path: root/test/unit/
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authorWojtek Kosior <>2022-02-16 22:01:38 +0100
committerWojtek Kosior <>2022-02-16 22:01:38 +0100
commitfd9f2fc4783cc606734e61116185c032a63d54a0 (patch)
treeddc162b1df608c3ae51d74f19fbffc92e5cfc3e3 /test/unit/
parent7965f1b455144220c137bcb25c4967283a6b7ff3 (diff)
fix out-of-source builds
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/ b/test/unit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80bf554..0000000
--- a/test/unit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
-Haketilo unit tests - URL patterns
-# This file is part of Haketilo
-# Copyright (C) 2021, Wojtek Kosior
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal License as published by
-# the Creative Commons Corporation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# CC0 1.0 Universal License for more details.
-import pytest
-from ..script_loader import load_script
-def test_modify_branch(execute_in_page):
- """
- patterns_query_tree.js contains Pattern Tree data structure that allows
- arrays of string labels to be mapped to items.
- Verify operations modifying a single branch of such tree work properly.
- """
- execute_in_page(load_script('common/patterns_query_tree.js'))
- execute_in_page(
- '''
- let items_added;
- let items_removed;
- function _item_adder(item, array)
- {
- items_added++;
- return [...(array || []), item];
- }
- function item_adder(item)
- {
- items_added = 0;
- return array => _item_adder(item, array);
- }
- function _item_remover(array)
- {
- if (array !== null) {
- items_removed++;
- array.pop();
- }
- return (array && array.length > 0) ? array : null;
- }
- function item_remover()
- {
- items_removed = 0;
- return _item_remover;
- }''')
- # Let's construct some tree branch while checking that each addition gives
- # the right result.
- branch = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = empty_node();
- modify_sequence(branch, ['com', 'example'], item_adder('some_item'));
- returnval(branch);
- }''')
- assert branch == {
- 'literal_match': None,
- 'wildcard_matches': [None, None, None],
- 'children': {
- 'com': {
- 'literal_match': None,
- 'wildcard_matches': [None, None, None],
- 'children': {
- 'example': {
- 'literal_match': ['some_item'],
- 'wildcard_matches': [None, None, None],
- 'children': {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- branch, items_added = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['com', 'example'], item_adder('other_item'));
- returnval([branch, items_added]);
- }''', branch)
- assert items_added == 1
- assert branch['children']['com']['children']['example']['literal_match'] \
- == ['some_item', 'other_item']
- for i in range(3):
- for expected_array in [['third_item'], ['third_item', '4th_item']]:
- wildcard = '*' * (i + 1)
- branch, items_added = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['com', 'sample', arguments[1]],
- item_adder(arguments[2]));
- returnval([branch, items_added]);
- }''',
- branch, wildcard, expected_array[-1])
- assert items_added == 2
- sample = branch['children']['com']['children']['sample']
- assert sample['wildcard_matches'][i] == expected_array
- assert sample['children'][wildcard]['literal_match'] \
- == expected_array
- branch, items_added = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['org', 'koszko', '***', '123'],
- item_adder('5th_item'));
- returnval([branch, items_added]);
- }''',
- branch)
- assert items_added == 1
- assert branch['children']['org']['children']['koszko']['children']['***']\
- ['children']['123']['literal_match'] == ['5th_item']
- # Let's verify that removing a nonexistent element doesn't modify the tree.
- branch2, items_removed = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['com', 'not', 'registered', '*'],
- item_remover());
- returnval([branch, items_removed]);
- }''',
- branch)
- assert branch == branch2
- assert items_removed == 0
- # Let's remove all elements in the tree branch while checking that each
- # removal gives the right result.
- branch, items_removed = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['org', 'koszko', '***', '123'],
- item_remover());
- returnval([branch, items_removed]);
- }''',
- branch)
- assert items_removed == 1
- assert 'org' not in branch['children']
- for i in range(3):
- for expected_array in [['third_item'], None]:
- wildcard = '*' * (i + 1)
- branch, items_removed = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['com', 'sample', arguments[1]],
- item_remover());
- returnval([branch, items_removed]);
- }''',
- branch, wildcard)
- assert items_removed == 2
- if i == 2 and expected_array == []:
- break
- sample = branch['children']['com']['children'].get('sample', {})
- assert sample.get('wildcard_matches', [None, None, None])[i] \
- == expected_array
- assert sample.get('children', {}).get(wildcard, {})\
- .get('literal_match') == expected_array
- for i in range(2):
- branch, items_removed = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const branch = arguments[0];
- modify_sequence(branch, ['com', 'example'], item_remover());
- returnval([branch, items_removed]);
- }''',
- branch)
- assert items_removed == 1
- if i == 0:
- assert branch['children']['com']['children']['example']\
- ['literal_match'] == ['some_item']
- else:
- assert branch == {
- 'literal_match': None,
- 'wildcard_matches': [None, None, None],
- 'children': {
- }
- }
-def test_search_branch(execute_in_page):
- """
- patterns_query_tree.js contains Pattern Tree data structure that allows
- arrays of string labels to be mapped to items.
- Verify searching a single branch of such tree work properly.
- """
- execute_in_page(load_script('common/patterns_query_tree.js'))
- execute_in_page(
- '''
- const item_adder = item => (array => [...(array || []), item]);
- ''')
- # Let's construct some tree branch to test on.
- execute_in_page(
- '''
- var branch = empty_node();
- for (const [item, sequence] of [
- ['(root)', []],
- ['***', ['***']],
- ['**', ['**']],
- ['*', ['*']],
- ['a', ['a']],
- ['A', ['a']],
- ['b', ['b']],
- ['a/***', ['a', '***']],
- ['A/***', ['a', '***']],
- ['a/**', ['a', '**']],
- ['A/**', ['a', '**']],
- ['a/*', ['a', '*']],
- ['A/*', ['a', '*']],
- ['a/sth', ['a', 'sth']],
- ['A/sth', ['a', 'sth']],
- ['b/***', ['b', '***']],
- ['b/**', ['b', '**']],
- ['b/*', ['b', '*']],
- ['b/sth', ['b', 'sth']],
- ])
- modify_sequence(branch, sequence, item_adder(item));
- ''')
- # Let's make the actual searches on our testing branch.
- for sequence, expected in [
- ([], [{'(root)'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a'], [{'a', 'A'}, {'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'*'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b'], [{'b'}, {'b/***'}, {'*'}, {'***'}]),
- (['c'], [ {'*'}, {'***'}]),
- (['***'], [{'***'}, {'*'} ]),
- (['**'], [{'**'}, {'*'}, {'***'}]),
- (['**'], [{'**'}, {'*'}, {'***'}]),
- (['*'], [{'*'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a', 'sth'], [{'a/sth', 'A/sth'}, {'a/*', 'A/*'}, {'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b', 'sth'], [{'b/sth'}, {'b/*'}, {'b/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a', 'hts'], [ {'a/*', 'A/*'}, {'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b', 'hts'], [ {'b/*'}, {'b/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a', '***'], [{'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'a/*', 'A/*'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b', '***'], [{'b/***'}, {'b/*'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a', '**'], [{'a/**', 'A/**'}, {'a/*', 'A/*'}, {'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b', '**'], [{'b/**'}, {'b/*'}, {'b/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a', '*'], [{'a/*', 'A/*'}, {'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b', '*'], [{'b/*'}, {'b/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['a', 'c', 'd'], [{'a/**', 'A/**'}, {'a/***', 'A/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}]),
- (['b', 'c', 'd'], [{'b/**'}, {'b/***'}, {'**'}, {'***'}])
- ]:
- result = execute_in_page(
- '''
- returnval([...search_sequence(branch, arguments[0])]);
- ''',
- sequence)
- try:
- assert len(result) == len(expected)
- for expected_set, result_array in zip(expected, result):
- assert len(expected_set) == len(result_array)
- assert expected_set == set(result_array)
- except Exception as e:
- import sys
- print('sequence:', sequence, '\nexpected:', expected,
- '\nresult:', result, file=sys.stderr)
- raise e from None
-def test_pattern_tree(execute_in_page):
- """
- patterns_query_tree.js contains Pattern Tree data structure that allows
- arrays of string labels to be mapped to items.
