exec guile --no-auto-compile -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;;;; test-driver.scm - Guile test driver for Automake testsuite harness

(define script-version "2023-12-08.14") ;UTC

;;; Copyright © 2015, 2016 Mathieu Lirzin <mthl@gnu.org>
;;; Copyright © 2021 Maxim Cournoyer <maxim.cournoyer@gmail.com>
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;;; Commentary:
;;; This script provides a Guile test driver using the SRFI-64 Scheme API for
;;; test suites.  SRFI-64 is distributed with Guile since version 2.0.9.
;;;; Code:

(use-modules (ice-9 format)
             (ice-9 getopt-long)
             (ice-9 pretty-print)
             (ice-9 regex)
             (srfi srfi-1)
             (srfi srfi-19)
             (srfi srfi-26)
             (srfi srfi-64))

(define (show-help)
  (display "Usage:
   test-driver --test-name=NAME --log-file=PATH --trs-file=PATH
               [--expect-failure={yes|no}] [--color-tests={yes|no}]
               [--select=REGEXP] [--exclude=REGEXP] [--errors-only={yes|no}]
               [--enable-hard-errors={yes|no}] [--brief={yes|no}}]
               [--show-duration={yes|no}] [--]
The '--test-name' option is mandatory.  The '--select' and '--exclude' options
allow selecting or excluding individual test cases via a regexp, respectively.
The '--errors-only' option can be set to \"yes\" to limit the logged test case
metadata to only those test cases that failed.  When set to \"yes\", the
'--brief' option disables printing the individual test case result to the
console.  When '--show-duration' is set to \"yes\", the time elapsed per test
case is shown.\n"))

(define %options
  '((test-name                 (value #t))
    (log-file                  (value #t))
    (trs-file                  (value #t))
    (select                    (value #t))
    (exclude                   (value #t))
    (errors-only               (value #t))
    (color-tests               (value #t))
    (expect-failure            (value #t)) ;XXX: not implemented yet
    (enable-hard-errors        (value #t)) ;not implemented in SRFI-64
    (brief                     (value #t))
    (show-duration             (value #t))
    (help    (single-char #\h) (value #f))
    (version (single-char #\V) (value #f))))

(define (option->boolean options key)
  "Return #t if the value associated with KEY in OPTIONS is \"yes\"."
  (and=> (option-ref options key #f) (cut string=? <> "yes")))

(define* (test-display field value  #:optional (port (current-output-port))
                       #:key pretty?)
  "Display \"FIELD: VALUE\\n\" on PORT."
  (if pretty?
        (format port "~A:~%" field)
        (pretty-print value port #:per-line-prefix "+ "))
      (format port "~A: ~S~%" field value)))

(define* (result->string symbol #:key colorize?)
  "Return SYMBOL as an upper case string.  Use colors when COLORIZE is #t."
  (let ((result (string-upcase (symbol->string symbol))))
    (if colorize?
        (string-append (case symbol
                         ((pass)       "")  ;green
                         ((xfail)      "")  ;light green
                         ((skip)       "")  ;blue
                         ((fail xpass) "")  ;red
                         ((error)      "")) ;magenta
                       "")          ;no color

;;; SRFI 64 custom test runner.

(define* (test-runner-gnu test-name #:key color? brief? errors-only?
                          (out-port (current-output-port))
                          (trs-port (%make-void-port "w"))
                          select exclude)
  "Return an custom SRFI-64 test runner.  TEST-NAME is a string specifying the
file name of the current the test.  COLOR? specifies whether to use colors.
When BRIEF? is true, the individual test cases results are masked and only the
summary is shown.  ERRORS-ONLY? reduces the amount of test case metadata
logged to only that of the failed test cases.  OUT-PORT and TRS-PORT must be
output ports.  OUT-PORT defaults to the current output port, while TRS-PORT
defaults to a void port, which means no TRS output is logged.  SELECT and
EXCLUDE may take a regular expression to select or exclude individual test
cases based on their names."

  (define test-cases-start-time (make-hash-table))

  (define (test-on-test-begin-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called at the start of an individual test case, before the
    ;; test expression (and expected value) are evaluated.
    (let ((test-case-name (test-runner-test-name runner))
          (start-time     (current-time time-monotonic)))
      (hash-set! test-cases-start-time test-case-name start-time)))

  (define (test-skipped? runner)
    (eq? 'skip (test-result-kind runner)))

  (define (test-failed? runner)
    (not (or (test-passed? runner)
             (test-skipped? runner))))

  (define (test-on-test-end-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called at the end of an individual test case, when the result
    ;; of the test is available.
    (let* ((results (test-result-alist runner))
           (result? (cut assq <> results))
           (result  (cut assq-ref results <>))
           (test-case-name (test-runner-test-name runner))
           (start (hash-ref test-cases-start-time test-case-name))
           (end (current-time time-monotonic))
           (time-elapsed (time-difference end start))
           (time-elapsed-seconds (+ (time-second time-elapsed)
                                    (* 1e-9 (time-nanosecond time-elapsed)))))
      (unless (or brief? (and errors-only? (test-skipped? runner)))
        ;; Display the result of each test case on the console.
        (format out-port "~a: ~a - ~a ~@[[~,3fs]~]~%"
                (result->string (test-result-kind runner) #:colorize? color?)
                test-name test-case-name
                (and show-duration? time-elapsed-seconds)))

      (unless (and errors-only? (not (test-failed? runner)))
        (format #t "test-name: ~A~%" (result 'test-name))
        (format #t "location: ~A~%"
                (string-append (result 'source-file) ":"
                               (number->string (result 'source-line))))
        (test-display "source" (result 'source-form) #:pretty? #t)
        (when (result? 'expected-value)
          (test-display "expected-value" (result 'expected-value)))
        (when (result? 'expected-error)
          (test-display "expected-error" (result 'expected-error) #:pretty? #t))
        (when (result? 'actual-value)
          (test-display "actual-value" (result 'actual-value)))
        (when (result? 'actual-error)
          (test-display "actual-error" (result 'actual-error) #:pretty? #t))
        (format #t "result: ~a~%" (result->string (result 'result-kind)))

      (format trs-port ":test-result: ~A ~A [~,3fs]~%"
              (result->string (test-result-kind runner))
              (test-runner-test-name runner) time-elapsed-seconds)))

  (define (test-on-group-end-gnu runner)
    ;; Procedure called by a 'test-end', including at the end of a test-group.
    (let ((fail (or (positive? (test-runner-fail-count runner))
                    (positive? (test-runner-xpass-count runner))))
          (skip (or (positive? (test-runner-skip-count runner))
                    (positive? (test-runner-xfail-count runner)))))
      ;; XXX: The global results need some refinements for XPASS.
      (format trs-port ":global-test-result: ~A~%"
              (if fail "FAIL" (if skip "SKIP" "PASS")))
      (format trs-port ":recheck: ~A~%"
              (if fail "yes" "no"))
      (format trs-port ":copy-in-global-log: ~A~%"
              (if (or fail skip) "yes" "no"))
      (when brief?
        ;; Display the global test group result on the console.
        (format out-port "~A: ~A~%"
                (result->string (if fail 'fail (if skip 'skip 'pass))
                                #:colorize? color?)

  (let ((runner (test-runner-null)))
    (test-runner-on-test-begin! runner test-on-test-begin-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-test-end! runner test-on-test-end-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-group-end! runner test-on-group-end-gnu)
    (test-runner-on-bad-end-name! runner test-on-bad-end-name-simple)

;;; SRFI 64 test specifiers.
(define (test-match-name* regexp)
  "Return a test specifier that matches a test name against REGEXP."
  (lambda (runner)
    (string-match regexp (test-runner-test-name runner))))

(define (test-match-name*/negated regexp)
  "Return a negated test specifier version of test-match-name*."
  (lambda (runner)
    (not (string-match regexp (test-runner-test-name runner)))))

;;; XXX: test-match-all is a syntax, which isn't convenient to use with a list
;;; of test specifiers computed at run time.  Copy this SRFI 64 internal
;;; definition here, which is the procedural equivalent of 'test-match-all'.
(define (%test-match-all . pred-list)
  (lambda (runner)
    (let ((result #t))
      (let loop ((l pred-list))
	(if (null? l)
	      (if (not ((car l) runner))
		  (set! result #f))
	      (loop (cdr l))))))))

;;; Entry point.

(define (main . args)
  (let* ((opts   (getopt-long (command-line) %options))
         (option (cut option-ref opts <> <>)))
     ((option 'help #f)    (show-help))
     ((option 'version #f) (format #t "test-driver.scm ~A~%" script-version))
      (let* ((log (and=> (option 'log-file #f) (cut open-file <> "w0")))
             (trs (and=> (option 'trs-file #f) (cut open-file <> "wl")))
             (out (duplicate-port (current-output-port) "wl"))
             (test-name (option 'test-name #f))
             (select (option 'select #f))
             (exclude (option 'exclude #f))
             (test-specifiers (filter-map
                               (list (and=> select test-match-name*)
                                     (and=> exclude test-match-name*/negated))))
             (test-specifier (apply %test-match-all test-specifiers))
             (color-tests (if (assoc 'color-tests opts)
                              (option->boolean opts 'color-tests)
        (when log
          (redirect-port log (current-output-port))
          (redirect-port log (current-warning-port))
          (redirect-port log (current-error-port)))
            (test-runner-gnu test-name
                             #:color? color-tests
                             #:brief? (option->boolean opts 'brief)
                             #:errors-only? (option->boolean opts 'errors-only)
                             #:show-duration? (option->boolean
                                               opts 'show-duration)
                             #:out-port out #:trs-port trs)
          (test-apply test-specifier
                      (lambda _
                        (load-from-path test-name))))
        (and=> log close-port)
        (and=> trs close-port)
        (close-port out))))
    (exit 0)))

;;; Local Variables:
;;; mode: scheme
;;; eval: (add-hook 'write-file-functions 'time-stamp)
;;; time-stamp-start: "(define script-version \""
;;; time-stamp-format: "%:y-%02m-%02d.%02H"
;;; time-stamp-time-zone: "UTC"
;;; time-stamp-end: "\") ;UTC"
;;; End:

