;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015-2023 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

(define-module (test-graph)
  #:use-module (guix tests)
  #:use-module (guix graph)
  #:use-module (guix scripts graph)
  #:use-module (guix packages)
  #:use-module (guix derivations)
  #:use-module (guix store)
  #:use-module (guix monads)
  #:use-module (guix build-system gnu)
  #:use-module (guix build-system trivial)
  #:use-module (guix gexp)
  #:use-module (guix utils)
  #:use-module (gnu packages)
  #:use-module (gnu packages base)
  #:use-module (gnu packages bootstrap)
  #:use-module (gnu packages guile)
  #:use-module (gnu packages libunistring)
  #:use-module (gnu packages bootstrap)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (ice-9 sandbox)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-64))

(define %store

;; Globally disable grafts because they can trigger early builds.
(%graft? #f)

(define (make-recording-backend)
  "Return a <graph-backend> and a thunk that returns the recorded nodes and
  (let ((nodes '())
        (edges '()))
    (define (record-node id label port)
      (set! nodes (cons (list id label) nodes)))
    (define (record-edge source target port)
      (set! edges (cons (list source target) edges)))
    (define (return)
      (values (reverse nodes) (reverse edges)))

    (values (graph-backend "test" "This is the test backend."
                           (const #t) (const #t)
                           record-node record-edge)

(define (package->tuple package)
  "Return a tuple representing PACKAGE as produced by %PACKAGE-NODE-TYPE."
  (list (object-address package)
        (package-full-name package)))

(define (edge->tuple source target)
  "Likewise for an edge from SOURCE to TARGET."
  (list (object-address source)
        (object-address target)))

(test-begin "graph")

(test-assert "package DAG"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (let* ((p1 (dummy-package "p1"))
           (p2 (dummy-package "p2" (inputs `(("p1" ,p1)))))
           (p3 (dummy-package "p3" (inputs `(("p2" ,p2) ("p1", p1))))))
      (run-with-store %store
        (export-graph (list p3) 'port
                      #:node-type %package-node-type
                      #:backend backend))
      ;; We should see nothing more than these 3 packages.
      (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
        (and (equal? nodes (map package->tuple (list p3 p2 p1)))
             (equal? edges
                     (map edge->tuple
                          (list p3 p3 p2)
                          (list p2 p1 p1))))))))

(test-assert "package DAG, limited depth"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (let* ((p1 (dummy-package "p1"))
           (p2 (dummy-package "p2" (inputs `(("p1" ,p1)))))
           (p3 (dummy-package "p3" (inputs `(("p1" ,p1)))))
           (p4 (dummy-package "p4" (inputs `(("p2" ,p2) ("p3" ,p3))))))
      (run-with-store %store
        (export-graph (list p4) 'port
                      #:max-depth 1
                      #:node-type %package-node-type
                      #:backend backend))
      ;; We should see nothing more than these 3 packages.
      (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
        (and (equal? nodes (map package->tuple (list p4 p2 p3)))
             (equal? edges
                     (map edge->tuple
                          (list p4 p4)
                          (list p2 p3))))))))

(test-assert "package DAG, oops it was a cycle"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (letrec ((p1 (dummy-package "p1" (inputs `(("p3" ,p3)))))
             (p2 (dummy-package "p2" (inputs `(("p1" ,p1)))))
             (p3 (dummy-package "p3" (inputs `(("p2" ,p2) ("p1", p1))))))
       600 ;; If ever this test should fail, we still want it to terminate
       (lambda ()
         (run-with-store %store
           (export-graph (list p3) 'port
                         #:node-type %package-node-type
                         #:backend backend)))
       (lambda ()
         (run-with-store %store
            (list (dummy-package "timeout-reached"))
            #:node-type %package-node-type
            #:backend backend))))
      ;; We should see nothing more than these 3 packages.
      (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
        (and (equal? nodes (map package->tuple (list p3 p2 p1)))
             (equal? edges
                     (map edge->tuple
                          (list p3 p3 p2 p1)
                          (list p2 p1 p1 p3))))))))

