;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2021 François Joulaud <francois.joulaud@radiofrance.com>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Sarah Morgensen <iskarian@mgsn.dev>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
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;;; Summary
;; Tests for guix/import/go.scm

(define-module (tests-import-go)
  #:use-module (guix base32)
  #:use-module (guix build-system go)
  #:use-module (guix import go)
  #:use-module (guix base32)
  #:use-module ((guix utils) #:select (call-with-temporary-directory))
  #:use-module (guix tests)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-19)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-64)
  #:use-module (web response))

(define go.mod-requirements
  (@@ (guix import go) go.mod-requirements))

(define parse-go.mod
  (@@ (guix import go) parse-go.mod))

(define fixture-go-mod-simple
  "module my/thing
go 1.12
require other/thing v1.0.2
require new/thing/v2 v2.3.4
exclude old/thing v1.2.3
replace bad/thing v1.4.5 => good/thing v1.4.5

(define fixture-go-mod-with-block
  "module M

require (
         A v1
         B v1.0.0
         C v1.0.0
         D v1.2.3
         E dev

exclude D v1.2.3

(define fixture-go-mod-complete
  "module M

go 1.13

replace github.com/myname/myproject/myapi => ./api

replace github.com/mymname/myproject/thissdk => ../sdk

replace launchpad.net/gocheck => github.com/go-check/check v0.0.0-20140225173054-eb6ee6f84d0a

require (
	github.com/user/project v1.1.11
	github.com/user/project/sub/directory v1.1.12
	bitbucket.org/user/project v1.11.20
	bitbucket.org/user/project/sub/directory v1.11.21
	launchpad.net/project v1.1.13
	launchpad.net/project/series v1.1.14
	launchpad.net/project/series/sub/directory v1.1.15
	launchpad.net/~user/project/branch v1.1.16
	launchpad.net/~user/project/branch/sub/directory v1.1.17
	hub.jazz.net/git/user/project v1.1.18
	hub.jazz.net/git/user/project/sub/directory v1.1.19
	k8s.io/kubernetes/subproject v1.1.101
	one.example.com/abitrary/repo v1.1.111
	two.example.com/abitrary/repo v0.0.2
	\"quoted.example.com/abitrary/repo\" v0.0.2

replace two.example.com/abitrary/repo => github.com/corp/arbitrary-repo v0.0.2

replace (
	golang.org/x/sys => golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190813064441-fde4db37ae7a // pinned to release-branch.go1.13
	golang.org/x/tools => golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20190821162956-65e3620a7ae7 // pinned to release-branch.go1.13


(define fixture-go-mod-unparsable
  "module my/thing
go 1.12 // avoid feature X
require other/thing v1.0.2
// Security issue: CVE-XXXXX
exclude old/thing v1.2.3
new-directive another/thing yet-another/thing
replace (
        bad/thing v1.4.5 => good/thing v1.4.5
        // Unparseable
        bad/thing [v1.4.5, v1.9.7] => good/thing v2.0.0

(define fixture-go-mod-retract
  "retract v0.9.1

retract (
	[v1.0.0, v1.7.9]

(define fixture-go-mod-strings
  "require `example.com/\"some-repo\"` v1.9.3
require (
        `example.com/\"another.repo\"` v1.0.0
        \"example.com/special!repo\" v9.3.1
replace \"example.com/\\\"some-repo\\\"\" => `launchpad.net/some-repo` v1.9.3
replace (
        \"example.com/\\\"another.repo\\\"\" => launchpad.net/another-repo v1.0.0

(define fixtures-go-check-test
  (let ((version
          "module gopkg.in/check.v1

go 1.11

require github.com/kr/pretty v0.2.1
           "<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=\"en\" >
    <meta charset=\"utf-8\">
  <link rel=\"dns-prefetch\" href=\"https://github.githubassets.com\">
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      <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">

