exec guile --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;;;; test-driver.scm - Guile test driver for Automake testsuite harness

(define script-version "2023-12-08.14") ;UTC

;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;;; Commentary:
;;; This script provides a Guile test driver using the SRFI-64 Scheme API for
;;; test suites.  SRFI-64 is distributed with Guile since version 2.0.9.
;;;; Code:

(use-modules (ice-9 format)
             (ice-9 getopt-long)
             (ice-9 pretty-print)
             (ice-9 regex)
             (srfi srfi-1)
             (srfi srfi-19)
             (srfi srfi-26)
             (srfi srfi-64))

(define (show-help)
  (display "Usage:
   test-driver --test-name=NAME --log-file=PATH --trs-file=PATH
               [--expect-failure={yes|no}] [--color-tests={yes|no}]
               [--select=REGEXP] [--exclude=REGEXP] [--errors-only={yes|no}]
               [--enable-hard-errors={yes|no}] [--brief={yes|no}}]
               [--show-duration={yes|no}] [--]
The '--test-name' option is mandatory.  The '--select' and '--exclude' options
allow selecting or excluding individual test cases via a regexp, respectively.
The '--errors-only' option can be set to \"yes\" to limit the logged test case
metadata to only those test cases that failed.  When set to \"yes\", the
'--brief' option disables printing the individual test case result to the
console.  When '--show-duration' is set to \"yes\", the time elapsed per test
case is shown.\n"))

(define %options
  '((test-name                 (value #t))
    (log-file                  (value #t))
    (trs-file                  (value #t))
    (select                    (value #t))
    (exclude                   (value #t))
    (errors-only               (value #t))
    (color-tests               (value #t))
    (expect-failure            (value #t)) ;XXX: not implemented yet
    (enable-hard-errors        (value #t)) ;not implemented in SRFI-64
    (brief                     (value #t))
    (show-duration             (value #t))
    (help    (single-char #\h) (value #f))
    (version (single-char #\V) (value #f))))

(define (option->boolean options key)
  "Return #t if the value associated with KEY in OPTIONS is \"yes\"."
  (and=> (option-ref options key #f) (cut string=? <> "yes")))

(define* (test-display field value  #:optional (port (current-output-port))
                       #:key pretty?)
  "Display \"FIELD: VALUE\\n\" on PORT."
  (if pretty?
        (format port "~A:~%" field)
        (pretty-print value port #:per-line-prefix "+ "))
      (format port "~A: ~S~%" field value)))

(define* (result->string symbol #:key colorize?)
  "Return SYMBOL as an upper case string.  Use colors when COLORIZE is #t."
  (let ((result (string-upcase (symbol->string symbol))))
    (if colorize?
        (string-append (case symbol
                         ((pass)       "")  ;green
                         ((xfail)      "")  ;light green
                         ((skip)       "")  ;blue
                         ((fail xpass) "")  ;red
                         ((error)      "")) ;magenta
                       "")          ;no color

;;; SRFI 64 custom test runner.

(define* (test-runner-gnu test-name #:key color? brief? errors-only?
                          (out-port (current-output-port))
                          (trs-port (%make-void-port "w"))
                          select exclude)
  "Return an custom SRFI-64 test runner.  TEST-NAME is a string specifying the
file name of the current the test.  COLOR? specifies whether to use colors.
When BRIEF? is true, the individual test cases results are masked and only the
summary is shown.  ERRORS-ONLY? reduces the amount of test case metadata
logged to only that of the failed test cases.  OUT-PORT and TRS-PORT must be
output ports.  OUT-PORT defaults to the current output port, while TRS-PORT
defaults to a void port, which means no TRS output is logged.  SELECT and
EXCLUDE may take a regular expression to select or exclude individual test
cases based on their names."

