Invoking herd,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). @xref{Slots of services, the @code{provides} slot,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}, for details."
msgstr "Das bedeutet, es sind die Namen, die an @command{herd start}, @command{herd status} und ähnliche Befehle übergeben werden können (siehe @ref{Invoking herd,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). Siehe @ref{Slots of services, den @code{provides}-Slot,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual} für Details."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36332
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36936
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{requirement} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{requirement} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36938
msgid "List of symbols denoting the Shepherd services this one depends on."
msgstr "Eine Liste von Symbolen, die angegeben, von welchen anderen Shepherd-Diensten dieser hier abhängt."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36335
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36939
#, no-wrap
msgid "one-shot services, for the Shepherd"
msgstr "einmalig ausgeführte Dienste, für Shepherd"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36340
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944
msgid "Whether this service is @dfn{one-shot}. One-shot services stop immediately after their @code{start} action has completed. @xref{Slots of services,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}, for more info."
msgstr "Gibt an, ob dieser Dienst nur einmal ausgeführt wird („one-shot“). Einmalig ausgeführte Dienste werden gestoppt, sobald ihre @code{start}-Aktion abgeschlossen wurde. Siehe @ref{Slots of services,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36945
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{respawn?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{respawn?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36344
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36948
msgid "Whether to restart the service when it stops, for instance when the underlying process dies."
msgstr "Ob der Dienst neu gestartet werden soll, nachdem er gestoppt wurde, zum Beispiel wenn der ihm zu Grunde liegende Prozess terminiert wird."
#. type: code{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36949
#, no-wrap
msgid "start"
msgstr "start"
#. type: itemx
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36950
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{stop} (default: @code{#~(const #f)})"
msgstr "@code{stop} (Vorgabe: @code{#~(const #f)})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36352
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36956
msgid "The @code{start} and @code{stop} fields refer to the Shepherd's facilities to start and stop processes (@pxref{Service De- and Constructors,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). They are given as G-expressions that get expanded in the Shepherd configuration file (@pxref{G-Expressions})."
msgstr "Die Felder @code{start} und @code{stop} beziehen sich auf Shepherds Funktionen zum Starten und Stoppen von Prozessen (siehe @ref{Service De- and Constructors,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). Sie enthalten G-Ausdrücke, die in eine Shepherd-Konfigurationdatei umgeschrieben werden (siehe @ref{G-Expressions})."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36957
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{actions} (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "@code{actions} (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36354
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36958
#, no-wrap
msgid "actions, of Shepherd services"
msgstr "Aktionen, bei Shepherd-Diensten"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36963
msgid "This is a list of @code{shepherd-action} objects (see below) defining @dfn{actions} supported by the service, in addition to the standard @code{start} and @code{stop} actions. Actions listed here become available as @command{herd} sub-commands:"
msgstr "Dies ist eine Liste von @code{shepherd-action}-Objekten (siehe unten), die vom Dienst zusätzlich unterstützte @dfn{Aktionen} neben den Standardaktionen @code{start} und @code{stop} angeben. Hier aufgeführte Aktionen werden als @command{herd}-Unterbefehle verfügbar gemacht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36966
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd @var{action} @var{service} [@var{arguments}@dots{}]\n"
msgstr "herd @var{Aktion} @var{Dienst} [@var{Argumente}…]\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36968
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{auto-start?} (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "@code{auto-start?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36971
msgid "Whether this service should be started automatically by the Shepherd. If it is @code{#f} the service has to be started manually with @code{herd start}."
msgstr "Ob dieser Dienst automatisch durch Shepherd gestartet werden soll. Wenn es auf @code{#f} steht, muss der Dienst manuell über @code{herd start} gestartet werden."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36974
msgid "A documentation string, as shown when running:"
msgstr "Eine Zeichenkette zur Dokumentation, die angezeigt wird, wenn man dies ausführt:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36373
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36977
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd doc @var{service-name}\n"
msgstr "herd doc @var{Dienstname}\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36981
msgid "where @var{service-name} is one of the symbols in @code{provision} (@pxref{Invoking herd,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
msgstr "wobei der @var{Dienstname} eines der Symbole aus der @code{provision}-Liste sein muss (siehe @ref{Invoking herd,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36381
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36985
msgid "This is the list of modules that must be in scope when @code{start} and @code{stop} are evaluated."
msgstr "Dies ist die Liste der Module, die in den Sichtbarkeitsbereich geladen sein müssen, wenn @code{start} und @code{stop} ausgewertet werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36993
msgid "The example below defines a Shepherd service that spawns @command{syslogd}, the system logger from the GNU Networking Utilities (@pxref{syslogd invocation, @command{syslogd},, inetutils, GNU Inetutils}):"
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein Shepherd-Dienst definiert, der @command{syslogd}, den Systemprotokollier-Daemon aus den GNU Networking Utilities, startet (siehe @ref{syslogd invocation, @command{syslogd},, inetutils, GNU Inetutils}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36401
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37005
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(let ((config (plain-file \"syslogd.conf\" \"@dots{}\")))\n"
@@ -67410,55 +68548,55 @@ msgstr ""
" (stop #~(make-kill-destructor))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37020
msgid "Key elements in this example are the @code{start} and @code{stop} fields: they are @dfn{staged} code snippets that use the @code{make-forkexec-constructor} procedure provided by the Shepherd and its dual, @code{make-kill-destructor} (@pxref{Service De- and Constructors,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). The @code{start} field will have @command{shepherd} spawn @command{syslogd} with the given option; note that we pass @code{config} after @option{--rcfile}, which is a configuration file declared above (contents of this file are omitted). Likewise, the @code{stop} field tells how this service is to be stopped; in this case, it is stopped by making the @code{kill} system call on its PID@. Code staging is achieved using G-expressions: @code{#~} stages code, while @code{#$} ``escapes'' back to host code (@pxref{G-Expressions})."
msgstr "Die Kernelemente in diesem Beispiel sind die Felder @code{start} und @code{stop}: Es sind Code-Schnipsel, die erst später ausgewertet werden; wir sagen, sie sind @dfn{staged}. Sie benutzen die von Shepherd bereitgestellte Prozedur @code{make-forkexec-constructor} und ihr duales Gegenstück, @code{make-kill-destructor} (siehe das @ref{Service De- and Constructors,,, shepherd, Handbuch von GNU Shepherd}). Durch das @code{start}-Feld wird @command{shepherd} das @command{syslogd}-Programm mit den angegebenen Befehlszeilenoptionen starten; beachten Sie, dass wir @code{config} nach @option{--rcfile} angeben; dabei handelt es sich um eine vorher im Code deklarierte Konfigurationsdatei (deren Inhalt wir hier nicht erklären). Entsprechend wird mit dem Feld @code{stop} ausgesagt, wie dieser Dienst gestoppt werden kann; in diesem Fall wird er über den Systemaufruf @code{kill} gestoppt, dem die PID des Prozesses übergeben wird. Code-Staging wird über G-Ausdrücke umgesetzt: Mit @code{#~} beginnt der später ausgeführte „staged Code“, und @code{#$} beendet dies und der Code darin wird wirtsseitig hier und jetzt ausgewertet (siehe @ref{G-Expressions})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36417
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37021
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} shepherd-action"
msgstr "{Datentyp} shepherd-action"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36420
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37024
msgid "This is the data type that defines additional actions implemented by a Shepherd service (see above)."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp definiert zusätzliche Aktionen, die ein Shepherd-Dienst implementiert (siehe oben)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36424
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37028
msgid "Symbol naming the action."
msgstr "Die Aktion bezeichnendes Symbol."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36427
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37031
msgid "This is a documentation string for the action. It can be viewed by running:"
msgstr "Diese Zeichenkette ist die Dokumentation für die Aktion. Sie können sie sehen, wenn Sie dies ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37034
#, no-wrap
msgid "herd doc @var{service} action @var{action}\n"
msgstr "herd doc @var{Dienst} action @var{Aktion}\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36432
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37036
#, no-wrap
msgid "procedure"
msgstr "procedure"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36436
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37040
msgid "This should be a gexp that evaluates to a procedure of at least one argument, which is the ``running value'' of the service (@pxref{Slots of services,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
msgstr "Dies sollte ein G-Ausdruck sein, der zu einer mindestens ein Argument nehmenden Prozedur ausgewertet wird. Das Argument ist der „running“-Wert des Dienstes (siehe @ref{Slots of services,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual})."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36440
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37044
msgid "The following example defines an action called @code{say-hello} that kindly greets the user:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispiel definiert eine Aktion namens @code{sag-hallo}, die den Benutzer freundlich begrüßt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37053
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -67478,12 +68616,12 @@ msgstr ""
" #t)))\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36452
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37056
msgid "Assuming this action is added to the @code{example} service, then you can do:"
msgstr "Wenn wir annehmen, dass wir die Aktion zum Dienst @code{beispiel} hinzufügen, können Sie Folgendes ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36458
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37062
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# herd say-hello example\n"
@@ -67497,66 +68635,66 @@ msgstr ""
"Hallo, Freund! Argumente: (\"a\" \"b\" \"c\")\n"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37067
msgid "This, as you can see, is a fairly sophisticated way to say hello. @xref{Service Convenience,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}, for more info on actions."
msgstr "Wie Sie sehen können, ist das eine sehr ausgeklügelte Art, Hallo zu sagen. Siehe @ref{Service Convenience,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual} für mehr Informationen zu Aktionen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37069
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} shepherd-root-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} shepherd-root-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37071
msgid "The service type for the Shepherd ``root service''---i.e., PID@tie{}1."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für den Shepherd-„Wurzeldienst“@tie{}— also für PID@tie{}1."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36472
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37076
msgid "This is the service type that extensions target when they want to create shepherd services (@pxref{Service Types and Services}, for an example). Each extension must pass a list of @code{<shepherd-service>}. Its value must be a @code{shepherd-configuration}, as described below."
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp stellt das Ziel für Diensterweiterungen dar, die Shepherd-Dienste erzeugen sollen (siehe @ref{Service Types and Services} für ein Beispiel). Jede Erweiterung muss eine Liste von @code{<shepherd-service>}-Objekten übergeben. Sein Wert muss eine @code{shepherd-configuration} sein, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36474
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37078
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} shepherd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} shepherd-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36476 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37463
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37080 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38074
msgid "This data type represents the Shepherd's configuration."
msgstr "Dieser Datentyp repräsentiert die Konfiguration von Shepherd."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36478 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37465
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37082 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38076
#, no-wrap
msgid "shepherd (default: @code{shepherd})"
msgstr "shepherd (Vorgabe: @code{shepherd})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36480 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37467
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37084 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38078
msgid "The Shepherd package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende Shepherd-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36481 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37471
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37085 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38082
#, no-wrap
msgid "services (default: @code{'()})"
msgstr "services (Vorgabe: @code{'()})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36485 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37475
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37089 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38086
msgid "A list of @code{<shepherd-service>} to start. You should probably use the service extension mechanism instead (@pxref{Shepherd Services})."
msgstr "Eine Liste zu startender Shepherd-Dienste als @code{<shepherd-service>}-Objekte. Wahrscheinlich sollten Sie stattdessen den Mechanismus zur Diensterweiterung benutzen (siehe @ref{Shepherd Services})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36490
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37094
msgid "The following example specifies the Shepherd package for the operating system:"
msgstr "Im folgenden Beispiel wird ein anderes Shepherd-Paket für das Betriebssystem festgelegt:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36505
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37109
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -67588,50 +68726,50 @@ msgstr ""
" (shepherd my-shepherd))))))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36507
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37111
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} %shepherd-root-service"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} %shepherd-root-service"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36509
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37113
msgid "This service represents PID@tie{}1."
msgstr "Dieser Dienst repräsentiert PID@tie{}1."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37117
#, no-wrap
msgid "complex configurations"
msgstr "komplizierte Konfigurationen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36518
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37122
msgid "Some programs might have rather complex configuration files or formats, and to make it easier to create Scheme bindings for these configuration files, you can use the utilities defined in the @code{(gnu services configuration)} module."
msgstr "Einige Programme haben vielleicht ziemlich komplizierte Konfigurationsdateien oder -formate. Sie können die Hilfsmittel, die in dem Modul @code{(gnu services configuration)} definiert sind, benutzen, um das Erstellen von Scheme-Anbindungen für diese Konfigurationsdateien leichter zu machen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36526
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37130
msgid "The main utility is the @code{define-configuration} macro, which you will use to define a Scheme record type (@pxref{Record Overview,,, guile, GNU Guile Reference Manual}). The Scheme record will be serialized to a configuration file by using @dfn{serializers}, which are procedures that take some kind of Scheme value and returns a G-expression (@pxref{G-Expressions}), which should, once serialized to the disk, return a string. More details are listed below."
msgstr "Das Werkzeug der Wahl ist das Makro @code{define-configuration}, mit dem Sie einen Scheme-Verbundstyp definieren (siehe @ref{Record Overview,,, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Ein Scheme-Verbund dieses Typs wird zu einer Konfigurationsdatei serialisiert, indem @dfn{Serialisierer} aufgerufen werden. Das sind Prozeduren, die einen Scheme-Wert nehmen und einen G-Ausdruck zurückliefern (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}), der wiederum schließlich, nachdem er auf die Platte serialisiert wurde, eine Zeichenkette liefern sollte. Details folgen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36527
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37131
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} define-configuration @var{name} @var{clause1} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} define-configuration @var{Name} @var{Klausel1} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36531
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37135
msgid "@var{clause2} ... Create a record type named @code{@var{name}} that contains the fields found in the clauses."
msgstr "@var{Klausel2} ... Einen Verbundstyp mit dem Namen @code{@var{Name}} erstellen, der die in den Klauseln gefundenen Felder enthalten wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36533
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37137
msgid "A clause can have one of the following forms:"
msgstr "Eine Klausel kann eine der folgenden Formen annehmen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36538
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37142
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -67645,7 +68783,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36543
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37147
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -67661,7 +68799,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37151
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -67675,7 +68813,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36552
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37156
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -67689,37 +68827,37 @@ msgstr ""
" @var{Serialisierer})\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36556
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37160
msgid "@var{field-name} is an identifier that denotes the name of the field in the generated record."
msgstr "@var{Feldname} ist ein Bezeichner, der als Name des Feldes im erzeugten Verbund verwendet werden wird."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36564
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37168
msgid "@var{type} is the type of the value corresponding to @var{field-name}; since Guile is untyped, a predicate procedure---@code{@var{type}?}---will be called on the value corresponding to the field to ensure that the value is of the correct type. This means that if say, @var{type} is @code{package}, then a procedure named @code{package?} will be applied on the value to make sure that it is indeed a @code{<package>} object."
msgstr "Mit @var{Typ} wird benannt, was als Typ des Werts für @var{Feldname} gelten soll. Weil Guile typenlos ist, muss es eine entsprechend benannte Prädikatprozedur @code{@var{Typ}?} geben, die auf dem Wert für das Feld aufgerufen werden wird und prüft, dass der Wert des Feldes den geltenden Typ hat. Wenn zum Beispiel @code{package} als @var{Typ} angegeben wird, wird eine Prozedur namens @code{package?} auf den für das Feld angegebenen Wert angewandt werden. Sie muss zurückliefern, ob es sich wirklich um ein @code{<package>}-Objekt handelt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37172
msgid "@var{default-value} is the default value corresponding to the field; if none is specified, the user is forced to provide a value when creating an object of the record type."
msgstr "@var{Vorgabewert} ist der Standardwert für das Feld; wenn keiner festgelegt wird, muss der Benutzer einen Wert angeben, wenn er ein Objekt mit dem Verbundstyp erzeugt."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36573
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37177
msgid "@var{documentation} is a string formatted with Texinfo syntax which should provide a description of what setting this field does."
msgstr "@var{Dokumentation} ist eine Zeichenkette, die mit Texinfo-Syntax formatiert ist. Sie sollte eine Beschreibung des Feldes enthalten."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36580
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37184
msgid "@var{serializer} is the name of a procedure which takes two arguments, the first is the name of the field, and the second is the value corresponding to the field. The procedure should return a string or G-expression (@pxref{G-Expressions}) that represents the content that will be serialized to the configuration file. If none is specified, a procedure of the name @code{serialize-@var{type}} will be used."
msgstr "@var{Serialisierer} ist der Name einer Prozedur, die zwei Argumente nimmt, erstens den Namen des Feldes und zweitens den Wert für das Feld, und eine Zeichenkette oder einen G-Ausdruck (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}) zurückliefern sollte, welcher Inhalt dafür in die Konfigurationsdatei serialisiert wird. Wenn kein Serialisierer angegeben wird, wird eine Prozedur namens @code{serialize-@var{Typ}} dafür aufgerufen."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37186
msgid "A simple serializer procedure could look like this:"
msgstr "Eine einfache Serialisiererprozedur könnte so aussehen:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37191
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-boolean field-name value)\n"
@@ -67731,12 +68869,12 @@ msgstr ""
" #~(string-append #$field-name #$value)))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36598
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37202
msgid "In some cases multiple different configuration records might be defined in the same file, but their serializers for the same type might have to be different, because they have different configuration formats. For example, the @code{serialize-boolean} procedure for the Getmail service would have to be different for the one for the Transmission service. To make it easier to deal with this situation, one can specify a serializer prefix by using the @code{prefix} literal in the @code{define-configuration} form. This means that one doesn't have to manually specify a custom @var{serializer} for every field."
msgstr "Es kommt vor, dass in derselben Datei mehrere Arten von Konfigurationsverbund definiert werden, deren Serialisierer sich für denselben Typ unterscheiden, weil ihre Konfigurationen verschieden formatiert werden müssen. Zum Beispiel braucht es eine andere @code{serialize-boolean}-Prozedur für einen Getmail-Dienst als für einen Transmission-Dienst. Um leichter mit so einer Situation fertig zu werden, können Sie ein Serialisierer-Präfix nach dem Literal @code{prefix} in der @code{define-configuration}-Form angeben. Dann müssen Sie den eigenen @var{Serialisierer} @emph{nicht} für jedes Feld angeben."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37206
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (foo-serialize-string field-name value)\n"
@@ -67748,7 +68886,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36605
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37209
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (bar-serialize-string field-name value)\n"
@@ -67760,7 +68898,7 @@ msgstr ""
" \n"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36611
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37215
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-configuration foo-configuration\n"
@@ -67778,7 +68916,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36617
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37221
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-configuration bar-configuration\n"
@@ -67794,12 +68932,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (prefix bar-))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36623
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37227
msgid "However, in some cases you might not want to serialize any of the values of the record, to do this, you can use the @code{no-serialization} literal. There is also the @code{define-configuration/no-serialization} macro which is a shorthand of this."
msgstr "In manchen Fällen wollen Sie vielleicht überhaupt gar keinen Wert aus dem Verbund serialisieren. Dazu geben Sie das Literal @code{no-serialization} an. Auch können Sie das Makro @code{define-configuration/no-serialization} benutzen, was eine Kurzschreibweise dafür ist."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36631
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37235
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Nothing will be serialized to disk.\n"
@@ -67819,7 +68957,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36637
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37241
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; The same thing as above.\n"
@@ -67835,23 +68973,23 @@ msgstr ""
" \"Some documentation.\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36640
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37244
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Syntax} define-maybe @var{type}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Syntax} define-maybe @var{Typ}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37249
msgid "Sometimes a field should not be serialized if the user doesn’t specify a value. To achieve this, you can use the @code{define-maybe} macro to define a ``maybe type''; if the value of a maybe type is set to the @code{disabled}, it will not be serialized."
msgstr "Manchmal soll ein Feld dann @emph{nicht} serialisiert werden, wenn der Benutzer keinen Wert dafür angibt. Um das zu erreichen, können Sie das Makro @code{define-maybe} benutzen, um einen „maybe type“, zu Deutsch „Vielleicht-Typ“, zu definieren. Wenn der Wert eines Vielleicht-Typs auf @code{disabled} gesetzt ist, wird er nicht serialisiert."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37256
msgid "When defining a ``maybe type'', the corresponding serializer for the regular type will be used by default. For example, a field of type @code{maybe-string} will be serialized using the @code{serialize-string} procedure by default, you can of course change this by specifying a custom serializer procedure. Likewise, the type of the value would have to be a string, unless it is set to the @code{disabled} symbol."
msgstr "Beim Definieren eines „Vielleicht-Typs“ ist die Voreinstellung, den dem Grundtyp entsprechenden Serialisierer zu benutzen. Zum Beispiel wird ein Feld vom Typ @code{maybe-string} nach Voreinstellung mit der Prozedur @code{serialize-string} serialisiert. Natürlich können Sie stattdessen eine eigene Serialisiererprozedur festlegen. Ebenso muss der Wert entweder den Typ „string“ (also Zeichenkette) aufweisen oder das Symbol @code{disabled} sein."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36655
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37259
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-maybe string)\n"
@@ -67861,7 +68999,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36658
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37262
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-string field-name value)\n"
@@ -67873,7 +69011,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37269
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-configuration baz-configuration\n"
@@ -67892,12 +69030,12 @@ msgstr ""
" \"The name of this module.\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36669
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37273
msgid "Like with @code{define-configuration}, one can set a prefix for the serializer name by using the @code{prefix} literal."
msgstr "Wie bei @code{define-configuration} kann man ein Präfix für Serialisierernamen als Literal mit @code{prefix} angeben."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36673
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37277
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-maybe integer\n"
@@ -67909,7 +69047,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37280
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (baz-serialize-interger field-name value)\n"
@@ -67919,12 +69057,12 @@ msgstr ""
" …)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36683
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37287
msgid "There is also the @code{no-serialization} literal, which when set means that no serializer will be defined for the ``maybe type'', regardless of its value is @code{disabled} or not. @code{define-maybe/no-serialization} is a shorthand for specifying the @code{no-serialization} literal."
msgstr "Auch gibt es das Literal @code{no-serialization}. Wenn es angegeben wird, bedeutet das, es wird kein Serialisierer für den Vielleicht-Typ eingesetzt, ganz gleich ob als Wert @code{disabled} gesetzt wurde oder nicht. @code{define-maybe/no-serialization} ist eine Kurzschreibweise, um das Literal @code{no-serialization} festzulegen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36686
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37290
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-maybe/no-serialization symbol)\n"
@@ -67934,7 +69072,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36691
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37295
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-configuration/no-serialization test-configuration\n"
@@ -67948,66 +69086,66 @@ msgstr ""
" \"Docstring.\"))\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36694
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37298
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} serialize-configuration @var{configuration} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} serialize-configuration @var{Konfiguration} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36700
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37304
msgid "@var{fields} Return a G-expression that contains the values corresponding to the @var{fields} of @var{configuration}, a record that has been generated by @code{define-configuration}. The G-expression can then be serialized to disk by using something like @code{mixed-text-file}."
msgstr "@var{Felder} Liefert einen G-Ausdruck mit den Werten zu jedem der @var{Felder} im Verbundsobjekt @var{Konfiguration}, das mit @code{define-configuration} erzeugt wurde. Der G-Ausdruck kann mit z.B.@: @code{mixed-text-file} auf die Platte serialisiert werden."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36702
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37306
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} validate-configuration @var{configuration}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} validate-configuration @var{Konfiguration}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36706
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37310
msgid "@var{fields} Type-check @var{fields}, a list of field names of @var{configuration}, a configuration record created by @code{define-configuration}."
