;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2016-2020, 2022-2023 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Mathieu Othacehe <m.othacehe@gmail.com>
;;; Copyright © 2017 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxime Devos <maximedevos@telenet.be>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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(define-module (gnu tests)
  #:use-module (guix gexp)
  #:use-module (guix diagnostics)
  #:use-module (guix records)
  #:use-module ((guix ui) #:select (warn-about-load-error))
  #:use-module (gnu bootloader)
  #:use-module (gnu bootloader grub)
  #:use-module (gnu system)
  #:use-module (gnu system file-systems)
  #:use-module (gnu system shadow)
  #:use-module (gnu services)
  #:use-module (gnu services base)
  #:use-module (gnu services shepherd)
  #:use-module (guix discovery)
  #:use-module (guix monads)
  #:use-module ((guix store) #:select (%store-monad))
  #:use-module ((guix utils)
                #:select (%current-system %current-target-system))
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9 gnu)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:export (marionette-configuration





;;; Commentary:
;;; This module provides the infrastructure to run operating system tests.
;;; The most important part of that is tools to instrument the OS under test,
;;; essentially allowing it to run in a virtual machine controlled by the host
;;; system--hence the name "marionette".
;;; Code:

(define-record-type* <marionette-configuration>
  marionette-configuration make-marionette-configuration
  (device           marionette-configuration-device ;string
                    (default "/dev/virtio-ports/org.gnu.guix.port.0"))
  (imported-modules marionette-configuration-imported-modules
                    (default '()))
  (extensions       marionette-configuration-extensions
                    (default '())) ; list of packages
  (requirements     marionette-configuration-requirements ;list of symbols
                    (default '())))

;; Hack: avoid indenting code beyond column 80 in marionette-shepherd-service.
(define-syntax-rule (with-imported-modules-and-extensions imported-modules
  (with-imported-modules imported-modules
    (with-extensions extensions

(define (marionette-program device imported-modules extensions)
  "Return the program that runs the marionette REPL on DEVICE.  Ensure
IMPORTED-MODULES and EXTENSIONS are accessible from the REPL."
  (define code
        `((guix build utils)
          (guix build syscalls)
          (use-modules (ice-9 match)
                       (ice-9 binary-ports))

          (define (self-quoting? x)
            (letrec-syntax ((one-of (syntax-rules ()
                                      ((_) #f)
                                      ((_ pred rest ...)
                                       (or (pred x)
                                           (one-of rest ...))))))
              (one-of symbol? string? keyword? pair? null? array?
                      number? boolean? char?)))

          (let ((repl    (open-file #$device "r+0"))
                (console (open-file "/dev/console" "r+0")))
            ;; Redirect output to the console.
            (close-fdes 1)
            (close-fdes 2)
            (dup2 (fileno console) 1)
            (dup2 (fileno console) 2)
            (close-port console)

            (display 'ready repl)
            (let loop ()
              (newline repl)

              (match (read repl)
                ((? eof-object?)
                 (primitive-exit 0))
                 (catch #t
                   (lambda ()
                     (let ((result (primitive-eval expr)))
                       (write (if (self-quoting? result)
                                  (object->string result))
                   (lambda (key . args)
                     (print-exception (current-error-port)
                                      (stack-ref (make-stack #t) 1)
                                      key args)
                     (write #f repl)))))

  (program-file "marionette-repl.scm" code))

(define (marionette-shepherd-service config)
  "Return the Shepherd service for the marionette REPL"
  (match config
    (($ <marionette-configuration> device imported-modules extensions
     (list (shepherd-service
            (provision '(marionette))

            ;; Always depend on UDEV so that DEVICE is available.
            (requirement `(udev ,@requirement))

            (modules '((ice-9 match)
                       (srfi srfi-9 gnu)))
            (start #~(make-forkexec-constructor
                      (list #$(marionette-program device
            (stop #~(make-kill-destructor)))))))

(define marionette-service-type
  ;; This is the type of the "marionette" service, allowing a guest system to
  ;; be manipulated from the host.  This marionette REPL is essentially a
  ;; universal backdoor.
  (service-type (name 'marionette-repl)
                 (list (service-extension shepherd-root-service-type
                (description "The @dfn{marionette} service allows a guest
system (virtual machine) to be manipulated by the host.  It is used for system