  (define test-cases-start-time (make-hash-table))

  (define (test-on-test-begin-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called at the start of an individual test case, before the
    ;; test expression (and expected value) are evaluated.
    (let ((test-case-name (test-runner-test-name runner))
          (start-time     (current-time time-monotonic)))
      (hash-set! test-cases-start-time test-case-name start-time)))

  (define (test-skipped? runner)
    (eq? 'skip (test-result-kind runner)))

  (define (test-failed? runner)
    (not (or (test-passed? runner)
             (test-skipped? runner))))

  (define (test-on-test-end-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called at the end of an individual test case, when the result
    ;; of the test is available.
    (let* ((results (test-result-alist runner))
           (result? (cut assq <> results))
           (result  (cut assq-ref results <>))
           (test-case-name (test-runner-test-name runner))
           (start (hash-ref test-cases-start-time test-case-name))
           (end (current-time time-monotonic))
           (time-elapsed (time-difference end start))
           (time-elapsed-seconds (+ (time-second time-elapsed)
                                    (* 1e-9 (time-nanosecond time-elapsed)))))
      (unless (or brief? (and errors-only? (test-skipped? runner)))
        ;; Display the result of each test case on the console.
        (format out-port "~a: ~a - ~a ~@[[~,3fs]~]~%"
                (result->string (test-result-kind runner) #:colorize? color?)
                test-name test-case-name
                (and show-duration? time-elapsed-seconds)))

      (unless (and errors-only? (not (test-failed? runner)))
        (format #t "test-name: ~A~%" (result 'test-name))
        (format #t "location: ~A~%"
                (string-append (result 'source-file) ":"
                               (number->string (result 'source-line))))
        (test-display "source" (result 'source-form) #:pretty? #t)
        (when (result? 'expected-value)
          (test-display "expected-value" (result 'expected-value)))
        (when (result? 'expected-error)
          (test-display "expected-error" (result 'expected-error) #:pretty? #t))
        (when (result? 'actual-value)
          (test-display "actual-value" (result 'actual-value)))
        (when (result? 'actual-error)
          (test-display "actual-error" (result 'actual-error) #:pretty? #t))
        (format #t "result: ~a~%" (result->string (result 'result-kind)))

      (format trs-port ":test-result: ~A ~A [~,3fs]~%"
              (result->string (test-result-kind runner))
              (test-runner-test-name runner) time-elapsed-seconds)))

  (define (test-on-group-end-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called by a 'test-end', including at the end of a test-group.
    (let ((fail (or (positive? (test-runner-fail-count runner))
                    (positive? (test-runner-xpass-count runner))))
          (skip (or (positive? (test-runner-skip-count runner))
                    (positive? (test-runner-xfail-count runner)))))
      ;; XXX: The global results need some refinements for XPASS.
      (format trs-port ":global-test-result: ~A~%"
              (if fail "FAIL" (if skip "SKIP" "PASS")))
      (format trs-port ":recheck: ~A~%"
              (if fail "yes" "no"))
      (format trs-port ":copy-in-global-log: ~A~%"
              (if (or fail skip) "yes" "no"))
      (when brief?
        ;; Display the global test group result on the console.
        (format out-port "~A: ~A~%"
                (result->string (if fail 'fail (if skip 'skip 'pass))
                                #:colorize? color?)

  (let ((runner (test-runner-null)))
    (test-runner-on-test-begin! runner test-on-test-begin-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-test-end! runner test-on-test-end-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-group-end! runner test-on-group-end-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner test-on-bad-end-name-simple)

;;; SRFI 64 test specifiers.
(define (test-match-name* regexp)
  "Return a test specifier that matches a test name against REGEXP."
  (lambda (runner)
    (string-match regexp (test-runner-test-name runner))))

(define (test-match-name*/negated regexp)
  "Return a negated test specifier version of test-match-name*."
  (lambda (runner)
    (not (string-match regexp (test-runner-test-name runner)))))

;;; XXX: test-match-all is a syntax, which isn't convenient to use with a list
;;; of test specifiers computed at run time.  Copy this SRFI 64 internal
;;; definition here, which is the procedural equivalent of 'test-match-all'.
(define (%test-match-all . pred-list)
  (lambda (runner)
    (let ((result #t))
      (let loop ((l pred-list))
	(if (null? l)
	      (if (not ((car l) runner))
		  (set! result #f))
	      (loop (cdr l))))))))

;;; Entry point.