(test-assert "reverse package DAG"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (run-with-store %store
      (export-graph (list libunistring) 'port
                    #:node-type %reverse-package-node-type
                    #:backend backend))
    ;; We should see nothing more than these 3 packages.
    (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
      (and (member (package->tuple guile-2.0) nodes)
           (->bool (member (edge->tuple libunistring guile-2.0) edges))))))

(test-assert "bag-emerged DAG"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (let* ((o        (dummy-origin (method (lambda _
                                             (text-file "foo" "bar")))))
           (p        (dummy-package "p" (source o)))
           (implicit (map (match-lambda
                            ((label package) package)
                            ((label package output) package))
      (run-with-store %store
        (export-graph (list p) 'port
                      #:node-type %bag-emerged-node-type
                      #:backend backend))
      ;; We should see exactly P and IMPLICIT, with one edge from P to each
      ;; element of IMPLICIT.  O must not appear among NODES.  Note: IMPLICIT
      ;; contains "glibc" twice, once for "out" and a second time for
      ;; "static", hence the 'delete-duplicates' call below.
      (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
        (and (equal? (match nodes
                       (((labels names) ...)
                     (map package-full-name
                          (cons p (delete-duplicates implicit))))
             (equal? (match edges
                       (((sources destinations) ...)
                        (zip (map store-path-package-name sources)
                             (map store-path-package-name destinations))))
                     (map (lambda (destination)
                            (list "p-0.drv"
                                   (package-full-name destination "-")

(test-assert "bag DAG"                            ;a big town in Iraq
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (let ((p (dummy-package "p")))
      (run-with-store %store
        (export-graph (list p) 'port
                      #:node-type %bag-node-type
                      #:backend backend))
      ;; We should see P, its implicit inputs as well as the whole DAG, which
      ;; should include bootstrap binaries.
      (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
        (every (lambda (name)
                 (find (cut string=? name <>)
                       (match nodes
                         (((labels names) ...)
               (match (%bootstrap-inputs)
                 (((labels packages) ...)
                  (map package-full-name (filter package? packages)))))))))

(test-assert "bag DAG, including origins"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (let* ((m (lambda* (uri hash-type hash name #:key system)
                (text-file "foo-1.2.3.tar.gz" "This is a fake!")))
           (o (origin
                (method m) (uri "the-uri")
           (p (dummy-package "p" (source o))))
      (run-with-store %store
        (export-graph (list p) 'port
                      #:node-type %bag-with-origins-node-type
                      #:backend backend))
      ;; We should see O among the nodes, with an edge coming from P.
      (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
        (run-with-store %store
          (mlet %store-monad ((o* (lower-object o))
                              (p* (lower-object p))
                              (g  (lower-object (default-guile))))
             (and (find (match-lambda
                          ((file "the-uri") #t)
                          (_                #f))
                  (find (match-lambda
                          ((source target)
                           (and (string=? source (derivation-file-name p*))
                                (string=? target o*))))

                  ;; There must also be an edge from O to G.
                  (find (match-lambda
                          ((source target)
                           (and (string=? source o*)
                                (string=? target (derivation-file-name g)))))

(test-assert "reverse bag DAG"
  (let-values (((dune camomile utop)
                (values (specification->package "dune")
                        (specification->package "ocaml-camomile")
                        (specification->package "ocaml-utop")))
               ((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (run-with-store %store
      (export-graph (list dune) 'port
                    #:node-type %reverse-bag-node-type
                    #:backend backend))

    (run-with-store %store
      (mlet %store-monad ((dune-drv       (package->derivation dune))
                          (camomile-drv   (package->derivation camomile))
                          (utop-drv       (package->derivation utop)))
        ;; CAMOMILE uses 'dune-build-system' so DUNE is a direct dependency.
        ;; UTOP is much higher in the stack but it should be there.
        (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
           (and (member `(,(derivation-file-name camomile-drv)
                          ,(package-full-name camomile))
                (->bool (member (map derivation-file-name
                                     (list dune-drv utop-drv))