;;;; test-driver.scm ends here.
41 files changed, 21914 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/01-simple.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/01-simple.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f4dd84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/01-simple.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 3
+test-0 = 0-default
+test-1 = 1-Server signature algorithms bug
+test-2 = 2-verify-cert
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-default-ssl
+server = 0-default-server
+client = 0-default-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+[1-Server signature algorithms bug]
+ssl_conf = 1-Server signature algorithms bug-ssl
+[1-Server signature algorithms bug-ssl]
+server = 1-Server signature algorithms bug-server
+client = 1-Server signature algorithms bug-client
+[1-Server signature algorithms bug-server]
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+ClientSignatureAlgorithms = ECDSA+SHA256
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+[1-Server signature algorithms bug-client]
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+SignatureAlgorithms = RSA+SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-verify-cert-ssl
+server = 2-verify-cert-server
+client = 2-verify-cert-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedClientAlert = UnknownCA
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/01-simple.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/01-simple.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..086d66d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/01-simple.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## SSL test configurations
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "default",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "Server signature algorithms bug",
+ # Should have no effect as we aren't doing client auth
+ server => { "ClientSignatureAlgorithms" => "ECDSA+SHA256" },
+ client => { "SignatureAlgorithms" => "RSA+SHA256" },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "verify-cert",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ # Don't set up the client root file.
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail",
+ "ExpectedClientAlert" => "UnknownCA",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/02-protocol-version.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/02-protocol-version.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb89dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/02-protocol-version.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,9975 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 361
+test-0 = 0-version-negotiation
+test-1 = 1-version-negotiation
+test-2 = 2-version-negotiation
+test-3 = 3-version-negotiation
+test-4 = 4-version-negotiation
+test-5 = 5-version-negotiation
+test-6 = 6-version-negotiation
+test-7 = 7-version-negotiation
+test-8 = 8-version-negotiation
+test-9 = 9-version-negotiation
+test-10 = 10-version-negotiation
+test-11 = 11-version-negotiation
+test-12 = 12-version-negotiation
+test-13 = 13-version-negotiation
+test-14 = 14-version-negotiation
+test-15 = 15-version-negotiation
+test-16 = 16-version-negotiation
+test-17 = 17-version-negotiation
+test-18 = 18-version-negotiation
+test-19 = 19-version-negotiation
+test-20 = 20-version-negotiation
+test-21 = 21-version-negotiation
+test-22 = 22-version-negotiation
+test-23 = 23-version-negotiation
+test-24 = 24-version-negotiation
+test-25 = 25-version-negotiation
+test-26 = 26-version-negotiation
+test-27 = 27-version-negotiation
+test-28 = 28-version-negotiation
+test-29 = 29-version-negotiation
+test-30 = 30-version-negotiation
+test-31 = 31-version-negotiation
+test-32 = 32-version-negotiation
+test-33 = 33-version-negotiation
+test-34 = 34-version-negotiation
+test-35 = 35-version-negotiation
+test-36 = 36-version-negotiation
+test-37 = 37-version-negotiation
+test-38 = 38-version-negotiation
+test-39 = 39-version-negotiation
+test-40 = 40-version-negotiation
+test-41 = 41-version-negotiation
+test-42 = 42-version-negotiation
+test-43 = 43-version-negotiation
+test-44 = 44-version-negotiation
+test-45 = 45-version-negotiation
+test-46 = 46-version-negotiation
+test-47 = 47-version-negotiation
+test-48 = 48-version-negotiation
+test-49 = 49-version-negotiation
+test-50 = 50-version-negotiation
+test-51 = 51-version-negotiation
+test-52 = 52-version-negotiation
+test-53 = 53-version-negotiation
+test-54 = 54-version-negotiation
+test-55 = 55-version-negotiation
+test-56 = 56-version-negotiation
+test-57 = 57-version-negotiation
+test-58 = 58-version-negotiation
+test-59 = 59-version-negotiation
+test-60 = 60-version-negotiation
+test-61 = 61-version-negotiation
+test-62 = 62-version-negotiation
+test-63 = 63-version-negotiation
+test-64 = 64-version-negotiation
+test-65 = 65-version-negotiation
+test-66 = 66-version-negotiation
+test-67 = 67-version-negotiation
+test-68 = 68-version-negotiation
+test-69 = 69-version-negotiation
+test-70 = 70-version-negotiation
+test-71 = 71-version-negotiation
+test-72 = 72-version-negotiation
+test-73 = 73-version-negotiation
+test-74 = 74-version-negotiation
+test-75 = 75-version-negotiation
+test-76 = 76-version-negotiation
+test-77 = 77-version-negotiation
+test-78 = 78-version-negotiation
+test-79 = 79-version-negotiation
+test-80 = 80-version-negotiation
+test-81 = 81-version-negotiation
+test-82 = 82-version-negotiation
+test-83 = 83-version-negotiation
+test-84 = 84-version-negotiation
+test-85 = 85-version-negotiation
+test-86 = 86-version-negotiation
+test-87 = 87-version-negotiation
+test-88 = 88-version-negotiation
+test-89 = 89-version-negotiation
+test-90 = 90-version-negotiation
+test-91 = 91-version-negotiation
+test-92 = 92-version-negotiation
+test-93 = 93-version-negotiation
+test-94 = 94-version-negotiation
+test-95 = 95-version-negotiation
+test-96 = 96-version-negotiation
+test-97 = 97-version-negotiation
+test-98 = 98-version-negotiation
+test-99 = 99-version-negotiation
+test-100 = 100-version-negotiation
+test-101 = 101-version-negotiation
+test-102 = 102-version-negotiation
+test-103 = 103-version-negotiation
+test-104 = 104-version-negotiation
+test-105 = 105-version-negotiation
+test-106 = 106-version-negotiation
+test-107 = 107-version-negotiation
+test-108 = 108-version-negotiation
+test-109 = 109-version-negotiation
+test-110 = 110-version-negotiation
+test-111 = 111-version-negotiation
+test-112 = 112-version-negotiation
+test-113 = 113-version-negotiation
+test-114 = 114-version-negotiation
+test-115 = 115-version-negotiation
+test-116 = 116-version-negotiation
+test-117 = 117-version-negotiation
+test-118 = 118-version-negotiation
+test-119 = 119-version-negotiation
+test-120 = 120-version-negotiation
+test-121 = 121-version-negotiation
+test-122 = 122-version-negotiation
+test-123 = 123-version-negotiation
+test-124 = 124-version-negotiation
+test-125 = 125-version-negotiation
+test-126 = 126-version-negotiation
+test-127 = 127-version-negotiation
+test-128 = 128-version-negotiation
+test-129 = 129-version-negotiation
+test-130 = 130-version-negotiation
+test-131 = 131-version-negotiation
+test-132 = 132-version-negotiation
+test-133 = 133-version-negotiation
+test-134 = 134-version-negotiation
+test-135 = 135-version-negotiation
+test-136 = 136-version-negotiation
+test-137 = 137-version-negotiation
+test-138 = 138-version-negotiation
+test-139 = 139-version-negotiation
+test-140 = 140-version-negotiation
+test-141 = 141-version-negotiation
+test-142 = 142-version-negotiation
+test-143 = 143-version-negotiation
+test-144 = 144-version-negotiation
+test-145 = 145-version-negotiation
+test-146 = 146-version-negotiation
+test-147 = 147-version-negotiation
+test-148 = 148-version-negotiation
+test-149 = 149-version-negotiation
+test-150 = 150-version-negotiation
+test-151 = 151-version-negotiation
+test-152 = 152-version-negotiation
+test-153 = 153-version-negotiation
+test-154 = 154-version-negotiation
+test-155 = 155-version-negotiation
+test-156 = 156-version-negotiation
+test-157 = 157-version-negotiation
+test-158 = 158-version-negotiation
+test-159 = 159-version-negotiation
+test-160 = 160-version-negotiation
+test-161 = 161-version-negotiation
+test-162 = 162-version-negotiation
+test-163 = 163-version-negotiation
+test-164 = 164-version-negotiation
+test-165 = 165-version-negotiation
+test-166 = 166-version-negotiation
+test-167 = 167-version-negotiation
+test-168 = 168-version-negotiation
+test-169 = 169-version-negotiation
+test-170 = 170-version-negotiation
+test-171 = 171-version-negotiation
+test-172 = 172-version-negotiation
+test-173 = 173-version-negotiation
+test-174 = 174-version-negotiation
+test-175 = 175-version-negotiation
+test-176 = 176-version-negotiation
+test-177 = 177-version-negotiation
+test-178 = 178-version-negotiation
+test-179 = 179-version-negotiation
+test-180 = 180-version-negotiation
+test-181 = 181-version-negotiation
+test-182 = 182-version-negotiation
+test-183 = 183-version-negotiation
+test-184 = 184-version-negotiation
+test-185 = 185-version-negotiation
+test-186 = 186-version-negotiation
+test-187 = 187-version-negotiation
+test-188 = 188-version-negotiation
+test-189 = 189-version-negotiation
+test-190 = 190-version-negotiation
+test-191 = 191-version-negotiation
+test-192 = 192-version-negotiation
+test-193 = 193-version-negotiation
+test-194 = 194-version-negotiation
+test-195 = 195-version-negotiation
+test-196 = 196-version-negotiation
+test-197 = 197-version-negotiation
+test-198 = 198-version-negotiation
+test-199 = 199-version-negotiation
+test-200 = 200-version-negotiation
+test-201 = 201-version-negotiation
+test-202 = 202-version-negotiation
+test-203 = 203-version-negotiation
+test-204 = 204-version-negotiation
+test-205 = 205-version-negotiation
+test-206 = 206-version-negotiation
+test-207 = 207-version-negotiation
+test-208 = 208-version-negotiation
+test-209 = 209-version-negotiation
+test-210 = 210-version-negotiation
+test-211 = 211-version-negotiation
+test-212 = 212-version-negotiation
+test-213 = 213-version-negotiation
+test-214 = 214-version-negotiation
+test-215 = 215-version-negotiation
+test-216 = 216-version-negotiation
+test-217 = 217-version-negotiation
+test-218 = 218-version-negotiation
+test-219 = 219-version-negotiation
+test-220 = 220-version-negotiation
+test-221 = 221-version-negotiation
+test-222 = 222-version-negotiation
+test-223 = 223-version-negotiation
+test-224 = 224-version-negotiation
+test-225 = 225-version-negotiation
+test-226 = 226-version-negotiation
+test-227 = 227-version-negotiation
+test-228 = 228-version-negotiation
+test-229 = 229-version-negotiation
+test-230 = 230-version-negotiation
+test-231 = 231-version-negotiation
+test-232 = 232-version-negotiation
+test-233 = 233-version-negotiation
+test-234 = 234-version-negotiation
+test-235 = 235-version-negotiation
+test-236 = 236-version-negotiation
+test-237 = 237-version-negotiation
+test-238 = 238-version-negotiation
+test-239 = 239-version-negotiation
+test-240 = 240-version-negotiation
+test-241 = 241-version-negotiation
+test-242 = 242-version-negotiation
+test-243 = 243-version-negotiation
+test-244 = 244-version-negotiation
+test-245 = 245-version-negotiation
+test-246 = 246-version-negotiation
+test-247 = 247-version-negotiation
+test-248 = 248-version-negotiation
+test-249 = 249-version-negotiation
+test-250 = 250-version-negotiation
+test-251 = 251-version-negotiation
+test-252 = 252-version-negotiation
+test-253 = 253-version-negotiation
+test-254 = 254-version-negotiation
+test-255 = 255-version-negotiation
+test-256 = 256-version-negotiation
+test-257 = 257-version-negotiation
+test-258 = 258-version-negotiation
+test-259 = 259-version-negotiation
+test-260 = 260-version-negotiation
+test-261 = 261-version-negotiation
+test-262 = 262-version-negotiation
+test-263 = 263-version-negotiation
+test-264 = 264-version-negotiation
+test-265 = 265-version-negotiation
+test-266 = 266-version-negotiation
+test-267 = 267-version-negotiation
+test-268 = 268-version-negotiation
+test-269 = 269-version-negotiation
+test-270 = 270-version-negotiation
+test-271 = 271-version-negotiation
+test-272 = 272-version-negotiation
+test-273 = 273-version-negotiation
+test-274 = 274-version-negotiation
+test-275 = 275-version-negotiation
+test-276 = 276-version-negotiation
+test-277 = 277-version-negotiation
+test-278 = 278-version-negotiation
+test-279 = 279-version-negotiation
+test-280 = 280-version-negotiation
+test-281 = 281-version-negotiation
+test-282 = 282-version-negotiation
+test-283 = 283-version-negotiation
+test-284 = 284-version-negotiation
+test-285 = 285-version-negotiation
+test-286 = 286-version-negotiation
+test-287 = 287-version-negotiation
+test-288 = 288-version-negotiation
+test-289 = 289-version-negotiation
+test-290 = 290-version-negotiation
+test-291 = 291-version-negotiation
+test-292 = 292-version-negotiation
+test-293 = 293-version-negotiation
+test-294 = 294-version-negotiation
+test-295 = 295-version-negotiation
+test-296 = 296-version-negotiation
+test-297 = 297-version-negotiation
+test-298 = 298-version-negotiation
+test-299 = 299-version-negotiation
+test-300 = 300-version-negotiation
+test-301 = 301-version-negotiation
+test-302 = 302-version-negotiation
+test-303 = 303-version-negotiation
+test-304 = 304-version-negotiation
+test-305 = 305-version-negotiation
+test-306 = 306-version-negotiation
+test-307 = 307-version-negotiation
+test-308 = 308-version-negotiation
+test-309 = 309-version-negotiation
+test-310 = 310-version-negotiation
+test-311 = 311-version-negotiation
+test-312 = 312-version-negotiation
+test-313 = 313-version-negotiation
+test-314 = 314-version-negotiation
+test-315 = 315-version-negotiation
+test-316 = 316-version-negotiation
+test-317 = 317-version-negotiation
+test-318 = 318-version-negotiation
+test-319 = 319-version-negotiation
+test-320 = 320-version-negotiation
+test-321 = 321-version-negotiation
+test-322 = 322-version-negotiation
+test-323 = 323-version-negotiation
+test-324 = 324-version-negotiation
+test-325 = 325-version-negotiation
+test-326 = 326-version-negotiation
+test-327 = 327-version-negotiation
+test-328 = 328-version-negotiation
+test-329 = 329-version-negotiation
+test-330 = 330-version-negotiation
+test-331 = 331-version-negotiation
+test-332 = 332-version-negotiation
+test-333 = 333-version-negotiation
+test-334 = 334-version-negotiation
+test-335 = 335-version-negotiation
+test-336 = 336-version-negotiation
+test-337 = 337-version-negotiation
+test-338 = 338-version-negotiation
+test-339 = 339-version-negotiation
+test-340 = 340-version-negotiation
+test-341 = 341-version-negotiation
+test-342 = 342-version-negotiation
+test-343 = 343-version-negotiation
+test-344 = 344-version-negotiation
+test-345 = 345-version-negotiation
+test-346 = 346-version-negotiation
+test-347 = 347-version-negotiation
+test-348 = 348-version-negotiation
+test-349 = 349-version-negotiation
+test-350 = 350-version-negotiation
+test-351 = 351-version-negotiation
+test-352 = 352-version-negotiation
+test-353 = 353-version-negotiation
+test-354 = 354-version-negotiation
+test-355 = 355-version-negotiation
+test-356 = 356-version-negotiation
+test-357 = 357-version-negotiation
+test-358 = 358-version-negotiation
+test-359 = 359-version-negotiation
+test-360 = 360-version-negotiation
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 0-version-negotiation-server
+client = 0-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 1-version-negotiation-server
+client = 1-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 2-version-negotiation-server
+client = 2-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 3-version-negotiation-server
+client = 3-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 4-version-negotiation-server
+client = 4-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 5-version-negotiation-server
+client = 5-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 6-version-negotiation-server
+client = 6-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 7-version-negotiation-server
+client = 7-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 8-version-negotiation-server
+client = 8-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 9-version-negotiation-server
+client = 9-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 10-version-negotiation-server
+client = 10-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 11-version-negotiation-server
+client = 11-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 12-version-negotiation-server
+client = 12-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 13-version-negotiation-server
+client = 13-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 14-version-negotiation-server
+client = 14-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 15-version-negotiation-server
+client = 15-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 16-version-negotiation-server
+client = 16-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 17-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 17-version-negotiation-server
+client = 17-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 18-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 18-version-negotiation-server
+client = 18-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 19-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 19-version-negotiation-server
+client = 19-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 20-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 20-version-negotiation-server
+client = 20-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 21-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 21-version-negotiation-server
+client = 21-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 22-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 22-version-negotiation-server
+client = 22-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 23-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 23-version-negotiation-server
+client = 23-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 24-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 24-version-negotiation-server
+client = 24-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 25-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 25-version-negotiation-server
+client = 25-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 26-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 26-version-negotiation-server
+client = 26-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 27-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 27-version-negotiation-server
+client = 27-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 28-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 28-version-negotiation-server
+client = 28-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 29-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 29-version-negotiation-server
+client = 29-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 30-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 30-version-negotiation-server
+client = 30-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 31-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 31-version-negotiation-server
+client = 31-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 32-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 32-version-negotiation-server
+client = 32-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 33-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 33-version-negotiation-server
+client = 33-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 34-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 34-version-negotiation-server
+client = 34-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 35-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 35-version-negotiation-server
+client = 35-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 36-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 36-version-negotiation-server
+client = 36-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 37-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 37-version-negotiation-server
+client = 37-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 38-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 38-version-negotiation-server
+client = 38-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 39-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 39-version-negotiation-server
+client = 39-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 40-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 40-version-negotiation-server
+client = 40-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 41-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 41-version-negotiation-server
+client = 41-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 42-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 42-version-negotiation-server
+client = 42-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 43-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 43-version-negotiation-server
+client = 43-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 44-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 44-version-negotiation-server
+client = 44-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 45-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 45-version-negotiation-server
+client = 45-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 46-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 46-version-negotiation-server
+client = 46-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 47-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 47-version-negotiation-server
+client = 47-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 48-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 48-version-negotiation-server
+client = 48-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 49-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 49-version-negotiation-server
+client = 49-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 50-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 50-version-negotiation-server
+client = 50-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 51-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 51-version-negotiation-server
+client = 51-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 52-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 52-version-negotiation-server
+client = 52-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 53-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 53-version-negotiation-server
+client = 53-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 54-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 54-version-negotiation-server
+client = 54-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 55-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 55-version-negotiation-server
+client = 55-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 56-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 56-version-negotiation-server
+client = 56-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 57-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 57-version-negotiation-server
+client = 57-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 58-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 58-version-negotiation-server
+client = 58-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 59-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 59-version-negotiation-server
+client = 59-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 60-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 60-version-negotiation-server
+client = 60-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 61-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 61-version-negotiation-server
+client = 61-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 62-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 62-version-negotiation-server
+client = 62-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 63-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 63-version-negotiation-server
+client = 63-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 64-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 64-version-negotiation-server
+client = 64-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 65-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 65-version-negotiation-server
+client = 65-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 66-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 66-version-negotiation-server
+client = 66-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 67-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 67-version-negotiation-server
+client = 67-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 68-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 68-version-negotiation-server
+client = 68-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 69-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 69-version-negotiation-server
+client = 69-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 70-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 70-version-negotiation-server
+client = 70-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 71-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 71-version-negotiation-server
+client = 71-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 72-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 72-version-negotiation-server
+client = 72-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 73-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 73-version-negotiation-server
+client = 73-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 74-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 74-version-negotiation-server
+client = 74-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 75-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 75-version-negotiation-server
+client = 75-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 76-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 76-version-negotiation-server
+client = 76-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 77-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 77-version-negotiation-server
+client = 77-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 78-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 78-version-negotiation-server
+client = 78-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 79-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 79-version-negotiation-server
+client = 79-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 80-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 80-version-negotiation-server
+client = 80-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 81-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 81-version-negotiation-server
+client = 81-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 82-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 82-version-negotiation-server
+client = 82-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 83-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 83-version-negotiation-server
+client = 83-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 84-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 84-version-negotiation-server
+client = 84-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 85-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 85-version-negotiation-server
+client = 85-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 86-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 86-version-negotiation-server
+client = 86-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 87-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 87-version-negotiation-server
+client = 87-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 88-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 88-version-negotiation-server
+client = 88-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 89-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 89-version-negotiation-server
+client = 89-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 90-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 90-version-negotiation-server
+client = 90-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 91-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 91-version-negotiation-server
+client = 91-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 92-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 92-version-negotiation-server
+client = 92-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 93-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 93-version-negotiation-server
+client = 93-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 94-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 94-version-negotiation-server