(define (main . args)
  (let* ((opts   (getopt-long (command-line) %options))
         (option (cut option-ref opts <> <>)))
     ((option 'help #f)    (show-help))
     ((option 'version #f) (format #t "test-driver.scm ~A~%" script-version))
      (let* ((log (and=> (option 'log-file #f) (cut open-file <> "w0")))
             (trs (and=> (option 'trs-file #f) (cut open-file <> "wl")))
             (out (duplicate-port (current-output-port) "wl"))
             (test-name (option 'test-name #f))
             (select (option 'select #f))
             (exclude (option 'exclude #f))
             (test-specifiers (filter-map
                               (list (and=> select test-match-name*)
                                     (and=> exclude test-match-name*/negated))))
             (test-specifier (apply %test-match-all test-specifiers))
             (color-tests (if (assoc 'color-tests opts)
                              (option->boolean opts 'color-tests)
        (when log
          (redirect-port log (current-output-port))
          (redirect-port log (current-warning-port))
          (redirect-port log (current-error-port)))
            (test-runner-gnu test-name
                             #:color? color-tests
                             #:brief? (option->boolean opts 'brief)
                             #:errors-only? (option->boolean opts 'errors-only)
                             #:show-duration? (option->boolean
                                               opts 'show-duration)
                             #:out-port out #:trs-port trs)
          (test-apply test-specifier
                      (lambda _
                        (load-from-path test-name))))
        (and=> log close-port)
        (and=> trs close-port)
        (close-port out))))
    (exit 0)))

;;; Local Variables:
;;; mode: scheme
;;; eval: (add-hook 'write-file-functions 'time-stamp)
;;; time-stamp-start: "(define script-version \""
;;; time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
;;; time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
;;; time-stamp-end: "\") ;UTC"
;;; End:

;;;; test-driver.scm ends here.
d global state * * xmlFreeGlobalState() is called when a thread terminates with a non-NULL * global state. It is is used here to reclaim memory resources. */ static void xmlFreeGlobalState(void *state) { xmlGlobalState *gs = (xmlGlobalState *) state; /* free any memory allocated in the thread's xmlLastError */ xmlResetError(&(gs->xmlLastError)); free(state); } /** * xmlNewGlobalState: * * xmlNewGlobalState() allocates a global state. This structure is used to * hold all data for use by a thread when supporting backwards compatibility * of libxml2 to pre-thread-safe behaviour. * * Returns the newly allocated xmlGlobalStatePtr or NULL in case of error */ static xmlGlobalStatePtr xmlNewGlobalState(void) { xmlGlobalState *gs; gs = malloc(sizeof(xmlGlobalState)); if (gs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlGetGlobalState: out of memory\n"); return (NULL); } memset(gs, 0, sizeof(xmlGlobalState)); xmlInitializeGlobalState(gs); return (gs); } #endif /* LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED */ #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H #elif defined HAVE_WIN32_THREADS #if !defined(HAVE_COMPILER_TLS) #if defined(LIBXML_STATIC) && !defined(LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL) typedef struct _xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams { HANDLE thread; void *memory; } xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams; static void XMLCDECL xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelper(void *p) { xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *params = (xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *) p; WaitForSingleObject(params->thread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(params->thread); xmlFreeGlobalState(params->memory); free(params); _endthread(); } #else /* LIBXML_STATIC && !LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL */ typedef struct _xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams { void *memory; struct _xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *prev; struct _xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *next; } xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams; static xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *cleanup_helpers_head = NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION cleanup_helpers_cs; #endif /* LIBXMLSTATIC && !LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL */ #endif /* HAVE_COMPILER_TLS */ #endif /* HAVE_WIN32_THREADS */ #if defined HAVE_BEOS_THREADS /** * xmlGlobalStateCleanup: * @data: unused parameter * * Used for Beos only */ void xmlGlobalStateCleanup(void *data) { void *globalval = tls_get(globalkey); if (globalval != NULL) xmlFreeGlobalState(globalval); } #endif /** * xmlGetGlobalState: * * xmlGetGlobalState() is called to retrieve the global state for a thread. * * Returns the thread global state or NULL in case of error */ xmlGlobalStatePtr xmlGetGlobalState(void) { #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H xmlGlobalState *globalval; if (libxml_is_threaded == 0) return (NULL); pthread_once(&once_control, xmlOnceInit); if ((globalval = (xmlGlobalState *) pthread_getspecific(globalkey)) == NULL) { xmlGlobalState *tsd = xmlNewGlobalState(); if (tsd == NULL) return(NULL); pthread_setspecific(globalkey, tsd); return (tsd); } return (globalval); #elif defined HAVE_WIN32_THREADS #if defined(HAVE_COMPILER_TLS) if (!tlstate_inited) { tlstate_inited = 1; xmlInitializeGlobalState(&tlstate); } return &tlstate; #else /* HAVE_COMPILER_TLS */ xmlGlobalState *globalval; xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *p; xmlOnceInit(); #if defined(LIBXML_STATIC) && !defined(LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL) globalval = (xmlGlobalState *) TlsGetValue(globalkey); #else p = (xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *) TlsGetValue(globalkey); globalval = (xmlGlobalState *) (p ? p->memory : NULL); #endif if (globalval == NULL) { xmlGlobalState *tsd = xmlNewGlobalState(); if (tsd == NULL) return(NULL); p = (xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *) malloc(sizeof(xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams)); if (p == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlGetGlobalState: out of memory\n"); xmlFreeGlobalState(tsd); return(NULL); } p->memory = tsd; #if defined(LIBXML_STATIC) && !defined(LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL) DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentThread(), GetCurrentProcess(), &p->thread, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); TlsSetValue(globalkey, tsd); _beginthread(xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelper, 0, p); #else EnterCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); if (cleanup_helpers_head != NULL) { cleanup_helpers_head->prev = p; } p->next = cleanup_helpers_head; p->prev = NULL; cleanup_helpers_head = p; TlsSetValue(globalkey, p); LeaveCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); #endif return (tsd); } return (globalval); #endif /* HAVE_COMPILER_TLS */ #elif defined HAVE_BEOS_THREADS xmlGlobalState *globalval; xmlOnceInit(); if ((globalval = (xmlGlobalState *) tls_get(globalkey)) == NULL) { xmlGlobalState *tsd = xmlNewGlobalState(); if (tsd == NULL) return (NULL); tls_set(globalkey, tsd); on_exit_thread(xmlGlobalStateCleanup, NULL); return (tsd); } return (globalval); #else return (NULL); #endif } /************************************************************************ * * * Library wide thread interfaces * * * ************************************************************************/ /** * xmlGetThreadId: * * xmlGetThreadId() find the current thread ID number * Note that this is likely to be broken on some platforms using pthreads * as the specification doesn't mandate pthread_t to be an integer type * * Returns the current thread ID number */ int xmlGetThreadId(void) { #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H pthread_t id; int ret; if (libxml_is_threaded == 0) return (0); id = pthread_self(); /* horrible but preserves compat, see warning above */ memcpy(&ret, &id, sizeof(ret)); return (ret); #elif defined HAVE_WIN32_THREADS return GetCurrentThreadId(); #elif defined HAVE_BEOS_THREADS return find_thread(NULL); #else return ((int) 0); #endif } /** * xmlIsMainThread: * * xmlIsMainThread() check whether the current thread is the main thread. * * Returns 1 if the current thread is the main thread, 0 otherwise */ int xmlIsMainThread(void) {2019-09-06packages: 'supported-package?' binds '%current-system' for graph traversal....Previously, (supported-package? coreutils "armhf-linux") with (%current-system) = "x86_64-linux" would return false. That's because 'supported-package?' would traverse the x86_64 dependency graph, which contains 'tcc-boot0', which supports x86 only. Consequently, 'supported-package?' would match only 53 packages for "armhf-linux" when running on x86, as is the case during continuous integration. * guix/packages.scm (package-transitive-supported-systems): Add an optional 'system' parameter. Use 'mlambda' instead of 'mlambdaq' for memoization. (supported-package?): Pass 'system' to 'package-transitive-supported-systems'. * tests/packages.scm ("package-transitive-supported-systems, implicit inputs") ("package-transitive-supported-systems: reduced binary seed, implicit inputs"): Remove calls to 'invalidate-memoization!', which no longer work and were presumably introduced to work around the bug we're fixing (see commit 0db65c168fd6dec57a357735fe130c80feba5460). * tests/packages.scm ("supported-package?"): Rewrite test to use only existing system name since otherwise 'bootstrap-executable' raises an exception. ("supported-package? vs. system-dependent graph"): New test. Ludovic Courtès 2019-06-27Merge branch 'master' into core-updatesLudovic Courtès 2019-06-27packages: 'specification->package+output' distinguishes "no output specified"....Until now the caller couldn't tell the different between a spec like "foo:out" and one like "foo". This change allows users to distinguish between these two cases. * gnu/packages.scm (specification->package+output): Disable output membership test when OUTPUT = #f and SUB-DRV = #f. * tests/packages.scm ("specification->package+output") ("specification->package+output invalid output") ("specification->package+output no default output") ("specification->package+output invalid output, no default"): New tests. Ludovic Courtès _STATIC_FOR_DLL)) InitializeCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); #endif } /** * xmlCleanupThreads: * * xmlCleanupThreads() is used to to cleanup all the thread related * data of the libxml2 library once processing has ended. * * WARNING: if your application is multithreaded or has plugin support * calling this may crash the application if another thread or * a plugin is still using libxml2. It's sometimes very hard to * guess if libxml2 is in use in the application, some libraries * or plugins may use it without notice. In case of doubt abstain * from calling this function or do it just before calling exit() * to avoid leak reports from valgrind ! */ void xmlCleanupThreads(void) { #ifdef DEBUG_THREADS xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlCleanupThreads()\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H if (libxml_is_threaded != 0) pthread_key_delete(globalkey); once_control = once_control_init; #elif defined(HAVE_WIN32_THREADS) && !defined(HAVE_COMPILER_TLS) && (!defined(LIBXML_STATIC) || defined(LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL)) if (globalkey != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *p; EnterCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); p = cleanup_helpers_head; while (p != NULL) { xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *temp = p; p = p->next; xmlFreeGlobalState(temp->memory); free(temp); } cleanup_helpers_head = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); TlsFree(globalkey); globalkey = TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES; } DeleteCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); #endif } #ifdef LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED /** * xmlOnceInit * * xmlOnceInit() is used to initialize the value of mainthread for use * in other routines. This function should only be called using * pthread_once() in association with the once_control variable to ensure * that the function is only called once. See man pthread_once for more * details. */ static void xmlOnceInit(void) { #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H (void) pthread_key_create(&globalkey, xmlFreeGlobalState); mainthread = pthread_self(); __xmlInitializeDict(); #elif defined(HAVE_WIN32_THREADS) if (!run_once.done) { if (InterlockedIncrement(&run_once.control) == 1) { #if !defined(HAVE_COMPILER_TLS) globalkey = TlsAlloc(); #endif mainthread = GetCurrentThreadId(); __xmlInitializeDict(); run_once.done = 1; } else { /* Another thread is working; give up our slice and * wait until they're done. */ while (!run_once.done) Sleep(0); } } #elif defined HAVE_BEOS_THREADS if (atomic_add(&run_once_init, 1) == 0) { globalkey = tls_allocate(); tls_set(globalkey, NULL); mainthread = find_thread(NULL); __xmlInitializeDict(); } else atomic_add(&run_once_init, -1); #endif } #endif /** * DllMain: * @hinstDLL: handle to DLL instance * @fdwReason: Reason code for entry * @lpvReserved: generic pointer (depends upon reason code) * * Entry point for Windows library. It is being used to free thread-specific * storage. * * Returns TRUE always */ #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H #elif defined(HAVE_WIN32_THREADS) && !defined(HAVE_COMPILER_TLS) && (!defined(LIBXML_STATIC) || defined(LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL)) #if defined(LIBXML_STATIC_FOR_DLL) int XMLCALL xmlDllMain(ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED void *hinstDLL, unsigned long fdwReason, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED void *lpvReserved) #else /* declare to avoid "no previous prototype for 'DllMain'" warning */ /* Note that we do NOT want to include this function declaration in a public header because it's meant to be called by Windows itself, not a program that uses this library. This also has to be exported. */ XMLPUBFUN BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved); BOOL WINAPI DllMain(ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED LPVOID lpvReserved) #endif { switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: if (globalkey != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { xmlGlobalState *globalval = NULL; xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *p = (xmlGlobalStateCleanupHelperParams *) TlsGetValue(globalkey); globalval = (xmlGlobalState *) (p ? p->memory : NULL); if (globalval) { xmlFreeGlobalState(globalval); TlsSetValue(globalkey, NULL); } if (p) { EnterCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); if (p == cleanup_helpers_head) cleanup_helpers_head = p->next; else p->prev->next = p->next; if (p->next != NULL) p->next->prev = p->prev; LeaveCriticalSection(&cleanup_helpers_cs); free(p); } } break; } return TRUE; } #endif #define bottom_threads #include "elfgcchack.h"