/** * Hachette main content script run in all frames * * Copyright (C) 2021 Wojtek Kosior * Copyright (C) 2021 jahoti * Redistribution terms are gathered in the `copyright' file. */ /* * IMPORTS_START * IMPORT handle_page_actions * IMPORT extract_signed * IMPORT sign_data * IMPORT gen_nonce * IMPORT is_privileged_url * IMPORT mozilla_suppress_scripts * IMPORT is_chrome * IMPORT is_mozilla * IMPORT start_activity_info_server * IMPORT modify_on_the_fly * IMPORTS_END */ function accept_node(node, parent) { const clone = document.importNode(node, false); node.hachette_corresponding = clone; /* * TODO: Stop page's own issues like "Error parsing a meta element's * content:" from appearing as extension's errors. */ parent.hachette_corresponding.appendChild(clone); } function extract_cookie_policy(cookie, min_time) { let best_result = {time: -1}; let policy = null; const extracted_signatures = []; for (const match of cookie.matchAll(/hachette-(\w*)=([^;]*)/g)) { const new_result = extract_signed(...match.slice(1, 3)); if (new_result.fail) continue; extracted_signatures.push(match[1]); if (new_result.time < Math.max(min_time, best_result.time)) continue; /* This should succeed - it's our self-produced valid JSON. */ const new_policy = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(new_result.data)); if (new_policy.url !== document.URL) continue; best_result = new_result; policy = new_policy; } return [policy, extracted_signatures]; } function extract_url_policy(url, min_time) { const [base_url, payload, anchor] = /^([^#]*)#?([^#]*)(#?.*)$/.exec(url).splice(1, 4); const match = /^hachette_([^_]+)_(.*)$/.exec(payload); if (!match) return [null, url]; const result = extract_signed(...match.slice(1, 3)); if (result.fail) return [null, url]; const original_url = base_url + anchor; const policy = result.time < min_time ? null : JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(result.data)); return [policy.url === original_url ? policy : null, original_url]; } function employ_nonhttp_policy(policy) { if (!policy.allow) return; policy.nonce = gen_nonce(); const [base_url, target] = /^([^#]*)(#?.*)$/.exec(policy.url).slice(1, 3); const encoded_policy = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(policy)); const payload = "hachette_" + sign_data(encoded_policy, new Date().getTime()).join("_"); const resulting_url = `${base_url}#${payload}${target}`; location.href = resulting_url; location.reload(); } if (!is_privileged_url(document.URL)) { let policy_received_callback = () => undefined; let policy; /* Signature valid for half an hour. */ const min_time = new Date().getTime() - 1800 * 1000; if (/^https?:/.test(document.URL)) { let signatures; [policy, signatures] = extract_cookie_policy(document.cookie, min_time); for (const signature of signatures) document.cookie = `hachette-${signature}=; Max-Age=-1;`; } else { const scheme = /^([^:]*)/.exec(document.URL)[1]; const known_scheme = ["file"].includes(scheme); if (!known_scheme) console.warn(`Unknown url scheme: \`${scheme}'!`); let original_url; [policy, original_url] = extract_url_policy(document.URL, min_time); history.replaceState(null, "", original_url); if (known_scheme && !policy) policy_received_callback = employ_nonhttp_policy; } if (!policy) { console.warn("Using default policy!"); policy = {allow: false, nonce: gen_nonce()}; } handle_page_actions(policy.nonce, policy_received_callback); if (!policy.allow) { if (is_mozilla) { const script = document.querySelector("script"); if (script) script.textContent = "throw 'blocked';\n" + script.textContent; } const old_html = document.documentElement; const new_html = document.createElement("html"); old_html.replaceWith(new_html); old_html.hachette_corresponding = new_html; const modify_end = modify_on_the_fly(old_html, policy, {node_eater: accept_node}); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", modify_end); } start_activity_info_server(); }