(define* (marionette-operating-system os
                                      (imported-modules '())
                                      (extensions '())
                                      (requirements '()))
  "Return a marionetteed variant of OS such that OS can be used as a
marionette in a virtual machine--i.e., controlled from the host system.  The
marionette service in the guest is started after the Shepherd services listed
in REQUIREMENTS.  The packages in the list EXTENSIONS are made available from
the backdoor REPL."
    (inherit os)
    ;; Make sure the guest dies on error.
    (kernel-arguments (cons "panic=1"
                            (operating-system-user-kernel-arguments os)))
    ;; Make sure the guest doesn't hang in the REPL on error.
    (initrd (lambda (fs . rest)
              (apply (operating-system-initrd os) fs
                     #:on-error 'backtrace
    (services (cons (service marionette-service-type
                              (requirements requirements)
                              (extensions extensions)
                              (imported-modules imported-modules)))
                    (operating-system-user-services os)))))

(define-syntax define-os-with-source
  (syntax-rules (use-modules operating-system)
    "Define two variables: OS containing the given operating system, and
SOURCE containing the source to define OS as an sexp.

This is convenient when we need both the <operating-system> object so we can
instantiate it, and the source to create it so we can store in in a file in
the system under test."
    ((_ (os source)
        (use-modules modules ...)
        (operating-system fields ...))
       (define os
         (operating-system fields ...))
       (define source
            (use-modules modules ...)
            (operating-system fields ...)))))))

;;; Simple operating systems.

(define %simple-os
    (host-name "komputilo")
    (timezone "Europe/Berlin")
    (locale "en_US.UTF-8")

    (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
                 (bootloader grub-bootloader)
                 (targets '("/dev/sdX"))))
    (file-systems (cons (file-system
                          (device (file-system-label "my-root"))
                          (mount-point "/")
                          (type "ext4"))
    (firmware '())

    (users (cons (user-account
                  (name "alice")
                  (comment "Bob's sister")
                  (group "users")
                  (supplementary-groups '("wheel" "audio" "video")))

(define-syntax-rule (simple-operating-system user-services ...)
  "Return an operating system that includes USER-SERVICES in addition to
  (operating-system (inherit %simple-os)
                    (services (cons* user-services ... %base-services))))

;;; Tests.

(define-record-type* <system-test> system-test make-system-test
  (name        system-test-name)                  ;string
  (value       system-test-value)                 ;%STORE-MONAD value
  (description system-test-description)           ;string
  (location    system-test-location (innate)      ;<location>
               (default (and=> (current-source-location)

(define (write-system-test test port)
  (match test
    (($ <system-test> name _ _ ($ <location> file line))
     (format port "#<system-test ~a ~a:~a ~a>"
             name file line
             (number->string (object-address test) 16)))
    (($ <system-test> name)
     (format port "#<system-test ~a ~a>" name
             (number->string (object-address test) 16)))))

(set-record-type-printer! <system-test> write-system-test)

(define-gexp-compiler (compile-system-test (test <system-test>)
                                           system target)
  "Compile TEST to a derivation."
  (mparameterize %store-monad ((%current-system system)
                               (%current-target-system target))
    (system-test-value test)))

(define (test-modules)
  "Return the list of modules that define system tests."
  (scheme-modules (dirname (search-path %load-path "guix.scm"))
                  #:warn warn-about-load-error))

(define (fold-system-tests proc seed)
  "Invoke PROC on each system test, passing it the test and the previous
  (fold-module-public-variables (lambda (obj result)
                                  (if (system-test? obj)
                                      (cons obj result)

(define (all-system-tests)
  "Return the list of system tests."
  (reverse (fold-system-tests cons '())))

;; Local Variables:
;; eval: (put 'with-imported-modules-and-extensions 'scheme-indent-function 2)
;; End:

;;; tests.scm ends here
string-append "nar/gzip/" (basename %item))) ("Compression" . "gzip") ("URL" . ,(string-append "nar/lzip/" (basename %item))) ("Compression" . "lzip")) 200 200) (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6793" "-Cgzip:2" "-Clzip:2")))))) (wait-until-ready 6793) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6793/") (part (store-path-hash-part %item)) (url (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (body (http-get-port url))) (list (filter (match-lambda (("StorePath" . _) #t) (("URL" . _) #t) (("Compression" . _) #t) (_ #f)) (recutils->alist body)) (response-code (http-get (string-append base "nar/gzip/" (basename %item)))) (response-code (http-get (string-append base "nar/lzip/" (basename %item)))))))))) (test-equal "custom nar path" ;; Serve nars at /foo/bar/chbouib instead of /nar. (list `(("StorePath" . ,%item) ("URL" . ,(string-append "foo/bar/chbouib/" (basename %item))) ("Compression" . "none")) 200 404) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6798" "-C0" "--nar-path=///foo/bar//chbouib/")))))) (wait-until-ready 6798) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6798/") (part (store-path-hash-part %item)) (url (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (nar-url (string-append base "foo/bar/chbouib/" (basename %item))) (body (http-get-port url))) (list (filter (lambda (item) (match item (("Compression" . _) #t) (("StorePath" . _) #t) (("URL" . _) #t) (_ #f))) (recutils->alist body)) (response-code (http-get nar-url)) (response-code (http-get (string-append base "nar/" (basename %item)))))))) (test-equal "/nar/ with properly encoded '+' sign" "Congrats!" (let ((item (add-text-to-store %store "fake-gtk+" "Congrats!"))) (call-with-temporary-output-file (lambda (temp port) (let ((nar (utf8->string (http-get-body (publish-uri (string-append "/nar/" (uri-encode (basename item)))))))) (call-with-input-string nar (cut restore-file <> temp))) (call-with-input-file temp read-string))))) (test-equal "/nar/invalid" 404 (begin (call-with-output-file (string-append (%store-prefix) "/invalid") (lambda (port) (display "This file is not a valid store item." port))) (response-code (http-get (publish-uri (string-append "/nar/invalid")))))) (test-equal "/file/NAME/sha256/HASH" "Hello, Guix world!" (let* ((data "Hello, Guix world!") (hash (call-with-input-string data port-sha256)) (drv (run-with-store %store (gexp->derivation "the-file.txt" #~(call-with-output-file #$output (lambda (port) (display #$data port))) #:hash-algo 'sha256 #:hash hash))) (out (build-derivations %store (list drv)))) (utf8->string (http-get-body (publish-uri (string-append "/file/the-file.txt/sha256/" (bytevector->nix-base32-string hash))))))) (test-equal "/file/NAME/sha256/INVALID-NIX-BASE32-STRING" 404 (let ((uri (publish-uri "/file/the-file.txt/sha256/not-a-nix-base32-string"))) (response-code (http-get uri)))) (test-equal "/file/NAME/sha256/INVALID-HASH" 404 (let ((uri (publish-uri (string-append "/file/the-file.txt/sha256/" (bytevector->nix-base32-string (call-with-input-string "" port-sha256)))))) (response-code (http-get uri)))) (test-equal "with cache" (list #t `(("StorePath" . ,%item) ("URL" . ,(string-append "nar/gzip/" (basename %item))) ("Compression" . "gzip")) 200 ;nar/gzip/… #t ;Content-Length #t ;FileSize 404) ;nar/… (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6797" "-C2" (string-append "--cache=" cache) "--cache-bypass-threshold=0")))))) (wait-until-ready 6797) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6797/") (part (store-path-hash-part %item)) (url (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (nar-url (string-append base "nar/gzip/" (basename %item))) (cached (string-append cache "/gzip/" (basename %item) ".narinfo")) (nar (string-append cache "/gzip/" (basename %item) ".nar")) (response (http-get url))) (and (= 404 (response-code response)) ;; We should get an explicitly short TTL for 404 in this case ;; because it's going to become 200 shortly. (match (assq-ref (response-headers response) 'cache-control) ((('max-age . ttl)) (< ttl 3600))) (wait-for-file cached) ;; Both the narinfo and nar should be world-readable. (= #o444 (logand #o444 (stat:perms (lstat