+client = 94-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 95-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 95-version-negotiation-server
+client = 95-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 96-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 96-version-negotiation-server
+client = 96-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 97-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 97-version-negotiation-server
+client = 97-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 98-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 98-version-negotiation-server
+client = 98-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 99-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 99-version-negotiation-server
+client = 99-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 100-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 100-version-negotiation-server
+client = 100-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 101-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 101-version-negotiation-server
+client = 101-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 102-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 102-version-negotiation-server
+client = 102-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 103-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 103-version-negotiation-server
+client = 103-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 104-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 104-version-negotiation-server
+client = 104-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 105-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 105-version-negotiation-server
+client = 105-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 106-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 106-version-negotiation-server
+client = 106-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 107-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 107-version-negotiation-server
+client = 107-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 108-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 108-version-negotiation-server
+client = 108-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 109-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 109-version-negotiation-server
+client = 109-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 110-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 110-version-negotiation-server
+client = 110-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 111-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 111-version-negotiation-server
+client = 111-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 112-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 112-version-negotiation-server
+client = 112-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 113-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 113-version-negotiation-server
+client = 113-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = InternalError
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 114-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 114-version-negotiation-server
+client = 114-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 115-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 115-version-negotiation-server
+client = 115-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 116-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 116-version-negotiation-server
+client = 116-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 117-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 117-version-negotiation-server
+client = 117-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 118-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 118-version-negotiation-server
+client = 118-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 119-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 119-version-negotiation-server
+client = 119-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 120-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 120-version-negotiation-server
+client = 120-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 121-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 121-version-negotiation-server
+client = 121-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 122-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 122-version-negotiation-server
+client = 122-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 123-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 123-version-negotiation-server
+client = 123-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 124-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 124-version-negotiation-server
+client = 124-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 125-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 125-version-negotiation-server
+client = 125-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 126-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 126-version-negotiation-server
+client = 126-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 127-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 127-version-negotiation-server
+client = 127-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 128-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 128-version-negotiation-server
+client = 128-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 129-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 129-version-negotiation-server
+client = 129-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 130-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 130-version-negotiation-server
+client = 130-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 131-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 131-version-negotiation-server
+client = 131-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 132-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 132-version-negotiation-server
+client = 132-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 133-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 133-version-negotiation-server
+client = 133-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 134-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 134-version-negotiation-server
+client = 134-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 135-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 135-version-negotiation-server
+client = 135-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 136-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 136-version-negotiation-server
+client = 136-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 137-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 137-version-negotiation-server
+client = 137-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 138-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 138-version-negotiation-server
+client = 138-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 139-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 139-version-negotiation-server
+client = 139-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 140-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 140-version-negotiation-server
+client = 140-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 141-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 141-version-negotiation-server
+client = 141-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 142-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 142-version-negotiation-server
+client = 142-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 143-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 143-version-negotiation-server
+client = 143-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 144-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 144-version-negotiation-server
+client = 144-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 145-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 145-version-negotiation-server
+client = 145-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 146-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 146-version-negotiation-server
+client = 146-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 147-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 147-version-negotiation-server
+client = 147-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 148-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 148-version-negotiation-server
+client = 148-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 149-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 149-version-negotiation-server
+client = 149-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 150-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 150-version-negotiation-server
+client = 150-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 151-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 151-version-negotiation-server
+client = 151-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 152-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 152-version-negotiation-server
+client = 152-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 153-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 153-version-negotiation-server
+client = 153-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 154-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 154-version-negotiation-server
+client = 154-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 155-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 155-version-negotiation-server
+client = 155-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 156-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 156-version-negotiation-server
+client = 156-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 157-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 157-version-negotiation-server
+client = 157-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 158-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 158-version-negotiation-server
+client = 158-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 159-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 159-version-negotiation-server
+client = 159-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 160-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 160-version-negotiation-server
+client = 160-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 161-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 161-version-negotiation-server
+client = 161-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 162-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 162-version-negotiation-server
+client = 162-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 163-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 163-version-negotiation-server
+client = 163-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 164-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 164-version-negotiation-server
+client = 164-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 165-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 165-version-negotiation-server
+client = 165-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 166-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 166-version-negotiation-server
+client = 166-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 167-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 167-version-negotiation-server
+client = 167-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 168-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 168-version-negotiation-server
+client = 168-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 169-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 169-version-negotiation-server
+client = 169-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 170-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 170-version-negotiation-server
+client = 170-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 171-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 171-version-negotiation-server
+client = 171-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 172-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 172-version-negotiation-server
+client = 172-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 173-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 173-version-negotiation-server
+client = 173-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 174-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 174-version-negotiation-server
+client = 174-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 175-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 175-version-negotiation-server
+client = 175-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 176-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 176-version-negotiation-server
+client = 176-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 177-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 177-version-negotiation-server
+client = 177-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 178-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 178-version-negotiation-server
+client = 178-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 179-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 179-version-negotiation-server
+client = 179-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 180-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 180-version-negotiation-server
+client = 180-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 181-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 181-version-negotiation-server
+client = 181-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 182-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 182-version-negotiation-server
+client = 182-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 183-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 183-version-negotiation-server
+client = 183-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 184-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 184-version-negotiation-server
+client = 184-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 185-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 185-version-negotiation-server
+client = 185-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 186-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 186-version-negotiation-server
+client = 186-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 187-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 187-version-negotiation-server
+client = 187-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 188-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 188-version-negotiation-server
+client = 188-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 189-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 189-version-negotiation-server
+client = 189-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 190-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 190-version-negotiation-server
+client = 190-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 191-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 191-version-negotiation-server
+client = 191-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 192-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 192-version-negotiation-server
+client = 192-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 193-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 193-version-negotiation-server
+client = 193-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 194-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 194-version-negotiation-server
+client = 194-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 195-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 195-version-negotiation-server
+client = 195-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 196-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 196-version-negotiation-server
+client = 196-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 197-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 197-version-negotiation-server
+client = 197-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 198-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 198-version-negotiation-server
+client = 198-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 199-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 199-version-negotiation-server
+client = 199-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 200-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 200-version-negotiation-server
+client = 200-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 201-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 201-version-negotiation-server
+client = 201-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 202-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 202-version-negotiation-server
+client = 202-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 203-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 203-version-negotiation-server
+client = 203-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 204-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 204-version-negotiation-server
+client = 204-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 205-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 205-version-negotiation-server
+client = 205-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 206-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 206-version-negotiation-server
+client = 206-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 207-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 207-version-negotiation-server
+client = 207-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 208-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 208-version-negotiation-server
+client = 208-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 209-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 209-version-negotiation-server
+client = 209-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 210-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 210-version-negotiation-server
+client = 210-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 211-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 211-version-negotiation-server
+client = 211-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 212-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 212-version-negotiation-server
+client = 212-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 213-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 213-version-negotiation-server
+client = 213-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 214-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 214-version-negotiation-server
+client = 214-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 215-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 215-version-negotiation-server
+client = 215-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 216-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 216-version-negotiation-server
+client = 216-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 217-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 217-version-negotiation-server
+client = 217-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 218-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 218-version-negotiation-server
+client = 218-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 219-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 219-version-negotiation-server
+client = 219-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 220-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 220-version-negotiation-server
+client = 220-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 221-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 221-version-negotiation-server
+client = 221-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 222-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 222-version-negotiation-server
+client = 222-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 223-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 223-version-negotiation-server
+client = 223-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 224-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 224-version-negotiation-server
+client = 224-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 225-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 225-version-negotiation-server
+client = 225-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 226-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 226-version-negotiation-server
+client = 226-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 227-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 227-version-negotiation-server
+client = 227-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 228-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 228-version-negotiation-server
+client = 228-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 229-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 229-version-negotiation-server
+client = 229-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 230-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 230-version-negotiation-server
+client = 230-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 231-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 231-version-negotiation-server
+client = 231-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 232-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 232-version-negotiation-server
+client = 232-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 233-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 233-version-negotiation-server
+client = 233-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 234-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 234-version-negotiation-server
+client = 234-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 235-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 235-version-negotiation-server
+client = 235-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 236-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 236-version-negotiation-server
+client = 236-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 237-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 237-version-negotiation-server
+client = 237-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 238-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 238-version-negotiation-server
+client = 238-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 239-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 239-version-negotiation-server
+client = 239-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 240-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 240-version-negotiation-server
+client = 240-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 241-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 241-version-negotiation-server
+client = 241-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 242-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 242-version-negotiation-server
+client = 242-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 243-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 243-version-negotiation-server
+client = 243-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 244-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 244-version-negotiation-server
+client = 244-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 245-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 245-version-negotiation-server
+client = 245-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 246-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 246-version-negotiation-server
+client = 246-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 247-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 247-version-negotiation-server
+client = 247-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 248-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 248-version-negotiation-server
+client = 248-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 249-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 249-version-negotiation-server
+client = 249-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 250-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 250-version-negotiation-server
+client = 250-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 251-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 251-version-negotiation-server
+client = 251-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 252-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 252-version-negotiation-server
+client = 252-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 253-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 253-version-negotiation-server
+client = 253-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 254-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 254-version-negotiation-server
+client = 254-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 255-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 255-version-negotiation-server
+client = 255-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 256-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 256-version-negotiation-server
+client = 256-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 257-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 257-version-negotiation-server
+client = 257-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 258-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 258-version-negotiation-server
+client = 258-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 259-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 259-version-negotiation-server
+client = 259-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 260-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 260-version-negotiation-server
+client = 260-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 261-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 261-version-negotiation-server
+client = 261-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 262-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 262-version-negotiation-server
+client = 262-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 263-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 263-version-negotiation-server
+client = 263-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 264-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 264-version-negotiation-server
+client = 264-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 265-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 265-version-negotiation-server
+client = 265-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 266-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 266-version-negotiation-server
+client = 266-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 267-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 267-version-negotiation-server
+client = 267-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 268-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 268-version-negotiation-server
+client = 268-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 269-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 269-version-negotiation-server
+client = 269-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 270-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 270-version-negotiation-server
+client = 270-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 271-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 271-version-negotiation-server
+client = 271-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 272-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 272-version-negotiation-server
+client = 272-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 273-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 273-version-negotiation-server
+client = 273-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 274-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 274-version-negotiation-server
+client = 274-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 275-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 275-version-negotiation-server
+client = 275-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 276-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 276-version-negotiation-server
+client = 276-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 277-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 277-version-negotiation-server
+client = 277-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 278-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 278-version-negotiation-server
+client = 278-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 279-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 279-version-negotiation-server
