\newcommand{\text}{ Is there a \nolinebreak thing that's important to you but about which few people know or care? Do you want to change this? Now you have an opportunity! Add this thing to the list below. Let it be a \nolinebreak short call like ``Let's sort our waste!''. Then, if you think you can do it, out of the previous positions choose one or more you will try to realize on your daily basis. Put a \nolinebreak tally mark next to each of them. Finally, pass the sheet to another person :) If you want the world to be changing even more quickly, give away one or two new sheets. For start, write on each of them two calls: one yours and one chosen from these. } \newcommand{\sheettitle}{ World changing sheet :) } \newcommand{\qrfile}{qr_link_en.png} \newcommand{\pdfurl}{ \url{https://sheets.koszko.org/en} } \input{template_en.tex}