cached)))) (= #o444 (logand #o444 (stat:perms (lstat nar)))) (let* ((body (http-get-port url)) (compressed (http-get nar-url)) (uncompressed (http-get (string-append base "nar/" (basename %item)))) (narinfo (recutils->alist body))) (list (file-exists? nar) (filter (lambda (item) (match item (("Compression" . _) #t) (("StorePath" . _) #t) (("URL" . _) #t) (_ #f))) narinfo) (response-code compressed) (= (response-content-length compressed) (stat:size (stat nar))) (= (string->number (assoc-ref narinfo "FileSize")) (stat:size (stat nar))) (response-code uncompressed))))))))) (test-equal "with cache, lzip + gzip" '(200 200 404) (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6794" "-Cgzip:2" "-Clzip:2" (string-append "--cache=" cache) "--cache-bypass-threshold=0")))))) (wait-until-ready 6794) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6794/") (part (store-path-hash-part %item)) (url (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (nar-url (cute string-append "nar/" <> "/" (basename %item))) (cached (cute string-append cache "/" <> "/" (basename %item) ".narinfo")) (nar (cute string-append cache "/" <> "/" (basename %item) ".nar")) (response (http-get url))) (wait-for-file (cached "gzip")) (let* ((body (http-get-port url)) (narinfo (recutils->alist body)) (uncompressed (string-append base "nar/" (basename %item)))) (and (file-exists? (nar "gzip")) (file-exists? (nar "lzip")) (match (pk 'narinfo/gzip+lzip narinfo) ((("StorePath" . path) _ ... ("Signature" . _) ("URL" . gzip-url) ("Compression" . "gzip") ("FileSize" . (= string->number gzip-size)) ("URL" . lzip-url) ("Compression" . "lzip") ("FileSize" . (= string->number lzip-size))) (and (string=? gzip-url (nar-url "gzip")) (string=? lzip-url (nar-url "lzip")) (= gzip-size (stat:size (stat (nar "gzip")))) (= lzip-size (stat:size (stat (nar "lzip"))))))) (list (response-code (http-get (string-append base (nar-url "gzip")))) (response-code (http-get (string-append base (nar-url "lzip")))) (response-code (http-get uncompressed)))))))))) (let ((item (add-text-to-store %store "fake-compressed-thing.tar.gz" (random-text)))) (test-equal "with cache, uncompressed" (list #t (* 42 3600) ;TTL on narinfo `(("StorePath" . ,item) ("URL" . ,(string-append "nar/" (basename item))) ("Compression" . "none")) 200 ;nar/… (* 42 3600) ;TTL on nar/… (path-info-nar-size (query-path-info %store item)) ;FileSize 404) ;nar/gzip/… (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6796" "-C2" "--ttl=42h" (string-append "--cache=" cache) "--cache-bypass-threshold=0")))))) (wait-until-ready 6796) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6796/") (part (store-path-hash-part item)) (url (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (cached (string-append cache "/none/" (basename item) ".narinfo")) (nar (string-append cache "/none/" (basename item) ".nar")) (response (http-get url))) (and (= 404 (response-code response)) (wait-for-file cached) (let* ((response (http-get url)) (body (http-get-port url)) (compressed (http-get (string-append base "nar/gzip/" (basename item)))) (uncompressed (http-get (string-append base "nar/" (basename item)))) (narinfo (recutils->alist body))) (list (file-exists? nar) (match (assq-ref (response-headers response) 'cache-control) ((('max-age . ttl)) ttl) (_ #f)) (filter (lambda (item) (match item (("Compression" . _) #t) (("StorePath" . _) #t) (("URL" . _) #t) (_ #f))) narinfo) (response-code uncompressed) (match (assq-ref (response-headers uncompressed) 'cache-control) ((('max-age . ttl)) ttl) (_ #f)) (string->number (assoc-ref narinfo "FileSize")) (response-code compressed)))))))))) (test-equal "with cache, vanishing item" ;<https://bugs.gnu.org/33897> 200 (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6795" (string-append "--cache=" cache))))))) (wait-until-ready 6795) ;; Make sure that, even if ITEM disappears, we're still able to fetch ;; it. (let* ((base "http://localhost:6795/") (item (add-text-to-store %store "random" (random-text))) (part (store-path-hash-part item)) (url (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (cached (string-append cache "/gzip/" (basename item) ".narinfo")) (response (http-get url))) (and (= 200 (response-code response)) ;we're