+client = 279-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 280-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 280-version-negotiation-server
+client = 280-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 281-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 281-version-negotiation-server
+client = 281-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 282-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 282-version-negotiation-server
+client = 282-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 283-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 283-version-negotiation-server
+client = 283-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 284-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 284-version-negotiation-server
+client = 284-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 285-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 285-version-negotiation-server
+client = 285-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 286-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 286-version-negotiation-server
+client = 286-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 287-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 287-version-negotiation-server
+client = 287-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 288-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 288-version-negotiation-server
+client = 288-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 289-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 289-version-negotiation-server
+client = 289-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 290-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 290-version-negotiation-server
+client = 290-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 291-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 291-version-negotiation-server
+client = 291-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 292-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 292-version-negotiation-server
+client = 292-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 293-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 293-version-negotiation-server
+client = 293-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 294-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 294-version-negotiation-server
+client = 294-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 295-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 295-version-negotiation-server
+client = 295-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 296-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 296-version-negotiation-server
+client = 296-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 297-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 297-version-negotiation-server
+client = 297-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 298-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 298-version-negotiation-server
+client = 298-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 299-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 299-version-negotiation-server
+client = 299-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 300-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 300-version-negotiation-server
+client = 300-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 301-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 301-version-negotiation-server
+client = 301-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 302-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 302-version-negotiation-server
+client = 302-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 303-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 303-version-negotiation-server
+client = 303-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 304-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 304-version-negotiation-server
+client = 304-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 305-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 305-version-negotiation-server
+client = 305-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 306-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 306-version-negotiation-server
+client = 306-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 307-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 307-version-negotiation-server
+client = 307-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 308-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 308-version-negotiation-server
+client = 308-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 309-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 309-version-negotiation-server
+client = 309-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 310-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 310-version-negotiation-server
+client = 310-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 311-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 311-version-negotiation-server
+client = 311-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 312-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 312-version-negotiation-server
+client = 312-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 313-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 313-version-negotiation-server
+client = 313-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 314-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 314-version-negotiation-server
+client = 314-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 315-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 315-version-negotiation-server
+client = 315-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 316-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 316-version-negotiation-server
+client = 316-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 317-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 317-version-negotiation-server
+client = 317-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 318-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 318-version-negotiation-server
+client = 318-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 319-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 319-version-negotiation-server
+client = 319-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 320-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 320-version-negotiation-server
+client = 320-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 321-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 321-version-negotiation-server
+client = 321-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 322-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 322-version-negotiation-server
+client = 322-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 323-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 323-version-negotiation-server
+client = 323-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 324-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 324-version-negotiation-server
+client = 324-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 325-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 325-version-negotiation-server
+client = 325-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 326-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 326-version-negotiation-server
+client = 326-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 327-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 327-version-negotiation-server
+client = 327-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 328-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 328-version-negotiation-server
+client = 328-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 329-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 329-version-negotiation-server
+client = 329-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 330-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 330-version-negotiation-server
+client = 330-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 331-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 331-version-negotiation-server
+client = 331-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 332-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 332-version-negotiation-server
+client = 332-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 333-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 333-version-negotiation-server
+client = 333-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 334-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 334-version-negotiation-server
+client = 334-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 335-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 335-version-negotiation-server
+client = 335-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 336-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 336-version-negotiation-server
+client = 336-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 337-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 337-version-negotiation-server
+client = 337-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 338-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 338-version-negotiation-server
+client = 338-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 339-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 339-version-negotiation-server
+client = 339-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 340-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 340-version-negotiation-server
+client = 340-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 341-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 341-version-negotiation-server
+client = 341-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 342-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 342-version-negotiation-server
+client = 342-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 343-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 343-version-negotiation-server
+client = 343-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 344-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 344-version-negotiation-server
+client = 344-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 345-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 345-version-negotiation-server
+client = 345-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 346-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 346-version-negotiation-server
+client = 346-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 347-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 347-version-negotiation-server
+client = 347-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = SSLv3
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 348-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 348-version-negotiation-server
+client = 348-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 349-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 349-version-negotiation-server
+client = 349-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 350-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 350-version-negotiation-server
+client = 350-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 351-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 351-version-negotiation-server
+client = 351-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = SSLv3
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 352-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 352-version-negotiation-server
+client = 352-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 353-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 353-version-negotiation-server
+client = 353-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 354-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 354-version-negotiation-server
+client = 354-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 355-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 355-version-negotiation-server
+client = 355-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 356-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 356-version-negotiation-server
+client = 356-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 357-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 357-version-negotiation-server
+client = 357-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 358-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 358-version-negotiation-server
+client = 358-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 359-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 359-version-negotiation-server
+client = 359-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 360-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 360-version-negotiation-server
+client = 360-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/02-protocol-version.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/02-protocol-version.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d64b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/02-protocol-version.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test TLS version negotiation
+package ssltests;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use protocol_version;
+our @tests = generate_version_tests("TLS");
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/03-custom_verify.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/03-custom_verify.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dca715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/03-custom_verify.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 9
+test-0 = 0-verify-success
+test-1 = 1-verify-custom-reject
+test-2 = 2-verify-custom-allow
+test-3 = 3-noverify-success
+test-4 = 4-noverify-ignore-custom-reject
+test-5 = 5-noverify-accept-custom-allow
+test-6 = 6-verify-fail-no-root
+test-7 = 7-verify-custom-success-no-root
+test-8 = 8-verify-custom-fail-no-root
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-verify-success-ssl
+server = 0-verify-success-server
+client = 0-verify-success-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-verify-custom-reject-ssl
+server = 1-verify-custom-reject-server
+client = 1-verify-custom-reject-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedClientAlert = HandshakeFailure
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+client = 1-verify-custom-reject-client-extra
+VerifyCallback = RejectAll
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-verify-custom-allow-ssl
+server = 2-verify-custom-allow-server
+client = 2-verify-custom-allow-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 2-verify-custom-allow-client-extra
+VerifyCallback = AcceptAll
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-noverify-success-ssl
+server = 3-noverify-success-server
+client = 3-noverify-success-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-noverify-ignore-custom-reject-ssl
+server = 4-noverify-ignore-custom-reject-server
+client = 4-noverify-ignore-custom-reject-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 4-noverify-ignore-custom-reject-client-extra
+VerifyCallback = RejectAll
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-noverify-accept-custom-allow-ssl
+server = 5-noverify-accept-custom-allow-server
+client = 5-noverify-accept-custom-allow-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 5-noverify-accept-custom-allow-client-extra
+VerifyCallback = AcceptAll
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-verify-fail-no-root-ssl
+server = 6-verify-fail-no-root-server
+client = 6-verify-fail-no-root-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedClientAlert = UnknownCA
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-verify-custom-success-no-root-ssl
+server = 7-verify-custom-success-no-root-server
+client = 7-verify-custom-success-no-root-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 7-verify-custom-success-no-root-client-extra
+VerifyCallback = AcceptAll
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-verify-custom-fail-no-root-ssl
+server = 8-verify-custom-fail-no-root-server
+client = 8-verify-custom-fail-no-root-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedClientAlert = HandshakeFailure
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+client = 8-verify-custom-fail-no-root-client-extra
+VerifyCallback = RejectAll
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/03-custom_verify.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/03-custom_verify.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287ca9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/03-custom_verify.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## SSL test configurations
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ # Sanity-check that verification indeed succeeds without the
+ # restrictive callback.
+ {
+ name => "verify-success",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ },
+ # Same test as above but with a custom callback that always fails.
+ {
+ name => "verify-custom-reject",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "VerifyCallback" => "RejectAll",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail",
+ "ExpectedClientAlert" => "HandshakeFailure",
+ },
+ },
+ # Same test as above but with a custom callback that always succeeds.
+ {
+ name => "verify-custom-allow",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "VerifyCallback" => "AcceptAll",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ # Sanity-check that verification indeed succeeds if peer verification
+ # is not requested.
+ {
+ name => "noverify-success",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyMode" => undef,
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ },
+ # Same test as above but with a custom callback that always fails.
+ # The callback return has no impact on handshake success in this mode.
+ {
+ name => "noverify-ignore-custom-reject",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyMode" => undef,
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ extra => {
+ "VerifyCallback" => "RejectAll",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ # Same test as above but with a custom callback that always succeeds.
+ # The callback return has no impact on handshake success in this mode.
+ {
+ name => "noverify-accept-custom-allow",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyMode" => undef,
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ extra => {
+ "VerifyCallback" => "AcceptAll",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ # Sanity-check that verification indeed fails without the
+ # permissive callback.
+ {
+ name => "verify-fail-no-root",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ # Don't set up the client root file.
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail",
+ "ExpectedClientAlert" => "UnknownCA",
+ },
+ },
+ # Same test as above but with a custom callback that always succeeds.
+ {
+ name => "verify-custom-success-no-root",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ extra => {
+ "VerifyCallback" => "AcceptAll",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ },
+ },
+ # Same test as above but with a custom callback that always fails.
+ {
+ name => "verify-custom-fail-no-root",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => undef,
+ extra => {
+ "VerifyCallback" => "RejectAll",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail",
+ "ExpectedClientAlert" => "HandshakeFailure",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/04-client_auth.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/04-client_auth.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e91bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/04-client_auth.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 20
+test-0 = 0-server-auth-flex
+test-1 = 1-client-auth-flex-request
+test-2 = 2-client-auth-flex-require-fail
+test-3 = 3-client-auth-flex-require
+test-4 = 4-client-auth-flex-noroot
+test-5 = 5-server-auth-TLSv1
+test-6 = 6-client-auth-TLSv1-request
+test-7 = 7-client-auth-TLSv1-require-fail
+test-8 = 8-client-auth-TLSv1-require
+test-9 = 9-client-auth-TLSv1-noroot
+test-10 = 10-server-auth-TLSv1.1
+test-11 = 11-client-auth-TLSv1.1-request
+test-12 = 12-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-fail
+test-13 = 13-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require
+test-14 = 14-client-auth-TLSv1.1-noroot
+test-15 = 15-server-auth-TLSv1.2
+test-16 = 16-client-auth-TLSv1.2-request
+test-17 = 17-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-fail
+test-18 = 18-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require
+test-19 = 19-client-auth-TLSv1.2-noroot
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-server-auth-flex-ssl
+server = 0-server-auth-flex-server
+client = 0-server-auth-flex-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-client-auth-flex-request-ssl
+server = 1-client-auth-flex-request-server
+client = 1-client-auth-flex-request-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-client-auth-flex-require-fail-ssl
+server = 2-client-auth-flex-require-fail-server
+client = 2-client-auth-flex-require-fail-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = HandshakeFailure
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-client-auth-flex-require-ssl
+server = 3-client-auth-flex-require-server
+client = 3-client-auth-flex-require-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-client-auth-flex-noroot-ssl
+server = 4-client-auth-flex-noroot-server
+client = 4-client-auth-flex-noroot-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = UnknownCA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-server-auth-TLSv1-ssl
+server = 5-server-auth-TLSv1-server
+client = 5-server-auth-TLSv1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-client-auth-TLSv1-request-ssl
+server = 6-client-auth-TLSv1-request-server
+client = 6-client-auth-TLSv1-request-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-client-auth-TLSv1-require-fail-ssl
+server = 7-client-auth-TLSv1-require-fail-server
+client = 7-client-auth-TLSv1-require-fail-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = HandshakeFailure
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-client-auth-TLSv1-require-ssl
+server = 8-client-auth-TLSv1-require-server
+client = 8-client-auth-TLSv1-require-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-client-auth-TLSv1-noroot-ssl
+server = 9-client-auth-TLSv1-noroot-server
+client = 9-client-auth-TLSv1-noroot-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = UnknownCA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-server-auth-TLSv1.1-ssl
+server = 10-server-auth-TLSv1.1-server
+client = 10-server-auth-TLSv1.1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-client-auth-TLSv1.1-request-ssl
+server = 11-client-auth-TLSv1.1-request-server
+client = 11-client-auth-TLSv1.1-request-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-fail-ssl
+server = 12-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-fail-server
+client = 12-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-fail-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = HandshakeFailure
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-ssl
+server = 13-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-server
+client = 13-client-auth-TLSv1.1-require-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-client-auth-TLSv1.1-noroot-ssl
+server = 14-client-auth-TLSv1.1-noroot-server
+client = 14-client-auth-TLSv1.1-noroot-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = UnknownCA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-server-auth-TLSv1.2-ssl
+server = 15-server-auth-TLSv1.2-server
+client = 15-server-auth-TLSv1.2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-client-auth-TLSv1.2-request-ssl
+server = 16-client-auth-TLSv1.2-request-server
+client = 16-client-auth-TLSv1.2-request-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 17-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-fail-ssl
+server = 17-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-fail-server
+client = 17-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-fail-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = HandshakeFailure
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 18-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-ssl
+server = 18-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-server
+client = 18-client-auth-TLSv1.2-require-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Request
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 19-client-auth-TLSv1.2-noroot-ssl
+server = 19-client-auth-TLSv1.2-noroot-server
+client = 19-client-auth-TLSv1.2-noroot-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = UnknownCA
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/04-client_auth.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/04-client_auth.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8738aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/04-client_auth.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+## SSL test configurations
+package ssltests;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenSSL::Test;
+use OpenSSL::Test::Utils qw(anydisabled);
+# We test version-flexible negotiation (undef) and each protocol version.
+my @protocols = (undef, "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2");
+my @is_disabled = (0);
+push @is_disabled, anydisabled("ssl3", "tls1", "tls1_1", "tls1_2");
+our @tests = ();
+sub generate_tests() {
+ foreach (0..$#protocols) {
+ my $protocol = $protocols[$_];
+ my $protocol_name = $protocol || "flex";
+ my $caalert;
+ if (!$is_disabled[$_]) {
+ if ($protocol_name eq "SSLv3") {
+ $caalert = "BadCertificate";
+ } else {
+ $caalert = "UnknownCA";
+ }
+ # Sanity-check simple handshake.
+ push @tests, {
+ name => "server-auth-${protocol_name}",
+ server => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol
+ },
+ client => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol
+ },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ };
+ # Handshake with client cert requested but not required or received.
+ push @tests, {
+ name => "client-auth-${protocol_name}-request",
+ server => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "VerifyMode" => "Request"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol
+ },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ };
+ # Handshake with client cert required but not present.
+ push @tests, {
+ name => "client-auth-${protocol_name}-require-fail",
+ server => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("root-cert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Require",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail",
+ "ExpectedServerAlert" => "HandshakeFailure",
+ },
+ };
+ # Successful handshake with client authentication.
+ push @tests, {
+ name => "client-auth-${protocol_name}-require",
+ server => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("root-cert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Request",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("ee-client-chain.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("ee-key.pem"),
+ },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ };
+ # Handshake with client authentication but without the root certificate.
+ push @tests, {
+ name => "client-auth-${protocol_name}-noroot",
+ server => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "VerifyMode" => "Require",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("ee-client-chain.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("ee-key.pem"),
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail",
+ "ExpectedServerAlert" => $caalert,
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/05-sni.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/05-sni.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1fb3d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/05-sni.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 6
+test-0 = 0-SNI-switch-context
+test-1 = 1-SNI-keep-context
+test-2 = 2-SNI-no-server-support
+test-3 = 3-SNI-no-client-support
+test-4 = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch
+test-5 = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-SNI-switch-context-ssl
+server = 0-SNI-switch-context-server
+client = 0-SNI-switch-context-client
+server2 = 0-SNI-switch-context-server
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 0-SNI-switch-context-server-extra
+server2 = 0-SNI-switch-context-server-extra
+client = 0-SNI-switch-context-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-SNI-keep-context-ssl
+server = 1-SNI-keep-context-server
+client = 1-SNI-keep-context-client
+server2 = 1-SNI-keep-context-server
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+server = 1-SNI-keep-context-server-extra
+server2 = 1-SNI-keep-context-server-extra
+client = 1-SNI-keep-context-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-SNI-no-server-support-ssl
