AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 daysCorrected goals for APT41.HEADmagisterW. Kosior
12 daysAdjust styling of `copyright' and `registered' symbols.W. Kosior
12 daysInclude `techniques_table_doc.tex' in project tarball.W. Kosior
12 daysAdd MITRE's copyright boilerplate.W. Kosior
12 daysTypeset technique names as links to Kosior
12 daysAdd TLP signals.W. Kosior
12 daysUse `DEFAULT_TARGETS' Makefile variable.W. Kosior
12 daysGenerate a techniques table.W. Kosior
13 daysAttach scraped data to that from profiles.yaml and output together.W. Kosior
13 daysUse BeautifulSoup4. Also scrap techniques used.W. Kosior
13 daysRemove `profiles_path' constant.W. Kosior
13 daysCheck for groups not found on Kosior
13 daysCorrect spelling of 2 group names.W. Kosior
14 daysInitial commit.W. Kosior