   <title>GitHub - go-check/check: Rich testing for the Go language</title>
   <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Rich testing for the Go language. Contribute to go-check/check development by creating an account on GitHub.\">
   <link rel=\"search\" type=\"application/opensearchdescription+xml\" href=\"/opensearch.xml\" title=\"GitHub\">
   <link rel=\"fluid-icon\" href=\"https://github.com/fluidicon.png\" title=\"GitHub\">
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   <meta name=\"hostname\" content=\"github.com\">
   <meta name=\"user-login\" content=\"\">
   <link href=\"https://github.com/go-check/check/commits/v1.atom\" rel=\"alternate\" title=\"Recent Commits to check:v1\" type=\"application/atom+xml\">
   <meta name=\"go-import\" content=\"github.com/go-check/check git https://github.com/go-check/check.git\">
  <body class=\"logged-out env-production page-responsive\" style=\"word-wrap: break-word;\">
        (pkg.go.dev "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n  <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n</head>\n<body class=\"Site Site--wide Site--redesign\">\n  <div class=\"Site-content\">\n    <div class=\"Container\">\n      <div class=\"UnitDetails\" data-test-id=\"UnitDetails\">\n        <div class=\"UnitDetails-content js-unitDetailsContent\" role=\"main\" data-test-id=\"UnitDetails-content\">\n          <div class=\"UnitReadme js-readme\">\n            <h2 class=\"UnitReadme-title\" id=\"section-readme\"><img height=\"25px\" width=\"20px\" src=\"/static/img/pkg-icon-readme_20x16.svg\" alt=\"\">README</h2>\n            <div class=\"UnitReadme-content\" data-test-id=\"Unit-readmeContent\">\n              <div class=\"Overview-readmeContent js-readmeContent\">\n                <h3 class=\"h1\" id=\"readme-instructions\">Instructions</h3>\n                <p>Install the package with:</p>\n                <pre><code>go get gopkg.in/check.v1\n</code></pre>\n              </div>\n              <div class=\"UnitReadme-fadeOut\"></div>\n            </div>\n          </div>\n          <div class=\"UnitDoc\">\n            <h2 class=\"UnitDoc-title\" id=\"section-documentation\"><img height=\"25px\" width=\"20px\" src=\"/static/img/pkg-icon-doc_20x12.svg\" alt=\"\">Documentation</h2>\n            <div class=\"Documentation js-documentation\">\n              <div class=\"Documentation-content js-docContent\">\n                <section class=\"Documentation-overview\">\n                  <h3 tabindex=\"-1\" id=\"pkg-overview\" class=\"Documentation-overviewHeader\">Overview <a href=\"#pkg-overview\">¶</a></h3>\n                  <div role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Table of Contents\">\n                    <ul class=\"Documentation-toc\"></ul>\n                  </div>\n                  <p>Package check is a rich testing extension for Go's testing package.</p>\n                  <p>For details about the project, see:</p>\n                  <pre><a href=\"http://labix.org/gocheck\">http://labix.org/gocheck</a>\n</pre>\n                </section>\n                <h3 tabindex=\"-1\" id=\"pkg-constants\" class=\"Documentation-constantsHeader\">Constants <a href=\"#pkg-constants\">¶</a></h3>\n              </div>\n            </div>\n          </div>\n        </div>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n</body>\n</html>\n")
        (pkg.go.dev-licence "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=edge\">\n<body class=\"Site Site--wide Site--redesign\">\n  <div class=\"Unit-content\" role=\"main\">\n    <section class=\"License\" id=\"lic-0\">\n      <h2><div id=\"#lic-0\">BSD-2-Clause</div></h2>\n      <p>This is not legal advice. <a href=\"/license-policy\">Read disclaimer.</a></p>\n      <pre class=\"License-contents\">Gocheck - A rich testing framework for Go\n \nCopyright line\n\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: \n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n   and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS &#34;AS IS&#34; AND\nANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\nWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR\nANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\nLOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\nON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\nSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n</pre>\n    </section>\n    <div class=\"License-source\">Source: github.com/go-check/check@v0.0.0-20201128035030-22ab2dfb190c/LICENSE</div>\n  </div>\n  </div>\n"))
       . ,go.mod)
       . ,version)
       . ,go-get)
       . ,pkg.go.dev)
       . ,pkg.go.dev-licence)
      ("https://proxy.golang.org/github.com/go-check/check/@v/list" . ""))))