+server = 2-SNI-no-server-support-server
+client = 2-SNI-no-server-support-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 2-SNI-no-server-support-client-extra
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-SNI-no-client-support-ssl
+server = 3-SNI-no-client-support-server
+client = 3-SNI-no-client-support-client
+server2 = 3-SNI-no-client-support-server
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+server = 3-SNI-no-client-support-server-extra
+server2 = 3-SNI-no-client-support-server-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-ssl
+server = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-server
+client = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-client
+server2 = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-server
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+server = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-server-extra
+server2 = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-server-extra
+client = 4-SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = invalid
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-ssl
+server = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-server
+client = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-client
+server2 = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-server
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = UnrecognizedName
+server = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-server-extra
+server2 = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-server-extra
+client = 5-SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = RejectMismatch
+ServerName = invalid
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/05-sni.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/05-sni.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76003e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/05-sni.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## SSL test configurations
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "SNI-switch-context",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "SNI-keep-context",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerName" => "server1",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server1",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "SNI-no-server-support",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerName" => "server1",
+ },
+ },
+ test => { "ExpectedResult" => "Success" },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "SNI-no-client-support",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ # We expect that the callback is still called
+ # to let the application decide whether they tolerate
+ # missing SNI (as our test callback does).
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server1",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "SNI-bad-sni-ignore-mismatch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerName" => "invalid",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server1",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "SNI-bad-sni-reject-mismatch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "RejectMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerName" => "invalid",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail",
+ "ExpectedServerAlert" => "UnrecognizedName"
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/06-sni-ticket.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/06-sni-ticket.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9620e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/06-sni-ticket.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 17
+test-0 = 0-sni-session-ticket
+test-1 = 1-sni-session-ticket
+test-2 = 2-sni-session-ticket
+test-3 = 3-sni-session-ticket
+test-4 = 4-sni-session-ticket
+test-5 = 5-sni-session-ticket
+test-6 = 6-sni-session-ticket
+test-7 = 7-sni-session-ticket
+test-8 = 8-sni-session-ticket
+test-9 = 9-sni-session-ticket
+test-10 = 10-sni-session-ticket
+test-11 = 11-sni-session-ticket
+test-12 = 12-sni-session-ticket
+test-13 = 13-sni-session-ticket
+test-14 = 14-sni-session-ticket
+test-15 = 15-sni-session-ticket
+test-16 = 16-sni-session-ticket
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 0-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 0-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 0-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 0-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 0-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+BrokenSessionTicket = Yes
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 1-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 1-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 1-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = Yes
+server = 1-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 1-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 2-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 2-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 2-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = Yes
+server = 2-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 2-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 3-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 3-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 3-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = Yes
+server = 3-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 3-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 4-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 4-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 4-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 4-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 4-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 5-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 5-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 5-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 5-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 5-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 6-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 6-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 6-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 6-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 6-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 7-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 7-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 7-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 7-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 7-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 8-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 8-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 8-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 8-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 8-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 9-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 9-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 9-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 9-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 9-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 10-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 10-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 10-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 10-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 10-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 11-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 11-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 11-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 11-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 11-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 12-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 12-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 12-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 12-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 12-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 13-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 13-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 13-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 13-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 13-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 14-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 14-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 14-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 14-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 14-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 15-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 15-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 15-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 15-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 15-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-sni-session-ticket-ssl
+server = 16-sni-session-ticket-server
+client = 16-sni-session-ticket-client
+server2 = 16-sni-session-ticket-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+SessionTicketExpected = No
+server = 16-sni-session-ticket-server-extra
+client = 16-sni-session-ticket-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ServerName = server2
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/06-sni-ticket.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/06-sni-ticket.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea92b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/06-sni-ticket.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test Session ticket
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = ();
+sub generate_tests() {
+ foreach my $c ("SessionTicket", "-SessionTicket") {
+ foreach my $s1 ("SessionTicket", "-SessionTicket") {
+ foreach my $s2 ("SessionTicket", "-SessionTicket") {
+ foreach my $n ("server1", "server2") {
+ my $result = expected_result($c, $s1, $s2, $n);
+ push @tests, {
+ "name" => "sni-session-ticket",
+ "client" => {
+ "Options" => $c,
+ "extra" => {
+ "ServerName" => $n,
+ },
+ },
+ "server" => {
+ "Options" => $s1,
+ "extra" => {
+ # We don't test mismatch here.
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ "server2" => {
+ "Options" => $s2,
+ },
+ "test" => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => $n,
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ "SessionTicketExpected" => $result,
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# If the client has session tickets disabled, then No support
+# If the server initial_ctx has session tickets disabled, then No support
+# If SNI is in use, then if the "switched-to" context has session tickets disabled,
+# then No support
+sub expected_result {
+ my ($c, $s1, $s2, $n) = @_;
+ return "No" if $c eq "-SessionTicket";
+ return "No" if $s1 eq "-SessionTicket";
+ return "No" if ($s2 eq "-SessionTicket" && $n eq "server2");
+ return "Yes";
+# Add a "Broken" case.
+push @tests, {
+ "name" => "sni-session-ticket",
+ "client" => {
+ "Options" => "SessionTicket",
+ "extra" => {
+ "ServerName" => "server1",
+ }
+ },
+ "server" => {
+ "Options" => "SessionTicket",
+ "extra" => {
+ "BrokenSessionTicket" => "Yes",
+ },
+ },
+ "server2" => {
+ "Options" => "SessionTicket",
+ },
+ "test" => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ "SessionTicketExpected" => "No",
+ }
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/07-dtls-protocol-version.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/07-dtls-protocol-version.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3304a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/07-dtls-protocol-version.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1820 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 64
+test-0 = 0-version-negotiation
+test-1 = 1-version-negotiation
+test-2 = 2-version-negotiation
+test-3 = 3-version-negotiation
+test-4 = 4-version-negotiation
+test-5 = 5-version-negotiation
+test-6 = 6-version-negotiation
+test-7 = 7-version-negotiation
+test-8 = 8-version-negotiation
+test-9 = 9-version-negotiation
+test-10 = 10-version-negotiation
+test-11 = 11-version-negotiation
+test-12 = 12-version-negotiation
+test-13 = 13-version-negotiation
+test-14 = 14-version-negotiation
+test-15 = 15-version-negotiation
+test-16 = 16-version-negotiation
+test-17 = 17-version-negotiation
+test-18 = 18-version-negotiation
+test-19 = 19-version-negotiation
+test-20 = 20-version-negotiation
+test-21 = 21-version-negotiation
+test-22 = 22-version-negotiation
+test-23 = 23-version-negotiation
+test-24 = 24-version-negotiation
+test-25 = 25-version-negotiation
+test-26 = 26-version-negotiation
+test-27 = 27-version-negotiation
+test-28 = 28-version-negotiation
+test-29 = 29-version-negotiation
+test-30 = 30-version-negotiation
+test-31 = 31-version-negotiation
+test-32 = 32-version-negotiation
+test-33 = 33-version-negotiation
+test-34 = 34-version-negotiation
+test-35 = 35-version-negotiation
+test-36 = 36-version-negotiation
+test-37 = 37-version-negotiation
+test-38 = 38-version-negotiation
+test-39 = 39-version-negotiation
+test-40 = 40-version-negotiation
+test-41 = 41-version-negotiation
+test-42 = 42-version-negotiation
+test-43 = 43-version-negotiation
+test-44 = 44-version-negotiation
+test-45 = 45-version-negotiation
+test-46 = 46-version-negotiation
+test-47 = 47-version-negotiation
+test-48 = 48-version-negotiation
+test-49 = 49-version-negotiation
+test-50 = 50-version-negotiation
+test-51 = 51-version-negotiation
+test-52 = 52-version-negotiation
+test-53 = 53-version-negotiation
+test-54 = 54-version-negotiation
+test-55 = 55-version-negotiation
+test-56 = 56-version-negotiation
+test-57 = 57-version-negotiation
+test-58 = 58-version-negotiation
+test-59 = 59-version-negotiation
+test-60 = 60-version-negotiation
+test-61 = 61-version-negotiation
+test-62 = 62-version-negotiation
+test-63 = 63-version-negotiation
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 0-version-negotiation-server
+client = 0-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 1-version-negotiation-server
+client = 1-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 2-version-negotiation-server
+client = 2-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 3-version-negotiation-server
+client = 3-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 4-version-negotiation-server
+client = 4-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 5-version-negotiation-server
+client = 5-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 6-version-negotiation-server
+client = 6-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 7-version-negotiation-server
+client = 7-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 8-version-negotiation-server
+client = 8-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 9-version-negotiation-server
+client = 9-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 10-version-negotiation-server
+client = 10-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 11-version-negotiation-server
+client = 11-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 12-version-negotiation-server
+client = 12-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 13-version-negotiation-server
+client = 13-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 14-version-negotiation-server
+client = 14-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 15-version-negotiation-server
+client = 15-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 16-version-negotiation-server
+client = 16-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 17-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 17-version-negotiation-server
+client = 17-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 18-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 18-version-negotiation-server
+client = 18-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 19-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 19-version-negotiation-server
+client = 19-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 20-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 20-version-negotiation-server
+client = 20-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 21-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 21-version-negotiation-server
+client = 21-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 22-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 22-version-negotiation-server
+client = 22-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 23-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 23-version-negotiation-server
+client = 23-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 24-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 24-version-negotiation-server
+client = 24-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 25-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 25-version-negotiation-server
+client = 25-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 26-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 26-version-negotiation-server
+client = 26-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 27-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 27-version-negotiation-server
+client = 27-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 28-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 28-version-negotiation-server
+client = 28-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 29-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 29-version-negotiation-server
+client = 29-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 30-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 30-version-negotiation-server
+client = 30-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 31-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 31-version-negotiation-server
+client = 31-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 32-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 32-version-negotiation-server
+client = 32-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 33-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 33-version-negotiation-server
+client = 33-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 34-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 34-version-negotiation-server
+client = 34-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 35-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 35-version-negotiation-server
+client = 35-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 36-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 36-version-negotiation-server
+client = 36-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 37-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 37-version-negotiation-server
+client = 37-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 38-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 38-version-negotiation-server
+client = 38-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 39-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 39-version-negotiation-server
+client = 39-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 40-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 40-version-negotiation-server
+client = 40-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 41-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 41-version-negotiation-server
+client = 41-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 42-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 42-version-negotiation-server
+client = 42-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 43-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 43-version-negotiation-server
+client = 43-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 44-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 44-version-negotiation-server
+client = 44-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 45-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 45-version-negotiation-server
+client = 45-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 46-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 46-version-negotiation-server
+client = 46-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 47-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 47-version-negotiation-server
+client = 47-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 48-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 48-version-negotiation-server
+client = 48-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 49-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 49-version-negotiation-server
+client = 49-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 50-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 50-version-negotiation-server
+client = 50-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 51-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 51-version-negotiation-server
+client = 51-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 52-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 52-version-negotiation-server
+client = 52-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 53-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 53-version-negotiation-server
+client = 53-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 54-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 54-version-negotiation-server
+client = 54-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 55-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 55-version-negotiation-server
+client = 55-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 56-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 56-version-negotiation-server
+client = 56-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 57-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 57-version-negotiation-server
+client = 57-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 58-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 58-version-negotiation-server
+client = 58-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 59-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 59-version-negotiation-server
+client = 59-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 60-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 60-version-negotiation-server
+client = 60-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 61-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 61-version-negotiation-server
+client = 61-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 62-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 62-version-negotiation-server
+client = 62-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 63-version-negotiation-ssl
+server = 63-version-negotiation-server
+client = 63-version-negotiation-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/07-dtls-protocol-version.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/07-dtls-protocol-version.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb3c44a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/07-dtls-protocol-version.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test DTLS version negotiation
+package ssltests;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use protocol_version;
+our @tests = generate_version_tests("DTLS");
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/08-npn.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/08-npn.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9115ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/08-npn.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 20
+test-0 = 0-npn-simple
+test-1 = 1-npn-client-finds-match
+test-2 = 2-npn-client-honours-server-pref
+test-3 = 3-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch
+test-4 = 4-npn-no-server-support
+test-5 = 5-npn-no-client-support
+test-6 = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch
+test-7 = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch
+test-8 = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn
+test-9 = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn
+test-10 = 10-alpn-preferred-over-npn
+test-11 = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn
+test-12 = 12-npn-simple-resumption
+test-13 = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption
+test-14 = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption
+test-15 = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption
+test-16 = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption
+test-17 = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption
+test-18 = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption
+test-19 = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-npn-simple-ssl
+server = 0-npn-simple-server
+client = 0-npn-simple-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = foo
+server = 0-npn-simple-server-extra
+client = 0-npn-simple-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-npn-client-finds-match-ssl
+server = 1-npn-client-finds-match-server
+client = 1-npn-client-finds-match-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = bar
+server = 1-npn-client-finds-match-server-extra
+client = 1-npn-client-finds-match-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = baz,bar
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-npn-client-honours-server-pref-ssl
+server = 2-npn-client-honours-server-pref-server
+client = 2-npn-client-honours-server-pref-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = bar
+server = 2-npn-client-honours-server-pref-server-extra
+client = 2-npn-client-honours-server-pref-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = bar,foo
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-ssl
+server = 3-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-server
+client = 3-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = foo
+server = 3-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-server-extra
+client = 3-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = baz
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-npn-no-server-support-ssl
+server = 4-npn-no-server-support-server
+client = 4-npn-no-server-support-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+client = 4-npn-no-server-support-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-npn-no-client-support-ssl
+server = 5-npn-no-client-support-server
+client = 5-npn-no-client-support-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+server = 5-npn-no-client-support-server-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-ssl
+server = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server
+client = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-client
+server2 = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = foo
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+server = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server-extra
+server2 = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server2-extra
+client = 6-npn-with-sni-no-context-switch-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+NPNProtocols = bar
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-ssl
+server = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-server
+client = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-client
+server2 = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = bar
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-server-extra
+server2 = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-server2-extra
+client = 7-npn-with-sni-context-switch-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+NPNProtocols = bar
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-ssl
+server = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-server
+client = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-client
+server2 = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = bar
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-server-extra
+server2 = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-server2-extra
+client = 8-npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+NPNProtocols = bar
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn-ssl
+server = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn-server
+client = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn-client
+server2 = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn-server-extra
+client = 9-npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = bar
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-alpn-preferred-over-npn-ssl
+server = 10-alpn-preferred-over-npn-server
+client = 10-alpn-preferred-over-npn-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = foo
+server = 10-alpn-preferred-over-npn-server-extra
+client = 10-alpn-preferred-over-npn-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-ssl
+server = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-server
+client = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-client
+server2 = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = bar