msgstr "@var{Felder} Die Typen der @var{Felder} prüfen. @var{Felder} muss eine Liste der Namen der Felder der @var{Konfiguration} sein. @var{Konfiguration} muss ein Konfigurationsverbundsobjekt sein, das mit @code{define-configuration} erzeugt wurde."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36708
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37312
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} empty-serializer @var{field-name} @var{value}"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} empty-serializer @var{Feldname} @var{Wert}"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36711
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37315
msgid "A serializer that just returns an empty string. The @code{serialize-package} procedure is an alias for this."
msgstr "Ein Serialisierer, der nur die leere Zeichenkette zurückliefert. Die Prozedur @code{serialize-package} ist als anderer Name dafür vordefiniert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36716
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37320
msgid "Once you have defined a configuration record, you will most likely also want to document it so that other people know to use it. To help with that, there are two procedures, both of which are documented below."
msgstr "Nachdem Sie einen Konfigurationsverbundstyp definiert haben, haben Sie bestimmt auch die Absicht, die Dokumentation dafür zu schreiben, um anderen Leuten zu erklären, wie man ihn benutzt. Dabei helfen Ihnen die folgenden zwei Prozeduren, die hier dokumentiert sind."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36717
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37321
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} generate-documentation @var{documentation} @"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} generate-documentation @var{Dokumentation} @"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37328
msgid "@var{documentation-name} Generate a Texinfo fragment from the docstrings in @var{documentation}, a list of @code{(@var{label} @var{fields} @var{sub-documentation} ...)}. @var{label} should be a symbol and should be the name of the configuration record. @var{fields} should be a list of all the fields available for the configuration record."
msgstr "@var{Dokumentationsname} Ein Stück Texinfo aus den Docstrings in der @var{Dokumentation} erzeugen. Als @var{Dokumentation} geben Sie eine Liste aus @code{(@var{Bezeichnung} @var{Felder} @var{Unterdokumentation} ...)} an. @var{Bezeichnung} ist ein Symbol und gibt den Namen des Konfigurationsverbunds an. @var{Felder} ist eine Liste aller Felder des Konfigurationsverbunds."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36729
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37333
msgid "@var{sub-documentation} is a @code{(@var{field-name} @var{configuration-name})} tuple. @var{field-name} is the name of the field which takes another configuration record as its value, and @var{configuration-name} is the name of that configuration record."
msgstr "@var{Unterdokumentation} ist ein Tupel @code{(@var{Feldname} @var{Konfigurationsname})}. @var{Feldname} ist der Name des Feldes, das einen anderen Konfigurationsverbund als Wert hat. @var{Konfigurationsname} ist der Name dessen Konfigurationsverbundstyps."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36736
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37340
msgid "@var{sub-documentation} is only needed if there are nested configuration records. For example, the @code{getmail-configuration} record (@pxref{Mail Services}) accepts a @code{getmail-configuration-file} record in one of its @code{rcfile} field, therefore documentation for @code{getmail-configuration-file} is nested in @code{getmail-configuration}."
msgstr "Eine @var{Unterdokumentation} müssen Sie nur angeben, wenn es verschachtelte Verbundstypen gibt. Zum Beispiel braucht ein Verbundsobjekt @code{getmail-configuration} (siehe @ref{Mail Services}) ein Verbundsobjekt @code{getmail-configuration-file} in seinem @code{rcfile}-Feld, daher ist die Dokumentation für @code{getmail-configuration-file} verschachtelt in der von @code{getmail-configuration}."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36743
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37347
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -68023,33 +69161,33 @@ msgstr ""
" 'getmail-configuration)\n"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37351
msgid "@var{documentation-name} should be a symbol and should be the name of the configuration record."
msgstr "Für @var{Dokumentationsname} geben Sie ein Symbol mit dem Namen des Konfigurationsverbundstyps an."
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36750
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37354
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Procedure} configuration->documentation"
msgstr "{Scheme-Prozedur} configuration->documentation"
#. type: deffn
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36757
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37361
msgid "@var{configuration-symbol} Take @var{configuration-symbol}, the symbol corresponding to the name used when defining a configuration record with @code{define-configuration}, and print the Texinfo documentation of its fields. This is useful if there aren’t any nested configuration records since it only prints the documentation for the top-level fields."
msgstr "@var{Konfigurationssymbol} Für @var{Konfigurationssymbol}, ein Symbol mit dem Namen, der beim Definieren des Konfigurationsverbundstyp mittels @code{define-configuration} benutzt wurde, gibt diese Prozedur die Texinfo-Dokumentation seiner Felder aus. Wenn es keine verschachtelten Konfigurationsfelder gibt, bietet sich diese Prozedur an, mit der Sie ausschließlich die Dokumentation der obersten Ebene von Feldern ausgegeben bekommen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37369
msgid "As of right now, there is no automated way to generate documentation for configuration records and put them in the manual. Instead, every time you make a change to the docstrings of a configuration record, you have to manually call @code{generate-documentation} or @code{configuration->documentation}, and paste the output into the @file{doc/guix.texi} file."
msgstr "Gegenwärtig gibt es kein automatisiertes Verfahren, um die Dokumentation zu Konfigurationsverbundstypen zu erzeugen und gleich ins Handbuch einzutragen. Stattdessen würden Sie jedes Mal, wenn Sie etwas an den Docstrings eines Konfigurationsverbundstyps ändern, aufs Neue @code{generate-documentation} oder @code{configuration->documentation} von Hand aufrufen und die Ausgabe in die Datei @file{doc/guix.texi} einfügen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36769
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37373
msgid "Below is an example of a record type created using @code{define-configuration} and friends."
msgstr "Nun folgt ein Beispiel, wo ein Verbundstyp mit @code{define-configuration} usw.@: erzeugt wird."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36776
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37380
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(use-modules (gnu services)\n"
@@ -68067,7 +69205,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36784
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37388
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
";; Turn field names, which are Scheme symbols into strings\n"
@@ -68089,7 +69227,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36787
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37391
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-string field-name value)\n"
@@ -68101,7 +69239,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37394
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-integer field-name value)\n"
@@ -68113,7 +69251,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36793
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37397
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-boolean field-name value)\n"
@@ -68125,7 +69263,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37400
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-contact-name field-name value)\n"
@@ -68137,7 +69275,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36799
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37403
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (list-of-contact-configurations? lst)\n"
@@ -68149,7 +69287,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36804
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37408
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-list-of-contact-configurations field-name value)\n"
@@ -68165,7 +69303,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36811
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37415
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define (serialize-contacts-list-configuration configuration)\n"
@@ -68185,7 +69323,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36814
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37418
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-maybe integer)\n"
@@ -68197,7 +69335,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36829
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37433
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-configuration contact-configuration\n"
@@ -68233,7 +69371,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36841
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37445
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define-configuration contacts-list-configuration\n"
@@ -68261,12 +69399,12 @@ msgstr ""
"information about all your contacts.\"))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36844
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37448
msgid "A contacts list configuration could then be created like this:"
msgstr "Eine Kontaktelistekonfiguration könnte dann wie folgt erzeugt werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37464
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define my-contacts\n"
@@ -68300,12 +69438,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (married? #t))))))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36864
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37468
msgid "After serializing the configuration to disk, the resulting file would look like this:"
msgstr "Wenn Sie diese Konfiguration auf die Platte serialisierten, ergäbe sich so eine Datei:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36869
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37473
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -68319,7 +69457,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36874
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37478
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -68335,7 +69473,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37482
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -68347,202 +69485,202 @@ msgstr ""
"is-married = true\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36883
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37487
#, no-wrap
msgid "home configuration"
msgstr "Persönliche Home-Umgebung konfigurieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37499
msgid "Guix supports declarative configuration of @dfn{home environments} by utilizing the configuration mechanism described in the previous chapter (@pxref{Defining Services}), but for user's dotfiles and packages. It works both on Guix System and foreign distros and allows users to declare all the packages and services that should be installed and configured for the user. Once a user has written a file containing @code{home-environment} record, such a configuration can be @dfn{instantiated} by an unprivileged user with the @command{guix home} command (@pxref{Invoking guix home})."
msgstr "Die Umgebung in Ihrem Persönlichen Verzeichnis können Sie mit Guix einrichten, über eine deklarative Konfiguration dieser @dfn{Persönlichen Umgebung} in einem @code{home-environment}-Objekt. Wir verwenden die Konfigurationsmechanismen, die im vorangehenden Kapitel beschrieben wurden (siehe @ref{Defining Services}), wenden diese aber auf die Konfigurationsdateien („Dotfiles“) und Pakete des Benutzers an. Das geht sowohl auf Guix System als auch auf Fremddistributionen. Jeder Benutzer kann so alle Pakete und Dienste, die für ihn installiert und eingerichtet sein sollen, deklarieren. Sobald man eine Datei mit einem @code{home-environment}-Verbundsobjekt hat, kann man diese Konfiguration @dfn{instanziieren} lassen, ohne besondere Berechtigungen auf dem System zu haben. Dazu rufen Sie den Befehl @command{guix home} auf (siehe @ref{Invoking guix home})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36912
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37516
msgid "The user's home environment usually consists of three basic parts: software, configuration, and state. Software in mainstream distros are usually installed system-wide, but with GNU Guix most software packages can be installed on a per-user basis without needing root privileges, and are thus considered part of the user’s @dfn{home environment}. Packages on their own not very useful in many cases, because often they require some additional configuration, usually config files that reside in @env{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} (@file{~/.config} by default) or other directories. Everything else can be considered state, like media files, application databases, and logs."
msgstr "Die Persönliche Umgebung eines Benutzers setzt sich für gewöhnlich aus drei Grundbestandteilen zusammen: Software, Konfiguration und Zustand. In den gängigsten Distributionen wird Software normalerweise systemweit für alle Nutzer installiert, dagegen können die meisten Software-Pakete bei GNU@tie{}Guix durch jeden Benutzer selbst installiert werden, ohne Administratorrechte vorauszusetzen. Seine Software ist daher nur ein weiterer Teil der Persönlichen Umgebung des Benutzers. Aber Pakete alleine machen nicht glücklich, oft müssen sie erst noch konfiguriert werden, in der Regel mit Konfigurationsdateien in @env{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} (nach Voreinstellung bedeutet das in @file{~/.config}) oder anderen Verzeichnissen. Übrig sind verschiedene Arten von Zustand, etwa Mediendateien, Anwendungsdatenbanken und Protokolldateien."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36915
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37519
msgid "Using Guix for managing home environments provides a number of advantages:"
msgstr "Persönliche Umgebungen mit Guix zu verwalten bringt einige Vorteile:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36918
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37522
#, no-wrap
msgid "All software can be configured in one language (Guile Scheme),"
msgstr "Alle Software kann in derselben Sprache konfiguriert werden"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36921
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37525
msgid "this gives users the ability to share values between configurations of different programs."
msgstr "(Guile Scheme), wodurch Nutzer in die Lage versetzt werden, dieselben Werte in die Konfigurationen verschiedener Programme einzusetzen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36922
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37526
#, no-wrap
msgid "A well-defined home environment is self-contained and can be"
msgstr "Eine wohldefinierte Persönliche Umgebung ist eigenständig"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36925
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37529
msgid "created in a declarative and reproducible way---there is no need to grab external binaries or manually edit some configuration file."
msgstr "und kann deklarativ und reproduzierbar verfasst werden. Binärdateien von anderswo herunterzuladen oder eine Konfigurationsdatei von Hand zu bearbeiten ist unnötig."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36926
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37530
#, no-wrap
msgid "After every @command{guix home reconfigure} invocation, a new home"
msgstr "Nach jedem Aufruf von @command{guix home reconfigure} wird eine neue"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36930
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37534
msgid "environment generation will be created. This means that users can rollback to a previous home environment generation so they don’t have to worry about breaking their configuration."
msgstr "Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung erzeugt. Dadurch können Benutzer zu einer vorherigen Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung zurückwechseln, d.h.@: sie müssen keine Sorgen haben, dass nach einer Änderung ihre Konfiguration nicht mehr funktioniert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36931
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37535
#, no-wrap
msgid "It is possible to manage stateful data with Guix Home, this"
msgstr "Sie können sogar zustandsbehaftete Daten über Guix Home"
#. type: itemize
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36936
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37540
msgid "includes the ability to automatically clone Git repositories on the initial setup of the machine, and periodically running commands like @command{rsync} to sync data with another host. This functionality is still in an experimental stage, though."
msgstr "verwalten. Dazu gehört etwa, Git-Repositorys automatisch zu klonen, wenn Sie die Maschine zum ersten Mal einrichten, oder auch Befehle wie @command{rsync} regelmäßig zu starten, um die Daten mit einem anderen Rechner abzugleichen. Diese Funktionalität befindet sich jedoch noch auf einer experimentellen Entwicklungsstufe."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36946
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36947
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37550
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37551
#, no-wrap
msgid "Declaring the Home Environment"
msgstr "Deklaration der Persönlichen Umgebung"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548
msgid "Customizing your Home."
msgstr "Die Persönliche Umgebung einrichten."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37014
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37015
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37619
#, no-wrap
msgid "Configuring the Shell"
msgstr "Shell-Konfiguration"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548
msgid "Enabling home environment."
msgstr "Die Persönliche Umgebung aktivieren."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37061
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37665
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37666
#, no-wrap
msgid "Home Services"
msgstr "Persönliche Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548
msgid "Specifying home services."
msgstr "Dienste der Persönlichen Umgebung festlegen."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36944
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37548
msgid "Instantiating a home configuration."
msgstr "Die Konfiguration einer Persönlichen Umgebung instanziieren."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36953
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37557
msgid "The home environment is configured by providing a @code{home-environment} declaration in a file that can be passed to the @command{guix home} command (@pxref{Invoking guix home}). The easiest way to get started is by generating an initial configuration with @command{guix home import}:"
msgstr "Die Persönliche Umgebung können Sie konfigurieren, indem Sie eine @code{home-environment}-Deklaration in einer Datei speichern, die Sie dem Befehl @command{guix home} übergeben (siehe @ref{Invoking guix home}). Der einfachste Einstieg gelingt, indem Sie mit @command{guix home import} eine anfängliche Konfiguration erzeugen lassen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36956
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37560
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home import ~/src/guix-config\n"
msgstr "guix home import ~/src/guix-config\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37568
msgid "The @command{guix home import} command reads some of the ``dot files'' such as @file{~/.bashrc} found in your home directory and copies them to the given directory, @file{~/src/guix-config} in this case; it also reads the contents of your profile, @file{~/.guix-profile}, and, based on that, it populates @file{~/src/guix-config/home-configuration.scm} with a Home configuration that resembles your current configuration."
msgstr "Durch den Befehl @command{guix home import} werden einige dieser „Dotfiles“ wie @file{~/.bashrc} aus Ihrem Persönlichen Verzeichnis gelesen und in das angegebene Verzeichnis kopiert. In diesem Beispiel ist das @file{~/src/guix-config}. Auch der Inhalt Ihres Profils in @file{~/.guix-profile} wird gelesen und anhand davon wird eine Konfiguration Ihrer Persönlichen Umgebung in @file{~/src/guix-config/home-configuration.scm} erzeugt, die Ihrer momentanen Konfiguration nachempfunden ist."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36970
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37574
msgid "A simple setup can include Bash and a custom text configuration, like in the example below. Don't be afraid to declare home environment parts, which overlaps with your current dot files: before installing any configuration files, Guix Home will back up existing config files to a separate place in the home directory."
msgstr "Zu einer einfachen Konfiguration kann z.B.@: Bash gehören zusammen mit einer eigenen Textdatei wie im folgenden Beispiel. Zögern Sie nicht damit, in der Persönlichen Umgebung etwas zu deklarieren, was mit Ihren bestehenden Dotfiles überlappt, denn bevor irgendeine Konfigurationsdatei installiert wird, legt Guix Home eine Sicherungskopie an einer anderen Stelle im Persönlichen Verzeichnis ab."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36976
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37580
msgid "It is highly recommended that you manage your shell or shells with Guix Home, because it will make sure that all the necessary scripts are sourced by the shell configuration file. Otherwise you will need to do it manually. (@pxref{Configuring the Shell})."
msgstr "Wir empfehlen sehr, Ihre Shell oder Shells mit Guix Home zu verwalten, weil dadurch sicherlich alle vorausgesetzten Skripte über @code{source}-Befehle in die Shell-Konfiguration eingebunden werden. Andernfalls müssten Sie sie von Hand einbinden (siehe @ref{Configuring the Shell})."
#. type: findex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36978
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37582
#, no-wrap
msgid "home-environment"
msgstr "home-environment"
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36980
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37584
#, no-wrap
msgid "he-config-bare-bones.scm"
msgstr "he-config-bare-bones.scm"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36987
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37591
msgid "The @code{packages} field should be self-explanatory, it will install the list of packages into the user's profile. The most important field is @code{services}, it contains a list of @dfn{home services}, which are the basic building blocks of a home environment."
msgstr "Was das @code{packages}-Feld tut, sollte klar sein: Dadurch werden die aufgelisteten Pakete in das Profil des Benutzers installiert. Das wichtigste Feld ist @code{services}, was eine Liste @dfn{Persönlicher Dienste} zu enthalten hat. Sie stellen die Grundbausteine einer Persönlichen Umgebung dar."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36995
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37599
msgid "There is no daemon (at least not necessarily) related to a home service, a home service is just an element that is used to declare part of home environment and extend other parts of it. The extension mechanism discussed in the previous chapter (@pxref{Defining Services}) should not be confused with Shepherd services (@pxref{Shepherd Services}). Using this extension mechanism and some Scheme code that glues things together gives the user the freedom to declare their own, very custom, home environments."
msgstr "Für Persönliche Dienste gibt es keinen Daemon (zumindest nicht zwingend). Ein Persönlicher Dienst stellt nur ein Element dar, um einen Aspekt einer Persönlichen Umgebung zu deklarieren bzw.@: andere Aspekte zu erweitern. Dieser im vorherigen Kapitel erörterte Erweiterungsmechanismus (siehe @ref{Defining Services}) sollte nicht verwechselt werden mit Shepherd-Diensten (siehe @ref{Shepherd Services}). Mit dem Erweiterungsmechanismus und etwas Scheme-Code, um die Dinge zusammenzubringen, haben Sie als Nutzer die Freiheit, eigens auf Sie abgestimmte Persönliche Umgebungen zu entwerfen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:36998
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37602
msgid "Once you have a configuration file that suits your needs, you can reconfigure your home by running:"
msgstr "Wenn Ihre Konfigurationsdatei so weit fertig ist und Ihrem Bedarf entspricht, wird es Zeit, Ihre Persönliche Umgebung zu rekonfigurieren, indem Sie diesen Befehl geben:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37001
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37605
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home reconfigure config.scm\n"
msgstr "guix home reconfigure config.scm\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37005
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37609
msgid "This ``builds'' your home environment and creates @file{~/.guix-home} pointing to it. Voilà!"
msgstr "Dadurch wird Ihre Persönliche Umgebung @dfn{erstellt} und von @file{~/.guix-home} darauf verwiesen. Geschafft!"
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37012
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37616
msgid "Make sure the operating system has elogind, systemd, or a similar mechanism to create the XDG run-time directory and has the @env{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} variable set. Failing that, the @file{on-first-login} script will not execute anything, and processes like user Shepherd and its descendants will not start."
msgstr "Achten Sie darauf, dass Ihr Betriebssystem mit elogind, systemd oder einem entsprechenden Mechanismus das XDG-Laufzeitverzeichnis anlegt und die Variable @env{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} festlegt. Wenn nicht, kann das Skript @file{on-first-login} nichts starten und Prozesse wie der benutzereigene Shepherd und alles, was davon abhängt, fahren nicht hoch."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37622
msgid "This section is safe to skip if your shell or shells are managed by Guix Home. Otherwise, read it carefully."
msgstr "Sie können den folgenden Abschnitt problemlos überspringen, wenn Ihre Shell oder Shells mit Guix Home verwaltet werden. Wenn nicht, lesen Sie ihn bitte genau."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37629
msgid "There are a few scripts that must be evaluated by a login shell to activate the home environment. The shell startup files only read by login shells often have @code{profile} suffix. For more information about login shells see @ref{Invoking Bash,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual} and see @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}."
msgstr "Es gibt ein paar Skripte, die eine Login-Shell auswerten muss, damit die Persönliche Umgebung aktiv wird. Die Dateien, die nur beim Starten von Login-Shells geladen werden, tragen am Ende das Suffix @code{profile}. Mehr Informationen über Login-Shells finden Sie in dem Referenzhandbuch von GNU@tie{}Bash @ref{Invoking Bash,,, bash, hier} und @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, hier}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37032
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37636
msgid "The first script that needs to be sourced is @file{setup-environment}, which sets all the necessary environment variables (including variables declared by the user) and the second one is @file{on-first-login}, which starts Shepherd for the current user and performs actions declared by other home services that extends @code{home-run-on-first-login-service-type}."
msgstr "Als Erstes wird @file{setup-environment} gesourcet, wodurch alle nötigen Umgebungsvariablen festgelegt werden (einschließlich vom Benutzer festgelegter Variabler) und als Zweites wird mit @file{on-first-login} Shepherd für den angemeldeten Benutzer gestartet und die über andere Persönliche Dienste deklarierten Aktionen durchgeführt, wenn die Dienste @code{home-run-on-first-login-service-type} erweitern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37035
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37639
msgid "Guix Home will always create @file{~/.profile}, which contains the following lines:"
msgstr "Guix Home wird immer @file{~/.profile} mit den folgenden Zeilen darin anlegen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37040
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37644
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -68554,107 +69692,121 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37050
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37654
msgid "This makes POSIX compliant login shells activate the home environment. However, in most cases this file won't be read by most modern shells, because they are run in non POSIX mode by default and have their own @file{*profile} startup files. For example Bash will prefer @file{~/.bash_profile} in case it exists and only if it doesn't will it fallback to @file{~/.profile}. Zsh (if no additional options are specified) will ignore @file{~/.profile}, even if @file{~/.zprofile} doesn't exist."
msgstr "Dadurch werden POSIX-konforme Login-Shells die Persönliche Umgebung aktivieren. Jedoch wird diese Datei in der Regel von den meisten modernen Shells @emph{nicht} gelesen, weil sie nach Voreinstellung @emph{nicht} im POSIX-Modus laufen und stattdessen ihre eigenen @file{*profile}-Dateien beim Start laden. Zum Beispiel wird Bash der Datei @file{~/.bash_profile} den Vorzug geben, wenn diese existiert, und nur falls sie @emph{nicht} existiert, liest Bash die Datei @file{~/.profile}. Zsh (wenn ihr keine zusätzlichen Argumente übergeben wurden) ignoriert @file{~/.profile} grundsätzlich, auch wenn @file{~/.zprofile} fehlt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37055
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37659
msgid "To make your shell respect @file{~/.profile}, add @code{. ~/.profile} or @code{source ~/profile} to the startup file for the login shell. In case of Bash, it is @file{~/.bash_profile}, and in case of Zsh, it is @file{~/.zprofile}."