(test-begin "go")

;;; Unit tests for go build-system

(test-equal "go-version basic"
  (go-version->git-ref "v1.0.2"))

(test-equal "go-version with embedded git-ref"
  (go-version->git-ref "v0.0.0-20190821162956-65e3620a7ae7"))

(test-equal "go-version with complex embedded git-ref"
  (go-version->git-ref "v1.2.4-0.20191109021931-daa7c04131f5"))

(test-assert "go-pseudo-version? multi-digit version number"
  (go-pseudo-version? "v1.23.1-0.20200526195155-81db48ad09cc"))

(test-assert "go-pseudo-version? semantic version with rc"
  (go-pseudo-version? "v1.4.0-rc.4.0.20200313231945-b860323f09d0"))

;;; Unit tests for (guix import go)

(test-equal "go-path-escape"
  ((@@ (guix import go) go-path-escape) "github.com/Azure/Avere"))

;; We define a function for all similar tests with different go.mod files
(define (testing-parse-mod name expected input)
  (define (inf? p1 p2)
    (string<? (car p1) (car p2)))
  (test-equal name
    (sort expected inf?)
    (sort (go.mod-requirements (parse-go.mod input)) inf?)))

(testing-parse-mod "parse-go.mod-simple"
                   '(("good/thing" "v1.4.5")
                     ("new/thing/v2" "v2.3.4")
                     ("other/thing" "v1.0.2"))

(testing-parse-mod "parse-go.mod-with-block"
                   '(("A" "v1")
                     ("B" "v1.0.0")
                     ("C" "v1.0.0")
                     ("D" "v1.2.3")
                     ("E" "dev"))

 '(("github.com/corp/arbitrary-repo" "v0.0.2")
   ("quoted.example.com/abitrary/repo" "v0.0.2")
   ("one.example.com/abitrary/repo" "v1.1.111")
   ("hub.jazz.net/git/user/project/sub/directory" "v1.1.19")
   ("hub.jazz.net/git/user/project" "v1.1.18")
   ("launchpad.net/~user/project/branch/sub/directory" "v1.1.17")
   ("launchpad.net/~user/project/branch" "v1.1.16")
   ("launchpad.net/project/series/sub/directory" "v1.1.15")
   ("launchpad.net/project/series" "v1.1.14")
   ("launchpad.net/project" "v1.1.13")
   ("bitbucket.org/user/project/sub/directory" "v1.11.21")
   ("bitbucket.org/user/project" "v1.11.20")
   ("k8s.io/kubernetes/subproject" "v1.1.101")
   ("github.com/user/project/sub/directory" "v1.1.12")
   ("github.com/user/project" "v1.1.11")
   ("github.com/go-check/check" "v0.0.0-20140225173054-eb6ee6f84d0a"))

(test-equal "parse-go.mod: simple"
  `((module (module-path "my/thing"))
    (go (version "1.12"))
    (require (module-path "other/thing") (version "v1.0.2"))
    (require (module-path "new/thing/v2") (version "v2.3.4"))
    (exclude (module-path "old/thing") (version "v1.2.3"))
    (replace (original (module-path "bad/thing") (version "v1.4.5"))
      (with (module-path "good/thing") (version "v1.4.5"))))
  (parse-go.mod fixture-go-mod-simple))

