path: root/test/
diff options
authorWojtek Kosior <>2022-02-16 22:01:38 +0100
committerWojtek Kosior <>2022-02-16 22:01:38 +0100
commitfd9f2fc4783cc606734e61116185c032a63d54a0 (patch)
treeddc162b1df608c3ae51d74f19fbffc92e5cfc3e3 /test/
parent7965f1b455144220c137bcb25c4967283a6b7ff3 (diff)
fix out-of-source builds
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e802ab..0000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
-Our helpful little stand-in for the Internet
-# This file is part of Haketilo.
-# Copyright (C) 2021 jahoti <>
-# Copyright (C) 2021 Wojtek Kosior <>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
-# License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# I, Wojtek Kosior, thereby promise not to sue for violation of this
-# file's license. Although I request that you do not make use of this code
-# in a proprietary program, I am not going to enforce this in court.
-from hashlib import sha256
-from pathlib import Path
-from shutil import rmtree
-from threading import Lock
-from uuid import uuid4
-import json
-from .misc_constants import here
-from .unit.utils import * # sample repo data
-# TODO: instead of having the entire catalog defined here, make it possible to
-# add catalog items from within individual test files.
-served_scripts = {}
-served_scripts_lock = Lock()
-def start_serving_script(script_text):
- """
- Register given script so that it is served at
- https://serve.scrip.ts/?sha256=<script's_sha256_sum>
- Returns the URL at which script will be served.
- This function lacks thread safety. Might moght consider fixing this if it
- turns
- """
- sha256sum = sha256(script_text.encode()).digest().hex()
- served_scripts_lock.acquire()
- served_scripts[sha256sum] = script_text
- served_scripts_lock.release()
- return f'https://serve.scrip.ts/?sha256={sha256sum}'
-def serve_script(command, get_params, post_params):
- """
- info() callback to pass to request-handling code in Facilitates
- serving scripts that have been registered with start_serving_script().
- """
- served_scripts_lock.acquire()
- try:
- script = served_scripts.get(get_params['sha256'][0])
- finally:
- served_scripts_lock.release()
- if script is None:
- return 404, {}, b''
- return 200, {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'}, script
-def dump_scripts(directory='./injected_scripts'):
- """
- Write all scripts that have been registered with start_serving_script()
- under the provided directory. If the directory already exists, it is wiped
- beforehand. If it doesn't exist, it is created.
- """
- directory = Path(directory)
- rmtree(directory, ignore_errors=True)
- directory.mkdir(parents=True)
- served_scripts_lock.acquire()
- for sha256, script in served_scripts.items():
- with open(directory / sha256, 'wt') as file:
- file.write(script)
- served_scripts_lock.release()
-some_data = '{"some": "data"}'
-# used by handler function of
-request_counter = 0
-def serve_counter(command, get_params, post_params):
- global request_counter
- request_counter += 1
- return (
- 200,
- {'Cache-Control': 'private, max-age=0, no-store'},
- json.dumps({'counter': request_counter})
- )
-# Mock a Hydrilla repository.
-make_handler = lambda txt: lambda c, g, p: (200, {}, txt)
-# Mock files in the repository.
-sample_contents = [f'Mi povas manĝi vitron, ĝi ne damaĝas min {i}'
- for i in range(9)]
-sample_hashes = [sha256(c.encode()).digest().hex() for c in sample_contents]
-file_url = lambda hashed: f'{hashed}'
-sample_files_catalog = dict([(file_url(h), make_handler(c))
- for h, c in zip(sample_hashes, sample_contents)])
-# Mock resources and mappings in the repository.
