Important: to avoid polarizing/hurtful discussions in our public spaces, any
matter pertaining to our use of this Code of Conduct should be brought
privately to the Guix maintainers at guix-maintainers@gnu.org.  Failure to do
so will be considered as a violation of this Code of Conduct.

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual
identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:

* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of
any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address,
without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting

Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
1. Correction
Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
2. Warning
Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of
Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent
3. Temporary Ban
Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
4. Permanent Ban
Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant,
version 2.1, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by
Mozilla’s code of conduct enforcement ladder.
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at

gnu/packages/rust.scm, gnu/packages/scheme.scm, gnu/packages/serialization.scm, gnu/packages/shells.scm, gnu/packages/ssh.scm, gnu/packages/suckless.scm, gnu/packages/tbb.scm, gnu/packages/telephony.scm, gnu/packages/text-editors.scm, gnu/packages/textutils.scm, gnu/packages/time.scm, gnu/packages/tls.scm, gnu/packages/tor.scm, gnu/packages/version-control.scm, gnu/packages/video.scm, gnu/packages/vim.scm, gnu/packages/web.scm, gnu/packages/wm.scm, gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm, gnu/packages/xfce.scm, gnu/packages/xml.scm, gnu/packages/xorg.scm, gnu/services/certbot.scm, gnu/services/desktop.scm, gnu/services/version-control.scm, gnu/services/web.scm, guix/import/hackage.scm, guix/licenses.scm: Likewise. Signed-off-by: Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <me@tobias.gr> ng0 2018-03-16gnu: All snippets report errors using exceptions, else return #t....* gnu/packages/admin.scm, gnu/packages/algebra.scm, gnu/packages/audio.scm, gnu/packages/backup.scm, gnu/packages/base.scm, gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm, gnu/packages/cdrom.scm, gnu/packages/chez.scm, gnu/packages/code.scm, gnu/packages/compression.scm, gnu/packages/cross-base.scm, gnu/packages/crypto.scm, gnu/packages/cups.scm, gnu/packages/databases.scm, gnu/packages/dns.scm, gnu/packages/emacs.scm, gnu/packages/emulators.scm, gnu/packages/engineering.scm, gnu/packages/enlightenment.scm, gnu/packages/fpga.scm, gnu/packages/freedesktop.scm, gnu/packages/ftp.scm, gnu/packages/games.scm, gnu/packages/gcc.scm, gnu/packages/geo.scm, gnu/packages/ghostscript.scm, gnu/packages/gl.scm, gnu/packages/glib.scm, gnu/packages/gnome.scm, gnu/packages/gnuzilla.scm, gnu/packages/graphics.scm, gnu/packages/gtk.scm, gnu/packages/guile.scm, gnu/packages/irc.scm, gnu/packages/java.scm, gnu/packages/kerberos.scm, gnu/packages/linux.scm, gnu/packages/lisp.scm, gnu/packages/lxde.scm, gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm, gnu/packages/mail.scm, gnu/packages/maths.scm, gnu/packages/messaging.scm, gnu/packages/monitoring.scm, gnu/packages/mp3.scm, gnu/packages/music.scm, gnu/packages/netpbm.scm, gnu/packages/networking.scm, gnu/packages/node.scm, gnu/packages/nvi.scm, gnu/packages/ocaml.scm, gnu/packages/pdf.scm, gnu/packages/perl.scm, gnu/packages/php.scm, gnu/packages/plotutils.scm, gnu/packages/pretty-print.scm, gnu/packages/profiling.scm, gnu/packages/pulseaudio.scm, gnu/packages/python-crypto.scm, gnu/packages/python.scm, gnu/packages/qt.scm, gnu/packages/robotics.scm, gnu/packages/sawfish.scm, gnu/packages/scanner.scm, gnu/packages/scheme.scm, gnu/packages/scribus.scm, gnu/packages/sdl.scm, gnu/packages/serialization.scm, gnu/packages/shells.scm, gnu/packages/slang.scm, gnu/packages/smalltalk.scm, gnu/packages/ssh.scm, gnu/packages/sync.scm, gnu/packages/syncthing.scm, gnu/packages/tbb.scm, gnu/packages/terminals.scm, gnu/packages/texinfo.scm, gnu/packages/text-editors.scm, gnu/packages/textutils.scm, gnu/packages/tls.scm, gnu/packages/unrtf.scm, gnu/packages/version-control.scm, gnu/packages/video.scm, gnu/packages/vpn.scm, gnu/packages/web.scm, gnu/packages/wm.scm, gnu/packages/wxwidgets.scm, gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm, gnu/packages/xorg.scm: In all snippets, report errors using exceptions, or else return #t. Mark H Weaver 2018-03-13gnu: sbcl-cl-uglify-js: Declare a source file-name....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-cl-uglify-js)[source]: Declare a source file-name. Efraim Flashner 2018-02-28gnu: ccl: Patch absolute file-name....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (ccl)[arguments]: In 'pre-build add substitution for /bin/pwd. Efraim Flashner 2018-02-26gnu: cl-bordeaux-threads: Update to commit 354abb0a....This commit includes a fix which makes the package compatible asdf 3.3.1. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-bordeaux-threads): Update to commit 354abb0a. Signed-off-by: Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com> Andy Patterson 2018-02-26gnu: ccl: Update to 1.11.5....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (ccl): Update to 1.11.5. [inputs]: Update ccl to its new hosting location. Signed-off-by: Marius Bakke <mbakke@fastmail.com> Andy Patterson 2018-02-19gnu: clisp: Fix building on aarch64-linux....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (clisp)[arguments]: Remove 'bindings/glibc' module. Efraim Flashner 2018-02-10gnu: sbcl: Update to 1.4.4....