#!/usr/bin/python3 from time import gmtime, strftime, time import smtplib from ztdnslib import start_db_connection, get_ztdns_config def sendMail(to, subject, content): email = 'FILL THIS FIELD' password = 'FILL THIS FIELD' message = 'Subject: {}\n\n{}'.format(subject, content) mail = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com',587) mail.ehlo() mail.starttls() mail.login(email,password) mail.sendmail('zerotdns@gmail.com',to, message) mail.close() config = get_ztdns_config() if config['send_user_emails'] not in [True, 'yes']: print('Sending emails disabled in config - exiting') exit() selectEmailsThatFailured = '''select distinct email from auth_user au inner join user_side_subscription uss on au.id = uss.user_id inner join user_side_service usservice on uss.service_id = usservice.id inner join user_side_responses usr on usservice.id = usr.service_id inner join user_side_response usr1 on usr.id = usr1.responses_id where usr.result like 'successful' and usr1.returned_ip != usservice."IP" and usr.date = TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE %s''' connection = start_db_connection(config) cursor = connection.cursor() seconds = time() seconds_hour_ago = seconds - 3600 timestamp_hour_ago = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00%z', gmtime(seconds_hour_ago)) cursor.execute(selectEmailsThatFailured, (timestamp_hour_ago,)) content = 'Uwaga, DNS odpowiedziaƂ niepoprawnym adresem!' # to = 'example@site.com' subject = '0tdns alert' for row in cursor.fetchall(): to = row[0] if (to != ""): sendMail(to, subject, content) cursor.close() connection.close()