-sample_resource_templates = []
-for deps in [(0, 1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5, 6), (6, 7, 8, 9)]:
- letters = [chr(ord('a') + i) for i in deps]
- sample_resource_templates.append({
- 'id_suffix': ''.join(letters),
- 'files_count': deps[0],
- 'dependencies': [{'identifier': f'resource_{l}'} for l in letters]
- })
-suffixes = [srt['id_suffix'] for srt in sample_resource_templates]
- 'id_suffix': '-'.join(suffixes),
- 'files_count': 2,
- 'dependencies': [{'identifier': f'resource_{suf}'} for suf in suffixes]
-for i in range(10):
- sample_resource_templates.append({
- 'id_suffix': chr(ord('a') + i),
- 'files_count': i,
- 'dependencies': []
- })
-sample_resources_catalog = {}
-sample_mappings_catalog = {}
-sample_queries = {}
-for srt in sample_resource_templates:
- resource = make_sample_resource()
- resource['identifier'] = f'resource_{srt["id_suffix"]}'
- resource['long_name'] = resource['identifier'].upper()
- resource['uuid'] = str(uuid4())
- resource['dependencies'] = srt['dependencies']
- resource['source_copyright'] = []
- resource['scripts'] = []
- for i in range(srt['files_count']):
- file_ref = {'file': f'file_{i}', 'sha256': sample_hashes[i]}
- resource[('source_copyright', 'scripts')[i & 1]].append(file_ref)
- resource_versions = [resource['version'], resource['version'].copy()]
- resource_versions[1][-1] += 1
- mapping = make_sample_mapping()
- mapping['identifier'] = f'mapping_{srt["id_suffix"]}'
- mapping['long_name'] = mapping['identifier'].upper()
- mapping['uuid'] = str(uuid4())
- mapping['source_copyright'] = resource['source_copyright']
- mapping_versions = [mapping['version'], mapping['version'].copy()]
- mapping_versions[1][-1] += 1
- sufs = [srt["id_suffix"], *[l for l in srt["id_suffix"] if l.isalpha()]]
- patterns = [f'https://example_{suf}.com/*' for suf in set(sufs)]
- payloads = {}
- for pat in patterns:
- payloads[pat] = {'identifier': resource['identifier']}
- queryable_url = pat.replace('*', 'something')
- if queryable_url not in sample_queries:
- sample_queries[queryable_url] = []
- sample_queries[queryable_url].append({
- 'identifier': mapping['identifier'],
- 'long_name': mapping['long_name'],
- 'version': mapping_versions[1]
- })
- mapping['payloads'] = payloads
- for item, versions, catalog in [
- (resource, resource_versions, sample_resources_catalog),
- (mapping, mapping_versions, sample_mappings_catalog)
- ]:
- fmt = f'{item["type"]}/{item["identifier"]}%s.json'
- # Make 2 versions of each item so that we can test updates.
- for ver in versions:
- item['version'] = ver
- for fmt_arg in ('', '/' + item_version_string(item)):
- catalog[fmt % fmt_arg] = make_handler(json.dumps(item))
-def serve_query(command, get_params, post_params):
- response = {
- '$schema': '',
- 'generated_by': {
- 'name': 'human',
- 'version': 'sapiens-0.8.15'
- },
- 'mappings': sample_queries[get_params['url'][0]]
- }
- return (200, {}, json.dumps(response))
-sample_queries_catalog = dict([(f'{suf}query', serve_query)
- for suf in ('', '1/', '2/', '3/', '4/')])
-catalog = {
- '':
- (302, {'location': ''}, None),
- '':
- (302, {'location': ''}, None),
- '':
- (200, {}, here / 'data' / 'pages' / 'gotmyowndomain.html'),
- '':
- (302, {'location': ''}, None),
- '':
- (302, {'location': ''}, None),
- '':
- (200, {}, here / 'data' / 'pages' / 'gotmyowndomain_https.html'),
- '':
- (200, {}, here / 'data' / 'pages' / 'scripts_to_block_1.html'),
- '':
- lambda command, get_params, post_params: (200, {}, some_data),
- '': serve_counter,
- 'https://serve.scrip.ts/': serve_script,
- 'https://site.with.scripts.block.ed':
- (302, {'location': 'https://site.with.scripts.block.ed/index.html'}, None),
- 'https://site.with.scripts.block.ed/':
- (302, {'location': 'https://site.with.scripts.block.ed/index.html'}, None),
- 'https://site.with.scripts.block.ed/index.html':
- (200, {}, here / 'data' / 'pages' / 'gotmyowndomain_https.html'),
- 'https://site.with.scripts.allow.ed':
- (302, {'location': 'https://site.with.scripts.allow.ed/index.html'}, None),
- 'https://site.with.scripts.allow.ed/':
- (302, {'location': 'https://site.with.scripts.allow.ed/index.html'}, None),
- 'https://site.with.scripts.allow.ed/index.html':
- (200, {}, here / 'data' / 'pages' / 'gotmyowndomain_https.html'),
- '':
- (302, {'location': ''}, None),
- '':
- (302, {'location': ''}, None),
- '':
- (200, {}, here / 'data' / 'pages' / 'gotmyowndomain_https.html'),
- **sample_files_catalog,
- **sample_resources_catalog,
- **sample_mappings_catalog,
- **sample_queries_catalog