(test-equal "parse-go.mod: comments and unparsable lines"
  `((module (module-path "my/thing"))
    (go (version "1.12") (comment "avoid feature X"))
    (require (module-path "other/thing") (version "v1.0.2"))
    (comment "Security issue: CVE-XXXXX")
    (exclude (module-path "old/thing") (version "v1.2.3"))
    (unknown "new-directive another/thing yet-another/thing")
    (replace (original (module-path "bad/thing") (version "v1.4.5"))
      (with (module-path "good/thing") (version "v1.4.5")))
    (comment "Unparseable")
    (unknown "bad/thing [v1.4.5, v1.9.7] => good/thing v2.0.0"))
  (parse-go.mod fixture-go-mod-unparsable))

(test-equal "parse-go.mod: retract"
  `((retract (version "v0.9.1"))
    (retract (version "v1.9.2"))
    (retract (range (version "v1.0.0") (version "v1.7.9"))))
  (parse-go.mod fixture-go-mod-retract))

(test-equal "parse-go.mod: raw strings and quoted strings"
  `((require (module-path "example.com/\"some-repo\"") (version "v1.9.3"))
    (require (module-path "example.com/\"another.repo\"") (version "v1.0.0"))
    (require (module-path "example.com/special!repo") (version "v9.3.1"))
    (replace (original (module-path "example.com/\"some-repo\""))
      (with (module-path "launchpad.net/some-repo") (version "v1.9.3")))
    (replace (original (module-path "example.com/\"another.repo\""))
      (with (module-path "launchpad.net/another-repo") (version "v1.0.0"))))
  (parse-go.mod fixture-go-mod-strings))

(test-equal "parse-go.mod: complete"
  `((module (module-path "M"))
    (go (version "1.13"))
    (replace (original (module-path "github.com/myname/myproject/myapi"))
      (with (file-path "./api")))
    (replace (original (module-path "github.com/mymname/myproject/thissdk"))
      (with (file-path "../sdk")))
    (replace (original (module-path "launchpad.net/gocheck"))
      (with (module-path "github.com/go-check/check")
            (version "v0.0.0-20140225173054-eb6ee6f84d0a")))
    (require (module-path "github.com/user/project")
             (version "v1.1.11"))
    (require (module-path "github.com/user/project/sub/directory")
             (version "v1.1.12"))
    (require (module-path "bitbucket.org/user/project")
             (version "v1.11.20"))
    (require (module-path "bitbucket.org/user/project/sub/directory")
             (version "v1.11.21"))
    (require (module-path "launchpad.net/project")
             (version "v1.1.13"))
    (require (module-path "launchpad.net/project/series")
             (version "v1.1.14"))
    (require (module-path "launchpad.net/project/series/sub/directory")
             (version "v1.1.15"))
    (require (module-path "launchpad.net/~user/project/branch")
             (version "v1.1.16"))
    (require (module-path "launchpad.net/~user/project/branch/sub/directory")
             (version "v1.1.17"))
    (require (module-path "hub.jazz.net/git/user/project")
             (version "v1.1.18"))
    (require (module-path "hub.jazz.net/git/user/project/sub/directory")
             (version "v1.1.19"))
    (require (module-path "k8s.io/kubernetes/subproject")
             (version "v1.1.101"))
    (require (module-path "one.example.com/abitrary/repo")
             (version "v1.1.111"))
    (require (module-path "two.example.com/abitrary/repo")
             (version "v0.0.2"))
    (require (module-path "quoted.example.com/abitrary/repo")
             (version "v0.0.2"))
    (replace (original (module-path "two.example.com/abitrary/repo"))
      (with (module-path "github.com/corp/arbitrary-repo")
            (version "v0.0.2")))
    (replace (original (module-path "golang.org/x/sys"))
      (with (module-path "golang.org/x/sys")
            (version "v0.0.0-20190813064441-fde4db37ae7a"))
      (comment "pinned to release-branch.go1.13"))
    (replace (original (module-path "golang.org/x/tools"))
      (with (module-path "golang.org/x/tools")
            (version "v0.0.0-20190821162956-65e3620a7ae7"))
      (comment "pinned to release-branch.go1.13")))
  (parse-go.mod fixture-go-mod-complete))