msgstr "Damit Ihre Shell @file{~/.profile} doch beachtet, tragen Sie @code{. ~/.profile} oder @code{source ~/profile} in die beim Start gelesene Datei der Login-Shell ein. Im Fall von Bash ist dies @file{~/.bash_profile} und für Zsh ist es @file{~/.zprofile}."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37059
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37663
msgid "This step is only required if your shell is NOT managed by Guix Home. Otherwise, everything will be done automatically."
msgstr "Dieser Schritt fällt weg, wenn Sie Guix Home Ihre Shell verwalten lassen. Dann nämlich liefe all das vollautomatisch ab."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37063
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37667
#, no-wrap
msgid "home services"
msgstr "Persönliche Dienste"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37072
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37676
msgid "A @dfn{home service} is not necessarily something that has a daemon and is managed by Shepherd (@pxref{Jump Start,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}), in most cases it doesn't. It's a simple building block of the home environment, often declaring a set of packages to be installed in the home environment profile, a set of config files to be symlinked into @env{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} (@file{~/.config} by default), and environment variables to be set by a login shell."
msgstr "Als @dfn{Persönlichen Dienst} (englisch „Home Service“) bezeichnen wir nicht nur Software, die über einen durch Shepherd verwalteten Daemon gestartet wird (siehe @ref{Jump Start,,, shepherd, Handbuch von GNU Shepherd}), denn darum geht es meistens gar nicht. Ein Persönlicher Dienst bedeutet lediglich ein Baustein der Persönlichen Umgebung, mit dem so etwas deklariert wird wie eine Auswahl in die Persönliche Umgebung zu installierender Pakete, eine Reihe von Konfigurationsdateien, für die symbolische Verknüpfungen in @env{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} (nach Voreinstellung ist @file{~/.config} gemeint) angelegt werden oder für Login-Shells festgelegte Umgebungsvariable."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37080
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37684
msgid "There is a service extension mechanism (@pxref{Service Composition}) which allows home services to extend other home services and utilize capabilities they provide; for example: declare mcron jobs (@pxref{Top,,, mcron, GNU@tie{}Mcron}) by extending @ref{Mcron Home Service}; declare daemons by extending @ref{Shepherd Home Service}; add commands, which will be invoked on by the Bash by extending @ref{Shells Home Services, @code{home-bash-service-type}}."
msgstr "Ein Diensterweiterungsmechanismus (siehe @ref{Service Composition}) ermöglicht es Persönlichen Diensten, andere Persönliche Dienste zu erweitern und so auf die von ihnen bereits angebotenen Fähigkeiten zurückzugreifen. Beispielsweise kann für einen Dienst ein mcron-Auftrag (siehe @ref{Top,,, mcron, GNU@tie{}Mcron}) deklariert werden, indem man ihn den Persönlichen Mcron-Dienst erweitern lässt (siehe @ref{Mcron Home Service}); ein Daemon wird deklariert, indem man ihn den Persönlichen Shepherd-Dienst erweitern lässt (siehe @ref{Shepherd Home Service}); für Bash werden neue Befehle festgelegt, indem man den Persönlichen Shell-Dienst für Bash erweitern lässt (siehe @ref{Shells Home Services, @code{home-bash-service-type}}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37091
-msgid "A good way to discover avaliable home services is using the @command{guix home search} command (@pxref{Invoking guix home}). After the required home services are found, include its module with the @code{use-modules} form (@pxref{use-modules,, Using Guile Modules, guile, The GNU Guile Reference Manual}), or the @code{#:use-modules} directive (@pxref{define-module,, Creating Guile Modules, guile, The GNU Guile Reference Manual}) and declare a home service using the @code{service} function, or extend a service type by declaring a new service with the @code{simple-service} procedure from @code{(gnu services)}."
-msgstr "Über die verfügbaren Persönlichen Dienste können Sie sich mit dem Befehl @command{guix home search} informieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix home}). Wenn Sie die gewünschten Persönlichen Dienste gefunden haben, fügen Sie das entsprechende Modul ein, indem Sie die @code{use-modules}-Form für das Modul angeben (siehe @pxref{use-modules,, Using Guile Modules, guile, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Guile}) oder alternativ das Modul in der @code{#:use-modules}-Direktive Ihres eigenen Moduls nennen (siehe @ref{define-module,, Creating Guile Modules, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Dann deklarieren Sie einen Persönlichen Dienst über die Funktion @code{service} oder Sie erweitern einen Dienst über die Prozedur @code{simple-service} aus @code{(gnu services)}."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37695
+msgid "A good way to discover available home services is using the @command{guix home search} command (@pxref{Invoking guix home}). After the required home services are found, include its module with the @code{use-modules} form (@pxref{use-modules,, Using Guile Modules, guile, The GNU Guile Reference Manual}), or the @code{#:use-modules} directive (@pxref{define-module,, Creating Guile Modules, guile, The GNU Guile Reference Manual}) and declare a home service using the @code{service} function, or extend a service type by declaring a new service with the @code{simple-service} procedure from @code{(gnu services)}."
+msgstr "Über die verfügbaren Persönlichen Dienste können Sie sich mit dem Befehl @command{guix home search} informieren (siehe @ref{Invoking guix home}). Wenn Sie die gewünschten Persönlichen Dienste gefunden haben, fügen Sie das entsprechende Modul ein, indem Sie die @code{use-modules}-Form für das Modul angeben (siehe @ref{use-modules,, Using Guile Modules, guile, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Guile}) oder alternativ das Modul in der @code{#:use-modules}-Direktive Ihres eigenen Moduls nennen (siehe @ref{define-module,, Creating Guile Modules, guile, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Guile}). Dann deklarieren Sie einen Persönlichen Dienst über die Funktion @code{service} oder Sie erweitern einen Dienst über die Prozedur @code{simple-service} aus @code{(gnu services)}."
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37100
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37101
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37705
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37706
#, no-wrap
msgid "Essential Home Services"
msgstr "Essenzielle Persönliche Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "Environment variables, packages, on-* scripts."
msgstr "Umgebungsvariable, Pakete, on-*-Skripte."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "Shells: Shells Home Services"
msgstr "Shells: Persönliche Shell-Dienste"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "POSIX shells, Bash, Zsh."
msgstr "POSIX-Shells, Bash, Zsh."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "Mcron: Mcron Home Service"
msgstr "Mcron: Persönlicher Mcron-Dienst"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "Scheduled User's Job Execution."
msgstr "Geplante Auftragsausführung durch Benutzer."
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "Shepherd: Shepherd Home Service"
msgstr "Shepherd: Persönlicher Shepherd-Dienst"
#. type: menuentry
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37097
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
msgid "Managing User's Daemons."
msgstr "Des Benutzers Daemons verwalten."
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Desktop Services"
+msgid "Desktop: Desktop Home Services"
+msgstr "Desktop-Dienste"
+#. type: menuentry
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37702
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "development environments"
+msgid "Services for graphical environments."
+msgstr "Entwicklungsumgebungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37711
msgid "There are a few essential home services defined in @code{(gnu services)}, they are mostly for internal use and are required to build a home environment, but some of them will be useful for the end user."
msgstr "Ein paar grundlegende Persönliche Dienste sind auch in @code{(gnu services)} definiert; sie sind in erster Linie zur internen Nutzung und für die Erstellung der Persönlichen Umgebung gedacht, aber manche sind auch für Endanwender interessant."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37107
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37712
#, no-wrap
msgid "environment variables"
msgstr "Umgebungsvariable"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37109
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37714
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-environment-variables-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-environment-variables-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37114
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37719
msgid "The service of this type will be instantiated by every home environment automatically by default, there is no need to define it, but someone may want to extend it with a list of pairs to set some environment variables."
msgstr "Der Dienst mit diesem Diensttyp wird von jeder Persönlichen Umgebung automatisch instanziiert; so sind die Vorgabeeinstellungen. Sie müssen ihn also nicht definieren, aber vielleicht möchten Sie Ihn erweitern mit einer Liste von Paaren zum Festlegen von Umgebungsvariablen (englisch „Environment Variables“)."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37118
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37723
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(list (\"ENV_VAR1\" . \"value1\")\n"
@@ -68664,12 +69816,12 @@ msgstr ""
" (\"ENV_VAR2\" . \"Wert2\"))\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37728
msgid "The easiest way to extend a service type, without defining new service type is to use the @code{simple-service} helper from @code{(gnu services)}."
msgstr "Es ist am einfachsten, ihn zu erweitern, ohne einen neuen Dienst zu definieren, nämlich indem Sie das @code{simple-service}-Helferlein aus dem Modul @code{(gnu services)} einsetzen."
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37131
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37736
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(simple-service 'some-useful-env-vars-service\n"
@@ -68687,12 +69839,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37741
msgid "If you include such a service in you home environment definition, it will add the following content to the @file{setup-environment} script (which is expected to be sourced by the login shell):"
msgstr "Wenn Sie einen solchen Dienst in die Definition Ihrer Persönlichen Umgebung aufnehmen, fügt das folgenden Inhalt in Ihr @file{setup-environment}-Skript ein (das von Ihrer Login-Shell gesourcet werden dürfte):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37141
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37746
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"export LESSHISTFILE=$XDG_CACHE_HOME/.lesshst\n"
@@ -68704,702 +69856,876 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37148
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37753
msgid "Make sure that module @code{(gnu packages shells)} is imported with @code{use-modules} or any other way, this namespace contains the definition of the @code{zsh} packages, which is used in the example above."
msgstr "Achten Sie darauf, dass das Modul @code{(gnu packages shells)} mit @code{use-modules} oder Ähnlichem importiert wird, denn durch den @code{(gnu packages shells)}-Namensraum wird die Definition des @code{zsh}-Pakets verfügbar gemacht, auf die obiges Beispiel Bezug nimmt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37161
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37766
msgid "The association list (@pxref{Association Lists, alists, Association Lists, guile, The GNU Guile Reference manual}) is a data structure containing key-value pairs, for @code{home-environment-variables-service-type} the key is always a string, the value can be a string, string-valued gexp (@pxref{G-Expressions}), file-like object (@pxref{G-Expressions, file-like object}) or boolean. For gexps, the variable will be set to the value of the gexp; for file-like objects, it will be set to the path of the file in the store (@pxref{The Store}); for @code{#t}, it will export the variable without any value; and for @code{#f}, it will omit variable."
msgstr "Wir verwenden hier eine assoziative Liste (siehe @ref{Association Lists, alists, Association Lists, guile, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Guile}). Das ist eine Datenstruktur aus Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren und für @code{home-environment-variables-service-type} ist der Schlüssel immer eine Zeichenkette und der Wert entweder eine Zeichenkette, ein G-Ausdruck für Zeichenketten (siehe @ref{G-Expressions}), ein dateiartiges Objekt (siehe @ref{G-Expressions, dateiartige Objekte}) oder ein Boolescher Ausdruck. Im Fall von G-Ausdrücken wird die Variable auf den Wert des G-Ausdrucks festgelegt, bei dateiartigen Objekten auf den Pfad der Datei im Store (siehe @ref{The Store}), bei @code{#t} wird die Variable ohne Wert exportiert und bei @code{#f} wird sie ganz weggelassen."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37164
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37769
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-profile-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-profile-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37170
-msgid "The service of this type will be instantiated by every home environment automatically, there is no need to define it, but you may want to extend it with a list of packages if you want to install additional packages into your profile. Other services, which need to make some programs avaliable to the user will also extend this service type."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37775
+msgid "The service of this type will be instantiated by every home environment automatically, there is no need to define it, but you may want to extend it with a list of packages if you want to install additional packages into your profile. Other services, which need to make some programs available to the user will also extend this service type."
msgstr "Der Dienst dieses Typs wird durch jede Persönliche Umgebung automatisch instanziiert. Sie müssen ihn nicht erst definieren. Vielleicht wollen Sie ihn aber um eine Liste von Paketen erweitern, wenn Sie weitere Pakete in Ihr Profil installieren wollen. Wenn andere Dienste Programme für den Nutzer verfügbar machen müssen, erweitern diese dazu auch diesen Diensttyp."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37777
msgid "The extension value is just a list of packages:"
msgstr "Als Wert der Erweiterung muss eine Liste von Paketen angegeben werden:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37175
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37780
#, no-wrap
msgid "(list htop vim emacs)\n"
msgstr "(list htop vim emacs)\n"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37185
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37790
msgid "The same approach as @code{simple-service} (@pxref{Service Reference, simple-service}) for @code{home-environment-variables-service-type} can be used here, too. Make sure that modules containing the specified packages are imported with @code{use-modules}. To find a package or information about its module use @command{guix search} (@pxref{Invoking guix package}). Alternatively, @code{specification->package} can be used to get the package record from string without importing related module."
msgstr "Hier können Sie den gleichen Ansatz wie bei @code{simple-service} (siehe @ref{Service Reference, simple-service}) für @code{home-environment-variables-service-type} fahren. Achten Sie darauf, die Module mit den angegebenen Paketen über etwas wie @code{use-modules} zu importieren. Um ein Paket oder Informationen über das es enthaltende Modul zu finden, hilft Ihnen @command{guix search} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package}). Alternativ können Sie @code{specification->package} einsetzen, um das Paketverbundsobjekt anhand einer Zeichenkette zu spezifizieren; dann brauchen Sie auch das zugehörige Modul @emph{nicht} zu laden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37794
msgid "There are few more essential services, but users are not expected to extend them."
msgstr "Es gibt noch mehr essenzielle Dienste, von denen wir aber nicht erwarten, dass Nutzer sie erweitern."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37190
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37795
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37195
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37800
msgid "The root of home services DAG, it generates a folder, which later will be symlinked to @file{~/.guix-home}, it contains configurations, profile with binaries and libraries, and some necessary scripts to glue things together."
msgstr "Die Wurzel des gerichteten azyklischen Graphen aus Persönlichen Diensten. Damit wird ein Verzeichnis erzeugt, auf das später die symbolische Verknüpfung @file{~/.guix-home} verweist und das Konfigurationsdateien, das Profil mit Binärdateien und Bibliotheken sowie ein paar notwendige Skripte enthält, die die Dinge zusammenhalten."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37802
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-run-on-first-login-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-run-on-first-login-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37202
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37807
msgid "The service of this type generates a Guile script, which is expected to be executed by the login shell. It is only executed if the special flag file inside @env{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} hasn't been created, this prevents redundant executions of the script if multiple login shells are spawned."
msgstr "Mit dem Dienst dieses Diensttyps wird ein Guile-Skript erzeugt, das von der Login-Shell ausgeführt werden soll. Es wird dabei nur dann ausgeführt, wenn eine besondere Signaldatei in @env{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} @emph{nicht} vorgefunden wird, wodurch das Skript nicht unnötig ausgeführt wird, wenn mehrere Login-Shells geöffnet werden."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37208
-#, fuzzy
-#| msgid "It can be extended with a gexp. However, to autostart an application, users @emph{should not} use this service, in most cases it's better to extend @code{home-shpeherd-service-type} with a Shepherd service (@pxref{Shepherd Services}), or extend the shell's startup file with required command using the appropriate service type."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37813
msgid "It can be extended with a gexp. However, to autostart an application, users @emph{should not} use this service, in most cases it's better to extend @code{home-shepherd-service-type} with a Shepherd service (@pxref{Shepherd Services}), or extend the shell's startup file with the required command using the appropriate service type."
msgstr "Man kann den Diensttyp mit einem G-Ausdruck erweitern. Allerdings sollten Nutzer diesen Dienst @emph{nicht} dazu gebrauchen, Anwendungen automatisch zu starten, denn das macht man besser über Erweiterungen des @code{home-shepherd-service-type} durch einen Shepherd-Dienst (siehe @ref{Shepherd Services}) oder über eine Erweiterung der von der Shell beim Start geladenen Datei um den benötigten Befehl und mittels des für diese Art Shell geeigneten Diensttyps."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37210
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37815
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-activation-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-activation-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37214
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37819
msgid "The service of this type generates a guile script, which runs on every @command{guix home reconfigure} invocation or any other action, which leads to the activation of the home environment."
msgstr "Mit dem Dienst dieses Diensttyps wird ein Guile-Skript erzeugt, das bei jedem Aufruf von @command{guix home reconfigure} und jeder anderen Aktion ausgeführt wird. Damit wird die Persönliche Umgebung aktiviert."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37216
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37821
#, no-wrap
msgid "Shells Home Services"
msgstr "Persönliche Shell-Dienste"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37217
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37822
#, no-wrap
msgid "Shells"
msgstr "Shells"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37219 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37500
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37824 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38190
#, no-wrap
msgid "shell"
msgstr "shell"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37220
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37825
#, no-wrap
msgid "login shell"
msgstr "Login-Shell"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37221
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37826
#, no-wrap
msgid "interactive shell"
msgstr "interaktive Shell"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37222 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37502
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37827 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38192
#, no-wrap
msgid "bash"
msgstr "bash"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37223 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37503
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37828 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38193
#, no-wrap
msgid "zsh"
msgstr "zsh"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37229
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37834
msgid "Shells play a quite important role in the environment initialization process, you can configure them manually as described in section @ref{Configuring the Shell}, but the recommended way is to use home services listed below. It's both easier and more reliable."
msgstr "Shells spielen eine ziemlich wichtige Rolle bei der Initialisierung der Umgebung. Sie können Ihre Shells selbst einrichten, wie im Abschnitt @ref{Configuring the Shell} beschrieben, aber empfehlen tun wir, dass Sie die folgend aufgeführten Dienste benutzen. Das ist sowohl leichter als auch zuverlässiger."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37239
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37844
msgid "Each home environment instantiates @code{home-shell-profile-service-type}, which creates a @file{~/.profile} startup file for all POSIX-compatible shells. This file contains all the necessary steps to properly initialize the environment, but many modern shells like Bash or Zsh prefer their own startup files, that's why the respective home services (@code{home-bash-service-type} and @code{home-zsh-service-type}) ensure that @file{~/.profile} is sourced by @file{~/.bash_profile} and @file{~/.zprofile}, respectively."
msgstr "Jede Persönliche Umgebung instanziiert @code{home-shell-profile-service-type}, was eine Datei @file{~/.profile} erzeugt, die von allen POSIX-kompatiblen Shells geladen wird. In der Datei sind alle Schritte enthalten, die nötig sind, um die Umgebung ordnungsgemäß zu initialisieren. Allerdings bevorzugen viele moderne Shells wie Bash oder Zsh, ihre eigenen Dateien beim Starten zu laden. Darum brauchen wir für diese jeweils einen Persönlichen Dienst (@code{home-bash-service-type} und @code{home-zsh-service-type}), um dafür zu sorgen, dass @file{~/.profile} durch @file{~/.bash_profile} bzw.@: @file{~/.zprofile} gesourcet werden."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37240
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37845
#, no-wrap
msgid "Shell Profile Service"
msgstr "Shell-Profil-Dienst"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37847
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} home-shell-profile-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} home-shell-profile-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37244
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37849
msgid "Available @code{home-shell-profile-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{home-shell-profile-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37246
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37851
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{profile} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{profile} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37256
-msgid "@code{home-shell-profile} is instantiated automatically by @code{home-environment}, DO NOT create this service manually, it can only be extended. @code{profile} is a list of file-like objects, which will go to @file{~/.profile}. By default @file{~/.profile} contains the initialization code, which have to be evaluated by login shell to make home-environment's profile avaliable to the user, but other commands can be added to the file if it is really necessary. In most cases shell's configuration files are preferred places for user's customizations. Extend home-shell-profile service only if you really know what you do."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37861
+msgid "@code{home-shell-profile} is instantiated automatically by @code{home-environment}, DO NOT create this service manually, it can only be extended. @code{profile} is a list of file-like objects, which will go to @file{~/.profile}. By default @file{~/.profile} contains the initialization code which must be evaluated by the login shell to make home-environment's profile available to the user, but other commands can be added to the file if it is really necessary. In most cases shell's configuration files are preferred places for user's customizations. Extend home-shell-profile service only if you really know what you do."
msgstr "Ein @code{home-shell-profile}-Dienst wird durch die Persönliche Umgebung automatisch instanziiert. Legen Sie den Dienst also @emph{bloß nicht} manuell an; Sie können ihn lediglich erweitern. Für @code{profile} wird eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte erwartet, die in die Datei @file{~/.profile} aufgenommen werden. Nach Vorgabe enthält @file{~/.profile} nur den Code zur Initialisierung, der von Login-Shells ausgeführt werden muss, um die Persönliche Umgebung für den Benutzer verfügbar zu machen. Andere Befehle können hier auch in die Datei eingefügt werden, wenn sie wirklich unbedingt dort stehen müssen. In den meisten Fällen schreibt man sie besser in die Konfigurationsdateien der Shell, wenn man eigene Anpassungen wünscht. Erweitern Sie den @code{home-shell-profile}-Dienst nur dann, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37866
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bash Home Service"
msgstr "Persönlicher Bash-Dienst"
#. type: anchor{#1}
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37869
msgid "home-bash-configuration"
msgstr "home-bash-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37264
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37869
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} home-bash-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} home-bash-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37266
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37871
msgid "Available @code{home-bash-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{home-bash-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37268
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37873
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{bash}) (type: package)"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{bash}) (Typ: „package“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37270
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37875
msgid "The Bash package to use."
msgstr "Das Bash-Paket, was benutzt werden soll."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37271
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37876
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{guix-defaults?} (default: @code{#t}) (type: boolean)"
msgstr "@code{guix-defaults?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37879
msgid "Add sane defaults like reading @file{/etc/bashrc} and coloring the output of @command{ls} to the end of the @file{.bashrc} file."