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-server-extra
+server2 = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-server2-extra
+client = 11-sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+NPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-npn-simple-resumption-ssl
+server = 12-npn-simple-resumption-server
+client = 12-npn-simple-resumption-client
+resume-server = 12-npn-simple-resumption-server
+resume-client = 12-npn-simple-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = foo
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 12-npn-simple-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 12-npn-simple-resumption-server-extra
+client = 12-npn-simple-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 12-npn-simple-resumption-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-ssl
+server = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-server
+client = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-client
+resume-server = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = baz
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-resume-server-extra
+client = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 13-npn-server-switch-resumption-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = bar,foo
+NPNProtocols = baz,foo
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar,baz
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-ssl
+server = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-server
+client = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-client
+resume-server = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-server
+resume-client = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = bar
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-server-extra
+client = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 14-npn-client-switch-resumption-resume-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar,baz
+NPNProtocols = foo,baz
+NPNProtocols = bar,baz
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-ssl
+server = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-server
+client = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-client
+resume-server = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = foo
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-resume-server-extra
+client = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 15-npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = bar
+NPNProtocols = baz
+NPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-ssl
+server = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-server
+client = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-client
+resume-server = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-server-extra
+client = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 16-npn-no-server-support-resumption-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-ssl
+server = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-server
+client = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-client
+resume-server = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-server
+resume-client = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-server-extra
+client = 17-npn-no-client-support-resumption-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-ssl
+server = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-server
+client = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-client
+resume-server = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = foo
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-resume-server-extra
+client = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 18-alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption-client-extra
+NPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = baz
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = bar,baz
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-ssl
+server = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-server
+client = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-client
+resume-server = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedNPNProtocol = baz
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-resume-server-extra
+client = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 19-npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = bar
+NPNProtocols = baz
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+NPNProtocols = bar,baz
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/08-npn.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/08-npn.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcb632f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/08-npn.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test NPN negotiation
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "npn-simple",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-client-finds-match",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "baz,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-client-honours-server-pref",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar,foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-no-server-support",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-no-client-support",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-with-sni-no-context-switch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server1",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server1",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-with-sni-context-switch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-selected-sni-server-supports-npn",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-npn",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-preferred-over-npn",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "sni-npn-preferred-over-alpn",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-simple-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-server-switch-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar,foo",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "baz,foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-client-switch-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-client-first-pref-on-mismatch-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-no-server-support-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-no-client-support-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_client => { },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-preferred-over-npn-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "npn-used-if-alpn-not-supported-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => {
+ extra => {
+ "NPNProtocols" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "NPNProtocols" => "bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ "ExpectedNPNProtocol" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/09-alpn.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/09-alpn.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7e6cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/09-alpn.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 16
+test-0 = 0-alpn-simple
+test-1 = 1-alpn-server-finds-match
+test-2 = 2-alpn-server-honours-server-pref
+test-3 = 3-alpn-alert-on-mismatch
+test-4 = 4-alpn-no-server-support
+test-5 = 5-alpn-no-client-support
+test-6 = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch
+test-7 = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch
+test-8 = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn
+test-9 = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn
+test-10 = 10-alpn-simple-resumption
+test-11 = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption
+test-12 = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption
+test-13 = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption
+test-14 = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption
+test-15 = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-alpn-simple-ssl
+server = 0-alpn-simple-server
+client = 0-alpn-simple-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = foo
+server = 0-alpn-simple-server-extra
+client = 0-alpn-simple-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-alpn-server-finds-match-ssl
+server = 1-alpn-server-finds-match-server
+client = 1-alpn-server-finds-match-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = bar
+server = 1-alpn-server-finds-match-server-extra
+client = 1-alpn-server-finds-match-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = baz,bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-alpn-server-honours-server-pref-ssl
+server = 2-alpn-server-honours-server-pref-server
+client = 2-alpn-server-honours-server-pref-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = bar
+server = 2-alpn-server-honours-server-pref-server-extra
+client = 2-alpn-server-honours-server-pref-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = bar,foo
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-ssl
+server = 3-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-server
+client = 3-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = NoApplicationProtocol
+server = 3-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-server-extra
+client = 3-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = baz
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-alpn-no-server-support-ssl
+server = 4-alpn-no-server-support-server
+client = 4-alpn-no-server-support-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+client = 4-alpn-no-server-support-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-alpn-no-client-support-ssl
+server = 5-alpn-no-client-support-server
+client = 5-alpn-no-client-support-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+server = 5-alpn-no-client-support-server-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-ssl
+server = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server
+client = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-client
+server2 = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = foo
+ExpectedServerName = server1
+server = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server-extra
+server2 = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-server2-extra
+client = 6-alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ALPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-ssl
+server = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-server
+client = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-client
+server2 = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = bar
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-server-extra
+server2 = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-server2-extra
+client = 7-alpn-with-sni-context-switch-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ALPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-ssl
+server = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-server
+client = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-client
+server2 = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = bar
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-server-extra
+server2 = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-server2-extra
+client = 8-alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn-client-extra
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ALPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn-ssl
+server = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn-server
+client = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn-client
+server2 = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn-server2
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedServerName = server2
+server = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn-server-extra
+client = 9-alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = bar
+ServerNameCallback = IgnoreMismatch
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+ServerName = server2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-ssl
+server = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-server
+client = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-client
+resume-server = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-server
+resume-client = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = foo
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-server-extra
+client = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 10-alpn-simple-resumption-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-ssl
+server = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-server
+client = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-client
+resume-server = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = baz
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-resume-server-extra
+client = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 11-alpn-server-switch-resumption-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = bar,foo
+ALPNProtocols = baz,foo
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar,baz
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-ssl
+server = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-server
+client = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-client
+resume-server = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-server
+resume-client = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedALPNProtocol = bar
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-server-extra
+client = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 12-alpn-client-switch-resumption-resume-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar,baz
+ALPNProtocols = foo,baz
+ALPNProtocols = bar,baz
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-ssl
+server = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-server
+client = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-client
+resume-server = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+ExpectedServerAlert = NoApplicationProtocol
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+server = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-resume-server-extra
+client = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 13-alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = bar
+ALPNProtocols = baz
+ALPNProtocols = foo,bar
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-ssl
+server = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-server
+client = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-client
+resume-server = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-server-extra
+client = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 14-alpn-no-server-support-resumption-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-ssl
+server = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-server
+client = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-client
+resume-server = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-server
+resume-client = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+server = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-server-extra
+resume-server = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-server-extra
+client = 15-alpn-no-client-support-resumption-client-extra
+ALPNProtocols = foo
+ALPNProtocols = foo
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/09-alpn.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/09-alpn.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37035f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/09-alpn.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test ALPN negotiation
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "alpn-simple",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-server-finds-match",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "baz,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-server-honours-server-pref",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar,foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-alert-on-mismatch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail",
+ "ExpectedServerAlert" => "NoApplicationProtocol",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-no-server-support",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-no-client-support",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-with-sni-no-context-switch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server1",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server1",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-with-sni-context-switch",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-selected-sni-server-supports-alpn",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-selected-sni-server-does-not-support-alpn",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ "ServerNameCallback" => "IgnoreMismatch",
+ },
+ },
+ server2 => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ "ServerName" => "server2",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedServerName" => "server2",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-simple-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-server-switch-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar,foo",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "baz,foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-client-switch-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar,baz",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-alert-on-mismatch-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "bar",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "baz",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo,bar",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail",
+ "ExpectedServerAlert" => "NoApplicationProtocol",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-no-server-support-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "alpn-no-client-support-resumption",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "ALPNProtocols" => "foo",
+ },
+ },
+ resume_client => { },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedALPNProtocol" => undef,
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/10-resumption.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/10-resumption.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2deee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/10-resumption.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,1336 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 36
+test-0 = 0-resumption
+test-1 = 1-resumption
+test-2 = 2-resumption
+test-3 = 3-resumption
+test-4 = 4-resumption
+test-5 = 5-resumption
+test-6 = 6-resumption
+test-7 = 7-resumption
+test-8 = 8-resumption
+test-9 = 9-resumption
+test-10 = 10-resumption
+test-11 = 11-resumption
+test-12 = 12-resumption
+test-13 = 13-resumption
+test-14 = 14-resumption
+test-15 = 15-resumption
+test-16 = 16-resumption
+test-17 = 17-resumption
+test-18 = 18-resumption
+test-19 = 19-resumption
+test-20 = 20-resumption
+test-21 = 21-resumption
+test-22 = 22-resumption
+test-23 = 23-resumption
+test-24 = 24-resumption
+test-25 = 25-resumption
+test-26 = 26-resumption
+test-27 = 27-resumption
+test-28 = 28-resumption
+test-29 = 29-resumption
+test-30 = 30-resumption
+test-31 = 31-resumption
+test-32 = 32-resumption
+test-33 = 33-resumption
+test-34 = 34-resumption
+test-35 = 35-resumption
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-resumption-ssl
+server = 0-resumption-server
+client = 0-resumption-client
+resume-server = 0-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 0-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-resumption-ssl
+server = 1-resumption-server
+client = 1-resumption-client
+resume-server = 1-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 1-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-resumption-ssl
+server = 2-resumption-server
+client = 2-resumption-client
+resume-server = 2-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 2-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-resumption-ssl
+server = 3-resumption-server
+client = 3-resumption-client
+resume-server = 3-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 3-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-resumption-ssl
+server = 4-resumption-server
+client = 4-resumption-client
+resume-server = 4-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 4-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-resumption-ssl
+server = 5-resumption-server
+client = 5-resumption-client
+resume-server = 5-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 5-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-resumption-ssl
+server = 6-resumption-server
+client = 6-resumption-client
+resume-server = 6-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 6-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-resumption-ssl
+server = 7-resumption-server
+client = 7-resumption-client
+resume-server = 7-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 7-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-resumption-ssl
+server = 8-resumption-server
+client = 8-resumption-client
+resume-server = 8-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 8-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-resumption-ssl
+server = 9-resumption-server
+client = 9-resumption-client
+resume-server = 9-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 9-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-resumption-ssl
+server = 10-resumption-server
+client = 10-resumption-client
+resume-server = 10-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 10-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-resumption-ssl
+server = 11-resumption-server
+client = 11-resumption-client
+resume-server = 11-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 11-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-resumption-ssl
+server = 12-resumption-server
+client = 12-resumption-client
+resume-server = 12-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 12-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-resumption-ssl
+server = 13-resumption-server
+client = 13-resumption-client
+resume-server = 13-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 13-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-resumption-ssl
+server = 14-resumption-server
+client = 14-resumption-client
+resume-server = 14-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 14-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-resumption-ssl
+server = 15-resumption-server
+client = 15-resumption-client
+resume-server = 15-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 15-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-resumption-ssl
+server = 16-resumption-server
+client = 16-resumption-client
+resume-server = 16-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 16-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 17-resumption-ssl
+server = 17-resumption-server
+client = 17-resumption-client
+resume-server = 17-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 17-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 18-resumption-ssl
+server = 18-resumption-server
+client = 18-resumption-client
+resume-server = 18-resumption-server
+resume-client = 18-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 19-resumption-ssl
+server = 19-resumption-server
+client = 19-resumption-client
+resume-server = 19-resumption-server
+resume-client = 19-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 20-resumption-ssl
+server = 20-resumption-server
+client = 20-resumption-client
+resume-server = 20-resumption-server
+resume-client = 20-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 21-resumption-ssl
+server = 21-resumption-server
+client = 21-resumption-client
+resume-server = 21-resumption-server
+resume-client = 21-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 22-resumption-ssl
+server = 22-resumption-server
+client = 22-resumption-client
+resume-server = 22-resumption-server
+resume-client = 22-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 23-resumption-ssl
+server = 23-resumption-server
+client = 23-resumption-client
+resume-server = 23-resumption-server
+resume-client = 23-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 24-resumption-ssl
+server = 24-resumption-server
+client = 24-resumption-client
+resume-server = 24-resumption-server
+resume-client = 24-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 25-resumption-ssl
+server = 25-resumption-server
+client = 25-resumption-client
+resume-server = 25-resumption-server
+resume-client = 25-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 26-resumption-ssl
+server = 26-resumption-server
+client = 26-resumption-client
+resume-server = 26-resumption-server
+resume-client = 26-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 27-resumption-ssl
+server = 27-resumption-server
+client = 27-resumption-client
+resume-server = 27-resumption-server
+resume-client = 27-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 28-resumption-ssl
+server = 28-resumption-server
+client = 28-resumption-client
+resume-server = 28-resumption-server
+resume-client = 28-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 29-resumption-ssl
+server = 29-resumption-server
+client = 29-resumption-client
+resume-server = 29-resumption-server
+resume-client = 29-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 30-resumption-ssl
+server = 30-resumption-server
+client = 30-resumption-client
+resume-server = 30-resumption-server
+resume-client = 30-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 31-resumption-ssl
+server = 31-resumption-server
+client = 31-resumption-client
+resume-server = 31-resumption-server
+resume-client = 31-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 32-resumption-ssl
+server = 32-resumption-server
+client = 32-resumption-client
+resume-server = 32-resumption-server
+resume-client = 32-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 33-resumption-ssl
+server = 33-resumption-server
+client = 33-resumption-client
+resume-server = 33-resumption-server
+resume-client = 33-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 34-resumption-ssl
+server = 34-resumption-server
+client = 34-resumption-client
+resume-server = 34-resumption-server
+resume-client = 34-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 35-resumption-ssl
+server = 35-resumption-server
+client = 35-resumption-client
+resume-server = 35-resumption-server
+resume-client = 35-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = TLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/10-resumption.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/10-resumption.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..989135f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/10-resumption.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test version negotiation upon resumption.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+use protocol_version;
+our @tests = generate_resumption_tests("TLS");
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/11-dtls_resumption.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/11-dtls_resumption.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceed959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/11-dtls_resumption.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 16
+test-0 = 0-resumption
+test-1 = 1-resumption
+test-2 = 2-resumption
+test-3 = 3-resumption
+test-4 = 4-resumption
+test-5 = 5-resumption
+test-6 = 6-resumption
+test-7 = 7-resumption
+test-8 = 8-resumption
+test-9 = 9-resumption
+test-10 = 10-resumption
+test-11 = 11-resumption
+test-12 = 12-resumption
+test-13 = 13-resumption
+test-14 = 14-resumption
+test-15 = 15-resumption
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-resumption-ssl
+server = 0-resumption-server
+client = 0-resumption-client
+resume-server = 0-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 0-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-resumption-ssl
+server = 1-resumption-server
+client = 1-resumption-client
+resume-server = 1-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 1-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-resumption-ssl
+server = 2-resumption-server
+client = 2-resumption-client
+resume-server = 2-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 2-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-resumption-ssl
+server = 3-resumption-server
+client = 3-resumption-client
+resume-server = 3-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 3-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-resumption-ssl
+server = 4-resumption-server
+client = 4-resumption-client
+resume-server = 4-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 4-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-resumption-ssl
+server = 5-resumption-server
+client = 5-resumption-client
+resume-server = 5-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 5-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-resumption-ssl