;;; End-to-end tests for (guix import go)
(define (mock-http-fetch testcase)
  (lambda (url . rest)
    (let ((body (assoc-ref testcase url)))
      (if body
          (open-input-string body)
          (error "mocked http-fetch Unexpected URL: " url)))))

(define (mock-http-get testcase)
  (lambda (url . rest)
    (let ((body (assoc-ref testcase url))
                #:version '(1 . 1)
                #:code 200
                #:reason-phrase "Ok"
                #:headers `(
                            (content-type text/html (charset . "utf-8"))
                            (date . ,(make-date 0 10 58 12 6 3 2021 0))
                            (transfer-encoding (chunked)))
                #:port #f
                #:validate-headers? #t)))
      (if body
          (values response-header body)
          (error "mocked http-get Unexpected URL: " url)))))

(test-equal "go-module->guix-package"
     (name "go-github-com-go-check-check")
     (version "0.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c")
        (method git-fetch)
        (uri (git-reference
              (url "https://github.com/go-check/check")
              (commit (go-version->git-ref version))))
        (file-name (git-file-name name version))
     (build-system go-build-system)
      (list #:import-path "github.com/go-check/check"))
      (list go-github-com-kr-pretty))
     (home-page "https://github.com/go-check/check")
     (synopsis "Instructions")
     (description "Package check is a rich testing extension for Go's testing \
     (license license:bsd-2))

  ;; Replace network resources with sample data.
   (lambda (checkout)
     (mock ((web client) http-get
            (mock-http-get fixtures-go-check-test))
         (mock ((guix http-client) http-fetch
                (mock-http-fetch fixtures-go-check-test))
             (mock ((guix git) update-cached-checkout
                    (lambda* (url #:key ref)
                      ;; Return an empty directory and its hash.
                      (values checkout
                 (go-module->guix-package* "github.com/go-check/check")))))))

