Distribution specific patch, not going upstream

This workaround for Gentoo interferes with our use of --no-compile during
the 'install stage.

diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index be7a3758e8..28dc1be191 100755
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -953,8 +953,6 @@ if modules_ENABLED:
 # Utility methods for building with Cython

 def do_add_cython_ext(*args, **kwargs) -> None:
-    if "--no-compile" in sys.argv and not ("build" in sys.argv and "install" in sys.argv):
-        return
     if not cython_ENABLED:
         raise ValueError(f"cannot build {args}: cython compilation is disabled")
     if cython_tracing_ENABLED:
@@ -2175,9 +2173,6 @@ else:
             if root_prefix.endswith("/usr"):
                 # ie: "/" or "/usr/src/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/xpra-0.18.0-0.20160513r12573.fc23.x86_64/"
                 root_prefix = root_prefix[:-4]
-            for x in sys.argv:
-                if x.startswith("--root="):
-                    root_prefix = x[len("--root="):]
             print(f"  root_prefix={root_prefix!r}")

@@ -2320,13 +2315,6 @@ else:
             if uinput_ENABLED:
                 add_data_files("lib/udev/rules.d/", ["fs/lib/udev/rules.d/71-xpra-virtual-pointer.rules"])

-    # gentoo does weird things, calls --no-compile with build *and* install
-    # then expects to find the cython modules!? ie:
-    #> python2.7 setup.py build -b build-2.7 install --no-compile \
-    # --root=/var/tmp/portage/x11-wm/xpra-0.7.0/temp/images/2.7
-    # otherwise we use the flags to skip pkgconfig
-    if ("--no-compile" in sys.argv or "--skip-build" in sys.argv) and not ("build" in sys.argv and "install" in sys.argv):  # noqa: E501
-        pkgconfig = no_pkgconfig

     if OSX and "py2app" in sys.argv:
         import py2app    #@UnresolvedImport