(test-assert "derivation DAG"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (run-with-store %store
      (mlet* %store-monad ((txt   (text-file "text-file" "Hello!"))
                           (guile (package->derivation %bootstrap-guile))
                           (drv   (gexp->derivation "output"
                                                    #~(symlink #$txt #$output)
        ;; We should get at least these 3 nodes and corresponding edges.
        (mbegin %store-monad
          (export-graph (list drv) 'port
                        #:node-type %derivation-node-type
                        #:backend backend)
          (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
            ;; XXX: For some reason we need to throw in some 'basename'.
            (return (and (match nodes
                           (((ids labels) ...)
                            (let ((ids (map basename ids)))
                              (every (lambda (item)
                                       (member (basename item) ids))
                                     (list txt
                                           (derivation-file-name drv)
                                           (derivation-file-name guile))))))
                         (every (cut member <>
                                     (map (lambda (edge)
                                            (map basename edge))
                                (list (map (compose basename derivation-file-name)
                                           (list drv guile))
                                      (list (basename (derivation-file-name drv))
                                            (basename txt))))))))))))

(test-assert "reference DAG"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (run-with-store %store
      (mlet* %store-monad ((txt   (text-file "text-file" "Hello!"))
                           (guile (package->derivation %bootstrap-guile))
                           (drv   (gexp->derivation "output"
                                                    #~(symlink #$txt #$output)
                           (out -> (derivation->output-path drv)))
        ;; We should see only OUT and TXT, with an edge from the former to the
        ;; latter.
        (mbegin %store-monad
          (built-derivations (list drv))
          (export-graph (list (derivation->output-path drv)) 'port
                        #:node-type %reference-node-type
                        #:backend backend)
          (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
             (and (equal? (match nodes
                            (((ids labels) ...)
                          (list out txt))
                  (equal? edges `((,out ,txt)))))))))))

(test-assert "referrer DAG"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (run-with-store %store
      (mlet* %store-monad ((txt   (text-file "referrer-node" (random-text)))
                           (drv   (gexp->derivation "referrer"
                                                    #~(symlink #$txt #$output)))
                           (out -> (derivation->output-path drv)))
        ;; We should see only TXT and OUT, with an edge from the former to the
        ;; latter.
        (mbegin %store-monad
          (built-derivations (list drv))
          (export-graph (list txt) 'port
                        #:node-type %referrer-node-type
                        #:backend backend)
          (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
             (and (equal? (match nodes
                            (((ids labels) ...)
                          (list txt out))
                  (equal? edges `((,txt ,out)))))))))))

(test-assert "module graph"
  (let-values (((backend nodes+edges) (make-recording-backend)))
    (run-with-store %store
      (export-graph '((gnu packages guile)) 'port
                    #:node-type %module-node-type
                    #:backend backend))

    (let-values (((nodes edges) (nodes+edges)))
      (and (member '(gnu packages guile)
                   (match nodes
                     (((ids labels) ...) ids)))
           (->bool (and (member (list '(gnu packages guile)
                                      '(gnu packages libunistring))
                        (member (list '(gnu packages guile)
                                      '(gnu packages bdw-gc))

(test-assert "node-edges"
  (run-with-store %store
    (let ((packages (fold-packages cons '())))
      (mlet %store-monad ((edges (node-edges %package-node-type packages)))
        (return (and (null? (edges hello))
                     (lset= eq?
                            (edges guile-2.0)
                            (match (package-direct-inputs guile-2.0)
                              (((labels packages _ ...) ...)