+server = 6-resumption-server
+client = 6-resumption-client
+resume-server = 6-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 6-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-resumption-ssl
+server = 7-resumption-server
+client = 7-resumption-client
+resume-server = 7-resumption-resume-server
+resume-client = 7-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-resumption-ssl
+server = 8-resumption-server
+client = 8-resumption-client
+resume-server = 8-resumption-server
+resume-client = 8-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-resumption-ssl
+server = 9-resumption-server
+client = 9-resumption-client
+resume-server = 9-resumption-server
+resume-client = 9-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-resumption-ssl
+server = 10-resumption-server
+client = 10-resumption-client
+resume-server = 10-resumption-server
+resume-client = 10-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-resumption-ssl
+server = 11-resumption-server
+client = 11-resumption-client
+resume-server = 11-resumption-server
+resume-client = 11-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-resumption-ssl
+server = 12-resumption-server
+client = 12-resumption-client
+resume-server = 12-resumption-server
+resume-client = 12-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-resumption-ssl
+server = 13-resumption-server
+client = 13-resumption-client
+resume-server = 13-resumption-server
+resume-client = 13-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-resumption-ssl
+server = 14-resumption-server
+client = 14-resumption-client
+resume-server = 14-resumption-server
+resume-client = 14-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-resumption-ssl
+server = 15-resumption-server
+client = 15-resumption-client
+resume-server = 15-resumption-server
+resume-client = 15-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -SessionTicket
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+MinProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedProtocol = DTLSv1.2
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/11-dtls_resumption.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/11-dtls_resumption.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16dec1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/11-dtls_resumption.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test version negotiation upon resumption.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+use protocol_version;
+our @tests = generate_resumption_tests("DTLS");
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/12-ct.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/12-ct.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e6e9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/12-ct.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 6
+test-0 = 0-ct-permissive-without-scts
+test-1 = 1-ct-permissive-with-scts
+test-2 = 2-ct-strict-without-scts
+test-3 = 3-ct-strict-with-scts
+test-4 = 4-ct-permissive-resumption
+test-5 = 5-ct-strict-resumption
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-ct-permissive-without-scts-ssl
+server = 0-ct-permissive-without-scts-server
+client = 0-ct-permissive-without-scts-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 0-ct-permissive-without-scts-client-extra
+CTValidation = Permissive
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-ct-permissive-with-scts-ssl
+server = 1-ct-permissive-with-scts-server
+client = 1-ct-permissive-with-scts-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1-key.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 1-ct-permissive-with-scts-client-extra
+CTValidation = Permissive
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-ct-strict-without-scts-ssl
+server = 2-ct-strict-without-scts-server
+client = 2-ct-strict-without-scts-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedClientAlert = HandshakeFailure
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+client = 2-ct-strict-without-scts-client-extra
+CTValidation = Strict
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-ct-strict-with-scts-ssl
+server = 3-ct-strict-with-scts-server
+client = 3-ct-strict-with-scts-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1-key.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+client = 3-ct-strict-with-scts-client-extra
+CTValidation = Strict
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-ssl
+server = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-server
+client = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-client
+resume-server = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-server
+resume-client = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1-key.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+client = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 4-ct-permissive-resumption-client-extra
+CTValidation = Permissive
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-ct-strict-resumption-ssl
+server = 5-ct-strict-resumption-server
+client = 5-ct-strict-resumption-client
+resume-server = 5-ct-strict-resumption-server
+resume-client = 5-ct-strict-resumption-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1-key.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = Resume
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+client = 5-ct-strict-resumption-client-extra
+resume-client = 5-ct-strict-resumption-resume-client-extra
+CTValidation = Strict
+CTValidation = Strict
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/12-ct.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/12-ct.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d412dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/12-ct.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test CT support
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "ct-permissive-without-scts",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Permissive",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "ct-permissive-with-scts",
+ server => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1-key.pem"),
+ },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem"),
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Permissive",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "ct-strict-without-scts",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Strict",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail",
+ "ExpectedClientAlert" => "HandshakeFailure",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "ct-strict-with-scts",
+ server => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1-key.pem"),
+ },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem"),
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Strict",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "ct-permissive-resumption",
+ server => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1-key.pem"),
+ },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem"),
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Permissive",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "ct-strict-resumption",
+ server => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1-key.pem"),
+ },
+ client => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("embeddedSCTs1_issuer.pem"),
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Strict",
+ },
+ },
+ # SCTs are not present during resumption, so the resumption
+ # should succeed.
+ resume_client => {
+ extra => {
+ "CTValidation" => "Strict",
+ },
+ },
+ test => {
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/13-fragmentation.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/13-fragmentation.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c1e9e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/13-fragmentation.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 16
+test-0 = 0-one-fragment-minus-app-data
+test-1 = 1-one-fragment-app-data
+test-2 = 2-one-fragment-plus-app-data
+test-3 = 3-small-app-data
+test-4 = 4-small-app-data-large-fragment-size
+test-5 = 5-medium-app-data
+test-6 = 6-medium-plus-app-data
+test-7 = 7-large-app-data
+test-8 = 8-large-app-data-large-fragment-size
+test-9 = 9-large-app-data-odd-fragment-size
+test-10 = 10-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer
+test-11 = 11-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer
+test-12 = 12-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-odd-fragment
+test-13 = 13-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-odd-fragment
+test-14 = 14-small-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer
+test-15 = 15-small-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-one-fragment-minus-app-data-ssl
+server = 0-one-fragment-minus-app-data-server
+client = 0-one-fragment-minus-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 511
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-one-fragment-app-data-ssl
+server = 1-one-fragment-app-data-server
+client = 1-one-fragment-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 512
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-one-fragment-plus-app-data-ssl
+server = 2-one-fragment-plus-app-data-server
+client = 2-one-fragment-plus-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 513
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-small-app-data-ssl
+server = 3-small-app-data-server
+client = 3-small-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 4097
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-small-app-data-large-fragment-size-ssl
+server = 4-small-app-data-large-fragment-size-server
+client = 4-small-app-data-large-fragment-size-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 4097
+MaxFragmentSize = 16384
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-medium-app-data-ssl
+server = 5-medium-app-data-server
+client = 5-medium-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 32775
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-medium-plus-app-data-ssl
+server = 6-medium-plus-app-data-server
+client = 6-medium-plus-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 131069
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-large-app-data-ssl
+server = 7-large-app-data-server
+client = 7-large-app-data-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048576
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-large-app-data-large-fragment-size-ssl
+server = 8-large-app-data-large-fragment-size-server
+client = 8-large-app-data-large-fragment-size-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048576
+MaxFragmentSize = 16384
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-large-app-data-odd-fragment-size-ssl
+server = 9-large-app-data-odd-fragment-size-server
+client = 9-large-app-data-odd-fragment-size-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048576
+MaxFragmentSize = 5115
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-ssl
+server = 10-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-server
+client = 10-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048576
+MaxFragmentSize = 4096
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-ssl
+server = 11-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-server
+client = 11-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048576
+MaxFragmentSize = 4096
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-odd-fragment-ssl
+server = 12-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-odd-fragment-server
+client = 12-large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-odd-fragment-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048579
+MaxFragmentSize = 5115
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-odd-fragment-ssl
+server = 13-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-odd-fragment-server
+client = 13-large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-odd-fragment-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 1048573
+MaxFragmentSize = 5125
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-small-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-ssl
+server = 14-small-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-server
+client = 14-small-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 4096
+MaxFragmentSize = 4096
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-small-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-ssl
+server = 15-small-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-server
+client = 15-small-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ApplicationData = 4096
+MaxFragmentSize = 4096
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/13-fragmentation.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/13-fragmentation.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2501b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/13-fragmentation.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test packet fragmentation
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ # Default fragment size is 512.
+ {
+ name => "one-fragment-minus-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 511,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "one-fragment-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 512,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "one-fragment-plus-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 513,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "small-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 4 * 1024 + 1,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "small-app-data-large-fragment-size",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 4 * 1024 + 1,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 16384,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "medium-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 32 * 1024 + 7,
+ }
+ },
+ # Exceeds the 64kB write buffer size.
+ {
+ name => "medium-plus-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 128 * 1024 - 3,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data-large-fragment-size",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 16384,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data-odd-fragment-size",
+ server => { },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 5 * 1024 - 5,
+ }
+ },
+ # When the buffer / fragment size ratio is sufficiently large,
+ # multi-buffer code kicks in on some platforms for AES-SHA. The
+ # exact minimum ratio depends on the platform, and is usually
+ # around 4. Since the the test buffer is 64kB, a 4kB fragment is
+ # easily sufficient.
+ #
+ # (We run this test on all platforms though it's only true multibuffer
+ # on some of them.)
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ CipherString => "AES128-SHA",
+ },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 4 * 1024,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ CipherString => "AES128-SHA256",
+ },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 4 * 1024,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer-odd-fragment",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ CipherString => "AES128-SHA",
+ },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024 + 3,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 5 * 1024 - 5,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "large-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer-odd-fragment",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ CipherString => "AES128-SHA256",
+ },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 1024 * 1024 - 3,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 5 * 1024 + 5,
+ }
+ },
+ # Test that multibuffer-capable code also handles small data correctly.
+ # Here fragment size == app data size < buffer size,
+ # so no multibuffering should happen.
+ {
+ name => "small-app-data-aes-sha1-multibuffer",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ CipherString => "AES128-SHA",
+ },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 4 * 1024,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 4 * 1024,
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "small-app-data-aes-sha2-multibuffer",
+ server => { },
+ client => {
+ CipherString => "AES128-SHA256",
+ },
+ test => {
+ ApplicationData => 4 * 1024,
+ MaxFragmentSize => 4 * 1024,
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/14-curves.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/14-curves.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f7ac4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/14-curves.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 29
+test-0 = 0-curve-sect163k1
+test-1 = 1-curve-sect163r1
+test-2 = 2-curve-sect163r2
+test-3 = 3-curve-sect193r1
+test-4 = 4-curve-sect193r2
+test-5 = 5-curve-sect233k1
+test-6 = 6-curve-sect233r1
+test-7 = 7-curve-sect239k1
+test-8 = 8-curve-sect283k1
+test-9 = 9-curve-sect283r1
+test-10 = 10-curve-sect409k1
+test-11 = 11-curve-sect409r1
+test-12 = 12-curve-sect571k1
+test-13 = 13-curve-sect571r1
+test-14 = 14-curve-secp160k1
+test-15 = 15-curve-secp160r1
+test-16 = 16-curve-secp160r2
+test-17 = 17-curve-secp192k1
+test-18 = 18-curve-prime192v1
+test-19 = 19-curve-secp224k1
+test-20 = 20-curve-secp224r1
+test-21 = 21-curve-secp256k1
+test-22 = 22-curve-prime256v1
+test-23 = 23-curve-secp384r1
+test-24 = 24-curve-secp521r1
+test-25 = 25-curve-brainpoolP256r1
+test-26 = 26-curve-brainpoolP384r1
+test-27 = 27-curve-brainpoolP512r1
+test-28 = 28-curve-X25519
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-curve-sect163k1-ssl
+server = 0-curve-sect163k1-server
+client = 0-curve-sect163k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect163k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect163k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect163k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-curve-sect163r1-ssl
+server = 1-curve-sect163r1-server
+client = 1-curve-sect163r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect163r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect163r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect163r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-curve-sect163r2-ssl
+server = 2-curve-sect163r2-server
+client = 2-curve-sect163r2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect163r2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect163r2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect163r2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-curve-sect193r1-ssl
+server = 3-curve-sect193r1-server
+client = 3-curve-sect193r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect193r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect193r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect193r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-curve-sect193r2-ssl
+server = 4-curve-sect193r2-server
+client = 4-curve-sect193r2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect193r2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect193r2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect193r2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-curve-sect233k1-ssl
+server = 5-curve-sect233k1-server
+client = 5-curve-sect233k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect233k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect233k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect233k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-curve-sect233r1-ssl
+server = 6-curve-sect233r1-server
+client = 6-curve-sect233r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect233r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect233r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect233r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-curve-sect239k1-ssl
+server = 7-curve-sect239k1-server
+client = 7-curve-sect239k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect239k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect239k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect239k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-curve-sect283k1-ssl
+server = 8-curve-sect283k1-server
+client = 8-curve-sect283k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect283k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect283k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect283k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-curve-sect283r1-ssl
+server = 9-curve-sect283r1-server
+client = 9-curve-sect283r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect283r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect283r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect283r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-curve-sect409k1-ssl
+server = 10-curve-sect409k1-server
+client = 10-curve-sect409k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect409k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect409k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect409k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-curve-sect409r1-ssl
+server = 11-curve-sect409r1-server
+client = 11-curve-sect409r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect409r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect409r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect409r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-curve-sect571k1-ssl
+server = 12-curve-sect571k1-server
+client = 12-curve-sect571k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect571k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect571k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect571k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-curve-sect571r1-ssl
+server = 13-curve-sect571r1-server
+client = 13-curve-sect571r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = sect571r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = sect571r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = sect571r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 14-curve-secp160k1-ssl
+server = 14-curve-secp160k1-server
+client = 14-curve-secp160k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp160k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp160k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp160k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 15-curve-secp160r1-ssl
+server = 15-curve-secp160r1-server
+client = 15-curve-secp160r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp160r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp160r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp160r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 16-curve-secp160r2-ssl
+server = 16-curve-secp160r2-server
+client = 16-curve-secp160r2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp160r2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp160r2
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp160r2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 17-curve-secp192k1-ssl
+server = 17-curve-secp192k1-server
+client = 17-curve-secp192k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp192k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp192k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp192k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 18-curve-prime192v1-ssl
+server = 18-curve-prime192v1-server
+client = 18-curve-prime192v1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = prime192v1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = prime192v1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = prime192v1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 19-curve-secp224k1-ssl
+server = 19-curve-secp224k1-server
+client = 19-curve-secp224k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp224k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp224k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp224k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 20-curve-secp224r1-ssl
+server = 20-curve-secp224r1-server
+client = 20-curve-secp224r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp224r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp224r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp224r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 21-curve-secp256k1-ssl
+server = 21-curve-secp256k1-server
+client = 21-curve-secp256k1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp256k1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp256k1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp256k1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 22-curve-prime256v1-ssl
+server = 22-curve-prime256v1-server
+client = 22-curve-prime256v1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = prime256v1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = prime256v1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = prime256v1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 23-curve-secp384r1-ssl
+server = 23-curve-secp384r1-server
+client = 23-curve-secp384r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp384r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp384r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp384r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 24-curve-secp521r1-ssl
+server = 24-curve-secp521r1-server
+client = 24-curve-secp521r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = secp521r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = secp521r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = secp521r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 25-curve-brainpoolP256r1-ssl
+server = 25-curve-brainpoolP256r1-server
+client = 25-curve-brainpoolP256r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = brainpoolP256r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = brainpoolP256r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = brainpoolP256r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 26-curve-brainpoolP384r1-ssl
+server = 26-curve-brainpoolP384r1-server
+client = 26-curve-brainpoolP384r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = brainpoolP384r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = brainpoolP384r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = brainpoolP384r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 27-curve-brainpoolP512r1-ssl
+server = 27-curve-brainpoolP512r1-server
+client = 27-curve-brainpoolP512r1-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = brainpoolP512r1
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = brainpoolP512r1
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = brainpoolP512r1
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 28-curve-X25519-ssl
+server = 28-curve-X25519-server
+client = 28-curve-X25519-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Curves = X25519
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = ECDHE
+Curves = X25519
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+ExpectedTmpKeyType = X25519
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/14-curves.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/14-curves.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b7c09c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/14-curves.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+## SSL test configurations
+package ssltests;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenSSL::Test;
+use OpenSSL::Test::Utils qw(anydisabled);
+my @curves = ("sect163k1", "sect163r1", "sect163r2", "sect193r1",
+ "sect193r2", "sect233k1", "sect233r1", "sect239k1",
+ "sect283k1", "sect283r1", "sect409k1", "sect409r1",
+ "sect571k1", "sect571r1", "secp160k1", "secp160r1",
+ "secp160r2", "secp192k1", "prime192v1", "secp224k1",
+ "secp224r1", "secp256k1", "prime256v1", "secp384r1",
+ "secp521r1", "brainpoolP256r1", "brainpoolP384r1",
+ "brainpoolP512r1", "X25519");
+our @tests = ();
+sub generate_tests() {
+ foreach (0..$#curves) {
+ my $curve = $curves[$_];
+ push @tests, {
+ name => "curve-${curve}",
+ server => {
+ "Curves" => $curve
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "ECDHE",
+ "Curves" => $curve
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedTmpKeyType" => $curve,
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ },
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/15-certstatus.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/15-certstatus.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf6c41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/15-certstatus.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 2
+test-0 = 0-certstatus-good
+test-1 = 1-certstatus-bad
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-certstatus-good-ssl
+server = 0-certstatus-good-server
+client = 0-certstatus-good-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = TLS
+server = 0-certstatus-good-server-extra
+CertStatus = GoodResponse
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-certstatus-bad-ssl
+server = 1-certstatus-bad-server
+client = 1-certstatus-bad-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+Method = TLS
+server = 1-certstatus-bad-server-extra
