# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 """ Haketilo unit tests - routing HTTP requests through background script """ # This file is part of Haketilo # # Copyright (C) 2022 Wojtek Kosior # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal License as published by # the Creative Commons Corporation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # CC0 1.0 Universal License for more details. import pytest import json from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from ..script_loader import load_script from ..world_wide_library import some_data urls = { 'resource': 'https://anotherdoma.in/resource/blocked/by/CORS.json', 'nonexistent': 'https://nxdoma.in/resource.json', 'invalid': 'w3csucks://invalid.url/' } content_script = '''\ const urls = %s; function fetch_data(url) { return { url, to_get: ["ok", "status"], to_call: ["text", "json"] }; } async function fetch_resources() { const results = {}; const promises = []; for (const [name, url] of Object.entries(urls)) { const sending = browser.runtime.sendMessage(["CORS_bypass", fetch_data(url)]); promises.push(sending.then(response => results[name] = response)); } await Promise.all(promises); window.wrappedJSObject.haketilo_fetch_results = results; } fetch_resources(); ''' content_script = content_script % json.dumps(urls); @pytest.mark.ext_data({ 'content_script': content_script, 'background_script': lambda: load_script('background/CORS_bypass_server.js') + '; start();' }) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('webextension') def test_CORS_bypass_server(driver, execute_in_page): """ Test if CORS bypassing works and if errors get properly forwarded. """ driver.get('https://gotmyowndoma.in/') # First, verify that requests without CORS bypass measures fail. results = execute_in_page( ''' const result = {}; let promises = []; for (const [name, url] of Object.entries(arguments[0])) { const [ok_cb, err_cb] = ["ok", "err"].map(status => () => result[name] = status); promises.push(fetch(url).then(ok_cb, err_cb)); } // Make the promises non-failing. promises = promises.map(p => new Promise(cb => p.then(cb, cb))); returnval(Promise.all(promises).then(() => result)); ''', {**urls, 'sameorigin': './nonexistent_resource'}) assert results == dict([*[(k, 'err') for k in urls.keys()], ('sameorigin', 'ok')]) done = lambda d: d.execute_script('return window.haketilo_fetch_results;') results = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(done) assert set(results['invalid'].keys()) == {'error'} assert set(results['nonexistent'].keys()) == \ {'ok', 'status', 'text', 'error_json'} assert results['nonexistent']['ok'] == False assert results['nonexistent']['status'] == 404 assert results['nonexistent']['text'] == 'Handler for this URL not found.' assert set(results['resource'].keys()) == {'ok', 'status', 'text', 'json'} assert results['resource']['ok'] == True assert results['resource']['status'] == 200 assert results['resource']['text'] == some_data assert results['resource']['json'] == json.loads(some_data) 702094bb799dd300090ac0bc52'>gnu: asunder: Update to 2.9.7....Tobias Geerinckx-Rice