root = true

end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true

max_line_length = 85

indent_style = space

indent_size = 4
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-07-01fix corner case in `unused`alexlamsl
2017-12-01convert to number under boolean context (#2545)Alex Lam S.L
2017-04-12convert `AST_Seq` from binary tree to array (#1460)...- rename `AST_Seq` to `AST_Sequence` - raise default sequences_limit from 200 to 800Alex Lam S.L
2017-03-19make `expect_stdout` work on Node.js 0.12 (#1623)...That particular version of Node.js has messed up error messages, so provide a version-specific workaround. Also fixed an formatting issue which would cause `expect_stdout` to fail if error message contains excerpts of input. Apply `expect_stdout` to more applicable tests.Alex Lam S.L
2017-03-03process code with implicit return statement (#1522)...Bookmarklet for instance implicitedly assumes a "completion value" without using `return`. The `expression` option now supports such use cases. Optimisations on IIFEs also enhanced. fixes #354 fixes #543 fixes #625 fixes #628 fixes #640 closes #1293Alex Lam S.L