#LOADCSS html/reset.css #LOADCSS html/base.css #LOADCSS html/grid.css #INCLUDE html/dialog.html #INCLUDE html/item_list.html #INCLUDE html/item_preview.html #INCLUDE html/text_entry_list.html #INCLUDE html/payload_create.html
Loading settings page...

Cannot display settings page.

Haketilo could not access IndexedDB. IndexedDB is an in-browser database in which Haketilo stores all its configuration. Without it, the settings page is non-operational.


This issue is the result of using Haketilo in Private Browsing mode. For privacy reasons your browser blocks access to IndexedDB in private windows and this unfortunately also affects Haketilo's settings page.

You can sacrifice this single privacy feature and enable IndexedDB access in private windows by navigating to "about:config" in the URL bar, agreeing to accept the risk and setting the "dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled" preference to "true". Those pages that have their scripts blocked will still be unable to access IndexedDB.

Alternatively, you can open Haketilo's settings in a separate, non-private window. The configuration you make there will take effect on pages opened in Private Browsing mode as well.


Block scripts on

Allow scripts on

#INCLUDE html/default_blocking_policy.html
#LOADJS html/settings.js