msgstr "Ob vernünftige Voreinstellungen ans Ende der Datei @file{.bashrc} angefügt werden sollen, wie @file{/etc/bashrc} zu lesen und die Ausgaben von @command{ls} einzufärben."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37275 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37329
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37368
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37880 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37973
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{environment-variables} (default: @code{()}) (type: alist)"
msgstr "@code{environment-variables} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Assoziative-Liste)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37885
msgid "Association list of environment variables to set for the Bash session. The rules for the @code{home-environment-variables-service-type} apply here (@pxref{Essential Home Services}). The contents of this field will be added after the contents of the @code{bash-profile} field."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste der Umgebungsvariablen, die für die Bash-Sitzung gesetzt sein sollen. Dieselben Regeln wie für den @code{home-environment-variables-service-type} gelten auch hier (siehe @ref{Essential Home Services}). Der Inhalt dieses Felds wird anschließend an das, was im @code{bash-profile}-Feld steht, angefügt."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37281 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37334
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37886 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37939
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{aliases} (default: @code{()}) (type: alist)"
msgstr "@code{aliases} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Assoziative-Liste)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37891
msgid "Association list of aliases to set for the Bash session. The aliases will be defined after the contents of the @code{bashrc} field has been put in the @file{.bashrc} file. The alias will automatically be quoted, so something line this:"
msgstr "Assoziative Liste der Alias-Namen, welche für die Bash-Sitzung eingerichtet werden sollen. Die Alias-Namen werden nach dem Inhalt des @code{bashrc}-Feldes in der Datei @file{.bashrc} definiert. Jeder Alias-Name wird automatisch maskiert, d.h.@: ein Eintrag wie:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37289
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37894
#, no-wrap
msgid "'((\\\"ls\\\" . \\\"ls -alF\\\"))\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37292
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37897
msgid "turns into"
msgstr "wird zu"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37900
#, no-wrap
msgid "alias ls=\\\"ls -alF\\\"\n"
msgstr "alias ls=\\\"ls -alF\\\"\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37297 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37338
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37902 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37943
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bash-profile} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{bash-profile} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37302
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37907
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.bash_profile}. Used for executing user's commands at start of login shell (In most cases the shell started on tty just after login). @file{.bash_login} won't be ever read, because @file{.bash_profile} always present."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die in @file{.bash_profile} eingefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle beim Start der Login-Shell ausgeführt werden. (In der Regel handelt es sich um die Shell, die gestartet wird, direkt nachdem man sich auf der Konsole (TTY) anmeldet.) @file{.bash_login} wird niemals gelesen, weil @file{.bash_profile} immer existiert."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37303 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37342
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37908 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37947
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bashrc} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{bashrc} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37308
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37913
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.bashrc}. Used for executing user's commands at start of interactive shell (The shell for interactive usage started by typing @code{bash} or by terminal app or any other program)."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die in @file{.bashrc} eingefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle beim Start einer interaktiven Shell ausgeführt werden. (Interaktive Shells sind Shells für interaktive Nutzung, die man startet, indem man @code{bash} eintippt oder die durch Terminal-Anwendungen oder andere Programme gestartet werden.)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37309 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37346
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37914 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37951
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{bash-logout} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{bash-logout} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37314
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37919
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.bash_logout}. Used for executing user's commands at the exit of login shell. It won't be read in some cases (if the shell terminates by exec'ing another process for example)."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die zu @file{.bash_logout} hinzugefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle beim Verlassen der Login-Shell ausgeführt werden. Die Datei wird in manchen Fällen @emph{nicht} gelesen (wenn die Shell zum Beispiel durch exec eines anderen Prozesses terminiert)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37929
msgid "You can extend the Bash service by using the @code{home-bash-extension} configuration record, whose fields most mirror that of @code{home-bash-configuration} (@pxref{home-bash-configuration}). The contents of the extensions will be added to the end of the corresponding Bash configuration files (@pxref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, The GNU Bash Reference Manual}."
msgstr "Sie können den Bash-Dienst mit Hilfe einer Konfiguration im Verbundsobjekt @code{home-bash-extension} erweitern. Dessen Felder spiegeln meistens die von @code{home-bash-configuration} (siehe @ref{home-bash-configuration}). Die Inhalte der Erweiterungen werden ans Ende der zugehörigen Bash-Konfigurationsdateien angehängt (siehe @ref{Bash Startup Files,,, bash, Referenzhandbuch von GNU Bash}."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37325
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37930
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} home-bash-extension"
msgstr "{Datentyp} home-bash-extension"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37327
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37932
msgid "Available @code{home-bash-extension} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{home-bash-extension}-Felder sind:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37333
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37938
msgid "Additional environment variables to set. These will be combined with the environment variables from other extensions and the base service to form one coherent block of environment variables."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Umgebungsvariable, die festgelegt werden sollen. Diese werden mit den Umgebungsvariablen anderer Erweiterungen und denen des zugrunde liegenden Dienstes zu einem zusammenhängenden Block aus Umgebungsvariablen vereint."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37337
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37942
msgid "Additional aliases to set. These will be combined with the aliases from other extensions and the base service."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Alias-Namen, die festgelegt werden sollen. Diese werden mit den Alias-Namen anderer Erweiterungen und denen des zugrunde liegenden Dienstes zusammengelegt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37341
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37946
msgid "Additional text blocks to add to @file{.bash_profile}, which will be combined with text blocks from other extensions and the base service."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Textblöcke, die zu @file{.bash_profile} hinzugefügt werden sollen. Diese werden zu den Textblöcken anderer Erweiterungen und denen des zugrunde liegenden Dienstes hinzugenommen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37950
msgid "Additional text blocks to add to @file{.bashrc}, which will be combined with text blocks from other extensions and the base service."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Textblöcke, die zu @file{.bashrc} hinzugefügt werden sollen. Diese werden zu den Textblöcken anderer Erweiterungen und denen des zugrunde liegenden Dienstes hinzugenommen."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37349
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37954
msgid "Additional text blocks to add to @file{.bash_logout}, which will be combined with text blocks from other extensions and the base service."
msgstr "Zusätzliche Textblöcke, die zu @file{.bash_logout} hinzugefügt werden sollen. Diese werden zu den Textblöcken anderer Erweiterungen und denen des zugrunde liegenden Dienstes hinzugenommen."
#. type: subsubheading
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37353
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37958
#, no-wrap
msgid "Zsh Home Service"
msgstr "Persönlicher Zsh-Dienst"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37355
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37960
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} home-zsh-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} home-zsh-configuration"
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37357
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37962
msgid "Available @code{home-zsh-configuration} fields are:"
msgstr "Verfügbare @code{home-zsh-configuration}-Felder sind:"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37964
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{package} (default: @code{zsh}) (type: package)"
msgstr "@code{package} (Vorgabe: @code{zsh}) (Typ: „package“)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37361
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37966
msgid "The Zsh package to use."
msgstr "Das zu benutzende Zsh-Paket."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37362
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37967
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{xdg-flavor?} (default: @code{#t}) (type: boolean)"
msgstr "@code{xdg-flavor?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37972
msgid "Place all the configs to @file{$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh}. Makes @file{~/.zshenv} to set @env{ZDOTDIR} to @file{$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh}. Shell startup process will continue with @file{$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/.zshenv}."
msgstr "Ob alle Konfigurationsdateien in @file{$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh} platziert werden sollen. Auch wird @file{~/.zshenv} dann @env{ZDOTDIR} auf @file{$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh} festlegen. Der Startvorgang der Shell wird mit @file{$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zsh/.zshenv} fortgeführt."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37370
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37975
msgid "Association list of environment variables to set for the Zsh session."
msgstr "Eine assoziative Liste, welche Umgebungsvariable in der Zsh-Sitzung festgelegt sein sollen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37371
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37976
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zshenv} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{zshenv} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37376
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37981
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.zshenv}. Used for setting user's shell environment variables. Must not contain commands assuming the presence of tty or producing output. Will be read always. Will be read before any other file in @env{ZDOTDIR}."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die zu @file{.zshenv} hinzugefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Shell-Umgebungsvariable festgelegt werden. Enthaltene Befehle dürfen @emph{kein} vorhandenes TTY voraussetzen und sie dürfen @emph{nichts} ausgeben. Die Datei wird immer gelesen. Sie wird vor jeder anderen Datei in @env{ZDOTDIR} gelesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37377
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37982
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zprofile} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{zprofile} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37382
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37987
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.zprofile}. Used for executing user's commands at start of login shell (In most cases the shell started on tty just after login). Will be read before @file{.zlogin}."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die in @file{.zprofile} eingefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle beim Start der Login-Shell ausgeführt werden. (In der Regel handelt es sich um die Shell, die gestartet wird, direkt nachdem man sich auf der Konsole (TTY) anmeldet.) @file{.zprofile} wird vor @file{.zlogin} gelesen."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37383
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37988
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zshrc} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{zshrc} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37388
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37993
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.zshrc}. Used for executing user's commands at start of interactive shell (The shell for interactive usage started by typing @code{zsh} or by terminal app or any other program)."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die in @file{.zshrc} eingefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle beim Start einer interaktiven Shell ausgeführt werden. (Interaktive Shells sind Shells für interaktive Nutzung, die man startet, indem man @code{zsh} eintippt oder die durch Terminal-Anwendungen oder andere Programme gestartet werden.)"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37389
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37994
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zlogin} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{zlogin} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37393
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37998
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.zlogin}. Used for executing user's commands at the end of starting process of login shell."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die in @file{.zlogin} eingefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle am Ende des Startvorgangs der Login-Shell ausgeführt werden."
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37999
#, no-wrap
msgid "@code{zlogout} (default: @code{()}) (type: text-config)"
msgstr "@code{zlogout} (Vorgabe: @code{()}) (Typ: Konfigurationstexte)"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37399
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38004
msgid "List of file-like objects, which will be added to @file{.zlogout}. Used for executing user's commands at the exit of login shell. It won't be read in some cases (if the shell terminates by exec'ing another process for example)."
msgstr "Eine Liste dateiartiger Objekte, die zu @file{.zlogout} hinzugefügt werden. Damit können benutzereigene Befehle beim Verlassen der Login-Shell ausgeführt werden. Die Datei wird in manchen Fällen @emph{nicht} gelesen (wenn die Shell zum Beispiel durch exec eines anderen Prozesses terminiert)."
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37404
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38009
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mcron Home Service"
msgstr "Persönlicher Mcron-Dienst"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37405
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38010
#, no-wrap
msgid "Scheduled User's Job Execution"
msgstr "Geplante Auftragsausführung durch Benutzer"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37418
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38023
msgid "The @code{(gnu home services mcron)} module provides an interface to GNU@tie{}mcron, a daemon to run jobs at scheduled times (@pxref{Top,,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}). The information about system's mcron is applicable here (@pxref{Scheduled Job Execution}), the only difference for home services is that they have to be declared in a @code{home-envirnoment} record instead of an @code{operating-system} record."
msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu home services mcron)} enthält eine Schnittstelle zu GNU@tie{}mcron, einem Daemon, der gemäß einem vorher festgelegten Zeitplan Aufträge (sogenannte „Jobs“) ausführt (siehe @ref{Top,,, mcron, GNU@tie{}mcron}). Es gelten hier dieselben Informationen wie beim mcron für Guix System (siehe @ref{Scheduled Job Execution}), außer dass Persönliche mcron-Dienste in einem @code{home-envirnoment}-Verbundsobjekt deklariert werden statt in einem @code{operating-system}-Verbundsobjekt."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37419
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38024
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-mcron-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-mcron-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37423
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38028
msgid "This is the type of the @code{mcron} home service, whose value is an @code{home-mcron-configuration} object. It allows to manage scheduled tasks."
msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp des Persönlichen @code{mcron}-Dienstes. Als Wert verwendet er ein @code{home-mcron-configuration}-Objekt. Hiermit können zu geplanten Zeiten Aufgaben durchgeführt werden."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37430
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38035
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} home-mcron-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} home-mcron-configuration"
#. type: node
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37444
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38049
#, no-wrap
msgid "Shepherd Home Service"
msgstr "Persönlicher Shepherd-Dienst"
#. type: subsection
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37445
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38050
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "Managing User Daemons"
+msgstr "Benutzer-Daemons verwalten"
+#. type: cindex
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38052
#, no-wrap
-msgid "Managing User's Daemons"
-msgstr "Des Benutzers Daemons verwalten"
+msgid "shepherd services, for users"
+msgstr "Shepherd-Dienste, für Benutzer"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38059
+msgid "The @code{(gnu home services shepherd)} module supports the definitions of per-user Shepherd services (@pxref{Introduction,,, shepherd, The GNU Shepherd Manual}). You extend @code{home-shepherd-service-type} with new services; Guix Home then takes care of starting the @code{shepherd} daemon for you when you log in, which in turns starts the services you asked for."
+msgstr ""
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37449
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38060
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-shepherd-service-type"
msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-shepherd-service-type"
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37454
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38065
msgid "The service type for the userland Shepherd, which allows one to manage long-running processes or one-shot tasks. User's Shepherd is not an init process (PID 1), but almost all other information described in (@pxref{Shepherd Services}) is applicable here too."
msgstr "Der Diensttyp für das als normaler Benutzer ausgeführte Shepherd, womit man sowohl durchgängig laufende Prozesse als auch einmalig ausgeführte Aufgaben verwalten. Mit Benutzerrechten ausgeführte Shepherd-Prozesse sind @emph{keine} „init“-Prozesse (PID 1), aber ansonsten sind fast alle Informationen aus @ref{Shepherd Services} auch für sie anwendbar."
#. type: defvr
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37459
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38070
msgid "This is the service type that extensions target when they want to create shepherd services (@pxref{Service Types and Services}, for an example). Each extension must pass a list of @code{<shepherd-service>}. Its value must be a @code{home-shepherd-configuration}, as described below."
msgstr "Dieser Diensttyp stellt das Ziel für Diensterweiterungen dar, die Shepherd-Dienste erzeugen sollen (siehe @ref{Service Types and Services} für ein Beispiel). Jede Erweiterung muss eine Liste von @code{<shepherd-service>}-Objekten übergeben. Sein Wert muss eine @code{home-shepherd-configuration} sein, wie im Folgenden beschrieben."
#. type: deftp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37461
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38072
#, no-wrap
msgid "{Data Type} home-shepherd-configuration"
msgstr "{Datentyp} home-shepherd-configuration"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37468
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38079
#, no-wrap
msgid "auto-start? (default: @code{#t})"
msgstr "auto-start? (Vorgabe: @code{#t})"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37470
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38081
msgid "Whether or not to start Shepherd on first login."
msgstr "Ob Shepherd bei einer ersten Anmeldung gestartet werden soll."
+#. type: subsection
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38089 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38090
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "Desktop Services"
+msgid "Desktop Home Services"
+msgstr "Desktop-Dienste"
+#. type: Plain text
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38095
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The @code{(gnu services authentication)} module provides a DBus service to read and identify fingerprints via a fingerprint sensor."
+msgid "The @code{(gnu home services desktop)} module provides services that you may find useful on ``desktop'' systems running a graphical user environment such as Xorg."
+msgstr "Das Modul @code{(gnu services authentication)} stellt einen DBus-Dienst zur Verfügung, mit dem Fingerabdrücke mit Hilfe eines Fingerabdrucksensors gelesen und identifiziert werden können."
+#. type: defvr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38096
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-service-type"
+msgid "{Scheme Variable} home-redshift-service-type"
+msgstr "{Scheme-Variable} home-service-type"
+#. type: defvr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38101
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "This is the service type to run the @uref{https://w1.fi/hostapd/, hostapd} daemon to set up WiFi (IEEE 802.11) access points and authentication servers. Its associated value must be a @code{hostapd-configuration} as shown below:"
+msgid "This is the service type for @uref{https://github.com/jonls/redshift, Redshift}, a program that adjusts the display color temperature according to the time of day. Its associated value must be a @code{home-redshift-configuration} record, as shown below."
+msgstr "Dies ist der Diensttyp für den @uref{https://w1.fi/hostapd/, hostapd-Daemon}, mit dem ein WLAN-Zugangspunkt (ein „Access Point“ gemäß IEEE 802.11) und Authentifizierungsserver eingerichtet werden kann. Sein zugewiesener Wert muss eine @code{hostapd-configuration} sein wie im folgenden Beispiel:"
+#. type: defvr
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38104
+msgid "A typical configuration, where we manually specify the latitude and longitude, might look like this:"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: lisp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38111
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"(service home-redshift-service-type\n"
+" (home-redshift-configuration\n"
+" (location-provider 'manual)\n"
+" (latitude 35.81) ;northern hemisphere\n"
+" (longitude -0.80))) ;west of Greenwich\n"
+msgstr ""
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38114
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "{Data Type} home-zsh-configuration"
+msgid "{Data Type} home-redshift-configuration"
+msgstr "{Datentyp} home-zsh-configuration"
+#. type: deftp
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38116
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Available @code{home-zsh-configuration} fields are:"
+msgid "Available @code{home-redshift-configuration} fields are:"
+msgstr "Verfügbare @code{home-zsh-configuration}-Felder sind:"
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38118
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{dbus} (default: @code{dbus}) (type: package)"
+msgid "@code{redshift} (default: @code{redshift}) (type: file-like)"
+msgstr "@code{dbus} (Vorgabe: @code{dbus}) (Typ: „package“)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38120
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "The audit package to use."
+msgid "Redshift package to use."
+msgstr "Das zu verwendende audit-Paket."
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38121
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{auto-answer?} (default: @code{#f}) (type: boolean)"
+msgid "@code{location-provider} (default: @code{geoclue2}) (type: symbol)"
+msgstr "@code{auto-answer?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38127
+msgid "Geolocation provider---@code{'manual} or @code{'geoclue2}. In the former case, you must also specify the @code{latitude} and @code{longitude} fields so Redshift can determine daytime at your place. In the latter case, the Geoclue system service must be running; it will be queried for location information."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38128
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{auto-answer?} (default: @code{#f}) (type: boolean)"
+msgid "@code{adjustment-method} (default: @code{randr}) (type: symbol)"
+msgstr "@code{auto-answer?} (Vorgabe: @code{#f}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38130
+msgid "Color adjustment method."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38131
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{xdg-flavor?} (default: @code{#t}) (type: boolean)"
+msgid "@code{daytime-temperature} (default: @code{6500}) (type: integer)"
+msgstr "@code{xdg-flavor?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38133
+msgid "Daytime color temperature (kelvins)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38134
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{xdg-flavor?} (default: @code{#t}) (type: boolean)"
+msgid "@code{nighttime-temperature} (default: @code{4500}) (type: integer)"
+msgstr "@code{xdg-flavor?} (Vorgabe: @code{#t}) (Typ: Boolescher-Ausdruck)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38136
+msgid "Nighttime color temperature (kelvins)."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38137
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{name-server-uri} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
+msgid "@code{daytime-brightness} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)"
+msgstr "@code{name-server-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Zeichenkette)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38139
+msgid "Daytime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38140
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{name-server-uri} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
+msgid "@code{nighttime-brightness} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)"
+msgstr "@code{name-server-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Zeichenkette)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38142
+msgid "Nighttime screen brightness, between 0.1 and 1.0."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38143
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{accounts} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-jami-account-list)"
+msgid "@code{latitude} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)"
+msgstr "@code{accounts} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-„jami-account“-Liste)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38145
+msgid "Latitude, when @code{location-provider} is @code{'manual}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38146
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{accounts} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-jami-account-list)"
+msgid "@code{longitude} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-inexact-number)"
+msgstr "@code{accounts} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-„jami-account“-Liste)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38148
+msgid "Longitude, when @code{location-provider} is @code{'manual}."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38149
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{name-server-uri} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
+msgid "@code{dawn-time} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
+msgstr "@code{name-server-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Zeichenkette)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38153
+msgid "Custom time for the transition from night to day in the morning---@code{\"HH:MM\"} format. When specified, solar elevation is not used to determine the daytime/nighttime period."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38154
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{name-server-uri} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
+msgid "@code{dusk-time} (default: @code{disabled}) (type: maybe-string)"
+msgstr "@code{name-server-uri} (Vorgabe: @code{disabled}) (Typ: Vielleicht-Zeichenkette)"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38157
+msgid "Likewise, custom time for the transition from day to night in the evening."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: item
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38158
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "@code{extra-content} (default: @code{\"\"})"
+msgid "@code{extra-content} (default: @code{\"\"}) (type: raw-configuration-string)"
+msgstr "@code{extra-content} (Vorgabe: @code{\"\"})"
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38162
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "Extra settings to append as-is to the hostapd configuration file. See @uref{https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/hostapd/hostapd.conf} for the configuration file reference."
+msgid "Extra content appended as-is to the Redshift configuration file. Run @command{man redshift} for more information about the configuration file format."
+msgstr "Weitere Einstellungen, die wie sie sind an die Konfigurationsdatei von hostapd angehängt werden. Siehe @uref{https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/hostapd/hostapd.conf} für eine Referenz der Konfigurationsdatei."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37479
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38169
#, no-wrap
msgid "Invoking @code{guix home}"
msgstr "@code{guix home} aufrufen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37484
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38174
msgid "Once you have written a home environment declaration (@pxref{Declaring the Home Environment,,,,}, it can be @dfn{instantiated} using the @command{guix home} command. The synopsis is:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie eine Deklaration Ihrer Persönlichen Umgebung haben (siehe @ref{Declaring the Home Environment,,,,}), kann diese @dfn{instanziiert} werden, indem Sie den Befehl @command{guix home} aufrufen. Zusammengefasst:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37487
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38177
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home @var{options}@dots{} @var{action} @var{file}\n"
msgstr "guix home @var{Optionen}…@: @var{Aktion} @var{Datei}\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37494
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38184
msgid "@var{file} must be the name of a file containing a @code{home-environment} declaration. @var{action} specifies how the home environment is instantiated, but there are few auxiliary actions which don't instantiate it. Currently the following values are supported:"
msgstr "@var{Datei} muss der Name einer Datei sein, in der eine Persönliche Umgebung als @code{home-environment}-Objekt steht. @var{Aktion} gibt an, wie das Betriebssystem instanziiert wird (abgesehen von unterstützenden Aktionen, wo nichts instanziiert wird). Derzeit werden folgende Werte dafür unterstützt:"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37499
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38189
msgid "Display available home service type definitions that match the given regular expressions, sorted by relevance:"
msgstr "Verfügbare Definitionen Persönlicher Dienste anzeigen, die zum angegebenen regulären Ausdruck passen, sortiert nach Relevanz:"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37501
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38191
#, no-wrap
msgid "shell-profile"
msgstr "Shell-Profil"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37513
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38202
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix home search shell\n"
"name: home-shell-profile\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:73:2\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:100:2\n"
"extends: home-files\n"
-"description: Create `~/.profile', which is used for environment initialization\n"
-"+ of POSIX compatible login shells. Can be extended with a list of strings or\n"
-"+ gexps.\n"
+"description: Create `~/.profile', which is used for environment initialization of POSIX compliant login shells.\n"
+"+ This service type can be extended with a list of file-like objects.\n"
"relevance: 6\n"
msgstr ""
"$ guix home search shell\n"
"name: home-shell-profile\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:73:2\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:100:2\n"
"extends: home-files\n"
-"description: Create `~/.profile', which is used for environment initialization\n"
-"+ of POSIX compatible login shells. Can be extended with a list of strings or\n"
-"+ gexps.\n"
+"description: Create `~/.profile', which is used for environment initialization of POSIX compliant login shells.\n"
+"+ This service type can be extended with a list of file-like objects.\n"
"relevance: 6\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37519
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"name: home-zsh-plugin-manager\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:28:2\n"
-"extends: home-zsh home-profile\n"
-"description: Install plugins in profile and configure Zsh to load them.\n"
-"relevance: 1\n"
-msgstr ""
-"name: home-zsh-plugin-manager\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:28:2\n"
-"extends: home-zsh home-profile\n"
-"description: Install plugins in profile and configure Zsh to load them.\n"
-"relevance: 1\n"
-#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37526
-#, no-wrap
-msgid ""
-"name: home-zsh-direnv\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:69:2\n"
-"extends: home-profile home-zsh\n"
-"description: Enables `direnv' for `zsh'. Adds hook to `.zshrc' and installs a\n"
-"+ package in the profile.\n"
-"relevance: 1\n"
-msgstr ""
-"name: home-zsh-direnv\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:69:2\n"
-"extends: home-profile home-zsh\n"
-"description: Enables `direnv' for `zsh'. Adds hook to `.zshrc' and installs a\n"
-"+ package in the profile.\n"
-"relevance: 1\n"
-#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37535
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38208
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-"name: home-zsh-autosuggestions\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:43:2\n"
-"extends: home-zsh-plugin-manager home-zsh\n"
-"description: Enables Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for `zsh' and\n"
-"+ sets reasonable default values for some plugin's variables to improve perfomance\n"
-"+ and adjust behavior: `(history completion)' is set for strategy, manual rebind\n"
-"+ and async are enabled.\n"
-"relevance: 1\n"
+"name: home-fish\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:640:2\n"
+"extends: home-files home-profile\n"
+"description: Install and configure Fish, the friendly interactive shell.\n"
+"relevance: 3\n"
msgstr ""
-"name: home-zsh-autosuggestions\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:43:2\n"
-"extends: home-zsh-plugin-manager home-zsh\n"
-"description: Enables Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for `zsh' and\n"
-"+ sets reasonable default values for some plugin's variables to improve perfomance\n"
-"+ and adjust behavior: `(history completion)' is set for strategy, manual rebind\n"
-"+ and async are enabled.\n"
-"relevance: 1\n"
+"name: home-fish\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:640:2\n"
+"extends: home-files home-profile\n"
+"description: Install and configure Fish, the friendly interactive shell.\n"
+"relevance: 3\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37541
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38214
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: home-zsh\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:236:2\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:290:2\n"
"extends: home-files home-profile\n"
"description: Install and configure Zsh.\n"
"relevance: 1\n"
msgstr ""
"name: home-zsh\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:236:2\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:290:2\n"
"extends: home-files home-profile\n"
"description: Install and configure Zsh.\n"
"relevance: 1\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37547
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38220
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"name: home-bash\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:388:2\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:508:2\n"
"extends: home-files home-profile\n"
-"description: Install and configure Bash.\n"
+"description: Install and configure GNU Bash.\n"
"relevance: 1\n"
msgstr ""
"name: home-bash\n"
-"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:388:2\n"
+"location: gnu/home/services/shells.scm:508:2\n"
"extends: home-files home-profile\n"
-"description: Install and configure Bash.\n"
+"description: Install and configure GNU Bash.\n"
"relevance: 1\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37563
-msgid "Build the home environment described in @var{file}, and switch to it. Switching means that the activation script will be evaluated and (in basic scenario) symlinks to configuration files generated from @code{home-environment} declaration will be created in @file{~}. If the file with the same path already exists in home folder it will be moved to @file{~/TIMESTAMP-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup}, where TIMESTAMP is a current UNIX epoch time."