- Verify operations on entire such tree work properly.
- """
- execute_in_page(load_script('common/patterns_query_tree.js'))
- # Perform tests with all possible patterns for a simple URL.
- url = ''
- patterns = [
- '',
- '***',
- 'https://***',
- 'https://******'
- ]
- bad_patterns = [
- '',
- '',
- 'https://*',
- 'https://**',
- '',
- '*',
- '**',
- ]
- expected = [{'key': p} for p in patterns]
- tree, result = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const tree = pattern_tree_make();
- for (const pattern of arguments[0].concat(arguments[1])) {
- pattern_tree_register(tree, pattern, 'key', pattern);
- pattern_tree_register(tree, pattern + '/', 'key', pattern + '/');
- }
- returnval([tree, [...pattern_tree_search(tree, arguments[2])]]);
- }''',
- patterns, bad_patterns, url)
- assert expected == result
- # Also verify that deregistering half of the good patterns works correctly.
- patterns_removed = [pattern for i, pattern in enumerate(patterns) if i % 2]
- patterns = [pattern for i, pattern in enumerate(patterns) if not (i % 2)]
- expected = [{'key': p} for p in patterns]
- tree, result = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const tree = arguments[0];
- for (const pattern of arguments[1]) {
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern, 'key');
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern + '/', 'key');
- }
- returnval([tree, [...pattern_tree_search(tree, arguments[2])]]);
- }''',
- tree, patterns_removed, url)
- assert expected == result
- # Also verify that deregistering all the patterns works correctly.
- tree = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const tree = arguments[0];
- for (const pattern of arguments[1].concat(arguments[2])) {
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern, 'key');
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern + '/', 'key');
- }
- returnval(tree);
- }''',
- tree, patterns, bad_patterns)
- assert tree == {}
- # Perform tests with all possible patterns for a complex URL.
- url = ''
- patterns = [
- '',
- '***',
- '*',
- '***',
- '**',
- '***',
- '**',
- '***',
- '**',
- '***',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://**',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://**',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://***',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******',
- 'http://*****',
- 'http://******'
- ]
- bad_patterns = [
- '',
- '',
- '*',
- '**',
- '',
- '**',
- '*',
- '',
- 'http://*',
- 'http://**',
- '',
- 'http://**',
- 'http://*'
- ]
- expected = [{'key': p + s} for p in patterns for s in ['/', '']]
- tree, result = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const tree = pattern_tree_make();
- for (const pattern of arguments[0].concat(arguments[1])) {
- pattern_tree_register(tree, pattern, 'key', pattern);
- pattern_tree_register(tree, pattern + '/', 'key', pattern + '/');
- }
- returnval([tree, [...pattern_tree_search(tree, arguments[2])]]);
- }''',
- patterns, bad_patterns, url)
- assert expected == result
- # Also verify that deregistering all patterns with trailing slash works
- # correctly.
- expected = [{'key': p} for p in patterns]
- tree, result = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const tree = arguments[0];
- for (const pattern of arguments[1])
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern + '/', 'key');
- returnval([tree, [...pattern_tree_search(tree, arguments[2])]]);
- }''',
- tree, patterns, url)
- assert expected == result
- # Also verify that deregistering all the patterns works correctly.
- tree = execute_in_page(
- '''{
- const tree = arguments[0];
- for (const pattern of arguments[1])
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern, 'key');
- for (const pattern of arguments[2]) {
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern, 'key');
- pattern_tree_deregister(tree, pattern + '/', 'key');
- }
- returnval(tree);
- }''',
- tree, patterns, bad_patterns)
- assert tree == {}