From f8bfa4d8ce6b831058935c793e9d9180a46e4171 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ajberkley <ajberkley@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:21:22 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix to work with SBCL 2.4.0 and later

 code/expand-effective-method-body.lisp | 54 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/code/expand-effective-method-body.lisp b/code/expand-effective-method-body.lisp
index c00c1b0..68c0b08 100644
--- a/code/expand-effective-method-body.lisp
+++ b/code/expand-effective-method-body.lisp
@@ -2,35 +2,37 @@
 (defun expand-effective-method-body
     (effective-method generic-function lambda-list)
-  (trivial-macroexpand-all:macroexpand-all
-   `(let ((.gf. #',(generic-function-name generic-function)))
-      (declare (ignorable .gf.))
-      #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks common-lisp:call-method))
-      #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks common-lisp:make-method))
-      #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks sb-pcl::check-applicable-keywords))
-      #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks sb-pcl::%no-primary-method))
-      (macrolet
-          (;; SBCL introduces explicit keyword argument checking into
-           ;; the effective method.  Since we do our own checking, we
-           ;; can safely disable it.  However, we touch the relevant
-           ;; variables to prevent unused variable warnings.
-           #+sbcl
-           (sb-pcl::check-applicable-keywords (&rest args)
-             (declare (ignore args))
-             `(progn sb-pcl::.valid-keys. sb-pcl::.keyargs-start. (values)))
-           ;; SBCL introduces a magic form to report when there are no
-           ;; primary methods.  The problem is that this form contains a
-           ;; reference to the literal generic function, which is not an
-           ;; externalizable object.  Our solution is to replace it with
-           ;; something portable.
-           #+sbcl
-           (sb-pcl::%no-primary-method (&rest args)
-             (declare (ignore args))
-             `(apply #'no-primary-method .gf. ,@',(lambda-list-apply-arguments lambda-list))))
+  (let ((%no-primary-method (find-symbol "%NO-PRIMARY-METHOD" :sb-pcl)))
+    (trivial-macroexpand-all:macroexpand-all
+     `(let ((.gf. #',(generic-function-name generic-function)))
+        (declare (ignorable .gf.))
+        #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks common-lisp:call-method))
+        #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks common-lisp:make-method))
+        #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks sb-pcl::check-applicable-keywords))
+        #+sbcl(declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks ,%no-primary-method))
+        (macrolet
+            (;; SBCL introduces explicit keyword argument checking into
+             ;; the effective method.  Since we do our own checking, we
+             ;; can safely disable it.  However, we touch the relevant
+             ;; variables to prevent unused variable warnings.
+             #+sbcl
+             (sb-pcl::check-applicable-keywords (&rest args)
+               (declare (ignore args))
+               `(progn sb-pcl::.valid-keys. sb-pcl::.keyargs-start. (values)))
+             ;; SBCL introduces a magic form to report when there are no
+             ;; primary methods.  The problem is that this form contains a
+             ;; reference to the literal generic function, which is not an
+             ;; externalizable object.  Our solution is to replace it with
+             ;; something portable.
+             #+sbcl
+             ,(when %no-primary-method
+                `(,%no-primary-method (&rest args)
+                     (declare (ignore args))
+                     `(apply #'no-primary-method .gf. ,@',(lambda-list-apply-arguments lambda-list)))))
-          lambda-list)))))
+          lambda-list))))))
 (defun wrap-in-call-method-macrolet (form generic-function lambda-list)
   `(macrolet ((call-method (method &optional next-methods)

From 01baf2bc9157762029de11ab64429999fa7a58da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ajberkley <ajberkley@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 14:37:58 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix for SBCL

 code/sbcl.lisp | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/code/sbcl.lisp b/code/sbcl.lisp
index 9e206a8..b97c00a 100644
--- a/code/sbcl.lisp
+++ b/code/sbcl.lisp
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
                        (prototypes static-call-signature-prototypes))
-         `(sb-c:deftransform ,name ((&rest args) (,@types &rest *))
+         `(sb-c:deftransform ,name ((&rest args) (,@types &rest t))
             (or (optimize-function-call #',name ',static-call-signature)