Allow using pydevd as a regular dependency.
Submitted upstream at: https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/pull/902

diff -rup a/setup.py b/setup.py
--- a/setup.py	2024-11-29 23:38:58.549980612 +0100
+++ b/setup.py	2024-11-30 00:04:14.281540335 +0100
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ import subprocess
 import sys
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
 import versioneer  # noqa
@@ -18,12 +21,15 @@ del sys.path[0]
 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "src"))
 import debugpy
-import debugpy._vendored
+    import debugpy._vendored
 del sys.path[0]
-PYDEVD_ROOT = debugpy._vendored.project_root("pydevd")
+               debugpy._vendored.project_root("pydevd"))
 DEBUGBY_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(debugpy.__file__))
@@ -46,7 +52,7 @@ def get_buildplatform():
 # relevant setuptools versions.
 class ExtModules(list):
     def __bool__(self):
-        return True
 def override_build(cmds):
@@ -72,6 +78,8 @@ def override_build_py(cmds):
     # in data files for binary builds.
     def finalize_options(self):
+            return True
         # Ensure that pydevd extensions are present for inclusion into data_files.
@@ -140,6 +148,20 @@ with open("DESCRIPTION.md", "r") as fh:
 if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if debugpy.__bundling_disabled__ != DEBUGPY_BUNDLING_DISABLED:
+        with open(os.path.join(DEBUGBY_ROOT, '__init__.py'), 'r') as f:
+            lines = f.readlines()
+        with open(os.path.join(DEBUGBY_ROOT, '__init__.py'), 'w') as f:
+            edited = []
+            for line in lines:
+                if line.startswith('__bundling_disabled__'):
+                    edited.append(
+                        f'__bundling_disabled__ = {DEBUGPY_BUNDLING_DISABLED}\n')
+                else:
+                    edited.append(line)
+            f.writelines(edited)
     extras = {}
     platforms = get_buildplatform()
     if platforms is not None:
@@ -149,6 +171,18 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
+    data = {"debugpy": ["ThirdPartyNotices.txt"]}
+    packages = [
+            "debugpy",
+            "debugpy.adapter",
+            "debugpy.common",
+            "debugpy.launcher",
+            "debugpy.server",
+        ]
+        data.update({"debugpy._vendored": list(iter_vendored_files())})
+        packages.append("debugpy._vendored")
@@ -177,23 +211,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
         package_dir={"": "src"},
-        packages=[
-            "debugpy",
-            "debugpy.adapter",
-            "debugpy.common",
-            "debugpy.launcher",
-            "debugpy.server",
-            "debugpy._vendored",
-        ],
-        package_data={
-            "debugpy": ["ThirdPartyNotices.txt"],
-            "debugpy._vendored": [
-                # pydevd extensions must be built before this list can be computed properly,
-                # so it is populated in the overridden build_py.finalize_options().
-            ],
-        },
+        packages=packages,
+        package_data=data,
-        has_ext_modules=lambda: True,
+        has_ext_modules=lambda: not DEBUGPY_BUNDLING_DISABLED,
         # allow the user to call "debugpy" instead of "python -m debugpy"
         entry_points={"console_scripts": ["debugpy = debugpy.server.cli:main"]},
diff -rup a/src/debugpy/__init__.py b/src/debugpy/__init__.py
--- a/src/debugpy/__init__.py	2024-11-29 23:38:58.553980600 +0100
+++ b/src/debugpy/__init__.py	2024-11-29 23:49:38.776095806 +0100
@@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ assert sys.version_info >= (3, 7), (
 # SyntaxError on Python 2 and preventing the above version check from executing.
 from debugpy.public_api import *  # noqa
 from debugpy.public_api import __version__
+__bundling_disabled__ = False
 del sys
diff -rup a/src/debugpy/server/attach_pid_injected.py b/src/debugpy/server/attach_pid_injected.py
--- a/src/debugpy/server/attach_pid_injected.py	2024-11-29 23:38:58.553980600 +0100
+++ b/src/debugpy/server/attach_pid_injected.py	2024-11-29 23:39:48.933831730 +0100
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import os
+import debugpy
 __file__ = os.path.abspath(__file__)
 _debugpy_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
@@ -28,25 +29,29 @@ def attach(setup):
                 def on_critical(msg):
                     print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
-                pydevd_attach_to_process_path = os.path.join(
-                    _debugpy_dir,
-                    "debugpy",
-                    "_vendored",
-                    "pydevd",
-                    "pydevd_attach_to_process",
-                )
-                assert os.path.exists(pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
-                sys.path.insert(0, pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
+                if debugpy.__bundling_disabled__:
+                    from pydevd_attach_to_process import attach_script
+                else:
+                    pydevd_attach_to_process_path = os.path.join(
+                        _debugpy_dir,
+                        "debugpy",
+                        "_vendored",
+                        "pydevd",
+                        "pydevd_attach_to_process",
+                    )
+                    assert os.path.exists(pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
+                    sys.path.insert(0, pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
-                # NOTE: that it's not a part of the pydevd PYTHONPATH
-                import attach_script
+                    # NOTE: that it's not a part of the pydevd PYTHONPATH
+                    import attach_script
                     on_warn=on_warn, on_exception=on_exception, on_critical=on_critical
-                # NOTE: At this point it should be safe to remove this.
-                sys.path.remove(pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
+                if not debugpy.__bundling_disabled__:
+                    # NOTE: At this point it should be safe to remove this.
+                    sys.path.remove(pydevd_attach_to_process_path)
                 import traceback
diff -rup a/src/debugpy/server/__init__.py b/src/debugpy/server/__init__.py
--- a/src/debugpy/server/__init__.py	2024-11-29 23:38:58.553980600 +0100
+++ b/src/debugpy/server/__init__.py	2024-11-29 23:39:48.933831730 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,50 @@
 # Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root
 # for license information.
+from importlib import import_module
+import os
 # "force_pydevd" must be imported first to ensure (via side effects)
 # that the debugpy-vendored copy of pydevd gets used.
-import debugpy._vendored.force_pydevd  # noqa
+import debugpy
+if debugpy.__bundling_disabled__:
+    # Do what force_pydevd.py does, but using the system-provided
+    # pydevd.
+    # XXX: This is copied here so that the whole '_vendored' directory
+    # can be deleted when DEBUGPY_BUNDLING_DISABLED is set.
+    # If debugpy logging is enabled, enable it for pydevd as well
+    if "DEBUGPY_LOG_DIR" in os.environ:
+        os.environ[str("PYDEVD_DEBUG")] = str("True")
+        os.environ[str("PYDEVD_DEBUG_FILE")] = \
+            os.environ["DEBUGPY_LOG_DIR"] + str("/debugpy.pydevd.log")
+    # Work around https://github.com/microsoft/debugpy/issues/346.
+    # Disable pydevd frame-eval optimizations only if unset, to allow opt-in.
+    if "PYDEVD_USE_FRAME_EVAL" not in os.environ:
+        os.environ[str("PYDEVD_USE_FRAME_EVAL")] = str("NO")
+    # Constants must be set before importing any other pydevd module
+    # due to heavy use of "from" in them.
+    pydevd_constants = import_module('_pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants')
+    # The default pydevd value is 1000.
+    pydevd_constants.MAXIMUM_VARIABLE_REPRESENTATION_SIZE = 2 ** 32
+    # When pydevd is imported it sets the breakpoint behavior, but it needs to be
+    # overridden because by default pydevd will connect to the remote debugger using
+    # its own custom protocol rather than DAP.
+    import pydevd   # noqa
+    import debugpy  # noqa
+    def debugpy_breakpointhook():
+        debugpy.breakpoint()
+    pydevd.install_breakpointhook(debugpy_breakpointhook)
+    # Ensure that pydevd uses JSON protocol
+    from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_constants
+    from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_defaults
+    pydevd_defaults.PydevdCustomization.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = pydevd_constants.HTTP_JSON_PROTOCOL
+    import debugpy._vendored.force_pydevd  # noqa
diff -rup a/tests/tests/test_vendoring.py b/tests/tests/test_vendoring.py
--- a/tests/tests/test_vendoring.py	2024-11-29 23:38:58.549980612 +0100
+++ b/tests/tests/test_vendoring.py	2024-11-29 23:50:22.879966500 +0100
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
 # for license information.
+import pytest
+import debugpy
+@pytest.mark.skipif(debugpy.__bundling_disabled__, reason='Bundling disabled')
 def test_vendoring(pyfile):
     def import_debugpy():