#!/bin/python3 from sys import argv import subprocess from os import path, waitpid, unlink, WEXITSTATUS, chown from time import gmtime, strftime, sleep import re from pathlib import Path from pwd import getpwnam import psycopg2 # our own module used by several scripts in the project from ztdnslib import start_db_connection, \ get_default_host_address, get_ztdns_config, log, set_loghour, logfile wrapper = '/var/lib/0tdns/vpn_wrapper.sh' perform_queries = '/var/lib/0tdns/perform_queries.py' lockfile = '/var/lib/0tdns/lockfile' def sync_ovpn_config(cursor, vpn_id, config_path, config_hash): cursor.execute(''' select ovpn_config from user_side_vpn where id = %s and ovpn_config_sha256 = %s ''', (vpn_id, config_hash)) (config_contents,) = cursor.fetchone() with open(config_path, "wb") as config_file: config_file.write(config_contents.tobytes()) def get_vpn_connections(cursor, hour): # return ( # # vpn_id | config_path # (14, "./vpngate_178.254.251.12_udp_1195.ovpn"), # (13, "./vpngate_public-vpn-229.opengw.net_tcp_443.ovpn") # ) cursor.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT v.id, v.ovpn_config_sha256 FROM user_side_queries AS q JOIN user_side_vpn AS v ON v.id = q.vpn_id; ''') return cursor.fetchall() # return True on success and False if lock exists def lock_on_file(): try: with open(lockfile, 'x'): return True except FileExistsError: return False # return True on success and False if lock got removed in the meantime def unlock_on_file(): try: unlink(lockfile) return True except FileNotFoundError: return False address_range_regex = re.compile(r''' ([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+) # first IPv4 address in the range [\s]*-[\s]* # dash (with optional whitespace around) ([\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+\.[\d]+) # last IPv4 address in the range ''', re.VERBOSE) address_regex = re.compile(r'([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)\.([\d]+)') def ip_address_to_number(address): match = address_regex.match(address) if not match: return None number = 0 for byte in match.groups(): byteval = int(byte) if byteval > 256: return None number = number * 256 + byteval return number def number_to_ip_address(number): byte1 = number % 256 number = number // 256 byte2 = number % 256 number = number // 256 byte3 = number % 256 number = number // 256 byte4 = number % 256 return "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(byte4, byte3, byte2, byte1) # this functions accepts list of IPv4 address ranges like: # [' -', ' -'] # and returns a set of /30 subnetworks; each subnetwork is represented # by a tuple of 2 usable addresses within that subnetwork. # E.g. for subnetwork it would be ('', ''); # Addressess ending with .16 (subnet address) # and .19 (broadcast in the subnet) are considered unusable in this case. # The returned set will contain up to count elements. def get_available_subnetworks(count, address_ranges): available_subnetworks = set() for address_range in address_ranges: match = address_range_regex.match(address_range) ok_flag = True if not match: ok_flag = False if ok_flag: start_addr_number = ip_address_to_number(match.groups()[0]) end_addr_number = ip_address_to_number(match.groups()[1]) if not start_addr_number or not end_addr_number: ok_flag = False if ok_flag: # round so that start_addr is first ip address in a /30 network # and end_addr is last ip address in a /30 network while start_addr_number % 4 != 0: start_addr_number += 1 while end_addr_number % 4 != 3: end_addr_number -= 1 if start_addr_number >= end_addr_number: log("address range '{}' doesn't contain any /30 subnetworks"\ .format(address_range)) else: while len(available_subnetworks) < count and \ start_addr_number < end_addr_number: usable_addr1 = number_to_ip_address(start_addr_number + 1) usable_addr2 = number_to_ip_address(start_addr_number + 2) available_subnetworks.add((usable_addr1, usable_addr2)) start_addr_number += 4 else: log("'{}' is not a valid address range".format(address_range)) return available_subnetworks def do_hourly_work(hour): ztdns_config = get_ztdns_config() if ztdns_config['enabled'] != 'yes': log('0tdns not enabled in the config - exiting') return connection = start_db_connection(ztdns_config) cursor = connection.cursor() vpns = get_vpn_connections(cursor, hour) handled_vpns = ztdns_config.get('handled_vpns') if handled_vpns: log('Only handling vpns of ids {}'.format(handled_vpns)) vpns = [vpn for vpn in vpns if vpn[0] in handled_vpns] else: # if not specfied in the config, all vpns are handled handled_vpns = [vpn[0] for vpn in vpns] parallel_vpns = ztdns_config['parallel_vpns'] # we need this many subnets subnets = get_available_subnetworks(parallel_vpns, ztdns_config['private_addresses']) if not subnets: log("couldn't get ANY /30 subnet of private" " addresses from the 0tdns config file - exiting"); cursor.close() connection.close() return if len(subnets) < parallel_vpns: log('configuration allows running {0} parallel vpn connections, but' ' provided private ip addresses give only {1} /30 subnets, which' ' limits parallel connections to {1}'\ .format(parallel_vpns, len(subnets))) parallel_vpns = len(subnets) for vpn_id, config_hash in vpns: config_path = "/var/lib/0tdns/{}.ovpn".format(config_hash) if not path.isfile(config_path): log('Syncing config for vpn {} with hash {}'\ .format(vpn_id, config_hash)) sync_ovpn_config(cursor, vpn_id, config_path, config_hash) # map of each wrapper pid to tuple containing id of the vpn it connects to # and subnet (represented as tuple of addresses) it uses for veth device pids_wrappers = {} def wait_for_wrapper_process(): while True: pid, exit_status = waitpid(0, 0) # make sure it's one of our wrapper processes vpn_id, subnet, _ = pids_wrappers.get(pid, (None, None, None)) if subnet: break exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(exit_status) # read man waitpid if wondering if exit_status != 0: if exit_status == 2: # this means our perform_queries.py crashed... not good log('performing queries through vpn {} failed'.format(vpn_id)) result_info = 'internal failure: process_crash' else: # vpn server is probably not responding log('connection to vpn {} failed'.format(vpn_id)) result_info = 'internal failure: vpn_connection_failure' try: cursor.execute(''' INSERT INTO user_side_responses (date, result, dns_id, service_id, vpn_id) (SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE %s, %s, dns_id, service_id, vpn_id FROM user_side_queries WHERE vpn_id = %s); ''', (hour, result_info, vpn_id)) except psycopg2.IntegrityError: log('results already exist for vpn {}'.format(vpn_id)) pids_wrappers.pop(pid) subnets.add(subnet) for vpn_id, config_hash in vpns: if len(pids_wrappers) == parallel_vpns: wait_for_wrapper_process() config_path = "/var/lib/0tdns/{}.ovpn".format(config_hash) physical_ip = get_default_host_address(ztdns_config['host']) subnet = subnets.pop() veth_addr1, veth_addr2 = subnet route_through_veth = ztdns_config['host'] + "/32" command_in_namespace = [perform_queries, hour, str(vpn_id)] log('Running connection for vpn {}'.format(vpn_id)) # see into vpn_wrapper.sh for explaination of its arguments p = subprocess.Popen([wrapper, config_path, physical_ip, veth_addr1, veth_addr2, route_through_veth, str(vpn_id)] + command_in_namespace) # we're not actually using the subprocess object anywhere, but we # put it in the dict regardless to keep a reference to it - otherwise # python would reap the child for us and waitpid(0, 0) would raise # '[Errno 10] No child processes' :c pids_wrappers[p.pid] = (vpn_id, subnet, p) while len(pids_wrappers) > 0: wait_for_wrapper_process() cursor.close() connection.close() def prepare_logging(hour): set_loghour(hour) # log() function will now prepend messages with hour Path(logfile).touch() # ensure logfile exists # enable 0tdns user to write to logfile chown(logfile, getpwnam('0tdns').pw_uid, -1) # round down to an hour - this datetime format is one # of the formats accepted by postgres hour = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00%z', gmtime()) prepare_logging(hour) if not lock_on_file(): log('Failed trying to run for {}; {} exists'.format(hour, lockfile)) else: try: log('Running for {}'.format(hour)) do_hourly_work(hour) finally: if not unlock_on_file(): log("Can't remove lock - {} already deleted!".format(lockfile))