;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
;;; Copyright © 2015 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2016-2017, 2019-2023 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2019 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Efraim Flashner <efraim@flashner.co.il>
;;; Copyright © 2020 Google LLC
;;; Copyright © 2022 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>
;;; Copyright © 2023 Pierre Langlois <pierre.langlois@gmx.com>
;;; Copyright © 2024 Leo Nikkilä <hello@lnikki.la>
;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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(define-module (gnu system linux-container)
  #:use-module (ice-9 match)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (guix config)
  #:use-module (guix store)
  #:use-module (guix gexp)
  #:use-module (guix derivations)
  #:use-module (guix monads)
  #:use-module (guix modules)
  #:use-module (gnu build linux-container)
  #:use-module (gnu services)
  #:use-module (gnu services base)
  #:use-module (gnu services networking)
  #:use-module (gnu services shepherd)
  #:use-module (gnu system)
  #:use-module (gnu system file-systems)
  #:export (system-container

(define* (container-essential-services os #:key shared-network?)
  "Return a list of essential services corresponding to OS, a
non-containerized OS.  This procedure essentially strips essential services
from OS that are needed on the bare metal and not in a container."
  (define base
    (remove (lambda (service)
              (memq (service-kind service)
                    (cons* (service-kind %linux-bare-metal-service)
                           (if shared-network?
                               (list hosts-service-type)
            (operating-system-essential-services os)))

  (cons (service system-service-type
                 `(("locale" ,(operating-system-locale-directory os))))
        ;; If network is to be shared with the host, remove network
        ;; configuration files from etc-service.
        (if shared-network?
            (modify-services base
               files => (remove
                           ((filename _)
                            (member filename
                                    (map basename %network-configuration-files))))

(define dummy-networking-service-type
   (const (shepherd-service
           (documentation "Provide loopback and networking without actually
doing anything.")
           (provision '(loopback networking))
           (start #~(const #t))))
   (description "Provide loopback and networking without actually doing
anything.  This service is used by guest systems running in containers, where
networking support is provided by the host.")))

(define %nscd-container-caches
  ;; Similar to %nscd-default-caches but with smaller cache sizes. This allows
  ;; many containers to coexist on the same machine without exhausting RAM.
  (map (lambda (cache)
          (inherit cache)
          (max-database-size (expt 2 18)))) ;256KiB

(define* (containerized-operating-system os mappings
                                         (extra-file-systems '()))
  "Return an operating system based on OS for use in a Linux container
environment.  MAPPINGS is a list of <file-system-mapping> to realize in the
containerized OS.  EXTRA-FILE-SYSTEMS is a list of file systems to add to OS."
  (define user-file-systems
    (remove (lambda (fs)
              (let ((target (file-system-mount-point fs))
                    (source (file-system-device fs)))
                (or (string=? target (%store-prefix))
                    (string=? target "/")
                    (and (string? source)
                         (string-prefix? "/dev/" source))
                    (string-prefix? "/dev/" target)
                    (string-prefix? "/sys/" target))))
            (operating-system-file-systems os)))

  (define (mapping->fs fs)
    (file-system (inherit (file-system-mapping->bind-mount fs))
      (needed-for-boot? #t)))

  (define services-to-drop
    ;; Service types to filter from the original operating-system. Some of
    ;; these make no sense in a container (e.g., those that access
    ;; /dev/tty[0-9]), while others just need to be reinstantiated with
    ;; different configs that are better suited to containers.
    (append (list console-font-service-type
            (if shared-network?
                ;; Replace these with dummy-networking-service-type below.

  (define services-to-add
    ;; Many Guix services depend on a 'networking' shepherd
    ;; service, so make sure to provide a dummy 'networking'
    ;; service when we are sure that networking is already set up
    ;; in the host and can be used.  That prevents double setup.
    (if shared-network?
        (list (service dummy-networking-service-type))