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl): Update to 1.4.4. Ricardo Wurmus 2018-01-22gnu: clisp: Fix building on aarch64-linux....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (clisp)[arguments]: Remove 'falign-functions=4' configure flag. Efraim Flashner 2018-01-20gnu: clisp: Fix build with glibc 2.26....* gnu/packages/patches/clisp-glibc-2.26.patch: New file. * gnu/local.mk (dist_patch_DATA): Add it. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (clisp)[source]: Use it. Kei Kebreau 2017-12-24gnu: ecl-flexi-streams: Update to 1.0.16....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (ecl-flexi-streams): Update to 1.0.16 Tobias Geerinckx-Rice 2017-11-24gnu: gcl: Update snapshot....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (gcl): Update to 2.6.12-1.5956140. [arguments]: Remove CFLAGS from and add GCL_CC and CC to make-flags; adjust pre-conf phase. This update includes small upstream bug fixes and optimizations. Kei Kebreau 2017-10-05Merge branch 'master' into stagingMarius Bakke 2017-10-04gnu: clisp: Update to 2.49-60....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (clisp): Update to 2.49-60. [source]: Download mercurial repository, apply patch. [inputs]: Replace readline@6.2 with readline, add ncurses. [arguments]: Add multiple configure flags. Remove build phase to build in "src" directory. Remove more uses of a timestamp. Efraim Flashner 2017-09-20gnu: Use 'modify-phases' syntax....* gnu/packages/admin.scm (mingetty, clusterssh, wpa-supplicant-minimal, wpa-supplicant, wakelan, acpica, tree, direvent, dstat)[arguments]: Use 'modify-phases' syntax. * gnu/packages/algebra.scm (arb)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/apr.scm (apr-util)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/audio.scm (clalsadrv, fluidsynth, faad2, lv2-mda-piano, lv2-mda-epiano, timidity++, vamp, soundtouch, portaudio, rsound, zita-convolver, zita-alsa-pcmi)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/backup.scm (rdup, btar)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm (bedops, bwa, crossmap, express, flexbar, grit, hisat, ngs-sdk, subread)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/bittorrent.scm (transmission)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/cdrom.scm (cd-discid)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/compression.scm (sharutils)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/conky.scm (conky)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/databases.scm (bdb, bdb-5.3)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/debug.scm (delta, c-reduce)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/display-managers.scm (slim)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/dns.scm (dnsmasq)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/emacs.scm (geiser, emacs-wget, bbdb)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/engineering.scm (pcb)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/firmware.scm (ath9k-htc-firmware)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/flashing-tools.scm (flashrom)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/fltk.scm (fltk)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/freedesktop.scm (python-pyxdg)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gd.scm (perl-gd)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gkrellm.scm (gkrellm)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/glib.scm (glibmm)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gl.scm (glew)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gnome.scm (icon-naming-utils, orbit2, libbonobo, gnome-vfs, libgnome, libbonoboui, goffice-0.8, dconf)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gprolog.scm (gprolog)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gps.scm (gpscorrelate)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/graphics.scm (agg)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/gtk.scm (ganv, girara, gtksourceview-2, guile-present, python2-pycairo)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/guile.scm (guile-1.8)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/guile-wm.scm (guile-wm)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/hugs.scm (hugs)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/hurd.scm (gnumach-headers, hurd-headers, hurd-minimal) [arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/image-viewers.scm (feh, sxiv)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/libcanberra.scm (libcanberra)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/linux.scm (bridge-utils, iw, fuse, unionfs-fuse/static, lm-sensors, i2c-tools, xsensors, perf, mdadm, libaio, module-init-tools) [arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (ccl)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lout.scm (lout)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/lua.scm (luajit)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/machine-learning.scm (shogun)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/mail.scm (exim)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/man.scm (man-pages, txt2man)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/maths.scm (lapack, superlu-dist, openlibm, openspecfun) [arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/messaging.scm (bitlbee)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/mp3.scm (libmad, id3lib, mp3info)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/music.scm (solfege)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/noweb.scm (noweb)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/patchutils.scm (patchutils, quilt, colordiff)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/pdf.scm (xpdf, zathura-cb, zathura-ps, zathura-djvu, zathura-pdf-poppler, zathura, podofo, fbida)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/perl.scm (perl-file-list, perl-test-harness)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/photo.scm (gphoto2)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/popt.scm (popt)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/pretty-print.scm (source-highlight, astyle)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/pumpio.scm (pumpa)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/python.scm (python-passlib, python-pycrypto, python2-empy, python-sqlalchemy, python-docopt)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/rdf.scm (lrdf)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/regex.scm (tre)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/rrdtool.scm (rrdtool)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/ruby.scm (ruby-2.1, ruby-1.8)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/sawfish.scm (sawfish)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/scheme.scm (racket)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/sdl.scm (guile-sdl)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/serveez.scm (serveez)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/skribilo.scm (skribilo)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/smalltalk.scm (smalltalk)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/suckless.scm (dmenu, slock)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/tcl.scm (expect)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/telephony.scm (commoncpp)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/textutils.scm (recode, libgtextutils)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/time.scm (time)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/tor.scm (privoxy)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/uucp.scm (uucp)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/video.scm (libdvdnav-4)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/web-browsers.scm (lynx)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/web.scm (tinyproxy)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/wicd.scm (wicd)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/wm.scm (bspwm)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm (sxhkd, xcape)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xfce.scm (xfconf)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xfig.scm (transfig)[arguments]: Likewise. * gnu/packages/xorg.scm (imake)[arguments]: Likewise. Kei Kebreau 2017-07-25gnu: gcl: Ensure gcc and binutils are available at runtime....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (gcl)[arguments]: Add -fgnu89-inline to CFLAGS. Add GCC path to make-flags. Modify 'pre-conf' phase. Add 'wrap' phase. Kei Kebreau 2017-06-01gnu: Add uglify-js....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (uglify-js): New variable. Ricardo Wurmus 2017-06-01gnu: Add sbcl-cl-uglify-js....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-cl-uglify-js): New variable. Ricardo Wurmus 2017-06-01gnu: Add sbcl-iterate....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-iterate): New variable. Ricardo Wurmus 2017-06-01gnu: Add sbcl-parse-number....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-parse-number): New variable. Ricardo Wurmus 2017-06-01gnu: Add sbcl-parse-js....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-parse-js): New variable. Ricardo Wurmus 2017-06-01gnu: Add sbcl-cl-ppcre-unicode....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-cl-ppcre-unicode): New variable. Ricardo Wurmus 2017-05-16gnu: sbcl-slynk-boot0: Give the package an appropriate name....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-slynk-boot0)[name]: Change it to reflect the bootstrap status of the package. [arguments]<#:asd-system-name>: Add the appropriate value. (sbcl-slynk-arglists)[arguments]: Set the appropriate #:asd-file and forcibly unset #:asd-system-name. (sbcl-slynk)[name]: Change it to the variable name. (cl-slynk)[name]: Likewise. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16build-system/asdf: Retain references to source files for binary outputs....In support of long-running programs in which the users would like to be able to jump to the source of a definition of any of the dependencies (itself included) of the program. * guix/build/asdf-build-system.scm (library-outputs): Move from here ... * guix/build/lisp-utils.scm (library-outputs): ... to here. (build-program): Accept dependency-prefixes argument, to allow the caller to specify references which should be retained. Default to the library's output. (build-image): Likewise. (generate-executable): Likewise. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-stumpwm+slynk, sbcl-slynk, sbcl-stumpwm): Adjust accordingly to the new interface. (sbcl-stumpwm+slynk)[native-inputs]: Move to ... [inputs]: ... here. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16gnu: Add cl-unicode....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-cl-unicode-base, sbcl-cl-unicode) (ecl-cl-unicode, cl-unicode): New variables. Co-Authored-By: Andy Patterson <ajpatter@uwarerloo.ca> Ricardo Wurmus 2017-05-16build-system/asdf: Parameterize the lisp type and implementation globally....