(test-equal "node-transitive-edges + node-back-edges"
  (run-with-store %store
    (let ((packages   (fold-packages cons '()))
          (bootstrap? (lambda (package)
                         (location-file (package-location package))
          (trivial?   (lambda (package)
                        (eq? (package-build-system package)
          (system-specific? (lambda (package)
                              (memq #:system (package-arguments package)))))
      (mlet %store-monad ((edges (node-back-edges %bag-node-type packages)))
        (let* ((glibc      (canonical-package glibc))
               (dependents (node-transitive-edges (list glibc) edges))
               (diff       (lset-difference eq? packages dependents)))
          ;; All the packages depend on libc, except bootstrap packages, some
          ;; packages that use TRIVIAL-BUILD-SYSTEM, and some that target a
          ;; specific system and thus may depend on a different libc package
          ;; object.
          (return (remove (lambda (package)
                            (or (trivial? package)
                                (bootstrap? package)
                                (system-specific? package)))

(test-assert "node-transitive-edges, no duplicates"
  (run-with-store %store
    (let* ((p0  (dummy-package "p0"))
           (p1a (dummy-package "p1a" (inputs `(("p0" ,p0)))))
           (p1b (dummy-package "p1b" (inputs `(("p0" ,p0)))))
           (p2  (dummy-package "p2" (inputs `(("p1a" ,p1a) ("p1b" ,p1b))))))
      (mlet %store-monad ((edges (node-edges %package-node-type
                                             (list p2 p1a p1b p0))))
        (return (lset= eq? (node-transitive-edges (list p2) edges)
                       (list p1a p1b p0)))))))

(test-assert "node-transitive-edges, references"
  (run-with-store %store
    (mlet* %store-monad ((d0 (package->derivation %bootstrap-guile))
                         (d1 (gexp->derivation "d1"
                                                   (mkdir #$output)
                                                   (symlink #$%bootstrap-guile
                                                             #$output "/l")))))
                         (d2 (gexp->derivation "d2"
                                                   (mkdir #$output)
                                                   (symlink #$d1
                                                             #$output "/l")))))
                         (_  (built-derivations (list d2)))
                         (->node -> (node-type-convert %reference-node-type))
                         (o2      (->node (derivation->output-path d2)))
                         (o1      (->node (derivation->output-path d1)))
                         (o0      (->node (derivation->output-path d0)))
                         (edges   (node-edges %reference-node-type
                                              (append o0 o1 o2)))
                         (reqs    ((store-lift requisites) o2)))
      (return (lset= string=?
                     (append o2 (node-transitive-edges o2 edges)) reqs)))))

(test-equal "node-reachable-count"
  '(3 3)
  (run-with-store %store
    (let* ((p0  (dummy-package "p0"))
           (p1a (dummy-package "p1a" (inputs `(("p0" ,p0)))))
           (p1b (dummy-package "p1b" (inputs `(("p0" ,p0)))))
           (p2  (dummy-package "p2" (inputs `(("p1a" ,p1a) ("p1b" ,p1b))))))
      (mlet* %store-monad ((all -> (list p2 p1a p1b p0))
                           (edges  (node-edges %package-node-type all))
                           (back   (node-back-edges %package-node-type all)))
        (return (list (node-reachable-count (list p2) edges)
                      (node-reachable-count (list p0) back)))))))

(test-equal "shortest-path, packages + derivations"
  '(("p5" "p4" "p1" "p0")
    ("p3" "p2" "p1" "p0")
    ("p5-0.drv" "p4-0.drv" "p1-0.drv" "p0-0.drv"))
  (run-with-store %store
    (let* ((p0 (dummy-package "p0"))
           (p1 (dummy-package "p1" (inputs `(("p0" ,p0)))))
           (p2 (dummy-package "p2" (inputs `(("p1" ,p1)))))
           (p3 (dummy-package "p3" (inputs `(("p2" ,p2)))))
           (p4 (dummy-package "p4" (inputs `(("p1" ,p1)))))
           (p5 (dummy-package "p5" (inputs `(("p4" ,p4) ("p3" ,p3))))))
      (mlet* %store-monad ((path1 (shortest-path p5 p0 %package-node-type))
                           (path2 (shortest-path p3 p0 %package-node-type))
                           (nope  (shortest-path p3 p4 %package-node-type))
                           (drv5  (package->derivation p5))
                           (drv0  (package->derivation p0))
                           (path3 (shortest-path drv5 drv0
        (return (append (map (lambda (path)
                               (and path (map package-name path)))
                             (list path1 path2 nope))
                        (list (map (node-type-label %derivation-node-type)