(test-end "go")
space in /tmp than is normally ;; available in the guest. Accommodate such programs by sharing a ;; temporary directory. (string-append "local,id=tmp_dev,path=tmp" ",security_model=none,mount_tag=tmp") "-kernel" linux "-initrd" initrd (append (if make-disk-image? `("-device" "virtio-blk,drive=myhd" "-drive" ,(string-append "if=none,file=" output ",format=" disk-image-format ",id=myhd")) '()) arch-specific-flags)) (unless (file-exists? "xchg/.exit-status") (error "VM did not produce an exit code")) (match (call-with-input-file "xchg/.exit-status" read) (0 #t) (status (error "guest VM code exited with a non-zero status" status))) (delete-file "xchg/.exit-status") ;; When MAKE-DISK-IMAGE? is true, the image is in OUTPUT already. (unless make-disk-image? (if single-file-output? (let ((graph? (lambda (name stat) (member (basename name) references-graphs)))) (match (find-files "xchg" (negate graph?)) ((result) (copy-file result output)) (x (error "did not find a single result file" x)))) (begin (mkdir output) (copy-recursively "xchg" output))))) (define* (register-closure prefix closure #:key (schema (sql-schema))) "Register CLOSURE in PREFIX, where PREFIX is the directory name of the target store and CLOSURE is the name of a file containing a reference graph as produced by #:references-graphs." (let ((items (call-with-input-file closure read-reference-graph))) (parameterize ((sql-schema schema)) (with-database (store-database-file #:prefix prefix) db (register-items db items #:prefix prefix #:registration-time %epoch))))) ;;; ;;; Partitions. ;;; (define-record-type* <partition> partition make-partition partition? (device partition-device (default #f)) (size partition-size) (file-system partition-file-system (default "ext4")) (file-system-options partition-file-system-options ;passed to 'mkfs.FS' (default '())) (label partition-label (default #f)) (uuid partition-uuid (default #f)) (flags partition-flags (default '())) (initializer partition-initializer (default (const #t)))) (define (estimated-partition-size graphs) "Return the estimated size of a partition that can store the store items given by GRAPHS, a list of file names produced by #:references-graphs." ;; Simply add a 25% overhead. (round (* 1.25 (closure-size graphs)))) (define* (initialize-partition-table device partitions #:key (label-type "msdos") (offset (expt 2 20))) "Create on DEVICE a partition table of type LABEL-TYPE, containing the given PARTITIONS (a list of <partition> objects), starting at OFFSET bytes. On success, return PARTITIONS with their 'device' field changed to reflect their actual /dev name based on DEVICE." (define (partition-options part offset index) (cons* "mkpart" "primary" "ext2" (format #f "~aB" offset) (format #f "~aB" (+ offset (partition-size part))) (append-map (lambda (flag) (list "set" (number->string index) (symbol->string flag) "on")) (partition-flags part)))) (define (options partitions offset) (let loop ((partitions partitions) (offset offset) (index 1) (result '())) (match partitions (() (concatenate (reverse result))) ((head tail ...) (loop tail ;; Leave one sector (512B) between partitions to placate ;; Parted. (+ offset 512 (partition-size head)) (+ 1 index) (cons (partition-options head offset index) result)))))) (format #t "creating partition table with ~a partitions (~a)...\n" (length partitions) (string-join (map (compose (cut string-append <> " MiB") number->string (lambda (size) (round (/ size (expt 2. 20)))) partition-size) partitions) ", ")) (apply invoke "parted" "--script" device "mklabel" label-type (options partitions offset)) ;; Set the 'device' field of each partition. (reverse (fold2 (lambda (part result index) (values (cons (partition (inherit part) (device (string-append device (number->string index)))) result) (+ 1 index))) '() 1 partitions))) (define MS_BIND 4096) ; <sys/mounts.h> again! (define* (create-ext-file-system partition type #:key label uuid (options '())) "Create an ext-family file system of TYPE on PARTITION. If LABEL is true, use that as the volume name. If UUID is true, use it as the partition UUID." (format #t "creating ~a partition... ~@[label: ~s~] ~@[uuid: ~s~]\n" type label (and uuid (uuid->string uuid))) (apply invoke (string-append "mkfs." type) "-F" partition `(,@(if label `("-L" ,label) '()) ,@(if uuid `("-U" ,(uuid->string uuid)) '()) ,@options))) (define* (create-fat-file-system partition #:key label uuid (options '())) "Create a FAT file system on PARTITION. The number of File Allocation Tables will be determined based on file system size. If LABEL is true, use that as the volume name." ;; FIXME: UUID is ignored! (format #t "creating FAT partition...