-msgstr "Die in der @var{Datei} beschriebene Persönliche Umgebung erstellen und zu ihr wechseln. Wechseln bedeutet, dass das Aktivierungsskript ausgewertet wird und (in der Grundeinstellung) symbolische Verknüpfungen auf Konfigurationsdateien, die anhand der Deklaration der Persönlichen Umgebung im @code{home-environment}-Objekt erzeugt werden, in @file{~} angelegt werden. Wenn die Datei mit demselben Pfad bereits im Persönlichen Verzeichnis existiert, wird sie nach @file{~/ZEITSTEMPEL-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup} verschoben. Dabei ist ZEITSTEMPEL eine Zeitangabe seit der UNIX-Epoche."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38227
+msgid "As for @command{guix search}, the result is written in @code{recutils} format, which makes it easy to filter the output (@pxref{Top, GNU recutils databases,, recutils, GNU recutils manual})."
+msgstr "Wie auch bei @command{guix search} wird das Ergebnis im @code{recutils}-Format geliefert, so dass es leicht ist, die Ausgabe zu filtern (siehe @ref{Top, GNU-recutils-Datenbanken,, recutils, Handbuch von GNU recutils})."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38236
+msgid "Build the home environment described in @var{file}, and switch to it. Switching means that the activation script will be evaluated and (in basic scenario) symlinks to configuration files generated from @code{home-environment} declaration will be created in @file{~}. If the file with the same path already exists in home folder it will be moved to @file{~/@var{timestamp}-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup}, where @var{timestamp} is a current UNIX epoch time."
+msgstr "Die in der @var{Datei} beschriebene Persönliche Umgebung erstellen und zu ihr wechseln. Wechseln bedeutet, dass das Aktivierungsskript ausgewertet wird und (in der Grundeinstellung) symbolische Verknüpfungen auf Konfigurationsdateien, die anhand der Deklaration der Persönlichen Umgebung im @code{home-environment}-Objekt erzeugt werden, in @file{~} angelegt werden. Wenn die Datei mit demselben Pfad bereits im Persönlichen Verzeichnis existiert, wird sie nach @file{~/@var{Zeitstempel}-guix-home-legacy-configs-backup} verschoben. Dabei ist @var{Zeitstempel} eine Zeitangabe seit der UNIX-Epoche."
#. type: quotation
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37568
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38241
msgid "It is highly recommended to run @command{guix pull} once before you run @command{guix home reconfigure} for the first time (@pxref{Invoking guix pull})."
msgstr "Es ist sehr zu empfehlen, @command{guix pull} einmal auszuführen, bevor Sie @command{guix home reconfigure} zum ersten Mal aufrufen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix pull})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37575
-msgid "This effects all the configuration specified in @var{file}. The command starts Shepherd services specified in @var{file} that are not currently running; if a service is currently running, this command will arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g.@: by @code{herd stop X} or @code{herd restart X})."
-msgstr "Dieser Befehl setzt die in der @var{Datei} festgelegte Konfiguration vollständig um. Der Befehl startet die in der @var{Datei} angegebenen Shepherd-Dienste, die aktuell nicht laufen; bei aktuell laufenden Diensten wird sichergestellt, dass sie aktualisiert werden, sobald sie das nächste Mal angehalten wurden (z.B.@: durch @code{herd stop X} oder @code{herd restart X})."
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38248
+msgid "This effects all the configuration specified in @var{file}. The command starts Shepherd services specified in @var{file} that are not currently running; if a service is currently running, this command will arrange for it to be upgraded the next time it is stopped (e.g.@: by @code{herd stop @var{service}} or @code{herd restart @var{service}})."
+msgstr "Dieser Befehl setzt die in der @var{Datei} festgelegte Konfiguration vollständig um. Der Befehl startet die in der @var{Datei} angegebenen Shepherd-Dienste, die aktuell nicht laufen; bei aktuell laufenden Diensten wird sichergestellt, dass sie aktualisiert werden, sobald sie das nächste Mal angehalten wurden (z.B.@: durch @code{herd stop @var{Dienst}} oder @code{herd restart @var{Dienst}})."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37581
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38254
msgid "This command creates a new generation whose number is one greater than the current generation (as reported by @command{guix home list-generations}). If that generation already exists, it will be overwritten. This behavior mirrors that of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Dieser Befehl erzeugt eine neue Generation, deren Nummer (wie @command{guix home list-generations} sie anzeigt) um eins größer als die der aktuellen Generation ist. Wenn die so nummerierte Generation bereits existiert, wird sie überschrieben. Dieses Verhalten entspricht dem von @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37582
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38255
#, no-wrap
msgid "provenance tracking, of the home environment"
msgstr "Provenienzverfolgung, der Persönlichen Umgebung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37587
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38260
msgid "Upon completion, the new home is deployed under @file{~/.guix-home}. This directory contains @dfn{provenance meta-data}: the list of channels in use (@pxref{Channels}) and @var{file} itself, when available. You can view the provenance information by running:"
msgstr "Nach Abschluss wird die neue Persönliche Umgebung unter @file{~/.guix-home} verfügbar gemacht. Das Verzeichnis enthält @dfn{Provenienz-Metadaten}: Dazu gehören die Liste der Kanäle, die benutzt wurden (siehe @ref{Channels}) und die @var{Datei} selbst, wenn sie verfügbar ist. Sie können die Provenienzinformationen auf diese Weise ansehen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37590
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38263
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home describe\n"
msgstr "guix home describe\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37596
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38269
msgid "This information is useful should you later want to inspect how this particular generation was built. In fact, assuming @var{file} is self-contained, you can later rebuild generation @var{n} of your home environment with:"
msgstr "Diese Informationen sind nützlich, falls Sie später inspizieren möchten, wie diese spezielle Generation erstellt wurde. Falls die @var{Datei} eigenständig ist, also keine anderen Dateien zum Funktionieren braucht, dann können Sie tatsächlich die Generation @var{n} Ihrer Persönlichen Umgebung später erneut erstellen mit:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37602
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38275
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix time-machine \\\n"
@@ -69415,110 +70741,110 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37609
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38282
msgid "You can think of it as some sort of built-in version control! Your home is not just a binary artifact: @emph{it carries its own source}."
msgstr "Sie können sich das als eine Art eingebaute Versionskontrolle vorstellen! Ihre Persönliche Umgebung ist nicht nur ein binäres Erzeugnis: @emph{Es enthält seinen eigenen Quellcode}."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37615
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38288
#, no-wrap
msgid "home generations"
msgstr "Generationen von Persönlichen Umgebungen"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37618
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38291
msgid "Switch to an existing home generation. This action atomically switches the home profile to the specified home generation."
msgstr "Zu einer bestehenden Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung wechseln. Diese Aktion wechselt das Profil der Persönlichen Umgebung atomar auf die angegebene Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37622
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38295
msgid "The target generation can be specified explicitly by its generation number. For example, the following invocation would switch to home generation 7:"
msgstr "Die Zielgeneration kann ausdrücklich über ihre Generationsnummer angegeben werden. Zum Beispiel würde folgender Aufruf einen Wechsel zur Generation 7 der Persönlichen Umgebung bewirken:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37625
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38298
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home switch-generation 7\n"
msgstr "guix home switch-generation 7\n"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37636
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38309
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home switch-generation -- -1\n"
msgstr "guix home switch-generation -- -1\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37645
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38318
msgid "Switch to the preceding home generation. This is the inverse of @command{reconfigure}, and it is exactly the same as invoking @command{switch-generation} with an argument of @code{-1}."
msgstr "Zur vorhergehenden Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung wechseln. Dies ist die Umkehrung von @command{reconfigure} und tut genau dasselbe wie @command{switch-generation} mit dem Argument @code{-1} aufzurufen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37647
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38320
#, no-wrap
msgid "deleting home generations"
msgstr "Löschen von Generationen der Persönlichen Umgebung"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37652
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38325
msgid "Delete home generations, making them candidates for garbage collection (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}, for information on how to run the ``garbage collector'')."
msgstr "Generationen der Persönlichen Umgebung löschen, wodurch diese zu Kandidaten für den Müllsammler werden (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc} für Informationen, wie Sie den „Müllsammler“ laufen lassen)."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37656
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38329
msgid "This works in the same way as @samp{guix package --delete-generations} (@pxref{Invoking guix package, @option{--delete-generations}}). With no arguments, all home generations but the current one are deleted:"
msgstr "Es funktioniert auf die gleiche Weise wie @samp{guix package --delete-generations} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package, @option{--delete-generations}}). Wenn keine Argumente angegeben werden, werden alle Generationen der Persönlichen Umgebung außer der aktuellen gelöscht:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37659
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38332
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home delete-generations\n"
msgstr "guix home delete-generations\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37663
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38336
msgid "You can also select the generations you want to delete. The example below deletes all the home generations that are more than two months old:"
msgstr "Sie können auch eine Auswahl treffen, welche Generationen Sie löschen möchten. Das folgende Beispiel hat die Löschung aller Generationen der Persönlichen Umgebung zur Folge, die älter als zwei Monate sind:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37666
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38339
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix home delete-generations 2m\n"
msgstr "guix home delete-generations 2m\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37672
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38345
msgid "Build the derivation of the home environment, which includes all the configuration files and programs needed. This action does not actually install anything."
msgstr "Die Ableitung der Persönlichen Umgebung erstellen, einschließlich aller Konfigurationsdateien und Programme, die benötigt werden. Diese Aktion installiert jedoch nichts davon."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37676
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38349
msgid "Describe the current home generation: its file name, as well as provenance information when available."
msgstr "Die aktuelle Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung beschreiben: ihren Dateinamen sowie Provenienzinformationen, falls verfügbar."
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37682
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38355
msgid "List a summary of each generation of the home environment available on disk, in a human-readable way. This is similar to the @option{--list-generations} option of @command{guix package} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Eine für Menschen verständliche Zusammenfassung jeder auf der Platte verfügbaren Generation der Persönlichen Umgebung ausgeben. Dies ähnelt der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--list-generations} von @command{guix package} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37690
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38363
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ guix home list-generations 10d\n"
msgstr "$ guix home list-generations 10d\n"
#. type: item
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37692
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38365
#, no-wrap
msgid "import"
msgstr "import"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37699
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38372
msgid "Generate a @dfn{home environment} from the packages in the default profile and configuration files found in the user's home directory. The configuration files will be copied to the specified directory, and a @file{home-configuration.scm} will be populated with the home environment. Note that not every home service that exists is supported (@pxref{Home Services})."
msgstr "Eine Deklaration der Persönlichen Umgebung anhand der Pakete im Standardprofil und der Konfigurationsdateien im Persönlichen Verzeichnis des Benutzers anlegen. Dabei werden die Konfigurationsdateien in das angegebene Verzeichnis kopiert und eine @file{home-configuration.scm} wird darin mit dem, was die Persönliche Umgebung ausmacht, gefüllt. Beachten Sie, dass @code{guix home import} nicht alle Persönlichen Dienste, die es gibt, unterstützt (siehe @ref{Home Services})."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37703
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38376
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix home import ~/guix-config\n"
@@ -69528,52 +70854,62 @@ msgstr ""
"guix home: Alle Konfigurationsdateien für die Persönliche Umgebung wurden in „/home/alice/guix-config“ geschrieben\n"
#. type: table
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37718
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38391
msgid "Consider the home-environment @var{expr} evaluates to. This is an alternative to specifying a file which evaluates to a home environment."
msgstr "Als Konfiguration der Persönlichen Umgebung das @code{home-environment}-Objekt betrachten, zu dem der @var{Ausdruck} ausgewertet wird. Dies ist eine Alternative dazu, die Konfiguration in einer Datei festzulegen."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38394
+msgid "Instruct @command{guix home reconfigure} to allow system downgrades."
+msgstr "An @command{guix home reconfigure} die Anweisung erteilen, Systemherabstufungen zuzulassen."
+#. type: table
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38401
+msgid "Just like @command{guix system}, @command{guix home reconfigure}, by default, prevents you from downgrading your home to older or unrelated revisions compared to the channel revisions that were used to deploy it---those shown by @command{guix home describe}. Using @option{--allow-downgrades} allows you to bypass that check, at the risk of downgrading your home---be careful!"
+msgstr ""
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37724
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38407
#, no-wrap
msgid "documentation, searching for"
msgstr "Dokumentation, Suche danach"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37725
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38408
#, no-wrap
msgid "searching for documentation"
msgstr "Suchen nach Dokumentation"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37726
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38409
#, no-wrap
msgid "Info, documentation format"
msgstr "Info, Dokumentationsformat"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37727
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38410
#, no-wrap
msgid "man pages"
msgstr "man-Pages (Handbuchseiten)"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37728
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38411
#, no-wrap
msgid "manual pages"
msgstr "Handbuchseiten („Man-Pages“)"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37735
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38418
msgid "In most cases packages installed with Guix come with documentation. There are two main documentation formats: ``Info'', a browsable hypertext format used for GNU software, and ``manual pages'' (or ``man pages''), the linear documentation format traditionally found on Unix. Info manuals are accessed with the @command{info} command or with Emacs, and man pages are accessed using @command{man}."
msgstr "In den meisten Fällen liegt den mit Guix installierten Paketen auch Dokumentation bei, die diese beschreibt. Die zwei üblichsten Formate für Dokumentation sind „Info“, ein durchsuchbares Hypertextformat, das für GNU-Software benutzt wird, und sogenannte „Handbuchseiten“ (englisch „Manual Pages“, kurz Man-Pages), das linear aufgebaute Dokumentationsformat, das auf Unix traditionell mitgeliefert wird. Info-Handbücher können mit dem Befehl @command{info} oder mit Emacs abgerufen werden, auf Handbuchseiten kann mit dem Befehl @command{man} zugegriffen werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37739
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38422
msgid "You can look for documentation of software installed on your system by keyword. For example, the following command searches for information about ``TLS'' in Info manuals:"
msgstr "Sie können die Dokumentation von auf Ihrem System installierter Software nach einem Schlüsselwort durchsuchen. Zum Beispiel suchen Sie mit folgendem Befehl in den Info-Handbüchern nach „TLS“."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37747
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38430
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ info -k TLS\n"
@@ -69591,12 +70927,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37753
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38436
msgid "The command below searches for the same keyword in man pages@footnote{The database searched by @command{man -k} is only created in profiles that contain the @code{man-db} package.}:"
msgstr "Mit folgendem Befehl suchen Sie dasselbe Schlüsselwort in Handbuchseiten@footnote{Die von @command{man -k} durchsuchte Datenbank wird nur erstellt, wenn Ihre Umgebung das Paket @code{man-db} enthält.}:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37759
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38442
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ man -k TLS\n"
@@ -69610,97 +70946,97 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37765
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38448
msgid "These searches are purely local to your computer so you have the guarantee that documentation you find corresponds to what you have actually installed, you can access it off-line, and your privacy is respected."
msgstr "Diese Suchvorgänge finden ausschließlich lokal auf Ihrem Rechner statt, wodurch gewährleistet ist, dass die Fundstellen zur von Ihnen auch tatsächlich installierten Software passen, Sie für den Zugriff keine Internetverbindung brauchen und Datenschutz gewährleistet bleibt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37768
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38451
msgid "Once you have these results, you can view the relevant documentation by running, say:"
msgstr "Sobald Sie die Fundstellen kennen, können Sie zum Beispiel so die entsprechende Dokumentation anzeigen lassen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37771
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38454
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ info \"(gnutls)Core TLS API\"\n"
msgstr "$ info \"(gnutls)Core TLS API\"\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37775
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38458
msgid "or:"
msgstr "oder"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37778
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38461
#, no-wrap
msgid "$ man certtool\n"
msgstr "$ man certtool\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37786
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38469
msgid "Info manuals contain sections and indices as well as hyperlinks like those found in Web pages. The @command{info} reader (@pxref{Top, Info reader,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}) and its Emacs counterpart (@pxref{Misc Help,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}) provide intuitive key bindings to navigate manuals. @xref{Getting Started,,, info, Info: An Introduction}, for an introduction to Info navigation."
msgstr "Info-Handbücher sind in Abschnitte unterteilt und verfügen über Register sowie Hyperlinks, wie jene, die Sie auch von Webseiten kennen. Der @command{info}-Betrachter (siehe @ref{Top, Info-Betrachter,, info-stnd, Stand-alone GNU Info}) und sein Gegenstück für Emacs (siehe @ref{Misc Help,,, emacs, The GNU Emacs Manual}) verfügen über leicht erlernbare Tastenkürzel, mit denen Sie in Handbüchern navigieren können. Siehe @ref{Getting Started,,, info, Info: An Introduction} für eine Einführung in die Info-Navigation."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37790
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38473
#, no-wrap
msgid "debugging files"
msgstr "Dateien zur Fehlersuche"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37796
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38479
msgid "Program binaries, as produced by the GCC compilers for instance, are typically written in the ELF format, with a section containing @dfn{debugging information}. Debugging information is what allows the debugger, GDB, to map binary code to source code; it is required to debug a compiled program in good conditions."
msgstr "Die Binärdateien von Programmen, wie sie zum Beispiel von den GCC-Compilern erzeugt werden, sind in der Regel im ELF-Format gespeichert und enthalten eine Sektion mit @dfn{Informationen zur Fehlersuche} (englisch „Debugging Information“). Informationen zur Fehlersuche machen es möglich, dass der Debugger, GDB, Binärcode dem Quellcode zuordnen kann. Das ist nötig, damit es mit etwas Glück leicht ist, Fehler in einem kompilierten Programm zu suchen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37800
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38483
msgid "This chapter explains how to use separate debug info when packages provide it, and how to rebuild packages with debug info when it's missing."
msgstr "Dieses Kapitel erklärt, wie abgetrennte Informationen zur Fehlersuche („Debug“-Informationen) verwendet werden können, wenn Pakete solche anbieten, und wie Pakete mit Informationen zur Fehlersuche neu erstellt werden können, wenn die Pakete keine anbieten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37816
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38499
msgid "The problem with debugging information is that is takes up a fair amount of disk space. For example, debugging information for the GNU C Library weighs in at more than 60 MiB@. Thus, as a user, keeping all the debugging info of all the installed programs is usually not an option. Yet, space savings should not come at the cost of an impediment to debugging---especially in the GNU system, which should make it easier for users to exert their computing freedom (@pxref{GNU Distribution})."
msgstr "Das Problem bei Informationen zur Fehlersuche ist, dass dadurch einiges an Plattenplatz verbraucht wird. Zum Beispiel steuern die Informationen zur Fehlersuche in der GNU-C-Bibliothek mehr als 60 MiB bei. Als ein Nutzer ist es deswegen in der Regel nicht möglich, sämtliche Fehlersuchinformationen für alle installierten Programme zu speichern. Andererseits sollten Platzeinsparnisse nicht auf Kosten der Fehlersuche gehen@tie{}— besonders im GNU-System, wo es Nutzern leicht fallen sollte, ihre Freiheit, wie sie ihre Rechner benutzen, auszuüben (siehe @ref{GNU Distribution})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37823
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38506
msgid "Thankfully, the GNU Binary Utilities (Binutils) and GDB provide a mechanism that allows users to get the best of both worlds: debugging information can be stripped from the binaries and stored in separate files. GDB is then able to load debugging information from those files, when they are available (@pxref{Separate Debug Files,,, gdb, Debugging with GDB})."
msgstr "Glücklicherweise gibt es in den GNU Binary Utilities (Binutils) und GDB einen Mechanismus, mit dem Nutzer das Beste aus beiden Welten bekommen: Informationen zur Fehlersuche können von den davon beschriebenen Binärdateien losgelöst und in separaten Dateien gespeichert werden. GDB kann dann Fehlersuchinformationen laden, wenn diese Dateien verfügbar sind (siehe @ref{Separate Debug Files,,, gdb, Debugging with GDB})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37831
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38514
msgid "The GNU distribution takes advantage of this by storing debugging information in the @code{lib/debug} sub-directory of a separate package output unimaginatively called @code{debug} (@pxref{Packages with Multiple Outputs}). Users can choose to install the @code{debug} output of a package when they need it. For instance, the following command installs the debugging information for the GNU C Library and for GNU Guile:"
msgstr "Die GNU-Distribution nutzt diesen Mechanismus aus, indem sie Informationen zur Fehlersuche im Unterverzeichnis @code{lib/debug} einer separaten Paketausgabe speichert, die den fantasielosen Namen @code{debug} trägt. Mit dem folgenden Befehl können Sie zum Beispiel Informationen zur Fehlersuche für die GNU-C-Bibliothek und für GNU Guile installieren:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37834
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38517
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix install glibc:debug guile:debug\n"
msgstr "guix install glibc:debug guile:debug\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37840
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38523
msgid "GDB must then be told to look for debug files in the user's profile, by setting the @code{debug-file-directory} variable (consider setting it from the @file{~/.gdbinit} file, @pxref{Startup,,, gdb, Debugging with GDB}):"
msgstr "GDB muss dann angewiesen werden, im Profil des Nutzers nach Informationen zur Fehlersuche zu schauen, indem Sie die Variable @code{debug-file-directory} entsprechend setzen (vielleicht möchsten Sie die Variable in der Datei @file{~/.gdbinit} festlegen, siehe @ref{Startup,,, gdb, Debugging with GDB}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37843
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38526
#, no-wrap
msgid "(gdb) set debug-file-directory ~/.guix-profile/lib/debug\n"
msgstr "(gdb) set debug-file-directory ~/.guix-profile/lib/debug\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37847
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38530
msgid "From there on, GDB will pick up debugging information from the @file{.debug} files under @file{~/.guix-profile/lib/debug}."
msgstr "Von da an wird GDB auch aus den @file{.debug}-Dateien unter @file{~/.guix-profile/lib/debug} auslesbare Informationen zur Fehlersuche verwenden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37852
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38535
msgid "Below is an alternative GDB script which is useful when working with other profiles. It takes advantage of the optional Guile integration in GDB. This snippet is included by default on Guix System in the @file{~/.gdbinit} file."
msgstr "Im Folgenden sehen Sie ein alternatives GDB-Skript, um mit anderen Profilen zu arbeiten. Es macht Gebrauch von der optionalen Guile-Einbindung in GDB. Dieses Schnipsel wird auf Guix System nach Voreinstellung in der @file{~/.gdbinit}-Datei zur Verfügung gestellt."