  (define os-with-base-essential-services
      (inherit os)
      (swap-devices '()) ; disable swap
       (append services-to-add
               (filter-map (lambda (s)
                             (cond ((memq (service-kind s) services-to-drop)
                                   ((eq? nscd-service-type (service-kind s))
                                    (service nscd-service-type
                                              (inherit (service-value s))
                                              (caches %nscd-container-caches))))
                                   ((eq? guix-service-type (service-kind s))
                                    ;; Pass '--disable-chroot' so that
                                    ;; guix-daemon can build thing even in
                                    ;; Docker without '--privileged'.
                                    (service guix-service-type
                                              (inherit (service-value s))
                                               (cons "--disable-chroot"
                                                      (service-value s)))))))
                                   (else s)))
                           (operating-system-user-services os))))
      (file-systems (append (map mapping->fs
                                 (if shared-network?
                                     (append %network-file-mappings mappings)

                            ;; Provide a dummy root file system so we can create
                            ;; a 'boot-parameters' file.
                            (list (file-system
                                    (mount-point "/")
                                    (device "nothing")
                                    (type "dummy")))))))

  ;; `essential-services' is thunked, we need to evaluate it separately.
    (inherit os-with-base-essential-services)
    (essential-services (container-essential-services
                         #:shared-network? shared-network?))))

(define* (container-script os #:key (mappings '()) shared-network?)
  "Return a derivation of a script that runs OS as a Linux container.
MAPPINGS is a list of <file-system> objects that specify the files/directories
that will be shared with the host system."
  (define (mountable-file-system? file-system)
    ;; Return #t if FILE-SYSTEM should be mounted in the container.
    (and (not (string=? "/" (file-system-mount-point file-system)))
         (file-system-needed-for-boot? file-system)))

  (define (os-file-system-specs os)
    (map file-system->spec
         (filter mountable-file-system?
                 (operating-system-file-systems os))))

  (let* ((os (containerized-operating-system
              os (cons %store-mapping mappings)
              #:shared-network? shared-network?
              #:extra-file-systems %container-file-systems))
         (specs (os-file-system-specs os)))

    (define script
      (with-imported-modules (source-module-closure
                              '((guix build utils)
                                (gnu build linux-container)
                                (guix i18n)
                                (guix diagnostics)))
            (use-modules (gnu build linux-container)
                         (gnu system file-systems) ;spec->file-system
                         (guix build utils)
                         (guix i18n)
                         (guix diagnostics)
                         (srfi srfi-1)
                         (srfi srfi-37)
                         (ice-9 match))

            (define (show-help)
              (display (G_ "Usage: run-container [OPTION ...]
Run the container with the given options."))
              (display (G_ "
      --share=SPEC       share host file system with read/write access
                         according to SPEC"))
              (display (G_ "
      --expose=SPEC      expose host file system directory as read-only
                         according to SPEC"))
              (display (G_ "
  -h, --help             display this help and exit"))

            (define %options
              ;; Specifications of the command-line options.
              (list (option '(#\h "help") #f #f
                            (lambda args
                              (exit 0)))
                    (option '("share") #t #f
                            (lambda (opt name arg result)
                              (alist-cons 'file-system-mapping
                                          (specification->file-system-mapping arg #t)
                    (option '("expose") #t #f
                            (lambda (opt name arg result)
                              (alist-cons 'file-system-mapping
                                          (specification->file-system-mapping arg #f)

            (define (parse-options args options)
              (args-fold args options
                         (lambda (opt name arg . rest)
                           (report-error (G_ "~A: unrecognized option~%") name)
                           (exit 1))
                         (lambda (op res) (cons op res))

            (define (explain pid)
              ;; XXX: We can't quite call 'bindtextdomain' so there's actually
              ;; no i18n.
              ;; XXX: Should we really give both options? 'guix container exec'
              ;; is a more verbose command.  Hard to fail to enter the container
              ;; when we list two options.
              (info (G_ "system container is running as PID ~a~%") pid)
              (info (G_ "Run 'sudo guix container exec ~a /run/current-system/profile/bin/bash --login'\n")
              (info (G_ "or run 'sudo nsenter -a -t ~a' to get a shell into it.~%") pid)
              (newline (guix-warning-port)))