+CertStatus = BadResponse
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/15-certstatus.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/15-certstatus.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..074602d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/15-certstatus.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test CertStatus messages
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "certstatus-good",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "CertStatus" => "GoodResponse",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "certstatus-bad",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "CertStatus" => "BadResponse",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail"
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-certstatus.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-certstatus.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-certstatus.conf
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-dtls-certstatus.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-dtls-certstatus.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a561803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-dtls-certstatus.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 2
+test-0 = 0-certstatus-good
+test-1 = 1-certstatus-bad
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-certstatus-good-ssl
+server = 0-certstatus-good-server
+client = 0-certstatus-good-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+Method = DTLS
+server = 0-certstatus-good-server-extra
+CertStatus = GoodResponse
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-certstatus-bad-ssl
+server = 1-certstatus-bad-server
+client = 1-certstatus-bad-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+Method = DTLS
+server = 1-certstatus-bad-server-extra
+CertStatus = BadResponse
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-dtls-certstatus.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-dtls-certstatus.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7280029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/16-dtls-certstatus.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test DTLS CertStatus messages
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "certstatus-good",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "CertStatus" => "GoodResponse",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "certstatus-bad",
+ server => {
+ extra => {
+ "CertStatus" => "BadResponse",
+ },
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail"
+ }
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/17-renegotiate.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/17-renegotiate.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f569f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/17-renegotiate.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 14
+test-0 = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume
+test-1 = 1-renegotiate-client-resume
+test-2 = 2-renegotiate-server-no-resume
+test-3 = 3-renegotiate-server-resume
+test-4 = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-require
+test-5 = 5-renegotiate-client-auth-once
+test-6 = 6-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead
+test-7 = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead
+test-8 = 8-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead
+test-9 = 9-renegotiate-aead-to-aead
+test-10 = 10-no-renegotiation-server-by-client
+test-11 = 11-no-renegotiation-server-by-server
+test-12 = 12-no-renegotiation-client-by-server
+test-13 = 13-no-renegotiation-client-by-client
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume-ssl
+server = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume-server
+client = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-renegotiate-client-resume-ssl
+server = 1-renegotiate-client-resume-server
+client = 1-renegotiate-client-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-renegotiate-server-no-resume-ssl
+server = 2-renegotiate-server-no-resume-server
+client = 2-renegotiate-server-no-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-renegotiate-server-resume-ssl
+server = 3-renegotiate-server-resume-server
+client = 3-renegotiate-server-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-require-ssl
+server = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-require-server
+client = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-require-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-renegotiate-client-auth-once-ssl
+server = 5-renegotiate-client-auth-once-server
+client = 5-renegotiate-client-auth-once-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Once
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-ssl
+server = 6-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-server
+client = 6-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-GCM-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 6-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES128-SHA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-ssl
+server = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-server
+client = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES128-GCM-SHA256
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-ssl
+server = 8-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-server
+client = 8-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 8-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES256-SHA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 9-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-ssl
+server = 9-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-server
+client = 9-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-GCM-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 9-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES256-GCM-SHA384
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 10-no-renegotiation-server-by-client-ssl
+server = 10-no-renegotiation-server-by-client-server
+client = 10-no-renegotiation-server-by-client-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 11-no-renegotiation-server-by-server-ssl
+server = 11-no-renegotiation-server-by-server-server
+client = 11-no-renegotiation-server-by-server-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+Options = NoRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 12-no-renegotiation-client-by-server-ssl
+server = 12-no-renegotiation-client-by-server-server
+client = 12-no-renegotiation-client-by-server-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoRenegotiation
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ServerFail
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 13-no-renegotiation-client-by-client-ssl
+server = 13-no-renegotiation-client-by-client-server
+client = 13-no-renegotiation-client-by-client-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+MaxProtocol = TLSv1.2
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoRenegotiation
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = ClientFail
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = TLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/17-renegotiate.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/17-renegotiate.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd656d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/17-renegotiate.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test Renegotiation
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-no-resume",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-resume",
+ server => {},
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-server-no-resume",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-server-resume",
+ server => {},
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-auth-require",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2",
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("root-cert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Require",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("ee-client-chain.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("ee-key.pem"),
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-auth-once",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2",
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("root-cert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Once",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("ee-client-chain.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("ee-key.pem"),
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ }
+our @tests_tls1_2 = (
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-GCM-SHA256",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES128-SHA"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES128-GCM-SHA256"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES256-SHA"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-aead-to-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-GCM-SHA256",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES256-GCM-SHA384"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "no-renegotiation-server-by-client",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "no-renegotiation-server-by-server",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoRenegotiation",
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => { },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "no-renegotiation-client-by-server",
+ server => {
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "Options" => "NoRenegotiation",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ServerFail"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "no-renegotiation-client-by-client",
+ server => {
+ "MaxProtocol" => "TLSv1.2"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "Options" => "NoRenegotiation",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "TLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "ClientFail"
+ }
+ }
+push @tests, @tests_tls1_2 unless disabled("tls1_2");
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/18-dtls-renegotiate.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/18-dtls-renegotiate.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d8ebd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/18-dtls-renegotiate.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 9
+test-0 = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume
+test-1 = 1-renegotiate-client-resume
+test-2 = 2-renegotiate-server-resume
+test-3 = 3-renegotiate-client-auth-require
+test-4 = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-once
+test-5 = 5-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead
+test-6 = 6-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead
+test-7 = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead
+test-8 = 8-renegotiate-aead-to-aead
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume-ssl
+server = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume-server
+client = 0-renegotiate-client-no-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-renegotiate-client-resume-ssl
+server = 1-renegotiate-client-resume-server
+client = 1-renegotiate-client-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = Yes
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-renegotiate-server-resume-ssl
+server = 2-renegotiate-server-resume-server
+client = 2-renegotiate-server-resume-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-renegotiate-client-auth-require-ssl
+server = 3-renegotiate-client-auth-require-server
+client = 3-renegotiate-client-auth-require-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Require
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-once-ssl
+server = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-once-server
+client = 4-renegotiate-client-auth-once-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/root-cert.pem
+VerifyMode = Once
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-client-chain.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/ee-key.pem
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateServer
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-ssl
+server = 5-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-server
+client = 5-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-GCM-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 5-renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES128-SHA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 6-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-ssl
+server = 6-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-server
+client = 6-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 6-renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES128-GCM-SHA256
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-ssl
+server = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-server
+client = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 7-renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES256-SHA
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 8-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-ssl
+server = 8-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-server
+client = 8-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = NoResumptionOnRenegotiation
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-GCM-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+HandshakeMode = RenegotiateClient
+Method = DTLS
+ResumptionExpected = No
+client = 8-renegotiate-aead-to-aead-client-extra
+RenegotiateCiphers = AES256-GCM-SHA384
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/18-dtls-renegotiate.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/18-dtls-renegotiate.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a65a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/18-dtls-renegotiate.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test Renegotiation
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+package ssltests;
+use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-no-resume",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-resume",
+ server => {},
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "Yes",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+# Note: Unlike the TLS tests, we will never do resumption with server
+# initiated reneg. This is because an OpenSSL DTLS client will always do a full
+# handshake (i.e. it doesn't supply a session id) when it receives a
+# HelloRequest. This is different to the OpenSSL TLS implementation where an
+# OpenSSL client will always try an abbreviated handshake (i.e. it will supply
+# the session id). This goes all the way to commit 48ae85b6f when abbreviated
+# handshake support was first added. Neither behaviour is wrong, but the
+# discrepancy is strange. TODO: Should we harmonise the TLS and DTLS behaviour,
+# and if so, what to?
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-server-resume",
+ server => {},
+ client => {},
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-auth-require",
+ server => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("root-cert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Require",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("ee-client-chain.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("ee-key.pem"),
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-client-auth-once",
+ server => {
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("root-cert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Once",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("ee-client-chain.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("ee-key.pem"),
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateServer",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ }
+our @tests_dtls1_2 = (
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-aead-to-non-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-GCM-SHA256",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES128-SHA"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-non-aead-to-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES128-GCM-SHA256"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-non-aead-to-non-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES256-SHA"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ name => "renegotiate-aead-to-aead",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "NoResumptionOnRenegotiation"
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-GCM-SHA256",
+ extra => {
+ "RenegotiateCiphers" => "AES256-GCM-SHA384"
+ }
+ },
+ test => {
+ "Method" => "DTLS",
+ "HandshakeMode" => "RenegotiateClient",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => "No",
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success"
+ }
+ },
+push @tests, @tests_dtls1_2 unless disabled("dtls1_2");
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/19-mac-then-encrypt.conf b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/19-mac-then-encrypt.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40480ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/19-mac-then-encrypt.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# Generated with generate_ssl_tests.pl
+num_tests = 6
+test-0 = 0-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha
+test-1 = 1-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha
+test-2 = 2-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha
+test-3 = 3-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha2
+test-4 = 4-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha2
+test-5 = 5-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha2
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 0-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha-ssl
+server = 0-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha-server
+client = 0-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 1-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha-ssl
+server = 1-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha-server
+client = 1-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 2-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha-ssl
+server = 2-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha-server
+client = 2-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 3-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha2-ssl
+server = 3-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha2-server
+client = 3-disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA256
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 4-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha2-ssl
+server = 4-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha2-server
+client = 4-disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA256
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
+# ===========================================================
+ssl_conf = 5-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha2-ssl
+server = 5-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha2-server
+client = 5-disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha2-client
+Certificate = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/servercert.pem
+CipherString = DEFAULT
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+PrivateKey = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/serverkey.pem
+CipherString = AES128-SHA256
+Options = -EncryptThenMac
+VerifyCAFile = ${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}/rootcert.pem
+VerifyMode = Peer
+ExpectedResult = Success
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/19-mac-then-encrypt.conf.in b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/19-mac-then-encrypt.conf.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01afe25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/19-mac-then-encrypt.conf.in
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## SSL test configurations
+package ssltests;
+our @tests = (
+ {
+ name => "disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha",
+ server => {
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA",
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "disable-encrypt-then-mac-server-sha2",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA256",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "disable-encrypt-then-mac-client-sha2",
+ server => {
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA256",
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name => "disable-encrypt-then-mac-both-sha2",
+ server => {
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ client => {
+ "CipherString" => "AES128-SHA256",
+ "Options" => "-EncryptThenMac",
+ },
+ test => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => "Success",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/protocol_version.pm b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/protocol_version.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c711362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/protocol_version.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## Test version negotiation
+package ssltests;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw/max min/;
+use OpenSSL::Test;
+use OpenSSL::Test::Utils qw/anydisabled alldisabled/;
+my @tls_protocols = ("SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2");
+# undef stands for "no limit".
+my @min_tls_protocols = (undef, "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2");
+my @max_tls_protocols = ("SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", undef);
+my @is_tls_disabled = anydisabled("ssl3", "tls1", "tls1_1", "tls1_2");
+my $min_tls_enabled; my $max_tls_enabled;
+# Protocol configuration works in cascades, i.e.,
+# $no_tls1_1 disables TLSv1.1 and below.
+# $min_enabled and $max_enabled will be correct if there is at least one
+# protocol enabled.
+foreach my $i (0..$#tls_protocols) {
+ if (!$is_tls_disabled[$i]) {
+ $min_tls_enabled = $i;
+ last;
+ }
+foreach my $i (0..$#tls_protocols) {
+ if (!$is_tls_disabled[$i]) {
+ $max_tls_enabled = $i;
+ }
+my @dtls_protocols = ("DTLSv1", "DTLSv1.2");
+# undef stands for "no limit".
+my @min_dtls_protocols = (undef, "DTLSv1", "DTLSv1.2");
+my @max_dtls_protocols = ("DTLSv1", "DTLSv1.2", undef);
+my @is_dtls_disabled = anydisabled("dtls1", "dtls1_2");
+my $min_dtls_enabled; my $max_dtls_enabled;
+# $min_enabled and $max_enabled will be correct if there is at least one
+# protocol enabled.
+foreach my $i (0..$#dtls_protocols) {
+ if (!$is_dtls_disabled[$i]) {
+ $min_dtls_enabled = $i;
+ last;
+ }
+foreach my $i (0..$#dtls_protocols) {
+ if (!$is_dtls_disabled[$i]) {
+ $max_dtls_enabled = $i;
+ }
+sub no_tests {
+ my ($dtls) = @_;
+ return $dtls ? alldisabled("dtls1", "dtls1_2") :
+ alldisabled("ssl3", "tls1", "tls1_1", "tls1_2");
+sub generate_version_tests {
+ my ($method) = @_;
+ my $dtls = $method eq "DTLS";
+ # Don't write the redundant "Method = TLS" into the configuration.
+ undef $method if !$dtls;
+ my @protocols = $dtls ? @dtls_protocols : @tls_protocols;
+ my @min_protocols = $dtls ? @min_dtls_protocols : @min_tls_protocols;
+ my @max_protocols = $dtls ? @max_dtls_protocols : @max_tls_protocols;
+ my $min_enabled = $dtls ? $min_dtls_enabled : $min_tls_enabled;
+ my $max_enabled = $dtls ? $max_dtls_enabled : $max_tls_enabled;
+ if (no_tests($dtls)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my @tests = ();
+ foreach my $c_min (0..$#min_protocols) {
+ my $c_max_min = $c_min == 0 ? 0 : $c_min - 1;
+ foreach my $c_max ($c_max_min..$#max_protocols) {
+ foreach my $s_min (0..$#min_protocols) {
+ my $s_max_min = $s_min == 0 ? 0 : $s_min - 1;
+ foreach my $s_max ($s_max_min..$#max_protocols) {
+ my ($result, $protocol) =
+ expected_result($c_min, $c_max, $s_min, $s_max,
+ $min_enabled, $max_enabled, \@protocols);
+ push @tests, {
+ "name" => "version-negotiation",
+ "client" => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $min_protocols[$c_min],
+ "MaxProtocol" => $max_protocols[$c_max],
+ },
+ "server" => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $min_protocols[$s_min],
+ "MaxProtocol" => $max_protocols[$s_max],
+ },
+ "test" => {
+ "ExpectedResult" => $result,
+ "ExpectedProtocol" => $protocol,
+ "Method" => $method,
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return @tests;
+sub generate_resumption_tests {
+ my ($method) = @_;
+ my $dtls = $method eq "DTLS";
+ # Don't write the redundant "Method = TLS" into the configuration.
+ undef $method if !$dtls;
+ my @protocols = $dtls ? @dtls_protocols : @tls_protocols;
+ my $min_enabled = $dtls ? $min_dtls_enabled : $min_tls_enabled;
+ if (no_tests($dtls)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my @server_tests = ();
+ my @client_tests = ();
+ # Obtain the first session against a fixed-version server/client.
+ foreach my $original_protocol($min_enabled..$#protocols) {
+ # Upgrade or downgrade the server/client max version support and test
+ # that it upgrades, downgrades or resumes the session as well.
+ foreach my $resume_protocol($min_enabled..$#protocols) {
+ my $resumption_expected;
+ # We should only resume on exact version match.
+ if ($original_protocol eq $resume_protocol) {
+ $resumption_expected = "Yes";
+ } else {
+ $resumption_expected = "No";
+ }
+ foreach my $ticket ("SessionTicket", "-SessionTicket") {
+ # Client is flexible, server upgrades/downgrades.
+ push @server_tests, {
+ "name" => "resumption",
+ "client" => { },
+ "server" => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocols[$original_protocol],
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocols[$original_protocol],
+ "Options" => $ticket,
+ },
+ "resume_server" => {
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocols[$resume_protocol],
+ },
+ "test" => {
+ "ExpectedProtocol" => $protocols[$resume_protocol],
+ "Method" => $method,
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => $resumption_expected,
+ }
+ };
+ # Server is flexible, client upgrades/downgrades.
+ push @client_tests, {
+ "name" => "resumption",
+ "client" => {
+ "MinProtocol" => $protocols[$original_protocol],
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocols[$original_protocol],
+ },
+ "server" => {
+ "Options" => $ticket,
+ },
+ "resume_client" => {
+ "MaxProtocol" => $protocols[$resume_protocol],
+ },
+ "test" => {
+ "ExpectedProtocol" => $protocols[$resume_protocol],
+ "Method" => $method,
+ "HandshakeMode" => "Resume",
+ "ResumptionExpected" => $resumption_expected,
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (@server_tests, @client_tests);
+sub expected_result {
+ my ($c_min, $c_max, $s_min, $s_max, $min_enabled, $max_enabled,
+ $protocols) = @_;
+ # Adjust for "undef" (no limit).
+ $c_min = $c_min == 0 ? 0 : $c_min - 1;
+ $c_max = $c_max == scalar @$protocols ? $c_max - 1 : $c_max;
+ $s_min = $s_min == 0 ? 0 : $s_min - 1;
+ $s_max = $s_max == scalar @$protocols ? $s_max - 1 : $s_max;
+ # We now have at least one protocol enabled, so $min_enabled and
+ # $max_enabled are well-defined.
+ $c_min = max $c_min, $min_enabled;
+ $s_min = max $s_min, $min_enabled;
+ $c_max = min $c_max, $max_enabled;
+ $s_max = min $s_max, $max_enabled;
+ if ($c_min > $c_max) {
+ # Client should fail to even send a hello.
+ # This results in an internal error since the server will be
+ # waiting for input that never arrives.
+ return ("InternalError", undef);
+ } elsif ($s_min > $s_max) {
+ # Server has no protocols, should always fail.
+ return ("ServerFail", undef);
+ } elsif ($s_min > $c_max) {
+ # Server doesn't support the client range.
+ return ("ServerFail", undef);
+ } elsif ($c_min > $s_max) {
+ # Server will try with a version that is lower than the lowest
+ # supported client version.
+ return ("ClientFail", undef);
+ } else {
+ # Server and client ranges overlap.
+ my $max_common = $s_max < $c_max ? $s_max : $c_max;
+ return ("Success", $protocols->[$max_common]);
+ }
diff --git a/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/ssltests_base.pm b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/ssltests_base.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc81642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openssl-1.1.0h/test/ssl-tests/ssltests_base.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# -*- mode: perl; -*-
+# Copyright 2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
+# this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
+# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
+# https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html
+## SSL test configurations
+package ssltests;
+sub test_pem
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $dir_sep = $^O ne "VMS" ? "/" : "";
+ return "\${ENV::TEST_CERTS_DIR}" . $dir_sep . $file,
+our %base_server = (
+ "Certificate" => test_pem("servercert.pem"),
+ "PrivateKey" => test_pem("serverkey.pem"),
+ "CipherString" => "DEFAULT",
+our %base_client = (
+ "VerifyCAFile" => test_pem("rootcert.pem"),
+ "VerifyMode" => "Peer",
+ "CipherString" => "DEFAULT",