/** * Myext miscellaneous operations refactored to a separate file * * Copyright (C) 2021 Wojtek Kosior * Copyright (C) 2021 jahoti * Redistribution terms are gathered in the `copyright' file. */ /* * IMPORTS_START * IMPORT sha256 * IMPORT browser * IMPORT is_chrome * IMPORT TYPE_NAME * IMPORTS_END */ /* * generating unique, per-site value that can be computed synchronously * and is impossible to guess for a malicious website */ /* Uint8toHex is a separate function not exported as (a) it's useful and (b) it will be used in crypto.subtle-based digests */ function Uint8toHex(data) { let returnValue = ''; for (let byte of data) returnValue += ('00' + byte.toString(16)).slice(-2); return returnValue; } function gen_nonce(length) // Default 16 { let randomData = new Uint8Array(length || 16); crypto.getRandomValues(randomData); return Uint8toHex(randomData); } function gen_unique(url) { return sha256(get_secure_salt() + url); } function get_secure_salt() { if (is_chrome) return browser.runtime.getManifest().key.substring(0, 50); else return browser.runtime.getURL("dummy"); } /* * stripping url from query and target (everything after `#' or `?' * gets removed) */ function url_item(url) { let url_re = /^([^?#]*).*$/; let match = url_re.exec(url); return match[1]; } /* * Assume a url like: https://example.com/green?illuminati=confirmed#tinky#winky * This function will make it into an object like: * { * "base_url" : "https://example.com/green?illuminati=confirmed", * "target" : "#tinky", * "target2" : "#winky" * } * In case url doesn't have 2 #'s, target2 and target can be set to undefined. */ function url_extract_target(url) { let url_re = /^([^#]*)((#[^#]*)(#.*)?)?$/; let match = url_re.exec(url); return { base_url : match[1], target : match[3], target2 : match[4] }; } /* csp rule that blocks all scripts except for those injected by us */ function csp_rule(nonce) { let rule = `script-src 'nonce-${nonce}';`; if (is_chrome) rule += `script-src-elem 'nonce-${nonce}';`; return rule; } /* * Print item together with type, e.g. * nice_name("s", "hello") → "hello (script)" */ function nice_name(prefix, name) { return `${name} (${TYPE_NAME[prefix]})`; } /* Open settings tab with given item's editing already on. */ function open_in_settings(prefix, name) { name = encodeURIComponent(name); const url = browser.runtime.getURL("html/options.html#" + prefix + name); window.open(url, "_blank"); } /* Check if url corresponds to a browser's special page */ function is_privileged_url(url) { return !!/^(chrome(-extension)?|moz-extension):\/\/|^about:/i.exec(url); } /* * EXPORTS_START * EXPORT gen_unique * EXPORT gen_nonce * EXPORT url_item * EXPORT url_extract_target * EXPORT csp_rule * EXPORT nice_name * EXPORT open_in_settings * EXPORT is_privileged_url * EXPORTS_END */