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37860
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38543
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
@@ -69718,32 +71054,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37868
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38551
msgid "In addition, you will most likely want GDB to be able to show the source code being debugged. To do that, you will have to unpack the source code of the package of interest (obtained with @code{guix build --source}, @pxref{Invoking guix build}), and to point GDB to that source directory using the @code{directory} command (@pxref{Source Path, @code{directory},, gdb, Debugging with GDB})."
msgstr "Des Weiteren werden Sie höchstwahrscheinlich wollen, dass GDB den Quellcode, der auf Fehler untersucht wird, anzeigen kann. Dazu müssen sie den Quellcodes des Pakets, für das Sie sich interessieren (laden Sie ihn mit @code{guix build --source} herunter; siehe @ref{Invoking guix build}), und dann weisen Sie GDB an, in dem Verzeichnis zu suchen, indem Sie den @code{directory}-Befehl benutzen (siehe @ref{Source Path, @code{directory},, gdb, Debugging with GDB})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37876
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38559
msgid "The @code{debug} output mechanism in Guix is implemented by the @code{gnu-build-system} (@pxref{Build Systems}). Currently, it is opt-in---debugging information is available only for the packages with definitions explicitly declaring a @code{debug} output. To check whether a package has a @code{debug} output, use @command{guix package --list-available} (@pxref{Invoking guix package})."
msgstr "Der Mechanismus mit der @code{debug}-Ausgabe wird in Guix als Teil des @code{gnu-build-system} implementiert (siehe @ref{Build Systems}). Zurzeit ist sie optional@tie{}— nur für Pakete, in deren Definition ausdrücklich eine @code{debug}-Ausgabe deklariert wurde, sind Informationen zur Fehlersuche verfügbar. Um zu überprüfen, ob Pakete eine @code{debug}-Ausgabe mit Informationen zur Fehlersuche haben, benutzen Sie @command{guix package --list-available} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix package})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37878
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38561
msgid "Read on for how to deal with packages lacking a @code{debug} output."
msgstr "Lesen Sie weiter, um zu erfahren, wie Sie mit Paketen ohne eine @code{debug}-Ausgabe umgehen können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37890
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38573
msgid "As we saw above, some packages, but not all, provide debugging info in a @code{debug} output. What can you do when debugging info is missing? The @option{--with-debug-info} option provides a solution to that: it allows you to rebuild the package(s) for which debugging info is missing---and only those---and to graft those onto the application you're debugging. Thus, while it's not as fast as installing a @code{debug} output, it is relatively inexpensive."
msgstr "Wie wir oben gesehen haben, bieten manche Pakete, aber nicht alle, Informationen zur Fehlersuche in einer @code{debug}-Ausgabe an. Doch was tut man mit denen ohne Fehlersuchinformationen? Die Befehlszeilenoption @option{--with-debug-info} stellt eine Lösung dafür da: Mit ihr kann jedes Paket, für das solche Debug-Informationen fehlen,@tie{}— und nur solche@tie{}— neu erstellt werden und die Anwendung, in der Sie Fehler suchen, wird damit veredelt. Obwohl es also nicht so schnell geht wie eine @code{debug}-Ausgabe zu installieren, ist es doch ein verhältnismäßig kleiner Aufwand."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37895
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38578
msgid "Let's illustrate that. Suppose you're experiencing a bug in Inkscape and would like to see what's going on in GLib, a library that's deep down in its dependency graph. As it turns out, GLib does not have a @code{debug} output and the backtrace GDB shows is all sadness:"
msgstr "Schauen wir uns das näher an. Angenommen, Sie erleben einen Fehler in Inkscape und würden gerne wissen, was dabei in GLib passiert. GLib ist eine Bibliothek, die tief im Abhängigkeitsgraphen von GLib liegt. Wie sich herausstellt, verfügt GLib über keine @code{debug}-Ausgabe. Die Rückverfolgung („Backtrace“), die GDB anzeigt, ist zu nichts nütze:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37906
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38589
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(gdb) bt\n"
@@ -69767,17 +71103,17 @@ msgstr ""
" at dl-init.c:118\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37910
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38593
msgid "To address that, you install Inkscape linked against a variant GLib that contains debug info:"
msgstr "Dagegen hilft, wenn Sie Inkscape so installieren, dass es an eine Variante von GLib gebunden ist, die Informationen zur Fehlersuche enthält."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37916
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38599
msgid "This time, debugging will be a whole lot nicer:"
msgstr "Und schon sieht die Fehlersuche wesentlich besser aus:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37934
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38617
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ gdb --args sh -c 'exec inkscape'\n"
@@ -69815,28 +71151,28 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37937
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38620
msgid "Much better!"
msgstr "Viel besser!"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37941
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38624
msgid "Note that there can be packages for which @option{--with-debug-info} will not have the desired effect. @xref{Package Transformation Options, @option{--with-debug-info}}, for more information."
msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass es Pakete geben kann, für die sich @option{--with-debug-info} nicht wie gewünscht auswirkt. Siehe @ref{Package Transformation Options, @option{--with-debug-info}} für mehr Informationen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37945
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38628
#, no-wrap
msgid "security updates"
msgstr "Sicherheitsaktualisierungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37954
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38637
msgid "Occasionally, important security vulnerabilities are discovered in software packages and must be patched. Guix developers try hard to keep track of known vulnerabilities and to apply fixes as soon as possible in the @code{master} branch of Guix (we do not yet provide a ``stable'' branch containing only security updates). The @command{guix lint} tool helps developers find out about vulnerable versions of software packages in the distribution:"
msgstr "Ab und zu werden wichtige Sicherheitsschwachstellen in Software-Paketen entdeckt, die mit Patches behoben werden müssen. Guix-Entwickler geben ihr Bestes, bezüglich bekannter Schwachstellen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und so bald wie möglich Patches dafür auf den @code{master}-Branch von Guix aufzuspielen (einen stabilen „stable“-Branch ohne riskante Änderungen haben wir noch nicht). Das Werkzeug @command{guix lint} hilft Entwicklern dabei, verwundbare Versionen von Softwarepaketen in der Distribution zu finden:"
#. type: smallexample
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37961
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38644
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ guix lint -c cve\n"
@@ -69852,39 +71188,39 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37964
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38647
msgid "@xref{Invoking guix lint}, for more information."
msgstr "Siehe @ref{Invoking guix lint} für weitere Informationen."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37973
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38656
msgid "Guix follows a functional package management discipline (@pxref{Introduction}), which implies that, when a package is changed, @emph{every package that depends on it} must be rebuilt. This can significantly slow down the deployment of fixes in core packages such as libc or Bash, since basically the whole distribution would need to be rebuilt. Using pre-built binaries helps (@pxref{Substitutes}), but deployment may still take more time than desired."
msgstr "Guix verfolgt eine funktionale Disziplin bei der Paketverwaltung (siehe @ref{Introduction}), was impliziert, dass bei jeder Änderung an einem Paket @emph{jedes davon abhängige Paket} neu erstellt werden muss. Ohne einen Mechanismus würde das Ausliefern von Sicherheitsaktualisierungen in Kernpaketen wie libc oder Bash dadurch deutlich verlangsamt@tie{}— schließlich müsste quasi die gesamte Distribution neu erstellt werden. Vorerstellte Binärdateien zu benutzen, wäre schon einmal eine Hilfe (siehe @ref{Substitutes}), aber die Auslieferung wäre immer noch laangsamer, als wir es uns wünschen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37974
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38657
#, no-wrap
msgid "grafts"
msgstr "Veredelungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37982
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38665
msgid "To address this, Guix implements @dfn{grafts}, a mechanism that allows for fast deployment of critical updates without the costs associated with a whole-distribution rebuild. The idea is to rebuild only the package that needs to be patched, and then to ``graft'' it onto packages explicitly installed by the user and that were previously referring to the original package. The cost of grafting is typically very low, and order of magnitudes lower than a full rebuild of the dependency chain."
msgstr "Als Gegenmittel sind in Guix @dfn{Veredelungen} implementiert. Diese stellen einen Mechanismus dar, mit dem kritische Aktualisierungen schnell an Guix’ Benutzer ausgeliefert werden können, ohne die Nachteile, zu denen es käme, wenn wir die gesamte Distribution neu erstellen müssten. Die Idee dahinter ist, nur das Paket, das einen Patch braucht, neu zu erstellen, und damit dann Pakete, die der Nutzer ausdrücklich installiert hat und die vorher Referenzen auf das alte Paket enthielten, zu „veredeln“. So eine Veredelung kostet typischerweise nur sehr wenig, d.h.@: um Größenordnungen weniger, als die ganze Abhängigkeitskette neu zu erstellen."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37983
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38666
#, no-wrap
msgid "replacements of packages, for grafts"
msgstr "Ersetzungen von Paketen, bei Veredelungen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37989
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38672
msgid "For instance, suppose a security update needs to be applied to Bash. Guix developers will provide a package definition for the ``fixed'' Bash, say @code{bash-fixed}, in the usual way (@pxref{Defining Packages}). Then, the original package definition is augmented with a @code{replacement} field pointing to the package containing the bug fix:"
msgstr "Nehmen wir also an, eine Sicherheitsaktualisierung müsste auf Bash angewandt werden. Guix-Entwickler schreiben dann eine Paketdefinition für die „reparierte“ Bash, sagen wir @code{bash-fixed}, auf die gleiche Art wie immer (siehe @ref{Defining Packages}). Dann wird die ursprüngliche Paketdefinition um ein @code{replacement}-Feld (zu Deutsch „Ersetzung“) erweitert, das auf das Paket verweist, in dem der Fehler behoben wurde:"
#. type: lisp
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:37996
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38679
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"(define bash\n"
@@ -69900,190 +71236,190 @@ msgstr ""
" (replacement bash-fixed)))\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38006
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38689
msgid "From there on, any package depending directly or indirectly on Bash---as reported by @command{guix gc --requisites} (@pxref{Invoking guix gc})---that is installed is automatically ``rewritten'' to refer to @code{bash-fixed} instead of @code{bash}. This grafting process takes time proportional to the size of the package, usually less than a minute for an ``average'' package on a recent machine. Grafting is recursive: when an indirect dependency requires grafting, then grafting ``propagates'' up to the package that the user is installing."
msgstr "Ab diesem Zeitpunkt wird jedes Paket, das Sie installieren und das direkt oder indirekt von Bash abhängt@tie{}— also die von @command{guix gc --requisites} ausgegebenen Pakete (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc})@tie{}—, automatisch „umgeschrieben“, so dass es @code{bash-fixed} referenziert, wo es vorher @code{bash} referenziert hatte. Die Dauer dieses Veredelungsprozesses ist proportional zur Größe des Pakets und liegt auf einer neuen Maschine für ein „durchschnittliches“ Paket bei unter einer Minute. Veredeln ist rekursiv: Wenn eine indirekte Abhängigkeit veredelt werden muss, „propagiert“ der Veredelungsprozess durch die abhängigen Pakete und endet mit dem Paket, das der Nutzer installiert."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38014
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38697
msgid "Currently, the length of the name and version of the graft and that of the package it replaces (@code{bash-fixed} and @code{bash} in the example above) must be equal. This restriction mostly comes from the fact that grafting works by patching files, including binary files, directly. Other restrictions may apply: for instance, when adding a graft to a package providing a shared library, the original shared library and its replacement must have the same @code{SONAME} and be binary-compatible."
msgstr "Zurzeit muss der Name und die Version einer Veredelung gleichlang wie die beim ersetzten Paket sein (also bei @code{bash-fixed} und @code{bash} im Beispiel oben). Diese Einschränkung kommt daher, dass beim Veredeln der Inhalt von Dateien, einschließlich Binärdateien, durch einfache Ersetzungen „geflickt“ wird. Es gibt noch mehr Einschränkungen: Wenn zum Beispiel ein Paket veredelt wird, das eine gemeinsame Bibliothek („Shared Library“) verwendet, muss der @code{SONAME} von Original und Ersatz derselbe sein und die beiden müssen binär kompatibel sein."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38018
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38701
msgid "The @option{--no-grafts} command-line option allows you to forcefully avoid grafting (@pxref{Common Build Options, @option{--no-grafts}}). Thus, the command:"
msgstr "Mit der Befehlszeilenoption @option{--no-grafts} können Sie den Veredelungsmechanismus zwingend abschalten (siehe @ref{Common Build Options, @option{--no-grafts}}). Der Befehl"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38021
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38704
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build bash --no-grafts\n"
msgstr "guix build bash --no-grafts\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38025
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38708
msgid "returns the store file name of the original Bash, whereas:"
msgstr "liefert also den Namen der Store-Datei mit der ursprünglichen Bash, während"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38028
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38711
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build bash\n"
msgstr "guix build bash\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38033
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38716
msgid "returns the store file name of the ``fixed'', replacement Bash. This allows you to distinguish between the two variants of Bash."
msgstr "den Namen der Store-Datei für die „reparierte“ Ersatz-Bash liefert. Dadurch können Sie zwischen den beiden Varianten von Bash unterscheiden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38036
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38719
msgid "To verify which Bash your whole profile refers to, you can run (@pxref{Invoking guix gc}):"
msgstr "Um zu prüfen, welche Bash Ihr gesamtes Profil referenziert, können Sie diesen Befehl hier laufen lassen (siehe @ref{Invoking guix gc}):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38039
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38722
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix gc -R $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile) | grep bash\n"
msgstr "guix gc -R $(readlink -f ~/.guix-profile) | grep bash\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38044
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38727
msgid "@dots{} and compare the store file names that you get with those above. Likewise for a complete Guix system generation:"
msgstr "Dann vergleichen Sie die Namen der Store-Objekte, die Sie ausgegeben bekommen, mit den beiden Bash-Paketnamen oben. Ebenso können Sie eine ganze Guix-Systemgeneration überprüfen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38047
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38730
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix gc -R $(guix system build my-config.scm) | grep bash\n"
msgstr "guix gc -R $(guix system build my-config.scm) | grep bash\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38051
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38734
msgid "Lastly, to check which Bash running processes are using, you can use the @command{lsof} command:"
msgstr "Zum Schluss können Sie mit dem Befehl @command{lsof} überprüfen, welches von den Bash-Paketen die laufenden Prozesse benutzen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38054
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38737
#, no-wrap
msgid "lsof | grep /gnu/store/.*bash\n"
msgstr "lsof | grep /gnu/store/.*bash\n"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38062
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38745
#, no-wrap
msgid "bootstrapping"
msgstr "Bootstrapping"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38069
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38752
msgid "Bootstrapping in our context refers to how the distribution gets built ``from nothing''. Remember that the build environment of a derivation contains nothing but its declared inputs (@pxref{Introduction}). So there's an obvious chicken-and-egg problem: how does the first package get built? How does the first compiler get compiled?"
msgstr "Wenn wir von Bootstrapping sprechen, meinen wir damit, wie die Distribution „aus dem Nichts“ erstellt werden kann. Erinnern Sie sich, wie die Erstellungsumgebung für eine Ableitung nichts außer ihren deklarierten Eingaben enthält (siehe @ref{Introduction})? Daraus ergibt sich ein Henne-Ei-Problem: Wie kann so das allererste Paket entstehen? Womit wird der Compiler kompiliert?"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38077
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38760
msgid "It is tempting to think of this question as one that only die-hard hackers may care about. However, while the answer to that question is technical in nature, its implications are wide-ranging. How the distribution is bootstrapped defines the extent to which we, as individuals and as a collective of users and hackers, can trust the software we run. It is a central concern from the standpoint of @emph{security} and from a @emph{user freedom} viewpoint."
msgstr "Man könnte auf die Idee kommen, diese Frage sei nur für eingefleischte Hacker interessant. Doch auch wenn die Antwort darauf technischer Natur ist, hat sie weitreichende Implikationen. Vom Bootstrapping der Distribution hängt ab, wie sehr wir, als Individuen und als Kollektiv aus Nutzern und Hackern, der Software vertrauen können, die wir verwenden. Es ist ein zentrales Anliegen vom Standpunkt der @emph{Informationssicherheit}, aber auch im Hinblick auf die @emph{Freiheit} der Benutzer."
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38078 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38290
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38761 guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38973
#, no-wrap
msgid "bootstrap binaries"
msgstr "Bootstrap-Binärdateien"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38088
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38771
msgid "The GNU system is primarily made of C code, with libc at its core. The GNU build system itself assumes the availability of a Bourne shell and command-line tools provided by GNU Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, `sed', and `grep'. Furthermore, build programs---programs that run @code{./configure}, @code{make}, etc.---are written in Guile Scheme (@pxref{Derivations}). Consequently, to be able to build anything at all, from scratch, Guix relies on pre-built binaries of Guile, GCC, Binutils, libc, and the other packages mentioned above---the @dfn{bootstrap binaries}."
msgstr "Das GNU-System besteht in erster Linie aus C-Code, dessen Kern die libc ist. Das GNU-Erstellungssystem selbst setzt voraus, dass eine Bourne-Shell und die Kommandozeilenwerkzeuge der GNU-Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, „sed“ und „grep“ verfügbar sind. Des Weiteren sind Programme für die Erstellung@tie{}— also Programme, die @code{./configure}, @code{make}, etc.@: ausführen@tie{}— in Guile Scheme geschrieben (siehe @ref{Derivations}). Folglich ist es erforderlich, dass, damit überhaupt irgendetwas erstellt werden kann, Guix vorerstellte Binärdateien von Guile, GCC, Binutils, libc und den anderen oben genannten Paketen verwendet. Diese bezeichnen wir als die @dfn{Bootstrap-Binärdateien}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38092
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38775
msgid "These bootstrap binaries are ``taken for granted'', though we can also re-create them if needed (@pxref{Preparing to Use the Bootstrap Binaries})."
msgstr "Diese Bootstrap-Binärdateien werden als „gegeben“ angenommen, obwohl wir sie auch neu erzeugen können, falls nötig (siehe @ref{Preparing to Use the Bootstrap Binaries})."
