#Rozwiązanie zadania - mnożenie macierzy w fortranie# Niniejsze repozytorium zawiera realizację [zadania pierwszego](link do pdf'a) kursu jęzka fortran na AGH w Krakowie ##Struktura repozytorium## CMakeLists.txt README.md build/ src/ blockmath.F90 testing.F90 naivemath.F90 bettermath.F90 main.F90 dotmath.F90 bettermath2.F90 res/ dot_16 dot_8 mat_8 bett2_4 bett_4 bett2_8 block_4 naiv_8 mat_16 bett_8 naiv_4 block_8 naiv_16 mat_4 dot_4 bett_16 block_16 bett2_16 ####CmakeLists.txt#### This file contains CMake definitions for building fortran sources. It does not, however, define the actions of running the program, generating results, nor plotting ####src/#### This directory contains the fortran sources of the project, namely modules sources `*math.F90` and main program source `main.F90` ####res/#### This directory contains text results of matrix multiplication time measuring (files without extension)