            (let* ((opts (parse-options (cdr (command-line)) %options))
                   (mappings (filter-map (match-lambda
                                           (('file-system-mapping . mapping) mapping)
                                           (_ #f))
                    (filter-map (lambda (fs)
                                  (let ((flags (file-system-flags fs)))
                                    (and (or (not (memq 'bind-mount flags))
                                             (file-exists? (file-system-device fs)))
                                (append (map file-system-mapping->bind-mount mappings)
                                        (map spec->file-system '#$specs)))))
              (call-with-container file-systems
                (lambda ()
                  (setenv "HOME" "/root")
                  (setenv "TMPDIR" "/tmp")
                  (setenv "GUIX_NEW_SYSTEM" #$os)
                  (for-each mkdir-p '("/run" "/bin" "/etc" "/home" "/var"))
                  (primitive-load (string-append #$os "/boot")))
                ;; A range of 65536 uid/gids is used to cover 16 bits worth of
                ;; users and groups, which is sufficient for most cases.
                ;; See: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-nspawn.html#--private-users=
                #:host-uids 65536
                #:namespaces (if #$shared-network?
                                 (delq 'net %namespaces)
                #:process-spawned-hook explain)))))

    (gexp->script "run-container" script)))

(define* (eval/container exp
                         (mappings '())
                         (namespaces %namespaces)
                         (guest-uid 0) (guest-gid 0))
  "Evaluate EXP, a gexp, in a new process executing in separate namespaces as
listed in NAMESPACES.  Add MAPPINGS, a list of <file-system-mapping>, to the
set of directories visible in the process's mount namespace.  Inside the
namespaces, run code as GUEST-UID and GUEST-GID.  Return the process' exit
status as a monadic value.

This is useful to implement processes that, unlike derivations, are not
entirely pure and need to access the outside world or to perform side
  (mlet %store-monad ((lowered (lower-gexp exp)))
    (define inputs
      (cons (lowered-gexp-guile lowered)
            (lowered-gexp-inputs lowered)))

    (define items
      (append (append-map derivation-input-output-paths inputs)
              (lowered-gexp-sources lowered)))