* guix/build-system/asdf.scm (asdf-build)[builder]: Parameterize %lisp-type and %lisp before invoking the build procedure. Don't pass #:lisp-type as an argument to said procedure. * guix/build/asdf-build-system.scm: Adjust accordingly. (source-install-prefix): Rename to %lisp-source-install-prefix. * guix/build/lisp-utils.scm: Adjust accordingly. (%lisp-type): New parameter. (bundle-install-prefix): Rename to %bundle-install-prefix. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm: Adjust accordingly. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16build-system/asdf: Make #:lisp a package argument....* guix/build-system/asdf.scm (lower): Change argument name to `lisp-type'. (asdf-build): Change argument name to `lisp-type'. Remove `lisp' as an argument to the returned procedure. Change the argument passed to build phases to `lisp-type'. * guix/build/asdf-build-system.scm (copy-source, build, check) (create-asd-file, symlink-asd-files, cleanup-files, strip): Respect `lisp-type` argument. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-stumpwm, sbcl-stumpwm+slynk): Likewise. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16build-system/asdf: Don't rename inputs....* guix/build-system/asdf.scm (package-with-build-system)[transform]: Use updated `new-inputs' procedure for inputs and native-inputs. <rewrite>: Don't rename inputs. <new-propagated-inputs>: Draw from package-inputs and package-native-inputs for source packages. Use the original package's propagated-inputs otherwise. <new-inputs>: Convert into a function to be used to transform inputs and native-inputs. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-fiveam, sbcl-bordeaux-threads) (sbcl-flexi-streams, sbcl-cl-ppcre, sbcl-stumpwm, sbcl-slynk-arglists) (sbcl-slynk-fancy-inspector): Don't prefix input names. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16build-system/asdf: Use asdf to determine dependencies....This removes the need for conventions to determine which inputs are run-time dependencies, and also the need to specify "special" dependencies. * guix/build/lisp-utils.scm (patch-asd-file, lisp-dependencies) (wrap-perform-method): Remove them. (inputs->asd-file-map, system-dependencies, generate-system-definition) (generate-dependency-links, make-asd-file): New procedures. (lisp-eval-program): Add an error if no lisp matches. (compile-system): Don't use asdf's in-built asd-file generator. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16gnu: cl-stumpwm: Build the library in "lib" and the program in "bin"....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-stumpwm)[outputs]: Remove "bin" and add "lib". [arguments]<#:phases>: Change the target of `build-program' to the "out" output. Likewise, change the target of the desktop file generation. (sbcl-stumpwm+slynk)[inputs]: Use the "lib" output of sbcl-stumpwm. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16gnu: cl-slynk: Explain some naming choices....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-slynk-boot0): Add comments explaining its purpose and the reason its package-name must differ from its name. Andy Patterson 2017-05-16gnu: cl-slynk: Clarify the description....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl-slynk-boot0)[description]: Describe slime. Andy Patterson 2017-05-09gnu: sbcl: Add missing '#:modules' imports....Fixes <https://bugs.gnu.org/26843>. * gnu/packages/lisp.scm (sbcl): Add missing '#:modules' imports. Signed-off-by: Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org> Sergei Trofimovich 2017-04-30gnu: femtolisp: Remove aarch64-linux from supported-architectures....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (femtolisp)[supported-systems]: Remove aarch64-linux from supported-systems. Efraim Flashner 2017-04-10gnu: gcl: Use 'modify-phases' syntax....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (gcl)[arguments]: Use 'modify-phases' syntax. Efraim Flashner 2017-04-10gnu: gcl: Clean up inputs....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (gcl)[arguments]: Remove readline substitution, correctly substitute '/bin/sh' calls. [inputs]: Add gmp, readline. [native-inputs]: Remove readline. Efraim Flashner 2017-04-10gnu: gcl: Build with gcc@4.9....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (gcl)[native-inputs]: Add gcc@4.9. Efraim Flashner 2017-04-02gnu: Use HTTPS URLs for GitHub home-pages....* gnu/packages/bioinformatics.scm, gnu/packages/emacs.scm, gnu/packages/haskell.scm, gnu/packages/libffi.scm, gnu/packages/lisp.scm, gnu/packages/ocaml.scm, gnu/packages/openstack.scm, gnu/packages/python.scm, gnu/packages/ruby.scm, gnu/packages/shells.scm, gnu/packages/statistics.scm, gnu/packages/xdisorg.scm: Use HTTPS URLs for all packages with a home-page on GitHub. Leo Famulari 2017-03-30gnu: ccl: Forcibly set CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (ccl)[arguments]: Unconditionally set the CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY environment variable in the wrapper script. Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> Andy Patterson 2017-03-30gnu: ccl: Install included libraries....* gnu/packages/lisp.scm (ccl)[arguments]: Add 'srfi-26' to '#:modules', and copy the included libraries to the output in the 'install' phase. Signed-off-by: Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> Andy Patterson 2017-03-30gnu: Use HTTPS for almost all gnu.org HOME-PAGEs....All HTTP gnu.org (and supported subdomain) HOME-PAGEs changed to HTTPS. Tobias Geerinckx-Rice