// Copyright (C) 2021 Wojtek Kosior // // This code is dual-licensed under: // - Asshole license 1.0, // - GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version // // "dual-licensed" means you can choose the license you prefer. // // This code is released under a permissive license because I disapprove of // copyright and wouldn't be willing to sue a violator. Despite not putting // this code under copyleft (which is also kind of copyright), I do not want // it to be made proprietary. Hence, the permissive alternative to GPL is the // Asshole license 1.0 that allows me to call you an asshole if you use it. // This means you're legally ok regardless of how you utilize this code but if // you make it into something nonfree, you're an asshole. // // You should have received a copy of both GPLv3 and Asshole license 1.0 // together with this code. If not, please see: // - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html // - https://koszko.org/asshole-license.txt { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "My extension", "short_name": "Myext", "version": "0.0.0", // WARNING!!! // EACH USER SHOULD REPLACE "key" WITH UNIQUE VALUE!!! // OTHERWISE SECURITY CAN BE TRIVIALLY COMPROMISED! // // A unique key can be generated with: // $ ssh-keygen -f /path/to/new/key.pem -t rsa -b 1024 // // Only relevant to users of chrome-based browsers. // Users of FireFox forks are safe. "key": "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", "author": "various", "description": "Kill the web&js", "applications": { "gecko": { "id": "{6fe13369-88e9-440f-b837-5012fb3bedec}", "strict_min_version": "60.0" } }, "icons":{ "64": "icons/myext.png" }, "permissions": [ "contextMenus", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "activeTab", "notifications", "sessions", "storage", "tabs", "" ], "browser_action": { "browser_style": true, "default_icon": { "64": "icons/myext.png" }, "default_title": "Myext", "default_popup": "html/display-panel.html" }, "options_ui": { "page": "html/options.html", "open_in_tab": true }, "web_accessible_resources": [ ], "background": { "page": "background/background.html" }, "content_scripts": [ { "run_at": "document_start", "matches": [""], "match_about_blank": true, "all_frames": true, "js": [ "common/browser.js", "common/connection_types.js", "content/page_actions.js", "common/url_item.js", "common/sha256.js", "common/gen_unique.js", "content/main.js" ] } ] }