    (mbegin %store-monad
      (built-derivations inputs)
      (mlet %store-monad ((closure ((store-lift requisites) items)))
        (return (call-with-container (map file-system-mapping->bind-mount
                                          (append (map (lambda (item)
                                                          (source item)
                                                          (target source)))
                  (lambda ()
                    (apply execl
                           (string-append (derivation-input-output-path
                                           (lowered-gexp-guile lowered))
                           (append (append-map (lambda (directory)
                                                 `("-L" ,directory))
                                               (lowered-gexp-load-path lowered))
                                   (append-map (lambda (directory)
                                                 `("-C" ,directory))
                                   (list "-c"
                                          (lowered-gexp-sexp lowered))))))
                  #:namespaces namespaces
                  #:guest-uid guest-uid
                  #:guest-gid guest-gid))))))
nu/packages/julia-xyz.scm (julia-recipespipeline)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/kde-internet.scm (kget)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/kde-systemtools.scm (dolphin-plugins) (konsole)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/kodi.scm (fstrcmp)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/language.scm (hime, libchewing)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lego.scm (nqc)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lesstif.scm (lesstif)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/libcanberra.scm (libcanberra)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/libdaemon.scm (libdaemon)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/libffi.scm (libffi)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/libreoffice.scm (libwpd, libwpg, libwps)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/libusb.scm (libmtp, gmtp)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/linux.scm (e2fsprogs, extundelete, lsscsi, net-tools) (kbd, sysfsutils, cpuid, libpfm4)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lisp-check.scm (sbcl-ptester, sbcl-xlunit)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lisp-xyz.scm (sbcl-html-encode, sbcl-py-configparser) (sbcl-cl-utilities, sbcl-series, sbcl-uffi, sbcl-clsql, sbcl-sycamore) (sbcl-osicat, sbcl-hu.dwim.common, sbcl-caveman, sbcl-trivial-shell) (sbcl-trivial-benchmark, sbcl-screamer, sbcl-smug)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (lush2)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/logging.scm (log4cpp)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lua.scm (lua-ldoc)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm (mcl, openfst, rxcpp)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/mail.scm (muchsync, procmail, sendmail) (opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign, crm114)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/man.scm (libpipeline, man-db)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/maths.scm (lapack, scalapack, hdf-eos5, itpp, gmsh) (metamath, p4est, armadillo, suitesparse, atlas, lpsolve, wcalc, why3) (frama-c)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/mcrypt.scm (mcrypt, libmcrypt, libmhash)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/minetest.scm (minetest-advtrains)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/monitoring.scm (python-whisper, python-carbon) (hostscope)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/mp3.scm (id3lib, libmp3splt, mp3splt, mpg321) (lame)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/multiprecision.scm (mpc)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/music.scm (aria-maestosa, lingot, setbfree, bristol) (portmidi, python-pyportmidi, zynaddsubfx, yoshimi, aj-snapshot) (schismtracker, midicsv, midicsv, qmidiarp, qmidiroute, dssi, tap-lv2) (shiru-lv2)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/ncurses.scm (stfl)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/networking.scm (lksctp-tools, mbuffer, ifstatus, bird) (tunctl, traceroute)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/node-xyz.scm (node-mersenne)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/ntp.scm (openntpd)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/ocaml.scm (opam, hevea, ocaml-menhir, ocaml-piqilib) (ocaml-graph, cubicle)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/opencl.scm (python-pyopencl)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/package-management.scm (xstow, modules)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/parallel.scm (xjobs)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/pdf.scm (podofo, qpdf, xournal, impressive)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/perl.scm (perl-math-vecstat, perltidy)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/photo.scm (libpano13, enblend-enfuse, hugin)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/plan9.scm (drawterm)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/plotutils.scm (guile-charting, ploticus)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/popt.scm (argtable, popt)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/profiling.scm (otf2)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/pulseaudio.scm (pulseaudio)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/python-check.scm (python-mypy)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/python-web.scm (python-cssutils) (python-translationstring)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/python-xyz.scm (python-diskcache, python-doxyqml) (python-docutils, python-pexpect, python-importlib-resources) (python-simplegeneric, python-urwid, python-xlrd, python-xlwt) (python-pyasn1, python-pythondialog, python-tftpy, python-random2) (python-arcp, python-pyopengl, python-sortedcollections) (python-sortedcontainers, python-yapsy, python-pydispatcher) (python-posix-ipc)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/qt.scm (qwt, libqglviewer, signond)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/radio.scm (unixcw, gnuais)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/raspberry-pi.scm (bcm2835)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/rdf.scm (clucene, rasqal, redland)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/regex.scm (tre)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/rsync.scm (librsync)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/ruby.scm (ruby-packnga, ruby-nokogiri, ruby-oj, ruby-ox) (ruby-sinatra, ruby-citrus, ruby-cbor, ruby-roda)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/scheme.scm (scheme48, tinyscheme)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/screen.scm (dtach)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/scsi.scm (sg3-utils)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/sdl.scm (libmikmod, sdl-pango)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/shellutils.scm (hstr, rig)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/simulation.scm (python-dolfin-adjoint)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/smalltalk.scm (smalltalk)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/speech.scm (espeak)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/stalonetray.scm (stalonetray)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/statistics.scm (jags, r-mass, r-class, r-lattice) (r-matrix, r-nnet, r-spatial, r-bit, r-bit64, r-digest, r-xtable) (python-statsmodels, r-ade4, r-latticeextra, r-rcurl, r-xml, r-mvtnorm) (r-robustbase, r-minqa, r-fdrtool, java-jdistlib, xlispstat)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/swig.scm (swig)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/task-management.scm (wtime)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/tcl.scm (itcl, tclxml, tclx)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/terminals.scm (libtermkey, mlterm, libvterm) (libvterm)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/tex.scm (texlive-lm, texlive-lm-math, texlive-cs) (texlive-csplain, biber, texmaker)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/text-editors.scm (joe)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/textutils.scm (drm-tools, docx2txt)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/tv.scm (tvtime)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/unicode.scm (libunibreak)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/upnp.scm (libupnp)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/version-control.scm (cvs)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/video.scm (transcode, libquicktime, mjpegtools, aalib) (liba52, libmpeg2, x265, libdv, dvdauthor, aegisub, pitivi, gavl) (dvdbackup, guvcview, video-contact-sheet)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/virtualization.scm (bochs)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/w3m.scm (w3m)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/web.scm (qjson, libquvi-scripts, libquvi, quvi) (tidy-html, htmlcxx)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/wm.scm (evilwm, menumaker)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/wv.scm (wv)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/wxwidgets.scm (wxsvg)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm (mtdev, xsel)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xfig.scm (xfig, transfig)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xml.scm (openjade, python-pyxb, xmlstarlet, xmlrpc-c) (opensp)[home-page]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xorg.scm (xf86-video-qxl)[home-page]: Likewise. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice