exec guile --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;;;; test-driver.scm - Guile test driver for Automake testsuite harness

(define script-version "2023-12-08.14") ;UTC

;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;;; Commentary:
;;; This script provides a Guile test driver using the SRFI-64 Scheme API for
;;; test suites.  SRFI-64 is distributed with Guile since version 2.0.9.
;;;; Code:

(use-modules (ice-9 format)
             (ice-9 getopt-long)
             (ice-9 pretty-print)
             (ice-9 regex)
             (srfi srfi-1)
             (srfi srfi-19)
             (srfi srfi-26)
             (srfi srfi-64))

(define (show-help)
  (display "Usage:
   test-driver --test-name=NAME --log-file=PATH --trs-file=PATH
               [--expect-failure={yes|no}] [--color-tests={yes|no}]
               [--select=REGEXP] [--exclude=REGEXP] [--errors-only={yes|no}]
               [--enable-hard-errors={yes|no}] [--brief={yes|no}}]
               [--show-duration={yes|no}] [--]
The '--test-name' option is mandatory.  The '--select' and '--exclude' options
allow selecting or excluding individual test cases via a regexp, respectively.
The '--errors-only' option can be set to \"yes\" to limit the logged test case
metadata to only those test cases that failed.  When set to \"yes\", the
'--brief' option disables printing the individual test case result to the
console.  When '--show-duration' is set to \"yes\", the time elapsed per test
case is shown.\n"))

(define %options
  '((test-name                 (value #t))
    (log-file                  (value #t))
    (trs-file                  (value #t))
    (select                    (value #t))
    (exclude                   (value #t))
    (errors-only               (value #t))
    (color-tests               (value #t))
    (expect-failure            (value #t)) ;XXX: not implemented yet
    (enable-hard-errors        (value #t)) ;not implemented in SRFI-64
    (brief                     (value #t))
    (show-duration             (value #t))
    (help    (single-char #\h) (value #f))
    (version (single-char #\V) (value #f))))

(define (option->boolean options key)
  "Return #t if the value associated with KEY in OPTIONS is \"yes\"."
  (and=> (option-ref options key #f) (cut string=? <> "yes")))

(define* (test-display field value  #:optional (port (current-output-port))
                       #:key pretty?)
  "Display \"FIELD: VALUE\\n\" on PORT."
  (if pretty?
        (format port "~A:~%" field)
        (pretty-print value port #:per-line-prefix "+ "))
      (format port "~A: ~S~%" field value)))

(define* (result->string symbol #:key colorize?)
  "Return SYMBOL as an upper case string.  Use colors when COLORIZE is #t."
  (let ((result (string-upcase (symbol->string symbol))))
    (if colorize?
        (string-append (case symbol
                         ((pass)       "")  ;green
                         ((xfail)      "")  ;light green
                         ((skip)       "")  ;blue
                         ((fail xpass) "")  ;red
                         ((error)      "")) ;magenta
                       "")          ;no color

;;; SRFI 64 custom test runner.

(define* (test-runner-gnu test-name #:key color? brief? errors-only?
                          (out-port (current-output-port))
                          (trs-port (%make-void-port "w"))
                          select exclude)
  "Return an custom SRFI-64 test runner.  TEST-NAME is a string specifying the
file name of the current the test.  COLOR? specifies whether to use colors.
When BRIEF? is true, the individual test cases results are masked and only the
summary is shown.  ERRORS-ONLY? reduces the amount of test case metadata
logged to only that of the failed test cases.  OUT-PORT and TRS-PORT must be
output ports.  OUT-PORT defaults to the current output port, while TRS-PORT
defaults to a void port, which means no TRS output is logged.  SELECT and
EXCLUDE may take a regular expression to select or exclude individual test
cases based on their names."

  (define test-cases-start-time (make-hash-table))

  (define (test-on-test-begin-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called at the start of an individual test case, before the
    ;; test expression (and expected value) are evaluated.
    (let ((test-case-name (test-runner-test-name runner))
          (start-time     (current-time time-monotonic)))
      (hash-set! test-cases-start-time test-case-name start-time)))

  (define (test-skipped? runner)
    (eq? 'skip (test-result-kind runner)))

  (define (test-failed? runner)
    (not (or (test-passed? runner)
             (test-skipped? runner))))

  (define (test-on-test-end-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called at the end of an individual test case, when the result
    ;; of the test is available.
    (let* ((results (test-result-alist runner))
           (result? (cut assq <> results))
           (result  (cut assq-ref results <>))
           (test-case-name (test-runner-test-name runner))
           (start (hash-ref test-cases-start-time test-case-name))
           (end (current-time time-monotonic))
           (time-elapsed (time-difference end start))
           (time-elapsed-seconds (+ (time-second time-elapsed)
                                    (* 1e-9 (time-nanosecond time-elapsed)))))
      (unless (or brief? (and errors-only? (test-skipped? runner)))
        ;; Display the result of each test case on the console.
        (format out-port "~a: ~a - ~a ~@[[~,3fs]~]~%"
                (result->string (test-result-kind runner) #:colorize? color?)
                test-name test-case-name
                (and show-duration? time-elapsed-seconds)))

      (unless (and errors-only? (not (test-failed? runner)))
        (format #t "test-name: ~A~%" (result 'test-name))
        (format #t "location: ~A~%"
                (string-append (result 'source-file) ":"
                               (number->string (result 'source-line))))
        (test-display "source" (result 'source-form) #:pretty? #t)
        (when (result? 'expected-value)
          (test-display "expected-value" (result 'expected-value)))
        (when (result? 'expected-error)
          (test-display "expected-error" (result 'expected-error) #:pretty? #t))
        (when (result? 'actual-value)
          (test-display "actual-value" (result 'actual-value)))
        (when (result? 'actual-error)
          (test-display "actual-error" (result 'actual-error) #:pretty? #t))
        (format #t "result: ~a~%" (result->string (result 'result-kind)))

      (format trs-port ":test-result: ~A ~A [~,3fs]~%"
              (result->string (test-result-kind runner))
              (test-runner-test-name runner) time-elapsed-seconds)))

  (define (test-on-group-end-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called by a 'test-end', including at the end of a test-group.
    (let ((fail (or (positive? (test-runner-fail-count runner))
                    (positive? (test-runner-xpass-count runner))))
          (skip (or (positive? (test-runner-skip-count runner))
                    (positive? (test-runner-xfail-count runner)))))
      ;; XXX: The global results need some refinements for XPASS.
      (format trs-port ":global-test-result: ~A~%"
              (if fail "FAIL" (if skip "SKIP" "PASS")))
      (format trs-port ":recheck: ~A~%"
              (if fail "yes" "no"))
      (format trs-port ":copy-in-global-log: ~A~%"
              (if (or fail skip) "yes" "no"))
      (when brief?
        ;; Display the global test group result on the console.
        (format out-port "~A: ~A~%"
                (result->string (if fail 'fail (if skip 'skip 'pass))
                                #:colorize? color?)

  (let ((runner (test-runner-null)))
    (test-runner-on-test-begin! runner test-on-test-begin-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-test-end! runner test-on-test-end-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-group-end! runner test-on-group-end-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner test-on-bad-end-name-simple)

;;; SRFI 64 test specifiers.
(define (test-match-name* regexp)
  "Return a test specifier that matches a test name against REGEXP."
  (lambda (runner)
    (string-match regexp (test-runner-test-name runner))))

(define (test-match-name*/negated regexp)
  "Return a negated test specifier version of test-match-name*."
  (lambda (runner)
    (not (string-match regexp (test-runner-test-name runner)))))

;;; XXX: test-match-all is a syntax, which isn't convenient to use with a list
;;; of test specifiers computed at run time.  Copy this SRFI 64 internal
;;; definition here, which is the procedural equivalent of 'test-match-all'.
(define (%test-match-all . pred-list)
  (lambda (runner)
    (let ((result #t))
      (let loop ((l pred-list))
	(if (null? l)
	      (if (not ((car l) runner))
		  (set! result #f))
	      (loop (cdr l))))))))

;;; Entry point.

(define (main . args)
  (let* ((opts   (getopt-long (command-line) %options))
         (option (cut option-ref opts <> <>)))
     ((option 'help #f)    (show-help))
     ((option 'version #f) (format #t "test-driver.scm ~A~%" script-version))
      (let* ((log (and=> (option 'log-file #f) (cut open-file <> "w0")))
             (trs (and=> (option 'trs-file #f) (cut open-file <> "wl")))
             (out (duplicate-port (current-output-port) "wl"))
             (test-name (option 'test-name #f))
             (select (option 'select #f))
             (exclude (option 'exclude #f))
             (test-specifiers (filter-map
                               (list (and=> select test-match-name*)
                                     (and=> exclude test-match-name*/negated))))
             (test-specifier (apply %test-match-all test-specifiers))
             (color-tests (if (assoc 'color-tests opts)
                              (option->boolean opts 'color-tests)
        (when log
          (redirect-port log (current-output-port))
          (redirect-port log (current-warning-port))
          (redirect-port log (current-error-port)))
            (test-runner-gnu test-name
                             #:color? color-tests
                             #:brief? (option->boolean opts 'brief)
                             #:errors-only? (option->boolean opts 'errors-only)
                             #:show-duration? (option->boolean
                                               opts 'show-duration)
                             #:out-port out #:trs-port trs)
          (test-apply test-specifier
                      (lambda _
                        (load-from-path test-name))))
        (and=> log close-port)
        (and=> trs close-port)
        (close-port out))))
    (exit 0)))

;;; Local Variables:
;;; mode: scheme
;;; eval: (add-hook 'write-file-functions 'time-stamp)
;;; time-stamp-start: "(define script-version \""
;;; time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
;;; time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
;;; time-stamp-end: "\") ;UTC"
;;; End:

;;;; test-driver.scm ends here.
Install & enable the Guix daemon on such systems. * etc/openrc/guix-daemon.in: New file. * nix/local.mk: Add a rule for it. (openrcservicedir, nodist_openrcservice_DATA): New variables. (CLEANFILES, EXTRA_DIST): Add them. * .gitignore: Ignore etc/openrc/guix-daemon. Signed-off-by: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr> Morgan Smith 2020-09-17guix-install.sh: Be POSIX-compliant....* etc/guix-install.sh (guix_get_bin_list): Call grep with an extended regular expression instead of a non-POSIX Perl regular expression. (sys_create_store): Remove ‘--warning=no-timestamp’ argument to tar. Signed-off-by: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr> Morgan Smith 2020-09-09guix-install.sh: Quote the OpenPGP key URL....Without quotes, zsh fails with "no matches found" as it tries to interpret the question mark. * etc/guix-install.sh (chk_gpg_keyring): Enclose URL in single quotes. Ludovic Courtès 2020-07-16guix-install.sh: Make sure /etc/profile is sourced....New users regularly report missing newly-installed programmes and icons. * etc/guix-install.scm (main): Tell users to log out & back in. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2020-07-16guix-install.sh: Suggest running gpg as root....The original example regularly prevented new users from installing Guix at all. * etc/guix-install.scm (chk_gpg_keyring): Suggest ‘sudo -i gpg’. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2020-07-14etc: Enable mount unit only if it exists....* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_enable_guix_daemon): Enable gnu-store.mount only if it was actually installed. Reported by peanutbutterandc on #guix. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2020-05-23guix-install.sh: Fix ‘systemctl not found’ error message at probe....* etc/guix-install.sh (chk_init_sys): Redirect systemctl errors to /dev/null. Signed-off-by: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr> Vincent Legoll 2020-05-23guix-install.sh: Add xz to requirements....* etc/guix-install.sh (REQUIRE): Add xz to requirements list. Signed-off-by: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr> Vincent Legoll 2020-05-17etc: Install mount unit only if it exists....This follows up on 1a1faa78b0498fbb71f1533beb4b65817c1d3f2a, and avoids the (non-fatal) error seen in <https://issues.guix.gnu.org/41356>. /gnu/store will remain writable on new foreign distribution installations until the next release. * etc/guix-install.sh (sys_enable_guix_daemon): Check for ‘gnu-store.mount’ presence before trying to cp it. Update forgotten copyright header. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2020-05-16etc: Add a systemd unit to bind-mount @storedir@ read-only....* etc/gnu-store.mount.in: New file. * nix/local.mk (nodist_systemdservice_DATA): Add it. (etc/%.mount): New rule for it. * etc/guix-install.sh (sys_enable_guix_daemon): Install it. * doc/guix.texi (Binary Installation): Document it. * .gitignore: Ignore changes to it. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2020-03-22guix-install.sh: /etc/profile.d/guix.sh sources ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile....* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_create_init_profile): Source ~/.guix-profile/etc/profile instead of running 'guix package --search-paths=prefix' Ludovic Courtès 2020-03-22guix-install.sh: Add a trailing colon to 'INFOPATH'....Fixes <https://bugs.gnu.org/39984>. Suggested by Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net>. * etc/guix-install.sh (sys_create_init_profile): Add a trailing colon to 'INFOPATH'. Ludovic Courtès 2020-03-11guix-install.sh: Install SysV init script....* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_enable_guix_daemon): Install SysV init script. Danny Milosavljevic 2020-01-26guix-install.sh: Correctly treat empty or unset $XDG_DATA_DIRS...If $XDG_DATA_DIRS is unset, default value of "/usr/local/share:/usr/share" is used according to XDG Base Directory Specification. However, /etc/profile.d/guix.sh treats this value as empty list when appending its own directory, so after installing Guix on the system, launchers such as Rofi stop searching for .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/ and can't launch applications other than those installed with Guix. This patch fixes the bug in generated /etc/profile.d/guix.sh * etc/guix-install.sh (sys_create_init_profile): Use default value of /usr/local/share:/usr/share/ before appending if $XDG_DATA_DIRS is not set. Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> Alexander Krotov 2020-01-26guix-install.sh: Create /etc/profile.d if it does not exist...* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_create_init_profile): Add code to create /etc/profile.d if it somehow does not exist; the function still carries on because it is possible that /etc/profile is still configured to read the *.sh files from /etc/profile.d, if they exist. Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> Prafulla Giri 2020-01-26guix-install.sh: Export INFOPATH to contain updated guix info-pages...* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_create_init_profile): Export INFOPATH to include the updated info-pages from ~/.config/guix/current/share/info. This also makes sure that both /usr/bin/info and $GUIX_PROFILE/bin/info can read guix info pages without throwing "no menu item 'guix' in node dir(Top)" error. Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> Prafulla Giri 2020-01-17guix-install.sh: Create an init profile during installation...Create an init profile (/etc/profile.d/guix.sh) during installation for better integration with foreign distros. This file, read by login-shells sets a few environment variables (PATH, GUIX_PROFILE, GUIX_LOCALE, along with XDG_DATA_DIRS) and makes guix-installed packages readily available for the users. Other environment variables, as listed by `guix package --search-paths=prefix`, are also exported. Checks are in place to prevent the init profile from needlessly polluting the user's environment. * etc/guix-install.sh (sys_create_init_profile): New function to create /etc/profile.d/guix.sh init profile. Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> Prafulla Giri 2019-12-04guix-install.sh: Use a deterministic umask....Users with strict umasks (e.g. 0077) would end up with an unreadable /gnu (mode 0700) and no way to run guix. Reported by A. <@aaap:matrix.org> on #guix. * etc/guix-install.sh (main): Set umask before installing anything. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2019-09-05guix-install.sh: Work around locale issues in 'guix-daemon.service'....* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_enable_guix_daemon): Modify 'guix-daemon.service' to work around locale issues not fixed in 1.0.1. Ludovic Courtès 2019-07-08guix-install.sh: Don't initialise ~/.gnupg....* etc/guix-install.sh (chk_gpg_keyring): Call gpg with ‘--dry-run’. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2019-07-08guix-install.sh: Check for PGP key separately....* etc/guix-install.sh (chk_gpg_keyring): New function to handle the public key check previously stuffed into chk_require. (main): Call it. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2019-07-08guix-install.sh: Add missing ‘local’ declaration....* etc/guix-install.sh (chk_require): Make $c local. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2019-07-08guix-install.sh: Treat REQUIRE as the array it is....Don't flatten it into a string only to split it again later. * etc/guix-install.sh (chk_require): Iterate over array elements, not string tokens. (main): Pass $REQUIRE as an array of arguments. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2019-07-01etc: Do not recommend use of SKS key servers....* etc/guix-install.sh: Recommend downloading the GPG key from Savannah. Ricardo Wurmus 2019-06-29guix-install.sh: Don't authorise hydra.gnu.org....* etc/guix-install.sh (sys_authorize_build_farms): Authorise only ci.guix.gnu.org and make all references to it singular. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2019-05-10etc: Refer to ci.guix.gnu.org in install script....* etc/guix-install.sh: Replace reference to ci.guix.info with ci.guix.gnu.org. Ricardo Wurmus 2019-05-02guix-install.sh: Update URL....* etc/guix-install.sh (GNU_URL): Change to ftp.gnu.org. Ludovic Courtès