below the threshold (wait-for-file cached) (begin (delete-paths %store (list item)) (response-code (pk 'response (http-get url)))))))))) (test-equal "with cache, cache bypass" 200 (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6788" "-C" "gzip" (string-append "--cache=" cache))))))) (wait-until-ready 6788) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6788/") (item (add-text-to-store %store "random" (random-text))) (part (store-path-hash-part item)) (narinfo (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (nar (string-append base "nar/gzip/" (basename item))) (cached (string-append cache "/gzip/" (basename item) ".narinfo"))) ;; We're below the default cache bypass threshold, so NAR and NARINFO ;; should immediately return 200. The NARINFO request should trigger ;; caching, and the next request to NAR should return 200 as well. (and (let ((response (pk 'r1 (http-get nar)))) (and (= 200 (response-code response)) (not (response-content-length response)))) ;not known (= 200 (response-code (http-get narinfo))) (begin (wait-for-file cached) (let ((response (pk 'r2 (http-get nar)))) (and (> (response-content-length response) (stat:size (stat item))) (response-code response)))))))))) (test-equal "with cache, cache bypass, unmapped hash part" 200 ;; This test reproduces the bug described in <https://bugs.gnu.org/44442>: ;; the daemon connection would be closed as a side effect of a nar request ;; for a non-existing file name. (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6787" "-C" "gzip" (string-append "--cache=" cache))))))) (wait-until-ready 6787) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6787/") (item (add-text-to-store %store "random" (random-text))) (part (store-path-hash-part item)) (narinfo (string-append base part ".narinfo")) (nar (string-append base "nar/gzip/" (basename item))) (cached (string-append cache "/gzip/" (basename item) ".narinfo"))) ;; The first response used to be 500 and to terminate the daemon ;; connection as a side effect. (and (= (response-code (http-get (string-append base "nar/gzip/" (make-string 32 #\e) "-does-not-exist"))) 404) (= 200 (response-code (http-get nar))) (= 200 (response-code (http-get narinfo))) (begin (wait-for-file cached) (response-code (http-get nar))))))))) (test-equal "/log/NAME" `(200 #t text/plain (gzip)) (let ((drv (run-with-store %store (gexp->derivation "with-log" #~(call-with-output-file #$output (lambda (port) (display "Hello, build log!" (current-error-port)) (display #$(random-text) port))))))) (build-derivations %store (list drv)) (let* ((response (http-get (publish-uri (string-append "/log/" (basename (derivation->output-path drv)))) #:decode-body? #f)) (base (basename (derivation-file-name drv))) (log (string-append (dirname %state-directory) "/log/guix/drvs/" (string-take base 2) "/" (string-drop base 2) ".gz"))) (list (response-code response) (= (response-content-length response) (stat:size (stat log))) (first (response-content-type response)) (response-content-encoding response))))) (test-equal "negative TTL" `(404 42) (call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (cache) (let ((thread (with-separate-output-ports (call-with-new-thread (lambda () (guix-publish "--port=6786" "-C0" "--negative-ttl=42s")))))) (wait-until-ready 6786) (let* ((base "http://localhost:6786/") (url (string-append base (make-string 32 #\z) ".narinfo")) (response (http-get url))) (list (response-code response) (match (assq-ref (response-headers response) 'cache-control) ((('max-age . ttl)) ttl) (_ #f)))))))) (test-equal "no negative TTL" `(404 #f) (let* ((uri (publish-uri (string-append "/" (make-string 32 #\z) ".narinfo"))) (response (http-get uri))) (list (response-code response) (assq-ref (response-headers response) 'cache-control)))) (test-equal "/log/NAME not found" 404 (let ((uri (publish-uri "/log/does-not-exist"))) (response-code (http-get uri)))) (test-equal "/signing-key.pub" 200 (response-code (http-get (publish-uri "/signing-key.pub")))) (test-equal "non-GET query" '(200 404) (let ((path (string-append "/" (store-path-hash-part %item) ".narinfo"))) (map response-code (list (http-get (publish-uri path)) (http-post (publish-uri path)))))) (test-end "publish")