#. type: section
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38099
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38782
#, no-wrap
msgid "The Reduced Binary Seed Bootstrap"
msgstr "Das Bootstrapping mit kleinerem Seed"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38106
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38789
msgid "Guix---like other GNU/Linux distributions---is traditionally bootstrapped from a set of bootstrap binaries: Bourne shell, command-line tools provided by GNU Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, `sed', and `grep' and Guile, GCC, Binutils, and the GNU C Library (@pxref{Bootstrapping}). Usually, these bootstrap binaries are ``taken for granted.''"
msgstr "Guix wird@tie{}— wie andere GNU/Linux-Distributionen auch@tie{}— traditionell aus einer Menge von Bootstrap-Binärdateien heraus erstellt: der Bourne-Shell, den Befehlszeilenwerkzeugen der GNU Coreutils, Awk, Findutils, „sed“ und „grep“ sowie Guile, GCC, Binutils und der GNU-C-Bibliothek (siehe @ref{Bootstrapping}). Normalerweise werden diese Bootstrap-Binärdateien „stillschweigend vorausgesetzt“."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38112
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38795
msgid "Taking the bootstrap binaries for granted means that we consider them to be a correct and trustworthy ``seed'' for building the complete system. Therein lies a problem: the combined size of these bootstrap binaries is about 250MB (@pxref{Bootstrappable Builds,,, mes, GNU Mes}). Auditing or even inspecting these is next to impossible."
msgstr "Die Bootstrap-Binärdateien stillschweigend vorauszusetzen bedeutet, dass wir sie als korrekte und vertrauenswürdige Grundlage ansehen, als „Seed“, aus dem heraus das komplette System erstellt wird. Darin liegt ein Problem: Die Gesamtgröße all dieser Bootstrapping-Binärdateien beträgt um die 250MB (siehe @ref{Bootstrappable Builds,,, mes, GNU Mes}). Ein Audit oder auch nur eine Inspektion davon ist praktisch unmöglich."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38117
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38800
msgid "For @code{i686-linux} and @code{x86_64-linux}, Guix now features a ``Reduced Binary Seed'' bootstrap @footnote{We would like to say: ``Full Source Bootstrap'' and while we are working towards that goal it would be hyperbole to use that term for what we do now.}."
msgstr "Für @code{i686-linux} und @code{x86_64-linux} unterstützt Guix jetzt ein Bootstrapping „mit kleinerem Seed“ @footnote{Gerne würden wir „Bootstrapping aus dem Quellcode allein“ sagen und wir arbeiten auch daran, aber das schon jetzt zu sagen, wäre eine Übertreibung.}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38123
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38806
msgid "The Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap removes the most critical tools---from a trust perspective---from the bootstrap binaries: GCC, Binutils and the GNU C Library are replaced by: @code{bootstrap-mescc-tools} (a tiny assembler and linker) and @code{bootstrap-mes} (a small Scheme Interpreter and a C compiler written in Scheme and the Mes C Library, built for TinyCC and for GCC)."
msgstr "Beim Bootstrapping mit kleinerem Seed gehören die kritischsten Werkzeuge@tie{}— was Vertrauenswürdigkeit angeht@tie{}— nicht mehr zu den Bootstrapping-Binärdateien: Anstelle von GCC, Binutils und der GNU-C-Bibliothek bleiben nur @code{bootstrap-mescc-tools} (ein winziger Assembler und Binder) und @code{bootstrap-mes} (ein kleiner Scheme-Interpretierer sowie ein C-Compiler, der in Scheme geschrieben wurde, und die Mes-C-Bibliothek, mit der TinyCC und GCC erstellt werden können)."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38128
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38811
msgid "Using these new binary seeds the ``missing'' Binutils, GCC, and the GNU C Library are built from source. From here on the more traditional bootstrap process resumes. This approach has reduced the bootstrap binaries in size to about 145MB in Guix v1.1."
msgstr "Mit Hilfe dieser neuen Seed-Binärdateien werden die „fehlenden“ Binutils, GCC und die GNU-C-Bibliothek aus dem Quellcode heraus erstellt. Von hier an kann der traditionellere Bootstrapping-Vorgang wie gewohnt weiterlaufen. Durch diesen Ansatz machen die kleineren Bootstrapping-Binärdateien in Guix-Version@tie{}1.1 nur noch ungefähr 145MB aus."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38136
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38819
msgid "The next step that Guix has taken is to replace the shell and all its utilities with implementations in Guile Scheme, the @emph{Scheme-only bootstrap}. Gash (@pxref{Gash,,, gash, The Gash manual}) is a POSIX-compatible shell that replaces Bash, and it comes with Gash Utils which has minimalist replacements for Awk, the GNU Core Utilities, Grep, Gzip, Sed, and Tar. The rest of the bootstrap binary seeds that were removed are now built from source."
msgstr "Der nächste Schritt war es, die Shell und all ihre Werkzeuge durch in Guile Scheme verfasste Implementierungen zu ersetzen. Nun haben wir ein @emph{Bootstrapping nur in Scheme}. Gash (siehe @ref{Gash,,, gash, The Gash manual}) ist eine POSIX-kompatible Shell, die Bash ersetzt, und mit ihr kommen die Gash Utils als minimalistischer Ersatz für Awk, die GNU Core Utilities, Grep, Gzip, Sed und Tar. Die übrigen Binärdateien unter den Bootstrapping-Seeds wurden entfernt und werden jetzt aus ihrem Quellcode heraus erstellt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38146
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38829
msgid "Building the GNU System from source is currently only possible by adding some historical GNU packages as intermediate steps@footnote{Packages such as @code{gcc-2.95.3}, @code{binutils-2.14}, @code{glibc-2.2.5}, @code{gzip-1.2.4}, @code{tar-1.22}, and some others. For details, see @file{gnu/packages/commencement.scm}.}. As Gash and Gash Utils mature, and GNU packages become more bootstrappable again (e.g., new releases of GNU Sed will also ship as gzipped tarballs again, as alternative to the hard to bootstrap @code{xz}-compression), this set of added packages can hopefully be reduced again."
msgstr "Das Erstellen des GNU-Systems aus seinem Quellcode heraus ist derzeit nur möglich, wenn wir ein paar historische GNU-Pakete als Zwischenschritte hinzufügen@footnote{Dazu gehören Pakete wie @code{gcc-2.95.3}, @code{binutils-2.14}, @code{glibc-2.2.5}, @code{gzip-1.2.4}, @code{tar-1.22} und noch ein paar andere. Details finden Sie in @file{gnu/packages/commencement.scm}.}. Mit dem Heranreifen von Gash und Gash Utils und der Entwicklung von GNU-Paketen hin zu mehr Bootstrapbarkeit (z.B.@: wird es neue Veröffentlichungen von GNU Sed auch wieder als Gzip-komprimierte Tarballs geben, einer Alternative zur schwer zu bootstrappenden @code{xz}-Kompression), wird dieser Satz zusätzlicher Pakete hoffentlich noch einmal reduziert werden können."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38150
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38833
msgid "The graph below shows the resulting dependency graph for @code{gcc-core-mesboot0}, the bootstrap compiler used for the traditional bootstrap of the rest of the Guix System."
msgstr "Im folgenden Graphen sehen Sie den sich ergebenden Abhängigkeitsgraphen für @code{gcc-core-mesboot0}, den Bootstrapping-Compiler, mit dem das traditionelle Bootstrapping für den Rest von Guix System vollzogen wird."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38153
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38836
msgid "@image{images/gcc-core-mesboot0-graph,6in,,Dependency graph of gcc-core-mesboot0}"
msgstr "@image{images/gcc-core-mesboot0-graph,6in,,Abhängigkeitsgraph des gcc-core-mesboot0}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38160
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38843
msgid "The only significant binary bootstrap seeds that remain@footnote{ Ignoring the 68KB @code{mescc-tools}; that will be removed later, together with @code{mes}.} are a Scheme interpreter and a Scheme compiler: GNU Mes and GNU Guile@footnote{Not shown in this graph are the static binaries for @file{bash}, @code{tar}, and @code{xz} that are used to get Guile running.}."
msgstr "Die einzig bedeutsamen verbleibenden Binärdateien unter den Bootstrapping-Seeds@footnote{Wenn wir die 68KB-großen @code{mescc-tools} ignorieren, die wir später noch zusammen mit @code{mes} entfernen werden.} sind ein Scheme-Intepretierer und ein Scheme-Compiler: GNU Mes und GNU Guile@footnote{In diesem Graphen werden die statischen Binärdateien für @file{bash}, @code{tar} und @code{xz} nicht gezeigt, die wir benutzen, um Guile zum Laufen zu bringen.}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38163
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38846
msgid "This further reduction has brought down the size of the binary seed to about 60MB for @code{i686-linux} and @code{x86_64-linux}."
msgstr "Nach dieser weiteren Reduktion macht der binäre Seed nur noch ungefähr 60MB aus für @code{i686-linux} und @code{x86_64-linux}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38168
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38851
msgid "Work is ongoing to remove all binary blobs from our free software bootstrap stack, working towards a Full Source Bootstrap. Also ongoing is work to bring these bootstraps to the @code{arm-linux} and @code{aarch64-linux} architectures and to the Hurd."
msgstr "Wir arbeiten daran, alle binären „Blobs“ aus unserem Freie-Software-Bootstrapping zu entfernen, um nur aus Quellcode heraus bootstrappen zu können („Full Source Bootstrap“). Auch ist Arbeit im Gange, ein solches Bootstrapping für die @code{arm-linux}- und @code{aarch64-linux}-Architekturen und GNU@tie{}Hurd anzubieten."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38172
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38855
msgid "If you are interested, join us on @samp{#bootstrappable} on the Freenode IRC network or discuss on @email{bug-mes@@gnu.org} or @email{gash-devel@@nongnu.org}."
msgstr "Wenn Sie daran Interesse haben, dann machen Sie bei uns mit auf @code{#bootstrappable} auf dem Freenode-IRC-Netzwerk oder diskutieren Sie mit auf @email{bug-mes@@gnu.org} oder @email{gash-devel@@nongnu.org}."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38179
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38862
msgid "@image{images/bootstrap-graph,6in,,Dependency graph of the early bootstrap derivations}"
msgstr "@image{images/bootstrap-graph,6in,,Abhängigkeitsgraph der frühen Bootstrap-Ableitungen}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38184
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38867
msgid "The figure above shows the very beginning of the dependency graph of the distribution, corresponding to the package definitions of the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module. A similar figure can be generated with @command{guix graph} (@pxref{Invoking guix graph}), along the lines of:"
msgstr "Die Abbildung oben zeigt den Anfang des Abhängigkeitsgraphen der Distribution und entspricht den Paketdefinitionen im @code{(gnu package bootstrap)}-Modul. Eine ähnliche Grafik kann mit @command{guix graph} (siehe @ref{Invoking guix graph}) erzeugt werden:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38189
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38872
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix graph -t derivation \\\n"
@@ -70095,12 +71431,12 @@ msgstr ""
" | dot -Tps > gcc.ps\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38192
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38875
msgid "or, for the further Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap"
msgstr "oder für das Bootstrapping mit noch kleinerem Seed:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38197
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38880
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix graph -t derivation \\\n"
@@ -70112,43 +71448,43 @@ msgstr ""
" | dot -Tps > mes.ps\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38206
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38889
msgid "At this level of detail, things are slightly complex. First, Guile itself consists of an ELF executable, along with many source and compiled Scheme files that are dynamically loaded when it runs. This gets stored in the @file{guile-2.0.7.tar.xz} tarball shown in this graph. This tarball is part of Guix's ``source'' distribution, and gets inserted into the store with @code{add-to-store} (@pxref{The Store})."
msgstr "Bei diesem Detaillierungsgrad sind die Dinge recht komplex. Guile selbst besteht aus einer ausführbaren ELF-Datei neben vielen Quelldateien und kompilierten Scheme-Dateien, die dynamisch bei der Ausführung geladen werden. Das wird in dem im Graph gezeigten @file{guile-2.0.7.tar.xz}-Archiv gespeichert. Das Archiv ist Teil von Guix’ „Quelldistribution“ und wird in den Store mit @code{add-to-store} (siehe @ref{The Store}) eingefügt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38215
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38898
msgid "But how do we write a derivation that unpacks this tarball and adds it to the store? To solve this problem, the @code{guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv} derivation---the first one that gets built---uses @code{bash} as its builder, which runs @code{build-bootstrap-guile.sh}, which in turn calls @code{tar} to unpack the tarball. Thus, @file{bash}, @file{tar}, @file{xz}, and @file{mkdir} are statically-linked binaries, also part of the Guix source distribution, whose sole purpose is to allow the Guile tarball to be unpacked."
msgstr "Doch wie schreibt man eine Ableitung, die dieses Tarball-Archiv entpackt und in den Store einfügt? Um dieses Problem zu lösen, benutzt die @code{guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv}-Ableitung@tie{}— die erste, die erstellt wird@tie{}— @code{bash} als Ersteller, welche wiederum @code{build-bootstrap-guile.sh} ausführt, was über einen Aufruf von @code{tar} den Tarball entpackt. Deswegen sind @file{bash}, @file{tar}, @file{xz} und @file{mkdir} als statisch gebundene Binärdateien auch Teil der Guix-Quelldistribution, die nur dazu da sind, dass der Guile-Tarball entpackt werden kann."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38227
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38910
msgid "Once @code{guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv} is built, we have a functioning Guile that can be used to run subsequent build programs. Its first task is to download tarballs containing the other pre-built binaries---this is what the @file{.tar.xz.drv} derivations do. Guix modules such as @code{ftp-client.scm} are used for this purpose. The @code{module-import.drv} derivations import those modules in a directory in the store, using the original layout. The @code{module-import-compiled.drv} derivations compile those modules, and write them in an output directory with the right layout. This corresponds to the @code{#:modules} argument of @code{build-expression->derivation} (@pxref{Derivations})."
msgstr "Sobald @code{guile-bootstrap-2.0.drv} erstellt worden ist, haben wir ein funktionierendes Guile zur Hand, mit dem nachfolgende Erstellungsprogramme ausgeführt werden können. Sein erster Auftrag ist, Tarballs mit den anderen vorerstellten Binärdateien herunterzuladen@tie{}— das ist die Tätigkeit der @file{.tar.xz.drv}-Ableitungen. Wir verwenden zu diesem Zweck Guix-Module wie @code{ftp-client.scm}. Die @code{module-import.drv}-Ableitungen importieren solche Module und schreiben sie in derselben Verzeichnisstruktur in ein Verzeichnis im Store. Die @code{module-import-compiled.drv}-Ableitungen kompilieren die Module und schreiben sie in der richtigen Struktur in ein Ausgabeverzeichnis. Dies entspricht dem @code{#:modules}-Argument von @code{build-expression->derivation} (siehe @ref{Derivations})."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38232
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38915
msgid "Finally, the various tarballs are unpacked by the derivations @code{gcc-bootstrap-0.drv}, @code{glibc-bootstrap-0.drv}, or @code{bootstrap-mes-0.drv} and @code{bootstrap-mescc-tools-0.drv}, at which point we have a working C tool chain."
msgstr "Schließlich werden die verschiedenen Tarballs durch die Ableitungen @code{gcc-bootstrap-0.drv}, @code{glibc-bootstrap-0.drv}, oder @code{bootstrap-mes-0.drv} und @code{bootstrap-mescc-tools-0.drv}, entpackt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt haben wir eine fertige Toolchain für C."
#. type: unnumberedsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38233
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38916
#, no-wrap
msgid "Building the Build Tools"
msgstr "Die Erstellungswerkzeuge erstellen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38242
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38925
msgid "Bootstrapping is complete when we have a full tool chain that does not depend on the pre-built bootstrap tools discussed above. This no-dependency requirement is verified by checking whether the files of the final tool chain contain references to the @file{/gnu/store} directories of the bootstrap inputs. The process that leads to this ``final'' tool chain is described by the package definitions found in the @code{(gnu packages commencement)} module."
msgstr "Das Bootstrapping ist abgeschlossen, sobald eine vollständige Toolchain vorliegt, die von den oben erläuterten vorerstellten Bootstrapping-Werkzeugen @emph{nicht} abhängt. Diese Voraussetzung, keine Abhängigkeiten zu haben, überprüft man, indem man schaut, ob die Dateien der endgültigen Toolchain frei von Referenzen auf die @file{/gnu/store}-Verzeichnisse der Bootstrapping-Eingaben sind. Der Vorgang, diese „finale“ Toolchain zu bekommen, wird von den Paketdefinitionen beschrieben, die Sie im Modul @code{(gnu packages commencement)} finden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38249
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38932
msgid "The @command{guix graph} command allows us to ``zoom out'' compared to the graph above, by looking at the level of package objects instead of individual derivations---remember that a package may translate to several derivations, typically one derivation to download its source, one to build the Guile modules it needs, and one to actually build the package from source. The command:"
msgstr "Mit dem Befehl @command{guix graph} können wir gegenüber dem obigen Graphen „herauszoomen“, indem wir alles auf der Ebene von Paketobjekten statt auf der von einzelnen Ableitungen betrachten@tie{}— denken Sie daran, dass ein Paket zu mehreren Ableitungen führen kann; normalerweise einer, die seine Quelldateien herunterlädt, einer, die die benötigten Guile-Module erstellt, und einer, die das Paket dann tatsächlich aus seinem Quellcode heraus erstellt. Der Befehl"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38254
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38937
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"guix graph -t bag \\\n"
@@ -70160,168 +71496,459 @@ msgstr ""
" glibc-final-with-bootstrap-bash)' | xdot -\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38261
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38944
msgid "displays the dependency graph leading to the ``final'' C library@footnote{You may notice the @code{glibc-intermediate} label, suggesting that it is not @emph{quite} final, but as a good approximation, we will consider it final.}, depicted below."
msgstr "zeigt den Abhängigkeitsgraphen, der zur „finalen“ C-Bibliothek@footnote{Ihnen könnte die @code{glibc-intermediate}-Markierung auffallen, die darauf hindeutet, dass sie @emph{noch nicht ganz} final ist, aber annäherungsweise betrachten wir sie als final.} führt. Hier sehen Sie ihn:"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38263
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38946
msgid "@image{images/bootstrap-packages,6in,,Dependency graph of the early packages}"
msgstr "@image{images/bootstrap-packages,6in,,Abhängigkeitsgraph der frühen Pakete}"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38269
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38952
msgid "The first tool that gets built with the bootstrap binaries is GNU@tie{}Make---noted @code{make-boot0} above---which is a prerequisite for all the following packages. From there Findutils and Diffutils get built."
msgstr "Das erste Werkzeug, das mit den Bootstrapping-Binärdateien erstellt wird, ist GNU@tie{}Make@tie{}— beachten Sie das oben sichtbare @code{make-boot0}@tie{}—, das eine Voraussetzung aller folgenden Pakete ist. Von da aus werden Findutils und Diffutils erstellt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38274
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38957
msgid "Then come the first-stage Binutils and GCC, built as pseudo cross tools---i.e., with @option{--target} equal to @option{--host}. They are used to build libc. Thanks to this cross-build trick, this libc is guaranteed not to hold any reference to the initial tool chain."
msgstr "Es folgt die erste Stufe der Binutils und GCC, die pseudo-crosskompiliert werden@tie{}— d.h.@: die @option{--target}-Befehlszeilenoption entspricht der @option{--host}-Option. Mit ihnen wird libc erstellt. Dank den Crosskompilierungstricks ist garantiert, dass diese libc keine Referenzen auf die anfängliche Toolchain enthält."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38280
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38963
msgid "From there the final Binutils and GCC (not shown above) are built. GCC uses @command{ld} from the final Binutils, and links programs against the just-built libc. This tool chain is used to build the other packages used by Guix and by the GNU Build System: Guile, Bash, Coreutils, etc."
msgstr "Damit werden die finalen Binutils und GCC erstellt (sie sind oben nicht zu sehen). GCC benutzt den @command{ld} aus den finalen Binutils und bindet Programme an die gerade erstellte libc. Mit dieser Toolchain erstellen wir die anderen Pakete, die Guix und das GNU-Erstellungssystem benutzen: Guile, Bash, Coreutils, etc."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38286
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38969
msgid "And voilà! At this point we have the complete set of build tools that the GNU Build System expects. These are in the @code{%final-inputs} variable of the @code{(gnu packages commencement)} module, and are implicitly used by any package that uses @code{gnu-build-system} (@pxref{Build Systems, @code{gnu-build-system}})."
msgstr "Und voilà! Wenn das geschafft ist, haben wir die vollständige Menge von Erstellungswerkzeugen, die das GNU-Erstellungssystem erwartet. Sie sind in der Variablen @code{%final-inputs} des Moduls @code{(gnu packages commencement)} zu finden und werden von jedem Paket implizit benutzt, das das @code{gnu-build-system} verwendet (siehe @ref{Build Systems, @code{gnu-build-system}})."
#. type: unnumberedsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38288
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38971
#, no-wrap
msgid "Building the Bootstrap Binaries"
msgstr "Die Bootstrapping-Binärdateien erstellen"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38295
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38978
msgid "Because the final tool chain does not depend on the bootstrap binaries, those rarely need to be updated. Nevertheless, it is useful to have an automated way to produce them, should an update occur, and this is what the @code{(gnu packages make-bootstrap)} module provides."
msgstr "Weil die finale Toolchain nicht von den Bootstrapping-Binärdateien abhängt, müssen diese nur selten aktualisiert werden. Es ist dennoch sinnvoll, sie automatisiert erzeugen zu können, wenn sie doch aktualisiert werden. Das Modul @code{(gnu packages make-bootstrap)} ermöglicht dies."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38301
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38984
msgid "The following command builds the tarballs containing the bootstrap binaries (Binutils, GCC, glibc, for the traditional bootstrap and linux-libre-headers, bootstrap-mescc-tools, bootstrap-mes for the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap, and Guile, and a tarball containing a mixture of Coreutils and other basic command-line tools):"
msgstr "Mit dem folgenden Befehl werden die Tarball-Archive erstellt, die die Bootstrapping-Binärdateien enthalten (beim traditionellen Bootstrapping sind das Binutils, GCC und glibc; beim Bootstrapping mit kleinerem Seed sind es linux-libre-headers, bootstrap-mescc-tools, bootstrap-mes; dazu kommen Guile sowie ein Tarball mit einer Mischung aus Coreutils und anderen grundlegenden Befehlszeilenwerkzeugen):"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38304
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38987
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build bootstrap-tarballs\n"
msgstr "guix build bootstrap-tarballs\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38309
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38992
msgid "The generated tarballs are those that should be referred to in the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module mentioned at the beginning of this section."
msgstr "Die erzeugten Tarballs sind es, auf die im Modul @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} verwiesen werden sollte, das am Anfang dieses Abschnitts erwähnt wurde."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38315
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38998
msgid "Still here? Then perhaps by now you've started to wonder: when do we reach a fixed point? That is an interesting question! The answer is unknown, but if you would like to investigate further (and have significant computational and storage resources to do so), then let us know."
msgstr "Können Sie noch folgen? Dann haben Sie vielleicht schon angefangen, sich zu fragen, wann wir denn einen Fixpunkt erreichen. Das ist eine interessante Frage! Leider wissen wir es nicht, aber wenn Sie es herausfinden wollen (und Ihnen die nennenswerten Rechen- und Speicherkapazitäten dafür zur Verfügung stehen), dann lassen Sie es uns wissen."
#. type: unnumberedsec
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38316
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38999
#, no-wrap
msgid "Reducing the Set of Bootstrap Binaries"
msgstr "Die Menge an Bootstrapping-Binärdateien verkleinern"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38324
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39007
msgid "Our traditional bootstrap includes GCC, GNU Libc, Guile, etc. That's a lot of binary code! Why is that a problem? It's a problem because these big chunks of binary code are practically non-auditable, which makes it hard to establish what source code produced them. Every unauditable binary also leaves us vulnerable to compiler backdoors as described by Ken Thompson in the 1984 paper @emph{Reflections on Trusting Trust}."
msgstr "Zu unserem traditionellen Bootstrapping gehören GCC, GNU Libc, Guile, etc. Das ist ganz schön viel binärer Code! Warum ist das ein Problem? Es ist deswegen ein Problem, weil es praktisch unmöglich ist, solch große Klumpen binären Codes einem Audit zu unterziehen. Dadurch wird es schwer, nachzuvollziehen, welcher Quellcode ihn erzeugt hat. Jede ausführbare Binärdatei, für die kein Audit möglich ist, macht uns verwundbar gegenüber Hintertüren in Compilern, wie Ken Thompson sie in seiner Arbeit von 1984, @emph{Reflections on Trusting Trust}, beschrieben hat."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38330
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39013
msgid "This is mitigated by the fact that our bootstrap binaries were generated from an earlier Guix revision. Nevertheless it lacks the level of transparency that we get in the rest of the package dependency graph, where Guix always gives us a source-to-binary mapping. Thus, our goal is to reduce the set of bootstrap binaries to the bare minimum."
msgstr "Wir senken das Risiko, indem wir unsere Bootstrapping-Binärdateien immer mit einer früheren Guix-Version erzeugen. Trotzdem fehlt uns das Niveau an Transparenz, das wir am übrigen Paketabhängigkeitsgraphen wertschätzen, wo Guix immer vom Quellcode eindeutig auf die Binärdateien abbildet. Unser Ziel ist also, die Menge an Bootstrapping-Binärdateien so weit wie möglich zu verkleinern."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38336
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39019
msgid "The @uref{https://bootstrappable.org, Bootstrappable.org web site} lists on-going projects to do that. One of these is about replacing the bootstrap GCC with a sequence of assemblers, interpreters, and compilers of increasing complexity, which could be built from source starting from a simple and auditable assembler."
msgstr "Auf dem @uref{https://bootstrappable.org, Webauftritt von Bootstrappable.org} werden laufende Projekte mit diesem Zweck aufgeführt. Bei einem davon geht es darum, den Bootstrapping-GCC durch eine Folge von Assemblern, Interpretierern und Compilern zunehmender Komplexität zu ersetzen, die von Anfang an aus Quellcode heraus erstellt werden kann, angefangen bei einem einfachen, überprüfbaren Assembler."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38345
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39028
msgid "Our first major achievement is the replacement of of GCC, the GNU C Library and Binutils by MesCC-Tools (a simple hex linker and macro assembler) and Mes (@pxref{Top, GNU Mes Reference Manual,, mes, GNU Mes}, a Scheme interpreter and C compiler in Scheme). Neither MesCC-Tools nor Mes can be fully bootstrapped yet and thus we inject them as binary seeds. We call this the Reduced Binary Seed bootstrap, as it has halved the size of our bootstrap binaries! Also, it has eliminated the C compiler binary; i686-linux and x86_64-linux Guix packages are now bootstrapped without any binary C compiler."
msgstr "Unsere erste große Leistung stellt die Ersetzung von GCC, der GNU-C-Bibliothek und der Binutils durch die MesCC-Tools (einem einfachen Binder für hexadezimal dargestellte Maschinenprogramme und einem Makro-Assembler) und Mes dar (siehe @ref{Top, Referenzhandbuch zu GNU Mes,, mes, GNU Mes}, einem Scheme-Interpretierer und in Scheme geschriebenen C-Compiler). Weder MesCC-Tools noch Mes können bereits von Grund auf gebootstrapt werden, daher schleusen wir sie als binäre Seeds ein. Wir nennen das unser Bootstrapping mit kleinerem Seed, weil es die Größe unserer Bootstrapping-Binärdateien halbiert hat! Außerdem haben wir damit keinerlei Binärdatei für einen C-Compiler; auf i686-linux und x86_64-linux werden Guix-Pakete ganz ohne binären C-Compiler gebootstrapt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38348
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39031
msgid "Work is ongoing to make MesCC-Tools and Mes fully bootstrappable and we are also looking at any other bootstrap binaries. Your help is welcome!"
msgstr "Wir arbeiten daran, MesCC-Tools und Mes vollständig bootstrappen zu können, und behalten auch andere Bootstrapping-Binärdateien im Blick. Ihre Unterstützung ist willkommen!"