\n") (apply invoke "mkfs.fat" partition (append (if label `("-n" ,label) '()) options))) (define* (format-partition partition type #:key label uuid (options '())) "Create a file system TYPE on PARTITION. If LABEL is true, use that as the volume name. Options is a list of command-line options passed to 'mkfs.FS'." (cond ((string-prefix? "ext" type) (create-ext-file-system partition type #:label label #:uuid uuid #:options options)) ((or (string-prefix? "fat" type) (string= "vfat" type)) (create-fat-file-system partition #:label label #:uuid uuid #:options options)) (else (error "Unsupported file system.")))) (define (initialize-partition partition) "Format PARTITION, a <partition> object with a non-#f 'device' field, mount it, run its initializer, and unmount it." (let ((target "/fs")) (format-partition (partition-device partition) (partition-file-system partition) #:label (partition-label partition) #:uuid (partition-uuid partition) #:options (partition-file-system-options partition)) (mkdir-p target) (mount (partition-device partition) target (partition-file-system partition)) ((partition-initializer partition) target) (umount target) partition)) (define* (root-partition-initializer #:key (closures '()) copy-closures? (register-closures? #t) system-directory (deduplicate? #t) (make-device-nodes make-essential-device-nodes) (extra-directives '())) "Return a procedure to initialize a root partition. If REGISTER-CLOSURES? is true, register all of CLOSURES in the partition's store. If DEDUPLICATE? is true, then also deduplicate files common to CLOSURES and the rest of the store when registering the closures. If COPY-CLOSURES? is true, copy all of CLOSURES to the partition. SYSTEM-DIRECTORY is the name of the directory of the 'system' derivation. EXTRA-DIRECTIVES is an optional list of directives to populate the root file system that is passed to 'populate-root-file-system'." (lambda (target) (define target-store (string-append target (%store-directory))) (when copy-closures? ;; Populate the store. (populate-store (map (cut string-append "/xchg/" <>) closures) target #:deduplicate? deduplicate?)) ;; Populate /dev. (make-device-nodes target) ;; Optionally, register the inputs in the image's store. (when register-closures? (unless copy-closures? ;; XXX: 'register-closure' wants to palpate the things it registers, so ;; bind-mount the store on the target. (mkdir-p target-store) (mount (%store-directory) target-store "" MS_BIND)) (display "registering closures...\n") (for-each (lambda (closure) (register-closure target (string-append "/xchg/" closure))) closures) (unless copy-closures? (umount target-store))) ;; Add the non-store directories and files. (display "populating...\n") (populate-root-file-system system-directory target #:extras extra-directives) ;; 'register-closure' resets timestamps and everything, so no need to do it ;; once more in that case. (unless register-closures? ;; 'reset-timestamps' also resets file permissions; do that everywhere ;; except on /dev so that /dev/null remains writable, etc. (for-each (lambda (directory) (reset-timestamps (string-append target "/" directory))) (scandir target (match-lambda ((or "." ".." "dev") #f) (_ #t)))) (reset-timestamps (string-append target "/dev") #:preserve-permissions? #t)))) (define (register-bootcfg-root target bootcfg) "On file system TARGET, register BOOTCFG as a GC root." (let ((directory (string-append target "/var/guix/gcroots"))) (mkdir-p directory) (symlink bootcfg (string-append directory "/bootcfg")))) (define* (initialize-hard-disk device #:key bootloader-package bootcfg bootcfg-location bootloader-installer (grub-efi #f) (partitions '())) "Initialize DEVICE as a disk containing all the <partition> objects listed in PARTITIONS, and using BOOTCFG as its bootloader configuration file. Each partition is initialized by calling its 'initializer' procedure, passing it a directory name where it is mounted." (define (partition-bootable? partition) "Return the first partition found with the boot flag set." (member 'boot (partition-flags partition))) (define (partition-esp? partition) "Return the first EFI System Partition." (member 'esp (partition-flags partition))) (let* ((partitions (initialize-partition-table device partitions)) (root (find partition-bootable? partitions)) (esp (find partition-esp? partitions)) (target "/fs")) (unless root (error "no bootable partition specified" partitions)) (for-each initialize-partition partitions) (display "mounting root partition...\n") (mkdir-p target) (mount (partition-device root) target (partition-file-system root)) (install-boot-config bootcfg bootcfg-location target) (when bootloader-installer (display "installing bootloader...\n") (bootloader-installer bootloader-package device target)) (when esp ;; Mount the ESP somewhere and install GRUB UEFI image. (let ((mount-point (string-append target "/boot/efi"))) (display "mounting EFI system partition...\n") (mkdir-p mount-point) (mount (partition-device esp) mount-point (partition-file-system esp)) (display "creating EFI firmware image...") (install-efi-loader grub-efi mount-point) (display "done.\n") (umount mount-point))) ;; Register BOOTCFG as a GC root. (register-bootcfg-root target bootcfg) (umount target))) ;;; vm.scm ends here