diff --git a/mcs/class/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/AssemblyResolver.cs b/mcs/class/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/AssemblyResolver.cs
index 5e0ec480956..9daf9d6920b 100644
--- a/mcs/class/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/AssemblyResolver.cs
+++ b/mcs/class/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/Microsoft.Build.Tasks/AssemblyResolver.cs
@@ -67,54 +67,56 @@ public void ResetSearchLogger ()
 				search_log.Clear ();
-		string GetGacPath ()
+		string[] GetGacPaths ()
 			// NOTE: code from mcs/tools/gacutil/driver.cs
-			PropertyInfo gac = typeof (System.Environment).GetProperty ("GacPath", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
+			PropertyInfo gacs = typeof (System.Environment).GetProperty ("GacPaths", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
-			if (gac == null)
+			if (gacs == null)
 				return null;
-			MethodInfo get_gac = gac.GetGetMethod (true);
-			return (string) get_gac.Invoke (null, null);
+			MethodInfo get_gacs = gacs.GetGetMethod (true);
+			return (string[]) get_gacs.Invoke (null, null);
 		void GatherGacAssemblies ()
-			string gac_path = GetGacPath ();
-			if (gac_path == null)
-				throw new InvalidOperationException ("XBuild must be run on Mono runtime");
-			if (!Directory.Exists (gac_path))
-				return; // in case mono isn't "installed".
-			Version version;
-			DirectoryInfo version_info, assembly_info;
-			foreach (string assembly_name in Directory.GetDirectories (gac_path)) {
-				assembly_info = new DirectoryInfo (assembly_name);
-				foreach (string version_token in Directory.GetDirectories (assembly_name)) {
-					foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles (version_token, "*.dll")) {
-						version_info = new DirectoryInfo (version_token);
-						version = new Version (version_info.Name.Split (
-							new char [] {'_'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) [0]);
-						Dictionary<Version, string> assembliesByVersion = new Dictionary <Version, string> ();
-						if (!gac.TryGetValue (assembly_info.Name, out assembliesByVersion)) {
-							assembliesByVersion = new Dictionary <Version, string> ();
-							gac.Add (assembly_info.Name, assembliesByVersion);
-						}
-						string found_file;
-						if (assembliesByVersion.TryGetValue (version, out found_file) &&
-							File.GetLastWriteTime (file) <= File.GetLastWriteTime (found_file))
-								// Duplicate found, take the newer file
-								continue;
-						assembliesByVersion [version] = file;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
+            string[] gac_paths = GetGacPaths ();
+            if (gac_paths == null)
+                throw new InvalidOperationException ("XBuild must be run on Mono runtime");
+            if (gac_paths.Length == 0 || !Directory.Exists (gac_paths[0]))
+                return; // in case mono isn't "installed".
+            Version version;
+            DirectoryInfo version_info, assembly_info;
+            foreach (string gac_path in gac_paths) {
+                foreach (string assembly_name in Directory.GetDirectories (gac_path)) {
+                    assembly_info = new DirectoryInfo (assembly_name);
+                    foreach (string version_token in Directory.GetDirectories (assembly_name)) {
+                        foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles (version_token, "*.dll")) {
+                            version_info = new DirectoryInfo (version_token);
+                            version = new Version (version_info.Name.Split (
+                                                       new char [] {'_'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) [0]);
+                            Dictionary<Version, string> assembliesByVersion = new Dictionary <Version, string> ();
+                            if (!gac.TryGetValue (assembly_info.Name, out assembliesByVersion)) {
+                                assembliesByVersion = new Dictionary <Version, string> ();
+                                gac.Add (assembly_info.Name, assembliesByVersion);
+                            }
+                            string found_file;
+                            if (assembliesByVersion.TryGetValue (version, out found_file) &&
+                                File.GetLastWriteTime (file) <= File.GetLastWriteTime (found_file))
+                                // Duplicate found, take the newer file
+                                continue;
+                            assembliesByVersion [version] = file;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
 		public ResolvedReference FindInTargetFramework (ITaskItem reference, string framework_dir, bool specific_version)
diff --git a/mcs/class/corlib/System/Environment.cs b/mcs/class/corlib/System/Environment.cs
index fd936ab21a4..b5a5c77c1a3 100644
--- a/mcs/class/corlib/System/Environment.cs
+++ b/mcs/class/corlib/System/Environment.cs
@@ -984,9 +984,18 @@ private static string GacPath {
 				return Path.Combine (Path.Combine (internalGetGacPath (), "mono"), "gac");
+        private static string[] GacPaths {
+            get {
+                return internalGetGacPaths ();
+            }
+        }
 #pragma warning restore 169
 		[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
 		internal extern static string internalGetGacPath ();
+        [MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
+		internal extern static string [] internalGetGacPaths ();
 		[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
 		internal extern static string [] GetLogicalDrivesInternal ();
diff --git a/mono/metadata/assembly.c b/mono/metadata/assembly.c
index 8c71ad0eb95..759d5aefbcf 100644
--- a/mono/metadata/assembly.c
+++ b/mono/metadata/assembly.c
@@ -854,6 +854,11 @@ mono_assembly_getrootdir (void)
 	return default_path [0];
+char **mono_assembly_get_extra_gac_paths()
+    return extra_gac_paths;
  * mono_native_getrootdir:
diff --git a/mono/metadata/assembly.h b/mono/metadata/assembly.h
index e9c02ee26f5..e5f060e8238 100644
--- a/mono/metadata/assembly.h
+++ b/mono/metadata/assembly.h
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ MONO_API MONO_RT_EXTERNAL_ONLY MonoImage*    mono_assembly_load_module (MonoAsse
 MONO_API void          mono_assembly_close      (MonoAssembly *assembly);
 MONO_API void          mono_assembly_setrootdir (const char *root_dir);
 MONO_API MONO_CONST_RETURN char *mono_assembly_getrootdir (void);
+MONO_API char **mono_assembly_get_extra_gac_paths (void);
 MONO_API char         *mono_native_getrootdir (void);
 MONO_API void	       mono_assembly_foreach    (MonoFunc func, void* user_data);
 MONO_API void          mono_assembly_set_main   (MonoAssembly *assembly);
diff --git a/mono/metadata/icall-decl.h b/mono/metadata/icall-decl.h
index a77fcf38598..3f0f1758ec2 100644
--- a/mono/metadata/icall-decl.h
+++ b/mono/metadata/icall-decl.h
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ ICALL_EXPORT gint32 ves_icall_System_Environment_get_TickCount (void);
 ICALL_EXPORT gint64 ves_icall_System_Environment_get_TickCount64 (void);
+ICALL_EXPORT MonoArray *ves_icall_System_Environment_GetGacPaths (void);
 ICALL_EXPORT gint64 ves_icall_System_DateTime_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (void);
 ICALL_EXPORT gint64 ves_icall_System_Diagnostics_Process_GetProcessData (int, gint32, MonoProcessError*);
 ICALL_EXPORT gint64 ves_icall_System_Diagnostics_Stopwatch_GetTimestamp (void);
diff --git a/mono/metadata/icall-def.h b/mono/metadata/icall-def.h
index 0a44729674b..59c803ba488 100644
--- a/mono/metadata/icall-def.h
+++ b/mono/metadata/icall-def.h
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ HANDLES(ENV_16b, "get_bundled_machine_config", ves_icall_System_Environment_get_
 HANDLES(ENV_16m, "internalBroadcastSettingChange", ves_icall_System_Environment_BroadcastSettingChange, void, 0, ())
 HANDLES(ENV_17, "internalGetEnvironmentVariable_native", ves_icall_System_Environment_GetEnvironmentVariable_native, MonoString, 1, (const_char_ptr))
 HANDLES(ENV_18, "internalGetGacPath", ves_icall_System_Environment_GetGacPath, MonoString, 0, ())
+NOHANDLES(ICALL(ENV_18_1, "internalGetGacPaths", ves_icall_System_Environment_GetGacPaths))
 HANDLES(ENV_19, "internalGetHome", ves_icall_System_Environment_InternalGetHome, MonoString, 0, ())
 NOHANDLES(ICALL(ENV_20, "set_ExitCode", mono_environment_exitcode_set))
 ICALL_TYPE(GC, "System.GC", GC_10)
diff --git a/mono/metadata/icall.c b/mono/metadata/icall.c
index 6d16b9c3540..1e592c30e27 100644
--- a/mono/metadata/icall.c
+++ b/mono/metadata/icall.c
@@ -7781,6 +7781,56 @@ ves_icall_System_Environment_GetGacPath (MonoError *error)
+ves_icall_System_Environment_GetGacPaths ()
+    char **extra_gac_paths = mono_assembly_get_extra_gac_paths();
+    const char *rootdir = mono_assembly_getrootdir ();
+    char **e;
+    int n;
+    MonoDomain *domain;
+    MonoArray *out;
+    MonoString *str;
+    gchar *tmp;
+    MonoError error;
+    n = 0;
+    if (rootdir) n++;
+    if (extra_gac_paths) {
+        for (e = extra_gac_paths; *e != 0; e++);
+        n += (e - extra_gac_paths);
+    }
+    domain = mono_domain_get ();
+    out = mono_array_new_checked (domain, mono_defaults.string_class, n, &error);
+    if (mono_error_set_pending_exception (&error))
+        return NULL;
+    n = 0;
+    if (rootdir) {
+        tmp = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, rootdir, "mono", "gac", NULL);
+        str = mono_string_new_checked (domain, tmp, &error);
+        g_free (tmp);
+        if (mono_error_set_pending_exception (&error))
+            return NULL;
+        mono_array_setref_internal (out, n, str);
+        n++;
+    }
+    if (extra_gac_paths) {
+        for (e = extra_gac_paths; *e != 0; e++) {
+            tmp = g_build_path (G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, *e, "lib", "mono", "gac", NULL);
+            str = mono_string_new_checked (domain, tmp, &error);
+            g_free (tmp);
+            if (mono_error_set_pending_exception (&error))
+                return NULL;
+            mono_array_setref_internal (out, n, str);
+            n++;
+        }
+    }
+    return out;
 #ifndef HOST_WIN32
 static inline MonoStringHandle
 mono_icall_get_windows_folder_path (int folder, MonoError *error)