#. type: chapter
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38350
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39033
#, no-wrap
msgid "Porting to a New Platform"
msgstr "Auf eine neue Plattform portieren"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38359
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39042
msgid "As discussed above, the GNU distribution is self-contained, and self-containment is achieved by relying on pre-built ``bootstrap binaries'' (@pxref{Bootstrapping}). These binaries are specific to an operating system kernel, CPU architecture, and application binary interface (ABI). Thus, to port the distribution to a platform that is not yet supported, one must build those bootstrap binaries, and update the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module to use them on that platform."
msgstr "Wie oben beschrieben ist die GNU-Distribution eigenständig und diese Eigenständigkeit wird erreicht, indem sie aus vorerstellten „Bootstrap-Binärdateien“ heraus erstellt werden kann (siehe @ref{Bootstrapping}). Diese Binärdateien unterscheiden sich je nach verwendetem Betriebssystem-Kernel, nach der Prozessorarchitektur und der Anwendungsbinärschnittstelle („Application Binary Interface“, kurz ABI). Um die Distribution also auf eine noch nicht unterstützte Plattform zu portieren, muss man diese Bootstrap-Binärdateien für diese Plattform erstellen und das Modul @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} aktualisieren, damit es sie benutzt."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38364
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39047
msgid "Fortunately, Guix can @emph{cross compile} those bootstrap binaries. When everything goes well, and assuming the GNU tool chain supports the target platform, this can be as simple as running a command like this one:"
msgstr "Zum Glück kann Guix diese Bootstrap-Binärdateien @emph{cross-kompilieren}. Wenn alles gut geht, und vorausgesetzt, die GNU-Werkzeuge (zusammen werden sie als GNU-„Toolchain“ bezeichnet) unterstützen diese Zielplattform auch, dann kann es völlig ausreichen, dass Sie einen Befehl wie hier ausführen:"
#. type: example
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38367
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39050
#, no-wrap
msgid "guix build --target=armv5tel-linux-gnueabi bootstrap-tarballs\n"
msgstr "guix build --target=armv5tel-linux-gnueabi bootstrap-tarballs\n"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38374
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39057
msgid "For this to work, the @code{glibc-dynamic-linker} procedure in @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} must be augmented to return the right file name for libc's dynamic linker on that platform; likewise, @code{system->linux-architecture} in @code{(gnu packages linux)} must be taught about the new platform."
msgstr "Damit das funktioniert, muss erst die @code{glibc-dynamic-linker}-Prozedur in @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} angepasst werden, damit sie den richtigen Dateinamen für den dynamischen Binder von libc auf dieser Plattform liefert; ebenso muss @code{system->linux-architecture} in @code{(gnu packages linux)} mit den Informationen über die neue Plattform versorgt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38383
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39066
msgid "Once these are built, the @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} module needs to be updated to refer to these binaries on the target platform. That is, the hashes and URLs of the bootstrap tarballs for the new platform must be added alongside those of the currently supported platforms. The bootstrap Guile tarball is treated specially: it is expected to be available locally, and @file{gnu/local.mk} has rules to download it for the supported architectures; a rule for the new platform must be added as well."
msgstr "Sobald diese erstellt wurden, muss das Modul @code{(gnu packages bootstrap)} aktualisiert werden, damit es diese Binärdateien für die Zielplattform benutzt. Das heißt, die Hashes und URLs der Bootstrap-Tarballs für die neue Plattform müssen neben denen für die bisher unterstützten Plattformen aufgeführt werden. Der Bootstrap-Guile-Tarball wird besonders behandelt: Von ihm wird erwartet, dass er lokal verfügbar ist, und @file{gnu/local.mk} enthält Regeln, um ihn für die unterstützten Architekturen herunterzuladen; eine Regel muss auch für die neue Plattform hinzugefügt werden."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38392
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39075
msgid "In practice, there may be some complications. First, it may be that the extended GNU triplet that specifies an ABI (like the @code{eabi} suffix above) is not recognized by all the GNU tools. Typically, glibc recognizes some of these, whereas GCC uses an extra @option{--with-abi} configure flag (see @code{gcc.scm} for examples of how to handle this). Second, some of the required packages could fail to build for that platform. Lastly, the generated binaries could be broken for some reason."
msgstr "In der Praxis kann es einige Schwierigkeiten geben. Erstens kann es sein, dass das erweiterte GNU-Tripel, das eine Anwendungsbinärschnittstelle (ABI) festlegt (wie es das @code{eabi}-Suffix oben tut) nicht von allen GNU-Werkzeugen erkannt wird. Typischerweise erkennt glibc manche davon, während für GCC eine zusätzliche Befehlszeilenoption @option{--with-abi} an configure übergeben werden muss (siehe @code{gcc.scm} für Beispiele, wie man das macht). Zweitens könnte es sein, dass manche der notwendige Pakete für diese Plattform nicht erfolgreich erstellt werden können. Zuletzt könnten die generierten Binärdateien aus dem einen oder anderen Grund fehlerhaft sein."
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38394
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39077
#, no-wrap
msgid "contributing.texi"
msgstr "contributing.de.texi"
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38407
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39090
msgid "Guix is based on the @uref{https://nixos.org/nix/, Nix package manager}, which was designed and implemented by Eelco Dolstra, with contributions from other people (see the @file{nix/AUTHORS} file in Guix). Nix pioneered functional package management, and promoted unprecedented features, such as transactional package upgrades and rollbacks, per-user profiles, and referentially transparent build processes. Without this work, Guix would not exist."
msgstr "Guix baut auf dem @uref{https://nixos.org/nix/, Nix-Paketverwaltungsprogramm} auf, das von Eelco Dolstra entworfen und entwickelt wurde, mit Beiträgen von anderen Leuten (siehe die Datei @file{nix/AUTHORS} in Guix). Nix hat für die funktionale Paketverwaltung die Pionierarbeit geleistet und noch nie dagewesene Funktionalitäten vorangetrieben wie transaktionsbasierte Paketaktualisierungen und die Rücksetzbarkeit selbiger, eigene Paketprofile für jeden Nutzer und referenziell transparente Erstellungsprozesse. Ohne diese Arbeit gäbe es Guix nicht."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38410
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39093
msgid "The Nix-based software distributions, Nixpkgs and NixOS, have also been an inspiration for Guix."
msgstr "Die Nix-basierten Software-Distributionen Nixpkgs und NixOS waren auch eine Inspiration für Guix."
#. type: Plain text
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38416
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39099
msgid "GNU@tie{}Guix itself is a collective work with contributions from a number of people. See the @file{AUTHORS} file in Guix for more information on these fine people. The @file{THANKS} file lists people who have helped by reporting bugs, taking care of the infrastructure, providing artwork and themes, making suggestions, and more---thank you!"
msgstr "GNU@tie{}Guix ist selbst das Produkt kollektiver Arbeit mit Beiträgen durch eine Vielzahl von Leuten. Siehe die Datei @file{AUTHORS} in Guix für mehr Informationen, wer diese wunderbaren Menschen sind. In der Datei @file{THANKS} finden Sie eine Liste der Leute, die uns geholfen haben, indem Sie Fehler gemeldet, sich um unsere Infrastruktur gekümmert, künstlerische Arbeit und schön gestaltete Themen beigesteuert, Vorschläge gemacht und noch vieles mehr getan haben@tie{}— vielen Dank!"
#. type: cindex
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38421
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39104
#, no-wrap
msgid "license, GNU Free Documentation License"
msgstr "Lizenz, GNU-Lizenz für freie Dokumentation"
#. type: include
-#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:38422
+#: guix-git/doc/guix.texi:39105
#, no-wrap
msgid "fdl-1.3.texi"
msgstr "fdl-1.3.texi"
+#~ msgid "Note that the @code{glibc-locales} package contains data for all the locales supported by the GNU@tie{}libc and weighs in at around 917@tie{}MiB@. Alternatively, the @code{glibc-utf8-locales} is smaller but limited to a few UTF-8 locales."
+#~ msgstr "Beachten Sie, dass das Paket @code{glibc-locales} Daten für alle von GNU@tie{}libc unterstützten Locales enthält und deswegen um die 917@tie{}MiB wiegt. Alternativ gibt es auch @code{glibc-utf8-locales}, was kleiner, aber auf ein paar UTF-8-Locales beschränkt ist."
+#~ msgid "Display the list of packages added or upgraded since the previous generation, as well as, occasionally, news written by channel authors for their users (@pxref{Channels, Writing Channel News})."
+#~ msgstr "Die Liste anzeigen, welche Pakete seit der vorherigen Generation hinzugefügt oder aktualisiert wurden, und gelegentlich auch, welche Neuigkeiten die Kanalautoren für ihre Nutzer geschrieben haben (siehe @ref{Channels, Kanalneuigkeiten verfassen})."
+#~ msgid "The package information is the same as displayed upon @command{guix pull} completion, but without ellipses; it is also similar to the output of @command{guix pull -l} for the last generation (see below)."
+#~ msgstr "Die Paketinformationen sind dieselben, die auch nach Abschluss von @command{guix pull} angezeigt werden, aber ohne Auslassungen; sie ähnelt auch der Ausgabe von @command{guix pull -l} für die neueste Generation (siehe unten)."
+#~ msgid "Script file to use as @file{default.pa}."
+#~ msgstr "Welche Skriptdatei als @file{default.pa} verwendet werden soll."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "(swap-space\n"
+#~ " (target \"/btrfs/swapfile\")\n"
+#~ " (dependencies (list btrfs-fs)))\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "(swap-space\n"
+#~ " (target \"/btrfs/swapfile\")\n"
+#~ " (dependencies (list btrfs-fs)))\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Generation 2\tJun 11 2018 11:02:49\n"
+#~ " guix e0cc7f6\n"
+#~ " repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+#~ " branch: origin/master\n"
+#~ " commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d\n"
+#~ " 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink\n"
+#~ " 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,\n"
+#~ " guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,\n"
+#~ " heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Generation 2\tJun 11 2018 11:02:49\n"
+#~ " guix e0cc7f6\n"
+#~ " repository URL: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git\n"
+#~ " branch: origin/master\n"
+#~ " commit: e0cc7f669bec22c37481dd03a7941c7d11a64f1d\n"
+#~ " 2 new packages: keepalived, libnfnetlink\n"
+#~ " 6 packages upgraded: emacs-nix-mode@@2.0.4,\n"
+#~ " guile2.0-guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac, guix@@0.14.0-12.77a1aac,\n"
+#~ " heimdal@@7.5.0, milkytracker@@1.02.00, nix@@2.0.4\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "Zabbix provides monitoring metrics, among others network utilization, CPU load and disk space consumption:"
+#~ msgstr "Zabbix stellt Metriken zur Systemüberwachung zur Verfügung, unter anderem die Netzwerk- und Prozessorauslastung sowie den Plattenplatzverbrauch, und bietet dabei:"
+#~ msgid "High performance, high capacity (able to monitor hundreds of thousands of devices)."
+#~ msgstr "Hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und hohe Kapazität (hunderttausende Geräte können überwacht werden)."
+#~ msgid "Auto-discovery of servers and network devices and interfaces."
+#~ msgstr "Automatische Erkennung von Servern, Netzwerkgeräten und -schnittstellen."
+#~ msgid "Low-level discovery, allows to automatically start monitoring new items, file systems or network interfaces among others."
+#~ msgstr "Systemnahe Erkennung, wodurch automatisch mit der Überwachung neuer Objekte, Dateisysteme, Netzwerkschnittstellen und anderer Dinge begonnen werden kann."
+#~ msgid "Distributed monitoring with centralized web administration."
+#~ msgstr "Verteilte Überwachung mit zentralisierter Web-Administrierbarkeit."
+#~ msgid "Native high performance agents."
+#~ msgstr "Native Hochleistungsagenten."
+#~ msgid "SLA, and ITIL KPI metrics on reporting."
+#~ msgstr "Berichte zum SLA und über ITIL-KPI-Metriken."
+#~ msgid "High-level (business) view of monitored resources through user-defined visual console screens and dashboards."
+#~ msgstr "Überblickssicht (geschäftlich) auf die überwachten Ressourcen über benutzerdefinierte visuelle Konsolenbildschirme und Dashboards."
+#~ msgid "Remote command execution through Zabbix proxies."
+#~ msgstr "Entfernte Befehlsausführung über Zabbix-Proxys."
+#~ msgid "Zabbix agent gathers information for Zabbix server."
+#~ msgstr "Der Zabbix-Agent sammelt Informationen für den Zabbix-Server."
+#~ msgid "This service provides a WEB interface to Zabbix server."
+#~ msgstr "Dieser Dienst stellt eine Weboberfläche als Vordergrundsystem (@dfn{Frontend}) für den Zabbix-Server zur Verfügung."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} package zabbix-server"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ zabbix-server"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string user"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"zabbix\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"zabbix\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} group group"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Gruppe group"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-host"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-host"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-name"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-name"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-user"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-user"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string db-password"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-password"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} number db-port"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl db-port"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{5432}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{5432}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string log-type"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-type"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string log-file"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-file"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/server.log\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/server.log\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string pid-file"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid-file"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_server.pid\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string ssl-ca-location"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-ca-location"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string ssl-cert-location"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette ssl-cert-location"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/etc/ssl/certs\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} string extra-options"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette extra-options"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration} parameter} include-files include-files"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-server-configuration}-Parameter} Einzubindende-Dateien include-files"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} package zabbix-agent"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} „package“ zabbix-agent"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string user"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette user"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} group group"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Gruppe group"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string hostname"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette hostname"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string log-type"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-type"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string log-file"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette log-file"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/log/zabbix/agent.log\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string pid-file"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette pid-file"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid\"}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{\"/var/run/zabbix/zabbix_agent.pid\"}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} list server"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Liste server"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{(\"\")}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{(\"\")}."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} list server-active"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Liste server-active"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} string extra-options"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette extra-options"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration} parameter} include-files include-files"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-agent-configuration}-Parameter} Einzubindende-Dateien include-files"
+#, fuzzy
+#~| msgid "Raw content that will be added to the configuration file."
+#~ msgid "List of FastCGI parameter pairs that will be included in the NGINX configuration."
+#~ msgstr "„Roher Inhalt“, der so, wie er ist, an die Konfigurationsdatei angefügt wird."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} nginx-server-configuration-list nginx"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} „nginx-server-configuration“-Liste nginx"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-host"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-host"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} number db-port"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl db-port"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-name"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-name"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-user"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-user"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-password"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-password"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string db-secret-file"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette db-secret-file"
+#~ msgid "Secret file containing the credentials for the Zabbix front-end. The value must be a local file name, not a G-expression. You are expected to create this file manually. Its contents will be copied into @file{zabbix.conf.php} as the value of @code{$DB['PASSWORD']}."
+#~ msgstr "In welcher Datei die geheimen Anmeldedaten für das Vordergrundsystem von Zabbix stehen. Als Wert muss ein lokaler Dateiname angegeben werden und @emph{kein} G-Ausdruck. Es wird erwartet, dass Sie diese Datei manuell erstellen. Ihr Inhalt wird als Wert von @code{$DB['PASSWORD']} in die @file{zabbix.conf.php} kopiert."
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} string zabbix-host"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zeichenkette zabbix-host"
+#~ msgid "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration} parameter} number zabbix-port"
+#~ msgstr "{@code{zabbix-front-end-configuration}-Parameter} Zahl zabbix-port"
+#~ msgid "Defaults to @samp{10051}."
+#~ msgstr "Die Vorgabe ist @samp{10051}."
+#~ msgid "When using @option{--manifest}, @option{--file}, or when invoked without arguments, @command{guix shell} caches the environment so that subsequent uses are instantaneous. The cache is invalidated anytime the file is modified."
+#~ msgstr "Wenn Sie eine der Befehlszeilenoptionen @option{--manifest} oder @option{--file} angeben oder wenn Sie @command{guix shell} ohne weitere Argumente aufrufen, wird die Umgebung von @command{guix shell} zwischengespeichert, damit weitere Aufrufe sie ohne Verzögerung verwenden können. Wenn die Datei abgeändert wurde, wird der Zwischenspeicher ungültig."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "name: home-zsh-plugin-manager\n"
+#~ "location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:28:2\n"
+#~ "extends: home-zsh home-profile\n"
+#~ "description: Install plugins in profile and configure Zsh to load them.\n"
+#~ "relevance: 1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "name: home-zsh-plugin-manager\n"
+#~ "location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:28:2\n"
+#~ "extends: home-zsh home-profile\n"
+#~ "description: Install plugins in profile and configure Zsh to load them.\n"
+#~ "relevance: 1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "name: home-zsh-direnv\n"
+#~ "location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:69:2\n"
+#~ "extends: home-profile home-zsh\n"
+#~ "description: Enables `direnv' for `zsh'. Adds hook to `.zshrc' and installs a\n"
+#~ "+ package in the profile.\n"
+#~ "relevance: 1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "name: home-zsh-direnv\n"
+#~ "location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:69:2\n"
+#~ "extends: home-profile home-zsh\n"
+#~ "description: Enables `direnv' for `zsh'. Adds hook to `.zshrc' and installs a\n"
+#~ "+ package in the profile.\n"
+#~ "relevance: 1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "name: home-zsh-autosuggestions\n"
+#~ "location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:43:2\n"
+#~ "extends: home-zsh-plugin-manager home-zsh\n"
+#~ "description: Enables Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for `zsh' and\n"
+#~ "+ sets reasonable default values for some plugin's variables to improve perfomance\n"
+#~ "+ and adjust behavior: `(history completion)' is set for strategy, manual rebind\n"
+#~ "+ and async are enabled.\n"
+#~ "relevance: 1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "name: home-zsh-autosuggestions\n"
+#~ "location: gnu/home/services/shellutils.scm:43:2\n"
+#~ "extends: home-zsh-plugin-manager home-zsh\n"
+#~ "description: Enables Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for `zsh' and\n"
+#~ "+ sets reasonable default values for some plugin's variables to improve perfomance\n"
+#~ "+ and adjust behavior: `(history completion)' is set for strategy, manual rebind\n"
+#~ "+ and async are enabled.\n"
+#~ "relevance: 1\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ msgid "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/packages/@var{file}.scm @var{package}\n"
+#~ msgstr "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/packages/@var{Datei}.scm @var{Paket}\n"
+#~ msgid "This automatically indents the definition of @var{package} in @file{gnu/packages/@var{file}.scm} by running Emacs in batch mode. To indent a whole file, omit the second argument:"
+#~ msgstr "Dadurch wird die Definition von @var{Paket} in @file{gnu/packages/@var{Datei}.scm} automatisch eingerückt, indem Emacs im Batch-Modus läuft. Um die Einrückung in einer gesamten Datei vorzunehmen, lassen Sie das zweite Argument weg:"
+#~ msgid "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/services/@var{file}.scm\n"
+#~ msgstr "./etc/indent-code.el gnu/services/@var{Datei}.scm\n"
+#~ msgid "Some older packages that aren't using @file{Package.toml} yet, will require this file to be created, too. The function @code{julia-create-package-toml} helps creating the file. You need to pass the outputs and the source of the package, its name (the same as the @code{file-name} parameter), the package uuid, the package version, and a list of dependencies specified by their name and their uuid."
+#~ msgstr "Für manche ältere Pakete, die noch keine @file{Package.toml} benutzen, muss auch diese Datei erstellt werden. Die Funktion @code{julia-create-package-toml} hilft dabei. Sie müssen ihr nur die Ausgaben und die Quelle des Pakets übergeben sowie seinen Namen (derselbe wie beim Parameter @code{file-name}), die Paket-UUID, die Paketversion und eine Liste von Abhängigkeiten, jeweils angegeben über ihren Namen und ihre UUID."
#~ msgid ""
#~ " (build-machine\n"
#~ " (name \"armeight.example.org\")\n"
@@ -70716,9 +72343,6 @@ msgstr "fdl-1.3.texi"
#~ msgid "Size of the database writer queue."
#~ msgstr "Der Name der zu benutzenden Datenbank."
-#~ msgid "@code{database} (default: @code{\"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db\"})"
-#~ msgstr "@code{database} (Vorgabe: @code{\"/var/lib/cuirass/cuirass.db\"})"
#~ msgid "Location of sqlite database which contains the build results and previously added specifications."
#~ msgstr "An welchem Ort sich die sqlite-Datenbank befinden soll, die die Erstellungsergebnisse und bisher hinzugefügte Spezifikationen speichert."
@@ -70856,9 +72480,6 @@ msgstr "fdl-1.3.texi"
#~ msgid "{@code{cups-configuration} parameter} package-list extensions"
#~ msgstr "{@code{cups-configuration}-Parameter} „package“-Liste extensions"
-#~ msgid "Secret file which will be appended to @file{zabbix.conf.php} file. This file contains credentials for use by Zabbix front-end. You are expected to create it manually."
-#~ msgstr "Die Datei mit den Geheimnis-Informationen, die an die @file{zabbix.conf.php}-Datei angehängt wird. Diese Datei enthält Zugangsdaten für die Nutzung durch das Zabbix-Frontend. Es wird von Ihnen erwartet, dass Sie sie manuell erzeugen."
#~ msgid "@code{systems} (default: @var{#f})"
#~ msgstr "@code{systems} (Vorgabe: @var{#f})"
diff --git a/po/doc/guix-manual.es.po b/po/doc/guix-manual.es.po
index 982d0d91f2..c05967ff95 100644
--- a/po/doc/guix-manual.es.po
+++ b/po/doc/guix-manual.es.po