(test-equal "shortest-path, reverse packages"
  '("libffi" "guile" "guile-json")
  (run-with-store %store
    (mlet %store-monad ((path (shortest-path (specification->package "libffi")
      (return (map package-name path)))))

(test-equal "shortest-path, references"
  `(("d2" "d1" ,(package-full-name %bootstrap-guile "-"))
    (,(package-full-name %bootstrap-guile "-") "d1" "d2"))
  (run-with-store %store
    (mlet* %store-monad ((d0 (package->derivation %bootstrap-guile))
                         (d1 (gexp->derivation "d1"
                                                   (mkdir #$output)
                                                   (symlink #$%bootstrap-guile
                                                             #$output "/l")))))
                         (d2 (gexp->derivation "d2"
                                                   (mkdir #$output)
                                                   (symlink #$d1
                                                             #$output "/l")))))
                         (_  (built-derivations (list d2)))
                         (->node -> (node-type-convert %reference-node-type))
                         (o2   (->node (derivation->output-path d2)))
                         (o0   (->node (derivation->output-path d0)))
                         (path (shortest-path (first o2) (first o0)
                         (rpath (shortest-path (first o0) (first o2)
      (return (list (map (node-type-label %reference-node-type) path)
                    (map (node-type-label %referrer-node-type) rpath))))))

(test-end "graph")
"disk-image-installer" to #f. * gnu/system/image.scm (root-partition?, find-root-partition): Move to "Helpers" section. (root-partition-index): New procedure. (system-disk-image): Honor disk-image-installer, and use it to install the bootloader directly on the disk-image, if supported. Mathieu Othacehe 2020-05-26image: Add partition file-system options support....* gnu/image.scm (<partition>)[file-system-options]: New field, (partition-file-system-options): new exported procedure. * gnu/system/image.scm (partition->gexp): Adapt accordingly. * gnu/build/image.scm (sexp->partition): Also adapt accordingly, (make-ext-image): and pass file-system options to mke2fs. Mathieu Othacehe 2020-05-26image: Set offset default to zero....* gnu/image.scm (<partition>)[offset]: Set to zero by default. * gnu/system/image.scm (system-disk-image): Adapt accordingly. Mathieu Othacehe 2020-05-26system: image: Fix disk-image cross-compilation....* gnu/system/image.scm (system-disk-image): Use the native version of the helper packages (e2fsprogs, dosfstools, mtools, genimage, coreutils and findutils). Mathieu Othacehe 2020-05-26image: Add partition offset support....* gnu/image.scm (partition-offset): New procedure, (<partition>)[offset]: new field. * gnu/system/image.scm (system-disk-image): Apply the partition offset. Mathieu Othacehe 2020-05-05image: Add a new API....Raw disk-images and ISO9660 images are created in a Qemu virtual machine. This is quite fragile, very slow, and almost unusable without KVM. For all these reasons, add support for host image generation. This implies the use new image generation mechanisms. - Raw disk images: images of partitions are created using tools such as mke2fs and mkdosfs depending on the partition file-system type. The partition images are then assembled into a final image using genimage. - ISO9660 images: the ISO root directory is populated within the store. GNU xorriso is then called on that directory, in the exact same way as this is done in (gnu build vm) module. Those mechanisms are built upon the new (gnu image) module. * gnu/image.scm: New file. * gnu/system/image.scm: New file. * gnu/build/image: New file. * gnu/local.mk: Add them. * gnu/system/vm.scm (system-disk-image): Rename to system-disk-image-in-vm. * gnu/ci.scm (qemu-jobs): Adapt to new API. * gnu/tests/install.scm (run-install): Ditto. * guix/scripts/system.scm (system-derivation-for-action): Ditto. Mathieu Othacehe