/* A wishbone slave testing module (a "mock") */ `default_nettype none `include "messages.vh" `ifndef SIMULATION `error_SIMULATION_not_defined ; /* Cause syntax error */ `endif module memory_slave_model #( parameter SLAVE_NR = -1, parameter WORD_SIZE = 2, /* in bytes */ parameter GRANULARITY = 2, /* in bytes */ /* we'll use that soon */ parameter ADR_BITS = 18, /* Changing the following 3 allows us to make it function as ROM */ parameter WRITABLE = 1, parameter WORDS_TO_INITIALIZE = 0, parameter INITIAL_CONTENTS_FILE = "some_file.mem" ) ( output wire ACK_O, /* output wire ERR_O, */ /* we might use it one day */ input wire CLK_I, input wire [ADR_BITS - 1 : 0] ADR_I, input wire [8*WORD_SIZE - 1 : 0] DAT_I, output wire [8*WORD_SIZE - 1 : 0] DAT_O, /* input wire [GRANULARITY - 1 : 0] SEL_I, */ /* we'll use that soon */ input wire RST_I, input wire STB_I, input wire WE_I, output wire STALL_O ); /* * A simple memory slave should be most useful for testing purposes; * WARNING! The 'memory' variable might be referenced from outside the module * by testbench code - be careful when changing or removing it */ reg [8*WORD_SIZE - 1 : 0] memory [2**ADR_BITS - 1 : 0]; /* For random stall times and acknowledge times */ integer seed; parameter MAX_STALL_TIME = 7; parameter MAX_ACK_WAIT_TIME = 7; reg [2:0] stall_time_left; reg [2:0] acknowledge_time_left; /* incoming command pipeline */ reg WE_I_pipeline [15:0]; reg [ADR_BITS - 1 : 0] ADR_I_pipeline [15:0]; reg [8*WORD_SIZE - 1 : 0] DAT_I_pipeline [15:0]; reg [3:0] pipeline_oldest_element; reg [4:0] pipeline_elements_count; wire [3:0] pipeline_index_to_insert; assign pipeline_index_to_insert = (pipeline_oldest_element + pipeline_elements_count) % 16; reg stall; reg WE_I_to_process; reg [ADR_BITS - 1 : 0] ADR_I_to_process; reg [8*WORD_SIZE - 1 : 0] DAT_I_to_process; always @* begin if (pipeline_elements_count) begin WE_I_to_process = WE_I_pipeline[pipeline_oldest_element]; ADR_I_to_process = ADR_I_pipeline[pipeline_oldest_element]; DAT_I_to_process = DAT_I_pipeline[pipeline_oldest_element]; end else begin WE_I_to_process = WE_I; ADR_I_to_process = ADR_I; DAT_I_to_process = DAT_I; end end // always @ * /* Those are irrelevant if RST_I is high */ wire pipeline_space_left; wire can_accept; wire new_command_accepted; wire command_available_for_acknowledging; wire command_acknowledged; assign pipeline_space_left = pipeline_elements_count < 16; assign can_accept = pipeline_space_left && stall_time_left == 0; assign new_command_accepted = STB_I && can_accept; assign command_available_for_acknowledging = pipeline_elements_count || new_command_accepted; assign command_acknowledged = acknowledge_time_left == 0 && command_available_for_acknowledging; /* Finally, drive the outputs */ /* only drive data outputs for read commands */ assign DAT_O = (command_acknowledged && !WE_I_to_process) ? memory[ADR_I_to_process] : {(8 * WORD_SIZE - 1){1'bx}}; assign STALL_O = !can_accept; assign ACK_O = command_acknowledged; initial begin pipeline_oldest_element <= 0; pipeline_elements_count <= 0; seed <= SLAVE_NR; stall_time_left <= 0; acknowledge_time_left <= 0; if (WORDS_TO_INITIALIZE) $readmemb(INITIAL_CONTENTS_FILE, memory, 0, WORDS_TO_INITIALIZE - 1); end always @ (posedge CLK_I) begin if (RST_I) begin pipeline_oldest_element <= 0; pipeline_elements_count <= 0; end else begin if (new_command_accepted) begin stall_time_left <= $urandom(seed) % (MAX_STALL_TIME + 1); WE_I_pipeline[pipeline_index_to_insert] <= WE_I; ADR_I_pipeline[pipeline_index_to_insert] <= ADR_I; DAT_I_pipeline[pipeline_index_to_insert] <= DAT_I; end else begin if (stall_time_left) stall_time_left <= stall_time_left - 1; end if (command_acknowledged) begin acknowledge_time_left <= $urandom(seed) % (MAX_ACK_WAIT_TIME + 1); pipeline_oldest_element <= pipeline_oldest_element + 1; if (WE_I_to_process) begin /* Write command */ if (WRITABLE) begin memory[ADR_I_to_process] <= DAT_I_to_process; `DBG(("Slave %0d: write of h%x at h%x", SLAVE_NR, DAT_I_to_process, ADR_I_to_process)); end else begin `DBG(({"Slave %0d: error: write of h%x at h%x ", "(read-only) memory"}, SLAVE_NR, DAT_I_to_process, ADR_I_to_process)); end end else begin /* Read command */ `DBG(("Slave %0d: read of h%x at h%x", SLAVE_NR, DAT_O, ADR_I_to_process)); end end else if (command_available_for_acknowledging) begin acknowledge_time_left <= acknowledge_time_left - 1; end pipeline_elements_count <= pipeline_elements_count + new_command_accepted - command_acknowledged; end end endmodule // memory_slave_model